April 26, 2023





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora



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WATCH: Israel Facing a Multi-Front War Thanks to Iran







6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70 Daniel 12 verse 4 reveals that people will be traveling back-and-forth in the last days at the same time. Knowledge increased, take a look at the migration around the world and you’ll understand this prophecy is being fulfilled right now.




Daniel 12:4

The prophet Daniel did not understand what this prophecy meant because it was for the last generation to understand it and, the meaning would be sealed until that last generation came along. Then would we know when the time of the end was? By the mire fact that the last generation would advance in knowledge more than any other generation while at the same time millions upon millions of people would be traveling back and forth daily. Our generation has advanced more than all the generations before it and it is still advancing at hyper speed because of computers and now artificial intelligence. No other generation can make a claim to this end time prophecy except ours! God does give a major sign when the last days would be known. Look what Daniel 12:11 says, 11 “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 12 Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days. 13 “As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.  In a nutshell God is showing us that there would be a Third Temple built in the end times that the Jews would be doing daily sacrifices but, the Antichrist would stop those sacrifices.  Why do you think there is so much trouble on the Temple Mount right now? Before the Jews are pushing to pray on the Mount and rebuild that Third Temple. The Jews are already practicing sacrificing animals and soon they will be doing it for real at the rebuilt Temple just as Jesus warned us.

World Bank: Global migration to grow, needs better management

Rapid aging of both wealthy and middle-income countries will make their economies increasingly dependent on migration from poorer countries, and the process needs to be better managed, the World Bank said on Tuesday.

April 25, 2023 Step by Step the Status Quo on the Temple Mount is changing in favor for the Jews

April 25, 2023 Step by Step the Status Quo on the Temple Mount is changing in favor for the Jews




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

For years I have been warning that the status quo on the Temple Mount was going to change so that the Jews would have full access to the Temple Mount to pray and worship just as the Muslims do right now. While the Muslims are doing whatever they can to stop the Jews from going up to the Temple Mount, what do we see? We see record number of Jews going up to the Mount and this has caused the Muslims to riot and become lawless on the Mount even when the Jews aren’t on the Mount. The status quo will change so watch and see what happens in the news concerning the Temple Mount and the Jews!

The scriptures below will show you where the Lord gives us information about the Jewish Third Temple of the last days. Below the scriptures showing a Third Temple is coming, I put up a Youube video which breaks down what has happened over the years which prove the status quo is in fact changing. The changes made be slow however, in the past few years those changes have begun to accelerate. What does this mean? It means the Antichrist is already here. He has not taken power yet but he is alive and at the right time he will step into his last days role that will only last for 7 years. At the end of the 7 years Jesus will return to Jerusalem as promised and begin his reign at King of Kings from Jerusalem.


More news showing Jews keep going up to the Temple Mount.

A breakJews ascend Temple Mount for first time since Ramadan ban

Jews on Monday morning were permitted to ascend the Temple Mount for the first time in 12 days.

The Israeli government had barred Jews from visiting their holiest site for the last 10 days of the monthlong Muslim holiday of Ramadan, which ended on Thursday.

During 2022, 51,483 Jews visited the Temple Mount, up from 34,651 in 2021 and 20,684 in 2020, according to statistics compiled by Beyadenu, an NGO dedicated to strengthening the Jewish connection to the site.






The news below is from May 2022, but what the Israeli court did still has enraged the Muslims to this day. People who tell me the status quo will not change in favor for the Jews are blind to the Lord’s warnings concerning the rebuilding of another Jewish Temple and the Antichrist sitting in that Temple.


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Israeli Judge Overturns Controversial Ruling on Temple Mount Status Quo

Lower court had canceled Jewish minors’ ban from Old City for praying at holy site
May 27, 2022
A Jewish man prostrates in prayer after visiting the Temple Mount, known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif, in Jerusalem’s Old City, April 20, 2022. (Menahem Kahana/AFP via Getty Images)

For more articles from The Media Line, click here.

The Jerusalem District Court late on Wednesday overturned a lower court ruling that reignited hostilities over the Temple Mount, known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif, after appearing to permit non-Muslim worship at the site in violation of the status quo.

Hostilities escalated after a ruling of the Jerusalem Magistrates’ Court on Sunday overturned a police order barring three Jewish minors from the capital’s Old City for praying on the Temple Mount.

The teenagers, who were visiting the Temple Mount, prostrated themselves and recited the Shema prayer, in violation of the “status quo,” which does not permit non-Muslims to pray at the site. In turn, a police order banned the minors from the Old City for 15 days on the grounds that they had disturbed the peace and behaved provocatively.

Judge Zion Saharay on Sunday argued that the boys had not “raise[d] worry of harm befalling national security, public safety, or individual security.”

This provoked a strong backlash from the Palestinian Authority and Jordan, whose religious trust, the Islamic Waqf, acts as custodian of the site.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the Magistrates’ Court decision as “a grave assault against the historic status quo … and a flagrant challenge to international law.” https://jewishjournal.com/israel/348885/israeli-judge-overturns-controversial-ruling-on-temple-mount-status-quo/

A more recent report concerning the Temple Mount issue shows even the Muslims realize there hold on the Mount is eroding.

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Inside Al-Aqsa, Muslims say they’re losing control of the holy site

April 25, 2023


The massive quakes Jesus walked about continue





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


A quake pic1


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A Very strong 7.0 hits near the coast of Southern Sumatra, Indonesia 
A very strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.1 hit near the coast of Southern Sumatra, Indonesia at 20:00 UTC on April 24, 2023 (03:00 LT, April 25). The agency is reporting a depth of 15.5 km (9.63 miles). BMKG is reporting M6.9 (down from M7.3) at a depth of 84 km (52.1 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.8 at a depth of 16 km (9.9 miles).


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Very strong M7.1 earthquake hits Kermadec Islands, New Zealand
A very strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.1 hit the Kermadec Islands region, New Zealand at 00:41 UTC on April 24, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 49 km (30 miles). EMCS is reporting M7.1 at a depth of 40 km (24.8 miles).


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Global Military Spending Hits All-Time High As World War III Threats Persist
Whether it begins in Eastern Europe or the South China Sea, World War III threats are mounting with each passing week. The latest data shows global military spending increased for the eighth consecutive year in 2022 to an all-time high. The surge in European spending primarily drove this increase due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Global defense expenditures increased by 3.7% in real terms to a record high of $2.24 trillion in 2022, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) wrote in a report. The sharpest rise was 13% in European arms budgets, the largest increase in 30 years.



April 24, 2023



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora



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Jews ascend Temple Mount for first time since Ramadan ban

Jews on Monday morning were permitted to ascend the Temple Mount for the first time in 12 days.

The Israeli government had barred Jews from visiting their holiest site for the last 10 days of the monthlong Muslim holiday of Ramadan, which ended on Thursday.

During 2022, 51,483 Jews visited the Temple Mount, up from 34,651 in 2021 and 20,684 in 2020, according to statistics compiled by Beyadenu, an NGO dedicated to strengthening the Jewish connection to the site.





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Large rare tornado hits Myanmar – over 200 homes destroyed, 8 fatalities, and 128 injured
Eight people were killed, 128 were injured, and 232 houses in two villages were destroyed when a large tornado swept through central Myanmar near the capital Naypyitaw on April 21, 2023.





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Dems plan to provide special treatment for LGBT illegal aliens
Democrats are proposing to install in U.S. law special protections for illegal aliens who are LGBT that would set them in a class above illegal aliens who do not claim the alternative sexual lifestyles.


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At gay rodeo in Texas, riders gallop on despite rights row

·4 min read

At the Texas Tradition Rodeo in Denton, John Beck gallops his horse Diamond across the arena, leaving a plume of dust in his wake — one of around 50 cowboys competing in classic events such as barrel-racing, calf-lassoing and bull-riding.

But at last weekend’s show, contestants also participated in unconventional challenges such as “Wild Drag Racing,” in which cowboys in sparkly dresses and extravagant wigs try to jump atop bucking steers — this is a gay rodeo.




Read Chapter 21 of my book you see the link below on the rapture

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 8 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)


Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Dutch TRANSLATION Oct 2012   http://frankdimora.typepad.com/files/thief-in-the-night-dutch-1.pdf

Download Thief-in-the-night-dutch (1)

Opia1Download DANISH

Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download
Thief in the Night- French

G1abcdeFDownload Thief in the Night – German

Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

FiazpxaDownload Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu

FiazpxabcjpghijDownload ISIZULU

Fiazpxabcjpghijkl.mljpgaDownload Malay TUHAN

If you see a language you speak that is not on this post and are lead by Jesus to translate this work please email me at fjdimora@gmail.com

April 22, 2023


April 21, 2023 more end time signs in the news


April 20, 2023 Did you reject Jesus’ free gift of salvation he is standing at the door


6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70Each day I bring to you many of the last day signs Jesus commanded us to watch for. The Lord commanded us to keep watch. Here is one scripture telling us to keep watch. Matthew 24:42-44 

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”  If you are knew to prophecy you may ask keep on the watch for what?  There are many places in the bible where Jesus gives us detailed information concerning knowing when the last days would be.  Christ outlines the very things he wanted us to keep on the watch for. You will find them in Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21 and Mark chapter 13. If you don’t know the signs you are already in trouble as you won’t know how close we are to seeing the Lord remove his Church from this Earth.  I say this almost every post, we are seeing all the last day birth pang signs happening all at the same time and, that is the signal Jesus is right at the door. This is what Jesus said in Matthew 24:  33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.  Our world is in a mess and as you watch the news you can see it is getting worse.  Jesus warned this would happen as he shows us in these last days the events would happen as a women in labor. This is why each day I show you some of those last day signs Jesus talked about. I hope you make yourself ready to meet Jesus because he is coming back soon for his Church. If you are not part of his Church you will be left behind on Earth to face Satan as the Antichrist man.  Christ wants you in heaven safe and, far away from the tribulation that is going to fall on the people of this Earth.  Don’t expect Christ to twist your arm. He has given you free will to make the choice where you want to spend eternity, in heaven with Christ or in the lake of fire with Satan and everyone else who rejected the Lord’s free gift of salvation. 




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 19 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora



See full size image

In Luke 21:11 Jesus gave us this warning. “And  great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Where are these UFO’s being seen?  They are coming from the heavens and when people see them they get scared. We know for sure there will be  all kinds of strange signs and those fearful sights Jesus talked about as seen in the book of Revelation. What we are seeing now is nothing compared to what is coming our way.  

Back in 2009, and again on June 10, 2021 I warned you what to look for concerning UFO’s. If you click the 2 links below they will take you to my  warnings.  According the the news from The Hill on May 10, 2022 congress has not  hold a hearing  on UFOs for  more than 50 years. So why now?  First of all and most importantly is the fact that all the last days birth pains Jesus Christ warned us about are all taking place all at the same time and, that my friend includes the following prophecy found in  Luke’s  prophecy. 

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70My 2009 warning


6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70My 2021 warning 




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UFO spotted by US drone in Middle East, Pentagon reveals
A strange unidentified flying object (UFO) in the form of a “metallic orb” was detected in the Middle East by a US reaper drone sometime during 2022, US defense official Sean M. Kirkpatrick told Congress Wednesday, US media outlets reported. Kirkpatrick noted that sightings of UFOs have been on the rise and the agency is tracking around 650 specific incidents – though clarified that there’s no evidence any of this is the result of aliens, Politico reported.




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Eiffel Tower-Sized Asteroid due to Soar Past Earth Next Week
A massive 1,312-foot asteroid is forecast to sail past the Earth in a relatively close encounter on April 26. The asteroid, named 2006 HV5, will pass our planet at speeds of around 38,922 mph, according to close-approach data from NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS). That is some 22 times the speed of a bullet.


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Rare hybrid solar eclipse on Thursday, April 20, 2023 
A rare hybrid solar eclipse will take place on Thursday, April 20, 2023. The eclipse path starts out as annular, changes to total, and then changes back to annular before the path ends.



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NYC’s Vegan Mayor Eric Adams to Limit Amount of Meat People Can Eat to Combat Climate Change
New York City’s vegan mayor Eric Adams wants to limit the amount of meat people can eat in an effort to combat climate change.





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Famed historian describes Biden’s ’10-step plan for global chaos’
“Why is French President Emmanuel Macron cozying up to China while trashing his oldest ally, the United States? Why is there suddenly talk of discarding the dollar as the global currency? Why are Japan and India shrugging that they cannot follow the United States’ lead in boycotting Russian oil? Why is the president of Brazil traveling to China to pursue what he calls a ‘beautiful relationship’?” Hanson begins.


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The Chinese Communist Party is taking advantage of the Biden administration’s ill prepared foreign policy and making dangerous moves for power. Among them are its involvement in green energy projects, exploiting the Democrats’ environmentalism push. “It’d be very ironic if we moved towards electric vehicles to the numbers that the Biden administration is talking about and the key component comes from China,”

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Recession already here for many Americans, as buying power, credit, social net shrinks





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Rapidly melting snow causes widespread flooding in Minnesota, U.S. 
Stearns County in Minnesota is experiencing significant flooding as the Mississippi River and its tributaries overflow due to rapidly melting snow, inundating roads, businesses, and residential areas.


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Large to giant hail, damaging winds, and locally heavy rain expected from the southern Plains to the Midwest, U.S.
A frontal system will bring the potential for severe storms with large to giant hail, damaging winds, and locally heavy rain from the southern Plains to the Midwest on Wednesday, April 19, and Thursday, April 20, 2023.


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Heavy rain and giant hail hit Rio Grande do Sul, leaving hundreds of homes damaged, Brazil 
Severe weather, including heavy rainfall, strong wind, and severe hailstorms, wreaked havoc in southern Brazil from April 16 to 17, 2023, causing floods and damage to hundreds of homes.


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Fatal lightning strikes hit Tshimbulu, southern DR Congo amid heavy rainfall 
As of April 19, media reports mention 8 fatalities and one heavily damaged house in the town of Tshimbulu, eastern Kasaï Central Province, due to lightning strikes that occurred on April 15 and 16.


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Xi Jinping Inspects China’s South China Sea Fleet as Regional Tensions Escalate
Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited China’s naval force in the South China Sea last week—at exactly the same time as the United States and the Philippines began their largest-ever joint military drills.



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8TH Graders Re-enact Lesbian Wedding Under Liberal “Pride Time” Teaching “SEL = Social Emotional Learning” 
More madness folks. It just goes on and on. This type of thing shouldn’t be taking place in ANY school in America, and instead it has reached epidemic proportions. Where the hell is it written that teachers, who are paid to teach specific subjects, are allowed to interfere with parents raising their kids. This isn’t overreach, this is insanity. Proficiency scores in basic subjects like English, Math, Reading and even Writing are at all time lows. Yet, school administrations are ignoring these blatant facts and instead are condoning this gender identification nonsense.


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United Nations, New World Order Now favors Normalization of Sex With Minors 
A report by the International Commission of Jurists entitled “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty,” is advocating the normalization of sex with minors.


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As US marriage rates plummet, David’s Bridal crumbles – 9,000 employees will lose their jobs..
…Think about that — the marriage rate in the U.S. has dropped by nearly 60% over the past 50 years. Part of the plummet is due to the breakdown of the traditional nuclear family, migration away from Christian values, and the anti-male feminist movement.




Read Chapter 21 of my book you see the link below on the rapture

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 8 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)


Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Dutch TRANSLATION Oct 2012   http://frankdimora.typepad.com/files/thief-in-the-night-dutch-1.pdf

Download Thief-in-the-night-dutch (1)

Opia1Download DANISH

Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download
Thief in the Night- French

G1abcdeFDownload Thief in the Night – German

Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

FiazpxaDownload Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu

FiazpxabcjpghijDownload ISIZULU

Fiazpxabcjpghijkl.mljpgaDownload Malay TUHAN



April 19, 2023 Do you think the last day signs Jesus gave us is a joke? BIG MISTAKE!

April 19, 2023 Do you think the last day signs Jesus gave us is a joke? BIG MISTAKE!













Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 16 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70God told us in Ezekiel 38 Iran would be one of the many nations who in the last days attack Israel thinking that with their massive Muslim armies they would wipe out the Jews. Of course that is not what happens because we see God stepping in at that war to wipe out 5/6 of the people attacking Israel.  Also Jesus in Matthew chapter 24 warned in the last days nation will fight against nation and, there would also be rumors of war.  We see this type of news almost on a nightly bases now. 

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‘Get Ready’: Taiwan Civilians Train For Chinese Invasion

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The classes are part of a growing Taiwanese urgency to be ready for a worst-case scenario after seeing the Ukraine war from afar


Psysician Lin Yuh-ting has taken time out of her weekend to learn civilian defence tips she can relay to her two young children in case China invades self-ruled Taiwan.

There are no weapons, just vital training on how to react to China’s hybrid warfare.

The classes are part of a growing Taiwanese urgency to be ready for a worst-case scenario after seeing the Ukraine war from afar and enduring two rounds of Chinese drills in the past year, including exercises that ended last week.

“When there’s the possibility of a war, I think we should get prepared,” said 45-year-old Lin, who was attending the Kuma Academy’s classes in Taipei. https://www.barrons.com/news/get-ready-taiwan-civilians-train-for-chinese-invasion-6832d397



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Pentagon Seeks To Justify Syria Occupation Through More Raids On ISIS
US Central Command announced Monday that US commandos conducted a successful early morning helicopter raid on an ISIS hideout in northern Syria, resulting in the death of a suspected senior Syrian ISIS leader. CENTCOM said the target, Abd-al-Hadi Mahmud al-Haji Ali, has been confirmed killed,


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Biden’s Covert “Act of War” Could Be Deadly for Millions of Americans
On September 26, 2022, a covert attack ripped four 60-foot holes into Russia’s Nord Stream pipeline, rendering it useless. The EU, which depends heavily on Nord Stream for natural gas, felt the impact immediately. But within weeks, the effects had spread worldwide – and intensified an already devastating global energy crisis. In the U.S. alone, gas and oil prices have skyrocketed. Today, roughly 1 in 6 American families are unable to pay their energy bills. And according to one expert – a former CIA insider and advisor to the Pentagon – President Biden is to blame.


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“I’d put it above the CIA. This is elements connected to the Director of National Intelligence… There’s no way that some National Guardsman doing [temporary duty] at Fort Bragg would have access to that.” “The information was leaked for [a purpose], to prepare the U.S. public for the crash landing that’s going to take place with respect to U.S. foreign policy,” he said.


6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70If you are new to bible prophecy you need to know that there was to be only one generation who would witness the rebirth of the nation Israel. That generation started in 1948, when after 2,000 years Israel became a nation again. Jesus also told us that we would see all the last day signs take place all at the same time and since Israel was born again we are witnessing all the last day signs taking place all at the same time.  By these signs we know Jesus is at the door which means he will come for Church as he promised.  Are you ready for him to come?  One of those many last day signs is the sign of Great earthquakes. 

A quake pic1



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Deep M6.6 earthquake hits south of the Fiji Islands
A deep earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.6 hit south of the Fiji Islands at 04:31 UTC on April 18, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 562.5 km (349 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.5 at a depth of 576 km (358 miles).


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Strong earthquake shakes Papua New Guinea
A strong earthquake shook Papua New Guinea on Wednesday but no serious damage or casualties were expected, officials said. The magnitude 6.3 earthquake was centered in West New Britain province at a depth of 55.7 kilometers (35 miles), the U.S. Geological Survey said. It said the quake caused strong shaking, but economic losses and casualties were expected to be small. 

Take a look at the Great earthquakes so far in 2023. Remember what you read here today because more of these many quakes and Great quakes are coming!


A magnitude 7.0 quake stuck port-Olry, Vanuatu January 8, 2023

A magnitude 7.6 quake stuck Kepulauan Tanimbar, Indonesia   January 9, 2023

 A magnitude 6.2 quake stuck WSW of Pointe-Noire, Guadeloupe   January 20, 2023

A magnitude 6.8 quake stuck Argentina  January 20, 2023

A magnitude 6.4 quake stuck Argentina  January 24, 2023

A magnitude 7.8 quake struck Turkey February 6, 2023

A magnitude 6.7 quake struck Turkey February 6, 2023

A magnitude 7.5 quake struck Turkey February 6, 2023

A magnitude 6.0 quake struck Turkey February 6, 2023

A magnitude 6.0 quake struck Turkey February 6, 2023

A magnitude 6.1 quake struck the Philippines February 15, 2023

A magnitude 6.3 quake struck Turkey February 20, 2023

 A magnitude 6.9 quake struck Tajikistan February 23, 2023

A magnitude 6.3 quake struck Indonesia February 23, 2023

 A magnitude 6.6 quake stuck Papua New Guinea March 1, 2023

 A magnitude 6.9 quake struck New Zealand March 4, 2023

 A magnitude 6.3 quake struck Papua New Guinea March 14, 2023

A magnitude 7.0 quake struck Kermadec Islands region March 16, 2023

 A magnitude 6.8 quake struck  Ecuador March 18 2023   

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Afghanistan March 21, 2023 

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Argentia March 22, 2023

A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Chile, March 30, 2023

 A magnitude 7.0 quake stuck Papua New Guinea April 2, 2023

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Vilyuchinsk, Kamtsjatka,  Russia April 3, 2023

 A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Boca Chica Panama April 4, 2023

 A magnitude 7.0 quake stuck Indonesia, April 14, 2023

 A magnitude 6.6 April 18, 2023 hit Fiji Islands 

A magnitude 6.3 quake stuck Papua New Guinea April 19, 2023




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7 fatalities, 6 missing after widespread floods hit Tanzania
Heavy rainfall has been affecting western Tanzania, particularly the Rukwa Region, since April 12, 2023, causing river overflows and floods that have resulted in casualties and damage.



A breakA Shocking UN Document Reveals The Sick Sexual Agenda That The Globalists Plan To Push On The Whole World
They aren’t going to stop until they impose their twisted values on the entire planet. If you have not heard of “The 8 March Principles” yet, you can find the entire document right here. It is essentially a blueprint for synchronizing all global laws regarding sexuality, gender and reproductive rights.


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The coming globalized digital money system just got the endorsement it needed to proceed as the replacement for fiat paper currencies 
I have been warning for more than two years that the global beast system will be fully in place when we see the globalists succeed at implementing two key components: A global digital ID for all people and a new form of global digital money that will be designed to replace cash.




Read Chapter 21 of my book you see the link below on the rapture

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 8 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)


Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Dutch TRANSLATION Oct 2012   http://frankdimora.typepad.com/files/thief-in-the-night-dutch-1.pdf

Download Thief-in-the-night-dutch (1)

Opia1Download DANISH

Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download
Thief in the Night- French

G1abcdeFDownload Thief in the Night – German

Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

FiazpxaDownload Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu

FiazpxabcjpghijDownload ISIZULU

Fiazpxabcjpghijkl.mljpgaDownload Malay TUHAN

If you see a language you speak that is not on this post and are lead by Jesus to translate this work please email me at fjdimora@gmail.com

March 18, 2023 – If you have a TV and watch any news you have seen report after report  how the Lawlessness is getting so bad it is changing the hearts of people.




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 16 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70If you have a TV and watch any news you have seen report after report  how the Lawlessness is getting so bad it is changing the hearts of people. There have been 131 mass shootings with four or more people wounded or killed so far in 2023 compared to 113 this time last year. The United States has faced at least 163 mass shootings so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive. There have been more mass shootings than days in 2023. People are afraid to go out these days as our society turns more violent.   Kids today don’t have a moral compass as a result of the breakdown of the family and, part of that result can be seen in all these smash and grab robberies. Let’s face it our society is turning away from Jesus Christ and the more that happens the deeper our society falls into more crime. This should not surprise anyone who knows what Jesus said about the last days as seen in the photo below. 


The report below showed the crime rate was higher in 2022, and by all the mass shooting we have seen in 2023, so far I would image by the end of 2023 the crime rate will be even higher. Let us keep in mind as to what Jesus said in Matthew 24:7-8Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. Birth pains always get worse before the baby is born and in like manner this is how the last days are being played out so expect all these last days signs Jesus gave us to get much worse before the Lord removes his Church. 


Violent crime rises as police struggle

Homicide rates dipped in 2022, but violent crimes such as rape, robbery and assault remained dramatically higher than before the COVID-19 pandemic, The Washington Times found in a review of data from police departments across the country.

Through the final week of December, violent crime in Chicago soared 41% from the same period a year earlier, though homicides declined 14%. In New York City, overall violent crime increased by 23% from 2021 but homicides dropped by 13%. Violent crime in Los Angeles jumped 8% while homicides dropped by roughly 6%.Studies by police and law enforcement organizations reached similar conclusions.https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/dec/30/violent-crime-soars-2022-blame-pinned-too-few-cops/

All About Smash And Grab Robberies - TAL Global

All About Smash And Grab Robberies …


Almost every day I show you the current news and how that news is related to the end time signs. What I showed you today is only a very very small part of everything that is happening in our generation.  I will say this, a nation without Christ is a nation that will fall.  You see it happening first hand.  Now that we are seeing all the last days signs taking place all at the same time we know Jesus is right at the door!  Will you turn to Christ for salvation before he removes his Church?  I pray this post will help you receive Jesus. 



April 17, 2023 Do you know the last day signs? What did Jesus say about keeping on the watch for the last days?

April 17, 2023 The real reason why Saudi Arabia is turning Thomas instead of Israel


















Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 16 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


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All Hell Breaks Out In Chicago As Hundreds Of Teenagers Wreak Havoc

Tyler Durden's Photo

SUNDAY, APR 16, 2023 – 04:00 PM


A trend of lawlessness has unfolded in cities run by progressive leaders this spring. The latest incident occurred on Saturday night in Downtown Chicago, where hundreds of teenagers wreaked havoc by smashing car windows and destroying public and private property. They also attempted to enter Millennium Park, which prompted a significant police response. There was even a shooting that resulted in multiple injuries. 



6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70The photo you see below are the nations that God said are going to come together and attack Israel in the last days however, Israel will win the war. The war I referred to is the Psalm 83 war and if you notice Saudi Arabia is listed as one of those nations. The report I put below shows Saudi Arabia has moved closer to the Hamas which is another people the Lord said would attack Israel. Wake up the signs are all coming together this war is not far off.  


A psalm

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A breakSouth Korea Fires Warning Shots At North Korean Patrol Boat That Breached Boundary
A dangerous live-fire incident has been reported in a disputed sea border patrolled by both North and South Korea on Saturday. Reportedly a North Korean vessel had been pursuing a Chinese fishing boat, according to the military statement, and subsequently retreated after warning shots were fired from a South Korean military patrol boat.

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70People, are you kidding me, if you don’t see how the number of massive storms has caused major damage and complex problems for the places these massive storms have hit. These recent storms have wiped out thousands of homes and businesses and now those who have been hit by these storms are trying to figure out what to do next, since many of the people have lost everything. Why do you think Jesus told us “upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity? It was a true warning what many nations and peoples were going to face in the end times as the storms pounded the nations.  The damage is in the billions not to mention the number of people who are now displaced or died as a result of the storms. Keep in mind, this is only one of the many last days signs Jesus commanded us to keep on the watch for. If you didn’t know about this sign you most likely would not know what else Jesus told you to look for.  And if you are unaware of what signs to look for you most likely don’t have Jesus Christ as you Lord and savior yet!  If that is the case you are already walking on the road that is leading you to hell. I say this because of Jesus own words found in John 14:6 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” . Christians are often criticized for claiming that Jesus is the only way to God but that to is part of the end times signs.  You may want to take notice that our world which is run by Satan doesn’t attack Buddhism, Islam, or new age believes nor any other strange god. The only God that is always attacked is Jesus Christ.  Did you ever hear the main stream media make jokes about, Buddha or any of the others I just mentioned?  Answer is no. Why would Satan attack the other faiths when he has already locked them in with his deception.  In addressing the last days one of the first things Jesus warned is found in Mark 13: 5 I quote, “Jesus began by telling them, “See to it that no one deceives you.”  Satan has been deceiving people in thinking Jesus is not the only way!!  We know how Satan’s end will come and I pray you do not follow him to the lake of fire Jesus talks about in the book of Revelation.  All the signs Jesus told us to look for are proof that what Jesus says will come to pass.  The news is making my job easy however, Satan keeps blinding people to the Lord’s truth.  What about you? Who do you trust?  There is only one way to God and that road is through Jesus Christ.



A breakFort Lauderdale flooding likely to rewrite history books: ‘Everything was bad’

Extreme rainfall rarely ever seen in the U.S. flooded homes, highways and the airport in and around Fort Lauderdale, Florida, earlier this week. AccuWeather meteorologists say it was worse than the rainfall from most hurricanes.

An epic deluge with more than two feet of rain poured down on the Fort Lauderdale area on Wednesday, forcing a major airport to close and leaving many parts of the region underwater. The city, located on Florida’s Atlantic coastline, has weathered its fair share of hurricanes, but according to AccuWeather forecasters, Wednesday’s storm could go down in the record books.