Prophecy News for Nov. 23, 2012



Franks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Nov. 17, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora


Do to the Holiday weekend I am giving the news today without commentary
Live War Blog: Operation Pillar of Defense

Obama pushed Israel to accept Egyptian cease-fire agreement friendly to Hamas

Obama’s pledge of US troops to Sinai next week won Israel’s nod for ceasefire

Palestinians accuse Israel of ceasefire breach

Israeli soldiers open fire in 'buffer zone'

IDF-Gaza Clash, One Killed

Video: Scene of Gaza-Israel border shooting after IDF kills Palestinian

300 Palestinians attempt to breach Gaza border fence

IDF on high alert ahead of possible Palestinian ‘Day of Rage’

IDF preparing for disturbances in West Bank, Gaza following Friday prayers

Israel Announces Ceasefire, Hamas Keeps Firing

Hamas Declares Victory, Gaza Celebrates

PM Netanyahu threatens action if truce fails

Netanyahu: Ground Campaign Might be Necessary After All

Palestinians: We Rejected Israel’s 90-Day Ceasefire Offer


Iran Supplied Gaza with Weapons – Hamas Political Leader

Iran: Israeli Ceasefire a Sign of Weakness

Two Rockets Fired at Israel from Lebanon

Coming Attractions: The Third Lebanon War — Op-ed

MK Sarsour: Arab Front Must Defeat Israel

The Vatican on Gaza: Israel is a Baby-Killer”

Hamas Grows in Popularity Among Palestinians

Hamas TV: 'G-d WIlling We Will Soon See Black Body Bags'

After Gaza, focus turns to Palestinian bid at UN

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Calls for Jihad to 'Free PA'
Police fire teargas at protesters in Egypt's Tahrir Square (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Egypt protesters attack Muslim Brotherhood offices

Mursi draws fire with new Egypt decree
Hail Pharaoh! Protests Rock Egypt After Morsi Seizes Sweeping New Powers

The hooligan killers in Gaza supported by the World
Hamas militants may have received new weapons from Iran through Sudan, experts say
Morsi Called a 'New Pharaoh' After Assuming Sweeping Powers
Iranian president calls for new world order

N Korea threatens to shell S Korean island

All Hands On Deck! China flexes naval might amid islands row

Russia against Turkey missile defence

African Union to enter Mali to suppress Islamist uprising

Continental US Facing Worst Drought in Decades

Large dengue fever outbreak in Madeira spreads cases in Europe

Indonesia’s Mount Lokon volcano shaken by double eruptions

Tension mounts: Chile shaken by 7 moderate quakes in 24 hours

*Latest Earthquakes Up to the Minute
*Latest Volcanic Activity
*Latest Weather Up to the Minute
Electronic tracking: new constraint for Saudi women

Shopper Threatens to Stab People in K-Mart Line
Man Pulls Gun on Rowdy, Line-Cutting Black Friday Shopper


Chile clashes: Police use batons, water cannons at student protest

Thousands of UK students protest rising fees, jobless future

Survey shows more drugged drivers than drunken drivers in California on weekends
UFO Lands In Denver Reports Fox News, Aviation Consultant Stumped, Captured On Video By News Crew And Citizen


GRANTHAM: We're Headed For A Disaster Of Biblical Proportions

Dollar Doomsayer Predicts Fed Won't Stop Printing

Somali Christian Convert Beheaded
Obama drops God from Thanksgiving address for fourth year straight

French president to support 'gay marriage' conscience rights

Weeks after Sandy, churches continue to help lead relief effort

Woman Calls Cops On Salvation Army Workers For Ringing Bells

Farage: Europe split in every way possible




 thanksgiving picture



DiMora gives latest up-date on Gaza conflict/DiMora’s points to Christ’s warning on Rev. 6:6/Nov. 21, 2012





Franks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Nov. 17, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora




IMG_6069 Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:6 And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

One of the wars we know will have to be fulfilled is the Psalm 83 war. I believe the events you are watching right now in Israel are leading up to this war. Why? Because when you read the Psalm you will discover the people God said are going to attack Israel are the exact same people we see attacking Israel now. If you are new to prophecy or my site the people the Lord warns about in Psalm 83 can be seen below in the photo.

Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83:1Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. 2For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. 3They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. 4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. 5For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:” 

TEL AVIV, Israel — A bomb blast ripped through an Israeli bus near the nation's military headquarters in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, wounding 10 people and complicating a major diplomatic push to forge a truce between Israel and Gaza's
militant Hamas rulers.

The attack came as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton shuttled between Jerusalem, the West Bank and Egypt to help piece together a deal to end Israel's weeklong offensive against Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip that has killed more than 130 Palestinians. Militant rocket fire into Israel has killed five Israelis.

Hours after the blast, Clinton arrived in Cairo and entered talks with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, who has been taking the lead in mediating between Israel and Hamas.



 Headline: 1,408 Missiles in 8 Days Fired by Gaza at Israel

Prophecy Sign: I Thessalonians 5:3,4:For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall
not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”

According to this new report there is to be a ceasefire at 9 tonight in Israel. If one really does take place don't count on it lasting very long. This has been the pattern of the Hamas in the Gaza. The Hamas only works with a truce when they are pounded to must and need to regroup.

US, Egyptian FMs: Israel-Hamas ceasefire to take effect at 9 p.m. Netanyahu to hold press conference


 Headline: Hamas: Cease-Fire Off the Table for Tuesday

Headline: Lebanese Hezbollah Urges Arab States to Arm Hamas
Headline: Religious Left Joins in Condemning Israel

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24: 37-39 concerning what the last generation would be like just prior to His second coming. In verses 37-39 Jesus shows us our generation would be just like that of Noah’s. This generation turned from God and followed their own lusts and became evil people. We know part of Noah’s generation troubles came on them when they turned to homosexuality. How do we know this? Notice that Jesus compared Noah’s day to Sodom and Gomorrah and then linked it to the time of his return.

I quote our Lord. Luke 17: 25-30. “But first must He [Christ] suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. 26And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man: 27They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; 29but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. 30“Even thus shall it be in the Day when the Son of Man is revealed.”


Signs of birth pains


 Headline: U.S. Winter-Wheat Crop Worsens as Dry Weather Curtails Growth

  Download Last Chronicles Missions Update- Pakistan 11-21-12


Ministry info: Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge. Just click to link below.


Jesus has blessed me but sending me Christians who took the time out to translate A Thief In The Night into their own language. So far these are the different languages which the Lord has directed people to send

Oct3ab Ministry Partners November 2012Download Ministry Partners November 2012

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth making strides in Pakistan



Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Nov. 17, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora


Dear brother Frank,

I shared the Word of God with youth of Faizabad. I taught them about Christ second coming. They have join Last Chronicles Ministry. some of them accepted Jesus. Glory to Jesus. He is using me everyday.

Your brother in Christ,









Latest from Israel


More Prophecy News for Nov. 20, 2012

Download More News from the Last Chronicles of Planet Earth 11-20-12

Signs that can help bring on the Antichrist when the economy fall!

November 20, 2012

Economic Disintegration is Almost Here

The disintegration of an economy and a society can take two courses. One course is like rust. It is slow and barely perceptible. The other is a sudden collapse. The first course, if left untended, eventually  turns into the second.

The US economy is now rusting away. Arguably it has been for decades. For anyone interested in looking, the signs are there. They will soon become unavoidable for even the most disinterested of our citizens.

Dan Amoss correctly described what is happening as a result of Washington's overbearing involvement in the economy:

All government-directed economic activity grows at the expense of the private sector. And the election suggests that government coercion will drive even more U.S. economic activity in the future. This is a shame, because freely adjusting prices,  competition, and innovation elevate living standards. Mandates, price controls, and subsidies – coercive actions – depress living standards. Quality falls. Shortages develop and persist.

Mr. Amoss is correct but does not forcefully convey the reality of a dying economy. These effects are beginning to appear.

Many businessmen hung on, hoping for a change in the madness that passes for economic leadership and policy. These hopes were dashed with the re-election of the ideologue driving the madness. Obama won the electoral college, but not the confidence of business. They are just beginning to cast their votes and it does not bode well for the future. Here is a partial list of the business reactions to the outcome of the election:

Layoffs Announced Since Election:

1. Abbott Labs 700
2. Activision 30
3. Adventist Health 48
4. Airlines SAS 6000
5. AMD 400
6. American Cotton Growers 110
7 . ArcelorMittal 20
8. American Independence Museum 4
9. Ameridose 790
10. American Airlines 4400 + 800 leaving voluntarily
11. American Coal 54
12. Atlantic Lottery Corporation 16
13. Assc Milk Producers 130
14. Aveo Oncology 45
15. ATI 172
16. Bankia 5000
17. Bechtel Power Corp 277
18. Bigpoint Games 47
19. Boston Scientific 1200
20. Brake Parts LLC 75
21. Brattleboro Retreat 31
22. Bristol Myers 500
23. Career Education 900 + Closing 23 Campuses
24. Cigna 1300
25. Citigroup 100
26. Commerzbank 6000
27. Consol Energy in W.V. 145
28. Covidien 595
29. Crouse Hospital Syracuse NY 70
30. Cummins 150
31. CVPH 27
32. DEP in Tallahassee FL 15
33. DuPont, Co. 64
34. Eagle-Tribune, Andover 21
35. Emanuel Medical Cente 24
36. Energizer Holdings 1500
37. Ericsson 1550
38. Exide Tech, Laureldale 150
39. City of Findlay, OH 39
40. First Energy 400
41. Gameforge Berlin 20
42. Gamesa Energy 92
43. GenOn Energy Inc 33
44. Glen Falls Hospital 29
45. Groupon 80
46. GT Advanced Tech 165
47. Harris' Broadcast 17
48. Hawker Beechcraft 400 + Facilities closing
49. Hill Rom 200
50. Hills Holdings 300
51. HMX Group 567
52. Hostess 627
53. Iberia Airlines 4500
54. ICM of Colwich 25
55. ING 2350
56. Judson Universi ty 21
57. Juniper Networks 500
58. Kaiser Permanente 84
59. Kinetic Concepts 427
60. Kratos Defense Security 125
61. Lackawanna County PA 11
62. Lightyear Network Solutions 12+
63. Lonza 500
64. Majestic Star Casino/hotel 80
65. Major Wind Company 3000
66. Martha Stewart Living 70
67. Medtronic 1000
68. Mills Manufacturing NC 68
69. Momentive, Inc. 150
70. Monitor Group 235
71. Montco Behavioral Health/Dev 58
72. NBC 500
73. Nebraska Medical Center 38
74. Neovia Logistics Services 52
75. New Energy 40
76. Ormet 200
77. Panasonic 10000
78. PayPal 320
79. Penn Refrigeration 40
80. Penske Logistics 50
81. Pepsi 4000
82. Philips Electronics 218
83. Pierce Mfg 325
84. Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne 100
85. Research in Motion 200
86. Rheem Manufacturing 50
87. Sentry Foods 70
88. Shaw's Supermarket 700
89. Shawano foundry WI 90
90. Smith & Nephew 770
91. Smithfield Packing Co. 125
92. Solel Solar Systems 140
93. Southeastern Container 15
94. SpaceX 100
95. SRA Intl Inc 222
96. St. Jude Medical 300
97. Stryker 1170
98. Sulake 60
99. Sun Media 500
100. TE Connec tivity 620
101. TECO Coal Corporation 90
102. Texas Instruments 1700
103. The Providence Journal Co 23
104. TMX Group Ltd. 100
105. Turbocare 220
106. Turkey Point Nuclear Plant 277
107. Oce North America, Inc. 135
108. Turbocare OCE 220
109. UBS 10000
110. US Cellular 980
111. UtahAmerican Energy Inc 102
112. Volvo Trucks Pulaski County 300
113. Wake Forest Baptist Medical 950
114. Welch Allyn 275
115. West Ridge Mine 102
116. Westinghouse 50
117. World Media Enterprises Inc 105
118. WPS Health Insurance 600
119. Wright Patterson AFB 115
120. Wyodak Coal Mine 11
121. Xerox 2500
122. Yakima Reg Med Ctr Washington 10+


Actual Layoffs:

1. The Colonial Country Shoppe on Park Street in Adams MA
2. Vestas Wind Systems Closing R&D; Office in Louisville – 60 Jobs Lost
3. Dollar Castle in downtown Ferndale MI
4. Bistro One West in St Charles IL
5. Sun Dog Diner in Neptune Beach FL
6. Jim's Builders Hardware in&nbsp ;Wichita, Kansas
7. Madeleines Bakehouse in Fort Wayne Indiana
8. Barnes & Noble plans to close its doors in Union Station Dec. 31
9. The Semiahmoo Hotel in Blaine Washington
10. Highland Curves CA
11. The Salem Sport Shop in Salem Ohio
12. Navistar International Corp. to Close truck assembly plant in Garland, Texas – 900
13. Jobs Lost
14. Divine Mercy Catholic Books & Gifts Denton Texas
15. Singer Mental Health Center in Rockford IL
16. Garelick Farms Ends Production at Bangor Maine Facility
17. Fashion Tech Window Coverings in Portland?
18. Custom House Tavern Chicago IL.
19. Jim's Builders Hardware in Delano
20. Lone Star Steakhouse at 1801 22nd St. in West Des Moines
21. Sears to Close Woodlands Product Rebuild Center – 117 Jobs Lost
22. Whitehead Inc Rockford Real Estate Company
23. Robert's Mens Shop in Downtown New Philadelphia Ohio
24. Fort Tecumseh Olde Fashun Store in Ohio
25. Lakewood Beginnings Child Development Center in Lakewood Ohio
26. Green Fields Seed & Feed in Grand Junction Colo.
27. The Army and Navy Store in Melrose< /st1:city> Mass.
28. Vitalistic Therapeutic charter school PA
29. Diamond Foods Inc Closing a plant in Fishers Indiana
30. Old Town Alehouse 5233 Ballard Ave in Seattle
31. Space Aliens restaurants in Minot and&nbsp ;Grand Forks ND
32. DeWaay Financial Network LLC
33. Sears at Quail Springs Mall Oklahoma City OK.
34. Fashion Bug in O'Fallon MO is closing in January
35. Kmart Store in Oak Hill W. Va
36. Update: Jett & Hall men's clothing store in Richmond KY
37. D.C. school List of Possible Schools Closing to Be  released Later today
38. Dunkin' Donuts in Holly Hill FL
39. Hostess Brands Inc Permanently Closing 3 Bakeries Following a Nationwide Strike
40. Philips Electronics subsidiary Lightolier will close its local fluorescent light
41. fixture manufacturing plant in Willington
42. Smithfield Packing Co. will close in 2013, laying off a total of 400 employees
43. SuperFresh outlets in Marlton and Westmont NJ
44. The Bagel Shoppe in Katonah NY
45. Ben Franklin and Homestead House Gifts in the Kimball Ridge Center in Waterloo IA
46. Several West Virginia Suzuki dealerships Being Forced to Close
47. Kowalski Cos Closing All 4 of its Metro Detroit Delis but to Continue Food
48. Production
49. Three Memphis charter schools and one in Nashville Tenn. Could Close Due to Poor
50. Test Scores
51. The Custer School District SD – Closing 2 Rural Schools
52. The Dressing Room, on North Lincoln Avenue IL
53. The Utica Office Of Ibope Ny



1. AMF Bowling Worldwide Inc
2. Aletheia Research & Management Inc
3. Omtron USA
4. Helmkampf Construction in Olivette
5. Clear Light Publishers
6. Monitor Company Group LP
7. ThinkEquity LLC
8. Homer City Funding LLC
9. US Suzuki Distributor – Chapter 11
10. Revolt Technology

This list should frighten every thinking American. It is a huge warning regarding what lies ahead. These changes are coming to an economy that is already unable to provide jobs or sustain living standards.

Decline is a slow process, until it becomes fast. It is not easy to see at first. It should be obvious to most that our economy is approaching a critical stage. When you have destroyed the trust and confidence of business, there will be no job creation.

Some parting words are in order for those responsible for the decisions reflected above. Shutting down and giving up is anathema to the spirit that built this country and is now only found among our entrepreneurial class. It goes against the very fiber that drives success. It is a last resort for entrepreneurs.

The decision to quit is lonely, involves guilt, self-doubt and remorse. It is the last act for someone that has tried everything to avoid it. Giving up and withdrawing is not an act of retribution. People do not willingly choose to go to Galt's figurative gulch. They are forced there.

While the masses exult in the continuation of their  food stamps, cell phones and other booty, the real story of this election is yet to be told. The nation is about to find out that policies and elections have consequences more important than free stuff.

The war against private enterprise can no longer be denied. President Obama's re-election ensures that it w ill continue and likely accelerate. The makers are beginning to give up. The takers don't have a clue. Soon the country is going to get a real-life lesson in economics. TANSTAAFL (There ain't no such thing as a free lunch) is about to be learned.

Rabbi cites prophecy/Nov. 20, 2012



Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Nov. 17, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora



Prophecy Sign: I Thessalonians 5:3,4:For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”

Prophecy Sign: 1Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. 2For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. 3They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. 4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. 5For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:”

What do we know for sure? According to I Thessalonians 5:3,4 we are going to witness sudden destruction at a time when we are hear the call for Peace and safety. Since the Psalm 83 war has not been fought yet we know that this war is not far off.  Since the people involved in the Psalm 83 war are the same people as we read about in the Psalm what can we conclude?  First of all don’t look for any lasting peace to come out of the current crisis between the PLO and Israel. Why?  Did the Lord tell us that there was be peace when they call for peace and safety or did He say destruction. Not only that but Jesus tells Paul the way in which these events would be witnessed when He said: “as travail upon a woman with child”.  This statement alone tells us that events will get worse not better. It has become clear that the Hamas in the Gaza wants Israel to invade them. Hamas knows once the world sees Israel invade them they can count on the main stream media to proclaim Israel as a terrorist state and sway the world against Israel’s actions.  As is the main stream media is already portraying Israel in this light even though Israel wasn’t the ones who started sending the rockets falling. All that is happening at the current time is pushing the Zechariah 12:3 prophecy where at the end of the day Israel will be an outcast to the world.  Here is one example of a report calling Israel a terrorist state. “A top Turkish official has claimed that Israel is committing acts of terrorism by bombing Hamas targets in Gaza. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan told the Eurasian Islamic Council conference in Istanbul that the Jewish state is systematically mass-killing Muslims.

Take a look at the report below and see for yourself the Hamas is looking for a larger fight with Israel.

Headline: Hamas Leader Dares Israel to Invade Amid Gaza Airstrikes

GAZA CITY — The top leader of Hamas dared Israel on Monday to launch a ground invasion of Gaza and dismissed diplomatic efforts to broker a cease-fire in the six-day-old conflict, as the Israeli military conducted a new wave of deadly airstrikes on the besieged Palestinian enclave, including a second hit on a 15-story building that houses media outlets. A volley of rockets fired from Gaza into southern Israel included one that hit a vacant school.

­If you read the next report below you will see a complete breakdown of events between the PLO and Israel from the start of this current crisis. The Headline: is entitled: “Israel-Hamas 'Open War': LIVE” UPDATES”.  I only listed five of the dates from the report. What I want you to see is that we are reading the call for peace and safety and, we see both parties getting ready for a war.  I wish I could tell you exactly what will be the outcome of these recent events but I am just like you, we will have to wait and see if these events will lead to the sudden destruction we read about in I Thessalonians 5:3,4. or if they are one huge birth pain?

Nov. 20, 13: 51 GMT: If Israel is forced into ground operation in Gaza, it won't be a limited one, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, AFP reports.

Nov. 20, 13: 49 GMT: The IDF dropped flyers on Gaza telling residents of some Gaza city neighborhoods to evacuate ‘immediately’ to the city center, TV station Ch. 2 Israel reported.

Nov. 20, 12:30 GMT: A rocket strike hit the outskirts of Jerusalem, Israeli media reported. The rocket landed in an uninhabited area, no injuries or casualties were reported.

­Nov. 20, 12:015 GMT: Israel will "pay a heavy price" if it commits to a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, top Hamas commander Mohammed Deif said in an audio recording broadcast by Hamas-affiliated television station Al-Aqsa.

­Nov. 20, 12:05 GMT: Israel has rejected a ceasefire agreement that stipulated the lifting of the blockade on Gaza and the end of the IDF’s targeted killing policy, RT’s Paula Slier said quoting Lebanese media reports.

I found it interesting while the world waits to see what is going to happen in the Middle East that one of the top Rabbi's in Israel is letting the soliders know about prophecy. This is the headline: "Top Israeli rabbi tweets prophecy as missiles target Holy City".

"A leading rabbi for the Israeli Defense Forces has been reaching out to the nation’s troops – now being massed because of the unrelenting missile attacks from Gaza over the past few days – through social media. According to a new report in Israel Today, the soldiers are being called up for active military duty in preparation for a possible invasion of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, so the rabbi has been posting inspirational scriptures on Twitter."  What kills me is this, a lot of people are watching TV news or reading about the events in the Gaza and they know something major is about to happen and they don't even know God hasn't left any of us in the dark concerning these coming events!  Even a Jewish Rabbi is pointing to prophecy. However, does this Rabbi believe Jesus is the Messiah?  Chances are he doesn't. Why am I saying this? Because when you read the entire report you will see the part of the prophecy the Rabbi did not quote which is was reported in the report and I quote, "While the Twitter space limits ended the message there, Israel Today notes that the verse continues, stating, “They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.” The person who the Jews refuse to except is Jesus Christ!  It is also very clear that soon the entire world is going to witness how Christ is in control of not just the Middle East but the entire world. I can assure you of this, if there is no truce put in place between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza this new conflict may end up bringing us to one gaint step toward the beginning of the 7 year tribulation.  What do I mean?  There are only two major wars to be fought between Israel and its enemies. The Psalm 83 war is one of those wars. If the events we are watching turn into the Psalm 83 war you will know for sure Christ is about to open up the door for the rapture of the Chruch.  No one knows the exact time the rapture will take place but by all these events we know it is very close.

This is the last word I have heard so far concerning the so called truce. Subtitle: Israel says it has not accepted ceasefire deal; heavy rocket attacks on Ashkelon, Ashod and, for the first time, Rishon Lezion, with direct hits on buildings and one serious injury; missile aimed at Jerusalem falls near Gush
Etzion; Hillary Clinton en route."  

Anyone who have been at my site knows my position on what is happening. Hamas will not stop sending over the rockets and if there is a truce it won't last very long. Hamas only sets a truce in place when they need more time to get more rockets.  As soon as Hamas has new rockets and has moved the rockets to different location the rockets will start dropping again.  In the mean time while in the back ground leaders are working for a truce the vioence in spreading as you will see if you read the entire report.

Iran is going to continue to be a major player in what happens in the Gaza. Iran's President has been working in the back ground to push the PLO to engage Israel in an all out war. Iran has been working with all the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war to push for a new war against Israel and today actions by Iran show she is again going to up the stakes in this new conflict.  I quote. "Another disturbing development is being reported in the current Gaza offensive against Israel which will raise the stakes for Israel even more. A 150-ton freighter bound for Gaza left Iran’s Bandar Abbas port Sunday with a cargo of 220 short-range missiles and 50 improved long-range Fajr-5 rockets, according to DEBKAfile intelligence sources. Fajr (sometimes spelled Fajer or Fajar) rockets are the types of rockets that have reached Tel Aviv. Fajr-5 rockets are as long as a telephone poles and typically have a range of 75 kilometers, however, Hamas has lightened the rockets’ payload, ensuring its range stretches to 85 kilometers. Iran first supplied the Hezbollah with its Fajr rockets during Lebanon’s 2006 war with Israel. Hezbollah militants were able to reach parts of Israel never before accessed with previous rockets. In fact, the Fajr-5 were the longest range rockets of its kind ever launched at Israel from Lebanon. Now, as Operation Pillar of Defense is under way, Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have launched a series of Fajr-5 rockets towards Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and are now poised to receive a fresh, improved shipment of these deadly long-range rockets."

By now everyone can see the last days birth pains are getting much more intence!


For the time being all of us will have to wait to see if Israel in forced by the Hamas rockets to enter the Gaza with tanks. Israel's leader just said they will allow another 24 hours for truce talks.

Headline: Netanyahu postpones ground operation in Gaza for 24 hours – reports



the-table-for-now/Ministry info: Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken
from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge. Just click to link below.


Jesus has blessed me but sending me Christians who took the time out to translate A Thief In The Night into their own language. So far these are the different languages which the Lord has directed people to send me.

Prophecy news for Nov. 19, 2012


Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see
the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Nov. 17, 2012 Edition written by Frank


Download Prophecy News from the Last Chronicles of Planet Earth 11-19-12

Sunday News with no commentary/Muslims see Jesus

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Nov. 17, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora


Aug8abcdefghikFranks back cover

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read! Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Nov. 17, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora

Sunday news with no commentary

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