7.0 earthquake/America going down?Signs of the last days power shift/Signs of the Psalms 83 war & Ezekiel war/Peace talks/ Noah’s signs/wake up from coma/Feb. 26, 2010






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See full size imageI invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Dec. 15, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

My radio/video show is up at: the link below.  My next show will starting running this Friday Feb. 26, 2010 at 6PM EST. I will also have a special show March 3, 2010 where I give an up-date on the Psalms 83 war and the call to Peace and safety.  That show will also run at 6PM EST.

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See full size imageSee full size imageProphecy Sign: In my post yesterday I warned you bigger quakes were coming. One day later Japan had a 7.0 quake.  I quote, “A 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan, according to the USGS, prompting tsunami warnings.  According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, tsunami warnings were immediately put into effect and waves are expected imminently for the Okinawa, Anami, and Tokara islands of Japan. The Okinawa seashore is also being evacuated and a 2-meter tsunami was predicted. The Japan earthquake was felt in the Ryukyu Islands and took place 50 miles east of Naha, Okinawa, Japan. The USGS calculated the quake at approximately 13.7 miles deep.”  If Jesus asked us to look for great quakes in Luke 21:11 and many quakes in Matthew 24:7 why do you have any doubts that these things will happen? 

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MAP  7.0   2010/02/26 20:31:26    25.965    128.443  22.0   RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
MAP  5.1   2010/02/26 16:18:57    5.842    125.792  53.7   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
MAP  5.7   2010/02/26 08:37:03    6.394    126.805  117.3   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
MAP  5.4   2010/02/26 04:42:30    28.432    86.769  10.0   WESTERN XIZANG
MAP  5.0   2010/02/26 04:41:29    0.892    123.194  66.6   MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA
MAP  5.5   2010/02/26 01:07:58    23.782    122.839  34.7   TAIWAN REGION
MAP  5.5   2010/02/26 00:11:53   -55.908    -5.481  15.0 



IMG_8292See full size imageProphecy Sign: Chapters 2 and 7 tells us the last world empire will be a revived Roman Empire.  This empire will be made up of nations that used to be in the old Roman Empire.  As you know, I hope, America was never in the old Roman Empire, and she will not be a major player in the last days prophecies.  Fact is, when God gave Daniel the out line of the See full size imagefuture world empires, God said nothing about the USA at all!  Those who study Bible prophecy believe the reason why the United States isn’t even one sentence is because she will have fallen away as any kind of power in the last days and therefore was not mentioned.  Daniel was never shown how America would fall away, but we in this last generation can see how that is coming about.  There is no question at the present time when we see all the signs Jesus told us to watch for, that we are seeing the decline of America.  I know what is happening to what was once the most powerful nation in the world is taking place to help set up the last world empire or the revived Roman Empire.  If you are new to my site, down load my free book and read chapter two.  That chapter gives you complete details on who the revived Roman Empire is.  All I want you to understand here at this post is, the last world empire God showed Daniel is already standing and it is only a matter of time before this empire begins its seven year reign with the Antichrist.

See full size imageOne of the ways we see America falling apart is via her economic crisis.  Yesterday I showed you that another 496,000 Americans lost their jobs in February.  I told you more will lose there jobs and today we see at least 23,000 more jobs will be cut.  I quote, “The local economic forecast tied to President Barack Obama’s proposed NASA budget keeps growing bleaker. Revised projections now show that about 23,000 workers at and around Kennedy Space Center will lose their jobs because of the shuttles' retirement and the new proposal to cancel the development of new rockets and spacecraft. That sum includes 9,000 "direct" space jobs and — conservatively speaking — 14,000 "indirect" jobs at hotels, restaurants, retail stores and others that depend on activity at the space center, said Lisa Rice, Brevard Workforce president.”  Get ready to see another 23,000 being taken off the tax base.  If you don’t mind reading, stay with me and you will see how the reduction in the US tax base is helping America decline in power.



See full size imageFirst I want to quote from a section of a report by CBS News. “On April 15, don't be surprised if the line at your local post office is a bit shorter than usual. That's because your neighbors may not be paying any income taxes this year. An astonishing 43.4 percent of Americans now pay zero or negative federal income taxes. The number of single or jointly-filing "taxpayers" – the word must be applied sparingly – who pay no taxes or receive government handouts has reached 65.6 million, out of a total of 151 million. Those numbers come from an analysis published yesterday by the Tax Policy Center, a joint project of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution. Neither is a low-tax or conservative advocacy group; the Urban Institute was created under the Johnson administration during the Great Society era, and it receives most of its funding from the federal government. "You've got a larger and larger share of people paying less and less for the services provided by the federal government," says Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center. "The concern is that the majority can say, 'Let's have more benefits, spend more,' if they're not paying for it. It's 'free.' That's not a good thing to have."   If you have this many people not paying taxes that simple means the US Government doesn’t have enough money to flip the bills any longer.  Now let us add in the number of people who have lost jobs.


See full size imageDid you know 15 million Americans have lost their jobs?  15 million people officially jobless + 6.3 million Americans unemployed for six months or longer”.  “I have been critical of our government because they have done a poor job running our country. I hope we vote all the incumbents out who voted for the 2 wars, the stimulus packages and bailouts. They keep telling us if it wasn’t for them things would be worse. The truth is if it wasn’t for them things wouldn’t be so bad now.  The government has spent billions of dollars to supposedly get this economy going and get unemployment under control, but they failed to both ends. I don’t buy the reports that the economy is better or unemployment is dropping when they take actions to manipulate and distort the numbers by simply not counting people that should be included.  Everyday that I step out, I see more homeless people out on the streets.  We have spent over a trillion dollars on supposedly stimulating the economy and creating jobs, yet I don’t see any of that productivity on main street or the real world where average people live. NY Times: Warm, outgoing and prone to the positive, Ms. Eisen has worked much of her life. Now, she is one of 6.3 million Americans who have been unemployed for six months or longer, the largest number since the government began keeping track in 1948. That is more than double the toll in the next-worst period, in the early 1980s.”  The Washington Examiner reported the following: “For another, the jobless rate is still 9.7 percent – lower than the previous 10 percent, but still nothing to cheer about. And the figures do not include 5.7 million laid-off workers who have used up all their state unemployment benefits and are now receiving extended benefits paid for by the federal government. The extended benefits will expire in March unless Congress intervenes again.  In January a record 6.3 million American workers had been jobless for more than 27 weeks, representing almost half of the unemployed.” 

See full size imageYou don’t have to be an expert in math to figure out what happens when you remove 15 million people out the job market.  You have a trickle down fact to the government where money stops flowing into the coffer. This is what is happening to the US Government and America is showing signs of a coming depression.  When you have 15 million people out of work, you have 15 million people spending less money to stimulate the economy.  As more people lose their jobs the less businesses make.  The less money American businesses make the more lay off you see.  Now let me remind you what Jesus said in part of Matthew 24:7.  There are several signs in this verse.  One of those signs is the sign that kingdom will be against kingdom.  This is a picture of civil unrest!  What do you think is going to happen when 15 million American stay out of work and are taken off the Government handouts?  When America collapses you will witness this civil unrest like you have never seen before. I hear people talking about the social safety net, and you need to understand what is happening with this issue.





See full size imageSee full size imageThis NY Times article gives you information on this social safety net.  “Even as the American economy shows tentative signs of a rebound, the human toll of the recession continues to mount, with millions of Americans remaining out of work, out of savings and nearing the end of their unemployment benefits. Economists fear that the nascent recovery will leave more people behind than in past recessions, failing to create jobs in sufficient numbers to absorb the record-setting ranks of the long-term unemployed.  Call them the new poor: people long accustomed to the comforts of middle-class life who are now relying on public assistance for the first time in their lives — potentially for years to come. Yet the social safety net is already showing severe strains. Roughly 2.7 million jobless people will lose their unemployment check before the end of April unless Congress approves the Obama administration’s proposal to extend the payments, according to the Labor Department.”  Here is the problem.  America doesn’t have the funds to keep these programs going.  When the money stops getting into the hands of millions of the unemployed, you will see some major problems rise.  These are part of the last days birth pains.  This is a real problem and just this morning I received an email telling me they were going to be taken off the list for unemployment benefits.   America if you can not put your people back to work do not expect any job recovery!  I don’t care what Washington tells you, there will be no economic recovery if Americans do reenter the labor force!










See full size imageYahoo New had a report that deals with this issue.  “How do fish get caught? They open their mouth. How do investors get ensnared or misled? They believe in non-existent phenomenons like a 'jobless recovery.' Surprising as it is, for nearly a year, investors have shrugged off mounting jobless claims and rising unemployment as an ingredient that is not really required for an economic recovery.  Yesterday's (2-4-10) announcement by the Department of Labor that claims for unemployment benefits rose by 8,000 to 480,000 sent stocks spiraling.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI: ^DJI), S&P 500 (SNP: ^GSPC), and Nasdaq Composite (Nasdaq: ^IXIC) lost about 3% each, marking the first time in months that concerns over unemployment were raising suspicion.  Does that mean that the trend of the 'new bull market' in stocks has changed? Or are we in for further declines?  The real numbers Today's headline numbers report was that the unemployment numbers, 'surprisingly fell to a five-month low of 9.7%,' according to today's government report. In reality, unemployment spiked to an all-time high of 18%. Yes, 18%! This is the official number reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).” 


Now can you all see why America is not mentioned in the Book of Daniel?  Those of you coming to my site have read my warning about America declining.  Did I not tell you, you would hear more news about this decline?  Today’s news proves what I warned you has come to pass.  I quote, “WASHINGTON, Feb 25 (Reuters) – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday said "outrageous" advice from former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan helped create record U.S. budget deficits that put national security at risk. Appearing before congressional panels to defend the State Department's $52.8 billion budget request for 2011, Clinton said the massive U.S. foreign debt had sapped U.S. strength around the world.”  I want to warn you again, when America is out of money and the dollar is devalued the world is going to look for a new world economic system and a new currency to take the place of the dollar.  What is happening to America is leading this world to the doorway of the reign of the Antichrist.  Always keep this in mind if you haven’t asked Jesus to be your savior yet.  You will see a new One World economic system being born shortly and when you see it, you will also see the Antichrist.  If you see the Antichrist it is because you missed the rapture of the Lord’s Church.  God help any of you who don’t believe in Christ’s signs of the times!  The Reuters reported Clinton also stated, “"We have to address this deficit and the debt of the United States as a matter of national security not only as a matter of economics," Clinton said. "I do not like to be in a position where the United States is a debtor nation to the extent that we are.” Having to rely on foreign creditors hit "our ability to protect our security, to manage difficult problems and to show the leadership that we deserve," she said. "The moment of reckoning cannot be put off forever," she said. "I really honestly wish I could turn the clock back."  I pray to God you really understand what Clinton is referring to when she is speaking about the moment of reckoning?  It is a bankrupt America!



See full size imageProphecy Sign: More signs of the coming Psalms 83 war. I must repeat myself for anyone new to my site.  Psalm 83 tells us the Ishmaelites, Edom, Ammon, Amalek, Hagarenes, Gebal, and the Philistines will attack Israel.  Who are these nations as described as Old Testament territories?  In our modern times, these are the nations of Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Palestinians, and Syria.  Psalm 83: 4 tells us what these nations do when they come together to make a plan concerning Israel. I quote, "Come," they say, "let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more."  In short, the Psalm 83 warns us these nations will come together to council against Israel,  and in coming together they will say will wipe Israel out of existence. 

See full size imageToday, there was more proof for you that the very nations God warned us about are in fact coming together against Israel.  “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah met Thursday evening in Damascus along with their senior advisors, and discussed regional developments and “the zionist threat,” it was revealed Friday. The two were the guests of Syrian President Bashar Assad, who had dinner with the two and participated in the talks. According to Arab media reports, the meeting was not reported upon until after it had taken place for security reasons.  On Thursday Ahmadinejad and Assad together unleashed vicious rhetoric against Israel, with Ahmadinejad declaring that the “criminal” state of Israel is doomed, and Assad charging that Israel “is capable of aggression at any point.”  “The time has come to tell the truth,” Peres said at a memorial service for Joseph Trumpledor in Tel Hai.  “The problem in the Middle East is not the Palestinian problem, which will be solved in a peace process with Israel. The central problem in the Middle East is Iran’s attempt to take control of the Arab Middle East, which is why it is building an atomic bomb, and why it is supporting and developing terror organizations like Hizbullah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza,” Peres said.”

See full size imageNow I have a question for you?  Do you think a meeting like this is a coincidence?  Keep in mind, Damascus is mentioned in this report and Psalm 83 warns us about Syria joining forces with who? Lebanon, which is mentioned in the report, Hizbullah and Hamas are sects of the Palestinians who live in the Gaza which are also mentioned in that Psalm.  By the way, if you are new to my site, both of these Palestinians sects have forces in Syria, Lebanon, and in the Gaza.  This is not the first meeting all of these nations have come together.  I can’t tell you if this is the meeting which we are warned about in Psalm 83.  This could be the meeting or maybe they already had it and this is a follow up to that meeting because tension between all of these nations and Israel are at there highest in a long time?  All I know for sure is God’s warning is coming to pass and soon we will see the final outcome of the meetings.  By the way, there is one more thing. The report above also spoke about the Peace and safety issue.  Paul warned sudden destruction would come at a time when they are calling for Peace and safety.  Everything is coming together at once and if you think this is also a coincidence I don’t know what I could do to get you out of the dark?


See full size imageIn my post yesterday I pointed out the Psalm 83 war will be a religious war because the Arabs want to control East Jerusalem and made it the PLO Capital.  The holy sites in Israel are raising tensions between Israel and the Arabs. These tensions can be seen from reading this news. “Syria's Permanent Delegate to the Arab League Ambassador Youssef Ahmad warned against the Israeli campaign posing unprecedented threats to al-Aqsa Mosque. Heading an Arab League Council meeting in Cairo on Thursday, Ahmad discussed with Arab Delegates means to confront Israel's latest schemes to put Jerusalem under its control and efface its Arabic identity. In a report submitted to the Council's meeting, Head of the Palestinian delegation Othman Abu Gharbieh said Israel's clear-cut policy aims at reducing the percentage of Arab population in Jerusalem to less than 12 percent.”   Get ready people the Peace talks will not give the Arabs Jerusalem and they are coming to try and take it by force!  I understand if you are an Arab you will take offence to this news, but I am only pointing out what God has said in His Word.  Do you want to know who the real Messiah of the world is?  Watch and see if what He stated in Psalm 83 takes place.  When you see what God warned you come to pass, you would be a fool not to get on your knees before the true Messiah, Jesus Christ. 


In my post yesterday I showed you how the some of the Arab nations are preparing for war with Israel.  Today we see news how Israel is getting ready for the next war.  “The IDF announced on Thursday the completion of a major General Staff Headquarters exercise that drilled regional commands, branches and functional directorates in the North and along the border with Gaza.  “The exercise simulated various scenarios, in which soldiers and officers in regular service and the reserves tested their operational preparedness,” the army said in a statement. Management of joint combat methods and cooperation between the air, ground and naval forces were tested under a range of scenarios, the army said. “Multi-arena combat management was also tested, with the support of logistics, intelligence, communications and home front coordination, as was communication between the IDF and the government.”  What breaks my heart is the fact that all these signs are in our face and hardly anyone even knows what these signs mean, and that goes for the majority of the Christians.  I blame this partly on Pastors across the world who do not keep their Churches informed or on the watch as Jesus instructed us to be.  I have found out that many pastors won’t and don’t teach prophecy because it scares people, and as a result their flocks are hung out to dry!  The day is coming when these pastors will have wished they did what Christ asked them to do, and that is to teach the entire world of God which includes prophecy and hell.  There are so many churches around the world who have watered down the gospel to please their flock, that It makes me want to through up.  World events points to every prophecy Jesus warned about See full size imagecoming to pass in our generation and the people need to know it!  Will you help me get this message out if your pastor refuses to warn his flock?  Don’t you think it is time for you to take a stand for Christ?  Why not ask your pastor why he doesn’t keep your church up-to date with the signs of the times.  Point out that Jesus said over and over to keep on the watch!  Are you afraid to speak the truth or to ask questions why the Chruch has become so alseep concerning these last day events?  Chirst is looking for the faithful ones will stand up and say, “that’s it I had enough of playing Chrisitan, it is time I take a stand for what Christ has ordered.  What did He order us?  Did He not say, pick up your cross and follow me?  He did not say pick up your cross and only follow the things that make you feel good.  What is the good news anyway?  Beside the gift of salvation Is it not that Jesus is coming back for those who are saved in Christ?  If you don’t know the signs of His return how in the world are you going to be ready?  Someone has to take the lead to sake up the Church.  Sometimes I want to grap it by the shoulders and shake it until it wakes up from the coma Satan has apparently put it in.  Wake up Church, it is time to get ready, it is time to go into the fields because the harvest is ready!  Stop waiting for someone else to go for you.  Jesus is asking you the same question He asked Peter. “ Do you love me? “ .  I will also tell you what Christ told Peter. “ Go feed my sheep!” 


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Prophecy Sign: Tis a war that will take place once the Psalm 83 war is finished.  That is the war in which the Prophet Ezekiel warns us about in Ezek. Chapter 38.  I want to tie in news from today that may show you a reason why two nations mentioned in the Ezekiel prophecy would join in on the invasion of Israel.  Ezekiel told us Turkey and Libya would be part of the attacking force against the tiny nation of Israel.  In my newest up-dated book of “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth I have a new section that deals with the Psalm 83 war.  If you read that new section when it comes out and chapter 10 you will see all the treaties and pacts these nations have made with one another.  Today we see news on this subject.  Prime Minister Mohammad Naji Otri and Turkish Minister of State for Economic Affairs Zafer Caglayan on Wednesday discussed means of bolstering the standing cooperation between Syria and Turkey. The talks dealt with enhancing investment and economic cooperation, increasing the volume of trade exchange and strengthening business relations in the interest of the two countries.  


See full size imageMinister of Finance Mohammad al-Hussein on Thursday called for increasing trade exchange with Libya through establishing a sea transport line and further supporting the Syrian-Libyan Businessmen Council. At a meeting of the Ministerial Committee of the 5th Syrian-Libyan Higher Committee session in Tripoli, al-Hussein said many agreements and memos of understanding on bilateral cooperation are being prepared to be signed at the upcoming Higher Committee meetings.


Here is what I see taking place in the very near future.  Because Syria has all these agreements, friendships, military pacts, and economic pacts with Turkey and Libya, when they see Syria get wiped out by Israel during the Psalm 83 war they will join Russia and the other Muslims nations and go after Israel.  The Middle East is so connected that one prophecy will lead to the other.

See full size imageProphecy Sign:  There are so many signs being fulfilled now that we know our time left on this Earth is drawing to a close.  If you are one of those people left behind you will be scared, confused, and upset, and you will need to know what to do and how to do it.  This is not a joke!  Jesus warned us that the same thing that took place during Noah's generation is going to take place again, and it was going to happen in this generation.  Noah was told to tell the people to get ready to leave for safety in the ark because God was going to destroy the earth with a flood.  No one listened to Noah and as a result everyone apart from Noah's family were killed. As the flood waters began to lift the ark off the ground, people tried to cling to the ark for safety, but it was to late for them.  Now listen to the warning Jesus has given us again concerning the final days or our generation.See full size image "For as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark.  And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Matthew 24 37-39).  This is a special warning.  One of the signs of Noah’s generation was they had turned away from God’s teachings and as a result they turned to the lusts of the flesh.  Noah’s generation turned to homosexuality.  Jesus said the same things would have to this generation and they are.  State after state is now either changing same sex laws or allowing marriages from other states.  Homosexuality has become the norm as it was during Noah’s time.  Today we are told, “Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler (D) declared Wednesday that Maryland will recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere and that its agencies should immediately begin affording gay married couples the same rights as heterosexual ones.”  The closer we get to the beginning of the tribulation the worse our society will become.  This is one of the signs of the birth pains.



See full size imageIt is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

See full size imageHeavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. 

Evening update for today’s post. New video added & war and rumors of war./Last days power shift is under way/Economic crisis/Peace and safety and war signs/ China in prophecy/ Feb. 25, 2010



Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora  (FREE)


See full size imageProphecy Sign: Is America falling away as a superpower? According to the Book of Daniel, God said the last world empire was going to be a revived Roman Empire. The people who studied the books of Daniel and Revelation understand that America will not play a role as a major power in the last days. Daniel never even mentions America. We believe that America will fall away as a power to give way to the revived Roman Empire and that is exactly what we are witnessing right now. One of the signs America is falling away as a superpower can be found in what is happening to her economy. For almost two year now I have warned you of America’s collapse when her dollar dies, and she is cast into another depression. Back in 2008, I warned you to watch the news because each month you would see hundreds of thousands of Americans lose their jobs. Today I got up and prayered about what I should write. I was compelled to check out the top 100 biggest cites and see what their debts were? I wanted to show you all just how bad things have gotten in the good old USA, where at one time the world said, America was the land of the plenty and anyone that wanted a job could find one. In the past two years everything has changed as city after city moves toward filing for bankruptcy.

Today I searched the Net for the Top 100 Biggest Cities to get stats on their debt. I was going to take the time to give you facts on each city but that would take to long so I only hit four cities, and the facts are below. As you can see for yourself, the cities I reported on are in a deep economic crisis. After searching the city of Phoenix I came across a Forbes site that listed each US State. The Forbes site gives you complete details on the amount of debt, and other stats on each state. To review each US. State all you have to do is click on the State. After I gave you info on the State of Washington I had the urge to see what the new unemployment rate for the US was for Feb. 2010. You will find the stats below as well.


New York City New York's debt level of $64.8 billion is higher than ever



See full size imageLos Angeles: In a two-hour, closed-door session on Thursday, the Los Angeles City Council voted to cut 3,000 jobs from the city's payroll. The measure passed by a 9-3 vote.” “The entire political establishment has demonstrated its determination to snap into line and implement the necessary cuts. Los Angeles, the second largest city in the nation, is currently experiencing a budget shortfall of $212 million, which is projected to grow to $415 million in fiscal year 2010-2011.” “LOS ANGELES – Cash-strapped Los Angeles is going to the dogs — literally. The City Council voted Tuesday to have two departments share information in order to track down people who haven't licensed their pets. Council President Eric Garcetti estimates two-thirds of the city's dogs are unlicensed. Licenses cost $15 for a sterilized dog and $100 for an unaltered pet. Getting all dogs licensed would mean at least an additional $3.6 million in fees to the city.”




See full size imageCity of Chicago: Chicago is facing a $420 million budget hole, city budget officials announced Thursday. They project a $141 million shortfall this year that will balloon to $420 million by 2009.



See full size imageCity of Houston: “To Bob Lemer, conservative tax accountant and longtime critic of City Hall, the answer is an emphatic no. Lemer said a 2008 audit of Houston’s finances over the past five years shows the city in the red to the tune of $1.5 billion if it were to do its books like a private company”



City of Phoenix: “In an e-mail to city employees Tuesday, City Manager David Cavazos said the budget shortfall for the current fiscal year and next fiscal year is a combined $245 million, or 22 percent of the general fund that pays for police and fire protection, libraries, and other basic services.  That approaches the record $270 million that was cut last year from the budget, including a $156 million hit to city services.


Pennsylvania: 950 million in debt.


Washingston: 513 million in debt.


NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — The number of Americans filing for initial unemployment insurance surged to just below the 500,000 level last week, and have climbed more than 12% over the past two weeks, the government said Thursday. There were 496,000 initial job claims filed in the week ended Feb. 20, up 22,000 from a revised 474,000 the previous week, the Labor Department said in a weekly report. The prior week, there were 442,000 claims filed.” The report went on to state, “Continuing claims: The government said 4,617,000 people filed continuing claims in the week ended Feb. 13, the most recent data available. That's up 6,000 from the preceding week's revised 4,611,000 claims. The 4-week moving average for ongoing claims rose by 4,250 to 4,600,750 from the previous week's revised 4,596,500.”




Why can’t we feed our people? ( click to link to view video)



See full size imageWhat is the point to all this news? I am trying to show you that the superpower that was rated number one has already begun to fall away. America is losing her strength and she is losing it fast! This is happening in part because we are moving closer to the beginning of the seven year tribulation, and the last world empire has to take the number one position. I expect thousands of people to flood my web site when they see what I have been warning them come to pass. I am telling you right now, it is not a matter of if this will happen, but only when it will take place. The fact is the US has run out of money and the government is holding up the dam with a band-aid. If you think I am over stating this crisis I ask you to take a challenge. Look up the biggest US cities and check out how much debt each one of these cites in under? You are going to find that the majority of US cities are in the same shape. Everyone is trying to hold things together by laying people off. Just about every week now I am witnessing news telling us that police forces are being cut, fire stations are closing down, government buildings are going up for rent, city’s and county’s are either making cuts or are making employees take days off without pay. Schools are closing, more teachers are losing their jobs, These things are taking place at the same time we are seeing health care companies asking for 20-30% rate hikes. The cost of living is rising faster than ever and that includes food prices. I pray you listen to what I am saying because I am only pointing to things I see found in prophecy. While it is true America is not mentioned and there is nothing written how she fell away, we living in this generation can see how that is coming about. If God told Daniel there would be a last days power shift then you can count on seeing it take place, and it is.

While America will not play a role as a major power, Jesus shows us China will. When you read chapter 12 of my book I show you China’s role during the tribulation. Christ gives us details about an army of 200 million men from the East that will cross the River Euphrates and attack the West. You can find what Jesus said in Rev. 9:14-16 and Rev. 16:12. China is coming powerful because they will fulfill prophecy, and the world right now is already telling us China is overtaking the US as a leading superpower. Let me give you an example of this.

See full size imageProphecy Sign: Jesus in Matthew 24:7 also tells us we will hear rumors of war. Beside the rumors of a new Middle Ease war North Korea is sound war drums again. I quote. “North Korea threatened a "powerful" attack if the United States and South Korea proceed with joint military drills next month, warning Thursday that it could even resort to nuclear means. The threat, routinely issued before South Korea and the United States embark on regularly scheduled military exercises, was made just hours after President Barack Obama's special envoy to North Korea arrived in Seoul for discussions about the North. Communist North Korea, believed to have enough weaponized plutonium to make at least a half-dozen atomic bombs, quit six-nation disarmament-for-aid negotiations last year. It also conducted a nuclear test, earning stricter U.N. sanctions.”


See full size imageI quote, “Facing high unemployment and a difficult economy, most Americans think the United States will have a smaller role in the world economy in the coming years, and many believe that while the 20th century may have been the "American Century," the 21st century will belong to China. These results come from a new Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted during a time of significant tension between Washington and Beijing. "China's on the rise," said Wayne Nunnery, 56, a retired U.S. Air Force employee from Bexar, Tex., who was one of 1,004 randomly selected adults polled. "I don't worry about a Chinese century, but I do wonder how it's going to be for my three sons." Asked whether this century would be more of an "American Century" or more of a "Chinese Century," Americans divide evenly in terms of the economy (41 percent say Chinese, 40 percent American) and tilt toward the Chinese in terms of world affairs (43 percent say Chinese, 38 percent American). A slim majority say the United States will play a diminished role in the world's economy this century, and nearly half see the country's position shrinking in world affairs more generally. The results are consistent with recent polls by Gallup, the Pew Research Center and others that have tracked a significant public concern about China's growing prominence on the world stage, as its economy has expanded into what is arguably the second-biggest in the world. In 2000, for example, when the U.S. economy was booming, 65 percent of Americans polled by Gallup said the United States had the world's strongest economy. By last year, the United States and China ran neck-and-neck on the question.” I can assure you that in the near future the Antichrist and China will bump heads. In any case the nations who are suppose to increase in power are in fact doing so. You have a choice to accept what Christ has warned us and join Him, or you can deny His truths and find yourself in the hear of the tribulation.


Prophecy Sign: Yesterday I recorded a new radio/video show that gives an update on the Psalms war and the call for Peace and safety. Both of these are prophecies that in the process of being fulfilled. The nations listed to attack Israel in Psalm 83 are coming together while we are hearing all of them calling for peace and safety. As you can see from my previous post tensions between Israel and the Arabs is increasing, so let me again give you the latest news concerning the call for peace and safety.

I quote, “WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday she hopes long-stalled peace talks between Israelis and the Palestinians will resume. Her assessment comes as the Obama administration criticized Israel for designating two shrines on Palestinian territory as national heritage sites. Groundwork is being laid to restart the talks with the help of U.S. envoy George Mitchell, Clinton told a congressional committee. She didn't say exactly when the negotiations might resume but her remarks come amid a flurry of U.S. diplomatic activity in the region. They come as the United States, Russia and their Mideast peace partners are trying to organize a strategy session among top diplomats in the Russian capital next month to prod the two sides to relaunch the negotiations. "We hope that that will commence shortly," Clinton told the Senate Appropriations Committee, referring to Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. "We think it is absolutely necessary that they begin to talk about the final-status issues that divide them, that have perpetuated the conflict over all of these years." Underscoring those difficulties, the State Department on Wednesday sharply criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government for adding two shrines in the West Bank to Israel's list of national heritage sites. The move, announced Sunday, sparked Palestinian protests and has drawn criticism from other quarters, including the United Nations.” The Prophet Zechariah warned us In Zech 12:3 that the entire world would come against Israel and from this report you can see the UN has.


See full size imageWhile Clinton is pressing to end the stalled peace talks the nations listed to attack Israel are meeting today in Syria. I quote, “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Damascus Thursday morning for talks amid rising tensions between Israel and its Arab neighbors and US efforts to break up Syria' alliance with Tehran. During his visit, Ahmadinejad is expected to meet his Syrian counterpart Bashar Assad as well as officials from the terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah. Ahmadinejad said the talks will focus on "reaching new decisions on the possible threats" from Israel, adding that Iran and Syria "stand at the forefront of the resistance to the Zionist regime." I know one thing for a absolute fact. Everyone who knows God Word and is on the watch for the last days signs, knows these events are leading up to the prophecies which have not yet been fulfilled. There are many reports by news agencies stating that a new war between Israel and their bordering nations may happen in 2010. I am sure this is one of the reasons why Clinton is pressing both side to get back to the peace talks! If you are new to prophecy and you haven’t read the Psalm 83 you need to know that Israel is going win that war and Damascus will be wiped out just as the prophet warned in Isaiah 17:1.


Iran’s fate will come latter on when Iran attacks Israel with Russia as the Prophet Ezekiel shows us in Ezekiel chapter 38. Iran has warned over and over again what their intension are for the State of Israel and they are in line with what God warned us in the Ezekiel prophecy. The news today shows us more of the same from Iran. I quote, “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday that Arab nations will usher in a new Middle East without Zionists and without colonialists. Ahmadinejad made the comments during his visit in Syria, where he met with President Bashar Assad, opening a two-day visit that follows U.S. efforts to break up Syria's 30-year alliance with Tehran. The Iranian president also said that "if the Zionist regime wants to repeat its past mistakes, this will constitute its demise and annihilation." Anyone who has read the Ezekiel prophecy knows the outcome of that war. It will be the same as the Psalms war, Israel will defeat all the nations that come against them will the aid of God! Now if you are an unbeliever, all I can say to you is wait and see what happens? You will find out the hard way that God’s Word never fails


See full size imageProphecy Sign: One of the last day’s signs we are instructed to keep on the watch for is the sign of disease. This sign is found in Matthew 24:7. There was news about this sign today from the BBC. “Parasites are developing resistance to one of the most important anti-malaria drugs, according to experts. Artimisinin has been highly effective, particularly in places where resistance to other drugs has developed. But now some patients along Cambodia's border with Thailand are taking longer to respond to the treatment.


See full size imageProphecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 is the sign of many earthquakes.

MAP  5.0  2010/02/25 11:26:36  -23.765  -175.713 
MAP 5.2  2010/02/25 08:03:41   51.703   -176.019 

MAP  5.0  2010/02/25 04:56:57   25.536   101.919 39.2 

MAP  5.6  2010/02/25 03:15:03   11.045   -86.312 24.0 

Ministry info:

“The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” July 7, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.

Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora

Are you really searching to know the truth?

Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.

If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at fjdimora@gmail.com. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.

Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To get to the prayer requests and prayer up-dates click to the following link below:



http://www.theedgeam.com/perspectives/last_chronicles/index.htm  July 12, 2011 show is now playing for you at the above link. All of my radio/video shows can be seen at The Edge, just click to link.

NO RAPTURE FOR DOG What it will be like when the rapture hits.

Rapture of the Church in English:  Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHTr.pdf By Frank DiMora

Rapture of the Church in Spanish:  Download ATHIEFINTHENIGHT-S[1].pdf By Frank DiMora

Éxtasis de la iglesia en español: Transfiera ATHIEFINTHENIGHT-S [1] .pdf de Frank DiMora

Rapture of the Church in Afrikaans – One of the 11 official languages of South Africa.   Download ATHIEFINTHENIGHT-AFRIKAANS

Rapture of the Church in German: Download A THIEF

See full size imageIt is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.


See full size imageHeavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.


The Joining/No peace what next?/Feb. 24, 2010






To Join my prayer team or ask for prayer click to the following link below.  Once at the site look for (email me) just under the subcribe box at the top left hand corner.


If the Lord leads you to help me print more books contact me at: Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To inquire about having a prophecy seminar  contact me a


You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you get the email just click the link and you will be ready to receive my updates.

See full size imageI invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Dec. 15, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

My radio/video show is up at: the link below:

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Prophecy Sign: Once again I have to relay information about the signs of the coming Psalms 83 war.  If you are new to my site, Psalm 83 tells us the Ishmaelites, Edom, Ammon, Amalek, Hagarenes, Gebal, and the Philistines will attack Israel.  Who are these nations as described as Old Testament territories?  In our modern times, these are the nations of Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Palestinians, and Syria.  Today’s there was more proof for you that the very nations God warned us about are in fact coming together against Israel.  “Syria’s Foreign Minister Walid Moallem announced that Damascus will come to Lebanon’s aid should the latter be attacked by Israel. Meanwhile, Lebanon declared that it will be fighting alongside Hezbollah. Syria too promised to get involved in case of an Israeli attack on Hezbollah. At the same time, Iran declared that it will stand by Syria or Lebanon should they be attacked by Israel.  Nasrallah’s deputy, Naim Qassem, summed it up: Syria, Lebanon, Hezbollah, and the Palestinians will all face Israel together in the next war. For dessert, Khaled Mashaal announced that Hamas too will be taking part in it. This explicit collective threat is new and dangerous. Never before had Syria openly provided Lebanon and Hezbollah with a military assurance, thereby granting the organization the key to starting a regional war. Never before had all of this enjoyed an openly declared Iranian military umbrella.”

What you are witnessing from these nations mentioned above is in part happening because of the stalled or failed peace talks.  One might think that the world has gone nuts.  How can people call for Peace and safety and at the same time prepare for war.  It seems logical that those who want peace and safety would sit down and discuss how to bring about peace.  This is a very touchy subject for both the Arabs and Israel.  Not only has the tensions increased in the Middle East but the lack of progress for peace has spread around the world.  I want to give you an example of this in the video's below.  









Today I am going to give the same message that John the Baptist gave just before Jesus Christ came the first time.  Repent and come to Jesus Christ salvation, because your Lord and Savior is coming soon.  Who has warned you to flee the things coming upon an unbelieving generation?  Hasn’t Christ by His Holy Spirit shown you these things before they take?  Who is like our Lord Christ?  Wash your robes in the Lambs blood that you are made clean before God.  Today is the day of salvation for tomorrow may bring your judgment.  

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/1,7340,L-385 2989,00.html


See full size imageSee full size image

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. 

DiMora Ministry is proud to sponsor of the House of Samual.  100% of all funds from the sales are given to the House of Samuel.  Below is a picture of the shirts.  The shirt portrays my latest book (front of shirt) and ministry information (back of shirt).  To order shirts and find more information about the House of Samuel, click to their link below.  The shirts are $15.00 each or three for $35.00.


War between Iran and the West is imminent/ Feb. 23, 2010





To Join my prayer team or ask for prayer click to the following link below.  Once at the site look for (email me) just under the subcribe box.


If the Lord leads you to help me print more books contact me at: Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To inquire about having a prophecy seminar  contact me a


You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you get the email just click the link and you will be ready to receive my updates.

See full size imageI invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Dec. 15, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

My radio/video show is up at: the link below:

See full size image


See full size imageBesides reading news that Iran will be going to war with Israel soon we are also hearing the words of Christ in Matthew 24:7.  In this verse Christ told us we would hear humors of war.  He also warns that we would see wars break out.  The rumor of that Israel will engage Iran soon isn’t a rumor at all.  I know this because the Prophet Ezekiel told us Iran would join with Russia in the last days and attack Israel.  Here is more news about what is headed our way.  I quote, “In recent articles, editors of Arab dailies assessed that a war between Iran and the West is imminent, and did not rule out the possibility that the Arabs would take part in it. The editor of the Al-Quds Al-Arabi daily, 'Abd Al-Bari 'Atwan, wrote that the war would change the face of the region, and the fate of Israel's occupation would be like that of the Nazi regime after World War II; the editor of the Egyptian daily Al-Gumhouriyya, Muhammad 'Ali Ibrahim, stated that Iran has already made the first move towards war; and Al-Sharq Al-Awsat editor Tariq Alhomayed stated that whatever happens – whether Iran acquires nuclear weapons or a war breaks out to prevent it from acquiring them – the Arabs will become victims of the Iranian regime. Following are excerpts from the editorials:

Al-Quds Al-Arabi Editor: If Israel Attacks Iran, Syria Is Likely to Fire Tens of Thousands of Missiles at Israel, Some with Chemical and Biological Warheads

'Abd Al-Bari 'Atwan, editor of the London daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi, wrote in a February 13 editorial that if Israel attacks Iran, Syria is likely to respond with a brutal attack against it: "[Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad's declaration that his country is a 'nuclear nation'… and that it can enrich uranium to above 80%, exposes the real aim of Iran's nuclear program – that is, to produce nuclear warheads. In a phone conversation with Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, he demanded that Syria wage war against Israel and eliminate this country if it launches an attack in the region (on Iran). In my view, this is the most important development, particularly in light of the fact that [Ahmadinejad's] demand comes at a time of stepped-up preparations for war [by Israel]”  The editor who wrote this is from Egypt and Psalms 83 tells us that Egypt will be attacking Israel in that war.  Syria as you know by know is included in this war.  I can see how both of these wars can start.  Israel attacks Iran.  Syria counter that attack with their Arab Brothers that border Israel.  These armies are wiped out by Israel and then Iran along with Russia and the nations listed in Ezekiel 38 will make their move against Israel thinking they are going to wipe Israel off the map.  Events in the Middle East are as hot as they can be, and I am stunned that these wars haven’t taken place yet.  However, everything is done in God’s timing.  We may not know the very day these attacks against Israel will take place, but the signs of the times show us they are coming fast!


Anyone who wants me to lead them to Salvation in Christ Jesus please email me at fjdimora@gmail.com., it would be a blessing from God to add your soul into His Book of Life.

Preparing for the Worst/Netanyahu to Obama: Stop Iran-Or I Will/ Feb. 23, 2010





If the Lord leads you to help me print more books contact me at: Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To inquire about having a prophecy seminar  contact me a


You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you get the email just click the link and you will be ready to receive my updates.

See full size imageI invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Dec. 15, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

All of my radio/video shows areup at the link below:

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This week the show will begin at 6PM EST on Friday Feb. 26, 2010

See full size imageProphecy Sign:  On my post this morning I gave you a host of signs showing you the Psalms 83 war is coming soon.  There are signs today that speak to us about the Ezekiel war as well.  An MSN report today gave reasons why the U.S. would not attack Iran’s nuclear weapons sites.  I quote, “Let's be serious for a moment. President Barack Obama will not bomb Iran. This is not because he is a liberal, or because he is a peacenik, or because he doesn't have the guts to try and "save" his presidency in this time-honored manner, as Sarah Palin said she would like him to do.  The president will not bomb Iran's nuclear installations for precisely the same reasons that George W. Bush did not bomb Iran's nuclear installations: because we don't know exactly where they all are, because we don't know whether such a raid could stop the Iranian nuclear program for more than a few months, and because Iran's threatened response—against Israelis and U.S. troops, via Iran's allies in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and Lebanon—isn't one we want to cope with at this precise moment. Nor do we want the higher oil prices that would instantly follow. No U.S. president doing a sober calculation would want to start a new war of choice while U.S. troops are still actively engaged on two other fronts, and no U.S. president could expect public support for more than a nanosecond.  But even if Obama does not bomb Iran, that doesn't mean that no one else will. At the moment, when Washington is consumed by health care and the implications of the Massachusetts Senate special election, it may seem as if Obama's most important legacy, positive or negative, will be domestic. In the future, we may not consider any of this at all important. The defining moment of his presidency may well come at 2 a.m. some day, when he picks up the phone and is told that the Israeli prime minister is on the line: Israel has just carried out a raid on Iranian nuclear sites. What then?” (MSN Feb. 22, 2010). 

See full size imageAt this point I want to break away from the MSN report to cite to you what Israel’s Prime Minister stated to Obama back in March of 2009. You will see how the MSN report connects with this report from The Atlantic. I quote from the Atlantic entitled “Netanyahu to Obama: Stop Iran-Or I Will”.  In an interview conducted shortly before he was sworn in today as prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu laid down a challenge for Barack Obama. The American president, he said, must stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons—and quickly—or an imperiled Israel may be forced to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities itself”. “In unusually blunt language, Netanyahu said of the Iranian leadership, “You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs. When the wide-eyed believer gets hold of the reins of power and the weapons of mass death, then the entire world should start worrying, and that is what is happening in Iran.”  Unlike the U.S., the Prime Minister of Israel knows the war with Iran would be to the life or death or Israel.  This is way I believe Israel will have no recourse but to try and stop Iran’s nuclear weapons program. 

Now I want to get back to the MSN report.  The report continues “At some point in the future, that calculation could change. Since Americans often assume that everyone else perceives the world the same way we do, it is worth repeating the obvious here: Many Israelis regard the Iranian nuclear program as a matter of life and death. The prospect of a nuclear Iran isn't an irritant or a distant threat. It is understood directly in the context of the Iranian president's provocative attacks on Israel's right to exist and of his public support for historians who deny the Holocaust. If you want to make Israelis paranoid, hint that they might be the target of an attempted mass murder. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad does exactly that. If that ever happened, the 2 a.m. phone call would be followed by retaliation, some of which would be directed at us, our troops in Iraq, our ships at sea. I don't want this to happen, but I do want us to be prepared if it does. Contrary to Palin, I do not think Obama would restore the fortunes of his presidency by bombing Iran, like a character out of the movie wag the Dog. But I do hope that this administration is ready, militarily and psychologically, not for a war of choice but for an unwanted war of necessity. This is real life, after all, not Hollywood.”

Frankly, all these signs blow me away because they are exactly what we are supposed to witness. I am blown away because I know how close the Church is to being taken to Christ at the rapture.  I am in love with Christ for saving me and allowing me to see the truth about these last days.  I am in love with Christ for blessing me with the gift to connect all these last days events for others.  While the world is falling apart all around me, Jesus has given me peace.  You can have the peace of Christ in the midst of all these troubles.  All you do is have to do is turn your life over to the Lord.  I pray that more of you will get excited enough to warn you family and friends concerning the things that Christ has passed on to you via my work for Him at this site.





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It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. 

DiMora Ministry is proud to sponsor of the House of Samual.  100% of all funds from the sales are given to the House of Samuel.  Below is a picture of the shirts.  The shirt portrays my latest book (front of shirt) and ministry information (back of shirt).  To order shirts and find more information about the House of Samuel, click to their link below.  The shirts are $15.00 each or three for $35.00.


Call for war from the Hamas/France and the call for Peace and safety/Iran and Turkey give signs of the Ezekiel war/Banks closing?/Feb. 23, 2010






If the Lord leads you to help me print more books contact me at: Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

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You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you get the email just click the link and you will be ready to receive my updates.

See full size imageI invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Dec. 15, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

My radio/video show is up at: the link below:

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Prophecy Sign: As we wait for Christ to come back for His Church, we know there are only a few prophecies left to be fulfilled before the rapture takes place. One of these prophecies is the Psalms 83 war which I have been writing about almost on a daily bases now.  If you are new to my site you may site have  missed my previous posts where I warned every one, I believe this Psalms 83 war will break out soon for two main reasons.  The first reason is the Palestinian’s what the holy city of East Jerusalem back, which they lost to Israel in the 1967 war. Secondly, the PLO has been trying to use the Middle East peace talks not only to get East Jerusalem back, but to also get their own State with in the State of Israel.  In my previous posts I told everyone several times, I believe the next war will be found over the rights of this holy city.  It appears I have evidence this will be the case.  News out of the Middle East today stated, “Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh on Tuesday called on Palestinians in the West Bank to "rise up" against Israel over a plan to restore two contested holy sites in the territory.  See full size imageIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sparked outrage on Sunday when he said he hoped to include Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem and the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron in a national heritage plan.”  “Netanyahu told his cabinet on Sunday he intended to include the Tomb of the Patriarchs and several other Jewish religious shrines in territory Israel captured in a 1967 war in a $107 million plan to restore Jewish heritage sites.” The Temple Mount is included in land taken in the 1967 war.  The report went on to state,  “Khaled Esseleh, the mayor of Hebron, said: "I'm hoping there won't be more clashes but this is a very sensitive religious issue, and Netanyahu just lit the fire."  Palestinians are calling the move an attempt to seize land and holy sites on Israeli-occupied land where they hope to build a future state.”  As the sounds of the peace talks are fading away the sound of the war drums are increasing.  This goes hand in hand with Paul’s warning from I Thess. 5:3 where we are told sudden destruction would come at a time when they are calling for Peace and safety. 


See full size imageThe Hamas Prime Minister wasn't the only one talking about war. "Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Tuesday that adding the Cave of Patriarchs and Rachel's Tomb to the list of national heritage sites was a dangerous provocation which may spur a religious war.”


 See full size imageThe warning about the call for Peace and safety was heard again today.  “PARIS: Middle East peace talks must be restarted to avoid a “catastrophe,” French President Nicolas Sarkozy declared Monday, adding that he and visiting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has discussed a new initiative for the region.  But Sarkozy backed off the notion of declaring a Palestinian state before borders with Israel are defined, as suggested by France’s foreign minister.  “We think the end of discussions makes the bed of extremists,” Sarkozy said at a joint news conference with Abbas. “If there are no talks … we take the risk, the international community, of a third Intifada,” Sarkozy said. “If we do nothing it will be a catastrophe,” he added.”  In case you don’t know what the Intifada is let me explain. The Second Intifada, also known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada (Arabic: انتفاضة الأقصى‎, Intifāat El Aqa; Hebrew: אינתיפאדת אל-אקצה‎, Intifādat El-Aqtzah) was the second Palestinian uprising, a period of intensified Palestinian-Israeli violence, which began in late September 2000. "Al-Aqsa" is the name of a prominent Muslim mosque, constructed in the 8th century CE at the Temple Mount in the Old city of Jerusalem, a location considered the holiest site in Judaism and third holiest in Islam. "Intifada" (also translitered Intifadah) is an Arabic word that literally translates into English as "shaking off".  As you can see from the meaning of Intifada the next war will take place over the ownership of these Islamic holy sites just as I have been warning you.  Sarkozy may not know Bible prophecy however, the catastrophe he is warning about is know doubt the Psalms 83 war.


See full size imageSee full size imageIf God warns you of something should you think it is possible what He has warned will come to pass?  For all of you who think God’s Word is a waste of time maybe you should look at this headline.  I quote, 'Lebanon army should seek help from Iran, Syria'” In the Psalm’s 83 war God told us Lebanon, Syria, and other Arabs nations were going to attack Israel.  If God told you Lebanon and Syria would join forces in the last days is there proof this is taking place right now?  I will let today’s news give you that answer.  I quote,“A member of Lebanon's parliament has called on the country's military to expand its defensive capability through extensive cooperation with Iran and Syria. "Iran and Syria are the only states willing to assist our country in building a powerful military," Nawaf al Mousawi told lawmakers at the Lebanese Majlis. Speaking a week after the movement's Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah indicated a new approach toward Israeli aggression against Lebanon, al Mousawi added that "neither the United States nor Europe will provide Lebanon with what it needs to defend itself from Israel."  All I can say is, I am glad I am a child of Christ.  Each day I have hope that today will be the day Jesus comes for me to lead me to safety at the rapture.  I know soon I will be taken away with all the other Brothers and Sisters who have taken Jesus as his or her savior.  I know that the Psalms war will be a gauge to how close the rapture really is.  Fact is, Jesus can come for us today.  The point is this, are you ready to go?






See full size imageIf God warns you of something should you think it is possible what He has warned will come to pass?  For all of you who think God’s Word is a waste of time maybe you should look at this headline.  I quote, 'Lebanon army should seek help from Iran, Syria'” In the Psalm’s 83 war God told us Lebanon, Syria, and other Arabs nations were going to attack Israel.  If God told you Lebanon and Syria would join forces in the last days is there proof this is taking place right now?  I will let today’s news give you that answer.  I quote,” A member of Lebanon's parliament has called on the country's military to expand its defensive capability through extensive cooperation with Iran and Syria. "Iran and Syria are the only states willing to assist our country in building a powerful military," Nawaf al Mousawi told lawmakers at the Lebanese Majlis. Speaking a week after the movement's Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah indicated a new approach toward Israeli aggression against Lebanon, al Mousawi added that "neither the United States nor Europe will provide Lebanon with what it needs to defend itself from Israel."  All I can say is, I am glad I am a child of Christ.  Each day I have hope that today will be the day Jesus comes for me to lead me to safety at the rapture.  I know soon I will be taken away with all the other Brothers and Sisters who have taken Jesus as his or her savior.  I know that the Psalms war will be a gauge to how close the rapture really is.  Fact is, Jesus can come for us today.  The point is this, are you ready to go?  We know Iran is not going to attack Israel in the Psalms 83 war, because Ezekeil 38 tells us Iran will be involved in the Russian lead invasion of Israel.  I do believe however, there will probably be some troops who are stationed in the Gaza and Lebanon right now from Iran that will be caught in the Psalms war when it breaks out.  When the nations attacking Israel are wiped out this news is going to tick the other Muslims nations off including Iran and Turkey which are two of the nation listed in the Ezekeil war.http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=119218&sectionid=351020203

See full size imageTurkey who has recently made new alliances with Iran and have now taken odds with Israel issued a warning about Israel attacking Iran.  I quote, “Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned of an Israeli strike in Iran, saying it would lead to a "disaster in the entire region."  In an interview to Spanish newspaper El Pais published on Monday, the Turkish PM responded to a question on the results of a pre-emptive Israeli strike in the Islamic Republic saying, "this would have unforeseeable consequences that I would not even want to imagine.  I know what God has written for the last days and I truly believe the Unforeseeable consequences Erdogan is talking about will end up fulfilling the Ezekiel 38 war.  If you keep watching the news with me, you will see all the nations for the Psalms war are coming together as well as all the nations for the Ezekiel 38 war.  My book will provide you all the details and help make the prophecy picture much clearer for you. 


JERUSALEM — An Israeli archaeologist said Monday that ancient fortifications recently excavated in Jerusalem date back 3,000 years to the time of King Solomon and support the biblical narrative about the era.  If the age of the wall is correct, the finding would be an indication that Jerusalem was home to a strong central government that had the resources and manpower needed to build massive fortifications in the 10th century B.C.


See full size imageIn chapter one of my book I show you how America is declining as a superpower.  I give you these details because Daniel’s book showing us there is going to be a major power shift in the last days that will lead to the revived Roman Empire becoming the last world empire.  After is being reduced as a major power and her economic crisis is one of the major factors bringing her down.  In chapter one I point the number of banks that have failed since the recession began in 2007.  From time to time I show you how many banks have failed.  I do this because it is proof the U.S. way of life is going to be changed dramatically soon.  The signs of the first depression are again showing up in this present economic crisis. 

I just came across this article and the timing of it couldn't be better.  There are preparations being made to close the banks.  The Fed raises the discount rate for the banks and at the same time we hear of a new regulation being put into place by Citigroup.  When you read this article you will see that the new regulations are going to take effect on April 1, 2010.  Here is the official statement by Citigroup in regards to this.   "Effective April 1, 2010, we reserve the right to require (7) days advance notice before permitting a withdrawal from all checking accounts. While we do not currently exercise this right and have not exercised it in the past, we are required by law to notify you of this change,”

This does not say some checking accounts but it says ALL checking accounts.  The update they give is a little confusing and a bit misleading by trying to infer that it is only for those accounts that have the higher balances.  The fact is, the FDIC is in the center of this and if the FDIC is either going to crash or be closed down then the banks will seal themselves up tighter than a drum, and they'll do it before the next economic crisis hits which looks like it's coming soon.  It won't matter how much money is in your checking account and when it happens it will freeze both checking and saving accounts.  If Citigroup is planning this then so is everybody else.  I wouldn't be surprised if many of those who have accounts with Citigroup withdraw their money before April 1 and put it in a smaller bank somewhere.  One day in the very near future we are all going to be in for a very big surprise and it won't be pleasant.  At the first sign of a panic the banks will shut down.

I expect that the big market sell-off that is definitely going to come will probably be what sets this off.  The stock market is not an indicator of how the economy is doing but it is a good indicator of how close we are to the crash.  It's already down about 6 points from the beginning of the year and it's more or less in a holding pattern now.  There isn't a significant move either up or down which is showing an uncertainty by investors that they really don't know what's coming next.  I like to refer to the stock market as a house of cards.  One little puff (disturbance) in world events with either the EUs financial woes with Greece and a few others or the first signs of rising inflation or a breakout of war in the Mideast will bring that house of cards down.  Don't expect to see huge gains in the market again.  If anything I think that we can expect a significant drop any day now and when it happens then it's going to be Sept 2008 all over again but this time much worse because there are no more bailouts available to anybody anywhere and dollars will be worthless.  If you think these are not the last day just prior to the removal of the Lord’s Church, you have been blinded by Satan.  I pray for any of you who is not ready to these last days events.


See full size imageThere is one thing you will find at my site.  I do not give dates on any prophecy.  I warn you all these things are coming and I give you all the signs they are in the works, but I do not give dates.  I get emails on a regular bases asking me when do I think this prophecy or that prophecy will be fulfilled?  All I can do is give you the facts via the current events to show you they are about to happen.  You all have seen the Jesus’ words I quote from where He tells us, when you shall see all these things know that it is near even at the door.  We know for a fact all these prophecies are coming to pass and we have to keep on the watch. There are many prophecy sites that have put up dates concerning current events, and they for the most part had to explain why the event did not take place. Concerning the banks and the Feds I have read on many sites that on a certain date the banks would close.  I am thankful I did not jump on the bandwagon.  I have always tried to stay and deal only with the facts.  I know we are headed for another depression and we have already seen 133 banks go down and more are on the fence.  However, when will the major event take place that will shock America, that I cannot give you?  I want to present you information that may assist you on this subject.  In the following video below you need to keep in mind that this was done in 2009 so when he says, "I'm talking about December (2009) or later.  Could be the first 6 months of next year.  The Federal Reserve seems to think, secretly, that it'll be prior to the end of the year," he's talking about 2010.  


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Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 is the sign of many earthquakes. Keep in mind that the earthquakes are going to get much bigger than they are now, and you will begin to see more of them all over the place. 

MAP  5.0   2010/02/23 15:36:10   -15.023   -172.918  53.1   SAMOA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.4   2010/02/23 15:16:01    15.984    -91.386  10.0   GUATEMALA
MAP  5.6   2010/02/23 10:52:20    16.095    -91.174  47.9   CHIAPAS, MEXICO
MAP  5.3   2010/02/23 10:43:10    49.729    155.783  46.9   KURIL ISLANDS
MAP  5.1   2010/02/23 10:25:58    32.170    48.289  65.1   WESTERN IRAN
MAP  5.1   2010/02/23 06:05:03   -23.845   -175.837  45.9   TONGA REGION

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It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. 

DiMora Ministry is proud to sponsor of the House of Samual.  100% of all funds from the sales are given to the House of Samuel.  Below is a picture of the shirts.  The shirt portrays my latest book (front of shirt) and ministry information (back of shirt).  To order shirts and find more information about the House of Samuel, click to their link below.  The shirts are $15.00 each or three for $35.00.


Earthquakes in many places/God’s curse falls on who?/Roaring seas and waves from Luke 21:25/Unrest/food prices climb/ Coming against Israel/Feb. 22, 2010






If the Lord leads you to help me print more books contact me at: Frank DiMora: P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438

To inquire about having a prophecy seminar  contact me a


You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you get the email just click the link and you will be ready to receive my updates.

See full size imageI invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Dec. 15, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

My radio/video show is up at: the link below:

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Matthew 24:7 tells us to watch for the sign of many earthquakes.

MAP  5.1   2010/02/22 19:48:38   -24.184   -175.779  35.0   SOUTH OF TONGA
MAP  5.0   2010/02/22 18:43:51   -23.926   -175.701  36.2   TONGA REGION
MAP  5.2   2010/02/22 11:04:40   -27.142   -176.522  13.5   KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.3   2010/02/22 08:42:39   -23.811   -175.874  35.0   TONGA REGION
MAP  5.2   2010/02/22 07:24:46   -23.749   -175.940  35.0   TONGA REGION
MAP  6.0   2010/02/22 07:00:55   -23.723   -175.981  35.0   TONGA REGION
MAP  5.5   2010/02/22 05:21:04    24.080    122.927  22.9   TAIWAN REGION
MAP  5.7   2010/02/22 05:08:50   -21.529   -173.822  35.0   TONGA

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Prophecy Sign: In Genesis 12:3 God promised He would curse anyone who curses Israel.  The Leader of Venezuela has been cursing Israel for the past few years ,and has just recently taken sides with the President of Iran who himself has stated he would wipe out Israel.  Look what is happening in Venezuela?  “Hugo Chavez may be wondering, as Venezuela’staps run dry and its cities fall into darkness, whether God is on the side of the Yankees.  The El Niño weather phenomenon appears to be taking sides as it parches leftist-ruled parts of South America and brings bounty to US farmers and corporations. One of the severest droughts in decades has given Venezuela's socialist president a political nightmare as hydro-electrical power dribbles to a standstill, unleashing blackouts, rationing and protests. The waters behind the Guri dam, which supplies more than half the nation's power, have touched perilously low levels. Chávez has declared an "electricity emergency", urging people to spend no more than three minutes in the shower.”



Prophecy Sign: Are the waves and sea roaring as Jesus said they would in Luke 21:25? ABC News reported,  “Emergency crews used sniffer dogs Monday to search through huge piles of debris for at least four people still missing in Madeira after flash floods and rockslides killed 42 people on the Portuguese vacation island.”  Locals said the storm was the worst in memory. Officials said a month's worth of rain fell in about eight hours, unleashing a torrent of water and mud that swept away people, houses and vehicles” (ABC News Feb. 22, 2010). We have just begun the new year and already we are seeing Jesus' signs.






Take a look at some the the storms so far in 2010. The Information below was taken from the NASA web site. Here are the links.




Tropical Cyclone Gelane February 19, 2010 Tropical Cyclone Gelane

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 gives us the following insights on what is going to happen with the price of food in the last days.  “And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.”  If you plan on refusing Jesus as your savior, plan on being left behind to go through the seven year tribulation.  It will be during this time Jesus telling us people will have to work all day long for one very small meal.  During the tribulation droughts, floods, disease, wars, and a host of other plagues will kill off much of the world’s food supplies.  We are already seeing the birth pains Jesus told us that would come and these birth pains are getting much worse.  Here is some proof to back up what Jesus has shown us from Revelation 6:6.  In Matthew 24:7 Christ also told us that kingdom would fight against kingdom and nation against nation.  Just in case you are new to prophecy, you need to understand that this means there will be civil unrest within nations as well as nations fighting against one another.  The reports below with show you all these signs are taking place right now.

I gave you proof in chapter one of my book how America is declining to give way to the last world empire.  The death of the American economic system will no doubt cause at least two things to take place.  The first thing it would do is help lift the last world empire to the number one position.  The second thing a collapsed economic system would surely bring would be the civil unrest Christ warned us about.  All these signs are tied together as you will see.

See full size imageJust before entering into the year 2010 I read the following: “With world leaders meeting in Rome to discuss ways to tackle global hunger, a new report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture finds more Americans than ever before are experiencing food insecurity. The USDA report estimates that 49 million Americans had trouble getting enough to eat in 2008. That's the largest figure since the annual survey of food security began in 1995. It represents nearly one in seven U.S. households, and it's a sharp increase from 2007, before the global recession began, when about one in 10 households were food-insecure” “David Beckmann, president of the anti-hunger organization Bread for the World, says while the recession is driving the increase in hunger in the United States, the problem is growing worldwide. "We've had a huge setback in the world's progress against hunger and poverty, driven by high food prices in developing countries, also by the global recession," said David Beckmann. "So, it's a global event."And things may get worse before they get better. U.S. unemployment has now topped 10 percent, the highest level in two decades, notes Paula Thornton Greear with the hunger-relief charity Feeding America” (VOA News Nov. 18, 2009).  Only ten years ago you wouldn’t have found a report like this concerning America.  However, since the birth pains Jesus warned us about are getting more intense, more nations are starting to be added to the list of nations in turmoil. 


See full size image“Falling production in commodities from rice to milk is bad news for just about everyone except investors. Rice may surge 63 percent to $1,038 a metric ton from $638 on Philippine imports and a shortage in India, a Bloomberg survey of importers, exporters and analysts showed. The U.S. government says nonfat dry milk may jump 39 percent next year, and JPMorgan Chase & Co. forecasts a 25 percent gain for sugar. Global food costs jumped 7 percent in November, the most since February 2008, four months before reaching a record, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.”  “Farm prices this year lagged behind copper futures that doubled and oil’s 57 percent increase. A recovery from the worst recession since World War II would spur food demand and boost costs for buyers of commodities including milk processor Dean Foods Co. while increasing the number of hungry people that the UN says now exceeds 1 billion.”  “Some food supplies already are falling. Global production of rice, the staple for more than half the world, has lagged behind demand in four of the past eight years, USDA data show. Rising consumption is expected to erode stockpiles by 41 percent to 85.9 million tons in the 2009-2010 marketing year, down from a record 146.7 million in 2001-2002, the USDA forecasts. Rice may exceed $1,000 a ton as dry El Nino weather, caused by a warming of sea waters in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, shrinks output and the Philippines and India boost imports, according to Sarunyu Jeamsinkul, the deputy managing director at Asia Golden Rice Ltd. in Thailand, the largest exporting nation” (Bloomberg.com Dec. 17, 2009).  One of the nations that is concerning government leaders worldwide is India.  “Food prices in India have risen to a high of nearly 20% over last year, the highest rate in a decade. The federal finance minister Pranab Mukherjee has said the government was planning to import food to ease prices. A short supply of food due to lower farm produce following drought and floods has led to the rising prices” (BBC News Dec. 18, 2009).


It would be a good idea to read what Jesus said about how much food is going to be worth during the tribulation.  I quote my Lord Jesus from Revelation 6:6.  “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, ‘A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!’"  We are already seeing the prices of food skyrocket.  As the sun gets hotter and there are more droughts, you have to expect things to get worse.  The prices will keep climbing until Jesus’ Words are fulfilled.  Jesus told us that if you are around during the seven year tribulation, expect to work all day long for one small meal.

See full size image“Food prices in India have risen to a high of nearly 20% over last year, the highest rate in a decade. The federal finance minister Pranab Mukherjee has said the government was planning to import food to ease prices. A short supply of food due to lower farm produce following drought and floods has led to the rising prices. Overall inflation in India has risen to 4.78% in November, up from 1.34% in October. Economists say this could trigger a rise in interest rates.


See full size imageAt the time I was completing my updated book in February 2010, nations from the Middle East were again meeting because of the stalled Middle East peace talks.  Everyone knows and is waiting for the Middle East time bomb to go off.  Almost every night the news covers stories relating to Israel, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and now Pakistan.  As I said, right now the world is waiting to see if Israel is going to attack Iran’s nuclear power site to eliminate the threat of Iran getting a nuclear bomb.  In the latter part of 2009 we are now reading reports that the United States will find herself in a civil war soon.  Russian Military Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin that US President Barack Obama has issued orders to his Northern Command’s (USNORTHCOM) top leader, US Air Force General Gene Renuart, to “begin immediately” increasing his military forces to 1 million troops by January 30, 2010, in what these reports warn is an expected outbreak of civil war within the United States before the end of winter.  According to these reports, Obama has had over these past weeks “numerous” meetings with his war council about how best to manage the expected implosion of his Nations banking system while at the same time attempting to keep the United States military hegemony over the World in what Russian Military Analysts state is a “last ditch gambit” whose success is “far from certain” (EU Times Nov. 28, 2009). I probably wouldn’t have believed this report if it wasn’t for the fact 133 US banks have already failed in 2009, 20 more banks failed as of February 19, 2010, and we are hearing warnings more banks are going to close.  For example,  “The US banking system will lose some 1,000 institutions over the next two years, said John Kanas, whose private equity firm bought BankUnited of Florida in May” (CNBC Aug. 27, 2009).  Another section of the EU Times report stated, “And to Obama’s “last ditch gambit”, these reports continue, he is to announce in a nationwide address to his people this coming week that he is going to expand the level of US Military Forces in Afghanistan by tens of thousands of troops, while at the same time using the deployment of these soldiers as a “cover” for returning to the United States over 200,000 additional American soldiers from the over 800 bases in over 39 countries they have stationed around the Globe bringing the level of these forces in America to over 1 million, a number the US Military believes will be able to contain the “explosion of violence” expected to roil these peoples when they learn their economy has been bankrupted” (ibid).



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Prophecy Sign: The Prophet Zechariah 12:3 warned us the world would come against the Jews and Israel in the last days.  On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.”  According to the Jewish Agency, there were more anti-Semitic incidents in 2009 than in any year since the Second World War. In the first three months of 2009 – immediately following Israel's three-week offensive on the Gaza Strip – there were as many anti-Semitic incidents recorded as in the entire year of 2008.”  As I watch the news I can see how the world is turning against the nation Israel.  Israel is doing things that is really ticking world leaders off.  Last week it was disclosed that Israel took out one of the top Hamas commanders in Dubai.  According to Reuters, “The European Union condemned on Monday the use of fraudulent EU passports by the killers of a Palestinian militant in Dubai, showing its discontent with Israel without referring to it directly. In a short statement that European diplomats said was intended as a rebuke to Israel, EU foreign ministers said that the assassination was "profoundly disturbing" and that its citizens' rights were violated. Dubai has accused Israel of being behind the killing of Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. Israel has not denied or confirmed it played any role but its foreign minister, visiting Brussels, said there was nothing to link it to the killing.”  Step by step every word God showed us in prophecy is taking place or is current in the process of taking place.  The question is, can you see it?



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It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. 

DiMora Ministry is proud to sponsor of the House of Samual.  100% of all funds from the sales are given to the House of Samuel.  Below is a picture of the shirts.  The shirt portrays my latest book (front of shirt) and ministry information (back of shirt).  To order shirts and find more information about the House of Samuel, click to their link below.  The shirts are $15.00 each or three for $35.00.


DiMora’s newest Addition to chapter 9 is “The Psalms 83 war”

I added ,







See full size imageI invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Dec. 15, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

I added this information in my new book that will be out soon.  This information will prove to you the Psalms 83 war is about to take place.  In many of the reports you will read below, it appears they took quotes right out of the Bible.  The Lord has given us more signs than we need to understand His Word is coming to pass.


Syria is not listed in the nations that will attack Israel in the Ezekiel prophecy, and I think I know why.  Syria will be destroyed prior to the Ezekiel war or possibly at the same time.  I wanted to show you how this nation has felt about Israel and what will happen to Syria during the attack against Israel.  God has noticed Syria’s hatred, and soon He will deal with Syria.  In the book of Isaiah, God told Isaiah the city of Damascus would be completely destroyed; this is what the Lord stated. "The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap" (Isaiah 17:1). God also showed the prophet Jeremiah the same thing concerning the city of Damascus; it was recorded in Jeremiah 49:24-25. "Damascus is waxed feeble, and turneth herself to flee, and fear hath seized on her: anguish and sorrows have taken her, as a woman in travail. How is the city of praise not left, the city of my joy!”  The city of Damascus is today the oldest continuously inhabited city recorded in the world.  I do what to mention there are historical records of Damascus being destroyed as a kingdom by the Babylonians, however the destruction of the city of Damascus itself? I can't find it in history other than a reference to it being destroyed in 732 BC by Tiglath-Pileser III which is contradicted, of course, by the standing claim that Damascus remains, since around 2500 BC, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Both, of course, can't be entirely accurate. Either Damascus ceased to be a city around 732 BC and became uninhabited only to be reborn in the future or it was ravaged by the forces of Tiglath-Pileser III yet remained in existence in some manner, leaving the complete fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy as a yet future event, which I believe to be the case.  The first time Damascus was ever mentioned can be found in Genesis 14:15.  Let the record show that since Damascus was first recorded in the book of Genesis, this city of Damascus has never been destroyed and laid to ruins where the city was uninhabited. We know this to be the case because the city of Damascus today is a major city where millions are living!

The key to knowing when this would happen is found in the warning made by Jesus when He said, “when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door” (Matthew 24:33b). As I stated, the reason why Syria is not mentioned in the list of nations which attack Israel in Ezekiel’s prophecy is because Damascus will be completely destroyed before the Ezekiel war takes place.  This prophecy is going to take place soon. Psalm 83 outlines an end time’s attack on Israel, and verse 6 provides the nations which will try to wipe out the nation Israel. Bible scholars and historians agree that ancient Israel was never confronted by such an elaborate alliance of nations. Therefore, this prophecy must still be fulfilled soon. Psalm 83 tells us the Ishmaelites, Edom, Ammon, Amalek, Hagarenes, Gebal, and the Philistines will attack Israel.  Who are these nations as described as Old Testament territories?  In our modern times, these are the nations of Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Palestinians, and Syria.  Over the course of the last year, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Syria have all come up with their own peace plans to deal with the Middle East peace talks between the PLO and Israel.  None of these plans are working because they all want the PLO to take over East Jerusalem and divide Israel into two states.  Assad, Syria’s leader, in April 2009 stated, “We’ll free Golan through peace or war” (Ynetnews.com).  In verse 3 of Psalm 83 it says, “With cunning they conspire against your people; they plot against those you cherish.” I can assure you that is exactly what these nations are doing right now. 

In chapter 10 you will read that Libya’s leader and Assad recently had a meeting.  It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Assad and Gaddafi were talking about wiping out Israel.  God warned the Syrian’s would attack Israel and look at what we are reading in the news.  I quote, “The Syrian military is preparing for war with Israel, Syria's President Bashar Assad told the Quwaiti newspaper Al-Anba on Saturday. In an interview widely quoted by Syrian news agencies, Assad said Israel could attack Syria "at any moment."  "We must remain ready at all times," said Assad. "We have begun preparations within the framework of our options." Assad also said he believes Israel has abandoned the peace process” (HAARETZ.com Sept. 18, 2009).  If you can’t see these are signs that the Psalms war is coming, I doubt you will be able to see any of the signs.

In Psalms 83 we are shown the Philistines will be part of this Arab union that attacks Israel.  The Philistines are the modern day Palestinians of which Hezbollah is part of.  These Palestinians are planning to attack Israel just like the Syria is.  Here is the news from a report entitled, “Iran and Hezbollah Prepare for Pre-Emptive War”.  “It appears a powder keg that has been stockpiling in the Middle East for quite a spell is about to explode. What is Hezbollah planning? Is Israel ready? Is Iran planning a larger, bolder strategy for the demise of Israel? What of the involvement of Russia? The plan is a major preemptive strike on all major Israeli airports; auxiliary and military airfields to prevent any military take off against Iran. Ahmadinejad has effectively set much in place in a plan that now appears ready for launch! Iran has erected a building and assembling factory for rocket and missile development for Hezbollah in Lebanon and they are armed to the teeth. The word is they plan to take out Israeli bases in a prelude to invasion in the Sheba’a Farms, Ghajar, and the Seven Villages region of the Golan. Any invasion, attack, or even a successful victory there would only embolden the Iranians, Syrians, and others to act on other unknown plans. Remember, Hezballah declared victory the last time because any success is all they need for their propaganda machine, and if they succeed there; repercussions are likely to be felt around the world” (The Sonoran Weely Review Dec. 9, 2009).  In the last two news reports we witnessed Iran hooking up with the Palestinian’s, and the Syrian’s hooking up with Libya.  It appears when the Palestinians and Syrian’s get wided out by Israel these alliances that these nations made between Iran and Libya will help drive both of these nations into attacking Israel with Russia in the Ezekiel war.  While the Palestinian’s and Syrian’s get wiped out in the Psalms war, Iran and Libya will get wiped out in the Ezekiel war.  Most of the current events we are seeing now are all connected to prophecy.

Here is another example of a mutual defense pact just made between nations listed in the Psalms and Ezekiel wars.  In September, of 2009 Syria met with Libya and in December 2009 they also made a new pact with Iran.  I quote, “Iran and Syria signed a defense agreement on Friday, according to an Iranian Press TV report. The document, signed by Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi and his Syrian counterpart Ali Mohammad Habib Mahmoud, aimed to face "common enemies and challenges," the report said.  Vahidi praised Syria's great potential in the defense and military fields and said that "it is natural for a country like Syria – which has an inhumane and menacing predator like Israel in its neighborhood – to be always prepared [against possible foreign aggression]" (Jerusalem Post Dec. 12, 2009).  One thing all of these defense pacts have in common is they are all aimed at Israel.  Tell me Jesus isn’t trying to warm you?  Two days after the Jerusalem Post report came out the following news broke. “If Israel does attack Iran's nuclear facilities, it will undoubtedly result in a regional war after Iran and Syria signed a mutual defense agreement on Sunday.  Kuwaiti media reported that the agreement was signed at the weekend while Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi was visiting Damascus” (Israel Today Dec 14, 2009).  The writer of this report was spot on.  Once Iran and Libya’s allies are defeated they are going to take revenge on Israel and a wider regional war will develop.  I believe this will be the war God gave to Ezekiel.

Another section of the Palestinians is a sect called the Hamas. This sect is also preparing for war against Israel.  I quote from a report entitled, “Hamas: All Islamist groups will unite with Iran if Israel attacks”. “Hamas leader Khaled Meshal warned on Tuesday that Islamist militant groups would back Iran if the Islamic Republic was attacked by Israel, Iranian state television reported. "All Islamist militant groups will form a united front with Iran against Israel if it attacks Iran," Meshal told a news conference. Israel and the United States have not ruled out military action if diplomacy fails to resolve the row over Iranian nuclear work that the West suspects is aimed at making bombs” (HAARETZ.com Dec. 15, 2009).

“Just over a year after IDF Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip, former OC Southern Command Maj.-Gen. Yom Tov Samia on Sunday predicted that another war with Hamas was practically inevitable and would take place in the near future. "We are before another round in Gaza," Samia told Army Radio in an interview. "I am very skeptical about the possibility that Hamas will suddenly surrender or change its ways without being hit much more seriously than it was during Cast Lead." Israel must carry out "a more focused strike with long-lasting results" the former commander said, and advised that the in the next war, the army should take control of certain areas in Gaza so that Hamas understands its own actions have lead to this loss” (The Jerusalem Post Jan. 10, 2010).  You may be asking who lives in the Gaza Strip?  The Palestinians do, and they are the Philistines mentioned in Psalms 83.  There is talk about war all over the place and it just so happens it is coming form the very nations that are suppose to go to war with Israel.  What are the “long –lasting results” Maj-Gen. Yom Tov Samia talked about?  Israel wants to live in Peace and safety.  The next time they go to war they will make sure that they will get their Peace and safety.  This means when the next war breaks out Israel will launch an attack to destroy those nations who attack them.  This will lead us to the next prophecy, because Ezekiel warned us, the Ezekiel war will take place when Israel is living in a time when they think they are safe.  The only way this can happen is via the Psalms war.

News agencies around the world are telling us major wars will begin shortly and most of them center on Israel in one way or another.  For example, the American Chronicle reported, “2010 will witness the most destructive wars in modern history”.  2010 will determine the fate of Iran and Lebanon for many years. 2010 will observe a bitter end of Hezbollah and the destruction of Syria´s missile and chemical programs”.  “ In 2010, weapons of mass destruction that were developed after the unprecedented Iraq war, will probably determine the fate of at least two Middle East countries and that of a mini-state: Iran and its nuclear program, Lebanon and Hezbollah, and the Gaza Palestinian Strip mini-state. It is expected that events will unfold in a dramatic way that could be much more catastrophic and destructive than all the previous wars that hit the region throughout the past 50 years. Analysts assume that these coming wars will remove all obstacles that US President Barack Obama is presently facing in his endeavor to solve the Arab – Israeli conflict which has been raging for the last 61 years. In the midst of all these dramatic foreseen events, Syria and Lebanon will have no other option but to the sign a peace treaty in compliance with Israel's terms (Jan. 1, 2010).  Like the other reports this reports is names most of the nations from either the Psalms war or Ezekiel war.  We know from these prophecies the most destructive wars in modern history are about to take place, but there is no reason why this news should over take you by surprise. The only ones who are going to be in the dark are those who do not know what signs to look for.

A good attorney gives all the facts to support his client is telling the truth.  Jesus doesn’t need a legal representative because He never lies, and all of His prophecies are coming to pass.  This should be proof enough.  However, just to make sure you get all the facts in this case here is more proof that the Psalms war is just over the horizon.  The Jerusalem Post on Jan. 6, 2010 stated, “If Israel were to attack Hizbullah in Lebanon, Syria would respond and not sit idly by, the Qatari Al Watan newspaper quoted unnamed Syrian sources as saying in a report published Wednesday.  The sources reportedly added that Damascus considered any threat to Lebanon’s security and stability as a threat to Syria’s security”.

One of the two main reasons why the Middle East peace talks have stalled is the fight over who gets East Jerusalem.  While the nations listed in Psalms 83 are warning they will go to war to retake Jerusalem Israel’s Prime Minister in a round about way is telling them all to take a hike.  I quote, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared on Tuesday that Israel would never cede control of united Jerusalem nor retreat to the 1967 borders, according to a bureau statement. The statement came after Egypt's foreign minister said in Cairo last week that Netanyahu was ready to discuss making "Arab Jerusalem" the capital of a Palestinian state. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority could abandon its demand for a freeze on construction in East Jerusalem in exchange for an easing of the siege on Gaza and a halt to Israeli assassinations in the West Bank” (HAARETZ.com.Jan. 21, 2010).

What do nations do before they go to war?  They move their troops into position.  This is what is currently taking place with the nations that border Israel.  The IsraelNN.com reported, “Tensions have escalated along the Israeli-Lebanese border and Syria has begun calling up troops from its Fourth Reserve, sources told the pan-Arab daily Asharq Al-Awsat. The newspaper, printed on four continents, reports that the Israeli military has been carrying out drills on Israel's northern frontier, as the second anniversary of the death of senior Hizbullah commander Imad Mughniyeh approaches. Mughniyeh was killed when a car bomb exploded in Damascus on February 13, 2008” "Without a doubt, we are heading for another round [of battle with Hizbullah] in the north," Cabinet Minister Yossi Peled said Saturday. Peled, who was the head of Israel's Northern Command, said at an event in Be'er Sheva that "no one knows" when a conflict will occur, “but it's clear that it will happen (Jan. 24, 2010).  Not only are these nations talking about war and moving their troops, they are also testing the missiles they plan to use against Israel.  “Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon met Sunday afternoon with Michael Williams, the United Nations' special coordinator in Lebanon. The two discussed the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701, which ended the Second Lebanon War.  Ayalon warned that Hezbollah fighters were training in Syria and that the Shiite organization was getting supplies of advanced antiaircraft missile systems” (Ynetnews.com Jan. 24, 2010).  The day after this report was issued we were informed, “Lebanon is tittering between political bombast and trembling fear. While Hizbullah deputy-head Naim Kassem threatens Israel with missile attacks, the Beirut politicians including Prime Minister Saad Hariri, hear with trepidation Israeli threats to “destroy the infrastructures” of Lebanon, and not only Hizbullah sites, in the next round of fighting. Israeli Minister Yossi Peled cautioned that the next round after the summer war of 2006 is most likely in the offing during 2010. It is not Israel which is the cause of the persistent slide toward warfare, for she would be content with a quiet border. It is Lebanon, most specifically ‘Hizbullah-bulling’ Lebanon that is committed to jihad and a changed status quo. This situation offers no escape from a military confrontation” (IsraelNationalNews.com Jan.25, 2010).  Need I remind you now that this war will break out when they are calling for Peace and safety?  The evidence of the all these scriptures coming to pass is overwhelming.

Read what the Defense Minister from Israel has to say about war coming.  The headline to the HAARETZ.com report read as follows: “Barak: Peace process failures greater threat than Iran nukes”. The subheading stated, “Defense Minister says unresolved borders are more dangerous to Israel than Iran's nuclear program.” Here is a short section of that report. Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Tuesday said that Israel's failure to strike a peace deal with the Palestinians was a greater threat to the country than a nuclear Iran, Army Radio reported. "The lack of a solution to the problem of border demarcation within the historic Land of Israel – and not an Iranian bomb – is the most serious threat to Israel's future," Barak told a Tel Aviv conference. Barak called on the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, to return to the negotiating table. Abbas has so far refused to restart talks until Israel freezes settlement building in the West bank, including in east Jerusalem” (Jan 26, 2010).  Here is another report warning about the peace process slipping away and what it will mean if it does.  “If Israel and the Palestinians don't reach a peace agreement now, the opportunity to do so could be lost forever, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry said at U.S.-Islamic World Forum in Doha, Qatar on Saturday. "Undoubtedly the most crucial and most vexing of all issues is how we can revitalize a Mideast peace process that delivers peace? Not just process? Because if we don’t do it now, the door may well shut forever," Kerry said. "No one can overstate the dangers of another generation growing up knowing only conflict," the U.S. senator added” (HAARETZ.com. Feb. 13, 2010).

While world leaders are watching and waiting for another Middle East conflict, the PLO and Israel can’t come to any kind of agreement on the peace talks, which leads me to believe the war will break out before any peace pact can be signed.  “The Palestinian Authority has no intention to succumb to US and Israeli pressure and won't resume peace talks while construction in West Bank settlements continues, Nabil Sha'ath, member of the Fatah Central Council who is closely associated with PA President Mahmoud Abbas said on Tuesday.  "Israel's threats to invade the Gaza Strip and American pressure on the Palestinian leadership not to miss what they believe is an opportunity, won't drive us to resume the peace talks while settlement construction continues in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem," Sha'ath, a former PA Foreign Minister and one of the architects of the Oslo Accords, said.  "We believe that any return to the negotiations would be a waste of time and would provide a cover for Israeli settlements," Sha'ath said, adding that the US Administration, through its envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell, was exerting heavy pressure on the PA leadership to agree to the resumption of the peace talks with Israel unconditionally” (The Jerusalem Post. Jan 27, 2010).

After you read all these news reports you get a clear picture that both the Arabs and Israel are pushing for war.  I think both sides have had it with the peace talks and are looking to end this one way or the other. Here is a prime example of what I am talking about.  “Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Monday declared that the land-for-peace formula for ending the Middle East conflict has failed and that the time has come to either trade peace for peace, or for Israel to defeat its enemies. Speaking at a meeting of his Israel Beiteinu Party, Lieberman said, "It's time to forget our obsession with territory in exchange for peace; all future agreements must be based on 'peace in exchange for peace.'" Lieberman is not the first Israeli official to point out that every land concessions Israel has made up until now has only resulted in increased violence and hostility on the part of the Arabs. In an interview that will appear in the upcoming issue of Israel Today, former Arkansas governor and US presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said the same thing” (Israel Today Feb. 9, 2010)

The BBC News on Feb. 10, 2010 showed us how tensions are mounting between Israel and her enemies.  “Israeli warplanes have hit southern Gaza with missiles in response to rocket fire from Palestinian militants, the military said. The air strikes reportedly hit Gaza's disused Yasser Arafat airport near the border town of Rafah, but no injuries have been reported. Hamas, which runs the Gaza Strip, says it halted firing rockets after a major Israeli offensive in 2009. But other Palestinian militant groups have continued to shell Israeli towns. The Israeli Defence Force says that more than 20 rockets and mortars have been fired at Israeli towns near the border with Gaza this year.”  

Let me throw Jordan into this mix, after all Jordan is also one of the nations that will attack Israel in the Psalms war.  News out of Damascus recently reported, “President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday received a letter from King Abdullah II of Jordan on bilateral relations and the latest developments in the Arab arena handed over by Jordanian Prime Minister Samir al-Rifai.”  Talks dealt with the developments in the region in light of Israel's threats and continued endeavors to block the peace process on all tracks, where al-Rifai voiced his country's rejection of these threats.  Both sides also discussed the situation in the regional and international arenas, stressing the need for achieving reconciliation among the Palestinians and unifying their stances in face of the challenges confronting them” (Syrian Arab New Agency Feb. 10, 2010).  Once you understand the Psalms 83 prophecy you come to understand what King Abdullah and the President of Syria were discussing.  They were no doubt laying out plans for the future war against Israel.  Speaking about Jordan, we are told “Peace between Jerusalem and Amman is getting cooler and cooler due to the impasse in efforts to renew talks between Israel and the Palestinians, Jordanian Prime Minister Samir Al-Rifai told Israel Radio. Speaking to the radio station at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Rifai stated that as his country was actively aiding the peace process, it was doubly frustrated with the lack of progress. In response to a question concerning Israeli over flights on Jordanian territory as part of an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, Rifai replied that is a staunch proponent of diplomacy and would not support any military maneuver against Teheran” The Jerusalem Post Feb. 15, 2010).  In case you don’t know Amman is the Capital of Jordan. 

News from The Jerusalem Post on Feb. 14, 2010 is to me a special report because of what is happening between Israel and the Lebanon right now.  I quote,  “BEIRUT — Lebanon says its army has opened fire on four Israeli warplanes that flew into Lebanese airspace.  The Lebanese army said in a statement that its units used anti-aircraft fire Sunday to force the Israeli warplanes out of Lebanese airspace.  The army said the planes were in southern Lebanon and the Beqaa Valley, in central Lebanon.  Israeli warplanes frequently fly over Lebanese airspace in what Israel says are reconnaissance missions. The over flights and violations of UN Security Council resolutions have been a constant source of tension between the two countries.  Sunday's events come amid heightened tensions in the Middle East following some of the
sharpest exchanges in years between Israel and its Arab neighbors.  There is no question in my mind the events we are witnessing right now are leading up to the war God warned us about in that Psalms. 

Saudi Arabia has also gotten into the mix and this comes as no surprise because they are also predicted to come against Israel with Lebanon, Syria, and the Palestinians.  This report shows you the Saudi’s are in step with the nations listed in Psalms 83.  “The Saudi government on Monday urged the international community “for taking a firm stance on the issue of Israeli threats against Lebanon, Syria, and the Palestinians.” During a session headed by Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, the Saudi government also called for “intensifying efforts to stop the inhumane Israeli practices against the Palestinian people and for halting arbitrary arrests, aerial strikes on the Gaza Strip, desecrating Islamic holy sites, and policies and plans aiming at judaizing Jerusalem” (Ahlul Bayt News Agency Feb. 10, 2010).  Five days after this report was issued we heard more news warning of a wider war.  Senior Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal warned that if war breaks out with Israel it will not be limited to the Gaza Strip but will involve the entire region, in an interview with London-based Al Hayat newspaper that was published Friday”(The Jerusalem Post Feb. 15, 2010.

The Jerusalem Post reported, “Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday said that the Palestinians would not accept Abu Dis, a town between Jerusalem and Ma'aleh Adumim that is currently controlled by the PA, as the capital of their future state, but would insist on receiving control over east Jerusalem. In an interview with an Arab-language Russian TV channel, Abbas explained that while he feels east and west must not be divided in practice, it was important that it would be clear which part of the capital belongs to the Palestinians and which part belongs to Israel” (Feb. 15, 2010) .  We are witnessing the signs of Zechariah’s prophecy concerning Jerusalem becoming the major focus of touble in the last days.  We are also witnessing the signs of Paul’s warning that destruction would come when they are calling for Peace and safety, and it is coming in the form of tanks.  This recent news is evidence the nations North of Israel are preparing for destruction!

The IsraelNationalNews.com ran a report entitled, “Lebanon-Syria Border Area Preparing for Syrian Tanks”. This headline should be enough to convince you war is coming. In this report we are told “The sounds of explosions heard along the Lebanese-Syrian border in recent days were caused by the blasting of big rocks in the area to make a parking lot for Syrian army tanks, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyasa. The paper cited a Lebanese army source which said the blasts were conducted by the men of terrorist Ahmed Jibril Rajoub's pro-Syrian Popular Front terror organization. The tanks are expected to arrive in the area soon to protect Lebanon for fear of an Israeli attack” (IsraelNN.com Feb. 19, 2010). 

Read what God warned us in Isaiah 17:1. “The burden of Damascus. "Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap”.  Read what Syrian Prime Minister Naji al-Otari stated.  I quote, “Syria warns: Next war will be ruinous”.  Speaking to reporters Saturday after meeting with French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, he said that a new war will have dangerous repercussions not only in the Middle East but also on the international level (The Jerusalem Post Feb. 20, 1010).  Connect the dots.  God warned Damascus would end up in a runinous heap, Syria is telling us this is going to happen, but the Syrian’s don’t realize the runionous heap is coming upon them as part of God’s curse found in Genesis 12:3 which states, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."  Here is another example the leaders God warned us about are saying the exact same things God said they would say.   Iran’s President in speaking about the troubles between Lebanon, Syria, and Israel spoke out against Israel again.  I quote, "Stressing on the importance of maintaining readiness in the face of potential threats by the Zionist regime [of Israel], the president said: The level of readiness should be to such an extent that if they (the Israelis) ventured upon repeating their past mistakes, they will be finished off and the region will rid them for once and for all, and the Iranian nation will stand side by side of the nations of the region and Lebanon in this regard," read the statement dated Thursday, February 18, 2010” (Press TV Feb. 21, 2010).  Now read what God said in Psalms 83:3 about these same nations.  3They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.  4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.”  This report went on to say, “Recently officials in Tel Aviv have adopted a harsher and more aggressive tone, saying that another conflict with Lebanon could be imminent. Yossi Peled, an Israeli cabinet minister and a former army general who has experienced the conflict on the northern border, said on Saturday, January 23, that another confrontation with Hezbollah was almost inevitable but he could not say when it would happen. The minister without portfolio said that according to his "estimation, understanding and knowledge," it was "almost clear" to him that another conflict on the border with Lebanon was imminent. "It does not necessary have to be between us and Hezbollah, other elements may be involved in this," Peled said. The Israeli minister's use of the term "other elements" could be interpreted that Tel Aviv already knows that it has drawn the ire of the whole region and that any other act of aggression that it conducts could have a united response from the countries in the Middle East. Iran, Lebanon and Syria, along with a number of other states in the Middle East, see Israel as the main obstacle on the region's path towards peace and stability, and the heads of these states have made no efforts hiding their views” (Press TV Feb. 21, 2010).  By now you should understand the “united response” referred to in this report will be coming from all the nations God said would unite against Israel in the Psalms 83 war.

Every one of the nations which are trying to divide up Israel is going to pay for these actions.  This isn’t my warning; it is God’s.  Take to heart what He has said about Israel and Jerusalem.  “I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:2).  Jehoshaphat is the place where God is going to destroy all those who divided up Israel.  That means the USA, the European Union, and any other nation which is pushing to split Israel into two states.  1The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.  2Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.  3And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people:  all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” (Zechariah 12:1-3).

Soon sudden destruction is coming in the Middle East just as Paul warned.  All I can say at this point is to watch with me as we witness how God fulfills the rest of the unfulfilled prophecies.  I pray all the evidence you have read about so far will cause you to want to ask Jesus into your life as your Savior and Lord.  We are very close to the beginning of the seven year tribulation so now is the time to give your life over to Christ.

Whose cites will be destroyed? Feb. 17, 2010





See full size imageI invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Dec. 15, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

I am working on my new book today getting it ready for the printers, so I won’t be able to post much until I get it finished.

Prophecy Sign: Syria had better read Isaiah 17: 1 and Jeremiah 49:24-27 where both these prophets tell us Syria and Damascus will be destroyed.  I also think it would be a good idea for them to read about God’s curse on anyone who comes against the nation of Israel.  The curse is found in Genesis 12:3.  If you read the Bible you will learn that God has a habit of doing to nations what they intended to do to Israel.  Syria has fallen under God’s curse and has threaten to take the next war to Israel’s cities. 

“In an interview on Channel 1, Lieberman said he was amazed by the negative reactions his words generated on the Israeli political scene. I must say that I am always surprised anew,” he said. “It needs to be understood that we are not looking for either confrontation or friction with Syria, but when the Syrian foreign minister says that they will attack population centers in Israel, that is crossing a red line. ”On Wednesday, Syria’s Foreign Minister Walid Muallem warned that Israel “should not test Syria’s determination” and added that Israel “should know that a war will move to Israeli cities.”

Now put two and two together and you will see the future outcome of what is going to take place between Israel and Syria.  In Psalms 83 God said Syria would go to war against Israel.  Syria just said they would attack Israel’s cities, and God said Syria’s cities would be left in “a ruinous heap”.  What Syria said they would do to Israel, God is going to make sure it happens to Syria’s cities.  Not only do we see the Psalms war coming up fast but we are hearing these rumors of war every day now. 

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See full size imageI invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Dec. 15, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…

I am working on my new book today getting it ready for the printers, so I won’t be posting today.