Site predicts 8.0/Signs of Antichrists system/Revelation 6:6 coming to pass/Muslim Brotherhood running for power/Peace and safety going away?/ Civil unrest keeps spreading/ Food price hikes in China/ A false Church and their false teachings/ Feb. 15, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora Feb. 9, 2011 Edition pdf

Are you really searching to know the truth? 

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

To get to the prayer requests click to the following link below:

My radio/video show is up and running now. Just click to link below


My latest show at The Edge is now running at The Edge Feb. 15, 2011. 


Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13: 16-17.  "Below the radar of public opinion, Mexico has started to assemble the type of biometric national identity database that could be used to document names for a North American Trusted Traveler border pass card, a plan already being developed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for Mexican citizens.

It apparently would be similar to the program that has become commonplace in the European Union to allow free transit for EU citizens to move, live and work wherever they choose within the EU, disregarding nation-of-origin and national border restrictions.

On Jan. 19, 2011, Mexico's President Felipe Calderon signed an executive order requiring within the next five years all Mexicans 17 years old and younger have a biometric national identity card that would include a facial photograph, all 10 fingerprints, and an iris scan." "Reasonable estimates are that by the end of 2012, Mexico plans to issue more than 25.7 million biometric identity cards to the nation's children 18 years old and younger.

Read more: All children to be registered in national biometric database

Prophecy Sign:  More news showing us our world is on the road to fulfill Revelation 6:6.  This is the scripture which shows us people will be working all day long for a very small meal. This shows us that there is no doubt that the price of food will have climbed to very high levels which they are now in the process of doing.  I quote more news on the price hikes.  “WASHINGTON – World Bank President Robert Zoellick says global food prices have hit "dangerous levels" that could contribute to political instability, push millions of people into poverty and raise the cost of groceries. The bank says in a new report that global food prices have jumped 29 percent in the past year, and are just 3 percent below the all-time peak hit in 2008. Zoellick says the rising prices have hit people hardest in the developing world because they spend as much as half their income on food. The World Bank estimates higher prices for corn, wheat and oil have pushed 44 million people into extreme poverty since last June. Zoellick said he expects food prices to continue to rise, and that export bans and weather disruptions are partly to blame.”

See full size image

Prophecy Sign: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” Psalm 83: The coming war which will be Israel against the nations that border her, and that includes Egypt.  If you are new to prophecy you won’t know that we can tell we are very close to seeing the Psalm 83 war.  One of the ways to tell is that since 1979 Israel has continued to call for Peace and safety.  Israel did sign a peace treaty with Egypt and it has held for 30 years but now is the time the second part of Paul’s warning is going into play, this would be this part, “then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape

Egypt Israel peace“A leader of Egypt's secular opposition declared Sunday that the country's 30-year peace treaty with Israel was "over", despite assurances by the new military rulers that it would honor the accord in the wake of President Hosni Mubarak's resignation. "The Camp David accord is over," Dr. Ayman Nur, leader of the Tomorrow Party who is planning to seek candidacy in the Egyptian presidential elections, told Egyptian radio. His remarks were carried by Israel's Channel 2.” This is the second time in a week that I heard this old peace treaty was to be cast away.  Last week the Muslim Brotherhood stated this and now this statement is coming from someone else who is appears to be in the hunt for leadership of Egypt. I quote, "Egypt must at least renegotiate the terms of the accord," said Nur, who spent years incarcerated in Egyptian prison and was released with the help of U.S. intervention. “Nur is not a member of the radical Muslim Brotherhood, but rather a secular liberal. His remarks contradicted the military's statement on Saturday reassuring its international allies that there would be no break in its peace deal with Israel”  If the Lord told us Egypt would attack Israel, than we should count on no peace in the Middle East, but rather look for a new war to begin soon between Israel and the nations listed in Psalm 83.  The call to dump the peace treaty is the handwriting on the wall!


See full size imageProphecy Sign:  Joel 3:2 .“I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.”

Zechariah 12:3 warns us about Jerusalem in the last days. “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”  

Genesis  12:3 “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

 “God gave a warned here that anyone who divided up my land will be judged. The Valley of Jehoshaphat is where God wiped out the unrighteous. Former US National Security Advisor James Jones on Monday said that he believes it is God’s will that President Barack Obama push hard for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which Jones called the epicenter of all the world’s problems.

Speaking at the Herzliya Conference in Israel, Jones said, “I’m of the belief that had God appeared in front of President Obama in 2009 and said if he could do one thing on the face of the planet, and one thing only, to make the world a better place and give people more hope and opportunity for the future, I would venture that it would have something to do with finding the two-state solution to the Middle East.”

Jones insisted that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the “knot that is at the center of the mass” of all regional and most global diplomatic problems today. This conflict, said Jones, “is one of the most important issues on the planet.”

He rejected the notion that the current turmoil in Egypt proved that even without Israel and its land dispute with the Arabs the Middle East would not have peace. Jones also failed to address the fact that before 1967, Israel did not control the so-called “West Bank,” and yet there was still much conflict.”

Anti-government protest in Tehran, Iran.Prophecy Sign: Let’s turn our attention on Matthew 27: 7 where Jesus told us we would see civil unrest, (kingdom against kingdom).  Iran is the latest nation to start up with this civil unrest again.  “Tens of thousands Iranians demonstrate in central Tehran; dozens injured in shootings, beatings; unknown number of protesters arrested. Iranian police on Tuesday confirmed that one person was killed during clashes between security forces and protesters a day before. The official IRNA news agency quoted acting police commander Gen. Ahmad Reza Radan who said dozens of people, including nine members of the security forces, were also wounded in Monday's protests. Radan said one of the injured was in a critical condition.”  The number of these nations going into civil unrest is growing and I really believe it is a product of the last days birth pains.





CAIRO—Moaz Abdel Karim, an affable 29-year-old who was among a handful of young activists who plotted the recent protests here, is the newest face of the Muslim Brotherhood. His political views on women's rights, religious freedom and political pluralism mesh with Western democratic values. He is focused on the fight for democracy and human rights in Egypt.

A different face of the Brotherhood is that of Mohamed Badi, 66-year-old veterinarian from the Brotherhood's conservative wing who has been the group's Supreme Guide since last January. He recently pledged the Brotherhood would "continue to raise the banner of jihad" against the Jews, which he called the group's "first and foremost enemies." He has railed against American imperialism, and calls for the establishment of an Islamic state.

Last week when the riots were going on the Muslim Brother’s leaders stated they did not want to run for power.  It isn’t the first time we see the lies.  Now that Mubarak’s government is gone the M. Brotherhood shows us their true colors.  Fact is they are going for power! I quote, “CAIRO (AP) – Egypt's long banned Muslim Brotherhood said Tuesday it intends to form a political party once democracy is established, as the country's new military rulers launched a panel of experts to amend the country's constitution enough to allow democratic elections later this year.

The panel is to draw up changes at a breakneck pace – within 10 days – to end the monopoly that ousted President Hosni Mubarak's ruling party once held, which it ensured through widespread election rigging. The initial changes may not be enough for many in Egypt calling for the current constitution, now suspended by the military, to be thrown out completely and rewritten to ensure no one can once again establish autocratic rule. Two members on the panel said the next elected government could further change the document if it choses.

The military's choices for the panel's makeup were a sign of the new political legitimacy of the Muslim Brotherhood, the fundamentalist group that was the most bitter rival of Mubarak's regime.

Last week when the riots were going on the Muslim Brother’s leaders stated they did not want to run for power.  It isn’t the first time we see the lies.  Now that Mubarak’s government is gone the M. Brotherhood shows us their true colors.  Fact is they are going for power! I quote, “CAIRO (AP) – Egypt's long banned Muslim Brotherhood said Tuesday it intends to form a political party once democracy is established, as the country's new military rulers launched a panel of experts to amend the country's constitution enough to allow democratic elections later this year.

The panel is to draw up changes at a breakneck pace – within 10 days – to end the monopoly that ousted President Hosni Mubarak's ruling party once held, which it ensured through widespread election rigging. The initial changes may not be enough for many in Egypt calling for the current constitution, now suspended by the military, to be thrown out completely and rewritten to ensure no one can once again establish autocratic rule. Two members on the panel said the next elected government could further change the document if it choses.

The military's choices for the panel's makeup were a sign of the new political legitimacy of the Muslim Brotherhood, the fundamentalist group that was the most bitter rival of Mubarak's regime.

food_prices_rise_2007[1]Supermarket window in Beijing
Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 shows us people will have to work all day long for a small meal. This meal will be enough for only one person.   This is exactly what Revelation 6:6 tells us, I quote, “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"  I keep showing you the signs that our world is moving in the direction that is going to fulfill this prophecy.  Food prices are still climbing like crazy.  Here is the latest news today about China’s problems with the rising food prices.

Chinese inflation hits 4.9% pushed by high food prices “Governments and central banks see food price growth as one of the main economic risks Inflation in China has accelerated in January despite three interest rate rises in the past four months. Consumer prices rose by 4.9% in January from a year earlier, the National Bureau of Statistics said. In December, the annual figure was 4.6%. China, and other Asian nations, are battling high food costs. The January figures showed food prices up 10.3%. Inflation is a concern in China where poor families spend up to half their incomes on food. January's figure was less than many economists had predicted, but close to November's 28-month high of 5.1%.  Adding to inflationary pressure are factors such as a drought in China's key wheat-growing regions, as well as a rise in global commodity prices. "The government is battling with all sorts of problems coming from every front," said Jinny Yan, an economist from Standard Chartered. "The peak of inflation is yet to be seen." Analysts said that an increase in producer prices also highlighted the problems China was facing. Inflation pressures are still very evident”  End Quote Jonathan Cavenagh Westpac Producer-price inflation accelerated in January to 6.6% from a year earlier, and compared with 5.9% in December, the statistical office figures showed.”

As long as I am giving you news about China, did you know that China is going to play a major role in end time prophecy? If you read Revelation you will find that the army to the East of the Euphrates River will number 200 million. China today has a regular army of 200 million men.  Why is China becoming so powerful in the last days?  Because this nation who has cast Christ out will be taken down by Christ when He returns at the end of the seven year tribulation.   Here is news showing China has moved up in the ranks.

“Japan’s gross domestic product fell less than estimated in the fourth quarter in a pullback that may prove temporary as overseas demand revives production after the nation fell behind China as the world’s second-largest economy.” China is strong but they have many problems.  They’ve been hit with droughts, flooding, and extreme bad weather all of which has put a hurt on their crops, and they are running out of fresh water for drinking.  This is all taking place while this nation is growing in numbers.  If China continues to have these types of disasters with the weather  which wipes out their crops, China will have to move into lands that have food.  If you have an army of 200 million you can go after any nation you want to get their food.  Just food for thought!

"World food prices reached their highest level ever recorded in January and are set to keep rising for months, the UN food agency said on Thursday, warning that the hardest-hit countries could face turmoil. Rising food prices have been cited among the driving forces behind recent popular revolts in north Africa, including the uprising in Egypt and the toppling of Tunisia's long-time president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali."



 In the book of Revelation it is both "the deeds" and "the doctrine" of the Nicolaitans, who affected two separate churches, that the Lord addresses: "To the angel of the church of Ephesus write, 'These things says He who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands: . . . But this you have, that you hate THE DEEDS of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate." (Revelation 2:1, 6)  "And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write, 'These things says He who has the sharp two-edged sword: . . . Thus you also have those who hold THE DOCTRINE of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate." (Revelation 2:12, 15)

What is Jesus talking about when He is telling us He hates the deeds of the Nicolaitans? A break down of the word Nicolaitans from the Greek shows us that this words means a rule by  the preisthood over the people.  The evidence of this full meaning is found in all our common school dictionaries, among which we find the following definition of the term "hierarchy: the power of dominion, government by ecclesiastical rulers," to which the following is introduced in evidence: "If anyone shall say that there is not in the Catholic Church a hierarchy established by the divine ordination, consisting of bishops, presbyters and ministers, let him be anathema, Council of Trent (translation) XXIII 6." (Century Dictionary)

In other words, let anyone who has the audacity to say there is not a hierarchy, not a collection of human beings who have been given the power by other men of dominion, as ecclesiastical rulers over churchmen who are declared God's heritage, let that man be ACCURSED — let death and hell and the devil get him. Surely, the thing in which that ecclesiastical company is glorying is their shame!

Let me give you a prime example of what Jesus is warnings us about. Look at the Catholic Church. This is one organization that has set Lords over the people or the laity. Not only has this organization set Lords over the people but the leaders of this Church have set rules over the people which are counter to what God teaches us. Before I connect the dots for you read this news report from ABC News.

“It seems as though the Catholic Church really really wants us to go to confession, so much so that apparently it has sanctioned a new iPhone app aimed at bringing some of the wandering sheep back into the fold. You can now wipe your slate clean with Confession: A Roman Catholic App, available through iTunes for $1.99. Now I know what you're thinking: Great, no more dark scary box. No more having to look at a perplexed clergyman trying to figure out how anyone could have been so stupid as to do that. But, not so fast. I'm afraid that the new app doesn't replace traditional confession. You still have to go to a priest for absolution. The app simply attempts to make confession more accessible — and perhaps a bit more fun.”

The Pope who Lords over the Catholic Church has given his okay to this iPhone. When I heard about this, this news made my stomach sick because I know Satan has millions of Catholic duped. Watch the video and I will fill you in. After you watch the video wait and after the commercial ABC News will come on about this iPhone and the Church.

If you listened to the Priest you heard him say you are not absolved from sin unless you go to a Priest.  The Church wants you to feel better about keeping track of your sins and so they are using tools, (the iPhone) to in trap more people.  First of all this Church has put a man at the head of the Church who is called the Pope.  They teach that Peter was the first Pope but this to is a lie.  Peter was never a Lord over the people and we see this clearly in his writing to us in(1Peter 5:1-3).  .

"The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed:  Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; NOR AS BEING LORDS OVER THOSE ENTRUSTED TO YOU ('lords over [God's] heritage' in the KJV Bible), but being examples to the flock;"  Peter never Lorded over anyone but was a fellow servant to the people.

In the above video you heard the Priest tell you, your sins weren’t forgiven unless you told your sins to a Priest, you have to visit him to get the official Church absolution.  This to is incorrect according to what Christ teaches us. 1Timothy 2:5 “For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” 

The Bible teaches us that Christ is our mediator and if you go to your mediator and ask Him to forgive you it will be done.  There is no need to wait for an official Church absolution from one that Lords over you!  Always keep in mind, these are the things Jesus hates. 

What about after you are forced to tell a man, (the Priest), your sins.  What happens?  The Priest tells you how many Our Fathers and Hale Mary’s you are required to say in order to be forgiven.  If this is not Lording over the people I don’t know what is.  I can remember as a young boy being told I have to say ten Our Fathers and ten Hale Mary’s.  Not knowing at the time what Jesus really had to say about the matter, I went out of confession and prayed the same prayers over and over again until I knew God had forgiven me.  I wish someone who knew the Bible then would have shown me what Jesus really had to say about this, it would have saved me a lot of time.  I now quote Christ from Matthew 6:7,  “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.”  Isn’t it about time you find out what the Bible really has to say about how to live your life in Christ?   If you are under a Church who comes under the classification of the Nicolaitans ,and you know that is the thing Jesus hates, what should you do?  The smart thing to do would be to leave that Church and begin to follow the true teaching of Christ.  If you want to know more about this false Church go to the following site:  At this site you will learn from the Word of God why Peter was not the a Pope.

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 warns us of "great earthquakes" .  There is a site that predicts when earthquakes will happen and why.  He says nothing about Bible prophecy. He links what is taking place with the sun to bringing on quakes.  Let us watch and see if what he states comes to pass between Feb. 17 through Feb. 20th.  It is interesting what he says but only the Lord knows if there is anything behind what he is predicting. The video is below.




Why isn’t the law going after these US radical Muslims/Signs of Psalm 83 and Ezekiel war/Path to Antichrist’s financial system/ Feb 14, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora Feb. 9, 2011 Edition pdf

Are you really searching to know the truth? 

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

To get to the prayer requests click to the following link below:

My radio/video show is up and running now. Just click to link below


My latest show at The Edge is now running at The Edge Feb. 14, 2011. 

Did you know what is happening in the US when it comes to radical Muslims?  Watch the video.


Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-17. Yesterday on my International radio/video program I warned you about the last days Babylon system that would arise. I gave you evidence showing you how many world leaders are calling for the end of the US dollar as the reserve currency. I warned you based on Rev. 13 that a new system will be born and the end result will be one in which the Antichrist will control.  One day after my program aired look at what the head of the G20 said.

“France, as current head of the Group of 20 countries, will help the transition to a global financial system based on 'several international currencies', French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde said today.” “

Lagarde, speaking ahead of a G20 finance ministers meeting in Paris on Friday and Saturday, said the world had to move on from the 'non-monetary system' it now has to one 'based on several international currencies'. Accordingly, France wants to see less need for countries, especially the emerging economies, to accumulate huge foreign reserves, she said. At the same time, international capital flows should be better regulated and the role of the Special Drawing Rights issued by the International Monetary Fund should be reinforced by the inclusion of China's yuan in the system.”

Last week I listened to interview where the person’s being interview where suppose to have knowledge what China was going to push.  One of the people in this interview said China wanted a basket of currencies to replace the dollar.  The person being interviewed said that plans were in the making to make the iraqi Dinar the currency the world would buy oil with.  At the present time the US. dollar is the currency which all nations must buy oil.  In the interview they also stated that the China yuan would be one of the currencies that would replace the basket in the basket of currencies.  After reading today’s report concerning a push to replace the dollar, and making it a point that China’s yuan is strong, I am beginning to wonder if what the people stated in the interview isn’t true? 

One thing caught my eye when I read the above report. I quote, “will help the transition to a global financial system”. Doesn’t it sound to you like they already have this move planned out?   Considering Jesus’ warning I can assure you that a major change is on the way and this change will lay down another step in the path leading to a one world financial system which will fall in the hands of the Antichrist.  I suppose many of you will not believe this one world system is coming until you see it installed.  I am watching the news about the reserve currency like a hawk, because I feel in my gut that down the road the Iraqi Dinar will be moving into place as one of the strongest currencies and could be the one used to purchase oil.  I do think it will take some time as the Dinar is pretty weak at the present time as Iraq has not been brought out of bankruptcy yet, but they are working on doing that now.  The dinar is being used in Iraq but it will be used everywhere again soon.  Again, many will say, this will never happen.  However, if Babylon is to be destroyed as it says in the scriptures it has to be rebuilt and that is actually what they are in the process of doing right now.  This is going to get very interesting.  I think it would be a good idea at this point to put up the red flag about the Iraqi Dinar.  If in the near future you hear or see news talking about lifting the dinar in the basket of currencies it will be a sign things are moving in the direction to fulfill Revelation chapter 18.

The video below is not the one I listened to, but he does turn to the interview I listen to. If you know what video I am addressing, please send me the link so I can post it for everyone else. Thanks.



Prophecy Sign: In Ezekiel 38-39 the Lord shows us that Turkey and Iran will be major players in the attack against Israel.  I hope that after you read this next report you won’t ask why do I think Iran and Turkey are getting so close?  That answer should be very clear to anyone who know what God said in Ezekiel’s prophecy about the coming war against Israel.

Here is the latest news showing the stepping stones are also being laid down to fulfill this prophecy.  “TEHRAN — Iran and Turkey are determined to boost their political and economic ties, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a joint press conference Monday with his visiting Turkish counterpart, Abdullah Gul. "This cooperation (…) will rapidly bring our region to the political, cultural and economic fore," which is "in the interest of peace and stability" in the region, Ahmadinejad said. President Gul said there were "no obstacles to the development of cooperation between the two countries."  "We had detailed discussions on key issues of mutual interest and important decisions have been taken," Gul said.  "We have decided to give orders to our respective parties to remove all obstacles" identified in the talks as hindering cooperation between the two countries, he said without elaborating.”

More news showing how Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 are coming into play. Sound track is off alittle in video below.



 Israel is getting ready for anything!  "AFP – The Israeli military is "ready for all eventualities" as the Arab and Muslim world undergoes "an earthquake," Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday just days after Egypt's regime collapsed. "An earthquake is shaking the whole Arab world and a large part of the Muslim world and we don't yet know how these things will turn out," the premier said at a swearing-in ceremony for new army chief Major General Benny Gantz."

Facts about the Muslim Brotherhood who hates Israel.





Just think about what Christ said. (Kingdom against kingdom). Signs of Rev. 6:6 birth pains./Drought in China affect prices/The coming one world economy/Feb. 13, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora Feb. 9, 2011 Edition pdf

Are you really searching to know the truth? 

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

To get to the prayer requests click to the following link below:

My radio/video show is up and running now. Just click to link below


My next show at The Edge will run starting at 6pm EST Today Sunday Feb. 13, 2011. 

algeria0212Prophecy Sign: I hope all of your are keeping in mind the warnings of Christ.  Did He not tell you to look for the sign of kingdom coming against kingdom prior to His second coming?  Why then would you not expect to see these events unfolding?  Satan is doing a good job blinding people to the truth.  The events in the past month should be proof alone that something very different in the world is taking place. Now read the report below and see what is happening in Algeria.

“Thousands of protesters flooded the streets of the Algerian capital Algiers on Saturday, defying a ban on demonstrations and calling for political reform in the North African country, one of the world's largest oil producers. The protest followed on the heels of Friday's resignation by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Estimates of the size of the crowd, which started filling Algiers' central May 1st Square, also called Concord Square, in the morning, varied. Organizers said as many as 30,000.”

Egypt's revolution, unthinkable just a few weeks ago, will have an immense impact on the Middle East and North Africa, according to experts.

A young man set himself on fire in Tunisia and just a few weeks later, the dictatorial Tunisian government had fallen, a few weeks after that, Egypt was in the throes of a revolution. Many are now wondering what’s next for the Middle East?

…“The winds of change are sweeping the Middle East,” Arab League chief Amre Moussa, a former Egyptian foreign minister, told CNN. He added that he did not know what direction they’d go in, or their extent, but they were there. …“Many Arab governments are worried, and they should be worried,” said Fouad Ajami, a Lebanese-born scholar and expert on Middle East affairs. “They treat their people badly. They brutalise them. They plunder the money. There’s no social contract in many of these states, and I think they have every right to be worried.” I am sure we will see more of the same shortly as more people begin to riot.

As our world is changing all around us many are wondering if President is a Christian or really a sleeper Muslim in the White House.  The only way one can know for sure is by his actions.  Do they for example reflect the teaching of the Lord found in the Bible or are reflecting away from the Word of God.  A new report out of Israel has this concern as Israel looks at what Obama has done with Egypt's mess. Meanwhile, Obama’s top officials continued to lay the groundwork for a Muslim Brotherhood takeover in Egypt that would be accepted and recognized by the international community. In what was either an unprecedented display of naivete or a revelation of what the Obama Administration’s true agenda is, US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had this to say during a House Intelligence Committee hearing on Thursday:

“The Muslim Brotherhood is a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has decried al-Qaeda as a perversion of Islam. …There is no overarching agenda, particularly in pursuit of violence, at least internationally.”

In an interview with Fox News earlier in the week, Obama himself refused to describe the Muslim Brotherhood as an Islamist threat. He also brushed off speculation that the Brotherhood will take over if Mubarak is toppled, arguing that the group is not a majority in Egypt. The president’s reasoning completely ignored the fact that neither Hamas nor Hizballah enjoy majority support among their respective peoples, yet managed to rise to power anyway.  Consider the fact that Obama is working to give East Jerusalem over to the PLO for their new capital, and he is working to divide up Israel, and now we see his stance on the Muslim Brotherhood. I would suggest we all pray harder for the President because his actions are proving that he is not following the word of God from the Bible.

Woman holding a pile of corn tortillas  Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 shows us people living in the tribulation period will have to work all day long for one very small meal, and that mean will be enough for one person. Just last week I gave you many reasons why the price of food will continue to rise as we get closer to the seven year tribulation. One of those reasons was the affect the weather will have on killing off crops.  Here is an example of that very thing taking place. “A spell of usually cold weather in Northern Mexico has severely damaged the maize crop in the state of Sinaloa    “Officials estimate the losses could amount to four million tonnes of corn – 16% of Mexico's annual harvest. President Felipe Calderon said everything possible must be done to re-sow the fields over the next two weeks. There are fears the losses could force up the price of the corn tortillas that most Mexicans eat with every meal. Officials say up to 600,000 hectares (1.5m acres) of maize have been lost to frost in Sinaloa, which is home to some of Mexico's richest farmland.”

"It is not an ordinary catastrophe or the simple loss of a harvest, but an emergency situation that demands a clear and forceful response from the authorities, a response that is not lost in bureaucratic delays," he said. "It's not just the billions of pesos that may be lost," he added. "We have to recover all we can because it is vital for feeding the country."  Tortilla prices have already been rising in line with a spike in grain prices on global markets.

Einstein was right - honey bee collapse threatens global food security Einstein was right – honey bee collapse threatens global food security

The bee crisis has been treated as a niche concern until now, but as the UN's index of food prices hits an all time-high, it is becoming urgent to know whether the plight of the honey bee risks further exhausting our food security.

In case you missed this take a look at this news about the corn in the US. “ST. LOUIS (AP) — U.S. reserves of corn have hit their lowest level in more than 15 years, reflecting tighter supplies that will lead to higher food prices in 2011. Increasing demand for corn from the ethanol industry is a major reason for the decline. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported Wednesday that the ethanol industry's projected orders this year rose 8.4 percent, to 13.01 billion bushels, after record-high production in December and January.”

“A severe drought in China, the world's largest wheat grower, could force prices even higher. The U.N.'s food agency has warned that the drought is driving up the country's wheat prices, and now the focus is on whether China will buy more from the global market, where prices have already risen about 35 percent since mid-November. Some food makers already began selectively raising prices within the past few quarters. Those higher prices have begun filtering into stores. Supermarkets have resisted price increases for some time, hoping to hold onto their cost-conscious customers in the tough economy. But chains such as Kroger now also say higher prices are coming.”

Be smart and by corn now and save money before the prices go up on you.


Dead Sea Drying UpPhoto by: Ariel Jerozolimski

If you never read the Book of Revelation you wouldn’t  know Jesus warned us that there would be water shortages in the last days. All you have to do is read Rev. 7: 15-16, and Rev. 8:6-11 to see how life will be during the tribulation.  In my book I cite many reports showing you the affects of the droughts and changing weather that is taking a toll on the fresh water supply. Here is another example of this. “An Indian thinktank, Strategic Foresight Group, released a report Saturday that claims that Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian territories are in the worst shape in the Middle East with clean water resources, citing a 500-700 million cubic meter water deficit each. Middle Eastern counties will have no choice to cooperate as water resources in the region dwindle causing shortages, the report said. The investigative report was launched by Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey, who, according to AFP, said "The report comes to an alarming conclusion; five of the seven countries are experiencing a structural shortage, and debit of most of the big rivers has declined by 50 to 90 percent since 1960."

Christ shows us in Revelation 13:16-17 that the Antichrist will have full control of the world’s economic system.  World leaders are pushing for a one world currency as they work to dump the US dollar as the reserve currency. If you have been watching the stock exchange you would have noticed that there are moves in process which are beginning to bring us a global stock exchange.  You can see from the recent news we are headed down the path for a one world system. Last week we read about Germany’s Deutsche Boerse is in advanced talks to buy NYSE Euronext, and now we are seeing the London Stock Exchange has agreed to buy Canadian stock market operator TMX, as exchanges globally look for ways to boost their markets and cut costs. These are major developments in the financial world!

New radio/video show at The Edge this Sunday at 6pm EST


Are you really searching to know the truth? 


The show is going to air at 6pm EST Sunday Feb. 13, 2011

Just in 7.0 Earthquake:/What Jesus and Jeremiah show us about last days Babylon/Germany to take over NY Stock Exchange?/Obama to control the net?/Many earthquakes/Jesus working in Kenya/Feb. 11, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora Feb. 9, 2011 Edition pdf

Are you really searching to know the truth? 

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

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My radio/video show is up and running now. Just click to link below


Prophecy Sign: About a week and a half ago I wrote you warning you that another huge earthquake was on the way.  I put up the red flag so that when you saw the news you would believe in the warnings Jesus has given us.  In that post I stated the following: “You may be wondering why the red flag is up?  This is to warn you to watch for another huge quake to hit. If the birth pains are getting worse, we should start seeing even bigger quakes, the "great earthquakes".   In Luke 21:11 Jesus warned the following: “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven." 

I love pointing to what Christ says because His words always come to pass.  By the way, more of these quakes are on the way!

“SANTIAGO (Dow Jones)–A magnitude-7.0 earthquake shook Chile's central-southern regions Friday, as local television reported that no major damage was caused. The tremor struck near the offshore epicenter of a quake–one of the strongest on record–which devastated Chile nearly a year ago, killing hundreds and causing damages nearing $30 billion. State giant Corporacion Nacional del Cobre de Chile's El Teniente underground mine, which is located south of capital city Santiago and close to the quake's epicenter, was operating normally, a company spokeswoman said. Although the National Emergency Office didn't have a tsunami warning on its website, local TV reported that many coastal residents were heading inland as a precaution. Last year's earthquake spawned a deadly tsunami which compounded the devastation.”



  Revelation 17:11And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:”  Now Jeremiah 51: 13 You who live by many waters    and are rich in treasures, your end has come,  the time for you to be destroyed.

Revelation 17:2 2With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”  Now  Jeremiah 51:7 7 Babylon was a gold cup in the LORD’s hand;    she made the whole earth drunk. The nations drank her wine;    therefore they have now gone mad.

 4And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: Jeremiah 51:7 7 Babylon was a gold cup in the LORD’s hand;    she made the whole earth drunk. The nations drank her wine;    therefore they have now gone mad.

 Rev. 18:4-54And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”  Now Jeremiah 51:45  45Come out of her, my people!    Run for your lives!    Run from the fierce anger of the LORD.

 Revelation 18:5 “For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.”  Now Jeremiah 51:9: 9 “‘We would have healed Babylon, but she cannot be healed; let us leave her and each go to our own land,  for her judgment reaches to the skies,  it rises as high as the heavens.’

 Let look at some facts about Jeremiah. He warned the people for 40 years what was going to happen. He prophesied from 629BC to 589BC.  Jeremiah is known as a dual prophet in that he warned what was going to immediately happen and what would happen in the future.  He warned that Babylon would come and destroy the nation of Israel, which took place, and he warned of the destruction of Babylon in the future which would be the same type of system.


 Want Middle East Stability?  Move UN to Iraq"“Get the U.S. out of the U.N.!,” a sign near Gettysburg shouts. “The United Nations sabotages America’s security,” author Eric Shawn declared in his book The U.N. Exposed. Iranian spokesman Gholam-Hossein Elham told reporters that the U.N. “must be relocated from the U.S.” And a few days after Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez’s rant before a U.N. audience, a New York Daily News editorial encouraged Chavez to “take the atrophied, self-abasing remains of a global idea 2,100 miles to Caracas!”

The idea of moving U.N. headquarters seems to resonate with many—those who believe that the U.S. is being manipulated by anti-American and anti-Israeli elements within the U.N., as well as those who feel that the U.S. is doing the manipulation. For Americans, it would of course mean the loss of a global status symbol—but it would also mean the reacquisition of valuable New York real estate, fewer cases of diplomatic immunity for the legal systems, and perhaps a reduction of anti-American sentiment worldwide.

Where should it go? Try Iraq. While moving the U.N. headquarters to Venezuela or Iran is probably not wise, moving it to Iraq might be a strategic coup. There is even a ready-made location for it—Saddam Hussein’s 600-room palace and compound constructed over the remains of the ancient city of Babylon. Americans might even consider footing the bill for the relocation.”  “

It would be to the benefit of all members to ensure the security of the new headquarters. A multinational coalition under the auspices of a colocated U.N. would be perceived as a more neutral and acceptable force. Additionally, since the security of the U.N. would rest on the stability of the new Iraqi regime and vice-versa, there would be a strong mutual interest in maintaining a working relationship between the multinational coalition and the security forces of Iraq.

As a model for coexistence, a resident U.N. headquarters could inspire the three factions within Iraq to forego violence, thus reducing the need for security forces. The move might even satisfy Iran’s leaders sufficiently for them to quit sending weapons into Iraq. Chavez (as a new-found friend of Iran’s president Mahmud Ahmadinejad) and possibly even militant Islamic extremists (Sunni or Shi’a) would find it hard to justify verbal or physical attacks against a U.N. headquarters based in the heart of the Middle East.” 

“What’s in it for the United States? For those Americans disappointed with the malfeasance often associated with U.N. leadership, the move would be a victory. It could be similarly spun for those who feel that the U.S. has not been sufficiently deferent to or reliant upon the U.N.—an implication that the U.N. could and should do what the sole superpower could not. Domestically, the move would be a win-win scenario.

Globally, a move from American soil—where location might appear to indicate ownership—could reduce anti-Americanism. It might change the perception of the U.S. from that of a superpower with imperial aspirations to simply a member of a global force for peace; thus, a positive diplomatic scenario.”


Prophecy Sign: The decline of America to give way to the final world empire, which end up being the one Jesus and Jeremiah warned us about.

Headline: "IMF calls for dollar alternative"

"NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — The International Monetary Fund issued a report Thursday on a possible replacement for the dollar as the world's reserve currency.  The IMF said Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, could help stabilize the global financial system. “

SDRs represent potential claims on the currencies of IMF members. They were created by the IMF in 1969 and can be converted into whatever currency a borrower requires at exchange rates based on a weighted basket of international currencies. The IMF typically lends countries funds denominated in SDRs

While they are not a tangible currency, some economists argue that SDRs could be used as a less volatile alternative to the U.S. dollar.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the IMF, acknowledged there are some "technical hurdles" involved with SDRs, but he believes they could help correct global imbalances and shore up the global financial system.

"Over time, there may also be a role for the SDR to contribute to a more stable international monetary system," he said.

The goal is to have a reserve asset for central banks that better reflects the global economy since the dollar is vulnerable to swings in the domestic economy and changes in U.S. policy.”


Think the US isn’t declining in power?  Guess again!  Not only would many like to see the UN move from New York to Iraq but now the New York Stock Exchange is under attack.

“A German company is in high-level talks to acquire the New York Stock Exchange, Wall Street's most recognizable institution.  According to reports published in both the German and American financial press, Deutsche Borse, a Frankfurt-based stock exchange is seeking to take a 60 percent ownership interest in the NYSE.  The merger would create the world's largest financial exchange. News of the deal sent both NYSE and Deutsche Borse stock soaring Thursday. If US and European regulators sign off on the plan, the new parent company would have dual headquarters in Germany and America.  The merger is not expected to result in major layoffs in New York.  However, the ranks of face-to-face stock traders have already thinned considerably on Wall Street in recent years.”

Now do you see why the United States in not spoken about in prophecy as the last world empire.  Slowly but assuredly America is losing her power as a world leader.  Many of you many not know this but Germany is one of the nations in the European Union, and is the strongest nation in the EU.  Germany is part of the Western leg of the old Roman Empire.  If Christ shows us, when He returns to Earth it will be at the time when there is a revived Roman Empire why should it surprise you that one of the nations in the revived Roman Empire be in the hunt to own the stock exchange?  Can’t you see that these things are bringing on the mystery Babylon kingdom of the Antichrist?  Everything that is taking place is all about control.  Not only will the Antichrist control the economic system but all the people as well.  When the time comes the Antichrist will be able to stop the news, monitor you every action, and yes, even stop you from buying and selling anything. Let me give you an example of this.  Remember the riots in Iran not long ago?  Did you know that Iran’s President shut down the net and tried to control all communications during the turmoil.  You can count on the Antichrist to be able to do the same things.  Are you still unbelieving about the control?  Watch the video below entitled: “Obama launches total takeover of media” after the German take over report.

To watch the video on Germany making a bid to over take the NY Stock Exchange, click on the arrow in the center of box below. Then go down and click the embeded code at the lower right side of the box and the video will play. If not, go to this link to watch it.

It appears the American institutions that were once the strongest in the world are all in the process of falling apart as America loses her power.  Here is another of what I am talking about.  (CNNMoney) — The U.S. Postal Service warned Wednesday that it may default on some of its financial obligations later this year after reporting yet another quarterly loss. The USPS, a self-supporting government agency that receives no tax dollars, said it suffered a loss of $329 million in the first quarter of federal fiscal year 2011. That compared with a loss of $297 million a year earlier.  The agency has been suffering from an ongoing decline in mail volume, which has undercut revenues, while retiree health care costs have been straining its reserves. Excluding costs related to retiree benefits and adjustments to workers' compensation liability, the Postal Service said it had net income was $226 million in the first quarter, which ended Dec. 31.  Despite ongoing cost-cutting efforts, the USPS said it expects to have a cash shortfall this year and to hit its federally mandated borrowing limit by September, when the government's fiscal year ends.”




Prophecy Sign: Let’s take a look at Matthew 24:7 again where Jesus told us about the civil unrest that would come on the kingdoms in the last days.  You already know about the riots in Egypt so let us take a look at what is happening in Uganda. “KAMPALA, Uganda — Two days of fighting in Southern Sudan between the region's army and a rebel faction killed 105 people, a southern army spokesman said Friday, in a reminder that violence can still explode in the volatile region despite its successful independence referendum. A former high-ranking southern army member who had previously rebelled against the southern regional government attacked the towns of Fangak and Dor in the Upper Nile state on Wednesday, breaking a January cease-fire, said Col. Philip Aguer, the army spokesman. Aguer said 105 people were killed in the two towns: 39 civilians, 24 southern police and soldiers, and 42 of rebel commander George Athor's men. AP attempted to reach Athor and his top aide for comment but the phone calls to the remote region did not go through.”

Prophecy Sign: Here is a up-date on Jesus’ warning concerning the many earthquakes that would come and the “great earthquakes” that will come in the last days. Read Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11.

MAP  5.0   2011/02/11 02:46:23   -20.776   -174.546  34.7   TONGA

MAP  5.0   2011/02/10 18:54:13   -31.331   -175.813  13.8   KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION
MAP  6.7   2011/02/10 14:41:57    3.966    123.125  512.2   CELEBES SEA
MAP  6.5   2011/02/10 14:39:29    4.126    123.017  528.4   CELEBES SEA
MAP  5.4   2011/02/10 13:03:04    37.168    141.217  35.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP  5.4   2011/02/10 05:35:17    52.132    91.779  14.5   SOUTHWESTERN SIBERIA, RUSSIA
MAP  5.1   2011/02/10 02:12:26   -27.599    -70.171  64.9   ATACAMA, CHILE

MAP  5.0   2011/02/09 19:24:07    11.819    57.760  10.2   OWEN FRACTURE ZONE REGION
MAP  5.3   2011/02/09 14:51:16   -16.060    166.980  35.0   VANUATU
MAP  5.0   2011/02/09 11:29:12    27.262    143.343  10.2   BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.1   2011/02/09 09:51:27    24.762    141.198  198.3   VOLCANO ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.0   2011/02/09 01:29:49   -14.293    166.668  28.3   VANUATU

MAP  5.2   2011/02/08 22:02:02    43.405   -127.119  10.1   OFF THE COAST OF OREGON
MAP  5.0   2011/02/08 17:14:01    27.294    143.101  18.6   BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.5   2011/02/08 16:42:45    27.330    143.083  39.4   BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.0   2011/02/08 15:50:13    27.335    143.180  10.0   BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.1   2011/02/08 15:34:31    22.795    144.556  25.8   VOLCANO ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.3   2011/02/08 15:27:01    -9.999    113.903  56.3   SOUTH OF JAVA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.4   2011/02/08 13:03:31   -27.622    -69.526  94.7   ATACAMA, CHILE
MAP  5.0   2011/02/08 08:16:05    -6.010    127.856  390.5   BANDA SEA

MAP  6.2   2011/02/07 19:53:43    -7.157    155.284  413.9   SOLOMON ISLANDS
MAP  5.3   2011/02/07 08:08:37    0.864    98.838  82.8   NIAS REGION, INDONESIA

MAP  5.2   2011/02/06 16:47:34   -20.380    168.318  38.9   LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP  5.6   2011/02/06 11:21:17    -8.275    104.108  9.9   SOUTHWEST OF SUMATRA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2011/02/06 01:06:52   -14.199    166.571  35.1   VANUATU

MAP  5.6   2011/02/05 16:11:39   -37.610    -73.384  13.7   BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.3   2011/02/05 01:56:11    34.878    140.418  35.6   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN


Praise the Lord, brother, we are soon starting our Last Chronicle campaign on march, I just want to thank God for the provision of the solo guitar and the generator God used you to give us. we have planned to start with Kapsoya then to Kenya Prisons warders camp.  We need your prayers support.It it not a must we have all the instrument at ones but when God provides we buy what with think is the priority others will get us a head. God bless you so much I just wanted to get you informed  that  we are still pressing on. Till time the lord will open the way for you to be with us in Kenya. We love you.


Titus Idati

Pastor Titus

  Photo is of Pastor Titus on the Last Chronicles outreach in Kenya.

Many of my regular visitors at my site know that I am helping support the Kenya ministry.  I received a email from Pastor Titus today from Kenya.  Why am I passing this on to you?  For two reasons. First, to show you how Jesus is working via these Pastors in Kenya, and second to ask you to help them in anyway you can.  As you know the price of food is skyrocketing around the world.  This means that places like Kenya, which are among the poor nations will be struggling even more than they are to feed themselves.  Pastor Titus, has such a huge heart that even in his state he has taken his funds to bring food to people in Tanzania who are worse off than he is.  I am asking all of you send what ever you can to Ascent Ministries, Inc..  Timothy Moore and I are doing whatever we can to help spread Jesus in Kenya and the nations close to Kenya.  If you are lead to give to these pastors in Kenya contact Timothy at  You can also contact Timothy with this address: Ascent Ministries, Inc.,  1350 W. Twin Springs St. Siloam Springs, Arkansas 72761. (423-284-0832). 

As you can see from Pastor Titus email to me they are getting ready to go out again and bring the message of salvation to other nations around them.  Jesus has blessed me as my role in their ministry is by sending as many of my books as possible.  As you know, I never ask a dime from anyone to help me, but I will ask you to do what you can for these men of God in Kenya who are on the front lines spreading God’s Word.  Pray for them, and ask the Lord to provide whatever they need.

Thank you


As you go your way for this weekend may this painting of the Lord's rising fill your hearts with joy for we are saved in Him and He is coming for us soon.


The Fathers of America were followers of Jesus Christ the proof: /Civil unrest to get worse Egypt is rocking/Babylon in prophecy and what it means to us? More news about food prices going up/Feb. 10, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora Feb. 9, 2011 Edition pdf

Are you really searching to know the truth? 

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

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 Prophecy Sign: If you are new to prophecy you may not known what Jesus is showing us in Rev. 6:6 so let me give you a short back ground. “A "measure" (6:6) is translated from the Greek word choinix, which is a dry measure of less than a quart and closer to a liter. A "penny" (6:6) is used for the Latin word denarius, which was the Roman silver coin that was accepted as the equivalent of the ordinary pay for a day's wages. In Revelation 6:6 Christ shows us people working for a small amount of food. Knowing that this verse sheds light on what it will be like during the seven year tribulation, we can see that the price of food is going to skyrocket, and since we are in the midst of the birth pains we see the prices have to climb around the world like they have never done so before.  So much so that nations are now rioting because they can not buy food.  Below is more information about the skyrocketing prices.  The headline to this report is, “Get ready for higher food prices”

You may want to read this Omaha report because it shows how the price of food is going up and will no doubt to continue to go up.

Speaking about civil unrest, read the headline today.  "Rage in Egypt as Mubarak stops short of resigning"  I quote, "President Hosni Mubarak provoked rage on Egypt's streets on Thursday when he said he would hand powers to his deputy but disappointed protesters who had been expecting him to step down altogether after two weeks of unrest".  As you will see from the video below the people are really enraged at Mubarak for now saying he will stay on.  The civil unrest Jesus warned us about is going to get worse. I would watch the news tonight if you can. Here is the bottom line.  Everything Christ told us was going to happen is in fact taking place.

"CAIRO — President Hosni Mubarak told the Egyptian people Thursday that he would delegate more authority to his vice president, Omar Suleiman, but that he would not resign his post, contradicting earlier reports that he would step aside and surprising hundreds of thousands of demonstrators gathered to hail his departure from the political scene."



A religion on peace? God’s word will stand/Feb. 9, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora Feb. 9, 2011 Edition pdf

Are you really searching to know the truth? 

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

To get to the prayer requests click to the following link below:

My radio/video show is up and running now. Just click to link below


A group which is a front for al-Qaeda has called for an Islamic state of Egypt. Prophecy Sign:  More news today pointing to the coming Psalm 83 war. “A group which is a front for al-Qaeda has called for an Islamic state of Egypt. The group, The Islamic State of Iraq, has called on protesters in Egypt to overthrow the current establishment and push for a government which promotes Islamic law. A US-based Middle East watching group has intercepted a statement on an Islamic Web site, which calls on "every able-bodied man" in Egypt to open "the doors of martyrdom."  The statement urges Egyptians to ignore the old ways of "secularism, democracy and rotten pagan nationalism."  "Your jihad," the message said, "is in support of Islam, the weak and oppressed in Egypt, for your people in Gaza and Iraq and for every Muslim who was touched by the oppression of the tyrant of Egypt and his masters in Washington and Tel Aviv."

What does this mean when they say they want “calls on “every able-bodied man” in Egypt to open the doors of martyrdom”.?  What the Islamic group is actually saying is, they are asking as many people as possible to go out and kill anyone who disagrees with Islam.  They are looking for martyrs who will kill themselves while they try to take out as many people as they can in the process.  They don’t care who they kill, as long as they are killing anyone who does not believe in their god Allah.  They kill, man, women, and children. It makes no difference to them who they kill,  for to them if these people oppose them and their god they are all infidels according to their religion.  It is statements like this that is causing Israel to talk about getting ready for war.

In February of 2011, Israel’s Army Chief gave a speech just before he was to retire. News from Israel told us Ashkenazi warned Israel to prepare for all-out war! “The radical camp in the Middle East is gaining strength, Ashkenazi warned, adding that "the moderate camp among the traditional Arab leadership is weakening." He also made note of what he characterized as the "fascinating phenomenon" whereby power is shifting to the people of the region thanks to online social networks. The army chief said that in the wake of the growing threat of radical Islam among Israel’s neighbors, the defense budget would have to be boosted in the coming years. The main change faced by the army is the widening spectrum of threats, he said. "Because of this spectrum, we must prepare for a conventional war…it would be a mistake to prepare for non-conventional war or limited conflicts and then expect that overnight the forces will operate in an all-out-war," he said” ( Feb. 11, 2011). Ashkenazi’s comments came at the time Egypt is in the process of facing rioting, and facing the prospect of a new Egyptian government headed up by the Muslim Brotherhood who hates the Jews.

“Many Western analysts agree that the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas are one and the same. One leading Brotherhood cleric has said: "Kill Jews – to the very last one.” A Brotherhood takeover of Egypt would strengthen Hamas in Gaza. Another Brotherhood leader told an Arab language newspaper Monday that Egyptians “should prepare for war against Israel" ( Feb. 1, 2011).  Now you know why Israel’s Army Chief made his remarks! This report goes on to say, “The Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas are rooted in the same ideology. "If the Muslim Brotherhood groups gain a prominent place in the government, this would definitely help consolidate Hamas’s hold on Gaza,” Atiyeh Jawwabra, a political science professor at Jerusalem’s Al Quds University, told The Wall Street Journal’s Joshua Mitnick.” The journalist added, “Hamas, whose founder was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, has rejected n
egotiations with Israel and refuses to foreswear military and terrorist attacks." “Under a different name (Hamas), the Muslim Brotherhood runs the Gaza Strip. Hamas’s charter states unequivocally that it wants to eradicate Israel,” wrote Richard Cohen in the Washington Post this week” (Ibid).

Anyone who knows what Psalm 83 says understands the break up of a friendly Egyptian government with Israel is taking place in order to bring Egypt in step with the other nations listed to attack Israel in that Psalm. At the time Israel is calling for Peace and safety “Egypt’s banned Muslim Brotherhood movement has unveiled its plans to scrap a peace treaty with Israel if it comes to power, a deputy leader said in an interview with NHK TV. Rashad al-Bayoumi said the peace treaty with Israel will be abolished after a provisional government is formed by the movement and other Egypt’s opposition parties.” (RIANovosti Feb. 3, 2011).

Speaking about the rise of Islam and what is going on in Egypt you may want to read this news from the Jerusalem Post.  “The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday saw excerpts of the text, compiled by Palestinian Media Watch founder Itamar Marcus and analyst Nan Jacques Zilberdik. They detail the Brotherhood’s objectives of advancing the global conquest of Islam and reestablishing the Islamic Caliphate, the public and private duties of jihad and the struggle Muslims must wage against Israel. The full text, translated by PMW, will be posted Wednesday on the organization’s website, “The Islamic ummah,” it says, referring to the supranational community of Muslims, “can regain its power and be liberated and assume its rightful position which was intended by Allah, as the most exalted nation among men, as the leaders of humanity.”  Elsewhere, it exhorts Muslims, “Know your status, and believe firmly that you are the masters of the world, even if your enemies desire your degradation.”  Marcus spoke to the Post about what he views as the danger of downplaying the Brotherhood’s ideology, or expecting it to moderate its objectives after being allowed into the political process. The movement differs from international terror groups like Al-Qaida, he said, only in tactics, not in its goals.  Marcus cited passages in the text that urge Muslims to wage jihad only when circumstances are ripe.  “The Brotherhood is not rushed by youth’s enthusiasm into immature and unplanned action which will not alter the bad reality and may even harm the Islamic activity, and will benefit the people of falsehood,” Mashhur wrote.  “One should know that it is not necessary that the Muslims repel every attack or damage caused by the enemies of Allah immediately, but [only] when ability and the circumstances are fit to it.”  Jihad is the Way explicitly endorses the reinstatement of a nworldwide Islamic regime.  “It should be known that jihad and preparation towards jihad are not only for the purpose of fending off assaults and attacks of Allah’s enemies from Muslims, but are also for the purpose of realizing the great task of establishing an Islamic state and strengthening the religion and spreading it around the world.”  “Jihad for Allah,” Mashhur wrote, “is not limited to the specific region of the Islamic countries, since the Muslim homeland is one and is not divided, and the banner of Jihad has already been raised in some of its parts, and shall continue to be raised, with the help of Allah, until every inch of the land of Islam will be liberated, and the State of Islam established.”

There is no question these people will continue their quest to rule the entire world and place everyone under Sharia law which is Islamic law.  Noticed I said try. Who is going to stop them?  All you have to do is look at Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38-39,  in both the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 war we see the Islamic nations moving against Israel in order to try and wipe them off the map.  Both of these wars will be won by Israel, and this will come about because of the Lord’s protection over them.  Yes, Islam is making inroads around the world, but Christ will crush out all religions that have not followed Jesus as Lord. The last example of this will come as Jesus deals with the Antichrist, the false prophet, and Satan at the end of the tribulation.  In short, what I am warning you via the word of God, is these muslim leaders will keep pushing their people to the brink of war with Israel again.  After the nations bordering the nation Israel are defeated at the Psalm 83 war, it will tick off the Islamic nations listed in the Ezekiel war.  The nations listed in the Ezekiel war will make the same big mistake as the nations who tried to wipe out Israel in the Psalm war, they will believe they will destroy God’s chosen nation once and for all.

So what do we do in the mean time? We warn as many people as we can before these wars break out in the hope that once they see God’s warnings come to pass they to will come to know Jesus Christ as their savior.  Pray for this, and pray for the Lord to increase the number of people who are not afraid to take a stand for Jesus.,7340,L-4025266,00.html

Peace and safety/You will know them by their fruit/Signs of Revelation 6:6 again/ Feb. 8, 2011


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 9, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora Feb. 9, 2011 Edition pdf

Are you really searching to know the truth? 

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

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 See full size image

Prophecy Sign: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” It has been some time since I brought you up to date concerning Paul’s warning from 1 Thessalonians 5:3.  At the present time Egypt is on the way to a complete change.  Now that the leaders pushing for a peace agreement between the PLO and Israel are seeing the turmoil in Egypt they want to press to get some kind of peace in place.   

See full size image “The Quarter of Mideast negotiators urged Saturday that Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations must advance quickly due to the recent turmoil in Egypt. The announcement, which was made at the end of a Quartet meeting in Munich, came after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has tried to delay the Quarter meet in recent days, claiming the timing wasn't right in light of the political crisis in Egypt. In a statement, the group said that in view of developments in the Middle East, the Quartet expresses its belief that further delay in the resumption of negotiations is detrimental to the prospects for regional peace and security. The Quartet emphasized that the goal of an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement is the establishment of a Palestinian state by September. The group also said it regretted Israel's decision to end a 10-month moratorium on construction in settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem”   First of all, we are seeing the exact same thing Paul warned us stated in the news. See the words in blue above. Second, you would have to be crazy on wild mushrooms to believe Israel is going to sign a peace deal while their southern border appears to be in danger.  Thirdly, the PLO still has not stated that they will recognize Israel as a legitimate State, and just last week the leader of the PLO said he would die trying to get Jerusalem back.  Who is Israel going to make peace with?  Would you make a peace deal with someone who keeps telling you that he is going to wipe you off the map and take your holy city of Jerusalem?  This is what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing for His nation.  Peace is coming to Jerusalem, but it will not happen until Christ reenters Jerusalem. Since we know that this will happen at the conclusion of the Revelation get ready to see the second part of Paul’s warning which is (“then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”

Watch the video at the site below to see how the Lord's warning concerning Iran is coming to pass.

Pray for the US leadership to turn to Jesus.  Pray that Christ will bring the USA a true man of God, one who will not lie to America.  Jesus told us we can now who is and is not a real believer.  How?  Read Matthew 7:16. “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?”  “1 Samuel 24:13 “As the old saying goes, 'From evildoers come evil deeds,' so my hand will not touch you.”  Watch the video below and see how Obama tells one lie after the other.  After watching this video it makes it extremely hard to believe anything that he tells us.

Lolo Soetoro (Obama's step father) Born 1935 Died 3/2/87 at the age of 52 He was 6 years old when WW 2 started, and 10 years old when it ended.  How many of you actually believe President Obama’s Step Dad fought in a war at this age?  If you believe that lie I am sure you are open to the lies that will be given you when the the Antichrist’s false prophet arrives on the scene.  The only thing I can say to the President is this, M. President it is time to either see a doctor because you are having a nervous break down, or keep away from those mushrooms you are eating.


The next time you hear Obama tell America that the economy is getting better remember those lies, and it may be a good idea to check out the facts as America is still declining.  Here is one of the signs showing how America is hurting. The headline to this next report is entitled: “Chart: Owing more than home is worth”. Americans are still walking away from their homes.  “At least half of homeowners with a mortgage owe more than their homes are worth in 17 of 386 U.S. counties. Counties with the highest percentage of mortgages under water as of Sept. 30.

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 “And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine."

If you are new to prophecy you may not known what Jesus is showing us in Rev. 6:6 so let me give you a short back ground. “A "measure" (6:6) is translated from the Greek word choinix, which is a dry measure of less than a quart and closer to a liter. A "penny" (6:6) is used for the Latin word denarius, which was the Roman silver coin that was accepted as the equivalent of the ordinary pay for a day's wages. In the Book of Matthew verses 2-13 we see an example of people working all day for a penny. "2 And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. In verse 9-13 it says, “ And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. 10 But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny. 11 And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house, 12 Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day. 13 But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny?" (Matthew 20:2-13).  In Revelation 6:6 Christ shows us people working for a small amount of food.

A "measure of wheat" (6:6) weighs roughly between 7 and 8 ounces (approximately 1/2 pound), which would produce about 1/2 of a loaf to one complete loaf of bread. This would only be sufficient for the wage earner to feed himself for a day, but not enough wage left to buy anything else for himself, i.e., "see thou hurt not the oil and the wine" (6:6). Only by economizing with a less expensive– and less versatile– grain such as barley, can there be a threefold increase in the availability of food to feed a small family of two more for one day, i.e., "three measures of barley for a penny"

During the time of the end we know that the price of food will have increased so high that people will be working all day long for this very small amount of food.  The price increases have already started to go up and they will continue to go up until this prophecy is fulfilled.  I have been showing you signs of these birth pains in the hope that you will believe in the word which Christ has given us.  Not only do I believe Jesus has shown us the price of food will have increased, but He also showed us civil unrest would come as well.  I told you a few days ago that many of the nations rioting right now in the Middle East have done so in part because they are protesting against the high prices of food.  We can see that the news is running parallel with the word of God.  We also see in scripture that many will go hungry and there will be famines and wars.  All of these things are taking place right now and they will get worse the closer we get to the tribulation period where all these signs will reach their max.  The rider who comes out as a result of the third seal being opened is seen as riding on a black horse and the rider has a pair of balances in his hand.  The black horse is signifies famine, and the rider the “conserver of food”.  The rider of Revelation hasn’t come yet but we are seeing the birth pains leading up to when this third seal is broken.  Why will food go up?  Jesus told us wars would break out, see Matthew 24:7.  What happens when men are fighting instead of planting crops?  You end up with famines.  As I said, all these events are linked together in some way or another.

If you are watching the last days signs with the Lord Jesus, the news about the rise in food, and that includes wheat and barley won’t surprise you at all.  Every time I see news like this the Lord brings me back to His warning in Rev. 6:6.  ,From the current news today you will see that not only are prices of food skyrocketing but that the price for wheat and barley are going up!


The EU Times today ran a story entitled: “South Korean President warns Nation must prepare for food crisis” I quote, “South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak has called for new strategies to help secure a stable supply of food amid growing concerns about a global food crisis.  South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak called Monday for new strategies to help secure a stable supply of food amid growing concerns about a global food crisis.  The likelihood of a global food crisis is rising due to climate change. We need to set up national strategies and research to tackle the issue,” Lee’s spokesman quoted him as saying during a meeting with senior advisers. Lee also called for a task force from the government and private sector to be set up to attract investment in farming, and stressed the need to tackle rising energy prices also blamed for fanning inflation. Affected by surging global prices for oil and other commodities and higher domestic prices of agricultural products, South Korea’s consumer prices jumped 4.1 percent year-on year in January. South Korea has recently intensified efforts to secure stable sources of food and hedge against price swings.  State-run Korea Agro-Fisheries Trade Corp said last month it plans with private companies to buy a US grain trading firm this year to secure new sources of soybeans and grain.  The United Nations warned last month that millions of people are at risk after global food prices hit their highest level,

“The United Nations warned last month that millions of people are at risk after global food prices hit their highest level, amid unexpected shortfalls due to bad weather and policy responses from some exporting countries.” 

 Picture of Wheat - Free Pictures - FreeFoto.comIn this next report we see news about the wheat and barley. “Demand for wheat from Australia, the fourth-biggest shipper, is strong, said exporter AWB, as buyers from Europe to the Philippines battle for supplies amid prices near their highest level in more than two years. Importers are seeking milling wheat for bread and a lower- grade feed variety used to fatten livestock, said Mitch Morison, general manager commodities at Melbourne-based AWB today. Buyers are using feed wheat as an alternative to corn, he said. Governments from Beijing to Belgrade are raising imports, limiting exports or releasing supply from state stockpiles to curb food inflation. Countries probably spent at least $1 trillion on food imports last year, with the poorest paying as much as 20 percent more than in 2009, the United Nations says. Corn soared 88 percent in the past 12 months and wheat 76 percent as drought in Russia and floods in Canada ruined crops.”

Image Ref: 07-44-32 - Barley, Viewed 9932 times“Prices of feed barley are strong too as supplies run low in Europe, the AWB said. Saudi Arabia, the largest importer, is making enquiries, “which is supporting our market because Australia represents the only significant supply prior to the northern hemisphere new crop,” Morison said.” “Rising food costs have stoked inflation in emerging economies. China’s consumer prices advanced 3.3 percent last year, breaching a government target of 3 percent. The January rate may have accelerated to 5.4 percent, according to the median estimate of 10 economists surveyed by Bloomberg, from 4.6 percent in December. Inflation in Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s biggest economy, was 7.02 percent last month, a 21-month high.”

russia, wildfires, august 2010, ap The global wheat price spike is like a punch in the gut for the world's hungry. And while they were high as a result of last summer's Russian wildfires, they've now gone even higher based on rising demand and damaged crops around the world. While wheat isn't the major source of sustenance in every country around the world, its a key part of the diet in many countries, and represents a huge share of some eaters diets. Those eaters may be able to swap out their wheat buys for other food items, but many may be strung up by the surge in prices, left to spend less on other products, and more on their daily bread.”

If you stay with me and come to my post, in the near future you will read more news showing you that the weather has taken a toll on crops around the world which will cause the prices to food to keep climbing. 

In closing this section, take a look at news about Pakistan. “Pakistan's consumer prices rose 1.3% compared to the previous month in January, rebounding from a 0.5% fall in the previous month, the Federal Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday. Food and beverage prices rose 2.1% in January, although the price of perishable food items dropped 2.6%. On a year-over-year basis, consumer prices jumped 14.2% in January.”


Will return with more news later, still writing.

Israel has to get ready for war!/Christian persecution/Christ’s warnings in the news/ Feb. 7, 2010


“The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” February 4, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth By Frank DiMora February 4, 2011 Edition

Are you really searching to know the truth? 

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

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My radio/video show is up and running now. Just click to link below


Yesterday I gave you signs showing you the Psalms 83 war is heading toward us.  I told you that Israel was worried about Egypt’s government falling.  Today, news from Israel again points to this coming war in a report entitle: “Army Chief Ashkenazi: Prepare for all-out war”

“In his final days on the job, Chief of Staff Ashkenazi warns about growing radicalization in region; given recent changes across Middle East, Israel must prepare for a battle in several theaters, he says

Given recent changes in the Middle East, Israel must prepare for a battle in several theaters, outgoing IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi said Monday at the Herzliya Conference.

"The connection between the different players requires us to contend with more than one theater," he said.

The radical camp in the Middle East is gaining strength, Ashkenazi warned, adding that "the moderate camp among the traditional Arab leadership is weakening." He also made note of what he characterized as the "fascinating phenomenon" whereby power is shifting to the people of the region thanks to online social networks.”

"The connection between the different players requires us to contend with more than one theater," he said.

“The army chief said that in the wake of the growing threat of radical Islam among Israel's neighbors, the defense budget would have to be boosted in the coming years. The main change faced by the army is the widening spectrum of threats, he said.

"Because of this spectrum, we must prepare for a conventional war…it would be a mistake to prepare for non-conventional war or limited conflicts and then expect that overnight the forces will operate in an all-out-war," he said”,7340,L-4025266,00.html

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:9 Christian persecution.

AP Christians in Egypt increasingly live in fear of discrimination and persecution, and political change may not be a change for the better.

Some Christian demonstrators were seen praying peacefully with Muslims, as protests gripped Tahrir Square in Cairo. But with an uprising in the streets and upheaval in the government, Egypt's Christians, who make up about 10 percent of the population, aren't likely to end up with someone in power as tolerant of them as even President Hosni Mubarak has been.

“I don’t believe Mubarak is a good man, but he’s at least ten times better than the Muslim Brotherhood is,” a popular tweeter named Maged told FoxNews.Com. “Imagine if they took control with American approval.”

The Muslim Brotherhood is a radical Islamic group that in recent years has tried to tone down its extreme image in search of a greater role in the Egyptian social and political structure, but some argue that the group never really shed its extremist past.

 Prophecy Sign: A few days ago I posted some information concerning super storms.  We know from  Jesus’ warning that the seas and waves would be roaring in the last days while all the others prophecies He showed us would be taking place. See Luke 21:25.  If you are new to prophecy ask yourself what causes the seas and waves to roar?  One of the most common reasons that push the waves and sea is strong winds.  These super storms are doing just that.  If you know prophecy you can also see that many other prophecies are also linked to events brought on by these super storms such as famine, hunger, disease, and of course upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity as Jesus stated in part of Luke 21:25.  This new report entitled New Superstorms Warned Have ‘Doomed’ World Food Production released today by the EU Times, they point out many of the things that we read in prophecy. Here are a few of the quotes. 

“However, this report continues, when the damage caused by these Superstorms is combined with the cataclysmic destruction of over one-third of Russia’s crops due to historic fires and drought, the historic drought in China that is now being warned could cripple their entire winter wheat crop, the Superstorms that have pounded Southern Africa leaving their agricultural sector in ruins, the Superstorms that have virtually destroyed Sri Lanka’s ability to feed itself, the Superstorm that killed over 2,000 in Pakistan and destroyed its agriculture sector, historic fires and drought in Ukraine that destroyed 20% of their crops, the record cold and snow hitting a European Continent after their worst flooding in decades, catastrophic Superstorms hitting Brazil that has left 860 dead, and a catastrophic drought in Argentina… to all of these, and more, the damage done in the past 12 months to our world’s ability to feed its 6.8 billion human beings has been “completely destroyed”.

So dire has the situation become, especially after world food prices hit a record never before seen this past month, Josette Sheeran, the UN World Food Programme’s executive director, warned that “If people don’t have enough to eat they only have three options: they can revolt, they can migrate or they can die”.  How many times have I pointed you to what Christ said in Revelation 6:6 where He shows us people living in the tribulation period will have to work all day long for one very small meal?  You see the price of food climbing like never before so why don’t you believe this and every thing else Jesus is showing you?  You see the riots taking place over high food prices and now even nations are fighting in part because people can not afford the higher food prices.  I pray you will open your hearts, eyes, and hears to what the Holy Spirit is showing you.

Even more ominous is this past week’s chart of Baltic Dry Index (BDI) showing our world’s shipping has dropped to its lowest level since the Great Economic Collapse of November 2008 and signaling a hoarding of grain and food supplies by producer nations that is putting exporting countries at risk of collapse as food riots increase this year across the globe.

Britain’s Telegraph News Service also reported this past week that authoritarian governments across the world are aggressively stockpiling food in order to stop the rapid rise of riots threatening their regimes, but according to this report is “too little, too late” as our world had been previously warned was just “one poor harvest away from total chaos”.

“So dire has the situation become, especially after world food prices hit a record never before seen this past month, Josette Sheeran, the UN World Food Programme’s executive director, warned that “If people don’t have enough to eat they only have three options: they can revolt, they can migrate or they can die”. Do you remember what Daniel warned us in Daniel 12:4? God showed Daniel that in the last days people would be traveling back and forth. I think that if these super storms continue people in many parts of the world will have to migrate just as this report suggests.

A few days ago I showed you the birth pains Australia has been going through. As of late they had locusts invasions, one of the worse droughts ever, massive storms, the recent category 5 cyclone, and today we are told she is on fire again.   I quote, “The authority said the fire, which was started at 9.14pm (WST) on Saturday, and had burnt 800 hectares by 8.20am on Sunday, was a threat to lives and homes. It has warmed in order to survive, people should leave immediately for a safer place and take their survival kits with them. According to Les Hayter from the fire authority, the blaze is currently out of control and unpredictable.”  I am sure there are people watching the news each night asking themselves what in the world is going on?  If you don’t know God’s Word you will have a hard time connecting the dots between Bible prophecy and current events.  That’s where I come in.  Jesus has people like myself all over the world yelling out God’s word in hope that many will her His Words and come to Christ for their salvation before the seven year tribulation begins.What is it going to take another huge earthquake to jolt you into responding to Christ’s salvation call?  If you are waiting for that to happen pay attention to the news because shortly you are going to see news about more huge earthquakes.  After all, Jesus in Luke 21:11 warned us to watch for the “great earthquakes that would come in the last days.

Speaking about people moving as a result of storms look at what is currently happening in Sri Lanka. “People in Sri Lanka are going hungry as a fresh wave of floods has hit the east, centre and north of the island. Some 320,000 people have been forced to take refuge in makeshift camps in schools, temples and mosques. The floods have affected 1.25 million people. Officials say 11 people have been killed and three more are missing. Last month, more than 300,000 were displaced by the floods which killed at least 40 people, ruined crops and killed livestock.”


clip_image002Prophecy Sign: One of the last days signs which have not been fulfilled yet is Psalm 83. I try to keep you up-date on the coming war against Israel as much as I can.  The reason is that when we see this war we will know we are very very close to the beginning of the seven year tribulation.  I keep warning you that Israel is going to be attacked soon because this is what we are told in Psalm 83.  Recent events in the Middle East are pushing us closer to this coming war and today the New York Times had a report entitled, “Obama policies are pushing volatile region to the brink” which point to another Arab-Israeli war.  “The Obama administration is pressing a reset button to return the Middle East to the bad old days of open Arab-Israeli warfare. The White House is requiring participation of the Muslim Brotherhood in any prospective new Egyptian government, while the brothers themselves are telling their countrymen to “prepare for war.” The current crisis in Egypt and the Obama administration’s maladroit response are forcing strategists to consider conflict scenarios that had been mothballed since the 1970s.

The Camp David Accords have formed the bedrock of U.S. security policy in the Mideast region since they were signed in 1978. The strategic logic behind the accords was that no coalition of Arab states could have a chance of waging a successful conventional conflict against Israel without including powerful Egypt. Subtracting Cairo from the equation would mean no new Arab-Israeli wars. 

The possibility now looms that Egypt could be back on the bad side of the ledger. Rather than reaching out to progressive, secular, Western-oriented dissident groups, who are more sympathetic to the United States and not virulently anti-Israel, President Obama is inexplicably placing his weight behind “important non-secular actors” such as the America-hating Muslim Brotherhood. A new government dominated by these Islamic extremists would almost certainly seek another round of conflict. The brothers have not only threatened war against Israel but also have a long term objective of “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

Here is a quote which I found very interesting. “Israel, the lone stable democracy and America’s most reliable ally in the Middle East, will then have openly hostile neighbors to the north and south, a weakened Jordan to the east, and uncertain support from the west. Israeli leaders already are wondering whether the current occupant of the White House would rush to the aid of the Jewish State in time of war or simply make a few speeches deploring the violence but leaving Israel to fend for itself.”

Let’s think about this for a moment, and also see what God’s word says about something like what is stated in this report.  America needs oil and gas to help keep her declining economy moving.  Would America take sides with the Arabs knowing that if the US were to support Israel the Arabs would cut the oil supply off to America?  Here is something else to consider.  Is America strong enough to help Israel on the ground when Israel is attacked by the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war, and could she move fast enough to help Israel?  Let’s face it, when all the nations listed in that Psalm war coming pouring down on Israel, Israel will have to move at lightening speed knowing they are going to be fighting to keep the nation of Israel alive again just as they were forced to do in the 1948, 1967, and the 1973 wars.   Keep in mind, that during these wars Israel was out numbered almost 5 to 1.  It is going to be the same way again when all these nations come against Israel.  The American forces have been cutting back over the years, this has caused many of the US forces to have  to be redeployed three and four times because they don’t have enough man power.  All these factors brings me to the Ezekiel war and what God told us is going to happen during this invasion against Israel.  I think we may see the same thing happen during the Psalm war. 

Ezekiel 38:13 says the following: See full size image“Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? Hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? To carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?” (Ezekiel 38:13)  As the attack begins, we see specific nations that are mentioned which only give their formal protest against the invading armies.  The nations which give their formal protest are not engaged in the battle and we do not see them helping Israel in any way except with this formal protest.  Sheba and Dedan in verse 13 are modern day Saudi Arabia.  Great Britain is what is referred to in the Old Testament as Tarshish.  The nations, which broke away from Great Britain, are the United States, Canada, and Australia; these nations are considered the young lions of Tarshish, or Great Britain in modern day terms.  Look up the coat of arms for Great Britain, it is the lion as you see below.

   I may be wrong, but I believe the same type of response is going to take place during the Psalm 83 war. If the US has just stood by its old friend Egypt, and let her government fall apart to God who knows, what makes us think that Obama won’t do the same thing with Israel?  As far as Saudi Arabia is concerned she is worried the same thing that is happening in Egypt may happen in their nation.  I believe the events being played out now are events that will only weaken these nations and thus be they will be less inclined to help Israel in either the Psalm 83 war or the Ezekiel war.  As far as that goes, Saudi Arabia may fall next as they are listed in the Psalm 83 war against Israel.  Times are getting very interesting!


Are forces at work now getting ready for the attack on Israel?  Read this report entitled, “Egyptian-Israel gas pipleline sabotaged”. “Egypt's suspension of gas supplies to Israel after the North Sinai pipeline was blown up Saturday, Feb 5 has suddenly cut Israel off from 25-30 percent of its gas needs and 80 percent of Jordan's. A few hours after the blast, Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmad Shafiq announced the gas supplied to both countries under contract would henceforth be diverted to domestic requirements.

With Egyptian gas cut off for the foreseeable future, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu went into hasty non-stop consultations with ministers and energy military and security officials. Alongside the emergency declared by Israel's electricity corporation, those consultations centered on three additional facets of the crisis: The expanding occupation of North Sinai by Palestinian Hamas extremists from Gaza and anti-Egyptian Bedouin tribesmen, culminating in the gas pipeline explosion; the failure of joint Israeli and Egyptian military efforts to contain it and, thirdly, concerns that Hamas may cross into Israel and sabotage Israeli power stations or fuel reservoirs to bring about the collapse of Israel's electrical power system.” 

Have plans be drawn up to weaken Israel’s security before the attack by cutting off the gas?  Concerning the people behind the blast, I would say the chances of this are pretty high.

10,000 Iraqi DinarLast week I wrote to you about the possibility that the Iraqi Dinar would become a major currency in the last days.  I said this based on Revelation chapter 18 where we see Babylon being built up in the last days, and will become the financial hub of the world.  To read up on the rebuilding of Babylon you can click to the following link:  Today I heard a interview with someone who is suppose to have knowledge of what China has planned for the Iraqi Dinar.  I can't tell you for sure if this person being interviewed is creditable. However, based on what I see happening with current events and the nations trying to get rid of the US dollar as the reserve currency I would at least want to hear what this person is saying. Keep in mind, it is China that is holding up the US right now.  When China tells the US we are going to bail you out anylonger by buying your debt, it will be over for the US. I will let you make your own determation as to if what he says is really coming down the pike soon.


God warns the Earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, what else will happen?/Feb. 5, 2010


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Prophecy Sign: In Isaiah 24:20 God told Isaiah the following: “The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again. 

I just finished reading a report entitled, “Magnetic Polar Shifts Causing Massive Global Superstorms”.  It is a report that I believe you need to read the entire report, and you will see why if you continue to read this prophecy up-date. 

“NASA has been warning about it…scientific papers have been written about it…geologists have seen its traces in rock strata and ice core samples…

Now "it" is here: an unstoppable magnetic pole shift that has sped up and is causing life-threatening havoc with the world’s weather.

Forget about global warming—man-made or natural—what drives planetary weather patterns is the climate and what drives the climate is the sun’s magnetosphere and its electromagnetic interaction with a planet’s own magnetic field.

When the field shifts, when it fluctuates, when it goes into flux and begins to become unstable anything can happen. And what normally happens is that all hell breaks loose.

Most of you who have studied the books of Daniel and Revelation should stop in your tracks when you come this next part of the Salem News report. I quote, “The effect causes the Earth’s poles to move in an irregular circle of 3 to 15 meters in diameter in an oscillation. The Earth’s Wobble has a 7-year cycle which produces two extremes, a small spiraling wobble circle and a large spiraling wobble circle, about 3.5 years apart.”  We know that the length of the tribulation is for a period of 7 years.  God shows us that this 7 year tribulation will be broken into two parts each 3.5 year in length. 

The Economist wrote a detailed article about the magnetic field and what’s happening to it. In the article they noted:

"There is, however, a growing body of evidence that the Earth’s magnetic field is about to disappear, at least for a while. The geological record shows that it flips from time to time, with the south pole becoming the north, and vice versa. On average, such reversals take place every 500,000 years, but there is no discernible pattern. Flips have happened as close together as 50,000 years, though the last one was 780,000 years ago. But, as discussed at the Greenland Space Science Symposium, held in Kangerlussuaq this week, the signs are that another flip is coming soon."

Discussing the magnetic polar shift and the impact on weather, the scholarly paper "Weather and the Earth’s magnetic field" was published in the journal Nature. Scientists too are very concerned about the increasing danger of superstorms and the impact on humanity.”

Now connect the dots between what Jesus has  warned us and what we are being told could happen when the poles change. Jesus warned us that we would see the roaring of the seas and wave Luke 21:25. In chapter 24 of Matthew, chapter 13 of Mark, chapter 21 of Luke,  and the in the Book of Revelation Jesus shows us famines, starvation, intense heat, 100 pounds of ice that fall from the sky and types of weird weather includes huge earthquakes.  Now read what the report says will be the outcome of such a polar change. “Superstorms will
not only damage agriculture across the planet leading to famines and mass starvation, they will also change coastlines, destroy cities and create tens of millions of homeless.”  Now add in the warning from Isaiah. Verse 24:20: “God told Isaiah the following: “The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.”  What the scientists are warning are the same things God has warned us about.  Are you beginning to get the picture yet?  Add the fact that these Earth’s Wobble has a 7-year cycle and a large spiraling wobble circle about 3.5 years apart” 
Sounds to me like Jesus is showing everyone via the news, and His Word what is about to take place soon.