April 16, 2023 New Global Currency coming just as Jesus warned in Revelation chapter 13


April 16, 2023 New Global Currency coming just as Jesus warned in Revelation chapter 13



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 16 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora




Jesus warned us in chapter 13 of the book of Revelation that there would be one man who would control the world’s economic system. In my book I have been showing you over the years what has been happening to bring about that one world system. Below is a section from my book giving you the information who is bringing about a new one world currency.  You will see information from 2009 to  October 29, 2013 and, then you will see the latest news I just added from March 15, 2023 concerning the IMF’s “Unicoin” global currency.  The road is being set in place for the Lord’s enemy to take control of the world’s economic system.  

From my book

The global crisis has gotten so bad that we are reading more news from around the world reporting world leaders are calling for a switch to a one world currency, a one world economic system, and a New World Order.  These leaders are calling for the exact things, Jesus warned us about.   We are running down the road to fulfill Revelation 13:16-17 where we see the Antichrist controlling a one world economic system.  Let me provide you with the evidence that what I am saying is the truth.  The birth pains for this One World Government, and Currency has intensified. The following is a short list of news reports calling for either a New World Order, One World Currency or a new reserve currency away from the U.S dollar.

February 22, 2009: Germany (CNN) – “The world needs a “global New Deal” to haul it out of the economic crisis it faces, Prime Minister Gordon Brown of the United Kingdom said Sunday. “We need a global New Deal — a grand bargain between the countries and continents of this world — so that the world economy can not only recover but… so the banking system can be based on… best principles,” he said, referring to the 1930s American plan to fight the Great Depression” (CNN.com Feb. 22, 2009).

March 11, 2009: “World needs single currency” “Kazakhstan  Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev has called for the creation of a single world currency called the “acmetal” as a means of combating the worsening global financial crisis.  In our view, we must create a single world currency under the aegis of the United Nations,” Nazarbayev said on Tuesday, a day before a major economic conference opens in his Central Asian country. “We must make a transition to an absolutely new global currency system based on legitimacy and, in view of all countries, one single monetary system,” he told a meeting of the Eurasian Association of Universities. This is the first time Nazarbayev has spoken publicly about the need for a single world currency although he has previously written about it” (World News Australia March 11, 2009).

March 11, 2009: “During today’s summit, Ahmadinejad called for a new global economic system that is based on respecting human rights. He did not provide details. He also called for greater regional economic integration and urged member states to begin discussing the establishment of a single currency and a bank that would promote trade” (The Independent March 11, 2009).

March 14, 2009: “KAZAKH President Nursultan Nazarbayev has won backing for his plan for a single world currency from an intellectual architect of the euro currency, Nobel-prize winner Professor Robert Mundell. Nazarbayev, speaking at an economic forum in the glitzy new capital he has built on the Kazakh steppe, defended his proposal for the “acmetal” world currency saying it might “look kind of funny” but was not. And he received intellectual support from the Canadian economist Prof Mundell, who helped lay the intellectual groundwork for Europe’s single currency” (The Australian March 14, 2009).

March 17, 2009: “The Kremlin published its priorities Monday for an upcoming meeting of the G20, calling for the creation of a supranational reserve currency to be issued by international institutions as part of a reform of the global financial system. The International Monetary Fund should investigate the possible creation of a new reserve currency, widening the list of reserve currencies or using its already existing Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, as a “superreserve currency accepted by the whole of the international community,” the Kremlin said in a statement issued on its web site” (The Moscow Times.com March 17, 2009).

March 18, 2009: “I have no doubt in my mind that al-Gaddafi would perform competently well based on what he wants now, single African military force, single currency and a single passport for Africans to move within the continent. Gaddafi has also promised to end the crisis in Darfur in his role as AU Chairman”(Guardian Newspapers March 18, 2009).

March 24, 2009: “China is call for a new global currency controlled by the International Monetary Fund, stepping up pressure ahead of a London summit of global leaders for changes to a financial system dominated by the U.S. dollar and Western government” (Forbes (AP) March 24, 2009).

March 30, 2009: “Russia and China are coordinating proposals on a new global currency that could replace the US dollar as a reserve currency to prevent a repeat of the global economic crisis, the Kremlin said on Monday” (Breitbart.com March 30, 3009).

April 1, 2009: “Gordon Brown has made an overtly religious call for a new world order based on the ‘deep moral sense’ shared by all faiths.  Making the first speech by a serving Prime Minister at St Paul’s Cathedral in London, he quoted scripture as he urged people to unite to forge a new ‘global society” ( Daily Mail April 1, 2009).

July 10, 2009: “Mr Medvedev, who has been seeking ways to displace the dollar as the world’s dominant reserve currency, produced a sample coin of what he described as a ‘united future world currency’. “Here it is,” Mr Medvedev said, according to Bloomberg. “You can see it and touch it.” The coin, which was minted in Belgium, was presented to all the G8 leaders attending the summit and bears the words ‘unity in diversity” (Telegraph.co.uk).  The photo shows the coin Medvedev pulled out at the G8 meeting.  If you think about it, the coins name, “unity in diversity,” is a perfect name for the one world economic system.  If the Antichrist is to take control of the planet’s economic system it makes sence this is the reason why we are witnessing the nations calling for a one world currency.  This is solid proof Jesus’ warnings are true! 

September 7, 2009 the Telegraph.co.uk headline read as follows, “UN wants new global currency to replace dollar”

This report went on to say, “The dollar should be replaced with a global currency, the United Nations has said, proposing the biggest overhaul of the world’s monetary system since the Second World War.”

January 25, 2010 news from BREITBART.com gave us information on Britian’s push for a globlal deal concerning bank taxes.  “Britain stepped up its push for a global tax on financial transactions Monday as part of broad plans to reform the banking sector following the financial crisis, amid concerns that the US may act alone. Prime Minister Gordon Brown insisted that his proposal for an international levy on financial transactions was “gathering support around the world,” a day after Chancellor Alistair Darling hit out at US proposals.”

April 29, 2010 the (European Central Bank) released a speech, which reported on a keynote address by Jean–Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, at the Council on Foreign Relations. In his six page speech he addresses the issue of global governance. “I will first elaborate on why we need a set of rules, institutions, informal groupings and cooperation mechanisms that we call ‘global governance’.  Second, I will analyze how, in hindsight, the existing system of global governance has fared during the crisis.  Third, I will examine the evolution of the system in response to the crisis, in particular the rise of new key players in the world economy, such as the G20, the Global Economy Meeting of central bank governors and the Financial Stability Board.”

May 29, 2010 the Financial Post wrote the following. A new currency is intended to challenge the U.S. dollar as the world’s foremost reserve currency. The WOCU, short for world currency unit, was actually launched by London-based WDX Organization in September 2009, but only seems to be gaining recognition now. Its value is determined as a derivative of the exchange rates of the world’s top 20 currencies, as measured by GDP, in order to reduce the risk associated with exchange rate fluctuations. The new currency is similar to the International Monetary Fund’s special drawing rights (SDR), which the IMF uses as a reserve asset to supplement the currency reserves of its member states. Both Russia and China have been pushing for the world to switch to a new currency”.

July 29, 2010 a report from (RadioFreeEurpoe) stated, “Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev appears keen to introduce a common global currency. One way or another.  I continue to insist that the new global economy requires a new global currency,” Nararbaev said during a recent economic forum in the Kazakh capital, Astana. He also “continued to insist” on the topic during an informal meeting of the OSCE Foreign Ministers in Almaty earlier this month. In his article, “Keys to the Crisis,” published in the Russian newspaper “Rossiiskaya gazeta” in February 2009, Nazarbaev suggested that a common currency could help lead the world out of financial turmoil. Nazarbaev has suggested calling it the “akmetal,” a word coined from the Greek “acme” — meaning “supreme” or “best” — and “capital.”

August 4, 2010 the (Infowars) report  reported, “A newly published IMF strategy document calls for the implementation of a global currency, called the “bancor”, to stabilize the international monetary system, while acknowledging that only a monumental shift toward acceptance of globalism will make it possible in the short term.” This report goes on to state, “However, an article on the Financial Times blog alphaville, entitled IMF blueprint for a global currency-yes really, today highlights the document and the clear strategy of the global financial body.”

October 13, 2010 (SOP newswire2) reported, “In advance of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank meeting in Washington last weekend, the Institute of International Finance, a group that represents 420 of the world’s largest banks and finance houses, issued yet another call for a one-world global currency”.

October 15, 2010 news sent out by the (UN NEWS CENTRE) reported that “Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon touched down in Morocco today, where he will address an international policy conference on the theme of global governance.” “He will identify three main challenges for global governance: ensuring that the global economy works for all people; combating climate change; and addressing new challenges, such as migration and organized crime”. Revelation 13:16-17, Jesus warned the Antichrist would what?   Christ warned this Antichrist would force everyone to take his mark, so don’t think it is strange that Ban Ki-moon is talking about the global economy working for all people.  All Ben Ki-moon is doing is bringing the world to the very place Jesus showed we would go!

October, 20, 2010 (Yahoo News) stated, “The leaders of Iran and Venezuela hailed what they called their strong strategic relationship on Wednesday, saying they are united in efforts to establish a “new world order” that will eliminate Western dominance over global affairs.” “Iran and Venezuela are united to establish a new world order based on humanity and justice,” Ahmadinejad said, repeating his predictions that those who today seek “world domination are on the verge of collapse.”  Ahmadinejad may have hit the nail on the head.  When the US dollar dies it will help forge a new worldwide economic system. This system will be part of the new global governance.

December 14, 2010 The New York Times reported the following: “On Wednesday, a Moscow securities exchange is scheduled to open direct trading between the Chinese currency, the renminbi, and the Russian ruble. If the market develops, it could eventually cut the dollar out of a portion of Russian and Chinese trade. Although China’s business with Russia is only a sliver of what it does with the United States, there is room to grow: Russia is the world’s largest energy exporting nation, and China a big consumer as the world’s second-largest economy, behind the United States. And yet when a railroad tanker of Russian oil crosses the border into China, the transaction is settled in dollarsThe new currency exchange is meant to start changing that. The trading system will operate through the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange, or Micex, which is Russia’s largest stock exchange and also handles foreign currency transactions. It will be the first trading in the Chinese currency outside mainland China and Hong Kong” (The New York Times Dec. 14, 2010.  Most of America doesn’t understand what a major blow this will be to the US economy.  Once the world no longer uses the US dollar to buy up oil, the dollar will be crushed, and that is exactly what is beginning to take place with Russia and China.  This same N.Y. Times report goes on to say, “We are pioneers,” a Micex spokesman, Nikita N. Bekasov, said in a telephone interview. In the long term, if other nations moved in the same direction, trading in renminbi outside China could diminish demand for the dollar. Chinese companies exporting to Russia or other countries could instead buy local currency directly, without the need for dollars as a common currency to conduct their business” (Ibid).   Right now there is a need for the US dollar, but when the nations buy oil using another currency the dollar will be worthless, and that is when you will see hiper-inflation sweep over America.

January 5, 2011 there was another major sign that the US dollar was going to collapse. The FTM Daily reported, “In yet another sign of the coming collapse of the Dollar as the sole international reserve currency, the World Bank issued its first bond denominated in the Chinese yuan currency in Hong Kong on Wednesday. The primary purchasers of the two-year bond were Hong Kong-based financial institutions, companies and wealthy individuals. While the issuance raised only 500 million yuan ($76 million), it provides further evidence that the global economy is in search of alternative currencies to the diseased U.S. Dollar” (Jan. 5, 2011). Look at who the writer of this report points to as the leading currencies? I quote, “The ultimate endgame for China is to promote the yuan (also called the renminbi) to the status of a global currency, similar to the U.S. dollar and the euro. While the yuan is still years away from being able to displace the dollar in global trade, it is inevitable that the U.S. dollar will continue its downward trend which will require the rise of other currencies. The two contenders to watch closely in the coming years are the euro and the yuan” (Ibid).  You will see the importance of the euro in prophecy when you read chapter two.  The down fall of America is under way, and most of you are not ready for it! Here are some more recents reports calling for a new reserve curreny and a new world currency.

April 3, 2013 “BRICS Regimes Forge New World Bank, Call for Global Currency” “The governments and dictatorships ruling over the so-called BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — agreed to set up a new world bank that analysts say could further marginalize the increasingly unstable U.S. dollar, possibly helping to eventually dethrone it as the global reserve currency. Meeting in Durban, South Africa, last week at their fifth annual summit, the socialist and communist-minded BRICS regimes also announced their support for creating a new world currency and full-fledged global governance” (New American)

October 29, 2013 “The scathing commentary published by China’s state-owned Xinhua news agency calling for a ‘de-Americanized world’ was undoubtedly music to the ears of many in the developing world. The article – published during the recent fiscal deadlock – accused Washington of abusing its superpower status by engaging in unwarranted military conflicts, engineering regime changes with impunity, and mishandling its status as the issuer of the world reserve currency by exporting risk abroad. Xinhua’s commentary also called for drastic reforms of the IMF and World Bank to reflect the growing muscle of the developing world, and most significantly, “the introduction of a new international reserve currency that is to be created to replace the dominant US dollar” (RT News)

Now that you can see the world is moving in the direction of a new world order I want to continue with news showing the decline of America’s power, and the dollar is leading to an economic meltdown. One thing we can not forget. The last days signs will be as the birth pains as Christ stated so except the dollor to rise and fall and the economy to do the same until the rise of the Antichrist.


A break


News from Zero Hedge March 15, 2023 the latest push for a global currency. The headline to the Zero Hedge report reads, “IMF Unveils New Global Currency Known As The “Universal Monetary Unit” To “Transform” World Economy”.

I quote, “The “Universal Monetary Unit”, also known as “Unicoin”, is an “international central bank digital currency” that has been designed to work in conjunction with all existing national currencies.  This should set off alarm bells for all of us, because the widespread adoption of a new “global currency” would be a giant step forward for the globalist agenda.  The IMF did not create this new currency, but it was unveiled at a major IMF gathering earlier this week…”.



April 15, 2023 Another massive quake, Another massive storm, and more end time signs



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 10 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora





A break

Category 5 Tropical Cyclone “Ilsa” makes landfall in Western Australia, setting the country’s new landfall wind speed record 
Tropical Cyclone “Ilsa” made landfall as a Category 5 system in a sparsely populated area of Western Australia around 16:00 UTC on April 13, 2023 (00:00 LT on April 14), as the strongest cyclone to hit the region in 14 years.


A quake pic1

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Very deep M7.0 earthquake hits near the coast of Java, Indonesia 
A very strong and deep earthquake registered by the USGS as M7.0 hit near the northern coast of Java, Indonesia at 09:55 UTC on April 14, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 594 km (369 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.7 at a depth of 603 km (374 miles). BMKG is reporting it as M6.6 at a depth of 632 km (393 miles).



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Why French Bakeries In France Are Suddenly Shutting Down At Alarming Rates
France is considered the cultural home of bread baking. In fact, French bakeries are such a quintessential part of the nation’s history that French President Emmanuel Macron ensured the baguette was given UNESCO heritage status in 2022. Unfortunately, skyrocketing costs are shuttering small businesses like bakeries across France.



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All UK Airports must close within the next 10 years, beef and lamb will be banned, and construction of new buildings will cease in the name of “Climate Change” according to Government Report
A report produced by Oxford University and Imperial College London for the UK Government reveals that all airports will be ordered to close, eating beef and lamb will be made illegal, and construction of new buildings will not be permitted in order to meet the legal commitment of zero emissions by 2050.







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Washington State Passes Bill Allowing Government to Take Away Minor From Parents If They Refuse To Agree to Gender Transition Surgery
According to Seattle, WA journalist Katie Daviscourt, the Washington State Legislature passed SB 5599 last night, which allows the state to legally take children away from their parents if they don’t consent to their child’s gender transition surgeries.

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Is There A Connection Between The Rise Of LGBTQIA Affirming Churches And The Current Obsession With Satan? 
Man, I got a bunch of things to talk about today, all of them wild, and all of the connected at their root. Perhaps you haven’t noticed it, and I say that with heavy sarcasm, but the world we live in has gone to Hell in a handbasket, literally falling apart at the seams.


6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70In my post dated April 14, 2023 Yesterday, I broke down two war prophecies that are taking shape now. I added what I wrote after you see the two new reports that just came out today concerning these two coming war against Israel. Notice again with the two new report the nations listed to attack Israel I highlighted in RED. I did this to drive my point home that the very people God warned us about are planning their attack on Israel. 



Sources say Esmail Qaani, leader of Iran’s Quds Force, recently met with leaders of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad

A top Iranian official has reportedly begun rallying allies across the Middle East to launch a fresh wave of attacks on Israeli targets, marking a new phase of a protracted shadow war between the regional rivals.

According to anonymous sources familiar with the development cited by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Esmail Qaani, leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ (IRGC) Quds Force, has met with a series of military leaders across the region in recent weeks, including some in Syria and Iraq.

The paramilitary Quds Force handles activities abroad for the IRGC, including unconventional warfare and intelligence gathering. 

Qaani was in Lebanon last week as well, where he met with the leaders of Gaza’s Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror movements at the Iranian embassy in Beirut, the sources told WSJ



A breakhttps://www.timesofisrael.com/iran-said-to-be-rallying-allied-terror-groups-to-launch-coordinated-attacks-on-israel/







6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70There are many last days signs Jesus told us to look for. These last day signs would happen in one special generation. That generation was signaled out for us in Matthew chapter 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. 

Two major things you need to know from the above scriptures. First of all the generation who Jesus is talking about would have to see two things. The first would be that the nation of Israel would have to be born again as a nation. Jesus refers to Israel as a (fig tree). Everyone knows Israel was in fact born again as a Jewish nation on May 14, 1948. The second thing of importance Jesus shows us for the last generation is  found in verse 33 “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” Our generation is the generation who is witnessing everything Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24. There is no other generation who saw the birth of Israel and, all the signs taking place all at the same time until our generation. Take notice Jesus told us when we see all these things we would know summer in nigh. In short, what the Lord is saying to us is he is about to return for his Church and then the tribulation will begin.

There are many last day signs the Lord told us to look for besides what he teaches us in Matthew chapter 24. One of those latter days signs would be a war against Israel. I want to break down this sign for you because I believe this war can not be far off. The war I refer to is found in Ezekiel chapter 38-39. The photo below will show you all the nations God says will come against Israel and the direction Israel’s enemies will come.



6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70Before I break down the Ezekiel war take a look at todays news concerning Israel going to war alone against Iran.  What the Lord warned us about this war has been taking shape. 


There are many nations listed to attack Israel but I want to focus on Iran which is shown to us in Ezekiel 38:5 as Persia. Persia is the Old Testament name for modern day Iran. God tells us when this war will take place in Ezekiel 38:After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.  What Jesus told us in Matthew chapter 24 about the Jewish returning to Israel in the end times has already taken place so we know we are in the latter years as warned in verse 8.  

In Ezekiel 38:9 God tells us what this attack against Israel will be like. “Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.”  In other words there will be so many Muslims attacking the Jews it will be as a cloud covering the land. There will be millions of Muslims attacking on the ground and there will be so many planes in the sky that the Lord likens that attack as a cloud over the land. 

In verse 11 God tells us what Israel’s enemies will say. “11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates”  This attack will come when Israel has no walls, bars, or gates to protect them and, this can only happen if Israel feels safe enough to take down those walls, bars, and gates that are standing now.  Right now Israel does not live in safety so something must happen to make Israel feel safe enough to remove the walls, bars, and gates. Below you will see an example of what Ezekiel was taking about concerning no walls, bars, or gates. Israel is loaded with these safety items. 



In the news report I showed you today it talks about Israel having to attack Iran alone because Israel can no longer count on the United States for help or, for anyone else for that matter. This is what verse 13 says. “13 Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?  The people mentioned in verse 13 are Sheba, and Dedan which is Saudi Arabia, who recently have been forming closer ties with Israel. Tarshish is Great Britain, and the young lions are the nations who broke away from the Mother Lion. The young lions are the U.S., Australia, and Canada.  I provide more details concerning verse 13 in my book which you read for free. 

In verse 16 the Lords says something similar as he did in verse 9, “16 And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.”  The Lord is going to bring Israel’s enemies down on Israel to he can sanctified his name. By this war the world will know it could only be the Lord who saves Israel from such a major assault  against the Jews. Now in verse 21 we see what the Lord is going to do to rescue the Jews. “21 And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord God: every man’s sword shall be against his brother.” So, as the attack takes place the Lord does something that causes Israel attackers to begin fighting against themselves. Then in verse 22 we see what else the Lord does to the enemies of Israel. “22 And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.  Sounds a lot like what the Lord did to Sodom and Gomorrah when he poured fire, and brimstone on them.

In verse 23 we see the Lord has chosen this day to show the world who he is. “23 Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord.”

In Ezekiel 39:2 it says, And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel:”. In other words of the many millions of Muslims who attack Israel the Lord is going to allow only 1/6 of them to return home from the war. When this war breaks out the world will begin to say this is the end of Israel, there is no way this tiny nations can win a war against so many nations. However, the mainstream media will be wrong as usual when they see the outcome of this war. Israel will be protected again by God. One of the outcomes of this war is shown to us in verse 7. So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One in Israel. 

God gave us this last days Ezekiel war over 3,000 years ago and he set a date for this war and when it happens we see the fulfillment of this prophecy in Ezekiel 39 verse 8,”Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord God; this is the day whereof I have spoken.

In Ezekiel 39:3-4 we see some of the other things the Lord is going to do to safe guard the Jews during this attack. “And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand. Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.”  Ezekiel who saw this war did not know what modern warfare would look like so he describes this war the best he can.  The bow and arrows could likely be rockets and missiles. 

In verse 9-10 we see that for 7 years Israel will be burning all the weapons from that war. With the millions of men attacking Israel including the planes there will be a massive amount of arms to burn.  It is interesting to note that the Lord tells us the Jews will take no wood out of the field, neither cut down any out of the forests. I quote, “And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the handstaves, and the spears, and they shall burn them with fire seven years: 10 So that they shall take no wood out of the field, neither cut down any out of the forests; for they shall burn the weapons with fire: and they shall spoil those that spoiled them, and rob those that robbed them, saith the Lord God. The time period to me in interesting because this is the exact same time of the 7 year tribulation which could tell us the Ezekiel war will be at the beginning of the 7 year tribulation. 



I need to go back to Ezekiel 38:11 again to show you something of importance. In verse 11 God tells us what Israel’s enemies will say. “11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates”  Of course this is not the case with Israel today. Israel if you have been watching the news has in the past few weeks been attacked again by the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah with rockets, missiles, and ground attacks coming from Iran’s proxies in Lebanon, the West Bank, and Gaza. Right now Israel depends on the walls, bars, and gates to keep Israel’s enemies at bay. 

So, in order to the Ezekiel war to be able to take place something has to happen to make Israel feel safe enough to take down the walls, bars, and gates as stated in the Ezekiel prophecy.  This is where I believe the Psalm 83 war comes into play.  Psalm 83 shows us the nations that boarder Israel as seen in the photo below are going to join together and try to wipe out Israel.  I believe what may happen is these nations listed below will attack Israel and, Israel will unleash all of it military power and wipe out those nations who tried to destroy her.  Once this nations are destroyed I believe Israel will expand its territory and will at that time feel safe and, and at rest and will remove its walls, bars, and gates as Ezekiel stated. This is why it is so important to know prophecy.  We know what to expect and we are watching the signs of the coming attacks against the Jews. 

My question to you is, do you believe what God has told you?  Just as we saw set a specific date for the Ezekiel war Jesus has set a specific date for the rapture of the Church. We do not know the exact date however, by all the last day signs we know by Jesus own words from Matthew 24 “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. There is no question it is near, even at the doors. 

I pray this post will encourage you to today ask Jesus Christ to be your savior. If you are not in Christ Jesus when he calls the Church home you will be left behind to face the 7 year tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist.  If you don’t know who the Antichrist is you need to know that a man is coming who will be taken over by Lucifer the devil. This devil man will try to kill off as many people as he can during the 7 year tribulation period.  Is that what you want to face?  Today is the day of salvation in Christ take it. The Lord’s salvation is a free gift to you and anyone who puts their faith in Jesus. You can not earn your salvation so forget about even trying as so many occults are teaching. 

The situation in the Middle East is getting worse between Israel and the people listed in the Psalm 83 war. It is sad to know even though people see the signs of the coming wars many will not believe God’s warnings. Read the report below and notice the people I high lighted in red because they are the same people found in the Psalm 83 war.  



Tehran (AFP) – Thousands of people demonstrated Friday across Iran and several Arab countries to mark Jerusalem Day in support of the Palestinian cause, amid a surge in violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Recent weeks have seen deadly attacks and clashes in Israel, annexed east Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank, as well as cross-border fire between Israeli forces and militants in the Gaza Strip, Lebanon and Syria.

The rallies in Iran, an annual fixture since the 1979 Islamic revolution, are held on the last Friday of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan.

“Death to Israel and to America,” protesters chanted, waving Palestinian and Iranian flags, as well as those of Lebanon’s Iran-backed Shiite movement Hezbollah.

Similar rallies took place in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, in Lebanon’s capital Beirut and the city of Baalbek, as well as in Palestinian refugee camps in Syria and Lebanon, AFP correspondents said.

“The Palestinians are actively confronting Israeli aggression from Gaza to the heart of Tel Aviv,” Iranian parliament speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf said in Tehran.

“Yesterday they (Palestinians) were fighting with stones, and now they hit (Israel) with rockets,” Ghalibaf said. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230414-thousands-hold-annual-pro-palestinian-rallies-across-middle-east

More proof a psalm 83 war is heading towards us like a freight train not a control watch the video.



A psalm




April 14, 2023 Compare bible prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39 to current events and get ready to see the hand of God in work















Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 10 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70There are many last days signs Jesus told us to look for. These last day signs would happen in one special generation. That generation was signaled out for us in Matthew chapter 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. 

Two major things you need to know from the above scriptures. First of all the generation who Jesus is talking about would have to see two things. The first would be that the nation of Israel would have to be born again as a nation. Jesus refers to Israel as a (fig tree). Everyone knows Israel was in fact born again as a Jewish nation on May 14, 1948. The second thing of importance Jesus shows us for the last generation is  found in verse 33 “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” Our generation is the generation who is witnessing everything Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24. There is no other generation who saw the birth of Israel and, all the signs taking place all at the same time until our generation. Take notice Jesus told us when we see all these things we would know summer in nigh. In short, what the Lord is saying to us is he is about to return for his Church and then the tribulation will begin.

There are many last day signs the Lord told us to look for besides what he teaches us in Matthew chapter 24. One of those latter days signs would be a war against Israel. I want to break down this sign for you because I believe this war can not be far off. The war I refer to is found in Ezekiel chapter 38-39. The photo below will show you all the nations God says will come against Israel and the direction Israel’s enemies will come.



6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70Before I break down the Ezekiel war take a look at todays news concerning Israel going to war alone against Iran.  What the Lord warned us about this war has been taking shape. 




There are many nations listed to attack Israel but I want to focus on Iran which is shown to us in Ezekiel 38:5 as Persia. Persia is the Old Testament name for modern day Iran. God tells us when this war will take place in Ezekiel 38:After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.  What Jesus told us in Matthew chapter 24 about the Jewish returning to Israel in the end times has already taken place so we know we are in the latter years as warned in verse 8.  

In Ezekiel 38:9 God tells us what this attack against Israel will be like. “Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.”  In other words there will be so many Muslims attacking the Jews it will be as a cloud covering the land. There will be millions of Muslims attacking on the ground and there will be so many planes in the sky that the Lord likens that attack as a cloud over the land. 

In verse 11 God tells us what Israel’s enemies will say. “11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates”  This attack will come when Israel has no walls, bars, or gates to protect them and, this can only happen if Israel feels safe enough to take down those walls, bars, and gates that are standing now.  Right now Israel does not live in safety so something must happen to make Israel feel safe enough to remove the walls, bars, and gates. Below you will see an example of what Ezekiel was taking about concerning no walls, bars, or gates. Israel is loaded with these safety items. 



In the news report I showed you today it talks about Israel having to attack Iran alone because Israel can no longer count on the United States for help or, for anyone else for that matter. This is what verse 13 says. “13 Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?  The people mentioned in verse 13 are Sheba, and Dedan which is Saudi Arabia, who recently have been forming closer ties with Israel. Tarshish is Great Britain, and the young lions are the nations who broke away from the Mother Lion. The young lions are the U.S., Australia, and Canada.  I provide more details concerning verse 13 in my book which you read for free. 

In verse 16 the Lords says something similar as he did in verse 9, “16 And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.”  The Lord is going to bring Israel’s enemies down on Israel to he can sanctified his name. By this war the world will know it could only be the Lord who saves Israel from such a major assault  against the Jews. Now in verse 21 we see what the Lord is going to do to rescue the Jews. “21 And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord God: every man’s sword shall be against his brother.” So, as the attack takes place the Lord does something that causes Israel attackers to begin fighting against themselves. Then in verse 22 we see what else the Lord does to the enemies of Israel. “22 And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.  Sounds a lot like what the Lord did to Sodom and Gomorrah when he poured fire, and brimstone on them.

In verse 23 we see the Lord has chosen this day to show the world who he is. “23 Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord.”

In Ezekiel 39:2 it says, And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel:”. In other words of the many millions of Muslims who attack Israel the Lord is going to allow only 1/6 of them to return home from the war. When this war breaks out the world will begin to say this is the end of Israel, there is no way this tiny nations can win a war against so many nations. However, the mainstream media will be wrong as usual when they see the outcome of this war. Israel will be protected again by God. One of the outcomes of this war is shown to us in verse 7. So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One in Israel. 

God gave us this last days Ezekiel war over 3,000 years ago and he set a date for this war and when it happens we see the fulfillment of this prophecy in Ezekiel 39 verse 8,”Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord God; this is the day whereof I have spoken.

In Ezekiel 39:3-4 we see some of the other things the Lord is going to do to safe guard the Jews during this attack. “And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand. Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.”  Ezekiel who saw this war did not know what modern warfare would look like so he describes this war the best he can.  The bow and arrows could likely be rockets and missiles. 

In verse 9-10 we see that for 7 years Israel will be burning all the weapons from that war. With the millions of men attacking Israel including the planes there will be a massive amount of arms to burn.  It is interesting to note that the Lord tells us the Jews will take no wood out of the field, neither cut down any out of the forests. I quote, “And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the handstaves, and the spears, and they shall burn them with fire seven years: 10 So that they shall take no wood out of the field, neither cut down any out of the forests; for they shall burn the weapons with fire: and they shall spoil those that spoiled them, and rob those that robbed them, saith the Lord God. The time period to me in interesting because this is the exact same time of the 7 year tribulation which could tell us the Ezekiel war will be at the beginning of the 7 year tribulation. 




I need to go back to Ezekiel 38:11 again to show you something of importance. In verse 11 God tells us what Israel’s enemies will say. “11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates”  Of course this is not the case with Israel today. Israel if you have been watching the news has in the past few weeks been attacked again by the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah with rockets, missiles, and ground attacks coming from Iran’s proxies in Lebanon, the West Bank, and Gaza. Right now Israel depends on the walls, bars, and gates to keep Israel’s enemies at bay. 

So, in order to the Ezekiel war to be able to take place something has to happen to make Israel feel safe enough to take down the walls, bars, and gates as stated in the Ezekiel prophecy.  This is where I believe the Psalm 83 war comes into play.  Psalm 83 shows us the nations that boarder Israel as seen in the photo below are going to join together and try to wipe out Israel.  I believe what may happen is these nations listed below will attack Israel and, Israel will unleash all of it military power and wipe out those nations who tried to destroy her.  Once this nations are destroyed I believe Israel will expand its territory and will at that time feel safe and, and at rest and will remove its walls, bars, and gates as Ezekiel stated. This is why it is so important to know prophecy.  We know what to expect and we are watching the signs of the coming attacks against the Jews. 

My question to you is, do you believe what God has told you?  Just as we saw set a specific date for the Ezekiel war Jesus has set a specific date for the rapture of the Church. We do not know the exact date however, by all the last day signs we know by Jesus own words from Matthew 24 “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. There is no question it is near, even at the doors. 

I pray this post will encourage you to today ask Jesus Christ to be your savior. If you are not in Christ Jesus when he calls the Church home you will be left behind to face the 7 year tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist.  If you don’t know who the Antichrist is you need to know that a man is coming who will be taken over by Lucifer the devil. This devil man will try to kill off as many people as he can during the 7 year tribulation period.  Is that what you want to face?  Today is the day of salvation in Christ take it. The Lord’s salvation is a free gift to you and anyone who puts their faith in Jesus. You can not earn your salvation so forget about even trying as so many occults are teaching. 

The situation in the Middle East is getting worse between Israel and the people listed in the Psalm 83 war. It is sad to know even though people see the signs of the coming wars many will not believe God’s warnings. Read the report below and notice the people I high lighted in red because they are the same people found in the Psalm 83 war.  



Tehran (AFP) – Thousands of people demonstrated Friday across Iran and several Arab countries to mark Jerusalem Day in support of the Palestinian cause, amid a surge in violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Recent weeks have seen deadly attacks and clashes in Israel, annexed east Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank, as well as cross-border fire between Israeli forces and militants in the Gaza Strip, Lebanon and Syria.

The rallies in Iran, an annual fixture since the 1979 Islamic revolution, are held on the last Friday of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan.

“Death to Israel and to America,” protesters chanted, waving Palestinian and Iranian flags, as well as those of Lebanon’s Iran-backed Shiite movement Hezbollah.

Similar rallies took place in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, in Lebanon’s capital Beirut and the city of Baalbek, as well as in Palestinian refugee camps in Syria and Lebanon, AFP correspondents said.

“The Palestinians are actively confronting Israeli aggression from Gaza to the heart of Tel Aviv,” Iranian parliament speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf said in Tehran.

“Yesterday they (Palestinians) were fighting with stones, and now they hit (Israel) with rockets,” Ghalibaf said. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230414-thousands-hold-annual-pro-palestinian-rallies-across-middle-east


A psalm



April 13, 2023


April 11, 2023 Expert on the Middle East warns of multi front attack on Israel- This is what the bible says will happen!



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 10 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70In my post yesterday I put up a video I made concerning two war prophecies, the Psalm 83 prophecy and the Ezekiel 38-39 war prophecy.  Knowing what the Lord told us concerning these last day prophecies I have been trying to get you to pay attention to the current events. Why? Because what we are seeing developing in the Middle East is the exact same thing we see in the two war prophecies.  365 news had a report today with a Middle East expert who is warning the same things we see from the scriptures. I hope you read the entire report because, if you do you will see the same names pop up who the Lord said would attack Israel in the end times. When you read the two war prophecies you will understand God reveals of a multi-front attack on Israel. The report out today below is entitled  “Middle East Expert: Iran Planning Multi-Front Attack on Israel”. In my post yesterday I explained I believe all the tensions taking place on the Temple Mount just may be what starts the wars against Israel. Come to find out from todays 365 news that the Middle East expert also points to the current trouble over the Temple Mount in East Jerusalem.  Here it is in a nut shell. The Arabs see that the Jews are making advances in being able to go up to the Temple Mount. That Temple Mount is where the Jews had their first and second Jewish Temple. Now this generation is working to gain full access of the Temple Mount to pray as the Muslims are allowed to pray and, the Jews want to build their Third Jewish Temple on the Mount. The Muslim world will do anything to make sure the Jews stay away from what the Muslims say is there holy sites on the Mount. That I believe is where these two war prophecies come into play. When you read the report below you will notice I used red to show you the names who are listed to attack Israel in the prophecies. They are as I said, the same as the Psalm 83 war.  You will find the war prophecies at the end of this post. 


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 365 News


Dr. Mordechai Kedar is a senior lecturer at Bar-Ilan University and the vice president of NEWSRAEL. served for 25 years in the IDF military intelligence specializing in Syria, Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups, and Israeli Arabs. He is an expert on the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups. He is fluent in Hebrew, Arabic, and English and has debated Muslims on Arab media in Arabic.

Mordechai Kedar (courtesy: Facebook)

On Sunday, Dr. Kedar published an op-ed on the Hebrew-language Makor Rishon describing a shocking security situation developing in the region that represents a dire threat to Israel. Dr. Kedar began with a disclaimer:

“A note to my readers,” he wrote. “I hesitated quite a bit, debating whether to publish the things that appear below because of the panic they might cause in Israel. However, in the Middle East environment, particularly in Iraq, these things are known and serve as a topic of open discussion among quite a few, so it is impossible for the public in Israel not to be aware of them as well. Especially because these things concern Israel; its security and existence, much more than they concern the citizens of Iraq. These things come up occasionally in the Israeli media, so I decided to bring them up here.”

A source I have known for years – an expatriate from the Middle East, a supporter of Israel, who lives in Europe and is in continuous contact with people in Iran and Iraq – conveyed to me his assessment that Iran is planning to launch a combined attack on Israel in the foreseeable future that will include all the forces at its disposal in the Arab countries.”

Dr. Kedar then detailed what these available Iranianian assets were in the region:

“In Lebanon, Hezbollah and Hamas have many thousands of missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), some of them with precision guidance systems,” Dr. Kedar wrote. “In Syria – 17 combat units (“militias”) stand armed and ready: Liwa Fatemiyoun, the Zainebiyoun Brigade, the Harakat al-Nujaba, Hezbollah, the Abu Al-Fachal Brigade, Atsa’ab Ahl Al Haq, the Khorsani Brigade, and others. Iran transferred a very large number of missiles and UAVs to Syria and these are ready to be launched.”

Dr. Kedar’s prediction seems to be already materializing. On Thursday afternoon, 34 rockets were fired at northern Israel from Lebanon. Lantern in the evening several mortar shells impacted near the northern town of Metula. The IDF blamed Hamas forces in Lebanon for the attack but Israeli official sources said it would not have been carried out without Hezbollah’s consent. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is currently in Lebanon.

On Saturday night, six projectiles were launched at Israel from Syrian territory

“In Iraq, dozens of militias are armed with missiles and UAVs,” Dr. Kedar warned.

The US currently has about 2,500 troops in Iraq which have frequently come under rocket attack by Iranian-backed militia.

“In Yemen – the Houthis have missiles and long-range UAVs that reach Israel,” Dr. Kedar continued.

Houthi drones have been used to devastating effect against Saudi Arabian targets.

“In Gaza, Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have missiles capable of disabling the Israel Defense Forces and Air Force bases,” Dr. Kedar wrote. “It is likely that Iran will not send anything from its territory to Israel in order not to expose itself to retaliation.”

Dr. Kedar understood these facts in the current context of increasing tensions focused on the Temple Mount.

“Under the pretext of the duty of the Muslim world to save Al-Aqsa Mosque from Israeli occupation and oppression, Iran will conduct a staged, comprehensive, integrated, and coordinated attack on Israel,” Dr. Kedar wrote. “The first phase will be an aerial attack including a massive coordinated barrage of missiles and UAVs from all the aforementioned arenas.”

Dr. Kedar explained that the Iranian strategy is that the stock of interceptors for the “Iron Dome” will run out within two to three hours of the beginning of the air attack, after which the Israeli skies will be open to further assault. The next phase will focus on the air force which will be damaged and grounded.”

“The initial aerial phase will be accompanied by a cyber attack on Israeli infrastructure systems,” Dr. Kedar wrote. “After a full day of a cyber attack, and a rain of missiles and UAVs that will hit air force bases, navy bases, army bases, electricity, computing, communication, road, and water infrastructures, the second phase will begin a coordinated ground attack from Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza by infantry. Forces mounted on conventional military vehicles as well as dirt bikes and ATVs equipped with anti-tank weapons they will cross the border and attack the Israeli ground forces in order to reach Jewish settlements as quickly as possible.”

“The strategy of the Iranians is that the mobilization of the reserves will take several days,” Dr. Kedar suggested. “They may even be counting on the call-up of the reserves to initially be only partially implemented because of the chaos that will be generated throughout the country due to the attacks; cyber and military. IDF reinforcements will not arrive in time to the various fronts and therefore the regular forces will collapse within hours in the face of the ground attack, just as happened in the Bar Lev Line and the Golan during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.”

“The invasion of ground forces from Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza will focus on Israeli settlements with the aim of demoralizing the Israeli public and forcing the government to surrender in order to save the lives of the many Israelis who will be captured by the Arab and Iranian militias. The Israeli media and especially the social media groups will increase the panic among the Israeli public.”

“It is not clear what role the Iranians ascribe to the Palestinians in the war,” Dr. Kedar writes. “However, it is likely that Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, and the Islamic Jihad will push them to do everything in their power to harm Israelis, the army, the police, and civilians moving on the roads, in addition to attacks on settlements and military bases.”

“Also, the Iranians expect Arabs in Galilee and the Negev to carry out actions against the IDF and the state such as blocking roads, damaging bridges, spilling oil on roads, blocking intersections, damaging high-voltage lines, and attacking Jewish settlements. Because the National Guard is not yet operational, these operations will cause great damage to Israel and its ability to withstand the ground assault. Such an operation will require a minimal price for those carrying out these operations.”


Now for the rest of the story. Tensions on the Temple Mount over this past week have increased because of what the mainstream media has shown. The Mainstream media wants to paint the Israeli police as the bad guys who are beating up the Muslims who have barricaded themselves in the Al Aqsa Mosque.  If you want the full truth about why the Israeli Police had to get the Muslims who barricaded themselves in that Mosque read the report below!!!

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Why Does Israel Storm the Al Aqsa Mosque?

Maintaining public order

“As our editor-in-chief, Aviel Schneider, explained earlier over on our Telegram channel, Israel and the Islamic Trust that oversees the Temple Mount (Waqf) have agreed that no one will sleep in the mosque during Ramadan.

Palestinian Muslims often try to violate this regulation. And this Ramadan again a group of Muslims have tried to barricade themselves inside the mosque armed with stones and fireworks. And in so doing have imprisoned other Muslims inside against their will.

In order for Muslims to pray in the mosque the next morning, it must first be reopened. But the troublemakers have locked and blocked the entrance from the inside. They even rejected calls by the Waqf to open the door.

Israel is responding to requests by the Waqf and average Muslims to open the mosque and remove the troublemakers. So the Israel Police storm the holy place and are then attacked. If they don’t, then the Jewish state would be accused of failing to protect freedom of worship at a Muslim holy site.”



It’s no wonder the world sees Israel in a bad light. Keep in mind what the prophet Zechariah said about Israel in the last days.  Zechariah’s warning is coming to pass in our generation and the mainstream media is playing a major role in turning nations against the Jews. 


The war prophecies






If you missed my video from my post yesterday you can see it below. 



Read Chapter 21 of my book you see the link below on the rapture

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 10 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora



The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)


Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Dutch TRANSLATION Oct 2012   http://frankdimora.typepad.com/files/thief-in-the-night-dutch-1.pdf

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Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download
Thief in the Night- French

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Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

FiazpxaDownload Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu

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April 10, 2023 Last Days prophecies are taking shape watch the video to see how.










Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 10 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora




April 8, 2023 Temple Mount Tensions Continue what is going to happen?

April 8, 2023 Jesus Christ in these last days is speaking to you concerning the Jewish temple mount in east Jerusalem you had better be paying attention













Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 6 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


6678F704-B43A-4E5C-9AEE-9B7585549D70Just in Israel under attack, watch video from report below.




Today April 8, 2023 once again we are watching things in Israel explode. What is happening in Israel is also causing its boarding nations to start sending rockets into Israel again. Why? It is because every time the Jews go up to the Temple Mount the Muslims go crazy, just like what is happening again now.  No matter who tries to stop the Jews from going up to the Mount in the end the prophecies concerning the building of the 3rd Jewish Temple on the Mount will  be fulfilled!!



A break




I believe the tensions taking place on the temple mount now are leading to the Psalm 83 war. If you read the above report you’ll see the people of Israel are fighting are the identical people found in that psalm 83 war. Anyone who thinks this is a coincidence would be very very wrong.


A psalm





Read Chapter 21 of my book you see the link below on the rapture

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 8 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora


The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)


OpiAug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Dutch TRANSLATION Oct 2012http://frankdimora.typepad.com/files/thief-in-the-night-dutch-1.pdf

Download Thief-in-the-night-dutch (1)

Opia1Download DANISH

Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download
Thief in the Night- French

G1abcdeFDownload Thief in the Night – German

Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

FiazpxaDownload Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu

FiazpxabcjpghijDownload ISIZULU

Fiazpxabcjpghijkl.mljpgaDownload Malay TUHAN

If you see a language you speak that is not on this post and are lead by Jesus to translate this work please email me at fjdimora@gmail.com

April 7, 2023 Moving closer to the last days, the signs

April 4, 2023



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 4 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora

April 2, 2023 Signs of the coming third Jewish temple as one by Jesus Christ





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 8 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora






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Unprecedented” Chinese Genetic Experiment May Lead To Army Of Radiation-Resistant Super Soldiers
Reports out of China continue to confirm that scientists there are still seeking to push through barriers with Frankenstein-like experimentation on genes with an eye toward the manipulation of human DNA – any and all ethical considerations be damned. What could go wrong? military scientists say they’ve successfully “inserted a gene from the microscopic water bear into human embryonic stem cells and significantly increased these cells’ resistance to radiation.”



This can only happen in one generation and that’s the one Daniel the Prophet warned us about.


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AI could replace equivalent of 300 million jobs 
Artificial intelligence (AI) could replace the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs, a report by investment bank Goldman Sachs says.


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BuzzFeed is using AI to write SEO-bait travel guides

BuzzFeed has taken its next step into AI-written content and started publishing AI-generated travel guides, as reported by Futurism. The publisher’s first AI-generated articles were ad-lib quizzes that were largely innocuous, but the travel guides appear to be a more brazen play to attract search traffic about different destinations.



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Absolute Chaos’ as Tornadoes Rip Through Multiple States
The scope of the destruction caused by what may have been dozens of tornadoes that swept through parts of the South and Midwest the day before became clearer late Saturday. Officials raised the death toll to 21, the AP reports; seven of the victims were killed in Tennessee’s McNairy County. Search-and-rescue crews were still working in places as cleanup began. Tornadoes were confirmed or suspected of touching down in at least eight states.


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Major tornado outbreak — Large and destructive tornadoes hit Little Rock and Wynne, Arkansas 
A major tornado outbreak hit a wide area of the U.S. Midwest and South on Friday, March 31, 2023, producing several large and destructive tornadoes. At this time, it appears the worst affected were Little Rock and Wynne in Arkansas.


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Death toll rises to 21 after tornadoes sweep across the South and the Midwest
At least 21 people were killed after a powerful storm system barreled through large swaths of the South and Midwest on Friday. The series of grueling tornadoes come just a week after a rare, long-lasting twister left 25 people dead in western Mississippi and one person in Alabama.



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Even worse horror follows massive earthquakes in Turkey
Surviving children threatened with trafficking, organ harvesting, report charges

Usay Bulut, a Turkish journalist who also is a distinguished senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute, explains in a new report that, “the death toll was reportedly high not only because of corruption in the construction sector but also because of the government’s lack of timely aid to survivors. The government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan failed to send rescue aid promptly to the earthquake-stricken area. Survivors were ignored for days. After the first earthquake, even access to Twitter was restricted for over 9 hours. More than a month later, survivors are still saying that they have not received enough help. Millions are homeless, in tents, struggling to survive.”




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China Sends 18 Warplanes & 4 Vessels Toward Taiwan Amid Tsai’s US Visit
China has made good on its threats vowing retaliation for Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen’s tour of the US and Central American allies, now a few days in. On Saturday the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) sent 18 aircraft and four naval vessels toward the self-ruled island.



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High activity spotted at North Korea nuclear complex after Kim’s bomb-fuel order
Satellite images show a high level of activity at North Korea’s main nuclear site, a U.S. think tank reported on Saturday after the North Korean leader ordered an increase in production of bomb fuel to expand the country’s nuclear arsenal.



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Three Israelis Wounded in Car Ramming Attack in West Bank
In a statement by the Magen David Adom (MDA) Spokesperson they state that 3 pedestrians were hit by a vehicle in a hit-and-run attack on Route 3514 between Beit Omer and the Gush Etzion intersection.



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Alleged Israeli airstrikes target Homs in central Syria, third in a week
Alleged Israeli airstrikes targeted sites near Homs in central Syria on Saturday night, the third such strikes to target Syria in a week.



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Thailand Arrests 63 Chinese Christians Seeking Asylum
Members of a Chinese house church spent the night at a Bangkok police facility Friday after paying fines for overstaying their visas. Human rights groups fear that the 28 adults and 35 children who were detained Thursday could be repatriated to China where they would likely face prison time.


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Why Christians should be prepared for persecution
Remaining in our comfort zones to avoid persecution is not the right thing to do.




The road to the antichrist’s cashless society is being paved.

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Europe Pushing the ‘Criminalisation’ of Physical Cash, MEP Warns

The European Union is in danger of “criminalising” the use of physical cash with its new anti-money laundering laws, an MEP has warned.



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Regulator explains ‘fish kill’ near leaky US nuclear plant 
A state regulator in Minnesota has said that hundreds of fish were killed after a nuclear power plant was forced to shut down due to a radioactive leak. A previous breach at the same site caused hundreds of thousands of gallons of contaminated water to spill into the environment.




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Evangelical Anglican clergy opposed to CofE’s blessing of same-sex marriage launch new group
A new deanery chapter for the city of London has been formed by a group of evangelical Anglican clergy opposed to the Church of England’s plans to introduce gay blessings.




Read Chapter 21 of my book you see the link below on the rapture


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 8 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora



The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)


Opi Aug29abcdef.gjpgThe Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 – Spanish – UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE

Dutch TRANSLATION Oct 2012   http://frankdimora.typepad.com/files/thief-in-the-night-dutch-1.pdf

Download Thief-in-the-night-dutch (1)

Opia1Download DANISH

Opia123Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download
Thief in the Night- French

G1abcdeFDownload Thief in the Night – German

Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night

FiazpxaDownload Urdu Thief in the Night (1)

Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: “A Thief In The Night”. in the South African language of isiZulu

FiazpxabcjpghijDownload ISIZULU

Fiazpxabcjpghijkl.mljpgaDownload Malay TUHAN

If you see a language you speak that is not on this post and are lead by Jesus to translate this work please email me at fjdimora@gmail.com