Oct. 9, 2017- Sanhedrin Revives Ancient Temple Water Ritual for Sukkot

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 5, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: Israel strikes Hamas target in retaliation for rocket fire from Gaza

The IDF struck a Hamas target in the Gaza Strip on Sunday evening after a rocket was fired at Israel from the Hamas-controlled enclave. According to the army, the rocket fired from Gaza was aimed at Israel but exploded within the Gaza Strip. Siren alerts sounded in some communities bordering the Gaza Strip. In response, an IDF tank destroyed a Hamas watch tower in the south of the Gaza Strip. According to an IDF statement, the rocket fire constituted a threat to Israeli citizens and an attack on the State of Israel’s sovereignty. Hamas is held responsible for all terrorist activity within the Gaza Strip, the statement said.
Oct. 8, 2017


Headline: Sanhedrin Revives Ancient Temple Water Libation Ritual in Shiloah Valley

Headline: 50,000 Jews, Nations Gather for Priestly Blessing on Sukkot

On Monday afternoon, a group of approximately 500 set out from the Dung Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem, singing and dancing as they descended into the valley below Jerusalem with one goal in mind: to draw one small jug of water from the Shiloah Pool in order to reenact the Temple water ceremony. Three Kohanim (Jewish men of the priestly caste) wearing priestly garments led the group past the archaeological remains of the City of David. After dancing down winding alleyways, the festive crowd arrived at the Shiloah Pool. Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, founder of the Temple Institute, presided over the event. “Sukkot was a holiday for all the nations and the nisuch hamayim (water libation) was an essential part of that,” Rabbi Ariel said when the procession arrived at the ancient pool. “The rain for the entire world was judged on Sukkot.” In Temple times, a libation of water was made together with the pouring out of wine at the morning service on the last six days of the week-long Sukkot holiday. Though not explicitly mandated in the Torah, the water libation is part of the oral tradition passed down from Moses. Sukkot is a joyous holiday and the water libation was the focal point of this joy. In the Temple, the ceremony would take fifteen hours with accompanying celebrations lasting all night until the Temple service began again the next morning.
Oct. 9, 2017




Saudi Arabia

Headline: Saudis could seek Russian bailout in Yemen

Saudi King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud’s Oct. 4-5 visit to Moscow ignited new speculation over Russia’s growing role in the Middle East: this time, in Yemen. Moscow has been involved on multiple levels in the Syrian conflict, has been active in the Libyan settlement and has taken what looks like a pragmatic stance regarding regional spats, including the latest between Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Yemen, however — though it does register on Moscow’s diplomatic radar — has not so far warranted proactive Russian efforts. Salman’s visit to Moscow could kick-start Russian mediation efforts to reconcile Yemeni differences, potentially in a way that benefits Saudi Arabia over Iran — the Saudis’ bitter enemy and rival proxy in Yemen’s civil war.
Oct. 9, 2017



Headline: Palestinian rivals head to Cairo for reconciliation talks

Headline: Israel asks US to plumb real motive behind Sisi-sponsored Palestinian talks

Palestinian rivals Fatah and Hamas dispatched teams to Egypt on Monday for talks in a renewed push to end their decade-long split after a key breakthrough last week. Senior figures in the Hamas terrorist movement and the secular Fatah party will meet in the Egyptian capital on Tuesday as they seek to end a division that has crippled Palestinian politics. Hamas, which runs the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank-based Fatah of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas have been at odds since they fought a near civil war in 2007. Senior Fatah figures attending the Cairo talks include intelligence chief Majed Faraj and Fayez Abu Eita, a party leader in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian official news agency Wafa said. Newly appointed Hamas deputy leader Salah al-Aruri and the movement’s Gaza chief, Yahya Sinwar, will lead the Hamas delegation, a spokesman said in a statement.
Oct. 9, 2017




Headline: Nusra Front, Islamic State clash in Syria’s Hama province

Islamic State took control of some Syrian villages in a rebel-controlled area east of Hama on Monday, opening a new frontline days after the Syrian military said it had cleared Islamic State from a nearby area. Islamic State said in a statement it had taken control of 12 villages and carried out a big attack on the jihadist alliance Tahrir al-Sham. Tahrir al-Sham, spearheaded by al Qaeda’s former affiliate the Nusra Front, said in its own statement that Islamic State had stormed several villages and accused the Syrian army of allowing it to cross government territory. A war monitor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said Islamic State had taken 15 villages from Tahrir al-Sham, but that the jihadist alliance then took five of them back.
Oct. 9, 2017


Headline: Turkey troops, Syria extremists clash ahead of expected incursion

Turkish troops on Sunday exchanged fire with Syria-based extremists as Ankara massed military vehicles on the frontier ahead of an expected incursion to oust Al Qaeda’s former Syrian affiliate from Idlib province. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the operation by pro-Ankara Syrian rebel forces backed by the Turkish army, whose launch he announced the day before, was “having no problem” and continuing “in a calm way”. Most of the northwestern region is controlled by Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (HTS), a group led by Al Qaeda’s former Syria affiliate, which ousted more moderate rebels in recent months. Turkey has massed special forces and military hardware including tanks on the border, but the operation has yet to begin in earnest, monitors and sources on the ground said. But Turkish forces fired seven mortars over the border with the aim of easing the passage of the pro-Ankara Syrian forces, the Dogan news agency reported. Turkish forces have also been seen removing parts of the security wall Ankara has built on the border so that military vehicles can pass through into Syria.
Oct. 9, 2017




Headline: Turkey, US block travel between countries as tensions rise

Tensions between Washington and Ankara spiraled downhill as Turkey and the US both blocked tourist and business travel between the two NATO-allied countries. Turkish Airlines announced Monday it would refund passengers’ airfares or make reservation changes for free because of the diplomatic battle. Passengers holding Turkish passports traveling to the USA and passengers holding American passports flying to Turkey between through Oct. 31 can seek relief. Passengers transferring to a connecting flight in Istanbul shouldn’t be affected. The shutoff of non-immigrant visas started last week when Turkish authorities arrested an employee – identified by Turkish state-run media as Metin Topuz — at the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul. Turkish authorities accuse the US employee of having links to Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish preacher exiled in the US and blamed by Ankara for the 2016 failed coup to overthrow the government.
Oct. 9, 2017



Headline: IRGC threatens missile strike on U.S. forces in Mideast as Iran nuclear deal decision nears

The head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has suggested that U.S. military forces in the Middle East could be in danger of an Iranian missile attack if Washington imposes new sanctions against Teheran. Jafari’s comments on October 8 follow several media reports saying that U.S. President Donald Trump intends to announce plans to decertify the 2015 nuclear deal that global powers forged with Iran in 2015 — declaring it not in U.S. interests. The move would give the Republican-controlled Congress 60 days to decide whether to reinstate sanctions on Tehran that were suspended under the agreement. Iran’s official IRNA news agency quoted IRGC commander Mohammad Ali Jafari as saying that “if new sanctions go into effect,” the United States should “move its regional bases to a 2,000-kilometer radius” from Iran, adding that 2,000 kilometers is “the range of Iranian missiles.” The U.S. military currently has bases less than 800 kilometers from Iran’s borders in countries neighboring Iran. Jafari also said that if the United States designates the IRGC as a terrorist group, the IRGC would consider the U.S. Army a terrorist group.
Oct. 9, 2017



Headline: Hundreds Protest to Free Morocco’s Northern Activists

Hundreds of people from around Morocco protested on Sunday in the nation’s economic capital, Casablanca, to demand freedom for activists jailed for their roles in a protest movement that took off a year ago in a neglected northern city. The demonstration was the latest of numerous protests demanding the liberation of activists from the city of Al Hoceima, in the northern Rif region where hundreds of protesters have been arrested. Leading figures in the opposition movement known as Hirak will go on trial Oct. 17 in Casablanca. No trial date has been set for the movement’s leader, Nasser Zefzafi — arrested in June after a dramatic manhunt. An appeals court will decide this month whether a charge of attacking state security, which carries a risk of capital punishment, is maintained. The death sentence hasn’t been carried out in Morocco in decades. Up to 1,000 protesters, led by organizers perched on a pickup truck with megaphones, gathered at a main Casablanca intersection Sunday, chanting “freedom, dignity, social justice.”
Oct. 8, 2017



Headline: Seven killed as militants attack checkpoint in Somalia’s Puntland

Al-Shabab militants attacked a checkpoint in Somalia’s semi-autonomous Puntland region, killing at least seven people in the early hours of Monday, police said. The fighters then ambushed officers rushing in to help colleagues on the outskirts of the city of Bosaso, an officer at the scene said. Al-Shabab said it took the checkpoint then left, though the police said they fought off the assault. “At about 1 a.m., many well-armed Al-Shabab fighters attacked us from all directions in an attempt to capture the checkpoint,” police captain Abdifatah Mohamed said. Three police and four civilians died and at least 13 others were wounded in the clashes, he said over the phone from the checkpoint. Abdiasis Abu Musab, Al-Shabab’s military operation spokesman, said its fighters killed seven soldiers and wounded 11 others. “We captured the Bosaso checkpoint and left this morning. We also ambushed a police reinforcement,” he said.
Oct. 9, 2017


Headline: UN says 1 peacekeeper killed, 12 injured in eastern Congo

The United Nations says one Tanzanian peacekeeper has been killed and 12 others injured after an attack in eastern Congo by Ugandan rebels belonging to the group known as ADF. U.N. Congo mission spokeswoman Florence Marchal said suspected rebels attacked early Monday near a U.N. base in Mamundioma, about 35 kilometers (22 miles) from Beni and have seized weapons. She said forces have been deployed to the area in the North Kivu province as fighting continues. ADF rebels in September killed a Tanzanian peacekeeper there. The assault comes after local administrator Amisi Kalonda said fighting in the region overnight Saturday killed 10 people. However, David Muhaze, the president of a civil society organization, said at least 22 people are missing. The total of missing and dead could not be confirmed.
Oct. 9, 2017



Headline: US defense chief: Military must ‘be ready’ to confront North Korea

US Defense Secretary James Mattis said the US military must “be ready” to confront North Korea amid threats by Pyongyang and continued missile testing. Speaking on Monday at the Association of the US Army’s annual meeting, Mattis said the US strategy for North Korea at the moment was a “diplomatically led, economic sanctioned, buttressed effort to try to turn North Korea off its path.” And while “neither you nor I can say” what the future holds, Mattis said, “there’s one thing the US Army can do, and that is you have got to be ready to ensure that we have military options that our president can employ if needed.” “But that means the US Army must stand ready, and so, if you’re ready, that’s your duty at this point in time. And I know the Army will always do its duty,” he added.US President Donald Trump said last week that years of talking to the North and providing aid haven’t worked and that there was “only one thing [that] will work” to rein in North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. Mattis’s comments came as Russia was warning against escalating tensions with Pyongyang.
Oct. 9, 2017



Headline: California Hepatitis A Outbreak on Verge of Statewide Epidemic

The California hepatitis A outbreak is on the verge of reaching statewide epidemic status, as cases have spread through homeless tent cities from San Diego north to Sacramento. California health officials have reported that at least 569 people have been infected with the hepatitis A liver disease and 17 have died since a San Diego County outbreak was first identified in November. Cases have migrated north to homeless populations in Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, San Francisco and Sacramento over the last 11 months. Although local and state authorities have tried to underplay the risks and severity of the outbreak, the most recent annual totals for cases of hepatitis A in the United States was 1,390 in 2015, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). California only reported 179 cases during the same year.
Oct. 8, 2017


Headline: ‘Antibiotic apocalypse’: Drug-resistant gene spread across globe within 2 years

The life-saving antibiotic of “last resort” is in danger of becoming powerless after a drug-resistant gene was found to have spread across the globe in the last two years. Scientists believe it’s one of the greatest dangers now facing humanity. A bacteria containing a gene which carries resistance to the antibiotic colistin has spread around the world at an alarming rate. The gene is mcr-1 and was first discovered in China in 2015, and has since been found in more than 30 other countries. Colistin is known as the antibiotic of “last resort,” because it is used when patients no longer respond to other antibiotics. It has toxic side effects but doctors are increasingly using it as a result of antibiotic resistance. “The world is facing an antibiotic apocalypse,” England’s chief medical officer Sally Davies said, the Guardian reports.
Oct. 9, 2017



Headline: Baltimore Doubles Chicago’s Homicide Rate In 2017

According to The Daily Caller, Baltimore‘s homicide rate is now doubled Chicago’s in 2017. Essentially, residents in Baltimore are twice as likely to be shot than Chicagoans. As the battlefield continues to expand, President Trump has yet to mention the chaos in Baltimore just 38 miles North of the White House. As The Daily Caller points out, the soaring violence in Baltimore is occurring in a much smaller city of 621,000, when compared to Chicago of 2,700,000. Chicago has suffered 503 gun homicides so far in 2017. With a population of over 2.7 million, the gun homicide rate is at just over 18 people per 100,000 residents. Baltimore, however, has suffered 275 gun homicides with a population of just over 621,000, putting the homicide rate at more than 44 per 100,000. The city is on track to break its all-time murder record originally set in 1992, when Baltimore had 100,000 more residents. The author made a very interesting point, both cities are “long-standing Democratic strongholds”. Not surprising, Baltimore hasn’t had a republican mayor since 1947 and or voted Republican in a presidential election since 1956. On top of failed liberal policies, de-industrialization has stripped the cities of productivity and forced an alarming inequality gap in education, jobs, health, and wealth of residents. For example, Baltimore has a population of 621,000 and out of that 63% are African American. In highlights below, 1/3 of the African American population has a net worth of zero, which equates to 130,000 residents. Opportunity for most citizens in the city are limited giving way to violent crime and an explosion in homicides.
Oct. 8, 2017



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Oct. 5, 2017 The newest edition of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth


A time line of events leading up to the second coming of Jesus Christ.


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 5 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

Oct. 5, 2017- Trump planning to declare Iran in breach of nuke deal

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 26, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: Sanhedrin Declares Third Year of Jubilee With Temple Shofars and Silver Trumpets

Accompanied by an anointed priest and blowing two types of shofars (rams’ horns) along with silver trumpets in the Biblically prescribed manner, representatives of the nascent Sanhedrin gathered on the Mount of Olives on Thursday to count the third year of the Jubilee cycle in the most Biblically-accurate way possible. Sanhedrin members gathered at the spot closest to where the Kohanim (Jewish men of the priestly caste) used to perform the Biblically-mandated mitzvah (Torah commandment) of blowing shofar for the New Year. Also present was Shai Golan, a Kohen who had been properly annointed, dressed in priestly garments. Though the Sanhedrin was only reenacting the mitzvah of announcing the New Year, at the same time they were actually fulfilling the commandment of announcing the new year in the Jubilee cycle. Two years ago, the Sanhedrin ruled that conditions for the prophesied Third Inheritance of the land of Israel had been fulfilled. At that time, the Sanhedrin began counting the 50 years of the Jubilee cycle. This mitzvah is performed after the New Year by saying a blessing, but unlike most Torah commandments observed today which are incumbent on an individual, the Jubilee is a national, collective mitzvah.
Oct. 4, 2017




Headline: Syrian rebels resist Jordan pressure to hand over border crossing

Syrian opposition groups are resisting Jordanian pressure to hand control of a border crossing back to the Syrian government, a step that would be a major boost for President Bashar al-Assad and undermine rebel groups in southwestern Syria. Talks over reopening the Nasib crossing have gathered pace since a Russian-U.S. brokered ceasefire in July brought relative calm to southern Syria, the first peacekeeping effort in the war by U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration. Jordan, which hopes to revive a once flourishing trade route and encourage Syrian refugees to return, has plenty of leverage over the rebels: many of the opposition groups in southern Syria depend on logistical support from the staunch U.S. ally. But rebel groups which seized control of the crossing in 2015 have so far resisted proposals for a return of Syrian government authority to Nasib, even in the form of civilian officials with no Syrian army presence.
Oct. 5, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline: Saudi King asks Putin to help contain Iranian threat, accepts Russian gains in Syria

President Donald Trump’s best Middle East friend and ally, Saudi King Salman Bin Abdulaziz, arrived in Moscow Thursday Oct. 5 for a three-day state visit, a week before the President unveils his new Iran policy. This policy, to be announced on Oct. 12 will, according to DEBKAfile’s sources,  introduce new sanctions against Iran’s hard-line Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), while refraining from taking the United States out of the nuclear pact (JCPOA). The 82-year old Saudi king, and his powerful son, Crown Prince Muhammed Bin Salman, are now persuaded that even in the capacity of President Trump’s senior ally in the Sunni Arab camp he created during his Riyadh visit last April, Riyadh is not precluded from developing relations with the most powerful player in the region, Vladimir Putin. As far as Riyadh is concerned, Iran’s nuclear program is not much of a problem – the Saudis have long accepted its inevitability. They are far more concerned by the failure of Trump’s Iran policies, new or old, to stop Syria and Iraq from running downhill into the wrong hands. They see Iran, far from pulling out of the two war-torn countries, deepening its military grip. The Saudis feel they are left out in the cold by proactive Russian-Iranian-Hizballah military cooperation in Syria and control of the Syrian-Iraqi border. This military pact has been strengthened by Turkey, to form a relationship that was celebrated Wednesday by President Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Tehran, accompanied by Turkish Chief of Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar. For even minimal influence over Syria’s fortunes, the Saudis realize they must open doors to the Kremlin. They also understand that Putin alone has the clout to make Tehran limit its backing for the Yemeni Houthi insurgency, which a Saudi-led coalition is fighting.
Oct. 5, 2017



Headline: Syria war: Fighting worst since battle for Aleppo – ICRC

Several regions of Syria are witnessing the worse fighting since the battle for Aleppo least year, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) says. The humanitarian organisation expressed alarm at recent reports of hundreds of civilian casualties and the destruction of hospitals and schools. Much of the fighting is in Raqqa, Deir al-Zour and rural areas west of Aleppo. But it is also occurring in three so-called “de-escalation zones” – Idlib, rural Hama, and the Eastern Ghouta. As many as 10 hospitals have reportedly been damaged during the last 10 days, cutting hundreds of thousands of people off from access to basic healthcare. The ICRC said the fighting around the eastern city of Deir al-Zour – where Syrian pro-government forces, helped by the Russian military and Iranian-backed militias, and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance are battling the jihadist group Islamic State (IS) – is endangering water supplies there. With swelling numbers of civilians fleeing military operations, humanitarian organisations were struggling to provide water, food and basic hygiene, it added. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has said at least 3,000 people, including 955 civilians, were killed during September, making it the deadliest month of the conflict so far this year. More than 70% of the civilians were killed in air strikes, according to the UK-based monitoring group.
Oct. 5, 2017




Headline: Erdogan says Turkey will close Iraq border and air space soon

President Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday that Turkey would soon close its border with northern Iraq and shut its air space in response to last week’s Kurdish independence referendum. Erdogan, who held talks in Tehran on Wednesday with Iranian leaders, also said Turkey would decide jointly with Iran and Iraq’s central government in Baghdad whether to cut oil exports from Kurdish northern Iraq. His comments came 10 days after Kurds in northern Iraq voted overwhelmingly for independence, alarming Baghdad, Iraq’s neighbors and Western powers who fear the vote could trigger further conflict in the Middle East. Turkey tightened controls at its main border crossing into Iraq in the immediate aftermath of the vote and suspended flights to northern Iraq. It has also held joint military exercises with Iraqi troops on the border. But it has not yet implemented threats to impose wider sanctions on the Kurdish region or to cut off the hundreds of thousands of barrels of Kurdish oil exported daily via Turkey to world markets.
Oct. 5, 2017



Headline: Report: Trump planning to declare Iran in breach of nuke deal

President Donald Trump will declare the Iranian regime in violation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the 2015 deal aimed at reining in Iran’s nuclear program, multiple sources in Washington say, potentially putting the Trump administration on a collision course with Tehran. On Wednesday, The Washington Free Beacon reported that President Trump is expected to declare Iran in breach of the deal on October 15th, despite pressure by some top administration officials – including Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson – to certify Iran as being in compliance with the terms of the agreement. The Beacon cited unnamed Trump administration officials who said the president had long suspected Iran of being in violation of the deal, and was pushed by recent revelations to deny recertification. “The president already knew that continued sanctions relief to Iran was inappropriate and not in our interest given their behavior, which was more than enough to decertify,” one source told The Washington Free Beacon. “He said so repeatedly. Now there’s this new issue where the IAEA just admitted publicly they’ve been unable to verify entire sections of the deal, which makes the whole thing a no-brainer.”
Oct. 5, 2017



Headline: 4 dead in suicide bombing in Libya’s Misrata — security

At least four people were killed on Wednesday in a Daesh terror group suicide bombing at the main court building in Libya’s third-largest city Misrata, security officials and medics said. Officials said a suicide bomber was able to detonate an explosive vest inside the building in the centre of Misrata, a coastal city about 200 kilometres east of Tripoli. Thirty-nine wounded were admitted to Misrata’s main hospital, medics said. “Three men belonging to Daesh organisation carried out a suicide attack against the court complex in Misrata… killing four people,” General Mohammed Ghassri, a spokesman for armed forces in Misrata that are loyal to the country’s internationally-backed Government of National Accord (GNA), told AFP earlier. He said the three got out of a vehicle and one was able to push his way into the building and detonate explosives. Of the other two, one was shot dead and the other arrested, Ghassri said. The Facebook page of the pro-GNA forces said a 20-minute exchange of fire followed the explosion. The attack coincided with the arrival of Daesh detainees for a court hearing, Libyan news agency LANA reported. Daesh claimed responsibility for the attack in a message issued by its propaganda unit Amaq.
Oct. 4, 2017



Headline: Venezuela raises possibility of Russian military help to counter US

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on Wednesday raised the possibility of getting military support from Russia to boost its defensive capabilities after President Donald Trump threatened to use force against the South American nation. Speaking at an energy forum in Moscow, Maduro said his administration will discuss increased military cooperation with the Russian government during his visit this week. “I am sure, even if we do not ask, we will be given even more support to boost Venezuela’s defense capacity and sovereignty,” Maduro said. Tensions are running high between Washington and Caracas. After Maduro defied warnings from the White House and rolled back democratic institutions, the Trump administration imposed sanctions as a punishment. Then, in August, Trump stunned U.S. and Venezuelan officials alike by raising the possibility of military force.
Oct. 4, 2017


Headline: Islamic State kill one, injure two in Somalia’s Puntland

Islamic State fighters killed one civilian and injured another and a police colonel in Somalia’s semi-autonomous Puntland region, police said on Wednesday. The attack came on Tuesday. Police captain Abdifatah Ali told Reuters the colonel was walking to the police station in Bosasso when the gunmen opened fire and that suspected Islamic fighters in Somalia’s port town of Qandala claimed responsibility. “There is a thorough inspection in the town and we shall eliminate them,” Ali said. IS claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement on its website. On Monday, a policeman shot dead the chief of security at an airport in Puntland. Somalia has been mired in conflict since 1991, but Puntland has been spared most of the violence. It has a dispute with the neighbouring semi-autonomous region of Galmudug that has in the past resulted in fighting.
Oct. 4, 2017


Headline: US soldiers killed in ambush in Niger

Three US soldiers have been killed and two others wounded in an ambush in Niger near the border with Mali, the US Africa Command has said. Another soldier from a “partner nation” had also died in the attack, it said – without specifying their nationality. The US soldiers had been providing advice and assistance in Niger’s counter-terror operations and come under “hostile fire”, it said.The attack happened 200km (124 miles) north of Niamey, the capital of Niger, the US Africa Command statement said. The two injured US soldiers had been evacuated to the Landstuhul Regional Medical Centre in Germany and were in a stable condition, it added. According to the New York Times, those killed were special forces soldiers and were the first Americans to die as a result of hostile fire since the US Africa Command deployed in Niger. Earlier, an official from Niger’s Tillaberi region told Reuters that five Nigerien soldiers were among the dead. It is not clear who fired on the soldiers. Militants belonging to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) – an affiliate of al-Qaeda – are active in the region and are known to have conducted cross-border raids.
Oct. 5, 2017


Headline: Suicide bomber strikes Shiite shrine in Pakistan, killing 16

A suicide bomber struck a Shiite shrine packed with worshippers in a remote village in southwestern Pakistan on Thursday, killing 16 people and wounding 30 in an apparent sectarian attack, a provincial government spokesman and the police said. The attacker detonated his explosives vest when he was stopped for a routine search by a police officer guarding the shrine in the village of Jhal Magsi, about 400 kilometers (240 miles) east of Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan province. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack. Anwarul Haq Kakar, a spokesman for the provincial government, said the death toll could rise as some of the wounded were in critical condition.
Oct. 5, 2017


Headline: Spanish court bans Catalan parliament from meeting, declaring independence

The Spanish Constitutional Court banned the Catalan parliament from meeting next week to stop the region from declaring independence. The ban comes after Catalan President Carles Puigdemont said he would declare independence from the rest of Spain “in a matter of days” following the final referendum vote count. In the referendum this weekend, the Catalan government said, around 2 million of the 2.3 million votes cast backed secession. More than 5 million Catalonians were eligible to vote, but the Spanish government ordered police to raid polling places and seize voting supplies. The injunction was made after the court unanimously voted to hear an objection to the Parliamentary meeting filed earlier today by the Catalan Socialist party.The ban casts doubt on whether Catalonia will be able to successfully secede from Spain.
Oct. 5, 2017



Headline: Federal Debt Increases for 60th Straight Fiscal Year

The total federal debt climbed by $671,455,302,116.72 in fiscal 2017, making 2017 the 60th straight fiscal year in which the federal debt has increased, according to the official numbers published by the U.S. Treasury. At the end of fiscal 2016, the federal debt stood at $19,573,444,713,936.79. By the end of fiscal 2017 (which closed on Sept. 30), it was $20,244,900,016,053,51. The last fiscal year in which the federal debt declined was fiscal 1957. In that year, according to the Treasury, the total federal debt dropped from $272,750,813,649.32 at the close of fiscal 1956 to $270,527,171,896.43 at the close of fiscal 1957. But, in fiscal 1958, the debt climbed to $276,343,217,745.81—and in every fiscal since then, it has finished each fiscal year higher than it started that fiscal year.
Oct. 4, 2017



Sept 30, 2017–Thousands of dead fish washing ashore in a creek in Maryland

Oct. 2, 2017–Large die off of crayfish found in the River Barrow in Ireland

Oct. 4, 2017–Two million birds dead from avian flu in Cape Town, South Africa

Oct. 4, 2017–Thousands of dead fish and marine animals washing up along the coast of Maharashtra, India

Oct. 5, 2017– Thousands of Sharks, Other Sea Life Mysteriously Die in San Francisco Bay








Headline: Engineer Wants to Use AI To Create God

In a recent development that could be seen as the creation of an AI God, engineer Anthony Levandowski has managed to create a nonprofit religious organization with its god. Engineer Wants to Use AI To Create God Tweet This This organization, Way of the Future, sets its mission as ‘To develop and Promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead, contribute to the betterment of society.’ Levandowski has been cited as the group’s “overlord”. This organization comes at a time when the engineer is facing possible criminal charges. Anthony has been caught in the midst of a legal battle between Uber and Google Waymo who argue that he sold trade secrets to Uber regarding the self-driven car technology. This came after the independent company Otto was bought by Uber in 2016. Levandowski was a co-founder of the company. His skill and interest in self-driven cars point to his firm belief in the Singularity, a supposed time when human intelligence will be overtaken by that of machines.
Oct. 3, 2017


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Oct. 4, 2017 Scared to Death by the Word of God!

Oct. 2, 2017- Deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 26, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: Nasrallah tells Jews who moved to Israel to get out before next war begins

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government on Sunday of pushing the region to war in Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip and said nowhere in Israel would be safe if such a conflict were to erupt. With Hezbollah actively fighting in Syria and Israel concerned that it, along with its patron Iran, will try to establish a permanent presence there, tensions between Israel and the terrorist organization have risen this year. In a speech to followers, Nasrallah said the Israeli government did not have “a correct assessment of where this war will lead if they ignite it,” and did not know how it would end. “They do not have a correct picture about what is awaiting them if they go to the idiocy of this war,” Nasrallah said. Israel does not know where such a conflict would be fought, or who would take part, he added. In his speech Sunday, he called on Jews who immigrated to Israel to “leave and return to the countries from which they came so they are not fuel for any war that the idiotic Netanyahu government takes them to.” Were war to erupt, he said, they might not have long to leave. “They will have no secure place in occupied Palestine,” he said. Nasrallah also said that the Shi’ite Lebanese terrorist group wouldn’t remain silent on the continued Israeli “threats to Lebanon” and its “continued aggression in Syria under the banner of preventing the resistance from obtaining military capabilities.”
Oct. 1, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline: Rebel spokesman: Houthi missiles can hit covert Israeli bases in Eritrea

A spokesperson for Yemeni rebels has accused Israel of taking part in the Saudi Arabia led-coalition against Yemen and warned that Israeli military bases in Africa are within range of Houthi missiles. Col. Aziz Rashid, military spokesman for the Houthis was quoted by Al Masirah, a news outlet tied to the armed group, also warned that his forces would soon have missiles capable of reaching bases in Israel itself. “In the event that the military situation develops, all possibilities will be considered,” he said. While Israel is not recognized by Saudi Arabia, Riyadh and Jerusalem have shared interests in curbing the expanding role of their mutual enemy, Iran, across the region. Relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia are at their worst in years with both accusing the other of subverting regional security. Israel for its part has continued to warn of the growing presence of Iranian forces on its northern border. Israel established diplomatic relations with Eritrea in early 1993 and assisted in the Eritrean war of independence. A 2012 report by intelligence group Stratfor uncovered Israeli naval bases in Eritrea’s Dahlak Archipelago and Massawa along with a listening post on Amba Soira. It was previously reported that the Israeli bases were used by submarines and ships taking part in the ongoing covert war against Iranian networks smuggling weapons to Hamas and Hezbollah through the Red Sea and then to Sudan and Egypt.
Oct. 1, 2017



Headline: North Korean ship seized off Egypt with huge weapons cache

The Washington Post reports that Egypt clandestinely ordered more than 30,000 rocket-propelled grenades from North Korea in contravention of sanctions last year and that the deal was halted at the last minute by the United States. The discovery was later described in a UN report as the “largest seizure of ammunition in the history of sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.” A series of secret deals between the two countries prompted the US to complain to Egypt and the Trump administration to decide over the summer to freeze or delay nearly $300 million in military aid to Cairo.  US intelligence tracked the weapons ship to Egypt in the summer of 2016 as it left North Korea with a North Korean crew and sailed westward toward the Gulf of Aden and the Suez Canal. The US sent a secret message to Egyptian authorities to alert them. The vessel flew Cambodian colors with a heavy tarpaulin covering its unknown cargo. Once the ship entered Egypt’s waters outside of the Suez Canal, Egyptian customs agents searched and discovered more than 24,000 rocket-propelled grenades and components for 6,000 more, hidden under chunks of iron ore. The weapons were North Korean copies of a rocket known as the PG-7, a variant of a Soviet warhead introduced in the 1960s.
Oct. 2, 2017



Headline: Deadly twin suicide attack hits Damascus police station

A double suicide bomb attack hit a police station in Syria’s capital Damascus on Monday, state media said, with a monitor saying at least 11 people were killed. Damascus has been largely insulated from the worst of the violence during the country’s brutal six-year war, but several bomb attacks have shaken the city. Syria’s interior ministry said two suicide bombers had blown themselves up at the police station in the southern district of Midan, leading to the “deaths of a number of civilians and a number of policemen.” The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights , a Britain-based monitor of the war, said at least 11 people were killed in the attack, among them six police officers. The monitor also reported that a car bomb had been detonated during the attack, but state media made no mention of a third blast. Interior Minister Mohammed Shaar told reporters that one of the attackers had managed to enter the police station and reach the first floor of the building.
Oct. 2, 2017


Headline: Monitor: IS Retakes Town in Homs Province

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported Sunday that Islamic State fighters had seized control of the town of al-Qaryatayn in Homs province, part of a wider counterattack by the jihadists as they resist a fierce offensive in eastern Syria. There was no comment from the Syrian army on the report that Qaryatayn, 120 kilometers (70 miles) northeast of Damascus, had fallen. Syrian government forces recovered Qaryatayn from Islamic State some six months ago. The Observatory said Islamic State fighters had seized control of Qaryatayn in a surprise attack launched after its fighters had infiltrated the town.
Oct. 1, 2017



Headline: Islamic State Torches Oil Wells in Northern Iraq

Islamic State militants set fire to three oil wells near Hawija, west of the oil city of Kirkuk, one of two areas of Iraq still under their control, military and oil officials said on Monday. Iraqi security forces were using bulldozers to control the fires started by the militants in the early hours of Saturday to slow the advance of U.S.-backed Iraqi forces and Shi’ite militia groups toward Hawija town, military officials said.  The Allas oilfield, 35 km (20 miles) south of Hawija, was one of the main sources of revenue for Islamic State, which in 2014 declared a caliphate in parts of Syria and Iraq. “Terrorists are trying to use the rising smoke to avert air strikes while retreating from the area towards Hawija,” said army Colonel Mohammed al-Jabouri. Military officials said the fire had been brought under control at one of the wells, while the other two were still burning. They said it would take about three days to put out the fires.
Oct. 2, 2017


Headline: Iraqi forces seize airbase from ISIS near Hawija – army

Iraqi forces and Shiite paramilitaries captured an airbase from Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) on Monday, the army said. The seizure gives Iraq a strategic foothold in the north of the country as the military pushes towards the town of Hawija. The Rashad airbase, which is around 30km south of Hawija, was used by the militants as a training camp and logistic base, according to Iraqi army commanders. Militants took control of the base in 2014. The facility “will play a key role for Iraqi forces by allowing helicopters to transport soldiers and arms in any future operation to maintain security in thenorth,” Reuters quoted army Lieutenant Colonel Salih Yaseen as saying.
Oct. 2, 2017




Headline: ‘We don’t need EU anymore’ Erdogan hints Turkey will PULL Brussels membership application

TURKISH President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that he feels his country no longer needs European Union membership after relations between Ankara and Brussels broke down. Turkey has been in talks with the European Union for 12 years, debating whether the country can become a member of the bloc. Both parties agreed a deal in 2015 that would see Ankara take back failed asylum seekers in exchange for millions in cash. The deal was seen as a step closer to Turkey’s EU membership, however relations soured after Brussels condemned the country’s human rights laws following Ankara’s reaction to a failed coup. And Erdogan told his parliament on Sunday: “We don’t need EU membership anymore.” Still, the Turkish leader has not completely ruled out the idea of membership. He went on to say: “We will not be the side which gives up.” He also said Turkey is willing to become an EU member but only as a proper constitution of the union. Talks first started in 2005 regarding Turkey’s membership but negotiations have continuously stalled.
Oct. 2, 2017



Headline: Iran sends tanks to border with Iraq’s Kurdish region, Kurdish official says

Iran deployed a dozen tanks supported by artillery at its border with Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish region on Monday, a Kurdish official said, adding that the move was a dangerous escalation in the crisis triggered by Iraqi Kurdistan’s independence vote. “The tanks can be seen from the Kurdish side,” an official from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) security council told Reuters, adding that the move was a “dangerous escalation.” Iraq’s Kurds overwhelmingly voted for independence in a referendum held one week ago, defying the central government in Baghdad as well as neighboring Turkey and Iran, which fear Kurdish separatism within their own borders. The deployment at the Parviz Khan border point on Monday was part of joint military drills conducted by the Iranian and the Iraqi armed forces in response to the referendum, state media in Tehran said. The exercises began last Sunday, according to Iran’s Mehr news agency.
Oct. 2, 2017



Headline: Kenyan Police Fire Tear Gas at Demonstrators

Kenyan police have fired tear gas at protesters who are calling for the ouster of election officials the demonstrators blame for the recent botched presidential election. Protests were held Monday in Nairobi, the capital, and the western city of Kisumu. A presidential spokesman has said the government will not replace the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, a decision that has angered the opposition, which has said the panel committed “criminal” acts and that most belong in jail. Last month, Kenya’s Supreme Court annulled the presidential election victory of incumbent Uhuru Kenyatta and called for new polls.
Oct. 2, 2017


Headline: Catalonia to hold general strike in protest at police violence

More than 40 unions and Catalonian associations are calling for a general strike across the embattled region following widespread violence during the national police crackdown on the independence referendum Sunday. More than 840 people were injured in clashes with police after the Guardia Civil tried to close polling stations across Catalonia, violently removing people who were attempting to vote. In response, the Catalonian government has approved a ‘go-slow’ of public transport services, which will operate at 25 percent capacity during the morning and evening rush hours. Inter-regional transport services will reportedly operate at 33 percent capacity. The workers groups called for a ‘nationwide’ work stoppage across Catalonia on Tuesday October 3 in protest at the abuse of power by the Spanish National Police, the Guardia Civil, reports La Vanguardia. a 24-hour period of minimal service and advised those travelling to and from Catalonia on Tuesday to contact their airline and make all necessary preparations ahead of expected delays, according to a press release. The two most powerful national unions have called on workers to show solidarity in the face of “disproportionate” violence employed by the police and Guardia Civil but have not called for a Spanish general strike as the situation does not relate to a labor conflict but a political one.
Oct. 2, 2017



Headline: Germany gay marriage: Couple are first to marry under new law

Two men have become the first gay couple to marry in Germany, on the day gay marriage became legal there. Karl Kreile and Bodo Mende, a couple for 38 years, exchanged their vows at the town hall in Schöneberg, Berlin. Registry offices in several German cities were opening, unusually, on Sunday to allow couples to wed on the first day it was legally possible. Getting married will give gay couples the same tax advantages and adoption rights as heterosexual couples. Germany has allowed same-sex partners to enter into registered partnerships since 2001, but these did not give couples exactly the same status in German law as marriage. The German parliament voted to introduce marriage equality in June, after Chancellor Angela Merkel unexpectedly dropped her longstanding opposition to parliament holding a vote on the issue.
Oct. 1, 2017



Headline: Deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history

A gunman in a high-rise hotel overlooking the Las Vegas Strip opened fire on a country music festival late Sunday, killing at least 58 people and injuring hundreds of others in the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history. The gunman, identified by police as Stephen Paddock, was later found dead by officers on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said during a news briefing Monday. The massacre marked the nation’s latest outbreak of gunfire and bloodshed to erupt in a public place, again spreading terror in an American city transformed into a war zone. Lombardo said the death toll in Las Vegas had reached at least 58 by Monday morning, a number that could rise, as police are still investigating the scene. Lombardo also said an additional 515 people were injured, though he did not specify how many of the people were wounded by gunfire or injured in the chaos that followed. Paddock, 64, was found dead in his hotel room by Las Vegas SWAT officers, police said. They believe Paddock, who had checked in on Thursday, took his own life. Under the neon glow and glitz of the Vegas Strip, thousands of concertgoers who had gathered for a three-day music festival dove for cover or raced toward shelter when the gunfire began about 10 p.m. Sunday. Police said more than 22,000 people were at the concert when Paddock began firing round after round, shooting from an elevated position that left those on the ground effectively helpless. Police believe Paddock, a local resident, was a “lone wolf” attacker. Lombardo did not give further details on Paddock’s background and possible motivation, saying that police “have no idea what his belief system was.”
Oct. 2, 2017


Headline: Terror attack horror in Canada as driver with ISIS flag deliberately rams pedestrians

Several have been left injured following a terror attack in Canada. A car was deliberately driven at pedestrians outside an American football game in Edmonton. The motorist drive at ‘high speed’ towards a police checkpoint outside the game. He crashed through the barricade and hit a police officer sending him flying 15ft into the air.The driver then jumped out and “viciously” attacked the injured officer, stabbing him several times, before running away. Just hours later police investigating the earlier attack pulled over a truck. While they checked the driver’s documents he drove off and a patrol cars chased after him.Police described how the truck deliberately tried to hit pedestrians on the pavement during the pursuit, leaving at least four injured. At a press conference, police said they were treating the two incidents as “acts of terror” and said that while they believed the attacker “acted alone” they were not ruling out that others may have been involved. Police have also confirmed an ISIS flag was seen in the suspect’s vehicle. Pictures from the scene of the first incident show a white Chevrolet Malibu smashed into the front of an Edmonton Police Service SUV outside the city’s Commonwealth Stadium, where more than 30,000 fans enjoyed the game. At about 8.15pm local time last night (3.15am UK time), the man got out of the vehicle and stabbed the officer, fled on foot and remained at large, police reportedly said.
Oct. 2, 2017


Headline: Man shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ kills two at French train station

Headline: Islamic State claims responsibility for Marseille double-stabbing

Two women were stabbed to death and their assailant shot dead by soldiers in the southern port city of Marseille on Sunday in what police sources described as a “likely terrorist act.” Three police sources said the suspect had shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) as he carried out his attack at Marseille train station. No further details were immediately available. Police cordoned off the area.
France has been in a state of emergency following a spate of attacks by Islamist militants over the last two years, including attacks in Paris in November 2015 which killed 130 people. Other countries, including Britain, Germany and Belgium, have also suffered attacks using knives, guns, explosives and vehicles.
Oct. 2, 2017




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Oct. 2, 2017 Scott Clarke the truth


For 6 and 1/2 years Scott Clarke has been teaching people about the Revelation 12 sign. This is the sign of a women clothed with the Sun, the Moon under her feet, and there is a crown of 12 stars above her head. Without setting a date Scott began to prep all his followers in thinking on September 23, 2017 that is the day the Lord’s Church would be born. Scott taught that the Church was not born at Pentecost as we were all taught but, that we should believe his new teaching. With this new teaching he prepped everyone watching his many videos that the rapture would take place on this Rev. 12 sign which as I said would appear on the Feast of Trumpets in 2017.  Fact is, the Feast of Trumpets took place on the 20th of Sept beginning at 6:pm not on the 23rd as he was pointing to.

Anyone who has done a study on the Book of Revelation knows that this Rev. 12 women sign takes place in the middle of the last week in Daniel’s 490 years that God would be dealing with the Jews. In order for Scott’s teaching to be accurate we would have to have already begun the last week or 7 years which would mean that the Antichrist was already here. The Antichrist would have already confirmed the 7 year covenant with Israel, the Jewish Temple would have already been built, and we should have been witnessing the Jews preforming their animal sacrifices that the Antichrist will stop in the middle of the 7 years.  Of course not one of these things have accursed. Scott has been so convincing that he was right he has managed to get a huge following behind him even if what he has been teaching was wrong.  When I mean wrong I don’t mean by Frank DiMora’s standards, I mean by what the Bible shows us that must take place and when. 


For 6 and 1/2 years we have heard the same message come from Scott and then on the day it was suppose to take place Scott of course began to filter out what he said. When September 23rd came Scott put up another video only now because of what he  had taught did not show up he began to change what he said. So, on the 23rd Scott said he had seen a more perfect day which was to be on the 24th of September 2017. When the 24th came and went Scott began to teach that the more perfect day was on the Day of Atonement but, now that day has also come and gone with the same results which is not one thing Scott prepped everyone to see ever took place. 

Scott has stated he is not a date setter, he didn’t have to set the date but what he did was  to repeat his message over and over again for 6 and 12 years until everyone just expected the fulfillment of it on the day he was stating. If Scott really didn’t want you to believe the date he set why did he have to keep altering what he had been teaching you for 6 and 1/2 years?  Fact is, Scott did not want his run to come to an end and in order to hold on to his followers he had to alter the dates which he did.  Even though Jesus said no man knows the day or hour Scott managed to convince his followers that the 23rd of Sept, the 24th of Sept. and then the Oct. Day of Atonement would see the Church being born, the rapture of the Church and God’s judgement come to pass. 

One of the methods politicians use when running for office is to say something about their opponent over and over again. The thing they are saying about the person may not even be true but, they know if they say it over and over long enough people will believe it. In like manner this is what Scott Clarke has done. Scott never had to set a date all he had to do is keep pointing to it and, people would think that was true and expect it!   So now what? What new teaching will Scott come up with?  What new date will Scott come up with?  I hope and pray that everyone who fell for this new teaching would come back to sound doctrine. Scott you should read Luke 12:40 You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.



Sept. 29, 2017 5 Fires begin in Lompoc 1 1/2 miles from Frank DiMora

Once again California fire fighters have been called out to put out four new fires that broke out this afternoon in Lompoc Ca. This fire is only a mile and a half from my house. To make matters worse the winds have picked up which are driving the flames. Here are a few pictures I took from my home. 




Sept. 29, 2017 World Coming Against Israel Like God Warned!

Notice this part of the prophecy says, “though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
When you read the prophecy about Israel you will learn that in the last days Israel will be on their own. The entire world will at the end of the day come against Israel just as God has predicted. For years I have been watching nation after nation turn against Israel which shows we are on the path to seeing this prophecy completely fulfilled.  One good example of the world coming against Israel can be seen via the United Nations (UN).  It has become fact that most of the UN nations are bias against Israel. Look at what the over going UN Chief stated.  “In his last address to the UN Security Council on Friday, outgoing Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon recognized that Israel is subject to strong bias in the international body, something that Israeli ambassadors to the UN, including Danny Danon today, have raised their voices about for years. “Decades of political maneuverings have created a disproportionate volume of resolutions, reports and conferences criticizing Israel,” Ban said. “In many cases, rather than helping the Palestinian cause, this reality has hampered the ability of the UN to fulfill its role effectively.”
Hamas is an organization bent on the destruction of the nation of Israel. Mosab Hassan Yousef is a Palestinian but he is not a run of the mill Palestinian. He is the Son of the Hamas leader and he is exposing the unfair bias and hatred toward Israel.  Watch the reactions of those who hate Israel as Mosab gives the straight talk about the real issue of the PLO organization.   
Image result for un flag animationImage result for Israel flag animation

By the looks of the men who turned to see who was addressing the committee, it is evident that they did not like what they were hearing!  It was the truth!. So is the UN really against Israel? Check out the facts in the video below which reinforce the Zechariah 12 prophecy.

As I stated in the beginning of this post, the UN is without a question targeting Israel. 

UN bias against Israel

For those of you who are already a child of Christ and, have your name written in his Book of Life, this type of information should cause you to get much closer to our Messiah as it reveals to us our time here on Earth is coming to a close.  Below is yet more news about the imbalance against Israel, evidence what the Lord stated is coming to pass.

Here is the last resolution against Israel.

PARIS, May 2, 2017 – UN Watch, a Geneva-based human rights NGO, condemned the “hijacking” of UNESCO’s agenda by the Palestinians and Arab states, after the agency’s 58-member board  singled out Israel today for condemnation—the only nation to be criticized—as the Jewish state celebrated it 69th Independence Day.

“Israel lost the vote today, but it did score a small moral victory: despite reported fears that Germany’s negotiations with the Palestinians would erode support, Israel in the end won more votes than ever before, including from major democracies like the U.S., Britain, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch.

“The Palestinians at UNESCO are hemorrhaging support for their ritual anti-Israel resolution: last April they had 33 yes votes, then in October it was down to 24, and today it’s down to 22. The no votes increased substantially from 6 to 10.”

“And once again, India—an increasingly important friend and ally of Israel—has voted to abstain, showing that its recent break from decades of lockstep voting with the Arab states is now a fixed policy.”

Resolution on Jerusalem

Two resolutions this afternoon in Paris accuse Israel’s military of abuses, yet make no mention of rockets fired by Hamas against Israeli cities, or of ongoing Palestinian terrorist stabbings of Israeli Jews.

The resolution on Jerusalem, despite a passing mention of “the three monotheistic religions,” ignores Jewish and Christian religious and historical ties to the city, condemning Israel for excavations of the Jewish capital that have revealed the ancient City of David, along with pottery inscriptions, coins and artifacts connected to Jewish life during and before the time of Jesus. https://www.unwatch.org/unescos-anti-israel-resolution-gets-least-votes-ever/

Now it’s time to make up your mind. Do you believe what God told Zechariah or not? If you say not then you are more than likely one of the many people around this planet who’s name has not been listed in the Lord’s Book of Life.  The Lord’s salvation is not based on Zech. 12 however, if you reject that teaching you are probably rejecting the Lord’s finished work on the cross as well.  It is my hope that as you see more news showing you the details how the Lord’s warning about the last days are coming true that you will ask Christ to be your Messiah.


The Marines have a wonderful way with words – clear, concise and to the point.

If you look closely at the picture above, you will note that all the Marines pictured are bowing their heads. That’s because they’re praying.

This incident supposedly took place at a ceremony honoring the birthday of the USM corps, that got the ACLU up in arms. When a spokesman for the ACLU supposedly said, “These are federal employees on federal property and on federal time… For them to pray is clearly an establishment of religion, and we must nip this in the bud immediately.”

When asked about the ACLU’s charges, one speaking for the Commandant of the Corps said, “To hell with ACLU!  GOD Bless Our Warriors.  Send the ACLU to Afghanistan! Then watch those SONS OF BITCHES pray.”

Please let everyone know how stupid the ACLU is by trying to remove GOD from everything and every place in America .

What’s wrong with that picture?  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

IF you love our country and those today who fight and those who have fought to put you in a nation that is still free, please SEND TO YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA FRIENDS today.

IN GOD WE TRUST is on our coinage “Semper Fi” is the motto of the USMC, it means Always Faithful, now doesn’t that remind you of someONE our coinage tells us to trust!

BTW; These “federal employees on federal property and on federal time” have served and protected your forefathers and your family so you can live in a place that is not yet under control of dictatorial authority, but would be if the American Communist Liberation Union had its way.

Prayer IS NOT what you “must nip in the bud immediately.” However, getting on your knees and repenting today or returning back today to what this great country was founded on, God and Judean/Christian values is what has allowed us to be protected by Him and our military forces.

This is what the ACLU might personally want to consider “nipping in the bud” and doing so ‘sooner than later’!

May God continue to bless the USA and you FOR PASSING IT ON!

Sept. 28, 2017- The Iranian Khoramshahr ballistic missile test DID take place

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 26, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: Interpol votes to admit ‘State of Palestine’ as new member state

Headline: PM warns of retaliation for Abbas’s diplomatic warfare

Israel suffered a stinging diplomatic setback on Wednesday when the International Police Organization (Interpol) voted to accept “Palestine” as a full member state. The move at Interpol’s annual General Assembly meeting, held this year in Beijing, came despite furious Israeli efforts over the last few weeks to thwart it. The US was also actively involved up until the last minute in trying to stop the move. The vote came just a week after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the UN General Assembly how Israel’s stature on the world stage was steadily improving. The move passed in a secret ballot by a vote of 75 to 24, with 34 abstentions. The Palestinians needed more than two-thirds of the yes-or-no votes counted, and passed that threshold handily.
Sept. 28, 2017





Headline: Putin arrives in Turkey to meet Erdogan

Russian President Vladimir Putin has landed in Turkey to meet his counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan as relations between the two states continue to thaw. The situation in Syria and de-escalation zones are expected to be the main issues on the table. The leaders held a phone conversation on Monday in which they discussed Syria, including de-escalation zones – an initiative proposed by Russia and also brokered by Iran and Turkey – and political settlement of the crisis, according to the statement from the Kremlin.  The parties agreed to further discuss the Syria issue during Putin’s visit to Turkey on Thursday. The leaders will meet in the Presidential Complex in Ankara, Erdogan’s office said in a statement. Bilateral relations between Turkey and Russia will also be on the table during the meeting, the statement added. On Tuesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed that the presidents had discussed the independence referendum of Iraqi Kurdistan on Monday. The topic of S-400, Russia’s most advanced missile systems which Ankara is planning to purchase, remains hotly-discussed in the media. It’s not yet clear whether Putin and Erdogan will discuss it. Turkey confirms deposit on Russia’s state-of-the-art S-400 missile systemsSpeaking about military cooperation between Moscow and Ankara, Peskov said on Wednesday that “no one has a right to criticize it.”
Sept. 28, 2017



Headline: The Iranian Khoramshahr ballistic missile test did take place – although the US said “It didn’t happen”

The new Khoramshahr ballistic missile with a range of 2,000km and multiple warheads, which was paraded in Tehran on Sept 22, was indeed test fired, as reported by Iran’s Airspace chief, Gen. Amir Ajakozadeh. The launch shown filmed from a great distance on national television was genuine. President Donald Trump tweeted: “Iran just test fired a ballistic missile capable of reaching Israel. They are also working with North Korea. Not much of an agreement we have!” However, three days later, on Sept. 26, an administration official offered the opinion that the footage shown on Iranian television “appears most likely to be a re-run of a previous test launch.” He added: “the video was more than seven months old and dated back to a failed launch in late January, which resulted in the missile exploding shortly after lift-off. ” As to the latest launch, the US official said: “As far as we can see, it did not happen. Iran’s report “so far does not appear to be true.” However, DEBKAfile’s intelligence and military sources in the Middle East, who examined the conflicting versions, found indications that refuted the US official’s disclaimer. The Khoramshahr was indeed test-launched, except that it happened a bit earlier than Tehran claimed – although very recently, and not seven months ago. Those sources could not categorically confirm that it was a success – only that “it certainly did not fail.”
Sept. 28, 2017



Headline: Rockets, grenades fired at Kabul airport after Mattis arrival

Headline: Suicide car bomb kills at least 12 Afghan police

The Taliban unleashed a barrage of rockets and suicide bombers detonated their vests at Kabul’s international airport Wednesday, the attack coming fewer than two hours after U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis arrived there. Mattis had already left the airport aboard helicopters to attend a meeting with Afghanistan’s President Ghani when the attack occurred. The Afghan Crisis Response Unit responded to the attack and U.S. forces supported them in the air, but a missile malfunctioned and caused “several” friendly casualties, officials said. Afghan special forces managed to repel the attackers, killing four in the ensuing gunbattle. Officials said an investigation into the attack has been opened and more details would be released in the coming days.
Sept. 28, 2017



Headline: Islamic State releases audio of leader Al-Baghdadi

Islamic State (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi exhorted followers on Thursday to stand fast and keep fighting in his first purported audio communication in almost a year during which his jihadist group lost much of its self-proclaimed “caliphate.” The date of the 46-minute recording, released via the Al-Furqan news organization, which is linked to the jihadist group, was not clear. But Baghdadi makes reference to North Korean threats against Japan and United States and the recapture two months ago of Mosul by US-backed Iraqi forces. “Beware of retreat, or the feeling of defeat, beware of negotiations or surrender. Do not lay down your arms,” Baghdadi said, referring to followers in Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, North Africa and elsewhere in Africa. Baghdadi called on the ISIS fighters to continue their terror attacks in the West and “fan the flames of war on your enemies, take it to them and besiege them in every corner, and stand fast and courageous.” “Increase blow after blow, and make the media centers of the infidels, and where they wage their intellectual wars, among your targets,” he added.
Sept. 28, 2017



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Sept. 27, 2017 More Bible Prophecies being fulfilled


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 26 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Part of being a real Christian is not giving in to what the world offers which opposes what Christ Jesus has taught us. A real follower of Christ will do his or her best to live a holy life for Jesus. That holy life would also include no swearing if you are abiding in the Lord. Do get me wrong, no one is perfect but those who love the word in which Christ has given us would quickly repent if they did lose control of their mouth. I am sure the Holy Spirit would let you know very fast that the words you just used grieved Him. I myself don’t want to project the image that I am perfect and never lose it but I can tell you this. Every time I do find myself cursing I right away tell the Lord I am sorry for what I just did. The Lord knows the heart and He knows I really am repentant of what I did. Take a look at some of the bible verses we see associated with this issue.


But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. Colosians 3:8-10

But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. Matthew 5:37

O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. Matthew 12:34-36

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Either you take a stand with Christ or, you dive into the world and do the things the world does. What did Jesus show the Apostle Paul? Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will. 1 John 2:15 tells us, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”

Let me give you an example of joining with the world. What if you have a movie company who is let’s assume a Christian company and they make a film which they inject the F Bomb?  In the report I am giving you this is what the first part of that report stated. “Are Christian movies going blue? Generational Sins, in theaters Oct.  6 via Freestyle Digital Media, is rated PG-13 and contains 32 profanities — not unusual except that Sins is a faith-based movie.” In another section of the report it says, “We’re not only targeting faith-based moviegoers,” says Folmar, “we’re also going after ‘Chreasters’ — people who only go to church on Christmas and Easter. If we tell stories of adults struggling with faith, adults will run toward them, so we’re working hard on creating this new genre.”

So, this movie company made the choice to join in what the world offers in using the foul mouth language to go after people who don’t go to Church. Instead of taking the high ground and stand on what the Lord has said about this issue this company joined together with the world.  When I read the report below this is the picture I got. I saw animals walking two by two toward Noah’s Ark. I could see Noah yelling out the message God give him concerning being right with God to escape His coming judge. I could see people standing around the Ark laughing at Noah, some not even paying attention to what Noah was doing or saying. I could hear the people say we will live the way we want to live and, do the things we want to do not what someone tells us to do.

Not much has changed in our generation. Fact is, Jesus even warned us that this generation would be just like Noah’s generation. Do I think the people who made the movie “Generational Sins” knows what the Word says about foul language?  I am sure they know. Do you think Spencer Folmar could have produced this film without using the F Bombs?  Yes, I am sure he could have but the choice was not to. Anyone who has one foot in the world and the other towards Christ is living in a very dangerous territory.  You would think that by all these last days signs we are witnessing people who call themselves Christians would do what Jesus has asked of us. Using the language of the unrighteous world  in a faith based film sends the wrong message.  We are coming down to the final hours just like in the case of Noah. Jesus is going to seal up those who truly love and follow Him just like the Lord shut the Ark door and sealed it up.  Question is where will you be when the door is shut?

 More Faith-Based Films May Feature F-Bombs
