One world currency/A letter asking could this be the beginning of the end/Food riots coming? Jan. 17, 2010

My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe

Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised.  The book download is FREE.  Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

 To get to the prayer requests click to the following link:


Dec. 31, 2010: Chinese President Hu Jintao delivers a New Year's address in Beijing. Prophecy Sign: Most of the Christians who study the Bible and have read Revelation 13:16-17 understand that the Antichrist is going to control the world’s economy. We know this because Jesus told us that no man will be able to buy or sell anything unless they have the mark of the Antichrist. Christ tells us that this mark will be placed in the right hand or forehead.  I want to make sure you know exactly what Jesus has stated so I quote our Lord. “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

If you are on the watch for these things to take place you can see that the world is in the process of being set up for this one world economic system.  Never before have we seen so many reports about forming a new one world currency.  This morning when I got up I read the report below and could only pray that the people would open their blind eyes to the events leading to fulfill Revelation 13:16-17.

Here is a short quote from Fox News today. “BEIJING—Chinese President Hu Jintao emphasized the need for cooperation with the U.S. in areas from new energy to space ahead of his visit to Washington this week, but he called the present U.S. dollar-dominated currency system a "product of the past" and highlighted moves to turn the yuan into a global currency. "We both stand to gain from a sound China-U.S. relationship, and lose from confrontation," Hu said in written answers to questions from The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post.” 

Will the yuan become the currency used as a global currency?  Only the Lord knows, but what we do know is this, whatever global currency is set in place you can not put paper currency into your hand or into your forehead.  What will happen in the near future is that the paper currency of the world’s governments will end up moving from a one world paper currency into some type of currency that is placed in your skin just as Jesus has shown us in the above scriptures.  If you want to see some of these technologies which can and are doing just that today, read chapter one of my free prophecy book which you can download today. The link to the book is at the top of this post.

Below is a letter from a Christian Brother of mine that wrote me telling me what is happening in Saipan. America is on the decline and the US dollar will in the near future lose it’s rule as the world’s reserve currency.  I believe this is going to happen to help give rise to the next step which will at the end of the day force a new one world currency.  Many of you will not believe this, but we know everything that Jesus has warned us is now coming to pass.  Ask Christ into your heart today and allow Him to save you from the judgment that will befall the unrighteous who will be left behind when the Church is raptured to Christ.

Below you will find a video that shows you one of the ways people are buying things with a chip in their skin. After you see this video, I pray that the Holy Spirit will remove the blinders from your eyes and make you see the things He has shown us are already upon us and you need to get right with Him today.


Hello Frank,

I am back at home on my island home of Saipan.

If Saipan is a foreshadowing of what is to come to the mainland USA, watch out!

At our church here on Sunday, we were wondering why nobody was there. With gasoline edging just over $4.52 for a gallon of gas the preacher said it is no wonder even 20 of us were there! He said over the past three months people have asked him for a ride. Since he only has a small Toyota he can only pick up 2 more people. He advised us to share a ride with others.

Also, 9 out of the 10 members of the church do not have a job. They keep bugging him for donations from the church for food. The church is so deep in debt, it took out a balloon mortgage at the beginning of the crisis to get the church started.

As things get worse on Saipan, there is a larger and larger presence of the USA Federal government here, Homeland security is still hiring…….for what reason? No one seems to know……..

The Federal Government now has over 10,000 people each month getting benefits such as food stamps, etc. The total island population is only estimated at 23,000 people. Everywhere you look you see street after street of abandoned retail strip malls, for rent signs are everywhere!

If you want a Commercial warehouse, you can get one here for a penny on the dollar, since the USA Federal Government came here 3 years ago, they drove all of the 23 large and flourishing garment factories out of here and back to China, Laos, or Viet Nam.

Please pray for this lost bunch of souls out here that are crying for relief, but do not know JESUS.

Even the Catholic church is turning destitute people away from their doors.

Could this just be the beginning of the end? Crime is already very very high, as ex-workers from the Philippines claim they have no where to turn except to steal to buy a bag of rice so their family no longer starves to death.

The public parks with fruit trees, are barren, the ocean once teaming with small fish along the shoreline is now empty and vacant of even the smallest fish, since the homeless here have netted them all up!

Please pray for the USA islands of Micronesia, as mainland AMERICA is next!

God Bless!




 Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6. '”And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

Three loaves of barley equal approximately one pint. This is generally regarded as a minimum sustenance diet. Therefore, this verse foreshadows a time when an entire day's wage will barely yield enough food to survive. 

“A grim report prepared by France’s General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) obtained by Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states that president’s Obama and Sarkozy have “agreed in principal” to create a joint US-European military force to deal exclusively with a Global uprising expected this spring as our World runs out of food.

According to this report, Sarkozy, as head of the G-20 group of developed Nations, called for and received an emergency meeting with Obama this past Monday at the White House wherein he warned his American counterpart that the shock rise in food prices occurring due to an unprecedented series of disasters was threatening the stability of the entire World and could lead to the outbreak of Total Global War.

Just last week French Prime Minister Francois Fillon underlined that one of France’s top G-20 priorities was to find a collective response to “excessive volatility” in food prices now occurring, a statement joined by Philippe Chalmin, a top economic adviser to the French government, who warned the World may face social unrest including food riots in April as grain prices increase to unprecedented highs. The fears of the French government over growing Global instability was realized this past week after food riots erupted in Algeria and Tunisia and left over 50 dead. So dire has the situation become in Tunisia that their government this morning rushed in massive amounts of troops and tanks to their capital city Tunis and instituted a Nationwide curfew in an order to quell the growing violence.”

The link below will provide you with a list of nations that have huge damage to crops because of the floods. All of these nations are facing some huge problems as a result of the destruction of the crops. This is exactly what Jesus warned us about in Luke 21:25.

(No title)


My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe

Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised.  The book download is FREE.  Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests click to the following link:

Prophecy Sign: “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”  Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Brazil staggered Friday under the worst natural disaster it has ever seen, as it counted nearly 500 dead from mudslides this week near Rio de Janeiro.

Brazil (Reuters) – The death toll from massive flooding and landslides in Brazil topped 500 on Friday as renewed rainfall threatened to complicate efforts by rescue teams to reach survivors trapped in isolated areas.In one of the country’s worst natural disasters, rivers of mud tore through towns in the mountainous Serrana region outside Rio de Janeiro, leveling houses, throwing cars atop buildings and leaving thousands of people seeking shelter. "The rain did not stop at dawn and is continuing in the morning, which is making the rescue efforts more difficult," said Lieutenant Rubens Placido, a fireman in the hard-hit town of Nova Friburgo. "The number of deaths is going to rise quite a bit. There are still a lot of people buried."  The flooding killed at least 529 people, according to local and state authorities, but rescuers are uncovering more victims buried under wrecked homes and toppled buildings. More than 13,500 people have been left homeless.

“BRISBANE, Australia, Jan 13 (Reuters) – Floods left parts of Australia's third-biggest city on Thursday looking like a war zone in need of years of reconstruction, the state premier said, while fresh threats loomed with a cyclone forecast offshore. The floods across the state of Queensland have killed at least 19 people, 12 of whom died in the Toowoomba area inland, and 61 were missing, the st
ate government said. Toowoomba and the Lockyer Valley region, west of state capital Brisbane, were devastated by tsunami-like flash flooding on Monday. Large parts of Brisbane have become muddy lakes, with an entire waterfront cafe among the debris washing down the Brisbane River, a torrent that has flooded 12,000 homes in the city of 2 million and left 118,000 buildings without power.” Here is more news about the roaring torrents.
Damage to the city is spectacular and widespread. In addition to ruined homes and businesses, schools, community halls and sporting grounds have been damaged, while the roaring torrents ripped away a 300 tonne section of the city’s river walkway.”

 Prophecy Sign: In part of Matthew 24:7 Christ told us we would see civil unrest or if you will (kingdom against kingdom).  The year 2011 started off with many nations in Europe rioting over budget cuts and we expect more of the same as the many nations continue to cut their budgets.  There are other reasons why people are fighting against themselves and often we see violence erupt because a government is falling or is in the process of being taken over.  Let me show you an example of what I am speaking about. I quote, “TUNIS, Tunisia – Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi has gone on state television to say he is assuming power in Tunisia. The announcement Friday came after thousands of protesters mobbed the capital of Tunis to demand the ouster of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. In response to the riots, the president declared a state of emergency in the North African nation, dissolved the government and promised new legislative elections within six months.”

  Image: Nepalese protesters We know civil unrest is a growing concern but you have to add in the food factor which would cause more riots soon.  Remember what Jesus showed us in Revelation 6:6?  It is here we see people will be working all day long for a very small meal.  There is no doubt the the prices of food will skyrocket as the wrath of God is poured out, and much of the food on this planet will be destroyed by the intense heat, floods, war, insects, disease and and so on.   The birth pains Christ spoke about in Mark 13:8 are upon us, and I have warned you what Jesus has said.  Knowing what is to come, are you surprised to see that the prices of food are skyrocketing to levels we have not seen?  Here is another example of these birth pains. I quote, “Strained by rising demand and battered by bad weather, the global food supply chain is stretched to the limit, sending prices soaring and sparking concerns about a repeat of food riots last seen three years ago. Signs of the strain can be found from Australia to Argentina, Canada to Russia. “On Thursday, Tunisia’s president ordered prices on food staples slashed and indicated he won’t run for re-election after deadly riots hit the North African country. chief economist at the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), said last week. The U.N.’s fear is that the latest run-up in food prices could spark a repeat of the deadly food riots that broke out in 2008 in Haiti, Kenya and Somalia. That price spike was relatively short-lived. But Abbassian said the latest surge in food stuffs may be more sustained.”  All of prophecy is converging.  In this case the civil unrest  and the food prices have once again caused concern.  What is our hope?  Well, if you don’t have Christ as your savior yet, you have no hope and you can expect to be cast into the seven year tribulation to face the Antichrist.  However, those of us who have come to Christ know Jesus has promised to come back for us, and to remove us from His wrath that will be poured down on all those who refused the Lord’s free gift of salvation.  

The report goes on to say, “Price for grains and other farm products began rising last fall after poor harvests in Canada, Russia and Ukraine tightened global supplies. More recently, hot, dry weather in South America has cut production in Argentina, a major soybean exporter. This month’s flooding in Australia wiped out much of that countries wheat crop. As supplies tighten, prices surge. Earlier this month, the FAO said its food price index jumped 32 percent in the second half of 2010, soaring past the previous record set in 2008.” Can you not see that everything Jesus told us to look for is already upon us?


Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Since the beginning of the new year we have seen some huge earthquakes and the earth  continues to shake only this time the report shows the fight fear sight of the volcanic eruption Sicily.

“After reports of mysterious mass animal deaths around the planet, photos of a fierce volcanic eruption might confirm that the end of the world is nigh. Thankfully, these magnificent pictures of Mount Etna’s latest eruption are merely a chance to revel in the awesome power of nature rather than a reason to start stockin
g up on canned goods. The 3,329-metre (10,922-feet) volcano erupted for around an hour yesterday evening, lighting up the Sicilian sky and providing amazing scenery for the village of Milo, just 12 kilometres away”–Sicily-looks-Mount-Etna-erupts-spectacular-fashion.html#ixzz1B2HZ6ZfG


Another “great Earthquake hits/Lebanon in prophecy/ Signs of America’s decline/Massive flood/ 13, 2010


My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe

Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised.  The book download is FREE.  Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests click to the following link:

I will be taking some time off. I request your prayers. Please do not email me as I need to step away from my post for a while.

Prophecy Sign: Let me ask you a question? Why do you think Lebanon’s Government is having so many troubles? Do you not know that Psalm 83 tells us that Lebanon is one of the nations that is going to attack Israel?  What you are seeing take place in Lebanon are the stepping stones to prepare these people to attack Israel.  Will we see civil unrest break out in Lebanon?  I would say the chances of it are high as the religious parties are odds with each other.  Add to the fact Jesus warned we would see civil unrest in part of Matthew 24:7. As you can see from the report Iran’s figure prints are all over what is happening in Lebanon. “Iranian puppet militia Hizbullah and its allies followed through Wednesday on a threat to leave Lebanon's unity government. Their departure may leave Prime Minister Saad Hariri without a coalition.” Iran’s President is working for the destruction on Israel, and I believe bringing in another ruling party that is in line with what Iran wants is part of the picture.


Speaking about civil war read this. “After years of civil war costing hundreds of thousands of lives, the last thing that Lebanon needs is renewed political instability. So yesterday's move by the Hizbollah-led opposition to bring about the collapse of the government of national unity is a worrying development – not just for Lebanon itself, but the whole of the Middle East. The ostensible reason for Hizbollah's withdrawal is the impending publication of an investigation by a UN tribunal into the assassination five years ago of Rafiq Hariri, the country's prime minister. The tribunal is reportedly preparing to indict several senior Hizbollah members, something that the Shia militant group has warned will lead to renewed sectarian violence. For months, Hizbollah – which is backed by Iran and Syria – has tried to force Hariri's son Saad, the current prime minister, to disavow the findings of the tribunal, something he has refused to do for fear of losing all credibility with his own Sunni community.”

Just in case you are new to my site Syria, Lebanon, and the Hizbollah are also listed in the Psalm 83 war that is going to come on Israel soon.  Syria is going to meet her end when she tries to wipe out Israel . Read Isaiah 17:1 and chapter 49 of the book of Jeremiah to see what happens to her.

Israel’s leaders know full well what Iran and Syria are up to in Lebanon and they are smart to prepare for war. “Israel Defense Forces troops stationed in the north were on alert Thursday over worries that the political turmoil in Lebanon might spill over into renewed violence on their shared border, following the collapse of the government in Beirut. The Iranian-backed Hezbollah militant group and its allies threw the already volatile Lebanon into chaos on Wednesday by pulling out of the government and causing it to collapse.”  There is no question if war is coming again, it is only a matter of time before it breaks out.

Here is more news shows you Israel is getting ready for the war! “

In an apparent attempt to shake the public into greater preparedness, the Commander of the Home Front's Dan District made a dire prediction Wednesday regarding the next war between Israel and its enemies. Speaking on IDF Radio, Col. Dan Zusman, who is in charge of about 1.5 million citizens on the Tel Aviv area, said that "the missiles and rockets from all fronts will reach Tel Aviv in the next round." "We are talking about dozens of missiles of different kinds that will hit Tel Aviv, and therefore the estimate is that there will be hundreds of dead, destruction of buildings and destruction of infrastructure," he added.  When he was asked how he expected society to function during the war, Col. Zusman said: "I am less interested in whether theaters will put on plays, and more in whether our banks and economy will cease functioning. An alternative needs to be found as quickly as possible."


Prophecy Sign: Over and over again I have shown you that America is not found as any kind of power in the last days. The book of Daniel which outlines for us every world empire says nothing about the USA.  Why do you suppose this is the case?  We living in the last generation can see why the US is not mentioned. She is about to collapse. The mighty dollar is falling and the great USA has been on the decline and is falling very fast.  One of the signs is the number of people who are losing their jobs.  For the past two and a half years I have warned you to watch the number of people who would be added to the unemployment ranks.  When I said watch for hundreds of thousands each month that is what I meant.  You do not have to be a prophet to be able to make such statements, all you have to do is know what the Bible says about the last days and who are going to be the main players during the time of the end.  If I point to what I have said in the past it is only to show you that things are changing very quickly and America is declining to give way to the last world empire which both Jesus and Daniel address. 


“U.S. jobless claims jumped to their highest level since October while food and energy costs boosted producer prices, pointing lingering headwinds for an economic recovery that had been showing renewed vigor. A surge in exports to their highest level in two years helped narrow the trade deficit, however, an encouraging sign. Out of WorkDespite the more positive outlook for growth in recent weeks, the job market still appeared to be struggling. The number of Americans filing for first-time unemployment benefits rose unexpectedly to 445,000 from 410,000 in the prior week, the Labor Department said on Thursday. It was the biggest one-week jump in about six months, confounding analyst forecasts for a small drop to 405,000.”  Some have written me and said I am trying to draw attention to myself by telling you I have warned you about this, or I have warned you about that.  I will let these people say what they may, but Christ knows I am warning you about the things He has shown us and asked us to warn others about.  Sorry if you don’t like the way I point to Christ, but isn’t this what the prophets of old did? Didn’t they warn people about the things that were coming, and isn’t it what we are told to do?  At least we have the good news of Christ and can give hope to those who Christ has called. So, once again I ask you to watch the news. Watch the dollar and how it keeps declining, what the US economic engine.  All I can say is pray for America that she come back to her first Love Christ. Pray that the leaders of the US will turn to Christ for the answers.

 Prophecy Sign: Last week I pointed to Jesus warning concerning the “great earthquakes He warned that would come along with many earth quakes. Read Luke 21:11 and Matthew 24:7.  Last week I put up the read flag again and told you more of these huge quakes would be seen in the news shortly.  I had no problem telling you this because I know my Father Christ Jesus does not lie. If He said great quakes would come that is what I must warn you about.  After all, I am again following what Jesus has asked us to point out in His Word.  Do you want to see Christ’s warning come to pass?  Take a look at what was just reported.

“WASHINGTON – A 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck off the New Caledonia islands in the southern Pacific, the U.S. Geological Survey said on Thursday.”

 Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Jesus warns we will see the roaring of the seas and waves. In Luke 21:11 the Lord also told us to watch for “great earthquakes”.  You see both of these signs in the news today.

“We saw both of these signs from Jesus come to pass. “A woman in Brazil narrowly avoids being swept away More than 370 people have now been killed by flooding and mudslides in south-eastern Brazil, say officials. The mountain towns of Nova Friburgo and Teresopolis have both seen more than 150 deaths and Petropolis dozens more, media report. Thousands of people have been made homeless. Rio de Janeiro Governor Sergio Cabral blamed local governments for allowing poor building and illegal occupations. President Dilma Rousseff has toured damaged areas in Nova Friburgo. She was accompanied by Mr Cabral and other politicians and later left for Rio, where she is expected to give a news conference. 'It was hell' Heavy rain began falling again early on Thursday as rescuers resumed their search and was expected to continue throughout much of the day. The collapse of electricity and communications systems, combined with the destruction of many roads and bridges, has severely hampered the rescue work.”

On Dec. 4, 2010 this news was released by “WAFA (PLO news agency).  “12/04/2010 RAMALLAH -the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization welcomed Brazil's courageous and wise decision, which recognizes an independent Palestinian state at the range of 67, and considered it essential lever for peace and stability.” Do you remember what God warned us about anyone who comes against Israel and Jerusalem. In Genesis chapter 3 verses 2-3 you see the blessing and curse against those who bless Israel or curse her.  I do not find it strange that shortly after Brazil goes against Israel by agreeing to a PLO State that Brazil is hit by a massive flood!

Could it happen in Sept? You never know


My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe

Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised.  The book download is FREE.  Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

 To get to the prayer requests click to the following link:


I will be taking some time off. I request your prayers. Please do not email me as I need to step away from my post for a while.


RAMALLAH, West Bank – The Palestinian foreign minister says he will seek United Nations recognition for a Palestinian state in September and is currently lobbying for votes worldwide.

The move is part of the Palestinians' so-called Plan B of pursuing an alternative to a negotiated peace deal while talks with Israel remain stalled. Riad Malki's announcement Sunday followed Chile's recognition of Palestine, making it the fifth South American country to do so recently.

While a majority for Palestine in the General Assembly seems possible, recognition by the Security Council — whose decisions are legally binding — would likely face an American veto.

The September target date has the month shaping up to be a crucial one for the Palestinians. It also marks the time frame for President Barack Obama's goal of reaching a peace deal and Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's hope of having the foundations of the future state ready.

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, falls on the Hebrew calendar dates of 1 and 2 Tishrei. Here are the coinciding secular dates for the upcoming year 2011:   September 28 (at sundown) – 30.  Every time I hear some one may do something to provoke Israel, and the date they state for doing something against Israel, I remember the Feast days.  What if the PLO gets the UN to call for Palestinian State during the Jewish Feast of Rosh Hashanah, which is the Feast of Trumpets.  Who knows, maybe it will be at this time the Lord will return for His Church.



The Last Days Global Prayer network is closing because for months I haven't heard but from one person concerning these prayer requests. As a result of the lack people wanting to pray I have chosen to spend more time in areas that would help spread God Word. 

My Photo

 Last days globlal prayer network team:

Frank DiMora

Catherine Barrier

Roseann Berko

Susan Carlson

Jimmy Carpenter  

Richard Crookshank

Dennis Daniels

Sharon Grotts

Jay Houston

Carol Jackson

kristi Jones

Gloria Kelley

Wayne Lonnen

Alan Manson


(Family) of Bill Oliver

Phyllis Mcilvoy

Kate Nate

Robert Pienta

(Family) Pohl's

Melisande Rademeyer

Duane and Kathi Rauch

Gerald Rector

John Saput

Traci spiege

Joshua Stephen

John van der Voort

Deidre Wilson

Julie Zaleski


See full size imageStarting date for prayer request April 30, 2012:
Please GOD unite me back with my love and bless me with my marriage to him ,with our parents blessings and happiness before the end of 2012. Please help me GOD . Please GOD you are my last hope. Please don't let me down .Please GOD also bless all other people in this world who have faith in you .


See full size imageMarch 27, 2012,Dear Frank;      Haven't talked to you in awhile as I know you are exceedingly busy! Well as for me, can you pray for me? I am in a desperate situation. I am still unemployed/homeless/and have about $60 dollars to my name. God is Jehovah Jirah and I need provision now. Anyways if'n you find the time to pray God Bless Ya Brother. THANKS friend!  If the Lord leads you to help him in his need please email Palmer at​m

See full size imageStarting date for prayer request March 25, 2012: Everyone,please pray for my mother,she is very sick and asked me to request prayer for her.And you all know like I do,that GOD answers prayer.Thank you all

See full size imagePrayer Request starting date March 21, 2012:   Sister Willie Jaye Lee just went into surgery…Please keep her in your prayers, as we know that God is in the HEALING business. We lift her name up HIGH in the MIGHTY name of Jesus Christ..She is having a very serious surgery affecting nerves and spine..will take up to 3-1/2hrs. We pray in the name of the Father, Son, & Holyspirit. Amen.   Also, I have another request please keep K'mori Little lifted up in prayer. She's six years old and the young girl was ran over and drug over 100 ft. She's in University hospital and has many surgeries. Let's lift her and family in our prayers.

See full size image Prayer request starting March 20, 2012 for Josh and his partner.  This couple needs your prayers for this new trucking business. Ask Jesus to bless them as they take a step out in faith in Christ. This is the new truck they just got for the business. They want to pay off the truck in a year. Let us pray that Jesus blesses them and they will pay it off way before that time!  Photo of the truck is below.

Photo (3)

See full size imagePrayer request from Rose starting date March 20, 2012

Hi Frank,I can't seem to get to prayer site.Please pray for my husband as he gets surgery Thursday.He is getting addicted to pain pills and wants to get off them as he does have pain.He said he wants off them so pray for victory as I wean him off with Doctors help. AND I want to thank our great God for victory who is able to do more than we can ever imagine. Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God gets them through them all.AMEN and let us not GIVE UP. HE REALLY IS WITH US IN THE FIRE. JUST BELIEVE.


 See full size imagePrayer Request! (March 12, 2012)
Douglas & Michelle Gable (trust) Family, Johnson Family, Laws Family, Laparis Philips, Smiley family, Ruiz Family, & Barbara Gable, Pastor Keys & Family, Cheryl Haywood & Gabriella, Jones Family, Knobles Family, & Helen Ward. Father we asking you Lord to deliver us from sickness, health and to build our family stronger in the Faith in Jesus name. Thankyou!

See full size imagePrayer request from Agnes Baraza starting date March 5, 2012

 Dear man of God,

Man of God I would just want you to pray for me to remainstrong and trust in Jesus alone. My biggest prayer need is that the lord may give me peace ofmind .I have a lot of questions that I ask myself everyday; why did my motherhave to die and leave me without knowing my father. Why was I not born in anable family, family that could take care of me and give me good education. Myonly hope is that Jesus is going to come in this few days and take me home.Take me to a place where there no more struggling with our physical needs sheda lot of tears when a day passes and HE IS NOT BACK. Because I have to face aset of new problems. Am afraid that my friend is taking me like a burden to hisfamily and the only way I can stay from him is going to school. The burden isthat I don’t have anyone to pay for my school fees and with my high schoolcertificate I cannot get a job anywhere. Pray for me that I may get a way outthat I can go to school even as we wait for his coming.

Thank you

Yours daughter in Christ

See full size imagePrayer request from Nick: Feb. 28, 2012

Pray for the all the believers in Kazakhstan deprived of a legal means of gathering for woship after hundreds of small churches and other religious groups were closed down earlier this month.
Pray for "George," the brother still being held for interrogation in a neighbouring country because of his faith and ministry. Pray for him, his family, and for the other believers in that city.
Ask God to give comfort and strength to the family of a colleague of Peter, whose father passed away.
Ask God to meet the deepest needs of "Barry", a brother in this city weighed down by feelings of guilt and loneliness.
Continue to pray for Assiya's healing. Ask God to help her through the difficult treatment she is receiving.
Pray that by God'sgrace liz will recover. Her salivary ducts are blocked by stones, making it difficult to eat or talk, and leading to throat infections.
Pray for Edward's father Nicolai, in hospital in serious condition.
Pray for all those in Kazakhstan who do not know Jesus, that God's light will shine on them.
Pray for the government of Kazakhstan, and particularly the President, that God's grace will protect and guide.

From from Clint!!!!!

I recently requested prayer from you for myself.  I was falsely accused of abusing my children 6 days AFTER I filed for custody of them.  I was arrested and spent nearly 8 months in jail in NC on a $250,000 bond before charges were dismissed but I was taken to MD to face allegations there.  I was released on a $750 cash bond there and I faced trial on 3/7/12.
Just a few moments ago I got an email from my attorney saying all charges in MD were being dismissed because the story has changed again and doesnt match up with the evidence that I had submitted through my attorney. I faced up to 46 years in prison and I refused all plea deal offers because I am innocent.
I have always said I was innocent and the Lord has delivered me from false accusations made in a custody battle.
In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and He answered by setting me free. (Psalm 118:5)
As an ex cop being an inmate in jail was tough but God delivered me and gave me the privelidge of being able to witness to gang members, a man who is now on death row and many other men who wanted to harm or kill me.  I praise God for delivering me and setting me free.  I am now going to focus on rebuilding my life, finding work and giving my testimony of just how mighty and powerful the Lord Jesus Christ is!!
God bless you and thank you!!

See full size imageRemember what Dave wrote on Feb. 9? Check below: Feb. 24, Dave emailed me and told me the Lord has taken care of him. He has a place to go and it appears the Lord is going to give him a job.  My how things change when you seek Christ!

New prayer request starting date Feb. 9, 2012 from Dave
Hey Frank,
Please pray for me. The situation of me going to Texas has fallen through. Originally an older Christian couple asked me to stay with them in Texas, however I just received an email that their family was not supportive of it. So now I only have three weeks to find a place to live and I have no money. Right now God is the only solution to keep me from being totally homeless. I am at a loss for what God wants me to do, so I also need his guidance.


See full size imageNew prayer requeststarting date Feb. 1, 2012 from Clint Reep.

Mr. Dimora,
I found your website about a month ago and I wanted to thank you for your service to the Lord.
I also wanted to submit a personal prayer request for an urgent situation I face.  I was falosely accused of a terrible thing and I face a very serious  charge from it.  6 days after I filed an emergency custody petition for my children I was accused of abusing them.  I am asking believers to agree with me for the truth to be known.  If I am guilty of what they say I should go to prison but if I am innocent I should be exhonerated and restored.  I am not asking God to let me get away with a crime but to reveal the truth about what I have been accused of. My ex wife is living an openly gay lifestyle in front of my children and when I tried to get custody I was arrested and spennt nearly 8 months in jail before charges were dropped in one state but I face trial in another state.   I did not do what I am accused of but I have been completely destoryed both financially and my reputation. 
The only way I will ever see my children again is by God intervening.
God bless and thank you,

See full size imageNew prayer request starting date Jan. 5, 2012 from Dave S. Hey Frank, Just wanted to see if you could keep me in prayer and ask the Lord to help me financially. I left Los Angeles two months ago to live with a friend in Chicago in hopes of finding no cost medical treatment for a spinal injury and have not been able to get help. With the injury I have been unable to work and yet cannot get any kind of state or federal assistance either. I am flat broke and will lose cell phone service this weekend so I really need God to work a miracle for me or at least give me the direction that I need to go in to resolve these financial issues.
God Bless

See full size imageNew prayer request starting date Dec. 20, 2011: Need of Prayer!
Please continue to pray for one another. My mom (Angela Gable will be having eye surgery on Dec. 30th). Pastor Keys & family (slow process recovering) Laura& Dorothy to remain strong). Willow Park Christian Church family on the prayer list, many other churches to be all one accord. Pray for brother Smiley & family his brother-n-law (Bro. Delbert Tony) is recovering and is back at home. So many names but I believe God hear our prayers (with a repent heart). God bless! Douglas Gable

See full size imageNew prayer request starting date Dec. 7, 2011: Dear Friends & Family, I have an urgent prayer request regarding Pastor Jim Locke of Free Indeed Worship Center ~ Ft. Lauderdale. Please lift him up for healing concerning an on-going battle against the infirmity of cancer.

See full size image

1)  re:     Nov.  2011: my brother's Job interview Dec. ! Kate Nate
—  God's Will apparently Was done…no new job… Yet:)  sometimes the Lord has Better plans ahead !

2)  P's business deal was delayed until end of this month (Jan.)
Please pray the Lord allow deal to be reached…he Lord should provide funds for me to help African outreach and others….

( I pray continue to daily for your site's prayer list  )  ~ kate

New prayer request as of Nov.  2011: Please pray God's will be done with my brother's Job interview Dec. ! Kate Nate

 See full size imageNew prayer request Nov. 30, 2011: Hello Frank…just thought i'd stop by & say hello. It is a beautiful day outside today. So i must get outside b4 the sun quits shining. Wanted 2 let ya know that i am becoming involved with prison ministry & was wondering if i might ask 4 any prayers you may offer up on my be 1/2….

and  for P.'s  business deal next week ….thank you!! Nate Kate

Just wanted to see if you could keep me in prayer again. I still don't have a phone but now it's a bigger issue. I left L.A. and am now in Chicago staying with a friend. Due to a financial hardship that my friend and his family are now experiencing, I need to find a new place to live by the end of February. Right now I'm in a strange place with no money and no place to go. I've prayed that God provide and show me what to do but have yet to hear anything. 
Thanks again.


Just wanted to see if you could keep me in prayer again. I still don't have a phone but now it's a bigger issue. I left L.A. and am now in Chicago staying with a friend. Due to a financial hardship that my friend and his family are now experiencing, I need to find a new place to live by the end of February. Right now I'm in a strange place with no money and no place to go. I've prayed that God provide and show me what to do but have yet to hear anything. 
Thanks again.

See full size image


See full size image

Prayer request from Cinday Nov. 29, 2011 (No name given) Dear Lord, I pray for my grandpa who is suffering from cancer at the moment. I just pray that he finds you before he passes away so he does not have to undergo the attrocities of Hell. My Grandpa is a great, brave man who fought for our freedoms during World War II and I believe he is a worthy man as long as he devotes his life to Christ before it is too late. My Grandpa has also practiced Freemason rituals in the Masonic Lodges during the world war while fighting for Britain, so if this false religion still has a hold on him, please Lord set him free. I'd also like to pray for the state of Egypt right now as they are holding those elections, anything could happen. Forever glorify the Lord AMEN

See full size imagePrayer request from Cinday Nov. 26, 2011, Bob is home and doing pretty well.  Only problem is that he goes in and out of atrial fibrillation and this is a big concern.  This also makes it difficult for him to sleep at night. Doctors say he has 7 weeks for this issue to resolve, before they do more serious treatment.  He needs to get into a normal heart rhythm.  That gives us 7 weeks to pray!  Lets all pray in unity and agreement for Bob's healing. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!


Prayer request for Oct. 16, 2011from Gretchen Tamarra.
Brother Frank, I would like to ask you to please include my family in your prayer. They are still bind in their tradition, still going to church that is worshiping idols. That's why sometimes I feel weak because I'm surrounded with unbelievers but by God's grace I stand and hold on to my faith. I was once a lost ship, once in the dark, thought my works could save me. But God is merciful and He called me and I accepted Him. God knows I desire that my family will be save as well. I've already share the gospel to them and encourage them to read the Bible. Brother Frank please include our family in your prayer, TAMARRA FAMILY and my bestfriend VICTORIA DE LEON and her family in Cebu Philippines. After two years of sharing the gospel to my bestfriend finally accepted Jesus Christ in her life and she's been visiting in your site as well.


 See full size imagePrayer request for Oct. 13, 2011
"Please keep continuing to pray for one and for another in these perilous times. We need to lift up sister Susan mother in our prayers. She is fighting pneumonia while she is in the hospital.  Her name is Hopie Hernandez. My Brother (Akram) in the faith getting prepared to preach the gospel. Also please pray for the families around the Globe who are suffering financially around the Globe and the U.S. (Israel to as they are going to divide Israel land).  Anyone else need of prayer? We all need prayers. In Christ Jesus amen. Thanks – brother Doug"


See full size image Oct. 7, 2011 request: Prayer request for Mrs. Mary Wright who is having surgery today, Friday. She is having surgery and needs prayer for finances. – Doug

6.9 quake/Increase in knowledge/Warning God has given us about Israel and Jerusalem/Kingdom against kingdom/Jan. 10, 2011


My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe

Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised.  The book download is FREE.  Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

  To get to DiMora's Global Prayer Network click to this link:


On my post October 21, 2010 I issued you a warning that relates directly to God’s Word.  I told you the red flag was going to go up because more of these huge earthquakes were coming, and I wanted to make sure you knew what Jesus has pointed out to all of us.   Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11 the Lord told you one of the last days signs would be seen from “great earthquakes”.  2011 has started off with the shakes.  Since the beginning of the year we have already seen two major quakes hitting a 7.0 and above, and as can see from this report there was another huge quake that almost hit the 7.0 mark again!

“A strong 6.9-magnitude earthquake struck beneath the sea near the south Pacific island nation of Vanuatu, but no tsunami warning was issued, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said Sunday. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake, which hit at 9:03pm (1003 GMT) at a depth of 31.1 kilometres (19.3 miles), 110 kilometres from the town of Isangel on Tanna island, the USGS said. The quake was the latest in a series of undersea tremors near the island, which is home to an active volcano. A powerful 7.3-magnitude earthquake struck the area on December 26, triggering a small tsunami exactly six years after giant waves killed 220,000 people around the Indian Ocean, but there were no reports of damage or casualties.”  I again am asking you all to keep in mind what Jesus has pointed out to us and watch the news because if He warned they would come, you will see them on the news like these three huge quakes since the beginning of the new year.  Part of Matthew 24:7 we also see the warning of many earthquakes. Here is a list of the many earthquakes in the last 7 days.

MAP  5.1   2011/01/10 13:34:32    27.040    143.508  34.6   BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.7   2011/01/10 10:24:20    23.128    143.233  73.8   VOLCANO ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.0   2011/01/10 08:35:37    0.785    123.290  79.0   MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA
MAP  5.9   2011/01/10 06:02:52   -35.578    -73.117  25.5   OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE
MAP  5.0   2011/01/10 03:21:35    -5.328    68.615  9.8   CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO REGION
MAP  5.3   2011/01/10 02:11:04   -19.467   -176.025  175.9   FIJI REGION

MAP  5.1   2011/01/09 19:24:28   -19.712    168.126  10.1   VANUATU
MAP  5.1   2011/01/09 18:21:10   -19.318    168.010  24.1   VANUATU
MAP  6.4   2011/01/09 17:21:55   -19.281    168.132  32.8   VANUATU
MAP  5.2   2011/01/09 16:58:05   -19.150    168.219  17.3   VANUATU
MAP  5.3   2011/01/09 15:55:03   -19.145    168.181  10.0   VANUATU
MAP  5.4   2011/01/09 14:54:44   -19.299    168.360  10.0   VANUATU
MAP  5.1   2011/01/09 13:00:15   -19.297    168.442  10.0   VANUATU
MAP  5.0   2011/01/09 12:42:33    42.370    144.428  34.8   HOKKAIDO, JAPAN REGION
MAP  6.6   2011/01/09 10:03:44   -19.163    168.326  17.4   VANUATU

MAP  5.3   2011/01/08 19:01:23   -19.724    168.115  32.6   VANUATU
MAP  5.3   2011/01/08 18:23:19    26.672    143.902  9.6   BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP  5.0   2011/01/08 08:15:13    -1.126    120.109  10.0   SULAWESI, INDONESIA
MAP  5.5   2011/01/08 04:10:57    -0.067    124.927  56.3   MOLUCCA SEA
MAP  5.0   2011/01/08 00:24:27    30.064    51.641  16.6   SOUTHERN IRAN

MAP  5.0   2011/01/07 23:34:12    43.040    131.018  558.3   EASTERN RUSSIA-N.E. CHINA BORDER REGION
MAP  5.4   2011/01/07 23:13:06   -19.929   -173.719  9.8   TONGA
MAP  5.2   2011/01/07 19:28:34   -53.489    25.147  10.0   SOUTH OF AFRICA
MAP  5.2   2011/01/07 19:09:11   -19.816    168.207  62.7   VANUATU
MAP  5.2   2011/01/07 15:46:48   -25.098   -177.670  116.0   SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP  5.0   2011/01/07 09:42:21   -35.770    -72.938  20.8   OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE
MAP  5.2   2011/01/07 05:55:13   -19.948    168.185  79.8   VANUATU
MAP  5.1   2011/01/07 04:55:56   -21.779    -65.173  278.1   TARIJA, BOLIVIA
MAP  5.4   2011/01/07 03:09:59    4.157    90.370  16.9   OFF THE WEST COAST OF NORTHERN SUMATRA
MAP  5.2   2011/01/07 01:19:17    20.084    -45.646  10.0   NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE

MAP  5.2   2011/01/06 16:36:12    20.241    -45.770  10.0   NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP  5.0   2011/01/06 16:18:35   -12.246    166.996  264.9   SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
MAP  5.2   2011/01/06 16:18:01   -19.610    168.247  66.9   VANUATU
MAP  5.2   2011/01/06 06:07:38   -19.303    167.844  10.0   VANUATU REGION
MAP  5.0   2011/01/06 03:01:37    1.300    126.506  45.1   MOLUCCA SEA
MAP  5.5   2011/01/06 00:24:00    -4.175    142.155  111.0   NEW GUINEA, PAPUA NEW GUINEA

MAP  5.0   2011/01/05 18:31:46    11.376    -86.560  63.8   NEAR THE COAST OF NICARAGUA
MAP  5.4   2011/01/05 10:15:34    -2.691    99.959  4.8   KEPULAUAN MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA
MAP  6.3   2011/01/05 06:46:17   -22.304    171.595  135.9   SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP  5.4   2011/01/05 05:55:47    30.125    51.759  10.0   SOUTHERN IRAN
MAP  5.7   2011/01/05 00:57:31    31.530    142.185  10.7   IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION

MAP  5.3   2011/01/04 22:59:10   -29.039    -69.486  111.1   SAN JUAN, ARGENTINA
MAP  5.1   2011/01/04 06:06:06   -51.961    139.612  10.0   WESTERN INDIAN-ANTARCTIC RIDGE
MAP  5.2   2011/01/04 05:54:04   -15.952   -173.128  34.9   TONGA
MAP  5.0   2011/01/04 02:36:31    -2.462    140.058  33.6   NEAR THE NORTH COAST OF PAPUA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2011/01/04 00:49:42    13.060    -89.271  51.4   OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR

Prophecy Sign: Daniel 12:4 shows us the last generation would increase in knowledge. Here is a good example of this in a report entitled: “Move Over, Joysticks: Brainwave-Controlled Gadgets Are Here”  “Gamers set aside their joysticks recently to test out a new video game. All they needed instead? The power of thought. InteraXon, a Canadian digital innovations company, was the hit of CES when it unveiled the latest products incorporating Thought Controlled Computing — a technology that lets users control a digital interface using simply the power of their concentration. Their creations include thought-controlled 3D glasses as well as an iPad game that tests a person’s ability to focus their mind for an extended period of time. “We’ve developed a simple sensor that sits on your forehead and reads your brainwaves," InteraXon CEO Ariel Garten told "It’s just like a heart monitor that can read your heart rate. And the software translates your brainwave data and uses it to control your virtual world.” She called it a brain/computer interface, or BCI, and InteraXon builds it into a simple, lightweight headband. “You have patterns of thought that are readable,” Garten explained. Enter the company's 3D TV glasses, which can detect your mood and will adjust what you’re watching according to how you’re feeling.”


“Economists foretell of U.S. decline, China's ascension”

“CORRECTED-WRAPUP 5-Record high food prices stoke fears for economy”

“Sarkozy takes G20 case to Obama as food prices soar”

Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 and the coming  Psalm 83 war.

“Construction at the Shepherd Hotel compound, whose ownership is contested, was likely to deepen Israeli-Palestinian acrimony as Washington tries to revive peace talks. The negotiations are stalled by a dispute over Israel's settlement policy in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, areas captured in a 1967 war.

"What is happening today is part of the political program of the Israeli government to preempt any solution on Jerusalem," Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat said in a statement.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in Abu Dhabi on a tour of U.S. Gulf Arab allies, said: "This disturbing development undermines peace efforts to achieve the two-state solution. In particular, this move contradicts the logic of a reasonable and necessary agreement between the parties on the status of Jerusalem."

With direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations at a standstill, Israel said an emissary of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a Palestinian envoy would travel to Washington in the next few days to seek ways to restart talks.”

“Israel is shocked by international criticism of the demolition of a Jewish-owned property in Jerusalem.  Calling Jerusalem a settlement is a misinterpretation, an insult to the history of the city," Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor told the French news agency AFP. "It is incomprehensible that they are mixing questions of private rights, international law and politics," he added. He was reacting to European Union and American condemnation of Israel for Sunday’s demolition of the old and unused Shepherd Hotel.”  “The EU, the United States and the United Nations does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over what it calls “East Jerusalem,” meaning large areas of southern, northern and eastern Jerusalem that were restored to Israel in the Six Day War in 1967. The term "settlement" also has been used by U.S. President Barack Obama when referring to United Jerusalem.”

Speaking about the prophecy of kingdom against kingdom, let me show you one example of civil unrest in a report out today entitled: “Violent Riots Outside Of Dhaka Stock Exchange After Market Plunges 9.25% In One Hour”  “The BBC reports that there were violent riots out of th Dhaka Stock Exchange, after shares fell over 9% in one hour, representing the biggest fall in the exchange's 55-year history.”

Romans 10:9 (King James Version) 9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Uncovering the Jehovah’s Witnesses lies! Jan. 7, 2011


My newest up-dated bookThe Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 3, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

 Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe

Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised.  The book download is FREE.  Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf


Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438





















Rev. 18:12 warning about gold and silver/Many earthquakes/ Rev. 6:6/Roaring of the seas and waves/ The drug generation/Jan. 5, 2011


My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 3, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe

Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised.  The book download is FREE.  Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 3, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

  To get to DiMora's Global Prayer Network click to this link:

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

I have been warning you about the price of gold and silver going up and the US dollar dying soon. There is a new video out I would like you to watch.  I do believe we are seeing the signs of Rev. 18: 12.



food_prices_rise_2007[1]Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 shows us people will have to work all day long for a small meal. This meal will be enough for only one person.   This is exactly what Revelation 6:6 shows us. I quote, “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"

“World Food Prices Jump to Record on Sugar, Oilseeds”

“World food prices rose to a record in December on higher sugar, grain and oilseed costs, the United Nations said, exceeding levels reached in 2008 that sparked deadly riots from Haiti to Egypt. An index of 55 food commodities tracked by the Food and Agriculture Organization gained for a sixth month to 214.7 points, above the previous all-time high of 213.5 in June 2008, the Rome-based UN agency said in a monthly report. The gauges for sugar and meat prices advanced to records. Sugar climbed for a third year in a row in 2010, and corn jumped the most in four years in Chicago. Food prices may rise more unless the world grain crop increases “significantly” in 2011, the FAO said Nov. 17. At least 13 people died last year in Mozambique in protests against plans to lift bread prices.”

See full size imageProphecy Sign: In part of Matthew 24:7 the Lord warned their would be many earthquakes.  Today’s news showed that London is now shaking.  “London – A small earthquake shook parts of the north of England late Monday, the second in the region in two weeks, the British Geological Survey (BGS) said Tuesday. The tremor, in the area of north and west Yorkshire, north of the city of Leeds, registered a magnitude of 3.6 on the Richter scale, the BGS said.”


 Prophecy Sign: I Peter 5:8 says this, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”  In Luke 21:12 Jesus warns us to look for the sign of Christian persecution in the last days.

A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has decided a memorial cross on federal land on Mt. Soledad, Calif., violates the U.S. Constitution.

In a 3-0 ruling in the Jewish War Veterans v. City of San Diego case, the panel decided that the 29-foot concrete cross, which has stood for 57 years, constitutes a government endorsement of religion and therefore violates the First Amendment's establishment clause.

"The question, then, is whether the entirety of the Mount Soledad Memorial, when understood against the background of its particular history and setting, projects a government endorsement of Christianity. We conclude it does," wrote Circuit Judge M. Margaret McKeown, a Clinton appointee.

"The decision represents a judicial slap in the face to the countless military veterans honored by this memorial," said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, which filed an amicus brief in the case on behalf of 25 members of Congress. "This flawed decision not only strikes at the heart of honoring our military veterans, it reaches a faulty conclusion that this iconic memorial – part of the historic landscape of San Diego – is unconstitutional. We believe the appeals court got this decision wrong and we look forward to the case going to the Supreme Court where we're confident this decision will be overturned."


Here is more news concerning Christian persecution. “CAIRO (AP) – Many Egyptian Christians say they fear a repeat attack on their community on Coptic Christmas Eve Thursday and authorities are planning to deploy heavy security around churches to protect them. A suicide bombing of a church in the coastal city of Alexandria shortly after midnight on New Year's killed 21 people and injured about 100. It touched off days of enraged protests and riots by Christians who accuse the government of neglecting to protect the minority. Authorities suspect local Islamic extremists, perhaps inspired by al-Qaida, carried out the attack. A Facebook group that attracted 38,000 people is urging Christians to defy fears and go to church on Christmas Eve. However, many Christian families voiced deep fears of another attack.”

Oil/gas rig - AP - Sept. 17, 2010 Prophecy Sign: Deuteronomy 33 19. “They will summon peoples to the mountain and there offer sacrifices of righteousness; they will feast on the abundance of the seas, on the treasures hidden in the sand."  Possible path to war to fulfill Psalm 83.

“Lebanon has asked the United Nations to protect the country's natural gas reserves along the maritime border with Israel. Last week, Texas-based Noble Energy Inc. announced an estimated 16 trillion cubic feet of natural gas found in a field off Israel's Mediterranean coast. Late Tuesday, Lebanese Foreign Minister Ali Shami sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urging him to prevent Israel from exploiting Lebanon's oil and maritime wealth. The gas reserve is estimated to be worth more than 95 billion dollars. It is the largest amount of natural gas discovered in the world in the last decade and is located in approximately 5,400 feet (1,645 meters) of water, about 130 kilometers offshore of Haifa and 29 miles (47 kilometers) southwest of the Tamar discovery.”

See full size imageProphecy Sign:  Revelation 9:21  One of the key scriptures that informs us our generation is the last generation Jesus was talking about can be found in Revelation 9:21. The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”.

“A Mexican border town lost its police force last week with the kidnapping of its last standing officer, and an expert on the drug war says the violence in that country is unmanageable. Officer Erika Gandara in the City of Guadalupe was recently abducted by gunman who burned down her house and ultimately left the violence-stricken city without law enforcement. Prior to the incident, all of Gandara's other colleagues were either killed or they resigned due to the bloody war that has raged through the country and claimed the lives of more than 30,000 people. David Borden, executive director of, says the violence in Mexico has gotten out of hand.” “Meanwhile, Mexico's President Felipe Calderon has suggested that the action he has taken against drug cartels has escalated the violence.”

Severed head hung from bridge in Tijuana, Mexico
Gunmen attack Mexico rehab center, at least 10 die


Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 the roaring of the seas and waves.  In Luke 21:25b we are also told "On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea" (Luke 21:25b).

“The BBC's Nick Bryant reports from a helicopter above Rockhampton”

“Floodwaters in the Australian city of Rockhampton appear to have peaked at a lower level than previously feared. The Fitzroy River which flows through the city seems to have levelled off at 9.2m (30ft) rather than 9.4m, but forecasters are warning of more rain. Queensland is in the grip of a flood crisis, with some 40 communities affected and 1,200 homes submerged. A task force has been created to lead recovery efforts. Officials say the flood bill could exceed A$5bn (£3bn). Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has appointed Maj Gen Mick Slater to head the task force.”

“Almost completely encircled by muddy floodwaters, Rockhampton risked being entirely cut off if those rose much further, but they peaked slightly lower than the authorities had feared, enough to keep the one highway that's open from being inundated. Many of the city's low-lying suburbs will remain flooded for more than a week, but a local official said the city as a whole had "dodged the bullet". Now attention is shifting to the economic impact of the flooding on Australia's two most vital sectors, mining and agriculture. Operations at some 40 mines have been interrupted and many of the railway lines that transport coal to the ports have been severed. Queensland is responsible for more than half of the country's coal exports. With farms flooded and crops ruined, the price of fresh fruit and vegetables is also forecast to rise, by as much as 50%. State Premier Anna Bligh predicted this disaster could have a global impact, partly because Queensland supplies half of the world's coking coal for steel manufacturing. At least one senior economist here thinks this could be Australia's most costly natural disaster, largely because of the impact on exports.  With natural disasters declared across an area of a million square kilometres, Ms Bligh said the scale of the crisis was unprecedented and would require an unparalleled rebuilding effort”

Added information this afternoon: Frank DiMora’s in-depth look at the Rapture of the Church Jan. 4, 2010


My newest up-dated bookThe Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 3, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free.  Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe

 Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised.  The book download is FREE.  Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 3, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O  Box, or email me at There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

  To get to DiMora's Global Prayer Network click to this link:

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438



Prophecy Sign: I Thessalonians 5:3 is the call for Peace and safety and the Psalm 83 war.

“If substantial talks don't begin soon between Israel and the Palestinians, all parties will face "profound trouble," the Middle East Quartet's special representative warned Tuesday. "We are talking about weeks, rather than months, for this process now to be rehabilitated and put back on track," Tony Blair told CNN. "If we don't go back and give credibility to this process in a meaningful way… we are going to be in genuine and profound trouble."  The former British prime minister is in the region meeting with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, in his role as the Quartet representative. The United States, United Nations, Russia and the European Union make up the group.”




Contactless payment could make mobile phones the new credit cards in 2011 Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:15-18  is coming toward this generation like a run away train. “Contactless payment could mean mobiles phones can be used as a credit card next year. The near field communication (NFC) technology has already been installed in selected shops by Visa and the handheld gadgets could be the next step, the Herald Sun reports. A store's Aussie credit terminal can take payments by reading a high-frequency signal around 10 cm from the phone taken from a chip.”

The Rapture, when <br>the dead in Christ shall rise...<br>1 Thessalonians 4:13-18  I wanted to make sure as many people would come to know the truth about the (Rapture of the Church).  I wrote out an in-depth study on the rapture, but I understand that many do not like to read and so they may have just decided to pass over this information as it was to long for them.  Knowing that many would rather watch videos than read, I went ahead and did this teaching on the rapture on video.  There are 10 videos for you to watch.  I am sure that after you watch these videos you won't have to ask the question, is the rapture of the Church will come before the seven year tribulation, in the middle of it, or at he end? 



Many people have questions about the rapture. They wonder if the rapture is truly taught in the Bible. Many people have written me and said, “I don’t believe in the Rapture”. I ask them, are you saying you don’t believe in the resurrection of the body? Do you believe you are going to be a disembodied spirit, or ghost throughout eternity? Is that what you think the Bible teaches? People usually smile and say “no that’s not what I am saying”, what I mean is, I don’t believe in the rapture before the tribulation starts. What they are really saying when you get to the bottom line is there disbelief of the pre-tribulation rapture. So it is a matter of the timing of the rapture that is the controversy.

First of all we need to see the importance of the purpose of the rapture. You will see why it is that we must be raptured. Then we will also look at the indications of what the timing of the rapture is. Will it be before the Antichrist, during the reign of the Antichrist or, at the end of his reign at the Battle of Armageddon? The subject of the rapture is critical because it is the promise of Jesus Christ that our bodies will not remain in the grave, will not remain in the dust, but will be transformed into a body that is fit for eternity. That’s the promise of the Gospel. That is the unique promise of Jesus Christ. Do you know when we bury a individual in the ground that by saying dust to dust we are proclaiming our belief that death and burial in the ground is not the end. That’s why Christians call it a cemetery it was a sleeping place for the body. The spirit was with Jesus, but the body rested in the ground, but not forever but until the day of the glorious rapture the resurrection.

We find in I Thessalonians 2:19 a wonderful phrase which Paul writes “For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?” Paul says the rapture, the resurrection is our joy he says it is our rejoicing our hope, it our crown of rejoicing. So, do you rejoice in the hope of the resurrection? You should because, while all other generations of Christians died in faith without having participated in the resurrection before their death they will ultimately participate in the rapture when you and I are raptured. But for those of us living we have the promise, that if we are alive when Christ comes we will not have to pass through the portals of death, but we will pass from life to life eternal.

In I Thessalonians 4:16-17 this is Paul has to say. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

In these will known scriptures there is a great deal of teaching about the rapture. For example, we see the Lord Himself is going to come to Earth according to the Book of Revelation. When does He come? The Bible says He comes down to the Earth to defeat the armies of the Antichrist, and the armies of the kings of the East to defend Israel which would otherwise see curtain destruction, and when He comes down according to Revelation 19:14 he comes with the millions of saints.

If we come down from heaven with Jesus Christ riding on white horses, and we are in our resurrected bodies, bodies just like Jesus, and we are wearing white robes which represent the righteousness of the saints, then common sense shows us at some point previously to Armageddon we have received our resurrection bodies. Why? Because all Christians those who are in heaven now in the spirit, and those who are alive at the time Christ comes in the air are going to have a resurrection body. One of the things misunderstood by a lot of people is the purpose of the rapture.

The purpose of the (rapture resurrection) is this. God has to transform your mortal body, which either for dead Christians lies in ashes in the ground, or for those who are alive when Jesus comes is a body that is not fit for eternity, it is mortal, and it is corruptible.

God tells us He is going to take our moral body and transform it into a body fit for eternity. Now the word rapture was actually introduced by a great Christian teacher in 385AD by the name Jorum, Jorum was one of the Fathers of the early Church. In his writings and translation of the New Testament into Latin he came to this passage in I Thessalonians 4:17 which says, “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord”. Jorum looked at that word caught up and he used the best Latin word possible which was (rapere). Repere means to snatch up by external force. What Jorum was saying was, that is the best word used in the Latin language in his version of the Bible, it was very popular from all the way from 385, all the way up till the King James Bible, repere was used! That became the origin of the word (RAPTURE) used as a noun. So, the snatching up of the bodies of both those who died and are sleeping in the grave, and those who are still alive will be taken away by the Lord’s force at some time in the near future. So again, the English word "rapture" is derived from the Latin word rapio (rapere, raptus) meaning: to carry away, to be caught up, to snatch, seize, pluck, drag away. The purpose of the rapture is to transform your body into a body fit for eternity!

In I Corinthians 15:53 you will find what God is saying is, for this corruptible, in other words your natural body in verse 53 must put on incorruption and, this mortal must put on immortality. Your body is corruptible, your body is mortal, and because it is mortal it must put on incorruption, it must put on immortally. Simply put, right now your body is not fit for heaven. For example right now your bodies are not fit to travel at the speed of thought from heaven to Earth and back so you might rule and reign with Jesus Christ as we are promised to do so in Revelation 5:10 “And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.”

The Bible tells us we are going to appear at the judgment seat of Christ there we will receive crowns and awards that we might enjoy for eternity. This is very important so please pay attention to what you are about to read!

 2 Corinthians 5:10 says the following: “for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.” Now, if you are a disembodied spirit which is what our fellow Christians in heaven are, they don’t have a body, they are there in spirit. Remember Jesus said to the thief on the cross today you will be in paradise.

 Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:8 said, “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” Paul is showing us to be absent of the body is to be present with the Lord so, the Bible does not teach soul sleep, no, those who die in the faith, believers in Jesus Christ are instantly transformed, their body goes into the ground, their spirit goes right to heaven the new Jerusalem called (paradise), and there is it joyfully and consciously in the presence of Jesus and the saints, but you yet do not have a body. You can’t eat or drink at the marriage supper of the Lamb unless you have a body. And for those who think well, that must just be a symbol, no, because we are told clearly that our body and the resurrection is going to be like Jesus’ body when He rose from the dead.

What was Jesus’ body like? In Luke 24:36 we are told Jesus was resurrected, He appeared in the middle of the upper room were the disciples were. I quote, “And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.” His disciples were wondering what in the world was going on? The disciples looked at Jesus, and Jesus looked at them. The disciples thought they had seen a spirit or a ghost, you see it is very difficult for people to get their minds around the idea that in the resurrection our body is going to be as real as it is today, but in the rapture now indestructible, immortal, incorruptible, no longer subject to disease or accidents or death, but real, a real glorified body.

In learning about the raptured body everyone, especially the Jehovah’s Witness better take a look at what Jesus said to His disciples when He appeared out of no where in that upper room. Luke 24:36-40 gives us this conversion. “Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, “Peace to you.” But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. And He said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts? Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet”

Keep in mind, the Jehovah’s witness are lost when it comes to these words spoken by Jesus. Read what the Watchtower Organization teaches about this upper room visitation by Christ. In the Watchtower book entitled, “Make Sure of All Things” p. 314, the 1953 edition, they say the following. “Jesus’ resurrection not of same body; he merely materialized flesh and blood to be seen and believed”.

He shows them He has flesh and bones and tells them a spirit doesn’t have flesh and bones. This was the glorified resurrected body that you and I will receive at the rapture of the Church. Look at the Word of God, it says Jesus showed them His hands and feet. Jesus went out of His way to show them all that it was the same Jesus that hung on the cross but, only now in His glorified body, Jehovah’s witness will never receive a glorified body if they do not believe in the real resurrection of our Lord and savior.

The Watchtower Organization, which is lead by Satan makes Jesus an out and out liar, for if Jesus was really only a spirit, He purposely deceived His disciples in believing He had actually came back from the dead as Jesus Himself. If Jesus wasn’t the exact same Jesus who hung on the cross then, when Jesus showed the disciples His hands and feet with the holes marks still in them, He was knowing lying to them just to prove He came back. This is not the first time the Watchtower Organization has turned Jesus into a false prophet and a liar!

The Watchtower Organization, and all the Jehovah’s Witnesses are in fact spreading their lies and, have made Jesus into a false prophet, a false teacher, a false Messiah, and a false god. You will see this not only from the upper room visitation but, also from John 2:19. Jesus told the religious leaders that He would raise Himself from the dead in three days. Let’s look at the exact words Jesus used in John 2:19-21. “Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.20Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? 21But he spake of the temple of his body. The Greek word for body is (σῶμα), soma, which means physical body.

So, before Jesus ever appeared to His disciples in the upper room, He had already told the religious leaders He would raise His (soma, physical body) in three days. Now, if Jesus did not do exactly what He prophesied He would do, raise Himself, then He lied to these religious leaders and, was a again lying and deceiving His Disciples.

As the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach He only assumed a body to prove he came back to life. God forbid that anyone would believe this Watchtower teaching for it is straight from the pits of hell and Satan. Assuming a body is no real resurrection at all.

Notice what is said in John 2:22. “When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.” What scripture did they refer to? We know it couldn’t be any scripture from the New Testament, because it hadn’t even been written yet.

The scriptures are found in Genesis 22 verses 4 and 8.

Genesis 22:4 Abraham is on his was to kill Isaac his Son. “Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off”. Verse 8 says, “And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together”.

Now do you see why what Jesus said to the religious leaders was so important? Jesus was actually showing them how he would fulfill the scriptures in Genesis chapter 22. Like the Jehovah’s Witness the religious leaders in Christ’s day believed Jesus was a liar, for they had been blinded by Satan to the truth of what was going to happen soon.

Now I ask you, why did Jesus then come straight out and tell His disciples, who thought they were looking a spirit creature, that it was, (I Myself). Jesus tells them point blank that He wasn’t a spirit, and that is why He wanted His disciples to handle them. He wanted to make sure they really understood that He was the real Jesus Christ. Not some fake body that was just assumed to prove a lie!

I believe over the years the Lord God has shown the lies being spread by the Watchtower and, most of the Jehovah’s witnesses aren’t even aware Satan is teaching them. Here is an example.

In their watchtower book, “Let God Be True, page 274, of the 1952 edition, the leaders who claim to be directed by God said, and teach, “Satan and his demons tried to obscure the true meaning of the resurrection by teaching that the resurrection was only in a spiritual sense”. I see nothing wrong with this because Satan has always worked to discredit the true resurrection of Christ, but wait one minute, let’s see if the WatchTower leaders are in fact taking sides with Satan?

In the Watchtower book entitled, “Make Sure of All Things” p. 314, the 1953 edition, they say the wrote the following. “Jesus’ resurrection not of same body; he merely materialized flesh and blood to be seen and believed”, and this is still the current teaching of this Satanic Organization today.

If God was leading this organization do you think that He would have given them teachings that would counter each other out? No my friends, Jesus is not a false prophet nor is Jesus a lair! Nor is He the author of confusion, Satan is!

Jesus did exactly what He said He would do. When He came back to the disciples it was in the resurrected glorified body outfitted for heaven. You will see that this glorified resurrected body can do the things that Jesus did while on Earth, and when you get your resurrected gloried body at the rapture you will be able to do these same things. You will be able to just appear into any room you want just the way Jesus did in the upper room when He told His Disciples to touch Him.

How real is Jesus’ gloried body you ask? Take a look at Luke 24:41-42 to see. The passage says, “And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat? And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb.” In His resurrection body Jesus sat down with His disciples and eat the food and drank with them.

Why did He do this? Christ obviously wouldn’t have starved had he not eaten but, I believe Jesus wanted to show them that in heaven, in eternity, we are going to enjoy the good things of God’s creation without sin, and we are going to be able to eat and drink if we want. We know that even the angels eat.

Read Psalms 78:24-25 it tells us, “And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven. Man did eat angels’ food: he sent them meat to the full.” In other words manna was one of the foods that angels eat, so if angels eat, and Jesus tells us we are going to eat at the marriage supper of the Lamb, and He tells us His our body is going to be like His, in the resurrection, then we have the confidence that we are going to eat and drink. We are going to be able to enjoy all the good things of the Lord’s creation both in heaven and in eternity.

As far as the Jehovah’s witnesses, or anyone who doesn’t believe Jesus rose from the dead in that resurrected gloried body, Paul in I Corinthians 15-19 tells us that your faith is in vain, and you are still in your sins. In other words, you are not saved. If your not saved you are on the road leading to hell, so the matter of what Jesus had shown His Disciples in that upper room because of great important to ones eternal life!

How do you know your body will be like Jesus when He rose from the dead? In 1 John 3:2 it says this, “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.”

The book of Philippians 3:21 tells us the same thing. “Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself?” The Bible is very clear, we will have a glorious (resurrection body) just like our Lord Jesus. That body will be fit so we can rule and reign with Jesus Christ. We are going to be like Jesus with no limitations.

The rapture is going to reveal a body that is so glorious Paul wrote about it and said we can hardly image the things that God has prepared for us. Paul said the following in I Corinthians 2:9. “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”

One of the most asked questions in my ministry is the question about the timing of the rapture? Is it going to take place before the Seven year tribulation period? People want to know will the rapture be a pre-tribulation rapture. Is it going to take place in the middle of the tribulation, which is referred to as Mid-tribulation, or is it going to take at the end the tribulation at the time of the Battle of Armageddon, which is the referred to as the post tribulation rapture?

Many who dislike the pre-tribulation theory have stated that it is a new theory invented in the 1830 by John Darby, and the Plymouth Brethren. However, read the book, a manuscript by Ephron the Syrian. He was a great Christian Saint, a deacon and Bishop, and he wrote extensively in the earthly Church. He wrote a book on the Antichrist and the end of the world where he clearly says in 373, he said the Lord will clearly ascend from heaven and will take us to be with Himself that we might escape the confusion that over takes the whole world. It is it a clear pre-tribulation rapture statement that is made 15 centuries before most people thought it was ever discussed.


Naturally the Bible did not lay out precisely when the rapture would take place. God wanted us to be on guard at all times. Christ wanted us to be in the sense of urgently expecting Him to come back at any time. If you read the Bible you will see over and over again where Jesus instructs us to always be on the watch.

For example, in Matthew 24:42 Jesus says, “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come”. But the same time Jesus condemned the spiritual leaders of His day for being aware of the physical signs of the weather and not being aware of the signs of the coming of the Son of man.

The prophecies are being fulfilled just the way they were the first time Jesus came to Earth, and people are just as blind as the religious leaders in Christ time. For example, Israel is born again which that prophecy alone shows us we are living in the last days.

If you read the Book of Revelation as serious as you should, the seven year tribulation will be the worse period of time in God’s entire history of mankind. It will be a time of such unparalleled horror and judgment upon Earth that it is very doubtful that many Christians could live if that was God’s purpose, but I do not believe it is.

It is a time when God is going to turn back to Israel. With the Church taken out at the rapture before the tribulation, God is going to send people out to preach His Word. There will be the return of two prophets, Jewish witnesses, Elijah and probably Moses. Revelation 11:3 says, “And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth."

Jesus is also sending 144,000 Jewish witnesses who will not be harmed by the Antichrist. We see this 144,000 in Revelation chapter 7, and Revelation 14:1-5.

There is going to be a rebuilt temple and animal sacrifices just like the Jews did when Jesus came the first time. With all this going on it would be confusion if the Church was still on Earth at that time. No, the Church is gone at this time, their witnessing time for Christ has ended with the rapture, and this is now the job of the 144,00 Jewish male virgins that Jesus has sealed, and the two prophets of old.

Is there one special verse that points to the rapture taking place before the seven year tribulation?

I would point to this verse in I Thessalonians 1:10 where Paul writes the following: “And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.” I want you to think about the timing, and sequence of this. He says Christians are to wait expectedly for His Son from heaven. When the rapture takes place the Church leaves this Earth for heaven. So Jesus coming from heaven, the rapture, is going to deliver Christians from the wrath to come.

There are only two possibilities for the wrath to come. Either the wrath to come is the wrath of hell, or it is the wrath from the tribulation, because from Revelation chapter 6 to Revelation chapter 19 the entire judgment is poured out on Earth.

This is where the wrath of God is poured out on unrighteous sinners. So it can not be the wrath of hell because His second coming doesn’t deliver us from the wrath of hell, its His first coming, His death, His atonement on the cross that is what allowed us to escape the wrath to come.

What we know is, the rapture is going to allow Christians to escape the wrath that will come in the tribulation. Why? Not because we deserve it but, because its God’s purpose. From Genesis to Revelation you will not find a single example of God Judging indiscriminately between the righteous and the unrighteous. Paul said in I Thessalonians 5:9 “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ”. Here is the promise wrath will come but, not for those who put their faith and trust in Jesus.

God’s wrath is coming but not for the Lord’s true believers. Jesus shows us in Revelation 3:10 that we aren’t going to tested during the tribulation because, we were faithful and are spared from this time. Revelation 3:10 says, “Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth”. The Church won’t spend an hour, or a day, or a year, or neither seven years of testing on Earth because, Jesus promised us He would keep us from this trial.

As we see all the prophecies coming to pass we know that we are in the last days and very close to the beginning of the seven year tribulation. If all these prophecies are taking place, and we know the rapture will take place before the Antichrist appears, then if the Antichrist is close then the rapture, the resurrection of the Church of Jesus Christ is even closer.

I believe that the scriptures reveal that the rapture will occur before the seven year tribulation period. Here is the sequence very clearly for you.

I Thessalonians 1:10 we are to wait for a future event, which Jesus is coming from heaven, the rapture and then that event is going to deliver us from the wrath to come. This I also believe is a clear message that what God is saying is, the deliverance of the Church, through the second coming of Jesus at the rapture when He comes with His saints the spirits of all those who have died in faith, then those who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the air, we then will escape the wrath to come. It is very clear as I stated, from Revelation chapter 6-19 that what is poured out from heaven on unrepeated sinners during that entire seven year period is the wrath of God.

Remember, the tribulation will begin with the four horsemen of the apocalypse which are clearly representative of the wrath of God as shown over 12 other times in the Old Testament. The fact is, I think the scriptures clearly shows that God has not appointed us unto wrath just as Paul said in I Thessalonians 1:9. and Revelation 3:10.

Here are two contrasting destinies. One is that of the unrepentant sinners, who will endure the wrath of God poured without mixture during the seven year period. Then there are those who put their faith in Jesus as Christians, and their destiny is salvation. There’s several other facts that point clearly to the fact that the Church is not on Earth at this time.

Again, in sequence in Revelation 4:1-4 we read the following. “After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.” Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald. Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes; and they had crowns of gold on their heads. Notice the words (come up here). In the Greek this is meta tauta or, literally, “after these things” In other words Jesus was about to show John everything that was going to happen on Earth once the rapture of the Church took place.

Jesus also shows us a picture of the rapture I believe in Revelation 11: 11-12 11And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. 12And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them”. These are the same words God spoke to John when He brought him into heaven to see what would happen after the Church was gone. The two prophets are lifted up into a cloud the same way the Church is going to meet Jesus in a clouds when we get raptured.

Keep in mind, after Revelation 4:1 you do not see the Church again until you see it coming back with Jesus in Revelation chapter 19! Take careful notice of the message Jesus gives to John before the the Church is raptured as recorded in Revelation chapter 2 and 3. I want you to read what Jesus says in Revelation 2:7, verse 11, verse 17, verse 29 and from Revelation chapter 3 verses 6, 13, and 22. All of these verses say the same exact thing which is, “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches.”

Now in Revelation 4:1 Jesus calls John up to heaven. It is at this point the Church is in heaven. Now I want you to see what Jesus says after the Church is already in heaven while the tribulation is going on Earth. I quote Christ, “If any man have an ear, let him hear.” Do you see something missing? Notice Christ leaves out the word (Spirit)! The reason being is the Holy Spirit was active in the Church while the Church was on the Earth, but now the Spirit has departed when the Church was raptured to heaven, and so Jesus changed the way He words Revelation 13:9 because he is now addressing those on Earth going through the tribulation period, who are the unrighteous people left behind.

Understanding II Thessalonians 2:1-8 is very important to upstanding when the rapture of the Church will take place.

1Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming” Who is He that is holding back the revealing of the Antichrist? It is the work of the Holy Spirit. At the present time where is the Holy Spirit living? He is living in all the people who have received Jesus Christ as their savior. When the Holy Spirit steps aside to allow the Antichrist to make his final moves, that is when the Church is called up to heaven.

In Paul’s second letter to Timothy we find this statement in II Timothy 4:8: “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”

If you love the rapture, and are waiting and enduring patiently as eluded to by what Jesus shows us in Revelation 3:10, you will receive a crown of righteousness according to Paul.

Now get this very important point coming to you! Notice John sees these twenty-four elders with crowns. These twenty-four elders represent the Church resurrected to heaven. If they have crowns then the rapture has already occurred and the judgment seat of Christ in which crowns are given out has already occurred.

Three chapters later in Revelation chapter 7 John receives a vision of a great multitude that no one can number of every tribe, nation, kindred, or tongue. John asks the questions logically, who are these people? He has already seen the raptured Church with their crowns, who are these people there in heaven to? We see the angels answer to John’s question in Revelation 7:14. “And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Notice that the Church was already sitting on their thrones with their white robes, so the who came out of the great tribulation had to be the people who refused the Antichrist’s mark and were killed by the Antichrist.

Now immediately the angel is ready to pour out the judgments of God, the wrath, and then we see yet another angel coming on the scene. Revelation 7:2-4 records this. “Then I saw another angel coming up from the east, having the seal of the living God. He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea: “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel” Immediately the angels begin to supernaturally seal the 144,000 righteous Jews.

We know the number of these 144,00 Jewish men is not symbolic for we are told exactly who the 144,000 are. First of all, in Revelation 7: 5-8 we see that these people come from the 12 tribes of Israel. Jesus took the time to list each tribe and show how many would come from each tribe, He shows us there are 12 thousand men from each tribe. Then in Revelation 14:3-4 we are told that these sealed people from the 12 tribes are man for they are not defiled with women, they are virgins. It is clear to us, God turns His attention back to the nation Israel and, the Jews when the Church is gone. This is not a symbolic numbers as the Watchtower Society would have you believe, but these Jewish men will soon begin to preach Jesus Christ as the true Messiah when the seven year tribulation begins.

Concerning these 144,000, please stay with me on this because only two chapters later in chapter 9 we see these sealed men again in scripture. Revelation chapter 9 God allows to be released from the bottomless pit satanic locusts that are part of the judgment of God, they sting people so that (EVERYONE) on Earth is stung except the 144,000 sealed men, the Jewish virgins. In Revelation 9:5 we are told that for five months people will wish they could die the pain is so great but they can not die.

Now logically follow this. There are 144,000 righteous Jews sealed for protection everyone else on Earth is stung by these demonic locusts. There are two groups that encompass the entire population of Earth, 144,000 righteous Jews and everyone else unrepentant sinners. Where is the Church? The Church is not there! The Church is already in heaven. They left starting at Revelation 4:1 where Jesus showed John the things that would take place after the Church was raptured. That also explains why the Antichrist curses those who are in heaven, those who have escaped him, the Christians.

If you still teach the Church most go through the tribulation you better support that finding by showing some where in the Bible where Jesus has angels sealing another group of people from the demon locust attack on the people. Fact is, there is no where in the entire Bible where you will read of anyone else God shows us is sealed from these demon locusts. Do you know what that means? It means that if you claim to be a Christian, and there is no rapture, which means everyone would have to go through the seven year tribulation, that ever one on Earth except these 144,000 Jewish male virgins will be stung by these demon locusts and suffer for five months to the point people where try to kill themselves, but won’t be able to die. Does this sound like God is keeping His Church from Wrath?

Another question I have been asked is why do so many Christians deny the pre-tribulation rapture so vehemently? I believe that some in their lack of teaching, lack of study, somehow image the rapture is an escape clause for the America or the worldwide Church today, that some how we will not go through persecution were as many others generations have. Well my friends, if the Lord tarries much longer we will see persecution even in America.

The Truth of the matter is God has never promised us freedom from persecution. The truth is many millions of Christians have been persecuted in the past, and are today still being persecuted in many countries around the world, but persecution is not essential to purify us as many imagine.

Think about it. All those Christians who come in the air with Jesus at the rapture, millions of those did not go through persecution, but died in their peaceful sleep. We also know that going through the tribulation is not something that will purify us and is necessary thereby. Again all those who come in the air with Jesus in the rapture include both wonderful righteous Christians like like Saint Paul, and will include Christians who had kind of indifferent Christian following.

What we know is, we are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ applied to our heart plus nothing else. It is the judgment seat of Christ where justice is handed out to us where we will receive rewards and crowns and mansions that reflect our faithful service.

Looking back in history, you will find every time God pasted judgment on the unrighteous, what did He do first? Each time He sent someone to the unrighteous to warn them to come to God before God passed His judgment on them. We see this trend in the Old Testament Exodus 12:8 “Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs”. This was a sign of the lambs blood that would be shed on the cross in the future that would save the world from God’s wrath and judgment.

In Exodus 12:12-13 we see how God made a way to spare the righteous who listened to His warning. I quote, 12“On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn—both men and animals—and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord. 13The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt”.

This is the same promise Jesus has for anyone who is born again in Christ. Concerning the blood Paul wrote in Roman’s 5:9 “Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved rom God’s wrath through him!”. 

I think the Apostle Paul best illustrates for us how God is going to spare the righteous from wrath. 2 Peter 2: 4-9 says, “4For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 5And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; 6And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; 7And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: 8(For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) 9The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished”.

In each case above, God sent in someone to lead the people to safety before He pass His judgment, and today millions are spreading God’s warnings that God’s wrath is coming again on the unrighteous.

To read more about the rapture of the Church you can read my post from June 9, 2010 This post and the June 9th post gives you more than enough proof the rapture takes place before the seven year tribulation begins.

Matthew 24:36 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

Before you read this post I want to make one thing very clear. In no way am I saying the rapture of the Church is going to happen this coming September. Yes it is possible, but we just do not know for sure. Jesus could choose to come for His Church next year, the year after, ten years from now. The point is this. We know He will come for His Bride the Church at some point during the Feast of Trumpet. Since we do not know what year we must do what He asks and keep on the watch. Be ready at all times so that when He does come He will find you doing His will and ready to be taken at the rapture.

Why does Jesus want us to keep our eye on the biblical calendar? Jesus wants those who are watching for His return to be ready when he comes to take the church out of the world. The only way one can do that is to know what they are looking for. It is clear as day what Christians are to look for, but I would say most Christians don't have a clue as to what the sign is. Why don't they know? I can see two reasons, first they are in a church where their pastor never teaches about the signs of the times and, second Christians are not studying the word themselves and they therefore would not know the signs. Let me help you understand a very important message from Christ. If you understand what Jesus was talking about, it will become clear to you what you and your family should be watching for.

Many people have asked me, why waste time trying to figure out when Jesus is going to come back when, Jesus himself said no man knows. Let me quote Jesus in Matthew 24:36 so you know what I'm talking about. “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Now I want you to take notice what Jesus is really saying here in relation to the Jewish thoughts and Jewish traditions.

The phrase but of that day and hour no man knows is a common Hebrew idiom for the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah is one of the seven Jewish Holidays, and it is known to the Jewish people as the feast of trumpets. The Feast of Trumpets takes place in the fall. In Leviticus 23 you see these feasts are appointed times established as yearly rehearsals that taught both historically and prophetically the whole plan of God. This plan included the coming of Christ and how Christ would bring redemption to all who received him. In short, God has given us his biblical calendar. Out of the seven biblical holidays the only ones left to be fulfilled are the fall feast which are Rosh Hashanah also known as the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, which is the day of atonement, and tabernacles. I am going to center on the Feast of Trumpets because on God's calendar this is the next in line to be fulfilled. Knowing this information, let me get back to Jesus’ statement in Matthew 24:36 where he said “no man knows the day or hour”.

This verse has to do with the Jewish wedding. The father had to make sure the Son had everything prepared and ready for the wedding. If anyone would ask the Jewish man when is the wedding, he would say ask my father only he knows.

This was the normal practice for the Jews. That statement was a traditional response. When it came time for this wedding to take place the man would go out at midnight sound the blast by blowing the sulfur letting his bride know he had come for her. The Feast of Trumpets, or Rosh Hashanah points to the Jewish cultural evidence that Rosh Hashanah will be the appointed time of the rapture of the church. As proof of this let me now show you what has already taken place with this Jewish wedding in relation to Jesus Christ and his bride the Church.

In a Jewish wedding the Jewish woman indicates she will marry him by accepting his proposal by drinking a cup of wine he gives her. What did Jesus do with the last supper? Jesus passed a cup of wine at the Last Supper and those who drank the wine accepted being his bride.

Secondly, the Jewish man would have to pay a price to the bride's parents. What did Jesus do and what was the price he paid? Jesus paid the price for us as His bride with His own life by dying on the cross for us.

The next thing and Jewish men would do to prepare for the wedding was to give His bride a gift. What gift did Jesus Christ give His bride the Church? Jesus gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The next thing the Jewish man would have to do to prepare for this wedding was go and prepare a place for both himself and his wife to live in when they were married. Do you remember the words of Jesus Christ in John chapter 14: 3? Jesus said, “and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also”. This is where Jesus is right now, he is preparing the home for His church the bride of Christ.

The next thing the Jewish man would do to prepare for Jewish wedding is this, he would take a host of people with Him at midnight go out shouting and blowing the shofar for his bride. The shofar is a horn. Now read what Jesus told the Apostle Paul to write in First Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 15 through 16. Paul mentions the exact timing of this event twice! In verse 15, he says that this occurs at the coming of the Lord, and in verse 16, Christ comes down from heaven with a shout with the voice of an ark angel, and with the trumpet of God. This is the point at which time Jesus will come for us, the church, just the same way the Jewish man would go out at midnight and call for his bride. This will be the next thing to take place on God's calendar at the Feast of Trumpets.

The next thing that would take place after a Jewish wedding, which came after the man went out to get his bride would be to spend seven days alone with his bride to consummate the marriage in their wedding chamber. When Jesus comes back for his bride the church, he takes the church to heaven for seven years. If you notice, this is the exact length of the seven-year tribulation. Listen to what it says in Isaiah chapter 26:20-21 “Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.” These are the chamber's Jesus will keep his church in while the seven-year tribulation is taking place on earth. The church, bride of Christ, will be hidden from these terrible times that will befall the earth during the tribulation.

As you can now see, everything that Jesus has done was in accordance to the traditions of the Jewish wedding which is also based on the holidays of the biblical calendar. I want to get back to what the Apostle Paul had to say in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5:1-4 when he stated the following, “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief”.

Paul was a Jew and he understood the signs of the times would be taking place during the times and seasons, or the Jewish holidays. In the above verse Paul eludes to the sign of peace and safety and he tells the reader they won't be in the darkness because they would be watching for these events to take place during the Jewish holiday season. When you read Genesis chapter 1 verse 14 we see the word seasons which is the Hebrew word for a pointed time. The seasons, appointed time, Paul was referring to was the actual day that Jesus was going to return on the feast of trumpets which would take place in the fall. So when Paul told the Jews you have no need that I write and to you, being Jewish they understood exactly what Paul was talking about. The only people who will be in the dark when Jesus comes on his feast will be those who do not have the understanding of the word of God in them, and do not have any understanding of these biblical matters.

Please take notice in relation to Rev. 3:3. In part of this verse Jesus tells the church at Sardis, which was considered a dead church to repent from their ways and to watch. Notice what happens when you aren’t watching? I quote, that part of verse 3 here, “I will come on thee as a thief and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.”

Don’t forget, Jesus is speaking to the dead church. What is Jesus showing us in this verse? Christ is showing us He only comes to the dead church as a thief, not to an alert and alive church, they will not be caught off guard.

In Revelation chapter 3 verses 17 through 18 Jesus is now speaking to the Church of Laodicea. This is another church that is not ready and Jesus calls this church and lukewarm church. What happens to a lukewarm church? Jesus tells us this answer in Revelation 3:16 where he says, “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth”. Notice in those verses Jesus tells them to go and buy white raiment that “that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear.” What most people don't understand is what this white raiment really means. Stay with me and you'll understand exactly what it is. Rev. 3:18 is another key to understanding what Jesus is showing us. I quote “I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see”.

Now I want you to tie in what is written in Revelation 16:15, by connecting this verse to Rev. 3:18, this will become clear to you why you have to make the connection. Revelation 16:15 says the following: “Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame”.

Let's go back to the Jewish traditions for a second, and I will show you how all this is ties together. During the time that the Jewish Temple was standing when Jesus was here the first time, the high priest and the captain of the guard were known as the “thief in the night” and, this is why. There were watch posts at the Temple where the priest had to be watching. One of the things they had to watch for was that the fire on the altar would not go out. This was a Godly fire that fell on the altar and it was commanded by God that this fire never go out. The priest had to watch this fire. If her priest was found to be sleeping when the captain of the guard checked on his rounds, the captain of the guard would take his torch, which was next to the altar fire, and set the priest’s garment on fire with the torch. The priest would be awaken by the fire, he would get up run through the Temple tearing off the garments that were on fire, and the shame of the priest’s nakedness would appear.

Now you see how Revelation chapter 16 verse 15 ties into what Jesus said about the Church that was dead. Now. when you go back and read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4 Paul says the following: “for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night” you now know what is meant by this phrase, “as a thief in the night”. In other words, when Jesus comes back and finds you sleeping like the priest in the Temple, and obviously not on the watch, you'll end up like the priest, running in your nakedness and in shame because you were not ready for his visitation.

Now let us look at Matthew chapter 25:1-13. In these verses Jesus’ is talking to two groups of virgins. One group was ready and on the watch, they were prepared for the bridegroom to come. This is a picture of the church doing the will of the Father, This again ties in to the Jewish wedding in keeping on the watch and the Lord coming back for his bride. Jesus said five virgins were ready and had oil in their lamps when the bridegroom came. Notice that the bridegroom comes at midnight as the custom of the Jewish wedding, notice also, he comes with a shout as with the custom. The five virgins who were ready went in to be with the bridegroom and the door was shut. This is what will happen at the rapture of the Church which we now believe will take place during the Feast of Trumpets, on the Jewish Holiday. This is why it is so important to keep on the watch at all times, especially during the Jewish Feasts.

What about the other five virgins who were not ready to go out to the bridegroom when he came at midnight? Jesus tells us they didn't prepare. These five virgins did not have oil in their lamps when he came at midnight so they had to go and buy oil to light the way. However, when they came back to the door of the bridegroom, the door was shut and the Lord said, “verily I say and to you”. “I know you not”. This is a picture of all the people who were not on the watch and are kept outside the door of safety in Christ Jesus. These five unprepared virgins is a picture of all the people who will find themselves tossed into the seven-year tribulation, because they like the priest at the Temple were fast a sleep. They like the priest were discovered by the Captain of the guard who was know as the thief in the night, or in this case Jesus Christ. As a result of you not being ready you as the priest will have been found and become naked and ashamed just like the priest did.

Now look at the message Jesus gave to us about the good servants and evil servants found in Luke 12:37-40. This is the message to the good servants.

“Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not”.

In Luke 12:41-47 Jesus is now talking to the evil servants who were not doing the will of the father, they were not watching for the thief in the night. Look what Jesus said to these evil servants.

“The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looked not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and he will cut him sunder, and will point him his portion with the unbelievers”.

These are the people who knew better, they knew the Lord's will but they are not doing the Lord's will.

The next verse tells us in verse 37, ”and that servant, which knew the Lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes”.

I ask you now, are you one of the so-called believers who are not abiding in Christ today, and you are not doing the will of the Father? We know for a fact that there are millions of people around the world who claim to be Christians but in fact are not doing the will of the Father fact is, they are even looking for Him to come back. This class of Christians is neither doing the will of the Father or are they watching for the Lord's return as Christ asked them to do. These type of people we are told, they knew his will yet didn't follow his will.

In Luke 12 :41 Peter asks Jesus,"are you speaking this parable to us, or even tell all?”. This question goes to the core of the question who is the evil servant? Jesus answered Peter by telling him of the evil servants who do not do the will of the Father. Once again we see a group of people being split in half. First there was the ten virgins, five which were wise and ready, and the other five who were not ready and were unprepared when the Lord came at midnight. Now we see good servants watching and doing the will of the Father who will be blessed, compared to the other half, the evil servants, who know God's will, but are not doing his will, and are not keeping watch, and will be beaten.

Another very important fact to remember about the Feast of Trumpets is this, no one knows the day or hour because the Feast of Trumpets started at the sighting of the full moon. Let me explain. On the 30th of each month, the members of the high court assembled in the court yard in Jerusalem, where they waited to receive the testimony of the two reliable witnesses. These two witnesses were the people who could verify that they had seen the full moon.

At the spotting of the full moon it would allow the members of the high court to then sanctify the new moon. This would mean that the Feast of Trumpets would begin. The new moon is very difficult to see on the first day because it can be seen only about sunset, close to the sun, when the sun is traveling north. So, looking for a very slim, faint crescent moon, which is very close to the sun, is a very difficult thing to do. If the moons crescent was not seen on the 30th day, the new moon was automatically celebrated on the 31st day. For this reason, the Feast of Trumpets is always celebrated for two days. These two days are celebrated as though it is just one day of 48 hours. The reason that it is celebrated for two days is because if they waited to start the celebration until after the new moon and then sanctified, they would have missed half the celebration because the new moon can only be sanctified during daylight hours. The command seems to be that we know the season, as Paul stated, but not the day or the hour as we have seen in Matthew 24:32-36.

Yom Teruah, or the Feast of Trumpets, is the only Jewish Feast that we do not know the day in which to keep it, as we are not sure when the new moon will be spotted. Therefore, we have to be on the look and watch for it. When Jesus is saying you won't know the day or the hour as recorded in Matthew 24 verse 36, He is telling us it is the Feast of Trumpets because it is this Feast and this Feast only that the Jews did not know the exact day or the hour in relation to when the full moon would be out. Hence the two-day celebration. No one could today tell you when the rapture of the Church will happen because it could take place at any time within a 48 hour period.

At the Feast of Trumpets Jesus will return to remove his bride the Church, it will not overtake the church who is doing the will of the Father, this Church will standing on the watch for the master to return. Paul speaks of this rapture of the church in 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 where he says, behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of the night, at the last trump: for the Trump shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality”.

At some point in the very near future Jesus will come out from heaven and call his bride to himself, just is in the Jewish wedding. We who are on the watch, His bride, will be ready, and we are going to be changed from these human bodies to the heavenly bodies. The question to ask yourself at this point is, what class has Jesus placed you in? Are you one of the wise virgins who are ready to go out to meet the Lord? Are you standing watch for him to return, or are you one of those five who are not ready and have no oil in your lamps? Are you one of the good servants who when Jesus comes will find you standing at the door on the watch, and waiting for the master to return, or are you the evil servant who says he is a Christian but is not doing the will of the father, those of who will be accounted with the unbelievers when the master finally comes for his bride? Wake up Church and choose what side you will be on, the light or the darkness. If you are not a Christian I say wake up to what Jesus has shown you and repent so you can be accounted worthy to escape all the things that shall coming to pass and stand before the Son of Man, Christ Jesus.

I received an email from a person  who was trying to show me that the last trumpet in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 is the same trumpet found in the Book of Revelation.
This person asked me, “WHY in the world are so many looking for the Lord to come at the "pre-trib rapture" of the living, if He doesn't come to resurrect the dead until the seventh trumpet which scripture clearly saying the living are caught up with them?”  Keep in mind this is the same trumpet we see in I Thessalonians 4:16.

Now let us look at what I believe to be one of the most important facts about when the rapture will occur. I will show you there is absolutely no way the last trumpet in I Corinthians is the exact same as one in the Revelation. 
Let’s read 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 first. “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed-in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.” This trumpet is called the last trumpet, but notice when this trumpet is sounded, people will be changed before a person can even blink his eyes.

When this trumpet is sounded, it is super fast, and it does not take place in a matter of days as we see the seventh trumpet of Revelation 11:15.   Does the term last trumpet mean that this is the same trumpet as recorded in Revelation 11:15 where it says, “The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: ‘The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever’"?

No, it does not. If you read Revelation 10:7, it says, “But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” Revelation shows us the seventh trumpet shall be sounded over a period of days, most likely for the duration of the judgments that fall under the trumpet judgments. Notice the exact words that the Apostle John writes! John says, “Begin to sound." This is a far cry from the trumpet we see in 1 Corinthians 15: 51 where that trumpet happens faster than a person can blink his or her eye.

First of all, the person blowing the trumpet in Revelation 11:15 is an angel, and the chronology of Revelation shows us that the trumpet in Revelation 11:15 sounds at the end of the time of wrath, which comes at the end of the tribulation. If you read 1 Corinthians 15: 51-52 you will see that this trumpet is sounded before God’s wrath begins. These are definitely not the same trumpets. In addition, the people blowing these trumpets are not the same. For one, the Lord sounds one trumpet while an angel sounds the other trumpet.

Once you read 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, you see it even states that the Lord is the one who blows the trumpet that removes the Christians from the Earth. I quote 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18. “According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words.”

There is another major difference which proves the last trumpet of 1 Corinthians and 1 Thessalonians is not the trumpet found in Revelation 11:15. Notice in 1 Corinthians and 1 Thessalonians this trumpet is called a blessing! The trumpet we see sounded by the angel in Revelation is a trumpet of judgment issued on God’s enemies, it is the opposite of a blessing.

Isaiah 26: 19-21: “Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead. 20Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. 21For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.”
Isaiah 57:1 “The righteous perishes, and no man lays it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come”.


May 21, 2010 rapture (Rememer know one knows the day or hour!

Jesus in chapter 24 of Matthew tells us to beware of false prophets.  Many have given the exact date for the Lord’s return and all have been wrong.  This will be another one of those false dates. I quote, “RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — If there had been time, Marie Exley would have liked to start a family. Instead, the 32-year-old Army veteran has less than six months left, which she’ll spend spreading a stark warning: Judgment Day is almost here. Exley is part of a movement of Christians loosely organized by radio broadcasts and websites, independent of churches and convinced by their reading of the Bible that the end of the world will begin on May 21, 2011.