War, this summer?/ Radio show now playing/G. Celente on Greece and the U.S./More global stress/Jesus and wisdom concerning Noah’s generation/Proof God’s Curse has fallen on America/Major earthquake/One World Government news/More later: May 7, 2010



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora


This Friday May 7, 2010 at 6PM EST my next radio/video show will be up an running.  I will be covering a host of subjects which show the last days signs are getting more intense. The link below will take you to the show.


Prophecy Sign: (The Psalm 83 war)  Just yesterday I gave you more signs that the Psalm 83 war was just around the corner based on what has been taking place in the Middle East.  Today another report was released with the headline as follows: “War, this summer? “Israel has only fought pre-emptive wars. All indications show it is gearing up to fight another, one that may change everything, writes Galal NassarThe strong language the US secretary of state recently used reflects heightened tensions in the Middle East. During a dinner gala host ed by the American Jewish Committee last Thursday, Hillary Clinton warned Syria of the consequences of delivering military hardware to Hizbullah and Hamas. Clinton said that the decisions of the Syrian president "could mean war or peace for the region". Syria, she claimed, was passing on sophisticated weapons, including missiles, to pro-Iranian groups in South Lebanon and Gaza, and thus risking war.”  The report is long but very informative and I suggest you read the entire report.  In a nut shell tension in the region show God’s Word is about to be fulfilled.


Prophecy Sign: Yesterday’s post I gave you the sign of war against Satan and his evil works.  Here is what the Bible said. Ephesians 6:11-18. “ 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” 

Now put these verses in with Christ’s warning that our generation would become like Noah’s generation which was perverted, evil, not following the Lord, and they turned to acts forbidden by the Lord such as men dressing like woman and turning to homosexuality. Matthew 24:38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.” Deuteronomy 22:5 the Lord said, “A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.”  The Bible consistently tells us that homosexual activity is a sin (Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9). Romans 1:26-27 teaches specifically that homosexuality is a result of denying and disobeying God. When people continue in sin and unbelief, God “gives them over” to even more wicked and depraved sin in order to show them the futility and hopelessness of life apart from God. 1 Corinthians 6:9 proclaims that homosexual “offenders” will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Knowing the warnings now, let’s take a look at what in currently takes place in some California school I quote, “California schools are making sure that the age of the innocent school dance is over. This year, public school officials from across the state are not only supporting homosexual couples at prom, they seek to welcome them by creating guidelines that encourage the participants to come alone or with a group of friends. By offering single or group tickets to the event, California schools are hoping homosexual couples will be more inclined to go. Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com, believes high school proms today are opportunities for teenagers to engage in free sexual activity, dirty dancing, and mischief — leaving an open for the spreading of STDs and more importantly, the emotional and physical consequences that follow these sexual relationships. He suggests schools do away with proms completely because of the “decadent after-events” and “sexual escapades” that follow the dances.”


Do these school boards really think God doesn’t see what they are willfully doing to the kids.  Someone better point out what the Holy Spirit has revealed in Roman 1:18-32. I quote, “18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. 21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. 26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. 28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.”   Man ho man, I would not want to be one of these board members who stand before Christ at the judgment seat!!!

What did God say about women not wearing men's clothes?  “Cher's offspring Chaz Bono is officially a man after he changed his name and gender in court yesterday. Bono, who was born a girl named Chastity, is now legally recognised as a male, a year after undergoing a sex change.”




  I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Those of you who a regular reading at my site know that I have been keeping track of what happens to nations when they sit down with Israel and put forth plans to divide Israel in order to make a Palestinian State in Israel. Every time the U.S. sits down with Israel  to push these plans some disaster falls on the U.S. 

Yesterday Obama’s man George Mitchell sat down with Israel’s Defense Minister. I quote, “U.S. Mideast envoy George Mitchell, left, shakes hands with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, before their talks in Tel Aviv, Israel, Thursday, May, 6, 2010. “The White House Mideast envoy, George Mitchell, is in the region this week for the start of indirect Israeli-Palestinian peace talks — the first negotiations between the sides in more than a year.”


Now look what happened on Thursday, May, 6, 2010  in America the same day Mitchell pushed the Obama plan.    “(AP) — The turbulence continued in the stock market Friday, a day after some of the most volatile trading in history. Traders looked past a surprisingly strong report on the U.S. jobs market and focused instead on Europe's spreading debt crisis and Thursday's plunge, which gave the Dow its largest-ever drop. The Dow fell almost 1,000 points before recovering to a lost of 348.



If you go to the FEMA web site you will see the top ten disasters. What you may not know is that 9 of these 10 economic disasters happened when the United States went against Israel. I have been giving you signs of God’s curse from Genesis chapter 3, but you need to see that the pattern for disasters is not a coincidence. Instead of me taking the time to write all this information down, I ask you to watch this short video. Sid will go through these disasters that came on the U.S. at the time they opposed Israel.


I have  videoes for you that gives you information on specific events taking place in the U.S. when America has gone against God’s Word.  This is very very interesting.  Before you watch the video keep in mind that last week while Mitchell was pressing Israel to divide up Israel and resume peace talks with the PLO that America was pounded by many recorded breaking storms, floods, and huge tornadoes.

free transcript of the interview.


You wants facts on this curse?  While George Mitchell is pushing Israel today to sit down with the PLO and talk about giving the PLO their own State inside Israel we see some of the results of God’s curse on America.  I quote today’s news from Reuters. “Tennessee sustained more than $1 billion in flood damage just in the private sector, and many homeowners likely were not insured against flooding, the governor said on Thursday.”

Prophecy Sign: (Matthew 24:7) Each day I have new people coming to my site and they need to know one of the signs of the last days Jesus told us to watch for were the many earthquakes that would take place when all the other signs were were happening as well.  There was a major quake today which wasn’t recorded as yet with the information on quakes below.  Here is the info on the recent quake. “6.0 magnitude quake hits Indonesia (AFP)7 May 2010 JAKARTA- A 6.0-magnitude quake hit Indonesia’s North Sulawesi province Friday, the local Meteorological and Geophysics agency said, but there were no immediate reports of damage and no tsunami alert was issued.”  I have to warn you all that we are going to see bigger quakes soon very soon!  I don’t want to alarm anyone but Jesus did tell us these last days birth pains would be worse in the end times.  That can only mean one thing.  Each one of the signs Jesus told us to watch for will increase in magnitude. I’m not referring to just to earthquakes.  I am speaking about all the signs listed by Christ which include major storms, flooding, droughts, food shortages, famines, diseases, wars, civil unrest, and all type of disasters that will destroy crops.  All these signs are beginning to come faster because we are very close to seeing Jesus Christ’s return.  These are signs for you to get ready to leave this Earth with Jesus at the rapture, or be left behind to deal with the seven year tribulation

Update time = Fri May 7 17:02:24 UTC 2010

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP  5.1   2010/05/07 11:44:49   -10.474    123.498  35.0   TIMOR REGION, INDONESIA
MAP  5.2   2010/05/07 10:38:14   -24.892    69.977  10.0   MID-INDIAN RIDGE
MAP  5.7   2010/05/07 07:39:28    3.510    127.998  127.1   KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA
MAP  5.3   2010/05/07 04:31:43    13.023    145.167  44.8 


Here is a prime example of Jesus words coming to pass. Read what the FEMA Administrator stated. “The Federal Emergency Management Agency has received 8,500 requests for financial aid, which could come in the form of loans or grants, FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate said in a conference call with reporters. "This is a very large, very complex flood event and the numbers are only going to go up," Fugate said.”  Now take a look at what Jesus said in Luke 21:25. “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring”  Right now we have about five states in distress and many have found themselves with complex problems now because of the storms.  Why? Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen gives you that answer. “Because this week's flooding hit in areas not considered flood-prone, property owners may not have had flood insurance, Bredesen said. Jesus words are truth and if you see them come to pass in this prophecy you better believe Christ died on that cross to keep you from HELL!  You better believe His words in John 14:6 “Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” I beg you to listen to what the Holy Spirit is showing you! Since Christ has given you free will to refuse His salvation or receive His free gift of life, He is doing all He can to show you His Words, all of them, are true.  He wants you safe with Him before the Antichrist step on the scene.  That can only happen if you give your life to Christ right now.


You talk about being cursed by God, you haven’t seen anything yet.  At a time when Iran is working on getting a nuclear bomb to destroy Israel Obama is working on taking Israel’s defense away.  I quote, “Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton on Tuesday expressed concern over what he says is pressure being exerted by President Barack Obama on Israel to rid the country of nuclear weapons. “Egypt and the Obama administration are negotiating right now on an Egyptian proposal for a nuclear-weapons-free zone in the Middle East, which certainly sounds good, except when you think about it, there is only one country that resolution is targeted at and that is Israel,” Bolton, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute think tank in Washington, told Army Radio.”  The actions Obama is taking against Israel shows he must not know about God’s curse, or he just doesn’t care, or maybe he knows but doesn’t believe in what the Bible said.   


Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-17 warns us about the Antichrist coming to mark everyone on Earth. This man (beast), will take control of a New World Order and with out the Antichrist’s mark in your right hand or forehand you will not be able to buy or sell anything.   Almost every week I read reports talking about the world economic crisis and where it is leading.  Here is one just report. “Over the last few years, we have navigated through the building and bursting of a global credit bubble, the collapse of our modern financial system, a severe worldwide recession, unprecedented government stimuli, and a historic rebound in financial asset prices from panic lows. –After such a traumatic shock to the global economic and financial systems, it is unlikely the world will return to its pre-crisis state. The failures and their fixes have altered the landscape. Thus, traditional methods of analysis may need to be modified. By viewing economies through a different prism, investors can define "a new world order."


Take a look at the news.  The U.S. Government is trying to telling Americans the economcy is coming back. Today we were told 290,000 people found jobs.  What kind of jobs?  Government jobs from a failed stimulus package, part time employment where two jobs were taken by one person? Today 15 million Americans are sill out of work.  Banks are closing a record rates, bankruptcies are climbing and more Americans are being forced to walk away from their home because they are out of money.  Today I read the unemployment rate is 9.9. 

Here is the imformation the government should have told you. “The U.S. jobless rate rose to 9.9% in April, the first increase in three months, but the government’s broader measure of unemployment ticked up for the third month in a row, rising 0.2 percentage point to 17.1%. The comprehensive gauge of labor underutilization, known as the “U-6″ for its data classification by the Labor Department, accounts for people who have stopped looking for work or who can’t find full-time jobs. Though the rate is still 0.3 percentage point below its high of 17.4% in October, its continuing divergence from the official number (the “U-3″ unemployment measure) indicates the job market has a long way to go before growth in the economy translates into relief for workers.” America your Greece is coming!


Greece is falling apart and is begging for a load to bill them out.  Reports are surfacing saying this bailout isn’t going to work, but it is only going to delay what is coming.  The same thing is happening to America and most Americans have their heads in the sand thinking everything will be alright. America your troubles are just beginning!  Here we go again.  Didn’t the White House just give billions to Freddie Mac to help keep the nation afloat?  “WASHINGTON (AFP) – – Troubled US government-backed mortgage firm Freddie Mac on Wednesday asked for an additional 10.6 billion dollars from the Treasury Department to cover losses. Announcing a 6.7 billion dollar loss in the first quarter, Freddie Mac said it would need the new funding by June 30 this year. The Washington-area company has already received more than 50 billion dollars in taxpayers cash to cover losses from toxic assets. It warned that further demands would be on the way: "Freddie Mac expects to request additional draws," the firm said in a statement.” 


Yesterday I gave you an example of how an additional global market crisis could bring on the worse crash of all, one that the Antichrist will come and try to fix.   Here is news showing the signs of stress in the global market place and my friends, you haven’t seen anything yet! “May 7 (Bloomberg) — The cost of insuring against losses on European bank bonds soared to a record, surpassing levels triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., as the sovereign debt crisis deepened. The Markit iTraxx Financial Index of credit-default swaps on 25 banks and insurers soared as much as 40 basis points to 223, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co. The index closed at 212 basis points March 9, 2009. Swaps on Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy rose to or near all-time high levels. Credit risk rose for a sixth day on concern the Greek debt crisis is spiraling out of control and triggering concern banks may face losses on their sovereign bond holdings. The Group of Seven plans to hold a conference call today to discuss the turmoil, after a global stock rout that briefly erased more than $1 trillion in U.S. market value.”


Gerald Celente talks to you about what is happening in Greece and what it means for the United States.



For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms/May 6, 2010 late night post.



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora


This Friday May 7, 2010 at 6PM EST my next radio/video show will be up an running.  I will be covering a host of subjects which show the last days signs are getting more intense. The link below will take you to the show.


See full size imageYesterday this is what I wrote you.

“If you read the entire report you will see some of the battles being fought in the courts.  Satan isn’t stupid, he knows his time is drawing short, and he is going to do whatever he can to make sure you don’t make it to Christ.   If you receive Jesus and are reborn again with the Spirit of God in Christ you have won the war and Satan can not harm you as you are one of Jesus children.  If you have not the Spirit Satan is coming to deceive you.  Satan is also going to try and take away God’s children and this is why Jesus gave us the message about the armor we need to carry as we battle against the Devil.  I quote, Ephesians 6:11-18. “ 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” 

Now once again the battle goes on in the court room. I quote, Here is another example of the war that is being waged against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  In case you don’t understand this, it is talking about Satan’s war against Christ and anyone linked with Christ.  Satan is trying to turn get rid of God’s Word and all that God teaches.  Below is an example of what I am talking about.  Before you read the report, remember what Jesus said in Matthew 24:32-39.  Christ told us that our generation would become just like Noah’s generation.  Satan is working overtime to make that happen.

Gay's win; Christians lose?
Thursday, 06 May 2010 18:06

Barney FrankThe Employment Non-Discrimination Act is one of the most dangerous bills facing American Christians today. If passed, because of its vague language, the bill would force Christian ministries to hire homosexuals who live in direct opposition to biblical values and opens the door for cross-dressing teachers in the classroom. Public and non-religious charter schools would have no authority in deciding whether or not to allow transgenders to teach in their classrooms, even if parents object.

According to Lesbian Chai Feldblum, the bill’s author, it is simply a matter of, Gays win; Christians lose.” And the wheels have already been set in motion. Homosexual Congressman Barney Frank promised homosexual activists that the House Education and Labor Committee would vote on the bill by this week.

Help us stop this bill from being passed and trampling on the religious liberties of Christians.


Contact U.S. House and Education Labor Committee minority members and urge that they vote against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, H.R. 3017 & S. 1584.

  • Call: (202) 225-4527
  • Contact online, click here.  
  • Here is another of this war between Christ and Satan.  Many of you may be new to my site and are unaware that people in high places in the United States are trying to get rid of prayer.  Here is the news. “CHICAGO — Defiance tinged National Day of Prayer gatherings Thursday as participants decried a court ruling last month that the annual event is unconstitutional. At a breakfast here, committee chair Marj Mokry welcomed 250 people with a prayer of thanks "for the freedom to gather in prayer." Yolanda Fields, 29, director of Breakthrough Urban Ministries, said the court ruling "feels pretty bad, because this country was founded on prayer." On the steps of the Stearns County Courthouse in St. Cloud, Minn., Mark Johnson, a senior pastor at Jubilee Worship Center, told about 200 people, "We should not take it for granted, this opportunity we have, because the National Day of Prayer is under attack."  http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2010-05-06-day-of-prayer_N.htm?csp=usat.me 

    More signs of the war against Jesus from  Satan are being waged in the California schools. The video below with commentary by Stuart Shepard shows you what Satan is attacking now.

World events setting up for rise of Antichrist/So many signs!/May 6, 2010



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora


This Friday at 6PM EST my next radio/video show will be up an running.  I will be covering a host of subjects which show the last days signs are getting more intense. The link below will take you to the show.


 See full size imageProphecy Sign: Signs of the coming of the Antichrist. I beg you all to believe in Jesus Christ’s warning about this generation.  Jesus has made it very clear our generation has been chosen to see His return.  Jesus has forewarned us events that will soon take place which at the end of the day bring the Antichrist to power. In Revelation 13:15-17 Jesus gives you this warning. “15He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.”  We know for sure something major is about to happen with the global economy and will push all the nations into a One World Economic System.  It will end up being a system that one man will be able to control.  I am telling you straight out the man who coming to control this new worldwide system is going to make everyone take a mark that will allow he or she to participate in this new worldwide economy.  This system more than likely will rise because of a worldwide economic crash and we are seeing signs now this crash is on the way.  Let’s be honest, people around the world really don’t want one specific person to be in control of a worldwide economic system.  As you can now see from the current news people are fed up with their leaders and as in the case in Greece, we are seeing civil unrest as Greece's economic system is going bankrupt.  Panic is a huge factor that has in the past given rise to some pretty evil leaders.  Germany’s economic state before the war was in crisis and they panicked over  the crisis until they found a man who gave them hope and promised them a way out of the crisis.  Of course this man was Hitler and became one of the worse tyrants ever known.  Most people living now know or should know that one of Hitler’s goals was to wipe out all the Jews.  I can assure you when our generation goes into this global economic crash people are going to panic and you will witness the civil unrest begin all over the world.  There is going to be so much panic that the world is going to do the same thing Germany did when they cried out for help.  The world will put their fears aside concerning one specific person taking control of a One World Economic System.  Of course this One World Economic System will develop into a One World Government because it will have to control all the nations as the new economic system is put into place. 

The person Jesus warns us about who will control what you can buy or sell is the Antichrist, and he will rise just as Hitler did to bring hope and direction to a world crying for help in a worldwide crisis.  The fastest and best way to make sure everyone is taken care of will be to place are mark on the person so they can shop and begin to maintain a somewhat normal life again.  Jesus said this mark would be placed in your right hand or forehead.  At the present time almost every nation on this planet is beginning to force their citizens to carry a national ID.  All of these national ID’s will be moved into a single data base where the Antichrist will force everyone to change the ID card into a mark in his or he hand.  We know from Christ’s warning in Rev. 13:15-17 that unless you go along with he plan you will be kicked out of his new system and as Jesus warned, you aren’t going to buy anything nor will you be able to sell anything, which means you will be left on your own.  Are you prepared to do that?  By the way, the man who is coming to fit the global economic crisis will end up doing the same things Hitler did but he will be much worse.  This man will try to wipe out all the Jews as Hitler tried to do, but under direction and warning from Christ we know that in the middle of this man’s rule over the world he will seek to kill off anyone who does not take his mark.  

For the past three years I have been showing you the signs that this global economic crisis is headed our way.  Now I want to show you some more signs that the global economic outlook is getting worse and people are already beginning to panic. I reported yesterday that Greece’s civil unrest had taken the lives of three bankers and the panic is still mounting in Greece as you can see from the photo below.

Greece Riots

If you have been following the news you would know that the problems in Greece may spread to other nations and the crisis has already taken a toll on the stock markets.  “ATHENS/LONDON (Reuters) – The Greek parliament prepared to adopt a harsh austerity plan in the face of violent unrest, as European Central Bank inaction disappointed markets fearful a debt crisis will engulf the euro zone. The euro and world stocks fell for a third day Thursday as investors fled risk amid signs that Athens' woes are spreading to other weak euro economies, testing whether European governments are willing to extend a bailout devised for Greece alone. Policymakers' attempts to talk down the risk of contagion and scare off "speculators" had little impact on traders unimpressed by the slow EU response to the crisis.http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=10568680

Here is another report that address the economic crisis and it warns about the crisis spreading. “The debt crisis enveloping Greece could spread to hurt the banking systems in Portugal, Italy, Spain, Ireland and Britain, a leading credit ratings agency warned Thursday. Moody's Investor Service said that although banks in some countries, such as Portugal and Italy, were not heavily affected by the past years' financial crisis, they could be impacted by the fiscal crisis if it spreads outside of Greece.”  As I am writing this post the EU leaders are trying to place a band aid on Greece’s debt which can not be paid off.  Even if the IMF and other EU member States helps the crisis doesn’t go away.  The New York times address this.

 See full size image I quote, “Last week the European leadership panicked — very late in the day — when it realized that the euro zone itself was at risk of a meltdown. If the euro zone proves unwilling to protect a member like Greece from default, then bond investors will run from Portugal and Spain also — if you doubt this, study carefully the interlocking debt picture published recently in The New York Times.  Higher yields on government debt would have caused concerns about potential bank runs in these nations, and then spread to more nations in Europe. When there is such a “run,” it is not clear where it stops.  In the hazy distance, Belgium, France, Austria and many others were potentially at risk. Even the Germans cannot afford to bail out those nations.”  The report also stated, “Slapped in the face by this ugly scenario, the Europeans decided to throw everything they and the I.M.F. had at bailing out Greece.  The program as announced has only a small chance of preventing eventual Greek bankruptcy, but it may still slow or avert a dangerous spiral downward — and enormous collateral damage — in the rest of Europe.”  If the European’s begin to panic and start running on the banks what do you think is going to happen?  It is going to cause the stock market to crash and you will see the same thing that America witnessed on October of 1929, when the Great Depression began. The Great Depression took place from 1930 to 1939. During this time the prices of stock fell 40%. 9,000 banks went out of business and 9 million savings accounts were wiped out. 86,00 businesses failed, and wages were decreased by an average of 60%. The unemployment rate went from 9% all the way to 25%, about 15 million jobless people.”



The Greece crisis can also affect the U.S. economic recovery. Please watch the video at this site entitled “Greek Budget Crisis Could Stagnate U.S.Recovery”


Since 2001 the European Euro has been one of the strongest currencies in the world.  As you can see from the current news the Euro has taken a huge hit since the Greece economic crisis. A report out today informed us the Euro Sank to 14-month low against the dollar as debt woes mount.  Many will think this is good news for America but America’s  debt will take her down shortly when nations who let America borrow money ask to pay off their debt.  Then you will see what is happening in Greece now but only on a much larger scale.  When America cat is out of the bag and everyone knows she can’t pay of the debt the dollar will crash and cause the same type of problems Greece is facing now. burning-euros.jpg The euro continued its downward slide in European trading on Thursday, battered by fears that the financial crisis that has enveloped Greece may infect Portugal and Spain. The euro has dropped to lows last seen in early 2009 as markets debate whether a planned 110 billion euro ($142 billion) European Union and International Monetary Fund bailout will stem Greece's woes and whether other countries in the euro zone could be at risk. The 16-nation currency went as low as $1.2738 in trading Thursday before recovering slightly to $1.2751. That's still below the $1.2827 it bought the day before in New York trading. The euro sank as low as $1.2805 in New York trading Wednesday, its weakest point since March 2009. Moody's Investor Services said it may cut Portugal's debt in the next three months. The credit ratings agency said Portugal's rating could fall by one or two notches. Standard & Poor's lowered Portugal's credit rating last week. That, in turn has pushed borrowing costs in Portugal and Spain higher and left markets more concerned that, like Greece, the two countries may not have the money to repay debts as their economies remain weak. "Moody's decision to place Portugal on review for a possible downgrade has added to the sense of investor unease over possible debt default in peripheral European countries in the wake of the social unrest in Greece at the moment," said Michael Hewson, a currency analyst with CMC Markets. "Fractures have already started to appear in the political will inside Greece to deal with the problem after the tragic events yesterday." Because of that concern, markets will be eyeing the European Central Bank meeting in Lisbon later Thursday to see if its president, Jean-Claude Trichet, can tamp down fears of a contagion.”

What we are witnessing in the news could be the making of major global economic crisis worse than we have seen in the past two year.  Right now we are seeing nation after nation debt problems beginning to bust open.  Greece is not the only nation in the EU with very serious problems. “Whoever wins the election must make sorting out the public finances the top priority, the European commission warned on the eve of the poll, as it predicted the British budget deficit would swell this year to become the biggest in the European Union, overtaking even Greece.  The commission's spring economic forecasts put the UK deficit for this calendar year at 12% of GDP, the highest of all 27 EU nations and worse than the Treasury's own forecasts. The country's budget shortfall was the third largest in the EU last year but will overtake both Greece and Ireland this year, according to the forecasts. Greece's measures to tackle its public finances problems are projected to cut its deficit to 9.3% of GDP.  Worries about Britain's public finances – in their worst state since the end of the second world war – continue to unnerve financial markets and analysts are divided over whether a hung parliament will have the clout to rapidly reduce the deficit.” 

What I am trying to show you is how this global crisis is going to get much worse until it blows apart and I believe we will see this happen in the not to distant future.  As it is now governments are just managing to hold the crisis back by installing measures that will only delay the collapse.


What we are witnessing in the news could be the making of major global economic crisis worse than we have seen in the past two years.  Right now we are seeing nation after nation debt problems beginning to bust open.  Greece is not the only nation in the EU with very serious problems. “Whoever wins the election must make sorting out the public finances the top priority, the European commission warned on the eve of the poll, as it predicted the British budget deficit would swell this year to become the biggest in the European Union, overtaking even Greece.  The commission's spring economic forecasts put the UK deficit for this calendar year at 12% of GDP, the highest of all 27 EU nations and worse than the Treasury's own forecasts. The country's budget shortfall was the third largest in the EU last year but will overtake both Greece and Ireland this year, according to the forecasts. Greece's measures to tackle its public finances problems are projected to cut its deficit to 9.3% of GDP.  Worries about Britain's public finances – in their worst state since the end of the second world war – continue to unnerve financial markets and analysts are divided over whether a hung parliament will have the clout to rapidly reduce the deficit.” 


Speaking about economic problems,  America's debt is worse than Greece, and America will never be able to pay this off.  Most of America’s debt has been picked up by China, and now China is showing it to may be in serious trouble.  The following report entitled “China May ‘Crash’ in Next 9 to 12” informs us  “Investor Marc Faber said China’s economy will slow and possibly “crash” within a year as declines in stock and commodity prices signal the nation’s property bubble is set to burst. The Shanghai Composite Index has failed to regain its 2009 high while industrial commodities and shares of Australian resource exporters are acting “heavy,” Faber said. The opening of the World Expo in Shanghai last week is “not a particularly good omen,” he said, citing a property bust and depression that followed the 1873 World Exhibition in Vienna. “The market is telling you that something is not quite right,” Faber, the publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, said in a Bloomberg Television interview in Hong Kong today. “The Chinese economy is going to slow down regardless. It is more likely that we will even have a crash sometime in the next nine to 12 months.”   If Faber is correct and China does crash she will call in all her debts.  Of course America with her trillions in debt won’t be able to pay it off and there you have the making of the crash!  If you haven’t read the news you might want to know just how much America is in debt to China alone. See below:

“Despite recent government reports that China's holdings of U.S. Treasury debt declined during the second half of last year, the Asian economic giant almost certainly owns far more Treasury securities than official statistics indicate. After peaking at $801.5 billion, China's holdings of U.S. Treasury securities declined to $755.4 billion at the year's end, dropping the communist power into the position of second-largest holder of Treasury debt after Japan's $768.8 billion, official government data reveal. But these numbers don't tell the whole story.”  We get the rest of the story further down in the report where is says, “ Mr. Johnson, a former chief economist for the International Monetary Fund, estimated that China owns about $1 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities, or nearly half the $2.37 trillion stock of Treasury debt held by "foreign official" owners. The amount of U.S. debt held by China is even higher than that, said Eswar Prasad, an economist at Cornell University. Under the widely held assumption that 70 percent of China's $2.4 trillion in foreign exchange reserves is invested in dollar-denominated bonds, Mr. Prasad told the commission that China probably holds about $1.7 trillion in U.S. government debt.


As you can see from the news report above Japan is carrying a huge portion of U.S. debt but recent events in Japan has shaken up their economy as well.   “TOKYO — It's been a humbling few days for Japan.   Toyota, the nation's largest company, announced vehicle recalls on three continents and shut down five assembly plants in the United States, and its president told the world, "We're extremely sorry." Standard & Poor's threatened to downgrade the Japanese government's credit rating because Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama is moving too slowly to reduce the debt. And China overtook Japan as the world's largest maker of cars, according to an announcement from the Japanese Automobile Manufacturers Association. The triple whammy of manufacturing and fiscal problems is a harbinger of what Japan faces in the coming years as its listless economy meanders into an era of reckoning and national loss of face”  We are hearing the same news from most of the nations that leaders are not paying off their debts and disaster is looming because of it.  Planet Earth has become a very small planet when it comes to the worldwide economy.  What affects one nations has an affect on the others.



 See full size imageDo you want to see clues America’s economic system on the way to a crash? Since opening up my site I have been warning you to watch the numbers of U.S. banks that fold.  Banks are still closing their doors and most Americans are unware of the stats.  Take a look at what has happened since 2008.

Douglass National Bank

Kansas City


02008-01-25January 25, 2008


Hume Bank

Hume Missouri 02008-03-07March 7, 2008 19
ANB Financial NA Bentonville Arkansas 02008-05-09May 9, 2008 2,100
First Integrity Bank, NA Staples Minnesota 02008-05-30May 30, 2008 55
IndyMac Pasadena California 02008-07-11July 11, 2008 32,000
First National Bank of Nevada Reno Nevada 02008-07-25July 25, 2008 3,400
First Heritage Bank, NA Newport Beach California 02008-07-25July 25, 2008 254
First Priority Bank Bradenton Florida 02008-08-01August 1, 2008 259
The Columbian Bank and Trust Company Topeka Kansas 02008-08-22August 22, 2008 752
Integrity Bancshares Inc. Alpharetta Georgia 02008-08-29August 29, 2008 1,100
Silver State Bank Henderson Nevada 02008-09-05September 5, 2008 2,000
Ameribank Northfork West Virginia 02008-09-19September 19, 2008 113
Washington Mutual Bank Henderson Nevada 02008-09-25September 25, 2008 307,000
Main Street Bank Northville Michigan 02008-10-10October 10, 2008 98
Meridian Bank Eldred Illinois 02008-10-10October 10, 2008 39
Alpha Bank & Trust Alpharetta Georgia 02008-10-24October 24, 2008 354
Freedom Bank Bradenton Florida 02008-10-31October 31, 2008 287
Franklin Bank Houston Texas 02008-11-07November 7, 2008 5,100
Security Pacific Bank Los Angeles California 02008-11-07November 7, 2008 561
The Community Bank Loganville Georgia 02008-11-21November 21, 2008 681
Downey Savings and Loan Newport Beach California 02008-11-21November 21, 2008 12,800
PFF Bank and Trust Pomona California 02008-11-21November 21, 2008 3,700
First Georgia Community Bank Jackson Georgia 02008-12-05December 5, 2008 238
Haven Trust Bank Duluth Georgia 02008-12-12December 12, 2008 572
Sanderson State Bank Sanderson Texas 02008-12-12December 12, 2008 37

List of bank failures in 2009 140 of them.

National Bank of Commerce Berkeley Illinois 02009-01-16January 16, 2009 97
Bank of Clark County Vancouver Washington 02009-01-16January 16, 2009 120
1st Centennial Bank Redlands Washington 02009-01-23January 23, 2009 227
Ocala National Bank Ocala Florida 02009-01-30January 30, 2009 100
Suburban FSB Crofton Maryland 02009-01-30January 30, 2009 126
MagnetBank Salt Lake City Utah 02009-01-30January 30, 2009 119
County Bank Merced California 02009-02-06February 6, 2009 135
Alliance Bank Culver City California 02009-02-06February 6, 2009 206
FirstBank Financial Service McDonough Georgia 02009-02-06February 6, 2009 111
Pinnacle Bank of Oregon Beaverton Oregon 02009-02-13February 13, 2009 12
Corn Belt Bank & Trust Co. Pittsfield Illinois 02009-02-13February 13, 2009 100
Riverside Bank of the Gulf Coast Cape Coral Florida 02009-02-13February 13, 2009 202
Sherman County Bank Loup City Nebraska 02009-02-13February 13, 2009 28
Silver Falls Bank Silverton Oregon 02009-02-20February 20, 2009 50
Heritage Community Bank Glenwood Illinois 02009-02-27February 27, 2009 42
Security Savings Bank Henderson Nevada 02009-02-27February 27, 2009 59
Freedom Bank of Georgia Commerce Georgia 02009-03-06March 6, 2009 36
TeamBank, NA Paola Kansas 02009-03-20March 20, 2009 670
Colorado National Bank Colorado Springs Colorado 02009-03-20March 20, 2009 124
FirstCity Bank Stockbridge Georgia 02009-03-20March 20, 2009 297
Omni National Bank Atlanta Georgia 02009-03-27March 27, 2009 956
Cape Fear Bank Wilmington North Carolina 02009-04-10April 10, 2009 492
New Frontier Bank Greeley Colorado 02009-04-10April 10, 2009 2,000
Great Basin Bank of Nevada Elko Nevada 02009-04-17April 17, 2009 271
American Sterling Bank Sugar Creek Missouri 02009-04-17April 17, 2009 181
American Southern Bank Kennesaw Georgia 02009-04-24April 24, 2009 112
Michigan Heritage Bank Farmington Hills Michigan 02009-04-24April 24, 2009 185
First Bank of Beverly Hills Calabasas California 02009-04-24April 24, 2009 1,500
First Bank of Idaho Ketchum Idaho 02009-04-24April 24, 2009 489
America West Bank Layton Utah 02009-05-01May 1, 2009 299
Citizens Community Bank Ridgewood New Jersey 02009-05-01May 1, 2009 45
Silverton Bank, NA Atlanta Georgia 02009-05-01May 1, 2009 4,100
Westsound Bank Bremerton Washington 02009-05-08May 8, 2009 335
BankUnited FSB Coral Gables Florida 02009-05-21May 21, 2009 12,800
Strategic Capital Bank Champaign Illinois 02009-05-22May 22, 2009 537
Citizens National Bank Macomb Illinois 02009-05-22May 22, 2009 437
Bank of Lincolnwood Lincolnwood Illinois 02009-06-05June 5, 2009 214
Fist National Bank of Anthony Anthony Kansas 02009-06-19June 19, 2009 157
Cooperative Bank Wilmington North Carolina 02009-06-19June 19, 2009 970
Southern Community Bank Fayetteville Georgia 02009-06-19June 19, 2009 377
Mirae Bank Los Angeles California 02009-06-26June 26, 2009 456
MetroPacific Bank Irvine California 02009-06-26June 26, 2009 80
Horizon Bank Pine City Minnesota 02009-06-26June 26, 2009 88
Neighborhood Community Bank Newman Georgia 02009-06-26June 26, 2009 222
Community Bank of West Georgia Villa Rica Georgia 02009-06-26June 26, 2009 199
First National Bank of Danville Danville Illinois 02009-07-02July 2, 2009 166
Rock River Bank Oregon Illinois 02009-07-02July 2, 2009 77
John Warner Bank Clinton Illinois 02009-07-02July 2, 2009 70
First State Bank of Winchester Winchester Illinois 02009-07-02July 2, 2009 36
Elizabeth State Bank Elizabeth Illinois 02009-07-02July 2, 2009 56
Millennium State Bank of Texas Dallas Texas 02009-07-02July 2, 2009 118
Founders Bank Worth Illinois 02009-07-02July 2, 2009 963
Bank of Wyoming Thermopolis Wyoming 02009-07-10July 10, 2009 70
Temecula Valley Bank Temecula California 02009-07-17July 17, 2009 1,500
Vineyard Bank Rancho Cucamonga California 02009-07-17July 17, 2009 1,900
BankFirst Sioux Falls South Dakota 02009-07-17July 17, 2009 275
First Piedmont Bank Winder Georgia 02009-07-17July 17, 2009 115
Security Bank of Bibb County Macon Georgia 02009-07-24July 24, 2009 1,200
Security Bank of North Metro Woodstock Georgia 02009-07-24July 24, 2009 224
Security Bank of North Fulton Alpharetta Georgia 02009-07-24July 24, 2009 209
Security Bank of Gwinnett County Suwanee Georgia 02009-07-24July 24, 2009 322
Security Bank of Jones County Gray Georgia 02009-07-24July 24, 2009 453
Security Bank of Houston County Perry Georgia 02009-07-24July 24, 2009 383
Waterford Village Bank Williamsville New York 02009-07-24July 24, 2009 61
Integrity Bank Jupiter Florida 02009-07-31July 31, 2009 119
First State Bank of Altus Altus Oklahoma 02009-07-31July 31, 2009 103
First BankAmericano Elizabeth New Jersey 02009-07-31July 31, 2009 166
Peoples Community Bank West Chester Ohio 02009-07-31July 31, 2009 706
Mutual Bank Harvey Illinois 02009-07-31July 31, 2009 1,600
First State Bank Sarasota Florida 02009-08-07August 7, 2009 463
Community National Bank of Sarasota County Venice Florida 02009-08-07August 7, 2009 97
Community First Bank Prineville Oregon 02009-08-07August 7, 2009 209
Union Bank, National Association Gilbert Arizona 02009-08-14August 14, 2009 124
Dwelling House Savings and Loan Association Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 02009-08-14August 14, 2009 13
Colonial Bank Montgomery Alabama 02009-08-14August 14, 2009 25,000
Community Bank of Arizona Phoenix Arizona 02009-08-14August 14, 2009 156
Community Bank of Nevada Las Vegas Nevada 02009-08-14August 14, 2009 159
First Coweta Bank Newnan Georgia 02009-08-21August 21, 2009 167
Guaranty Bank Austin Texas 02009-08-21August 21, 2009 13,000
CapitalSouth Bank Birmingham Alabama 02009-08-21August 21, 2009 617
ebank Atlanta Georgia 02009-08-21August 21, 2009 143
Bradford Bank Baltimore Maryland 02009-08-28August 28, 2009 452
Mainstreet Bank Forest Lake Minnesota 02009-08-28August 28, 2009 459
Affinity Bank Ventura California 02009-08-28August 28, 2009 1,000
First Bank of Kansas City Kansas City Missouri 02009-09-04September 4, 2009 16
InBank Oak Forest Illinois 02009-09-04September 4, 2009 212
Vantus Bank Sioux City Iowa 02009-09-04September 4, 2009 458
Platinum Community Bank Rolling Meadows Illinois 02009-09-04September 4, 2009 346
First State Bank Flagstaff Arizona 02009-09-04September 4, 2009 105
Corus Bank Chicago Illinois 02009-09-11September 11, 2009 7,000
Brickwell Community Bank Woodbury Minnesota 02009-09-11September 11, 2009 72
Venture Bank Lacey Washington 02009-09-11September 11, 2009 970
Irwin Union Bank and Trust Company Columbus Indiana 02009-09-18September 18, 2009 2,700
Irwin Union Bank, F.S.B. Louisville Kentucky 02009-09-18September 18, 2009 493
Georgian Bank Atlanta Georgia 02009-09-25September 25, 2009 2,000
Warren Bank Warren Michigan 02009-10-02October 2, 2009 538
Jennings State Bank Spring Grove Minnesota 02009-10-02October 2, 2009 56
South Colorado National Bank Pueblo Colorado 02009-10-02October 2, 2009 40
San Joaquin Bank Bakersfield California 02009-10-16October 16, 2009 775
Partners Bank Naples Florida 02009-10-23October 23, 2009 66
American United Bank Lawrenceville Georgia 02009-10-23October 23, 2009 111
Hillcrest Bank Florida Naples Florida 02009-10-23October 23, 2009 83
Flagship National Bank Bradenton Florida 02009-10-23October 23, 2009 190
Bank of Elmwood Racine Wisconsin 02009-10-23October 23, 2009 327
Riverview Community Bank Ostego Minnesota 02009-10-23October 23, 2009 108
First DuPage Bank of Westmont Westmont Illinois 02009-10-23October 23, 2009 279
Community Bank of Lemont Lemont Illinois 02009-10-30October 30, 2009 82
Bank USA, N.A. Phoenix Arizona 02009-10-30October 30, 2009 213
California National Bank Los Angeles California 02009-10-30October 30, 2009 7,800
San Diego National Bank San Diego California 02009-10-30October 30, 2009 3,600
Pacific National Bank San Francisco California 02009-10-30October 30, 2009 2,300
Park National Bank Chicago Illinois 02009-10-30October 30, 2009 4,700
Citizens National Bank Teague Texas 02009-10-30October 30, 2009 118
Madisonville State Bank Madisonville Texas 02009-10-30October 30, 2009 257
North Houston Bank Houston Texas 02009-10-30October 30, 2009 326
United Security Bank Sparta Georgia 02009-11-06November 6, 2009 157
Home Federal Savings Bank Detroit Michigan 02009-11-06November 6, 2009 15
Prosperan Bank Oakdale Minnesota 02009-11-06November 6, 2009 200
Gateway Bank of St. Louis St. Louis Missouri 02009-11-06November 6, 2009 28
United Commercial Bank San Francisco California 02009-11-06November 6, 2009 11,200
Century Bank, F.S.B. Sarasota Florida 02009-11-13November 13, 2009 728
Orion Bank Naples Florida 02009-11-13November 13, 2009 2,700
Pacific Coast National Bank San Clemente California 02009-11-13November 13, 2009 134
Commerce Bank of Southwest Florida Fort Myers Florida 02009-11-20November 20, 2009 80
The Buckhead Community Bank Atlanta Georgia 02009-12-04December 4, 2009 874
First Security National Bank Norcross Georgia 02009-12-04December 4, 2009 128
The Tattnall Bank Reidsville Georgia 02009-12-04December 4, 2009 50
AmTrust Bank Cleveland Ohio 02009-12-04December 4, 2009 12,000
Benchmark Bank Aurora Illinois 02009-12-04December 4, 2009 170
Greater Atlantic Bank Reston Virginia 02009-12-04December 4, 2009 203
Republic Federal Bank, N.A. Miami Florida 02009-12-11December 11, 2009 433
Valley Capital Bank, N.A. Mesa Arizona 02009-12-11December 11, 2009 40
Solutions Bank Overland Park Kansas 02009-12-11December 11, 2009 511
RockBridge Commercial Bank Atlanta Georgia 02009-12-18December 18, 2009 294
Peoples First Community Bank Panama City Florida 02009-12-18December 18, 2009 1,800
Citizens State Bank New Baltimore Michigan 02009-12-18December 18, 2009 169
New South Federal Savings Bank Irondale Alabama 02009-12-18December 18, 2009 1,500
Independent Bankers' Bank Springfield Illinois 02009-12-18December 18, 2009 586
Imperial Capital Bank La Jolla California 02009-12-18December 18, 2009 4,000
First Federal Bank of California, F.S.B. Santa Monica California 02009-12-18December 18, 2009 6,100

List of bank failures in 2010

Beach First National Bank Myrtle Beach South Carolina 02010-04-09April 9, 2010 585
Horizon Bank Bellingham Washington 02010-01-08January 8, 2010 1,300
Town Community Bank & Trust Antioch Illinois 02010-01-15January 15, 2010 70
St. Stephen State Bank St. Stephen Minnesota 02010-01-15January 15, 2010 25
Barnes Banking Company Kaysville Utah 02010-01-15January 15, 2010 828
Premier American Bank Miami Florida 02010-01-22January 22, 2010 351
Bank of Leeton Leeton Missouri 02010-01-22January 22, 2010 20
Charter Bank Sante Fe New Mexico 02010-01-22January 22, 2010 1,200
Evergreen Bank Seattle Washington 02010-01-22January 22, 2010 489
Columbia River Bank The Dalles Oregon 02010-01-22January 22, 2010 1,100
First National Bank of Georgia Carrollton Georgia 02010-01-29January 29, 2010 833
Florida Community Bank Immokalee Florida 02010-01-29January 29, 2010 876
Marshall Bank, N.A. Hallock Minnesota 02010-01-29January 29, 2010 60
Community Bank and Trust Cornelia Georgia 02010-01-29January 29, 2010 1,210
First Regional Bank Los Angeles California 02010-01-29January 29, 2010 2,180
American Marine Bank Bainbridge Island Washington 02010-01-29January 29, 2010 373
1st American State Bank of Minnesota Hancock Minnesota 02010-02-05February 5, 2010 18
La Jolla Bank La Jolla California 02010-02-19February 19, 2010 3,600
George Washington Savings Bank Orland Park Illinois 02010-02-19February 19, 2010 413
The La Coste National Bank La Coste Texas 02010-02-19February 19, 2010 54
Marco Community Bank Marco Island Florida 02010-02-19February 19, 2010 120
Carson River Community Bank Carson City Nevada 02010-02-26February 26, 2010 51
Rainier Pacific Bank Tacoma Washington 02010-02-26February 26, 2010 718
Centennial Bank Ogden Utah 02010-03-05March 5, 2010 215
Waterfield Bank Germantown Maryland 02010-03-05March 5, 2010 156
Bank of Illinois Normal Illinois 02010-03-05March 5, 2010 212
Sun American Bank Boca Raton Florida 02010-03-05March 5, 2010 536
LibertyPointe Bank New York New York 02010-03-11March 11, 2010 210
The Park Avenue Bank New York New York 02010-03-12March 12, 2010 520
Statewide Bank Covington Louisiana 02010-03-12March 12, 2010 243
Old Southern Bank Orlando Florida 02010-03-12March 12, 2010 316
American National Bank Parma Ohio 02010-03-19March 19, 2010 70
Advanta Bank Corp Draper Utah 02010-03-19March 19, 2010 1,600
Century Security Bank Duluth Georgia 02010-03-19March 19, 2010 97
Bank of Hiawassee Hiawassee Georgia 02010-03-19March 19, 2010 378
Appalachian Community Bank Ellijay Georgia 02010-03-19March 19, 2010 1,010
First Lowndes Bank Luverne Alabama 02010-03-19March 19, 2010 137
State Bank of Aurora Aurora Minnesota 02010-03-19March 19, 2010 28
Desert Hills Bank Phoenix Arizona 02010-03-26March 26, 2010 497
Unity National Bank Cartersville Georgia 02010-03-26March 26, 2010 292
Key West Bank Key West Florida 02010-03-26March 26, 2010 88
McIntosh Commercial Bank Carrollton Georgia 02010-03-26March 26, 2010 363
Beach First National Bank Myrtle Beach South Caroliina 02010-04-09April 9, 2010 585
City Bank Lynnwood Washington 02010-04-16April 16, 2010 1,130
Tamalpais Bank San Rafael California 02010-04-16April 16, 2010 629
Innovative Bank Oakland California 02010-04-16April 16, 2010 269
Butler Bank Lowell Massachusetts 02010-04-16April 16, 2010 268
Riverside National Bank of Florida Fort Pierce Florida 02010-04-16April 16, 2010 3,420
AmericanFirst Bank Clermont Florida 02010-04-16April 16, 2010 91
First Federal Bank of North Florida Palatka Florida 02010-04-16April 16, 2010 393
Lakeside Community Bank Sterling Heights Michigan 02010-04-16April 16, 2010 53
Amcore Bank Rockford Illinois 02010-04-23April 23, 2010 3,400
Broadway Bank Chicago Illinois 02010-04-23April 23, 2010 1,200
Citizens Bank and Trust Company of Chicago Chicago Illinois 02010-04-23April 23, 2010 77
Lincoln Park Saving Bank Chicago Illinois 02010-04-23April 23, 2010 200
New Century Bank Chicago Illinois 02010-04-23April 23, 2010 486
Peotone Bank and Trust Company Peotone Illinois 02010-04-23April 23, 2010 130
Wheatland Bank Naperville Illinois 02010-04-23April 23, 2010 437
BC National Banks Butler Missouri 02010-04-30April 30, 2010 67
CF Bancorp Port Huron Michigan 02010-04-30April 30, 2010 1,650
Champion Bank Creve Coeur Missouri 02010-04-30April 30, 2010 187
Eurobank San Juan Puerto Rico 02010-04-30April 30, 2010 2,560
Frontier Bank Everett Washington 02010-04-30April 30, 2010 3,500
R-G Premier Bank of Puerto Rico Hato Rey Puerto Rico 02010-04-30April 30, 2010 5,920
Westernbank Puerto Rico Mayaguez Puerto Rico 02010-04-30April 30, 2010 11,940


Please keep in mind that when the Antichrist comes he will be able to monitor everyone,or at least make an attempt to do so.  Below is a video showing the Government ad threatens people who choose not to pay the illegal income tax with big brother surveillance. It’s just a shame the feds can’t use such tactics against people like Timothy Geithner and the myriad of other insiders who routinely evade taxes. Watch the video below and just added these words to that video which the Antichrist will be able to say.  I am watching you.  I know where you live. I know that you have not taken my mark yet.  I  will make this easy for you take my mark and you can buy and sell. I am coming for you if you give me what I is mine.

Like I said, our world is so connected with each nation that we are all affected by what happens in another nation.  Here is a prime example of what I am talking about. “Canadian dollar and North American markets went for a wild ride Thursday afternoon, as the loonie tumbled more than three cents, then rebounded somewhat to trade 2.3 cents lower to 94.82 cents US. The Dow Jones Industrial Average briefly traded below 10,000 points a little before 3 p.m. ET, a drop of more than 900 points from where it opened the day, but returned to be down about 343 just over half an hour later”  Another very important item in these report was the fact that “Gold passes over $1,200 US”.  Why is this important?  For three year at this site I have been telling you the price of Gold would skyrocket based on what Jesus shows us in Revelation 18:11-13 11“The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more— 12cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble; 13cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and bodies and souls of men.”

See full size imageThese scriptures reveals to us that these items are going to be supper expensive.  We know this because we are told the people living during the tribulation will be weeping over these items when they are taken away. People don’t cry over things that don’t hold any value.  Fact is, Gold prices are now beginning to reach record highs and they aren’t going to stop climbing.  By the time you get to the seven year tribulation you will see price of Gold and Silver like you have never seen before.  Notice I said by the time you get to the tribulation.  If you do not heed Christ’s warnings, if you refuse to receive Jesus as your Lord and refuse the gift of the work at the cross, you will be cast into the seven year tribulation. Many of you don’t want to hear this message but this message is TRUTH and it is for your own good and a message battling for your eternal life with Christ. There are only two roads you can walk.  One leads to Jesus at His Throne.  The other road is going to lead you directly to Satan when he embodies the Antichrist during the last 3 and a half years of the seven year tribulation.  What road are you walking on right now?

There is a spiritual war going on for your eternal life and Satan doesn’t wait you to be reborn in Christ.  The time of free preaching in the streets is drawing closer to an end as we see Satan war in nations all around the world. I give you an example of what I am talkiing about below via Franklin Graham.


 I quote, “Franklin Graham, son of the Rev. Billy Graham, speaking at a 2009 event. (CNSNews.com) – Two top evangelical leaders sounded a defiant tone on the eve of National Day of Prayer — warning that the American right to freedom of religion “is being eroded every day” and may be lost in an onslaught of secularism unless Americans “have the guts to stand up.”The Rev. Franklin Graham, who last month was officially “dis-invited” by the Army to speak at a National Day of Prayer ceremony at the Pentagon for statements he made about Islam, said he will not back down in preaching the Gospel as he sees it. “We’re living in a time where we cannot compromise, we cannot back up, we cannot retreat,” Graham said Wednesday during a live Webcast from the Washington, D.C. offices of the Family Research Council. “The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is to be preached to the ends of the Earth – that’s what He’s called us to do,” he said. Graham, the honorary chairman of this year’s National Day of Prayer, made his comments in a sermon to an audience of leaders making final preparations for Thursday’s National Day of Prayer. He alluded to Eastern Europe under communism, where Christians and others were allowed to pray only within their homes or inside the officially sanctioned churches that were allowed by the state. “I think its coming to this country where we (will) have the freedom to preach inside a church wall, but we will lose the freedom to do it outside. That day will probably come – maybe in my lifetime,” Graham said.”

 See full size image If you read the entire report you will see some of the battles being fought in the courts.  Satan isn’t stupid, he knows his time is drawing short, and he is going to do whatever he can to make sure you don’t make it to Christ.   If you receive Jesus and are reborn again with the Spirit of God in Christ you have won the war and Satan can not harm you as you are one of Jesus children.  If you have not the Spirit Satan is coming to deceive you.  Satan is also going to try and take away God’s children and this is why Jesus gave us the message about the armor we need to carry as we battle against the Devil.  I quote, Ephesians 6:11-18. “ 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.”


 See full size imageLet me ask you a question.  Why is it that Jesus Christ is so easily stepped on in the media and on television where as if anyone says anything about Muhammad the Muslims go crazy and force their will on the media and those who produce TV shows?  Is is because the Christian army has taken a nap.  Is it because they are afraid of what people will say if they make the kind of noise Muslims make when their faith is attacked?  Let me show you a great example of what I am speaking to you about. I quote,Comedy Central developing Jesus Christ cartoon” ”Comedy Central might censor every image of the Prophet Muhammad on "South Park," yet the network is developing a whole animated series around Jesus Christ.  As part of the network's upfront presentation to advertisers (full slate here), the network is set to announce "JC," a half-hour show about Christ wanting to escape the shadow of his "powerful but apathetic father" and live a regular life in New York City. In the show, God is preoccupied with playing video games while Christ, "the ultimate fish out of water," tries to adjust to life in the big city. "In general, comedy in purist form always makes some people uncomfortable," said Comedy Central's head of original programming Kent Alterman. When asked if the show might draw some fire, especially coming on the heels of the network's decision to censor the Muslim faith's religious figure on "South Park," Alterman said its too early in the show's development to be concerned about such matters.  "We don't even know what the show is yet," he said. Like all Comedy Central executives, Alterman declined to address the recent controversy over "South Park," where the network aired a heavily redacted episode after the show's creators were threatened by an extremist Islamic Web site.”

If Christians don’t stand up for Christ I also believe as Graham when he said, “I think its coming to this country where we (will) have the freedom to preach inside a church wall, but we will lose the freedom to do it outside. That day will probably come – maybe in my lifetime,” Graham said.” 

Now is the time to go get your Bible.  Blow the dust off it, put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes to silence Christ’s Church.

  Prophecy Sign: Signs of the coming Psalm 83 war which will be between Israel and her bordering nations of which Syria, the Hizbullah, Fateh will be included.  As the world waits to see if they can get out of the global economic crisis, the world is also waiting to see what is going to happen if the Middle East peace process fails.  All the nations bordering Israel in the last year have warned of another war soon if the PLO doesn’t get their own State inside of Israel and take ownership again of East Jerusalem.  Each day we are watching signs that all these nations are getting ready to attack Israel.

Today we learned, “Hizbullah has received hundreds of advanced surface-to-surface missiles from Syria that are capable of targeting Tel Aviv and causing extensive damage to Israel in the event of a future war with the Iranian-backed Shi’ite guerrilla groups, it was recently revealed. Meanwhile, Brig.-Gen. Yossi Baidatz, head of Military Intelligence’s Research Division, told the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday that Syria was unquestionably transferring long-range rockets to Hizbullah, and that the recent reported transfers were just “the tip of the iceberg.” 

 See full size imageThe Syrian-made surface-to-surface missile, called the M600, is based on a solid propellant and is a clone of an Iranian missile called the Fateh-110. The M600 has a range of 250 km., carries a 500-kg. conventional warhead and is equipped with a sophisticated navigation system, giving Hizbullah accuracy it did not have until now. Israel believes Hizbullah has obtained hundreds of M600 missiles, which pose a direct threat to Israeli population centers. While the Scud missiles that were recently transferred from Syria to Lebanon have a greater range, the M600 – due to the number of missiles Hizbullah has, and their accuracy – is perceived to be a more severe threat for the IDF. Hizbullah is likely storing the M600 missiles in homes in central and northern Lebanon like the Iranian-made Zelzal and Fajr missiles, which were also stored in homes and were destroyed by the IAF on the first night of the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Since the war ended, Hizbullah is believed to have accumulated an arsenal of over 40,000 rockets and missiles. Alongside the Scuds, the M600 is the most advanced missile in Hizbullah’s arsenal. On Tuesday, Baidatz told the Knesset committee, as part of his regular briefing, that “Syria has a very respectable part in the increase in force of Hizbullah’s rocket arsenal.” Baidatz said that despite Syrian denials, there had been transfers of long-distance rockets from Syria to Hizbullah, describing the recent transfer as “merely the tip of the iceberg.” Jesus has provided many people to sound the warning concerning the last days.  I am only one of many who are giving you God’s Word and telling you exactly what is going to happen before it takes place based solely on the Word of God.  For those of us who love Christ and long for His appearing we see these news events as what they really are.  They are signs form Christ telling you all to make yourself ready to meet Him.  I am not sure how many of you will believe this message, or how many will take this message to others without fear.  However, I am sure on this, we are running out of time and soon you will not only witness the collapse of the world economic system but you will see some major wars in the Middle East.

  See full size imageProphecy Sign: Almost every day I warn you about Paul’s warning concerning the call for Peace and safety and then the sudden destruction that will come.  If you are new to my site this is what that prophecy says, “While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape” (I Thessalonians 5:3).  By now you must be brain dead if you don’t know the call for Peace and safety has been heard loud and clear in the MIddle East for some time now.  One of the nations listed in the Psalm 83 war is Jordan.  Events are taking shape in Jordan that will lead this nation into battle against Israel.  We see this sign in this report as it states, “King Abdullah of Jordan has joined the Arab world’s saber-rattling against Israel and warned that the status of Jerusalem could blow up into another war. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, he also stated that Jordan was better off economically before it made peace with Israel in 1994.”  ]http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/136855  See full size imageOnce again we see the problem of economics coming into play.  We also see that Zechariah’s warning in Zech 12:3 has come to pass in our generation as we were told by Zechariah that Jerusalem would be the center of problems.  How in the world you can deny all these signs are true is beyond reason, unless you are blinded by Satan, and I am not afraid to tell you many of you are, if you do not believe the Lord’s warnings.

See full size imageProphecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 watch for the many earthquakes.  Here are today’s quakes so far.

MAP 5.5  2010/05/06 11:35:31  -55.546  -127.935 10.0  PACIFIC-ANTARCTIC RIDGE
MAP 5.0  2010/05/06 11:24:29  -18.802   168.435 66.6  VANUATU
MAP 5.4  2010/05/06 09:13:09   -3.946   100.959 31.5  KEPULAUAN MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA

6.2  2010/05/06 02:42:48  -18.023   -70.533 35.0  SOUTHERN PERU 

See full size imageSee full size image

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.


The Psalm 83 question?/A comment from Cindy S/April 5, 2010

Yesterday I received a email telling me I was the only one who is teaching on the Psalm 83 war., and there is no proof of this. I wrote back and gave a list of Pastors who are in fact warning about this coming war outlines in Psalm 83.  I wanted to share what a will known prophecy teacher  has to report on this issue.  Anyone who has read my information can see that Bill Salus and agree on the Psalm 83 prophecy.  Much of what I have reported on you will see in Bill’s report.

By Bill Salus

Major Mideast wars are coming according to the Bible prophecies in Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39. It would be prudent for people to prepare now, in 2010, for their soon and sequential arrivals.

It is public knowledge that as of December 2009 Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas became allied together by bonafide war pacts against Israel. Iran is a member of Ezekiel 38-39 and Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas appear to be identified in Psalm 83. These war pacts reportedly commit them to fight alongside each other should any of them come under attack by Israel. Had these war pacts been in place during the 22 day conflict between Israel and Hamas that ended in January 2009, the outcome could have been dramatically different.

Back then the Israeli Defense Forces (I.D.F.) seemingly ambushed Hamas with their retaliatory show of force and caught these others off guard. None of them were able to lift a finger to rescue Hamas from the pounding inflicted by the I.D.F. Iran’s nuclear program was incomplete, Hezbollah was in the process of restocking their rocket arsenals, and Syrian war scars from 1948, 1967, and 1973 made them reluctant to join alongside Hamas. Thus, these vowed enemies of Israel were reduced to sideline saber-rattling at the time.

However, matters have deteriorated and are quite different today. A brief review of Mideast events occurring since the Israel – Hamas war suggests the Fertile Crescent is presently a ticking end time’s bomb set to explode. In addition to the war pacts described above, here are a few more troublesome interim occurrences:

1. Israelis are being fitted for gas masks.


2.Israelis are preparing for a multi-front chemical war with Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, and Hamas.

3.Israel is constructing new and renovating thousands of old bomb shelters.
4. Israel is threatening a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s nuclear sites.
5. Iran could have a nuclear bomb within eighteen months.
6. Syria is now thought to have the most powerful scud missiles in the world.
7. Syria has reportedly shipped scud missiles to Hezbollah.

8. Syria has threatened to attack major Israeli cities in the event of war.

9.Hezbollah has declared that it can wipe out one-half of Israel’s army.


10. Hezbollah has been training for hand to hand combat inside Israeli cities.
11. Hezbollah and Syria reportedly have chemical weapons.
12. Hezbollah has stockpiled over 50,000 rockets. http://abcnews.go.com/International/nasrallah-dines-assad-ahmadinejad-damascus/story?id=9953472

13. Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are within rocket reach of Israel’s enemies.
14. Hamas reportedly has rockets that can reach Israel’s nuclear reactor in Dimona.


These are just a few of the numerous events that point toward war soon in the Middle East. The Israel – Hamas war created a heightened degree of animosity amongst Israel’s Arab and Persian enemies against Israel. As a result of the conflict, Turkey restricted relations with Israel and the Arab League voted unanimously again not to normalize relations with Israel.


Warranting additional concerns, King Abdullah of Jordan recently voiced serious dissatisfaction about his country's fragile peace treaty with Israel. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, he warned that "Jerusalem could blow up into another war" and declared "Jordan was better off economically before it made peace with Israel in 1994." Jordan and Egypt are the only Arab States presently at peace with Israel making Abdullah's statements extremely disconcerting.


Odds are strong that war is about to break out soon in the Middle East. Diplomatic solutions to resolve the conflict have continually failed. Relations between Iran and Israel, the Arab League and Israel, and even America and Israel are desperately tense and in a seeming state of disrepair.

At no time in Israel’s history has it ever faced an existential threat of the magnitude it faces presently. Israel’s ancient enemies possessed bows and arrows, but today the Jewish State faces arsenals that can wipe it off the map.

Humanity ought to now heed the war prophecies of the Bible and prepare for war rather than peace in the Middle East! These prophecies are scheduled to occur soon and sequentially each building upon the other. According to scripture the aftermath of these wars will lead to a one world order, construction of a third Jewish Temple, and the arrival of Antichrist.

Time is of the essence evidenced by events stage setting in the Holy Land. Christians, not knowing if they will experience these prophetic wars or be Raptured prior, should consider living each day on earth as though it were their last. In so doing, they will improve their Christian witness. These are the days when Evangelists and Eschatologists should work together in order to bring more people to Christ.

I want to pass to you a email which was sent to me by Cindy S.,  which address the issue of me being the only one warning and teaching about the soon to be fought Psalm 83 war. 

“Are you kidding? EVERYBODY who is ANYBODY to do with end times prophecy is warning of the impending war of Psalm 83/Isaiah 17. RaptureReady.com, TheRaptureReport.com GraceThruFatih.com LambsandLionsMinistry.com and MANY others are all warning of this soon coming war. Most are saying that it could happen any day, but think it will likely take place this summer before Iran's nuclear facility goes online in August. There are rumors of this war on bible prophecy sites, political sites (although they don't refer to the war as "Psalm 83" war) military sites, survival sites…..anywhere you look, you will find talk of this impending war. Mainstream news media isn't saying much, but that's expected! They do their best to "dumb the public down" and keep them in the dark about these issues. But unless you've got your head in the sand, rumors of the Psalms 83 war is EVERYWHERE. As it should be!”

Jesus picked a special generation for His second coming, proof this generation is living now! /End times signs from today/6.5 quake/100 lbs of ice?/Is Ezekiel war coming soon?/May 5, 2010



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora


This Friday at 6PM EST my next radio/video show will be up an running.  I will be covering a host of subjects which show the last days signs are getting more intense. The link below will take you to the show.


It has been brought to my intention that some of you are having troubles reading my post via your email.  Some are saying the post is wider than your screen and you have to drag your mouse to read the entire line. I changed the format of my post in hopes the problem will go away. i wrote to my blog provider and this is the message I received today. “Thanks for the note. It sounds like these folks are using older computers, or perhaps laptops with smaller screens and larger resolutions, which is what generally makes the horizontal scrollbar necessary. I don't have this issue with your blog at all.” If you have an older computer please let me know it my new format helped you. Thank you Frank DiMora

Jesus picked a special generation for His second coming. Here is the proof this generation is living now!

First of all you need to read the following: "Now learn this lesson from the fig tree:  As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that Summer is near.  Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.  I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.  Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.  No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.  As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.  For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away.  That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."  Matthew 24:32-39

Let me start off with the first sign that shows we are the chosen generation.  First of all we see the sign of the last days mockers or as some translations have it (scoffers).   In conversations with people, I have been told many times that the signs of earthquakes, storms, droughts and so on have always taken place, but this doesn’t mean Jesus is coming.  I have been told, and I am still being told we have heard the same old news for a hundred years and no Jesus.  Just the fact that people tell you Jesus is not coming back is absolute proof Jesus’ word has come to pass in this generation. If you are one of the people saying Jesus is not coming back you better read this.  I quote from 2nd Peter 3: 1-7. “1 This is now, beloved, the second letter I am writing to you in which I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder, 2 that you should remember the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior spoken by your apostles. 3 Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.” 5 For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water, 6 through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water. 7 But the present heavens and earth by His word are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.”   Jude 1:19 also warns about the same thing. “But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold  They said to you, "In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires. These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.”   Also keep in my what God promised in Isaiah 42:9. “See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.”  Mark 13:23  Jesus said, “But take you heed: behold, I have foretold you all things”.

Anyone who has the Spirit of the Lord knows beyond a doubt that God has given us the signs of the last days.  What ever you do, please don’t get offended if someone you talk to tells you Christ is not coming back.  All they are doing is exactly what Christ said they would.  Everyone who claims to have Jesus Christ as his or her savior should be filled with the Holy Spirit.  If you are filled with the Holy Spirit and you have been given the last day signs before they spring into being what are you suppose to be doing?  You should be compelled by the Spirit to do what Christ asked of you and prepare for the last days.  What did He ask of you?  I quote, Mark 13: 35 “Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back–whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. Matthew 26:41 "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."  Luke 21:36 “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”  Mark 13:27 “And what I say unto you I say unto all Watch.” 

What are you watching for?  You are watching for all the signs Jesus gave us that would show He is about to take the Church out of the world.  Now let me show you that all these signs are taking place in one specific generation.  First is the sign of the scoffers.

Second: of all Matthew 24:32-39 Christ reveals exactly who the last generation would be. This chosen generation would be living when the Nation of Israel became a nation again.  This actually happened to Israel on May 14, 1948.  Since Israel has been born again as a nation, this is absolute proof the generation who witnessed Israel’s rebirth will still be alive to see Jesus return.  After all Jesus did say “ I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.”  Not only did God tell us Israel would be born a nation again but he told us it was going to take place in one day.  I quote the Lord. “8Who has heard such a thing?    Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day?    Shall a nation be brought forth in one moment? For(A) as soon as Zion was in labor  she brought forth her children” Isaiah 66:6.This is exactly what happened to Israel.  To learn more how this came about click the link below and read that post.


Let’s take a look at the third sign. God told the Prophet Daniel that the last generation would be known for two specific things.  I quote, “But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge” Daniel 12P:4)  Notice that these signs were to come at the time of the end.  If has been an established fact that the generation who witnessed the rebirth of Israel is the same generation who has gained more knowledge than any in the history of man, and in the shortest time frame.  This same generation is traveling back and forth by the millions each day.  Also, because of our increase in knowledge we have seen men walk on the moon and now we are preparing to explore Mars.  The Daniel prophecy is absolute proof that this is the specific generation Jesus warned us about.  It is sad that this chosen generation with all this increased in knowledge has turn away from Christ. 2 Timothy 3:7 speaks to us about this. “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

The fourth sign is showing our generation was the one in which God said the last days information would be unsealed and this unsealing would happen during this increased in knowledge. I repeat what God said, “seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge” What God was saying is our generation would begin to understand the mysteries, which our Father’s Fathers could not understand.  Let me give you an example of what God has shown us in His word.  Before the birth of nuclear warfare we have had a body of prophetic scripture that was an absolute mystery to the reader.   However our generation has broken this mystery and has seen the effects of it when the United States dropped two Atomic bombs on Japan during World War II.  God via His prophecy shows us there will be another nuclear war in the Middle East soon.  We see this in Ezekiel chapters 38-39.  Before our generation came along no one knew what the mystery of Zechariah 14:12 meant. I quote Zech. 14:12. “This is the plague with which the LORD will strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.”  God unveiled the meaning of this scripture as men that gained the increase in knowledge built an atomic bomb. When the bomb was dropped the flesh ripped off peoples the bodies as if it were rotten.  The affect of the blast happened so fast that their flesh tore off their bodies while they were still standing.  People’s eyes and tongues had the same result as described in verse 12 where the heat of the blast melted their eyes and tongues.  It became very clear to Christians what God was saying in Zech. 14:12 after the bomb was released.  This happened in one specific generation and it happen when all the other prophecies were beginning to unfold just as Jesus said.

In the last days Jesus is going to have to recreate Planet Earth because during the tribulation nuclear exchanges will destroy most of the planet.  2 Peter 3:7  show us the Earth will be set on fire.  “But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.”  When you read 2 Peter you will see he talks about how God destroyed the Earth by a flood during Noah’s generation, but then he shows the end will come not by a flood but by fire.  The point to all this is the scripture that used to be a mystery is no longer hidden from us.  Once again this is absolute proof our generation is the chosen one to see Christ return.

See full size imageAs you can see Jesus warning is headed in the right direction as the news informs us more nations what to follow Iran and get their hand on nuclear weapons. I quote, "Several Arab countries in recent months have boosted their nuclear programs, in what experts believe is a response to Iran's aggressive drive to acquire nuclear weapons. All the countries concerned, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Lybia, claim that they aim to develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. Analysts, however, point out that some of the nations in question are in possession of huge oil reserves, which can easily be used to produce cheap electricity, thereby eliminating the need for the costly development of nuclear facilities."


The fifth sign is the return of the Jews back to Israel from all parts of the world.  Jeremiah 23:8 is a reference to the Russian Jews who come from the North. “8But, The LORD liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land.”  If you go to my free prophecy book and start read at page 174 you will read all the documents proving that Jews have returned back to Israel from not only Russia but from the all parts of the world just as God stated.  This absolute proof that our generation is the one God talked about.  Keep in mind, all these signs have taken place all at the same time in one generation. Knowing this I report what Jesus said, “when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door”

The sixth major sign proving we have been chosen to see Christ’s return has come from what happen to the Lord’s city Jerusalem.  In 70 AD the Jews were sent out all over the world as the nation of Israel fell to the Romans.  Since 70 AD Jerusalem was not under the control of the Jewish people.  But wait take a look at what Jesus said concerning Jerusalem. 24And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled” (Luke 21:24).  In 1967 the Arabs attacked Israel and it was during this war that the Jews recaptured the city of Jerusalem and controlled it.  This is the first time the gentiles were not in control of Jerusalem.  Jesus words were fulfilled in 1967 and it happened at the same time all the other prophecies were unfolding.  In Psalm 102:16 God said, “When the LORD shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.”  Zion is Jerusalem and since all these things are coming to pass we know for sure Jesus is right at the door.

The seventh major sign is again the sign of Jerusalem.  Zechariah 12:3 states, “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”  Since the Jews recaptured Jerusalem this city has become a burden to the read of the world.  Even now focus on the Middle East peace talks is centered on who gets ownership of this city.   Almost every week I provide you with news reports showing you how Jerusalem is at the center of troubles.  Just to give you an example of this read what CNN reported  on June 7, 2007. “JERUSALEM (CNN) — Shimshon Cahaner was among the first Israeli soldiers to storm into the Old City of Jerusalem 40 years ago. He remembers that historic day as if it were yesterday — the thrill he and other Israeli troops got when they raced through Lions' Gate at the eastern edge of the Old City.  "I ran inside with my gun and I touched the wall — the stones of the wall of Jerusalem — and I felt something I can't believe," he says, his beard now gray with age.”  “A conflict that hasn't ended This week marks 40 years since the Six Day War broke out. In the span of six days, Israeli forces seized Jerusalem and the West Bank (then under Jordanian rule), the Golan Heights (then under Syrian rule), Gaza (then under Egyptian control) and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. But the conflict has never stopped. Israel claimed Jerusalem as its "eternal and undivided" capital. The barbed wire and minefields that divided the city from 1948 until June 1967 might be gone, but invisible barriers still exist.” 

Even as US Middle East envoy George Mitchell was meeting Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem to launch proximity peace talks, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas warned that should the negotiations fail to focus on key issues, they could collapse within a few months.” Abbas gave the talks four months to make progress. After that, he said, he would seek Arab League advice on the next steps. "We said the indirect negotiations will last only four months," Abbas said. "After that, we will go to the Arab League to consult on whether to continue or what to do." I warned you in previous post that four months for now will be the Jewish Feast were many prophecies have been fulfilled.  There is the chance that come this September or October we may see some more major prophecies being fulfilled.http://www.jpost.com/Israel/Article.aspx?id=174738

There was more news today about Jerusalem and how it is a major issue in the peace talks.  This report alone should make you see Zechariah’s warning about Jerusalem has come to pass. “WASHINGTON – White House senior adviser David Axelrod told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday that Jerusalem will likely be the final issue addressed in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.” “The issue of Jerusalem derailed the expected start of indirect negotiations in March, when the Interior Ministry approved additional Jewish housing in east Jerusalem during a visit to Israel by Vice President Joe Biden meant to launch the process, a move that infuriated the Americans and the Palestinians.” http://www.jpost.com/International/Article.aspx?id=174704


"Negotiations will focus on final status issues and there's no need to enter into details and small matters because we have had enough of that in the previous negotiations," Abbas said after talks with Jordan's King Abdullah II in the Jordanian capital. As you can see this prophecy has come true and is absolute proof our generation is going to see Jesus Christ soon. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2010-05-05-palestinian-talks_N.htm 

The eighth major sign is found in the mystery of Revelation 11: 9-10 Revelation 11:9-10 states the following: “Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations will see their dead bodies three-and-a-half days, and not allow their dead bodies to be put into graves. 10 And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them, make merry, and send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth.” 

Before this present generation came along people did not understand this prophecy, but things have been made clear or revealed to us in these last days just as God promised they would.  When our generation invented computers one thing lead to another and new advances in technology were born and that my friends includes sending satellites into space to bring us world wide television coverage.  In our generation it has become common practice for the entire world to watch a event all at the same time just as described in Revelation 11:9-10.  This is absolute proof our generation is the one chosen to see Jesus return.

The Ninth Major sign  is found in Jeremiah 31:23 and I quote, “Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel; As yet they shall use this speech in the land of Judah and in the cities thereof, when I shall bring again their captivity; The Lord bless thee, O habitation of justice, and mountain of holiness”. Here we see God promising that after the Jews come back into Israel they would once again begin to speak the land which the Jews spoke when they were a nation for the first time.  This language would be of course the Hebrew language.  Israel’s first year as a newly established nation was not without its share of difficulties. One major problem experienced by Jewish immigrants was the language barrier. Jews coming to Israel from all over the world brought their native tongues, causing communication barriers. Under British control, just prior to Israel’s rebirth, the language of the people was English and Arabic. The last time Hebrew was a major language in Palestine was in the sixth century B.C. "In the late nineteenth century, a Lithuanian-Jewish medical student named Eliezer Perelman (later Ben-Yehuda) became interested in the revival of the Hebrew language and devoted the rest of his life to the cause. He coined nearly 4,000 new Hebrew words based on original Hebrew roots in order to make Hebrew a modern, practical language for everyday usage. The language was adopted by the early Zionist settlers in Palestine around the turn of the 20th century, and became the official language of Israel in 1948 when the state was established. As a result of Ben-Yehuda's work the people of Israel are once again speaking their old Hebrew language.”  This is no doubt absolute proof we are the generation chosen to see the return of Christ.

Number Ten is another mystery in scripture which people could not understand until this generation came along is found in Revelation 9: 14-16 where is says, “14Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.  15And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. 16And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. ”  The number in red adds up to an army of 200 million men.   No one would understand what this scripture meant.  Even the great Bible writer Clarence Larkin did understand Revelation 9:16.  Larkin wrote the following in his Revelation commentary in 1919. “That Satan has his armies, and among them horsemen, and that the 200,000,000 Horsemen mentioned here are Satan’s Horsemen, for no such army of ordinary horsemen ever was, or ever could be, assembled on this earth.”  Clarence died before he could hear that China had officially announced to the world that they have formed a regular army that number exactly 200,000, 000 men.  This information was only revealed or understood after the birth of Israel.  This again is absolute proof our generation is the one Jesus pointed to.

The signs are just the tip of the iceberg, but they are very specific signs that prove our time on Earth as a Church is drawing to a close.  Soon Jesus Christ is going make good on His promise to come back for His Bride the Church and remove us from the wrath that will be poured out during the tribulation.  You still have time to receive the grace of Christ by just asking the Lord Jesus to forgive you of all our sins.  Tell Him today you believe in Him and believe He rose from the dead to give you life.  I can assure you all that when you begin to say these words Jesus himself will lean over and focus on your very words to Him, and you will be saved.  

Greek protesters clash with riot policemen during a demonstration against the new tough austreity measures of the gtovernment in front of the Greek Parliament in Athens, Greece, 05 May 2010. EPA/PANAGIOTIS MOSCHANDREOU

Prophecy Sign: By the way, Jesus in Matthew 24:7 warned us to watch for the last days civil unrest.  We are beginning to see more and more of this and today was no exception. I quote, “Greek President Carolos Papoulias on Wednesday said the debt-hit country had "reached the edge of the abyss" as violence during anti-austerity protests left three people dead. “ “

Greek protesters clash with riot policemen during a demonstration against the new tough austreity measures of the government in front of the Greek Parliament in Athens, Greece, 05 May 2010. Three people died on 05 May when a bankwas set ablaze as tens of thousands of Greek demonstrators took to the streets to protest government austerity measures in exchange for an international bailout aimed at saving the country from bankruptcy. The bodies of two men and a woman were discovered inside the bank branch of Marfin, located in downtown Athens while at least 20 people were hospitalised with injuries.



See full size imageProphecy Sign: Jesus gives us a warning about ice falling down on Earth in the last days. I quote, “And huge hailstones, about one hundred pounds each, came down from heaven upon men; and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, because its plague was extremely severe” Revelation 16:21. After today’s discovery is it possible that an asteroid such as the one they discovered could break up and sen 100 lbs of ice falling to Earth?  I won’t rule this out. Here is what the news had to say today. “The recent discovery of an asteroid wrapped in a layer of water ice has revived the possibility that some space rocks would be great potential pit stops — as well as destinations – for manned or robotic exploration missions. If a space destination has water, that means astronauts traveling there could potentially use it for drinking and washing. But much more importantly, the water could be broken down into its component parts (hydrogen and oxygen) to make rocket fuel, experts say.”


See full size imageProphecy Sign: The Ezekiel war as mentioned in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 could come about as a result of Iran’s refusal to stop their quest in getting their hand on a nuclear bomb.  Israel has stated on many occasions they will attack Iran and take out their nuclear program before Iran has a chance to finish it.  After hearing what Iran’s President said at the UN today the red flag will go up in Israel.  “NEW YORK – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday more U.N. sanctions against his country over its nuclear program would not stop Iran but could permanently wreck its ties with the United States. "Sanctions cannot stop the Iranian nation. The Iranian nation is able to withstand the pressure of the United States and its allies," Ahmadinejad told a news conference in New York, where he is attending a United Nations conference.” We are headed for war because Israel knows there is no way they can sit back and not stop Ahmadinejads plan.  This is getting very interesting to say the least.


Prophecy Sign: Christ warns you in Matthew 24:7 to watch for many earthquakes.  Here is what happened so far today.

Update time = Wed May 5 22:07:05 UTC 2010

y/m/d h:m:s
MAP  5.3   2010/05/05 17:49:04   -56.800    147.717  10.0   WEST OF MACQUARIE ISLAND
MAP  5.6   2010/05/05 17:09:09    -6.259    154.825  58.6   BOUGAINVILLE REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP  6.5   2010/05/05 16:29:03    -4.063    101.085  27.0   SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.3   2010/05/05 09:38:24   -35.876   -102.998  10.0   SOUTHEAST OF EASTER ISLAND

Cont: from this mornign post/More signs of the coming Psalm 83 war/ Mark of the Beast/April 4, 2010



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora


This Friday at 6PM EST my next radio/video show will be up an running.  I will be covering a host of subjects which show the last days signs are getting more intense. The link below will take you to the show.


Prophecy Sign: The coming Psalm 83 war.  This is a war which Syria and other nations bordering Israel will soon be involved in. Problems keep growing in the Middle East between Syria and Israel.  “US President Barack Obama extended US sanctions on Syria by a year, a communiqué to Congress detailed on Tuesday. In the message, Obama expressed that Syria continues to support terrorist regimes and tries to obtain weapons of mass destruction.” All this move is going to do is bring on even more tensions in the region. After watching everything that has been going on between all the nation listed in Psalm 83 I hope you are all ready to witness this war very shortly.  You are going to see Isaiah 17: 1 and Jeremiah 49:24-27 fulfilled soon.  These prophecies talk about Syria and Damascus being wipe out.  If you are a Christian living in this area I am advising you to leave before this war breaks out.  Remember what God said in  Isaiah 42:9?  I quote “See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you."  God has shown you want is soon going to take place in Syria and Israel’s neighbors who are going to attack Israel.  You do not want to be near that area when Israel strikes back because you are going to witness the fulfillment of not only the Psalm 83 war but Isaiah 17:1 and Jeremiah 49: 24-27.



Psalm 83 also tells us Iraq will be joining Syria in the attack on Israel.  This news today is important as you will see. “BAGHDAD (AP) — A once-feared Shiite militia that was crippled two years ago by defections and a U.S.-Iraqi crackdown has quietly started to regroup, adding street muscle to the Shiite party that emerged strongest from Iraq's parliamentary elections. The revival of the Mahdi Army, loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, could be an ominous sign. An al-Sadr spokesman says the force is gearing up to ensure U.S. forces stick to a Dec. 31, 2011 deadline to withdraw from the country — threatening attacks on American troops if they stay past the date. In the near-term, Sunnis fear the militia will turn its firepower against their community in vengeance after an uptick in militant violence against Shiites in recent months, a move that could revive the fierce sectarian bloodshed that nearly tore the nation apart in 2006 and 2007. Al-Sadr disbanded the militia in 2008. But his spokesman, Salah al-Obeidi, told The Associated Press that it has now officially been revived.”  Do you know what the Mahdi Army is?  It is a army which believes an Islamic savior will come and destroy Israel and give them Jerusalem.  Knowing that God already told us Iraq would be attacking with Syria one can see that Iraq will believe its time to wipe out Israel with this Mahdi Army.  Of course God tells us how this war ends and if you read the entire Psalm you will find out the war ends badly for all the nations who try and destroy Israel.


Paul told us when they are calling for Peace and safety that was the time the destruction would come.  “NABLUS, West Bank (AP) – The Palestinian president warned Tuesday that a fire in a West Bank mosque he blamed on extremist Jewish settlers could endanger Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, just before they are set to resume. A statement from his office said Mahmoud Abbas called the fire a "criminal" act that "represented a threat to the efforts to revive the peace process" because the Israeli army protects the settlers.  When will this destruction take place.”  In this afternoons post I gave you information that Obama and Israel’s Prime Ministry were going to sit down to reopen the Middle East peace talks.  As you can see  things change on a dime concerning the talks.  One thing we all know, war is coming when they are still calling for peace and security.


Middle East war clouds

Here is more evidence today that war is on the way. I quote from a report entitled, “The next deadly clash between Israel and Hezbollah is brewing

“Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak presented senior Israeli Defence Forces officers with stark options for Israel’s future security at a meeting earlier this year. “In the absence of an arrangement with Syria, we are liable to enter a belligerent clash with it that could reach the point of an all-out, regional war,” he told them.

That such an “arrangement”—or peace deal—might be crafted in the near future was, until recently, a realistic hope. The two sides came close to a settlement in the 1990s and resumed secret negotiations through Turkish mediators in 2007. The framework for any deal is “straightforward,” says Dan Byman, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution’s Saban Center for Middle East Policy. Syria wants to reclaim the Golan Heights, which it lost during the 1967 war with Israel; Israel wants to isolate Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon from their sponsors in Damascus. Former U.S. president Bill Clinton once said the details could be sorted out in 35 minutes.

But Syria broke off negotiations because of Israel’s 2008-2009 war in Gaza, and since then tensions between Israel and Syria, and between Israel and Syria’s Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, have steadily increased. In February, speaking via video link, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah told thousands of supporters in Beirut that the militia would target all of Israel in any future conflict. “If you bomb Rafik Hariri International Airport in Beirut, we will bomb Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv,” he said. “If you bomb our docks, we will bomb your docks. If you bomb our oil refineries, we will bomb your oil refineries. If you bomb our factories, we will bomb factories. And if you bomb our power plants, we will bomb your power plants.”

The reported shipment, which Syria denies, has fuelled speculation that another war between Israel and the Lebanese militia is brewing. Speaking at a private meeting of the U.S. Congressional Friends of Jordan in Washington this April, King Abdullah of Jordan described fears in his country that such a conflict was “imminent.”


Prophecy Sign: In Revelation 13:16-18 Jesus warns us of a system which the Antichrist will use to mark everyone.  The mark will be used to control what everyone can buy or sell.  I quote my Lord Jesus. “16He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. 18This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.”

For the past three years I have been giving you proof that this one world economic system which will be controlled by the man of sin is creeping its way toward us.  Nation after nation is forcing a national ID system on their people.  Anytime you hear of a ID that involves the hand you better pay attention.  We see such news today and I quote, “Two U.S. senators met with President Obama on Thursday to push for a national ID card with biometric information such as a fingerprint, hand scan, or iris scan that all employers would be required to verify. In an opinion article published in Friday's edition of the Washington Post, Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) say the new identification cards will "ensure that illegal workers cannot get jobs" and "dramatically decrease illegal immigration." Schumer and Graham pitched the idea to President Obama during a private meeting Thursday at the White House. Graham said afterward that Obama "welcomed" their proposal for a new ID card law; the White House said in a statement that the senators' plan was "promising."  

Did you ever stop to think that the illegal immigration problem may have been allowed to take place in order to bring about a mandatory national ID, one that they could scan your hand?  Why did America take so long to deal with this problem?  Did the U.S. wait for the problem to hit the boiling point knowing the best chance to bring on a national ID was via a border crisis?  It sure looks that way.  Before it is all over all the nations will have some type of national ID which will be feed into one huge data base that will be used by the Antichrist.  Read God promise to us again in  Isaiah 42:9. “See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you." 


Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 is a warning that the price of food will be a major issue during the seven year tribulation.  Little by little we have been watching food prices skyrocket for one reason or another.  We have been hit by disaster and disaster, flood, droughts, war, and diseases that are killing off crops.  This latest disaster in the Gulf will again cause you to pay more for food and other items as well.  I quote, “NEW ORLEANS – The calamitous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico isn't just a mess for the people who live or work on the coast. If you drink coffee, eat shrimp, like bananas or plan to buy a new set of tires, you could end up paying more because of the disaster. The slick has forced the shutdown of the gulf's rich fishing grounds and could also spread to the busy shipping lanes at the mouth of the Mississippi River, tying up the cargo vessels that move millions of tons of fruit, rubber, grain, steel and other commodities and raw materials in and out of the nation's interior.


Daniel warns revived Roman Empire will not adhere/Ten leaders, (kings). Antichrist to subdue 3 kings, (leaders)/Signs of the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel wars/God’s curse what’s next?/Peace and safety prophecy/Earthquakes/April 4, 2010



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora


This Friday at 6PM EST my next radio/video show will be up an running.  I will be covering a host of subjects which show the last days signs are getting more intense. The link below will take you to the show.


See full size image Prophecy Sign: “ Daniel 41-43 “Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay.  And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.  As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.”

Many people believe the European Union is the revived Roman Empire both Daniel and Jesus warned us about that would rise up again in the last days.  The Lord informs us that it will be from this revived empire that the Antichrist will come from.  Most people who understand prophecy realize that something major is going to happen shortly which will cause a One World Government, and a New global economic system to be enforced.  At the present time both the United States and the European Union two of the major superpowers are bordering collapsing because of debt.  If either one of these powers fall it will cause as massive shift, one that could rush in the new system, which the Antichrist will control.  If you noticed in the scripture above we are told “but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.”  This means to break up.  We already know that Greece, Spain and Portugal are three weak links in the European Union, which could bring down the Euro currency.  Read the reports below and I will connect the dots for you.

May 4 (Bloomberg) — The euro slid to a one-year low against the dollar and stocks tumbled amid concern the European government debt crisis is spreading to Spain and Portugal. Commodities and shares of their producers slid on a slowdown in Chinese manufacturing and fallout from the BP Plc rig disaster. The euro weakened below $1.31 for the first time since April 2009.

May 4 (Bloomberg) — Greece’s bailout “might collapse” and the nation’s debt crisis makes it “hard to see” how the euro will survive in its current form, former Bank of England policy maker Charles Goodhart said.”

Over the past two years we have seen the dollar take a dive to many other currencies.  We have watched the euro grow and now it to have begun to dive and in both cases we see the debt these nations are under is a major cause and a major worry.  If the European Union is in fact the revived Roman Empire then according to what Daniel tells us we should see a break up of some type with in the EU.  Could the debt crisis going on in Greece, Spain and Portugal cause the break up?  Considering what Daniel showed us I think it would be a good idea to watch the developments about this crisis in the EU.  I think it is very possible that the EU may put a cork in the leak and then under massive pressure the situation will blow causes some of these nations not to adhere to one another as Daniel warned.

 See full size image Here is a side bar to all this.  In Daniel 7: 8 we are told the following: “"While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth that spoke boastfully.”  Could it be possible that a major economic crisis in the European Union caused by Greece, Spain, and Portugal end up fulfilling Daniel 7:8.  Is it possible that the Antichrist will raise up to fix the crisis and take out the three nations that are causing the EU crisis?    I know someone is going to tell me that the Bible says there will be ten kings first and then the Antichrist will rise up and subdue three kings and take control.  To that I would say you are correct.  To that statement I would also tell you there are already ten nations and Greece, Spain, and Portugal are in this group of ten.  Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom make up what is called “The Western European Union” and as you can see there are 10 member countries in this Union.  If you read chapter two from my free book I discuss the WEU in detail.

 See full size image Please hear me out.  I am not saying the crisis in Greece, Spain, and Portugal will in fact end up fulfilling Daniel 7:8.  However, since we are seeing signs that the EU is in a crisis and three nations, ruled by leaders or, (kings) if you will, are in trouble, it is I think smart to keep our eyes on what happens within the European Union.  Let’s face it, if the euro were to crash it would affect the rest of the world causing even more troubles for our global economic crisis.  As I said, something major is going to happen to give one man full control of the globlal economic system.  Will the epicenter of the crash come from the United States or the Euroepan?  Only time will tell, but I can tell you all this, you better be standing at the door on guard because it is coming.

See full size imageProphecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 tells us to look for the last days sign of civil unrest.  As you can see from this next report today there was more civil unrest because of what is happening in Greece. “ATHENS/LONDON (Reuters) – A renewed selling frenzy gripped euro zone financial markets on Tuesday as concern mounted that a record EU/IMF bailout for Greece would not stop a debt crisis spreading in the single currency area. Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero dismissed as "complete madness" a market rumor that his country would soon ask for 280 billion euros in aid from the euro area.” 

“May 4 (Bloomberg) — Greek government workers shut down schools and hospitals and disrupted flights as demonstrators occupied the Acropolis in an escalation of protests against 30 billion euros ($40 billion) of additional wage cuts and tax increases unveiled this week. The ADEDY union federation, which represents more than 500,000 civil servants having their pensions and pay slashed under measures announced May 2 by Prime Minister George Papandreou, will hold a rally at midday joined by striking teachers. A general strike, the third this year, is planned for tomorrow, with private-sector workers due to participate.”

SCENARIOS-Can Greece cut its deficit by 11 points by 2014?  This report gives you different scenarios of what may happen in Greece.  Knowing that we are in the midst of the last days birth pains, the scenario doesn’t look good especially if the EU is the revived Roman Empire and it won’t adhere as God warned us.

Here is one of the scenarios they list. “SCENARIO: Greece implements reforms but the new measures lead to a deeper recession that prevents the government from fully meeting its deficit-cutting targets. PROBABILITY: High. The Greek public sector is in such disarray that even elementary spending and structural reforms could generate significant deficit cuts, despite the recession. The government has already legislated wage and pension cuts in the public sector of about 2.7 billion euros.

Prophecy Sign: Psalm 83 warns us that Syria, Lebanon, and other bordering nation around Israel will try to wipe out Israel in the last days.  Each week I show you signs that this war is drawing closer and closer.  Here is another example of what I have been warning you about. “JERUSALEM (AFP) – Syria's government routinely ships weapons to Lebanon's Shiite militia Hezbollah in an operation that goes well beyond sporadic smuggling, a top Israeli intelligence officer said on Tuesday. The head of the military intelligence research department, Brigadier General Yossi Baidatz, told a parliamentary committee that Hezbollah's arsenal included thousands of rockets of all ranges and types, some solid-fuelled.”  Why do you think there are so many arms going into the exact nations that God listed in Psalm 83?  They are getting themselves ready to fulfill this prophecy and they most likely are unaware of what is going to happen to them when they attack Israel, or they just don’t believe what God said.

Iran's President
Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38 is another warning  of a war that has not yet been fought against Israel.  This war will not take place with the nations that border with Israel.  Ezekiel 38 is very specific as to who will try to wipe Israel off the map in the Ezekiel war.  Iran, and Turkey are included in this war and they are allies of Russia who will lead the attack.  Read the first page in chapter 10 of my book to see a detailed list of nations who will be joining Iran, Turkey, and Russia. 

Those of us who have studied Bible prophecy know exactly what is going on between Iran, Turkey, and Syria.  Why is it that nations who just recently were not getting along have all of a sudden forged really close ties, and now that includes military ties?  I quote, “Iran made a point of declaring its solidarity with both Syria and Turkey in recent days, on the heels of joint Turkish-Syrian military exercises. Turkish and Syrian troops conducted three days of joint military drills and exercises last week, in the latest manifestation of the close ties between the two former adversaries. The exercises were aimed at increasing “cooperation and confidence between the land forces of the two countries, and rais[ing] border units' level of training and ability to work together," according to a joint statement.”

It was also announced during the visit that Iran and Syria are seriously considering the formation of a regional economic bloc, with Turkey and Iraq as their key partners.  Just a few days earlier, Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stressed the shared interests and concerns of his country and Turkey. He said that both can play important roles not only in safeguarding security in the region, but in “influencing the new world order.”   There is a new world order coming and it will come most likely after the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel war.  I believe the global economic crisis and these wars will push our planet into the worse crisis it has ever seen and out of this crisis will rise the Antichrist.  Don’t find it strange that every week we are reading about the exactly same nations we were warned about in the Word of God.  All these news reports are proving we are moving in the direct to fulfill both the Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 wars.

See full size imageProphecy Sign: What about the warning from Paul telling us in the last days we would hear the call for Peace and safety and then sudden destruction would come?  Everyone knows we are hearing the call for Peace and safety and most world leaders are afraid another Middle East war is on the way.  Here is more info on this.

“The Obama White House has placed proximity talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority at the head of its Middle East Policy, believing successful negotiations will lead to a positive domino effect on the rest of the region. But any future agreement between Netanyahu and Abbas would do nothing to bring peace between Israelis and Palestinians, or reconcile the differences between the West and Islamist extremists. Even with the establishment of a Palestinian state, the Tripod of Terror – Iran, and its terror proxies Hamas and Hezbollah – has the power to prevent any transition towards a quiet state of affairs in the Levant”  Keep in mind the Hamas and Hezbollah are sects of the PLO movement and are to attack Israel in the Psalm 83 war.

You will find this next section of the report interesting. “Firstly – lead to the end of the peace process. If an Arab partner ever wanted to pursue negotiations with Israel, they would not be able to make any concessions or compromises to the Jewish State without first considering the consequences of their actions vis-à-vis the Islamic Republic. Iran with nuclear weapons would potentially compel both Jordan and Egypt to repeal their peace treaties with Israel, which would raise the danger of a war in the Levant to an all-time high. With the Tripod of Terror bullying Amman and Cairo, they may even be pushed to invade Israel if regional war broke out.”  Once again, Jordan and Egypt are also listed to attack Israel in the Psalm 83 war.  Can you now see how things are leading to the fulfillment of these prophecies?  Iran will meet their fate in the mountains of Israel where God destroys all the nations who come against Israel in that Ezekiel war.

“Iran has promised to back Syria against any threats, after the U.S. charged Syria's behavior could destabilize the Middle East. Iranian Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi met with Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Naji al-Otari in Damascus Friday, and said Tehran would stand behind Syria "with all its strength." Rahimi also delivered a warning to Israel, saying that Israeli forces would have their legs cut off if they try to invade.”  His comments follow comments by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  She said Thursday that alleged weapons transfers from Syria to Lebanon's Hezbollah militia pose a serious threat to Israel and could lead to war. "


Another report gives us a much clearer picture of what will happen in the near future. “Hezbollah is in a tense spot between two different identities: Its commitment to Jihad and Iran, and on the other hand, its political considerations in Lebanon and the needs of the Shiite community. Therefore, it has quietly selected its current course of action. The MI believes it is not interested in another wide-scare confrontation with Israel, it fears it, but is preparing for it. The organization still publicly vows to carry out terror attacks against Israel." MI stands for Military intelligence.  Look, just about everyone knows these nations are getting ready to attack Israel.  The Israeli’s know it the Arabs have been warning us it is coming and God said it would happen.  What part of God’s Word do you still refuse to believe?  You will see war soon and when you do I pray you will remember what I have pointed out in God’s Word.  I pray that you will come back to my site and email me that you have given your life over to Jesus!
Here is another sign war is coming. The title to this report is, “Iran to hold more war games”  Iran regularly holds such military exercises but they are likely to heighten tensions, coming at a time of a deepening standoff between the West and Tehran over the country's controversial nuclear program. "The massive maneuvers dubbed Velayat-89 will show (Iran's) defensive and deterrent naval power," Iranian Navy chief Adm. Habibollah Sayyari was quoted as saying by the official IRNA news agency. Submarine and air force units are also due to participate, he added.”

See full size imageSee full size image“Since the sign of peace and security is a major sign for the last days we need to watch what is happening with the peace talks.  “Obama spoke with Netanyahu by telephone for about 20 minutes on Monday, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said, as U.S. envoy George Mitchell arrived in Israel for the start of U.S.-mediated negotiations, the first Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in more than a year. "The president spoke late this morning with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu," Gibbs said at his daily news briefing. "They discussed how best to work together to achieve comprehensive peace in the Middle East, in particular by making full use of substantive proximity talks between Israel and the Palestinians and transitioning to direct negotiations as soon as possible." Gibbs said the two leaders also discussed regional challenges, and that Obama "reaffirmed his unshakable commitment" to the security of Israel. “

See full size imageEveryone should watch what happens during these talks because a pattern has been set in place.  Every time the peace talks are held the nations who are trying to divide up Israel find they have some type of disaster.  If Obama and Netanyahu have set a date which what happens if Obama keeps pressing Netanyahu on giving the PLO their own State inside of Israel.  I take God at his Word when He warned I will curse anyone who curses Israel.  Trying to break up the land of Israel and giving East Jerusalem over to the PLO has brought a curse and you will see more evidence of it soon that I am sure of. 

See full size image In regards to the peace process we read the following: “Again, a conflict has arisen in Israel – this time in regard to the government’s order to freeze construction in the so-called Jewish “settlements” of Judea and Samaria. The conflict boils down to: Should Israel obey God or man? Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bowed to heavy international pressure recently by reversing his position on such construction. He had stood against this pressure since taking office, but suddenly ordered a 10-month freeze. However, it should be noted that the freeze is both temporary and incomplete. It is to be in effect for only 10 months, and does not include 3,000 housing units already under construction. Nor does it include East Jerusalem.  There is no question Obama is putting pressure on Israel.  It remains to be seen if Netanyahu will cave in to the Obama demands.  If you noticed East Jerusalem was not under the order to stop construction.  This is trouble because it is East Jerusalem that the PLO is focusing on.  From what Paul warns, and what we know about God’s curse I can see no good coming out of these pressed peace talks between the U.S. and Israel.  

Speaking of God’s curse. America in under this curse and has been seeing the affects of it for the past week. “Parts of Nashville, Tennessee, have been evacuated after a levee protecting the southern city sprang a leak.  ashville landmarks like the Country Music Hall of Fame and the symphony centre are surrounded by water. Officials say at least 27 people were killed in three southern states over the weekend. Seventeen people were killed in Tennessee, most of them drowning in flash floods, while the others died in Mississippi and Kentucky. In Nashville, more than 13in (33cm) of rain fell over two days, almost doubling the previous rainfall record. Nashville's Opryland Hotel on the banks of the Cumberland was flooded after the river breached its levees.”  Will the U.S. in pressing Israel you will hear that in the last 24 hours Nashville has had the most rain since they have been recording the amount of rain.

Prophecy Sign: Jesus warns that in the last days Christians would be hated and persecuted. Read Matthew 24:8. If you are already a Christian you better read this.  If you click to the link below you will be able to watch a video on this report as well. “Evangelical leader Rev. Franklin Graham issued his toughest remarks yet Monday on the administration's role in revoking his invitation to speak at the Pentagon's National Day of Prayer event, charging that President Obama is "giving Islam a pass" rather than speaking openly about the "horrific" treatment women and minorities receive in many Muslim countries. In an exclusive telephone interview with Newsmax.TV, Graham called revoking his invitation to the prayer service "a slap at all evangelical Christians." And he clearly placed the blame on the Obama administration, telling Newsmax that the Pentagon would never revoke such an invitation without first consulting with the White House. "I'm being restricted from my religious rights, and from what I believe," Graham warned, as he complained of a growing “secularization” in the government.


Matthew 24:7 Jesus tells us to watch for many earthquakes.

MAP  5.4   2010/05/04 16:12:55   -21.867    -68.235  92.3   ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE

MAP  5.2   2010/05/03 23:30:05    -0.779    122.535  19.3   SULAWESI, INDONESIA
MAP  6.3   2010/05/03 23:09:45   -38.053    -73.490  19.0   OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
MAP  5.5   2010/05/03 14:04:20    52.651   -163.653  10.7   SOUTH OF ALASKA
MAP  6.1   2010/05/03 10:27:45    29.614    141.064  82.3   IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION

(Answer to question)  Is the New Jerusalem a real city or just symbolic of the Church?

Someone told me that their pastor teaches the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21:2 is not a real city but is symbolic the Church.  Rev. 21:2 states, “I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.”  Jesus makes it very clear that the New Jerusalem is the home and residence of the Bride, that is, the same as the Bride.  Let me explain. Today the Church is made up of millions of people.  We are what makes up the Church.  The Church is not a building.  When we go to Church on Sunday we don’t go to Church, we go to a building that the Church meets in.  When we the people who make up the Church leave that building, it is just a building.

From this we see that there is not only to be a New Heaven and a New Earth as it points out in Revelation, there is also to be a New City. This City is the place Jesus said He was going back to Heaven to prepare for His Bride the Church. John 14:2-4. It is just such a place as we would expect the Divine Architect to design and build. The description of it is surpassingly grand. It is of Celestial origin. It is not Heaven itself, for it comes down "out of Heaven." No mortal hands are employed in its construction. It will take up its abode on the New Earth, and we see in this why this present Earth will have to be renovated by fire, and why there shall be "no more sea," for the New City is 12,000 furlongs, or 1500 miles square, and would reach from Maine to Florida, and from the Atlantic Seaboard 600 miles to the west of the Mississippi River. In other words would occupy more than one-half of the United States.  When you read Revelation Jesus gives us the exact dimensions of this city.

We are told that the length and breadth and the height of it are equal. This does not necessarily imply that it is a Cube, for there is another geometrical figure that has equal dimensions, and that is a–Pyramid. This is its probable form, for a wall 144 cubits, or 216 feet thick, could not support a wall 1500 miles high, and a wall that high would hide the pyramidal part of the City from view. The 144 cubits (Rev. 21:17) then must refer to the "height" of the wall. In this wall are 12 gates, 3 on each side, each gate of one Pearl, and these gates are never closed.

The wall itself is of Jasper, and the foundations are garnished with all manner of precious stones. The foundations contain the names of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb, and over the gates are the names of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. What a magnificent spectacle such' a city must present from a distance with its pyramidal top surmounted by the light of the "Glory of God." "For the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it, for the 'Glory of God' did lighten it, and THE LAMB is THE LIGHT THEREOF." Rev. 21:23. "And the gates of it shall not be shut at all. by day, for there shall be No Night There." Rev. 21:25. This refers to the City only, and not to the outlying parts of the New Earth, for there will be day and night wherever the light of the City does not reach.

This city is a real city that the people of Christ, His bride will be living in when Christ returns after he finishes off the Antichrist.  This city is not symbolic of the Church!  When you read chapter 22 you will see there is a real river that flows in this city, and there are fruit trees on either side of the river.  Those who are teaching it is not a real place, must not believe Jesus words when he said the following in John 14:3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also” John 14:3

John 14:2 Jesus also said, “In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?”.   Believe what the Word says!  Christ couldn’t make it any clearer that He was going to a real place and was preparing a real place for those who are saved in Him.  Jesus went out of His way to give you the details of our new home and it is real not symbolic.

See full size imageSee full size image

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

How a one world government is being formed. Will prices of gold and silver climb to record highs because of the whistle blower? May 3, 2010



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

See full size imageIn Revelation 18:12 Christ gives details on items that  people will be weeping over when these items are taken away. Two of these items are gold and silver.  Since opening my site I have warned you the price of both these metals were going to climb like never before.  News that just broke shows It appears the prices of these metals has been craftily controlled by a few power men.  Guess who is involved?  Morgan and Case!  Watch the two videos.  If these men are dealt with now that this news broke the real prices of these metals will may sky rocket.  At the end of the day, Christ’s words about these metals will come to pass.






Preacher arrested for sharing Christ/When you see all these things look up! May 3, 2010



I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora

Prophecy Sign: If you read Matthew 24: 7, Luke 21:25 and Mark 13:8 you will find the last day signs of droughts, famines, pestilence, the roaring of the seas and waves, (storms), civil unrest, and earthquakes. Revelation 6:6 we see how the price of food will be sky high.  Genesis 12:2 warns us what will happen to anyone that curses Israel. "And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”

When you read all of the reports I posted today you will see most of these last day signs. I hope you are paying attention because Jesus said when you shall see all these things know that it is near even at the doors. Everything Christ has warned us is happening now! Look up my friends because Jesus is taking notice of all those who are looking for His coming.

See full size image The pattern of disasters is continuing.  The U.S. is still in the Middle East working to divide Israel and as they are the States are facing some of the worse flooding in decades. I quote,Some of the worst flooding the mid-South has seen in decades is thought to be responsible for at least 11 deaths in Tennessee, the Nashville and state emergency management offices said Sunday.



See full size image“CLINTON, Arkansas (AP) — Leveled homes, overturned vehicles and uprooted trees were scattered across central Arkansas on Saturday after several tornadoes ripped through the state, killing a woman and injuring two dozen others, authorities said.”  Now add the U.S. oil disaster as the oil makes its way to the U.S. coast.  All these things are happening at the exact time Obama is trying to divide up Israel.  Watch the news at he keeps pressing Israel on this issue and you will see more of these disaster strike the U.S.. 


See full size image Revelation 9:21 shows our generation will be known as the drug generation. “Drug violence in the Mexican state of Chihuahua left 24 people dead in the span of 24 hours this weekend, the state attorney general's office said Sunday. The killings were scattered over four locations throughout the state, with eight dead in Juarez, 10 killed in the capital of Chihuahua, five killed in Cuauhtemuc and one killed in Parral.”

http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/americas/05/02/mexico.drug.violence/index.html?hpt=T2 See full size image“Federal officials closed a portion of the northern Gulf of Mexico to fishing Sunday, curtailing a billion-dollar business as high winds and choppy seas hampered efforts to corral a rapidly growing oil spill.” “ The Gulf Coast's commercial fishing industry brings in about $2.4 billion to the region. Thomas Rodi, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Mobile, officiated at Sunday's event in Bayou La Batre and said the spill could have "widespread effects" on the area — "not only the livelihood of people, but an entire way of life."


 See full size imageProphecy Sign: Revelation 6:6 shows us the price of food will be skyrocketing in the last days as people will be working for one meal. “The shrimp, oysters and crabs you enjoy likely will cost you more in the future because of the oil released from an offshore drilling accident in the Gulf of Mexico.”



Prophecy Sign; WASHINGTON, May 2 (Reuters) – U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar on Sunday said it could be 90 days before a relief well is completed to address the Gulf oil spill.”


 See full size imageI quote, “Mice are now in plague numbers on the west coast of South Australia, as the cropping season starts. Minnipa resident John Post says numbers are starting to rival those of a mouse plague in the early 1980s, which is a big worry since the season had been shaping up well. Mr Post says the pock-marked paddocks resemble another outback region of the state. "It looks a bit like Coober Pedy with all these mounds of dirt all over the place," he said.” Australia’s troubles doesn’t end with the mice. I quote the same report. “Farmers further to the east in SA and parts of the eastern states are coping with the worst locust plague they have faced in several years.

http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/australian-news/7130578/mouse-plague-threatens-sa-crops/ See full size imageNews about the bee catastrophe: Disturbing evidence that honeybees are in terminal decline has emerged from the United States where, for the fourth year in a row, more than a third of colonies have failed to survive the winter. The decline of the country's estimated 2.4 million beehives began in 2006, when a phenomenon dubbed colony collapse disorder (CCD) led to the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of colonies.”


See full size image”The West African nation of Chad is on the verge of a famine, according to multiple international aid agencies. Drought, conflict and an influx of refugees have all contributed to a chronic food shortage that has affected about two million people – one fifth of the country's population.-Aid groups have said the humanitarian crisis could assume catastrophic proportions if food relief from abroad does not come to the rescue soon.” 


See full size imageProphecy Sign: The call for Peace and safety in the last days as even in I Thessalonians 5:3: Paul’s warning “Arab countries are renewing attempts to push Israel back into negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, telling the PA to conduct indirect negotiations with Israel for four-months. The announcement came following a meeting of the Arab League in Cairo.” This would bring us to the month of September which is during the Jewish Feasts.”  Anyone who knows prophecy knows Jesus fulfilled four events during the Spring holidays. See chart below.  I believe Christ will also fulfill the next three during the Feasts which take place in September and October.  When September and October roll around each year I pay special attention.  Many believe that the Church will be raptured during the Feasts.  One thing I can tell you for sure.  My family will be ready and on guard each day but we stand up even more when these months head our way.





Riot police clashes with youngsters outside the Greek Parliament in Athens, Greece on 18 December 2008. Riots and looting erupted in the Greek capital and other cities over the past week in the wake of a police shooting of a 15-year-old teen in downtown Athens on 06 December 2008. EPA/ORESTIS PANAGIOTOU Head lines read as follows: Civil unrest is seen in Greece as this EU nations falls apart. MAY DAY protests in Greece turned violent yesterday as youths in gas masks and hoods set fire to vehicles, smashed shop fronts and threw molotov cocktails and rocks at police in an explosion of fury over austerity measures they claim will hurt only the poor. Tourists were cut off from their hotels as thousands of communists, civil servants and private-sector workers converged on a main square in Athens to vent their rage at the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


Riot police clashes with youngsters outside the Greek Parliament in Athens, Greece on 18 December 2008. Riots and looting erupted in the Greek capital and other cities over the past week in the wake of a police shooting of a 15-year-old teen in downtown Athens on 06 December 2008. EPA/ORESTIS PANAGIOTOUGreece isn’t the only nation fighting civil unrest Germany is facing the same thing. “Bank windows were shattered, cars overturned and snack bars set ablaze as thousands of hooded, left-wing activists fought in the streets of Berlin and Hamburg with their right-wing counterparts during the May Day holidays. When the police tried to intervene they were pelted with bottles and cobblestones. In Berlin, which was guarded by 7,000 riot control officers brought in from around Germany, 450 people were detained and 84 police officers were injured. “It was a pleasing result,” said the police chief, Dieter Glietsch.


 See full size imageProphecy Sign: Jesus warned us in the last days Christians would be hated. This is what Matthew 24:9 says, "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.”  Christ also warned who are struggle will be with and as you will see from this next scripture are fight is against the Devil. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12). Little by little the Christian faith is being attacked.  The devil is trying to shut down anyone who teaches what God has ordained as truth.  Here is an example of this. “Dale McAlpine was charged with causing “harassment, alarm or distress” after a homosexual police community support officer (PCSO) overheard him reciting a number of “sins” referred to in the Bible, including blasphemy, drunkenness and same sex relationships. The 42-year-old Baptist, who has preached Christianity in Wokington, Cumbria for years, said he did not mention homosexuality while delivering a sermon from the top of a stepladder, but admitted telling a passing shopper that he believed it went against the word of God.”




See full size imageRevelation chapter 17 we see a women riding on the beast.  This is in part a picture of a false religion that will join with the Antichrist at the time of the end.  We have seen the beginning stages of this one world religion and here is an example of it. “It may sound like start of joke, but it's true. Hundreds of Catholics, Jews, and Muslims participated Sunday in a marathon between Bethlehem and Jerusalem that kicked off Pope John Paul II's sporting events, being held for the seventh year. For the first time since the second intifada in 2000, the Israeli runners were allowed to enter Bethlehem in order to join the rest of the contestants on their run after special preparations were made by the Civil Administration together with Palestinian officials that were ultimately authorized by the Central Command”.  To many of you this may seem like a good thing, but Christ warned staying true to His doctrine.  Believe me, in the coming years Christians who do not except this new idea of a one world Church will be attacked for not caving in to this one world religion. Let me give you an example of one such attack coming from a interfaith group.  “A spokesman for the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado on Wednesday condemned remarks made Monday by state Sen. Scott Renfroe when he called homosexuality an “abomination” and an “offense to God” in a debate over a bill to extend health benefits to same-sex partners of state employees.”



y/m/d h:m:s
MAP  5.5   2010/05/03 14:04:22    52.726   -163.638  23.2   SOUTH OF ALASKA
MAP  6.1   2010/05/03 10:27:45    29.614    141.064  82.3   IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION

MAP  5.1   2010/05/02 21:10:40    51.897   -175.312  92.2   ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA
MAP  5.9   2010/05/02 14:52:43   -34.212    -71.864  35.1   LIBERTADOR O'HIGGINS, CHILE
MAP  5.3   2010/05/02 06:23:23    57.412    162.182  33.1   NEAR THE EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA, RUSSIA


One World Government signs/May 2, 2010

Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-17 16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”  Who in their right mind would have ever thought leaders of nations would be asking for a One World financial system?  The people who know what Jesus has warned knew about this and have been looking for it to actually take place.  If you don’t know Christ or His prophecies let me tell you, this is a major sign letting us know we have reached the last days just prior to the beginning of the seven year tribulation, where the Antichrist will take control of a global financial system.  Here is a sign this system they are talking about is headed our way. I quote, the following headline by the Financial Times. “US prepares to push for global capital rules”. “The US is preparing to pivot from domestic regulatory reform to a push for a tough new international capital regime after the weekend’s G20 and International Monetary Fund meetings glossed over differences between leading economies. Tim Geithner, US Treasury secretary, met Mario Draghi, chairman of the Financial Stability Board, on Sunday to discuss the contours of a system that would decide the safety and profitability of banks for decades to come and could eclipse the arguments over bank taxes and regulation. But the different positions of senior central bank and government officials from several countries expressed to the Financial Times on the sidelines of the G20 meetings in Washington suggested that a final international agreement remains a challenge.”

This international capital regime is the making of the One World Government and a One World Economic system that will soon be taken over by the Antichrist.  To fully understand how this system works you may want to watch this Glen Beck video.  Watch video by clicking below.TOR’S CHOICE
