Antichrist signs/ One world interfaith church/ Cashless society/Dollar fall to Euro/rise of EU & U.S. decline/ Gold prices/ famines/ Ezekiel and Psalms war signs in the news/ Increased knowledge/ Oct. 22, 2009




I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, 12, 2009 Edition

You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you get the email just click the link and you will be ready to receive my updates.

It's confirmed I will be going to The “River of Life Church at 757 Wilderness Road, Lexington Ky. to speak at a three day seminar at their Church. The seminar will be held on December 11- December 13, 2009.  I will keep you posted, as we get closer to the date for the seminar.  If anyone is lead to help advertise for this seminar, you can email me and I will give you the contact name at the Church in Ky.

New Radio show/video is still up from my  Oct. 15, 2009. broadcast as well as my other shows.  You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below  My next show will be on Oct. 23, 2009 at 6PM EST.  I will be covering news from this week that points to fulfillment of Bible prophecy. 

Prophecy Sign: One very important fact Christians should know in this generation is there had to be a power shift concerning super power nations.  We know this has to take place because God told the Prophet Daniel exactly what world empire was going to rise up in the last days. We who know God’s warnings don’t have to guess as to who the last world empire would be.  In chapter 2 and 7 of the Book of Daniel God told Daniel the last world empire would be a reborn born Roman Empire.  Many of you are new to my site so let me make this simple for you.  The nations that were in the first Roman Empire would according to the Lord, come together again in the last days to form a revived Roman Empire.  When Jesus Christ came to Earth the first time He had to deal with the first Roman Empire, and He shows us in scripture when He come back the second time He will again have to deal with the revived Roman Empire.  Why is Christ going to have to deal with this empire?  Because at the time Jesus returns the Antichrist will be ruling over this revived Roman Empire.  I am not going to send much time in this post showing you the revived Roman Empire is already here. If you are new I would ask you to read chapter 2 of my free book.  In that chapter I lay out all the details about this empire.  In short, I will say that the European Union which is now made up of 27 nations is almost an exact copy of the first Roman Empire.  If you haven’t come to my site before you may not know this, but in a matter of weeks or months the EU, (revived Roman Empire) is going to elect their first full time EU President.  This will be the first time one man rules most of Europe since Caesar ruled the first Roman Empire.  This friend is exactly what we were waiting to see.  The seat of the Antichrist has been set in place as a result of Ireland passing the Lisbon Treaty last week.  I know to many of you this is going to be scary.  To think that the position of Jesus’ worst enemy has now been set in place is a very scary thought if you do not know Jesus as your savior yet.   It is scary because this Antichrist has one purpose.  According to scripture the Antichrist is going to seek to kill anyone who does not worship him as God.  When the Antichrist takes control of this reborn Roman Empire he is going to force everyone to take his mark or the number of his name as it states in Revelation 13:16-17.  If you haven’t taken Christ as your savior yet, you now only have little time to do so before the Lord comes to remove His Church from the seven year tribulation.  In the mean time those of us who know Bible prophecy know what is going to take place next. 

Since Daniel told us the revived Roman Empire was coming, we know that in order for this empire to take the lead rule on this planet, the most powerful nation in the lead at the present time has to fall away from power.  Since 1977 I have been sounding the warnings as to how the United States of America was going to fall away as a superpower.  Those who have been with me and hear all my warnings since 1977 know that everything I have warned them about has taken place exactly as I said it would.  September 2008 people all over this country who had had previous spoken to about the fall of America were shocked to see my warnings come to pass.  Since September of 2008 I even have people actually come right to my house telling me they remembered what I had said and were freaked out about it. Most of these people have now turned their life over to Christ.  In September of last year Jesus had placed it in my heart to warn you all that hundreds of thousands of people would now begin to lose their jobs.  I was lead by Christ to warn you every month and give you numbers of people who would lose their jobs that were unheard of.  I was telling the people this information before any lay offs had taken place.  Every month since then I would warn the people according to what Christ had shown me.  Every month since 2008 I have been shown again that hundreds of thousands of Americans are going to lose their jobs.  Back in September before the U.S. government would even say the U.S. was in a recession, I was lead to tell you get ready for a depression.  If you go back and read my previous posts all my warnings are still posted with the dates I issued the warnings.  I even warned everyone while the government hadn’t even admitted the U.S. was now in a recession, that you will begin to hear news reports warning you a depression is coming.   Anyone who has read the news since September 2008 now knows not just the United States, but nations around the world are writing reports warning that another depression is on the way.  If you read chapter one of my book, I site those reports for you.  Many people laughed me at, but I didn’t care because I understood what Christ was showing me.   For the past three months the Obama Administration has tried to make you believe that the U.S. economy is coming back.  They even said that losing only 125,000 jobs is a good sign of a turn around.  This was and still is a lie.  I have been praying about what I supposed to warn you for this month.  Usually at the end of the month the government shows how many people lost their jobs.   In my post yesterday I warned you based on what Christ had shown me that the figures would again be high.  This morning when I woke up I once again saw that what Jesus had shown me has come to pass.  I quote today’s news. “The number of newly laid-off workers filing claims for jobless benefits rose more than expected last week, as employers remain reluctant to hire even with the economy showing signs of recovery. “New jobless claims rise more than expected to 531K”   Over a half million American have lost their jobs. How in the world can any news agency including the U.S. Government  even try to make you think that there is any type of recovery.  Do a Google search and read what the experts are telling you.  A recovery takes place when the economy starts to show signs that Americans are again spending money.  A recovery takes place when companies start hiring people again and as you can see from the report today that is not happening.  A recovery takes place when banks start lending money again, and that isn’t happening either.  A recovery takes place when the U.S. stops printing American dollars that is becoming worthless.  A recovery starts when the Government stops spending more than they have.  We know that isn’t taking place.  Read the facts taken from a report issued on Oct. 16, 2009. “The U.S.’s 2009 budget gap widened to $1.42 trillion as the deepest recession since the 1930s crippled tax revenue and the administration increased spending to rescue the economy. The shortfall for the 12 months ended Sept. 30 was more than triple the $455 billion record set a year earlier, the Treasury Department said today in Washington.”

As I said, I have been warning how America would fall since 1977.  The news we are now reading is exactly what I said was going to take place.  This news shows everyone who is paying attention, how the last days power shift will take place.  The last days reborn Roman Empire will rise to the top when America’s economy finally comes to a halt, and we see all the signs of that taking place soon.   I have a link to news showing you projections of the number of jobs that were supposed to be created by the U.S. government.  Take a look at this information and you will learn that they got it all wrong.  I quote from a section of that report. “The table below compares the White House's February 2009 projection of the number of jobs that would be created by the 2009 stimulus law (through the end of 2010) with the actual change in state payroll employment through September 2009 (the latest figures available).  According to the data, 49 States and the District of Columbia have lost jobs since stimulus was enacted.  Only North Dakota has seen net job creation following the February 2009 stimulus.  While President Obama claimed the result of his stimulus bill would be the creation of 3.5 million jobs, the Nation has already lost a total of 2.7 million – a difference of 6.2 million jobs.  To see how stimulus has failed your state, see the table below.

While I have been warning you America’s economy was falling, I have also been warning you to watch the fall of the dollar.  The report out yesterday stated, “But they say the most important factor is the falling value of the dollar, which is encouraging traders, institutions and foreign countries to invest their cash in hard assets like oil and gold. Oil is priced in dollars on global markets, and a falling dollar almost always puts upward pressure on oil.”  If you are new to my site you wouldn’t know this, but for those of you who have been coming to my site they know what I told them would happen to the price of gold.  I have been warning everyone for over a year and half now that gold and silver would skyrocket.  We see this very thing starting to take place and it will continue to do so as the dollar falls away.  All these things are aiding to the last days power shift.  Are my warnings about the dollar coming to pass?  Take a look at yesterday and you will learn the dollar tumbled to 75.08.  It has been brought to my attention that in recent months have witnessed a steady erosion in the greenback's value, down 16% since March against the currencies of the top U.S. trading partners. On Wednesday, the euro broke through the symbolically important $1.50 barrier for the first time in 14 month.  Why is the Euro crushing the dollar?  Don’t you know that the Euro is the currency of the revived Roman Empire?  It only stands to reason that if God said the revived Roman Empire would become a world empire that their currency would also rise to the top leading currencies.   In my first book dated 1997 I wrote in that book that the Euro would crush the dollar, so keep your eyes on what happens with the Euro in the near future.  How did I know this?  It is simple really.  I just read the warnings Jesus gave us about the revived Roman Empire coming back, and I put two and two together.  Jesus revealed to me how this new Euro currency would take off, and so I told you what Christ had shown me.  If you think America is going to bounce back from the trillions in doubt you are living a lie.  Let me tell you what to expect, more of the same and worse.  We have reached the last days, Roman is revived and getting stronger and soon the seat for the Antichrist is going to be filled.  If you plan to write me and ask me if the Antichrist is alive, don’t bother, my answer is yes.  Not only is he alive but he is about to start his move up into ten nations who ten leaders will soon give him all their power just as Jesus and Daniel have warned he would.  I am telling you now, if you love your life and the life of your family and you want to live with Christ forever, you need to give your life over to Christ right now, today.  We do not know when Jesus is coming to remove His Church, however we stand I the warning He gave to us about the timing of His return for the Church.  In Matthew 24:33 Jesus told us that “when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” In that same chapter Jesus give another important sign to know just how close we are to going home with Christ.  In verses 37-39 Jesus tells us He will return when our generation becomes just like Noah’s generation.  Anyone studying the Word of God knows that this generation has become a carbon copy of Noah’s generation and that includes turning away from sound doctrine, turning away from the Word of God and God Himself, and turning to homosexuality.   Everything Christ warned us about all these things is taking place right now, that in itself tells us Jesus has His hand on the door and will soon remove anyone who is really walking with Him.  Once that door opens and you don’t go through that door, you will be cast into the seven year tribulation.  If that is what you want, that is exactly what you are going to get.  Dollar falls

Prophecy Sign: In Revelation chapter 17 Jesus tells us that there will be a false church that hooks up with the Antichrist during the seven year tribulation.  This is the Church will did not follow the true Word of God, this is the Church who will allow sin to run freely in the church.  This organization would be called a church but it would not have anything to do with Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ will not have anything to do with them. This church is going to be a worldwide church that will be completely formed once the real Church is removed at the rapture.  In my book in chapter 6 I give you details as to how this worldwide church is now being formed.  In today’s news we see more signs how this false church is coming together. The report you are about to read has to do with the Catholic Church coming together with another church.  I quote, “The process will allow groups of Anglicans, including bishops and married priests, to join the Catholic Church some 450 years after King Henry VIII broke from Rome and created the Church of England. The number of Anglicans wishing to join the Catholic Church has increased in recent years as the Anglican church has welcomed the ordination of women and openly gay clergy and blessed homosexual partnerships, said Cardinal William Joseph Levada, the head of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Their talks with the Vatican recently began speeding up, Vatican officials said, leading to Tuesday's announcement. "The Catholic Church is responding to the many requests that have been submitted to the Holy See from groups of Anglican clergy and faithful in different parts of the world who wish to enter into full visible communion," Levada said. Levada said "hundreds" of Anglicans around the world have expressed their desire to join the Catholic Church. Among them are 50 Anglican bishops, said Archbishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia of the Congregation of the Divine Cult. Should Anglicans be allowed to join the Catholic Church? Have your say below The Anglicans will be able to retain their Anglican rites while recognizing the pope as their leader, Vatican officials said. The British monarch is the head of the Anglican Church. While married Anglican priests may be ordained as Catholic priests, the same does not apply to married Anglican bishops, Levada said. "We've been praying for this unity for 40 years and we've not anticipated it happening now," Di Noia said. "The Holy Spirit is at work here."  When you read my book you will also find out that the Pope is also coming together with leaders of the Muslim faith and other faiths as well.  This my friends is the church that will be left behind once the rapture takes place.  You may not even known this was going on but it isn’t something that has just started.  The Catholic Church has been bring this interfaith Church together for some time.  Here is a short example. I quote, “WASHINGTON (CNS) — When Pope Benedict XVI comes to the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington for an early-evening interfaith meeting April 17 with Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims and representatives of other religions, space will be at a premium.”  I have a link for you if you want to read the entire report.   If you never read the Book of Revelation you won’t know that Jesus told us this false church would based or have her site in Rome.  Read chapter 17 and you find this to be true.  If you read my book you will find out that the Pope is now working on building a UN like church in the city of Rome.  Do you think this to is nothing but a coincidence?  This is exactly what Jesus pointed out to us and we see that very thing taking shape right now.

All I can say to you is this.  If you are in this church and are now following sound doctrine get out of this church now and run as fast and as far away as you can while you can.  Jesus is going to turn this false church over to the Antichrist and in the middle of the seven year tribulation the Antichrist is going to attack this false church and kill anyone who does worship Him as God.  I can only bring you to the Word and cite our Lord’s warnings, I can’t make you turn to Christ for protection from the things to come.  Believe me, if I had the power to drag you to the Lord’s salvation I would do it, but Jesus has given everyone free will to choose who’s side he or she will pick.  I pray my warnings from the Word of God will drive you to sprint to Christ while there is still time left to do so.  It is Christ’s promise that if you come to Him He will receive you, and add your name into His book of life.  Please go to Him today!

Prophecy Sign;  Once of the keys to knowing the time of the end is also shown to us in Paul’s warning found in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 where Paul tells us the following: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety: then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.  While the revived Roman Empire is going and the false church is being set in place we are also witnessing the fulfillment of this call to peace and safety just as warned by Paul.  I quote, ”EU Foreign Policy chief Javier Solana said the European Union's goal is to establish a Palestinian state in the 1967 borders. Speaking in Ramallah on Wednesday, Solana said the sooner this happens, the better. -Later Wednesday, Solana told the Israeli Presidential Conference in Jerusalem that the world must not accept an Iranian nuclear bomb. According to Solana, "Tomorrow is today and we have no time to lose." As for the peace process in the Middle East, Solana called for limited negotiations. "The time to do it is now. Nothing has been done in the world without taking risks."   Most of the world’s leaders are well aware that the if the Middle East peace process fails there is going to be another war.  This is why Solana made the statement, “Tomorrow is today and we have no time to lose”.   If you keep watching the news and the peace process you will witness how the next war is going to take place.  When this peace process fails that is when the second part of Paul’s warning will come to pass, that being the part of sudden destruction.  The sudden destruction that will be seen on the news shortly will be the destruction of the nations who attack Israel.  All these nations are listed in Psalms 83.  One more important note to the above report.  Solana is the most powerful person right now in the revived Roman Empire.  When you read chapter two of my book you will learn he holds four titles in the EU.  He is also the lead man in the Middle East peace talks.  This is very important because the Antichrist is the one who will soon confirm a seven year covenant with Israel and many nations as is stated in Daniel 9:27.  Right now the EU doesn’t have a full time President.  They are working on picking this person right now.  The way the EU functions right now if there were a major crisis Solana would set in a run the entire European Union.  Why am I telling you this?  If you read Daniel 7: 7-8 you will see that the Antichrist will rise up as the little horn once ten horns are set in place.  These horns are ten leaders, or as Jesus states in Revelation 17:12 “ ten kings”.  The little horn is would be the 11th horn since ten were already standing.  I am telling you this because Spain was the 11thnation to join the revived Roman Empire and Solana is from Spain.  That alone has cause the red flag to go up.  Is it possible that Solana may slip into the position of the Antichrist?  Since we see many things that run parallel with scripture I am watching what Solana does.  One other note that I point out in my book, Solana was placed in office under what is called Recommendation 666! The Recommendation 666 fell under the title, “Section 1:Common foreign and security policy”.  This by the way is one of the four titles Solana now holds.  Those of you who never read the Bible will not know that Jesus warned us about the number of the Antichrsit which is 666.  Read Revelation 13:18 and you will see this warning.  I think I made it clear now why I am watching the news concerning Solana and the Israeli peace process.,7340,L-3793236,00.html

Just to show you that the call for peace and safety is actually taking place during our generation read a short section of the report entitled, “Netanyahu meets EU foreign policy chief” I quote, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met Wednesday with EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana. Netanyahu expressed his hope the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks will resume in the near future. The two also discussed the international community's efforts to curb Iran's nuclear aspirations.”  The peace process has stalled and tensions are flying off the handle right now.  A major war is closer than it has been for some time.,7340,L-3793580,00.html


Javier Solana in the Bible Codes? Antichrist, European Union

Here is more news about the current peace talks and the troubles behind the talks.  “Israeli official: Deal imminent with U.S. on Mideast talks” U.S. President Barack Obama's Middle East envoy is close to a deal with Israel on terms for resuming peace talks with the Palestinians, Israeli officials said Wednesday. "There appears to be a meeting of the minds and hopefully the Israeli-Palestinian dialogue will be able to re-start in the near future," an Israeli official said, summing up talks held by negotiators for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington. Under the prospective deal, on which Palestinians have not yet commented, the negotiations could be held on the basis of two decades-old United Nations Security Council resolutions, 242 and 338, another official said. “Such a formula could be acceptable to Israel since it interprets those resolutions as falling short of a demand to withdraw from all of the West Bank, territory it captured during the 1967 Six Day War. Palestinians, who seek a state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, hold that the resolutions, which call for "withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict", obliges Israel to return to pre-1967 lines.”  “But in an interview with Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Ayyam, Erekat – who was is also due to meet with U.S. National Security Adviser James Jones and George Mitchell, the American envoy to the Mideast – said the most important issue is freezing Israeli settlement construction.”  “Erekat told the paper there is an American plan for Israeli-Palestinian peace, but said it is irrelevant as long as Israel continues building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, adding that all peace talks are currently being held with the Americans, not the Israelis.”  To fully understand the meaning behind resolutions 242, and 338 click to the link below.  Like I said before, once the PLO and the Arabs realize they will not get hold of East Jerusalem as their capitol that is when I believe the attack on Israel will take place and fulfill the war given to us in Psalms 83.  Here is the bottom line.  They are calling for peace and safety while at the same time every nation mentioned in Psalms 83 is preparing for the next war.  This is why I pointed out to you yesterday that there are now more than 50,000 rockets being stored in the Gaza and Lebanon.   We are all going to see this war played out very shortly.,7340,L-3793580,00.html

Prophecy Sign:  Once Israel win the war of Psalms 83 the Russian’s are going to attack Israel with Iran, Iraq, other allied nations.  We see signs that these nations are also getting ready for the next war with Israel.  The headline to a report on Oct. 20, 2009 read as follows, “Iraq to replace Russian weapons destroyed by U.S. invasion with . . . more Russian weapons”    BAGHDAD — Iraq has been preparing to negotiate a major weapons contract with Russia

. "A large delegation from the Iraqi Defense Ministry will travel

to Moscow soon for talks on arms purchases [from Russia]," Iraqi parliamentarian Abbas Al Bayati said.  If you read chapter 10 of my book I give you complete facts how Russia has already supplied every nation listed in Ezekiel 38 with weapons to be used in the invasion against Israel.  What you see in the news today concerning Russia and Iraq is a glimpse of the handwriting on the wall to this coming war.  Either you accept these prophecy signs for what they are, or you deny them and wait to see if what God has stated comes to pass.  If you choose to wait you are taking the chance of casting yourself into the seven year tribulation.  The reason why I say this, is because if you have refused God’s warnings about the things to come, you probably have refused to receive Jesus Christ as your savior as well.

Here is another sign that war is going to break out in the Middle East.  I quote, “The US and Israel launched Operation Juniper Cobra 10, the biggest missile defense exercise of their regular biennial drills, on Wednesday Oct. 21. Taking part in the two-week drill are 1,000 military personnel on each side. According to US military sources, the exercise which simulates the advanced capabilities of shared air defense systems, sends a message to Tehran that America will support Israel's defenses in attacks from Iran or its allies in the region.  The great importance Washington attaches to the drill is underscored by the appointment of US Sixth Fleet chief Adm. Mark Fitzgerald as joint commander, especially as it takes place weeks after President Barack Obama scrapped US plans to deploy missile interception systems in Poland and the Czech Republic. They are to be replaced with a missile shield tailored to handle short- and medium-range missiles, which constitute the bulk of Iran's arsenal and are carried in the first stage by warships.”  Look for Israel to take out Iran’s nuclear weapons program soon and then you will see the Ezekiel 38 war come to pass.

Another nation that has been named to attack Israel is Ethiopia.  In my book I tell you some of the reasons why I think Ethiopia will join Russia in the invasion against Israel.  One of the things I point out is that Ethiopia is starving to death.  When nations begin to strive they look for ways to feed themselves.  In the case of Ethiopia they have to reasons to join the attack.  One can be seen in this report entitled, “Ethiopia demands food aid for 6.2 million people”.  I quote, “ADDIS ABABA — Twenty-five years after Ethiopia's famine killed a million people and spurred a massive global aid effort, the government appealed Thursday for help for more than six million facing starvation. State Minister for Agriculture Mitiku Kassa said the drought-stricken country needed 159,000 tonnes of food aid worth 121 million dollars between now and year's end for 6.2 million people.  He said nearly 80,000 children under five were suffering from acute malnutrition and that nine million dollars were required for moderately malnourished children and women.”  Since Ethiopia is starving and they are a Muslim nation they would have two reasons why they should join Russia when they attack.  Russia may tell them they can have all the spoils they want once they take over Israel.  Since Israel has been blessed with more food than you can imagine they might take Russia up on their offer.  Keep in mind Ezekiel 38:12 tells us about the invaders coming to take the cattle, and goods that Israel has.   Also keep in mind the warning about famines, droughts and hungry Jesus said we would witness.  Ethiopia is feeling this prophecy right now.

New from Israel also shows us Israel knows another was is coming and they compared the coming war to a real earthquake. Deputy Minister of Defense Matan Vilnai participated Wednesday morning in a readiness exercise for an earthquake scenario in Akko (Acre).  "I want to remind you of the earthquake we experienced in October 1973 – a man-made earthquake,” he said – referring to the Yom Kippur War. “Just as we were surprised then, in a real earthquake that comes from nature we will be more surprised,” he warned.”  Deputy Minister Matan Vilnai did get it correct in more ways than one.  He is correct that a new war is coming, but also that there really will be a huge earthquake, a real earthquakes that will shake this earth during the time of the Russian invasion.  Read Ezekiel 38:19 and you will see where God speaks to us about the earthquake that will hit at the same time of this invasion.

Prophecy Sign: One of the keys to knowing this present generation is the one to see Jesus return was given to us in Daniel 12:4 where God told Daniel that our generation would increase in knowledge.  Most people with half a brain know that our generation has gain more knowledge than any generation since Adam and Eve.   Here is an example of what this increased knowledge has brought us.  “On October 13, an airborne laser weapon was tested in New Mexico.”  This generation has created weapons that appear to be like Star Trek weapons.

Look what our other important things in the news that relate to prophecy have given this generation.  “USA Technologies (NASDAQ: USAT) announced today the issuance to it by the US Patent Office of a patent that covers the cashless wireless payment trends sweeping the vending industry. The patent for invention number 7,593,897 is for a wireless system for communicating cashless vending transaction data and vending machine audit data to remote locations.”  When the Antichrist takes control he is going to control what you can buy or what you can sell.  He is going to force everyone on this planet or at least try to enforce that everyone take his mark in their skin.  Without this mark you will be left out of the new world economy.  We are witnessing steps that is bring on this new cashless system and it is all coming at the same time all the rest of the prophecies are taking place.

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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Ezekiel 38 Signs/Roaring Seas and waves again!/ Diseases/The fall of America/Oct. 21, 2009




You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you get the email just click the link and you will be ready to receive my updates.

It's confirmed I will be going to The “River of Life Church at 757 Wilderness Road, Lexington Ky. to speak at a three day seminar at their Church. The seminar will be held on December 11- December 13, 2009.  I will keep you posted, as we get closer to the date for the seminar.  If anyone is lead to help advertise for this seminar, you can email me and I will give you the contact name at the Church in Ky.

New Radio show/video show will be up on Oct. 15, 2009.  You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below  This show deals with the major prophecy signs in the news from the past week. I will also be covering new information on the seat of the Antichrist in light of a yes vote to the EU Lisbon Treaty.  Show is still running at the following link below. 

Prophecy Sign:  In my post yesterday I wrote to you about the young lions who are mentioned in the Ezekiel prophecy.  In part of the Ezekiel prophecy it warned us of the following: “Sheba and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? Hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? To carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?” (Ezekiel 38:13).   God showed the Prophet Ezekiel that when Russia and her allies begin to attack Israel we see specific nations that are mentioned which only give their formal protest against the invading armies. The nations who give their formal protect are not engaged in the battle. Sheba and Dedan in verse 13 is modern day Saudi Arabia. Great Britain is what is referred to in the Old Testament as Tarshish. The nations who broke away from Great Britain are the United Stated, Canada, and Australia; these nations are considered the young lions of Tarshish, or Great Britain in modern day terms. Look up the coat of arms for Great Britain; it is the lion.  If you know God’s word and His warnings you will know what to look for.  In this case we are look to see if these young lions are stationed in the Middle East region as the prophecy says they will be.   One day after the Lord lead me to write about the young lions news was reported on what Australia is doing.  I quote, “Australian Defence Minister John Faulkner has asked for recommendations on how to complete operations in Afghanistan as early as possible. The announcement is seen as the clearest signal so far that Australia may withdraw its 1,500 troops deployed in Afghanistan earlier than expected. The Australian review comes as the top allied general in Afghanistan has called for a large troops increase.”   Yesterday I told you it was no coincidence that the young lions mentioned in verse 13 are in fact in the Middle East at this time.  Just to show you that Canada is friends at this point in time with Israel let me quote from today’s report.  "I'm not sure if the Israeli standpoint is that much different than the Canadian standpoint, having had the experience in Afghanistan," said Canadian Armed Forces Chief of the Defense Staff, General Walter J. Natynczyk, in a Tuesday interview to the IDF journal Bamahane.  The general's three-day visit to Israel – his first official tour here since he began his tenure as head of Canada's military in 2008 – concluded on Tuesday.’  “I've got to look through the whole report and read it through myself. But I fully understand how when someone is attacked from houses, family houses, and so on, that there is a responsibility to protect oneself and protect civilians," Natynczyk said. "I have just had a great education in terms of where weapons were fired from and so on. I want to look at the report in terms of how does it describe it… My impression of the Gaza Strip up to now has been through media reports. Now I got to actually see the size, the space, the context… It just puts into perspective many of the reports and also the operations that were conducted before."  

After seeing what the Israeli’s have had to endure as a result of the thousands of rockets launched from the Gaza into Israel, Canada’s General has taken favor with Israel.  What I found interesting is one day after I was lead to write to you about these young lion nations from Ezekiel 38:13, they show up in the news as dealing with Israel.  I truly believe the Holy Spirit is helping me make these connections between His Words in the Bible and the current events.

Another important fact to consider is that all these young lion nations are taking about right now is reducing the number of troops in the Middle East.  Why do you think the Word of God tells us that the only thing the young lions do is give a formal protest to the Russian invasion?  It is because they won’t have enough man power to do anything to stop this invasion against Israel when it begins.  At the present time America, which is one of the young lions, has troops all over the Middle East.  Notice if you will that at this present time in history America, Canada, Australia, and Great Britain all have good relations with Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi’s have allowed these troops into their country.  Right now we are at the point that the same nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38:13 are in position to fulfill God’s Word.  When the Russian invasion begins the young lions and the Saudi’s won’t be strong enough to do anything to help Israel.  Fact is, at the present time these young lions don’t have enough troops in the Middle East to win the war in either Iraq or Afghanistan so how in the world would they be able to stop millions of Muslims pouring down on Israel?   The more troops that leave the Middle East the weaker these young lions get.  If you don’t know Bible prophecy you won’t be able to see the pieces of this prophecy coming together, however everything is now set in place to fulfill the Ezekiel war.  Everyone who is supposed to be in place is there.  Can you see the handwriting on the wall?  I do believe that this Ezekiel war will take place soon after the Middle East peace talks fail.  One the peace process stops the Arabs mentioned in Psalms 83 will attack Israel first, then shortly after you will see the Russian lead invasion take place.

Ask yourself this question.  Why is it that all of the nations listed in Ezekiel 38:13 are still semi friends with Israel?  Why is it that these young lion nations are also the ones involved in the Middle East peace talks?  It is because all these things are connected to Bible prophecy.  If you read my post from yesterday you have known that the Apostle Paul added more information about these signs when he warned us that at the time these nations were calling for peace and safety that would be the time when the sudden destruction would come.  Every day we are witnessing Jesus’ warnings about this issue come to pass.  For example today’s news stated, “With the US continuing to have difficulty putting together a package that would relaunch Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, US President Barak Obama sent some warm words toward Israel on Tuesday night, saying Israeli-US relations were "more than a strategic alliance."  “Netanyahu, referring to Mahmoud Abbas as the chairman of the Palestinian Authority, not its president, said the time had come to "lead your people to peace," and to say that the time has come to "end this conflict once and for all."  In this one news report we see one of the young lions, (America) warming up to Israel.  In the same report they again talk about trying to get the Middle East peace process going again.  What we are reading are the exact things that were supposed to take place during this generation.  Soon the talking is going to end and the nations listed to attack Israel in Psalms 83 will attack.

As you know I have been telling you to watch the signs coming out of Iran and Syria and in the Gaza Stripe.   The reason why I am directing you to these specific nations is because God gave us warnings about these nations.  We know that Iran is going to join forces with Russia when the Russian make an attempt to wipe out Israel.  Many of you who have come to my site before know that I believe the Ezekiel war will break out when Israel goes into Iran to wipe out their nuclear weapons program.  This attack has already been planned out by Israel.  While Israel is waiting for the right time to strike at Iran, Iran is doing what it can to aid Israel’s enemies who are also mentioned in Bible prophecy. 

Let me give you an example. I quote, “Iran is making a huge effort to smuggle to the Palestinian Hamas Fajr-5 ground-to-ground rockets that bring Tel Aviv within range of the Gaza Strip. DEBKAfile's military sources also disclose that Syria, Iran's second ally with an Israeli border, has decided to transfer one-third of its missile stockpile to the Hizballah in Lebanon, topping up its arsenal with medium-range rockets that can cover central as well as northern Israel.”  Iran wants to see Israel wiped off the map.  I have posted many of Iran’s President’s statements where he has told the world he wants to destroy Israel.  If you read Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38 you will see that all these nations who want to get rid of Israel are working together.  In the report above you see Iran sending arms to the very nations who are listed in Psalms 83.  Why do you think these nations are making a point to get all these rockets in place that have been sent in from Iran?  It is because they all know that soon war is going to break out and they plan to use these weapons to wipe out Israel.  If you read Psalms 83 you will find out that all these nations combined will not destroy Israel.  If you are filled with the Holy Spirit you will see what is really going on in a different light than those who have not the Holy Spirit.  To people who haven’t received Jesus as Lord they will perceive these moves by the Palestinian’s, Iranian’s, Syrian’s and Lebanese as just the same old thing.  Many of the people I have spoken with about these facts tell me that these people in the Middle East have been killing themselves for thousands of years and they will keep killing themselves for another thousand years.  This is exactly what Satan wants them to see.  What they can’t see is that God has set a time frame in place to finish all prophecy.  This time frame centers on these two Middle East wars that have not yet taken place.  As soon as these two wars, the war in Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38 are finished the 7 year tribulation will begin.  God’s time frame is about to be kicked off.  If you are still without the Holy Spirit living and directing your life, you are on your way  to step right into the seven year tribulation.  If you do not believe the warnings about these two wars, all I can say is wait.  None of us are going to have to wait much longer before the first war is fulfilled.  The call for peace and safety is getting stronger and that can only mean one thing in relation to Paul’s warning, sudden destruction is coming soon.

When speaking about the signs of the last days you have to remember that all of Israel’s friends will turn away from her.  We have been witnessing signs that the Obama Administration has been moving away from Israel and closer to the PLO.  We know that all the nations will turn soon against Israel because the Prophet Zechariah in Zech. 12:3 told us that all the nations will come against Israel and Jerusalem.  In today’s news we again see signs that Israel and America are growing further apart.  I quote, “Charges of espionage against US Defense Department scientist Stewart Nozette reflect "extreme views" against Israel that could harm US-Israel relations, former AIPAC staffer Steve Rosen told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

As I said America and Israel have been growing apart and the Middle East peace process is the main reason for all the new tension between the two nations.  If you watch the video entitled, “US-Israeli relations strained” you will see that what the Prophect had to say about all the nations coming against Israel is in the process of coming to pass.  I can assure everyone right now, by the time it is all said and done America, Canada, Great Britian, Australia, and any other nation now friendly with Israel will turn away from her.  Fact is when you hear talk about peace and safety from Israel, the Israeli’s feel Obama is harming the chances for peace.  I quote, “With Abbas unwilling to budge, and even the most liberal of possible Israeli leaders unable to meet 100 percent of his demands, peace is today more unachievable than ever, despite the picture the White House is trying to paint.”  Israel is aware that the Obama Administration is a danger to Israel.

Prophecy Sign: Christ told us to watch for the roaring seas and waves.  I have been giving you proof that this sign is taking place while all the other signs are also being fulfilled.  Last week the Philippines were leveled by two huge storms and they are now getting ready for another category 4 storm.  Mexico is also in the news. I quote, “MEXICO CITY — Hurricane Rick quickly strengthened into an "extremely dangerous" Category 4 storm off Mexico's Pacific coast on Saturday and forecasters said it could strike the Baja California Peninsula in about five days. The storm had sustained winds near 145 mph (230 kph) and it was expected to grow into a monster Category 5 storm with winds surpassing 155 mph (250 kph), the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami reported, though it said the storm was likely to lose much of that punch before hitting land.  What can make the seas and waves roar as Jesus said?  What about winds up to 155 mph.  These storms are huge and they are just a taste of what is coming!

Prophecy Sign:  Jesus in Matthew 24:7 also told us to watch for the sign of diseases.  You have been over whelmed with news concerning the swine flu.  Today we see more news about this warning.  “WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) – Turkeys in the Canadian province of Ontario have become infected with the H1N1 flu virus, but no birds or eggs from the farm entered the food supply, provincial government officials said on Tuesday. The infection poses minimal risk to human health, Dr. Arlene King, Ontario's chief medical officer of health, said in a news conference in Toronto. However, she noted the discovery highlights the need for those who work with farm animals to be vaccinated for both seasonal flu and the pandemic H1N1 flu strain.

NEW YORK — Scientists acknowledged that an HIV vaccine recently tested in Thailand may be less effective than they originally suggested, but said it still provided valuable leads for further research. When first publicly disclosing the outcome of the vaccine trial in September, researchers said the vaccine had lowered the risk of infection by about 31%. That result was modest but statistically significant. Coming after two decades of failed HIV-vaccine trials, the announcement was welcomed by researchers around the world.

Prophecy Sign:  Yesterday I wrote to you and asked you to watch the news because at the end of October you will see how bad the economy was.  I warned you what you will see when the news breaks.  One day after I issued you this warning the following news was released on the U.S. unemployment rates.  I quote, “(AP) – Unemployment rose in 23 states last month as the economy struggled to create jobs in the early stages of the recovery. While layoffs have slowed, companies remain reluctant to hire. Forty-three states reported job losses in September, while only seven gained jobs, the Labor Department said Wednesday.’  America is sinking and every month she is sinking even deeper.  I am now warning you all, one morning you are going to wake up and watch the news informing you that America is bankrupt and the dollar has died!   The faster the U.S. prints out more money, the faster America will decline.  Take notice where your money is now, because soon your money will be worthless.  I know many of you will read this and think to yourself, “this will never happen”.  I had people think this same thing when I told them the European Union was going to become a super state lead by one man, and now look what has happened?  The EU has grown to 27 nations and still growing and they are now getting ready to pick their first full time EU President.  All these things are taking place and are speeding up because we are running out of time.  Soon God’s time frame for the end events will kick off and then, maybe then you will believe these warnings.  Again I ask you to watch the number of people who get laid off at the end of Oct.

WASHINGTON – Even with an economic revival, many U.S. jobs lost during the recession may be gone forever and a weak employment market could linger for years. That could add up to a "new normal" of higher joblessness and lower standards of living for many Americans, some economists are suggesting. The words "it's different this time" are always suspect. But economists and policy makers say the job-creating dynamics of previous recoveries can't be counted on now.

A few days ago I warned you about what God said about gold and silver in Revelation chapter 18.  I told you both gold and silver were going to skyrocket.  How about this news, which supports what, I have warned. “Gold to $3,000? Maybe $5,000?”.  “Considering the flood of paper money the Fed has made available to halt the Great Recession and save Wall Street from itself, it’s not hard to find folks who will to tell you that gold is destined to bust all records on its way to becoming the only store of value left in a debased world. “  Keep in mind, I am only telling you what has been shown to us in God’s Word.  If Jesus says people living during the tribulation will weep over the gold and silver that is lost, then you can count on the prices of gold and silver to skyrocket to levels never seen before.  These prices we are seeing are nothing to what they will be like during the Greatest Depression the world has ever since during the tribulation. If you are left behind and are cast into the tribulation you will see just how high the prices of gold and silver will climb.  If you aren’t killed by the judgments being poured out on an unbelieving world you will see how in one day your gold and silver will all be taken away from you.  Maybe you should read chapter 18 of the Book of Revelation to see what is going to happen to you if you do not receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

I didn't write anything about earthquakes today because I am lead to believe we are going to see a short time of rest from the huge quakes.  This rest may last a week or so but then we will again begin to see more shaking. 

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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Please pray for our Sister in Christ Jeannine Roberts.


Jeannine Roberts

Jeannine was just diagnoced with stage 3 adrenal cancer last week. She is a sister in Christ with two young daughters, and wants to live. She starts kemotherapy  this morning at 10am. Please everyone that reads this pray for her to be healed. Pray for a miracle. Jesus Christ is God and we can petition him on behalf of her to destroy the cancer trying to steel her life. We all know the ultimate healing is to be with Christ, but please pray for her strength, and that she doesnt feel any side effects. Thanks so much for your prayers for our sister. Jesus Please heal your daughter. Sincerely Adam Dimora.

Confirmed speaking engagement: Important infomation concerning the next two Middle East wars/Oct. 20, 2009





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I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, 12, 2009 Edition

It was confirmed today that I will be going to The “River of Life Church at 757 Wilderness Road, Lexington Ky. to speak at a three day seminar at their Church. The seminar will on December 11- December 13, 2009.  I have accepted this blessing to come and am working out the details with them.  I will keep you posted, as we get closer to the date for the seminar.  If anyone is lead to help advertise for this seminar, you can email me and I will give you the contact name at the Church in Ky.

New Radio show/video show will be up on Oct. 15, 2009.  You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below  This show deals with the major prophecy signs in the news from the past week. I will also be covering new information on the seat of the Antichrist in light of a yes vote to the EU Lisbon Treaty.  Show is still running at the following link below. 

If you have been coming to this site regularly, you will have seen much written about both the Psalm 83 war and the Ezekiel 38 war.   Both of these wars are future wars that are shaping up to take place sometime in the near future.  The war that is expected to be the next prophetic war to take place is the Psalm 83 war.  The reason why I say this is because in order for the Ezekiel war to take place, Israel must first be living in peaceful conditions.  As a matter of fact, if you read Ezekiel 38 verses 10-16 you will see where it describes Israel as living in peace in unwalled villages when Gog of the land of Magog (referring to Russia) and Iran and a host of other nations will lead this massive invasion to destroy them.  These are certainly not the conditions found in Israel today.  One reason why this is so is because Israel just completed the 20 foot high wall that divides the land that belongs to them and the land that belongs to the Palestinians for the purpose of keeping out terrorists.  The other reasons that we see that make it obvious that Israel isn't living in peace at the moment is because of what we read in the papers daily regarding Israel.  The world has turned against Israel and and there are threats from Iran that they are going to wipe Israel off the map.  The tensions in Jerusalem are as high as they've ever been as witnessed by the fighting and arrests on the Temple Mount.  We also see where there is talk about Israel planning to attack Iran's nuke sites which would lessen the threat of a nuke attack against them.   Because of all of this evidence – and in the interest of time I won't list all of the other things that are taking place – we know for certain that the Ezekiel war won't be the next prophetic war to take place. 

"This is what the Sovereign LORD says: On that day thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme.  You will say, "I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people—all of them living without walls and without gates and bars.  I will plunder and loot and turn my hand against the resettled ruins and the people gathered from the nations, rich in livestock and goods, living at the center of the land."  Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all her villages will say to you, "Have you come to plunder? Have you gathered your hordes to loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder?" '  "Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say to Gog: 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: In that day, when my people Israel are living in safety, will you not take notice of it?  You will come from your place in the far north, you and many nations with you, all of them riding on horses, a great horde, a mighty army.  You will advance against my people Israel like a cloud that covers the land. In days to come, O Gog, I will bring you against my land, so that the nations may know me when I show myself holy through you before their eyes.    Ezek 38:10-16

So if Israel is living in peaceful and unwalled conditions, then something has to happen to bring about this peace.   Iran is a very big threat to the existance of Israel but the most immediate threats come from the nations bordering Israel itself.   Israel has been making preparations for a multi-front war for months now.  It is becoming more and more obvious that Israel is surrounded by enemies – some of which were "friends" and had peace treaties signed with them.  The latest to turn against Israel is Turkey and before them Jordan.  The reason I mention these two countries is because they have been considered as friends to Israel in the last couple decades.  That is now over with.  It's appearing that the Gaza war last year had more prophetic implications attatched to it than what most of us realized because it is this very war that turned any remaining "friends" of Israel against them.  The Mideast is shaping up to exactly how God told us it was going to be in the end times.  On Israel's western border is the Hamas terror group who continues to launch rockets into Israel and then on the northern border they have Hizbullah who is stockpiling thousands of missiles that are aimed at Israel for use in the upcoming war.  These missiles are coming from Syria and that means that many of these missiles being stockpiled contain both chemical and bilogical components.   The following scripture is being fullfilled right now!

 "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem.  And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it."  Zech 12:2,3

The next war will be the war that rids Israel of the threats on it's own borders and this will happen as a result of the Psalm 83 war.  This war is a war that will take place between Israel and it's bordering countries – all of whom are enemies or are now becoming enemies and it will set up the Ezekiel war.  Israel will be the victor of this war and as a result of this victory will take all of the land that belonged to these countries and it will all become a part of Israel.  Israel will increase in size a hundred times over what they are now and they will also assume the wealth and oil and everything else these countries had before they so foolishly tried to take God's land away and kill His people.  When this war is over and Israel has occupied all of this land there will no longer be a need for walled villages and since Israel has defeated all of the threats on it's borders there will finally be a sense of peace.  This will fulfill the conditions that had to be met for the next war to begin – the Ezekiel war. 

I wanted to emphasize the Psalm 83 war today because everything is falling into place for this war to happen soon.  I know you have read this same statement over and over again but it is important to keep bringing it up to keep you aware of it's closeness.  One of the countries that will take part in the Ezekiel war that isn't mentioned in the Psalm 83 war is Iran.  Why they aren't mentioned isn't clear but it appears as though the answer may be revealed to us soon.  Israel wants to attack Iran's nuke sites to disarm the nuke threat that could wipe out the land altogether.  Iran is in the news as much as Israel these days.  The US just ordered their new bunker buster bomb completed by December which is also, by the way, when Israel may attack Iran.  The Iranians continue to further anger the nations against them by threatening to attack Pakistan as retaliation for a suicide bomb that killed some of their top military leaders.  Iran is getting bolder – which is very unusual for them. 

In a report from the DEBKAfile today is an interesting statement.  I quote, "Iranian sources note that is the first time in Iran's 30-year Islamic revolution that a military leader has gone to the extreme lengths of threatening to strike US and British military targets, a measure of the damage the regime and Guards suffered from the suicide attack, which has since been condemned and denied by Washington."   For a country to be making a statement like this in the face of the probability of being attacked by Israel sometime around the end of the year says a lot.   And at the same time they are being threatened with crippling sanctions against them by the very countries they are mentioning here in this statement.  The handwriting is on the wall folks.  THERE IS A WAR COMING SOON!   The US has been more than patient with Iran and Obama has been trying since he took office to negotiate with them on their nuclear ambitions.  If it wasn't for Obama then Israel would have attacked Iran months ago.  But now time is almost out.  Israel says they will give them till December to comply with the world on their nuke program.  There will be no more delays.  Israel can't afford to let the Iranians stall anymore by further "negotiations" and "talks."  All this does is give Iran more time to further their program to completion.  Iran is making a mistake on threats against the US.  Everything we see taking place between Iran and Israel and the US is leading up to a preemptive strike against Iran and it will probably be from Israel.  If Iran attacks US military targets as they've threatened to do, this will be a declaration of war against us.  Could this be the REAL reason why Obama doesn't want to commit more troops to Afghanistan right now?  We'll have to wait and see how this shapes up but one thing is clear.  The final hour for Iran is just about upon them and I don't think they will comply.  And when Israel attacks Iran then watch the Psalm 83 war come to pass.  This could be what triggers this war.  I'm only assuming this but they way things are going it seems like this might be what ignites it.  Most of the countries in the Psalm 83 war are allies of Iran so this war will more than likely be a retaliatory strike. Israel must be seeing red after hearing about this.  The threat is now increasing against them.
And just how much pressure is Israel feeling right now to get a peace plan in the works?  Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak says that negotiations must take place "as soon as possible."  From the Israeli paper HAEERTZ,  "We must work with the American administration and consolidate an agreement to open negotiations as soon as possible, even if the conditions aren't perfect and even if we have to make difficult concessions,' said Barak."  I wonder if this urgency in restarting the peace process might have anything to do with Turkey turning it's back on them this past week.  Israel has just lost it's closest ally in the mideast.  This has been a devastating development for Israel and if Israel felt isolated before then you can imagine what they are feeling now.  They now have no friends in that part of the world.  The only real friend they have is us and we have also done a pretty good job at turning our backs on Israel this year since Obama took office.  The condition for the Psalm 83 war to take place is now being fulfilled!   "O God, do not keep silent; be not quiet, O God, be not still.  See how your enemies are astir, how your foes rear their heads.  With cunning they conspire against your people; they plot against those you cherish.  "Come," they say, "let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more.   With one mind they plot together; they form an alliance against you” Psalm 83:1-5.

This prophecy fullfilment is very easy to see taking place.  As you watch the news and read the papers, take note that the countries surrounding Israel are making pacts and treaties with each other.  Also take note that Syria is sending hundreds of missiles down along the northern Israeli border and that Hezbollah is taking possession of these missiles in preparation for this war.  God's word is true and it is and will be fulfilled right down to the letter.
Does anybody still have doubts about the Psalm 83 war?  Maybe this will get your attention.  In Isaiah 17 is an account given by the Prophet Isaiah of the destruction of Damascus – which is the capital of Syria.  After this attack, Damascus will cease to be a city – forever.  We know this prophecy hasn't taken place yet because Damascus is a city right now!   So, Isaiah 17 has not been fulfilled yet but it soon will be.  Why was Damascus destroyed?  The Syrians have an especially lethal missile program in their arsenal.  They specialize in chemical and biological warfare.  If you want to know what weapons of mass destruction are then you've come to the right place.  It is believed that sometime in the near future that Syria will attack Israel with these missiles and the likely target will be the second largest city in Israel – Tel Aviv.  Tel Aviv has a population of over a half million people and is the richest city in Israel and is home to their stock exchange.  So in other words, an attack with chemical and biological weapons against Tel Aviv would be like the same sort of attack against New York City except that NYC has alot more people who would be killed.  An attack such as this could explain why Damascus will be totally and completely destroyed forever.  Israel would attack using their own nukes.  There can be no other explanation as to why Damascus would never be able to be inhabited again.  Keep your eyes on Syria and make sure you read this article.  The pieces are coming together! 

Keep an eye on how these talks with Iran develop.  If these talks bring no results then Israel will take matters into their own hands.  The first day of talks produced nothing.

Jesus told us in Matthew 24 that in the last days there would be wars and rumors of wars.  All of the wars that are taking place at this point in time are increasing in number – just as a woman about to give birth.  Birth pangs are used by Jesus in all of the end-time signs.  He told us that just before He comes back that all of the various signs He gave us would increase in number and intensity (paraphrased).  Iraq is still at war and Afghanistan is now being described as "Obama's Vietnam."  And now the Taliban and al-Quaida are teaming up to overthrow the Pakistani government and the really bad part about that is in the fact that Pakistan has nukes.  I wonder what a couple of terrorist organizations could do with nukes.  Scary, isn't it?  Well, get ready because it's more than likely this is going to happen

There is another story that you need to keep your eyes on.  According to a former Margaret Thatcher advisor; there are plans to have a climate change treaty signed in Copenhagen at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in December and he says that this will lay the foundation for the one world government.  "At [the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in] Copenhagen this December, weeks away, a treaty will be signed," Lord Christopher Monckton told a Minnesota Free Market Institute audience on Thursday at Bethel University in St. Paul.  Your president (Obama) will sign it. Most of the Third World countries will sign it, because they think they're going to get money out of it. Most of the left-wing regimes from the European Union will rubber stamp it. Virtually nobody won't sign it, he told the audience of some 700 attendees."  At this time, we should keep our eyes on this development.  IF Obama signs it then he will be signing more of our sovereignty away.  The US will no longer be able to make their own decisions regarding this whole climate change issue.  This means that what this world government says we have to do to stay in compliance is written in stone and we won't have a choice.  But we need to wait and see IF Obama will go for this or not.  No guarantees.

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. 

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Getting ready for the dollar crash?/ America’s decline/ Roaring seas and waves/ Middle East wars to be fought/ Peace and safety calls/ Gold & silver prices/ Antichrist’s seat on the way/Many earthquakes/ Oct. 20, 2009





You can subscribe for all my prophecy updates by putting your email address in the subscribe box, which appears near the top left hand side of my prophecy site.  An email will be sent to you for you to confirm you want to subscribe. When you get the email just click the link and you will be ready to receive my updates.

I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, 12, 2009 Edition

The “River of Life Church at 757 Wilderness Road, Lexington Ky. has invited me to do a three day seminar at their Church. The seminar will on December 11- December 13, 2009.  I have accepted this blessing to come and am working out the details with them.  I will keep you posted, as we get closer to the date for the seminar.  If anyone is lead to help advertise for this seminar, you can email me and I will give you the contact name at the Church in Ky.

New Radio show/video show will be up on Oct. 15, 2009.  You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below  This show deals with the major prophecy signs in the news from the past week. I will also be covering new information on the seat of the Antichrist in light of a yes vote to the EU Lisbon Treaty.  Show is still running at the following link below. 

Prophecy Sign: I want to pick up where I left off yesterday to show you all the signs that America is setting herself up to crash.  When this crash takes place it will speed up the process that will help lift the revived Roman Empire into the position as world leader.  I   have new people coming to my site every day now and you need to understand that exactly what is happening.  Both the Prophet Daniel and Jesus Christ showed us, in the last days the old Roman Empire would again rise to power.  When it did the Antichrist would rise up from within this revived Roman Empire and take control of kingdom in the same fashion as Caesar did during the first Roman Empire.  Since America was the stronger nation in the world something must have happened to bring her down from power.  How do we know this, because America is not mentioned once in the entire book of Daniel.   Since our generation is the one who is living in the last days what was unknown to Daniel has been made known to us.  I am not just saying this, this is what God told Daniel.  I quote God in Daniel 12:4, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”  Our generation is the one who has gain more knowledge than one other generation in history and we have done this all in a span of 50 years.  This present generation is also known for the number of people traveling back and forth.  There are more signs that prove this present generation is the one God showed Daniel.  For example, In Revelation 9:21 Jesus told us this generation would become known for its drugs which we have.  Also, in Matthew 24:37-38 Jesus pointed out that this generation would become just like Noah’ generation and we have.  The last generation was to witness the rebirth of Israel as pointed out in Ezekiel chapter 37 and Matthew 24:32, and we have.  Israel was born as a nation on May 14, 1948 and in 1957 the revived Roman Empire started to come back to life as well just as was prophesied.   In the 60 years since the rebirth of Israel the European Union, (revived Roman Empire) has grown from 3 nations to 27 nations and just last week the EU passed what is called the Lisbon Treaty which is going to give the 27 EU nations their first full time President.  This is the first time this has happened since Caesar ruled the first Roman Empire.   All this has happened all at the same time that America is declining in power.  This is what I call the last days power shift.   Keep in mind, God showed us that Daniel would not understand the things of the last days because it was a sealed book.  However, our generation has witnessed this book unsealed, and all who have the Holy Spirit living in them understand exactly what God was showing the Prophet Daniel for these last days.  In order to lift up one empire another one must fall, and this is what is currently taking place between the United States and the European Union.  If this is your first time at my site you will get a better understanding of the revived Roman Empire if you read chapter 2 of my free prophecy book.  There you will read about the Western leg of the revived Roman Empire and the Eastern leg of the revived Roman Empire.

If you are new to my site it would be good to review my previous posts and see what I have been warning you.  Since 1977 I have been warning that Europe would join together to form a superstate, which would resemble the old Roman Empire.  As you can see from the passage of the Lisbon Treaty which is a off shoot of the Rome Treaty that my warning has come to pass.  There was no way I could be wrong because I am repeating to you what Jesus has already written in His Word for these last days.  Since September of 2008 I told you all that hundreds of thousands would lose there jobs every month.  I told you to watch the banks in the U.S. because they would begin to fall, I warned you that the U.S.  dollar would decline while the euro, which is the currency of the EU would rise.  I also warned that during this time the prices of gold and silver would begin to take off.  Everything I have warned you has been taken from Christ’s warnings.  Most of the people don’t know what signs to look for in these last days because they do not know the Word of God found only in the Bible.  Jesus has blessed me by allowing me to understand His Word and to repeat His warnings to you so that you could easily understand what is happening in these last days.  All I am doing for you is connecting the dots between what Jesus has warned and showing you His fulfillment in the news. 

Some of you may want to write me and say, no where in the Bible did Jesus say the U.S. banks would fold.  Of course He didn’t.   However, Jesus didn’t have to write this information down.  All you have to do is put two and two together and you can see how prophecy is being fulfilled.  For example, we know that Rome was to rise again to be the last world empire, which would mean that who ever was the leader, had to give way to the new empire.  All you have to do is watch the news and you can see how America is going to fall away as a super power.   You don’t have to be a scholar to see America’s economy is falling apart.  When America goes down her fall will be felt worldwide.  It is going to be at this time that the power of the revived Roman Empire will completely take hold, and it will be at this time that the Antichrist will begin his ascend to power.

Now for my warnings.  Has the banks started to fold as I told you?  If you click to the link below it will take you to all the banks that have folded just in 2009.  At the present time so far there has been 99 banks that have folded, and this isn’t going to be the end of it either.

Yesterday I wrote to you warning you that the FDIC was out of money  and wouldn’t be able to insure your money when these banks folded.  Click to the link below and listen to an expert who has never been wrong yet in his predictions about America’s economy.  The video is entitled. “pt 1/3 gerald celente on Goldseek radio 17 Oct 2009”

If you watched the Gerald Celente video you would have heard him mention how the Middle East problem is going to explode.  Celente tells the listen these events will help erode the economy.  I have never heard Celente say he was or was not a Christian, but his warning should be taken seriously because Jesus told us sudden destruction was going to take place when Israel was calling for peace and safety.  As you can see all these events are hooked together.  If you don’t believe my warnings or Gerald Celente, maybe these facts on the American economy will begin to open your eyes to this power shift.  I quote, “Faced with a $550 million budget deficit, Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley on Monday said that all non-union city workers would take nearly five working weeks of unpaid leave next year to save the city money.  Daley announced plans Monday to save $114 million by requiring 3,600 non-union city workers to take 24 unpaid days off, eliminating 220 vacant jobs and cutting expenses like travel and supplies by $20 million.

Gov. Ed Rendell said Monday that he might make an announcement on layoffs by the end of the week. The state has laid off more than 300 employees since July because of spending cuts

The New York Times plans to eliminate 100 newsroom jobs — about 8 percent of the total — by year’s end, offering buyouts to union and non-union employees, and resorting to layoffs if it cannot get enough people to leave voluntarily, the paper announced on Monday.

Oct. 15 (Bloomberg) — U.S. state tax collections tumbled the most in almost half a century in the second quarter as the economic recession curbed levies on incomes and sales. The 16.6 percent plunge was the biggest since at least 1963, the Nelson A Rockefeller Institute of Government said today. For the 12 months to June 30, the fiscal year for most states, revenue declined 8.2 percent, or $63 billion, about twice what states got from the $787 billion U.S. economic stimulus package, the institute said.  State revenue has dwindled for two straight quarters and continued to decline in July and August, the Albany-based research organization said. Budgets for the year that began July 1 already face $26 billion of deficits, the Washington, D.C.- based Center on Budget and Policy Priorities said Aug. 12, forcing state lawmakers to confront additional spending cuts.  “We’re looking at a multiyear problem hitting essentially every state,” Robert Ward, the institute’s deputy director, told reporters. “It has happened during recessions before, but the depth of this decline is unprecedented in modern times.”

The financial crisis taught us that markets can drop further and faster than anyone expects. Housing prices, for example, fell for three straight years starting in 2006, even though the conventional wisdom right up until the bust began was that prices would not fall even a little bit.  Let's apply some of our hard-won knowledge to the dollar, which is also supposed to be resistant to a bust. After weakening gradually since 2002, the greenback rose during the financial crisis last year. It has fallen roughly 15% since March as investors moved to higher-yielding currencies. The conventional wisdom is that at these levels the dollar is cheap and, if anything, due for a rebound. "Currencies don't go much more than 20% from their long-term averages in real [inflation-adjusted] terms. We're there already," says Michael Dooley, an economist who is co-founder and research chief of Cabezon Capital Management, a San Francisco investment firm.  Please watch the video a this link.

"WASHINGTON – Even with an economic revival, many U.S. jobs lost during the recession may be gone forever and a weak employment market could linger for years.  That could add up to a "new normal" of higher joblessness and lower standards of living for many Americans, some economists are suggesting." The revived Roman Empire says they are worried about the fall of the dollar.  They know how this fall will affect the world economy.  I quote, “The 16 countries that use the euro single currency are "worried" by the weakness of the dollar on currency markets, the head of the eurogroup said on Monday.”

God is speaking to His children in these last days.  What is He telling you?  He is telling you to get ready to meet your savior.  He is also warning you to prepare for what is about to taken place.  Christ has shown me to learn the lesson of Joseph.   In Genesis chapter 41 Joseph tells Pharaoh what his dream meant.  God showed Joseph what was going to happen to Pharaoh’s kingdom for a seven year period.  This is what Joseph starting in verse 25. “Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, "The dreams of Pharaoh are one and the same. God has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to do. The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good heads of grain are seven years; it is one and the same dream. The seven lean, ugly cows that came up afterward are seven years, and so are the seven worthless heads of grain scorched by the east wind: They are seven years of famine.”  Once Joseph told Pharaoh what God showed him for the future Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of storing food up so when the seven years of famine hit Pharaoh’s kingdom would have been prepared.  In the same way Jesus has shown me that I to must act to prepare for the dollar to crash.  When the dollar falls nothing on this planet is going to be the same again.  Nations will panic and much turmoil will begin to break out.  If you have all your money in the bank, you might as well kiss it good-bye.  Once the dollar crashes it will be worthless.  If you check the Internet you will see that experts who know about economics are moving their investments out of America and the dollar, and are beginning to move them into the European Union and the euro.  This is all part of the last days power shift.  You would have to be blind not to understand this is why we are now hearing news that the world leaders are calling for a new world currency other than the U.S. dollar.   You may be blind to what is coming, but the rest of the world is already preparing for the dollar crash.  When America started to fall last year I told you her fall would begin to affect other nations.  Don’t think that the rest of the world won’t be touched by America’s fall.  You are going to witness a global depression and out of this depression will emerge the Antichrist.

If you do watch the signs of the times you can see how banks outside the U.S. are also in trouble.  I quote one such report. “Dutch bank DSB put in administration to halt run on deposits”  Ailing Dutch bank DSB was placed under administration at the behest of Holland's central bank (DNB) on Monday to halt a client run on deposits, state and court officials said. "The court has awarded an application by the DNB for emergency regulations to be instituted at DSB," said a statement from the Amsterdam district court. It said an independent administrator will be appointed to represent the interests of bank creditors for a period of 18 months. The central bank said the court ruling meant that DSB clients would "temporarily not be able to access their money". It explained that it had sought the measure due to a "large outflow of liquidity that has put the survival of DSB under threat in the short term."   In my book in chapter one I write about how people will run on their banks when the dollar dies.  This generation hasn’t seen this much panic since the Great Depression, but it is coming and we see signs everywhere this day is approaching faster and faster.  The real question I need to ask you  is this, are you ready?  Have you listened to God’s warnings and do you believe His warnings?

Prophecy Sign:  One of the many signs that was suppose to take place at the same time as all the signs is the sign of the roaring seas and waves.  This end time sign is found in Luke 21:25.   Once again I took what Jesus had shown me in His Word, I prayed about these things and the Lord had laid it on my heart to tell you huge storms are on their way.  If you don’t believe me, just go back and read what I have written over the past year.  All of my warnings are still up at this site.  Last week we saw an example of my warning about these hugh storms and once again the Philippine is about ready to get hit by another huge storm. I quote, “The Philippines began evacuating thousands of people in northern areas prone to floods and landslides on Tuesday ahead of a powerful typhoon that has gained strength over the Pacific, officials said.”  "Lupit is expected to be a much stronger typhoon than the two weather systems we had in the last four weeks," Nilo told reporters. Lupit, a category 4 typhoonwith centre winds of 195 kph (121 mph) and with gusts of up to 230 kph, was 890 km (553 miles) east of northern Cagayan province, the weather bureau said.”  In the near future get ready to hear a lot of news concerning bigger storms.  I am warning this because of what Jesus said.  In Mark 13:8 Christ told us these last days signs would take place as birth pains.   Birth pains always increase in there intensity and all these last days signs are going to do the same thing.

Prophecy Sign:  Remember Gerald Celente warned the Middle East was going to explode?  Celente is right because, Ezekiel showed us that Israel was going to be attacked by Russia and her allies, which will include Iran.  We can see this war coming up as a result of an Israeli attack against Iran’s nuclear weapons program.  News today stated, “The United States would find it difficult not to join an Israeli air strike in the event that Jerusalem decides to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, a former top-ranking U.S. Air Force officer told participants at a conference this weekend organized by a Washington think tank. Charles F. Wald, former deputy commander of United States European Command, said a military strike on Iran could set back the Islamic Republic's alleged nuclear weapons program by several years, but cautioned, "I don't think Israel can do it alone."  I want you to read the report on Canada and Israel below, then I will connect the dots in prophecy for you.

“The consultations were held as part of the ongoing celebration of 60 years of diplomatic relations between Canada and Israel.”  The consultations were held as part of the ongoing celebration of 60 years of diplomatic relations between Canada and Israel. The talks were characterized by the cordiality and friendship which exist between Israel and Canada. Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who joined the dialogue, expressed Israel's appreciation for the warm relations which exist between the two countries. He congratulated the Canadian side on the occasion of the upcoming assumption by Canada of the Presidency of the G-8. Minister Lieberman also expressed his thanks for Canada's agreement to represent Israel's interests in Venezuela. The Minister also briefed the Canadian delegation on the Iranian threat to the stability of the region.”

If you noticed in the first report the Americans don’t think that Israel can take out Iran’s nuclear weapons program alone.  In the second report you noticed that Canada and Israel are still good friends.  When you read Ezekiel 38:13 you will see that a formal protest is made by the young lions against the Russian invasion of Israel.  Notice if you will that is the only thing you see the young lions do, there is no mention at all that these young lions lift one figure to help Israel.  For the past year Israel’s leaders have complained that all that the nations are doing to stop Iran from building their nuclear weapons program is talk about putting sanctions on Iran.  If you take a look at the current Middle East wars you will see the U.S. Canada, Australia and Great Britain have troops in the Middle East.  This is important because we believe the young lions mentioned in Ezekiel 38:13 are the nations who broke off from Great Britain.  Great Britain’s symbol is a lion and since the U.S. Canada, and Australia broke off they are considered the young lions.  Do you really think that these same nations who are in the Middle East right now is coincidence?  When Israel attacks Iran a counter attack will take place.  There will be millions of Muslims who come down against Israel with Russia.   The U.S. Canada, Australia, and Great Britain won’t be able to do anything to help Israel and therefore will do nothing but give that formal protest just as it says in verse 13.  Anyone watching the wars in the Middle East knows America doesn’t have enough troops fighting to be able to win any war in Iraq or Afghanistan.  If you have watched the news these past two weeks you would have heard that the Generals in charge of the Middle East war keep telling President Obama they must have more troops to win the wars.  America’s military force has been weakened and there is no way America and the other two young lion nations would ever be able to stop millions of Muslims attacking Israel. 

The only way Israel could win a war when millions attack them is via help from God, and that is exactly what God shows us in Ezekiel chapter 39.  At the end of the short lived battle Israel will still be standing while the Lord said that 5/6 of the invading armies would be killed.  I warned you America was going to decline and the 7 million unemployed in America is just one example of her decline. I warned you the dollar was going to fall and it has. I warned you the euro was going to crush the dollar and it is.  I warned you gold and sliver prices would go up and they are still climbing to record highs.  I warned you about the huge storms and major earthquakes and they to are showing up in the news.  If all these warnings are coming true what makes you think that the Russian invasion is going to take place soon.   I say again.  These are not my warnings, these things are warning I took right from the Bible for these last days.  I have been blessed to pass you these warnings and you can be blessed by receiving these warning as coming from Christ. 

Now let me jump back to the revived Roman Empire and give you the latest news concerning the last nation to actually sign the Lisbon Treaty.  A week ago I warned you that the Czech President did not sign the Lisbon Treaty and he wanted to hold up the treaty.  I told you not to worry because he will finally sign it and the first full time EU President will be placed in office.  Today’s news told us what the Czech President just stated.  I quote, “CZECH PRESIDENT Vaclav Klaus has admitted for the first time that his bid to block the Lisbon Treaty is almost certainly doomed, and suggested that he might sign it if given an “Irish-style” guarantee from EU leaders on certain issues.  Mr Klaus believes the treaty will transfer too much power from national governments to Brussels, and has refused to sign it despite it receiving the approval of the Czech parliament.”   The EU is going to give him what he wants and the seat of the Antichrist will finally be put in place.  I would look for the Czech President to sign the Treaty by the end of Oct.  This is a major deal to those watching Bible prophecy, because it is a key to knowing the Church is running out of time to witness to the unbelievers.  Soon the Middle East wars against Israel will explode and the rest of the prophecies as written to us in the Book of Revelation will begin.  You can escape God’s judgments on an unbelieving world by receiving Jesus Christ as your savior.  There is no other way to remain safe form what is about to take place.

Gold and silver prices:


In the time that I took off from writing this weekend a number of earthquakes have been reported.  I keep you up-to date concerning the quakes because Christ told us that many earthquakes would be one of the signs of the times.  Read Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11.


MAP  5.0   2009/10/20 07:53:28   -11.358    165.280  38.5   SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
MAP  5.3   2009/10/20 07:02:00    49.398    155.541  70.2   KURIL ISLANDS

MAP  5.9   2009/10/19 22:49:38   -15.333   -172.189  10.0   SAMOA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.2   2009/10/19 22:18:17    -6.895    124.006  607.9   BANDA SEA
MAP  5.0   2009/10/19 16:42:44    31.985    104.652  10.0   EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA
MAP  5.1   2009/10/19 10:48:30   -12.356    166.218  43.8   SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
MAP  5.8   2009/10/19 07:41:43   -15.366   -172.944  35.0   SAMOA ISLANDS REGION
MAP  5.3   2009/10/19 07:35:56   -13.168    166.120  35.0   VANUATU

MAP  5.6   2009/10/18 23:50:10    13.684    120.704  143.0   MINDORO, PHILIPPINES
MAP  5.2   2009/10/18 17:21:56    -7.523    126.090  10.0   KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.3   2009/10/18 14:14:05    -2.990    68.097  10.0   CARLSBERG RIDGE
MAP  5.2   2009/10/18 12:02:34   -16.419   -173.204  10.0   TONGA
MAP  5.4   2009/10/18 08:26:15    -3.602    123.257  23.9   SULAWESI, INDONESIA
MAP  5.6   2009/10/18 08:23:25    -3.648    123.229  17.6   SULAWESI, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2009/10/18 00:39:44    0.460    30.173  13.6   LAKE EDWARD REGION, UGANDA

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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Signs America is declining/Signs of the Psalms 83 war/ Peace and safety/Oct. 19, 2009




I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, 12, 2009 Edition

The “River of Life Church at 757 Wilderness Road, Lexington Ky. has invited me to do a three day seminar at their Church. The seminar will on December 11- December 13, 2009.  I have accepted this blessing to come and am working out the details with them.  I will keep you posted, as we get closer to the date for the seminar.  If anyone is lead to help advertise for this seminar, you can email me and I will give you the contact name at the Church in Ky.

New Radio show/video show will be up on Oct. 15, 2009.  You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below  This show deals with the major prophecy signs in the news from the past week. I will also be covering new information on the seat of the Antichrist in light of a yes vote to the EU Lisbon Treaty.  Show is still running at the following link below. 

Prophecy Sign:  One of the things that pains me to write about is the decline of America.  However, America is no doubt losing her power as the new revived Roman Empire is growing in strength.  I keep warning anyone who will listen that the U.S. dollar is going to drop and it is, I have warned you to watch for more banks to fold and I also warned your money, which the government says is protected really isn’t. In today’s news gives you examples that all my warnings are coming to pass.  I quote, “The Canadian currency, nicknamed the loonie for the aquatic bird on the C$1 coin, appreciated 0.5 percent to C$1.0370 per U.S. dollar yesterday in Toronto, from C$1.0422 on Oct. 9. One Canadian dollar buys 96.44 U.S. cents. The currency climbed to $1.0207 on Oct. 15, the strongest level since July 29, 2008. The loonie and the U.S. dollar last traded on a one-for-one basis on July 22, 2008”.  

“Regulators shut down San Joaquin Bank in California on Friday, marking the 99th failure this year of a federally insured bank. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. was appointed receiver of San Joaquin Bank, based in Bakersfield, Calif. It had $775 million in assets and $631 million in deposits as of Sept. 29.”

“NEW YORK ( — The government insurance fund designed to protect consumer bank deposits will likely stay in the red through 2012, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. chief Sheila Bair said Wednesday.  Testifying before members of the Senate Banking Committee, the nation's top commercial bank regulator stressed that her agency was taking immediate steps to replenish the dwindling fund. But she said those efforts would not put the rescue fund in the black until a little more than two years from now at the earliest.”   More banks are going to go down and there is going to be more stress put on the FCID.  Nations around the world know the dollar is dieing and they are beginning to move their money away form the dollar and investing in Europe and the euro.  If you are new to my site you need to know that the euro is the currency of the European Union, which is the fulfillment of the revived Roman Empire.  God told the Prophet Daniel, in the last days there would be one more power shift that would take place.  When this power shift took affect, the last world empire would take control.  America is declining in part to help lift this last world power into position.  You will see these events speed up as the American economy declines even further.  Anyone who doesn’t fully understand who the revived Roman Empire is should read chapter 2 of my free prophecy book.

Prophecy Sign:  One of the other things I have been trying to get you to pay attention to is the war of Psalms 83.  This is a war that will probably take place while Israel and the Arabs are calling for peace and safety.  For the last year I have been providing you with signs that the nations listed in Psalms 83 are lining up to attack Israel.  Here is another one of those signs.  I quote, “DAMASCUS, Oct. 19 (Xinhua) — Leaders of Syria and Jordan on Monday reiterated their willingness to develop relationship between the two countries at all levels, the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported.  Syrian President Bashar al-Assad held talks with the visiting Jordanian Prime Minister Nader al-Dahabi Monday morning on bilateral relations and mutual cooperation, during which the two leaders affirmed the keenness to "upgrade" bilateral relations, the report said.  Both sides reviewed the agenda of the new session of Syrian-Jordanian Higher Committee, which kicked off on Sunday in Damascus and headed by the prime ministers of the two countries.”  Both Syria and Jordan are nations that God said would try to wipe out Israel.  The reason why all these nations are joining together at this time in history is because the Psalms 83 war is about to begin.    If you read the news you will see that Israel knows they need to continue with the peace process.  They understand that if the peace process fails there will be more conflicts, and they are right to believe this.  I believe this is the reason why there is a new push to get the peace process going again.  I quote, “Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Sunday called on government officials to coordinate with the United States in order to renew negotiations with the Palestinian Authority as soon as possible. "We must work with the American administration and consolidate an agreement to open negotiations as soon as possible, even if the conditions aren't perfect and even if we have to make difficult concessions," said Barak”   We know that the peace process is going to fail because the Apostle Paul told us that when they are calling for peace and safety sudden destruction would come.  It is no coincidence that Israel is pushing this peace process while at the same time all the nations listed to attack Israel in Psalms 83 have come together.  Soon you are going to witness another war against Israel so don’t be surprised when the nations who attack Israel are the exact same nations listed in Psalms 83.

“Israel is "very close" to making a deal to restart negotiations with the Palestinians, Intelligence Minister Dan Meridor said Sunday. He endorsed the possibility of talking about final-status issues, such as Jerusalem, as part of those negotiations even though Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been resisting doing so, but Meridor cautioned against building expectations too high as a result. "Creating hopes and then frustrating them is very dangerous," Meridor warned, during a keynote address at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy's fall conference.”   There is plenty of proof showing us that the call for peace and safety as warned by Paul is already here and the rest of Paul's warning concerning the sudden destruction is about to take place.

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Ephesians 2:8-9  “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”

John 3:3-7 In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. How can a man be born when he is old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!"  Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again."

1 Corinthians 15:3-4  “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,”.

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Major Earthquakes strikes/ Rev. 13:16-17/ Oct. 16, 2009

Prophecy Sign: In my warning yesterday I wrote to you concerning huge earthquakes that we on their way.  I told you that in Luke 21:11 Jesus told us “great” earthquakes were coming.  If you didn’t read my post dated Oct. 15, 2009 please read it so you will understand the message concerning the great quakes. I also warned you about the many earthquakes that we are to witness from Matthew 24:7  One day after warning you about the quakes there was another major earthquake. I quote, “Indonesia was hit by a strong quake off Java island, in the Sunda Strait, on Friday afternoon, causing buildings to sway in the capital, Jakarta, and sparking panic in some areas as people fled homes and offices. Indonesia's meteorology agency did not issue a tsunami warning after the quake, and there were no immediate reports of damage. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake had a magnitude of 6.5 and was at a depth of 34.5 miles. The epicentre was 187 km (116 miles) west of the capital Jakarta.”

The selling of the technology that could fulfill Revelation 13:16-17.. Watch this video on chip

See you again on Monday Oct. 19, 2009

Major Earthquakes strikes/ Rev. 13:16-17/ Oct. 16, 2009

Prophecy Sign: In my warning yesterday I wrote to you concerning huge earthquakes that we on their way.  I told you that in Luke 21:11 Jesus told us “great” earthquakes were coming.  If you didn’t read my post dated Oct. 15, 2009 please read it so you will understand the message concerning the great quakes. I also warned you about the many earthquakes that we are to witness from Matthew 24:7  One day after warning you about the quakes there was another major earthquake. I quote, “Indonesia was hit by a strong quake off Java island, in the Sunda Strait, on Friday afternoon, causing buildings to sway in the capital, Jakarta, and sparking panic in some areas as people fled homes and offices. Indonesia's meteorology agency did not issue a tsunami warning after the quake, and there were no immediate reports of damage. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake had a magnitude of 6.5 and was at a depth of 34.5 miles. The epicentre was 187 km (116 miles) west of the capital Jakarta.”

The selling of the technology that could fulfill Revelation 13:16-17.. Watch this video on chip

See you again on Monday Oct. 19, 2009

When is the “Great” earthqakes going to strike?/War signs that are leading to Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38/ Oct. 14,2009

Img_3194_2Img_2715I am will taking off from writing to spend time with my family. I will be writng agian on Monday 19, 2009. 

I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, 12, 2009 Edition

The “River of Life Church at 757 Wilderness Road, Lexington Ky. has invited me to do a three day seminar at their Church. The seminar will on December 11- December 13, 2009.  I have accepted this blessing to come and am working out the details with them.  I will keep you posted, as we get closer to the date for the seminar.  If anyone is lead to help advertise for this seminar, you can email me and I will give you the contact name at the Church in Ky.

New Radio show/video show will be up on Oct. 15, 2009.  You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below  This show deals with the major prophecy signs in the news from the past week. I will also be covering new information on the seat of the Antichrist in light of a yes vote to the EU Lisbon Treaty.  Show is still running at the following link below. 

Prophecy Sign:  In Luke 21:25, Revelation 16:8-11 and Revelation 7: 15-16 we have warning from Christ concerning the sun and its intense heat that will pour down on the Earth at the time of the end.   Many of you know there has been a debate going on as to what is causing global warming.  I do not get involved in this debate because I know the final outcome as to why these things are beginning to take place.   I can tell you all that just before Jesus comes back to Earth the sun’s heat is going to get much hotter than it is right now.   Today’s news shows us some of the results of this Earth warming up in a new study.  I quote, “The Arctic Ocean could be largely ice-free and open to shipping during the summer in as little as ten years' time, a top polar specialist has said. "It's like man is taking the lid off the northern part of the planet," said Professor Peter Wadhams, from the University of Cambridge. Professor Wadhams has been studying the Arctic ice since the 1960s. He was speaking in central London at the launch of the findings of the Catlin Arctic Survey.”  The link below will take you to the news report and I suggest you watch the video on this news at this site.

If you listen to scientists, some say we are going into a ice age while others point to the sun getting hotter and hotter.  I for one know what the outcome is going to be because God told us in His Word exactly what this Earth is going to face.  One of the things the Lord has impressed on my heart was to warn people about massive earthquakes coming soon.   For weeks when I have been going into prayer with men from my Church the Lord has asked me to tell the men that we need to pray for the people because of the huge earthquakes that are going to start striking soon.   On September 24, 2009 during the prayer meeting Christ wanted me to tell them men that Christ had shown me to get people ready for the huge quakes.  Five days later after telling the men what Christ had shown me an 8.3 earthquake rocked Samoa.  The next day on September 30, 2009 a magnitude 7.6 earthquakes hit Southern Sumatra, Indonesia.  After these quakes stuck the Lord revealed to me that this is only the beginning of these massive quakes.  Christ has laid it on my heart to warn people to look for quakes hitting higher than 8.0.  In thinking about this matter I asked Jesus what scale are you talking about?  He was very clear that the size of the quakes that are coming have not be registered on the richer scale yet.  Many of you may not know what the Richter scale is?  The information below will tell you how earthquakes are measured.

Less than 2.0 : Micro : Not felt.
2.0-2.9 : Minor : Not felt, but recorded.
3.0-3.9 : Minor : Felt, but rarely cuse damage.
4.0-4.9 : Light : Noticable shaking of items, damage unlikely.
5.0-5.9 : Moderate : Damage to poorly constructed buildings, unlikely damage to specially designed buildings.
6.0-6.9 : Strong : Destructive for up to 100 miles across populated areas.
7.0-7.9 : Major : Serious damage over large areas.
8.0-8.9 : Great : Serious damage over areas of several hundred miles.
9.0-9.9 : Great : Devastating damage in areas thousands of miles across.
10.0+ : Great : Yet to be recorded.

As you can see from the chart, the 10.0+ are what they call a “Great” quake.  These are the quakes Jesus is warning me to tell you about.   By now you are asking what does this have to do with global warming and the Sun’s intense heat beating down on this Earth?  Our weather patterns could change in a moment under the right conditions.  If a great earthquake was to hit this planet it could move the Earth enough to change the current conditions.   What I find very interesting is what Jesus told us about quakes and signs from the sky that we were to keep on the watch for.  Notice the word in red in this verse.  I quote Luke 21:11. “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.   The quakes Jesus has warned us about almost 2,000 years ago are the quakes that the Government calls “Great” quakes on the modern day Richter scale.  I believe the Lord has shown me that when these “Great” quakes come it will move the world, and the results will be exactly as Luke 21:25, Revelation 16:8-11 and Revelation 7: 15-16 have warned us!  Take a look at what the Lord said about this Earth moving.  I quote God,   “The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again Isaiah” 24:20”

It is in my heart that when the Earth reels to and fro like a drunkard is when this planet will begin to be scorched even more than it has been in the past ten years.  Christ told us that all these things would take place as a woman in Labor.  This warning is found in Mark 13:8 and in 1 Thessalonians 5:3.  This is a warning to you that the sign of quakes is going to get much worse.  Will it get so bad to move the Earth?  One of these quakes has already done this.  I quote, “An earthquake that unleashed deadly tidal waves on Asia was so powerful it made the Earth wobble on its axis and permanently altered the regional map, US geophysicists said.  The 9.0-magnitude temblor that struck 250 kilometers (155 miles) southeast of Sumatra island Sunday may have moved small islands as much as 20 meters (66 feet), according to one expert.”

Notice that this quake caused deadly tidal waves.  Now look at what Christ stated in Luke 21:25: And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;” When these huge quakes begin to strike the Earth it will displace the seas much worse than the 9.0 quake did that hit Sumatra.  This massive force of rushing water will make the Earth wobble and fulfill the warning God gave us in Isaiah 24:20.

Let me tell you when one of these “Great” earthquakes is going to hit.   Many of you know that I have been warning you that Israel is going to attack Iran very soon because the UN can’t put a stop to Iran’s quest for the nuclear bomb.  When Israel attacks there is going to be a counter attack on Israel.  This attack will be lead by Russia and Russia will have allies such as Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Eastern Germany, and Armenia.  When this war brakes out we are told that great earthquake is going to come from God.  This earthquake will be part of the judgment on Israel’s enemies that try to invade Israel.  Ezekiel 38:19-20 tells us,  “For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel; So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.”

This is one of the great earthquakes Jesus was pointing to in Luke 21:11.  A few weeks ago Israel warned the world they are going to attack Iran by this Christmas if the UN can’t halt Iran’s nuclear weapons program.  If Israel follows through with what they said, this earth will see one of the “Great” quakes we were warned about.  If you do not believe these things are going to happen, just wait.  Shortly you are going to see all these warnings come to pass.  I tell you what Christ told me, Watch you therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” Luke 21:36.

People around the world have been preparing for the huge quakes that are on their way.  If people only knew how big the quakes are going to be they would probably freak out.  Today we see one U.S. state that is making plans to deal with a big quake.  “LOS ANGELES (AP) – Millions of people throughout California have signed up to take part in a statewide earthquake disaster drill billed as the largest such exercise in U.S. history.”   “California, one of the most seismically active states in the country, faces a 46 percent chance of being hit by a 7.5 or larger earthquake in the next 30 years, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

In a news report from Fox news entitled FEMA Worried About New Madrid Quake Zone” it stated, “ST. LOUIS — Preparing for a catastrophic earthquake along the New Madrid fault is a priority, a FEMA official said Friday before a congressional field hearing on government readiness to handle natural disasters.”,2933,186323,00.html

I beg you to consider what Jesus is showing you and believe!

MAP  5.1   2009/10/15 19:20:25   -12.547    166.469  106.3   SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
MAP  6.1   2009/10/15 18:33:36    -3.660    123.248  10.0   SULAWESI, INDONESIA
MAP  5.9   2009/10/15 17:48:22    3.249   -103.831  10.0   GALAPAGOS TRIPLE JUNCTION REGION
MAP  5.0   2009/10/15 13:27:49    37.019    71.337  88.2   HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN
MAP  6.0   2009/10/15 12:11:18    -3.042    139.498  116.6   PAPUA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.0   2009/10/15 08:50:38   -12.644    166.076  35.0   SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
MAP  5.1   2009/10/15 05:52:55   -33.388   -178.805  35.0   SOUTH OF THE KERMADEC ISLANDS
MAP  5.5   2009/10/15 03:34:29    1.048    -85.275  10.0   OFF THE COAST OF ECUADOR
MAP  5.1   2009/10/15 03:32:12   -22.659    171.099  58.2   SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP  5.0   2009/10/15 01:43:01    -4.592    -80.223  60.1   PERU-ECUADOR BORDER REGION
MAP  5.3   2009/10/15 00:13:35    52.979   -166.744  26.9   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA

Prophecy Sign “The Ezekiel War”.  As I said above Israel is getting ready to attack Iran and this could end up fulfilling the Ezekiel prophecy.  As I stated in my post yesterday we are seeing signs from the Middle East that this war is approaching.  Today’s news again gives us another sign. I quote from the new report entitled, “Russia 'Israel may attack Iran after December' “  The magazine further reported that in a recent visit to France, IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi told his French counterpart Jean-Louis Georgelin that Israel was not planning to bomb Iran, but might send elite troops to conduct activities on the ground there.”  These, according to the magazine, could involve the sabotage of nuclear facilities as well as assassinations of top Iranian nuclear scientists. Israel has recently toned down rhetoric against Iran so as not to hinder US diplomatic efforts for Iranian transparency regarding its nuclear program, but neither Jerusalem nor Washington have so far made any unequivocal statements to the effect that the military option against Iran was no longer being considered. Israel has maintained that it has the military capability to tackle Iran on its own if sanctions against the Islamic Republic prove ineffective. “  I am telling you now  it won’t matter if Israel sends in 50 of the elite troops or sends their entire Air Force, if they attack in any way it will force Iran and Russia to counter this attack.  Russia has taken sides with Iran and they have already warned anyone attacking Iran will be the same thing as attacking Russia.  Here is the quote, “The barely reported highlight of Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Tehran for the Caspian Sea summit last week was a key face-to-face meeting with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. A high-level diplomatic source in Tehran tells Asia Times Online that essentially Putin and the Supreme Leader have agreed on a plan to nullify the George W Bush administration's relentless drive towards launching a preemptive attack, perhaps a tactical nuclear strike, against Iran. An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia.”  Since Iran and Russia consider the U.S. an Israel as allies Russia would be force to counter any type of Israeli attack.   As of Oct. 15, 2009 the UN, the EU, nor the U.S. has been able to do anything to stop Iran from trying to get a hold of their own nuclear bomb.  Israel realizes these nations have done nothing but talk, and will not move to stop Iran.  Knowing this, Israel has draw up their plans to strike and as the report stated, this attack could take place by this December.


Rumors are coming out of Iran that Iran’s Supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei has died.  The following is one of the reports giving us this news. “ reports that Ayatollah Khamenei has died. It’s long been believed that at 70 years old, he was in constant pain and in very poor health, and was using opium regularly to alleviate his suffering. These are just rumors right now, and cannot be confirmed. Such reports have surfaced in the past.”  The report also stated, “If he dies it is expected that immediately a bloody clash will develop between the powers behind Rafsanjani, who will immediately claim temporary religious authority and overall control, and the powers behind Achmadinejad who will scramble in order to regain control and ensure their survival.”  If this new is true, and it appears to be the case, otherwise Khamenei could just show his face and put an end to the rumors, it would be perfect timing for either Israel’s eleite forces to attack Iran or to send in the Israeli Air Force and take out the nuclear site while Iran is fighting over who will take over the power now that Khamenei is gone.

The other war which has not been fulfilled yet is found in Psalms 83 where we see that Syria will be one of the nations that attack Israel.  I have told you this before, I believe this war will take place as a result of the Middle East peace talks falling apart.  Just so you know, Psalms 83 also tells us that Lebanon will also be joining Syria in this war against Israel.   The news today shows us Syria is getting ready for this war and guess who is helping them?  It is Lebanon.  I quote from the report entitled, “Syrian long-range missiles in Lebanon”. “Syria has transferred nearly a quarter of its long- and medium-range missile arsenal to Hizbullah, the Kuwaiti al Jarida reported on Thursday.   According to the report, security sources in Jerusalem told the paper that the missiles, now held by Hizbullah, could hit every part of Israel.”   If you read the entire report you will also find out that Iranian and Syrian officers are training Hizbullah to use these missiles to shot down Israeli jets.  Where else are the Hizbullah located?  Most of them are in the Gaza Strip as part of the PLO.  Who is the PLO?  According to Psalms 83 these are the Palestinians who are the Philistines of the Old Testament.  The Palestinians are also seen attacking Israel with Syria and Lebanon.  Are you seeing the connection?  All the pieces are coming together.  Every one of these nations are arming themselves to attack Israel and this will happen while nations are trying to get the peace process back on track.  You are going to see Paul’s warning from 1 Thessalonians 5:3 take place very soon.

Are you a Christian taking the grace of God for granted?  Jesus is going to speak to you when you watch this video.

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.

Signs America is going to fold:

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Ephesians 2:8-9  “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”

John 3:3-7 In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. How can a man be born when he is old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!"  Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again."

1 Corinthians 15:3-4  “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,”

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Signs of the last days power shift/Warning of gold & silver/Message to Church/ Rockets launched at Israel again/Earthquake update/Hunger growing as Christ warned/Oct. 14, 2009





I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book.  The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer. 

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, 12, 2009 Edition

If your Church would like me to put on a prophecy seminar you can contact me by emailing me at the following email address:  I do not charge anyone for my teachings.  All I request is you provide the transportation to and from your Church or organization.  At this time I will only be able to do seminars in the United States.


You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below  DiMora’s latest radio/video show is now playing. This show deals with the seat of the Antichrist in light of a yes vote to the EU Lisbon Treaty.  Show is still running at the following link below. 

Prophecy Sign:  In my post yesterday I issued another warning that the U.S. dollar was going to decline until the point where America would have another depression. I issued this warning because of what Jesus has shown us concerning the rise of the revived Roman Empire as prophesied in the Book of Daniel chapters 2 & 7, and in chapter 17 of the Book of Revelation.  Both of these books tell us the old Roman Empire would return just prior to Jesus second coming.  We don’t have to wait for the rebirth of the old Roman Empire, because it has been standing since 1957 in the form of the European Union.  Since 1957 nation after nation has joined this EU Union.  Today there are 27 nations linked together in the EU and this past week the Union got much stronger when Ireland voted yes to the Lisbon Treaty, and Poland signed the treaty right after Ireland voted yes.  Take a look at the old Roman Empire and see which nations were in that empire, then take a look at the modern day revived Roman Empire, the EU, and you will notice that they are the same nations that used to be in the first Roman Empire.  Both Daniel and Jesus forewarned this would happen, and warned when we saw this take place we would know that the next step to this revived Roman Empire would be the rise of the Antichrist.  His rise to power would begin as he makes his way up through ten kings, or leaders of ten nations. The EU is growing in power everyday and the revived Roman Empire’s currency, which is the euro, is growing in strength just as fast, while the American dollar is being crushed by the euro.  You are making a very big mistake if you think there is no connection between the growth of the EU and the growth of the euro.  These events are the building blocks to push this last days empire to the forefront.  In my warning about things to come, I warned you gold and silver would be climbing and I cited Revelation chapter 18 to show you why I know these prices are going to skyrocket. 

Late last night I came across a new report that proves my warnings are coming to pass.  Keep in mind, I cam making the connection from what Jesus has shown us for the future and connecting what He said to current events.  These are the signs all true believers should be able to spot.  I quote the news. “Ben Bernanke's dollar crisis went into a wider mode yesterday as the greenback was shockingly upstaged by the euro and yen, both of which can lay claim to the world title as the currency favored by central banks as their reserve currency. Over the last three months, banks put 63 percent of their new cash into euros and yen — not the greenbacks — a nearly complete reversal of the dollar's onetime dominance for reserves, according to Barclays Capital. The dollar's share of new cash in the central banks was down to 37 percent — compared with two-thirds a decade ago. “  I have written about 420 posts since opening up this site.  Those posts are still up for everyone to read.  If you go back and read those posts you will have read my warnings show you what is now taking place with the dollar and euro have all come to pass.  Everything I told you has come true!  Do you know why I am correct?  Because all I am doing is showing you what Jesus has warned us about the future.  I put two and two together and give you the results.  In the case of the revived Roman Empire it is very easy to put the pieces together. If Jesus said this empire would end up being the last world empire, it stand to reason they will shown signs they are becoming the last days power house.  This is the case with the EU. I know I may be repeating myself but for the sake of the new people bare with me.  I have many people emailing me and asking me questions about this.   As I stated nation after nation are joining the EU.  The modern day Roman Empire is becoming stronger as the euro takes over the dollar.  Put these facts together and your eyes begin to open to what the Holy Spirit is showing you.  In simple terms, the EU is the fulfillment of Christs’ warning.  The only thing left now for this modern day revived Roman Empire is to install one man who will take over this new Roman Empire.   While I am writing this post today 27 leaders from the EU are working on who the first full time EU President will be.  This position they are working on will soon be filled by the Antichrist.  What we do not know at this time is if the first person to occupy this seat will be the man of sin, Antichrsit, or will he come up after the position has been established.  You will know for sure as soon and the Antichrsit makes a 7 year covenant with Israel as it say in Daniel chapter 9:26-27.  If you are here and you see a leader who is part of the revived Roman Empire confirm this covenant, then you will know who the Antichrist is.  If the man who does confirm the covenant is in fact the sitting Presient of the Revived Roman Empire he is the Antichrist.  Another thing that could happen is the Antichrist could rise to power after he confirms the covenant and then take over the position that the Lisbon Treaty has just created.  Here is the point.  If you have not taken Jesus Christ as your Savior yet, you are running out of time.  The Lord has made it very clear to me that the Antichrist is rising up and he is already making moves that will lift him up to fulfill the rest of Christ’s warning about this man.   All I can do is ask you to watch the news.  If you do, you are going to see more news about the decline of America and her dollar.;jsessionid=65E301CF47ED50D15170F8D6530791C5

In yesterday’s post Jesus laid it on my heart to warn you that the price of gold and silver were going to climb.  The timing of this word of knowledge was perfect and shows me, what I am hearing is in fact warnings from the Holy Spirit.  I quote the new news on this subject. “LONDON (Reuters) – Gold prices hit a record high in Europe on Tuesday, while platinum, palladium and silver rallied to multi-month peaks, as the dollar's tumble to 13-month lows against the euro fuelled buying of the precious metals.”  “Gold and other dollar-priced commodities are benefiting from a slide in the U.S. currency to 13-month lows against the euro, which helped push the dollar index <.DXY> to its lowest in over a year.”  Look, the signs of the last days power shift are being reported everywhere.  I hope and pray that these warnings are showing you the big picture?  Christ is real, His Words are real, and everything, every detail about the future is being laid out for us to see. 

Here is where I will lose many of you.  Take a look at the road you are now walking on.  If Jesus Christ is not the person guiding you down this road, you have taken the wrong road and are on the way to hell.  I advise you to turn around, repent of your sins, ask Jesus to become your guide and Master so you can begin walking on the road to eteneral life in Christ.

This morning I read a report from the Independent which is a news service out of the UK.  If you don’t get the big picture as to what is happening to the U.S. and the EU maybe this will help open your eyes. I quote, “The EU is on the point of an important change. The American Empire is starting to die and the EU will, slowly and surely, be taking over its role and influence. It is already happening financially as the euro emerges as the world's most reliable currency. Politically too, the EU with its "soft power" is becoming a major diplomatic force. We Europeans are, after more than 60 years, finally ridding ourselves of our dependence on and subservience to the US, a fact already recognised by serious politicians on the European mainland.”   People keep asking me why Daniel’s book doesn’t say anything about the United States?  That is because the United States fell away as a power and they are to weak to play any kind of major rule in the last days.  Watch the news and you will see for yourself how America will keep declining from power.  Has the Holy Spirit opened your eyes to His truth today?  If so please email, I would love to lead you to the Lord.  If you live in the U.S. leave me your phone number and I will lead you to the Lord over the phone.  It would be a blessing to walk your name to Christ today so He can enter your name in His Book of Life.  My email address is  When you email me please let me know what time zone in the U.S. you live in.

There is a financial tsunami on the horizon and it won't be long before we see how devastating it will be.  The clearest indicator of this coming storm is what we are seeing in the stock market and the price of gold and falling dollar. 

The stock market has been bolstered by money that the federal government has been lending out to various entities to help them raise capital.   These entities have been reinvesting this money back into the stock market in hopes of earning a greater rate of return than the cost of the interest on those loans – which they have been doing which is why we've seen a gradual increase in the markets.   But as in all things pertaining to this world, all good things must eventually come to an end and such is the case right now.  According to several analysts, the profit to earnings ratios that are being seen at this time are almost double of where they should be right now in our current economic conditions.  The higher the profit to earnings ratio the higher the risk of that particular stock.  This means that it is expected that the higher the p/e ratio, the greater the expectations of those companies represented by that stock to make a greater amount of profit.  The average p/e ratio should be at around 15% at this point in time when they are actually at close to 30%.  This means that the stocks are overpriced – which is not news.  But what has been taking place is that investors have been "riding the wave" caused by careful manipulation by our government by lending the money out to these people and raising their own capital by the interest that  they've been charging for these loans.  This is the great deception that is taking place and it is about to come to an end.  Simple economics tell us that you invest in stocks when there is a "chance" of making a buck.  You then sell them when you think those same stocks aren't going to make you money anymore and it looks as if they may actually drop in value.  This determination comes by the various reports released by —- you got it —- the federal government.  The same government who is leading this ruse.  Stock investing 101.  The market may reach 10,000 but whoever decides to stay in long enough to see that happen is trying to make that last buck before bailing out.  And bailing out is what is going to happen.  The price of gold has reached a record price per ounce and the dollar continues to lose value (also controlled by our government) – signs that all confidence is lost by investors around the world in the US economic system. 


If the Fed were to raise interest rates then the dollar would gain some ground back but even that won't help this sinking ship now.  It's too late.  Even that won't bring China and Japan back to buying dollars the way they used to.  China and Japan (our 2 biggest creditors) are in a precarious position.  They can't stop buying dollars altogether because if they did then it would crash our economy, which in turn, would crash every other economy.  We are still China's #1 importer and they need to keep that going to keep their factories running.  They are caught between a rock and a hard place.  They want to dump the dollar now but can't.  The same with everybody else who does business with the US. 


It is in our best interest in keeping the dollar low by not raising rates because it – in effect – lowers the debt that we owe these countries.  That $1.4 Trillion dollars we currently owe China might only be worth $1 Trillion right now.  This is why China and everybody else is so nervous at what is taking place in our country and it's also the reason why most of these investors are only buying short term treasuries instead of longer term.  Confidence in the dollar is gone and will never return. 


Now back to the stock market.  Since consumer and foreign confidences are down and unemployment has not subided but continues to increase by the half millions each month – and also for the fact that the US doesn't manufacture nearly enough to keep this ship from sinking (due to outsourcing to China and Mexico) – we are going to see a massive sell-off in the markets anytime now.  Once these investors feel they've squeezed every dime they can out of the markets they are going to bail out – and quickly.  Unfortunately, for many, it is already too late.  They bought long (high) and will have to sell short (low).  When all is said and done, many of these borrowers of the Fed's money will go bankrupt and then out of business.  Those who survive will then put their money into gold (and silver) and this will be what drives the price of gold to even greater heights.  When all is said and done, the stock market may drop back down to the 6,000 range – or lower.  This will translate everybody losing pensions and retirement money.  It will wipe out all of the 401k plans.  Expect to see this happening soon.  Now is the time to buy gold.  It is the single most safest investment right now so it's pretty obvious that we are going to see a mass exodus in that direction. 

The final nail in the coffin is the fact that inflation has already started to kick in but isn't being reported (for obvious reasons).  Because the dollar is losing it's value, it is costing us more to import goods into this country.  Many of the materials used in our manufacturing here in the US are imported.  Because what few manufacturers we have left here in America are having to pay more for these materials, it is costing them more to make their products and this is reflected in the PPI (producer price index) which nobody pays attention to.  This index compares what the producers of goods are having to sell their products for now verses what they had to sell them for at an earlier predetermined time to make the same profit.   When the PPI increases, the manufacturer has 2 choices.  He can either bite the bullet and sell his product for the same price he always has and take a lower profit or he can pass the increased cost of production onto the consumer and make the same profit he always has.  The point is that the cost of production continues to rise each time the dollar drops.  This is why manufacturing is down and it's also the reason why those who have been laid off in this field aren't going to be hired back – and the reason why layoffs are far from over.  Unemployment will continue to climb because of one reason and one reason only – INFLATION.   It took Bush and year and a half to admit we were in a recession and nobody will admit that inflation has already started.  One thing about inflation:  it starts off very slowly and gradually builds up steam.  It's kind of like a snowball that is rolled down a hill.  By the time it reaches the bottom it's a huge boulder size ball.  We are going to start seeing an increase in retail prices on everything from food to everything else.  Hyperinflation is unavoidable but it won't happen overnight.  I also don't think it will happen until after the rapture because in the days of Noah, people were buying and selling until the flood. 


Israel is our number one indicator of where we are in the course of the end times and I believe that the financial condition of the world is number 2.  Seeing the events unfolding in Israel right now and what is happening in world finances – to me – is a good indicator of how close we are to the removal of the church from the world.  Couple these things with the increased earthquake activity and other things taking place around the world – which are too many to mention – then we can be sure that Jesus is near and that the Age of Grace is coming to a close.   The Lord will come for us when people are still buying and selling, etc.  The associated verses that go along with that all paint a picture of business as usual.  We are now at a point when, very soon, things won't be business as usual.  The birth pangs are quite visible and they are meant to be to us who are watching.  If you notice in the various reports on all of this in the media you will notice that they all say that there will be a few years yet before it gets to a doomsday scenario or when hyperinflation sets in as far as the world economy is concerned.  But what all the financial experts in the world can't see are the intentions of those who are going to bring the system down and their timetable for doing so.  All timetables and estimations by these experts and forecasters are based on everything following their normal course of events.  The problem is that the NWO gang isn't going to wait that long.  They want this implantation of the NWO in as soon as possible and so all the estimations and theories about how long it will take for the system to come down are all null and void.   And there is one more factor that is going to change all of these estimates and timetables and that is going to be the rapture of the church.  This will cause instant devastation and it will happen immediately.   


I believe the financial crisis is deliberate and that it is following a pre-planned course of events meant to bring the whole system down – not just in America – but the world over.  We know all about the NWO and it is necessary for these things to happen so that the new one world government can be implemented.  It is not a coincidence that what we see taking place in the world is coinciding with the latest EU developments.  This system is being installed step by step one piece at a time and when the AC shows up all he will need to do is grab the reins of this new world system and run with it. 


There can be no other explanation for the insane spending by Obama other than that this is being done intentionally as directed by his superiors in order to bankrupt our country.  They have no plans of paying the money back that we owe.  China and everybody else is going to get burned.  They are intentionally devaluing the dollar by not raising the interest rate and they're also doing it by this absurd overspending.  Ultimately, I believe it is their goal to ditch the dollar altogether and go to another currency.  I also believe that this would be the time to finally establish the North American Union (NAU), which is something they've been trying to keep a secret but haven't been too successful at doing.  Expect that long awaited bank holiday sometime soon.  They are going to need it in order to switch over to the new currency.   It will catch us all by surprise.  And when it happens we'll be exchanging our dollars for pennies on the dollar.   A dollar may get us 50 cents – if that. 


The US is past the point of no return in being able to reverse course and repair the damage they've already done – but I'm sure they wouldn't turn back even if they could.  As I said, this has all been planned out.  This is not happening by accident.  Unemployment will continue to climb, inflation will begin to increase steadily (deflation is out of the question) no matter what the Fed does with interest rates, tax revenues will continue to decrease and the stock market will fall hard.  This will all happen sooner than later.

Prophecy Sign:  I have been giving you signs of the downfall of the Middle East peace talks, and how it will cause the next war. As you read yesterday, Paul waned us sudden destruction would come as they were still calling for peace and safety, just as the are at the present time.  In January of this year Israel invaded the Gaza Strip to put an end to the rockets that were being launched by the PLO.  After the war finished I wrote you a message and told you watch the news, because you would see these rocket attacks resume again.  This would be the sign that the next round of birth pains have begun.  Those birth pains I was warning you about started to show themselves yesterday.  Today they have increased.  I quote, “Four Palestinians have been wounded in an Israeli air raid on tunnels between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, Palestinian medics have reported. Israel confirmed the air raid, which it said was in response to a rocket fired from into Israel on Tuesday night. The rocket caused neither casualties nor damage. Tunnels are used to smuggle food and other goods into Gaza which is subject to an Israeli-Egyptian blockade. Militants use them to bring in weapons.”  Here is what I believe is going to happen.  Tensions in the Middle East are going to grow as more of these rockets are launched from the Gaza.  If the number of these rockets increases as they did during January of this year you will see another invasion by Israel into the Gaza.  This could set the stage for the Psalms 83 war to break out as other Arab nations come to help the PLO.  You have to understand, the PLO will never give up their quest to take hold of Jerusalem and this quest is going to lead to another major war.  The Gaza Strip is a time bomb waiting to go off.   While the U.S, the EU, China, Russia, and the UN are trying to get the peace talks on tract, new conflicts are emerging.  Yes they are calling for peace and safety right now, but the sudden destruction is on its way.

In my previous posts I told you that Lebanon would engage Israel in war soon because God told us Lebanon would be one of the nations that join together against Israel in the Psalms 83 war.  New today shows us Lebanon has been getting ready for this next war.  I quote, “Israel's president says Hezbollah has turned Lebanon into a "powder keg", after an explosion at a member of the group's house near Tyre on Monday. Shimon Peres said the Shia Islamist group was preventing the country making peace with Israel and possibly becoming "the Switzerland of the Middle East". Earlier, Israel's army released a video purportedly showing munitions being removed from the house after the blast.  Both Hezbollah and the Lebanese army have said one person was wounded.”   Many of these arms have found their way into the Gaza Strip.  I am telling you again, this war is just over the horizon.

As the Lord is my witness, right after I wrote this section concerning hell, I checked my email.  The first email I read had a link entitled, “WAKE UP CHURCH!!!!”   Before I wrote this post today I prayed and asked Jesus to give me the things that you want the people to know.  He laid on my heart as He often does, that millions are on the way to hell.  As I watched the video I began to cry. It was as if I could feel the heart of God in His sadness knowing so many people will choose hell instead of heaven as they believe the lies and tricks handed out by Satan.  My heart was crushed, knowing that his warnings will go deaf to millions and millions of people who think they are on the road to eternal life.  The message on this video is a message to all people on just the Church.


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 warn us to watch for many earthquakes and great earthquakes.  Here is an up-date to all the big earthquakes, which have taken, place in just a two-day period.   Three of these earthquakes were major quakes.  I want to remind everyone, that soon you are going to hear about some really huge earthquakes.  We know they are coming because all the end time signs are increasing just like birth pains.  Christ warned us to watch for these birth pains and when He warns us about something, they always show up in the news.

MAP  5.0   2009/10/14 09:34:37  -11.558    165.929  35.0  SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
MAP  5.1   2009/10/14 07:59:01  -15.270   -173.167  10.0  TONGA
MAP  5.0   2009/10/14 06:54:50  -14.183    166.560  89.1  VANUATU
MAP  5.4   2009/10/14 00:55:11  -12.666    166.283  28.2  SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS

MAP  5.2   2009/10/13 20:48:12   -13.102    166.841  35.0   VANUATU
MAP  6.3   2009/10/13 20:21:54    52.634   -167.149  13.7   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP  5.0   2009/10/13 12:47:22    38.880    70.643  35.0   TAJIKISTAN
MAP  6.0   2009/10/13 11:38:06    2.938    128.219  32.0   HALMAHERA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.4   2009/10/13 10:15:15    44.629    149.146  46.4   KURIL ISLANDS
MAP  5.0   2009/10/13 07:41:13    52.799   -167.172  39.5   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP  6.2   2009/10/13 05:37:22    52.959   -167.039  18.0   FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP  5.1   2009/10/13 04:49:06   -12.262    165.453  35.0   SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
MAP  5.1   2009/10/13 00:54:26    34.938    46.889  10.0   WESTERN IRAN
MAP  5.2   2009/10/13 00:21:31   -13.486    166.594  10.0   VANUATU

Prophecy Sign: One of the last days signs we are suppose to keep on the watch for is the sign of hunger or famine.  In Luke 21: 11 the Lord points out many signs and one of them is famine.  In Revelation 7:15, 16 you can see the people who came out of the tribulation are those who had been hit by droughts, intense heat and hunger.  We are witnessing the birth pains of these signs now, but they to will become much more intense.  Take a look at the proof of this sign. I quote, “ROME, Oct 14 (Reuters) – A combination of the food crisis and the global economic downturn has pushed more than 1 billion people into hunger in 2009, U.N. agencies said on Wednesday, confirming a grim forecast released earlier this year. The Food and Agriculture Organisation and the World Food Programme said 1.02 billion people — about 100 million people more than last year — are undernourished in 2009, the highest number in four decades. "The rising number of hungry people is intolerable," said FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf as the new annual report on world hunger was released.




It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begins your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian. 

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Ephesians 2:8-9  “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”

 John 3:3-7 In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. How can a man be born when he is old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!"  Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again."


 1 Corinthians 15:3-4  “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,”

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