December 6, 2022






Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 5 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


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Rare M5.5 earthquake hits Gabon – the strongest since 1974 
A rare earthquake, registered by the USGS as M5.5, hit Gabon at 09:53 UTC on December 4, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 3.6 km (2.2 miles). EMSC is reporting M5.5 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).




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Extremely rare December tornado (snownado) in Shandong, China

An extremely rare December tornado (snownado) occurred on December 1, 2022, in the Shandong peninsula, China.




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Get Woke, Go Broke: Disney To Lay Off Employees After Billions In Operating Losses 
The company that once defined family entertainment is going from media giant to epic failure, suffering over $1.4 billion in streaming losses and a stock drop of around 39% for the year.  And, it would appear that these financial declines are inevitably leading to employee layoffs.


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Supreme Court leans in favor of a Christian website designer’s right to turn away gay weddings



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Atheism on the rise
More Professing Atheists & Humanists Legislating Morality From Public Office
Atheism and humanism are on the rise, as the number of elected members filling state and federal seats who profess no belief in God increases from only five before 2016, to upward of 70 after the most recent election cycle — a sharp shift from the Judeo-Christian values that have defined America since its founding.



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SHOCK REPORT… Executive Ed Dowd: Actuaries Continue to See Elevated Millennial Deaths this Year Since Introduction of Forced Vaccines – Up 36% in August
Ed Dowd joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Frank Speech recently to discuss the excess mortality rates we are witnessing following two years of the COVID vaccine mandates.


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Bangladesh announces new Covid vaccination campaign despite no evidence of a pandemic – Why? 

On 30 November, Shamsul Hoque announced a target of injecting 9 million Bangladeshis with Covid “vaccines” under a week-long special campaign beginning 1 December. He said vaccine doses will be administered during the week 1-7 Dec at 15,984 centres across the country during the drive.  Hoque is the member secretary of the vaccine deployment committee of the Directorate General of Health Services under Bangladesh’s Ministry of Health.


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UK oncologist warns of cancers rapidly developing post-Covid vaccination – “I am experienced enough to know that these are not coincidental”
Dr. Angus Dalgleish, a renowned oncologist practising in the UK, recently wrote an open letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ, urging the journal that harmful effects of Covid injections be “aired and debated immediately” because cancers and other diseases are rapidly progressing among “boosted” people.

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Doctors who are accused of spreading “misleading information” could be jailed under new British Columbia law
These threats from medical authorities have evolved into a sweeping piece of legislation that includes two-year jail sentences for doctors who are deemed to be spreading certain types of “false or misleading information.”



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Engineered FAMINE: German farmers ordered to SLASH nitrogen fertilizer usage to comply with EU green tyrants
Over the last year, the green tyranny bureaucracy of the EU has managed to nearly destroy Western Europe’s energy relationship with Russia, leaving the continent desperate for energy inputs to keep its power grid functioning. Now, the food supply of Europe is under direct assault via multiple schemes that seem designed to end affordable food at the same time electricity is becoming unaffordable for businesses and residential households alike.


Jesus warned in revelation  that in the last days there would be a false one world religion that wouldn’t ride along with the Antichrist this one world religion headquarters will be open in a few weeks.


Revelation 17 :1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:


And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

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The world now accepts the idea of a Roman Catholic peace covenant brokered between a pope and an imam, and within this covenant a room is reserved for the Jews. Like all movements of man, it has a palatial headquarters, known as the Abrahamic is Family House in Abu Dhabi, which is now just week away from being completed. It is considered one of the marvels of our age, alongside of the Abraham Accords. The stage is almost set, the players are all present and accounted for, all we need now is our 23 Skidoo.


So much for the new green deal!

Switzerland May Ban the Use of Electric Vehicles this Winter Amid Energy Crisis
This winter, Switzerland may have to ban the use of electric vehicles (EVs) if its current energy crisis worsens, as part of a new four-step plan to avoid power outages. If Switzerland runs out of energy this winter, electric cars won’t be allowed to be used for “non-essential” trips.




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Here’s a list of 94 incidences this year when vast numbers of animals have died suddenly
Down the Chupacabra Hole has compiled a comprehensive list of incidences over the last 11 months where a large number of animals have died suddenly.  Below is that list of 94 incidences across the world where animals have died under unusual circumstances.




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December 5, 2022 The coverups that are uncovering






Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 17 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


552CDB46-10FD-4341-9EE2-8BC2A9418600Battle in progress against a corrupt government

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552CDB46-10FD-4341-9EE2-8BC2A9418600 One battle won!

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California church doesn’t have to pay $217K in COVID fines: State high court
The California Supreme Court has restricted Santa Clara County officials from forcing Calvary Chapel to pay $217,500 in fines for violating Gov. Gavin Newsom’s ongoing restrictions on church worship gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns.


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Government reports prove COVID Vaccination may have killed Millions & Confidential Pfizer Documents confirm your Government knew it would happen
Evidence discovered in quietly published Government reports confirms 1.8 million excess deaths have been recorded across the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK & most of Europe since the mass roll-out of the Covid-19 injections.




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CBDCs are the last nail in the coffin; once implemented there will be no freedom


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17 inter-connected organisations are determining global financial policy
Professor Peter Phillips wrote that in 2017 there were 17 global financial conglomerates, with 199 directors, in a self-investing network that spans the globe.  117 of these directors were in the USA.  And 12 of these super-connected conglomerates had representatives in the Group of 30 and the Trilateral Commission.


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Preparations to implement WHO’s Pandemic Treaty march forward as World Bank creates the largest fund ever for global pandemics


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Catholics have a moral obligation to protect children and society from LGBT insanity
Catholics simply cannot remain indifferent while homosexual activists attempt to seize control of every public body, policy, school, business, and church.


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Nolte: Disney’s Gay, Green ‘Strange World’ ‘To Lose $147 Million’
Over Thanksgiving, the child groomers at Disney again sought to groom your child, which cost them a loss of up to $147 million.



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1Timothy 4:1Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

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Most Americans believe in karma, over 25% believe in reincarnation, astrology: survey
Nearly nine out of 10 Americans say they believe in at least one belief that falls under the loosely defined umbrella of new-age spiritualism, while about a quarter believes in reincarnation, parallel realities and telepathy, a new poll suggests.



Matthew 24 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.


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‘A revolution is what we have’

If confirmed, the scrapping of the morality police would be a concession but there are no guarantees it would be enough to halt the protests, which have seen demonstrators burn their head coverings.

“Just because the government has decided to dismantle morality police it doesn’t mean the protests are ending,” one Iranian woman told the BBC World Service’s Newshour programme.

“Even the government saying the hijab is a personal choice is not enough. People know Iran has no future with this government in power. We will see more people from different factions of Iranian society, moderate and traditional, coming out in support of women to get more of their rights back.”


Another woman said: “We, the protesters, don’t care about no hijab no more. We’ve been going out without it for the past 70 days.


The news below is a prelude to the coming Psalm 83 war.



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WATCH: IDF Pounds Gaza Missile Factory After Rocket Attack‘Got+a+Problem+with+Jews%2C+Kanye%3F%27+Asks+Israeli+Fighter%3B+WATCH%3A+IDF+Pounds+Gaza+Missile+Factory%3B++Israeli+President+Addresses+People+of+Bahrain&utm_campaign=20221204_m170733703_‘Got+a+Problem+with+Jews%2C+Kanye%3F%27+Asks+Israeli+Fighter%3B+WATCH%3A+IDF+Pounds+Gaza+Missile+Factory%3B++Israeli+President+Addresses+People+of+Bahrain&utm_term=WATCH_3A+IDF+Pounds+Gaza+Missile+Factory+After+Rocket+Attack

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Sunday, December 4, 2022 A untrustful government




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 17 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

Look at what our generation who has increased in  knowledge has produced, not all things are good.







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Large fireball over Ohio and Pennsylvania, U.S.



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Deaths due to gang violence overwhelm morgues in Mexico 
A morgue in the city of Chilpancingo is full of anonymous human remains, a microcosm of a nationwide forensic system crisis in Mexico. This problem reportedly stemmed from overwhelming violence in the country, with most of the deaths blamed on gang violence.


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Zech 12

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Secretary of State Antony Blinken is set to headline a conference held by one of the foremost anti-Israel groups in the country, a move that is being interpreted as a shot at Israel’s newly elected government led by incoming prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.



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What does the Bible tell us about testing the spirits to see whether it is from the Lord or not.

1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. For many false prophets have gone out into the world. Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.


Kanye West considers himself a born again Christian, as well as one by birth. While interested in other religions and often referencing them in his lyrics, Kanye “fully converted” to Christianity, even renouncing secular hip-hop and focusing on gospel music completely.


 How can you refer to yourself as a Christian when you hate Jews, after all Mr. West Jesus was a Jew. lysing Hitler would be the same thing as idolizing Satan. Mr. West I realize you are a new Christian and maybe you just aren’t educated enough to see the grace of God in his love kindness and mercy yet? Mr. West, also keep in mind Jesus instructed us to pray for our enemies not to wish them dead.


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After bizarre interview with Alex Jones in which he professed his love for Nazis and admiration for Adolf Hitler, Kanye West suspended from Twitter over image merging Nazi symbol with Star of David.

By World Israel News Staff

Rapper and fashion mogul Kanye West found himself suspended from Twitter early Friday morning, after he violated the social media giant’s policies on incitement to violence.

Elon Musk, who recently liberalized Twitter’s free speech rules after purchasing the platform, tweeted that West’s account was suspended over content deemed to constitute incitement to violence.



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LA County Experiences 1,200% Increase In Fentanyl Overdose Deaths Over 5-Year Period
Maybe if the DA wasn’t playing “catch-and-release” with dealers it would help…



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BRICS nations moving rapidly to circumvent the US dollar as the World Reserve Currency

EAEU building a new economic alliance to circumvent the US dollar


The EAEU seeks to freely move goods, services, and capital between member countries, without interference from the western-designed monetary system. It was established in 2015 as a customs union of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. It expanded to include Vietnam, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan. Iran is currently working on a deal to join the EAEU, and with this merger, there will be new opportunities to merge with member nations of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).




 It has been made clear our governments have been keeping the truth about what the Covid shots are doing to our bodies! It’s no wonder the drug companies tried to hide what was in the shots for 50 years. If you had the Covid vaccination and it’s boosters it may be a good idea to see your doctor and find out how bad your immune system has been compromised due to the vaccinations. It has become obvious that our government has censored any physician who did not go along with the vaccination narrative. While we see daily commercials pushing the Covid vaccinations and its boosters. However what we don’t see from the main stream media is how many people are dying and medical complications as a result of the vaccinations. We are now just finding out the facts and how our government use Twitter to censor Americans free speech in my friends that includes the doctors who are trying to keep us safe from an experimental drug. This hidden information is now being disclosed by Mr. musk as the new owner of Twitter. There is a video below by Tucker Carlson explaining the censorship from Twitter.

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MSM Journos Have Meltdown Over Taibbi-Twitter Biden Bombshell
In response to the bombshell evidence, presented by a veteran journalist engaged in journalism, pundits on the left pounced on Taibbi in comments that will bring shame on their houses for generations. “Imagine throwing it all away to do PR work for the richest person in the world,” tweeted NBC reporter Ben Collins,


I feel sorry for all the professional medical people who were censored by our government who tried to tell us the truth about the vaccinations, below you will see three of those physicians who are censored in their fight against this censorship. Maybe now that the truth is being exposed in part by the new Twitter CEO these doctors will prevail in court.

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Safe & Effective? – Europe suffered 30k more Excess Deaths by Oct. 2022 than it suffered during 2020 at the height of the Pandemic due to “mysterious” surge in Child Deaths
Official figures provided by 28 European countries confirm there have been tens of thousands more excess deaths in 2022 across Europe than in 2020 at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as in 2021 when a huge swathe of deaths occurred following the emergency use authorisation of the Covid-19 injections.



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UK Government quietly confirms COVID Vaccinated Children are up to 137x more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children proving COVID Vaccination is causing significant numbers of deaths
The UK Government has quietly confirmed that the Covid-19 vaccines are killing children at an unprecedented rate. Shocking figures contained in an official report, published just hours before Boris Johnson announced his resignation as Prime Minister of the UK, reveal Covid-19 vaccinated children are 4423%/45x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children and 13,6333/137x more likely to die of Covid-19 than unvaccinated children.


 Apparently it isn’t just the US who’s been censoring people take a look at the report below.If you live in New Zealand you might wanna let your government know your disgust with them reducing your free speech. The spirit of the antichrist is a upon us!

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New Zealand Government Has Backdoor Access to Censor Content on Facebook 
A response to an Official Information Act (“OIA”) has uncovered that the New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs has access to Facebook’s takedown portal.  This is the same portal used by the US government to directly access and flag content on Facebook or Instagram and then request that it be throttled or suppressed.


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December 2, 2022 Discovery of what is really in the Covid vaccinations view the proof you decide

December 02, 2022

December 1, 2022










Download The Last Chroicles of Planet Earth November 17 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora





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PA envoy warns of end of two-state solution, ‘at the end of the road’
The two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is in immediate danger, the PLO’s envoy to the UN warned on Wednesday. “We are at the end of the road for the two-state solution. Either the international community summons the will to act decisively or it will let peace die passively. Passively, not peacefully,” Riyad Mansour said, addressing a plenary session of the General Assembly on the conflict.


 Matthew 24: 10 “And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.” There is no question our generation has reached this point we’re just about everyone is offended for one reason or another. People are offended if someone stands up for the Bible.People are offended if someone stands up for the Bible which really means their taking an offense at Christ. Today the biggest group of offenders are those of political parties neither party Democrats or Republicans can’t stand each other these days. People are even taking offense on which news broadcast you watch Fox, CNN, BBC, ABC and the like. It has become very evident that the hearts of people I have waxed cold just the way Jesus warned! Examine your heart who have you taken an offense to lately? Could it be someone that doesn’t want to get vaccinations? Whatever the reason is Matthew 24:10 is being fulfilled. 



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DHS warns of domestic terror threats to LGBTQ, Jewish and migrant communities



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Strong and shallow M5.6 earthquake, numerous aftershocks at Taupō volcano, New Zealand 
Seismic unrest continues at Taupō volcano, New Zealand, with a strong and shallow M5.6 earthquake and numerous aftershocks registered on November 30, 2022. The Volcanic Alert Level for Taupō volcano was increased to Level 1 on September 20, 2022. This was based on ongoing earthquakes and deformation at levels above typical background since May.


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Large and destructive tornadoes hit Southern U.S. 
A severe weather outbreak hit the Southern U.S. on November 29, 2022, bringing strong tornadoes, very large hail, and severe gusts across parts of the lower to mid-Mississippi Valley, Mid-South, and parts of the Southeast. A few long-track strong tornadoes remain possible before the event is over


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UN & WEF declare “We own the Science” & admit to censoring info on Google & Social Media that destroys the Official Narrative
The World Economic Forum held the Sustainable Development Impact Meetings towards the end of September 2022, convening at the same time as the United Nations General Assembly. In those meetings, UN officials declared that they apparently “own the science”. They also admitted to; among other things –

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JetBlue Won’t Hire The Unvaxxed, But Hired Violent Felon To Fly Planes
Some JetBlue pilots are outraged after the airline hired a violent felon to fly planes even as it refuses to hire people who haven’t taken the COVID vaccine, citing safety.


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CDC quietly confirms at least 118k Children & Young Adults have ‘Died Suddenly’ in the USA since the roll-out of the COVID Vaccines
Official figures quietly published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm nearly half a million children and young adults have died ever since the Food & Drug Administration first granted emergency use authorisation to a Covid-19 vaccine in the USA.

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Pfizer confirms COVID Vaccines damage the Immune System in recently published Study
We have been sold an antivaccine as a vaccine. Official Government and Pfizer statistics prove that the “old” Pfizer COVID injection destroys the immune system at a rate greater than 1% per day.

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PfizerGate: Australian Government confirms a 1,356% increase in Excess Deaths occurred in the first 7 months of 2022
Official figures published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics confirm that Australia recorded 15 times more excess deaths in the first 7 months of 2022 than it did throughout the whole of 2020.

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Life-Insurance Payouts Hit Record $100 Billion in 2021 
U.S. life insurers paid a record $100 billion in 2021 in death benefits, fueled by another year of Covid-19 deaths, an industry trade group said. Payouts rose 11% in 2021 to $100.19 billion, most likely due to the pandemic, according to the American Council of Life Insurers. The increase was on the heels of a 15% year-over-year rise in 2020, when death-benefit payments totaled $90.43 billion.

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UK confirms transfer of advanced weapons to Ukraine
The UK Defence Ministry has confirmed that Britain is supplying Ukraine with modern laser-guided Brimstone 2 missiles, shrugging off Moscow’s repeated warnings about the risk of triggering a direct conflict between NATO and Russia.


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DEA: 6 in 10 fentanyl-laced pills now contain potentially lethal dose
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration warns of “a sharp nationwide increase in the lethality of fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills” in a news release on Monday.

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‘Merit-making’ on hold as monks fail drug tests leaving Buddhist temple empty

The decline of America continues!


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Florida’s Gov. DeSantis criticizes Chinese government for stifling dissent, calls on Congress to punish Apple if it removes Twitter from App Store
Gov. Ron DeSantis joined the ranks of many American leaders Tuesday, voicing support for Chinese citizens who have taken to the streets challenging their repressive, communist government. Moments later, he recommended an exercise of U.S. government power against an American company, saying the U.S. government should consider punishing technology giant Apple if it removes the social media platform Twitter from its App Store.


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Washington Goes To War Against Twitter And Free Speech
Washington this week is in full wartime footing. No, it’s not over the Russian invasion of Ukraine or North Korean missiles or even Chinese expansionism. It is about Twitter and the threat of Elon Musk to restore free speech protections to social media. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has emerged as the bellicose general rallying others to the “censor or die” pressure campaign against Twitter. The problem is that citizens are flocking to Twitter and signing up in record numbers. They want more, not less, free speech. The over two million new sign-ups per day represent a 66% increase over the same period last year, according to figures released by Musk.


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The Establishment Is Using An Ideological Monopoly In Big Tech To Maintain Control
The news surrounding Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter and the political firestorm it has caused probably hasn’t escaped most people. The platform which once represented the very root of leftist cancel culture and activist organization for attack mobs has suddenly been turned upside down. Musk’s position appears to be a simple one: Free speech within the bounds of the law. He has so far made good on that promise, and the leftists are losing their collective hive mind because of it.


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Musk: Twitter Has “Interfered In Elections”
Twitter owner Elon Musk on Wednesday confirmed what everyone with two functioning brain cells and intellectual honesty already knew; the social media giant has “interfered in elections.”

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Military’s Vaccine Mandate Turning Off Potential New Applicants Amid Recruitment Struggles: Former Army Recruiter
Army National Guard soldiers are reportedly leaving at a faster rate than they’re enlisting for service. According to officials, more than 7,500 have retired or left the Guard this past fiscal year. Maj. Gen. Rich Baldwin, chief of staff of the Army National Guard, told The Associated Press that current challenges to staffing are the worst he’s seen in the past two decades.

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It Is Beginning: 41 Percent Of All Small Business Owners Could Not Pay Rent In November
Many experts are now warning that we could see the housing market and the commercial real estate market simultaneously crash in 2023.  If that were to happen, it would put an extreme amount of stress on our financial system.  The only way we will avoid such a fate is if the Federal Reserve starts reducing interest rates.  Unfortunately, that isn’t going to happen.  In fact, officials at the Federal Reserve keep telling us that interest rates are going to keep going up.  This is literally a suicidal course of action, because higher rates are going to absolutely crush the economy.

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Jerome Powell Claims ‘Nobody’ Expected Inflation To Get So High. Here Are The Economists Who Did.
several economists, including former Obama administration appointees, raised alarms earlier. Steven Rattner wrote in a Nov. 16, 2021 op-ed in The New York Times. “They can’t say they weren’t warned — notably by Larry Summers,

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MERRY CHRISTMAS! Disney Releases ‘The Santa Clauses’ Movie Featuring A ‘We Love You Satan’ Montage Scene That Producers Say Is ‘Just A Joke’
Disney+ just released their new ‘holiday classic’ called ‘The Santa Clauses’, and one of the hallmark scenes from the movie is where the elves are parading before Santa and Mrs. Claus, holding up a sign meant to say ‘We Love You, Santa’, but instead says ‘We Love You, Satan’. The actress playing Mrs. Claus thinks it’s the funniest thing she’s ever seen, emoting some very authentic laughter. This mess is presented to us in joke form, but go kid your Grandma, this is no joke at all. This is a ‘christmas present’ from the company that promotes all forms of the vilest abominations from their ‘kingdom’. Welcome to the Wicked World of Disney.

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Transgender Surgeries Are No ‘Cure’ For Distressed Youths, Doctor Says
Surgically removing body parts and destroying healthy human function “violates one of the most fundamental principles of plastic surgery,” Dr. Patrick Lappert testified, explaining why he refuses to remove breasts from females who seek to appear male.


Matthew 24:7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.

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Zero-Tolerance: Chinese Lockdown Protests Intensify In Rare Display Of Defiance

Protests in China over President Xi Jinping’s zero-tolerance Covid-19 measures have intensified – expanding from Beijing and the far western Xinjiang region to several other major cities, including Wuhan, Shanghai, and the eastern city of Nanjing, according to video and photos circulating on social media.

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November 29, 2022




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 17 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora





This is one time I will say I told you so!!

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 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isa. 5:20.) I am pretty sure by now you have seen that much of the world has lost their minds they have no ability to think logically any longer and this goes hand-in-hand with the last generation who turned out just like Noah’s generation and Lots. the result in the end will be the same, destruction! 



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Cambridge Dean Goes Full Woke, Claims Jesus Could Have Been Transgender
To claim Jesus was transgender based on a side wound in a fourteenth century painting, and to take that claim seriously shows how far gone these people are…


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US to spend $50k to seed India with ‘Pride/Rainbow’ groups
Program to foster work environments in select Indan corporations that are “safe, nurturing, accepting, and inclusive for members of the TG community” follows $20,000 grant for drag shows in Ecuador.


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Mother Hires Deprogrammer to Help Daughter ‘Unlearn’ Woke College IndoctrinationAnnabella Rockwell spent her college years at Mount Holyoke College, a prestigious women’s college located in South Hadley, Massachusetts. In a recent interview, she shared the kind of woke indoctrination so many college students are subjected to today.


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Shoulder reduction surgery latest trend in ‘gender affirming care’
In the world of “gender-affirming” medicine, there appears to be nothing that is off-limits. Gender surgeons will happily chop the healthy breasts off teenage girls, fashion cavities out of amputated penises, and sew vaginas shut while adding appendages constructed with the skin and flesh of a patient’s forearm. But the list doesn’t end there. Along with facial feminization surgery and trachea shaving, surgeons also offer shoulder width reduction.

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Canadian Government Literally Proposes State Execution of Living Babies
Social engineers euphemistically rebrand state-facilitated suicide as “medical assistance in dying” (MAID). The Canadian government even produces educational “activity books” to indoctrinate children into the new paradigm early, like this one by Canadian Virtual Hospice:



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Severe storms predicted Tuesday could affect 25 million people in South
A new robust storm system moving into the Pacific Northwest Sunday is expected to spawn severe storms in the South this week.



 What will happen when the Dutch closes 3000 farms? If you have less cattle, less chickens, less pigs, and so forth what do you think that will do with prices that are already skyrocketing? The answer is, increase the already skyrocketing prices even further. I have an idea for the Dutch farmers. Come  up with a new bill requiring $1000 for every fart a government official sends into our atmosphere. Apparently the Dutch government has a lot of gas to come up with such a crazy plan for the farmers.

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Netherlands to close up to 3,000 farms to comply with EU rules

…The Netherlands is attempting to cut down its nitrogen pollution and will push ahead with compulsory purchases if not enough farms take up the offer voluntarily.” They are also looking at eventually taxing nitrogen emissions to encourage more sustainable practices, the Dutch News website reported.”



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WaPo Tells Americans To Eat Bugs As They Can No Longer Afford Traditional Seasonal Dinners
The Washington Post advised Americans Sunday that instead of a traditional season dinner, which now is unaffordable for a quarter of families, they should instead look to eating bugs.



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Abp. Viganò: The COVID pandemic farce served as a trial balloon for the New World Order
‘There can be no neutrality, because when there is a clash between two armies, those who choose not to fight are also making a choice that affects the outcome of the battle.’


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Oncologist Sends Urgent Letter: Stable Cancers and other Diseases Are Rapidly Progressing in ‘Boosted’ People 
…Now there is another reason to halt all vaccination programs, says Professor Dalgleish. As a practicing oncologist, he sees people with stable diseases rapidly progress after being forced to have a booster, which many take so they can travel or work.


I’d like to rename the article below the Biden Kill zone. Apparently not enough Americans have died as a result of the Covid vaccinations and its boosters, so let’s keep trying to get other people vaccinated with an experimental vaccination.

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Biden Covid Czar: “We’re Probably Gonna Need to Update Our Vaccine Again Next Year and Have Americans Get Vaccinated Again Next Year”
Biden’s Covid czar Dr. Ashish Jha joined Fauci on Tuesday and delivered a Covid briefing from the White House. Dr. Jha said Americans will need to get another Covid vaccine next year.


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The Israel Air Force This Week Will Conduct Massive Drill With United States Military Simulating A Strike On Iran’s Russian-Built Nuclear Program

This is the mission that no one really wants to have to carry out, an actual long-range strike on Iran’s nuclear program and facilities built for them by Russia over the last decade and an half. But at some point, either Israel and perhaps America are going to go after Iran, or Iran is actually going to build a nuclear weapon or weapons with which to fire against Israel. Either way, and according to my King James Bible, it’s going to happen.



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Cold and dark: Kyiv readies for ‘worst winter of our lives’ | AP News
When the power is out, as it so often is, the high-rise apartment overlooking Ukraine’s war-torn capital feels like a deathtrap. No lights, no water, no way to cook food. And the risk of not being able to escape from the 21st floor in time should a Russian missile strike. Even when electricity comes back, it’s never on for long.




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The Consumer Economy Has Completely Collapsed – “It’s a Ghost Town” for Holiday Shopping Everywhere

“Crowds? I see nothing. I’m surprised,” retail worker Jeremy Pritchett told FOX 2. “Normally, it’s wrapped all the way around the building. Today: no one.” That’s the typical ground report from areas all over the country.  No one, literally almost no one, is doing any holiday shopping and the traditional Black Friday rush to get deals and discounts just didn’t happen.  Financial media are scratching their puzzlers, perplexed with furrowed brows.




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 Governments such as we see in this report is showing us we are moving toward the last world empire run by the Antichrist.

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Irish Government to Criminalize Hate Speech, Effectively Silencing Those who Hold Different Opinions- Penalty is up to 5 Years Imprisonment

The Irish government is now planning to criminalize hate speech and hate crimes, which is expected to become law before the end of the year. So, who is going to make the decision on what ‘hate’ speech is?

November 28, 2022








Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 17 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora




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Israeli coalition deal gives far right’s Itamar Ben-Gvir control over the police, including in the West Bank
Itamar Ben-Gvir, the right-wing Israeli politician called a “pyromaniac” by his critics because of his penchant for inflaming his country’s deep tensions, will head Israel’s police forces, under the terms of a deal inked with Benjamin Netanyahu early Friday. The deal would expand the ministry of internal security, the old name of the cabinet position in charge of the police, into the ministry of national security and would also give Ben-Gvir authority over border police in Palestinian territories, according to the terms reported in Israeli media. In the role, Ben-Gvir will have the power to carry out some of his long-held wishes, including loosening rules so that officers can open fire on Palestinians who throw stones and expanding the ability of Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, the Jerusalem site that is home to the Al-Aqsa mosque.




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Very Nasty Things

Globalists are “people who are convinced that there should be some kind of world state, world government, with a completely different kind of economy and a completely different kind of life,” said the FVD leader, adding that he is against it.

He said they are very nasty people who want really nasty things. “A chilly, cold world that is not good for mammals.”



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It’s a disaster! Mega Drought dramatically shrinking California farmland, costing $1.7 billion
California farmers last year lost an estimated $1.7 billion and fallowed thousands of acres of land as a result of the ongoing mega-drought gripping the west. Collapse of the entire food system ahead…




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After 15 Break-Ins, A Portland Business Finally Calls It Quits
Progressives are hell bent on fixing the world, climate, capitalism and every form of social injustice…. just don’t look at the destruction in the cities under their control.




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4.9 earthquake in West Texas felt in El Paso County
EL PASO, Texas — A 4.9 magnitude earthquake took place Thursday near Mentone, Texas, according to the U.S. Geological survey. The 4.9 magnitude earthquake was felt just five minutes after a 4.5 magnitude earthquake in the same area. This comes eight days after a 5.4 magnitude earthquake was felt in West Texas, with reports of shaking felt in El Paso.



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A break South Dakota

US Bird Flu Outbreak Officially Becomes Worst On Record
More than 50 million birds are dead. Egg prices are hyperinflation. This isn’t good.

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1.8M Chickens Slaughtered In Nebraska As Bird Flu Pecks Away At Food Supply
The NDA will establish a 6.2-mile control zone…





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Southern U.S. storm forecast to unleash many months’ worth of snow on parts of New Mexico and Texas, U.S.
Moderate to major impacts are likely across much of southeast New Mexico and parts of West Texas through early this weekend due to heavy snow and gusty winds.

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Thanksgiving weekend forecast 2022: Rounds of rain could make for soggy travel from South to Midwest to East
A storm system that brought rain and some snow to the Southwest on Black Friday could impact travel and outdoor plans in parts of the South, Midwest and East over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

Fauci Admits he Based His Unprecedented US Economic Lockdowns on Draconian Measures Used by the Communist Chinese
On Wednesday Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, along with Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, deposed Anthony Fauci (head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases [NIAID]) at the National Institutes for Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland.


With States Hands-Off, Homeschooling Takes Off
South Dakota epitomizes the rapid growth of homeschooling in America. Guided by the principle that parents, not the government, have the right to determine what and how their kids are taught, homeschooling families have overturned existing rules and batted down attempts over the last decade to impose new ones in many states, including South Dakota.




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Despite constant Propaganda, Populations across the World are finally rejecting the Covid Injection
In numerous countries, despite vaccination remaining available, people are no longer cooperating with the programme. There has been no official end to the programme but people have opted out. The government has not told them to stop, the media have not told them to stop. Somehow, people have made a conscious or, perhaps for many a subconscious decision to decline.




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Confidential Pfizer Documents & New Study confirm COVID ‘Vaccine Shedding’ has been occurring with shocking & dangerous consequences 
A study conducted by scientists at the University of Colorado confirms the vast majority of humanity has had absolutely no choice in the matter of whether they wish to get the Covid-19 injection or not because the vaccinated have been transmitting antibodies generated by the injections through aerosols.


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Official figures published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics confirm that Australia recorded 15 times more excess deaths in the first 7 months of 2022 than it did throughout the whole of 2020. 

Further figures also reveal the country suffered 8.5 times more excess deaths in 2021 following the roll-out of the Covid-19 injection than it did in 2020 prior to the roll-out of the Covid-19 injection.


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New Zealand’s Covidians Continue to Lie and Cover up the Very Real Worries About Covid Injections Surfacing in Official Sources 
As the published Covid science narrative evolves overseas, Professor Michael Baker is doing his best to prop it up here in New Zealand with his own special brand of magic beans. At this point in time, the research findings of harm from the Pfizer vaccine have become overwhelming, but Baker is sticking closely to the safe and effective fantasy.


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Government reports prove COVID Vaccination is causing Hundreds of Thousands to ‘Die Suddenly’ every week & Confidential Pfizer Docs. confirm your Government knew it would happen
There is currently a psychological and spiritual war going on worldwide. This war is not primarily a war of armies, a war of people, but a war of the spirit. This war is primarily in the human mind. We can therefore talk about the realm of ideas, that is, about ideology. Our minds are influenced by spiritual forces, both positive and negative, that is, angels and demons.


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Government reports prove COVID Vaccination is causing Hundreds of Thousands to ‘Die Suddenly’ every week & Confidential Pfizer Docs. confirm your Government knew it would happen 
You may find some of the following claims initially hard to believe. But we can assure you that each and every one has been extracted from official Government approved documents.


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Anti-Lockdown Stanford Professor: “Academic Freedom Is Dead”
“They systematically tried to make it seem like everyone agreed with their ideas about COVID policy, when in fact there was deep disagreement among scientists…”



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Focus on the Family vandalized by LGBT group after Club Q shooting
A group claiming responsibility for vandalizing a sign belonging to Focus on the Family claims the criminal act was in response to “hateful theology” after a nonbinary gunman killed five people and wounded 18 others at a local bar. Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, told The Christian Post that “This is a time for prayer, grieving and healing, not vandalism and the spreading of hate.”

 They’re doing their best to try to force they’re gay agenda on your society.

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Kroger had to pay $180,000 to workers who were fired after they wouldn’t wear LQBTQ pride symbols
Kroger has to pay $180,000 to two former employees who were fired after they refused to wear a company apron with a phrase that they considered to be an LGBTQ+ symbol after a lawsuit.


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Woke Warfighters’: GOP Report Says Leftist Ideology, Gender “Insanity” Weakening America’s Military
“The world is a dangerous place, and the Biden Administration’s insanity is eroding our greatest source of security in it,”


Paul speaks of and warns about unsound doctrine in 2 Timothy 4:3-4, which says, “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” The message you’re about to hear if you listen to the YouTube video below Is an example of what Paul was warning us about.

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 When a movie crashes at the box office what does that tell you? It means the people are telling Disney they don’t want what they’re producing.

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Nolte: Disney’s Big Gay, Green ‘Strange World’ Crashes at Box Office
Disney’s latest animated feature, the gay, green Strange World, just tanked at the box office.



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God forgive me … I was led by Satan’: Police release Walmart mass shooter’s manifesto 
The manifesto of a man who committed a mass shooting at a Walmart in Virginia shortly before Thanksgiving has been released by authorities, with the killer asking God to forgive him.



The prayer



November 25, 2022





Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 17 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora



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An elementary school in California will allow an “After School Satan Club” to begin meeting in its facilities starting in December, according to reports.


The clubs are sponsored by The Satanic Temple, based in Salem, Massachusetts, and have been set up specifically to oppose a number of Christian organizations that hold meetings for children who wish to attend after school hours.

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Philippines Government Rejects UN Demand to Allow Abortions
Philippine leaders rejected pressure from the United Nations again last week to legalize the killing of unborn babies in abortions in their country.


A quake pic1


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45 people injured during severe shaking caused by M6.1 earthquake in western Turkey

A strong and shallow earthquake, registered by the USGS as M6.1, hit Düzce, western Turkey at 01:08 UTC on November 23, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.0 at a depth of 7 km (4.3 miles). The Istanbul-based Boğaziçi University Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute reported the quake as M6.0.




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Marsha Blackburn Commentary: Firing Servicemembers over the COVID-19 Shot Threatens Our National Security
President Biden said it himself: the pandemic is over. So why is his Department of Defense (DoD) willing to look at the brave men and women who volunteered to serve our nation and say, “you’re fired” – all because they chose not to get the COVID-19 shot?


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The Vaccinated Now Account For The Majority Of All COVID Deaths In The United States According To New Report From Kaiser Family Foundation And WashPo 
Last year, NTEB was suspended multiple times on Twitter for telling you the truth about COVID and the mRNA vaccines. On Facebook, the NTEB page which had been up for a decade and had hundreds of thousands of followers, was permanently unpublished because we told you the truth about the pandemic. Today the headlines have finally caught up with us, letting you know that we have a pandemic of the vaccinated, who now make up the majority of all COVID deaths in the United States. But I had to go to a news site in India to find that out.Yea


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Group Seeks Investigation of CDC Officials Over Misinformation About Child COVID Deaths
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials who spread misinformation about child COVID-19 deaths should be investigated for violations of the agency’s scientific integrity policies, a watchdog group says.


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Researchers tell ONS “Your Data on Vaccine Mortality is Flawed” & demand Public Withdrawal of Dataset
Four researchers have written to the UK Office of National Statistics (“ONS”) pointing out that ONS’s data on vaccine mortality is not fit for purpose: “All of the anomalies in the dataset introduce bias in favour of analyses supporting vaccine ‘safety and efficacy’. The fact that these data are being used as continued justification for the efficacy and safety of the covid vaccines is therefore now a matter of national concern and scandal,” they wrote.


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Secret CDC Report reveals at least 1.1 Million Americans have ‘Died Suddenly’ since the COVID Vaccine roll-out & another Government Report proves the COVID Vaccines are to blame
The Covid-19 injections were meant to reduce the sudden surge of deaths the USA recorded in 2020 due to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic. But unfortunately, the official figures prove that the opposite has happened.


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D.C. Schools Requiring Negative COVID-19 Test After Thanksgiving Break
Students and staffers in the Washington D.C. public school system will be required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test upon returning from Thanksgiving break, according to city officials.


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Beijing sees record Covid cases as China outbreak spirals
China’s capital Beijing posted a record number of new Covid cases on Tuesday, with the city hunkering down under a tightening chokehold of restrictions that have sent schools online, closed many restaurants and forced employees to work from home.


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Major News on Vaccinated COVID Deaths, but the White House Decides to Lie Anyway 
For years, the COVID-19 vaccines have been pushed as a magic elixir, so potent and effective that they warranted being forced onto the population by way of government mandates. Even after it became clear that the vaccines didn’t stop the spread of the coronavirus, thus eliminating their communal benefit, the White House and some Democrat-led states marched on, stubbornly promoting them and other nonsensical policies like vaccine passports.



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Men are using condoms less, even as syphilis and other STDs surge



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Bird flu found in northern Israel, same strain as catastrophic 2021 outbreak
Turkeys infected with avian flu were found in a slaughterhouse in northern Israel, the Agriculture Ministry said Tuesday, raising fears of a new outbreak of the virus that ravaged domestic and wild fowl in the country a year ago.



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DEA issues public safety alert lethal fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency has issued another public safety alert warning Americans of a “sharp nationwide increase in the lethality of fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills.”


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San Francisco Launches Guaranteed Income Program for Transgender Community 
San Francisco city officials announced Wednesday they would launch a new guaranteed income program for the city’s transgender community.

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The Nation Celebrates Women ‘Thankful’ for Abortions on Thanksgiving
Having aborted a child — or several — is something to be “thankful” for, according to a Thanksgiving piece in The Nation that claims many “celebrate” the experience, while slamming the “utter disregard for all Indigenous people” in the past that “fuels the same systems of white supremacy that dehumanize all of us today.”

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‘An explosion’: what is behind the rise in girls questioning their gender identity? | Transgender
Earlier this year, a team of NHS researchers was asked to investigate why there has been such a huge rise in the number of adolescent biological girls seeking referrals to gender clinics. The figures alone do seem remarkable.


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The Shooting At Club Q In Colorado Springs Has Nothing To Do With The Fact That The LGBTQIA Movement Targets And Sexualizes Young Children 
Let me just say right off the bat that I do not agree with the use of violence to solve any problems, like the shooting at Club Q, and I absolutely do not support attacks on any group of people with whom I might disagree. That said, there is a movement underway to grab the mind of your child, groom it, and fill it with demonic ideas related to topics like transgender identity and gender fluidity. They are coming after the children because if they can groom them, they win in the next generation.


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It’s Worse Than We Thought: Balenciaga Replaces Child BDSM-Themed Ads with New Creepy Campaign that Features Belgian Painter Known for “Pedophilia, Blood Ritual, Occultism, Cannibalism, Racism”
Balenciaga is getting slammed once again in a new ad campaign for featuring a book by controversial artist Michael Borremans, whose work has been linked to pedophilia, cannibalism, and blood rituals.





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Report: Sexual Violence Related to Date-rape Drugs at All-time High in 2021
New data shows a 36 percent increase in reported cases of the use of date rape drugs and an 180 percent jump in reported assaults against children under 12 by teachers or counselors


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China Has Just Released a Draft National Social Credit Law

On 14 November, several top Chinese government agencies collectively released a draft law on the Establishment of the Social Credit System, the first attempt to systematically codify past experiments on social credit and, theoretically, guide future implementation.

 Just another article showing the road to revelation  and the mark of the beast.

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Ontario’s Medical Regulatory Body Attempts to Extend Covid Emergency After Advising Vaccine Hesitancy Should Be Viewed as a Mental Illness 
Last month, CPSO updated their advice to state that physicians should consider treating vaccine hesitancy with psychotherapy or drugs. By so doing, they officially endorse and promote the false ideology that exercising the right of refusal is comparable to having a mental illness.


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Police in Spain to deploy automated facial recognition
Spanish police will soon be allowed to use an automatic facial recognition tool, dubbed ABIS (automatic biometric identification system). ABIS uses artificial intelligence to identify suspects from a database that is currently under development.




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Record-breaking rains cause devastating flash floods in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 
At least two people have lost their lives after record-breaking rainfall caused devastating flash floods in the city of Jeddah (population 4 million), Saudi Arabia’s Mecca Province on November 24, 2022.




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1 in 4 Americans Say They Won’t Be Having Thanksgiving Dinner Because They Can’t Afford It
One in four Americans say they won’t be having Thanksgiving dinner this year due to sky-high prices. One in five say they aren’t sure they can cover the costs of Thanksgiving, a recent Personal Capital survey found.



The prayer



November 23, 2022






Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 17 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora



 I hope you are taking notice how fast these huge earthquakes are now coming. Not only are they coming faster but it appears they’re much bigger. Jesus in Matthew chapter 24 tells us in the last days these end time signs would come as a woman and labor these birth pains are definitely increasing.

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Powerful 7.0-magnitude earthquake hits Solomon Islands, triggering tsunami warning

An earthquake of magnitude 7 has hit the Solomon Islands, triggering tsunami warnings near coastlines over the region. “People are advised to move to higher ground now,” a spokesman from prime minister Manasseh Sogavare’s office said.


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Shallow M6.2 earthquake hits Baja California, Mexico
A strong and shallow earthquake, registered by the USGS as M6.2, hit Baja California, Mexico at 16:39 UTC on November 22, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.2 at a depth of 2 km (1.2 miles).



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50 homes damaged after strong tornado hits Marpingen, Germany 
At least 50 homes were damaged after a strong tornado swept through the town of Marpigen, Saarland, Germany on November 17, 2022.





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Bright daylight fireball over Kanagawa, Japan
A bright daylight fireball was recorded over Japan at 20:27 UTC on



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ABC Legal Analyst Sunny Hostin Told Her Co-Hosts On ‘The View’ That Jesus Christ Would Be The Grand Marshal At The Gay Pride Parade
This lost world does not want God, they don’t want His perfect, sinless and only begotten Son, and they actively quench the Spirit on a minute by minute basis. But what they do want is a worldly Jesus with a powerless form of godliness, who will confirm them in their sins. Such was the case on ‘The View’ yesterday where co-host Sunny Hostin boldly announced that if Jesus was on the earth in bodily form right now, He would love to be the Grand Marshall at the next gay and transgender Pride parade.

 If you went to the report above and watched what they said on the view it might be a good idea for you to read the following.

Because salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone and we are not saved by our works good or bad, yes, a homosexual person can go to heaven. Having said this, however, there is always the question of whether such a person has faced their sin and truly put their trust in Christ. If they have, then to continue with a homosexual lifestyle is living in rebellion and a believer will eventually experience misery and divine discipline.

The Scripture, which is God-breathed and accurate, gives us God’s declaration concerning this issue. It clearly states that it is sinful and contrary to man’s basic nature and the way God created us. Scripture gives us God’s revelation on this, not to keep us from having fun or from enjoying life, but to protect us from ourselves and the depravity to which we can all go when we seek to live our lives apart from a relationship with Him in the light of the Bible as His index and authority for both belief (doctrine) and practice (behavior).


The Scripture also gives us some strong warnings about having sin (any sin) as the practice, characterization, habit of our lives.

1 John 3:4-9 Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; indeed, sin is lawlessness. And you know that Jesus was revealed to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. Everyone who resides in him does not sin; everyone who sins has neither seen him nor known him. Little children, let no one deceive you: The one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as Jesus is righteous. The one who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was revealed: to destroy the works of the devil. Everyone who has been fathered by God does not practice sin, because God’s seed resides in him, and thus he is not able to sin, because he has been fathered by God.




 Luke 21:11 Jesus warns us in the last days Kingdom will fight against kingdom a example of that is taking place in China.


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23 mins ago

CHESAPEAKE, Va. (AP) — A Walmart manager opened fire on fellow employees in the break room of a Virginia store, killing six people in the country’s second highprofile mass shooting in four days, police and a witness said Wednesday.

The gunman, who apparently shot himself, was dead when police found him, Chesapeake Police Chief Mark G. Solesky said. There was no clear motive for the shooting, which also put four people in the hospital.

Nov. 21, 2022

