Jan. 31, 2020 Heading toward Middle East war/ Are you next to get sick?



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 28, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

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 ~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


I hope those of you who have been coming to my prophecy sites remember my past warnings that the enemies of Israel will not stop launching rockets and missiles into Israel. Below are a few of my warnings. 


Once again while the PLO and Israel are supposedly calling for peace and safety the attacks on Israel start up again. Acts such as we see in the news today are going to continue until we see another war between the PLO and Israel.

Israel strikes Hamas in Gaza after rocket attack, as region heats up
The Israel Defense Forces said in a statement that warplanes and other aircraft carried out attacks on a “wide array of targets belonging to the Hamas terror group. … constituting a real blow to Hamas’s abilities to build up [its forces].”

Rockets, explosive balloons and sniper shots were fired from #Gaza into #Israel throughout the day. We just responded by striking Hamas terror targets in Gaza including underground infrastructure used to manufacture weapons. We hold Hamas responsible.

IDF attacks terror targets after rocket barrage in Gaza border communities
The IDF attacked Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip on Thursday night in response to a barrage of rockets sent into Israel a few hours prior. IDF airplanes and fighter jets attacked a long line of terrorist targets belonging to Hamas in the southern Gaza Strip. Among other targets, the IDF struck an underground cell belonging to the terrorist organization.

Fomer Hamas leader: Palestinians working to foil Trump plan
Palestinians around the world are uniting to thwart U.S. President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan, former Hamas leader Khaled Mashal said Thursday, criticizing Arab governments who supported the plan. “We completely reject this deal and we are confident it will fail. But we will not wait for its failure, we will make it fail,” Mashal told Reuters from his residence in Qatar’s capital

 Luke 21:11 
Rev. 6:8

“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

 100,000 Chinese “Under Observation” As Coronavirus Deaths Soar; State Dept Finally Issues “Do Not Travel To China” Advisory
Nearly two weeks since the start of the Coronavirus epidemic, which has now resulted in over 100,000 Chinese being placed under observation, and over 210 people dead, the US finally did the right thing when late on Thursday the U.S. State Department warned Americans not to travel to China because of the spreading coronavirus outbreak.

 African swine fever: disease spreading slowly in EU
EFSA has published its latest annual update on the presence of African swine fever (ASF) in the European Union. During the period covered by the report – November 2018 to October 2019 – Czechia became officially ASF-free. The disease was, however, confirmed as present in Slovakia, meaning there continue to be nine affected countries in the EU.

The World Health Organization Declares Wuhan Coronavirus From China To Now Be A Global Emergency After Number Of Cases Nearing 10,000
The longer the Wuhan coronavirus from China escalates, the more information comes out about it. As the number of infected is nearing towards 10,000, the World Health Organization has declared it to be a global emergency. Time to panic, or is it just another over-hyped news story like the Ebola outbreak was? Will it disappear as fast as that one did? Questions, questions, and very little real answers.

After false story after false story that we have seen in the past few years people are finally turning away from CNN as a crebiable news agency!

 Tennessee State Rep. Files Bill To Officially Designate CNN As ‘Fake News’
…media outlets pushing this agenda should be recognised as “fake news and part of the media wing of the Democratic Party.”

January 30, 2020- WHO declares Global Pandemic of Coronavirus



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 28, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~

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Gantz says will bring U.S. peace plan for Knesset approval next week

“As an Israeli patriot, I tell you that the program faithfully reflects the basic principles of Blue & White’s agenda and forms the basis for future settlement in the Middle East.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced earlier Wednesday that he intends to approve a motion to apply Israeli sovereignty over West Bank settlements during a Security Cabinet meeting next Tuesday. Gantz said he would bring the U.S. peace plan – which includes Israeli approval to grant Palestinian statehood – for Knesset to vote on next week.
January 29, 2020

Arab Leaders’ Support for Mideast Peace Plan Marks a Regional Shift

The Trump administration has wooed officials from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, and other nations in the region in an effort to transcend the political impasse, and to some extent they are responding. The most important regional players—Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E.—both urged Palestinian leaders to accept the Trump plan as a basis for new talks with Israel, a move that would force them to make significant concessions, such as Israeli annexation of the Jordan Valley. “What’s historic here is that it’s the first time, I think since the start of the conflict, that the Arab position has not been a replica of the Palestinian position,” said David Makovsky, director of the Project on Arab-Israel Relations at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. “That speaks to a wider sense of regional priorities that the Arab countries have, whether it is Iran, Yemen, Libya or closer ties with the U.S.”
January 29, 2020

Warren Vows to ‘Reverse’ Progress Trump Made Towards Peace in Middle East

Democratic 2020 hopeful Elizabeth Warren came out swinging against President Trump’s Deal of the Century. The Massachusetts senator who recently stated that she’d criminalize voting disinformation online, took to Twitter calling Trump’s Peace Deal a ‘Sham’. In a tweet on Tuesday, Warren called the deal a “rubber stamp for annexation” that “offers no chance for a real Palestinian state.” Warren also criticized that the plan was unveiled “without negotiating with Palestinians” adding that that “isn’t diplomacy, it’s a sham.” Warren seemed to have conveniently ignored the fact that the Trump administration invited the Palestinians to negotiate before finalizing the deal. However Abbas rejected the offer. Furthermore, Trump’s Secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has invited the Palestinians to propose a counter-offer.
January 30, 2020

Three rocket launches detected from Gaza, Iron Dome intercepts 2

Three rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip into Israel, IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said Thursday night. One rocket fell in an open area near Sapir College near the southern city of Sderot and a small fire broke out at the scene. The Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted two rockets. Earlier Thursday, the IDF attacked several Hamas observation posts and positions along the Gaza-Israel perimeter fence. The strikes were carried out as retaliation to a host of recent acts of aggression from the Hamas-ruled enclave, such as flying of incendiary balloons into Israeli territory and shooting at an IDF post earlier Thursday. Mortar fire landed in an open area in Eshkol Regional Council after rocket sirens blared near the Gaza Strip border, IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said on Wednesday. The IDF also reported it had detected two more rocket launches from the Palestinian-ruled enclave that haven’t crossed the border and landed within the Gaza Strip. Israel carried out several retaliatory airstrikes on Hamas positions in the southern Gaza Strip, including arms manufacturing facilities and underground infrastructure.
January 30, 2020


Trump plan major step in ‘fulfilling Jewish destiny’ at Temple Mount, activists say

The activists intend to make an official request in the coming days to “allow every Jew to offer the Passover sacrifice on the Temple Mount, the most important commandment in the Torah.” Israeli activists advocating the freedom of Jewish worship and prayer on the Temple Mount welcomed President Donald Trump’s unveiling of the Deal of the Century, lauding it as “a major step toward fulfilling the Jewish destiny at the site of the Temple.” The plan, titled “Vision for Peace, Prosperity, and a Brighter Future,” calls for Jerusalem’s holy sites to “remain open and available for peaceful worshippers and tourists of all faiths.” “People of every faith should be permitted to pray on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, in a manner that is fully respectful to their religion, taking into account the times of each religion’s prayers and holidays, as well as other religious factors,” the plan states. Israeli visits to the holy site are currently heavily restricted in time, and prayer is almost completely banned while Jews visiting the Temple Mount are often harassed by Muslims and the Waqf. Temple Mount activists said Tuesday that “the prayers of the Jews on the Temple Mount are now officially recognized by the United States,” and that this recognition “advances the People of Israel in a major step toward fulfilling the Jewish destiny at the site of the Temple.” The activists intend to make an official request in the coming days to “allow every Jew to offer the Passover sacrifice on the Temple Mount, the most important commandment in the Torah.”
January 30, 2020


Planes bomb hospital in Syrian safe zone; at least 11 dead

Russian airstrikes in residential areas of battle-scarred northwestern Syria killed nearly a dozen civilians late Wednesday after bombs destroyed a hospital, defense officials said. The Syria Civil Defense, also known as the White Helmets, said the attacks in Idlib’s Ariha district injured 50 others. The hospital is no longer operational following the strike, which Turkish officials say broke cease-fire rules that designate Idlib province a safe de-escalation zone. Eleven people were killed, the White Helmets said. “[Eleven] innocent civilians, including children, were retrieved from the rubble after midnight, and 50 people were rescued alive,” the group tweeted.
January 30, 2020


Erdogan calls Mideast peace plan ‘invasion plan’

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday called a peace plan for the Middle East proposed by U.S. President Donald Trump an “invasion plan”. Erdogan also showed his distaste with a part of the peace plan pertaining to Jerusalem that suggests the Holy City in its entirety should remain under Israeli rule and that Trump only devised the peace plan to get a round of applause. “Enough with the lies. Jerusalem is not for sale, this is a red line for us,” said Erdogan. “At the press conference where the deal was presented, President Trump just wanted a round of applause that is of no value in solving problems. You can’t change the fate of the Palestinians using such lies.”
January 30, 2020


Pope meets with Microsoft and IBM to push for ethics in Artificial Intelligence

John Kelly III, executive vice-president of IBM, will also participate. FABRIZIO MASTROFINI, Media Manager, Pontifical Academy for Life, “Issues like facial recognition are extremely important.” “There is also the question of asking companies how they’re using our personal information. Artificial Intelligence can be used to improve conditions or to create more inequality.” Fabrizio Mastrofini is one of the organizers of the summit to take place in the Vatican at the end of February. The event will bring experts together to better understand ethics in Artificial Intelligence. This technology is already yielding positive results in fields like health, defense and finance. However, it is unknown whether or not the data it compiles will discriminate against users. “Companies like Microsoft and IBM contacted Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life. They feel the increased importance of ethics in technology. Companies that are sensitive to users’ needs perceive the responsibility technological progress brings.” Microsoft and IBM intend to sign the “Call for Ethics.” The Vatican says if other companies want to join, they are welcome. David Sassoli, president of the European Parliament, and Qu Dongyu, director general of the FAO, will also attend the signing. The event will take place Feb. 28 and is open to the public. Anyone who wants to participate can sign up on the Pontifical Academy for Life website.
January 28, 2020


New fears of China coronavirus spreading to Israel as three quarantined in Hadera

Reporters Claim To Have Proof China Lying About Virus Death Toll As Total Cases Near 8,000; Another 12,000 Suspected

Israel’s Health Ministry to update public when lab tests are in as the UAE confirms first cases in Mideast.  Three people — an adult man, a four-year-old and a one-year-old — were hospitalized in Israel on Wednesday over a suspected novel coronavirus infection. The three are now quarantined in the Hillel Yaffe hospital in Hadera, a town north of Tel Aviv. The Israeli Health Ministry says it will update the citizens on the situation as soon as the lab tests are in, confirming or rejecting the suspicions of coronavirus.
January 29, 2020

Israeli Intelligence Officer Links CoronaVirus to Covert Chinese BioWarfare Lab

Although animal-borne, the deadly coronavirus pandemic spreading worldwide may have originated in a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan. And it’s all part of China’s covert biological weapons program an Israeli biological warfare analyst said in an interview with the Washington Times. Dany Shoham, a former Israeli military intelligence officer who holds a doctorate in medical microbiology, focused his studies on Chinese biological warfare. Shoham said that the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the only laboratory in China that is capable of working with deadly viruses, is linked to China’s covert bio-weapons program. “Certain laboratories in the institute have probably been engaged, in terms of research and development, in Chinese [biological weapons], at least collaterally, yet not as a principal facility of the Chinese BW alignment,” Shoham told the news outlet. Cooperation on biological weapons is executed as part of dual civilian-military research. He added that it is “definitely covert” he said via email.
January 30, 2020

First Case Of Human-To-Human Coronavirus Infection Confirmed In US: Live Updates

WHO declares global emergency over virus from China

CDC said Thursday afternoon they have confirmed human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus in Chicago – meaning the US has now joined Germany, Japan, South Korea and Thailand in having confirmed human-to-human transmission outside China. Chicago health officials have reported the first US case of human-to-human transmission of the deadly coronavirus. The new patient is the spouse of a Chicago woman who carried the infection back from Wuhan, China, the US Centers for Disease Control said on Thursday. The discovery marks the second report of the virus in Illinois and the sixth confirmed case in the US. More than 130 people have died in China – the epicentre of the outbreak – and nearly 6,000 have been infected. The virus has spread to every region in China and to at least 16 countries globally, including Thailand, France, the US and Australia, with the global death toll rising to 170.
January 30, 2020


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January 29, 2020- Trump to sign North American trade pact while European Parliament gives final approval to Brexit deal



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 28, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


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Jews, Christians Still Wary of Trump Dividing the Land of Israel

Trump plan gets support from Arab states including Saudi Arabia, Egypt

While the “Deal of the Century” has solidified US President Donald Trump as a genuine friend of Israel (perhaps the most genuine to ever sit in the Oval Office), many conservative Jews and Christians remain uneasy over the fact that the plan still looks to permanently divide the Promised Land. As many have noted, Trump has presented the most comprehensive and realistic peace proposal given this intractable situation. And he’s done so while finally taking seriously not only Israel’s security concerns, but the Jewish people’s historical and legal claims to this Land. But even then, there are serious concerns, some practical, others of a faith-based nature. Dr. Jürgen Bühler, president of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), acknowledged that Trump’s plan is a genuine effort to “find a way forward to a brighter future for both peoples in this disputed land.” However, Dr. Bühler stated in an ICEJ press release that “while Trump’s proposal is better by far than past peace plans and contains many elements which will benefit both Israel and the Palestinians, it is still a plan to permanently divide the land that God promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their descendants.”
January 29, 2020

Israeli Left, Arab parties join in criticism of US peace proposal

The Israeli Left largely criticized and dismissed President Donald Trump’s declaration on Tuesday of a peace plan for Israel and the Palestinians. Labor leader Amir Peretz said, “The plan’s timing arrives on the eve of election in Israel, there’s no legitimacy to the current government to carry out state policies. Therefore, we should deal with this only after the elections, when a government rules that has the trust of the citizens of Israel and wins the trust of the Knesset.
January 29, 2020

Abbas threatens: We will cancel security cooperation

Abbas: ‘Palestinians are united under PA against Trump’s conspiracy’

Fatah threatens anyone supporting the deal of the century – in song on Fatah Facebook

Video of Palestinian President Abbas

Palestinian Authority chairman sent a sharp message to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announcing that the PA would end all security cooperation with Israel if the Israeli government approved the Trump Administration’s ‘Deal of the Century.’ A delegation of the PA leadership led by Minister Hussein A. Sheikh met with Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and handed him a personal handwritten letter in Arabic written by Abbas to Netanyahu. In his letter, Abbas made it clear that he considers the Trump plan a violation of the Oslo Accords, and therefore the PA no longer feels obligated to them and to the security coordination resulting from them. Abbas stated that he was going to announce this at the Arab League debate this Saturday, adding that he would call for a nonviolent public protest against the plan.
January 29, 2020

Israel ‘ready for any scenario’ as Palestinians threaten violence over Trump deal

Israel army says boosting presence in West Bank, near Gaza

One projectile launched from Gaza Strip into Israeli territory

Defense Minister Naftali Bennett has instructed all security services to be prepared for Palestinian violence in reaction to the peace plan President Trump presented Tuesday in Washington that was publicly accepted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He met with top IDF personnel, including Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi and the commanders in charge of the Central Region and Judea and Samaria. “I hear threats from the Palestinian side,” he said, reassuring the public that “the security establishment and IDF are ready for any scenario.” Israel Radio reported that in Ramallah, Palestinians were burning posters of Trump and Netanyahu on Tuesday. About two hours after the televised unveiling, several thousand Palestinians gathered in the city’s main square to hear speakers from Fatah call for torpedoing the deal via a renewed “national struggle.”

January 29, 2020

Thousands of Palestinians in West Bank protest against Trump’s deal

Dozens injured in clashes with Israeli forces as fresh protests are planned for Thursday. According to the Red Crescent, 41 Palestinians were wounded in clashes with Israeli forces in the towns of Tulkarm, al-Bireh and Arroub refugee camp and in villages north of the Jordan Valley. It reported injuries sustained from rubber-coated bullets and cases of suffocation from inhaling tear gas. In the Jordan Valley, Palestinians protested in al-Hamra and Toubas villages against Israel’s intentions to annex the area, which is one of the critical points included in Trump’s deal. Meanwhile, Israeli forces arrested two Palestinians inside Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, claiming that they were carrying knives. They shut down the gates to the compound and the Old City gates, preventing people from entering or exiting the city. Palestinians in East Jerusalem called for a demonstration on Thursday at the Damascus Gate, one of the main entryways that lead into the Old City, to protest against the proposed deal that they say aims to embolden Israeli settlers’ presence in the city. In Hizma town, north of East Jerusalem, Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli forces stationed at the nearby military checkpoint.
January 29, 2020

ISIS calls on operatives to target Jews with chemical weapons

ISIS spokesman and second Caliph Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Quraishi sent a recorded message to all the organization’s operatives, mainly those in Sinai and Syria, to begin conquering Israeli “settlements,” referring to both West Bank settlements and Israeli cities, multiple reports confirmed on Monday. The newly-incumbent leader of the terrorist organization called upon supporters of ISIS to attack Jews in Israel and abroad with chemical weapons, declaring a religious war. 

January 29, 2020

15 Biblical Towns to be Placed Under Siege if Trump’s Peace Plan Succeeds

Israel headed for clash with ICC over settlements

Israel postpones move to annex large parts of West Bank

As Trump’s peace plan was unveiled on Tuesday, many elements of the document were cause for concern for the pro-Israel community. Among them was a four-year building freeze (for Jews only) in Judea and Samaria and a future ‘Palestinian’ state with its capital in East Jerusalem. But a lesser noticed result of the ‘Deal of the Century’ involves fifteen Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria, all with Biblical roots, who will be completely surrounded by terrorists in the future Palestinian state that Trump would like to create should his plan come to fruition according to Kann News. The article gives a list of those towns, with relevant Scripture for each. 

January 29, 2020


Syrian troops capture key town in rebel-held Idlib province

Syrian government forces captured one of the largest and most strategic rebel-held towns in the country’s northwest, the Syrian military and opposition activists said Wednesday, part of a Russian-backed military assault that has displaced hundreds of thousands of people fleeing to safer areas. The town of Maaret Al-Numan in Idlib province, which had been in rebel hands since 2012, sits on the highway linking Damascus with Aleppo and is considered critical to President Bashar Assad’s forces. The town is now largely empty as a result of intense bombardment in recent weeks. Its capture is the latest in a series of military triumphs for Assad. 

January 29, 2020


Macron: Turkey is sending warships, mercenaries to Libya

Erdogan abandons balancing act in Syria, targets Russia

French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday accused Turkey of breaching an agreement to halt foreign interference in Libya by sending warships and mercenaries to the North African country. Following a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Macron also described a maritime deal between Turkey and Libya’s U.N.-backed government as a “void document” with no legal or political standing. “These past few days we have seen Turkish warships accompanied by Syrian mercenaries arrive on Libyan soil. This is a serious and explicit infringement of what was agreed upon in Berlin,” Macron said, referring to an international summit in the German capital earlier this month. There was no immediate comment from the Turkish government.
January 29, 2020

Female flogging force unveiled in Indonesia to publicly punish women who violate Sharia law

A female flogging unit has been introduced in Indonesia’s Aceh province to dole out public whippings against women found violating the region’s Sharia law. One of eight new female Sharia officers delivered her first punishment to an unmarried woman who was found in a hotel room with a man who was not family, AFP reported Tuesday. The victim’s behavior is considered a morality crime in Aceh, where violators often face public whipping with a rattan cane. Aceh is the only region in Indonesia, the most populous Muslim nation, to follow Islamic law, which calls for women to punish female transgressors, the outlet reported.
January 29, 2020


  French police clash with firefighters during Paris protest

  Pension demonstrations in France: What’s happening on Wednesday

French riot police clashed with uniformed firefighters at protests in Paris on Tuesday, in extraordinary scenes where police used batons and shields against crowds of angry fire officers in helmets. Thousands of firefighters held a demonstration in the French capital, as part of long-running protest movement asking for better pay and conditions, including an increase in their hazard bonus which has not changed since 1990. Some firefighters set their uniforms alight as a symbolic gesture before colleagues put out the fires. But as a group of fire officers attempted to lead their demonstration into a sidestreet, riot officers pushed them back. Teargas was fired and scuffles broke out. Videos of the clashes went viral on social media amid growing pressure on the government over French police tactics of crowd control at demonstrations.
January 28, 2020


Yemen’s Houthis ‘target Saudi Aramco facilities in Jizan’

Yemen’s Houthi rebels said on Wednesday that they had targeted facilities belonging to Saudi Aramco in Jizan on the Red Sea in response to “escalating air strikes”, but there was no immediate confirmation from Saudi authorities of any attack. Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saria said in comments reported by Houthi-run Al Masirah TV that the rebel group had also targeted non-energy Saudi facilities near the border with Yemen. Saria did not give a timeframe for the assault, and state oil giant Aramco declined to comment on the report. The spokesman said in more than 15 “operations” had been carried out in the past week inside Saudi Arabia in retaliation for an escalation in air strikes. Yemen has been ongoing in Yemen for almost five years since Houthi rebels ousted the internationally-recognised government of President Abed Rabbu Mansour Hadi from the capital in late 2014. A Saudi-led military coalition intervened in 2015 in a bid to restore him. In a separate statement, Saria said that other Saudi sites targeted “with a large number of rockets and drones” near the border with Yemen include Abha and Jizan airports and Khamis Mushait military base. If confirmed, they would be the first such Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia since late September, when the group said it would halt missile and drone attacks on Saudi cities if the coalition ended its air strikes on Yemen.
January 29, 2020


Trump to sign North American trade pact at White House

President Donald Trump will sign a new North American trade agreement on Wednesday in an outdoor ceremony at the White House to be attended by about 400 guests – but not the key Democrats who helped secure congressional passage of the deal. Guests invited to the South Lawn signing include lawmakers from around the country, workers, farmers and CEOs, as well as officials from Mexico and Canada, a White House official said. Not invited were House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal and other Democrats who negotiated for months to expand the pact’s labor, environmental and enforcement provisions and ensure the approval of the Democrat-controlled House, said sources familiar with the situation.
January 29, 2020

European Parliament gives final approval to Brexit deal

After half a century of sometimes awkward membership and three years of tense withdrawal talks, the UK will leave the EU at midnight Brussels time (2300 GMT) on Friday. MEPs voted by 621 votes to 49 to pass the withdrawal agreement, which sees Britain leave the EU institutions but remain under most EU rules during a transition until the end of the year. Following the vote, MEPs burst into a chorus of “Auld Lang Syne”, a traditional Scottish song of farewell. The transition will see Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government try to negotiate an ambitious—unprecedented in the timeframe—free trade agreement with his 27 former partners remaining in the bloc.
January 29, 2020


California Democrats introduce bill to protect pedophiles who lure and sexually abuse innocent children

A handful of leftist politicians in California recently introduced a new bill that they claim will “end blatant discrimination against LGBT young people regarding California’s sex offender registry.” But the devil is in the details, as the bill would actually protect adult sex offenders who prey upon and assault minors. State Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) reportedly co-introduced the legislation, dubbed Senate Bill 145, which would explicitly exempt sexual predators who are within 10 years of age of their minor victims from automatically having to register as sex offenders in the state’s official database.
January 29, 2020

Drag queens to make historical debut — during Super Bowl LIV

First, it was an unexpected appearance at President Donald Trump’s impeachment hearings, and now it’s a barrier-breaking debut during one of the year’s most watched sporting events. Drag queens, for the first time, will appear in a Super Bowl advertisement. “RuPaul’s Drag Race” alumni Kim Chi and Miz Cracker will make history in a commercial for hummus brand Sabra during the football championship game Feb. 2, when the Kansas City Chiefs will face the San Francisco 49ers.
January 29, 2020


Coronavirus spreads as U.S. evacuees return from Wuhan and U.S. mulls China travel ban

Virus cases in China top SARS

Finland confirms its first coronavirus case

First Coronavirus Case Confirmed In Brazil

A plane chartered by the U.S. government to evacuate 201 Americans from the Chinese city at the center of the coronavirus outbreak was on its way to Southern California Wednesday morning. It was carrying diplomats from the U.S. Consulate in Wuhan and other U.S. citizens. All the evacuees cleared initial health checks in China and then during a refueling stop in Alaska. By Wednesday morning the flu-like virus had killed at least 132 people, all of them in China. Close to 6,000 others have been infected in more than a dozen countries, including five confirmed cases in the United States. More than 100 people in the U.S. were being tested for the disease across 26 states on Tuesday. Before the flight left China there were more than 1,000 Americans stuck in Wuhan. Other countries have also begun evacuating citizens from China on chartered flights, and some major airlines were halting flights to mainland China. The Trump administration was considering a complete travel ban on China as it evaluates the best ways to stop the virus spreading.
January 29, 2020

Coronavirus Vaccine “Will Take Over A Year” To Develop, Warns Big Pharma Exec

Markets soared on Tuesday after the Trump administration pumped out overly optimistic headlines of an early-stage trial for a coronavirus vaccine could start within the next three months. It appears “trade optimism” to save the stock market has turned to “coronavirus cure optimism.” The CEO of Novartis added some color on timelines of a potential vaccine for the deadly virus, which has infected over 6,000 people, with 132 deaths across China. Vas Narasimhan, CEO of Novartis, told CNBC on Wednesday that it could take upwards of one year to find a new vaccine, which he called the outbreak across the world “very serious.” Already, scientists in Australia have attempted to create a lab-grown version of coronavirus, and it could be studied to develop virus detection tests and vaccines eventually, Reuters reported.
January 29, 2020

WHO addresses global health strategy for novel coronavirus (video)


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January 28, 2020 Did the Deal of the Century by Trump fulfill Bible prophecy?



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Now that you have watched my video after President Trump revealed his Deal of The Century click to the links below and, see the Palestinian’s are not at all on board with this deal.

Palestinian leader rejects Trump peace plan with ‘a thousand no’s’

Palestinian Authority chief Abbas rejects Trump’s peace plan


As you will see from the link below the deal of the century is off to a up-rising start, and points to more conflict headed toward the Middle East.

Hamas: ‘All options open’ following Trump ‘conspiracies’ with Israel

Palestinian terror group Hamas on Tuesday dismissed U.S. President Donald Trump’s long-awaited Middle East peace plan as “conspiracies” and warned “all options are open” in response.

“We are certain that our Palestinian people will not let these conspiracies pass. So, all options are open,” said senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya.

“The [Israeli] occupation and the U.S. administration will bear the responsibility for what they did,” al-Hayya said.
Across the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Palestinians took to the streets to protest the plan.
Another Hamas official, Sami Abu Zuhri, called Trump’s statement as he unveiled the plan aggressive and warned it would “spark a lot of anger.” He also slammed the provisions for Jerusalem as “nonsense.”

Luke 21:11 11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

Frank with back drop In my video at the end I show you a 7.7 quake that hit today. Just found out that there was yet another strong quake as you see below. The number of these “great earthquakes just in January are growing. 

Very Strong earthquake – Cuba Region – January 28, 2020

Add the two new quakes to the list below!

A magnitude 6.4 struck Puerto Rico January 7, 2020

A magnitude 6.2 quake struck Indonesia January 7, 2020

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Russia January 9, 2020

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck China January 19, 2020

A magnitude 6.7 earthquake struck Turkey January 24, 2020

***There will be another video coming, analyzing the full details of the plan given by President Trump today

January 28, 2020- Short Video prior to release of Peace Plan

***There will be another video coming, analyzing the full details of the plan given by President Trump today

January 27, 2020- ‘Deal of the Century’ to be announced as Palestinians call for ‘days of rage’



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 25, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~

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Israeli jets pound Hamas infrastructure after balloon attacks (includes video)

 Rocket from Gaza lands in Israel, IDF hits Hamas post

After explosive balloons were launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory early Sunday, IDF fighter jets targeted a number of Hamas terror targets in the southern Gaza Strip. Among the targets struck were a weapons manufacturing site and a military compound in which posts used for collection purposes were located. Explosive balloons are becoming more sophisticated, Israel Hayom reports on Sunday.They are also being found further afield, causing concern among Israel’s population that Gaza terrorists have found a way to extend the range of the explosive devices. Arab reports say that the balloons launched by terrorists from Gaza are fixed with a stronger incendiary mixture than the incendiary balloons previously launched toward Israel.Similarly, the explosive devices are “upgraded” and equipped with elements to increase casualties among the civilian population, the sources say.
January 26, 2020

Trump signs bill to help boost synagogues, other nonprofits against potential attacks

U.S. President Donald Trump signed a bill on Friday that allocates $375 million over five years to synagogues and other houses of worship, as well as additional other nonprofits, to help protect themselves against terror attacks. The Securing American Nonprofit Organizations Against Terrorism Act will allocate $75 million annually under the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP). Trump called it an “incredible piece of legislation.” “It took a long time to get it here, but this is something that is very, very special and great for you as mayors,” he told those in the Oval Office for the signing of the bill. Attendees included Jewish Federations of North America president and CEO Eric Fingerhut and American Friends of Lubavitch (Chabad) executive vice president Rabbi Levi Shemtov.
January 27, 2020

 Trump to Netanyahu, Gantz: You have six weeks to implement peace plan

 Trump welcomes Netanyahu to White House, announces new Middle East plan will be released Tuesday (video)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White party chairman MK Benny Gantz are set to meet separately with US President Donald Trump Monday at the White House, ahead of the expected roll-out of the American administration’s long-awaited peace plan. The president will first meet with Netanyahu alone for 20 minutes at 6 PM Israel time (11 AM in Washington) and then participate in an expanded meeting along with the prime minister’s staff for a little less than an hour. The meeting with Gantz is to follow immediately afterward. Reuters reported Monday that a U.S. official said that Trump’s message to the two will be: “You have six weeks to get this [plan] going, if you want it.” Before getting on their respective flights to Washington, both rivals for the prime minister’s seat in the Israeli parliamentary election on March 2 called the plan, which has been dubbed the Deal of the Century, a “historic” plan. They publicly gave it favorable reviews even without knowing all its details
January 27, 2020

 Palestinian factions call for ‘day of rage’ on day of Trump peace plan

 Abbas instructs troops not to block Palestinians from clashing with IDF

Palestinian factions on Sunday called for a “day of rage” for the day US President Donald Trump releases his long-awaited plan for Mideast peace. The latest call for a “day of rage” came as the Palestinian Authority continued to threaten that Trump’s upcoming plan, also known as the “Deal of the Century,” would ignite mass protests in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. PA officials have also hinted that the Palestinian leadership may renounce all signed agreements with Israel and halt security coordination between the Palestinians and Israel in the West Bank. The group called on Palestinians to express their anger toward the US administration by removing all street signs concerning US funding for various Palestinian projects. It also called for boycotting US goods, the same way Palestinians have been boycotting settlement products.
January 27, 2020

 PLO official warns of declaration of Palestinian statehood in response to Trump plan

 Palestinians say Abbas rejected Trump’s bid to discuss peace plan

 Abbas said to refuse to take phone call from Trump

Wassel Abu Yusuf, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Executive Committee, said Sunday in an interview with Arab media that the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership is considering unilaterally declaring the establishment of an independent Palestinian state and ending the transition period of the Oslo Accords as a response to an announcement on the details of U.S. President Donald Trump’s peace plan. Speaking about the upcoming U.S. announcement, Abu Yusuf said that the Palestinians will appeal to the United Nations and the International Criminal Court to seek international protection for their claims while commencing with “popular protest activities,” a reference to violence and riots. Abu Yusuf added that a Palestinian declaration of a status as a “state under occupation” is also possible. Eastern Jerusalem would be declared the capital of the Palestinian state.
January 27, 2020

 IS vows to attack Israel and blasts US Mideast plan

ISIS: We need to conquer Israeli settlements, start targeting Jews

The Islamic State group vowed in an audio message released Monday that the extremists will start a new phase of attacks that will focus on Israel and blasted the U.S. administration’s plan to resolve the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Despite carrying out deadly attacks throughout the world over the past years, IS has rarely targeted Israel. The audio appears to try to win the extremist group popularity in the region at a time when President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” is expected to be announced in the U.S. soon. IS spokesman Abu Hamza al-Qurayshi urged in the 37-minute audio members of the extremist group to carry out attacks against Israel. The message was released by the group’s al-Furqan media.
January 27, 2020


Sanhedrin Assembly on Third Temple Brings Representatives from Sons of Ishmael

On Sunday night, the Sanhedrin hosted a conference to discuss the role of the Arabs and Muslims in the Third Temple. The conference featured a lecture by Dr. Mordechai Kedar, a senior lecturer in the Department of Arabic at Bar-Ilan University. Dr. Kedar has frequently referred to the claim that Jerusalem is holy to the Muslims as “fake news.” “Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Quran and there is not a basis to believe that Jerusalem had any significance for Muhammad,” Dr. Kedar explained to Breaking Israel News. “In early Islam, we see that assigning holiness to the Temple Mount was criticized as an attempt to introduce Jewish concepts into Islam.” “The Muslims decided to announce that the al Aqsa mentioned in the Koran refers not only to the mosque on the southern end of the compound, but is the name for the entire Temple Mount area, abandoning the original name, al-Haram al-Sharif.” Rather than use this dubious claim as a battle cry to expel the Muslims, Dr. Kedar suggested that the commonality of Jerusalem could serve as a bond to bring together all three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. He emphasized that the three religions shared common interests. “Every year, rabbis and imams join in a petition to prevent a certain parade from taking place in Jerusalem,” he said, noting that al faiths were in agreement when it comes to the sanctity of the city. Dr. Kedar had hopes that such a coming-together based in Jerusalem could have a global impact but he warned that it had to be of a specific nature.
January 27, 2020



King Abdullah prepared to reject Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ if it penalises Jordan

Jordan’s King Abdullah has publicly slammed President Donald Trump’s proposed “Deal of the Century”, media reported this week, a US Middle East peace initiative that is expected to heavily favour Israel over the Palestinians. King Abdullah was touring southern Jordan on Sunday when he was asked about the deal, due to be unveiled to Israeli leaders during a visit to Washington this week. The Jordan monarch stated he would reject the deal if it impinges on the kingdom’s interests. “Our position is perfectly well-known. We will not agree to proposals that come at our expense,” he said, according to Israeli media. “Our position on the Palestinian cause is clear, and the word ‘no’ is very clear to everyone.” Jordan’s monarchy has custodianship of the holy sites in Jerusalem, while Amman has accused Israel of a series of provocations at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound.
January 27, 2020

 Saudi Foreign Minister Says Israeli Passport Holders Cannot Visit Kingdom

Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said Israelis were not welcome to visit the kingdom after Israel decreed that Israeli citizens could visit Saudi Arabia under certain circumstances, CNN reported on Monday. “Our policy is fixed. We do not have relations with the State of Israel and Israeli passport holders cannot visit the kingdom at the current time,” the US broadcaster quoted Prince Faisal bin Farhan as saying. “When a peace agreement is reached between the Palestinians and the Israelis, I believe the issue of Israel‘s involvement in the region will be on the table,” Prince Faisal said.
January 27, 2020

 Three Rockets Make “Direct Hit” on U.S. Embassy in Baghdad

On Sunday, at least five projectiles were launched at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq’s capital city, with three making a direct hit on buildings inside the compound. One of the rockets struck a cafeteria. At least one person was reported injured in the attack. Last Sunday, three rockets were launched at the embassy but landed nearby. The State Department added that there have been more than 14 attacks by Iran and Iranian-supported militias on US personnel in Iraq since September. “We call on the Government of Iraq to fulfill its obligations to protect our diplomatic facilities,” the spokesperson said. “The security situation remains tense and Iranian-backed armed groups remain a threat. So, we remain vigilant.” On Monday, live ammo can be heard being fired upon protesters
January 27, 2020

Violence escalates in Iraq as government pushes to end protests

Gunmen shot dead two protesters in Iraq’s southern city of Nassiriya overnight and a Baghdad district became a battlefield on the third day of a drive by security forces to end months of demonstrations against the largely Iran-backed ruling elite. Clashes over the weekend had already killed at least five protesters. Rockets also hit the U.S. embassy compound in Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone housing government buildings.
January 27, 2020


Iran Foreign Minister Calls Trump Peace Plan for Middle East ‘Delusional’: Tweet

 Iranian general warns of retaliation if US threats continue

Iran’s foreign minister called U.S. President Donald Trump’s peace plan for the Middle East “delusional” in a tweet on Monday. “Instead of a delusional ‘Deal of the Century’ — which will be D.O.A.— self-described ‘champions of democracy’ would do better to accept Iran’s democratic solution proposed by Ayatollah @khamenei_ir: A referendum whereby ALL Palestinians —Muslim, Jew or Christian — decide their future,” Zarif wrote. Meanwhile, The chief of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard warned Monday that it will retaliate against American and Israeli commanders if the U.S. continues to threaten top Iranian generals. “I warn them to withdraw from this field,” Gen. Hossein Salami told state television, adding if they do not, they “will definitely regret it.”
January 27, 2020

 Taliban says has brought down U.S. military plane in Afghanistan

The Taliban said it had shot down a U.S. military plane in the central Afghan province of Ghazni on Monday, killing all personnel on board. “The plane, which was on an intelligence mission, was brought down in Sado Khel area of Deh Yak district of Ghazni province,” Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the Taliban, said in a statement, adding that everyone on board, including high ranking officers, had been killed. A senior defense official investigating the crash said no senior U.S. official was killed and added that they were still investigating the cause of the crash. No one from the U.S. military was immediately available for comment.
January 27, 2020

 Fighting Rages as Libya Force Pushes Toward Key Western City

Officials from Libya’s two rival governments said fighting erupted Sunday as the country’s east-based forces advanced toward the strategic western city of Misrata, further eroding a crumbling cease-fire agreement brokered earlier this month. The clashes came just hours after the United Nations decried “continued blatant violations” of an arms embargo on Libya by several unspecified countries. The violations fly in the face of recent pledges to respect the embargo made by world powers at an international conference in Berlin last week. The weak but U.N.-recognized government is based in the capital, Tripoli, and led by Prime Minister Fayez Sarraj. It is backed by Turkey, and to a lesser degree Qatar and Italy. Rival forces based in the east and loyal to military commander Khalifa Hifter receive support from the United Arab Emirates and Egypt, as well as France and Russia. Hifter’s forces were advancing some 120 kilometers (around 75 miles) east of Misrata, near the town of Abugrein, according to the media office of militias allied with the Tripoli government. It said clashes were still taking place in the outskirts of Abugrein.
January 26, 2020


Yemen’s Houthi rebels seize key route in deadly clashes

Yemen’s Houthi rebels made gains Monday against government troops north and east of Sanaa, seizing a strategic road in deadly fighting, loyalist military officials told AFP. The pro-government sources said the rebels had captured the route that connects Sanaa to the provinces of Marib, to the east, and Jawf to the north. Dozens have been killed or wounded in the fighting around Sanaa in the past 48 hours, according to these military sources, but they were not able to give precise figures. “The Houthis are now seeking to take Hazm, the capital of Jawf province,” one official told AFP on condition of anonymity. The rebels were now just five kilometres (three miles) from the city, this source added.
January 27, 2020

About Twenty Soldiers Killed in Mali Attack, Government Says

About 20 soldiers were killed in a pre-dawn attack on an army camp in central Mali on Jan. 26, the government said.  The identity of the attackers was not immediately clear. In a statement, the government said “terrorists” entered the camp near the village of Sokolo, killed the soldiers and caused “significant material damage”. “Reinforcements have been dispatched to the scene and an aerial reconnaissance is underway in the area to track down the attackers,” it said. Islamist groups with links to al Qaeda and the ISIS terrorist group operate in arid central and northern Mali and have used the area as a base to attack soldiers and civilians in neighboring Burkina Faso, Niger, and beyond.
January 27, 2020


 People can now be identified at a distance by their heartbeat

BEFORE PULLING the trigger, a sniper planning to assassinate an enemy operative must be sure the right person is in the cross-hairs. Western forces commonly use software that compares a suspect’s facial features or gait with those recorded in libraries of biometric data compiled by police and intelligence agencies. Such technology can, however, be foiled by a disguise, head-covering or even an affected limp. For this reason America’s Special Operations Command (SOC), which oversees the units responsible for such operations in the various arms of America’s forces, has long wanted extra ways to confirm a potential target’s identity. Responding to a request from SOC, the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO), an agency of the defence department, has now developed a new tool for the job. This system, dubbed Jetson, is able to measure, from up to 200 metres away, the minute vibrations induced in clothing by someone’s heartbeat. Since hearts differ in both shape and contraction pattern, the details of heartbeats differ, too. The effect of this on the fabric of garments produces what Ideal Innovations, a firm involved in the Jetson project, calls a “heartprint”—a pattern reckoned sufficiently distinctive to confirm someone’s identity.
January 23, 2020


 Virginia Passes Transgender Educational Mandates for Children, Other Pro-LGBT Measures

Virginia Democrats are not just at war with the Bill of Rights; they are at war with traditional Christian values as well. They moved legislation through the state senate earlier this week that advances the LGBT agenda. One bill will allow transgender people to be issued new birth certificates that are not based on the sex of their birth. Even if they have not surgically altered their sex, they will still be able to get the new birth certificate. Another bill involves mandating public schools in Virginia to have policies regarding transgender education.
January 25, 2020


 61 Million Babies Have Died in Abortions, a Death Toll That’s the Population of Italy

The following are the remarks Congressman Chris Smith gave today at the March for Life in Washington, D.C.: Today we march for life to defend the weakest and most vulnerable. Tragically, since the infamous 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decisions that eviscerated legal protection for unborn children, more than 61 million babies have been dismembered or chemically aborted—a death toll that equates with the entire population of Italy. Under President Obama, abortion was aggressively promoted at home and overseas.  Even longstanding bipartisan conscience protection laws were shamelessly not enforced. Now President Trump  is robustly enforcing America’s conscience laws, including the Weldon Amendment, to ensure that no health care professional and no organization or entity is coerced into paying for or participating in the killing of an unborn child. In just three years, several executive orders and actions have been promulgated by the Trump Administration to protect life—including Title X reform and the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA)—and the courts appear to be seriously trending in the right direction.
January 24, 2020


 Coronavirus Latest: Over 2,800 Global Cases Resulting in 80 Fatalities

 US Evacuating Citizens as Experts Predict Wuhan Virus Could Infect 270K

 Cambodia Confirms First Coronavirus Case

 Tibet closes scenic areas amid coronavirus outbreak

In China there are now 2,744 confirmed cases as of 1200am on Jan 27, an increase of 39% resulting in 80 deaths, up 43%. This is  triple the 916 mainland China cases reported late on Friday. Across the globe, there are now 2,807 confirmed cases and 80 Chinese fatalities, as so far nobody outside of China has died from the disease (that we know of). Some very unpleasant math: in China’s Hubei province where Wuhan is located, epicenter of the coronavirus breakout, there have been 1,423 cases and 76 deaths, resulting in a mortality rate of over 5%.  5th US Coronavirus infection confirmed by CDC in 4 states (AZ, CA, IL, WA) CDC calls the virus an  “emerging public health threat,” adding that the threat is “serious.” Incubation is asymptomatic, contagious, and can be as long as 14 days. 5M may have left Wuhan for Lunar New Year. 1st case was Dec 1 NOT Dec 31 so infect pop may be much bigger. US, Russia, Thailand begin plans for evacuation. Premier Li Keqiang charged with leading government’s task force. 3 Beijing hospitals using AIDS drugs to treat virus
January 27, 2020

 Locust outbreak in Kenya is worst in 70 years: “Even cows are wondering what is happening

The worst outbreak of desert locusts in Kenya in 70 years has seen hundreds of millions of the bugs swarm into the East African nation from Somalia and Ethiopia. Those two countries have not had an infestation like this in a quarter-century, destroying farmland and threatening an already vulnerable region with devastating hunger. “Even cows are wondering what is happening,” said Ndunda Makanga, who spent hours Friday trying to chase the locusts from his farm. “Corn, sorghum, cowpeas, they have eaten everything.” Even a small swarm of the insects can consume enough food for 35,000 people in a single day, said Jens Laerke of the U.N. humanitarian office in Geneva. About 70,000 hectares – 172,973 acres – of land in Kenya are already infested. A single swarm can contain up to 150 million locusts per square kilometer of farmland – an area the size of almost 250 football fields, authorities say.
January 25, 2020


January 22, 2020 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on a beach in Gandia, Spain


 5.4 Quake Hits Southern Iran, Says State TV

A magnitude 5.4 earthquake struck Fars province in southern Iran on Monday, Iranian state TV reported. State TV did not report any information on possible damage or casualties from the quake, which hit near the town of Khane Zenian. Assessment teams have been dispatched to the quake site, which is not a very populous area, the head of rescue for Iran’s Red Crescent, Morteza Salimi, told state TV. Posts on social media said that the earthquake had been felt by residents of the provincial capital Shiraz, approximately 50 km (30 miles) away from the epicenter of the quake.
January 27, 2020

 Brazil floods: Dozens dead in severe Minas Gerais rainstorms

At least 30 people have died during severe rainstorms in Brazil’s Minas Gerais state, the country’s emergency services have said.  Many of the victims were buried in landslides or washed away in floods after intense rain on Friday and Saturday. More than 2,500 people were evacuated from their homes, and local TV showed images of ruined houses under red mud. Rescue work continued overnight into Sunday, with 17 people missing. The Brazilian weather service said on Saturday that the state capital of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, had had 17cm (seven inches) of rain in one 24-hour period – the heaviest rainfall since records were first kept 110 years ago.
January 26, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album






January 25, 2020 Do you believe in the Signs of the end Jesus warned us about?



Bible prophecy documentary book proving our generation will see the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually take place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this special singled out generation. If you are not saved yet in Jesus Christ this book is a most read!

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 25 2020 edition written by Frank DiMora


Frank’s e-mail fjdimora@gmail.com

Turkey quake.1jpg

Turkey earthquake: At least 22 dead as buildings collapse
At least 22 people have been killed and more than 1,000 injured in a powerful earthquake in eastern Turkey. The magnitude-6.8 quake, centred on the town of Sivrice in Elazig province, caused buildings to collapse and sent residents rushing into the street. Thirty-nine people have been pulled from the wreckage, with more than 20 feared to remain trapped, rescuers say.

Pic of f dimora So far in the early part of January 2020, we have already seen 5 Major earthquakes take place.

A magnitude 6.4 struck Puerto Rico January 7, 2020

A magnitude 6.2 quake struck Indonesia January 7, 2020

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Russia January 9, 2020

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck China January 19, 2020

A magnitude 6.7 earthquake struck Turkey January 24, 2020


“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke 21:11) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8)

One of the many last days signs Jesus told us to look for is the sign of pestilences (diseases) that would wipe out millions of people. My book is loaded with proof that millions upon millions of people have been dying as a result of new diseases that are popping up and, many of these news diseases can not be treated with drugs as they have become drug resistant.  For years I have been warning people to watch for new diseases that will show up in both humans and in animals. I also warned many times that these new diseases would begin to spread in different ways such a animals to humans. If you read my book or watch my past videos on this subject you will see the facts that what I stated has come to pass.

Bbb Pic of f dimoraThis quote is taken from my 2004 edition of my prophecy book. “The following news should be important to you because it is affecting more people around the world.  Jesus warned in the end times the beasts of the earth would be the cause for millions dying.  This is what Christ said in Revelation 6:8.  “And I looked, and behold a pale horse:  and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.  And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”  In this generation we are seeing people dying from eating animals that have gotten some form of new disease and have passed the disease on to humans.  In the past few years, millions of animals around the world had to be destroyed because of these new diseases.  Below are only a few of the diseases.”

Since I wrote that in my book we have been witnessing diseases that have jumped over to humans.  Watch the video below that was released on Jan. 22, 2020.


China Suddenly Increases Death Toll By Over 60% As Virus Jumps To Europe
AFP reports, citing a minister, that two cases of coronavirus are now confirmed in France, as the virus officially spreads to Europe. The outbreak will give President Emmanuel Macron a desperately needed distraction from seemingly never-ending protests of his government. As authorities in Beijing try to convince the world that they have the outbreak under control, researchers in the US and UK have warned that the total number of cases might be closer to 4,000, …

UK Researcher Predicts Over 250,000 Chinese Will Have Coronavirus In Ten Days
When it comes to estimating the human capital and potential fallout from a highly contagious epidemic, arguably the most important variable is the R0 (“R-naught”) value of the disease, which represents the average number of secondary cases arising from an average primary case in a entirely susceptible population. Human-to-human transmission is occurring and a preliminary R0 estimate of 1.4-2.5 was presented. Needless to say, while 2.5 is quite high, and in line with that of the Spanish flu epidemic which infected about half a billion people back in 1918, killing as many as 100 million before it eventually fizzled out, the real coronavirus R0 number may end up being far higher 3.6-4.0 or roughly the same as SARS,…


Scientist who simulated the global impact of a coronavirus outbreak says ‘the cat’s already out of the bag’ and calls China’s efforts to contain the disease ‘unlikely to be effective’



This time I’m scared’: experts fear too late for China virus lockdown
China’s bid to contain a deadly new virus by placing cities of millions under quarantine is an unprecedented undertaking but it is unlikely to stop the disease spreading, experts warn. The contagious virus has already reached elsewhere in China and abroad, and even an authoritarian government has only a small timeframe in which trapped residents will submit to such a lockdown, they say.

Pic of f dimoraNow that I covered the news about the newest outbreak of disease making its way into many nations let me direct your attention to the prophecy that gives the specifics that in the last days the birds, fish, and animals will be dying off. When you read my prophecy book you will see year after year these mass die offs are continuing. As with many of the reports below you will learn that many of the mass die offs took place due to diseases. 


Image result for birds, fish, and animals dyingCooltextprophecysign

 up-date on birds, fish, and animals dying off in mass numbers.

January 7, 2020 – 5 dead dolphins found along a beach on Isle of Wight in England. Link

January 8, 2020 – UPDATE: 1 BILLION animals now fear dead from fires in Australia. Link

January 8, 2020 – 21,000 birds dead due to avian flu in Chhattisgarh, India. Link

January 9, 2020 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in a dam in Traslasierra, Argentina. Link

January 9, 2020 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a dam in Penjamo, Mexico. Link

January 9, 2020 – Hundreds of thousands of birds killed due to disease in Dominican Republic. Link

January 10, 2020 – 292 dead turtles found on beaches, ‘due to red tide’ in Mexico. Link

January 10, 2020 – Dozens of wild birds found dead, ‘reason unknown’, in Kuban, Russia. Link

January 11, 2020 – Hundreds of birds dead due to disease in Firth of Thames, New Zealand. Link

January 12. 2020 – Mass die off of fish in a lake in Manuel Irala Fernandez, Paraguay. Link

January 13, 2020 – 6,000 geese to be killed due to avian flu in Poland. Link

January 13, 2020 – 50,000 turkeys to be killed due to avian flu in Hungary. Link

January 13, 2020 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on a beach in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Link

January 14, 2020 – Thousands of dead fish found in the Ocoa River, in Colombia. Link

January 14, 2020 – Masses of dead fish wash ashore in Guanabara Bay, Brazil. Link

January 14, 2020 – 2,000 deer dead due to disease in Oregon, America. Link

January 15, 2020 – 115,000 ducks killed due to avian flu in Hungary. Link

January 15, 2020 – 109 dead baby turtles found on a beach in Lauro de Freitas, Brazil. Link

January 15, 2020 – 15,000 birds dead from avian flu in Maramures, Romania. Link

January 16, 2020 – 75 dead sea birds and 3 dead penguins found on the coast of Concon, Chile. Link

January 16, 2020 – 100,000+ fish dead ‘due to heat’ in Bristol Bay, Alaska, America. Link

January 16, 2020 – 28 dead Buzzards found on Cerro Cabezon, Mexico. Link

January 17, 2020 – Hundreds of thousands of fish dead in river due to bush fires, in NSW, Australia. Link

January 17, 2020 – Dozens of tons of fish dead in fish farm in Banjar, Indonesia. Link


Cooltextprophecysign1 Timothy 4:1-2 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,

Pic of f dimora On March 18, 2020 I was in LA during the women’s march. I was on a metro train that stopped a Union Station where thousands of women were getting ready for the march. During that train ride I talked to women who were holding signs they had made for the march. I ask one women why she was marching. She told me for women’s reproductive rights.  By the signs it was clear that she was there at the march to keep the right to get ride of a baby. In other words have the right to end a child’d life before he or she had a chance to take their first breath outside the womb.  This same type of march has been seen in many other cities across America. You see a photo of the LA women’s march that I was in the middle of. Our generation has become so liberal that it has for millions of women been made easy to just go ahead and dismiss a life that the women had a part in making that life. Sad part is many of the women marching across America have come from a church back ground but for whatever reason they have come up with they like the unsaved in Christ made the choice to not hold on to what Jesus Christ teaches about life. How about, “Thou shalt not kill”. Why not give that life you made a chance to live as you were given. There are many families who are looking for children to call their own. I hope that the day doesn’t come when your sitting in the doctors office and he or she tells you you are with child. When that day comes there is a very good chance you are going to hear a voice in your head saying, “its ok you can have an abortion and go on with your life”.  Satan wants as many children killed as he can. You think he cares about you or your baby? If Satan had his way he would have both you and the baby killed.  Fact is, Satan is working right now in many of the people who are running for office. He is working to install as many liberals in Washington as possible so he can keep changing the laws that God has laid down. One being the abortion issue. When you give up your child don’t think that your action will not follow you the rest of your life because, it will. Christ love everyone of the women who are marching and He doesn’t want any one to suffer. So, if you ever are in a position to hear the words from your doctor saying you are with child, you may want to consider the other voice that you will hear besides Satan’s voice. That voice will be the voice of the Holy Spirit leading you to keep your baby even if it means giving it to a couple who will love it. It is my prayer that no women will have to carry the burden of killing their baby for the rest of their lives. Below the photo is a report concerning the issue I am talking about. I am blessed to see there are those who are fighting to save babies from being killed even up to the full term 9 months.  Before you make the decision to follow what Satan has whispered in your ear, just picture your baby in your arms and you are looking right into his or her eyes. Can you now still go through with killing that life? There are many people waiting to help you and, it won’t be Planned Parenthood. 


At March for Life, Trump gets an enthusiastic reception
President Donald Trump, seeking to court evangelical voters, addressed thousands of activists gathered Friday on the National Mall for the nation’s largest annual anti-abortion rally. Trump, who this week revealed his “Pro-Life Voices for Trump” coalition for his 2020 reelection campaign, has strong ties to the anti-abortion community and is the first president to speak onstage at the event.

January 24, 2020 Middle East Peace Deal will it bring the Antichrist?



Bible prophecy documentary book proving our generation will see the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually take place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this special singled out generation. If you are not saved yet in Jesus Christ this book is a most read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 6, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

Frank’s e-mail fjdimora@gmail.com

Below you will see what God told us to look for concerning Jerusalem in the last days. My video today will give you information on what is currently happening in Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in East Jerusalem. 

Cooltextprophecysign“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” (Zechariah 12) “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” (Psalm)

‘Doomsday Clock’ creeps closer to midnight than it ever has in history. Scientists call world affairs ‘highly unstable.’
The metaphorical clock is now set to 100 seconds to midnight, … “We are now expressing how close the world is to catastrophe in seconds — not hours, or even minutes,”



Luke 21:11
Rev. 6:8

“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation) 

Has anyone noticed the number of new diseases that being reported in the news? My book is loaded with all the new and old diseases that have been showing up. Considering what the prophecies say about diseases you should want to keep on the watch as Christ said to do.  


The Real Umbrella Corp: Wuhan Ultra Biohazard Lab Was Studying “The World’s Most Dangerous Pathogens”
Now that not one but seven Chinese cities – including Wuhan, ground zero of the coronavirus epidemic – and collectively housing some 23 million people, are under quarantine… comparisons to the infamous Raccoon City from Resident Evil are coming in hot and heavy. And, since reality often tends to imitate if not art then certainly Hollywood, earlier today we jokingly asked if the Medical Research Institute at Wuhan University would end up being China’s version of Umbrella Corp. As it turns out, it wasn’t a joke, …….

Ebola virus disease – Democratic Republic of the Congo Disease outbreak news: Update 23 January 2020
Nine new confirmed cases were reported from 15 to 21 January in the ongoing Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. All of the cases were reported from Beni Health Zone in North Kivu Province. Eight of the cases (8/9) were registered contacts prior to symptom onset; all nine had epidemiological links to a confirmed case. In the past 21 days (1 to 21 January 2020), 35 confirmed cases were reported from 11 health areas within five active health zones in North Kivu and Ituri Provinces

Weaponized coronavirus invades the USA as world panics over possible pandemic
The next wave of attack against humanity has just been unleashed. The so-called “novel coronavirus” (2019-nCoV) is now spreading across Mainland China, and with the Chinese New Year travel surge under way, China’s residents are “exporting” the virus everywhere. Confirmed cases have cropped up in Taiwan, and the CDC has confirmed that at least one patient in the United States has been infected and hospitalized (after being misdiagnosed for a week, during which he most likely spread the infections to others).

Major Chinese city goes into lockdown as new virus death toll rises to at least 17
The death toll from China’s coronavirus has jumped to at least 17 as of Thursday, January 23, 2020. Amid heightening concerns, officials in Wuhan– the outbreak’s epicenter– announced a partial lockdown of the city in efforts to contain the outbreak. Wuhan is the capital of the Province of Hubei and the seventh most populous Chinese city, with a population of 11 million.

One million new cases of sexually transmitted disease diagnosed each day, WHO warns
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than one million cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are contracted every day, with chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and syphilis infections being the most worrisome.


Locusts: UN calls for international help in East Africa
The UN has called for international help to fight huge swarms of desert locusts sweeping through east Africa. A spokesman for the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), called for aid to “avert any threats to food security, livelihoods, malnutrition”. Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are all struggling with “unprecedented” and “devastating” swarms of the food-devouring insects, the FAO has said.

‘Unprecedented’ locust swarms devastating several countries in Africa fueled by multiple weather factors
Unusually heavy rain is being cited as a factor in one of the worst outbreaks of desert locusts in decades across parts of East Africa and posing what officials say is an “unprecedented” threat to crops in third world countries, according to a recent report

 Prophecy Sign: I Thessalonians 5:3,4: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”

Trump: I will release the Middle East peace plan before Netanyahu visit
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to make a visit in Washington on January 28. “Sometime prior to that,” he told reporters during a flight to Florida. “Probably, we’ll release it a little bit prior to that.”

Cooltextprophecysign“For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.” “Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about.” (Joel) **see also Zephaniah 3:6  & Revelation 16:16

Another Holocaust is possible, warns former chief rabbi
If Jews do not make an effort to constantly remember what their enemies did to them, they might overlook trends that could “God forbid, lead to another annihilation,” but notes that “this time things will be different,” because Israel exists.

At Holocaust forum, Pence calls on world to stand against anti-Semitism, Iranian threats
Vice President Mike Pence commemorated the victims of the Holocaust on Thursday in a speech in Jerusalem, saying the world must stand strong against anti-Semitism and against Iran’s threats to annihilate Israel.

Cooltextprophecysign  Matthew 24: 37-39 concerning what the last generation would be like just prior to His second coming. In verses 37-39 Jesus shows us our generation would be just like that of Noah’s. This generation turned from God and followed their own lusts and became evil people. We know part of Noah’s generation troubles came on them when they turned to homosexuality. How do we know this? Notice that Jesus compared Noah’s day to Sodom and Gomorrah and then linked it to the time of his return.

I quote our Lord. Luke 17: 25-30. “But first must He [Christ] suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. 26And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man: 27They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; 29but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. 30“Even thus shall it be in the Day when the Son of Man is revealed.”

`LGBTQ+P For Pedophile Advocacy Group ‘Garden State Equality’ Begins Forced Reeducation Of New Jersey Public School Teachers In Gay Curriculum
The advance of the end times agenda of the LGBTQ+P for Pedophile Movement is not only swift but stunning to the degree in which they have been and are able to effect radical change in states all across America. In New Jersey, public school teachers in 12 different districts are being ‘re-educated’ by LGBTQ+ advocacy group Garden State Equality on how to teach the new queer curriculum to the students. New Jersey can thank their Democratic governor Phil Murphy for making this nightmare a reality.

January 23, 2020- Pence calls on global leaders to confront Iran


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 6, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~

Burdensome stoneCooltextprophecysign

Headline: Pence invites Netanyahu, Gantz to Washington to discuss peace prospects

Headline: Bennett: We will not allow creation of Palestinian state

US Vice President Mike Pence invited Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz to the White House next week to discuss "regional prospects and prospects for peace." During their meeting, which took place at the US embassy in Jerusalem, Netanyahu praised US President Donald Trump for moving the embassy to Jerusalem. He said that now he is seeking to give Israel the peace and security it deserves. He noted that he thinks Gantz should be invited to the peace plan roll out event, because, "I think it's important that we do not lose this historic opportunity," Netanyahu said.
January 23, 2020



Headline: Abbas to Macron: We look forward to France recognizing Palestinian state

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday called on France to recognize a Palestinian state on the pre-1967 lines with east Jerusalem as its capital. “We are looking forward to France’s recognition of the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, as the only way to salvage the European-backed two-state solution. That will give hope to our people about the prospects of achieving peace and stability,” Abbas said. Abbas also told the French president that he was serious about holding new presidential and parliamentary elections. Abbas urged France and European Union countries to put pressure on Israel to allow residents of east Jerusalem to participate in the vote. He expressed hope that the elections would take place as soon as possible.
January 23, 2020



Headline: Jordan’s FM warns annexation would end chances for Israeli-Palestinian peace

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi warned on Thursday that Israeli annexation of the Jordan Valley would spell the death of the two-state solution and terminate all opportunities to achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians. “Israel annexing the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea in the occupied Palestinian territories will totally undermine the foundations of the peace process, kill the two-state solution and end all chances to achieve peace,” Safadi told the Jordanian state-run Petra news agency.
January 23, 2020


Headline: 36,000 flee in northern Syria after more than a dozen airstrikes

Tens of thousands of Syrians fled their homes and made toward the Turkish border after multiple government attacks in Idlib province, officials said. Syria's Response Coordination Group said the civilians abandoned their homes over the course of two days this week to escape what's supposed to be a designated de-escalation area in Syria. Group director Mohammad Hallaj said nearly 12,000 families are homeless because of the ongoing violence between forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and rebel forces.
January 23, 2020


Headline: US 'likely' to deploy anti-missile system to protect American troops in Iraq

Headline: ISIS resurgence possible if US pulls out of Iraq: General

The Pentagon is likely deploying a missile-defense system to Iraq in response to Iran’s ballistic missile attack on an Iraqi base housing American troops earlier this month, U.S. defense officials tell Fox News. The move comes after U.S. troops were sent to a medical facility in Germany after complaining of head injuries following the Iranian missile attack. Trump threatened sanctions on Iraq earlier this month if the government went forward with potential plans to expel the 5,000 U.S. troops currently deployed in Iraq.
January 23, 2020



Headline: Shi'ite Militia Leaders Ramp Up Calls For Anti-U.S. March

On January 23, 2020, Shi'ite cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr issued a new statement aimed at mobilizing more people to participate in Friday's planned one-million-man march to end the presence of U.S. troops in Iraq. Under the title "A Thought," Al-Sadr's message asked Iraqi men, women and children to answer "the call of the homeland… the time to reform Iraq's system and to evict invaders is now… Hasten to support the beloved [homeland], as it is calling to you, and do not renege on your vow."
January 23, 2020



Headline: Commander of Iranian militia shot dead

Gunmen in Iran shot dead a commander of the hardline Basij militia who was an ally of Qassem Soleimani, the senior Revolutionary Guards commander killed in a US drone strike in Iraq, Reuters reported on Wednesday, citing Iran’s official news agency IRNA. Abdolhossein Mojaddami, a Basij commander in the city of Darkhovin in the southwestern province of Khuzestan, was shot on Tuesday in front of his home by two men riding a motorcycle, said IRNAThere was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, IRNA said. It described Mojaddami as one of the “defenders of the shrine”, a reference used to describe members of security forces who have fought in recent conflicts in Iraq or Syria.
January 23, 2020


Headline: Iran threatens Europe with 'consequences' after move to hold country accountable for violating nuclear deal

Headline: Pence calls on global leaders to confront Iran

Iran is asking European countries to stay in the 2015 nuclear deal despite already violating the agreement. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani threatened Western powers on Wednesday while pledging that Tehran would not pursue a nuclear bomb with or without a deal in place, according to Reuters"Do you want to make the same mistake?" Rouhani asked, referring to President Trump withdrawing the United States from the deal and reinstating sanctions on Iran. "I am emphasizing that if the Europeans make a mistake and violate the deal, they will be responsible for the consequences of their actions." Britain, France, and Germany triggered the agreement’s dispute mechanism on Jan. 14, a first step toward potentially scrapping the deal and reinstating United Nations sanctions on Tehran. The U.S. pulled out of the deal in 2018, and Iran has openly flaunted the deal’s restrictions since.
January 23, 2020




Headline:  Deadly Attack Near Abyei Leaves Over 30 Dead

An attack on a village near the Sudan-South Sudan border has killed at least 15 people, according to officials in the disputed Abyei reigon. Daniel Adekera, spokesperson for the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei, said UNIFSA counted 15 people dead following the attack on the village of Kolom, about 12 kilometers north of Abyei. "The number we have confirmed by our troops is 15 people dead, 3 children missing, 25 wounded and 19 houses burnt down,” Adekera told VOA's South Sudan in Focus. Adekera said Wednesday’s attack was likely a reprisal. "From all indications the perpetrators are from the Misseriya tribe because three days ago there was a similar incident in the same place where three Misseriyas were killed, purportedly by the Dinka. So this seems to have been a reprisal attack from the Misseriya tribe,” Adekera told VOA.
January 23, 2020



Headline: Brexit deal officially becomes UK law

The bill implementing Britain's exit deal with the European Union officially became law on Thursday ahead of the country's departure from the bloc next week. The legislation passed its final parliamentary stage on Wednesday, after more than three years of bitter wrangling over how, when and even if Brexit should take place. Queen Elizabeth has now given it Royal Assent, the leader of the House of Commons, Jacob Rees-Mogg, said on Twitter. Britain is due to leave the bloc at 23:00 GMT on Jan. 31. A consent vote in the EU Parliament will take place on Jan 29. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to formally sign the Withdrawal Agreement in the coming days.
January 23, 2020



Jan 21, 2020- Tens of thousands of fish die near Dubbo New South Wales


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January 22, 2020- U.S. officials confirm first U.S. case of China coronavirus


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 6, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~

Burdensome stoneCooltextprophecysign

Headline: White House urging Netanyahu to refrain from annexation, to wait for plan

The Trump administration has urged Israel to hold back from unilaterally annexing the Jordan Valley, recommending that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wait for the US peace plan instead. Netanyahu has spoken of Jordan Valley annexation since the summer and it has been presumed that the Trump administration would support such a move or at the very least not oppose it. On Tuesday, Netanyahu indicated that he is weighing bringing Jordan Valley annexation to the cabinet for a vote on Sunday and then on to the Knesset for ratification on Tuesday where it is expected to easily pass.
January 22, 2020


Headline: Everything you must know about the biggest diplomatic event in Israel’s history

It was meant to be a rather small summit, but it turned into the largest diplomatic event in the history of the State of Israel. When Israeli officials first started planning for the Fifth World Holocaust Forum to commemorate the 75th liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, they estimated that 10 or perhaps 15 world leaders or top dignitaries would attend, Harel Tubi, the director-general of the President’s Residence, recalled this week. In fact, delegations from 49 countries, including 41 heads of state, are expected to attend the Forum this week, which will be secured by some 10,000 police. Israeli diplomats said that not even the funerals of Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres drew groups of foreign dignitaries like the ones attending this week’s Holocaust commemoration. US Vice President Mike Pence, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Britain’s Prince Charles and French President Emmanuel Macron are the most prominent names on the long list of attendees, which also includes four kings and many leaders from such countries as Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Ukraine and Argentina, as well as the presidents of the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament.
January 22, 2020

***International Holocaust Remembrance Day is always January 27 as established by the United Nations Resolution 60/7. This differs from Yom HaShoah (national memorial day) observed in Israel on 27 Nisan to commemorate the Holocaust and the heroes of the Jewish Resistance.



Headline: Fresh Protests Blast Lebanon’s New Government

Headline: Facing humiliating controls, Lebanese focus fury on banks

Protesters again took to Lebanon’s streets Wednesday, saying a newly-formed cabinet announced late Tuesday failed to match their calls for an administration headed by technocrats, as a deepening economic crisis engulfs the tiny Mediterranean country. Lebanon’s prime minister, Hassan Diab, formed his government after the Shi’ite militia group Hezbollah and its allies agreed on a cabinet that must urgently address the heavily indebted state. Diab, a 60-year-old professor at the American University of Beirut, now heads a slimmed down cabinet of 20 members, mostly specialists backed by political parties, but without the participation of major Lebanese political parties that enjoy Western support.
January 22, 2020



Headline: Iraq activist shot dead as protesters block roads again

An Iraqi anti-government activist was gunned down in the southern port city of Basra, a police source told AFP on Wednesday, amid resurgent rallies demanding authorities implement long-awaited reforms. “Civil society activist Janat Madhi, 49, was shot on Tuesday night around 11:00pm (2000 GMT) by armed men in an SUV,” the police source said, adding that five people including at least one other local activist were wounded in the shooting. A source at the city’s forensics lab confirmed to AFP that Madhi suffered gunshot wounds. An AFP reporter said she was part of an activist group giving medical care to demonstrators. The group departed the main protest camp in Basra late Tuesday, the reporter said, after which they were fired upon by unknown gunmen. The killing is the latest in a new wave of violence against Iraq’s anti-regime protests, which had waned in recent weeks amid growing tensions between Baghdad’s two main allies, Tehran and Washington.
January 22, 2020











Headline: Turkey deploys 2,000 troops to Libya to Reestablish Muslim Caliphate with Jerusalem as Capital

A new military incursion into Libya is part of a long-awaited dream by Turkish President Erdogan to return the Ottoman Caliphate, a global Islamic rule that subjugated Jews and Christians for six centuries. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on Monday that Turkish-backed Syrian mercenaries have begun arriving in Libya. Approximately 2,400 troops are already in Tripoli while another 1,700 are currently undergoing training in Turkey. Activists informed the SOHR that Turkey intends to send a total of 6,000 troops to Libya. Until now, the role of the Turkish military has been limited to 35 military personnel involved solely in training and advisory roles. The new Syrian troops are mercenaries, hired from rebel groups opposing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Turkish government will pay each soldier a monthly stipend of $2,000, far more than the $50 they earned to fight back home in Syria. The Syrian troops are also fighting against the Kurds in Libya. Turkish intervention is a manifestation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s aspiration to establish himself as the leader of a global Islamic nation. The SOHR reported that a commander of the Turkish-backed Syrian troops en route to Libya announced as their battle cry, “We will present our souls for the Ottoman Caliphate.”
January 21, 2020


Headline: Iranian MP announces $3 million award for ‘whoever kills Trump’

An Iranian lawmaker offered a $3 million reward to anyone who killed US President Donald Trump and said Iran could avoid threats if it had nuclear arms, ISNA news agency reported on Tuesday amid Tehran’s latest standoff with Washington. Tensions have steadily escalated since Trump pulled Washington out of Tehran’s nuclear agreement with world powers in 2018 and reimposed US sanctions. The standoff erupted into tit-for-tat military strikes this month. “On behalf of the people of Kerman province, we will pay a $3 million reward in cash to whoever kills Trump,” lawmaker Ahmad Hamzeh told the 290-seat parliament, ISNA reported. He did not say if the idea of a reward had any official backing from Iran’s clerical rulers.
January 21, 2020


Headline: Standoff: U.S. troops block Russian forces from capturing Syrian oil field

U.S. troops last weekend reportedly found themselves in a standoff with Russian forces trying to gain access to key oil fields in northeastern Syria. The Saturday standoff — first reported by Turkish media outlets, citing unnamed local officials in the Turkey-Syria border region — seems to have ended without any shots being fired or any real risk of violence between the two sides. American military personnel reportedly stopped a Russian convoy near the town of Rmelan, and the Russian forces then apparently turned back and returned to their home base. Pentagon officials did not directly address the reported confrontation with Russian forces last weekend but said there is a focus on avoiding conflict with other “regional forces” in the area.
January 21, 2020



Headline: 15 killed as fighting intensifies near Yemen’s capital

Fighting between Yemen’s internationally recognized government and Houthi rebels in the rebel-held capital Wednesday left at least 12 fighters dead, including two senior commanders, officials and tribal leaders said. Shells also hit a residential house killing at least three civilians, they said. Among the dead in the fighting in Sanaa were a military brigadier and a rebel commander. The clashes wounded dozens of others and forced scores of families to flee, the officials and tribal leaders said. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media. Tribal leaders did so for fear of reprisals. Fierce clashes erupted late last week in the district of Nehm, some 60 kilometers (37 miles) northeast of the capital Sanaa, after nearly a year of relative calm in the strategic area.
January 22, 2020



Headline: ‘Death Cross,’ growth abroad threaten U.S. dollar

Storm clouds are gathering over the U.S. dollar, threatening a two-year rally in the currency that has squeezed corporate profits and angered President Donald Trump. Dollar bullishness in future markets stands at its lowest level in more than a year-and-a-half, according to the most recent data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission measuring the net dollar amount of bets on a rising greenback. Analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch say the dollar triggered a so-called “Death Cross” on the last day of 2019. The bearish technical formation occurs when the 50-day moving average crosses below the 200-day moving average, something that has been followed by a period of dollar weakness in seven out of eight instances since 1980, the bank said in a recent report.
January 22, 2020



Headline: Anti-Christian violence, attacks on churches in Europe at all-time high in 2019: report

Attacks against Christians in Europe reached record highs in 2019, as hostility and vandalism against churches, Christian schools and monuments sweep the continent. Earlier this month, the Gatestone Institute International Policy Council published its research of anti-Christian violence after having reviewed hundreds news reports, parliamentary inquiries, and police blotters, and found that approximately 3,000 acts of vandalism, looting and defacement occurred last year, incidents routinely obscured by the media. “Violence against Christian sites is most widespread in France, where churches, schools, cemeteries and monuments are being vandalized, desecrated and burned at an average rate of three per day, according to government statistics. In Germany, attacks against Christian churches are occurring at an average rate of two per day, according to police blotters,” the group documented in a Jan. 1 report. Those committing the crimes are rarely apprehended and the information about their identities are covered up by police and journalists, the group asserts. Because many suspects are said to have mental disorders, the acts of vandalism, though demonstrably anti-Christian, are not formally classified as “hate crimes.”
January 22, 2020



Headline: U.S. officials confirm first U.S. case of China coronavirus

A traveler from China has been diagnosed in Seattle with the Wuhan coronavirus, a spokesman from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Tuesday. The news was first reported by CNN. More details will be released later on Tuesday in a news conference, CDC spokesman Benjamin Haynes told Reuters. The newly identified coronavirus originated in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, and has spread to Beijing and Shanghai. More than 300 people have been infected so far and six have died, according to Chinese health officials. Last week, the CDC began screening travelers from China in three U.S. airports. Besides the United States, cases outside of China have been reported in South Korea, Thailand and Japan.
January 21, 2020


Headline: Chinese Officials Warn Of “Virus Mutation Spreading” – 440 Cases Confirmed, 9 Dead

Headline: Death toll from virus outbreak in China almost doubles to 17

North Korea has temporarily closed its borders to foreign tourists, two major operators of tours to the isolated country said, in an apparent effort to seal itself off from a new virus causing global health worries. Chinese officials have just held a press conference that was anything but the usual CDC “everything’s ok” statement. The particularly ominous warning that the virus is mutating and spreading is perhaps due to the poor handling of the SARS breakout in 2002/3 which was marked by cover-ups and official reluctance to share information. Li Bin, vice head of China’s National Health Commission, confirmed there are 440 confirmed coronavirus cases in this new outbreak and there have been 9 deaths. Some 1,394 patients are under medical observation.
January 22, 2020




Headline: Australia Slammed With Hail, Pestilence, Darkness Plagues in one Week

In the midst of raging wildfires, hailstones the size of baseballs pounded Australia in a mix of elemental opposites echoing the Egyptian plague. While the northern hemisphere hunkers down for winter, Australia enters its dry summer. This year, a stark drought brought on devastating wildfires that have, so far, burned an estimated 46 million acres of land. The fires destroyed over 5,900 buildings including approximately 2,683 homes, and killed at least 30 people. An estimated one billion animals were also killed and some endangered species may be driven to extinction. While the fires continued to burn in the southeast, the capital city Canberra, Melbourne, and other areas were hit by hailstorms raining down golf-ball-sized chunks of ice. A massive dust storm engulfed the town of Narromine, some 250 miles northwest of Sydney.  The186-mile wide cloud of red dust was carried by wind gusts up to 66 miles per hour. The huge storm quickly plunged the area into darkness so complete the weather service described it as “Day turns into night!”.
January 22, 2020


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