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 free    Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 27 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

 Keep in mind the endtimesresearchministry is a free ministry everything you will receive is free. You can read The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth for free, Frank’s teachings are free, his live prophecy seminars are free. This ministry follows the teaching and acts of our Christ Jesus. Did Jesus ask for money before He taught? No he did not.  Our message like our Lord’s is free!  What ministry does that? A ministry that loves Jesus and only desires to win souls for Christ and, to help as many people as we can.

Would you like to help feed the needy, help give out clothes, and provide the needs of families who have become homeless?  In a nut shell would you like to help us do the work Christ has asked of us? If the Lord leads your heart contact  Amy Nehme at Ascent Ministries 37033 Almond Circle Murrieta CA 92563  

Cooltextprophecysign Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, and Mark chapter 13.


Headline: Beware, 13 more swine flu deaths in Maharashtra in 5 days, visit a doctor if you are unwell

A majority of the deaths were recorded in Pune, Nashik, Ahmednagar and Pune, said officials from the state’s health department

May 5, 2017 Will A Middle East Peace Deal Be Signed? How Can We Know Who The Antichrist Is?

free    Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 27 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora


Daniel 9 – A True Biblical Interpretation – Jews for Judaism Daniel 9


Image result for sun animation 

UAE to DRAG ICEBERG from Antarctica to solve water shortage set to last 25 years

(Video at link) The scorching Middle Eastern country, and much of the transcontinental region, is in the midst of a drought with some studies suggesting a water shortage could last for the next 25 years.

Yesterday May 4, 2017 as with my April 20, 2017 post I asked you to keep on the watch for more news concerning the bird flu.   Like yesterday there are more reports on this disease.



Image result for headline news animationHeadline: Chinese Police Destroy Animals Saved From Slaughter by Tibetans

Authorities in western China’s Sichuan province this week destroyed thousands of animals believed to be infected with the H7N9 avian flu, briefly detaining Tibetan caretakers who had tried to block the slaughter, Tibetan sources say.



Image result for headline news animationHeadline: Avian flu confirmed at a farm near Thornton, Wyre, Lancashire

The UK’s Chief Veterinary Officer has confirmed H5N8 avian flu in a small backyard flock of chickens at a farm near Thornton, Wyre, Lancashire. A 3 km Protection Zone and a 10 km Surveillance Zone have been put in place around the infected premises to limit the risk of the disease spreading. We have published full details of the controls in place. The flock is estimated to contain around 30 birds. A number have died and the remaining live birds at the premises are being humanely culled. A full investigation is under way to determine the source of the infection.


Image result for headline news animationHeadline: Mexico reports H7N3 bird flu outbreak on commercial farm -OIE
PARIS/MEXICO CITY, May 4 (Reuters) – Mexico has reported an outbreak of the highly contagious H7N3 bird flu virus on a commercial farm in the state of Jalisco, the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) said on Thursday, citing a report from Mexico’s agriculture ministry. The virus, which does not pose a serious danger to people, was detected among laying hens in a flock of 15,000 birds that had been vaccinated and did not show any clinical signs of the disease, the Paris-based OIE said in a notification.


Image result for good news animation

President Donald Trump (C) gathers with Congressional Republicans in the Rose Garden of the White House after the House of Representatives approved the American Healthcare Act, to repeal major parts of Obamacare and replace it with the Republican healthcare plan, in Washington, U.S., May 4, 2017.Republican Obamacare replacement bill passes House

Carlos Barria | Reuters

President Donald Trump (C) gathers with Congressional Republicans in the Rose Garden of the White House after the House of Representatives approved the American Healthcare Act, to repeal major parts of Obamacare and replace it with the Republican healthcare plan, in Washington, U.S., May 4, 2017.

Image result for wars and rumors of wars endtimesresearchministryCooltextprophecysign

Pentagon eyes Iran-North Korea military connection (May 5, 2017)


Iraqi forces gain foothold in northwest Mosul after surprise new push
Iraqi forces pushed further into Mosul from the north on the second day of a new push to speed up the nearly seven-month attempt to dislodge Islamic State, commanders said on Friday.

May 4, 2017 Prophecy in the news


free    Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 27 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

On my April 20, 2017 post I asked you to keep on the watch for more news concerning the bird flu.  More news has filter in!


 Image result for headlineCDC is tracking emerging, deadly bird flu in CDC is tracking emerging, deadly bird flu in China

As the U.S. flu season winds down, scientists in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Atlanta flu lab are focused on finding the next pandemic flu threat. And they’re watching a deadly strain of bird flu in China. “There are features of this strain that are worrisome,” says CDC Acting Director Dr. Anne Schuchat. So far, in the fifth outbreak alone, the World Health Organization says 623 people have been sickened. That brings the total of lab-confirmed H7N9 infections to 1,421 since 2013.

Muscat : The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in Oman released a statement clarifying the incident and reasons for the fish emerging. An expert team from the Marine and Fisheries Science Centre inspected the area and collected samples from the fish and found that species of Phytoplankton called Prorocentrum Arcuatum was thriving in the area, These reasons led to a sharp decline in water oxygen levels. Image may contain: sky, outdoor and water 


 Image result for headline Shaanxi Province Announces Their 1st H7N9 Case

This 5th H7N9 epidemic (starting in October 2016) has been a season of `firsts’, with the virus splitting into two distinct lineages (Pearl River Delta & Yangtze River Delta),  the emergence of an HPAI version of the virus in Guangdong Province, and as we discussed yesterday, the spread of the virus to 5 previously unaffected regions (3 provinces, 2 municipalities) on the Mainland (plus Macao).  Today we can add a sixth region on the Mainland, as overnight Sharon Sanders of FluTrackers picked up a media & government report on the first case from Shaanxi Province.


 Image result for headlineAvian Influenza Report May 2, 2017)



Image result for peace sign animation Cooltextprophecysign I Thessalonians 5:3,4:For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”Image result for headlineTrump says he will launch new Middle East peace process
The US is launching a new diplomatic effort to reach a comprehensive peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians, President Donald Trump said on Wednesday…Reminding Abbas that he signed the 1993 Oslo Accords in Washington – the first diplomatic framework for Israeli- Palestinian peace – Trump said he was impressed by the ability of Israeli and Palestinian security forces to work together, and that such cooperation gave him hope that he could finally broker the toughest deal of them all.


Image result for headline Netanyahu: I hope Trump-Abbas meeting will bring about a change
‘I’m always ready for genuine peace,’ prime minister says in meeting with Romanian counterpart Sorin Grindeanu a day after the US president met with the Palestinian leader; ‘I heard President Abbas say that Palestinians teach their children peace. That’s unfortunately not true,’ Netanyahu adds.

Image result for headlineIsrael officially in drought year

Israel Meteorological Service data indicate that the country has entered a drought year, showing that the annual rainfall stands at only about 71 percent of the cross-year average. Due to the worrying situation, the Water Authority is mulling over a plan to pump tens of millions of cubic meters of desalinated water into the Kinneret in order to prevent it from drying up.

Related image Headline: Trump Cabinet Members Attend Weekly Bible Study for ‘Maturity in Christ’

Capitol Ministries, a Washington D.C. based ministry seeking to “make disciples of Jesus Christ in the political arena throughout the world” seeks to help members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet and other politicians in the nation’s capital become more mature Christians through weekly Bible studies.

April 27, 2017 The Coming of the Mark of the Beast

free    Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 27 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

 Image result for isaiah 17:1 frank dimora

  Rr Syria says Israeli missile strike near Damascus airport confirmed

Several Israeli missiles hit a Syrian military position southwest of Damascus airport at dawn on Thursday, Syrian state media said. The “Israeli aggression” resulted in explosions at the site and some material losses, it said, citing a military source. Earlier in the day, Syrian rebel and regional sources said the alleged Israeli strike hit an arms supply hub operated by the Lebanese Hezbollah group near Damascus airport where regular supplies of weapons from Tehran are sent by commercial and military cargo planes.

RrIDF strikes Hamas target in Gaza in response to cross-border fire

IDF tank fire struck and destroyed a Hamas terror target in the southern Gaza Strip on Thursday shortly after shots from the Palestinian enclave were fired at Israeli forces stationed near the border, the military said. “The IDF will continue to act with determination at all times to maintain the security of the State of Israel,” the IDF said in a statement on the cross-border exchange.

RrIsraeli defense minister warns of Iranian presence in Golan Heights

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman reiterated Israel’s position that it will “not allow the concentration of Iranian and Hezbollah forces on the Golan Heights” while in Moscow on Wednesday. Speaking with Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov while in the Russian capital for the International Moscow Security Conference, Liberman expressed Israel’s concern over Iranian activity in Syria, stating that Tehran is using Syrian soil as a base to smuggle arms to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

RrPalestinian Authority says it’s halting Gaza power payments to Israel

The Palestinian Authority informed Israel that it is stopping all payments for electricity that enters Gaza through 10 electrical lines, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories said on Thursday. PA President Mahmoud Abbas has warned over the past two weeks that he will take “unprecedented measures,” if Hamas does not concede some of its control over Gaza to the PA.

April 26, 2017- US launches Minuteman III ICBM

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 24, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~


Headline: A Palestinian State or an Islamist Tyranny?

From the United Nations to the European Union and the mainstream press, it seems that the Jews living in Judea and Samaria are the obstacle for the Middle East coexistence. But have these well-known “observers” really observed what is going on in the areas self-governed by the Palestinian Authority, and that two-thirds of the world’s nations want to turn into another Arab-Islamic state? Recently, one of the brightest Palestinian novelists, Abbad Yahiya, saw his fourth book, Crime in Ramallah, seized by the Palestinian police in the West Bank. The order came from Palestinian Attorney General Ahmed Barak, who ruled that the book “threatens morality“. The novel’s publisher was arrested and a warrant was issued for Yahiya’s arrest.What happened to Yahiya’s novel contains the real reason for the failed negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. Negotiations did not founder over few houses in Judea and Samaria. The failure is the result of the abyss between an open society, Israel, and a closed regime, the Palestinian entity; between a democracy based on Western liberal principles and a gangster autocracy based on an Islamic dictatorship determined to destroy the Jewish state. And that abyss is just four kilometers wide, the distance between the Palestinian town of Tulkarem and the Israeli city of Netanya. A Palestinian State created with the current Palestinian Authority would ethnically cleanse Jews, as Jordan did when it attacked and seized Jerusalem in 1948. It would be led by Holocaust-enablers such as Hamas, or by a Holocaust-denier such as Mahmoud Abbas. It would destroy freedom of conscience for journalists and writers; exile Christians and homosexuals (hundreds of Palestinian gays now live beyond Israel’s security fence); torture Arab inmates; continue to accept funding from Iran and Sunni Islamic extremists in the name of “the caliphate or death”; impose sharia (Islamic law) as the only law; put people to death for “atheism” and “apostasy” (read, conversion to Christianity). It would most likely oblige women to wear burqas and hijabs as in Saudi Arabia; commemorate terrorists and baby-killers who butchered 1,500 Israeli civilians during the Second Intifada; abolish democratic elections; fill libraries with anti-Semitic and anti-Western books; ban alcohol in public, and ask plainclothes officers to stop young couples to show marriage licenses, as in Iran.
April 26, 2017

Headline: Report: Trump Will Up Aid to Palestinians While Cutting Funds for Mid-East Israel Allies

As the Trump administration prepares to initiate significant foreign aid cuts around the world, State Department documents published Monday indicate the White House plans to increase aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA). The documents, published by Foreign Policy magazine, detail the State Department’s internal budget plan and show a planned increase of 4.6 percent in aid to Palestinian areas in the West Bank and Gaza for the fiscal year of 2018. The increase in U.S. aid would amount to $215 million for the year. According to the documents, Syria, Iraq and Libya will also see increases in aid for the 2018 fiscal year, but aid will to Egypt will be cut 47.4 percent and Jordan will see a drop of 21 percent.The proposed budget changes strike a different tone than the Trump administration expressed in January, when it informed the PA it had frozen President Barack Obama’s transfer of $221 million to the Palestinians in the last hours of his administration. Reports of the potential aid increase to the PA come ahead of a May 3 meeting at the White House between President Donald Trump and PA President Mahmoud Abbas.
April 26, 2017

Headline: Merkel calls PM’s decision to cancel meeting ‘regrettable’

German Chancellor says there is nothing wrong with her Foreign Minister meeting with subversive groups in Israel. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Wednesday it was “regrettable” that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu denied her foreign minister a meeting after the diplomat held talks with radical leftist groups. Merkel’s spokesman said that talks with non-governmental organisations were common during foreign travel and should not set off a rift between allies. “The chancellor finds it regrettable that a meeting between Foreign Minister (Sigmar) Gabriel and Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Netanyahu did not take place,” he told reporters at a regular government briefing. “It should not be problematic for foreign visitors to meet with critical representatives of civil society.” Netanyahu called off the planned meeting Tuesday with Gabriel after the German diplomat decided to go ahead with talks with Israeli radical groups Breaking The Silence and B’Tselem.
April 26, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline:   Yemen govt. reportedly seeks UN oversight of port

The Yemeni government has proposed to the United Nations that it monitors the rebel-held port of Hodeidah to ensure that no arms are smuggled through it, the prime minister said on Wednesday. A Saudi-led military coalition backing the internationally-recognised government in its war against the Houthi rebels has been preparing an assault on Hodeidah. UN officials and a Russian deputy foreign minister on Tuesday warned against any attack on the Red Sea port, the aid lifeline for a country where millions of people are in desperate need of food to avert famine. The alliance maintains a near-blockade of Yemen’s ports, including Hodeidah, where most cranes have been destroyed by coalition air strikes.
April 26, 2017,7340,L-4954400,00.html

Headline: Saudi warplanes drop leaflets over coastal Yemeni province warning of imminent invasion

Saudi jets dropped thousands of leaflets over Hudaydah on Wednesday, warning civilians not to cooperate with Houthi-led troops and instead to help the Aden-based government with restoring the embattled country under its control. With Saudi Arabia reportedly amassing a naval flotilla on the Red Sea to capture Hudaydah, the Sana’a government issued a decree on Tuesday appointing Republican Guard commander Yousef Al-Madani to draw up plans for the defense of the Hajjah and Hudaydah regions. He was also promoted to Major General, according to newly employed Al-Masdar News field correspondent Naseh Shaker. Hudaydah province is entirely under the control of the Sana’a based government which is for the most part composed of elements of the predominately Shi’ite Houthi tribe.
April 26, 2017


Headline: Mortar fire from Syrian government area hits Turkish military outpost: army

Mortar fire from an area assessed to be under the control of Syrian government forces hit a military outpost in Turkey’s southeastern province of Hatay, the Turkish army said on Wednesday, adding it had retaliated in kind after the attack. In a statement, the army said a separate cross-border mortar attack had been carried out on a different military outpost, also in Hatay, by members of the Kurdish militant YPG earlier on Wednesday. There were no casualties in any of the attacks, the army said. On Tuesday, Turkish planes bombed Kurdish militants in Iraq’s Sinjar region and northeast Syria, killing around 70 militants inside the two neighboring states, according to a Turkish military statement. It said warplanes struck Kurdish militant targets in northern Iraq on Wednesday as well, killing six militants.
***See also Turkey below
April 26, 2017

Headline: Syrian Army overruns ISIS in Deir Ezzor

Headline: ISIL falls apart in northern Palmyra as Syrian Army troops liberate strategic gas fields

The Syrian Army troops defending Deir Ezzor Airbase blitzed the Islamic State fighters, regaining a 400 meters of land inside the Cemetery area. Today’s advance came two days after the government forces repelled a massive attack by the terror group on the airbase. The Syrian Army’s Republican Guards, backed by the paramilitary National Defense Forces and tribesmen fighters, have been defending their stronghold in the eastern province for two years amid a crippling blockade imposed by ISIS.
April 26, 2017


Headline:Iraqi Troops Capture Largest Neighborhood in Western Mosul

Headline: Iraqi militia cuts ISIS supply line between al-Baa’j and al-Hadher

Headline: Iraqi forces retake ancient city of Hatra from ISIS

Iraqi troops on Tuesday drove out Islamic State militants from the largest neighborhood in the western half of the city of Mosul, a senior military commander said, a major development in the months-long fight to recapture the country’s second-largest city. U.S.-backed Iraqi forces declared eastern Mosul “fully liberated” in January, after officially launching the operation to retake the city in October. In February, the troops started a new push to clear Mosul’s western side of IS militants, but weeks later their push stalled mainly due to stiff resistance by the Sunni militant group. On Tuesday, special forces Lt. Gen. Abdul-Wahab al-Saadi told The Associated Press that the sprawling al-Tanek neighborhood was now “fully liberated and under full control” of the security forces. Al-Saadi did not provide more details.
April 26, 2017










Headline: Turkey air strikes on Kurds in Syria and Iraq spark US concern

Headline: Death toll in Turkish raids on Syria Kurds hits 28: monitor

Headline: Russia says Turkey’s air strikes on Iraq, Syria are unacceptable

Headline: Iraqi Prime Minister issues stern warning to Turkey about attacking again

The US has expressed “deep concern” at Turkish air strikes that killed about two dozen Kurdish fighters in Syria and Iraq. The US-backed Popular Protection Units (YPG), fighting against IS, said their positions were hit multiple times. Turkey regards the YPG as linked to outlawed Kurdish separatists. Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga, friendly to Turkey, also reportedly suffered fatalities. The Iraqi government condemned the strikes carried out on its territory. US state department spokesman Mark Toner said: “We are very concerned, deeply concerned that Turkey conducted air strikes earlier today in northern Syria as well as northern Iraq without proper co-ordination either with the United States or the broader global coalition to defeat IS.” He added: “We have expressed those concerns to the government of Turkey directly.” Iraqi government spokesman Saad al-Hadithi said: “The Iraqi government condemns and rejects the strikes carried out by Turkish aircraft on Iraqi territory.”
April 26, 2017,7340,L-4954398,00.html

Headline: Erdogan vows to continue fight against Kurdish militants in Syria, Iraq

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vehemently defended Ankara’s recent deadly airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, vowing that Turkey would continue its military operations in both Arab countries “until the last terrorist is eliminated,” PressTV reported. “We are obliged to take measures. We must take steps. We shared this with the US and Russia and we are sharing it with Iraq as well,” Erdogan said in an interview with Reuters in the presidential palace in Ankara on Tuesday. Erdogan’s comments came hours after Turkish warplanes conducted a number of overnight airstrikes against alleged positions of militants in Sinjar and northern Syria, the report continued. Turkey has continually to illegally intervene in Syria and Iraq in the guise of fighting ISIS, despite engaging in oil trade with the terrorist group, and also under the pretext of fighting Kurdish separatist militants.
April 26, 2017


Headline: U.S. Navy fires warning flare at Iran vessel in Persian Gulf

A U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer fired a warning flare toward an Iranian Revolutionary Guard vessel coming near it in the Persian Gulf, an American official said on Wednesday, the latest tense naval encounter between the two countries. The incident happened on Monday as the vessel attempted to draw closer to the USS Mahan despite the destroyer trying to turn away from it, said Lt. Ian McConnaughey, a spokesman for the Bahrain-based 5th Fleet. The “Mahan made several attempts to contact the Iranian vessel by bridge-to-bridge radio, issuing warning messages and twice sounding the internationally recognized danger signal of five short blasts with the ship’s whistle, as well as deploying a flare to determine the Iranian vessel’s intentions,” McConnaughey said in a statement to the Associated Press. The Iranian vessel came within 1,100 yards of the Mahan during the incident, the lieutenant said. The vessel later turned and sailed away. Iranian authorities did not immediately report the incident on Wednesday.
April 26, 2017


Headline:ISIS in Afghanistan is attacking the Taliban, killing dozens

Afghan officials say Islamic State militants have attacked the Taliban in the northern Jawzjan province, igniting heavy clashes in which dozens of fighters were killed. Mohammad Reza Ghafori, a spokesman for the provincial governor, said Wednesday that the fighting, which began the day before, has killed 76 Taliban fighters and 15 from the IS affiliate. He says the IS militants seized two districts from the Taliban. The Taliban and IS are both fighting to overthrow Afghanistan’s U.S.-backed government and impose a harsh version of Islamic rule, but they are bitterly split over leadership and tactics. The IS affiliate is largely made up of disgruntled former Taliban fighters. Abdul Hafiz Khashyee, a police official, says the fighting took place in a remote area and there were no reports of civilian casualties.
April 26, 2017


Headline: New South Sudan fighting displaces 25,000 people

At least 25,000 people were displaced after fighting in the town of Kodok, according to a spokesman for the humanitarian group Doctors Without Borders, one day after the top United Nations official in South Sudan warned of a government offensive on the town. The fighting has caused a reduction in humanitarian services and a shortage of water for the displaced, Phillippe Carr told The Associated Press. Civilians are fleeing to the nearby South Sudanese town of Aburoc, Carr said. On Tuesday, there were reports of shelling in the town of Kodok and on Wednesday the town was feared deserted with military helicopters sighted nearby. South Sudan’s government troops were on an offensive in Kodok and the Upper Nile region, head of the U.N. mission in South Sudan David Shearer told members of the Security Council on Tuesday. He warned that 70,000 civilians could be displaced. “Virtually no part of the country is immune from conflict,” Shearer told the 15-member body at the U.N. He added there “has been no concerted effort by any party to adhere to a ceasefire.” The government offensive in Kodok appears to be one of the most significant so far this year, causing disarray among rebel leader Johnson Olony and his Shilluk forces. It is also expected to create a flow of civilians fleeing into neighboring Sudan.
April 26, 2017


Headline: Lawmakers urge the US to get serious about Russia’s growing influence in Libya

Despite President Donald Trump saying the US should step back from Libya, Republican Sen. Bob Corker and Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin on Tuesday called for US engagement in the North African country. “The United States must be engaged,” Cardin said. “When we don’t have representative governments … it creates a void, and that void is filled by ISIS, as we’ve seen in northern Africa, and it’s filled by Russia, which we’re seeing Russia’s engagement now in Libya.” On April 20, Trump said that the US has no role in Libya beyond combating ISIS. “I think the United States has right now enough roles,” he said. In summer 2016, Moscow engaged with Libya for the first time since former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddhafi was killed in 2011. When Gaddhafi was ousted, Russia lost billions of dollars in arms contracts with Libya, which were 12% of the Kremlin’s arms exports in 2010. They also had hundreds of millions of dollars invested in oil and gas exploration in the country. Three governments are currently vying for power in Libya, along with several insurgent groups, such as ISIS. Moscow supports the faction led by military commander Khalifa Haftar, while the US and NATO back the Government of National Accord (GNA), led by Fayez al-Sarraj.
April 26, 2017

Headline: ISIS developing new weapons despite losses

ISIS militants have developed an improvised explosive device (IED) that can be launched from rifles or dropped from an aerial drone, an arms monitoring group said on Wednesday. Conflict Armament Research (CAR) said the militant group was “promoting the development of ‘own-brand’ weapons” to provide its insurgents with otherwise unavailable armaments. “The (IED) can be thrown, launched from an improvised rifle attachment, or in its most recent phases of development, dropped from a commercial, off-the-shelf unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drone,” CAR said in a report following visits to Mosul in November, February and March. CAR, which identifies and tracks arms and ammunition in war zones, reported in December that ISIS had been making weapons on a scale and sophistication matching national military forces and that it had standardized production across its realm. The monitor’s findings suggested ISIS was centrally managing the design and production of improvised weapons with the ability to test its systems on the field and refine them as well as use new technologies such as drones.
April 26, 2017

Headline: ISIS leaders ‘negotiate merger’ with other terrorist groups – FSB head

Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and other terrorist groups are changing their tactics, moving fighters to Afghanistan, Yemen and Africa in order to set up a new large-scale terrorist network, the head of Russia’s Federal Security Service has stated. Having realized that they are being threatened with total destruction in the zone of their former domination, leaders of the largest international terrorist groups, such as Islamic State, Al-Nusra Front and the remnants of the pre-existing Al-Qaeda structures, began changing their tactics. In particular, they stepped up transfer of militants over to Afghanistan, Yemen and deep into Africa, and started building support points and bases there,” Aleksandr Bortnikov told participants of the VI Moscow Conference on International Security on Wednesday. “We’re talking about development of a new large-scale terrorist network,” the FSB director said. “There are also reports of ongoing negotiations between Islamic State and other [terrorist] groups about a possible merger.” Bortnikov pointed out that the remaining potential of international terrorist organizations means that the countries fighting against terrorism are still practicing diverse approaches. To solve these issues and build an effective anti-terrorist front, it is necessary to jointly work out some key standards. “The UN is the best platform for such work,” he added.
April 26, 2017


Headline:    Indigenous protesters in Brazil shoot arrows at police in response to tear gas

Around 2,000 indigenous people from different Brazilian tribes demonstrated in the capital on Tuesday, demanding that the government speeds up the demarcation of their land. Clashes with police broke out sporadically when the protesters formed small groups and attempted to enter the parliament building. The authorities managed to keep them outside. The police fired tear gas and the protesters responded by shooting arrows, some of which remained stuck in the large gardens surrounding the legislative palace. In addition to demanding faster action in Congress regarding the demarcation of their land, the protesters expressed their rejection against a bill that introduces changes in the delimitation process of those territories. The decisions on these lands have been made so far by the state-run National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), but if the bill is approved such responsibility will be transferred to the Congress, where according to critics there are group of lawmakers who represent particular interests.
April 26, 2017

Headline: Death toll reaches 26 as political protests in Venezuela continue

Two men have become the latest to die in political violence in Venezuela, bring the number of fatalities in recent weeks up to 26.  The state prosecutor’s office in the western state of Lara said Orlando Medina, 23, was gunned down in a protest against the rule of President Nicolas Maduro. Meanwhile, 52-year-old Luis Marquez died in the Andean state of Merida in the early hours of Tuesday morning after being shot at a pro-Maduro rally, state ombudsman Tarek Saab said. Three weeks ago the Venezuelan opposition launched street protests against the financial mismanagement and anti-democratic policies of the government. 15 people have died in violence around demonstrations and 11 others in night-time lootings, the state prosecutor’s office said on Tuesday. Four of those killed were teenagers. Nearly 1,500 people have been arrested, with 801 still detained as of Tuesday, rights group Penal Forum said. Political activists and Venezuelan media have reported more deaths, but those have not been confirmed. “The Venezuelan people will stay in the street until there is an election timetable, a humanitarian aid channel, freedom for political prisoners and independence for public institutions, especially the National Assembly,” said Ismael Garcia, a legislator with opposition party Justice First.
April 25, 2017

Headline: 10 Iranian guards killed at Pakistani border, Tasnim news agency reports

Ten Iranian border guards were killed by Sunni militants in a cross-border attack on the frontier with Pakistan on Wednesday, Tasnim news agency reported. The militant group called Jaish al Adl, or the Army of Justice, has claimed responsibility, the report said. “10 border guards of Mirjaveh county in Sistan and Baluchestan Province were martyred in an ambush by the terrorists in the Pakistani border’s zero-point,” Tasnim said.
April 26, 2017,7340,L-4954454,00.html

Headline: Russia to Supply Power to Rebel-held Parts of Eastern Ukraine

In a move that further cements Russia’s control over parts of eastern Ukraine, Russian officials announced Tuesday they will begin supplying electricity to separatist-controlled areas in eastern Ukraine after the Ukrainian government cut off the power because of millions in unpaid bills. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described the decision as a humanitarian mission – helping to keep an estimated 3 million people out of darkness – but would not say exactly when or how the power supply will be flowing into the rebel-controlled part of Luhansk region that borders Russia. The rebels are backed by Russia. Ukraine on Monday announced it will stop supplying power to rebel-held areas in Luhansk because of mounting debts, and local media reported the supply was cut off around midnight. “Cutting the power supply to the Luhansk region is yet another step by Ukraine to push those territories away,” Peskov told reporters in Moscow, saying the move “contradicts the spirit” of the peace accords that Kyiv and the rebels signed in Minsk, Belarus, under Russia and European mediation in 2015.
April 25, 2017


Headline:   US launches Minuteman III ICBM to show ‘nuclear capabilities’ amid N. Korea tensions

Headline: China launches aircraft carrier, boosting military presence

Headline: North Korea tensions: US installs missile defence system in S Korea

Headline: North Korea stages largest live-fire artillery exercise

Headline: China calls on US to remove missile interception system from SKorean soil

An unarmed intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) has been launched from a US Air Force base in California to ensure its “effectiveness, readiness and accuracy,” and demonstrate “national nuclear capabilities,” according to the US military. The Minuteman III missile test comes amid rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula, with a carrier strike group led by the USS Carl Vinson approaching North Korean waters. However, a spokeswoman for the Air Force Global Strike Command says the test was planned in advance and is not connected with the situation in North Korea, and the launches happen on regular basis, according to the Washington Examiner.The launch is scheduled on Wednesday between 12:01am to 6:01am (0701GMT to 1301GMT) from North Vandenberg Air Force Base, according to the 30th Space Wing, which is conducting the test. “These Minuteman launches are essential to verify the status of our national nuclear force and to demonstrate our national nuclear capabilities,” the commander of the unit, Colonel John Moss, said in a statement. The test launch is aimed at validating and verifying “the effectiveness, readiness, and accuracy of the weapon system,” according to the Air Force Global Strike Command.
April 26, 2017


Headline: UN warned Trump that ObamaCare repeal could violate international law

The United Nations warned the Trump administration earlier this year that repealing ObamaCare without providing an adequate replacement would be a violation of multiple international laws, according to a new report.  Though the Trump administration is likely to ignore the U.N. warning, The Washington Post reported the Office of the U.N. High Commission on Human Rights in Geneva sent an “urgent appeal” on Feb 2. The Post reported that the confidential, five-page memo cautioned that the repeal of the Affordable Care Act would put the U.S. “at odds with its international obligations.” The warning was sent to the State Department and reportedly said the U.N. expressed “serious concern” about the prospective loss of health coverage for 30 million people, that in turn could violate “the right to social security of the people in the United States.” Congressional Republicans failed in March to pass an ObamaCare replacement bill. A new proposal is emerging on Capitol Hill, but it’s unclear when it might be considered and how sweeping it may be. A spokesman for the U.N.’s human rights office in Geneva confirmed the authenticity of the letter, which was sent by Dainius Puras, a Lithuanian doctor who serves the U.N. as “Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.”
April 26, 2017

Headline: Cashless society getting closer, survey finds

More than a third of Europeans and Americans would be happy to go without cash and rely on electronic forms of payment if they could, and at least 20 percent already pretty much do so, a study showed on Wednesday. The study, which was conducted in 13 European countries, the United States and Australia, also found that in many places where cash is most used, people are among the keenest to ditch it. Overall, 34 percent of respondents in Europe and 38 percent in the United States said they would be willing to go cash-free, according to the survey conducted by Ipsos for the ING bank website eZonomics. Twenty-one percent and 34 percent in Europe and the United States, respectively, said they already rarely use cash.The trend was also clear. More than half of the European respondents said they had used less cash in the past 12 months than previously and 78 percent said they expected to use it even less over the coming 12 months. Ian Bright, managing director of group research for ING wholesale banking, said he did not believe people would quit cash entirely, but the direction was obvious. “More and more people will end up with a situation where they can quite comfortably get by for two days, three days, four days, even a week, without ever using cash,” he told Reuters Television. Payment systems such as contactless cards and mobile-phone digital wallets have become so prevalent the issue has become political in some countries.
April 26, 2017


Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay.  And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.  As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” (Daniel 2:41-43)

Headline:   BREXIT BEGINS: Europe REMOVES Britain from maps of Union

THE extent to which the triggering of Article 50 has impacted the EU became clear today as the bloc omitted Britain from a series of maps laying out its flagship social policy. The UK was conspicuously greyed out as a non-EU country in material the EU Commission has produced to advertise the launch of its keystone Pillar of Social Rights.  Britain, which has more domestic labour protections than most European countries, is not mentioned in part of the planning for what Brussels boss Jean-Claude Juncker has described as his most important policy. The stark omission demonstrates how the EU plans to press ahead with its agenda without the UK, which will regardless continue to pay into the bloc’s budget for at least the next two years.
April 26, 2017


Headline:   ‘Superbug’ fungus new menace in US hospitals, mostly NY, NJ

A ‘superbug’ fungus is emerging as a new menace in U.S. hospitals, mostly in New York and New Jersey. First identified in Japan in 2009, the fungus has spread to more than a dozen countries around the globe. The oldest of the 66 cases reported in the U.S. dates back to 2013, but most were reported in the last year. The fungus called Candida auris is a harmful form of yeast. Scientists say it can be hard to identify with standard lab tests. U.S. health officials sounded alarms last year because two of the three kinds of commonly used antifungal drugs have little effect. “It’s acting like a superbug” bacteria, said Dr. Paige Armstrong of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
April 25, 2017


Headline: “Basic Instinct” director Verhoeven to make film about lesbian nuns

“Basic Instinct” director Paul Verhoeven is making a film about a lesbian nun with miraculous powers who falls in love with another sister, his producers said Wednesday. The veteran Dutch film-maker — whose controversial twisted rape thriller “Elle” starring Isabelle Huppert was a huge critical hit — is working on a drama called the “Blessed Virgin”. The producers said it is based on the life of 17th-century Italian nun Benedetta Carlini, who caused a sensation when she claimed to see visions of Jesus Christ. Verhoeven will present the project at the Cannes film festival next month, production company SBS International told AFP. Verhoeven premiered “Elle” at the festival last year. It has since won nearly 60 international awards as well as an Oscar nomination for French star Huppert. The new film, adapted from “Immodest Acts — The Life of a lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy” by the American historian Judith Brown, will star Belgian actress Virginie Efira.
April 26, 2017


Headline: Transgender Baptist Preacher Allyson Robinson Says ‘Angel Of Reason’ Told Him Bible Was Wrong

The nation’s first transgender Baptist preacher spoke to a national Baptist gathering on April 8, explaining that the doctor who delivered him as a baby was wrong in declaring him a boy, and that it was an “angel of reason” that caused him to accept his inclinations to identify as a woman.Daniel Robinson, who goes by the name Allyson Robinson, had been studying to be a pastor at Baylor University’s George W. Truett Theological Seminary in 2005 when he began to wrestle with his gender identity as never before. He had struggled with his desire to be a man since childhood. “I have known my entire life that the world was wrong about me, that on the day I was born, when the doctor took a cursory glance between my legs and authoritatively declared ‘It’s a boy,’ he was wrong—dead wrong,” Robinson told the Alliance of Baptists in St. Louis this month.
April 18, 2017


note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

April 25, 2017 The Dying Continue

free    Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!   Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 24 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

April 24, 2017- Once in 7,000 Years

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 20, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~

Image result for revelation 12:1

My Brother in the Lord Brett Creamer has completed his teaching on the book of Revelation. I know that many of you are wondering about what may happen on September 23, of this year as once again the sign from Revelation chapter 12 will be appearing. This sign is concerning the ” woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars”. Some are saying this will be the time of the rapture of the Church.  Last week I made a video answering questions that have been asked of me and, this sign from Rev. 12 was in that video.  I think you will find Brett’s teaching on this subject interesting. If you missed my video and want to see how I answered this question go to the link below. Brett’s teaching link is also below in blue.

Download Revelation_Chapter_12a_class20


Headline:     Report: Pro-Assad militia base targeted in alleged Israel airstrike

The IDF struck a base belonging to a pro-Syrian militia near Quneitra early Sunday morning, Al Jazeera reported. In a statement released by the National Defense Forces, a pro-regime militia, the alleged strike targeted the Naba Fawar base, killing three fighters and wounding two others. The unconfirmed air strike comes after the IDF confirmed that it struck several positions in Syria in response to projectiles that struck the northern Golan Heights on Friday. It is likely that the fire was not intentional, the army said, but rather spillover from the fighting between Hezbollah and regime troops against rebel groups near Ain Ayshaa, Samadiniyah Sharkiya and Madinat al-Ba’ath, near Quneitra. Syria’s official news agency, SANA, said Israel struck a regime military position in the surroundings of Khan Arnabeh in the Quneitra countryside, “causing material damage.”
April 23, 2017
***See also Syria below


Headline: Fatah calls for ‘Day of Rage’ in support of prisoners

The West Bank’s ruling party Fatah called on Palestinians to participate in a day of rage this Friday in support of the hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners. Ma’an, a Palestinian news agency, reported on Saturday that Fatah is urging Palestinians “to clash with the occupier at all friction points.”  More than a thousand Palestinian prisoners, led by Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti, who was convicted of five counts of murder, are carrying out a mass hunger strike in Israeli prisons. The prisoners are demanding that the Israel Prison Service improve conditions in prisons pertaining to visitation rights, medical care, amenities and other issues. The Palestinian Authority security forces frequently block Palestinian protesters from reaching friction points with the IDF. It is unclear if the PA security forces will prevent protesters from accessing friction points of Friday. PA security forces spokesman Adnan al-Damiri did not respond to a request for comment. Fatah also called for a general strike on Thursday to support the hunger-strikers.
April 23, 2017



Headline: War of words escalates between Jordan, Iran

After Friday prayers April 14, Jordanians gathered in the northern city of Mafraq burning Iranian flags and pictures of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei while demanding the expulsion of Iran’s ambassador from the Hashemite Kingdom. The demonstrations came in response to a war of words between senior Jordanian and Iranian officials. In a wide-ranging interview with The Washington Post on April 6, King Abdullah II addressed the challenge of growing Israeli settlement construction while trying to fight terrorism. He warned, “These issues give ammunition to the Iranians, to [Islamic State leader Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadi and ISIS [Islamic State].” The remarks of Jordan’s monarch stunned many in Tehran because he seemed to equate the Iranian government with IS. The response from Iran was swift, with Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghassemi blasting Abdullah’s comments as “silly and careless,” reflecting his “ignorance and superficial” view. Jordan’s Foreign Ministry promptly summoned the Iranian ambassador in Amman, Mojtaba Ferdosipour, rebuking the Iranian envoy for his country’s verbal assault. Ghassemi’s words stung as Jordanians expect that those who oppose the country’s policies will criticize the government, not taunt the king himself, which is considered a red line in the Hashemite Kingdom. Beyond the rhetorical insults, the latest spat between Amman and Tehran reflects a genuine policy divide that is unlikely to disappear in the short term. Abdullah warned in the Post interview about Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps forces operating only 70 kilometers (43 miles) from Jordan’s borders, adding that non-state actors approaching Jordan will not be “tolerated.”
April 24, 2017


Headline: Hezbollah overpowers ISIL near Syrian border-crossing

Hezbollah turned the tables on the Islamic State (ISIL) forces in the Ras Ba’albak region of eastern Lebanon today, inflicting heavy damage on the aforementioned terrorist group’s defenses near the Syrian border-crossing. According to Hezbollah’s media wing, their forces targeted the Islamic State’s main base in the Al-Khabiyah area of Ras Ba’albak, killing wounding scores of terrorists in the process of their counter-assault. In addition to this attack, Hezbollah also targeted the Islamic State’s positions in the Jabal Al-Zuwiytene area of Ras Ba’albak.
April 24, 2017

Saudi Arabia

Headline:    Houthi missiles hit Saudi Army troops at southern border-crossing in Yemen

Yemen’s Houthi forces have reportedly fired a surface-to-surface missile that hit a gathering of soldiers at the Saudi border-crossing in Najran on Saturday. The Houthi missile force fire a mid-range ballistic missile, Qaher M2, at the Saudi Army gathering and its mercenaries at the Al Khazra’a crossing border in Najran, Arabic – language Al Masirah TV reported on its Facebook page. Al Masirah also reported that they fired two Uragan missiles along with a barrage of Katyusha rockets and artillery shells at the concentration of Saudi soldiers and its mercenaries in the same crossing point of Al Khazra’a. Yemeni army source has confirmed via Yemen state news agency (Saba) that the strikes have caused significant damage but without specifying whether it was material or human losses. The Saudi Ministry of Defence has not commented on the incident.
April 24, 2017


Headline: Free Syrian Army launches big offensive in northeast Damascus

he Free Syrian Army (FSA) launched a big offensive along the eastern slopes of the Qalamoun Mountains on Monday, targeting the area around the villages of Al-Mahsaa and Abou Al-Shamat. Led by their Ahmad ‘Abdo Brigade, Assoud Al-Sharqiyah Army, and Al-Quraytayn Martyrs Brigade, the Free Syrian Army stormed the Islamic State’s (ISIL) positions in the Al-Mahsaa area this morning in order to lift the siege over the eastern Qalamoun. According to the Free Syrian Army’s official media wing, their forces managed to capture many points today, forcing the Islamic State to retreat towards the Al-Badiya area of rural Damascus.
April 24, 2017

Headline: US-backed forces enter major ISIS-held Syria town

A U.S.-backed alliance of Arab-Kurdish forces entered the key jihadist-held town of Tabqa on Monday as they pursued their campaign against the Islamic State group in northern Syria. The Syrian Democratic Forces have set their sights on Tabqa and the adjacent dam as part of their broader offensive for the city of Raqqa, the Syrian heart of the extremists’ self-styled “caliphate” since 2014. Supported by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes and special forces advisers, the SDF surrounded Tabqa in early April. On Monday, they entered it for the first time, the opposition-aligned Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. “They seized control of several points in the town’s south and were advancing on its western edges,” said Observatory head Rami Abdel-Rahman. He said U.S.-led coalition warplanes were carrying out “intense” strikes in support of the offensive, but that one raid had killed three women and five children trying to flee Tabqa.
April 24, 2017

Headline: Al-Qaeda leader tells terrorists to prepare for long guerrilla war in Syria

The leader of international terrorist group Al-Qaeda has urged jihadists fighting in Syria to unite for a ‘holy war,’ and to use guerrilla tactics. Ayman Al Zawahri’s audio message was published by Al-Qaeda’s media arm, As-Sahab, on Monday, although it did not specify the time when the recording had been made, according to Reuters. The successor to Osama bin Laden said that the fighters must be patient and steadfast, preparing themselves for a long guerrilla war in Syria. The enemies he listed ranged from government forces and militias backed by the West, which jihadist extremists often call “crusaders,” to Alawites and Shiites, which the Sunni terrorists consider heretics. Al Zawahri also called on Muslims around the world to join the jihad. Militants of Al-Qaeda’s Syria affiliate, Al-Nusra Front (now self-styled Jabhat Fateh al-Sham), as well as Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISISL) terrorists, are in a years-long fight against government forces and their allies in Syria. Al-Nusra terrorists have lost control over much of the territories they had held previously, and now their share is “no more than 10-12 percent of the country,” Russian Ambassador to Syria Alexander Kinshchak told Sputnik, adding that most of its militants are now contained to the province of Idlib.
April 24, 2017


Headline: Post-ISIS, Iraqis debate US troops remaining in their country

Throughout the long history of what is now the Republic of Iraq the nation has been routinely invaded, occupied and battle-torn by both foreigners and its own despotic regimes, the most recent being ISIS. But once the Muslim extremists are driven from the country – which is likely to be the case in a few months or less – will the nation be ready to finally stand on its own? Or is a continued U.S. military presence a security necessity? “We are here at the request of the government of Iraq to aid in the defeat of ISIS,” a U.S. military spokesperson for Operation Inherent Resolve, the official name of the mission to defeat ISIS, told Fox News. “Future operations will be dependent upon the needs of the government of Iraq.” However, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis took a more affirmative stance last month when he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, stating that it would be an error to cite victory and simply leave, as was the case in 2011, and then “find the same lesson.” Similarly, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has voiced the importance of retaining U.S. troops to avoid an ISIS-type re-emergence. While these U.S. voices are in agreement, the matter deeply divides the Iraqi people themselves.
April 24, 2017

Headline: Militants Ambush Convoy With Off-duty Iraq Soldiers, Kill 10

Headline: 3 Iraqi Policemen Killed in Suicide Attack South of Mosul

Militants in Iraq ambushed a convoy of off-duty soldiers near a town in the country’s sprawling western desert, killing at least 10 and wounding 20, officials said on Monday. Iraqi Maj. Emad al-Dulaimi said the attack took place the night before near the town of Rutba. The militants were armed with assault rifles and rockets. Al-Dulaimi said he blamed the Islamic State group. The Islamic State group later in the day took responsibility for the attack. A statement on the IS-affiliated Aamaq news agency claimed 18 were killed in the ambush, including two officers. IS has carried out many similar attacks targeting Iraqi forces in the past months to detract from the ongoing battle between Iraqi forces and Islamic State militants in Mosul. Rutba lies about 390 kilometers west of Baghdad in the country’s vast Anbar province. It’s the last sizable town on the way to the border with Jordan.
April 24, 2017

Headline: Iraqi Army suffers heavy casualties due to ISIS raids across several province

Islamic State insurgents deployed hit-and-run operations to lethal effect this weekend, with so-called Inghimasi infiltration attacks targeting numerous military bases defended by garrisons of the Iraq Armed Forces. On Sunday, Amaq Agency claimed a twin suicide attack behind enemy lines killed 25 Iraqi troops near the town of Hamam al-Alil in the Nineveh governorate. Meanwhile, ISIS militants carried out a localized offensive near Tal Afar Airport, killing 17 members of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) and injuring an additional 13 soldiers. The ISIS outlet also said four PMU fighters were shot dead by sniper fire on the road between Baiji and Haditah in the Saladin governorate, north of Baghdad. With most of the Iraqi Army tied up in the ongoing Mosul offensive, jihadist fighters in western Anbar renewed their offensive on Rutbah, killing 18 PMU fighters and capturing 16 Iraqi troops in and around outposts north of the town.
April 24, 2017










Headline: EU could rethink Turkey ties: commissioner

The EU warned membership candidate Turkey on Monday of a review and possible “redefinition” of ties after a referendum granted President Recep Tayyip Erdogan extra powers. The warning from Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn came days before ministers from the 28 European Union countries are due to discuss the bloc’s troubled relationship with Ankara. “The time has come for a thorough assessment of EU-Turkey relations and perhaps redefinition,” Hahn said. The “current situation is not sustainable, neither for Turkey nor for us,” he said. “All options are open, including continuation of accession talks, of course. But for the latter, Turkey has to fulfil the criteria.”
April 24, 2017


Headline: A new report reveals Obama misled the public about a quiet giveaway to Iran.

The Obama White House’s high-profile prisoner swap with Iran in 2016 was a much bigger gift to Iran than the administration ever let on.That’s the takeaway from an investigative report from Politico published Monday, which details how the Obama administration deliberately obscured and downplayed the national security threat posed by the seven Iranian-born prisoners and 14 fugitives freed as part of a deal to bring back five American prisoners held captive in Iran. A number of them were involved in helping Iran procure lethal technology for its military, and at least one of them was accused of helping Iran procure critical equipment for the very nuclear programs the Obama administration was trying to halt with the nuclear deal it struck the year before, according to the article. If fully substantiated, the report would underscore that the White House was willing to go to extraordinary lengths in order to keep Iran on board with the nuclear deal — so far, in fact, that it was willing to undermine its own efforts to track and crack down on Iranian weapons programs. It would also mean the White House was willing to mislead the American public in order to do so.
April 24, 2017


Headline: Bomb attack hits US base in eastern Afghanistan

Headline: Top officials say US must confront Russia for arming Taliban

Headline: Afghan defense minister, Army chief of staff resign after deadly suicide assault

Suspected Taliban insurgents on Monday attacked a US-operated base in Afghanistan’s eastern province of Khost, officials said, but gave few immediate details of an assault that coincided with a visit to Kabul by US Secretary of Defense James Mattis. The attackers had detonated a car bomb at an entrance to Camp Chapman, a secretive facility manned by US forces and private military contractors, said Mubarez Mohammad Zadran, a spokesman for the provincial governor. But he had little immediate information on any damage or casualties. “I am aware of a car bomb attack at one of the gates in the US base, but we are not allowed there to get more details,” the spokesman said. A spokesman for the US military in Afghanistan, Capt. William Salvin, confirmed the car bomb attack. He said there appeared to be a number of Afghan casualties but none among US or coalition personnel at the base. The attack came just three days after more than 140 Afghan soldiers were killed in an attack on their base by Taliban fighters disguised in military uniforms.
April 24, 2017,7340,L-4953186,00.html


Headline: Libya’s warring sides reach diplomatic breakthrough in Rome

Rome has brokered a diplomatic breakthrough in Libya that has the potential to bring the two main warring sides together in a new political agreement after years of division, fighting and economic misery. The scale of the breakthrough will be tested later this week, but Italy is hailing a compromise brokered between the presidents of the house of representatives, Ageela Saleh, and the state council, Abdulrahman Sewehli. The meeting was overseen by the Italian foreign minister, Angelino Alfano, and the Italian ambassador to Libya. According to a statement from the state council, “there was an atmosphere of friendliness and openness” at the meeting in Rome. The statement also said there would have to be further consultations between the two sides this week in order to bring about reconciliation “and stop the bleeding as well as [ensure] the return of displaced persons”.
April 24, 2017 


Headline:    Venezuela protest death toll rises as injured woman dies

Headline: Venezuela’s plan to arm civilians sparks fear that criminals will acquire missiles

A woman who was injured during a pro-government march in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, has died, ombudsman Tarek Saab said on Sunday. The 47-year-old woman was hit by a bottle of frozen water thrown from a building at government supporters, Mr Saab tweeted [in Spanish]. Ten people have been killed in pro- and anti-government demonstrations this month so far. Another 11 people died on Friday when a bakery was looted in Caracas. Tension has risen sharply in Venezuela following a controversial decision on 29 March by the country’s Supreme Court to take over the powers of the opposition-dominated National Assembly.Critics of the government said the ruling undermined the country’s separation of powers and took Venezuela a step closer to one-man rule under President Nicolas Maduro. Meanwhile, The Venezuelan government’s decision to arm civilians to defend the country’s socialist revolution amid growing unrest is rekindling fears of terrorists and criminal organizations acquiring part of the nation’s arsenal, which include a large stockpile of shoulder-fired, surface-to-air missiles. Experts and U.S. policy makers are concerned about the risk that some of these missiles — as well as thousands of modern assault rifles and banned anti-personnel mines — might fall in the hands of criminal groups under President Nicolás Maduro’s regime, with its rampant corruption, its lack of internal controls and the country’s rapidly deteriorating conditions.
April 24, 2017

Headline: Somali Forces Targeted in Roadside Bomb Blast

Nine Somali sliders were killed and five others were injured after a massive roadside explosion targeted their vehicle in Galgala, officials said. The explosion occurred mid-morning Sunday during a routine operation by the Puntland security forces in the Galgala Mountains. Spokesman for Puntland police in Galgala, Major Abdirahman Farah Gurhan, told VOA Somali that the vehicle was transporting 17 soldiers when it was hit by the improvised explosive device. The site of the blast is about 57 kilometers southwest of Bosaso port town. “Nine soldiers died, five others are injured, they were riding a military vehicle when it exploded,” Gurhan said. He said the victims include members of the security forces from police, military and maritime forces. He said only driver and two officers survived. The al-Shabab militant group claimed responsibility for the attack.
April 23, 2017

Headline: Scores arrested in violent Paris election night protests

Police said Monday they arrested more than 100 people after election night unrest in Paris, with protesters hurling bottles at security forces, torching cars and smashing shop windows. Six police officers and three protesters were slightly injured in the violence in central Paris, police said, adding that 143 people were arrested, with 29 held overnight. Hundreds of youths gathered to protest against far-right leader Marine Le Pen and former banker Emmanuel Macron, who both qualified Sunday for the May 7 run-off in France’s two-stage presidential election.  The “anti-fascist, anti-capitalist” demonstrations were held in several French cities including central Lyon, southwestern Bordeaux and the western cities of Nantes and Rennes.
April 24, 2017

Headline: Kashmir students, Indian forces clash as protests continue

Anti-India protests have triggered clashes between students and government forces in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir, as authorities reopened schools after a weeklong suspension of classes.
Government forces used tear gas and water cannons to stop students from marching on Monday in the main commercial area in Srinagar, the key city in Indian-controlled Kashmir. The students retaliated by hurling rocks and breaching the barricades set up by police and paramilitary soldiers. Some students were reportedly injured in the clashes.
April 24, 2017


Headline:   North Korea says it is ready to strike U.S. aircraft carrier

Headline: Trump holds unusual meeting with UN Security Council amid mounting tensions over North Korea

Headline: Report: Nuclear-powered USS Michigan to arrive in South Korea

North Korea said on Sunday it was ready to sink a U.S. aircraft carrier to demonstrate its military might, in the latest sign of rising tension as U.S. President Donald Trump prepared to call the leaders of China and Japan.The United States ordered the USS Carl Vinson carrier strike group to sail to waters off the Korean peninsula in response to mounting concern over the North’s nuclear and missile tests, and its threats to attack the United States and its Asian allies.The U.S. government has not specified where the carrier strike group is as it approaches the area. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Saturday it would arrive “within days,” but gave no other details.North Korea remained defiant. “Our revolutionary forces are combat-ready to sink a U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a single strike,” the Rodong Sinmun, the newspaper of the North’s ruling Workers’ Party, said in a commentary. Meanwhile, U.S. President Donald Trump was expected to focus on rising tensions with North Korea as he hosted members of the UN Security Council at the White House on April 24. The meeting was seen as highly unusual given reports of military movements in northeast Asia but also because of Trump’s harsh criticism of the UN during the 2016 campaign and proposed deep cuts in the U.S. contribution to the UN in the president’s budget outline.
April 24, 2017


Headline:   “The Retail Bubble Has Now Burst”: A Record 8,640 Stores Are Closing In 2017

Headline: Retailers Are Going Bankrupt at a Record Pace

The devastation in the US retail sector is accelerating in 2017, and in addition to the surging number of brick and mortar retail bankruptcies, it is perhaps nowhere more obvious than in the soaring number of store closures. While the shuttering of retail stores has been a frequent topic on this website, most recently in the context of the next “big short”, namely the ongoing deterioration in the mall REITs and associated Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities and CDS, here is a stunning fact from Credit Suisse:”Barely a quarter into 2017, year-to-date retail store closings have already surpassed those of 2008.” According to the Swiss bank’s calculations, on a unit basis, approximately 2,880 store closings were announced YTD, more than twice as many closings as the 1,153 announced during the same period last year. Historically, roughly 60% of store closure announcements occur in the first five months of the year. By extrapolating the year-to-date announcements, CS estimates that there could be more than 8,640 store closings this year, which will be higher than the historical 2008 peak of approximately 6,200 store closings, which suggests that for brick-and-mortar stores stores the current transition period is far worse than the depth of the credit crisis depression.
April 24, 2017


April 19, 2017 –Fish in Lamsae Dam lake in Khon Buri district Thailand dying by the hundreds

April 19, 2017 – Dead fish surface at Taramatipet lake India

April 20, 2017 – Contagious virus causing fish die-off in Lake St. Clair Michigan

April 20, 2017 – Thousands of fish found dead in Mandi’s Rewalsar Lake India

April 21, 2017 –Masses of Asian Carp are dying off, ‘unknown reason’, in Kentucky Lake

April 21, 2017 –Algae toxin killing marine mammals along California coast

April 23, 2017 –Thousands of dead fish in Cartersville park lake Georgia

April 23, 2017 –1,200 tons of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh


April 23, 2017 – Bees are dying in Colombo and Gampaha districts


Headline:   Jilin reports first H7N9 infection in 2017

Northeast China’s Jilin has reported the province’s first human infection of the H7N9 strain of bird flu. A 34-year-old male patient from Tonghua city is in severe condition and receiving treatment in hospital, according to the provincial health and family planning commission. H7N9 is a bird flu strain first reported to have infected humans in China in March 2013. Infections are most likely to occur in winter and spring. Disease control and prevention experts have said that the H7N9 virus cannot not be transmitted from person to person. Experts recommend that people avoid contact with dead and live poultry, and only buy poultry with quarantine certificates.
April 24, 2017


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~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

April 21, 2017- The Signs Coming in September

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 20, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the prophecy sign for all Bible verses & videos ~

On April 22, 2017 this report was filed: PSAF Is The New Pandemic Severity Index


Headline:     Israeli Army Strikes in Syria After Mortar Shells Hit Israeli Golan Heights

Three Syrian mortar shells exploded in the Israeli Golan Heights on Friday, causing no damage. The Israeli army attacked the positions from which the mortar shells were fired in the Syrian Golan Heights, the army said in a statement. The first mortar shell fell around 5 P.M. near the Syrian border, and about an hour later a rocket siren was sounded in the area, followed shortly by two more mortar shells. The Israeli army said it was likely that the fire was not intentional, but was spillover from the Syrian civil war.Earlier this month a teenaged girl was hit by an errant bullet from Syria in the Israeli town of Alonei Habashan.
April 21, 2017

Headline: Syria: Israeli retaliation proof it supports rebels

Syria claimed on Friday that Israel’s retaliation for the explosion of mortar shells in the Golan Heights was proof that Israel provides assistance to rebels trying to topple Bashar Al-Assad’s regime. In a statement quoted by the official Syrian news agency SANA, a Syrian military source confirmed that Israel struck a military position in the Quneitra region. The strike caused “material damage”, according to the statement. The source said that the Israeli “aggression” came after an attempt by “terrorists” to infiltrate military positions in Quneitra was foiled. This, claimed the source, proves that Israel provides direct support to “terrorist organizations”. The Assad regime uses the term “terrorists” to describe all the rebel groups trying to oust the president.
April 21, 2017



Headline: Jordan Planning to Deploy Troops in Syria in Coordination With US – Assad

Headline: Jordan rejects Assad claim it plans to send troops to Syria

The Syrian government is aware that Jordan is planning to deploy troops on its territory in coordination with the United States, Syrian President Bashar Assad told Sputnik. “We have such information, but anyway Jordan was part of the American plan since the beginning of the war in Syria,” Bashar said. He maintained that, “it’s the United States who defines the plans, who defines the players, and who endorses everything regarding Syria coming from Jordan, and many of the terrorists coming from Jordan, and of course Turkey, since day one of the war in Syria.” The statement comes following the talks between US President Donald Trump and Jordanian King Abdullah II earlier in April. The two leaders held a bilateral meeting at the White House on crucial Middle East issues, such as means to defeat Daesh terrorist group. Jordan is a part of the US-led coalition against Daesh, which is conducting airstrikes against Daesh in Syria without the approval of Syrian authorities and the UN, thus, violating the international law.
April 21, 2017,7340,L-4952002,00.html


Headline: Hezbollah Border Tour Illustrates Standoff With Israel

Headline: UNIFIL: Hezbollah did not let us know in advance about border tour

With their Kalashnikovs and anti-aircraft missiles pointing outward, the Hezbollah militants peered at journalists from an orange grove in a village on the Israeli border. “No photos!” a Hezbollah official ordered after almost all had taken pictures of the unusual peacetime scene. Thursday’s odd encounter was part of a south Lebanon media tour that Hezbollah organized. The objective was to highlight Israeli defensive measures taken in the past year along the southern frontier. The choreographed outing also was meant to send a message to Israel: Hezbollah is here and ready in case of a war. The tour was the first since an inconclusive monthlong war with Israel in 2006. It came amid heightened tensions along the border, with each side promising to inflict massive casualties on the other in any conflict. In the past month, Israel has unveiled a plan to evacuate up to a quarter-million civilians from border communities in case of attacks from Hezbollah or other Islamic militant groups. It held a drill at a base in northern Israel simulating a Lebanese village and an urban warfare environment that Israeli troops struggled with in 2006.
April 21, 2017,7340,L-4952018,00.html

Headline: Lebanese PM Asks UN to Help Seek Permanent Truce with Israel

Headline: Lebanese PM criticizes Hezbollah’s press tour on Israel border

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri asked the United Nations on Friday to help Lebanon and Israel move towards a permanent ceasefire and end what he called Israel’s “continuous violations” of Lebanese territory. Israel and Lebanon’s Shi’ite Hezbollah group fought a month-long war in 2006 that concluded with a cessation of hostilities but without a formal peace deal. “I urge the U.N. secretary general to support efforts to secure, as soon as possible, a state of permanent ceasefire. This is long overdue and my government is committed to move this agenda forward,” Hariri said. Hariri was speaking on a visit to south Lebanon a day after Hezbollah officials staged a media tour near the same area to view what they said were recent Israeli fortifications on the border and to state their preparedness in case of any new war.
April 21, 2017

Headline:    ISIS claims responsibility for Paris attack that killed 1 police officer and wounded 2 more

ISIS claimed responsibility for an attack on police officers on the Champs-Élysées in Paris Thursday evening that left one officer dead and two others wounded. The terrorist group released a message through its news agency Amaq saying that the attacker was “one of the fighters for the Islamic State.” The assailant was killed but has not been publicly identified, a police spokesperson said. French President François Hollande said that one bystander was injured during a shootout between police and the attacker and that the leads so far indicated the attack was of a “terrorist nature.” French Interior Ministry spokesman Pierre-Henri Brandet said during a press briefing that a man exited his car and started a shooting at a police car with an automatic weapon around 9 p.m. The attacker continued shooting at police as he attempted to flee the scene and was killed by police in an exchange of gunfire, Brandet said. A terrorism investigation into the attack had been opened, the Paris prosecutor’s office said. Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said that Parisians would not not give in to the threat of terrorism.
April 21, 2017


Headline:    Taliban Bombers Assault Northern Afghan Military Base

Headline: More than 50 feared dead in Taliban attack on Afghan forces base – US military

Clashes are raging at a military base in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif after Taliban insurgents assaulted the facility Friday afternoon, said Afghan officials and insurgents. Local officials in Mazar-I-Sharif have now confirmed at least 8 security personnel were killed and more than 10 others wounded in the attack in the capital of relatively peaceful Balkh province. They said Afghan forces have ended the siege after killing the attackers, some of whom were in security forces’ uniforms. Witnesses told VOA the assailants arrived at the military facility on board two Afghan army vehicles. Afghan media quoted witnesses as saying the attack left at least 10 security personnel dead. But several hours after the siege began, Afghan officials have provided little information to reporters. The Taliban took credit for the violence, saying a group of its fighters with explosives strapped to their bodies staged the coordinated raid.
April 21, 2017

Headline: Venezuelan authorities say 12 killed, 6 injured in overnight violence

At least 12 people were killed overnight following looting and violence in Venezuela’s capital amid a spiralling political crisis in the South American country, authorities said Friday. The Public Ministry confirmed the deaths Friday and said another six were hurt. Most of the deaths took place in El Valle, where opposition leaders say 13 people were hit with an electrical current while trying to loot a bakery protected by an electric fence. Earlier Friday, officials reported that a young Venezuelan man returning home late from work on Thursday had been fatally shot when he got caught in the middle of late-night street clashes that engulfed several working-class neighbourhoods in Caracas. Melvin Guitan died in a poor neighbourhood in eastern Caracas amid the almost-daily, increasingly violent protests against President Nicolas Maduro.The outburst of violence followed a second straight day of major demonstrations Thursday that saw tens of thousands of Venezuelans flood into the streets to demand elections and denounce what they consider a dictatorial government.
April 21, 2017

Headline: Boko Haram kills eight Nigerian soldiers, loots army base

The insurgent Islamist group Boko Haram attacked a Nigerian army base, killing at least eight soldiers, a Nigerian newspaper reported Friday. The army base at Sabon Gari, in northeastern Borno state, was sacked in two attacks, which began Monday when 200 Boko Haram fighters arrived on motorcycles and trucks with artillery guns, the Premium Times reported Friday. Five Nigerian soldiers were killed and four remain missing. Another assault Thursday, an ambush against troops on patrol, killed three more soldiers. The Boko Haram forces also removed weapons and ammunition from the base armory. The Nigerian army offered no confirmation of the attack. On Tuesday it reported that six Boko Haram insurgents were killed in an army clearance operation in Borno state.
April 21, 2017


Headline:   South Korea on heightened alert as North Korea readies for army anniversary

Headline: Japanese destroyers join US strike group amid tensions on Korean Peninsula

South Korea was on heightened alert on Friday ahead of another important anniversary in North Korea, with a large concentration of military hardware amassed on both sides of the border amid concerns about a new nuclear test by Pyongyang. North Korea will mark the 85th anniversary of the foundation of its Korean People’s Army on Tuesday, as it concludes winter military drills at the same time as U.S. and South Korean exercises running until the end of April, South Korea’s Unification Ministry spokesman Lee Duk-haeng said. “It is a situation where a lot of exercise equipment is amassed in North Korea and also a lot of strategic assets are situated on the Korean peninsula because of the South Korea-U.S. military drills,” Lee told a briefing. “We are closely watching the situation,” he said, adding that South Korea would not let its guard down. North Korea said on Friday the state of affairs on the Korean peninsula was “extremely perilous” because of “madcap American nuclear war maneuvers aimed at trampling on our sovereignty and right to survival.” Tensions have risen sharply in recent months after North Korea conducted two nuclear weapons tests last year and carried out a steady stream of ballistic missile tests. U.S. President Donald Trump has vowed to prevent North Korea from being able to hit the United States with a nuclear missile.
April 21, 2017 


Headline:   Venezuela Only Has $10 Billion Left in Reserves

Headline: Amid Venezuela Protests, G.M. Plant Is Seized, and Company Exits

Amid all of Venezuela’s problems, the country is running out of time and money. Venezuela only has $10 billion in reserves — the cash that’s intended to keep an economy stable and weather tough times. What’s worse: most of those reserves aren’t in hard cash. About $7 billion is in gold bars, which doesn’t make it easy to make payments. And Venezuela has a lot of bills to pay soon. It owes $6 billion in debt payments for the rest of this year. There’s also no sign that the country’s lone source of revenue — oil exports — will be able to pay down those debts. At the end of the day, Venezuela is running the risk of defaulting on its debt this year, meaning it wouldn’t be able to get more loans to pay for basics like food and medicine, which are in scarce supply. In 2011, Venezuela had $30 billion in the bank. As recently as 2015, it had $20 billion. The worsening financial picture underscores Venezuela’s problems. Violent, anti-government protests killed three people Wednesday, and more protests are scheduled for the weekend. Armed forces met protesters with tear gas and shots. Meanwhile, Venezuelan authorities seized the General Motors local vehicle assembly plant. America’s largest automaker said it had been forced to cease operations in Venezuela because of an “illegal judicial seizure of its assets” and would lay off its 2,700 workers there.
April 21, 2017


Headline:   Russia bans Jehovah’s Witnesses as ‘extremist’

Russia’s Supreme Court issued a ruling Thursday banning Jehovah’s Witnesses and seizing their property after the justice ministry called on it to dissolve the Christian group as an “extremist organization.” Supreme Court judge Yury Ivanenko said Russia had decided to close down “the administrative center of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the local organizations in its fold and turn their property over to Russia.” The decision comes after the ministry said it had found signs of “extremist activity” within the religious movement and requested that it be banned. “They represent a threat to the rights of the people, to public order and public safety,” Russian news agencies quoted justice ministry representative Svetlana Borisova as saying. The religious movement, which has 395 centers across Russia, has vowed to appeal the decision. “I’m shocked,” Yaroslav Sivulsky, who represents the group’s administrative center, told reporters. “I didn’t expect that this could be possible in modern Russia, where the constitution guarantees freedom of religious practice.”

April 21, 2017


Headline: Solar flare spewing from mega hole in the Sun could cause blackout mayhem

A GIANT fissure has opened across the Sun and is spewing rapid solar winds toward our planet. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory got wind of the massive hole on Friday morning.This coronal hole is a vast region where the Sun’s magnetic field tears apart, allowing solar wind to escape. Super-charged solar winds flowing from the Sun’s atmosphere are expected to reach Earth on April 23 or 24. According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, this could whip up a “moderately strong” geomagnetic storm.These kinds of storms are behind the beautiful natural phenomenon, the Northern Lights. But a storm of this magnitude could have an effect on power grids and navigation systems across the Earth’s surface. G2 storms affect plane and military radio systems, spacecraft operations and could trigger voltage alarms or cause equipment damage in power systems. Scientists are growing increasingly concerned over the effect a solar explosion, flare or storm could have on humanity.
****Please note this did not cause the power outage in San Francisco; that outage was caused by a circuit breaker igniting and causing an explosion
April 21, 2017

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


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Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

April 20, 2017 Millions of chickens around the world are being killed as Bird Flu even strikes humans


 free    Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 20 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora



Bird Deaths So Far In 2017

Jan. 3, 2017 – Dozens of birds fall dead from sky in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, America.



Jan. 4, 2017 – Hundreds of thousands of ducks to be killed due to avian flu across France.


Jan. 5, 2017 – 20,000+ chickens killed due to avian flu in Yunlin, Taiwan.


Jan. 5, 2017 – 350,000 birds to be killed due to avian flu in Quilpue Chile.



Jan. 9, 2017 – 80 swans have died due to avian flu in Dorset, England.


Jan. 16, 2017 – Avian Flu Kills Wild Birds in Uganda, Catastrophe Imminent Ministry Says, Uganda.


Jan. 12, 2017 – 10,000 birds dead due to avian flu in Odessa, Ukraine.



Jan. 14, 2017 – 430,000 birds to be killed due to avian flu in Southern Bulgaria.



Jan. 17, 2017 – Dozens of pelicans are dying in Riviera Bay, St. Petersburg, Florida, America.


Jan. 18, 2017 – 28,000 hens dead due to avian flu in Southern Greece.


Jan. 19, 2017 – Mass death of wild birds reported around Lake Victoria, Uganda.



Jan. 20, 2017 – 600,000 chickens killed due to avian flu in Astrakhan, Russia.


Jan. 20, 2017 – 800,000 ducks killed due to avian flu in Southwest France.



Jan. 23, 2017 – Thousands of dead herring found washed up in Bjorndal fjord, Norway.


Jan. 23, 2017 – 3,000+ birds killed due to avian flu in Dhaka, Bangladesh



Jan. 26, 2017 – Disease killing hundreds of birds in Washington


Jan. 27, 2017 – 3,700 dead birds found in the waters of Sacramento


Jan. 27, 2017 – Mass sea gull deaths, paralyzations at Port of Tacoma mystify biologists, USA.


Jan. 28, 2017 – Over 10,000 pheasants to be killed due to avian flu in Lancashire, England


Jan. 30, 2017 – Mass Gull Death at Port Stumps Scientists, USA.


February 6, 2017 – Thousands of ducks dying from disease in Washington, America.


February 6, 2017 – 71,000 chickens killed due to avian flu in Saga, Japan.


February 6, 2017 – Hundreds of dead sea birds found washed up on the coast of Huanchaco, Peru


February 8, 2017 – 20,000 ducks killed due to avian flu in southern Czech Republic


February 8, 2017 – 20,000 ducks killed due to avian flu in southern Czech Republic


February 8, 2017 – Deadly virus causes another mass die-off of endangered Saiga antelopes


February 13,  2017 – Taiwan bird flu culls reach nearly 130,000 as H5N6 cases confirmed, Taiwan


February 13,  2017  –  Hundreds of bats ‘cooked’ in trees during New South Wales heatwave, Australia


February 13,  2017 –  Dozens of dead owls showing up along I-84 IN Idaho, USA


February 14, 2017 –  Slaughter of 23,000 chickens starts at bird flu farm, England


February 15, 2017 – dead birds appearing in Magnitogorsk, Russia


February 21, 2017-–  Bird flu returns to Vietnam; outbreaks kill thousands of poultry


February 21, 2017-–  600k ducks to be slaughtered in France due to bird flu


February 21, 2017 –  More than 500 waterfowl found dead near Parma Idaho


February 21, 2017 –  China’s H7N9 bird flu mutates, no immediate added threat to human


February 22, 2017 –  Thousands of birds slaughtered in South Korea avian flu outbreak


February 27, 2017 – The outbreak of bird flu forced the slaughter of birds on two other farms in Sant Gregori Spain


February 27, 2017 – Bird Flu Kills 42,000 Birds During Attacks On Plateau Farms Nigeria


February 27, 2017 – New outbreaks of bird flu in Lithuania, Czech Republic and Rep. of Ireland


March 3, 2017 –  Birds to be culled after avian flu outbreak Suffolk England


March 6, 2017 –  Bird flu found at Tyson Foods chicken supplier Tennessee


March 9, 2017 – Vietnam slaughters 23,000 chickens following latest bird flu outbreak


March 13, 2017 – H5N1, H5N6 Bird Flu Cases Detected in Viet Nam, over 4,000 birds killed


March 13, 2017 – Nepal reports severe H5N8 bird flu


March 14, 2017 – Poultry breeder Aviagen culls U.S. flock over bird flu fears–finance.html


March 15, 2017 – Kelantan declares ‘disaster’ over bird flu spread; no human infections so far, Malaysa 


March 16, 2017 – Bird Flu Hits Another Tennessee Chicken Farm Liniked to Tyson


March 18, 2017 – Kaohsiung duck farm infected with bird flu, Taiwan


March 22, 2017 – Bird flu confirmed in 3 Southern states, including Kentucky, USA


March 23, 2017 – Hundreds of birds found dead in Zihuatanejo beach Mexico


March 26, 2017 – Bird flu toll in Miyagi, Chiba Japan to 270,000 chickens


March 27, 2017 – Over 13,000 birds dead due to bird flu on Chiayi Taiwan poultry farm


March 27, 2017 – Bird flu found in Georgia chicken flock, USA–regional-govt–politics/bird-flu-found-georgia-chicken-flock/DGgBp1sUhctO6JLDLLyIFJ/


April 3, 2017 – Death toll rising for birds in Atlanta, USA


April 18, 2017 – Four provinces in Việt Nam infected with bird flu, Vietnam

April 19, 2017- ISIS and Al Qaeda Merging?

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 18, 2017 Edition written by Frank DiMora

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Headline:    Russian envoy, Foreign Ministry to discuss recognition of J’lem as capital

Russia’s Ambassador to Israel Alexander Shein is expected to meet in the coming days with senior Foreign Ministry officials to discuss the significance of its surprise announcement earlier this month to recognize west Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state. Shein is expected to tell his interlocutors that Moscow now recognizes west Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and that it expects that east Jerusalem will be the capital of a Palestinian state in any future agreement.  Though Russia is the first country in the world to recognize west Jerusalem as the capital, its decision does not mean that it will move its embassy from Tel Aviv. Moscow’s position is that even with this recognition, it remains committed to UN Security Council Resolution 478 from 1980 that slammed Israel for adopting the Jerusalem Law declaring united Jerusalem as its capital, and that called on all countries to move their embassies out of the city.
April 19, 2017

Headline: Abbas: Ready to Meet Netanyahu Under Trump’s Patronage in Washington

Headline: Report: Trump to demand PA stop paying terror family salaries

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says he is prepared to hold a trilateral meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “I am ready to meet the prime minister of Israel any time in Washington under the patronage of President Trump,” the Palestinian leader told the Japanese Asahi Shimbun daily. The White House announced Wednesday that Trump will be meeting Abbas in Washington on May 3. At his daily briefing, Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters that in his meeting with the Palestinian president, the two leaders would discuss ways to restart the peace process in an effort to reach an agreement that would end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. A senior Palestinian delegation that includes senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat and Majid Faraj, the head of the Palestinian general intelligence service, will leave for Washington on Sunday to prepare for the Trump-Abbas summit.
April 19, 2017

Headline:     Syrian Army fully controls Zabadani Mountains for first time since 2011

For the first time since the start of the Syrian Conflict, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is in full control of the Al-Zabadani Mountains (Western Mountains) in western Damascus. Nearly two years after the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah launched their offensive operations to retake Al-Zabadani, the jihadist rebels freely surrendered the town in exchange for transportation to the Jarabuus border-crossing in northern Aleppo. Prior to leaving Al-Zabadani today, the jihadist rebels of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham set ablaze several neighborhoods inside this mountainous town; it is believed the militants were burning their ammunition warehouses so that the Syrian Arab Army would not confiscate their supply. With the Al-Zabadani Mountains fully under their control, the Syrian Arab Army has successfully secured another Lebanese border region, while only leaving one town (Beit Jinn) under jihadist possession near the Golan Heights.
April 19, 2017


Headline: One Injured in Ramming Attack in Gush Etzion

A Palestinian terrorist rammed his car into a bus stop in Gush Etzion, south of Jerusalem, injuring one civilian . IDF troops on the scene opened fire, killing the attacker. Paramedics reported that a 60-year-old man was taken to the hospital with head wounds. Gush Etzion Junction is a major shopping area where Arabs and Jews mingle. Approximately 70,000 Jews live in the area, which is a fifteen minute drive from Jerusalem. The junction has been the scene of many attacks since the current wave of violence began more than one and a half years ago.A wave of street attacks by Palestinians in Israel, Jerusalem and the Israeli-occupied West Bank since October 2015 has killed 37 Israelis, two American tourists and a British student. Many news services are presenting headlines that highlight the death of the Palestinian assailant at the hands of IDF troops while omitting or downplaying that he was killed after ramming his car int0 civilians, or referring to it as an “alleged attack”.
April 19, 2017

Headline: Palestinians threaten ‘new intifada’ if hunger strikers die

Palestinian leaders on Wednesday denounced Israel’s refusal to negotiate with Palestinians on hunger strike in Israeli jails, warning of a “new intifada” if any of them die. Some 1,500 Palestinian prisoners have joined the hunger strike that began Monday, according to Issa Qaraqe, head of detainees’ affairs for the Palestinian Authority. Israel’s prison service declined to comment on the number. The hunger strike has been led by Palestinian arch-terrorist Marwan Barghouti, who is serving five life sentences for his role in the murder of hundreds of Israelis during the second intifada. Barghouti headed the Tanzim, the military arm of the Fatah organization headed by Yassir Arafat and was an outspoken supporter of terror attacks and suicide attacks against Israelis. Qaraqe said the strike followed months of attempts at negotiations with Israeli authorities. “If their demands are not met, more prisoners will join the strike,” he threatened.”We have asked the international community and the UN to intervene immediately.” He added that if prisoners die, “that could lead to a new intifada.”
April 19, 2017


Saudi Arabia

Headline: US, Saudi Arabia Affirm Cooperation in Countering ‘Iran’s Mischief’

The United States is pledging support for Saudi efforts to counter Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region. During talks Wednesday in Riyadh, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis emphasized to his Saudi counterpart, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, the importance of cooperating and boosting Saudi security in order to “reinforce Saudi Arabia’s resistance to Iran’s mischief.” “We are not leaving this region, but at the same time it is in our interest to see a strong Saudi Arabia military, security services and secret services,” Mattis told reporters. “So what we can do here today could actually open the door possibly to bringing our president to Saudi Arabia.”On Wednesday, the Saudi defense minister told Mattis, “we greatly value the leadership of President Trump.” He also said the two countries will work to “curb and counter all the challenges in the region, either when it comes to the curbing of the fighting terrorist organizations or the malign activities of Iran that continues to unsettle the world.” In remarks to Pentagon reporters following Wednesday’s talks with Saudi officials, Mattis praised Saudi Arabia’s regional leadership role in restoring stability in the Middle East. While in Riyadh, Mattis also called for the crisis in Saudi Arabia’s neighbor, Yemen, to go before a United Nations-brokered negotiating team in order to “politically” resolve the country’s raging civil war.
April 19, 2017

Headline: Pentagon chief warns of Yemen ‘Hezbollah’

Headline: U.S. May Bolster Saudis’ Fight Against Rebels in Yemen

US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis warned Wednesday of Iranian efforts to create a Yemeni militia “in the image” of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, after talks with officials in Saudi Arabia. The kingdom leads an Arab coalition which for two years has been fighting in support of Yemen’s government against rebels backed by Iran. Saudi officials have accused Tehran and the Lebanese Shiite militant group, which Iran supports, of aiding the Huthi rebels. Mattis told reporters of the need to overcome Iran’s efforts “in destabilising yet another country and create another militia in the image” of Hezbollah.Pentagon officials believe members of the Quds Force, the foreign operations wing of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, are in Yemen to help the Huthis. Hezbollah, a powerful political movement in Lebanon, is fighting alongside government forces in Syria and has been declared a “terrorist organisation” by Riyadh. Washington provides intelligence as well as aerial refuelling to coalition warplanes conducting air strikes in Yemen with American-supplied weapons. But after talks with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman and Defence Minister and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Mattis did not indicate if President Donald Trump’s administration was considering an increase in that support.
April 19, 2017


Headline: ISIS claims attack on Egypt police checkpoint

The Islamic State extremist group has claimed responsibility for an attack on an Egyptian police checkpoint near the famed Saint Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai late Tuesday which authorities said killed one policeman and wounded four. The militants opened fire from an elevated hilltop overlooking the police checkpoint just outside the monastery, which is located in a remote desert and mountainous area in the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula, according to a statement by the Interior Ministry. After an exchange of gunfire, the attackers fled the scene, the ministry said, adding that some of the gunmen were wounded in the shootout. No further details were immediately available.
April 19, 2017,7340,L-4950721,00.html

Headline:     UN seeks top role in Syria crisis, but its record is sketchy

The United Nations’ renewed efforts to play a lead role in settling the Syria crisis have only renewed questions about the world body’s shortcomings keeping a check on the Assad regime so far.  The U.N. and Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons – an independent organization that works with it – led the operation to remove and destroy Syria’s chemical weapons in 2013 under an agreement between the Obama administration and Russia. Then-President Barack Obama chose the U.N.-led option after Bashar Assad used chemical weapons near Damascus in 2013. In his 2014 State of the Union address, Obama hailed the process as a diplomatic victory, proclaiming “Syria’s chemical weapons are being eliminated.” The declaration was premature. Following a chemical weapons attack in Idlib province earlier this month, which the U.S. believes was carried out by the Assad regime, the Trump administration responded by launching strikes on an Assad-controlled airfield. But despite the apparent failure to oversee a complete weapons purge, Russia once again wants the U.N.-OPCW to take the lead. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov last week called on the groups to investigate the use of chemical weapons in Idlib and the site of the U.S. strikes.
April 19, 2017


Headline: Syria moves all its fighter jets to Russian base

Headline: Washington still working with Moscow to avoid military clash in Syria: Mattis

Syria has moved all its fighter aircraft to the Russian Hmeimim air base in Latakia three weeks after 59 US Tomahawk cruise missiles knocked out one-fifth of its air force at the Shayrat base, in retaliation for a chemical attack on civilians in Idlib. This was reported Wednesday night, April 19, by the Pentagon. The Russian high command in Syria has its seat at that base. debkafile’s military sources report that the Syrian air force will operate henceforth under Russian protection and behind the advanced Russian S-300 and S-400 air defense shield without fear of US reprisals. President Vladimir Putin’s response to the Trump administration’s call to distance Moscow from the Assad regime is therefore a flat rejection. He is instead fortifying Russian support for that regime. The upsurge of Russian-US military tension places at risk the operational coordination accords prevailing between the air forces of Russia, the US and Israel in Syrian skies. Syrian operational staff officers working in Hmeimim will now have access to the advanced Russian surveillance instruments tracking the movements of all foreign aircraft moving through Syrian air space. Syrian intelligence officers will also be close to Russian SIGINT facilities which the Russian spy agency GRU has installed there. In other words, by a single move, the Russians have substantially upgraded the Syrian air force’s operational and intelligence capabilities.
April 19, 2017

Headline: Syria war: Evacuations resume after deadly bombing

Evacuations from two government-held areas of Syria have resumed, monitors and reports say, days after an attack on a convoy carrying evacuees killed 126 people, many of them children. Some 3,000 people have left the north-western villages of Foah and Kefraya, which have been surrounded by rebels. Meanwhile, buses have moved dozens of others from Zabadani, near Damascus, under siege by pro-government forces. Security has been tight after Saturday’s attack near Aleppo.Last week’s attack was caused by a vehicle filled with explosives which targeted a convoy of buses at the checkpoint. Most of the killed were evacuees from government-held towns, including at least 68 children. No group has said it was behind the attack. Wednesday’s evacuations mark the end of the first stage of the deal, with a second phase due to begin in June, AFP reports.
April 19, 2017

Headline: VIDEO: Al-Qaeda tank shells Syrian Army hideout in rural Aleppo after drone spots troops

Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) is deploying drones to full effect across battlefields in Syria, closely monitoring the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) movements in many volatile governorates, most notably Daraa, Hama and Aleppo. On Tuesday, a HTS (Syrian Al-Qaeda branch) surveillance drone spotted a unit of oblivious SAA soldiers hiding inside an isolated building just west of Aleppo city. Subsequently, a HTS tank was called in and repeatedly shelled the position.
April 19, 2017


Headline: ISIS launches 2nd chemical attack in Mosul in 2 days, injures 6 Iraqi soldiers

Headline: US Trying to Determine What Chemical IS Used in Iraq Attack

The chemical attack on Sunday occurred in a recently-liberated area of Mosul, where the Federal Police and Rapid Response forces are advancing towards the old city which is still roaming with Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) jihadists. The spokesman for the Joint Operation Command in Iraq, Brigadier General Yahya Rasool, told the Associated Press that six soldiers suffered “breathing problems” from the attack. The victims are now being treated at a field clinic, the spokesman added. An investigation has been launched to determine what type of gas was used. Meanwhile, security sources told the AhlulBayt News Agency that missiles were loaded with chlorine and were fired at the al-Abar neighborhood. This is the second time in as much days that IS terrorists have used chemical weapons in an effort to stop government troops’ advance on the old city. “The Daesh terrorist gangs tried to block the advance of our forces by using shells filled with toxic chemical material, but the effect was limited,” Iraq’s Joint Operations Command said in a statement, referring to Saturday’s incident on their Facebook page. The statement added that the attack on Saturday did not cause any deaths, only “limited injuries” to an unspecified number of troops who were immediately treated after being evacuated from the area. Officers in Iraq’s Federal Police told Reuters that the chemical weapons agents were fired from the Urouba and Bab Jadid districts on Saturday.While coalition forces have been reporting on their military advances, civilian casualties have been piling up – both at the hands of terrorists and sometimes as a result of indiscriminate shelling by the US-led coalition. International human rights groups, as well as the Russian Foreign Ministry have warned that the humanitarian plight in war-torn Mosul has “escalated to the limit.” Iraq’s president has described it as a “full-on catastrophe.”
April 19, 2017

Headline: US military moves HQ from central Iraq to Syrian border

The U.S. military has moved its headquarters from central Iraq to the Al-Anbar Governorate in the western part of the country, Iraqi activists reported on Wednesday. According to reports, the U.S. Special Forces has moved from the Balad Airbase in the Salaheddine Governorate to the Al-Assad Airbase in western Iraq. Iraqi analyst, Haider Sumeiri, believes this latest move by the United States shows a “strong indication” that the battle for western Al-Anbar is coming.
April 19, 2017










Headline:   Erdogan to meet Trump in May, says Turkish minister

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will meet Donald Trump in May, the Turkish foreign minister said Wednesday, after the US president congratulated the Turkish leader for winning a referendum on enhancing his powers. “We will determine a date for the two presidents to meet in May before the NATO summit as previously confirmed by the leaders,” Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters in Ankara. The NATO summit is scheduled to be held in late May in Brussels and Trump is due to attend. Cavusoglu did not specify if the meeting would take place on the sidelines of the summit or at another venue.After Erdogan’s narrow win in Sunday’s referendum on creating an executive presidency, Trump congratulated the Turkish leader in a phone call on Monday, in contrast to the muted reaction of European leaders to the result, which has been challenged by the opposition. Cavusoglu said that during their call the two leaders had expressed a common desire to meet in Washington “to improve bilateral relations.”
April 19, 2017


Headline:   Iran sends flotilla to Gulf of Aden

Headline: Trump administration will review Iran nuclear deal despite compliance

Iran dispatched a a flotilla of warships from the country’s southern port city of Bandar Abbas for the Gulf of Aden on Monday. Iranian authorities say Iran’s 46th naval fleet, comprised of Sabalan destroyer and Lavan logistic warship, embarked on the voyage in a bid to maintain the Islamic Republic’s power in the high seas. “The timing of this mission, and also increasing number of naval missions conducted by Iranian navy in that region is very uncommon and seems to be a muscle flexing toward Saudis,” Hooshang Aryanpour, a Virginia based retired Iranian Rear Admiral told VOA. “The fleet is tasked with maintaining security for Iranian ships and countering Iranophobic plots and campaigns launched by the enemies of the Islamic Republic,” the Iranian government said in a statement. According to Rear Admiral Sayyari, the Iranian naval forces are making efforts to improve security in the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb, considering security of those regions as a top priority. Iranian authorities say that the naval forces have so far escorted 3,850 Iranian commercial and tanker ships as well as 25 foreign vessels in the Bab el-Mandeb and the Gulf of Aden regions where pirates are active. U.S. marine administrators in the region have repeatedly complained about Iran’s hostile nautical maneuvers in the region in the recent months and warned that some provocative naval actions increase the chances of miscalculation and unintended confrontation.
April 19, 2017


Headline: Taliban governor among 14 killed in Afghanistan clashes

At least 14 Taliban fighters, including the shadow governor of the northern Baghlan province, have been killed in heavy fighting with Afghan forces, officials said Wednesday. Amir Gul Hussainkhil, the deputy provincial police chief, said Afghan security forces launched a large-scale attack on the insurgents the night before in the western part of the province, setting off five hours of intense fighting and killing Taliban shadow governor Mawlavi Lal Mohammad. Hussainkhil said the dead also included a number of expert bomb makers. He says no government forces were killed. The Taliban confirmed that the shadow governor was killed and said four other fighters died in the clashes. Elsewhere in Afghanistan, a roadside bomb killed a district police chief and his driver in the southern Zabul province late Tuesday, according to Gul Islam Sial, spokesman for the provincial governor. He said four police were wounded in the blast. In the northern Takhar province, Taliban fighters killed a senior border police officer and wounded four police in an ambush early Wednesday, police spokesman Khalil Aseer said.
April 19, 2017


Headline:   Ethiopia rights body: ‘More than 600 protest deaths’

Headline: Ethiopia rejects UN, EU calls to investigate deadly protests

Ethiopia’s state-affiliated Human Rights Commission says 669 people died, including 63 policemen, in the wave of anti-government protests that began in November 2015. International rights groups have said hundreds of people lost their lives in clashes between police and protesters. The report praised security forces for showing restraint in some instances and blamed diaspora groups for the trouble. Last year, the government imposed a state of emergency in response. Activists from the Amhara and Oromia regions had been complaining about political and economic marginalization. The Southern Nations and Nationalities Peoples Region also experienced some of the violent demonstrations. Meanwhile, Ethiopia’s prime minister is rejecting requests by the United Nations and the European Union to investigate months of anti-government protests that left hundreds dead. The prime minister said Wednesday that not allowing the outside investigations is an issue of sovereignty. The state-affiliated Fana Broadcasting Corporate quoted him as saying there is nothing his government wants to hide.
April 19, 2017


Headline:    Russia Ready to Cooperate With All Libyan Political Forces – Foreign Ministry

On Tuesday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov met in Moscow with a delegation of officials from Libya’s city of Misrata. “The Russian side stressed the necessity to establish inclusive intra-Libyan dialogue with involvement of representatives of main political forces, tribal groups and the country’s regions in order to create nationwide power structures, including army and police that are ready to ensure security and order and to resist terrorist threats in an effective way. In this context, Moscow has reaffirmed its readiness to work closely with all the Libyan sides on behalf of the solutions [to the conflict] that would be mutually acceptable,” the statement said. The Russian Foreign Ministry added that the solutions should lay the groundwork for Libya’s unity and further sustainable development as a sovereign and independent state, friendly to Russia.
April 19, 2017

Headline:    ISIS in talks with Al-Qaeda, Iraqi vice president warns

The leader of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) is in talks with Al-Qaeda about a possible alliance, Iraq’s Vice President Ayad Allawi said, citing information from Iraqi and other regional sources. “The discussion has started now… There are discussions and dialogue between messengers representing Baghdadi and representing Zawahiri,” Allawi told Reuters, adding that it is currently unclear how exactly the two groups may operate together.Abu Bakr Baghdadi is the current leader of IS, while Ayman Zawahiri is the head of Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda disaffiliated with the previous incarnation of IS, Islamic State of Iraq, in February 2014, saying the group was no longer responsible for its actions. The two rival terrorist organizations have since been vying for recruits, funding and the laurels of global jihad. Although IS has been pushed out of the part of Mosul that lies east of the Tigris River, it still controls the towns of Qaim, Hawija and Tal Afar in Iraq, as well as its de facto capital in Syria, Raqqa. Even if IS loses all territory in Iraq, it won’t automatically cease to exist, Allawi noted. “I can’t see ISIS disappearing into thin air,” Allawi said. “They will remain covertly in sleeping cells, spreading their venom all over the world.”
April 19, 2017


Headline:    Clashes erupt at ‘mother of all protests’ in Venezuela

Headline: Venezuela slams nations for ‘meddling’ over protest call

Clashes broke out Wednesday at massive protests against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, as riot police fired tear gas to push back stone-throwing demonstrators and a young protester was shot and wounded. Violence erupted when thousands of opposition protesters tried to march on central Caracas, a pro-government bastion where red-clad Maduro supporters were massing for a counter-demonstration. The marchers were forced back by lines of soldiers and police deployed to contain what the opposition has vowed will be the “mother of all protests.”
On the capital’s northwest side, a 19-year-old man was shot in the head and badly wounded by motorcycle-riding gunmen who also threw tear gas canisters into a crowd of protesters, witnesses told AFP. The opposition has repeatedly accused the government of sending groups of armed thugs to attack protesters. The security forces do nothing to stop them and themselves repress peaceful protesters, opponents say. This is the largest day of demonstrations in more than two weeks of violent protests that have left five people dead and more than 200 arrested since moves by Maduro to tighten his grip on power escalated the country’s political and economic crisis.
April 19, 2017

Headline: French, Mali forces kill 12 extremists after attack on army

French and Malian armed forces killed at least a dozen Islamic extremists who attacked an army camp in northern Mali Tuesday, killing at least four soldiers and wounding another, according to a statement by the French Operation Barkhane. The attack on the army camp in Gourma-Rharous, about 120 kilometers (75 miles) east of Timbuktu, also destroyed a half-dozen vehicles, army spokesman Lt. Col. Diarran Kone said. French air forces, alerted by Mali’s army, responded as the assailants fled in two pick-ups, according to the Operation Barkhane statement. The town has been targeted regularly by Islamic extremists. The recently formed extremist group Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen claimed responsibility for an attack on Malian forces in Tagharost, about 150 kilometers (93 miles) south of Timbuktu, according to SITE Intelligence Group which monitors online extremist activities. The extremist group said it staged a similar attack there, storming elite force barracks and taking vehicles. Also Tuesday, a United Nations peacekeeping mission vehicle was escorting a logistics convoy when it hit a land mine about 30 kilometers (18 miles) south of Tessalit in the Kidal region, the U.N. mission said. Two peacekeepers and one civilian were wounded, it said.
April 18, 2017

Headline: UN court rejects Ukraine request to block rebel funding

The International Court of Justice has rejected Ukraine’s request for measures aimed at blocking Russian support for rebels in eastern Ukraine, but imposed measures to rein in discrimination by Moscow against ethnic Tatars and other minorities in Crimea. The UN court also said Wednesday that it expects both Moscow and Kiev to work to implement the Minsk agreements that were designed to bring peace to conflict-ravaged eastern Ukraine. At hearings last month, Ukraine accused Russia of sponsoring terrorism by providing funds and weapons to rebels in Ukraine and of discriminating against Tatars and others in Crimea. Lawyers for Russia rejected the allegations. Wednesday’s ruling was preliminary decision aimed at preserving Ukraine’s rights while the full case makes its way through the court, a process likely to take years.
April 19, 2017,7340,L-4950983,00.html

Headline: At least 13 simultaneous attacks in S. Thailand

Terrorists simultaneously attacked at least 13 government and military sites in the three southernmost provinces of Thailand on Wednesday night. The attackers used automatic weapons, hand grenades and explosive devices. The Bangkok Post said the exact number of casualties from the assault on targets in Pattani, Songkhla and Narathiwat provinces, located on the Malaysian border, had yet to be confirmed.
April 19, 2017


Headline:     North Korea tension: China ‘seriously concerned’ about nuclear threats

Headline: North Korea Is Refusing Communications With China

Headline: Putin ‘moves military forces’ to North Korea border as world prepares for WAR

Headline: US: Naval Strike Force Now Headed to Korean Peninsula

China says it is seriously concerned about North Korean nuclear development, in the wake of a BBC interview with a top official from the North. North Korea’s vice-foreign minister told the BBC Pyongyang would continue to test missiles and would launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike if it thought the US was planning an attack. Foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang said China opposed words or actions that could further raise tension. North Korea-US tension is growing. There has been heated rhetoric from both sides in recent days. US Vice-President Mike Pence, who has been visiting the region, warned the North not to test Washington and said the US “era of strategic patience” with Pyongyang was over. The BBC’s Stephen McDonell in Beijing says the Chinese government appears to be becoming increasingly frustrated with North Korea, its traditional ally. Meanwhile, The U.S. sought to assure allies Wednesday that the USS Carl Vinson naval strike group is indeed headed to the northern Pacific as a deterrent to North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. But this came after days of misleading statements that the aircraft carrier and other ships had already been headed there.
April 19, 2017

Headline: Russian bombers again fly near Alaska

Headline: Mattis concerned as Russia opens first of five Arctic military bases

For the second consecutive night, Russia flew two long-range bombers off the coast of Alaska on Tuesday, this time coming within 36 miles of the mainland while flying north of the Aleutian Islands, two U.S. officials told Fox News. The two nuclear-capable Tu-95H bombers were spotted by U.S. military radar at 5 p.m. local time. Unlike a similar incident Monday night, this time the U.S. Air Force did not scramble any fighter jets. Instead, it launched a single E-3 Sentry early warning aircraft, known as AWACS, to make sure there were only the two Russian bombers flying near Alaska, and not other aircraft flying underneath the large bombers. U.S. territorial waters extend 12 nautical miles from shore. Two Russian bombers flew within 100 miles of Alaska on Monday night. The Russian bombers took off from an airbase in Petropavlovsk, Russia and returned five hours later to an airbase in Anadyr. Both locations are in eastern Russia, some 1,000 miles away.
April 19, 2017


April 5, 2017 –Thousands of dead fish wash up on beaches in Eden, NSW, Australia

April 6, 2017 – Thousands Of Dead Fish Found On Lakefront At Old U.S. Steel Site Chicago

April 8, 2017 – Thousands of fish turned up dead at the holy Kali Bein India

April 9, 2017 –Hippos found dead in Zimbabwe

April 9, 2017 –’Blue tide’ at the coast, as countless jellyfish-like creatures wash ashore Oregon

April 10, 2017 –Masses of dead fish found washed up in Pingtung County, Taiwan

April 11, 2017 – Thousands of dead fish found in Caribbean rivers Costa Rica

April 12, 2017 – Hundreds of dead fish mysteriously washing up in Chesterfield canal Michigan

April 13, 2017 –3,500 dolphins have died this year in the waters of the Atlantic

April 13, 2017 –Thousands of bats still dying off in Missouri

April 15, 2017 – Mysterious fish kill raises concerns in Tennessee

April 16, 2017 – Hundreds of dead fish found in east Wichita creek Kansas

April 17, 2017 –Hundreds of dead fish found floating on Lake Naivasha Kenya Africa

April 18, 2017 –Thousands Of Dead Fish Washing Up On Shores Of McKinley Park Lagoon Chicago


Headline:   More Details Emerge on H7N9 Cases in Tibet, Beijing

Provincial and local officials recently shared more information about recent H7N9 avian flu cases in Tibet and Beijing, two locations far from the epicenter of recent cases. China is in the midst of by far its largest H7N9 wave, with cases last week passing the 600 mark. Illnesses showed an unusual spike in December and peaked during January and February. Though the number of new cases has declined over the past few weeks, the country continues to report a steady stream of weekly cases from a wide area. Though no major clinical changes in humans have been seen so far during the unprecedented surge, illnesses have been reported from a broader geographic range, including Tibet, also called Xizang autonomous region, and Beijing.Tibet had recently reported its first-ever H7N9 case, in a poultry seller from Sichuan province who had been working with live poultry in Tibet since February and became ill in early April. A few days ago, Tibet—located in western China—reported two more cases, followed by a statement from Tibet officials that two more poultry sellers from the same market in Lhasa, the province’s capital, became ill with flulike symptoms at about the same time as the first case-patient. After the patients initially tested negative when they were hospitalized, retesting a week later was positive for H7N9.
April 18, 2017


Headline:   Three People Killed In Fresno Shooting Spree; Shooter Screamed “Allahu Akbar”, Hated “White People”

Three people were shot and killed after a man went on a shooting spree Tuesday in central Fresno, randomly shooting at four white men, killing three, before he was taken into custody, police Chief Jerry Dyer said. The 39-year-old suspect, identified as Kori Ali Muhammad, is now in custody, Dyer said. Muhammad shouted “Allahu Akbar” as police tackled him to the ground after the shootings which were spread over four locations. The victims appeared to be random, Dyer said. Mohammad is also suspected in the fatal shooting of a security guard outside a Motel 6 in central Fresno Thursday. He is facing four counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder, Dyer said. He said Muhammad had expressed dislike of whites; all of the victims were white. Dyer called it a “random act of violence.”According to the Fresno Bee, two of the people shot outside Catholic Charities may have been clients of the social service agency, not employees, Dyer said. The third victim was a passenger in a Pacific Gas & Electric truck. Another person was shot at but not injured. Officers responding to the initial shotspotter reports found Muhammad running south on Fulton. The gunman then “dove onto the ground” and taken into custody, the chief said. “As he was taken into custody, he yelled out ‘Allahu Akbar,’” Dyer said. Although police found rounds of .357 caliber bullets and speed loaders for a revolver when Muhammad was taken into custody, no weapon was found, Dyer said. Dyer said that it’s too soon to determine if the shootings involved terrorism. However, a review of Muhammad’s social media shows he quoted the phrase “Allahu Akbar” in a tweet.
April 18, 2017


Headline:   Facebook Envisions Using Brain Waves to Type Words

Facebook Inc.’s research unit Building 8 is working to make it possible for people to type using signals from their brains, part of the lab’s broader effort to free people from their phones. Regina Dugan, hired from Alphabet Inc. last year to oversee the lab, said that within “a few years’ time” Facebook aims to develop a system that can type at 100 words per minute, just from monitoring the brain, without using any kind of implant. The company is working with outside academics on the issue. This would give “the ability to text a friend without taking out your phone or the ability to send a quick email without leaving the party,” Dugan said Wednesday at the social network operator’s F8 developer conference. The technology may not require thinking in actual letters, she said. The lab also is working on a way for people to hear through their skin. “One day, not so far away, it may be possible for me to think in Mandarin and for you to feel it instantly in Spanish,” Dugan said.Far-fetched as it may sound, Dugan said researchers have already found it possible to use brain waves for typing at eight words per minute. She said the power of the brain is much greater than what is translated through speech, comparing the brain’s ability versus speech to “four HD movies per second streaming over a 1980s dial-up modem.”
April 19, 2017


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