November 9, 2016 – Prophecy News Today Part 2: The World Reacts to Trump’s Election

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 Burdensome stone

Headline:      UN Members Pass Nine Measures Targeting Israel – Including One Accusing Israel of ‘Repressive Measures’ Against Syrians

While Americans were voting in an election watched around the world Tuesday, at the U.N. in New York it was business as usual, as a key General Assembly body passed nine draft resolutions condemning Israel. In most of those votes at the General Assembly’s fourth committee, the United States and Canada joined Israel and a small handful of others in rejecting the resolutions. The lopsided vote counts were 86-7, 158-6, 159-1, 156-6, 156-6, 155-6, 156-6, 151-7 and 153-1. One of two resolutions which Israel stood alone in opposing was sponsored by Syria’s Assad regime, and demanded that Israel relinquish its control of the “occupied Syrian Golan” – a reference to the Golan Heights, the strategic ridge which Israel captured from Syria during the 1967 Six Day War and formally annexed in 1981. Among other things, the text demanded that Israel stop “its repressive measures against the population of the occupied Syrian Golan.” The resolution passed by 153 votes to one (Israel), with 13 abstentions.
Nov. 9, 2016

Headline:       Israeli Minister: “The era of a Palestinian state is over”

Headline:    Netanyahu: Trump will continue to strengthen our unique alliance

Headline:      Israeli Leaders, Excited by Trump Win, Look Forward to Big Changes in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria

 Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett said Wednesday the idea of a Palestinian state was ‘over’ after Donald Trump’s election as US president, calling for an end to what has been the basis of years of negotiations. “Trump’s victory is an opportunity for Israel to immediately retract the notion of a Palestinian state in the centre of the country, which would hurt our security and just cause,” Bennett, who heads the hardline Jewish Home party, said in an apparent reference to the occupied West Bank. “This is the position of the president-elect … The era of a Palestinian state is over.”
Nov. 9, 2016,7340,L-4876736,00.html

golan heights hadar-golan-heights

Headline:        Jihadist rebels suffer heavy casualties in failed Golan Heights offensive

Headline:       Over 80 jihadist rebels killed in failed Golan Heights offensive: report

Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front), backed by Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and the Free Syrian Army (FSA), launched a massive offensive in the Golan Heights on Wednesday that targeted the Syrian Arab Army’s positions at the key town of Hader. The jihadist rebels began the offensive by storming the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses from two different axes; this resulted in a fierce a battle that lasted for several hours this morning. With little ground gained and numerous casualties taken, the jihadist rebels were forced to withdraw south in order to avoid anymore losses to the Syrian Armed Forces near Hader’s southern flank. According to a military source in the Golan Heights, the Syrian Armed Forces killed over 25 enemy combatants, while also destroying 4 armored vehicles that were mounted with ATGMs and anti-aircraft machine guns.
Nov. 9, 2016

Headline:    Israeli warplanes hit Syrian forces after failed rebel offensive

Israeli fighter jets bombed today afternoon several sites for the Syrian government forces in the southern province of Quneitra. The attack was carried out a short time after the Syrian Army and pro-government fighters repelled a major offensive launched by jihadi groups on the predominantly-Druze village of Hadar. According to a military source, 4 air-to-surface missiles targeted Tal Al-Sha’ar, without reporting any casualties. Meanwhile, jihadi fighters continue to shell the villages of Harfa and Hadar with mortar shells and homegrown rockets after their bid to make a progress on the ground has practically failed. Syrian Army positions in Quneitra have recurrently come under Israeli warplanes attacks; an aggression seen by the Syrian government as a blatant and explicit support for Islamist rebels fighting under the banner of al-Qaeda.
Nov. 9, 2016



Headline:       Jordan’s King Abdullah congratulates Trump on winning U.S. presidency

(Petra) Jordan’s King Abdullah II, on Wednesday, sent a cable to U.S. President-elect, Donald Trump, congratulating him on winning the U.S. presidency. In the cable, King Abdullah said he is looking forward to working with the U.S. President-elect to promote cooperation between the two countries, and address various challenges, based on strategic relations and shared visions between Jordan and the United States of America. The King wished Trump success and the American people further progress and prosperity.
Nov. 9, 2016


golan heights

Headline:       Lebanese Army ambushes jihadist rebels fleeing Syria

The Lebanese Army carried out a successful ambush against a group of jihadist rebels that were attempting to flee into Jaroud ‘Arsal from the Syrian border. At least 4 jihadist rebels from Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) were wounded during the ambush by the Lebanese Army and another half dozen were arrested in Jaroud ‘Arsal. In addition to this ambush, the Lebanese Army also targeted the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) positions in the Ba’albak Highlands, killing a number of militants in the process. The Lebanese Army has recently intensified their military operations near the Syrian border after discovering a surge in jihadist activity in the ‘Arsal area.
Nov. 9, 2016

Saudi Arabia2 Saudi Arabia


Headline: Saudi king hopes Trump brings ‘stability’ to Middle East

Headline:      Footage of Houthi forces destroying Saudi Army base- VIDEO

The Houthi forces carried out a successful missile strike against the Saudi Army on Wednesday, destroying an entire military base in the Asir Province. Based on footage released by the Military Media group, the Houthi forces successfully launched a missile towards the Saudi base, scoring a direct hit that was captured on video. Due to the sporadic ceasefires that are implemented in Yemen, the fighting in Saudi Arabia has mostly paused; however, the latest airstrikes launched by the Saudi Air Force prompted a powerful response from the Houthi forces.
Nov. 9, 2016


Headline:      Sisi congratulates Donald Trump on presidency

The Egyptian President, ‘Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi, phoned newly elected U.S. President, Donald Trump, to congratulate him on his victory Sisi Hillary Clinton Wednesday morning. Sisi reportedly wished Trump best of luck and his eagerness to work with the U.S. president to mend relations between the two respective governments. The Obama regime has repeatedly condemned the Egyptian government for their crackdown against the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist groups around the country. Currently, the Egyptian Army is carrying out a large military operation to expel the remaining Islamic State terrorists in the Sinai Peninsula.
Nov. 9, 2016



Headline:    ISIS’s Global Attack Network: November 13, 2015 – November 9, 2016

ISIS has organized a number of external attacks worldwide in the past year, some of which have been thwarted. ISIS’s global network is still operating and is poised to continue conducting external attacks in late 2016. The U.S. must recognize that the campaign to recapture Mosul and Raqqa will not defeat ISIS. Rather, any military success in Iraq and Syria must be the first phase of a campaign to counter ISIS globally, whether through military or non-military means.
Nov. 9, 2016

Headline:      Russian naval armada reaches Syrian territorial waters

Headline:       Dutch submarine approaches Russian naval fleet in Mediterranean: Russian DM

The Russian aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, reportedly reached Syrian territorial waters this morning after a long trip that included a journey through the English Channel. Carrying several fighter jets and attack helicopters, the Admiral Kuznetsov will be deployed to the Mediterranean Sea for at least six months, a military source told Al-Masdar News on Wednesday morning. The deployment of the Admiral Kuznetsov to Syrian territorial waters has aggravated American officials, who see this move by Russia as a clear sign of their commitment to intensifying the war in Syria. Despite these allegations by US officials, the Russian Ministry of Defense has assured the international community that the Admiral Kuznetsov is being deployed to Syrian territorial waters to combat only terrorist forces.
Nov. 9, 2016



Headline:      Syrian jets destroy Belgian ISIS base in Deir Ezzor

Headline:      Why Does Belgium Produce So Many Radical Islamist Militants?

The Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAYF) carried out a special operation on Wednesday that targeted a Belgian base for the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) in the Deir Ezzor Governorate. Using information gathered from their intelligence agents, the Syrian Air Force was able to pinpoint the location of the ISIS base and destroy it. According to a military source in Deir Ezzor, the ISIS base was located inside the Old Airport District, near the Mohammad Salem Darwish Driving School. The entire Islamic State base was reportedly destroyed and several militants were killed after this special operation that was conducted by the Syrian Air Force on Wednesday.
Nov. 9, 2016


Headline:   Iraq to only coordinate with Syrian government, not militants: Abadi

The Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Abadi said that his country is coordinating with the Syrian authorities in order to control the borders, noting that Iraq will only deal with the Syrian government, not with the militant groups. Abadi also called on the Kurds to join the popular forces in Mosul, denying the presence of a problematic situation regarding the displaced in Iraq’s second city. It is worth noting that  October 17, the Iraqi premier announced the start of the campaign against ISIL terrorists in Mosul and that a remarkable field progress has been attained by the Iraqi army, the Kurdish fighters and the Popular Mobilization Forces.
Nov. 9, 2016



Headline:        EU, Turkey Challenge Each Other to Decide on Membership Bid

Headline:    EU says Turkey loses way on road to membership since failed coup

In the face of increasing criticism and worsening relations, the European Union and Turkey challenged each other Wednesday to come out and say whether they want Ankara’s bid to join the EU to continue. In a high-stakes game of political chicken, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the EU wouldn’t be able to reach the “final point” and end its ties with Turkey out of fears of jeopardizing a deal to curb the flow of migrants from Africa and the Middle East to Europe. Hours later, in Brussels, EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn bluntly said that “it is time Ankara tells us what they really want,” in the wake of a report assessing Turkey’s status as a candidate for membership in the bloc. The report highlighted what the EU saw as backsliding on essential human rights and rule of law standards. The report, issued Wednesday, came after Turkey’s recent clampdown on media freedoms and the arrests of 10 pro-Kurdish legislators. “These various actions, including considerations of reintroducing the death penalty, seem to be increasingly incompatible with Turkey’s official desire to become a member of the European Union,” Hahn said. “In its own interest, Turkey urgently needs to stop moving away from the EU,” Hahn said.
Nov. 9, 2016


Headline:     Trump election puts Iran nuclear deal on shaky ground

Headline:    Iran urges Trump to uphold nuclear deal during presidency

Donald Trump’s election as president raises the prospect the United States will pull out of the nuclear pact it signed last year with Iran, alienating Washington from its allies and potentially freeing Iran to act on its ambitions. Outgoing President Barack Obama’s administration touted the deal, a legacy foreign policy achievement, as a way to suspend Tehran’s suspected drive to develop atomic weapons. In return Obama, a Democrat, agreed to a lifting of most sanctions. The deal, harshly opposed by Republicans in Congress, was reached as a political commitment rather than a treaty ratified by lawmakers, making it vulnerable to a new U.S. president, such as Trump, who might disagree with its terms. A Republican, Trump ran for the White House opposing the deal but contradictory statements made it unclear how he would act. In an upset over Democrat Hillary Clinton, Trump won on Tuesday and will succeed Obama on Jan. 20. A businessman-turned-politician who has never held public office, Trump called the nuclear pact a “disaster” and “the worst deal ever negotiated” during his campaign and said it could lead to a “nuclear holocaust.” In a speech to the pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC in March, Trump declared that his “Number-One priority” would be to “dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran.” He said he would have negotiated a better deal, with longer restrictions, but somewhat paradoxically, he criticized remaining U.S. sanctions that prevent American companies from dealing with Iran. By contrast, he has conceded it would be hard to destroy a deal enshrined in a United Nations resolution. In August 2015, he said he would not “rip up” the nuclear deal, but that he would “police that contract so tough they don’t have a chance.”
Nov. 9, 2016


Headline:      Taliban Calls On Trump To Remove US Troops From Afghanistan

The Taliban called on President-elect Donald Trump to remove U.S. troops from Afghanistan Wednesday after his surprise victory. “Our message is that the Americans should draft a policy not to take away the independence and sovereignty of other nations,” said the terrorist group in a statement, reported by Reuters.. “Most importantly they should withdraw all their troops from Afghanistan.” Trump and his opponent former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were both fairly silent on Afghanistan policy during the presidential campaign. Trump maintained that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was a mistake, but noted in an October interview with Fox News Sunday that Afghanistan would “collapse” in “about two seconds” if U.S. troops left. Taliban leaders kept a close eye on the U.S. election, and even watched some of the presidential debates. A spokesman for the terrorist organization said in September that its leaders were not impressed by the “non-serious” Donald Trump.
Nov. 9, 2016


Headline:   South Sudan withdraws troops from border with Sudan

South Sudanese government under President Salva Kiir announced on Tuesday that it has pulled out troops from the common border with the neighbouring Sudan in compliance with the agreement it has reached with the Sudanese authorities to implement non-aggression deal signed four years ago. South Sudanese Defence Minister, Kuol Manyang Juuk, said Tuesday the move is in line with security arrangements under the Cooperation Agreements the two countries signed on 27 September 2012. Minister Juuk, who in late October participated in a security arrangement meeting with his Sudanese counterpart in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, said the agreement requires that South Sudan and Sudan withdraw their forces from the border immediately and unconditionally.
Nov. 8, 2016


Headline:      Raising of Israeli flag in Marrakech ignites fire in Morocco

On Tuesday, local Moroccan human rights organisations denounced the raising of the Israeli flag in the at the United Nations climate conference, UNFCCC Cop 22, which kicked off in the northern city of Marrakesh on Monday. The National Working Group for Palestine, an NGO, said in a statement that it rejects raising the Israeli flag in Marrakesh and “an Israeli presence on Moroccan territory.” The group added that it is “opposed to all forms of normalisation [of relations] with Israel under any pretext whatsoever; opposed to the provocation of Moroccans’ feelings and the violation of the nation’s sovereignty and dignity; and opposed to supporting terrorism, criminality and racism.” The group will organise a protest on Wednesday against raising the Israeli flag and against Israelis’ presence in Marrakesh, according to the statement. The protest will be held outside the Moroccan parliament in the Moroccan capital, Rabat. Another non-governmental organisation, the Moroccan Association for Supporting the Nation’s Causes, called on the Moroccan people to “express its rejection of these uncalculated steps, which contradicts Moroccans’ love for Palestine and reinforce the Occupation’s crimes.”
Nov. 9, 2016


Headline:       Envoy: Armenia to continue being U.S. partner no matter election results

The U.S. ambassador to Armenia Richard M. Mills said no matter the results of the presidential elections, Armenia will continue being the partner of the North American country, RFE/RL reports. Speaking ahead of the final results, Mills said the country will go through peaceful post-election transitions. The ambassador stressed that 80% of America’s foreign policy projects will remain unchanged, while those 20% changes will be conditioned by the President’s priorities. According to him, the Armenian and U.S. authorities will continue working together to make the South Caucasus country a more prosperous state. Donald John Trump has been projected as the winner of the presidential election, according to the Associated Press, after election returns showed that Trump had won stunning come-from-behind victories across a swath of contested states. Trump, 70, will be the 45th president of the United States. A real-estate developer and former reality-TV star, Trump is the first person to win the presidency without having previously held public office or served in the U.S. military.
Nov. 9, 2016

rise of global-islam-1hijrah

Headline:    ‘Americans have just screwed the world yet again’: Horror and fear strikes the Muslim world as Trump wins after months of anti-Islamic rhetoric

Horror and fear swept through Muslim countries after Donald Trump was confirmed as President of the Unites States after months of anti-Islamic rhetoric. The Republican made his most controversial remarks about Islam in December last year, sparking anger among the world’s 1.5billion followers of Islam when he called for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. after a mass shooting in California. Muslims across Asia were struggling this morning to accept the news the populist candidate will take office in the White House, saying that ISIS would be happy he won the presidency race.  Americans have just screwed the world yet again,’ said Syed Tashfin Chowdhury, a Bangladeshi who has several close friends in the US. Thousands in the country watched in shock as the results rolled in and Facebook lit up with horrified reactions. ‘I’m very afraid, will there be more wars? Will America attack Muslim countries again?’ asked Indonesian activist Alijah Diete as Donald Trump edged closer to a shock victory in the US election. Trump sensationally won the White House race this morning as Hillary Clinton phoned him at 2.30am local time to concede she had lost. She made the private call shortly after sending her campaign chairman to give her supporters exactly the opposite message, that it was not over – a humiliating and bizarre end to a political career which had put her on the verge of being the first female president. Instead a jubilant Trump headquarters erupted in cheers as the news broke.
Nov. 9, 2016








Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:              Rio de Janeiro workers invade assembly in protest at austerity

Thousands of public workers have stormed the Rio de Janeiro assembly in protest at austerity plans to deal with the Brazilian city’s financial crisis. The measures, including cuts salaries, were announced last week. Many public workers have not been paid in months. On Monday the federal government froze Rio’s accounts ordering the state to pay millions of dollars in unpaid debt. The demonstrators, mostly firefighters, police and prison officers, spent three hours inside the assembly chamber. During the occupation some wrecked windows, doors and offices. Assembly Speaker Jorge Picciani called the protest “an affront to the democratic rule of law unprecedented in the political history of Brazil”. Both the state of the city of Rio de Janeiro have been struggling with a long-standing financial crisis because of a drop in global oil and commodity prices.
Nov. 9, 2016

one world governmentCooltextprophecysignThe Coming One world government & religion


Headline:     Notice — Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to The Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction


On November 14, 1994, by Executive Order 12938, the President declared a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States posed by the proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons (weapons of mass destruction) and the means of delivering such weapons. On July 28, 1998, the President issued Executive Order 13094, amending Executive Order 12938, to respond more effectively to the worldwide threat of weapons of mass destruction proliferation activities. On June 28, 2005, the President issued Executive Order 13382, which, inter alia, further amended Executive Order 12938, to improve our ability to combat proliferation. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States; therefore, the national emergency first declared on November 14, 1994, and extended in each subsequent year, must continue. In accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing the national emergency declared in Executive Order 12938.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.


November 8, 2016.

***by clicking on the 2nd link and the drop down arrow by California, you can see if there were any Propositions that were similar in your home state

Headline:      Six new Beatitudes proposed by Pope Francis

Pope Francis offered the list at a Mass celebrating the Feast of All Saints. The Pope has offered a new list of Beatitudes at a Catholic Mass in Malmo, Sweden. At the Mass, which took place at the conclusion of his ecumenical trip to the country, Pope Francis highlighted the lives of the Swedish saints Elizabeth Hesselblad and Bridget of Vadstena. The best description of the saints, their “identity card”, the Pope said, is found in the Beatitudes from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, which begins, “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” New situations require new energy and a new commitment, he said, and then offered a new list of Beatitudes for modern Christians:

— Blessed are those who remain faithful while enduring evils inflicted on them by others and forgive them from their heart.

— Blessed are those who look into the eyes of the abandoned and marginalised and show them their closeness.

— Blessed are those who see God in every person and strive to make others also discover him.

— Blessed are those who protect and care for our common home.

— Blessed are those who renounce their own comfort in order to help others.

— Blessed are those who pray and work for full communion between Christians.

Reflecting the multicultural makeup of the Catholic Church in Sweden and the rest of Scandinavia, the prayer intentions at Mass were read in Spanish, Arabic, English, German and Polish, as well as in Swedish.

tie in

Headline:    Italy struck with tornado and powerful storm (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Headline: Tornado Strikes Near Rome, Italy, Killing Two, Injuring Dozens

Nov. 7, 2016

Headline:       Volcano on Rome’s doorstep is slowly reawakening

Nov. 1, 2016



Headline:            ‘Italy must obey’ Juncker threatens Italian PM as he scrambles to hold failing EU together

Headline:    Shock as India scraps 500 and 1,000 rupee bank notes

Headline:    US Election 2016: Asia markets jolted by Trump win

Headline:    Mexican peso plunges more than 12% to record low vs. dollar on Trump election upset

Matteo Renzi locked horns with chief Eurocrat Jean Claude Juncker after saying he will balance his budget in favour of earthquake hit regions and to support regions coping with an influx of new migrants “whether Brussels officials like it or not”. Under the EU Stability and Growth pact nations must keep their budget deficits below three per cent, and support a national debt of less than 60 per cent of GDP. But Italy is being kept under a tight leash after its debt soared to 142.31 per cent of GDP. Mr Renzi said: “Juncker says I’m being quarrelsome. “Respecting the rules is one thing, the possibility of those rules obstructing the stability of our children’s schools is quite another. “We will allocate that money outside the EU Stability and Growth Pact, whether Brussels officials like it or not.”  The normally Europhile Mr Renzi has been forced to clash with the EU after anger from Italians over the EU’s refusal to help with their end of the migrant crisis and the economic struggles of the eurozone. Italians are set to vote on a constitutional referendum next month proposed by Mr Renzi that could become a vote on the PM’s leadership much like the Brexit vote, which saw David Cameron ousted from power.
Nov. 8, 2016







Headline:      Churches worldwide to pray for persecuted Christians this weekend

As Christians from around the world are facing persecution in unprecedented numbers, churches and Christian organizations will hold special prayers for the protection of Christians in persecuted countries on Sunday to mark the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church 2016. “At no other time in history have Christians been as persecuted as they are now,” says Dr. Vernon Brewer, president and founder of the Christian humanitarian organization World Help, in a statement.  “Some estimate more Christians have been martyred for their faith in the past century than in the previous 19 combined, and persecution in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia seems to be on the rise.” “From merciless killing, destruction of churches and buildings, to being forced to denounce Jesus as their Lord, Christians are being stripped of the ability to follow Christ in safety and freedom,” says Open Doors USA on its website, urging Christians to join them in praying for the persecuted church on Sunday.
Nov. 9, 2016




earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

November 9, 2016 – Prophecy News Today Part 1: Donald Trump ELECTED! What Trump needs to know! Mark Taylor Prophecy of 2011 has come to pass!


trumpThe question about Mark Taylor being a true prophet seems to have been answered. When you watch the video below where Mark Taylor was interviewed about Jesus telling Mark what was going to happen with Donald Trump you will see that everything Mark stated back in 2011, has come to pass.  Just about every news agency except Fox News wrote Mr. Trump off and for month after month reported there was no way Donald Trump would ever win the election against Hillary Clinton.  However, on November 8th and well into the early hours on the 9th people could not believe what they were seeing from the polls.  State after state began to be listed under the side of Mr. Trump. The thing that was never supposed to happen just happened! Donald Trump is the next man to run America.  I will have to say for years I have seen many men claim that Jesus spoke to them and told them certain things that was supposed to take place but in the end when the date came that these things were suppose to happened the men and women who made the prophecy turned out to be false prophets.  This is the first time in my 39 years of ministry work that I have seen someone’s prophecy come to pass exactly the way they stated Jesus had told them.  Mark states that America’s best days are ahead of her! I pray Mark is just as correct as he was in telling the world Jesus has hand picked Trump to do a work for him. If you haven’t seen any of the news concerning this 2011 prophecy I posted to video for you to look at. Let us all pray that the election of Mr. Trump is just as Mark stated “a spiritual awakening in America.


note-from-frank Now that we know Donald Trump is our next President here are a few things we may want to consider concerning some of the prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled as yet. First of all, many of you may not know but Mr Trump recently took Jesus as his Savior. I quote, “Donald Trump, according to a new report, has accepted Jesus as his Lord and SaviorNo, you didn’t accidentally click on The Onion. That’s a factual statement, according to a well-respected evangelical faith leader. Dr. James Dobson, who was among the more than 900 evangelical faith leaders who met with the Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting in New York City, says it happened fairly recently. He also said he knew who led the businessman to Christ. “I don’t know when it was, but it has not been long,” Dobson told Godfactor’s Michael Anthony in an exclusive interview. “I believe he really made a commitment, but he’s a baby Christian. We all need to be praying for him, especially if there’s a possibility of him being our next chief executive officer.”

This news is very important especially knowing that Mr Trump has pledged his full support for Israel. This means going as far as recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel which was unheard of by President Obama.  Let us remember the Psalm 83 war has not been fulfilled yet.  Jerusalem is going to play a major role because the Lord told us in Zech. chapter 12 that Jerusalem would be a burdensome stone to the world in the last days.  If Donald goes through with helping Israel make Jerusalem the Capital it could spark a conflict with Israel by the Arabs who are listed to attack Israel in that Psalm 83 war prophecy.  I have maintained for years that Jerusalem would be the key to fulfilling many of the end time prophecies that need to be fulfilled.  President Donald Trump is a new Christian and he most likely would not know much about the last day prophecies concerning the coming attacks on Israel listed in Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 nor would President Trump know how recognizing Jerusalem could be a stepping stone is leading the way for Israel to build their third Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. As a new Christian President Trump may think that helping Israel in getting their Temple rebuilt would be a good thing for Israel.  Anyone who reads the Bible knows the rebuilding of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount would be a disaster for the Jewish people because, this Third Temple would bring on the Antichrist.  One thing as a new Christian President Trump doesn’t need is to have Christian leaders around him who are pushing the Jews to rebuild their Temple!  

So, Mr. President let me tell you stay away from helping the Jews rebuild their Temple. We know for sure the Third Temple will be build but do not allow yourself to go that route because you will be doing exactly what Satan has been planning to do in these last days.  I am telling you Mr. President that if you even begin to talk about helping Israel rebuild that Temple you will see and hear millions of Christians around the world begin to call you the Antichrist and, as a true believer that is something you do not want.  Mr. Trump you may not know this but once the Temple is built it will signal we are in the final stages of the last days and soon the Antichrist will go into that Temple and tell the world he is god. This will happen in the middle of the tribulation.  Once he tells the world he is god his next move will to be to mark everyone with his mark as seen in Revelation chapter 13.  It will be at this point that the Antichrist will begin to try and kill anyone who does not take his mark.  Now can you see why I am telling you Mr. President Elect to stay away from anything that has to do with Israel rebuilding that Third Temple?  

Mr. President Elect you must also understand that by giving your full support to Israel you could be used by Jesus Christ to bring on the Psalm 83 war. Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. Today there was a report entitled: “Israeli warplanes hit Syrian forces after failed rebel offensive”. Without getting into the report as a new Christian you need to understand what the Lord warned us about Syria.  You will see below what Jeremiah and Isaiah warned us. 

Prophecy Sign: Jeremiah 24:24-27

Damascus has grown feeble;
She turns to flee,
And fear has seized her.
Anguish and sorrows have taken her like a woman in labor.
25 Why is the city of praise not deserted, the city of My joy?
26 Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets,
And all the men of war shall be cut off in that day,” says the LORD of hosts.
27 “ I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus,
And it shall consume the palaces of Ben-Hadad.”[a]

Prophecy Sign: “Isaiah 17:1 “The burden against Damascus.
“ Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city,
And it will be a ruinous heap.”

Something major is going to happen to cause Israel to take out Syria and set her on fire as seen in the above prophecies. Will it be as a result of the Israel striking at  Syrian forces bordering Israel. I quote a short peace form a report today. “Syrian Army positions in Quneitra have recurrently come under Israeli warplanes attacks; an aggression seen by the Syrian government as a blatant and explicit support for Islamist rebels fighting under the banner of al-Qaeda.”  The President of Syria has warned Israel on many occasions that if Israel were to strike Syrian forces he would out and out attack Israel with everything he has.  Mr. President Elect if Syria did attack and you helped her kill off Syria you could help fulfill the prophecies about Syria and also tick off the other Arab nations listed in the Psalm 83 war which could send them down on Israel to fulfill the Psalm 83 war.  

There are many roads that can lead to the fulfillment of all these prophecies and, you making America a full partner with Israel could help Israel rid themselves of all their enemies who border her.  There is one more road to all this and this is it. Once Israel takes out their enemies who have been calling to wipe out Israel Israel will swallow up more land from the Arabs which could lead to Israel thinking they are safe enough to remove the 320 mile 20 foot wall which will help set up the Ezekiel 38 war that tells us Israel will feel safe and will have no bars, gates, or walls.  So you see Mr. President Elect as a man placed in massive power you need to understand what the Lord has said for the last days and work with the Lord not against him. 

As for the dead peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian’s keep in mind what Jesus told the Apostle Paul as seen below.

Prophecy Sign: 1 Thessalonians 5:33 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Mr. President Elect as you can see from the news below Israel is already pushing  your platform on the PLO issue.  I quote, “Minister of Education Naftali Bennett released a statement congratulating Trump and the American people and affirming that the special relationship between Israel and America would continue and strengthen. Bennett took the opportunity to remind Trump of his platform position “to immediately retract the notion of a Palestinian state in the center of the country, which would hurt our security and just cause.” “This is the position of the President-elect, as written in his platform, and it should be our policy, plain and simple,” he stated. “The era of a Palestinian state is over.”  Mr. President Elect once the Arabs see you are getting rid of the PLO’s hope of their own State inside Israel it could set in place the prophecy that war will come while they are talking Peace and safety.  It is pretty clear that just about everything you do with Israel will some how be connected with Bible prophecy.  On day one of your new Presidency the most important thing you can do is pledge to walk with Jesus. If you do this I am sure you will be blessed and in turn the Lord will bless America.


As for my viewers, below is a report showing President Elect Donald Trump has planned to help Israel. I would ask you all to pray for our new President so the Lord will use Donald to bless America.  One last note for you Mr. President Elect.  Keep in mind, Israel as a nation has rejected the Jesus Christ which you not long ago received as your Lord and Savior.  Love Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem as our Lord asked us to pray but, keep in mind the peace for Jerusalem will only come when Jesus Christ returns to Jerusalem to begin His 1,000 year reign as King of King and Lord of Lord’s here on Earth.  Hold on to Jesus Mr. President Elect and I am sure Jesus will guide you through all of the things you are about to enter. If you ever need someone to help you in these matters I would be honored to help.

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed confidence that he and Trump can work together to bring US-Israeli relations to “new heights”. In a statement congratulating the Republican candidate, Netanyahu said: “President-elect Trump is a true friend of the State of Israel, and I look forward to working with him to advance security, stability and peace in our region.” “Warning the president-elect that many domestic and global “challenges stand at your doorstep,” Rivlin assured him that “Israel, the United States’ strongest ally, stands by our friend and partner in any challenge that may come our way, and I have no doubt that the connections between the countries will continue and strengthen during Trump’s presidency as well.”

Below is more news concerning the road to the Psalm 83 war. 

Headline:    UN Members Pass Nine Measures Targeting Israel – Including One Accusing Israel of ‘Repressive Measures’ Against Syrians

While Americans were voting in an election watched around the world Tuesday, at the U.N. in New York it was business as usual, as a key General Assembly body passed nine draft resolutions condemning Israel.

In most of those votes at the General Assembly’s fourth committee, the United States and Canada joined Israel and a small handful of others in rejecting the resolutions. The lopsided vote counts were 86-7, 158-6, 159-1, 156-6, 156-6, 155-6, 156-6, 151-7 and 153-1.

One of two resolutions which Israel stood alone in opposing was sponsored by Syria’s Assad regime, and demanded that Israel relinquish its control of the “occupied Syrian Golan” – a reference to the Golan Heights, the strategic ridge which Israel captured from Syria during the 1967 Six Day War and formally annexed in 1981.

Among other things, the text demanded that Israel stop “its repressive measures against the population of the occupied Syrian Golan.”

The resolution passed by 153 votes to one (Israel), with 13 abstentions.

Nov. 9, 2016


Headline:     Jihadist rebels suffer heavy casualties in failed Golan Heights offensive

Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front), backed by Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and the Free Syrian Army (FSA), launched a massive offensive in the Golan Heights on Wednesday that targeted the Syrian Arab Army’s positions at the key town of Hader.

The jihadist rebels began the offensive by storming the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses from two different axes; this resulted in a fierce a battle that lasted for several hours this morning.

With little ground gained and numerous casualties taken, the jihadist rebels were forced to withdraw south in order to avoid anymore losses to the Syrian Armed Forces near Hader’s southern flank.

According to a military source in the Golan Heights, the Syrian Armed Forces killed over 25 enemy combatants, while also destroying 4 armored vehicles that were mounted with ATGMs and anti-aircraft machine guns.

Nov. 9, 2016


Nov. 8, 2016- Election Day

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index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 7, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora


Nov. 7, 2016- End Time Countries Line Up

email address:
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index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 7, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora


~Please be sure to CLICK on the photos~

 Burdensome stone

Headline:    London Police Warn Pro-Israel Groups to Conceal Locations of Gatherings

The Metropolitan Police in London have asked the pro-Israeli organizations, Reservists on Duty and Campaign for Truth, not to disclose the locations of any of their conferences, citing security concerns. Wednesday’s warning followed the violent anti-Israel rally at University College London last week, where Jewish students attending a campus event hosted by UCL Friends of Israel were trapped in the hall by protesters. Police officers called representatives of the Israeli organizations advising them not to disclose the location of a conference scheduled for next week. At the same time, since the location has not been disclosed, the police will not provide security at the event. Organizers were told that, if necessary, they could summon police to the scene. The conference, on the theme “Ethics of war in the age of social media and the rise of terror,” is hosted by Reservists on Duty and sponsored by Campaign for Truth, groups that work to undermine the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.
Nov. 6, 2016

 Headline:    Balfour Declaration, November 2016

This week we enter the centenary year of the Balfour Declaration. This document, signed on November 2, 1917 by the British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, was the first recognition by one of the world’s great powers — in fact at the time the greatest power in the world — of the right of the Jewish people to their national homeland in Palestine. It was the single most significant step taken in restoring Jewish self-determination in their historic territories. Under the San Remo Resolution three years later, the Balfour Declaration was enshrined in international law, leading inexorably to the 1947 UN partition plan and ultimately to the proclamation of the State of Israel by David Ben Gurion on May 14, 1948. As Britain, Israel and the free world begin to mark this monumental anniversary, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas demands an apology from the UK. The man whose constitutional tenure as Palestinian leader expired seven years ago, yet remains in place. The man who raised funds for the 1972 massacre in Munich of 11 Israeli Olympic athletes. The man who misused millions of dollars of international aid intended for the welfare of his people. The man who dismissed as a “fantastic lie” the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust. This man demands an apology. Of course he does. And in demanding that Britain apologise for a 99-year-old statement supporting a national home for the Jewish people, he exposes his true position, and the true position of all factions of the Palestinian leadership: that the Jewish people have no right to a national home; the Jewish State has no right to exist. According to Abbas, Palestine, from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea, belongs to the Arabs and only to the Arabs.
Nov. 6, 2016

 Headline:  Israel won’t attend French peace conference, wants direct talks with Palestinians

Israel has rejected France’s invitation for a Middle East peace conference in Paris later this year and instead reiterated hopes to meet directly with Palestinians. French envoy Pierre Vimont was informed of Israel’s intentions at a meeting Monday with Israel’s acting national security adviser and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s diplomatic adviser in Jerusalem. “[They] told the French envoy in a clear and unequivocal manner that Israel’s position to promote the peace process and reach an agreement will only come through direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority,” Netanyahu’s office said in a statement. Despite Israel’s statement, the French foreign ministry said it’s still planning the conference before the end of the year. The Palestinians have said they would attend the Paris conference.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:     Israeli Defense Forces names 2 Syrian groups to terror list

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on Sunday released a list of 5 terror groups that are currently threatening Israel’s border security . Using their official blog, the Israeli Defense Forces once again added Hezbollah and Hamas to their official terror list, claiming both organizations are threatening their national security. Furthermore, the IDF included two groups currently participating in the Syrian Conflict, marking the first time that Israel has added these entities to their list. Both Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) and the Khaled ibn Al-Walid Army (ISIS affiliate) were designated as a terror threat to Israel by the IDF this past weekend. Israel has been repeatedly accused by the Syrian government of aiding jihadist rebel groups, including Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham, in the Golan Heights.
Nov. 7, 2016



Headline:    Jordan’s King Abdullah: We’ll keep protecting the holy sites in Jerusalem

Jordan’s King Abdullah II stressed on Monday that Amman will continue protecting the holy sites in Jerusalem. “Despite all of the challenges and the repercussions, we will continue carrying out our historical role to protect the issues important to our nation, both Arab and Islamic, and fulfill our duty in protecting the holy places for Islam and Christianity in Jerusalem,” the king said in a speech opening the Jordanian parliament’s new session.
Nov. 7, 2016,7340,L-4875629,00.html


Headline:    Lebanese President receives Iranian Foreign Minister

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Monday became the first foreign minister to visit newly appointed Lebanese President Michel Aoun, underscoring the ties between Iran and Aoun’s Hezbollah-backed presidency. The Shiite militant group and predominantly Shiite Iran are close allies. Speaking alongside his Lebanese counterpart, Zarif said recent political developments in Lebanon can be the key to breaking the deadlock in wars in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. “We believe that this unique Lebanese experience can be the key to break the political deadlock in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, in conjunction with the fight against terrorism,” said Zarif.
Nov. 7, 2016,7340,L-4875826,00.html

Egypt2Saudi Arabia2Egypt & Saudi Arabia

Headline: Egypt: Saudi oil shipments halted indefinitely

Saudi Arabia has informed Egypt that shipments of oil products expected under a $23 billion aid deal would be halted indefinitely, suggesting a deepening rift between the Arab world’s richest country and its most populous. Saudi Arabia agreed to provide Egypt with 700,000 tonnes of refined oil products per month for five years in April, during a visit by King Salman.
The cargoes stopped arriving at the start of October, as festering political tensions burst into the open, but Egyptian officials said the contract remained valid and had appeared to hold out hope that oil would start flowing again soon. Saudi Arabia’s state oil firm Aramco has not commented on the halt. But on Monday, Egyptian Oil Minister Tarek al-Molla confirmed it had halted the shipments indefinitely. An oil ministry official told Reuters: “They did not give us a reason. They only informed the authority about halting shipments of petroleum products until further notice.”
The move comes as a source in Molla’s delegation said late on Sunday evening that he would visit Iran, Saudi Arabia’s main political rival, to try to strike new oil deals.
Nov. 7, 2016



Headline:   Syrian Army captures checkpoints from ISIS in new push east of Palmyra

Headline: Russian helicopters blast Islamic State militants near Palmyra

Headline: Jihadists launch West Ghouta counter-offensive in bid to break Khan al-Sheih siege

After months of stalemate in eastern Homs, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) restarted its operations against Islamic State militants on the outskirts of Palmyra. Heavily supported by Russian Mi-24 and Mi-28 attack helicopters, units of the SAA’s “Cheetah Forces” (Tiger Forces branch) – supported by the Military Security Shield (Syrian paramilitary faction) – attacked ISIS positions northeast of Palmyra on Monday evening. An Al-Masdar News field correspondent in the Latakia governorate with military sources in Palmyra said Syrian government forces had advanced several kilometers and seized at least two ISIS checkpoints in the oil-rich region. Strategically, the SAA offensive looks to capture the town of Arak and eventually break the ISIS-imposed siege of Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:   The Campaign for Mosul: November 4-7, 2016

Headline: Islamic State militants reportedly use mustard gas in Iraq’s Mosul: Report

Headline: ISIS rallies new recruits in Tal Afar as Iraqi forces advance in Mosul

Islamic State militants used mustard gas during a military clash with government troops in Iraq’s Mosul, Sky News Arabia said on Sunday, citing a Kurdish source in security agencies. A ground operation to liberate Mosul from terrorists of Islamic State began on October 17. It involves the Iraqi troops, Kurdish units and the US-led coalition. Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city with a population of 1.3 million, has been controlled by Islamic State (a terrorist organization outlawed in Russia) for over two years.
Nov. 7, 2016

Headline: Turkey wants Raqqa offensive to begin after Mosul campaign completed

***see ETRM 10-31 post


Headline:   France calls for Raqqa operation while Mosul offensive is underway

Headline: ISIS deploys Raqqa car bombs as SDF closes in

French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian urged the coalition to begin the battle against Raqqa, the ISIS bastion in Syria, while the offensive on Mosul was still underway. He told Europe 1 radio Sunday that the battle on Mosul would be long and complicated, given that Islamic State was embedding itself within the local population. France is the second biggest contributor to the anti-ISIS coalition.
Nov. 7, 2016

Headline:   Peshmerga forces gain full control over Bashiqa

The Peshmerga Kurdish forces have claimed full control over Mosul’s Bashiqa on Monday, Al Arabiya News Channel’s correspondent reported. The fighters have been exchanging heavy fire with ISIS militiants earlier in the day as they advanced from two directions on the town held by the armed group just 13km east of the city of Mosul. Iraqi forces also retook a key town from ISIS on Monday, a crucial objective on the southern front of the offensive to wrest back the city of Mosul. Federal police, army and elite interior ministry forces established full control over Hamam al-Alil, the last town of note on the way to Mosul from the south. The recapture of the town clears the way for Iraqi forces to push further north and move to within striking distance of the southern neighbourhoods of Mosul.
Nov. 7, 2016

Headline: Top Iran official warns Iraqi Kurdish leader

An influential Iranian official has issued a stern warning to Iraqi Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani, cautioning the pro-Western politician against “cooperating” with an anti-Tehran Kurdish opposition group. “The Barzanis allow the Saudi consulate in northern Iraq to supply weapons to Iranian anti-revolutionary forces,” Yahya Rahim Safavi–a special advisor to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatoallah Ali Khamenei–claimed Monday. The former Iranian army commander said that the Barzani family, which holds de-facto leadership of the Kurdish Democratic Party, should “know that they owe Iran,” claiming that Kurds traced their ethnic lineage back to Iran. “They should know that if they enter this political game, it will not be clear if Iran will help them anymore,” Safavi further cautioned the Iraqi Kurds. The Iranian official also delved into inter-Kurdish rivalries in northern Iraq, saying the Talabani family–which exerts strong authority over eastern regions of the autonomous region–enjoys “good relations with Iran.”
Nov. 7, 2016



Headline:        US, Turkey at sharp odds on Kurds’ role against ISIS in Iraq, Syria

Headline: Turkey, U.S. agree on long-term plan to capture, govern Raqqa, Syria

US army chief Gen. Joseph Dunford and Turkish chief of general staff Hulusi Akar failed to iron out their differences over the participation of Kurdish forces in anti-ISIS operations in Syria and Iraq when they met in Ankara Sunday, DEBKAfile reports. According to an official statement, they discussed joint strategies shortly after US-backed Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) announced a plan to liberate the Syrian city of Raqqa from the Islamic State. Our sources report a US attempt to prevent the Turkish army going after Kurdish forces in Iraq and Syria. The US-Turkish failure to come to terms on this could lead to a Turkish-Kurdish flare-up of hostilities that would upend the offensives against ISIS in both countries. Our sources also disclose that the Turkish army chief demanded from the Americans detailed maps delineating the sectors where the Kurdish sectors were deployed, as well as US guarantees against the rise of an independent Kurdish state in Syria or a linkup between Kurdish territory in Syria with the autonomous KRG in Iraq.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:    Iran to Sign $6 Billion Gas-Field Deal With France’s Total, CNPC

Iran plans to sign a preliminary $6 billion deal with France’s Total SA on Tuesday to help develop an offshore gas field, an agreement that would mark the first Western energy investment there since international sanctions were lifted this year. Under the deal, Total, China National Petroleum Corp. and Iran’s state-owned Petropars would develop part of a giant gas field in the Persian Gulf known as South Pars, a press official at Iran’s oil ministry said. It wasn’t clear how much of the $6 billion investment would come from Total, or how the deal would be structured for Total to steer clear of U.S. restrictions still in effect. The agreement with the French oil giant could be a harbinger for the return of more Western companies to Iran’s vast energy industry and represents a step forward for the Islamic Republic’s goals of ramping up production of oil and gas over the next several years.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:    The US lost 6 elite Green Berets in a 72-hour-span last week

The Special Forces community is coping with the deaths of six of its elite operators in just a 72-hour span last week. Separate combat incidents in Afghanistan and Jordan resulted in the deaths of five Green Berets, while another died during scuba training at the Special Forces diving school in Florida. “They are in dark corners of the world and even their training is very dangerous,” Jen Paquette, the executive director of the Green Beret Foundation, wrote on Facebook. Staff Sgt. David Whitcher, 30, died Wednesday during a dive training exercise off the coast of Key West, Florida, according to US Army Special Operations Command. He was previously assigned to the 7th Special Forces Group at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. On Thursday, Capt. Andrew Byers, 30, and Sgt. 1st Class Ryan Gloyer, 34, were killed during a firefight with Taliban forces in Kunduz, Afghanistan. Both were assigned to the 10th Special Forces Group out of Fort Carson, Colorado. Three other soldiers with the Fort Campbell, Kentucky, 5th Special Forces Group were killed while entering a military base in Jordan on Friday. The soldiers, Staff Sgts. Matthew C. Lewellen, 27; Kevin J. McEnroe, 30; and James F. Moriarty, 27, were apparently fired upon by Jordanian security forces at the gate to Prince Faisal Air Base, where they were deployed in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
All six of those deaths are under investigation, the Army said.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:    Australia: Protests Prompt Ethiopia Reprisals

The Ethiopian government has arrested and detained dozens of relatives of Ethiopians who participated in a Melbourne protest in June, 2016, and is still holding many of them four months later, Human Rights Watch said today. On June 12, members of Australia’s Ethiopian community who are from Somali Regional State protested the visit to Australia of an Ethiopian regional government delegation that included Abdi Mohamoud Omar, known as Abdi Iley, the president of Ethiopia’s Somali Regional State. They were also protesting Australia’s support for the Ethiopian government. The Ethiopian delegation did not appear, and after several hours the event was cancelled. The protesters later learned that several dozen of their relatives in Ethiopia’s Somali Regional State had been arrested and detained due to their involvement in the Melbourne protest.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline: Sudan arrests more fuel price hike protesters

Sudanese security agents have arrested several opposition politicians over the past two days to prevent any likely protests against Khartoum’s decision to hike fuel prices, their parties said on Sunday.
Sudan’s all-powerful National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) arrested on Friday the deputy chief of the opposition Sudanese Congress Party, Khaled Omar, from his home in Khartoum.
Omar was arrested after he delivered a speech criticizing the hike in prices of petrol and diesel by about 30 percent. Since then two other members of Omar’s party were also arrested, a senior member of their party, Bakri Youssef told AFP. Three activists from the Baath Party were also arrested over the past two days, party spokesman Mohamed Diaddin said. The opposition Communist Party also announced on its Facebook page the arrest of a senior member, Mohideen Al-Jallad. And on Sunday, small groups of protesters burned tires and tried to stage demonstrations in two districts of Khartoum but they were swiftly dispersed by riot policemen, an AFP correspondent reported. Overnight, security agents also seized print runs of three newspapers — Al-Tayar, Al-Jadida and Al-Watan — after they covered the fuel price hike in reports seen as criticial of the government.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:    U.S. ready to resume air strikes in Libya if needed: Pentagon

The United States is prepared to carry out more air strikes against Islamic State militants in Sirte if requested by Libya’s U.N.-backed government, even though the militant group no longer controls much territory there, the Pentagon said on Monday. Since August the United States has carried out more than 350 air strikes against Islamic State at the request of the Government of National Accord (GNA). However, none have been carried out since Oct. 31, officials said. “If additional air strikes are needed, we will be prepared to deliver those air strikes,” Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said at a news conference. Islamic State took full control of Sirte, a city of some 80,000 inhabitants, in early 2015. Its loss would leave the jihadist group without any territorial control in Libya. Libyan forces have the remaining militants in Sirte surrounded in part of the Ghiza Bahriya neighborhood. U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, estimated that only a few blocks of the city were controlled by a few dozen Islamic State fighters.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:    Algeria awards China contract to revamp refiner

Algeria’s state energy company Sonatrach on Sunday (Nov 6) awarded the China Petroleum Engineering and Construction Corporation (CPECC) a €380-million (US$420-million) contract to renovate its Algiers refinery. CPECC, which is affiliated to the China National Petroleum Corporation, will rehabilitate the refinery after Sonatrach severed an initial deal it had struck with French engineering firm Technip. The project is aimed at building new units to bring the refinery – built in 1964 – up to European standards and increase its current annual output of 2.7 million tonnes of refined petrol by 35 per cent.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:     Armenia, France to Intensify Defense Cooperation

Armenian Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan on Monday met with French Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia Jean-Francois Charpentier, Armenia’s Defense Ministry reported. Sarkisian attached importance to France’s efforts towards the Karabakh peace process in its capacity as an OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair. The interlocutors praised the high level of interstate relations and noted that there is great potential for developing bilateral cooperation in the field of defense, especially in international peacekeeping. The parties agreed to work towards intensification of cooperation of their defense ministries and on the military-political level. Reference was made to issues of regional security.
Nov. 7, 2016








Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:          Vatican Warns Of “Path Of Bloodshed” In Venezuela If Talks With Anti-Maduro Political Leaders Fail

A few weeks ago we warned that Venezuela was on the verge of revolution after Maduro took steps to block a recall referendum that many thought would have resulted in his ouster.  In response, Maduro’s political opposition urged Venezuelans to take to the streets to protest the move which they say was tantamount to a coup.  Here’s what we wrote before: Once a “flagship socialist nation,” Venezuela has suffered over the past couple of years from a dramatic economic crisis that has resulted in severe shortages of food, clean water, electricity, medicines and hospital supplies all of which have resulted in a desperate population which has resorted to the black market and violence for survival.  That said, Venezuela likely inched one step closer to revolution on Friday when Maduro’s leftist government took steps to block a recall referendum that could have resulted in his ouster.  According to the US News and World Report, Venezuelan opposition leaders are calling the efforts of Maduro “a coup” in light of the broad based public support of the recall effort. Venezuela is bracing for turbulence after the socialist government blocked a presidential recall referendum in a move opposition leaders are calling a coup. The opposition is urging supporters to take to the streets, beginning with a march on a major highway Saturday led by the wives of jailed activists, while a leading government figure is calling for the arrest of high-profile government critics. Polls suggest socialist President Nicolas Maduro would lose a recall vote. But that became a moot issue on Thursday when elections officials issued an order suspending a recall signature drive a week before it was to start. “What we saw yesterday was a coup,” said former presidential candidate Henrique Capriles, who had been the leading champion of the recall effort. “We’ll remain peaceful, but we will not be taken for fools. We must defend our country.”
Nov. 6, 2016

Headline:   Ansar Dine claims string of attacks across Mali

Headline: Israel’s Heron drone completes first successful mission in Mali

A series of recent attacks targeting French, UN, and Malian forces throughout Mali has been claimed by the jihadist group Ansar Dine. The assaults ranged from the Kidal Region in the extreme north to the Timbuktu Region. Additional attacks blamed on Ansar Dine, but not yet claimed, have occurred as far south as just outside the capital, Bamako. Starting on Oct. 29, Ansar Dine fired rockets into the main United Nations camp near the town of Kidal. No casualties were reported, but two Bangladeshi helicopters were damaged by the rockets. Two days later, the jihadist group claimed an IED blast targeting a French military vehicle near the town of Abeibara near the town of Aguelhok. On Nov. 4, IED blast struck two French military vehicles, which killed one French soldier. On the same day, a third French vehicle was hit by an IED near Kidal. All three were claimed by Ansar Dine. Further south near Gourma in the Timbuktu Region, Ansar Dine claimed a complex assault on a national guard post near the city. Ansar Dine’s forces were reportedly able to temporarily take control over the outpost. Additionally, the group claimed to capture 5 vehicles, burned another 6, and captured at least one DShK machine gun. It also reported that one of its own fighters was killed in that attack.
Nov. 7, 2016

Headline:    Nato puts 300,000 troops on ‘HIGH ALERT’ amid fears of all out confrontation with Russia

Headline: U.S. Forces Korea conducts evacuation drill for American civilians

 Secretary General of Nato, Jens Stoltenberg, said the allied nations are putting hundreds of thousands of troops in a state of high alert in an effort to deter a mounting threat from Moscow. While Nato cut its defence budget and military investment since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia has been bolstering its military capabilities, holding parades involving more than 100,000 troops each year. Mr Stoltenberg said: “We have seen Russia being much more active in many different ways. “We have seen a more assertive Russia implementing a substantial military build-up over many years; tripling defence spending since 2000 in real terms; developing new military capabilities; exercising their forces and using military force against neighbours. He told the Times: “We have also seen Russia using propaganda in Europe among Nato allies and that is exactly the reason why Nato is responding. We are responding with the biggest reinforcement of our collective defence since the end of the Cold War.” Adam Thomson, the outgoing permanent representative to Nato, estimates that at present, it would take the military alliance 180 days to deploy a force of 300,000, and that speeding up this rate is of top importance. The measures come in response to Russia flexing its military might abroad, allegedly conducting cyber attacks on Washington and holding nuclear war drills at home.
Nov. 7, 2016


Headline:       China launches $11 billion fund for Central, Eastern Europe

Headline:      With world fixated on US election, China moves on three fronts

China has set up a 10 billion euro ($11.15 billion) investment fund to finance projects in Central and Eastern Europe, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (601398.SS) (1398.HK) said in a statement issued on Sunday. The China-Central Eastern Europe fund will be run by Sino-CEE Financial Holdings Ltd, a company established by the bank earlier this year. The company was formally launched by Premier Li Keqiang during his visit to Riga on Saturday. The fund is aiming to raise 50 billion euros in project finance for sectors such as infrastructure, high-tech manufacturing and consumer goods, the bank said. While targetting Central and Eastern Europe, it could extend to the rest of Europe and other regions if relevant to China-Central and Eastern Europe co-operation, it said. The fund will be government-backed but will operate under business principles and be guided by the market, it added.
Nov. 6, 2016


Headline:    Italy struck with tornado and powerful storm (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Headline: Tornado Strikes Near Rome, Italy, Killing Two, Injuring Dozens

A tornado has hit the coastal town of Ladispoli, Italy, with local media reporting at least one person dead. According to reports, a man died in hospital after being struck by falling building fragments. The tornado caused two of the floors in the eight story building to collapse in Via Ancona.
Nov. 7, 2016


Yesterday, Nov. 5th, a filament of magnetism in the sun’s northern hemisphere became unstable and erupted. The blast split the sun’s atmosphere, hurling a CME into space and creating a “canyon of fire,” shown here in a movie recorded by the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Fragments of the exploding filament formed the core of a CME that raced away from the sun faster than a million mph: movie. NOAA analysts have modeled the trajectory of the CME and concluded that it will probably strike Earth’s magnetic field on Nov. 8th. The impact could spark G1-class geomagnetic storms and auroras at high latitudes.
Nov. 7, 2016


earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

One More Day


November 5, 2016 Donald Trump numbers = 777





The Lord’s number in the Bible is the number 7.

Take a look a the numbers for Donald Trump.


Could it be that Jesus does in fact have His hand on Donald Trump to lead America?  We will know in 4 more days if the Mark Taylor about Mr. Donald will come to pass.  Look at the numbers for Donald Trump?

Look at this…. From the date of Trumps birthday… 6/14/1946 to inauguration day on 1/20/2017 …. is exactly: 70 Years, 7 Months and 7 Days!!!! Is this is coincidence or maybe something more? “777” from the day Trump was born to the day he would put his right hand on the bible and be sworn in as the President!!! ????? The calculation “Excluded the End date” which is inauguration day making it 777 AMAZING.


 Israelis Vote, Rabbis Predict Trump Victory
Israelis with American citizenship have finished voting, and local rabbis are predicting victory for Republican candidate Donald Trump in next week’s US presidential election. American citizens living in Israel, most of them holding dual Israeli citizenship, finished casting their absentee ballots this week, and an exit poll conducted by iVoteIsrael revealed most chose Trump.


UPI Poll – Donald Trump Takes Leads in Electoral College over Failing Hillary


Nov. 2, 2016- Is Obama planning a ‘November Surprise’ for Israel?

email address:
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index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 2, 2016 Edition written by Frank DiMora

~Please be sure to CLICK on the photos~

 Burdensome stone

Headline: Is Obama planning a ‘November Surprise’ for Israel? – VIDEO

Op-ed article in the Wall Street Journal is stirring fears that Obama may be scheming to force a diplomatic resolution on Israel and the PA.
Nov. 2, 2016



Headline:   ‘King Abdullah had no right to give away land’

Rabbi Zephaniah Drori, the Chief Rabbi of Kiryat Shmona, explained in an interview with Arutz Sheva why the Supreme Court’s ruling that the town of Amona be demolished was based on a false premise and should be reconsidered. “If those Arabs had proof that they inherited the land in Amona from their parents or ancestors then we need to compensate them as is appropriate.” Rabbi Drori said. “But if they received the lands – which, as far as I know, they did – as a gift from Abdullah (King of Jordan from 1921 to 1951, ed.), then I don’t see any reason why we should consider (their clams to be valid).” The country of Jordan, called Transjordan at the time, was created in 1922 on land east of the Jordan River. Jordan’s conquest of Judea and Samaria, the west bank of the Jordan River, in Israel’s War of Independence was recognized by only two countries, Great Britain and Pakistan. It was thus an occupying power in Judea and Samaria, including Area C where Amona and all the Jewish so-called “settlements” are located, from 1948-1967. The Rabbi explains further that “Abdullah had no property rights in the land of Israel, and therefore he had no right to divide up that land. These are our lands, and Abdullah illegally occupied them when he came to try to kill us [in 1948, ed.]. Therefore, he had no right to the land and those who received gifts from him also don’t have the right to the land.”
Nov. 2, 2016



Headline:         Turkish-backed rebels recapture key town in northern Aleppo

The Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Levantine Front (Jabhat Al-Shamiyah) reportedly recaptured the villages of Akhtarin and Al-Mas’udiyeh in the northern Aleppo countryside on Wednesday after a fierce battle with Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS). The Free Syrian Army and their allies initially lost Akhtarin and 6 other villages yesterday, when a large group of Islamic State terrorists stormed their positions, killing several members of their rebel contingent. With Akhtarin recaptured, the Turkish-backed rebels can shift their focus to the strategic town of Al-Bab, which is currently a major target for the Kurdish-led “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF) in east Aleppo. Turkey is doing what it can to halt the Syrian Democratic Forces’ advance to Al-Bab; however, they are limited due to Damascus’ policy of shooting down unauthorized aircraft near their positions.
Nov. 2, 2016


Headline:          Iraqi Army liberates 12 more villages from the Islamic State – Mosul

The Iraqi Armed Forces gained considerable headway in the battle for Mosul on Wednesday as government troops captured a dozen villages south of the Islamic State bastion. Likely due to ISIS withdrawing its fighters to defend Mosul city itself, the Iraqi Federal Police were able to overrun the villages of Munkar, Qahirah, Munirah, Nuzazah, Kharar, ‘Ayn Shahloom, Kusbah, Bughlaween, Khafsan, and Bazunah during a blitz advance in the desert terrain on the southern outskirts of Mosul. The advance puts the Iraqi Army on the edge of Hammam al-Alil, a thermal water resort not far from Mosul city. However, the assault on Hammam al-Alil will be complicated as the town is home to some 25,000 residents, dozens of whom have been executed in recent weeks by the Islamic State over fears of a rebellion. Meanwhile, the pro-government Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) also captured the villages of al-Khabirat and al-Alzim west of Mosul earlier today, gradually advancing towards Tal Afar city after a string of advances in this region. In addition, the Iraqi Army’s special forces, the elite specialized unit tasked by the Baghdad Government with retaking Mosul, are on the very near eastern fringe of the city and have reportedly seized Mosul Radio Station after fully capturing the nearby towns Gogjali and Shahrzad yesterday. Involved in the offensive to liberate Mosul and the Nineveh governorate are also the Iraqi Army’s 15th Division, the 16th Division, the 9th Armored Division, the Nineveh Plain Protection Units (Assyrian paramilitary unit) and several pro-government Sunni tribal militias, most notably the Sab’awi tribe.
Nov. 2, 2016



Headline:       Is a ‘Moroccan spring’ coming?

Angry demonstrations in Morocco have raised the question of how stable the kingdom, which survived the Arab spring intact, actually is today. The trigger for the protests, which have been peaceful thus far, bears similarities to that which set off unrest in Tunisia nearly six years ago and spread into the convulsions that swept up Egypt, Libya and Syria. The Tunisian uprising began in December 2010, when a young man set himself on fire after police confiscated fruits and vegetables he was selling. Likewise, the recent protests in Morocco began with a shocking incident that appeared to pit authorities against a poor citizen just trying to make a living. Mouhcine Fikri, a fish seller in the northern town of Al-Hoceima, was crushed to death inside a garbage truck Friday night, after he entered the back of the truck in an effort to reclaim fish that the police had confiscated from him in punishment for breaking a ban on swordfish sales. Word spread throughout Morocco that police had ordered the garbage men to “grind” Fikri, something the police denied. But the grinding allegation has remained, amid a widespread perception that the entire Moroccan system grinds down those who are not well off. “Welcome to COP 22, we grind people here,” read one protester’s sign at a demonstration in Rabat, referring to the upcoming UN global summit on climate change in Marrakech, which the regime hopes will boost its image abroad. Another sign at the same protest showed a blender filled with blood.
Nov. 2, 2016


Headline:   13,210 Syrian Refugees So Far in 2016; Up 675% from 2015; 99.1% Are Muslims

The Obama administration has resettled 13,210 Syrian refugees into the United States since the beginning of 2016 – an increase of 675 percent over the same 10-month period in 2015. Of those, 13,100 (99.1 percent) are Muslims – 12,966 Sunnis, 24 Shi’a, and 110 other Muslims – and 77 (0.5 percent) are Christians. Another 24 (0.18 percent) are Yazidis. During the Jan.-Oct. period in 2015, 1,705 Syrian refugees were admitted, of whom 1,664 (97.5 percent) were Muslims and 29 (1.7 percent) were Christians. Meanwhile the surge of Syrian refugee admissions initiated by the administration last February has continued into the new fiscal year, now one month-old: A total of 1,297 were resettled during October – a 593 percent increase over the 187 admitted in October 2015. October’s arrivals were once again dominated by Sunni Muslims, accounting for 1,263 (97.3 percent) of the total. Another seven were Shi’a Muslims and 12 were other Muslims. The rest of the October intake comprised 15 (1.1 percent) Christians – eight Orthodox, four Catholics and three refugees self-described simply as Christians.
Nov. 1, 2016








Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:       GERMANY AT BOILING POINT: Furious mob takes to streets hunting and attacking migrants

A MOB of up to 50 stone-throwing neo-Nazis went “hunting” for migrants in the eastern German city of Bautzen yesterday in a repeat of scenes which played out there two months ago. Two refugees fled for their lives from the right-wingers who screamed insults and threats after them. Police were out in force at the time of the confrontation but apparently did not act until the refugees began to run from the mob who had gathered at the city’s Holzmarkt. One of the asylum seekers was hit by a bicycle ridden by one of his pursuers and suffered a cut from a stone which hit him. Police rescued a second youth and took him away in a patrol car. The town has had a nightly curfew for unaccompanied minor refugees since the violent events of mid-September when nearly 80 neo-Nazis chased 19 asylum seekers through the streets after exchanging insults in a main square. This time the far-right opponents of refugees took to cars and bikes to chase the migrants who told police they genuinely felt in fear of their lives. Like in the previous incident, the confrontation escalated after both groups exchanged verbal insults.
Nov. 2, 2016

Headline:    WAR ON THE STREETS OF PARIS: Armed migrants fight running battles in the French capital

A MIGRANT turf war erupted into violence on the streets of one of Paris’ trendiest neighbourhoods early this morning as asylum seekers beat each other to a pulp with wooden clubs. The area around Stalingrad Metro station was turned into a refugee battleground as rival gangs of migrants set upon each other in shocking scenes of violence. Asylum seekers wearing hooded tops wielded makeshift clubs fashioned from lengths of wood which they used to bludgeon each other as horrified pedestrians looked on. The blood-curdling brawl erupted just yards from the Stalingrad Metro station, where a squalid migrant camp has popped up following the demolition of the Jungle. It was not immediately clear what sparked the early morning fight, but rival gangs of people smugglers have previously been involved in violent brawls in Calais. And despite the horrific brawl, a pro-migrant rally is apparently being organised to take place at the camp at 6pm tonight. The once peaceful neighbourhood, in Paris’ 10th Arrondissement, used to be a popular area with tourists, boasting a lively nightlife scene bustling with restaurants and bars. But worried residents have revealed how it has become a no go zone in recent weeks following the establishment of the refugee camp, which has brought squalor and violence. Thousands of migrants – mostly from Sudan, Libya, Afghanistan, and Eritrea – have pitched tents under the Metro station after the demolition of the Jungle hampered their attempts to reach Britain. French police have tried and failed on many occasions to clear the squalid squat, but asylum seekers simply keep on returning and reestablishing it.
Nov. 2, 2016

Headline:        Russian Armada Enters Mediterranean En Route to Syria

A Russian naval contingency led by the missile cruiser Pyotr Veliky has arrived in the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean, Russia’s Defense Minister General Sergey Shoigu said on Tuesday, according to a TASS report. “Last week, our ship-borne air strike force led by the missile cruiser Pyotr Veliky made a passage through the eastern Atlantic into the Mediterranean Sea. On October 27-29, support vessels replenished the naval group with all types of supplies to the required level,” Shoigu said, noting that the fact that “certain countries” refused to let his ships dock in their ports did not hinder the mission. “We were especially surprised by the position of certain countries which under the pressure of the US and NATO said in public they denied the request of our warships to call at their ports,” Shoigu said.
Nov. 1, 2016

one world governmentCooltextprophecysign

Headline:     D.C. Council gives initial approval to a bill to let terminally ill patients end their lives

The D.C. Council on Tuesday gave initial approval to legislation that would allow physicians to prescribe fatal drugs to terminally ill residents in the city, making the District the sixth jurisdiction nationwide to allow the practice. It is the first predominantly black community to legalize so-called “death with dignity,” overcoming objections from some African American residents. A spokesman for Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) declined to say whether the mayor would approve or veto the legislation, although he said Bowser “expects the bill to become law.” The council approved the bill by a vote of 11 to 2. Council members Brianne K. Nadeau (D-Ward 1) and Yvette M. Alexander (D-Ward 7) cast the dissenting votes. The council still must hold a final vote on the bill, possibly as early as Nov. 15. Tuesday’s action followed an emotional discussion in the D.C. Council chambers, which was packed with supporters wearing yellow “Compassion and Choices” shirts and opponents wearing red “NO D.C. Suicide” shirts.

note We know from Scripture that the “One World Government” will be run by the antichrist (Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. Dan 12:7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.)

The word antichrist is just that…ANTI CHRIST.  He is the opposite of the Yeshua Christ.  His time on earth will be a ‘mocking’ of the power that only belongs to the true Living God (Revelation 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. 1 Samuel 2:6 The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.)

By placing the power of life and death in the hands of people, it mocks the power that belongs only to HaMashiach Yeshua- Christ the Messiah.
Nov. 1, 2016


Headline:   Venezuela’s Currency Disintegrates: Bolivar Plummets 20% In One Week

When we reported last week that Venezuela’s government has finally thrown in the towel on the hyperinflation plaguing the bankrupt nation… … and would agree to print bills with a denomination as much as 200x greater than the current, most “valuable” bank note, the 100 bolivar, we speculated that “by doing so the government will tacitly admit that it has lost control over prices, [and] will also create a self-fulfilling prophecy of even higher prices, sending the country’s hyperinflation into overdrive.” We didn’t have long to wait for this prediction to be confirmed, and as the website tracking the value of the Bolivar on the black market (recall there are three separate prices for the Venezuela currency; the only one that matters is the Dolar Today black market value), the local currency has imploded, crashing by 22% in just the past week. The spectacular chart below – one which awaits every fiat currency at some point  – shows how many Bolivars one USD buys: as of today it is 1,567. It was 1,222 seven days ago. Bloomberg has some additional observations on the sudden collapse in the currency: “There are a combination of things going on, as the stability we saw for most of this year was because things last year had been so abrupt and the decline so steep,” Henkel Garcia, director of Caracas-based consulting company Econometrica, said in a telephone interview. “Public spending may be pressuring the black-market rate, in addition to the exasperation of the people and political tension. People see the decline and start to buy more” dollars
Nov. 1, 2016

Headline: Libya on brink of economic collapse – World Bank

The Libyan economy is facing collapse as the civil war is disrupting the country’s main source of income oil production, warns the World Bank. “With oil production just a fifth of the potential, revenues have plummeted, pushing fiscal and current account deficits to record highs. With the dinar rapidly losing value, inflation has accelerated, further eroding real incomes,” the report said. As a result of falling crude prices and low output, Libya’s foreign reserves have shrunk from $107.6 billion in 2013 to a projected $43 billion by the end of this year. Over the first half of 2016, the country managed to produce an average of 335 thousand barrels per day, down 20 percent from last year. Libya’s daily oil production before the 2011 uprising stood at 1.6 million barrels. The Libyan economy has shrunk by an estimated 8.3 percent, leaving the country in recession since 2013, with GDP per capita dropping by nearly two-thirds of its pre-revolution level, the bank says. In the first seven month of 2016, Libya’s state income of 3.2 billion dinar ($2.28 billion) was just a tenth of what it was during the same period last year. The Libyan dinar has dropped 73 percent against the dollar on the black market.
Nov. 1, 2016


Headline:       Volcano on Rome’s doorstep is slowly reawakening

A dormant volcano just outside Rome could be slowly reawakening, scientists have said, raising fears of a Pompeii-style ash-and-rock cloud sweeping across the Italian capital. An eruption in the Colli Albani Volcanic District (CAVD), which is around 10km from Rome, would have a devastating impact on much of the city. In a study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, an international team of researchers reported that the ground in the region is rising by 2-3mm per year and underground chambers located several kilometres below the towns of Ariccia, Castel Gandolfo and Albano are filling up with magma – signs that the previously dormant volcano is rumbling back to life. Satellite imagery and seismographic charts also record the volcano’s slow awakening.
Nov. 1, 2016

earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

November 1, 2016 -Teaching the Book of Revelation with Frank DiMora Part 44 and Part 45 the end of Revelation chapter 22




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1st quote: “In Hebrew, the word Moshiach (messiah) means anointed. Since the Persian King Cyrus helped the Jews go back to Israel and rebuild the Temple, he is referred to in this verse as God’s anointed.” 2nd quote: “Rabbi Glazerson opens the video with what he calls “the best meeting” of Donald Trump, spelled in Hebrew, and bocher, which means chosen or elected.”



Trump 46.9 %

Clinton 43.3 %



Oct. 31, 2016- “Gentlemen, it is time to extend our sovereignty in the land of Israel.”- Naftali Bennett

email address:
header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct. 28, 2016 Edition

~Please be sure to CLICK on the photos~

 Burdensome stone

Headline:     Abbas wants unity between PA and Hamas

Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas met on Thursday with Hamas leader Khaled Mashal and Hamas deputy leader Ismail Haniyeh in Qatar, both of whom made the trip from Gaza. PLO general secretary Saeb Erekat also participated in the meeting. The meeting was held in conjunction with Qatar Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani and the group discussed different options for PA-Hamas peace agreements and a unity government, as well as PA and PLO elections. According to PA news sources, both sides agreed on the importance of unity and joint efforts in dealing with the Israeli government’s plans to “destroy the two-state solution.” The PA and Hamas leaders emphasized that, “There will not be a Palestinian state in Gaza, and there will not be a Palestinian state without Gaza.” Hamas is interested in joining the PLO in order to take control of it and thereby gain international recognition.
Oct. 29, 2016

Headline:   Netanyahu to visit 3 states never-before visited by sitting Israeli PM

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced at Sunday’s cabinet meeting that within the next three months he will travel to four countries, including three where no sitting Israeli prime minister has ever visited: Australia, Singapore and Kazakhstan.  The fourth country is Azerbaijan, a strategic country on Iran’s border. Like Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan is a majority Muslim country. He visited there briefly in 1997 on the way back from a visit to the East, and met in the airport in Baku with late Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev, the father of the current president.
tie in**see also Egypt below

Oct. 30, 2016

Headline:   Russian PM to discuss Israel-PA peace

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is scheduled to visit Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) on November 9 with the aim of advancing the peace negotiations between the sides, i24news reported Sunday, citing a report on the PA’s official television station. Medvedev will reportedly meet with both Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas. Russia had reportedly announced that Medvedev would arrive in Israel for a two-day visit, slated for November 10-11, and said “a number of bilateral intergovernmental and interagency agreements and documents are due to be signed after the talks.” “During his visit to Israel on November 10 the Russian premier will hold talks with Prime Minister [Binyamin] Netanyahu and meet with Israel’s President, Reuven Rivlin,” Russia’s official TASS news agency reported Friday, according to i24news. “During the visit [the sides] will discuss ways of strengthening existing forms of cooperation in various fields, with emphasis on the economic and humanitarian sphere, as well as promising new directions,” the Russian Embassy was quoted as having said. Russian President Vladimir Putin recently expressed his willingness to host Netanyahu and Abbas for a meeting to resume peace talks that have been stalled since 2014. Russia’s Foreign Ministry later said that Netanyahu and Abbas had agreed in principle to such a meeting but stressed that no date had been set for one. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently stressed his country’s willingness to help mediate Israel-PA peace talks – if both sides are willing to compromise. Netanyahu has traveled to Moscow twice this year to meet with the Russian President, once in April and again in June.

Oct. 31, 2016

Headline:     UNHRC official: ‘Israel’s status at UN depends on ending the occupation’

Israel’s status at the United Nations depends on it’s ending the “occupation” and on the ability of Palestine to act as a state, warned special investigator and Canadian legal expert Michael Lynk during an official briefing to that body. “I raise the question, does the occupying need to realize that it’s status in the international community and at the UN depends on allowing the Palestinians to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination and independence and to bring the occupation to an end,” Lynk said. He spoke on Friday in New York before the General Assembly’s Third Committee, as the tail end of a question and answer session with regard to his first report as UN Human Rights Council special rapporteur on Israeli activity against Palestinians. Country delegates had asked him what could be done to hold Israel accountable for human rights violations against Palestinians. He suggested that one option could be moving one step beyond the 2004 advisory opinion issued by the International Court of Justice at the Hague, which stated that “Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (including East Jerusalem) have been established in breach of international law.”
Oct. 31, 2016

Headline:   Israel must annex West Bank settlements if UNSC adopts Palestinian resolution – education minister

Israel should declare sovereignty over the occupied territories in the West Bank, which is home to Israeli settlers, if the UN adopts any Security Council resolution further condemning illegal settlement activity, Israel’s education minister said. The Palestinians have initiated several unilateral resolutions at the UN Security Council over the years with an aim to condemn Israel over its illegal construction activities in Judea and Samaria. They hope that international pressure might help to facilitate peace settlement talks with the Jewish state. In September, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas assured the UN General Assembly that Palestine would renew its strive to pass a Security Council resolution declaring Jewish “settlements” illegal. As debates in the Security Council continue, Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett urged the Israelis to be ready to annex the settlement areas if the UNSC votes on any resolutions on the matter. “There is a discussion that in the coming months the UN Security Council will force a resolution on Israel. If that happens, we need to have an appropriate Zionist response, immediate sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, including Maaleh Adumim, Gush Etzion, Ariel, Ofra and Beit El,” the minister said at a political meeting in Jerusalem on Sunday night. “The UNSC council [sic] resolution should be a trigger to put this plan into action,” said Bennet. “Gentlemen, it is time to extend our sovereignty in the land of Israel.”
Oct. 31, 2016


Headline:        Shooting attack near Beit El wounds one seriously, two soldiers lightly-to-moderately

Headline:     Palestinian gunman shoots three soldier near Bethel

One person was seriously wounded and two IDF soldiers were lightly-to-moderately hurt when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire at the VIP checkpoint at the entrance to Ramallah on Monday afternon. The terrorist, found to belong to Palestinian security forces, was shot dead. The seriously wounded person suffered gunshot wounds to his lower bodies, while the two lightly-to-moderately wounded soldiers suffered injuries to their limbs from fragments.
Oct. 31, 2016,7340,L-4872681,00.html



Headline:    Political victory for Hezbollah expected in Lebanon election

Headline:   Lebanon MPs elect Aoun president, ending 29-month void

Lebanon is poised to elect a strong Hezbollah ally as the country’s president Monday, in a boost for the pro-Iranian axis in the region. If there is no last-minute surprise, 81-year-old former general Michel Aoun, a Maronite Christian, will easily be elected by parliament to the top office. The pro-Hezbollah Beirut daily As-Safir reported yesterday that he is on track to win in the first round and enjoys the backing of 94 of the 127 MPs. In 2006, Aoun signed a formal agreement of alliance between his Free Patriotic Movement and Hezbollah, and has consistently backed the Shi’ite group ever since. Aoun’s impending election is “a political victory for Hezbollah,” said Benedetta Berti, an analyst at the Institute for National Security Studies. “Hezbollah has been very squarely backing Aoun for president and this was always the deal between Aoun’s party and Hezbollah. Hezbollah has upheld its end of the deal. With this election, if it happens, you can see Hezbollah being consolidated in terms of its political allies as well as its position in Lebanon.” The expected election will fill a post that has been vacant since the previous president Michel Suleiman finished his term in 2014 without an agreement on who would succeed him. Under Lebanon’s constitution, the president must be a Maronite Christian, the prime minister a Sunni Muslim and the speaker of parliament, a Shi’ite Muslim.
Oct. 31, 2016


Headline:       Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister on the eve of official visit to Egypt

Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov is set to begin an official visit to Egypt on Tuesday, where he will meet with Egyptian officials to discuss bilateral relations and regional issues. Mammadyarov will be accompanied by an official delegation, including the Head of Azerbaijan’s state oil company. On the eve of the visit Al-Ahram Agency interviewed Mr Mammadyarov to discuss the focus of his visit. Azerbaijan and Egypt established bilateral relations 25 years ago after the restoration of independence in Azerbaijan. Since then, we have enjoyed good relations as our countries share similar religious, cultural, traditional and social links. In 1993 the Embassy of Egypt opened in Baku, while Azerbaijan’s first ever Embassy in the African continent was established in Cairo in 1994. Currently, the cooperation between the two countries extends to almost every sphere, ranging from political relations to economics, tourism, energy, education, cultural and humanitarian issues. The two countries have great potential for cooperation in pharmaceuticals, tourism, textile-garment, ICT, agriculture and manufacturing. Direct air routes would also contribute to promoting trade, tourism and people-to-people exchanges.
tie in**see also Israel above

Oct. 31, 2016



Headline:     Scores Dead as Syrian Rebels Battle to Break Aleppo Siege

Headline:     Putin to order full-scale Aleppo assault this week

Fighting raged Sunday on the western edges of the Syrian city of Aleppo, with rebels trying to split a Russian-backed government force laying siege to the eastern half of the city by attacking it from the rear. Monitors say at least 41 civilians have been killed in the latest offensive, and Syria’s state news agency SANA said 35 others were suffering from the effects of “toxic gases” in two government-controlled districts. The SANA report linked the gas attack to what it called “terrorist organizations” affiliated with Turkey and Saudi Arabia. For their part, rebels accused government forces of shelling a separate rebel-held district with chlorine shells. The head of Aleppo University Hospital, speaking on state television, identified the fumes as toxic chlorine gas. No deaths were linked to the gas, which monitors from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights described as creating symptoms of suffocation. Rebels and monitors said much of Sunday’s fighting centered on a battle for a huge apartment housing project in a western district, which, if captured, would bring rebels within several kilometers of the center of government-controlled western Aleppo. Meanwhile, According to unnamed British intelligence sources, Vladimir Putin plans to use the election turmoil in Washington as a distraction to this week launch a full-scale assault on the rebels holding eastern Aleppo and secure a victory by mid-January. The same sources point to the Russian aircraft carrier on its way to the Mediterranean and the sighting of three Russian submarines passing through the Irish Sea. This report is unconfirmed from any other source and is awarded low credibility by DEBKAfile’s military sources.
Oct. 31, 2016


Headline:       Last Stronghold of ISIS Caliphate Set to Topple in Battle for Mosul

Headline:     Sulfuric acid rain expected in Turkey after ISIL torches sulfur plant near Mosul

Headline:     Iraqi troops enter Karama, first district inside Mosul – report

US-backed Iraqi ground troops, following on the heels of the army’s counter-terrorism unit, launched what it expects to be the final assault on the city of Mosul, the last major stronghold of the Islamic State in Iraq, on Monday. Iraqi forces, along with Kurdish Peshmerga allies, have been converging on the city, believed to hold between 4,000 and 5,000 ISIS fighters, with another 1,500-2,000 defending its outskirts, for two weeks. The opposition forces have managed to advance despite ISIS’ attempts to deter its enemies with artillery and a barrier of deadly car bombs. The radical Islamic group has also set oil fields ablaze to cover their movements and, as another defensive measure, seized thousands of civilians from villages surrounding Mosul to use as human shields, Reuters reported. While ISIS steadily gained ground in Iraq and Syria from 2013 through the beginning of 2015, its territory rapidly began to shrink after encountering resistance from Iraqi forces and a US-led military coalition. While it held 40 percent of Iraq at its peak, it now holds only 10 percent.
Oct. 31, 2016


Headline:     Turkey’s Erdogan says Ankara aims to reinforce troops on Iraq border

Headline:   Turkey wants Raqqa offensive to begin after Mosul campaign completed

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey was aiming to reinforce its troops deployments in its Iraqi border town of Silopi and that it would have a “different response” for Shi’ite militia groups if they cause terror in the Iraqi city of Tal Afar. Iranian-backed Iraqi Shi’ite paramilitary groups have said they have started an offensive against Islamic State positions west of Mosul, which will target Tal Afar. Speaking to reporters at a reception marking Republic Day in Ankara, Erdogan said the information he received had not confirmed such movement. He gave no details on the numbers of reinforcements, or what the different response would be. Ankara has repeatedly warned that it would take measures if there is an attack on the city, which has a sizeable ethnic Turkmen population, as part of a wider U.S.-led offensive to retake Iraqi city of Mosul from Islamic State. Meanwhile, Turkey wants the operation on Raqqa, ISIS’s main stronghold in Syria, to start after Mosul and Euphrates Shield operations have been completed, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said on Monday.
Oct. 31, 2016,7340,L-4872698,00.html


Headline:       Three Turkish soldiers, 13 PKK militants killed in clashes

Headline:   Kurdish Peshmerga forces expel Islamic State from villages near Mosul

Three Turkish soldiers and 13 Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants were killed on Monday during clashes in Turkey’s largely Kurdish southeast, security sources said. Turkish soldiers were on an operation in the Daglica district of Hakkari province, which borders Iraq, when clashes broke out, leaving three of the soldiers and four militants dead, the sources said. One Turkish soldier was also wounded, they added. Nine more PKK militants were killed and four were severely wounded in an operation in the Hisar region of Hakkari, security sources said.
Oct. 31, 2016,7340,L-4872687,00.html


Headline:     US orders families of consulate workers in Istanbul to leave

Headline:    Turkey sacks 10,000 more civil servants, shuts media in latest crackdown

The State Department is ordering family members of employees posted to the U.S. Consulate General in Istanbul to leave because of security concerns. In a statement issued Saturday, the State Department says the decision is based on security information indicating extremist groups are continuing aggressive efforts to attack U.S. citizens in areas of Istanbul where they reside or frequent. The Consulate General remains open and fully staffed. The order applies only to the U.S. Consulate General in Istanbul, not to other U.S. diplomatic posts in Turkey. The travel warning issued Saturday updates a warning last week of increased threats from terrorist groups throughout Turkey. U.S. citizens were advised to avoid travel to southeast Turkey and carefully consider the risks of travel to and throughout the country. The State Department said international and indigenous terrorist organizations in Turkey have been targeting U.S. as well as other foreign tourists.
Oct. 30, 2016


tal-afar-to-mosul iran

Headline:   Iran’s Tel Afar op is in sync with Russia in Syria

The pro-Iranian Iraqi Shiite drive to capture Tel Afar, 55 km from Mosul in western Iraq, was designed less to complete the encirclement of the Islamists in Mosul – in support of the US-led coalition – and more to forge a link in the land bridge Tehran aspires to build to give its Revolutionary Guards free passage to Hizballah and the Shiite groups fighting for Bashar Assad in Syria. This is reported by debkafile’s military and intelligence sources. The Iraqi Shiite battle for Afar is led by Iran’s Al Qods chief, Gen. Qassem Soliemani from the front lines. US and Iraqi commanders of Operation Inherent for expelling ISIS from Mosul welcomed the Iran-led Iraqi Shiites’ initiative to take Tal Afar in order to sever ISIS’ supply lines from Syria to Mosul. But Iran’s overriding motive in initiating this operation was laid bare by Ahmad al-Asadi, spokesman of the pro-Iranian Iraqi Hashid Shaabi Shiite groups, when he spoke to reporters Saturday, Oct. 29 in Baghdad. After “clearing” these “terrorist gangs,” from 14,000 sq. km of Iraq including Tal Afar and the regions bordering on Syria, he said, “We are fully ready to cross the border into Syria and fight alongside President Bashar al-Assad. According to our sources, this plan was not coordinated directly with the US-Iraqi command of the Mosul operation, but with the Russian military command center in the Syrian province of Latakia. It is important enough for the Russian command to have just established a new center for military and intelligence interchanges. It is staffed by Russian, Turkish, Syrian, Iraqi Shiite and Iranian officers. This mechanism has been put in charge of coordinating Shiite military operations both in Syria and Iraq.
Oct. 30, 2016

Headline:    Iranian opposition: Khamenei ordered Makkah attack

President-elect of the Iranian Resistance “strongly” condemned on Sunday the targeting of Saudi’s holy city Makkah with rockets launched from inside Yemen on October 29. Maryam Rajavi said the strikes carried out were under the supervision of Quds Force, and ordered by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. She referred to the attack as a “declaration of war to all Muslims around the world”. She called for the expulsion of the “anti-human” and “anti-Islamic” regime from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and requested Islamic countries cut relations with the current Iranian regime. “Even earlier the mullahs’ regime spared no effort to conduct crimes and desecration of Makkah and the sacred House of God. Among others were sending explosives to Saudi in 1986, and causing riot and chaos in Mecca in 1987 that took the lives of more than 400 pilgrims. This is the very same regime that did not even hesitate to explode the shrines of Shiite Imams in Mashhad and Samarra in a bid to maintain its infamous reign,” Rajavi said. Earlier, the Iranian Resistance revealed transferring arm shipments by the mullah’s regime to Yemen.
Oct. 31, 2016


Headline:       Afghan government loses 2 percent of territory in 3 months

The Afghan government lost control or influence between May and August over two percent of the territory it controlled, the US government’s top watchdog on Afghanistan said in a report on Sunday, a sign of the precarious security situation in the country and challenges posed by the Taliban and other militant groups. Fifteen years after the United States invaded Afghanistan to topple the Taliban rulers who had harbored al Qaeda militants who attacked the United States, the Taliban have made major gains and are estimated to control more territory than at any time since 2001. The report, published by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), said the area under Afghan government “control or influence” had decreased to 63.4 percent by the end of August from 65.6 percent near the end of May, based on data provided by US forces in Afghanistan.
Oct. 30, 2016,7340,L-4872221,00.html


Headline:       Political activist killed in car explosion eastern Libya

A Libyan hospital and security officials say a car exploded in the eastern city of Benghazi, killing three people including a political activist close to a powerful general. The officials say that the explosion on Saturday rocked the downtown Benghazi district of al-Kesh which is lined with busy cafes, killing Mohammed Bougages and two others. At least 12 others were wounded, some of whom were in critical condition. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak to the press. Bougages is a political activist and a fiery TV host of a daily talk show called “Frankly,” which is aired on state TV. He has been an outspoken supporter of General Khalifa Hifter, who has led a campaign against extremists in Benghazi since 2014.
Oct. 29, 2016


Headline:   ISIS claims killing of Algerian police officer

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the killing of an Algerian police officer while he was reportedly dining in a restaurant. The group has been trying to expand in Algeria, where al-Qaida’s North African branch and other Islamic extremist groups have been based and have long fought Algerian authorities. The ISIS-affiliated Amaq news agency said in a statement that ISIS fighters shot the officer and seized his weapon in the attack Friday in Constantine, 400 kilometers (240 miles) east of the capital Algiers. It later posted a picture of what it said was the officer’s gun.
Oct. 30, 2016,7340,L-4872324,00.html


Headline:     Protests Erupt in Morocco Over Fish Vendor’s Death in Garbage Compactor

Moroccans have taken to the streets to protest after a fishmonger was crushed by a garbage truck while attempting to retrieve fish confiscated by police. The death of Mouhcine Fikri on Friday sparked protests in many Moroccan cities including Rabat, al-Hoceima, Casablanca, and Marrakesh, where people have been calling for “liberty, dignity and social justice.” In Fikri’s hometown of al-Hoceima, Moroccans marched 22km to bury his body. King Mohammed VI of Morocco ordered the Interior Ministry to conduct “a careful and thorough investigation,” and to bring charges against anyone who had broken the law, the state-run Maghreb Arabe Presse news agency reported on Sunday. In a statement, the Moroccan interior minister, Mohamed Hassad, promised a thorough investigation that “will make sure people are held accountable.” On Sunday, thousands of men marched on a hill above the Mediterranean Sea behind Mr. Fikri’s coffin. “Don’t forget us. Don’t forget Al Hoceima,” one of the people taking part in the funeral march could be heard saying on a Facebook video of the event.
Oct. 31, 2016








Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:      Twin suicide bombings kill at least nine in Nigeria

Twin suicide bombings by suspected Boko Haram fighters have killed at least nine people in the northeastern Nigerian city of Maiduguri, officials and witnesses said. One of the attackers was reportedly a woman. “Two suicide bombers riding in motorised rickshaws this morning detonated their explosives 10 minutes apart,” Mohammed Kanar, spokesman for Nigeria Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), said on Saturday. “Nine persons lost their lives with 24 persons injured and evacuated to various hospitals,” NEMA said in a statement posted on Twitter.
Oct. 29, 2016

Headline:    Central African Republic: Clashes leave 25 dead – UN

Headline:    France pulling troops out of Central African Republic after 3 bloody years

Twenty-five people have been killed in two days of violence in the Central African Republic, the UN peacekeeping mission has said. On Thursday, 15 people died in clashes between Muslim fighters of the former Seleka militia and the Christian vigilante anti-Balaka group, it said. Six police officers and four civilians died in an ambush on Friday. The Central African Republic has been wracked by conflict along religious and ethnic lines since 2013. In a statement on Saturday, the Minusca mission said “clashes between elements of the anti-Balaka and ex-Seleka caused 15 deaths and a number of wounded” in the town of Bambari, about 250km (150 miles) north-east of the capital Bangui. It added that “six gendarmes and four civilians lost their lives on Friday morning in an ambush on the Bambari-Grimari road”. The UN mission urged all armed groups to end “the cycle of attack and reprisal”. Seleka rebels briefly seized power in March 2013 and deposed the Christian President Francois Bozize.
Oct. 31, 2016

Headline:      Islamic State claims responsibility for attack outside U.S. embassy in Nairobi Kenya

A follower of Islamic State was responsible for an attack last week on a Kenyan police officer outside a U.S. embassy in Nairobi, the group’s Amaq news agency said on Saturday. A knife-wielding man whom police described as a criminal was shot dead outside the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi last Thursday after he attacked and injured a Kenyan police officer. “The person who carried out the stabbing of a guard outside the American embassy in Nairobi last Thursday was a soldier of Islamic State responding to calls to target coalition countries,” Amaq said.

Kenya’s police spokesman said at the time the motive was unclear and an investigation was launched. The spokesman could not immediately be reached on Saturday.

Islamic State previously claimed an attack in Kenya in September by three women who were shot dead after they tricked their way into a police station in Mombasa and tried to torch the building, according to police. The police in Kenya have also previously said they had detained sympathisers with the group.

Oct. 29, 2016

Headline:      Islamic State recognizes oath of allegiance from jihadists in Mali

The Islamic State’s Amaq News Agency has officially recognized an oath of allegiance sworn on behalf of a group of jihadists operating in Mali and neighboring countries. Abu Walid al Sahrawi first swore bay’ah (an oath of allegiance) to the so-called caliphate more than seventeen months ago, but Abu Bakr al Baghdadi’s enterprise did not advertise it until yesterday. Amaq released a short statement acknowledging Sahrawi’s oath, as well as a video of him reading his pledge. Sahrawi’s organization is commonly known as the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS). Sahrawi previously served as the spokesman for the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO). In that role, Sahrawi was allied with Mokhtar Belmokhtar, who was originally a commander in al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Disagreements with AQIM’s leadership led Belmokhtar to establish his own force in 2012. MUJAO merged with Belmokhtar and his men in 2013 to form Al Murabitoon. But two years later, in May 2015, Sahrawi and a cadre of fighters broke away to establish a branch of the Islamic State in Mali. Amaq’s statement reads like Sahrawi’s pledge of fealty is recent, but it is actually old news. “Katibat Murabitoon, under the leadership of Abu Walid al Sahrawi in northern Mali, pledges allegiance to Abu Bakr al Baghdadi and the Islamic State organization,” Amaq’s statement reads.
Oct. 31, 2016

Headline:    Russian submarines spotted off BRITISH COAST in latest Putin offensive

Headline:    Russia fails to win re-election to U.N. Human Rights Council

The sub is believed to be one of three fearsomely armed subs heading for Mediterranean – easy striking distance of the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo. While the world condemns the flotilla of Russian surface battleships on its way to the east Mediterranean, it is the submarines that will unleash deadly metal rain on Syria’s last rebel stronghold, experts warn. The news comes as tensions between London and Moscow escalate following Britain’s decision to deploy tanks, fighter aircraft and up to 800 troops to Baltic war games. A Royal Navy nuclear submarine was last night tracking two of the boats in the Irish Sea. They are expected to join the task force, headed by Russia’s only aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, on Monday. It is not the first time Russia has used its silent weapons of destruction to attack Syrian soil. In December last year its Military Maritime Fleet successfully trialled the first firing of cruise missiles from a submarine, when the Kilo-class ‘Rostov-on-Don’ launched four Kalibr missiles, with a 4,000 km range, on ISIS targets. It is not ISIS, however, that is expected to be the target of this newest deployment, but rather Aleppo, where 270,000 civilians remain trapped with no hope of escape. Sources revealed that two Akula-class attack submarines, armed with the same Kalibr land attack cruise missile system, were “pinged” by a Royal Navy Trafalgar-class submarine as they sailed through the Irish Sea.
Oct. 31, 2016


Headline:        Yemen conflict: Dozens killed as air strikes hit prison in Hudaydah

Dozens of people have been killed at a Yemeni prison complex in air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition, reports say. Strikes hit a building used as a prison in the al-Zaydiya security headquarters in the western port of Hudaydah, security and medical officials say. The city is under the control of Houthi rebels, who have been battling the government since 2014. Rebels and inmates were among the 60 dead, officials said. Dozens more are believed to have been wounded. The prison was holding 84 inmates when it was hit three times late on Saturday, reports said.
Oct. 30, 2016


Headline:     Measles Complication That Can Kill Years Later More Common Than Thought

A measles complication that has been known to kill children, and even adults, years after they recover from the illness isn’t as rare as experts had once thought. Previously, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, or SSPE, was thought to have affected about one in 100,000 previous measles patients, making it a fairly rare disease in pre-vaccine times. But new research released on Friday at the IDWeek expo in New Orleans suggests that this measles complication is much more common than once believed. According to MedPage Today, SSPE might occur in about one in 600 patients, depending on how old the patient was when they suffered from measles. The findings were based on analysis of 17 earlier cases, primarily those who had contracted the illness via the California measles epidemic of 1988 through 1990. SSPE is a condition that could lay dormant for several years in a person’s system and might manifest a good four to eight years after a patient is infected by measles. The disease’s classical symptoms initially include behavioral changes, but they progress toward more intense seizures over time until patients become comatose. MedPage Today notes that patients might die about one to three years after the initial SSPE diagnosis. Study lead author Dr. James Cherry of UCLA acknowledged that this measles complication was once thought to be “quite rare,” even as a German study in 2013 had hinted that the disease occurs in about one in 1,700 measles cases among children five years old or younger. He also warned that the 1-in-600 rate might be a modest estimate, due to the “really striking” revelations in his team’s study.
Oct. 30, 2016



Headline:     6.6-Magnitude Earthquake Flattens Much Of Historic Basilica In Central Italy

Headline:       Italy trembles: Over 200 aftershocks follow devastating earthquake

Basilica of San Benedict – A strong earthquake in Italy’s Umbria region destroyed a centuries-old basilica that was built at the birthplace of Saint Benedict and his twin sister Saint Scholastica early Sunday. No deaths were reported from the quake, which followed a series of smaller temblors. Images from the scene show firefighters coming to the aid of nuns as they fled one of the buildings in Norcia, which is also commonly called Nursia. One reason for the lack of casualties: many buildings had been declared unsafe after a large quake in August. “The monks are all safe, but our hearts go immediately to those affected, and the priests of the monastery are searching for any who may need the Last Rites,” reads an announcement from the Benedictine monks of Norcia, who had been working to raise money to repair their historic basilica. Today, the monks said, “The basilica is destroyed.”
Oct. 30, 2016

earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~