What would John the Baptist tell us?www.bibleprophecyman.com Aug. 17, 2009


Many people have written me over the past few weeks telling me they just now found my site and have been blessed to find it.  In order to make it easier for anyone looking for information on Bible prophecy I now have the following to help link up with my web-site. http://www.bibleprophecyman.com/.

If you know anyone who is interested in keeping on the watch for the Lords prophecy signs just give them my new name http://www.bibleprophecyman.com/.  It is much easier to remember and I am sure people searching the web will pick up on this rather than DiMoraministry.com.  Everything else will be the same at my site.  I am just making easier for people to find me.

What would John the Baptist say to us in August of 2009 if he could actually speak to us?  When John was alive many did not want to hear his message yet Jesus said there was not a man born ever like John the Baptist.  John wasn’t concerned that the people may not receive his message, he was more concerned for the state of their hearts and their eternal state.  Knowing that all the signs are taking place it would be wise to see what John may be saying to so called saved and unsaved.  This video may be hard to take but it is a message I believe John would be giving if he were among us.  I present this message because I to am concerning for the state of your heart and I to am concerned for your salvation.  I know that soon Jesus is going to call away the real Church and I will do anything to make sure you are accounted as one of the missing on Earth when the rapture takes place.  May the Lord help anyone who refuses to believe all the warnings signs and may the Lord help all those who will be left behind because they refused the message of the cross.  God’s own blood ran down the cross so that you may live with Him.


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