July 1, 2017 Warning coming to pass/ Will this September begin major prophecies?


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 1 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora


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On June 27, 2017 I Published a video on the mass deaths of birds, fish, and animals at the end of the video I gave you the warning about the Great Earthquakes that were coming. The very next day there was a 6.0 quake and, the next day another 6.0 quake. As you will see from today's news there was yet another large quake.




If you want to see exactly what I warned you about concerning these Great Earthquakes you can watch the video below that I posted June 27, 2017.


A good watchmen for the Lord will keep his eyes on events to see if they match up with what Jesus and the prophets warn us. One of the prophecies I am keeping my eyes on coming from Revelation chapter 12 concerning the Virgin with 12 stars.  I have also been keeping my eyes on events that happen on the Jewish feast days because it is very possible we may see more prophetic events fall exactly on those feast days.  Jesus Christ has already fulfilled 4 of the prophecies on the Spring Feast Holidays.  It is very possible Jesus will pick up from where He left off.  The next feast to be fulfilled is the Feast of Trumpets as you see from the photo below.  Is it possible that this September 23, 2017 may be the time Jesus has chosen to fulfill this prophecy?  I am sure you will find the video below just as interesting as I did.  All I can say is this. If Jesus has picked this Feast of Trumpets to begin the final last day prophecies I am ready. The question is, are you?  It wouldn't be long before we all know for sure because September 23 is rapidly heading toward us.  For more information about the Jewish Feasts download my prophecy book and read the last chapter entitled: The Rapture.





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June 29, 2017 Is The Jewish Temple Jesus Warned About Coming?

 1cover The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 21, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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June 28, 2017- Iran warns against possible U.S. military attack on Syria

 1cover The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 21, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: Israel gears up for Jerusalem sovereignty fight in UNESCO

Israel is pushing to sway the 21 nations on UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee to reject a resolution disavowing Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, when the committee meets in Krakow, Poland, July 2-12. The diplomatic battle comes at the same time Israel is dealing with the American Jewish community over the centrality of the Western Wall as a global Jewish symbol.  Diplomatic sources told The Jerusalem Post, however, that they did not believe American Jewry’s anger over the cancellation of an egalitarian prayer section at the Western Wall would distract Israel in its campaign for UNESCO recognition of the Jewish and Israeli connection to Jerusalem. Jordan submitted a resolution on Jerusalem on Monday that calls to rescind “all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purport to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem.” This includes the basic law on Jerusalem, the resolution states.
June 27, 2017


Headline: Israel strikes Hamas bases in Gaza after rocket: officials

Israeli airstrikes hit a series of targets in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip overnight Monday, officials said, hours after a rocket from the Palestinian enclave landed in the Jewish state. Strikes were recorded in at least three locations in Gaza, Palestinian security sources and eyewitnesses said, with Hamas bases struck near the southern city of Rafah and Gaza City, as well as open land southeast of Gaza City. The Israeli army said the strikes were in “response to projectile fire that hit near the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council.” “Two (Israeli) aircrafts targeted two military infrastructures belong to the Hamas terrorist organization,” it added. That rocket, fired a few hours earlier, landed in an open area close to Israeli border communities without causing any injuries. The rocket was claimed by a previously unheard of Salafist group.
June 28, 2017


Headline: Fighting intensifies in Syrian Golan Heights

Fighting between government forces and opposition fighters has intensified in the Quneitra province in Syria's south, situated in the 30 percent part of the Golan Heights under Syrian control. More than a dozen people were killed, including both pro-government forces and opposition fighters, in the latest increase in fighting in the countryside of al-Baath city and near the town of Khan Arnab, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said on Sunday. The deaths came as the al-Qaeda-linked Levant Liberation Committee [Hayat Tahrir al-Sham] and allied anti-government groups launched an offensive to take control of al-Baath city, one of the few towns in the province that has remained under control of Syrian government forces in recent years.Also on Sunday, Israeli fighter jets targeted Syrian government positions in the region for a second day in a row, reportedly destroying a handful of tanks. The UK-based SOHR reported that the strikes killed two Syrian army soldiers and injured several others.
***Caution: Al Jazeera news
June 26, 2017


Headline: Israel Strikes Syria After Spillover Hits Golan Heights During Netanyahu Visit

Errant fire from the Syrian war hit the Israeli Golan Heights on Wednesday, the Israeli military confirmed. There were no damages or casualties. Israel struck Assad regime targets soon after the incident in response. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was attending a ceremony marking 40 years since the establishment of the town of Katzrin in northern Israel at the time of the fire. Israel will not allow for an Iranian presence in the Golan Heights, Netanyahu said during his remarks. "We are always amazed that there is still someone who says we will return the Golan," said the prime minister. "The Golan is our and the Golan will always be ours. The Golan is ours because it belonged to our forefathers, and because it was taken back by us due to Syrian aggression." Netanyahu also threatened that, "Those who fire into our territory will encounter a swift response."
June 28, 2017



Saudi Arabia

Headline: Yemeni army forces seize strategic outpost

Yemeni army succeeded today in the liberation of a strategic mountain eastern Yemen from the grip of the coup militia. Local sources said that the Yemeni army forces and the Popular Resistance liberated the strategic Mount “Marthad” overlooking the strategic Sirwah District Center, the last main stronghold of the coup militia in Marib. The sources pointed out that “Only one outpost separates the Yemeni army forces from full control of that region.”
June 27, 2017



Headline: Hamas building buffer zone along Gaza-Egypt border

Hamas began constructing a security buffer zone between the Gaza Strip and Egypt on Wednesday in an attempt to improve relations with Cairo. The buffer, which will include observation towers, cameras and lighting, will be 100 feet wide and 7.5 miles along the southern border of the strip's coast and the Sinai Peninsula, the Hamas interior ministry said. The construction of the buffer zone "is a reassuring message directed at the Egyptian side that the national security of Egypt is the national security of Gaza," Tawfiq Abu Naim, a security chief of the Gaza-based group, said in the statement. "These continuing measures are for the sake of achieving control of the southern border and to completely prevent infiltration and smuggling," he added. "We can not allow any threat to the stable security situation on the southern border." He said the project was agreed upon during a nine-day visit to Egypt by a high-level Hamas delegation to Egypt earlier this month.
June 28, 2017


Headline: Egyptian warplanes hit arms convoy from Libya

Egyptian warplanes struck a convoy of 12 vehicles about to be driven across the border from Libya carrying weapons and ammunition, the military said on Tuesday. The military said in a statement that it had acted on “intelligence indicating a number of criminal elements had gathered to cross the border into Egypt using a number of four-wheel-drive vehicles.” An official in the armed forces told AFP the vehicles had been on the move from Libya. Air force units found “the hostile targets, confirmed their coordinates and dealt with them for more than 12 hours,” the military said, without specifying when the raids were carried out. “The operation led to the targeting and destruction of 12 four-wheel-drive vehicles carrying quantities of weapons, ammunition, and explosive materials,” it added.
June 28, 2017



Headline: Syria chemical attack may be being prepared, US warns

The US says Syria's government appears to be preparing for a chemical weapons attack and has warned that it will "pay a very heavy price" if one takes place. The White House said similar activities had been seen before the nerve agent Sarin was allegedly dropped on rebel-held Khan Sheikhoun in April. Dozens of people were killed, prompting President Donald Trump to order a missile strike on a Syrian airbase. Syria's government denies it is preparing a chemical attack.On Tuesday, Pentagon spokesman Capt Jeff Davis said activity had been spotted at the Syrian army's Shayrat airfield, from where the US says jets departed before the Khan Sheikhoun incident. "This involved specific aircraft in a specific hangar, both of which we know to be associated with chemical weapons use," Capt Davis said. In a statement on Monday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said the US had "identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime that would likely result in the mass murder of civilians, including innocent children". He added that if "Mr Assad conducts another mass murder attack using chemical weapons, he and his military will pay a heavy price". The White House provided no supporting evidence or further explanation.
June 27, 2017


Headline: Air strike on IS prison in Mayadin 'kills dozens'

Almost 60 people have been killed in a suspected US-led coalition air strike on a prison run by so-called Islamic State in eastern Syria, activists say. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 42 prisoners and 15 militants died when the facility near Mayadin, in Deir al-Zour province, was hit on Monday. The Deirezzor24 news website said dozens of civilians and Syrian rebel fighters were detained there. A coalition spokesman said it was looking into the casualty reports. Mayadin, which lies in the Euphrates river valley about 45km (28 miles) south-east of the city of Deir al-Zour, has been targeted frequently by coalition aircraft. US intelligence officials believe IS moved most of its leaders to the town in recent months as Iraqi government forces advanced into the Iraqi city of Mosul and a US-backed alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters encircled the Syrian city of Raqqa.
June 27, 2017



Headline: Iraqi military says it has retaken two Mosul neighborhoods from Daesh

Iraq’s military said on Wednesday it had retaken two more neighborhoods from Daesh in Mosul’s Old City, bringing it closer to total control of the city. The army’s 16th infantry division captured Hadarat Al-Saada and Al-Ahmadiyya, northwest of the historic Grand Al-Nuri Mosque which the militants destroyed last week. Daesh still controls the mosque’s grounds and about half of the last territory it runs in the Old City. Federal police and elite units of the Counter-Terrorism Service have also been fighting inside the district’s maze of narrow alleyways since the battle began 10 days ago.
The military estimates up to 350 militants are dug in among civilians in wrecked houses and crumbling infrastructure. They are trying to slow the advance of Iraqi forces by laying booby traps and using suicide bombers and snipers.

June 28, 2017











Headline: Turkey returns fire on YPG in Syria, warplanes hit militants in Iraq

Turkish forces retaliated with an artillery barrage overnight and destroyed Kurdish YPG militia targets after the group's fighters opened fire on Turkey-backed forces in northern Syria, the military said on Wednesday. It said Turkish warplanes separately struck Kurdish militants in northern Iraq on Wednesday, killing seven fighters from the PKK group which Ankara says is closely linked to the YPG. The strikes came after Turkey's defense minister warned that Ankara would retaliate against any threatening moves by the YPG and after reports that Turkey was reinforcing its military presence in northern Syria. Turkey's army said YPG machine-gun fire on Tuesday evening targeted Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army elements in the Maranaz area south of the town of Azaz in northern Syria. "Fire support vehicles in the region were used to retaliate in kind against the harassing fire and the identified targets were destroyed/neutralised," the military statement said.
June 28, 2017



Headline: Iran warns against possible U.S. military attack on Syria

Iranian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday warned against any possible U.S. military attack on Syria. Any military action against Syria under the allegations of "potential" chemical weapon use by the Syrian government would only help the terrorists, the Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi was quoted as saying. Qasemi dismissed as baseless Washington's recent claims that the Syrian government is preparing for a chemical weapon use in the country. He made the remarks in response to a recent White House statement that the United States has "identified potential preparations" by the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad for another chemical attack.
June 28, 2017



Headline: Afghan officials: 4 police officers killed in 2 attacks

An Afghan official says that two policewomen have been killed by gunmen in northeastern Badakhshan province. Abdullah Naziri, head of the Badakhshan provincial council, said Wednesday that both victims were sisters who were returning to their jobs after Eid holidays. Meanwhile Jelani Farahi, the deputy police chief for southern Zabul province, said two policemen were killed when their checkpoint came under insurgent attack. Farahi said two insurgents were also killed in the attack late Tuesday night in Qalat, the provincial capital. No one has immediately claimed responsibility for the attacks, but Taliban insurgents have increased their attacks against Afghan security forces across the country.
June 28, 2017



Headline: Nearly 80 police hurt in latest Morocco unrest: official

Nearly 80 police officers were injured in two days of clashes with protesters in Morocco's restive Rif region, an official said on Wednesday, although the number of demonstrators hurt was unknown. Around 50 members of the security forces were hurt on Monday in the northern city of Al-Hoceima, most of them struck by stones, a high-ranking interior ministry official told AFP. On Tuesday, 29 police officers were injured during new clashes in the neighbouring town of Imzouren, the same source said, adding that they were all later released from hospital. The Rif region has been rocked by unrest since a fishmonger was crushed to death in a rubbish truck in October as he tried to retrieve swordfish confiscated for being caught out of season.In the eight months since then, demands for justice and anger over the region's perceived marginalisation snowballed into a grassroots movement centred on Al-Hoceima. Clashes broke out in Al-Hoceima again on Monday, with activists saying police had blocked access to the city and violently dispersed any attempts to demonstrate.
June 28, 2017



Headline: Venezuela crisis: Helicopter launches attack on Supreme Court

A helicopter has attacked Venezuela's Supreme Court in what President Nicolás Maduro called a "terrorist" incident. Four grenades were dropped on the court and 15 shots fired at the interior ministry on Tuesday, officials said. Rogue policeman Oscar Pérez said he had piloted the stolen helicopter to attack what he called a "criminal government". His whereabouts are unknown. Venezuela is in the midst of a political and economic crisis that has sparked mass protests.The government said 15 shots were fired at a social event at the interior ministry. The helicopter then flew to the court and dropped four Israeli-made grenades of "Colombian origin". One failed to detonate. No-one was injured. President Maduro appeared on state television to denounce the attack. He said: "I have activated the entire armed forces to defend the peace. And you can be assured that sooner or later, we are going to capture that helicopter and those that carried out this terror attack against the institutions of the country."
June 28, 2017


Headline: More civilians found dead in Philippines as fighting drags on in Marawi

The mutilated bodies of more than a dozen civilians were found on a street in the Philippines on Wednesday, and military officials believe they were killed by the regional Maute terrorist group. Seventeen bodies were found on the street in Marawi on Wednesday morning. Five had been decapitated, the Armed Forces of the Philippines said.Philippine authorities say the regional Maute syndicate operates in line with the Islamic State terror group, although it is not formally affiliated with the radical Islamist organization. Government armed forces have been fighting Maute insurgents in Marawi for more than a month, and officials said nearly 300 Maute militants have been killed in that time. Military officials said more "atrocities" could happen to civilians as the fighting continues between militants and Philippine troops and the government tries to gain more ground. AFP Brig. Gen. Restituto Padilla said the civilian death toll from fighting has so far risen to 27 — not including the 17 bodies found Wednesday.
June 28, 2017



Headline: "Mind reading" technology can now decode complex thoughts

In the past, "mind reading" systems have been able to guess what single-digit number a person might be thinking of, but deeper thoughts have been beyond the technology's reach. Now, a team from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) has developed a way to accurately read more complex concepts from a brain scan, and even piece together entire sentences. Even the most basic sentence is loaded with more information than you might realize: each word represents a new concept, and their placement and relationship to each other can drastically change the meaning of the whole. The CMU team found that the "building blocks" the mind uses to construct thoughts are made up of concepts, rather than being based on words themselves. That suggests the brain processes concepts in a universal way, regardless of a person's language and culture.The study tested how the brain codes complex thoughts, and how an fMRI scanner, with a little help from machine learning algorithms, can decode them. The researchers put together 240 "complex events," which are sentences like "The witness shouted during the trial." These events were made up of 42 different building blocks, or meaningful components like person, setting, size, social interaction and physical action.
June 27, 2017



Headline: 900+ earthquakes shake Yellowstone in 2 weeks

More than 120 people reported feeling a magnitude 4.4 quake on June 15, the largest in the swarm.  Average swarms consist of a few dozen earthquakes over a couple days, according to Jamie Farrell, U of U professor studying seismic activity in the country's first national park. "When it gets to these bigger ones, we pay attention to them just because we need to monitor these things just in case something changes," Farrell said. Farrell believes the activity is caused by stress building up under the crust of the massive volcano. He says there is no reason to panic along the Wasatch Front. "This is an active volcano. This is what happens. We get a lot of calls asking if they should cancel their trip to Yellowstone. Definitely no. I would say even the opposite of that. Go there and maybe you'll feel an earthquake. It would be kind of neat," said Farrell.
June 27, 2017


note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

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List & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~


June 27, 2017- Mass Deaths

 1coverBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 21, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

June 23, 2017- Will You Soon Make Payments With Your Face?

 1coverBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 21, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: Palestinians disappointed with Kushner meeting

Headline: Abbas’s advisor defends payment to terrorists

Sources in the Palestinian Authority expressed disappointment with the meeting between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the American delegation on Wednesday. The sources described the meeting, held in Ramallah, as unsuccessful. According to the sources, the American delegation, headed by US President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, came to the meeting presenting all the Israeli demands. As a result, they said, no progress was made, and no discussion was held on peace negotiations or a trilateral summit between Israel, the Palestinian Authority and the US. “The American delegation accepted the Israeli position on the issue of paying salaries to prisoners and painted it at the meeting as a means of encouraging terrorism and demanded that it be stopped,” the sources said. Another issue that was dominant in the conversation itself was incitement to violence. The Palestinians expressed great disappointment that these two issues were the main things the Americans talked at the expense of the two-state solution. The sources added that the American side demanded at the outset to cease all salaries for all prisoners in Israeli detention. That demand was then slightly softened, and included only the payment of prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering Israeli citizens.
June 23, 2017





Headline: Hezbollah’s Nasrallah: War With Israel Could Draw Hundreds of Thousands of Fighters From Across Arab World

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said on Friday that a future war waged by Israel against Syria or Lebanon could draw thousands of fighters from countries including Iran, Iraq and Yemen. His comments indicated that the same array of Iranian-backed Shi’ite militias currently fighting in Syria in support of President Bashar Assad could take part in any future conflict with Israel. The speech in Beirut marked Al-Quds day. “The Israeli enemy must know that if an Israeli war is launched on Syria or Lebanon, it is not known that the fighting will remain Lebanese-Israeli, or Syrian-Israeli. This doesn’t mean there are states that might intervene directly,” he said. “But this could open the way for thousands, even hundreds of thousands of fighters from all over the Arab and Islamic world to participate,” he said in a televised speech.
June 23, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline: Arab States Issue 13-Point Ultimatum To Qatar: Cut Ties With Iran, Close Al-Jazeera, Shutter Turkish Base

Two days after a confused US State Department formally inquired about what is going on between Arab States and Qatar, the countries of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Baahrain, and the UAE sent a list of 13 demands to the tiny Gulf nation to be met within 10 days in order to lift their total blockade of the country. Among them – reducing diplomatic relations with Iran, shutting down broadcaster Al Jazeera (and affiliates), and immediately cease working to open a Turkish military base announced in May of 2016 and halt military co-operation with Ankara. Also interesting is the demand that Qatar give up their intel on terrorist groups they have supported and “provide all databases related to oppositionists…” “These requirements must be met within 10 days from the date of delivery or they will be considered void,” the Arab states said in their list of demands. Their document added that compliance would be heavily monitored — once a month for the first year, every three months the second year and once a year for 10 years after that.
June 23, 2017



Headline: First Russian base for SE Syria – near US garrison

he Russian engineering corps has started building a new base in southeastern Syria at a small village called Khirbet Ras Al-Wa’r in the Bir al-Qasab district. Until now, Moscow adhered to a policy of restricting its military presence to the western part of the country along the Mediterranean coast; no Russian troops were based further east than Palmyra. The new facility is the first to be established since Moscow’s initial military intervention in the Syrian war in September, 2015. debkafile’s military sources say it will provide Russia with a lever of control over the volatile Syrian southeast and its borders, where US-backed and Iranian-backed forces are fighting for dominance. . Russian forces will also stand closer than ever before to the Israeli border – 85 kilometers from central Golan and 110 kilometers from southern Golan, not far from IDF military positions. The new Russian foothold will be located strategically 96 kilometers from northern Jordan and 185 kilometers from the American and Jordanian special forces garrison at the al-Tanf crossing inside the Syrian, Jordanian and Iraqi border triangle. Placing the new base just 50 kilometers from Damascus serves another primary function, that of securing  the strategic crossroads leading from eastern and southern Syria to the capital – in other words, propping up the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad.
June 23, 2017


Headline: US, Russia, Jordan agree on safe zone in Syria’s Daraa

The United States, Russia and Jordan have reportedly reached an agreement on the creation of a safe zone in and around the city of Daraa in Syria, where Hezbollah and Iranian-backed militias will not be allowed to enter, according to the Saudi-owned Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper. The area, where only Syrian forces will be allowed, will stretch for 30 kilometers from the Jordan border. Asharq Al-Awsat quoted senior officials who listed three principles agreed upon in the memorandum of understanding between the three countries: no presence of non-Syrian forces inside the safe zone, a ceasefire between the Syrian regime and the rebel factions, bringing in humanitarian aid while returning refugees who fled to Jordan back to the area.
June 22, 2017


Headline: Russia fires missiles from Mediterranean at IS in Syria

Russia has fired cruise missiles from the Mediterranean Sea on positions of the Islamic State group in Syria, the Defense Ministry said on Friday, Moscow’s latest show of strength in the conflict wracking the Mideast country. The ministry said in a statement that two frigates and a submarine launched six cruise missiles on IS installations in Syria’s Hama province, destroying command centers and ammunition depots. It did not say when the missiles were launched. Moscow has fired missiles from the Mediterranean at militants’ positions in Syria before, including launches from a submarine and a frigate in May at the targets in the area of the ancient city of Palmyra.Separately on Friday, a senior Russian lawmaker said Moscow is “nearly 100 percent” sure that the IS top leader was killed in a Russian airstrike last month. The Defense Ministry first made the claim last week, saying that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s death in the May 28 strike on the outskirts of the Syrian city of Raqqa was still “being verified through various channels.”
June 23, 2017



Headline: Bomber blows himself up among civilians fleeing Mosul

A suicide bomber blew himself up on Friday among civilians fleeing Mosul’s Old City, where Iraqi forces are gaining ground against jihadists mounting a fierce but desperate defense, officers said.
Ahmed Hashem, a major and medic in the Iraqi army speaking to AFP from a field hospital, said the attack took place in the Mashahda neighborhood of the Old City. “We received 12 people killed and more than 20 wounded in our field hospital, including women and children,” he said. A colonel in the army’s 16th infantry division said it was difficult to get a definitive casualty toll because the area where the attack happened was not fully cleared. “The suicide bomber infiltrated a group of displaced people and blew himself up among them before reaching our troops,” he said. Thousands of civilians have fled the Old City of Mosul since Iraqi forces launched their most perilous assault yet against the Daesh group. Around 100,000 more remain trapped by the jihadists, who have made human shields a key element in their defense of the Old City, their last redoubt in Iraq’s second city.

June 23, 2017











Headline: Turkey Rejects Call to Shut Military Base in Qatar

Headline: Russia and Turkey Send Troops to Syria, Build New Gas Pipeline at Home

Turkey rejected a call from four Arab states on Friday to shut down its military base in Qatar, saying the base was a guarantor of security in the Gulf and demands for its closure represented interference in its ties with Doha. Defense Minister Fikri Isik told Turkish broadcaster NTV that he had not yet seen a request for the closure of the base, but made clear Ankara had no plans to review a 2014 agreement with Qatar which led to it being set up. He was speaking after an official from one of the four Arab states boycotting Qatar over alleged support for terrorism said they had sent Doha a list of 13 demands including closing down the military installation. “If there is such a demand, it will mean interference in bilateral ties,” Isik said, suggesting instead that Turkey might continue to bolster its presence in Qatar.
June 23, 2017




Headline: Massive Iranian funding for anti-Israel terror groups revealed

Iran’s massive funding of terrorist groups that endanger Israel was exposed in shocking detail by IDF Military Intelligence chief Maj.- Gen. Hertzi Halevi on Wednesday. Speaking at the IDC Herzliya Conference, Halevi revealed that Iran is funding Hezbollah to the tune of $75 million a year, while paying $50m. of Hamas’s budget and approximately $70m. to Islamic Jihad. Connecting Hamas’s alliance with Iran to recent criticism of Israel for the humanitarian situation in the Gaza strip, Halevi placed the blame for a lack of construction supplies and the electricity problem squarely on Hamas. Israel has let into the Strip “four times the volume of building materials” required to build one of the world’s largest buildings, but “Hamas is using the materials for war, not rebuilding,” he said. Furthermore, he said that “the dispute about electricity in Gaza is an internal Palestinian issue” between Hamas and Fatah (which controls the Palestinian Authority). At the same time, he said Israel needed to “make Hamas choose its priorities” regarding whether it wanted to rebuild its society, or instead use money meant to pay for civilians’ electricity to arm itself. Returning to the Iranian funding and support of terrorism, Halevi noted that Tehran is regularly “acting to get exact and advanced weapons into Lebanon and Yemen.” Hinting at Israeli air strikes in Syria on these transfers of advanced weapons, he said, “Israel cannot ignore this development and we have not.”
June 23, 2017



Headline: Afghan car bomb hits New Kabul Bank in Helmand

At least 34 people have been killed and 58 wounded in a car bomb blast outside a bank in the southern Afghan province of Helmand, government officials say. Police told the BBC the bomb was detonated at the gate of the New Kabul Bank branch in Lashkar Gah. The Taliban say they planted the explosives. Members of the security forces are reportedly among casualties, as well as shoppers preparing for the Eid religious festival. Earlier, Tolo News reported that armed attackers had entered the bank and engaged in a gun battle with security forces. “It happened at a time when civilians and officials had lined up outside the bank to collect their salaries,” a police spokesman, Salam Afghan, told AFP news agency. Bank buildings have been repeatedly attacked in recent years in Afghanistan as civilians and military personnel receive their monthly salaries from them. A spokesman for Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah tweeted that most of the victims were “innocent souls who were shopping for Eid”.
June 22, 2017



Headline: Venezuelan soldier shoots protester dead in airbase attack, minister says

A Venezuelan military police sergeant shot dead a protester who was attacking the perimeter of an airbase on Thursday, the interior minister said, bringing renewed scrutiny of the force used to control riots that have killed at least 76 people. At least two soldiers shot long firearms through the fence from a distance of just a few feet at protesters who were throwing rocks, television footage showed. One man collapsed to the ground and was carried off by other protesters. Paramedics took at least two other injured people to a hospital, a Reuters witness said. “The sergeant used an unauthorized weapon to repel the attack, causing the death of one of assailants,” Interior minister Nestor Reverol said on Twitter. He said the air force police sergeant faced legal proceedings. Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans have taken to the streets in recent months to protest against a clampdown on the opposition, shortages of food and medicine, and President Nicolas Maduro’s plan to overhaul the constitution. The reaction of the security forces to provocation at marches has been in the spotlight since images showed a national guard member pointing a pistol at demonstrators on Monday, prompting the opposition to intensify its street campaign.
June 23, 2017


Headline: ‘Five killed in car bomb at Mogadishu police station’

Five people were killed and 10 were wounded on Thursday when a car packed with explosives rammed into the wall of a police station in southern Mogadishu, the security ministry said. “The blast was caused by a car loaded with explosives, five people were killed and 10 others wounded,” Ahmed Mohamud Mohamed, Somalia’s internal security ministry spokesman told reporters. The attack was claimed by Al Qaeda linked Al Shabab extremists, according to a statement carried by the SITE intelligence agency. Police officer Abdukadir Moalim said a suicide bomber had driven the car into the outer wall of the Waberi police station, killing mostly civilians.
June 23, 2017


Headline: 40 people killed in bomb, gun attacks in 3 Pakistani cities

At least 40 people were killed and nearly 100 wounded Friday in four separate bomb and gun attacks in three major Pakistani cities, officials said. A suicide bomber was involved in the first car bombing near the office of the provincial police chief in the southwestern city of Quetta that killed at least 12 people and wounded 20. There were conflicting claims of responsibility for this attack from different extremist groups. Hours later twin bombings, minutes apart, hit a crowded market in a Shiite-dominated city in Parachinar, the main city in the Kurram tribal region and killed 24 people, mostly minority Shiite Muslims, according to government administrator Zahid Hussain. Friday evening, gunmen in the port city of Karachi attacked police officers at a roadside restaurant and killed four of them before fleeing, according to senior police officer Asif Ahmed.
June 23, 2017



June 14, 2017–Thousands of Dead Fish Mysteriously Wash up in Coastal Texas Town

June 15, 2017–Hundreds of dead fish found in Weathersfield lake Ohio

June 16, 2017–Almost 700 lbs of fish found dead in Bologna Italy

June 16, 2017–Death of Hundreds Of Seagulls Along Detroit River Michigan

June 16, 2017–Thousands of dead fish found in a river in Oliveira do Bairro, Portugal

June 18, 2017–Thousands of dead fish floating in Brunswick bay Maine

June 18, 2017–Hundreds of dead fish wash up in the waters of Porto Empedocle, Italy

June 21, 2017–Massive fish kill in the waters of Nootdorp, Netherlands


Headline: Scary, infectious SUPERBUG just spread to five more U.S. states, including some in the Midwest

A deadly, hard-to-spot “superbug” yeast is rapidly infiltrating American hospitals. In June 2016, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned clinics about the emergence of a new multidrug-resistant yeast strain called Candida auris. Two months later the first seven cases of a C. auris infection were recorded in the United States. The yeast causes severe illness and has a high mortality rate, especially among high-risk, hospitalized newborns and elderly. Now, the number of cases in the U.S of the multi-drug resistant yeast has jumped from seven to more than 122. What’s worse, this so-called superbug is resistant to most mainline treatments, killing about 60 percent of those who’ve been infected with the yeast, the Daily Mail Online reported.The yeast was first identified in Japan in 2009 and has now been found in more than a dozen other countries. In the U.S., the first multidrug-resistant C. auris infections were recorded in New York and New Jersey, which have now spread to five more states (Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma).
June 21, 2017



Headline: Will You Soon Make Payments With Your Face?

Face-detecting systems in China now authorize payments, provide access to facilities and track down criminals. According to the current MIT Technology Review, this technology may soon spread to other countries around the world. Speaking of new technology, the Drone Racing League World Championships are on television this week. Last year, more than 30 million people from 40 countries watched. Venture capitalists have invested $20 million in the sport this month. Meanwhile, Amazon is on track to become America’s largest clothing retailer. It is planning a program called “Prime Wardrobe” that lets you try on clothes before you buy them. The company is already expanding its grocery delivery business and recently agreed to acquire Whole Foods.
June 22, 2017



Headline: Scientists study swarm of Yellowstone earthquakes

Seismologists are studying a swarm of 500-plus earthquakes that have rattled the Yellowstone Park area since June 12. Most are centered 8 miles north-northeast of West Yellowstone.  That is just a few miles east of the Hebgen Lake Basin, the site of the historic 1959 quake.  That one measured 7.3 on the Richter scale, killed 28 people and created Quake Lake, near the Gallatin National Forest. Mike Stickney, of the Earthquake Studies office at Montana Tech, said earthquake swarms are normal this time of year.  He says many are smaller.  When we checked we found dozens that measured under 2.0 on the Richter scale. However, Stickney said he hasn’t seen such an extensive swarm of earthquakes in Yellowstone since 2010.  But he stressed each is small enough that no one is in immediate danger. Stickney told us, “We live in earthquake country. We can never say that this isn’t leading up to something bigger.  But at this point, we have no reason to believe its portending to be anything more drastic.”
June 22, 2017


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June 21, 2017- Downing of drones in Syria threatens to draw U.S., Iran further into war

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: Moscow wants closer cooperation with Jerusalem in Syria, says top Russian official

Russia wants to increase cooperation with Israel regarding Syria, and would like Jerusalem to use any influence it has to get opposition groups there to lay down arms and enter negotiations, Konstantin Kosachev, a senior Russian parliamentarian, told The Jerusalem Post. Kosachev, who chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council, the upper house of Russia’s parliament, was in the country on Tuesday and Wednesday with Viktor Ozerov, the chairman of the Federation Council’s Defense and Security Committee, for meetings with the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. In a late night interview Tuesday in his Jerusalem hotel, Kosachev said that Russia’s intervention and actions in Syria serve the interests of other countries in the region, including Israel.
“If there will be violent regime change in Syria, we are sure that the new regime will not be democratic at all, but rather someone like Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and that will certainly have a negative influence on all of Syria’s neighbors,” he said. Asked if Israel – which has reportedly bombed arms depots or convoys in Syria on the way to Hezbollah – is acting against Russia’s interests in the country, Kosachev said, “I wouldn’t say that, but I would like to see closer cooperation.”As to Israel’s demand that Iran be prevented from establishing a permanent presence in Syria, he said Israel is talking about relations between two UN member states, “and therefore I can’t accept Israel saying that this ‘is not acceptable.’ I can accept them saying that ‘we are very concerned, and something must be done about it.’” Asked whether Russia can indeed prevent an Iranian presence on Israel’s borders, he said, “We are not interfering in bilateral ties between countries.” Kosachev said that the situation in Syria would look a lot better had all the nations involved in the conflict abided by international law.
June 21, 2017


Headline: Knesset takes one more step toward de facto annexation of West Bank

Headline: UN envoy: Israel is defying UNSC by accelerating settler construction

Headline: Ground Broken for First New "Settlement" in 25 Years

The Knesset on Wednesday took one more step toward the de facto annexation of the West Bank by approving the preliminary reading of a bill that would apply a 17-year old law to Israelis living in Judea and Samaria. This is "one more step toward the normalization of the settlements in Judea and Samaria that we set as our goal at the start of this government’s term,” said the bill’s author, MK Bezalel Smotrich, in advance of the 48-39 vote.  The bill, which allows setters to file petitions to the Administrative Court including on land issues, must now pass three readings before it becomes law.
Smotrich argued that the law was necessary to address issues of legal inequity between Israeli citizens living within and without sovereign Israel. It would also allow those Israelis living in Area C of the West Bank to turn with land issues to the Administrative Courts, rather than the High Court of Justice which often rules against them, he said. MK Tzipi Livni (Zionist Union) charged that all such arguments “disguised” the true intent of the law which was part of a “campaign to annex the West Bank.” If approved the legislation would not apply to Palestinians living Area C of the West Bank, Livni said. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Tuesday that construction of the first new Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria in 25 years has begun. In the community of Amichai, 100 new homes will be built for the evicted residents of Amona, a settlement outpost housing 42 families that Israel razed in February due to Palestinian land ownership claims. “Today, ground works began, as I promised, for the establishment of the new community for the residents of Amona,” Netanyahu tweeted. “After decades, I have the privilege to be the prime minister who is building a new community in Judea and Samaria.”
June 21, 2017





Headline: Christian “Awakening” to Holiness of Temple Mount Draws Islamic Fury

Until now, the bloody battle for the Temple Mount has been fought between Muslims and Jews, but a new awakening among some Christians to its significance is creating a shifting pre-Messianic reality at the already volatile site. The developing status of Christians on the Temple Mount played out a few weeks ago in a Muslim-Christian confrontation that nearly ended in violence. The Temple Mount showdown involved Nate Waller, Director of Operations at Hayovel, an organization which brings Christian volunteers to Israel to fulfill Biblical prophecy by working on vineyards in Samaria. As a frequent visitor to the Temple Mount, Waller’s connection to the site is an increasingly  important part of his belief – and he thinks other Christians should see it that way, too. “When I first started visiting the Temple Mount, I didn’t understand the holiness of the place,” Waller told Breaking Israel News. “I used to walk all around the site, like all the other Christian tourists. I would go to the site of the actual Temple, something that is forbidden for Jews to do.” Through his close work with religious Jews, Waller began to understand the significance of the site. “Christians generally believe that God’s presence has left the Temple Mount since the destruction of the Temple,” Waller explained. “From the Jews, I am just now beginning to understand that this is still the place of God’s name, and His name has not been removed.”
June 20, 2017



Saudi Arabia

Headline: Israel, Saudi Arabia reportedly discuss establishing economic ties

Israel and Saudi Arabia have reportedly been holding talks to establish economic ties, according to British newspaper The Times, which cited American and Arab sources in its report. According to the report, the historic move, if implemented, could be the first step toward normalizing relations and would begin with Israeli businesses being allowed to operate in the Persian Gulf. The newspaper gave as one example the possibility of Israeli airline El Al being allowed to fly over Saudi airspace. The British newspaper also estimated the possibility of tightening relations with Israel partly explains why Saudi Arabia and its allies have boycotted Qatar in an effort to force it to stop supporting Hamas, an effort that seems to be producing results. However, a source close to the Saudi leadership dismissed the idea of rapprochement between the two countries, saying it only reflects the White House's wish to show fast results, after US President Donald Trump visited the region last month, beginning with Saudi Arabia and stopping next in Israel.
June 17, 2017


Headline:Naming Bin Salman Saudi heir impacts US, Israel

The Saudi king’s decision to elevate his son Prince Mohammed bin Salman, 31, to crown prince and heir to the throne, in place of his cousin Mohammed bin Nayef – as part of a broad reshuffle, is not merely the internal affair of the royal hierarchy, but a game-changing international event. debkafile’s analysts see it as the outcome of a global and regional process initiated by Donald Trump soon after he settled in the White House in January. With his appointment as de facto ruler of the oil kingdom, the Saudi king’s son is ready to step into his allotted place in a new US-Arab-Israeli alliance that will seek to dominate Middle East affairs. Israel will be accepted in a regional lineup for the first time alongside the strongest Sunni Arab nations who all share similar objectives, especially the aim to stop Iran. Trump’s trip to Riyadh and Jerusalem in early May laid the cornerstone for the new US-Sunni Arab bloc versus Iran’s Shiite grouping and also cemented Israel’s co-option.
June 21, 2017


Headline: Clashes in south Yemen kill six civilians

Clashes between Yemeni security forces and gunmen in the southern city of Aden on Tuesday left six civilians dead, a security official said. The fighting erupted when security forces stormed a house in the Omar al-Mukhtar neighbourhood and arrested a man suspected of being a member of the Daesh terror group, the official said. Shortly after the operation, unidentified gunmen from the district attacked a checkpoint, triggering clashes that lasted for around three hours. Three other civilians were wounded in the gunfight, the official said.
June 21, 2017



Headline: Egypt Sends Fuel to Power-Starved Gaza, Undercuts Abbas

Headline: Turning Gaza’s lights back on, Abbas’s rival Dahlan makes dramatic return to center stage

Egypt on Wednesday trucked 1 million liters of cheap diesel fuel to the Gaza Strip's sole power plant — a rare shipment that temporarily eased a crippling electricity crisis in the Hamas-ruled enclave but also appeared to undercut Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Abbas has been stepping up financial pressure on Gaza in hopes of forcing the militant group Hamas to cede ground in the territory. Hamas seized Gaza from Abbas' forces in 2007, and Wednesday's delivery was the result of a strange new alliance of old foes united against the Palestinian president. The power plant stopped operating in April after Hamas could no longer afford to buy heavily taxed fuel from Abbas' West Bank-based government, leaving Gazans with just four hours of electricity a day. Abbas also asked Israel to reduce the electricity it sends to Gaza, which amounts to about a third of the territory's needs. This electricity, paid for by the Abbas government, has been reduced by one-fourth since Monday, worsening the crunch.
June 21, 2017




Headline: US-led coalition downs Iran-made drone in Syria

A US warplane shot down an Iranian-made drone operated by pro-regime forces in southern Syria early Tuesday, officials said, in the latest incident in rising tensions between the two sides. In Tuesday’s incident, the US-led coalition said an F-15E Strike Eagle jet destroyed an armed Shahed-129 drone in the early hours of the morning as it neared the Al Tanf base along Syria’s eastern border. “It displayed hostile intent and advanced on Coalition forces,” the statement said. A US military official told AFP the drone was “on a run towards our folks to drop a munition on them” and was shot down in self-defence. It comes days after a US warplane shot down a Syrian government fighter jet in the north of the country, prompting a furious reaction from Russia. Moscow has now suspended an incident hotline intended to prevent confrontations in Syria’s crowded airspace, and warned it could consider US-led coalition planes “targets”. The rising tensions prompted Australia to announce it was suspending its participation in air missions over Syria as part of the US-led coalition fighting the Daesh terror group.
June 21, 2017



Headline: Iraqi forces advance on Mosul mosque where ISIS declared caliphate

Headline: Islamic State blows up Mosul mosque where it declared 'caliphate': Iraqi military

US-backed Iraqi forces on Wednesday began a push towards the mosque in Mosul where Islamic State declared a self-styled caliphate three years ago, military officials said. The forces had encircled the jihadist group's stronghold in the Old City of Mosul, where the medieval Grand al-Nuri Mosque is located, on Tuesday, they said. The Counter Terrorism Service (CTS) were 200-300 metres (yards) away from the mosque, an Iraqi military statement said, a view supported by a senior commander of the international coalition fighting Islamic State. Meanwhile, Islamic State militants blew up on Wednesday the Grand al-Nuri Mosque of Mosul and its famous leaning minaret, an Iraqi military statement said. It was from this medieval mosque that the militants' leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared a self-styled ''caliphate'' spanning parts of Syria and Iraq three years ago. Islamic State's Amaq news agency accused American aircraft of destroying the mosque. "The Daesh (Islamic State) terror gangs committed another historical crime by blowing up the al-Nuri mosque and its historical al-Hadba minaret," the Iraqi military statement said, . The explosions happened as Iraq's elite Counter Terrorism Service units, which have been battling their way through Mosul's Old City, got to within 50 meters (164 ft) of the mosque, the statement said.
June 21, 2017












Headline: German parliament backs plans to withdraw troops from Turkey

Germany's parliament on Wednesday approved the planned withdrawal of troops from the Incirlik air base in southern Turkey after Ankara's refusal to allow German lawmakers access to its soldiers there. Turkey has refused to allow German lawmakers to make what they see as a routine visit to the base, saying that Berlin needs to improve its attitude towards Turkey first. Turkey was infuriated when Germany, citing security concerns, banned some Turkish politicians from campaigning on its soil, where many Turks live. Ankara responded by accusing Berlin of "Nazi-like" tactics and reigniting a dispute over Incirlik. "The German Bundestag (parliament) regrets very much that conditions for the continued stationing of the Bundeswehr in Incirlik are not met," the Bundestag said in a document that laid out its decision. It said a transfer of the 280 German troops from Incirlik to an air base in Jordan should go ahead swiftly.
June 21, 2017


Headline: Turkey Must Respect Iraqi Kurds' Referendum Move: Barzani Adviser

Turkey should respect the decision of Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region to hold a referendum on independence and support dialogue between Erbil and Baghdad, a chief adviser to Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani said on Wednesday. Iraq's Kurds have brushed aside international warnings that their planned Sept. 25 referendum could trigger conflict with Baghdad at a time when the fight against Islamic State is not yet won. Iraq's neighbors Turkey, Iran and Syria, all oppose secession, fearing that separatism will spread to their own ethnic Kurdish populations. "We are exercising our democratic right … As people in Turkey voting for their constitutional reform exercised their own democratic right, so we are exercising our democratic right to see what the people of Kurdistan want," Hemin Hawrami told a gathering at the Turkish think-tank SETA in Ankara. He was referring to a referendum in April in which Turks voted to hand President Tayyip Erdogan sweeping new powers.
June 21, 2017



Headline: Iran Threatens to ‘Depose’ Trump as Military Readies Missile Strikes on U.S. Forces

Headline: Downing of drones in Syria threatens to draw U.S., Iran further into war

A senior Iranian leader and confidant of the Islamic Republic's president is threatening to "depose" President Donald Trump if he continues his policy of confronting Iran and its terror proxy groups in the Middle East, according to recent comments that come as Iranian military leaders threaten missile strikes on U.S. forces and bases in the region. Mostafa Tajzadeh, a leading Iranian politician and ally to President Hassan Rouhani, claimed this week that the Trump administration is too "fragile" to confront Iran and that if U.S. officials do "anything unwise against Iran," the Islamic Republic will see that Trump is "deposed," according to Farsi-language comments independently translated for the Washington Free Beacon. The threats come as Iranian politicians and military leaders amp up their rhetoric against the Trump administration following a series of strikes in Syria on Iranian-backed forces bolstering embattled President Bashar al-Assad.
June 21, 2017




Headline: Taliban Releases New Video of US, Australian Hostages

Afghanistan’s Taliban released a new video Wednesday showing two professors, one American and one Australian, urging U.S. President Donald Trump to negotiate their freedom with the Islamist insurgent group. Sixty-year-old American Kevin King and 48-year-old Timothy Weeks of Australia, teachers with the American University of Afghanistan in Kabul, were kidnapped at gunpoint near the campus last August. The Taliban wants freedom for its “soldiers” being held at the U.S.-run Bagram airbase and the Afghan prison called Pul-e-Charkhi in return for freeing the two professors, the hostages said in their video messages.
June 21, 2017


Headline: Taliban overruns district in Afghan north

Headline: 8 killed in attack near US base in Afghanistan

The Taliban took control of a district center in the northern Afghan province of Jawzjan over the past 24 hours. The governor of Darzab, the district that fell to the Taliban, confirmed that Taliban fighters overran the district just one day after Islamic State fighters attacked the administrative complex. According to a statement on Voice of Jihad, the Taliban “launched coordinated attacks on Darzab district center” and surrounding outposts in the early morning. The Taliban claimed that “five defensive checkposts close to the district center surrendered, handing over all their weapons, equipment and vehicles whereas the district headquarters fell around late afternoon hours, resulting in more weapons and equipment being seized.” Official reports of casualties during the fighting have not been disclosed. The Taliban said that 17 police and local militia fighters and three Taliban fighters were killed. “The Taliban were currently in control of the district center’s building, police headquarters, and many other areas west of the district centre,” Pajhwok Afghan News reported, based on statements by Baz Mohammad, the acting district governor.
June 21, 2017




Headline: Morocco detains three as Rif protests move to Imzouren

Police have arrested three more members of a protest movement in northern Morocco's neglected Rif region, prompting hundreds of demonstrators to rally demanding their release, activists said Tuesday. Three activists from Al Hirak Al Shaabi, or "Popular Movement", were arrested on Monday in the flashpoint northern port of Al Hoceima, a member of the grassroots group told AFP. Two other activists, one of them a minor, were summoned by the police and told to "sign a pledge vowing not to take part in any future protest", the source said, adding that the pair were later released. Al Hoceima has been rocked by protests since the death in October of a fishmonger, who was crushed to death in a rubbish truck as he tried to retrieve swordfish that authorities had thrown away because it was caught out of season. Calls for justice snowballed into a wider social movement led by Al Hirak demanding development, an end to corruption and jobs for the mainly Berber Rif region. Demonstrators have rallied nightly in Al Hoceima and the nearby town of Imzouren since the arrest of Al Hirak leader Nasser Zefzafi on May 29. Since then, authorities have arrested more than 100 people, many of them are prominent Al Hirak members, accusing them of undermining state security.
June 21, 2017



Headline: Flint Airport: Michigan officer stabbed at airport in attack eyed as terrorism

The stabbing of a police officer at a Michigan airport on Wednesday is being investigated by the FBI as a possible terror attack, officials said. Bishop International Airport in Flint, Michigan, was evacuated after Officer Jeff Neville was stabbed in the neck. He's currently listed as being in stable condition, according to Michigan State Police. The FBI says the suspect is in custody and is being questioned. They are working to determine a possible motive for the attack. "We are aware of reports that the attacker made statements immediately prior to or while attacking the officer, but it is too early to determine the nature of these alleged statements or whether or not this was an act of terrorism," the FBI said in a statement.This is believed to be an isolated incident, authorities also said. A White House official confirmed to Fox News that President Trump has been briefed on the stabbing.
June 21, 2017


Headline: UN chief: US will be replaced if it disengages from world

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned the Trump administration on Tuesday that if the United States disengages from many issues confronting the international community it will be replaced — and that won't be good for America or for the world. Guterres made clear to reporters at his first press conference here since taking the reins of the United Nations on Jan. 1 that proposed cuts in U.S. funding for the U.N. would be disastrous and create "an unsolvable problem to the management of the U.N." But the U.N. chief stressed that he is not afraid to stand up to President Donald Trump, citing his vocal opposition to the U.S. leader's withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement. He said the mobilization of U.S. business and civil society in support or the climate deal is "a signal of hope that we very much encourage." Looking at the array of global crises, Guterres expressed concern that there could be a direct confrontation between the United States and Russia over Syria and urged a de-escalation of the dispute between Washington and Moscow over the U.S. downing of a Syrian jet.
June 20, 2017


Headline: Venezuela dares US to ‘send in marines’ amid crisis, threatens ‘crushing response’

Venezuela has lashed out at the US for trying to forge a plan to address its political crisis, daring Washington to "send in the marines" and threatening to meet troops with a "crushing response." "The 'contact group' you're proposing is completely useless and unnecessary," Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez said during a meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Cancun, Mexico, on Tuesday. "The only way you could impose it would be to send in your marines – who would meet with a crushing response from Venezuela if they dared make such a misstep," she said, as quoted by AFP. Rodriguez's remarks were in response to US Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan, who had tried to garner support for an OAS resolution to send regional mediators to Venezuela to help end the economic and political crisis which has embroiled the country and led to the deaths of 74 people since April. Sullivan responded to Rodriguez – who referred to the US official as 'el jefe' (the boss) – with three words: "Distractions, distortions and irrelevancies." The US draft resolution backed by Sullivan failed to pass among the 34 OAS nations, falling shy of approval by just three votes.
June 21, 2017


Headline: 100 dead in Central African Republic town, mayor says

The mayor of a Central African Republic town says at least 100 people are dead after heavy fighting broke out in the wake of a peace agreement signed this week in Rome. Bria Mayor Maurice Balekouzou also said Wednesday that several dozen wounded have been brought to the hospital run by aid group Doctors Without Borders. However, the local Catholic mission says the death toll could be higher because it has been too dangerous for Red Cross teams to recover bodies from the streets. Witnesses say fighting took place between the anti-Balaka militia and rebels from the group known as FPRC who were once part of the Seleka movement. The peace deal signed Monday between nearly all the country's armed groups had called for an immediate cease-fire.
June 21, 2017


Headline: At least 10 killed in Mogadishu minibus bombing

At least 10 people were killed Tuesday when Shabaab extremists drove an explosives-laden minibus into local government offices in the Somali capital Mogadishu, according to the security ministry. The minibus rammed through a security barrier outside offices in the southern district of Wadajir, injuring 9 people including the district's top government official. "More than 10 people died in the blast which was carried out by the Shabaab group and nine others are wounded," said Security Ministry spokesman Ahmed Mohamud Mohamed. Most of the dead were civilians, he said. The attack was claimed by Al Qaeda linked Shabaab militants.
June 21, 2017


Headline: Deaths, Injuries Mount as Ukraine Conflict Enters 4th Year: OHCHR

With the conflict in Ukraine now in its fourth year casualties have mounted substantially in recent months, according to a new report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Between mid-February and mid-May of this year, the period covered, U.N. investigators documented 193 conflict-related civilian casualties, including 36 deaths. “This is a 48 percent increase over the last reporting period,” said High Commissioner Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein in presenting an oral update on the human rights situation. Speaking to the U.N. Human Rights Council Wednesday, Zeid also said, “The majority of these casualties resulted from shelling, explosive devices and remnants of war.” He noted that so far this year, there were 375 conflict-related civilian casualties, including 67 deaths and 308 injuries – a 74 percent increase compared to the same period last year.
June 21, 2017


Headline: ISIL takes many civilians hostage after storming Philippine school

Several residents have reportedly been taken hostage and used as human shields after armed terrorists stormed a village in the Cotabato province of the Philippines, according to local police. Government troops are now engaging members of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) after the terrorists overran the village of Malagakit, located just outside of Pigcawayan town, Chief Inspector Realan Mamon said. The police chief confirmed that a number of civilians are now trapped in the area after the militants entered the village shortly after 5:00am on Wednesday. “We can confirm that they occupied a school and there were civilians trapped. We are in the process of determining how many were trapped and their identities,” Mamon said, according to Reuters. Government troops managed to push back the initial jihadist attack, but ISIS-linked fighters managed to take at least five people hostage as they retreated, according to a spokesperson for the Army’s 6th Infantry Division.
June 21, 2017



Headline: North Korean nuke test site sees more buildup as tensions rise

North Korea is continuing to mass resources at a known weapons testing site inside the country, a defense source told Fox News on Wednesday, prompting worries Pyongyang could be plotting to greenlight another provocative nuclear bomb test amid heightened tensions following the death this week of an American student who had been imprisoned by Kim Jong Un’s rogue regime. “There are more people and more cars but nobody knows what that means,” a defense source said about surveillance of the nuke test site. The source added the buildup had been occurring for months.Even as intelligence indicated North Korea was continuing to move materials to the nuke test site, Trump tweeted: “While I greatly appreciate the efforts of President Xi & China to help with North Korea, it has not worked out. At least I know China tried!”
June 21, 2017


Headline: A Russian jet came within feet of a U.S. reconnaissance plane, the Pentagon says

Headline: Russian defence minister's plane buzzed by NATO jet over Baltic

Headline: Russia considering retaliatory sanctions against US — Kremlin

Headline: Kremlin cancels Friday talks with U.S. over new sanctions

A Russian fighter jet came “within several feet” of an Air Force RC-135 reconnaissance plane over the Baltic Sea and lingered by the side of the U.S. plane for several minutes on Monday, U.S. military officials said. The incident comes amid increased tensions between Russia and the United States following the shoot-down Sunday of a Syrian fighter jet by a U.S. Navy Super Hornet after the Syrians bombed U.S.-backed fighters in northern Syria. Russia, which is aligned with the Syrian government and is carrying out military operations in Syria alongside it, condemned the incident and said Monday that it would track U.S. aircraft over Syria. The Russian Su-27 maneuvered its wingtip within a few feet of the larger, slower RC-135 for several minutes, said Meghan Henderson, a spokeswoman for U.S. European Command. The Pentagon considered the incident, known as an “intercept,” unsafe because of the “high rate of closure speed” and the “poor control of the aircraft” that the Russian pilot had, Henderson said.
June 21, 2017






Headline: Illinois careens into financial meltdown – and not even the lottery is safe

Illinois is grappling with a full-fledged financial crisis and not even the lottery is safe – with Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner warning the state is entering "banana republic" territory.  Facing billions in unpaid bills and pension obligations, the state is hitting a cash crunch that is rare even by Illinois standards. A top financial official just warned 100 percent of the state's monthly revenue will be eaten up by court-ordered payments. Rauner is calling a special session of the Democrat-led General Assembly in a bid to pass what he hopes will be the first full budget package in almost three years. And Illinois will – literally – lose the lottery if the budget fails. The governor has called for a special session starting Wednesday. The state so far is operating on a series of stopgap spending packages.  But the problems are years in the making, caused in large in part by the state’s poorly funded pension system— which led Moody’s Investors Services to downgrade the credit rating to the lowest of any state. The state currently has $130 billion in unfunded pension obligations, and a backlog of unpaid bills worth $13 billion.
June 20, 2017


Headline: $95,069,000,000: State and Local Income Taxes Hit Q1 Record

Americans paid a first-quarter record of $95,069,000,000 in individual income taxes to state and local governments in 2017, according to data released yesterday by the U.S. Census Bureau. That was up $4,190,850,000—or about 4.6 percent– from the $90,878,150,000 in state and local individual income taxes (in constant 2017 dollars) that Americans paid in the first quarter of 2016. Prior to this year, 2016 held the record for first quarter state and local income tax collections.Historically, state and local individual income tax collections have peaked in the second quarter of the year. The all-time record for quarterly state and local individual income tax collections occurred in the second quarter of 2015, when Americans paid $125,508,920,000 (in constant 2017 dollars) in individual income taxes to state and local governments.
June 21, 2017



Headline: Yemen cholera death toll passes 1,100: WHO

Cholera has killed 1,170 people in war-ravaged Yemen and the number of suspected cases is now at nearly 2,000 a day, the World Health Organization said Tuesday. And the devastation wrought by the conflict there made coping with the outbreak that much more difficult, WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic told reporters in Geneva. "The number of suspected cholera cases is rising," said Jasarevic. "We are talking close to 2,000 suspected cases per day," he warned, which meant that Yemen was now suffering the world's largest cholera outbreak. Since WHO began collecting data on the outbreak on April 27, it has registered more than 170,000 suspected cholera cases across 20 of Yemen's 21 governorates, Jasarevic said. WHO has warned that a quarter of a million people could fall sick with the disease cholera by the end of the year there. Already, two-thirds of the population are on the brink of famine there.
June 21, 2017


Headline: Polio paralyses 17 children in Syria — WHO

A polio outbreak in war-ravaged Syria has paralysed at least 17 children since March, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said Tuesday, describing the situation as "very serious". Fifteen more cases have thus been confirmed since WHO first announced, less than two weeks ago, that Syria had been hit by its first outbreak of the crippling disease since 2014. "We are very much worried, because if there is one case of polio with a kid that is paralysed, it is already an outbreak," WHO spokesman Tarim Jasarevic told reporters in Geneva. He pointed out that for every polio-caused paralysis, there are on average nearly 200 children who have the virus but no symptoms. "The virus is circulating. It is very serious."
June 21, 2017



Headline: Gender ideology is now the law of the land in Canada: Using wrong pronoun a hate crime

Canada’s Senate passed a bill that places “gender identity” and “gender expression” into the country’s Human Rights Code and the hate crime category of its Criminal Code. Bill C-16 passed by a vote of 67-11 and now only needs royal assent from the governor general to become law. “Great news,” announced Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “Bill C-16 has passed the Senate – making it illegal to discriminate based on gender identity or expression. #LoveisLove.” Critics say that Canadians “who do not subscribe to progressive gender theory” could be accused of hate crimes, jailed, fined, and made to take anti-bias training, The Daily Caller said in a June 16 report. One of the bill’s fiercest critics, Jordan Peterson, a professor at the University of Toronto, said that “we will seriously regret this,” adding that the law would infringe upon citizens’ freedom of speech and institutes what he views as dubious gender ideology into law. “Compelled speech has come to Canada,” Peterson said.
June 19, 2017



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June 20, 2017 What is the Truth?

freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 19, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora


June 19, 2017- Syrian warplane shot down by US jet

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 19, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: Netanyahu: I have one message for Iran: Don’t threaten us!

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu advised Iran Monday not to threaten Israel, in response to Iran's Revolutionary Guard statement that it had fired six missiles from western Iran into northeastern Syria on Sunday. They described the attack as retaliation for June 7 attacks in Tehran that killed 17 people in the first ISIS claimed operation in Iran. “We follow their [Iranian] actins and we follow their words,” Netanyahu said. "I have one message to Iran: Do not threaten Israel. The army and our security forces are constantly monitoring the activity of Iran in the region," he said. "This activity also includes their attempts to establish themselves in Syria and, of course, to transfer advanced weapons to Hizballah and other operations."
June 19, 2017


Headline: Jared Kushner to travel to Mideast to advance Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts

Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner is to travel to the Middle East this week to meet with Israeli and Palestinian officials in an effort to advance peace efforts pursued by his father-in-law US President Donald Trump. Kushner will travel along with special envoy Jason Greenblatt to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas separately in the coming days, to discuss “their priorities and potential next steps,” a senior White House official told The Times of Israel. “It is important to remember that forging a historic peace agreement will take time and to the extent that there is progress, there are likely to be many visits by both Mr. Kushner and Mr. Greenblatt, sometimes together and sometimes separately, to the region and possibly many trips by Israeli and Palestinian negotiators to Washington, DC, or other locations as they pursue substantive talks,” the senior official said. Greenblatt is expected in the region on Monday, followed by Kushner on Wednesday.
June 19, 2017



Headline: Palestinian militant groups deny Islamic State claim of Jerusalem attack

Palestinian militant factions denied on Saturday a claim by Islamic State that three Palestinian men who carried out a fatal shooting and stabbing attack in Jerusalem were members of the militant group. Islamic State took responsibility for the attack on Friday, in which one Israeli police officer was killed and another wounded, according to the group's Amaq news agency.
Israeli security officials did not respond immediately to requests for comment on what the SITE intelligence monitoring group described as the first time Islamic State had claimed responsibility for an attack in Israeli-controlled territory, nor on the attackers' affiliation. However, a senior official from Hamas, the Islamic group that rules the Gaza Strip, and the People's Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said the three attackers, who were all shot dead at the scene, were their own members. "The three hero martyrs who executed the Jerusalem operation have no connection to Daesh (Islamic State), they are affiliated with the PFLP and Hamas," Hamas' Izzat El-Reshiq wrote on Twitter.
June 17, 2017


Headline: Hezbollah Marches Through Heart of London, Political Wing Granted Charity Status

Thousands of Hezbollah supporters stepped off Sunday (June 18) in the heart of London at 3 pm to mark “Al Quds Day 2017,” organized by the “Justice for Palestine Committee.” Leading the march was the “political wing” of the Iranian-backed Hezbollah guerrilla organization, which reportedly has been granted status by the UK government as a legitimate charity via the Islamic Human Rights Commission, according to reports by Twitter users.Marchers and spectators were advised by the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) they were “welcome to bring flags that show solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Flags of proscribed (illegal) organizations will not be allowed.” “For example, you can bring a Hezbollah flag to show support for the political wing of Hezbollah. This is because the political wing of Hezbollah is not a proscribed organization. Any flags belonging to a proscribed organization will not be allowed. If we see flags belonging to a proscribed organization, our stewards will ask for them to be taken down.” The Campaign Against Antisemitism watchdog group met days earlier with the Metropolitan Police Service at a meeting facilitated by Sophie Linden, the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, asking police to use their powers under section 12 of the Public Order Act 1986 to impose a condition so that marchers would be informed they could not show the emblem of Hezbollah. However, “The Metropolitan Police Service refused our request,” the group said. According to IHRC literature, the march was intended to bring together people from all over the United Kingdom “for the freedom of the oppressed in Palestine and beyond.”
June 18, 2017



Saudi Arabia

Headline: Saudi naval forces detain three Iranian revolutionary guards

Headline: Iran and Saudi Arabia offer clashing accounts of offshore confrontation

Saudi Arabia’s naval forces say they have detained and are currently questioning three men believed to be Iranian Revolutionary Guards after their armed boat attempted to breach their territorial waters on Friday. An official source stated that at 20:28 on June 16, three small boats, bearing red and white flags, entered the Saudi territorial waters in the Arabian Gulf. Saudi navy forces were able to capture one boat while the other two escaped. “They headed at speed towards platforms of Saudi oil field of Marjan. Immediately, the Saudi naval forces fired warning shots, but the boats did not respond. Consequently, one of the boats was captured which was loaded with weapons for subversive purpose, while the other two escaped,” a statement on Saudi Press Agency read. A statement released by Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Informational and Culture quoted a navy source as saying that the attack was apparently carried as a terrorist operation aimed at causing serious damage to life and property. “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stresses its determination to combat and eradicate terrorism and its sources, as a part of the country’s permanent objective to protect its national security against any external aggression,” the statement added.
June 19, 2017



Headline: 25 Killed in Saudi Airstrikes on Yemen Market

Headline: Yemeni army controls mountain summit between al-Jawf and Amran

The Yemeni army took control of Jabal Ham, the border between the provinces of al-Jawf and Amran, where the soldiers of the Sixth Military Region are clashing to control the ruling areas. The militias were entrenched at the foot of Mount Ham after the National Army took control of its summit, causing the Houthi’s to suffer setbacks. The commander of the 122nd Brigade said in an exclusive interview that the militias are killing the injured elements so as not to care for them. The Battle of al-Jawf can be described as a battle for control of the summits and ruling point.
June 19, 2017




Headline: Police officer killed, 4 injured in Cairo attack

A police officer was killed and four conscripts were wounded after unidentified assailants in a Jeep shot the gas tank of central security forces near the Cairo suburb of Ma’adi early Sunday. According to the statement issued by the Ministry of Interior, after initial examinations, the timeline shows that the terrorists shot the security vehicle after the forces had their suhoor meal. “At around 12.45am on Sunday, a vehicle of the central security forces transporting a group of officers and conscripts on the Autostrade Road was attacked by an explosive device planted on the side of the road,” the ministry said in its statement. “The incident led to the martyrdom of first lieutenant Ali Abd Al-Khaliq and to the injury of an officer and three conscripts,” the statement read. The four injured policemen have been taken to hospital for treatment, the statement added. No group has yet claimed its responsibility for the incident.
June 18, 2017



Headline: Syrian warplane shot down by US jet

Headline: Russian warning: US planes in W. Syria are targets

Headline: US responds to Russian threat after shoot-down of Syrian jet

Headline:US repositioning aircraft over Syria as tensions rise

A US Navy fighter jet shot down a Syrian warplane after the Syrian jet dropped bombs near Syrian Democratic Force (SDF) fighters on Sunday, the US military said in a statement. The shootdown came a little more than two hours after forces allied with the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad attacked the north-central Syria town of Ja'Din, which was controlled by the SDF. A number of SDF forces, who are backed by the US-led coalition, were wounded in the attack, the statement from the Combined Joint Task Force said. The attack drove the SDF from Ja'Din, which is west of Raqqa, the coalition statement said. Later, a Syrian government Su-22 attacked the SDF forces with bombs. "In accordance with rules of engagement and in collective self-defense of coalition-partnered forces, (the Syrian jet) was immediately shot down by a US F/A-18E Super Hornet," the coalition statement said. The shootdown was the first of a Syrian aircraft by the US military since it began fighting ISIS in the country in 2014.
June 19, 2017





Headline: Iran fires missiles at militant groups in eastern Syria

Headline: Iranian official on Syrian attack: 'Israel understood the message, it should be worried'

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards has fired ground-to-ground missiles from western Iran into eastern Syria, aiming at the bases of militant groups Iran holds responsible for the deadly combined attacks in Tehran earlier this month, the Iranian news agency Tasnim reported. "The spilling of any pure blood will not go unanswered," the Revolutionary Guards said in a statement, according to Tasnim. The advisor to the Iranian foreign minister, Sheikh Hussein al-Islam, said when speaking about the missiles launched by Iran into Syria that Israel "is the main enemy" of Iran, despite the attack targeting militant groups who Iran blames for the Tehran attacks, and adding that Israel now "has to worry about (its actions)," hinting that the missile launch should be seen as a sort of warning to Israel. In an interview with the Al-Miyadin network, Al-Islam said that the missile strike showed the strength of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and that Iran "will not allow terrorism to determine the future of the region," and also showing his disdain for any outside interference, saying that "the presence of Americans in the region is illegal; the US should leave Syria sooner or later."
June 19, 2017




Headline:Iraqi forces launch assault on Mosul Old City

Iraqi forces launched an assault Sunday to retake Mosul’s Old City, the last district still held by the Daesh terror group three years after the extremists seized the northern city and declared their “caliphate”. Military commanders told AFP the assault had begun at dawn after overnight air strikes by the US-led coalition backing Iraqi forces. They said the extremists were putting up fierce resistance. The push into Mosul’s Old City — a densely populated warren of narrow alleyways on the western side of Iraq’s second city — marks the culmination of a months-long campaign by Iraqi forces to retake Daesh’s last major urban stronghold in the country. Staff Lieutenant General Abdulghani Al Assadi, a senior commander with the Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS), said the operation was advancing slowly “to preserve civilian lives as we breach the enemy’s defence lines”. “Our forces have moved in on foot because the alleys are very narrow,” he said. “The strategy has changed compared to other operations. There is no room for our vehicles to manoeuvre and there are many civilians.” The United Nations said Friday that Daesh may be holding more than 100,000 civilians as human shields in the Old City.
June 19, 2017











Headline: Iran and China conduct naval drill in Gulf

Iran and China began a joint naval exercise in the Gulf on Sunday, the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported.  The military drill comes at a time of heightened tension between the Iranian and U.S. military in the Gulf and is likely to be a cause of concern for Washington. In recent months, the U.S. navy has accused the Iranian navy of sending fast-attack boats to harass warships as they pass through the Strait of Hormuz. An Iranian destroyer and two Chinese destroyers are among the vessels that will participate in the exercise, which will take place in the eastern portion of the Strait of Hormuz and the Sea of Oman, according to IRNA. Some 700 Iranian navy personnel will be participating in the drill. Two Chinese warships docked at Iran's Bandar Abbas port to take part in a joint naval exercise in the Gulf for the first time in 2014.
June 18, 2017



Headline: Afghan soldier attacks US troops at Camp Sheheen

Headline: Taliban suicide team assaults provincial police headquarters

An Afghan soldier has attacked US troops at a military base, wounding seven. The US soldiers were evacuated after the "insider attack" in the northern Balkh province on Saturday, a spokesman for the US military command said. The Nato-led Resolute Support mission said one Afghan soldier was killed and another injured in the incident at Camp Shaheen, in Mazar-e Sharif city. But earlier reports of American soldiers being killed were dismissed. It is not clear whether the soldier killed was also the attacker. The Taliban have said the shooting was carried out by a man loyal to them, according to Reuters. Resolute Support said the attack, which took place at about 14:00 local time (09:30 GMT), was under investigation. It comes a week after an Afghan army commando shot dead three US special forces soldiers in eastern Afghanistan.
June 18, 2017




Headline: Is the Tunisian “Arab Spring” about to Repeat in Morocco?

Domestic tensions in Morocco are brewing; unrest and protests have been noted in the northern part of the Kingdom, and the regime is unable to control the situation and calm the passions. In many ways, events in Morocco since late October are a reminder of those that preceded the ousting of the Tunisian President Zein El-Abidine Ben Ali in 2011 and launched the “Arab Spring.” The surface calm in Morocco was broken by a harrowing incident on October 28, 2016, in the northern town of Al-Hoceima on Morocco’s Mediterranean coast. The police threw Mouhcine Fikri’s whole fish catch into the bin of a waste truck. The fishmonger tried to save his catch and jumped into the waste bin. He was crushed to death by the grinder. Protests began in the coastal town of Al-Hoceima but very quickly spread to other northern cities such as Nador and even in Morocco’s main cities – Rabat, Casablanca, and Tangier. According to Moroccan authorities, more than 1,600 Moroccans have joined the ranks of the jihadists in Syria, Libya, and Iraq, and 200 to 240 out of that number have returned either to Morocco or European countries. The Kingdom has embarked on a special religious education program aimed at neutralizing all extremist interpretations of the Koran. King Mohammad VI instructed the ministry of education to remove from schoolbooks all references to jihad. It is crystal clear that the Moroccan regime cannot yield to the Berber protest and will have to repress it.  Facing the threat of extreme Islam, the Moroccan regime has a paramount interest to subdue the northern social and political eruption and adopt all necessary measures to prevent the interaction between the Jihadist organizations, the Algerian subversive activities via the Polisario and other organizations, and the Amazigh protest. Infiltration of the Rif by the Jihadists could destabilize the kingdom.
June 19, 2017



Headline: Tensions rise in disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region as Azeri Army clashes with Armenian forces

Over the last 48 hours, the Azeri Army and Armenian forces have clashed in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, resulting in the death of several soldiers on both sides. “The adversary is continuing to shell from high-caliber weapons and artillery guns the positions of Azerbaijan’s Armed Forces and settlements located in the immediate battle area,” the Azeri Ministry of Defense claimed on Saturday. “On June 15, in an attempt to bring up short another provocation of Armenian armed units Azerbaijan’s army suffered casualties,” the ministry stated, noting that in retaliatory fire “on June 15 and 16, six soldiers of Armenian Armed Forces were eliminated,” some were wounded. On Friday, Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry reported one of its soldiers was killed by the Armenian forces.
June 18, 2017



Headline: Mali attack: Two EU staff killed at tourist resort

Two EU staff were killed when gunmen stormed a tourist resort in Mali on Sunday, the bloc's foreign affairs chief has said. One victim was a Portuguese soldier while the other was a Malian woman, Federica Mogherini added.  Mali's security minister said on Sunday that a Franco-Gabonese person was also killed. It is not clear how many people in total have been killed and no group has said it carried out the attack. "It is a jihadist attack. Malian special forces intervened and hostages have been released," Mali Security Minister Salif Traore told AFP news agency. The minister said four assailants had been killed by security forces. On Monday he told AFP that five suspects had been arrested. "We have recovered the bodies of two attackers who were killed," said Mr Traore, adding that they were "searching for the bodies of two others". One of them left behind a machine gun and bottles filled with "explosive substances". The ministry said another two people had been injured, including a civilian.
June 19, 2017


Headline: Suicide bombers kill 12 in Nigeria’s Borno state — police

Five female suicide bombers killed 12 people and wounded 11 in northeast Nigeria’s Borno state, birthplace of the Islamist militant Boko Haram insurgency, police said on Monday. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks. But the use of female suicide bombers in public places is a tactic used by Boko Haram, which has focused on Borno during its eight-year-old insurgency aimed at creating an Islamic caliphate. Borno state police spokesman Victor Isuku said the attacks occurred on Sunday at around 08:30 p.m. (1930 GMT) in the village of Kofa, 8 km (5 miles) from the state capital Maiduguri. “The first suicide bomber detonated near a mosque, killing seven persons. The second detonated in a house killing five persons,” he said, adding that 11 people hurt in the attacks. Isuku said the other three bombers also died.
June 19, 2017


Headline: Van rams Muslim worshippers in London

A van plowed into worshippers near a London mosque in the early hours of Monday, injuring 10 people, two of them seriously, in what Prime Minister Theresa May said was a sickening, terrorist attack on Muslims. The vehicle swerved into a group of mainly North and West African people shortly after midnight as they left prayers at the Muslim Welfare House and the nearby Finsbury Park Mosque in north London, one of the biggest in Britain. The driver, a 48-year-old white man, was grabbed at the scene by locals and pinned down until police arrived. He was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. After being seized, the man said he had wanted to kill "many Muslim people," one witness told journalists. A man, who had earlier suffered a heart attack, died at the scene but it was not clear if his death was connected to the van attack. "This morning, our country woke to news of another terrorist attack on the streets of our capital city: the second this month and every bit as sickening as those which have come before," May told reporters outside her Downing Street office. "This was an attack on Muslims near their place of worship," said May who later visited the mosque. The attack was the fourth since March in Britain and the third to involve a vehicle deliberately driven at pedestrians.
June 19, 2017


Headline: 6 soldiers killed in bomb attack in Thailand

Six soldiers in Thailand have been killed and four others wounded in a roadside bomb explosion in a southern province. The explosion occurred as the soldiers were on a routine patrol in the violence-plagued Pattani Province on Monday, according to district police chief Pruk Liangsukwho. “It is likely the work of violent groups in the area because this area is a red area,” Pruk said. “We are still checking the scene.” No group has yet claimed responsibility for the bomb attack.
June 19, 2017



Headline: McDonald’s introduces ‘gay pride’ fries, Christians call for boycott

For Gay Pride month, McDonald’s franchises in San Francisco and in the nation’s capital are issuing “Pride Fries” in rainbow-colored containers. “The rainbow fry boxes are a fun way to show our support of the LGBTQ community, using one of McDonald’s most iconic and recognizable items,” Cathy Martin of the restaurant corporation’s “Pride Network” stated in a press release. She added that McDonald’s is “proud to honor and celebrate the LGBTQ community, including our employees, customers and beyond – each and every day.” McDonald's is acknowledged as a corporate leader in homosexual affirming and enabling policies.  As OneNewsNow reports, “The Golden Arches is a major player and sponsor in promoting homosexual behavior across the nation.” McDonald’s franchises in the D.C. area are also big sponsors of the homosexual group Capital Pride Alliance, which seeks to normalize homosexual practices across the country. The fast food behemoth, which raked in $25 billion last year, supports the 2017 Capital Pride parade theme, “Lovin’ Is Lovin,” to show gay support. The theme is apparently a take-off of McDonald’s popular “I’m Lovin’ It” commercial tagline. Not all customers are happy with the gay fries. Evangelist and online personality Joshua Feuerstein issued a call for Christians to boycott the fast food chain.
June 15, 2017



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June 18, 2017- Fathers Day


Image result for frank dimora To all those Fathers out there I want to wish you a great Fathers day!  If you are a child of a Father love him with all your heart as he is a gift from God.  For all of you who have lost our Dad’s let us remember the days they were with us.  On this day I know of 3 young children who have lost not only there Father but Mother as well.  As a Father I ask any of you to help in bringing these children out of poverty and into a decent life.  I made a plee for help last week and a few have answered the call but it  is not enough to change things around for the kids.  You can donate to help at ascentministries.org.  If you do give please write a note along with your donation saying you want your support to go to the kids Frank is trying to help.

June 16, 2017- Russia claims it killed ISIS leader al-Baghdadi

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 15, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

***If you have donated at Ascent Ministries to help provide for the orphans in Vietnam can you please send a picture of yourself to fjdimora@gmail.com with your full name.  I am putting together a folder with all the people who are giving to this cause to show the children in Vietnam.  I want to make sure that these kids see who it is that Christ has sent to them to help change their lives.  We still need your help if we are truly going to make an impact.


~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: US threatens to replace UN human rights body over anti-Israel stance

The United States has threatened to supplant the United Nations Human Rights Council with an alternative group of nations, unless the 47-member body halted its anti-Israel bias and underwent a series of reforms. “We are either going to reform this thing and make it reflect what it should be reflecting or we will withdraw our support for it,” US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday in Washington. Should the US pull out of the UNHRC it would “find other means that we can approach human rights issues on a multi-lateral basis with partners who see it the same way we do,” Tillerson told the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Rep. Francis Rooney (R-FL) asked Tillerson about US funding for international organizations in the fiscal 2018 budget, including the Geneva-based UNHRC. “I wish you would reconsider the $10 million you have in there for the UNHRC. That is on top of the $17.5m. that we have spent in the last few years to try to buy friendship with Israel. I will bet you a steak dinner that it is not going to work,” he said. Tillerson assured that Rooney that his office was examining its engagement with some of those insinuations, specifically the UNHRC, as he issued a number of strong statements about the organization. “We are looking at those one by one and really asking ourselves what is the cost/ benefit here. In some areas we are either going to reform those or we are going to withdraw from them,” Tillerson said.
June 15, 2017


Headline: Palestinians to claim Tomb of Patriarchs on UN World Heritage List

The World Heritage Committee is set to debate inscribing the Old City of Hebron – including its Tomb of the Patriarchs – to the “State of Palestine” when it meets from July 2 to 12 in Krakow, Poland. “This is a new front in the war over the holy places that the Palestinians are trying to ignite as part of their propaganda campaign against Israel and the history of the Jewish people,” Israel’s Ambassador to UNESCO Carmel Shama HaCohen told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday. The World Heritage Committee operates under the auspices of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization. For the last three years Israel has waged a stiff battle at UNESCO to prevent the Palestinians from linguistically reclassifying Judaism’s holiest site, the Temple Mount, solely as the Muslim religious site known as al-Haram al-Sharif. “This is a clear continuation of the attacks and hallucinatory outrageous votes in UNESCO regarding Jerusalem, the Temple Mount and the Western Wall,” Shama HaCohen said, drawing a clear link between the two battles for Israel’s Jewish heritage.
June 16, 2017


Headline:  Five Palestinians cities to expand into Area C

Israel notified the Palestinian Authority that five Palestinian cities – Ramallah, Hebron, Tulkarem, Jenin and Kalkilya – would be allowed to expand from Area A into Area C, MK Ahmed Tibi (Joint List) told Army Radio on Thursday night. Tibi spoke prior to the anticipated return of US envoy Jason Greenblatt to the region, who was last here two weeks ago to speak with Israelis and Palestinians about US President Donald Trump’s peace efforts.  The expansion plan fits into the contours of an emerging US effort to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as part of a vision of a wider peace deal that would involve some of the Sunni Arab states. The US wants Israel, the PA and some of the Sunni Arab states to take steps to benefit one of the other sides of this triangle, thereby significantly improving the atmosphere to facilitate the renewal of negotiations. Washington is believed to be pressing Israel to “moderate” settlement construction and enable more Palestinian development in Area C.
June 16, 2017



Headline: 5 wounded in shooting, stabbing attack in Jerusalem; border policewoman critically wounded

Three terrorists armed with semi-automatic weapons and knives struck in two different parts of Jerusalem's Old City, Friday night, critically wounding a 22-year-old border policewoman. All three terrorists, Palestinians from the West Bank, aged 18-19, were shot and killed at the scene by security forces. The critically wounded border policewoman was evacuated to Hadassah Mt. Scopus Hospital for emergency medical treatment. Additionally, four others were moderately and lightly wounded. According to reports from the scene, two terrorists opened fire at a police force near Sultan Suleiman St. while the third terrorist stabbed the border policewoman near the Damascus Gate. Jerusalem district police commander Yoram Halevy described the attack, saying, "At one scene, near Sultan Suleiman St., two terrorists—one armed with a semi-automatic weapon and the other a knife—attacked police. Police responded and killed both attackers at the scene. Several meters away, at the Damascus Gate, an additional terrorist stabbed a border policewoman, critically wounding her. The terrorist was shot by other officers in the area."
June 16, 2017



Saudi Arabia

Headline: Yemen rebels fire on UAE ship — coalition

Yemeni rebels have fired a missile at an Emirati ship near the Bab Al Mandab Strait, injuring a crewman, the Saudi-led coalition said Thursday, marking the latest incident in the strategic waters. The coalition, which intervened against Yemen’s Houthi rebels and their allies more than two years ago, did not name the vessel or say whether it was civilian or military. It was leaving the port of Mokha, in Yemen’s southwest, when the attack occurred but the ship itself was not damaged, the coalition said.In a statement on their Sabanews.net press agency the rebels claimed the attack against the “warship” and said it took place on Tuesday evening. An international naval coalition, the Combined Maritime Forces, on Monday warned that “there are still risks” to ships transiting Bab al-Mandab.
June 16, 2017



Headline: Egyptians take to the streets to protest the transfer of 2 Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia

Clashes erupted between police and protesters staging a sit-in at the headquarters of the Egyptian Press Syndicate in Cairo on Tuesday, shortly after the Egyptian parliament approved a deal paving the way to transfer two Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia’s control. Protesters were inside the building as well as outside chanting against Egyptian President Abdul Fattah el-Sisi on the steps by the Journalists’ Union. Former presidential candidate and leftist activist Hamdeen Sabahi said that people “think that these islands will not go to Saudi Arabia but to Israel, and this deal is part of a mysterious arrangement in the region”. El-Badeel newspaper editor in chief, Khaled el-Balshi called said it was “an illegal agreement, especially after the court refused it. This means that the parliament has lost its legitimacy”. The contested islands of Tiran and Sanafir sit at the narrow entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba which leads to Jordan and Israel. Courts originally struck down the agreement, first signed in April 2016, but a year later another court upheld it.
June 14, 2017


Headline: Russia questions US Himars missile deployment in Syria

The Russian defence ministry has raised concerns about US multiple-rocket launchers being deployed at a base in eastern Syria. It said it was not impossible the two Himars launchers being set up in al-Tanf would be used against troops fighting so-called Islamic State. The launchers were reportedly brought in from Jordan to Tanf, which is used by rebels and Western special forces. US aircraft bombed a government convoy in the area last month. Syrian- and Iranian-backed militiamen had reportedly been moving towards the base, located in a sparsely populated desert region. Russia is the Syrian government's main military ally. "It's not impossible that similar attacks on Syrian forces will be continued in the future – this time, using Himars," the Russian defence ministry said. The Syrian government said this week it had regained territory in the Tanf area.
June 15, 2017


Headline: The UN Just Accused The US Of Killing 300 Civilians Since Last Week In Raqqa

According to a U.N. Commission of Inquiry tasked with investigating violations of international war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria, the intensification of airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition has led to a “staggering loss of civilian life,” the Guardian reports. The U.N. war crimes investigators found that since the acceleration of airstrikes in the Syrian city of Raqqa commenced last week, 300 civilians have already died. This statistic arguably makes Bashar al-Assad pale in comparison; Assad’s regime reportedly kills approximately 20-50 people in any given week. “We note in particular that the intensification of air strikes, which have paved the ground for an SDF advance in Raqqa, has resulted not only in staggering loss of civilian life, but has also led to 160,000 civilians fleeing their homes and becoming internally displaced,” Paulo Pinheiro, the chairman of the U.N. Commission of Inquiry told the human rights council in Geneva. According to Karen Abuzayd, an American commissioner on the independent panel, the figure of 300 is based only on deaths caused by airstrikes. Therefore, the figure of civilian deaths caused by troops on the ground may ultimately higher. As the Guardian also notes, speculation that the coalition has been using white phosphorous has already drawn strong condemnation.
June 15, 2017



Headline: ISIS launches surprise attack on Syrian army at Deir ez-Zor

DEBKAfile’s military sources disclose that the Islamic State took advantage of the Syrian-Hizballah-Shiite militias’ preoccupation with seizing the Syrian-Iraqi border to launch a large-scale surprise attack Thursday on the big Syrian air base at Deir ez-Zor. This is the second ISIS attack on the eastern Syrian town in the last 48 hours. This time, the jihadists formed a wedge between the air base and the town and forced the Syrian defenders, the 137th Brigade, to retreat.
June 15, 2017


Headline:ISIL recaptures key military base in west Raqqa

For the second time in two weeks, the Islamic State (ISIL) terror organization has recaptured the strategic Division 17 Base in western Al-Raqqa. The Islamic State fighters managed to recapture the Division 17 Base, following a heated battle with the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) at the western axis of Raqqa City. ISIL will likely lose this site in the coming days, as they lack the firepower to hold the base against the US-backed forces.
June 16, 2017



Headline: Massive convoy of pro-government reinforcements arrives at Syria-Iraq border

A huge convoy of reinforcements from Harakat Al-Nujaba (Iraqi paramilitary) arrived at Iraq-Syria border on Wednesday. Earlier, Hezbollah and Syrian Army established a military base in the area in a step aimed at preventing the U.S. and their proxy islamist forces from trying to advance towards Deir Ezzor province. At the same time, Syrian Army and allies continue their preparations for a major offensive towards Abu Kamal town in southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside which is strategically located near the Iraqi border. The aforementioned convoy of Harakat Al-Nujaba fighters is intended to reinforce the pro-government military contingent in the area ahead of future operation which is expected to begin in the coming weeks.
June 15, 2017











Headline: Turkey's prime minister slams protest by opposition leader

Turkey's prime minister on Friday slammed a protest march led by the leader of the country's main opposition party following a 25-year prison sentence handed down to a party lawmaker. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said Kemal Kilicdaroglu, as the head of the secular Republican People's Party, should respect the judiciary's decision. "You cannot seek justice on the streets, and Turkey is a state of law … it's not nice to complain about our country to the whole world by taking to the street." On Wednesday, a Turkish court convicted parliamentarian Enis Berberoglu for revealing state secrets. He was accused of giving journalists footage of a search on Syria-bound trucks, leading to Cumhuriyet newspaper's 2015 coverage suggesting Turkey's intelligence service had smuggled weapons to Islamist rebels in Syria. Kilicdaroglu called the verdict "unjust" and alleged the judiciary was influenced by the government. Along with supporters, he launched a 265-mile (426-kilometer) "march for justice" Thursday from the capital, Ankara, to an Istanbul prison where Berberoglu is being held.
June 16, 2017



Headline: From Tehran to Beirut: Shia militias aim to firm up Iran's arc of influence

Iranian plans to secure ground routes across Iraq and Syria and being shored up by proxies driving Isis from the region. The town of Ba’aj is deserted and broken. Its streets are blocked by overturned cars, its shops are shuttered and the iron gates of its ravaged homes groan in a scorching wind. Ba’aj is now a foundation point of an Iranian plan to secure ground routes across Iraq and Syria and into Lebanon, cementing its influence over lands its proxies have conquered. “From Mosul to Ba’aj, thank you Suleimani,” read one message painted on the town roundabout in tribute to the Iranian general Qassem Suleimani, who helped lead units of the Popular Mobilisation Front (PMF) as they swept through Ba’aj toward the Syrian border. Flags of various Shia units were planted like poppies. The transformation of Ba’aj, from an out-of-bounds haven for Isis leaders to a focal point for Iran’s efforts to change the regional dynamic, is taking place rapidly, even before hundreds of booby-trapped homes have been cleared. “It’s important,” said the PMF member. “We will do a lot from here.” In early May, PMF leaders told their senior members a land corridor that would give Iran a supply line across Iraq and Syria and into Lebanon, had been rerouted south of Mt Sinjar, 25 miles to the north. Ba’aj was to be the first main hub, and from there the road was to cross into Syria through the city of Deir Azzour and town of Mayedin, both of which remain under Isis control.
June 16, 2017



Headline: 4,000 more US troops to go to Afghanistan

The Pentagon will send almost 4,000 additional American forces to Afghanistan, a Trump administration official said Thursday, hoping to break a stalemate in a war that has now passed to a third U.S. commander in chief. The deployment will be the largest of American manpower under Donald Trump's young presidency. The decision by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis could be announced as early as next week, the official said. It follows Trump's move to give Mattis the authority to set troop levels and seeks to address assertions by the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan that he doesn't have enough forces to help Afghanistan's army against a resurgent Taliban insurgency. The rising threat posed by Islamic State extremists, evidenced in a rash of deadly attacks in the capital city of Kabul, has only fueled calls for a stronger U.S. presence, as have several recent American combat deaths.
June 16, 2017


Headline: Four killed in attack on mosque in Kabul

Two gunmen and a suicide bomber killed at least four people and wounded eight more in an attack at a mosque in the Afghan capital of Kabul on Thursday, the Interior Ministry said. The three suspected attackers tried to enter the Al Zahra mosque, used by Kabul's Shi'ite minority, but were blocked by police, setting off a gun battle, ministry spokesman Najib Danish said. The attackers then took refuge in a kitchen, where one detonated a bomb while the other two were killed by security forces, he said. The attack came as mosques around the city were crowded for a night of religious observances as part of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. Kabul's Shi'ite minority have been targeted by suicide bombings in the past. An attack on a Shi'ite mosque in November killed more than 30 people. Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for that attack, as well as an attack last July that killed more than 80 people at a mostly Shi'ite demonstration.
June 16, 2017



Headline: Protests in northern Morocco swell with calls for royal intervention

Under the banner of the People's Movement, Moroccans have just staged the country's biggest political protest since the "Arab Spring" and some now say that only intervention by their king can defuse a deepening crisis. For months, demonstrators have taken to the streets in Rif region around the northern city of Al-Hoceima to vent their frustrations over the economic, social and political problems of a kingdom that presents itself as a beacon of stability in a turbulent region. Authorities have responded by arresting as many as 100 leaders and members of the movement, called Hirak al Chaabi in Arabic, since the end of May. Undaunted, tens of thousands marched through Rabat on Sunday, the greatest number to join a demonstration since a wave of rallies in 2011 forced King Mohamed VI to allow some democratic reforms. So far, the palace has remained silent despite activists' calls for a royal intervention. The government spokesman declined comment on the issue, saying only: "All the steps and initiatives taken by the government with regards to Al-Hoceima were under direct instruction from King Mohammed VI." Following a meeting with the king on Wednesday, French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters in Rabat that Mohammed VI is eager to "calm the situation in the Rif region by responding to the demands of this movement".
June 15, 2017


Headline: Russia claims it killed ISIS leader al-Baghdadi

Russia said Friday that it killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and other leaders in a strike in late May. The ISIS leader is considered the world’s most wanted man. The report could not be immediately confirmed by Fox News. In an e-mailed statement, Army Col. Ryan Dillon said: "We cannot confirm these reports at this time." The Russian ministry said Friday that al-Baghdadi was killed in a Russian strike in late May along with other senior group commanders. It said the air raid on May 28 that targeted an IS meeting held on the southern outskirts of Raqqa in Syria also killed about 30 mid-level militant leaders and about 300 other fighters. The ministry said the strike came as IS leaders gathered to discuss the group's withdrawal from Raqqa, the group's de facto capital.
June 16, 2017



Headline: Gunman dead after attacking congressmen at Virginia baseball field

Headline: Mainstream Media Incitement of Violence Against Republicans Leads to Shooting of U.S. Congressman

Headline: ‘1 down, 216 to go’: GOP congresswoman receives threatening email after Virginia shooting

A gunman who sprayed bullets at Republican lawmakers during baseball practice in a Washington DC suburb has died, US President Donald Trump said. House of Representatives Majority Whip Steve Scalise was one of five injured in the early morning ambush at a park in Alexandria, Virginia. The attacker, identified as Illinois native James T Hodgkinson, 66, was killed after a firefight with police. The injured included two officers with non-life-threatening wounds. Hodgkinson was self-employed until recently and worked as a home inspector. He had campaigned for former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. A Facebook account that appears to belong to Hodgkinson is filled with anti-Republican and anti-Trump posts.
June 16, 2017




Headline: Venezuela mobs kick, burn thieves in lynching epidemic

Swearing in fury, the crowd strips the man naked and stomps on his head as he sprawls on the ground. "You want things that come easy? Then take this, you bastard." In Venezuela, this is what robbers get when they are caught by passers-by. It is not just the country's economy and political system that are sick, but society itself, experts say. An epidemic of lynchings is one of the most gruesome symptoms.the Venezuelan Social Conflict Observatory (OVCS). The body says some 60 people were recorded as killed in lynchings in the first five months of this year alone. Last year there were 126 such killings — a surge from the 20 reported in the previous year, coinciding with the worsening of political tensions and economic chaos. "In lynchings, citizens let out their anger in the face of a state that is not defending their right to justice," says Ponce. "They think they are dispensing justice, and they do so with anger, so they go as far as killing the person."Venezuela has one of the highest annual murder rates in the world — 70 for every 100,000 inhabitants in 2016, according to the state prosecution service. Yet only about six crimes out of every 100 here result in a sentence, says criminologist Fermin Marmol. Ponce sees the rise of lynchings as a sign of a "social breakdown" in Venezuela.
June 16, 2017


Headline: Somalia: Suicide car bomber targets Mogadishu restaurant

A combined suicide bomb and gun attack at two restaurants in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, has killed at least 20 people. The attack started on Wednesday evening as Muslims were breaking their daily fast during Ramadan. A Syrian chef at the Pizza House restaurant, a modern venue popular with young Somalis, was among the victims. Militants from the al-Shabab group held hostages during a shoot-out with police, which has now ended. All five attackers are said to have been killed. The al-Qaeda affiliated group admitted carrying out the attack.
June 15, 2017


Headline: 6 police killed in rebel ambush in Indian-controlled Kashmir

Six police were killed Friday when rebels fighting against Indian rule ambushed a police vehicle in Indian-controlled Kashmir, while two civilians were killed and several others injured in clashes that erupted during a gunbattle between rebels and government forces in the disputed region, officials and witnesses said. Senior police officer S.P. Pani said militants sprayed gunfire at the police vehicle in the southern Achabal area. All six officers onboard were killed, he said. No other details were immediately available.
June 16, 2017



Headline: TSA begins testing biometric fingerprint screening at 2 airports

Forget fumbling for your photo ID and boarding pass at the airport. Soon, certain passengers will be free to move through the airport and check into their flights using only their fingerprints, thanks to the TSA’s latest, more intrusive, innovation. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced Tuesday that it will be assessing new biometric authentication technology (BAT), which allows travelers to go from the curb to the gate using only their fingerprints as their form of identification, and a boarding pass.  Starting this week, the technology will be unveiled at a TSA PreCheck lane in Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport and a lane in Denver International Airport. The TSA will conduct a voluntary pilot program to gather data about the technology from the two airports. After analyzing the data, the TSA will decide whether to deploy more BAT lanes later this year. Passengers who choose to participate will still need to go through the standard process of showing their boarding pass and ID. On Tuesday, the agency posted a video to their Instagram page, demonstrating how the technology works.
June 14, 2017



Headline: Could Illinois be the first state to file for bankruptcy?

Illinois residents may feel some solidarity with the likes of Puerto Rico and Detroit. A financial crunch is spiraling into a serious problem for Illinois lawmakers, prompting some observers to wonder if the state might make history by becoming the first to go bankrupt. At the moment, it's impossible for a state to file for bankruptcy protection, which is only afforded to counties and municipalities like Detroit.  Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection could be extended to states if Congress took up the issue, although Stanford Law School professor Michael McConnell noted in an article last year that he believed the precedents are iffy for extending the option to states. Nevertheless, Illinois is in a serious financial pickle, which is why radical options such as bankruptcy are being floated as potential solutions.  Ratings agency Moody's Investor Service earlier this month downgraded Illinois' general obligation bonds to its lowest investment grade rating, citing the state's growing pile of unpaid bills and its mounting pension deficit. Illinois, by the way, has the lowest credit rating of any state. Lower ratings mean higher borrowing costs, since lenders view such borrowers as riskier bets.
June 16, 2017



Headline: Why are half of NJ's honeybees dying each year?

Nearly half the honeybees in New Jersey die off each year, significantly outpacing the national average and perplexing scientists, who worry the losses could impact the state's agricultural industry. While bee populations have been in rapid decline throughout North America, losses in New Jersey surged ahead a few years ago and commercial as well as amateur beekeepers have been struggling with the losses. There could be many reasons for the deaths, but the consensus is that a parasite that is deadly to honeybees, the varroa destructor, has spread like wildfire throughout the state. Such problems can spread easily in New Jersey, beekeepers say, because the state’s 20,000 colonies are relatively close together in what is nation’s most densely populated state. State officials say backyard beekeepers need to take better care fighting the parasites. More than 48 percent of the bees died in 2013 and more than 53 percent were lost in 2016. This year, 41 percent died, according to a recent national survey. Nationwide, honeybee deaths average 33 percent a year. “We don’t have all the answers as to why one state is significantly higher than others,” said Dennis vanEngelsdorp survey director for the Bee Informed Partnership, a consortium of scientists and beekeepers. “It’s something that we have to look at much closer.”
June 16, 2017



***On April 25, 2017 I posted my video at this site entitled: "The Dying Continue". That video  can be seen below. In that video I asked you to watch for coming news reports which report on person to person transmission of the Avian Influenza.  I did this because the Lord warned us in the last days many would die as a result of plagues.  For years I have telling you diseases such as the Bird Flu and Avian Influenza would continue to mutate and at the end of the day these types of diseases would begin to be passed on from human to human not just from the birds to humans.  As you will see below the Chinese Medical Journal on May 10, 2017 has report on what may be the first case the disease being passed on from person to person.  This may be only one case but in Christ's warning He told us the last days signs would come as labor pains. I have no doubt as we get closer to the second coming of our Lord there will be many reports of person to person transmission of such diseases.

Headline: 'Pandemic' Possible with H7N9 Virus, Study Finds

A study published by a prestigious international medical journal has warned that mutations in the bird flu H7N9 virus could lead to a "pandemic" that could cause sickness and death around the world. The study, led by Yu Hongjie and fellow researchers at Fudan University's Public Health Institute in Shanghai, is based on information from all lab-confirmed human cases of H7N9 reported in the Chinese mainland as of late February. The findings were published in Lancet Infectious Diseases this month. A surge in human infections with the latest outbreak in China has prompted pandemic concerns. The study aimed to describe the epidemiological traits of the virus and to estimate the risks, according to Dr Yu. In the study, virus samples collected in February from two human cases in Guangdong province were confirmed to have the mutation that made the virus capable of causing sickness and death in infected poultry as well.
June 15, 2017


Headline: Is a new flu pandemic just three mutations away?

"Just three mutations are needed to make bird flu a potential pandemic strain that could kill millions," is the alarming headline from the Mail Online. However, the chance of all three mutations occurring has been described as "relatively low". Bird flu hit the headlines in 1997 when it was found that a strain of flu virus was spreading from poultry to humans in Hong Kong. The good news is that this strain didn't spread quickly between humans and therefore didn't spark a global pandemic in the same way as swine flu in 2009-10. In a new study researchers analysed a strain of bird flu (H7N9) to see whether a particular surface protein on the virus could bind to human tissue. If it could, this would make human-to-human transmission of the H7N9 flu virus more likely. The researchers found that three mutations of amino acids helped the virus bind specifically to human tissue and, in theory, could allow a human-to-human type transmission.
June 16, 2017



Headline: Terror of swine flu, four deaths in five days  (This report was translated for you).

June 16, 2017

Rajkot | Swine flu is spreading in the city. Four people died due to swine flu due to administration's negligence. Swine flu is becoming uncontrollable and the Health Department is watching the death scene.

In the city of Rajkot, swine flu infection has become uncontrollable for many years. Claims of healthcare are being proved to be futile. Every day four to five people are coming in its grip. A 66-year-old man living in New Jagannath area of ​​the city was undergoing treatment for swine flu. He died in a private hospital today.


Besides, 27-year-old woman suffering from swine flu infection of Sutrapada tahsil of Gir Somnath district is undergoing treatment at a private hospital located at Rajkot. After 9 days of treatment, there was no relief but after the last night the girl died. On the other hand, 70-year-old elderly son of Uplata in Rajkot Civil Hospital died due to swine flu disease two days earlier.


Within 39 hours of this incident, the 39-year-old woman from Manavadar tehsil of Junagadh died. While Sutrapada's maiden died during Swine Flu treatment at the city's private hospital. Four people died from swine flu in the last five days. In front of the rising panic of uncontrollable swine flu, the Health Department remains a silent spectator.


According to sources, 25 people have died from swine from Rajkot since January. In the last six months, four people die every month from swine flu. The Health Department is just a death knell. The cases of swine flu positive are continuously increasing. Both of them are being treated at Rajkot after the 29-year-old woman of Mangrol and 75-year-old of Ranchodnagar in Junagadh comes positive.



Headline: Niger floods: Nine children killed as homes collapse

At least nine children are reported to have died as houses in Niger's capital, Niamey, collapsed following heavy rain. The rain has caused floods and extensive damage, including to one of the main markets in the city centre. Homes collapsed in several parts of the city, trapping or killing those inside, AFP reported Zourkaleini Maiga, secretary general of the local authority, as saying. Last month, the UN warned that 106,000 people in Niger were at risk of floods.Two television channels, Tele-Sahel and Tal-TV, had their programming interrupted on Tuesday evening when their studios flooded, AFP reported company officials as saying. Reports in Nigerian newspapers have also spoken of transport links with northern Nigeria being cut in the past few days, as two road bridges on key routes were washed away in the Mokwa area and a railway line was severed.
une 15, 2017


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