Crops killed off by intense heat/ Luke 21:25 roaring seas and waves and complex problems/Temple Mount troubles/Iran to be attacked by Israel?/Aug. 9, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora


If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


 Prophecy Sign: Revelation 16:8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.” Revelation 7: 16 “Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.” Mark 13:8 “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.”

“Muscovites fled the Russian capital in record numbers as extreme heat combined with acrid smoke from wildfires, slowing trading on the city’s main stock exchange and emptying restaurants.”

More than 104,400 people flew out of Moscow yesterday, topping the previous 2010 record of 101,000, according to the Federal Air Transportation Agency. On Aug. 7, 95,000 left the city by plane, 20 percent more than the year-earlier date, agency spokesman Sergei Izvolsky said by telephone today. Moscow set a daily heat record of 35.5 degrees Celsius (95.5 degrees Fahrenheit) today, the seventh such record this month and the 19th of the summer, said Tatyana Pozdnyakova, a spokeswoman for the city’s weather service. The city reached 38.2 degrees Celsius, the highest ever, on July 29.”

Drought has forced the government to declare states of emergency in 28 crop-producing regions. Agriculture accounts for about 4 percent of gross domestic product, according to Moscow- based VTB Capital. Russia’s 2010 grain harvest may be between 60 million and 65 million metric tons, compared with 97.1 million tons last year, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said today.”

First of all, we do see the very signs Jesus warns us about taking place in Russia right now, but this is only the beginning of things to come.  The real troubles surrounding these birth pains will be begin during the seven year tribulation when the Church has been removed from the Earth.  It will be during the seven year tribulation that the heat of the sun which will cause massive droughts, lack of water, many fires, famines and starvation to levels this planet has never gone seen.  Your only way out of this before it happens is to give your life over to the only one who can save you, and that is Jesus Christ.

  Is the sun’s heat upon us?  Look at what is happening in a report entitled, Ice Chunk Larger Than Manhattan Breaks Off Greenland Glacier”.  I quote, “A chunk of ice four times the size of Manhattan has calved from Greenland’s Petermann Glacier, scientists announced today. The last time the Arctic lost such a large chunk of ice was in 1962. “In the early morning hours of August 5, 2010, an ice island four times the size of Manhattan was born in northern Greenland,” said Andreas Muenchow, associate professor of physical ocean science and engineering at the University of Delaware. Satellite imagery of this remote area at 81 degrees north latitude and 61 degrees west longitude, about 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) south of the North Pole, reveals that Petermann Glacier lost about
one-quarter of its 43-mile- (70-km-) long floating ice-shelf.”  I am giving you this information as a child of Jesus Christ, I know what my Father has warned in His Word and He wants you to see these signs in order to help you see Him for who He really is, He is your Savior and your Father as well.  Jesus is calling to all His Children and I pray you will be counted as one of those blessed children who will listen to what the Father has told us.  Get ready to either meet your Father face to face at the rapture of the Church or get ready to meet Satan face to face as he incarnates himself in the Antichrist during the seven year tribulation.

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.  We are seeing all the signs taking place at the same time and that includes this roaring of the seas and waves which is caused by major storms.  OF course these major storms cause complex problems exactly as it stated in Luke just take a look at this headline,  “UN says Pakistan floods worse than 2004 tsunami”  

 I quote,The United Nations said Monday that massive floods in Pakistan had affected 13.8 million people and eclipsed the scale of the devastating 2004 tsunami, as anger mounted among survivors. The Pakistani government and UN officials have appealed for more urgent relief efforts to cope with the country’s worst ever floods, with President Asif Ali Zardari due to return home after a heavily criticised European tour. The entire northwestern Swat valley, where Pakistan fought a major campaign to flush out Taliban insurgents last year, was cut off at the weekend as were parts of the country’s breadbasket in Punjab and Sindh.  “This disaster is worse than the tsunami, the 2005 Pakistan earthquake and the Haiti earthquake,” Maurizio Giuliano, a spokesman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), told AFP. He said the 13.8 million affected outstripped the more than three million hit by the 2005 earthquake, five million in the 2004 tsunami and the three million affected by the Haiti earthquake in January this year.”

  An aerial view from a Pakistan

army rescue helicopter shows a flood-affected area on the outskirts of Sukkur. The United Nations said Monday that massive floods in Pakistan had affected 13.8 million people and eclipsed the scale of the devastating 2004 tsunami, as anger mounted among survivors.


More storm news today out of Europe informed us, “Floods caused by torrential rain in central Europe left ten people dead and several others missing, with thousands of residents forced to flee their homes, officials said Sunday. Rivers burst their banks and dykes were breached in Poland,Germany and the Czech Republic, while authorities had to evacuate some people by helicopter from the rising waters. Three people drowned in southwestern Poland, near the country’s borders with Germany and the Czech Republic, Polish Interior Minister Jerzy Miller told reporters.

Chinese Flag  China’s huge storm was also in the news. “Landslides and floods triggered by torrential rain have engulfed a town in north-western China, killing at least 127 people and leaving 1,300 missing. Nearly 3,000 soldiers and 100 medics have been sent to assist local rescue teams in Zhouqu, in an isolated, mainly Tibetan region of Gansu province. We’ve had landslides before, but never anything this bad. People are trying to find their families and waiting for more rescuers”  More than 45,000 people have reportedly already been evacuated from the area. Local officials say thick mud, more than 1m (3.3ft) deep in some places, is hampering rescue efforts. Prime Minister Wen Jiabao flew to Gansu after receiving news of the disaster. He told officials to “spare no efforts to save lives”. More than 1,400 people are believed to have been killed this year in unusually severe flooding in central and southern China. About 1.4m homes have been destroyed, 12 million people evacuated, and 87,600 sq km (22m acres) of crops ruined, officials say.”  As I said, 2010 has seen its share of huge storms and these storms have caused complex problems from many nations.  If you missed the one that hit Italy take a look at this video.  I am warning you, if you don’t like what you see here you are not like going to be left behind to enter the tribulation period.


Prophecy sign:   The Ezekiel war chapter 38 through 39.  In many of my posts I stated that I believe that the Ezekiel war could be started by an attack  by Israel on Iran’s  nuclear weapons  facility.   Once Israel attacks Iran  the outcome would be to  a quick response from the bordering nations around Israel  which are all mentioned in Psalm 83 war. I believe this attack would happen swiftly and then they would be a pause and then a short time after when Israel thinks that they’re living in safety because all those bordering nations have been destroyed and that is when Russia will take Iran and the rest of their allies in attack Israel to fulfill the second war which would be the Ezekiel war found in chapter 38 and chapter 39 of Ezekiel. 

Iran-Russia nuclear plant to be inaugurated in September – official
The joint Iran-Russia nuclear power plant in the Gulf port of Bushehr in southern Iran will be inaugurated in late September, Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said Monday, reported dpa. ILNA news agency quoted him as saying that that all tests and necessary arrangements were currently underway and the plant would be opened in one and a half months.- “real fuel” would reach the plant within months after the opening and the complex would then start its operation at “maximum level.”

One thing that we need to keep in mind is the Jewish Feasts because many prophecies have been fulfilled on those days and many others will follow. In 2010 the Jewish Feasts of Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur take place during the month of September.  

Rosh HaShanah: Evening of September 8th, 2010 (Wed) to September 10th, 2010 (Friday).
Yom Kippur: Evening of September 17th, 2010 (Friday) to September 18th, 2010 (Saturday).

Because Rosh Hashanah is going to begin again in September on those dates, I wanted to add this special post today. It is my prayer that every Christian who reads this will not be afraid to pass this information on to your loved ones and friends. Many believe that the Church some time in the future will be taken away to Christ during the Feast of Trumpets or as it is called (Rosh Hashanah).  Could this September be the year?  Only the Lord knows for sure, but we need to be ready just in case this is the year Jesus has picked to come for His Church and begin the final seven years before He comes back to Earth to take His seat as King in Jerusalem.

If this is the appointed time Jesus has picked, your loved ones will need to know this information.  If Jesus does come this September and your loved ones miss it, they will know why they were left behind.  Make sure you tell them to ask Jesus into their lives. With that said I will say one more thing. Anyone that tells you Jesus will for sure come on any certain date is by default in opposition to God’s word. For we know that God’s word says clearly that no man knows the day nor hour.  Since we do not know which year He will come the best thing we can do is to be aware that it could happen this year and my goal has always been to be a watchman, and someone who is constantly looking for the Lord’s return. My question to all Christians is this. Are you watching for the Lord’s second coming as he asked us to

Is it a mere coincidence that this September Iran’s nuclear weapons facility will be fired up with the help of the Russians? Sooner or later Israel is going to have to take out this nuclear weapons  facility and when that happens all hell will break out. p>

Knowing Iran will have the bomb that could wipe Israel off the map Israel won’t just stand by and do nothing!  Israel can not rely on anyone but themselves to put a halt to Iran’s quest for the bomb.  Obama up until this point has been all words and no actions, and today’s news shows us Israel really can’t rely on the US, which means when Israel does strike at Iran she will be on her own.  Of course any attack by Israel will be seen by the world as a act of violence and further cause the world to come against the Jews, which will help fulfill what the Prophet Zechariah warned in Zech 12:3.

“US President Barack Obama acknowledged Monday that the Islamic Republic of Iran – which has repeatedly voiced its intention to see Israel wiped off the map – is on course to obtain nuclear weapons after all. Speaking to the New York Times, Obama said he was convinced “the current course they [the Iranian leadership] are on would provide them with nuclear weapons capabilities.” As a consequence of Obama’s appeasement approach to Tehran, America can do nothing to prevent it. The American’s admission comes after a year during which his administration barely stopped short of public threats to prevent Israel from self-defensively destroying Iran’s nuclear facilities. Most recently, behind-closed-door coercive tactics were employed during successive visits by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Joint Chiefs off Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen and Vice President Joe Biden in order to keep pressure on Israel not to attack.

 Prophecy Sign: Daniel 9:27 “He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.”
Holy TempleMatthew 24:15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand”.

2 Thessalonians 2:4  “He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.”  The “He” this verse is talking about is the Antichrist!

Holy Temple In my book I outline the events leading to the rebuilding of the Third Jewish Temple.  Each year we are getting closer and closer to witnessing this Temple being rebuilt.  There was more news about the Temple, and I promise you this, the Temple Jesus told us would be rebuilt is almost here!

We know for sure the third Temple will be built in the very near future just as the prophecies show us. At the current time this Temple Mount is causing havoc between the Arabs in the Israelis.  Today there was more news about the third Temple in the news report entitled, “Security Fears: Police Cancel Upcoming Temple Mount Activities”

“In light of security assessments in Jerusalem and the rioting of the past few days there, police have canceled the monthly Temple Mount Gates march, scheduled for this Monday night. Last month’s event, called Sivuv She’arim (Circling the Gates), was held with the participation of 4,000 people who wished to show their solidarity with the Holy Temple in this manner. Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute bemoaned the cancellation and what it signifies. His remarks are brought below. Police are concerned that the dedication events of this week for the newly-rebuilt Hurva Synagogue in the Old City will spark Arab violence. The centuries-old Hurva was bombed and destroyed by the Jordanians in the 1948 War of Independence; refurbishing work has been ongoing for several years, and was completed this month.”  “This event gives expression to the Nation of Israel’s deep bonds with the Temple Mount,” the organizers say, “and to our anticipation and longing for the rebuilding of the Holy Temple.”   

Were are seeing a lot of news showing us that the Israelis want to build this third Temple. The way things are going I believe in the not to distant future you’re going to see news that the Antichrist is allowing the Jewish nation to rebuild their third Temple in fulfillment of what was prophecified. Notice I said you will see the Antichrist giving the ok to the rebuilding of the Temple.  The Christians will be in heaven with Jesus before this happens.

As long a I mentioned what the Prophet Zechariah stated take a look at how people have and are burdening themselves over God’s Holy City of Jerusalem.  The Headline to this next report reads as follows: “Arab pilgrims seen as more effective than the failed boycott” and quote, “Egyptian Minister of Religious Endowments Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq has called on Muslims worldwide to visit Jerusalem and assert its Islamic identity. In an interview with the London- based pan-Arab daily Asharq Al-Awsat, Zaqzouq attacked the traditional Arab policy of tourism boycott against the Jewish state. He warned that Israel’s building in the city could smother Islamic sites.

“I say to those who insist on not visiting [Jerusalem] before its liberation: My worst fear is that you will have nothing to visit after Israel realizes its plans in Jerusalem and elsewhere,” Zaqzouq was quoted as saying. Zaqzouq said his tactic of urging a worldwide convergence on Jerusalem could be used to expose any subsequent Israeli hypocrisy, should the government refuse to grant them entry permits. He said Muslims could then turn to the international community claiming religious discrimination.” 


e=”text-align: justify”>Can’t you all see that everything the Prophet wrote about is either in the process of coming to pass or has already been fulfilled in our generation?  Wake up and stand ready to meet Jesus.

Prophecy sign: What is one of the keys to knowing when Jesus is going to return to for His Church? Anyone who doesn’t know Jesus as Lord yet better read His words found in Matthew. I quote, “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”  There is no question this present generation has become just like the one during Noah’s time.  Noah watch his society grumble and turn away from God until the flood came and took them all away.  The people warning what Jesus said about our generation are also watch our society grumble and move away from God and Christ. “The Department of Health and Human Services has released two sex-education funding grants under the new healthcare law, one of which calls to indoctrinate school children in the homosexual lifestyle. The measure will allocate $55 million to fund the Personal Responsibility Education Program and $50 million to abstinence-only programs. The responsibility of the former is to provide comprehensive sex education, which is to include curriculum based on “the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth on how their programs will be inclusive of and non-stigmatizing toward such participants.”


Last day signs in the news Aug. 6, 2010

I had my post up today and someone it was taken off. Since I didn’t want to rewrite the entire post this is what I did. I took a pictures of the sheets I copied and posted at the bottom of my post today.


I can see the handwriting on the wall, can you?


U.S. issues Israel travel warning in wake of Eilat rocket attack State Department also implores citizens to adhere to travel ban to Gaza Strip and avoid West Bank demonstrations.

By Natasha Mozgovaya and Haaretz Service

“The United States issued a travel warning to Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip on Thursday, citing additional precautions as a result of a recent rocket attack on Eilat and the Jordanian port city of Aqaba.”


Shades of Revelation 6:6 (If you are left behind when the Church is gone you better get ready to face Rev. 6.6/Aug. 6, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Prophecy Sign: “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"


Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin walks through a wheat field in Vyselk…


Wheat awaits a harvester at the Kubankhleb farm in Tikhoretask in Russia’s s…Russia,

one of the world’s top wheat exporters, will impose a temporary ban on grain exports until December 31 due to a record drought, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced on Thursday.

"In connection with the unusually high temperatures and the drought, I consider it right to impose a temporary ban on the export from Russia of grain and other products produced from grain," Putin told a government meeting.

Russia, currently the world’s number three wheat exporter, earlier this week slashed its grain harvest forecast to 70-75 million tonnes owing to the worst drought for decades.

Last year, Russia exported 21.4 million tonnes of grain and observers had already warned this risks being sharply lower this year owing to the drought.

The prime minister’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the embargo would come into force from August 15 and would remain in place until December 31, the Interfax news agency reported.

"We must not allow an increase in domestic prices and must preserve the headcount of our cattle," said Putin in comments broadcast on state television. Putin said that grain from the government’s intervention fund would be handed out to the regions most in need without any auction.

“Concerns about Russia — coupled with a drought that has also hit Ukraine and Kazakhstan as well as a low harvest in Canada — have already led to a spike in global wheat prices to two year highs.”

If you doubt Jesus words and His warnings you may want to read a section from this next report entitled: “Commodity prices soar as spectre of food inflation is back”

“Speculation and rumour could be the driving force behind sudden market rise in food prices”  “The price of wheat, oil and copper soared this week but the picture looks much less clear this time. Old-fashioned supply and demand is still at work, but there are fears that wild rumours and speculation are driving up prices. Wheat prices, which are up 40% over the last month, reached a two-year high as concerns about a drought in Russia and rotting stocks of grain in India exercised markets in London and Chicago. Claims that a major crop failure in Australia, following an invasion of locusts and a wet summer in Canada, could lead to a worldwide shortage, have pushed up prices in recent weeks to levels not seen since 2008. The rise in futures contract prices traded on the major markets also follows a United Nations report in June that warned food prices could rise as much as 40% over the coming decade, amid growing demand from emerging markets and for biofuel production”


Here is more proof about the rising food costs in a report entitled: “A Global Need for Grain That Farms Can’t Fill”. I quote. “LAWTON, N.D. — Whatever Dennis Miller decides to plant this year on his 2,760-acre farm, the world needs. Wheat prices have doubled i
n the last six months
. Corn is on a tear. Barley, sunflower seeds, canola and soybeans are all up sharply. “For once, there’s great reason to be optimistic,” Mr. Miller said. But the prices that have renewed Mr. Miller’s faith in farming are causing pain far and wide. A tailor in Lagos, Nigeria, named Abel Ojuku said recently that he had been forced to cut back on the bread he and his family love. “If you wanted to buy three loaves, now you buy one,” Mr. Ojuku said.

Do you remember what Pastor Williams warned about food prices.  If you missed it you should watch this video.


In Spanish(A Thief in the night) by Frank DiMora


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

A while back I wrote a piece about being ready to go home with Jesus when He calls His Church. I have had many people email telling me this was a powerful message. I was if I could translate this message into Spanish.  Today I receive a email from a Christian Brother who had the message translated for me.  If you know anyone who speaks Spanish this would be a great way to witness to them and help them to also prepare to meet our Lord Jesus Christ.

In case you missed this post you can read it in English starting at the end of the post in its Spanish form.




Porque Jesús quiere que nosotros mantengamos nuestra atención en el calendario bíblico? Jesús quiere que los que estén atentos a su regreso estén preparados para su venida a remover la iglesia de este mundo. La única manera de hacerlo es saber lo que se está buscando. Está claro que los Cristianos saben lo que están buscando, pero yo diría que la mayoría de los Cristianos no tienen idea de cuál es la señal. Porque ellos no lo saben? Yo puedo ver dos razones, la primera es que están en una iglesia donde su pastor nunca les enseña acerca de las señales de los tiempos y, la segunda es que los Cristianos no están estudiando la palabra ellos mismos y por consiguiente no conocen las señales. Permíteme ayudarte a entender un mensaje muy importante de Jesucristo. Si entiendes lo que Jesús esta diciéndonos, será claro de lo que tú y tu familia deberían de estar atentos y vigilantes.

Mucha gente me ha preguntado porque perder el tiempo intentando saber cuándo será el regreso de Jesús. Jesús mismo dijo que ningún hombre sabía esto. Permítanme citar a Jesús en Mateo 24:36 para que sepan de lo que estoy hablando. “Pero el día y la hora no será conocida por el hombre, no, ni los ángeles en el paraíso, solo mi Padre la conoce.” Ahora yo quiero que se den cuenta lo que Jesús en realidad está diciendo aquí en relación a los pensamientos y tradiciones Judías. La frase “Pero el día y la hora no será conocida por el hombre” es común en el idioma Hebreo por los judíos para denotar un día de fiesta llamado “Rosh Hashanah.” Rosh Hashanah es uno de los siete días de fiesta de los judíos y es conocido entre los judíos como un festín de trompetas. El festín de trompetas se celebra en el otoño. En Levítico 23 veras que estos festines son tiempos reservados y establecidos anualmente como remembranza de que históricamente y proféticamente existe un plan de Dios para nosotros. Este plan incluye la venida de Cristo y como Cristo traerá la redención para todos los que lo hayan recibido en su corazón. En resumen, Dios nos dio un calendario bíblico. De los siete eventos bíblicos el único que aun no se ha cumplido es el festín de otoño (Rosh Hashanah) o Festín de Trompetas, Yom Kippur, el cual es el día de expiación y tabernáculos. Voy a concentrarme en el Festín de Trompetas porque en el calendario de Dios este evento es el próximo a acontecer. Teniendo esta información, déjenme regresar al testimonio de Jesús en Mateo 24:36 donde él dice “No hay hombre que conozca el día o la hora”. Este verso tiene que ver con la boda Judía. El padre tiene que asegurarse que el hijo tenga todo preparado para la boda. Si alguno preguntara cuando seria la boda, el Judío responderá pregúntale a mi padre, el es el único que lo sabe. Esta era la práctica común de los judíos. Esta era una práctica común para los judíos. Esa era la respuesta tradicional. Cuando el tiempo llegue para la boda, el hombre ira a media noche dejando saber a la novia que él ha llegado por ella. El Festín de Trompetas, o Rosh Hashanah será asignado como el tiempo de arrobamiento de la iglesia. Como prueba de esto, déjenme demostrarles lo que ya está sucediendo en la boda Judía con relación a Jesucristo y a su prometida, la iglesia.

En una boda judía las mujeres Judías representan su compromiso aceptando la propuesta de matrimonio al tomarse una copa de vino que el prometido les da. Que hizo Jesús en la Ultima Cena? Jesús pasó una copa de vino durante la Ultima Cena y esos que bebieron del vino aceptaron su compromiso.

Segundo, el hombre Judío tiene que dar una dote a los padres de la novia. Que hizo Jesús y cuál fue el precio que el pago. Jesús pago el precio por nosotros con su propia vida al morir en la cruz por nosotros.

El siguiente paso que siguen los hombres Judíos para prepararse para la boda es darle un regalo a la novia. Que regalo le ha dado Jesucristo a la iglesia? Jesús nos dio el regalo del espíritu santo.

Después el hombre Judío deberá preparar un lugar para vivir él y su esposa después de casarse. Recuerdan las palabras de Jesucristo en el libro de Juan 14:3? Jesús dijo, “Yo iré y preparare un lugar para ustedes, y cuando regrese los recibiré y donde yo este ustedes también estarán.” Ese lugar es donde Jesús esta ahora, el está preparando la casa para su iglesia la prometida de Cristo.

En seguida lo que el hombre Judío hará para prepararse para la boda Judía es esto; el tendrá invitados en su boda y a la media noche hará sonar las cornetas para su novia. Ahora leamos lo q
ue Jesús le pidió al apóstol Pablo que escribiera en el Capitulo 4 versículo 15 al 16 en el primer libro de los Tesalonicenses. Pablo menciono dos veces el tiempo exacto de este evento! En el versículo 15, el dice que esto ocurre a la venida del Señor, y en el versículo 16, Cristo desciende del cielo con una nota con la voz de un arcángel, y con una trompeta de dios. Este es el tiempo en el que Jesús vendrá por nosotros así como el hombre Judío ira a la media noche llamando a su prometida. Esto será el siguiente evento en el calendario de Dios en el Festín de las Trompetas.

Lo que ocurrirá después de la boda Judía en seguida que el hombre vaya y tome a su prometida será que el pasara siete días a solas con su prometida para consumar el matrimonio en su recamara nupcial. Cuando Jesús regrese por su prometida que es la iglesia, el tomara la iglesia y la llevara al cielo por siete años. Este es el tiempo exacto de los siete años de tribulación. Escuchen lo que el Libro de Isaías dice en el Capitulo 26:20-21 “Vengan, my gente, entren y cierren las puertas: escóndanse como si fuera un momento hasta que la indignación pase. He aquí que Dios viene desde su lugar a castigar a los habitantes de la tierra por su iniquidad: La tierra también revelara su sangre y no cubrirá mas a sus muertos.” Este será el lugar donde Jesús tendrá a su iglesia mientras los siete-años de tribulación transcurran en la tierra. La iglesia, prometida de Cristo, estará escondida de esos tiempos terribles que acontecerán en la tierra durante la tribulación.

Como puedes ver, todo lo que Jesús hizo fue de acuerdo a las tradiciones matrimoniales judías que están basadas en el calendario bíblico. Quiero regresar a lo que el apóstol Pablo dijo en Tesalonicenses 5:1-4 cuando el menciono lo siguiente, “Pero en los tiempos y estaciones, hermanos, no tienen necesidad que les escriba. Por su propia cuenta saben que dios llegara como un ladrón por la noche. Y ellos dirán, paz y bienestar; entonces la destrucción vendrá y caerá sobre ellos como llega un parto a una mujer; y no podrán escapar. Pero, hermanos, no estaremos en la obscuridad, la luz del día aparecerá como un ladrón”.

Pablo era un Judío y el entendía las señales y como ocurrirían los eventos en sus tiempos y estaciones, o los días de festejo para los Judíos. En el verso anterior, Pablo elude la señal de paz y bienestar y da a entender que no sucederá en la penumbra de la noche porque ellos vigilarían que estos eventos sucedan durante la celebración Judía. Cuando leas Génesis Capitulo 1 versículo 14, encontraras la palabra estación, que en hebreo significa tiempo asignado. Las estaciones o tiempos asignados, a los que se refiere Pablo en verdad son los días en que Jesús retornara en el Festín de Trompetas el cual ocurrirá en el otoño. Entonces, cuando Pablo les dijo a los judíos “ No es necesario que les escriba” siendo judíos ellos sabían exactamente a qué se refería. Las únicas personas que estarán en la obscuridad cuando Jesús venga a su fiesta serán esos que no entiendan o conozcan la palabra de Dios, y no tendrán entendimiento de los temas bíblicos.

Por favor vean Rev. 3:3. En una parte de este versículo Jesús le dice a la Iglesia de Sardis, la cual estaba considerada una Iglesia muerta para que se arrepintieran de sus actos. Vean lo que pasa cuando no estás atento? Resalto esta parte del versículo 3, “Vendré como un ladrón y no sabrán a qué hora sucederá.” Así le hablaba Jesús a la Iglesia muerta. Que nos quería enseñar Jesús en este proverbio? Jesús nos quería decir que el solo vendría como un ladrón a la Iglesia muerta, no así a una Iglesia viva, ellos no serian sorprendidos.

En el libro de Revelaciones capitulo 3 versículo 17 al 18 Jesús le hablo a la iglesia de Lardácea. Esta es otra de las iglesias que no están listas Jesús se refiere a esta iglesia como iglesia de tibios. Qué pasa con una iglesia tibia? Jesús nos da la respuesta en Revelaciones 3:16 donde él dice, “Entonces ustedes los tibios que no son ni fríos ni calientes yo los vomitare fuera de mi boca”. También en esos versículos Jesús les dice que vayan y compren vestimenta blanca que “al vestirse la vergüenza de su desnudez no aparezca.” Lo que la mayoría de gente no entiende es lo que esta vestimenta blanca representa. Pongan atención y entenderán a que se refería Jesús y remarco lo siguiente; “Yo abogare por ustedes y me compraran oro moldeado en fuego, y ustedes podrán ser ricos; y vestirán ropas blancas, y la vergüenza de estar desnudos desaparecerá; y ungiré sus ojos con colirio para que ustedes puedan ver.”

Ahora quiero que relacionen lo que está escrito en Revelaciones 16:15, conectándolo con Revelaciones 3:18, estará claro para ustedes el porqué hacerlo. Revelaciones 16:15 dice lo siguiente: Prepárense, yo vendré como un ladrón. Bendito sea el que este al acecho y tenga listo su equipaje para que no ande desnudo y sintiendo su vergüenza.

Regresemos a las tradiciones Judías por un segundo, y les enseñare como esto se relaciona. Durante los tiempos en que el Templo Judío estaba en pie cuando Jesús estuvo ahí la primera vez, el alto sacerdote era conocido como “El ladrón de la noche” y era por esto: existían puestos de vigilancia en el templo donde el sacerdote tenía que vigilar. Una de las cosas que tenían que vigilar era que el fuego en el altar nunca se consumiera. Este era un fuego piadoso que caía sobre el altar y era mandato de Dios que el fuego nunca se extinguiera. El sacerdote tenía que vigilar este fuego. Si el sacerdote era encontrado dormido cuando el jefe de guardias daba su rondín, el jefe de guardia tomaba su antorcha, la cual estaba enseguida del fuego en el altar, y le prendía fuego a sus ropas con la antorcha. El sacerdote era despertado por el fuego y corría dentro el templo desgarrándose sus ropas que estaban en llamas, y la vergüenza del sacerdote de estar desnudo aparecía.

Ahora pueden ver como el libro de Revelación capitulo 16 versículo 15 se relaciona con lo que dijo Jesús acerca de la iglesia que estaba muerta. Si regresan y leen el libro de los Tesalonicenses 5:1-4 Pablo dice lo siguiente: “Por su propio bien sepan exactamente que el señor vendrá como un ladrón durante la noche” ustedes saben a lo que se refería en esta frase, “como un ladrón durante la noche”. En otras palabras, Cuando Jesús regrese y te encuentre dormido como el sacerdote en el templo, y obviamente sin vigilar, terminaras como él, corriendo con tu desnudez y con la vergüenza porque no estabas listo para su visita.

Ahora vamos a ver el libro de Mateo 25:1-13. En estos párrafos Jesús le habla a dos grupos de vírgenes. Un grupo estaba listo y vigilante, ellas estaban listas para el arribo de ser prometido. Esta es la imagen de una iglesia que cumple con el mandato del Padre. Esto otra vez se relaciona con la boda Judía en mantener la vigilancia a la espera del Señor en su regreso por su prometida. Jesús dijo que cinco vírgenes estaban listas y tenían aceite en sus linternas para cuando llegara su prometido. Noten que el prometido llega a la media noche como era costumbre en las bodas Judías. Las cinco vírgenes que estaban listas se van con su prometido a la habitación nupcial cerra
ndo su puerta. Esto será lo que sucederá durante el rapto de la Iglesia lo que creemos que sucederá durante “El Festín de Trompetas” en las fiestas Judías. Esto es por lo que es importante mantenerse vigilante siempre, especialmente durante las fiestas Judías.

Que sucederá con las otras cinco vírgenes que no estaban listas para air al cuarto nupcial cuando su prometido llegue a la media noche? Estas cinco vírgenes no tenían aceite en sus lámparas para alumbrarse durante la noche y tendrán que ir en busca de aceite para alumbrar su camino. Sin embargo, cuando regresen encontraran la puerta del cuarto nupcial cerrada. El señor dijo, “En verdad les digo”. “Yo no los conozco”. Este es el caso de la gente que no está vigilante y no permanece afuera de la puerta acogido al la salvación en Jesucristo. Estas cinco vírgenes que no se prepararon, es la representación de los que serán arrojados a los siete años de tribulación, porque al igual que el sacerdote en el templo estaban dormidas. Ellas al igual que el sacerdote del templo serán encontradas por los guardias del templo que es conocido como el ladrón de la noche o en este caso Jesucristo. Como resultado de no estar listo, tú serás encontrado desnudo y avergonzado tal como le sucedió al sacerdote en el templo.

Ahora veamos el mensaje que Jesús nos dio acerca de los servidores buenos y los servidores del diablo descritos en Lucas 12:37-40. Este es un mensaje a los sirvientes buenos. “benditos son los que sirven, y que están vigilantes para la venida del señor: “En verdad les digo, que los sentare alrededor de mi mesa y les serviré de mi comida. Y cuando venga en la segunda venida o la tercera y aun los encuentre vigilantes, benditos sean mis siervos. Aquel buen hombre que espere la hora en la que el ladrón de la noche llegue, el estará atento y vigilante, y su casa no será allanada. Estén listos también: cuando el Hijo de Dios venga en una hora cuando menos lo esperes.

En Lucas 12:41-47 Jesús habla de los sirvientes del Diablo que no están cumpliendo con el deseo del padre, y no están vigilantes para el ladrón de la noche. Esto es lo que Jesús les dijo a estos sirvientes del diablo. “El señor de esos sirvientes vendrá en un día que no lo esperen, y a una hora que no estén preparados, y los llamara incrédulos”. Esta es la gente que mejor conoce el deseo del señor, pero no están cumpliendo con el mandato que él nos dio.

En el versículo 37 nos dice, “Y ese siervo que conocía el deseo del Señor, y no se preparo de acuerdo a su mandato, será rechazado”. Yo les pregunto, ustedes son de esos que se hacen llamar creyentes que y no viven en Cristo, y no cumplen con el deseo del padre? Sabemos con seguridad que existen millones de personas en el mundo que dicen ser Cristianos pero en verdad son no cumplen con el deseo del Padre. Esta clase de cristianos no están cumpliendo con el deseo del padre ni están vigilantes al regreso del Señor como se los pidió Cristo. Esta clase de personas fueron advertidas, sabían de la voluntad del señor, y aun así no la cumplieron.

En Lucas 12:41 Pedro le pregunta a Jesús, “Estas refiriendo esta parábola a nosotros, o a los demás?”. Esta pregunta llega hasta el núcleo de la pregunta, quien es el siervo del diablo? Jesús le contesto a Pedro refiriéndose a los siervos del diablo que no siguen el mandato del Padre. Otra vez vemos a un grupo de gente que se separa por mitad. Primero eran las diez vírgenes, cinco que fueron sabias y estaban listas, y cinco que no estaban listas y preparadas para la venida del Señor a la media noche. Ahora vemos buenos siervos vigilantes siguiendo el mandato del Padre quienes serán bendecidos, comparados a la otra mitad, los siervos del diablo, que conocían el deseo de Dios, y no se mantuvieron vigilantes, los cuales serán arrojados.

Otra cosa muy importante que recordar acerca del Festín de Trompetas es esto, nadie sabe el día y la hora porque el Festín de Trompetas empezara al avistamiento de la luna llena. Déjeme explicarles, en el día 30 de cada luna, los miembros de la corte se reunieron en Jerusalén, donde esperaron al testimonio de los dos testigos. Estos dos testigos eran las personas que podrían verificar que ellos vieron la luna llena.

Al avistamiento de la luna llena, los miembros de la corte santificaban la luna llena. Esto significaba que el Festín de Trompetas empezaría. La luna nueva es muy difícil de ver el primer día porque nada más se ve a la caída del sol, muy cerca del sol, cuando el sol está moviéndose hacia el norte. Esto causa una luna muy difícil de ver, delgada y borrosa, creciendo, muy cerca del sol. Si la luna creciente no es vista en el día 30, la luna nueva era automáticamente celebrada el día 31. Por esta razón el Festín de Trompetas es celebrado durante dos días. Estos dos días se celebran como un solo día de 48 horas. La razón por que se celebra durante dos días es que si esperan a empezar la celebración hasta después de la luna nueva, y después santificarla, entonces perderían media celebración porque la luna nueva puede ser santificada solo durante las horas del día. El mandato parece darnos la estación del año, como Pablo dijo, pero no el día y la hora como lo hemos visto en Mateo 24:32-36.

El Festín de Trompetas es la única Fiesta Judía que no conocemos el día exacto en que se celebrara, porque no estamos seguros cuando se verá la luna nueva. Entonces, tendremos que estar alertas y vigilantes. Cuando Jesús dice que no sabrás el día y la hora como está escrito en Mateo 24:36. El nos está diciendo este es el Festín de Trompetas porque era la única celebración que los Judíos no sabían con exactitud el día y la hora en relación a cuando la luna llena aparecería. Es por eso los dos días seguidos de celebración. Nadie hasta este día puede decirte cuando la Iglesia será raptada porque puede suceder en cualquier momento dentro del periodo de las 48 horas.

En el Festín de Trompetas Jesús retornara para tomar la Iglesia, esto no incluirá a la Iglesia la cual está observando el mandato del Padre, esta Iglesia estará atenta y vigilante al retorno del Señor.

Pablo habla de la toma de la Iglesia en el libro de Corintios 15:51-53 donde él dice, observen, les diré un secreto; no debemos dormirnos, pero debemos de estar listos, en cualquier momento, en el destello de la noche, en el ultimo sonido de la trompeta, “donde los muertos se levantaran incorruptibles, y seremos cambiados. Para lo corruptible deberá llegar la incorrupción, y para lo mortal llegara la inmortalidad”.


En algún momento en el futuro cercano, Jesús vendrá del cielo y llamara a su prometida, así como en la boda Judía. Nosotros los que estamo
s a la espera, como su prometida, estaremos listos, y seremos cambiados de estos cuerpos humanos por cuerpos en el paraíso. La pregunta que debemos hacernos nosotros mismos es en qué grupo nos ha asignado Jesús a nosotros? Soy yo parte del grupo de vírgenes sabias y acertadas que estaban listas para la venida del Señor? Estas alerta esperando su venida, o eres parte del grupo de esas cinco vírgenes que no estaban listas sin aceite en sus lámparas? Eres uno de los siervos fieles que esperara en la puerta a Jesús a su retorno, esperando al maestro, o eres de esos sirvientes del diablo que se dicen Cristianos pero no están siguiendo el mandato del Padre, esos que serán parte de los no creyentes cuando el maestro finalmente regrese? Despierta y decide en cual lado quieres estar, en la obscuridad o en la luz. Si no eres Cristiano, yo te digo que despiertes a lo que Jesús te ofrece y arrepiéntete para que seas de los elegidos y seas digno, y evites los acontecimientos venideros y te pares enfrente del Hijo del Hombre, Cristo Jesús.

Here they come/ Aug. 4, 2010

Matthew 24:7 Need I remind you of what I have been pointing to?  I am telling you the things Jesus has warned us and by now I hope you are starting to believe what the Lord is showing us in these last days.  So what does Matthew 24:7 say?  In part of this verse Jesus tells us to watch for the many earthquakes.  In Luke 21:11 Jesus again addresses the issue of earthquakes, but this time He warns us about the “great earthquakes”.  In my book I provide you with the complete details concerning these prophecies.  Christ has laid it on my heart to warn you again concerning these matters because I truly believe you are going to soon be shocked by what you see.  Take a look at the number of quakes that just took place in the past three days.  Today alone we saw some major earthquakes and as I said, this are only the things to come.  I refer to what Christ said about these last days coming as a woman in labor found in Mark 13:8.

MAP  5.1   2010/08/05 01:12:46    -5.974    150.571  35.0   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA

MAP  6.0   2010/08/04 23:48:03    45.964    153.216  33.6   EAST OF THE KURIL ISLANDS
MAP  7.0   2010/08/04 22:01:44    -5.768    150.776  44.0   NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  5.4   2010/08/04 21:51:26    51.494   -178.569  49.1   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA
MAP  6.4   2010/08/04 12:58:25    51.426   -178.607  27.0   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA
MAP  5.3   2010/08/04 10:07:12   -21.796   -175.150  35.0   TONGA
MAP  6.4   2010/08/04 07:15:33    -5.521    146.793  213.6   EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  6.0   2010/08/04 04:46:22   -26.953   -177.148  23.7   SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP  5.3   2010/08/04 04:24:37   -23.838    -66.522  177.3   JUJUY, ARGENTINA
MAP  5.1   2010/08/04 00:43:05    6.690    126.968  66.4   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES

MAP  5.4   2010/08/03 22:30:30   -22.642    171.443  64.8   SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP  5.2   2010/08/03 19:42:13    -9.498    39.060  9.7   TANZANIA
MAP  5.4   2010/08/03 16:26:27    38.451    69.627  37.4   TAJIKISTAN
MAP  6.3   2010/08/03 12:08:27    1.243    126.277  42.8   MOLUCCA SEA
MAP  5.3   2010/08/03 08:03:19    -6.501    103.963  38.0   SOUTHWEST OF SUMATRA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2010/08/03 05:29:21   -19.908    -70.419  58.3   OFFSHORE TARAPACA, CHILE
MAP  5.0   2010/08/03 01:48:12    10.915    93.100  71.6   ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION


Revelation 13:16-17 Antichrist’s world government signs/Second post for Noah’s signs from Jesus Christ in our face again/Aug. 4, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

IMF currencyA newly published IMF strategy document calls for the implementation of a global currency, called the “bancor”, to stabilise the international monetary system, while acknowledging that only a monumental shift toward acceptance of globalism will make it possible in the short term.

The IMF blueprint, authored by Reza Moghadam, director of the IMF’s strategy, policy and review department, has stayed under the radar for three months.

However, an article on the Financial Times blog alphaville, entitled IMF blueprint for a global currency – yes really, today highlights the document and the clear strategy of the global financial body.

“…in the eyes of the IMF at least, the best way to ensure the stability of the international monetary system (post crisis) is actually by launching a global currency.” Izabella Kaminska notes.

“And that, the IMF says, is largely because sovereigns — as they stand — cannot be trusted to redistribute surplus reserves, or battle their deficits, themselves.”

A chart within the document, innocuously titled Reserve Accumulation and International Monetary Stability (PDF link), presents a stepping stone system toward a fully fledged global currency:

Beginning with a vague recommendation for “voluntary policy adjustments” to be adopted by member states, the chart moves through more and more draconian economic policies toward a long term endgame of a global currency.

The chart also plots “potential resistance” to each stepping stone from sovereign states, with a spike in the short term, followed by a lull, and then a general rise as the move toward a global currency progresses over time.

The IMF’s road to a global currency hinges on a wider use of and eventual implementation of an international monetary system based on special drawing rights (SDR), the IMF’s synthetic paper currency.

Once an SDR-based system is in place, the IMF envisages just one final step to the launch of a new global currency.

The document even gives the global currency a name, the “bancor” after John Maynard Keynes’ proposed, but never implemented, World Currency Unit of clearing.

The following section of the IMF document highlights this:

48. From SDR to bancor. A limitation of the SDR as discussed previously is that it is not a currency. Both the SDR and SDR-denominated instruments need to be converted eventually to a national currency for most payments or interventions in foreign exchange markets, which adds to cumbersome use in transactions.

And though an SDR-based system would move away from a dominant national currency, the SDR’s value remains heavily linked to the conditions and performance of the major component countries. A more ambitious reform option would be to build on the previous ideas and develop, over time, a global currency. Called, for example, bancor in honor of Keynes, such a currency could be used as a medium of exchange—an “outside money” in contrast to the SDR which remains an “inside money”.

Below is a photo I took from the International Monetary Fund Document item # 48


Moving on, when you read the rest of the report from Alex Jones, which I checked out from the original report from the April 13, 2010 IMF document it does say what Alex wrote about, and I have some more photos from the IMF doc for you.

“The document concludes that without a catalyst to create a sudden clamour for globalism, the implementation of a global currency will take time:

It is understood that some of the ideas discussed are unlikely to materialize in the foreseeable future absent a dramatic shift in appetite for international cooperation.

The IMF first touted the possibility of a new global currency in March of last year. The issue was then debated at the G20 Summit in London just days later.

  • in Point 19 of the communiqué issued by the G20 leaders led to analysts describing the dawn of a “revolution in the global financial order.”

“We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn (£170bn) into the world economy and increase global liquidity,” The clause stated.

“In effect, the G20 leaders have activated the IMF’s power to create money and begin global ‘quantitative easing’. In doing so, they are putting a de facto world currency into play. It is outside the control of any sovereign body. Conspiracy theorists will love it.” Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the London Telegraph wrote at the time.

“The world is a step closer to a global currency, backed by a global central bank, running monetary policy for all humanity.” he added.

The same conclusion was drawn by the Washington Post’s Anthony Faiola, who described how the IMF is on course to be transformed into “a veritable United Nations for the global economy




Below you will find more news about leaders pushing for a global currency.

Nazarbaev Circulates His Currency Vision

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev has been stumping hard for the 'akmetal.'  “Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev has been stumping hard for the "akmetal."

July 29, 2010

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev appears keen to introduce a common global currency. One way or another.  "I continue to insist that the new global economy requires a new global currency," Nararbaev said during a recent economic forum in the Kazakh capital, Astana. He also "continued to insist" on the topic during an informal meeting of the OSCE Foreign Ministers in Almaty earlier this month.  In his article, "Keys To The Crisis," published in the Russian newspaper "Rossiiskaya gazeta" in February 2009, Nazarbaev suggested that a common currency could help lead the world out of financial turmoil.  Nazarbaev has suggested calling it the "akmetal," a word coined from the Greek "acme" — meaning "supreme" or "best" — and "capital."  The Kazakh president says that with the akmetal firmly in place, the term "akmetalism" could eventually replace "capitalism" to describe the world’s dominant economic system.  In the past, he has suggested the creation of a common currency for the Eurasian Economic Community, a regional treaty comprising six former Soviet countries — Russia, Belarus, and the Central Asian republics sans Turkmenistan.  Nazarbaev is by no means the first advocate of such a scheme. In the 1940s, leading British economist John Maynard Keynes suggested the creation of a common currency along with a world central bank and an international clearing union to manage it. He wanted to call the common currency the "bancor."  Keynes’ bancor never materialized, but his idea for world financial institutions eventually led to the creation of the so-called Bretton Woods institutions: the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.  So, despite an apparent lack of supporters for the akmetal, don’t kill Nazarbaev’s idea just yet. Leave it to future economists and akmetalists to decide.”

 Prophecy Sign:  In Matthew 24: 33-39 we see Jesus give us very specific last days signs to watch for.  One of those signs was that our generation would repeat what Noah’s generation was doing.  While Noah was warning the people that God was going to destroy everyone with a flood,  people turned to homosexuality and away from the Lord.  There were many things Noah’s generation were doing that God warned about, but because this issue has popped up in the news again just as I had warned, I want to report on what just happened.

“A federal judge on Wednesday overturned California’s same-sex marriage ban in a landmark case that could eventually land before the U.S. Supreme Court. Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker made his ruling in a lawsuit filed by two gay couples who claimed the voter-approved ban violated their civil rights.  Both sides previously said an appeal was certain if Walker did not rule in their favor.”  “

The ruling says "Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license. Indeed, the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California Constitution the notion that opposite-sex couples are superior to same-sex couples."  The ruling does not mean gays and lesbians can get married right away in California. The judge issued a stay to his ruling, pending responses from both sides about whether his ruling should take effect right away or wait until the appeals process has been exhausted.”

Those of us who love the Lord are upset with the ruling because it goes against everything the Lord teaches us in His Word, and we know what the outcome of these will be as you read Matthew 24:33-39.  In the end Jesus is going to judge all those people who have turned against Him, and did not receive Him as their Savior.  Knowing what Noah warned his generation and seeing what took place as a result of people hardening their hearts to God, I am sad today for those who are desiring to marry in the same sex.  I am sad because I know what is about to happen shortly when Jesus removes His Church from this world and all those who followed their own ways instead of Christ’s will be left behind to have to enter the seven year tribulation, unless they repent and turn back to Jesus before the Church leaves.  I ask all my Brothers and Sisters not to hate the people who are gay or involved in the lesbian movement for Jesus loves these people and doesn’t want them to parish.  Knowing that everyone has to make their own path with Christ we need to pray and fast for those who made the choice to oppose the Word and instruction Jesus has given us.  I will say this in closing.  If anyone hates these people it is also sin, and by your hate you bring yourself down to the same level with those who oppose the Lord.  It is easy to hate someone, but very hard to love someone who comes against you and your Father.  I choose love for Christ and all his people.  Does this mean we have roll over and play dead because this law was over turned?  Not at all.  In love, let us continue to spread the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ.  Preach the Word, and let the Lord Jesus convict those who have turned to the ways of Noah’s generation.

Is all well with the oil spill problems?/Signs of both the Psalm 83 war and the Ezekiel war/Aug. 4, 2010



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

Today’s news tells us that all is well with the Gulf oil spill, or is it really?   I am not sure if what I am seeing is true or not but the pictures were suppose to come from the Deep Wall Water Horizon.   Could the Gulf really be in for a massive explosion from gas that is raising from the ocean floor?  I am asking anyone who is a geologist, or who works as a oil engineer to please contact me and give me your input to what we see in this video.  My email address is  If you are a professional in either fields and would like to do a radio show with me on my International radio show please email me ASAP.  


Russia is highly concerned over the bloodshed on the Israeli-Lebanese border, a spokesman for Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday. On Tuesday, a bloody skirmish which saw Israeli and Lebanese soldiers exchanging fire along the northernmost section of the border killed a senior Israeli officer and four Lebanese, including three servicemen and a journalist. "Russia calls for all sides to adhere strictly to the armistice proclaimed by the UN Security Council Resolution 1701 [that prohibits among other things the storing of weapons at the Lebanese-Israeli border],"the ministry said in the statement. In the four years since the Israeli-Hezbollah war in 2006, northern Israel has seen several rocket attacks by Lebanese-based terrorist organizations, but there have been no cases of confrontation between the regular army forces of both countries.”

“Russia carriers seen docking in Syria by 2013”

MOSCOW — Russia is proceeding with plans to enable major warships to anchor in Syria. Officials said the Russian Navy has overseen a project to expand its facilities in Syria. They said the effort was meant to allow aircraft carriers and missile cruisers to anchor in the Syrian port of Tartous by 2013. "Tartous will be developed as a naval base," Russian Navy commander Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky said. “ “Officials said Russia has sought to expand its military presence in Syria, a major ally during the Cold War. They said Tartous as well Latakia required a major upgrade as part of Moscow's efforts to increase naval patrols in the Mediterranean and Arabian Gulf.

Hizbollah threatens to join violence on Lebanese border with Israel” Hizbollah has threatened to get involved a violent battle on Lebanon's border with Israel, sparking fears that tensions in the region could spiral out of control. Five people were killed in the clash along the Blue Line, the historically volatile frontier between the two states. The unrest was the most serious since Israel invaded southern Lebanon four years ago. In response, Hizbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said his militants would not "stand idle". Lebanon has also upped the stakes, saying it would retaliate in the event of new Israeli "provocation".

(No title)

What is happening to our food?



Wheat prices jump/Civil unrest/Roaring seas and waves/war signs/ Psalm war signs/ Disease/Jews return to their homeland/Aug. 3, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438


Prophecy Sign: “Britons to pay more for a loaf of bread as wheat prices jump”. After reading this headline someone who doesn’t know Bible prophecy would be asking, “what does this news have to do with prophecy?  First read the report and then I will connect the dots for you.

“Britons face paying more for a loaf of bread after wheat prices leapt due to a scorching July in Russia and calamitous flooding in Pakistan.” “The price of wheat has rocketed, thanks in part to the hot weather in Russia and floods in Pakistan. Wheat futures jumped to a 22-month high on Monday, hitting $7.11 (£4.47) a bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade. At 1pm New York-time wheat was trading at $6.92. A severe drought destroyed one-fifth of the wheat crop in Russia, one of the world's largest exporters, and now wildfires are sweeping in to finish off some of the fields that remained after the hottest July for 130 years.”

First of all, Jesus showed us in the last days we would see the droughts, famine, intense heat, huge storms, and the price of food skyrocketing.  Intense heat Revelation 16: 8-9 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him.” Rev. 7:15-17 “Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. 16They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. 17For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes”

In these warnings from Christ we see the lack of drinking water, the intense heat, the droughts, and the hunger. Now read Revelation 6:6. “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"   What are we witnessing today?  We are seeing the droughts, the intense heat, the fresh water supply shrinking, and we are of course seeing the wheat prices and food prices skyrocketing.  Are you going to tell me these are nothing but coincidences?  Maybe if these were the only signs we are witnessing but that is not the case.  Everything Jesus told us to watch for is taking place now, and we are the only generation who has ever seen all these signs all at the same time.  Since the weather is killing off the crops you can expect the prices to increase. Here is another  look at this report. “Inflation expectations are high," said Evgeny Gavrilenkov and Anton Stroutchenevski, economists at Troika Dialog in Moscow. The Russian Grain Union said on Monday that it expects exports to decline to 15m tons, down from 21.4m tons in 2009. Although grain prices are rising on world markets, with further gains on Monday, they are growing even faster in Russia, so many farmers have little incentive to export and are holding on to their harvested grain in the hopes of still higher profits. “

See full size imageProphecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.  Part of this verse shows us that people from their own nations will be fighting against themselves.  Most of what we see in the news concerning this type of fighting stems from either political or religious differences as in the last recently in Pakistan.

KARACHI, Pakistan — Gunmen went on killing sprees in Pakistan's largest city after the assassination of a lawmaker, killing at least 37 people by Tuesday. Dozens of vehicles and shops were set on fire as security forces struggled to gain control as Karachi seethed. The southern city of more than 16 million has a history of political, ethnic and religious violence, and has long been a hide-out for al-Qaida and Taliban militants. Its stability is considered paramount for Pakistan, because it is the country's main commercial hub. The latest unrest came after Raza Haider, a provincial lawmaker, was shot dead along with his bodyguard in a mosque in Karachi's Nazimabad area while preparing to offer prayers Monday. Haider was a member of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, the political party that runs the city and represents mainly descendants of migrants from India who settled in Pakistan when it was created in 1947.

Here is news like this which hopefully will get you to think about Christ’s warning in Luke 21:9. “"When you hear of wars and disturbances, do not be terrified; for these things must take place first, but the end does not follow immediately."

“A Taliban suicide squad armed with bombs and rockets attacked the largest US military base in southern Afghanistan on Tuesday, sparking an hour-long gun battle, officials said. One foreign soldier and two civilians were wounded in an initial rocket attack on Kandahar airfield.”

 Matthew Carr on the angry, broke middle class Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. Anyone reading the news can see what is coming down the horizon as Americans begin to face off against Americans. One of the biggest problems facing the USA is the millions of illegal aligns. Americans living on the boarder with Mexico don’t feel safe any longer as the crime rate continues to grow from the drug cartels coming across the boarder and who is left to protect the US citizens? According to Sheriff Paul Babeu its not the US government.

“Pinal County (Ariz.) Sheriff Paul Babeu is hopping mad at the federal government. Babeu told that rather than help law enforcement in Arizona stop the hundreds of thousands of people who come into the United States illegally, the federal government is targeting the state and its law enforcement personnel. “What’s very troubling is the fact that at a time when we in law enforcement and our state need help from the federal government, instead of sending help they put up billboard-size signs warning our citizens to stay out of the desert in my county because of dangerous drug and human smuggling and weapons and bandits and all these other things and then, behind that, they drag us into court with the ACLU,” Babeu said.” “If the president would do his job and secure the border; send 3,000 armed soldiers to the Arizona border and stop the illegal immigration and the drug smuggling and the violence, we wouldn’t even be in this position and where we’re forced to take matters into our own hands,” Babeu said. Dever said the federal government’s failure to secure the border and its current thwarting of Arizona’s effort to control illegal immigration within its borders has implications for the entire country.”

Putting aside what side of the issue you are on look at what it is doing to America. If you have eyes you can see that tensions are mounting in the US and now we are witnessing one law agency coming against another while the people living on the boarder  are trying to figure out how they can protect themselves.  Why does any nation have laws? Isn’t it to protect their citizens?  Why then does the US Government not stand firm on the laws that are on the books and stop people who are breaking the law?  This is the question millions of legal Americans are asking the Obama Administration. Instead of arresting those who are clearly breaking the law on purpose, the US Government is taking steps against their own law officials.  When the US Government won’t protect its own people, and individual  States have to begin to do it themselves, you not only set the stage for law more law suits, but you set the stage from more violence.  If you can’t see it, this is what is coming.  As people see the US Government has taken sides to protect the illegal's rather than to up hold the law of the land, more Americans will come against their own government in order to protect themselves.  As more Americans take up arms to stop people crossing over into the US one of two things will most likely have to happen. Either the US Government will back away from the States enforcing the law on their own, or President Obama will send in US troops to counter the local law agencies who are trying to arrest those who have come into the US illegally.  Jesus warned in the last days their would be civil unrest, and I can see how this illegal immigration problem can cause civil unrest to grow in America.

One of the facts brought out in this report is “that 17 percent of those detained already have a criminal record in the United States.”  Drugs are a major problem in Mexico so much so that more people were killed in Mexico last year than died in the Iraqi war and the people running these drug cartels are now sending people into the US to peddle their drugs.  Let step back for a second and look at what Jesus warned. In Revelation 9:21 He warned us that this generation would be known for its drugs.  Mexico is one of the main problems but it is now a world problem.  The drug rings bring on violence in ways we have not seen such as cutting peoples heads off, setting people on fire, and cutting off peoples arms and legs while their families watch in horror. Christ also warned, "Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold” Matthew 24:12. We see this happening all around us and as the gangs press closer to the US States you will see of this.

Can we expect the White House to protect our law enforcement official, while they are spending time trying to bring them to court?  Take a look at this news.

“Mexican Drug Cartel Allegedly Puts a Price on Arizona Sheriff's Head”

“PHOENIX – He's been at the center of the discussions and controversies surrounding illegal immigration enforcement in Arizona for quite a while. On the day parts of Arizona's immigration law, SB 1070, went into effect, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is in the news for another reason: there's a price on his head – allegedly offered by a Mexican drug cartel. The audio message in Spanish is a bit garbled, but the text is clear. It's offering $1 million for Sheriff Joe Arpaio's head and $10,000 for anyone who wants to join the Mexican cartel. A man who wants to remain anonymous says his wife received the text message Tuesday evening. It also included an international phone number and instructions to pass the message along. "She showed it to me..I was kind of disgusted..I reported it to the Sheriff's department yesterday..they said they were going to direct the threat squad on it."

See full size imageThe drug cartels are using weapons that you normally find soldiers using during wars, these criminals are tossing grenades at police.  “Police and soldiers stepped up patrols and set up extra checkpoints after the attack in the popular beach town north of Acapulco, according to the Guerrero state Public Safety Department. Three taxi drivers, a woman and a policeman were hurt. Grenade attacks have become a fixture in Mexico's brutal cartel-related violence. Last week, five civilians and an officer were wounded in a grenade assault on a police patrol in western Michoacan state. In central Mexico, gunmen wielding AK-47s opened fire on two restaurants Saturday, killing two people. The first attack occurred in the town of Acelia and the second in at a highway eatery south of Mexico City.Police were trying to determine the motive and whether the two attacks were related. Gang violence is surging in Mexico despite the deployment of 45,000 soldiers across the country to root out drug cartels. Beheadings, attacks on police and shootings in clubs and restaurants are a daily occurrence in some regions.”  The traits we see coming from the Mexican drug gangs are exactly what Jesus told Timothy. 1But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God” (2Timothy 3:1-4).,2933,498044,00.html

Those who want to see America gone don’t have to attack America, America is falling apart from the inside out. While gang and drug activity is on the increase police departments around the US are scaling down as the budget deficit is crippling the American economy. Here is a good example of what I am talking about.

“The Rev. Joseph Tracy said he’s tired of going to funerals. And now, he suspects he’ll be going to more of them."It’s open field day now," said Tracy, the pastor of Straightway Baptist Church here. "The criminals are going to run wild."  Gang activity. Drug dealing. Cold-blooded killing. Tracy worries that a decision to shrink the police force by almost 30 percent will bring more of everything. The pastor voiced his concern on Friday at a raucous special City Council meeting at which East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks announced that the city will layoff 37 employees, including 19 of its 62 police officers, 11 firefighters, four public works employees, and three administrators. The layoffs take effect on Sunday.”

Think about this for a moment. Since the drugs and the violence that follow the drugs is on the increase and more police are being taken off the streets how can a nation combat against these problmes?  One option is to make drug use legal and put its control in the hands of the government.  This would we can presume, take it out of the hands of the drug Lords and make a huge dent in their illegal companies that are spreading worldwide.  We are already seeing many of the US States making attempts at legalizing some drugs.  California for example is voting on this issue this November.  The second thing that can be done is to get rid of cash once and for all, and go solely with plastic money.  This would  also put a huge dent in helping to kill off the drug Lords and their gangs. 

Both of these ideas may seem good but all it would do is help fulfill prophecy.  Making drugs legal would help speed up Revelation 9:21 and taking the cash away would only help speed up a cashless society that would end up leading to the fulfillment of Revelation 13:16-17 where the Antichrist will be marking everyone in their right hand or forehand.  It really doesn’t matter how you look at the total picture, because everything we are witnessing is fulfilling Bible prophecy. 

I hope you can see how America is falling apart at the seems.  Politicians are grabbing at anything to bring in money to their states and that includes legal gambling. California which is voting on making dope legal is also working on gambling.

“The state of California continues to struggle with debt ($19 billion and counting), has slashed many state jobs, furloughed many of the others, and has no budget in place because the Republicans and Democrats in the legislature can't agree on what's best.  You have to wonder if they could agree on the color of orange juice.”  “So how about gambling? It's big business and it just might be legalized in California. That's if State Sen. Roderick Wright has his way. He supports a lawsuit that's been filed in New Jersey challenging federal law that only allows gambling in a few states.  Like Nevada. According to Whittier Law School professor I. Nelson Rose, legal sports betting could bring California about $1 billion annually.  That's a big number (see first paragraph). Wright's committee has a bill on hold that would legalize Internet poker.  Would doing so help open the door for sports gambling and the estimated 10,000 jobs it might create?”  If you can’t see what is happening you must really be blinded by Satan.  All of these laws will do is help bring down an already increasing immoral society.–Help-the-Debt-99780389.html

Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Christ told us to watch for the roaring of the seas and waves. Many of you are new to my site and you need to understand what moves

“3 Million Affected by Pakistan's Worst Flooding in Decades”

The United Nations says the worst floods to hit Pakistan in 80 years have impacted 3.2 million people, amid warnings of new flooding and further devastation. The U.N. Children's Fund says more than a million children are in need of emergency assistance.  The floods, triggered by heavy monsoon rains, have killed at least 1,400 people, the majority in the country's northwest.”

When you watch the videos below keep in mind these words spoken by Jesus Christ in the second part of Luke 21:25 “and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.”  Huge storms have already caused much distress with perplexity in many nations. Pakistan is only the latest to be hit by these storms but more are coming and more nations are going to witness the words of Christ come to pass.  The storms you are now seeing are only the things to come, we should expect bigger storms and they should become more frequent at these signs are coming as a woman with birth pains. Read Mark 13:8 “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth-pains.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:6 the Lord Jesus tells us we are going to hear of wars and rumors of war. Once again, here is a good example of that.

“North Korea has threatened "strong physical retaliation" against planned South Korean naval exercises near the disputed maritime border. In a statement, the North's military said that the Yellow Sea exercises, which are due to start on Thursday, were an act of reckless provocation. It warned all civilian shipping to avoid the area.” Today’s rumors about a war isn’t the first. “Last month, the North threatened nuclear retaliation over the joint US-South Korea naval exercises, but these passed without incident.”  Add this prophecy with all the rest Jesus asks you to watch for and you get a real clear picture that we are almost at the beginning of the seven year tribulation.

Prophecy Sign: We know for sure that while Israel is calling for Peace and safety that is the time that she will be attacked. Read 1Thessalonians 5:3. “While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.”

PA prime minister: Unilateral declaration of statehood a pipedream.

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has ruled out any unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood.  “There is not going to be a unilateral declaration of statehood,” Fayyad told The Media Line during a private meeting in his office. “What’s the point? We did that in 1988, and what did it get us?”

“The statement was a public rejection of increasing calls from minority Palestinian factions to recalibrate the Palestinian struggle away from a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and towards a shared, bi-national, secular and democratic state. “The Palestinians have used this as a sort of whip to say if we do not move ahead towards the two-state solution, then we will move ahead towards a one-state solution and everything will be lost for Israel by sheer force of democracy,” Dr. Shmuel Bar, Director of Studies at the Institute of Policy and Strategy at IDC Herzliya told The Media Line. “The narrative of ‘Palestine from the river to the sea’ has always been popular among Palestinians, so when you have a public opinion poll as to whether they would prefer a one-state solution or a two-state solution, you will see a lot prefer a one-state solution. But it’s just part of the old vision of liberating all of Palestine and doesn’t have an effect on actual political decision-making.”

The goal of the Palestinian leaders has always been to reclaim East Jerusalem and to see the Jewish State driven into the sea.  Salam Fayyad is smart.  Why ask for a two state solution that would only split up the Israeli nation when Fayyad can take his time and slowly get rid of the nation by the numbers.

The population of Palestinians living in Israel, the Occupied Gaza Strip, Occupied East Jerusalem and rest of the Occupied West Bank combined now exceeds the number of Israeli Jews, a U.S. government report has revealed. The Palestinian population stands at over 5.3 million while the Jewish population stands at 5.2 million. The figures come from the U.S. State Department's annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2004. The report provided population figures for each of these territorial units separately but failed to connect all the dots to arrive at the explosive new demographic reality that an Israeli Jewish minority now rules over a larger number of Palestinians living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.

Let break this down for you in case you are getting the picture.  If the PLO joins the peace process and tells Israel we will become part of Israel and recognize Israel as a State, many of the Israeli’s leaders may take up Fayyad’s offer.  Once Israel incorporates the PLO, the PLO can begin to vote themselves into office by their shear numbers of Palestinians then, little by little they can work their way though the government like a slow breeding cancer until they control everything. I believe this is the thought process of Fayyad, what other reason would he have to drop his bid or a two state solution?  If you want to get rid of someone you first get as close to them as you can, then move silently like a frog in a pan of warm water that is getting hotter and hotter until its to let.

You can take President Obama lead on this.  Many believe Obama will not enforce the illegal immigration laws because he knows he is going to need there vote to win the coming elections. Don’t you think it is on Obama’s mind to pass a law giving all undocumented people amnesty.  Don’t you think that you would have 7 million illegal's vote for Obama?  Once these illegal's are made citizens who do you think they will vote for in the coming elections?  They will vote for  Obama and people from Mexico. Little by little laws could now be passed helping more people to enter the nation illegally.  Keep in mind, who ever controls the vote controls power.  If Obama isn’t going to enforce the law now what do you think he is going to do when millions of illegal's are made citizens? 

Now let me get back to the peace and safety issue between the PLO and Israel.  Personally I don’t think Israel will go for either the two state deal or one state solution.  I think that the peace process will continue until it completely falls apart and the PLO has no option but to attack Israel to try and retake East Jerusalem again, and this is where the sudden destruction comes into play that Paul warned us about in the second part of 1Thess. 5:3.

See full size imageProphecy Sign: 2nd Timothy 3: 1-4.  I know you read this before but you will see why I am revisiting this here again. Take another look what Jesus told Timothy. 1But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God” (2Timothy 3:1-4).

I am sure most of you who read this will see that the people Jesus has warned about can be seen in this next report. “Assailants poisoned and beheaded six private security guards at an Afghan bank Tuesday, a brutal robbery in which $269,000 was stolen from the bank, according to police. The theft came as, insurgents launched a ground attack on NATO's largest base in the south Tuesday, but did not breach its defenses, officials said” and you wonder why people’s hearts are waxing cold? 

 Prophecy Sign: The Psalm 83 war.  Whenever I give you signs of the Psalm 83 war I usually warn you, you will see more tensions mounting between Israel and its neighbors.  These tensions will get much worse until they finally deliver the fulfillment of what was spoken by the Lord in that Psalm. Here is the most recent news in a report entitled, “IDF, Lebanese forces exchange fire on northern border” “Lebanese President calls on country to "stand up to Israel's violation;" reports say IDF soldiers attempted to uproot tree on Lebanon side of border, 2 Lebanese wounded. Israeli and Lebanese forces clashed along the northern border Tuesday. Lebanese reports said the conflict began when an IDF patrol attempted to uproot a tree on the Lebanese side of the border. Israeli artillery fired on Lebanese positions, and two Lebanese soldiers were reported wounded in the incident. Initial Israeli reports had said the soldiers were on a routine patrol, operating past the border fence, but within Israeli territory, since the fence does not always exactly parallel the border.”  There are so many prophecy signs in the news, and so many who aren’t even aware that they are there. If you are in a Church where the Pastor is not informing you of these things, ask him why he isn’t keeping you on the watch? 

Speaking of the Psalm 83 war the article you are about to read just about points to this war for you. Keep in mind as you read this next report that the nations in the report are the same ones God warned about in the Psalm 83 war. 

“BEIRUT: The Israeli Security Cabinetdiscussed Monday the prospects of an upcoming war on the Lebanese, Syrian and Gaza fronts in anticipation of tensions on the Lebanese domestic scene, Israeli media reported. The Israeli reports said an impending indictment by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) against Hizbullah members in former Lebanese Premier Rafik Hariri’s murder could push the group to take action that would instigate strife in Lebanon, forcing Israel to react to protect its interests. Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has condemned the STL as an Israeli project and a plot aimed against Lebanon and the resistance. He also warned that his party would not accept an indictment against any Hizbullah members. While Hizbullah officials stressed on Monday the strength of the strategic alliance between Damascus, Iran and resistance movement, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem said the UN-backed tribunal has “political goals.”


  Prophecy Sign: When you read the reports that I have given you links to you will see that the Westen leg of the old Roman Empire is in fact moving forward to incorporating  religion with the government. Why is this important? It is important because when you read what Jesus showed John in Revelation 17:12 you see the last world empire hooking up with a false Church that will ride with the Antichrist for a least three and a half years before he turns on that so called Church as well.  This false Church will have much influence at the beginning of the seven year tribulation but will as I said, be crushed by the man of sin when he forces everyone to take his mark in their right hand or forehead.  A clause in the Lisbon Treaty calling for a religious influence in the operation of the European Union is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.  After reading the news from the links below you may want to read my post on the interfaith world Church the link to this information is in blue.

How the churches intend to increase their influence in the EU – National Secular Society
Religious leaders and the EU take tentative first steps – Reuters
Meeting with the eminent religious leaders – EU News
EU leaders to cooperate more actively with religious organizations – Interfax-Religion

Prophecy Sign: “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.”

“LIMA, Peru — Peru's health minister says an outbreak of plague has killed a 14-year-old boy and infected at least 31 people in a northern coastal province. Health Minister Oscar Ugarte says authorities are screening sugar and fish meal exports from Ascope province, which is south of the city of Trujillo and home of the popular Chicama beach. He says the boy, who had Down syndrome, died of bubonic plague July 26.”

See full size image  President Shimon Peres poses with a group of immigrants from North America who arrived in Israel on a Nefesh B'Nefesh charter flight on Tuesday August 3, 2010.  Prophecy Sign: Isaiah 43:5-7 “Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; “I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth; Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea,  This is a prophecy that shows us the Lord would bring Jews from all over the world back to Israel.  In chapter 9 of my prophecy book I give you the complete details on how this prophecy is being fulfilled but here is the latest news. “I have made him. 230 new immigrants from North America arrived in Israel on Tuesday morning on a Nefesh B'Nefesh charter flight. The El Al Boeing 777 took off from New York's John F. Kennedy Airport on Monday and landed at Ben Gurion Airport shortly before 8 a.m. Israel time on Tuesday. President Shimon Peres greeted the immigrants as they disembarked from the aircraft and he later spoke at the welcome ceremony. The ceremony included a performance by musician Rami Kleinstein. The group of immigrants included 85 young adults who intend to enlist in the Israel Defense Forces. Nefesh B'Nefesh is a nonprofit organization that handles immigration from North America and Britain along with the Jewish Agency. In 2009, 3,814 immigrants arrived from North America, the highest number since 1983. The first quarter of 2010 saw a 20 percent increase in immigration from North America compared to the same period in 2009.”

In one day look at all the news pointing to the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I am warning you to get ready to meet Christ because all these signs are showing us our time is short.  Soon there will be two groups of people.  The first will be taken away to safety with the Lord at the rapture because they believed the word of God and His signs for these last days.  The other group will be left behind to deal with the Antichrist and the seven year tribulation.  If you are left behind it is because you have become just like those people who lived during the time of Noah.  These people also didn’t believe the Lord’s warnings and they all were swept away in there unbelief.  What group are you in?

Plan to attack Iran/Quake in Louisiana/Iran’s quakes/Aug. 2, 2010


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 11, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora

If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed.   P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

I have to take today off from writing so the post will be short. For those who think I am sick, I am not. I am getting ready for my next prophecy seminar and I needed some time off from writing the post. We be back in force Tuesday.



Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38-39

U.S. Has Iran Attack Plan, Mullen Says

Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7 Jesus warns us about the many earthquakes that we will see in the last days. If Louisiana hasn’t had its share of disasters lately now she is being is shake as well. It wasn’t a big quake but it is one that makes you think about the Madrid fault?  Is this a sign a bigger quake is coming? We have been seeing a lot of weird things lately and since Christ warned the last days signs would be played out as a woman with birth pains we can except to see more quakes and even bigger ones.  People living in the US are very aware of the earthquakes in California and are excepting a big one to hit there again soon, but most people are unaware that the Madrid fault can be just as bad if that fault moves.

Magnitude 3.0 – LOUISIANA

Two Strong Earthquakes Hit Iran, Injuring Hundreds

Published July 31, 2010


“Two strong earthquakes shook different parts of Iran in less than 24 hours, injuring more than 200 people and damaging hundreds of homes, Iranian media reported Saturday. The first quake, which had a magnitude of 5.7, struck villages and towns in the northeast on Friday evening, injuring more than 200 people, said Mojtaba Sadeqian, governor of the town hardest hit, Torbat-e Heydariyeh. Two of the injured were in critical condition, the official IRNA news agency quoted him as saying. Late Saturday morning, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake rattled the Negar region, 670 miles south of the capital, Tehran. There were no reports of casualties, but state television said there was extensive damage, most of it to buildings made of mud and brick.”