DiMora’s new International Internet Radio show dealing with The Revived Romanb Empire/Cost of living/Disease/Earthquakes/More signs Ezekiel’s war is coming/America in decline/Noah’s signs/Wormwood Star/GM Files/April 30, 2009


Special note to all my viewers:  I want to thank you all for coming to my site.  It is my blessing that I have the opportunity to direct you to the Lord and, all the things He has warned us concerning these last days.  Since being placed in this Ministry by Jesus in 1977 I have gone almost non-stop for 33 years without taking a good rest.   I am tired and I am going to do what Jesus did when he needed to refresh Himself.  Christ pulled Himself away from the crowds so He could strengthen Himself.  He has made it clear to me that this is what I have to do right now and it was way over due.  Today will be my last post until May 4th 2009.  In the meantime, today I did a extra taping for you all on my Internet Radio show on The Edge.  Please take this time to watch this video.  I am sure you will get blown away but all the evidence. I am covering the Revived Roman Empire. You are all my joy and I will miss you all even if it is only for a week.  I pray to God that the rapture doesn’t take place while I am away.  I know there are still many of you who haven’t given your life over to Christ yet. If you would, please don’t email me until Monday May 4, 2009. I will start writing again on Friday May 8, 2009.

God Bless you all

Frank DiMora

This morning you can tune to The Edge and see the beginning of my new series on the Revived Roman Empire. The Edge is an International radio Internet program which I have been asked to host my own program called, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth“ . Here is the link that will take you to that broadcast.


Special note: A few days ago I wrote to all my viewers who I had their emails. I told everyone I was no longer going to send out daily reminders that I just put up a new post. For the past few days I have been contacted by people telling me they liked to be contacted when a new post went up. As a result I am asking you all now, if you are one of those people who do want me to send them a prophecy update notice, let me know and I will make a new list and send you the notices. Thank you and God bless.


Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 speaks to us about famines in the last days. In Revelation 6:6 we see that the price of food is so high that the Word of God says a person will work all day just to buy a handful of Wheat or Barley. Here is the quote from Rev. 6:6. "Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"   If you did a search on the number of animals being killed because of diseases you would be floored.   The Bird Flu alone has forced officials to wipe out million of chickens. The Mad Cow disease that hit Europe forced them to kill off all the diseased cattle.  Five days ago this new Swine Flu appeared and now hundreds of thousands of pigs are being killed.  What do you think happens when farmers begin to kill off their livestock?  The price of food starts to skyrocket.  Not only that, but the poor nations who can't afford to kill off their stock begin to suffer food shortages which of course leads to famines.  Today we see a nation kill off thousands of pigs and the disease hasn't even hit them yet. I quote, “CAIRO (AP) – Egypt began slaughtering the roughly 300,000 pigs in the country Wednesday as a precaution against swine flu even though no cases have been reported here, infuriating farmers who blocked streets and stoned vehicles of Health Ministry workers who came to carry out the government's order. The measure was a stark expression of the panic the deadly outbreak is spreading around the world, especially in poor countries with weak public health systems. Egypt responded similarly a few years ago to an outbreak of bird flu, which is endemic to the country and has killed two dozen people”.  What happens when people don't have enough food?  They turn to the government to help feed them which gives the government more power over them. 


Just last month over a million chickens were killed because of another disease that hit a poultry farm. I quote, “Chicken farm after chicken farm in the Robertson County community of Hammond is being quarantined and everything on the farm, disinfected. The chickens are gone. They were killed, after some of the Sanderson Farms birds tested positive for poultry virus laryngotracheitis.  County officials said over a million birds were destroyed; 10 families' livelihoods were interrupted.”  Have you taken a good look at the price of chicken lately. Two years ago I was buying whole chickens for 49 cents a pound now they are almost a $.1.00 a pound.  By the time the tribulation begins all these prices will be sky high.  What we are seeing now is only things to come.


As I said, every year these signs get much worse. Many people who have been following Bible prophecy and watching events unfold knew we were in for more of the same and worse. Back in 2007 for example, “German health officials slaughtered 160,000 geese over the weekend after the deadly H5N1 bird-flu virus was found in a poultry farm near the city of Erlangen. The cull was ordered after 400 geese were found dead.” If Jesus Christ told you diseases were coming, count on it.  The diseases that are soon to show up will start picking off both man and animal.  Of course there is hope! That hope comes from the fact that Jesus promise to remove all that have taken Him as their Lord and Savior.  Are you one of them yet?  If not the only hope you can hold on to right now is this, Jesus won't come today or tonight which will give you a little more time to pick what side you are going to be on, Christs or, Satan's.  You wait heaven and an eternity with Christ or Satan in a lake of fire that will never go out.  Not much of a choice, but is yours to make and you are running out of time to pick.


The plea came as the WHO raised the swine flu threat awareness level to 5 out of 6, indicating that the world is on the brink of a pandemic. “Holland and Switzerland both confirmed their first cases of swine flu on Thursday, bringing the total number of countries affected around the world to 11. In Mexico there have been eight confirmed deaths from the virus, with another 160 suspected swine flu fatalities. There have been 93 confirmed cases in the US, 19 in Canada, 13 in New Zealand, five in Britain, four in Germany, 10 in Spain, two in Israel, and one in Austria.”


News links about Swine flu:

Swine flu outbreak was 'disaster waiting to happen'

Swine flu in depth

Swine flu 'could claim thousands of lives' in Europe

Mass ad campaign as ministers step up swine flu fight

Woman from Redditch among the new swine flu cases

Swine flu threat increased, world on brink of pandemic

Prophecy Sign: Once again I must revisit what the Prophet Ezekiel warned us in Ezekiel chapter 38.  I have to revisit this because I have new visitors to my site and they may not know what Ezekiel warned.  Ezekiel told us in the latter years, (our generation), that Russia would join forces with Iran and other Muslim nations and attack Israel.  When this attack takes place it would launch the beginning of the last 7 years which Jesus informed us is the tribulation.  I am giving you the proof that this alliance God showed Ezekiel has already been formed and these nations have no problems letting the world know it.  For example today the news reported, “Russian official says Iran, Russia are regional powers”. Moscow, April 28, IRNA – The vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia said on Tuesday Iran and Russia are the two leading regional countries that play an important role in ensuring stability in the region. Ezekiel warned the exact opposite would take place.  From Ezekiel's book we see war and conflict and there is nothing stable about the Middle East at the present time.  Fact is, the world is waiting to see if Iran will attack Israel before Israel can attack Iran.  Either way facts are facts, Russia and Iran are strong allies just as it is written in Ezekiel 38.

Just about everyday I report on the current events between Israel and all the nations listed in Ezekiel 38 that are going to invade Israel soon.  I report on these events because this is one of the two war prophecies that hasn't been fulfilled yet.   I reported on what Turkey and Syria were up to yesterday.  I gave you a report telling you that Turkey and Syria are in the process of coming together for military drills.  One who know Bible prophecy knows these drills will soon turn into the real deal.  “Defense Minister Ehud Barak called this week's exercise "a worrisome development." "Are we going to get approval from Israel?" Gen. Ilker Basbug told reporters. "Israel's response does not concern us." Basbug told reporters Wednesday he was not concerned by Israel's reaction, and Turkey wasn't seeking any other country's consent.”  Just a few short months ago Turkey was a good friend of Israel but look what has happened in just two short months.  Israel and Turkey are becoming enemies again.  Turkey in the past two months has shored up alliances with Russia, Iran and now Syria.  Do you find it odd that everyone of these nations are listed to do battle against Israel?  What you are witnessing is a clear picture from God that He is going to make His name known shortly. Once Russia, Iran, Turkey and the others invade Israel God will intervene and wipe out 5/6 of all the armies coming down on Israel. It will be from this short lived war the the Lord 's name will be known. Take a look at what God has promised. “I will make known my holy name among my people Israel. I will no longer let my holy name be profaned, and the nations will know that I the LORD am the Holy One in Israel. 8 It is coming! It will surely take place, declares the Sovereign LORD. This is the day I have spoken of” Ezekiel 38:7.  Notice if you will, God said "it is coming".  I want to suggest to you that you listen to what He has warned because, if you don't you will find yourself fighting against the Lord.  Not only that, unless you are a child of Christ you will be left behind

when Jesus removes His Church.  I say this in most of my posts, give your life over to Christ now so you don't go into the Great Tribulation. 



In page 7 of my book this is what I said, “Will the economic crisis bring down America or will it be a combination of events?  After reading this next report you may agree with me that it could be a combination of things.  I quote, “WASHINGTON — If the Mexico swine flu becomes a global pandemic, the routines and comforts of daily life would vanish in the blink of an eye. Small towns and big cities alike would go into a protective crouch. The worst case scenario, according to U.S. government planners: Two million dead. Hospitals overwhelmed. Schools closed. Swaths of empty seats at baseball stadiums and houses of worship. An economic recovery snuffed out.”  What sent chills down my spine was a dream I had last year, which I told my closest friends.  In my dream I was flying over a stadium and noticed that the stadium was empty.  As I starred at the stadium, I got the distinct impression that I was being shown what it was going to look like in the near future.  Now I am thinking, if this Swine Flu gets much worse we just may see empty stadiums.  Whether it happens for not, what we are witnessing right now is a huge blow to a struggling economy.  All these events can help push both Mexico and the U.S. under!  Another section of this report stated, “A full-scale pandemic — like the 1918 Spanish flu — would sicken 90 million Americans, or about 30 percent of the population. It could claim the lives of about 2 percent of those infected, about 2 million people, according to government experts.” If this happens you can count on the stadiums becoming empty!


Prophecy Sign: Daniel shows us America isn't strong enough to even be meantioned in the last days prophecy.  Speaking of a bad economy, about 3 weeks ago I warned you to pay attention to the car companies. As a matter of fact I you about this a few days ago.  Today we got word that GM is going to file.  I quote, “April 29 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obamaaims to announce tomorrow that Chrysler LLC will be placed into Chapter 11 bankruptcy, leading to an alliance with Italian automaker Fiat SpA, people involved in the matter said. Administration officials are still resolving outstanding issues, and the plan isn’t finished yet, said one of the people, who declined to be named because discussions are private. As part of ongoing negotiations, the U.S. Treasury raised its offer to Chrysler’s lenders, offering them $2.25 billion in cash to forgive $6.9 billion in secured debt, two other people familiar with the matter said. The previous offer had been for $2 billion in cash. Any bankruptcy filing could come as soon as tomorrow, people familiar with that matter said. Chrysler’s best assets would be sold to a new entity that would have an ownership structure similar to that envisioned in an out-of-court deal between the Auburn Hills, Michigan-based automaker and Fiat, based in Turin, Italy, the people said”  These are the signs of the times and it isn't good news for the American's who are trying to fight their way back.  As you watch the news every night concerning the economy remember one thing.  God showed us that is wasn't going to be the U.S. who played the major role as the last superpower but, rather it was the modern day Roman Empire or today's European Union.  Since I live in the U.S. it is hard to say but, I have to tell you what God has shown us from His Word.


After reading a report entitled, “How A Reserve Currency Can Collapse” something in the article just jumped out and hit me in the head like a brick.  I didn't catch this until just now.  Here is the section I'm talking about:  "There has been great debate about the fate of the dollar as we move through the crisis. A fiat currency like the dollar relies on the belief of investors in its stability and solidity. Trust in the financial solvency and security of the government is paramount. Once that trust comes into question currency moves away from that nation depressing its value. With the US dollar we are faced with a special dilemma for the US is both the world’s reserve currency and the US is the worlds largest consumer. On the surface it is in no ones best interest for the dollar to collapse. Some would argue that until the flight to quality factor somehow vanishes, that there is no plausible mechanism for the dollar to lapse into crisis. Indeed we see only strengthening lately as European nations face banking crises, debt downgrades, and devaluations." 

My friend Chuck has many years of experience associated with the banking industry in the field of a Mortgage broker representing Fannie Mae and other large mortgage outlets as well as securing automotive financing totaling in the millions of dollars in loans.  Chuck said he has done everything from securing mortgages for home buyers to refinancing and debt consolidation loans.  Chuch has taken what he knows about the business and has underlined how important this report really is.  Watching current events take place in the markets and reading this report this article is exactly what we see taking place in the stock market right now!  Just as the stock market is being manipulated (today the market jumped by nearly 2 points!) so is the dollar being manipulated.  The crash of the dollar is going to be a well-orchestrated generated crisis to force the world into the New World Order.  The only way to crash the world economy – China included – is to crash the dollar.  If they were to wait until they have this new "basket currency" in place – where there would be various currencies put into a pool – then one of them could fail but it wouldn't crash the world economy.  And it would almost have to happen soon because China is holding all of these treasury notes and they're beginning to invest in precious metals.

Want to know why the U.S. continues to print money and run up debt as if there is no tomorrow?  Because they have absolutely no intention of paying it back!  Because they know the dollar is going to crash.  There is more going on behind the scenes in this New World Order scheme than will ever be revealed – until it's too late.  One question many people are asking is, is Obama in on this?  Let me say this, everyone is going to find out soon!   As part of the G20 it appears Obama is moving in the direction that will help bring about the New World Order.  We know the world currencies will soon be replaced with a cashless system.  The beast system will start before the mark is required.  That won't come until halfway through the tribulation when Satan possesses the antichrist.  I think the reason why they didn't come up with a replacement for the dollar at the G20 summit is because they have no intentions of replacing it with another currency.  Once the dollar crashes then nobody will have a choice in the matter as to what system of buying and selling we will have.  Do you really want to know who is behind all this?  Satan!  From the very moment Satan fell he has been planning to install this one world system. It is only by man that his plan is being carried out and it will be by his Antichrist that is gets enforced.  Once again I must say, you don’t want to be anywhere near the tribulation when it begins!

What does all this mean to someone who really doesn’t know Bible prophecy that well?  Daniel didn’t mention the U.S. because the U.S. would have crashed and was no longer a main player in the end time events.  When America’s dollar crashes everything will speed up as far as end time prophecy is concerned.  The downfall of America will lift the last world empire to the position both Daniel and Jesus Christ warned us about.   Do you want to know how much time we have left?  Just watch the dollar, when it goes you will know the warning about the woman with birth pains is now at the point she is crowning.  



Signs of America’s decline:“Chrysler files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy”


Prophecy Sign:  Matthew 24:37   As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. Matthew tells us that our generation was going to be just like Noah’s generation prior to the Lord sending the worldwide flood. One of the main issues God had against the people during Noah’s generation was they had turned over to homosexuality. Jesus warned us this generation whould do the very same thing and when we see this happen is the time Jesus would come back and take all the righteous people out of this earth.  That day is called the “Rapture”.  Jesus also warned that Christians were going to be persecuted for His name sake.  Read what the Lord said, “ 12"But before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you. They will deliver you to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name. 13This will result in your being witnesses to them. 14But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. 15For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. 16You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death. 17All men will hate you because of me. 18But not a hair of your head will perish. 19By standing firm you will gain life” Luke 21:12-18. During the past year and a half I have been showing you how Jesus Words are coming to pass when it comes to these specific signs.  I warned you all last year things are going to heat up when it comes to the samesex marriage issue and they have.  I warned you more states would begin to pass samesex marriage laws allowing them to marry.  It is already happening. Case in point. “DES MOINES, Iowa – Same-sex couples in Iowa began holding hastily planned weddings Monday as the state became the third to allow gay marriage, a leap that even some supporters find hard to grasp in the nation's heartland. Within hours of a state Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage taking effect, several same-sex couples had exchanged vows on the steps of the Polk County Administrative Building.”


We must take to heart what Jesus warned us. I encourage you to believe every word because wheather you do or not it is coming to pass!  Why do you think these things are happening?  Do you still believe what Jesus warned us is only a coincidence?  What about the warning that the world will begin to go after Christians?  In the news today there was a report with the Headline, “House agrees to muzzle pastors with 'hate crimes' plan”  The subtitle read, 'This is first time protected status given to whatever sexual orientation one has I quote, “Members of the U.S. House today approved a plan to create a federal "hate crimes" plan that will provide special protections to homosexuals and others with alternative sexual choices, but leave Christian ministers and pastors open to prosecution should their teachings be linked to any subsequent offense, by anyone, against a "gay." The vote was 249-175, and came despite intense Republican opposition to the creation of the privileged class. Bishop Harry Jackson Jr. of the High Impact Leadership Coalition also condemned the action, offering a warning about the future of the United States. He was interviewed on the issue by Greg Corombos of Radio America/WND and the audio of his interview is embedded here: Jackson said the action simply puts "sexual orientation" in a specially protected class under federal law. "Based on history, it really isn't something that needs to be protected," he said. "There's a problem that this is going to mark the first time that a protected class status is given to … whatever sexual orientation one has." He said the history in other nations is a fairly certain prosecution of Christians. In Sweden, for example, a minister who preached out of Leviticus was sentenced to 30 days in jail – for preaching out of Leviticus.”  I have said this many times in my previous posts but you have to understand that prophecy is taking its course.  Step by step, year by year and now month by month we are seeing the events Jesus told us we would see.  If you are a Christian who haven’t been walking close to Jesus, I plea with you all to wake up and make yourself ready to meet Jesus.  For any of you who still haven’t received Jesus as your Lord, I beg you to ask Him to forgive you now, we don’t have much time left before all hell breaks out on this Earth.  The Church will be going home just the way it was spared from the worldwide flood.  The specific sign of Noah’s generation (homosexuality), is a major sign we have reached the end and soon the door will open to the last 7 years which, will be ruled by the Antichrist.  After the Church is gone and millions upon millions are trying to figure out where all these people went, don’t be surprised when you start hearing news about aliens in UFO’s taking all these people away.  It will be a lie!  I am warning you this ahead of time so that if you are left behind you will understand what just took place.  Listen to what Jesus told the Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11. "And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."  Will the UFO delusion be the lie?  No one can know for sure yet but those of you who are going to be left behind will get a chance to see this delusion.  Put this scripture in your heart, because (The lie) is coming!  When you click to the link below please make sure you listen to the short radio interview.



Prophecy Sign: Jesus in  Mark 13:22 warned us about men coming in the last days who would become false prophets.  These men would have powers but they won’t be from God. I quote Jesus Christ, “For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But take ye heed: behold, I have fortold you all things.” As you can see these false prophets are beginning to show up in the news and they are doing exactly what Jesus said they would do.  Jesus even made it a point to tell us this so we wouldn’t believe these lies.  As a Watchmen assigned to protect and warn you, I am telling you not to believe what you see.  When you see is not from God!  Many of the faith will allow seeds of doubt to creep into their hearts but hold on to what is True, hold on to the warnings about these things from Jesus.  Let me say this again, the delusion is coming soon!!  Jesus has already made it clear to me that when you start to see these things I will be flooded with people looking for the truth.  I think this may be one of the reason why Jesus has ordered me to take a rest at this time.  I am sure I am going to need my strength.  I am asking any of you who has read this today to forward this message to as many people as you can.  Give them a heads up on what is coming and let them know where they need to come for the answers.  It is my blessing to service Jesus Christ and to help prepare all who long for the truth.

Below you will see news that just could lead up to the strong delusion.


I am sure that this samesex news will get a lot of people upset.  Do not let you anger get the best of you.  If you love Jesus, love these people and pray for them, and do not even entertain the thought of doing anyone harm.  Since Jesus teaches us to love all people because He loves all people we should be a reflection of His love.  Keep in mind everyone will stand before Jesus Christ alone.  You can not force anyone to take Christ as their Savior.  We may not agree with their life style but we know everyone has the free will to either follow what Christ teaches or to deny it.  God is going to judge soon and I pray that anyone who is in this samesex life style will reflect on what happened to Noah’s generation.  I for one do not wait to be around the throne of God when a person stands before Christ at the judgment and tells Jesus Christ He or she is a gay Christian.  You will not find one Bible verse that teaches it is ok with Jesus to be involved in homosexuality and a Chrisitan at the same time. 

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 The sign of earthquakes. Since my last earthquake update three days ago there have been 7 more big quakes. 


Jesus in Revelation 8:10 –11 tells us a star which He called “Wormwood” is going to slam into the Earth. Take a look at what Jesus warned us. “The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water the name of the star is Wormwood A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter. “ Jesus also gives us information and warnings on this same issue in Luke chapter 21. “25And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring”.  We are already seeing everyone of the signs Jesus said would take place all at the same time.  Now these signs are going to become much more intense.  The World is going to witness things they never throught they would see.  I pray you are not one of the people left behind to see the things that are coming upon Earth but it you don’t take Christ as your Savior soon, well, you better watch this video. It is one of the most realiicted videos I have seen that will show you what the scene may look like as the (Star Jesus warned us about makes its way to Earth.  This maybe a Hollywood production now but, the real star called (Wormwood) is coming in the near future.


Let me help bring a smile to your face today, watch this video and let it help you

start off the weekend right!



If you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again.


Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.

May the Lord renew your Spirit and give you all peace!

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.




Frank DiMora’s Radio Interviews and His own International Internet Radio show- April 29, 2009

I welcome any of you to listen to my radio shows and my International Radio show on video called, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” Below are the links to most of my interviews and my own show out of London. 


The coming attack on Israel part 1 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 2 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 3 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 4 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 5 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 6 of 6:


Economic crisis


DiMora's first radio interview on 'The Edge' with Host, Gina Romano. Interview was heard on June 26, 2008























August 10th, 2008 – Part 2


August 10th, 2008 – Part 3


August 10th, 2008 – Part 4


August 10th, 2008 – Part 5


August 10th, 2008 – Part 6


August 10th, 2008 – Part 7


August 10th, 2008 – Part 8


August 10th, 2008 – Part 9


August 10th, 2008 – Part 10


My 3rd radio interview on 'The Edge' International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below:


Below is the link that will take you to my own show on The Edge.


Two wars are coming and we see the signs/ Signs of America’s decline/Roaring sea and waves/Breakdown of peace and safety/April 29, 2009


Tomorrow morning you can tune to The Edge and see the beginning of my new series on the Revived Roman Empire. The Edge is an International radio program which I have been asked to host my own program called, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth“ .

Special note: A few days ago I wrote to all my viewers who I had their emails. I told everyone I was no longer going to send out daily reminders that I just put up a new post. For the past few days I have been contacted by people telling me they liked to be contacted when a new post went up. As a result I am asking you all now, if you are one of those people who do want me to send them a prophecy update notice, let me know and I will make a new list and send you the notices. Thank you and God bless.


Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Frank's Internation radio show on The Edge program which is based out of London is now airing my third show. This is part two of my two part series dealing with the coming attack against Israel. You can see my show by linking to the edge link below.

http://www.theedgeam.com/perspectives/last_chronicles/index.htm Prophecy Sign: Chapter 38 in the book of Ezekiel we are told Turkey will join with Russia and other Muslims nations and attack Israel.  God told Ezekiel that this attack would happen in the latter years.  This is a term used to pin point the end times.  We are in those times right now.  My regular views know I have been keeping them up to speed when it comes to this prophecy. I have proving to all who come to my site that the alliance God said would take place in the last days is in fact already happened.  The only part of this prophecy that is not fulfilled yet is the actual invasion.


The other prophecy, which has not yet been completed, is found in Isaiah 17: 1 where we read that Syria will be wiped out and the City of Damascus will left in reins.  This is what it states in 17:1 “An oracle concerning Damascus: See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.”  Jeremiah 49:24-26 says this about Syria. “ 24 Damascus has become feeble, she has turned to flee and panic has gripped her; anguish and pain have seized her, pain like that of a woman in labor. 25 Why has the city of renown not been abandoned, the town in which I delight?  26 Surely, her young men will fall in the streets; all her soldiers will be silenced in that day," declares the LORD Almighty.”  I have been sounding the alarms that we are seeing the stepping stones that have laid the ground work to fulfill both Isaiah and Jeremiah.  Now let me prove it.  

About two weeks ago I showed you some evidence that Israel’s friend Turkey has turned away from Israel.  They did so because Israel attacked the PLO in the Gaza.  In the short time that has passed since Israel had to invade the PLO in the Gaza Turkey has found a strong partner.  Guess who it is?  Syria!  As you can see from this news report Israel is not happy about this new relationship and they are taking steps to protect the State of Israel. I quote, “Turkish-Syrian exercise prompts Israeli review of sophisticated arms sales to Ankara” “Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak commented Monday, April 27, that Turkey's decision to hold three days of military maneuvers with Syria is "disturbing." And that is not all. The exercise will be accompanied Monday or Tuesday by the signing of a letter of intent between Turkish defense minister Vecdi Gonul and his Syrian counterpart Hassan Turkmani for cooperation in the defense industry. DEBKAfile's military sources report that the signing and the exercise are major landmarks on the shrinking road of military and trading ties between Turkey and Israel. In 2009, Ankara pared exchanges down to $2.2 billion in 2009 and expanded its trade with Syria to $2.6 billion. Israel is now in a hurry to slash its military exchanges with Turkey to prevent the leakage of military secrets to an avowed Arab enemy” (Debkafile April 27, 2009). http://www.debka.com/

Ezekiel tells us the invasion against Israel will take place from the Northern quarters.  Where do you think Turkey and Syria are?  They are in the North.  It is no surprise to those of us who know prophecy.  We know what to expect and where to look.  I want to quote a report from the Debkafile. “The joint Turkish-Syrian tank and armored infantry exercise backed by air power begins across the Turkish-Syrian border Monday, April 27, and lasts three days. DEBKAfile's military sources stress that it is the first joint military maneuvers any NATO member, including Turkey, has ever carried out with Syria. It appears to have received a nod from the Obama administration and another first: Never before has an important NATO power staged a joint exercise with any Arab army. Ankara's decision to launch the drill on the day Israeli commemorates its war dead – in league with Iran's leading ally – is a measure of how far Turkey's longstanding strategic pact with the Jewish state has fallen by the wayside of recent changes.  Washington's approval underscores its new policy of boosting the strength of the Syrian army as partner in a strong a three-way military coalition with Turkey and Lebanon. Ankara made its announcement while US secretary of state Hillary Clinton was on a short visit to Beirut. It comes only four days after another first US step: Tuesday, April 22, DEBKAfile's exclusive sources reported that the Obama administration had just approved a large Turkish arms sale to the Lebanese army assigning Turkish military instructors to train Lebanese army units (half of whose personnel are Shiites sympathetic to Hizballah.) Neither of the Obama administration's actions took into account Israel's vital security interests; nor was Jerusalem consulted about the strategic changes on its borders – or even informed.” http://www.debka.com/.  

I don’t know how much clearer I could bring into focus what is about to take place in the Middle East between Israel, Syria, the PLO, Turkey and the rest of the nations listed in Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah.  All these news reports are warning signs God is about to fulfill His Words concerning these wars.  I pray you are on God’s side when these conflicts take place. 

Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 & 7. A fews days ago I gave you evidence that America is in the midst of declining.  America has to decline beccause she is no where to be found in Daniel's prophecy. Instead of America being the last days world empire we see the rebirth of the modern day Roman Empire. That last world empire is the European Union or the EU.  The shift in powers is already in progress and the global economic crisis is one of the vedhicles that is helping casue the shift in world powers.  My warning concerning layoffs in America continues and once again we see hundreds getting their pink slips.  I quote, "SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Clear Channel Communications Inc., the largest owner of U.S. radio stations, said Tuesday it is cutting 590 jobs, including some on-air personalities, in its second round of mass layoffs this year amid pressure from the recession and evaporating advertising budgets" . Yesterday I put up a long post dealing with the Market Watch. If you missed that post I recommand you go to yesterdays post and read it.  If you live in America I hope you are preparing for the fall.  It isn't a matter of if it will happen it is only a matter of when it will take place.  This I know. If America were to play any major role as a superpower God probably would have shown it to Daniel. Not one word about the most powerful nation in the world?  It can only be that America would have already fallen thus, she isn't even worthy of meantioning.  It won't be long before you all see what I have been warning.


Once again I remind you of what I stated last year. I warned you will see hundreds of thousands of jobs disappear. In April alone  we have seen close to 19,000 jobs disappear.  Click to the link and see company after company that is laying people off. These are the signs that you should be paying attention to. Where is all this leading to? If you know what Jesus said you would understand all these events are leading to a new one world economic system. This new system will be run by the Antichrist. We are in the vechile headed down the road to fulfill everthing Jesus said would happen.


Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 warns us about the roaring seas.  Jesus also told us in Luke 25 there would be signs from the sun. In Revelation 16:8 we see intense heat being poured down on earth. Revelation 7:15-16 Jesus tells us what the tribulation is going to be like. “15Therefore, "they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them.  16Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon them, nor any scorching heat.”  Every one of these prophecies shows us there is going to be huge changes to his earth.  We are beginning to witness those changes right now and they are going to continue to get worse.  As the sun warms the ice, huge masses of ice are breaking away and falling into the ocean.  The sea is already beginning to rise and the closer we get to the beginning of the 7 year tribulation the faster these signs are going to come.  In chapter 13 of my book I give you more proof than you need that shows you Planet Earth is beginning to experience all the signs Jesus warned us about.  For the past few years the glaciers have been melting at record rates. The glaciers are melting on top as well as below. The result is going to be devastating for the earth as the water rises.  Here is an example of the warning from Jesus Christ.  Read this and keep it in your heart because you are witnessing the Word of God. I quote, “An area of an Antarctic ice shelf almost the size of New York City has broken into icebergs this month after the collapse of an ice bridge widely blamed on global warming, a scientist said Tuesday. "The northern ice front of the Wilkins Ice Shelf has become unstable and the first icebergs have been released," Angelika Humbert, glaciologist at the University of Muenster in Germany, said of European Space Agency satellite images of the shelf. Humbert told Reuters about 700 sq km (270.3 sq mile) of ice — bigger than Singapore or Bahrain and almost the size of New York City — has broken off the Wilkins this month and shattered into a mass of icebergs. She said 370 sq kms of ice had cracked up in recent days from the Shelf, the latest of about 10 shelves on the Antarctic Peninsula to retreat in a trend linked by the U.N. Climate Panel to global warming.”  Yes the roaring seas and waves are coming and so is Jesus Christ!  We you except Him as your Savior and enter into His peace or will you remain his enemy.  You may be saying, I am not Jesus’ enemy.  Yet the Word of God says, “The person who isn't with me is against me, and the person who doesn't gather with me scatters" Luke 11:23.  If you refuse Jesus love and offer of Salvation Jesus warns you, you are against Him.  If you are against Him you are His enemy.  Anyone who doesn’t belong to Christ belongs to Satan.  The time for hard decisions is now.  Will you come to Christ or not?



Speaking about the sea and waves roaring which point to storms, let me give you a update on the number of tornadoes that hit so far in April of 2009. As of late Tuesday night there were 237 tornadoes.  Last year the record was set and I am sure the trend will continue. 



Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24:7 we see the sign of disease.  For the past 4 days I have given you updates on the Swine Flu. I have been doing so because one of the signs Jesus said the last generation would deal with would be the sign of diseases.  Officials are now telling us the current flu outbreak can’t be contained.  “The swine flu virus first detected in Mexico can no longer be contained and countries should focus on mitigating its effects, a top UN official said. World Health Organization deputy chief Keiji Fukuda was speaking as the WHO raised its alert level to four, or two steps short of a full pandemic. UN food inspectors are going to Mexico to examine reports that industrial pig farms were the source of the outbreak. “  This outbreak is taking place and the same time all the other signs are happening.  The sun is heating up the ice, the seas are rising, diseases are popping up all around the world, crime is climbing, drugs are a major problem in just about every nation, major earthquakes are in the news, nations are starving and at war with either themselves or board nations, tornadoes are hitting in recorded numbers, volcanoes are exploding, Israel is about to attack Iran, the revived Roman Empire is standing exactly as warned, and the world is about to embrace an new economic system that will user in the New World Order that will be run by the Antichrist.  These are just a few of the signs Jesus told us to keep on the watch for.  Why watch?  Because it would be a sign to the Christians that when we saw all these things we would know for sure we are about to be raptured. 



Prophecy Sign: 1 Thessalonians chapter 5:3: 3While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. At the same time Israel is focusing on Iran they are also forced to keep their eyes on the PLO.  Israel and the Arabs have been talking peace and safety for a long time.  They are getting to the point where the peace talks will fail. Once the Arabs know the peace talks aren’t going anywhere, this is when the sudden destruction that Paul warned us about will take place. One of the main points that have been hindering the peace talks is having the PLO except Israel as a nation.  In the news today we see this problem pop up again.  I quote, “(IsraelNN.com) Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas openly refused Monday to recognize Israel as a Jewish State. The statement came as a direct slap against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's insistence that such an acknowledgement is a necessary condition for "progress" in final-status talks. An uproar ensued in the PA two weeks ago following an initial statement by Netanyahu aides in which it appeared the prime minister had issued an ultimatum, with PA officials calling Netanyahu's insistence on this basic understanding a "provocation" and promising a "poisonous  effect" on the Israel-PA relationship. Netanyahu later clarified that recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people was a necessary component for progress in negotiations with the PA, although it would not prevent the initiation of the talks.”  I know what Jesus has warned us. Israel will be attacked soon.  There is the chance that the issue of recognizing Israel as nation may be what starts the war.  Focus your attention on the Middle East because this is where most of the major prophecies are going to take place soon.


Signs of America's decline are continuing. A new report out today isn't good. “WASHINGTON (AP) — The economy shrank at a worse-than-expected 6.1 percent pace at the start of this year as sharp cutbacks by businesses and the biggest drop in U.S. exports in 40 years overwhelmed a rebound in consumer spending. The Commerce Department's report, released Wednesday, dashed hopes that the recession's grip on the country loosened in the first quarter.” 



If you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again.


Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.

May the Lord renew your Spirit and give you all peace!

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.



Signs of the Times in prophecy- Disease/economy/Market watch/Travel and increase knowledge/Coming attack against Israel/Peace and safety/April 28, 2009



Special note: A few days ago I wrote to all my viewers who I had their emails. I told everyone I was no longer going to send out daily reminders that I just put up a new post. For the past few days I have been contacted by people telling me they liked to be contacted when a new post went up. As a result I am asking you all now, if you are one of those people who do want me to send them a prophecy update notice, let me know and I will make a new list and send you the notices. Thank you and God bless.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Frank's Internation radio show on The Edge program which is based out of London is now airing my third show. This is part two of my two part series dealing with the coming attack against Israel. You can see my show by linking to the edge link below.


Prophecy Sign: Disease is talked about in Matthew 24:7 and Daniel’s prophecy found in Daniel 12:4 tells us our generation would increase in knowledge and also be traveling back and forth.    I want to keep you up to speed on what is currently happening with the new Swine Flu outbreak.  Last week this new flu started to hit the headlines and today we see the disease is still spreading. Officials from all over the world aren’t sure yet how bad this flu is going to get.  What we do know as each day passes is that nation after nation is starting to report cases of this Swine Flu has reached their shores.  How is this Swine Flu making it across the ocean so fast?  Daniel has the answer in his prophecy. Daniel was shown what the future was going to look like and he saw people traveling back and forth just as the Word of God stated.  Today that prophecy has already come to pass as we see millions of people flying from one nation to the next.  Many of these travelers have carried the Swine Flu with them and as result this disease is spreading all over the place.  Here is recent news.  “MEXICO CITY (AP) – The swine flu epidemic crossed new borders Tuesday with the first cases confirmed in the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region, as the number of deaths in Mexico blamed on the virus surpassed 150. With the swine flu having already spread to at least six other countries besides Mexico, authorities around the globe are like firefighters battling a blaze without knowing how far it extends.”  As you can not see there are multiple prophecy being fulfilled all at the same time Let’s take a look at the part of the prophecy which tells us this generation will have increased knowledge.



As you can see from the following Headlines the Swine Flu is on the most.  “Swine Flu Spreads Around the World: Suspected Cases in New Zealand, Middle East, Australia and Across Asia” The subtitle to this report reads, “WHO Cautions Against Border Closures as Swine Flu Outbreak Goes Global.  It is obvious that Jesus prophecy concerning diseases has come to pass now let me give you an example of how our increase knowledge God spoke to Daniel about can be seen. When you click to the ABC News report you will see a video about the Swine flu. It you watch the video you will see how travelers are being tracked at the airports when they arrive.  Airport officials are using thermal scanners to detect any passenger who has a fever.  Between the airport cameras and high tech computers anyone with a fever will show up on the screen.  I have another article on this same kind of information below.  In any case you see all prophecy being fulfilled. Disease, traveling back and forth and even the increased knowledge to be able to pin point what people are sick.  God’s warnings are in our face!



As you can see from this next report New Zealand is now dealing with the Swine “New Zealand reported suspected swine flu cases Monday in a second group of teenage students returning from Mexico, as Asian nations with potent memories of SARS and bird flu outbreaks screened travelers for fever with thermal scanners. Hong Kong assigned a team of scientists to find a quick test for the latest virus to raise global fears of a pandemic, following confirmed human cases of the disease in Mexico, United States and Canada. More than 100 people in Mexico are believed to have died from the new flu and more than 1,600 sickened, prompting widespread school closures and other measures. “AP – Quarantine officers monitor travelers with a thermographic device at an arrival gate at Narita International”


Prophecy Sign:  Here is an update on what I call the “Ezekiel’s Signs” Ezekiel was shown by God, Iran would join forces with their Muslims allies and Russia and invade Israel.  The Apostle Paul warns us in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 that during the time Israel was calling for Peace and Safety sudden destruction would come.  The Middle East events show us this war between the Russian lead forces and Israel is just around the corner.  In my book I show you how all these nations have linked up and are just about ready to attack Israel.  When I say just about ready, what I mean is this, God has a specific date for this battle. At that exact time this coming attack will be seen on every news broadcast around the world.  Stay tuned and keep watching the events in the Middle East because you are going to see this war very soon.

Let me now show you an example of how Iran and Turkey are coming together as partners.  This is important news because both Iran and Turkey are nations listed in Ezekiel chapter 38 that will invade Israel. ”Iran and Turkey end their joint economic summit with the two sides vowing to ease trade barriers and begin trade in their national currencies. Commerce Minister Masoud Mirkazemi headed the Iranian delegation in the two-day summit, in which he held talks with Turkish Foreign Trade Minister Kursad Tuzmen. The two ministers stressed that the use of national currencies in bilateral trade is among the positive measures Iran and Turkey have taken to double the annual trade volume between the two countries, from the $10 billion in 2008, within five years.” When you read my book you will see all the new military agreements both these nations have made. Just about everything these nations are doing is in preparation for the coming invasion against Israel.


If you are new to my site you may be asking this question.  Does Israel know they are going to get attacked?  I can answer this two ways.  Anyone in Israel who has Jesus Christ as their Savior and is fellowshipping for the Lord should know Israel is about to be attacked.  Fact is, any person who is a believer of Christ should be expecting this attack soon.  Those in Israel who do not know Jesus as their Savior will be in the dark.  However, there is a group of Jews who know what Ezekiel had prophesied for the last days and they may know the attack is coming.  As for the Prime Minister of Israel, he knows Israel will have to go to war soon.  I quote, today’s headlines out of Israel. “Netanyahu: Threat of terror is greater than ever”.  Netanyahu declared during the morning event on Mount Herzl that Israel would not compromise on its security for the sake of peace.” “In his address, Peres went on to say that Israel's very existence was still threatened, in an apparent reference to Iran, whose president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for the country to be wiped off the map. IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi later told the tearful gathering of families and dignitaries at the Western Wall that Israel must face extremists from the Palestinian territories and from Iran.”  As you can now see both Netanyahu and Peres know it is only a matter of time before another conflict start in either the Gaza or from Iran.  The point to all this is that we who are ready and standing in Christ know what is coming.  It is my prayer that any of you who doesn’t believe in Jesus yet will turn to Him before this Russia lead invasion begins.  When this invasion takes place it is a huge RED FLAG and the Church is about to leave for heaven with Christ.  If you want to be taken and miss the wrath of God, now is the time to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Once the Church is gone and you are still here on Earth you will have to go through the 7 year tribulation and face the Antichrist.  Is this what you really want?  If not scroll down to the box that has a prayer in it. There is always the first step you have to take to one with Christ.  The first step is to ask Him into your life. The second step is also important, that is start abiding in Him and in His Word.  The only way you will grow in the Lord will by knowing and studying His Word found in the Bible.  In 1 Peter is says, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:”


Prophecy Sign: The book of Revelation.  In this final book of the Bible we see the last seven years that will take place on Earth.  Part of the Revelation shows us the rise of the last days modern day Roman Empire.  In part of Revelation Jesus shows us the Antichrist will reign as the leader of the world for 7 years.  In Rev. chapter 13 Jesus tells us this Antichrist will control the entire economy. How did He warn us? Christ said, “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast.”  Jesus goes on to tell us “it is the number of a man”. For months I have shown you how the world economy is shifting from the dollar and the American influence to the Euro and the leadership of the European Union.  What we know from the Word of God is that something is going to take place in the last days that will cause the entire world to shift to a single currency or cashless society.  The current global economic crisis is pushing the world to fulfill this prophecy.  Since God showed us the last world empire would be the modern day Roman Empire we know that America has to keep declining.  Today there was a report out giving information about what may happen to the economy if this recent Swine flu keeps spreading.  America is already in one of the worse declines since the first Depression.  If this Swine flu gets worse it could destroy what hope America has left to recover from the decline.  Here are just a few quotes that address the flu and the effects on the global market.  Global equity markets suffer moderate setback, with underperformance in particular sectors (transport, travel, leisure, and commodity shares) that are seen most vulnerable to further deterioration in trade flows, travel.” “Concern about the impact on global economic activity starts to weigh on the wider equity market. Mark Bon, fund manager at Canada Life in London, estimates an upgrade to level 4 would see stock markets suffer a sudden sharp drop of 7 percent. Relative performance of stock markets could be determined by their economies' exposure to infected countries and by their stock piles of relevant drugs and vaccines.”  Take a look at Mexico.  Mexico City has come to a stand still.  What do you think is going to happen if this flu threat continues?  It will begin to crush the economy.  This is one way that may help push this new one world economic system to the forefront.  If things get bad, the world is going to look for a person to help them get out of this crisis.  Jesus pointed to the Antichrist as the man who will run the new system.  Think about this for a moment.  If there is a pandemic all the governments will start to enforce new laws in the attempt to protect the people.  I am not say this is going to happen for sure.  However, it could happen this way.  The most important part of all this is this, the Antichrist is going to be revealed very soon and he will take control of the economy just as Jesus warned he would.  Watch the news with me and let us see where these current events lead us.


Here is another article that drives my point home. “Global shares have fallen further in Tuesday trading as the swine flu outbreak continues to weigh on markets. Wall Street's main Dow Jones index was down 0.6% in early trading in New York, while the UK's FTSE 100 finished the day 1.7% lower. Japan's Nikkei earlier closed down 1.7% and Hong Kong's Hang Seng shed 1.4%. "We had finally begun to see a bottom for the global economy and that has been ruined by pigs," said analyst Tsuyoshi Segawa of Shinko Securities.


Will a global crisis really bring out the Antichrist?  As we watch the current events unfold globally we see the handwriting on the wall. “The global financial crisis could become "a human and development calamity" for many poor countries, the World Bank said, urging donor nations to speed delivery of money they have pledged and consider giving more. Developing countries, its main constituency, face "especially serious consequences with the crisis driving more than 50 million people into extreme poverty, particularly women and children," the bank said Sunday. Bank President Robert Zoellick said some of the poorest economies are being hit by "second and third waves of the crisis." He said no one knows how long it will last or when recovery will begin. "There is a widespread recognition that the world faces an unprecedented economic crisis, poor people could suffer the most and that we must continue to act in real time to prevent a human catastrophe," Zoellick said. The bank will respond by tapping its healthy balance sheet to increase lending up to $100 billion over three years and launch initiatives in social protection, public works and agriculture, he said.”


Special Market Watch:  Revelation 6:5-6 tells us that one of the last events to take place which will lead the world into the Great Tribulation will be the collapse of the world economies.  "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!" Revelation 6:5-6.  What we have seen and what we are still seeing almost a year later is the process in the meltdown of the United States and world economies.   God is judging our nation and He has shown us quite clearly that this is indeed the case.  For those of you who may doubt the validity of this statement, let me tell you exactly how He has shown us this.  As we know, nothing is "coincidental" when it comes to God because He is in control of everything.  First though, I would like to quote former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan right after this stock market catastrophe happened. I quoted from Greenspan last year but you need to see it again considering what is going on.  It's short but to the point:  "This is a once-in-a-century crisis."  Well it just so happens that this  "once-in-a-lifetime" crisis started on the the eve of Rosh Ha Shana on September 29, 2008.   What is Rosh Hashanah?  Rosh Hashanah is about God's judgement and it is also the Jewish New Year.   It is followed by the  "Days of Awe"; otherwise known as "The Ten Days of Repentance" and ends 10 days later on "The Day of Atonement."  These are major Holy days in Israel.  God is showing those of us who will listen that He is bringing judgement not only to Amercia, but also to the whole world and it's time for all of us to repent and turn to Him for our salvation.  No – this was no coincidence – and yes – this message that He has for us He has for the whole world.  


The result of the failed banking system has made its way through all areas of our economy.  The results are being seen in the local communities, the banks, businesses and households.  Unemployment is out of control and getting worse by the day.  Today we find out that General Motors is going to lay off over 20,000 workers and they are going to be closing about 1,700 dealerships across the country.   If you are new to my site please go back about 4 months and read what I had warned about the hundreds of thousands of people who are going to get pink slips in the coming months.  Everything I told you to watch for has already taken place. This is beyond devastating.  This is economic Armageddon!  Not only will the automotive workers in the factories lose their jobs, but sales people in these dealerships and the many businesses that do work for these dealerships will also be affected.  These include body shops, parts suppliers and many other outside vendors that a dealership uses to operate its business.  Those of you who have been coming to my site know what I said about the car companies being a huge part of the lifeblood of the American economy and you can see it now need a transfusion to keep alive!


So why has the stock market been "rallying" for the last few weeks.  Under normal circumcises, when a market rallies it means there are positive signals that an economy is doing well or that it has entered a "bear market" which means that stock prices are so low that it entices investors to buy those stocks.  From what we are seeing in the news today in regards to how our economy is doing, we can be sure that the former is what we're seeing happening today.  After the massive sell-off a couple of months ago, stock prices were so low that "investors" saw it as an opportunity to buy some good stocks at ridiculously low prices.  The only problem is that there is no guarantee that the economy is going to recover anytime soon.  There is something important that everybody should be aware of.  All mainstream media outlets are owned by the wealthy elite and it is part of their job to report that there are signs that this deep recession we are in "will soon be coming to an end."  Obama has changed his tone since this started.  When this recession first took hold and after the market collapsed in September 2008, Obama was telling Americans in his news conferences that things were going to get worse.  He had stated this on numerous occasions.  Evidently, his advisors must have gotten through to him that if he continued to follow this course that it would hamper any chance of a recovery from ever happening and the stock market would continue to tumble.  China would stop buying our treasury bonds that are used to pay for our mounting debt and stimulus packages.  This would then lead to a further decline of the dollar, which would eventually lead to its collapse.  So it is most important that the U.S. do everything possible to insure that the dollar doesn't collapse.   

Our government is being a little too hopeful that things are going to get better by throwing all of this newly printed money around which they hope is going turn things around.  To think that they can cover their own massive debt as well as rescue all of the banks at the same time and then provide the backup funding for the FDIC which is in peril of going under (in which case, the banks would also fall like dominoes because of the run on the banks that would then follow since our deposits would no longer be insured and could disappear in the snap of a finger) and then provide "loans" (also with our fresh newly printed dollars) with money that we don't have to the thousands of corporations that haven't gone bankrupt yet AND THEN ON TOP OF THAT send money to all of the local and foreign governments (IMF-International Monetary Fund – to help support other failing foreign economies that are also collapsing) is absurd, to say the least.  

This financial crisis, which started right here in America, has spread throughout the whole world.  The European and U.S. bankers have orchestrated a worldwide rate cut of epic proportions and the worst isn't even here yet.  The world is faced with the total collapse of the global financial system.   Spending trillions of dollars of money that we don't have is not the answer.  Making it possible for individuals and corporations to be able to borrow on credit again is not the answer.  It's as risky for the average consumer to accept credit with the uncertainty of the job market, as it is risky for the banks to loan the money.  Our country is going BANKRUPT so how is promoting debt by giving loans to individuals and corporations going to get us out of this hole we're in – especially, since CREDIT is what got us here in the first place!  There is just something very wrong with this whole philosophy and yet we hear Obama and Tim Geigner – who heads our Federal Reserve that, they are working on freeing up credit so that everything can get back to normal again.  It's not good for a nation when it's survivability depends on keeping people in debt.  

What is the point of all of this?  As Gerald Celente and others have already told us, we need to be preparing for the U.S. default that they say will come sometime this year.  When it happens it will happen swiftly and without warning.  It will be caused either by America defaulting on its debt with China or a sudden drop in the value of the dollar or, maybe even both.  But before the final act that brings the world economies down, we need to be wary of the wealthy elites manipulating the stock market just one last time by dumping large amounts of money into the system so that unsuspecting investors would think that the worst must be over and after it's already too late these elites would then do a massive sell-off which would certainly crash the markets.  Is this something that could happen?  In the last month we've seen strong gains in the markets.  Why?  All of the indicators and statistics are showing that the OPPOSITE should be happening.  The markets should either be maintaining stable levels of activity or even showing a drop – based on the economic forecasts that are being reported.  What glimmers of hope that things are beginning to turn around is Obama talking about? Is it the fact that GM is going bankrupt?  Is it that unemployment keeps increasing more than the "experts" are predicting?  Is it maybe that hundreds of thousands are losing their homes this year or, maybe even that this new worldwide pestilence will somehow work a miracle?  Could this latest "rally" be the final act before the next and LAST crash of the stock market?  Nobody knows but God.  But what I do know is that there is a great deception taking place to try and squeeze every dollar out of anybody who is daring enough to "invest" in the stock market.

How effective is the propaganda machine for the global elites?  In this article we read, "Americans are starting to feel better about the economy, and that's helped the stock market fight off some weakness.  The Conference Board's April report on consumer confidence SURGED to a reading of 39.2, up 46% from the reading of 26.9 in March. The monthly gain was the fourth-biggest in the 32-year history of the survey. Economists had expected only a slight improvement to a reading of 28.8."  I hope that you can read through this propaganda everybody.  This is exactly what I'm talking about.  This is called "pumping false hope" into the masses.  This is the deception I'm talking about.  And now look at the very next sentence in this report.  "The survey's expectations index SURGED to 49.5 in April from 30.2 in March, which was the biggest increase since the fall of Baghdad in the spring of 2003.  Consumers believe the economy is nearing a bottom," Lynn Franco, the director of the Conference Board's consumer research center, said in a statement. Still, the index "remains well below levels associated with strong economic growth."  For some reason, the word surge is supposed to make us feel better.  After all, they did use this key word twice in this article.  I don't know about anybody else, but the average worker, consumer, family member that I know of aren't paying attention as to whether or not the stock market has reached a bottom yet.  And they really don't care.  All they care about is being able to hold a job and supporting their families and trying to survive the latest flu threats and trying to pay their rent and mortgage payments and putting food on the table. Maybe this is the "glimmer of hope" that the spinmeisters are talking about?




In closing, one day we may all wake up to some very bad news.  And it will more than likely happen after a weekend or a bank holiday.  And that bad news would be that our dollar is worth only pennies on the dollar because a new monetary system has been put into affect overnight.  The whole idea is to create a new monetary system without causing panic and thus, crashing the world economies at the same time.  So this new monetary system, which will eventually lead up to the "mark of the beast" spoken of in the book of Revelation, is coming and it's coming sooner than a lot of us think and it's coming unannounced!  



This is all bad news for anyone who doesn’t know Jesus Christ as his or her Savior yet. Fact is, it will be bad news for any Christian who isn’t abiding in Christ. Why? Because all of these people will find that these things will come on them as a thief in the night just as Jesus told Paul to write.  The other group of people are those who are on the watch for Christ’s second coming. This is the group that Jesus calls the Children of God.  These are the ones who Jesus is coming back for to rapture out of this Earth.  The only question I have for you today is this.  Which group does Jesus see you standing in today?  

Prophecy Sign: In the book of Revelation we see a false religious system which will be riding the beast during the 7 year tribulation. In Rev. chapter 17:5 Jesus points to the “MOTHER OF HARLOTS” which we see that has ties in Rome the city of 7 mountains.  Does it now surprise you that the Pope is making his way into the peace process?  “Signed today in Rome, it aims to strengthen collaboration for peace, security and stability in the region and to favour inter-religious dialogue.Vatican City (AsiaNews) – An agreement aimed at strengthening collaboration on a cultural and political level between the Holy See and the Arab League in favour of “peace, security and regional and international stability” and increased attention to inter-religious dialogue, was signed today in the Vatican by the Secretary General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa – who will be received Tomorrow in private audience by Pope Benedict – and the Pope’s “Foreign Minister” Msgr. Dominique Mamberti. The Memorandum of Understanding, a Vatican communiqué informs, “further consolidates the bonds of co-operation that exist between the Holy See and the League of Arab States, especially on the political and cultural levels, in favour of peace, security, and regional and international stability. Moreover, it proposes instruments of consultation between the two Parties, giving attention also to initiatives of inter-religious dialogue” and “came into force with the signature of the two Parties”.  Put to and two together here. Paul warned the call for peace and safety would be seen, Jesus ties in Rome and points to this city that will be the center of a false religious system.  Why do you think the Pope and the Muslims are coming together?  It is in part to fulfill the writing found in Revelation 17!  Watch with me as the Pope and many Muslims make there move toward the peace talks.  If you can’t see what is going on you are not keeping up with what the Word says will happen in the last days.  This is a very dangerous position to be in since we are so close to seeing Jesus come back for all this children who are ready for Him.



If you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again.


Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.

May the Lord renew your Spirit and give you all peace!

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.



Blessing from Christ-Signs of Ezekiel’s war coming coming-The Flu news-Major Earthquake-America’s decline and call for new global currency-April 27, 2009


Special note: A few days ago I wrote to all my viewers who I had their emails. I told everyone I was no longer going to send out daily reminders that I just put up a new post. For the past few days I have been contacted by people telling me they liked to be contacted when a new post went up. As a result I am asking you all now, if you are one of those people who do want me to send them a prophecy update notice, let me know and I will make a new list and send you the notices. Thank you and God bless.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Frank's Internation radio show on The Edge program which is based out of London is now airing my third show. This is part two of my two part series dealing with the coming attack against Israel. You can see my show by linking to the edge link below.


From time to time I post notes sent to me from people visiting my site. I want to show you how Jesus is blessing me. I a so grateful to play a part in leading people to Christ and to help strengthen those who have been leak in their faith. It is Jesus doing the work, and I give Him all the glory for what is happening at my site. I am a blessed man to be used by our Lord to help prepare for His second coming. Below is a message I just received and I wanted to share it with you all.


I've been at your sight since approx. mid March. I found your sight while sitting in the hospital with my son who was going through a stem cell transplant. We were in for 20 days and he is in the middle of beginning his second transplant. Luke was given 10 – 15 % chance of survival and the 2nd transplant moves him up to 20 – 30%. I have always had faith but I had to turn all faith to God because I had no answers. Luke just graduated from H.S and was suppose to go to college to play soccer and was diagnosed in June. Lukes cancer has been extremely resistant, thus he ended with these low percentages. After searching scripture and finding answers to God's promises I also found extreme hope in what you state on this website. It cemented the concept that God's word is true. The aspect that you are able to relate the scripture to what is going on in the world and you attach all the proof of your findings for us to verity- it is truly outstanding. Again as I was going through this intense situation and diving into His word your website gave me more to hang on to, to verify my hope. After all the treatment he had, Luke came through his transplant with a clean scan. They believe he is one of the 10 – 15%. Of course it is still a waiting game but he had a remarkable outcome and I do believe he is healed. Thank you for your hard work. Your work gives hope not just for understanding end times but for realizing God's word is true.



Prophecy Sign:  Ezekiel 38:4-7 – "And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:  Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.  Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them."   This prophecy is directed at Gog (Russia ).  What we see happening in these beginning scriptures is Russia arming their allies and thinking as they go into battle against Israeal Russia will “be thou a guard unto them”, or if you will protect them.  However, we know from the rest of this prophecy Russia (Gog) won’t be able to protect themselves let alone anyone else.

God instructed Ezekiel to tell Gog to prepare for the invasion that they will be leading against Israel in the latter days.  According to what we read in the scriptures about the nations participating in this invasion Persia, (Iran), will be one of the major nations coming with Russia.  So for the scriptures above, Russia will do whatever is necessary to protect it's allies.   In the past few months, both Israel and the United States have urged Russia to stop its arm shipments to Iran.   Iran is a threat to the survivability of Israel because they are seeking to build nuclear bombs and missiles, which they wouldn't hesitate to use on them.  The President of Iran has stated on a number of occasions that Israel needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.  Their hatred of Israel and the Jewish people runs deep.  But no matter what anybody else wants, this prophecy states that Russia and Iran will remain as allies until their defeat in the mountains of Israel as described in Ezekiel 38.  A quote from the Tehran Times from yesterday, Sunday, says,  "Our relations with Russia are deeper and broader than what Israel seeks to hamper," Najjar told FNA on Friday, reminding the Zionist regime of Israel’s attempts to undermine Iran-Russian relations, and military cooperation in particular.  "We have mutual cooperation with Russians in deferent fields. They have made a significant investment in the Bushehr power plant and other industries in Iran,"  Najjar reiterated.   As has been reported on this site on numerous occasions, this coalition of forces that Gog will be leading in this invasion is being assembled right now.  They have already developed alliances with all of the countries mentioned in this scripture.  


So what will be the cause of this Ezekiel war?  Ultimately, there are a few things that point in the direction we should be focused.  First, it couldl be because Israel doesn't want to split Jerusalem and give up more of the Holy Land that really belongs to God.  Another factor could be that Israel seems to be leaning towards attacking Iran and destroying all of their nuclear sites in an attempt to slow down their production of nukes.  Look for some sort of action to be taken by Israel in the very near future towards this cause.  It has been reported that if there is to be an attack on Iran, it would need to happen before the winter and it needs to be done before Iran receives anymore anti-aircraft and ant-missile systems from Russia.  The window is closing quickly for any sort of success on this mission.  The longer Israel waits the more time Iran has to prepare for it.  Let us not forget another reason why the Russia alliance may attack.  What about Israel's refusal to agree to the conditions of the Palestinians?  Israel continues to build settlements in the West Bank and refuses to withdraw from the Golan Heights, which also are part of God's land.  The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in a speech on Sunday that no matter how much pressure the United States and others puts on them to continue negotiations for peace with Israel, they won't even consider it as long as Israel continues to build.  Tensions continue to rise and soon we will be seeing more signs that these wars are getting nearer.  When Israel strikes Iran then watch the Russian "bear" get angry real fast.  Keep in mind also that the Apostle Paul did say sudden destruction will come when they are calling for peace and safety!  Whatever scenario actually takes place we know one thing for sure. This war is coming soon!



In the book of Daniel God told Daniel in the end times the Old Roman Empire Would return. It would be through this modern day reborn Roman Empire that the Antichrist would come from. In no way was Daniel ever given any insights on what we know today as America. People have asked the question, if America is a superpower why isn’t she in the book of Daniel as a power of the last days. The answer to that question can only be, America will have already declined as a power to the point that she will not place a major role at the time of the end. About 5 years ago we started to see the rapid decline of America. Since September 2008 America has almost fallen and she is still getting weak in the legs. This decline is going to continue because the last world power that will play that major role for the end times is this modern day reborn Roman Empire which, is the European Union. I give specific details in chapter 2 of my book to show how the EU is getting stronger while the U.S. is falling away. We have reached the last days and the vision God gave to Daniel is already here. A few months ago I gave you some information on one of the leading men in the nation that deals with the future economic outlook for America. Since getting into his field he has never been wrong about the economy. Do you want to see why Daniel didn’t see America as a superpower? Just click to the link below.



Please go back and read some of my previous posts from last year and you will see I warned the unemployment rates were going to get much higher. Here is a new report that tells you even the White House is warning the future does't look good when it comes to the economy.  Read what was just released in a report entitled. “Summers Says U.S. Economy to Decline ‘For Some Time”.   “April 26 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. economy will continue to contract “for some time to come,” said Lawrence Summers, director of the White House National Economic Council. “I expect the economy will continue to decline,” with “sharp declines in employment for quite some time this year,” Summers said today on “Fox News Sunday.” The International Monetary Fund, which held meetings last week in Washington, cut its forecast for each of the Group of Seven economies for this year and next. The IMF, established in 1944 to aid countries in financial crisis, said the U.S. economy would shrink 2.8 percent this year and have no growth in 2010, with unemployment rising to 10.1 percent.” I think you should take heed to what the IMF says because this is one of the banks that will be involved in the New World Order all the nations leaders have been taking about. Keep your eyes on these events because if you don’t believe America will lose her strength, you will change your mind later when you see her continue to decline. Just a few years ago the U.S. was ranked number 1 as the most prosperous nation on the planet. At the end of 2008 she was ranked 22 and most of the top 10 nations just so happened to come from the reborn Roman Empire. The superpower shift is taking place to fulfill God’s Word.


Speaking about the New World Order, take a look at what China said today. Even China knows America is falling. The dollar that used to be the number one currency is going to fall and China knew it! This new currency will probably be part of the system the Antichrist will reign over. I quote, “China called Sunday for reform of the global currency system, dominated by the dollar, which it said is the root cause of the global financial crisis. "We should attach great importance to reform of the international monetary system," Chinese Vice Finance Minister Li Yong told the spring IMF/World Bank Development Committee meeting in Washington. “ All this news is evidence the Word is coming to pass.


In the book of Matthew chapter 24 it is written that in the last days you will see diseases spring up that would kill millions of people all over the earth. Jesus also warned all His fellowers that during the end time all the end time signs would take place as a woman in labor. In chapter 4 of my book I listed so much information about current diseases and what is happening that it is almost at the point of overwhelming people. If you really want a good look at the number of different diseases affecting people please go to my book link and download the book for free. Are people talking about disease? I checked one site today and the list below shows what is happening with this new Swine Flu outbreak. If things are bad now, you won’t like what you will see during the tribulation period which last for 7 years. The only way you are going to be able to save yourself from the 7 years is to receive Jesus as your Lord. “Pray that you would be accounted worthy to escape all these things and to stand before the Son of man.” Jesus promised us that if we pray this He would do what? He would keep us from going through these things. Who are the worthy one? First you have to be filled with the Holy Spirit which Means you have to be born again. See John 3:3. The people who are born again in Christ have new life and without this there is no hope. Jesus also made it a point to tell His followers over and over again to WATCH for His signs of the last days. He kept telling His followers to be ready. Ready for what? Ready for the day that He would come and take everyone of those believers who are abiding in Him, filled with His Spirit and standing on the watch for His coming. All I have to ask is this. Are you one of these people? If not Jesus wants you to be. Just to keep you up-to-date with the sign of disease click to the links below. As you read this news reports just remember it is only one of the warning signs Jesus told us to look for.

EU: Don't travel to USA and Mexico…
*US calls EU travel warning unwarranted…
**Russia to check all planes from Americas…
Every passenger arriving in Britain from Mexico screened…
Has globalization made us more catastrophe-prone?
Could mutate to 'more dangerous' strain…
Flu could boost gov't intervention further…
Mexico flu scare empties streets, churches, bars…
Spreads to Europe, markets edgy…

Prophecy Sign: Matthew Chapter 24 the warning of earthquakes. Did I not tell you to keep your eyes on the news for more big earthquakes!  Mexico seems to be getting pounded right now.  First the Swine Flu and now a major earthquake. “MEXICO CITY – A strong earthquake struck central Mexico on Monday, swaying tall buildings in the capital and sending office workers into the streets. The quake rattled nerves in a city already tense from a swine flu outbreak suspected of killing as many as 149 people nationwide. "I'm scared," said Sarai Luna Pajas, a 22-year-old social services worker standing outside her office building moments after it hit. "We Mexicans are not used to living with so much fear, but all that is happening — the economic crisis, the illnesses and now this — it feels like the Apocalypse." Co-worker Harold Gutierrez, 21, said the country was taking comfort from its religious faith, but he too was gripped by the sensation that the world might be coming to an end. "If it is, it is God's plan," Gutierrez said, speaking over a green mask he wore to ward off swine flu. The Interior Ministry said there were no reports of damages anywhere in the country. The quake had a agnitude of 5.6 and was centered near Chilpancingo”


Mexcio has also been in the headlines for over a year because of their drug wars! Maybe Jesus is trying to get someones attention in Mexico!


If you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again.


Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.

May the Lord renew your Spirit and give you all peace!

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.



SPECIAL SUNDAY UP-DATE/ I warned you something like this was coming soon and it is here!-April 26, 2009


 A few days ago I wrote to all my viewers who I had their emails. I told everyone I was no longer going to send out daily reminders that I just put up a new post. For the past few days I have been contacted by people telling me they liked to be contacted when a new post went up. As a result I am asking you all now, if you are one of those people who do want me to send them a prophecy update notice, let me know and I will make a new list and send you the notices. Thank you and God bless.

About a month ago I posted a video that had to do with truckers transporting flu. After seeing what is taking place currently I am wondering if this story is in fact true. I will leave it up to you to make that determination. Watch the video first then read what is now happening currently. Keep in mind the women said the trucker is from Mexico. Now look at where this new Swine flu started, Mexico. Also keep in mind the women also stated there is a trucker from Albany N.Y . Notice if you will we are now seeing this new Swine Flu popping up in New York!


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24 :7 Disease. Last year I warned you all to Keep on the watch for new diseases because soon they would begin to show up. In chapter 4 of my book which I released in 1997 I also warned new diseases will begin to appear in the news. Last week before this new Swine Flu broke out I warned anyone coming to my site to watch the news because more diseases were on their way. As you can see this new high bread Swine Flu could be pretty deadly. Last year and last week I warned about diseases that have jumped from animal to human I even told you that we need to watch the news because I believed that some of these diseases will start jumping from human from human not just from animal to human. There is news going around that this new Swine Flu may have been made in a lab. I can’t tell you for sure if this is the case but what does that matter when you hear the Words of Christ on the subject. Jesus warned us that in the last days disease would be a major killer in the end times. Wheather made in a lab or just by fluke, this deadly flu is here. Jesus words are coming to pass everyday.

Here are a few news reports out today concerning this new Swine Flu. “An Advanced Biowar Event That Will Be Bigger Than 9/11" On 23 rd April 2009 the world began to become aware of a very strange new version of swine flu H1N1 in Mexico with limited cases in Texas and California. By the morning of the 24th of April, we began hear that there were hundreds of sick and 20 or so dead. By late in the day, we have learned that over 1,000 are now reported ill and over 60 are reported dead. There are solid reasons to suspect that this new Mexican Swine Flu is NOT a naturally occurring event but instead is an Advanced Biological Warfare recombination DNA genetically engineered virus. Here is what we know of the virus so far. This virus has already gone international having crossed the border from Mexico to America. All schools in Mexico City have been canceled, millions of students told to stay home due to Mexican Swine Flu. Sick victims of this strange new virus are currently reported in California and Texas. Over 60 deaths reported in Mexico (could be substantially higher considering the state of Mexican health care and reporting.”

'New' Flu Kills over 60, sickens 900 in Mexico


MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Governments around the world rushed on Sunday to check the spread of a new type of

swine flu that has killed up to 81 people in Mexico and infected around a dozen in the United States. Mexicans huddled in their homes while U.S. hospitals tracked patients with flu symptoms and other countries imposed health checks at airports as the World Health Organization warned the virus had the potential to become a pandemic. The epidemic has snowballed into a monster headache for Mexico, already grappling with a violent drug war and economic slowdown, and has quickly become one of the biggest global health scares in years.


Every area hospital was on the lookout for patients with respiratory problems and other symptoms consistent with swine flu. "We're looking at this minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour, day-to-day," said Dr. Thomas Frieden, New York Health Commissioner.More than 100 students at St. Francis Preparatory School in Queens were suddenly hit with fever, sore throat and other aches and pains. Preliminary lab results came back positive for swine flu in eight tests."What's concerning about this, is that it is likely swine flu. Second, at this time, it is spreading from person to person," Frieden said”.


“WASHINGTON, April 25 (Reuters) – A new and unusual strain of swine flu is likely widespread and impossible to contain at this point, experts agree. The H1N1 strain has killed at least 20 people and possibly 48 more in Mexico and has been confirmed in at least eight people in the United States, all of whom had mild illness. Probable cases also were found at a school in the New York City borough of Queens and experts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say they fully expect to find more cases. Here is why: * This new strain of influenza has shown it can spread easily from person to person.”


“New U.S. swine flu cases spread pandemic fears” Today this flu has made its way to Kansas


Anyone coming to my site knows I have been warning we are getting closer to the day that Jesus is going to take His Church home. When we see these signs He told us to watch for, it only reinforces Jesus promises. He promised to take anyone who received Him as Savior home with Him. Jesus is coming back and I pray to God news like this will motivate you to get closer to Christ if you haven’t done so already.

If you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again.


Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.

May the Lord renew your Spirit and give you all peace!

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change their the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studying the Word of God. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.



More Diseases-More Earthquakes-Peace and Safety signs-Ezekiel signs / EU signs-Signs of Noah’s generation- Kingdom against Kingdom signs-April 24, 2009




Today someone sent me a picture of his grandson with a book in his hand. Of all the books he could have picked to read look at which one he has in his hand. I guess it is never to young to find out what is going on. I think the colors of the book may have helped.

Special note: I will keep this note up for one week for those of you who come to the site.  A few days ago I wrote to all my viewers who I had their emails. I told everyone I was no longer going to send out daily reminders that I just put up a new post. For the past few days I have been contacted by people telling me they liked to be contacted when a new post went up. As a result I am asking you all now, if you are one of those people who do want me to send them a prophecy update notice, let me know and I will make a new list and send you the notices.  Thank you and God bless.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Frank's Internation radio show on The Edge program which is based out of London is now airing my third show. This is part two of my two part series dealing with the coming attack against Israel.  You can see my show by  linking to the edge link below.


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 we read the warnings to watch for diseases in the last days.  Anyone who has read my book knows I have page after page of reports proving this prophecy is coming to pass.  I said coming because as the world enters into the 7 year tribulation diseases are going to sweep throughout the world and kill millions.  What we are witnessing now is only the beginning of these birth pains.  However, I want to keep you up to speed as to what is currently being reported.  “Nigeria recorded its biggest meningitis epidemic in 2009 with a casualty of 40,000, including 1,900 deaths, the European Commission said in Abuja. The Regional Information Officer in Dakar, Senegal, Ms Claire Barrault, who disclosed this at a news briefing, said: "This figure represents the biggest in five years. "Twenty three states including 346 local government areas have reported at least one case of meningitis since the beginning of 2009. "The epidemic reached the peak at a national level on week 12 when 7,000 cases were reported per week."  In my book I explain why so many of the uncommon diseases are now starting to be reported in areas they normally don’t show up.  What is the reason?  The CDC awhile back hit the nail on the head.  The answer is travel.  The people on Earth are so connected now that as they travel around the globe, they are carrying diseases to places that used to be free from them.


Here is a case in point. In today’s news we read “Canadians who have recently returned from Mexico should be on alert for flu-like symptoms that could be connected to a severe respiratory illness, federal health officials said Thursday in issuing a travel advisory. A severe respiratory illness appears to have infected 137 people in south and central areas of Mexico, with cases concentrated in Mexico City and three other areas, including 20 deaths, the Public Health Agency of Canada said.


Also in the news Reuters) reports, “Seven people have been diagnosed with a new kind of swine flu in California and Texas, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Thursday. All seven people have recovered but the virus itself is a never-before-seen mixture of viruses typical among pigs, birds and humans, the CDC said. "We are likely to find more cases," the CDC's Dr. Anne Schuchat told a telephone briefing. "We don't think this is time for major concern around the country." Canadian officials have asked doctors to keep an eye out for cases of respiratory illness among travelers from Mexico. "Symptoms from those seriously ill in Mexico include high fever, headache, eye pain, shortness of breath and extreme fatigue with rapid progression of symptoms to severe respiratory distress in about five days," the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control said in a statement.”


There was another strange disease reported by Fox News today. The headline to their report read, “Never-Before-Seen Mixture of Bird, Swine, Human Flu Sickens 7 in Calif., Texas”.  I quote, “ATLANTA — Health officials are investigating a never-before-seen form of the flu that combines pig, bird and human viruses and which has infected seven people in California and Texas. All the victims recovered, but the cases are a growing medical mystery because it's unclear how they caught the virus. None of the seven people were in contact with pigs, which is how people usually catch swine flu. And only a few were in contact with each other, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”  Once you read my book you will discover that one of the fears doctors have about all these types of diseases is that, once they jump for animal to human they will become that much more dangerous when these diseases then jump from human to human.  For example, the biggest fear the health community is keeping their eyes on is the Bird Flu.  Once this flu starts jumping form human to human they say millions will be affected.  So far that hasn’t happened but, I can see this type of disease spreading like wildfire during the tribulation.  In any case you won’t want to be around to find out if I was right or not.


“A deadly strain of swine flu never seen before has broken out in Mexico, killing at least 16 people and raising fears it is spreading across North America. The World Health Organization said it was concerned about what it called 800 "influenza-like" cases in Mexico, and also about a confirmed outbreak of a new strain of swine flu in the United States. Mexico canceled classes for millions of children in its sprawling capital city and surrounding areas on Friday after authorities noticed a higher number of deaths involving flu-like illness than normal in recent weeks. "It is a virus that mutated from pigs and then at some point was transmitted to humans," Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova told the Televisa network.”  Remember what I said about diseases jumping for animal to human?


Prophecy Sign: In Luke 21:11 he also list great earthquakes as one of the signs to watch for. Matthew 24:7 says there will be earthquakes in many places.  I try to keep you up to speed concerning this sign but, the last time I reported about this was 7 days ago. I checked the data and in 7 days there were 23 earthquakes that were all over 5.1. Listed in the data were a 6.6, 6.1, 6.0, 5.8, two 5.7’s, and a 5.6 and, as I said, all the rest hit at least a 5.1.  Things are moving around and you will keep hearing about them.

Prophecy Sign: 1st Thessalonians 5:3: “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”  Anyone following the news and knows about this prophecy knows very well that the first part of this prophecy has already been fulfilled.  If you are new here you may be asking what first part?  The part about them calling for peace and safety.  At the present time there has been a lot of focus on the Middle East and how to bring in some type of peace there.  One of the things nations are currently looking at is to bring in troops from the North Alantic Treaty Organization to maintain the peace between the PLO and Israel.  I quote for today’s news out of Israel. “Almost two-thirds of Israeli Jews support sending NATO troops to the West Bank in a peacekeeping capacity, according to a poll conducted by Jerusalem-based KEEVOON Research and set to be released on Wednesday. Israeli Jews supported the presence of NATO peacekeepers in Palestinian areas by 62 percent to 34%, the study found. But that support was not shared among Israeli Arabs, who opposed the idea by 44% to 24% – though a third said they did not know or refused to answer the question. "We are seeing a change in the readiness for third-party intervention in the conflict," according to Dr. Lars Hansel, head of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung office in Jerusalem, which commissioned the study. "Three or four years back, there was no readiness for international involvement, but I think this changed because of the EU monitoring mission in Rafah, which was seen positively, and the German marines deployed on the Lebanese coast, who are seen [by Israelis] as a welcome development. We are clearly sensing a shift in discourse in Israel about this," Hansel said.”  Wheather Israel is forced into some kind of peace treaty or not we know the outcome from what Paul warned us.  At the time they are calling for peace and safety is when an attack will come.  The attack is going to take place soon because the Muslims won’t stop until they march in and try to take over Jerusalem.  Ever since 1977 when Israel and the Arabs began to talk about peace in the region the main stumbling block has been who gets to keep the Holy City of Jerusalem?  God showed us in Zech. Chapter 12 that in the last days Jerusalem would become the major problem and it is.



Here is a short report the will reinforce what I am saying about the city of Jerusalem. "The world's Muslims should go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem to demonstrate that it is a Muslim city and the future capital of a Palestinian state, an Egyptian parliamentarian was quoted as saying Thursday. "Just as Muslims go on pilgrimage… to Mecca, they should also go to Jerusalem and to the Al-Aksa Mosque by the hundreds of thousands every year," Minister of Religious Endowments Mohammed Hamdi Zaqzuq was quoted by the Al-Masri Al-Youm newspaper as saying.



Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 and chapter 7 warned us the Old Roman Empire would be come back to life in the last days. The European Union is almost a exact copy of the Old Roman Empire.  Most of the nations in the EU are the exact same nations that were in the first Roman Empire.  In today’s news we see that two of the leaders from the EU are again making life for Turkey very difficult.  Turkey has wanted to join the EU for some time but they just can’t seem to get it done.  Let me quote what happened today. “French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who are known for their staunch opposition to Turkey's membership in the European Union, have started to cause trouble for Ankara in NATO, too. The two are now opposing the possible appointment of a Turkish representative as a deputy secretary-general of the alliance on the basis that they were not consulted about the appointment beforehand.”  Many people may ask why can’t Turkey seem to enter the EU?  I think I may have that answer.  When you read Ezekiel chapter 38 which deal with the last days attack against Israel you see Turkey is one of the nations that are joined with Russia in that attack.  This may give us a clue as to why Turkey doesn’t enter into the EU.  This is my opinion and only time will tell but, I think Turkey will get tired of trying to become a EU member and turn to Russia for an even deeper friendship. If you read chapter 10 of my book you will see Russia and Turkey have been forging new alliances with each other.




Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel chapter 38 and Zech. Chapter 12. What I find very interesting is how President Obama is helping the PLO get arms via Turkey.  As you now know Turkey was listed to attack Israel with the Russian alliance. Two things are going on here. First we see the shift away from Israel by the U.S. and second we see the footsteps for Turkey’s involvement in the coming attack against Israel. DEBKAfile quotes senior Israeli military circles as staggered by the discovery that US president Barack Obama had approved a large Turkish arms sale to the Lebanese army, half of whose manpower are Shiites loyal to Hizballah. This was taken as further proof that the US president is deaf to Israel's immediate security concerns.”



Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:37 we read Jesus’ warning that the last generation will become like Noah’s generation. As I said two days ago one of the things taking place during Noah’s time was that the people were involved in homosexuality.  This is one of the reasons why God sent the flood that wiped out all life except those on the Ark.  On April 22, 2009 I made this statement concerning a new bill that was going before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. “Here is the problem, which the laws they are trying to pass. These new laws may force anyone who believes in the Word of God to be silent on the issue of homosexuality.  Somewhere down the line people will pick on a pastors and say they are hateful because he is preaching against homosexuals.  It will happen.”  Today anyone who preaches God’s Word probably feels like our worse nightmare is about to begin. I quote, “Members of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee today rejected an opportunity to protect Christian pastors who preach the biblical condemnation of homosexuality and approved on a 15-12 vote a "hate crimes" bill that supporters admit could be used to bring charges against religious leaders. The bill, H.R. 1913, now will be considered by the full House of Representatives. The committee rejected a number of amendments offered by several members seeking to protect religious liberty, to protect the unborn, to protect against violence by illegal aliens, and to clarify the bill's meanings of "gender identity" and "sexual orientation." One of the rejected proposals was offered by Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas, who sought to ensure ministers could not be prosecuted for abetting a "hate crime" simply because they preach from the Bible or another religious book. When a nearly identical plan was developed in the last Congress, Rep. Artur Davis, D-Ala., admitted during a hearing on the bill it could be used to prosecute pastors merely for preaching under the premise that they could be "inducing" violence in someone”.  I can assure you of one thing it won’t just be pastors who will be affected but down the line they will be going after anyone who quotes from the Bible on this issue.  This is one of the birth pains Jesus warned us about. Another section of the report stated, "The federal hate crimes bill is bad news for everyone," said Brad Dacus of Pacific Justice Institute, who testified in Congress against the bill two years ago. "Instead of treating all crime victims equally, it creates a caste system where select groups, such as gays and lesbians, are given greater priority in the criminal justice system. This is not progress; it is political correctness. In other nations and states, the adoption of hate crimes legislation has been the first step toward widespread suppression of speech and ideas critical of homosexuality," he said. “

If you are a Christian do not let you down.  You have to understand these things have to come upon this world to fulfill Christ’s Words.  Do you know what this shows us?  We are very close to the rapture of the Church.


The process of going after people who take a stand on Same Sex marriage marriage has already begun in the State of Iowa. I quote, “Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller is warning the county recorders' offices in his state that workers must process "marriage" licenses for same-sex duos or face possible charges in a court of law. "If necessary, we will explore legal actions to enforce and implement the court's ruling, working with the Iowa Dept. of Public Health and county attorneys," he warned on his website. But an announcement today from a statewide pro-family organization and a public interest law firm with a reach that goes around the world means the issue of same-sex weddings eventually could end up back in court. The statements from Miller relate to the state Supreme Court's decision that Iowa must provide same-sex couples access to the state's marriage processes.”  There is no question, these are the last days.”


Prophecy Sign: Do you remember the warning I gave you a few months ago about the civil unrest that is going to come?  If you go back to my previous posts you will see many articles where I report on the rioting going on in 15 nations because of  the global economic crisis. Take any prophecy sign you want and remember Jesus told you it was going to take place as a woman with birth pains.  The rioting has stopped for the time being but as you can see from today’s news they expect more of the same. I quote, “A clutch of political and labour leaders in Germany have raised the spectre of civil unrest after the country's leading institutes forecast a 6pc contraction of gross domestic product this year, a slump reminiscent of 1931 and bad enough to drive unemployment to 4.7m by 2010. Michael Sommer, leader of the DGB trade union federation, called the latest wave of sackings a "declaration of war" against Germany's workers. "Social unrest can no longer be ruled out," he said. Gesine Swann, presidential candidate for the Social Democrats, said "the mood could turn explosive" over the next three months unless the government takes drastic action”. It won’t be just Germany who will be in the news as the global economy gets worse you will see other nations begin to riot again.



f you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again.


Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.

May the Lord renew your Spirit and give you all peace!

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe  and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change their the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studing the Word of God. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.


A world full of hunger-Peace and safety-Does the Bible warn of a nuclear war in the Middle East? Ezekiel signs of the end-April 23, 2009


Special note: A few days ago I wrote to all my viewers who I had their emails. I told everyone I was no longer going to send out daily reminders that I just put up a new post. For the past few days I have been contacted by people telling me they liked to be contacted when a new post went up. As a result I am asking you all now, if you are one of those people who do want me to send them a prophecy update notice, let me know and I will make a new list and send you the notices.  Thank you and God bless.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Frank's Internation radio show on The Edge program which is based out of London is now airing my third show. This is part two of my two part series dealing with the coming attack against Israel.  You can see my show by  linking to the edge link below.


Prophecy Sign: Daniel chapter 2 and chapter 7 tell us exactly who will be ruling as a world empire at the time Jesus Christ returns to Earth.  We see a rebirth of the Old Roman Empire.  This prophecy has been fulfilled in part.  Yes the Old Roman Empire has been revived again.  If you take a look at the European Union you will see that Old Roman Empire standing in the form of the modern day EU.  What does this show us?  For one thing it shows us America isn’t even mentioned in the book of Daniel.  That has to mean America is not considered a major power in the last days.  For years people tried to figure out what would bring America down.  Well, last September we saw the final phase of America’s decline begin.  Since the housing crisis hit and the banks started to fail, America has fallen deeper into this crisis and now just as I predicted we are hearing the rumors the U.S. will go into a Depression.  One of the signs I told you to look for months ago was the unemployment rate.  I told you those figures were going to get much worse and today my warning can be seen in the news. I quote, “WASHINGTON – New jobless claims rose more than expected last week, while the number of workers continuing to filing claims for unemployment benefits topped 6.1 million. Both figures are fresh evidence layoffs persist amid a weak job market that is not expected to rebound anytime soon. New housing data also were worse than expected, diminishing optimism about a recovery in that battered market.  Add this to your list of prophecies being fulfilled. 


You can also watch my other shows on The Edge by clicking the link above.Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:7 sounds the warning of starvation.  One of the reports I did not share with you paints a good picture of what we can expect.  At the end of 2008 an alarming report was released by the Telegraph.co.uk with the headline that read as follows: “Nearly 1 billion people are starving, UN food agency says”. In this report we are told, “Almost 1 billion people in the world are going hungry each day after the rising food costs have pushed 40 million more people into chronic hunger this year, the UN food agency's chief said Tuesday.” “An estimated 963 million people, or 14 per cent of the world's population, are unable to afford to eat enough calories to lead a normal life, the report found – with 65 per cent of those living in seven countries: India, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Ethiopia” (Dec. 11, 2008). In chapter 5 you will learn why the price of food is climbing and I assure you it is connected to prophecy.  In chapter 10 you are going to see how the current hungry crisis will probably be one of the reasons why Ethiopia attacks Israel with Russia.  This to will fulfill prophecy.  By the time you finish this book you are going to understand almost everything we see in the news is connected to Bible prophecy.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.


Prophecy Sign: In the book of Daniel we see a power shift take place in the last days. God told Daniel what last days empire would be ruling at the time Jesus returns to earth. Those wrote actually read the book of Daniel know that last world empire is not America.  Daniel is told the Roman Empire will return again and it would be ruled by the Antichrist.  Just about every day I can put up reports showing you America is about to fall for being a superpower. Here is one more of those signs. “The global economy is expected to lurch into reverse this year for the first time since World War II with appalling consequences for nations large and small — trillions of dollars in lost business, millions of people thrust into hunger and homelessness and crime on the rise. And the pain won't stop this year, the International Monetary Fund declared Wednesday, for what it said was "by far the deepest global recession since the Great Depression." To cushion the blow and head off further damage next year, the IMF is calling for more stimulus projects from the word's governments, including major spending for public works projects.”  "The global downturn guarantees that countries all over the world will be hit with extraordinarily high unemployment rates," Sinai said. "And, with the tremendous number of unemployed people comes the possibility of political unrest" This report also said, “The IMF's outlook for the U.S. is even bleaker than for the world as a whole: It predicts the American economy will shrink 2.8 percent this year, the biggest decline since 1946” (Yahoo News April 22, 2009).


As you can see it isn't just the banks that are on the verge of folding. "General Motors Corp. plans to idle most its plants for about two months this summer as the company races to cut costs and production to keep pace with sinking demand, said a person familiar with the plan.The car maker typically closes its plants for a two-week summer vacation. A GM spokeswoman declined to confirm or deny the planned closure. Such a production hiatus — one of GM's longest in recent decades — promises to drain the company's revenue stream, dealing another blow to its attempt to restructure operations. GM's sales have tumbled in recent months, with declines topping 50%."  Usually when a company does something like this, it becomes the first step to filing either chapter 11 or bankruptcy. Either way this is a serious blow to America's economy.


We know from scripture found in Revelation 13:16-17 the Antichrist will control the world’s economy. The present economic crisis is affecting most nations around the world.  The crisis may have started in Amrica but it is taking its toll on the other nations who had invested in the U.S.  Germany is one of the nations be rocked by this crisis. “April 22 (Bloomberg) — Chancellor Angela Merkelstood firm in rejecting any new German economic stimulus program even as the International Monetary Fund said the recession is worse than previously thought and called for measures to spur demand. Merkel shrugged off calls for more spending despite a report by Germany’s leading economic institutes which will show tomorrow that Europe’s biggest economy may shrink as much as 6 percent this year — almost three times the contraction of 2.25 percent forecast by the government in January. The coalition won’t expand its 82 billion euro ($107 billion) stimulus agreed under two separate programs, Merkel told reporters in Berlin today after a meeting with business leaders and economists.”  Here is the point.  If I had the time I could copy and paste all the reports from each nation that is affected by this global economic crisis.  In doing so I could prove to you all the government on Planet Earth are getting ready to enter a New World Order.  You can see it coming whether you believe Jesus or not.  Facts are facts.  However, since Jesus warned us about this very thing almost 2000 years ago, I suggest you listen to His warning.  Ask yourself this question.  Why would God even bother giving us any warnings at all?  He didn’t have to say a thing about any of the events taking place around the world currently but He did.  Why?  To make sure that you knew every Word He spoke was the truth.  His warnings go much deeper than you think.  God in His love for us gave us all these warnings to draw people to himself.  He has always wanted to save all who would believe in Him and what better way to prove Himself then all these prophecies coming to pass.  It all comes down to this, God love us all.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16.  Are you going to let God’s love into your life today?


Prophecy Sign: 1 Thessalonians 5:3 “While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”  Awhile back I asked you to keep your eyes on the news because you would see a lot of talk about the peace process.  It appears I was correct.  Just about everyday for the past week one nation after the other is jumping into the peace talks. Today Jordon[s King made his statement. “Jordon’s King Abdullah II said Wednesday it was time for Arab and Muslim countries to help the United States do "the heavy lifting" needed to forge peace between Israel and the Palestinians.” "I hope that you will see in 2009 a group of Arab and Muslim countries doing as much as we can to help the United States and allies in the peace process and also deal with a lot of regional challenges that we have," he told Pelosi.”


Yesterday I posted a report, which showed the world that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would sit down and begin the peace talks again.  He stated he would continue with the peace talks even though the PLO won’t recognize Israel as a nation. When I heard this statement I figured there must be some strings attached to what he was saying because, Netanyahu has always stood his ground on having Israel recognized as a state.  Today I saw what strings were attached to that statement. I quote, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is developing a "laundry list" that he will present to U.S. President Barack Obama when they meet next month in Washington. The Israeli premier will present Obama with a three-part plan involving halting Iran's nuclear program, closer relations with moderate Arab states and dealing with the Palestinian issue through several channels. Netanyahu will tell Obama that he will not recognize a nation-state providing Palestinian self-determination if the Palestinians don't recognize Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people. From the standpoint of the Israeli prime minister, the requirement that the Palestinians recognize Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people is a fundamental demand in any negotiations on a final settlement. It is not a precondition to conducting negotiations, but rather necessary to progress towards an agreement.”  Under these conditions we are probably in for the same old thing.  The peace process will start up again but there will be issues such as recognizing Israel as a state and who will control Jerusalem that will most likely snag the peace process.  I have always believed that when the Arabs get to the point that they know they will not get their demands, that is when the sudden destruction Paul talked about will take place. I may be wrong but I don’t ever see Netanyahu giving up the holy city of Jerusalem.  In any case prophecy is being fulfilled. The call for peace and safety is only the first part, which we are seeing now.  Soon the world will witness the sudden destruction.  Do you remember how the world’s public opinion came against Israel when they invaded the Gaza to put a halt to the PLO’s rockets?  You will probably see this same thing take place when Israel will not cave in to the all the demands on them to achieve a peace pact.  


As I was writing this part of my report today I had a strong feeling come over me again that the book I have written and have updated every year since 1997 is coming to a close. I have had a strong feeling my ministry is also coming to a close and soon I will be wearing the crowns Christ has set out for me.  I am praying about this because I truly believe Jesus is showing me we have reached the point that all the final prophecies will be fulfilled.  That could only mean one thing. I will be home with Christ in heaven. I have had this feeling for months. In the past few days I have felt an urgency to up-date my book and put it up quickly. I am sure in the next few months we will begin to see events that will encourage all who love Christ to make themselves ready to meet Jesus.

Prophecy Sign: In Ezekiel 38:5 Iran is the first nation listed that will attack Israel with Russia.  Iran is going to play a major role in end time prophecy.  This is the main reason why we are hearing the leader of Iran attacking Israel on a daily bases.  Soon there is going to be a conflict between Iran and Israel and when this conflict takes place everyone who has ever read Ezekiel chapter 38 should know God was telling the truth. If you see this war and still don’t believe in the Word of God and His warnings it then may take your entrance into the tribulation to convince you. For your sake I pray that is not the case.  If you are a unbeliever the fulfillment of Ezekiel just may convince you that you need to repent right away and come to Christ Jesus for Salvation. One again in the news today Iran’s President has lashed out at Israel. This is what he stated, “Islamic world must unite to defend Palestine: Ahmadinejad” This news is out of Tehran. “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called on Islamic states to unite in their efforts to prevent the Zionist regime from committing more crimes against the Palestinians.” “Is the United Nations… so weak that it is not able to make a swift and binding decision for breaking the siege of a small territory… How is it that a unilateral strike to disarm (a country) or (as part of) a campaign against terrorism, which is outside of the framework of the United Nations Charter, is accepted, but there is no determination to end the siege of innocent Gazans?”


Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:6 warns the reader that in the last days you will hear of war and rumors of war. I want to give you a challenge. For one week while reading the newspaper, watching the news on TV or, on the radio try to go just one week without hearing about wars or the rumors of war.  Fact is, today it is almost impossible not to hear about some conflict or threats of another one coming. There is no question that Jesus Words are ringing loud and clear for all to hear.  While reading the Tehran Times today they gave just one example of what I am speaking about. I quote,” COLOMBO (AP) – Tens of thousands of civilians trapped in Sri Lanka's northern war zone face a “catastrophic” situation, the Red Cross said Tuesday, amid fears a final assault against the Tamil Tiger rebels would lead to a dramatic rise in casualties. The United Nations and others have called for a negotiated truce to allow civilians to leave the rebel-held coastal strip — and the government says more than 52,000 had escaped since Monday. But it has refused to heed the international pleas to halt the fighting, saying it is on the verge of crushing the separatists and putting an end to the 25-year-old war. The UN estimated more than 4,500 civilians have been killed in the past three months. “  The ironic part about this is the Tehran Times comes out of Iran and Iran is one of the nations that is currently sending out threats to Israel telling them Israel is going to be wiped off the face of the map.   If you haven’t taken Jesus Christ as your Savior yet I am asking you not to judge what Christ has warned us by one prophecy.  Anyone can read one prophecy like war and rumors of war and say we have always seen this.  Yes, your statement would be true however, Jesus said when you shall see all these things you will know your redemption is near.  Take the prophecy of war and rumors of war and add them with all the other prophecies and then make your judgment.  Never before in the history of man have we seen all these things take place in the same generation. We were supposed to see all these things when Israel was still a young nation and still growing. If you tell me you have seen all these things take place all at the same time in history I want to know about it.  Even if that we possible you better limit the time frame because Jesus made it very clear that Israel had to be reborn as a nation again in order for this prophecy concerning all these things to be fulfilled.  Not only that but you had better limit your time frame to this generation because of what Daniel said in Daniel 12:4.  God showed Daniel that the last generation the one who would see (all these things as Christ warned), would be known as the generation of knowledge and the people would travel back and forth.  It just so happens that the generation the scientists who recognize as being the generation of knowledge is the same generation who saw the rebirth of the nation Israel.  I am trying to show you from the Word of God that we are that generation.  Next time you hear about wars or rumors of war remember the rest of the signs of the times. They are your guide to how much time you have left to receive Jesus as your Savior before He removes His Church.


Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel chapter 38 prepares the reader to watch for the last days attack against Israel. Those who read chaper 38 know Russia will lead this attack.  As you know Ezekiel 38:5 informs us Iran will be a major player in this attack against Israel.  What you may not know is what the Prophet Zechariah told us what was going to happen when Israel is attacked. I quote fro God’s Word in Zechariah 14:12: “This is the plague with which the LORD will strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.”  Do you know what this is?  Zechariah is describing a nuclear blast. Anyone near a nuclear blast like this will have their flesh just rot right off so fast that it will happen even while they are still standing. The affects of the blast will be exactly as Zechariah describes to us in verse 12, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths!  Zechariah did not know anything about future warfare but what God showed him was what we know today as symptoms of a nuclear blast.  Now take a look at Ezekiel 38:6 where we are told how the enemies of Israel will be destroyed when they attack Israel.  I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coastlands, and they will know that I am the LORD.”  Do you remember the prophecy Daniel was given about the last generation being known as the generation of knowledge?  Well our generation has fulfilled that prophecy and part of that fulfillment can be seen in the invention on a nuclear bomb!  

I can assure you all, the handwriting is on the wall and soon you are going to see the earth shake in the Middle East.  Remember Russia may think they are going to destroy Israel but God is going to turn this battle around and, we will see some type of nuclear blast.  For all I know God may even use a nuclear weapon Russia tries to hit Israel with.  It could be the Lord may just make sure that this weapon falls on themselves.  Russia has already warned they will use nukes if threatened.  If Israel strikes at Iran’s nuclear power plant soon Russia may feel threatened and move on Israel.  Let me quote for you what was said out of Russia.  “Russia's military chief of staff said Saturday that Moscow could use nuclear weapons in preventive strikes in case of a major threat, the latest aggressive remarks from increasingly assertive Russian authorities. "We have no plans to attack anyone, but we consider it necessary for all our partners in the world community to clearly understand … that to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia and its allies, military forces will be used, including preventively, including with the use of nuclear weapons," Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky said.”  I hope you know what that means.  Who is one of Russia’s closest allies?  It is Iran, notice Russia said they would use a nuke if one of their allies was threatened.   I am sure if Israel does wipe out Iran’s nuclear site that Russia will take this as a security threat.  All I know for sure is this, the Ezekiel war is about to take place so please keep your eyes focused on the Middle East.

Russia isn’t the only one Israel has to be concerned with. It is a well known fact that the Iranians have at least 600 missiles pointed directly at Israel. I quote,  “Six hundred Iranian Shihab-3 missiles are pointed at targets throughout Israel, and will be launched if either Iran or Syria are attacked, an Iranian website affiliated with the regime reported on Monday. "Iran will shoot at Israel 600 missiles if it is attacked," the Iranian news website, Assar Iran, reported. "600 missiles will only be the first reaction."  As you know Iran is working with Russia to uptain a nuclear weapon.  The Iranians would love to mount one of these nukes on one of their missiles and try to finally wipe Israel off the map.  I say the say thing could happen to Iran that will happen to Russia if they launch a nuclear attack on Israel.  God will turn their own weapon on them.  Look, all the signs are here that this war is about to take place.  


We are living in a time when only this generation could have fulfilled this prophecy.  Knowing this, I want to introduce you to the only one who can save you. His name is Jesus Christ.  Take a look around you and if you are honest you will say the world has taken a drastic turn for the worse.  Nations are in conflict with one another, millions upon millions are losing their jobs around the world and riots are beginning to erupt over it. Crime is increasing because people are beginning to go hungry and in the past month we have seen more violence and shooting in churches, schools, hospitals and in the work places then we care to see.  Starvation is increasing all over this globe, famines and droughts are increasing, more people are being effected by diseases and now many crops are being destroyed by news diseases, or weird weather.  The storms, tornadoes and earthquakes are popping up every where, can’t you see what is happening?

This is the end that Jesus promised would come!  Are you ready to meet Jesus Christ?  Dear Father in heaven, I am pouring my heart out for anyone who is readying the work you have set me out to do. I pray Holy Father that by your love and in guidance by the Holy Spirit that you would draw the person who is reading this post to yourself and save them from what is about to come to pass.  I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that the person who is reading this message understand today that the message may have been typed and posted by Frank DiMora but that is was you by your love that they are reading it.  I pray that today anyone who has had a hardened heart to Christ that Father today would be the day it melts for Christ Jesus.  Save them Father for as your Son said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”  Let it be that today that the words of Salvation will roll off their tongues and they will confess that you are the one True Lord, and that you died for them and by your strength and love you rose again to set all man kind free from the grips of Hell.  Lord Jesus I ask you now to open all of their eyes to the two roads before them.  I pray you will come out today and set them on the narrow road that leads to eternal life.  Thank you Christ for allowing me to be your servant and to prepare the way for the one True Master.  In closing dear Lord, I pray by your own Words, I pray that I may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are coming to pass and stand before the son of man.  I stand on your promise to bring us home soon and I pray you will encourage anyone reading your message today that they to will pray to escape all the things that are coming to pass. In Christ’s name I give you thanks and praise. Amen

If you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again.


Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.

May the Lord renew your Spirit and give you all peace!

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe  and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change their the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studing the Word of God. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.


April 23, 2009 (Links to all of DiMora’s teachings on radio and video)

I am posting all of my radio and videos on this post. If you want to help bring others to Christ by witnessing to them through my ministry please send to the Feb. 17th, 2008 post.  I will leave this post up so you can refer to the links at any time. I will add the new links as they come.


You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to this link :

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

A complete list of links to hear my radio interviews on the International radio show “The Edge” and, the radio show “Total Deliverance” can be found at the links below. http://theedgeam.com/perspectives/revelations/main.htm  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Total-Deliverance/2009/02/13/End-times

A complete list of links to all my videos are below. Just click to the links to view the videos.

4 part series on who the Antichrist may be, based on bible facts.

Part 1 of  4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIW_HtR6pTo

Part 2 of 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozJTZAAEWbo

Part 3 of 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPi0vBwfHfs

Part 4 of 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIwvGoWEw5Y

You can view all of Frank’s video and radio interviews by clicking to links below:

You can view all of Frank’s video and radio interviews by clicking to links below:

Bible Prophecy Teacher Frank Dimora Introduced!


The coming attack on Israel part 1 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 2 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 3 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 4 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 5 of 6


The coming attack on Israel part 6 of 6:


Frank DiMora on the Economic crisis


DiMora's first radio interview on 'The Edge' with Host, Gina Romano. Interview was heard on June 26, 2008






















DiMora 1st interview on the “Total-Deliverance radio show.

end times and Israel internet radio show 2/13/2009 | End times


DiMora 2nd interview on the “Total-Deliverance radio show.



August 10th, 2008 –Part 1


August 10th, 2008 – Part 2


August 10th, 2008 – Part 3


August 10th, 2008 – Part 4


August 10th, 2008 – Part 5


August 10th, 2008 – Part 6


August 10th, 2008 – Part 7


August 10th, 2008 – Part 8


August 10th, 2008 – Part 9


August 10th, 2008 – Part 10


My 3rd radio interview on 'The Edge' International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below:


The Edge Internation Radio show 6th interview Feb. 25, 2009


See all of my teaching on The Edge out of Lindon by clicking below


Frank's interviews on the Blog Radio out of Dallas, click below:


My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church. Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!


Link to Timothy Geisler's web site. Timothy is a Pastor in Long Island N.Y. who interviews me on the Internet blog radio show. Go to: www.TimothyGeisler.com

More Ezekiel signs-Signs of Noah’ generation-War and rumors of war-Increased knowledge-Peace and safety-New World Order-April 22, 2009


You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

Frank's Internation radio show on The Edge program which is based out of London is now airing my third show. This is part two of my two part series dealing with the coming attack against Israel.  You can see my show by  linking to the edge link below.


You can also watch my other shows on The Edge by clicking the link above.

Prophecy Sign: I am focusing on Ezekiel’s prophecy because it is a major prophecy which hasn’t been fulfilled yet and, by what we are seeing in the news we know this war will be fulfilled soon. I noticed that I have new visitors to my site and you may not know what prophecy I am referring to in Ezekiel’s book. This prophecy is found in chapters 38-39. In those chapters we are told Russia will lead an end times invasion along with Iran and other Muslim nations against the tiny nation of Israel. In those chapters we are shown that 5/6 of the entire army that invades Israel will be wiped out by God. If you want a complete break down at to what nations are involved please click to this link and watch my two part series on the coming attack against Israel which I just did on my Internet radio show. Watch the videos as I give you all the details proving everyone of the nations listed to attack Israel are ready to go into battle and the Russians are the ones who is supplying the arms. Here is the link to my show.



A few days ago I gave you information showing us Israel is ready to strike at Iran‘s nuclear power plant. Today I want you to see the response from Iran. “Iran's parliament speaker warned Israel on Tuesday against a possible attack on the country's nuclear facilities, Iranian state television reported. "Iran will respond in a way that they will not be able to sleep easy anymore," Ali Larijani was quoted as saying.” “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday said Holocaust deniers would not be permitted to repeat a genocide against Jews. He was speaking in reference to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has called for Israel to be "wiped off the map." There is no doubt in my mind that Iran will respond exactly as they stated in this news report. Fact is, they will only be doing exactly what God said they would do in the Ezekiel prophecy. When you read Psalms 83 you will also see the very words that are used against Israel are now being said by the very nations who are suppose to say them. I quote Psalms 83:3-5. “3 With cunning they conspire against your people; they plot against those you cherish. 4 "Come," they say, "let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more." 5 With one mind they plot together; they form an alliance against you“. In Ezekiel 38:10 it says, “10 " 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: On that day thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme.” The evil scheme These nations are forming are the same thing that we see in Psalms 83. Next time you hear the leader of Iran say he is going to wipe Israel of the face of the map remember, God said this man would say these things long before these ideas came into his mind. Please watch with me as we continue to see the footsteps leading to the fulfillment of this prophecy.


Iran’s leader, Ahmadinejad is going whatever he can to prevoke Israel. A few days ago he attacked Israel at the UN and in today’s news we read, “Iran's president accused Israel on Wednesday of "brutal acts" and "ethnic cleansing" against the Palestinians, two days after his denunciation of the Jewish state as racist prompted a walk-out from a UN meeting on race. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a conference in Tehran on Israel's "genocide and war crimes" in Gaza that Israeli "criminals" should be brought to justice for the war in the Palestinian coastal strip in January.” All these are signs war in coming again to the Middle East only this time the nations coming against Israel will find themselves fighting against God. If you are from any of the nations listed in Ezekiel’s prophecy I beg you to listen to what God has shown us here. If you are in the military in any of these nations do not go down against God’s chosen. Your eternal life is at stake and so is your life here on earth. God is going to wipe out this army and if you go your chances of coming back home aren’t very good. If you do go I pray you will be one of the 1/6 that God allows to live. After the war if you are still living you will go back and tell the rest of your people, Israel’s God is real! I pray you will turn to Him and ask forgiveness for not believing His Words.


Tensions between Iran and Israel can be seen in the news as I said daily. Here is more proof of this. “Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor responded on Tuesday to Iranian warnings against Israel attacking the Islamic state's nuclear facilities, which included a threat of an Iranian respond that will prevent Israelis from sleeping easy, saying Israelis sleep well "and in our dreams Iran is a friendly country engaged in a constructive relationship with the international community and is not the lunatic and dangerous regime it is now." Earlier on Tuesday, a day after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad raised tensions between the two foes by calling Israel the "most cruel and repressive racist regime" and called for its eradication at a UN conference in Geneva, Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani said if Israel attacked, "Iran will respond in a way that they will not be able to sleep easy anymore." Right now we are seeing war of words but very shortly these words will turn into action and Ezekiel's prophecy will be completed.



Prophecy Sign: Daniel chaptrer 2 and chapter 7 talk about the 10 toes that will come from the reborn Roman Empire.  There is some debit as to what modern day nation that used to be in the Old Roman Empire will make up the 10 toes that the scriptures tells us about.  In my new book I discuss two groups most likely to fulfill this prophecy.  One group comes from the Western side of the Old Roman Empire which are not Mulsim nations and the other comes from the Eastern side, those nation from the Old Roman Empire that were Muslim. Today I want to focus on the OIC a group of ten Muslim nations that are working for a New World Order. I quote, “The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) member-states at the Durban II gathering in Geneva is pushing for "a new world order" that would expand and impose "nondemocratic and illiberal values on the West," says the Danish editor who in 2005 commissioned and published a series of cartoons, one of which depicted the prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban that led to worldwide Muslim rioting. Flemming Rose, editor of Jyllands-Posten, Denmark's largest-circulation newspaper, is visiting Israel under the auspices of the Hebrew University's Shasha Center for Strategic Studies, headed by former Mossad director Efraim Halevy. He's here to lecture on how nations need to find the right balance between religious sensitivities and freedom of expression. Rose says the OIC is trying to use Durban II to rewrite the rules of human rights and international law in a way that undermines the values of liberty enshrined in the Western canon – including the US Bill of Rights, the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”  As I said earlier, in my post today, the book of Revelation talks about the Antichrist beheading anyone who will not follow him.  I do believe there is a strong change that when the Church is taken out of the Earth that the Muslims will advance and spread around the world.  If you notice in Daniel 7: 24-25 he talks about the ten horns and says, “24And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.  25And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”  At the present time this is exactly what the Muslims are trying to do. They are trying to put the world under Islamic sharia law.  If this happens, I believe it will only take hold when the Church is removed from the earth then this movement will run its course.  If the Antichrist comes from one of the Eastern nations of the Old Roman Empire and, if you are still on earth, look for his man to be the one to enforce this law and fulfill what God showed Daniel concerning changing the times and laws.


Prophecy Sign: Yesterday I touched base concerning the prophecy Paul gave to us in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3: “1Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” In yesterdays post I showed you how the U.S. in beginning to move away from Israel. If you read the post yesterday you saw how this current administration is beginning to take sides with the PLO. In the Thessalonians prophecy we can see several prophecies taking place at the same time. First, there is no doubt the nations Jesus said would be calling for peace and safety in the end times are doing so.  The Middle East peace process can be seen somewhere in the news almost on a daily bases. Second, actions taken by the U.S. in their demands of dividing Israel show how Zechariah 12 is also coming together. Just in case you are new, Zechariah 12 tells us that in the end times all the nations will turn against Israel and that has to include the U.S. as much as I hate to say it.  Here is the news from today concerning this issue. “A messianic Jewish leader is praying that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not yield to pressure from the Obama administration over the issue of a Palestinian state. President Barack Obama's Mideast envoy George Mitchell met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and other politicians from his Fatah movement in the West Bank on Friday. They told him that the Obama administration should pressure Prime Minister Netanyahu's new government to accept the principle of Palestinian statehood.  That idea has emerged as a key point of friction between the U.S. and Israel. After the meeting, Mitchell declared a "two-state solution is the only solution" to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But officials in Netanyahu's office say the Israeli leader expressed misgivings about creating a Palestinian state during a meeting with Mitchell.”

Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24:37 Jesus begin to give us very specific signs for the last days. In this warning we are told the last generation will be just like the generation of Noah’s day.  If you studied the Word you would have learned that homosexuality was running it’s course and this is one of the reasons why God destroyed that generation with a flood.  If these are the last days the acts that were being displayed during Noah’s generation have to be seen now.  Most people who have a newspaper or watch any TV at all know the homosexual movement has taken off and you see these acts everywhere.  You see it in the movies, in magazines, on TV shows and just about every part of society now and that includes in the governments,  What better way to advance this movement then to have a homosexual voted into office.  Congressman Barney Frank is one such person and as you can see from this report today he is pushing for new laws to protect what the report calls “sexual orientation”.  I quote,  “A markup vote will be held in the House Judiciary Committee at 9:15 Central time this morning on the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. The bill, which has been introduced in every session of Congress since 1997, would add "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to the list of categories protected under federal "hate crimes" law. Christian activists who oppose the legislation warn that it threatens the free-speech rights of those who publicly express biblical opposition to homosexuality. Openly homosexual Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank, who helped draft the bill, claims the legislation "offers needed protection to those who are victims of physical crimes based on hatred."


There is no doubt that anyone who inflicts violence on a person just because they are gay should be persecuted to the extent of the law. I don’t care who you are gay or straight, if you inflict harm on another person you need to be jailed. Here is the problem, which the laws they are trying to pass. These new laws may force anyone who believes in the Word of God to be silent on the issue of homosexuality.  Somewhere down the line people will pick on a pastors and say they are hateful because he is preaching against homosexuals.  It will happen.  All the Pastors I know love all people including the gay population and they would never even think of doing any harm to anyone gay or not.  However, with the new laws when someone goes after these men of God it will be to force them to be able to teach on homosexuality.  Take the Words of Christ to heart. The movement is already here and it is growing. Count on laws being passed in the future that will remove many of the religious freedoms and that will include saying anything about gays.  Two things are in play here concerning what Jesus told us in Matthew 24: 37-38.  First, we know by this specific sign we have reached the final days just prior to the rapture of the Church.  Second, since Jesus told us these signs would increase as a woman with birth pains you should expect a lot more coming out of the gay movement.  Once again I have to say to all of you who love the Lord, love all people and treat everyone with the same kind of love Jesus has shown us.  In that love Christ would love the person but He would also show them what they are doing is against His Word and someday they will stand before His judgment seat.  I can hear Christ say, “pray for them my people for they know not what they do”.

Prophecy Sign: In Matthew 24 we are told to watch for Wars and rumors of war. One hot spot right now is Pakistan. “Taliban militants in Pakistan's Swat valley have moved into another district in a bid to broaden their control despite a deal designed to end extremist violence, officials said. Hundreds of armed Taliban from the scenic northwestern valley have entered Buner district, only 110 kilometres (68 miles) from the capital Islamabad. They have set up checkpoints, occupied mosques and ransacked the offices of non-governmental organizations, a local administration official said. A Taliban commander said they would set up strict Islamic sharia courts in Buner as they have already done in Swat, but would not interfere with police work.”  What is Lslamic Sharia law?  It is a strict law that is forced on anyone who doesn’t follow Islam.  You may have seen this Sharia law in action in the first part of the Gulf wars when these supposedly religious men were beheading people on the TV. If these people get their way they will subject all the world to these laws and if you do not follow them and their God, expect to lose your head.  In my new book that will be posted soon I show you how the Antichrist may be a Muslim and enforce this Sharia law during the tribulation.  Revelation 20:4 talks about how those who do not follow the Antichrist are beheaded.


Prophecy Sign: Another very specifc sign which proves we have reached the final days comes from the Prophet Daniel found in chapter 12:4 and I quote, 4But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” This generation has gained more knowledge then any generation in history and in a very short time span.  Man is gaining so much knowledge he is boosting he can now create life.  I have a link to a video showing you how one doctor is creating life. The title to this video is, “Exclusive video: The creation of a human clone designed to be transferred into a woman's womb” “A controversial fertility doctor claimed yesterday to have cloned 14 human embryos and transferred 11 of them into the wombs of four women who had been prepared to give birth to cloned babies. The cloning was recorded by an independent documentary film-maker who has testified to The Independent that the cloning had taken place and that the women were genuinely hoping to become pregnant with the first cloned embryos specifically created for the purposes of human reproduction.”  Put this prophecy together with the sign of Noah’s generation and you can see how close we are to seeing the Church being raptured away.  We are living in hard itmes but they are exciting times because we see all the signs taking place at once and, this tells us we will be going home with Christ soon.



Here is another example of our increased knowledge God had warned about. “WASHINGTON, April 22 (Reuters) – They have no fear, they never tire, they are not upset when the soldier next to them gets blown to pieces. Their morale doesn't suffer by having to do, again and again, the jobs known in the military as the Three Ds – dull, dirty and dangerous. They are military robots and their rapidly increasing numbers and growing sophistication may herald the end of thousands of years of human monopoly on fighting war. "Science fiction is moving to the battlefield. The future is upon us," as Brookings scholar Peter Singer put it to a conference of experts at the U.S. Army War College in Pennsylvania this month. Singer just published Wired For War – the Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century, a book that traces the rise of the machines and predicts that in future wars they will not only play greater roles in executing missions but also in planning them.”


Prophecy Sign I discussed the call for peace and safety in yesterdays post.  Yesterday I showed you some of the conflicts going on right now between the President of the U.S. and the Prime Minister of Israel. There was suppose to be a peace meeting in May but Obama’s staff told the Prime Minister he wouldn’t be there to see him so the Prime Ministry backed off.   Now a day later we see there is a new call for this meeting in June. I quote, “US officials say the leaders of Israel, Egypt and the Palestinians have been invited for talks in Washington in a new push for Middle East peace. PM Benjamin Netanyahu, President Hosni Mubarak and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas have been asked to the White House for talks likely by early June. The peace process has been beset by conflict and adversity which President Barack Obama has pledged to address.” Everytime these nations sit down and talk peace I get excited because this is a major prophecy that tells us the end is at hand.  As you know Paul was told by Christ when they call for peace and safety is the time that sudden destruction will come.  This sudden destruction the Lord warned us about will in fact kick planet Earth into the beginning of the 7 year tribulation.  I am sure there are those of you who are wondering how in the world can I be excited about something like this.  You have to understand Jesus promised to remove the Church from all these things. That can only mean one thing.  The Church will be leaving soon.  If you want to taken by Christ you have to be sealed by Christ. The only way that can happen is if you saved Jesus to save you.  You must confess your sins to Christ and repent of those old ways and begin a new life in Christ.  Start abiding in Him so that when He calls His Church home you to will be taken.  On the other hand you can refuse this call to Salvation and find yourself left behind to go through the 7 years of tribulation.  If that is your choice, all I can say is God help you because, it won’t be Jesus face you will look upon in the clouds but the Antichrists face on earth.  Please come with us have your name written in the Lord’s book of life today. This link comes with a short video.


If you want to take the first step in asking Jesus to be your savior today please watch this last video. Then scroll down and say these words to Jesus Christ. Today is your day to become reborn again.


Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life.

May the Lord renew your Spirit and give you all peace!

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe  and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and have eternal life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Once you say this prayer to Christ begin to live by the Word of God. There are many who say this prayer but never go forth and change their the way they live. Do not even let the devil try to steal what Jesus has given you. It is important to find a good Church where they are studing the Word of God. You can only grow in the Lord if you know what He says to you. If you need help in finding a good Church to grow email me and I will help you.

You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.

Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' – Jan. 1, 2009

links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.
