New World Order Speech by China/ June 24, 2011


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Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Prophecy Sign: Jesus in Rev. 13:15-17 warns us about a New World Order that will be coming, which will be run by the Antichrist.  Christ does not mention the words, New World Order however, we understand what He means when He tells us that no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless they take the Antichrist’s mark. This is exactly what Jesus says, “15And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”  We know that this present economic is falling apart and it is pushing toward the system Jesus warned about.  Watch the video and count the number of times you hear them say they want to bring on this New World Order.




I want to thank everyone who answered my plea for typing up the Commentators words in the video. As you can see, my Sisters in the Lord did answer my request for help. 


June 17, 2011

Chinese President Hu Jintao, St Petersberg.

“Two of the world's emerging economic giants, both Russia and China, are the main players at the international economic forum, taking place right now in St. Petersburg. SPEAKER:  Both China and Russia are major emerging markets. Emerging markets and developing countries are growing rapidly. And the global economic order is undergoing profound changes. To this end, I wish to make the following observations. First, we need to enhance global economic governance and press ahead with the reform of international financial system.The international financial crisis has taken its toll on individual economies and the world economy as a whole. The crisis has highlighted the deficiencies of the existing international financial systems and the inadequacy of the global economic governance mechanism in dealing with crisis.  Today emerging markets and developing countries are taking a growing share in the global economoy and playing a bigger role in global governance. The global economic governance mechanism should adapt to the new changes in the world economic landscape and observe the principle of mutual respect and collective decision making.  It is of special importance to increase the representation and voice of emerging markets and developing countries in the new mechanism.  We need to support and promote a greater role of the G20 in global economic governance.  We need to improve global economic governance,   Build a fair, just, inclusive, and well managed international monetary and financial system and a balanced multilateral trading regime that benefits all.  We should oppose all forms of protectionism and work towards an international economic order that is more just and more reasonable.  Russia, China, China, Russia leading this new global movement to balance the power in the world so that they can build a new world order.”

A look at the future nuclear war/Earthquake/June 24, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge. Just click to link below.


Iran nuclear plant in Bushehr, APProphecy Sign: As Iran is moving at full speed ahead in their quest to obtain a nuclear bomb, one must reflect on what the Lord showed us that is going to take place during the Ezekiel war, which is found in Ezekiel chapters 38-39.  Let’s focus on verses 39:4-7 first, where we are told the following: “ Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured. Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD.  And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD.  So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.”  The first piece of information that is of great importance to us is the fire that God will be sending on Israel’s enemies who are attacking them.  What is this fire?  Let us take a look at another part of scripture to see if we can get hints as to what this may be? 

Ezekiel 39: 12 says, “And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land.”  Ezekiel 39:14 we are told, “And they shall sever out men of continual employment, passing through the land to bury with the passengers those that remain upon the face of the earth, to cleanse it: after the end of seven months shall they search.”  When this war is played out, God sends a fire, a fire that will cause the Israeli government to hire special people to mark and bury the dead.  Notice these people can’t even touch the dead bodies for a period of seven months before burying them.  Does the word nuclear come to mind?  This is the exact procedure the Israeli government would take if confronted with a nuclear war.  If the Ezekiel war weren’t nuclear why would they have to wait a period of seven months before they cleanse the land?  People would only do this if it were nuclear.  We have more evidence that this war will be nuclear. Look at what the Prophet Zechariah says in Zech. 14:12. “And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.”  This is exactly what happens in a nuclear blast.  This is the fire that is poured out on the enemies of Israel. Ezekiel 38:22 we are told that God “will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.  Keep in mind, Ezekiel did not know what a nuclear bomb would look like.  Zechariah and Ezekiel are describing this event with the words of his day, the works he would use to tell people what it was he saw.  Fire, brimstone, peoples skin melting away as the stand on their feet, and their tongues dissolving in their mouths are all ways showing us what this generation is very familiar with.  We know what the results of a nuclear bomb will be because, for many still living they saw it first hand in Japan during the II World War. 

Ezekiel 38:21 shows us God is going to cause the enemies attacking Israel to turn against themselves! In short, what the enemies of Israel were going to do to Israel, God does to them.  Now this is where the current news becomes important to future events concerning this war and Iran. 

Today’s headline reads, “All signs say Iran is racing toward a nuclear bomb” I quote, “Iran's leadership is undaunted by the sanctions imposed on the country and seems unhindered by the damage the Stuxnet computer worm caused to the centrifuges at the uranium enrichment facility in Natanz.”  “About two months after Abbasi Davani was shot, in January 2011, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appointed him as his vice president and as head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, a defiant move that seemed to say Iran would continue its nuclear program and no one could stop it. Some two weeks prior to his arrival in Vienna to take part in the IAEA's Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety, Abbasi Davani announced that by the end of the year, Iran would triple the amount of uranium it has enriched to a level of 20 percent. Though uranium enriched to this level is intended mostly to fuel Tehran's small nuclear research reactor, which produces medical isotopes, it also bolsters the knowledge of Iranian nuclear experts and their ability to control all stages of enrichment – including to a level of 93%, which enables the production of fissile material used in making a nuclear weapon. This announcement by the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization was very disturbing to Israel, the United States and other Western countries. It indicates that Iran is determined to continue its nuclear program at full speed and is even accelerating the pace.”  Since President Ahmadinejad has again recently stated he will wipe Israel off the map, I see no reason why not to believe Iran will make an attempt to destroy Israel.  I also know that what Iran thinks they will do to Israel, they themselves will receive.  In this case a fire of which God showed Ezekiel. Could God take a nuclear bomb that had Israel’s name on it from Iran, and turn it against themselves during this war?  It wouldn’t surprise me to see this very thing taking place soon.  I believe that Iran’s rush for the bomb, will be their undoing, and just as the scriptures says, God’s name will be sanctified as a result of it.

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 Christ warned us we would see great earthquakes, and that is what we are seeing. "Alaska Earthquake: Magnitude 7.2 Temblor Strikes In Pacific Ocean *Huge Alaskan quake triggers tsunami alert The Alaska Earthquake Information Center says a major earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.2 has been recorded in the Pacific Ocean off Alaska's remote Aleutian Islands." June 24, 2011

Reasons why we are seeing so much crop destruction/The rise in food prices/June 23, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge. Just click to link below.


Prophecy Sign: Jesus has told us everything we need to know concerning what to look for in the last days.  Part of His message to us was people will have to work all day long to buy one small meal. See Rev. 6:6. Pay attention to detail in Rev. 6:6 where He warns us about wheat and barley! In Matthew 24:7 Christ also tells us about the famines and pestilence that no doubt will also add to the destruction of the world crops, which will cause the food price to reach to the sky! Luke 21:25 warns us about the storms, which again will add to crop destruction.  The Book of Revelation shows us the intense heat from the sun will bring on the lack of water and that to will roast the Earth killing off crops. The list below is one of the best lists that shows you what has taken place in connection with these prophecies. The list starts in 2011 and continues on to Dec. 2010. This post alone should convince you Jesus' warnings needs to be taken seriously.

June 23, 2011Gas Prices May Be Falling, But Food Keeps Going Up

June 22, 2011-France’s Sarkozy Urges Action Against the ‘Plague’ of Food Price Surges:

June 20
Water Is the New Liquid Gold in Texas **
Aviation Biofuels About to Take Off
Steak Made from Human Excrement: Is It Safe?
June 17
Corn Prices Rise as Multiple Floods Cut into Crop **
Europe Braces for Serious Crop Losses, Blackouts as Record Drought Persists **
Drought Threatens Texas Crops; Finances Also in Peril
Extreme Heat, Drought Putting Cotton Crops in Jeopardy
2/3 of Texas County Hay Crop Lost
Arkansas Farming: Drought, Tornadoes, Floods and Now Sandstorms
Mice Decimate Victoria, Australia's Grain Crops **
Wet Conditions Hit Canada's Wheat Crop
Wheat May Climb as Curbed Acreage in Canada Adds to Global Supply Concern **
G20 to Monitor World Grain Supply
Obama Admin. Green Lights GMOs to be Planted in National Wildlife Refuges
Hay Now — It’s Boycott Time: Land O’Lakes, This Means You!
June 14
Droughts Wilt Wheat Crops Worldwide **
USDA Report Signals No End in Sight for High Corn Prices **
Sarkozy Warns of Soaring Commodity Prices **
Kellogg Georgia Plant Gets Second FDA Warning on Listeria in 2 Years **
Secret GM Wheat Experiments Begin in Australia **
A New Generation of Gardeners
June 13
Wet Weather Affecting Crops
The Race for Climate Change Crops
June 12
Farms Battle for Survival Against Mo. River Flooding **
Organic Food May Become a Thing of the Past **
Gardener's Ingenious Methods Yield Big Harvests
June 10
Criminalization of Healthy Food **
Ancient Wheat Plague Threatens World Crops **
USDA Cuts Corn Crop Forecast on Planting Delays **
Hidden Cost of Ethanol Subsidies – 2 Weeks' Corn Reserves Are Lowest Ever **
Oklahoma Wheat Harvest Dismal, As Predicted **
South Plains Cotton Crop Looking Like a Bust
Peru Approves 10 Year Ban on GM Crops
June 7
Extreme Weather Threatening Crops in U.S., Canada **
Farmers Dump Grain Ahead of Floods **
UN Says Food Prices to Stay High **
Is Hunger All in the Mind?
June 6
UK Farming in Crisis as Drought Hits Crops **
Dampened Outlook – Late Winter, Wet Spring Delays Seasonal Crops
6 Real Examples of Food Terrorism **
Obama Deregulates GMO Crops Despite Supreme Court Injunction **
June 3
Report: Rising Temperatures Threaten a Food Crisis **
Bad Weather? Limited Space? Try Container Gardening
Edible RFID Tags Track Your Food from Beginning to End
Scientists to Study the Impact of Nanoparticles on Food Crops
June 2
E. coli: Russia Bans Import of EU Vegetables
June 1
Historic NM Drought Spurs Large Wildfires, Hurting Farmers and Ranchers
New Weather Is Going to Make Food Prices Soar
May 31
Wettest Planting Spring in 30 Years Means Crunch Time for Crops **
Clock Ticking on Canada's Corn Crops
Food Prices Set to Double by 2030, Aid Group Says
UN Warns of Food Riots in Developing World as Drought Pushes Up Prices **
Mississippi River Floods and Organic Farms
Fake Organics from China Spell Safety Hazards for U.S. Consumers
Gardens Sprout Where Eyesores Once Dominated  **
So – ho, How Does Your Garden Grow? – updated
New Look at the Genetically Modified Foods Debate
GMO Created Foods May be Used as Biological Weapon **
Farm Boom?
May 30
Russia Lifting Grain-Export Ban as Drought, Floods Ruin Europe, US Crops
May 26
Analysis: China Drought Ignites Global Grain Supply Concerns **
May 25
Receding Floodwaters Reveal Ruined Homes, Crops **
Hedge Fund Managers Pour Assets into Farmland as Doomsday Food Scenario Approaches
A Modern Declaration of Independence **
May 24
Texas May See Biggest Drought Ever Bringing Record Farming, Ranching Losses **
Drought in US, EU Stressing Crops, Farmers **
Farm States Continue to Suffer From Expanded Drought
Wet Weather Continues to Wash Away Farming Activity
U.S. Crop Planting Remains Slow **
ND Corn Growers Running Out of Time to Plant
Bat Crisis Threatens U.S. Food Supply **
More Americans Buying Organic Food **
Forget Oil and Gold – Phosphorus is the Commodity Everyone Should be Concerned About
May 23
Farmers: Weather Is Great for Fiddleheads, But Terrible for Crops **
How Weather Is Hurting 2011 Crops So Far **
Fracking with Our Food: How Gas Drilling Affects Farming **
Deadly Fungus Threatens Latin American Cocoa Crop
May 19
Mississippi Flooding Harms Agriculture in Several States **
Rain Already Has Cost Ohio Farmers $904 Million
Ohio Farmers: We're Used to Rain, But Not Like This" **
Wheat at Risk Across Europe from Driest Weather in Decades **
Grain, Soybeans Surge on Adverse Weather from U.S. to Europe **
Mideast Staggered by Cost of Wheat
Kenya to Run Out of Corn in 10 Days
World Corn Prices to Rise 35%, Firm **
Cash Crops Under Glass and Up on the Roof **
How to Can, Freeze, Dry, Preserve Any Fruit or Vegetable at Home
Doomsday Food Price Scenario Turning Hedgies into Survivalists
May 18
Wheat Damage Claims in Kansas May Signal Worse U.S. Harvest Than Forecast **
Arkansas: 1+ Million Acres of Crops Under Water
Mississippi: 1.2 Million Acres of Crops Under Water
South and Lower Midwest: 3 Million Acres of Crops Under Water

Flooded Arkansas Rice Growers Facing May 20 Decision Date
Cold, Wet Spring Ruins Crops for Southwestern B.C. Farmers
Soggy Weather Keeps Bees from Pollinating Crops
UN World Food Program Says Food Runs Out in June – They Will be Hungry (or Worse)
Storm-Tossed Gardening
May 17
Soggy Michigan Spring Puts Clamps on Crops **
Soaked Fields Threaten Ind. Corn Crop **
Spring Rain Causing Problems for Ohio Farmers **
Texas Ranchers Forced to Sell Their Cattle or Watch Them Die in the Field **
Corn Advances Most in a Week as Weather Curbs Crop Prospects; Wheat Rises
Worst Drought in 50 Years Threatens Cuba's Already Meager Food Production **
'Dustbowl Britain' Faces Repeat of 1976 Drought as Dry Spell Drags on and Crop Failures Lead to Higher Food Prices **
Grain Prices Climb on Fears of Tight Supplies
Paris Malting Barley Rises Above 300 Euros on Drought Worries
Exploding Watermelons! Acres of Crops Erupt
May 16
Alarming Number of Disasters Striking World "Food Baskets" **
May 15
Farmers Along Mississippi See Crops Washed Away **
Farmers' Hopes Drown – $10M in Crops Lost to River **
3 Million Acres of Crop Submerged, U.S. Grain Export Season Delayed **
21 Kansas Counties Declared Natural Disaster Areas for Ag
Kansas Wheat Crop Estimated to be Lowest in 15 Years
Farmer Says He's Never Seen Drought This Severe in 27 Years **
FEMA to Confiscate Food from Local Farms in Emergencies? **
Food Security, Local Farms and FEMA ** 1
Food Freedom and Family Farm
U.S. Farmland Values Up 20% in Q1
Farm Bill No Easy Task Amid Earmark Ban, Budget Cuts
May 12
Mo. Farmers Return to Lands Ruined by Blown Levee **
Kan. Wheat Production Down 27%
French Wheat in 'Danger Zone' on Drought
Drought Effects: Crops Are "In a Lot of Trouble"
Crop Production 'Shut Down' in Texas, New Mex., Okla, La, and Parts of Ark. **
Crop Damage from Weather Growing **
USDA: Food Prices to Rise Further During Rest of 2011 **
May 10
Wheat Gains for 3rd Day as Dry Weather, Excess Rain Threatens Harvests Worldwide **
Crops Under Threat from Flooding, Drought
Flooding to Cost Arkansas Agriculture $500+ Million
Dry Weather Leaves Farmers Facing Crop Disaster in England
Consumers Are Already Paying the Price of Global Warming in Higher Food Bills, Scientists Warn **
May 9
Miss. Farmers Face $800 Million in Losses **
May 8
Louisiana Farmers Worried About Losing Crops If Morganza Spillway Opens **
Farmers in Flood-Soaked Northeast SD Struggling to Get Crops in Ground
Drought, Feed Prices Likely to Further Reduce Cow Inventory
Canada Wheat Inventories Fall 8.8% from 2010
Food Supply at Risk of Attack by Terrorist Groups **
Feds Abandon Extra Radiation Monitoring of Milk, Water ; Nuke Expert Calls Decision "Staggering" **
“Secret” Organic Food Supplies for Government Departments
May 6
Levee Blast Means L
ost Year for Missouri Farmers, Damage Exceed $100 Million
Lost Crops: 'It Makes You Sick' ** 1
Europe Wheat Harvest to Fall on Drought, May Be Catastrophic **
Drought to Persist in China, U.S. Europe Wheat Areas **
Cereal Killer: Climate Change Stunts Growth of Global Crop Yields
Senator Cites Threat to U.S. Food Supply **
FDA Claims Power to Seize Food Without Evidence of Contamination **
How Goldman Sachs Created the Food Crisis **
Your Daily Bread is Goldman Sachs’ Hottest Commodity
EU Farm Commissioner Slams GM Crops
May 5
Mice Plague Hits Biblical Proportions Across NSW Farms **
Ontario's Crop Delays Becoming Serious **
US Ag. Policy, GM Crops Hurt Family Farms
Heirloom Vegetables Win Over Gardeners, Chefs **
EPA, Army Corps Draft New Clean Water Act Guidelines That Threaten to Seize Control of All Water Supplies **
May 4
Crops Lost to Blown Levee: Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Cotton **
"Most Fertile Farmland in America" Under Water
Heavy Spring Rain Delays Planting, Food Prices Could Rise **
Grains Wilt in Dry Europe as England Posts Its Hottest April in 352 Years **
U.S. Wheat Needs Rain **
Dwindling Food Supply Forces Haitians to Eat Mud ** 2
Smithfield CEO: Higher Food Prices Are Here to Stay **
May 3
Too Wet, Too Dry, Conditions Just Right to Frustrate Farmers **
Wettest Spring in Recent Years Affecting Farmers **
Low Temps Threaten W. Colorado Crops, Wipes Out Apricots
Tornado Destruction Halts Crop Planting in South
World Corn, Soybeans Crops Threatened by Adverse Weather
Salmonella Contamination Prompts Tomato Recall
May 1
Coffee Prices May Rise 40% If Frost Damages Crops **
Hail Harms Tenn. Crops, Greenhouses **
Kansas Crops' Elixir at Risk **
Kentucky Storms Destroy Thousands of Acres of Crops **
Sandstorms Hit Northwest China, Damage Crops
Disasters May Drive Up Food Prices
5 Grocery Staples That Are Getting More Expensive
How Rising Food Prices Will Affect You & 6 Ways to Prepare **
April 29
Massive Crop Losses Feared from South Drought **
Judge Gives Go-Ahead to Blow Missouri Levee – Farmers Adversely Impacted **
Grains Called Higher as US Crops Face Risk
Flooded Saskatchewan Farmers' Seeding Plans in Jeopardy
Coffee Crops Could be Devastated by Frost in Brazil **
April 28
U.S. Wheat Outlook: Seen Lower on Hope for Beneficial Rains **
Illinois Towns Fighting to Keep the River Off Their Crops **
Monsanto's Quest to Control All Crops: GMO Wheat Next **
Saskatchewan Gardeners May Face Seed Shortage **

April 27
Coffee Prices Hit 34-Year High **
Gas Pump & Grocery Store Sticky Note Protest
Midwest Storms Delay Crucial Planting Season **
Crop Progress in Minnesota Essentially Nil
Bees, Bats, and Stinkbugs **
Feral Swine Could Pose Risk to Michigan's Livestock, Crops
April 26
Frost Killing Crops in Yakima, Wash.
Queensland Crops Swamped as Dawson River Peaks
Farmers: Drought Hurting Kansas Wheat Crops **
Farmer: "When Things Go Wrong, You Lose Heart"
Texas Farmers Fret as Weather Is Pronounced Driest Since 1895 **
Rains Too Late to Help Wheat Crop
Food Costs Seen Reaching Record by Year-End as World Inflation Accelerates **
Aging Farmer Population Threatens U.S. Food Supply
Bat Disease Could Allow Insects to Destroy Crops
Monsanto Will Soon be Allowed to Police Itself **
Another 30% Rise in Food Prices will Drive 200 Million Asians into Poverty
April 25
Rain Pours into Queensland Weekend Causing Crop Damage
Soaring Food, Fuel Prices Send Kenyans to the Streets
Behind the Rising Cost of Food **
Kenya's "Breadbasket" to See Food Shortage
Adapting to Gardening With Arthritis
April 23
Are These the 20 Signs That Point to a Global Food Crisis? **
Kansas Farmers Say Drought Is Hurting Wheat Crops
Wheat Prices on Fire, Relentless Drought Devastates Crops in Okla, Texas **
Texas Wildfires Threaten Wheat Crop, Drive Food Prices Higher
Extensive Damage to India's Crops
Wet Ground, Cool Weather Are Keeping Wisc. Farmers Out of Fields **
Strawberries, Corn Among Penn. Crops Hurt by Spring Rain
Another Reason to Grow Your Own Veggies: Pesticide Exposure Linked to Low IQ **
The "Other" White Rock
April 21
Cattle, Crops at Risk from ND Floods, Snow
Only 2% of Iowa Corn Crop Is Planted
World Corn Stocks Particularly Low **
Northern Utah Farmers Rained Out **
Disease Hits Wheat Crops in Africa, Mideast
April 20
Wildfires, Drought Burning Texas Ag., Wheat Crop Could be Only 1/3 Normal **
Dogs Rescued from China's Food Supply
Food Shortage 2011 ** 4
Food Storage – Not Just for Natural Disasters **
April 19
Winds Add to Crop Woes **
Kansas Wheat Crop Suffering Amidst Drought
Wheat Futures Gain a Third Day as US Crop Condition Worsens; Corn Rises **
Corn, Soybeans Rise as Wet, Cold Weather Threatens U.S. Crops
Missouri Farmers Struggling to Plant corn as Ground Stays Soggy
Locusts and Mice Threaten NSW Bumper Crop
In Florida, Tomatoes Stolen by the Truckload **
World Leaders Address Rising Food Costs in Weekend D.C. Meetings **
April 18
Are Feds Phasing Out $$$ Handouts for Farmers? **
Experts: Farmers Not to Blame for High Food Prices
Corn Stocks at Lowest Levels in 30 Years – Biofuels Make Comeback **
Rain May Have Damaged Wheat Crop in Over 8000 Acres in India
April 17
Kansas Wheat Falling Victim to Drought
Water Wars? Thirsty, Energy-Short China Stirs Fear
Vegetable Gardening Experiencing Renaissance Not Seen Since 1940s **
Container Gardening Pros and Cons
Future Farm: A Sunless, Rainless Room Indoors **
April 15
20 Signs That a Horrific Global Food Crisis Is Coming **
Cold, Moisture Delaying Utah Farm Crops
Congress Votes for Major Agriculture Spending Cuts **
Beware of Meat: Nearly Half Tainted With Bacteria **
April 14
Drought Saps Farmers' Dreams of Banner Year
April 13
Harsh Times – A New Normal **
2011: Cattle Prices to Rise 20%, Corn More Than Doubles in Past Year  **
5 Grocery Staples That Are Going Up in Price **
Feeling Broke? Plant a Garden
Rooftop to Table Gardening in NYC ** 2
Australia, US, EU Stoke Fears over Parched Wheat
US – World's Major Food Supplier – Must Import Wheat to Fill Corn Gap **
Stink Bugs Threaten Michigan's $71 Billion Agri-Food Industry
Farmers Don't Panic as Long Drought Continues
Fight to Save Wine from Extreme Weather **
Oil Prices Affecting Farmers' Crops
10 Crops That Make America the World’s Breadbasket
$600 in Groceries for $10? Yes. How? Extreme Couponing.
April 10
Wheat Crop Devastated by Extreme Oklahoma Drought **
New Mexico's 2010 Chile Crop Saw Its Lowest Yield in Nearly 4 Decades
Organically Grown Veggies Are Naturally Best
Huge Rooftop Greenhouse Is Montreal's Local Farm
Potted Veggies, Herbs Good Solution for Land-Lacking Gardeners
April 7
Screening the Day’s Catch for Radiation **
EU Secretly Raises Food Safety Radiation Level 20-Fold
Texas’ Worst Drought in 44 Years Driving Food Prices Up
Global Food Prices Hit an All-Time Dangerous Level ** 1
Rising Food Prices Fueling Global Problems **
U.S. Companies Shrink Packages as Food Prices Rise
SHTF Price Increases – Buy Food Now – Hyperboic Inflation Coming Soon ** 4
April 6
US Winter Wheat Gets Off to Worst Start Since 2002 **
Corn Climbs to 33-Month High as Demand Erodes U.S. Stockpiles
First Ban on All Japanese Food Over Nuclear Crisis **
Canada, Wettest Since 1970s, Flood Risk Builds, Looks to Delay Crop Planting
April 5
Record Plantings Needed of 4 Major Crops to Build Stocks for US & Global Needs **
Plains Wheat Worries Continue
Food Prices and Global Hunger Equal Riots, Civil Wars and Revolution **
Locust Swarms Destroying Crops
Jennie-O Recalls 55,000 Pounds of Turkey Burgers **
Japan Sets New Radiation Safety Level for Seafood **
5 Ways Gardening Improves Your Physical, Mental and Nutritional Health
April 4
Little Relief in Sight for Drought Stricken Wheat **
Texas Drought Threatens Corn, Cotton, Row Crops **
Grain Prices Jump Again: Can This Really Keep Going?
Rising Food Prices Hit Home
Crystal Ball Sees Victoria Food Shortage
Study: Pesticides, Toxins Can Absorb Directly into Crops Through Soil **
April 3
Droughts Causing Food on Your Plate to Cost More **
Sudden Death Syndrome Hits Monsanto's Modified Crops
Looming Food Crisis Showing on Our Shelves **
FDA: You Have No Right to Real Food We Give You Permission First
Gardening on the Upswing – Even for Non-Homeowners **
Compare It: Costs of a Raised Garden
Henry Homeyer: Self-Watering Containers You Can Make Yourself
April 1
Garden As If Your Life Depended On It, Because It Will **
China, US Wheat Harvests Face 'Serious Trouble' from La Nina **
Tight Supplies Seen Persisting for Corn; Prices Jump Yet Again
Cotton Displaces Food Crops on U.S. Farmland **
Mass. Organic Farmers Sue Monsanto
March 30
Rising Corn Acreage Failing to Meet U.S. Feed, Ethanol Use
Report: February Freeze Killed 99% of New Mexico's Peach Crop
Organic Farmers Sue, Seek Protection from Monsanto **
Think Twice Before You Eat Modified Crops **
Food Prices Continue to Rise
Money Saving Tips for Starting a New Vegetable Garden **
March 29
Fears for Food Supply as Radioactive Water Pours from Stricken Reactor **
March 27
Food Contamination Set to Rise as Japan Fights Radiation Crisis at Reactor **
U.S. Faces “Nightmare” as China’s Growth Drives Up Meat, Grain Prices **
Beware of Meat Glue
March 25
Drought Causes 40% of Kansas Wheat Rated 'Poor'; Snow Didn't Help **
Okla. Farmers and Ranchers Feeling the Effects of Prolonged Drought
Global Food Scare Widens From Japan Nuclear Plant **
Radioactive Japan Produce Found in Singapore **
Cows in Japan Barred from Grazing as Radiation Leaks from Fukushima Plant **
March 24
Worst Texas Drought in 44 Years Eroding Wheat, Beef Supply **
Japan Nuclear Food Scare Spreads to US, Europe **
Radiation Scare Sparks Run on Bottled Water in Tokyo **
Consumer Group Wants FDA to Block All Japanese Food Imports
How Damaged Nuclear Plant’s Radiation Gets into Food, Water
Russia Bans Food Imports from Japan
Heirloom Seeds or Flinty Hybrids? **
March 23
Soaring Food Prices: Worst Yet to Come **
Radiation Spike in Tokyo Water Ups Food Worries **
FDA Using Border Patrol to Stop Japan Food Imports of Dairy, Produce, Baby Formula **
Get a Head Start on Your Gardening **
Codex Alimentarius and Food Irradiation in the U.S.
March 22
Radiation, Once Free, Can Follow Tricky Path **
Food Wars Have Begun: Deadly Wheat Fungus Threatens World's Breadbaskets
Rising Gas Prices Eating into Shopping Budgets
Contaminated Crops May be the Legacy of Fukushima **
Food Contamination Fears Spread
March 21
< a href="">How We Engineered the Food Crisis  **
Global Stockpiles of Wheat Drop Most Since 2007 **
Corn, Soybean Prices May Rise as Adverse Weather Menaces Crops
Vertical Gardens Add New Dimension to Outdoor Spaces
The 1st Great War of 21st Century Has Begun!
March 20
Japan Crisis: 'There’s No Food, Tell People There Is No Food’
Japan Halts Sale of Food from Near Fukushima **
Starting Seeds Now Will Pay Off Big in Summer **
World Starves as Americans Burn Food to Stay on the Road
March 19
Staples in Short Supply as Toll in Japan Rises to 18,000 **
Radioactive Food Crisis Near Japan's Nuke Plant **
Curious about Cesium Contamination of Food Crops?
Corn Shoots Limit-Up for 2nd Day
The Agribusiness Juggernaut: Assault on Nature, Threat to Human Survival **
Eyewitness Trucker Delivers Food to Chinese Troops South of Laredo, TX in Mexico **
Putin Says Drought Destroyed 13 Million Hectares of Crops **
March 18
World Food Supply Threatened by Japan Nuclear Radiation **
GM Crops Falter across the EU
Flood, Fire, Drought All Hitting America's Bread Basket
March 17
Chinese Drought Could Cause Global Food Crisis **
Flood Fears Prompt Canada to Cut Wheat Crop Hopes
Master Gardener: The Joys of Growing Tomatoes
Farmer Bags Award for Crop Rotation And Organic Methods
March 16
Food Prices Jump Most Since 1974
Quake to Batter Canadian Farmers
March 15
Higher Food Prices May be Here to Stay **
Frustrated Crowd to NY Fed Chief: 'I Can't Eat an iPad'
Plant Seeds, Grow Ideas for Your Garden
March 10
Why World Food Prices Will Keep Climbing **
US Cattle Herd Smallest Since 1958 **
Flooded Rail Line Still Causing Food Shortage Throughout W. Australia
Civil Unrest, Food Riots Predicted in the UK **
US City Dwellers Look to Grow Their Own Food **
March 9
Middle Eastern Unrest Will Hit Whole Food Supply Chain **
Barley Shortages Could Have Beer Drinkers Crying in Their Suds
Tropicana O.J. Prices to Rise 4-8% Due to Crop Damage
Food Crisis: Fewer Birds and Bees Means Less Food
As Food Prices Increase, American Security Is at Stake
Extreme Weather Disruptions Lead to Higher Food Prices
U.S. Too Vulnerable to Rising Oil and Food Prices **
Warning of 'Food Price Riots in the UK'
Canadian Food Prices to Spike This Year
March 8
US Farmers Fear the Return of the Dust Bowl **
Food Prices Heading for Second-Biggest Jump in Past 21 Years
Stocking Up! World Food Shortage Perils USA
Stirrings of Spring: Gardeners, It's Time to Start Your Seeds **
Fresh the Movie
March 7
UN Says World Vulnerable to Food Crises
Economists: Obama, Don't 'Overreact' to High Food Costs **
Baffled Scientists Probe Honeybee Colony Collapse to Save Half of World's Crops
Feds Link 7 Cases of E. Coli across 3 States to Hazelnuts **
March 6
Recall Issued for Skippy Reduced-Fat Peanut Butter Sold in 16 States **
Weather Sends Produce Prices Soaring **
Corn Prices Heading to Record Highs Amid “Incredibly Tight” Supplies **
Banana Disease with Strange Symptoms Hits the Lake Zone
Food Prices Force Belt-Tightening
IMF Report: Get Used to It
Pesticide-Free Gardening
March 4
Food Prices Hit Highs as Oil Rises **
…Spurs Worries About Global Unrest
Corn Crop Won’t Offer Relief to Rising Food Prices **
Victory Gardens Produce Abundance **
Food Prices: A Problem Without a Solution
March 3
Drought a Major Concern for US Crops this Spring **
March 2
Veggie Shortage Hits Fast Food Chains **
Some Vegetable Seeds Are Already Cleaned Out – updated
Family Gets Most of Its Food in the Backyard **
22 Ways to Fight Rising Food Prices
March 1
Cold Weather Damages Calif. Lettuce Crops
Farmers Worry over Almonds, Other Tree Fruit as Unusually Cold Temps Grip Calif.
Farmers Worry Cold Snap Took Heart Out of Area's Onion Crop
Food Prices to Skyrocket, Riots Could Follow, Suggests USDA **
Vegetable Gardening: Raising the Bed Improves Your Odds **
February 28
Heirloom Plants: Gardeners Growing Produce That Has a Heritage — and Tastes Good, Too **
February 27
Volcano Eruptions Causing Food Prices to Rise **
Cold Weather Hurting Tomato Supply
Libya's Food Chain at Risk of Collapse, Aid Agencies Warn
Local Food Pantries Try to Keep Up with Growing Demand **
Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed Pt 1, Pt 2 **
Going to (Vegetable) Seed, in the Best of Ways
Anheuser-Busch Packages Water for Disaster Relief
Pathogens Allegedly Found in Major US Food Staple **
February 25
Food Prices Could Reach 2008 Level: USDA **
Scientist Warns on Safety of Monsanto's Roundup
Wikileaks: GMO Conspiracy Reaches Highest Levels of US Gov't. **
Clinton: Too Much Ethanol Could Lead to Food Riots **
Shoppers Wary of GM Foods Find They're Everywhere
U.S. Says Corn Supply to Be Tight Even with Record Crop
China’s Droughts Nears Worst in 200 Years, Adding Pressure to World Food Prices
Floods Damage Crops, Roads and Housing in Andes
February 23
Mexico Crops Remain Hit by Extreme Cold – 80-100% Losses **
More of World's Crops Are Genetically Engineered **
Monsanto Buys Divergence
Clone Crop Seeds on Horizon
Unauthorized GM Crops Could be Allowed in British Food Chain for First Time
Food Takes Back Seat: Global Planting of Biotech Crops Jumps 10%
Scientists Warn of Link Between Dangerous New Pathogen and Monsanto’s Roundup
Plant Diseases That Threaten U.S. Agriculture IDed
February 22
Crop Problems Globally Could Raise Food Prices in America ** World Food Prices May Rise Due to Unrest **
Unrecognizable World: 9 Billion People will Compete for Food in 2050
Researcher: Roundup or Roundup-Ready Crops May be Causing Animal Miscarriages and Infertility
Monsanto Shifts All Liability to Farmers
February 20
Dwindling Supplies, Strong Demand: Higher Grain Prices **
The Real Crisis That Will Soon Hit the US
Uncertain Future Has Some Storing Up on Food and Supplies
It's Really Time Now to Eat What We Grow and Grow What We Eat **
Container Vegetable Gardens Great for Small Spaces
Coffee Prices Hit 14 Yrs High due to Brazil, Mexico and Others Weak Harvests
February 18
Reasons for Rising Food Prices? Supply, Demand, Climate **
Frequent Droughts Posing Potential Threat to Food Security in China
Proposed Budget Cuts Threaten US Food Supply
USDA Deregulates Yet Another New GMO Crop **
China Drafts Measure to Control Food Prices
Canada Safe from Food Price Shock: Report
Youth Farm Crisis Will Hit Australia's Food Supply, Experts Warn
Self-reliance in These Tough Economic Times **
How to Grow and Prepare Strawberries
February 17
Freeze in Produce States Gives Food Industry a Chill **
The Tomato Knows
Certain Dry Foods Are Good Past Their Best-before Date, Food Scientists Say
Cancer Fear Over Cola Colorings
February 16
Bitter Cold May Have Damaged Texas Wheat and Oat Crops
World Bank: Food Prices at "Dangerous Levels" **
Floods Slash Crop Forecasts
More Food Riots Predicted Due to Climate Change
Freezing Weather Knocks 'T' out of BLTs
Incredible Shrinking Products **
Cold Weather Drives Up Food Prices
Wager: Science Sides with Genetically Modified Crops, Canadians Protest
Food Prices Push Millions into Poverty
Food Riots Threaten Latin America
How to Save Money by Growing Your Own Food
Put Away the Pitchforks: Potato Grow Bags Eliminate All That Digging
The USDA Says Americans Need More Sugar…and More GMOs
February 15
Climate Change to Cause 'Massive' Food Disruptions
Food Crisis Deepens as Biofuels Consume More Crops
Bartering, Inflation and Growing a Garden **
February 13
Supply of Corn Keeps Getting Smaller – Global Stocks Lowest in 37 Years **
Growing from Seeds So Gratifying
February 11
Food Crisis 2011? 14 Disturbing Facts That Make You Wonder If the Coming Global Food Shortage Has Already Begun **
When China Goes Hungry, the World Shakes **
Frigid Weather Fills Shelters, Threatens Crops
Cold Temperatures Damaging Crops in Mexico
Severe Mexican Vegetable Shortages Expected into March
Mexico's Big Freeze, Crop Devastation Worst in 50 Years **
Earth Economist: The Food Bubble Is about to Burst **
$29 Cheez Whiz? High Arctic Food Costs **
Are Food Shortages Around the World being Caused by Investors’ Speculation?
25 Countries Whose GovernmentCould Get Crushed by Food Inflation
Frankenfoods: Will Recent USDA Approvals of GMOs Spread
Canada's Tories Team with Liberals to Kill GM Food Legislation
Montana Cowboy Airlifts Herd to Meat-Hungry Russia
4 Best Methods for Off-the-Grid Food Production **
February 10
Extreme Weather Pushes Food Prices Higher **
Potential for Another Year of Bad Harvests
US Crop Surplus Shrinking as World Output Drops, Demand Rises
Ranchers Hope Critters Can Weather Subzero Temps
Corn Futures Spiking as USDA Reports Decrease in Supply
Wheat Hoarding Likely to be 'Widespread,' Prompting Price Gains
February 9
With Warm-ups Come Flooding Concerns – Echoes of 2008? Notice how much of the projected flood area targets our grain basket – another hit to food prices. **
China's Wheat Basket Faces Its Worst Drought in 200 Years **
…Makes Fake Rice from Plastic
Rising Food Prices Sour Utah Families
The Seedier Side of Alfalfa Contamination
Michelle Denies the Fries
February 8
US Military Purchases Gulf of Mexico Seafood, Boosting Battered Industry
Grocery Bills Are on the Rise **
February 7
Einstein Was Right – Honey Bee Collapse Threatens Global Food Security **
Gold, Food Prices, 888, Bellway Homes
February 6
Farmers Watch Harsh Winter Crush Their Livelihoods **
Emergency Food Supply Manufacturer to Expand in Salt Lake
February 4
Another Freeze for America's Winter-grown Food Basket **
Oysters at Risk: Gastronomes' Delight Disappearing Globally
EPA to Limit Amount of Rocket Fuel Chemical in Drinking Water
February 3
World Food Prices at Record High, UN Agency **
Banana, Sugar Cane Crops Suffer 'Total Devastation' **
…Could Cost Farming at Least $500 Million
February 1
Era of Cheap Food May be Drawing to a Close **
Authoritarian Governments Start Stockpiling Food to Fight Public Anger **
Think to Live Off the Land? Wisc. Game Manager Paints Grim Picture in CWD Fight
Egypt and Tunisia Usher in the New Era of Global Food Revolutions
January 30
US Winter Wheat Faces Make or Break Week **
The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto: What Now?
Food-Cost Shocks Ripple Worldwide from Iowa **
Oil Prices vs. Food Prices
Are You Eating Food Sacrificed to idols?
January 28
World Leaders at Davos Warn of Unrest Caused by High Food Prices **
Recalls Cause Canned Corned Beef Shortage
Wheat Resistance Genes Failing, New Approach Needed to Stop Flies
Weather Costs Farmers as Beet Crops Rejected
So. Africa: Floods Kill 120 and Destroy Crops, More Rain Coming
4 Considerations for Water in an Emergency
January 27
Grain, Soybeans Rise as Food Riots Spur Demand for US Exports **
Wheat Rises on Fresh Concerns About Global Supply **
Canada Unable to Sell Wheat to Japan
Floods Cost NSW Crops $850+ Million
First Food Crop Containing Human Genes Is Set for Approval
USDA Sees Danger of GMO Crops Tainting Pure Organics
Antibiotics in Farming May be Harming Food Supply
Calif. Citrus Growers Could Lose 25% of Crops from Rain
FEFAC: Urgent Action Needed to Prevent Pig Market Collapse
Cyclone Causes Food Shortage in Vanuatu
January 26
Food Speculation: 'People Die From Hunger While Banks Make a Killing on Food' **
Texas Winter Wheat Crops May be in Jeopardy
South Africa to Help Farmers as Flooding Damages Crops and Infrastructure
Drought, Restrictions Drop Argentine Wheat Exports to Lowest in Almost 30 Years
Home Gardening Can Save Money
Best and Worst States for Food Poisoning
January 25
Food Prices Rocket by 50% as Global Hunger Epidemic Causes Riots and Famines **
La Nina Boosts U.S., China Crop Risks in 2011, Forecaster Says **
Prompted By Scarcity, Colorado River Basin States Examine Their Lifeline
January 24
US Farmers Called to "Plant Every Acre They Can This Spring" **
Urban Farms Taking Root
Unusual Cold Has Farmers, Gardeners Taking Extra Steps
Wheat Sees 5-Month High as La Nina Threatens Global Crops **
China Drought: 90% of Winter Wheat Seedlings Have "Wilted Dangerously"
Germany Criticizing Russia, Ukraine for Grain Export Restrictions – Causes Serious Alarms
Era of Low-Cost Food Is Over, Study Warns
Welcome to the Food Deserts of Rural America
The Breaking Point
January 23
FEMA Requisitions Survival Food for 7 Million in New Madrid Seismic Zone
Government Funds Cheesy Pizza While Food Armageddon Stirs
It's Not Too Early to Get Ready for Garden
Food Prices to Rise Sharply as More Struggle to Put Meals on Their Tables
25 Countries Whose Governments Could Get Crushed by Food Price Inflation
Food Irradiation Plot: Turning Live Foods into Dead Foods
January 21
Riots Spread as Global Food Shortage Worsens **
Corn Price 'to Surpass Record'
Florida Citrus Freeze Damage Jumps to $370 Million
The Next Great Bull Market of the Decade
Orange Crops Squeezed by Cold Weather, Incurable Disease
Crops, Livestock Flood Risk Rises with No. Dakota Snow
Unfavorable US Wheat Crop Conditions Add to Supply Concerns
More US Corn Promised Elsewhere: SKorea
Commodities Soar – Food Scarcities Begin
$15 Billion Worth of US Crops at Stake in Bee Decline
Crops in Crisis – GM Seeds and SuperWeeds
5 Tips to Get Your Garden Ready for Spring
January 20
Global Food Chain Stretched to the Limit **
Flood Destruction in Australia May Propel Wheat Crop to Record
Florida's Orange Crop Damaged by Coldest Recorded December
Food Fights
Spike in World Food Prices: It's More Than Bad Weather **
January 19
Victoria Floods to Hurt Australia Wheat Quality
Wheat Nearing Record Price Amid Supply, Production Fears
AgResource: "Panic Is Starting to Surface in the World Wheat Market" **
Damage to Roads, Railways Threatens Food Supplies
Food Price Jumps Protested in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco
January 18
Corn Futures Jump to 2-Month High in China on Stockpiling Proposal
Are We at the Beginning of a Global Food Crisis? World’s Food Chain Maxed Out
Farmers Bear Weather's Fury in Australia **
Millions Faced with Famine as Drought Dims Food Output
South Africa to Choke on Food Prices after Floods
Livestock Die Due to Drought in No. Kenya
January 17
'Explosive' Food Prices the Biggest Risk
World Is 'One Poor Harvest' from Chaos
Victorian Farmers Facing 100s of Millions of Dollars of Crop Damage from Record Floods
…2nd Blow: Floods Sweep Away Livestock, Close Major Milk Plant
January 16
Extreme Weather Events Spark Fear of Global Food Crisis **
Obama Orders Military to Prepare for Spring Food Riots **
Drought Forecast Could Hang Farmers Out to Dry
Meat Prices in December Climb Most in 7 Years
Next Shock Will be High Food Prices
In Corrupt Global Food System, Farmland Is the New Gold
Sri Lankan Floods Compounds Global Rice Shortage
Pecan Thieves Driving Farmers Nuts Over Crop Thefts
GM Crops & You
5 Simple Food Crops for You to Grow
January 14
Food Riots in America? You’re Crazy… **
Food Prices, Riots, and Starvation **
Food Crisis Could Lead to Growing Instability
U.S.-Chinese Currency Link Creates Spiral in Global Food Costs
Starving Kenyans Eat Poisonous Fruits for Survival
Flood Situation Worsens in Sri Lanka, Impending Food Shortage
5 Simple Ways to Prepare for the Coming Food Crisis **
Farmer Brad on S.510 Food Safety Modernization Act **
2011 GM Sugar Beet Crop Still in Limbo
January 13
The ‘Food Bubble’ Is Bursting, Says Lester Brown, and Biotech Won’t Save Us **
Crop Prices Soar on Supply Warnings
Zimbabwe Police Order Destruction of City Maize Crops
January 12
Rain Puts Aussie Wheat Crops at Risk: May Worsen Global Shortage
World Food Price Shock Feared **
Australia Floods: Food Prices 'to Rise 30%
Food, Heating Oil Riots Leave 35 Dead in Tunisia Violence **
The Global Food Supply Chain Is Built on Shifting Ground **
The Food Price Crisis and the World Bank's Blind Spots
Soybeans, Corn, Wheat Global Supplies Drop
Drought Takes Toll on Florida Cattle
India’s Farmers Suffer Wave of Suicides as Crops Fail
The Predictable and Preventable Food Catastrophe of 2011-2012
How to Earn a Living Installing Productive Home Food Gardens
January 11
Australia's Southern Wheat Crop Threatened by Rains
Devastating Fungus Ravages Banana Crops
More Rain Vexes Calif. Crop Producers
Florida Freezes Wipe Out Thousands of Agriculture Acres, Destroys Millions of Cases of Food
Grain Stocks Tighten – 18% Less Than 2010
Dry Weather Stresses Argentina's Corn Crop
Crop Failure Forces Farmer to Attempt Suicide
The Great Food Crisis of 2011 **
The Coming Food Riots **
On Gardening: Learn How to Grow Food, Keep Bees, and More
Earliest Known Winery Found in Armenian Cave
January 9
US Corn Supply Seen Falling to 15-year Low **
Algeria: 2 Dead, Hundreds Injured in Riots Over Food Prices **
Seeds of Change Releases New Organic Seed Varieties (Garden Gold lists over 175 sources of non-hybrid seeds)
January 7
Extreme Weather Drive Food Prices to Record Highs **
7 Reasons Food Shortages Will become a Global Crisis
Canada's Food Prices to Head Higher
Crop Failure Impels Indian Farmer Suicides
Crops to be Turned into Fuel on Hawaii
Crops Hit by Queensland Floods – video **
Contaminated Eggs Found in UK Food Supply
Over 4700 Farms Shut in Germany over Dioxin Panic
Future of Food for 9 Billion? Edible Insects Proposed to Replace Meat
January 6
Soaring Global Food Prices Spark Fears of Social Unrest
Keiser Report: Monsanto and the Seeds of Evil
Rising Food Prices: Déjà vu All Over Again **
Youths Riot in Algeria Over High Food Prices
January 5
Australia's Floods Affect World's 4th Largest Grain Supplier
Kansas Winter Wheat in Poor Shape Without Rain
Florida's Devastated Crops Showing Up in Grocery Prices Now
World Food Prices Jump to Record on Sugar, Oilseeds **
In 10 Years, Global Food Prices Rose More Than 80%
As Food Costs Rise, Retailers Keep Prices Stable by Shrinking Package Sizes **
Obama Signs Bill Boosting Food Inspections, oversight and Allowing Mandatory Recalls **
January 4
Wheat Rises to Five-Month High as Australia Flood, U.S. Cold Threaten Crop
New Report Confirms Poisoned Gulf Seafood **
January 3
USDA Certified Organic’s Dirty Little Secret: Neotame
January 2
Expert: Corn Rationing Needs to Begin **
Florida Farmers: Disaster Aid Won't Help – HOLLY NOTE: Expect to pay higher prices for these foods and more to be impacted: cabbage, cucumbers, eggplant, endive, peppers, squash, sugar cane green beans, sweet corn, tomatoes
Fruit and Veg Prices to Quadruple in Australia as Flood Wipe Out Crops
Bison Ranchers Struggle to Meet Consumer Demand
Bolivian Army to Sell Bread to Prevent Shortages
Commodity Price Surge Sets Stage for Global Food Crisis in New Year

News concerning Israel’s oil finds/ Another major quake/ June 23, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

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Prophecy Sign: Did you know God warned us that Israel would be blessed in the last days?  Guess where these blessings would come from? Can’t get it? Let me show you what the Lord said in Deuteronomy 33:19. “They will summon peoples to the mountain and there offer sacrifices of righteousness; they will feast on the abundance of the seas, on the treasures hidden in the sand."  According to the Lord Israel would be blessed in the last days. Part of these blessings would come from the sea and the sand.  Gas and oil are found in the sea and sand and I have tried to get you to pay attention to what happens in Israel concerning Israel finding these blessings. Today’s news has shown us a glimpse of God’s blessing He told us about.  During the past year and a half Israel has found these blessings in both the sea and now again the sand.  They found more oil!  Before you read this report I want to ask you to file what I am about to say so when it happens you will know I have warned you of things God told us about, it is nothing I came up with, all I am doing is pointing out the the truth of God’s Word to us.  In the near future Israel will be reporting even bigger oil discoveries. 

There is a link below that gives you some good information on the oil Israel has discovered.  I must warn you, the site gives their push for people to invest in the energy company drilling in Israel.  I don't care if you contact this company or not, all I want from this site is for you to hear the news about the oil Israel has found, because of what the prophecy in  Deuteronomy 33:19 has warned us.

Sorry I haven't posted much lately. I have been super busy getting my newest book ready for you.  I hope this coming Monday you will see the new book posted here at this site.  Once again, you will be able to download and read the book for free.

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 the Lord tells us in the last days we will see "great earthquakes.  2011 has been a very active year for some of the biggest quakes.  The was another one of these quakes!  A magnitude-6.7 earthquake rattled northeast Japan on Thursday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. It was the same area of the Pacific where a massive magnitude 9 quake hit on March 11, triggering a deadly tsunami. At least 23,000 people were killed or left missing in those disasters, which destroyed hundreds of homes, offices and factories in northeastern Japan. The Japan Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning for Iwate Prefecture after the quake, but canceled it about an hour later. The U.S. Pacific Tsunami warning center said that it did not expect a destructive Pacific-wide tsunami. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries in the quake that hit at 6:50 a.m. Thursday (2150 GMT Wednesday).

CHAPTER 17: GOLD AND SILVER IN PROPHECY (my newest chapter for the June up-dated book


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge. Just click to link below.


CHAPTER 17 from my newest up-dated book that I will release very soon.  Thank you for staying with me as I take the time to up-date the book for you.


“And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble” (Revelation 18: 11-12).


Revelation 18:12 gives us a look at some of the items that will be taken away by Jesus from the people living in the last days. These items no doubt have skyrocketed in price for we see the people weeping over these items. Most people as you know won’t cry over items that hold no value.  Based on what we see from Revelation 18:12, I have been warning as many as I can over the years that the prices of gold and silver will skyrocket.  Almost every month we are reading news reports showing gold and silver are indeed becoming major items in these last days on a globe scene. Around ten years ago I could have purchased an ounce of gold for $300.00. If I would have told you ten years ago gold would be pushing the $1,600.00 mark, most people would have just laughed at me, and many people would have called me crazy!  However, those people who laughed at this prediction have taken a second look at what they were told.  Now, what if I told you in the future you could see the price of gold hit the $3,000 to $5,000 mark?  We know what could drive the price of gold and silver up in the near future.  The collapse of the U.S. dollar would send these precious metals through the ceiling.  As of June 22, 2011 the U.S. Government is broke under the huge weight of the American debt.  The crash is coming, and as you will learn from this chapter all of these concerns will be addressed.   I am now going to take you through a window of time to show you over the years we have witnessed the prices of gold and silver begin to skyrocket. The road to fulfilling Revelation 18:12 has already begun, and like the rest of the prophecies, this prophecy is also just beginning to take place at the same time as all the rest. Once again, I point out the Lord’s Word, when He warned the following: “Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened” (Matthew 24:33-34).

“Gold hit a 17-year high on Friday as concerns about inflation from high energy prices and worries about the US budget and trade deficits prompted investors to buy. Bullion peaked at $458.80 a troy ounce, its highest level since December 1987, after breaking through last December’s long-term high of $456.75. The swift move through key technical and psychological levels of $450 and $455, and strong investor buying, increased the prospect of bullion scaling new long-term peaks” ( Sept. 16, 2005).

“Gold prices rose to new heights above $700 an ounce Wednesday. Oil prices also rose. Inflationary pressures have been part of a mix of bullish factors fueling the rally in the precious-metals sector, along with ongoing geopolitical tensions and dollar weakness” ( May 11, 2006).

“Gold prices hit a near 28-year high on Monday, just shy of $750 an ounce amid renewed US dollar weakness. Spot gold in London rose to $747.65 an ounce – its highest since the record $850 an ounce in January 1980 – after the dollar fell to an all-time low of $1.4281 against the euro” ( Oct. 1, 2007).

“Spot gold prices pushed to a fresh all-time high above $1,000 a troy ounce on Friday as investors sought refuge from financial turbulence after Bear Stearns, received emergency funding after its liquidity position “significantly deteriorated” ( March 14, 2008.

“Gold scaled a record high on a weak dollar and global stocks jumped on Monday after better-than-expected U.S. home sales data and rosy economic news in the euro zone bolstered appetite for riskier assets. The Dow surged to a 52-week high before paring gains as a rally on Wall Street reversed most of the losses from a three-day sell-off last week. Gold hit a record $1,173.50 an ounce as the slumping U.S. dollar boosted gold purchases as a hedge against depreciation of paper currencies and future inflation” (REUTERS Nov. 23, 2009).  

“Gold surged to a new record high Tuesday, as uncertainties about the global economy sent some investors flocking to the save-haven precious metal. Gold futures for December delivery, the most actively traded contract, rose $24.60, or 2%, to settle at a new record high of $1,271.70. That topped the previous record of $1,264.80 reached on June 21” (CNNMoney Sept. 14, 2010).  Over the years when people realized buying gold was becoming an even bigger business companies got the idea to make even more profits but setting up vending machines which would enable you to buy gold bars right from a machine.  The first place one of these new machines was installed was in Abu Dhabi. I quote, “There’ no mistaking what’s in this vending machine.  The well-heeled in the Gulf can now grab “gold to go” from a hotel lobby in the United Arab Emirates, when the need for a quick ingot strikes. On Thursday, a day after its inauguration, the shiny machine attracted spectators of many different nationalities who gathered to watch whenever an enthusiast was struck with the urge to splurge on a bar of the precious metal” (Yahoo News May 13, 2010).

By May, of 2010 the United States saw its first gold vending machine installed in Florida. “Looking for something shiny to put under the Christmas tree? Try a new vending machine in Boca Raton. A new automatic teller machine at the Town Center at Boca Raton dispenses 24-carat gold bars and coins. The Gold to Go machine is the first of its kind in the United States. "I think of a vending machine like a Coke or say a candy bar maybe or gum, but gold? It’s unbelievable," one shopper told WPBF 25 News” (WPBF 25 News Dec. 17, 2010).  Japan also had its first gold vending machine installed in their nation, but they took it one step futhur by selling silver from their machines as well as the gold. I quote, “It is true that the gold vending machines have appeared for a long time on the international market but as of lately, Japan has inaugurated the first one for the local gold consumers. The glittering gold machine has been placed in Tokyo and has been preceded by a simple ceremony marking its entry into the market. The yellow metal is not the only type of precious metal that can be bought from these machines. Silver is also among the best precious metals that can help you take better care of your savings” (Article Source:  Other nations  who have now installed the machines are Germany, Spain, and Italy.  The bottom line is this. As gold and silver prices continue to climb, business men are finding new ways to sell these precious metals to as many as they can, and people are buying them up.

Why has Russia bought so much gold and is still in the process of buying more?  I am convinced Russia like China and India are setting themselves up for the fall of the U.S. dollar.  In 2010 while many nations were setting up gold vending machines, Russia had started its gold buying machine up!  I quote, “The International Monetary Fund’s gold holdings fell by 15.25 metric tons (490,286 ounces) in May, according to figures from the Washington-based lender. Russia’s assets expanded by 22.46 tons. Reserves of gold at the IMF were 2,951.58 tons at the end of May compared with 2,966.83 tons at the end of April, data on the IMF’s website show. Russia increased holdings to 703.1 tons in May, from 680.64 tons, and has added gold every month since at least February, the data show” (Bloomberg Businessweek June 30, 2010).  Just to prove to you Russia is buying up the gold for fear of the dollar collapse read this next report. “Unease over the future of the dollar prompted Russia to buy 135.3 tons of gold in 2010, as the country started moving out of the greenback and into precious metals, according to The Australian. All told, Russia spent $5.8 billion on gold, and, in the process, pushed itself up two spots to No. 8 on the list of central bank gold holdings with 784.1 tons” ( Feb. 2, 2011).

In chapter one of this book you read news that Russia and China had begun to dump the U.S. dollar.  While they are now in the process of dumping the dollar they are also in the process of buying as much gold as they can get their hands on.  India is doing the same thing. Take a look at how much gold both China and India had acquired in 2011?  I quote, “China edged out India to become the world’s largest buyer of investment-grade gold products, according to a World Gold Council report. In the first quarter, Chinese consumers purchased 90.9 metric tonnes in gold bars and coins, valued at $4.1 billion. That’s more than double the amount Chinese consumers were buying year ago. It’s also more than the 85.9 metric tonnes bought by Indian consumers during the first three months of the year. "Persistent high inflation levels in [both countries] continued to motivate investment in gold," the organization’s analysts wrote in a research report. India still dominates the gold jewelry market, buying 206.2 metric tonnes in the first quarter, compared with China’s 142.9 metric tonnes. China and India account for nearly half of all gold products sold during the first quarter, said the World Gold Council” (Yahoo Finance News May 20, 2011). Both these nations know the dollar is dying, and these nations are setting themselves up for th
at fall. The world will be rocked when the dollar dies, and their is little doubt that gold and silver will strength the position of anyone holding these precious metals.

Not only has China been buying up the gold, but the Chinese government has even told their citizens to start buying gold as well.  I quote, “Since 2003, Beijing has been buying most of the gold excavated and refined locally. It was a perfect strategy. No one in the international market became the wiser and the bill was paid in yuans. Today, China has more than 1,000 tonnes in its official vaults, up 75% in six years. Its gold reserves are now the fifth-largest among national central banks after the US, Germany, France and Italy. This insurance helped mandarins in Beijing sleep easier at night. But the public still had no such hedge. So, Beijing has begun actively encouraging people to invest up to 5% of their income in gold and silver. The biddable Chinese have diligently followed this advice” (The Economic Times Jan. 7, 2010).

Now that you know there has been a lot of activity concerning buying gold and silver, you need to see that the prices of these metals have continued to rise.  The State of Utah has taken the position of preparing for what is to come as the U.S. dollar declines.  l“In a bold move, the state of Utah has distanced itself from the U.S. dollar and approved minting its own gold and silver currency. On Thursday, March 10th, the Utah Legislature passed a popular bill allowing state minted gold and silver coins to be legally accepted as currency within their state’s borders. The value will be based on the market price of the metals, not the face value stamped on the coins” (Helium Economic News March 11, 2011).

As I witness to people by quoting Jesus warnings concerning the gold and silver in the last days, I make sure the people know that the prices of these metals will no doubt keep skyrocketing to levels we have never seen.  In Revelation 18:12 we see a picture that gold and Silver no doubt skyrocket during the tribulation period. How do we know this? We know this because we see the people weeping over these metals when Jesus takes them away from them. People don’t weep over items they own that don’t hold value. As you can now see from the news you already read, Jesus’ warning about the gold and silver is already well on its way to being fully fulfilled during the tribulation.  Are the prices still going up, see for yourself?

“The price of silver continued its amazing rise today, reaching almost $50 an ounce before sliding back down to around $47. This is in line with certain predictions made by analysts in February who pointed to strong gains in the commodities market in general for 2011. Silver hasn’t been at this high a price since the 1970s, when a weaker dollar and higher inflation had the market turning to precious metals as a money and investment source. The same conditions have existed the last few years as well, and the market demand for both silver and gold has dramatically increased. Combine this with the fact that the supply of silver is actually on the decline, and that the uses for it, including certain industrial applications, are on the rise, the price of the metal is not expected to decrease anytime soon” (Yahoo News April 26, 2011.

As you see from the Revelation 18:12 prophecy, Jesus shows us what items people will weep over when He takes them away from them.  I believe the Holy Spirit has given His believers wisdom about the skyrocketing prices of gold and silver as well as the other items He warned us about in verse 12.  Knowing this I am ever watching the news for these prices to continue to climb.  By the way, I am not alone in this thinking.  Experts in the finance world are predicting unheard of prices for these metals.  “An exhaustive report by Standard Chartered predicts that gold will more than triple to $5,000 an ounce because of a lack of supply, not just because of a surge in demand that most bullion bugs cite in their bullish calls. There are very few large gold mines set to commence operation in the next five years,” said Standard’s analyst Yan Chen in a report Monday. “The limited new supply comes at a time when central banks have turned from being net sellers to significant net buyers of gold. The result, in our view, will be a gold market in deficit, even assuming flat growth in demand. With the supply-demand balance so out of kilter, we see the gold price potentially going to US$5,000/oz” (CNBC News June, 14, 2011).  Look, Jesus doesn’t tell us exactly why the prices go up, all we know is that must have been the case as the reference to the people weeping over their lost gold and silver.  The predictions about the future prices appears to be holding as the prices are still climbing.

“Gold prices rallied to a record high $1,497.20 an ounce on Monday after Standard & Poor’s downgraded its credit outlook for the United States and as investors worried about debt in the euro zone and inflation in China” (REUTERS April 18, 2011).  In the month of June, which is the month I publish this book, the last report on the new record highs for gold was issued by the Los Angeles Times on June 22, 2011.  Just like I have been warning, a new high had been hit again.  I quote, “Gold: Trading now at $1,558 per ounce, up 0.8% from Tuesday. Dow Jones industrial average: Trading now at 12199.85, up 0.1% from Tuesday”.

At this point all I can say is this, If you dought what Jesus has warned you, and you still refuse His warnings concerning these matters, just keep watching the news. As time marches on you will see the prices of these metals reach levels we have never seen. We have come a long way from the gold prices below the $300.00, and silver is holding its own. Before it is all over with gold and silver will fulfill their role in prophecy. I pray you will receive this proof, and stand ready to be raptured away before you are placed in a position to witness the fulfillment of this prophecy as one living in the midst of the seven year tribulation.

Watch the videos and see what the experts are warning you about the prices of gold and silver.


Storms/China’s food price increase/Peace or war?/June 20, 2010


The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” June 30, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 30, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge. Just click to link below.


June 20, 2011- I received a message from Pastor Titus, who I have teamed up with to spread the word of the Lord.  Titus writes: “We had a good time with the pastor from Uganda, and I have given him some books to take to Uganda's pastors.” Titus


Students cross a flooded school yard in WuhanProphecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 and Luke 21:25.  How many times have I pointed out to you to keep your eyes on the news and watch the events that will help raise the price of food.  Jesus told us in Rev. 6:6 that people will have to work all day for one small meal of wheat or barley, which again shows something major has happen to the food supplies.  Luke 21:25 gives us the facts about the huge storms that would come in the last days.  We know what happens when these storms come!  They flood the lands and keep out the crops.  In 2011, alone we have seen massive storms take out crops all over the world, which have done what?  They have caused the food prices to go up.  Well, today there was another report about this very thing. The headline today reads as follows: “China floods bring steep food price rises”.  The subtitle just about says it all for me. “Regional vegetable prices rise by 40% as rains flood more that 1m acres of farmland and affect lives of 5.7 million people”.

Prophecy Sign:"I will sweep away both men and animals; I will sweep away the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. The wicked will have only heaps of rubble when I cut off man from the face of the earth," declares the LORD. [Zephaniah 1:3].  There was another report of fish dying to add to the list.

“MANILA, Philippines – Fishkill strikes anew in Taal Lake after many of it were seen floating above the lakewaters  this morning, Batangas Vce Governor Mark Leviste disclosed today. Leviste however  allayed fears of the public that the "unusual behavior" of the fish in the lake is a sign of another fishkill” (philStart/com June 20, 2011).”

Prophecy Sign: I Thess. 5:3 is the warning sign, that when they are calling for peace and safety, then sudden destruction will come.  I hope you all can see what is happening in the Middle East, because the stalled talks are leading to the destruction Paul warn us about.  The leaders of the PLO feel it coming, the leaders in Israel feel it coming, and so do the rest of the world leaders.  “Israel's president is calling for an "urgent" peace deal with Palestinians, saying time is running out for an agreement. "It is very urgent," President Shimon Peres told CNN in an exclusive interview Sunday. "I think neither side has much time. We have to act dynamically." The Palestinian Authority has said that, in the absence of peace talks, it will ask the United Nations to recognize an independent Palestinian state in September. But the 87-year-old Israeli statesman warned the Palestinian leadership not to make a "mistake" of declaring independence outside of a peace deal.”

The Curse//The blessing/June 16, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

The newest edition of my book will be out soon.

In the Months from March–May of 2011 the United States was very forceful when dealing with Israel. During these months President Obama demanded Israel stop construction on land the PLO considers their land. As I pointed out in my first post for June 16, 2011 today, you read there on May 19, 2011 Obama demanded the borders of Israel have to go back to the 1967 borders. While the Obama Administration was pressing in on Israel during these months, God was also pressing in on America. A newly released report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on June 8, 2011 shows you what happened during the months of March–May. “The spring (March-May) of 2011, particularly April, brought extreme weather and climate events to many parts of the United States. Tornadoes, flooding, drought, and wildfires ravaged many parts of the country during the period, and each of these extremes broke long-standing records and have been compared to the ‘worst such cases’ in history. While similar extremes have occurred throughout modern American history, never before have they occurred in a single month. According to the Storm Prediction Center (SPC), there were 875 preliminary tornado reports during April alone, and the confirmed number of tornadoes will approach the all-time monthly record of 542 tornadoes set in May 2003. Record rainfall along the Ohio River Valley, punctuated with snowmelt across the upper Midwest, caused record flooding along the mid and lower Mississippi River, with water levels surpassing the historic floods of 1927 and 1937. Above-normal precipitation and vegetative growth during 2010, followed by dry and windy conditions the first five months of 2011, created ideal wildfire conditions across the Southern Plains where millions of acres of land burned. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM), the same region experienced Extreme-to-Exceptional [D3-D4] drought following consecutive months that were record to near-record dry”.  What part concerning God’s curse don’t you see yet?

Prophecy Sign: Deuteronomy 33:19-24 shows us the Lord will bless Israel in the last days with oil and gas.  I cover this prophecy in chapter 9 of my book.  However, the video you are about to watch concerning this prophecy is very recent.  God is doing to Israel exactly as He promised He would.


God’s Curse/ This is a new chapter I am putting in my up-dated book/ June 16, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge. Just click to link below.




“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:3).

“I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:2).

“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” (Zechariah 12:3).


It is clear from the above scriptures that anyone who comes against Israel or Jerusalem will be cured. The Lord made a covenant with Abram and his descendants and promised him the land in Israel. In Genesis 15:18 states, “On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, "To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates." In Genesis 17: 7-8 the Lord again shows us what land Abram and his descendants would have. “And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.”.

Notice in Genesis 17:19 this covenant is also given to Isaac. “And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.” In Genesis 21:12 Isaac is called the seed. “And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.”

The Lord’s covenant was handed down to Jacob as well as seen in 1 Chronicles 16:12-13. “Remember His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth, O seed of Israel His servant, You children of Jacob, His chosen ones!”. When you read Genesis 48:3-4 you see there is no question, God gave the land to Jacob, the descendant of Abram. "Then Jacob said to Joseph: ‘God Almighty appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan and blessed me, and said to me, ‘Behold, I will make you fruitful and multiply you, and I will make of you a multitude of people, and give this land your descendants after you as an everlasting possession.’”

Just so you have a clear picture who the land was going to, God repeated what He had promised Abraham and his descendants. I quote from Psalm 105:6-11. “O seed of Abraham His servant, You children of Jacob, His chosen ones! He is the LORD our God;  His judgments are in all the earth. He remembers His covenant forever,   The word which He commanded, for a thousand generations, The covenant which He made with Abraham, And His oath to Isaac, And confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, To Israel as an everlasting covenant, Saying, “To you I will give the land of Canaan As the allotment of your inheritance,” Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. In Genesis 32:28 we see the Lord changed Jac
ob name to Israel. “And He said, "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel.” Keeping in mind, Jacob’s name is now Israel, it is very clear God told Moses His covenant is with Israel. As you can see from all these verses the Land is a huge part of God’s covenant with the nation of Israel. “And the LORD spake unto Moses that selfsame day, saying, Get thee up into this mountain Abarim, unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession” (Deuteronomy 32:48-49).

Genesis 15:18 tells us exactly what land God has chosen to give to Israel. God’s Word says, “In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.” Notice the shaded area in the map. This is the land which God has promised Israel. One of the most contented pieces of land in the world right now is ownership of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip. All of three pieces of land is was the PLO is laying claim to, but this land was never promised to them. This leads us to the question, what about Ishmael, who is the Father of the Arabs? Did God ever promise him any land in Israel? No He did not!


The covenant is with Isaac, and specifically not to Ishmael! And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before thee! And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him. And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year. And he left off talking with him, and God went up from Abraham” (Genesis 17:18-22). God’s gives us more information about Ishmael, and no where will you read God has promised Ishmael land in Israel. Fact is, God tells us that Ishmael would be a wild man, and he would fight against every man. I quote Genesis 16:11-12. “You shall call his name Ishmael, because the Lord has heard your affliction. He shall be a wild man; his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” God told us Ishmael would dwell in the presence of all (his) brethren. These are the lands which are today, outside the land of Israel! If you know what God has said concerning the Arab nations, who are the descendants of Ishmael, it is flat out amazing how this prophecy has been fulfilled. Ishmael’s descendants, the Palestinians, are trying to enter take away land that was promised to Israel.

Since God has promised all this land to the nation of Israel, and has warned a curse would be fall anyone who comes against Israel or Jerusalem, or even burdened themselves over Jerusalem, people should take what God has said to heart! There is overwhelming proof that the Lord’s curse is falling on the nations that are coming against the Lord’s covenant with Israel.

I read John McTernan’s book entitled: “As America Has Done to Israel”. McTernan shows the results of God’s curse on America over the years as she has begun to take a stand against Israel. You will see that when America started to talk about dividing up the land of Israel to give this land back to the PLO, that is when major natural disasters have taken place.

Below is a sampling of "record-size" natural events which coincided when the United States pressured Israel to give up its land for peace, as documented in John McTernan’s book. McTernan’s book ends with disasters that took place in 2005. I will bring you up to speed as to why, and when God’s curse has fallen on the nations opposing Israel.

Before reading what happened on October 30, 1991 as a result of the Madrid conference you need to know what this conference was all about? “The Madrid Peace Conference was hosted by the government of Spain and co-sponsored by the USA and the USSR. It convened on October 30, 1991 and lasted for three days. It was an early attempt by the international community to start a peace process through negotiations involving Israel and the Palestinians as well as Arab countries including Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan.

October 30, 1991: President George Bush opens the Madrid Conference with an initiative for a Middle East peace plan involving Israel’s land. On the same day, an extremely rare storm forms off the coast of Nova Scotia. As you will see from an NOAA article this storm was given the name, "The Perfect Storm," and a book, and movie were made about it.) Record-setting 100-foot waves form at sea, and pound the New England Coast, even causing heavy damage to President Bush’s home in Kennebunkport, Maine.

clip_image004The Perfect Storm

“An enormous extra tropical low is creating on October 30, 1991. Labelled the “perfect storm” by the National Weather Service, the storm sank the swordfishing boat Andrea Gail, whose story became the basis for the currently best selling novel “The Perfect Storm” ( last up-dated Aug. 20, 2008). In John McTernan’s book he stated, “Eyewitnesses said that waves as high as 30 feet rose from the ocean and smashed into the President’s sea front home”. This is what happens when you mess around with Israel!

August 23, 1992: The Madrid Conference moves to Washington D.C. and the peace talks resume, lasting four days. On that same day, Hurricane Andrew slammed into Florida. This was the worst natural disaster ever to hit America at that time. Hurricane Andrew caused an estimated $30 billion in damage and left 180,000 homeless in Florida. You would think Bush would have learned his lesson from God from the disaster that hit him in 1991.

January 16, 1994: President Clinton meets with Syria’s President Hafez el-Assad in Geneva. They talk about a peace agreement with Israel that includes giving up the Golan Heights. Less than 24 hours later, a powerful 6.9 earthquake rocks Southern California. This quake, centered in Northridge, is the second most destructive natural disaster to hit the United States, behind Hurricane Andrew. Was this a coincidence? Not at all, it was a product of God’s curse falling on yet another American President who made an attempt in giving land away to the PLO that God has promised to Isreal.

March 1 to April 1997: The combination of PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat touring America and Clinton rebuking Israel for not giving away her land for peace coincide with some of the worst tornadoes and flooding in US history. On the very day Arafat lands in America, powerful tornadoes devastate huge sections of the nation, ripping across Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kentucky and Tennessee. Arafat’s American tour also coincides with the storms in the Dakotas, which result in the worst flooding of this century, in addition to weeks of major storms throughout the Midwest. Arafat finishes his tour and leaves the US and the storms stop. Are you starting to see the pattern yet?

January 21, 1998: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with President Clinton at the White House and is coldly received. Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright refuse to have lunch with him. Shortly afterwards that day, the Monica Lewinsky scandal breaks into the mass media and begins to occupy a major portion of Clinton’s time.

September 27-28, 1998: Secretary of State Madeleine Albright works on the final details of an agreement in which Israel will give up 13 percent of Yesha. The same day Hurricane Georges slams into the Gulf Coast with 110 mph winds and gusts up to 175. The hurricane hits the coast and stalls. On September 28, Clinton meets with Arafat and Netanyahu at the White House to finalize the land deal. Later, Arafat addresses the United Nations about declaring an independent Palestinian state by May 1999, while Hurricane Georges pounds the Gulf Coast causing $1 billion in damage. At the exact time Arafat departs the US the storm begins to dissipate.
October 15-22, 1998: On October 15, 1998, Yasser Arafat, the former leader of the PLO, who has since passed away met with Israel’s leader, Benjamin Netanyahu. They meet at the Wye River Plantation in Maryland to continue the talks which ended on September 28, 1998. The talks are scheduled to last five days with the focus on Israel giving up 13 percent of Yesha. The talks are extended and conclude on October 23. On October 17, awesome rains and tornadoes hit southern Texas. The San Antonio area is deluged with 20 inches of rain in one day. The rains and floods in Texas continue until October 22 and then subside. The floods ravage 25 percent of Texas and leave over one billion dollars in damage. On October 21, Clinton declares this section of Texas a major disaster area.

May 3, 1999: This is the same day in Israel that Yasser Arafat is scheduled to declare a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as the capital. The declaration is postponed to December 1999 at the request of President Clinton, whose letter to Arafat encourages him for his "aspirations for his own land." He also writes that the Palestinians have a right to "determine their own future on their own land," and that they deserve to "live free, today, tomorrow and forever." That same day starting at 4:47 pm CDT, the most powerful tornado storm system ever to hit the United States sweeps across Oklahoma and Kansas. The winds are clocked at 316 mph the fastest wind speed ever recorded.

August 29, 2005: Exactly one week after Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon completed the forcible eviction of Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip hurricane Katrina struck the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama with a destructive and catastrophic force. 80% of the entire city of New Orleans was left under water. Many weather experts called this the worse hurricane and natural disaster that has ever hit the the country.  President Bush supported Sharon’s evacuation from Gaza. In April 2005 Bush and Sharon met in Crawford, Texas where Bush praised Sharon for his "strong visionary leadership" in initiating the Gaza withdrawal, known as the disengagement plan. "I strongly support his courageous initiative to disengage from Gaza and part of the West Bank," he said, referring to the withdrawal of more than 8,000 Jewish settlers from Gaza and four isolated West Bank settlements.  Only five months after Ariel Sharon moved Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip, land that God had given to Israel, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had a massive stroke and was taken out of office. As of June 17, 2011 Sharon is still alive but in a coma. Keep in mind, the Lord said He would curse anyone who divided the Land that He had given Israel. That curse even falls on leaders in Israel who violate the Lord’s covenant He made with Israel.

After I read John McTernan’s book, I began to watch events surrounding any leader that was in the process of trying to divide up the land of Israel. I did this knowing I would be writing what the effects of the Lord’s curse had fallen on these leaders for messing with God’s covenant land for Israel.

April 19, 2010: “The Obama administration is reportedly signaling another major shift in policy towards one of its staunchest allies, Israel, and this shift could change the
way it votes at the Security Council. The change would mean an end to the US’ use of its veto power in the United Nations Security Council when certain anti-Israel resolutions are introduced for a vote.‪ Reports surfaced a couple of weeks ago, that a senior US diplomat met with Qatar’s foreign minister in Paris. They discussed the possibility that the US was giving serious consideration to not using its veto if a vote on Israeli settlements was to come up. It has been the policy of successive administrations to veto virtually all anti-Israel resolutions at the Security Council.” Never before in the history of the US has a Presidential Administration made such a declaration!. ‪So, on the same day Israel was celebrating its independence, and its prophetic return to the land, the US was declaring its official position from the White House that it would no longer automatically support Israel in the United Nations Security Council. The next day, April the 20th, 2010 the Deep Water Horizon exploded! This spill not only killed 11 people when it exploded, a year later The New York Times on June 15, 2011 wrote the following: “An
explosion on April 20, 2010, aboard the Deepwater Horizon, a drilling rig working on a well for the oil company BP one mile below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, led to the largest accidental oil spill in history.” “The continuing tragedy is the ill and declining health of the Gulf of Mexico, including the enormous dead zone off the mouth of the Mississippi and the alarmingly rapid disappearance of Louisiana’s coastal wetlands, roughly 2,000 square miles smaller than they were 80 years ago (Ibid.).

May 6, 2010: “Yesterday Obama’s man George Mitchell sat down with Israel’s Defense Minister. I quote, “U.S. Mideast envoy George Mitchell, left, shakes hands with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, before their talks in Tel Aviv, Israel, Thursday, May, 6, 2010. “The White House Mideast envoy, George Mitchell, is in the region this week for the start of indirect Israeli-Palestinian peace talks–the first negotiations between the sides in more than a year.”(Google news May 6, 2010). Now look what happened on Thursday May, 6, 2010 in America on the same day Mitchell pushed the Obama plan. reported, “In one of the most gut-wrenching hours in Wall Street history, the Dow plunged almost 1,000 points Thursday before recovering to close down 348, as erroneous trading in Procter & Gamble and several other stocks sparked a massive selloff”.

July 16, 2010: Let’s find out what happened on July 16, when Obama sent Mitchell to try and jump start the peace talks. “Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is averse to resuming direct Middle East talks in the near future despite the Obama administration’s “strong belief” that such negotiations could begin within days or weeks, Israel Radio reported on Friday, citing sources in Ramallah. U.S. envoy George Mitchell was in the region this week, shuttling between Ramallah and Jerusalem for separate rounds of talks with Abbas and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Mitchell has been moderating the proximity talks between the two sides for the last two months” ( July 16, 2010). “A minor earthquake shook residents awake in the area, rattling windows and jostling dishes but apparently causing no serious damage. And while Californians might scoff at the 3.6-magnitude quake, Susan Potter, a geophysicist at the U.S. Geological Survey, said it was the strongest to hit within 30 miles of D.C. since they began keeping records in 1974” (Fox News July 16, 2010). Like so many times before, we see the curse coming in the form of an earthquake. This quake was a wake up call to President Obama. Go figure, on the same day Obama pushes the peace talks, which will divide the land of Israel, a quake hits the Capital!

February 2, 2011: Israel’s enemy Iran was steaming toward the Suez Canal in a show of force toward Israel. Iran had made plans to go through the canal to set Israel on edge. Guess what happened while the ships were almost at the Canal?An earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale shook up residents at the entrance to the Suez Canal early Monday morning, 48 hours before two Iranian ships, a frigate and a supply vessel, are expected to enter the canal” Arutz Sheva News Feb. 2, 2011). God sent them a message to Iran, no dobut telling them to back off.

March 6, 2011: A report was released from Now News based in Lebanon on March 6, 2011. The report was entitled, “Chile president: Palestinian state good for Israel”. When I read this report I knew God’s curse was coming on Chile very soon. I quote, “Chile’s president on Sunday sought to mollify Israel over his country’s recognition of Palestinian statehood, saying that the move was ultimately for the good of the Jewish state. Speaking to journalists after meeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his Jerusalem office, Sebastian Pinera echoed a phrase often used by his host, saying that any lasting peace must be based on security. "Chile has just recognized the Palestinian state because we have always thought that Israel has the right to live within secure borders, internationally-recognized borders, in peace," he said in English. "We also think that the Palestinian people have the right to their own state, a free state, a democratic state," he added” ( Just so you know beyond a doubt that Chile wants to divide up the land of Israel, read this news from The Jerusalem Post issued on March 6, 2011. “President Shimon Peres and Chilean President Sebastian Pinero are on the same page with regard to peace in the Middle East impacting the world at large; a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” So what happened to Chile on March 6, 2011? USAToday March 6, 2011 reported, “A magnitude-6.2 earthquake on Sunday shook a northern region of Chile that has felt several frightening but inconsequential tremors in recent days. No injuries and only minor damage were reported.

March 9, 2011: On March 9, 2011 China sides with Iran, who is Israel’s number one enemy. “China’s new ambassador to Iran has said that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a symbol of fighting against oppression in the eyes of the Chinese people. The ambassador made the remarks during a meeting with Iranian presidential chief of staff Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei in Tehran on Wednesday. “The Chinese people regard Dr. Ahmadinejad as a symbol of fighting against oppression and that is why he is not only popular among the Iranian nation, but among all nations, particularly the Chinese people,” the ambassador said” ( March 9, 2011). The oppression China is referring to is Is
rael’s occupation of the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. The very next day, BREITBART News filed this report, which the news agency entitled the report, as follows: “14 dead, 135 injured in China quake”. It appears the Lord did not like the fact that China took sides with the nation, who has pledged they would wipe Israel off the map.

In the month of March, 2011, I wrote several warnings on my prophecy site, (www.bibleprophecy, telling my readers to watch for huge earthquakes that were coming. I issued the warnings for two reasons. First, because Jesus in Luke 21:11 told us to watch for them. Second, I issued the warnings because nations were coming against Israel in working with the PLO to divide up Israel for the sake of peace. I knew some type of disaster was headed for these nations as a result of God’s curse for trying to divide Israel. I wasn’t sure these disasters would come in the form of an earthquake, massive storms, or some other event, all I knew is I had a strong feeling from the Holy Spirit to keep the red flag up as a warning. I later would find out why I had such a strong feeling to keep the flag up!

March 8, 2011: Has God’s curse fallen on Japan? Take a look. On March 8, 2011 news released via the Palestine News & Info Agency, or (WAFA) reported the following: “A hand-over ceremony today between Japan and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) marks Japan’s continued commitment to provide food assistance to the poorest of the poor in the West Bank, occupied Palestinian territory. Japan’s contribution of US$ 3.1 million comes in support of the Palestinian Authority (PA) Ministry of Social Affairs Social Safety Net reform plan. Under this plan, the Palestinian people living in extreme poverty receive a food ration, a cash grant and health insurance on a regular basis. The distribution of the food rations is ensured by WFP as part of the Assistance to the Destitute activity in close cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs in the West Bank.” ““The Japanese Government is determined to continue its support to the Palestinian people”, said Mr. Naofumi Hashimoto, Representative of Japan to the Palestinian National Authority. “This support comes from a human security perspective as well as from its political stand for the Palestinian efforts to establish a viable independent Palestinian state and to develop the capacities of governmental and local institutions in providing basic daily services to people” (Ibid.).

On the exact day that the news broke about Japan’s commitment to the PLO concerning the 3.1 million in funds, and pressing for a PLO State inside Israel, look what happened? CBS News reported, “A magnitude 7.2 earthquake hit off Japan’s northeastern coast Wednesday, shaking buildings hundreds of miles away in Tokyo and triggering a small tsunami. There were no immediate reports of significant damage or injuries” (March 8, 2011).

March 11, 2011: Now look at what happened on March 11, 2011? Japan issued a press release concerning dividing up Israel. I quote, “The Government of Japan deplores the decisions of the Government of Israel to give permission for the construction of 1,600 housing units in East Jerusalem in addition to 112 units in West Bank just after the Israeli and Palestinian leadership’s acceptance of the start of indirect talks. The Government of Japan does not recognize any act that prejudges the final status of Jerusalem and the territories in the pre-1967 borders. Japan demands that the plans should not be implemented” (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan March 11, 2011). On March 11th, the day Japan again came against Israel and East Jerusalem, Japan had a 9.0 earthquake. The BBC News reported, “Japan’s most powerful earthquake since records began has struck the north-east coast, triggering a massive tsunami. Cars, ships and buildings were swept away by a wall of water after the 8.9-magnitude tremor, which struck about 400km (250 miles) north-east of Tokyo” (March 11, 2011). The earth quake was upgraded to a 9.0. We learned from CNN News on June 7, 2011 that “Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant experienced full meltdowns at three reactors in the wake of an earthquake and tsunami in March, the country’s Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters said Monday”. Looking back, we can now see that this disaster destroyed much of Japan, and just about wiped out Japan’s economy over night. The Government of Japan deplores the decisions of the Government of Israel, but Lord’ curse that fall on Japan on March 11th shows the Lord deplores the decision Japan made against His people in Israel.

March 17, 2011: HAARETZ.News reported that, “Representatives of the Middle East Quartet – the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations – who attended talks held in Tel Aviv and Ramallah last week with Israeli and Palestinian negotiators emerged without much hope for the resumption of peace negotiations in the near future, according to senior Israeli officials and European diplomats. The representatives said that the differences between the two sides were far too wide to get negotiations back on track” (March 17, 2011). Please note this very important section of the Haaretz report. We are told, “The envoys from the Quartet arrived in Israel last Thursday and met separately with Israelis and Palestinian representatives” (Ibid.) Last Thursday’s date was March 10, 2011. Diane Sawyer gave her news report on ABC News video on March 8, 2011, where she reported the following news. “Half of America’s states, 26 in all are facing flood watches, and warnings tonight. In towns from New Orleans to New York there are rivers in the streets. Snow melting so fast it is if two Olympic swimming pools were pouring out every single second, and another wet storm is about to arrive”. “Our Linsey Davies Wayne New Jersey tonight standing in some of the biggest flooding in six decades” (Ibid). You can watch the ABC video at: The flooding continued for almost a week, and we saw hundreds of thousands of Americans flee their homes as they were over taken by water.

March 26, 2011: The news reported on March 26, 2011 that, “Britain, France and Germany want the United Nations and the European Union to propose the outlines of a final settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that would lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state, UN diplomats said” (March 26, 2011). March 27, 2011 the first signs of God’s curse had hit Britain. The headline to the report read as followers: “Anarchy in the UK”. “FIVE police officers and 28 protesters were injured
when hundreds of demonstrators smashed windows and attempted to occupy shops in central London.” “The march – the biggest union-organised event for more than 20 years and the largest in the country since an anti-Iraq war march in 2003 – set off early from Embankment on the River Thames because of the huge number of protesters” (Ibid.). Reuters news reported, “Black-clad, masked youths battled riot police and attacked banks and luxury stores in central London on Saturday, overshadowing a protest by more than a quarter of a million Britons against government spending cuts” (March 26, 2011) Was this the end of the curse for Briton? No it was not. Not only is Briton on the verge of austerity riots again, but as the BBC News reported, “Across England and Wales as a whole it has been the driest spring since 1990, prompting the
Environment Agency to issue advice on how best to reduce water use. It comes as large areas of northern Europe are facing drought after one of the driest European springs on record” (June 10, 2011).

March 26, 2011: What about Germany? Did the Lord’s curse fall on their leader? Would you believe Germany’s leader, Angela Merkel’s party had to face elections on March 26, the same day as the article came out concerning Britain, France and Germany’s quest for divide up Israel. Guess what happen? “Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives have lost power in a regional stronghold, with early poll results showing the Greens, buoyed by Japan’s nuclear crisis, surging to their first state premiership.” We are informed in this report that, Japan‘s nuclear crisis, surging to their first state premiership” (RTE News March 27, 2011). The strongest evidence of the Lord’s curse on Merkel is seen in from the on March 27, 2011 were the Guardian reported, “Baden-Württemberg in south-west Germany is one of Europe’s richest regions. For almost 58 years, it has been governed by Angela Merkel‘s conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU).” “For some, today’s election is "the beginning of the end" for Merkel. Jakob Augstein, a German commentator and publisher, wrote last week on Spiegel Online that if the CDU is ousted in the "conservative heartland" of Baden-Württemberg, her position will be untenable”(Ibid.). Now look at what has happened in Germany? Food Safety News on May 28, 2011 ran this headline. “Germany E. coli Outbreak One of Largest on Record”. “While health authorities in Germany and neighboring countries deal with an outbreak of toxic E.coli, epidemiologists and doctors around the world are monitoring developments in Europe with especially keen interest. Much remains unknown about the outbreak, but this much is clear: It is a very, very serious epidemic. "The current events represent one of the largest described outbreaks of HUS/STEC (hemolytic uremic syndrome/shiga toxin E. coli) worldwide and the largest in Germany, with a very atypical age and sex distribution of the cases," a Eurosurveillance report observed on Thursday.  E. coli outbreaks occur frequently, almost daily.  But Germany‘s outbreak is different, and troublesome in several ways.  Among them: The sheer numbers:  Official counts are in the hundreds, but health officials understand that many more illnesses are probably going unreported.  It’s safe to assume the actual count is well into four digits” (Ibid.). Two weeks after Germany took sides with the PLO, Germany was hit by what one youtube video called, a “Freak sandstorm”. You can watch the results of this weird storm at this youtube link:. ( reports on storm and stated, “A sandstorm in northern Germany caused a huge highway pileup Friday that killed eight people and injured at least 41 others, police said. Rostock police spokesman Volker Werner said rescue operations were still under way and the death toll could rise. At least 41 people were injured, many of them seriously, and were brought to nearby hospitals. Others who suffered shocks or bruising received treatment on the spot, Werner said” (April 4, 2011). So, there you have it. Britain goes down in anarchy and Germany’s leading party of 58 years also goes down in flames, plus they get hit with the worse case of E.coli , and one of the worse sand storms in their history. What about France?

April 21, 2011: We saw the signs of the Lord’s curse fall on France a little later then it fell on Germany and Britain, but as you will see as with the other nations, France has been hit on several fronts since pledging to give back land the PLO lost in the 1967 war against Israel. The headline to the Associated Press report on April 4, 2011 read as follows: “Europe, especially France, hit by measles outbreak”. “Europe, especially France, has been hit by a major outbreak of measles, which the U.N. health agency is blaming on the failure to vaccinate all children. The World Health Organization said Thursday that France had 4,937 reported cases of measles between January and March—compared with 5,090 cases during all of 2010. In all, more than 6,500 cases have been reported in 33 European nations. "This is a lot of cases, to put it mildly. In past years we’ve had very few cases," said Rebecca Martin, head of WHO’s office in Copenhagen for vaccine-preventable diseases and immunization” (Ibid.). You have read Germany was hit on several fronts by the Lord’s curse. The BBC News report on June 10, 2011 shows how the curse has gotten worse for both Germany and France. I quote, “Drought has gripped much of northern Europe, with recent rains believed to have come too late for many crops. Weather forecasters say it could be the worst spring drought in Germany since records began” “France also saw its hottest spring since 1900, and cattle breeders already struggling with low meat prices have seen supplies of grass and other fodder dwindle, forcing some to sell off livestock for slaughter. Water use restrictions are now in place in more than half of France’s administrative regions” (Ibid.).

May 20, 2011: On May 20th Ynet reported,Jordan hailed United States President Barack Obama’s call for a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders.  As reported by state news agency Petra, Jordanian Minister of Foreign Business Nasser Jawdeh welcomed Obama’s speech saying, "for the first time he spoke clearly about his vision for the establishment”. On that same day, “Thousands of Jordanians demonstrated on Friday across the kingdom, calling for regime reforms as well as the sacking of what they call
ed the "corrupt and oppressive" government. "The people want to reform the regime and end tyranny. No to corruption," around 2,500 Islamists and trade unionists chanted as they marched from the King Abdullah Mosque in central Amman to a roundabout near the interior ministry” (Middle East online May 20, 2011). “In the southern city of Tafileh, around 1,500 demonstrated against corruption, calling for the "downfall of the government" (Ibid.). The pattern of the Lord’s curse continues, a leader comes out against Israel, and the nation ends up in turmoil trying to oust their leaders.

May 21, 2011: Two days before Russia’s leaders were to meet with PLO leaders in Russia to discuss the Middle East peace plans, the UPI News on May 21, 2011 reported that , “Almost 200 wildfires were burning in Russia Saturday, the Emergencies Ministry said. Sixteen of the fires were considered major, ITAR-Tass reported. Most of them were in the Urals, Siberia and the Far East with a total of more than 20,000 acres involved. The ministry had mobilized a force of 11 firefighting helicopters and planes”. On May 23 2011 Fatah, and Hamas leaders who are working to divide up Israel arrived in Russia. The Daily News reported, “Rival Palestinian leaders from Fatah and Hamas have further bridged their differences and are making progress on the details of a new Palestinian reconciliation accord, Russia’s foreign minister said Monday. Representatives of the two Palestinian factions put their names to a new statement detailing the landmark agreement signed in Cairo in early May, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said following talks with visiting Palestinian delegations.” The new Palestinian reconciliation accord would spell trouble for Israel as both these groups want to wide out Israel, and retake East Jerusalem again. On May 23, 2011, the day Russia was meeting with Fatah and Hamas news broke from the Herrald Sun reporting that,”RUSSIA is battling wildfires spreading across Siberia and the Far East, with officials scrambling to prevent a disastrous repeat of last year’s deadly blazes, the emergencies ministry said today. More than 400 wildfires covering over 110,000 hectares of forests and peat bogs have been registered in the country in the past 24 hours, the emergencies ministry said. Overall, since the start of the year the ministry has recorded more than 8500 wildfires covering more than 290,000 hectares, nearly twice as much territory compared with the same period last year.” As I said, it never fails, every time nations work to divide up God’s chosen Land of Israel some major disaster strikes.

May 19, 2011: “President Barack Obama is endorsing the Palestinians’ demand for their future state to be based on the borders that existed before the 1967 Middle East war, in a move that will likely infuriate Israel. Israel says the borders of a Palestinian state have to be determined through negotiations. In a speech outlining U.S. policy in the Middle East and North Africa, Obama on Thursday sided with the Palestinians’ opening position a day ahead of a visit to Washington by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu is vehemently opposed to referring to the 1967 borders. Until Thursday, the U.S. position had been that the Palestinian goal of a state based on the 1967 borders, with agreed land swaps, should be reconciled with Israel’s desire for a secure Jewish state through negotiations” (Yahoo News May 19, 2011).

On May 20, 2011 the media showed Netanyahu sitting down in the White House with President Obama. This is what TheBlaze news reported about that meeting. “Showing no concrete progress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sat alongside President Barack Obama on Friday and declared that Israel would not withdraw to 1967 borders to help make way for an adjacent Palestinian state. Obama had called on Israel to be willing to do just that in a speech the day earlier. The Israeli leader said he would make some concessions but Israel will not go back to the lines from decades earlier because they would be “indefensible.” Just a few days prior to Obama turning against Israel by telling the world he wants Israel to give back the land to the PLO based on the 1967 borders, all hell began to broke out in the US.. “Here is a look at six states hit hard by twisters that carved their way through the South, killing at least 45 people. More than 240 tornadoes were reported from the storm system” (ABC News April 18, 2011). After the Netanyahu meeting at the White House with Obama, the tornadoes ripped through the US States all the way until May 25, 2011. Below, Wikipedia breaks down the dates, and places where these tornadoes hit.

“On May 21, a small system of thunderstorms developed in Brown County, Kansas while another system formed to the southeast of Emporia, Kansas. The Brown county system spawned a brief tornado over Topeka, Kansas, causing minor damage. This system also caused significant damage in Oskaloosa, Kansas, and other communities. Meanwhile, the Emporia system spawned an EF3 tornado in Reading, Kansas; one person was killed, several others were injured, and at least 20 houses were destroyed.[5] These two systems developed several other tornadoes throughout the evening.[6]

A moderate risk of severe weather was issued for much of the Midwest south to Oklahoma for May 22. The first tornado super cell developed in the mid-afternoon hours over the western Twin Cities in Minnesota, and caused moderate damage in the Minneapolis area.[7] Shortly thereafter, an intense tornado crept towards Harmony, Minnesota, prompting the National Weather Service to issue the first tornado emergency of the outbreak ”

On May 22, 2011 A massive tornado that tore a 6-mile path across southwestern Missouri killed at least 116 people as it slammed into the city of Joplin, ripping into a hospital, crushing cars like soda cans and leaving a forest of splintered tree trunks behind where entire neighborhoods once stood. Authorities warned that the death toll could climb as search and rescue workers continued their efforts. Their task was made more miserable as a new thunderstorm with strong winds and heavy rain pelted part of the city with quarter-sized hail” ( May 23, 2011). “Jasper County emergency management director Keith Stammer said about 2,000 buildings were damaged, while Joplin fire chief Mitch Randles estimated the damage covered a quarter or more of the city of about 50,000 people some 160 miles south of Kansas City. He said his home was among those destroyed” (Ibid.). After this storm passed we learned that the torando that struck Joplin brought winds close to 200 mph. This tornado was a large and extremely intense multiple-vortex tornado which left catastrophic destruction in Joplin, Missouri; it was the deadliest single tornado in the U.S. since at least 1947.

“On May 24, a high risk of severe weather was issued for parts of south-central Kansas, central and eastern Oklahoma, and extreme north-central Texas; a moderate risk was issued for surrounding areas in those three states plus northwestern Arkansas and southwestern Missouri. Throughout this region, strong to violent tornadoes were considered to be highly probable for three reasons: (1) the stationary front was expected to maintain its position over the region, (2) wind shear was expected to greatly increase, and (3) these elements would be associated with an incoming trough. Late that morning, the tornado threat increased to 45%, a rare occurrence matching the widespread April 27 outbreak.[8] At 12:50 p.m. CDT, the SPC issued a PDS tornado watch for parts of central Oklahoma, including Oklahoma City, and northern Texas, in effect until 10:00 p.m. CDT.[SPC 1] Numerous tornadoes touched down in several regions, with the first activity being in western Oklahoma that afternoon where several very intense tornadoes developed, including another EF5 (the fifth of the year). Fortunately, they did not cause extensive damage in Oklahoma City, but 10 deaths were reported among extensive damage just to the western and southern suburbs of the OKC metro area. Other tornado clusters developed in central Kansas that afternoon and in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex that evening.

Once again on May 25, a high risk of severe storms was issued for the middle Mississippi River valley from near Memphis, Tennessee northward to north of Evansville, Indiana, and was expanded late that morning northward to near Indianapolis, Indiana, northwest to near St. Louis, Missouri, southeast to just west of Nashville, Tennessee and southwest to near Little Rock, Arkansas.[9] Several hours before the outbreak was set to begin, a PDS tornado watch was issued for western Kentucky, southern Indiana, the southern half of Illinois and eastern Missouri. The entire state of Indiana, southern Michigan, and most of Missouri were under tornado watches” (Wikipedia,_2011_tornado_outbreak).

Do you remember the date May 20, 2011, where the media showed Netanyahu sitting down in the White House with President Obama, when all hell broke out with the storms? Look at what else appeared in the news a day after that meeting in the White House. I quote the headline from the Mailonline News May 21,
2011. “Now U.S. plagued by stink bug epidemic, causing $37m in damage as one-fifth of apple harvest is ruined”. “Brown stink bugs are causing millions of dollars in crop damage, with the apple industry being hit the hardest. Growers in the mid-Atlantic region have reported the worst problems with about 18 per cent of the crop ruined. The industry has reported $37million in damage to apple growers in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia this spring” (Ibid.). Do you suppose the Lord has sent a message to Obama telling him you stink for what you are trying to do to Israel?

May God help anyone who thinks there is no curse against people who come against Israel. There is a flip side to all this news.  The Lord also promised to bless anyone who blesses Israel.  You have a choice, you can be looked upon by God as a stink bug, ready to be crushed, or you can be anointed by God with the rose of Sharon, which God has blessed Israel with.  Tell the leader who is ruling over our nation, it would be wise to bless Israel!


[Image: Rose of Sharon Anointing Oil]

Rose of Sharon Anointing Oil

Signs showing Rev. 6:6 is already on the way!


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” March 18, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

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Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Here is the last of the material that I am adding to my new up-dated book.  If you are wise you will hear what the Holy Spirit is showing you!  Get ready for some real hard times in America that will spread even faster around the world as America begins to fade away from power.  Ask yourself this question?  Why in Revelation 6:6 do people have to work all day long for one small meal?  Are you not aware what Jesus is showing us?  There will be many factors that lead up to crop destruction such as the flood, heat, droughts, war, insects and such. There are other factors such as population growth and will add to the burden of feeding everyone in the last days.  By the way, all of these factors are currently upon us!  When the food supply is down the price is up, and this is what will help lead to the fulfillment of Rev. 6:6. 

“U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton warned Friday that global shortages of food and spiraling prices threaten widespread destabilization and is urging immediate action to forestall a repeat of the 2007 and 2008 crisis that led to riots in dozens of countries around the developing world” (Associated Press May 6, 2011) . “The U.N. estimates that 44 million people have been pushed into poverty since last June because of rising food prices, which could lead to desperate shortages and unrest. Clinton said the world could no longer "keep falling back on providing emergency aid to keep the Band-Aid on" (Ibid.).

The issue of soaring food prices is emerging in most of the nations, take India and France for example.

“For a country that has been reeling under the impact of higher food prices, here are some chilling numbers. They really hit hard. Food prices single-handedly seem to have considerable power to reverse our progress as an economy. The price rise in food staples between June and December 2010 could have pushed as many as 10 million more Indians into poverty. In its recent report “Estimating the short-run poverty impacts of the 2010-11 surge in food prices”, the World Bank estimates that the price increases in the second half of 2010 have increased the poverty head count in India by 0.8 percentage points. We infer the increase in the number of poor from their data measure on total population (1.19 billion) and the poverty rate used for their analysis (43.8%). Typically, given that poor households spend a majority of their income on food, rising food prices hit them the hardest” (TRADENEWSWIRE June 14, 2011).  “Sugar, rice and wheat price increases have also resulted in a rise in the poverty headcount in India. And this is despite the fact that price hikes in India are nowhere near global levels. However rising import prices of food will compound the inflation situation further” (Ibid.).  “This is an alarming wake-up call for a country that has not seen an abatement in food price increases even now. Food inflation jumped to a two-month high of 9% in terms of annual growth recently” (Ibid.).

Yahoo News:. “French President Nicolas Sarkozy called
Tuesday for tighter controls on the speculators he blames for soaring food and energy prices threatening global growth. Saying the world had "worked extremely hard" to revive growth in the aftermath of the global financial crisis,
Sarkozy said "one of the main threats to growth is the rising cost of commodities” (June 14, 2011).

The next time you go to buy food and you reach for a apple, coffee, bread, meats, milk, wheat, or anything else you normally buy for you or your family, remember what Jesus showed you in Rev. 6:6. Then think back what you paid for these same items just two years ago. After you leave the store keep your eyes on the news, because if you think the news is bad now dealing with the soaring food prices, you won’t like what you will be reading in the next few years!

Chapter 5 has a section on droughts, which will provide you with even more proof that the world is well on its way toward fulfilling Revelation 6:6.

In 2011, the intense heat is turning Texas into a dust bowl. The Telegraph news gives us the facts. “For years the Ogallala Aquifer, the world’s largest underground body of fresh water, has irrigated thousands of square miles of American farmland. Now it is running dry” “There is not much to be happy about these days in Happy, Texas. Main Street is shuttered but for the Happy National Bank, slowly but inexorably disappearing into a High Plains wind that turns all to dust. The old Picture House, the cinema, has closed. Tumbleweed rolls into the still corners behind the grain elevators, soaring prairie cathedrals that spoke of prosperity before they were abandoned for lack of business.  Happy’s problem is that it has run out of water for its farms. Its population, dropping 10 per cent a year, is down to 595.” “ A cattle drive north through the Texas Panhandle to the rail heads beyond had been running out of water, steers dying on the hoof, when its cowboys stumbled on a watering hole. They named the spot Happy Draw, for the water. Now Happy is the harbinger of a potential Dust Bowl unseen in America since the Great Depression” (March 7, 2011).

Worst Texas Drought in 44 Years Eroding U.S. Wheat Supply On March 7, 2011 The Telegraph news ran a story with this headline: “US farmers fear the return of the Dust Bowl”. The sub-title to this report reads as follows: “For years the Ogallala Aquifer, the world’s largest underground body of fresh water, has irrigated thousands of square miles of American farmland. Now it is running dry” As you can see the intense heat is taking its toll on the land and our crops!. On March 23, 2011 the Bloomberg News provides more news concerning the drought conditions in Texas in their report entitled: “Worst Texas Drought in 44 Years Damaging Wheat Crop, Reducing Cattle Herds” “The worst Texas drought in 44 years is damaging the state’s wheat crop and forcing ranchers to reduce cattle herds, as rising demand for U.S. food sends grain and meat prices higher. Texas, the biggest U.S. cattle producer and second-largest winter-wheat grower, got just 4.7 inches (12 centimeters) of rain on average in the five months through February, the least for the period since 1967, State Climatologist John Nielsen- Gammon said. More than half the wheat fields and pastures were rated in poor or very poor condition on March 20. Dry conditions extending to Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado may cut crop yields in the U.S., the world’s largest exporter, as too much moisture threatens fields in North Dakota and in Canada. Wheat futures in Chicago are up 50 percent in the past year, after drought in Russia and floods in Australia hurt output and sent global food prices surging. Wholesale beef reached a record this week, and the U.S. cattle herd in January was the smallest since 1958” (Ibid.).  “Crop yields in the U.S. this year may be comparable to 2007, when dry weather trimmed winter-wheat output to 41.7 bushels an acre, Anderson said. Since 2000, national yields have averaged 43.8 bushels, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data. The USDA estimated last month that the nation’s production may fall 5.8 percent from a year earlier to 2.08 billion bushels, as dry weather spurs farmers to abandon some crops” (Ibid. March 23, 2011).


This next report from The New York Times gives us information that reflects Jesus’ warning signs concerning not only droughts, and events leading to the fulfillment of Revelation 6:6, but also civil unrest amongst the nations in the last days. There is no doubt the lack of food will increase world violence as people begin to go hungry. I quote, “Underlying the wave of unrest across North Africa and the Middle East is the fact that some of the cries for democracy are coming from mouths in need of food. Media outlets around the world were quick to make the link between food and the protests in Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria, pointing to one specific grain: wheat. Egypt is the largest importer of wheat in the world, with Algeria not far behind. Together, they import more of the grain than all of South America. Even Pharaoh Ramses III’s tomb was found with engravings depicting his royal bakery. Recent fluctuations in wheat supply, some of which appear to be climate-driven, registered most sharply in the Middle East. In just the past year, natural disasters in Russia, Argentina and Australia choked global supply, pushing some governments to halt exports (Climatewire, Jan. 13). Earlier this month, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released a rare warning that droughts in China would seriously imperil wheat supplies, although recent rains may have lessened the damage” (March 25, 2011). Think about this for a second. Why did J
esus mention people will work all day long to buy (wheat) in Revelation 6:6? It has become apparent from the world’s news agencies that our wheat crops around the world are being destroyed for one reason or another, hence, Jesus’ pointed to the wheat!  Is there something that you don’t see?  Christ is providing you withl more than enough proof that the prophecy in Rev. 6:6 is advancing toward us each month!

The headline alone from this next Bloomberg News report should convince you that Jesus has spoken the truth concerning the future wheat troubles!  Here is the headline. “Wheat Soars as La Nina’s Persistence Threatens Harvests From China to U.S, but just in case you need more proof, here it is.  “Wheat crops in China, the world’s biggest producer, and the U.S. are threatened by continuing drought as La Nina persists, weather forecasters said. The countries will be the last to emerge from the dry weather linked to La Nina, a cooling of the Pacific Ocean, and the conditions may linger for two more months, said British Weather Services and Telvent DTN Inc. Wheat may average $8.50 a bushel in Chicago from now to June 30, said Abah Ofon, an agricultural commodity analyst at Standard Chartered Bank in Singapore. That’s 12 percent more than the price today. Wheat climbed 5 percent yesterday as grain prices soared after U.S. corn stockpiles dropped to 6.52 billion bushels at the beginning of March, the lowest for the date since 2007, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Global food costs climbed to a record in February, the United Nations estimates, contributing to unrest in northern Africa and the Middle East and helping oust leaders in Tunisia and Egypt” (April 1, 2011).


Image: Drought-stricken region in Kenya

Hopefully this headline and sub-title from this report will open your eyes, and your heart to what Jesus has shown us. “U.N.: Drought leaves millions hungry in E. Africa”.High food prices, conflicts contribute to problem across the region”. For those who need more proof, read this. “A severe drought, high food prices and conflict have left more than 5 million people hungry across the Horn of Africa, the head of U.N.’s World Food Program said Saturday. The drought began with the failure of rains late last year in northern and eastern regions of Kenya, south-central Somalia and eastern Ethiopia, said the agency’s executive director, Josette Sheeran” (April 4, 2011).


Arctic ozone plot (KNMI/Nasa/FMI) One of the factors leading to crop destruction is the ozone layer depletion “The ozone layer has seen unprecedented damage in the Arctic this winter due to cold weather in the upper atmosphere.  By the end of March, 40% of the ozone in the stratosphere had been destroyed, against a previous record of 30%” (BBC News April 5, 2011).  “Loss of ozone allows more of the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet-B rays to penetrate through the atmosphere. This has been linked to increased rates of skin cancer, cataracts and immune system damage. "With no ozone layer, you would have 70 times more UV than we do now – so you can say the ozone layer is a sunscreen of factor 70," said Dr Braathen” (Ibid.). Let me connect the dots here for you. Jesus pointed out in Revelation 16: 8-11 that people in the last days would get sores. What is the reason for these sores? Jesus tells us the answer, when He shows us the sores come as a result of the intense heat and the scorching fire from the sun. Now you put two and two together. We see the ozone layer breaking down, which is bringing on the heat that cause not only droughts, crop destruction, and lack of drinking water, but an increase in skin cancer, which are no doubt the sores Jesus is referring to. Still need more proof?  On June 14, 2011 news from carried a report entitled: “Skin Cancer Rate Increasing”. This report will help reinforce what the Holy Spirit is showing you via the news. I quote, “There is popular concern that the rates of both nonmelanoma and melanoma skin cancers are more frequent in recent decades than in the past. Research published in Archives of Dermatology (1997;133:735-740) demonstrates a clear increase in squamous cell skin cancers. Dr. Darryl T. Gray and colleagues from the Mayo Clinic reviewed 1630 dermatology records dating from 1984 to 1992 to discover 511 cases of squamous cell cancer. They plotted the trend which clearly shows an increasing rate of first diagnosis of this form of skin cancer over this period. Further, the authors of the study found that the skin cancers had a tendency to appear on the head, neck, and upper extremities. This is consistent with the notion that sun exposure is a causative factor in this form of cancer”. I rest my case for Christ on this issue!

Now that you are up to speed as to some of the reasons why the Earth is being scorched, I will present more news concerning the droughts.  “In most years, the dark clouds over western Oklahoma in the spring would be bringing rain. This year, they’re more likely to be smoke from wildfires that have burned thousands of acres in the past month as the state and its farmers struggle with a severe drought. Oklahoma was drier in the four months following Thanksgiving than it has been in any similar period since 1921. That’s saying a lot in the state known for the 1930s Dust Bowl, when drought and high winds generated severe dust storms that stripped the land of its topsoil. Neighboring states are in similar shape as the drought stretches from the Louisiana Gulf coast to Colorado, and conditions are getting worse, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. The area in Texas covered by an extreme drought has tripled in the past month to 40 percent, and in Oklahoma it nearly doubled in one week to 16
percent, according to the monitor’s March 29 update. An extreme drought is declared when there’s major damage to crops or pasture and widespread water shortages or restrictions (Google News April 6, 2011).

“Officials and aid workers in Somalia’s Middle Shabelle region have raised the alarm over the plight of drought-stricken villagers urgently needing food and water. "We are experiencing the worst drought we have seen in decades; since the beginning of March, we have buried 54 people who died from the effects of the drought, seven of them today [20 April],” said Ali Barow, leader of the small town of Guulane, 220km northeast of Mogadishu, the Somali capital. Barow said Guulane and the surrounding villages of Eil Barwaaqo, Hirka Dheere and Hagarey, with an estimated population of 20,000-25,000, were suffering the effects of a prolonged drought” (IRIN News April 20, 2011). “What we saw was depressing; some of the villagers were eating wild berries and cooking ‘garaz’ [a yellowish bean normally eaten by animals during drought]; that was all the food they had" (Ibid.).  Can you now see why Jesus said people would work all day long just for a quart of wheat? I am sure the people in Somalia at this point would find it a blessing to work all day to get a meal of wheat!  Now you saw what was happening in Somalia in April, take a look at news from June.


“The current drought in Somalia is no ordinary drought. It is the worst the country has seen in 36 years. Most areas have received little or no rain for nine months. Pasture is depleted and cattle and goats are dying in large numbers, leaving thousands of animal carcasses littering the roadsides. People are seeing riverbeds dry for the first time in their lives. Families are becoming destitute. They are dependent on livestock for survival, and have resorted to desperate measures to try to keep their animals alive. Many have used food normally kept for the family to feed their dying herds, some even going so far as to take the grass off the roofs of their houses, leaving them without adequate shelter. Children in particular are suffering from a lack of food and water. In some areas, malnutrition is affecting over 30% of children, one of the highest rates in the world. In addition, prices of basic goods are rising and, in some regions, prices for cereals have increased by 135% since last year” (BARTAMAHA News June 7, 2011).

Draught_1What about Europe? Yahoo News has reported the following in their report entitled: “Europe prays for Easter rain in worst drought for a century”   “The Dutch have banned barbecues, camp fires and outdoor smoking this Easter, while the Swiss are forecasting potentially the worst drought in Europe for more than a century. Either way, prayers in Europe this Easter holiday weekend are as likely to call for rain as anything else — with serious fears over the wheat harvest, its impact on already sky-high global food prices and, of course, devastating brush fires. A year ago, it was Russia that bore the brunt of global warming, and with the price of benchmark wheat futures jumping by more than a fifth since the spring in the global market hub of Chicago, farmers everywhere are busy scanning the skies for soothing signs” (April 22, 2011).

Click here to read The Great Western Drought is ComingNews from April 26, 2011 ran the following report entitled:”The Great Western Drought is Coming”.  “According to their research, climate change — that thing these twelve law- and opinion-makers refuse to believe exists — will result in a water flow decrease of up to 20% in the West’s largest river basin. The Colorado, the Rio Grande and the San Joaquin are three of the rivers mentioned in the report, which said an 8% to 20% decrease in average annual stream flow is expected. Those rivers provide water to eight US states, from Texas to California. The West and South West are among the fastest-growing regions in the US. Beyond the water shortage, the report also predicts temperature increases of 5 to 7 degrees Fahrenheit. Not exactly the kind of news that goes down well while lounging at the bottom of an empty swimming pool”.

Wheat and soybeans rose for a second day in Chicago as the biggest slump in commodities in more than two years lured buyers amid concerns about tightening global supplies. Hot, dry weather early this week may increase the risk to the winter-wheat crop in the central and southern Plains of the U.S., Telvent DTN Inc. said in a May 6 forecast. Winter-wheat areas in western Europe and central China also need rain, the forecaster said. The Standard & Poor’s GSCI Index of 24 commodities lost 11 percent last week, the most since December 2008. “Planting delays should prevent prices from retreating further” for corn, soybeans and spring wheat, said Carsten Fritsch, an analyst at Commerzbank AG in Frankfurt. “Given concerns about serious crop losses, wheat prices have fared much better in the negative market environment.” Wheat for July delivery gained 17.25 cents, or 2.3 percent, to $7.7675 a bushel by 1:56 p.m. London time on the Chicago Board of trade. A close at that price would be the biggest daily advance since April 29. The grain slid 5.2 percent last week, the most since the week ended April 15” (Bloomberg News May 9, 2011). This same report also gave us news concerning France’s wheat crops. The EU wheat harvest, which accounts for a fifth of world production, will fall this year as drought cuts yields in France and Poland, Michel Portier, general director of Paris-based farm adviser Agritel, said May 6. The winter-wheat harvest in Kansas, the biggest producer of that variety in the U.S., may drop to 256.7 million bushels from 360 million bushels last year, according to a survey of 55 analysts, millers and industry officials on the tour of fields conducted by the Wheat Quality Council. Across the U.S., the largest exporter, the winter-wheat harvest may fall 3 percent to 1.441 billion bushels this year as dry weather persists, Memphis, Tennessee-based Informa Economics Inc. said in a report May 6. Farmers may abandon 9 million acres of winter wheat this year, the most since 2007, it said”(Ibid. May 9, 2011).

The headline to the HUFFPOST WORLD News. on May 15, 2011 read as follows: “Worst Drought in 50 Years Threatens Cuba’s Already Meager Food Production”.   Need I add anything to this? I think you get the picture, but just in case, read this. “And on top of such dryness, is the belief that this year’s agricultural output may be worst than last year’s, if the rain holds off once and for all. We’ll see the headlines in the press saying banana production is down, rice hasn’t withstood the drought, and fruit trees have been hit the hardest” (Ibid.).


“Texas’ farmers and ranchers are coping with their eighth drought in the past 13 years, and this one, while still young, has a chance of slamming producers with their biggest losses ever, officials said. Texas AgriLife Extension Service experts have estimated that Texas ranchers lost $1.2 billion from November through May because pastures have not greened up and high-priced feed products have been needed longer than normal” (MYSA San Antonio’s Home Page May 24, 2011).  “The extension service, in a report last week, set a $274 million value on Texas’ wheat crop, less than half of the five-year average for that commodity” (Ibid.). In case you don’t know what this means, it says the price of wheat will climb, again shades of Rev. 6:6.

French drought spring 2011

Scares over new food riots surfaced again on May 27, 2011 when the reported, “Food prices are expected to hit new highs in the coming weeks, tightening the squeeze on UK households and potentially triggering further unrest in developing countries unless there is heavy rainfall across drought-affected Europe, the United Nations has warned. The average global price of cereals jumped by 71% to a new record in the year to April, more than three times higher than a decade ago, according to latest UN figures, prompting its Food and Agriculture Organization to warn that Europe faces a pivotal few weeks.”

Farmer feeds his cattle hay 

More drought news from Europe at the end of May showed little hope for rain.  According to The Australian News on May 30, 2011 they reported, “Millions face food poverty as northern Europe is hit by worst drought in 35 years”   “BERNARD Maquis’s cattle would normally be grazing in the lush green pastures of the Limousin region in central France at this time of year. Instead, they are eating hay intended for the winter after months of drought that has turned the fields yellow. He is wondering whether it might be better to sell his cows at a reduced price rather find himself without fodder by the end of the autumn. "I’m starting to sleep badly," he said. Mr Maquis is not alone. With Northern Europe facing its worst drought since 1976, politicians in the West are expecting protests from farmers, consumer discontent and a strain on budgets. Third World nations are braced for riots as Europe’s heat wave creates a rise in food prices and drives millions deeper into poverty. "We are in a situation of crisis and of crisis management," said Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, the French Ecology Minister. Meteorologists say that Northern Europe has had 50 per cent less rain than normal over the past two months, while temperatures have been 4C higher than usual”.

The month of June again ushered in some bad news for Texas.  “A devastating drought tightened its grip on Texas over the last week with more than half the state now suffering the most extreme level of drought measured by climatologists.  A report released Thursday from a consortium of national climate experts said over the last week, Texas saw the highest levels of drought – rated as "exceptional" – jump from 43.97 percent of the state to 50.65 percent of the state.  Meanwhile, to the north in Oklahoma, another key farming and ranching state, about 30 percent of the state continued to suffer severe and exceptional drought levels.  The drought conditions have ravaged the region, sparking thousands of wildfires, drying up grazing land needed for cattle, and ruining thousands of acres of wheat and other crops” (REUTERS June 2, 2011).

Facts about Germany’s drought was released on June 10, 2011 by the BBC News, where it was reported that, “Drought has gripped much of northern Europe, with recent rains believed to have come too late for many crops.”  “Weather forecasters say it could be the worst spring drought in Germany since records began” (Ibid.).  On June 10, 2011 the BBC News also reported on the drought which has hit England. “Parts of England are officially in a drought following the dry spring, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has said. Areas of East Anglia are in drought, with parts of the Midlands, South West and South East in a "near-drought" state. In the drought-affected areas, Anglian Water and Cambridge Water say there is no threat to public water supplies. But Severn Trent Water says there may be restrictions if rainfall stays low. And Thames Water, which serves London and the Thames Valley, has reassured its customers that hosepipe bans are unlikely this year. The British Retail Consortium said the dry weather had created "another unwelcome upward pressure on food prices". Both the South East and central-southern region of England have had their drie
st spring on record

I have proved to you the intense heat from the sun, which is causing major droughts, fires, famines, lack of drinking water, destruction of crops, and yes, even higher food prices. I presented you with this evidence on behalf of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am compelled to provide you with this evidence as Jesus does not want to lose you to Satan as a result of your unbelief.  I contend with you, now that you have seen the evidence, you better judge what Jesus has shown you wisely! I say this, because your eternal life is at stake if you haven’t taken Jesus as your Savior yet.

New material that is going into The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth up-date book from Frank DiMora


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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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After adding all the latest news to my book concerning the signs pointing to Revelation 6:6, I would  find it hard knowing people still can’t see what is happening, or still refuse to come to Christ for safety. I present my case for Christ!

I stated earlier President Carter’s Global Report pointed to major problems in the year 2000. Now that we have passed the year 2000, we can easily see what the 2000 report warned about has already happened. As our nation headed into December 2000, the hard facts from that report indicated the world had reached a critical point in feeding people around the world. Eleven years later in 2011, we are living in a time of a population explosion and at a time when nations are finding it even more extremely difficult to feed every one. Revelation 6:6 tells us what is going to happen in the future, and the news reports are proving Jesus words are coming to pass. I quote the Lord Jesus. “And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine" (Rev. 6:6). As you read this chapter, try and keep in mind Revelation 6:6 when you read all the news showing you how much wheat has been destroyed.

If you are new to prophecy you may not known what Jesus is showing us in Revelation 6:6. You will need to know because the information in this chapter will prove to you we are in major birth pains which will soon fulfill this prophecy. Let me give you a short back ground on Revelation 6:6. “A "measure" (6:6) is translated from the Greek word choinix, which is a dry measure of less than a quart and closer to a liter. A "penny" (6:6) is used for the Latin word denarius, which was the Roman silver coin that was accepted as the equivalent of the ordinary pay for a day’s wages. In the Book of Matthew 20: 2-13 we see an example of people working all day for a penny. "2 And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. In verse 9-13 it says, “ And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. 10 But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny. 11 And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house, 12 Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day. 13 But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny?" In Revelation 6:6 Christ shows us people will have to work all day long for a small amount of food. You will find there are many facts leading to this prophecy being fulfilled. One of those factors is the population growth.

When the President’s report came out in the year 2000, China’s population was 1,261,832,482. At the beginning of 2011, the ChinaDaily reported, “The population grew to 1.341 billion by the end of 2010, the National Bureau of Statistics announced on Monday” (Jan. 3, 2011).. The world is growing to fast, and this growth is causing millions to go hungry. Over the past years, our planet has been faced with many trying times directly because of war and civil wars, but as of late famines have caused the most problems for governments after the wars were over. The effects resulting from war usually are disastrous for people closest to it. In most cases people end up dealing with famine and starvation. For example, in the Vietnam war much of the land was burned away with napalm bombs. Growing crops during that conflict was impossible, and as a result thousands died from starvation. Back in 1979 for example, Cambodia registered a catastrophic famine produced by savage years of war, repression, and political upheaval. Our c
urrent global conflicts are still the cause for millions of people starving to death. When you add droughts to the famine issue, you end up with disaster. With each new year, the birth pains Jesus told us would come been increasing. The headline on the cover of the March 28 & April 14, 2011 issue of the Newweek magazine read as follows: “Apocalypse Now”. The subtitle reads like this. “Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Nuclear Meltdowns, Revolutions, Economies on the Brink, What the #@ % Is Next?” Just about everyone who watches the news senses there is something very wrong with our world! On April 21, 2011 Discovery News reported that, “Even though May is right around the corner, recent weather reports have been far from spring-like. Snow fell this week on Minneapolis and Green Bay. Record-setting cold has settled on Seattle. And historic wildfires are burning in Oklahoma and Texas, where temperatures in the 90s are threatening to topple heat records. Meanwhile, 272 tornadoes swept the nation in the first half of this month – already breaking the all-time twister-count for April. So, what’s up with the weather?” I will answer that question after you read this next report from CBC News.where they write the following: “The global impact of natural disasters took a turn for the worse in 2010 with an uptick in fatalities and economic damage, according to a report released Tuesday. There were 385 natural disasters worldwide last year that killed more than 297,000 people, affected over 217 million others and caused $ 123.9 billion in economic damages, according to the Annual Disaster Statistical Review 2010. The number of victims increased from 198.7 million in 2009 to 217.3 million in 2010, while economic damages from natural disasters in 2009 were $47.6 billion. "Two mega-disasters made 2010 the deadliest year in at least two decades," said the report” (May 10, 2011)

What do all the above news reports have in common? They are all reporting on the exact same things Jesus Christ told us would come upon this planet in the last days. All these reports point to a horrific global food crisis is coming, and all the disasters are helping raise the prices of food. I am sure by the time you finish this chapter you will understand the world is on a path leading it to Revelation 6:6! Let’s take a look at signs of the birth pains.

After all you have read so far, are you beginning to get the message concerning Revelation 6:6? We have already been eye witnesses to the prices of food skyrocketing, but news in 2011 really drives my point home as you will see.

On the first page in this chapter, I quoted from the President’s global report, which stated, "if present trends continue, the world in 2000 will be more crowded, more polluted, less stable ecologically, and more vulnerable to disruption than the world we live in now." Here we are in 2011, and everything predicted in that report has come to pass, and is worse than they ever imagined it would be. All the fears for the future are now current issues governments are trying to deal with.

While checking The Economic Collapse web-site they point out 20 signs that a horrific global food crisis is coming. They gave the links to news report to support this claim, which I checked out. This is what The Economic Collapse web-site Stated, “In case you haven’t noticed, the world is on the verge of a horrific global food crisis.  At some point, this crisis will affect you and your family.  It may not be today, and it may not be tomorrow, but it is going to happen.  Crazy weather and horrifying natural disasters have played havoc with agricultural production in many areas of the globe over the past couple of years.” I couldn’t agree with them more, and your about to read the proof to back that up.

“As the new year begins, the price of wheat is setting an all-time high in the United Kingdom. Food riots are spreading across Algeria. Russia is importing grain to sustain its cattle herds until spring grazing begins. India is wrestling with an 18-percent annual food inflation rate, sparking protests. China is looking abroad for potentially massive quantities of wheat and corn. The Mexican government is buying corn futures to avoid unmanageable tortilla price rises. And on January 5, the U.N. Food and Agricultural organization announced that its food price index for December hit an all-time high”( Jan. 10, 2011).

In part two of the report they also stated, “While the annual demand growth for grain was doubling, new constraints were emerging on the supply side, even as longstanding ones such as soil erosion intensified. An estimated one third of the world’s cropland is losing topsoil faster than new soil is forming through natural processes — and thus is losing its inherent productivity. Two huge dust bowls are forming, one across northwest China, western Mongolia, and central Asia; the other in central Africa. Each of these dwarfs the U.S. dust bowl of the 1930s. Satellite images show a steady flow of dust storms leaving these regions, each one typically carrying millions of tons of precious topsoil. In North China, some 24,000 rural villages have been abandoned or partly depopulated as grasslands have been destroyed by overgrazing and as croplands have been inundated by migrating sand dunes. In countries with severe soil erosion, such as Mongolia and Lesotho, grain harvests are shrinking as erosion lowers yields and eventually leads to cropland abandonment. The result is spreading hunger and growing dependence on imports. Haiti and North Korea, two countries with severely eroded soils, are chronically dependent on food aid from abroad (Jan. 10, 2011).

In a report from the on February 10, 2011 Lester Brown, President of the Earth Policy Institute posed the question, “What is a food bubble?” Brown says, “That’s when food production is inflated through the unsustainable use of water and land. It’s the water bubble we need to worry about now. The World Bank says that 15 per cent of Indians (175 million people) are fed by grain produced through overpumping – when water is pumped out of aquifers faster than they can be replenished. In China, the figure could be 130 million. A second question the report asked was, “Has this bubble already burst anywhere? This was the answer. “Saudi Arabia made itself self-sufficient in wheat by using water from a fossil aquifer, which doesn’t refill. It has harvested close to 3 million tonnes a year, but in 2008 the Saudi authorities said the aquifer was largely depleted. Next year could be the last harvest. This is extreme, but about half the world’s people live in countries with falling water tables. India and China will lose grain production capacity through aquifer depletion. We don’t know when or how abruptly the bubble will burst” (Ibid.). The signs Planet Earth is running out of fresh water ae everywhere.

Look at what the New York Times wrote on February 24, 2011. “Food prices are soaring to record levels, threatening many developing countries with mass hunger and political instability. Finance ministers of the Group of 20 leading economies discussed the problem at a meeting in Paris last week, but for all of their expressed concern, most are already breaking their promises to help. After the last sharp price spik
e in 2008, the G-20 promised to invest $22 billion over three years to help vulnerable countries boost food production. To date, the World Bank fund that is supposed to administer this money has received less than $400 million. Food prices are now higher than their 2008 peak, driven by rising demand in developing countries and volatile weather, including drought in Russia and Ukraine and a dry spell in North China that threatens the crop of the world’s largest wheat producer. The World Bank says the spike has pushed 44 million people into extreme poverty just since June. In 2008, 30 countries had food riots.”

Almost every month you can read new news showing the prices of food is still climbing. Here is an example of one such report issued on March 16, 2011 by USA Today. I quote, “A wholesale price index jumped last month the most in nearly two years due to higher energy costs and the steepest rise in food prices in 36 years. Excluding those volatile categories, inflation was tame. The Labor Department said Wednesday that the Producer Price Index rose a seasonally adjusted 1.6% in February — double the 0.8% rise in the previous month. Outside of food and energy costs, the core index ticked up 0.2%, less than January’s 0.5% rise. Food prices soared 3.9% last month, the biggest gain since November 1974. Most of that increase was due to a sharp rise in vegetable costs, which increased nearly 50%. That was the most in almost a year. Meat and dairy products also rose.”

Please reflect on what Jesus said in Matthew 24:7, where He warned us about the civil unrest that would befall the people living in the last days. When you watch the news you will see some of the reasons why kingdoms are fighting against themselves. As of late, one of the main reasons is over higher food prices! Sky News HD reported on this issue on March 8, 2011. “A senior economist at the worldwide bank HSBC has warned of civil unrest in Britain if food prices continue to soar. Speaking on Jeff Randall Live, senior global economist Karen Ward cautioned that the UK could experience the kind of food riots seen in other countries. "Even in the developed world I think we have very, very low wage growth, so people aren’t getting more in their pay packet to compensate them for food and energy, and I think we could see social unrest certainly in parts of the developed world and the UK as well." She went on to highlight the link between high food prices and the escalating cost of crude oil. "More and more we are seeing that some of these foodstuffs are actually substitutes for energy itself, particularly biofuels. So I think the energy markets are a significant contributor to these food price gains." In another section of this same report it was stated, “The comments come as the United Nations warned the cost of food is now at the highest level for 21 years and set to rise further. Food costs have gone up for eight months in a row, with the National Farmers Union forecasting the trend will continue for the rest of 2011” (Ibid.). Now that you know what Christ has warned, let me ask you a question? Do you think food prices will go down, or up in the near future. If you said, down, you need to focus on these next reports.

BREITBART NEWS cited another reason for adding to the food scare. “Countries across the world shunned Japanese food imports Thursday as radioactive steam leaked from a disaster-struck nuclear plant, straining nerves in Tokyo. The grim toll of dead and missing from Japan’s monster quake and tsunami on March 11 topped 26,000, as hundreds of thousands remained huddled in evacuation shelters and fears grew in the megacity of Tokyo over water safety. The damage to the Fukushima nuclear plant from the tectonic calamity and a series of explosions has stoked global anxiety. The United States and Hong Kong have already restricted Japanese food, and France wants the EU to do the same” (March 24, 2011).. Now can you see that one disaster after another is wiping out our food supplies? CNN News on June 6, 2011 ran a report with this headline: “3 nuclear reactors melted down after quake, Japan confirms”. What do you think all this radiation is doing to the ocean? Now you know why all the nations are refusing food from Japan.

Can you see people in North Korea having to work all day long for a handful of food? What happens when North Korea runs out of food? It is simple economics, the less food you have to buy on the market the more is costs. Read what is happening in North Korea. “North Korea’s government food distribution programme will run dry in May and put one-quarter of the country’s 24 million people at risk of starvation, the United Nations has warned” (The Telegraph March 25, 2011). In many poor nations they don’t have to wait for the tribulation to see the fulfillment of Revelation 6:6, millions of people have already been forced to work all day for that small meal.

“Corn rose to the highest price in almost a month in Chicago, extending yesterday’s jump, on concern increased plantings in the U.S. will fail to rebuild global inventories. U.S. stockpiles on March 1 dropped to 6.52 billion bushels, the lowest for the date since 2007, the Department of Agriculture said yesterday. higher profits will spur farmers to sow corn on about 92.178 million acres, the second-largest area since 1944, at the same time that increasing food and biofuel demand cuts world inventories, the USDA said. “Even with the expansion in acreage, which may take the U.S. corn harvest to a record, the nation’s stocks-to-use ratio in the 2011-12 season will still be the second-lowest since 1995- 96, Rabobank Agri Commodity Markets Research said in a report e- mailed today.

The Bloomberg News on April 1, 2011, like so many news other reports points out some reasons for the higher corn costs, and food riots. “Corn rose to the highest price in almost a month in Chicago, extending yesterday’s jump, on concern increased plantings in the U.S. will fail to rebuild global inventories. U.S. stockpiles on March 1 droppe
d to 6.52 billion bushels, the lowest for the date since 2007, the Department of Agriculture said yesterday. Higher profits will spur farmers to sow corn on about 92.178 million acres, the second-largest area since 1944, at the same time that increasing food and biofuel demand cuts world inventories, the USDA” “Global food costs increased to a record in February, the
United Nations has said. Higher food prices contributed to unrest in the Arab world this year, triggering the ouster of leaders in Tunisia and Egypt. The U.S. is the biggest exporter of corn, soybeans and wheat”

On April 4, 2011 more bad news about the food prices was released via NACS Daily News. “Soaring food costs are giving Americans sticker shock at the grocery store, and consumers are responding by getting crafty with their saving strategies. Approximately 99 percent of U.S. adults are aware of rising food prices, and the vast majority (95 percent) plans to employ at least one savings strategy at the grocery store as a result, according to a new survey conducted by Harris Interactive and commissioned by” ““Food prices are expected to continue to rise this year to potentially all-time highs. Couple that with flat incomes, and increases in pricing of basic items such as food is like taking a pay cut,” said Steven Boal, CEO of Incorporated, in a press release. “Fortunately, consumers are savvier than ever when it comes to stretching budgets, and it’s great to see that so many of them will take matters into their own hands when it comes to mitigating the effects of higher food costs.”

Just how bad has the food price crisis gotten? I believe the subtitle to this Telegraph report says it best. I quote, “Food prices have entered the “danger zone”, threatening to condemn a generation to extreme poverty and malnutrition, the World Bank has warned” (April 14, 2011). “Robert Zoellick, World Bank president, said food prices are at “a tipping point”, having risen 36pc in the last year to levels close to their 2008 peak. The rising cost of food has been much more dramatic in low-income countries, pushing 44m people into poverty since June last year. Another 10pc rise in food prices would push 10m into extreme poverty, defined as an effective income of less than $1.25 a day. Already, the world’s poor number 1.2bn” (Ibid). . If Robert Zoellick were to read Revelation 6:6, and believe what Jesus said, I think Zoellick just might understand the real tipping point will happen during the tribulation period.

The higher food prices have also caused an increase in crime. “The high price of produce, especially for tomatoes after the deep winter freezes, has attracted more than heightened attention from consumers. A ring of sophisticated vegetable bandits was watching, too. Late last month, a gang of thieves stole six tractor-trailer loads of tomatoes and a truck full of cucumbers from Florida growers. They also stole a truckload of frozen meat. The total value of the illegal haul: about $300,000. The thieves disappeared with the shipments just after the price of Florida tomatoes skyrocketed after freezes that badly damaged crops in Mexico” ( April 15, 2011).

Not only has the droughts, floods, wars, insects, and intense heat added to the burden of food supplies, but weird diseases are wiping out crops as well. The New York Times reports on the Fungi that has hit crops in Syria. “Fungi that attack wheat are growing as a threat to the hungry inhabitants of poor countries. At a conference this week in Aleppo, Syria, scientists will be planning a counteroffensive. The unusual venue was chosen both because Syria has been hit hard by “yellow rust” fungus and because Aleppo is home to the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas. The fungi have damaged wheat grown in a broad ribbon of dry climate from Morocco to northern India, where as much as 60 percent of the crop has been lost, said Mahmoud Solh, the center’s director. The prevailing theory is that wetter winters caused by climate change are helping the fungi persist until new crops are planted” (April 18, 2011).

A study by the Asian Development Bank finds that domestic food prices in many regional economies have risen on average 10 percent in eartly 2011. “Asia, despite its rapid growth, and it is still home to a majority of the worlds poor. We have about 900 million in this, absolute poverty. And, it is for this group of people, they are spending on about average two thirds, more than two thirds on foods. So, with a 10 percent increase on food prices their real income eroded”, Yao said ”(VOA April 26, 2011).

Speaking about prices going up, if you expected good news, you clearly don’t believe what Christ has warned us! Fox Business in June, tells us what to expect. “Aid Agency Warns Food Prices Will More Than Double”. “The price of some staple foods such as corn will more than double in the next 20 years as demand outpaces production capacity and the climate continues to change, aid agency Oxfam International warned on Tuesday. By 2050, demand for food will rise 70% from this year, while capacity to increase food production will decline, according to Oxfam, which noted that the average growth rate in agricultural yields has nearly halved since 1990. “The food system is buckling under intense pressure from climate change, ecological degradation, population growth, rising energy prices, rising demand for meat and dairy products, and competition for land from biofuels, industry, and urbanization,” Oxfam said in its report “Growing a Better Future.”  One out of seven people, roughly 925 million, are hungry, and Oxfam predicts the number will likely pass 1 billion by the end of this year” (June 6, 2011).

I will conclude this section with this headline from the BBC News. “East Africa faces ‘world’s worst food security crisis” “The world’s worst food security crisis is continuing in the eastern Horn of Africa, a US agency has warned. The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (Fewsnet) said areas of particular concern were in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. It said large-scale emergency assistance was urgently needed "to save lives and treat acute malnutrition" in the region. It also stressed that the current humanitarian response was "inadequate". In a statement, Fewsnet said the eastern Horn of Africa "has experienced two consecutive seasons of significantly below-average rainfall, resulting in one of the driest years since 1995". It said that crops had failed and local cereal prices remained very high. "This is the most severe food security emergency in the world today," the statement said. In southern Ethiopia and some pastoral areas of Somalia, the agency said, "poor households are una
ble to access the basic food supplies needed for survival" (June 8, 2011).

Chapter 5 has a section on droughts, which will provide you with even more proof that the world is headed toward Revelation 6:6.