Aug. 8, 2017- Americans now have the highest credit-card debt in U.S. history

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20th Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: Democratic Socialists of America Endorse BDS, Call for Israel’s Destruction

America’s largest socialist organization overwhelmingly voted to support the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement at its biannual convention in Chicago on Saturday. The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) conveniently held its convention on the Jewish Sabbath, when no observant Jews would be able to appear or protest. BDS aims at crippling Israel’s economy as political protest against the “oppressive” state. It has been very successful in destroying employment opportunitiesfor thousands of Palestinians who worked for Israeli companies that BDS targeted. After the vote, which passed by 90 percent, was met with wild applause, the crowd of DSA attendees began to chant a popular genocidal slogan of the pro-Palestinian movement, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
Aug 8, 2017


Headline: Hamas said to meet with Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Tehran

Senior members of the Hamas terror group met on Monday in Iran with representatives of the powerful Iranian Revolutionary Guard, according to Arabic media reports. A high-level Hamas delegation arrived in Tehran on Friday in order to attend the inauguration of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, and to “turn a new page in bilateral relations” between the two sides, according to a statement by Hamas. This is the first Hamas visit to Iran since the group elected new leadership earlier in 2017. The rapprochement between Hamas and Iran is reportedly being facilitated by the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, which is supported by Tehran.During their meeting on Monday, Zarif told the Hamas delegation, according to a readout of the meeting from Hamas, that Iran was “ready to put aside all disagreements for the sake of supporting Palestine and the Palestinian people as well as the unity of the Muslim world.” Meanwhile, Resheq, who headed the Hamas delegation, framed the renewing of ties between Iran and Hamas as a priority for the Islamic world in its efforts to defeat Israel. “Hamas believes that the Muslim world should be united and should put disputes aside and join forces against the joint enemy, which is Israel,” he said.
Aug 8, 2017



Headline: King Abdullah’s Ramallah visit sends a message to multiple audiences

By making a quick but rare trip to Ramallah on Monday, Jordan’s King Abdullah II sent a message to several different audiences at the same time, former ambassador to Egypt Yitzhak Levanon said. Prior to serving as ambassador to Egypt from 2009-2011, Levanon dealt for years with Arab-world issues in various capacities inside the Foreign Ministry. Those varied audiences, he said, included Israel, the king’s domestic constituency in Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Levanon pointed out that Abdullah is not a frequent visitor to Israel or the PA. This was the king’s first visit to Ramallah since 2012 and only his sixth in 17 years. He has visited Israel just twice during that same period; the first time in April 2000 and the second was a secret visit to then-prime minister Ariel Sharon’s farm in 2004. Since Abdullah’s visits to the area are quite rare, that he went to Ramallah and not to Israel was a demonstrative act showing Jerusalem that, following the Temple Mount crisis and the incident at the Israeli Embassy in Jordan, it is “not the right time to come to Israel,” Levanon said. He likened the snub of Israel to someone who gets two dinner invitations but accepts only one, leaving the other party intentionally insulted. “It is not as if he comes here every other day so that if he doesn’t come once when he is in the neighborhood it’s no big deal,” Levanon said. “It is a big deal. He is saying: ‘I am going to Abu Mazen [PA President Mahmoud Abbas] and that is all.’” The visit, Levanon said, is obviously connected to last month’s tension on the Temple Mount.
Aug 8, 2017


Headline: Military Terrorism Complex

Headline: Lebanon’s army prepares to clear border area of Daesh militants

Not long ago in this space, I talked about one of the most underreported facts of the Middle East. That the Lebanese terror group known as Hezbollah has a larger stockpile of missiles than all NATO countries (except the U.S.) combined.  The terror group is reported to have approximately 150,000 missiles in the field, ready to go. Hezbollah is the most powerful non-state military actor in the world.  They have 20,000 active duty troops and another 25,000 reservists.  They are known to have a vast number of deep and sophisticated tunnel and bunker complexes across southern Lebanon, and entering Israel under its northern border. Where does a terrorist group get the weapons and money to build such an immense military machine? It primarily comes from their fellow Shiite Muslims in Iran. In June, we learned that Hezbollah’s military capabilities have taken a dramatic turn.  ISIS differentiated itself from other terror groups by taking territory from existing nations, and attempting to build caliphate on it.  But Hezbollah has done them one better.  They are building their own industrial infrastructure capable of producing precision weapons, primarily missiles.
Aug 8, 2017

Saudi Arabia

Headline: Al-Qaeda ousted from oil-rich Yemen province: army

Headline:Two soldiers, six al Qaeda militants die in Yemen attack

Headline: Houthi missile launched towards Saudi Arabia lands in Red Sea

Al-Qaeda’s Yemen branch has retreated from an oil-rich southern province in the face of an assault by a US-backed elite government force, a senior military official said Monday. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), seen by the US as the global network’s most dangerous franchise, has exploited Yemen’s war to expand its presence in the country’s south. But the elite force, trained by the UAE, on Thursday launched a “major operation” against the terrorists in Shabwa province. The group staged a “tactical retreat” from the province with no major clashes, the military official said, requesting anonymity, as he was not authorized to talk to the press. The terrorists appear to have moved even further south into the neighboring Abyan province.
Aug 8, 2017,7340,L-5000327,00.html


Headline: After military shake-up, Erdogan says Turkey to tackle Kurds in Syria

Days after a reshuffle of Turkey’s top military commanders, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has revived warnings of military action against Kurdish fighters in Syria that could set back the US-led battle against the Daesh terror group. Kurdish militia are spearheading an assault against the hardline militants in their Syrian stronghold Raqqa, from where Daesh has planned attacks around the world for the past three years. But US backing for the Kurdish YPG fighters in Syria has infuriated Turkey, which views their growing battlefield strength as a security threat due to a decades-old insurgency by the Kurdish PKK within in its borders.
Aug 7, 2017

Headline: ISIS fighters reportedly withdraw from last Homs town

Different sources report that Al Sukhna, the last ISiS-held town in the eastern Syrian Homs region, has fallen, clearing the way for Syrian troops and allied militias to advance on Deir ez-Zour, where the Islamist State maintains key strongholds. At the same time, the Russian-US-backed ceasefire zone called in Homs last Thursday was repeatedly broken since then by the Syrian government and rebel forces.
Aug 8, 2017


Headline: Iraq Shia militia ‘lose dozens in attack’

Headline:US denies bombing Iraqi Shi’ite militia near Syrian border

Dozens of Shia militiamen have been killed in an attack in Iraq close to the border with Syria, reports say. There are conflicting accounts as to what happened. The group said US aircraft were to blame, though the US-led coalition denied this. So-called Islamic State (IS) has said it killed scores of Iraqi troops in an ambush in the area. Iranian-backed militia and the US-led coalition are fighting separate campaigns against IS in Iraq. More than 30 fighters were killed and 85 wounded in the incident on Monday, reports say. The Sayyed al-Shuhada militia, part of the government-allied Popular Mobilisation units (PMU), accused the US of deliberately attacking it. According to the militia, the US forces said in a statement that so-called smart bombs had been used to target IS positions in the area.
Aug 8, 2017,7340,L-5000326,00.html



Headline: Turkey and Qatar conclude two-day naval exercises in Doha

Headline: Turkey’s Military to Move Into Somalia After Backing Qatar in Gulf Crisis

Turkey and Qatar have concluded two-day-long naval exercises in the Gulf devoted to combating “terrorism,” piracy, and inspection of suspicious vessels amid a two-month blockade by neighboring countries. “Qatar’s Royal Air Force and Special Naval Force and the General Directorate of Coast and Border Security participated in the exercise,” Lieutenant-Colonel Nawaf bin Mubarak al-Thani stated. The joint Turkey-Qatar rapid response exercises were conducted in Qatari territorial waters and were aimed at combatting “terrorism,” as reported by Turkish Hurriyet Daily News. Sunday and Monday’s exercises utilized several Qatari missile boats in addition to an Turkish naval frigate. An earlier Turkey-Qatar military exercise was completed on June 19 at Qatar’s Tariq bin Ziyad military base, just weeks after the blockade, in order to train the country’s gendarmerie forces.
Aug 8, 2017


Headline: Iranian drone forces US jet to take evasive action

An Iranian drone came within 100 feet of a US Navy F/A-18 attempting to land on the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz in the Persian Gulf on Tuesday, according to two US defense officials with knowledge of the incident. The officials said the drone forced the US aircraft to take evasive action. The “QOM-1” drone came within 100 feet below the aircraft and 200 feet to the side of the aircraft. The F/A-18 was in a landing pattern several thousand feet off the deck of the ship waiting to land. The F/A-18 maneuvered repeatedly to avoid the drone officials said and it did not appear to be armed. The officials said the drone encounter was considered “unsafe and unprofessional.” The US used an emergency radio frequency in the immediate area to warn those operating the drone to back away. It did eventually move off. US Naval Forces Central Command issued a statement later Tuesday confirming the incident.
Aug 8, 2017


Headline: U.S. Is Sending More Marines to Afghanistan

The U.S. is sending dozens more Marines to Afghanistan, according to three U.S. defense officials. Task Force Southwest, based in Helmand Province in southwestern Afghanistan, requested the additional Marines to help with internal force protection, the officials said. U.S. Central Command approved the request but the Marines have not yet moved into the country. There are currently more than 300 Marines assigned to Task Force Southwest, and the total additional force is less than 100 marines, the officials said. The Marines will deploy from the Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Crisis Response Central Command, already based in the region. The officials would not say where the marines would deploy from specifically, with one saying, “we are redirecting them from where they’re at now to help with the mission.”
Aug 7, 2017


Headline: Venezuela using excessive force, arrests to crush protests: U.N.

Venezuelan security forces have systematically wielded excessive force to suppress protests, killing dozens, and have arbitrarily detained 5,000 people since April, including 1,000 still in custody, the United Nations human rights office said on Tuesday. It called on the government of President Nicolas Maduro to rein in security forces and investigate alleged abuses and release people from arbitrary detention. On Friday, Venezuela inaugurated a new legislative superbody that is expected to rewrite the constitution and give vast powers to Maduro’s ruling Socialist Party, defying protests and worldwide condemnation that it undermines democratic freedoms. “We are concerned that the situation in Venezuela is escalating and these patterns of human rights violations are showing no signs of abating,” U.N. human rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani told a news briefing in Geneva.
Aug 8, 2017

Headline: Amid protests, Zuma up against secret no-confidence vote in South Africa

Rocks and burning tires closed major intersections in South Africa’s capital on Tuesday prior to a secret no-confidence vote in President Jacob Zuma by parliament. Protesters, both for and against the embattled president, caused traffic jams across Johannesburg, authorities said. Although Zuma’s African National Congress dominates the legislature, holding about 250 of the 400 seats, at least 50 lawmakers have announced their intent to defect. Zuma has survived at least five parliamentary votes to remove him from office since he assumed the presidency in 2009, but Tuesday’s vote is the first secret ballot vote.A passage of the motion will force Zuma and his cabinet to resign, in which case ANC national chairperson and Parliament Speaker Baleka Mbete would assume the presidency for 30 days.
Aug 8, 2017

Headline: U.S. May Begin Airstrikes Against ISIS in Philippines

The Pentagon is considering a plan that allows the U.S. military to conduct airstrikes on ISIS in the Philippines, two defense officials told NBC News. The authority to strike ISIS targets as part of collective self-defense could be granted as part of an official military operation that may be named as early as Tuesday, said the officials. The strikes would likely be conducted by armed drones. If approved, the U.S. military would be able to conduct strikes against ISIS targets in the Philippines that could be a threat to allies in the region, which would include the Philippine forces battling ISIS on the ground in the country’s southern islands. The U.S. military has been sharing intelligence with the Philippines for years, according to Pentagon spokesperson Capt. Jeff Davis, who called it a “steady state.” In Manila on Monday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the U.S. was providing the Philippines government with “intelligence capabilities” in the fight against ISIS, including “some recent transfers of a couple of Cessnas and a couple of UAVs (drones) to allow to them to have better information with which to conduct the fight down there.” “We’re providing them some training and some guidance in terms of how to deal with an enemy that fights in ways that are not like most people have ever had to deal with.
Aug 7, 2017


Headline: North Korea vows ‘thousands-fold’ revenge in response to United Nations sanctions

Headline: China holds wargames as North Korea tensions spike

North Korea vowed Monday to strike the U.S. with “thousands-fold” revenge after the United Nations imposed new sanctions in response to a recent intercontinental ballistic missile launch from the rogue regime. The dictatorship’s official KCNA news agency described the recent sanctions as “crimes” that were a “violent violation of our sovereignty” and a “heinous plot to isolate and stifle” the communist country. North Korea, which consistently threatens to send “gift packages” to the U.S., vowed to take “righteous actions” that would make America pay “thousands of times.” The fiery response from the nation came in the face of the sanctions and as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson demanded the rogue nation halt its missile tests so the U.S. and North Korea could start negotiations. Tillerson made the comments at a regional security meeting in Manilla, Philippines, and offered his most specific outline to date of what preconditions the U.S. has for talks with Pyongyang. He said stopping the launches would be the “first and strongest signal.”
Aug 7, 2017


Headline: Americans now have the highest credit-card debt in U.S. history

American consumers just hit a scary milestone. They now collectively have the most outstanding revolving debt — often summarized as credit card debt — in U.S. history, according to a report Monday released by the Federal Reserve. Americans had $1.021 trillion in outstanding revolving credit in June 2017. This beats the previous record in April 2008, when consumers had a collective $1.02 trillion in outstanding credit revolving credit. “This record should serve as a wake-up call to Americans to focus on their credit card debt,” said Matt Schulz, a senior industry analyst at, a credit card website. “Even if you feel your debt is manageable right now, know that you could be one unexpected emergency away from real trouble.” Revolving credit had been growing at an annual growth rate of 4.9%. One reason: More consumers are getting access to credit cards backed by major banks and issuers in recent months. More than 171 million consumers had access to those cards in the first quarter of 2017, the highest number that has had access since 2005, when about $162.5 million people had access. For the first time since the Great Recession, lenders have given more consumers with sub-prime, or below average, credit scores, access to credit cards, but they are giving them lower spending limits, according to the credit reporting agency TransUnion TRU, +0.17%  . The New York Federal Reserve released a new report Wednesday that showed U.S. collective household debt balances totaled $12.73 trillion in March 2017, surpassing the 2008 peak of $12.68 trillion.
Aug 8, 2017


Headline: Preschoolers Can Now Go To Transgender ‘Rainbow Day Camp’

A transgender day camp for kids ages four through twelve in California is boasting triple enrollment since its founding three years ago, reported the Associated Press. The pre-schoolers and elementary school kids who attend the “Rainbow Day Camp” start each morning by choosing which pronoun they want to use for the day, according to the AP. Campers can choose, “he”, “she”, a combo of “he/she”, “they”, or opt to write undecided or nothing at all. The San Francisco Bay Area camp has made it its mission to cater to “gender fluid” and transgender children. Founded in 2014, the camp is currently the only one to offer a transgender program of sorts to such young children. The camp has about 60 attendees, up from 20 in its first summer. “A decade ago, this camp wouldn’t have existed. Eventually, I do believe, it won’t be so innovative,” the camp’s founder Sandra Collins told the AP. “I didn’t know you could be transgender at a very young age. But my daughter knew for sure at 2,” she said, crediting her daughter as inspiration for starting the camp. Collins has also founded “Camp Kickin’ It” for transgender kids ages 13-17. Kids have traveled from all over the U.S. and even as far as Africa to attend the camp. Rainbow Day Camp hopes to open another space in Colorado in summer 2018.
Aug 7, 2017


Headline: 11 Christians Massacred in Nigerian Church

At least 11 people are dead after gunmen attacked a church in southeastern Nigeria on Sunday morning. “Somebody came inside the church and started shooting,” said Jude Onwuaso, a priest at St. Philip Catholic Church. Eighteen others were critically wounded when the attackers reportedly walked into the church during service and started firing their weapons.”After the first round, there was second round and I guess it was during the second round that people were shot dead,” Onwuaso told BBC News. “When I came back I discovered that some of my parishioners were dead, about five or six I saw shot dead bleeding.” No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. In the meantime, authorities don’t believe there was any involvement by the militant Islamic group Boko Haram, which has a long history of carrying out deadly attacks across Nigeria, burning hundreds of churches over the past decade.
Aug 7, 2017


Headline: 5 dead, dozens injured as earthquake strikes Sichuan, China – reports (PHOTO,VIDEOS)

Five people are reportedly dead at a tourist resort in China’s southwest province of Sichuan following an earthquake measuring 6.5 on the richter scale. Chinese authorities say the earthquake measured magnitude 7.The earthquake hit a mountainous area some 200km (120 miles) northwest of the city of Guangyuan, and was measured at a depth of 10km (6 miles), according to the USGS. Five people died and more than 30 people are injured, according to Reuters, which cites Sichuan television. China has activated the top level of its four-tier emergency response system, according to a statement released to Xinhua. Search and rescue responders have been deployed to the area as well as other emergency responders.
Aug 8, 2017

Headline: Mexico bracing for Hurricane Franklin after storm hits land

Tropical Storm Franklin hit the east coast of Mexico late Monday, packing winds of about 60 mph — but another part of the Yucatan Peninsula is getting ready for what might be Hurricane Franklin by Thursday. Heavy rain hit Belize and Yucatan as the storm made landfall late Monday. Between 3 and 6 inches of rain is expected, with some areas anticipating up to 12 inches. A hurricane watch was put into effect from Puerto de Veracruz to Rio Panuco. Flash flooding is a concern from Chetumal to Sabancuy, and the Belize coast from Belize City northward to the border with Mexico. Rip currents and coastal flooding are also expected. The storm is moving at about 14 mph, and was about 85 miles east of Chetumal, the National Hurricane Center said in its 7 a.m. advisory on Tuesday. Winds of tropical storm force extend outward about 140 miles from the center of the storm.
Aug 8, 2017

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August 7, 2017 The Jewish Temple Will Be Built

August 2, 2017- The Battle over Jerusalem Has Just Begun

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20th Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: "The Battle over Jerusalem Has Just Begun"

The Palestinian "victory" celebrations that took place after Israel removed metal detectors and surveillance cameras from the entrances to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem bode badly for the future of stability and peace in the Middle East. To the Palestinians and many Arabs and Muslims, the Israeli move is viewed as a sign of weakness. In their eyes, the removal of the security cameras and metal detectors is capitulation, pure and simple. How do we know this? Easy: look at the Palestinian response. Rather than acknowledging the conciliatory nature of the Israeli government's decision, aimed at easing tensions and preventing bloodshed and violence, the Palestinians are demanding more. As far as the Palestinians are concerned, the controversy over the Israeli security measures at the Temple Mount, which came after three terrorists murdered two Israeli police officers at the holy site on July 14, is part of a larger battle with Israel. We have reached a new level in this discourse: Palestinian Authority (PA) officials are now openly admitting that it is not the metal detectors or security cameras that are at issue. Instead, they admit, this is a battle over sovereignty on the Temple Mount and Jerusalem. For the Palestinians, the real battle is over who controls Jerusalem and its holy sites. The real battle, in their eyes, is over the Jews' right to live in their own state in the Middle East. Many Palestinians have still not come to terms with Israel's right to exist, and that is what this battle is really about. The Palestinians, feeling triumphant now that Israel has complied with their demand to remove the metal detectors and security cameras, have been clarifying that it is only the first step in their fight to eradicate any Israeli presence in the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.
Aug 1, 2017

Headline: China urges support for new Israel-Palestinian peace plan

China's UN ambassador urged the international community on Monday to support President Xi Jinping's new four-point proposal to end the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict and establish an independent Palestinian state. Liu Jieyi said at a news conference that China's future diplomatic efforts will focus on trying to move toward a negotiated solution based on the four proposals. Xi signaled China's stepped-up engagement in the Middle East when he met about two weeks ago in Beijing with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and outlined the plan. The four points are:
1.) Advancing the two-state solution based on 1967 borders with east Jerusalem as the capital of a new Palestinian state.
2.) Upholding "the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security," immediately ending Israeli settlement building, taking immediate measures to prevent violence against civilians, and calling for an early resumption of peace talks.

3.) Coordinating international efforts to put forward "peace-promoting measures that entail joint participation at an early date."
4.) Promoting peace through development and cooperation between the Palestinians and Israel.
China views both Israel and the Palestinians as "important partners" in its "One Belt, One Road" initiative, a mammoth Chinese-funded push to develop transport routes including ports, railways and roads to expand trade in a vast arc of countries across Asia, Africa and Europe, the ambassador said.
Aug 1, 2017,7340,L-4997024,00.html


Headline: For First Time in Millennia, Jewish Priests Will Undergo Training to Enter Temple's Holy of Holies

For the first time in 2,000 years, a group of Kohanim (men of the Jewish priestly caste) living close to Jerusalem’s Old City are studying the relevant Jewish laws to be able to ascend the Temple Mount and enter the Holy of Holies, where God’s presence is said to dwell. This development was initiated by Israel’s first responder organization ZAKA, based on a decision by the ZAKA Rabbinical Council following an event occurring during the three weeks of austerity leading up to the Ninth Day of Av: the July 14 Palestinian terror attack against Israeli police officers that left three dead (including the terrorist), the most powerful source of ritual impurity, on the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism. Horrific as the attack was, one Temple activist said it may have served a divine purpose. “When the Jewish people are not moving ahead quickly enough, God does something to force it upon us,” Yaakov Hayman, a prominent Temple Mount activist and expert, told Breaking Israel News. “When those Arabs did what they did, they created a new situation on the ground. We weren’t preparing for it, so something happened that forced us to deal with it.”The “new situation on the ground” is that Kohanim, men descended patrilineally from Aaron the Priest, will now be trained for the first time in millennia to enter the area where the Holy of Holies once stood. Their purpose will not be to offer sacrifices or pray for the Jewish people, but to retrieve dead bodies should the need arise again.
July 31, 2017

Headline: Israelis March Demanding Access to Temple Mount and Building of Third Temple

Monday evening marked the beginning of the Jewish fast of Tisha B'Av, which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples.Thousands of Israelis participated in an annual march around the walls of Jerusalem's Old City, with a special focus on the Temple Mount. Though it is Judaism's holiest site, Jews are still not allowed to pray there due to threats of Muslim violence. Government officials participating in the march noted that the people of Israel are seeking much more than just the right to pray atop a Muslim-occupied Temple Mount. They want the Third Temple. "Everyone who came here tonight proved with his feet that we want the Temple back – and quickly," Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben Dahan told Arutz 7.
Aug 2, 2017



Headline: Jordanian king donates $1.4 million to Waqf after Temple Mount fight

Jordan’s king on Wednesday announced that he would donate 1 million Jordanian dinars ($1.4 million) to the Waqf Islamic Trust, which administers the Temple Mount compound in the Old City of Jerusalem. The money is seen as a major show of support for the Waqf, which led protests against Israeli security measures at the holy site last month, ramping up tensions between Israel and the Arab world. The Waqf, a Jordan-based organization in charge of the Muslim holy sites on the Temple Mount, said that the money will go to the Islamic Museum in the compound and to a cash bonus of 300 dinar ($423) to each of the Waqf workers, the Hebrew media Ynet website reported.  The donation comes amid strained relations between Israel and Jordan after recent violent clashes sparked following the introduction by Israel of walk-through metal detectors — later removed — at the Jerusalem holy site. New security equipment was set up in the days after a terror attack on July 14 in which three Arab Israelis killed two Israeli policemen using guns that were smuggled onto the Temple Mount. Presiding over a meeting of government ministers Wednesday, Abdullah said that Amman was closely following the situation in Jerusalem. He said the challenge in keeping calm in the city was not only related to security, but diplomatic as well.
Aug 2, 2017

Saudi Arabia

Headline: Iran Revolutionary Guards find new route to arm Yemen rebels

Iran's Revolutionary Guards have started using a new route across the Gulf to funnel covert arms shipments to their Houthi allies in Yemen's civil war, sources familiar with the matter have told Reuters. In March, regional and Western sources told Reuters that Iran was shipping weapons and military advisers to the Houthis either directly to Yemen or via Somalia. This route however risked contact with international naval vessels on patrol in the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. For the last six months the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has begun using waters further up the Gulf between Kuwait and Iran as it looks for new ways to beat an embargo on arms shipments to fellow Shiites in the Houthi movement, Western and Iranian sources say. Using this new route, Iranian ships transfer equipment to smaller vessels at the top of the Gulf, where they face less scrutiny. The transhipments take place in Kuwaiti waters and in nearby international shipping lanes, the sources said.
Aug 1, 2017


Headline: Russia flies 2,000 mercenary troops into Syria

Russia is engaged in a major buildup in Syria, both in support of the de-escalation zones established in conjunction with the United States, and in order to solidify its military control of the country.
debkafile’s military and intelligence sources reported exclusively on Wednesday, August 2, that 2,000 mercenaries had just been airlifted into the country, boosting to a total of 5,000 the number of mercenaries on hire from the Wagner Group private contractors for service under the Russian flag in Syria. They are all retirees from elite units of the Russian ground forces, air force or navy.
In another new Russian project, our military sources also report the arrival in the past few days of Muslim troops from the republic of Ingushetia. Although clad in Russian military police uniforms, they are actually commandoes trained in anti-terror warfare. They have been posted as “ceasefire monitors” at the three de-escalation zones established by Russia and the United States along the Syrian borders with Israel, Jordan and Iraq. President Vladimir Putin and his defense minister Gen. Sergei Shoigu have ramped up the Russian military presence in Syria without adding ground and armored troops – even though the Russian constitution bars the recruitment of mercenaries to fight overseas for profit. Moscow is a veteran client of the Wagner Group contractors, which largely resemble the US Blackwater security contractor now calling itself Academi. It was hired to provide military personnel during 20014 and 2015 for Moscow's battle to conquer Crimea and in support of the pro-Russian separatists fighting in eastern Ukraine.

Aug 2, 2017

Headline: ISIS attacks Syrian army east of Homs

Islamic State militants attacked Syrian government forces and their allies in countryside east of Homs and Hama on Wednesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. Heavy fighting raged around the mountainous Jabal al-Shomariya area in Homs province, and the government side was carrying out air strikes there, the British-based monitoring group said. Pro-Damascus media outlets quoted a military source saying warplanes had hit targets in the eastern Hama countryside, which borders Jabal al-Shomariya to the north.
Aug 2, 2017,7340,L-4997709,00.html

Headline: Russian embassy compound in Damascus comes under mortar fire

The Russian embassy’s compound in Damascus came under mortar fire on Wednesday, the Russian Foreign Ministry said, adding that nobody was hurt. “On August 2, the Russian embassy’s compound in Damascus came under a mortar attack from positions held by terrorist militants,” the ministry said, as cited by TASS. “Two shells crashed on the premises of the Russian diplomatic mission and two others [landed] just outside the perimeter fence.” The material damage caused was minimal, according to the statement.
Aug 2, 2017



Headline: Western powers warn Iran rocket test a 'threatening step'

The United States, Britain, France and Germany warned the United Nations on Wednesday that Iran had taken "a threatening and provocative step" by testing a rocket capable of delivering satellites into orbit and asked the UN chief to investigate. In a report submitted to the UN Security Council's Iran sanctions committee and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the four countries described the July 27 launch as inconsistent with a 2015 UN Security Council resolution. They asked Guterres to report "fully and thoroughly on Iran's ballistic missile and space launch activity" to the 15-member Security Council. Most UN sanctions were lifted 18 months ago under a deal Iran made with key world powers to curb its nuclear program. But Iran is still subject to an arms embargo and other restrictions, which are not technically part of the nuclear agreement. Guterres reports every six months to the Security Council on the implementation of the remaining sanctions and restrictions. "The technologies necessary for the conception, the fabrication and the launch of space launch vehicles are closely related to those of ballistic missiles, in particular to those of an intercontinental ballistic missile," the four powers wrote in their report, seen by Reuters. "This launch therefore represents a threatening and provocative step by Iran," they wrote. "Iran's longstanding program to develop ballistic missiles continues to be inconsistent with (the UN resolution) and has a destabilizing effect in the region."
Aug 2, 2017,7340,L-4997867,00.html


Headline: Suicide bomber hits NATO convoy in Afghanistan

Headline: US service members killed in Afghanistan attack

A suicide bomber struck a NATO convoy near the southern Afghan city of Kandahar on Wednesday, causing casualties, the US military said. Lt. Damien E. Horvath, a military spokesman, could not say how many casualties there were, or provide their nationalities. The NATO mission, known as Resolute Support, “can confirm that a NATO convoy was attacked in Kandahar. The attack did cause casualties,” he said. Kandahar police spokesman Zia Durrani also confirmed the attack and the area on the edge Kandahar was quickly cordoned off. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the bombing.
Aug 2, 2017


Headline: Russia takes over US compound in Moscow in retaliation over sanctions

Russian authorities on Wednesday took over a summer-house compound in Moscow leased by the US embassy, five days after the Kremlin ordered Washington to slash its diplomatic presence in Russia. In retaliation for new US sanctions, President Vladimir Putin has ordered the United States to cut around 60 percent of its diplomatic staff in Russia by Sept. 1, and said Moscow would seize a dacha country villa used by US embassy staff and a warehouse. US employees cleared out the dacha on Tuesday and a Reuters journalist who visited the property on Wednesday saw a large metal padlock securing the front gate. The one-story building and courtyard, previously used by diplomatic staff at weekends and to host embassy parties, was empty and cleared of barbecue equipment and garden furniture. Two policemen in a car in front of the main entrance said they had been instructed to guard the property and did not expect any visits from US or Russian officials.
“I don’t know when this situation will change,” one of the policemen said.

Aug 2, 2017


Headline: Venezuelan Default Fears Rise With Billions in Debt Coming Due Soon

Investors have been bracing for a Venezuela debt default for more than a year, but fallout from the country’s widely criticized election last weekend could prove to be the tipping point. The government and state-owned oil company Petróleos de Venezuela SA, also known as PdVSA, together owe $5 billion in principal and interest payments due between now and the end of the year, according to Caracas Capital Markets. The country has $725 million due this month alone, the Venezuelan investment bank said. The problem: Venezuela only has about $3 billion of its foreign reserves in cash, according to S&P Global Ratings. That means the country is dependent on oil exports to make up the difference. The U.S. government has been threatening tough sanctions to punish President Nicolás Maduro for what Washington and other governments have called an illegal vote on Sunday, designed to advance the president’s power. Mr. Maduro has said that the vote was necessary to give the government the ability to fix Venezuela’s political and economic crises, and put an end to antigovernment protests. While the Trump administration on Monday imposed sanctions against Mr. Maduro personally, it hasn’t ruled out restrictions on the Venezuelan crude-oil trade that could deprive the government of its only real source of cash. Last week, the U.S. had leveled sanctions on 13 high-ranking Venezuelan officials. The Venezuelan government didn’t respond to requests for comment Tuesday.
Aug 2, 2017


Headline: Violent July Leaves Chicago Murders On Pace To Exceed 2016, The Bloodiest Year In Two Decades

One month ago, President Trump vowed to "send in the Feds" after Chicago's murder rate continued to track roughly in-line with 2016, the most violent year for the city in nearly two decades. Alas, with the month of July now over, the 'Feds' don't seem to be helping. With 77 people killed in July alone, murders are up 4% year-over-year despite the federal assistance.  Moreover, those killed as the result of gun violence is up 9%. Meanwhile, the month of July also recorded one of the city's most violent Fourth of July holidays in history, with more than 100 people shot over the four-day weekend. That's compared to 66 people shot over the holiday in 2016. According to Chicago police, there have been 417 murders in the city so far this year on a total of 2,202 shootings.
Aug 1, 2017


Headline: New Eruption at Indonesia Volcano Spreads Ash for Miles

Mount Sinabung on the Indonesian island of Sumatra blasted volcanic ash as high as 4.2 kilometers (2.6 miles) on Wednesday, one of its biggest eruptions in the past several months of high activity. Isya Nurrahmat Dana, an official at a volcano monitoring post in North Sumatra province, said at least 19 eruptions followed by lava flows were recorded by midday Wednesday. Hot ash tumbled down the mountain's slopes as far as 4.5 kilometers (2.8 miles) east and southeast into the Labortus River. Media reports said students from an elementary school in Kuta Rakyat were sent home because volcanic ash covering the village was considered dangerous. There were no reports of casualties. National Disaster Mitigation Agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said thousands of people in 10 villages were directly affected by ash fall from the latest eruption.
Aug 2, 2017

Headline: Seismic Zone Off Alaska Could Trigger Massive Earthquake and Tsunami

A so-called seismic zone off the coast of Alaska could trigger deadly tsunamis like the one that caused the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011, a new study finds. Identifying other seismic zones — a region high in seismic activity such as tremors and earthquakes — with these features could help researchers identify areas that could produce catastrophic waves, the scientists added. Tsunamis are monster waves that can grow to be more than 100 feet (30 meters) high. They are typically caused by earthquakes; for example, the 2004 Banda Aceh earthquake and tsunami killed about 250,000 people in Indonesia, and the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that struck offshore Japan killed about 20,000 people and triggered the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Aug 2, 2017

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August 1, 2017 – Get Ready For The Third Jewish Temple In East Jerusalem

July 31, 2017- Trump, Putin, Xi: Talking fades to shows of force

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20th Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: No Arabs, on Temple Mount on 9 B’Av Week

The week of the 9th of Av (Monday night) began with joy, the emple Organizations Headquarters reported Sunday morning, as 278 Jews strolled around the periphery of the holiest site on the planet. Despite the security brouhaha and shameful capitulation, which followed five cowardly and brutal murders by Arab terrorists, a new week began on the Temple Mount and hundreds of Jews crowded at the entrance, eager to ascend to our Father’s place all mikvah-cleansed joyous.The Waqf has returned to the Temple Mount, after two weeks of a blessed absence, report the Temple Organizations Headquarters. But despite the official return of the Waqf, Israeli police allowed only one Wakf official to accompany the Jewish groups, as ordered him to do it from a respectful distance. Other than that Jordanian agent, the Temple Mount was almost empty of Muslims Sunday.
July 30, 2017

Headline: Netanyahu: Decision on Temple Mount Security Measures Was ‘Tough’

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Sunday that the security cabinet has approved up to NIS 100 million to develop technologies to enhance security at the Temple Mount, and added that the decision to remove metal detectors from the holy site last week was “not easy.” “The past two weeks have been very busy, both for me and for our security forces,” Netanyahu said ahead of the weekly cabinet meeting, adding a note of thanks for all branches of the security forces for their efforts in the aftermath of the July 14 terror attack in which three Arab Israelis emerged from the Mount and killed two on duty policemen at Lion’s Gate. Islamic officials in Jerusalem have said they would not accept any new Israeli security measures at the site, which they say belongs to Muslims only. Following the July 14 attack Israel installed metal detectors and security cameras at entrances to the Mount, but the declared a boycott in response and demanded that the security measures be removed, leading to fears that the standoff could explode into a large-scale conflict. Last week, Netanyahu agreed to the demand
***See also Turkey & Iran below
July 31, 2017

Headline: Hundreds of Russian combat troops posted at Quneitra opposite Golan

DEBKAfile’s military sources report that several hundred Russian combat troops took up position Monday at Quneitra opposite Israel’s Golan border. Contrary to Russian media reports, they are not military police officers bearing the light weapons of peacekeepers, but fully kitted out and armed Russian special operations troops, the first to be deployed at any Israeli border.
July 31, 2017



Headline: Jordanian newspaper reveals identity of Israeli embassy security officer

Jordanian newspaper Al-Ghad revealed on Sunday night the identity of the Israeli security guard who shot dead two Jordanians in an incident at Israel's embassy in Amman last week. "This is the Israeli that killed two Jordanians, Mohammad Jawawdah and the doctor Bashar Hamarnah, in what has been termed the 'Israeli embassy crime'," wrote the newspaper. "The shooting was carried out in a building that belongs to the embassy in Amman, last Sunday night." The report noted that, according to documents obtained, the guard carried a diplomatic identity card. Although the newspaper did not write the guard's name, a photo shows an identity card supplied by the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Protocol Department with the name "Ziv Chai Mordechai Moyal" written in Arabic.  Israel's Foreign Ministry has not responded to the newspaper report.
July 31, 2017


Headline: Hezbollah seizing territory along Lebanon's northeastern border

Headline: Thousands to leave Lebanon-Syria border zone under deal

A long-awaited assault against extremist mili­tants holed up in moun­tains along Lebanon's northeastern border with Syria is under way with Hez­bollah spearheading the attack and swiftly seizing territory. The offensive began July 21 as Hezbollah units moved north from their hilltop posts southeast of the town of Arsal into terrain controlled by Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, for­merly known as al-Nusra Front. In just a few days, Hezbollah had seized most of the ground held by JFS and was poised to turn its at­tention to the Islamic State, which dominates the ground northeast of Arsal. The Lebanese Army, which has a strong defensive perimeter around Arsal and a line of fortified observa­tion towers along the western flank of the battleground, used artillery fire against groups of militants who tried to infiltrate the town during the fighting. As this battle is fought in the rug­ged mountains of northeast Leba­non, 20 miles to the south, the Leba­nese state is establishing a renewed presence along part of the tradi­tionally neglected eastern frontier with Syria.
July 31, 2017

Saudi Arabia

Headline: ISIS attacks Houthi forces in central Yemen

ISIS forces based in central Yemen have launched a deadly night raid against Houthi rebels, killing their fighters and seizing some of their military equipment. According to reports, ISIS militants conducted their attack throughout the hours of absolute darkness in the al-Zahraa region of al-Bayda’ Province. During the raid Islamic State militants were able to capture one Houthi position, killing several fighters who were manning it, and then proceeded to loot weapons and ammunition from the site. After doing this, the ISIS raiding party then retreated from the area.
July 31, 2017



Headline: Mass rally in Istanbul over Israel's Jerusalem measures

Thousands of supporters of a conservative Turkish party rallied in Istanbul on Sunday to protest measures taken by Israel in Jerusalem and show solidarity with the Palestinians. Israel had angered Turkey by installing metal detectors and security cameras at the Haram al-Sharif holy site in Jerusalem, known to Jews as the Temple Mount, following a July 14 attack in which gunmen killed two policemen. The move sparked Muslim protests and deadly unrest, and last week the Israeli government removed the detectors and cameras. But feelings remain high in Turkey, with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan saying the removal of the detectors was "not enough". Sunday's protest was called by the Saadet (Felicity) Party, which sprung from the same Islamic-rooted political movement as the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) of Erdogan but is seen as more religiously conservative. Under the slogan of "Israel understands a show of strength", the rally was held at the vast Yenikapi Square by the Sea of Marmara which has been the scene of many of Erdogan's biggest meetings. However there was no sign of any senior government official at the meeting.
July 30, 2017'


Headline: Iranian leader calls on Hajj pilgrims to support Palestine

Headline: Iranian FM to attend conference on Jerusalem in Istanbul

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has called on Muslims to take the opportunity of the Hajj rituals to take a united stance against “Israeli efforts to control the Aksa Mosque.” The Iranian leader described Hajj rituals as the best opportunity for Muslims to speak up about the Aksa and Palestine issue, Iranian media reported. “Where can the Islamic Ummah find a better venue than Hajj to comment on the Aksa Mosque?” he said addressing a group of Iranian organizers of Hajj on Sunday. He further accused the US of meddling in the issues of Muslim countries and creating terrorist groups in the region.
July 31, 2017


Headline: Kabul attack: Gun battle and suicide bombing in Afghan capital

Afghan security forces battled gunmen following a suicide attack outside the Iraqi embassy in the capital, Kabul. A bomber blew himself up at the embassy's gate, then three other attackers entered the compound, the Afghan interior ministry said. Two Afghan embassy employees were killed, and three people, including a police officer, were injured, a spokesperson told the BBC. So-called Islamic State (IS) said it carried out the attack. After a gunfight lasting several hours, Afghan authorities said the attack was over and all the assailants had been killed. Correspondents say this is the first attack on the city's Iraqi embassy. It comes two weeks after the embassy held a news conference to celebrate the defeat of IS in the Iraqi city of Mosul.
July 31, 2017


Headline: Libya’s rebels slain 5 in attack on Haftar’s forces

Headline: ISIS now 'regrouping' in Libya, analysts say

Rebels on Sunday killed five members of a force led by military strongman Khalifa Haftar in the country’s east, sources said. “Terrorist groups attacked at dawn Sunday three sites under the control” of Haftar’s forces south of the eastern city of Derna, they said. Four of Haftar’s forces were also wounded, it added. Derna was known for being a bastion for rebels even before the 2011 uprising that toppled and killed former ruler Muammar Qaddafi. Haftar’s forces are waging a campaign against rebel and terrorist groups, including efforts to capture the eastern city from the “Revolutionary Shoura Council of Derna,” a coalition of militias close to Al-Qaeda. On Saturday, a pro-Haftar fighter died as he took part in a mission to try and rescue a pilot whose plane had crashed in the same area.
The pilot who died in the crash, had been carrying out a raid against rebel positions when his fighter jet was hit by a missile, the news agency said. Haftar’s forces have lost several aircraft in recent months.

July 30, 2017


Headline: Deadly protests mar Venezuela ballot as voters snub Maduro assembly

Headline: White House Sanctions Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro

Deadly protests rocked Venezuela on Sunday as voters broadly boycotted an election for a constitutional super-body that unpopular leftist President Nicolas Maduro vowed would begin a "new era of combat" in the crisis-stricken nation. Anti-Maduro activists wearing hoods or masks erected barricades on roads, and scuffles broke out with security forces who moved in quickly to disperse demonstrators who denounced the election as a naked power grab by the president. Authorities said 10 people were killed in the confrontations, which made Sunday one of the deadliest days since massive protests started in early April. Maduro, widely disliked for overseeing an unraveling of Venezuela's economy, has promised the assembly will bring peace by way of a new constitution after four months of opposition protests in which more than 120 people have been killed. Opposition parties sat out the election, saying it was rigged to increase Maduro's powers, a view shared by countries including Spain, Canada, Colombia and the United States.
July 31, 2017,7340,L-4996581,00.html

Headline: Shabaab ambushes AMISOM forces in southern Somalia

Shabaab, al Qaeda’s branch in East Africa, launched a deadly ambush on African Union Mission (AMISOM) forces in southern Somalia yesterday. AMISOM initially claimed that 12 soldiers were killed and several others wounded, but subsequent reporting indicates that the death toll may be higher. Shabaab has trumpeted the operation on social media sites and via its Shahada News Agency. In a statement yesterday, Abdul Aziz Abu Musab, the group’s spokesman, claimed that the jihadists had the bodies of some of the dead in their possession. “The Mujahideen today set up a series of ambushes for the convoy of the Ugandan Crusader forces and more than 39 soldiers were killed,” Abdul Aziz Abu Musab said. He added that Shabaab had also captured AMISOM weapons. In a subsequent posting on Shahada News, Shabaab alleged that the number of dead was even higher, with 51 Ugandan troops perishing in the assault. Earlier today, AMISOM reported fewer casualties, saying that “12 gallant AMISOM soldiers lost their lives while seven others sustained injuries and are currently receiving treatment.” The “troops were ambushed during a regular patrol to secure the Mogadishu-Barawe Main Supply Route.” AMISOM added that the attack involved an improvised explosive device (IED). The Ugandan military quickly moved to refute Shabaab’s statments, claiming that the al Qaeda group was exaggerating the number of casualties, according to The Ugandan.
July 31, 2017


Headline: Trump, Putin, Xi: Talking fades to shows of force

Over the weekend, three world leaders, US president Donald Trump, Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s leader Xi Jinping stepped off the diplomatic path over their differences on world issues and switched to displays of military might. In a show of force after North Korea’s two ICBM tests, two US B-1B bombers capable of delivering nuclear weapons, escorted by South Korean and Japanese fighters, took off from Guam Saturday, July 29 and cut across the Korean peninsula. There was no word on whether they entered North Korean skies. Further west, US Vice President Mike Pence toured East European capitals. Speaking in Tallinn, Estonia, he assured “our Baltic allies” – as well as Georgia and Montenegro, his next destinations: “We are with you and will stand with you on behalf of freedom.”  He said that the president would soon sign the latest round of sanctions voted on by Congress, since “Russia’s destabilizing activities and support for rogue regimes and its activities in Ukraine are unacceptable.” Shortly after President Donald Trump criticized China over failing to deal with North Korea, President Xi Jinping in a general’s uniform viewed a huge military parade Sunday marking the People’s Liberation Army’s 90th anniversary. Xi is the PLA’s commander in chief. Whereas the annual parade usually takes place in Beijing, this one was staged at the remote Zhurihe military base in Inner Mongolia., with the participation of 12,000 soldiers, 100 bombers and fighters and a display of 600 weapons systems, 40 percent of them new products of China’s arms industries. “The world isn’t safe at the moment,” the Chinese president told his people. “A strong army is needed more than ever.”
July 31, 2017


Headline: Ban on Cash — Coming to America?

A firestorm of speculative commentary has been ignited by reports that JPMorgan Chase has ceased to accept cash for payments on credit cards, mortgages, auto loans, lines of credit and so on. Not to defend any bank actions, but it is not difficult to imagine the confused look of a teller when you show up with a bundle of cash and instructions on how to apply the cash toward a loan payment. Of course it would beg the question, where did you get the cash? Did you steal it? Is it unreported income? Did you print it yourself? Or are you just trying to make a point? Point being: A ban on cash has begun.In the U.S., the war against cash is perhaps more covert. Yes, domestic banks are restricting the use of cash to make loan payments, prohibiting the storage of cash in certain safety deposit boxes and the withdrawal of cash from bank accounts is becoming more difficult. Just try to give a cashier $100 for a $25 purchase and see how many stores don’t have change. A first step toward banning cash in America is the proposed elimination of the $100 bill. As I write, a number of economists are calling for exactly this. Former Secretary of Treasury Larry Summers is a prominent voice in the argument to eliminate the $100 bill. Harvard Professor Ken Rogoff is another strong advocate. The next step took place just days ago as the world’s elites gathered in Davos, Switzerland for the Davos Economic Forum. Here, the cry from elites went out for the elimination of cash in the United States. Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Prize winning Professor from Columbia University, reportedly made this statement during the forum. “I believe very strongly that countries like the United States could and should move to a digital currency.”
July 31, 2017

Headline: EU Proposes Account Freezes To Halt Bank Runs

European Union states are considering measures which would allow them to temporarily stop people withdrawing money from their accounts to prevent bank runs, an EU document reviewed by Reuters revealed. The move is aimed at helping rescue lenders that are deemed failing or likely to fail, but critics say it could hit confidence and might even hasten withdrawals at the first rumors of a bank being in trouble. The proposal, which has been in the works since the beginning of this year, comes less than two months after a run on deposits at Banco Popular contributed to the collapse of the Spanish lender. Giving supervisors the power to temporarily block bank accounts at ailing lenders is “a feasible option,” a paper prepared by the Estonian presidency of the EU said, acknowledging that member states were divided on the issue. EU countries which already allow a moratorium on bank payouts in insolvency procedures at national level, like Germany, support the measure, officials said. “The desire is to prevent a bank run, so that when a bank is in a critical situation it is not pushed over the edge,” a person familiar with German government’s thinking said. The Estonian proposal was discussed by EU envoys on July 13 but no decision was made, an EU official said. Discussions were due to continue in September. Approval of EU lawmakers would be required for any final decision. Under the plan discussed by EU states, pay-outs could be suspended for five working days and the block could be extended to a maximum of 20 days in exceptional circumstances, the Estonian document said.
July 30, 2017


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July 28, 2017- Finger Pointing to the Almighty

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20th Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: Rabbis call on Jews to visit Temple Mount ‘to strengthen our claim to this holy place’

Several dozen prominent national-religious rabbis issued a statement on Thursday encouraging Jews to visit the Temple Mount, a call which comes against the background of severe tensions that have surrounded the site since two Israeli policemen were murdered there by three Arab-Israeli men two weeks ago. The rabbis declared that it is of religious merit to visit the Temple Mount and that such visits bolster the Jewish people’s claim to it. The rabbis insisted however that anyone who goes up to the Temple Mount comply with religious strictures at the site, including immersing in a ritual bath before ascending, not wearing leather shoes, and refraining from entering areas forbidden by Jewish law, specifically close proximity to the Dome of the Rock Islamic shrine, where it is believed the Temple’s Holy of Holies was located.
July 27, 2017

Headline: Muslim authorities approve Temple Mount prayers after cameras removed

The Muslim Wakf along with the Mufti of Jerusalem announced Thursday morning that Muslims would once again be encouraged to worship at the al-Aksa compound after Israel removed newly installed security measures at the holy site. The announcement raised hopes of an end to two weeks of heightened tensions in the city that is holy to the three monotheistic religions.  Security cameras and barricades at Temple Mount were dismantled Thursday morning as a result of the Israeli Security Cabinet’s decision to remove the heightened security measures implemented at the site after the July 14 attack where two Israeli policemen were killed. Amateur video shot overnight showed Israeli contractors dismantling gantries put up to hold security cameras and using forklift trucks to take away metal barriers from the marbled Lion’s Gate entrance to the mosque compound. “The technical report showed that all obstacles the ‘occupation’ (Israel) put outside Al-Aksa mosque were removed,” the head of the Wakf, Abdel-Azeem Salhab, said.
July 27, 2017

Headline: Temple Mount Prayers Conclude; Palestinians, Israeli Forces Clash in West Bank, Gaza

Headline: Palestinian youth killed in clashes, as riots rage on

Tens of thousands of Muslim worshippers prayed on the Temple Mount on Friday amid clashes between Israeli forces and the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, where one Palestinian died. The Israeli police decided to bar men under the age of 50 from entering the site. During the mid-day prayers, thousands of men who didn’t meet the age requirement gathered near checkpoints outside the Mount. No clashes or other violent incidents were reported there. Morning prayers at the site proceeded without incident and by late Friday afternoon, the Al-Aqsa Mosque was open without restrictions ahead of the evening prayer, the Muslim custodian of the site said.Meanwhile on Friday a Palestinian terrorist was shot and killed after he tried to stab soldiers at the Gush Etzion intersection in the West Bank on Friday.A total of 600 Palestinians were reported to be involved in clashes across the West Bank, with 11 Palestinians being wounded from rubber bullets and 30 from tear gas inhalation. Two were also injured by ruger-rifle fire. One soldier was lightly wounded after being struck with a rock.
July 28, 2017,7340,L-4995636,00.html



Headline: Jordan says to bar Israel envoy until shooting probed

Headline: King Abdullah furious with Netanyahu

Jordan will not allow the return of Israel’s ambassador until the shooting of two Jordanians by an embassy security guard has been properly investigated, a government official said Friday.
“Jordan will not allow ambassador Einat Shlein or the rest of the embassy staff to return until a thorough investigation has been opened” into Sunday’s shooting, the official said. On Thursday, King Abdullah II called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to try the guard, who flew home on Monday night with other embassy officials after being briefly questioned by Jordanian investigators.

July 28, 2017


Headline: Lebanese army ‘strengthening positions’ against Daesh

The Lebanese army says it is currently strengthening its positions against Daesh following skirmishes with militants close to the Syrian border. A military source stated that the army had exchanged fire on Thursday with fighters attached to Daesh, which controls a barren mountainous area in northeastern Lebanon. The official Lebanese National News Agency (NNA) reported that “Daesh militants fired at the Lebanese army which in turn responded.” “No negotiations with Daesh are currently taking place. We are strengthening our positions in preparation for any possible incident. According to the given data and conditions on the ground, we will determine if we will wage a battle against Daesh.” Meanwhile, areas close to those controlled by Daesh were calm at 6 a.m. on Thursday, following the announcement of a cease-fire by Hezbollah, after its battle against Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (JFS), formerly known as the Al-Nusra Front, in the Jaroud Arsal area.
July 28, 2017

Saudi Arabia

Headline: Saudis intercept a “ballistic missile” fired against Mecca

Headline: Saudi forces kill 40 Houthi militants off Jazan

The Saudi Press Agency reported Friday that the Arab Coalition command late Thursday intercepted a ballistic missile launched by Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi insurgents against the holy city of Mecca. It was shot down over the Al-Waslya area of Taif province some 69km away from Mecca, causing no damage or casualties. The statement described the attack as “a desperate attempt to disrupt the Haj season.”
July 28, 2017


Headline: Putin signs Syria base deal, cementing Russia’s presence there for half a century

President Vladimir Putin has signed a law ratifying a deal with the Syrian government allowing Russia to keep its air base in Syria for almost half a century, official documents show. The original deal, signed in Damascus in January, sets out the terms under which Russia can use its Hmeymim air base in Latakia Province which it has used to carry out air strikes against forces opposing President Bashar Assad. Putin approved the agreement on Wednesday, after the two chambers of the Russian parliament backed it earlier this month, according to the government’s official information portal. The document says Russian forces will be deployed at the Hmeymim base for 49 years with the option of extending that arrangement for 25-year periods.
July 27, 2017


Headline: US imposes new ballistic missile sanctions on Iran after latest launch

The United States on Friday imposed new ballistic missile sanctions on Iran, a day after the Islamic Republic launched a rocket towards space. Though the flight ultimately wasn’t successful, officials told Fox News, Iran’s rocket is thought to be a step toward developing an intercontinental ballistic missile that could one day carry a nuclear weapon. The sanctions announced on Friday target six Iranian subsidiaries of the Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group. The Treasury Department said that group is “central” to Iran’s ballistic missiles program. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the sanctions illustrate deep U.S. concerns about Iran’s missile testing and other actions. He said the U.S. would continue countering Iran’s ballistic missile program — including Thursday’s “provocative space launch.” The U.S. has said the launch flouted a United Nations Security Council resolution because the technology is inherently designed to be able to carry a nuclear payload.
July 28, 2017

Headline: Islamic State Threatens Iran in New Video

The Islamic State group has issued a short new video in which it threatens the Islamic Republic of Iran and vows to destabilize the country with terrorist attacks. The video, released Tuesday, depicts a teenage boy in military uniform who directly looks at the camera and speaks Persian with a bold voice, threatening the regime. The teenager is introduced as the “Persian Qattadah” in the video, which is the name of a close disciple of Prophet Muhammad. “We will destroy your land and your home, we will disrupt your security and we will shed your blood into rivers,” the teenager is heard saying in the video. Iran has not yet reacted to the video. “Islamic State’s propaganda is falling on fertile ground as Sunnis in Iran are deeply underprivileged and deprived of many of their rights,” Ali Alfoneh, a nonresident senior fellow at Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East at The Atlantic Council, told VOA.
July 27, 2017


Headline: Venezuela imposes ban on demonstrations as election nears

Headline: Venezuela opposition leader urges public, army, on strike

Headline: Venezuelans Stockpile Food and Water Ahead of Maduro Power Grab

The Venezuelan government on Friday ordered a ban on demonstrations, amid a two-day strike against proposed constitutional reforms. The government announced the ban on all protests that “might disturb the electoral process” of Sunday’s election. Nestor Reverol, the interior and justice minister, warned that violators face prison sentences of five to 10 years if they violate the ban. This weekend, voters will elect a 545-member special assembly that will be charged with rewriting the Venezuelan constitution — and will have the power to eliminate state agencies. Opponents see the Constituent Assembly as a step toward dictatorship by the party of President Nicolas Maduro. A mass protest in Caracas remained scheduled for Friday, in the midst of the 48-hour general strike that started Thursday. Anti-government protests, which began in April, increased this week. Incidents linked to protests on Wednesday and Thursday led to the deaths of seven demonstrators, the nation’s attorney general’s office said. Hundreds of Maduro’s supporters marched in the streets Thursday on the final day of the election campaign.
July 28, 2017

Headline: ‘More than 40’ killed in battle with Boko Haram in Nigeria

More than 40 people have died in north-east Nigeria during an attempt to free people who had been ambushed in a convoy by militant Islamist group Boko Haram, sources have told the BBC. At least five members of an oil exploration team were killed and soldiers also died. Army chiefs have now been ordered to relocate to the affected area. Details of what happened on Tuesday remain unclear, with initial reports from the army suggesting the abducted geologists and surveyors, who worked at the University of Maiduguri, had been rescued. On Tuesday, the army said the bodies of nine Nigerian soldiers and a civilian had been recovered. But now the university has said at least five members of staff, including two academics and a driver, were killed when the heavily armed convoy made its way back to Maiduguri, in north-east Nigeria. Several others remain missing.

July 28, 2017

Headline: Hamburg attack: Man ‘shouting Allahu Akbar’ kills one person and injures four in frenzied supermarket knife attack

A knife-wielding man has killed one person and injured four others in a frenzied attack in a Hamburg supermarket. Police said a man entered the supermarket and stabbed a number of people at about 3pm local time on Friday. “He struck out at customers without warning,” Heike Uhde, a police spokeswoman said. According to German newspaper Bild, the man cried “Allahu Akbar” while he carried out the attack. He fled the scene but was chased by witnesses who were able to restrain him nearby. He was arrested by police shortly afterwards. The incident happened in a branch of Edeka, Germany’s largest supermarket chain, in the Barmbek region in the north of the city.
July 28, 2017

Headline: Russia Sanctions Pass Senate With Limits on Trump’s Power

Headline: Russia Orders ‘Hundreds’ of U.S. Staff Out in Sanctions Reprisal

Headline: Russia seizes two US properties, payback for sanctions

Moscow Friday impounded two American diplomatic properties and ordered the US embassy to reduce its staff by September, the day after the US Senate approved expanding economic sanctions against Russia, as well as Iran and North Korea. The bill, initially by the House, goes to President Donald Trump for signing into law. It is not clear if he will sign it. The statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry said that the United States Embassy was asked to reduce its diplomatic and technical staff members in Russia to 455 by Sept. 1, matching the number of Russian diplomats in the United States.
July 28, 2017

Headline: Al-Qaida Announces Establishment of Group in Indian Kashmir

Indian police say they are investigating a claim by al-Qaida that it has established a new group in Indian Kashmir. It is the first time a global terror outfit has claimed a presence in Kashmir, where local Islamic militant groups have led a violent, separatist insurgency. Al-Qaida announced the establishment of the Ansar Ghawzat-Ul-Hind, to be led by a local commander, Zakir Musa, on its online information network, the Global Islamic Media Front. Musa represents a new generation of young militants who Indian experts say are radicalizing young Kashmiris to revitalize an insurgency that had become dormant, but has flared in the past year.
July 28, 2017


Headline: North Korea Launches Another Ballistic Missile

North Korea launched another ballistic missile Friday, the second such launch in just a few weeks, the Pentagon said. “I can confirm that we detected a launch of a ballistic missile from North Korea,” Pentagon spokesman Navy Captain Jeff Davis said in a statement. “We are assessing and will have more information soon.” Davis said the missile launch occurred about 10:45 a.m. ET.Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the missile may have landed in Japan’s exclusive economic zone, and he convened an emergency meeting of Japanese officials to respond to the launch.
July 28, 2017


July 12, 2017–Thousands of red crabs wash up on Catalina Island, California

July 15, 2017–Thousands of fish die in the Fucino lake in Italy

July 15, 2017–Dead fish found in a lake in Islamabad, Pakistan

July 17, 2017–Dead whales found on the coast of Baja California

July 18, 2017–Hundreds of tons of fish have died in fish farms in Lampung, Indonesia

July 21, 2017–Dead fish wash up in Sao Jose de Ribamar, Brazil

July 25, 2017–Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Colorado

July 25, 2017–Dead birds line a road in Idaho

July 26, 2017–Thousands of dead fish found in a river in Mato Grosso, Brazil

July 26, 2017–Thousands of dead fish found on a lake in Birmingham, England


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July 26, 2017- Israel Closer To War With Muslims?

 1coverThe Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20th Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: Jordanian ambassador to Israel meets with Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu greeted the country’s Ambassador to Jordan, Einat Shlain, and security guard ‘Ziv’ in Jerusalem, on Tuesday. The latter was in the centre of a diplomatic crisis after he shot and killed two Jordanians following a stabbing at an Israeli Embassy residence in Amman, Sunday. On Sunday, two Jordanians, Muhammad Zakariya al-Jawawdeh, 17, and Bashar Hamarneh, a doctor who lived nearby, were shot dead at Israeli embassy compound in Amman in what, according to a Jordanian investigation, developed from a professional dispute. The dispute developed when al-Jawawdeh reportedly attack ‘Ziv’ with a screwdriver, the security guard then shot dead al-Jawawdeh and Hamarneh, who was reportedly caught in the cross fire. The Jordanians wanted to question the guard, and initially refused to let him be transferred back to Israel. Following a phone discussion between Netanyahu and Jordanian King Abdullah, the officer and other embassy staff were evacuated to Jerusalem, late Monday evening.
July 26, 2017

Headline: Jordanian FM: Jordan ‘exerting every effort’ to calm Jerusalem tensions, avoid ‘abyss’

Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said Tuesday that the country is “exerting every possible effort… to calm the situation in Jerusalem” to avoid being pushed in to an “abyss,” in an interview with CNN’s Becky Anderson. Israel removed metal detectors from entrances to the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City on Tuesday in favor of CCTV cameras, hoping to calm days of bloodshed sparked by the move, but Palestinians said the modified security measures were still unacceptable. A Jordan-run organization — Jerusalem Islamic Waqf — is responsible for overseeing the Jerusalem’s Islamic sites. “What we need to do is find a solution that would end the escalation, diffuse the tension and then put us all on a track toward working rationally on ensuring peace and security in Jerusalem,” Safadi said. “The solution that people will accept is one that will get us back to the status quo… with a view to ensuring … respect for the historic and legal status quo of the Al-Aqsa mosque at the Haram Al-Sharif.” He told Anderson that Jordan was “exerting every possible effort… to calm the situation in Jerusalem because if we don’t, I think we are looking at what could be pushing us all deep into the abyss.”
July 26, 2017


Headline: Hezbollah issues ultimatum to Sunni jihadists in Arsal battle

Headline: Syrian Air Force aids Hezbollah, Lebanese Army in Arsal

As Hezbollah continues to advance in the Jurud Arsal area of Lebanon, it has issued an ultimatum to the Sunni jihadists who remain. Hezbollah’s enemies are part of Hay’at Tahrir al Sham (“Assembly for the Liberation of the Levant,” or HTS), which includes the al Qaeda branch formerly known as Jabhat al Nusrah. Hezbollah’s command in the Arsal area released a statement Monday afternoon directed to the Sunni militants: “The battle with Jabhat al Nusrah is on the verge of its end, it [referring to Hezbollah’s command] calls on armed groups remaining in Jurud Arsal to spare their blood by throwing down their weapons and surrendering themselves with guarantees for their safety.” Otherwise, the statement implied, militants will face continued advances by the Shiite jihadist group. In addition, Hezbollah claimed to capture several more areas of the Jurud Arsal region. According to Lebanese publication The Daily Star, this means that the Shiite group has captured over 80% of the Sunni militant-held area. However, this figure – which closely matches previous numbers released by Hezbollah – does not include areas of Jurud Arsal held by fighters loyal to the Islamic State. That area has yet to be breached by either Hezbollah or its Syrian military allies.
July 26, 2017


Headline: Clashes rock Syria truce zone: Monitor

Clashes erupted overnight in a rebel-held enclave outside Damascus, which was also hit by government airstrikes despite a truce deal, a monitor said on Wednesday. An internationally brokered cease-fire zone covering parts of Eastern Ghouta went into effect on Saturday. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said the overnight fighting was the first in the enclave since the truce began. Government troops clashed with fighters of the Faylaq Al-Rahman rebel group in the Ain Tarma district, the Britain-based monitoring group said. The fighting subsided by Wednesday morning but government warplanes then carried out strikes in the area. Faylaq Al-Rahman is allied with former Al-Qaeda affiliate Fateh Al-Sham Front and the pro-regime Al-Watan newspaper reported on Monday that it was excluded from the truce. Regime airstrikes also hit the Utaya district of Eastern Ghouta, killing a girl and wounding seven other civilians, as well as the town of Zamalka, the SOHR said. The new strikes came after two days of government air raids on the town of Arbeen in Eastern Ghouta, which killed 12 civilians, among them children.
July 26, 2017

Headline: Russian FM supports referendum on Kurdish independence

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he supported a referendum on Kurdish independence during the interview to the Kurdish TV-channel Rudaw, in Moscow, Monday. “We start from the fact that the legitimate aspirations of the Kurds, like other peoples, need to be fulfilled within the framework of existing international legal norms,” stated Lavrov before adding, “This also applies to the decision to hold a referendum, which was finally taken in Erbil.” In March, Lavrov stated that Russia would continue dialogue with Turkey to find ways to involve the Kurds in talks over a Syrian peace settlement. However, he admitted that he foresaw difficulties in this, knowing Ankara’s position on the matter.
July 25, 2017



Headline: Israel, Turkey invoke Ottoman Empire in spat over Jerusalem

Headline: Days of Ottoman Empire Are Over, Israel Warns Erdogan After Incendiary Temple Mount Talk

Further stoking bilateral tensions, Turkey on Wednesday slammed Israel for criticizing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s harsh denunciation of the Jewish state’s recent actions on the Temple Mount, drawing a fresh Israeli retort, as a bitter war of words between the former allies entered a second day. In remarks Wednesday, Turkey also took issue with Israel for implying that religious tolerance was lacking during Ottoman rule in Jerusalem. “At the Ottoman era, communities belonging to different religions and sects lived in peaceful coexistence and enjoyed freedom of worship for centuries. In this context, Jews would be expected to know best and appreciate the unique tolerance during the Ottoman era,” Turkey’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement. It was responding to a statement a day earlier by Israel’s Foreign Ministry that rebuffed Ankara’s criticism of Israeli security measure on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. In Tuesday’s statement, Israel implied that Turkey had no right to preach to Israel, since it restricted access to the holy site during its 400-year control over the city in the previous millennium.
July 26, 2017


Headline: Iran will respond to any new US sanctions, deputy foreign minister says

Iran will respond if the US government passes new sanctions, deputy foreign minister Abbas Araqchi said Wednesday, according to state media. New sanctions being discussed in the US Congress are “a completely clear hostile act and against the Islamic Republic of Iran and … will be met with a definitive response,” Araqchi, who is also a top nuclear negotiator, was quoted as saying by the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). He did not specify what actions Iran would take. The US House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to slap new sanctions on Iran, Russia and North Korea. The Republican-controlled Senate passed an earlier version of the bill with near-unanimous support.
July 26, 2017


Headline: Afghan soldiers killed in Taliban attack on Kandahar base

Headline: Taliban seizes 3 districts from Afghan government

At least 26 Afghan soldiers have been killed and 13 wounded in a Taliban attack on a military base in Kandahar province, the defense ministry said Wednesday, the latest blow to struggling security forces. The militants “attacked an army camp in Karzali area of Khakrez district of Kandahar last night,” MoD spokesman General Dawlat Waziri said. Afghan soldiers “bravely resisted,” he said, killing more than 80 insurgents. Residents in the area described an hours-long attack launched by a 30-strong convoy carrying “hundreds” of Taliban who assaulted the base from multiple directions.
Air support was called in, several residents told AFP, though that was not immediately confirmed by officials. The insurgents claimed the attack via their Twitter account. The resurgent Taliban have been ramping up their campaign against beleaguered government forces, underscoring rising insecurity in the war-torn country throughout the warmer weather fighting season.

July 26, 2017

Headline: ISIS establishes a new beachhead: the Philippines

Almost 400,000 people have been displaced by the fighting in Marawi, a city on the southern island of Mindanao, according to the Philippine military. And like Obedencio, most face an uncertain future in a region turned upside down by extremist violence. The Islamic State, also known as ISIS, views the drawn-out battle as a major win at a time when it is being driven out of its base in Iraq and Syria, bringing greater attention to the Philippines and Southeast Asia as a new beachhead for extremists.“This is what I consider the first significant example of how foreign fighters from the Syria/Iraq battle space can be brought to bear in another part of the world,” said Thomas Sanderson, director of the Transnational Threats Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C.While residents blame the extremists for the violence and chaos, many are also growing impatient with the military and its heavy airstrikes, which are leveling buildings throughout the city. “We are angry at the two sides — ISIS and the military,” said Macapandia’s mother, Nabiliah. “We are trapped here in a war zone.” The fighting has been contained to a 7,500-square-foot area of the city, with 60 to 70 militants holding about 100 hostages, said Lt. Col. Jo-Ar Herrera, spokesman for the military’s Task Force Marawi. The fighting, which initially was expected to end in a matter of days, has killed 427 militants, 99 soldiers and 45 civilians, according to the military. The Philippine congress voted Saturday to extend martial law on Mindanao until the end of the year. President Rodrigo Duterte had declared martial law for 60 days when the fighting began.As ISIS loses ground in the Middle East, militants from around this region are moving their operations to Southeast Asia — primarily the Philippines, said Sidney Jones, director of Jakarta-based Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict, “The idea that the Philippines is now the destination of choice rather than Syria has sunk in,” she said. “That’s definite now.”
July 25, 2017


Headline: China’s army looks like it’s getting ready for something big to go down in North Korea

Headline: Beijing is speeding up underwater drone tests in the South China Sea

Headline: N. Korea vows ‘merciless blow with nuclear hammer’ if US attempts to topple Kim

China’s military has been increasing the strength and number of its forces along its 880-mile border with North Korea as Pyongyang’s military provocations cause the US and its allies to think long and hard about military action against the rogue regime. A report from The Wall Street Journal says that China has established a new border-defense brigade, implemented 24-hour video surveillance of the border, and constructed bunkers to protect from possible nuclear or chemical attacks. China conducted a live-fire drill in June and July with helicopter gunships and armored infantry units, including a simulated battle with artillery, tanks, and helicopters, according to The Journal. The nature of these military exercises goes beyond securing a border, and they mimic fighting a nuclear-armed adversary. While China and North Korea exist on paper as allies, Sim Tack, an expert on North Korea at Stratfor, a geopolitical-analysis firm, previously told Business Insider that China would not likely defend Pyongyang from a US-led attack and instead try to prevent or dissuade the US from taking such a step.
July 26, 2017


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July 25, 2017 What Do The Muslims In Jerusalem Really Want?


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

July 24, 2017 DiMora’s Warning-The Results!

 The prophecy!

Yesterday the 23rd of July 2017, I produced the video below and put it here at my prophecy site. When you read today’s news coming out of Israel you will find that news agencies just about repeated what I said! You will also see what I said in my July 20th video below as well because, what I warned you about was also seen in today’s news. 

Now to my videos

Video below is from my July 20th post. I talked you about the real issue of the Temple Mount which is the sovereignty or who really owns that Temple Mount and that issue is going to lead to war.

Now for today’s news!

Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, head of the Association of Muslim Scholars and a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood, said on Sunday that the confrontation with Israel on the Temple Mount should be defined as a religious campaign.

“It must be clearly stated that this is an Islamic campaign, since Al-Quds is not only a Palestinian issue or an Arab one. Al-Quds is the interest of the Islamic nation from the west to the east,” Qaradawi wrote on Twitter.

Qaradawi is considered the supreme religious authority of the Sunni Muslim world and the spiritual leader of both the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. During the period of the Al-Aqsa Intifada, Qaradawi issued a fatwa permitting suicide attacks against Israel.

 HEADLINE: “This Is a Battle for Temple Mount, Jerusalem”: Security Minister By  

“This isn’t just about tactical decisions. A battle is going on for Jerusalem, a battle is going on for sovereignty over the Temple Mount. This isn’t about metal detectors and they will have to learn a lesson: that they will not succeed through force,” Hanegbi said.  


HEADLINE: Israel Sovereignty over the Temple Mount is crucial for peace

Regardless of its security merits, Israel’s decision to place metal detectors at the entrances to the Temple Mount has been transformed by adversaries and Israel into an issue of sovereignty and so it is. Power-sharing never works.

July 23, 2017 War coming to Israel?

 Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 20 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora



Jesus warned us to watch for diseases in the last days. You will find this in Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, and Mark chapter 13.


Emergency meet over dengue at Indiresh Hospital


Two swine flu cases get health officials into action

Swine flu: Three deaths in 48 hours