May 26, 2017- Talks underway for Pope to visit Israel to push peace

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 27, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline: Talks underway for possible pope visit to Israel to push peace — report

Israeli and Vatican officials have launched talks to discuss the possibility of Pope Francis paying a visit to Israel and the wider region in a bid to push peace between Israelis and Palestinians. A Vatican delegation is expected in Israel next month and is looking at three possible dates for a potential visit this coming fall, Channel 10 reported Thursday, citing unnamed Vatican sources. There was no immediate confirmation from the Vatican. The report came a day after the pope met with US President Donald Trump in Rome. Trump on Tuesday wrapped up a Middle East visit that included Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and Saudi Arabia. In Israel, Trump indicated that he wants to pursue the “ultimate deal” and would like to help facilitate peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. He has tasked his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and former real estate lawyer Jason Greenblatt with charting a course forward. Greenblatt stayed on after the trip and has been holding follow-up meetings with Israeli and Palestinian officials.
May 26, 2017


Headline: Hamas calls for day of rage in support of hunger strikers

Headline: Abbas asks Washington to help end terrorist hunger strike

Hamas urged Palestinians in the West Bank to participate in a day of rage on Friday to support hunger strikers in Israeli prisons. “Hamas calls on our people to spark clashes with the Israeli occupation in a day of rage,” Hamas said in a statement on Wednesday night. Hundreds of mainly Fatah-affiliated prisoners have been hunger-striking for 39 days. A handful of Hamas-affiliated prisoners are participating in the strike as well. The hunger strikers are demanding that the Israel Prison Service end solitary confinement and detention without trial, increase visitation rights and improve amenities. The IPS says that its treatment of prisoners meets international standards. Since the start of the hunger strike, many groups have sponsored days of rage. Fatah sponsored the largest day of rage on April 28 when a couple thousand Palestinians clashed with the IDF at friction points all around the West Bank. In the past week, Palestinian officials including General Intelligence Chief Majid Faraj, Preventative Security Chief Ziad Hab al-Rih, and Civil Affairs Minister Hussein al-Sheikh along with Israeli officials have been negotiating a possible deal to end the hunger strike.
May 26, 2017

Headline: Clashes as hundreds of Palestinian protest across West Bank, Gaza

Hundreds of Palestinians took part in violent protests against Israeli troops across the West Bank and Gaza on Friday, in support of a hunger strike by security prisoners. Over all, 18 Palestinian rioters were said to be injured in the clashes with IDF soldiers. One Israeli serviceman was also lightly wounded, the army said. Palestinian youths have been taking part in occasionally violent protests against Israeli troops on an almost daily basis, as the hunger strike enters its fifth week. Friday evening will also mark the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, a period which has historically seen an increase of tensions in the region. In Jericho, dozens of Palestinians attacked Israeli troops with rocks and burning tires. One soldier was lightly injured by a rock that was thrown at him. He was taken to receive medical care, the army said. In Beita, outside Nablus, hundreds of young Palestinians threw rocks and rolled burning tires at Israeli troops, who responded with rubber-coated bullets, tear gas and stun grenades, an army spokesperson said.
May 26, 2017



Headline:   Jordan holds Israel responsible after Jews ‘dishonored al-Aqsa’

The Jordanian government has strongly condemned the presence of Jews at the al-Aqsa mosque complex on Wednesday after 15 Jews were arrested for bowing on the Temple Mount, where they are not allowed to pray, while others sang the Israeli national anthem. A statement from the Jordanian government slammed Israeli authorities for “allowing Jewish extremists to storm Al Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram Al Sharif,” which they said “violated the sanctity of the mosque and offended the feelings of Muslims around the world.” The Jordanian government “held Israel, as the occupying power, fully responsible for such a violation that encouraged settlers to ‘dishonor the mosque’ and for not stopping Knesset members’ provocative calls to storm the mosque.”
May 25, 2017,7340,L-4967185,00.html


Headline: Egypt retaliates with strikes at militant locations in Libya

Egyptian air strikes targeted locations of the Shura Council of Mujahideen in the Libyan city of Derna, Al Arabiya sources reported. Casualties were reported among militants after Egyptian airstrikes hit extremists’ locations in Derna, Libya. This followed the televised address by Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi on Friday said that Cairo will not “hesitate” to strike “terrorism” anywhere whether it is inside or outside his country after masked gunmen killed 28 Coptic Christians, mostly children.“Egypt will not hesitate at all to strike terrorist camps anywhere,” Sisi said during the TV address, adding that Cairo does not “conspire” against any country, and is keen to full protect its national security. Sisi did not specify any country, however, he said since the fall of the Libyan regime in 2011, Egypt was watching  its borders carefully. “I say again, any camps being currently used to train terrorists, Egypt will strike,” he said. “This message is clear.” He repeated: “We will not hesitate in protecting our people,” in what he called “evil.” He also urged US President Donald Trump to “prioritize” crushing terrorism. “If Egypt fall so the rest of the world,” he warned. The Egyptian president said the country’s forces have destroyed 300 vehicles being used by “terrorist” elements in the past three months only near the western Libya border. He further warned “what happened today, will not pass like that” without punishment.
May 26, 2017


Headline: Air strike in east Syria kills 35 civilians — Observatory

An air strike on Thursday evening killed at least 35 civilians, including family members of Daesh fighters, in Al-Mayadin, a town held by the jihadists near Deir Al-Zor in eastern Syria, a war monitor reported. A spokesman for the US-led coalition fighting Daesh told Reuters that its forces had conducted strikes near Al-Mayadin on May 25 and 26 and were assessing the results.
Two days of aerial bombardment in Al-Mayadin have now killed a total of 50 people, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said.
May 26, 2017

Headline: Syrian army takes control of Damascus-Palmyra road

The Syrian army is in full control of the highway from Damascus to ancient Palmyra for the first time since 2014 after driving out militants, a monitor said on Friday. Sources in the Syrian-Democratic Forces also reported that they had taken full control of Ba’ath Dam after ISIS had withdrawn from it.Ba’ath Dam is the third largest dam in Syria. It is located 27 kilometers away from the Euphrates Dam and between the cities of Al-Tabaqa and Al-Rigga. Since troops recaptured Palmyra from the ISIS group in March, the UNESCO World Heritage site had been accessible via Syria’s third city Homs, about 150 kilometers to the west.  But after major advances on Thursday night, the army now controls the direct road from the capital to Palmyra, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
May 26, 2017


Headline:Iraq demands compensation for devastating airstrike on Mosul

Iraqi officials demanded compensation from the U.S.-led coalition following an investigation into a March 17 airstrike in which the Pentagon acknowledged a U.S. bomb targeting Islamic State group fighters in Mosul set off a series of explosions that killed more than 100 civilians. However, several residents of the Mosul neighborhood told The Associated Press on Friday there were no IS fighters or explosives inside the house struck by the U.S. bomb. “We call upon the international community and especially the United States to compensate the victims,” said Nuraddin Qablan, the deputy president of the Nineveh provincial council. The U.S. should rebuild the homes of all the victims affected by the strike, he said, “so that the psychological damage will be mitigated.” The Pentagon released the March 17 findings Thursday, reporting the airstrike targeted two IS snipers in a single building, setting off a series of explosions that killed 105 civilians. The Pentagon report added that another 36 civilians may have been at the building at the time, but “there is insufficient evidence to determine their status or whereabouts at this time.”
May 26, 2017










Headline: Kurdish militants kill five Turkish security force members: Military

Headline: No Protests After Dark in Ankara as Erdogan’s Crackdown Deepens

Four Turkish soldiers and a village guard were killed in two separate clashes with Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants in eastern Turkey, the Turkish military said on Thursday. Three Turkish soldiers and a village guard were killed in a clash that broke out between PKK militants and security forces in the Caldiran district of Van province, the army statement said. It said four soldiers were also wounded in the clashes. Nine PKK militants were killed in a subsequent firefight in the area, the army said. Security sources earlier said these clashes had occurred in the Dogubayazit district of neighboring Agri province. Another Turkish soldier was killed in clashes with PKK militants near a military outpost in the Semdinli district of the Hakkari province bordering Iraq, the military said.
It said one PKK militant had been killed in a subsequent operation in the region, and two had been “neutralized.” The army also said another three PKK militants believed to be preparing for an attack had been killed in airstrikes targeting the Metina region of northern Iraq earlier on Thursday. A day earlier, a special forces police officer was killed in a clash in a mountainous area of Sirnak province’s Beytussebap district, near the Iraqi border, security sources said.
May 26, 2017


Headline: Report: Iran builds new underground ballistic missile factory

Iran has built a third underground ballistic missile production factory and will keep developing its missile program, the semi-official Fars news agency reported on Thursday, in a development likely to fuel tension with Arab neighbors and Washington. “Iran’s third underground factory has been built by the Guards in recent years … We will continue to further develop our missile capabilities forcefully,” Fars quoted the head of the Republican Guard’s airspace division, Amirali Hajizadeh, as saying. In January, US officials say that Iran has conducted a ballistic missile test in violation of the UN resolution put in place after the Iran nuclear deal. Officials told Fox News that the test occurred outside  Semnan, about 140 miles east of Tehran, on Sunday. The missile in question was the Khorramshahr medium-range ballistic missile, which the officials said flew 600 miles before exploding, in a failed test of a reentry vehicle. The test was in direct violation of UN resolution 2231, which stated that Iran could not conduct such acts.
May 25, 2017


Headline: New Taliban attack on Afghan base kills 15 soldiers

At least 15 Afghan soldiers were killed when Taliban fighters attacked their army base in the southern province of Kandahar, the Defense Ministry said, in the second such assault on Western-backed forces this week. The attack in Shah Wali Kot district late on Thursday came just three days after 10 Afghan soldiers were killed when Taliban militants stormed another base in the same area.
The assault, mounted by hundreds of insurgents, highlights a growing Taliban offensive in Kandahar, where security has relatively improved in recent years under the leadership of police chief and regional strongman General Abdul Raziq. “The Taliban launched a coordinated assault on an army base last night (Thursday) in Shah Wali Kot district of Kandahar province,” ministry spokesman Dawlat Waziri said. “Fifteen Afghan army soldiers were martyred and five others wounded… but the base was under the control of Afghan forces.” A provincial official who spoke on the condition of anonymity gave a higher death toll of 20.
May 26, 2017


Headline: Haftar forces seize rival airbase in south Libya

Forces led by Libyan military strongman Khalifa Haftar on Thursday seized control of the Tamenhant Airbase in the south of the country from rival forces, a spokesman said. “Our forces… took full control of Tamenhant airbase in the south of Libya,” said Khalifa Al Obeidi, spokesman of Haftar’s self-proclaimed Libyan National Army (LNA). An LNA officer, who declined to be named, said Haftar’s forces had pounded the airbase on previous days and surrounded fighters from the Third Force militia. Haftar’s forces persuaded the fighters to evacuate the airbase, which they did, allowing the LNA to take over the facility without any resistance, said the officer. The Third Force is loyal to the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA)  not recognised by the LNA. Last week, Third Force fighters attacked Brak Al Shati airbase, also in southern Libya, which is controlled by Haftar forces, killing 140 people, including civilians. The attack was condemned by the United Nations, the European Union and the GNA. The United Nations and Human Rights Watch said summary executions may have taken place at Brak Al Shati.
May 25, 2017

Headline: Fierce clashes break out in Libyan capital Tripoli

Heavy clashes between rival factions erupted in the Libyan capital Tripoli on Friday, with loud explosions and heavy artillery fire heard since the early morning. The fighting appeared to be caused by a push to regain territory by armed groups linked to a self-declared, Islamist-leaning “national salvation government” that was set up in 2014. It has been largely displaced by the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) that arrived in Tripoli last year. The GNA has struggled to exert its authority in Tripoli and beyond, or rein in the militias that have held power on the ground in Libya since the country’s 2011 uprising. A third government based in eastern Libya and aligned with military commander Khalifa Haftar has rejected the GNA.
May 26, 2017


Headline:    After Brief Deployment, Brazilian Troops Recalled From Streets Of Capital

Within 24 hours of their deployment in Brasilia, Brazilian troops left the streets of the capital on Thursday — gone from their positions guarding government buildings almost as quickly as they’d manned them. The decision, in both cases, came down from President Michel Temer. The embattled politician ordered the military deployed to help quell the massive protests against his tenure Wednesday — protests that turned violent as demonstrators clashed with riot police and smashed the windows of some public buildings. By the end of the day, roughly 50 people had been injured and one building set aflame, according to Reuters.Reuters reports that since last week, no fewer than 15 petitions to impeach Temer have been filed — but the wire service notes that as long as another Temer ally remains speaker of Brazil’s lower house of congress, those petitions are unlikely to come to a vote. Though Deutsche Welle notes the deployment of about 1,500 troops had been originally intended to last a week, he revoked the order by midday Thursday, citing a “halt to acts of destruction and violence and the subsequent reestablishment of law and order.”
May 25, 2017

Headline: Manila deploys commandoes, helicopters to retake city from Islamists 

The Philippines mobilized attack helicopters and special forces to drive Islamic State-linked rebels out of a besieged southern city on Thursday, with six soldiers killed in street combat amid heavy resistance. Ground troops hid behind walls and armored vehicles and exchanged volleys of gunfire with Maute group fighters, shooting into elevated positions occupied by militants who have held Marawi City on Mindanao island for two days. Helicopters circled the city, peppering Maute positions with machine gun fire to try to force them from a bridge vital to retaking Marawi, a mainly Muslim city of 200,000 where fighters had torched and seized a school, a jail and a cathedral, and took more than a dozen hostages.The battles with the Maute group, which has pledged allegiance to Islamic State, started on Tuesday during a failed raid by security forces on one of the group’s hideouts that spiraled into chaos. Eighteen rebels were killed on Thursday, the army said.
May 26, 2017


Headline:China Accuses US Warship Of “Trespassing” In Disputed Waters, Warns It To “Leave Immediately”

Headline: Chinese jets come within several hundred feet of US plane over South China Sea

In the first unofficial challenge to Beijing over China’s domination of disputed waters in the South China Sea since President Trump took office, a US navy warship sailed within 12 nautical miles of an artificial island built up by China in the South China Sea according to the WSJ.  The navy vessel, the USS Dewey, traveled close to the Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands, among a string of islets, reefs and shoals over which China has territorial disputes with its neighbors. The “freedom of navigation” operation which in the past has infuriated Beijing, comes as Trump is seeking Beijing’s cooperation to rein in ally North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. Territorial waters are generally defined by U.N. convention as extending at most 12 nautical miles from a state’s coastline. China’s claims to the South China Sea, which sees about $5 trillion in ship-borne trade pass every year, are challenged by Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam, as well as Taiwan. The U.S. patrol, the first of its kind since October, marks the latest attempt to counter what Washington sees as Beijing’s efforts to limit freedom of navigation in the strategic waters. One official said it was the first operation near a land feature which was included in a ruling last year against China by an international arbitration court in The Hague. The court invalidated China’s claim to sovereignty over large swathes of the South China Sea.
May 26, 2017


Headline: Radical Canadian bill could mean jail for rejecting transgenderism: critics

Canadians who disavow gender theory could be charged with hate crimes, fined, jailed, and compelled to undergo anti-bias training if the Trudeau Liberals’ Bill C-16 passes, critics told a Senate committee last week. The Senate could vote as early as May 30 on Bill C-16, which adds “gender expression” and “gender identity” to Canada’s Human Rights Code and to the Criminal Code’s hate crime section. Dr. Jordan Peterson and lawyer D. Jared Brown were among those warned the committee the bill is an unprecedented threat to freedom of expression and codifies a spurious ideology of gender identity in law.  Meanwhile, Campaign Life Coalition has issued an urgent call on Facebook for fasting and prayer that those senators in favour of the bill have a change of heart. As it stands, Bill C-16 is expected to pass.
May 24, 2017


Headline: Egypt Coptic Christians killed in bus attack

Gunmen have attacked a bus carrying Coptic Christians in central Egypt, killing at least 28 people and wounding 25 others, officials say. The bus was traveling to the Monastery of St Samuel the Confessor, 135km (85 miles) south of Cairo, from Minya province when it came under fire. No group immediately said it was behind the attack. But Islamic State (IS) militants have targeted Copts several times in recent months, and vowed to do so again. Two suicide bombings at Palm Sunday services at churches in the northern cities of Alexandria and Tanta on 9 April left 46 people dead. Another suicide bombing at a church in the capital in December killed 29 people, while a Christian community was forced to flee the town of el-Arish in the northern Sinai peninsula after a series of gun attacks in February.
May 26, 2017


Headline: Sri Lanka landslides, floods death toll rises to 91; over 100 missing

Floods and landslides in Sri Lanka have killed at least 91 people while more than 100 are missing after torrential rain, officials said on Friday, as soldiers fanned out in boats and in helicopters to help with rescue operations. The early rainy season downpours have forced hundreds of people from their homes across the Indian Ocean island. “There are at least five landslides reported in several places in Kalutara,” said police spokesman Priyantha Jayakody, referring to the worst-hit district on the island’s west coast. “Rescue operations are still taking place.” The disaster management center said 91 people had been killed and 110 were missing. The center said 38 deaths were reported from Kalutara while 46 were reported from the central southern district of Ratnapura.Sri Lankan meteorology officials said Thursday’s rains are the worst since 2003 and they expected more rain in the coming days as the South-west monsoon condition had established over the country.
May 26, 2017

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May 24, 2017- Moody’s cuts China’s credit rating for first time since 1989

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 27, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline:Jerusalem celebrates 50 years to its unification

Headline:Clashes Erupt as Jewish Israelis Celebrate 50th Anniversary of Jerusalem’s ‘Reunification’

Jerusalem Day celebrations began on Tuesday in the capital with various events and concerts well into the night and continue in full force on Wednesday as the city marks 50 years to its unification. The President’s Residence hosted a musical event on Tuesday evening titled “Singing for you Jerusalem,” which featured a variety of artists and songs about the city. At Safra Square, the Jerusalem Symphonic Orchestra performed with Israeli singers Miri Mesika, David D’Or and Kobi Aflalo. Wednesday’s events include several memorial ceremonies. A state memorial service to some 4,000 Ethiopian immigrants who died on their way to Israel was held at the Mount Herzl cemetery. Meanwhile, Clashes erupted between leftist activists and participants of the annual Flag March in Jerusalem, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the “unification” of the city in the Six-Day War, a day marked as Jerusalem Day.Police say some 60 thousand people are participating in the march, the highest participation rate in the event ever. Hundreds of leftist activists and Palestinians are protesting the march, calling for an end to hatred, violence and for the promotion of a peaceful settlement for all the city’s residents.

May 24, 2017,7340,L-4966793,00.html

Headline:Rocket Fired at Israel From Egypt on Second Day of Trump Visit

During the second day of President Donald Trump’s visit to Israel, a rocket was fired at the Jewish state Tuesday from Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. The IDF confirmed the rocket landed in Israeli territory, but in an open area, causing no casualties or damage. During 2016 and the beginning of 2017, several rockets were launched at Israel from the Egyptian Sinai by Salafi jihadists affiliated with the Islamic State terror group. In April, a Grad rocket struck a greenhouse in Israel’s southern community of Yuval, adjacent to the Egyptian border. In February, the Salafis claimed responsibility for firing several rockets at Israel’s southernmost city of Eilat.
May 24, 2017

Headline: Tillerson: ‘Trump placed heavy pressure’ during Israel visit

Headline: US said to be pushing Israel to transfer parts of West Bank to PA

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson claims that US president Donald Trump exerted heavy pressure during his visit on Prime Minister Netanyahu and PA chairman Abbas to renew the peace negotiations. Tillerson said that “Trump asked both sides in no uncertain terms to agree to compromises in order to promote peace.” Tillerson also noted that the talks with Israelis and Palestinian Authority had been “positive and helpful.” The president emphasized the subject a number of times to both sides and left optimistic and with the feeling that his message had gotten across,” added Tillerson who is accompanying Trump on his first presidential visit abroad. On Thursday President Trump’s special envoy to the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, will arrive in Israel to start from the point where the president left off and try to mediate a meeting between Netanyahu and Abbas in the near future.
May 24, 2017


Headline:Jewish Priests, Biblical Status Confirmed By DNA, Ready to Prepare for Third Temple

In a powerful blend of science and religion, a rabbi has turned to genetics to reinstate the priesthood for the Third Temple. This rabbi believes that science has proven that the priesthood is exactly as the Bible described: An eternal covenant that will reappear to herald in the Third Temple. “Genetics connects modern Judaism to the Bible, confirming 3,000 years of Jewish tradition,” explained Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman to Breaking Israel News. “This is an amazing testament to God’s covenant and the Jewish People. Despite more than 2,000 years of exile we have maintained our religion, our customs, our Torah, and our genetic identity.”In his effort to designate priestly candidates, Rabbi Kleiman has turned to genetics as an aid. This tools first became available 20 years ago when genetic researchers in Haifa discovered a Y chromosome, a genetic marker passed from father to son, that indicated a common ancestry for Jewish men whose family traditions hold that they are descended from the Biblical priestly class. Rabbi Kleiman is using this science for a purpose the researchers probably had not envisioned: to help prepare for the Third Temple. “According to prophecy, there will be a Third Temple, and when there is, we will need to identify the priests,” Rabbi Kleiman explained to Breaking Israel News. “Kohanim are the manpower of the Temple. Without them, it is an empty building.”
May 24, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline:   US forces kill seven al-Qaeda militants in Yemen, says Pentagon

US forces have carried out a raid on an al-Qaeda compound in Yemen, killing seven militants, the US military says. They were killed “through a combination of small arms fire and precision air strikes” in the Marib governorate, east of Sanaa, on Tuesday morning. The primary objective of the operation was to gather intelligence. The military did not say whether there were any US casualties during the raid which was supported by the Yemeni government. In a statement, the US Central Command says the militants were members of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). “Raids such as this provide insight into AQAP’s disposition, capabilities and intentions, which will allow us to continue to pursue, disrupt, and degrade AQAP.” The US has carried out frequent strikes on al-Qaeda’s bases in Yemen, often using unmanned drones.
May 23, 2017

Headline:Yemen: New massacre in Taiz as Houthis shell residential areas

Houthi militias and forces loyal to ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen continue to shell residential neighborhoods in Taiz, for the third day in a row, killing and injuring dozens of civilians including women and children. A detailed report by Yemen’s Ministry of Human Rights revealed that victims of the shelling were as young as three-year-old. The initial toll resulted from shelling from May 21 to 23, has escalated to more than 36 civilian victims, 14 killed and 22 injured, most of which have serious injuries. “Houthi-Saleh coup militia continues its incriminated acts against unarmed citizens in the city,” the report said.
May 24, 2017


Headline: Egyptian Army flees after ISIS storms checkpoints in Sinai province

ISIS is making its presence felt on the embattled Sinai Peninsula after a mixture of pragmatic alliances with desert tribes and favorable terrain have allowed the jihadist group to become more powerful than ever in Egypt. On Tuesday, Islamic State forces attacked a handful of government checkpoints south of Sheikh Zuweid town in the northern part of Sinai province, bordering the Gaza Strip. Spearheaded by a suicide bomber, Islamic State units seemingly overwhelmed the Egyptian garrison, causing them to flee in disarray, driving off in armored vehicles that were supposed to man the checkpoints. Several Egyptian government soldiers were killed in the surprise attack, Amaq Agency stated.
May 23, 2017


Headline: Syrian Army opens a 100 km front against ISIS in new surprise offensive

Headline: ISIS’ ‘minister of war’ has been killed in Syria

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) backed by allied paramilitaries launched a mass-scale offensive against Islamic State terrorists in the region spanning between Eastern Qalamoun in Damascus province an Palmyra in Homs’s eastern countryside- a front that well exceeds a 100 kilometers. Through its operations on this axis, the Syrian Armed Forces have two strategic aims:

  1. Laying siege to the rebels of Eastern Qalamoun and keeping them isolated from the US and Jordanian-backed Free Syrian Army units near the Tanf Border Crossing. The Ahmad Abdo Martyrs Brigades and Jaish al-Islam units that control Dumeir and Ruhayba possess some 60 armored vehicles and tanks spread around the East Qalamoun slopes. If those are given a path through the desert, they could easily propel the rebel forces into Deir Ezzor province where they could gain ground against the dying Islamic State.
  2. Seizing all the slopes around the Busairi Crossroads that span from Sin Airbase and Qaryatayn to Qasr al-Hayr and Jabal Abtar in southern Palmyra would enable the Syrian Army to reopen the Damascus-Palmyra Highway. Opening this highway will provide the government forces with a massive logistical boost as reinforcements and supplies will find a direct route to Palmyra instead of steering through a tumultuous route that passes through Homs first. This development will prove imperative to the rumored upcoming Operation Lavendar that aims to lift the siege off the embattled city of Deir Ezzor.

At this rate of advance, it is likely that the government troops will achieve their goals in the next few days before beginning a new operational phase against the waning terrorist group.
May 24, 2017

Headline: U.S., Russia military increase communication in skies over Syria

The United States and Russia have increased communication to avoid warplane accidents in the skies over Syria as Islamic State militants lose territory and the air space becomes more crowded, a top U.S. Air Force official said on Wednesday. In 2015, the Russian and U.S. militaries agreed to create a communication link and outline steps their pilots could take to avoid an inadvertent clash over Syria. Senior U.S. military officials have stressed that there was a need to enhance communications as the fight against Islamic State intensified. “We have had to increase the amount of de-confliction work we are doing with the Russians given the tighter airspace that we are now working ourselves through,” Lieutenant General Jeffrey Harrigian, the head of U.S. Air Force in the Middle East, told reporters. In a recent example of communications, Harrigian said a Russian jet carried out an “unprofessional” intercept of a U.S. military aircraft but the Russian military later apologized after it was brought up by the United States. He said that while the two countries were stepping up communications about Syrian air space there was no U.S. cooperation with Russia, which supports President Bashar al-Assad’s government in Syria’s civil war.
May 24, 2017


Headline:Iraq orders investigation into abuses reported in Mosul battle

Iraq’s interior minister on Wednesday ordered an investigation into allegations that members of the security forces had tortured, killed and abused civilians in the campaign to oust Islamic State militants from Mosul. The inquiry was in response to a report by the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel last week that included images of apparent torture taken by a freelance photographer embedded with the Interior Ministry’s elite Emergency Response Division (ERD). Photographs showed detainees accused of affiliation with Islamic State hanging from the ceiling with their arms bent behind them, and the journalist wrote of prisoners being tortured to death, raped and stabbed with knives. “The Interior Minister ordered investigators to conduct a clear and fair inquiry…(and) to take legal measures against those who are negligent if the investigation proves so,” a ministry statement said on Wednesday. The ERD is one of several government security forces backed by a U.S.-led coalition that have dislodged Islamic State from all but a pocket of territory in the western half of Mosul in seven months of fighting.
May 24, 2017










Headline:EU cannot treat Turkey like a beggar: President Erdoğan

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will meet European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on May 25 on the sidelines of a NATO meeting in Brussels, as they bid to calm recent bilateral strife and inject some positivity into the ties. The EU cannot perceive Turkey as a beggar at its door but should instead decide on the union’s future perspective with regards to its membership, Erdoğan said. “We don’t aim to break away from the EU, but the EU shall take its responsibilities, too. The EU cannot see Turkey [as] a beggar. It does not have such a right… that’s what we’ll tell them,” Erdoğan told reporters before he departed for Brussels on May 24. Erdoğan said he would ask EU officials about their vision regarding Turkey’s membership in the union, noting that the bloc appeared to favor Turkey’s “withdrawal from the negotiation talks of its own accord.” Erdoğan stated that Ankara would reconsider its position on joining the bloc if it was kept waiting much longer and if the current “hostile mentality” of some member states persists.
May 24, 2017


Headline:Iran’s nat’l security adviser in Moscow to discuss US involvement in Syria

The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkani, arrived in Moscow on Wednesday and met with Russian National Security Adviser Nikolai Patrushev. The two senior officials discussed the war in Syria but mainly the growing US military involvement in the country alongside what Iran calls “terrorist groups”, namely rebel groups such as the Free Syrian Army that receive weapons and training at US bases in Jordan. Shamkani said that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad and its allies (Russia and Iran) need to take action to strengthen the regime in order to “foil plots” to topple it.
May 24, 2017


Headline: Use of air power in Afghanistan up sharply as Trump troop decision looms

U.S. warplanes dropped more weapons on Afghanistan in April than in any other single month since 2012, according to new statistics, as military officials press U.S. President Donald Trump to send thousands more troops to the country. The escalation in the use of American air power was partly due to an effort by U.S. commanders to wipe out a nascent Islamic State presence before the group can establish more of a foothold in the county, a military spokesman said. The U.S. Air Force unleashed 460 bombs, missiles, or other ordnance last month in Afghanistan, more than double the 203 weapons dropped in March and more than seven times the quantity deployed in April last year. Trump has yet to announce a decision on proposals from his top military advisers calling for the United States and its coalition allies to send 3,000 to 5,000 more troops to Afghanistan. Currently around 8,400 U.S. and 6,500 coalition troops are deployed, mostly to train and support Afghan forces.
May 24, 2017


Headline:Sudan accuses Egypt of backing rebels ahead of foreign minister’s trip

Headline: U.S., Britain, U.N. wary of South Sudan ceasefire announcement

Egypt and Sudan have been at odds in recent months on a range of issues from disputed land in southern Egypt to trade restrictions and burdensome visa requirements that have threatened bilateral commercial ties. In a speech to Sudanese armed forces, Bashir said Sudan’s military had seized Egyptian armoured vehicles from rebels in the country’s war-torn southern Darfur region. Egypt’s foreign ministry denied supporting the rebels. “Egypt respects the sovereignty of Sudan over its territory and has not and will not interfere for a single day to destabilise Sudan or harm its people,” it said in a statement. Bashir, who is wanted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court, has been at war with various rebel factions in three southern regions of Sudan for years.
May 24, 2017


Headline: Chaos in Libya is setting the stage for an ISIS comeback- VIDEO

Six years after Muammar Gaddafi’s fall in 2011, fighting between rival government and militias has plunged Libya into anarchy, creating a vacuum for groups like ISIS to move into. Last year, ISIS took control of the port city of Sirte, Gaddafi’s former hometown and the largest ISIS stronghold outside Iraq and Syria. But local militias, backed by U.S. airstrikes, recaptured Sirte after a seven month-long battle that ended in December. Yet the fractious local militias guarding Sirte still have no real control over the territory. And ISIS is regrouping nearby, raising fears that Libya’s new slide toward anarchy could pave the way for an ISIS comeback.
May 24, 2017


Headline:Tunisians mourn protester as tensions mount

Thousands attended the funeral Tuesday of a protester killed during clashes in southern Tunisia as officials warned tensions could escalate amid demonstrations over social and labour issues. Anouar Sakrafi, in his early 20s, died of wounds sustained on Monday when he was run over by a national guard vehicle during clashes with security forces at an oil and gas plant, the scene of long-running protests over joblessness. Security forces fired tear gas as protesters tried to storm the El Kamour facility in the desert region of Tataouine, 500 kilometres south of Tunis, local radio said. The interior and health ministries said Sakrafi’s killing was an accident.National guard spokesman Khalifa Chibani warned on Tuesday of further escalation. “There is incitement on social media… calls for civil disobedience… and even a coup d’etat,” he told local radio Mosaique FM. In a special sitting of Tunisia’s parliament, Assembly President Mohamed Ennaceur said Tunisia was “passing through a delicate phase”. Tataouine residents have long demanded more jobs and a bigger share of the revenues from oil extraction in the region. Last month protestors there booed Prime Minister Youssef Chahed off stage during a heated town hall meeting. On Monday the health ministry said 50 people were hospitalised after suffering from broken bones or the effects of tear gas during the clashes in both El Kamour and Tataouine. Authorities said around 20 members of the security forces were wounded. Two protests were held in the capital, with demonstrators echoing the rallying cry of Tataouine residents and chanting: “We won’t give up!” Mosaique FM said fighting also broke out overnight during a rally in Kebili, 230 kilometres  northwest of Tataouine, in support of the El Kamour protesters. A hundred or so people also demonstrated on Tuesday morning in the central town of Gafsa, an AFP reporter said.
May 24, 2017


Headline:    Brazilian Ministry Building Set on Fire as Protests Turn Violent

Protesters in Brasilia set fire to a ministry building on Wednesday afternoon, as tens of thousands gathered outside Congress to demand the removal of President Michel Temer. Amid frequent clashes with police, demonstrators mobilized by Brazil’s main labor unions broke into several ministries, causing widespread damage and setting fire to the agriculture ministry, according to GloboNews. All ministry buildings were subsequently evacuated and civil servants sent home. Tension in Brazil has risen sharply over the past week, after news broke that the Supreme Court authorized an investigation into the president over allegations of passive corruption and obstruction of justice. Unions opposed to Temer’s labor and pension reforms organized Wednesday protests, calling for immediate general elections. According to Brazilian law if Temer resigns or is forced out of office, Congress will elect an interim president. As the protests took place outside Congress, members of Temer’s allied base were meeting to discuss whether to stick by the embattled president.
May 24, 2017

Headline:IS claims deadly attack in Somalia’s Puntland region

The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for a deadly bombing in Somalia’s semiautonomous state of Puntland—said to be the first time the extremist group has claimed an attack in this Horn of Africa nation. Police said a suicide bomber on Tuesday detonated at a military checkpoint in the commercial hub of Bossaso, killing at least four people. The SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors extremist activities, says ISIS claimed the attack through its Amaq News Agency. ISIS-linked fighters who have split from the al-Shabab extremist group are a growing threat in Puntland, in northern Somalia.
May 24, 2017,7340,L-4966839,00.html

Headline: Al-Shabab Claims Somalia, Kenya Attacks

Militant group al-Shabab has claimed responsibility for a deadly car bombing in Somalia’s capital and two other fatal attacks in Kenya. Officials in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, said at least eight people were killed and 15 others injured in the bombing late Wednesday near the city’s seaport.Al-Shabab said it was targeting police and intelligence officials at the site. Meanwhile, eight Kenyan security officers were killed in two separate roadside explosions Wednesday in the country’s northeast, witnesses and officials said. Five of the officers were killed after an IED hit a convoy of vehicles escorting the governor of Mandera County, Ali Roba, who was campaigning in an area near the border with Somalia.
May 24, 2017

Headline: Bahraini police fire on Shiite protest, one reported dead

Bahraini police opened fire on Tuesday on a protest by supporters of a top Shiite cleric, with at least one demonstrator reported dead in the latest unrest to hit the Gulf state. The Britain-based Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) announced the “tragic death of a peaceful protester in the crackdown” in Diraz, the scene of a long-running sit-in outside the home of cleric Isa Qassim. Eyewitnesses told AFP multiple civilians were wounded when police opened fire at demonstrators throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at security forces. Police arrested several people wanted by the authorities, the interior ministry said. Qassim is considered the spiritual leader of Bahrain’s majority Shiite community. Authorities have accused Qassim, sentenced on Sunday to a suspended one-year jail term for illegal fundraising and money laundering, of serving “foreign interests” and promoting “sectarianism and violence”. A court last year stripped him of his citizenship, sparking repeated sit-ins outside his residence in Diraz. Bahrain’s interior ministry said on Tuesday it had “launched a security operation in the village of Diraz to preserve security and civil order as the site is a safe haven for fugitives”. Bahraini authorities have accused Iran of fomenting unrest in the kingdom, ruled for more than two centuries by the Al Khalifa dynasty. Tehran has consistently denied involvement.
May 24, 2017

Headline: Manchester bomber Salman Abedi’s father and brothers arrested, linked to ISIS, Al Qaeda

Headline: Manchester raises number of wounded to 119

Headline: Nearly 1,000 British troops mobilized to protect key sites

Manchester bomber Salman Abedi apparently wasn’t the only member of his family to harbor extremist views, as Libyan officials arrested the suicide bomber’s father and two brothers and uncovered what investigators called a plot for a new attack. Hashim Abedi, who was born in 1997, was arrested in Tripoli on Wednesday evening by the Libyan counter-terrorism force Rada on suspicion of links to the Islamic State, and was planning a new attack on the Libyan capital, a government spokesman told Reuters on Wednesday. The father of the bomber was arrested in Tripoli on Wednesday, a Libyan security spokesman told The Associated Press. The father, Ramadan Abedi, had said another brother of the bomber, Ismail, was arrested Tuesday. What’s more, two U.S. defense officials confirmed to Fox News that Salman Abedi spent three weeks in Libya prior to the Manchester bombing, returning to England just days before the Ariana Grande concert Monday, when he launched his attack at the concert venue.
May 24, 2017,7340,L-4966838,00.html

Headline:Suspected suicide bomb in Jakarta kills policeman, injures 9

A suspected suicide bombing near a bus terminal in Indonesia’s capital Wednesday night killed a policeman and injured nine other people, including four officers, police said.Vice National Police Chief Syafruddin, who uses one name, said an initial investigation showed there were two explosions and a suspected suicide bomber had also died. “Tonight, to Indonesian citizens and all of us who are here at the scene, I express very deep concern. There have been bomb explosions at the Kampung Melayu bus terminal and for now they are believed to have been a suicide bombing,” he said. He said the officers had been guarding a parade by a group of local people. National police spokesman Setyo Wasisto said two people had died and nine others were injured — five civilians and four policemen. He said the victims were taken to several hospitals. The explosion occurred in a parking lot next to the bus terminal in eastern Jakarta. A bomb squad was investigating the explosion as heavily armed police guarded the area.
May 24, 2017

Headline:Thousands flee Philippine city after rebel rampage claimed by Islamic State

Headline: Philippines terror: Americans warned after church hostage-taking, policeman beheaded

Thousands of civilians fled fighting in the Philippines on Wednesday as troops tried to fend off Islamist militants who took over large parts of a city, capturing Christians, seizing and torching buildings and setting free scores of prisoners. The Catholic church said militants were using Christians and a priest as human shields and had contacted cardinals with threats to execute hostages unless government troops withdrew. Thirteen militants and seven security personnel have so far been killed and 33 troops wounded, the army said. Mujiv Hataman, governor of the Autonomous Region in Mindanao, said militants freed 107 prisoners, among them Maute rebels.Islamic State claimed responsibility for the rampage via its Amaq news agency, and President Rodrigo Duterte defended his decision to declare martial law on Mindanao, the Muslim-majority island where Marawi City is located, to prevent the spread of extremism in the impoverished region. The violence flared in Marawi on Tuesday afternoon after a botched raid by security forces on a hideout of the Maute, a militant group that has pledged allegiance to Islamic State. Fighters quickly dispersed, torching buildings and taking over bridges, a hospital, two jails, a church and a college. Duterte said he heard reports they may have beheaded a police chief. He said Islamic State must be repelled from the Christian-majority Philippines and he would use all means possible to crush the Maute group and the allied Abu Sayyaf, whatever the consequences. “Anyone now holding a gun, confronting government with violence, my orders are spare no one, let us solve the problems of Mindanao once and for all,” said Duterte, who is from the island, after cutting short a visit to Russia and returning to Manila. “If I think you should die, you will die. If you fight us, you will die. If there’s an open defiance, you will die, and if it means many people dying, so be it. That’s how it is.”
May 24, 2017


Headline:China calls for new talks with North Korea on nukes

Headline: North Korea official: China within striking distance of Hwasong-12 missile

Headline:China: No one has right to bring war & chaos to Korean Peninsula

China’s U.N. ambassador said Tuesday that multiple North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile tests, with no end in sight, show the “very strong” need for new talks with Pyongyang to reduce tensions and try to achieve denuclearization. Liu Jieyi, whose country is closest to North Korea, said all progress with North Korea on eliminating nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula has come through dialogue, “so there’s no reason why dialogue is not taking place in the current situation.” Liu spoke to reporters after emergency Security Council consultations behind closed doors on the North’s latest missile test. The United States, Britain and France have been pushing for a new U.N. resolution with tougher sanctions against North Korea. But Liu said China “first and foremost” wants to see the six sanctions resolutions against North Korea already adopted by the council fully implemented.
May 24, 2017


Headline:   Moody’s cuts China’s credit rating for first time since 1989

China’s credit rating has been cut over fears that growth in the world’s second-biggest economy will slow in the coming years. Moody’s, one of the world’s big three ratings agencies, cut China by one notch to A1 from Aa3. It was the first time the agency has downgraded the country since 1989. China’s finance ministry said Moody’s was exaggerating the mainland’s economic difficulties and underestimating reform efforts. The downgrade could raise the cost of borrowing for the Chinese government. The ratings agency also changed its outlook for China to stable from negative. Moody’s said that the downgrade reflected expectations that China’s financial strength would “erode somewhat over the coming years, with the economy-wide debt continuing to rise as potential growth slows”.
May 24, 2017


 Headline: South Africa’s Western Cape declares drought disaster

South Africa’s Western Cape province has declared a drought disaster as it faces its worst water shortage in 113 years. Provincial leader Helen Zille said water will be harvested by drilling boreholes to serve key points like hospitals in Cape Town. The alert will last for three months but could be extended if the crisis persists, she said in a statement. Southern African nations are reeling from a two-year drought. The UN estimates that over 40 million people have been affected by the drought that was caused by the El Nino climate phenomenon. “The disaster declaration will accelerate… the province’s strategy to ensure that taps do not run dry,” Ms Zille said.
May 22, 2017


May 18, 2017 –Aquatic bird die-off reported from Amelia Island to Ponte Vedra Beach Florida

May 19, 2017 –Dead sea birds found washed up in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile

May 21, 2017 –Tens of thousands of pounds of fish die ‘suddenly’ in Guangxi, China

May 21, 2017 –50 thousand animals killed by the rains in Corrientes Argentina


Headline:Taiwan’s top court rules in favour of same-sex marriage

Taiwan’s top judges have ruled in favour of gay marriage, paving the way for it to become the first place in Asia to legalise same-sex unions. The highest court ruled that current laws preventing members of the same sex from marrying violated their right to equality and were unconstitutional. It gave parliament two years to amend existing laws or pass new ones. Wednesday’s landmark decision came as the LGBT community faces increasing persecution in the region. In a press release following the ruling, the court said that “disallowing two persons of the same sex to marry, for the sake of safeguarding basic ethical orders” constituted a “different treatment” with “no rational basis.” The court concluded that “such different treatment is incompatible with the spirit and meaning of the right to equality” as protected by Taiwan’s constitution.
May 24, 2017



On Tuesday, May 23rd, the orbiting Solar and Heliospheric Observatory observed a CME leaving the sun: movie. NOAA analysts say the plasma-filled cloud could deliver a glancing blow to Earth’s magnetic field midday on May 26th, causing geomagnetic unrest and polar auroras.
May 24, 2017

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Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

May 22, 2017- Trump Arrives in Israel after Arab-Islamic Summit

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Headline: ‘Chance for peace greater than before’

Headline: Trump arrives in Israel in search of ‘the ultimate deal’

Headline: Trump says Iran threat bringing Arab nations closer to Israel

US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held a joint press conference following their meeting Monday evening. Prime Minister Netanyahu told Trump: “We protect the Christian [holy] sites as no one else does in this region.” “We’re committed to the freedom of all faiths and the rights of all.” He thanked Trump for being the first sitting US President to visit the Western Wall earlier Monday, and for Trump’s forceful policy on Iran and against the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime in Syria. “For the first time in my lifetime, I see a real hope for change” and peace, Netanyahu told Trump.
May 22, 2017

Headline:Abbas to offer land swap with Israel in Trump talks

PA President Mahmoud Abbas will present a plan by which the Arabs renounce 6.5 percent of the lands under their political control to Israel, three times as much as previously offered, during US President Donald Trump’s visit to Israel, Middle East Eye reported. The MEE quoted a PA official close to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as saying that the proposal excludes Jerusalem and appears to cement the vision of former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for an Arab-Israeli peace settlement. “The Palestinian side will be presenting, during the meeting with Trump, a new vision which is quite detached from that of the majority of the Palestinian people. This vision is based on exchanging a lot of Palestinian lands,” the source told the MEE. “Previous discussions about a Palestinian-Israeli settlement revolved around the exchange of only 1.9 percent of the lands, but now we are talking about more than triple that amount,” the source added.
May 22, 2017

Headline: Israel OKs Palestinian development in the West Bank

On the eve of President Trump’s trip to Jerusalem, Israel sweetened the pot for his visit by approving several goodwill gestures that would benefit Palestinians in the West Bank, according to reports. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Security Council on Sunday OK’d several measures, including construction permits for Palestinians in parts of the West Bank under Israeli control, senior officials said. The area, which makes up 60 percent of the West Bank and is the site of Israel’s settlements, has largely been off limits to Palestinian development. The measures also include keeping open a key border crossing between the West Bank and Jordan for 24 hours a day and easing passage for Palestinian laborers at a crossing between the West Bank and Israel.
May 22, 2017


Headline:Terrorist attack, Palestinian riots in Jerusalem as Trump visits shrines

A Palestinian Monday attacked an IDF checkpoint in the Arab Abu Dis suburb of Jerusalem. He was shot before he hurt anyone. Riots erupted in some Palestinian neighborhoods of the city while visiting President Donald Trump and the first lady were touring the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City. The couple was  greeted formally by prelates of the Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Armenian churches. They next proceeded on foot to the Western Wall, where President Trump donned a skullcap. The first US president to visit this Jewish shrine, Trump gave up a prayer with his hand on the old stones. He placed a message in a cranny of the ancient wall, which was built more than 2,000 years ago to enclose the site of the Second Jewish Temple. Ivanka Kushner then offered a prayer of her own at the Western Wall.
May 22, 2017

Headline: Three sentenced to death over Hamas commander assassination

A court in the Gaza Strip on Sunday sentenced three men to death over the assassination of a Hamas military commander that the Islamist movement accused Israel of masterminding. After a trial that lasted four days, two of the accused were sentenced to be hanged and one to be shot, the military court announced. The assassination of Mazen Faqha in the middle of the Hamas-run Gaza Strip on March 24 shocked the Islamist movement and raised the possibility of a new round of violence with Israel. Hamas immediately blamed its arch-enemy, with which it has fought three wars since 2008, and implemented strict border restrictions on those seeking to leave the Palestinian enclave. Israel has not confirmed or denied the accusations.
May 20, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline:   Trump summons Muslim nations to confront ‘Islamic terror of all kinds’ at Arab-Islamic-US summit

Headline:  Saudi Arabia, US release joint statement on working agreements

President Trump forcefully summoned the Muslim world to confront “the crisis of Islamic extremism” here Sunday on the eve of visits to Israel and the Vatican as he seeks to unite followers of disparate faiths against global terrorism. Speaking from the birthplace of Islam, Trump implored the leaders of dozens of Muslim nations to take their destinies in hand and, together with the United States, eliminate the “wave of fanatical violence” committed in the name of religion. “This is not a battle between different faiths, different sects or different civilizations,” Trump said in the first major foreign policy address of his presidency. “This is a battle between barbaric criminals who seek to obliterate human life, and decent people, all in the name of religion — people that want to protect life and want to protect their religion. This is a battle between good and evil.” Trump implicitly rejected the aspirational goals and call for democracy and human rights of former president Barack Obama, who also delivered a major speech to the Islamic world early in his presidency. “We are adopting a principled realism,” Trump said. “We are not here to lecture,” he said. “We are not here to tell other people how to live, what to do, who to be or how to worship. Instead, we are here to offer partnership, based on shared interests and values.”
May 22, 2017


Headline: Government regains full control of Homs

The Syrian government says its forces have regained total control of the central city of Homs after rebels left the last district under their control. About 700 rebels and their families, a total of nearly 3,000 people, were evacuated on buses from al-Wair district, government officials say. “The city of Homs is completely clear of weapons and militants,” provincial governor Talal Barazi said. Many fighters were going to the rebel-held Idlib province, in the north-west. Some were heading to Jarablus, an area in northern Syria controlled by rebels backed by Turkey. Most of the rebels had been driven out of Homs in 2014, after years under siege by government forces. A Russia-brokered evacuation deal was agreed earlier this year. Under the agreement, opposition fighters are granted safe passage with their weapons out of Homs to rebel-held areas in Syria.
May 22, 2017


Headline:IS claims attack on Iraqi training camp north of Baghdad

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for an attack Monday on a military training center in Diyala north of Baghdad that killed at least four soldiers and wounded four others, including two officers, according to a statement released by the group and two Iraqi officers. Six attackers struck the base, according to the Iraqi officers. The IS statement put the number of attackers at four and said “dozens” were killed and wounded. The Iraqi officers said five attackers detonated suicide vests once inside the center and by afternoon the situation was “under control,” but five Iraqi military vehicles were torched by the blasts. The officers spoke on condition of anonymity in line with regulations.
May 22, 2017,7340,L-4965699,00.html

Headline:Iraqi forces begin manhunt inside ISIS pockets of Anbar

The Iraqi joint forces announced on Monday the start of a military operation in the western province of Anbar to search for ISIS pockets, which are posing security threats despite the country’s army declaring their mission to liberate the northern city of Mosul as complete. The Iraqi War Media Cell said in a statement that the areas to be searched include Al-Taba’i, Bani Zayed, al-Kasrat east of Anbar, which are close to the western belt of the capital Baghdad. South of the international highway, which connects Baghdad, the Syrian capital Amman and Jordan’s capital Damascus, Thameel and Wadi al-Qathif areas are searched as well. Other areas – east of Al-Qadisiya Lake near al-Haditha district – are also being combed. The War Media Cell said that the results of the military operation will be communicated later. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi has ordered the Iraqi joint forces to go after ISIS pockets in the desert areas, which are being used by the militant group to target Iraqi forces and their presence in the key international highway in Anbar. Abadi also issued his order after the recent suicide bombings that killed more than 50 people in two incidents which targeted Baghdad and the southern province of Basra.
May 22, 2017










Headline: Turkey Summons US Envoy Over Violence During Erdogan Visit

Turkey has summoned the U.S. ambassador to Ankara to protest what it called the “aggressive” treatment of Turkish security personnel during last week’s visit to the Washington by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The move appears to be in response to strong U.S. criticism of the Turkish security personnel who apparently attacked demonstrators last week. The U.S. had summoned the Turkish ambassador to the U.S. following the violence. State Department spokeswoman Heather Naurert confirmed the U.S. ambassador to Turkey was summoned to discuss “the violent incidents involving protestors and Turkish security personnel.” “As we noted previously, the conduct of Turkish security personnel last week was deeply disturbing. The State Department has raised its concerns about those events at the highest levels,” she said. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told Fox News Sunday that Turkey’s ambassador has been told that last Tuesday’s violence was “simply unacceptable.”
May 22, 2017


Headline:Iran says it will continue missiles tests ‘if necessary’

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Monday that Iran does not need the permission of the United States to conduct missile tests, which would continue “if technically necessary.” “Our missiles are for our defense and for peace, they are not offensive. Know that while there is a technical need to conduct missile tests, we will do so and we will ask the permission of no one,” Rouhani told reporters in Tehran, following renewed criticism from US President Donald Trump. The Islamic Republic has continued to test-fire ballistic missiles, including with explicit threats to attack Israel, since the Iran nuclear deal was clinched in 2015. The missile launches have been condemned by the Trump administration and Israel. Upon his arrival to Israel on Monday from Iran’s rival Saudi Arabia, Trump vowed that the Islamic Republic would never obtain nuclear weapons.
May 22, 2017


Headline:At least 20 Afghan police killed in Taliban ambushes: officials

Headline: 5 security forces killed in an Afghanistan ambush

At least 20 Afghan policemen were killed in Taliban ambushes in south central Afghanistan, officials said on Sunday, the latest in a string of insurgent attacks that come as the NATO-led military mission considers sending thousands of additional troops to the war-torn nation. Fighting is ongoing in Zabul province, where the police were attacked in Shah Joi district, provincial governor Bismullah Afghanmal said. He said the Taliban had ambushed police in the areas of Chino and Ghulam Rabat. “The report we have right now indicates that 20 policemen are martyred and 10 others are wounded. The number may increase,” Afghanmal told Reuters. Dozens of Taliban fighters were also reported killed and wounded, Afghanmal said. The attacks were part of “Operation Mansouri,” the Taliban spring offensive announced at the end of April, the group said in a statement. “So far several enemy posts have been overrun, inflicting heavy tolls on [the] enemy as well as seizing a good deal of ammunition,” the statement said, adding that fighters had also overrun a government checkpoint in Zabul’s Qalat district. Reinforcements sent to the area where the police had been ambushed were also attacked, said Gul Islam Seyal, a spokesman for the Zabul governor. Fighting was also ongoing in Zabul’s Dai Chopan district, but the extent of casualties was unknown, Afghanmal said.
May 22, 2017,7340,L-4965563,00.html


Headline: East Libyan forces launch strikes after air base attack

East Libyan forces have targeted rival brigades with a series of air strikes in the southern region of Jufra, officials and witnesses said on Sunday, three days after dozens of their men were killed in a surprise attack on an air base. The escalation risks reigniting warfare in Libya’s central desert regions, where forces aligned with the eastern-based Libyan National Army (LNA) have skirmished since late last year with opponents aligned with a UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli. Details of Thursday’s attack on Brak Al-Shati air base, about 150 miles (240 km) south of Jufra, are still emerging. It was led by the 13th Brigade, which operates under the GNA’s defense minister. He was suspended on Friday pending an investigation. The LNA says as many as 141 were killed, some of them summarily, and has pledged a forceful response. Medical and local officials said on Friday that at least 89 had died, but that the toll was incomplete. Human Rights Watch cited a local hospital official as saying that five corpses had arrived at a local hospital with bound arms, and that six more were disfigured in a way that suggested their heads had been run over by a vehicle.
The HRW statement on Sunday also quoted an LNA soldier as saying some civilian workers were killed, and that he witnessed nine of his comrades being executed.
May 22, 2017


Headline:Tunisia protesters close second oil pump station

Tunisian protesters demanding jobs have closed down a second oil pumping station in the south in defiance of government attempts to protect oil and gasfields with troops and negotiate an end to unrest, two local radios reported on Sunday. Protesters peacefully shut a pumping station at Faouar in southern Kebili province, where French oil company Perenco operates, according to one local witness and Mosaique FM and Shems FM radio stations. “We shut down the pumping station for Perenco, where we are carrying out our sit-in protest. We had no problem with the army. We are just demanding jobs,” said Faker Ajmi, one of the protesters told Reuters by telephone. The energy ministry did not reply to a request for comment.
May 21, 2017

Headline: Isis tests chemical weapons on ‘human guinea pigs’, secret documents reveal

Isis are conducting chemical weapons experiments on “human guinea pigs” before launching attacks on Western targets, according to secret documents.  The extremist group has reportedly poisoned prisoners by spiking their food and water with compounds used in pesticides that are easy to obtain. Security forces now fear the terror network may hatch a twisted plot to contaminate Western food supplies with formulas that quickly dissolve in liquid.The experiments were recorded in a stash of papers found hidden in Mosul University after Iraqi special forces recaptured the city from IS fighters.  Chemical weapons expert Hamish de Bretton-Gordon told The Times: “This is a horrifying throwback to the Nazis who would test nerve agents on live humans. During the Second World War, the Nazis conducted thousands of deadly experiments with mustard gas on prisoners at Sachsenhausen concentration camp, near Berlin.”
May 21, 2017


Headline:    Venezuela protests: Man set alight as death toll rises

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has accused opposition protesters of setting alight a government supporter in Caracas on the 50th day of protests. Orlando José Figuera suffered burns to 80% of his body after he was engulfed in flames. Officials said he was also stabbed in Saturday’s protests. Witnesses said the crowd had accused the man of being a thief. On the same day, an opposition activist was shot dead, bringing the total number killed in recent protests to 48. The attorney general’s office said gunmen allegedly opened fire on the demonstrators in the western city of Valera. Edy Alejandro Teran Aguilar died from a gunshot wound to the chest, while two others were wounded. Protesters demanding President Maduro step down and hold elections took to the streets across the country on Saturday to mark the 50th day of the increasingly violent demonstrations which have overwhelmed the country in recent weeks. “A person was set on fire, beaten up, stabbed… They nearly lynched him, just because he shouted out that he was a ‘Chavista’,” President Maduro said, referring to the ruling Socialist movement set up by his predecessor Hugo Chavez. Speaking on his weekly TV programme, Mr Maduro described it as “a hate crime and a crime against humanity”
May 22, 2017

Headline: Nigerian Troops Battle Boko Haram in Lake Chad Area

Nigerian troops fought Boko Haram in the Lake Chad area on Saturday, killing 13 of the Islamic extremists and arresting 10 others, including 6 women believed to have helped smuggle supplies to the insurgents, said an army spokesman. Soldiers of the of 8 Task Force Battalion spent 72 hours clearing the location where the Boko Haram fighters were hiding, said battalion spokesman Col. Timothy Antigha. Many other Boko Haram fighters were wounded by gunfire, he said. The troops, operating in the Chikun Gudu, Tumbuma Karami and Tumbuma Baba areas recovered three AK 47 rifles and one pump-action rifle, assorted rifle magazines and 306 rounds of ammunition, a tool box, a freezer and a Toyota truck, he said.
May 21, 2017

Headline: Ivory Coast rebels stage fresh street protest

Hundreds of demobilised rebels took to the streets of this central Ivory Coast city on Monday to demand government funds after disrupting a funeral attended by a cabinet minister. The minister had offered assistance to help the country’s around 6 000 demobilised former rebels to set up businesses or launch other projects. But the offer angered the onetime rebels who shouted “We don’t want projects, we want cash”, and then surrounded Solidarity Minister Mariatou Kone’s vehicle, preventing her from getting away. They subsequently took to the streets to press home their demands as dozens of others also staged a protest in the economic capital Abidjan. The protests come days after a crippling four-day army mutiny, the latest in a series of armed protests which began in January in the West African country.
May 22, 2017

 Headline: Bomb wounds 20 at Bangkok military hospital

A small bomb struck a Bangkok military hospital on Monday wounding more than 20 people, police said, three years to the day since the army seized power of the politically unstable kingdom.
Thailand remains starkly divided since the May 22, 2014 coup, but dissent has broadly been silenced by a military with sweeping security powers. It was not immediately clear who was behind the blast but the country has a long history of small bombs being used by various political and militant groups, especially during significant anniversaries. Police investigations rarely get to the bottom of who is culpable for the attacks. Monday’s blast struck a pharmacy inside a military hospital in Bangkok, stirring panic among patients and sending smoke into the corridors but causing only minor injuries. “From the initial report it was a bomb… there are more than 20 people injured,” Deputy National Police Chief General Srivara Rangsibrahmanakul told reporters. “It was likely to be in a package,” Srivara said, adding that “battery and wires” were found at the scene.
May 22, 2017


Headline: North Korea fires off ‘unspecified missile’ into Sea of Japan

Headline: North Korea insists latest missile launch proves it can hit US bases, Japan

North Korea has fired an ‘unspecified missile’ in a latest act of aggression, according to military sources.

A South Korean news agency are claiming that the projectile took off from a location near Pukchang. However, NHK News, a Japanese new agency, claims the missile ‘fell into the Sea of Japan’. South Korea’s Office of Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement that the projectile was launched on Sunday afternoon (local time). The South Korean military added that the missile flew “about 500 kilometers (310 miles)” and was believed to have landed in waters off its east coast.South Korea has now urged Kim Jong-Un’s state to stop its “provocative action” which it claims violates the instructions of the UN Security Council. South Korean Foreign Ministry Spokesman Cho June-Hyuk said: “North Korea today fired a ballistic missile again. “North Korea’s repeated provocative action went against our government and international community’s expectation and desire to establish peace and denuclearisation on the Korean peninsula.
May 22, 2017


Headline:   More Puerto Rico Agencies Enter Bankruptcy

The federal board overseeing Puerto Rico’s financial rehabilitation is enlarging the U.S. territory’s court-supervised bankruptcy, placing its nearly depleted pension system and its transportation agency under court protection. The Employees Retirement System, known as ERS, and the Highways and Transportation Authority, known as HTA, entered a debt-restructuring process that amounts to municipal bankruptcy Monday in the federal court in San Juan. Those two systems are now under a federal debt-adjustment law known as Title III alongside the Puerto Rico government and its sales-tax bond issuer, known as Cofina . U.S. District Judge Laura Swain Taylor, who is presiding over the cases, held the first court hearing on the government’s case last week. “This is part of a court-supervised process within a framework that provides for an orderly restructuring of the debt of each entity and allows as much creditor consensus as possible,” said a spokesman for Puerto Rico’s fiscal agency. The pension system’s bankruptcy has implications for hundreds of thousands of government retirees and pensioners who are up against bondholders in the renegotiation of Puerto Rico’s debts.
May 22, 2017


***Please click the photo above to see ALL the statistics for 2017

May 1, 2017 –100 tons of fish die in lake Kunashak in Russia

May 2, 2017 –Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bengaluru, India

May 3, 2017 –Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Navesink River in New Jersey

May 4, 2017 –Hundreds of migratory birds found dead in Galveston, Texas

May 4, 2017 –10,000 cattle dead due to ‘rare Spring snow storm’ in Colorado

May 6, 2017 –Eels found dead in a stream in Glamorgan, Wales

May 6, 2017 –18,000 cattle dead after flash flooding in Samburu, Kenya

May 6, 2017 –Hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead in San Francisco Bay

May 8, 2017 –2,200 reindeer to be killed due to disease in Nordfjella, Norway

May 9, 2017 –Large die off of fish in a lake in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada

May 10, 2017 –Thousands of dead fish appear in the waters of Chaguaramas, Trinidad

May 11, 2017 –Thousands of animals and birds dead due to a storm in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina

May 11, 2017 –Thousands of fish dead in a lake in Polk County, Florida

May 12, 2017 –’Mega-swarm’ of jellyfish wash up on beaches in Wales

May 18, 2017 –Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Kondalampatti, India


***Please click the photo above to see ALL the statistics for 2017

March 3, 2017- Hundreds of bee hives die off in the Adana region of Turkey–gundem-2406691%2F&edit-text=&act=url

March 8, 2017- 40 percent of bees died off during the winter in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

March 9, 2017-Millions of bees died off during the winter in Lolland, Denmark

April 6, 2017 -Mass mortality of bees during the winter throughout Northern Netherlands

April 10, 2017 -Hundreds of thousands of bees all dead after fruit spraying in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

April 22, 2017 -Bees found dead in Rivne, Ukraine

April 23, 2017 – Bees are dying in Colombo and Gampaha districts


Headline:  WHO Suspects A Fourth Person Died Of Ebola In Congo

A fourth person is believed to have died of Ebola in an outbreak of the disease in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the World Health Organization said on Sunday. The WHO first confirmed the discoveryof the new outbreak on May 12, after a 39-year-old man who had died on his way to the hospital in a remote region of Bas-Uele province in late April was confirmed to have suffered from the deadly disease. Since then, there have been 37 suspected cases, Eugene Kabambi, the WHO’s spokesman in Congo, told Reuters on Sunday. Four of those 37 cases have resulted in death and two have been confirmed as Ebola, another two cases, including the latest death, are considered probable, the spokesman added. Because Ebola is highly contagious, authorities are now monitoring more than 400 people who came into contact with suspected patients. Just last week, authorities were only tracking about 200 people. As of now, we do not know the full extent of the outbreak, and as we deploy teams over the next few weeks, we will begin to understand… exactly what we’re dealing with,” Salama added.
May 21, 2017

Headline:Cholera outbreak spreading at ‘unprecedented’ speed kills 315 in Yemen

A cholera outbreak in war-torn Yemen has killed 315 people since April 27 and is spreading with “unprecedented” speed, the United Nations’ World Health Organization said Sunday. More than 29,300 suspected cases have been reported in 19 of the country’s 22 provinces, the agency posted on Twitter. The highest number of likely cases — more than 6,000 — are in the capital city, Sana’a, where the Houthi government declared a state of emergency one week ago. On Friday, the WHO warned that Yemen could have as many as 300,000 cases of cholera within six months and an “extremely high” number of deaths. “We need to expect something that could go up to 200,000-250,000 cases over the next six months, in addition to the 50,000 cases that have already occurred,” Nevio Zagaria, WHO Yemen representative, told reporters in Geneva.
May 21, 2017


Headline: First ever data on US transgender surgeries reveals huge surge in demand: Rate of operations skyrocketed 20% in 2015

The first ever data on gender reassignment surgeries in the United States shows demand is skyrocketing. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons found a nearly 20 percent increase in vaginoplasties, phalloplasties, top surgery and contouring operations in just the first year of reporting. In 2016, more than 3,200 surgeries were performed to help transgender patients feel more like themselves. Surgeons in the field claim that figure is a conservative estimate – and would likely three times higher if all hospitals had a uniform way of documenting such surgeries. And they believe celebrity transitions have been a driving force in this shift.‘It’s only in the last couple of years that we’ve seen this dramatic increase in demand for procedures, it’s certainly a subject that’s more talked about,’ Dr Loren Schechter a board-certified plastic surgeon who’s been practicing gender-reassignment surgery for two decades, told Daily Mail Online.
May 22, 2017


Headline: Americans Say U.S. Moral Values at a Seven-Year Low

Americans may be split between warring political and cultural camps, but there is something most of them can agree on: They share a dim view of their country’s moral values. More than 80 percent of people polled rate moral values in the U.S. as fair or poor—a seven-year low, and 77 percent of respondents to a new Gallup poll say the state of moral values will continue to get worse. In the 16 years Gallup has asked Americans whether their country’s moral values were getting better or worse, social conservatives have consistently been the most pessimistic—more likely than moderates or social liberals to say the situation was getting worse. Now moderates have that distinction. Eighty-six percent of moderates say moral values in the U.S. are worsening. That compares with 77 percent of social conservatives (an 11-percentage-point drop from last year) and 71 percent for social liberals.
May 22, 2017


Headline: Scientists have found a way to photograph people in 3D through walls using Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi can pass through walls. This fact is easy to take for granted, yet it’s the reason we can surf the web using a wireless router located in another room. But not all of that microwave radiation makes it to (or from) our phones, tablets, and laptops. Routers scatter and bounce their signal off objects, illuminating our homes and offices like invisible light bulbs. Now, German scientists have found a way to exploit this property to take holograms, or 3D photographs, of objects inside a room — from outside it. “It can basically scan a room with someone’s Wi-Fi transmission,” Philipp Holl, a 23-year-old undergraduate physics student at the Technical University of Munich, told Business Insider.
May 22, 2017


note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

May 15, 2017 Israel’s Sanhedrin ask Donald Trump to pray on the Temple Mount will war break out if he does?


 free    Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 27 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora



Image result for peace sign animation CooltextprophecysignImage result for war animation

I Thessalonians 5:3,4:For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”



Cooltextprophecysign Psalm 83 war between Arabs states and Israel

Image result for headline frank dimora


 Image result for headline frank dimoraSanhedrin Calls For Trump to Fulfill King Solomon’s Mandate by Praying on Temple Mount

The nascent Sanhedrin sent a letter on Monday to US President Donald Trump, calling on him to ascend to the Temple Mount and pray for world peace when he arrives in Jerusalem next week for his first state visit. If Trump chooses to answer the call, he will not only be making a powerful political statement but enacting precisely what King Solomon described when he first dedicated the Temple 3,000 years ago. Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman of the Sanhedrin, emphasized the timeliness of this call to prayer at this specific point in history.

“Trump is standing at a historic cusp, when the world can fall into an abyss of conflict,” Rabbi Weiss told Breaking Israel News. “Whether it begins in North Korea or Syria or Europe, the seeds of war are already sown.”

The prospect of war is truly chilling, but the rabbi explained that the possibility for great global good is equally as strong.

“Alternatively, President Trump can choose to be a part of a process to bring the Messiah and unprecedented blessing to the world, in the same manner that King Cyrus played his part in building the Second Temple.”

Rabbi Dov Stein, the Secretary General of the Sanhedrin, explained that praying at the holy site is essential for President Trump to achieve his lofty goals.

“President Trump says that he wants to do good in the world, and if this is indeed the case, then God will surely help him in this endeavor,” Rabbi Stein told Breaking Israel News. “In order for any endeavor to succeed, you must ask for God’s help. The proper place for a leader to pray is on the Temple Mount. If President Trump does so, he will receive this blessing, enabling him to achieve great success.”


The rabbi explained that the precedent is described explicitly in the Bible. “When King Solomon completed the Temple some 3,000 years ago, he dedicated the building by calling on foreign kings to come and prayer,” Rabbi Stein said, citing the First Book of Kings.

Moreover concerning the stranger that is not of Thy people Yisrael, when he shall come out of a far country for Thy name’s sake…when he shall come and pray toward this house; hear Thou in heaven Thy dwelling-place, and do according to all that the stranger calleth to Thee for; that all the peoples of the earth may know Thy name, to fear Thee, as doth Thy people Yisrael, and that they may know that Thy name is called upon this house which I have built. I Kings 8:41-43

“We also feel that if he sees the place for himself, he will better understand the reality of the situation,” Rabbi Stein added. “This will give him insight that previous presidents lacked and will help him find a proper solution, something no other leader has been able to bring about.”

The Sanhedrin’s letter to the US President:

“We, the judges of the Sanhedrin, the high court according to the Torah of Israel, are pleased that you are visiting Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the Nation of Israel in which the creator of the world chose as the site of the Holy Temple.

We hope that you will decide to go up to the Temple Mount, Mount Moriah, to the proper areas, and by doing so, you will merit the blessings of King Solomon, who founded the Temple with the intention that foreign leaders will come from afar to bring peace to their lands.

If that is indeed your intention, there is but one way to do this: to declare the raising up of the Temple as a universal human goal within the sanctified Biblically defined boundaries.

The attempts to find a common language with the enemy pertaining the dividing of Jerusalem and the Land of Israel are futile and will not bring any blessing.”

The Sanhedrin recently ruled on the precise boundaries of Jerusalem for the purposes of reinstating the Temple service. This ruling involved mapping specific Biblical references as they apply today. These maps were included in the letter sent to President Trump.

President Trump garnered support from Evangelical Christians and Jews during his campaign by promising to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. His visit Israel next week coincides with the 50th celebration of the unification of Jerusalem during the Six-Day War.


Image result for headline frank dimoraTrump Hoping to Jump-start Peace Process Next Week

President Donald Trump intends to express his hopes to “leaders and peoples alike, across the entire trip” for a “just and lasting peace” between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.


Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem could also start a new conflict.

Image result for headline frank dimoraTrump considering how move of U.S. Embassy in Israel could affect Mideast peace

President Donald Trump is trying to determine how keeping his promise to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem could affect his hopes of brokering a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians, his secretary of state said on Sunday.

Since taking office in January, Trump has shown signs of shelving his campaign pledge to move the embassy from Tel Aviv, while vowing to do what is necessary to clinch a Middle East peace agreement.

“The president is being very careful to understand how such a decision would impact a peace process,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told NBC’s “Meet the Press.” He spoke just days before Trump starts a Middle East trip that includes meetings with Israeli and Palestinian leaders.

Israel regards Jerusalem as its eternal and indivisible capital and wants all foreign countries to base their embassies there. The relocation is strongly opposed by many U.S. allies as the Palestinians also claim the city as their capital.

Do the Israeli’s want to keep Mr. Trump safe?  You bet! Read the report below. I would encourage all to pray for our President while he is in Israel. We do not want to see any harm come to him. 

 Image result for headline frank dimora10,000 POLICE ASSIGNED TO SECURE TRUMP’S STAY IN ISRAEL 

More than 10,000 police officers will take part in securing the two-day visit of US President Donald Trump, expected to take place on May 22-23. Trump will arrive at Ben-Gurion Airport, whence he will fly by helicopter to Jerusalem and is expected to visit the Old City and Yad Vashem, and sleep in the King David Hotel’s presidential suite.

Image result for headline frank dimoraAhead of Trump visit, Jordan and Egypt declare east Jerusalem ‘capital of Palestine’
In anticipation of US President Donald Trump’s visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia, pressure is mounting on him to start a diplomatic process and leave the American Embassy in Tel Aviv….Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri and PLO Executive Committee Chairman Saeb Erekat, Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said that east Jerusalem should be the capital of Palestine, while West Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.,7340,L-4962314,00.html

May 13, 2017 – Lord warns of invasion against Israel and now Hassan Nasrallah has to!


free    Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 27 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora


“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.  For they have consulted together with one consent; They form a confederacy against You: The tents of Edom (Jordan) and the Ishmaelites (Saudi Arabia); Moab (Jordan) and the Hagrites (Egypt); Gebal,(Lebanon) Ammon (Jordan), and Amalek (Egypt); Philistia (Palestinians) with the inhabitants of Tyre (Lebanon); Assyria (Syria, N. Iraq, Iran, Turkey) also has joined with them; They have helped the children of Lot. Selah

Really, I don’t think I need to say much about this news report below. What the Lord revealed to us in Psalm 83 concerning the coming attack against Israel will come just as Hassan Nasrallah has stated. The only difference between what Nasrallah thinks and what the Lord reveals to us is that Israel will not be wiped out by Hezbollah or anyone of Arab nations who come down in an invasion against Israel.

May 12, 2017 – A Suspected Person-to-person Transmission of Avian Influenza A (H7N9) Case in Ward



free    Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 27 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora


  Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, and Mark chapter 13.

On April 25, 2017 I posted my video at this site entitled: “The Dying Continue”. That video  can be seen below. In that video I asked you to watch for coming news reports which report on person to person transmission of the Avian Influenza.  I did this because the Lord warned us in the last days many would die as a result of plagues.  For years I have telling you diseases such as the Bird Flu and Avian Influenza would continue to mutate and at the end of the day these types of diseases would begin to be passed on from human to human not just from the birds to humans.  As you will see below the Chinese Medical Journal on May 10, 2017 has report on what may be the first case the disease being passed on from person to person.  This may be only one case but in Christ’s warning He told us the last days signs would come as labor pains. I have no doubt as we get closer to the second coming of our Lord there will be many reports of person to person transmission of such diseases.  



Since I did mention how these diseases would keep mutating  and there is concern about human to human transmission you may want to read the new reports below because they talk about the very thing I have been warning you about.

Headline: VN threatened by new strain of bird flu




The opposition in Kerala is up in arms: 62 people have died since January due to fever, and the opposition has called this a deterioration of the health system in the state. The state Health Ministry meanwhile has defended the government, saying that while they did prepare for an outbreak of diseases, it was ‘severe’ this time, leading to deaths. Speaking in the Assembly, Health Minister KK Shailaja said that of the 62 deaths since January, 24 people were infected with H1N1 influenza (swine flu). She was replying to the question raised by former health minister and MLA V Sivakumar. KK Shailaja said that climate change and drought caused the outbreak of diseases unexpectedly. 


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CooltextprophecysignDaniel 9:27 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’[a] In the middle of the ‘seven’[b] he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple[c] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him




free    Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 27 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora


Why do you think the report below concerning Turkey and Israel is so important?  When you read the report you will see the President Erdogan of Turkey talks about protecting Jerusalem. I highlighted the most important parts of the report in red for you. In a nut shell Turkey’s President wants to make sure that East Jerusalem is always controlled by the Muslims. Yes, Israel has taken East Jerusalem back after the 1967 war but the Jews are allowing the Muslims to run the Temple Mount area where the Muslims have their Holy site the Dome of the Rock.  That is way when there is any sign that Israel is moving in the direction of completely controlling Jerusalem and, specifically East Jerusalem Turkey issues a warning to Israel. There is no question Israel saw the warning made by Erdogan.  Erdogan has seen that Israel is attempting to move in and begin controlling the Muslims by first the Israeli Knesset legislation referred to as the Muezzin bill. The legislation would prevent mosques in Israel from using loudspeakers outside their buildings for prayer late at night and early in the morning. 

If you read the report below you will notice Erdogan focused in on Jerusalem and, there is no question Erdogan sees the possible move by Trump to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem as  is a threat that Israel and the U.S. have plans to fully control Jerusalem. That is why in the report below you will see Erdogan speak against the possibility that the United States might relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. 

Erdogan also talks about the Palestinian problem in his statement that his nation supports diplomatic efforts on the Palestinian issue but, look what he says about the conditions of a peace plan. He said, the first and last condition to a solution on the Palestinian issue is “the establishment of an independent state in the 1967 borders.” Do you understand what Erdogan is saying here?  He is saying in order for their to be a peace deal Israel would have to give up East Jerusalem because as I said, Israel retook East Jerusalem in that 1967 war.  That would mean that Erdogan wants to make sure the Muslims are not just allowed to run the Temple Mount area where the Dome of the Rock is but to fully own it again as they did before the 1967 war and keep the Jews away from this area like they did before the war.  In other words Erdogan wants to make sure that the Jews never have a chance to rebuild their Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount.   

Israel’s Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein called Erdogan  an “enemy” of Israel and if you Read the 17th chapter of the book of Revelation you will see that Yuli Edelstein has hit the mark!  Would Turkey ever attack Israel to protect Jerusalem?  If you didn’t read the Bible your answer more than likely would  be no but, for those of us who have studied the Bible, Turkey no doubt is going to make an attempt to do what Erdogan said in the report, to protect Jerusalem! All you have to do is read Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 because in those chapters the Lord gives you all the specific information about the Muslims attacking Israel and Turkey is a major player in that war against Israel. 

Now is it time to make the connection for you between the report today below and what the 17th chapter of the Book of Revelation shows us about Turkey.  After you read the news about what Erdogan said you will see the connection.



Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday vowed that his government would work with the Palestinian people to guard against the “Judiazation of Jerusalem,” according to Channel 2.

Erdogan made the comments to Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdella while the latter was on an official visit to Istanbul.

The Turkish President “confirmed the necessity of unifying efforts to protect Jerusalem against attempts of Judaization,” and reiterated an earlier call for Muslims from around the globe to visit the “Al-Aksa” mosque located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. 

The comments came on the heels of statements Erdogan made earlier Monday at the opening ceremony of a two-day conference in Istanbul called “The International Forum on Al-Quds Wakf.”

“As a Muslim community, we need to visit al-Aksa Mosque often – each day that Jerusalem is under occupation is an insult to us,” Erdogan told the conference hours before meeting Hamdallah, according to the Turkish news agency Daily Sabah. 

Erdogan also took issue in particular with the pending Knesset legislation referred to as the Muezzin bill. The legislation would prevent mosques in Israel from using loudspeakers outside their buildings for prayer late at night and early in the morning.

“The bill to ban the adhan [call to prayer] is pending at the Israeli parliament,” Erdogan said. “It is disgraceful for those who lecture us about the freedom of religion to turn a blind eye to this attempt. Turkey will not let these attempts against freedom of belief to prevail.”

“Why are they afraid of the call to prayer?” the Turkish leader asked, according to the Daily Sabah. “Are they unsure of their own fate? We do not and will not treat our Jewish citizens like that.”

The Foreign Ministry immediately issued a harsh retort.

“Those who systematically violate human rights in their own country should not preach to the only true democracy in the region,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nachshon. “Israel consistently protects total freedom of worship for Jews, Muslims and Christians – and will continue to do so despite the baseless slander launched against it.”

Israel’s Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein also lamented the Turkish president’s statements, calling the entrenched leader an “enemy” of Israel. 

Despite the reconciliation between Israel and Turkey, Erdogan was, and remains, an enemy,” Edelstein said Tuesday morning in an interview to Israel Public Radio.

Erdogan also spoke against the possibility that the United States might relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

With regard to the new Hamas charter, Erdogan said that it could bring about a solution to the Palestinian issue and end the inter-Palestinian conflict. He added that his nation supports diplomatic efforts on the Palestinian issue, and that the first and last condition to a solution on the Palestinian issue is “the establishment of an independent state in the 1967 borders.

Israel and Turkey re-established full diplomatic ties only last year, after a six-year suspension.


Now let us take a look at the Revelation connection:  Revelation 17:9And here is the mind which hath wisdom.  The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.”  What are the seven mountains?  They are seven kingdoms.  What rules kingdoms?  Seven kings rule them.  Many people in the Western part of the world have read this verse and come to the conclusion that just because Rome has seven mountains that means Jesus is talking about the Antichrist coming from Rome, but is this what Christ is really pointing to?  I don’t think so and you will see why.

Let us now take a look at Revelation 17:10-12.  “And there are seven kings:  five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.  And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.  And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”  What is Christ showing us?


Who is writing this for us?  It is John the Apostle.  John is telling us five kingdoms (empires) have fallen in the past.  When John was writing us this information from Christ, he was in the midst of the sixth kingdom, which was the Roman Empire.  What was John showing us?  He was telling us that the Grecian Empire, the Medo-Persian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, the Assyrian Empire, and the Egyptian Empire had already fallen away.  In the last days the woman in Revelation chapter 17 rides on seven heads, which shows us all the ancient empires of the past come back again because the woman rides the beast with seven heads and seven kingdoms which are described as seven mountains.

John was living during the sixth kingdom, but we are told in verse 10 one must come which will be the seventh kingdom.  What kingdom hasn’t come yet?  To answer this question, we just need to ask, “What kingdom came after the Roman Empire?”  The seventh kingdom was the Ottoman Empire or Turkish Empire, which was Muslim.  We must not forget that Daniel chapter 7 shows us that each one of these kingdoms was represented by horns.  When a new stronger kingdom came up, that kingdom plucked the horn from the other weaker kingdom.

Take a look at the picture of the seven mountains again.  As you can see, each mountain is a past kingdom, which was ruled by a king.  In Revelation 17:12 Jesus shows us these kingdoms as horns.  Notice if you will that Christ points out to us that there are ten horns.  I quote, “And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”  In Daniel chapter 7 we see these horned kingdoms being plucked out by the next kingdom which would defeat the previous kingdom.  Egypt was the first kingdom, and it had a horn.  Assyria was the second kingdom, and it had a horn.  The third kingdom was the Babylon Empire, and it has a horn.  The fourth kingdom was the Medo-Persia, and it had a horn.  Greece was the fifth kingdom, but Greece was split into four parts ruled by four generals so Greece had four horns.  The four Generals who ruled Greece when Alexander the Great died were as follows:  Ptolemy, Antigonus, Cessander, and Lysimachis.  The sixth kingdom was the Roman Empire, and it had a horn.  When the Roman Empire fell, the Eastern part of the Roman Empire, or Byzantium Empire, continued as a cohesive entity after the Western Roman Empire dissolved.  Mehmed the II took brought an end to the Byzantine Empire by capturing Constantinople in 1453.  When Mehmed took over, it became the Muslim Empire.  The Eastern part of the Old Roman Empire remained, and they became the seventh kingdom, which we know as the Islamic Ottoman Turkish Empire, and it had a horn.  Now take a look at the picture of the seven mountains again, and count the number of horns from each kingdom.  As you can see, there are ten horns because Greece had four horns.

John is also telling us to watch out for the seventh kingdom.  Why?  Read Revelation 17:11 which says, “And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.”  The beast that was and is not means it hasn’t risen yet, but it was a previous empire, either part of the Grecian Empire or the Assyrian Empire.  This eighth kingdom that is to rise again was part of the seven.  In other words, the eighth kingdom will be a revival of an Islamic Empire that will have the other former kingdoms embedded in it.

Now if you are not convinced that this is the case, you must tell me how Jesus crushes all these empires all at once as we see Him doing in Daniel 2:44.  It does appear that the revived Roman Empire, which both Daniel and John wrote about, just might be the one from the Eastern part of the Old Roman Empire and that the Antichrist won’t be coming from Rome, Italy at all but rather from an Islamic nation.  When Greece was split up into the four parts, Seleucus took over the Eastern part of the Grecian Empire (which is the areas of modern day Syria), Babylon (which is Iraq), and Persia (which is modern day Iran).  As you can see, all these kingdoms are mentioned in the image Daniel was shown, and they will all be crushed at the same time when Christ returns. 

Now can you see why to days news report is so important?  Jesus is waiting for you to receive Him as your Lord and Savior. Ask Him today!

Headline: Erdogan calls on Muslims to flood Jerusalem’s iconic mosque and protect its Islamic identity

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 free    Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 27 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

 Keep in mind the endtimesresearchministry is a free ministry everything you will receive is free. You can read The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth for free, Frank’s teachings are free, his live prophecy seminars are free. This ministry follows the teaching and acts of our Christ Jesus. Did Jesus ask for money before He taught? No he did not.  Our message like our Lord’s is free!  What ministry does that? A ministry that loves Jesus and only desires to win souls for Christ and, to help as many people as we can.

Would you like to help feed the needy, help give out clothes, and provide the needs of families who have become homeless?  In a nut shell would you like to help us do the work Christ has asked of us? If the Lord leads your heart contact  Amy Nehme at Ascent Ministries 37033 Almond Circle Murrieta CA 92563  

Cooltextprophecysign Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, and Mark chapter 13.


Headline: Beware, 13 more swine flu deaths in Maharashtra in 5 days, visit a doctor if you are unwell

A majority of the deaths were recorded in Pune, Nashik, Ahmednagar and Pune, said officials from the state’s health department

May 5, 2017 Will A Middle East Peace Deal Be Signed? How Can We Know Who The Antichrist Is?

free    Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 27 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora


Daniel 9 – A True Biblical Interpretation – Jews for Judaism Daniel 9


Image result for sun animation 

UAE to DRAG ICEBERG from Antarctica to solve water shortage set to last 25 years

(Video at link) The scorching Middle Eastern country, and much of the transcontinental region, is in the midst of a drought with some studies suggesting a water shortage could last for the next 25 years.

Yesterday May 4, 2017 as with my April 20, 2017 post I asked you to keep on the watch for more news concerning the bird flu.   Like yesterday there are more reports on this disease.



Image result for headline news animationHeadline: Chinese Police Destroy Animals Saved From Slaughter by Tibetans

Authorities in western China’s Sichuan province this week destroyed thousands of animals believed to be infected with the H7N9 avian flu, briefly detaining Tibetan caretakers who had tried to block the slaughter, Tibetan sources say.



Image result for headline news animationHeadline: Avian flu confirmed at a farm near Thornton, Wyre, Lancashire

The UK’s Chief Veterinary Officer has confirmed H5N8 avian flu in a small backyard flock of chickens at a farm near Thornton, Wyre, Lancashire. A 3 km Protection Zone and a 10 km Surveillance Zone have been put in place around the infected premises to limit the risk of the disease spreading. We have published full details of the controls in place. The flock is estimated to contain around 30 birds. A number have died and the remaining live birds at the premises are being humanely culled. A full investigation is under way to determine the source of the infection.


Image result for headline news animationHeadline: Mexico reports H7N3 bird flu outbreak on commercial farm -OIE
PARIS/MEXICO CITY, May 4 (Reuters) – Mexico has reported an outbreak of the highly contagious H7N3 bird flu virus on a commercial farm in the state of Jalisco, the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) said on Thursday, citing a report from Mexico’s agriculture ministry. The virus, which does not pose a serious danger to people, was detected among laying hens in a flock of 15,000 birds that had been vaccinated and did not show any clinical signs of the disease, the Paris-based OIE said in a notification.


Image result for good news animation

President Donald Trump (C) gathers with Congressional Republicans in the Rose Garden of the White House after the House of Representatives approved the American Healthcare Act, to repeal major parts of Obamacare and replace it with the Republican healthcare plan, in Washington, U.S., May 4, 2017.Republican Obamacare replacement bill passes House

Carlos Barria | Reuters

President Donald Trump (C) gathers with Congressional Republicans in the Rose Garden of the White House after the House of Representatives approved the American Healthcare Act, to repeal major parts of Obamacare and replace it with the Republican healthcare plan, in Washington, U.S., May 4, 2017.

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Pentagon eyes Iran-North Korea military connection (May 5, 2017)


Iraqi forces gain foothold in northwest Mosul after surprise new push
Iraqi forces pushed further into Mosul from the north on the second day of a new push to speed up the nearly seven-month attempt to dislodge Islamic State, commanders said on Friday.

May 4, 2017 Prophecy in the news


free    Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 27 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

On my April 20, 2017 post I asked you to keep on the watch for more news concerning the bird flu.  More news has filter in!


 Image result for headlineCDC is tracking emerging, deadly bird flu in CDC is tracking emerging, deadly bird flu in China

As the U.S. flu season winds down, scientists in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Atlanta flu lab are focused on finding the next pandemic flu threat. And they’re watching a deadly strain of bird flu in China. “There are features of this strain that are worrisome,” says CDC Acting Director Dr. Anne Schuchat. So far, in the fifth outbreak alone, the World Health Organization says 623 people have been sickened. That brings the total of lab-confirmed H7N9 infections to 1,421 since 2013.

Muscat : The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in Oman released a statement clarifying the incident and reasons for the fish emerging. An expert team from the Marine and Fisheries Science Centre inspected the area and collected samples from the fish and found that species of Phytoplankton called Prorocentrum Arcuatum was thriving in the area, These reasons led to a sharp decline in water oxygen levels. Image may contain: sky, outdoor and water 


 Image result for headline Shaanxi Province Announces Their 1st H7N9 Case

This 5th H7N9 epidemic (starting in October 2016) has been a season of `firsts’, with the virus splitting into two distinct lineages (Pearl River Delta & Yangtze River Delta),  the emergence of an HPAI version of the virus in Guangdong Province, and as we discussed yesterday, the spread of the virus to 5 previously unaffected regions (3 provinces, 2 municipalities) on the Mainland (plus Macao).  Today we can add a sixth region on the Mainland, as overnight Sharon Sanders of FluTrackers picked up a media & government report on the first case from Shaanxi Province.


 Image result for headlineAvian Influenza Report May 2, 2017)



Image result for peace sign animation Cooltextprophecysign I Thessalonians 5:3,4:For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”Image result for headlineTrump says he will launch new Middle East peace process
The US is launching a new diplomatic effort to reach a comprehensive peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians, President Donald Trump said on Wednesday…Reminding Abbas that he signed the 1993 Oslo Accords in Washington – the first diplomatic framework for Israeli- Palestinian peace – Trump said he was impressed by the ability of Israeli and Palestinian security forces to work together, and that such cooperation gave him hope that he could finally broker the toughest deal of them all.


Image result for headline Netanyahu: I hope Trump-Abbas meeting will bring about a change
‘I’m always ready for genuine peace,’ prime minister says in meeting with Romanian counterpart Sorin Grindeanu a day after the US president met with the Palestinian leader; ‘I heard President Abbas say that Palestinians teach their children peace. That’s unfortunately not true,’ Netanyahu adds.

Image result for headlineIsrael officially in drought year

Israel Meteorological Service data indicate that the country has entered a drought year, showing that the annual rainfall stands at only about 71 percent of the cross-year average. Due to the worrying situation, the Water Authority is mulling over a plan to pump tens of millions of cubic meters of desalinated water into the Kinneret in order to prevent it from drying up.

Related image Headline: Trump Cabinet Members Attend Weekly Bible Study for ‘Maturity in Christ’

Capitol Ministries, a Washington D.C. based ministry seeking to “make disciples of Jesus Christ in the political arena throughout the world” seeks to help members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet and other politicians in the nation’s capital become more mature Christians through weekly Bible studies.