End Times Research Ministry Missions Update Kenya & Pakistan 12-26-12
For the past few years I have been supporting Brother Francis’s college education. Francis has been a major part of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth missions in Nairobi Kenya and the surronding areas. Francis has taken my books and the Bibles I have sent him and has been leading many to Christ even while going to college. There comes a time when I just have to trust our Lord for His hand to work as I pray for Francis’s needs. Last month because of all the needs for the Pastors in Pakistan, and two places in Hatiti we sent out just about all the funds we had to take care of all the kids and the pastors we are supporting. As a result, I have run dry to help Brother Francis with his school funds. Below you will see a picture from the college which I have been able to keep him in and the cost of this next semister.
This is the message I just received from Francis.
“Praise the lord. Merry Christmas and a happy new year.we are doing fine and great in this season but they year is quickly inching out.it is my humble joy to submit this fees invoices that i got from school for the fees expected this semester starting from January 8th.the toal amount that am expectd to pay is 68,460 kenyan shillings which amounts to 835 US dollars.”