January 22, 2015 Prophecy Signs/Ottoman Empire the 8th Kingdom?



I have made a video which will show you in a simple way who the 8th Kingdom is Jesus

warns us about in the book of Revelation. Then below I posted a longer video produced

by Armageddon News which will go into much more detail.





Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 19, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Headline:   Hamas calls on Hezbollah to unite fight against Israel

Headline:   Hezbollah under pressure to act after Israeli strike

A letter purported to be from Mohammed Deif, the leader of Hamas’s armed wing, on Thursday appealed to the Lebanese Hezbollah group to unite with Hamas in battling Israel. The letter, posted on the website of Hezbollah-run Al-Manar TV, suggests the Palestinian Hamas and Hezbollah were patching up a rift over the Syrian war. Hamas has been hostile toward Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, while Hezbollah, backed by Iran, has been fighting against the rebels trying to topple him. “The true enemy of the nation is the Zionist enemy and all rifles must be directed against it,” said the letter, which carried Deif’s signature. “All forces of resistance must direct their coming battle as one.” Deif was targeted in an Israeli bombing in last summer’s Gaza war. The letter offered Hamas’s condolences to Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah over the killing of six of its fighters in an Israeli air strike on Sunday in Syria near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
Jan. 22, 2015



Headline:    ‘Assad, Hezbollah and Iran are training local militias to combat Israel’

The Free Syria Army has been monitoring Iranian, Lebanese, and even Russian soldiers on the border with Israel, a Syrian opposition field commander told The Times of Israel on Wednesday, as his forces plan a siege on the government-held regional capital of Quneitra. In a rare Skype interview from Amman, Jordan, where he is currently on leave, a battalion commander who spoke on condition of anonymity said that Mughniyeh, General Mohammad Ali Allahdadi and the 10 others killed by an apparent Israeli airstrike on Sunday were likely touring the Quneitra area, in part, to raise the morale of Shiite soldiers fighting alongside the Assad regime. But “they also may have been there to plan something which we do not know of,” he allowed. “They may have received new weaponry.” Despite the widespread presence of his men on the ground, the comments of the Free Syrian Army commander revealed how little his forces know about the movements and preparations of Hezbollah and the Iranians in the area. Lebanese news agency El-Nashra reported on Wednesday that Iran and Hezbollah, in coordination with the Assad regime, were preparing “a large strategic plan” for Quneitra. The plan included engaging the IDF along the 150-kilometer (93-mile) Israeli border with Syria and Lebanon, and training local militias on the Syrian Golan to combat Israel.
Jan. 22, 2015


Headline:   Fury in Israel Over Obama’s Mossad ‘Lies’

A senior Israeli official delivered an uncommonly harsh attack on US President Barack Obama’s administration Thursday evening, following the American report that alleged that Mossad Head Tamir Pardo had warned US senators against further Iran sanctions, in contradiction of Israel’s official stance. “The fraudulent claims against the Mossad Head were raised by the Americans yesterday, despite a message that had been transmitted to them on Tuesday by Intelligence Minister [Yuval] Steintz,” the senior Israeli source told Channel 2 news. He added that Israel had gone over the minutes of the meeting between Pardo and the delegation of senators, and that Pardo had not said what was attributed to him. “Leaking the Mossad Head’s statements, even if they had not been falsified, is a serious breach of all the rules,” the senior source added. “Friends do not behave like this. Information from a secret meeting must not leak out.” Mossad Head Tamir Pardo denied on Thursday the report – which was carried by Bloomberg news – claiming that the Mossad disagrees with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu about the need to press new sanctions on Iran. The report said that Mossad officials advised US senators who were visiting Israel recently to hold off on further Iran sanctions, saying that they would hamper, not help, efforts to persuade Iran to give up or allow full international supervision of its nuclear program. “The Head of Mossad did not say that he opposes additional sanctions on Iran,” said the spy agency Thursday.
Jan. 22, 2015


Headline:    Hamas backs away from confrontation with ISIL, Al Qaida

Hamas, facing a disgruntled rank-and-file, has eased restrictions on supporters of Al Qaida and Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. Palestinian sources said Hamas, which unofficially continues to control the Gaza Strip, has reduced operations against jihadist militias. They said Hamas security forces were ordered not to arrest Al Qaida and ISIL supporters unless they posed an immediate threat. “Hamas has decided that it does not want or need another confrontation with the jihadists,” a source said. In mid-January 2015, Hamas allowed Al Qaida and ISIL supporters to demonstrate in Gaza City against cartoons of Islam’s founder, Mohammed in a French magazine. At one point, some 200 Islamists, many of them carrying ISIL-type black flags, stormed the French Cultural Center. Hamas security forces did not clash with the protesters. Instead, they formed a cordon to block the jihadists from entering the French center, bombed several times over the last year. The rally marked the first time that Hamas approved an Al Qaida-aligned demonstration against the West. The sources said many Hamas members, including those linked to the security forces, were transferring their support to jihadist militias amid the halt in government salaries over the last six months.
Jan. 22, 2015


Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)


Headline:   Lebanon Cabinet condemns Qunaitra strike

Headline:    Nasrallah Expected to Reveal Stance on Quneitra Raid on Friday 30

Lebanon’s government condemned Thursday the Israeli strike on Syria’s Golan Heights which left six Hezbollah fighters dead, with ministers describing talks over the matter as calm and civilized. The government blasted the Israeli aggression on the Syrian town of Qunaitra which killed six Lebanese, Information Minister Ramzi Joreige said after the session, which was chaired by Prime Minister Tammam Salam at the Grand Serail. Speaking at the outset of the session, Salam said that the government had to “contain the repercussions of developments in the region,” in reference to Qunaitra’s attack, “and go ahead with addressing people’s needs and implementing security plans in the country.” The March 14 coalition called on Hezbollah to avoid dragging Lebanon into a new war with Israel through its possible retaliation to the Sunday strike.
Jan. 22, 2015




Saudi King Is Dead, According to Statement Read on State TV


   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:   Syrian Opposition Meets in Cairo to Discuss Moscow Talks

Syria Headline:   US Gives $6 Million to Syria Opposition Government

Syria’s regime-tolerated domestic opposition and members of the main exiled group demanding the president’s ouster met Thursday in Cairo to discuss Moscow’s invitation to host talks with the Damascus government. The exiled National Coalition and top opposition figure Moaz al-Khatib have already announced they will not attend the talks aimed at finding a political solution to Syria’s nearly four-year war. The internal opposition has said invited members are free to decide whether to attend the January 26-29 talks in the Russian capital. “The purpose of the conference is to discuss attending the Moscow meeting and to unify the Syrian opposition’s political views,” said Mohamed Hijazi, an official with the domestic National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change. The National Coalition was being informally represented at the three-day conference in Cairo by several of its members, including Ahmed Jarba, a former NC chief who is close to Saudi Arabia. A Coalition source said its members were not attending as official representatives. “The Coalition as a body was not invited, invitations were only issued to 20 individual members,” the source said. “Five members are attending, but as individuals.” “The Coalition decided no one would attend as an official representative because the Coalition was not invited as a body. We don’t know the agenda of this meeting and we don’t know who else is attending.”
Jan. 22, 2015



Syria Headline:   Syria regime barrel bombs kill 13 in Homs: activists

Syria Headline:   Syria death toll rises as weather improves

Thirteen people were killed in Syrian government raids using barrel bombs dropped by helicopter on a rebel-held area of central Homs province, activists said Thursday. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said two children were among the dead in the Wednesday attack on Hula. The Britain-based group said new raids using barrel bombs were carried out in the provinces of Homs and northwestern Idlib Thursday, but there was no immediate toll. The end of a recent spate of bad weather in Syria has coincided with the return of intensive regime airstrikes, as daily death tolls in the war-ravaged country returned to the 100-plus mark. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said regime forces carried out 211 airstrikes between mid-Tuesday and mid-Wednesday. They included Tuesday’s barrel bomb attack on a livestock market in Hassakeh province, which the Observatory said killed 43 civilians and wounded over 150 others, revising upward an earlier toll. Eighty-eight of the attacks were carried out by warplanes and more than 123 were barrel bombs dropped by helicopter, the Observatory added.
Jan. 22, 2015



Syria Headline:  12 shells land on Damascus city, and the warplanes strike areas in Rif Dimashq

Regime warplanes carried out 6 raids on areas in the neighborhood of Jobar with no information about casualties so far. 12 shells landed on places in the neighborhoods of al- Mazzeh Jabal and al- Mazzeh 86 causing to injure 7 people at least. The warplanes carried out 4 raids on places in the farmlands of Khan al- Shih in the west of Rif Dimashq and 5 raids on areas on the outskirts of Deir al- Asafir in the Eastern Ghota. Violent clashes are taking place between the regime forces supported by NDF against the rebel and Islamic battalions in the vicinity of Ayn al- Bostan village in Sa’sa’ area in the west of Rif Dimashq, information reported an advance for the regime forces. 2 men died while others were injured due to aerial bombardment on areas in the city of Doma this afternoon. The regime forces shelled areas in the town of Bet Saber in the west of Rif Dimashq causing material damages.
Jan. 22, 2015


Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Iraq Headline: In Iraq, ISIS Leaves Behind Hidden Explosives

Islamic State terrorists sow death long after they depart, and as Iraqi Kurdish forces regain ground, they – and the civilians returning to their homes – face the threat of unexploded bombs and booby traps. “These people were very imaginative, like devils,” said Marwan Sydo Hisn, a Kurdish bomb disposal expert currently based in Sinuni, a town in the northwestern Sinjar area that was recaptured from ISIS fighters in late December. “Look at this one,” he said, thumbing through pictures on his smart phone. “We found this massage belt that they had stuffed with a small quantity of explosives, perfectly put back together and set up to explode on the next person to turn it on.” One consisted of TNT concealed inside a TV set triggered by the use of a PlayStation controller. Another contraption was a gold ring conspicuously left lying on the floor and rigged to kill its finder. Some houses were webbed with trip wires and lines connecting bombs to doorknobs. “We have a list of 24 different types of devices they used in this area,” said Darwish Mussa Ali, another explosives expert.
Jan. 22, 2015


Iraq Headline:  Iraqi PM warns falling oil price could hurt fight against Islamic State

Iraq Headline:  ISIS Gaining Strength, Warns Iraqi VP Ayad Allawi

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Thursday he feared lower revenues from falling global oil prices could hurt his country’s military campaign against Islamic State. Speaking after attending a meeting of members of the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State in London, Abadi appealed for more training and equipment for his military. He said Iraq’s economy had been hard hit by the oil price slump. “Oil prices have dropped to about 40 percent of their level last year. Iraq’s economy and budget relies 85 percent on oil and this has been disastrous for us,” he told a news conference. “We don’t want to see a reverse of our military victory due to our fiscal and budget problems.” When asked how the coalition could help, Abadi said Baghdad could be allowed to defer payment for ammunition and weapons.

Iraq Headline:  Kerry: Islamic State momentum halted or reversed in Iraq


Jan. 22, 2015



Iraq Headline:  Suicide attack kills seven north of Baghdad: officials

A suicide attack in the Taji area, north of the Iraqi capital, killed at least seven people and wounded 17 Thursday, security and medical officials said. It was not immediately clear if the target was the area’s sprawling military base or an entrance to Taji itself, and the number of suicide bombers was unknown. U.S. military trainers are based at Taji, helping to instruct some 1,600 Iraqi soldiers in a six-week program aimed at readying them to face ISIS. There was no immediate claim for the attack, but suicide bombings are a tactic almost exclusively employed by Sunni extremist groups in Iraq, including ISIS.
Jan. 22, 2015


Iraq Headline:    ISW Iraq Situation Report Jan. 20-21, 2015


Kurdish Headline: Violent clashes between Peshmerga forces and ISIS elements in Nineveh

On Thursday, according to a local source in Nineveh, violent clashes broke out between the Kurdish Peshmerga forces and elements of the ISIS organization who set tyres on fire to block pilots’ vision north of Mosul. The source said in an interview for IraqiNews.com,”Violent clashes broke out between the Kurdish Peshmerga forces and elements of ISIS in al-Quosiyat area north of Mosul, after the Peshmerga had advanced into the region,” adding that, “The fighting is still ongoing, and the international coalition aircrafts are flying intensely over Mosul and its outskirts, forming an aerial umbrella to protect the joint forces in the north and south of Mosul.” The source, who requested anonymity, added, “The ISIS elements burned tyres in different parts of central Mosul and areas experiencing the military operations, to block the coalition pilots’ vision and conceal the movements of its vehicles.”
Jan. 22, 2015


Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline: Shelling of city bus in east Ukraine leaves 13 dead

Headline:  Army retreats, buffer zone deal reached

Hours after a new peace initiative for Ukraine began taking shape, mortar shells rained down Thursday on the center of the main rebel-held city in the east, killing at least 13 people at a bus stop. The deaths in Donetsk sparked wrath and grief that was swiftly exploited by pro-Russian rebel leaders, who paraded captive Ukrainian troops through the city to be punched, kicked and insulted by enraged residents. Diplomats from Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany had met in Berlin a day ago to thrash out a tentative dividing line from which the warring sides would pull back their heavy weapons.  That solution already looks doomed. Fighting in eastern Ukraine is now fiercer than ever in some locations, NATO’s top commander in Europe, U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove, said Thursday in Brussels. He added that weapons systems seen now in the region have in the past heralded a fresh incursion by Russian troops. It is far from clear who fired Thursday’s deadly mortars and both sides accused the other.
Jan. 22, 2015




Headline:  Iran: We Will Continue Arming Terrorists in Judea and Samaria

Iran plans to continue its efforts to “destroy the Zionist entity” – and that includes arming terrorists in Judea and Samaria. “The arming policy of the West Bank is one of the policies of Iran and we will use all our capabilities in this way,” said Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan. Dehghan made the comments at a memorial service for General Abu Ali Tabtabai, who along with Jihad Mughniyeh and a crew of Hezbollah terrorists, were eliminated in an Israel Air Force strike Monday. The vehicles in which the two were riding had left Lebanon a few hours earlier, Lebanese sources said. The purpose of the tour, the sources said, was to allow Tabtabai to review the situation on the border with the purpose of developing new attacks on Israel. Commenting on the attack, Deghan said “The Zionist attack will not be passed over,” and that Iran would take the “appropriate action” when it wished to. Tensions remained high in northern Israel in the aftermath of the elimination of Mughniyeh, said to be Hezbollah’s “commander of the Golan Heights area,” and Iranian General Tabtabai.
Jan. 22, 2015





Headline:     South Sudan government and rebels sign agreement to re-unify political party

South Sudan’s warring factions have agreed to reunify their political party, a conflict resolution organization said Thursday. South Sudan President Salva Kiir and rebel leader Riek Machar signed the agreement to unite the ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement Wednesday in the Tanzanian town of Arusha, the Conflict Management Initiative said. “This is not a final peace agreement but it is an agreement meant to address the root causes of the conflict which started in the SPLM,” said Akol Paul Kordit, chairman of the SPLM Youth League. “This agreement is a watershed in the history of the people of South Sudan. It is a cornerstone in our search for peace.” Others who also signed the agreement were Deng Alor Kuol, a representative of former detainees and Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete, whose government helped mediate the talks.
Jan. 22, 2015





Headline:  Libyan Fighters Seize Benghazi Branch of Central Bank

Headline:   Gunmen kill security chief in Sirte, Libya

Fighters for one of the factions battling for control of Libya seized the Benghazi branch of the country’s central bank on Thursday, threatening to set off an armed scramble for the bank’s vast stores of money and gold, and cripple one of the last functioning institutions in the country. The central bank is the repository for Libya’s oil revenue and holds nearly $100 billion in foreign currency reserves. It is the great prize at the center of the armed struggles that have raged here since the overthrow of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in 2011. The taking of the Benghazi branch by forces loyal to General Hifter raised fears that the rival militias in Tripoli might seek to seize the bank’s assets there. A group of fighters loyal to the general invaded the bank’s building in Benghazi, which was near the front lines of a continuing fight with local Islamist militias. The attackers beat back the bank guards and the Islamists and took control of the bank premises. But they posted video images online that appeared intended to show that they had not broken into the vaults, at least not yet. “We are the youth of the naval base, and we are here to guard the bank,” a fighter in a camouflage uniform is heard to say in a video, as he leads the camera on a tour of the bank’s interior and its flooded basement. Gunfire is audible in the background, apparently coming from the streets outside. News of the seizure in Benghazi prompted a sharp fall in the value of the Libyan currency, which was trading at 2.0 dinars to the American dollar, down from 1.8 before.
Jan. 22, 2015






Headline:   Bomb explodes near Turkish delegation in Somalia day before president’s visit

Headline:    Shabaab Claims Car Bombing at SYL Hotel in Mogadishu

A suicide car bomb exploded at the gate of a Mogadishu hotel where Turkish delegates were meeting on Thursday, a day before a visit by President Tayyip Erdogan to the Somali capital. At least two police officers were killed but none of the Turkish delegates were wounded in the attack, which was claimed by Islamist al Shabaab rebels, officials said. Erdogan, who was in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on the first leg of an African tour when the bomb went off, appeared unfazed and said that whoever carried out the attack was not acting in the name of Islam. “There has been a terrorist attack today in Somalia. What is this attack carried out for? If they are doing it in the name of Islam, there is no such thing in Islam,” he said at Addis Ababa University, where he was receiving an honorary degree. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, said an investigation was under way to see if the Turkish delegation was deliberately targeted.
Jan. 22, 2015






Headline:   Two Armenian soldiers killed in Karabakh clashes

At least two Armenian soldiers have been killed in separate exchanges of fire between Azerbaijani and Armenian border forces in the disputed mountainous region of Nagorno-Karabakh.  The defense ministry of the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region announced on Wednesday that Azerbaijani armed forces attempted to attack Armenia’s defensive positions at the Karabakh frontline, engaging in a battle with Armenian troopers. The ethnic-Armenian serviceman Nahapet Asatrian, 33, was killed in the process. Separately, 35-year-old Armenian army soldier Arman Udumyan sustained fatal gunshot wounds when Azeri forces opened fire on Armenian army positions in Tavush region in northeastern Armenia.  Multiple confrontations between Baku and Yerevan over Nagorno-Karabakh left dozens of troops dead on both sides last year.
Jan. 22, 2015


nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Yemen’s president, cabinet resign amid rebel standoff

Headline:  Four south Yemen provinces to defy orders after president quits

Headline:  Southern Yemen separatist leaders calling for secession

Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi has resigned under pressure from Shiite rebels who seized the capital in September and have confined the embattled leader to his home for the past two days. Presidential officials said Hadi resigned after being pressured to make concessions to the rebels, known as Houthis. He had earlier pledged political concessions in return for the rebels withdrawing from his house and the nearby presidential palace, but Houthi fighters remained deployed around both buildings throughout the day. Military officials close to the president, who like the other officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief reporters, said Hadi resigned after the Houthis pressured him to give a televised speech to calm the streets. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Thursday that the U.S. is assessing and seeking confirmation of the report. “We are seeking a peaceful transition,” she said. The Yemeni government also submitted its resignation Thursday.
Jan. 22, 2015




EuroCooltextprophecysign Decline of the Euro– ““ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:5-6)“Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” (Daniel 2:41-43)

Headline: Open-ended European QE starts ‘with a bang’

European Central Bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi announced the launch of an open-ended, expanded monthly 60 billion euro ($70 billion) private and public bond-buying program on Thursday. The long-anticipated introduction of euro zone government bond purchases, which could amount to as much as a trillion euros, will mean the ECB will join the U.S. Federal Reserve, Bank of England and Bank of Japan in launching a quantitative easing (QE) scheme. The program will be open-ended, lasting until at least 2016, Draghi told reporters at his regular media conference on Thursday, and will start in March this year. The hope is that it will boost the region’s painfully low inflation rate, which came in at an annual minus 0.2 percent in December. Explaining the ECB’s decision, Draghi said: “Inflation dynamics have continued to be weaker than expected. While the sharp fall in oil prices over recent months remains the dominant factor driving current headline inflation, the potential for second-round effects on wage and price-setting has increased and could adversely affect medium-term price developments.” Meanwhile Denmark, whose currency is pegged to the euro, was forced to issue its second rate cut in a week in a bid to defend the krone. The Danish central bank trimmed its deposit rate from minus 0.2 percent to minus 0.35 percent.
Jan. 22, 2015


bye CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James) 



Headline:   Jobless Claims Over 300k For 3rd Week, Spike In Shale States

Not “unambiguously good” as Shale states see initial jobless claims spiking. Overall initial jobless claims missed expectations for the 4th week in a row, holding above 300k for the 3d week in a row (for the first time since July). At 307k, this week’s print is below last week’s but well above the 300k expectation. However, across TX, CO, ND, PA, and WV, initial claims (1 week lagged) rose to over 75k (from 30k in October)… “crisis has passed”? Houston (and CO, ND, PA, WV) we have a problem…
Jan. 22, 2015


Headline:    Oil Prices Fall, Gold Hits Peak, Euro Under Pressure Ahead of ECB Meeting

Headline: Oil Slips as U.S. Crude Stockpiles Surge Most in 14 Years

Headline:  TransCanada Takes Steps to Acquire Keystone Pipeline Land

Headline:  Oil Drillers ‘Going to Die’ in 2Q on Crude Price Swoon

Headline:  GCC exporters to lose $300bn due to falling oil price, IMF warns

Oil prices fell in Asia on Thursday after a slight gain Wednesday, with West Texas Intermediate for March delivery down to $47.49, and Brent at $48.93, according to AFP report. Dealers await a much-anticipated European Central Bank (ECB) policy meeting and the release of the latest US supply report later on Thursday. Expectations are high that the Thursday meeting of the ECB will see it unveil an aggressive asset purchase, or quantitative easing (QE) program to kickstart the Eurozone economy, analysts told AFP. Meanwhile the euro struggled against the dollar in Asia on Thursday. The single European currency fetched $1.1599 and 137.02 yen in Tokyo afternoon trade, compared with $1.1607 and 136.85 yen in New York late Wednesday. “If the ECB decides to move ahead with their QE program, the euro will weaken. The effects of a weaker euro will trickle down to crude oil as it makes it more expensive for European countries to purchase,” AFP quotes Daniel Ang, an investment analyst at Phillip Futures in Singapore, as saying in a commentary. Gold prices, meanwhile, have risen above $1,300 an ounce for the first time since August 2014. Worries that stem from concerns that the ECB might come up with stimulus measures which fall short of market expectations have fuelled a flight to gold, which is considered a safe haven.
Jan. 22, 2015






Headline:   Russian Food Price Inflation Reaches Up to 150% — Prosecutor

Russia’s Prosecutor General’s Office has launched a wave of checks on food prices at major supermarkets across the country, as racing inflation stokes fears that the government will impose price controls. A four-day sweep that began on Tuesday has already discovered price rises of 10 to 150 percent on basic foodstuffs, including meat, fish, milk and potatoes, the agency’s spokeswoman Marina Gridneva told journalists on Wednesday, news agency TASS reported. Gridneva said officials would scrutinize retailers’ pricing policies and act against unjustified markups. Inspectors descended on tens of stores across European Russia operated by retail chains including Auchan, Lenta, X5 Group and Dixy, company representatives told the Vedomosti newspaper. Some retailers said that the inspectors were armed with a letter from the prosecutor authorizing the checks. Food price inflation in Russia raced past 15 percent last year, driven by a sharp devaluation of the ruble currency and bans imposed on a range of European food imports in response to Western sanctions. Inflation is expected to accelerate even more this year. Russian law gives the government the right to impose price controls if the cost of “socially significant” products rises by more than 30 percent over a 30-day period.
Jan. 21, 2015











January 19, 2015Massive fish kill along a Canal in Fort Myers, Florida, America


January 20, 2015- Hundreds of dead fish appear in a canal in San Justo, Argentina


January 20, 2015- Hundreds of dead mackerel found in a lake in Nova Scotia, Canada


January 20, 2015- Mass die off of Tuna at a sea life park ‘baffle experts’ in Tokyo, Japan


January 21, 2015- 100 Birds dead, 300 rescued covered in ‘mystery goo’ in California


January 22, 2015- Nigeria H5N1 bird flu now in 7 states, suspected in 140,000 birds: minister


666Cooltextprophecysign Increase in Knowledge/Mark of the Beast Daniel 12:4 and Revelation 13:16-17 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” (Daniel) “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation)

Headline:      Bill Gates Pushes Cashless Society

Bill Gates is now promoting “digital currency” in third-world countries, which will make the poor even more dependent on central banks while also turning them into guinea pigs for the development of a “cashless society” in the U.S. and Europe. Gates outlined his plan for a cashless society in a letter published Thursday in which he proposed the poor have better access to mobile phones so they can store their financial assets digitally instead of keeping hard currency at home. “The key to this will be mobile phones,” he wrote. “Already, in the developing countries with the right regulatory framework, people are storing money digitally on their phones and using their phones to make purchases, as if they were debit cards.” “By 2030, two billion people who don’t have a bank account today will be storing money and making payment with their phones.” But this will only enslave the poor into an electronic monetary system they don’t control, allowing central banks and the government unparalleled ability to confiscate money at will through taxes and “bail-ins.” For example, after Cyprus’s largest bank was sunk from exposure to debt-crippled Greece, the Cypriot government looted people’s bank accounts in 2013 as part of a “bail-in” program with the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank. “If you can do this once, you can do it again,” financial analyst Lars Seier Christensen wrote, who called the “bail-in” full-blown socialism. “If you can confiscate 10% of a bank customer’s money, you can confiscate 25, 50 or even 100%.” A third-world government wouldn’t even need to wait for an economic crisis to loot digital bank accounts, however, with the cashless scheme Gates proposes, officials could simply impose a tax and confiscate money automatically. And there’s no reason to believe this scheme will only be limited to the third-world; the United Kingdom has already tested digital-only payments earlier this year.
Jan. 22, 2015


Cooltextprophecysign Increase in Drugs Revelation 9:21 “And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.”

NOTE FROM FRANK 2Comment: In Revelation 9:21 we see Jesus speaking to us about drug’s. The words “sorceries” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”. This generation was to be labeled a drug generation and we are.

Headline:     Jamaican senate to vote on marijuana legalization

The Jamaican senate will vote to approve a bill that will decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana and grant business licenses for developing medicinal marijuana. The Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act 2015 Bill was approved by the Jamaican cabinet Monday and will reach the Senate Friday. The bill will be up for debate Jan. 30. Parts of the bill include decriminalizing possession of two ounces or less of marijuana, allowing the use of marijuana for religious and medical purposes reasons and granting licenses to businesses to develop medical marijuana and industrial hemp. The bill would make smoking marijuana in public spaces illegal.
Jan. 22, 2015


Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes


Jan. 21, 2015 Prophecy Signs/ Out Pouring of Love


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 19, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

NOTE FROM FRANK 2Yesterday I put up a video telling you of a need for Pastor Fiaz and his wife who I support to do ministry work in Pakistan which includes giving free medical care, food, bibles, and my prophecy book. Pastor Fiaz and his wife were robbed by Muslims as they were doing ministry work. God was good in that no harm came to them but they lost just about everything that was with them. My heart was broken yesterday for many reasons and the news about Fiaz only added to my burden. However, after I put up the video which is below I received a note from Shawn Svacha at Ascent Ministries. Jesus has blessed me with by answering my prayers for Fiaz and his wife as my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord who watched my video and, then contacted Ascent Ministries to help them get back on their feet.  As you will see from Shawn’s note to me $ 1,300 was given so far to help Fiaz.  I want to take this time and thank everyone who gave! I love you all.


Hi Frank,

I wanted to thank you for the video you made to raise awareness of Fiaz and Zeenat’s situation.  So far over $1,300.00 has been donated.  Here are the names of the donors:

Steve B.

Debbie B.

Sheldon D.
Dave S.
Promise Ministries International
Noeleen F.
Mary H.
Marie W.
Joanna W.
John A.
Debra B.
Mary L.
Rick N.
Nancy S.
David B.
I know from chatting with Fiaz that this situation was very scary for them (especially with the persecution that is happening in Pakistan) and was weighing heavily on him.  I am sure they both will be blessed beyond measure to see how many people here are supporting them.
Again, thank you for posting this video.
God bless,
Shawn Svacha
Ascent Ministries, Inc.
Jan. 23, 2015 even more of my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord contacted Ascent for me to help Pastor Fiaz. I want to thank Elizabeth G., Robert M., and Alison M. for your giving heart! (Frank)
Our Lord Jesus has again opened the door for me to keep spreading His work He gave me to do via my prophecy book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth.  For the past 4 years God has shown me the importance of getting His teachings about the last days to as many people as I can in Africa. Recently I had a leader of a women’s ministry in Kenya asked me if she could be a partner with me so she could take my work out to the churches she has been teaching in.  As you can see from the pictures below I just sent her a book of my books that will fall into her hands and then she will pick other women leaders to use the books in home fellowships. In the mean time Ascent Ministries is working with me to get Bibles to Sister Ruth in Kenya.  I am truly grateful to Christ to be blessed to have a part in His work to lead as many as He wills to His salvation.
Rev 1 Rev 2


Headline:   Report: Iron Dome deployed to northern Israel after alleged Syria strike

Headline:   Israeli tanks take up positions along Lebanon border

In the aftermath of an alleged Israeli strike Sunday on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, the IDF reportedly deployed a number of Iron Dome air defense batteries to the North on Monday evening, according to foreign media. Sky News Arabic reported that the anti-rocket batteries had been maneuvered in case of further escalation on the border with Syria and Lebanon. According to Hezbollah, which is active on the side of President Bashar Assad in the Syrian civil war, an Israeli helicopter fired two missiles Sunday at a military convoy in the Syrian town of Quneitra, not far from the Israeli border in the Golan Heights. Six Hezbollah operatives and six Iranian soldiers were reported killed in the hit. The killings raised the possibility of a retaliatory attack, with a senior Iranian official suggesting that Israel would be hit at “the right time and right place.” An Israeli defense official told Reuters an escalation was possible.

Jan. 21, 2015



Headline:   Iran and Hezbollah are planning ‘imminent’ joint invasion of Israel’s northern Galilee region according to ‘high level intelligence’

Senior Iranian and Hezbollah figures killed in an airstrike in Syria this weekend were likely planning an ‘imminent’ attack on Israel, security sources have claimed. Six Iranian army chiefs died alongside five Hezbollah militants after an Israeli helicopter fired rockets at a convoy in the Golan Heights region on Sunday. Today Major General Eyal Ben Reuven, a former deputy head in the Israeli Defense Forces, accused the senior military figures of meeting to plot an attack on Israel. He added that the commanders’ decision to meet in Syria could mean that a ‘high-level’ and ‘sophisticated’ attack on Israel’s northern border is ‘imminent’. Research group The Israel Project came to a similar conclusion, saying that the presence of Tabatabai ‘probably indicates operations aimed at overrunning Israeli border towns.’ The warnings come just a week after Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, warned that the group ‘is ready and prepared for a confrontation in the Galilee and beyond the Galilee.’ Iran has also promised a ‘crushing response’ to the weekend strike, without laying out exactly what action will be taken. General Mohammad Ali Jafari, head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, said: ‘These martyrdoms proved the need to stick with jihad. The Zionists must await ruinous thunderbolts. ‘The Revolutionary Guards will fight to the end of the Zionist regime… We will not rest easy until this epitome of vice is totally deleted from the region’s geopolitics.’ Israeli troops have been marshalled along the country’s northern border, while an Iron Dome missile launcher has been deployed to destroy any incoming rockets. Senior Iranian politicians are said to be incensed at the death of Allahdadi, which they confirmed yesterday, saying he had been ‘martyred’ in the name of his country.
Jan. 20, 2015


Headline:   Hamas threatens Palestinian Authority with Gaza takeover

Hamas has warned that it could end reconciliation with the rival Fatah movement and formally regain the Gaza Strip from the Palestinian Authority. The Islamic movement has raised the prospect that Hamas would again expel the PA and restore control over the Gaza Strip. In an analysis, Hamas warned that it could not continue to oversee the chaos and economic decline in the strip. “All of these instructions prove that Hamas is a tough situation, and has to choose one among these five scenarios,” the Hamas daily Al Risala said. In an analysis on Jan. 16, Hamas said it could be “compelled to take a serious turn” to end the deadlock in the Gaza Strip. The analysis said Hamas was frustrated by the PA’s failure to launch reconstruction in wake of the 50-day with Israel in mid-2014. “The first scenario is built on the assumption that Hamas has to take control over the Gaza Strip one more time,” the analysis said. “The hard part about it is that the international projects in Gaza will be stopped completely, the siege will become tougher, and the financial crisis will increase.” The analysis said the PA has demanded the unconditional abdication of Hamas from power as well as the disarming of its military. The analysis also raised the prospect that Hamas, after expelling the PA, would form a joint command with other political factions in the Gaza Strip. Hamas also ruled out a long-term ceasefire with Israel to ensure the continuation of Islamic rule. Another scenario was a war against Israel, “which would lead to the collapse of the PA.” “Thus, Hamas will find itself in a better position to strengthen its place worldwide,” the analysis said.
Jan. 20, 2015


Headline:    Hamas: Tel Aviv stabbing attack ‘heroic act’

Headline:    Tel Aviv bus terrorist says he was motivated by Gaza War, Temple Mount, martyrdom

Hamas and several Palestinian groups on Wednesday welcomed the stabbing attack in Tel Aviv while Palestinian Authority officials rejected charges of incitement against Israel.
Hussam Badran, a senior Hamas official, called on Palestinians to step up “organized and individual resistance” against Israel. He said that such attacks would confuse Israel and deter it from “pursuing its schemes against the Palestinians.” Bardan said that the perpetrator of the attack has brought happiness to the mothers whose sons were killed by Israel.
“The Palestinian people need to endorse jihad (holy war),” the Hamas official said. Another Hamas leader, Izzat al-Risheq, hailed the attack as heroic and brave, saying it was a “natural response to the crimes of the occupation and its terrorism against our people.”
Jan. 21, 2015



Headline:    Boehner invites Netanyahu to address Congress on Iran, after Obama veto threat

House Speaker John Boehner announced Wednesday he is inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress next month about the threat from Iran, in a sharp rebuke to President Obama. Such invitations typically are coordinated with the White House and State Department, but this one was not. The House speaker’s office said Netanyahu will be invited to speak Feb. 11 before a joint session of Congress. The invitation comes as lawmakers weigh legislation, supported by Republicans and some Democrats, to tee up more sanctions against Iran in case negotiations fail to curtail the country’s nuclear enrichment program. Obama vowed Tuesday during his State of the Union address to veto any such legislation. But Boehner signaled he wants Netanyahu to explain the stakes of the debate, as he pledged to press ahead with the legislation. “Prime Minister Netanyahu is a great friend of our country, and this invitation carries with it our unwavering commitment to the security and well-being of his people,” Boehner said in a statement. “In this time of challenge, I am asking the prime minister to address Congress on the grave threats radical Islam and Iran pose to our security and way of life.” Asked about the invite, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest described it as a breach of typical protocol since the White House wasn’t involved. But he said the administration would reserve judgment until they speak with the Israelis.
Jan. 21, 2015


Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)




Headline: Jordan has taken all measures to halt Israeli airport plan — gov’t

The government on Tuesday said that it has taken all measures to protest an Israeli plan to build an airport near the border north of Aqaba that is considered a threat to Jordan’s airspace security. During an “oversight” House session, Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour said that the government is aware of all the details regarding the Israeli scheme, adding that the Foreign Ministry, through Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh, has made all the necessary contacts with international parties and Israeli officials to assert that the airport’s location constitutes a violation to Jordan’s sovereignty, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported. The issue was raised after MP Rula Hroub said she was not convinced with the government’s reply to a query she had filed, insisting that Judeh take the responsibility for alleged failure to press for a halt to Israeli plans, suggesting a vote of no confidence against the minister. For lack of quorum, the Chamber failed to vote on the proposition — whether or not to hold a no-confidence session — and Lower House First Deputy Speaker Ahmad Safadi, who chaired the session, postponed the discussion till next Tuesday. For her part, Transport Minister Lina Shbeeb confirmed that the planned Israeli airport is a violation to the Kingdom’s sovereignty, outlining the steps authorities have taken to halt the plan, adding that the International Civil Aviation Organisation will hold a session to vote over the Jordanian complaint and establish whether the Israeli facility poses a violation to Jordan’s right and a danger to its airspace security. She did not elaborate on the timing of the vote. The airport, which Israel plans to build some 18 kilometres north of its port city of Eilat on the Gulf of Aqaba, would serve domestic and international flights and is projected to open in 2016, according to Israel’s Haaretz newspaper.
Jan. 20, 2015



Headline:   Israel’s strike has placed Iran on its border, warns Lebanon speaker

Lebanon Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri warned on Wednesday of the dangers of Israel’s strike on Syria’s Quneitra region, saying that it committed a “strategic error ” by placing Iran on its border. Berri, a key ally of the Iranian backed   Hezbollah militant group  said: “Through this crime, Israel placed Iran on its border.” This was in reference  to  the killing  of Iranian Revolutionary Guards General Mohammed Allahdadi  and other Hezbollah and Iranian  officials /commanders/fighters in  the Quneitra , Golan Heights strike by an Israeli  helicopter last Sunday . Berri,made his remarks during his weekly meeting with lawmakers at his Ain el-Tineh residence in West Beirut. The speaker  however noted that the strike will not affect the dialogue between Hezbollah and the Future  Movement. “The talks have yielded direct results in that tensions have been eased and Lebanon’s internal scene has been fortified,” Berri stressed. He later sent a cable of condolence to Iranian Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei over the death of Iranian General Allahdadi and other officials . Earlier, Berri had accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of timing a deadly air raid on Hezbollah in the Golan Heights for political purposes linked to the upcoming elections.
Jan. 21, 2015


Saudi-ArabiaSaudi Arabia

Headline:  Hezbollah: Saudi Arabia Helped Israel Eliminate Senior Commander

Hezbollah’s official media outlet has claimed that Saudi Arabia helped Israel to eliminate a delegation of Hezbollah terrorists and Iranian soldiers on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights Monday. The comments came during a report on the Al Manar TV channel about the Israel Air Force’s elimination of Jihad Mughniyeh and Iranian field commander, General Mohammad Ali Allahdadi, earlier this week. Quoting Hezbollah sources, the report claimed that the Saudis had provided “direct information” to Israel about the movements of the two vehicles Mughniyeh, Allahdadi, and other Hezbollah terrorists were traveling in. According to Hezbollah, Saudi Arabia and other Sunni Gulf states are sending “regular and constant reports” to Israel about the movements of Hezbollah, Iran, and pro-regime Shia militias in Syria, as part of their campaign to keep Iran and its “allies” in check, the report said. Israel has been using this information to support groups fighting against the Shia militias.
Jan. 21, 2015


   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan


Syria Headline:    Strike on IS-held village kills dozens

Syria Headline:   New toll has 43 civilians killed in Syria regime raid on ISIS

Dozens of people have been killed in an air strike on a village held by Islamic State in eastern Syria, activists say. It was not clear who was behind the attack in Khansaa in Hassakeh province, which left between 30 and 80 dead.  The Local Co-ordination Committees and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Syrian military helicopters had dropped barrel bombs on a market. But some residents alleged that warplanes from the US-led coalition battling IS had fired missiles. Syrian government officials have so far not commented on the incident. Activists and witnesses concurred that the target of the strike in Khansaa, south of the Kurdish-held city of Qamishli, was a busy livestock market. Resident Khair al-Obeidi told the Reuters news agency that the Syrian air force had bombed a part of the market where cattle were traded. “There are at least 65 bodies – mostly charred bodies – that were counted by local medics in Tal Hamis,” he said, referring to a nearby town. The LCC, an opposition activist network, said at least 77 people had been killed in the attack and dozens wounded.
Jan. 20, 2015



Syria Headline:   Car Bomb Explodes in Central Syria’s Homs, Killing 6 People

A car bomb exploded Wednesday in the central Syrian city of Homs, killing at least six people in a neighborhood frequently targeted by rebels because it is seen as a home of loyalists of the President Bashar Assad. The rigged vehicle exploded among residential buildings and shops in the Akrama neighborhood, an area dominated by Alawites, the same sect as Assad. The explosion killed mostly women and children, Homs Governor Talal Barrazi said. Barrazi said the blast killed at least six people and wounded 30. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the blast killed 10 people, basing its figure from a network of activists on the ground. Conflicting death tolls are routine after such attacks. It was the third car bomb to target the street over the past year, Barrazi said. A twin suicide car bombing outside schools there in October that killed at least 32 people, including at least 10 children. Wednesday’s bombing came a week after Syrian rebels and government forces began observing a 10-day truce in the last rebel-held area of Homs.
Jan. 21, 2015


Syria Headline:  The Islamic State Eyes Expansion in Damascus

The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) has begun to expand its presence in the Syrian central corridor which stretches from the Jordanian border through Damascus to the central cities of Homs and Hama. The “central corridor” is highly-contested key terrain for both the Syrian regime and its armed opposition, while ISIS presence has generally been limited in the area until recently. As one major exception, ISIS maintained a notable foothold in several opposition-held areas of Damascus in early 2014 before retreating due to pressure from local rebel groups. A small ISIS contingent, largely overlooked, endured quietly in the southern suburbs of Damascus throughout late 2014. Over the past two months, ISIS has once again escalated its military and public relations activities in this area, threatening to divert both regime and rebel resources away from active fronts in the Damascus area in order to contend with the ISIS threat. This development may provide an indicator of ISIS’s broader expansion plans in western Syria and the potential response of Syrian opposition fighters to this expansion.
Jan. 21, 2015


Syria Headline:  ISW Syria Situation Report Jan. 13-19, 2015


Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Iraq Headline: Canada special forces clash with IS in Iraq

Canadian special forces exchanged gunfire with Islamic State fighters in Iraq in recent days, in the first confirmed ground battle between Western troops and IS, a senior officer said Monday. The Canadians came under mortar and machine gun fire while training Iraqi troops near front lines and shot back in what Canadian special forces commander Brigadier General Michael Rouleau described as self-defense, killing the IS fighters. Rouleau said the melee had taken place in the previous seven days and was “the first time we’ve taken fire and returned fire” in Iraq, where the extremists have overrun large areas. “My troops had completed a planning session with senior Iraqi leaders several kilometers behind the front lines,” Rouleau told a regular media briefing on the conflict. “When they moved forward to confirm the planning at the front lines in order to visualize what they had discussed over a map, they came under immediate and effective mortar and machine gun fire.” The general said the Canadians used sniper fire to “neutralize both threats” and there were no Canadian injuries.
Jan. 19, 2015


Iraq Headline: IS Transfers Equipment From Three Mosul Oil Refineries to Syria

The Islamic State (IS) militants in the Nineveh province of Iraq are transferring machinery from three oil refineries in Mosul to Syria. Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) official in Zumar Town Hassan Khalo told BasNews on Tuesday, that IS militants have abandoned Kask near Mosul. In addition to transferring refinery equipment from Kask, they have looted and destroyed a military base in the area. The machinery had previously been used in the Ain Zala oil fields, Khalo said. He went on to claim that the transfer operation is underway because Islamic State realise that these areas will soon be liberated. The militants have been suffering heavy losses in areas to the north and west of Mosul in recent weeks.
Jan. 21, 2015


Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Jan. 17-18, 2015


Kurdish Headline: Kurdish forces launch push against ISIS in north Iraq

Kurdish Headline: Kurdish forces squeeze Islamic State supply line in northern Iraq

Kurdish security forces launched an offensive on ISIS in northern Iraq Wednesday, backed by U.S.-led airstrikes, and retook villages the jihadis used to launch attacks, officials said. The Kurdistan Regional Security Council said peshmerga forces, who began a “large-scale offensive” around 7:00 a.m. (0400 GMT), retook four areas and were working to clear more. The anti-ISIS coalition said it carried out six airstrikes in northern Iraq from Tuesday to Wednesday – three near the town of Tal Afar and three near the city of Mosul. It did not specify the exact locations targeted. The strikes in Nineveh province, where Kurdish troops launched the offensive, hit vehicles, ISIS units, buildings, heavy weapons and a bridge, a statement said.
Jan. 21, 2015



rise of ISIS

Headline:  $200M ransom demand a sign of ISIS’ financial desperation, say experts

The Islamic State’s staggering $200 million demand for two Japanese hostages may reveal the terrorist group’s desperation to maintain control of its sprawling caliphate, especially amid falling black market oil revenues from seized wells and pipelines, terrorism experts said. An online video purportedly released by the group’s al-Furqan media arm and posted Tuesday on militant websites associated with the terror network presents a pricey ultimatum: Japan must pay $200 million within 72 hours or two Japanese hostages — a 42-year-old private military company operator and a 47-year-old freelance journalist — will be executed. The hostages, identified as Haruna Yukawa and Kenji Goto Jogo, appear in the video in orange jumpsuits like other hostages previously killed by Islamic State, which controls a third of Iraq and Syria. The militant who threatens them speaks in a British accent and may be the same jihadist who appeared in videos with western journalists who were beheaded. While Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vowed to save the men — saying, “Their lives are the top priority” — the Japanese government declined to say whether it would pay the ransom.
Jan. 20, 2015


Headline:   Obama urges Congress to okay force against ISIS

Headline:   Obama calls for new war powers to fight IS in State of the Union address

President Barack Obama on Tuesday called on the U.S. Congress to pass a new authorization of force against the ISIS militant group and to not rush into new sanctions on Iran over its disputed nuclear program. Obama said a U.S. led coalition of countries is stopping the advance of the group in Iraq and Syria. “I call on this Congress to show the world that we are united in this mission by passing a resolution to authorize the use of force against ISIL,” Obama said  in the annual State of the Union address, using another acronym for the militant group. He said the U.S. stands with terror victims from “Pakistan to Paris,” in the address that came came just days after attacks in Paris and weeks after attacks in Pakistan. Lawmakers waved yellow pencils to show their support for free speech when Obama mentioned the attacks earlier this month in Paris. The 17 people killed by Islamist militant gunmen included staff at French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Obama vowed: “We will continue to hunt down terrorists and dismantle their networks.” But he stressed U.S. officials ”reserve the right to act unilaterally, as we’ve done relentlessly since I took office, to take out terrorists who pose a direct threat to us and our allies.”
Jan. 21, 2015



When a nation murders 57 million babies and her leaders ignore the threat of Radical Islam, the State of the Union is not “strong.”
By Joel C. Rosenberg (@joelcrosenberg on Twitter)


(Costa Mesa, CA, January 21, 2015) — “America, for all that we have endured; for all the grit and hard work required to come back; for all the tasks that lie ahead, know this: The shadow of crisis has passed, and the State of the Union is strong.”
So began President Obama on Tuesday night in his 2015 State of the Union address to the nation and to a Joint Session of Congress.   He was not the first American President to declare the state of the union “strong.” But with all due respect, the President is wrong.   When a nation murders 57 million innocent babies, the state of the union is not strong.  When a nation overtaxes and overregulates and over burdens the economy and drives manufacturers and other businesses overseas and leaves 92 million Americans out of the labor force with no jobs and few prospects to get a good-paying job, the state of the union is not strong. When a nation heaps $18 trillion of national debt on the backs of her children and grandchildren, and keeps creating more and more national debt with no end in sight, the state of the union is not strong.  When a leader ignores the rising threat of Radical Islam — does not take decisive action to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons, does not take decisive action to crush terrorist movements like al Qaeda and ISIS, and refuses to even mention “Islam” or “Islamism” or “Radical Islam” or even “al Qaeda” is his address to the nation — the state of the union is not strong.  My goal in saying this is not to score partisan political points. Rather, I am deeply concerned about the future of America, and Christian leaders and lay people must speak out.  Indeed, at this critical hour, let us consider Ezekiel 33:1-9 and how it applies to us and our times….


Headline:    Muslim scholars urge UN to outlaw ‘contempt’ of religions

A leading Islamic organization has called on the United Nations to make “contempt of religions” illegal and urged the West to protect Muslim communities following the attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo. The Qatar-based International Union of Muslim Scholars, headed by influential preacher Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, appealed to Muslims to continue peaceful protests against images of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) but “not to resort to any violence.” The latest cartoon of the Prophet in Charlie Hebdo has angered many Muslims and triggered protests in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. In a statement released Tuesday, the union said there should be protection for “prophets” and urged Islamic countries to submit a draft law to the UN calling for defamation of religions to be outlawed. The union said the UN should then issue a “law criminalizing contempt of religions and the prophets and all the holy sites.” It also called for the West “to protect Muslim communities from attacks, whether they are citizens or residents or visitors.”
Jan. 21, 2015


Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Russia And Iran Just Got Even Closer

Headline:    Sophisticated Russian S-400 missiles for Iran under new military pact, S-300s for Egypt, Syria, Hizballah

Russia and Iran are aligning more and more. In Tehran on Tuesday, Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu and his Iranian counterpart, defense minister Hossein Dehghan, signed an agreement on “military cooperation” between the two countries, according to the state-controlled news agency TASS. “The signing of the intergovernmental agreement on military cooperation today became a significant step in the strengthening of these relations,” Shoigu said afterward. “The theoretical basis of cooperation in the military sphere has been established.” Shoigu noted that the thinking of Russia and Iran regarding the situation in the Middle East and Afghanistan was “closer or coincides.” He also noted that during the meeting both sides stressed the importance of coordinated efforts to combat international terrorism and drug trafficking. “We consider the reduction of tension in the region our responsibility and one of our top priorities,” Shoigu said. Cooperation between the two countries is clearest in Syria, where planes from Moscow and Tehran have consistently arrived in Damascus with weapons and supplies for the Assad regime.
Jan. 20, 2015



Headline:    Russia has 9,000 troops in Ukraine, Poroshenko tells Davos forum

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko accused Russia on Wednesday of sending 9,000 troops to back separatist rebels in the east of his country, and the IMF chief said she backed extra financial help for Kiev as the conflict inflicts severe economic damage. Moscow challenged Poroshenko to present facts to prove his allegations. However, he won support from NATO, which said the amount of heavy military equipment used by Russian troops in eastern Ukraine had increased, and the alliance repeated its call for the forces to withdraw. Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Poroshenko made one of Kiev’s boldest assertions yet that Russia’s military is directly involved in a conflict in which more than 4,800 people have died since last April. Russian troops were backed by a range of heavy weapons, including tanks, heavy artillery and armored vehicles, he said, adding: “If this is not aggression, what is aggression?” Poroshenko also called on Moscow to comply with a peace plan agreed in Minsk, Belarus, last September between Ukraine, Russia and pro-Russian separatist leaders to end the conflict. “The solution is very simple — stop supplying weapons … withdraw the troops and close the border,” he said. “If you want to discuss something different, it means you are not for peace, you are for war.”
Jan. 21, 2015



Headline:  Iran general killed with Hezbollah fighters in Israel raid

Headline:  Iran’s Revolutionary Guard vows to punish Israel for general killed in Syria

An Israeli strike on Syria killed an Iranian general, Tehran confirmed Monday, as thousands of supporters of Lebanon’s Hezbollah gathered to bury one of six fighters killed in the same raid. The attack on Sunday near Quneitra on the Syrian-controlled side of the Golan Heights enraged Hezbollah’s supporters, but analysts said the group would avoid a major escalation with Israel. Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards confirmed the death of one of their generals in a statement on their website. “General Mohammad Ali Allahdadi and a number of fighters and Islamic Resistance (Hezbollah) forces were attacked by the Zionist regime’s helicopters,” it said. “This brave general and some members of Hezbollah were martyred.” A source close to Hezbollah said six Iranians had been killed in the attack. Hezbollah told AFP that it was not the source of that toll.
Jan. 21, 2015




Headline:  Israeli TV shows ‘Iranian missile’ that ‘can reach far beyond Europe’

Iran has built a 27-meter-long missile, capable of delivering a warhead “far beyond Europe,” and placed it on a launch pad at a site close to Tehran, an Israeli television report said Wednesday, showing what it said were the first satellite images of the missile ever seen in the West. It stressed that the missile could be used to launch spacecraft or satellites, but also to carry warheads. The Channel 2 news report showed satellite imagery documenting what it said was Iran’s “very rapid progress” on long-range missile manufacture. It showed one photograph of a site near Tehran, which it said the West had known about for two years, where Iran was working on engines for its long-range missiles. It then showed a satellite photograph of a second site, nearby, which featured a launch pad, with the 27-meter missile on it — an Iranian missile “never seen before” by the West. The missile is capable of taking a manned spacecraft or satellite into space, the TV report said. It is also capable of carrying a conventional or non-conventional warhead “far beyond Europe,” the report added.
Jan. 21, 2015




****Clicking on the UNDERLINED sections will take you to the news link

Headline:   War News for Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Political turmoil continues as parliament rejects 7 cabinet nominees over dual citizenship. These include the nominees for Interior and Foreign Minister. Of course, given the decades of war and the period of Taliban rule, many educated Afghans have been expatriates. The nominees can be considered if they drop their second citizenship.

Human Rights Watch reports attacks and threats against journalists in Afghanistan are on the rise, with 2014 being the most violent year on record. “An already fragile media freedom has been jeopardised still further by intimidation and violence from both state and non-state figures, combined with a lack of government protection and waning international support.”

NYT reports that internal divisions in the Taliban have created an opening for IS. This has been noted before, but the NYT goes into more depth. It is not entirely clear whether IS just provides a new brand for some Taliban factions in Helmand, or if there really are strong ties with the organization in Syria and Iraq and an influx of foreigners.

India offers a workaround to the Pakistani blockade of Afghan exports.

And of course, the low-level war continues with 8 civilians dead in Ghazni, and 4 ANA soldiers killed in Kunduz along with a claimed 23 militants. (As always, no way to confirm these typically lopsided casualty reports.)





Headline:   South Sudan Government Says Rebels Torched Oil Facility

The South Sudan government on Wednesday accused rebels loyal to former vice president Riek Machar of attacking an oil facility in Unity state and setting it on fire. Information Minister Michael Makuei told reporters in Juba that rebel forces attacked the facility in Pariang County, in the north of Unity state, early in the week. “This area is an area where the production of so many [oil wells] is pooled and then directed towards the processing center in Heglig,” Makuei said. “They set this place on fire. It was not operational, of course, since that area is under the rebels, but nevertheless they decided to set it on fire. And the fire was burning up to yesterday but we don’t know how far it has gone by now,” he said. Makuei noted that government and rebel officials agreed last week at talks in Khartoum, mediated by China, to protect foreign personnel and economic installations, including oil facilities. He said the rebel attack on the oil installation in Unity state was a clear violation of that agreement. He said the rebels are not taking diplomatic initiatives to end South Sudan’s conflict seriously.
Jan. 21, 2015





Headline:  Libyan OPEC representative goes missing

Headline:  ISIS To North Africans: Syria’s Too Far? Come To Libya

A senior Libyan oil official who represents his country in OPEC is believed to have been abducted in the militia-held capital Tripoli, a company official said Tuesday. Samir Salim Kamal, an engineer with the National Oil Company and Libya’s governor for OPEC, has not been seen since Thursday when he left the company’s offices. “His friends last saw him on Thursday afternoon as he left the NOC headquarters” in central Tripoli, an official at the company, who did not want to be named, told AFP. Nobody has claimed responsibility for his apparent abduction, and his family has received no news about him since his disappearance, the official said. Libya is one of 12 members of OPEC, whose current secretary-general Abdullah El-Badri is Libyan.
Jan. 21, 2015




Headline:    Algeria Backtracks on Shale Gas Plans After Protests

Algeria’s prime minister announced Wednesday that plans to drill for the country’s abundant shale gas reserves have been scrapped. The announcement in a television interview came in the wake of a string of protests in the southern desert cities over environmental concerns near where drilling had already begun. “I confirm that the exploitation of shale gas is not the order of the day as for now Algeria has sufficient reserves of conventional energy to meet its needs,” Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal said. Despite high profile announcements in December that drilling had been authorized, he added that the initial drilling near the town of In Salah had just been “experimental.” He said the studies would continue for at least four more years to evaluate environmental and technical considerations. Soon after the drilling began, rare protests erupted in nearby In Salah and spread to other southern cities in Algeria, principally over fears the scarce water supply would be contaminated. “Between shale gas and water, the Algerian people will choose water and you think the Algerian state would be crazy enough to endanger the lives of its citizens?” he asked the interviewer. “We are a responsible government.” While Algeria derives more than 95 percent of its export earnings from oil and gas, its reserves are dwindling. The country has also been hard hit by the drop in oil prices by 50 percent in the last six months.
Jan. 21, 2015





Headline:    Germany bans anti-Islamic rally over terror threat

German authorities have banned a rally by the anti-Islamic PEGIDA movement in the eastern city of Dresden today, saying they have “concrete” information that Islamist militants plan to attack the weekly demonstrations. The federal and state police agencies had received information that radical Islamists were planning to mix with demonstrators and attack one of the leaders of the rightwing Patriotic Europeans Against Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA), which has been organising the Dresden rallies since September. “In our assessment of the situation, we believe that there is a concrete threat of a terror attack,” Dresden’s police commissioner Dieter Kroll said yesterday. Informations received by the authorities indicated that one of the PEGIDA leaders and the people around him were being targeted for a terror attack, Kroll said in a statement. Kroll, however, said there were no specific information about the suspected terrorists or the nature of the attacks they were planning. The antiIslam rally in Dresden to protest against the “Islamisation of Germany” and the government’s asylum policy have been drawing a number of supporters in spite of appeals to the public by Chancellor Angela Merkel and other leaders to stay away from it. Police estimated that a record number of over 25,000 people attended the rally last Monday and its organisers were expecting a much bigger crowd today.
Jan. 19, 2015





Headline:    Flood of jihadi volunteers to Syria is ‘unstoppable’, warns Turkish Prime Minister

The tide of foreign volunteers crossing from Turkey into Syria to fight for Isis cannot be stopped, the Turkish Prime Minister has warned, with authorities unable to close the porous 510-mile border between the two countries. Ahmet Davutoglu, whose government has been accused of not doing enough to stop jihadi fighters from Britain and other countries crossing into Syria, told The Independent that Turkey could not put “soldiers everywhere on  the border”. He added: “In any case, there isn’t any state on the other side [of the  frontier].” Barack Obama says the US will go on the offensive in Iraq, providing air support to the Iraqi army when it attacks Isis forces. But Iraqi sources say the army, badly beaten by Isis last summer, is failing to reconstitute itself despite US efforts to retrain it. Even when supported by air strikes, it has made little headway and many of its combat units remain grossly under-strength. Isis is likely to continue to rule most of the territory it has seized in Iraq and Syria because its enemies are failing to unite and act decisively against it.
Jan. 21, 2015





Headline:    Turkey calls for a ‘new beginning’ with Armenia

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has called on all Armenians to jointly seek ways to resolve their historical differences with Turkey, stressing that it is a must for Turks and Armenians to “engage in humane relations and to recognize each other in light of 800 years of common history.” “It’s possible for two ancient people to have the maturity to understand each other and to look to the future together. Turks and Armenians, sharing the same geography and long history, can only talk to each other about their problems and seek together ways to resolve them. It is a necessity for us to develop mutual trust and cooperation, to know each other again in light of our 800 years of common history, and to engage in a humane relationship,” Davutoğlu said in a written statement issued on Jan. 20, a day after the eighth anniversary of the assassination of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink.
“With this understanding, we invite our Armenian friends to pay more visits to Turkey in order to remove mutual prejudices,” he added.
Jan. 20, 2015


nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Boko Haram ‘leader Abubakar Shekau’ claims Baga raid

A man purporting to be the leader of the Boko Haram Islamist group has said in a video that his fighters carried out a deadly attacks on the Nigerian town of Baga earlier this month. The man said to be Abubakar Shekau said people were killed “as our Lord instructed us”, threatening more raids. He taunted nearby countries’ leaders. Some reports said that as many as 2,000 people died in the Baga raid but Nigeria’s government has disputed this, putting the toll at 150. “We killed the people of Baga,” the man claiming to be Shekau said in the 35-minute video, quoted by AFP news agency. He also issued a challenge to Nigerian and regional forces to attack his group.
Jan. 21, 2015


Headline:  Church backs Congo protesters, rights group says 42 killed

Democratic Republic of Congo’s powerful Catholic church on Wednesday backed ongoing protests against reforms that could extend President Joseph Kabila’s rule, denouncing a government crackdown which a rights group said had killed 42 people. As anti-government demonstrations in the capital Kinshasa entered their third day, the leader of Congo’s Catholics, Cardinal Laurent Mosengwo Pasinya, strongly criticized any attempt to postpone a presidential election due next year. Opposition supporters took to the streets on Monday to try to derail legislation that would require a national census before the vote. The opposition says the count would take years to organize in a poor nation the size of Western Europe, although the government denies this. With more than 40 percent of Congo’s 65 million people describing themselves as Catholic, the Church’s stance is likely to bolster popular resistance to the reform. Western powers including France and the United States have called for restraint and backed timely elections. The proposed change to the electoral code, approved by the lower house of parliament on Saturday, is expected to be voted on by the Senate on Thursday. “We disapprove of and condemn any revision of the electoral law that aims to … illegally postpone the holding of the elections in 2016,” Mosengwo Pasinya said, adding that some politicians and the security services were stoking the violence.
Jan. 21, 2015


Headline:  Hundreds in Mali Protest UN Airstrikes

Hundreds of people protesting United Nations peacekeepers’ airstrikes on Tuareg rebels in Mali occupied the airport in the northern town of Kidal on Wednesday, forcing U.N. troops to abandon positions there. The protest in the rebel stronghold, mainly by women and children, comes a day after Dutch U.N. attack helicopters hit rebel forces in northern Mali during clashes over a separate town. It was the first such engagement by peacekeepers. The protesers “were violent. They threw stones, they burned some assets,” U.N. spokeswoman Radhia Achouri told Reuters. “We ordered our units guarding the airport to go inside the camp.” She estimated 200 to 300 people were involved in the protest. A Kidal resident at the airport said U.N. troops had shot in the air to try to disperse the crowds. But protests had continued, so the U.N. troops headed to their base in the town.
Jan. 21, 2015


Headline:  Yemen crisis: Houthi rebels shell presidential home

Headline:   Aden airport shut in solidarity with Yemen president

Headline:   Yemen leader expected to accept demands of Houthis who defeat his guards

Shia Houthi rebels in Yemen’s capital Sanaa have shelled the president’s home, shattering a ceasefire. President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi was reported to be inside the house but an official insisted he was safe. The UN Security Council condemned the attack and urged the rebels to respect the country’s legitimate leaders. But rebel leader Abdel Malek al-Houthi accused Yemen’s leaders of corruption and said the country was at a “defining” moment. The attack on Mr Hadi’s home came after the rebels entered the presidential palace in another part of the city following a brief clash with guards. Information Minister Nadia al-Sakkaf said on Twitter the president’s home had come under heavy shelling from armed forces positioned on rooftops nearby. An unnamed Yemeni government official told Reuters news agency: “The president is inside and he is fine.” Another official said two people had been killed in the fighting. Shelling died down after about half an hour, witnesses said.
Jan. 21, 2015




Headline:   Pakistan Arrests ISIS Recruiter in Lahore

Pakistani security forces have arrested a member of the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) jihadist group and two accomplices in eastern city of Lahore, officials said Wednesday. “A Pakistani Syrian man named Yousaf Al-Salafi and two of his accomplices have been arrested two days ago,” a senior security official told AFP. “During investigation he has confessed that he was setting up IS operations in Pakistan,” the official said on the condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to speak to media. Al-Salafi, believed to be about 40-years-old, entered Pakistan around five months ago via Turkey and worked with Hafiz Tayyab, an Imam at a local mosque, to recruit Pakistani men to fight in Syria – charging ISIS about $600 for each person they sent, the official said. The other accomplice was identified only as Doctor Fuwad from the industrial city of Sialkot who arranged visits for Al-Salafi to various madrassas in that city and neighboring Gujranwala, he added. During the past five months Al-Salafi also visited Pakistan’s northwestern tribal areas that border Afghanistan and met with Pakistani Taliban terrorists, the official said.
Jan. 21, 2015


Headline:  800,000 Muslims Rally Against Charlie Hebdo in Chechnya – A Country of 1.3 Million People

Nearly one million Muslims rallied in Grozny, Chechnya against the French magazine Charlie Hebdo. They’re more upset with the magazine than they are with the killer Kouachi brothers. Hundreds of thousands of people in the Russian Muslim region of Chechnya gathered in the regional capital Grozny on Monday to protest against caricatures of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad. Chechnya’s Interior Ministry said more than a million people attended the demonstration. Earlier Monday, the Russian Interior Ministry had estimated the number of attendees at more than 800,000. Before the rally, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov urged people to attend to protest against what he called “the vulgarity, immorality, lack of culture, and the shamelessness of those who drew the caricatures of the Prophet.” Earlier this month, gunman attacked the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, killing 12 people. The killings were said to be retaliation for the publication’s depictions of Muhammad. Some of the Chechen protesters Monday carried signs reading “Hands off the Prophet Muhammad,” Addressing the crowd, Kadyrov declared “If needed, we are ready to die to stop anyone who thinks that you can irresponsibly defile the name of the Prophet.”
Jan. 20, 2015



EuroCooltextprophecysign Decline of the Euro– ““ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:5-6)“Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” (Daniel 2:41-43)

Headline:  Euro at Almost 11-Year Low as QE Looms; Canadian Loonie Drops on Rate Cut

Headline:  Central bank prophet who foresaw the Lehman crisis fears QE warfare pushing world financial system out of control

The euro was at almost an 11-year low as the European Central Bank prepares for a meeting at which policy makers are forecast to adopt a sovereign-bond purchase program under the quantitative-easing strategy. The 19-nation shared currency pared gains against the dollar after Bloomberg reported that two central-bank officials said policy makers led by Mario Draghi will propose purchasing 50 billion euros ($58 billion) in assets per month through 2016. A gauge of the greenback approached the highest on record. Canada’s dollar plunged the most in three years after the central bank unexpectedly cut interest rates. The yen climbed for the first time in four days as the Bank of Japan refrained from more stimulus. “This market is very nervous,” Dean Popplewell, vice president of currency analysis and research at Oanda Corp., said by phone from Toronto. “The bullish expectation for Draghi to deliver is somewhat priced in. If the ECB wavers at all, these markets are going to severely punish the ECB.”
Jan. 21, 2015



bye CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)


Headline:   Oil export losses to reach $300 billion in Middle East

Headline:    IMF Says Gulf States Set to Swing Into Deficit as Oil Falls

Losses from lower oil exports should sap up to $300 billion from economies in the Middle East and Central Asia this year, as countries in the region adjust to falling crude prices, the International Monetary Fund said on Wednesday. Economies that are particularly dependent on oil exports, including Qatar, Iraq, Libya and Saudi Arabia, will be hit hardest by the more than 50 percent decline in petroleum prices, the IMF said in an update to its outlook for the Middle East and Central Asia. Oil prices are now hovering near six-year lows amid expectations of an abundance of supply tied to unexpectedly high production of US shale crude. The IMF said, however, that falling crude prices will not translate immediately into major gains for oil importers in the Middle East and Central Asia, which have been hurt by the slowing growth prospects of key trading partners in the euro zone and Russia. The IMF this week cut its forecasts for global economic growth to 3.5 percent for 2015 compared with an October outlook of 3.8 percent, and significantly lowered projections for oil exporters Russia, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia. The IMF said nearly every exporting country in the Middle East and Central Asia is expected to run a fiscal deficit this year because of the oil price shock, which prompted the IMF to downgrade the region’s growth prospects by as much as 1 percentage point compared with its October forecasts, to 3.4 percent for 2015.
Jan. 21, 2015



Headline:  IMF: Venezuela economy to shrink 7 percent this year

The International Monetary Fund is predicting Venezuela’s troubled economy will shrink by 7 percent in 2015, suffering the worst contraction in Latin America. It’s a dramatic downgrade from October, when the IMF said Venezuela’s economy would shrink by 1 percent. In a post published Wednesday, IMF Western Hemisphere Director Alejandro Werner says Venezuela will be clobbered by falling oil prices, which have declined by half in the last six months. Oil accounts for more than 95 percent of the South American country’s export earnings. Werner says that the Argentine economy will also shrink, but by less than 2 percent, and predicts that overall growth for Latin America and the Caribbean will hold steady at slightly more than 1 percent. Werner says the recession in Venezuela will lead to worsening shortages.
Jan. 21, 2015


Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:  Volcanic eruption in Tonga creates new island

A volcanic eruption in Tonga has created a new island — although one scientist said Wednesday it could soon disappear. The volcano has been erupting for a month in the ocean about 65 kilometers (40 miles) northwest of the capital, Nuku’alofa. Last week it disrupted international air travel to the Pacific archipelago for several days. New Zealand volcanologist Nico Fournier said he traveled by boat to within about a mile of the new island on Saturday to take a closer look. He said it’s made mainly of loose scoria and its dimensions are about 1.8 kilometers (1.1 miles) by 1.5 kilometers (0.9 miles), and that it rises about 100 meters (109 yards) above the sea. “It’s quite an exciting site, you get to see the birth of an island,” he said. “Visually it was quite spectacular, but there was no big sound coming with it, no boom. It was a bit eerie.” He said that once the volcano stops erupting, it will likely take the ocean no more than a few months to erode the island entirely. He said it would need to be made of lava or something more durable to survive. Fournier, who works for New Zealand agency GNS Science, said he was able to establish that the volcano was mainly belching steam into the atmosphere, and that the small amount of ash it was sending out was rising no more than about 2 kilometers (1.2 miles). That will come as a relief to airlines, as it is the ash that can be dangerous to planes. Fournier said the ocean around the island is likely fairly shallow, perhaps only about 100-200 meters (328-656 feet) deep. He said there is no name yet for the new island, and he has been told that any naming rights will fall to Tonga’s king.
Jan. 21, 2015


Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes



Up-date on birds, fish, and animals mass die off and more/Troubles Strikes Ministry/ Jan. 20, 2015

Up-date on birds, fish, and animals mass die off and more/ Jan. 20, 2015 with Frank DiMora


 FotoFlexer_PhotoFrank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com
indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 19, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 18, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

ffffffffffffffffff1111111111111111111111111111111111111f The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 18, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.




 CooltextprophecysignThere is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed. Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying. [Hosea 4:1-3]

Our Lord gave us the warning we would see mass deaths of the birds, fish, and animals.  The deaths of the birds, fish, and, animals are being reported on a regular bases now and have been for years. 

Flag Japan animated gif 240x180January 16, 2015 – 200,000 chickens killed due to avian flu in Okayama, Japan. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/01/16/national/another-bird-flu-case-prompting-massive-chicken-cull-japan/#.VLvdf0fF_5U

January 17, 2015 – 100,000 turkeys killed due to avian flu in Aviel, Israel. https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ynet.co.il%2Farticles%2F0%2C7340%2CL-4615947%2C00.html&edit-text=&act=url

Flag India animated gif 240x180January 18, 2015 – 314 turtles wash ashore dead along beaches in Chennal, India. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/314-turtles-wash-ashore-dead-on-Chennai-beaches-in-20-days/articleshow/45927517.cms


Ocean Life Faces Mass Extinction, Broad Study Says

A team of scientists, in a groundbreaking analysis of data from hundreds of sources, has concluded that humans are on the verge of causing unprecedented damage to the oceans and the animals living in them.

“We may be sitting on a precipice of a major extinction event,” said Douglas J. McCauley, an ecologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and an author of the new research, which was published on Thursday in the journal Science.






Rapture Question/Global Meltdown coming?/ Jan. 16, 2015



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 15, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


As of late I have had people ask me about the rapture of the church. Before I give you a short section of when I believe the rapture of the church is going to take place let me say the following. As lovers of Christ Jesus it is our task to keep on the watch. You will read this command by Jesus Himself in the gospels where He tells us to keep on the watch. He wants us on the watch so the rapture doesn’t come upon us as a thief in the night.  For those who say the rapture of the church will not come until the half way point in the tribulation why would these people be concerned if they knew they still had at least three and a half years before they had to worry about missing the rapture since the tribulation has even started yet?

Most people who hold to the midtribulation rapture try to deny the belief in an imminent return of [Jesus]. While it has been attempted to disprove the doctrine of imminence, Scripture consistently teaches that the coming of [Jesus] could be at any time. Click the link to see these verses http://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Bible-Verses-About-Imminent-Coming/ .

The bottom line is this. We need to live our lives as if Jesus were going to come back today for His church, that means being on the watch now not waiting for some major prophecy sign to be seen before you begin to get ready for the rapture.  However, Jesus did leave us warning signs in prophecy to look for so that when we saw all these signs at once we would know for sure His second coming was very close at hand. Here in my ministry I am a watchmen for the Lord to help you see the things He warned us about concerning the last days. I will say this. Do not let your stand on the rapture hinder your walk between other Christians as we are suppose to be as Christ loving one another as Christ loves us. The rapture doctrine is not a doctrine of salvation but, it a very important part of prophecy for the last days.  Be ready!

I will explain why I believe the church will already be in heaven during the Great Tribulation. First of all, you should understand that I believe in the Bible, the rapture takes place in Revelation 4:1. “After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.” The Greek words for “after these things” are meta tauta, meaning after the things of the church. You must understand that the book of Revelation is divided into three parts. Revelation 1:19 says, “Write the things which thou has seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter.” John wrote the things he had seen, the things that were going on while he was alive, and the things that would take place once the church was raptured to heaven in the future. The church is removed from Earth in Revelation 4:1. It is very interesting that you will never hear anything about the church again until chapter 19 when you see it riding back to Earth with Jesus at the end of the seven year tribulation. The reason the church isn’t mentioned is because I believe it was taken from the wrath of God to come. Also take careful notice what Jesus says to each of the 7 churches He gives the messages to which is found in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. At the end of each message He says, “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches” (Revelation 2:7a, 11a, 17a, 29, Revelation 3:6, 13, 22). After the church is raptured into heaven of which I believe is Revelation 4:1 where we see the tribulation is going on, Jesus now says, “If any man have an ear, let him hear” (Revelation 13:9). Unlike all the other times, this time Jesus left out  the word Spirit as in the phrase “hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”  Also take careful notice that Jesus used this same phrase 7 times in the gospels prior to the Holy Spirit descending on the believers in the upper room on Pentecost. All 7 times it appears as follows as in Mark 4:9. “And he said unto them, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” I do not think the lack of the word Spirit in the 7 verses is a coincidence! You can find these 7 verses in Matthew 11:15, Matthew 13:9, Mark 4:9, 23, Mark 7:16, Luke 8:8, and Luke 14:35. Here is the bottom line. Jesus did not say He that hath ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says in the gospels because He did not send the Holy Spirit to help them yet as He was still with them. However, once Christ left to go into heaven things changed.

The reason for the difference is the Holy Spirit was active in the church while the church was on the Earth, but now after Revelation 4:1 the Spirit has departed when the church was raptured to heaven. In Revelation chapter 13, the wrath of God is being poured out on an unbelieving world. Since the church is not appointed to wrath, as stated in Romans 5:9, and first Thessalonians 5:9 that is why the church has to be in heaven. In “the Revelation of Jesus Christ” which he was privileged to see, John tells of one scene of those who, before Christ’s second coming, had rejected the free offer of salvation through Christ yet realized that the time of the Antichrist had come; therefore, they had missed the opportunity to be part of the raptured church.  There are many reasons why I believe the Rapture will take place prior to the tribulation and you can read about them in my book. Click to this link and download the book for free. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 15, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

Special Video with Amy Nehme and DiMora/ Shi’ite and Sunnis Will Unite/ Prophecy Signs for January 15, 2015


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 15, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

Jim Sinclair: Russia Can Collapse US Economy, Gold Update, Silver is Gold on Steroids & More

Zechariah 12v2,3

Headline:   ‘US Consulate in Jerusalem arming Palestinian guards’

The US Consulate in Jerusalem is training a force of 35 Palestinians from East Jerusalem to serve as armed guards, particularly for consular trips to the West Bank’s Area A, which is off-limits to Israelis, it was reported on Wednesday. The arrangement violates a 2011 agreement between Israel and the consulate, the Hebrew daily Yedioth Ahronoth stated, whereby only IDF combat veterans would be authorized to carry arms as consulate guards. “The consulate was authorized to keep roughly 100 handguns for security staff, on condition that they be either American diplomats or Israeli army veterans,” the paper’s Itamar Eichner wrote. Additionally, Israeli guards at the consulate alleged that the Palestinians were being trained with firearms in Jericho at a Palestinian Preventative Security base and in the United States.
Jan. 14, 2015


Headline:   UN Demands Israel Unfreeze PA Taxes

The United Nations (UN) on Thursday demanded that Israel unlock millions of dollars in taxes it collected for the Palestinian Authority (PA) and froze as a penalty, in response to the PA applying to join the International Criminal Court (ICC) in breach of the Oslo Accords to sue Israel. A senior UN official claimed to the UN Security Council that the freeze of about $127 million imposed on January 3 was in violation of the Oslo Accords. He failed to mentioned that the ICC application was itself a breach, as were the numerous unilateral PA requests to join international treaties that accompanied it. “We call on Israel to immediately resume the transfer of tax revenues,” said UN Assistant Secretary-General Jens Anders Toyberg-Frandzen. The UN’s criticism joins the bandwagon after the US and European Union (EU) already slammed Israel’s move, with both parties remaining notably silent regarding the PA application to ICC that triggered the Israeli response.
Jan. 15, 2015


Headline:   Hamas Holds Independent Parliament Meeting in Gaza

In yet another sign that the Hamas-Fatah unity government is dysfunctional, Hamas-affiliated parliament members in Gaza on Wednesday reactivated the coastal enclave’s parliament, which had been suspended since the unity deal was agreed upon in April. According to the Ma’an news agency, the convening of the session, which was attended exclusively by Hamas legislators, represents a major eruption of tensions within the Palestinian coalition government and presents yet another hurdle for officials trying to hold the agreement together. The deputy speaker of the Gaza parliament, Ahmad Bahar, delivered a speech at the beginning of the session in which he warned of a possible “blowup” in Gaza as a result of, among other things, the delay in reconstruction the Palestinian Authority’s failure to pay monthly salaries to civil servants employed under the former Hamas government. “A blowup is at a distance of two-bows length or less if the international community does not take action to end the suffering of the people of Gaza,” he warned, according to Ma’an.
Jan. 15, 2015


Headline:   Arab League to Push for New Palestinian U.N. Resolution

The Arab League said on Thursday it will seek to shore up international support for another attempt to obtain a U.N. resolution on ending Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands. The decision at a gathering of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo came after Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas asked them for another chance following the UN Security Council’s rejection of his last bid in December. Those at the meeting gave several Arab countries the task of undertaking “the necessary communications and consultations to submit a new Arab proposal to the Security Council,” a statement said. After last month’s failed U.N. bid, the Palestinians were granted a request to join the International Criminal Court, in a move paving the way for them to pursue Israeli leaders for alleged war crimes.
Jan. 15, 2015


Headline:   Iraq Donates $28 Million to the PA

Iraq on Wednesday donated $28 million to the Arab League as part of its contribution to support the Palestinian Authority (PA), an Iraqi official said, according to the Ma’an news agency. Iraq’s representative to the Arab League, Diya al-Dabbas, said that the payment highlights Iraq’s commitment to the “Palestinian cause.” He condemned Israel’s decision to freeze PA tax funds, a decision which came after the PA applied to join the International Criminal Court, and called on Arab countries to use their economic and financial weight to support the Palestinians. Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi applauded Iraq’s contribution to support the PA’s budget. Iraq’s donation to the PA comes a day after Saudi Arabia said it had provided $60 million in direct support for the PA budget. The PA has repeatedly asked for foreign donations, claiming it is on the verge of collapse due to a worsening financial crisis.
Jan. 15, 2015


Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)

Saudi-ArabiaSaudi Arabia


Headline:    Saudi Arabia Is Building A 600-Mile ‘Great Wall’ To Shield Itself From ISIS

When a raiding party from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant attacked a Saudi border post last week, it was no mere hit on a desert outpost. The jihadists were launching an assault on the new, highest-profile effort by Saudi Arabia to insulate itself from the chaos engulfing its neighbours. The Saudis are building a 600-mile-long “Great Wall” — a combined fence and ditch — to separate the country from Iraq to the north. Plans for the 600-mile wall and ditch Saudi Arabia will build with Iraq in an effort to insulate itself from the chaos engulfing its neighbors. Much of the area on the Iraqi side is now controlled by Isil, which regards the ultimate capture of Saudi Arabia, home to the “Two Holy Mosques” of Mecca and Medina, as a key goal. The proposal had been discussed since 2006, at the height of the Iraqi civil war, but work began in September last year after Isil’s charge through much of the west and north of the country gave it a substantial land border with the Kingdom to the south. The border zone now includes five layers of fencing with watch towers, night-vision cameras, and radar cameras. Riyadh also sent an extra 30,000 troops to the area.
Jan. 14, 2015



Headline: Militant leader urges jihad, or holy war, in Egypt

The purported leader of a militant group that has staged several small attacks over the past year in the Egyptian capital has urged holy war, or jihad, calling on the young to join the extremists’ fight. The call came in an hour-long interview with a man identified as Magd Eddin al-Masri, who claims to be the leader of Ajnad Misr, or “Egypt’s Soldiers,” a group that surfaced as part of a rising insurgency in Egypt following the ouster of President Mohammad Morsi in July 2013. The interview by the group’s media arm was posted on social networking sites Sunday. It was the first public appearance of Al-Masri, which is Arabic for “the Egyptian,” and a move apparently aimed at gaining more prominence in the group’s campaign of retribution for the government’s crackdown on Islamists. In the footage, Al-Masri claimed that Egypt is well suited for jihad to avenge the killings, torture and detentions of Islamists in the wake of the authorities’ crackdown on Islamists following Morsi’s ouster. The crackdown has killed hundreds and jailed thousands.
Jan. 15, 2015


   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:     ISIS control of Syria reportedly expands since start of US-led airstrikes

The Islamic State terror group reportedly has increased the amount of territory they control in Syria as the U.S.-led bombing campaign approaches its four-month anniversary. The Wall Street Journal, citing U.S. government and  independent assessments, say that the Islamic State, commonly known as ISIS, has control of a large swath of northeastern Syria and is creeping toward key cities in the country’s west, including Aleppo, a center of the uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad. The Journal reports that ISIS’ expansion of control can partially be attributed to the U.S. focus on Iraq, where it is working closely with Baghdad to roll back gains made by ISIS last summer. However, as a result, ISIS fighters are flowing into Syria unchecked. In other cases, Syrian rebel groups who once fought against ISIS have been convinced to join their side. The paper also reports that nearly three-quarters of the U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria since Sept. 22 have concentrated on the fight for Kobani, a town near the border with Turkey that has seen fierce fighting between ISIS and Kurds. The Associated Press reported Wednesday that the airstrikes had helped Kurdish forces gain an estimated 80 percent of the town, in what would be the first major defeat for ISIS since their current campaign of terror began. However, experts say whatever good the strikes have done in Kobani, they have not prevented ISIS from consolidating their control elsewhere, a truth that some U.S. officials readily acknowledge.
Jan. 15, 2015


Syria Headline:    U.N. envoy: ISIS ‘only 20 miles away from Aleppo’

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is “only 20 miles away” from Syria’s second biggest city of Aleppo, the U.N. peace envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said on Thursday. “I am just determined to raise the fact that Aleppo cannot be abandoned,” De Mistura said, vowing to press on with efforts for a truce in between government and opposition forces in the city. “We are engaged in intense discussions with the government… and the opposition regarding the freeze,” he said. De Mistura, a Swedish-Italian diplomat appointed as U.N. envoy on Syria in July, said Aleppo was a “symbolic microcosm of all of Syria.” This was so “because it has the highest number of displaced people, because it has seen two years of suffering,” he added. De Mistura said the international community had to make sure that the Syrian conflict did not go in a “backburner,” adding: “Movement towards some kind of political solution should take place this year.”
Jan. 15, 2015


Syria Headline:    Regime strikes kill 43 people

The Syrian regime forces have killed 43 people including 12 children and four women on Wednesday, according to a statement made by the Syrian Network for Human Rights. The regime attacked cities controlled by opposition forces with missile strikes and barrel bombs, targeting inhabitants of Daraa, Damascus and Homs. In Daraa, 16 people were killed, in the countryside of Damascus 11 people lost their lives. Seven were killed in Hama, five in Homs, two each in Aleppo and Quneitra. Moreover, the Syrian Revolution General Commission announced that the al-Nusra front had managed to seize control of the village of Tal Selmo village in Idlib province. The village is located nearby Abo Zohour airbase, which is controlled by Syrian regime forces. Intensive clashes between the opposition forces of al-Nusra and the Syrian regime forces occurred in the area between Tal Selmo and Abo Zohour. The Syrian regime forces airstrikes have targeted the opposition forces in Idlib, Aleppo and Daraa, the Commission said.
Jan. 15, 2015


Syria Headline:    ISW Syria Situation Report Jan. 6-12, 2015


Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Iraq Headline:   France sends Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier for anti-ISIS op in Iraq

French President Francois Hollande has announced that the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier is ready for use in military operations against Islamic State in Iraq. The warship is to work in cooperation with coalition forces combatting the militants. In a speech onboard the aircraft carrier on Wednesday, Hollande told military personnel that that the Charlie Hebdo massacre carried out by Islamic extremists last week “justifies the presence of our aircraft carrier.” Thanks to the Charles de Gaulle we will have intelligence … we may also conduct operations in Iraq,” Hollande said. The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is the flagship of the French fleet, and is currently cruising off France’s southern coast in the Mediterranean. The carrier is the largest Western European warship currently in commission, and is France’s only nuclear-powered surface vessel. The ship can carry 20 to 25 aircraft, including Super Etendard strike fighter jets, Rafale M multirole fighter jets and Aster missiles. The ship’s deployment, during which it will provide airstrikes against Islamic State militants, is expected to last until May at the earliest.
Jan. 14, 2015


Iraq Headline: ISIL launches fierce attacks across Iraq

Fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have launched a series of attacks in Iraq’s restive region, killing at least 23 people, including several Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers. Sources told Al Jazeera that at least 16 Peshmerga soldiers were killed on Thursday trying to repel an ISIL attack on the Mosul Dam in Nineveh province. The dam, located on the Tigris river, provides electricity to northwestern province of Anbar, which is under ISIL’s control. In another attack, seven fighters from militias fighting against ISIL in Diyala Province were killed in the town of al- Mansuriya. Meanwhile, in the flashpoint town of Sinjar, Peshemerga forces, backed by US-led coalition warplanes, stopped an attack on the town’s southwestern side. The ISIL fighters have since mostly been driven out of the area. The capture of Sinjar by ISIL fighters and the plight of the mostly Yazidi population there was cited by President Barack Obama as one of the reasons for the US military intervention in Iraq. US-led forces launched 12 air strikes against the group’s positions overnight on Wednesday, targeting tactical units, buildings and equipment used by the group, the Combined Joint Task Force said in a statement. Despite nearly 5,000 bombs being dropped against the armed group, General John Allen, the US envoy for the global coalition to counter ISIL, said more time and training was needed to retake ISIL’s stronghold of Mosul. “We expect we will see the effectiveness of this force improve over time and we believe that they will be able to take back the population centres and municipalities,” Allen said.
Jan. 15, 2015


Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Jan. 12, 2015


Iraq Headline:   ISW Control of Terrain in Iraq: Jan. 13, 2015


rise of ISIS

Headline:  Duke University’s decision to sound Muslim call to prayer riles some

The Muslim call to prayer will sound from a bell tower at North Carolina’s Duke University — but not everyone is considering the chant music to the ear. Starting Friday, the Duke Muslim Students Association will chant the call, or adhan, from the Duke Chapel bell tower. The adhan signals the beginning of the weekly prayer service. It’s ubiquitous in Muslim countries the world over; not so in the Carolina piedmont. The call will last three minutes and will be only “moderately amplified,” the school said. Duke, which got its start in the late 19th century with help from the Methodist church, says the move “represents a larger commitment to religious pluralism that is at the heart of Duke’s mission.” “It connects the university to national trends in religious accommodation,” said Christy Lohr Sapp, the chapel’s associate dean for religious life. Various Christian denominations hold prayer and worship services in the chapel. The school also has spaces dedicated spaces on campus for various faiths, including Jews, Hindus and Buddhists. “Just as the bells announce chapel worship in the building on Sundays, the adhan announces Muslim prayers on Fridays,” the chapel said.
Jan. 15, 2015


Headline:   The Islamic State Is Starting A TV Channel

The Islamic State is about to launch its first TV channel, having hitherto relied on social media to spread its violent propaganda. A “teaser” for the new channel was just published on a popular ISIS forum with a link to the page that will host the 24/7 online propaganda channel. As you might expect, it won’t be showing any reruns of Friends. The new channel is set to broadcast only propaganda. The expected lineup will include a new video series by the British ISIS captive John Cantlie and a daily news show, plus repeats of his back catalogue. It will also broadcast a program called “Time to Recruit,” which is likely to discuss the recruitment of new jihadis, every Wednesday at 5 p.m., Islamic State Time (GMT+3). ISIS already runs the FM radio station Al-Bayan, which broadcasts propaganda from the city of Mosul in northern Iraq. A TV station is the latest expansion in the terrorist group’s growing propaganda efforts. ISIS has been actively seeking media and technology recruits of late to bolster production.
Jan. 15, 2015


Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Fierce battle for airport breaks out in Ukraine’s east

Heavy artillery and shelling rocked Ukraine’s east on Thursday as the army and pro-Russian rebels waged a fierce battle for a key airport, forcing monitors to flee and threatening all-out conflict. The fighting came as Ukraine made renewed accusations of a Russian military build up on its border, and approved fresh troop mobilisations in the midst of a wave of violence over recent days. A national day of mourning was also held for 13 people killed on Tuesday when a rocket exploded near a commuter bus travelling towards the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, the worst loss of civilian life since a September truce that only partially halted the violence. The upsurge in fighting that has rocked eastern Ukraine follows the postponement of a planned peace summit between President Petro Poroshenko and the leaders of Russia, Germany and France. Heavy fighting shook the area around the airport in the rebel bastion of Donetsk, while pro-Kremlin insurgents had earlier been accused of unleashing a massive rocket assault. The rebels claimed to have been on the verge of taking control of the airport, but there was no independent confirmation. Ukraine’s military said in a statement on Thursday night that it was still defending the airport under heavy attack by the rebels. An AFP journalist in Vodiane, a few miles west of the airport and where Ukrainian forces transport their dead and wounded, saw one soldier dead and five wounded. Ukraine confirmed two soldiers had been killed.
Jan. 15, 2015


Headline: Kerry Supports Syrian Peace Talks in Russia

Secretary of State John Kerry voiced support for Russia’s attempt to convene peace talks in Moscow between representatives of the Syrian government and the opposition, even though some leading opposition figures have said they do not plan to attend. “We hope that the Russian efforts could be helpful,” Mr. Kerry said on Wednesday at the start of a meeting here with Staffan de Mistura, the United Nations envoy for the crisis in Syria. Mr. Kerry also praised Mr. de Mistura’s attempt to broker local cease-fires in Syria, starting with the contested city of Aleppo, saying he hoped it could “have effect.” Mr. Kerry’s support for the Russian and United Nations initiatives comes as the American-led push to negotiate a solution to the bloody Syria conflict, the so-called Geneva process, has faltered. The United States has not withdrawn its public insistence that no enduring political settlement is possible as long as President Bashar al-Assad is in power. Nevertheless, Mr. de Mistura’s step-by-step strategy to de-escalate the civil war is attracting growing interest among some Obama administration officials. Mr. Kerry said before the failed peace talks in Geneva last year that the United States’ goal was a transitional government in Syria that did not include Mr. Assad. But he refrained from making such an explicit demand on Wednesday, urging instead that Syria’s leaders rethink their course. “It is time for President Assad, the Assad regime, to put their people first and to think about the consequences of their actions, which are attracting more and more terrorists to Syria, basically because of their efforts to remove Assad,” Mr. Kerry said. Russia, which has backed the Syrian government politically and by sending arms, is planning to convene talks among the warring Syrian factions on Jan. 26 in Moscow.
Jan. 15, 2015



Headline:  Rouhani Announces Iran is Building Two New Nuclear Plants

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced on Tuesday plans to construct two new nuclear power plants to increase the country’s nuclear-generated power output, Iran’s state-run Fars News Agency reported. “Construction of two new power plants will increase the capacity of Bushehr province’s power generation to 2,000 megawatts,” Rouhani said in a meeting with investors. Earlier on Tuesday, Rouhani visited the Bushehr nuclear power plant and claimed the country is pursuing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The United States, Israel and many of the world’s powers have long suspected that Iran is, in fact, pursuing a clandestine nuclear weapons program. Rouhani asserted, “The Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant is an example showing that Iran is only looking for a civilian use of the nuclear energy and for power generation.” However, US-based advocacy group The Israel Project said the Iranians will use their new nuclear infrastructure to boost to their “leverage” in negotiations over the country’s nuclear program with the West. “The more they have, the more they have to trade away,” the group said on Wednesday, referring to the November, 2013 interim agreement between Iran and world powers.
Jan. 14, 2015



Headline:   More Than 50 Killed in South Sudan Clashes

More than 50 fighters from both sides of South Sudan’s year-old conflict were killed in clashes last week in oil-producing Upper Nile state, the spokesman for the South Sudan army said Wednesday. SPLA spokesman Philip Aguer blamed the fighting on rebels loyal to former vice president Riek Machar. He said fighting  broke out last Thursday in an area northeast of the Upper Nile capital, Malakal, when around 2,000 rebel fighters attacked SPLA bases and positions. Aguer said government forces repulsed the rebels, but only after fierce fighting. He said that after the clashes, “The SPLA… identified 36 killed on the side of the rebels. The SPLA lost 18 in action and 26 wounded.” He also blamed Machar’s rebels for wounding two civilians and a soldier in separate attacks in Bentiu, capital of Unity state.
Jan. 14, 2015


Headline: Sudan clerics urge demo over Charlie Hebdo

Muslim clerics in Sudan called Thursday for demonstrations against French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo’s for publish a cartoon of the Muslim prophet Mohammed a week after a deadly attack on its offices. The Sudanese Scholars’ Authority called for demonstrations “after Friday prayers to condemn the publication of more than three million copies of cartoons insulting” the Mohammed, said a statement carried by state news agency SUNA. Authority Chairman Mohammed Osman Salih demanded that the French government apologise for the “shameful act,” but gave no further details of the marches. The latest edition of Charlie Hebdo, published Wednesday, features a cartoon of Mohammed on its cover holding a “Je suis Charlie” sign under the headline “All is forgiven”. The slogan that has become a global rallying cry for those expressing sympathy for the victims and support for freedom of speech.
Jan. 15, 2015





Headline:   Libya Warplane Hits Trawler Carrying Gasoline to Benghazi

A Libyan warplane attacked a fishing trawler carrying gasoline to the port of Benghazi this week after the internationally recognized government suspected it of supplying Islamist militants, a military official said on Thursday. Libya’s recognized government, which has been driven out of the capital, is locked in escalating conflict with a self-declared government of a faction known as Libya Dawn that seized Tripoli last summer. There were no details about the ownership or origin of the vessel that military official Mohamed Hejazi said was attacked Tuesday off the coast of the eastern city of Benghazi, which has seen heavy fighting for months between pro-government forces and Islamist militants.
Jan. 15, 2015



Headline:    Islamic State blitzkrieg: Germany tracking 50-member terror cell

German authorities are tracking an Islamic State terror cell suspected of having 50 members. Prosecutors told the German newspaper Bild that they are focused on finding a 26-year-old, German-Tunisian man known as “Ayoub B” who traveled to Iraq and Syria with six others. The Telegraph reported Thursday that when Bild tried to find Ayoub B, the newspaper was stopped by German police and told to refrain from investigating further because he was under surveillance. German authorities are concentrating their investigation on the northern city of Wolfsburg, the newspaper reported. News of the terror investigation comes on the same day that German Chancellor Angela Merkel unveiled a nine-point plan for securing the country from the kind of terrorist attacks recently perpetrated in Paris. Ms. Merkel said that new measures will address German citizens who travel to the Middle East with the desire to fight on behalf of radical groups, The Telegraph reported. She then added a caveat to her speech, saying: “Any marginalization of Muslims, any general suspicion is unacceptable. […] As Chancellor, I place Muslims in Germany under my protection,” the newspaper reported.
Jan. 15, 2015



Headline:    Turkish premier says a Kurdish state would ‘endanger the region’

A Kurdish state would pose a danger to the region, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said in an interview with a German newspaper. “A Kurdish independent state will endanger the region and turn it into chaos,” he told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung daily. “Changing frontiers will bring about fighting between the neighboring countries, that is why it is better the frontiers remain as they are,” he added, in response to a question about Turkish fears of a Kurdish state in the Middle East. Turkey has strong economic and political ties with its neighboring autonomous Kurdistan Region, but it has remained opposed to Erbil’s aspirations of independence from Iraq. Responding to reports accusing Turkey of helping the Islamic State (ISIS) and other terrorist organizations, Davutoglu reiterated Ankara’s line about removing Bashar al-Assad from power in Syria. “If the international community had taken our advice into consideration or had found an alternative to the Syrian regime there would have been no crimes and atrocities against humanity,” he told the daily. Turkey has always denied accusations of allowing Islamic militants to cross into Syria for jihad. Ankara has acknowledged, however, that Hayat Boumedienne, a suspect wanted in connection with last week’s deadly attacks in Paris, had escaped across the Turkish border into Syria.
Jan. 14, 2015



Headline:  Protesters clash with police in N. Armenia after Russian soldier kills family of 6

Twelve people have reportedly been injured as police were dispersing a rally outside the Russian consulate service in Gyumri, Armenia. Protesters demanded that a Russian serviceman accused of killing six Armenians be handed over to national authorities. Police reportedly fired stun grenades into crowds gathered in Armenia’s second largest city on Thursday after the funeral of the six members of the Avetisyan family killed earlier this week. Russian solider Valery Permyakov is the key suspect in the murder. The solider allegedly gunned the family down with an AK-74, in what is believed to have been a crime of passion. The protesters – who came “in thousands” according to local media – marched from the Shirak province prosecutor’s officeto theconsulate service, and then began hurling stones and bottles at police. Police responded with stun grenades, witnesses reported on Twitter. Live footage also showed smoke rising from the crowd.
Jan. 15, 2015


nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: ‘Black Lives Matter’ protesters block Boston highway during morning rush

At least 23 people were arrested Thursday after activists protesting what they call “police and state violence against black people” chained themselves to barriers and blocked a busy Boston area highway at the height of the morning commute. State police say in response to the Thursday morning protest, they shut down Interstate 93 north at East Milton Square south of the city, and I-93 south at Mystic Avenue north of the city. Seventeen protesters were arrested on I-93 south and six on I-93 north, MyFoxBoston.com reports. State police later tweeted that two of the four northbound lanes at East Milton Square reopened to traffic and all the southbound lanes were reopened just after 8 a.m. Authorities said they needed power saws to free some protesters who had chained barrels to themselves. The Boston contingent of Black Lives Matter said in a statement that the protest was intended to “to confront white complacency in the systemic oppression of black people in Boston.”
Jan. 15, 2015


Headline: U.S., U.K. mulling initiative to deal with Boko Haram

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says he and his British counterpart are discussing a special initiative to deal with the Boko Haram extremist group in Nigeria and its neighbors. Speaking in the Bulgarian capital on Thursday, Kerry said Boko Haram is “without question one of the most evil and threatening terrorist entities on the planet.” He says their recent attacks in Nigeria’s north is a “crime against humanity” and must be addressed. Kerry said that during breakfast in Sofia with British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, they had talked about setting up a new initiative to address Boko Haram and the situation in Nigeria. He did not elaborate on the idea. The rights group Amnesty International said Thursday that the recent attacks by the radical Islamist group may have killed many more people than the Nigerian government says. The government says about 150 people were killed in attacks that started in Baga in the north-east on January 3, downplaying reports that put the death toll at 2,000. However, satellite images published by Amnesty show that the neighboring towns of Baga or Doron Baga were largely destroyed, with more than 3,700 structures damaged or burned down. “These detailed images show devastation of catastrophic proportions in two towns,” with Doron Baga almost completely wiped off the map, said Daniel Eyre, a Nigeria researcher with Amnesty.
Jan. 15, 2015


Headline: Al-Qaeda in Yemen claims responsibility for Paris attack

Headline:  Yemeni terror suspects held at Gitmo released

Al-Qaeda in Yemen claimed responsibility for the attack on French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, saying it was ordered by the Islamist militant group’s leadership for insulting Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), according to a video posted on YouTube. “As for the blessed Battle of Paris, we, the Organization of Al-Qaeda al Jihad in the Arabian Peninsula, claim responsibility for this operation as vengeance for the Messenger of God,” said Nasser bin Ali Al-Ansi, a leader of the Yemeni branch of Al-Qaeda (AQAP) in the recording. Gunmen killed a total of 17 people in three days of violence that began when they opened fire at Charlie Hebdo in revenge for its past publication of satirical images of the Prophet. Ansi, the main ideologue for AQAP, said the “one who chose the target, laid the plan and financed the operation is the leadership of the organization,” without naming an individual. He added without elaborating that the strike was carried out in “implementation” of the order of overall Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahri, who has called for strikes by Muslims in the West using any means they can find.
Jan. 14, 2015



bye Oil-drumsCooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)


Headline:    Russia Just Pulled Itself Out Of The Petrodollar

Back in November, before most grasped just how serious the collapse in crude was (and would become, as well as its massive implications), we wrote “How The Petrodollar Quietly Died, And Nobody Noticed“, because for the first time in almost two decades, energy-exporting countries would pull their “petrodollars” out of world markets in 2015. This empirical death of Petrodollar followed years of windfalls for oil exporters such as Russia, Angola, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria. Much of that money found its way into financial markets, helping to boost asset prices and keep the cost of borrowing down, through so-called petrodollar recycling. We added that in 2014 “the oil producers will effectively import capital amounting to $7.6 billion. By comparison, they exported $60 billion in 2013 and $248 billion in 2012, according to the following graphic based on BNP Paribas calculations.” The problem was compounded by its own positive feedback loop: as the last few weeks vividly demonstrated, plunging oil would lead to a further liquidation in foreign  reserves for the oil exporters who rushed to preserve their currencies, leading to even greater drops in oil as the viable producers rushed to pump out as much crude out of the ground as possible in a scramble to put the weakest producers out of business, and to crush marginal production. Call it Game Theory gone mad and on steroids. Ironically, when the price of crude started its self-reinforcing plunge, such a death would happen whether the petrodollar participants wanted it, or, as the case may be, were dragged into the abattoir kicking and screaming. It is the latter that seems to have taken place with the one country that many though initially would do everything in its power to have an amicable departure from the Petrodollar and yet whose divorce from the USD has quickly become a very messy affair, with lots of screaming and the occasional artillery shell. As Bloomberg reports Russia “may unseal its $88 billion Reserve Fund and convert some of its foreign-currency holdings into rubles, the latest government effort to prop up an economy veering into its worst slump since 2009.” These are dollars which Russia would have otherwise recycled into US denominated assets. Instead, Russia will purchase even more Rubles and use the proceeds for FX and economic stabilization purposes. “Together with the central bank, we are selling a part of our foreign-currency reserves,” Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said in Moscow today. “We’ll get rubles and place them in deposits for banks, giving liquidity to the economy.” Call it less than amicable divorce, call it what you will: what it is, is Russia violently leaving the ranks of countries that exchange crude for US paper.
Jan. 14, 2015


Headline:   New credit rating agencies to balance ‘Big Three’, China says

The creation of a joint Russian-Chinese credit rating agency will balance the global outlook and give the world an alternative view on how credit ratings should be done, Chinese international relations expert Victor Gao told RT. “Traditionally credit rating is mostly done by Western credit rating agencies. They sometimes may not fully understand the dynamics of the economics of any particular company or the sovereign borrower,” he said, adding that the agency won’t pursue a goal of replacing traditional Western credit rating agencies like S&P and Moody’s. “It will give the whole world another perspective of how risks are analyzed and how credit rating should be done,” he said. Gao believes Western rating agencies claim to be independent and professional, but in fact they turn out to be biased when it comes to issues of geopolitical importance. “During the global financial crisis the Western rating agencies did not react as quickly as possible,” he said. “In terms of the rating of the sovereign debt of the US for example, or even for Japan, they’ve actually displayed much more flexibility in rating these countries compared with many other countries.” The announcement of a rating could actually make a situation even worse rather than help stabilize it, he added.
Jan. 15, 2015


Headline:   Puerto Rico approves 68 percent oil tax increase

Puerto Rico’s governor has signed a law that will increase the excise tax on a barrel of crude oil by 68 percent to help generate funds and sell an anticipated $2.9 billion in bonds. Alejandro Garcia Padilla said Thursday he also will file additional bills to help the government access financial markets. Puerto Rico has said it needs to issue new bonds to help reduce $73 billion in public debt and strengthen public corporations that are struggling financially. The tax per barrel would increase from $9.25 to $15.50 and generate about $178 million a year.
Jan. 15, 2015


Headline:   U.S. jobless claims rise to four-month high

The number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits last week increased to the highest level since early September, but the underlying trend continued to point to a strengthening labor market. Initial claims for state unemployment benefits rose by 19,000 to a seasonally adjusted 316,000 for the week ended Jan. 10, the Labor Department said on Thursday. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast claims falling to 291,000 last week. The prior week’s data was revised to show 3,000 more claims received than previously reported.
Jan. 15, 2015


Headline:  Gold rallies to a 4-month high; ends at $1,264.80

Headline:   Switzerland lifts currency cap, rocks global markets as franc soars

Gold prices jumped to a 4-month high on Thursday as European shares and the dollar turned lower after a shock move by Switzerland to abandon its three-year cap on the franc sent Europe’s shares and bond yields tumbling. U.S. gold futures for delivery in February settled $30.30 higher, at $,264.80 an ounce, its highest close since early September. Spot gold rose as much to its highest level since Sept. at $1,260.30 an ounce in earlier trade and was last up 2.3 percent at $1,257 an ounce. “Gold is gaining from a risk-off situation because nobody expected the Swiss central bank not to keep that cap, and this has created potential big losses in many places and is obviously triggering some flight to safety,” Saxo Bank senior manager Ole Hansen said. European stocks plunged and the dollar fell 0.2 percent against a basket of main currencies after the Swiss National Bank’s move, which is seen potentially preceding outright money-printing by the European Central Bank at its policy meeting next week.
Jan. 15, 2015



 Headline: Saudi Arabia in oil-price war with Iran, Russia

Saudi Arabia is extending its own international jihad not only through its export of Wahhabism, an extreme form of Sunni Islam. The Islamic kingdom is now going after Russia, a main backer of the kingdom’s sectarian opponent, Shiite Iran, by targeting its oil production clout to adversely impact the Russian economy. Sources say the United States might even be colluding with Saudi Arabia to cause a dramatic drop in the international oil price in an effort to punish Russia not only for its support of rebels in Ukraine but for its backing of embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as well as Iran. The Saudi strategy is to flood the international market to harm the economies of Russia and Iran (and the American Shale industry), both of which need the international price to be above $100 a barrel to break even. The price of oil today is less than $50 a barrel.


 Headline: Russia Just Made A Bold Move To Keep Its Gas Leverage On Europe

On Wednesday Russia’s announced that it will shift all its natural gas flows to Europe via Turkey, instead of Ukraine, reports Bloomberg News. “…the Turkish Stream us the only route along which 63 billion cubic metres of Russian gas can be supplied, which at present transit Ukraine. There is no other way,” the head of Gazprom Alexei Miller said. The European Union’s energy chief said that this would hurt Russia’s reputation as a supplier, and the European Commission’s VP for energy union said that the decision makes no economic sense, according to Bloomberg. However, the move makes sense when considering that Russia has been increasingly losing its control over the European gas market after changes in European policy and warmer winters. Now Europe will be forced to link up to Russia’s planned energy pipeline to Turkey — or it will lose Russian gas.


 Headline: Shell scraps $4.6bn Qatar project as oil prices keep tumbling


WarsAndRumorsOfWarsCooltextprophecysign Wars & Rumors of Wars Matthew 24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8 “ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. Weapons of Mass Destruction Zechariah 14:12 “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”

Headline: China enlists citizens to patrol border with North Korea

China is sending civilian militias to help secure the border it shares with North Korea, state media said, in the wake of two reported killings of Chinese citizens by North Koreans that could strain ties between Pyongyang and its sole major ally. The China Defence News said on Wednesday the government had established a civilian-military defense system in the Yanbian prefecture of Jilin province. Yanbian shares a border of about 500 km (310 miles) with North Korea. “China and North Korea are both keeping guard on the border …,” the newspaper said. “The situation is more complicated and relying on just one party would make it difficult to achieve effective control.” The government has also “guided the establishment of militia patrols” to guard border villages. Every 10 neighboring households would have their own border security group and there would be 24-hour video surveillance, the newspaper said. Last week, China said it had lodged a protest with North Korea after media reported that a North Korean army deserter had killed four people during a robbery in the Chinese border city of Helong late last month. State media has raised questions about the China-North Korea relationship, saying that the Chinese government “should not be too accommodating”. The issue of border security has become “very serious”, said Zhang Liangui, a North Korea expert at China’s Central Party School.
Jan. 15, 2015


Yale-study-predicts-huge-increase-in-Ebola-cases-in-LiberiaCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: Egypt woman dies of bird flu: 2nd death in January

A 65-year-old Egyptian woman has died from the H5N1 strain of bird flu, the Health Ministry said on Wednesday, the second victim of the virus this month.
The World Health Organization (WHO) says there has been a recent jump in the number of H5N1 infections in people in Egypt, but says there does not appear to have been any major genetic change in the flu strain to explain the rise in human cases.
Jan. 15, 2015










January 8, 2015 – Thousands of birds ‘die suddenly’ due to avian flu in Lendah, Indonesia


January 9, 2015 – 1,370 birds dead due to avian flu in Kano, Nigeria


January 10, 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Jabalpur, India


January 10, 2015 – Thousands of fish dead ‘due to pollution’ in a canal in Leicestershire, England


January 10, 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found in a river in Oaxaca, Mexico


January 10, 2015 – Thousands of dead starfish wash up in Westerland Germany


January 12, 2015 – Hundreds of pigeons are ‘falling dead out of the sky’ in Antrim, Northern Ireland


January 13, 2015 – Dozens of birds found dead in Sultanpur National Park, India


January 13, 2015 – 20,000 birds have died from avian flu in Jiangxi, China


January 14, 2015 – 554 sea birds and 4 sea lions found dead on beaches in Baja California, Mexico


January 14, 2015 – 160,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Taiwan, China


Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline: Fire in the South Pacific: Hunga Ha’apai underwater volcano erupts to turn the sea blood red and the sky grey with ash

An underwater volcano off the coast of Tonga is spewing ash high into the air – causing air travel chaos and turning the surrounding ocean the colour of blood. The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai underwater volcano is around 40 miles (65km) north of Tonga’s capital Nuku’alofa. Its ash plume has reached heights of more than 14,765ft (4,500 metres) and the eruption has disturbed algae in the region, causing what’s known as a red tide. The volcano, which first erupted in 2009, had been rumbling in recent weeks before exploding violently in the past few days. Brad Scott, a volcanologist at New Zealand agency GNS Science, said volcanic activity had been recorded for several weeks in a stretch of ocean and small islands around 35 miles (60km) north of Nuku’alofa. He believes the volcano may have started beneath the ocean and grown until it reached the surface, essentially creating a new island. But he said details of the eruption still remain unclear. The Wellington Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) confirmed the height of the volcanic ash plume earlier today.
Jan. 13, 2015


Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes


Up-date on birds, fish, and animals mass die off and more/ Jan. 14, 2015 with Frank DiMora


 FotoFlexer_Photo Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com
indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 14, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

Prophecy Seminar tonight January 14, 2015: End Times Research Ministry at

  • Trinity Church of the Nazarene
    Address: Lompoc, CA
  • Phone:(805) 736-6415
    The Seminar will begin at 6:45 PM Wed. Jan. 14, 2015 and run to 8:15 PM Pacific Standard Time. All are welcome to come. There is no cost!  We will be meeting behind the church sanctuary. 



Japan Earthquake 2015 Today Strikes East of Tokyo

Japan Earthquake 2015 Today Strikes East of Tokyo

ST LOUIS (LALATE) – A Japan earthquake 2015 today has struck east of Tokyo. The Japan earthquake hit in the morning hours locally. Damage assessment is pending. USGS indicates to news that a 4.8 Japan earthquake 2015 struck today January 14, 2014 just after 2:46 am local time. The quake was twenty-nine miles below ground level. As a results the quake could felt across the region. USGS indicates to news that quake was four miles west of Ostuchi. It was four miles south of Yamada. It also started eleven miles north of Kamaishi and fifteen miles south of Miyako

Japan Earthquake 2015 Today Strikes East of Tokyo





http://news.lalate.com/2015/01/13/japan-earthquake-2015-today-strikes-east-of-tokyo/  Magnitude 5 quake hits Bicol Tuesday night | Inquirer News Earthquake anim.gif (6792 bytes)

Photo from Phivolcs earthquake bulletin

DAET, Camarines Norte—An earthquake with a magnitude 5 on the Richter scale was felt by residents in Bicol on Tuesday night, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said. Phivolcs’ Earthquake Information No. 1 released midnight of Tuesday said the quake, with a depth of 10 kilometers, had its epicenter 38 km northeast off Biri Island, Northern Samar. It was felt around 11:33 p.m.



Radical Islam is a threat to Europe’s future “Radical Islam, like the Nazi ideology, is a threat to Europe’s future,” said CER President Pinchas Goldschmidt, Moscow’s chief rabbi. “The fact that the entire world paid more attention to the massacre at the office of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper than to the massacre of Jews at the Jewish supermarket raises serious doubts about their desire to eradicate and fight anti-Semitism.”  

Al-Qaeda’s 7 Step Plan: Total Confrontation in 2016 Al-Qaeda’s 7 step plan formed in the 90s: from 2010 Arab governments will be toppled, in 2013 an Islamic state shall appear, 2016 is time for “total confrontation”  

Efforts to Identify Source of ISIS Recent Weapons Shipments An unidentified aircraft dropped weapons and equipment for ISIS southeast of Tikrit over the weekend. Western intelligence sources say that there is a concentrated effort to identify the source. According to a new report in the Iraqi media, Iraqi sources said that this is not the first time; an unknown aircraft dropped weapons and munitions to ISIS in Yathrib area south of Tikrit,  

Flag Switzerland animated gif 240x180Swiss activists plan PEGIDA anti-Muslim march amid rising tensions across Europe Swiss activists have founded a local branch of the popular German anti-Muslim PEGIDA movement. The group is boasting a fast growth in supporters and plans to hold a demonstration next month. The Swiss branch of PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) was launched two days after the attack on the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine.  

EU Should Prosecute Preachers Endorsing Violence: UK Muslim Association The UK Ahmadiyya Muslim Association representative calls on European governments to persecute those clerics who incite hatred and violence.  

Flag France animated gif 240x180French Muslims Students Refused to Stand in Memory of Terror Victims One student said, “I’m for those who killed [the victims],” Le Figaro reported, and a Muslim elementary school student said, “They had it coming.” Approximately 80 percent of Muslim students in one class refused to stand in silence, and several of them suggested conspiracy theories to reject the idea that Muslims carried out the murders.  

SOLAR FLARE AND RADIO BLACKOUT Sunspot AR2257 erupted on Jan. 13th, producing an M5-class solar flare at 04:24 UT. A pulse of extreme UV radiation from he flare ionized Earth’s upper atmosphere over Australia and the Indian Ocean. Mariners and ham radio operators may have noticed a brief communications blackout at frequencies below about 10 MHz.  

EuroBanks prepare plans for Greek eurozone exit The ruling coalition government has framed the election as a de facto poll on whether the country stays in the eurozone, saying Syriza’s antiausterity policies would force a break with eurozone partners. Syriza, though, hasn’t campaigned on an exit and most Greek voters want to stay in the monetary union, according to recent polls.  

World braces for end of Fed’s ‘easy money’ “Tightening by the U.S. Federal Reserve will have turbo-charged effects on a global financial system addicted to zero rates and dollar liquidity.” yields on 2-year U.S. Treasuries have surged from 0.31pc to 0.74pc since October, and this is the driver of currency markets. the Fed has engaged in a “pivot,” shifting concern from stimulating job growth to worrying about inflation…  

At least 20 sleeper cells ready to strike Europe Algeria’s intelligence services passed information to several European countries indicating there are at least 20 sleeper cells with a combined total of 120 to 180 jihadists ready to act in France, Germany and Belgium,  

Radioactive tritium leak reported at TVA nuclear plant in northern Alabama A Chattanooga newspaper reports that radioactive water leaked from a tank at an Alabama nuclear plant, releasing tritium into the environment. The report said that the leak occurred last week at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant near Athens, Alabama. A spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority, which operates the plant, said the leak was quickly contained and presented no public risk.  

EXCLUSIVE: Catch and Release 2.0 — Leaks Highlight Teardown of Immigration Enforcement Leaked internal training documents from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveal Border Patrol agents are now receiving guidelines instructing them that the vast majority of illegal immigrants in the U.S. are off limits to federal agents and are substantially immune to detention and deportation. A trusted federal agent in the CBP provided exclusive copies of the documents to Breitbart Texas and also agreed to an interview on the condition of anonymity.  

Kosher Market Attack Deepens Fears Among European Jews The killing of four French Jews in last week’s hostage standoff at a Paris kosher market has deepened the fears among European Jewish communities shaken by rising anti-Semitism… In the wake of the attacks, which follow deadly strikes on a Belgian Jewish Museum and a Jewish school in southwestern France, Israeli leaders have called on European Jews to immigrate to the Jewish state.  

The Media’s Standard in the Terrorist Fight The terrorists put up propaganda videos on YouTube and posted soldiers’ personal data on CENTCOM’s twitter feed. Leave aside the question of why CENTCOM has social media feeds. The dismissiveness of the American press over the data breach was staggering. ISIS published the home addresses of soldiers and other information. Some of it was in public domain. Some appeared classified. Much of it was personal information that could put our soldiers’ families in the targets of terrorists.  

UK inflation rate falls to 0.5% in December The UK inflation rate fell sharply to 0.5% in December, the joint lowest on record, official figures show. Inflation as measured by the Consumer Prices Index fell from 1% in November to its lowest rate since May 2000, helped by cheaper fuel prices. A fall below 1% triggers a letter of explanation from Bank of England governor Mark Carney to the chancellor.  

Republican Congressman Randy Weber Compares Obama To Hitler Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas) compared President Barack Obama to German dictator Adolf Hitler on Monday night. The ultra-conservative congressman from Texas criticized the president for not traveling to Paris on Sunday to attend a massive unity rally against terrorism, which was attended by dozens of world leaders.  

French police chief committed suicide after Charlie Hebdo attack Limoges deputy director of regional judicial police committed suicide hours after being tasked with investigating the family of one of the Charlie Hebdo victims.  

Franklin Graham: America’s ‘Culture of Death’ Stems From a ‘Sinful, Godless Worldview That Rejects Christ’ Reverend Franklin Graham, son of world renowned evangelical preacher Billy Graham, said that America is increasingly embracing a “culture of death” that echoes what has occurred in Europe, and which stems from a “sinful, godless worldview that rejects Christ.”

 Jewish fears for safety in wake of Paris attacks wo young college student poets, Hannah Halpern and Amina Iro, are talking about their faith. Nothing unusual there, you might think. But one writes about Allah and her mosque, the other about her synagogue and the Star of David.  

LebanonLebanon prison raided over inmates’ links to bombing Lebanese security forces have raided a prison after an investigation found detainees were connected to a suicide attack over the weekend, officials say. Television pictures showed troops entering and searching inmates’ rooms and smoke rising from Roumieh prison.  

Charlie Hebdo’s latest edition to depict Prophet Muhammad The cover of the latest edition of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has been published in French media, and depicts the Prophet Muhammad. The cover shows the Prophet holding a sign reading “I am Charlie”, below the words “all is forgiven”.  

Divers retrieve cockpit voice recorder of crashed AirAsia jet: MetroTV Divers on Tuesday retrieved the black box cockpit voice recorder from the wreck of an AirAsia passenger jet, Indonesian news channel MetroTV said quoting a transport ministry official.  

Flag Germany animated gif 240x180German anti-Islamist rally swells after attacks in France A record 25,000 anti-Islamist protesters marched through the east German city of Dresden on Monday, many holding banners with anti-immigrant slogans, and held a minute’s silence for the victims of last week’s attacks in France. 


US CENTCOM Hacked/Update on John Ball Ministry/Prophecy Signs for January 12, 2015


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 9, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

One of the people my ministry tries to support is John Ball’s ministry. John just sent me something that I wanted to pass on to you. Please read what he wrote as it is very true.


John Ball

2 Corinthians 4:18

“While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things that are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

Things dramatically change when your perspective is different. Here is an example: someone offers you $100 million cash, the Mona Lisa painting, or a gallon of water; of course you would pick the money or the painting, valued at $780 million today. But, if you were in the middle of the Sahara desert, hundreds of miles from anything and thirsting to death, you would chose the life giving water. The other items would be worthless to you due to your circumstance.

As we look at the world around us, we see many lights, bells and whistles, temptations of every kind calling out our names. Most of the world is running after such things, building bank accounts, building dream homes and stacking up toys galore, believing that life is in the abundance of the things they possess (Luke 12:22, 23, 30). They are ignorant of the life of God, and therefore run after the only hope they see. It is all vanity, a chasing after the wind (Ecclesiastes 4:4).

We need a whole new perspective: a heavenly perspective. If all we have is this world, then let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die. But when the light of God shines in our hearts, and He gives us new eyes to see, giving us an eternal perspective, then everything changes. The pleasures of this world become dim in comparison, no longer are you chasing worldly pursuits which fade away, but now you live for the will of God (1 John 2:15– 17).

Once you see that this life is like a vapor, and all its glory is like a flower that fades away, then your life’s agenda changes. As Paul said, we do not look at what is seen but what is unseen, for the seen is temporary, but the unseen is eternal. Dear reader, is this you? Has the light from heaven given you a new look on life, or do you still live for this world?

I encourage you today, while you have breath in your lungs: pursue heaven! Use your short life for the thing that counts. Use this worlds goods for the glory of God, holding possessions with a loose hand, for they will soon decay anyway. Provide yourselves a heavenly treasure that will never fade away. Do you see it? Do you see the unseen?

Love in Christ, Jonathan Ball

Web: www.jonnyfivealive.wix.com/pyroounderground

Home Church: www.goodfight.org

Zechariah 12v2,3

“I will plant them in their land, and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land I have given them,” says the Lord your God.” Amos 9:15

“Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: ‘Like these good figs, so will I acknowledge those who are carried away captive from Judah, whom I have sent out of this place for their own good, into the land of the Chaldeans.  For I will set My eyes on them for good, and I will bring them back to this land; I will build them and not pull them down, and I will plant them and not pluck them up. Jeremiah 24:5-6


Headline:    Jews Are Leaving France: 10,000 to Arrive in Israel in 2015

France is bleeding Jews. The onslaught of radical Islamic terror combined with growing anti-Semitism has finally persuaded the country’s most loyal immigrants that it’s time to leave. One of Britain’s most influential Jewish journalists, Jewish Chronicle editor Stephen Pollard, said on Friday, “Every single French Jew I know has either left or is actively working out how to leave.” Pollard’s comment came shortly after French police had ordered shops along Rue de Rosiers in the famous La Marais Jewish neighborhood to close in central Paris. The measure was taken as a precaution following the terror attack on the Hyper Cacher kosher grocery that left four people dead and others injured. More than 100,000 French Jews have left the country since 2013, according to sources quoted by The Daily Mail.
Jan. 12, 2015


Headline:     UN to hold meeting Jan. 22 on growth of anti-Semitism

The U.N. General Assembly will hold an informal meeting on the growth of anti-Semitism on Jan. 22 in response to a request from dozens of nations, including Israel, the United States and all European Union members. The 37 countries sent a letter to assembly President Sam Kutesa on Oct. 1 calling for a meeting in response to “an alarming outbreak of anti-Semitism worldwide.” That was well before last week’s attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris. Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Ron Prosor said Monday: “We have a great deal of work to do to move this issue from the headlines to the history books.” The killing of four French Jews in last week’s hostage standoff at the Paris kosher market was just the latest to raise fears among European Jews. It follows killings at a Belgian Jewish Museum and a Jewish school in southwestern France. The Jan. 22 meeting will feature a keynote address by French philosopher and author Bernard Henri Levy and speeches by representatives from several countries. The letter, whose signatories also included Rwanda, Uruguay, Canada and Australia, noted Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s statement last Aug. 3 expressing concern at the spike in anti-Semitic attacks. “At rallies, crowds have chanted ‘Gas the Jews” and ‘Death to the Jews,'” the letter said. “Firebombs have been thrown at synagogues and Jewish-owned businesses have been vandalized.”
Jan. 12, 2015


Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)


Headline:     Lebanon violence: Bomb blast hits northern city of Tripoli

Headline:     Lebanese security forces raid prison after suicide attacks

Headline:     Nusra Front threatens action against Lebanese soldiers after prison raid

A suicide bomb attack in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli has killed at least seven people, in the latest violence linked to Syria’s civil war. The Nusra Front, al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, said it was behind the attack, which also injured 30 people. The blast, on a cafe in a predominantly Alawite neighbourhood, was the first major attack in Lebanon for months. There has been tension in the past between Tripoli’s Sunni Muslim majority population and its Alawite minority. Lebanon’s National News Agency said the attack was carried out by two men from Tripoli, where longstanding religious tensions have been exacerbated by the war in neighbouring Syria. In a statement, the Nusra Front said the attack was “in revenge for the Sunnis in Syria and Lebanon”. Meanwhile, The al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front threatened on Monday action against members of the Lebanese security forces it holds as captives after police stormed a wing of the country’s largest prison where Islamist militants are detained. “As a result of the deterioration of security in Lebanon, you will hear about surprises regarding the fate of the prisoners with us,” the Nusra Front said on its Twitter account.
Jan. 12, 2015




   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:   Al Qaida in heavy fighting with pro-Iran forces defending Shi’ites towns in Syria

Al Qaida is targeting Shi’ite communities in Syria. Al Qaida’s Nusra Front for the Defense of Levant has been attacking Shi’ite towns in northern Syria. On Jan. 8, Nusra opened an offensive against Nubul and Zahra, which prompted a vigorous defense by Shi’ite residents in the Aleppo province. “The attack began on Thursday [Jan. 8 ],” Nusra said. This marked a rare offensive by Nusra on Shi’ite communities in Syria. Nusra has expanded operations in northern Syria after expelling U.S.-supported Sunni rebel militias in late 2014. Syrian sources said Nusra embarked on its second attack on Nubul and Zahra within a week. They said Nusra sustained high casualties in the assault against the two Shi’ite communities, defended by residents as well as the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah and National Defense Forces. The towns are located near the highway to Aleppo. Nubul and Zahra, with a reported population of 40,000, have long been targeted by Sunni rebels. Islamic militias have sought to impose a siege on the towns since 2013. Nusra was also involved in heavy fighting around Aleppo city. On Jan. 7, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported battles that included Nusra against Hizbullah and Shi’ite fighters from Afghanistan and Iran. “Information reported an advance by Nusra and battalions in the area,” Syrian Observatory said.
Jan. 9, 2015


Syria Headline:    Report: Syria’s Assad building facility for the production of nuclear weapons

Syria Headline:    Syrian rebels: Iranian officers spotted near site of reported nuclear facility

Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime, with the aid of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Lebanese militia Hezbollah, is building a nuclear weapons device, Der Spiegel reported on Saturday. “Syria’s dictator has not given up his dream of an atomic weapon and has apparently built a new nuclear facility at a secret location. It is an extremely unsettling piece of news,” the German newsweekly reported, citing “secret information” that it obtained. “Analysts say that the Syrian atomic weapon program has continued in a secret, underground location. According to information they have obtained, approximately 8,000 fuel rods are stored there. Furthermore, a new reactor or an enrichment facility has very likely been built at the site – a development of incalculable geopolitical consequences,” Der Spiegel continued, sourcing its information from Western intelligence agencies. A Hezbollah militia functionary called the underground site “Zamzam”; it is located west of the city of Qusair in the Homs Governorate, less than 2 km. from northeastern Lebanon.
Jan. 10, 2015



Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Iraq Headline:   Suicide bomber kills 12 in Iraq, sparks fighting between security forces and ISIS

A suicide car bomb killed 12 Shiite militiamen and Iraqi soldiers Monday in a town north of Baghdad, authorities said, sparking a battle between security forces and fighters with the extremist Islamic State group. The suicide bomber rammed his explosive-laden car into a gathering of soldiers and Shiite fighters in the town of Abasiyat, just south of Tikrit, 80 miles north of Baghdad, police said. Police and hospital officials said the attack killed 10 militiamen and two soldiers, while wounding 18 people. Clashes between Iraqi security forces and militants from the Islamic State group erupted immediately after the attack, police said, though the extremists did not immediately claim responsibility for the bombing. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to journalists.
Jan. 12, 2015


Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Jan. 9-11, 2015



Kurdish Headline:   Islamic State group battle in Iraq kills 30 Kurds

Islamic State group fighters attempting to retake a town in northern Iraq held by Kurdish peshmerga forces have killed at least 30 Kurds, an Iraqi military spokesman said Sunday. The battle for the town of Gwer demonstrates the Islamic State group’s ability to still launch offensives in Iraq, despite a monthslong campaign of airstrikes by a U.S.-led coalition. And while an alliance of Iraqi troops, Kurdish fighters and Sunni and Shiitte militiamen have made some gains, their advance remains tenuous at best. The fighting began Saturday as the extremists approached Gwer, just outside of the northern city of Mosul, which the Islamic State group controls, said Halgurd Hekmat, a spokesman for Iraqi Kurdish forces in Irbil. Hekmat said he had no information about casualties suffered by the Islamic State group. Backed by U.S.-led airstrikes, Kurdish forces retook Gwer in August
Jan. 11, 2015


rise of ISIS

Headline:   German Newspaper Offices Firebombed After Printing Hebdo Cartoons

A German newspaper was firebombed overnight after it printed cartoons from the Charlie Hebdo magazine. Several newspapers have been reprinting cartoons originally published by the French satire magazine in a gesture of solidarity after the brutal terrorist attack last week in which 12 people were executed by Islamist terrorists. Charlie Hebdo‘s cartoonists were targeted specifically for publishing cartoons which depicted Islam’s prophet Muhammed. Radical Islamists deem such portrayals to be so heretical that people deserve to die for merely drawing and or publishing such cartoons. An incendiary device was thrown through the window of the German newspaper, Hamburger Morgenpost, (German Morning Post, also known as “Mopo”) Saturday night, Jan. 10-11. No one was in the building at the time, but documents caught fire. The official twitter feed of the newspaper stated: “It is true, tonight there was an attack on our editorial staff.” Another tweet exclaimed, “Paris was just the beginning of the apocalypse in Europe.”
Jan. 11, 2015


Headline:    France deploys 10,000 security forces, approximately half to Jewish schools

France will have more than 10,000 soldiers mobilized on home soil by Tuesday after 17 were killed in attacks carried out by Islamist militants in Paris last week, Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Monday. Speaking a day after the biggest French public demonstration ever registered, held to remember the victims, he said France was still at risk of further attacks. “The threats remain and we have to protect ourselves from them. It is an internal operation that will mobilize almost as many men as we have in our overseas operations,” Le Drian told reporters after a cabinet meeting.
Jan. 12, 2015


Headline:     US Central Command Twitter feed hacked by ISIS supporters

The Twitter account for U.S. Central Command was apparently hacked on Monday, with pro-ISIS messages plastering the account’s profile. The first message was posted at 12:29 p.m. ET, with the words “AMERICAN SOLDIERS, WE ARE COMING, WATCH YOUR BACK. ISIS.” and the hashtag “#CyberCaliphate.” The profile’s image was replaced with a photo that includes the text “i love you isis.” Just before 1 p.m. ET profile and banner images were reverted to their default. Around 1:09 p.m. ET the Twitter account was suspended. A YouTube page labeled as belonging to Centcom was also apparently hacked. By 1:30 p.m. ET, that page had been blanked. “We can confirm that the U.S. Central Command’s Twitter and YouTube accounts were compromised earlier today. We are taking appropriate measures to address the matter,” a defense official told NBC News. Later tweets included images of what were apparently spreadsheets labeled as containing the contact info and home addresses of retired U.S. army generals.
Jan. 12, 2015


Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Ukraine crisis: Rebels ‘intensify Donetsk and Luhansk attacks’

Pro-Russian separatists have intensified their shelling of government positions in eastern Ukraine, military officials say. Four Ukrainian soldiers and two civilians have reportedly been killed in the latest violence in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Officials said the spike in attacks followed the arrival of a Russian aid convoy in the region on Thursday. Ukrainian military officials said the soldiers had been killed following a surge in mortar and rocket attacks on army positions in eastern Ukraine. They claim the Russian aid convoy that arrived in the region on Thursday was used as cover for bringing military supplies to the rebels. Meanwhile separatist leaders in the rebel stronghold of Donetsk say two civilians were killed in clashes around the city’s bitterly contested airport, AFP news agency reports.
Jan. 9, 2015



Headline:  Iran eclipses US in Iraq’s fight against militants

In the eyes of most Iraqis, their country’s best ally in the war against the Islamic State group is not the United States and the coalition air campaign against the militants. It’s Iran, which is credited with stopping the extremists’ march on Baghdad. Shiite, non-Arab Iran has effectively taken charge of Iraq’s defense against the Sunni radical group, meeting the Iraqi government’s need for immediate help on the ground. Two to three Iranian military aircraft a day land at Baghdad airport, bringing in weapons and ammunition. Iran’s most potent military force and best known general — the Revolutionary Guard’s elite Quds Force and its commander Gen. Ghasem Soleimani — are organizing Iraqi forces and have become the de facto leaders of Iraqi Shiite militias that are the backbone of the fight. Iran carried out airstrikes to help push militants from an Iraqi province on its border.
Jan. 12, 2015





Headline:     Afghan general confirms ISIS is active, recruiting in south

Afghan officials confirmed for the first time Monday that the extremist Islamic State group is active in the south, recruiting fighters, flying black flags and, according to some sources, even battling Taliban militants. The sources, including an Afghan general and a provincial governor, said a man identified as Mullah Abdul Rauf was actively recruiting fighters for the group, which controls large parts of Syria and Iraq. Gen. Mahmood Khan, the deputy commander of the army’s 215 Corps, said that within the past week residents of a number of districts in the southern Helmand province have said Rauf’s representatives are fanning out to recruit people. “A number of tribal leaders, jihadi commanders and some ulema (religious council members) and other people have contacted me to tell me that Mullah Rauf had contacted them and invited them to join him,” Khan said. But he said the Taliban, which is active across Helmand and controls some districts, have warned people not to contact Rauf.
Jan. 12, 2015




Headline:   S.Sudan rivals in Khartoum for China-led peace talks

Warring South Sudanese rivals met for Chinese-mediated talks in Khartoum on Monday, agreeing to “immediately work to stop hostilities,” Sudan’s foreign minister said. The rivals also agreed to “speed up the pace of negotiations to form a transitional government,” Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti told reporters after the meeting. Karti added that the talks were initiated by his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi, who was in Khartoum for a two-day visit. China’s role in organising the talks signals its growing interest in South Sudan, where it has said it will send combat troops as part of a UN peacekeeping force. Representatives from South Sudanese President Salva Kiir’s government and rebel factions were meeting ahead of a summit organised by East African bloc IGAD in Addis Ababa on Sunday aimed at ending the fighting.
Jan. 12, 2015





Headline:    Libyan ISIS affiliate claims kidnap of 21 Christians

A Libyan affiliate of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has claimed the abduction of 21 Coptic Christians and released pictures of the captives. The claim and photos were posted Monday on jihadi forums used by ISIS supporters. The Egyptian workers were seized last month in the central Libyan city of Sirte. “The soldiers of the Islamic State in the province of Tripoli hold captive 21 Christian crusaders,” the photo caption read. Abu Makar, an Egyptian priest from the workers’ hometown of Samalout, in southern Egypt, confirmed that the pictures are of the captives. A Coptic activist, Magdi Malak, said that he met with families of the captives and that they confirmed the authenticity of the pictures.
Jan. 12, 2015



Headline:     Merkel says Islam ‘belongs to Germany’ ahead of Dresden rally

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday Islam “belongs to Germany”, in a clear repudiation of anti-immigration protesters gathering in Dresden and other cities. A day after walking arm-in-arm with French President Francois Hollande at the front of a massive march in Paris to honor the victims of killings by Islamic militants, Merkel received the Turkish prime minister and urged dialogue among religions. The conservative chancellor pointed to comments made by former German president Christian Wulff, who said in 2010 that Islam was part of Germany, triggering a fierce debate. “Former president Wulff said Islam belongs to Germany. That is true. I also hold this opinion,” Merkel said at a news conference with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, who also took part with other world leaders in the Paris march on Sunday. She was speaking hours before marches by a movement dubbed PEGIDA, or Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West, were due to begin in several German cities.
Jan. 12, 2015



Headline:  Erdogan Attacks Netanyahu for ‘Daring’ to Attend Paris March

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday attacked Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for “daring” to attend the weekend’s anti-terror solidarity march in Paris, accusing him of leading “state terrorism” against the Palestinians. The comments were the latest verbal assault against Netanyahu and Israel in general by Erdogan, under whose rule Turkey’s relations with Israel have steadily deteriorated. “I also hardly understand how he (Netanyahu) dared to go there. For once, you give an account for the children, women you massacred,” Erdogan told a joint press conference in Ankara alongside Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas. Abbas and Netanyahu, as well as Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, all joined the solidarity march in Paris in the memory of 17 people killed in Islamist terror attacks last week. But Erdogan said Netanyahu had no right to be there following Israel’s 50-day conflict with Islamist terrorists in Gaza.
Jan. 12, 2015
****And here’s irony for you:

Headline:     Turkish FM says woman wanted in Paris attack crossed into Syria from Turkey on Jan. 8



Headline:    Turkish PM: There Should Also be a Rally Against ‘Islamophobia’

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Sunday hailed the unprecedented rally against terror in Paris as a strong message to the world, but added he would expect a similar reaction to attacks on Muslims and “Islamophobia”, according to AFP. Davutoglu joined dozens of other world leaders at the march in Paris to mourn the victims of the three days of terror by Islamists that began with the slaughter of 12 people at the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. “It is a message to the whole world that everyone must confront the threat of terror,” Davutoglu was quoted as having told reporters at the Turkish embassy in Paris in televised comments. “We would expect the same sensitivities to be shown to attacks on mosque or Islamophobia,” he added after attending the rally which mobilized over a million people in Paris alone.
Jan. 12, 2015



Headline:   Armenia Says 2 Killed in Skirmish on Border With Azerbaijan

The Armenian Defense Ministry says a clash with a group of Azerbaijani gunmen has left two people dead. The ministry said the incident occurred late Sunday when a group of Azerbaijani gunmen tried to cross into Armenia. It said Monday that an Armenian civilian and an Azerbaijani intruder were killed in the skirmish. The Armenian forces let Azerbaijan recover the intruder’s body. Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry denied that such incident had occurred, according to the Interfax news agency.
Jan. 12, 2015


nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Nigeria: ‘Girl bomber’ kills 19 people in Maiduguri market

Headline:   Boko Haram attacks town in north Cameroon, killing one

At least 19 people have been killed and several injured by a bomb strapped to a girl reported to be aged about 10 in north-eastern Nigeria, police say. The bomb exploded in a market in the city of Maiduguri, in Borno state. “The explosive devices were wrapped around her body,” a police source told Reuters. No group has said it carried out the attack. The market is reported to have been targeted twice in a week by female bombers late last year. Correspondents say that all the signs point to the militant Islamist Boko Haram group. Borno State police spokesman Gideon Jubrin said that the girl bomber let off an improvised explosive device near the area of the Maiduguri market where chickens were sold. In other violence reported on Saturday a vehicle in Yobe state exploded at a checkpoint near a police station, killing at least two people. The blast follows heavy fighting in the Yobe state capital Damaturu on Friday night, with buildings destroyed and civilian casualties reported. Hundreds of people were killed on Wednesday in an assault by Boko Haram on the town of Baga, following on their seizure of a key military base there on 3 January, Scores of bodies from that attack – described by Amnesty International as possibly the “deadliest massacre” in the history of Boko Haram – are reported to remain strewn in the bush. District head Baba Abba Hassan said most victims in the Baga attack were children, women or elderly people who were not able to escape when insurgents forced their way into the town by firing rocket-propelled grenades and assault rifles.
Jan. 12, 2015



Headline:   Ex-Pakistan Taliban members join IS group, behead man

Headline:  Taliban counters French-led Western unity demo with pledge of allegiance to ISIS chief Al Baghdadi

An online video released Saturday purports to show former militants of the Pakistani Taliban pledging allegiance to the Islamic State group and beheading a man they identify as a Pakistani soldier. The video shows former Pakistani Taliban spokesman Shahidullah Shahid along with dozens of other militants in a wooded area. Shahid already announced his support for the Islamic State group in an audio message in October. He was later replaced by the Pakistani Taliban. Other militant leaders who identify themselves as from Afghanistan and Pakistan also pledge their support to the Islamic State group. At the end of the video, the militants behead a man they identified as a Pakistani soldier.
Jan. 12, 2015



Headline:   Haiti protesters clash with police in anti-Martelly march

Protesters in Haiti have clashed with police in a demonstration calling for the resignation of President Michel Martelly over long-delayed elections. Police in the capital, Port-au-Prince, fired tear gas and sprayed water on hundreds of demonstrators. Haiti is facing a major political crisis, as the mandates of its lawmakers expire at midnight on Monday. If there is no agreement to extend their mandates, Haiti will be left without a functioning government. Mr Martelly would then have to rule the country by decree. The opposition accuses him of abusing his powers.
Jan. 10, 2015


bye Oil-drumsCooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:   OPEC price war in Asia intensifies as oil falls below $50

Headline:   U.S. Stocks Fall as Crude Slump Weighs on Energy Shares

Headline:   Russian economy in crisis mode

Even as Saudi Arabia and its Gulf OPEC allies appear united in their refusal to cut output to boost global oil prices, they are becoming locked in an increasingly fierce battle to secure market share in Asia. Oil prices have slumped below $50 a barrel, the weakest since 2009, triggering a price war between producers to secure customers in Asia. And the price outlook remains grim with Goldman Sachs slashing its three-month benchmark crude forecasts to just above $40.[O/R] The United Arab Emirates (UAE) last week joined Kuwait and Iraq in pricing crude they sell to Asia below that of OPEC’s top producer Saudi Arabia. The discounts show how Gulf members, who account for more than half of OPEC output, are prepared to take on each other to retain market share and, in so doing, put more pressure on global oil prices. “It’s a fight for the market,” said Tushar Bansal of consultancy FGE, who says Gulf producers such as the UAE are prepared to stomach lower prices to hold their market share.
Jan. 12, 2015




Headline:   Venezuelan shortages, long queues spark violence, arrests

At least a dozen protesters arrested over the weekend in Venezuela remained in jail on Monday amid unrest over swelling queues for basic goods, opposition and rights activists said. Sixteen people were rounded up by police for protesting in front of stores over the weekend, according to the opposition MUD coalition, which said four of them were released shortly after. Rights group Penal Forum said 18 protesters were still behind bars on Monday. The government did not confirm the numbers. Venezuela, mired in a recession and with the highest inflation rate in the Americas, is suffering from chronic shortages of goods ranging from diapers to flour that have worsened this year due to an ebb in deliveries during Christmas. The scarcity of goods has forced many shoppers across the OPEC nation to queue up in front of supermarkets before dawn. The inflation rate hit 63.6 percent in the 12 months to November.
Jan. 12, 2015


apostacyCooltextprophecysignApostasy & Alternative Lifestyles Amos 8:11, 1 Timothy 4:1-3 & Romans1:26-27 “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.” (1 Timothy) “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God, “That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the Lord.” (Amos) “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due”(Romans)

Headline:  Irish priest receives standing ovation after revealing he is gay

A Catholic priest in Dublin has receiving a standing ovation from members of his church after revealing he is gay during mass. Father Martin Dolan, who has served the inner-city Church of St Nicholas of Myra for the past 15 years, made the unusual step of coming out in support of gay marriage and added: I’m gay myself”. Speaking to the Irish Sun, community youth worker Liz O’Connor said: “We are all very proud of Father Martin. Because he has admitted that he is gay he doesn’t change the person that he was before it.” A source within the Catholic Church said “It was very brave. He said he was gay. That was it…no bones about it.”
Jan. 10, 2015


amos-8-11CooltextprophecysignApostasy Amos 8:11 & 2 Peter2:1-3 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God, “That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the Lord.” (Amos) “ But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.” (2 Peter)

Headline:   North Carolina city removes sculpture of soldier kneeling before cross

Until a few days ago, a war memorial in a public park in North Carolina included a metal sculpture depicting a soldier kneeling in prayer before a cross. But city officials voted to remove the sculpture to settle a lawsuit claiming the artwork promoted Christianity. King, a small city of about 6,000 people 15 miles north of Winston-Salem, dedicated the memorial about a decade ago. But the statue was removed Tuesday night, immediately after The King city council voted 3-2 to end the lawsuit. Now, an empty hole can be seen where the statue once stood. MyFox8 in Winston-Salem, reporting on the controversy the other day, said the memorial is on city-owned land but was paid for through private donations. “Both sides in this matter wish to avoid further costs, and this agreement will ensure that the City of King will not spend additional taxpayers’ funds to continue litigation in federal court,” the city said in a statement after the vote. As part of the agreement, the King City Council also said it would stop flying the Christian flag over the memorial and would pay $500,000 to Americans United for Separation of Church and State for the legal costs the group incurred bringing the lawsuit on behalf of local Afghanistan War veteran Steven Hewett.
Jan. 11, 2015


Headline:    Pope Francis: ‘You Cannot Be a Christian Outside the Church’

Pope Francis baptized 33 children on Sunday morning, the day that Christians celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. In his homily, the Pope told parents to teach their children that “you cannot be a Christian outside the Church, you cannot follow Jesus Christ without the Church, because the Church is mother, and makes us grow in love for Jesus Christ.” The children are baptized, Francis said, into “the faith of the Church.” He said that baptism “inserts us into the body of the Church, the holy people of God,” where “faith is transmitted from generation to generation.” This faith, Francis insisted, “is the faith of Mary, our Mother, the faith of St. Joseph, St. Peter, St. Andrew, St. John, the faith of the Apostles and Martyrs, which has come down to us through Baptism: a chain of handing on the faith.” Finally, the Pope suggested that his hearers pay more attention to the Holy Spirit. In Baptism, he said “we are consecrated by the Holy Spirit.” The word “Christian” means that we are consecrated as Jesus was, anointed in “the same Spirit in whom Jesus was immersed throughout his earthly existence.” He urged the parents and godparents, “if you want your children to become true Christians, help them grow up, ‘immersed’ in the Holy Spirit, that is, in the warmth of God’s love and in the light of his Word.” He also invited them to pray more to the Holy Spirit. “We usually pray to Jesus,” Francis said. “When we pray the ‘Our Father,’ we pray to the Father. But we don’t pray so much to the Holy Spirit. It is so important to pray to the Holy Spirit,” he said.
Jan. 11, 2015


Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline: Scientists record 5 small earthquakes in Connecticut

Five small earthquakes were recorded within a 5 1/2-hour span in eastern Connecticut on Monday, including a 3.1-magnitude quake that was felt in parts of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, according to the Weston Observatory at Boston College and the U.S. Geological Survey. The quakes followed two in the same area last week, including a 2.0-magnitude quake Thursday and a 0.4 magnitude Friday. All the quakes were centered near Danielson and in northern Plainfield. Four of the quakes on Monday were within a 20-minute span starting just after 6:30 a.m., including the 3.1-magnitude quake that was felt in parts of Rhode Island, including Providence, and more than 60 miles away in Massachusetts in New Bedford and Framingham, scientists said. A 1.3-magnitude aftershock was recorded just after noon.
Jan. 12, 2015


Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes


For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.  Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus,  that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:4-6

1-27-13 Romans 15-4-6

Prophecy Signs for January 9, 2015



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 9, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Abbas decrees life imprisonment for selling land to Israelis

Zechariah 12v2,3

Headline:  PA Envoy: ICC Can Start Investigating Israel’s ‘War Crimes’

The Palestinian Authority’s representative at the United Nations said on Thursday that the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) can immediately start examining allegations of war crimes against Israel if she chooses, according to The Associated Press (AP). The envoy, Riyad Mansour, told a group of reporters that the PA’s formal acceptance of the court’s jurisdiction gives ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda a green light to take up the question of alleged war crimes, without waiting for the PA to formally become a member of the court on April 1. “It is within her discretion that she can do that,” Mansour said, according to AP. Fadi El Abdallah, a spokesman for the ICC in The Hague, Netherlands, confirmed that the prosecutor can now in theory begin a “preliminary examination” of potential cases in the PA. Bensouda, however, has not announced any such examination yet.
Jan. 9, 2015



Headline:   Hundreds of Hamas Terrorists in Israel Switching to ISIS

Headline:    ISIL rallies terror groups in Gaza, recruits young Palestinians to fight in Syria

As new details are revealed in the investigation of the Islamic State (ISIS) terror cell in Hevron, security officials estimate that hundreds of Hamas terrorists are leaving the “moderate” terrorist group in favor of ISIS to wage war on Israel – and the Palestinian Authority (PA). The leader of the Hevron ISIS cell, Ahmed Wadah Salah Shehada (22), admitted under Israel Security Agency (ISA, or Shin Bet) investigation that he switched from Hamas to ISIS in recent years because it was too “moderate” for him, in that Hamas didn’t compel Sharia Islamic law, reports Channel 2. Reportedly the security system assesses that hundreds of other terrorists have made the move to ISIS like Shehada, and are in contact with the terrorist organization through online social media. “This cell was just the tip of the iceberg,” a security source was quoted as saying. “There are terrorists who are tired of Hamas because it is portrayed as moderate and not aggressive and extremist enough against Israel.” He continued “there they see ISIS as an organization that implements the Islamic laws – Sharia. Hamas is under great pressure from this phenomenon which is slowly eating into its power. ISIS is entering into this vacuum.”
Jan. 8, 2015



Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)


Headline:   Doubling buffer, Cairo to raze 1,220 more Gazan homes

The Egyptian Army is doubling the size of a buffer zone along the border with the Gaza Strip, an operation that will involve the destruction of 1,220 more homes and the eviction of residents, military officials said Thursday. The operation will expand the existing 500-meter buffer zone in the north of the Sinai Peninsula. The buffer was created last November to a full kilometer, a move meant to halt the passage of weapons and militants through cross-border smuggling tunnels but which also puts more pressure on the Palestinian militant Hamas group, which rules the coastal area. The expansion of the buffer zone is expected to be completed by the middle of next week, said the officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to media. They added that the army plans to compensate the evicted families.
Jan. 9, 2015


   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:   Nusra Front attempts to capture two Shi’ite villages in north Syria

Syria Headline:   Syrian opposition kills 60 soldiers in northern Aleppo

Syria’s Al-Qaida-affiliated Nusra Front and other Sunni Muslim militants fought during the night to capture two Shi’ite villages in the country’s north but were repelled, activists on both sides of the war and a monitoring group said on Friday. The insurgents were briefly able to control streets in the southern part of Zahra and buildings in the nearby village of Nubl, north of Aleppo city, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The militants, who used tanks, were pushed back from both areas by the National Defense Force, a grouping of loyalist militias under the umbrella of the army, it said. Pro-government activists published photos on social media that they said showed the bodies of Nusra Front fighters in a ditch near the villages. Reuters could not confirm the authenticity of the photos. The clashes were not reported on the state news agency SANA and the Ministry of Information was not immediately available for comment on Friday
Jan. 9, 2015



Syria Headline:   Syria Situation Report Dec. 30-Jan. 6, 2015


Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights




Iraq Headline:   Islamic State attacks checkpoints in Iraq’s Samarra

Islamic State militants have attacked Iraqi security forces in the central city of Samarra, killing two people and injuring 28 others, officials say. They reportedly carried out five suicide bomb attacks on checkpoints along a motorway west of Samarra. The bombings were followed by mortar attacks on the city itself. IS surrounded Samarra, a predominantly Sunni city that is home to one of Shia Islam’s holiest sites, after launching an offensive in northern Iraq in June. The latest assault on Samarra by IS militants, who regard Shia as heretics who should be killed, began before sunrise on Thursday. Two policemen and a civilian were killed when pick-up trucks carrying water tanks filled with explosives were driven towards the checkpoints and blown up. It is not clear how many of them reached their targets, but they were followed by mortar attacks on the city and an assault by gunmen. After several hours of battling the security forces, the gunmen are reported to have retreated under fire from Iraqi warplanes.
Jan. 8, 2015


Iraq Headline:    ISW Iraq Situation Report Jan. 4-7, 2015


Iraq Headline:    ISW Control of Terrain in Iraq: Jan. 7, 2015

2015-1-07 Control Zone Map high


Kurdish Headline:  Peshmerga Receives Armored Vehicles From US Army

The Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga has confirmed reports that they have received a number of mine-resistant, armor-protected (MRAP) vehicles to use in their fight against Islamic State militants. Lieutenant General Jamal Muhammad told BasNews that the new vehicles would be used in newly liberated areas in northern Iraq, to protect the Peshmerga from IEDs that the extremist group has planted. “The new vehicles we given to the Iraqi interior ministry and they have sent some on to our forces”, said Lieutenant General Muhammad. Last week the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad announced they have donated 250 mine-resistant, armor-protected (MRAP) vehicles to the Iraqi army and Kurdish Peshmerga to bolster both forces’ fight against Islamic State. The U.S. government said that it will also deliver six M1 Abrams tanks and 50 armored Humvees (a four-wheel drive military automobile) over the next two months. The delivery of additional military equipment is part of a deal which also includes six months of U.S.-provided maintenance for the MRAP vehicles and other weapons.
Jan. 8, 2015


rise of ISIS

Headline:   Charlie Hebdo suspects killed and several hostages freed in French police raids

Headline:    Jihadists Urge Muslims to Support Charlie Hebdo Gunmen, Distract Investigators

Headline:   ISIS preacher: Paris attack was revenge, more to come

Headline:    UK: Qaeda in Syria planning mass attacks on West

French police killed three gunmen who rampaged in and out of the French capital this week, ending a three-day spree of violence that shocked the nation. Police launched simultaneous assaults Friday on gunmen who held hostages at two locations on the outskirts of Paris, and appeared to operate as a network. As the multifront battle climaxed, police killed Said and Chérif Kouachi—the two gunmen suspected of Wednesday’s attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo. A hostage held by the brothers in the building north of Paris was rescued alive in the police raid, according to police officers familiar with the matter. At Porte de Vincennes, on the eastern edge of Paris, police also raided a kosher grocery store where another gunman, Amedy Coulibaly, had taken several people hostage. Mr. Coulibaly, who police believe was connected to the Kouachi brothers, was killed in the assault. French television showed images of hostages running out of the grocery. It wasn’t immediately clear if any hostage had been harmed in the raid. The drama began in the early hours of Friday when police say the Kouachi brothers exchanged fire with police near Paris’s Charles de Gaulle airport, before taking a hostage in a print shop.
Jan. 9, 2015





Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 




Headline:    Suicide bombers attack Afghan police academy

Taliban fighters have launched a coordinated attack on a police academy in the eastern city of Khost, using suicide bombers and gunmen, according to reports. At least three huge explosions were reported at Khost’s police academy on Wednesday, as three Taliban fighters tried to storm the compound. Al Jazeera’s Jennifer Glasse, reporting from Kabul, said one of the attackers detonated his explosives at the gates of the academy, while two others engaged in battles with security forces before detonating their devices. Our correspondent said there were five other reported injuries, involving three civilians and two policemen. Taliban spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, claimed responsibility for the attack.
Jan. 7, 2015





Headline:    Libya’s Hafter procures fighter-jets to counter Qatar’s Libyan Dawn

Headline:   Islamic State group in Libya reportedly executes two Tunisian journalists

Libya has procured Soviet-origin fighter-jets. Arab diplomatic sources said the Libyan Air Force has acquired four Sukhoi Su-27 fighter-jets from unidentified suppliers. They said the warplanes arrived in Libya in late December 2014 for the military commanded by Maj. Gen. Khalifa Hafter. “These are new aircraft purchased through third parties,” a source said. The sources said Hafter would deploy the new warplanes to sustain attacks on the Qatari-backed Libyan Dawn, in control of Tripoli since the summer of 2014. They said the Libyan Air Force has been exhausted and was meeting increasing difficulty in operating its 1970s-era aircraft. Until the latest shipment, the air force operates around eight Su-24 aircraft. The entire air force was said to contain some 30 aircraft, including MiG-21 and -23 as well as L-39 trainers.
Jan. 8, 2015




Headline:    Tunis Demo in Solidarity with Journalists ‘Killed by IS’

Around 300 people demonstrated in central Tunis Friday in solidarity with two journalists the Libyan branch of the Islamic State (IS) group claims it has executed. “We are all Sofiene, we are all Nadhir,” read placards held by the demonstrators, many of them young journalists, in reference to Sofiene Chourabi and Nadhir Ktari. On Thursday, the IS branch in Libya issued a statement saying the pair, who went missing there in early September, had been executed because they had “sowed corruption in the land.” But echoing official statements, the head of the National Syndicate of Tunisian Journalists, Neji Bghouri, said the “news has still not been confirmed” and called on the government to uncover the truth. “We chose to be journalists, and we know it is difficult. We have chosen freedom and we will carry on,” he said. Sami Ktari, father of one of the two, called on the authorities to “take the matter seriously.”
Jan. 9, 2015



Headline:   Protests Hit Southern Algeria Over Shale Gas Exploitation

Protests in Algeria’s remote and sparsely populated south over efforts to exploit the country’s vast shale gas reserves spread to the regional capital Tuesday, the state news agency reported. Algeria has the third-largest estimated shale gas reserves in the world, after China and Argentina. With the country’s once-rich oil and natural gas reserves declining, Algeria authorized the exploitation of shale gas in May. Falling oil prices over the last six months have also hurt government revenues. The oil ministry announced initial success at a desert site near the oasis of In Salah, 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) south of Algiers, but over the weekend residents there began protesting, fearing the environmental impact of the drilling. The local governor, based in the city of Tamanrasset, was unable to calm their fears after a visit Monday and protesters demanded to see the prime minister. The demonstrations spread Tuesday to Tamanrasset, where 2,000 people protested in front of city hall, urging that the project be halted and carrying banners reading “Do not endanger our environment and groundwater.” Police monitored the protests, with helicopters flying overhead.
Jan. 6, 2015



Headline:   US says concerned about Turkey’s contacts with Hamas leader

The United States has expressed concerns about the relationship between Hamas and Turkey with senior Turkish officials. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a daily press briefing on Thursday that Washington’s position on Hamas has not changed and classified the Palestinian group as a “designated foreign terrorist organization that continues to engage in terrorist activity.” Turkey rejects this classification and considers Hamas to be a rulers of Gaza who are resisting the Israeli occupation and encroachment. Psaki’s remarks came after she was asked about recent statement by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, who said Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal is welcome to Turkey whenever he wants. The Israeli government said on Tuesday that Qatar had decided to expel Mashaal to Turkey. Hamas officials in both Qatar and Gaza dismissed the claims.
Jan. 9, 2015



Headline:    Armenia violates ceasefire with Azerbaijan over 60 times in a day

Over the past 24 hours, Armenian armed forces 61 times violated ceasefire on various parts of the line of contact between Azerbaijani and Armenian troops, Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry said Jan. 9. Armenia’s armed forces, stationed in the village of Dovekh of Armenia’s Noyemberyan district, opened fire on Azerbaijani armed forces’ positions located in the village of Kemerli of Gazakh district. Armenians also opened fire from their positions in the village of Aygepar of Armenia’s Berd district at the Azerbaijani military positions in the village of Alibeyli of Tovuz district. Azerbaijani military also came under fire from positions near the Chilebort village of Terter district, Yusifjanli, Marzili, Novruzlu, Javahirli, Shikhlar, Shuraabad, Sarijali, Kangarli villages of Agdam district, Kuropatkino village of Khojavand district, Horadiz, Garakhanbeily, Ashagi Seyidahmadli villages of Fizuli district and Mehdili village of Jabrail district. Armenians were also firing from positions on the nameless heights of the Goranboy, Khojavand and Jabrail districts. The opposing side was silenced with return fire.
Jan. 9, 2015


nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Nigeria’s Baga town hit by new assault

Bodies lay strewn on the streets of a key north-eastern Nigerian town following an assault by militant Islamists, officials have told the BBC. The Boko Haram group attacked Baga town on Wednesday, after over-running a military base there on Saturday, they said. Almost the entire town had been torched and the militants were now raiding nearby areas, they added. Boko Haram launched a military campaign in 2009 to create an Islamic state. It has taken control of many towns and villages in north-eastern Nigeria in the last year. Musa Alhaji Bukar, a senior government official in the area, said that fleeing residents told him that Baga, which had a population of about 10,000, was now “virtually non-existent”. Those who fled reported that they had been unable to bury the dead, and corpses littered the town’s streets, he said. Boko Haram was now in control of Baga and 16 neighbouring towns after the military retreated, Mr Bukar said. While he raised fears that some 2,000 had been killed in the raids, other reports put the number in the hundreds. Mr Lawan, the senator for northern Borno, called on government troops to stop “dilly-dallying” and to fight back to protect residents. “The indiscriminate killings went on and on and on,” he told BBC Focus on Africa. Boko Haram’s offensive continued on Thursday, with its fighters setting up checkpoints and killing people who were hiding in the bush, the senator said.
Jan. 8, 2015


Headline:  Yemen bomb blast kills dozens near Sanaa police academy

At least 37 people have been killed and 66 others injured by a bomb blast outside a police academy in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, police say. Two men were seen getting out of a minibus and walking away shortly before it exploded beside dozens of people queuing to enrol at the academy. Afterwards, body parts and debris from the bus were strewn across the street. There has so far been no claim of responsibility, but an offshoot of al-Qaeda has carried out similar attacks. Yemen has experienced a wave of violence in recent months, with militants from al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) battling Shia Houthi rebels who have taken control of the capital.
Jan. 7, 2015


bye CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)

Headline:   Opinion: The dollar, on a ‘hurricane path of destruction,’ is set to fall

Headline:  Record 92,898,000 Americans Not In The Workforce

The U.S. dollar, at its highest level in nine years, is about to fall off its perch. The decline will catch most investors by surprise and create sudden reversals in oil, coal and emerging market stocks. You can profit from this if you act now and buy those sectors — and bet against dollar. That’s the outlook, at least, of Lawrence G. McDonald, a market strategist who has a knack for spotting trouble ahead in markets. McDonald says in his New York Times best-seller, “A Colossal Failure of Common Sense,” that he warned colleagues at Lehman Brothers of the coming subprime storm and how it might hurt the investment bank. To profit from those moves, consider these exchange traded funds. Get long the euro via CurrencyShares Euro FXE, +0.40% as a bet against the dollar. Get exposure to oil and coal via United States Oil ETF USO, -2.59% United States Brent Oil BNO, -3.05% and Market Vectors Coal KOL, -0.90% And buy emerging markets via iShares MSCI Emerging Markets EEM, -0.30% All of these ETFs should do well as the dollar weakens, says McDonald, who is now the head of U.S. macro strategy at Newedge. Why is the dollar about to fall? Because that’s what the Federal Reserve wants since the strong dollar is starting to create problems in debt markets that hurt U.S. growth, McDonald maintains. The euro has fallen more than 14% versus the dollar since March.
Jan. 7, 2015




Headline:   Oil Tumbles to 5 1/2-Year Low as OPEC Reaffirms Stance

Headline:  Keystone Approval Bill Passed by House Amid Obama Veto Threat

Headline:  Oil Money to Fund the Drilling Boom is Drying Up

Oil dropped to the lowest level in more than five years on growing evidence that OPEC won’t pare output to reduce a global supply surplus. Brent slid as much as 4 percent while West Texas Intermediate fell 3.3 percent. The United Arab Emirates has no plans to reduce output no matter how low prices drop, according to Yousef Al Otaiba, the nation’s ambassador to the U.S. Representatives from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the U.A.E. stressed a dozen times in the past six weeks that OPEC won’t curb output to halt the rout. WTI’s discount to Brent shrank to its narrowest since October. “The price war continues and there’s a great deal of excess supply,” Phil Flynn, senior market analyst at the Price Futures Group in Chicago, said by phone. “The statements from the U.A.E. ambassador show that they’re doubling down and taking no prisoners. This will be a long fought war and they have the Saudis behind them.”
Jan. 9, 2015




clip_image0011_thumb.gifRevelation 6:6-  With the bees dying off, you will see a decrease in produce and an INCREASE in food prices!

Headline: 40 bee hives full of dead bees ‘a mystery’ in Xingyi City, China


Yale-study-predicts-huge-increase-in-Ebola-cases-in-LiberiaCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: 1st MERS casualty reported in Oman

Oman reported Thursday its first death of a person from Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in nearly a year. No further details were given in the Health Ministry statement carried by the official ONA news agency. It is the third MERS fatality in the Gulf sultanate. Oman borders Saudi Arabia, the country hardest hit by MERS. MERS is considered a deadlier but less transmissible cousin of the SARS virus that appeared in Asia in 2003 and infected more than 8,000 people, nine percent of whom died. Like SARS, it appears to cause a lung infection, with patients suffering coughing, breathing difficulties and a temperature. But MERS differs in that it can cause rapid kidney failure. Research by Saudi scientists indicates that camels play a role in the transmission of the virus to humans. Mers exhibits a 40 percent fatality rate and more than 97 percent of the cases have occurred in the Middle East.
Jan. 9, 2015


Headline:  NYC Health Officials Warn of Increase in Legionnaire’s disease

City health officials are warning New Yorkers about an increase in cases of Legionnaire’s disease, a potentially deadly form of pneumonia, in the Bronx. Eleven cases of the disease were reported in the Bronx in December, compared with two in December 2013 and three in December 2012. The 11 cases reported last month represent nearly 20 percent of the total of 61 cases the borough had in all of 2014. Most cases were in the northeast Bronx.
Jan. 9, 2015










January 6, 2015 – Hundreds of dead snapper fish found, ‘a mystery’ in Doubtless Bay, New Zealand


January 6, 2015 – Thousands of fish have died in Sher Shah lake in India


January 6, 2015 – Spate of beaked whale deaths puzzle Scots experts


January 7, 2015 –More than 100,000 of the small seabirds have been found dead along Pacific coast since October


January 8, 2015 – 150 Birds dead due to oil spill in Northwest Ohio, America


Cooltextprophecysign increase in knowledge

Headline:    Will that be cash, credit, fingerprint or iris scan?

Forget about whipping out your credit card. The next time you have to buy milk, condoms or whatever else you need, some mobile technology and financial companies are hoping you’ll give a quick imprint of your finger, scan of your eye or tap of an armband that links to your heartbeat. Once used for getting high-level security clearances and criminal record checks done, biometric security features — fingerprints, iris scans and other unique human identifiers — are just starting to make inroads as forms of payment. Already, companies like Apple and Samsung have implemented fingerprint-scanning features into their latest smartphones. Their goal? To replace your need for schlepping around a credit card (in favor of a phone number) and remembering a PIN (which could be done through your fingerprint). Meanwhile, banks in countries such as the United Kingdom and Poland are set to release credit cards, online banking features or even ATMs where customers can approve payments or withdraw cash by scanning their finger and having their vein read as a form of ID. In some cases, companies have recently started rolling out this technology.
Jan. 8, 2015


Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline: Temperatures on the red planet were warmer on Thursday than fourteen states from Washington to Maine

Time to stop remarking about how unearthly cold it is outside because on Thursday, Mars was actually warmer than many parts of the U.S. The daytime high in the red planet’s Gale Crater, as recorded by NASA’s curiosity Rover, was 17.6 degrees F – a whopping 11 degrees warmer than the 6-degree high in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Temperatures in fourteen states from Washington to Maine reported temperatures colder than Mars, as a brutal blast of Arctic air sweeps the country. Mars just recently passed its closest orbit to the sun, which partially explains why the temperature was relatively balmy. The Gale Crater is also located in one of the warmest parts of the planet, near the equator.
Jan. 9, 2015


Headline:  Earthquakes, Blizzards, Volcanic Activity All Hit Russia’s Far East on One Day

Severe natural upheavals raged across Russia’s Far East on Thursday, as the region experienced increased volcanic activity, at least five earthquakes, avalanches and a month’s worth of snow within a day, media reports said. An airport on Sakhalin Island was forced to shut down while regional officials closed off roads and struggled to restore power to 12 villages on the south of the island that were still without electricity Thursday morning, Interfax reported. The Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Airport was closed for the second day in a row on Thursday, with 60 flights grounded or rerouted because of the severe snow storm, Interfax reported. More than 1,000 people were stranded in the terminal, the airport said in a statement Wednesday. The authorities have also issued an avalanche alert for Sakhalin Island and the Kamchatka Peninsula after three snow slides were recorded in one day, according to Interfax. Nobody was injured in the relatively small snow slides, which were less than 60 cubic meters in volume, a spokesperson for the local road authority was quoted as saying. The cyclone that brought these severe snowstorms to the region is expected to continue for the rest of the week, a spokesperson for the local weather service told Interfax. Four earthquakes rattled the Sakhalin region in just one day, with the strongest one on Thursday morning reaching a magnitude of 5.2 at its epicenter in the Pacific Ocean, Interfax reported, citing the local seismic station. Another 5.4-magnitude earthquake was reported in Kamchatka, according to Interfax. In a further demonstration of the force of nature, the Shiveluch volcano in Kamchatka emitted an immense plume of volcanic ash on Wednesday, which drifted northwest over unpopulated areas, the regional branch of the Emergency Situations Ministry said in a statement, Interfax reported. The nearly 5,000-meter-high Klyuchevsky volcano, also located in Kamchatka, on Monday began spewing ash up to 6 kilometers in the air, the ministry said.
Jan. 8, 2015


Headline:    What’s shaking? an_eqList & map of USGS Earthquakes



Seeing Bible prophecy in the news! Jan. 8, 2015



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 fjdimora@gmail.com

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 2, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth January 2, 2015 Edition written by Frank DiMora