The Test/Aug. 1, 2011

Do you know the signs of the times? If someone came up to you today and gave you this news for today would you be able to point to the Bible to show them what Jesus warned us about?  Take the test today. Read the news below and see if you can give Bible verses to back up what you say?


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” July, 25, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 25, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora (FREE)

“Relentless and punishing, July’s heat was unrivaled in 140 years of Washington, D.C., weather record-keeping. The July temperature averaged 84.5 degrees at Reagan National Airport — Washington’s official weather station — more than a degree above July 2010 and July 1993, which previously held the mark for hottest month. July’s heat piled onto a torrent of recent hot-weather records and attained all sorts of unenviable hot-weather milestones. The high temperature was at least 90 on 25 occasions, the most on record. When the July 29 temperature hit 104 degrees, it was the highest reading since 105 on August 17, 1997, and it tied for the fifth-hottest in the books. On July 22, the heat index — a measure of the combined heat and humidity — reached 121 degrees, the highest level since 122 on July 16, 1980.”

Egyptians call for Sharia Law, Islamic caliphate

“Tens, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of Egyptians poured into Cairo's now-famed Tahrir Square on Friday to demand their nation become subject to Sharia Law and form the cornerstone for a new Islamic caliphate. The unplanned demonstration erupted following Friday prayers at mosques around the Egyptian capital. The demonstrators, who were led by the increasingly powerful Muslim Brotherhood, demanded that Egypt's interim military regime give way to an intolerant Islamic dictatorship. Various news media reported the demonstrators shouting and holding up signs reading: "Egypt will return to Sharia Law!", "Liberals and secularists are the enemies of Allah!", and "The solution is Islam!" When Egyptians ousted former dictator Hosni Mubarak in February, the international media made much of how conservative Muslims, Coptic Christians and Egyptian secularists worked together for the common goal of democratic freedom.”

Lebanon's President Michel Suleiman

“Lebanese President Michel Suleiman blamed Israel on Monday for "renewing its aggression" on the border with Lebanon after Israel Defense Forces troops traded fire with Lebanon's army in the Mount Dov region on the border between the two countries. Suleiman, who was speaking at a ceremony commemorating the 66th anniversary of the Lebanese Armed Forces, praised the army the army for standing guard against Israeli "attacks and provocations", as well as its resistance during the 2006 Lebanon war between Israel and Hezbollah.”

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu

“Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressed pessimism Monday about returning to talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, saying the Palestinian leader seems to have made a strategic decision to bring Palestinian statehood recognition to a UN vote in September. "Abbas made a strategic decision to go to the UN, because the price for him will be low," Netanyahu said at a meeting of the Knesset's foreign affairs and defense committee.”

PA President Mahmoud Abbas at the United Nations“Watch: Palestinian failure come September could spark violence born of frustration. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas says he doesn’t want to see a third intifada, and I believe him. So why does he persist in laying the groundwork for it? His two-pronged strategy of powersharing with Hamas and making a bid for UN recognition is foundering, increasing the risk that the high expectations he sparked among his people will dissolve into frustration and violence.”


“A team of Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) officers has just finished setting up Hamas' first commando unit especially trained to combat any Israel military force entering the Gaza Strip, debkafile's military sources report. The new "Al Qods Brigades" unit of 400 men is to be the first of three. A week ago, July 23, the first unit held a passing-out parade and leave-taking ceremony from its two Iranian instructors. debkafile's intelligence sources report that the pair arrived in the Gaza Strip in the latter half of May on Iranian passports which gave their cover names as Morteza Rahban and Hojjat Safar-Zadeh. Their journey took them from Sudan through Egypt and Sinai where they were led by Bedouin smugglers to the contraband tunnels accessing the Gaza Strip. They went back to Tehran by the same route.”


Crews use an excavator to begin clearing dilapidated houses destroyed in the May 22 tornado in Joplin on June 1, 2011. REUTERS/Sarah Conard

Crews use an excavator to begin clearing dilapidated houses destroyed in the May 22 tornado in Joplin on June 1, 2011.

“(Reuters) – Injuries sustained from wood splinters or other materials triggered a rare fungal infection that may have contributed to the deaths of five people in the May 22 tornado in Joplin, Mo., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has determined.

In all, 13 people contracted the mucormycetes-born illness, the CDC said in a report released Friday. The CDC said it has seen multiple fungal infections of that type after other natural disasters such as hurricanes but never after a tornado.

The May 22 twister killed 160 people in Joplin and destroyed about 30 percent of the city. Jasper County Coroner Rob Chappel and physicians had reported the fungal infections, but the CDC is the first official confirmation of the numbers of victims.

"It's about what we expected," Chappel said Saturday. He said he was glad to learn from the report that none of the fungal infection victims sustained their injuries while cleaning up debris.

Chappel said he is curious whether any investigation finds something unusual about debris in Joplin that caused the infections. The CDC said the fungi in question is typically found in soil, decaying wood or other organic matter.”

Burning battle flag (150x95)Japan suffers flood disaster
Arab Herald
Sunday 31st July, 2011

• Japan suffers another disaster
• Japan's northern area now under water
• Many people told to evacuate


“Much of Japan's northern area is now under water, following torrential rain from a weather system that has already killed dozens of people on the Korean peninsula.
The disaster-ravaged Japan is likely to see more flooding in the next days, with forecasters warning of more heavy rain to come. At least one person is known to have died in Japan with over 300,000 others warned to leave their properties. Worst hit has been Sanjo City is the regional capital of Nigata Prefecture, where rain and mudslides have created perilous conditions. Areas hit by the Japanese earthquake earlier in the year are more prone to mudslides.”

BBC map

Earthquake jolts north-east Japan – no tsunami warning

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake has been felt in north-east Japan, shaking buildings in the capital Tokyo, reports say. The quake's epicentre was off the east coast of Honshu. It struck in the same area as the 11 March earthquake and tsunami but no abnormalities at Japanese nuclear plants were reported, Reuters says. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries and no tsunami warning was issued. More than 20,000 people died or were reported missing as a result of the disaster in March, which also crippled nuclear reactors in the Fukushima area.


“A strong earthquake of magnitude 6.8 struck off the coast of Papua New Guinea on Monday, the U.S. Geological  Survey  said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of damage”.

August 1, 2011 – JAPAN – I’ve identified four areas on the Pacific Plate that have been a source of an inordinate amount of recent strong earthquake activity in the Pacific Ring of Fire. We’ve had seven 6.0+ magnitude earthquake events in eight days. I theorize that this spike in activity portends that a major geological event may be in the making in the Pacific.

Ministry info:

“The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” July 7, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

IMG_0270 July 12, 2011 show is now playing for you at the above link. All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge, just click to link.

NO RAPTURE FOR DOG What it will be like when the rapture hits.

Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT By Frank DiMora July 31, 2011


Prophecy coming into focus for you yet?/July 29, 2011

I am thinking about opening up a conference call line for any of you who would like to ask me questions. I would like some feed back from as many as I can get to see if I would have enough people interested before I launch out and do even more than I am doing?  Contact me a if you would join in on a conference call like this.


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” July, 25, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 25, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora (FREE)

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 gives us information that tells us people will work all day long for one small meal.  This paints a picture for us that prices of food must have gone through the roof.  When you have less food on the market, the price goes up.  That is the trend we have been watching for the past few years, and it is getting much worse.  Here is a long report giving us facts about the beef industry. You should read the entire report, but for now I wanted to focus in on one section. I quote, "The declining supply of feeder cattle causes ripple effects down the chain that go beyond just filling feedlot pens and packer shackle space. Short supplies create an impact on retailers, too, and may ultimately affect consumer buying habits. Last year, America’s per-capita beef consumption was 59.7 pounds. That’s the lowest since we began keeping track in the 1950s. Per-capita consumption is not a measure of beef demand but rather a measure of supply, since we consume everything that is produced. The measure of demand is the price we pay for those 59.7 pounds of beef. But tighter supplies and higher prices can’t continue indefinitely. At some point, analysts agree, we may price beef out of the domestic market." Beef production during June was 2 percent above 2010, and commercial red meat production through the first six months of 2011 was 1 percent higher than last year. Analysts believe beef production will continue at or above last year in the near-term as we keep pushing cattle into feedyards as a result of the drought.

Prophecy Sign:  Revelation 16:8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.” Revelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.”

Speaking about droughts and the intense heat that we have been witnessing, which is all part of Bible prophecy, here come more heat!  “Parts of the East Coast will have to endure another bout of dangerous heat and humidity as this week comes to a close. It was just a week ago that temperatures surged past 100 degrees over a broad area in the mid-Atlantic and part of New England. While actual temperatures will be substantially lower this time, RealFeel® Temperatures will peak within a few degrees of 105 for a number of hours in many locations Friday and Saturday with 100-degree RealFeel Temperatures within reach today and Sunday. The patented RealFeel Temperature takes into account the intensity of the sun and its affect on the body, whereas the Apparent Temperature and Heat Index do not. As we stated early this week, the worst of the heat will be centered over the southern mid-Atlantic from Virginia to the Carolinas. The highest humidity levels will run from Friday midday through Saturday morning in most areas.”

Image: One of some 1.5 million bats emerges from below the Congress Street Bridge near downtown Austin  As far as droughts are concerned, which is of course another sign of the last days. Let's see what is happening in Texas with the worse drought that have seen in years. "There are 1.5 million bats living under a bridge in downtown Austin, and a historic Texas drought is making them hungrier than ever. That's bad news for the bats in the world's largest urban bat colony. But it is good news for the humans who gather each evening just a few blocks from the state Capitol building to watch their spectacular nightly trips into the nearby Hill Country to find food. The drought has killed off crops in Texas, and that in turn has killed off those delicious pests the Mexican free-tailed bats consider dinner. That means they have to leave home earlier than usual each night to find nourishment — giving the locals in this bat-crazy city a precious few more minutes to watch the normally-nocturnal critters fly before the sun goes down. Each night they stream from under a bridge by the hundreds of thousands in a black cloud so large that it shows up on local weather radar."

Prophecy Sign: "There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed. Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying. [Hosea 4:1-3]   The fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the beasts of the field, every creature that moves along the ground, and all the people on the face of the earth will tremble at my presence. The mountains will be overturned, the cliffs will crumble and every wall will fall to the ground. [Ezekiel 38:20]  "I will sweep away both men and animals; I will sweep away the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. The wicked will have only heaps of rubble when I cut off man from the face of the earth," declares the LORD. [Zephaniah 1:3]

On my June 17, 2011, post I provide a complete list of all the reports I could find that gave us information on the fish, birds, and animals that are dying off.  The news I was given today is new, and was not on that list.  It will be now!

“U.S. authorities are investigating what could be killing hundreds of fish and other marine animals – including sharks and manatees – which in recent days have been washing up on beaches in southwestern Florida. "High temperatures and cloudy, rainy days can spell trouble for fish in Florida's marine and freshwater habitats. These conditions can cause fish kills, which are natural occurrences that typically do not cause permanent damage to the ecosystem or to fish populations," the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said. Even so, the FWC asked in a news release for cooperation from the public in monitoring the deaths of the marine life and determining if the phenomenon is spreading to natural lakes and estuaries in the area "to see if there are problems developing in an ecosystem that might require investigation or restorative measures." The bodies of the dead animals – which include eels, crabs, rays, trout, tortoises and various kinds of tropical fish – have been turning up in recent days on several Florida beaches, among them the one at Naples, which is considered to be among the most beautiful in the United States with 16 kilometers (10 miles) of sand and crystalline waters close to shore.”

Link below will take you to complete list:

 Gold forged a record high above $1,625 per ounce, as investors parked their cash in the precious metal in the face of heightened concerns over a potential US defaultProphecy Sign: Revelation 18:12 we see weeping over their lost gold and other items.  There is no doubt prices of gold will keep climbing until Rev. 18:12 is fulfilled.How do I know the prices will go up?  For one thing, no one in their right mind will weep over something that isn’t valuable to them. But here is the main reason why I believe this to be true, read Revelation 18:15. “The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,”  If the prices of the items in Revelation 18:12

 News today showsReflecting the fear in the markets, gold prices surged more than 1 percent while prices of Treasurys surged, sending the 30-year bond price up more than a point and the benchmark 10-year yield down to 2.85 percent.”

Gold for August delivery was rising $9.60 at $1,623 an ounce at the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. The gold price has traded as high as $1,625 and as low as $1,613 while the spot gold price was up $5, according to Kitco's gold index”

I just checked the market at 4:31 PM SPT and Gold  hit another record at $1626.70 up $15.20 today, silver went up 33cents to hit $40.18.

Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:11 and verse 25 Jesus tells us there will be signs in the heavens, the sun, the moon, and the stars. Let’s take a look at the sun.

What is it? The flash of light was captured on film at 5:40amSo far in 2011 we have seen a lot of news about UFO's in the sky. Do you remember what I wrote to you in my post dated Sept. 25, 2010?  I quote from my post. "I am concerned that many who claim to know Jesus Christ will fall for this delusion because they did not know the Word of God and they did not keep on the watch, nor were they looking for Jesus blessed appearing.  I will say this again.  Watch the news because you will hear more news about UFO’s and because we are in the birth pains these signs will get closer and closer together. Be on your guard, dress today with the Lord’s armour so you will not be hit by Satan's tricks or delusions."  Now to today's news!

"If aliens are real then it appears they are becoming savvier at getting our attention. Early risers in Texas got a surprise when a UFO shot through the sky live on breakfast TV. Sharp eyed viewers spotted the white light flash across the screen as local station KXAS showed a traffic camera looking across Fort Worth at 5:40am. In the top right of the video a bright light drops out of the sky and disappears. A slow-motion replay of the footage appears to show a faint light veering off at an angle to the right of the picture. But others said they had seen the bright light with their own eyes. 'I was sitting outside my neighbors house and saw the flash of light in the sky go over the trees. Bill my neighbor saw it too,' a viewer wrote on the station's website. 'This looks more like a meteor that has reached the Earth's atmosphere but due to the severe stress of gravity at hyper speeds has been redirected,' wrote another."

This supposed 'alien' ice block was discovered in the Czech Republic (YouTube) Here is a report dealing with UFO’s and what appears to be a giant hailstone.  The giant hailstone measures an impressive 2m in diameter, according to the Examiner, and a witness was able to take a video of the spectacle to pop up on YouTube.  This supposed 'alien' ice block was discovered in the Czech Republic Judging by the shakiness of the film, the witness presumably believes it really could be some form of UFO, a view seemingly supported by the news provider, which received a tip-off about it from the UFO Global Reporting Center. The as-yet-unidentified block of ice seems to be lying in the middle of a dirt track or pathway in the forest and it has horizontal and vertical lines scratched into it – making it resemble somewhat of an igloo. Perhaps the biggest mystery, aside from where it hails from, is that there are no signs of ice or snow elsewhere in the forest, which some would probably say gives credence to the idea it really did come from outer space. Just last month, a video posted on YouTube appeared to show an unidentified flying object high up in the sky above London. A person near the BBC building in west London filmed the phenomenon and posted the video on YouTube, claiming it showed an alien mother ship and its fleet circling over the capital"

It will be interesting to see if this is really a giant hailstone or just someone's prank.  The reason why I even put this news up to because of what we read in Revelation.  Take note how God has dealt with those who oppose Him in the past, and take careful notice what He tells you about the future. I now quote our Lord Jesus from Revelation 16:21. “From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon men. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail,because the plague was so terrible.”  Take a look at the hailstone photo in the news.  Can you image trying to dodge 100 pound hailstones falling on you?  I promise everyone who has not received Jesus Christ as your savior yet, if you don't die before the tribulation and you are left behind when the Lord removes His Church, you will confronted with hailstones that weigh 100 pounds.  I am glad I won't be around when one of those hailstones hit you!!!!  Here is the bottom line.  Many of you will write this off as this guy is nuts.  Let the truth be known before one of these 100 lb stone hit you that every word Jesus warned us about in the Revelation is going to take place.  The question is where will you be when this happens?  We are seeing every prophecy Jesus told us to look for come to pass and you are nuts to think the remaining prophecies won't happen.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:12 tells us "And because iniquity, shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." The iniquity Christ talks about is lawlessness.  As America falls apart because there are no jobs to found and the US Government can't seem to get their act together to create new jobs, people are becoming desperate. We now see people stealing things we would never believe they would steal. I would expect that as more policemen are given pink slips the crime rate will continue to climb.


  Officials say 3 to 5 thieves stole copper wire from Franklin Middle School in Vallejo on July 28, 2011. (CBS) VALLEJO (CBS 5) -– Copper theft is nothing new in the Bay Area. But thieves have been particularly busy in Vallejo, where several schools were stripped of the valuable metal in recent weeks. The problem has become so bad, it may impact the return to school for some students. At Franklin Middle School, Vallejo Assistant Superintendent Mel Jordan believes three to five thieves sliced through heavy duty bolts and metal brackets to get to copper wire. He said the wire was live and the thieves knew how to take it despite the electrocution risk.

  (CBS) — Los Angeles County Sheriff’s detectives are investigating the theft of more than 100 bronze vases from gravesites at a local cemetery. According to authorities, at least 113 bronze flower vases, which were attached to headstones, have been stolen in July at Eternal Valley Memorial Park & Mortuary in Newhall. In the first reported theft, 100 vases were stolen on July 18. The second theft occurred on July 25 where between 13 and 15 vases were taken.


Examiner file A D.C. firehouse was ransacked Tuesday while firefighters were out battling a blaze.“District firefighters have been deployed to street corners to help protect high-crime neighborhoods. They may need to begin patrolling their firehouses. Early Tuesday morning, Engine 33 firefighters returned from a call to their firehouse at 101 Atlantic St. SE to find it ransacked, with a BMW automobile, a firefighter's uniform and other valuables stolen. Thieves had forced their way into the station, trashed the watch desk, and stole a range of gear and personal property. Also missing were keys, wallets and a camera, according to the police report. The ripped-off BMW was the personal car of a firefighter.  D.C. fire spokesman Pete Piringer said the break-in occurred while the firefighters were battling a blaze at 1720 Savannah St. SE, and not while they were out deterring crime. He said the department will continue to stand watch on the city's most dangerous intersections.”

Rally in Tahrir square, 29 July Prophecy Sign: Isaiah chapter 19, and Joel 3:19 deals with  Egyptians in turmoil. We know from these prophecies that Egyptians would be set against Egyptians.  If you watched the news in the beginning of this year you witnessed the start of this turmoil and now things in Egypt are heating up again.  Once again I must point out that I have warned to watch the Muslim Brotherhood, because they are the ones who I believe will be put into office, and they are the ones who want to wipe Israel off the map.   After you read the news for today, watch the video by Pastor JD and you will see he has also warned you about the same things I have been posting.  What do you think the Muslim Brotherhood will do once they are in office?  Let me tell you what you can expect. As soon as they come into office get ready to hear a lot of news about them wanting to join forces with other nations to wipe out Israel. Now for the news!  

“Many protesters – dominated by Muslim Brotherhood supporters – are calling for an Islamic state and Sharia law. Correspondents say the rallies will be a worrying development for secularists. The Brotherhood is the most organised political force in Egypt, although it was not prominent in the revolution. Tensions have been running high between Egypt's Islamist and secular groups, who are at odds over the transition to democracy in the Arab world's most populated country. Reports from the state news agency Mena speak of a number of casualties in a separate incident in Sinai.”



Ministry info:

“The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” July 7, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

IMG_0270  July 12, 2011 show is now playing for you at the above link. All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge, just click to link.

NO RAPTURE FOR DOG What it will be like when the rapture hits.

Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT By Frank DiMora July 31, 2011


Signs of the soon to come Lord Jesus/July 28, 2011

If you know Bible prophecy you can see the warnings signs Jesus give about the last day signs. These signs are coming at us faster than I have ever seen before, and I do know for sure these are the birth pains Jesus warned us about in Mark 13:8. Can you tell me why every Christian should watch for the signs? Do you know why Russia and Iran are strong allies in these last days? Have you seen any signs of pestilence, starvation, famines, droughts, Super Sun storms?  If you watched the news could you point to the signs of the coming Psalm war and Ezekiel war against Israel?  Could you tell someone why the Middle East Peace and safety talks have broken down, and use scripture to back up what you say? Could you explain to someone the reason why all the nations of the world are in the process of turning against Israel, and that encludes the United States?  Would you feel confident to tell your friends and family members, if they watch the news they are going to see some huge earthquakes soon?  Are you sure you are saved?  The news today in this post will answer the questions. Lastchroniclesfirelogo

“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” July, 25, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 25, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora (FREE)



Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 tell us Iran and Russia will attack Israel in the last days.  There will other nations that join with these two nations as well, but I want to focus on Iran and Russia for this next report.

Recently I saw a interview with Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi with RT News. I am posting the interview via a video for you. In this report I want to focus on a section of this interview dealing with Iran’s and Russia’s friendship. RT News asks the following questions that are answered by AAS which stands for Ali Akbar Salehi.

RT: What was Moscow’s rationale for supporting Iran on its nuclear issue? What common interests are there between Russia and Iran?

AAS:“Clearly, Russia is a very important neighbor of Iran. And in my opinion, Iran is the most significant neighbor for Russia. Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi answers this question. “What was Moscow’s rationale for supporting Iran on its nuclear issue? What common interests are there between Russia and Iran?”

It’s a reality that history confirms. Looking back, we realize that the US used all its means and ways in attempts to dismantle the Soviet Union. Today Russia is a strong country on the international arena, from political, economic and military viewpoints. And, since the US wants to consolidate its dominance in the world, it intends to tie hands, or defeat its only military rival, Russia. Therefore, it has expanded NATO’s sphere of influence in order to approach Russia’s borders. Why?

They want to exert pressure on Russia, because there are no other countries around Russia’s borders, save Iran, that would be defiant to the West. Establishing Western rule over Iran would solve this problem for them; this would allow NATO to encircle Russia completely. Let us try and imagine what would happen if Iran were to fall back under Western influence. In this instance, NATO would completely surround Russia. Therefore, Iran is vitally important for Russia, and vice versa. I believe that Russia and Iran need each other. But Russia may be concerned that Iran can return under the Western influence. I want to tell our Russian friends that this will not happen. I am very optimistic about the prospects of Russia-Iran relations. And the future will prove me right.”


RT: Does Iran believe that Moscow’s support will continue, particularly with regard to Iran’s nuclear profile?

AAS: We are convinced that Russia will keep supporting Iran’s position. We have no worries about that.

RT: What can you say regarding Iran-US relations? Does Iran intend to resume them?

AAS: We have stated time and again that Iran wants to have good, reasonable relations with all countries except for the Zionist state.

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25  “26 July 2011 (IRIN) – Heavy flooding in southeastern Bangladesh has forced more than 20,000 people from their homes in Cox’s Bazar and Teknaf districts, say local authorities. “The homes of more than 20,000 people have been completely destroyed by the floodwaters,” Rafiqul Islam, district relief and rehabilitation officer (DRRO) for Cox’s Bazar, told IRIN, with another 84,000 homes partially damaged. “When the water recedes, many of these may also be inhabitable,” he said. When the Bakkhali and Matamuhuri rivers burst their banks most of the displaced sought refuge in the more than 30 cyclone shelters in the low-lying area. The newly displaced add to the more the 400,000 people already forced from their homes and unable to return due to rising floodwaters. When they will be able to return remains to be seen.”

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 Pestilence “Grasshoppers are covering the foothills and pastures from the Merced-Mariposa county line up toward the mountains, invading gardens and crops by the thousands. Two consecutive wet years and plenty of natural grasses have provided a good environment for grasshoppers to thrive, said Gene Hannon, entomologist with the Fresno County Department of Agriculture. "They didn't die off like they have in the past and now there is lots of food," Hannon said. "That will cause their populations to grow." Grasshoppers can defoliate almost everything in sight, said Maxwell Norton, interim director of the University of California Cooperative Extension in Mariposa. The grasshoppers are found in the foothills and rangelands because they like undisturbed land to lay their eggs.”

“But in Mariposa, the grasshoppers are so thick this year that Norton said he gave a talk to some master gardeners Monday afternoon on how to keep their gardens and plants safe from the insects. he population of grasshoppers varies from year to year, and severe outbreaks, like Mariposa County is seeing this year, come every eight to 10 years and can last two or three years. Adults can fly up to 15 or more miles a day to find food.”

Janell Goode, a single Lowell mother who is now unemployed, has struggled to feed her young sons a healthy diet.

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 “Doctors at a major Boston hospital report they are seeing more hungry and dangerously thin young children in the emergency room than at any time in more than a decade of surveying families. Many families are unable to afford enough healthy food to feed their children, say the Boston Medical Center doctors. The resulting chronic hunger threatens to leave scores of infants and toddlers with lasting learning and developmental problems. Before the economy soured in 2007, 12 percent of youngsters age 3 and under whose families were randomly surveyed in the hospital’s emergency department were significantly underweight. In 2010, that percentage jumped to 18 percent, and the tide does not appear to be abating, said Dr. Megan Sandel, an associate professor of pediatrics and public health at BMC. “Food is costing more, and dollars don’t stretch as far,’’ Sandel said. “It’s hard to maintain a diet that is healthy.’’


Prophecy Sign: Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, Mark chapter 13, Revelation chapter 16: 8-11, Revelation 7:15-16 deal with droughts, famines, lack of water, intense heat, and starvation.

“Fish need water, and these days in Texas, there's a lot less of it than usual. The nearly year-long drought blistering the state has reduced flows in some rivers and streams to or below levels not seen since the 1950s' legendary "drought of record."  The lack of rain, plus the siphoning of groundwater to quench the multifaceted thirsts of a Texas population more than three times larger than during that '50s drought, has disconnected from their aquifers many of the springs feeding Texas streams. Other springs are flowing at only 10-20 percent of their rates. Lack of inflow into reservoirs coupled with the evaporative effects of the long, hot summer days and the necessary releases of water to drive power generators or maintain minimum downstream flows has dramatically dropped water levels on most lakes across Texas”.

Netanyahu Obama - GPO - 20.5.11

Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 warns us that all the nations will come against Israel in the last days.  There is no question Israel’s best friend, the USA, is turning away from Israel slowly but surely, and here is one sign of this taking place. I quote, “An internal report of the Office of Inspector General for the U.S. Department of State recommends terminating the U.S. loan guarantee program to Israel at the end of 2011.”



Prophecy Sign: Signs of the coming Psalm 83 war of which all the nations in the photo will take part in.

“On the 90th anniversary of the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the vast Islamic Caliphate regime which fell in 1921 after WWI, thousands of members of the Radical Islamist organization Hizb ut-Tahrir rallied on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They called for Muslims to unite and embrace the Caliphate rulership once more.“The rally took place in early July. Demonstrators flew banners bearing inscriptions such as “The Ummah (Muslims) Want Muslim Caliphates.” A giant banner was put up in the Al Aksa mosque courtyard on the Temple Mount. Other banners said “No to Democracy, Yes to Caliphates". The crowd controller, using a microphone, soon had the crowd chanting over and over, “O Muslim armies, awaken to help Muslims.” The Hizb ut-Tahrir (‘Party of Liberation’) website calls for the Muslim armies to forcefully lift the Gaza IDF naval blockade with military action, making it serve “as a tight noose” around Israel.”

Palestinians hold flags and posters of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 war and Zechariah 12:3.

 “President Mahmoud Abbas urged Palestinians on Wednesday to step up peaceful protests against Israel, urging "popular resistance" inspired by the Arab Spring to back a diplomatic offensive at the United Nations. Abbas, addressing a Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) meeting, reiterated his decision to seek full UN membership for Palestinian state alongside Israel, saying it was a diplomatic move resulting from paralysis in the U.S.-backed peace process. "In this coming period, we want mass action, organized and coordinated in every place," Abbas said. "This is a chance to raise our voices in front of the world and say that we want our rights." Though the United States is expected to block their quest for a full seat, the Palestinians expect to secure at least an upgrade in their UN status during September's General Assembly meeting in New York. Abbas' comments to the PLO central committee in Ramallah marked the first time he had openly urged popular activism in support of the initiative, echoing a call made last week by Marwan Barghouti, a leading Palestinian imprisoned in Israel. Palestinian officials are describing the diplomatic initiative as part of a new approach to their struggle to create an independent state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital

clip_image002[7] Photo copyright Frank DiMora 2009

Prophecy Sign; Signs of the Psalm 83 is coming soon and I Thessalonians 5:3 where Paul warns us of the following: “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”

In my June 7, 2011 post I warned you to watch the news concerning the Muslim Brotherhood. This is what I wrote you. Prophecy Sign: One of the pieces to the Psalm 83 prophecy war, which God shows us Egypt will be involved in against Israel has been clearing up for us. People couldn't figure out why Egypt would attack Israel in that war if Egypt has a signed peace treaty with Israel. Well, things have suddenly changed and the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel is all but gone. I warned you when President Mubarak was gone look for the Muslim Brotherhood to take control. This Muslim Brotherhood has plans of killing off Israel.

Now read the news from The Blaze World today. “Remember Amr Moussa? He’s the Egyptian presidential candidate — who is also a part of the Muslim Brotherhood — who said in May that Hamas — the terror group — is not a terror group. Now, a new Newsweek/Daily Beast poll finds that he‘s the likely winner in Egypt’s upcoming election, and his party is likely to gain power. And according to Newsweek, that’s bad news for Israel and America.

“The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s largest Islamist group, is poised to win the largest share of the vote in parliamentary elections,” the Daily Beast writes, “the man who appears to have a clear shot at the presidency, Amr Moussa, has made his name criticizing Israel; and a large majority of respondents favor amending or revoking the cornerstone of regional stability, the Camp David Accords.”

According to the poll of just over 1,000 respondents, the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Freedom and Justice Party” garnered the most support at 17 percent. The same support ringed true for Moussa: On paper, the Newsweek/Daily Beast survey found a close race: Former Arab League chief Amr Moussa leads the pack with the support of 16 percent of likely voters, former diplomat Mohamed ElBaradei and former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafik follow with 12 percent each, and a smattering of others trail in single digits. But Moussa clearly has wider appeal: When we surveyed likely voters with just the three front-runners, the former foreign minister, who talks tough on Israel, garners 47 percent, with “Undecided” running even with the remaining two. [Emphasis added]  So what did these Egyptians think about Israel? The poll says most want to change the staple peace agreement in the region, the Camp David Accords: The antipathy to their neighbor the north was palpable. Only 3 percent of those surveyed had a positive impression of Israel, only 2 percent said Israel cares about Egypt’s interests and a mere 1 percent said Israel had responded to the recent revolution in a positive way. This has repercussions on the linchpin of regional stability, the Camp David Accords: 70 percent want to amend or cancel them, while only 17 percent want to keep them as is. [Emphasis added]

The peace process has been taking place just as Paul warned us it would, and the labor pains are getting stronger.

Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri urged Syrian protesters to direct their movement also against Washington and Israel, denouncing the United States as insincere in showing solidarity with them, according to an Internet video issued on Wednesday. "America, which cooperated with (Syrian President) Bashar al-Assad during his whole regime, claims today that it stands with you when it saw him floored by the earthquake caused by your fury," he said in the video posted on Islamist websites often used by al Qaeda.

The video carried the date of the Islamic month corresponding to June, when Zawahri was named by the Islamist group to succeed Osama bin Laden, who was killed by US forces in Pakistan in May after a nearly 10-year worldwide hunt. "You are standing with your bare chests facing tank and artillery shells and helicopters," Zawahri said of the Syrians demonstrating against Assad, whom he denounced as "America's partner in the war on Islam in the name of fighting terror". "Tell both America and (US President Barack) Obama: … our powerful uprising will not stop until we raise the victorious banner of jihad (holy war) … over Jerusalem," said Zawahri, wearing a white turban and robe and seated next to an assault rifle”,7340,L-4101159,00.html


Prophecy Sign: Jesus warned us in the last days there would be Christian persecution,  Matthew 24:9 “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations form name’s sake”

(AINA) — An exchange of harsh words on July 25 between Ruth, a Christian woman, and Gassem Fouad, a Muslim man who had parked his tricycle in front of her home, escalated into assault by the man on Ruth and other Christian villagers, and the arrest of one Copt. After Ruth, who is 5 months pregnant, was assaulted, a Muslim mob waited for Coptic farmers to return from the fields, where they were intercepted and beaten with iron rods and pipes. Security forces managed to contain the situation. Six Christians, including Ruth and her sister-in-law Hannan, were hospitalized with concussions, head injuries and broken limbs. No Muslim was injured. None of the Muslim perpetrators was arrested. Ruth's husband, Kirillos Daniel, was accused of possessing a weapon — a rifle found thrown where the Christians were attacked, and is under detention. In an interview on CTV Coptic TV, Father Estephanos Shehata, of the Samalout Coptic dioceses, said "The real reason behind this assault was the church bell, which has greatly angered the Muslims in the village." He said the dilapidated church in the village of Ezbet Jacob Bebawi, outside Samalout, north of Minya, was given permission to renovate and this was completed last week, and the church bell was reinstalled.

Attacks on Christians such as this one are  becoming common place in the news.


As you will see the news is filled with possible reasons why the Psalm 83 war could break out. Here is another one of those reasons.  The fight over oil and gas rights.

“Hizbullah secretary general Hasan Nasrallah on Tuesday warned Israel against carrying out any act that may lead to stealing Lebanon’s resources out of its territorial waters. The Shiite leader declared that whoever harms Lebanon's future maritime projects, will face the same damage and Israel knows that Lebanon is capable of such damage. Elsewhere in his speech, Nasrallah said that the steadfastness of the resistance fighters was the most important factor that contributed to the victory achieved against the Israeli enemy in July 2006, in addition to some other factors including the determination, confidence, hope, faith and people’s steadfastness. He reiterated that the 2006 summer war has left dangerous repercussions on israel and its political present and future. He warned the Israeli enemy of seeking to approach Lebanon again and again. He vowed to achieve victory again in case any war erupts and confirmed that the resistance nowadays is stronger than ever.”


Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11, 25 are the warns to watch for signs in the sun, the moon, and stars.

“NASA has warned of a once-in-a-lifetime ‘space storm’ after the sun wakes ‘from a deep slumber’ sometime around 2013, causing ‘20 times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina’. Senior space agency scientists believe that the super storm would hit like ‘a bolt of lightning’ and damage everything from emergency services’ systems, hospital equipment, banking systems and air traffic control devices, through to “everyday” items such as home computers, iPods and Sat Navs. And unless precautions are taken, it could cause catastrophic consequences for the world’s health, emergency services and national security. "We know it is coming but we don’t know how bad it is going to be,” Dr Richard Fisher, the director of NASA’s Heliophysics division, said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph. He, however, said that preparations were similar to those in a hurricane season, where authorities knew a problem was imminent but did not know how serious it would be. "I think the issue is now that modern society is so dependent on electronics, mobile phones and satellites, much more so than the last time this occurred,” he said.”

Prophecy Sign: Jesus asks us to watch for the sign of many earthquakes. See Matthew 24:7. Here are the quakes for the past 7 days that are a 5.0 or higher. 

MAP 5.2 2011/07/28 16:05:58 -35.754 -73.071 22.4 OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE
MAP 5.3 2011/07/28 14:00:00 62.050 -151.290 81.6 CENTRAL ALASKA
MAP 5.5 2011/07/28 09:01:38 40.374 143.254 25.0 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.1 2011/07/28 04:26:13 -29.223 -176.183 10.1 KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION

MAP 5.9 2011/07/27 23:00:30 10.735 -43.437 6.3 NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP 5.0 2011/07/27 20:03:27 -22.130 169.893 49.6 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.2 2011/07/27 05:05:58 -7.666 130.327 35.0 KEPULAUAN TANIMBAR REGION, INDONESIA
MAP 5.3 2011/07/27 00:56:18 14.862 152.580 16.1 EAST OF THE MARIANA ISLANDS

MAP 5.2 2011/07/26 20:58:30 -2.668 -76.613 124.2 PERU-ECUADOR BORDER REGION
MAP 5.0 2011/07/26 19:40:29 25.051 -109.582 12.5 GULF OF CALIFORNIA
MAP 5.9 2011/07/26 17:44:22 25.186 -109.550 10.2 GULF OF CALIFORNIA
MAP 5.2 2011/07/26 17:40:52 -3.282 150.778 17.4 NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP 5.7 2011/07/26 14:26:23 -9.231 67.096 10.0 MID-INDIAN RIDGE
MAP 5.1 2011/07/26 08:02:35 7.576 126.849 79.2 MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
MAP 5.8 2011/07/26 06:17:39 52.977 159.886 43.8 OFF THE EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA, RUSSIA
MAP 5.4 2011/07/26 06:16:47 52.902 159.893 55.0 OFF THE EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA, RUSSIA
MAP 5.0 2011/07/26 04:04:14 36.626 56.794 16.9 NORTHEASTERN IRAN

MAP 5.1 2011/07/25 21:33:18 39.023 142.749 27.5 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.4 2011/07/25 18:25:11 -5.348 -76.562 115.7 NORTHERN PERU
MAP 5.9 2011/07/25 17:15:41 14.970 120.119 35.0 LUZON, PHILIPPINES
MAP 5.2 2011/07/25 11:54:51 35.267 141.030 19.1 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.3 2011/07/25 11:15:13 -37.667 -73.536 26.5 BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP 5.3 2011/07/25 05:30:27 -21.299 -174.416 32.7 TONGA
MAP 5.1 2011/07/25 00:59:22 -3.018 150.462 32.6 NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP 6.2 2011/07/25 00:50:51 -3.213 150.672 34.5 NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA

MAP 5.0 2011/07/24 19:05:30 45.697 90.104 15.3 MONGOLIA-CHINA BORDER REGION
MAP 6.2 2011/07/24 18:51:25 37.758 141.540 35.6 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.1 2011/07/24 15:07:11 38.857 141.987 60.4 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.0 2011/07/24 10:38:56 28.267 66.346 24.9 PAKISTAN
MAP 5.1 2011/07/24 08:23:37 -7.607 106.446 56.3 JAVA, INDONESIA

MAP 5.0 2011/07/23 22:45:21 -20.143 -70.644 20.6 OFFSHORE TARAPACA, CHILE
MAP 5.5 2011/07/23 16:34:42 13.031 145.454 14.0 GUAM REGION
MAP 5.3 2011/07/23 06:28:36 54.949 -161.369 44.8 ALASKA PENINSULA
MAP 5.2 2011/07/23 04:40:21 -24.219 -178.842 366.0 SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP 6.4 2011/07/23 04:34:24 38.932 141.907 38.6 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.5 2011/07/23 02:56:54 -29.339 -69.774 120.6 SAN JUAN, ARGENTINA

MAP 5.6 2011/07/22 20:58:56 12.990 145.464 4.4 GUAM REGION
MAP 5.2 2011/07/22 20:35:57 -41.664 -83.351 39.7 WEST CHILE RISE
MAP 5.0 2011/07/22 10:48:33 12.197 -88.281 51.5 NEAR THE COAST OF NICARAGUA
MAP 6.0 2011/07/22 06:56:40 -20.229 -178.530 600.6 FIJI REGION

MAP 5.0 2011/07/21 23:17:39 -28.949 -176.503 20.2 KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION
MAP 5.6 2011/07/21 23:01:43 -62.471 164.302 10.0 BALLENY ISLANDS REGION
MAP 5.0 2011/07/21 19:12:01 -29.624 -176.373 51.5 KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION


Are you saved in Christ Jesus yet?  You can be today! John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Ask Him to save you today!

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“The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” July 7, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 25, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora (FREE)



Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.


If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.


Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


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NO RAPTURE FOR DOG What it will be like when the rapture hits.


Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT By Frank DiMora July 31, 2011



Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT German.pdf By Frank DiMora.july 25, 2011pdf


Alan Manson points out the rest of the story which Benjamin Baruch left out about the rapture of the Church



Most of you know from my book The Last Chronicles of planet Earth that I do believe in the pre-trib rapture. I cite dozens of places in the Bible where we see the rapture verses.  A few days ago I posted a radio show where the Watchman’ had an interview with Benjamin Baruch who not only talked about what is going to happen with the sun, but he went on to say there is no rapture.  I know based on the Word of God Mr. Baruch is dead wrong on this issue. In any case today I received a email from Alan Mason in which Alan  points to many of the mistakes and important facts Baruch left out. I wanted you to see what Alan stated, because he is right on the mark! A few days ago I told you I would write the watchman’ people and ask them to provide the names of the PHD’s that Benjamin said he spoke with. I have not received a answer from them yet.

Alan Manson

Hi Frank,

I listened to this message from your latest email because I am researching what is happening to the sun and the planets. 

I was really interested to hear what Benjamin Baruch had to say about these things, but I was quite concerned that his and Nathan Leal’s beliefs are that the Rapture is a fallacy and that all Christians will have to endure the 7 years of Daniel’s70th Week until the words of Revelation 19 are fulfilled:

(Rev19:7-8)  "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. {8} And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints."

Throughout the message,Baruch was condescending towards anyone who believed in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, and he emphasized the need for Christians to endure the disasters that would be coming upon the Earth in the near future.  The basis for his claim was that God would protect them from harm.  He used instances where God protected Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in Babylon and also the Israelites during God’s judgments upon Egypt to justify his claims, but it is a distortion to what scripture illustrates is the way God deals with His people. 

From my understanding of the Bible, God does not judge the righteous with the wicked, and for this reason the true children of God will be removed from the Earth shortly after the Tribulation begins, based on the scripture verses below:

(Gen18:24-26)  [Abraham, the Friend of God speaking to the Lord]

"Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein? {25} That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee:Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? {26} And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes."

The lesson to be learned from both the days of Noah and the days of Lot(Luke 17:26-30) is that God does NOT force those who are His to endure the punishments He is inflicting upon those who hate Him.  As Abraham said, “….that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right”– or do the righteous thing with His people here?

Scripture seems to indicate that all “Wise Virgins” will have to remain on the Earth AFTER The Antichrist has signed the peace covenant with Israel. It is this act that commences the 70th Week of Daniel’s prophecy to countdown. It is only this act that will enable his name and the number of his name to identify him as ‘666’ and the Midnight Cry to follow this (Matt25:6).  Only God the Father will determine the period after this event, where He will send Jesus back to the Earth (in the Rapture) to take His saints back to heaven with Him before bringing hem back at the Second Coming:

(Rev19:11-14)  "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. {12} His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. {13} And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. {14} And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean."

We know from scripture that people who are “clothed in fine linen, white and clean”are the saints, as described in Rev 19:8.  This passage of scripture alone indicates that the saints have to be in heaven before they can depart it with Christ to return to the Earth.  Benjamin and Nathan carefully avoid references to these Bible facts.

I noticed that both Benjamin and Nathan were also careful not to mention anything about the parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins where it says:

(Matt25:10-12)  "And while they [the Foolish Virgins] went to buy, the bridegroom[Jesus] came; and they [the Wise Virgins] that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. {11} Afterward [or after Jesus is back in Heaven with His ‘body’ of faithful servants –Matt 25:21] came also the other [Foolish]virgins [in prayer], saying, Lord, Lord, open [the door to Heaven] to us [also]. {12} But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not."

Benjamin’s beliefs reflect the modern church’s false doctrine of Once Saved, Always Saved and the misguided belief that it is God’s responsibility to save them,otherwise He will be found to be an unfaithful liar (see Heb 13:5; John 10:29,etc.).  Sadly, I see people like them as members of the group of Foolish Virgins who have believed Satan’s lies and realize too late that they are “foolish.” The only way for such people to get to heaven will be when they are beheaded for their faith in Jesus Christ:

(Rev20:4)  "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them[the Foolish Virgins and other Tribulation converts] that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast,neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years."

I also noticed in his message certain claims to scripture that he distorted to justify his position here,such as:

“a small remnant will make it through [The Tribulation]…” 

Scripture indicates that NO Christian makes it through the Tribulation.  There will be sheep and goat nations, but Christians are not mentioned in this group at all, as stated below.

(Rev 6:15-17)  "And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; {16} And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne,and from the wrath of the Lamb: {17} For the great day of his wrath is come;and who shall be able to stand?" There are no Jews or Christians mentioned here Frank.

·  “Blessed are those who rest in the Lord through in the Great Tribulation…” 

This statement refers from the time people (probably the Foolish Virgins) begin to die, because they will not take the mark of the beast.  It refers to a special blessing to the martyrs of the tribulation (Rev. 6:9-11; Rev. 7:9-17;Rev. 14:13; Rev. 15:2-4; Rev. 20:4-6)

·  “…we have overrated this issue of dying in the flesh.  it’s not the big problem people make it out to be.  Jesus said, Do not seek to save your life in this hour. If you are going to be worried about saving your life, then you are guaranteed to lose it…If you have given your life to Jesus, He will protect it. If you want to hang on to your little life and all that it entails, then you are trying to save it, and guess what, your gonna lose your life in the process but gain your salvation.”

Here Benjamin is mocking the truth of scripture with his statement “…we have overrated this issue of dying in the flesh.”  In this, Paul says

(Gal 5:24-25) "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. {25} If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."

All of this is bunkum, Frank.  If Christians have not crucified their flesh nature, then they are walking in the flesh and not in the Spirit.  If they do that, then condemnation from Christ awaits them at the Judgment:

(Rom8:1)  "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk NOT AFTER THE FLESH, but after the Spirit."

For the record –briefly:

1.      God is bringing the Tribulation about for the restoration and Salvation of Israel.  Neither of these two men addressed this issue.

2.      The role of the church over the past 2011 years has been to proclaim the Gospel to “every creature.”  The modern church has failed to do this preferring to believe the doctrines of man rather than God and His word.

3.      The church has corrupted itself in the same way as the world systems of government have corrupted themselves.

4.      For the faithful believers who are saved (Rom 10:9-10) and truly born again (John 3:1-8) after experiencing the New Birth, these will be they who have endured the spiritual cross that Jesus has for every believer (Matt 16:24) and followed Jesus wherever the Holy Spirit leads them (John 3:8).  They have also suffered persecution from family members, work colleagues and friends for quoting the words of Jesus and the Gospel (Matt 10:34-36) and counted all things but “dung” forth excellency of the knowledge they have discovered about Jesus (Phil 3:8).

5.      For those in Christ who have “suffered for righteousness sake” in this life (1 Peter 3:14), the COMFORT that we have is that he or she will be removed from this Earth to escape the judgments of God upon an evil and wicked generation of people who hate Jesus and Christians – Jews included (Jer30:7).

(1Thes 4:16-18)  "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:{17} Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with theming the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. {18} Wherefore COMFORT one another with these words."



NO RAPTURE FOR DOG What it will be like when the rapture hits.


Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT By Frank DiMora July 31, 2011





John the Baptist would have loved to see these last day signs/July 27, 2011

John the Baptist would have loved to see all the last day signs we are witnessing.  John would have known Jesus was about to return to Earth and there would be no greater blessing  anyone could ask for! John knew the signs of Christ's first coming, can you say the same thing concerning Jesus signs of His second coming?  If not, let me help connect the dots between Bible prophecy and current events for you. 


Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 25, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora (FREE)


Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38 war and the Psalm 83 war:

“In reaction to the recent assassination of Iranian scientist Dariush Rezaiinejad, chief commander of the Basij Brigadier General Mohammad-Reza Naghdi stated The main plot for this criminal act was conceived by the American government, and since it is scared of the reaction by the Muslim world due to the uprisings in the region, it had the Zionist regime commit the heinous act…In order to protect the security of our country, we have no option but to have the Zionist regime wiped off the map. And the only "option" to stop the Iranian regime's push for nuclear weapons–which threatens not only Israel but also America–is clearly a military one, unsavory as it may be. It's time we faced that fact”

IDF TankMilitary training for scenario in which Syria defends protesters attempting to rush border following PA statehood bid in September. The army is preparing for the possibility that Syrian soldiers will deploy along the border and actively defend men who try to infiltrate the Golan Heights during demonstrations expected to break out following the Palestinian Authority’s unilateral declaration of statehood at the United Nations in September. The IDF has been training forces for a scenario during which soldiers from the Syrian military will also approach the border and try to actively defend protesters attempting to infiltrate Israeli territory. “We could face civilians who start a demonstration and are then joined by the military as part of the regime’s so-called desire to protect its civilians,” one IDF officer explained. Due to this possibility, the IDF will likely deploy tanks along the border with troops to prevent a violation of Israeli sovereignty and confront the Syrian soldiers if necessary. The IDF has held a number of exercises recently including the use of tanks to enable soldiers to practice how they will respond in such a scenario”


Prophecy Sign Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, Mark chapter 13, and the book of Revelation warn us of famines, droughts, starvation.

Prolonged dry conditions from the Midwest to the mid-Atlantic this summer has some farmers concerned about how it will impact their crops. The corn crop, an important staple along the parched agricultural zone extending from Iowa to Pennsylvania, is already being affected. According to some farmers, the timing couldn't be worse. "Right now is a very critical time for corn," said Elizabeth A. Hinkel, district manager of the Schuylkill Conservation District to the Republican Herald of Pottsville, Pa.  With the corn in tassel, the crop is beginning to pollinate, which requires ample amounts of moisture. "If there's no rain to aid in pollination and the plants are stressed, a lot of times it won't fill out," says Hinkel.  The reduced crop yield creates a domino effect and might force farmers to incur costs by purchasing feed for animals.  A few months ago, the growing scene couldn't have looked any more different. Throughout the spring months, persistent rain led to an excess of moisture, which delayed planting in many parts of the "Corn Belt." The quick drying that followed planting turned the soil into a sort-of concrete, preventing the crops from developing a deep root system.  According to the latest U.S. Drought Monitor, the area impacted by this dry weather is expanding. Parts of eastern Iowa, northern parts of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and a large part of Pennsylvania are now considered "abnormally dry," a precursor to a full-blown drought.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew chapter 24, Luke chapter 21, Mark chapter 13, and the book of Revelation warn us of famines, droughts, starvation.

“Officials have warned that 800,000 children could die across the Horn of Africa, and aid workers are rushing to bring help to dangerous and previously unreached regions of drought-ravaged Somalia.  Mihag's sunken face brings new urgency to their efforts and raises concerns about how many children like him remain in Somalia, far from the feeding tubes and doctors at this Kenyan refugee camp. His fragile skin crumples like thin leather under the pressure of his mother's hands, as she touches the hollows where a baby's chubby cheeks should be. The United Nations estimates that more 11 million people in East Africa are affected by the drought, with 3.7 million in Somalia among the worst-hit because of the ongoing civil war in the country.

Famine grips Somalia

Somalia's prolonged drought devolved into famine in part because neither the Somali government nor many aid agencies can fully operate in areas controlled by al Qaeda-linked militants, and the U.N. is set to declare all of southern Somalia a famine zone as of Aug. 1.



Map showing the path of the tropical storm 

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Christ tells us to watch for the roaring of the seas and waves.

More than 20 people have been killed and tens of thousands have fled their homes after a tropical storm battered the Philippines for a third day. Tropical storm Nock-Ten caused floods and landslides across the island of Luzon. Power supplies were cut off in many areas on Tuesday, dozens of flights and ferries were cancelled, and schools and offices were closed. Forecasters say the storm should pass into the South China Sea on Thursday. The storm hit Camarines Norte province earlier in the week with gusts of 56mph (90km/h). A disaster-response official described it as the province's worst flooding in five years.”

South Korean rescue workers carry a survivor who was rescued from a collapsed house as a midnight landslide caused by torrential rains swept away several houses in Chuncheon, South Korea, Wednesday, July 27, 2011. Heavy rain sent the landslide barreling into a resort in a northern South Korean town Wednesday. (AP Photo/Lee Sang-hak) KOREA OUT

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — A blast of heavy rain sent landslides barreling through South Korea's capital and a northern town Wednesday, killing 19 people, including 10 college students doing volunteer work.

The students were killed in an early morning landslide in Chuncheon, about 68 miles (110 kilometers) northeast of the capital, Seoul, said Byun In-soo of the town's fire station. They were staying in a resort cabin when the mud and debris engulfed them. Also killed in Chuncheon were a married couple and a convenience store owner.

About 500 officials and residents worked to rescue people trapped in the mud and wreckage. Twenty-four people were injured and several buildings destroyed, officials said.

In southern Seoul, six people were killed when a wave of mud crashed through residential areas at the foot of a mountain, said Lee Sun-myeong, a city official. The dead were not yet identified.


imf chief

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Jesus warned us that kingdom would come against kingdom. This of course is civil unrest and in 2011 we have have seen nation after nation fall into this civil unrest.

The new head of the International Monetary Fund warned European leaders of the possibility of social instability as a result of the eurozone's economic problems. Speaking in New York, where she is now based, Christine Lagarde, the former French finance minister, said that the recent economic turbulence which has seen Greece, Portugal and Ireland suffer debt crises – and the spectre hang over Italy and Spain – could "easily resurface" despite the lift in the markets after last week's €109bn (£96bn) bailout package for Greece.Referring to the political upheaval in North Africa and the Middle East earlier this year, she said: "Social problems are of major concern to advanced economies, too.”


Bomb attack in Iraq (illustrative) 

Prophecy Sign: Revelation chapter 18 Jesus shows us Babylon will be rebuilt.

Concerning Modern day (Babylon), Iraq, it is likely that such impressive wealth and commercial influence would be acquired primarily during the period of seemingly peace and prosperity that may happen in two ways.  We could see Iraq stabilize as a new government takes over and allows for the nation to begin the rebuilding from its war just prior to the rapture of the Church.  It could also be that when the rapture of the church takes place, and the Antichrist takes over the world will go through a short period of what appears to be a time of peace.  I say this based on Daniel 8:25 where we are told this about the Antichrist. “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.”  We know from II Thessalonians 2:10-12 that there will be a strong delusion that will come upon the world, and the people of embrace this delusion as truth but it will be a lie.  I quote the Word of God, “and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”  Could this strong delusion be the Antichrist will tell the world everyone that vanished at the rapture were those that were evil and now the world will move into a time of peace?  I am not ruling this out.  If this is the case Iraq could rise to power under the Antichrist’s rebuilding direction very quickly.  One fact is very clear, Babylon will be rebuilt and accumulate wealth in the last days. 

There are many things to consider as we watch current events.  First of all who is Babylon"?  Babylon, if you read your history, you would understand that Iraq is modern day Babylon. It is the same nation that the Prophet Daniel lived in, and warned the king of Babylon that the Medio Persion empire would destroy it, which they did.  However, Babylon was not wiped out completely as you will see.  We know that Babylon has to be rebuilt to become the main hub for financial activity in the last days.  It should be clear to everyone that such a city would not just emerge over night.  As you know, present day Babylon (Iraq), has been engaged in a war not only with the United States who caused the down fall of Saddam Hussein, but with their own people who are trying to take control of the nation.

“But July 15 also saw the grand re-opening Baghdad's renowned Al-Rasheed Hotel after a $65 million renovation. Britain’s Harlow International undertook the construction work while Holland’s Kempinski Hotel group will manage it.

"The rebuilding of infrastructure, including palaces and airports, is evidence of the ability of Iraqis to achieve what they want,” Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said at the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Even as Iraq suffers an upsurge of violence – June alone saw 155 civilians killed in attacks, the most since January – foreign investors are flocking to the country. Dunia Frontier Consultants, a Washington DC-based consulting firm, estimates that foreigners were responsible for $45.6 billion in investments, service contracts and other business in Iraq in the first half of the year. That was double the amount the same time in 2010.  Where others see carnage, chaos and corruption, investors see a potentially oil-rich economy whose population of some 30 million is desperate for housing, roads, consumer products and services.”


Unclassified doc. on Iraq Download Freedom From Intel


Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

Prophecy Sign: Daniel tells us the last world empire will be a revived Roman Empire, no it is not America.  America is declining in power to give way to the New World Order or if you will, the last world empire, which will be directed by the Antichrist. Not one sentence is given to us in the book of Daniel which shows us something happened to to America. As we watch America fall from power we can now see why Daniel did not say anything about the US!

“The principal risk emerging from the U.S. debt quagmire is not a cataclysmic default that many economists maintain is highly unlikely. Much more realistic is a downgrade to the country’s creditworthiness, which markets are beginning to register as distinctly possible, even if the debt ceiling is raised. “Focusing on default ignores the true issue,” said Michael Gregory, senior economist at BMO Capital Markets. “A lot of people are thinking that there’s no way they can come up with an agreement to avoid a downgrade by at least one of the agencies.”  So far, markets have largely assumed the U.S. Congress will break the impasse and legislate an increase to the US$14.3-trillion borrowing limit, thereby averting a crisis. But ratings agencies have since interjected, expressing concern for the country’s fiscal imbalances and calling for immediate steps to reduce the deficit as part of the debt ceiling negotiations. Otherwise, Standard & Poor’s Inc. could strip the United States of its AAA rating, the agency warned. Neither will the compromise taking shape in Washington, D.C., satisfy S&P, which indicated it requires US$4-trillion in savings over the next 10 years.”


 Robert Wiedemer's Free book for $4.95. “Robert Wiedemer’s new book, “Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown,” quickly is becoming the survival guide for the 21st century. And Newsmax’s eye-opening Aftershock Survival Summit video, with exclusive interviews and prophetic predictions, already has affected millions around the world — but not without ruffling a few feathers. Initially screened for a private audience, this gripping video exposed harsh economic truths and garnered an overwhelming amount of feedback. “People were sitting up and taking notice, and they begged us to make the video public so they could easily share it,” said Newsmax Financial Publisher Aaron DeHoog. But that wasn’t as simple as it seems. Various online networks repeatedly shut down the controversial video. “People were sending their friends and family to dead links, so we had to create a dedicated home for it,” DeHoog said.”

You can watch the After Shock video by clicking to the link below:

houston national cemetery

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:9 “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations form name’s sake”  I Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

A Texas lawmaker is calling for a congressional investigation of the Houston National Cemetery after he went undercover and determined that cemetery officials are still preventing Christian prayers at the funerals of military veterans. “The Obama administration continues to try to prevent the word ‘God’ from being used at the funerals of our heroes,” said. Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas). “It’s unacceptable and I’m going to put a stop to it as fast as humanly possible,” Culberson told Fox News Radio. He attended a burial service at the cemetery undercover on July 8, when he says he witnessed volunteer members of the honor guard from the Veterans of Foreign Wars being prohibited from using any references to God. “The Obama administration had told the nation and me they were not interfering with the prayer said over the graves of veterans,” he said. “And I went undercover to personally verify that claim.” VA officials have strongly denied they’ve banned any religious speech – and have offered support for Arleen Ocasio, the cemetery’s director. “The idea that invoking the name of God or Jesus is banned at VA national cemeteries is blatantly false,” said VA Press Secretary Josh Taylor in a written statement to Fox News Radio. “The truth is, VA’s policy protects veterans’ families’ rights to pray however they choose at our national cemeteries.”



Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 is the sign of disease

“The male kelpie tested positive to the virus on Monday. It has been taken from its owners and they'll be asked for permission to put it down, as required under national Hendra guidelines, Biosecurity Queensland says. The much-loved family pet lives on a property in Mt Alford, in Queensland's southeast, where three horses died of the virus in late June and early July. One of the horses is believed to have infected the dog. Only humans, bats and horses have carried the virus previously. Queensland chief vet Rick Symons said it was unclear if the leap to a dog indicated a change in the way the virus was transmitted. "What we are seeing here is an evolving disease, and an evolving virus and there are changes as the virus evolves and the exposure changes," he told reporters in Brisbane.”

Gold forged a record high above $1,625 per ounce, as investors parked their cash in the precious metal in the face of heightened concerns over a potential US default

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 18:12 people are weeping over their lost gold and silver among other items in verse 12.

“Gold forged a record high above $1,625 per ounce here on Wednesday, as investors parked their cash in the precious metal in the face of heightened concerns over a potential US default. The price of gold struck $1,625.70 an ounce at about 0600 GMT on the London Bullion Market, beating the previous record of $1,624.07 that was hit on Monday. "The threat of default by the world largest economy has led gold to a fresh peak above $1,625 this morning," said FastMarkets analyst James Moore. "The metal looks set to extend towards $1,650 in the coming sessions as investors seek to diversify into more tangible assets as confidence in paper assets, even government-backed, dwindles."

Email from Antonia Giunta to Frank DiMora
show details 12:34 PM (4 hours ago)

Hi Frank, Blessings to you always. The videos had me floored!!!  I couldn’t believe I didn’t even realize a lot of these things he pointed out!  But, I will tell you this, for the past few days, I’ve been pondering with a thought, not sure if its’ the Holy Spirit directing me, or if its’ just my imagining something I would like to do for the Lord.  But, after watching the video and seeing your response afterward to “email you our thoughts that the Holy Spirit may be directing us”, well that was pretty much confirmation for me to say it. On August 15, I would like to ask all Christians to sacrifice one thing they really enjoy, (i.e., coffee, tea, soda, sweets, etc….), and use that sacrifice to pray for someone in any country in the world to be saved in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  I don’t know why I keep thinking of the day of August 15th, it probably has no significance, but this is what I feel I’m being directed to say and do.  I just emailed my Pastor and others from my Church to do the same and to forward to whomever they can to get the word out.  I know I enjoy my coffee twice a day, so I will use that time it takes me to drink a cup of coffee and pray for someone (wherever, whatever country the Lord directs me to) and they be saved in the name of Jesus Christ. I hope others join me on the 15th and give thanks and praise unto the Lord, Jesus Christ, that we are able to sacrifice something for someone else’ salvation. Thank you for your time reading this. May God Bless and Keep you always,


Ministry info:

“The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” July 7, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

IMG_0270  July 12, 2011 show is now playing for you at the above link. All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge, just click to link.

NO RAPTURE FOR DOG What it will be like when the rapture hits.


Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT By Frank DiMora July 31, 2011


A wise message from Adam DiMora concerning the signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars



NO RAPTURE FOR DOG What it will be like when the rapture hits.


Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT By Frank DiMora July 31, 2011





Elenin, the signs of the times, and the Return of Jesus Christ?

Elenin has been a hot topic on the internet especially among Christian circles, and I have to admit It’s interesting, and scary “BUT” there is a big BUT I’m after here. What do all of these signs point to. Is it not the return of the King Jesus Christ. It almost feels that Christians have been overwhelmed by some of the information here with regards to this topic as if God doesn’t have complete control over every single aspect of the universe, including what this Elenin whatever it is does and the impact it has on his people.

So for the Christian lets stay awake and prayerful, but lets stay on TARGET. PREACH the GOSPEL!!!!!!!! Is it Elenin that allows our hearts to beat? What are all of these things pointing too? Jesus said “When you see all of these things begin to take place, LOOK-UP because your salvation is coming soon!!!!

We have many friends, loved ones, co-workers, and people that haven’t heard the good news of Christ or are waiting to see it truly lived out in our lives. Please listen to this came from my heart!


My God, are all these things really taking place? Let’s see what the Word say!/ July 26, 2011


Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 25, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora (FREE)


Prophecy Sign: Signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars. Luke 21:11 and Luke 21:25.

On my post of July 25, 2011 I gave you a lot of information concerning the signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, which Jesus told us to watch for. If you did not read and watch that information from my July 25, post please do it before September.  After you watch all that information you will want to watch the two videos below as this information adds to the signs in the star.  All of you need to understand the Lord is speaking to you via these signs. Do not take what your are about to see lightly.  Jesus wants to save you, and many people are now coming to Christ as they see first hand His signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars.  When Christ came the first time He had a sign in the stars as you will see from the video below.  On His second coming our Lord will again send His signs in the stars.  It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit falls on you as He reveals His message to you.

Many times my Son Adam provides messages that I post here at my site. Adam’s teachings on the signs in the stars will help you understand how close we are to seeing the second coming.






IDF rearms ahead of Palestinian state bid Prophecy Sign: More signs coming out of Israel showing the Psalm 83 war is on the way.

“The Israeli army (IDF) has been busy procuring new weapons for its soldiers in preparation for the aftermath of the Palestinian Authority's unilateral statehood bid in September. It is widely expected that after the Palestinians petition the UN to recognize a Palestinian mass popular violence will break out against Israel. If the UN votes to recognize "Palestine," most Palestinians want their own armed forces to sieze territory from Israel, including eastern Jerusalem. If the UN rejects the bid, Israel believes the various Palestinian terror groups will launch a new intifada (terrorist uprising). In either case, Israel knows all too well how the international community will respond if the Jewish state uses deadly force to defend itself.”

Downtown Tel Aviv “Metropolitan Tel Aviv, Israel’s finance and commercial center, will be bombed by missiles n the next Gaza war, warns Home Front Minister Matan Vilnai. "In the next conflict with Gaza, even if it at a much lower intensity than a war, missiles will fall on Gush Dan — for all purposes, inside Tel Aviv," Vilnai said at an international defense conference in metropolitan Tel Aviv. Intelligence officials have warned for more than two years that the Hamas terrorist regime in Gaza has smuggled missiles that can reach far beyond southern Israel, which was targeted nearly three years ago, before and during the counterterrorist Operation Cast Lead campaign. Hamas and other terrorist groups have at least 10,000 missiles and rockets, according to military intelligence estimates. Advanced weapons are smuggled, in whole or in parts for assembly, enter Gaza from Iran, often via Sudan.”


Sorcery behind half PNG murders Prophecy Sign: Revelation 9:20-21”The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshiping demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk, nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.”

“Police in Papua New Guinea estimate around half of all murders in the Pacific nation are sorcery related. Last month two men were hacked to death in their beds because a female relative had been accused of sorcery. ONE News Pacific correspondent Barbara Dreaver told TV ONE's Breakfast today that while it may seem unbelievable to most New Zealanders, sorcery is a very real problem in PNG. And it appears that authorities are powerless to help. "In one province alone there are an estimated 200 sorcery related deaths a year," Dreaver said. Amnesty International reports that women are six times more likely to be victims of sorcery killings than men. But no-one is immune, with accusations of sorcery often escalating into feuds between families or even villages.”

Prophecy Sign: America is not mentioned in the last days as any kind of world power at all. Why?

“The U.S. Postal Service on Tuesday will release a list of 3,653 post offices that could be shut down. These locations will be studied for possible closure, according to U.S. Postal Service spokeswoman Sue Brennan. Most of the post offices that are on the chopping block have "lower foot traffic and revenue," she said, and the majority of them are in smaller communities.”  “The announcement comes as no surprise. In an ongoing effort to battle fiscal concerns, the money-losing U.S. Postal Service announced plans in January to shut down thousands of stations and branches. In fiscal year 2010, the Postal Service suffered a $8.5 billion net loss, compared to a loss of $3.8 billion the prior year. Last quarter, the U.S. Postal Service posted a loss of $2.2 billion. Its fiscal year ends in September.”

“I answered the Lord’s call in 1978, after several years of evangelizing I found myself in a spiritual desert until April 2010, when the Holy Spirit gave me more than a nudge,  it was an alarm, time was growing short I needed to get the message out. I went to my computer typed in ‘Bible Prophecy and End Times Current Events’…not knowing what  might come up. Your website appeared, since April of 2010 I find myself evangelizing and sharing information from your website with friends, co-workers and family. The  Holy Spirit continues to give me sense of urgency…especially in light of the recent geo-political events, the global economy, moral decline of the world and NOW these CELESTIAL events and signs…more than coincidence. The fact that I was guided to your website and constantly share prophetic events with anyone who will listen gives  added confirmation to what the Spirit has been telling me…..that God is wrapping things up…..and September 2011 conforms perfectly with the prophetic time line.”

Russo, John


Dear Brother Frank,
I am in agreement with your conclusions concerning the Feast of Trumpets, The NOAA report on the Eleinin object and dwarf star etc.  Also, the number of 29. I am in agreement that we don't know the day or hour. I believe it is correct to look at the information that you have given.  I confess that I had thought the same thing, and considered seventy years, minus 7, from May 14, 1948. However, I didn't say anything because of people and their rejection.  When you started talking about the Feasts. I knew then, there was a big possibility of rapture during the Feast.  Especially, the phenomena that they don't know the "day or hour", and by the time they do, it has occurred.  The events of prophecy are timed exactly to the day. Over thousands of years. This is divine, absolutely ! Brother Frank, you are a man of God, and you are filled with the Indwelling Holy Spirit. Your work is consummate. I became aware of you, as I have been watching and waiting, and searching every day. That is how I found you. I am glad that I did.  I believe that it is correct to expect the rapture this year. Even unto September 28 and 29.  With the incredible frequency, and increasing magnitude of events: I now see the NOAA reports on the objects approaching our inner solar system.  I think of Job and the Lord saying He established the bounds, and then the Van Allen Belts, or electromagnetic fields. I understand gravity, and the mutual attraction of Planets, and our sun, and the other objects. So, it is natural to know that these phenomena, of alignments, and signs in the sky and sun, are correctly viewed as prophetic events. Let God be true and every man a liar. I believe God and so do You.  In closing, I want to say, it seems that it is possible this year, and I do hope so. I am so tired of this world and all the misery that I witness daily. I pray to our Lord to accelerate. We cannot be blamed for our blessed hope. We obey and rightly divide the Word. You have rightly divided the Word. Your insights are right on. I am a witness to the Lord, as He is between you and me, and to Him directly.
Yes, Even So, Come Lord Jesus ! The Peace and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon and unto you,(Faithful Watchman,) and your Family,  With love, your bro. mark
PS. As the Israelites said "Next year Passover in Jerusalem", we can say "If not this year, then the next year !"
PPS The Feasts are our proof and witness, by our Precious Lord Jesus Christ, (Hallowed be His Name.)


Hello Frank,

A few months ago, I'm not even sure how I stumbled upon a website called  It had several interesting links to current events and also had a section for propetic dreams and interpretations.  I have had a few prophetic dreams, so I started visiting the site regularly.  It was on this site, in a chat, that someone brought your name up and said you were a godly man and interesting to listen to. He wasn't even talking to me, but something told me I should check you out, so I did. And I have been visiting your site every day since then.  I have to say that I believe the holy spirit led me to this information.  I believe that Jesus is coming back this September, during the feast of trumpets. I feel it with every fiber of my being, like electric currents when I think about it.  I have tried to tell others as much as I can, but most dismiss it and say I am overreacting and that it's just silly conspiracy theories.  But I know that God is speaking to my heart about this.  I share everything I can on my facebook page. No one ever comments on it except the occasional person dismissing it as nothing to worry about.  It seems that very few even want the rapture to take place.  But my mother and my sister did listen to me. They want us to all stay together the 28th-30th so we can be together if/when the rapture happens.  I know it is hard to get out there and say for sure it is going to happen without being thought of as some crazy false prophet, but I think the ones that have a connection with the holy spirit are feeling it and know it is soon.  I have been having so much trouble sleeping with all the thoughts running through my mind, like what does the Lord want me to do in the meantime.  And praying for all those that I know are not saved and those I am not sure about.  I am a 34 year old female who lives in Mississippi.  And you have been a blessing to me. Keep up what you are doing.

God bless you,



Hi Frank

I just wanted to let you know that I stumbled upon your website a week ago while searching the net for information on this year's Feast of Trumpets. I truly believe the Holy Spirit led me to your site. What a Blessing your ministry is! I really appreciate how Our Lord is using you so Mightily! Please do not be discouraged, as "we battle not against flesh and blood…" because your ministry is accomplishing The Lord's work in a very powerful way! Remember that as many emails that you receive, there are MANY more that come to your site that don't email. I'm So Thankful for how God is using you in these last days and I'm so grateful to have you as a Brother in Our Blessed Lord and Savior.

Keep up the Great work!

God Bless you! Adam Peters


NadarkhaniSee full size image Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:12 Jesus warns us to look for the sign of Christian persecution in the last days.

“The United States is “outraged” at Iran’s decision to uphold a court’s “choose Islam or die” verdict for a Christian pastor. The verdict was upheld  although Iran officially grants Christians freedom of religion. Yousef Nadarkhani, 32, was sentenced to death by hanging after his arrest nearly two years ago for objecting to Islamic education for Christian children. He was arrested in October 2009 for apostasy because he objected to the teaching of Islam to Christian children at Iranian schools. He was sentenced to death by hanging late last year, a verdict that he appealed to Iran's Supreme Court. His lawyers’ appeal to cancel the verdict was thought to have been successful, but Christian websites have reported that he will be questioned again to state whether he is a Muslim, in which case he will be released, or a Christian, a statement that would lead to his execution. "While Iran's leaders hypocritically claim to promote tolerance, they continue to detain, imprison, harass, and abuse those who simply wish to worship the faith of their choosing," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said.”

If you already know Jesus as your Lord, and you are really walking with Christ, I am asking you to pray for this Pastor. Christian persecution has increased over the past few years, however when the rapture of the Church takes place this persecution will get much worse.  At the half way mark in the 7 year tribulation the Antichrist will attack anyone who does not worship him as God. It won’t matter if you are a Jew, a Christian, or a Muslim at that point because anyone who doesn’t bow to the Antichrist will be hunted down and killed.

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 18:12 you will see Jesus address the items of gold and silver.

Today                 Change      Week Ago          Month Ago                       Year Ago

Gold $1,619.05   +$6.55       $1,601.               $1,501.60                         $1,185.00
Silver $40.80      +$0.48       $40.28                 $34.70                              $18.24

Prophecy Sign: "There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed. Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying. [Hosea 4:1-3]

The fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the beasts of the field, every creature that moves along the ground, and all the people on the face of the earth will tremble at my presence. The mountains will be overturned, the cliffs will crumble and every wall will fall to the ground. [Ezekiel 38:20]

"I will sweep away both men and animals; I will sweep away the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. The wicked will have only heaps of rubble when I cut off man from the face of the earth," declares the LORD. [Zephaniah 1:3]

“Almost 200 square miles (500 square kilometers) of the Yellow Sea off China are covered by a massive bloom of green algae, according to a report from China's Xinhua news service. “The bloom has spread to almost 7,400 square miles (19,050 square kilometers) in total and is expected to grow, Xinhua reported, citing the North China Sea Marine Forecasting Center of State Oceanic Administration. The algae bloom threatens marine life as it sucks oxygen from the water although the algae itself is not poisonous, according to the Xinhua report. Researchers don't know what causes the massive algae blooms, first seen in the Yellow Sea in 2007.”

 “SEYMOUR, IN (WAVE)- Imagine thousands of fish literally turn up dead in a lake near your home. That's just what happened at a lake in Seymour, Indiana. So, our viewers called us asking us to get answers. Neighbors say they've never seen anything like this before. Stinking, dead fish giving off a foul odor and floating in the lake is what Corey Lanier and his neighbors came across this weekend "It was just a very overwhelming…just rotten fish smell," Corey Lanier said "We could smell it across the street from the lake."  Lanier and others live near Mutton Creek neighborhood lake. It sits behind their homes in Seymour.  "As soon as we walked over, there were thousands of dead fish floating in the pond," Lanier said.  Lanier estimates 2,000- 3,000 of them.  "I've never seen this many dead fish in one lake floating," Lanier said.”

Watch the video and the link below concerning this news.

Man says thousands of fish turned up dead in Indiana lake

Jesus warned us that the sea would turn red. “The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead man, and every living thing in the sea died” Rev. 16:3.  Christ also told us great earthquakes would be a sign. See Luke 21:11.  These next videos make you think!

(CNN) — An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.9 struck Tuesday in the Gulf of California, off the coast of the Baja California Peninsula in northwestern Mexico, officials said. The earthquake's epicenter was 100 kilometers (62 miles) from Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico's National Seismological Service said, and about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) from Tijuana, Baja California."

MAP  5.2   2011/07/26 20:58:30    -2.668    -76.613  124.2   PERU-ECUADOR BORDER REGION
MAP  5.0   2011/07/26 19:40:29    25.051   -109.582  12.5   GULF OF CALIFORNIA
MAP  5.9   2011/07/26 17:44:22    25.186   -109.550  10.2   GULF OF CALIFORNIA
MAP  5.2   2011/07/26 17:40:52    -3.282    150.778  17.4   NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.7   2011/07/26 14:26:23    -9.231    67.096  10.0   MID-INDIAN RIDGE
MAP  5.1   2011/07/26 08:02:35    7.576    126.849  79.2   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
MAP  5.8   2011/07/26 06:17:39    52.977    159.886  43.8   OFF THE EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA, RUSSIA
MAP  5.4   2011/07/26 06:16:47    52.902    159.893  55.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA, RUSSIA
MAP  5.0   2011/07/26 04:04:14    36.626    56.794  16.9   NORTHEASTERN IRAN


The link below will take you to see all the reports of fish, birds, and animals dying.

Ministry info:

“The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” July 7, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

IMG_0270  July 12, 2011 show is now playing for you at the above link. All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge, just click to link.

NO RAPTURE FOR DOG What it will be like when the rapture hits.


Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT By Frank DiMora July 31, 2011





God’s curse strikes again! / Newest book addititon is now July 25, 2011



 Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 25, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora (FREE)

 SIGNS OF GOD’S CURSE: On my June 16, 2011 post I posted the newest chapter for my book.  I told you that if you watch what the leaders of nations do to Israel you will see if they get blessed or cursed depending on their stand for Israel?  The link to my post for the information on God’s Curse is below.  However, I will now have to add the following news which I did not have in that chapter, but first let us look at the warnings from the Lord.


Prophecy Sign: “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:3).

“I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:2).

“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” (Zechariah 12:3).

“The tragedy in Oslo, Norway has led us to into some not-usually-traveled territory: Norwegian politics. And as we try to get a better understanding of the political climate in the grieving country, here is some of what we are learning.

The day before Anders Behring Breivik opened fire on youths at a Labor Party camp, organizers welcomed the country’s foreign minister. Now, the foreign minister’s message from that day has been revealed: it was an anti-Israel speech in which he came out in strong support of a Palestinian state. That message was something being supported by the camp’s attendees, who were part of the ruling Labor Party’s socialist youth movement called AUF.

According to a translated report for Norwegian news station TV2, Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store visited the camp on the island of Utoya on Thursday, the day before Breivik opened fire on campers killing over 80 of them.

“Together with the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation correspondent Sidsel Wold and Norwegian People’s Aid Kirsten Belck-Olsen, discussed the Foreign Minister of the deadlock between Israel and the Palestinian Authority,” the Google translation of the article says.

It continues:

As foreign minister arrived Utøya he was met with a demand from the AUF that Norway must recognize a Palestinian state.

– The Palestinians must have their own state, the occupation must end, the wall must be demolished and it must happen now, said the Foreign Minister to cheers from the audience.

Earlier this week, when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited Norway, the Minister said to TV 2 news channel that Norway stands ready to recognize a Palestinian state . This he repeated during the debate on Utøya.”


One again we see the pattern of this curse within one day of a leader taking a stand on dividing the land of Israel.  If you did not read my chapter on the “Curse of God” and think this news is only a coincidence, you need to read that chapter because the proof is laid out for you of events following nations and leaders who are coming against God chosen people in Israel.


NO RAPTURE FOR DOG What it will be like when the rapture hits.

Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT By Frank DiMora July 31, 2011


Nibiru or Elenin?/The number 29 in the Bible stands for departure: Gold set new record high/July 25, 2011

What is happening this September that should cause every Chrisitian to pay special attention to the signs Jesus has given us for these last days?  Here is one reason why Israel is waiting to attack Iran in September. Why is Genesis 1:14 important for us in these last days? Why could the Bibical number 29 be important?



 Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora  (FREE)

 There are 3 pictures I have posted that I wanted you to see. You will learn the importance of these 3 pictures when you click on to the 2 videos I posted for you today after mine.


There are places in the Bible which the Lords shows us the length of a man's life is 70 years. “The length of our days is seventy years–or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away” (Psalm 90:10).  Isaiah 23:15 “At that time Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years, the span of a king's life. But at the end of these seventy years, it will happen to Tyre as in the song of the prostitute:”

Planet Nibiru artists conceptionWe know what generation was to see all the last day signs take place all at the same time.  It is the generation who saw the rebirth of Israel which most of you know took place on May 14, 1948.  If we add 70 (lifespan years) to that we get to the year 2018. Now minus 7 years for the church to be raptured and the Tribulation to take place would bring us to 2011.  We now know that the Comet or (Dwarf star) named Elenin with arrive during the Freast of Turmpets, which this year is on the 28-29 of September.  Keep in mind, the biblical number 29 stands for departure.  Is it possilbe the Churches departure could come on this September on the 29?  I think that anyone who really loves Jesus and has been waiting for His promise to come back and remove the Church to heaven should take a very close look at all the things that are suppose to take place during September 28-29 this year!   Please hear me out!  I am not in any way telling you that it is for sure that the rapture will take place during this years Feast of Trumpets. What I am telling you is Jesus warned us to look for the signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars.  We know see  these signs at the same time we are seeing all of the other signs taking place at the same time.  Just is case this is the year the Lord has picked to rapture the believers what should we do?  First of all, never set a date for His coming!  All who have proclaimed dates for the Lord's return have turned out to be false prophets.  Besides, the Feast of Trumpets is the only Feast that happens over the course of a few days, and this Feast can only begin by the first siting of the full moon, which can not be determaned until you actually see the full moon.  So what do we do?  We do exactly what Jesus told us to do and that is to be on the watch!  If we are on the watch for these signs and Jesus does come during this Feast all who are standing watch will be ready to meet the Lord.  If you haven't seen the videos below please watch them they will clear up many of the questions you may have.


 Biblical Mathematics:

Ed F. Vallowe's book on "Biblical Math," the number 29 stands for "departure,"

Photo below is only a picture it won't play as a video! You will see the real videos below after the 3 pictures.

The Bull with sun between its horns

 Pentecost in the stars

Rapture in the stars

I posted the video below before to show you how Isaiah chapter 18 was fulfilled just recently, which deals with South Sudan becoming a new nation.  What you did not see is the second half of this video which is a must see concerning the signs from the stars which point to the Jewish Feasts.   Start watching video at the 24:33 mark to learn about the signs in the stars. 

Also keep in mind that in Luke 21:10 the Lord warned about the great signs from  heaven, and Luke 21:25 Jesus tells us there would be signs in the sun, moon, and stars.



Posting this again so you can see all the information at once on the rapture.


ELEnin/Dwarf Star JPL Event Timeline link below:



Find out Benjamin Baruch has to say concerning what the  scientists are now saying about the sun and what is going to happen.  Benjamin is saying what is being said is the same thing Jesus warns us about in the Book of Revelation. Take note: Baruch does not give one name of an expert who has given him this information, so as far as you should be concerned, I would question what is being said.  What the people at watchman' have done is provide information that is no doubt going to scare the hell out of anyone who listens to this show. This information even up-set me and I have been warning people about the last days for 35 years.  Take what Benjamin Baruch says with a grain of salt.  I have written to the watchmen' and asked them to contact me concerning the people who Baruch has spoken with about this information.  I am sure everyone who listened to this show wants to know who these supposed experts are that he got his information from?  Baruch states he spent 10 hours with these experts in LA recently. These men have PHD's in Physics yet not once did Baruch give a name. Why? '

I must also warn you that Benjamin Baruch is under the impression there will be no pre-tribulation rapture. He sites reasons why, but the reasons he sites do not hold up to scripture as you will see if you read the rapture chapter from my book.


Find out what the  scientists are now saying about the sun and what is going to happen.  This is a most hear for everyone!

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 18:12 shows us people will be weeping over their lost gold and silver among other items.  Are my warnings to watch for the prices of gold and silver to keep climbing correct? Take a look, Gold just set another record high again! 

“Spot gold climbed as high as $1,622.49 an ounce versus Friday's high of $1,607.01 and the previous record of $1,609.51 before easing back to $1,614.66 by 0007 GMT, Reuters data showed. President Barack Obama and congressional leaders struggled late on Sunday to break a partisan deadlock on a budget dealand bullion dealers said investors were ditching stocks in favor of safe haven assets, such as gold, until the outcome of talks become clearer. A slightly weaker U.S. dollar at the start of early trading in Asia gave gold its initial lift, though bullion continued to firm even as the greenback later stabilized, according to bullion dealers. "Gold is moving on its own," a dealer said. U.S. gold also hit a fresh record high at $1,624.30 an ounce.”

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 warns us to watch for the many earthquakes


MAP  5.9   2011/07/25 17:15:44    14.973    120.106  61.3   LUZON, PHILIPPINES
MAP  5.2   2011/07/25 11:54:51    35.267    141.030  19.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/07/25 11:15:13   -37.667    -73.536  26.5   BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.3   2011/07/25 05:30:27   -21.299   -174.416  32.7   TONGA
MAP  5.1   2011/07/25 00:59:22    -3.018    150.462  32.6   NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  6.2   2011/07/25 00:50:51    -3.213    150.672  34.5   NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA

MAP  5.0   2011/07/24 19:05:30    45.697    90.104  15.3   MONGOLIA-CHINA BORDER REGION
MAP  6.2   2011/07/24 18:51:25    37.758    141.540  35.6   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/07/24 15:07:11    38.857    141.987  60.4   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/07/24 10:38:56    28.267    66.346  24.9   PAKISTAN
MAP  5.1   2011/07/24 08:23:37    -7.607    106.446  56.3   JAVA, INDONESIA

MAP  5.0   2011/07/23 22:45:21   -20.143    -70.644  20.6   OFFSHORE TARAPACA, CHILE
MAP  5.5   2011/07/23 16:34:42    13.031    145.454  14.0   GUAM REGION
MAP  5.3   2011/07/23 06:28:36    54.949   -161.369  44.8   ALASKA PENINSULA
MAP  5.2   2011/07/23 04:40:21   -24.219   -178.842  366.0   SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP  6.4   2011/07/23 04:34:24    38.932    141.907  38.6   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/07/23 02:56:54   -29.339    -69.774  120.6   SAN JUAN, ARGENTINA

MAP  5.6   2011/07/22 20:58:56    12.990    145.464  4.4   GUAM REGION
MAP  5.2   2011/07/22 20:35:57   -41.664    -83.351  39.7   WEST CHILE RISE
MAP  5.0   2011/07/22 10:48:33    12.197    -88.281  51.5   NEAR THE COAST OF NICARAGUA
MAP  6.0   2011/07/22 06:56:40   -20.229   -178.530  600.6   FIJI REGION

MAP  5.0   2011/07/21 23:17:39   -28.949   -176.503  20.2   KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.6   2011/07/21 23:01:43   -62.471    164.302  10.0   BALLENY ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.0   2011/07/21 19:12:01   -29.624   -176.373  51.5   KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.0   2011/07/21 15:35:30   -24.122   -175.219  20.2   SOUTH OF TONGA
MAP  5.2   2011/07/21 13:55:55   -15.846    26.073  13.5   ZAMBIA
MAP  5.1   2011/07/21 06:48:06    0.302    97.121  31.6   NIAS REGION, INDONESIA

MAP  6.0   2011/07/20 22:05:00   -10.311    162.152  22.5   SOLOMON ISLANDS
MAP  5.4   2011/07/20 19:18:14    27.248    128.227  51.0   RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/07/20 15:51:30    7.092    -82.307  20.1   SOUTH OF PANAMA

MAP  6.1   2011/07/19 19:35:43    40.151    71.426  16.0   KYRGYZSTAN
MAP  5.0   2011/07/19 18:20:32   -25.114    178.530  588.2   SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP  5.2   2011/07/19 07:15:55   -23.559    179.126  552.2   SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP  5.1   2011/07/19 07:13:18    37.412    20.182  13.6   IONIAN SEA
MAP  5.0   2011/07/19 03:18:41    -1.236    137.745  34.8   NEAR THE NORTH COAST OF PAPUA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.1   2011/07/19 02:20:39   -30.564   -177.901  34.8   KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND
MAP  5.3   2011/07/19 01:38:51    37.490    141.633  15.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

MAP  5.2   2011/07/18 22:48:27    51.376    179.044  57.2   RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP  5.6   2011/07/18 22:38:39    51.181    179.076  18.4   RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
Don't for get to email me what the Holy Spirit is showing you. Thanks, Frank

 Francis (Kenya) 
Photo of Francis in Kenya

I wanted to share with you the blessings Jesus is giving me as He is using my work for Him to lead many to salvation. Francis Njoroge lvies in Kenya and he now has my book. The book has now traveled into the schools in Kenya and will hit the airwaves soon. This is the email Francis just sent me.


 Praise the Lord Frank. I cant miss the chance of sharing this, today I had a chance to share with the youths of the church i visited. They were so exited to know the facts as they are written in your book which I was using as a guiding reference.Most of them felt challenged and passed by time to know more. I directed them to your sites on the internet where they can read more.I t is amazing how people are thirsty to know the truth

In the meanwhile we are planning a truth breaking show with my pastor which will be broadcasted live and also live stream on the internet for two good hours. It will be based on "THE LAST CHRONICLES OF PLANET EARTH" I will communicate to you on the topic.




Ministry info:

“The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” July 7, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

IMG_0270  July 12, 2011 show is now playing for you at the above link. All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge, just click to link.

NO RAPTURE FOR DOG What it will be like when the rapture hits.

Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT By Frank DiMora July 31, 2011