China’s warship in Libya’s coast why?/Gold and Silver climbing again/Sounds of the war drums/Jerusalem attacked again/March 23, 2011


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Take advantage of my free download today. Click to link below and read all the proof showing you Jesus' warnings are all coming to pass.  Think this is a joke, not true?  Read the proof if you really want to know the truth about these last days.

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus wants you to find what you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you read Revelaion 9:14-16 and Revelation 16:12 you will see that China is going to play a major role during the tribulation.  Notice from Revelation Jesus shows us a army from the East that will number 200 million.  China's regular Army is 200 million and China is beginning to flex her military muscle at the world.  The video below will explain for me.  Christ is showing a clear picture that the road to Revelation is under way!



PhotoProphecy Sign: Revelation 18:12 Jesus shows us that people will weep over many items that He will take away from them.  Two of the items are gold and silver.  This shows us that these metals will no doubt skyrocket and instead of trusting in Christ they had turned to things that will fade away such as the gold and silver.  I warned you to watch the news because if you did you would see the prices of both of these metals skyrocket.  News today shows that is exactly what is taking place.

Photo“Gold for April delivery /quotes/comstock/21e!f:gc\j11 (GCJ11 1,439, +11.20, +0.79%)  rose $10.40, or 0.7%, to $1,438 an ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. That was enough to beat the previous record settlement of March 2, when gold closed at $1,437.70 an ounce. “Instead of looking for a reason to buy gold, no one can find a reason not to buy gold,” said Adam Klopfenstein, a senior market strategist with Lind Waldock in Chicago. Unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, the destruction in Japan, continuation of the U.S. Federal Reserve’s easing policy, and inflation are all working to support the metal, he added. Gold is likely to challenge $1,500 sooner rather than later, especially if prices firm around $1,475 an ounce in the coming sessions, Klopfenstein said.”

 Now take a look at silver!  “Spot silver soared to a 31-year peak of $37.34 an ounce, surpassing its previous high set two weeks ago. It later gained 2.6 percent to $37.30 an ounce. Year to date, silver has gained over 20 percent, and gold was up just over 1 percent. Silver was boosted by near-term supply tightness and strong industrial demand on expectations the global economy continued to recover.

March 23: Two people are reportedly dead after a bus explodes in Jerusalem.Prophecy Sign: Almost every day we are seeing the signs of another major conflict  between the Palestinians and Israel.   The violence hasn’t stopped, and as I warned you all, don’t expect the Palestinians to stop their quest to recapture East Jerusalem.  The events you are reading about are leading up to the Psalm 83 war.  We haven’t heard news of bombing like this since 2004.Police take away casualty in Jerusalem I quote,   “The bomb had been left in a bag by the side of the road near the central bus station, police said. Dozens of ambulances converged on the scene near the entrance to the city, and police sealed off the area. Jerusalem suffered a spate of bus bombings between 2000 and 2004 but attacks have stopped in recent years. Witnesses said the force of the blast – just after 1500 local time (1300 GMT) – shook buildings over a wide area. A correspondent for AFP news agency at the scene said people were lying on the ground covered in blood and many cars and buses had shattered windows”. 

I can assure you all that the birth pains of the last days are going to get much more intense as a result of the 154 rockets that have been fired into Israel since January of this year and now a new round of bombing Israeli citizens in Jerusalem.  Fact is the Israeli government sees a new war coming.

Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu listens to Vice Prime Minister Shalom during cabinet meeting in JerusalemRight after I read the report on the bus bombing I noticed that the Palestinians once again sent more rockets deep into Israel. I quote, “Palestinian rockets struck two cities deep in Israel on Wednesday, wounding a resident and prompting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to threaten lengthy "exchanges of blows" with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. Islamic Jihad, a smaller Gaza faction and occasional Hamas ally, claimed responsibility for the attacks on Beersheba and Ashdod.” 

Netanyahu said, “No country would be prepared to absorb protracted missile fire on its cities and civilians, and of course the State of Israel is not prepared to," Netanyahu said in parliament.  "It could be that this matter will entail exchanges of blows, and it may take a certain period of time, but we are very determined to strike at the terrorist elements and deny them the means of attacking our citizens," he said, according to a transcript issued by his office.”  Do you recall what Jesus said about the last days signs of war and rumors of war?  Well, here is another one of those signs!

Do you really think that Hamas is going to stop attacking Israel. Keep in mind, their charter calls for the destruction of Israel.  If you don’t believe what I am saying read this next section from the news from Yahoo. “In a statement, Islamic Jihad said it sought to avenge "the Zionist massacres against our fighters and people" and would continue to fight "until the full liberation of our lands" — a reference to Israel, as well as the West Bank and Gaza.  Hamas, which won a Palestinian election in 2006 and seized control of Gaza a year later, likewise spurns peace with the Jewish state. But in the past it has proposed long-term truces.”  Let us not forget these are the people who Prime Minister Netanyahu is suppose to sit down with a make peace with?    Looks like the second part of Paul’s warning in I Thessalonians 5:3 is going to be fulfilled shortly.  If you are new to prophecy, this is the part where Paul warns us that while they are calling for peace and safety (then sudden destruction will come).  Watch the news because you are going to be an eye witness to the fulfillment of this prophecy. 

Pay attention to what the Israeli Vice Premier Silvan Shalom just stated. “Israeli Vice Premier Silvan Shalom said the Islamists may have opened a new front with Israel "to stop any possibility of dialogue among the Palestinians or to come to the intra-Palestinian negotiation in a far stronger position".  Speaking on Israel Radio before Netanyahu's remarks in parliament, Shalom said the government would have to consider a fresh offensive in Gaza. A similar prediction was made by Matan Vilnai, Israel's homefront defense minister.  "I say this despite the fact that I know such a thing would, of course, bring the region to a far more combustible situation," Shalom said.

Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3: “JERUSALEM (AP) – A wide patch of steep hillside overlooking Jerusalem's Old City holds row after row of graves. Biblical prophets, revered rabbis and a prime minister are buried there. Yet many of the tombstones have been smashed, litter is strewn around and tethered donkeys defecate on top of graves. The ancient cemetery is just one point of contention in the struggle for control of Jerusalem, an explosive issue in decades of Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts. Israelis and American Jewish leaders are demanding that the Israeli government increase protection to ensure that those buried on the Mount of Olives can rest in peace. The cemetery is believed to hold the graves of biblical prophets Haggai, Malachi and Zechariah. The list of modern Jewish figures buried there includes Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the father of modern Hebrew, and Nobel Prize laureate Shai Agnon.”

Palestinians claim all of east Jerusalem, including the Mount of Olives, as the capital of a future state. Projects that strengthen the Jewish presence in east Jerusalem are hotly opposed by the Palestinians and frequently lead to protests. The issue of Israeli construction in east Jerusalem and the West Bank lead to a breakdown in peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians last year.”

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Kingdom against Kingdom:

“DARAA, Syria (AP) – New violence in a restive southern Syrian city killed as many as six people Wednesday, making it the deadliest single day since anti-government protests inspired by uprisings across the Arab world reached this country last week, an activist said.

The activist told The Associated Press that six people died in Daraa when security forces launched an attack near the al-Omari Mosque, where anti-government demonstrators have taken shelter. He said a paramedic was among the dead. The activist spoke on condition of anonymity, fearing reprisals.

Syria's state-run TV reported that four people died when "an armed gang" attacked an ambulance in Daraa. The dead included a doctor, a paramedic, a driver and a policeman, the TV said.”


Here’s more news concerning rumors of war.  “The Israel Defense Forces is readying for the possibility that Syria might create a provocation along the northern border to divert attention from the growing protests against President Bashar Assad's regime. Nevertheless, the defense establishment views this as unlikely. Defense officials have been following events in Syria closely over the last few days, especially after the violence in the southern town of Daraa. Intelligence officials said that despite their earlier assessments that the Syrian regime was stable, and that the unrest sweeping other Arab countries would not affect it, they now believe it will be very hard for Assad to restore the status quo ante.” 

Keep in mind, Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah 49: 24-27 does inform us that Syria will get wiped out in the last days.  Syria is one of the nations listed to attack Israel in that Psalm 83 war.  So, sooner or later, Syria will make the mistake and attack Israel again.  Will Syria think hitting Israel while the PLO are launching rockets at Israel be the right time to launch their attack?  We will all have to keep on the watch to see the outcome.  In any case we are told “The IDF is also preparing for the possibility that Damascus might use Hezbollah or other militant organizations in Lebanon to heat up that front to divert attention from events in Syria. But one senior officer said that Assad and his people appear to be too busy suppressing the domestic unrest to have time for that. So for now, most preparations are at the intelligence level, and there is currently no plan to beef up IDF forces along the border.

British cleric Anjem Choudary says al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood have assets on the ground in Libya and are ready to take control if Moammar Gadhafi is removed from power.

The top Muslim cleric accuses the U. S. and French-led coalition trying to topple Gadhafi of working to install a puppet regime, but he says there are al-Qaida operatives in Libya who will stop the West from installing a friendly government.

"Al-Qaida has their own agents and their own people in the region who are propagating their own Islamic ideas and their agenda. At the right time they will make the move, and we will see the emergence of Islam and Shariah in that particular region," Choudary said.

Civil unrest across Britain: We will fight until we win Seems more violence is also headed back to the UK. “LONDON (Reuters) – Trade unions said on Tuesday their march this weekend will be the country's biggest protest for years, but police fear splinter groups will attempt to repeat last December's street violence.

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) said more than 100,000 people are expected at the march on Saturday to protest at deep government spending cuts and tax rises.

Brendan Barber, TUC's general secretary, said he expected it to be the largest demonstration since up to a million people took to the streets on the capital in 2003 to oppose the planned invasion of Iraq.

"I suspect this will be the biggest since then," Barber told reporters. "There'll be a lot of people coming from every part of the country. It's going to be a very big event."

The protest will also be the largest seen in London since a demonstration in December by students angry at a proposed rise in university tuition fees erupted into the worst rioting seen in the capital for decades.

Government buildings were vandalised, there were running battles between protesters and police, and the limousine carrying Prince Charles and his wife Camilla was attacked.

While the TUC is planning a family-friendly, peaceful event, internet websites and chatrooms have indicated that some groups are looking to take direct action, such as occupying part of London's Hyde Park.”

Anti carbon tax protesters outside Parliament House, Canberra, Australia, Wednesday, March 23, 2011

As the UK is getting ready to march on the government again over budget cuts, and families struggling to make ends meet we see trouble brewing in Australia as well. 

“Hundreds of people have attended demonstrations in the national capital Canberra as well as in Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth.  Critics say without a binding global agreement the proposed levy will cost jobs and erode the competitiveness of Australian businesses.  The government says Australia needs the tax and an emissions trading scheme.  Protesters say they are just ordinary Australian workers and taxpayers who feel betrayed by the government's plans to put a price on carbon. They insist it would damage the economy and drive up the cost of living by making energy far more expensive. "There is a groundswell of people that have finally had a gutful," said one demonstrator. "Since the Labor government has come into this country the union rules. We just cannot do it anymore. We have no more money left to pay the taxes," another protester said.”

Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:25 Jesus shows us that nations would be dealing with complex problems.  Take a look at Japan. First the 9.0 earthquake, then the 33 foot wall of water that wiped out much of Japan, then the nuclear leaks, and now those leaks have caused major concerns for Japan as the water has been tainted. If this wasn’t bad enough now nations are beginning to stop the flow of food from Japan.  The US is another nation to join the list of nations stopping food. “Radiation danger from Japan's tsunami-smashed nuclear plant loomed on Wednesday with water in Tokyo showing hazardous levels for infants and the United States becoming the first nation to block food imports. Tokyo authorities said water at a purification plant for the capital of 13 million people had 210 becquerels of radioactive iodine — more than twice the safety level for infants.”  How much more can these people take?  Jesus’ warnings about these complex problems have come to pass, and more problems are coming as nations face their massive debts!

 In the US we are just now beginning to see the signs of more civil unrest


Does God Hate Gay People? By Dennis M. Morrison Sr./Word from M

Does God Hate Gay People?

By Dennis M. Morrison Sr.

     There are a lot of people who believe that it is all right to be a homosexual.  The “gay” movement has done a lot to try to convince people that it is normal and acceptable to be homosexual and that they have a right to live life as they choose.  I will agree to this only in part, a person has a right to live life as they choose, God grants us that, but that does not make it right.
     On the other hand you have folks like those at Westborough Baptist Church who boldly proclaim that God hates homosexuals or fags as they put it.  They proclaim that homosexuality is a basic problem with our society and that it is destroying the moral fabric of our nation.  They further claim that if you are a homosexual you are without hope and you will burn in hell forever never realizing a relationship with God your Father.  Again I will agree in part.  God hates homosexuality.  It is a problem that is destroying the moral fabric of society in particular the basic family unit which God established way back in the Garden of Eden.  But to hate the sin does not mean God hates the person, if that were true would He have ever sent Jesus Christ that we can know salvation and freedom from this sin?
     Then there are churches that say they will fully embrace the “life style.”  But you know what?  There is one final authority on all of this no matter what man thinks.  That final authority is the preserved Word of the True and Living God and that never changes no matter about the whims of man.  God’s Word is true and always firm! If He say's it is wrong it does not matter what church comes out and says it is ok! 
     All ready some of you have your dander up because I am calling homosexuality a sin.  Before you get all red faced and angry hear me out.  I am not a “gay” basher because to be that I would have to bash myself.  But I have found hope in  God’s eternally unchanging Word.
      There is a lot of confusion on the subject and I have struggled for many years with what the truth really is.  How can I be basically something that God would hate?  If you are a homosexual but you want a relationship with God then you owe it to yourself to give me a few moments of your time.
     Those who say that homosexuals are outright condemned with no hope gloss over a very important and oft quoted scripture.  John 3:16 as most of us know states, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  To me that is pretty much all inclusive and singles out no single one group of sinners.
     The same people who forget this verse when dealing with sodomites always forget about the following verse which states, “For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the World through Him might be saved.”
     Can a homosexual person be saved?  I think the Word of God is clear on that.  Yes!  More to the point though is can we continue to live in that life style and expect to have a great relationship with God and be able to serve Him fully and meaningfully?  To that the answer has to be no!
     As a homosexual myself I have known quite a few people (as friends) who also are.  I can say 100% that I have never encountered one who did not feel remorse for what they are including myself.  Some people will hide their remorse deep inside themselves and try to deny it but in your heart of hearts you know the truth.  You can only lie to yourself for so long.  You and I know that it is unnatural.  I mean I don’t even need to have God’s Word to realize that.  Very nature shows that all around!  But God’s Word counts sodomy as one of man’s sins.  Like any sin it can be dealt with and forgiven.
     So back to my question can you be saved and still lead a homosexual life style?  Like it or not the answer is yes because all God requires for salvation is acceptance of His Son, who Jesus is and what He did for us on the cross.  However, being what you are is a stumbling block to a full and rewarding life in Christ Jesus and to having a full relationship with God.  If you choose to live on in your sin then truly you cannot expect His full blessings.
     When you are saved the spirit within us is instantly changed and does war against our flesh.  We are joined to God’s Spirit but our  minds are not yet renewed and I don’t believe they are until the rapture.  Through our entire lives Satan has used the things of this world to pour filth into us and it is not until the rapture that Jesus will consume all that filth which has been seeded into us and consume it with His own brightness.  At that point we will be delivered from all bondage be it homosexuality, adultery, pornography, anger, hate – whatever it is.  Until then our victories are hard won but the ultimate victory is ours through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ!
     Please understand that God can do ANYTHING!  We cannot limit what God can do in our lives.  There are people, or so it would seem, that are at the moment of salvation instantly delivered from their bondage.  I feel that is more the exception than the rule because God can use us through our weaknesses to reach others who have the same problems in sin.
     In His Word God always gives us examples to encourage us in our struggle.  The Apostle Paul is without a doubt the greatest Christian to ever have lived.  Please understand that in no way am I saying Paul’s sin was homosexuality.  We are not told for a reason and I believe that is so no one sin is singled out.  The only man to have never sinned is the Lord Jesus.  Paul struggled with sin throughout his life just as you and I do.  None-the-less it is certain that Paul was saved.
     Paul wrote the following to explain and encourage you and I.  In Romans 7:18-25 he said of the sin condition, “For I know that within me (that is in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present in me: but how to perform that which is good I find not.
     “For the good that I would do I do not: but the evil which I would not, I do.
     “Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwellth in me.
     “I find then a law, that, when  I would do good, evil is present with me.
     “For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:
     “But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.
     “O wretched man that I am!  Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
     “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.  So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.”
     Do  you see the struggle that Paul had?  Do you understand that it is the body, the old man that is under bondage to sin?  So also is the mind if you feed into the lusts of the flesh.  The old saying is so true, garbage in – garbage out.  What you feed your mind strengthens it to those ends.  It is so important to understand these
two laws if we are to have any peace in any sin but particularly this one which burrows itself so completely into the mind and body of the sinner.  After salvation we should want to serve God’s law, but out flesh stands in the way.  It still lives in this carnal world and is easily driven to the lusts of the things of this world and sexual lust, desire, passion is one of the strongest known to man.
     Does this mean that as a homosexual my Father hates me?  No, of course not.  But He does have Holy wrath against the sin and those who continue in that sin with total rebeliousness and disregard to His Son Jesus Christ.  There can be no excuse for continuing in an activity God has clearly shown to be wrong and against His will. 
      I personally have found that the more I try to fight a sin, especially this sort of persistent sin which is deeply embedded somewhere in the recesses of the subconscious mind, the stronger it seems to become.  It is better to rest in Him, Jesus, meditate on Him and God’s Word and let Him fight the fight for you.  He has unending strength and you and I do not.
     A great comfort and display of His love toward us is that when we do fall, and the flesh is weak and the power of sexuality is so incredibly strong, when we do fall He has made a way for you and I.  We cannot allow Satan to make us feel powerless and unworthy for no creature in Christ Jesus should feel that way.  God knew we would struggle and He made a way for us but again this is not an excuse to sin.
     Run to Him and remember what First John 1:8-9 says, “If we say that we have no sin, we decive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  If we confess ours sins, He is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
     The mistake I have made in the past is to run from Him when I have fallen rather than running right to Him.  You and I have been rejected by many for what we are but God will never reject anyone who comes to Him through His Son Jesus Christ.  Yes, homosexuality it an ugly sin, but God the Father wants you and He is there with arms outstretched if you will just accept His invitation!  Run to HIM!
     What makes me feel loved and saved despite the sin that dwells in my flesh is that God, the Creator and Designer of everything loved me personally so much (and you also) that He gave up the splendors of Heaven for a time and came down to earth in a human body and was in all ways tempted by the Devil as you and I are.  The difference is that He never sinned, no not even once.  The sin is not in the temptation, but is in bringing that temptation to reality in your life.
     The great bond between Him and I and you is that because Satan put the temptations before Him, He understands and through love and limitless mercy has made a way for you and I.  And we only need to open our hearts in truth and admit to ourselves and to Him that the rebeliousness that is sodomy is unnatural and that you want His forgiveness.
     I struggle everyday and in the past have not always had the victory.  What I am here to say is that clearly God our Father loves you and I and is willing to accept us when we accept His Son and that does mean some changes.  If you are in a committed “homosexual” relationship you have to let go.  He never takes anything from our lives without putting something far better there to fill that void.
     We have His acceptance and unfailing love and that is truly incredible when you and I have both felt the rejection of family and friends.  I hope this brings some peace to your heart and an understanding that there is eternal hope for you and I through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.  But ours is not to continue to dwell in sin that we know is against the very fabric of who God is, but to let Him lift us up to where we ought to be.
     When  I was growing up I had both a father and mother.  I had the typical childhood for someone to turn out gay.  My mother was a powerful figure in the home and my dad was weak.  He had little to do with me.  He spent all sorts of time with my brothers but I just was not worth fighting my mother over.  I missed having a Dad who cared and that left its mark on me for a long time.  I now longer have to feel that way because I have a Father who cares more than  I can begin to even imagine, and He cares for you just as much.  Just reach out to Him through Jesus and move away from the pit which sodomy drags you down into.  You are good.  You have worth.  You just need to find your place in Him.

Mat wanted to respond to this email.

I have to respond to this self deceived man Morrison.  He’ll forgive me, I hope, if I have not one iota of sympathy for his family life as a child that he’s trying to use as an excuse for his living in an abominable lifestyle.  I grew up in an almost identical family situation he did and because I was super shy, at least 4-5 of the my childhood hometown’s known homosexual were trying to hit on me all the time, thinking my shyness was a sign of loneliness and openness to be converted.  So, I say from my own experience, he’s just trying to follow the path of the rest of the self deceived homosexuals in America.

His use of two selected verses from Jesus’ words are not sufficient to support his contention that he’s on his way to heaven.  He’s overlooking several passages from the Old Testament and New Testament – and even Jesus’ own mouth in Revelation – when he states that he’s all right in the sight of God.  God says differently.  In fact, God says that unless he gives up the homosexual, sodomite lifestyle, he’s going to hell.

Let him try these verses for size and see if he still believes he’s going to heaven:
Lev 20:13 KJV  If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Rom 1:27 KJV  And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

1Co 6:9 KJV  Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind [homosexuals],
            And from Jesus own mouth in Revelation. 
Rev 22:15 KJV  For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers [the primary meaning is male prostitutes who commit sodomy for hire], and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

And note also that someone who “makes a lie” will be excluded from heaven (which by elimination, means they will go to hell).  This man is guilty of a self-deluded lie when he tries to convince himself that he’s saved in his sin and not seeking to be saved from his sin. I’m pointing these things and verses out to him on the chance he’ll see them and repent before it’s too late (Repent means to turn completely away and renounce and give up) and cry out to God to deliver him from the lifestyle that God counts abominable.  God will send him to hell with him thinking he’s saved if he doesn’t repent.  I’m not saying it’s going to be easy.  I have struggled for the last 36 years with a sinful addiction I carried over into my born again life as a Christian.  And I know it’s hard.  But he has to begin the fight it or he’ll be lost.  Others have successfully left the homosexual lifestyle.  It's only because hardened homosexuals bully and threaten those who are tired of that life and want to leave that more don't leave.  Let one express the desire to leave and at least 100 or more homosexuals will threaten him and his life.
In Christ,
Mat V

The Road to the Psalm 83 war/ fulfillment of the call for Peace and safety/Signs of the last days generation/Zechariah 12:3 signs/March 22, 2011




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus wants you to find what you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Take advantage of my free download today. Click to link below and read all the proof showing you Jesus' warnings are all coming to pass.  Think this is a joke, not true?  Read the proof if you really want to know the truth about these last days.

Has the Lord spoken to you about my ministry?  Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

 Even Newsweek sees something is very wrong. 


Prophecy Sign: I Thessalonians 5:3,4:For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

“Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas will visit Russia between March 22 and 24. Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu’s office announced on Thursday that the premier will visit Russia on March 24. The Moscow talks’ agenda is expected to focus on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, as well as on inter-Palestinian dialogue. Both visits will take place ahead of a meeting of the Middle East Quartet in mid-April.

Russia can play a very important role in promoting a settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict when Arab peoples campaign for freedom after decades of autocratic rule.  This conflict has poisoned relations in the region for a very long time and is now at a critical point, as Israel is in the hands of ultra-religious, ultra-nationalist forces, and the two state solution, which everyone agrees to be the correct solution, is in mortal peril.

What we are witnessing now in the Middle East is of tremendous importance. This is the Arab peoples’ campaign for freedom after decades of autocratic rule. It is tremendously important because the Arab people have shaken off their fear of the “security state,” therefore it is a very heartening development, which of course all Western countries should welcome with great enthusiasm. We have already seen this popular movement spread through other countries, notably of course Libya, Yemen and even Bahrain. So there is definitely a domino effect taking place. Young people throughout the Arab world want certain things: they want freedom, they want dignity. They do want democratic government, but in addition they want jobs, better treatment as well as an end to government corruption.”

Israelis walk at Sergei's Courtyard in Jerusalem, in this Monday, Oct. 6, 2008. Russia is to take-over the small tract of land known as Sergei's Courtyard, with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Cabinet agreeing to the hand over Sunday Oct. 5, 2008, amid serious policy differences that have sprung up between the two countries. The Russians are to take ownership of the property which once accommodated Russian pilgrims visiting the Holy Land and now houses offices of Israel's Agriculture Ministry and the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel.“Israel is handing back ownership of a czarist-era landmark in the heart of Jerusalem to Russia, defusing a long-simmering dispute between the two countries right before Israel's leader visits Moscow.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office has not disclosed the agenda for Thursday's visit but he is expected to urge Moscow not to sell sophisticated missiles to Syria and to support efforts to keep Iran's nuclear ambitions in check.

The return of ownership of the property known as Sergei's Courtyard, approved in 2008, appeared to be a goodwill gesture ahead of the visit.

The hewn stone building, built in 1890 to accommodate Russian pilgrims to the Holy Land, is a prominent edifice on the Jerusalem landscape with its soaring turret and lush garden. About a dozen workers were moving crates out of the building Monday and loading them into trucks.

"Israel is vacating Sergei's Courtyard in accordance with the understandings reached between Israel and the Russian Federation," an Israeli official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the matter with the media.”


Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-New York)For first time, majority in US back gay marriage: pollProphecy Sign: Matthew 24:37-39 Jesus shows us our generation would be just like that of Noah’s and as in Sodom and Gomorrah. This generation turned from God and followed their own lusts and became evil people.  We know part of Noah’s generation troubles came on them when they turned to homosexuality. How do we know this? Notice that Jesus compared Noah’s day to Sodom and Gomorrah and then linked it to the time of his return.

I quote our Lord. Luke 17: 25-30. “But first must He [Christ] suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.  26And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man:      27They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.  28“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built;  29but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.  30“Even thus shall it be in the Day when the Son of Man is revealed.”

“In the wake of President Obama's decision to no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act, liberal Democrats — led by Rep. Jerrold Nadler of New York — have decided to take advantage of the situation and have introduced a bill to overturn DOMA, which restricts marriage to between a man and a woman.

Nadler, ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and vice-chair of the LGBT Equality Caucus, reintroduced the supposed "Respect for Marriage Act" legislation in the Senate last week.

Wendy WrightWendy Wright of Concerned Women for America tells OneNewsNow: "The congressmen who introduced this bill are claiming rights that don't exist. There is no right to same-sex 'marriage,' and they seek to confuse people by using language like that. Every time that marriage has come up for a vote in a state, that state has protected marriages between one man and one woman." 

Matt Barber, vice president of Liberty Counsel Action, refers to the bill as the "Disrespecting Marriage Act." He says the good news is that it is really an exercise in futility — and he believes Democrats know that.”

Headline: Religion to Die Out in Nine Nations”.  “Religion is bound for extinction in nine nations where it's already in decline, according to researchers using mathematical models. The researchers applied the principle of "nonlinear dynamics" to census data from the countries—Australia, Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Switzerland—and predicted that religion will die out completely in those countries as religious groups shrink and as becoming a member of a religion offers fewer and fewer social benefits.

"The idea is pretty simple," one of the researchers tells the BBC. "It posits that social groups that have more members are going to be more attractive to join, and it posits that social groups have a social status or utility," he explained. "It's interesting that a fairly simple model captures the data, and if those simple ideas are correct, it suggests where this might be going." One member of the research team used a similar mathematical model in earlier research to explain the decline of some languages. (Click to read about something that's already gone extinct.)”

Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 14:21……."For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: How much worse will it be when I send against Jerusalem my four dreadful judgments–sword and famine and wild beasts and plague–to kill its men and their animals!

Revelation 6:8…….And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

“(CHICAGO) – Scientific research suggests the Earth's changing magnetic field may cause otherwise peaceful animals to become enraged killers banding together in voracious indiscriminate attacks and killing both terrified humans and each other.”

“Magnetic fields have been shown to augment the brain process in good and bad ways. ["Magnetic fields may help brain work"] For instance, studies have shown that the brain's right temporo-parietal junction lights up with activity when decisions are made. An MIT team showed that an electromagnetic field impairs the ability to evaluate the intentions of others, leaves perceptions confused and creates poor judgment. ["A Magnetic Field Applied to the Brain Can Alter People's Sense of Morality"] Other experiments have suggested that chronic exposure to variable magnetic field intensities can cause adverse affects on the brain and electrochemical thought processes to intensify. That can lead to to impaired judgment, aberrations in perception, psychotic behavior, paranoia and heightened bouts of rage.

Mass animal deaths may be the early symptoms of this encroaching electrical brain disruption caused by the magnetic pole shift.”

“As solar flares light up the night skies and the unstoppable magnetic polar shift intensifies, havoc may ensue. Bizarre animal attacks on humans may increase and in certain regions humans may need to travel cautiously and very well-armed. Wars and uprisings may increase. Already unrest is spreading throughout the Middle East and northern Africa. Some experts see potential uprisings spreading to Europe, Asia and the Americas. If some of the theories on the interaction between the brain and the magnetic field are true, then the coming years may hold the terrors of an apocalyptic animal uprising of such ferocity that it may someday be remembered simply as "the animal wars."

March 18, 2011 – AUSTRALIA, Moorooka- Feral cats “the size of dogs’’ have been terrorizing Moorooka residents for more than a year, with one resident and her dog mauled just last week. Residents of Lincoln St say they have been scratched, bitten, hissed at and intimidated several times by the cat pack. They say they asked five times to have the cats removed, but were told by Brisbane City Council that they would have to set traps and remove the cats themselves. But now the council is taking steps to have the cats rounded up. A spokesperson said the cats had an owner who was surrendering some of them to council shelters for rehoming. Residents maintain however that some of the cats are wild. Marlene Jans was taking her five-month-old fox terrier for a walk last Monday when two of the huge felines attacked the pair. “I was crossing the road, it was dark and I couldn’t see them,’’ Ms Jans said. “Then, bam, one came at my dog, one came at me. One was biting my leg. I went for my dog because she was screaming. “I had to kick them away. I was really scared and I was dripping blood.’ Her wound later became infected and she is now terrified to venture out at night. “In a suburb you often get large numbers of cats that grew up together and they go to where people feed them.’’ He said it was now the breeding season for cats. –City South
This is the third reported incident of wild animals forming packs and terrorizing humans and other animals in 2 months. We feel this is another alarming trend which indicates the web of life on planet Earth is unraveling as encroachment and earthchanges continue to stress wildlife habitats. For other examples of this phenomenon see our new category Pack Animal Aggression”

Feral packs of hogs terrorize towns in TexasPosted on March 18, 2011 by The Extinction Protocol

March 18, 2011 – DALLAS, TX - Texas is being taken over by feral hogs, which run in packs, can weigh up to 375 pounds, and sometimes have tusks. “I think people expect this to be a rural problem,” Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples told the AP. Not so! They’re in the Dallas suburbs. Out in the country they were shredding cornfields, trampling fruit trees, and devouring the occasional calf, but in the city they are uprooting lawns and overturning playground equipment. They’re always out there. In the darkness. Waiting. “If you do wake up at night,” says Sharie La Vail, whose yard was hit by the hogs, “you look out the window, because you just don’t know. I think they outnumber us.” Texas has about 2 million hogs in state, and they cause some $400 million in damage each year. They can break through barbed-wire fences, and they breed so quickly that officials have been stumped about how to stop them from spreading into cities. There was a pig birth-control pill, which failed, and now the Fish and Wildlife Service might let hunters shoot the hogs from helicopters. In Irving, outside Dallas, 250 hogs have been captured since October. In nearby Arlington, about 30 have been trapped. The pigs are humanely euthanized. –New York Magazine

Superpack of 400 ravenous wolves terrorize Russian villagePosted on February 9, 2011 by The Extinction Protocol

February 9, 2011 – RUSSIA – A ‘super pack’ of wolves have been terrifying a Russian town after leaving more than 30 horses dead in just four days. Four hundred bloodthirsty wolves have been spotted prowling around the edges of Verkhoyansk, in Russia, attacking livestock at will. Twenty four teams of hunters have been put together to get rid of the wolves, with a bounty of £210 for every wolf skin brought to officials. Stepan Rozhin, an administration official for the Verkhoyansk district in Russia, said: ‘To protect the town we are creating 24 teams of armed hunters, who will patrol the neighborhood on snowmobiles and set wolf traps. ‘A pack of wolves this size is unheard of, with the animals usually preferring to hunt in smaller groups of just six or seven. The massive group is believed to be made from hundreds of packs and has left animal experts baffled. Dr Valerius Geist, a wildlife behavior expert, said the harsh Siberian winter – where temperatures plummet to minus 49C – had killed off the animal’s usual prey. He said: ‘It is unusual for wolves to gather in such numbers to hunt large animal like horses. ‘However, the population of their usual prey, rabbits, has decreased this year due to lack of food, so wolves have had to change their habits. ‘Wolves are very careful to choose the most nutritious food source easiest obtained without danger – which in this case happens to be horses. ‘They will start tackling dangerous prey when they run out of non-dangerous prey.’ Villagers have already managed to snare a number of the animals but the pack is so sizeable that is likely to take some time to deal with. –Daily Mail

Town terrorised by 250 wild horses ‘abandoned by gypsies who can’t afford to feed them’

By Daily Mail Reporter
LaA town is being overrun by a pack of 250 wild horses abandoned by gypsies who can't afford to feed them.

Five of the horses have been killed when they were hit by cars and others are starving because they are not being fed.

RSPCA inspectors were today on the scene at Bridgend, South Wales, after calls from worried animal lovers.

Abandoned: 250 wild horses have been left in Brigend by gypsies who could not afford to feed them

Abandoned: 250 wild horses have been left in Brigend by gypsies who could not afford to feed them

The horses are believed to belong to gypsy families who have moved on from the area and were unable to pay for their feed and upkeep.

Hundreds of people have posted messages on a Facebook page set up by the Society for the Welfare of Horses and Ponies.

Read more:

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Road to Psalm 83 war and speeding up Zechariah 12:3


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus wants you to find what you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Take advantage of my free download today. Click to link below and read all the proof showing you Jesus' warnings are all coming to pass.  Think this is a joke, not true?  Read the proof if you really want to know the truth about these last days.

Has the Lord spoken to you about my ministry?  Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Mavi Marmara - AP Prophecy Sign: The Road to the Psalm 83 war, and  Zechariah 12:3.

“Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon will summon foreign ambassadors to the ministry today to seek their help in stopping this year's flotilla, which is slated to contain at least 15 ships. The sailing date has not yet been finalized, but the ministry expects it to be sometime between May 15, when the Palestinians commemorate the "Nakba" ("catastrophe" ) of Israel's establishment, and May 31, the anniversary of last year's deadly interception. Thirty organizers from 15 countries met in Madrid about six weeks ago to discuss their plans, which have so far been kept under wraps for "security reasons." They also asked the governments of some of the countries whose nationals plan to be aboard the flotilla to guarantee their safety should Israel try to stop the ships.”


Prophecy Sign: The Road to the Psalm 83 war

“The Muslim Brotherhood and remnant elements of the National Democratic Party, which dominated Egyptian politics for decades, were the main supporters of the referendum. They argued that the election timetable would ensure a swift return to civilian rule. Members of the liberal wing of Egyptian politics mostly opposed the measure, saying that they lacked time to form effective political organizations. They said early elections would benefit the Brotherhood and the old governing party, which they warned would seek to write a constitution that centralizes power, much like the old one.



Strike in GazaIsraeli missile strike, AP, Dec. 27, 2008.Prophecy Sign: The Road to the Psalm 83 war. “Israeli aircraft bombed smuggling tunnels, weapons manufacturing sites and terrorist bases in Gaza overnight in retaliation for massive mortar shell attacks on Israeli civilians and soldiers. One of the bases was a Hamas training site.  Arab media pointed out that the retaliation came hours after another ceasefire offer by Hamas, which said it would cease attacks if Israel did the same. The Israeli retaliation was a clear sign that the government and military do not accept Hamas truce offers, all of which the terrorist organization has broken dozens of times over the past four years.  After weeks of claiming that other terrorist organizations have broken a ceasefire promise by Hamas earlier this year, Hamas stated on Saturday that it participated in the massive mortar attack last week on the Negev.”  “Hamas and allied terrorists have attacked Israel more than 125 times with rockets and mortars since the beginning of the year, not including dozens of attempts to plant bombs on the patrol road at the Gaza separation/security fence.”

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Photo: ReutersProphecy Sign: The Road to the Psalm 83 war.

Weapons were found on an Iranian cargo plane forced to land in southeast Turkey on Saturday, Turkish media reported Tuesday. According to reports, the arms plane left Tehran with military ammunition for Syria. Several crates containing weapons and ammunition were removed from the aircraft. Turkish media reported that the plane was forced to land in a military airfield at the United Nations' request following information indicating it was carrying nuclear materials. It was further reported that rocket launchers, mortars, rifles and explosive materials were found in one of the main cabinets on the plane.”,7340,L-4045778,00.html

Iran to Build Permanent Naval Base in Syria

DEBKA – DEBKAfile Exclusive Report,  March 1st, 2011

Just two days after two Iranian warships reached the Syrian port of Latakia via the Suez Canal, Friday, Feb. 25, an Iranian-Syrian naval cooperation accord was signed providing for Iran to build its first Mediterranean naval base at the Syrian port, debkafile's military and Iranian sources reveal.

The base will include a large Iranian Revolutionary Guards weapons depot stocked with hardware chosen by the IRGC subject to prior notification to Damascus. Latakia harbor will be deepened, widened and provided with new “coastal installations” to accommodate the large warships and submarines destined to use these facilities.

Iran has much to celebrate, debkafile's military sources report. It has acquired its first military foothold on a Mediterranean shore and its first permanent military presence on Syrian soil. Tehran will be setting in place the logistical infrastructure for accommodating incoming Iranian troops to fight in a potential Middle East war.

According to our sources, the “cadets” the Kharg cruiser, one of the two Iranian warships allowed to transit the Suez Canal, was said to be carrying were in fact the first construction crews for building the new port facilities.”



Gleen Beck exposes plan to bring down US economy


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus wants you to find what you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Take advantage of my free download today. Click to link below and read all the proof showing you Jesus' warnings are all coming to pass.  Think this is a joke, not true?  Read the proof if you really want to know the truth about these last days.

Has the Lord spoken to you about my ministry?  Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438



Prophecy Sign:  Revelation 13: 16-17 a New World Order controlled by the Antichrist.  Part of this New World Order will be a new world economic system which will also be controlled by the Antichrist.   As nations fall one by one to their massive debts it is paving the way to a new global system. 

“The leader of Portugal's main opposition party says the minority government's downfall is "inevitable" after it failed to win political support for its latest plan to cut the country's huge debt burden. Portugal is trying to avoid becoming the latest of the 17 eurozone countries to need a bailout, following financial aid for Greece and Ireland last year. But all opposition parties have balked at the Socialist government's new austerity measures, which are expected to be rejected by Parliament even though European leaders praised them.”

Glenn Beck shows why Stephen Lener may be one of the most dangerous men to America’s economy.  Beck exposes how Stephen Lener is working to cause chaos in the American economic system, Gleen warns this is economic terrorism.  Gleen’s report entitled, “Stephen Lerner CAUGHT ON TAPE: Former SEIU Official Reveals Secret Plan To Destroy JP Morgan, Crash The Stock Market, And Redistribute Wealth In America”. I watched the tapes and read the transcript and it make blood boil.  If Lener’s plan is carried out as laid out in the videos below it could collapse America and force a new world financial system. Lener will try to destabilize the economy starting in May of this year.

“We have an entire economy that is built on debt and banks so the question would be what would happen if we organized homeowners in mass to do a mortgage strike if we get half a million people to agree  it would literally cause a new finical crisis for the banks not for us we would be doing quite well  we wouldn't be paying anything…

Steven LernerWe have to think much more creatively. The key thing… What does the other side fear the most – they fear disruption. They fear uncertainty. Every article about Europe says in they rioted in Greece the markets went down

The folks that control this country care about one thing how the stock market goes what the bond market does how the bonuses goes. We have a very simple strategy:

  • How do we bring down the stock market
  • How do we bring down their bonuses
  • How do we interfere with there ability to be rich…

So a bunch of us around the country think who would be a really good company to hate we decided that would be JP Morgan Chase  and so we are going to roll out over the next couple of months what would hopefully be an exciting campaign about JP Morgan Chase that is really about challenge the power of Wall Street.

And so what we are looking at is the first week in May can we get enough people together starting now to really have an week of action in New York I don't want to give any details because I don't know if there are any police agents in the room.
The goal would be that we will roll out of New York the first week of May. We will connect three ideas

  • that we are not broke there is plenty of money
  • they have the money  – we need to get it back
  • and that they are using Bloomberg and other people in government as the vehicle to try and  destroy us

And so we need to take on those folks at the same time. And that we will start here we are going to look at a week of civil disobedience – direct action all over the city. Then roll into the JP Morgan shareholder meeting which they moved out of New York because I guess they were afraid because of Columbus.

There is going to be a ten state mobilization to try and shut down that meeting and then looking at bank shareholder meetings around the country and try and create some moments like Madison except where we are on offense instead of defense”



Steven Lerner

March 21, 2011


Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus wants you to find what you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

Take advantage of my free download today. Click to link below and read all the proof showing you Jesus’ warnings are all coming to pass.  Think this is a joke, not true?  Read the proof if you really want to know the truth about these last days.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Has the Lord spoken to you about my ministry?  Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3.  The Lord showed the Prophet Zechariah that in the last days all the nations would come against Israel, and Jerusalem would be a burdensome stone for all people.

Over the past several years, a growing number of patriotic Israelis have begun to despair. We can’t stand up to the whole world, they say. At the end of the day we will have to give in and surrender most of the land or all of the land we took control over in the 1967 Six Day War. The world won’t accept anything less.

These statements have grown more strident in the wake of the slaughter of the Fogel family last Friday night in Itamar. For example on Thursday Ari Shavit , a columnist for Israel’s equivalent of the New York Times, Ha’aretz, called Israeli communities built beyond the 1949 armistice line the local equivalent of Japan’s nuclear reactors. Like the reactors, he wrote, they seemed like a good idea at the time. But they have become our undoing.

The international community’s response to the Palestinian atrocity in Itamar is pointed to as proof of that Israel must surrender. Instead of considering what the savage murder of an Israeli family tells us about the nature of Palestinian society, the world media have turned the massacre of the Fogel family into a story about "settlements."

Take the Los Angeles Times’ for example From the Times’ perspective the Fogels were not Israeli civilians. They were "Jewish settlers."

They weren’t murdered in their home. They were killed in their "tightly guarded compound."

And, in the end, the Times effectively justified the murder of the Fogel children when it helpfully added, "Most of the international community… views Israel’s settlements as illegal."

The Times’ report was actually comparatively sympathetic. At least it mentioned the murders. Most European papers began their coverage with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s announcement that the government will permit Israelis to build 400 homes in Judea and Samaria.

As for the governments of the world, most were far swifter and more aggressive in their condemnation of Netanyahu’s announcement of the building permits than they were in their condemnation of the murders.

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Palestinian sits in Egypt-Gaza smuggling tunnelProphecy Sign: Psalm 83 war signs: “Facing a possible new conflict against Hamas, concern is growing within the IDF regarding increased efforts by Palestinian terrorist groups to dig tunnels under the border that could be used to infiltrate into Israel and perpetrate attacks. According to IDF sources, the number of tunnels has grown in recent years. Hamas is under orders to dig “terror tunnels” along the

Hamas has split into five different regional brigades – north, Gaza City, central Gaza, Khan Younis and Rafah. The exact number of tunnels is unknown to the IDF. Tunnels have been used in the past by Hamas and other terrorist groups to infiltrate into Israel. The terrorists who abducted Gilad Schalit from his military post near Kerem Shalom, in June 2006, crossed into Israel through an underground tunnel.  Palestinian terror groups in Gaza have made some major improvements to their military capabilities since Operation Cast Lead over two years ago, it is understood. One of these improvements has been in missile capability, with the addition of new long-range rockets, like the Iranian-made Fajr-5 that has reportedly been smuggled into Gaza and can reach Tel Aviv.  Hamas and Islamic Jihad are also believed to have obtained new guided anti-tank missiles like the Kornet, Fagot and Sagger, one of which was fired at an IDF patrol on Friday.  The IDF believes that Hamas is also working to improve its communication capabilities”.

Photo: Reuters“The latest escalation in Gaza rocket attacks on southern Israel may lead to assassinations of Hamas military wing leaders, the IDF warns, with army officials saying they cannot discount this possibility. Military officials made it clear that Saturday’s barrage of some 50 mortar shells at the western Negev will not be ignored, adding that the army’s aerial attacks Saturday afternoon were merely "the first bullets" in Israel’s response. The IDF’s initial response included massive tank and aerial fire directed at some 10 Hamas targets, including outposts and observation posts. The army’s strike lasted 45 minutes and the IDF says Hamas men who manned various positions were hurt. The Gaza Health Ministry spokesman said earlier that at least one senior Hamas man was killed and four civilians were wounded in the IDF strikes. The army struck across the Strip after Hamas and other terror groups fired dozens of mortar shells at southern Israel earlier in the day.”,7340,L-4044526,00.html


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Benjamin Netanyahu (AFP Photo / Pool / Oliver Weiken)Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (AFP Photo / ISNA / Alireza Sotakbar)“If Tehran continues with its nuclear program, other nations should threaten it with military action, Benjamin Netanyahu has said. ­The sanctions imposed on Iran by the United Nations’ Security Council are not enough, the Israeli prime minister told CNN. He expressed concern that Iran may gain additional influence during the recent upheaval across the Middle East.  Iran should know that “if it fails to cooperate, there will be credible military actions,” Netanyahu said. He believes it is the only thing that could stop Tehran’s nuclear program.  According to the prime minister, such actions from the international community would knock out Iran’s nuclear facilities. If the strike is unavoidable and the decision is adopted, it would not be that difficult and would be “preferably” led by Washington, he noted.  Serious military action means that Iran’s entire nuclear potential would be destroyed. Otherwise, a nuclear Tehran will be threat not only to Israel, but to the US and Europe as well, the Israeli leader argued. In his words, Tehran is approaching the stage when it will be able to create nuclear weapons. Iran has repeatedly said that its nuclear program is exclusively pursuing peaceful goals and no actions from other nations would stop it.”

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stated that no United Nations Security Council resolutions can curb the Islamic Republic’s nuclear ambitions. “Even if they issue 100,000 of such documents, we won’t care” and Iran will keep developing its peaceful nuclear program, Ahmadinejad told Fars news agency on Tuesday, reports Itar-Tass.



Prophecy Sign: Setting the stage for the Ezekiel 38 war.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (FILE)

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Monday lashed out at the "steady trend" of US military intervention around the world, accusing Washington of acting without conscience or logic. “Putin condemns ‘trend’ of US military intervention”

"I am concerned about the ease with which the decision to use force was taken," Russian news agencies quoted Putin as saying in reference to the current international campaign in Libya.

Noting that the United States had already involved itself in the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq, Putin added: "Now it’s Libya’s turn.

"And all of this under the guise of protecting peaceful civilians. Where is the logic, where is the conscience? There is neither one nor the other," Putin said.

Russia's Prime Minister Putin listens to Governor of Sakhalin Region Alexander Khoroshavin during their meeting in the Far Eastern city of Yuzhno-SakhalinskRussian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Monday slammed the UN resolution allowing military action on Libya as a "medieval call to crusade" and hit out at Washington for its readiness to resort to force.

In one of his most virulent diatribes against the West in years, Russia’s de facto number one said there was no "logic" or "conscience" to the military action.

"The resolution by the Security Council, of course, is defective and flawed," Russian news agencies quoted Putin as telling workers on a visit to a missile factory.

"To me, it resembles some sort of medieval call to crusade when someone would appeal to someone to go to a certain place and free someone else."

Putin’s comments marked a sharp hardening of Moscow’s rhetoric against the Western military action on Libya after Russia abstained from the UN resolution last week, refusing to use its veto which would have blocked its passage.

Putin also said that the events in Libya showed that Russia had taken the right decision in strengthening its military capabilities, in possible reference to its massive new $650 billion rearmament plan.

"Today’s events in Libya prove that we are doing everything right in terms of strengthening Russia’s military capabilities," he was quoted as saying.

He also announced that Russia planned to double the production of strategic and tactical missile systems from 2013.

Gaddafi Shells coastal city of Misrata

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Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7, Kingdom will fight against kingdom:

Yemen is under fire again.

“Ali Abdullah Saleh, the Yemeni president, has declared a nationwide state of emergency, after a violent crackdown on anti-government protests killed at least 41 people, and left scores more wounded, in the capital Sanaa.  Saleh said on Friday that the decision to impose the state of emergency was made by the country’s national security council, but there was no immediate indication of how long it would last.  "The national security council announces a state of emergency across Yemen, and a curfew is set upon
armed people in all Yemeni provinces. And the security forces with the army will take responsibility for stability," he said.

He also expressed "sorrow for what happened today in university square".

The Reuters news agency reported Saleh as saying that it was clear that there were "armed elements" amongst anti-government protesters, and that the clashes earlier in the day were between citizens and protesters, not protesters and security forces. At least 41 people were killed and scores wounded after the Yemeni security forces opened fire on protesters at University square, in the capital Sanaa. “President announces state of emergency after dozens are killed in a crackdown on anti-government protests.”

Recent video below:

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Syria funeral - Reuters - March 20, 2011Prophecy Sign: Kingdom will fight against kingdom: “The Syrian army deployed on Monday at the entrances to the southern city of Daraa as officials tried to calm passions following protests for freedom in which five civilians were killed, residents said. Thousands of mourners marched at the funeral of 23-year-old Raed al-Kerad who died on Sunday, the latest of five protesters to be killed by security forces. Mourners chanted slogans demanding political freedom and an end to corruption. The slogan is a play on the words "the people want the overthrow of the regime," the rallying cry of the revolutions that overthrew the entrenched leaders of Tunisia and Egypt and spread across the Arab world.”

Documents have been uncovered just in recent days describing how al-Qaida recruits children as young as 14 for suicide missions, and now a report has been released revealing Muslims using television to indoctrinate even toddlers and school-age children into a culture of death.

The new report comes from the Middle East Media Research Institute, which monitors media in the Middle East, translating reports and offers a commentary perspective on the meanings.

Its new report, released today, is about a recent broadcast to children on Egypt’s Al-Khaleejiyah Television. The organization has posted a video clip of the comments.  Watch video of kids being trained to kill.

According to MEMRI’s excerpts of the "Ammo Alaa" children’s show, which aired on Dec. 29, 2010, the host said, "Let’s see how we should answer the disgusting Jews, who say that Jerusalem belongs to them. What proof do we have that Jerusalem is Islamic? We tell our friends that … Am I making you fall asleep, Mr. Sa’d, or what? Wake up Sa’d … Have a carrot … First of all, we tell the Jews that the Arabs lived in the blessed city of Jerusalem, more than 2,000 years before the first Jew settled in there."

His monologue continues, "Two thousand is a very big number. Not one year, not two, not 10, not 100 – 2,000 years. That’s the first thing. We tell them that the Arabs lived in Jerusalem 2,000 years before the first Jew set foot in it. Okay? Okay!"

Then he tells his audience Jews are teaching "disgusting" practices and advocating for the deaths of Muslims.
The disgusting Jews are getting ready, and they let their little children do many disgusting things, so that they will hate Islam, and kill all our Muslim brothers there," he said. "My advice to you is to place Jerusalem inside our hearts, learn and be smart. When we take exams, we must kill ourselves memorizing. We must do well and be very good Muslims, so we can use our knowledge to liberate Jerusalem."

He said, "Scientists know how to make weapons and things that serve Islam. They can make the Muslims have a strong state, and make a nuclear bomb and an atom bomb, and all those things that make [the Jews] stronger than us."

It was just days earlier when a federal document obtained by Judicial Watch revealed how al-Qaida actively recruits children to be suicide bombers by having its loyalists hang out at mosques and Islamic schools and offering books, flyers and magazines and occasionally money.

Egyptian TV: Jewish children ‘do disgusting things’


Bradley.jpg        See full size image“Cautioning that the federal dollars in your wallet could soon be little more than green paper backed by broken promises, state Rep. Glen Bradley wants North Carolina to issue its own legal tender backed by silver and gold. The Republican from Youngsville has introduced a bill that would establish a legislative commission to study his plan for a state currency. He is also drafting a second bill that would require state government to accept gold and silver coins as payment for taxes and fees. If the state treasurer starts accepting precious metals as payment, Bradley said that could prod the private sector to follow suit – potentially allowing residents to trade gold for groceries.

For first time, majority in US back gay marriage: pollProphecy Sign: Matthew 24:37-39 Jesus shows us our generation would be just like that of Noah’s. This generation turned from God and followed their own lusts and became evil people.  We know part of Noah’s generation troubles came on them when they turned to homosexuality. How do we know this? Notice that Jesus compared Noah’s day to Sodom and Gomorrah and then linked it to the time of his return. I quote our Lord. Luke 17: 25-30. “But first must He [Christ] suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.  26And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man:      27They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.  28“Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built;  29but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.  30“Even thus shall it be in the Day when the Son of Man is revealed.”  Lot was living in a city that was full of people who had turned to homosexuality and what happened to that city?  God wiped it out!  This in itself should tell you something.  Look, if Christ warned it would be this way again, and we are seeing it actually spread around the world, what part of the last days signs can’t you see?

As in the day of Noah.

“For the first time in nearly a decade of polling, a majority of Americans say they are in favor of same-sex marriage, a survey released Friday showed. Fifty-three percent of Americans support gay marriage, up more than 20 percentage points from a low of 32 percent in 2004, the poll of 1,005 adults conducted over four days last week for ABC News and the Washington Post found. Gary Langer of Langer Research Associates, which produced the poll, called the findings a "milestone result that caps a dramatic, long-term shift in public attitudes." Five years ago, only a majority of people younger than 30 supported gay marriage, but now majorities of those in their 30s and 40s do, the poll shows. But, overall, Americans are still divided over gay marriage, with as many adults strongly opposed to same-sex unions as support them, and opposition to same-sex unions still strong among conservatives.”


Enter video caption here

Palin in Israel: Stop apologizing to everyone! Former US vice presidential candidate and current queen of the Republican Party faithful Sarah Palin is in Israel this week for a tour of important religious sites and a private dinner with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Palin, who is considered a potential presidential candidate in 2012, arrived on Sunday with her husband, Todd, and toured Jerusalem’s Old City together with right-wing lawmaker Danny Danon (Likud).

While visiting the Western Wall, Palin was told by Danon that Jews and Christians are not permitted to pray or even carry Bibles atop the Muslim-controlled Temple Mount, despite the fact that it is Judaism’s holiest site.

Palin responded: “Why are you apologizing all the time?”

Following the stop at the Western Wall, Palin, who is an Evangelical Christian, told reporters, “It’s overwhelming to be able to see and touch the cornerstone of our faith.”

During her time as John McCain’s running mate in 2008, it became clear that Palin was a staunch supporter of Israel because of her Christian faith. One televised interview with the then-governor of Alaska revealed a small Israeli flag sitting on her window sill.

Another Gaza war just a matter of time “Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip fired a Grad-type short-range missile at the Israeli coastal town of Ashkelon on Sunday, as observers warned that Israel’s deterrence is eroding. Two people were treated for shock following the Ashkelon attack. Earlier on Sunday, two Kassam rockets and a mortar shell hit another nearby Israeli community. On Saturday, Gaza-based terrorists significantly escalated the situation when they fired no fewer than 50 mortar shells at farming communities in southern Israel. At least one Israeli was wounded by shrapnel.”

And the next time Israel must enter Gaza, the price on both sides is likely to be much higher. Every time Israel directly engages the terrorists, they, the terrorists, learn how to better kill the Israelis. In the next Gaza war, it is widely accepted that Israel will face more defensive obstacles, more advanced weaponry and even more sadistic exploitation of the civilian population as a human shield”.

Enter video caption here

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 18:12 we see people weeping over many items Jesus is going to strip from them during the seven year tribulation. Gold and silver are two of those items.

While it will not come as a major surprise to most, according to senior BOE individuals and Wikileaks, Iran, as well as Qatar and Jordan have been actively purchasing gold well over the amount reported to and by the IMF, in an accelerated attempt to diversify their holdings away from the US dollar. “Iran has bought large amounts of gold in the international market, according to a senior Bank of England official, in a sign of how growing political pressure has driven Tehran to reduce its exposure to the US dollar. Andrew Bailey, head of banking at the Bank of England, told an American official that the central bank had observed “significant moves by Iran to purchase gold”, according to a US diplomatic cable obtained by WikiLeaks and seen by the Financial Times.” The reason for Tehran’s scramble into gold: “an attempt by Iran to protect its reserves from risk of seizure”. The misrepresentation of Iran’s holdings could be so vast that Iran could possibly be one of the largest holders of gold in the world. “Market observers believe Tehran has been one of the biggest buyers of bullion over the past decade after China, Russia and India, and is among the 20 largest holders of gold reserves… with an alleged 300 tons, big enough to challenge the UK at 310 tons, and more than Spain! ” As a reminder according to the WGC, Iran is not even disclosed as an official holder of gold. Also, Iran is not the only one: “Cables obtained by WikiLeaks cite Jordan’s prime minister as saying the central bank was “instructed to increase its holdings” of gold, and a Qatar Investment Authority official as saying the QIA was interested in buying gold and silver.” Which means that there is far more marginal demand by countries supposedly friendly to the dollar, as many more than previously expected are actively dumping linen and buying bullion. What all this means for the future price of gold, especially with geopolitical tension in the region,  and QE3 imminent, is rather self-evident.


Prophecy Sign: Matthew earthquakes, “A STRONG earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.6 has struck northeastern Afghanistan, the United States Geological Survey says. Police in the region say there are no immediate reports of injuries or damage.” I just checked the USGS site, and it is now a 5.8 quake not 5.6.

Photo: AP“China and South Korea announced on Monday they will toughen checks of Japanese food for radioactivity, hours after the World Health Organization said the detection of radiation in some food in Japan was a more serious problem than it had expected.  China will monitor food imported from Japan for signs of radiation, state news agency Xinhua reported, citing the national quality watchdog, while South Korea will widen radiation inspections to dried agricultural and processed food from fresh agricultural produce. The WHO said it had no evidence of contaminated food spreading internationally, but officials in Japan’s Ibaraki and Fukushima prefectures, the areas closest to the earthquake-damaged Daiichi nuclear plant, found higher than usual levels of iodine in samples of spinach and milk.”,7340,L-4045401,00.html

DiMora’s Free Prophecy Book has been up-dated as of March 18, 2011



Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus wants you to find what you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

I have up-dated my book to include the 9.0 quake that hit Japan. Take advantage of my free download today. Click to link below and read all the proof showing you Jesus' warning are all coming to pass.  Think this is a joke, not true?  Read the proof if you if really want to know the truth about these last days.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 18, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

10 mortars hit Israel again!/Diplomatic tsumami coming against Israel/Jordan wants to cut all ties with Israel/Syria and Egypt getting close/Nuclear weapons from S. Korea to Iran are intercepted/ God’s curse/March 18, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora Feb. 9, 2011 Edition pdf

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus wants you to find what you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests click to the following link below:

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge.  Just click to link below.


Look at the number of "GREAT EARTHQUAKES" there have been so far.  In all of last year there were 21 huge quakes. We have already had 7 huge quakes, and we aren't even finished with the month of March yet!


Mugshot Again we see signs of Zechariah 12:3 where all nations will come against Israel in the end times.  Israel’s Ehud Barak sees this internation wave against his nation coming.  I quote, “Israel faces a "diplomatic tsunami" that could erode its international support and bolster its enemies in the Middle East, the Jewish state's defense minister said this week. Ehud Barak also criticized his coalition government partner, Benjamin Netanyahu, saying indecisiveness by the prime minister "was pushing Israel into a corner from which the old South Africa's deterioration began." More than 110 countries have announced their recognition of a Palestinian state. The Palestinian Authority hopes that number will be 150 by September, when it plans to request formal recognition from the United Nations. "We face a diplomatic tsunami that the majority of the public is unaware of," Mr. Barak said during a speech at the Institute for National Security Studies. "Israel's delegitimization is in sight." International recognition of a Palestinian state will have little practical impact as long as the Palestinians and Israelis have not negotiated a peace agreement.”

Interesting, women pin point March 11 earthquake. Watch youtube video, link below.

Bashar AssadDoes it surprise anyone to see Syria and Egypt getting real close?  Keep in mind, Egypt is listed in the Psalm 83 war against Israel.  “Egypt's temporary military rulers sent a delegation to Syria on Thursday to meet with President Bashar al-Assad. Egyptian General Murad Mohammed Muafi and Assad agreed to boost cooperation between the two countries, according to Syria's SANA news agency. The meeting follows long-term tension between Egypt and Syria. Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak refrained from developing warm ties with Assad due to disagreement over Syria's role in Lebanon. Assad sent his greetings to the new Egyptian government shortly after Mubarak's overthrow, wishing them success and expressing readiness to “cooperate with Cairo”

Now I have to ask you again, does it surprise you that Jordanian wants to cut all ties with Israel?  Again, keep in mind Jordan is another Arab nation that is listed in the Psalm 83 war that will be attacking Israel.  Here the news. "The Jordanian government's action to ban imports of goods and commodities from the Zionist (regime) settlements is highly important in its kind, but the government should not suffice to this measure since all relations (with Israel) should be cut at all levels," Boustani told FNA on Wednesday. He also expressed the hope that expulsion of the Zionist regime's ambassador to Amman, closure of Jordan's embassy in Tel Aviv and severance of all bilateral relations would pave the ground for the annulment of the 1994 Wadi Araba Peace Treaty signed between Jordan and Israel as requested by all Jordanian citizens. "Israel is the enemy of the Arabs and Muslims, therefore any kind of relations and cooperation with this criminal regime is to be condemned," Boustani added.”  Can’t you see what is happening?"  Every nation listed in the Psalm 83 war is coming against Israel.  This is not a coincidence, it is the road being set in place for the Psalm war.

“South Korea and Singapore have intercepted suspected nuclear and weapons materials bound for Iran that breach UN sanctions imposed on the Islamic republic, diplomats said Thursday. The two seizures, made in the past six months but only revealed now, add to a growing list of alleged Iranian attempts to breach an international arms embargo, which are bringing mounting pressure to tighten sanctions, they said. "South Korea authorities found more than 400 suspicious tubes in a jet cargo at Seoul airport in December," one diplomat told AFP, giving details from a report to the UN Iran sanctions committee.”

“Britain said this month that arms seized by its special forces in Afghanistan on February 5 were being supplied by Iran to the Taliban militia fighting international forces. British Foreign Secretary William Hague condemned what he called Iran's "completely unacceptable" actions. The pressure will likely increase after Israel this week accused Iran of supplying weapons found on a ship intercepted by naval commandos as it headed for the Hamas-run Palestinian territory of Gaza. Iran has denied the claim. Israeli authorities showed off the weapons on Wednesday, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu”

Thousands of Iranians marched through Tehran in support of the revolts rocking Bahrain, Libya and Yemen  “Thousands of Iranians marched on Friday in Tehran in support of the revolts rocking Bahrain, Libya and Yemen, state television reported. Chants backing the protests of majority Shiites in Bahrain, who are challenging the Sunni dynasty's 200-year-old grip on power, dominated the demonstration which unfolded in the capital after Muslim Friday prayers "The Saudis are committing crimes and the US supports them," and "Death to America" chanted protesters. "Death to Israel," cried others.”  Iran has no doubt come under the Lord's curse.  You can not keep saying you want to destroy Israel and except something major isn't going to happen to your nation.  Since Iran is going to place a major role in Bible prophecy I would like to break down a interview I watch between Piers Morgan and Israel's Prime Minister.  I thank you will find the connect interesting in relation to what is going on in the world.


PIERS MORGAN, CNN ANCHOR, PIERS MORGAN TONIGHT: Prime Minister Netanyahu, March 18, 2011 Transcript of interview. I am only quoting from the main points I want to point out to you. You can click to the link below and read the entire transcript.

“MORGAN: What is the nightmare scenario for you?

NETANYAHU: That you get another Iran. That you get-you had a
revolution. Five years ago in Lebanon a million Lebanese, that is the
equivalent to 20 million Egyptians, walked in the streets of Beirut,
chanting for freedom, chanting for secular reformist, a liberal Lebanese

state. Five years later Lebanon is controlled by Hezbollah, which is
controlled by Iran
. That is what we don't want to see. We don't want
to see this stark Medievalism that represses women, that crushes the
rights of people, that holds us back a millennia. That fosters
violence. That does everything that we abhor. That it would take over.”

As you can see from what Netanyahu said Iran has been very active in moving closer and closer to Israel. You have Israel’s enemies in Lebanon and you have Iran pushing the Hezbollah to attack Israel which they have continued to do.  Just last week we saw more rockets were launched at Israel again from the Gaza. And new attacks on Israeli’s in the West Bank!  Keep in mind, Lebanon and the Palestinians are named in the coming war with against Israel in Psalm 83.  Interview continues. 

“MORGAN: What is the big concession? What's the concession you're
prepared to make to make this happen? Because you know if you don't
make one, if you don't do something dramatic here, nothing's going to
happen. You'll go down as a guy who was prime minister twice and it
never happened. And I don't think that's a legacy you really want, is

Why would you want that legacy?

NETANYAHU: Well the legacy I want is that I hope secure the life the
Jewish state and its future. We did have – we did act precipitously.
We walked out of Gaza. We uprooted.
Talk about concessions. We
uprooted 10,000 Israelis out of Gaza, just eliminated the settlements
that were supposed to be the obstacle to peace. We walked out, Iran
walked in. We didn't get peace.

We walked out of Lebanon, every last inch. We walked out, Iran walked
in. From Lebanon they fired 6,000 rockets at us. This is a country the

size of New Jersey. From Gaza, after we walked out, they fired 6,000
rockets at us. Now, they say, "Just walk out of the West Bank. Make
the concession. Come on, do it again, a third time

We could be in a position where we can't live. So my concern is, I want

peace for Israel but I want a peace that we can defend and I want a
peace that will hold. And I know that that's
peace with security. I
know that's what we have to insist – and I insist – unabashedly so –
on peace with strong security arrangements.”

Photo: Roi IdanThe following news is exactly what Netanyahu was talking about to Pier Morgan. The following report just broke.

 “Palestinian terrorists in north Gaza fired 10 mortars towards Israel's western Negev region on Friday. Four of the shells were fired before noon. Some of them landed in Palestinian territory. At around 4 pm six additional mortars launched from the Hamas-ruled territory landed in an open area within the limits of the Eshkol Regional Council, near the security fence separating Israel and Gaza. There were no reports of injury or damage in either attack. On Wednesday two gunmen belonging to Hamas' armed wing – the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades – were killed during an Israeli aerial strike in Gaza. The attack was launched in response to rocket fire from Gaza on Israeli territory earlier in the day.”,7340,L-4044226,00.html


Look at what Netanyahu is telling you.  It is the same exact thing we were warned about in I Thessalonians 5:3 where Paul told us that when they are calling for Peace and security that is the time sudden destruction will come.  Iran’s influence in the Gaza is leading to war and I know this Psalm 83 war can not be that far off.  As it stands now, while they are still trying to work out some agreement, Israel is as I said, still being attacked.  Nothing has changed except tensions in the Middle East are reaching the boiling point.


“MORGAN: You refer regularly to Iran. Everybody knows your view about
Iran. That they believe in the extermination of all things Israel.

NETANYAHU: It is not only that they believe it. It is look at what
they are doing, now.

MORGAN: But what about flipping it on its head and saying, what are you

doing about that? Given that you know that is their position?

NETANYAHU: I mean, rather than wait for other countries to intervene on

your behalf. What is Israel actually doing right now to combat this
incredibly serious threat?

NETANYAHU: Well, the first thing I have been trying to do-for a long
time-for about 15 years, I was elected the first time about 15 years
ago. And I went to speak at the-before the joint session of the U.S.
Congress. And I said that the single greatest threat facing the world,
and my own country, was the arming of Iran with nuclear weapons. And
since then what I have been trying to do is alert the world and the
leaders of the world that it is not merely our problem, that it is their

problem. Because Iran today is in Afghanistan, it is in Iraq, it has
gotten control  of Lebanon. It has gotten control of half the Palestinian”

“MORGAN: Given the gravity of the threat from Iran, if America has not

taken military action within say, the next five years, is it conceivable

that Israel will not have done anything?

NETANYAHU: Well, we always reserve the right to defend ourselves


Pay attention to what Netanyahu has said here because it is important. The underline importance to what he stated is this, when it comes time that Israel knows nothing has worked to stop Iran from getting a hold a a nuclear weapon, they will attack Iran to make sure that weapon is not used against Israel.  As I said before, Iran is not named in the Psalm 83 war but, they are named in the Ezekiel war.  One thing that could happen is this, war will break out between Israel and the boarders nations as a result of the failed peace process.  Israel will take more land away from the nations who attack her.  A short period of time will pass.  During this time Iran will have kept up their quest to obtain a nuclear bomb.  Knowing Israel has to now act to defend itself she launches her IDF and take out Iran’s weapons.  Since Russia has military agreements with Iran and has stated, anyone who attacks Iran is the same as attacking Russia, Russia then leads the Ezekiel 38 attack against Israel and Iran is right at their side as God told Ezekiel.  We will all have to watch what happens in the Middle East to see how it turns out but one thing is clear from the Word of God, they are calling for Peace and safety and soon the destruction will take place.


“MORGAN: Would you give up Jerusalem? Everyone tells me you would if I
came to it.

NETANYAHU: I don't know what everybody is saying. I'll tell you what
we say. We say that Jerusalem has to remain united under Israel.
That's our position going into the negotiations. I know it's a very
emotional issue for the Palestinians. So we've agreed – I've agreed –

to have this issue brought up in the negotiations –

MORGAN: Could you imagine –

NETANYAHU: We'll have to look for very creative solution here.”


This answer to Morgan’s question takes us to Zechariah 12:3 where God told the Prophet that Jerusalem would become a burdensome stone to the nations in the last days.  You can not deny that this has happen!  The world has been focused on this problem for years and now the issue of who owns Jerusalem is and has lead to much violence.  Soon the Arabs are going to understand that Netanyahu will never give away God’s must Holy City and they will set in motion the next war.  I truly believe this is going to happen in the near future considering the Middle East is as I said, reaching the boiling point.  Now let us look at report out of Israel.

'Netanyahu has already divided Jerusalem!' “A prominent Israeli activist told participants in the 8th annual Jerusalem Conference on Tuesday that while the world bickers over future control of Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has in fact already divided the city.

Aryeh King of the Israel Land Fund charged that today eight neighborhoods on the eastern side of Jerusalem are off-limits to Jews.

He presented video evidence of Israeli police preventing Jewish motorists from entering the neighborhoods in question. Jews entering these neighborhoods by special permission require an Israeli army escort.

King also noted that Palestinian Authority police officers are operating freely in these neighborhoods with no opposition from Israel.

“The Likud government, the present government of Israel, already divided Jerusalem,” King told Israel National News following the presentation.

King and others fear that the current reality in Jerusalem will eventually lead to Israel’s leadership throwing up its hands and insisting that since the city is already effectively divided, they might as well surrender sovereignty to the Palestinian Authority.

By contrast, there is no part of Jerusalem that Arabs are forbidden from entering. In fact, the major shopping malls, parks and other public venues in Jewish-dominated western Jerusalem are very popular with the city’s Arab population.”

Could this be the creative solution Netanyahu was taling about in his interview with Morgan?

 NETANYAHU: If I sign a peace, people of Israel will follow me. But
you've got to give us the two elements of peace that are required to
have a real peace, not a fake peace. The real peace requires security
and the real peace requires that you actually reconcile yourself to a
Jewish state here, permanently
. This is what we want.

Look, it's very easy to sign a fake peace and then have it collapse.
Most wars started from a conditional peace –

 One of the main issues that is causing the break down of the Middle East peace talks is the fact that the Arabs will not recognize that State of Israel.  Why would Netanyahu want to sign any peace deals with people who are working to wipe them off the Map?  Between ownership of Jerusalem and not recognizing Israel you can see how it is impossible for any kind of real peace talks to go forward.

 MORGAN: But it also (INAUDIBLE) very easy, cannot go after a proper
deal at all. I mean, there is an argument, why should you bother?
Israel's doing very well economically.
You've been growing at five
percent a year for a while. There's a real boom going on.
Meanwhile in

the Palestinian refugee camps the conditions are appalling. So you have

a real "them and us" situation.

There's no real urgency and you could easily hide if you wanted to. I'm

not saying you are doing this, but you could hide behind all the turmoil

in the Middle East and say, you know what, we don't need to do this
right now.

NETANYAHU: Not at all. First of all, Palestinian economy has been
growing at 10 percent.”

 We know that God is watching over Israel and is blessing this nation.  We know this because He has fulfilled everything He said He would do to Israel when the Jewish nation was born again. For complete details about this read chapter 9 from my book. We also know that God will curse anyone who comes against Israel.  Ask yourself this question, why is it that in the midst of a global economic crisis Israel has been in a constant doom?  Look at what is happening to the nations who have come against her and are in the process of trying to divide up Israel.  The EU is falling apart, the US is on the verge of bankruptcy. The Middle East nations on fighting against themselves.  Right now the only nation is the Middle East which is not in turmoil is Israel.  Yes there are problems coming from Gaza, but Israel is growing and is not facing the kingdom against kingdom.  God is watching over Israel and is going to protect this nation but they will have major problems during the seven year tribulation as the Antichrist goes after Israel and anyone else who refuses to worship him as god.  Jesus wants the Jewish nation to recognize Jesus as the true Messiah and when you read Zechariah   Zechariah 12:10 says this. “And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for [his] only [son], and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for [his] firstborn.”  Don’t think just because someone is Jewish that they will have a free ride into the kingdom of God.  Christ is very clear from John 14:6 that no one will get to heaven unless they go through Jesus Christ.  I pray that Jews around the world will begin to look at all the prophecies concerning the Messiah’s first coming.  Jesus has fulfilled everyone of those prophecies!

Messiah prophecies: 

 Is God blessing America?  As I said, Israel is being blessing and look at what is happening to America.

 “One would think that after the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, Americans could at least catch a break for a while with deflationary forces keeping the cost of living relatively low. That’s not the case.

A special index created by the Labor Department to measure the actual cost of living for Americans hit a record high in February, according to data released Thursday, surpassing the old high in July 2008. The Chained Consumer Price Index, released along with the more widely-watched CPI, increased 0.5 percent to 127.4, from 126.8 in January. In July 2008, just as the housing crisis was tightening its grip, the Chained Consumer Price Index hit its previous record of 126.9.”

Prophecy Sign: II Timothy 3:1-5, here we see what people will be like prior to the Lord’s return. I quote, “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God– having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”

Subway Brawl_20110318073928_JPG “MYFOXNY.COM – A brawl broke out on a New York City subway car after one passenger apparently got upset over another passenger eating a big container of spaghetti on the crowded car. The video was posted to YouTube and first reported by nyctheblog . The user who uploaded it says that it involved a Brooklyn train. There is no indication of what line it happened and what day it took place. In the video, which contains profanity, starts with some arguing. Then one woman says, "What kind of animals eat on the train?"  The woman eating the spaghetti responds, "What kind of fat ****** looks like you?"  In my live presentations I show videos of many incidents just like the one you will see in the video if you click to the second link.  People are why out of control!

The Earth is showing us signs of the last days.  Here is an example of some weird things that have been going on. "A large crack suddenly appeared after what seemed like an earthquake in Menominee Township of Michigan, US. There are a few videos of the crack but this one seems like the best. Locals or authorities dont know what it is and have also contacted experts that can figure out why such a massive crack appeared. No one knows if it was a earthquake, volcano or what might be beneath and causing also the earth to lift up at places. There is no fault line in that area so a fault line theory cannot explain what is happening there. Looks like something out of a horror movie." Watch video link below:

Mega storm on the way. Watch video below.

Distress of nations, with perplexity/More quakes/ Guns to Gaza stopped again/Turkey and Russian treaty/March 17, 2011



“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora Feb. 9, 2011 Edition pdf

Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus wants you to find what you have been looking for!

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora,  P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests click to the following link below:

All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge.  Just click to link below.


I address fear,Click to my youtube link to watch report on today’s news.

Click to my youtube link to watch report on today’s news:


Prophecy Sign:  Luke 21:25 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring”  Talk about fear and complex problems, what is happening in Japan is a prime example of this warning.  It is by far the worse disaster the world has seen in decades.  The complex problem Japan is facing is how in the world will they manage to stop the meltdown?  As it looks hopeless, nations who receive food shipments from Japan are afraid the food might have been affected by radiation. As you saw from yesterday’s post Italy has stopped food from Japan.  

“The spiking radiation in Japan is spurring fears about food safety and prompting other countries to test Japanese imports, but any contamination would have the biggest impact on the Japanese, since most fruit, vegetable, meat and seafood are consumed domestically, say experts. Regulators in India and Singapore have begun testing any Japanese-imported fresh produce for possible contamination. The European Commission also issued an alert to each of its member states Tuesday recommending additional surveillance on food products originating from Japan on or after March 15.” 

As you will read below, Japan’s 9.0 earthquake has also brought on a famine.  Millions of people are in the cold, and food and water is already running out.


“Japan has 48 hours to bring its rapidly escalating nuclear crisis under control before it faces a catastrophe “worse than Chernobyl”, it was claimed last night.”

Click to my youtube link to watch report on today’s news:

‘Biblical Exodus’ From Africa Feeds Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric  

Listed below are the nations which will attack Israel from Ezekiel chapter 38 and their modern day names. 
Gog is the leader of the Russian invasion of Israel.
Magog, Meshech, and Tubal comprise modern day Russia.
Persia is Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan.
Cush is Ethiopia and Sudan.
Put is Libya and will most likely include Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.
Gomer is Eastern Germany.
Beth Togarmah is Turkey and Armenia.

Prophecy Sign: Take a look at Mark 13:8. Here we see Jesus warning about the troubles that will come on Earth, and we also see the sign of civil unrest as Christ says kingdom will be against kingdom. I quote Mark 13:8, “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.”

“Biblical Exodus of Refugees from Africa unrest spurs backlash in Europe”  “As boats carrying hundreds of Africans set sail for a better life in Europe, they were met on Italy’s Lampedusa island with two words by a 5-foot, 8-inch blonde: go away. “They cannot be allowed on the shore,” Marine Le Pen, the 42-year-old leader of France’s anti-immigration National Front, said in a March 15 interview in Rome after a three-hour visit the previous day to Lampedusa. “Send boats out to feed them. But they must not set foot on land.” The island, a speck in the Mediterranean Sea closer to Tunisia than Sicily, is experiencing first-hand an immigration surge poised to spread to the rest of Europe and drive a deeper wedge in a north”

“It’s evident that Italy has been abandoned by Europe,” Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said in Brussels on March 10 after a meeting with his European Union counterparts. “We can’t be the policeman of Europe.” The month-long civil war in Libya between Muammar Qaddafi’s regime and rebel forces in the oil-rich east has left 6,000 people dead, driven crude prices to a 2 1/2-year high and unleashed what Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, the country’s most popular politician, called a “biblical exodus.”  North of Rome, a backlash has already begun as Italy warns its neighbors that 70 percent of Africans washing up on its shores are headed to France and Germany to seek work.”

Click to my youtube link to watch report on today’s news:

Prophecy Sign:  One of the prophecies not yet fulfilled is the Psalm 83 war. However, there are signs that the nations listed in this prophecy to attack Israel are arming themselves for this future war.  “The Egyptian army has seized five vehicles carrying weapons into the country from Sudan. The arms were apparently headed for Gaza. Egyptian officials said the vehicles were intercepted on Sunday near the border with Sudan, following a shoot-out during which the truck drivers fled. The trucks had been carrying large quantities of mortars, rocket propelled grenades, rifles and explosives and were headed to Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip through smuggling tunnels under the Gaza-Egypt border. Israeli intelligence officials say Sudan is a major route for Hamas weapons. Last year, the regime in Khartoum accused Israel of carrying out airstrikes on smugglers inside Sudan.” 

Just yesterday we learned that “Israel’s Navy on Tuesday intercepted a Liberian-flagged ship laden with weapons 200 nautical miles off the Israeli coast. An IDF spokesman said that the ‘Victoria’ originated from Syrian port of Latakia and was sailing sailed to Mersin in Turkey.

Click to my youtube link to watch report on today’s news:

Why do you think Turkey and Russia are getting so close in these last days?  Ezekiel warns us that these same nations will join together to march on Israel in the latter years, or (last days). March 16, 2011 | 18:58

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan presented Russian leader Dmitry Medvedev a copy of a treaty on friendship and fraternity between the two states and a stamp issued by Turkish authorities to mark 90 anniversary of the document.

He recalled that on March 16, 1921 Soviet Russia recognized the Republic of Turkey and gave security guarantees of the joint borders. 

“The document is a turning point in our history. Our eastern borders were recognized under the Moscow agreement, “Erdogan told a press conference in Kremlin.

As Armenian reported earlier, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Moscow is timed to the 90th anniversary of the Treaty of Moscow. On March 16, 1921 the Treaty of Moscow was signed. Signing a treaty Turkey and Russia in fact divided the territory of the Republic of Armenia. Article III of the treaty instituted an autonomous Nakhchivan region under Azerbaijan’s protectorate. The Kars region (lost in 1877-78) went to Turkey, southern part of Batum region went to Turkey as well. The Treaty of Kars was signed on October 13, 1921 based on the Moscow agreement. Representatives of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan confirmed provisions of the Moscow Treaty.

Click to my youtube link to watch report on today’s news:

Matthew 24:7 is the sign of many earthquakes.

“WASHINGTON – A magnitude 5.3 earthquake struck 45 miles (72 km) north-northeast of the central Chilean port city of Valparaiso, the US Geological Survey said on Wednesday. Reuters witnesses said the tremor shook Chile’s capital, Santiago, about 75 miles (120 km) miles to the east. Quakes are common in Chile.  The quake was 15 miles (24 km) deep, the USGS said.”

“SYDNEY — A strong 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck off the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu on Thursday, the US Geological Survey said, but no tsunami warning was issued.”

So far today there have been 20 quakes hitting at least a 5.0 or higher.

Pictures of the 9.0 quake that blew me away tody: Before and after.

Yesterday I Posted a warning for a famous Geologist warning California would have a earthquake this coming weekend.  Today we are seeing some swarms of quakes on the coastline.  Will Jim Berkland’s prediction turn out to be true?  Only the Lord knows, but I am sure many will be watching the news this weekend including me as I live close to where these swarms are taking place.

March 17, 2011 news: The Ca coastal Highway collapsed early this am…
Here is the coordinates for this area..
36.3566666667, N/ -121.904722222 W

This data below is a current snap shot.. and in this list are 4 data points
In Pinnacles Ca… which would indicate to me that that area might be kind of hot!
They happened after the highway collapsed that is weird.

MAP 3.1  2011/03/17 17:30:47 36.622 -121.228 5.6   13 km ( 8 mi) NW of Pinnacles, CA
MAP 2.3  2011/03/17 17:21:39 36.620 -121.230 5.7   12 km ( 8 mi) NW of Pinnacles, CA
MAP 3.4  2011/03/17 17:18:30 36.622 -121.229 5.8   13 km ( 8 mi) NW of Pinnacles, CA
MAP 1.1  2011/03/17 15:54:49 38.810 -122.791 3.7   2 km ( 1 mi) NE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.4  2011/03/17 15:46:59 38.810 -122.790 3.5   2 km ( 1 mi) NE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 3.3  2011/03/17 15:29:27 38.809 -122.788 3.8   2 km ( 1 mi) NE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.5  2011/03/17 14:43:18 35.788 -120.321 3.9   16 km ( 10 mi) NNE of Shandon, CA
MAP 1.3  2011/03/17 14:14:44 35.700 -121.151 6.0   7 km ( 4 mi) NNE of San Simeon, CA
MAP 2.7  2011/03/17 13:28:34 38.810 -122.791 3.4   2 km ( 1 mi) NE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.7  2011/03/17 12:17:51 36.551 -121.071 5.8   7 km ( 4 mi) ENE of Pinnacles, CA
MAP 1.8  2011/03/17 11:08:40 38.781 -122.701 0.1   1 km ( 1 mi) NW of Anderson Springs, CA
MAP 1.2  2011/03/17 10:49:12 38.781 -122.758 1.7   5 km ( 3 mi) ESE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.1  2011/03/17 10:31:46 38.808 -122.795 1.5   2 km ( 1 mi) NE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.5  2011/03/17 10:13:08 36.867 -121.443 3.6   5 km ( 3 mi) WNW of Hollister, CA
MAP 1.2  2011/03/17 09:43:39 38.806 -122.796 3.6   1 km ( 1 mi) NE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.7  2011/03/17 08:56:13 38.837 -122.829 2.5   5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.4  2011/03/17 06:27:02 38.825 -122.832 2.8   4 km ( 2 mi) NW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 3.0  2011/03/17 05:55:34 35.689 -121.114 4.7   8 km ( 5 mi) NE of San Simeon, CA
MAP 1.6  2011/03/17 05:36:57 37.388 -117.108 10.1   17 km ( 10 mi) NE of Tokop, NV
MAP 2.3  2011/03/17 05:33:31 38.805 -122.790 2.2   2 km ( 1 mi) ENE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.6  2011/03/17 05:32:33 37.208 -122.119 11.4   9 km ( 5 mi) N of Boulder Creek, CA
MAP 1.2  2011/03/17 04:03:47 36.154 -120.715 8.8   23 km ( 14 mi) NE of San Ardo, CA
MAP 1.0  2011/03/17 03:50:47 38.842 -122.829 1.9   5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA


There was another warning in the news a few days ago about America having a Mega earthquake soon.  “A new report released today in the Kremlin prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Institute of Physics of the Earth, in Moscow, is warning that the America’s are in danger of suffering a mega-quake of catastrophic proportions during the next fortnight (14 days) with a specific emphasis being placed on the United States, Mexico, Central America and South American west coast regions along with the New Madrid Fault Zone region. This report further warns that catastrophic earthquakes in Asia and the sub-continent are, also, “more than likely to occur” with the 7.3 magnitude quake in Japan today being “one of at least 4 of this intensity” to occur during this same time period. Raising the concerns of a mega-quake occurring, this report says, are the increasing subtle electromagnetic signals that are being detected in the Earth’s upper atmosphere over many regions of the World, with the most intense being over the US Western coastal and Midwest regions."  

This type of news shouldn't bug me however, in many of my posts I have expressed my concern that President Obama policies on Israel have put the USA under the Lord's curse found in Genesis 12:3, Zechariah 12:3 and in Joel 3:2.  I am not removing the possibility that as Obama works to divide up Israel, the Lord may turn around a divide up America. Could a huge earthquake do this?  I think so.  Let's see if these warnings pan out.  As I said, I am praying these experts who predict a huge quake this week are wrong.

A Haitian girl drinks water at a cholera treatment center run by Medecins Sans Frontieres in Port-au-Prince in January. The outbreak will larger than predicted and last far longer, U.S. researchers say.Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24 you will find the sign of pestilence (disease).  “Doctors say Haiti's cholera epidemic could potentially spread to nearly 800,000 people — which is twice an earlier UN estimate. The study by U.S. researchers predicts Haiti's cholera epidemic could climb to 779,000 cases by November if no changes are made in how the bacterial disease is handled. It spreads person-to-person through contaminated food and water. "It is going to be larger than predicted in terms of sheer numbers and will last far longer than the initial projections," said study author Dr. Sanjay Basu, a medical resident at University of California San Francisco.   The United Nations originally projected 400,000 cases of the water-borne disease. The UN assumed cholera would infect two to four per cent, without considering major factors such where water was contaminated or how the disease is transmitted, researchers say in Wednesday's issue of the journal Lancet.”

Prophecy Sign: God’s curse on anyone who curses Israel or comes against Israel and Jerusalem. See Genesis 12:3, Joel 3:2, and Zechariah 12:3.   For a long time I have been tracking disaster that happen will the US engages Israel on the  giving them land to the PLO for a PLO State.  Just about every the US pushes Israel into this land divide the US is hit hard by some major disaster.   I was reading a report today, March 17, 2011 where news from Israel was reporting on the Middle East peace talks.  Of course the US was again involved in this round of talks. Report filed March 17, 2011 “The envoys from the Quartet arrived in Israel last Thursday and met separately with Israelis and Palestinian representatives. In addition to Molcho, Israel was represented by the deputy legal adviser at the Foreign Ministry, Daniel Taub, and the head of the Israel Defense Force's strategic planning unit, Brig. Gen. Assaf Orion. The Palestinians were represented by Saeb Erekat, despite his resignation as chief Palestinian negotiator over the controversy sparked by the leak to the media of Palestinian documents related to the peace negotiations.” 

 I want to show you what happened in the US on the 9th, 10th, and the week the US was in Israel trying to divide up Israel.

“European diplomats have said the Quartet envoys emerged from their talks with Israel and the Palestinians feeling quite frustrated. As a result, it was decided to a defer a meeting of Quartet foreign ministers to mid-April and to again consider releasing a statement that would spell out the Quartet's position on possible solutions to the core issues, such as borders, security, refugees and the status of Jerusalem.”

 Watch the video of the 26 states under water on the exact same days the US was working on giving Jerusalem back to the PLO with the 1967 borders.


Prophecy Sign: Daniel 12:4 tells us our generation would be known for our increase in knowledge and people traveling back and forth.  Here is an example of what our generation has given us.  Robots Nurses. Watch video.



Italy stops food from Japan/Zechariah 12:3 is being paved!/Ezekiel’s warnings/Price of food going up/Many quakes/Attack on Jesus’ name again/March 16, 2011



“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora Feb. 9, 2011 Edition pdf

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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 Do you remember how I warned you in yesterday's post that Japan’s economy could cause a ripple affect if her economy were to fall?   Think about what would happen to her economy if nations began to stop the flow of food from Japan for fear of contamination.  It has already begun, read today’s news from Rome. “Italy has banned Japanese food imports because of fear of contamination by the worst nuclear disaster in 25 years, according to Italian health minister Ferruccio Fazio.  Fazio made the announcement during a television chat show late Tuesday. His comments have been confirmed by the Health Ministry in Rome, according to news agency dpa. Fazio said the ban affects imports from 11 March and affects mostly fish and vegetables, which he claims is marginal. "It is not a big problem because the (food) products (imported from Japan) are few and Japanese restaurants (in Italy) use local fish," Fazio said, according to dpa. Friday's 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan damaged the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in northeastern part of the country, causing explosions and fires and raising the possibility of meltdowns of its several of its reactors. It was the worst accident at a nuclear power plant since the 1986 disaster in Chernobyl.”

PA Fatah Chairman Abbas, UK PM CameronProphecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 is being paved!  The Lord showed the Prophet Zechariah that in the last days all the nations would come against Israel, and Jerusalem would be a burdensome stone for all people. I have been showing you nation after nation is now recognizing a Palestinian State.  Add Uruguay to the list and the entire European may not be far behind.  

“Uruguay has joined the parade of Latin American nations choosing to officially recognize the Palestinian Authority as an independent nation. Foreign Minister Luis Almagro said in a statement that Uruguay communicated its intent to the Palestinian Authority.  However, there was no indication as to whether Uruguay would recognize specific borders for the entity, the Associated Press reported. French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe told reporters also on Tuesday that France would not recognize the PA as a country, according to the AFP news agency. He said, however, there was a possibility the entire European Union might decide to do so. “Personally, we're not there yet,” he said, but “I think that it's a possibility that should be kept in mind.”

The nations of Denmark and the UK announced they would both upgrade the diplomatic status of the PA to a "mission."  This is only a step away from them recognizing a Palestinian state.  What are the odds that all the nations will turn on Israel?  That answer is easy, 100%.  As you can see the nations are lining up to support the PLO and God told you all the nations would in fact come against Israel.  Just stay with me and when the rest of the nations join the ranks of recognizing a PLO State inside Israel, I will make sure you know about it.  At the end of the day, I can guarantee that not only will all the nations recognize a PLO State, but that Jerusalem will continue to be at the top of the world’s list of major problem areas!  God’s Word never fails.

Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 39:3 “And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand.” Ezekiel 39: “And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I [am] the LORD.”  Jeremiah 21:4 'This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: I am about to turn against you the weapons of war that are in your hands, which you are using to fight the king of Babylon and the Babylonians who are outside the wall besieging you. And I will gather them inside this city.”

Most US, EU policy-makers may accept nuclear Iran: poll

A majority of European and US policy-makers would prefer a nuclear-armed Iran over taking military action if diplomatic efforts failed, a survey showed Tuesday.

The survey of public officials from both sides of the Atlantic found that opinions diverged between decision-makers and the public on dealing with Iran if non-military options do not work.

Around half of US and European Union policy-makers would accept a nuclear Iran, while 42 percent in Washington's corridors of power and 32 percent in Brussels would favour military action, according to a report by the German Marshall Fund of the United States and Italy's Compagnia di San Paolo foundation.

In this March 1, 2011 photo, a customer looks at fresh vegetables at a Kroger supermarket in Cincinnati.Prophecy Sign: If you do anything today make sure you read Revelation 6:5-6! “"When the Lamb broke the third seal, I heard the third living being say, 'Come!' And I looked up and saw a black horse, and its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. And a voice from among the four living beings said, 'A loaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley for a day's pay. And don't waste the olive oil and wine.'" What does the symbolic language of this verse tell us about the rider on the black horse? We can identify several points:1) He rides a black horse. The color black is a symbol of famine. 2) He holds a pair of scales in his hand. The rider (the Antichrist) will be in full control of the world. The scales in his hand indicate a need for him to carefully measure and ration the food supply. We know this because the next verse indicates a scarcity of food. 3) "A loaf of wheat bread or 3 loaves of barley for a day's pay". Three loaves of barley equal approximately one pint. This is generally regarded as a minimum sustenance diet. Therefore, this verse foreshadows a time when an entire day's wage will barely yield enough food to survive.

 WASHINGTON (AP) — A wholesale price index jumped last month the most in nearly two years due to higher energy costs and the steepest rise in food prices in 36 years. Excluding those volatile categories, inflation was tame.  In this March 1, 2011 photo, a customer looks at fresh vegetables at a Kroger supermarket in Cincinnati. In this March 1, 2011 photo, a customer looks at fresh vegetables at a Kroger supermarket in Cincinnati.  The Labor Department said Wednesday that the Producer Price Index rose a seasonally adjusted 1.6% in February — double the 0.8% rise in the previous month. Outside of food and energy costs, the core index ticked up 0.2%, less than January’s 0.5% rise. Food prices soared 3.9% last month, the biggest gain since November 1974. Most of that increase was due to a sharp rise in vegetable costs, which increased nearly 50%. That was the most in almost a year. Meat and dairy products also rose. Energy prices rose 3.3% last month, led by a 3.7% increase in gasoline costs”.

One of my readers stated: "With all the trouble over the Nuclear energy radiation leaks in Japan, many countires are now thinking that they might close some of their reactors over safety concerns. (Germany for one) If that becomes a big trend (and it could feasably happen quite quickly), governments around the world will be turning to Natural Gas to power their Electricity generators. As we know, Israel now has lots of Natural Gas – "treasure in the desert" Turkey and Egypt may want to take that Gas by force. Maybe the earthquake in Japan will have far reaching consequences for Israel?"

 A gigantic natural gas field that could yield millions of barrels of oil was recently discovered on the maritime border between Israel, Lebanon, the Gaza Strip, Cyprus, and Northern Cyprus. While it could be a military catastrophe, steps are being taken to divide the spoils.

It can be said that God has a sick sense of humor. Scientists recently discovered a massive offshore reserve of an estimated 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas called the Levant Basin Province. While it is one of the world’s richest natural gas reserves, the Levant Basin Province is located between countries with endless amounts of mutual hatred. It straddles the sea borders of Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

The largest section discovered so far, the Leviathan gas field, is believed to possibly contain, alongside natural gas, 4.2 billion barrels of oil. Leviathan straddles the Israeli-Lebanese maritime border. Israel is currently in a state of war with Lebanon and does not recognize the de-facto Hamas Palestinian government in the Gaza Strip.

Sharp words are already being exchanged between Jerusalem and Beirut. Upon discovery of the fields in June, Lebanon warned Israel not to drill within their maritime borders. Israel then escalated the rhetoric with military threats, as Minister of National Infrastructures Uzi Landau threatened to use force to protect the natural gas fields. Following Landau’s announcement, sophisticated security arrangements for Israeli natural gas rigs were leaked to the country’s press. As of press time, further surveying is underway.

Isreal's blessings video below:


   Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 is the sign of many earthquakes.  Today Japan was rocked again.  "A 6.0 magnitude quake hit eastern Japan on Wednesday, NHK said, and buildings shook in the capital, Tokyo."  Below you will see how many quakes there have been in the past seven days, and these are only the only that are at least 5.0 and higher.   We are on the road to breaking another record.

MAP  5.3   2011/03/16 14:46:09    38.559    141.624  31.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/16 13:42:33    18.986    -67.954  33.7   DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION
MAP  5.4   2011/03/16 13:38:43    36.523    142.809  1.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/16 12:02:49    35.723    141.800  24.6   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/16 11:44:56    37.595    141.383  25.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/16 11:20:07    36.278    141.106  24.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/16 10:16:13    39.764    143.434  29.9   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/16 08:17:10    37.310    143.584  29.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.8   2011/03/16 06:29:03    39.944    142.076  31.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/16 04:14:32    37.561    141.413  24.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.0   2011/03/16 03:52:06    35.795    140.804  25.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/16 00:10:09   -21.217   -176.700  268.3   FIJI REGION

MAP  5.4   2011/03/15 22:37:17    37.456    144.184  25.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/15 21:04:51    36.721    140.389  20.3   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.7   2011/03/15 20:30:01    35.252    141.193  23.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/15 20:14:32    37.740    143.412  10.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/15 19:01:33    38.162    142.037  19.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/15 18:29:14    37.718    143.604  38.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.1   2011/03/15 15:23:54    40.330    143.271  19.4   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/15 13:37:56    37.707    141.900  37.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.2   2011/03/15 13:31:47    35.300    138.700  10.0   EASTERN HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.7   2011/03/15 13:27:57    37.574    142.226  28.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/15 11:46:20    40.530    142.689  13.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/15 11:43:48    37.819    145.118  18.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/15 11:06:16    37.145    142.375  22.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/15 10:50:00    35.593    141.889  24.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.0   2011/03/15 09:49:54    37.348    142.406  15.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/15 08:48:25    37.500    143.642  35.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/15 08:01:47    40.436    143.240  29.5   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/15 07:08:29    38.336    142.211  30.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/15 05:31:25    36.162    142.232  25.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/15 03:25:20    1.781    31.298  10.1   LAKE ALBERT REGION, UGANDA
MAP  5.1   2011/03/15 03:21:35    37.680    143.941  25.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

MAP  5.0   2011/03/14 23:23:14    40.050    142.636  24.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/14 22:04:08    35.735    141.065  15.3   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/14 20:41:25    50.995    156.495  133.9   KURIL ISLANDS
MAP  5.2   2011/03/14 19:28:28    38.684    141.965  26.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/14 18:41:01    36.594    141.894  22.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.7   2011/03/14 17:59:41    37.212    142.413  18.9   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/14 15:23:53    37.207    143.594  30.5   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/14 14:51:39    38.565    143.174  19.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/14 14:50:56    38.327    142.121  38.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/14 14:22:37    36.201    141.631  23.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/14 10:29:05    39.658    142.466  20.3   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/14 10:28:42    37.239    142.164  22.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/14 07:25:11    36.680    141.313  44.4   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/14 07:00:14    39.324    143.374  20.7   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/14 06:52:23    36.899    141.110  36.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/14 06:46:58    37.942    142.905  30.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/14 06:43:55    39.101    142.374  30.6   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/14 06:27:29    36.945    141.747  35.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/14 06:18:26    38.037    138.394  35.4   NEAR THE WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.0   2011/03/14 06:12:36    37.800    142.505  14.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/14 04:57:56    36.776    143.448  20.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/14 03:20:41    36.730    141.669  20.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/14 03:18:47    39.219    144.331  26.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/14 03:17:00   -17.625   -174.802  206.9   TONGA
MAP  5.6   2011/03/14 03:15:53    36.265    142.146  31.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/14 01:57:54    36.668    142.386  21.9   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.8   2011/03/14 01:02:40    36.455    140.965  18.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/14 00:22:50    36.960    141.761  25.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

MAP  5.3   2011/03/13 22:20:18    36.056    141.767  18.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/13 22:04:41    37.032    144.731  25.5   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/13 19:59:51    37.001    141.832  25.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/13 17:55:25    35.205    141.030  24.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/13 17:40:31    37.930    142.579  24.8   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/13 17:05:59    37.642    143.595  24.9   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/13 17:01:32    35.181    141.073  24.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/13 15:27:21    39.461    142.570  36.4   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/13 15:10:52    35.467    140.837  35.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/13 15:08:49    36.967    144.440  23.6   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/13 14:48:01    37.793    142.755  15.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/13 14:41:21    38.303    142.779  12.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/13 14:31:57    39.165    142.709  25.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/13 13:16:32    34.339    141.625  23.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/13 12:42:33    37.474    144.050  30.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.0   2011/03/13 11:37:32    37.348    142.416  24.8   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/13 11:01:23    39.767    144.406  35.4   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/13 10:59:00    37.074    143.144  35.7   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/13 10:04:04    37.792    143.662  34.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/13 09:52:31    38.855    141.870  31.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/13 09:25:08    39.055    142.475  24.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/13 09:13:00    37.715    143.857  36.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/13 08:43:24    37.173    142.442  25.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/13 08:26:21    37.412    143.737  25.4   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.9   2011/03/13 07:56:45    39.644    143.237  24.9   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.6   2011/03/13 07:04:36    38.327    144.131  18.8   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/13 06:37:50    37.803    143.419  25.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/13 04:40:29    36.303    142.332  24.8   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/13 04:36:14    35.235    141.042  26.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/13 04:23:24    38.205    142.963  25.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/13 04:12:56    35.708    141.744  25.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/13 02:57:15    36.892    143.373  24.9   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/13 02:51:25    36.881    143.384  25.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/13 02:48:20    36.893    142.637  25.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/13 02:42:29    39.704    144.325  25.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/13 02:39:25    37.072    142.884  25.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.2   2011/03/13 02:23:37    36.354    142.287  24.9   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/13 01:42:54    36.942    142.907  25.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.2   2011/03/13 01:26:07    35.742    141.731  24.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/13 00:47:05    39.102    143.311  24.9   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/13 00:43:17    38.072    142.700  26.4   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 23:51:24    37.096    143.432  25.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/12 23:40:49    36.651    141.704  25.3   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/12 23:37:24    36.758    142.323  25.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.1   2011/03/12 23:24:50    37.981    141.849  24.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/12 23:20:42    38.004    142.398  26.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.6   2011/03/12 22:31:27    39.225    142.333  25.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.3   2011/03/12 22:12:46    37.662    141.959  14.3   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/12 21:58:17    39.055    142.319  25.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/12 21:48:09    39.626    142.565  24.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 21:40:58    37.170    143.354  25.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 21:38:35    37.934    144.251  26.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/12 20:09:55    36.747    144.050  24.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 20:08:25    35.775    141.893  24.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 19:45:19    -6.187    154.385  62.0   BOUGAINVILLE REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.1   2011/03/12 19:11:59    37.730    142.587  13.7   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 18:28:39   -56.851    -27.963  235.8   SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
MAP  6.0   2011/03/12 17:19:24    36.573    142.645  4.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/12 17:13:02    25.466   -109.727  10.0   GULF OF CALIFORNIA
MAP  5.2   2011/03/12 17:11:09    38.051    144.071  29.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/12 17:01:22    37.701    143.353  38.5   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 16:38:45    38.067    144.066  25.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 16:22:15    37.891    144.831  34.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.7   2011/03/12 14:43:09    39.471    142.406  21.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.6   2011/03/12 14:35:00    35.784    141.660  24.4   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/12 14:11:05    25.396   -109.652  12.1   GULF OF CALIFORNIA
MAP  5.8   2011/03/12 14:03:30    38.843    142.592  24.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/12 13:57:12    36.439    141.926  24.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/12 13:26:56    39.381    142.423  25.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/12 13:26:03    25.350   -109.930  17.6   GULF OF CALIFORNIA
MAP  6.4   2011/03/12 13:15:42    37.261    141.175  37.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.8   2011/03/12 12:53:50    37.754    143.573  19.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.7   2011/03/12 11:46:01    35.761    141.656  17.6   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.1   2011/03/12 10:53:31    39.075    142.352  24.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 10:39:12    36.749    141.799  31.3   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/12 10:34:49    37.846    144.377  25.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/12 10:20:22    37.197    143.483  25.5   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 10:00:26    35.984    141.794  25.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/12 09:51:35    -3.790    151.443  10.0   NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.1   2011/03/12 09:40:44    38.867    142.829  25.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 09:27:12    37.436    143.716  25.8   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/12 09:18:56    37.141    143.496  25.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/12 09:00:03    37.328    143.591  41.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 08:52:50    37.221    143.659  38.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 08:45:30    -7.239    129.151  186.4   KEPULAUAN BABAR, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 08:38:40   -20.311   -176.185  229.3   FIJI REGION
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 08:13:42    39.343    142.989  26.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/12 07:54:10    36.064    141.496  31.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/12 07:18:53    39.116    144.638  12.7   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/12 07:13:35    37.452    142.050  25.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 07:07:32    38.363    142.164  29.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 06:36:00    39.636    143.436  28.5   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/12 06:18:43    39.235    142.377  36.4   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/12 06:10:44    38.594    143.753  10.4   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/12 06:10:23    37.197    143.710  35.4   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/12 06:00:25    36.415    141.714  29.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/12 05:58:59    37.759    143.963  37.6   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 05:14:51    36.811    140.375  25.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/12 04:52:58    40.123    143.287  25.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/12 04:47:19    35.969    141.416  26.4   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 04:43:04    35.983    141.347  25.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/12 04:06:09    38.902    141.792  25.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/12 04:04:49    -2.994    139.126  48.3   NEAR THE NORTH COAST OF PAPUA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.1   2011/03/12 03:54:48    35.838    141.275  26.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/12 03:34:46    35.257    140.973  25.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/12 03:29:28    37.929    144.671  25.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.7   2011/03/12 03:11:59    35.950    141.407  24.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.8   2011/03/12 03:01:49    39.612    142.770  25.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.6   2011/03/12 02:47:36    37.617    143.696  25.7   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 02:43:11    39.170    142.342  25.3   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/12 02:34:05    36.738    141.411  22.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/12 01:59:44    37.522    142.783  24.5   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.8   2011/03/12 01:47:16    37.588    142.682  24.8   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.2   2011/03/12 01:46:21    37.354    141.998  25.4   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/12 01:43:20    36.321    141.753  27.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.0   2011/03/12 01:34:10    38.748    142.853  24.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/12 01:25:04    36.425    141.605  27.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.1   2011/03/12 01:19:07   -16.727   -173.174  10.9   TONGA
MAP  5.7   2011/03/12 01:17:41   -16.661   -173.066  31.5   TONGA
MAP  5.4   2011/03/12 01:17:02    38.095    142.702  24.6   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/12 01:03:59    37.939    141.556  26.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/12 00:45:10    36.041    141.815  23.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 00:39:37    37.317    142.450  25.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 00:25:08    37.803    141.894  29.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/12 00:21:25    36.475    143.586  24.5   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

MAP  5.4   2011/03/11 23:59:21    36.499    141.441  22.6   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/11 23:58:04    38.460    143.530  29.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/11 23:53:29    38.858    142.452  25.3   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/11 23:40:12    37.073    143.529  25.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/11 23:26:51    39.178    142.709  24.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/11 23:21:22    39.161    143.296  25.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/11 22:54:28    36.494    142.267  25.4   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.8   2011/03/11 22:51:18    37.806    144.967  25.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/11 22:42:59    37.627    143.801  27.4   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/11 22:36:57    37.097    143.796  25.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/11 21:41:58    37.279    142.351  10.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/11 21:00:46    39.048    142.477  24.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/11 20:41:24    37.675    143.698  25.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 20:36:10    37.838    142.847  24.9   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/11 20:34:40    36.993    140.985  25.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 20:23:44    35.818    141.583  24.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.3   2011/03/11 20:11:23    39.025    142.645  8.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.6   2011/03/11 19:46:49    40.472    139.070  10.0   NEAR THE WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/11 19:45:24    37.653    141.548  25.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 19:31:56    36.962    138.367  10.3   EASTERN HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 19:24:29    35.770    140.639  24.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.1   2011/03/11 19:02:59    39.372    142.900  24.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.2   2011/03/11 18:59:15    37.037    138.355  10.0   NEAR THE WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/11 18:44:06    36.858    141.029  25.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.9   2011/03/11 18:17:06    36.218    141.685  25.4   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.7   2011/03/11 18:11:24    37.118    142.160  13.8   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/11 17:50:01    37.648    144.991  25.8   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/11 17:32:14    37.137    144.572  24.8   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/11 17:30:48    37.418    141.099  24.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/11 17:23:57    36.015    141.888  24.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 17:17:00    37.111    144.145  26.4   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/11 17:12:41    37.564    144.069  25.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/11 16:55:53    37.779    143.171  25.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/11 16:34:22    39.376    143.405  40.8   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/11 16:20:52    36.157    141.877  25.3   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 16:11:27    39.463    143.577  9.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/11 16:04:53    39.236    144.320  25.5   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/11 15:55:23    36.626    142.162  24.8   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/11 15:50:59    37.409    142.217  24.9   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/11 15:46:02    36.022    141.958  19.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/11 15:42:05    36.066    141.515  15.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/11 15:32:34    37.216    142.233  25.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.6   2011/03/11 15:19:38    36.233    141.856  25.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.2   2011/03/11 15:13:15    35.997    141.796  18.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/11 15:01:39    39.082    142.383  26.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.8   2011/03/11 14:56:16    35.979    141.367  25.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/11 14:54:04    35.919    141.819  24.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/11 14:44:08    36.655    140.769  25.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/11 14:26:31    37.431    142.254  13.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/11 14:20:20    37.947    143.183  25.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/11 14:10:39    37.575    141.963  25.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 14:00:38    36.151    140.845  30.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/11 13:55:28    38.039    142.831  24.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/11 13:48:38    38.426    143.061  25.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.6   2011/03/11 13:43:10    38.972    144.209  25.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.6   2011/03/11 13:34:36    36.249    141.850  35.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/11 13:31:55    39.152    142.837  25.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.8   2011/03/11 13:16:50    36.304    141.730  30.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/11 13:15:45    37.393    141.882  30.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/11 13:02:43    36.755    141.885  30.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/11 12:59:21    36.128    141.768  24.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/11 12:54:52    38.502    142.120  36.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.6   2011/03/11 12:49:01    36.158    141.711  25.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/11 12:34:22    36.912    143.736  39.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/11 12:33:19    38.374    142.590  29.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/11 12:28:45    36.166    141.664  29.3   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/11 12:24:37    36.525    141.707  27.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.9   2011/03/11 12:12:53    38.052    142.542  21.6   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/11 12:04:16    36.351    142.700  38.4   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 11:56:16    36.356    141.504  39.4   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/11 11:54:02    36.982    142.535  45.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.8   2011/03/11 11:46:47    36.034    141.055  47.5   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.8   2011/03/11 11:44:28    36.709    142.231  31.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.5   2011/03/11 11:36:39    39.276    142.521  11.6   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.7   2011/03/11 11:21:02    35.759    140.913  25.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 11:16:51    36.614    141.894  36.6   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 11:13:12    36.451    141.789  18.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 11:10:58    35.534    141.856  27.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.6   2011/03/11 11:00:51    37.813    141.481  28.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/11 10:58:06    39.060    142.213  30.3   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.0   2011/03/11 10:52:08    38.534    143.346  29.9   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 10:45:46    38.466    143.591  41.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/11 10:35:36    37.044    141.298  25.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.9   2011/03/11 10:28:44    39.447    143.531  29.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.6   2011/03/11 10:20:27    36.966    142.289  21.7   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.0   2011/03/11 10:10:35    39.248    142.779  28.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/11 09:59:57    36.703    142.207  41.6   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 09:47:02    39.685    142.938  29.7   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/11 09:42:22    39.438    142.749  30.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/11 09:37:08    35.877    141.585  29.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 09:09:15    37.717    143.267  36.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/11 09:04:10    37.299    142.655  30.5   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/11 09:00:20    37.056    141.966  20.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/11 08:52:26    36.763    141.910  35.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 08:46:48    37.421    142.453  37.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.9   2011/03/11 08:40:56    37.465    141.122  38.6   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.1   2011/03/11 08:31:08    37.428    141.200  25.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.5   2011/03/11 08:19:24    36.200    142.000  19.9   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.2   2011/03/11 08:15:41    37.034    144.612  27.8   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.2   2011/03/11 08:12:05    36.606    141.557  19.8   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.5   2011/03/11 08:10:31    36.394    140.631  30.4   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.9   2011/03/11 08:01:59    37.071    142.734  22.6   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.6   2011/03/11 07:56:16    37.130    142.305  34.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.7   2011/03/11 07:54:45    37.742    141.565  45.3   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.8   2011/03/11 07:42:55    36.406    141.919  29.9   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.9   2011/03/11 07:38:27    39.250    142.783  29.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.1   2011/03/11 07:28:12    36.802    141.911  24.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.1   2011/03/11 07:25:33    37.916    144.621  15.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.3   2011/03/11 07:14:59    36.648    141.811  25.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.9   2011/03/11 07:13:47    36.051    142.347  28.5   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.8   2011/03/11 07:11:00    37.899    142.734  30.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.3   2011/03/11 06:57:15    35.758    140.992  30.2   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.3   2011/03/11 06:48:47    37.993    142.764  22.3   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  7.1   2011/03/11 06:25:51    38.106    144.553  19.7   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.8   2011/03/11 06:15:40    36.186    141.192  35.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.4   2011/03/11 06:07:22    36.401    141.862  35.4   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.4   2011/03/11 06:06:11    39.025    142.316  25.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  9.0   2011/03/11 05:46:24    38.322    142.369  32.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.3   2011/03/11 00:14:51   -54.369   -116.808  10.0   SOUTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE

MAP  5.0   2011/03/10 19:06:11    13.745    120.725  127.0   MINDORO, PHILIPPINES
MAP  6.5   2011/03/10 17:08:37    -6.862    116.765  508.1   BALI SEA
MAP  5.2   2011/03/10 16:54:45    38.053    143.253  4.7   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2011/03/10 11:21:08    38.611    143.049  17.6   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.2   2011/03/10 09:02:22    38.652    143.146  21.9   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.7   2011/03/10 08:08:21    38.630    143.304  17.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/03/10 04:58:18    24.710    97.994  10.0   MYANMAR-CHINA BORDER REGION
MAP  5.0   2011/03/10 01:20:24    38.408    143.033  25.1   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

MAP  5.4   2011/03/09 23:37:01    38.438    143.185  32.8   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.5   2011/03/09 21:24:52    -6.022    149.659  29.0   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  6.1   2011/03/09 21:22:18    38.385    142.642  23.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.0   2011/03/09 18:44:35    38.502    143.199  23.0   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  6.1   2011/03/09 18:16:15    38.378    142.506  22.0   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

 This geologist predicted the 1989 SF earthquake to the day. He is now warning a quake is going to hit California around the 19th of March. I hope he is wrong. Watch the fox news video below. We have seen some activity in Canada lately as you will also see below.

2011-02-26: M=4.2 – 84 km W of Burwash Landing, YT

2011-02-23: M=3.0 – 14 km ENE of Leamington, ON – felt
2011-02-15: M=2.9 – 19 km ENE of Duncan, BC – felt
2011-02-08: M=3.2 – San Juan Island, WA – felt
2011-01-08: M=4.1 – 12 km WSW of Skagway, AK


2011-03-16: M=4.3 – 5 km ESE of Hawkesbury, ON – felt

2011-01-08: M=4.1 – 12 km WSW of Skagway, AK





Prophecy Sign: We know from Matthew 24: 9 that Jesus’ followers would be attacked.  The reason why these attacks come would come over Jesus’ name sake. Christ made it clear that they would hate the Christian because they hate Christ.  Here is an example of another US lawmaker coming against the name of Jesus Christ.

“A Jewish Minnesota lawmaker is asking Senate leaders to allow only nondenominational prayers to open sessions, after feeling "highly uncomfortable" when a Baptist pastor repeatedly mentioned Jesus Christ and Christianity in one of the invocations. Democratic Sen. Terri Bonoff says she wants Republican Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch to change the letter submitted to all visiting chaplains to say they are "required," rather than "requested," to make prayers nondenominational.”

End Times Hope Through Jesus Christ