Mar 12
March 12, 2025
In 2016 I produced a video concerning the European Union which has the same nations in it as the Old Roman Empire. The UK is part of the European Union.This is important because the Lord showed us in Daniel chapter 7 the beast that rose in the last days would be a revived Roman Empire. At the present time Europe the (EU) is dividing into Islam and Christianity, which as seen in Daniel 2:43 do not mix. What has been taking place in Europe, Canada, Australia is exactly what I said was going to happen and, it has also begun to grow in America. Today’s news t reports on radical Islam and what it is doing in India. In the end it will be Islam against Christianity during the last days.
If you don’t watch the video below, you may not understand the article below the video
Jesus warned us about war in the last days.
A growing Iranian alliance: Iran, Russia, China come together for naval drills – analysis
Iran doesn’t have a very large navy. The importance is largely related to coordination with China and Russia.
By SETH J. FRANTZMANMARCH 11, 2025 20:29Updated: MARCH 11, 2025 20:41