Does Jesus in heaven know when He will return? Has God’s curse has fallen on U.S.?-Signs of Ezekiel’s war is coming-September 26, 2009


I am celebrating my 38th year anniversary with my bride and will be off line after this post until Tuesday.


Important video to watch entitled, “John Bolton: I Was Shaken & Disturbed by Obama's Speech p1 9.23.09”.  America is under God’s curse found in Genesis chapter 12:3.  The warning to all who come against Israel, and try to divide Israel’s land, and give back Jerusalem will all be destroyed.  Obama’s speech at the UN has is very clear he means to force peace by dividing up Israel and Jerusalem.  If you read Joel 3:2, and Zechariah 12:3, 9. you will see that God is going to wipe out the U.S. if Obama doesn’t turn from his plans.  Please pray for the U.S. President to change course before it is to late.  Watch Obama's speech by clicking to link below:  PART 1  PART 2

Prophecy Sign: The Ezekiel war is coming and soon.  I don’t believe the U.S. will be involved in the attack against Iran to stop Iran’s quest for a nuclear.  I believe the U.S. and everyone else will see Israel go it alone.  News just out had this to say. I quote, “Maestro Barack Obama's histrionics in New York and Pittsburgh Thursday and Friday, Sept. 24-25 – and his threat of "confrontation" for Iran's concealment of its nuclear capabilities – were water off a duck's back for Tehran, whose nuclear weapons program has gone too far to stop by words or even sanctions.” Yesterday I put up a video from Fox News which shows you Israel had stated “yes we can”.  This statement was referring to attacking and wiping out Iran’s nuclear sites all by themselves.  This attack will no doubt bring on the Ezekiel war.  When Russia sees what Israel has done they will take Iran and counter attack against Israel, but these two nations will have help from the nations listed in Ezekiel chapter 38.  Read chapter 10 of my book.  I hope and pray you all are getting ready to meet Jesus because the seven year tribulation does look that far away.  Once Ezekiel’s war breaks out the door to the seven year time frame will open.  Are you all ready?

Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv 1/2:End of The Dollar!

You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below  This Friday Sept. 25, 2009  I did a interview with  Dr. Leonard Horowitiz.  I suggest while I am away you listen to what Dr. Horowitiz has to say about the swine flu scare. The link below will take you to the show. -


Today I received an email that I want to make sure you know the turth about.


I quote, “I have loved your posts for some time now and will certainly continue to watch the middle east with you. Just a small correction though that I picked up, on a few ocasions you have said . . "Whenever Jesus chooses to come back to call His Church out of this world,. . . " I think you will find that it is God that chooses that time and not Jesus, he doesn't even know the time as he himself said. You would be more correct to say . . ."whenever God instructs Jesus to come back to call his church out of this world . . " Cheers, Alastair.”

This is my answer:  If you read Philippians 2:5-11 you will find out that God empted Himself out and took the form of a servant.  I quote verses 5-11. “ 5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:  6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:  7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:  8And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.  9Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:  10That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;  11And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”  One Jesus rose Himself from the dead, see John 2:19 He went back into heaven.  If you read Colossians 2:9 you will lead the truth about Jesus knowing when He is going to return.  I quote, “ in speaking about Jesus Christ says, “For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.”  Once Jesus went back into heaven He was again God in His full state.  Now in heaven He is no longer empted out as a servant, but sits waiting to return as King of Kings and judge.  Jesus is God in His fullness and does know the exact time He is coming back. 


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You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below  This Friday Sept. 25, 2009  I did a interview with  Dr. Leonard Horowitiz.  I suggest while I am away you listen to what Dr. Horowitiz has to say about the swine flu scare. The link below will take you to the show. -

25th September 2009, 6:00 PM EST – Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz – Exposing Swine Flu Shots TCcddddddhe show will auto load in this window, there is no need to refresh your browser

received a email that I want to make sure everyone understands was incorrect in what was stated.





Tribulation door is about to open? Breaking news, Iran will be attacked second nuclear site uncovered-Sept. 25, 2009


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition

You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below If you have any topic you would like for me to discuss on my radio show, please email me and let me know. This Friday Sept. 25, 2009 I will be interviewing Dr. Leonard Horowitiz.  Show will be up and running at 6pm EST. -

If you would like to be placed on my free prophecy up-date list you can let me know by emailing me at

Prophecy Sign: How will you know when the door for the seven year tribulation has opened? There are only a few prophecies left to be fulfilled before the last seven years of Daniel’s 70 weeks begins.  If you don’t know the Word of God you won’t even know what these 70 weeks are all about. In short, God told the prophet Daniel that He was going to be dealing with the nation Israel for a period of 490 years.  God showed Daniel each week would be the length of one year’s time.  If you click to the links I gave you in my post yesterday, Sept. 24, 2009 you will get the complete details about when the 490 year time period started, and when the last seven years of this time period would begin.  As I stated, there are only a few prophecies left that have to take place before this last seven year time frame will begin.  However, when these prophecies are completed the door will swing open and the last seven years of the 490 prophecy will start.   The wars mentioned in Psalms 83 and Ezekiel chapters 38-39 are two major prophecies that have to be fulfilled before the last seven years starts.  Both of these wars are going to be fulfilled very shortly.  We see the signs of these wars approaching every week now.  For example, I quote today’s news.  “PITTSBURGH, Sept. 25 — The government of Iran has told the International Atomic Energy Agency that it is building a second uranium enrichment plant for making fuel, the nuclear watchdog agency said Friday.”  Israel has warned Iran they are going to attack soon to destroy their nuclear weapons plants.  Israel has been waiting for the rest of the world to bring Iran’s nuclear plants to a halt, but it is clear now no one wants to act to actually stop Iran’s quest for a nuclear bomb.  Why is everyone so afraid to attack Iran?  A section from this next report will show you why. I quote, “The country's first nuclear power plant, with 1,000 megawatt capacity, is being built by Russia in the port city of Bushehr. Iran has said it wants to build nuclear power plants with a total capacity of 20,000 megawatt by 2020.  Iranian officials say Iran, which sits on the world's second biggest reserves of gas and oil respectively, wants nuclear energy so it can export more of its hydrocarbons.”  The world knows that if Israel attacks Iran a major war will break out and the world’s second biggest reserves of gas and oil may go up in flames.  This would cause a major crisis for the world and bring many governments to a halt.  Take notice who is building the nuclear plant for Iran, it is Russia.  Ezekiel told us that Russia is going to lead an invasion on Israel and Iran would be side Russia’s side.  Now that Israel has found out that Iran has been building a second nuclear site it raises the stakes for Israel’s security.  Now let me tie in a third report issued out of Israel. I quote, “In the rare moments when it's not preoccupied with the decline of U.S. President Barack Obama in the polls and with the debate over its government's proposed health-care reforms, the American press continues to deal almost obsessively with another pressing issue: the deadlock in efforts to stop Iran's nuclear program and the growing likelihood that the endgame will be an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. In the past few weeks alone, an editorial in The Wall Street Journal warned the president that the United States must put a quick halt to the Iranian nuclear program, because otherwise Israel will bomb the facilities. "An Israeli strike on Iran would be the most dangerous foreign policy issue President Obama could face," the paper wrote.”  This brings me back to what Vice President Joe Biden said just before he was elected as Vice President.  Biden stated that within the first six months of Obama’s presidency he was going to face a generated crisis. One of the scenarios Biden gave was a Middle East war and having to deal with Russia.  I can assure everyone when Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear facilities this is exactly what is going to take place.  Russia has warned the world anyone who attacks Iran will be the same thing as attacking Russia.  Israel is not afraid to attack Iran and the survival of Israel is more important than gas or oil.   Israel is getting ready for this attack and now that they know they are dealing with a second nuclear it puts more pressure on them to act quickly before Iran uses a nuclear bomb against them.  Every bit of news we are seeing in the Middle East is showing us signs leading to the fulfillment of these last two prophecies.  As soon as the Ezekiel war is ended the Antichrist is going to step up and confirm a seven year covenant with Israel.  This covenant is the sign to start the last seven year time clock God showed Daneil.   The word out from Israel is that will attack Iran before this year is over.  If they follow through as they have already done in the past with Syria and Iraq’s nuclear facilities, we may only be month’s away form the start of the seven year tribulation.  This is why I am asking everyone to please turn to Christ right now for your salvation.  Once these wars are over anyone who doesn’t know Christ takes the risk of being left behind when the Lord removes His Church.  The Church may even be raptured to Christ during the Ezekiel war.  This is a good possibility.  Whenever Jesus chooses to come back to call His Church out of this world, you will not want to miss being taken away from the last seven year tribulation.  God help all of you who think this is nothing but science fiction.  For any of you who refuses to accept God’s warnings about these things, sit tight and watch the news, because very shortly you are going to see these warnings being played out in the news.  Maybe then you will finally come to Christ?

Can we know what may start the next Middle East war?  Paul in 1st Thess. Chapter 5 tells us when you hear the call for Peace and safety that is the time sudden destruction will come.  The breakdown for the quest of a peace agreement could set off the next war.  We see this breakdown taking shape at the present time.  I quote, “The Palestinians cannot return to peace talks at this time because of "fundamental disagreements" with Israel on what should be on the agenda, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said in an interview published Thursday, rebuffing an appeal by US President Barack Obama that both sides get back to the table promptly.  Abbas said he wants to avoid a crisis with the Obama administration at any cost, but that "there is no common ground for discussion" with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu”.  We are finally reaching the point that the Arabs realize the peace talks aren’t going anywhere and they now need to take the second course of action to get what they want from Israel, that being war.  This is what I expect to happen shortly.  You are going to see more rockets being fired from the Gaza into Israel.  The Hamas has 40,000 rockets they plan to use against Israel.  They plan to start using these rockets to draw attention to Israel’s occupations of the PLO.  This next war will get out of hand and Syria will join in on the attack.  Israel will respond to protect themselves and by the time it is over Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and the PLO will involved in this war against Israel.  What this war will fulfill is the war of Psalms 83.  When will this war begin?  I never sit dates, but from what I can see taking shape in the news it will take place soon.

Fox News just gave us breaking news that Israel is ready to attack Iran. This is breaking news with a video saying the same things I have been warning you about.  I told you when Israel attacks Iran all hell will break out in the Middle East and Ezekiel’s war will begin.  Watch this Fox report and you will hear them say  Israel will attack Iran.  This is major news and a major sign, warning, the war is coming! When you get to the Fox site below look to the right side of the page where is says (world), just below that you will find this story, "Israel ready to strike against Iran?    This is Fox new link

Why is there so much attention in the news concerning the Gaza strip these days?  The answer to this question is simple if you know Bible prophecy. Take a look at Verses 19-20 from the Book of Obadiah, which is found in the Old Testament.  These verses of Obadiah are a amazing narration of very specific geographic promises of land recovery for Israel in the last days and it centers on what is today’s Gaza strip that in currently in the hands of the Arabs.  What is one of the main issues of the current peace talks?  It is making new boarders. What is going to happen soon from reading the Book of Obadiah is the Gaza strip will not stay in the hands of the PLO much longer.  It's my opinion that this will be accomplished the massive Arab/Israeli war which I believe will take place very soon.  Sometimes the news agencies write news that they don’t even know is prophecy.  Let me make one thing clear.  Jesus in Mark chapter 13 told us the events of the last days would be played out as a woman in labor.  The crisis centering around the Gaza strip has been in these labor pains since 2005.  Now let me show you how a news agency has given us information that is leading up to the fulfillment of Obadiah’s warnings and the war of Psalms 83.  I quote, “This is not the way things were meant to happen. When Ariel Sharon ordered the removal of all Israelis from the Gaza Strip in 2005, leaders from around the world applauded. It was a clear message that Israel was willing to do almost everything it could to resolve the decades-long conflict with the Palestinians — including returning land without any assurances of peace and security. However, the initial optimism was quickly curbed by the grim reality on the ground: Hamas’s election victory in January 2006 and the sharp rise of rockets fired at communities inside Israel showed that unilateral withdrawal would not provide a better future for Israelis and Palestinians. Today the number of rocket attacks on Israel is soaring. Senior Israeli diplomatic and military sources have indicated that there will soon be a large military ground invasion, reluctantly mounted by the Israelis, and a possible reoccupation of some of Gaza. If there is an invasion, Israel will have tacitly admitted that the experiment of unilateral disengagement has failed, leaving it at square one in its quest for peace with the Palestinians in Gaza.”  As you can see strong labor pains hit in 2006.  Israel back off since 2006, than in January of this year war broke about again in the Gaza which was much worse than in 2006, hence the labor pains increased.   Notice the report talks about assurances for peace and security this is exactly what the Apostle Paul warned us would happen.  The next set of labor pains is about to take place and when it does the Gaza strip will fall back into the hands of the Israeli’s just as it states in the book of Obadiah.  Not only will the Gaza strip be taken back but, Israel will take more land away from the Arabs who attack them.  By the time it is all over Israel’s boarders will have expanded out past Israel’s present boarders.  I am a realist; I know many of you who read this wouldn’t believe it until you see it take place.  Know this, God’s Word never fails and the warning in Psalms 83 and in Obadiah’s Book will take place soon.  I pray that when you see these events soon you will come to Christ Jesus for your salvation.  There is no other you can go to for salvation.  There is no other way to the Father but through Jesus Christ.  The Word of God is very clear, if you refuse to accept the Lord as your savior you will end up in hell.  This is not a popular message but it is one that Jesus taught more than anyone in the Bible.  Jesus came to this Earth the first time to pour out His blood on the cross so you can have eternal life.  This is why Christ came, to free you from the grips of hell and the lake of fire.  You are on either the road to heaven with Christ, or you are on the road leading you to the lake of fire where you will be tormented forever with Satan the Antichrist and all who refused the message of the good news in Christ.

As you know for months I have been showing you signs that America is declining.  God is bringing down America before she has turned against Israel and is now demanding Israel divide into two states.   Could the Lord bring down America through her economic crisis?  You better believe it, We see this idea in the news today. I quote, from a report today entitled, “US May Face 'Armageddon' If China, Japan Don't Buy Debt “. “The US is too dependent on Japan and China buying up the country's debt and could face severe economic problems if that stops, Tiger Management founder and chairman Julian Robertson told CNBC. "It's almost Armageddon if the Japanese and Chinese don't buy our debt,” Robertson said in an interview. "I don't know where we could get the money. I think we've let ourselves get in a terrible situation and I think we ought to try and get out of it.” Robertson said inflation is a big risk if foreign countries were to stop buying bonds.” Just the title to this report should show you America is in trouble.  One of the other scenarios Vice President Biden said Obama may face in the next six months was a economic crisis.  The day these nations stop buy up America’s debt America will fall into a worse depression than the first one.   Since Obama has just asked to raise the debt ceiling even higher every American better prepare themselves for this depression.  This link will take you to the CNBC report. Please watch the video.

Prophecy Sign:  Yesterday I wrote to you about the warning Jesus gave us in Revelation 13:16-17 where we see one man having the control of what the people of world will be able to buy or sell. Christ warns us that this Antichrist will come during the time of the end.  This time frame comes in the last week of Daniel’s prophecy or what is called the tribulation.  We know from what Jesus has warned us that a new one world economic system has to take place in order to give complete control over to one man. I have been showing you the signs that is leading this world to the fulfillment of Christ’s warnings. Take a look at today’s headline:,  SNAP ANALYSIS: New world economic order takes shape at G20The shifts reflect a recognition by the United States and Europe of a new global economic reality in which emerging market economies play a bigger role, especially in the aftermath of the global financial crisis that hurt developed economies more than developing ones.”  Leaders from nations around the world have been drawing up plans for a new world order, one which will end up producing a one world currency and a world controlled by the IMF.

Fox News just today gives us breaking news that Israel is ready to attack Iran. This is breaking news with a video saying the same things I have been warning you about.  I told you when Israel attacks Iran all hell will break out in the Middle East and Ezekiel’s war will begin.  Watch this Fox report and you will hear them say will attack Iran.

If you watched the video on the CNBC link above in green you will see why this next report is so important.  I quote, “PITTSBURGH, Sep. 25, 2009 (Reuters) — The Group of 20 will become the forum for global economic management, giving rising powers such as China more clout, and roll out tougher rules on bank capital by the end of 2012, a draft communique said on Friday.”  In this new world economic order China is going to get more power.  Why is this the case?  The G20 leaders know if China stops buying America’s bonds America is finished, she will go bankrupt and cause a major global economic crisis the likes no one has ever seen.  It amazes me to watch the events take shape that are leading up to the Revelation 13:16-17 prophecy.  A crisis is on the way that is going to give the Antichrist the power to control the world’s economic system and most of the world doesn’t even know about it because they never read the Bible.

It appears my next speaking engagement may be November 9th and 10th in Clearwater Florida. Location: Holiday Inn Express – U.S. 19 and Gulf to Bay, Clearwater – Grand Ball Room.  In the works is a radio show from Clearwater on the 12th of November.  Details are being worked out right now and I will let you know more as these details are worked out.  Please pray that the Lord provides the funds to travel back and forth to Florida.  As you know I give out my books for free at these speaking engagements, and I have to solely relay on the Lord to make this possible.   At the present time each book cost me $10.00 to print up, now you know why I am going to need the Lord’s help.  If the Lord speaks to you about this this is between you and the Lord. You have my email address.

Today I received this question from one of my readings by the name of Hugo. “Thinking of the possibility of the US going to war with, Russia.  Could it be that Russia nukes the US and causes it to weaken and not be s super power any more? There is also a prophecy, in Isaiah I believe, that describes  what sounds like a nuclear attack on a Mid-East country. If that is what it is could it be Syria? or the explosion of a nearly finished bomb in Iran exploded by an Israeli strike? Regardless, we know what will happen thanks to God's grace, and we know how somethings will play out others we just have to pray and wait. The current US administration would probably not want to get involved in a war with Russia. The way the US is turning on Israel makes it seem as they might leave them on their own.”

Here is my answer to this question from Hugo.  The prophecy you are asking about is found in Isaiah chapter 17:1. “An oracle concerning Damascus: "See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.” God show the Prophet Isaiah that Syria was going to be destroyed.  This destruction will come when Syria attack Israel along with the rest of the nations named in Psalms 83. Isaiah 17:1 isn’t the only place where the destruction of Syria to mentioned.  Look what Jeremiah 49:24-27 says, “Damascus is waxed feeble, and turneth herself to flee, and fear hath seized on her: anguish and sorrows have taken her, as a woman in travail. How is the city of praise not left, the city of my joy! Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets, and all the men of war shall be cut off in that day.  Saith the Lord of hosts. And I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus, and it shall consume the palaces of Benhadad.”  What exactly the fire will be that the prophet speaks to us about is unclear.  Could this be napalm bombs or some type of limited nuclear blast?  I won’t discount it.  Fact is, if you click to the link below you will see “Israel used napalm during the 1967 war and in the 1980's in Lebanon.”   In Ezekiel 39:6 it says, “I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coastlands, and they will know that I am the LORD.”  Some teach that the coastlands mentioned here may refer to the United States.  This may or may not be the case.  I would suppose if America where to try and aid Israel that Russia would turn their nuclear weapons on the U.S.  If this is the case anyone could see how the U.S. would fall as a nation.  This could be why Daniel never mentions the U.S. in regards to the last days powers.  If you read my previous posts I cite where Russia has stated they will attack anyone who attack Iran.  In the back of my mind I have the idea that since the U.S. is trying to divide the land of Israel, and she has been placed under God’s curse found in Genesis 12:3, this could be the time that the nations trying to divide up Israel are taken out of the way.   At this time anything is possible.  I do know this much for sure.  We aren’t going to have to wait long to see exactly how this is played out, especially after what I heard from Fox News today.

You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below If you have any topic you would like for me to discuss on my radio show, please email me and let me know. This Friday Sept. 25, 2009 I will be interviewing Dr. Leonard Horowitiz.  Show will be up and running at 6pm EST. -

25th September 2009, 6:00 PM EST – Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz – Exposing Swine Flu Shots TCcddddddhe show will auto load in this window, there is no need to refresh your browser


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It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has lead you accept Christ as your Savior.

If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begin your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to a lukewarm Christian.

“Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for  adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.


Major earthquakes-Will the world end in 2012?-So you don’t believe in God’s curse? Signs of One World Currency and one would government-Noah’s signs-Sept. 24, 2009


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition

You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below If you have any topic you would like for me to discuss on my radio show, please email me and let me know. This Friday Sept. 25, 2009 I will be interviewing Dr. Leonard Horowitiz.  Show will be up and running at 6pm EST. -

If you would like to be placed on my free prophecy up-date list you can let me know by emailing me at

Prophecy Sign:  In Luke 21:11 Christ asks us to keep on the watch for “great earthquakes”.  In Matthew 24:7 we are told that we would see many earthquakes in varies places.  I like to keep you informed at to what is happening concerning these signs.  Please keep in mind that the sign of earthquakes has to take place at the same time as all the other signs are taking place, and that is exactly what we are witnessing today.  Today news show some of the bigger quakes.



2009/09/24 07:16:25 







2009/09/23 07:29:57 







2009/09/23 02:59:31 





Prophecy Sign:  Once again we see how the nations opposing God will are affected.  In Joel 3:3 God warns us that He is going to destroy anyone who divides the land of Israel.  We see God's curse on anyone coming against Israel in Genesis 12:2, "And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”  This week I showed you how President Obama is in New York sitting down with Israel and the PLO trying to get them to jump start the stalled peace talks.  I showed you the evidence that Obama is demanding Israel be divided into two states.  Obama position is one that God hates.  Over the course of months I have shown you that any time a nation sits down with Israel and tries to divide up Israel or demand Israel give back Jerusalem to the PLO, that nation is hit with a natural disaster.  This week while Obama is still demanding Israel divide their land we saw much of the Midwest and Southeast get hit by one of the worse storms ever.  In Georgia alone, “ Emergency management officials have toured the state by helicopter and expect to issue a preliminary damage assessment in the coming days, said Lisa Janak, a spokeswoman for the Georgia Emergency Management Agency. The state insurance commissioner estimated the cost of the damage at $250 million.” If this wasn’t bad enough the states in the West are baking with record breaking heat, and California is again fighting huge fires.  These types of things have taken place every time someone goes against Israel. 

If you go to the FEMA web site you will see the top ten disasters.  What you may not know is that 9 of these 10 economic disasters happened when the United States went against Israel.  I have been giving you signs of God’s curse from Genesis chapter 3, but you need to see that the pattern for disasters is not a coincidence.  Instead of me taking the time to write all this information down, I ask you to watch this short video.  Sid will go through these disasters that came on the U.S. at the time they opposed Israel. Video


Here is another example of this curse.  " Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has met the leaders of Israel and the Palestinian Authority urging both to take advantage of US President Barak Obama's focus on the Middle East peace process.  At a meeting at the United Nations building in New York on Wednesday, Mr Rudd discussed a range of topics with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, including concerns about Iran's nuclear program.  In a separate meeting, Mr Rudd spoke with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, urging him to take advantage of Mr Obama's efforts to bring the sides closer together.  Mr Rudd's spokesman said the prime minister outlined to Mr Abbas Australia's approach to the peace process and its strong support for Israel's right to exist and for a two state solution.  Notice that Australia’s Prime Minister has taken Barak Obama’s position, and wants to divide Israel into two states.  Obama’s position is also demanding Jerusalem go back to the PLO.  If this is the Australian view what makes the Prime Minister think God wouldn’t curse them just the same way He has cured others who come against Israel?  While Rudd was agreeing with Obama take a look at what happened at the same time in Australia.  I quote, “SYDNEY — Australia's worst dust storm in 70 years blanketed the heavily populated east coast Wednesday in a cloud of red Outback grit, nearly closed the country's largest airport and left millions of people coughing and sputtering in the streets.”  Add the fact that Iran’s war planes crashed yesterday as Iran’s President cursed Israel and you get a clear picture of God’s curse.

This news will show you why Iran's President has brought a curse on Iran. "WASHINGTON, D.C., September 24, 2009) — President Obama's first address to the United Nations General Assembly was not just a disappointment, it was dangerous. Weak on Iran. Hard on Israel. Virtually silent on Afghanistan. The President effectively called for Israel's capital city of Jerusalem to be divided, for Israel itself to be divided, and proposed no enforcement mechanism to stop Iran from getting the Bomb. This will only encourage the Radicals from Gaza City to Tehran.” Since Iran's leader doesn't believe in the Bible, or in Jesus Christ we see his destruction coming in the Ezekiel war when 5/6 of the entire invading force against Israel will be killed.,1_18724_AG1Vv9EAAKMASrsTzADZf0VbBSc,1_18159_AGhVv9EAASY3SrrSaAnz5DCvVzs,1_17580_AGpVv9EAAN8jSrqsuQ3uu03jFog,1_17079_AG5Vv9EAASGhSrp6Zgo5Sj2sS0M,1_176_AGlVv9EAAEOeSroOmQGoMjsgTro,&sort=date&order=down&startMid=0&pSize=25&hash=588c02bf61a16ea5a296afc935b7b5a4&.jsrand=9057113

How’s this information concerning God’s curse over America?  If you go to the FEMA web site you will see that nine out of the ten worse economic disasters told place when the United States went against Israel. Instead of me trying to write all this information down for you click to the second link and watch this short video.  Many of the things Sid will discuss, I have warned you about.  This is a great video. I wish President Obama would watch and receive this.   Video

Prophecy Sign:  Once again I need to show you that America is declining as a world power.  In my previous posts I pointed out that this decline has to take place because we don’t see America mentioned anywhere in prophecy as one of the major powers in the last days.  This in its self tells us something must have taken place to bring this mightly power down.  If your new to my site read chaters 2 & 7 of the Book of Daniel and you will lead the last world empire to rule is going to be the revived Roman Empire, not the United States as some are teaching.  In Chapter two of my prophecy book I tell you want could bring force this decline of America power.  I cite the global economic crisis that I have been warning people about since 1977.  I also don’t discount another events like the September 11, 2001 attack only worse.  I do not discount that it could even be both.  In any case we are not only witnessing the decline of America, but her economic crisis continues, which is causing nations to bail from the U.S. dollar.  This is where it gets good.  Jesus in Revelation 13:16-17 shows us one man from a revived Roman Empire will control the world economy.  Jesus shows us that his Antichrist will be able to control what everyone can buy or sell.  In order for this to happen there must be a one world economic system put in place.  I have been waring you that this system is coming and today’s news proves my point. The headline to this report is, “HSBC bids farewell to dollar supremacy”  I quote, “The sun is setting on the US dollar as the ultra-loose monetary policy of the US Federal Reserve forces China and the vibrant economies of the emerging world to forge a new global currency order, according to a new report by HSBC.  Here is another section of this report. “Once again Obama has driving another stake into the heart of the American people by making the dollar worthless so he can say he is responsible for a new world currency. I do not care what color he is, any president who is destroying our country to make a new world order should be eliminated in any way possible along with his partners in our government who are helping him. They should be worried about the US and not what the rest of the world is doing or thinks. Tell the rest of the world to "Go to hell" and if they don't like it then help them to go there. It is time for us to stop worrying if we may hurt someones feelings and take back every thing we have given any country that complains. I have never disliked or hated a administration like I do this one and I would love to see it destroyed. Maybe a nice nuke on Washington DC to wipe the slate clean so we can get people who represents the United States and its people in place of their own greed. Where is Iran when you need it?” 

Yes America is fading away slowly but surely and at the same time we see the European Union growing.  Yes the EU has their own troubles, but this revived Roman Empire is rising to superpower status.  As a matter of fact the EU is getting ready to elect a person to control the entire EU and this will be the first time since the first Roman Empire that one man controls Europe.  This is not a coincidence.  Jesus warned us the Antichrist would rise from this new revived Roman Empire and we are alive to witness how this man will come into power.  Fact is, Europe is looking for people right now to take the first position as full time President of the EU.  I quote, “DUTCH PRIME minister Jan Peter Balkenende has emerged as a possible candidate for the post of European Council president, which will be created if the Lisbon Treatyenters into force. Two Dutch newspapers De Telegraaf and Het Financieele Dagblad cited three sources in Mr Balkenende’s Christian Democrat party yesterday, who claim to know “for sure” that he is a leading contender for the job. Speculation is beginning to mount about the likely identity of the new council president following the re-election of José Manuel Barroso for another five- year term as European Commission president this week. Britain’s Gordon Brown said formal talks on filling the position were not on the agenda of the summit and could only take place after the Irish vote. But several names have been linked to the €280,000 a year job including Tony Blair, former Finnish prime minister Paavo Lipponen, the current French premier Francois Fillon and former Spanish prime minister Felipe Gonzalez.”  The person who is elected just may be the Antichrist, or he could move into this position later.  What we know from the Word of God is there will be ten leaders, (kings), who give all their power over to this one man.  Once again I must point out that these ten leaders could come from the Western side of the old Roman Empire, or the Eastern side of the old Roman Empire, or they just may be coming from a new core group that the Italian leader is pushing for at the present time.  Just the fact that the world leaders are making plans to bring on this new global currency order, and the EU may be a month away from installing their first full time president shows us we are on the road Jesus warns us about.  What will it take for you to see the truth about all these signs?  In yet another report out today we see news about the failing dollar. “PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (AFP) – The embattled US dollar is expected to come under scrutiny at a summit of developing and industrialized nations following China-led calls to review its role as a reserve currency.”  The prophet Daniel did not tell us how the United States would lose her power in the last days.  Daniel says nothing about the U.S., however if you know prophecy and you are watching current events it isn’t hard to see why the U.S. never made it into the Book of Daniel.  I once again ask you to watch the news.  In the near future you will hear and see more talk about dropping the U.S. currency.  By the time it is all over, the U.S. dollar will have been dumped for the one world currency.  I would expect this to happen when the economic crisis get worse.   America is headed for major troubles and I do believe it is in part because of God’s curse, which fell on America for trying to divide the land of Israel and demanding Jerusalem be given back to the Arabs.  Add this the fact that slowly but surely America is coming a Christ less society.  Jesus would call what is taking place in America, as the days of Noah!  When America goes down you will see a crisis hit the world like never before.  This world crisis will no doubt add to the rise of the Antichrist.  Someone sent me a video today entitled “Shattered Union”.  I watched this video and in many ways it was if this was prophecy for the U.S.  Watch it and you will see what I mean.

Shattered Union game

In my book I warn about another attack on the U.S. as you can see from today's news people have been planning such an attack. I quote, “Najibullah Zazi, the Denver man believed to be the central figure in a terror plot against the New York City transit system, has officially been indicted on charges of conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction against persons or property in the United States, CBS 2 has learned.”  If you watch the second link you will see that the American border between the U.S. and Mexico has been compromised.  Official are saying they aren't sure at this point if a duty bomb was brought into the U.S.  When I wrote my first edition of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth this is one of the scenarios I said to look for.   Whatever it is something major is going to bring America down and cause the last world empire to serge.

Bribes Along the National Border

Let me back track for a second.  I wrote to you about Jesus telling us In matthew 24:33-38 that our generation would become just like Noah's generation.   Noah's generation turned away from God, and so is this generation.  Here is just one example.  I quote, "When South Florida atheists held their first meeting, they were just five friends, having a beer at a bar. Four years later, they've moved to a bigger place — still a bar — to hold their weekly meet-and-greets. Membership is up to almost 500, Darwin Day is in the planning stages and bumper stickers are on sale.  "There is no God, but ice-cream is great," reads one. "What schools need is a moment of science," reads another. Atheist groups are growing all over the United States, challenging stereotypes and confronting what they consider a big backslide in the separation of church and state. "   I hope you are hearing what the Holy Spirit is showing you.  We don't have to wait for the last days, they have already arrived.  Expect the birth pains of these times to get much worse, and that will mean even more people will fall away from the Lord. 

Prophecy Sign:  Almost everyday I show you signs in the news pointing the Ezekiel war found in Ezekiel chapter 38-39.  These chapters show us Russia will lead an end times invasion on Israel.  Russia won’t attack Israel alone.  Chapter 38 shows us Iran will be one of the major players in this invasion on Israel.  Read this section from today’s news, and then I will explain how important this news really is. I quote, “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week offered a new assessment of the Holocaust – it is a lie – and of Israel's future prospects – it will soon be removed. This came as an unwelcome reminder to the Obama administration, and to the rest of the watching world, that the United States would be sitting down in the coming weeks with a Holocaust denier bent on nuclear weaponization. We trust the Americans will try nobly to convince Mr. Ahmadinejad to do otherwise. But in between his launching of new uranium enrichment centrifuges and the arrest and torture of regime opponents, we sadly doubt the Iranian president will be persuaded.  The chief stumbling block to ending Iranian nuclear weaponization is currently Russia, which is refusing all requests to halt the sale of modern high-quality anti-aircraft missiles to Iran and has even rejected the imposition of new sanctions on the recalcitrant despotism in Teheran.” 

Notice the words Iran’s President used against Israel in red above.  God showed us in the Book of Psalms chapter 83 verse 4 that this was the language we would hear them say against Israel.  I quote the Lord’s warning. "Come," they say, "let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more."  Come on, do you think this is a coincidence?  Would you be surprised if I told you there are people who just won’t believe God’s warnings.  A few days ago I received a email from a person who told me she believed more in the Mayan calendar than Bible prophecy.  This person was no doubt pointing to the fact that the Maya’s believe the end of the world would occur in the year 2012.  Here is a section from a report on this topic.  I quote, “With humanity coming up fast on 2012, publishers are helping readers gear up and count down to this mysterious — some even call it apocalyptic — date that ancient Mayan societies were anticipating thousands of years ago.”    “Authors disagree about what humankind should expect on Dec. 21, 2012, when the Maya's "Long Count" calendar marks the end of a 5,126-year era. Journalist Lawrence Joseph forecasts widespread catastrophe in Apocalypse 2012: A Scientific Investigation Into Civilization's End. Spiritual healer Andrew Smith predicts a restoration of a "true balance between Divine Feminine and Masculine" in The Revolution of 2012: Vol. 1, The Preparation. In 2012, Daniel Pinchbeck anticipates a "change in the nature of consciousness," assisted by indigenous insights and psychedelic drug use.”

Anyone who knows the Bible and what God has shown us knows there is no way that the end of the world will occur in the year 2012.  First of all, Jesus along with the Prophet Daniel has given us the exact time frame as to when the end of the world will take place. 

The key to know when the last 7 years will begin is when you see a seven year covenatnt being confirmed with Israel and many nations.  This is the covenant that Daniel tells us will be confirmed by the Antichrist.  When you see this covenant confirmed on the world news, get out your calendar and begin to count 1260 days.  From the very day the covenant is confirmed to the end of the 1,260 days, the Antichrist will walk into the rebuild Jewish Temple and seat in that Temple and tell the world he is god.

We know for a fact that the last seven years has not begun yet because there hasn’t been any covenant firmed and Israel hasn’t even begun to rebuild her Third Temple yet.  If a covenant were confirmed today, and Jesus told us there would be sevens years left before He returned, that would bring us to the year 2016.  As you can see this is four years past 2012, so much for the people who want to believe in the Mayans rather than God.  The world is not going to end in the year 2012, but we can expect big trouble to befall this planet because we are getting closer to the start of the seven year tribulation.  The prophecy signs of the last days will get much worse.  You can expect water shortages to continue, diseases to pop up, you will see more famines, droughts, major storms, major earthquakes, wars in the Middle East, and yes I agree with the writer above, an increase in psychedelic drug use.”  Jesus in Revelation 9:21 tells us this generation will be known for its drug use.  I will be frank with you, if you refuse to accept Jesus’ warnings and will not believe what His Word says, you are going to be cast into the seven year tribulation.  The person who told me she believes in the Mayan’s and not God is headed for the tribulation unless she repents and turns back to sound doctrine.  You have my warning.  I am warning you out of love, I do not want you to be cast into the last seven years.  Please consider what I am saying.  70 weeks

Link to information on the 70 weeks of Daniel is below:

Matthew 24:7 warns us of civil unrest.  Take a look at what is going on in Mexico. “Two Mexican men were arrested on federal human-trafficking charges Wednesday, a day after officials said three vans in which they were riding with scores of other Mexicans tried to run through the border station at San Diego.  The attempted border-running, which led immigration and customs agents to fire on the vans, caused the authorities to close down the station — the busiest land crossing into the United States — for about four hours.”  Many nations are beginning to go into this civil unrest.  Some because of lack of food, some because they were forced to flee disasters, some because of drugs, some because war and some over religion.  Even Iran is starting to see this civil unrest over the last elections.  Jesus said this would happen and it is, and it is going to get worse.  Many think that civil unrest will take place as a result of the swine flu scare.  We will see?

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has lead you accept Christ as your Savior.

If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begin your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to a lukewarm Christian.

“Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for  adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Feel free to rate my sites at The Edge & my web site, Bible Prophecy And End Time Current Events 

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Stalled peace talks will lead to war-Iran ready for war, Israel ready to attack-Swine flu scare-Obama put Israel on the chopping block-Sept. 23, 2009


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition

You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below If you have any topic you would like for me to discuss on my radio show, please email me and let me know. This Friday Sept. 25, 2009 I will be interviewing Dr. Leonard Horowitiz.  Show will be up and running at 6pm EST.

If you would like to be placed on my free prophecy up-date list you can let me know by emailing me at

Prophecy Sign: In 1st Thessalonians 5:2-3 Paul warned us sudden destruction would come at the time they are calling for “Peace and safety”.  Last week I showed you how the U.S. President is trying his best to force Israel into a peace they cannot accept.  Israel does not want to stop building on their own land, and Israel’s Prime Minister has told Obama, Jerusalem will not be given over to the PLO for them to use as their new capital.  Last week I told you to watch what Obama says at the UN meeting. I told you to look for any hint at all that Obama might call on the UN to move into Israel and force peace on the Israel and PLO by using UN troops.  Here is a short section from Obama speech today at the UN.  “Obama praised the U.N. but then scolded the organization saying the "United Nations does extraordinary good around the world in feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, and mending places that have been broken — but it also struggles to enforce its will, and to live up to the ideals of its founding." Obama met with Mideast leaders on Tuesday to try to end a deadlock for peace. In the first three-way meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, the president tried to advance talks leading to some kind of peace negotiation.”  If you notice right after Obama says the UN struggles to enforce its will, the next thing the reporter directs our attention to is Israel.  The speech Obama just gave is a clear sign to the UN that he wants the UN to force its will on Israel and force peace.  Don’t be surprised when you hear talk soon about sending in UN troops into Israel.  This plan was revealed  by Brzezinski in a speech at the Chatham House.  Click to the second link and begin to listen to the video at 5min and 20 seconds into the video.  In this section you will hear Brzezinski talk about sending UN troops into Israel.  Please watch the news because you are going to see a lot of news about the failing Middle East peace talks.  Paul warned us the sudden destruction would come when they are calling for peace.  This call is being heard around the world and soon nations are going to come against Israel to enforce a so called peace. 

Obama Adviser Brzezinski s Off the record Speech to British Elites Part 4

Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38-39 has not yet been fulfilled but this war against Israel is coming very fast.  In case you missed yesterdays post, I put up a new video, where you can see Israel warning they are going to soon be forced to attack Iran. When you hear them say, things like, I wouldn’t want to be a Iranian right now living in Iran, what do you think he meant by this? The Israeli jets are about to bomb Iran’s nuclear sites.  Iran knows Israel is coming, and today Iran’s leader lashed out at Israel again.  I quote, “Tuesday, Sept. 22, as Iranian president declared Iran's armed forces would "chop off the hands" of any power daring to attack his country, two air force jets collided in mid-air. One was Iran's only airborne warning and control system (AWACS) for coordinating long-distance aerial operations, DEBKAfile's military and Iranian sources disclose.  The disaster was a serious blow for Iran, leaving its air force and air and missile defenses without "electronic eyes" for surveillance of the skies around its borders.”  While Iran was cursing Israel two very important planes for Iran’s defense crashed.  As soon as I read this the Lord put on my heart that this is only a sample of how He was going to destroy the Armies that invade Israel with Russia.  In Chapter 39 of Ezekiel, God tells us He is going to destroy Israel’s invaders.  It will do you well to read verses 1-9.  This isn’t the only plane God is going to destroy.  The Lord makes it clear that the invading armies will kill each other.  In the near future you will see more planes collide before they can do any harm to Israel.  You may not believe this now, but just wait and you will see this type of news being reported as the short lived war begins.

Link below: Israel talks about coming war in a report entitle, “Gog Gathering Steam?”

Those of you who have been coming to my site will have remembered that I warned you, when the Arabs come to the point where they know the peace process is a sham, that will be when they attack.  It will probably be at this time that the war of Psalms 83 will be fulfilled.  Both sides involved in the stalled peace process know there isn’t much hope that an agreement will be signed.  I quote, “Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s critics on the Left and Right criticized his tripartite summit on Tuesday with US President Barack Obama and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Labor rebel MK Ophir Paz-Pines said the summit was "a shameful farce" that made a show of the stalemate in the peace process. "Instead of taking advantage of a historic opportunity, they are dragging their feet," Paz-Pines said. "Netanyahu and [Labor chairman Ehud] Barak misled the public. It is unfortunate that Labor is a partner in this charade."  I can not stress enough that war is going to break out very soon again, and when it does those who do not know Jesus as Lord will be shocked to see what we have warned them has come to pass.  We are warning you what God has shown us, and God is always 100 percent correct.  Everything the Lord has shown us is coming to pass, and the last few wars mentioned in Psalms 83 and Ezekiel 38 are about to be completed.

John Bolton's Critique of Obama's U.N. Address (9.23.09). Bolton says Obama put Israel on the chopping block.  Once again we see signs of Zechariah 12:3. Watch this video and you will see the footsteps to fulfilling this prophecy. 

Today I did an interview on my radio/video show at The Edge with Dr. Leonard Horowitz concerning the swine flu scare.  One of the ways Dr. Horowitz said you could protect yourself is by taking oxysiver.  He has given me a link so you can read information on this product. Check out, especially the science part of the website.

Because of the long hours I have been keeping in order to give you all this information from my web-site, as a guest speaker on radio shows, and as the Host of my own Radio show, as well as up-dating my prophecy book for you, this post will be shorter than usual.  I am pretty tired and I could use your prayers.  I am not afraid to admit it.

It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has lead you accept Christ as your Savior.

If this is the case you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer.  Notice I said begin your walk.  Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways.  Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible and join in the Lord’s fellowship.  We are much to close to a lukewarm Christian. 

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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Feel free to rate my sites at The Edge & my web site. 


Current up-dated list of my work for Christ: My newest book:

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition

You can view my radio show by clicking to the link below.  (Link to DiMora's International radio/video show out of London).

This Sunday August 9, 2009 was guest speaker on Timothy’s show. The show can be heard by going to:

Mary Aguilar the Co-Host of "Insight on The Word Radio" who, has asked me to speak this Friday Aug. 7, 2009.  Insight on The Word Radio Syracuse, NY 13210

347.945.7601 (Listeners Line)

I was the quest speaker on this program many times.

Frank DiMora's Radio Interviews and His own International Internet Radio show:

I welcome any of you to listen to my radio shows and my International Radio show on video called, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” Below are the links to most of my interviews and my own show out of London.

The coming attack on Israel part 1 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 2 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 3 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 4 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 5 of 6

The coming attack on Israel part 6 of 6:

Economic crisis

DiMora's first radio interview on 'The Edge' with Host, Gina Romano. Interview was heard on June 26, 2008












August 10th, 2008 – Part 2

August 10th, 2008 – Part 3

August 10th, 2008 – Part 4

August 10th, 2008 – Part 5

August 10th, 2008 – Part 6

August 10th, 2008 – Part 7

August 10th, 2008 – Part 8–sE&feature=related

August 10th, 2008 – Part 9

August 10th, 2008 – Part 10

My 3rd radio interview on 'The Edge' International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below:

Swine ful crime and information concerning Affidavit to FBI-Are earthquakes getting worse? Sept. 23, 2009


Today at 10:30 I am interviewing Dr. Leonard Horowitz.  As you can see from the information below Dr. Horowitz has filed papers with the FBI to go after people like David Rockefeller, Rupert Murdock, Morton Zeuckerman, Thomas Glocer and Jerry Speyer.  These are some of the most powerful people on Earth.   If you read the short section of the report below you will find out why Dr. Leonard has asked the FBI to investigate these men and others.  Under section bb Dr. Horowitz states, "“bb.I testify as an expert in medical sociology and vaccine virology this is not “conspiracy theory,” but a certifiable “conspiracy reality” operating in health science sustained by a “conspiracy of silence” infecting responsible journalists, the media, and the American people. It is a sociopolitical pathology preventable only by the free exercise of our First Amendment right to a free press. Given the manner in which the defendants control the media, however, including the medical scientific media, America’s founding fathers objective to secure civil rights and happiness by way of a free press has been substantially negated by these criminals.”

My interview with the doctor will be shown on my radio/video show at The Edge this Friday September 25, 2009 at 6pm EST.  Link is below.

Tetrahedron Publishing Group

Health Science Communications for People Around the World

217 Cedar St., Suite # 326 ۰  Sandpoint, ID 83864 ۰ 208-265-8065


Release: No. H1N1-15

Date Mailed: September-15-2009

For Immediate Release

Contact: Rob Potter—949-715-2217 or 310-877-3002

WARNING: Drug Cartel Exposed Creating, Releasing, Injecting, Infecting, and Depopulating Planet with Pandemic H1N1 Swine Flu Viruses and Vaccines

Los Angeles, CA— World leading drug-industry investigators have uncovered stunning documents proving an international drug ring, operating from New York City, is behind the H1N1 swine flu fright and vaccination preparations.

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, America’s leading consumer health expert, and Sherri Kane, an investigative journalist, have released shocking proof in legal affidavits that leaders of a private global biotechnology “trust” are behind everything you ever heard about pandemic flu, including its origin and alleged prevention via vaccination. Their documents, being sent through attorneys to the FBI today, evidence powerful industrialists operating a crime ring within “Partnership for New York City” are behind the pandemic’s creation, media persuasions, vaccination preparations, and health official promotions seen everywhere from supermarkets to health clinics.

“David Rockefeller’s trust, that engages several powerful partners on Wall Street, including media moguls Rupert Murdock, Morton Zuckerman, Thomas Glocer, and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Jerry Speyer,” are implicated in advancing global genocide,” Dr. Horowitz wrote to FBI directors, through a team of attorneys assembled to stop the swine flu vaccines from being given.

“This ‘partnership’ controls biotechnology research and development globally. Health commerce internationally is also controlled virtually entirely by this trust that exercises near complete control over mainstream media to promote/propagandize its products and services for the drug cartel's organized crime. This trust, in essence, makes or breaks medical and natural healing markets, primarily through the mass media companies and propaganda it wields for social engineering and market building,” Dr. Horowitz wrote.

This is the link to the complete report.

Matthew 24:7 said to watch for earthquakes.  If you click to the link below you will see the increase of quakes.  This is only one of many prophecy signs that are proving Christ's Words are coming to pass.



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition

You can view all of my radio/video shows by clicking to the link below If you have any topic you would like for me to discuss on my radio show, please email me and let me know.

If you would like to be placed on my free prophecy up-date list you can let me know by emailing me at

In the skin marking-God’s curse-Roaring seas and waves-G. Brown asked for New World Order-Good news in Iran-All nations will turn on Israel- Sept. 22, 2009


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition

You can view all of my radio/video shows by clicking to the link below If you have any topic you would like for me to discuss on my radio show, please email me and let me know.

If you would like to be placed on my free prophecy up-date list you can let me know by emailing me at

On September 17, 2009 I wrote the following to you all. I quote, “When VeriChip first hit the stock market I told people if you have money to invest in this company if you want to make a lot of money.  Hardly anyone took me serious.  When VeriChip hit the market is was only a few pennies a share.  I took what Jesus had warned us about these last days and figured if Jesus was spot on, this VeriChip stock will take off, because it would spread around the world.”  Now I want to you to read today’s news about the VeriChip stock.  Mind you this has happened only five days after I issued my warning.  I quote, “An announcement today regarding the exclusive license granted to controversial chip-implant maker VeriChip (CHIP) for H1N1 detection sent CHIP shares hurtling nearly out of orbit — up 178%, or over $2 per share — to around $3.20 by Monday afternoon. Other news reports have cited that this is the biggest intra-day gain since the company went public in February 2007.”  Why do you think these things are happening just the way I said they would.  It is because I am some great prophet of God?  No, not a all.  So how in the world do I know these things before they take place?  All you have to do is read the Bible and study the Word of God.  Jesus warned us one man is going to mark everyone in their right hand or in their forehead, (see Rev. 13:16-17).  VeriChip and other companies have produced the technology to do exactly what Jesus warned us about.  Knowing I am in the last days, and we are moving very fast toward the second coming of Christ, I saw how this new technology can be used by the Antichrist in the very near future.  I put what Jesus has warned me, and I know this new in the skin technology would take off, so I warned you about the stock skyrocketing.  Now you see the fulfillment of my warning.  Believe me, those who study the Word of God become wise to world events even before they take place.  Are you wise enough to see Jesus is coming back soon?  He has given you more proof than anyone needs that His Words are all true.  Now that the swine flu scare is spreading around the world, it would be a great way to bring out this in the hand chip under the guidelines of health concerns.  Millions of parents around the world are going to think this Chip implant in the hand will protect their kids for getting the disease.  It sure sounds like a great idea, but in the end this type of technology will aid the Antichrist in controlling the entire world.

How is the Antichrist going to track everyone.  In the near future the Antichrist will be able to hunt you down if you have a chip implant in your hand.  Digital Angel , I believe may play a major role in the last days prophecies.  You see you can be tracked down anywhere you go if you are hooked to Digital Angel.  Again pay attention to the section in red. I quote, “SO. ST. PAUL, MN (July 21, 2008) – Digital Angel (NASDAQ: DIGA), an advanced technology company in the field of animal identification and emergency identification solutions, commented today on the completion of the sale of Xmark Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of VeriChip Corporation, to Stanley Canada Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Stanley Works (NYSE:SWK) for $47.9 million in cash, consisting of the originally announced $45 million purchase price plus a balance sheet adjustment of $2.9 million. Stockholders of VeriChip Corporation approved the transaction at a special meeting held July 17, 2008. Digital Angel is a 48.3% stockholder of VeriChip Corporation.  Can you now see that VeriChip and Digital Angel  are working at a unit?  One part can place a chip in your hand and the other and track you down and keep track of you.  The Antichrist will have a field day with this type of technology.  Now read what is also happening with the Digital Angel stock. See report below:

Digital Angel Corporation (NASDAQ:DIGA) is amongst the top movers in the morning trade. The stock is trading at $1.18 with 12.37% or $0.13 increase on no news. The stock is trading with 1.59 million shares compared to a daily average trading of 124k shares. The yield till date in this calendar year of the stock is 202.56%. Digital Angel Corporation (Digital Angel), formerly Applied Digital Solutions is engaged in developing identification and security products for consumer, commercial, and government sectors. The Company’s products provide identification and security for people, animals, food chains, government/military assets, and commercial assets. Digital Angel’s product line includes radio frequency identification systems (RFID), global positioning systems (GPS), and satellite communications. The Company operates in two business segments: Animal Identification and Emergency Identification.”  Don’t believe what I am saying, go check it out on the stock market.

Prophecy Sign:  Luke 21:25 has warned us to watch for the roaring seas and waves.  In Genesis 12:3 we have a curse for anyone who curses Israel, and in Joel 3:3 God says He will destroy any one who divides up Israel.  Over the course of months I have written to you about God’s curse on America for turning against Israel.  If you don’t know what I am talking about, Obama is demanding Israel divide up Israel into two states.  I told you that every time nations sit down to talk peace and safety with Israel the nations under this curse find themselves in the midst of a natural disaster while they are in talks with Israel.  Today Obama is in New York meeting with Israel’s Prime Minister and the PLO leader Abbas.  Of course Obama is still demanding Israel divide their land, give away East Jerusalem, and stop construction in Israel consider being PLO land.  Yesterday I show you the floods in the Midwest. If you click to the news report below and watch the video you will see once again America is in the midst of another natural disaster.  As Obama pushes Israel on these issues the States find themselves pushed further under God’s curse.  Just about every time the peace talks are going on these disasters strike the nations opposing God’s wishes.  The pattern continues again today.  I quote, “The rain seems never ending for the waterlogged residents in the South, where torrential downpours the last several days have trapped some people in their homes and killed others. "This is absolutely ridiculous," one Georgia woman exclaimed as she maneuvered her car through the high waters. "I have never seen anything like this in Atlanta before."  Just months ago the region suffered from a massive, two-year drought that left rivers and lakes more than a dozen feet below average. Now some locations have seen as much as 21 inches of rain from storms stretching from Tennessee to Georgia to North Carolina.”  When you watch the news video you will hear the reporter say this storm is doing what he calls, “training”, which means that this same storm keeps returning over the same area over and over again.  While the Midwest, and Southeast states are under water from the massive storm, the Northwestern states are being scorched with recorded breaking heat.  All the nations coming against Israel better take the Lord’s curse to heart because God is making good on His promise.  There is hope.  If the nations turn back to God and His teachings, and begin to support Israel again, the curse will be taken away and the blessings will return.

Keep in mind the flood waters aren’t the only problem.  As America tries to lift herself out of one the worse economic crisis since the Great Depression she is being hit by one natural disaster after another.  The government doesn’t have the funds to help all the people who have been hit by these natural disasters, and the insurance companies have dropped many states that have been hit by floods.  America is going broke. 

Speaking about the curse of God, Israel’s President said the Iran’s President would be payed back by Prime Minister Netanyahu.  First let me show you that the issue of Jerusalem has again showed up at a hurdle to any peace talks.  Keep in mind Zechariah 12:3 shows us this would be the case in the last days.  In speaking about the peace process, this is what Peres stated. When you read this short section pay attention to the section in red.  I quote, “President Shimon Peres told schoolchildren in the north that "the prime minister will be demonstratively absent from a meeting with one of the most evil and horrible people of modern history, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who lies through his teeth about the existence of the Holocaust and curses Israel".    “Peres appeared to feel at home among the 1,660 Kaduri alumni, including the sister of assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Rachel. He addressed them and said, "We must not launch negotiations by saying east Jerusalem is a settlement. This has not and will not happen.”  “Referring to the Iranian president's speech at the upcoming UN General Assembly, Peres added that Ahmadinejad "is pessimistic and has no future, and I'm sure Prime Minister Netanyahu will repay him."  What did Peres mean by this?  I think the underlined message her is that Ahmadinejad was going to be payed back when Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear weapons program in the near future.  Once thing is for sure, Iran is under God’s curse and we see how Iran will be wiped out in Ezekiel chapters 38-39.,2506,L-3780157,00.html


If you don’t believe God’s warnings that Israel will not attack Iran, or you don’t believe my warnings as I repeat God’s Word maybe you need to see the news today.  Watch this video entitled, “Israel Prepared to Strike Iran (9.22.09)”  This war is coming! Get ready.  Israel is telling us the time clock for this attack is just about out.

Knowing that God warned us in Zechariah chapter 12 that all the nations will gather against Israel in the last days, it shouldn't come as a surprise that Israel is losing their old allies and at the same time anti-semitism is on the increase.  Here is example of what I am talking about.  I quote, “Anti-Semitism in Spain is on the rise, according to a recent report from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). A statement released by the Jewish watchdog on Tuesday cited an increase in public expressions of anti-Semitism, and a "greater acceptance of virulent anti-Jewish attitudes."

Here is more news about this subject. “Relations between Sweden, the EU presidency-in-office, and Israel have gone from bad to worse after Israel accused Sweden of breaking an EU ban on contact with Hamas. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the allegations at a meeting with Spanish foreign minister Miguel Angel Moratinos 10 days ago, according to Israeli newspaper Haaretz.”

Prophecy Sign:  In the book of Revelation Jesus tells us that just before He returns to Earth one man will control the entire world.  In Revelation chapter 13 Jesus shows us that this man, (Antichrist), will control what you buy or sell.  This shows us he has control over the global economic system.   For years I have been showing people the signs leading the world to this one world system.  For the past year nations around the world have been pushing for this new one world economic system and once again we see news about this today.  I quote, “LONDON — British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said leaders of 20 rich and developing countries must start to sketch out the outlines of a new global economic order when they meet in Pittsburgh later this week, as well as making sure that the fledgling recovery sustains itself.” “In a briefing Monday ahead of Thursday's Group of 20 meeting, Brown said it was important that longer-term issues, such as preventing huge financial imbalances in trade, savings and consumption, are tackled as the global economy recovers from its worst recession since World War II. Countries running surpluses, such as Germany, have suffered as badly as those with deficits during the recession as demand for their exports collapsed.”  The new global economic order Gordon Brown is speaking about isn’t new to those of us who know what Jesus has warned.  All that is happening is the nations are putting the system in place that the Antichrist is going to use to control the world.  What Gordon Brown spoke about is news that is almost 2,000 years old!  Read what God told the Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 42:9. “I am the Lord; that is my name!  I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols.  See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you”.  Jesus announced the new economic system that was coming why before Gordon Brown.  If I were you, I would really trust what Jesus has warned about these last days.  If the new economic system I on its way so is the Antichrist.  They question is, do you believe the Words of Christ?  If you choose not to receive Jesus as Lord you will find out the hard way that everything He said about the one world system and the Antichrist was all true.  Don’t let Satan’s lies cause you to be cast into the seven year tribulation.  Satan wants you there not Christ.

Jesus is calling to people all over the world to flee the world and enter into His kingdom.  The good news of Christ and His salvation has blessed many in Iran recently.  “The executive director of Mission Network News says the gospel is making inroads into Iran. Mission Network News (MNN) recently concluded a prayer initiative for Muslims that coincided with Ramadan. Greg Yoder, executive director of MNN, says many Muslims in countries such as Iran are turning to Christianity after they have realized that religious leaders have dictated and crafted governmental policies.  "So they're thinking to themselves, 'We don't really like the government in Iran. We don't really like what's happening; there must be some other truth' — and that's why they're turning to Christian television, satellite radio, and many are turning to Christ," he notes. "We're seeing a new generation in Iran coming to Christ, and they're even developing churches around radio and TV today so they can grow in their faith."

Just in case you do want to turn to Christ and you don’t know what to do read the following:  The very first part of your new life will have to begin by asking Jesus in your life.  You can begin to walk with Christ today by praying to Christ.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.


Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ. A good Church will not be afraid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.


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Where will Antichrist come from?-No promise not to attack Iran-Nations turning on Israel-Peace talks-Big earthquakes-One World Currency site-Why I do the thing I do for Christ-Sept. 21, 2009


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition

You can view all of my radio/video shows by clicking to the link below If you have any topic you would like for me to discuss on my radio show, please email me and let me know.

If you would like to be placed on my free prophecy up-date list you can let me know by emailing me at

A few minutes ago I received a email calling me a liar.  This is what Maria N. wrote me. I quote, “Scott Jesus is not a liar therefore you are, period! Give up your so called in times Biblical prophecy. Read your Bible and find out since you've forgotten what use to happen to FALSE prophecy in the Old Testament.”  First of all Maria, if you go back to my site you won’t find any where in that Dec. 19, 2008 post where I say Scott is a lair.  What I said and I quote was this, “I received this email today about a man who claims to have a message from Jesus Christ.  I wanted to share this with you so you can watch with me to see if indeed this message did come from the Lord.  It won’t be hard to see if he is a false prophet or not because the first part of what he was told will take place this Jan.  Below is the message I received.”

What I said was to watch if what He said really takes place.  I said this because if God really did tell Scott these things, everything that God told Scott would have come to pass.  All I said was, is to watch.  This is exactly what Jesus Christ warns us to do when people claim God spoke to them.  Since you have called me a liar Maria, lets go back and read exactly what Scott said was going to happen in January 2009.

I quote Scott’s words. “I would have liked to share this prophecy back then, but I did not want it to look like a political advertisement. So I chose to write about this AFTER the election. I can also tell you that this presidential election based on my heaven experience is prophecy being fulfilled. We're just one more milestone closer to the rapture.  Just remember…except for local elections, last Tuesday's election was the LAST presidential election we will ever experience before the rapture. There will be no more! Isn't that exciting?

Here is what's yet to happen:  1. Coming in January (inauguration) … Due to a "problem", Obama will NOT be sworn in as the next president. He will never take that office. Why? I don't know. This is the missing piece to the puzzle. We must wait in anticipation to see whatever this "problem" might be.

2. Bush will be forced to extend his presidential term until this "problem" can be resolved. Remember, Jesus told me, "The president you know right now (meaning Bush) will be the last president you will know at the time of the rapture." 

3. Violence will erupt within our nation due to this "problem". What might this be? Rioting? Demonstrations? Terrorism? We will wait and see. “

I hope everyone took notice that not one thing that Scott said was going to happen actually took place.  I say again, not one thing came true.  Whatever Scott was shown was not from God.  Everyone in the world knows that as today Sept. 21, 2009 Obama is still the U.S. President.  I was a faithful servant to point out we need to examine what Scott stated to see if it came form God.  Call me a liar Maria, but I know in my heart Jesus is pleased with me for warning the saints.

What amazes me is that people just write off the fact that nothing of what Scott said came true.  It may be alright with you Maria, but I will always stand behind the Word of the Lord.  If anyone says God told them something was going to happen and they tell people that, don’t you think we need to examine what they said.  If you don’t like this response you need to hear what the Lord God says about people who claim to hear things from God, and then speak those words to others. Deuteronomy 18:18-22 18(A) I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers.(B) And I will put my words in his mouth, and(C) he shall speak to them all that I command him. 19(D) And whoever will(E) not listen to my words that he shall speak in my name, I myself will require it of him. 20(F) But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or[a] who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.' 21And if you say in your heart, 'How may we know the word that the LORD has not spoken?'— 22(G) when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the LORD has not spoken;(H) the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.”  Maria, I do not take offence at you calling me a liar, I pray you see that it is very important to call it as it is.  In this case the person who claimed all these things were going to happen in Jan. 2009 failed to pass the Lord’s test as to who is a true prophet. 



Prophecy Sign: In yesterday’s post I showed you a report  where it stated Russia was given a promise by Israel that they would not attack Iran’s nuclear weapons program.   After I presented what was said in the report I wrote you the following: “I am telling you up front, forget about any promises you think were made about not attacking Iran.  When the time comes Israel is going to strike at Iran and Medvedev was spot on is saying, and I quote, "Iran's wish to take revenge".  If you are new to my site you may be asking what’s all this about Russia, Iran, and Israel?  God shows the Prophet Ezekiel that in the last days Russia was going to lead an invasion against Israel and Iran would be one of Russia main allies in this invasion.  What I have been doing at this site is showing you the footsteps that are leading to the fulfillment of this prophecy.  You can read about this war in Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39.  Today I want to show you that I was correct in making the statement about forgetting about any promises.  I want to show you what Israel said today about this co called promise.  I quote, "All options still on table" against Iran, Israel says”.

“* Official dismisses Russian suggestion of Peres assurance

* Army chief also says "all options" open to defend Israel

(Adds comment from military chief)”,  The report continues below:

“JERUSALEM, Sept 21 (Reuters) – Israel has not given up the option of a military response to Tehran's nuclear programme, senior officials said on Monday, after Russia's president said his Israeli counterpart assured him it would not attack Iran. Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon was asked by Reuters if that comment by Israeli President Shimon Peres, as reported on Sunday by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, was a guarantee there would be no Israeli strike on Iran. Ayalon replied: "It is certainly not a guarantee. "I don't think that, with all due respect, the Russian president is authorised to speak for Israel and certainly we have not taken any option off the table."  People need to understand that at the end of the day Israel is going to do what is best for their nation.  If no one will step up to the plate and stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb, Israel  will, and I think Israel will strike soon.

Prophecy Sign:  One of the keys signs pointing to the last days comes from Zechariah chapter 12.  In this chapter the prophet shows us all the nations of the earth will turn against Israel and Jerusalem.  We are also told in this chapter that Jerusalem was going to be a burden to all nations.  One thing is very clear in this chapter.  God told the prophet that anyone coming against Israel would be cut into pieces.  This is what we read in Zech. 12: 3. “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. Zechariah 12:9 “And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.”  I wanted you to see these verses because we are living in a time when all the nations are turning against Israel and that includes Israel’s co called allies.  Notice the prophecy say all the people are going to be gathered against Israel.  Knowing what God has stated, we can expect even America will turn from Israel and America was Israel’s closest ally.  You will three report from today’s news showing you America is in fact turning away from God chosen nation Israel. “( The Jewish year 5769 saw the swearing in of United States President Barack Obama, who rapidly turned out to be the most hostile U.S. president ever towards Israel, according to Prof. Eitan Gilboa, an expert on the U.S. at Bar Ilan University. The United States under Obama decided to go on the offensive against Israel, Gilboa told Arutz Sheva's Hebrew service Sunday. “Israeli-American relations underwent a great upheaval in the Obama era,” he explained. “The new administration decided to conduct an open conflict with the purpose of improving the United States' image in the eyes of the Arab countries and at the expense of the state of Israel."


I have put up a good teaching on why Jerusalem is the center of problems in the world today in these last days.

“Zbigniew Brzezinski, who enthusiastically campaigned for U.S. President Barack Obama, has called on the president to shoot down Israeli planes if they attack Iran. “They have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there and watch?” said the former national security advisor to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in an interview with the Daily Beast. Brzezinski, who served in the Carter administration from 1977 to 1981, is currently a professor of American foreign policy at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies in Maryland.”  I have been tracking prophecy news now for 33 years and I have never ever heard anyone from a present or past adminstration say the things I am hearing them say now.  This is by far the worse advice anyone can give Obama.  Maybe Brzezinski doesn’t believe God will cut the U.S. into pieces, but that is exactly what will happen if the U.S. continues to turn away from Israel.  God help the U.S. if they even try to shoot down any of Israel’s jets.

Here is the last report today showing us the Obama Administration has taken a position against Israel. I quote, “JERUSALEM – President Obama is "fed up" with Israelwhile his administration has given the Palestinians guarantees they will eventually take over Jewish homes and buildings throughout most of the West Bank, a top Palestinian Authority official claimed to WND. "We heard from the U.S. that no matter what Israel is building in the West Bank, it will not affect a final status agreement to create a Palestinian state," said the PA official, who spoke on condition his name be withheld. "The Americans told us (Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu might construct in the West Bank for now but we (Palestinians) can enjoy these houses later. The evacuated homes will not be destroyed like some were when Israel pulled out of Gaza," the official said. The official said Obama has adopted the position of PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, who presented a plan to create a Palestinian state within two years based largely on the 1967 borders, meaning Israel would retreat from the West Bank and eastern sections of Jerusalem.”  Once again I have to point out what was said in Joel 3:2. “I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.”  Ask yourself this question?  Is it nothing but a coincidence that we are reading in the news the exact same things that both Zechariah and Joel warned about for the last days?  It is no coincidence.  God is showing all those who are on the watch for His second coming, that He will be coming back very soon.  One other thing to note here.  Obama is getting ticked off at Israel over the Middle East peace process.  This was a major sign in prophecy that also shows we are in the last days.  Paul told us in 1 Thessalonians 5 2-3, that during the last days we were going to hear the “call for Peace and safety” and when we heard this call, sudden destruction would come.  We are about to see this sudden destruction.

Speaking about the call for Peace and safety today’s news shows us that the peace talks that are coming up this week are no going very well. I quote, “The White House does not have "grand expectations" for President Barack Obama's upcoming trilateral summit with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, the White House said on Monday. Obama will meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Tuesday. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters on Monday that Obama was looking to "continue to build on progress" in regional talks. "We have no grand expectations out of one meeting," said Gibbs. The meeting has been seen in Israel as a success for Netanyahu, who has refused to agree to a demand from the U.S. and the Palestinians for a total halt to West Bank settlement construction.”  The meeting coming up at the UN is meant to get Israel and the PLO to sit down at the table again and begin to work out on news peace deal.  However, there isn’t much hope that all parties involved will be able to resolve their differences and the peace process will stall.  I quote from another section of the same report. “Sources in the Prime Minister's Bureau as well as the Obama administration have stressed that the summit is unlikely to result in a resumption of peace negotiations between the sides, because of differences over settlement construction and the framework of the peace process.”  I take the word of the Apostle Paul to heart, and I know that the Arabs are going to attack Israel soon because these peace talks fail.  Some have asked me how long do I think it will be before this happens.  Anyone who knows me, knows I never set dates.  However, Jesus told all “when we shall see all these things know that it is near even at the doors” (Matthew 24:33).  All I know is for the first time in history all the signs are taking place all at the same time.  This tells us that our time is short.  I would expect this attack on Israel to take place very soon.

LOS ANGELES – Iran says Hollywood has welcomed a proposal to produce a documentary about the anticipated coming of an Islamic messianic figure known as "the Mahdi." The disclosure comes in a commentary piece today in WND by Joel Richardson, best-selling author of "The Islamic Antichrist,"which shows the similarities between this Muslim figure and the Bible's descriptions of the Beast of Revelation. Richardson points out the U.S. movie production company Cineast has "welcomed the proposal," according to a close friend of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The purpose of the documentary will be "to prepare for the appearance of Imam Mahdi as the savior of humanity," said an article in the Tehran Times.”  This report goes on to say, “Richardson, a student of Islam and the Middle East, says that after decades of reading popular prophecy books and even best-selling fiction like the "Left Behind" series, millions of evangelical Christians around the world are expecting the Antichrist to emerge from a revived Roman Empire, which many have assumed is associated with the Roman Catholic Church and the European Union. Not so, argues Richardson. His book makes the case that the biblical Antichrist is one and the same as the Quran's Muslim Mahdi.”  "The Bible abounds with proofs that the Antichrist's empire will consist only of nations that are, today, Islamic," says Richardson. "Despite the numerous prevailing arguments for the emergence of a revived European Roman empire as the Antichrist's power base, the specific nations the Bible identifies as comprising his empire are today all Muslim”  In my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” I point out that it is very important that we watch both the European Union and the ECO.  The reason why I am watching both is, because I believe the Antichrist will rise up from 10 kings just as Jesus warned us.  Both the EU and the ECO are made up of nations that used to be in the old Roman Empire.  The difference is one of these groups is made up of ten Muslims nations while the other comes from the EU and are not Muslims nations.  If you read chapter two of my book you will learn the specifics about both these groups.  Here is the bottom line.  The Antichrist is coming and he is going to fool millions of people around the planet.  Jesus in Matthew, Luke, and Mark warns us to watch for false christs.  I have warned you to watch the news because you are going to begin to see people saying they are the Christ.  It is no wonder that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wants a movie about the Mahdi.  Many are going to believe this lie.  If you read chapter two you will learn why I to believe the Muslim union the ECO may be the side the Antichrist comes from.  The book is a free download.

Prophecy Sign:  If you read chapter 2 and 7 of the Book of Daniel, and Revelation chapter 17 you will see we were warned about the last world empire being the revived Roman Empire.  As I stated above, I do believe the Muslim nations appear to be the ones Jesus was warning us about.  However, I am still seeing signs from scripture that forces me to pay attention to the European Union, because they just may turn out to be the fulfillment of prophecy.  The following is why I am saying this.  Let us first read what God told us to look for?

“Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.  As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay” Daniel 2:41-43.”  This is exactly what we are seeing taking place in the European Union right now.  Next month Ireland will vote on the Lisbon Treaty.  Ireland has been a weak link to the EU because they did not pass the Lisbon Treaty the first time.  If this Treaty passed in 2005 it would have given the EU its first full time President.  This would have been the first time since Caesar that one man controlled all of Europe.  The other nations considered weak links are Denmark, Sweden, the UK, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania.  All these nations did not switch their currency over to the Euro.  Daniel showed us this empire will not adhere to one another, and we see this in the nations who refused to become one under the new EU currency.  As I said in my book, Jesus shows us that 10 kings, (leaders of nations), will give all their power over to the Antichrist.  At the present time both the EU and the ECO have 10 nations ruled by 10 leaders and all of these nations used to be in the old Roman Empire.  Please read chapter 2 of my book to get the details.

The report that I read today is very important to the believer, because it may be pointing to another group.  First read the report, then I will fill you in on the details.  I quote, “Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has suggested that if the Irish people vote against the Lisbon Treaty a second time, a group of European Union member states should move to create a "core Europe" in order to implement the treaty.  "If the Lisbon Treaty on EU reform does not pass, we need to completely revisit the current functioning of Europe to create a core of states that operate beyond unanimity," said Mr Berlusconi on Friday (18 September) at a press conference after meeting with Premier Slovenian Borut Pahor, according to Italian state broadcaster RAI News 24.”  Further down in this report is stated, “Some experts believe that even if the Irish approve the treaty, such a move remains inevitable as the union expands beyond 27 member states.”  I am wondering if this is how Daniel saw this last world empire not adhering to one another?  There is a way we will be able to know if this is the warning we see from Daniel.  If the EU creates a core group of ten nations it would point to the ten kings both Daniel and Jesus warned us about.  In any case, we aren’t going to have wait long to find out because Ireland will be voting on the Lisbon Treaty in October.  Keep on the watch. Another thing I find very interesting about this report is the fact that it is Berlusconi who is calling for a core group.  Berlusconi is one of the people I am watching because so far this man is doing the same things Jesus warned us the Antichrist was going to do.  You are going to have to do some homework to find out these details.  Just read the latter part of chapter two of my book, and you will see exactly what Berlusconi is doing.

Prophecy Sign:  In Matthew 24:7 Jesus told us to watch for the sign of earthquakes in many places.  In Luke 21:11 Jesus mentions “great earthquakes’ as a sign.  In the past 3 days alone there were 15 big earthquakes.  A report out this morning stated the following about one of these earthquakes. “A strong 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan and northeast India on Monday, the US Geological Survey said, with tremors felt in nearby Bangladesh and China.” If you click to the first link below you will get a good idea as to how many earthquakes have hit us at the same time all the other prophecy signs are taking place.  One thing is for sure, this 6.3 quake is nothing compared to the ones coming.  Christ warned all these signs would take place as a woman in labor.  That tells us the intensity of all these signs will be much worse, and that includes earthquakes.

Speaking about this last world empire and the forming of a One World Government headed up by the Antichrist, did you know there is a site that is pushing for a one world global currency?  If you click to the link below you will see the site entitled. “Single Global Currency Association”.  It is interesting reading and here is a short section I took from this site. “This is the home page of the Single Global Currency Association, which is dedicated to the goal of implementing a Single Global Currency, within a Global Monetary Union and managed by a Global Central Bank by 2024.   We shall achieve this goal through education and persuasion.  We believe that once the peoples (including their corporations and labor and other organizations) of the world understand the benefits of a Single Global Currency, they will demand it from their governments.  The Single Global Currency is what the peoples of the world need, and it is what they want.” I know many of you may have been under the impression that there is no way the world will ever be under one economic system, but we are seeing the signs of this taking place right now.  Jesus told us what was going to happen just before He returned to Earth.  When He comes the Antichrist will have managed to place the entire world under his foot and no one will be able to buy or sell anything under his rule.  If you don’t believe Jesus’ warning maybe you will believe the author of a best selling book.  I quote, “BEIJING (Reuters) – A disaster worse than the financial crisis will engulf the world, predicts China's latest financial bestseller, and its author is preparing to profit from the turmoil. But that profit will not be in U.S. dollars. In "Currency Wars 2", Song Hongbing claims a shadowy global elite will introduce a single world currency around 2024, tossing the dollar into the dustbin, condemned by loose-spending Washington policies and the waning dominance of the West. Song's book, a sequel to his 2007 bestseller, claims this murky establishment of bankers and politicians stood by as markets crashed last year, hoping the trauma would hasten the world's acceptance of a single currency and world government.”  These things are really taking place right now and it is proof that Jesus is going to return shorly.  I pray to the Lord for you to believe His warnings and to receive Jesus as your Savior before Christ removes His Church.

Many close to me keep asking me why do I do the things I do for Christ.  I here them say, you need a balance, you need to read something else expect the Bible, you are spending to much time at Church, to much time in your prayer groups, and in your ministry.  Today I watched a video that is captures what is in my heart.  Instead of trying to write you what is in my heart, just watch this short video.  What he has stated has been my driving force for Christ for these past 33 years.

Prophecy Sign: In Genesis 12:2 God said He was going to put a curse on any one who curses Israel.  In my previous posts I asked you to pay attention to what happens in America during the week that the Middle East peace talks are going on.  Obama is set to make his speech at the UN this week and Obama is going to continue to push Israel to divide up their land into two states.  I told you that a pattern has been set, that every time nations start peace talks, those nations who come against Israel find themselves with some type of natural disaster the week before the talks begin, during the week, or the week after the talks finish.  The pattern is holding.  Take a look at America is dealing with this week.  If you watch the video at GMA you will hear them say this is the worse flood in 30 years.  God isn’t kidding around. Anyone, any nation who comes against His people will find themselves in serious trouble.  I know what some of you are thinking.  This is just a coincidence.  Right!  If you have trouble linking to this video do a google search on GMA. The video is entitled. "Heavy Rain Douse Midwest".  (Please feel free to rate my radio show at this site), which is at The Edge. 

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Interesting info on mandatory swine flu on phone call-A so called promise to Russia by Israel-Euro up U.S. dollar new low-America declines banks in trouble-The Psalms 83 warning signs-Peace and safety talks-Sept. 20, 2009


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition

You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show has been set for this Friday September 18, 2009at 6pm EST. I give you information on the one world currency in this show.  If you have any topic you would like for me to discuss on my radio show, please email me and let me know.

If you would like to be placed on my free prophecy up-date list you can let me know by emailing me at

Swine Flu Vaccine Will Be Mandatory in USA Pt 1

Swine Flu Vaccine Will Be Mandatory in USA Pt 2

Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7 Jesus tells us to look fo the signs of disease and civil unrest.  There are more signs listed in Matthew 24: 7, but I want to focus on civil unrest and disease.  I am not going to discount the fact that disease could bring about this civil unrest.  Ask yourself this question.  What would could kingdom to fight against kingdom as Christ warned us in verse 7?  In the case of India what could cause this nation to fight against each other?  If you read a section from this mornings report you will have your answer. I quote from a report entitled, “Swine flu 'could kill millions unless rich nations give £900m”.  The swine flu pandemic could kill millions and cause anarchyin the world's poorest nations unless £900m can be raised from rich countries to pay for vaccines and antiviral medicines, says a UN report leaked to the Observer. The disclosure will provoke concerns that health officials will not be able to stem the growth of the worldwide H1N1 pandemic in developing countries. If the virus takes hold in the poorest nations, millions could die and the economies of fragile countries could be destroyed. Health ministers around the globe were sent the warning on Thursday in a report on the costs of averting a humanitarian disaster in the next few months. It comes as officials inside the World Health, the UN's public health body, said they feared they would not be able to raise half that amount because of the global downturn.”  In the U.S. we are seeing signs that the U.S. government may force its citizens to take the swine flu shot. Laws have already been passed in some states that will give the police and military the power to lock up anyone who refuses to take the shot.  If this were really to take place in the U.S., I could see on Americans could turn to civil unrest.  I am not saying this is what will happen but each day we hear in the news how bad this swine flu is going to become.  It is as if the government is preparing the states for the forced shots.  Right now the CDC has projected the swine flu will get worse in October and November.  If the U.S. does have plans to force all Americans to take the shot you could see this quarintin start to take affect in the next few months.   I for one pray that all this news is nothing but hype, but if it isn’t I could envision the civil unrest.  In any case, we know diseases and civil unrest is coming so it won’t matter if the swine flu scare dies out, something is going to take place to cause these commotions as stated in Luke 21:9.

Prophecy Sign:  The rise of the last world empire is recorded in chapter 2 and 7 in the book of Daniel.  Jesus also gives information about this last world empire in Revelation chapter 17, and He shows us in Revelation chapter 13 how the Antichrist will control the world’s economy.  Any of you who have come to my site and read my warnings knows I told you to watch the U.S. dollar, because it is going to decline against the Euro and other world currencies. This has to take place in order to bring about the last days world power shift.  Since Daniel never even talks about America in prophecy we get the idea that she does not play a role as a superpower in the last days.  Beside, both Jesus and Daniel told us the last world power will be the revived Roman Empire not the United States of America.  For this reason you will see America decline and the European Union rise.  Just to show you that my warnings are coming to pass look what has been reported about the dollar compared to the Euro.  I quote, “Sept. 19 (Bloomberg) — The dollar dropped to the lowest level in a year versus the euro as Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’sdeclaration that the recession is likely over led investors to sell the U.S. currency and buy riskier assets. Sterling fell this week against all of its 16 most-traded counterparts tracked by Bloomberg on revived concern banking losses will stall the U.K.’s economic recovery. The Fed will likely keep its target lending rate at near zero next week and extend the end date of its $1.45 trillion program to buy securities, a strategy known as quantitative easing. “The dollar will come under further pressure,” said Ian Stannard, a senior currency strategist at BNP Paribas SA in London, in an interview on Bloomberg Television. “This continuation of the quantitative-easing program will provide further asset-market support. That’s going to lead to dollar weakness as funds flow out of the U.S., seeking higher returns elsewhere.” The dollar fell 1 percent to $1.4712 per euro, from $1.4571 on Sept. 11. It touched $1.4767 on Sept. 17, the weakest level since September 2008.”  Are you seeing what the Lord is showing you yet?  America is starting her fall.

Those of you who read my 2007 edition of The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth would have read my warnings to watch what happens to the U.S. banks.  In my book and all over my post starting in 2008 I told you U.S. banks would begin to fold and that is exactly what has been taking place.  I just found out that, “Regulators shut down two banking units of Irwin Financial Corp. Friday, marking the 93rd and 94th failures this year of federally insured banks.”  Maybe you aren’t listening to what I am warning so will you get the sign of these things taking place if you read the news straight out?  If so, read the report below.

NEW YORK ( — The number of institutions on the government's so-called "problem bank" list surpassed 400 in the latest quarter, climbing to its highest level in 15 years, according to a government report published Thursday.”  It would seem in order for the Antichrist to be able to control the world’s economy something must happen to lift him up to a position to control what happens.  If I were you I would watch for the global economic crisis to become much worse soon.  I do believe that when the U.S. dollar is dumped as the reserve currency it will be the beginning of the new economic system that the Antichrist will take over.  If you are a Christian you are probably asking me how can I warn people about these things?  You may be even be saying, “every time I talk to people about these signs my friends and family think I am nuts”.  I remind you what happened to Noah.  Noah preached the end was coming to his generation for 120 years.  Noah was laughed at for 120, their laughs came to an abrupt end when the flood came and took them all away.  Jesus in Matthew 24: 33-39 tells you this is exactly how is would be just before His second coming.  We know we can not save everyone, because for some people it won’t matter how much proof they see, they still won’t believe in Christ Jesus.  It is not our job to be concerned if people laugh at us, it is our commission to preach the good news to as many as we can.  After all, it isn’t anyone of us who is going to save anyone, it will be the Holy Spirit to does the saving. I say, who cares if they all laugh, just preach the truth, Jesus will do the rest.  The day is coming when they will wish they listened to the warning you passed on to them via Jesus’ Words.

Prophecy Sign:  Psalms 83 warns us of a war between Israel and many Arab nations bordering Israel in the last days.  When you read Psalms 83 you will find out that both Jordan and the Palestinian’s are listed in the attack on Israel.  Anyone coming to my site knows I have been showing you the signs that this war is about to take place.  I have been warning that when the peace process fails this is when the Psalms 83 war will begin.  You had better take a look at this new report just out today.  I quote, “AMMAN, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) — King Abdullah II of Jordan and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas cautioned that not seizing the opportunity at hand to bring about peace threatens the security and stability of the whole region.”  Are you seeing what the Holy Spirit is showing you?  These news reports are the Lord’s handwriting on the wall!  The report goes on to say, “They urged the international community on Saturday evening to prevent Israel from rendering efforts to attain Mideast peace and end the decade-long conflict, emphasizing that the continuation of establishing settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories hinders any desired progress in peace efforts, according to a statement released by the Royal Court Saturday.”  As you can see we are getting to the point where the Arabs know the peace process wouldn’t work.  You are going to see this war soon, and it isn’t because I said so, it has been shown to us ahead of time by God.  If you don’t believe God’s Word is true, just stick around, you are about to see the reality of His Words very shortly.

When we are talking about Israel and the next Middle East war we need to take a step back and read what the J. Post wrote on Feb. 9, 2009. I quote, “Bluntly stated, the world that will challenge the next government will be one characterized by the end of US global predominance. In just a few short weeks, the new administration of President Barack Obama has managed to weaken the perception of American power and embolden US adversaries throughout the world.In the late stages of the presidential race, now Vice President Joseph Biden warned us that this would happen. In a speech before supporters he said, "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama… [We're] gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy… They may emanate from the Middle East. They may emanate from the subcontinent. They may emanate from Russia's newly emboldened position."  As you can see I have been warning you America is going to decline in power, and in February Israel even stated that their challenge would be when America stops being a global influence.  The Israeli government sees this coming how about you. Can anyone out there tell me why the most powerful nation on this planet is not mentioned at all as playing any kind of role as a power in the last days?  That answer is clear to those who know prophecy.  America is going to lose her power do to a crisis in America that will reduce her as any kind of superpower for these last days.  Also notice if you will the fact that Israel points to Russia as being the source of problems.  Everything this report is saying is pointing to the fulfillment of Ezekiel’s war.  Russia is going to get much stronger and they are going to attack Israel soon, that you can take to the bank.  Just take it to any banks in the U.S. because they are falling apart.  I would click to the link and read the rest of the report.  When you read it you will see how Iran is also a major problem for the U.S..  Iran is going to come down against Israel with Russia and this is why you are reading the headlines that are saying the exact same things we find in Ezekiel chapters 38-39.   In Zechariah chapter 12 we are told all the nations will come against Israel in the last days.  What could cause the U.S. to turn completely away form Israel?  In this Feb. 9, 2009 report Iran told the U.S. they won't even talk to the U.S. unless Obama abandons Israel.  Do you not understand that if Iran wanted to, they can stop the flow of oil coming to the the U.S. and in two weeks time America what be crippled?  I think it could be because of America's dependence on the black gold (oil), that she may be forced to turn away from Israel.  Time will tell.


Why am I saying this war is coming soon?  Read 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3.  Paul told us sudden destruction would come while they were calling for Peace and safety.  This is the case at the present time and now we are at the point of no return.  Either some kind of peace is worked out or there will be war, (the sudden destruction Paul speaks about).  Knowing what was said, look for the war!   Here is a brief look at the news concerning this call for peace and safety. I quote, “US President Barack Obama will host a meeting Tuesday with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, in an effort to lay the groundwork for renewed peace negotiations, the White House announced Saturday night.  White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said the three-way meeting would take place after Obama meets separately with each of the two leaders.” 

I wanted you to see what came out of Rusia today.  I quote, “MOSCOW (Reuters) – Israel promised Russia it would not launch an attack on Iran, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview aired on Sunday in which he described such an assault as "the worst thing that can be imagined."  Israel has hinted it could forcibly deny Iran the means to make an atomic bomb if it refuses to suspend uranium enrichment and has criticized Russia for agreeing to supply to Tehran S-300 anti-aircraft weapons that could complicate an attack.  In an interview with CNN recorded on Tuesday, Medvedev denied Moscow was backing Iran but said it had the right to supply defensive weapons and said sanctions against Tehran should only be used as a last resort. An attack would lead to "a humanitarian disaster, a vast number of refugees, Iran's wish to take revenge and not only upon Israel, to be honest, but upon other countries as well," Medvedev said, according to a Kremlin transcript.”  I am telling you up front, forget about any promises you think were made about not attacking Iran.  When the time comes Israel is going to strike at Iran and Medvedev was spot on is saying, and I quote, "Iran's wish to take revenge".  This is exactly what we are going to see take place pretty soon.  Iran's revenge on Israel will spread over to Russia and Russia as you know from Ezekiel 38 will lead the counter invasion on Israel.  I have no doubts war could break out many nations over this attack and that includes the United States.  I believe this is what Medvedev was talking about when he said, "not only upon Israel, to be honest, but upon other countries as well".  Since both Russia and Iran consider the U.S. and Israel allies, any attack will spill over into Israel and the United States.  I pray to my Father in heaven that anyone reading this information will stop and receive Jesus as their Savior before this war breaks out.

Just in case you do want to turn to Christ and you don’t know what to do read the following:

The very first part of your new life will have to begin by asking Jesus in your life.  You can begin to walk with Christ today by praying to Christ. “Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ. A good Church will not be afraid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you. Please feel free to rate my show at The EDGE, it will help drive more people to the show.

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UN pushes for one world currency. How one world government and control is coming-Israel set to attack Iran-Sept. 19, 2009


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 1, 2009 Edition: The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, but it will come up.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 17, 2009 Edition

You can view my radio/video show by clicking to the link below. My next show has been set for this Friday September 18, 2009at 6pm EST. I give you information on the one world currency in this show.

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Prophecy Sign: Revelation Chapter 17 Jesus shows us the Antichrist will be given power to rule the world.  In Revelation 13:16-17 we see that the Antichrist say the power to stop you from buying or selling anything unless you take his mark in your right hand or forehead.  Jesus makes it very clear that anyone who takes this mark is going to hell.  I have been warning you all that a one world currency is coming.  If the Antichrist is going to be able to control the world he has to be able to control the economy.  This is the reason why nation around the world right now are pushing for a one world currency.  What we are seeing in the news are the stepping stones to giving this Antichrist the system to be able to force his will.  Yesterday I told you Fox news had a special about the United Nations push for a one world currency.  Today a video was released with this news. The link below will take you to this report from Fox.  What does this all mean?  Planet Earth is moving in the direction Jesus warned that it would go.  Soon the U.S. dollar will drop and the new system of doing business will be born. In the video they say it may take a long time to get there.  If the people who made this statement knew what the Word of God says, they would have said, a new currency will hit the market place sooner than most people expect.   I ask you all to prepare to meet Jesus soon because these signs are key signs telling us He is coming soon. (9/18/09)

Last year I gave you some information onAaron Russo who in the video below reveals the truth about RFID and the Elites agenda for the American people, and even more revealing information from CBS news stating that the implant chip designed for humans.   Many didn’t believe what Aaron stated but so far everything he said has come to pass.  Please watch the video entitled  “RFID Human Implant Chip is designed to kill you”.  I do believe this one world currency the UN is pushing is part of the process to bring about the one world currency and the one world government.  Once there is a one world currency the Antichrist can use the VeriChip technology to force his will.  No man will buy or sell unless they take this mark.  I warn you, if you don’t receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will be confronted by the Antichrist’s new economic system.

A few weeks ago I wrote you and said I wasn't sure how much longer I would be able to write my posts.  If you watch this video entitled, "New World Order – Obama Shut down Internet 9.1.09" you will get the idea why I said what I said.  Remember in the last days it is all about full control.  Conrol will start in small stages and by the time the Antichrist hits the stage it will be ready for him to master.

Prophecy sign: Ezekiel 38-39 tells us war is coming to the Middle East and Iran is going to  be one of the main players in this war against Israel.  Israel is going to attack Iran soon to destroy Iran’s nuclear quest for a A bomb.  Here is news showing you the direction the Middle East is headed, it  is moving on target to fulfill this prophecy.  I quote, “JERUSALEM, Sept 16 (Reuters) – The orchestrated roar of air force exercises designed to signal Israel's readiness to attack Iranian nuclear facilities are belied, perhaps, by a far quieter project deep beneath the western Jerusalem hills. Dubbed "Nation's Tunnel" by the media and screened from view by government guards, it is a bunker network that would shelter Israeli leaders in an atomic war — earth-bound repudiation of the Jewish state's vow to deny its foes the bomb at all costs. Lash out or dig in? The quandary Israelis call existential seems close to decision-point. Iran's uranium enrichment has already produced enough raw fuel for one nuclear weapon, U.N. inspectors say, though Tehran denies having military designs. Next month's international good-faith talks offer no clear relief to Israel, which wants world powers to be prepared to penalise Iran's vulnerable energy imports but sees Russia and China blocking any such resolution at the U.N. Security Council.” This report goes on to say, "The longer the U.S. delays playing hardball with Iran, the sooner Israel is likely to strike," wrote Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens."  It is no longer if Israel will strike, but when they will attack!   If you are new to my site you need to know that these signs are key signs that the seven year tribulation is about to start.  Again I must ask you to receive Jesus Christ before this war breaks out. 

Here is more evidence that the Ezekiel war is just around the bend. I quote, “Events are fast pushing Israel toward a pre-emptive military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, probably by next spring. That strike could well fail. Or it could succeed at the price of oil at $300 a barrel, a Middle East war, and American servicemen caught in between. So why is the Obama administration doing everything it can to speed the war process along?  At July's G-8 summit in Italy, Iran was given a September deadline to start negotiations over its nuclear programs. Last week, Iran gave its answer: No.”


The very first part of your new life will have to begin by asking Jesus in your life.  You can begin to walk with Christ today by praying to Christ. “Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God and encourage you to walk with Christ. A good Church will not be afraid to warn you about hell and will teach the Word of God from cover to cover. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.  Please feel free to rate my show at The EDGE, it will help drive more people to the show.

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