Jan. 18, 2018 Special up-date how the Jewish Third Temple is going to rebuilt soon!

Jan. 18, 2018 Special up-date how the Jewish Third Temple is going to rebuilt soon!



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 14 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora


After I posted my report on the 18th the article below came to my attention.  If you liked the video I posted today you will want to read the article below because it adds to what I presented in the veto. Actions taken on the Temple Mount may seem dim for the Jews who want to pray on the Temple Mount but rest assured the Jews will pray on the Mount and also in the near future build their Temple there. However, the end result will not be good for the Jews as warned in the book of Revelation by Jesus Christ.


In what may very well be a historic turning point in the struggle for equality of religions on the Temple Mount, 42 Jews responded to an aggressive attempt by the Jerusalem Waqf (Islamic Religious Trust) to prevent them from touring the site, by singing praises of God. The Israeli police escort immediately responded by expelling the group of Jewish tourists from the Temple Mount, detaining them and threatening to revoke their rights to visit the site in the future.

The group, which included members of the “Returning to the Mount” movement, ascended the Temple Mount on Wednesday on the occasion that it was Rosh Chodesh (The New Moon) for the new Hebrew month of Shevat. The monthly New Moon is a considered a minor holiday in Judaism, and many Jews choose to signify the day by visiting the Temple Mount, the Jewish people’s holiest site.

In an agreement signed between Israel and Jordan after the 1967 Six-Day War, in which Israel liberated the Temple Mount along with the rest of the Old City, the status quo was upheld allowing the Muslim Waqf to administer the site while recognizing the right of Jews to visit the holy site with unimpeded access.

http://Read more at https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/101206/temple-mount-jews-respond-arab-incitement-praising-god/#19OhprZCmguDbUb0.99


Jan. 17, 2018 Past Warnings Come To Light


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Image result for headline news endtimesresearchministryNetanyahu Says US Embassy Will Move to Jerusalem Sooner Than Expected

When US President Donald Trump publicly recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, both he and his administration said it would take several years to actually move the American embassy there. But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he expects that move to happen much sooner. Speaking to reporters during his current visit to India, Netanyahu suggested that the US Embassy could move to Jerusalem within the year.



Below you can also view another one of my warning which when you read today’s new it is in line with that warning.



Jan. 15, 2018 Pay attention to the mass deaths


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 14 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora


Here we go again. Take a look at the new reports that already came in since the beginning of the year.  Read the chapter in my book to see for yourself the hundreds and hundreds of reports that reflect what the Lord warned us about.


January 1, 2018 – 358,000+ birds killed due to avian flu across Saudi Arabia, http://www.arabnews.com/node/1216796/saudi-arabia

January 2, 2018 – Hundreds of cattle killed by wildfires in La Pampa, Argentina,  http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.infopico.com%2Fsociales%2F19021-impactantes-imagenes-y-video-de-animales-muertos-por-incendios-en-la-pampa&edit-text=&act=url

January 2, 2018 – Thousands of dead starfish wash up on a beach is Skegness, England, https://www.skegnessstandard.co.uk/news/environment/starfish-wash-up-in-their-thousands-in-skegness-1-8312778

January 3, 2018 – Mass die off of fish in a river in Quang Ngai, Vietnam, http://english.vietnamnet.vn/fms/environment/193169/fish-die-en-mass-in-quang-ngai.html

January 4, 2018 – Large die off of fish, ‘due to the cold’ in a lake in Saltillo, Mexico, https://www.vanguardia.com.mx/articulo/seguiran-muriendo-peces-advierte-eglantina-canales

January 4,  2018 – 4 TONS of dead fish wash up in a lagoon in Santa Rosa, Argentina, http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.laarena.com.ar%2Fla_pampa-sacan-4-toneladas-de-peces-muertos-de-la-laguna-1187624-163.html&edit-text=&act=url

January 5, 2018 – 100 + cattle dead from cold in Matamoros, Mexico, http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Felmanana.com.mx%2Fnoticia%2F157323%2FDeja-la-helada-animales-muertos.html&edit-text=&act=url

January 7, 2018 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on beaches in Florida, America, http://wlrn.org/post/hundreds-dead-fish-wash-volusia-beaches-cold-snap

January 7, 2018 – 90 crows found dead, reason unknown, in Saitama, Japan, https://japantoday.com/category/national/90-crows-found-dead-in-saitama-parks

January 7, 2018 – Thousands of dead starfish wash up on a beach in Edinburgh, Scotland, http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-42597867

January 8,  2018 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a lagoon in Maimon, Dominican Republic,


January 8,  2018 – 16,500 ducks killed, 53,000 more to be killed due to avian flu in Naju, South Korea,


January 8, 2018 – 8 dead dolphins and whales found washed up along the coast of Ireland, https://afloat.ie/blogs/tom-macsweeney/item/38129-tracing-dolphin-deaths

January  8, 2018 – 88+ dead dolphins have washed up during the past few weeks in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,


January 9, 2018 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a river in Orihuela, Spain, http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.elmundo.es%2Fcomunidad-valenciana%2Falicante%2F2018%2F01%2F09%2F5a54a4fd268e3e69618b45e2.html&edit-text=&act=url

January 9, 2018 – Hundreds of bats die during heatwave in Sydney, Australia, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/01/09/hundreds-flying-foxes-die-australia-searing-heatwave/

January 10, 2018 – Dozens (maybe 100) of pigeons fall dead in Valencia, Spain,


January 10,  2018 – 40,000+ birds killed due to avian flu in Diyala province, Iraq,


January 11, 2018 – Hundreds of dead fish ‘mysteriously’ wash up in the waters of Adelaide, Australia, https://au.news.yahoo.com/a/38570995/west-lakes-adelaide-found-with-hundreds-of-dead-fish/

Jan. 9, 2018 Warnings From The End Times Research Ministry


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The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 3, 2018 Edition written by Frank DiMora


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 The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 3, 2018 Edition written by Frank DiMora

Jan. 7, 2018- Current News Showing Bible Prophecy Is Coming To Pass

Jan. 6, 2017 The Number One Story In Prophecy News

 The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 3, 2018 Edition written by Frank DiMora




Jan. 5, 2017 End Times Research Ministry new prophecy rating

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Jan. 5, 2018- ISIS declares war on Palestinian group Hamas

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: ISIL declares war on Palestinian group Hamas with new video execution

The extremist ISIL group’s branch in Egypt’s Sinai peninsula has taken a simmering dispute with the Palestinian Hamas group based in nearby Gaza to new levels in a 22-minute video calling on its followers to attack the group and executing what it said was a collaborator. It’s an escalation that analysts say has the potential to destabilize an already fragile security situation in Gaza, the Palestinian enclave that Hamas has controlled for the past decade. “Never surrender to them. Use explosives, silenced pistols, and sticky bombs. Bomb their courts and their security locations, for these are the pillars of tyranny that prop up its throne,” said the knife wielding narrator, according to a translation distributed by the SITE Intelligence Group that monitors extremist web sites. The video cited Hamas’ crackdown on jihadist groups in Gaza and their failure to prevent the U.S. declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, as reasons for attacking the group.
Jan. 4, 2018



Saudi Arabia

Headline: Yemen rebels fire missile at Saudi Arabia

Rebels in Yemen claim to have fired two missiles, one of which targeted a military camp in Saudi Arabia. Houthi fighters announced they had fired one in the direction of the city of Najran, which Saudi authorities confirmed was intercepted. Rebel-run Al Masirah TV said the missile hit its target with “high accuracy” and then claimed that another had been fired. Saudi Arabia said its air defences “intercepted and destroyed” the first missile, which had caused “minor damage” to one person’s home as shrapnel fell. There were no deaths. The second, the rebels said, was targeting Saudi-backed forces on Yemen’s western coast.
Jan. 5, 2018



Headline: Syria war: ‘Russian strikes’ kill 25 in rebel-held Eastern Ghouta

Twenty-five civilians are reported to have been killed in air strikes on two towns in the rebel-held Eastern Ghouta area outside Syria’s capital, Damascus. The Syria Civil Defence said one of its rescue workers was among 18 people who died when what witnesses identified as Russian jets bombed Misraba. Another six people died in suspected Russian strikes on Arbin, it added.The Syria Civil Defence said Russian jets fired “seismic missiles” on residential areas of Misraba overnight, causing several buildings to collapse. Nine women and two children were among the 18 people killed, it said, adding that the number might rise because some of the injured were in a critical condition. One of the organisation’s volunteer rescue workers – who are commonly known as the White Helmets – died after a “double-tap” strike on one building. The Syria Civil Defence said two children and two women were among the six people killed in the air strikes on Arbin, and that another three civilians were killed by government shellfire in Beit Sawa. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, put the death toll from the three towns at 23, and also said the warplanes that attacked Misraba and Arbin were believed to have been Russian.
Jan. 4, 2018




Headline: France believes that Turkey’s future should be in Europe, says Macron

Headline: France’s Macron suggests EU partnership with Turkey

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron met on Friday in Paris. The pair discussed Middle East issues with a particular focus on Syria, as well as bilateral cooperation, including the joint Eurosam consortium between Turkey, Italy and France which will develop air- and missile-defense systems and is expected to reduce Turkey’s security vulnerabilities. During Erdogan’s visit, an agreement was signed between ASELSAN, the prominent Turkish defense electronics company, and the Eurosam consortium.
Jan. 5, 2018




Headline: US, Russia gear up for UN showdown over Iran protests

Headline: IS supports Iranian anti-government protests

Headline: 50 killed says Iran opposition, as mass protests enter ninth day

The United States and Russia were set to face off Friday at the United Nations Security Council over how the international community should respond to the protests in Iran, after the U.S. called for an emergency session as it ramps up pressure on the hardline regime in Tehran. The Trump administration has taken a vocal approach to the situation in Iran, where at least 21 people have been killed and over 1,000 arrested as Iranians take to the streets to protest against the regime. In contrast to the U.S. response to the Iran protests in 2009, where the Obama administration took a relatively hands-off approach, President Trump has promised “great support” for the demonstrators, while the State Department has hinted at sanctions for officials who abuse protesters and said that it will use Facebook and Twitter to communicate directly with activists. “We must not be silent,” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Tuesday. “The people of Iran are crying out for freedom. All freedom-loving people must stand with their cause.”
Jan. 5, 2018





Headline: Death toll from Kabul suicide bombing rises to 20

The death toll from the overnight suicide bombing in the heart of Kabul has risen to 20, a police official said on Friday. At least 27 policemen were wounded in the attack in the ninth police district near the Shinozada Private Hospital. Soon after the fatal assault, police said at least 11 people were killed and 25 others injured by the attacker, who detonated his explosives near a group of security personnel. By Friday morning, the number of fatalities jumped to 20, one police official told an international news agency. Tawab Khan, a resident of the locality, said a large number of security personnel had gathered in the area for a crackdown on shopkeepers involved in trading illicit substances. Shortly after the incident, Kabul Emergency Hospital tweeted that 20 injured had been evacuated to the medical facility.
Jan. 4, 2018



Headline: Burning Man Announces Newest Centerpiece: Temple to Greek Goddess

The Burning Man Festival, held in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada in August, has chosen its centerpiece structure, a massive wood temple dedicated to the Greek goddess Gaia, that is just one of the many pagan symbols featured at the popular desert gathering. The festival has certainly evolved from its humble beginnings over 30- years ago when 20 artists gathered on a Beach in San Francisco. The annual event is now a high-profile gathering that attracts over 70,000 to its isolated desert location. The Burning Man organizers announcedtwo weeks ago that they chose the design for the centerpiece temple of the festival. This year they will build a massive structure composed of 20 wood trusses converging as a spiral. In the center will be a large mandala, a symbol used by Buddhists as an aid in meditation. Designed by Mamou-Mani, a London-based French architect, the structure will be titled Galaxia. In fact, the organizers of Burning Man declare a central theme every year. These have included Dante’s Inferno and Fertility. Every festival culminates in the burning of a massive wood effigy based on the neo-pagan/Druid Wicker Man Ritual which replaced human sacrifice. At last year’s Radical Ritual themed festival, a man died after running into the huge Burning Man effigy. The campground is one large symbol, its boundaries marked off by a huge plastic fence forming a pentagon, an occult symbol used by pagans to outline the five-pointed pentagram star.
Jan. 4, 2018



Headline: Heavy snowstorms in China leave 10 dead

Heavy snowstorms in eastern and central China have left 10 dead and countless others injured, following the collapse of more than 200 houses. State-owned news agency Xinhua reported Friday Anhui, Hubei and Jiangsu provinces have been pounded with snow blizzards. The heavy snow has led to the collapse of 200 residences in the region, and a total of 10 people have died across five provinces and 567,000 more have suffered damages. The data came from Chinese emergency management authorities, according to the report. In rural areas, farmers suffered substantial losses, estimated at about $785 million.
Jan. 5, 2018


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Newest Edition of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 3, 2018 by Frank DiMora


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