October 31, 2022 Looking forward to the Lord’s return? You should cause the signs show he not far off













The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 26, 2022 Edition by Frank









Do you know what the photo to the left means?
























Biden Launches #VaxUpAmerica Tour, as Latest Research Shows New Boosters No Better Than Old Against New Variants
Flanked by Dr. Anthony Fauci, other top U.S. public health officials and the CEOs of major pharmacy chains including CVS, Rite-Aid and Walgreens, President Biden today urged “all Americans” to get an updated COVID-19 vaccine and pleaded with Congress to continue funding the vaccines and COVID-19 treatments, such as Pfizer’s Paxlovid.






England suffers another 1.6k Excess Deaths in a single week bringing the total to nearly 30k Excess Deaths since April & COVID Vaccination is to blame
The Office for National Statistics has revealed that England and Wales suffered another record-breaking week of deaths in the week ending 14th October 2022, with an extra 1,608 people dying compared to the five-year average.


Nearly 2 in 10 cows injected with mRNA vaccine DIE almost instantly

Natural News) Dairy farmers in Australia are now being forced to inject the gene-altering mRNA vaccine that contains spike protein so they could remain in business. Just like in humans, the experimental jabs are causing severe damage to the animals and many of them died instantly.











Did you ever ask the question, why is it that the bible is the only book that can be confirmed by scientists. We keep hearing how scientists are discovering that bible stories are true.  Why aren’t there reports concerning other faiths that are proven?  Answer is, they can’t be proven.  One thing is clear, you can trust what the bible says! I don’t think it is a coincidence all these new discoveries are happening now. I believe the Lord wants us to see the proof, not that he needs to.  The message of the gospel is proof enough. watch: 
































U.S. LNG Cannot Replace The Russian Natural Gas That Europe Has Lost
“The year-on-year increase is not sufficient to offset a total cut in Russian piped supply with under half of these volumes met by LNG increases…”





The day that EUROPE DIED – BASF announces “permanent” output reductions that will set off catastrophic supply chain collapse for the western world
Over a year ago, I began publicly warning the world about the global famine implications of the loss of natural gas supplies for Europe. Through the Haber chemical process, natural gas is combined with atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to create ammonia (NH3), the key molecule for creating nitrogen-based fertilizers that grow the crops necessary to feed an estimated 4 billion people across the planet.



Just In Case You’re Confused About What Halloween Is Actually All About, Michael’s Craft Stores Has Created A Satanic Display To Clear Up Your Confusion
Living here in Saint Augustine, we have a large Hobby Lobby with an equally large Michael’s Craft Store, and between the two of them, you can get all of your decoration needs, craft supplies and framing done well for fair price. While I prefer Hobby Lobby, I go to Michael’s a fair amount as well. So imagine my shock and surprise when I saw a massive display of the ‘curious arts’ that the devil is known for front and center at Michael’s the other day. The photo at the top of this article is what was waiting there to greet me, it is their Halloween display.






Focus on ‘Christian nationalism’ is ‘smokescreen,’ real threat is ‘neo-Marxism,’ Christian scholars say
As media attention on “Christian nationalism” looms large in American politics heading into the 2022 midterms, scholars this week debated the definition of the term and whether the increased media focus is an attempt to intimidate Christians from sharing their values in the public square.














Iran’s Guards head warns protesters: ‘Today is last day of riots’
The head of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards warned protesters that Saturday would be their last day of taking to the streets, in the clearest sign that security forces may intensify their already fierce crackdown on widespread unrest.






US official’s suggestion of ‘arms-control’ talks with North Korea raises eyebrows
The United States said on Friday its policy towards North Korea had not changed after a senior US official responsible for nuclear policy raised some eyebrows by saying Washington would be willing to engage in arms-control talks with Pyongyang.






Russia says U.S. lowering ‘nuclear threshold’ with newer bombs in Europe
Russia said on Saturday that the accelerated deployment of modernised U.S. B61 tactical nuclear weapons at NATO bases in Europe would lower the “nuclear threshold” and that Russia would take the move into account in its military planning.


















WHO Assembles Superpowers With ‘One Health Plan’
The World Health Organization already has too much power. This new initiative amounts to taking multiple globalist organizations and synchronizing their plans, while at the same time combining their resources and power to create a One Health plan.





Record High: 75% Of US Winter Wheat Suffers From Drought
“When it is this dry you don’t know if will sprout and die or come up next year.” 







Philippines president orders urgent aid as storm Nalgae kills 45
Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr on Saturday ordered urgent aid distribution in a southern province where landslides have been triggered by Tropical Storm Nalgae, which has killed 45 people across the country so far.





Potential Tropical Cyclone 15 likely to become Lisa
A tropical disturbance in the southeastern Caribbean Sea is now Potential Tropical Cyclone 15. It already soaked Puerto Rico with heavy rain is expected to become the Atlantic basin’s next tropical storm overnight.













Russia Suspends Participation In Ukraine Grain Deal After “Massive” Drone Attack On Black Sea Fleet
“In the course of repelling a terrorist attack on the outer roadstead of Sevastopol, the use of naval weapons and naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet destroyed four marine unmanned vehicles…”







Future shortage of fertilizer for American farmers ahead due to massive increase of US nitrogen exports as Europe scrambles for fertilizer 
U.S. exports of nitrogen fertilizers jumped to a multi-year high this summer after surging natural gas prices in Europe drove up costs of producing the crop nutrient there, making U.S. shipments more competitive.







David DePape charged with attempted homicide for assault on Paul Pelosi; Republicans condemn attack
A 42-year-old man who attacked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul, with a hammer inside their home in San Francisco on Friday is facing charges of attempted homicide as both liberals and conservatives are condemning the act of violence.



No, The Biblical Messiah Is Not Preparing To Make An Appearance To The Jews Just Yet, But There Is A Tantalizing Potential Prophetic Nugget Here Anyway 
Back in the closing decades of the twentieth century, there was a Lubavitcher Rebbe, or ‘rabbi’, named Menachem Schneerson who had a very large and enthusiastic following who believed that he was, in fact, the promised biblical Messiah. Only problem was, it was not based not so much on the prophets in the Bible, but more on Jewish mysticism. In the 1990’s, posters proclaiming ‘Messiah Is Here’ began popping up for a time before dying out. During the New World Order global lockdown, they resurfaced and now seem to be gaining speed.






Years ago in my book I showed you the man in the report below who says he is Jesus Christ.  Today I want to give you an up-date on this man. If you read my book you will discover this man is not alone in his claims to be Jesus Christ. 
























































October 29, 2022




The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 26, 2022 Edition by Frank


Starting this weekend DiMora ministry will no longer be posting on Saturday or Sunday.

October 28, 2022 connecting the dots between Bible prophecy and current events



The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 27, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


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California tree carnage: A decade of drought and fire killed a third of Sierra Nevada forests






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Not Again: Subway crime in 2022 looks a lot like the 1980s








222042AA-8095-4AA3-AC05-4D014B943302Revelation 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.  In a nut shell what we know from scripture is as the birth pains of the last days get worse so will the global food crisis.

It will get so bad that a person will have to work all day long for one small meal. We are already witnessing skyrocketing food prices like we have never seen before and, much of the news is reporting on the crisis in getting people wheat. Add to this crisis is the crisis in fuel prices which is still driving prices  up.

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Washington fertilizer plant burns to the ground; locals told to “shelter in place” due to air pollution
The sheriff’s office in Grant County, Washington, has extended a “shelter in place” order that was issued following the mysterious recent explosion of the Wilbur Ellis fertilizer plant, located near Moses Lake in eastern Washington.


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Americans are SKIPPING MEALS because they can’t afford food as Biden’s food inflation fiasco gets even worse
A new survey by the Nationwide Retirement Institute reveals that, “nearly a quarter of young people skipped meals or didn’t buy groceries because of high inflation.” From the report on survey results:


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Another Recession Red Flag Raised as Leading Economic Index Drops Deeper Into Negative Territory
Indications that the United States will soon enter a recessionary period are strengthening as a prominent economic indicator dropped further into negative territory in September.


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‘Living paycheck-to-paycheck has become the norm’: Inflation takes its toll on American finances as emergency funds run dry




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The equivalent of 32 million people who aren’t working are relying on savings to cover their needs, including withdrawals from retirement accounts or money from selling assets. Another 26 million are using credit cards or loans and 12 million have been borrowing from family for friends to help meet their expenses, the poll shows. 



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Growing Pile of Distressed Debt Signals Coming US Default Wave





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Trans Activist Purchases Miss Universe Organization, Media Praises Him For Being ‘First Woman’ Owner In 71-Year-History 
A Thai transgender activist just bought the Miss Universe Organization for $20 million, according to the Associate Press.



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Rampant homosexuality and LGBT perversion are prophetic signs of end times 
As we quickly approach the end of the church age, there are many prophetic signs occurring that point to just how close we truly are to that long-foretold transition point into the new age. One of the biggest and most ominous in these final moments is the rapid rise of homosexuality and LGBT perversion, including the transgender grooming and mutilation of innocent children.

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U.S. speeds up plans to store upgraded nukes in Europe


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U.S. Unveils Strategy for Nuclear Threats from China and Russia



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Ukraine running out of anti-aircraft missiles
Ukraine’s anti-aircraft defenses have been strained by the increase in cruise missile and kamikaze-drone attacks by Russia,


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New COVID-19 Subvariants Spark Concerns of Winter Outbreak


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New Covid boosters aren’t better than old shots at neutralizing omicron BA.5, early studies find


A break  Six people who tested positive for monkeypox have died, health departments confirm 


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FDA says it causes cancer. Yet it’s in hundreds of candies.


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Omicron subvariants are resistant to key antibody treatments, putting people with weak immune systems at risk of Covid



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Lawyers Prepare to Sue Any State That Requires COVID-19 Vaccination to Attend School
Any state that requires COVID-19 vaccination to attend school will face a lawsuit, lawyers said this week. The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), run by TV host Del Bigtree, has pledged to finance up to 50 lawsuits, Aaron Siri, who frequently represents the group, said.

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Doctors find Graphene is shedding from the COVID Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated, forming Blood Clots & decimating Blood Cells
In his latest set of slides of blood samples taken from both “vaccinated” and unvaccinated people, Dr. Philippe van Welbergen demonstrated that the graphene being injected into people is organising and growing into larger fibres and structures, gaining magnetic properties or an electrical charge and the fibres are showing indications of more complex structures with striations.


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Single Use and Reusable Face Masks Found to Contain Cancer-Causing Titanium Dioxide
In a study of 12 face masks, every mask contained titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles in at least one layer, at levels that “exceeded the acceptable exposure level.” The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies titanium dioxide as a Group 2B carcinogen, which means it is “possibly carcinogenic to humans” by inhalation. A meta-analysis called for a rethinking of nano-TiO2 safety, citing numerous toxic effects in humans and aquatic animals.


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Jesus in Matthew chapter 24 warns of Christian persecution in the last days.

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“I am disappointed by the politics of YouTube, which, after all, was born in a country for which freedom of speech and respect for dissenting views is a benchmark for the growth of prosperity and security of its citizens,” the priest wrote in a statement issued to the media.


The prayer

Oct. 27, 2022 Can you see God’s curse? End times signs in the news





The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 27, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

Zechariah 12:1 The [a]burden of the word of the Lord against Israel. Thus says the Lord, who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him: “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of [b]drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.

Is it a coincidence that we are now seeing more anti-Semitic news concerning the Jews? Not at all! The bible is clear that in the end times the world will be against the Jews.  For any of you who thinks this is a good thing you had better ready about God’s curse for those who come against the nation of Israel. I cover this issue in this post. 

















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 When you read my book the last Chronicles of planet earth there is a chapter and the curse of God that chapter shows offense that have occurred directly after someone has cursed Israel  the Jews. The latest to feel the curse is real is Kanye West with his anti-Semitic remarks against the Jews. Below is some of what Mr. West said.


“West has recently made a series of antisemitic outbursts, notably on October 8, when he tweeted he was “going death con 3 [sic] On JEWISH PEOPLE,” and also that, “You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone whoever opposes your agenda,” without specifying what group he was addressing, according to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine records pulled by CNN.”



This is where you will read about the curse for those coming against the Jews.
Genesis 12:3 
I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Shortly  after Mr. West made those comments about the Jews he starting to see his company being destroyed. As of this date, according to Mr. West he has already lost 2 billion dollars.  

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 If you have been watching the price of silver  over the past years you know that the market has been manipulated however, in the recent years silver has become limited and because it has become limited and in high demand the price of silver is now starting to go up. When the world economy collapses the price of both gold and silver will skyrocket. During the tribulation. The people who trusted in their gold in their silver will find out they missed the mark. Instead of depending and Jesus Christ the Messiah they trusted in the precious metals and in the end it will be useless to them and be taken away as the prophecy states. I don’t believe the price of silver starting to go up now is a coincidence. We in this generation are witnessing all of the last day birth pains taking place all at the same time so it makes sense that silver will begin its rise now.


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Earlier Wednesday we noted a report from Ronan Manly of BullionStar.comwho revealed that more than 50% of deliverable silver on COMEX is suddenly ‘not available.’ Manly brought up this Oct. 19 tweet from metals expert Nicky Shiels, who said of delegates in attendance at the annual LBMA (Gold) conference in Lisbon; “they are mildly bearish Gold for the year ahead ($1830 by 2023s conference) but super bullish Silver ($28.30!) as the focus was on physical tightness driven by unprecedented demand.



 I want everybody to take notes that in the video they say this is the mark of the beast. I say it is possible that this type of technology could be used by the Antichrist as the mark of the beast however, until a device like this is stated for the purpose of giving worship to a certain man as mentioned in the Bible it is not the mark of the beast. When you hear or see the order to take this type of technology to be able to buy or sell or else you will not be able to purchase anything then you will know it is the mark of the beast but, until then it is just one of many technologies that could be used by the Antichrist. The bottom line is this, we are the only generation with the increase in Knowledge as the prophet Daniel stated in chapter 12 that has been able to fulfill the Revelation chapter 13 prophecy.


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Biden Administration Will Release Another 15 Million Barrels Of Oil From Strategic Petroleum Reserve As His Plan To Destroy The Gas Companies Rolls On
One of the main reasons why pretend president Joe Biden was installed in the White House was to enable the New World Order to tear down the United States from the inside out. Indeed, the first two items on Biden’s ‘Day One’ executive order signing spree was to 1). promote transgenderism, and 2). destroy America’s nascent energy independence by shutting down our oil and natural gas pipelines. Gas prices are high and remain high as of this writing, but they are not high because of Putin. They are high because of Biden.


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 Our  generation is witnessing events that are beginning to control people, for example force mandates for vaccinations. Such mandates are leading the world toward the mark of the beast and his reign. Our generation is watching governments begin to remove peoples freedoms which is definitely a sign we are moving toward the Antichrist.

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Dictatorship In Disguise: Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc On Our Freedoms



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Homes and crops destroyed, more than 40 people killed and 73 000 affected as widespread floods hit Benin 
Heavy rains affecting central parts of Benin since September 2022 caused significant flooding that resulted in widespread damage and fatalities. Heavy rains are expected to continue through October.

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Floods affect over 1 million people in Chad, more than half of capital N’Djamena underwater
Authorities in Chad declared a state of emergency last week due to widespread floods affecting more than 1 million people. The floods affected 18 of the country’s 23 provinces.


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Very bright fireball over Arizona and Nevada, U.S.
A very bright fireball was observed streaking through the night sky over Arizona and Nevada at 01:53 UTC on October 25, 2022. The event was seen by people from Utah to California and detected by a NASA all-sky meteor camera at the MMTO observatory in southern Arizona and several internet-accessible cameras in the region.



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MASS EXODUS from public schools anticipated after CDC advisory panel unanimously votes to add deadly Covid-19 “vaccines” to childhood immunization schedule 
A panel that advises the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about vaccines voted unanimously last week to recommend the addition of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) jabs to the official childhood vaccine schedule. The result, many expect, will be a full-fledged exodus of children from American public schools.

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Doctor Warns: Covid ‘Vaccine’ Designed to Infiltrate Every Part of Your Body, ‘That’s Why People Are Dying’ 
Insurance people and the mortuary professionals are saying we’ve had a death rate increase worldwide of 25 to 40 percent,” said Dr. Chris Alan Shoemaker.

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Military Whistleblowers Sound Alarm On ‘Devastating’ Consequences Of Pentagon’s Vaccine Mandate
Whistleblower service members are speaking out on behalf of thousands of service members whose careers have been jeopardized for objecting to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s 2021 military COVID-19 vaccine mandate. They’ve expressed concern over the vaccine mandate’s legality, as well as its health effects.

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The Video that First Exposed the Covid-19 Fraud
Before he was demonised and lied about for telling the truth about covid-19, the journal ‘Nursing Times’ described Vernon Coleman as: the ‘revered guru of medicine’. Below you will find a link to the video which first exposed the covid pandemic as a fraud. The video, first published on 18 March 2020, was titled: ‘Coronavirus: The Hoax of the Century’.

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“Potential Violation of HIPAA” – Mother Outraged After CDC Called Her for Survey Asking Number of Kids in the Household Eligible for Vaccination
After the CDC panels voted to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the vaccination schedule for children and adolescents, a parent in Illinois was horrified to get a phone call from the agency inquiring how many children are living with her.

 Why have Deaths among Children across Europe increased by 755% since the EMA approved the COVID Vaccine for Kids?

Official mortality figures collated by the European Mortality Monitoring Project using data provided by 29 European countries reveal that ever since the EMA first approved the Covid-19 vaccine for children, excess deaths among 0-14-year-olds have been recorded on a weekly basis. The increase in deaths has been so drastic, that by 18th September 2022, excess deaths among children were 630% higher than the five-year average, with a 755% increase in 2022 alone.

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Record Number Of Flesh-Eating Bacterial Infections In Florida Post-Hurricane Ian 
As floridians attempt to recover from Hurricane Ian’s devastating – another issue is surfacing. The Lee County depart of health is now warning people who have open wounds or cuts to avoid floodwater or seawater, as flesh-eating bacteria cases are hitting record levels following Ian flooding, and can be found in the warm seawater.


 Jesus warned us our generation would face famines in 2022 we see a rash of food plants burning to the ground. The link below shows you at least 20 or more of these fires that are destroying the outflow of food. Add to this devastation the extreme weather conditions such as drought and major floods that are destroying crops around the world plus war is between Russia and Ukraine that has halted fertilizer production which limits growth production. Now in the news today we see a fertilizer plant and fire is this a coincidence I’ll leave that decision up to you.



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Suspicious fertilizer plant fire adds to fears that America’s food supply infrastructure is being targeted


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Russia Warns of Possible Attacks on Satellites Used to Help Ukraine




October 26, 2022 warning signs of the last days in the news




The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 26, 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora

 What did Jesus say in Matthew chapter 24 look at these two verses 33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.

34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.



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From The East Coast To The West Coast, The U.S. Continues To Be Hit By An Endless Series Of Disasters



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CREEPY! — Man Has TikTok Account Showing Payment Chip IMPLANTED in Hand
Dystopian and creepy! A man in the U.K. has a TikTok account devoted to showing off the credit card payment chip he had surgically implanted in his hand.


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Biden says ‘new world order’ is coming and ‘America must lead it’ 
While addressing the Business Roundtable on Monday, President Joe Biden said there is “going to be a new world order” that must be led by the United States.


 The question should be asked how could President Biden push forward a new world order, answer economic chaos watch the YouTube video below.




  Watch the video below these are steps to the mark of the beast.








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Let there be light: NASA releases high-resolution photo of the “Pillars of Creation” where stars are born
NASA has just released images of a cloud of dust in which stars are formed. One Orthodox Jewish physicist celebrated the discovery, saying that it actually reinforces the Biblical story of Creation.


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6.2 magnitude earthquake hits South Sandwich Islands
South Sandwich Island, October 25: An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 on the Richter Scale struck near King Edward Point of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands on Tuesday morning.


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Strong and shallow M6.4 earthquake hits Luzon, Philippines
A strong earthquake, registered by the USGS as M6.4, hit Luzon, Philippines at 14:59 UTC on October 25, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 16.2 km (10 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.6 at a depth of 18 km (11.2 miles)


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M6.3 earthquake hits South Sandwich Islands region 
A strong earthquake, registered by the USGS as M6.3, hit South Sandwich Islands region at 00:13 UTC on October 25, 2022. The agency is reporting a depth of 81 km (50 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.1 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).




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Listen to the eerie sounds of a solar storm hitting the Earth’s magnetic field
Scientists converted data from the ESA’s three Swarm satellites into ethereal audio. Put horror movies and games aside for a few minutes to listen to something truly unsettling this Halloween season. The European Space Agency has released audio of what our planet’s magnetic field sounds like. While it protects us from cosmic radiation and charged particles from solar winds, it turns out that the magnetic field has an unnerving rumble.



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Court rules in Franklin Graham discrimination case
A Scottish event center discriminated against Franklin Graham and an event planned by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association when it arbitrarily canceled a valid contract to use the building, according to a new court ruling. “The defender’s true problem with the pursuer arises as a result of the religious views of Franklin Graham,





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Legal Upset Leaves Fauci with One Option
“You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” Fauci has fallen so far now. And things look to be getting even worse for him with a recent ruling from Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt. Schmitt announced on Friday that the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana would be granting Missouri and Louisiana’s request to depose several top-ranking officials of the Biden Administration.



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Russia, Ukraine to fight ‘heaviest of battles’ in Kherson, Kyiv official says
A senior Ukrainian official predicted “the heaviest of battles” to come for the partially Russian occupied strategic southern province of Kherson and said Moscow’s military is digging in to face advancing Ukrainian forces.



A breakReport on Putin and his nukes




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Zelenskyy Demands That Israel Join In The Fighting Against Russia In Ukraine, But The Jews Would Be Wise To Stay Far Away From That Trap
Hey Israel, thinking about fighting against Russia in the regional war taking place in Ukraine right now? Let me help y’all out. “Nooooooooo!!!!!” Now, I feel bad for the Ukrainian people, and we have already sent them 12,000 Bibles, but this war if you study war at all is one of the phoniest wars you will ever see. In fact, it’s not a war at all, it is a cover for something else. But regardless of how you personally feel about it, this is one fight that Israel should have nothing to do with.


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Macron says it’s up to Ukraine to decide how and when peace deal comes
Ukrainians will be the ones to “choose the moment and the terms” of peace in the war with Russia, French President Emmanuel Macron said Sunday. His remarks at a peace conference in Rome come as Moscow’s war pushes energy prices higher in Europe ahead of winter, threatening to erode support on the continent for Ukraine’s defense.


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Russia and China Continue to Push UN for Answers on Activities of Ukrainian Biolabs
In September, the UN held a Consultative Meeting between the State Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention (“BTWC”), under Article V. This is the first time in history that Article V has been used and only the second time a Formal Consultative Meeting has been convened.


 I have stated many times America will eventually turn on Israel because Zachariah chapter 12 tells us all the nations will come against Israel.

Zechariah 12

12 The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.

Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.

And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

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Did Biden Say There Was No ‘Palestine’ and Justify Israeli ‘Occupation’?
Price was giving a briefing on the Biden administration’s rejection of yet another UN report condemning Israel for “illegal occupation.” When a reporter used the wording of that report to compare Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria to the Russian invasion and annexation of eastern Ukraine, Price responded: “We categorically reject the blanket comparison between this the actions of the Kremlin – Russia in this case – that has launched and waged a brutal war of aggression against another sovereign state, a sovereign state that posed and poses no threat whatsoever to the Kremlin, a military campaign… whose toll can be measured in thousands upon thousands of lives lost.” A categorical rejection means the Biden administration views as false every aspect of the comparison.


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Netanyahu Won’t Take Orders From American Congressmen
Benjamin Netanyahu says that if next week’s election brings him back to the Prime Minister’s Office, he won’t be taking direction from Washington on who to include in his coalition. Netanyahu told an ultra-Orthodox Jewish radio station that he will not be dictated to, not even by Israel’s staunchest allies:



Signs from heaven

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The Brightest Gamma-Ray Burst Ever Recorded Rattled Earth’s Atmosphere
In early October, a wave of high-energy radiation swept over Earth from a gamma-ray burst, one of the most singularly catastrophic and violent events the cosmos has to offer. Astronomers quickly determined its distance and found it was the closest such burst ever seen: a mere two billion light-years from Earth. Or, if you prefer, 20 billion trillion kilometers away from us, a decent fraction of the size of the observable universe. But even from this immense distance in human terms, it was the brightest such event ever seen in x-rays and gamma rays, bright enough to spot its visible-light emission in smaller amateur telescopes, and was even able to physically affect our upper atmosphere.

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Very bright fireball lights up the sky over Siberia, Russia
A very bright fireball was seen and recorded over Tomsk, Siberia, Russia on October 16, 2022. The event lasted about 8 seconds, during which time the object changed color from a blue to an orange hue. It’s unclear at this time whether the object was natural or a result of space debris re-entering our atmosphere.



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Tropical Cyclone “Sitrang” makes landfall in Bangladesh, damaging 10 000 homes and leaving at least 25 people dead 
Tropical Cyclone “Sitrang” made landfall along the Chittagong-Barisal coast around 15:00 UTC on October 24, 2022, with maximum sustained winds of 88 km/h (55 mph). Sitrang left a trail of destruction and, at least 25 people dead across 9 districts and about 10 million without power. About 1 000 000 people were evacuated ahead of the landfall.



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Pope Francis’ American cardinals are pro-LGBT revolutionaries with a radical agenda for the Church 

In his quests to stack the College of Cardinals, reshape the U.S. episcopate, and usher in “a different Church,” Pope Francis has promoted a slate of radical American cardinals with a shared vision that would all but destroy the Catholic Church as we know it.


See 1969 memo of radical population control ideas now in place

More than half a century ago, Planned Parenthood produced a memo that compiled strategies for population control that were being proposed at the time, including “restructuring the family,” encouraging homosexuality, tax-funded abortion and sterilization.




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Scientists Call for Moratorium on 5G After Study Shows Regulators Ignoring Health Risks of Radiation
The authors of a peer-reviewed study published Tuesday warned about the risks of exposure to radiation from 5G technology and said their research shows existing exposure limits for wireless radiation are inadequate, outdated and harmful to human health and wildlife.


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Thousands More Children Die as EU Drags Out Europe-wide Investigation Into Why There’s Been an 8x Increase in Excess Deaths Among Children Since EMA Approved COVID Vaccine for Kids
…countries across Europe are still “struggling” to conclude why so many children have died across the continent ever since the European Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authorisation of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for use in children aged 12 to 15 in May 2021.


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Health Officials Dumped Stocks in January 2020, Before COVID Was Declared an Emergency
In a shocking new report from the Wall Street Journal, leading health officials began offloading stocks at truly unprecedented rates in January 2020—well before the COVID-19 emergency was declared—with officials at the US Department of Health and Human Services selling 60% more stocks in January 2020 than average over the previous 12 months.


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Irrefutable Proof of Self Assembly Structures in C19 Shots – Structures Assembling and Disassembling
….Shimon Yanowitz is an independent researcher from Israel with a background in computer science and electrical engineering and has evaluated C19 injectables right after thawing and showed self-assembly at room temperature and then even more elaborate while incubated at body temperature.


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“Experts” now admit you will NEVER be “fully vaccinated” – OffGuardian
We at OffG – and many of our fellow alt media sites – have been reporting for over a year now that the Covid “vaccination” campaign will never end. In short, you will NEVER be “fully vaccinated”.


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OFFICIAL CDC FIGURES – 58k Children injured, 15k hospitalised, 1.2k disabled & 163 dead due to COVID-19 Vaccination in the USA
An advisory committee to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) voted on Thursday 20th October in favour of adding the Covid vaccine to the recommended immunisation schedule for children aged 6 months and over.



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October 25, 2022 End time prophecy in the news







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 Today our generation who Daniel the Prophet said would become the generation of increase knowledge has invented technologies that could be used by the Antichrist when he rises to world power. Read chapter 1 of my free prophecy book to see the different technologies.


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Russia Warns The West That Ukraine is Plotting A False Flag “Dirty Bomb” Attack
In calls to Western leaders that included the United States, Britain, France, and Turkey, Russia’s defense minister said Ukraine is plotting a false flag “dirty bomb” attack. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has started warning that Ukrainian forces are preparing a “provocation” with a radioactive device.

 If Israel took part in the Ukrainian war against Russia we would end up seeing Ezekiel chapter 38 prophecy probably take place.


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Ukraine’s Zelenskiy asks Israel to join fight against Russia



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Between the beginning of June and the middle of 1 July 2022 Europe saw a tripling of Covid cases. Since then, case numbers have been falling again, but remain high among people aged 65 years and over, with consequent increases in hospitalisation rates and intensive care unit (“ICU”) admissions in this age group. Overall, more than 2 300 people still die every week in the Europe Union (“EU”) of Covid. These numbers are worrying not least since they are likely to be an underestimation of the real situation.

Our regular readers would be forgiven for thinking these are words to introduce one of our usual and repeated warnings about the harms due to Covid injections or another of our articles about the “pandemic of the vaccinated.”  But it’s not.  They are words taken from the first paragraph of the European Commission’s ‘EU response to Covid-19: preparing for autumn and winter 2023’ published on 2 September 2022.

Please note the Commission’s sleight of hand: “people still die every week in Europe of Covid.” “Of” or “with” Covid as opposed to “from” or “due to” Covid has been one of the manipulative terms used by governments around the world to create the numbers of deaths by labelling anyone who died after a positive PCR test as a “Covid death.”  It is known that the use of a PCR test during the so-called “pandemic” was fraudulent.  The Covid test has merely been used as a tool to fabricate the numbers of Covid “cases.”  It has been key to creating the illusion of a pandemic and to modify our behaviour.



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Deaths of American Under 25s is Soaring Since the Rollout of Covid Injections
In the first two and a half years of COVID, 150 thousand more American under-45s have died than expected. But, almost half of those deaths have occurred in the last twelve months, wrote Joel Smalley. And now he has noted that the deaths of even younger Americans are soaring.  “As bad as the story is for the under-45s, it’s a whole lot worse for the under-25s.”


 Our generation is definitely the generation Daniel warned about there is no other generation that has advanced in knowledge more than ours. Unfortunately not everything our generation is advanced in turns out to be good as you will see from this next report.




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Army research into nanotechnology and quantum mechanics similar to what’s now being put into “vaccines”

The mass implementation of 5G technology is not just about cell phones and computers, just to be clear. There is strong evidence to suggest that it is also about connecting humans to the internet of things, also known as transhumanism, which fake “president” Joe Biden is helping to fast-track as well with Executive Order (EO) 14081, as well as others.



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Is it Possible to Patent Genetically-Modified Humans?
“When we’re modifying the genome of an organism we can put our signature, our name, into the genome.” – “What is God? God creates. Well, we can create now.” – “We deserve to be credited for our work. We have lobbyists in politics and the courts to make sure the patenting and owning of parts of the human genome continues.”


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Christians Who ‘Audibly Pray’ in Abortion ‘Safe Zone’ Could Face Prison
Christians who are caught “praying”, “reciting scripture”, or “crossing themselves” near an abortion centre could be sentenced to up to six months in jail in the United Kingdom.



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100 Dutch schools forced to serve insects
The Netherlands has become a testing ground for the globalist Great Reset being pursued by the World Economic Forum. In the process, people’s diets are being switched to insects. After most farmers in the Netherlands were officially ruined by suspect “nitrate laws”, insects are currently being introduced in schools.


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Many Western countries are trying to ban NITROGEN (and thus meat) 
In recent months, The Netherlands has been all over the news for trying to eliminate the element nitrogen, which makes up about 78 percent of Earth’s atmosphere. It turns out that many other Western countries are trying to do the very same thing.



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Hurricane “Roslyn” makes landfall in Nayarit, Mexico 
Category 3 Hurricane “Roslyn” made landfall in northern Nayarit, west-central Mexico around 11:20 UTC on October 23, 2022, with maximum sustained winds of 195 km/h (120 mph) and a minimum central pressure of 960 hPa.


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Tropical Cyclone “Sitrang” strengthening on its way toward Bangladesh
Tropical Cyclone “Sitrang” formed in the Bay of Bengal on October 23, 2022, as the second named storm of the 2022 North Indian Ocean cyclone season. The cyclone is strengthening on its way toward Bangladesh where landfall is expected during the morning hours (LT) of October 25.


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Violent thunderstorms and tornadoes hit France 
Strong thunderstorms affected large parts of France on October 23, 2022, producing violent wind gusts and tornadoes. The storms hit after several days of warm weather, exceptional in duration for this time of year, with a depression named Beatrice by the Spanish meteorological service.




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BIDEN ECONOMY: US Has Only 25 Days of Diesel Supply – Shortage Could Cripple Economy



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October 24, 2022 Signs of the Times relating to Bible prophecy











Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 23 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora




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Revelation chapter 16:3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.

Below are some of the pictures of water that’s turning blood like that you will see in my book. As the planet warms up and the waters warm up these red tides get worse.





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Romans 8:22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.



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Roslyn downgraded to Tropical Storm after making landfall in Mexico as a powerful Category 3 urricane
Tropical Storm Roslyn is continuing to weaken as it spins across Mexico after making landfall early Sunday morning as a powerful Category 3 hurricane with winds of 120 mph.



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Two dead in Mexico after storm Roslyn dumps heavy rains, flooding | Reuters




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Nuke-threatened world ‘more dangerous’ than any time since WW2, top Brit security chief warns
..Sir Peter Ricketts, the British Government’s former National Security Adviser and head of the Diplomatic Service, claimed that the collapse of the post-World War Two global order, the rise of China, and Putin’s aggression were putting us on a deadly path to chaos.


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We are at war, for God, our families, our country, our way of life
As of this writing the Nov. elections are 17 days away.  There will never be a more important midterm election in your lifetime.  It is vital that we all know and understand the issues and what is at stake. Today’s Democrat Party is controlled by, what Tulsi Gabbard described as, ‘fanatical idealogues’.  They racialize every issue and politicize what they can’t racialize.  They are hostile to people of faith, and demean what they don’t understand. They actively work against our Constitution.



 Why are the Democrats so afraid of the Republicans? The answer is very clear, Republicans hold to the moral values of which the left Democrats are trying to get rid of.This is why we see so many articles written about the Christian Right. Eventually these leftist thoughts will lead to Christian persecution.


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Right-wing roadshow promotes Christian nationalism before the midterms




 Beware of the wolves among the sheep what does Cheney really stand for and who is she standing with?




“I think that the party has either got to come back from where we are right now, which is a very dangerous and toxic place, or the party will splinter, and there will be a new conservative party that rises,” Ms. Cheney said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “And if Donald Trump is the nominee of the Republican Party, the party will shatter and there will be a conservative party that rises in its place.”





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Government publishes indisputable evidence Covid-19 Vaccination takes approx. 5 months to kill recipients




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Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine alters Human DNA



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 If the CDC Director is lying and these Covid vaccinations don’t stop you from getting Covid what are the vaccinations really doing to us?

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CDC Director Infected With COVID, Despite Max Vax And Boosters
5x vaxxed CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky infected with COVID. Walensky one year ago: “Vaccinated people do not carry the virus and don’t get sick”.




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Give us this day, our daily INFLATED BREAD

(Natural News) Many of the inputs needed to produce baked goods like bread and pastries – things like flour, nuts, and eggs – are becoming so expensive due to corruption-driven inflation that bakeries in Europe are now having to charge an arm and a leg for their products just to survive.



 Read the report the price of diesel will have a huge impact on the cost of food.


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Forget Oil, The Real Crisis Is Diesel Inventories: The US Has Just 25 Days Left

Tyler Durden's Photo

WEDNESDAY, OCT 19, 2022 – 07:05 PM

For all the drama surrounding Biden’s latest Strategic Petroleum Reserve fiasco and his admin’s ridiculous idea to “stimulate” US energy producers to pump more oil because, you see, Biden promises to buy oil at some unknown point in the future (he may or may not, but right now he is certainly draining a million barrels of emergency US energy lifeblood just to buy a few midterm votes, assuring energy producers have zero incentive to produce more), the real crisis is not oil or gas, but diesel.

The problem is that as we repeatedly warned over the summer, even as others were transfixed by the moves in gas, see:




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Saturday, October 22, 2022 how many more last day signs do you need in order to believe Jesus warnings?



Oct. 21, 2022 Are you ready for the Rapture? The generation to see second coming

















Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 17 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora





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 I hope you all are paying attention to the warnings of Jesus Christ concerning the last day signs? It is crazy how fast things are moving toward the beginning of the tribulation. Just a few days ago I told you these huge earthquakes Jesus talked about are showing up in the news just about weekly now. Well, here we go again. Another huge quake hits the news today.  Before you read the news about the quake, please keep in mind we are the generation who is now witnessing all the last days birth pangs taking place all at the same time. This is important because Jesus told us the generation who saw all these things at the same time would be the generation who would be alive to see his second coming. Let me show you exactly what Jesus stated in Matthew 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Our world as we know it is falling apart. You know it to be true because you can feel it in your spirit. Even the people who don’t know Jesus as their Lord and savior yet sense something is very wrong with our world. I am here today to declare to you Jesus’ warnings are coming to pass and you need to get ready for what is about to take place on this planet. If you think the 2020 Covid 19 pandemic  was bad your not going to like what is going to take place during the tribulation. I am not writing this to scare you, I am writing this to help you understand how important it is to be a child of Christ Jesus in the times we are living in. If you missed my post yesterday please read that post and watch the videos I put up on it. Much of what is about to happen has to do with the global economic crash that will take place in order to set in place the road for the Antichrist to take center stage as warned by Jesus. Here is the link to that post.




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Strong and shallow M6.7 earthquake hits south of Panama

panama earthquake m6-8 october 20 2022 f

Strong and shallow M6.7 earthquake hits south of Panama 






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Mural at Michigan Middle School Sparks Outrage Over Transgender Flag and Demon Face
The mural also features a creature holding a syringe, a girl in a rainbow outfit, and the Hamsa hand — which alarmed parents said was a sign of witchcraft.


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U.S. State Department Gives $20,600 to Fund “Drag Theater Performances”…in Ecuador
The United States government, which is currently about $30.9 trillion in debt, has just given over $20,000 of taxpayer money to a cultural center in Ecuador so it can host “drag theater performances.”






 It’s no wonder why so many people are refusing to take the Covid shots. People are afraid that their own government has been lying to them as to how safe the Covid vaccines are. Since the Covid problem started governments around the world have been trying to silence the doctors who are telling us the Covid vaccines are not safe. As time goes on new reports of just what is in the Covid shots is coming to light.

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Dr. Mark Trozzi: Toxic Metals in Covid Shots
“We’ve never shot people with crazy cocktails like this,” said Dr. Mark Trozzi in regard to the undisclosed content of Covid jabs of various brands.


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Dr. Peter McCullough: COVID-19 vaccines are to blame for healthy people suddenly dying until proven otherwise
Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has argued that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is responsible for the death of any person with no prior history of significant disease until proven otherwise.


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Florida OB/Gyn warns that infertility and miscarriages have spiked 50% since covid-19 vaccine rollout 
An OB/Gyn from St. Petersburg, Florida had the courage to go public with the serious rise in reproductive health issues that are taking place at the hospital where she works. Kimberly Biss, MD and OB/Gyn explained that her hospital is seeing an astronomical rise in infertility, miscarriage, abnormal pap smears and cervical malignancies that only started after the covid-19 vaccines were rolled out.


 In my book I list a host of reports concerning old diseases that have returned and all the new diseases that are showing up. One such disease which is very deadly is the Ebola disease and, it is again taking its toll as health officials are trying to contain this newest outbreak.

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Since the Covid 19 disease broke their has been much speculation that the disease came from a lab in Wuhan, China. Theories voiced concern that it may have originated as a biological weapon in the Wuhan lab. The report below deals with more messing around with a disease that if it ever did leave the lab it would kill off much of the population. What they are working on is far more dangerous than the Covid 19 disease! Jesus warned about diseases of the last days and I have no doubt that some of these diseases could be man made.

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Surprise! EcoHealth Landed $1 Million Grant To Work With ‘80% Mouse Death’ Boston University On ‘Future Pandemic Prevention’
To review, in an effort to research what makes Omicron so transmissible – and funded in part by grants from the NIH and Anthony Fauci’s NIAID – a team of researchers cobbled the Omicron spike protein to the original strain of Covid-19. The resulting virus was five times more infectious than Omicron.


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Record Number Of Flesh-Eating Bacterial Infections In Florida Post-Hurricane Ian
As floridians attempt to recover from Hurricane Ian’s devastating – another issue is surfacing. The Lee County depart of health is now warning people who have open wounds or cuts to avoid floodwater or seawater, as flesh-eating bacteria cases are hitting record levels following Ian flooding, and can be found in the warm seawater.


 You might not want to hold your 5G cell phone to close to your head!

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Scientists Call for Moratorium on 5G After Study Shows Regulators Ignoring Health Risks of Radiation 
The authors of a peer-reviewed study published Tuesday warned about the risks of exposure to radiation from 5G technology and said their research shows existing exposure limits for wireless radiation are inadequate, outdated and harmful to human health and wildlife.


  If you are new to bible prophecy you need to understand what Jesus warned about in Revelation chapter 13 concerning the mark of the beast, the man known as the Antichrist. Our generation is the special generation because we are the only generation who now has the technology to be able to place an ID in someone’s hand or even in their foreheads. If you read my prophecy book you will see all the different technologies that have lead up to ID’s in the hand or forehead.  God told Daniel in chapter 12 of Daniel the last generation who increase in knowledge and travel back and forth. Our generation has gained more knowledge than all the generation combined and it is no coincidence. Take heed to what you are seeing when you see digital ID’s.  The day is coming when the Antichrist is going to force his mark on the people and if you take it there is no hope for you to ever get out of the lake of fire.


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 As long as I covered our increase in knowledge our generation is the only one who is able to track movement of people where ever they go. Our generation is the only one who has the ability to gather data on anyone they want. There is no question when the Antichrist forces his mark on people that he will have all the data he wants on anyone he wants. He will use this data to track down anyone who has refused to take his mark.  Now that you know this the report below will show you the direction our generation is going.

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U.S. Military Bases Sell Chinese Govt-Made Smart Devices With Privacy Policies Stating Data Can Be Sent to China.
The United States government is actively selling potential surveillance devices to American military personnel and families on military bases that are directly manufactured by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), The National Pulse can reveal.





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 If you haven’t been on the watch you may not know that bodies of water around the world are dying up. Droughts have become a major problem now in many nations. The droughts are causing the drinking water to disappear, crop destruction, and in many people right now famine which, are all last day signs Jesus warned about.


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Portion Of Mississippi River Closes Again As Drought Crisis Worsens
Supply chains across the Midwest face significant constraints as a portion of the Mississippi River is closed again. Bloomberg reported a stretch of the Mississippi River, about 125 miles northeast of Memphis, near Hickman, Kentucky, closed Monday as water levels continue to plunge.


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California reservoirs dropping fast; LA approaching ZERO DAY for water
Southern California’s Castaic Reservoir in Hollywood, which feeds much of Los Angeles County, is dropping like a rock amid a prolonged California drought that is starving the region of hydration.


  As if you didn’t already know, crime is on the rise. The  report below deals with the elections but the crime surrounds this is far reaching. Let me explain. The last election caused America to split in half. About half the nation believes that Donald Trump had the election stolen from him by machines who gave Biden millions of votes at the last minute in the very stated that he needed the votes. Whether it really happened or not is still out for debate. The point is, because people feel the election was not valid it caused the heart of many in the U.S. to not trust the government.  The hearts of many have waxed cold over the election of 2020.  This new finding over China having data will only add to the fire of non trusting the elections.




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Konnech’s Shocking “Back-Door” Access Into U.S. Election Data: Network Diagram
Eugene Yu, the CEO of Michigan-based election software company Konnech, was criminally charged for allegedly storing Los Angeles election worker data on Chinese servers.



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U.S. military degrading rapidly under Biden, Dem-controlled Congress… now rated “weak” even as global threats are rising 
The hapless regime of Joe Biden and the Democrat-controlled Congress have combined to produce the weakest U.S. military in decades, and just in time for global threat levels to be at their highest.



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Ben Armstrong from The New American returns to SGT Report to discuss the breaking news of the day and Ben hits the nail on the head. The ONLY freedom the Demorats…


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Netflix Launches New ‘Vatican Girl’ Documentary About Disappearance of 15-Year Old Emanuela Orlandi Presumed Raped And Murdered By Roman Cardinal 
The Roman Catholic Church has a long and storied history of priests, bishops and cardinals who sexually abused untold tens of thousands of young boys and girls, with some of them like Emanuela Orlandi who were never heard from again. What did the Vatican, over the reign of multiple pope kids do about it? In nearly 100% of the cases, they covered it up, transferred the offending clergy member to a new country and a new church to do it all over again. Opus Bono Sacerdotii is just one such group, but I digress.




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Major Supermarket In UK Planning To Sell BUGS As Food To Help Poor People Through Winter 
A major supermarket chain in the UK is finalising plans to stock insects on its shelves and market them as a cheap food source for people struggling to afford to feed their families amid soaring inflation and the cost of living crisis.

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The prayer



October 20, 2022 your end time signs in the news







Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 17 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora


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 We know from the book of revelation chapter 13 that the Antichrist will control a new one world economy. In order for that to happen something major in the economy of the world must take place, we’re beginning to see the reset now.




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 Below is a report that will show you  America in its decline.

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 Part of America’s decline is seen in the pharmaceutical supply chain debacle. Since the Covid pandemic worldwide the supply chains have broken down and in many cases they are still broken, case in point, many people are finding it difficult to get their prescriptions filled. I know this for a fact because it is happened to me. I needed to fill a prescription for Irragation solution for my cancerous bladder, we called 15 different pharmacies and they were all  out. I had to go to the hospital to get the solution to irrigate my bladder.


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The Drug Shortage Crisis in the United States

Causes, Impact, and Management Strategies

C. Lee Ventola, MS

Additional article information


The U.S. is experiencing a rapidly increasing frequency of drug shortages, which have caused numerous difficulties for clinicians, health care facilities, patients, and federal regulators.1 Drug shortages are caused by many factors, including difficulties in acquiring raw materials, manufacturing problems, regulatory issues, and business decisions, as well as many other disturbances within the supply chain.1,2They adversely affect patient care by causing substitution of safe and effective therapies with alternative treatments; compromising or delaying medical procedures; or causing medication errors.2Drug shortages also significantly burden health care provider and health care facility finances and personnel.2 A management strategy that includes clear policies and procedures for information gathering, decision-making, collaboration, and timely communication should be established to effectively handle drug shortages.2

Drug Shortages Are Rapidly Increasing In Frequency



 America is not the only nation in financial trouble you will see below that the United kingdom is in shambles right now as well. The global economic scene is unraveling to make way for the coming Antichrist.

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Cooltextprophecysign Matthew 24:24

24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

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 June 10, 2021 I wrote to you about more reports of UFOs coming. I pointed out in that 2021 report what I stated back in 2009, below you will find what I stated with the link.

Since 2009,  I warned you what is going to happen in the near future concerning UFO’s . On November 11, 2009 for example, as you will see below is what I stated. I also give you the link at the end of the quote if you want to go to that post.

See full size image


“This news comes at the heels of a recent report about aliens on the moon that I just posted recently.  Read this info if you missed it and ask yourself this question.  Does it sound and look like the world is being set up for this powerful delusion Jesus warned us about.  I say yes.


Now for the breaking news on the new sightings of UFOs.


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