August 28, 2017 Never let Satan take your hope away no matter what he does!


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Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 28 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora


  Up-date coming!

 Cooltextprophecysign OF GOD’S CURSE

Prophecy Sign: Obadiah 1:15 “For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.” 

“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:3).

“I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:2).

“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” (Zechariah 12:3).

If you don’t know about the Lord’s curse as seen in the scriptures above you need to see what has happened? In my book starting on page 448 you will see for yourselves what has happened to the nations who are and have been trying to divide up the land of Israel. I just up-dated my book and since the peace talks are in the news again I wanted to drew your addition to what has happened in the past. The peace summit in France was an event I did not have in my book but is now in it. That up-date is seen below.

June 3, 2016 a peace summit was held in Paris as a prelude to a multi-national conference that would force Israel to unilaterally accept the two-state solution and create a Palestinian state within its borders. At the same time as the delegates where leaving the summit a massive storm began to dump a deluge of rain.  “Heavy rains in France lifted the Seine on Friday to its highest levels since 1982, threatening Paris’s cultural institutions and soaking the French countryside east of the capital. The Seine has continued to swell since the river burst its banks on Wednesday, raising alarms throughout the city. As of 10 p.m. on Friday, its waters had reached 20 feet. The river was expected to crest on Saturday morning at up to 21.3 feet, and to remain at high levels throughout the weekend, the French Environment Ministry said in a statement” (The New York Times June 3, 2016).

New york


 CooltextprophecysignImage result for peace sign animation

“But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.  For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.  For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3).  

If you think there is going to be peace any time soon between the PLO and Israel that is not what Paul tells us. Paul reveals that sudden destruction will come not peace. If there is anything that could derail the peace process for good it more than likely would be the U.S. moving their embassy to Jerusalem. President Trump promised he would move the embassy and once again the talk about relocating that embassy is in the news.  

“In the latest round of talks, the move “was brought up by both sides as part of a productive broad conversation about a number of issues,” the Times of Israel quoted a source familiar with the discussions as saying. The Prime Minister’s Office confirmed after the meeting that the topic had been discussed, but did not comment on details. Relocating the embassy, which would mean recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital – something the US has yet to officially do – is seen as a highly controversial move which could jeopardize the resumption of peace talks. Trump was dissuaded from making the move after discussions with his security team convinced him to hold off in hopes of achieving a larger peace agreement.”

 Image result for Israel flag animation

Cooltextprophecysign Jeremiah 24:24-27

Damascus has grown feeble; 
She turns to flee, 
And fear has seized her. 
Anguish and sorrows have taken her like a woman in labor. 
25 Why is the city of praise not deserted, the city of My joy? 
26 Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets, 
And all the men of war shall be cut off in that day,” says the LORD of hosts. 
27 “ I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus, 
And it shall consume the palaces of Ben-Hadad.”[a]

Cooltextprophecysign “Isaiah 17:1 “The burden against Damascus. 
“ Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, And it will be a ruinous heap.”



“A senior Israeli official warned the Russian government that if Iran continues to extend its reach in Syria, Israel will bomb Syrian President Bashar Assad’s palace in Damascus, according to reports in Arab media. Israel also warned that if serious changes do not happen in the region, Israel will make sure the ceasefire deal, reached by the United States and Russia in Astana, Kazakhstan, will be nullified.”


CooltextprophecysignLuke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.

FEMA expects more than 450,000 Harvey disaster victims to file for assistance

FEMA expects more than 450,000 Harvey disaster victims to file for assistance  

U.S. emergency management officials said on Monday they were expediting federal resources to Texas to help with rescue efforts after Hurricane Harvey swamped coastal areas of the state and forced 30,000 people to seek refuge in temporary shelters.

Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Brock Long said more than 450,000 people were expected to seek disaster assistance due to flooding after Harvey made landfall during the weekend before weakening to tropical storm status.

Cooltextprophecysign12 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.  

Image result for revelation 12 the woman As we approach September and the Jewish Feast of Trumpets I want to remind my readers there are prophecy teachers who are teaching Rev. chapter 12 which talks about the women shows the Church will be raptured on September 23, 2017.  Scott Clarke is one such teacher that has stated the Feast of Trumpets begins on the 22nd and goes to the 23rd of September which puts that date on the Feast of Trumpets and that will be when Jesus takes His Church.  Anyone who wants to see just how misleading this teaching is can do a Google search and ask when is the Jewish Feast of Trumpets in 2017. I suggest you go to the Jewish sites and you will see that Feast begins on Sept. 20, 2017 at 6 PM and goes to the 22nd till 6 PM.  Scott can say what he wants but view the real facts before you believe what he is saying. Let us also keep in mind that Jesus told Paul the Antichrist has to be revealed first! 2 Thess. 2:3 says “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition:” If you want the specifics about these Feasts and the day this Sept the Feast of Trumpets will take place watch my video below.  I would love to see the Church taken away this September but unless the Antichrist is reveal by the 20th the Church will still be here on Earth.  There are other things that must happen as well which will be pointed out in my video.  Watch Scott’s video first to see what he says right down the dates he gives you and then watch my video. I would love you comments.  I will say this, I enjoyed Scott’s teaching so far but this teaching has crossed the line.

Aug. 25, 2017- No Turkey in EU under Erdogan – Germany

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20th Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: In Policy Turnaround US State Department Refuses to Commit to “Biased” Two-State Solution

While a White House delegation meets with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, the US State Department indicated a significant shift away from the anti-Israel two-state solution, admitting that it was “biased”.  In a press conference on Wednesday, State Department’s spokesman Heather Nauert deftly sidestepped questions about a two-state solution which the department has committed to in the past. When asked, “Why are you so loath to…recommit yourself to the two-state solution?”, Nauert’s answer was surprising. “The President has made it clear that that is one of his top national security issues – one of his top priorities, I should say more correctly,” Nauert said in response. “We want to work toward a peace that both sides can agree to and that both sides find sustainable. Okay? We believe that both parties should be able to find a workable solution that works for both of them.” When pressed, Nauert made an unscripted comment, implying that the two-state solution goes counter to Israeli interests. “We are not going to state what the outcome has to be,” Nauert said. “It has to be workable to both sides, and I think, really, that’s the best view as to not really bias one side over the other, to make sure that they can work through it.”
Aug 25, 2017

Headline: PA Chairman: I’ll pay terrorists’ salaries until my dying day

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas told the United States that he will continue to pay terrorists’ families for terror attacks against Jews. “I do not intend to cease paying salaries to the families of prisoners and martyrs, even if it means I lose my position,” Abbas told Kan 11. “I will continue paying their salaries until my dying day.” US Special Middle East Envoy Jason Greenblatt and US President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and White House adviser Jared Kushner on Thursday met Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem. Later, they met Abbas in his Ramallah headquarters. The PA’s official news agency said Abbas told the US team that “we know things are difficult and complicated, but with effort and goodwill nothing is impossible. We very much appreciate President Trump’s efforts, and the fact that he said he would work to make an historical peace agreement.”
Aug 25, 2017

Headline: Frustrated with US, Abbas said to be weighing dissolving the PA

The Palestinian Authority continues to be disillusioned US efforts to revive the peace process and is now considering dissolving the PA and renewing a Palestinian bid for full United Nations membership, Arabic media reported on Wednesday. Abbas’s deliberations come ahead of a visit to the region by US President Donald Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is set to arrive in Israel on Wednesday night with a US peace delegation, after quietly meeting with leaders of the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. According to the report in the Lebanese daily Al Hayat, which cited unnamed “reliable” sources in the PA, Abbas is waiting for Kushner and Trump’s envoy to the region Jason Greenbelt to give him a written response to his conditions for returning to the negotiating table, which are “freezing settlement construction in the West Bank and working towards a two-state solution.” The Palestinians are also reportedly renewing their bid to halt Israel’s settlement expansion through the International Criminal Court (ICC). The report said a PA delegation will travel tomorrow to the ICC’s headquarters in the Hague in order to the meet with the court’s chief prosecutor Fatu Bensuda.
Aug 25, 2017



Headline: Daesh counterattack kills 34 Syria regime forces in Raqqa province: monitor

At least 34 Syrian soldiers and allied fighters have been killed in a Daesh (Islamic State) counterattack in eastern Raqqa province, rolling back regime gains, a monitor said Friday. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitor, said the jihadist group had recaptured large swathes of territory from government forces in the fighting on Thursday. Syria’s army is seeking to advance through Raqqa province to reach neighboring Deir Ezzor, where jihadists have besieged government forces and civilians in the provincial capital since 2015. Earlier this month, government troops and allied fighters arrived at the outskirts of Madan, the last Daesh-held town in the eastern Raqqa province countryside before Deir Ezzor. But in Thursday’s counterattack, Daesh “made major progress and… expanded the area under its control along the southern bank of the Euphrates,” the Observatory said. “Daesg has managed to push regime forces back 30 kilometers (18 miles) from the western outskirts of Madan,” Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said.
Aug 25, 2017


Headline: Iraqi forces make fresh gains in Tal Afar offensive

Iraqi forces made further gains in their offensive to dislodge Daesh from Tal Afar, seizing five more villages on the eastern and southern outskirts of the city, the military said on Thursday.
In the fifth day of their onslaught, Iraqi forces continued to encircle terrorists holding out in the city in far northwestern Iraq close to the Syrian border, according to statements from the Iraqi joint operations command. Within the city limits, Iraqi forces captured three more neighborhoods — Al-Nour and Al-Mo’allameen in the east and Al-Wahda in the west, taking over several strategic buildings in the process. The advances were the latest in the campaign to rout the militants from one of their last remaining strongholds in Iraq, three years after they seized wide swathes of the north and west in a shock offensive. On Tuesday, the army and counter-terrorism units broke into Tal Afar from the east and south.

Aug 24, 2017



Headline: No Turkey in EU under Erdogan – Germany

As long as Recep Tayyip Erdogan is president, Turkey will not become a member of the EU, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel pledged on Thursday – the latest in a verbal tit-for-tat between the two. “It is clear that in this state, Turkey will never become a member of the EU,” Gabriel told the newspaper Bild on Thursday. “It’s not because we don’t want them but because the Turkish government and Erdogan are moving fast away from everything that Europe stands for.” Earlier this week, Gabriel said at an election campaign rally that the majority of Turks were “democratically minded” and did not support Erdogan. Gabriel’s Turkish counterpart, Mevlut Cavusoglu, said the German minister “crossed the line” with his comments and that his “populist remarks” would not bring him any benefit.The exchange comes after Erdogan said Gabriel should “know his place” and not criticize Ankara for what it tells ethnic Turks living in Germany. The Turkish president called on the three million Turks eligible to vote in the upcoming September general election in Germany to not support incumbent Chancellor Angela Merkel or any other party “hostile towards Turkey.”
Aug 25, 2017


Headline: Satellite images show Iran building long-range missile site in Syria

Security analysts say satellite images show Iran is constructing a facility in northwestern Syria for the manufacturing of long-range Scud missiles. The analysts said the facility was similar to a rocket factory near Teheran, Israel’s Channel 2 reported on Aug. 17. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel was closely monitoring the situation and would act against any threats. “Our policy is clear: We vehemently oppose the military buildup by Iran and its proxies, primarily Hizbullah, in Syria and we will do whatever it takes to protect Israel’s security,” Netanyahu said. … The construction project stretches several kilometers along Wadi Jahannam, which is 8 kilometers from Baniyas.
Aug 25, 2017


Headline: At least 20 people killed in mosque attack in Afghan capital

Headline: Afghan official: Taliban attack police outpost, killing 4

Militants stormed a packed Shiite mosque in the Afghan capital during Friday prayers, in an attack that lasted for hours and ended with at least 20 worshippers killed and another 50 seriously wounded, many of them children, an official said. Two of the assailants blew themselves up and another two were shot to death by Afghan security forces, according to police official Mohammed Sadique Muradi. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack, the latest to target Afghanistan’s minority Shiites. The Taliban condemned the violence, with a spokesman for the militants, Zabihullah Mujahid, telling The Associated Press in a telephone interview that the group had nothing to do with it.
Aug 25, 2017,7340,L-5007718,00.html,7340,L-5007652,00.html


Headline: Islamic State fighters overrun checkpoint in Libya, behead captives

Jihadists loyal to the Islamic State’s arm in Libya overran a checkpoint manned by the Libyan National Army (LNA) yesterday. LNA officials confirmed that at least 11 people were beheaded after the raid. The so-called caliphate’s Amaq News Agency claimed that 21 members of General Khalifa Haftar’s “militia” were “killed and wounded in an attack by Islamic State fighters on a checkpoint” in the Jufra region. LNA spokesman Ahmed Mismari told the press that Amaq’s claim was generally accurate. “The terrorist organization Daesh (Islamic State) attacked al-Fogha checkpoint in Jufra region this morning, killing nine soldiers and two civilians were slaughtered,” Mismari said, according to Reuters. Mismari added that the 11 people were beheaded. The Jufra region is in the middle of Libya, south of the city of Sirte, which served as the Islamic State’s stronghold in North Africa until late last year. Local Libyan forces, backed by the US and its allies, pushed the jihadists out of Sirte over the course of several months.
Aug 24, 2017


Headline: United Nations Issues Rare “Early Warning” – Signals Potential Civil Conflict In America

In the past 10-years, the early warning has been issued in Burundi, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Kyrgyzstan and Nigeria. The United Nations Committee on the Eliminations of Racial Discrimination has called on high-level politicians and public officials of the United States to condemn “racist hate speech and crimes in Charlottesville and through the country”. Anastasia Crickley, Chairperson of UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) said: “We are alarmed by the racist demonstrations, with overtly racist slogans, chants and salutes by white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and the Ku Klux Klan, promoting white supremacy and inciting racial discrimination and hatred” . As per UN News Centre:  In a decision issued under its ‘early warning and urgent action’ procedure, the Committee, which monitors implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, stated “there should be no place in the world for racist white supremacist ideas or any similar ideologies that reject the core human rights principles of human dignity and equality.”In addition to the criminal investigation of the individual who ploughed his car into a crowd of peaceful protestors killing a woman, the UN experts asked the US authorities to undertake concrete measures “to address the root causes of the proliferation of such racist manifestations.” Let’s take a moment to gain another perspective from Los Angeles Times writer Jesse Walker asks in an Op-Ed: Are we headed for a second civil war?
Aug 24, 2017

Headline: Sixteen US staff in Cuba hurt in ‘acoustic attack’

At least 16 US government employees were treated for symptoms after a possible acoustic attack targeting embassy staff in Cuba, the state department says. US media reports say the symptoms range from hearing loss to “mild traumatic brain injury”, which could include concussion or headaches. A spokeswoman said the attacks seemed to have stopped. Cuba denied involvement and said it was investigating the reports. The attacks were first reported earlier this month when the US expelled two Cuban diplomats from Washington. But it was not clear until Thursday how many US employees had been affected. The Associated Press reports that the sonic devices used may have been emitting inaudible sound waves that can cause deafness. “We can confirm that at least 16 US government employees, members of our embassy community, have experienced some kind of symptoms,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said.
Aug 25, 2017

Headline: 71 killed in Myanmar as Rohingya insurgents stage major attack

Muslim militants in Myanmar staged a coordinated attack on 30 police posts and an army base in Rakhine state on Friday, and at least 59 of the insurgents and 12 members of the security forces were killed, the army and government said. A news team affiliated with the office of national leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, said that one soldier, one immigration officer, 10 policemen and 59 insurgents had been killed in the fighting. “In the early morning at 1 a.m., the extremist Bengali insurgents started their attack on the police post … with the man-made bombs and small weapons,” said the army in a separate statement, referring to the Rohingya by a derogatory term implying they are interlopers from Bangladesh. The militants also used sticks and swords and destroyed bridges with explosives, the army said.
Aug 25, 2017


Headline: Russian nuclear bombers fly near North Korea in rare show of force

Headline: North Korea Reveals New Solid-Fuel Missiles Capable of Reaching US

Russian nuclear-capable strategic bombers have flown a rare mission around the Korean peninsula at the same time as the United States and South Korea conduct joint military exercises that have infuriated Pyongyang. Russia, which has said it is strongly against any unilateral U.S. military action on the peninsula, said Tupolev-95MS bombers, code named “Bears” by NATO, had flown over the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of Japan, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, prompting Japan and Seoul to scramble jets to escort them. The flight, which also included planes with advanced intelligence gathering capabilities, was over international waters and was announced by the Russian Defence Ministry on the same day as Moscow complained about the U.S.-South Korean war games.
Aug 25, 2017


Aug 13, 2017–Two million cattle dead due to ‘devastating drought’ in Ethiopia

Aug 15, 2017–Tons of dead fish found in a fish farm in Cianjur, Indonesia

Aug 17, 2017–Thousands of dead fish washing ashore along Tampa Bay Florida

Aug 18, 2017–Dozens of dead dolphins and turtles are washing up on the Gulf Coast

Aug 20, 2017–Over 2,000 cattle have died, ‘reason unknown’ in Chuquisaca, Bolivia

Aug 21, 2017–4,000 birds killed due to disease in Kalmar County, Sweden

Aug 22, 2017–200,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Pampanga, Philippines

Aug 23, 2017–Hundreds of dead Snow Geese found washed up in Cambridge Bay, Canada


Headline: India swine flu death toll rises above 1,000 this year

India appears to be in the grip of a swine flu outbreak with 1,094 recorded deaths over the past eight months, said an official report on Wednesday. The last three weeks have seen the highest number of fatalities, at 342. A total of 22,186 cases have been reported across the country. The number of deaths this year is four times more than fatalities recorded over the equivalent period in 2016, which itself saw a dip in occurrences of the disease. The western state of Maharashtra is the worst affected, where the death toll stands at 437, according to data revealed by the Union Health Ministry. Neighbouring Gujarat follows closely with 297 deaths, reported news agency PTI. India experienced a severe swine flu wave two years ago, when health officials scrambled to contain an outbreak which killed more than 1,900 people. While 2016 saw a dip in recorded deaths (265) and affected cases (1,786), the numbers for this year indicate a resurgence of the disease.
Aug 24, 2017


Headline: Hurricane Harvey strengthens, threatens U.S. with most powerful storm in 12 years

Hurricane Harvey intensified early on Friday into potentially the most powerful hurricane to hit the U.S. mainland in more than a decade, as authorities warned locals to shelter from what could be life-threatening winds and floods. Harvey is set to make landfall late Friday or early Saturday on the central Texas coast where Corpus Christi and Houston are home to some of the biggest U.S. refineries. Oil and gas operations have already been disrupted and gasoline prices have spiked. “Now is the time to urgently hide from the wind. Failure to adequately shelter may result in serious injury, loss of life, or immense human suffering,” the National Weather Service said. Harvey grew into a category 2 storm with winds of 110 mph (177 kph) as it moved northwest about 145 miles (233 km) off Port O’Connor, Texas, the National Hurricane Center said. Up to 35 inches (97 cm) of rain are expected over parts of Texas, with winds up to 125 mph, and sea levels may surge as high as 12 feet (3.7 meters). Louisiana could get 10 to 15 inches of rain. Flood warnings are in effect for Louisiana and northern Mexico.
Aug 25, 2017

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Aug. 24, 2017 A believer in major car crash!

To all of the people who come to my site!  Jason and his family are good friends of mine and, they are in need of any help you can provide for them. Jason is a youth pastor who loves Jesus. This car accident has rocked this family however, they have not given up the faith. Jason’s daughter is now on life support but all of us who know Christ know that things change when believers go to the Lord in prayer. Please go to the (go fund me) site;  pray for the family and please help us help them in this time of of need.

Yesterday morning a good friend Jason was in a car accident while taking his three children to school. He was hit by on oncoming driver which resulted in his car crashing into a light pole. His wife Sarah was at work during the time of the accident.  Jason spent the first full day away from his family being treated at a nearby hospital for a partially ruptured spleen and other broken bones has finally released and is at the Children’s hospital with his family. Tim & Janet Johns have arrived safely from Colorado along with Jason’s sister Alissa from Indiana. Jason and Sarah are now surrounded by their entire family and are hopeful for full recovery for their children. 

Kaden (the oldest child) has just been released from the ER with a broken arm/wrist and is staying at his Grandparents home in KC for the time being. He’s in a state of shock, recalls what happened in the accident and is hopeful for his sisters. 

Hope (5) is still in critical condition but is doing better! She had surgery to remove a ruptured appendix and has damage to her esophagus. She’s able to breath on her own and is on a ventilator only to assist her with her breathing. She is in a chest brace for multiple fractures to her spine – the spinal halo has been removed. She is responsive to yes and no questions and is able to lightly squeeze the doctor’s hands and has no apparent brain damage. At this time she is showing minimal responses in her arms and is still showing no signs of mobility in the lower extremity of her body. HOPE NEEDS PRAYER FOR FULL MOBILITY!  **She was able to finally open her eyes and see Jason and welcomed him this morning with a smile. Thank you Jesus!!

Elise (8) was resuscitated twice and is still alive! She is in the ICU and in critical condition. Her heart is beating on its own, but is still on life support for her breathing. During the impact, teeth managed to get into her lungs and are causing irritation.  Elise recently had an MRI and is still showing no brain activity. The eye twitching/blinking was a result of multiple seizures she was having. The doctors have now found a medication that has stopped them both from happening. She’s also on blood pressure medication to help keep her blood pressure up. Elise is a warrior and if there’s any child that can fight through this, it’s her! PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL WARRIOR CHILD. SPECIFICALLY FOR HEALING OF THE SWELLING IN HER BRAIN AND FOR NATURAL BREATHING!

For anyone who doesn’t know the John’s family, Jason has been serving as the pastor of a inner-city KC church and is currently receiving no salary. He has been making a tremendous impact in the lives of urban youth and families. He just started college this week to gain more competency as a counselor, teacher, and leader. Meanwhile, Sarah has been providing income as a fitness instructor. They will need financial support during this crisis to focus on the healing of their family and to find replacement transportation. Anything you can do to help this family would be a blessing as they are in need of immediate financial help. I will do my best to post updates as they come.

At the time the family has asked for no additional visitors outside the immediate family. If you want to do something special for the family besides praying/donating, please feel free to send balloons, flowers, cards, stuffed animals, etc. to Hope and Elise Johns who are in the ICU department of Children’s Mercy Hospital in Downtown KC. At this time Hope would benefit from having her room filled with things colorful things she can see. Address: 2401 Gillham Road – Kansas City, MO 64108. 

We trust in our Father and pray for full healing. In Jesus name – AMEN!




Aug. 22, 2017- Can Putin keep Hezbollah from Israel’s borders?

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20th Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: Can Putin keep Hizballah from Israel’s borders?

Our sources report that he left Washington empty-handed for three reasons:

1. The White House was inundated in political crises on the home front.

2.  President Donald Trump had resolved to cut to the bone any US military involvement in the Syria conflict outside of the war on the Islamic State.

3.  Trump refused to hear of any compromise on his deal with Putin for cooperating in Syria, especially in the creation of de-escalation zones for gradually winding down the conflict.
Israel, like Jordan, repeatedly put forward objections to this arrangement, especially in relation to its Golan border with Syria. Neither Washington nor Moscow was interested.

Even if a Russian guarantee against Syrian and pro-Iranian forces reaching the Golan border is offered by Putin to calm Netanyahu’s worries, it will be of limited value – first, it was refused by Washington and second, it is unlikely to be respected. Although Russia is in a dominant position for determining Syria’s agenda, it is not the sole arbiter in Damascus. Iran and Hizballah – and even Bashar Assad – are quite capable of taking matters in their own hands and embarking on a limited expedition for heating up the border with Israel – if only as a reminder to Putin, Trump and Netanyahu that Israel will not be permitted to determine the situation on that border, only their own interests.
Aug 22, 2017

Headline: Gunmen attack Hamas posts in Gaza

Masked gunmen Monday opened fire at a Hamas post, a police station and a Hamas checkpoint in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, local source said. No casualties were reported. The series of attacks were apparently a response from Salafist Jihadist groups to Hamas crackdown on its supporters. Gunmen first attacked a Hamas post, and within an hour an attack was reported against the Rafah police station. Shortly after four people in a car threw five hand grenades at a checkpoint to the west of Rafah. The attacks, which reflect decline in the security situation in Gaza, came after a member of the Jihadists blew himself up in a group of Hamas operatives in Rafah after he and another member were stopped for inspection when they apparently attempted to sneak into Egypt to carry out a military operation there. One Hamas member was killed in the attack.
Aug 21, 2017



Headline: Jordan, Turkey set to boost ties, sustain coordination

His Majesty King Abdullah on Monday met with the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over bilateral ties and regional developments, a Royal Court statement said. During the meeting, at Al Husseiniya Palace, His Majesty and the Turkish leader stressed the importance of continued coordination between Jordan and Turkey over issues of mutual concern and ways to boost economic and investment cooperation. In remarks at the expanded meeting, King Abdullah welcomed the Turkish president in his “second home”. His Majesty thanked Erdogan for the strong positions he has taken on the challenges involving Al Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram Al Sharif and Jerusalem, and his support for Jordan in the face of challenges.
Aug 21, 2017


Headline: Lebanon army says in final stage of border battle with Daesh

Lebanon’s army said Tuesday it had captured most of a mountainous area on the border with Syria during an operation to clear Daesh group jihadists from the region. The army began its campaign in the Jurud Ras Baalbek and Jurud Al-Qaa areas on Lebanon’s eastern border on Saturday, capturing more than two thirds of the 120 square kilometers held by Daesh jihadists in the first two days. “We have captured around another 20 square kilometers, so we have about another 20 square kilometers to go,” said army spokesman Brigadier General Ali Qanso. He declined to be drawn on how much longer it would take the army to finish the operation. Four Lebanese soldiers have been killed since the campaign began, including one on Tuesday when a land mine detonated under his vehicle. The other three were killed when they drove over a land mine at the weekend.
Aug 22, 2017

Saudi Arabia

Headline: Yemen blames Iran for war, says it can’t be part of solution

Yemen’s foreign minister blamed Iran and its support for Houthi Shiite rebels on Monday for causing the country’s civil war and said it can’t be part of the solution. Abdulmalik Al-Mekhlafi said at a press conference that Iranian weapons are still being smuggled into Yemen. Saudi Arabia’s U.N. ambassador, Abdallah Al-Mouallimi, whose country supports Yemen’s internationally recognized government, said Iran isn’t a neighbor or part of the Arabian Peninsula and he had a more direct message: “Iran should get the hell out of the area, period.” The Saudi and Yemeni officials spoke to reporters after a presentation to U.N. diplomats on the path to peace and humanitarian aid to Yemen.
Aug 22, 2017


Headline: Analysis– In Blow to Iran, Egypt Becomes Surprise New Player in Syria

A new and surprising player has recently entered the Syrian arena and has already contributed to establishing local cease-fires: Egypt received Saudi and Russian “permission” to conduct negotiations between the rebel militias and the regime, both in Ghouta al-Sharqiya (east of Damascus) and the northern neighborhoods in the city of Homs. In both cases, it managed to get a cease-fire deal signed – in the former on July 22, in the latter in early August. Both areas are part of the de-escalation zones on which Russia, Turkey and Iran agreed in May, in consultation with the United States. But this is the first time Egypt has played an active role in diplomatic negotiations between the warring parties that produced positive results. From Israel’s standpoint, Egypt’s involvement is important. Any country engaged in blocking Iran’s influence in Syria serves Israel’s interests. But that’s especially true when said country is Egypt, which is Israel’s partner in the war on terror in Sinai and an ally (together with Saudi Arabia and Jordan) with whom it sees eye to eye about both the Iranian threat and the danger of Syria disintegrating into cantons.
Aug 21, 2017


Headline: Two North Korean Chemical Arms Shipments Intercepted en Route to Syria

Two North Korean shipments to a Syrian government agency responsible for the country’s chemical weapons program were intercepted in the past six months, according to a confidential United Nations report on North Korea sanctions violations. The report by a panel of independent UN experts, which was submitted to the UN Security Council earlier this month and seen by Reuters on Monday, gave no details on when or where the interdictions occurred or what the shipments contained. “The panel is investigating reported prohibited chemical, ballistic missile and conventional arms cooperation between Syria and the DPRK (North Korea),” the experts wrote in the 37-page report. “Two member states interdicted shipments destined for Syria. Another Member state informed the panel that it had reasons to believe that the goods were part of a KOMID contract with Syria,” according to the report.
Aug 22, 2017


Headline: Iraqi forces enter outskirts of Tal Afar

Headline: Iraq forces take first two Tal Afar districts from ISIS

Iraqi forces have fought their way into the outskirts of the city of Tal Afar, one of so-called Islamic State’s last remaining strongholds in the country. Counter-terrorism units entered the south-western Kifah district on Tuesday, the military said. IS militants responded by firing rockets and deploying suicide car bombs, according to one commander. Iraq’s prime minister launched the assault on Tal Afar on Sunday, a month after declaring victory in Mosul. In the first 24 hours of the operation, pro-government forces captured 235 sq km (90 sq miles) of territory from IS, according to the US special envoy to the multinational coalition against IS that is providing air and ground support. By the second day, the troops and militiamen had reached the edge of the city. On Tuesday, they shelled IS defensive lines along the edges of the Kifah area before storming it from the south and east, commanders said.
Aug 22, 2017


Headline: Trump’s Afghanistan plan set to spark fresh congressional debate

Headline: Afghanistan hails Trump support in ‘joint struggle’

Headline: Rocket strikes downtown Kabul

President Trump’s decision to announce expanded U.S. military operations in Afghanistan but disclose few details is set to spark fresh congressional debate about the future of the United States’ longest war and whether it is time for lawmakers to approve a new use-of-force law. Senior Republicans voiced support for Trump’s decision to endorse a Pentagon plan to boost troop levels and said it will be reviewed during public congressional hearings when lawmakers reconvene next month. But Democrats and some Republicans blasted Trump for not disclosing more information and said they will redouble attempts to pass the first use-of-force resolution since the 2001 act that authorized military action against terrorist groups in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks. Meanwhile, a rocket struck the heart of Kabul’s government and diplomatic area on Monday night, setting off alarms and sirens at foreign embassies, but there were no immediate reports of casualties. Police said the rocket landed on a secure road just outside the presidential palace and near an area housing other Afghan government offices, foreign embassies as well as the headquarters of the international military coalition.
Aug 22, 2017,7340,L-5005965,00.html


Headline: US Commanders To Issue “Rare Warning” To N.Korea As Kim Threatens “Merciless Revenge”

As the Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military drills begin near the Korean Peninsula, North Korea’s Kim has threatened “merciless revenge” against the “US Imperialists and South Korean war maniacs” for ignoring his warnings. North Korea’s state-run Korean Central News Agency reports that: The US imperialists and the South Korean war maniacs launched the Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military drills aimed at a preemptive attack on the DPRK. Despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK, they have kicked off the war in the pretext of resolving “countering” the “provocation by the north.” This is aimed at igniting a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula at any cost. What is more serious is the fact that on the eve of the war exercises, American troops, including US Pacific Commander and Strategic Commander, flew to the South, contributing far more US troops from overseas, as well as seven vassal states including Australia and Britain. The Korean peninsula has plunged into a critical phase due to the reckless north-targeted war racket of the war maniacs. As Bloomberg notes, KCNA further cites an unidentified military spokesman as saying it would be a misjudgment for the U.S. to think that North Korea will “sit comfortably without doing anything” during the U.S.-South Korea joint military drills. Ongoing drills and visits of U.S. military officials to South Korea create the circumstances for a “mock war” on the Korean peninsula, KCNA says. U.S. can’t avoid “merciless revenge” by North Korea. U.S. should never forget North Korea is watching its moves closely with “fingers on triggers, ready to pour a fire shower of penalties at any time” Additionally, adding further tension, Yonhap reports that three top U.S. military commanders plan to issue a “strong warning message” to North Korea in a rare joint press availability here later Tuesday, officials said.
Aug 21, 2017


Headline: Earthquake kills 2 on Italy’s Ischia island

A 4.0-magnitude earthquake on the Italian resort island of Ischia killed two people and injured at least 39 others, police said. The earthquake on the island on the Bay of Naples struck on Monday evening, with the most serious damage in the village of Casamicciola.Hundreds of frightened people panicked and ran into streets when the earthquake struck. Cracking walls at a hospital caused its evacuation, and some of those injured were airlifted to hospitals in Naples. Additional ferry boats carried survivors to the Italian mainland. Some emergency crews, already on the island fighting a series of wildfires, also assisted. Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology put the earthquake’s magnitude at 4.0 but both the U.S. Geological Survey and the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center measured its magnitude at 4.3.
Aug 22, 2017

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Aug. 18, 2017- Palestinian Authority demands two-state commitment from US

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20th Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: Palestinian Authority demands two-state commitment from US

With Trump team to meet Abbas next week; Palestinian envoy to US urges administration to set out peace endgame, or Ramallah may take unilateral steps. The Palestinian Authority expects the Trump administration to commit to a peace deal endgame before the close of this month and prefers it would be the two-state solution. “We need them to tell us where the hell they are going,” Husam Zomlot, the Palestine Liberation Organization envoy to Washington, said Thursday at a meeting in his office with reporters. “It’s about time we hear it.” Zomlot said a high-level US delegation comprising Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and his top adviser charged with Middle East peace; Jason Greenblatt, Trump’s top international negotiator; and Dina Powell, a deputy national security adviser, would meet August 24 in Ramallah with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian negotiating team. The meeting will come toward the end of a tour in which the US officials also will meet with Israeli and other regional leaders, including from Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
Aug 18, 2017

Headline: Israel freezes controversial settlement law

Israel’s Supreme Court has frozen implementation of a law legalizing dozens of Jewish settlements built on private Palestinian land, which the UN labelled a “thick red line.” Court documents seen by AFP Friday show that Judge Neal Hendel issued Thursday an open-ended restraining order suspending a bill passed by parliament that would retroactively legalize a number of outposts across the occupied West Bank. The decision was in response to a petition brought by 17 Palestinian local councils on whose land the settlements are built. Israeli and Palestinian rights groups were also parties to the petition.
Aug 18, 2017

Headline: Record Number of Jews Visit Temple Mount Under Threat of More Violence

A new report reveals more Jewish Israelis visited the Temple Mount last month than any other month since Israel recaptured Jerusalem during the 1967 war. Approximately 3,200 Jewish visitors went to the holy site. This is largely because thousands of Jews prayed there during the Jewish holy day of Tisha B’av. According to Yeraeh, an organization that promotes Jewish visitation and calls for the rebuilding of the Temple, the recent spike in visitors sends a strong message about who the Temple Mount really belongs to. “We’re showing that this place doesn’t belong to Islam but to the Jews,” Elishamah Sandman, a spokesperson for Yeraeh, told the Jerusalem Post. “Wanting to go up to the Temple Mount is part of preparing for building the Temple. We’re not embarrassed to say this.” He also said that from a national perspective, visiting the site was a strong statement proving that Israel controls the Mount and has sovereignty over it.
Aug 17, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline: Confidential U.N. Report Suggests Saudi-Led Coalition Failing in Yemen

For nearly two-and-a-half years, Saudi Arabia and its allies, equipped with American-built aircraft and precision-guided rockets, have prosecuted one of the most advanced airpower campaigns against one of the world’s poorest countries. But the Saudi-led coalition’s overwhelming military superiority has brought them no closer to victory. Instead, it has furthered Yemen’s political fragmentation, deepened a humanitarian crisis that has brought the country to the brink of famine, and fed widespread public resentment in response to high civilian casualties, according to a confidential U.N. report reviewed by Foreign Policy.“The Saudi Arabia-led coalition strategic air campaign continues to have little operational or tactical impact on the ground, and is only serving to stiffen civilian resistance,” according to a blunt verdict by a U.N. Security Council panel of experts. It is also helping to “consolidate” a military alliance between ethnic Houthi insurgents and Yemen’s disgraced former leader, Ali Abdullah Saleh, who control 13 of the country’s governorates, including the capital of Sana’a.
Aug 18, 2017


Headline: Civilian Deaths Surge in Raqqa as IS Tactics Slow US-backed Advances

As U.S.-backed forces continue to make slow progress in their offensive to oust Islamic State (IS) from its self-proclaimed capital of Raqqa, thousands of civilians who are trapped in the city face an increasing danger of getting caught in crossfire, rights organizations and local activists warn. Officials from the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) say their battle against IS has entered a fierce and grueling phase in the densely populated neighborhoods of the city, as the terrorist group tries various tactics to keep its stronghold. “This fight has become a matter of life and death for both sides,” Mustafa Bali, a spokesperson for the SDF, told VOA. Bali said IS militants are increasingly using suicide car bombs, snipers, drones and tunnels to hinder SDF advances.
Aug 17, 2017


Headline: Iran and Turkey agree to increase military cooperation

Following a series of talks in Ankara this week between Iranian military officers and Turkish civilian and military leaders, Turkey and Iran have agreed to strengthen their military cooperation.
This will include sharing counter-terrorism intelligence, conducting operational cooperation and the exchange of cadets between the two armies. In the first ever visit to Turkey by the head of Iran’s army since 1979, Iranian Armed Forces Chief of Staff Gen. Mohammed Baqeri met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, military Chief of Staff Hulusi Akar and Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli. The visit will be followed soon by the visit of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Turkish officials announced.

Aug 18, 2017


Headline: Spain attacks: Suspects shot dead in Cambrils after van-ramming

Headline: ISIS celebrates Barcelona attack after claiming responsibility for it

Headline: The ISIS special Al-Kharsha Brigade hits Spain

Seven people, including a police officer, were wounded when a car was driven into them early on Friday, Catalan emergency services said. One later died in hospital. The attackers’ vehicle overturned and when the men got out they were quickly fired upon by police, media say. One was reportedly brandishing a knife. The men were wearing what appeared to be explosive belts, police said, and a series of controlled explosions was carried out. The belts proved to be fake, Catalan regional head Carles Puigdemont later told local radio. Police say the situation in Cambrils – a popular seaside resort 110km (68 miles) south-west of Barcelona – is now under control.Spanish police say they have shot dead five suspected terrorists in the town of Cambrils in a second vehicle attack, hours after another in Barcelona killed 13 people and injured dozens. Police said the men were linked to the Barcelona attack, which so-called Islamic State said it had carried out. Police are still hunting the man who drove his van into crowds on Las Ramblas in Barcelona on Thursday.
Aug 18, 2017,7340,L-5004666,00.html

Headline: 3 dead in stabbing attacks in Finland, Germany

At least three people died Friday and several others were hurt in separate stabbing attacks in Finland and Germany, authorities said. In Finland, police confirmed two deaths and six people injured at two marketplaces near each other in the city center — the Central Market and Puutori-Market Squares — on Friday afternoon. Police shot the suspected assailant in the leg and arrested him, state broadcaster YLE reported. Two hours later in Dusseldorf, Germany, a 31-year-old man was killed and a 25-year-old man was seriously wounded in a stabbing attack at a store, police said. Police are searching for one or more suspects. Authorities did not immediately identify a motive in either attack.
Aug 18, 2017


Headline: U.S.-South Korea war games start Monday as Pyongyang warns of ‘catastrophe’

Are tensions cooling in the Korean Peninsula? The United States and South Korea will find out Monday, when the two allies are scheduled to start joint military exercises that are known to anger North Korea, sometimes triggering a show of force. This year’s war games come at a particularly delicate moment. There have been exchanges of war rhetoric between President Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has further complicated the situation, by stating in an interview there’s “no military option” in North Korea while floating a possible deal with Pyongyang that would leave Seoul hanging. Amid all this back and forth, the U.S. and South Korean military will simulate warfare with North Korea from Aug. 21 to 31, well aware that North Korea could respond with another missile test.North Korea last week threatened to fire four missiles toward Guam, a U.S. territory, a rebuttal to President Donald Trump’s “fire and fury” remarks of Aug. 8. North Korea’s Kim later backed off that threat, saying he’d watch “the foolish and stupid conduct of the Yankees” before deciding on the launch, a decision that Trump quickly tweeted was “very wise and well reasoned.” The exchange suggested that cooler heads were prevailing in the latest U.S. standoff with North Korea. But next week’s war games could rekindle hostilities. On Thursday, North Korean state media declared that the military exercises will “further drive the situation on the Korean Peninsula into a catastrophe.”
Aug 17, 2017


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Aug. 14, 2017- Plague Once Again Found In The U.S.

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20th Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~



Headline: Nasrallah: Israel will be defeated

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah on Sunday gave a speech marking the 11th anniversary of the Second Lebanon War and warned Israel against further military action in Lebanon. “Any Israeli force that enters Lebanon will be met with a great defeat and humiliation compared to the last war,” Nasrallah said. “Israel’s goal in that war was to crush Hezbollah, but since then our power has only grown and the Israelis know it.” “Israel will suffer the same defeat that it suffered in 2006 but with greater force” if it attacks Lebanon again, he warned in the televised speech. “Every time an Israeli official talks about Hezbollah’s buildup, he admits in effect Israel’s defeat against Hezbollah,” Nasrallah claimed. “The closure of the ammonia tank in Haifa shows that Israel respects the power of its enemies. Israel will consider a war in Lebanon only as a last resort,” he stated. Nasrallah, however, has been forced to live in an underground bunker since the 2006 Second Lebanon War – a fact which he denies. From there, he has continuously threatened Israel.
Aug 14, 2017

Saudi Arabia

Headline: Bomb kills 13 in southern Yemen

A bomb went off on Monday at a busy district in a southern Yemeni city, killing 13 people and wounding an unspecified number, according to security officials. They said the explosion struck a market in Qataba, in the southern Dhale province, but provided no further details. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, but al-Qaida and Islamic State militants are active in southern Yemen. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak to the press. Dhale is controlled by forces loyal to the internationally recognized government, which is at war with Shiite rebels known as the Houthis and their allies. A Saudi-led coalition has been fighting alongside the government since 2015.
Aug 14, 2017


Headline: Syrian army comes closer to encircling ISIS in central Syria desert

The Syrian army and its allies advanced in the central Syrian desert on Monday and could soon encircle an Islamic State pocket, part of a multi-pronged thrust into eastern areas held by the jihadist  group. A Syrian military source said the Syrian army and its allies had taken a number of villages around the town of al-Koum in northeastern Homs province. This leaves a gap held by Islamic State of around only 25 km (15 miles) between al-Koum and the town of al-Sukhna to its south, which was taken by the Syrian government on Saturday. If the army, supported by Russian air power and Iran-backed militias, closes this gap they will encircle Islamic State fighters to their west in an area of land around 8,000 km square, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
Aug 14, 2017,7340,L-5002872,00.html


Headline: Islamic State claims attack on US forces west of Mosul

Islamic State on Sunday claimed an attack on US forces assisting Iraqi troops in the war on the jihadist militants in northern Iraq. Islamic State fighters fired Grad rockets on American troops east of Tal Afar, a town still under control of the militants west of Mosul, according to an online statement from the group. The American military had said earlier that two US service members had been killed and five injured during combat operations in northern Iraq on Sunday. Islamic State’s self-proclaimed “caliphate” effectively collapsed last month, when US-backed Iraqi forces completed the recapture of Mosul, the militants’ capital in Iraq, after a nine-month campaign.
Aug 13, 2017,7340,L-5002289,00.html



Headline: “ISIS out: Iran in” doesn’t apply to Syria

Headline: US Navy reports another tense encounter with an Iran drone

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and the Mossad Director Yossie Cohen asserted separately on Sunday, Aug. 13, that wherever the Islamic State is thrown out, Iran moves in. This assessment was borrowed from American evaluations of the situation in Afghanistan and Yemen. It does not work as a guiding principle for Israeli security in its immediate neighborhood – certainly not for Syria.
Cohen was correct in stating in his briefing that Iran presents Israel with its greatest peril, and that the Islamic Republic has used its 2015 nuclear accord with the six world powers as an accelerant for developing nuclear weapons. But that does not make the situation in Syria analogous to Afghanistan, as an examination of the facts show. ISIS was pushed out of parts of northern Syria by the Syrian army, Turkish troops, Syrian rebel groups and Kurdish militias. But neither Iranian forces, nor Hizballah or the Shiite militias, imported from Afghanistan and Pakistan to fight under Iranian officers, have moved in to take their place. Neither have they been allowed a role in the ongoing offensive for the capture of Raqqa.  And no Iranian or Shiite presence is to be found in Tabqa, northwest of this former ISIS capital in Syria, or Al-Bab north of Aleppo. Both towns were wrested form the jihadists by other forces. Had Netanyahu and Cohen noted that Iranian and Hizballah took part in some of the battles fought by Russian and Syrian army forces, they would have been correct.  However, it must be said that the pro-Iranian forces’ participation in battles against ISIS was never more than a by-product of their overriding objective, which was to preserve Bashar Assad in the presidential palace in Damascus. Today, they are closer than ever to achieving their goal in view of the crumbling resistance: the US, Saudi Arabia and Turkey this month signaled they were pulling their support from the Syrian anti-Assad insurgency.
Aug 14, 2017


Headline: Taliban overruns district in Afghan northwest

The Afghan Taliban has again retaken control of the district of Ghormach in Faryab province. The remote district has changed hands twice in less than two years. From the Taliban statement at Voice of Jihad:Amid ongoing ‘Operation Mansouri’, Mujahideen launched coordinated assaults on Ghormach district administration center, police headquarter and all the surroundings defensive check posts overnight.Attacks of heavy and light arms that lasted intensively till midday today, overrunning 13 defensive check posts, police headquarter and district center entirely, inflecting serious tolls to enemy as well as seizing a sizable amount of war spoils.Enemy is currently under tight besiege of Mujahideen in a military base at a distance of 4 kilometers from the said district center. The district chief of police is denying Ghormach fell to the Taliban, but that is likely because Afghan forces made a “tactical retreat” to a base outside the district center. From TOLONews:Ghormach district of Faryab province fallen to the Taliban on Sunday, a source told TOLOnews. Faryab’s police chief Dilwar Shah Dilawar denied the development but said security forces had made a tactical  retreat from the district. Dilawar said that clashes between security forces and the Taliban started in the district on Saturday night and are ongoing.He also said so far there have been no reports of casualties.
Aug 14, 2017


Headline: 24 killed in post-election violence in Kenya, rights group says

Headline: Kenya’s Opposition Leader Calls for People to Continue Election Protest

Violence erupted after the re-election of Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta this week, leaving at least 24 people dead nationwide, a rights group said. The victims included a 9-year-old girl, according to the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights. Relatives said the victims were shot dead in various parts of the nation, including 17 in the capital of Nairobi, the group said. Kenyatta, the 55-year-old son of the country’s founding President, was declared the winner Friday, defeating veteran opposition leader Raila Odinga for a second five-year term. Protests and violence broke out after he was declared the winner. Most of the demonstrators were supporters of Odinga, who has rejected the results of the presidential election, calling the vote rigged. National election officials have decried the accusations, saying the vote was free and credible. Protests erupted in and around Kisumu, a stronghold of Odinga. One person was killed overnight in Kisumu, police said. Violence also broke out in Nairobi’s slum of Mathare, where tear gas and gunshots rang out all night, witnesses said.
Aug 14, 2017

Headline: Burkina Faso forces end restaurant attack; 18 killed

Burkina Faso’s government spokesman says that the country’s special forces have ended an attack by suspected Islamic extremists on an upscale Turkish restaurant in this West African country’s capital, Ouagadougou. “At this moment our forces have neutralized two terrorists and the number of casualties, still provisional, is 18 dead and several wounded,” Communications Minister and government spokesman Remy Danguinou told journalists Monday morning. He said the dead are “mainly children and women” and the toll could rise because several people were wounded by the gunfire.At least three members of Burkina Faso’s security forces were wounded during the assault, which lasted for nearly seven hours, said Capt. Guy Ye, spokesman of the security forces. The assailants arrived at the restaurant on motorcycles and then began shooting randomly at the crowds dining Sunday evening, he said. Security forces arrived at the scene with armored vehicles after reports of shots fired near Aziz Istanbul.
Aug 14, 2017

Headline: Battles Between Philippine Extremists, Government-backed Separatists Kill 25

Fighting between government-backed separatist rebels and pro-Islamic State militants have killed at least 25 people in the southern Philippines, the army said on Monday, as the military battles to restore order on the troubled island of Mindanao. Soldiers provided artillery support for the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), a Muslim rebel group with which the government has signed a peace agreement, to try to tackle Islamist extremists, spokesman Colonel Gerry Besana said. The MILF and the government have agreed to work together to thwart several militant groups in Mindanao that have pledged allegiance to Islamic State. “Based on reports from cease-fire monitors, the two sides suffered 25 casualties, including 20 from the ISIS-inspired group,” Besana said, referring to Islamic State by another acronym. He said 10 MILF were wounded and were being treated at a military hospital. The conflict started on Aug 7 when extremists from Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) attacked two villages in Maguindanao and their homemade bombs killed five MILF fighters. The MILF responded and clashes lasted six days, with the military firing howitzer cannons in support, Besana said.
Aug 14, 2017


July 27, 2017–Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Clear Lake, California

July 29, 2017–Chickens dead due to avian flu in Dawei, Myanmar

July 30, 2017–Hundreds of cattle dead from flooding in Gujarat, India

Aug 1, 2017–Whales dead after stranding in Queensland, Australia

Aug 1, 2017–Over 66,000 chickens killed due to avian flu in Inner Mongolia, China

Aug 3, 2017–Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Western Lake Estates, Texas

Aug 3, 2017–Mass die off of fish in a lake in California

Aug 6, 2017–Thousands of dead fish wash up on a beach in Dover, England

Aug 6, 2017–Dead dolphins have washed up this summer along coast of Romania

Aug 7, 2017–Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Orange Beach, Alabama,51814

Aug 8, 2017–Over 1,000 cows die suddenly on a farm in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Aug 8, 2017–1 million chickens killed due to avian flu in Zimbabwe and South Africa

Aug 9, 2017–Mass die off of fish in the waters of Cherkasy, Ukraine

Aug 9, 2017–Dozens of sea lions washing up dead in California

Aug 9, 2017–12th whale found dead in Massachusetts

Aug 9, 2017–Hundreds dead Shearwater birds found washed up on Long Island beaches

Aug 10, 2017–Tons of fish have died in fish farms in Vung Tau, Vietnam


Headline: The Plague Has Once Again Been Found In The U.S.

As much as we’ve been taught to believe that the plague was a thing of ancient European history, it’s unfortunately still going around — and has once again been found in the U.S. As ABC News reports, officials in two Arizona counties are warning the public after fleas in the area tested positive for the plague. Public health officials in Navajo County and Coconino County have issued warnings that the rare disease could be spread to humans by the bite of an infected flea. “Navajo County Health Department is urging the public to take precautions to reduce their risk of exposure to this serious disease, which can be present in fleas, rodents, rabbits, and predators that feed upon these animals,” the warning states, according to ABC. “The disease can be transmitted to humans and other animals by the bite of an infected flea or by direct contact with an infected animal.” Symptoms of the plague can depend on how the person was infected, but an infection by flea bite may cause fever, headache, chills, and weakness and one or more swollen, tender and painful lymph nodes, according to the CDC.
Aug 14, 2017


Headline: Space agencies track trajectory of approaching asteroid

Asteroid 2012 TC4 hasn’t been seen since its last brush with our planet five years ago, but calculations of its trajectory told astronomers that it would return in October 2017. Right on cue, the building-sized rock has now emerged from the darkness of space as it hurtles towards the Earth. NASA and the ESA plan to use it as a test run for the international Planetary Defense network, and have now been able to calculate its trajectory. With asteroids grazing past Earth with worrying regularity, it would definitely pay to have some forewarning if any were on a collision course. The Chelyabinsk meteor is a perfect example of a hazardous space rock sneaking up on us, causing widespread damage and injury when it exploded over Russia in 2013. To help prevent a disaster like that (or worse) from occurring again, NASA has established the Planetary Defense Coordination Office to detect and track near-Earth objects.
Aug 13, 2017

Headline: More than 200 dead in Sierra Leone mudslides

At least 200 people died in a mudslide in Sierra Leone early Monday, local authorities said. The local Red Cross put the death toll at 18, but Sierra Leone Vice President Victor Foh said, “hundreds have probably died.” A night of heavy rain in the mountain town of Regent, near Freetown, caused widespread flooding and mudslides, and survivors could be seen walking through muddy, waist-deep water in the Freetown vicinity, the BBC reported. Many houses in the town were completely covered in mud. Although officials said it was too early for an exact casualty count, The Telegraph reported that more than 200 bodies were taken to mortuaries.
Aug 14, 2017

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August 9, 2017 Documentary on is the RAPTURE of the Church REALLY GOING TO TAKE PACE ON SEPTEMBER 23?


The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20th Edition written by Frank DiMora


Another failed prophecy date!  Most people don’t think I will remember what they teach when it comes to date setting however, I keep records of the e-mails I receive. When someone teaches prophecy that I know does not link up with the Word of God I make it known people will see the outcome or the lack of   outcome of what the person has taught.  In this case below I am now posting a e-mail that was sent to me concerning the


Received this email November 29th and 30, 2016 from Lorna Dune Lauren has set a date for June 6, 2017. Her message to me is below and so is my reply. The reason I am now posting this is because of the new prophecy Rapture Date as set forth by so many pastors on the Internet.  You saw the date in the above video as Sept. 23, 2017.  There is no question these are the last days. One of the warnings in the New Testament is about false doctrine and false prophecies.  Keep this thought in your mind, the Lord will forgive if there is true repentance. It is my prayer that anyone who makes these false prophecies will go to Christ with a repent heart and ask Him for His forgiveness. With a pure heart Christ promises to forgive. Frank




1:12 PM (18 hours ago)    
to me

Hello Frank, You are like those of old who made a ditch for the water of the old pool Siloam, but had no respect for him who made it long ago. No offense most prophecy guru’s have completely overlooked this prophecy and given no respect to the great King.

Isaiah 22:11 You also made a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool: but ye have not looked unto the maker thereof, neither had respect unto him that fashioned it long ago. This text is from the “valley of vision” text about to be fulfilled below!

Also from this Chapter, Shebna was replaced by Eliakim and put in charge of preserving the Davidic line and “The key to the house of David I will lay on his shoulder”. Why? Because Hezekiah had not fathered a son to continue the Davidic line so God returned BACKWARDS the path of the sun eighteen years in 702BCE and an heir to the “line” was born three years later.

2 Kings 20:20 And the rest of the acts of Hezekiah, and all his might, and how he made a pool, and a conduit, and brought water into the city, are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah.

The pool of Siloam was originally made by King Hezekiah, who ruled the Kingdom of Judah from 715 to 686 B.C.

The fact that not seventeen or nineteen men were killed by the “tower of Siloam” but eighteen, speaks volumes for Yeshua mentioning 18 years in Luke 13 because if His Father had not returned backwards the ecliptic He would not be able to fulfill Psalm 89:3-4 and Psalm 132:10-11

Luke 13:Those eighteen men upon whom the tower in Siloam fell and slew them, do you think they were sinners above all men that dwelt in JerusalemI tell you, No: but, except you repent, you shall all likewise perish.

Luke 13:10 And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath. 11 And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and in no way could lift up herself.

12 And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, you art loosed from thine infirmity.13 And he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God.

That “peg fastened in a sure place” of Isaiah 22:25 will be cut off from the nations and fulfill Daniel 9:26 and stand before and rule his brothers in the strength and majesty of the Name of this God and also fulfill Micah 5:2-5, on day 1290 of Daniel’s 12:11 prophecy, June 6, 2017, the “70th Shavuot”.

Thank you for your reply, Lauren


From: Frank DiMora

Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 10:19 AM

To: Lauren



This date will come and go like the rest of the people who set dates.


Aug. 8, 2017- Americans now have the highest credit-card debt in U.S. history

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20th Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: Democratic Socialists of America Endorse BDS, Call for Israel’s Destruction

America’s largest socialist organization overwhelmingly voted to support the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement at its biannual convention in Chicago on Saturday. The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) conveniently held its convention on the Jewish Sabbath, when no observant Jews would be able to appear or protest. BDS aims at crippling Israel’s economy as political protest against the “oppressive” state. It has been very successful in destroying employment opportunitiesfor thousands of Palestinians who worked for Israeli companies that BDS targeted. After the vote, which passed by 90 percent, was met with wild applause, the crowd of DSA attendees began to chant a popular genocidal slogan of the pro-Palestinian movement, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
Aug 8, 2017


Headline: Hamas said to meet with Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Tehran

Senior members of the Hamas terror group met on Monday in Iran with representatives of the powerful Iranian Revolutionary Guard, according to Arabic media reports. A high-level Hamas delegation arrived in Tehran on Friday in order to attend the inauguration of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, and to “turn a new page in bilateral relations” between the two sides, according to a statement by Hamas. This is the first Hamas visit to Iran since the group elected new leadership earlier in 2017. The rapprochement between Hamas and Iran is reportedly being facilitated by the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, which is supported by Tehran.During their meeting on Monday, Zarif told the Hamas delegation, according to a readout of the meeting from Hamas, that Iran was “ready to put aside all disagreements for the sake of supporting Palestine and the Palestinian people as well as the unity of the Muslim world.” Meanwhile, Resheq, who headed the Hamas delegation, framed the renewing of ties between Iran and Hamas as a priority for the Islamic world in its efforts to defeat Israel. “Hamas believes that the Muslim world should be united and should put disputes aside and join forces against the joint enemy, which is Israel,” he said.
Aug 8, 2017



Headline: King Abdullah’s Ramallah visit sends a message to multiple audiences

By making a quick but rare trip to Ramallah on Monday, Jordan’s King Abdullah II sent a message to several different audiences at the same time, former ambassador to Egypt Yitzhak Levanon said. Prior to serving as ambassador to Egypt from 2009-2011, Levanon dealt for years with Arab-world issues in various capacities inside the Foreign Ministry. Those varied audiences, he said, included Israel, the king’s domestic constituency in Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Levanon pointed out that Abdullah is not a frequent visitor to Israel or the PA. This was the king’s first visit to Ramallah since 2012 and only his sixth in 17 years. He has visited Israel just twice during that same period; the first time in April 2000 and the second was a secret visit to then-prime minister Ariel Sharon’s farm in 2004. Since Abdullah’s visits to the area are quite rare, that he went to Ramallah and not to Israel was a demonstrative act showing Jerusalem that, following the Temple Mount crisis and the incident at the Israeli Embassy in Jordan, it is “not the right time to come to Israel,” Levanon said. He likened the snub of Israel to someone who gets two dinner invitations but accepts only one, leaving the other party intentionally insulted. “It is not as if he comes here every other day so that if he doesn’t come once when he is in the neighborhood it’s no big deal,” Levanon said. “It is a big deal. He is saying: ‘I am going to Abu Mazen [PA President Mahmoud Abbas] and that is all.’” The visit, Levanon said, is obviously connected to last month’s tension on the Temple Mount.
Aug 8, 2017


Headline: Military Terrorism Complex

Headline: Lebanon’s army prepares to clear border area of Daesh militants

Not long ago in this space, I talked about one of the most underreported facts of the Middle East. That the Lebanese terror group known as Hezbollah has a larger stockpile of missiles than all NATO countries (except the U.S.) combined.  The terror group is reported to have approximately 150,000 missiles in the field, ready to go. Hezbollah is the most powerful non-state military actor in the world.  They have 20,000 active duty troops and another 25,000 reservists.  They are known to have a vast number of deep and sophisticated tunnel and bunker complexes across southern Lebanon, and entering Israel under its northern border. Where does a terrorist group get the weapons and money to build such an immense military machine? It primarily comes from their fellow Shiite Muslims in Iran. In June, we learned that Hezbollah’s military capabilities have taken a dramatic turn.  ISIS differentiated itself from other terror groups by taking territory from existing nations, and attempting to build caliphate on it.  But Hezbollah has done them one better.  They are building their own industrial infrastructure capable of producing precision weapons, primarily missiles.
Aug 8, 2017

Saudi Arabia

Headline: Al-Qaeda ousted from oil-rich Yemen province: army

Headline:Two soldiers, six al Qaeda militants die in Yemen attack

Headline: Houthi missile launched towards Saudi Arabia lands in Red Sea

Al-Qaeda’s Yemen branch has retreated from an oil-rich southern province in the face of an assault by a US-backed elite government force, a senior military official said Monday. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), seen by the US as the global network’s most dangerous franchise, has exploited Yemen’s war to expand its presence in the country’s south. But the elite force, trained by the UAE, on Thursday launched a “major operation” against the terrorists in Shabwa province. The group staged a “tactical retreat” from the province with no major clashes, the military official said, requesting anonymity, as he was not authorized to talk to the press. The terrorists appear to have moved even further south into the neighboring Abyan province.
Aug 8, 2017,7340,L-5000327,00.html


Headline: After military shake-up, Erdogan says Turkey to tackle Kurds in Syria

Days after a reshuffle of Turkey’s top military commanders, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has revived warnings of military action against Kurdish fighters in Syria that could set back the US-led battle against the Daesh terror group. Kurdish militia are spearheading an assault against the hardline militants in their Syrian stronghold Raqqa, from where Daesh has planned attacks around the world for the past three years. But US backing for the Kurdish YPG fighters in Syria has infuriated Turkey, which views their growing battlefield strength as a security threat due to a decades-old insurgency by the Kurdish PKK within in its borders.
Aug 7, 2017

Headline: ISIS fighters reportedly withdraw from last Homs town

Different sources report that Al Sukhna, the last ISiS-held town in the eastern Syrian Homs region, has fallen, clearing the way for Syrian troops and allied militias to advance on Deir ez-Zour, where the Islamist State maintains key strongholds. At the same time, the Russian-US-backed ceasefire zone called in Homs last Thursday was repeatedly broken since then by the Syrian government and rebel forces.
Aug 8, 2017


Headline: Iraq Shia militia ‘lose dozens in attack’

Headline:US denies bombing Iraqi Shi’ite militia near Syrian border

Dozens of Shia militiamen have been killed in an attack in Iraq close to the border with Syria, reports say. There are conflicting accounts as to what happened. The group said US aircraft were to blame, though the US-led coalition denied this. So-called Islamic State (IS) has said it killed scores of Iraqi troops in an ambush in the area. Iranian-backed militia and the US-led coalition are fighting separate campaigns against IS in Iraq. More than 30 fighters were killed and 85 wounded in the incident on Monday, reports say. The Sayyed al-Shuhada militia, part of the government-allied Popular Mobilisation units (PMU), accused the US of deliberately attacking it. According to the militia, the US forces said in a statement that so-called smart bombs had been used to target IS positions in the area.
Aug 8, 2017,7340,L-5000326,00.html



Headline: Turkey and Qatar conclude two-day naval exercises in Doha

Headline: Turkey’s Military to Move Into Somalia After Backing Qatar in Gulf Crisis

Turkey and Qatar have concluded two-day-long naval exercises in the Gulf devoted to combating “terrorism,” piracy, and inspection of suspicious vessels amid a two-month blockade by neighboring countries. “Qatar’s Royal Air Force and Special Naval Force and the General Directorate of Coast and Border Security participated in the exercise,” Lieutenant-Colonel Nawaf bin Mubarak al-Thani stated. The joint Turkey-Qatar rapid response exercises were conducted in Qatari territorial waters and were aimed at combatting “terrorism,” as reported by Turkish Hurriyet Daily News. Sunday and Monday’s exercises utilized several Qatari missile boats in addition to an Turkish naval frigate. An earlier Turkey-Qatar military exercise was completed on June 19 at Qatar’s Tariq bin Ziyad military base, just weeks after the blockade, in order to train the country’s gendarmerie forces.
Aug 8, 2017


Headline: Iranian drone forces US jet to take evasive action

An Iranian drone came within 100 feet of a US Navy F/A-18 attempting to land on the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz in the Persian Gulf on Tuesday, according to two US defense officials with knowledge of the incident. The officials said the drone forced the US aircraft to take evasive action. The “QOM-1” drone came within 100 feet below the aircraft and 200 feet to the side of the aircraft. The F/A-18 was in a landing pattern several thousand feet off the deck of the ship waiting to land. The F/A-18 maneuvered repeatedly to avoid the drone officials said and it did not appear to be armed. The officials said the drone encounter was considered “unsafe and unprofessional.” The US used an emergency radio frequency in the immediate area to warn those operating the drone to back away. It did eventually move off. US Naval Forces Central Command issued a statement later Tuesday confirming the incident.
Aug 8, 2017


Headline: U.S. Is Sending More Marines to Afghanistan

The U.S. is sending dozens more Marines to Afghanistan, according to three U.S. defense officials. Task Force Southwest, based in Helmand Province in southwestern Afghanistan, requested the additional Marines to help with internal force protection, the officials said. U.S. Central Command approved the request but the Marines have not yet moved into the country. There are currently more than 300 Marines assigned to Task Force Southwest, and the total additional force is less than 100 marines, the officials said. The Marines will deploy from the Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Crisis Response Central Command, already based in the region. The officials would not say where the marines would deploy from specifically, with one saying, “we are redirecting them from where they’re at now to help with the mission.”
Aug 7, 2017


Headline: Venezuela using excessive force, arrests to crush protests: U.N.

Venezuelan security forces have systematically wielded excessive force to suppress protests, killing dozens, and have arbitrarily detained 5,000 people since April, including 1,000 still in custody, the United Nations human rights office said on Tuesday. It called on the government of President Nicolas Maduro to rein in security forces and investigate alleged abuses and release people from arbitrary detention. On Friday, Venezuela inaugurated a new legislative superbody that is expected to rewrite the constitution and give vast powers to Maduro’s ruling Socialist Party, defying protests and worldwide condemnation that it undermines democratic freedoms. “We are concerned that the situation in Venezuela is escalating and these patterns of human rights violations are showing no signs of abating,” U.N. human rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani told a news briefing in Geneva.
Aug 8, 2017

Headline: Amid protests, Zuma up against secret no-confidence vote in South Africa

Rocks and burning tires closed major intersections in South Africa’s capital on Tuesday prior to a secret no-confidence vote in President Jacob Zuma by parliament. Protesters, both for and against the embattled president, caused traffic jams across Johannesburg, authorities said. Although Zuma’s African National Congress dominates the legislature, holding about 250 of the 400 seats, at least 50 lawmakers have announced their intent to defect. Zuma has survived at least five parliamentary votes to remove him from office since he assumed the presidency in 2009, but Tuesday’s vote is the first secret ballot vote.A passage of the motion will force Zuma and his cabinet to resign, in which case ANC national chairperson and Parliament Speaker Baleka Mbete would assume the presidency for 30 days.
Aug 8, 2017

Headline: U.S. May Begin Airstrikes Against ISIS in Philippines

The Pentagon is considering a plan that allows the U.S. military to conduct airstrikes on ISIS in the Philippines, two defense officials told NBC News. The authority to strike ISIS targets as part of collective self-defense could be granted as part of an official military operation that may be named as early as Tuesday, said the officials. The strikes would likely be conducted by armed drones. If approved, the U.S. military would be able to conduct strikes against ISIS targets in the Philippines that could be a threat to allies in the region, which would include the Philippine forces battling ISIS on the ground in the country’s southern islands. The U.S. military has been sharing intelligence with the Philippines for years, according to Pentagon spokesperson Capt. Jeff Davis, who called it a “steady state.” In Manila on Monday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the U.S. was providing the Philippines government with “intelligence capabilities” in the fight against ISIS, including “some recent transfers of a couple of Cessnas and a couple of UAVs (drones) to allow to them to have better information with which to conduct the fight down there.” “We’re providing them some training and some guidance in terms of how to deal with an enemy that fights in ways that are not like most people have ever had to deal with.
Aug 7, 2017


Headline: North Korea vows ‘thousands-fold’ revenge in response to United Nations sanctions

Headline: China holds wargames as North Korea tensions spike

North Korea vowed Monday to strike the U.S. with “thousands-fold” revenge after the United Nations imposed new sanctions in response to a recent intercontinental ballistic missile launch from the rogue regime. The dictatorship’s official KCNA news agency described the recent sanctions as “crimes” that were a “violent violation of our sovereignty” and a “heinous plot to isolate and stifle” the communist country. North Korea, which consistently threatens to send “gift packages” to the U.S., vowed to take “righteous actions” that would make America pay “thousands of times.” The fiery response from the nation came in the face of the sanctions and as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson demanded the rogue nation halt its missile tests so the U.S. and North Korea could start negotiations. Tillerson made the comments at a regional security meeting in Manilla, Philippines, and offered his most specific outline to date of what preconditions the U.S. has for talks with Pyongyang. He said stopping the launches would be the “first and strongest signal.”
Aug 7, 2017


Headline: Americans now have the highest credit-card debt in U.S. history

American consumers just hit a scary milestone. They now collectively have the most outstanding revolving debt — often summarized as credit card debt — in U.S. history, according to a report Monday released by the Federal Reserve. Americans had $1.021 trillion in outstanding revolving credit in June 2017. This beats the previous record in April 2008, when consumers had a collective $1.02 trillion in outstanding credit revolving credit. “This record should serve as a wake-up call to Americans to focus on their credit card debt,” said Matt Schulz, a senior industry analyst at, a credit card website. “Even if you feel your debt is manageable right now, know that you could be one unexpected emergency away from real trouble.” Revolving credit had been growing at an annual growth rate of 4.9%. One reason: More consumers are getting access to credit cards backed by major banks and issuers in recent months. More than 171 million consumers had access to those cards in the first quarter of 2017, the highest number that has had access since 2005, when about $162.5 million people had access. For the first time since the Great Recession, lenders have given more consumers with sub-prime, or below average, credit scores, access to credit cards, but they are giving them lower spending limits, according to the credit reporting agency TransUnion TRU, +0.17%  . The New York Federal Reserve released a new report Wednesday that showed U.S. collective household debt balances totaled $12.73 trillion in March 2017, surpassing the 2008 peak of $12.68 trillion.
Aug 8, 2017


Headline: Preschoolers Can Now Go To Transgender ‘Rainbow Day Camp’

A transgender day camp for kids ages four through twelve in California is boasting triple enrollment since its founding three years ago, reported the Associated Press. The pre-schoolers and elementary school kids who attend the “Rainbow Day Camp” start each morning by choosing which pronoun they want to use for the day, according to the AP. Campers can choose, “he”, “she”, a combo of “he/she”, “they”, or opt to write undecided or nothing at all. The San Francisco Bay Area camp has made it its mission to cater to “gender fluid” and transgender children. Founded in 2014, the camp is currently the only one to offer a transgender program of sorts to such young children. The camp has about 60 attendees, up from 20 in its first summer. “A decade ago, this camp wouldn’t have existed. Eventually, I do believe, it won’t be so innovative,” the camp’s founder Sandra Collins told the AP. “I didn’t know you could be transgender at a very young age. But my daughter knew for sure at 2,” she said, crediting her daughter as inspiration for starting the camp. Collins has also founded “Camp Kickin’ It” for transgender kids ages 13-17. Kids have traveled from all over the U.S. and even as far as Africa to attend the camp. Rainbow Day Camp hopes to open another space in Colorado in summer 2018.
Aug 7, 2017


Headline: 11 Christians Massacred in Nigerian Church

At least 11 people are dead after gunmen attacked a church in southeastern Nigeria on Sunday morning. “Somebody came inside the church and started shooting,” said Jude Onwuaso, a priest at St. Philip Catholic Church. Eighteen others were critically wounded when the attackers reportedly walked into the church during service and started firing their weapons.”After the first round, there was second round and I guess it was during the second round that people were shot dead,” Onwuaso told BBC News. “When I came back I discovered that some of my parishioners were dead, about five or six I saw shot dead bleeding.” No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. In the meantime, authorities don’t believe there was any involvement by the militant Islamic group Boko Haram, which has a long history of carrying out deadly attacks across Nigeria, burning hundreds of churches over the past decade.
Aug 7, 2017


Headline: 5 dead, dozens injured as earthquake strikes Sichuan, China – reports (PHOTO,VIDEOS)

Five people are reportedly dead at a tourist resort in China’s southwest province of Sichuan following an earthquake measuring 6.5 on the richter scale. Chinese authorities say the earthquake measured magnitude 7.The earthquake hit a mountainous area some 200km (120 miles) northwest of the city of Guangyuan, and was measured at a depth of 10km (6 miles), according to the USGS. Five people died and more than 30 people are injured, according to Reuters, which cites Sichuan television. China has activated the top level of its four-tier emergency response system, according to a statement released to Xinhua. Search and rescue responders have been deployed to the area as well as other emergency responders.
Aug 8, 2017

Headline: Mexico bracing for Hurricane Franklin after storm hits land

Tropical Storm Franklin hit the east coast of Mexico late Monday, packing winds of about 60 mph — but another part of the Yucatan Peninsula is getting ready for what might be Hurricane Franklin by Thursday. Heavy rain hit Belize and Yucatan as the storm made landfall late Monday. Between 3 and 6 inches of rain is expected, with some areas anticipating up to 12 inches. A hurricane watch was put into effect from Puerto de Veracruz to Rio Panuco. Flash flooding is a concern from Chetumal to Sabancuy, and the Belize coast from Belize City northward to the border with Mexico. Rip currents and coastal flooding are also expected. The storm is moving at about 14 mph, and was about 85 miles east of Chetumal, the National Hurricane Center said in its 7 a.m. advisory on Tuesday. Winds of tropical storm force extend outward about 140 miles from the center of the storm.
Aug 8, 2017

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August 7, 2017 The Jewish Temple Will Be Built

August 2, 2017- The Battle over Jerusalem Has Just Begun

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20th Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: "The Battle over Jerusalem Has Just Begun"

The Palestinian "victory" celebrations that took place after Israel removed metal detectors and surveillance cameras from the entrances to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem bode badly for the future of stability and peace in the Middle East. To the Palestinians and many Arabs and Muslims, the Israeli move is viewed as a sign of weakness. In their eyes, the removal of the security cameras and metal detectors is capitulation, pure and simple. How do we know this? Easy: look at the Palestinian response. Rather than acknowledging the conciliatory nature of the Israeli government's decision, aimed at easing tensions and preventing bloodshed and violence, the Palestinians are demanding more. As far as the Palestinians are concerned, the controversy over the Israeli security measures at the Temple Mount, which came after three terrorists murdered two Israeli police officers at the holy site on July 14, is part of a larger battle with Israel. We have reached a new level in this discourse: Palestinian Authority (PA) officials are now openly admitting that it is not the metal detectors or security cameras that are at issue. Instead, they admit, this is a battle over sovereignty on the Temple Mount and Jerusalem. For the Palestinians, the real battle is over who controls Jerusalem and its holy sites. The real battle, in their eyes, is over the Jews' right to live in their own state in the Middle East. Many Palestinians have still not come to terms with Israel's right to exist, and that is what this battle is really about. The Palestinians, feeling triumphant now that Israel has complied with their demand to remove the metal detectors and security cameras, have been clarifying that it is only the first step in their fight to eradicate any Israeli presence in the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.
Aug 1, 2017

Headline: China urges support for new Israel-Palestinian peace plan

China's UN ambassador urged the international community on Monday to support President Xi Jinping's new four-point proposal to end the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict and establish an independent Palestinian state. Liu Jieyi said at a news conference that China's future diplomatic efforts will focus on trying to move toward a negotiated solution based on the four proposals. Xi signaled China's stepped-up engagement in the Middle East when he met about two weeks ago in Beijing with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and outlined the plan. The four points are:
1.) Advancing the two-state solution based on 1967 borders with east Jerusalem as the capital of a new Palestinian state.
2.) Upholding "the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security," immediately ending Israeli settlement building, taking immediate measures to prevent violence against civilians, and calling for an early resumption of peace talks.

3.) Coordinating international efforts to put forward "peace-promoting measures that entail joint participation at an early date."
4.) Promoting peace through development and cooperation between the Palestinians and Israel.
China views both Israel and the Palestinians as "important partners" in its "One Belt, One Road" initiative, a mammoth Chinese-funded push to develop transport routes including ports, railways and roads to expand trade in a vast arc of countries across Asia, Africa and Europe, the ambassador said.
Aug 1, 2017,7340,L-4997024,00.html


Headline: For First Time in Millennia, Jewish Priests Will Undergo Training to Enter Temple's Holy of Holies

For the first time in 2,000 years, a group of Kohanim (men of the Jewish priestly caste) living close to Jerusalem’s Old City are studying the relevant Jewish laws to be able to ascend the Temple Mount and enter the Holy of Holies, where God’s presence is said to dwell. This development was initiated by Israel’s first responder organization ZAKA, based on a decision by the ZAKA Rabbinical Council following an event occurring during the three weeks of austerity leading up to the Ninth Day of Av: the July 14 Palestinian terror attack against Israeli police officers that left three dead (including the terrorist), the most powerful source of ritual impurity, on the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism. Horrific as the attack was, one Temple activist said it may have served a divine purpose. “When the Jewish people are not moving ahead quickly enough, God does something to force it upon us,” Yaakov Hayman, a prominent Temple Mount activist and expert, told Breaking Israel News. “When those Arabs did what they did, they created a new situation on the ground. We weren’t preparing for it, so something happened that forced us to deal with it.”The “new situation on the ground” is that Kohanim, men descended patrilineally from Aaron the Priest, will now be trained for the first time in millennia to enter the area where the Holy of Holies once stood. Their purpose will not be to offer sacrifices or pray for the Jewish people, but to retrieve dead bodies should the need arise again.
July 31, 2017

Headline: Israelis March Demanding Access to Temple Mount and Building of Third Temple

Monday evening marked the beginning of the Jewish fast of Tisha B'Av, which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples.Thousands of Israelis participated in an annual march around the walls of Jerusalem's Old City, with a special focus on the Temple Mount. Though it is Judaism's holiest site, Jews are still not allowed to pray there due to threats of Muslim violence. Government officials participating in the march noted that the people of Israel are seeking much more than just the right to pray atop a Muslim-occupied Temple Mount. They want the Third Temple. "Everyone who came here tonight proved with his feet that we want the Temple back – and quickly," Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben Dahan told Arutz 7.
Aug 2, 2017



Headline: Jordanian king donates $1.4 million to Waqf after Temple Mount fight

Jordan’s king on Wednesday announced that he would donate 1 million Jordanian dinars ($1.4 million) to the Waqf Islamic Trust, which administers the Temple Mount compound in the Old City of Jerusalem. The money is seen as a major show of support for the Waqf, which led protests against Israeli security measures at the holy site last month, ramping up tensions between Israel and the Arab world. The Waqf, a Jordan-based organization in charge of the Muslim holy sites on the Temple Mount, said that the money will go to the Islamic Museum in the compound and to a cash bonus of 300 dinar ($423) to each of the Waqf workers, the Hebrew media Ynet website reported.  The donation comes amid strained relations between Israel and Jordan after recent violent clashes sparked following the introduction by Israel of walk-through metal detectors — later removed — at the Jerusalem holy site. New security equipment was set up in the days after a terror attack on July 14 in which three Arab Israelis killed two Israeli policemen using guns that were smuggled onto the Temple Mount. Presiding over a meeting of government ministers Wednesday, Abdullah said that Amman was closely following the situation in Jerusalem. He said the challenge in keeping calm in the city was not only related to security, but diplomatic as well.
Aug 2, 2017

Saudi Arabia

Headline: Iran Revolutionary Guards find new route to arm Yemen rebels

Iran's Revolutionary Guards have started using a new route across the Gulf to funnel covert arms shipments to their Houthi allies in Yemen's civil war, sources familiar with the matter have told Reuters. In March, regional and Western sources told Reuters that Iran was shipping weapons and military advisers to the Houthis either directly to Yemen or via Somalia. This route however risked contact with international naval vessels on patrol in the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. For the last six months the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has begun using waters further up the Gulf between Kuwait and Iran as it looks for new ways to beat an embargo on arms shipments to fellow Shiites in the Houthi movement, Western and Iranian sources say. Using this new route, Iranian ships transfer equipment to smaller vessels at the top of the Gulf, where they face less scrutiny. The transhipments take place in Kuwaiti waters and in nearby international shipping lanes, the sources said.
Aug 1, 2017


Headline: Russia flies 2,000 mercenary troops into Syria

Russia is engaged in a major buildup in Syria, both in support of the de-escalation zones established in conjunction with the United States, and in order to solidify its military control of the country.
debkafile’s military and intelligence sources reported exclusively on Wednesday, August 2, that 2,000 mercenaries had just been airlifted into the country, boosting to a total of 5,000 the number of mercenaries on hire from the Wagner Group private contractors for service under the Russian flag in Syria. They are all retirees from elite units of the Russian ground forces, air force or navy.
In another new Russian project, our military sources also report the arrival in the past few days of Muslim troops from the republic of Ingushetia. Although clad in Russian military police uniforms, they are actually commandoes trained in anti-terror warfare. They have been posted as “ceasefire monitors” at the three de-escalation zones established by Russia and the United States along the Syrian borders with Israel, Jordan and Iraq. President Vladimir Putin and his defense minister Gen. Sergei Shoigu have ramped up the Russian military presence in Syria without adding ground and armored troops – even though the Russian constitution bars the recruitment of mercenaries to fight overseas for profit. Moscow is a veteran client of the Wagner Group contractors, which largely resemble the US Blackwater security contractor now calling itself Academi. It was hired to provide military personnel during 20014 and 2015 for Moscow's battle to conquer Crimea and in support of the pro-Russian separatists fighting in eastern Ukraine.

Aug 2, 2017

Headline: ISIS attacks Syrian army east of Homs

Islamic State militants attacked Syrian government forces and their allies in countryside east of Homs and Hama on Wednesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. Heavy fighting raged around the mountainous Jabal al-Shomariya area in Homs province, and the government side was carrying out air strikes there, the British-based monitoring group said. Pro-Damascus media outlets quoted a military source saying warplanes had hit targets in the eastern Hama countryside, which borders Jabal al-Shomariya to the north.
Aug 2, 2017,7340,L-4997709,00.html

Headline: Russian embassy compound in Damascus comes under mortar fire

The Russian embassy’s compound in Damascus came under mortar fire on Wednesday, the Russian Foreign Ministry said, adding that nobody was hurt. “On August 2, the Russian embassy’s compound in Damascus came under a mortar attack from positions held by terrorist militants,” the ministry said, as cited by TASS. “Two shells crashed on the premises of the Russian diplomatic mission and two others [landed] just outside the perimeter fence.” The material damage caused was minimal, according to the statement.
Aug 2, 2017



Headline: Western powers warn Iran rocket test a 'threatening step'

The United States, Britain, France and Germany warned the United Nations on Wednesday that Iran had taken "a threatening and provocative step" by testing a rocket capable of delivering satellites into orbit and asked the UN chief to investigate. In a report submitted to the UN Security Council's Iran sanctions committee and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the four countries described the July 27 launch as inconsistent with a 2015 UN Security Council resolution. They asked Guterres to report "fully and thoroughly on Iran's ballistic missile and space launch activity" to the 15-member Security Council. Most UN sanctions were lifted 18 months ago under a deal Iran made with key world powers to curb its nuclear program. But Iran is still subject to an arms embargo and other restrictions, which are not technically part of the nuclear agreement. Guterres reports every six months to the Security Council on the implementation of the remaining sanctions and restrictions. "The technologies necessary for the conception, the fabrication and the launch of space launch vehicles are closely related to those of ballistic missiles, in particular to those of an intercontinental ballistic missile," the four powers wrote in their report, seen by Reuters. "This launch therefore represents a threatening and provocative step by Iran," they wrote. "Iran's longstanding program to develop ballistic missiles continues to be inconsistent with (the UN resolution) and has a destabilizing effect in the region."
Aug 2, 2017,7340,L-4997867,00.html


Headline: Suicide bomber hits NATO convoy in Afghanistan

Headline: US service members killed in Afghanistan attack

A suicide bomber struck a NATO convoy near the southern Afghan city of Kandahar on Wednesday, causing casualties, the US military said. Lt. Damien E. Horvath, a military spokesman, could not say how many casualties there were, or provide their nationalities. The NATO mission, known as Resolute Support, “can confirm that a NATO convoy was attacked in Kandahar. The attack did cause casualties,” he said. Kandahar police spokesman Zia Durrani also confirmed the attack and the area on the edge Kandahar was quickly cordoned off. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the bombing.
Aug 2, 2017


Headline: Russia takes over US compound in Moscow in retaliation over sanctions

Russian authorities on Wednesday took over a summer-house compound in Moscow leased by the US embassy, five days after the Kremlin ordered Washington to slash its diplomatic presence in Russia. In retaliation for new US sanctions, President Vladimir Putin has ordered the United States to cut around 60 percent of its diplomatic staff in Russia by Sept. 1, and said Moscow would seize a dacha country villa used by US embassy staff and a warehouse. US employees cleared out the dacha on Tuesday and a Reuters journalist who visited the property on Wednesday saw a large metal padlock securing the front gate. The one-story building and courtyard, previously used by diplomatic staff at weekends and to host embassy parties, was empty and cleared of barbecue equipment and garden furniture. Two policemen in a car in front of the main entrance said they had been instructed to guard the property and did not expect any visits from US or Russian officials.
“I don’t know when this situation will change,” one of the policemen said.

Aug 2, 2017


Headline: Venezuelan Default Fears Rise With Billions in Debt Coming Due Soon

Investors have been bracing for a Venezuela debt default for more than a year, but fallout from the country’s widely criticized election last weekend could prove to be the tipping point. The government and state-owned oil company Petróleos de Venezuela SA, also known as PdVSA, together owe $5 billion in principal and interest payments due between now and the end of the year, according to Caracas Capital Markets. The country has $725 million due this month alone, the Venezuelan investment bank said. The problem: Venezuela only has about $3 billion of its foreign reserves in cash, according to S&P Global Ratings. That means the country is dependent on oil exports to make up the difference. The U.S. government has been threatening tough sanctions to punish President Nicolás Maduro for what Washington and other governments have called an illegal vote on Sunday, designed to advance the president’s power. Mr. Maduro has said that the vote was necessary to give the government the ability to fix Venezuela’s political and economic crises, and put an end to antigovernment protests. While the Trump administration on Monday imposed sanctions against Mr. Maduro personally, it hasn’t ruled out restrictions on the Venezuelan crude-oil trade that could deprive the government of its only real source of cash. Last week, the U.S. had leveled sanctions on 13 high-ranking Venezuelan officials. The Venezuelan government didn’t respond to requests for comment Tuesday.
Aug 2, 2017


Headline: Violent July Leaves Chicago Murders On Pace To Exceed 2016, The Bloodiest Year In Two Decades

One month ago, President Trump vowed to "send in the Feds" after Chicago's murder rate continued to track roughly in-line with 2016, the most violent year for the city in nearly two decades. Alas, with the month of July now over, the 'Feds' don't seem to be helping. With 77 people killed in July alone, murders are up 4% year-over-year despite the federal assistance.  Moreover, those killed as the result of gun violence is up 9%. Meanwhile, the month of July also recorded one of the city's most violent Fourth of July holidays in history, with more than 100 people shot over the four-day weekend. That's compared to 66 people shot over the holiday in 2016. According to Chicago police, there have been 417 murders in the city so far this year on a total of 2,202 shootings.
Aug 1, 2017


Headline: New Eruption at Indonesia Volcano Spreads Ash for Miles

Mount Sinabung on the Indonesian island of Sumatra blasted volcanic ash as high as 4.2 kilometers (2.6 miles) on Wednesday, one of its biggest eruptions in the past several months of high activity. Isya Nurrahmat Dana, an official at a volcano monitoring post in North Sumatra province, said at least 19 eruptions followed by lava flows were recorded by midday Wednesday. Hot ash tumbled down the mountain's slopes as far as 4.5 kilometers (2.8 miles) east and southeast into the Labortus River. Media reports said students from an elementary school in Kuta Rakyat were sent home because volcanic ash covering the village was considered dangerous. There were no reports of casualties. National Disaster Mitigation Agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said thousands of people in 10 villages were directly affected by ash fall from the latest eruption.
Aug 2, 2017

Headline: Seismic Zone Off Alaska Could Trigger Massive Earthquake and Tsunami

A so-called seismic zone off the coast of Alaska could trigger deadly tsunamis like the one that caused the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011, a new study finds. Identifying other seismic zones — a region high in seismic activity such as tremors and earthquakes — with these features could help researchers identify areas that could produce catastrophic waves, the scientists added. Tsunamis are monster waves that can grow to be more than 100 feet (30 meters) high. They are typically caused by earthquakes; for example, the 2004 Banda Aceh earthquake and tsunami killed about 250,000 people in Indonesia, and the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that struck offshore Japan killed about 20,000 people and triggered the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Aug 2, 2017

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