Thank you to the following people.

The Lord has blessed me with people who care about getting the message out. I want to thank everyone who wrote me and sent me a letter. I want to thank the following people:

Amy and Marwan Nehme

C. Craig

Kim Daly

Mary Asta

Tina Holloway

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 22, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

Ezekiel 38 signs/April 22, 2010


Img_3194_2 IMG_0256

I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 22, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

See full size imageProphecy Sign: We know from Ezekiel chapter 38 that Iran is one of the nations that will play a major role in the last days.  Fact is Ezekiel shows us that Iran will be a close ally of Russia and will attack Israel with Russia and many Muslims nation which are also listed in the Ezekiel prophecy. Right now Iran and Israel and shelling each other with words but soon it will turn into a real war.  One of the headlines out of Iran read this way today. “DM: Israel Unable to Face Iran's Military Might “

See full size imageTEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi dismissed the Zionist regime of Israel's ability to wage a war on Iran and confront the country's mighty military forces. "Given the Zionist regime's international isolation, the regime does not have the courage to attack Iran and cannot start a war with Iran's military forces," Vahidi told FNA during his visit to Iran's northern city of Babol. "Iran's high military and spiritual power would be painful and deadly for them (Israelis)," the minister went on saying. Reminding the Zionist regime's internal and international problems, Vahidi said, "The Zionist regime imagined that it could get rid of international isolation and internal disputes but it failed (to do so), and the West Bank and Beit-ul-Moqaddas have today turned into the most vital problems of this regime." Vahidi stressed that a regime that is bogged down in these two issues cannot utter such big words out of its mouth. He also warned that any possible Israeli attack on Iran will receive a crushing response by the Iranian forces far graver than the blow Israel received in the 33-day war against Lebanon.”

There are many things to consider when reading this report which are in fact true.  First of all General Ahmad Vahidi was correct in saying the following: “ Given the Zionist regime's international isolation”. The General probably doesn’t know this put what he said is old news and it was a warning from God.  You see Zechariah 12:3 told us Israel would be alone in the last days.  Zechariah tells us that all the nations will come against Israel.  All the General did was confirm for us we are in those last days.  He also mentioned Israel’s international problems, which he was referring to the stalled peace talks and the talk about war with Israel neighbors.  The peace talks are stalled because Israel won’t give up Jerusalem which is also a fulfillment of prophecy in Zechariah chapter 12.  It is a fact some people reading the news understand these days that the city of Jerusalem has indeed become a burdensome stone.  The report also brings me back to Christ’s warning in Matthew 24:6 where the Lord said we would hear about war and rumors of war. 

General, if you are reading this post I want to thank you for pointing out to everyone that the Bible is 100% accurate.  I can’t wait to hear what else you have to say.  Now let me warn you of something that may save your life.  God showed us that Iran will be wiped out when they try to destroy Israel in the Ezekiel war.  I can only pray that your heart will turn to Jesus Christ before you give any orders to attack Israel.  This is one war you will not win, however it appears that Satan has hardened your heart and you will soon do something you and the nation of Iran will regret.

Prophecy Sign: In Ezekiel 39:3 God warned that He was going to with the weapons pointed at Israel. “Then I will strike your bow from your left hand and make your arrows drop from your right hand.”  In my post dated December 17, 2009 I warned you about Iran’s missiles.  Iran is building these missiles in the hope to use them against Israel.  The arrows the Prophet Ezekiel saw were no doubt missiles of a modern age of which Ezekiel did not has the words to accurately describe.  This is one of the reasons why Israel keeps telling the world press someone has to stop Iran before they attack Israel.  One way or the other war between Iran and Israel is going to break out soon and these missiles will never make it to Israel because God is going to intervene and cause these weapons to fall just as it says in verse 3.  Take a look at the video below and when you watch this video put yourself in Ezekiel place because what he was in the vision are the same weapons God showed him.

Right now the main question still stands. Will Israel attack Iran soon and do it alone?  Today’s news addresses this issue.  “The Israeli security establishment is divided over whether it needs Washington's blessing if Israel decides to attack Iran, Israeli officials say, as the U.S. campaign for sanctions drags on and Tehran steadily develops greater nuclear capability.”  “A senior U.S. official said the U.S. has stated to Israel its opposition to unilateral Israeli action, but that there were still fears within the administration that Israel could strike Iran despite Washington's objections.”

See full size imageThose of us who are filled with the Holy Spirit can see clearly what is headed our way.  We can look at the news in a different light because we understand from the Word of God what is coming before it comes.   When I read this next report I knew I was reading signs showing us the Ezekiel and Psalm 83 war prophecies were headed our way as fast as the ships were steaming on the ocean.  Nations are preparing to fulfill prophecy and they don’t even understand what they are doing in most cases.  Take a look at what the Holy Spirit is trying to show you.  I quote, “TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard on Thursday started large-scale war games in the Persian Gulf and the strategic Strait of Hormuz, state television reported. Iran has been holding military maneuvers in the gulf and the Strait of Hormuz annually since 2006 to show off its military capabilities. The last four editions of the games were held in the summer, but there has been no official explanation why they were brought forward this year. The war games have routinely heightened tension in the region, but they have more recently taken added significance as the standoff between the West and Tehran over Iran's nuclear program grows deeper.” 

See full size imageKeep in mind Iran’s President has stated he believes he was chosen to bring out the Islamic savior via war with Israel.   It is interesting to me what they names these war games.  I quote, “The Iranian television report said naval, air and ground units from the Guard were participating in the three-day games codenamed "The Great Prophet." It said the war games will witness the commissioning of what it described as an "ultra-speed" vessel called "Ya Mahdi" and a total of 313 speedboats with the capability of firing rockets and missiles also would participate.”  For those of you who do not know the Mahdi is a name used for Iran’s savior.  What is really happening is Iran is getting ready to attack Israel in the hope that this war will bring out the hidden Mahdi and help them wipe out Israel.  This of course will not happen because God shows us in Ezekiel chapter 39 that 5/6 of the people who try to invade Israel will be wiped out before they can do harm to Israel.  The next report below will show you what Israel thinks.

“Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu sounded an urgent note regarding the Iranian threat in a Monday interview on America's ABC network, saying that “we have a lot less time with each day that passes.”  “Asked if he was worried that war could break out this summer, the prime minister said: “If it's up to us, there won't be any war." Iran, he added, is trying to create tensions through Hizbullah, “probably to deflect the world's attention from Iran's advancement and its plan to develop nuclear weapons.”

Netanyahu was spot on.  I believe the Hizbullah issue is a major factor in prophecy because Hizbullah is working with Syria, the PLO, and Lebanon, and are moving Iranian arms into these nations.  These nations will I believe be involved in a war with Israel before the Ezekiel war takes place.  One war will lead to the next and both wars are in sight!  Israel may not be looking for a war but Iran’s leader is trying to provoke a war by refusing to stop its nuclear weapons program.

Of course the United States is taking sides with the wrong people.  I quote, “The Obama administration is still committed to improving relations with Syria despite its "deeply troubling" moves to aid the Iranian-backed Hezbollah militia in neighboring Lebanon, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday.”  If Obama is really a Christian as he claims to be, then he must know what is going to happen to the nations that come against Israel.  He must understand Iran will make an attempt to wide out Israel, and he must realize Syria will be leveled and left in ruins just as it was written in Isaiah 17:1.  A wise man would stand his ground on the Word of God and back up the nation Israel.  This may not be a popular thing to do especially in these last days but it is the wisest position to take.  Anyone who blesses and stands up for Israel will be blessed and anyone who comes against this tiny nation will be cut into pieces.  Obama needs to read Zechariah 12:3!  Could it be that Obama went to Church all these years and never really studied the entire Bible, and really doesn’t have a clue what position the Lord has taken?  Could it be that Obama knows but doesn't care?  Only the Lord knows?

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Prophecy Sign: On December 15, 2009 I warned you to watch what is going to happen with the food prices.  That post is still up for all to read.  I think it would be good to read what Jesus Christ warned us about what would happen with the price of food in the last days. I quote from Revelation 6:5-6. "When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"  Jesus has shown us how hard it will be to get something to eat during the last days.  If you like working all day just to fill your hand up with a little wheat welcome to the tribulation.

Look, everything I am warning you about I get from the Word of God found in the Bible. Since the Lord can not lie and is TRUTH, everything He says comes to pass and that includes what will happen to the food.  Today we were shown the prices are going up again!  “Wholesale prices rise in March as food costs jump” “Wholesale prices rose more than expected last month as food prices surged by the most in 26 years. But excluding food and energy, prices were nearly flat.: “Food prices jumped by 2.4 percent in March, the most since January 1984. Vegetable prices soared by more than 49 percent, the most in 15 years. A cold snap wiped out much of Florida's tomato and other vegetable crops at the beginning of this year.”  In the coming months your will hear news about crops being destroyed for one reason or another.  It could be from more droughts, insects, floods, or even from ash.  We have already entered into the last day birth pains so they won’t get any easier only worse.  I hate to bring this bad news but it is only bad to those who do not know Jesus as their Savior yet.  The good news is Christ will take care of you and you can live in peace even in these last days.

See full size imageProphecy Sign: Luke 21:11 tells us, “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. Since I expect more fearful sights shortly and I warned you about the Katla volcano the other day I wanted to give you news that relates to this volcano. I quote, “The president of Iceland yesterday warned that a second "much bigger" volcano is set to erupt and could spark further chaos. President Olafur Grimsson fears if the second volcano, Katla, blows, it could have devastating consequences worldwide. Mr Grimsson admitted: "Katla is much bigger and usually erupts once a century. The last one was in 1918 so we have been waiting for some years." Katla is east of the smaller Eyjafjallajokull volcano which sparked the ash cloud and in the past has triggered subsequent eruptions from the Katla volcano.” I trust what Jesus has warned us, and if He told us the birth pains were coming you better believe volcanoes are going to start blowing up all over the place and we will see more earthquakes as will.  Just keep on the watch, and if you don’t believe Christ’s Words are true, you will shortly I promise you that.

Prophecy Sign: Christ shows us in the last days kingdom will fight against kingdom.  This is civil unrest.  Matthew 24:7 reads as follows: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.”  At the present time events are taking place in America that could bring on civil unrest.  I want you to watch the video below and you will know what I am talking about.  Can you be arrested for just being in a group of illegal's?  Thing about the Az. law most people including me did not know. America is in a war already and it is a war against Satan.  The problem is most of America doesn’t even believe Satan is trying to rip this nation apart.

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It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Step that will bring on a One World System/Obama is not the Antichrist reasons why/War signs/April 21, 2010


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I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-17.  In my first post today I talk about how ten leaders of ten unions may be the leaders Jesus warned us about in Revelation 17:12-13. There are many things that could cause this one world system to speed up.  The most pressing right now is the world economy.

Let us look at it this way.  If the global economy were to get much worse and it will, then we will see steps taken to bring about a whole new system.  Right now the U.S. and now the European Union is fighting off huge debts that will cause nations to go bankrupt.  The USA Today report gives us some insights on this problem.

“Ballooning government debt poses the greatest risk to global financial stability and threatens to overshadow the improving health of major banks, according to a stark new warning from the International Monetary Fund.

"Concerns about sovereign risks could also undermine stability gains and take the credit crisis into a new phase, as nations begin to reach the limits of public sector support for the financial system and the real economy," the IMF said.

The IMF warning comes as government, or sovereign, debt fears are rattling Europe. Greece is moving toward formally asking for up to 30 billion euros (or $40.3 billion) in European Union loans along with additional IMF money. The Greek foreign minister is due in Washington on Friday for meetings with the IMF on the possible rescue plan.

Investor unease Tuesday was reflected in rising Greek government bond yields. The yield on Greek debt closed at 7.87%, up 0.25 percentage points. The spread over rock-solid German debt widened to 4.77 percentage points.

Financial tremors from countries such as Greece "could have cross-border spillovers," the IMF said. Banks in heavily indebted countries could have trouble obtaining enough money to support adequate lending to businesses. Starved of credit, those economies could spiral into decline. Likewise, banks outside Greece could suffer punishing losses on their Greek loans.”

This morning I warned you to watch for nations and business to begin to fail.  This afternoon I read this report and it ran parallel to what I warned you about in my first post.  In the coming months you will see just how bad our global economy will get.  When they happens, if you don’t believe now maybe by then you will have opened your eyes to what the Holy Spirit is showing us in these last days.  Christ’s children will not be in the dark!

As many people are taking notice that governments are moving quickly to this One world Government people are beginning to say that Obama is the Antichrist.  If you study the Bible you will learn there is no way Obama fulfills this prophecy.  Hal Lindsey addresses this issue in the video below.  After you watch the video I will give you some other reasons why Obama is not the man Jesus warned us about.

See full size imageThe Antichrist does not come as a Politican in a three piece suit but as a "savior" wearing a white robe. Antichrist comes as a spiritual figure, the "Messiah" or Christ of all religions, faiths and creeds, and it is thru religion (not politics) that Antichrist will conquer the world.  Daniel warns us this man will use peace to kill off much of the world.  I quote Daniel 8:25 “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.”  Jesus Christ came riding into Jerusalem as a Messiah of peace not war and the Antichrist will do the same thing.  At the present time all major world religions await their savior. Muslims await Iman Mahdi, Jews await The "Messiah", Buddhists await the fifth Buddha (MAITREYA), Hindus look for the 9th Incarnation of Khrisna and Catholics and many Protestants await the "Second Coming" of Christ. The world’s stage set for the master of lies to appear and Jesus warned you about this as well. II Thessalonians 2:11 we see this warnings. “ And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”

See full size imageThose who say Obama is the Antichrist fall to see that if he were the Antichrist and we are already in the tribulation period, Obama would have already told the world he way the way to life. The Antichrist will step (or land) onto the world scene, AT A TIME OF GLOBAL WAR, CHAOS AND ECONOMIC COLLAPSE and claim to be the "savior" of all religions, the same person called by many names and titles. And thru religion (not politics) Antichrist will UNITE the world, "together as one". One important fact is that Obama would never be accepted by the Muslim world as "Iman Mahdi" in any shape or way to the Muslim world. To the Muslim world, Obama is worse than an Infidel, because he was raised Muslim and converted to Christianity, a conversion worthy of death in much of the Muslim world.  The Bible shows us the Antichrist will be a friend of Israel but Obama has taken side with the PLO and is working with the EU to divide up Israel and the Israeli people do not care for Obama. One pastor notes: “ISRAEL will never accept Obama as their "messiah" or even trust him to help bring peace. He is viewed as a United Nations supporter who is linked to Louis Farrakkan, an inverted NAZI who is the leader of the black Muslim hate group, "nation of Islam" that is the ENEMY OF ISRAEL.”

  • Daniel 7:24 states that that the Antichrist will rise from among ten kings, and he’ll put down three of them. Revelation 13:1-2 shows that the ten nation union that the Antichrist leads will become a world government that he will dominate.  If anything Obama could become one of the ten kings who hand over his power to the Antichrist once the One World Government is set in place.  People are striving to fit pieces together to make Obama fit into scripture but it won’t work.
  • Revelation 13:11-12 is understood to predict that the Antichrist will have a false prophet – a miracle working partner – to promote him. Satan will use this false prophet in much the same way as John the Baptist was used to interduce the real Savior JESUS.  At the present time the one person who is pushing Obama the most is Nancy Pelosi, and she is not prophet. It’s clear that Obama doesn’t have a false prophet out there promoting his alleged upcoming world domination and consequently the Antichrist is NOT Obama.
  • Revelation 17:11 – he will be the eighth ruler; coming from a group of seven rulers. That doesn’t apply to the United States but it very well could have something to do with the European Union or the Ten nation Islamic Union which is at the present time headed by Iran’s President.  To understand more about the 7 kings and the 8th that is yet to come I sugguest you read my Oct. 27, 2009 post. The link to that post is below:
  • Daniel 8:23  One of the warnings in Daniel has to do the way he looks and Obama doesn’t have a fierce or bold countenance, so rule this out for Obama, plus Obama certainly doesn’t understand riddles or have any special brilliance as Daniel warns us. Fact is, Obama is considered a very weak President and much of the world sees him that way.  This is not the signs of the Antichrist man at all. Reasons why Obama is not the Antichrist: 1) The Antichrist does not come as a Politican but as a "savior" wearing a white robe.  Keep in mind, Satan will try to duplicate everything Jesus did when he came.  Antichrist comes as a spiritual figure, the "Messiah" or Christ of all religions, faiths and creeds, and it is thru religion (not politics) that Antichrist will conquer the world.

    See full size imageAll major world religions await their savior. Muslims await Iman Mahdi, Jews await The "Messiah", Buddhists await the fifth Buddha (MAITREYA), Hindus look for the 9th Incarnation of Khrisna and Catholics and many Protestants await the "Second Coming" of Christ. With this stage set, Antichrist will step (or land) onto the world scene, AT A TIME OF GLOBAL WAR, CHAOS AND ECONOMIC COLLAPSE and claim to be the "savior" of all religions, the same person called by many names and titles. And thru religion (not politics) Antichrist will UNITE the world, "together as one". Obama would never be accepted by the Muslim world as "Iman Mahdi" in any way. To the Muslim world, Obama is worse than an Infidel, because he was raised Muslim and converted to Christianity, a conversion worthy of death in much of the Muslim world. Israel will never accept Obama as their "messiah" or even trust him to for that matter and you can see from the current news reports I have put up at my site. Obama seen as a United Nations supporter who has been linked to Louis Farrakkan, and we all know Farrakkan is no friend of Israel’s either.

    If you are looking at Obama as the man Jesus warned about you are barking up the wrong tree!  Israel and the U.S. are drawing further and further a part as the weeks go on and it is because of Obama’s obsession of dividing up Israel.  News today should help you see this rift between Israel and the U.S.. I quote, “Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk said on Wednesday that if Israel is a superpower that manages alone, then it can make decisions alone. In an interview with Army Radio, Indyk said that if Israel sees itself as a superpower that does not need any aid from the United States, then it can make its own decisions. However "if you need the United States, then you need to take into account America's interests," said Indyk.” "The shift in America's Middle East interests means that Netanyahu must make a choice: Take on the president of the United States, or take on his right wing. If he continues to defer to those ministers in his cabinet who oppose peacemaking, the consequences for US-Israel relations could be dire," wrote Indyk in the New York Times article.”  Does this sound like the Israeli people are flocking to Obama as their savior?  The Antichrist is coming but he is not in the White House!

    See full size imageFor a man the world is suppose to fall head over heels for, hardly anyone trusts Obama and this goes for the people who just voted for him.  When the Antichrist comes there will be no question as to the powers he will have.  The Bible tells us he will do great miracles.  “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders” II Thessalonians 2:9.  Who knows maybe Obama did do a miracle when he got what many believe to be a fake U.S. birth certificate.  In any case Arizona plans to stop Obama buy  a new vote. I quote, “The Arizona House on Monday voted for a provision that would require President Barack Obama to show his birth certificate if he hopes to be on the state's ballot when he runs for reelection. The House voted 31-22 to add the provision to a separate bill. The measure still faces a formal vote. It would require U.S. presidential candidates who want to appear on the ballot in Arizona to submit documents proving they meet the constitutional requirements to be president.”

    See full size imageProphecy Sign:  This is what we know is coming.  Psalm 83 tells us a war will be fought between Israel and her bordering nations of which Syria and the PLO will be numbered.  Signs of this war are in the news every week now and here is more of that news today. “The West should use resolution 1701 to roll back Hizbullah's effective take-over of the Lebanese gov't. The summoning by the United States of Syrian Deputy Chief of Mission Zouheir Jabbour for a review of Syrian arms transfers to Hizbullah is the latest evidence of the serious basis to the recent tensions in the north. Syria has continued to deny recent reports suggesting that it permitted the transfer of Scud-D ballistic missiles to Hizbullah.”  Syria, Hizbullah, the Lebanese, and the PLO are moving arms around for the next war with Israel.  If you don’t know what the Psalm says you won’t even know this news means anything to prophecy.  Wake up!

    Here is a second report showing how Hizbullah’s arms are a real danger to Israel. “Following last week's uncertainty surrounding a reported Syrian Scud missile delivery to Hizbullah, a senior US senator said Tuesday that the guerrilla group most likely obtained the weapons and that its missiles posed a real danger to Israel. "I believe there is a likelihood that there are Scuds that Hizbullah has in Lebanon. A high likelihood," Senate Intelligence Committee chair Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat from California, told AFP."The rockets and missiles in Lebanon are substantially increased and better technologically than they were and this is a real point of danger for Israel."

  • Earthquake news below:

    y/m/d h:m:s
    MAP  5.9   2010/04/21 17:20:30   -15.109   -173.256  35.0   TONGA
  • Last days forming of a One World Government leading to Antichrist control /Mark of the beast/National ID’s/Fearful sights/America and the North America Union/April 21, 2010


    Img_3194_2 IMG_0256

    I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

    Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …

    Prophecy Sign: Antichrist warning from Jesus! In my post yesterday I wrote to you about the ten kings Jesus warned us about in Chapter 17 of the book of Revelation. Christians studying the Bible and are on the watch as instructed by Christ Himself have been looking for a group of ten kings, (leaders of nations) that will give up all their power to the Antichrist as Jesus said in Revelation 17:12-14. “12“The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. 14They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”

    I want to give you more information concerning the warning found in Rev. chapter 17.  I ask you to watch these videos warning about the U.S. forming what I see is as the final ten union, which has been named the “North American Union”.  The people you will watch are people of influence who are working in the government as your elected officials, they are not just some crazy people giving out some crazy conspiracy  theory . 

    Representative Tom Tancredo, who made illegal immigration his signature issue on the Presidential campaign trail, urges Americans to learn all they can about efforts to create a “North American Union”…

    Over and over again we keep hearing about the North Atlantic Trade agreement. “NAFTA is short for the North American Free Trade Agreement. NAFTA covers Canada, the U.S. and Mexico making it the world’s largest free trade area (in terms of GDP). NAFTA was launched 15 years ago to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace.”  After doing research concerning the NAFTA plans I have come to conclude that what happened to the citizens of the European Union is step by step now taking place between the US, Mexico, and Canada.  The EU had long term plans in forming a  signal nation made up of many nations. In January  2010 the Lisbon Treaty finalized their long term plans, and another huge part to bring on a One World Government was set in place.  Plans for a global governance have been set and, as you will hear for yourself, the first full time EU President even tells us this in his speech.  First watch Vicente Fox talk about the long term goals.  Pay attention to this because it is happening.  The EU press made their citizens look like nuts cases when they spoke out about being pushed into a government that was taking away their Sovereignty and freedoms.  The same thing is happening in the United States.  Every time the press sees people standing up for their rights and trying to warn people about  what is really taking place the press moves in and paints them as right wing nuts cases. 

    This is what I know for sure.  The One World Government can not be stopped!  If Jesus warned us it would happen than it is going to happen.  We may be able to slow it down but Bible prophecy is 100% correct and it will happen.  The question at this point is who exactly are the ten kings in Revelation 17:12-13?  As I said yesterday I do believe their is a chance the ten union of nations may be the ones Jesus was referring to.  If you missed my post yesterday and want information on the ten unions click to the blue link below.

    The links below will take you to more information on this subject. When you get to the red link you will see a list of video you can watch.  All I am asking you to do is have an open mind and review what is taking place.  Everyone is going to have to make up their own minds if they want to heed Jesus Christ's’ warning about the One World Government, which the Antichrist will control soon.  Ask yourself this question.  Do you think it is a coincidence that in the past six months leaders of nations around the round the world are now calling for a new one world economic system?  These same leaders are also trying to dump the U.S. dollar for a new one world currency, do you think this is also a coincidence?  

    Many of you are asking what could drive the final nail in the box to form the North Atlantic Union?  What do you think will happen when the U.S. economy crashes?  There will be civil unrest like you have never seen in America before.  Troops will have to be called in to control the violence and of course there will have to be a new system of money put in place.  I think it is possible that it will be at this time this North American Union will be enforced!  This is one man’s opinion.  For now all we can do is watch for the signs.  Watch the U.S. economy, watch the home forecloses, watch for more people to be laid off, watch for record number of bankruptcies both in the business and private sectors.

    John Voight Speaks for Freedom

    Interview with Judicial Watch's Chris Farrell on sensitive SPP Documents

    Congressman Tom Tancredo

    Exposing Gov't Docs on NAU/SPP & the Clinton Administration

    Coalition to Block the N.A.U. News Conference in New Orleans, 2008

    Canadians Oppose the SPP / North American Union

    Rep. Virgil Goode Opposes the North American Union – SPP

    The History of NAFTA and the Council on Foreign Relations

    Jerome Corsi on Conservative Round Table: Border Security

    Alan Keyes: Stop Illegal Immigration, No Amnesty!

    Interview with Best Selling Author, Jerome Corsi

    Stop Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

    The Dangers of a North American Union

    Prophecy Sign: The mark of the beast and increase in knowledge.  Revelation 13:16-17 Jesus tells us the Antichrist will try to mark everyone in the world with a mark in the right hand or forehead.  Christ warns us that anyone who takes this mark will end up in the lake of fire that burns for all time.  In other words, you will end up in “Hell” with no way to ever escape.  Jesus also speaks to us about the Prophet Daniel in the Matthew chapter 24.  Daniel was the prophet who was told our generation would be known as the generation who would increase in knowledge and they would be traveling back and forth.  Our generation has fulfilled this prophecy and as you can see from the report below new technology has been developed which will allow a person to use their own hand to do a host of things.  If you click to the link below you will be able to watch a video of how it works.

    One of the things I have noticed over the years is that new technologies for business transactions and security  have been centered on the hand or forehead.  I cover many of these technologies in my book, however, this is something new which I don’t have in my book yet.

    See full size image“In Chris Harrison's ideal world, mobile phones would be the size of matchbooks. They'd have full-size keyboards. They'd browse the Web. They'd play videos. And, most importantly, you'd never have to touch them. Sound like too much to ask? Maybe not. Harrison, a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University and a former intern at Microsoft Research, has developed a working prototype of a system called Skinput that does just that, essentially by turning a person's hand and forearm into a keyboard and screen. "People don't love the iPhone keyboard. They use them. But they don't love them," Harrison said in a interview at the recent Computer-Human Interaction conference. "If you could make the iPhone keyboard as big as an arm — that would be huge." Using Skinput, a person could tap their thumb and middle finger together to answer a call; touch their forearm to go to the next track on a music player; or flick the center of their palm to select a menu item.”

    I can assure you all now that the day is coming when one of these types of new technologies will be used by the Antichrist to stop people from buying or selling anything just as Jesus warned us.  The only way you can get ready for what is about to happen it to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  If you do that Christ will save you and you will escape the wrath which will soon begin to be poured out on an unbelieving world.

    See full size imageThere is some good information concerning the National ID’s, which is in the process of being forced on every American citizen. The U.S. is joining the other nations who are doing or have already done the same thing. Here is a short section of the Rutherford report.  You will be blown away if you read the entire report.

     See full size imageJohn W. Whitehead, who wrote the report is a Constitutional attorney. He is an author and founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. I quote, “As technology grows more sophisticated and the government and its corporate allies further refine their methods of keeping tabs on the American people, those of us who treasure privacy increasingly find ourselves engaged in a struggle to maintain our freedoms in the midst of the modern surveillance state. Just consider the many ways we’re already being monitored and tracked: through our Social Security numbers, bank accounts, purchases and electronic transactions; by way of our correspondence and communications devices–email, phone calls and mobile phones; through chips implanted in our vehicles, identification documents, even our clothing. Data corporations are capturing vast caches of personal information on you so that airports, retailers, police and other government authorities can instantly identify and track you. Add to this the fact that businesses, schools and other facilities are relying more and more on fingerprints and facial recognition to identify us. All the while, banks and other financial institutions must verify the identities of new customers and make such records of customer transactions available to the police and government officials upon request.”

    Keep in mind, this is the only generation who would ever make something like this possible.  This is the same generation Jesus pointed to when He warns the generation who saw the rebirth of Israel would be the one to see Jesus return.  Sorry to inform you, but that now includes you!  You can not escape or hide from it unless it is done by escaping in Christ as your Lord.

     See full size imageProphecy Sign: Luke 21:11 tells us, “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.  A few days ago I wrote to you about the Iceland volcano.  I warned you to keep your eyes on another volcano near the Eyjafjallajokull volcano because this one was much bigger and it could go off.  I keep thinking about what Jesus said concerning the last days birth pains from Mark 13:8.  I believe we 2010 we will see much bigger quakes and more of these fearful sights such as the volcano that just blew up in Iceland.  Today news gives a warning about the Katla volcano and I quote, “REYKJAVIK, Iceland – For all the worldwide chaos that Iceland's volcano has already created, it may just be the opening act. Scientists fear tremors at the Eyjafjallajokull (ay-yah-FYAH-lah-yer-kuhl) volcano could trigger an even more dangerous eruption at the nearby Katla volcano — creating a worst-case scenario for the airline industry and travelers around the globe. A Katla eruption would be 10 times stronger and shoot higher and larger plumes of ash into the air than its smaller neighbor, which has already brought European air travel to a standstill for five days and promises severe travel delays for days more.” 

    From time to time I have people telling me you are always looking for disasters.  All I can say is they are correct.  But why am I doing it is the question I want more people to ask me?  That answer is simple.  Jesus took the time and made sure that Luke, Mark, John, and Matthew gave us specific signs of the last days.  These signs were signs of disasters which Christ repeatedly asks us to keep on the watch for.  These signs were to encourage the Church and to help them get ready to meet the Lord at the rapture.  Watching for these things means two things.  I am doing the will of the Father, and I am ready at all times to meet Jesus when He sounds the trump to remove His Church.  For some reason I have been chosen to help others meet Christ, and receive Him as their Lord, and to help them get ready in these trying times.  I pray that the information I am giving you will open your hearts and minds to what the Holy Spirit is showing you.

    Anyone who has done his or her research can see the government is going to step in and take control of the internet.  This is going to be done in part for security but it may slip in by what is called the ACTA treaty.  What better way to stop people from hearing or reading the truth then to control what they hear or read?  You better read this report entitled, “ACTA treaty aims to deputize ISPs on copyrights”

    “Internet service providers could become copyright cops encouraged to block access to suspected pirate Web sites, according to a previously secret draft treaty made public on Wednesday. One section of the proposed digital copyright treaty says that immunity from lawsuits would be granted to Internet providers "disabling access" to pirated material and adopting a policy dealing with unauthorized "transmission of materials protected by copyright." If the ISPs choose not to do so, they could face legal liability.”  Here is another section of the same report. “The time to resist is now. If we don’t, eventually, we will all have to possess one of these cards in order to be a functioning citizen in American society. Failing to have a biometric card will render you a non-person for all intents and purposes. Your whole life will depend on this card–your ability to work, travel, buy, sell, access health care, and so on.”

    This is only a short section of the report.  I encourage you to read the entire report because the day is coming when you may not be able to do so.  Satan would love something like this to happen. Think of the millions of people around the world who will be closed off to the last days signs, or the good news about Jesus Christ.

    Are there signs that the mark of the beast is coming soon? April 20, 2010


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    I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

    Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …

    See full size imageProphecy Sign:  One of the warnings Jesus told us to watch for is the mark of the beast that will be given to people living during the tribulation period which is a seven year period.  This warning is found in Revelation 13:16-17. The mark will be forced on everyone at the three and a half year mark in the seven year period.  We have seen new technology in this special generation which has increased in knowledge, which can now be used to mark everyone and keep track of them.  Here is some news which I think you will find very interesting. Some of this information was taken right off Congressman Ron Paul’s web site and it has to do with Obama’s new health care plan.

    The United States of America has taken the giant step towards universal control of every American citizen and anyone receiving any form of medical treatment and/or supplies. This is not the Mark of the Antichrist, but it is the precursor to that Mark. The amazing fact of this action is that it puts the United States in the driver’s seat of the One World Order. Congressman Ron Paul’s website has these exact words, "‘In real world speak,’ according to this report, this new law, when fully implemented, provides the framework for making the United States the first Nation in the World to require each and every one of its citizens to have implanted in them a radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling who is, or isn’t, allowed medical care in their

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    Microchiping included in Healthcare Bill ?

    "Buried deep within the over 1,000 pages of the massive US Health Care Bill (PDF) in a “non-discussed” section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521— National Medical Device Registry, and which states its purpose as:

    “The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.”

    In “real world speak”, according to this report, this new law, when fully implemented, provides the framework for making the United States the first Nation in the World to require each and every one of its citizens to have implanted in them a radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling who is, or isn’t, allowed medical care in their country.

    Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff – Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: Implantable Radiofrequency Transponder System for Patient Identification and Health Information

    For more information on this prophecy please read chapter one from my free book.  The download for the book is at the top of this post.

    Signs of Daniel 12:4/Food shortages and price increases/ Signs the Church will be removed/April 20, 2010


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    I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

    Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …

    Prophecy Sign:See full size image See full size imageDaniel 12:4  states, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”  This prophecy has been fulfilled in one generation and that is the same generation who also witnessed the rebirth of the nation Israel.  People are traveling back and forth all over the world, or at least they were until the Iceland volcano blew up this week.  Below are some examples of how far we have gotten since this generation invented the computer. 

    See full size image“MIND reading may no longer be the domain of psychics and fortune tellers — now some computers can do it, too. Software that uses brain scans to determine what items people are thinking about was among the technological innovations showcased on Wednesday by Intel Corp, which drew back the curtain on a number of projects that are still under development. The software analyses functional MRI scans to determine what parts of a person’s brain is being activated as he or she thinks. In tests, it guessed with 90% accuracy which of two words a person was thinking about, said Intel Labs researcher Dean Pomerleau. Eventually, the technology could help the severely physically disabled to communicate. And Pomerleau sees it as an early step toward one day being able to control technology with our minds.

    “HONG KONG’s Chinese University has this week announced the development of a robot hand that will allow Internet users the “sense of touch.”  Professor Liu Yun-hui, of the university’s department of mechanical and automation engineering, told Relaxnews that the device would be on sale by Christmas and would retail for “around US$100 (RM320).” “We have developed the robot hand so that it can be made available for everyone,” he said. “We believe physical interaction is an important part of life and this will make that possible for Internet users.” To use the robot hands, each person involved in the communication would wear watch-like sensors, which detect the electronic signals generated by muscle contractions in the hand (a process called electromyography) and pass the instructions on through to the robotic device at the other end.”

    “UK scientists have created "designer embryos" containing DNA from a man and TWO women. The breakthrough gives hope of healthy children to couples with genetic disorders in their families. It also offers the prospect of eradicating fatal genetic diseases. But the procedure – dubbed three person IVF – sparked controversy last night. Researchers at Newcastle University set out to prevent damaged DNA in mitochondria – the "batteries" that power cells – from being passed on to offspring. “

    Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:11, and Mark 13:8 we are told to watch for famines in the last days.  Jesus in Revelation 6:6 paints the same picture for us however in this verse we see the price of food will have skyrocketed to where a person will have to work all day long just to buy one small meal for him or her self.  Since opening up my site I have been giving you signs the food prices are climbing and this is part of the birth pains Jesus warned us about in Mark 13:8.  “When a large segment of the population is facing a drastic cut in income in the face of escalating food prices we have a catastrophic problem in the making. Today we have the simultaneous events of income deflation and food inflation; two high-speed express trains coming down that tracks at each other, a financial crisis colliding with staggering crop losses, which are cutting deeply into available pl
    anetary food reserves. Prices of food are again beginning to soar again just as millions are losing the ability to afford a reasonable diet, though little of this is being observed or reported. But soon even the blind will see.”  The report also stated,
    “From corn to crude, prices for a wide range of commodities are on the rise across the globe. In recent months, global food prices have been growing at a rate that rivals some of the wildest months of 2008, when food riots erupted across the developing world.”

    I have been reading a lot of news lately warning us of this pending food shortage and what it will mean.  Most of what i am reading sounds like quotes taken from Jesus’ warnings.  Here is an example of what is being said.“According to a recent analysis by Eric deCarbonnel from, “overwhelming, undeniable evidence that the world will run out of food next year”, which will result in “US economic disintegration”. The report details how the financial crisis which led to the collapse of the real estate market and subsequently the  freezing of credit markets has not only hit big corporate giants like Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, AIG, Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers and the like, but severely affected global food markets. Despite the supply and demand situation being completely out of balance, food prices haven’t shot up, says the author. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) instead of adjusting production estimates down to reflect decreased productions, adjusted estimates upwards to match increasing demand from China, effectively bringing a balance on paper and temporarily delaying a rise in food prices by ensuring a catastrophe in 2010.”

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    I want to close this off by showing you what Jesus said to do.  I hope and pray, you really listen to what He has to say to you.  I quote Jesus from Mark 13:33-37. “33Be on guard! Be alertf! You do not know when that time will come. 34It’s like a man going away: He leaves his house and puts his servants in charge, each with his assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch. 35“Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back—whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. 36If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. 37What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’”

    See full size imageSee full size imageI believe in my heart that anyone who is not on the watch as Jesus asked us to be will be blind sided by what is about to take place around the world.  Jesus wants His children to be ready!  He didn’t tell us to freak out and worry over these things, but to keep on the watch.  Why?  Because seeing all these signs would let the children of Christ know He is about to come and remove them for all the things that are coming.  This is why Jesus asked you to pray the following prayer in Luke 21:36. “Watch ye theref
    ore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”  Are you watching?  Are you praying? This goes for Christians as well as the unbelievers.

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    It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

    Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

    A one world system & Things to think about.




    I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

    Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …

    A one world system. Things to think about.

    The blessing of Israel/After affects of volcano/Higher food prices/earthquakes/Drugs/Troops to Mexico?/Ten kings/Signs of Zech. 12:3 from White House/April 20, 2010



    I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

    Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …

    See full size imageProphecy Sign: In chapter 8 of my book I give you proof of how God has promised to bless the nation of Israel once they became a nation again.  Ezekiel 37:9-14 we see the Jews being restored.  Zechariah 14:10-11 we see the cities being rebuilt again, Jeremiah 31:23 shows us the Jews in the last days will again speak the Hebrew language, Ezekiel 36:30 we see the blessing on the fruits and trees, and Isaiah 35:1 speaks about the blessing that will happen in the desert.  There is no question God is watching over Israel and is in fact blessing her just as He stated He would in the Bible.  Here is a good example of this blessing since Israel was born as a nation again.  I quote, “Israeli export has grown 11,250 times since 1948 – from $6 million to $67.5 billion in 2009, according to the Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute. The data also suggest that Israel's export has in the last 12 years – from $33 billion in 1998 to some $67. 5 billion last year. (Tom Rechavi)”,7340,L-3878340,00.html

    Prophecy Sign: There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.“ (Luke 21:11). Here is an up-date on the iceland volcano. "The volcano eruption in Iceland has strengthened and a new ash cloud is spreading south and east towards the UK," Nats said in a statement. "This demonstrates the dynamic and rapidly changing conditions in which we are working.”  If you remember last year I told you to expect events that would add to the global economic crisis.  To be honest with you I did not think about an event like this, but this volcano has caused nations around the world to lose billions because it has affected travel. Iceland Volcano Cloud Darkens World Economy” Many of you also remember I told you to watch for events which will cause food prices to climb.  All of my warnings are still up at my site.  The Iceland volcano has not only caused people to be stranded but it has stopped all types of businesses from working such as the mail services which have backed up and it has stopped the normal flow of food to the nations.  Today’s report stated, “Fruit and vegetables including lettuce, grapes, spring onions and asparagus may be missing from many supermarket shelves next week and firms specialising in flying in produce from overseas are also warning of higher prices. Here is another example from the news today showing the burden this cloud is having over peoples lives. I quote from a headline entitled, “How the Iceland volcano ash cloud is crippling Kenya's flower industry”. “Kenya's flower and vegetable industry, which employs tens of thousands of workers and contributes over a fifth of the country’s GDP, is losing $3 million per day because ash from the Iceland volcano has grounded freight flights.”

    Another report gives us facts on how the volcano has taken a toll on the world economy. “The effects of the ash cloud from Iceland are most severe in Europe, but the economic ripples are global. The volcanic debris, by disrupting air travel in the surrounding region, has also disrupted a range activities in the United States and other globally connected economies far from the ash cloud itself. Among the sectors affected: the flow of visitors to tourist hot spots such as New York City, high-profile sporting events including a car race in Japan, and trade in goods including US- and Canadian-caught seafood.” 

    Are events like this increasing?  You may want to check out the link below that will take you to a report entitled, “Volcanoes have been Increasing” At this site it states the following: “The following graph was prepared by Lee Kington showing that major volcanoes have been increasing in number over the past thousand years. This information is taken from data provided by the Smithsonian Institute at this location:”

    Are you taking notice what has been happening around the world lately?  Just in the past few months we have seen many major earthquakes, major storms , and more volcanic activity all of which are signs we are suppose to be watching for.  I have had people write me telling me it is getting easier to witness to people because they are seeing all these weird things taking place.  Jesus told us the last days birth pains would increase so keep on the watch for more the same and worse.

     See full size imageProphecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 is the sign of many earthquakes. Here is what has been recorded so far today April 20, 2010.  I really pray that you believe what Jesus tells you because you are soon going to see more of the major earthquakes strike as well as huge storms that will take out more crops and add to the food shortage problems.

    5.3  2010/04/20 01:00:42 -55.714   -27.139 20.9 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION

    5.2  2010/04/20 00:17:08 -30.530   121.653 10.0 WESTERN AUSTRALIA


    Prophecy Sign: Yesterday I put up the video below in which Alex Jones tells us the U.S. is making moves on the U.S. border that show us signs something is very wrong in Washington.  Alex warned us to watch the news and you will see more troops being sent to the border with Mexico.  One day after I posted his video this news shows up and I quote “WASHINGTON (AFP) – Two Republican senators proposed Monday sending 3,000 more US National Guard soldiers to quell violence spilling over the border between their home state of Arizona and Mexico. In a 10-point plan for beefing up security in the area, Senators John McCain and John Kyl also called for permanently adding 3,000 US Custom and Border Protection Agents to the Arizona/Mexico border by 2015.” 

    See full size imageAs you know there has been a major drug war going on in Mexico and it now appears the U.S. is under taking actions not legal.  One thing is for sure, Jesus warned us to expect increase violence in the last days and that our generation would be known as the drug generation. The warning about the drugs can be found in Revelation 9:21 .The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”.  Satan has a strong foot hold in Mexico and this war has only begun.

    Prophecy Sign:  Speaking about drugs and violence Matthew 24:7 also warns us about civil unrest.  America seems to be headed for more civil unrest.  It is very possible that we are going to witness this unrest soon and here is why. “Lawmakers in the Arizona Senate voted 17 to 11 to approve the bill, widely regarded as the toughest measure yet taken by any U.S. state to curb illegal immigration. The state's House of Representatives approved the measure last week. Governor Jan Brewer, a Republican, has five days to veto the bill or sign it into law. Immigration is a bitterly fought issue in the United States, where some 10.8 million illegal immigrants live and work in the shadows, although it has been eclipsed in recent months by a healthcare overhaul and concern over the economy. The law requires state and local police to determine the status of people if there is "reasonable suspicion" that they are illegal immigrants and to arrest people who are unable to provide documentation proving they are in the country legally. It also makes it a crime to transport someone who is an illegal immigrant and to hire day laborers off the street.”  I can see people turning on one another over this issue, and as troubles grow even more troops will be sent to the borders.

    See full size imageAfter watching the Alex Jones video and reading more news today about this issue entitled, “Arizona Sheriff Says Cops Are Being Killed by Illegal Aliens; Joins Call for U.S. Troops at Border”, I believe Jones may be correct and we need to pay more attention to details.  Could what is taking place down South have a hidden agenda?  Could it be that America is being set up to join Mexico and Canada in one union to fight not only crime, but illegal Aliens, and a failing economy? I am not going to jump off the deep end hear yet, but if you hear or see any news talking about the United States, Canada, and Mexico joining together as a union then we will all know something major has taken place.  I say this because we already has 9 unions of nations.  If the U.S does what the EU did and form a union with the Canada and Mexico it would officially be 10 unions of nations. 

    Yesterday I wrote to you about the ten kings that will give all their power over to the Antichrist .  We do not know for sure yet who these ten kings are, but as I said yesterday, I will not rule out the possibility that these ten unions may be what Jesus was warning us about.  I see far to many pastors who are closed off and think they know exactly who the revived Roman Empire is that the Antichrist will come from.  Christ is revealing things to us each day and we are seeing a much clearer picture but we need to be open and keep on the watch for the unexpected.  I believe that part of what we are living through is that Jesus is giving us increased knowledge in these last days as it states in Daniel 12:4.  Don’t worry, Christ is painting a clear picture for His Church and we will fully understand what we need to know.

    See full size imageHere is one more report which talks to us about violence, gangs, and drugs all of which are part of the last day signs. “SAN DIEGO — San Diego County sheriff's officials say more than 280 people have been arrested in a crackdown on gangs and drug and human smuggling at the U.S.-Mexican border. Sheriff Bill Gore said Monday that 24 documented gang members and eight gang associates have been booked on suspicion of various offenses following the two-day multi-agency operation called "Allied Shield."

    Prophecy Sign: When you read Jeremiah 30:3, and Isaiah 43:5-7 you read how God promised to bring back the nation Israel as a nation again in the last days.  You should know these prophecies have been fulfilled and Israel is about a month away from their 62nd birthday, but all is no well in Israel as another prophet warned us. In Zechariah 12:3 we are told Israel will be on their own and Jerusalem would be a major problem for the world in the last days. A news report from Jerusalem today talks about the mood in Israel and I quote, “But there is something about the mood this year that feels darker than usual. It has a bipartisan quality to it. Both left and right are troubled, and both largely about the same things, especially the Iranian nuclear program combined with growing tensions with the Obama administration. “There is a confluence of two very worrying events,” said Michael Freund, a rightist columnist for The Jerusalem Post in a telephone interview. “One is the Iranian threat, an existential threat. Add to that the fact that for the first time in recent memory there is a president in the White House who is not overly sensitive to the Jewish state and its interests. You put the two together and it will affect anyone’s mood, even an optimist like me.”

    See full size imageThis is what we have. Israel is still very young. Jesus in Matthew 24:32-39 told us that when Israel was a young nation that would be the time we would see all these end time signs taking place all at the same time.  This is way you saw the rebirth of Israel and in here 62 life span she has been under a dark cloud and it is getting worse. Paul gave us a warning about this darkness and where it is coming from and I quote Ephesians 6:12,  “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  Satan is trying to destroy Israel and the battle for Jerusalem is about to take another turn when the Arabs try to take back Jerusalem as the peace talks fail. All prophecy is coming together in one single generation and it the generation Jesus said would be alive to see His second coming.  It is our generation!  Each day I give you sign after sign that was suppose to be taking place in our generation to help you see all the things Jesus wants you to understand.  To read how all the signs which are coming to pass, you can read my free book.  The bottom line is this, it is happening and you are running out of time.  You do not want to be left behind when Jesus comes for His Church, so please, I beg you, receive Jesus as your Lord so He can remove you from the things that will be poured out on the Earth. Jesus is the only way to the Father.

    Israel's Likud Party leader and former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) stands with US Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) during their meeting on July 23, 2008 in Jerusalem, Israel. Obama began a visit to Jerusalem on Wednesday pledging staunch support for Israel and saying that if elected, he would work to reinvigorate the Middle East peace process. In the past I have shown you signs that Obama is moving away from Israel and in the process is helping fulfill the Zechariah 12:3 prophecy.  Here is another example of how the current leader of America is making a shift away from Israel.  “The Obama administration is reportedly signaling another major shift in policy towards one of its staunchest allies, Israel, and this shift could change the way it votes at the Security Council. The change would mean an end to the US' use of its veto power in the United Nations Security Council when certain anti-Israel resolutions are introduced for a vote.‪ Reports surfaced a couple of weeks ago, that a senior US diplomat met with Qatar's foreign minister in Paris. They discussed the possibility that the US was giving serious consideration to not using its veto if a vote on Israeli settlements was to come up. It has been the policy of successive administrations to veto virtually all anti-Israel resolutions at the Security Council.‪”

    See full size imagePeople ask me why is America declining as a power and is not mentioned in the bible?  For one thing America is under God’s curse for pushing Israel into a divided State and giving up Jerusalem to the PLO.  While the current Administration is opposing God’s Word about Israel she is also turning away from Christ and here is a good example of this. “On April 15, 2010, United States District Court Judge Barbara Crabb, for the Western District of Wisconsin, struck down the National Day of Prayer statute, ruling that it is unconstitutional. The National Day of Prayer belongs to Americans. It is a tradition that dates back to 1775 and it is not for a Judge to take away. This really amounts to an attack upon the religious heritage of Americans – this terrible court ruling does NOT cancel the 59th annual observance of NDP on May 6th, but it does threaten to remove it in the future.”


    Now that you know the facts about Israel you really need to understand that war is coming to Israel just as written in Psalm 83.  Here is a list of events that have recently taken place warning us this war is about to be completed.

    1. Israelis are being fitted for gas masks.

    2. Israelis are preparing for a multi-front chemical war with Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, and Hamas.

    3. Israel is constructing new and renovating thousands of old bomb shelters.

    4. Israel is threatening a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s nuclear sites.

    5. Iran could have a nuclear bomb within eighteen months.

    6. Syria is now thought to have the most powerful scud missiles in the world.

    7. Syria has reportedly shipped scud missiles to Hezbollah.

    8. Syria has threatened to attack major Israeli cities in the event of war.

    9. Hezbollah has declared that it can wipe out one-half of Israel’s army.

    10. Hezbollah has been training for hand to hand combat inside Israeli cities.

    11. Hezbollah and Syria reportedly have chemical weapons.

    12. Hezbollah has stockpiled over 50,000 rockets.

    13. Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are within rocket reach of Israel’s enemies.

    14. Hamas reportedly has rockets that can reach Israel’s nuclear reactor in Dimona.


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    It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

    Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

    What is causing all the earthquakes?

    Could there be other reasons why we are seeing more quakes? Could the increase in knowledge God showed Daniel for this generation give us technology to cause earthquakes?  Read Daniel 12:4. Watch these video and make up your own mind.




    Moving to a cashless society that the Antichrist will control/ April 19, 2010


    I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.

    Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …


    See full size imageIn chapter one of my book I give you proof that the world is headed for a cashless society.  The society being created now is one that will be used by the Antichrist when he fully takes control over the electric money.  Here is more evidence we are moving in this direction. “Cash will be used in fewer than half of all transactions by 2015, according to an official report which suggests plastic is rapidly overtaking notes and coins in consumers’ pockets. Last year 59 per cent of the 37 billion transactions were done with cash, a sharp decline from the 73 per cent of transactions that were made with cash just 10 years ago. According to the Payments Council, a trade body representing the banks, card and cash machine industry, this proportion will fall to below 50 per cent by 2015, and to 45 per cent by 2018. The figures have alarmed some campaigners, who gave warning that banks should not encourage the march towards a cashless society.”

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    In my book and in my posts I warn you this trend will continue as they are a sign of the times.  This Telegraph report echoes what I have been saying. "The trend is well entrenched and will continue. Paying for things is more secure and more convenient now we don’t have to keep replenishing the stock of paper and metal we drag around. By 2018, the amount of cash we use will fall by 20 per cent after adjusting for inflation, even though our total spending will rise by perhaps 15 per cent in real terms," the report said.”