Prophecy Signs for November 26, 2014- Happy Thanksgiving


Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 25, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Headline:   EU Urges Peace Talks to Resume Ahead of Statehood Vote

Headline: Sarkozy: Vote Against Recognition of ‘Palestine’

New EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini called on Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) Wednesday to resume direct peace talks, as the European Parliament debated whether to recognize a Palestinian state, AFP reports. MEPs will hold a symbolic vote in December, following resolutions passed by the British and Spanish parliaments, and an official decision to recognize Palestine by the Swedish government. France’s National Assembly is set to vote on a non-binding resolution on December 2. The Middle East process restarted in July 2013 but has been on hold since April, with tensions and violence mounting again dramatically in recent weeks. “The sense of urgency is getting higher and higher in the absence of a political context,” Mogherini told lawmakers at the start of what she said was a “timely” debate. “There has to be a direct dialogue.” The former Italian foreign minister, who has taken over as diplomatic chief of the 28-nation European Union, said the bloc was ready to “play a role” in moving the peace process forward. She also reiterated her support for a two-state solution to resolve the crisis. The European Parliament was initially due to vote on Thursday on the motion to recognize a Palestinian state but it was postponed until December at the last minute.
Nov. 26, 2014

Headline: Abbas: Jewish state law an obstacle to peace

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Tuesday that the proposed “Jewish state bill” “places obstacles in the way to achieving peace.” Abbas, in an interview with a Ramallah-based radio station, said that he opposes the bill and noted that some Israeli ministers and MKs also oppose it. “Many Israelis want peace and are working to achieve it,” he added. “We don’t want to assault anyone and we don’t want anyone to be harmed. But we also don’t want anyone to harm our people and religious sites.” The PLO strongly condemned the bill, claiming it is aimed at destroying the two-state solution. A statement issued by the PLO Executive Committee in Ramallah said the bill is designed to “implement the Greater Israel plan and the Jewishness of the state on the land of historic Palestine.” The statement said that the PLO considers the bill a “unilateral Israel revocation of the Mutual Recognition Document of 1993” between Israel and the organization. The PLO also warned that the bill would compromise the status of other holy sites and religions by making Judaism Israel’s recognized identity.
Nov. 25, 2014

Headline: Islamic Jihad threatens Israel over glacial pace of reconstruction

Israel’s violations of the ceasefire agreement it reached with Gaza’s armed factions will lead to a new round of confrontation, the deputy director of the Iranian-backed Islamic Jihad terror group warned on Wednesday, as a powerful storm battered a Strip recovering from this summer’s conflict. In comments posted on the terror group’s official website, Ziad Nakhaleh cited recent Israeli violations of Gaza’s sovereignty in the “no-go zone” along the border with Israel and along Gaza’s coast, and what he said was Israel’s hampering of reconstruction efforts in the enclave. He said that the military capabilities of Islamic Jihad — the second-largest political group in the Gaza Strip, avowedly devoted to the destruction of Israel — were greater now than they were before Operation Protective Edge, noting that the movement has gained much experience by engaging the Israeli army in battle over the summer. Nakhaleh’s frustration mostly focused on the slow pace of home reconstruction in the Gaza Strip, administered by the UN in coordination with Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
Nov. 26, 2014

Headline:Speaker at al-Aqsa urges annihilation of America

A Palestinian speaker on Friday delivered an impromptu sermon inside Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque calling for the elimination of America and Israel and hailing the Islamic State terror group. In his address, translated and posted Tuesday by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), the man identified as Ali Abu Ahmad calls for Jerusalem’s liberation from “the Jews, the most vile of creatures” and for the annihilation of America and the international coalition against Islamic State. “Oh Allah, annihilate America and its coalition. Oh Allah, enable us to cut off their heads. Oh Allah, help our brothers, the mujahideen in the land of Iraq and Syria,” Abu Ahmad calls out in the main hall of the mosque on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.
Nov. 26, 2014

Headline: Israel to NATO: Punish Turkey for Hosting Hamas HQ

Israel wants NATO to take steps against Turkey for allowing genocidal terror group Hamas to set up its headquarters in Istanbul. Yisrael Hayom reported Wednesday that Israel sent NATO official messages through several channels, in which it stated that it is unacceptable for a NATO member state to have ties with a terror group. Senior diplomatic sources in Jerusalem told the newspaper that Hamas set up its main political and military HQ in Istanbul after leaving Damascus. Hamas had been forced out of Damascus in late 2012 because of its support for rebels against Bashar Assad’s regime. The head of the Turkish HQ is reportedly Salah al-Arouri, a terrorist whom Israel accuses of a long list of attacks. A senior Israeli source said that the operation of the Hamas HQ from Turkey was undoubtedly authorized by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Nov. 26, 2014

Headline: Spy Balloons Give Police New View of Jerusalem

Israeli police are watching from above in their attempts to keep control in Jerusalem in the face of the city’s worst wave of violence in nearly a decade. Over the past month, 11 people have been killed in Palestinian attacks, including a deadly assault last week on a Jerusalem synagogue that killed five people. Most of the violence has occurred in Jerusalem, along with deadly attacks in Tel Aviv and the West Bank. Police have been flying surveillance balloons over the city’s eastern sector and Old City ? the location of its most sensitive holy sites ? to monitor protests and move in on them quickly. They say the puffy white balloons, which carry a rotating spherical camera pod, have greatly helped quell the unrest.
****ABC news link- not Israeli friendly
Nov. 26, 2014 

Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)




Headline: Jordan Angry with Israeli Ambassador

Headline: Ministry summons Israeli envoy over ‘insults to Parliament’

Jordan’s government reacted angrily on Tuesday to comments made by Israel’s ambassador to Jordan, Daniel Nevo, during an interview this week on Army Radio. During the interview, Nevo was asked to comment on the Jordanian parliament holding a special prayer in honor of the two terrorists who carried out the massacre at a synagogue in Jerusalem last week, who MPs hailed as “heroes”. Nevo responded by saying that Jordanian MPs are seen among locals as taking care only of themselves, and that they tend to sometimes engage in minor issues. In response, a spokesman for Jordan’s Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that “the ambassador’s words are unacceptable and are not true.” “Such statements cross the boundary between the two countries,” said the spokesman who was quoted by Army Radio, adding that the ambassador should respect all the institutions of the country in which he is serving. There were reports on Monday that Nevo had been summoned by the Jordanian Foreign Ministry after the statements which were thought by some to be demean Jordan’s parliament. Jordan’s al-Ghad newspaper, according to i24news, reported that the parliament’s speaker had asked the government of Jordan to take action against Nevo. Jordanian Information Minister Mohammad Momani said that Jordan will be sending an official letter of protest to Israel and will be looking into any other necessary steps that they might take against Nevo.
Nov. 26, 2014


Headline:   March 14 condemns Hezbollah swap deal

Headline:   Families call on Nasrallah to free captive soldiers and policemen

March 14’s General Secretariat slammed Hezbollah Wednesday for completing a swap deal to release one of its fighters held by Syrian rebels while blocking efforts to reach a deal that would release the Lebanese servicemen captured by jihadis. Also Wednesday, Prime Minister Tammam Salam headed a meeting of the “crisis cell” made up of officials and ministers responsible for following up on the hostage crisis. No decision or statement was made after the meeting. “This deal revealed another face of undermining the state’s authority that the party [Hezbollah] chooses to hide behind when it fails to achieve a goal,” the weekly statement of the camp’s secretariat said, accusing Hezbollah of doing what it preaches against. March 14 criticized Hezbollah’s unilateral move, because the party is part of the Cabinet, which is following up on the negotiations for the captives’ release through a crisis cell. They said the party bypassed the crisis cell while “preventing the state from achieving any possible exchange deal.”
Nov. 26, 2014
***** The March 14 Alliance is a coalition of political parties and independents in Lebanon formed in 2005 that are united by their anti-Syrian regime stance and their opposition to the pro-Syrian regime March 8 Alliance. It is led by MP Saad Hariri, younger son of Rafik Hariri, the assassinated former prime minister of Lebanon


Headline:  Gunmen kill 3 Egyptian policemen in Sinai

Headline: Egypt reopens Rafah border crossing with Gaza

At least three Egyptian police officers have been killed in an armed attack in the volatile Sinai Peninsula of the North African country. In a statement, Egypt’s Interior Ministry said unidentified gunmen opened fire on a police pick-up truck in the city of el-Arish in northern Sinai on Wednesday. Three policemen, including a colonel, were among the victims of the incident, the statement added. The attack comes just days after two policemen were killed in a roadside bombing in the region.
Nov. 26, 2014

   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:  Activists: Syrian strikes kill 60 in IS-held city

Syrian government warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes Tuesday on the de-facto capital of the extremist Islamic State group, killing at least 60 people, shattering shop fronts and setting dozens of cars ablaze, activists said. Some of the air raids struck a popular market near a museum and an industrial neighborhood in the city of Raqqa along the Euphrates River in northeastern Syria, causing many civilian casualties, they said. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights put the death toll at more than 60, among them 36 civilians whose names it was able to document. The Local Coordination Committees said the strikes killed at least 70 people. Another Raqqa-based collective called Raqqa is Being Silently Slaughtered said it documented over 80 deaths. Such discrepancies are normal in the chaotic aftermath of attacks in Syria.
Nov. 25, 2014

Syria Headline:  ISW Syria Update Nov. 18-25, 2014

Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Iraq Headline:  2 bombings kill 10 people in Iraq

Iraq Headline:  ISIS in the Southwest Baghdad Belts

Iraqi authorities say two bombings at a market and a commercial street have killed 10 people in Baghdad. Police officials say a car bomb exploded Wednesday night at a commercial street in the Shiite neighborhood of Sadr city, killing seven people and wounding 15 others. Earlier, police said a bomb blast near an outdoor market in southern Baghdad killed three people and wounded seven others. Medics in nearby hospitals confirmed the casualties. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to the media.
Nov. 26, 2014


Iraq Headline:  ISIS fails to take Iraq’s oil-rich Kirkuk

The Iraqi army and Kurdish peshmerga forces backed by the coalition air force on Wednesday repelled a major attack by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, according to sources from the city. “They are targeting Kirkuk and they want to control the oil sites,” said peshmerga Major General Westa Rasul, according to AFP. The attack began early on Wednesday morning against three villages west of the city of Kirkuk, sparking fighting that lasted for hours, Rasul and two other officers said. ISIS managed to seize one village, but Kurdish forces backed by air strikes later succeeded in retaking it. One policeman and five peshmerga, including a colonel and the son of a Kurdish politician, were killed and 28 wounded in the fighting, officers and a doctor said.
Nov. 26, 2014


Iraq Headline:  Iraqi forces battle IS jihadists in central Ramadi

Iraqi security forces and allied tribesmen battled the Islamic State jihadist group Wednesday near the governor’s office in Anbar province capital Ramadi after soldiers and police fell back, officers said. “We are defending and protecting the governmental complex,” said police Colonel Hamid Shandukh, adding militants were within a few hundred metres (yards) of the governor’s office. The fighting began when soldiers and police pulled back from Al-Hoz, an area that stretches from Ramadi’s south to its centre, Shandukh said, adding the government complex area was now being defended by security forces and several hundred tribesmen. Another officer, Colonel Salah Arrak al-Alwani, also confirmed fighting in central Ramadi, and said it had been going on for nine hours. “If we lose Anbar, that means we will lose Iraq,” the province’s governor, Ahmed al-Dulaimi, told Al-Anbar television from Germany, where he is recovering after being wounded by a mortar round in September.
Nov. 26, 2014

Iraq Headline:    ISW Iraq Situation Report Nov. 24, 2014

Iraq Headline:    ISW Control of Terrain in Iraq: November 24, 2014 

rise of ISIS

Headline:  Jihadist training camps expand across Syria and Iraq

Jihadist organisations in Iraq and in Syria are operating at least 46 military training camps, designed to indoctrinate and train recruits, an investigation has found. The development comes as Theresa May, the home secretary, has warned that the expansion of jihadist movements in Iraq and in Syria means the likelihood of terror attacks in Britain is higher now than at any point in the country’s history. “When the security and intelligence agencies tell us that the threat we face is now more dangerous than at any time before or since 9/11 we should take notice,” she said. A report from the Long War Journal has identified dozens of training camps belonging to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil), Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Qaeda’s branch in Syria), and several other smaller hardline units. Compiling video footage, messages posted by jihadists on social media and US military press releases, the Journal has determined the location of 34 camps in Syria and 12 in Iraq.
Nov. 25, 2014

Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Russian troops giving ‘backbone’ to Ukraine rebels: NATO commander

Headline: Advanced Russian warplanes arrive in Crimea

Russian forces are still operating in eastern Ukraine, providing the backbone of separatist rebels fighting the Kiev government, NATO’s top military commander said on Wednesday after talks with Ukrainian leaders. U.S. Air Force General Philip Breedlove, visiting Kiev as head of U.S. forces in Europe, said Russia’s “militarization” of the Crimea peninsula it annexed from Ukraine in March meant Moscow could exert influence over almost the entire Black Sea region. Breedlove met Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and others in the pro-Western leadership to discuss ways the United States could assist Kiev’s defense potential in the conflict with Russian-backed separatists in eastern territories. Asked for an assessment of the situation, Breedlove said Russian troops in the east were “training, equipping, giving backbone …helping (separatist) forces in the field.” Russia denies sending troops or equipment to the rebels but accuses Kiev of using indiscriminate force against civilians in the two eastern territories of Donetsk and Luhansk. Breedlove said Russian forces were also helping the rebels “understand the advanced weaponry that is being brought across”, referring to military equipment which Kiev and the West says is being funneled into Ukraine from Russia.
Nov. 26, 2014


Headline:  Iran’s Khamenei: ISIS Diverts Muslims from Palestine

As reported by Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s own website and Fars news, at a conference in Tehran on Monday, Khamenei accused ISIS, all other Sunnis, and Sunni governments which battle any pro-Iranian Arab regimes and Shia militias of diverting Muslims away from fighting Israel. “The forefront of Muslims’ struggle in the region was focused on the occupied Palestine [sic],” Khamenei wrote, “but the Takfiri stream changed this front line, and moved it into the streets and cities of Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and Libya.” This, he stated, “is one of the Takfiri stream’s crimes which cannot be forgotten.” Khamenei summed up his position in a simultaneously released info-graphic that reads, “Takfirism diverted the struggle from the liberation of Palestine to the war among Muslims in Iraq and Syria.”
Nov. 26, 2014



****Clicking on the UNDERLINED sections will take you to the news link

Headline:   War News for Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Reported security incidents

#1: A US drone strike killed at least eight suspected militants in Pakistan`s restive tribal belt on Wednesday, security officials said. The unmanned aircraft hit a compound in Kund Sar village, 60 kilometres (40 miles) south of Miranshah, the main town in the North Waziristan tribal region which borders Afghanistan

#2: Gunmen opened fire on a team of polio vaccinators in Pakistan’s restive southwest on Wednesday, killing four of them and forcing authorities to halt an immunisation drive, officials said. The incident happened on the eastern outskirts of Quetta, the capital of oil and gas rich Baluchistan province.

#3: “Up to 35 militants were killed and 11 others injured during military operations and clashes in three provinces over the past 24 hours,”the ministry’s spokesman General Zahir Azimi said in his twitter account. Three Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers were killed in a roadside bombing attack over the same period, Azimi said.

#4: A roadside bomb struck a military vehicle in Uruzgan province, southern Afghanistan, on Wednesday, killing an Afghan soldier and injuring another, a local official said.

#5: At least three Taliban insurgents were killed following a drone strike by NATO-led coalition forces in eastern Laghman province.




Headline: Sudan tells UN-AU mission ‘to shut human rights office’

Sudan’s government has asked the UN-African Union force in Darfur (Unamid) to shut its human rights office, the joint peacekeeping mission says. The move comes amid tensions over the mission’s attempt to investigate allegations of mass rape by Sudanese troops in the Darfuri village of Tabit. The authorities initially refused access to the village; when Unamid did get there it found no evidence. Darfur has been in conflict since 2003, when rebels took up arms. Unamid has a mandate to stem violence against civilians and currently has nearly 16,000 personnel deployed in the troubled western region. The conflict in Darfur is now being waged on many fronts and by different groups involving pro-government forces, rebels, militias and involving inter-ethnic violence.
Nov. 26, 2014




Headline: Court issues warrant for Libya’s Haftar

A court in the Libyan capital has issued an arrest warrant for former general Khalifa Haftar, hours after his forces hit Tripoli’s only functioning airport with air strikes. The developments on Tuesday came as UN chief Ban Ki-moon called for a halt to air strikes in Libya and for all warring sides to engage in talks. “The only way to resolve the current crisis is through dialogue,” Ban said, citing “full confidence” in his special envoy, Bernardino Leon, who is seeking to broker talks on a ceasefire deal. Libya’s various militias and the internationally recognised government of Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thani have been engaged in a violent power struggle for months, resulting in the establishment of parallel administrations. The internationally recognised government in Tobruk says it was forced to hit the Mitiga airbase because it had fallen under the control of a rival administration in Tripoli.
Nov. 26, 2014


Headline:  Algeria kills jihadist over death of French hostage Gourdel

The Algerian army has killed one of the militants responsible for the beheading of a French hiker in September, the country’s justice minister says. Tayeb Louh made the announcement on Wednesday after an investigation into the murder of hostage Herve Gourdel. The unnamed jihadist was killed in an anti-terrorist operation in October. Jund al-Khilafa, an Islamist militant organisation allied to Islamic State (IS), killed Mr Gourdel in September following French air strikes in Iraq. Mr Gourdel, 55, was from Nice, and was kidnapped after the militants stopped his vehicle in a remote area east of Algiers where he had intended to go hiking.
Nov. 26, 2014




Headline:   Merkel: Islamic State among ‘most brutal threats’ to region ever

German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday warned that Islamic State jihadists in Iraq and Syria were one of the greatest ever threats to the region. The radical militia “is one of the most brutal threats to the lives of the people in the region… that there has ever been,”  she told parliament, after recently attending a summit of 20 leading economies in Australia. “The IS is also attracting thousands of foreign fighters… from all G20 countries, whether it’s in the other hemisphere or here in Europe.” “Their radical lack of inhibition and willingness to murder also threatens our security,” she said of the extremist group. Germany believes that some 550 of its citizens have joined the jihadist cause in Iraq and Syria, of whom some 60 have died in combat or suicide attacks and about 180 have returned home. Germany is supplying Kurdish fighters in northern Iraq with weapons, ammunition and other aid to fight the IS but says it will not join the US, Britain and other nations in airstrikes against the jihadists.
Nov. 26, 2014 




Headline:   Turkey: About 600 Turks Fighting With Islamic State

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has revealed that close to 600 Turkish nationals are currently fighting with the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria.  Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu was in Turkish Parliament and answering questions from Turkish MPS, when he said that they have information that more than 100 of the 600 Turkish citizens that have gone to fight for IS militants, have been killed in the clashes across Iraq and Syria.  Some 7,000 foreigners have been banned from entering Turkey and 1,100 people were deported on suspicions that they may join jihadist groups, according to the minister.  Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said it was unfair to expect Turkey, which has a 1,000-kilometer-long border with Syria and Iraq, to fight alone with the problem of foreign fighters crossing through Turkish territory.  He called on international community to share intelligence with Ankara on suspected militants so they can stop them from entering Turkey.  According to media reports in Turkey, most foreign nationals seeking to travel to Syria to join militant groups, including IS, travel via Turkey.
Nov. 26, 2014




Headline:   Turkey NGOs demand Armenia release hostages

Several NGOs in Turkey on Wednesday have demanded the release of two Azeri Turks held hostage by Armenia since July. The two hostages, with a friend, were going to visit relatives in Kalbajar, a province in Nagorno-Karabakh which is occupied by Armenia, when they were detained by Armenian officials. Hasan Hasanov was killed by Armenian troops, while Dilqem Esgerov and Sahbaz Guliyev were held hostage by Armenian officials. Armenia accused them of “violating territorial rights.” The NGOs have described Armenia’s act as “lawless.” The organizations that are protesting against the hostage taking include: The Turkic Nations Congress, the Turkic World Research Foundation and the Bulgarian Turks Culture and Service Foundation. Nagorno Karabakh is a self-proclaimed independent Armenian-majority region inside the Republic of Azerbaijan. The province has attempted several times in the past — through both violent and democratic means — to join with the Republic of Armenia.
Nov. 26, 2014  

nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: IS Fighters Address Ferguson Protestors, Offer Help upon Sworn Allegiance to Baghdadi

Headline: Dozens of arrests, National Guard watch over riot zone

Headline: Car plows through protesters during Ferguson rally in south Minneapolis

Headline: Protesters flood streets across U.S. as Ferguson dismay spreads coast to coast

Headline: Protesters angry about Ferguson decision rush St. Louis City Hall, hold mock trial of officer

National Guard reinforcements watched over riot-scarred streets Wednesday after a show of force that appeared to hold down unrest but also symbolized the widening tensions from Ferguson’s struggles over law enforcement and race. “I think generally it was a much better night,” St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said after a decision by Missouri’s governor to triple the National Guard presence in the St. Louis suburb. Still, there was no way to keep a complete lid on the simmering anger. At least 45 people were arrested, including three stemming from alleged assaults against police officers, authorities said. During the night, groups of protesters gathered outside police headquarters in Ferguson and pelted officers with stones and frozen water bottles. Police in some sites responded with tear gas and pepper spray. Others protesters marched near the charred rubble of some of the buildings burned amid the initial rage from late Monday’s announcement — expected by many — that a grand jury did not indict police officer Darren Wilson for the August shooting of an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown. Five miles south of Ferguson, two FBI agents were shot and wounded while assisting police execute an arrest warrant. An FBI spokeswoman in St. Louis, Rebecca Wu, said the incident in Universal City was not related to the Ferguson unrest, the Associated Press reported.
Nov. 26, 2014

Headline: Businesses to receive incentive for hiring illegal immigrants, report says

Businesses will have a $3,000-per-employee incentive to hire illegal immigrants over native-born workers under President Obama’s sweeping action on illegal immigration. Because of a kink in ObamaCare, businesses will not face a penalty for not providing illegal immigrants health care, The Washington Times reports. Illegal immigrants are ineligible for public benefits such as buying insurance on ObamaCare’s health exchanges. Congressional aides condemned the loophole saying it puts illegal immigrants ahead of Americans in the job hunt. “If it is true that the president’s actions give employers a $3,000 incentive to hire those who came here illegally, he has added insult to injury,” Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican told The Washington Times. “The president’s actions would have just moved those who came here illegally to the front of the line, ahead of unemployed and underemployed Americans.”
Nov. 26, 2014


Headline: Nigeria’s Maiduguri city hit by deadly blasts

Headline: Nigeria: Boko Haram kills 20 villagers near Chibok

Suicide attacks by two female bombers at a crowded market in northern Nigeria’s Maiduguri city have killed 78 people, medical officials say. One teenage girl blew herself up first and as people gathered to help victims, the second girl detonated herself, witnesses say. The girls, dressed in full hijab, entered the busy market and detonated their explosives, said Abba Aji Kalli, the coordinator of a government-backed vigilante group in Borno, AP news agency reports. The first bomber killed about three women, he said. When people gathered at the scene, the second bomber screamed and blew herself up, killing about 30, Mr Kalli added. On Monday, suspected insurgents took over Damasak town, less than 200km (125 miles) from Maiduguri, setting fire to houses and killing an unspecified number of people. The assailants entered the town disguised as traders, carrying boxes which were packed with AK-47 rifles.   No group has said it carried out the attacks, but the militant Islamist group Boko Haram is suspected. Its insurgency is to establish what it calls an Islamic state. Campaign group Amnesty International says that the group killed at least 1,500 people in early 2014.
Nov. 25, 2014

Headline: 8 Al-Qaeda hostages freed by Yemen forces

Headline: Tribesmen blow up main oil pipeline in central Yemen

Headline: Rebels attack house of Yemen leader, kill 7

Headline: Official: US Commandos Took Part in Yemen Raid

Yemeni security forces freed seven Yemeni hostages and a foreigner in a raid in which seven Al-Qaeda kidnappers were also killed, the country’s supreme security committee said.
The committee did not disclose the nationality of the foreign hostage. A Yemeni government source had earlier said the foreigner was a US military instructor who worked at Al-Anad air base in Lahej province, 60 km north of the port city of Aden. But in Washington, a US defense official said “there were no US personnel rescued from Yemen last night.”
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said US authorities applauded the Yemeni government for the hostage rescue operation. He referred requests for information to the Yemeni government. The committee said in a statement that one member of the Yemeni security forces was lightly wounded in the operation.
Nov. 26, 2014

Headline: Al khalifa regime forces attack Bahraini protesters

Bahrani troops have attacked people protesting the Al Khalifa regime security forces’ storming of a prominent cleric’s home, amid an ongoing crackdown on dissent. On Tuesday, the regime’s forces used rubber bullets and teargas to disperse protesters gathered on the streets of Diraz and Sadad, denouncing the raid on the house of Shia cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Issa Ahmed Qassem on Saturday. Witnesses said the regime forces took photos of the ID cards of all those present in the house in Diraz, west of the capital Manama. The regime’s recent move, which has also been condemned by Lebanon’s Hezbollah, happened just days after people voted in an alternative election held by the main opposition parties of Bahrain. The opposition had boycotted the parliamentary elections which were held with a low turnout on the same day across the tiny kingdom.
Nov. 26, 2014

Headline: 86 protesters arrested in Hong Kong clashes

Police in Hong Kong have detained 86 protesters who engaged in clashes with security forces during an operation to clear barricades in a key protest site. The people were apprehended on Tuesday after they scuffled with law enforcement forces overseeing dozens of workers who were dismantling makeshift barriers in a small part of a busy shopping street in the Mong Kok district. Among the detainees, who are accused of violating a court order over the clearance of the area, unlawful assembly, and assaulting police, was lawmaker Leung Kwok-hung, known as Long Hair. Police said nine officers were wounded during the scuffles. Enforcing the court order, the workers cleared Argyle Street in Mong Kok in about five hours.
Nov. 26, 2014 

EuroCooltextprophecysign Decline of the Euro– ““ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:5-6)“Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” (Daniel 2:41-43)

Headline:  Eurozone ‘grinding to standstill’, OECD warns

The eurozone is “grinding to a standstill” and now poses “a major risk to world growth”, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has warned in a report which urges the European Central Bank (ECB) to expand its stimulus programmes. The stark warning is part of the biannual economic outlook report published on Tuesday (25 November) by the Paris-based think tank, whose members represent the world’s most advanced economies apart from China. “Intensified monetary support is critical to growth”, said Catherine L. Mann, the OECD’s chief economist and author of the Economic Outlook. The report calls on the ECB to “further expand its monetary support including through asset purchases [quantitative easing]”. “If demand does not pick up as projected, some economies, notably the eurozone, could get stuck in persistent stagnation”. The 18-country bloc is forecast to expand by 0.8 percent over the course of this year and by 1 percent in 2015, although both projections have been revised down this year as the eurozone’s fragile recovery has slowed.
Nov. 26, 2014 

Yale-study-predicts-huge-increase-in-Ebola-cases-in-LiberiaCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: Ebola outbreak: Sierra Leone workers dump bodies in Kenema

Headline: Number of Ebola cases nears 16,000 as Sierra Leone loses ground: WHO

Burial workers in the Sierra Leonean city of Kenema have dumped bodies in public in protest at non-payment of allowances for handling Ebola victims. The workers, who went on strike over the issue, left 15 bodies abandoned at the city’s main hospital. One of the bodies was reportedly left by the hospital manager’s office and two others by the hospital entrance. The workers have now been sacked for treating the corpses in a “very, very inhumane” way, an official said. Sierra Leone is one of the countries worst affected by this year’s Ebola outbreak, with more than 1,200 deaths. Kenema is the third largest city in Sierra Leone and the biggest in the east, where the Ebola outbreak first emerged in the country. The burial workers told a BBC reporter they had not been paid agreed extra risk allowances for October and November. The BBC’s Umaru Fofana in Freetown says the bodies  have now been taken away but the workers had refused to end their strike.
Nov. 25, 2014 

apostacyCooltextprophecysignApostasy & Alternative Lifestyles Amos 8:11, 1 Timothy 4:1-3 & Romans1:26-27 “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.” (1 Timothy) “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord God, “That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the Lord.” (Amos) “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due”(Romans)

Headline:  Arkansas, Mississippi overturn gay marriage bans

Arkansas and Mississippi became the latest two states Tuesday to have their gay marriage bans overturned by federal judges, but there are no rushes to the altar as both orders are on hold so the states can consider appeals. Like several states, Arkansas and Mississippi had voter-approved constitutional amendments pass in 2004 that defined marriage between one man and one woman. In Arkansas, U.S. District Judge Kristine Baker ruled in favor of two same-sex couples who had challenged the amendment. They argued the ban violated the U.S. Constitution and discriminated based on sexual orientation. “The fact that Amendment 83 was adopted by referendum does not immunize it from federal constitutional scrutiny,” Baker wrote in her ruling. Besides the amendment, Mississippi has a 1997 law that bans same-sex marriage. But U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves wrote in his ruling, “The Fourteenth Amendment operates to remove the blinders of inequality from our eyes. Though we cherish our traditional values, they must give way to constitutional wisdom. Mississippi’s traditional beliefs about gay and lesbian citizens led it to defy that wisdom by taking away fundamental rights owed to every citizen. It is time to restore those rights.
Nov. 25, 2014

no_christians_imageCooltextprophecysign Persecution Matthew 24:9 & Revelation 6:9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” (Matthew) “When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.” (Revelation)

Headline:  Atlanta’s Fire Chief Suspended For Publicly Professing Christian Beliefs

Even in Atlanta you will be made to care. Atlanta’s Fire Chief, Kelvin Cochran, has been suspended for one month for writing a book in which he maintains orthodox Christian beliefs on sex and marriage. According to the Atlanta Business Chronicle, Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran is suspended for one month without pay after publishing a book that says homosexuality and having multiple sexual partners is “vile,” “vulgar”, and “inappropriate”. The 162-page paperback titled “Who Told You That You Were Naked?” is being sold at Chief Cochran is an evangelical Christian who has not shied away from his faith in the past. He left the Atlanta Fire Department to take a job in the Obama Administration. He returned, however, to the city he loves to head its Fire Department. But the gay mafia is loudly complaining that Chief Cochran, by writing this book, will suddenly now not put out the fires of gay homes, or something like that. Specifically, the accusation is that by being honest about his orthodox Christian views on sex and marriage, Chief Cochran is undermining the public trust in him. You’d think the government would appreciate Kelvin Cochran being a role model to young black men in Atlanta, but they are instead much more focused on not offending the gay rights community. What Mayor Reed and the gay rights community are saying is that if you work for government you cannot be open about your Christian faith. Again, you will be made to care.
Nov. 25, 2014  

Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring


Headline: 5.8 magnitude quake hits China

A 5.8-magnitude earthquake today jolted China’s southwest Sichuan Province, three days after the mountainous region was devastated by a 6.3 magnitude quake. The quake hit Kangding County in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture at a depth of 16 kilometers at 11:19 pm, the China Earthquake Networks Centre said. Following the quake, many local residents rushed out of their homes to the streets, with some claiming that they felt much stronger jolt compared to the one that hit three days ago.
Nov. 26, 2014 

NOTE FROM FRANK 2 We will be off for the Thanksgiving Holiday until Monday December 1, 2014.  If any major news stories occur, they will be posted to our Facebook page. click the floating F facebook-icon  icon to go to Facebook.  We wish you and your families a very blessed Thanksgiving in our Lord Jesus. 


Up-date book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” Nov. 25, 2014


The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 25, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

Jordan/Israel Tensions Rise- Prophecy Signs for November 24, 2014



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 21, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Headline:   Israeli Cabinet moves to define Israel as Jewish

In a move likely to further inflame tensions with Israel’s Arab citizens, the Israeli Cabinet on Sunday approved a bill to legally define the country as the nation-state of the Jewish people. It now heads toward a full parliamentary vote on Wednesday. While many critics derided the measure as unnecessary, Netanyahu told his Cabinet the bill is a response to Israel’s Arab critics both inside and outside Israel who question the country’s right to exist. The bill calls not only for recognizing Israel’s Jewish character but for institutionalizing Jewish law as an inspiration for legislation and dropping Arabic as an official language. Netanyahu insisted that Israel would be both Jewish and democratic. “There are those who would like the democratic to prevail over the Jewish and there are those who would like the Jewish to prevail over the democratic,” he said. “And in the principles of the law that I will submit today both of these values are equal and both must be considered to the same degree.”
Nov. 23, 2014

Headline: Danish parliament to vote on Palestine recognition

Headline: UN chief: Palestinian recognition gains momentum

Danish MPs are to vote on a resolution instructing Denmark to recognise Palestine, but its foreign minister says the time is not right. The motion was introduced by deputies from three small left-wing parties: the Red-Green Alliance; the Socialist People’s Party; and Greenland’s Inuit Ataqatigiit. “The parliament instructs the government to recognise Palestine as an independent and sovereign state within pre-1967 borders and, by extension, [to] provide the state of Palestine with full diplomatic rights”, the draft text says. The Danish assembly is to hold a first debate on 11 December and to vote on a final text in early January. Meanwhile, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Monday the international community’s failure to advance a political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is spurring governments and parliaments to take action to recognize the state of Palestine – and “that momentum will grow.”
Nov. 24, 2014
****It looks like they’re going to do this one EU country at a time

Headline: U.N. Security Council vote on Palestinian statehood postponed

Headline: Abbas threatens to dissolve the Palestinian Authority

Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki has announced a draft resolution calling for a United Nations Security Council vote on Palestinian statehood will be tabled. In an interview with Ma’an News Agency, Maliki explained the Palestinian Liberation Organization had decided to postpone the draft resolution both because it was still gathering the necessary support from nine Council members and because of the ongoing Iranian nuclear negotiations. “The permanent member states have informed us that they would give priority to the Iranian issue not to the Palestinian statehood issue,” he noted. Maliki said that a draft resolution would be submitted once the Iranian nuclear talks have concluded and the PLO has acquired the requisite political support. It is unclear exactly when the resolution will be submitted. Some of the the Council’s five permanent members have expressed support for Palestinian statehood. On Sunday, Russian deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov told Interfax that “Russia is prepared to support this resolution, when and if it will be put to a vote.” Britain’s House of Commons held a symbolic vote in October supporting Palestinian statehood while France plans to hold a similar vote on Friday. Any of the five permanent members, however, would have the power to veto the resolution.
Nov. 24, 2014

Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)




Headline:  Jordanian MP Calls for Terrorism Against ‘Filthy Jews’

Headline:     Israel protests Jordanian PM’s letter of condolences to families of terrorists

Headline:    Jordan: Foreign Ministry to summon Israeli ambassador for statements in media

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has gone out of his way in recent weeks to assure Jordan’s King Abdullah that Israel is committed to the peace treaty between the two countries, repeating a pledge to even prevent Jews from praying at their holiest site – the Temple Mount – in response to Jordanian demands. But the Jordanian government has been striking a far less conciliatory tone, with ministers calling on the king to revoke the peace treaty with Israel. Last week, following the deadly attack at a Jerusalem synagogue, Jordan’s parliament held a minute’s silence and dedicated a special prayer – in honor of the two terrorists, who MPs hailed as “heroes”. In a TV recent interview, translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), one Jordanian MP provided an insight into just how hostile Jordanian parliamentarians are towards their country’s “ally.” Speaking to Roya TV, MP Rudaina Ati praised “the (Jerusalem synagogue) operation” for sending “a clear message to the Zionist entity and to Stink-iyahu,” referring to Israel with the term used by belligerent Arab states who refuse to recognize the existence of an independent Jewish state. “The (Jews) must reconsider what they are doing, because they always violate treaties and abide by none,” she continued, playing to anti-Semitic tropes popular in the Arab world. Ati called on Arabs to use violent “resistance” to “liberate Palestine from the colonialist Jews,” and stated that she believes in “the right of return” – referring to the demand to flood the Jewish state with millions of descendants of Palestinian Arabs who fled during the 1948 War of Independence, effectively liquidating the Jewish state. She even went so far as to caution the Palestinian Authority not to soften its stance or make any concessions to Israel. “The Palestinian Authority must not defend the interests of the filthy Jews on the land of Palestine,” she declared.
Nov. 24, 2014,7340,L-4595738,00.html


Headline:  Hezbollah stockpiling more efficient, advanced missiles

Hezbollah has acquired advanced Iranian missiles with “pinpoint accuracy” that provide a “real deterrence” to Israel, Sheikh Naim Qassem, Hezbollah’s deputy secretary-general, revealed Sunday. His comments to Iran’s Tasnim news agency came on the eve of a deadline in knife-edge nuclear talks between world powers and Iran amid waning hopes a deal can be struck in time. “They [the Israelis] are well aware that Hezbollah is in possession of missiles with pinpoint accuracy, and thanks to the equipment Hezbollah acquired, and with the Islamic Republic’s support and Hezbollah’s readiness for any future war, [the next] war will be much tougher for the Israelis,” Qassem was quoted as saying.
Nov. 24, 2014

Saudi-ArabiaSaudi Arabia

Headline: Saudi Arabia says Islamic State ordered attack on Shi’ites in al-Ahsa

Saudi Arabia has arrested the four main suspects in an attack on Shi’ite Muslims this month and believes it was ordered by Islamic State militants from abroad, the state news agency cited an Interior Ministry security spokesman as saying on Monday. Seven members of the Sunni-ruled kingdom’s Shi’ite minority were shot dead in the Eastern Province district of al-Ahsa on Nov. 3 as they marked their holy day of Ashoura. Saudi Arabia, the world’s top oil exporter, put down an upsurge of Islamist militancy a decade ago, but fears that jihadist groups such as Islamic State or the al Qaeda affiliate Nusra Front now operating in Syria or Iraq will radicalise Saudis to mount a new wave of strikes inside the kingdom. Last week, the ministry said militants were trying to attack Saudi Arabia, but that it was not aware of any evidence that the al-Ahsa attack had been coordinated with Islamic State. On Monday, the ministry spokesman said 77 suspects had been arrested so far, and that they were believed to include the four main perpetrators. He said the leader of the al-Ahsa attack had received orders from abroad, and that “the target, as well as those to be targeted and the timing were all specified for him, as well as the provision that the (attack) be carried out in al-Ahsa”.
Nov. 24, 2014 


Headline:  Egypt could send forces to stabilize future Palestine state

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sissi said in an interview published Sunday that he would be prepared to send troops to a future Palestinian state to help stabilize it. El-Sissi, who begins his first European trip on Monday, made the comments in an interview with Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. He is due to visit France and Italy, while the trip will also include a meeting with Pope Francis. He said he would send forces to a future Palestinian state in agreement with Israel and the Palestinian authority. “We are ready to send military forces into a Palestinian state,” he said. “We would help the local police and reassure the Israelis through our role as guarantor. Not forever, of course. For the time necessary to reestablish confidence. But first a Palestinian state must exist where troops can be sent to.” He said he had spoken of the idea with Israeli and Palestinian leaders.
Nov. 24, 2014

Headline:   Erdoğan reiterates refusal to accept Egypt’s Sisi as legitimate

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Monday that he will not accept Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as legitimate, and lambasted the countries that recognized his legitimacy. Erdoğan said he turned down the offers of some countries’ leaders who suggested the Turkish president reconcile with Sisi during the Second Turkey-Africa Partnership Summit last week. “I said I will not reconcile [with Sisi] or accept him [as legitimate],” Erdoğan said while addressing a meeting of an association promoting women’s rights in Ankara. Turkey fiercely criticized the coup that overthrew former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi last year. Former military leader Sisi toppled Morsi, who was elected in a free vote in July 2013, only a year after Morsi came to power. Turkey had forged a close alliance with Morsi before his ousting.
Nov. 24, 2014

   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:  al-Nusra militants seize Syrian Shiite villages

Militants of al-Nusra Front (Syria’s al-Qaeda) seized an area south of a Shiite Muslim village in northern Syria on Sunday after clashes with pro-government fighters, opposition activists said. The insurgents advanced overnight on al-Zahra, north of Aleppo city, seizing territory to the south and also trying to take land to the east in an attempt to capture the village, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. Al-Zahra and the nearby village of Nubl have been under a long siege by anti-government forces in an isolated Shi’ite area. The United Nations said in March that armed groups surrounding the villages had cut electrical and water lines supplying 45,000 residents. The army has used helicopters to drop supplies to the villagers. According to opposition activists the fighters also targeted Nubl and were seeking to capture both in the advance on the villages, which are located along a highway that leads to Turkey. Control of the villages could open up a new supply line into Aleppo for the insurgents. “We targeted the town with dozens of mortar shells and dozens of hell cannon shells but Nusra’s forces made progress and gain control of buildings which were in the first line of defense of Nubl,” said media activist Ahmed Hamidou who was accompanying battalions involved in the campaign. The clashes killed at least eight of the fighters advancing on al-Zahra and a number of fighters from the pro-government National Defense Force, the Observatory said.
Nov. 24, 2014

Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Iraq Headline: Bomb explosion claims 10 lives in Baghdad

At least 10 people have been killed and 30 others wounded in a bomb explosion carried out at a busy commercial district in the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad. Police sources said the attack hit a crowded market in Baghdad’s northeastern neighborhood of al-Sha’ab on Monday. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blasts. However, Iraqi officials usually blame such attacks on the ISIL Takfiri terrorists. The development comes a day after a car bomb attack at an outdoor market in the town of Yusufiyah, situated about 32 kilometers (20 miles) south of Baghdad, killed seven people and wounded more than a dozen others.
Nov. 24, 2014

Iraq Headline:  Dozens Killed, Wounded as Iraqi Forces Battle IS

Iraq Headline:  Peshmerga and Shiite militias vie for control of liberated town

Hospital officials in Iraqi Kurdistan said 20 fighters, including peshmerga and Shi’ite volunteers, were killed in a battle with Islamic State militants for control of two towns. At least 33 fighters were also wounded as Iraqi forces battled Sunday for control of Jalawla and Saadiya, north of Baghdad. In retaking the towns in the Diyala province, Iraqi troops forced the Islamic State fighters from areas they had held for months and cleared a main road from the capital, Baghdad, to Iran. Fighting continues, with some pockets of resistance outside the two towns, police officials said on Monday, adding that teams are working to defuse roadside bombs. Also on Monday, the U.S. Central Command said U.S. and its allies had conducted two dozen airstrikes against Islamic State militants since Friday, launching nine strikes in Syria and 15 strikes in Iraq.
Nov. 24, 2014

Iraq Headline:    ISW Iraq Situation Report Nov. 22-23, 2014 

Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  3 Kiev soldiers killed in E Ukraine

Fierce clashes between Ukraine’s government forces and pro-Russians have left three Ukrainian servicemen dead in the country’s restive east. The Ukrainian military said on Monday that the fatalities were reported over the past 24 hours, adding that government positions at flashpoints around the conflict zone saw 56 attacks. The mayor’s office in the city of Donetsk, meanwhile, said that 12 people were taken to hospital for treatment as they suffered shrapnel wounds over the weekend. Heavy shelling also inflicted damage on gas pipelines in the city, leaving more than 5,000 homes without gas in freezing temperatures.
Nov. 24, 2014


Headline:  Iran nuclear talks deadline extended to end of June

he deadline for a nuclear deal with Iran has been extended to the end of June after talks in Vienna failed to reach a comprehensive agreement. US Secretary of State John Kerry said that the talks had been “tough”, but “substantial progress” had been made. The parties will reconvene in December. Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani said most gaps had “narrowed” during the talks. Six world powers want Iran to curb its nuclear programme in return for the lifting of sanctions. Tehran says it is not seeking nuclear weapons, but wants atomic energy. The six countries – the US, UK, Russia, China, France and Germany – have been in negotiations with Iran to finalise a preliminary deal reached last year in Geneva. They have now agreed to extend discussions, with the aim of reaching a high-level political agreement by 1 March, and confirming the full technical details of the agreement by 1 July. Iran would be allowed to continue accessing $700m (£450m) a month in frozen assets during that period.
Nov. 24, 2014



****Clicking on the UNDERLINED sections will take you to the news link

Headline:   War News for Monday, November 24, 2014

British personnel leave southern Afghanistan

Reported security incidents
#1: Afghan officials say a suicide bomber has killed at least 50 people during a volleyball tournament in the country’s east. The match in the Paktika province district of Yahya Khel had drawn a large crowd. At least 80 more people were wounded in the attack and are being treated in various medical facilities in Kabul, the capital.

#2: Taliban gunmen wounded a polio health worker in northwest Pakistan on Monday, at the start of a fresh campaign to vaccinate children against the crippling disease, officials said. Two attackers fired bullets at the vaccinator as he came out of a health center in Shabqadar district in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.

#3: At least 40 Taliban militants were killed and 15 others were injured following military operations by Afghan national security forces in various provinces of the country. 




Headline: Forces backing elected Libyan government take town

Forces allied to Libya’s elected government seized a western mountain town after heavy airstrikes drove back rival militias on Monday, as warplanes also bombed Tripoli’s only functioning airport, killing two people, officials said. The bombings of Matiga air base — under control of Islamist-allied militias — appear to be part of efforts by the elected government to retake the capital. Authorities directed flights from Matiga to another airport in the western city of Misrata, according to an airport official who said that three missiles hit the military airstrip’s runway. Two people were also injured, he added, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief reporters. The airstrikes come shortly after combat in Kikla, about 80 kilometers (50 miles) southwest of Tripoli, came to an end after over 40 days of fighting between allies of the two rival camps. The battles left over 300 dead and nearly 1,000 wounded. Most residents were locally displaced and the Tripoli government called the town a “disaster zone.”
Nov. 24, 2014 




Headline:    Turkey to host training for 2,000 Syrian rebels: official

Turkish and U.S. forces will train 2,000 moderate Syrian rebel fighters at a base in the central Turkish city of Kirsehir as part of the campaign against Islamic State insurgents, a Turkish Foreign Ministry official said on Monday. Turkey had agreed in principle to train and equip Syrian rebel forces as part of the U.S.-led military campaign against Islamic State, but details on the numbers involved and where the training would take place had yet to be announced. The announcement comes after U.S. Vice President Joe Biden met with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul over the weekend to discuss Turkey’s role in the military coalition against Islamic State insurgents. The Turkish official said the 2,000 Syrian rebel fighters would be among a total of 5,000 being trained in several countries as part of the U.S.-led campaign.
Nov. 24, 2014

nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Ferguson Protesters Threaten to Rape and Kill Wives of Police

Headline: Grand Jury reaches decision in case of Ferguson officer

According to a report posted by the Pundit Press and Fox News, Ferguson protesters are threatening family members of police in the embattled Missouri city. The incident was witnessed by officials of the Obama Justice Department: According to the wife of one police officer, protesters have screamed profanity at her husband and specifically threatened to rape and murder her and her family should they ever find out the officer’s name. She said that protesters have told her husband, “we’re going to go to your house. We’re going to rape your wives then we’re going to kill them and we’re going to kill your children,” all while Department of Justice agents looked on. The Justice Department insists police in Ferguson wear identifiable name tags. The wife of a police officer was told by a Department of Justice agent that if police are “afraid of the citizens of Ferguson, they shouldn’t be police.” “You will never be safe, never in your life. None of you. Not you, not your children – none of you will be safe,” a protester told police last week. The protests have turned increasingly violent and racist. Earlier this month, a white man was attacked by protesters when he complained about them blocking a public street. In October, protest leader Ronnette Henderson promised there will be “a lot of bloodshed” if Wilson is not indicted and found guilty of killing robbery suspect Mike Brown. The same Pundit Press report mentioned a live Ustream video where a protester urges his “brothers” to “break some cracker skulls” if Wilson is not brought up on murder charges. Last week protesters chanted “What do we want? Darren Wilson! How do we want him? Dead” during a protest.
Nov. 24, 2014

Headline: Boko Haram Slaughters 48 Fish Vendors in Northeast Nigeria

Suspected Boko Haram extremists ambushed and slaughtered 48 fish vendors near Nigeria’s border with Chad, the head of their association said, the latest violence to hit the country’s volatile northeast. “Scores of Boko Haram fighters blocked a route linking Nigeria with Chad near the fishing village of Doron Baga on the shores of Lake Chad on Thursday and killed a group of 48 fish traders on their way to Chad to buy fish,” Abubakar Gamandi, head of the fish traders association, told AFP. Gamandi said that after setting up a barricade at Dogon Fili, 15 kilometres (nine miles) from Doron Baga in Borno state, the attackers stopped a convoy of fish vendors around midday, silently slaughtering some and drowning others in the lake. “The Boko Haram gunmen slit the throats of some of the men and tied the hands and legs of the others before throwing them into the lake to drown,” Gamandi told AFP by telephone from Maiduguri, the Borno state capital. It was unclear if the motive for the gruesome attack was robbery or if there were other reasons for the killings. Boko Haram has at times targeted residents seemingly indiscriminately in its deadly insurgency.
Nov. 24, 2014 


Cooltextprophecysign Wars & Rumors of Wars Matthew 24:6 , Revelation 6:3-4 & Revelation 6:8 “ And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword. Weapons of Mass Destruction Zechariah 14:12 “And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”

Headline:  North Korea Threatens Retaliation Over UN Rights Resolution

North Korea has issued a strongly worded statement warning of catastrophic consequences for the United States and other countries that supported the recent U.N. resolution condemning North Korea’s human rights record. North Korea’s threat to retaliate could signal that it intends to soon conduct a new nuclear test. The rare official announcement released by North Korea’s National Defense Commission reads more like a tirade. It refers to U.S. allies like South Korea as “riffraffs” — a term that means worthless. It calls North Korean defectors “human rubbish.” And it says the United States and its “follower forces,” meaning South Korea and Japan, will be “unable to escape the heavy blow of merciless punishment.” The threats come in response to a recent United Nations committee vote calling on the Security Council to refer North Korea to the International Criminal Court for alleged human rights violations. The Kim Jong Un regime is accused of operating a network of political prisons holding more than 100,000 people and atrocities that include “murder, torture, rape, and forced abortions.”
Nov. 24, 2014

Yale-study-predicts-huge-increase-in-Ebola-cases-in-LiberiaCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: Italian doctor in Sierra Leone tests positive for Ebola

Headline: Survivors’ blood may treat Ebola

An Italian doctor who tested positive for the Ebola virus while working in Sierra Leone will be flown back to Italy for treatment on Monday. The doctor’s infection is the latest example of the exposure risk faced by medical workers treating Ebola patients. Italian Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin said in a statement that “Our doctor is doing well, he didn’t have fever or other symptoms during the night, this morning he had breakfast, and is continuing to drink autonomously.” Officials did not identify the doctor, who was working for a nongovernmental organization in the West African nation, nor did they say how the disease was contracted. A military plane was expected to transport the doctor to Rome’s National Institute for Infective Diseases late Monday, with an update on the doctor’s health to be released Tuesday.
Nov. 24, 2014

Headline: Ebola Outbreak Map

***It takes approx.. 30 seconds to load to the current day’s date

Headline: HealthMap

Global leader in utilizing online informal sources for disease outbreak monitoring and real-time surveillance of emerging public health threats. The freely available Web site ‘’ and mobile app ‘Outbreaks Near Me’ deliver real-time intelligence on a broad range of emerging infectious diseases for a diverse audience including libraries, local health departments, governments, and international travelers.


November 19, 2014 – 15 Million Oysters dead from ostreid herpesvirus in Sweden

November 19, 2014 – Dead fish at Kapoho tide pools puzzle researcher, trouble neighbors- Hawaii

November 19, 2014 – Veterinarian fears that Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD) has become a permanent problem causing massive fish die-offs in parts of Norway

November 20, 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish appear in the Douro river in Spain

November 20, 2014 – Slaughter of fish in a pond in Louroux France

November 20, 2014 – Bird flu found at second Dutch farm

November 22, 2014 – New bird flu cluster identified in Netherlands– third outbreak

November 22, 2014 – Thousands of Fish Die at Washoe Lake Nevada

November 23, 2014 – Massive die off of fish found in the Araguari River, Brazil

November 23, 2014- Germany Reports 2nd Case of Bird Flu

November 24, 2014 – 500 sea lions found dead in Peru 

Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:  5.9 quake in western China kills at least 5 people, hurts 54

A strong earthquake that hit a sparsely populated, mountainous area of western China killed at least five people and injured 54 others, officials said Sunday. The injured included schoolchildren in a stampede. The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude-5.9 quake hit Saturday about 30 kilometres (20 miles) from the county of Kangding in Sichuan province. China’s seismological agency put the magnitude at 6.3. One person was also missing as of Sunday afternoon, according to a statement from the Ganzi prefecture government, which oversees Kangding. The four dead included a woman in her 70s who was struck by a falling window pane, the official Xinhua News Agency and state broadcaster CCTV said, citing Chen Yunbing, a doctor at the region’s Ganzi People’s Hospital. A stampede at a primary school in Tagong town during the quake injured 42 children, according to Xinhua. Thirty homes collapsed and 2,630 others suffered serious damage, the Sichuan government information office said.
Nov. 23, 2014

Headline: Cape Verde residents evacuated as Pico do Fogo volcano erupts

A volcano has erupted in the Cape Verde islands, causing hundreds of residents living in the vicinity to be evacuated and a local airport to be closed. A large plume of smoke was seen rising over the Pico do Fogo volcano, starting on Sunday. It is the first time the volcano on the island of Fogo has erupted since 1995. The Cape Verde government said civil protection workers and military were being sent to Fogo to help. There have been no reports of casualties. Officials said the signs were that the eruption was bigger than the last one, 19 years ago. They have warned that the situation is likely to deteriorate.
Nov. 24, 2014

Headline: Buffalo-area residents told to make plans for possible flood evacuation

Families in upstate New York rushed to pack up their valuables and schools closed in advance — not because of snow but because of possible flooding. Temperatures were expected to hit nearly 60 degrees on Monday, causing Buffalo area residents to prepare for evacuations caused by runoff from melting snow, and overflowing creeks. “Hopefully the rain won’t be here until later and this will be a slow thaw, but flooding is our major, major concern here,” said Michelle Pikula, whose house is along the Buffalo Creek. The National Weather Service has issued a flood warning for Monday and cautioned that trees weakened by heavy snowfall and saturated soil could come crashing down. High wind gusts of up to 60 mph also could topple electrical wires and trigger power outages. Forecasts call for rain showers on Monday and a chance of rain and snow showers by early Tuesday. Gov. Andrew Cuomo Sunday warned residents in flood-prone areas around Buffalo to move valuables up from the basement, pack a bag and prepare for the possibility of evacuation.
Nov. 24, 2014   

DiMora on the Wall with Israeli Flag

Another big earthquake added to the 2014 list/Nov. 23, 2014




Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates.The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 21, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.


Earthquake anim.gif (6792 bytes)Cooltextprophecysign  Luke 21:11 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from    heaven.” 


In my post two days ago I warned you to watch for more “great earthquakes” because that was one of the signs Jesus gave us to watch for. Well, we didn’t have to wait long because there was another big quake that hit Japan.







 There is another earthquake coming that I have been warning you about and, that is the coming conflict between Israel and Iran. For the past 6 years I have been trying to get you to see God’s word concerning the Ezekiel 38 war prophecy is heading toward us with great speed. Below you will see some of my warnings. Knowing President Obama will do nothing concrete to stop Iran’s quest to get a nuclear bomb to be used against Israel, I have warned that Israel will have to take action against Iran to stop them from getting a device that would wipe out the state of Israel. 




There hasn’t been much about the tensions over Iran’s nuclear quest in the news lately but, I can assure you Israel has not stopped getting ready to take the nuclear sites out. Today there was a report out of Israel dealing with this issue as you can see from the headline below.  I laugh every time someone tells me  President Obama is the Antichrist. Obama is a very weak President and much of the world sees him as such.  Unlike Obama who bows down to men as we have seen during his visits to the Arab world, the Antichrist will bow to no man.  We know this because in the scriptures we see the Antichrist making everyone bow down to him or die.  The Antichrist will be like a superman which the world will see he has great powers and, when this man speaks the world will listen to him.  As I have been saying for the past six years Iran isn’t listening to Obama and is not afraid of Obama hence they haven’t stopped their quest in getting a nuke with Israel’s name on it.  One thing is clear Iran and Israel will be warring soon.  Will Iran come against Israel alone. From Ezekiel 38 we can answer that question. The answer is no. Iran will join Russia and many Islamic  nations in an attempt to get rid of Israel once and for all.  Most of the world is in the dark concerning this prophecy either because their pastor doesn’t teach the entire bible or, they never read the entire bible for themselves.  It is for this reason that people like myself are doing what we can to expose not only the Ezekiel 38 war prophecy but, the Psalm 83 war prophecy as these two prophecies will be finished shortly.  As I said many times before if you don’t believe just keep you eyes on news about the 1. Jewish Temple Mount, 2. Israel building home in East Jerusalem, and 3. the failed peace talks. These are three issues pushing the next war.


Headline:Concerned about nuclear pact, Israel weighs action against Iran: Jerusalem Post


14 Hours

“The nuclear pact being negotiated between Iran and world powers is unpalatable to Israel, and may hasten the prospect of a military confrontation with Tehran, The Jerusalem Post reported on Saturday. As the globe’s six big nuclear powers inch toward a Nov. 24 deadline to strike a comprehensive deal with Iran, sources within Israel’s government told the publication that the proposal to curb Tehran’s nuclear ambitions would all but guarantee the standoff would continue. Outlines of the deal would restrict Iran’s nuclear program for ten years, and cap its ability to weaponize fissile material to at least nine months, the Post reported. Tehran has yet to indicate its agreement. However, Israeli officials told the paper that intelligence surrounding the program was still unclear over how extensive the nuclear program was, and Israel appears unwilling to take the risk.”


Brinkmanship Heightens as Deadline for a Nuclear Deal With Iran Looms


Timeline on Iran’s Nuclear Program


Exclusive: Cornered but unbound by nuclear pact, Israel reconsiders military action against Iran


NOTE FROM FRANK 2If you just found my site please take advantage that I do not charge anyone to read my book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth.  Click the link and read the book for free today. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 21, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora. If you haven’t heard about the Psalm 83 war or the Ezekiel 38 war you will get all the details about these wars in my book as will as all the documentation showing you these two wars will be fought soon.

Another Big Quake/Nov. 21, 2014

Lastchroniclesfirelogo FotoFlexer_Photo Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates.The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 21, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.



Earthquake anim.gif (6792 bytes)More news on earthquakes

This report has a video with it.

Darks Days for Jerusalem- Prophecy Signs for November 22, 2014

thepicture_thumb2.jpg Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 19, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora. The Rapture of the Church is now included in my last chapter of the Nov. 19, 2014 book

caution-signI must caution you: there are links used to report events below that you should use extreme caution in viewing- they are anti-Israel sites and Arabic media sites.

Berkeley Student react to ISIS flag vs. Israeli flag

Now that you have seen the video I have a few things I would like to ask you. Do you suppose all those people who saw the ISIS flag being waved by this man were afraid to say anything to him for fear he would attack them?  Could this be the reason why almost no one said anything to him?  Why is it that everyone he confronted about ISIS agreed with him when he asked?  Again was it out of fear that they agreed with him or, could it be that we have young minds one this campus that really don’t know what ISIS is all about or what they are doing?  You heard one man say good luck. Does this man know what ISIS has done or, is he someone this campus has to worry about?  Let’s say this was someone really from ISIS waving an ISIS flag and all of a sudden he attacked someone with a blade and cut off some ones head on campus. What do you think the people who just walked by him and side nothing would say?  Maybe this campus a wake up call!  I suggest the person waving the ISIS flag to back to the same spot at the campus only this time has some huge blow up pictures of ISIS beheading people who do not follow them. Maybe just maybe someone would take a stand against what he was saying concerning ISIS. Then again I wouldn’t doubt that the people who walked by went home turned on their computers and played those killing games most of our young minds are playing these days.  Maybe headings has become common place to them as a result of being desensitized from all these violent games? 


Hitler là huấn luyện viên đội tuyển Đức!

I think someone should tell these college students how Hitler started!  His regime began with one voice much like ISIS. One flag waved in the hands of Hitler and as a result 7 million Jews were brutally killed just the same way that ISIS is now doing to all those who oppose this organization.  I wonder what would be said if the man waving the ISIS flag at this college campus looked like the picture below?

psoaaa3qqawas0qwius One thing is for sure, Hitler began small but at the end of the day most of the world had to take him on.  ISIS is going to be the same way! I am sure glad none of my kids went to Berkeley!

Watch the video from KTLA news in the article.

Parents React After Son Forced to Recite, “All People Must Submit to Allah” in School [VIDEO]


Headline:   IDF identifies four rocket launch tests from Gaza into sea in past 24 hours The IDF said it identified on Thursday morning a rocket launch from the central Gaza Strip into the Mediterranean Sea. This was the fourth such launch from the coastal territory in the past day the IDF spokesperson said. The army said that the launches suggest that “Gaza terrorists are experimenting in order to increase rocket launching capabilities.” Last month, code red alerts sent tremors across the Gaza border, as residents in southern Israel fled to shelters for cover, a scene reminiscent of the 50-day war that dominated the summer. In that case, the sirens turned out to be false alarms, likely triggered by rocket launching tests within the Hamas-controlled coastal enclave. Israel believes that Hamas has deployed forces near the border fence to prevent rocket fire and maintain quiet. However, Hamas is continuing to launch test rockets into the sea and is also acting to renew weapons smuggling into Gaza. Nov. 20, 2014

Headline: New Scandal Envelops UNRWA as Employees Praise Jerusalem Synagogue Atrocity Among the many Palestinians who openly celebrated Tuesday’s terrorist atrocity at a synagogue in Jerusalem, during which four worshippers and a police officer were brutally murdered, were several employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA.) Popular Jewish blogger Elder of Ziyon has amassed evidence of UNRWA employees lauding the Jerusalem attack, among them Maha al Mosa, an UNRWA teacher in Syria who prayed for the two terrorists to be accepted in “paradise” as “martyrs,” Ibrahim Hajjar, another teacher based in Hebron, who published a poem praising the terrorists, and another Syrian-based teacher who, using a pseudonym, posted a celebratory picture of Adolf Hitler on his Facebook page. The UN Security Council yesterday condemned the Jerusalem atrocity as a “despicable terrorist attack.” On the ground, however, it is clear that many of the international organization’s employees have a very different interpretation of Tuesday’s slaughter, and are not afraid to say so. Nov. 20, 2014

Muslim Terror

Headline: Hamas Threatens: All Israeli Leaders ‘Legitimate Targets’ Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri justified a foiled plan to assassinate Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) on Friday, claiming that while he does not personally know of information regarding the plot, “all the leaders of the occupation are considered legitimate targets for resistance.” “The leaders of the occupation, who are responsible for the killing of women and children and the desecration of holy places, are legitimate targets,” he said, in remarks translated by Channel 10 news. On Thursday, the Israeli Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet) revealed that three Hamas terrorists had been planning to assassinate Liberman during Operation Protective Edge over the summer by buying RPG missiles and then launching them at the foreign minister’s car, in hopes that the attack would stop Israel’s military operation in Gaza. Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahar on Sunday declared that the group was intending to widen its terror scope throughout Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and that it intends to continue to lead the Palestinian Arab camp which advocates for armed struggle until Israel is destroyed. Nov. 21, 2014

Headline: Police Prepare as Hamas Calls for Clashes in Judea and Samaria

Headline: Security Heightened in Jerusalem’s Old City Ahead of Prayers

Headline: Hundreds riot throughout West Bank after Friday prayers

Hamas is attempting to stir up tensions in Judea and Samaria on Friday, specifically near the Qalandia checkpoint in Jerusalem’s north and in Hevron. News of a potential “day of rage” in the making surfaces after the Israel police announced that no restrictions would be levied on Muslims entering the Temple Mount on Friday, the second week in a row of kowtowing to pressure from the Jordanian Waqf following a meeting in Amman between US Secretary of State John Kerry, Jordan’s King Abudullah II, and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. On Thursday, Palestinian Arabs launched several rock attacks at Israeli civilians and police. Rocks were thrown at bus line 388 in the Arad metropolitan area located in the Negev, injuring one passenger and damaging the bus – the third such incident in the area Thursday. Two other rock attacks were reported nearby against civilian vehicles, injuring a motorist. Meanwhile, riots continue in Jabel Mukabar in Jerusalem, where Arabs continue to throw rocks against police to protest the demolition of the homes of the terrorists responsible for Tuesday’s Har Nof massacre. Police and Border Patrol forces stationed in the neighborhood were attacked with rocks Thursday, but no injuries were reported; riot dispersal measures were used. Also Thursday, in Abu Dis to the east of Jerusalem, dozens of Palestinians rioted, burned tires and threw rocks at security forces. Forces responded with riot control measures. Nov. 21, 2014

Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)


Headline: Three rockets crash near Lebanon’s southern border Three rockets crashed Thursday near an Israeli radar station in the heights of Mount Hermon. Security sources could not determine whether the explosives resulted from Israeli training maneuvers or from clashes between forces allied with the Syrian regime and the Syrian opposition on the eastern part of Mount Hermon. No casualties have been reported as a result of the attack. Nov. 20, 2014

Saudi-ArabiaSaudi Arabia

Headline: Saudi Arabia asks UN to blacklist Hezbollah Saudi envoy to the U.N. Abdullah al-Muallemi asked Wednesday the Security Council to add Hezbollah to its sanctions lists. In addition to Hezbollah, Muallemi also called on the Security Council to blackilist Shiite Iraqi militia, the League of the Righteous, and the Shiite Syrian militant group, the al-Abbas Brigades. The U.N. Security Council on Wednesday added Libya’s Ansar al-Sharia to its terror list over the Islamist group’s ties to Al-Qaeda, AFP said Wednesday. An arms embargo, assets freeze and global travel ban targeting the Libya extremists went into force at the request of Britain, France and the United States. Nov. 20, 2014


Headline:  Five police wounded in Cairo blast A bomb wounded five policemen near a Cairo university Thursday, and four people were hurt in a panicked crush after an explosion at a train station in the Egyptian capital, security officials said. The five policemen, including two officers, were hurt when a bomb exploded at a small post near Helwan University in southern Cairo, security officials said. But the interior ministry said assailants in a speeding car threw a bomb at the policemen near the university, wounding four officers and a conscript. Meanwhile on Thursday, four people were injured in a stampede at the capital’s Ramses station after a blast inside a compartment of a train that pulled in from the Nile Delta, security officials said, adding that the blast was caused by a “sound bomb.” In other developments, in the delta province of Sharqiya, three empty state transport buses were set on fire in separate incidents by unknown people, the officials said. Nov. 20, 2014

   Damascus ISIS Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan

Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan


Syria Headline:  Al-Qaeda militants seize last Assad stronghold in southern Syria On Thursday, militants of al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda branch in Syria) controlled the city of Baath in the province of Quneitra, the last headquarter of the regime’s army in southern Syria. According to military sources, the town of Khan Arnaba in the vicinity of the city of Baath is the only location under the control of the pro-Assad forces. Al-Nusra insurgents intensified its military operations in the province of Quneitra (near the Israeli border) earlier this week, in an attempt to take over the entire province for strategic reasons. Hundreds of civilians escaped the city of Baath earlier this week, amid the intensification of violence in the area, heading towards Damascus. After controlling the southern province, al-Nusra rebels aim to make their way to the capital Damascus Nov. 21, 2014

Syria Headline:    ISW Syria Update Nov. 10-18, 2014

Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights


Iraq Headline:  Iraq launches operation to free Hit The Iraqi military, supported by Shia fighters and volunteer forces, has mounted an offensive to liberate the town of Hit in Iraq’s restive western province of Anbar. The operation comes as Iraqi troops have already succeeded in freeing al-Doulab area near Hit from the ISIL Takfiri militants’ grip. The terror group seized control of Hit in October after the Iraqi army withdrew from its last base there. Hit is a walled market town some 130 kilometers (80 miles) west of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. Iraqi army forces have recently broken the siege on the country’s main oil refinery in restive Salahuddin Province where security forces are fighting the ISIL terrorists. Nov. 20, 2014


Iraq Headline:  ISIL launches offensive against central Iraqi city

Iraq Headline:  IS Claims “Liberating” Pablan Village in Iraq’s Diyala Province

Iraqi security officials say the ISIL Takfiri militants have mounted a major offensive on the central city of Ramadi as the terrorists are seeking to gain ground in Iraq’s troubled western province of Anbar. “ISIL launched a surprise attack from four directions — north, west, east and south of Ramadi,” a local first lieutenant police officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Friday. The officer also stated that the ISIL members have detonated car bombs targeting Iraqi security forces in the city, located about 110 kilometers (68 miles) west of the capital, Baghdad. The center of Ramadi has remained under the Iraqi government’s control, but neighborhoods around the city have been captured by the militants. Hathal al-Fahdawi, an Anbar Provincial Council member, said that the attacks started at 3:00 a.m. local time (0000 GMT) on Friday. “The mortar fire has been continuous since midnight,” police captain Qusay al-Dulaimi said. Nov. 21, 2014

Iraq Headline:    ISW Iraq Situation Report Nov. 18-19, 2014

Iraq Headline:   ISW Control of Terrain in Iraq: November 20, 2014

rise of ISIS

Headline:  ISIS Sanctuary Map: November 20, 2014 This map, covering both Iraq and Syria, shows the extent of ISIS zones of control, attack, and support throughout both countries. ISIS Map November 20

Headline:  Islamic State releases video encouraging terror attacks in France The Islamic State has released a video message encouraging Muslims in France to join the terror group. In the video, four purportedly French men urge those in France who aspire to join IS to travel to Iraq and Syria. For those that cannot travel to the conflict region, they encourage jihadi aspirants to “operate within France.” “Terrorize them and do not allow them to sleep due to fear and horror… Do whatever you can to humiliate them,” a man identified as Abu Salman al-Faranci says in the video. The men criticize the French government, which is part of the U.S.-led international coalition against IS. “We disbelieve in you and your passports,” a masked man says, “and if you come here we will fight you.” Some of the men are shown burning what appear to be French passports. The video follows an announcement by French prosecutors that two of its citizens, Maxime Hauchard and Michaël Dos Santos, both 22, have been identified as IS militants in an execution video of American Peter Kassig. Nov. 20, 2014

Headline:   Anti-IS coalition heads to Brussels for first meeting

Headline:  Next Steps for U.S. Foreign Policy on Syria and Iraq The 60-odd members of the US-led global coalition to counter Islamic State (IS) are to meet for the first time in early December in Brussels. The gathering comes amid larger discussions how to counter a security threat which some EU states now consider a top priority. Led by US general John Allen, who had earlier commanded the 150,000 US and Nato forces in Afghanistan, the coalition meeting in Brussels is being billed as a co-ordination event. “It’s made up of many diverse actors, all seized with the reality of degrading and defeating ISIL [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] as a global challenge,” Allen said in Washington in mid-October. The coalition includes all 28 members of Nato. Nato itself is not part of it, but may in the future provide administrative co-ordination or intervene on training and humanitarian missions. Some Arab states have also signed up, but have chosen not to go public in fear of generating domestic dissent. Nov. 20, 2014–%20Kim%20Kagan%20–%20Nov%202014.pdf

Psalm 83 Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above).  Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel. Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia. Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan. Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan. Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. Gomer is Eastern Germany. Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia.


Headline:  Russian bombers threaten Guam

Two Russian strategic bombers circled the U.S. island of Guam last week in what U.S. defense officials say is the latest in a series of nuclear provocations by Moscow. The bombers were identified by air defenses as Tu-95 Bear H nuclear-capable aircraft that circumnavigated the strategic U.S. military outpost on Friday—amid heightened tensions with Moscow regarding a new buildup of Russian forces in and along the border of eastern Ukraine. “U.S. Pacific Command can confirm that two aircraft circumnavigated Guam on November 13th,” said spokesman  Maj. Christian Devine. “The aircraft were flying safely in international airspace and in accordance with international norms; as such, the decision was made to not intercept them.” Friday’s flights were the second time in the past two years that Russia conducted unusual long-range bomber missions around the island. Two Tu-95s circled the island on Feb. 12, 2013 and were intercepted by F-15 jets. Nov. 20, 2014

Headline: Russia warns against US arms supply to Ukraine

Russia has expressed concern over a US official’s suggestion that the US should provide arms to Ukrainian forces combating pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. According to The Guardian, Russian foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said in Moscow that the US official’s sent a “very serious signal”. The statement came just hours before US vice-president Joe Biden ‘s scheduled visit to Kiev on Thursday. Lukashevich warned against “a major change in policy of the US administration in regard to the conflict” in Ukraine, the report said. Lukashevich said that the move would be a direct violation of the agreements reached. US State Department spokesman Jeffrey Rathke said the United States was still assessing better ways to support Ukraine, adding that nothing was “off the table”. Nov. 21, 2014

AfghanistanAfghanistan   ****Clicking on the UNDERLINED sections will take you to the news link



Headline:   War News for Friday, November 21, 2014

#1: Four Taliban militants who attacked a compound housing foreign workers in the Afghan capital were killed Wednesday night in a failed assault there, police said, the latest violence targeting foreigners in the country. One attacker died when he detonated a vehicle packed with explosives near the gate of the Green Village compound in eastern Kabul, police chief Gen. Mohammad Zahir said. Police officers killed the other three attackers in a shootout, Zahir said. “There were no civilian or military casualties,” Zahir said.

#2: A rocket fired by militants slammed into Afghan eastern Assadabad city, leaving one person dead and injuring six others on Thursday, police said.

#3: A U.S. drone strike killed six suspected militants in northwestern Pakistan, security officials said on Friday, as al Qaeda said two members of the group had been killed in a previous strike. Two missiles struck a house in Mada Khel village of the North Waziristan tribal region near the Afghan border on Thursday night, said a security official based in the area.

#4: A bomb hit a passenger train in the restive southwestern Pakistan province of Balochistan yesterday, derailing it and wounding three passengers, officials said. The bomb in the Dasht region hit the moving Bugti Express about 30km before its final destination of Quetta, the provincial capital of Balochistan. The train was coming from the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore.

#5: A bomb attached to a motorcycle struck an army vehicle in northwestern Pakistan on Friday, killing two soldiers, a police official said. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack. The bomb exploded as the army vehicle was passing by on a road on the outskirts of the city of Peshawar, the capital of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, said police official Roohullah Bangash.

#6: Afghan security forces have pressed on to clear the militants in restive provinces and killed 30 militants in the latest operations, the country’s Interior Ministry said on Friday.

#7: According to recent reports, Pakistani forces fired tens rockets in different parts of Kunar and Nooristan provinces. A police commander in the east of the country said BNA, the attacks had no casualties but inflected financial damages to residents of the area. A tribal elder of Kamdish district of Nooristan province said that two civilians were wounded in the attacks. 




Headline:   Iraq, Turkey Vow to Work Together Against IS Group Iraq’s prime minister said on Thursday that his country and neighboring Turkey have agreed on closer security and intelligence cooperation in the face of the threat posed by the Islamic State group. “We have a key agreement to exchange information and have full security cooperation,” Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi told a news conference after talks with his visiting Turkish counterpart, Ahmet Davutoglu. “The Turkish prime minister also wants us to have military cooperation in the face of terrorism and Daesh and we welcome that,” said al-Abadi, using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group. Davutoglu confirmed the two sides’ agreement on closer security cooperation. “I can say that Daesh threatens both Iraq and Turkey, but we will cooperate and do everything we can to stand up to terrorism,” he said. “There is a new page in relations between Turkey and Iraq and that is why I hope that there will be close cooperation between our security and intelligence agencies to defeat terrorism.” Nov. 20, 2014




Headline:   Armenia violates ceasefire with Azerbaijan Armenian armed forces have broken ceasefire with Azerbaijan 63 times in numerous positions in the last 24 hours, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry reported on November 21. Armenian armed forces, located near the villages of Shikhlar, Sarijali, Yusifjanli, Shuraabad, Bash Gervend of the Aghdam district, Kuropatkino of the Khojavend district, Horadiz, Garakhanbayli, Ashagi Veyselli, Ashagi Abdurrahmanli of the Fizuli district and Mehdili of the Jabrayil district opened fire at Azerbaijani positions. Azerbaijani positions also took fire from the positions located at the nameless heights of Khojavend, Fizuli and Jabrayil districts. The enemy was silenced with return fire. Nov. 21, 2014

nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: ‘Open Rebellion’: Chaos if Republicans Don’t Withhold Funding for Obama Executive Amnesty

Headline: Is Obama Trying to Cause Civil Unrest in America?

Conservatives say that Republican leaders, including House Speaker John Boehner and incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, will be “complicit” in President Barack Obama’s planned executive amnesty if they don’t pull out all the stops to block him. They warn that chaos is around the corner if that’s how it goes down, even though they’d much rather have Republican leaders fight the president alongside them. “Fight or be complicit in lawlessness,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton told Breitbart News, is the message to congressional GOP leaders on Obama’s amnesty. If Republicans move forward with the plan from House Appropriations Committee chairman Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY) to fund the entire government—including Obama’s executive amnesty, which the president is set to announce on Thursday night—in an omnibus spending bill, a Senate GOP aide told Breitbart News conservatives will spread chaos across Washington. “If Obama announces executive amnesty and the House passes an omnibus with no language blocking it, there will be no Senate vote, because conservatives will burn down the Capitol,” the aide said. When asked to clarify if he was serious they’d burn the building to the ground—or if he was speaking metaphorically—the aide said “open rebellion.” Nov. 19, 2014

Headline: Ferguson police arrest more protesters

Growing unrest in Ferguson led to the arrests of more protesters Thursday night as residents grow wearier ahead of the town’s grand jury decision on whether or not to indict officer Darren Wilson on charges in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Police did not confirm an official tally. The Chicago Tribune reported at least six were arrested. Protesters blocked the street in front of the police station and taunted police officers until they were pushed back by the officers in riot gear, the Wall Street Journal reported. A grand jury is expected to return a decision any day now, which is sure to spark a riot in Ferguson. There has not been an official date set for the decision. As protesters hope for an indictment, a union official told the Associated Press they are not expecting charges to be filed. Nov. 21, 2014

Headline: Protest over 43 missing students in Mexico turns violent

A largely peaceful march by tens of thousands demanding the return of 43 missing students ended in violence, as a small group of masked protesters battled police in Mexico City’s main square. The march late Thursday sought the return of the students from a rural teachers’ college. Nov. 20 is usually a day reserved for the celebration of Mexico’s 1910-17 Revolution, but Mexicans were in no mood for celebrations. Many of the marchers carried “mourning” flags with Mexico’s red and green national colors substituted by black stripes. The protesters converged on the city’s main square, where families of the missing students stood on a platform in front of the National Palace holding posters of their relatives’ faces. Amid chants for President Enrique Pena Nieto to step down, family members repeated that they do not believe the government’s account that the youths were killed by a drug gang. After most of the protesters left the square, a small group of masked youths began battling police with rocks and sticks. Police responded with fire extinguishers to put out fires set by the youths and to force them off of the square. Police charged across the square to drive the protesters out. At least two news photographers, including one from The Associated Press, were injured by police, who took two cameras and some lenses from the A.P. photographer. Earlier in the day, about 200 youthful protesters, some with their faces covered by masks or bandannas, clashed with police as they tried to block a main expressway to the international airport. Protesters hurled rocks, fireworks and gasoline bombs at the police, at least one of whom was hit by the projectiles. Some passengers had to walk to the terminal, but flights were not interrupted and expressways were reopened. Nov. 21, 2014

Headline: Tear gas and chaos shut down Nigeria’s parliament

Nigerian police fired tear gas and prevented the Speaker of the lower house of parliament, who has defected to the opposition, from presiding over a session on Thursday. Senate President David Mark shut down the national assembly, postponing debate on a bill to extend a state of emergency in three states hit by insurgency, after the chaos erupted. “After a due consultation with my colleagues in both chambers of National Assembly on this ugly development we have therefore agreed that today’s session be suspended forthwith,” Senate President David Mark said, adding that the assembly will reconvene on Tuesday. Nigeria, Africa’s top oil producer, is battling a currency crisis exacerbated by falling global oil prices, as well as the Islamist insurgency in three northeastern states. Parliament was convening for the first time since Speaker Aminu Tambuwal, whose post is the fourth most powerful in the country, switched political sides before presidential elections in February to join the opposition to President Goodluck Jonathan. Reuters reporters saw some lawmakers from the opposition All People’s Congress scaling the wall and gate of the assembly as they tried to force a way in for Tambuwal, while the police and a few soldiers prevented them. Pandemonium broke out as hooded policemen entered the main lobby of the assembly and fired tear gas. Nov. 20, 2014

Headline: Boko Haram kills about 45 people in attack on Nigerian village, report says

The leader of a vigilante fighter group in Nigeria says Boko Haram militants have killed about 45 people in an attack on a village. Muhammed Gava of the Nigeria Vigilante Group says the assault occurred Wednesday in Azaya Kura village in northeastern Nigeria’s Borno state. He told The Associated Press on Thursday that the heavily armed Boko Haram militants surged through the village in several trucks. The village is about 25 miles from Maiduguri, Nigeria’s capital. Nov. 20, 2014

Headline: Pakistani soldier killed in fresh Kashmir firing: military

Headline: Bomb attack kills two troops in northwest Pakistan

A Pakistani soldier was killed Thursday in firing by Indian troops in the disputed Kashmir region, the military said. Recent exchanges of fire across the de facto border between India and Pakistan in Kashmir, which both countries administer in part but claim in full, have killed at least 20 civilians and forced thousands to flee their homes. A military statement said “Indian troops resorted to unprovoked firing” at the Line of Control in the Pandu sector near Muzaffarabad on Thursday evening. “A Pakistan Army solder embraced shahadat (martyrdom). Pakistani troops befittingly responded to Indian firing,” it added. The nuclear-armed neighbors, who have fought two wars over Muslim-majority Kashmir, have traded blame for the upsurge in firing and shelling which started on October 6. Nov. 21, 2014

Headline: Yemen’s AQAP says Houthis will pay for push into country Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, reacting to the loss of its strongholds to Shi’ite Houthi fighters, has accused its opponents of acting as a proxy for the United States and threatened renewed violence against them. In an audio message on jihadist websites, al AQAP’s military commander Qassim al-Raymi called the Houthis “the new rented gun for the enemies of Islam”. “You have to know that the mosques of Muslims that you blew up along with their homes and schools, will not just pass unnoticed and you will pay the price dearly,” he said. The Houthis’ Ansarullah movement has become the main political force in Western-allied Yemen since it captured the capital Sanaa in September and then pushed into the Sunni Muslim heartland of al-Bayda province, where Ansar al-Sharia, the local AQAP affiliate, has allied itself with tribes. Nov. 21, 2014

Yale-study-predicts-huge-increase-in-Ebola-cases-in-LiberiaCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: Ebola has so far killed 5,420 people: WHO

Headline: Doctor’s Death Pushes Mali’s Ebola Toll to Seven

Headline: U.S. to allow people from nations hit by Ebola to stay temporarily

The Ebola epidemic has so far claimed the lives of 5,420 people all around the world, while more than 15,145 people have been infected, the World Health Organization (WHO) says. The virus has been most devastating in the West African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, which have seen the most fatalities with 2,964, 1,250 and 1,192 deaths, respectively, the WHO announced on Wednesday. However, the WHO predicts that the number of Ebola victims is likely to be much higher than the official statistics, considering the 70-percent mortality rate. Nov. 20, 2014

Headline: Ebola Outbreak Map ***It takes approx.. 30 seconds to load to the current day’s date

Headline: HealthMap Global leader in utilizing online informal sources for disease outbreak monitoring and real-time surveillance of emerging public health threats. The freely available Web site ‘’ and mobile app ‘Outbreaks Near Me’ deliver real-time intelligence on a broad range of emerging infectious diseases for a diverse audience including libraries, local health departments, governments, and international travelers.

no_christians_imageCooltextprophecysign Persecution Matthew 24:9 & Revelation 6:9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” (Matthew) “When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.” (Revelation)

Headline:  Kenya: Youth Kill Two Christians after Police Raid Mosques

Three people died in Kenya when a group of young people armed with machetes attacked people in a Kenyan coastal town. Two of the three people killed were Christians, according to reports. Mombasa county police are saying that about 10 youths were part of the attacks. Two other people were also wounded in the scuffle. “We have launched an operation which is still ongoing, and so far we have arrested 16 suspects,” said Mombasa county police commander Robert Kitur. The attacks came after police raided two Mombasa mosques on Monday, taking weapons and books they claimed were militant-related. In the raid, police arrested about 250 people and killed one man, who police say tried to attack them. Police believe the mosques are linked to Somali militant Islamic group al-Shabab. The mosques are thought to be used to train and recruit militants. A few hours after the police raid, the masked youths attacked people waiting at bus stops. Nov. 19, 2014

Frank Watchman

Drought, Famines, The Bee Deaths, and, the Rising Food Prices part 1 and 2

A two video teaching on Droughts, Famines, Bees dying off, and how we are seeing Rising food prices. Lastchroniclesfirelogo FotoFlexer_Photo Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436 indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 19, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora. The Rapture of the Church is now included in my last chapter of the Nov. 19, 2014 book      

Warning Signs of the 3rd Temple being built soon! – Prophecy Signs for November 19, 2014



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 19, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora. The Rapture of the Church is now included in my last chapter of the Nov. 19, 2014 book

caution-signI must caution you: there are links used to report events below that you should use extreme caution in viewing- they are anti-Israel sites and Arabic media sites.

The video below is my YouTube warning which I showed you a short clip in the video above.


Headline:   78 new East Jerusalem settler homes approved: municipality

The Jerusalem municipality said it approved Wednesday the construction of 78 new homes for Jewish settlers in two neighbourhoods of occupied Arab east Jerusalem. The announcement comes with tensions in the Holy City at the highest in years, partly over Palestinian objections to Jewish settlers moving in. Municipal spokeswoman Brachie Sprung said 50 homes will be built in Har Homa and 28 in Ramot.
Nov. 19, 2014

Headline:  Israel Denounces Spanish Parliament Recognition of ‘Palestine’

Israel denounced as unhelpful on Wednesday a vote by the Spanish parliament, hours after a deadly Jerusalem synagogue attack, which called on Madrid to recognize a “Palestinian state.” In a highly symbolic move, Spanish MPs adopted almost unanimously a motion urging the conservative government to recognize “Palestine” in coordination with any similar move by the European Union. The vote, which aims to impose a “two-state solution” onto Israel, follows similar moves in Britain and Ireland last month. French parliamentarians will also vote on the matter on November 28. So far, none of the governments have heeded the calls. The vote took place several hours after two Palestinian terrorists staged a frenzied attack with meat cleavers and a gun at a synagogue in Jerusalem, murdering four rabbis at prayer and a policeman, and drawing an angry response from Israel. “The declaration of the Spanish parliament only distances the chance of reaching an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, because it encourages the Palestinians to become more extreme in their positions,” a foreign ministry statement said. “It would have been better if the Spanish parliament had instead chosen to do the right thing by condemning the abominable slaughter carried out by inflamed Palestinians in a synagogue in Jerusalem.”
Nov. 19, 2014

CooltextprophecysignI Thessalonians 5:3,4: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”  

Headline: Violence in East Jerusalem; ‘Intifada starts today,’ Palestinian kids say

Headline:  Police Make it Official: Intifada 2014

Scores of young Palestinians, some as young as 10, took to the streets Wednesday in East Jerusalem, after Israeli security forces demolished the home of a terrorist who plowed his car into a crowd of people waiting at the Ammunition Hill station of Jerusalem’s Light Rail on Oct. 22, killing three-month-old Haya Ziesl Baron. The youths burnt tires, blocking the entrance to Shuafat, and threw stones at the police checkpoint. A number of children aged 9 and 10 even wore masks and shouted “we will keep fighting to the end.” “The intifada has started,” a 17-year-old told Ynet. “We won’t remain quiet about what happens in East Jerusalem and inside Al-Aqsa. We will continue to struggle and support terror against Israel, that is the only solution we have to save ourselves.”
Nov. 19, 2014,7340,L-4593804,00.html


Headline:  Iran Threatens to Flood Gaza With ‘Millions’ of Iranian Fighters

Headline:  Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei Tweets 9-Point Plan to Annihilate Israel

The head of Iran’s Basij paramilitary force has claimed it is raising an army of “millions” to flood Gaza and Syria to support Tehran’s allies. Fars, Iran’s semi-official newspaper, reported that that Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, Commander the Basij paramilitary force, as saying: “Millions of Basijis (volunteer forces) are ready in Iran to be dispatched to Syria and Gaza and they have come to us (for registration).” Iran’s Basij forces are much feared inside the country and known for their brutality in quashing anti-government dissent. They were highly utilized during Iran’s violent repression of the student protests in the wake of the Iranian elections of 2009. Thousands of Iranian volunteers – mostly tied with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards force – are already reportedly fighting alongside pro-regime forces in Syria, where Iran is attempting to forge a Syrian Hezbollah composed of Shia Islamist foot-soldiers. Brig. General Naqdi’s threat to inundate Gaza, and even Judea and Samaria if possible, with Iranian militiamen comes of the heels of Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei’s call to arm the “West Bank just like Gaza.” In fact, Brig. General Naqdi himself elaborated on Iran’s plans to arm its Hamas and Islamic Jihad allies in the “West Bank” just as it has in Gaza stating that: “The most serious job is that they need to receive the necessary training and skills; as today, Gaza has its own defensive industry and they have stood on their feet, we also try to implement the same plan in the West Bank, God willing.”
Nov. 19, 2014 

Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83) 



Headline: Syria clashes rattle Lebanon border villages

Mortar blasts and heavy machine gun fire rang out overnight around Assal al-Ward, a Syrian town along the border with Lebanon, security sources said Wednesday. The sources said smoke billowed into the sky from the shelling, which raged well into the night. Residents could hear mortar blasts and machine gun fire from the fighting between Syrian Army forces and their allies, and rebels. The fighting startled residents around Brital and other villages in Lebanon’s eastern mountain range, which were attacked last month by Nusra Front militants in a brazen show of force that took the country by surprise.
Nov. 19, 2014

Headline:    IS Demands Release of Five Islamist Inmates in Return for Each Captive Serviceman

The Islamic State group announced on Wednesday its readiness to release the Lebanese soldiers and policemen, who were taken captive by the jihadist group along with al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front in August, if the Lebanese state sets free five Islamist inmates in return for each captive. MTV quoted a Syrian source in Syria’s al-Qalamoun area as saying: “The IS agrees to kick off negotiations with the Lebanese side as soon as possible.” “The group is demanding five Roumieh inmates in return for each captive after sympathizing with the relatives of the soldiers and policemen.” Earlier on Wednesday, al-Mustaqbal daily reported that IS is demanding the release of 22 Islamist inmates from Lebanese jails in return for setting free one of the soldiers or policeman taken captive. The newspaper quoted official sources as saying that the IS called for the release of 22 of the inmates in a prisoners swap. The Nusra has said that the hostage crisis would end if 10 inmates held at Lebanese prisons would be freed for each hostage or seven Lebanese inmates and 30 female prisoners held in Syria would be released for each abducted soldier and policeman or if five Lebanese and 50 women inmates would be freed.
Nov. 19, 2014

Saudi-ArabiaSaudi Arabia

Headline:  Saudi Arabia leans on Gulf states to close ranks as region boils

Gulf Arab states have shelved a bitter row among themselves, hoping to repair an alliance that has been sorely tested by chaos in the Middle East and the prospect of an Iranian nuclear deal that could tilt the regional balance of power toward their old foe Tehran. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain agreed at a meeting on Sunday to return their ambassadors to Qatar, signaling an end to an eight-month dispute over Doha’s backing of Islamist militants in Syria and elsewhere and its promotion of Arab Spring revolts. Officials said the possibility of a thaw in relations between Tehran and the United States, the Gulf States’ main ally, following any nuclear accord was a constant preoccupation of Gulf Arab rulers, but was not the immediate cause of Sunday’s agreement. The rulers instead appear to have mended fences for fear the row would otherwise spin out of control, possibly leading to a boycott of the annual summit their six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) alliance to be hosted by Qatar next month. Nevertheless the top GCC concern is to protect its members, who see themselves as a rare Arab bastion of security, with Iraq and Syria at war, Yemen and Libya in chaos, Egypt destabilized and Lebanon undermined by the turmoil on its borders. Referring to the region’s difficulties, Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber al-Mubarak al-Sabah said the accord among Gulf states was important because without it they would be “vulnerable to storms”, the state’s al-Rai newspaper said on Tuesday. “GCC disunion was probably deemed as too dangerous by Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries for the stability of the region,” said Jean-Marc Rickli, assistant professor at the department of defense at King’s College London, based in Doha. The Gulf’s Sunni Muslim dynasties also want to counter Iran, which they regard as an expansionist Shi’ite power bent on exporting its Islamic revolution to the Arab world.
Nov. 19, 2014

Headline:    Saudi Arabia expands Iraq buffer zone

Saudi Arabia has expanded a buffer zone that it has set up along its northern border with Iraq. “The depth of the border has been increased by 20 kilometers (12 miles)”, the Saudi Press Agency quoted Mohammed al-Fahimi, a spokesman for the country’s northern region border guards, as saying on Tuesday. However, Fahimi did not cite the previous depth of the buffer zone. Saudi border officials also urged the kingdom’s citizens to stay away from the buffer zone. In September, Saudi Arabia announced that it had installed multilayered fences, radars and other surveillance facilities along its borderline with the neighboring Iraq, where a US-led coalition have been waging airstrikes against the positions of ISIL Takfiri terrorists. Saudi Arabia claims the buffer zone is created to protect the kingdom against the infiltration of weapon smugglers, drug traffickers and outlaws. Saudi Arabia has an 800-kilometer border with Iraq.
Nov. 19, 2014


Headline: Rocket attack in Egypt’s Sinai claims 10 lives

At least ten people have been killed in a rocket attack in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. Egyptian security and medical officials said on Tuesday that the people lost their lives after the rocket struck a house in the country’s violence-stricken Sinai Peninsula. The fatalities were three children, three women and four men, the medical sources added. Whether the rocket was fired by the Egyptian army or militants is not yet clear.
Nov. 19, 2014

   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:  Dozens of civilians killed as barrel bombs hit ISIS-held areas in Aleppo

On Tuesday at least 20 people were killed and dozens others injured, due to aerial bombardment by the pro-regime air force on the city of  al-Bab in Aleppo province, northern Syria, locals reported. Speaking to ARA News in Aleppo, civil rights activist Imad Hussein reported that the pro-Assad helicopters dropped two barrel bombs on areas controlled by militants of the Islamic State (IS/ISIS) in the city, killing about 20 people, including civilians and members of the IS. “Other areas in al-Bab were exposed to similar attacks which claimed lives of about 70 others, including civilians and members of the IS group,” Hussein said. “The injured were transferred to field hospitals in the city.” Meanwhile, the pro-regime forces (stationed in Kweris military airport) targeted residential neighborhoods in the city of al-Bab with heavy artillery. In southern Syria, civil rights activist Haitham Nassar told ARA News in Daraa that a number of civilians were injured Tuesday morning, due to the bombardment of residential neighborhoods in the city of Inkhil in the Daraa suburb by pro-Assad warplanes.

Nov. 19, 2014

Syria Headline: ‘Kurds enter Kobane’

Syrian Kurds fighting the Islamic State group in the flashpoint town of Kobane made new gains on Tuesday, expelling the Jihadists from several central buildings and seizing weapons, a monitor said. The advance came hours after the US-led coalition launched four strikes against IS positions in central Kobane, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) staged a “special operation” during which they captured six buildings used by IS, said the Britain-based group, which relies on a network of sources in Syria. Thirteen IS fighters were killed, it said. The Kurds “captured a large amount of weapons and ammunition, including RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) rounds, light weapons, sniper guns and thousands of heavy machinegun rounds,” the Observatory said.
Nov. 19, 2014

Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Iraq Headline: Iraq: IS stole 1m tons of grain, took it to Syria

Iraq believes Islamic State militants have stolen more than one million tons of grain from the country’s north and taken it to two cities they control in neighboring Syria, the agriculture minister has said. Falah Hassan Al-Zeidan said in a statement posted on the Agriculture Ministry’s website on Sunday that the government “had information about the smuggling by Islamic State gangs of more than one million tons of wheat and barley from Nineveh Province to the Syrian cities of Raqqa and Deir Al-Zor.” Reuters was unable to verify the information. When Islamic State pushed from Syria into northern Iraq in June, they swiftly took over government grain silos in Nineveh and Salahadeen provinces, where about a third of Iraq’s wheat crop and nearly 40 percent of the barley crop is typically grown. The former head of the Grain Board of Iraq told Reuters in August that Islamic State militants had seized 40,000 to 50,000 tons of wheat in Nineveh and the Western province of Anbar and transferred it to Syria for milling.
Nov. 19, 2014

Iraq Headline: Heavy clashes erupt in western Anbar

Security source reported on Wednesday that heavy clashes erupted between the Iraqi Security Forces in one side and the terrorists of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in western Anbar province. The source told “The clashes started in areas of Khamsa Kilo and Saba’ Kilo of western Ramadi,” noting that “Terrorists of the ISIL were forced to flee from the battle, leaving their weapons and vehicles behind due to the clashes.”
Nov. 19, 2014

Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Nov. 17, 2014

Kurdish Headline: Suicide car bomber hits in regional Iraqi Kurdish capital of Irbil, killing at least 4

Kurdish Headline: Kurdish Official: Islamic State has Claimed Responsibility of Erbil Attack

A suicide car bomber struck in the heart of the northern Iraqi Kurdish city of Irbil on Wednesday, killing at least four people, a spokesman said. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the midday attack near the ancient citadel in Irbil, capital of the semi-autonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq, though it bore the hallmarks of the Islamic State group. Three of the four people killed in Wednesday’s explosion were guards, said Hamza Hamid, a spokesman for the Irbil governor. The Iraqi Kurdish health ministry reported at least 22 were wounded. Hamid said the attack took place “right in front of the main entrance of the building of Irbil governorate,” which is near the citadel. Security forces and others gather at the site of a suicide attack in Irbil, capital of the semi-autonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq that took place near the city’s historic citadel on Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014. The bomber struck in the heart of the northern Iraqi Kurdish city, killing several people, according to initial reports in local Kurdish media. Mayor Nawzad Hadi told the state-run Rudaw TV channel that the bomber tried to enter the citadel grounds but failed, so he detonated his explosives-laden car outside the complex.
Nov. 19, 2014–Iraq 

Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Ukraine rules out direct talks with separatists

Russia urged Ukraine’s leaders on Wednesday to talk directly to separatists to end the conflict in the east, but Kiev rejected the call and told Moscow to stop “playing games” aimed at legitimizing “terrorists”. Kiev and the West accuse Russia of destabilizing Ukraine by providing the rebels with money, arms and reinforcements. The West has imposed sanctions on Moscow over the conflict in which more than 4,000 people have been killed since mid-April. Russia backs the separatists but denies it is directly involved in the conflict in the Donbass region. “We are calling for the establishment of stable contacts between Kiev and Donbass representatives with the aim of reaching mutually acceptable agreements,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in a policy address to the lower house of parliament in Moscow. But Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk hit back, accusing Moscow of trying to push Ukraine into recognizing the pro-Russian rebels who are fighting government troops to split parts of the eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions from Kiev. Speaking at a government meeting, he declared Kiev would not speak directly to the separatists and repeated the phrase slowly in Russian for emphasis, saying: “We will not hold direct talks with your mercenaries.”
Nov. 19, 2014


Headline:Iran Using Chinese Bank to Transfer Money to its Elite Force

Iran has been using a Chinese bank to transfer funds to companies linked with its army, according to a Western intelligence report reviewed by the Reuters news agency. The report says that a company by the name of Shenzhen Lanhao is one of several companies in China that receives money from Iran through a Chinese bank. Such transfers help to finance international operations of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ elite Quds Force. Quds Force provides arms, aid and training for pro-Iranian groups in the Middle East, such as Hezbollah, Hamas and Shiite Muslim militias in Iraq. They have also armed and trained government forces in Syria’s civil war in violation of a UN arms embargo, U.S. and European officials say. Washington designated the Quds a supporter of terrorism in 2007. The European Union sanctioned them in 2011. The report seen by Reuters said that the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) holds accounts with the Bank of Kunlun Co. Ltd., a China National Petroleum Corp unit. Quds-controlled Iranian companies, including one called Bamdad Capital Development Co., initiate transfers from these accounts to either Chinese entities directly controlled by the Quds or to Chinese entities owed money by the Quds, such as Shenzhen Lanhao. “The money transfers from accounts held by the CBI with Bank Kunlun are initiated by the Quds Force and transferred to Chinese companies connected to the Quds Force in order to meet its financial needs,” the seven-page report said.
Nov. 19, 2014



****Clicking on the UNDERLINED sections will take you to the news link

Headline:   War News for Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014

Reported security incidents

#1: A grenade attacked killed two policemen and wounded another in Charsadda on Tuesday, police said. The incident happened in the Shabqadar area of the district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province. Two men riding a motorbike threw a hand grenade on a police vehicle patrolling the area, killing two policeman and wounding another one,” said district police chief Shafiullah Khan.

#2: Security officials said military planes pounded positions of the banned Lashkar-i-Islam (LI) and Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in Nakai and Kukikhel areas of Tirah valley, killing seven militants and destroying three of their hideouts. The claim could not be independently verified.

#3: Meanwhile, sources in Mehraban Kalay of Tirah valley said that a man was publicly killed by militants on a charge of spying.

#4: A suicide car bomb rocked Shinkai district in the southern Afghanistan’s Zabul province on Wednesday, leaving the bomber dead, provincial police chief Ghulam Sakhi Rogh Liwanai said. one police was slightly injured in the blast.

#5: At least 91 armed oppositions were killed following clearing operations led by Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) during the last 24 hours in several provinces of the country.

#6: In a drone attacks of NATO forces in Kunar province 4 armed rebels killed including two commanders.

#7: Compound housing foreigners under attack in Kabul, police say





Headline: UN announces 12-hour truce in Libya’s Benghazi

Libya’s warring parties in the eastern city of Benghazi agreed to a 12-hour humanitarian truce Wednesday. U.N. Special Representative Bernardino Leon said the U.N.-brokered cease-fire started at 7 a.m. Wednesday and could be extended by the involved parties. Leon’s statement described it as a “much-needed reprieve from the violence.” It said the Red Crescent will evacuate civilians from affected areas as well as retrieve bodies of those killed in the fighting. Samir Ghattas, spokesman for the U.N. mission, said that “this and other confidence-building measures would certainly help in creating an atmosphere conducive for dialogue.” Witnesses said the violence calmed considerably after the truce was announced but the sound of light clashes was still audible.
Nov. 19, 2014


Headline:   Islamic State expands presence, seizes coastal city in Libya

The Islamic State has seized control of the coastal city of Derna (Darnah on map above) on Libya’s Mediterranean coast. The terror group’s trademark black flags are now flying over government buildings. According to CNN, IS is in complete control of the city, located about 200 miles from the European coast. The Derna branch is composed of 800 fighters who operate six or so camps outside of town, with larger training facilities located in the Green Mountains. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed leader of IS, said in an audio recording posted online last week, “We give you good news by announcing the expansion of the Islamic State to new lands … the lands of Al Haramayn [Saudi Arabia], Yemen, Egypt, Libya and Algeria.”
Nov. 19, 2014 




Headline:  Turkey: US not meeting its conditions for bigger Syria role

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Wednesday expressed frustration that the U.S. and its allies were not responding to conditions set for his country to play a greater role in the coalition against militants in Syria. His complaint came as a U.S. special presidential envoy, John Allen, visited Ankara for previously unannounced talks with Turkish officials. Turkey wants the United States to help train and equip a large contingent of rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA) forces to fight against the regime of President Bashar Assad and also wants to creation of a long security zone inside Syria along the Turkish border. But speaking to reporters at Ankara airport before heading on a trip to Africa, Erdogan said that the coalition “had not made the steps we asked them for”. Turkey has so far refused to play a full role in the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS jihadis who have captured swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria right up to the Turkish border.
Nov. 19, 2014

nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Yemen Shia fighters take control of strategic town

Yemen’s Shia Ansarullah fighters have managed to push al-Qaeda militants out of the southwestern strategic town of Rada’. The Ansarullah fighters, who have the support of allied tribesmen, are now in full control of the strategic town, said Ali Qahum, a top member of the Ansarullah movement, on Tuesday. The situation is calm in the town and the al-Qaeda terrorists have escaped to the Yakla district near the city of Ma’rib, he added. The Ansarullah revolutionaries have also expressed readiness to withdraw from Rada’ in case the Yemeni army is able to restore peace and security to the violence-stricken town. The town had been under the control of al-Qaeda militants since early 2012.
Nov. 18, 2014

Headline:  Indian police, guru supporters clashes injure 200

Clashes between the supporters of a spiritual leader and security forces have left around 200 people injured in India’s northern state of Haryana. Thousands of the supporters of Rampal Maharaj, a self-styled Hindu guru, engaged in clashes with Indian police forces in the town of Barwala on Tuesday. Around 200 people, including 100 members of the security forces, were wounded in the violent clashes. The clashes erupted after the police forces tried to enter Rampal’s heavily-protected ashram in order to arrest him. India’s security officials claim Rampal is employing people as human shields in order to impede his detention. “The police tried to break down the wall of the ashram today, because we believe that the people who are inside are not really supporters but are being used as human shields,” SN Vashisht, an Indian police chief, told reporters. “We will not stop until we catch this criminal,” Vashisht added.
Nov. 19, 2014 

Yale-study-predicts-huge-increase-in-Ebola-cases-in-LiberiaCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: India isolates man with Ebola-infected semen

Headline:  Cuban Doctor Catches Ebola in Sierra Leone

Headline:  NYC Woman on Ebola Watchlist Dies Bleeding From Mouth, Authorities Say “Heart Attack”

An Ebola survivor has been quarantined in India after his semen tested positive for the virus, health officials there have announced. The 26-year-old man, an Indian national, traveled to New Delhi from Liberia on November 10, almost two months after he was hospitalized in the West African nation after showing symptoms of the illness, India’s health ministry said in a statement. He was released from the Liberian hospital on September 30 with documents declaring him free of clinical signs linked to Ebola, the ministry added. As a precautionary measure, Indian authorities carried out tests on his body fluids, which confirmed traces of the virus in his semen, the statement said. “Currently, this person is not having any symptoms of the disease. However, he would be kept under isolation in the special health facility of (the) Delhi Airport Health Organization, till such time his body fluids test negative and he is found medically fit to be discharged,” it said.
Nov. 19, 2014

Headline:  Egyptian woman dies of bird flu, second death in two days

An Egyptian woman died on Tuesday of H5N1 bird flu after coming into contact with infected birds, the second death from the disease in two days and the third in the country this year, state newspaper Al-Ahram reported. The 30-year-old woman was from the province of Minya, south of Cairo, the health ministry said in a statement reported by Al-Ahram on its website. She died in a hospital in the southern city of Assiut. A 19-year-old woman died of bird flu on Monday in Assiut. The ministry was quoted by Al-Ahram as saying that they have identified a total of seven cases of the virus this year, including the three who died. The World Health Organization warns that whenever bird flu viruses are circulating in poultry, there is a risk of sporadic infections or small clusters of human cases, especially in people exposed to infected birds or contaminated environments.
Nov. 19, 2014

Headline:  14 Dead, 650 New Cases as Mumbai Battles Dengue

In Mumbai, 14 people have died from Dengue this year and nearly 650 cases have been reported in Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) run hospitals alone. Although it has not been declared an epidemic yet, public health experts say the huge spurt in the number of cases is worrisome. Dr Om Shrivastav, Director of Department of Infectious Diseases at Jaslok Hospital, told NDTV, “It certainly has the proportion to be defined as an epidemic. Private practioners and laboratories also have seen a rise in cases and the total number of cases are more than what is being reported.” The alarm bells are ringing as the number of cases has jumped four times since last year – while 150 cases were reported in BMC run hospitals in 2013, this year that number has crossed 650.
Nov. 19, 2014

Headline: Ebola Outbreak Map

***It takes approx.. 30 seconds to load to the current day’s date

Headline: HealthMap

Global leader in utilizing online informal sources for disease outbreak monitoring and real-time surveillance of emerging public health threats. The freely available Web site ‘’ and mobile app ‘Outbreaks Near Me’ deliver real-time intelligence on a broad range of emerging infectious diseases for a diverse audience including libraries, local health departments, governments, and international travelers.


November 14, 2014 – Dead fish kill found in a channel in Italy

November 14, 2014 – Thousands of Dead Fish Poisoning Citizens in Indonesia

November 16, 2014 – Thousands of dead fish found in a lake – Adiyaman, Turkey

November 16, 2014 –  Heat kills off thousands of flying foxes (bats) –Australia

November 17, 2014 – Hundreds of dead fish cleared from Kukkarahalli Lake India

November 17, 2014 – Bird flu outbreak: 6,000 ducks to be killed in Yorkshire, England

November 17, 2014 – Dutch to cull 150,000 chickens after detection of bird flu

November 18, 2014 – Dead animals and contaminated environment due to kerosene leak in Rome, Italy

November 18, 2014 – Dutch seals dying from severe flu

November 18, 2014 – Hundreds of seals die of avian flu in Germany; This is the first time we have verified this virus in our seals 

Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:  Five dead as monster storm dumps historic amount of snow

A monster lake-effect snowstorm that pummeled areas from South Buffalo to Alden with up to 6 feet of snow in 24 hours is responsible for at least five deaths, authorities reported. Three of them succumbed, apparently from heart problems, two of them while shoveling the deep snow. Another was killed while attempting to push a car out of a drift. The fifth storm fatality, announced by county officials this morning, was a 46-year-old man discovered in his vehicle buried in snow in Alden. There is no name for the great wall of lake-effect snow that unleashed historic amounts of snow through the midsection of Erie County and to the south Tuesday while the sun shone brightly on the northern half. Lancaster, South Cheektowaga, Elma, Alden and West Seneca took the brunt of the attack, along with areas like Hamburg, Orchard Park and East Aurora and towns and villages further south. While 60 inches of snow was reported at a site a mile southeast of Lancaster, forecasters noted that just six miles northwest from that spot, only 3.9 inches fell at Buffalo Niagara International Airport.
Nov. 19, 2014

Headline:  Albania army on standby as floods kill 3

Flooding in Albania has killed three people, after torrential rain caused power and water supply cuts and closed schools in the west and south of the country, authorities said Wednesday. A 60-year-old man and his 26-year old daughter were found dead after their car was swept away by floodwaters in Lac, northwest of the capital, Tirana, late Tuesday. A 21-year-old motorcycle driver was also found dead in Lac, while his teenage passenger was rescued. The heavy rainfall also flooded the main streets and buildings in Tirana and the western port city of Durres. The government said the army was on standby to help emergency service workers with evacuation efforts, as more heavy rain was expected.
Nov. 19, 2014

9-12-14 John 16-33


November 18, 2014


indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 12, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

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Prophecy Signs for November 17, 2014



Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93436

indexBible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Please don’t forget to subscribe to receive my daily prophecy up-dates. The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 12, 2014 Edition written by Frank DiMora.

caution-signI must caution you: there are links used to report events below that you should use extreme caution in viewing- they are anti-Israel sites and Arabic media sites.


Fatah blesses terrorists for heeding call: “Jerusalem needs blood to purify itself of Jews”


Headline:   EU proposal could punish Israel for settlements

Headline:  EU mulling envoy recall if settlement activity continues

An internal European Union document proposes unspecified “actions” against Israel for its settlement activities in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, reflecting unhappiness with the lack of progress in Mideast peace efforts. The document, known as a “nonpaper,” is a proposal that is meant to serve as a basis for discussion among the EU’s 28 member states. While it is far from becoming policy, the document noted that it was drawn up with “inputs” by member states, indicating at least some support for the proposals. The document calls for unspecified moves against European companies operating in Israeli settlements. It also proposes actions against settlers themselves, including a “no contact” policy toward settler organizations, and a refusal “to engage with settlers,” including public figures who oppose the establishment of a Palestinian state.
Nov. 17, 2014

Headline:  UN Blames ‘Occupation’ for Jerusalem Violence, Calls for Talks

A senior UN official warned the Security Council on Monday that violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories was likely to worsen without a quick return to peace talks, AFP reports Monday. “Returning to negotiations has never been more important,” UN Assistant-Secretary General Jens Toyberg-Frandzen told the 15-member council, during a meeting on the Middle East. “Without a genuine commitment from the parties and an overall improvement in the lives of Palestinians, we should anticipate further deterioration of the security situation and an expansion of the current violence,” he said. It is unclear why the UN believes that the peace process will help rather than exacerbate violence in the capital. An Israel Security Agency (ISA) study revealed last year that terror only escalated since the latest round of peace talks began in 2013. The appeal followed a visit to the region last week by US Secretary of State John Kerry, who sought to ease tensions over Jerusalem, which has been wracked by violence. The capital has been subjected to months-long rioting on the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site, and to multiple terror attacks over the past several weeks.
Nov. 17, 2014

Headline:  Hamas Calls for Escalation After Arab Bus Driver’s Suicide

Headline:  Riots as Arab Bus Driver’s Death Blamed on ‘Settlers’

Headline:  Hamas Leader: We Plan to Carry Out Terror from Judea and Samaria

In the wake of allegations that bus driver Yusuf Hasan al-Ramuni was killed by “Israeli settlers”, Palestinian terror organization Hamas called for an escalation [of violence] against Israel, Walla! News has reported. Al-Ramuni, an Egged bus driver from the A-Tur neighborhood in eastern Jerusalem, was found hanged on Sunday night in his bus at the Har Hotzvim industrial zone bus depot in northern Jerusalem. His death, an apparent suicide, is quickly being portrayed by some other Arabs as a “murder” to incite riots. According to Palestinian news agency Al-Ra’i, Hamas responded to al-Ramuni’s death with the following statement: “This murder proves Israel’s racism and the reaction to it should be an escalation of resistance by any means.” Hamas leader Izzat al-Rishq also took to Twitter, writing on his account that, “the blood of martyr Yusuf Hasan al-Ramuni, who was murdered by hanging in Jerusalem, will become a fire engulfing Israel.”
Nov. 17, 2014

Psalm 83 Foto Flexer bb_thumb2.jpg

Cooltextprophecysign“Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” (Psalm 83)


Headline: ISIS postpones hostage executions

ISIS had given 4 p.m. as ultimatum for the Lebanese government to revoke death sentences handed down to Islamists in Roumieh Prison, threatening to execute seven captives. The move created a climate of hysteria among the captives’ families, who escalated their continuous protest and blocked the Charles Helou road, which is the northern entrance of Beirut. Families of captive servicemen have re-opened roads across Lebanon after receiving assurances that ISIS will not behead the seven hostages it threatened to kill Monday. “Some calls were made, and the threat has been delayed,” Health Minister Wael Abu Faour told reporters after he visited protesters near Beirut’s Saifi neighborhood. “We gained some time. I can only say that we gained some time, nothing more.” Abu Faour said both the families and Lebanon’s negotiators were contacted with news of the delay.
Nov. 17, 2014

Headline:    Special Lebanon Court permits prosecutor to bring evidence against Assad in Hariri case

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon decided on Friday to allow prosecutors to present new evidence against Syrian President Bashar Assad in the case against mainly Hezbollah operatives for the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Lebanon’s Daily Star reported that prosecutors will seek to expose Assad’s role in the massive February 14, 2005 bombing that killed Hariri and 21 others, a major change in strategy and one which is only likely to further controvertialize the court. Because the case is against five senior Hezbollah operatives for killing its former Sunni leader, it essentially pits the country’s Shiites against its Sunnis in a region where the two sides are already at loggerheads or outright war.
Until now the prosecution had carefully steered clear of accusations against Syria, trying to avoid further controversy and diplomatic opposition from Syria’s supporters and it did not explain the reason for the timing of the change in strategy. Assad has lost considerable standing in much of the world over the course of the ongoing Syrian civil war and is not as strong politically as he was when the trial started. The new evidence focuses on the breakdown of relations between Hariri and Assad.
Nov. 16, 2014



Headline: Egypt to deepen buffer zone with Gaza after finding longer tunnels

Headline:    IS-allied Sinai terrorists vow to ‘liberate Jerusalem’

Egypt will double to one kilometer (0.62 mile) the depth of a security buffer zone it is clearing on its border with the Gaza Strip after some of the worst anti-state violence since President Mohamed Mursi was overthrown last year. Egypt declared a state of emergency in the border area after at least 33 security personnel were killed last month in two
attacks in the Sinai Peninsula, a remote but strategic region bordering Israel, Gaza and the Suez Canal. It also accelerated plans to create a 500-metre deep buffer strip along the border by clearing houses and trees and destroying subterranean tunnels it says are used to smuggle arms from Gaza to militants in Sinai. “A decision was taken to increase the buffer zone along the border in Rafah to one kilometer. The decision … came after the discovery of underground tunnels with a total length of 800 to 1,000 meters,” the state MENA news agency said.
Nov. 17, 2014

   Damascus ISIS
Syria Iraq ISIS- the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (the Levant) ISIS=ISIL=IS=Daash

Syria    IraqKurdistan


Iraq                              Syria                          Kurdistan

Syria Headline:  Peace-talks between the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria

Syria Headline: Fighters from the Al Nusra front, the group known as Syria’s Al Qaeda affiliate, haVE taken an oath of allegiance to support the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) militant Islamist group.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper is said to have told CBS’s 60 Minutes that he has observed tactical cooperation between the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and Jabhat al-Nusra (JN). The two global, Salafi jihadist groups are engaged in an ideological struggle, or fitnah. They are competing for the leadership of the fight in Syria and recognition by the al-Qaeda movement, which has been conducting mediation attempts between the two since 2013 and in 2014 recognized JN as its official affiliate in Syria. Director Clapper’s statements challenge recent public reports of their negotiations, which suggest that more fundamental mediation may be underway, indicating the possibility of heightened cooperation in coming months. The interview has not aired, and his statements may be more nuanced than the advanced press publicizing the show. But the issue at hand should not be whether more than tactical cooperation has already been observed, but rather, whether conditions are being set that will favor operational cooperation between ISIS and JN in the medium term. The mediation effort may not quickly result in Baghdadi and his inner circle reconciling with JN leader Abu Mohammed al-Joulani, but the groups are eventually likely to cooperate at the operational and strategic level, as they share mutual goals. In the short term, this may include joint action against the Assad regime, which could relieve pressure on ISIS from the regime in Deir ez-Zour and embolden JN to initiate offensive operations against the regime on battlefronts that have stalled. Furthermore, ISIS is under stress in Iraq, and may pursue the acquisition of manpower and other support from JN in Syria in order to reinforce and retake the offensive.
Nov. 15, 2014

Syria Headline: Syrian rebels abandon Aleppo, leader flees to Turkey

The Free Syrian Army (FSA), the recognized armed opposition group against the Bashar al-Assad in Syria, has ceased its resistance in Aleppo, Syria’s second biggest city, withdrawing its 14,000 militia from the city, a ranking Turkish security source told the Hürriyet Daily News on Nov. 17.
“Its leader Jamal Marouf has fled to Turkey,” confirmed the source, who asked not to be named. “He is currently being hosted and protected by the Turkish state.” The source did not give an exact date of the escape but said it was within the last two weeks, that is, the first half of November. The source declined to give Marouf’s whereabouts in Turkey. As a result, the FSA has lost control over the Bab al-Hawa border gate (opposite from Turkey’s Cilvegözü in Reyhanlı), which is now being held by a weak coalition of smaller groups led by Ahrar al-Sham. The source said some of the weaponry delivered to the FSA by the U.S.-led coalition in its fight against both Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) and the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria might have fallen into the hands of Ahrar al-Sham and al-Nusra, the Syria branch of al-Qaeda. A weakening Western-supported opposition in Syria could not only put Aleppo in jeopardy, but also weaken the U.S.-led coalition in Syria and Iraq, which might affect the positions of other important players in the region, such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel.
Nov. 17, 2014

Syria Headline: Moderate Syrian rebels say they’re advancing on Damascus from south

Rebel groups based in southern Syria are advancing on the western suburbs of Damascus and warning they might soon enter the capital, a development that’s in sharp contrast to the grim reports from northern Syria, where moderate rebels have suffered setbacks from the government and radical Islamists. The advance by the so-called Southern Front also stands apart from the situation in the north because moderate rebels still appear to be the dominant opposition force in the south, eclipsing al Qaida’s Syrian affiliate, the Nusra Front, in planning and executing military advances. Further, Southern Front commanders credit airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition with helping their cause, primarily by keeping Islamic State fighters from moving against them. “If it weren’t for the coalition strikes, Daash would have reached our areas,” Abul Majd, a spokesman for the Southern Front, told McClatchy via Skype, using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State. “Thanks to these strikes, we are focusing now on the regime, our main enemy.” In contrast, commanders in the north have complained that they’ve benefited little from the strikes on the Islamic State, and they even accuse the United States of undercutting support for the rebels with airstrikes aimed at Nusra and the so-called Khorasan Group, which the U.S. says consists of al Qaida members plotting attacks on Western targets from Syria. On Friday, another Southern Front leader, Gen. Assad al Zubi, told Damascus residents via opposition Orient TV that the day of the “big victory” is close. In his statement, he warned that the government was likely to crack down hard as rebel forces drew near and Damascus residents should expect to receive instructions in the coming days, in the form of pamphlets distributed by civil activists working with the rebels.
Nov. 17, 2014

Deir al Zor

Syria Headline: 20 Syrian soldiers killed in Deir Azzor

Syrian armed groups said at least 20 soldiers and pro-regime militiamen were killed in a bomb attack on their camp in Huwaijeh Saker district in the eastern city of Deir Azzor on Sunday. The opposition fighters used an explosive-laden Hummer in the attack, according to a statement released by the opposition tonight. Meanwhile, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) executed 13 men under suspicion of being members of pro-regime sleeper cells. The victims were captured by the ISIL in Tabaqa area in Ar-Raqqah governorate a month ago; they were found in possession of personal weapons and communication devices, SOHR said, noting that it received reports on similar executions in Baath Dam area in the northern governorate. In Maarat Misrin town in the northwestern governorate of Idlib the Syrian forces launched an air attack killing four civilians, including a woman and a child. In from Ras Al-Ain town, Hasakah Governorate, near the borders with Turkey, Kurdish fighters ambushed ISIL militants and killed seven of them, including a leading member, according to SOHR report.
Nov. 17, 2014

Syria Headline:  Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

Iraq Headline:  14 killed in separate car bomb explosions in Baghdad

Iraq Headline: IS Claims Downing a Coalition Drone in Diyala, Fighter Poses with the Plane

Security and medical officials say at least 14 people have been killed and over 30 others wounded when a pair of car bomb explosions ripped through busy commercial districts in the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad. Police sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the first attack took place in Baghdad’s eastern neighborhood of Meshtal when an explosive-laden car blew up in a commercial street. The blast killed at least eight people and wounded 15 others. The second car bombing was carried out in Baghdad’s western district of al-Amiriya, killing at least six people and wounding 16 others. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blasts. However, Iraqi officials usually blame such attacks on the ISIL Takfiri terrorists.
Nov. 17, 2014

Iraq Headline: ISIL car bomb reaches ‘first line of security’ at Baghdad Airport

Iraq Headline: ISIS claims Baghdad bomb attack on U.N. convoy

After months of efforts, Islamic State of Iraq and Levant has begun attacks on Baghdad International Airport. Officials said a car bomb exploded in a parking lot outside Baghdad International Airport and five people were injured. They said the explosion marked the first attack on the perimeter of the airport, which contains U.S. military aircraft, including that which brought Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “The bomb was detonated at the first line of security at the airport,” an official said. “The security regime remained intact.” Officials said ISIL has sought to attack the airport for months. The facility contains U.S. military transports that brought American troops to advise and mentor the Iraq Army over the last three months. So far, no group claimed responsibility for the attack. Officials said ISIL was trying to infiltrate the airport by recruiting passengers as well as Iraqi staffers.
Nov. 17, 2014

Iraq Headline: Planes bringing in arms to ISIS, Iraqi official says

The Islamic State (ISIS) is being supplied with weapons through planes landing in areas controlled by the militants, the head of Iraq’s security and defence committee said. “Some countries are delivering weapons to ISIS by using airplanes in Tel Afar airport, near Mosul,” Hakim Zalmi said. “I am asking the Iraqi air force to shell Tel Afar airport, together with any other airports under the control of ISIS in Iraq,” he added. His comments come after a Russian plane landed in Baghdad last week with a cargo of weapons and ammunition.  That is being investigated by a committee, which is looking into the origin of the weapons. “The plane that landed in Baghdad last week was filled with weapons, and it was not the first plane to land, breaching Iraqi air space,” Zalmi said. “An investigation is still ongoing regarding that case,” he added. The Russian plane carried 40 tons of weapons and ammunition and attempted to land at Sulaimani airport. It landed in Baghdad after being refused permission.
Nov. 17, 2014

Iraq Headline:   ISW Iraq Situation Report Nov. 14-16, 2014

Kurdish Headline: ISIS threat: It’s time to fully back the Kurds

The only effective fighting force opposing ISIS on the ground today are the Kurdish Peshmerga. These warriors—legendary since the days of the Ottoman Empire—have fought valiantly even when the larger, U.S.-trained Iraqi army abandoned the field, leaving their sophisticated U.S.-made weapons to the enemy.  The Kurds have liberated cities, defended citizens of nearly every faith and, though the war is still desperate, won their signal victories.  They ought to be celebrated, both in their native Kurdistan and around the world. They ought to be cheered on and supported in every way by the U.S. and her allies. They are not. Instead the U.S. has continued it’s decades-long policy of dealing with the Kurds only through the corrupt and ineffective Iraqi government in Baghdad. This has meant that the noble Peshmerga often lack the arms necessary to press through to victory. It has meant that while militias in Syria enjoy close U.S. air support, the Kurds often do not. It may mean that unless this failed policy is abandoned the war against ISIS will be lost.
Nov. 17, 2014

rise of ISIS

Headline:  U.S. hostage Peter Kassig is killed by Islamic State

Islamic State militants have beheaded another American hostage, Peter Kassig, issuing a video claiming the killing on Sunday and warning the United States they would kill other U.S. citizens “on your streets.” U.S. President Barack Obama confirmed the death of the aid worker in what he called “an act of pure evil by a terrorist group that the world rightly associates with inhumanity.” The announcement of Kassig’s death, the fifth such killing of a Western captive by the group, formed part of a 15-minute video posted online in which Islamic State showed the beheadings of at least 14 men it said were pilots and officers loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Nov. 16, 2014

Headline:    US group CAIR named terrorist organization by United Arab Emirates

A U.S.-based pro-Muslim group that enjoys close ties with the Obama administration has landed on one Arab nation’s list of terrorist organizations. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was one of 82 groups around the world designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates, placing it in the company of Al Qaeda, Islamic State and others. While CAIR has previously been linked to Hamas, it has held hundreds of meetings with White House officials on a wide range of community issues and has sought to present itself as a mainstream Muslim organization. “We call on the United Arab Emirates cabinet to review this list and remove organizations such as CAIR, the Muslim American Society (MAS) and other civil society organizations that peacefully promote civil and democratic rights and that oppose terrorism whenever it occurs, wherever it occurs and whoever carries it out,” CAIR wrote in a statement on its Facebook page, which also called its inclusion on the UAE list a “bizarre move.”
Nov. 17, 2014

Psalm 83

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names (see chart above). 

Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.

Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.

Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.

Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Gomer is Eastern Germany.

Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia. 


Headline:  Ten Ukraine soldiers, police killed in east: Officials

Headline:  Ukraine on the verge of ‘full-scale invasion’ by Russia, says interior minister

Ten Ukrainian soldiers and police officers have reportedly been killed in the country’s volatile east, which has witnessed fierce fighting between government troops and pro-Russia forces in recent months. Official sources in Kiev said on Monday that violence had claimed the lives of six Ukrainian soldiers and three police officers in eastern Ukraine over the past 24 hours. According to the sources, the three policemen were targeted in a shelling attack while they were patrolling an area in the restive Lugansk region. Five other police officers also sustained injuries in the incident. Some six army troops were also killed and nine others wounded in separate incidents in Ukraine’s east, the government officials said. One of the injured officers succumbed to his injuries at the hospital, the Ukrainian military later reported.
Nov. 17, 2014



****Clicking on the UNDERLINED sections will take you to the news link

Headline:   War News for Monday, November 17, 2014

Reported security incidents
#1: Airstrikes and ground clashes between security forces and militants in North Waziristan Agency early Sunday left four soldiers, including an army major, and 34 militants dead. Four soldiers were killed and at least eight were missing after insurgents using rockets and grenades stormed a checkpoint in the remote border region of North Waziristan Agency, security sources said. Eleven men were wounded and between eight and 10 were missing, they said.

#2: An outspoken female Afghan lawmaker survived a suicide bombing attack on her vehicle on Sunday, suffering slight wounds, but three civilian bystanders were killed, a police spokesman said.

#3: In a clash between armed Taliban and security forces in Takhar province, six armed Taliban was killed and 12 others wounded yesterday evening. The Ministry of Interior (MoI) said that the attack took place by Taliban militants on a police check post in Khwajah Ghar district in northeastern Takhar province.

#4: Nine armed oppositions were killed by Afghan National Army forces operation in Kunduz province last night.

#5: Student of a school and an engineer were martyred and three other students wounded in a blast in Maidan-Wardak province.

#6: Taliban militants launched a massive offensive with the involvement of some 400 fighters against Balablok district in the western Farah province, 695 km west of Kabul, on Monday, gun battle continues, a private television channel Tolo has reported.

#7: Three local police personnel were injured as a roadside bomb struck their vehicle in Marawara district of Kunar province on Monday, provincial police chief Abdul Habib SayedKhili said.




Headline:  South Sudan downplays shooting of US diplomat’s vehicle

US ambassador Charles Twining said he was travelling in armoured diplomatic convoy when his vehicle came under fire by one of the soldiers accompanying vice president, James Wani Igga. Two bullets reportedly hit the car leaving two big holes on its bulletproof glasses. “That was not an assassination attempt because assassination attempt implies intention. What happened in this incident can be interpreted differently to mean different thing for different people. The government point of view about this incident is that this incident could have been avoided if the vehicle in which the US diplomat was traveling had stepped aside and stopped to allow the motorcade of the vice president to pass,” Kuol told Sudan Tribune. “This is a universal protocol even in the United States where protection of the president, the vice president and other high ranking officials remains one of the key missions of the United States secret service,” he added. Kuol said motorcades of the president, deputy vice president and other senior government officials who are constitutionally accorded special treatment is given way to avoid inconveniences. “The system is that when a president, vice president and other senior government officials and ambulance carrying patients on the road, the rest move aside and allow them to pass. This is a universal protocol. It is done so to avoid inconveniences,” he said. Kuol claimed the diplomat’s vehicle was not fired at, but only stopped to be identified.
Nov. 16, 2014




Headline: Armed clashes shut down Tripoli airport

Headline:   IS Provincial Division in Libya Claims Suicide Bombings, Car Detonations in East of Country

Headline:   Fighters Under IS Banner in Libya Celebrate Pledge of Allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Armed clashes broke out in Libya’s capital Tripoli closing down the city’s main working airport, local residents and an official said on Sunday. Tripoli has been mostly calm since the Libya Dawn force, an armed faction allied to the city of Misrata, took over the capital in the summer and set up its own government in rivalry to Prime Minister Abdullah Al-Thinni. It was not immediately clear who was involved in Sunday’s fighting, and there was no confirmation from health authorities of any casualties. A spokesman for the civil aviation authority said Mitiga airport had been closed because of the security situation. Mitiga has operated as the capital’s main airport since fighting in the summer damaged and shut Tripoli airport.
Nov. 17, 2014  




Headline:   Turkey rejects outside mediation to resolve Kurdish issue

Turkey rejected Monday a proposal for a third party to help mediate the long-standing conflict with the Kurdish minority, the deputy prime minister said. “This is a local process. It is a process which Turkey has brought to life through its own discretion. We do not find it right to have a different country, mechanism, system or organization as a part of this,” Yalcin Akdogan told the state-run Anadolu news agency. The armed Kurdistan Workers‘ Party (PKK) declared a ceasefire last year, which has largely held. Last month the ceasefire appeared under threat as the air force launched strikes against the group‘s bases in the east of the country, which was followed by accusations that the PKK had carried out attacks against Turkish soldiers. The government is set to meet later Monday with the Peoples‘ Democratic Party (HDP), a pro-Kurdish party which meets with the PKK‘s jailed leader Abdullah Ocalan has taken the lead in the peace talks.
Nov. 17, 2014

Headline:    Turkish President Erdogan: Muslims Discovered America Three Centuries before Columbus- VIDEO 




Headline:    Armenia escalates tensions with new provocations

Azerbaijani Defense Ministry has said the military-political regime in Armenia still continues to make irresponsible statements with full of threats against Azerbaijan. The ministry said Armenia, deceiving its people and pulling it to the provocation, is pursuing an aggressive policy against Azerbaijan, adding this is the result of the country’s misjudge of the real situation that formed at present in the region. “The enemy must recognize the importance of the withdrawal of its troops from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and should not involve the Armenian youth in the war,” the ministry stressed. The ministry went on to add that Azerbaijani Armed Forces are able and ready to prevent any provocation of the enemy. The ministry said in case the enemy side once again dares to commit any military operation, then the Azerbaijani side will answer with immediate blow struck that will leading to huge losses by Armenia and destruction. An Armenian MI-24 helicopter flying 1,700 meters northeast of the Kengerli village of Azerbaijan’s Aghdam region attacked the Azerbaijani army positions on November 12. The helicopter was shot down by the Azerbaijani side.
Nov. 17, 2014

nation against nationCooltextprophecysignLuke 21:9 and Matthew 24:7 speak of nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom in the end times. Revelation 6:3-4 speaks of the fiery red horse given power to make men slay one another and Revelation 6:8 speaks again of this red horse in conjunction with the pale horse of Death and Hades, as the one that has the power to kill by sword.  Luke 21:9: wars & commotions; the Greek word here is Akatastasia, meaning instability, a state of disorder, disturbance, confusion (revolutions)   Matthew 24:7: the Greek word for nation is Ethnos & refers to various ethnic groups fighting among themselves, where the next sentence in the verse refers to kingdoms (basileiva) fighting one another (not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom)

Headline: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon issues state of emergency ahead of Ferguson grand jury decision

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency and activated the National Guard Monday in advance of a grand jury decision about whether a white police officer will be charged in the fatal shooting of a black 18-year-old in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson. Nixon said the National Guard would assist state and local police as needed, in case there is civil unrest when the grand jury’s decision is announced. There was no indication an announcement is imminent. There is no specific date for a decision to be revealed about whether Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson should face charges for shooting Michael Brown on Aug. 9. The St. Louis County prosecutor has said that he expects the grand jury to reach a decision in mid-to-late November. Meanwhile, police officials in Ferguson and other cities across America were bracing Monday for possible violence in the wake of the decision, one day after hundreds of people took to the streets of St. Louis briefly to block a major intersection to protest the death of Brown.
Nov. 17, 2014

Headline:  Suicide attack in Nigerian market kills at least 12: witnesses

Headline:  Nigeria’s Military Retakes Chibok

A female suicide bomber blew herself up on Sunday, killing at least a dozen people in a cellphone market in Azare, a town in Nigeria’s Bauchi State where a similar attack at a bank last week killed seven, witnesses said. No one claimed immediate responsibility for Sunday’s blast, but Boko Haram, which has waged a bloody five-year campaign to establish an Islamic state in northern Nigeria, is suspected of having carried out a wave of attacks this week. The group has also seized two towns and occupied a third in the country’s northeast region since it rejected a ceasefire announced last month by the government. “I was near the market when I heard a loud sound inside. After a while we rushed to the scene of the blast. I saw lots of people in the ground and blood all over the place,” said local resident Ibrahim Ahmed, adding that he had counted at least 12 bodies. “The severed head of the female suicide bomber was later found, and a crowd of boys took it to the front of the Emir’s palace and set it on fire,” he said. An official at the town’s hospital said six bodies were brought in and four other people had later died there of their injuries.
Nov. 16, 2014

Headline:  Wagah border blast – Taliban splinter group releases fidayeen’s photograph

Headline: TTP Jamat-ul-Ahrar Threatens in Video to Behead Pakistani Soldiers in Khyber Agency

Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, the splinter group of Pakistani Taliban, has tweeted photographs of a person identifying him as the suicide bomber of November 2 Wagah blast. The horrific terror strike claimed lives of 61 innocent people and left more than 110 injured. The photograph was posted by Ehsanulla Ehasn, spokesperson of Jamaat-ul-Ahrar. The suicide bomber, Hanifullah alias Hamza, believed to be 25 year old was shown in the picture sitting with two automatic guns and the terror outfit’s white and black flags. The suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance of the parade complex, few meters short of viewer’s gallery on the Pakistan side of Wagah border, minutes after the flag-lowering ceremony on November 2, killing 61 people. Officials said the damage could have been greater if the attacker had managed to penetrate into the main ceremony area. The Jamaat-ul-Ahrar spokesperson said he would also soon issue a video of the deadly attack. According to a PTI report Ehsan said Jamaat-ul-Ahrar chose Wagah Border because of its ‘international significance’ and that it is occupied by more security personnel. Ehsanulla Ehasn further warned that such attacks would continue. In a telephone call to Dawn newspaper in Pakistan, Ehsan had claimed responsibility for the Wagah border attack.
Nov. 17, 2014

Headline: Over 10,000 Hungarians in anti-corruption protest

More than 10,000 people protested Monday in the Hungarian capital, demanding the ouster of the head of the tax authority and greater accountability from Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government. The demonstration outside Parliament was spurred by anger over Orban’s refusal to dismiss Ildiko Vida, who along with some of her colleagues has been denied entrance into the United States because of alleged ties to corruption. Vida has denied the allegations. The event, dubbed “Public Outrage Day,” was the fourth large anti-government rally held in Budapest in the past month. Smaller rallies were also held in 20 other Hungarian cities and in European capitals like London, Berlin and Stockholm. Protest organizer Balazs Nemes blamed Hungary’s whole political class for the country’s problems, saying that “we are not here to bury a government but to bury a system.” After the protest was officially over and organizers left, several thousand people remained on the square and refused to go away despite repeated requests by police. The crowd dismantled some metal barriers near parliament and faced off with several dozen police in riot gear while singing the national anthem and chanting against Orban. Some protesters were trying to push police lines further up the parliament’s steps, but no violence was reported.
Nov. 17, 2014

Headline:  Bombing in Philippines kills 1, injures 16, blamed on militant breakaway group

A bomb detonated in the southern Philippines Sunday, killing at least one person and injuring over a dozen others in what is being called the work of a splinter cell from a larger Islamic militant group. The explosion rocked a pedestrian overpass near a school in Kabacan, a farming town in North Cotobato province, wounding at least 16 people, Al Jazeera reports. Four of the injured were critical, and one later died after being rushed to the hospital, according to local media and Kabacan officials. Soldiers defused two other bombs in the immediate area. Police Senior Inspector Jarwin Castroberde said that top suspects in the investigation of the blast include militants who may have broken off from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.
Nov. 16, 2014 

EuroCooltextprophecysign Decline of the Euro– ““ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:5-6)“Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.” (Daniel 2:41-43)

Headline:  Eurozone facing unprecedented triple-dip recession, warns Cameron

The eurozone is on the ‘brink’ of an unprecedented triple-dip recession, UK prime minister David Cameron warned as the weekend’s G20 summit in Australia came to its conclusion on Sunday (16 November). In an article in the Guardian published Sunday (16 November), Cameron said that the “eurozone is teetering on the brink of a possible third recession, with high unemployment, falling growth and the real risk of falling prices too”. The UK was already feeling the “impact of the eurozone slowdown on our manufacturing and our exports,” he added. The eurozone economy grew by 0.2 percent in the third quarter of 2014, according to data published on Friday (14 November) by Eurostat, fractionally below the 0.3 percent across the 28-country bloc, having recorded zero growth in the three months between April and June. Germany and France, the eurozone’s two largest economies, have achieved sluggish growth so far this year, while Italy has fallen back into recession.
Nov. 17, 2014

star222222333333_thumb2.jpg CooltextprophecysignEconomic collapse Revelation 6:5-6 & James 5:1-3Worldwide“ When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (Revelation) “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days.” (James)


Japan’s economy shrank an annualised 1.6 percent in July-September, confounding expectations for a modest rebound after a severe contraction in the previous quarter and solidifying the view premier Shinzo Abe will delay a second sales tax hike next year. Abe has said Monday’s GDP data would be key to his decision on whether to proceed with the increase to 10 percent in October next year. That decision had been expected by year-end. The second straight quarter of contraction, which compared with a 2.1 percent increase forecast in a Reuters poll, added to signs the world’s third-largest economy has been slow in healing from the blow to consumption from the first tax increase in April. The April tax hike to 8 percent from 5 percent led to a revised 7.3 percent economic contraction in the second quarter, which was the biggest decline since the global financial crisis.
Nov. 16, 2014

Headline:  Turkey’s unemployment rate exceeds 10 percent

A new official report says Turkey’s unemployment rate has hit 10.1 percent in August 2014, recording the highest rate since February. The Turkish Statistics Agency (TÜİK) said in a report on Monday that the jobless rate for the country hit double digits in August, up from 9.8 percent in July. According to the data, 2.94 million people were out of jobs as of August, an increase of 77,000 unemployed people from the July. Meanwhile, youth unemployment reached 18.9 percent in August, which is the highest rate since January 2011. The figures come as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced last week that the average jobless rate for its member countries in September was recorded at 7.2. The report left out Turkey since the country’s figures for that month have not been out yet.
Nov. 17, 2014 

Yale-study-predicts-huge-increase-in-Ebola-cases-in-LiberiaCooltextprophecysignPestilence & Plagues Luke 21:11 & Revelation 6:8 “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation)

Headline: Sierra Leone surgeon brought to US for Ebola treatment dies

Headline:  Mali places 442 people under surveillance over Ebola fears

A surgeon from Sierra Leone who was being treated for Ebola at a Nebraska hospital died on Monday, according to the hospital. Dr Martin Salia, a permanent US resident, is the second patient to die of Ebola in the US. He arrived in Omaha on Saturday, having left Freetown on Friday by air ambulance. He was immediately transported to Nebraska medical center, where he began treatment in the hospital’s biocontainment unit. Doctors and nurses cared for the ailing surgeon around the clock, the hospital said. At around 4am on Monday Salia’s heart stopped and medical staff were not able to revive him. “It is with an extremely heavy heart that we share this news,” Dr Phil Smith, medical director of the Biocontainment Unit at Nebraska medical center, said in a statement. “Dr Salia was extremely critical when he arrived here, and unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we weren’t able to save him.” Experts believe early detection and treatment is critical to surviving the disease which has killed nearly 5,200 people, primarily in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.
Nov. 17, 2014

Headline:  Egyptian woman dies of bird flu, second this year

Egyptian health officials say a woman who was diagnosed with bird flu has died, the second fatality from the H5N1 virus this year in the country. Egypt has reported seven bird flu cases so far in 2014. Most victims have been women and children who are traditionally tasked with caring for domestic poultry. Ahmed Abdel-Hamid in the southern city of Assiut says the woman was a 19-year-old who raised chicken at home. He says she was admitted to hospital on Nov. 10 and died on Monday. Health Ministry official Amr Kandil says the earlier fatality was in June. Since 2006, there have been 64 bird flu deaths in Egypt. The H5N1 virus is hard to catch but has remained a threat. Most cases have been linked to contact with poultry.
Nov. 17, 2014

Headline: 172 people on cruise ship contract norovirus

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that 172 people on a cruise ship arriving in California on Sunday have fallen ill with the highly contagious norovirus during a nearly month-long trip. The Crown Princess has more than 4,100 people on board and were expected to be met by CDC staff upon arrival in San Pedro. Princess Cruises has “enacted our stringent disinfecting protocols” developed in consultation with the CDC and will do a deep cleaning of the ship and terminal in Los Angeles before departing Sunday night for a week-long cruise through the Mexican Riviera, spokeswoman Susan Lomax said. In April, 129 people on the same ship contracted norovirus during a seven-day cruise off the California coast. Lomax said the ship went through the same stringent disinfecting process after it docked.
Nov. 16, 2014

Headline: Ebola Outbreak Map

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Headline: HealthMap

Global leader in utilizing online informal sources for disease outbreak monitoring and real-time surveillance of emerging public health threats. The freely available Web site ‘’ and mobile app ‘Outbreaks Near Me’ deliver real-time intelligence on a broad range of emerging infectious diseases for a diverse audience including libraries, local health departments, governments, and international travelers. 

Luke 21-25 signs in heaven

CooltextprophecysignMatthew 24:7 “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke21:25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring

Headline:  6.2 Quake Prince Edward Islands region



6.7 11-16 IN NEW ZEALAND

7.1 11-14 IN INDONESIA

Nov. 17, 2014

Headline: 5.4 quake strikes near Prokopion in Greece

A moderate earthquake magnitude 5.4 (mg/mb) has striked on Tuesday, 7 kilometers (4 miles) from Prokopion in Greece. The temblor was reported at 01:05:57 / 1:05 am (local time epicenter) at a depth of 13.17 km (8 miles). Global time of event 2014-11-17 11:05:57 UTC/GMT. A tsunami warning has not been issued, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Exact location of event, longitude 23.4156 East, latitude 38.6957 North, depth 13.17 km.
Nov. 17, 2014

Headline:  Deadly mudslides engulf homes in Switzerland and Italy

At least four people have been killed in landslides in southern Switzerland and northern Italy following days of torrential rain. Two women died when a wall of mud destroyed a house near the Swiss town of Lugano on Sunday. Over the border, a pensioner and his granddaughter were killed when a mudslide engulfed their home. The heavy rain is expected to continue across the region, and both countries have issued major flood alerts. The levels of lakes Lugano and Maggiore are already dangerously high.
Nov. 16, 2014

Earthly Signs