Russia & Iran and Ezekiel war signs/Earthquakes near U.S &Russia/ May 1, 2010


I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

See full size imageProphecy Sign: The Prophecy in Ezekiel in chapters 38-39 warns the Russia will lead a end times invasion on Israel and Iran will be one of Russia’s main allies in this invasion.  Some time ago I told you that Iran would not cave in to U.S. demands to stop building their nuclear weapons program.  I also told you that Russia will not go against Iran in this matter.  We are getting closer and closer to the two wars which have not been fulfilled yet.  The Ezekiel war will be the second war and as you can now see Russia and Iran have come together as the Lord warned they would.  Here is what Iran said about the enriched uranium. ”Iran will never agree to exchange its low-level enriched uranium for nuclear fuel rods enriched abroad, a top adviser to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Friday. "We would be very naive to trust the West," Ali Akbar Velayati, Khamenei's senior adviser on international affairs, told state news agency IRNA. "Why do they insist on moving the uranium abroad? This is proof of their diabolical intent.”   Russia and Iran are very closer allies and there is no way Russia is going to agree on a strike against their ally.  Keep in mind, Russia has been providing the funds, man power, and the scientists to help build Iran’s nuclear program.  As you will see from the report below Russia won’t attack Iran.

“Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has ruled out a military strike against Iran, saying it would have catastrophic consequences for the whole region, from the Caucasus to the Middle East, and has called for increased dialogue to resolve disagreements over Iran’s nuclear program.- “Russia’s view is that the use of force would be totally unacceptable. The Middle East, the northern Caucasus and Europe would all be affected by military action.” Russia did say something that is the truth and I quote, “it would have catastrophic consequences for the whole region” .  If you read Ezekiel you will see this is exactly what is suppose to take place.  This Ezekiel war will bring millions of muslims including the Russian force into the region, but God shows us that Israel will win this war.  God’s curse is on Russia for trying to divide up Israel and I believe Russia will see the hand of God during the Ezekiel war.

Prophecy Sign: Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."  Matthew 24:7 also tells us to look for many earthquakes.  If you read my post yesterday you know that Russia and the U.S. are part of a team that is working to force Israel to give up East Jerusalem and divide up the land of Israel.  It doesn’t surprise me that we see saw strong earthquakes Between Russia and the United States.  I quote, “”On Friday, two powerful earthquakes measuring at 6.0 and 6.3 magnitude rocked the Bering Sea in between Russia and Alaska, according to the United States Geological Survey. There was also a minor 4.3 magnitude earthquake prior to the strong seismic activity. The earthquakes occurred 294 miles southwest of Gambell, Alaska and 297 miles southwest of Provideniya, Russia. The depth of the earthquakes were measured at around 9.4 miles.”  If I were you I would begin to watch what disasters begin to befall on the nations that are working to divide up Israel.

This is what I wrote you in my March 19, 2010 post. Last year I told you there was no way Russia was going to tell Iran to stop building their nuclear plant. From time to time we read reports telling us Russia would force Iran to stop, however I knew this was just a lie because it is Russia who is really building this plant for Iran. Russia gave them the money and the experts to help build the plant. We saw the truth about this today and I quote, “Vladimir Putin, Russia’s prime minister, promised on Thursday that Moscow would help Iran complete a civil nuclear power station by this summer, drawing criticism from Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state. His remarks highlighted the continuing differences between the two powers over how to contain Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Mrs Clinton was visiting Moscow on a trip partly designed to increase the pressure on Tehran by showing America’s unity with russia. But Mr Putin told a meeting held in Volgodonsk, southern Russia, that work to complete the Bushehr plant on Iran’s Gulf coast would soon be complete. “The first block of the Iranian atomic power station must be launched this summer,” he said.” This news is really important because if Israel is going to attack Iran’s nuclear plant, they will have to do it before Iran can fire it up. If Israel attacks we may see two war that have not yet been fulfilled, which are the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel wars. Both of these wars will show us we are at the door way of the seven year tribulation. From here on if I were you I would be watching what response Israel has to this new news.

Click to link below and read this, Russia has stated they will attack anyone who attacks Iran.  This to me is a sign of the coming Ezekiel war.

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP  5.0   2010/05/01 21:01:31   -21.126    -68.622  74.4   ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
MAP  5.1   2010/05/01 16:34:52    -9.085    117.458  48.2   SUMBAWA REGION, INDONESIA
MAP  5.1   2010/05/01 16:28:47   -58.513    -26.222  35.0   SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.0   2010/05/01 14:41:08   -33.185    -71.929  35.0   OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE
MAP  5.0   2010/05/01 07:26:36   -15.046    167.365  164.5   VANUATU

MAP  6.0   2010/04/30 23:16:30    60.524   -177.728  15.7   BERING SEA
MAP  6.3   2010/04/30 23:11:45    60.644   -177.901  15.1   BERING SEA


Thanks to the following.

See full size imageWant to give thanks to the following people for blessing me. Kim Daly, Dee Wilson, and EdT.

Jordan’s King says Israel is playing with fire/Signs of God’s curse/Peace Talks new directions/A bid to forge a united global front for creating a Palestinian state/Civil Unrest/Murder/Importance of this September and October/April 30, 2010



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora See full size image

Prophecy Sign: Earlier today  I wrote to you about the Psalm 83 war and how Jordan’s King Abdullah II statement points to signs of the the Psalm war.  By now you should known Syria is also going to play a major role in the Psalm war.  I have been showing you proof that Syria and Iran have been becoming very close friends.  I told you that if Israel attacks Syria Iran would jump at the chance to come to Syria's aid.  In doing so Iran could launch the second war that has not yet been fulfilled, which is the Ezekiel 38 war.  Iran's statement goes hand and hand as to what I warned you.  I quote,  “Iranian Vice President Mohammad Rida Rahimi warned on Friday that Iran would "cut off Israel's feet" if it attacked Syria, French news agency AFP reported. "We will stand alongside Syria against any [Israeli] threat," Rahimi told reporters during a news conference with Syrian Prime Minister Mohammad Naji Otri in Damascus, adding that "If those who have violated Palestinian land want to try anything we will cut off their feet." According to AFP, the Iranian vice president said that "[Syria is a] strong country that is ready to confront any threat," adding that Tehran "will back Syria with all its means and strength."

See full size imageSee full size imageProphecy Sign: Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”  Verse 9, “And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.”   Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 warns about a war between Israel and their neighbors.  The war will take place prior to the seven year tribulation and Jordan is one of the nations God said would attack Israel. Now when is all this suppose to take place.  We know this time frame as given to us by the Apostle Paul in I Thessalonians 5:3 which says, “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”

In the news that was released today I want to show you the warning for all three of the above prophecies are coming to pass just as Christ warned.  By the way, these are very specific end time signs that should cause anyone to want to get as close to Christ as they can.  These signs are clear warnings that Jesus will be coming to remove His Church.

I quote the news today. Jordan’s King Abdullah II said Thursday that Israel was "playing with fire" in Jerusalem, stressing that the Hashemite Kingdom retains all political, diplomatic and legal options to "protect" Jerusalem and its Muslim holy sites. Speaking to foreign ambassadors on the shores of the Dead Sea, Abdullah said reaffirming the Palestinian quest for statehood was a top priority for his country. "We want peace and strive for it, because all the people of the region are entitled to a just peace," Abdullah said, "Israel must respond to this Arab position, for peace alone, and not armies or walls, will guarantee real security for all people and countries."  “According to Abdullah, Israel must choose between "living in a fortress" or reaching peace with all Arab and Muslim states on the basis of the Arab peace initiative, by withdrawing from "occupied Arab lands" and establishing an independent Palestinian state that lives alongside Israel "with a comprehensive peace that ensures real security and acceptance for Israel." “About two weeks ago King Abdullah said that Hezbollah's activities in Lebanon and the stalled peace process with the Palestinians might lead to war.”

Someone close to King Abdullah might want to show him that he is speaking about the Psalm 83 war, and it won’t look good for his nation if he joins in on this attack against Israel.  I am asking you, can’t you see from the news that everything that was written down by the Lord is coming to pass?   Knowing that God’s Word is being fulfilled we should be on guard as to what will happen next.  Since we are already hearing the call for Peace and security and the main issue is Jerusalem, that tells us the next events will be the sudden destruction will most likely will come in the form of the Psalm 83 war.  If you are a Pastor of a Church you need to warn your flock about these up and coming end time events.  Churches all across the world don’t have a clue what is about to happen, because Pastors are afraid to teach about prophecy.,2506,L-3882943,00.html

Prophecy Sign: God’s curse found in Genesis 12:3. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."  America is under this curse for many reasons two of which are directly related to Israel.  If you have been coming to my site you are aware I have been keeping track of what happens in America every time the U.S. Government pushes Israel on giving up Jerusalem to the PLO and dividing Israel up to give the PLO their own State inside of Israel.  Last week when George Mitchell went to Israel to push the Obama peace plan disaster started to hit America again.  Mitchell is still in Israel pushes this plan that God opposed and look what is happening. 

Severe Storms, Tornadoes a Threat in the Plains Today”Dangerous severe storms, capable of producing tornadoes, will threaten lives and property across portions of the Plains today, just a week after a deadly tornado outbreak in the U.S. Severe storms will keep igniting across portions of the Mississippi and Ohio valleys and the South into the weekend. Gusty winds out ahead of a storm spinning over the Upper Midwest will continue to usher warm, very humid air in from the Gulf of Mexico. As drier, cooler air behind the storm's cold front clashes with this muggy air, severe storms will erupt.”

“The leak from a blown-out well a mile underwater is five times bigger than first believed. Faint fingers of oily sheen were reaching the Mississippi River delta late Thursday, lapping the Louisiana shoreline in long, thin lines. Thicker oil was about five miles offshore. Officials have said they would do everything to keep the Mississippi River open to traffic.”  “The oil slick could become the nation's worst environmental disaster in decades, threatening to eclipse even the Exxon Valdez in scope. It imperils hundreds of species of fish, birds and other wildlife along the Gulf Coast, one of the world's richest seafood grounds, teeming with shrimp, oysters and other marine life.”  “Oil Spill Creeping Toward U.S. Coast With shifting winds, hope is fading as the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is about to reach Louisiana's coast. As Mark Strassmann tells us, many are preparing for the worst.”

Is a coincidence that as soon as Mitchell lands in Israel, America is hit by severe storms and a oil rig blows up spilling massive amounts of oil, then more severe storms come with more tornadoes, and then we discover the oil is now leaking even more oil  than last week, and these new severe storms are now push the oil to the U.S. coast"?  Disasters like this hit the U.S. every time the U.S. sits down with the Israeli Government and try's to get them to divide up their land for peace.  I might say this was only a coincidence if it only happened once, but the record is clear, a pattern has been established.  Watch video at this link.

I can assure you right now that it isn’t just the United States who have fallen under God’s curse.  Everyone knows the American economic state has been tittering on going bankrupt over the trillions of debt she is carrying and this debt keeps growing.  Ask some 15 million Americans out of work if they think their economy is growing like the government wants them to believe it is.  This brings me to the European Union, and you will see why I am making this connection.  The EU is part of what is called MiddleEast Quartet  which is composed of the United States, the European Union, Russia and the United Nations all of these nations are trying to divide up Israel, all of them are trying to give back East Jerusalem to the PLO.

Catherine Ashton is from Spain and is High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and she is Vice-President of the EC. Recently the news out of Brussels pointed out that “ European Union foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton on Wednesday condemned a decision by the Israeli authorities to allow construction around a hotel in East Jerusalem. "The European Union condemns the recent decision of the Israeli authorities to authorise construction around the Shepherd Hotel in East Jerusalem," she said. "The international community is making every effort to facilitate the resumption of peace talks. Settlement construction in East Jerusalem is illegal and undermines these efforts. The EU calls on Israel to reverse this decision," she said.

Stay with me on this and you will see why I am giving you this information.  The news states, “Spain aims to revive the Middle East peace process, working with France and Egypt in the run-up to a Mediterranean summit in Barcelona in June, the Spanish foreign minister said Saturday. "We are talking to France and Egypt … to restart the peace process in the Middle East," Miguel Angel Moratinos said during a forum on the Mediterranean in Paris. Forty-three heads of state and government will gather on June 7 for the second summit of the Union for the Mediterranean, which was formed two years ago in Paris by Egypt and France. Israeli, Palestinian and Syrian leaders Benjamin Netanyahu, Mahmoud Abbas and Bashar al-Assad respectively are among those expected to attend, Moratinos said. Spain, which holds the European Union rotating presidency through June, fixed two short-term objectives: facilitate the restart of negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis, overseen by the United States, and ensure success in Barcelona.”

Another reports tells us, “The European Union might use its trade ties with Israel as leverage to pressure it into renewing peace talks with the Palestinians, Catherine Ashton, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy at the EU said on Saturday. Ashton was speaking at an EU foreign minister conference held in Spain. Swedish Foreign Minister, Carl Bildt, said that Israel’s announcement on building in east Jerusalem during United States Vice President Joe Biden’s visit last week was intentional and not coincidental.”

Finally this last report which says, President Suleiman also asked Juan Carlos to implement the UN Security Council Resolution 1701 as he slammed Israel for slowing any progress on the Mideast peace process. Spain currently holds the presidency of the European Union, which rotates every six months.”  If you don’t know, Juan Carlos is King of Spain.  Now that you know Spain is trying to divide up Israel do you think God has anything to say about their actions against Israel?

Take a look at what is happening in Spain.  “MADRID — Spain's jobless rate has surpassed 20 percent for the first time since 1997, the government said Friday as it offered more dismal news for a recession-plagued economy that is being dragged into Europe's debt crisis. The National Statistics Institute said the rate rose 1.22 percentage points in the first quarter to 20.05 percent.”  The same things that are happening to the United States are now are taking place in Spain!  It is God’s curse on them for coming against Israel and Jerusalem!  There is still the bigger picture to consider here but first read the report below:

“Europe's debt crisis spread its contagion to another country Wednesday when a major agency downgraded Spain's credit rating, even as Germany grudgingly moved closer to bailing out Greece from imminent collapse. Greece and Portugal — up to now the focus of alarm — are relative economic minnows. But Spain's economy, at four times the size of Greece, is considered by many too big to rescue. At stake is the threat of higher borrowing costs that could crimp government spending for years and undermine the once-mighty euro. Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany would speed up approval of its share of a nearly $60 billion (euro45 billion) joint bailout with the International Monetary Fund and other euro countries, rushing it through parliament by May 7.”

I have been warning you all about what could bring on the One World Government that the Antichrist is going to control.  Right now the worry in the European Union is if they can’t stop the EU economic bleed in Greece, Portugal, and Spain the EU could go under.  This is the same talk we are hearing about the U.S. economy.  Let’s face it, it is going to take a major global economic crisis to push a new economic system, but it could easily happen if these nations collapse.   Another thing to remember are the words of Christ in Matthew 24:7 where He warns about civil unrest will come in the last days. You see examples of this unrest in Greece right now as their economic system is on the verge of crashing.  I quote, “Protesters in Athens clashed with police as a group tried to force its way into the Greek finance ministry. Police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd as the unrest flared over austerity measures that may be taken in return for a massive bailout deal.”

Joel 3:2 which says, “I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.”  After you read this and Zechariah 12:3 where God warns He will cut any one into pieces if the mess with the Jews or Jerusalem. This exactly what Zech. 12:3 states, “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces , though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”  Knowing this and what Obama now plans to do, I can warn you all America is in for a really deep shaking.

These are Obama’s plans. “U.S. President Barack Obama has told several European leaders that if Israeli-Palestinian talks remain stalemated into September or October, he will convene an international summit on achieving Mideast peace, senior Israeli officials told Haaretz on Thursday. The officials said the conference would be run by the Quartet of Middle East peacemakers – the United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia – in a bid to forge a united global front for creating a Palestinian state. The summit, they said, would address such core issues as borders, security arrangements, Palestinian refugees and the status of Jerusalem. Obama is determined to exert his influence to establish a Palestinian state, the officials said, and several European leaders have vowed that the EU would support any peace plan proposed by Washington.”  I found this next quote very interesting. “On Saturday night, Arab League foreign ministers will convene to reiterate their support for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to begin the U.S.-mediated talks. The Arab bloc is expected to demand that the negotiations show progress within four months. September and October will thus be critical months in determining whether the talks have borne fruit.”  Didn’t Zechariah warn all the nations would come against Jerusalem?  He sure did and this new Obama plan will help speed up the Zechariah prophecy.

This September and October date is really something to watch!  These are the months of the Fall Feasts for the Israel and this is a time were the Church may be raptured.  Instead of me trying to write all about this I have put up two videos explaining  the importance of these two months.  Is it possible that these months bring a seven year peace agreement that the Antichrist will confirm?  Keep in mind that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies about His first coming during the Jewish Feast and He will finish the last remaining prophecies concerning His second coming on the Fall Jewish Feasts.  Take special notice to part three where he talks about the dividing Israel as a major key to what will happen in prophecy.


Most of you may not know this but Israel was born a nation in one day. i wrote about this in my February 5, 2010 post where I state the following: “In Isaiah 66:7-8, the prophet foreshadowed the re-birth of Israel, which happened "in one day." The woman giving birth before going into labor represent Israel. This accurately describes what happened on May 14, 1948 – when the Jews declared independence for Israel as a united and sovereign nation for the first time in 2,900 years. During that same day, the United States issued a statement recognizing Israel's sovereignty. And, only hours beforehand, a United Nations mandate expired, ending British control of the land. During a 24-hour span of time, foreign control of the land of Israel had formally ceased, and Israel had declared its independence, and its independence was acknowledged by other nations. Modern Israel was literally was born in a single day. Isaiah said the birth would take place before there would be labor pains. And that too is precisely what happened. A movement called Zionism began in the 1800s to encourage Jews worldwide to move to Israel, which at that time was called Palestine. Within hours of the declaration of independence in 1948, Israel was attacked by the surrounding countries of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.  The birth pain have increased and soon the nations in red will attack Israel again only to fulfill  the Psalm 83 war.  I can see something brewing that could launch this war. Read the report below and I will connect the dots for you.

“While Israel and the Palestinian Authority are finally expected to begin US-mediated indirect “proximity” talks in the very near future, concern is growing among some in the Israeli government that the PA is planning to marginalize the diplomatic process and instead unilaterally seek UN recognition for a Palestinian state along the pre-1967 lines. There is a rising conviction among some in the Netanyahu government, The Jerusalem Post has learned, that the PA is aiming to secure a new UN Security Council Resolution, updating 1967’s Resolution 242, providing for the establishment of Palestine and fudging the refugee issue. The idea of such a move, runs the bleak assessment, would be to establish a state not at peace with Israel, but rather to continue the conflict with Israel.”

What if the Palestinian Authority does follow through, and the UN does recognize a new Palestinian State within Israel?  Of course Israel would tell them to take a hike, and this type of response would cause the Arabs to attack Israel and make them comply with the new UN order. This war would happen at a time when they are calling for Peace and safety, so it would fulfilled both Paul’s warning and the warning of the Psalm 83 war.  Now I am not sure if in fact this will happen but it is something I will be watching that I can promise you!  Do you think the PLO might try to do the same thing Israel did by declaring themselves to be a State, and then the UN passing it?  I think there is a very good chance they will make a move to do this.  Once thing is very clear, the birth pains Jesus warned us about in Mark 13:8 are about to get much worse soon.

Prophecy Sign:“The commandment "thou shall not kill" (Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17), is better understood to mean "you shall not murder." Most modern translations of the Bible rendered it this way. According to the Bible not all killing, the taking of a life, is murder. Murder is the unlawfully taking of human life. The command not to murder applies to human beings, not to killing animals or plant life for food. God gave animals to mankind for his use (Genesis 1:26-30; 9:1-4). But, this does not mean that humans have the right mistreat animals and the environment (Genesis 2:15; Deuteronomy 22:6-7; 25:4; Proverbs 12:10).” 2n Timothy 3:1-5 tells us what people will be like in the last days. “1But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”

 See full size imageWhen I read this next report I said, “you have got to be kidding me”. The traits Jesus said our generation would have has come to pass and the following headline helps me to get my point across. “Proposed Law in Mexico Would Send Doctors Who Don't Suggest Abortion to Jail” Fox reported, ““Doctors who fail to inform their pregnant patients that they have the legal right to have an abortion — or who refuse to refer women to doctors who perform abortions — could be thrown into the slammer for up to four years, if the dominant political party in Mexico City's legislature has its way. Doctors who fail to inform their pregnant patients that they have the legal right to have an abortion — or who refuse to refer women to doctors who perform abortions — could be thrown into jail for up to four years, if the dominant political party in Mexico City's legislature has its way. A bill has been co-introduced by the city's Health Committee chairwoman and a leading legislator that would mandate that all pregnant women in Mexico City be informed that they have the right to have an abortion in their first three months. The bill, which is being debated in the legislature and is expected to pass, has the support of more than a dozen members of Mexico City’s ruling Democratic Revolution party — the same party that passed the 2007 law that legalized abortion in Mexico’s capital city.”  In God’s eyes this bill should read Mexico City's legislature has its way. Doctors who fail to inform their pregnant patients that they have the legal right murder babies before they are born.

Do you suppose there is a connection between turning away from God’s Word and Mexico having the one of the worse drug problems in the world, and more killings than the Iraqi war?  Satan has taken a strong hold on Mexico!–becoming-noticeably.asp 


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 is the sign of war and civil unrest. I covered news about this sign already today but here is more news on this sign. “Chad's government says the army has killed 105 insurgents and beaten back a new attack near the Sudan border, but the rebels have denied the claims.”

Prophecy Sign: Mark 13:6 is where Jesus gave the following warning, “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.”  Since I have doubled in the number  of people coming to my site, I was lead to show you this information again for those who may not even know about this. Here is the proof Jesus Word is TRUTH!

I pray you all will take  advantage of my free prophecy book.  Just click to link and start reading about all the signs of the last days that are taking place in one generation.  Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora 

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It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition by Frank DiMora



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

Shades of Zechariah 12:3,9 coming from Obama Administration



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 22, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

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Prophecy Sign: Zechariah 12:3 “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”  Verse 9, “And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.”  Nation after nation is turning against the tiny nation of Israel.  America is one of the last remaining allies of Israel but America has been showing signs they to are turning away from Israel.  Will America pull futhur away from Israel?  The answer is yes and I stand on Zech. 12:3 on this issue because God tells us (all the people of the earth be gathered together against it), and that includes the good old USA!  LMast year I warned you to watch what Obama does because I believe he was going to force Israel into a peace agreement Israel does not care for. Below is my quote from my post on September 16, 2009.

See full size image“What should we be watching for in Obama's speech?  Something in my spirit is telling me to look for Obama to say something about sending troops U.S. and UN troops into Israel in order to bring about a two state nation.  If we hear anything about this it will be a signal that it is the way Obama will force Israel into giving up land.  If this happens we will know America has run out of time to turn back from God's curse found in Genesis 12:3, which says, "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.  It does appear that the Obama Administration has plans in the works to divide up Israel and I believe Obama advisor Dr. Brzezinski has already told us what Obama is going to do.  Clink to the second link, at 8:22 in this video clip below, Brzezinski talks about the demand to divide up Jerusalem.  Notice if you will Brzezinski talks about Obama moving troops from the U.S. and the UN into Israel.  We are in the last days for sure and very soon the final prophecies not fulfilled are going to take place.  If there was ever a time to receive Jesus as your Lord, now is that time!” 

Now let me bring you up to speed and you will see from news today that Obama’s pressure on Israel has moved up a notch. I quote, “US President Barack Obama has vowed to take action against Israel or the Palestinians if either undermines indirect peace talks, a senior Palestinian official said on Thursday.”  "Obama called on president Abbas to return to the negotiations, pledging that if (either) party hinders them or takes provocative steps during the indirect negotiations, there is an American commitment to take steps against it and there will be a re-evaluation of the US administration's policy towards it," the official said. During the meeting with Abbas, Mitchell "confirmed that the American administration was pledged and committed to taking (such) steps, including revising and reviewing US policy towards Israel," the official added.”

I doubt the Israeli’s are going to sit by and allow Obama to just give their most holy city (Jerusalem), over to the PLO.  We will have to wait to see just what action Obama plans to take against Israel.  This I know for sure, whatever it is it will move America futhur away from Israel and help speed up the Zechariah prophecy. I am still not ruling out Obama getting troops into Israel to force a peace plan.  If you haven’t heard what Brzezinski said about the peace talks you better listen to it because we may be seeing what he says shortly.,7340,L-3882724,00.html

Dr. Brzezinski:

"Bibi be gone: Obama team plotting overthrow of Israel's Netanyahu” “WASHINGTON — The administration of President Barack Obama has launched what officials termed a psychological warfare campaign meant to topple Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Sources in the administration and Congress asserted that the White House and State Department have sought to destabilize Netanyahu's government by forcing him to agree to an indefinite freeze on Jewish construction in the West Bank and most of Jerusalem as well as the establishment of a Palestinian state by 2012. They said the campaign sought to replace Netanyahu with opposition leader and former foreign minister Tsipi Livni.”

Obama turn toward the PLO.  “U.S. President Barack Obama told Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas that he was committed to seeing the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state within two years, an Egyptian official told the Arabic-language daily Al-Hayat on Thursday'’

Increased in Knowledge/Last generation/Is Jesus being kicked out of America?/Earthquakes update/April 29, 2010



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 22, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

Prophecy Sign: In Daniel 12: 4 God shows Daniel two specific things that the last generation will be known for.  Daniel is told our generation would be known for their increase in knowledge and people would be traveling back and forth.  I quote Daniel 12:4 “But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge." 

Our generation is the generation God showed Daniel and it  will not pass away until it sees the return of Jesus Christ.  We know this to be fact because Jesus told us this in Matthew 24: 33-35 where Jesus stated the following:”  33Even so, when you see all these things, you know that itd is near, right at the door. 34I tell you the truth, this generatione will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.  No other generation has ever been able to witness all the last days signs taking place all at the same time until our generation came along.

I want to give you a great example of evidence  that both Daniel 12:4 and Matthew 24:32-35 is coming to pass.  Today’s news tells us Nasa has discovered life on Mars!  Our generation has witnessed not only people traveling back and forth but via our increase in knowledge we have developed the technology to send space crafts to Mars which send back data and pictures.  Don’t worry the news today did not report they found aliens who are ready to come to Earth.  However, I believe you will hear this type of news shortly.  Let me tell you up front, they really won’t be aliens but more than likely they will be what is called the Nephiilm.  These Nephilim were part of the reason why God sent the flood on Noah’s generation and we believe they will be around when Jesus wipes out all the unrighteous at the end of the seven year tribulation.  If you want to know in detail about these Nephilm just click on the green link below.

Today’s headlines ran as follows: “Nasa: Evidence of life on Mars” . “A special mission to the Red Planet has revealed the likely presence of a form of pond scum – the building blocks of life as we know it. NASA unveiled the results of the recent Opportunity and Spirit probes sent millions of miles through the solar system to discover signs of extraterrestrial life.”

There is no good reason to doubt that God’s warning to Daniel about our generation has come to pass! There is also no reason to doubt our generation is the same one Jesus pointed to.  Those who doubt Christ’s warning will find your end the same way as those who doubted Noah’s warning about the flood that was coming. 

One last note. There are some that believe the Antichrist just may be one of these Nephilim and it will be a Nephilim who will bring on a seven year peace agreement that will begin the tribulation.  One of the reasons why this idea is brought forth is because of what God told Daniel in Daniel 7:20, this is where it speaks about the Antichrist.  “And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.”

See full size imageProphecy Sign: I Thessalonians 5:3 is a warning from Paul that we would hear the call for Peace and safety.  Once again there is no doubt this prophecy has already been fulfilled in part and soon the sudden destruction part will also be completed. “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”  I have to link the Zechariah 12:3 prophecy with this because this prophecy tells us Jerusalem would be a major problem for all the nations in the last days.  As you will see from the news out of Israel we are hearing the call for Peace and safety and yes, Jerusalem is the major issue of the stalled peace talks, so much so that Isreal’s Prime Ministry is having problems with his own party over giving Jerusalem away.

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I quote, “The central comittee has a key role in approving the party platform and a more hardline membership could tie Netanyahu's hands in any future US-brokered negotiations with the Palestinians. Netanyahu says he wants the delay because he is too busy right now dealing with attempts to revive the talks with the Palestinians, lobbying for tougher international sanctions against Iran and keeping a close eye on the buildup of rockets and missiles by Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.” “Feiglin's supporters believe if the convention is held earlier they can rally support against Netanyahu to limit his ability to make concessions over Jerusalem and other thorny issues in the peace process.” 

How anyone can not see what the Holy Spirit is showing us is up setting to me!  It is up setting because Satan is doing a good job blinding people to the truth just the same way he did with Noah’s generation.  Take notice of this last quote from this report. “"The issue is Jerusalem," Feiglin said in a television interview this week. "The moment there is a vote in the Likud central committee… all the Knesset (parliament) members and all the ministers will be pledging to preserve Jerusalem, to resist withdrawal," he added.”  Take another look at Zech. 12:3. “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”  What is it going to take for you to ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to save you for what is about to happen to this world? 

Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 6:2 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 19:9 “That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

See full size imagetrojan-horseMore news which centers around the Jerusalem problem showed up today from Israel in a report entitled, “Jerusalem mayor shunned by top US officials”  “Following harsh statements against Obama Administration, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat's request to meet with Clinton, Mitchell denied; Israeli official slams mayor's remarks, says his actions undermine renewal of negotiations”  What were the remarks the U.S. did not like?  The Jerusalem Mayor did not like the fact that the Obama Administration was trying to dictate if the Jews can keep building in Jerusalem.  This quote tells why the U.S. is upset with the Mayer. “Jerusalem mayor tells reporters in Washington there is no de-facto construction freeze in city's east, says cannot accept Palestinian control of any part of city, as this would be similar to placing Arab 'Trojan horse' in midst of Jewish community”,2506,L-3882201,00.html

See full size imageProphecy Sign: Ephesians 6:12 tells us who we are really a war with! “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  Matthew 7:16 tells us how we can know who is and is not working for with and for Christ. I quote, “You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?  So far the fruit we see hanging from the Obama tree is rotten.

Is the U.S. saying good bye to Jesus Christ?  This "president" that we now have is certainly answering any doubt that we might have that he is either insane or completely anti-American and out of touch with the true feelings and expectations of 'real' Americans….can he really believe that issues like this will not eventually create a rebellious attitude among those of us who retain the guts to bring 'real change'.  ….however, sometimes I think that is what he really wants…think about it, if the people rise up, then comes the domino effect: marshal law, suspension of the Constitution, loss of all rights, government at a standstill and the eventuality of a socialist-dictatorship put in place under the guise of protecting the people.  We cannot fool ourselves into believing this cannot happen in America.  If one realizes what is already happening with the push to control the flow of all money and finances, it is easily understood how this can take place.  Tell me what you can do without control of your money?  If your weapons are confiscated (recent UN treaty signed by Hillary) who or how will you protect your family or , if need be, fight back?….so if you have no control of money and no way to protect yourself and family and the people rise up in defiance…what comes next???….all of you know who I am and what I believe…it's the willingly ignorant that need to have their eyes and ears opened ..  I welcome any response!..

Here is another example of the Obama fruit. “Georgetown Says It Covered Over Name of Jesus to Comply With White House Request”

Below is a video that really exposes the real Obama fruit.  Obama slips and really tells us what faith he carries to the world.  Notice how Obama’s train of thought is broken after George points out the slip.  America we need to pray for this President and ask Christ to work with him to this nation back to Christ before the nation needs us like Sodom.

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 is the sign of many earthquakes.
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MAP  5.1   2010/04/29 07:56:35   -36.794    -73.596  35.0   OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.1   2010/04/29 00:40:31   -13.239    167.067  200.4   VANUATU

In case my site goes down and you want to get in touch with me make sure you have my P.O. Box address. You can write me at: Frank DiMora  P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

More signs of the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel war/ April 28, 2010



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 22, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 warns about a war between Israel and their neighbors.  The war will take place prior to the seven year tribulation.  Here is important information you need to know. “The relationship between Israel and Turkey has been strained at best, but one cannot deny the strategic importance of the military cooperation that exists(ed) between Israel and her Muslim neighbor nation.

On the one hand, the joint military exercise taking place between Turkey and Syria is cause for concern and intelligence officials are monitoring events as the war of words between Israel and her Arab neighbors intensifies, including Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Hizbullah.

Just recently, Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad threatened to catapult Israel back to the ‘stone age’ if compelled to engage in a military conflict with IDF forces. This latest threat joins numerous statements released in recent weeks from Lebanese President Mishael Suleiman, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, and Hizbullah leaders.”

“For a second time in a number of months, Turkish forces earlier this week have begun joint exercises with Syrian troops, sending a worrisome message to Israel. Turkey has been openly shifting its alliance to radical nations such as Syria and Iran, openly speaking out against Israel in the international political arena, formerly a staunch ally”

If you are new to my site you need to keep in mind that Israel and Turkey were very close allies up until January 2009.  On December 27 Israel finally took action against the PLO, which includes Hamas, and Hizbullah after having some 7,000 rockets fall on Israel.  By  January Turkey turned against Israel for attacking them and since then have become enemies with Turkey.  Since January 2009 Turkey has formed a new alliance with guess who?  The answer is Iran and Syria.  Why did this happen?  If you know prophecy you understand why.  Both Iran and Syria hate Israel and are looking to wipe the tiny nation off the map, and now Turkey has joined with them.  The news report above tells us that Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and the Hizbullah are engaging in words of war with Israel.  This is not by coincidence but it is a very importan sign to the believers that the Psalm 83 war is about to take place. 

Once Turkey and Iran witness Syria, Lebanon, Hizbullah, and Egypt get wiped out by Israel they will join forces with their Russian allies and try again to wipe Israel off the map.  This second invasion will end up fulfilling the Ezekiel prophecy found in Ezekiel chapter 39-39.  I say this again for any of you who haven’t taken Jesus Christ as our savior yet, every one of these nations mentioned in the above report are the same nations God told us to watch.  I pray you see this connection between current events and God’s warnings.  Now is the time to give your life over to Christ.  Will you do it?

Antichrist to control what you can buy or sell check this out!/Watching the Psalm 83 signs/Famines and Droughts/Earthquake up-date April 28, 2010



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …

See full size imageProphecy Sign: Many of you who are new to my site may just be finding out for the first time that one man will be controlling the world’s economic system soon.  This man is the Lord’s enemy and is called the Antichrist.  Jesus tells us what this man is going to be able to do to people living in the tribulation period. Revelation 13:16-17 16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” 

In chapter one of my book I give you proof that our generation has developed new technologies that can be used by the Antichrist.  The information you will learn about in the video below is what I see as footsteps leading to the fulfillment of this prophecy. 



Prophecy Sign: Signs leading up to the Psalm 83 war. Almost every week news is released from the Middle East reporting on the amount of arms being transported into the hands of Israel’s enemies.  If you read the 83 Psalm you would come to find out that the nations getting these arms are the exact same nations listed to attack Israel.  Here is today’s news on what I call, “The Psalm 83 Watch”.

“US defense secretary Robert Gates said Tuesday night, April 27: "Hizballah has far more rockets and missile than most governments in the world."  “Gates went on to accuse Syria and Iran of "providing Hizballah with rockets of ever-increasing capability," adding, "This is obviously destabilizing for the whole region and we're watching it very carefully.”

“Unlike the United States, Israel has a ringside seat for watching the rockets and missiles pile up just across its 70-kilometer long border with Lebanon. Gates' comment – and even more Barak's assurance – gave Syria and the Hizballah space to carry on building a mighty arsenal, which is aimed at only one country, Israel. Barak as defense minister, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Israel's security chiefs need to explain how Hizballah was allowed in the four years since the 2006 war to pile up tens of thousands of rockets and missiles, which in volume and sophistication have already overtaken the weaponry that battered northern Israel then and which have extended their reach to all parts of Israel. "Careful watch" – without corresponding action to interrupt the massive flow of weapons shipments constantly smuggled in from Syria to Hizballah – is a repeat of the misplaced self-restraint which invited the Hizballah to launch the last Lebanon conflict in the summer of 2006. Dragging Israeli and its homeland into war in the summer of 2010 would serve the political and military interests of Iran, Syria and Hizballah well. It would generate a Middle East crisis overwhelming enough to focus international efforts on calming the situation, so distracting the world's attention Iran's arrival at the critical stages of its nuclear bomb program and its drive for sanctions against the Islamic Republic.”

Many times I have to repeat myself for the new people who have just discovered my site, so please forgive me.  This is what we know from Bible prophecy.  Christ told us we would see the last day’s birth pains.  The 2006 war against Lebanon was one of these birth pains.  Since Psalm 83 tells us of another future attack against Israel, and who will be involved in this war, all you have to do is look for the signs.  Syria, the Hizballah, and Lebanon are all listed in this battle and they are all getting ready to do battle with Israel.  Will this war break out in this summer as did the 2006 war?  Tensions are rising but we will have to wait and see what happens.  One thing I do know.  Jesus said keep on the watch, so whenever this war breaks out, we who have been faithful an on guard with Christ will not be surprised when the first shot is heard bringing on the Psalm 83 war.

See full size imageHere is more news reporting on the arming of Israel’s enemies. “Hezbollah has shot back at US accusations it was stockpiling sophisticated weapons and vowed to continue to build its artillery, in comments published on Wednesday. "Our choice was and remains to secure all the arms of resistance that we can," Hezbollah MP Hassan Fadlallah told the Arabic-language newspaper As-Safir, which is close to the Shiite militant group. The daily ran a front-page headline that read "Washington and Tel Aviv push missile hoax to brink of war" and quoted Fadlallah as saying Hezbollah's arms did not compare to the "armament" and "crimes" of the United States and its ally Israel.”

“RAMALLAH — Israeli special forces killed a senior member of Hamas's Izzedin Kassam military wing in an operation near the southern West Bank city of Hebron. On April 26, Ali Sweti, wanted by Israel since 2002, was killed in a shootout at the home of his relative in Beit Awa.”  “The killing of Sweti took place amid a reported Hamas weapons buildup in the West Bank. Palestinian sources said the Palestinian Authority captured a huge Hamas weapons cache near the northern West Bank city of Nablus.”  The killing of Ali Sweti is only going to raise tensions already brewing between Israel and Hamas, so you can expect Hamas to make some type of move against Israel for this killing.

See full size imageSee full size imageSee full size imageProphecy Sign: As you know there are two major signs of the last days,  which I cover as much as I can.  One sign is the one recorded in I Thessalonians 5:3, which is Paul’s warning about the call for Peace and safety, and the the other is found in Zechariah 12:3.  This prophecy speaks to us about the burden of nations over the city of Jerusalem. 

For the past 3 days now George Mitchell has been in Israel pushing Israel to move forward on the stalled peace talks.  Of course Jerusalem is major issue surronding the talks, and Mitchell under Obama’s orders is pushing for a construction freeze in East Jerusalem.  This news reports shows us two things.  First is Paul’s warning about the call for Peace and safety, and second, Jerusalem burden has come to pass.  I quote, “Nir Barkat once again rejected demands for a freeze on Jewish construction in east Jerusalem, with the capital’s mayor describing the US stance on the issue as a "slap in the face." “No, absolutely not,” said Barkat Tuesday night when asked about US President Barack Obama’s demand for a building freeze. Speaking to reporters in Washington, Barkat also denied reports of a de facto freeze in east Jerusalem, saying they were “simply not true." 

From time to time I receive emails asking me what do I think will kick off the Psalm 83 war?  I am confident that the issue of Jerusalem will be the key to why the Arabs attack Israel.  I believe that the peace talks which are now stalled won’t give the Arabs what they are really after and that is control of East Jerusalem.  Actually this is a no brainer since Zechariah already informed us that all the nations would come against Israel over Jerusalem.  Paul said sudden destruction would come when we heard this call for Peace and safety and I think we are just about at that point now.  This is what I am keeping on the watch for.

See full size imageProphecy Sign: Mark 13:8, Matthew 24:7, and Luke 21:11  warn us about famines.  In Revelation 6:6 we see the hardships on people because of the lack of food, and in Revelation we see the people affected by the heat, lack of water, and famines. This is what Revelation states. “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11). “Therefore are they before the throne of God; and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.  They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat” (Revelation 7:15-16).  

See full size imageSince I mentioned the birth pains let us take a look at the famine birth pain taking place in Africa.  “Niger is threatened with total crop failure in some areas and the situation is worse than the 2005 crisis, the UN humanitarian chief has told the BBC.”  “Drought has prevented millet plants from forming grains”  Niger isn’t the only area where famine is being reported. “About 150,000 people are suffering from severe hunger in Mauritania, and the number could rise in as the country faces critical food shortages in the coming months, a top aid official has warned. Mauritania is the latest country in West Africa's Sahel region at risk of a food crisis after erratic rains affected production. At least 10 million people are threatened by food shortages in Niger and Chad.”

See full size image“Millions of Yemenis are starving while the international community focuses on security issues and tackling al-Qaida, according to the United Nations. Vital deliveries of food deliveries and assistance is being cut because of a near-total absence of funding. Nearly one in three Yemenis, more than 7 million people, struggles daily to find enough food to live a healthy and productive life, leading to rates of malnutrition that are the third highest in the world, the UN said. A survey by its World Food Programme (WFP) estimates that, of those going hungry each day, 2.7 million are classified as "severely food insecure", meaning they spend one third of their income on bread. The massive humanitarian intervention in Haiti has also had a direct negative impact on relief aid to Yemen, even as rising food prices, falling fuel revenues, and cuts to remittance flows due to the financial crisis have increased poverty here by nearly 25% since 2006, wiping out decades of development.”  Are we witnessing famines, droughts, and food prices climbing as warned by Christ?  You would have to be blind not to see what is happening.  Remember one or two of these last days prophecy signs wouldn’t cause us to raise the red flag, but for the first time in the history of man all of these last day signs are taking place in one generation, and this is exactly what Jesus said was going to happen in Matthew 24 32-40.

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“Stateless refugees from Burma face death from starvation and disease in makeshift camps because the government of Bangladesh denies them access to humanitarian aid, warns a team of health researchers from Physicians for Human Rights who just returned from the region.”

Update time = Wed Apr 28 20:17:05 UTC 2010

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God’s promise to bring the Jews back to Israel in the last days is coming to pass/ April 27, 2010



Img_3194_2 IMG_0256

I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 22, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

See full size imageProphecy Sign: The days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their forefathers to possess,’ says the LORD" (Jeremiah 30:3) .  (Isaiah 43:5-7) says, “5Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; 6I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth; 7Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.”  Here we have a promise from God that when Israel is a nation against God will bring back Jews from all parts of the world.  In my book I cite the proof God is fulfilling His Words.  Today’s news adds to this proof and I quote, “When Tzvi Khaute landed at Tel Aviv for the first time, he wanted to kiss the earth. Alas, the modern airport was all tarmac and stone, so he kissed the first soil he came across, in a flowerpot. Thousands of diaspora Jews from around the world make aliyah — the migration to Israel — every year, but for Tzvi and his fellow Tibeto-Burmese immigrants from the far northeast of India, the journey was particular freighted with symbolism. They believe they are descendants of one of the ten lost tribes of Israel, sent into exile by the Assyrians almost 800 years before the Romans destroyed the temple in Jerusalem. About 1,700 members of the Bnei Menashe tribe — the Sons of Manasseh, one of the original 12 biblical tribes of Israel — have migrated to Israel, completing what they believe is an extraordinary, 2,700-year exile that took them from the Middle East seven centuries before the Christian era, through Afghanistan, China, Burma and India, before they heard that a new state of Israel had been created 62 years ago.” 

Let me remind you what Jesus said in Matthew 24:33.  “Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.”  Be ready because Jesus is right at the door and soon He will come to remove all His children.  Are you one of them?

Libya’s role in the last days is coming to pass/ April 27, 2010


Img_3194_2 IMG_0256

I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 22, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38:5 tells us the following nations will be counted in on the invasion of Israel. I quote the Word of God. “Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya will join you, too, with all their weapons.” Most everyone knows Iran’s position on Israel because Iran’s President has repeated his call to wipe Israel off the map. What about Libya?

In my book I explain why Libya was silent for a long time on how they felt about Israel.  I have been warning people for years at my live presentations to watch for Libya to begin their assaults on Israel again.  I gave this warning knowing what the Word of God said in Ezekiel 38:5.  In my book I set before you the proof my warnings in conjunction with the Bible have come to pass.  The news A delegation of Arab Knesset members met yesterday, for the first time ever, with Libyan ruler Muammar Gadhafi. The Arab leader received the MKs in his tent near the town of Serit, where he hosted the recent Arab League summit. Gadhafi delivered a two-hour speech to his guests – who included MKs Mohammed Barakeh, Ahmed Tibi, Talab al-Sana and Afu Aghbaria – on a variety of topics, but emphasized the Palestinian issue. He surprised his listeners by urging them to "bring as many children into the world as possible." Gadhafi slammed Arab countries that maintain ties with Israel, as well as the Palestinian Authority and its president, Mahmoud Abbas