Bashar Assad’s threats to start using chemical and biological weapons /Will Assad Leave Syria and what will it mean for the Psalm 83 war?/July 21, 2012

Is what happened in Egypt about to happen to Syria? 




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Prophecy Sign:1Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. 2For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. 3They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. 4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. 5For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:”
Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad is ready to give up power but only in a "civilized manner", Russia's ambassador to Paris, Alexander Orlov, told Radio France International (RFI) in an interview Friday, according to AFP.

Orlov said that Assad had accepted a transition plan agreed upon by world powers
in Geneva, and had named a representative for talks with the opposition. "That
is to say, he is accepting to go — but to go in a civilized manner," he said.

When asked if Assad's departure was only a matter of time, Orlov said: "Personally I share your opinion. I believe it will be difficult for him to stay after everything that has

By vetoing UN resolutions on Syria, Orlov opined, Russia was not defending Assad's regime but standing behind "principles of non-interference in internal affairs."

"We do not have any particular  links with the Assad regime, with the Syrian president," he said. "But for us  this is a case of principles that goes far beyond what is happening in  Syria."

Russia had done all it could to convince Assad to conduct talks, he added, but the
West had not done the same with the opposition to Assad. "Unfortunately our
Western partners… did not work sufficiently hard with the Syrian opposition to
encourage them to come to the negotiating table," he said.

AFP said that Syria's Information Ministry gave a "quick response" to the interview. Orlov's comments regarding Assad's willingness to leave power were "completely devoid of truth," it said, in a ministry statement that was flashed on state television.

Syria denies Assad ready to leave power

BEIRUT – Syria's Information Ministry said on Friday that comments by Russia's ambassador to France that Syrian President Bashar Assad has accepted leaving power in an orderly way were "completely devoid of truth".

The ministry statement, flashed on state television, came in response to remarks by Moscow's
envoy to Paris who said that by accepting a recent international declaration which foresaw a transition towards a more democratic Syria, Assad had "accepted to leave, but in an orderly

"The next few days will be critical in determining whether Assad's government can
recover from the devastating blow of Wednesday's bombing, which wiped out much
of Assad's command structure and destroyed his circle's aura of

Assad's powerful brother-in-law, his defense minister and a top general were
killed in Wednesday's attack. The head of intelligence and the interior minister
were wounded.

Government forces have responded by blasting at rebels in their own capital
with helicopter gunships and artillery stationed in the mountains overlooking

Assad's failure to appear in public for more than 24 hours – he was finally
shown on television on Thursday swearing in a replacement for his slain defense
minister – added to the sense
of his power evaporating. His whereabouts are not clear.

Diplomatic efforts – rapidly overtaken by events on the ground – collapsed in
disarray on Thursday when Russia and China vetoed a UN Security Council
resolution that would have imposed sanctions unless Syrian authorities halted
violence. Washington said the council had "failed utterly."

Activists in Damascus said rebels were now in control of the capital's
northern Barzeh district, where troops and armored vehicles had pulled out.

The army had also pulled out of the towns of Tel and Dumair north of Damascus
after taking heavy losses, they said. But they said troops were hitting the
western district of Mezzeh with heavy machine-guns and anti-aircraft guns

The reports could not be confirmed. The Syrian government restricts access by
international journalists.

A resident who toured much of Damascus late on Thursday said he saw signs the
government's presence was diminishing, with only sporadic checkpoints and tanks
in place in some areas. The Interior Ministry at the main Marjeh Square had a
fraction of its usual contingent of guards still in place.

Shelling could be heard on the southwestern suburb of Mouadamiyeh from hills
overlooking the city where the Fourth Division, commanded by Assad's brother
Maher, is based, he said.

Syrian television showed the bodies of about 20 men in T-shirts and jeans
with weapons lying at their sides, sprawled across a road in the capital's
Qaboun district. It described them as terrorists killed in battle."


 This just in and not in my video. This is why I tell you to watch the news and see what Assad does.

Assad has given final warning before using WMD, say Washington security sources DEBKAfile July 20, 2012, 5:55 PM (GMT+02:00)

Security sources in Washington criticize the Obama administration for not treating seriously enough Bashar Assad’s threats to start using chemical and biological weapons against Syrian rebels and other Middle East targets if the revolt continues. “Assad has shown he means what he says,” those sources said.

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Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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