Oct. 30, 2016- Live Stream with Trump Oct. 30, 2016

email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com
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index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October-26-2016-Edition


Oct. 27, 2016- Teaching the book of Revelation with Frank DiMora Part 45 (Chapter 21)


Oct. 26, 2016- Putin reaffirms Israel-Russia ties

email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com
header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct. 6, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora

 Burdensome stone

Headline:     Putin reaffirms Israel-Russia ties

Amid Russia’s stepped up military activity in Syria and increased tension between Moscow and Washington, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday, while Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is expected to come for a visit on November 10. As has been the case in the past, the Kremlin issued a brief statement about the Netanyahu-Putin call, while the Prime Minister’s Office did not issue any kind of read-out. According to the Kremlin, Putin “cordially” congratulated Netanyahu on his birthday, and sent greetings on the occasion of Succot: “The two leaders exchanged greetings on the occasion of the 25th anniversary [October 18] of the restoration of diplomatic relations between Russia and Israel, and emphasized their interest in further developing multifaceted bilateral cooperation. They also discussed urgent international and regional issues.” This was the sixth phone call between the two leaders this year. They have also met four times in the past 16 months.
Oct. 23, 2016


Headline: Bill would forbid Israelis from speaking at UN

Headline:   NGOs want Russia out of UN rights council for Syria role

Coalition chairman MK David Bitan (Likud) is planning to promote a new bill that would forbid Israelis from appearing before international bodies with operational powers, such as the UN Security Council, Channel 2 News reported on Saturday. The proposal comes following the appearance by B’Tselem executive director Hagai El-Ad at a UN Security Council meeting on Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria, in which he spoke against Israeli “occupation” in Judea and Samaria. On Friday, Bitan told Channel 2 that he was looking into the legal possibility of revoking El-ad’s citizenship due to his defaming of Israel before the UN Security Council. According to Saturday’s report, Bitan discovered that legally it would not be possible to revoke El-ad’s citizenship, and he therefore decided on a new course of action in the form of promoting legislation against anti-Israel speeches like the one given by El-ad.
***see also World on Syria below
Oct. 24, 2016



Headline: Palestinian Authority issues UNESCO ultimatum

Headline: Hamas: PA doesn’t represent the Palestinian people

Headline: Analysis: Israel likely to lose big in Wednesday’s UNESCO vote

The Palestinian Authority sent a letter Monday night to 21 member nations of the United Nation’s World Heritage Committee and who are set to vote Wednesday on another UNESCO decision regarding Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, and the Western Wall. In their letter, the PA abstained from describing Israel as an “occupying power,” presumably to soften their anti-Israel stance. While the Palestinian Authority is not a voting member of UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee, Jordan has lent its backing to the PA. In the new resolution, the name “Western Wall” which was in quotes, is now written without quotes. However, the Temple Mount is still referred to as “Al-Aqsa Haram e-Sharif” and is still recognized as an exclusively Muslim site, with no mention of the Temple Mount or its significance for Jews anywhere in the document. However, after several countries announced they would not vote for the “Palestinian cause” this time, the Palestinian Authority and Jordan have begun to threaten the voting countries.
Oct. 25, 2016





Headline: First time in 1,000 years: Yom Kippur service on Temple Mount

Only once in the last thousand years (since the second Muslim conquest of the Holy Land – the first was in the 7th century after the rise of Islam) has a Yom Kippur service been carried out on the Temple Mount. Kept secret for nearly 50 years, the prayer leader at the time recently told the story to correspondent Haggai Huberman. The service was complete with prostrations as in Temple times, though without sacrificial and incense offerings. The main participant was none other than Rabbi Menachem HaCohen (the name Cohen means priest and almost always denotes someone descended from Moses’ brother Aaron, the first Priest), who served in the past as Labor Party Knesset Member, Rabbi of the national Histadrut Labor Organization, and top aide to IDF Chief Rabbi Maj.-Gen. Shlomo Goren. In the famous photo of Rabbi Goren blowing the shofar atop the Mount upon its 1967 liberation by Israeli forces, Rabbi HaCohen can be seen at his side. After the Six Day War, a sharp dispute arose between Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, who “returned the Temple Mount keys” to the Waqf, and Rabbi Goren, who felt that Jews must be allowed to pray at their most sacred site and wanted to build a synagogue there. After Rabbi Goren held a Tisha B’Av prayer service atop the Mount just six weeks after the Six Day War, Dayan forbade him by military order to pray there again.
Oct. 23, 2016




Headline:   Door to Lebanese presidency ‘wide open’, will vote for Aoun: Hezbollah

Headline: With President Aoun, Iran replaces Syria in Lebanon

The leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, said on Sunday the door to electing a president was “wide open” and his members of parliament would vote for ally Michel Aoun at a parliamentary session at the end of October. Lebanon has been without a president for more than two years, part of a political crisis that has resulted in a breakdown in many basic services and concerns about the country’s stability. Lebanon’s former prime minister Saad al-Hariri said on Thursday he would back Christian leader Aoun to be president. Hariri stressed that his endorsement was a “political settlement” for the benefit of the whole country. “The past few days saw an important development: a declaration by the Future Movement leader (Hariri) of his support for the nomination of General Michel Aoun for the presidency. The door is now realistically wide open for a successful presidential election,” Nasrallah said. Parliament will convene on Oct. 31 for a session to elect the president, the 46th such sitting since the term of the last president, Michel Suleiman, expired in 2014. Each of the previous sittings failed to gain the two-thirds quorum needed for a vote. The position of president must be filled by a Maronite Christian.
Oct. 25, 2016



Saudi Arabia2Saudi Arabia

Headline: In apparent rift with Ramallah, Saudi Arabia halts PA funding

Without providing prior warning or an explanation to Ramallah, Saudi Arabia has been holding back financial aid earmarked for the Palestinian Authority for over six months, senior PA officials say. Saudi Arabia had been paying $20 million a month to the PA as aid to the cash-strapped Palestinian government in the West Bank when it suddenly shut the tap. While there has been no official announcement from either Riyadh or Ramallah, The Times of Israel has learned that the payments stopped over half a year ago with no clear reason given for the cessation. Palestinian sources said that several emissaries from the Palestinian Authority have attempted to find out the reasons for the funding freeze but were not given full answers by the Saudi government. The Palestinian Authority is working on the assumption that the freeze is due to an across-the-board cut in Saudi Arabia’s funding of foreign countries based on its own budgetary strains, but some sources assess that Riyadh may be unhappy with PA President Mahmoud Abbas.
Oct. 25, 2016



Headline:     Egypt’s security chief warns of scheme to incite chaos

Headline: Egypt rules out Assad visit to Cairo: report

Egypt’s interior minister warned in comments published on Monday that the country faced “unprecedented challenges” that required a “decisive” response by security forces, accusing the now-banned Muslim Brotherhood of scheming to incite chaos. The minister’s comments, which came in an interior ministry statement published in state-owned newspapers, was the latest sign of alarm by President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi’s government over possible unrest as result of worsening economic conditions. In Monday’s statement, Interior Minister Magdy Abdel-Ghaffar, who is in charge of the police, said the Brotherhood was seeking through “conspiratorial schemes to incite chaos and confusion with the aim of creating skepticism over the ability of the state and its institutions to satisfy popular expectations”. “The security forces will not, under any circumstances, tolerate any attempt to repeat the scenes of chaos and sabotage at a time when the country is moving forward with firm steps toward a promising future, God willing,” said the minister.
Oct. 25, 2016





Headline:   NGOs want Russia out of UN rights council for Syria role

More than 80 human rights and aid organizations on Monday urged UN member states to drop Russia from the Human Rights Council over its military campaign in Syria. Human Rights Watch, CARE International and Refugees International were among the signatories of the appeal launched ahead of elections to fill 14 seats at the 47-nation council on Friday. Russia, Hungary and Croatia will be running for two seats representing the Eastern European group at the council, which is tasked with addressing rights violations worldwide. The organizations urged UN member states to “question seriously whether Russia’s role in Syria — which includes supporting and undertaking military actions which have routinely targeted civilians and civilian objects — renders it fit to serve on the UN’s premier inter-governmental human rights institution.”
***see also Israel above

Oct. 25, 2016



Headline:     ISIS unleashes ‘heavy resistance’ outside Mosul, Pentagon reports

Headline: Turkey moves to join fight for Mosul, sparking threat of ‘regional war’ from Iraq

Headline: Battle for Mosul: ISIS mines bridges over Tigris

The United Nations said Friday it is “gravely worried” that ISIS has taken 550 families from villages around Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, and is using them as “human shields” as Iraqi and Kurdish forces battle the terror group for control of the city. Two hundred families from Samalia village and 350 families from Najafia were forced out Monday and taken to Mosul in what appears to be “an apparent policy by ISIS to prevent civilians escaping,” Ravina Shamdasani, deputy spokeswoman for the UN Human Rights Office, told CNN. Meanwhile, ISIS militants attacked security buildings in Kirkuk, 175 kilometers (109 miles) southeast of Mosul. Iraqi security forces have defeated the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) in the northern city of Kirkuk, ending a three-day assault and killing at least 74 jihadis, the provincial governor said Monday. “The attack is over and life has returned to normal,” Najm al-Din Karim, the governor of Kirkuk province, told AFP news agency. “The security forces have killed more than 74 Daesh terrorists and detained several others, including their leader,” he added, using the Arabic acronym for the group, as Iraqi and Kurdish forces continued their assault on ISIS forces with the aim of recapturing Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city. The attack in Kirkuk, an oil-rich city located 100 miles southeast of Mosul, was initiated Friday by sleeper cells who joined forces with infiltrating ISIS fighters.
Oct. 25, 2016





Headline: Fiercely resistant ISIS seizes two Iraqi cities

Headline: Ar-Rutbah cleared of ISIS despite almost capturing it

Official US optimism was absent from the latest Pentagon spokesman’s evaluation of the state of the offensive to wrest Mosul from ISIS as it entered its second week. Late Monday, Oct. 24, Capt. Jeff Davis said that, while Iraqi and Kurdish forces were making “solid progress,” they are now meeting “heavy resistance,” outside Mosul and predicted that “its going to get heavier” as allied forces push into the city. Capt. Davis also admitted that the 80 or so villages and small towns retaken by Kurdish and Iraqi forces in the first week of the campaign were largely uninhabited. US soldiers were Monday ordered to use gas masks after ISIS poured oil on a sulfur mine 70km south of Mosul that continues to burn near the US and Iraqi military center at Qayyarah. One obstacle after another – often unforeseen – is slowing the coalition’s advance on Mosul – as debkafile was the first publication to reveal last week. It is becoming obvious that ISIS is following a plan to circle around Mosul in a wide radius and pouncing on important spots for diversionary attacks: Last week, they overran Kirkuk; this week, Sinjar and Rutba. The capture of Sinjar in northern Iraq near the Syrian border was the Islamists’ second victory against the Kurdish Peshmerga. Its fall saved ISIS’ main supply route from Iraq to its Syrian stronghold in Raqqa from being cut off. For the Kurdish Peshmerga, it was disastrous.
Oct. 25, 2016




Headline:      Syrian Kurds say Ankara attacking to prevent Raqqa recapture

Headline:      Kurdish National Council condemns Turkey’s intervention in Syria

A Syrian Kurd leader in France on Tuesday accused Turkey of “massively attacking” Kurdish forces trying to recapture Raqqa, the ISIS stronghold in Syria. “With its artillery and aircraft, the Turkish army is taking advantage of the media and international community’s focus on Mosul to massively attack Syrian Kurds to stop them taking Raqqa,” Khalen Issa told a news conference in Paris. Iraq announced the launch of the operation to retake Mosul from ISIS on October 17, and has since been advancing towards the city from the south, east and north. Issa, the representative of Syrian Kurds in France, said that in their preparations to retake Raqqa, the US-backed Kurdish-Arab Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) “have liberated several villages occupied by Daesh (an alternative name for ISIS) to the northeast of Aleppo.” “If Turkish artillery and aircraft are heavily bombing SDF positions in this zone and in the Afrine district it is partly to stop them (SDF) cutting Daesh supply lines to Raqqa and partly to allow Turkey to keep control of 70 kilometers (43 miles) of its border with Syria,” he said.
Oct. 25, 2016




Headline:     Turkey threatens to launch ground operation if provoked

Headline: Explosion hits southern Turkey’s Antalya, injuries reported

The Turkish Foreign Minister, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, stated on Tuesday afternoon that Ankara will launch a ground operation in Iraq if they perceive a threat to their national security. The Turkish Foreign Minister’s comments come on the 9th day of the Iraqi Army’s offensive to expel the Islamic State from Mosul; this assault does not include the Turkish Armed Forces. The governments in Ankara and Baghdad have been involved in a war of words these past few weeks as a result of the Turkish President’s refusal to remove his forces from northern Iraq.
Oct. 25, 2016




Headline: U.S. says troubled by reports of another U.S. citizen jailed by Iran

The United States is troubled by reports that an Iranian-American man may have been sentenced by Iran to 18 years in prison, a State Department spokesman said on Tuesday, a week after an Iranian-American businessman and his father were also jailed by an Iranian court. “We are troubled by reports that Robin Reza Shahini, a person reported to be a U.S. citizen, may have been convicted and sentenced to 18 years in prison,” spokesman John Kirby told a daily briefing. He called on Tehran to halt “arbitrary and politically motivated detentions.” California-based Shahini was detained while visiting his mother in Gorgan in July, according to Shahini’s friends. Last week, businessman Siamak Namazi and his 80-year-old father Baquer Namazi, a former Iranian provincial governor and former UNICEF official, were sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges of cooperating with the United States. Iran does not recognize dual nationality, which prevents Western embassies from visiting such detainees. Washington secured the release of five U.S. citizens from Iran in January in a prisoner exchange and has said it raises the detention of other Americans held by Tehran during meetings with Iranian officials.
Oct. 25, 2016



Headline:    Ethiopian unrest triggers collapse in tourism

A wave of anti-government protests and the imposition of a state of emergency has triggered a collapse in tourism bookings in Ethiopia, underlining the effect the unrest is having on one of Africa’s best-performing economies. As the demonstrations spread across the country, governments, including the US, UK, Australia, Canada and Ireland, have advised their citizens against all non-essential travel to the country or Amhara and Oromia regions at the centre of the instability. Hailemariam Desalegn, Ethiopia’s prime minister, has said the death toll from the demonstrations, which began last November and have been exacerbated by the authoritarian regime’s brutal crackdown on protesters, could be as high as 500. Thousands of people have been arrested and the government imposed a state of emergency as it grapples with the biggest threat to the Horn of Africa nation’s stability in years. The protests originally began over land disputes, but the state’s harsh response caused them to spiral into broader protests against the government.
Oct. 25, 2016



Headline: Japan to deploy new batch of SDF in South Sudan after adoption of controversial security laws

The Japanese government said Tuesday that it will send a new batch of Self-Defense Forces (SDF) to South Sudan in late November after extending the SDF participation in a UN peacekeeping mission by five months through March. The government said that it will decide before the troop’s departure whether to assign additional duties to them in accordance with the controversial new security laws that came into effect in March and allowed SDF personnel with more flexible use of weapons. The new tasks will probably include aiding UN personnel and others under attack by armed groups and jointly defending UN peacekeepers’ camps with troops from other nations, said local media. The security laws, steamrolled through the parliament by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party-led coalition, expanded the role of the SDF overseas despite their inherent contradictions to Japan’s own pacifist Constitution. Defense Minister Tomomi Inada said that the decision will be made after “comprehensively” assessing the training results of the SDF personnel and the security situation in South Sudan.
Oct. 25, 2016



Headline:   Morocco seeks to rejoin the African Union

King Mohammed VI of Morocco is currently touring East Africa. Officially he is looking to improve relations with the region but he has another goal: Find support for Morocco joining the African Union. With a military parade, traditional dancers and a private tour through the Ngorongoro National Park, it is clear that the Tanzanian government wanted to make Moroccan King Mohammed VI feel welcome. The king is on a three-day visit having just arrived from Rwanda. The official reason for the visit is to build political and economic relations between Morocco and East Africa. In Rwanda, the king and President Paul Kagame signed 19 bilateral agreements. Morocco has traditionally not been a very close partner to the region. But the king also has a second important item on his agenda: After more than 30 years, the country wants to rejoin the African Union (AU). This goal was revealed in a letter to the AU during the organization’s summit in July and the king has been pushing for the move ever since. But Morocco rejoining the AU is a politically sensitive issue. Mohammed’s father, Hassan II, pulled the country out of the then-called Organization of African Unity (OAU)  in 1984 by because of the acceptance of Western Sahara into the organization. Morocco still considers Western Sahara as it southern province.
Oct. 25, 2016



Headline:   Armenia calls for implementation of mega projects with Iran

Minister of Finance of Armenia Vardan Aramyan in a meeting with Iranian Ambassador to Yerevan called for the implementation of mega projects and boosting of trade turnover with Iran. The meeting took place on Monday in Yerevan, where the two sides highlighted the need for more economic cooperation.“Iranian investments in Armenia amount to $3 million, while Armenian investments in Iran amount to $250,000. This means that we have much to do here and drastically increase the figures considering the centuries-old trade potentials between the two countries”, the Armenpress quoted Vardan Aramyan as saying.The Armenian minister noted that trade turnover can be increased by the implementation of mega projects, which was impossible in the past due to the economic sanctions against Iran.“The economic sanctions on our neighbor impact us as well and we have always raised alarm over this to our European partners,” he said, while expressing satisfaction with the expansion of Iran’s economic relations with other countries following the nuclear deal and the removal of sanctions.
Oct. 25, 2016


Headline:    Thousands of Muslims protest on ancient streets of Rome as Italy SHUTS DOWN mosques

Authorities in Rome recently closed down five makeshift mosques in the city in what Muslims see as a crackdown on their religion. Thousands attended Friday prayers this week outside the iconic Colosseum in Rome to demonstrate against the closures. The small mosques had been shut down by the authorities on fears that youngsters were becoming radicalized. During the protest prayer, worshippers knelt on mats metres away from the ancient amphitheatre. An imam led the group in chants of “Allah Akbar” while they kneeled to the ground facing the Colosseum. Many Muslims in the country believe local authorities are reacting to fear caused by recent terror attacks in Europe. Italy does not recognise Islam as an official religion. On top of this, many Muslims from North Africa and South Asia feel discriminated against on the grounds of both race and religion.
Oct. 24, 2016




Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:    Students protest as Venezuela’s political standoff worsens

Headline: Venezuela opposition demands Vatican-led talks with Maduro be public

Masked youths burned rubbish and set up roadblocks in a volatile Venezuelan border city on Monday, witnesses said, in the latest protest over the suspension of a referendum drive to remove socialist President Nicolas Maduro. Several hundred students held demonstrations in San Cristobal, near Colombia. The city, a hotbed of anti-Maduro sentiment, was the site of the worst violence during protests two years ago that led to 43 deaths around the nation. “We want freedom!” chanted the protesters, who closed several roads under the watch of police and troops. Students held scattered protests in other places around Venezuela, including the capital Caracas, but mainstream opposition leaders were holding fire for nationwide rallies planned for Wednesday.
Oct. 25, 2016



Headline:   Attackers kill 12 in Kenyan guesthouse blast near Somali border

Attackers blew up part of a hotel in northeastern Kenya, killing at least 12 people on Tuesday, in a raid claimed by al Shabaab militants from neighbouring Somalia. The group said it had set out to kill non-Muslims in Kenya’s Mandera area – the scene of numerous assaults by the fighters seeking to overthrow Somalia’s Western-backed government and punish Kenya for sending in soldiers to oppose it. Rescuers pulled at least six survivors from the rubble and were searching for more, North Eastern Regional Commissioner Mohamoud Saleh said in a statement that did not name the attackers. Twelve people died in the attack, he said. “The Government of Kenya condemns this act of terror and condoles with families and friends of the bereaved,” he added.
Oct. 25, 2016


Headline: UN peacekeepers kill 3 protesters in Central African Republic

Three people were killed and six wounded in Central African Republic’s capital Bangui on Monday when UN peacekeepers exchanged fire during a protest against the UN mission, the local Red Cross said. The dead and wounded were among hundreds of protesters gathered to call for the UN troops to leave the country, Antoine Mbao-Bogo, president of the CAR Red Cross, said. A Reuters witness saw protesters, carrying anti-UN posters, throwing stones and shouting at the troops who responded with warning shots. There was then an exchange of gunfire between the troops and men who were allegedly armed near the crowd.
Oct. 25, 2016


Headline: Gunmen storm police training center in southwestern Pakistan, at least 11 wounded

Headline: Islamic State, Pakistani Taliban claim suicide assault in Quetta

Pakistani troops were conducting an anti-terror operation after gunmen stormed a police training center in the tumultuous southwestern province of Baluchistan Monday, leaving at least 11 people wounded. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack. Baluchistan is the scene of on an ongoing low-intensity insurgency by Baloch separatist groups, who have claimed hit-and-run attacks on security forces and government officials in the recent past. Islamic militants also have presence in the province bordering Afghanistan. In Monday night’s attack, between four and six gunmen tried to enter the hostel of a police training center in a suburban area of the provincial capital Quetta. Authorities said six trainees were wounded by gunshot and another five were injured when jumping off a roof and climbing a wall. Baluchistan police chief Ahsan Mahboob told reporters that four gunmen attacked the training center, attempting to enter a hostel housing the trainees. A gun battle erupted when the hostel guards resisted, he said, leaving six trainees wounded by gunfire. Mahboob said police and paramilitary forces surrounded the venue. A military statement put the number of attackers at up to six, and said Army and Frontier Corps troops were conducting a counter-terrorism operation at the site. The attack came hours after gunmen shot and killed two customs officers and wounded a third near the town of Surab, about 90 miles south of Quetta. No groups claimed responsibility for that attack either.
Oct. 24, 2016



Headline: ISIS terror kills 59 in Pakistan

Headline: Quetta attack survivor: ‘We were sleeping when terrorists attacked’

An ISIS terror attack on a police training college in southwestern Pakistan on Monday killed 59 people and wounded over 120 others. The attack was carried out by three ISIS terrorists. The terrorists shot students who were at the Balochistan college, and shortly afterwards two of the terrorists detonated explosive belts. The third terrorist was shot. ISIS news network Amak reported the terror attack as being ISIS handiwork. Most of those killed were trainees at the college, and others were soldiers working for the border police. Last August, ISIS attacked a hospital in the area, killing 70 people.
Oct. 25, 2016



Headline:   Russia reveals chilling first images of super-nuke ‘Satan 2’ which has ‘power to devastate area size of Texas’

Russia has revealed its biggest ever nuclear missile which is powerful enough to destroy a country as big as France with a single strike. Vladimir Putin is seeking to replace his arsenal of SS-18 Satan weapons with the new RS-28 Sarmat super-nukes. They are packed with up to 16 nuclear warheads according to pictures revealed online from the Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau. The weapons – which will be ready for launch in 2018 – will make the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like “popguns”, experts have said. A message posted alongside the picture said: “In accordance with the Decree of the Russian Government ‘On the State Defense Order for 2010 and the planning period 2012-2013’, the Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau was instructed to start design and development work on the Sarmat.
Oct. 24, 2016



Headline:     Hundreds protest against UN envoy in Yemen capital

Hundreds of people demonstrated in Yemen’s rebel-held capital on Tuesday against what they described as the United Nations’ “complicity” in the country’s deadly 19-month-old war, witnesses said. The protesters gathered outside a Sanaa hotel where UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed was staying as he tried to convince the warring parties to accept a ceasefire and resume peace talks. “Leave, leave Yemen,” the demonstrators chanted, addressing the UN envoy whom they accused of “sympathising with Al-Saud”, the Saudi ruling family. Riyadh is leading a military coalition that has been battling the pro-Iran Houthi rebels since March 2015 in support of Yemen’s internationally recognised government. “The UN and the Security Council are complicit in the killing of Yemenis,” read one of the banners at the Sanaa demonstration. Some of the protesters wore shirts showing pictures of the victims of an October 8 coalition air raid on a funeral ceremony in Sanaa that killed 140 people and wounded 525. The strike prompted severe criticism of the coalition, which has logistical support from the United States.
Oct. 25, 2016


one world governmentCooltextprophecysign

Headline:    We’re building the Ark of the Covenant as a computer- VIDEO

Last month we announced our plan to resurrect the Large Pixel Collider, PC Gamer’s ludicrous computer. And a couple weeks ago we picked the parts, loading the LPC with more than 128GB RAM, 42TB of storage, world-class cooling and a pair of the fastest GPUs ever created. But the LPC needs to be more than a collection of the best gaming hardware in the world. This year we’re going all-out on making the LPC a powerful, over-the-top expression of what PC gaming can be. After considering dozens of different concepts for the LPC, we fell in love with the idea of reproducing this holy box of power. Raiders describes the Ark as “a radio for talking to god,” among other things. We’ve teamed up with two veteran case modders Lee Harrington and Ron Christianson to help us realize this possibly blasphemous vision for a computer. The features (holy smokes, how are we going to do this?)

Gilded case
If we’re doing the Ark, it goes without saying that we’ve got to paint it gold.

Almost every rendition of the Ark has two angels mirrored atop it. Ron has a plan for crafting this highly distinctive detail from scratch.

Reinforced carrying bars
The Ark was built to be carried. We want our LPC to be similarly portable.

Redundant key power-on switch
Not just anyone should be able to turn on our holy rig. We’ve asked Lee and Ron to create a two-key activation switch for powering on the LPC. Only those entrusted with these divine keys will be able to play on the LPC.

Divine RGB lighting
The interior case lighting has to express the righteous power of our supercomputer.

Oct. 19, 2016


 Headline: AT&T Is Spying on Americans for Profit, New Documents Reveal

On Nov. 11, 2013, Victorville, California, sheriff’s deputies and a coroner responded to a motorcyclist’s report of human remains outside of town. They identified the partially bleached skull of a child, and later discovered the remains of the McStay family who had been missing for the past three years. Joseph, 40, his wife Summer, 43, Gianni, 4, and Joseph Jr., 3, had been bludgeoned to death and buried in shallow graves in the desert. Investigators long suspected Charles Merritt in the family’s disappearance, interviewing him days after they went missing. Merritt was McStay’s business partner and the last person known to see him alive. Merritt had also borrowed $30,000 from McStay to cover a gambling debt, a mutual business partner told police. None of it was enough to make an arrest. Even after the gravesite was discovered and McStay’s DNA was found inside Merritt’s vehicle, police were far from pinning the quadruple homicide on him. Until they turned to Project Hemisphere.

Hemisphere is a secretive program run by AT&T that searches trillions of call records and analyzes cellular data to determine where a target is located, with whom he speaks, and potentially why. “Merritt was in a position to access the cellular telephone tower northeast of the McStay family gravesite on February 6th, 2010, two days after the family disappeared,” an affidavit for his girlfriend’s call records reports Hemisphere finding (PDF). Merritt was arrested almost a year to the date after the McStay family’s remains were discovered, and is awaiting trial for the murders.
Oct. 24, 2016


apostacy BabylonCooltextprophecysign

Headline:   Baby Jesus statue’s head returned after orange replacement becomes viral joke

The missing white stone head of baby Jesus has been returned to a Canadian church after its bright orange replacement was widely mocked. On Friday, an anonymous woman returned the original head to Sainte Anne des Pins Catholic church in downtown Sudbury, according to the CBC. The head had been taken off the white stone statue of Mary holding the baby Jesus several times before, and left on the ground by vandals. The head was once again removed from the statue outside the church about a year ago, but this time was nowhere to be found. While the church’s priest, Gérard Lajeunesse, had asked local businesses about crafting a new head after several months, a local artist, Heather Wise, had offered to help craft a new one. She created a head of terracotta as a temporary replacement until she could sculpt a permanent head of stone, she told Sudbury.com. The temporary head quickly became a joke on social media, where it was compared to the spiky-haired cartoon character Maggie Simpson and the alien ET. The incident was even likened to the now infamous attempt by a Spanish woman to restore a crumbling fresco of Jesus. An Instagram account called “temporaryjesushead” was created to lampoon the sculpture, photoshopping the head on to images of ET, from the 1982 film; Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton; Darth Maul from Star Wars and others. Oct. 25, 2016


Headline: Shrine to Jesus in Israel ‘robbed and vandalised’

A church in Israel built where Christians believe the transfiguration of Jesus took place has been vandalized, with chalices stolen, icons damaged and a donation box robbed, an official said Tuesday. Church officials believe the motive for Monday’s incident was robbery and not Jewish extremism, which has been blamed for previous vandalism at Christian sites in Israel, said Wadie Abunassar, a spokesman for bishops in the Holy Land. Abunassar could not say how many chalices were stolen from the Basilica of the Transfiguration or how much money from the donation box had been taken. Communion bread had also been thrown on the ground. No graffiti was painted on the church as usually occurs with vandalism by extremists, Abunassar said. A report has been made with police. The church is located on Mount Tabor in the Galilee region of northern Israel, where Christians believe Jesus became radiant and spoke with Moses and Elijah.
Oct. 25, 2016




Headline:    Australian MP highlights the case of Asia Bibi and plight of Pakistani Christians

Australian MP Andrew Hastie speaks up for the marooned Pakistani Christian woman Asia Bibi and the plight of persecuted Pakistani Christians. During his address, he highlighted the case of blasphemy accused Asia Bibi calling for an apt action regarding her case. During his address he said: “I rise today to highlight the case of Asia Bibi and the plight of persecuted Christian minorities in Pakistan. Mrs. Bibi, a Christian in the Punjab province of Pakistan has been detained on death row for last six years, often in solitary confinement because of the ongoing threats to her physical safety in prison.” “He apparent crime, she drank from the cup that was intended for Muslim recipients. Last week I was honored to meet Mr. Wilson Chaudhry- Chairman of the British Pakistani Christians Association. The Association seeks to promote religious freedom in Pakistan and advocate for those like Mrs. Bibi whose human rights have been denied because of religious faiths.”
Oct. 25, 2016



Headline:     UN: Opium production skyrockets in Afghanistan

Afghanistan has seen a dramatic surge in the production of opium this year, according to a new United Nations report. Poor security conditions have led to a 43% rise in production of the illicit crop from 2015, with 4,800 metric tons produced this year, according to the Afghanistan Opium Survey 2016 compiled by the UN. Yury Fedotov, executive director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, said the new report shows a worrying reversal in efforts to combat the persistent problem of illicit drugs and their impact on development. The main reason for the increase, according to Mohammad Hanif Danishyar, spokesman for Afghanistan’s Ministry of Counter-Narcotics, was the deteriorating security situation in parts of the country, which meant that eradication plans could not be implemented, Eradication teams in Afghanistan who monitor and destroy the growth of poppy have come under direct attack from farmers and insurgents, who want to protect what to them is a lucrative cash crop. Authorities have only been able to destroy 355 hectares of opium poppies this year compared to 3,760 hectares in 2015, a 91% decrease.
Oct. 24, 2016



Headline:  Hurricane Seymour strengthens to Category 3 in Pacific

Hurricane Seymour grew into a Category 3 hurricane on Tuesday and the National Hurricane Center expects it will continue to strengthen in the Pacific Ocean. Seymour is about 565 miles south-southwest of the southern tip of Baja California. The storm system is moving west at a speed of 15 mph with maximum sustained winds of 115 mph. The National Hurricane Center said Seymour should begin weakening on Wednesday. The storm is considered a small tropical cyclone with hurricane-force winds extending up to 10 miles from its center and tropical storm-force winds extending up to 70 miles.
Oct. 25, 2016


earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

Oct. 25, 2016- Teaching the Book of Revelation with Frank DiMora part 44

email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com
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index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct. 6, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora


revelation with frank

Oct. 24, 2016- Teaching the Book of Revelation with Frank Dimora part 43

email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com
header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct. 6, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora

noteGo to the playlist in the upper left corner of the video box above.  You will see a drop-drown list that includes all 41 parts of my teaching with today’s newest on top.

Oct. 23, 2016- What Donald Trump will do in his first 100 days in office

Oct. 21, 2016- Teaching the Book of Revelation with Frank Dimora part 42

email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com
header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct. 6, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora

noteGo to the playlist in the upper left corner of the video box above.  You will see a drop-drown list that includes all 41 parts of my teaching with today’s newest on top.

Oct. 20, 2016- 9 month old babies fear for their lives/ Madonna is pledging to perform oral sex on voters

email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com
header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct. 6, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora

I know many of you will think this is a joke but, when you watch the video that comes with this report you will see for yourself that it is actually what she says on stage.  This is the type of person who is backing lying Hillary.  Between last night where I heard first hand that Hillary supports killing babies that are at full term and now this statement from Madonna you should get the sense Jesus Christ got it right when He warned us our generation would be like Noah’s generation.  Before you go vote on November the 8th just think about what Hillary supports. Picture if you will a full term baby in a Mothers womb. The baby is fully developed and ready to begin living on its own apart from the Mother who has been carrying it for 9 months.  Now without this young child knowing a doctor is about to enter the womb and kill the baby on purpose. I have seen photos and videos of babies trying to move out of the way to avoid the doctors medical instruments that are as deadly as a hand gun placed at your head and pulling the trigger. Is there really any difference in what is used in murdering someone. The end result is the same, death.  I can not for the life of me imagine how cold blooded these people are who call themselves doctors are as they forcefully destroy a 9 month baby. Not once during the Presidential debate last night did someone say let the baby live because there are loving people who would adopt  unwanted babies.  How in the world can America every have a chance from not be destroyed by Christ as millions upon millions of America babies are lead to the slaughter. Picture if you will the operation of killing a 9 month old baby. Picture the once living baby in the Mother now laid out on the table torn apart and lifeless.  And this is okay with Hillary!  If you can vote for someone with this type of cold heart and, friends like Madonna who have no trouble saying they will give blow jobs to anyone who votes for her that is your business but know this. Jesus is watching every move you make. He will be judging these deeds at the judgement seat of Christ.  Hillary Clinton may not shed any tears over the tiny babies that are murdered but, my heart goes out to each child that is taken away from the life that Jesus intended for it.  Who will take a stand for these babies who want to live?  The person who wants these kids to be protected is Donald Trump. A vote for Hillary is just like a vote to end another life under a Hillary Presidency.   

You want to know more about the judgement seat you will face for the things you have done on Earth, I made part 41 in my teaching of the book of Revelation. Today’s video is the beginning of Revelation chapter 19 where I will cover this judgement seat. Scroll below the Madonna report to watch part 41. 

Headline: Madonna pledges oral sex for Clinton voters

Madonna is pledging to perform oral sex on voters who cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton. The pop queen, known for her shocking antics, made the remark Tuesday while opening for comedian Amy Schumer in New York. “If you vote for Hillary Clinton,” Madonna told the crowd at Madison Square Garden, “I will give you a blow job.” “And I’m good,” the 58-year-old “Like a Virgin” singer, an outspoken supporter of the Democratic presidential nominee, said to cheers from the audience. “I’m not a tool. I take my time,” Madonna boasted. Madonna has made a point of rooting on the former secretary of State’s White House bid, posting several pro-Clinton messages on Twitter. The entertainer’s comments at Schumer’s show come just days after the comic made headlines for telling supporters of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump who booed her to leave a performance. Schumer, who has also endorsed Clinton, reportedly told the crowd, “Just so you know, from now on, if you yell out, you’re gonna get thrown out.” http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/301780-madonna-pledges-oral-sex-for-clinton-voters

In closing let us who love Jesus Christ always remind the people who are not walking with Jesus that they can be forgiven for the things they are doing or have already done. There is no sin that Jesus will not forgive if a person asks of Jesus except the rejection of salvation through Christ Jesus. So, as bad as it appears both Hillary and Madonna are they like so many of us who already have come to Christ can have their name written in the Book of Life as well. I for one pray they will.


noteGo to the playlist in the upper left corner of the video box above.  You will see a drop-drown list that includes all 41 parts of my teaching with today’s newest on top.

Oct. 19, 2016- Saudi/China Dump Treasuries

email address: endtimesresearchministry@yahoo.com
header with welcome

index freeBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct. 6, 2016 Edition written by Frank Dimora

Burdensome stone
Headline:      Netanyahu tells Amona residents Obama is a threat to communities

Prime Minister Netanyahu told Amona residents in informal discussions that President Obama intends to harm Judean and Samarian communities before he leaves the White House, according to a Channel 2 report tonight. According to the report Netanyahu said there is a real threat of unilateral steps being taken by the president against the Judean and Samarian communities during the short period left before he leaves the White House. Netanyahu’s warnings come despite the fact that at present there is no indication yet of such a move on Obama’s part and he even briefed reporters recently saying that he had no political plan which he intends to promote before the end of his presidency. Another issue is at present in contention between Israel and the US. After Israel’s UN ambassador Danny Danon attacked the UN Wednesday for funding the B’Tselem organization and providing it with a platform to attack Israel, American representative David Pressman defended the organization. Pressman claimed that the extreme left-wing organizations who appeared at the Security Council’s unofficial meeting expressed their ‘professional viewpoint’ and added that “Their words must be taken as the truth, as we know from many other unaffiliated organizations which describe difficult situations occurring around the world. It’s important to create an atmosphere in which any complaint can reach the ears of the world.”
Oct. 19, 2016


golan heights

Headline:     Assad: Israel Backs ISIS, Terrorism In Syria To Keep Golan Heights, Syrian President Claims

Israel’s government functions as a terrorist group akin to Al Qaeda or the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Syrian President Bashar Assad claimed Friday in an interview with Russian tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda. Israel is working to “undermine” Syria by supporting “terrorism,” such as the militant group also known as ISIS, he added, according to media reports Tuesday. “There’s no contradiction between Israel and any organization like al-Nusra or ISIS or any Al-Qaida-linked organization,” said Assad of Israel and rebel groups fighting his regime in Syria. “Anyone, any terrorist who holds a machine gun and started killing and destroying in Syria was supported by Israel, either indirectly through the logistical support on the frontier, or sometimes by direct intervention by Israel against Syria in different areas in Syria.” Assad explained his views on Israel’s motives: “Israel is our enemy, because they occupy our lands, and they look at Syria as [an] enemy of course, and for them they think if they undermine the position of Syria and make it weaker as a whole, as [a] society, as [an] army, as [a] state, that will prevent Israel from moving toward the peace, and the price for peace is to give back the Golan Heights to Syria. So, for them, Syria will be busy with another issue now.”
Oct. 18, 2016


Headline:    Islam originally recognized Jews as owners of Israel

In the wake of the latest UNESCO decision, Prof. Nissim Dana of the Middle Eastern Affairs Department at Ariel University discussed in an Arutz Sheva interview the early Islamic attitude towards the connection between Jerusalem and Israel and Judaism. Dana stated that he had investigated the early Islamic sources and had even published a book on the subject entitled To Whom Does This Land Belong?: New Insights into the Koran, revealing that Islam absolutely does not have a claim on the Land of Israel – even by its own standards – as it recognizes the Jews as the owners of this country and of Jerusalem. Nowadays, however, he explained, Muslims seem to be following the maxim ‘Don’t confuse us with the facts’ and it is impossible to change beliefs which they have assimilated over the last few generations even by presenting them with facts from their own sources. Dana said that “Islam was born in the seventh century C.E. and the Jewish Temple existed many years before that so that it is impossible to mistake those historical facts. Hundreds of years before Islam there was a connection between Jews and Jerusalem.” If Islam is aware of historical events preceding it, how can it change such things as the binding of Isaac to the ‘binding of Ishmael’ and create an entire festival around it?
Oct. 19, 2016



Headline:   5 arrested for shooting at soldiers

Headline:   Terror attack attempt in Samaria

Headline: Hamas: Israel lying about negotiations for soldiers bodies

It was released for publication Wednesday night that 5 people were arrested after a joint investigation by the Shin Bet, the IDF, and the police, in connection with a terror attack in which IDF soldiers were fired upon by multiple assailants near the village of Ni’ilin. There were no Israeli casualties from the attack, which took place on the eve of Yom Kippur . The terrorists fled after opening fire on the soldiers. That night forces from the Ephraim Brigade, in cooperation with the Shin Bet and the elite Duvdevan unit that operates in Judea and Samaria, went into the village and arrested the suspects.
Oct. 19, 2016






Headline:     Jordan welcomes again UNESCO resolution on Jerusalem holy sites

Headline: Jordan King says Christian Arabs play key role in defending holy sites in Jerusalem

Jordan on Tuesday renewed its stand celebrating a ‘victory’ in UNESCO, which officially adopted an Arab-sponsored resolution condemning Israel’s actions at holy sites in East Jerusalem, deepening anger in Israel. The UNESCO resolution on “Occupied Palestine” was endorsed Tuesday by the agency’s executive board at its headquarters in Paris, after being approved at the committee stage last week, when Minister of State for Media Affairs Mohammad Momani described the resolution on Al Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram Al Sharif in East Jerusalem as a political and legal victory against the Israeli occupation. On Tuesday, he added that the final “historic” decision “underlines the international community’s awareness of the sensitivity of this serious issue,” adding that the Israeli violations to the sanctity of Al Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram Al Sharif have “created an environment that supports radicalism and aggression”. Momani told The Jordan Times earlier this week that Jordan is proud to be the Muslim and Arab country that spearheads efforts to protect the holy shrines in Jerusalem, urging the international community to support the enforcement of international law and to bring an end to Israeli occupation.
Oct. 19, 2016





Headline: Lebanese Army intensifies attack against ISIS near Syrian border

Headline:   Analysis: US wrong to ignore Hezbollah in Syria

The Lebanese Army issued a powerful response to the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) militants entrenched near the Syrian border on Monday. According to a Lebanese Army communique, their forces carried out a fierce assault against the Islamic State terrorists at Jaroud Qa’a, Jaroud ‘Arsal, and Ras Ba’albak, inflicting heavy damage to the latter’s defenses. The Lebanese Army conducted this assault on Monday after a group of Islamic State terrorists ambushed Corporal Khaled ‘Ezzeddine outside of his home in ‘Arsal. The Islamic State terrorists that conducted this attack against Cpl. Ezzeddine are still at-large and wanted by the Lebanese authorities.
Oct. 19, 2016





Headline:   Egyptian Military Kills 100 ISIS Fighters Following Sinai Terror Attack

Headline:    Egypt extends state of emergency in north Sinai for 3 months

Headline: Protests erupt in Egyptian city of Port Said

The Egyptian air force launched strikes in the Sinai Peninsula killing over 100 Islamic State (ISIS) fighters on Oct. 15 in response to an ISIS terror attack a day earlier, the Egyptian military reported. Egypt led the operation targeting known ISIS hideouts including their outposts and weapons facilities throughout the Sinai. Twelve members of Egypt’s military were killed and six others wounded in a ISIS terror attack on Oct. 14 where the group used assault rifles and rockets. Egyptian forces killed 15 terrorists during the clashes that occurred at a security checkpoint in North Sinai. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi wrote on his Facebook page on Oct. 14 that “the blood of the nation of Egypt was spilled in the sands of Sinai only increases the desire and determination to complete the campaign (against the terrorists).”
Oct. 19, 2016




Headline: Egypt leaves Saudi Coalition in Yemen: reports

The Egyptian Air Force has reportedly withdrawn from the Saudi-led Coalition of countries attacking Yemen after a 12 month-long operation. According to locals in Cairo, this move by the Egyptian government comes just hours after the Egyptian Intelligence Chief met with his Syrian counterpart. No formal announcement has been issued by the Egyptian government to corroborate these reports; however, if true, Saudi Arabia will lose a key ally in this bombing campaign against the Yemeni people.
Oct. 19, 2016




Headline:   Belgium summons Russia envoy over Aleppo strike claim

Headline:   Russia to regard Belgian strikes in Aleppo as support for Nusra if no criticism follows

Headline:    Russia accuses US-led coalition strike of killing 6 in Syria Aleppo

Headline:    Russia will not extend 8-hour airstrike pause despite calls for more time Aleppo

Headline:   Erdogan says one million could come to Turkey if Aleppo exodus starts

Headline:    ISIS affiliate’s chief reportedly assassinated in south Syria (Daraa)

Headline:   France to submit draft resolution on Aleppo to UN Security Council

Belgium summoned the Russian ambassador to Brussels on Wednesday in a spat over Moscow’s claim that Belgian jets killed six civilians near Syria’s Aleppo. The diplomatic summons was issued after Russia said two Belgian F-16s from the US-led coalition had been identified in the region where the deadly air strike took place Tuesday. “We are making contact with the Russian ambassador with the aim of summoning him today,” Belgian foreign ministry spokesman Didier Vanderhasselt told AFP. “We are also making contact at the level of the ministry of defense to pass on the message that Belgium has no responsibility for these air strikes… We are also unhappy that this information was not verified before being made public.” Russia’s defense ministry said two of Belgium’s F-16s fighting Daesh terrorists in Syria had been identified in the area where the deadly strike took place. “Six people were killed and four people injured to various degrees as a result of bombing that destroyed two homes” in the village of Hassajik in the Aleppo region, it said in a statement.
Oct. 19, 2016








Headline:   Syrian Observatory for Human Rights




Headline:    The big Mosul offensive is stuck, halted by ISIS

Headline:    ISIS leader al-Baghdadi believed to be holed up in Mosul as Iraqi, US forces close in

Headline:    Hundreds of ISIS fighters fleeing from Mosul to Syria

Headline:    Fears ISIS may use chemical weapons in battle for Mosul

Headline:   ISIS tightens security in Raqqa as more jihadists arrive from Iraq

Less than a day after its launch, the big Mosul offensive prepared for more than a year by the US, the Iraqi army, Kurdish forces and others, ground to a halt Tuesday Oct. 17, debkafile’s military sources report – although none of the parties admitted as much.  Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abadi said his troops were busy opening up corridors for some million civilians to escape, while US sources suggested that the Islamic State would use primitive chemical weapons against the advancing Iraqi and Kurdish forces. Both had the ring of cover stories to account for the spearhead forces, the Iraq army’s 9th Armored Division and the Federal Police special anti-terror units, being thrown back Tuesday on their way to Mosul from the east and the south, while still 10-15km short of the city. They sustained heavy losses in lives and hardware. The 9th Division and its newly-supplied heavy US Abrahams tanks were stopped at al-Hamdaniyah outside Mosul and retreated, recalling a previous defeat at ISIS hands in June 2014, when troops of the same division fled under Islamist attack, leaving their tanks behind. The Iraqi anti-terror force withdrew from the village of al-Houd outside Mosul, a move which left the Kurdish Peshmerga no option but to stop its sweep of the villages around the city or expose their flanks to ISIS suicide and car bomb assaults. Tuesday night, both Iraqi and Kurdish commanders announced a pause in their advance and said they would meet Wednesday to decide how to proceed.
Oct. 19, 2016







Headline:      Rojava hosts thousands of displaced Iraqi civilians as war on ISIS intensifies

Thousands of Iraqi civilians, who escaped war-torn Nineveh, arrived on Sunday to Syria’s northeastern Hasakah Governorate looking for a safe haven. The Kurdish-led Self-Administration of Rojava said that its local committees in Hasakah provided thousands of Iraqi families with shelter in the al-Hawl Camp –near the Syrian-Iraqi border. “Thousands of civilians crossed the border into Rojava [Syria’s Kurdish region] over the past few days, fleeing the intensified fighting in Nineveh Governorate, especially in the vicinity of Mosul city,” Hozan Mahmo, a member of the Hawl Camp administration, told ARA News. “On Sunday, more than 200 families arrived to Hasakah and took shelter in al-Hawl Camp,” he said.
Oct. 19, 2016


Headline:       Turkish military push into Idlib Syria, prepare to assault Kurdish Afrin province

According to reports by Al-Dorar, Turkish forces with bulldozers and diggers penetrated as much as 500m into Idlib province near Aqrabat. These forces began to dig up farmland and olive trees, in which some trees can take up to ten years before they bear fruit with the minimum at three years using modern methods. The Turkish forces supposedly entered Aqrabat to prepare for a ground invasion against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces in Afrin procince. This report however could not be corroborated by Al-Masdar News. Al-Dorar reported that the Turkish forces withdrew under pressure from local farmers who were angered by the destruction of their farmland and olive trees.
Oct. 19, 2016


Headline:      Turkish-backed rebels and Kurds battle it out in northern Aleppo as ISIS retreats

Following a rebel request for Kurdish forces to conduct a complete withdrawal from Tall Rifaat yesterday, clashes have now erupted between the Kurdish YPG and Free Syrian Army (FSA) factions in the northern countryside of Aleppo. Heavy skirmishes and artillery bombardment erupted near and around the Shabha Reservoir on Wednesday despite neither directly conceding villages to the other. Clashes were also observed yesterday on the eastern outskirts of Harbul and Shaykh Isa. Both the FSA and YPG have captured considerable chunks of ISIS’ northern Aleppo territory in 2016. In the past 48 hours, with ISIS continuously retreating from the region, Kurdish forces have seized the villages of Hassadjek, Qawl Suruj, Wardiyah, Wasitiyah, and Al-Ghoul, thus safeguarding the southwestern flank of the Shabha Lake.
Oct. 19, 2016



Headline:      Turkish police kill suspected ISIS suicide bomber in capital

Turkish police shot dead a suspected ISIS militant overnight who was believed to be planning a suicide bomb attack in the capital Ankara, the city’s governor said Wednesday. It was the latest in a series of counter-terrorist police operations coinciding with a Turkey-backed rebel operation in Syria to drive the extremists away from its southern border. Turkish security forces have meanwhile stepped up action against Kurdish militants, killing 14 Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) fighters in eastern Turkey in recent days, the interior minister said. Police tracked ISIS suspect to the ninth floor of a building on Ankara’s outskirts, where he was killed in a gunfight around 3 a.m. after opening fire in response to a call to surrender, the state-run Anadolu Agency said. “The terrorist is judged to have been planning to carry out a suicide bomb attack and carried out reconnaissance around the old parliament building and Anitkabir,” Governor Ercan Topaca wrote on Twitter, referring to the mausoleum of modern Turkey’s founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
Oct. 19, 2016



Headline: Iran Launches War Drills Amid Accusations U.S. Breaking Nuke Deal

Iran on Monday launched a series of war drills that included the use of American-made planes amid accusations by top officials that the United States is violating last summer’s comprehensive nuclear agreement, according to regional experts and Persian-language media reports. Iran’s Artesh Air Force kicked off a three-day series of drills aimed at displaying the Islamic Republic’s air might, according to Iranian military officials who told the country’s state-run press that the drills are in preparations for upcoming war. “The goal of holding this drill is the creation of readiness so as to be able to combat any threat, and should a war occur, the Air Force will be the first force to enter the battlefield,” Iranian Air Force Gen. Masoud Rouzkhosh was quoted as saying, according to independent translations of the original Farsi provided to the Washington Free Beacon. “The newest armaments of the Air Force like precision-guided bombs and laser-guided missiles will be used in this year’s drill.”
Oct. 18, 2016



Headline:    Afghan Soldier Kills 2 Americans, Wounds 3 Others

Headline: Over 200 soldiers killed in Helmand Province, Afghanistan in 10 days

The U.S. military says one of its service members and an American civilian were killed Wednesday in a shooting near a coalition base in the Afghan capital, Kabul. Another service member and two U.S. civilians sustained injuries and were in stable condition, according to an official announcement. The shooter, wearing an Afghan army uniform, was instantly shot and killed in retaliatory fire by international forces.  The victims were conducting duties as part of the larger NATO mission to train, advise, and assist the Afghan security services, said the U.S. military, adding an investigation is being conducted to determine the circumstances of the event. “Any time we lose a member of our team, it is deeply painful” said General John Nicholson, commander of U.S. forces and the Resolute Support mission.
Oct. 19, 2016





Headline:     Internet shutdown could cost Ethiopia’s booming economy millions of dollars

The internet shutdown in Ethiopia will drain millions of dollars from the economy, besides undermining citizens’ rights to impart and seek information, observers of the current state of emergency say. Mobile internet remains down across the country since the government announced a six-month, nationwide emergency in early October. The government also this week banned the use of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to communicate or to document the ongoing unrest in the country.
Oct. 19, 2016



Headline: Exiled South Sudan Rebel Leader Vows Return

South Sudan’s ousted Vice President Riek Machar outlined his plan to return from exile and revive a shattered peace plan, warning that failure to include him in the country’s political setup risks an outbreak of genocide. Mr. Machar, a rebel leader, said he plans to meet with the leaders of countries neighboring South Sudan to discuss how to resuscitate the peace accord he reached with his rival President Salva Kiir last year. He said he also expects to return to South Sudan before the end of the year. Without immediate steps to restore peace to South Sudan, Mr. Machar warned, Mr. Kiir’s government could carry out genocide against his Nuer tribe, as well as other South Sudanese tribes such as the Equatorians. The government has targeted civilians by tribe since 2013, with attacks on the Nuer community, Mr. Machar said. “This time the people in Equatoria are bearing the brunt. I wouldn’t rule it [genocide] out,” he told The Wall Street Journal in an interview in Pretoria.
Oct. 19, 2016



Headline:    Britain sends new military training mission to Tunisia to counter IS

Britain has sent 40 military personnel to Tunisia to provide training aimed at helping the North African country prevent the spread of Islamic State fighters from neighboring Libya, the British defense minister said on Saturday. The training will focus on operational planning, intelligence, surveillance and mobile patrolling and is the third mission of its kind by British troops in Tunisia since 30 British holidaymakers were killed in a beach attack there. The massacre in June last year at a hotel in Sousse on the Mediterranean coast was the biggest loss of British lives in such an incident since the July 2005 bombings in London. “We are determined to support our Tunisian allies to defend against Daesh (Islamic State) terrorists who slaughtered innocent Britons on a beach there last year,” Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said in a statement. “Our training will help Tunisian forces strengthen their border security and stop the spread of Daesh along the coast.”
Oct. 15, 2016



Headline:    Algeria Concerned over Mounting Shi’ite Influence on Its Territories

Algerians have increasing concerns over the spread of Shi’ite influence in their country, as an extensive wave of conversion into Shi’ism is raging across mosques in Algeria. In this context, the president of the High Islamic Council – the highest religious authority in the country – warned against attempts to destabilize the unity of the Algerian society. In an interview with Al-Khabar local Algerian newspaper on Tuesday, Bou Abdullah Ghulamallah said “thousands of imported books carry dangerous thoughts that are aimed at convincing the Algerian people that their Islamic religion is wrong”. “We don’t want the Algerians to be influenced by such thoughts,” he added. In earlier remarks, Algerian Minister of Religious Affairs Mohammed Issa said that his country has been recently targeted by sectarian indoctrination far from the cultural and religious values which were inherited from Algerian Salaf (ancestors). The minister made a reference to the wave of conversion into Shi’ism raging across the country. The minister further warned of radical extremism conveyed by those sects. The upsurge of conversion aims at diverting the people of Algeria from their main track and creating a sectarian-spurred division amid the community. On the other hand, the Islam adopted in Algeria is a moderate one and it coexists with other sects and religions, the minister said.
Oct. 19, 2016




Headline:   UN peacekeeping chief to visit disputed Western Sahara

The U.N. peacekeeping chief said Tuesday he is heading to the disputed Western Sahara later this week to visit U.N. troops for the first time since Morocco expelled more than 70 U.N. civilian staffers in March to protest comments by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Herve Ladsous told a group of reporters after briefing the Security Council that he will visit Layoune, the largest city in Western Sahara, as well as camps for Sahrawi refugees in neighboring Tindouf, Algeria, and the Moroccan capital, Rabat. He will be the highest-ranking U.N. official to visit the region since early March when Ban used the word “occupation” in talking about Morocco’s involvement in Western Sahara during a visit to a refugee camp in Tindouf. That led to demonstrations against Ban in Morocco and the government’s decision to expel U.N. civilian workers. Morocco annexed Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony, in 1975 and fought a local independence movement called the Polisario Front. The U.N. brokered a ceasefire in 1991 and established a peacekeeping mission known as MINURSO to monitor it and help prepare a referendum on the territory’s future, which has never taken place. Morocco considers the mineral-rich region its “southern provinces” and has proposed wide-ranging autonomy, but the Polisario Front insists on self-determination through a referendum for the local population.
Oct. 19, 2016



Headline:   Russian-Turkish Rapprochement ‘Not Risky For Armenia’

An ongoing thaw in Russia’s relations with Turkey is not fraught with any geopolitical dangers for Armenia, an aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin insisted on Friday. Russian-Turkish relations deteriorated sharply following the downing of a Russian fighter jet on the Syrian border by Turkish forces in November 2015. Moscow imposed trade and travel sanctions against Turkey and Russian in retaliation. The two nations began rapidly mending ties following a recent letter of regret from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the death of the Russian plane’s pilot. Putin highlighted the normalization process when he visited Istanbul and met with Erdogan earlier this week. The two leaders presided over the signing of an agreement to build a gas pipeline from Russia to Europe. The expensive project was suspended during the Russian-Turkish row. The renewed Russian-Turkish rapprochement has raised fears among some Armenian pundits and politicians that Russia might cut more deals with Turkey and even Azerbaijan at the expense of Armenia’s interests.
Oct. 17, 2016









Luke 21:9-10
Matthew 24:6-7
Mark 13:7-8
Revelation 6:4
Revelation 6:8

Headline:     ISIS-affiliated Boko Haram kill 20 Nigerian soldiers

The Boko Haram Takfiri terrorist group claims it has killed 20 soldiers and wounded dozens of others during an attack on military positions in northeastern Nigeria. The casualties occurred during “fierce clashes” on Sunday when the group “stormed a joint position of the armies of Nigeria and Niger” in the town of Ghashghar in northeast Borno State, according to a statement released by the terrorist group. ISIS-affiliated Boko Haram killed 20 Nigerian soldiers and wounded dozens more in an attack in the northeastern Borno State. A community leader described the surprise attack on the Nigerian military as they were ‘taken off guard.’ “Boko Haram launched an attack with heavy guns and rocket-propelled grenades on the soldiers. The attackers came in eight vehicles,” said the leader, who was speaking on condition of anonymity. “The soldiers suffered huge casualties because they were taken off-guard. They never anticipated such an attack,” he added.
Oct. 17, 2016


Headline:    7 dead as Somali troops fight al-Shabab in town near capital

Somali police say at least seven are dead after hours of clashes as Somali and African Union troops pushed back al-Shabab extremists from a town near Mogadishu. The attacks in Afgoye started when a suicide bomber detonated an explosives-laden vehicle near a Somali police station and African Union base. Gunmen then attacked military bases. Capt. Abdullahi Ali, a senior Somali military officer, says troops have now fully secured the town and the extremists have fled.
Oct. 18, 2016


Headline:   Philippines anti-US protesters rammed by police van

A police van has rammed protesters in the Philippines capital Manila as a demonstration outside the US embassy turned violent. Footage showed protesters surrounding the van and hitting it with batons taken from police. The vehicle then drives into the crowd several times, injuring a number of people. Hundreds had met to demand the US end its military presence in the country. President Rodrigo Duterte has queried long-standing ties with the US. Police arrested at least 23 people, who threw red paint at them and a member of the US forces at the embassy. Tear gas was used against the demonstrators, after they broke through a line of riot police. They also took control of the water hose of a fire truck being used to douse them and threw stones at police. It remains unclear how many people were injured by the police van and how serious their injuries are.
Oct. 19, 2016



Headline: American Marines to be sent ‘to Russia doorstep’

Headline: Russia to respond to any new US sanctions with ‘painful’ measures – deputy FM

 The Marine Corps have revealed plans to station a detachment of the hard-nosed troopers a stone’s throw from the Motherland. Soldiers and gear are primed to be shipped to military bases in Russia’s neighbour Norway as tensions between the two superpowers are feared to be verging on total conflict. Marines took part in war games in the Scandinavian nation earlier this year as they drilled winter warfare skills in exercises along the Russian border. Major General Niel E. Nelson, commander of US Marine Corps Forces Europe, said: “We enjoy a very close relationship with the Norwegian Armed Forces and a limited rotational presence in Norway would certainly enhance this relationship and our ability to operate together. “If approved by the Norwegian government, a Marine Corps presence in Norway will increase NATO’s ability to rapidly aggregate and employ forces in northern Europe.” Relations between Russia and the US have nosedived to levels “more dangerous” than the Cold War as there are fears the civil war in Syria could erupt into “global war”.
Oct. 19, 2016



Headline: US vows all-out defense against ‘grave’ North Korean threat

The United States and South Korea agreed on Wednesday to step up military and diplomatic efforts to counter North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs, saying they posed a “grave” security threat following repeated tests this year. After talks in Washington between their foreign and defense ministers, the countries said they had agreed to set up a high-level Extended Deterrence Strategy and Consultation Group to leverage “the full breadth of national power – including diplomacy, information, military coordination, and economic elements” in the face of the North Korean threat.
Oct. 19, 2016



Headline:  Activists call for protests against Houthis in Sanaa

Headline: UN announces 3 day truce in Yemen

 Yemeni activists are calling for protests in the Yemeni capital Sanaa to demonstrate against the Houthi militias for rejecting to pay the salaries of state employees, Al Arabiya News Channel reported on Wednesday. Activists had made similar calls in the past to protest against Houthi militias in Sanaa and against the deteriorating living conditions. The militias have refused to pay the employees’ salaries at a time when Sanaa citizens lives under harsh conditions under militant forces, who on almost a daily basis, carry out abduction operations against civilians. “Most Yemenis want to put an end to the Houthi-Saleh coup,” Yemen expert and analyst Ibraham al-Qatabi told Al Arabiya English, referring to the deposed president Ali Abdullah Saleh, allied with the Houthi militias. “The resentment against Saleh and Houthis continues to grow everyday even within their hardcore supporters.” “No Yemeni citizen wants to be ruled by a militia and warlords. Everyone knows Saleh and Houthis are not going to last and that’s what the current situation, indicators and history of Yemen tell us,” Qatabi said.
Oct. 19, 2016



one world governmentCooltextprophecysign

Headline: Study: 1 in 2 American Adults Already In Facial Recognition Network

Half of all American adults are already in some sort of facial recognition network accessible to law enforcement, according to a comprehensive new study. Conducted over a year and relying in part on Freedom of Information and public record requests to 106 law enforcement agencies, the study, conducted by Georgetown Law’s Center on Privacy and Technology, found American police use of facial recognition technology is a scattered, hodgepodge network of laws and regulations. “Looking at the sum total of what we found, there have been no laws that comprehensively regulate face recognition technology, and there’s really no case law either,” Clare Garvie, an associate at the CPT, told Vocativ. “So we find ourselves having to rely on the agencies that are using that technology to rein it in. But what we found is that not every system — by a long shot — has a use policy.” That so many American adults are in at least one facial recognition database is largely due to the fact that at least 26 states, and likely more, share their Department of Motor Vehicles databases with the FBI, state police, or other law enforcement agencies, the study found. Compounded with that, police often have access to mugshot databases. Garvie’s study found that most law enforcement agencies don’t purge such records, even if the arrested suspect is found not guilty, unless a court orders it. The sole known exception is the Michigan State Police, which does expunge photos after a set amount of time.
Oct. 18, 2016








Headline:      Saudis, China Dump Treasuries; Foreign Central Banks Liquidate A Record $346 Billion In US Paper

One month ago, when we last looked at the Fed’s update of Treasuries held in custody, we noted something troubling: the number dropped sharply, declining by over $27.5 billion in one week, the biggest weekly drop since January 2015, pushing the total amount of custodial paper to $2.83 trillion, the lowest since 2012. One month later, we refresh this chart and find that in the latest weekly update, foreign central banks continued their relentless liquidation of US paper held in the Fed’s custody account, which tumbled by another $22.3 billion in the past week, pushing the total amount of custodial paper to $2.805 trillion, another fresh post-2012 low. Then today, in addition to the Fed’s custody data, we also got the latest monthly Treasury International Capital data, which showed that the troubling trend presented last one month ago, has accelerated. Recall that a month ago,  we reported that in the latest 12 months we have observed a not so stealthy, in fact quite massive $343 billion in Treasury selling by foreign central banks in the period July 2015- July 2016, something truly unprecedented in size and scope. Fast forward to today when in the latest monthly update, that of July, we find that what until a month ago was “merely” a record $343 billion in offshore central bank sales in the LTM period ending July 30, one month later this number has risen to a new all time high $346.4 billion, or well over a third of a trillion in Treasuries sold in the past 12 months.
Oct. 18, 2016


Headline:   Iceland would welcome Britain into EFTA after Brexit – Iceland foreign minister
(EFTA European free Trade Association)

Headline:   Bank closes down RT’s accounts in Britain

Iceland would welcome Britain, its biggest trading partner, back into the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), Icelandic Foreign Minister Lilja Alfredsdottir said on Wednesday in London. “The EFTA countries might make an agreement with the UK,” she said. “We are chairing the EFTA right now and I put it as a priority to analyse the possibilities that EFTA had on this front.” Alfredsdottir emphasised the importance of Iceland’s trade ties with Britain. “The UK is our largest trading partner – 11 percent of our exports and imports go to this market,” she said at a talk at the London School of Economics when asked about British-Icelandic relations after Britain’s vote to leave the European Union. She said an agreement with EFTA was one of three possibilities for Iceland-British relations after Brexit. The other two were a bilateral agreement with Britain, and an agreement with European Economic Area (EEA) countries. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland make up the EFTA trade organisation and free trade area which is also part of the European single market and the EEA. Britain was a co-founder of EFTA in 1960 and left in 1972 to join what was then the European Economic Community.
Oct. 19, 2016



famine 1Cooltextprophecysign

Headline:   Malnutrition Spikes in North Cameroon Amid Boko Haram Conflict

Aid agencies are sounding the alarm about severe food insecurity throughout northern Cameroon as a result of the Boko Haram conflict. This month, 70 children suffering from malnutrition have needed medical attention at the Minawao refugee camp. However, says nurse Irene Mbarga, the hospital has limited resources to treat them. The families are not able to provide enough food, she says, and malnutrition is making other health conditions worse. Mbarga told VOA that about three quarters of the cases the hospital sees are related to malnutrition. When the hospital is running short on supplies, she says, the staff can only provide first aid.
Oct. 18, 2016



Headline:   Acute respiratory infections spreading in North Korea, U.N. agency says

Acute respiratory infections are circulating in flood-hit regions of North Korea. The World Health Organization said in a recently issued report on the North Korea floods that the number of patients suffering from the diseases continued to escalate in early October, Voice of America reported. The region most affected is North Hamgyong Province in the country’s northeast. Acute respiratory infections began spreading in early September after massive flooding occurred from Aug. 29 to Sept. 2, around the same time the number of children in North Korea suffering from diarrheal diseases quadrupled. Severe acute malnutrition is also on the rise for children under age 5, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
Oct. 19, 2016



Headline:   Chicago Records Largest Mass Shooting Since 2014 As Violent Crime Spikes Again

Headline:   War on Cops Surges in California

Violence in Chicago spiked over the weekend as, according to the Chicago Tribune, the city recorded its largest mass shooting since 2014.  In total, 8 people were murdered in just this past weekend and another 40 were wounded.  In total, 605 people have been murdered in Chicago so far in 2016, a staggering 45% increase versus last year, while 3,475 people have been shot versus only 2,441 a year ago. A single attack Friday night in East Garfield Park killed one man and left six others wounded, according to police. The people were standing together in the 3300 block of West Maypole Street when someone opened fire from a black vehicle, police said. An attack of that scale has not occurred in Chicago since 2014, when seven people — including several young teens — were shot in Lawndale. The Maypole shooting capped off an exceptionally deadly night on the West Side. Less than a half-hour before, two men were fatally shot in a South Austin drive-by, police said. About an hour before that, an 18-year-old man was killed in West Garfield Park. But shootings occurred in nearly every corner of Chicago over the weekend, from a fatal attack in West Rogers Park to a shooting in Morgan Park near the southern border. A man was shot Sunday afternoon near the 95th Street Red Line CTA station, where he ran after being hit in the shoulder. Overall, six people were killed and 14 were wounded from Friday afternoon to Saturday morning; from Saturday morning to Sunday morning, one person was killed and 17 were wounded; and from Sunday to just past midnight Monday, one person was killed and at least nine others were wounded. Many people have attributed the rise in Chicago violence to the co-called “Ferguson Effect” in which criminals lash out against what they view as a “de-legitamized” police force while the police retreat from actually enforcing the law out of fear of inciting the next major riot.
Oct. 18, 2016



apostacy BabylonCooltextprophecysign

Headline: After-School Satan Club Spreads…

The national movement is attempting to establish a dozen After School Satan Clubs across the country. Local chapters have applied for space at public grade schools in cities including Atlanta, Detroit, Washington, Portland, Ore., Tacoma, Wash., Salt Lake City, Tucson, and Los Angeles. The clubs are all seeking school district approval, with the Atlanta-area club saying it hopes to hold its first meeting by Halloween. The Los Angeles Unified School District appears to be the only school district to outright reject the club. In response to a Los Angeles Times inquiry Monday, the district issued a statement stating the club proposed for Chase Elementary School in Panorama City “does not meet the minimum requirement of having the school’s approval and, therefore, will not be offered at the school.” That rejection could lead to a legal challenge. The Christians may have the force of Heaven behind them, but the Satanists have the U.S. Supreme Court.
Oct. 19, 2016




Headline:   Astronomers spot distant world in Solar System’s far reaches

Headline: Ice world with insane 20,000-year orbit discovered in solar system

An icy planet with a staggering 20,000-year orbit has been discovered passing through our solar system, leading to the re-emergence of theories touting the existence of the fabled and mystical Planet 9. No object has ever been seen doing this. L91, as the icy rock is called, is an enigma defying previously established gravitational patterns, and its discovery has added to mounting evidence that there are gravitational disruptions going on beyond what we can see, according to scientists working on the Outer Solar System Origins Survey. At present, scientists still can’t determine L91’s size, and have conflicting views on what is disrupting its orbit. Although L91 orbits our solar system’s sun, it never comes closer than 50 astronomical units, and at its farthest extreme it is a whopping  1,430AU (100 billion miles) away. Each AU equals the distance between the Sun and Earth.
Oct. 19, 2016



Headline:   Super Typhoon Haima hits Philippines as equivalent of Category 4 hurrricane

Super Typhoon Haima hit the northeast Philippines on Wednesday, bringing gusts of nearly 200 mph — days after Typhoon Sarika killed three people in the Pacific island nation. The storm hit land near Peñablanca late Wednesday as the equivalent of a Category 4 hurricane, forecasters said, and was expected to pass over or near Ilocos Norte and Apayao. Haima has brought maximum sustained winds of about 140 mph with gusts of 195 mph to the islands. The most severe tropical cyclone warning has been issued for the provinces of Cagayan, Isabela, Kalinga and Apayao in the Luzon island. Philippine authorities have warned against sea travel, adding that Haima’s winds could cause “very heavy damage” to structures and could lead to the “complete roof failure on many residences and industrial buildings.” Haima is forecast to head toward China’s coast after passing through the Philippines.
Oct. 19, 2016


earthquakesindiversplaces~click the photo to see ALL the maps of the large earthquakes for the current year~

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes~Click the shaking house~

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