ABCNews-End of the World in 2012? July 4, 2008 What you don’t know!


ABCNews is in the process of making a film and is asking the publics help.  ABC is asking the public to produce videos showing what they think the year 2015 is going to look like.  I have watched some of the sample films people have already sent to ABC and I want to tell you something, these videos although good do not convey the rule truth.  What ABC will soon show in their 2 hour special are examples what they think it will be like 4 years from now, but I am going to tell you exactly what will happen and prove that what I am saying has already begun to take place.  I want to send out my own challenge to the world.  Watch the news for 2 weeks, make a note of the main stores you see on the National and International news then come to my site.  You give me the stories you have noted and I will give you the quotes from God that the very things you watched have already been given to us as signs of the end of the age.  I am not going to make up a story how the world will look like in 2015 I am going to tell you what you will see based on the warnings that were given to me.  Some of the videos sent to ABC show global warming affects, some show major floods, some show crime, some show war, some show famine, some show extreme heat and drought, and one video shows what a person thinks the price of food will be like in 2015.  I’m not going to tell you here now how I obtained documents in 1977 that outlined every event we are seeing in the news currently, instead I will let my free book explain all the proof of what I was given.  If you are not afraid to see Truth read my free book with every detail concerning these times.  I will also give you the news which has not yet taken place but is about to be shown on the global news networks. 


I have been asked why am I not selling this book to let everyone know what I was given?  Let me answer this question right now.  I made a commitment to the person who gave me this information never ever charge anyone to read these warnings. Unlike most writing who make money from their work, I make nothing.  I want nothing from you except to plead with you to read this book and the evidence telling you what is going to take place soon.  I will tell you this up front, every sample video that was sent to ABC looked like the people who made the videos took the pages from my book.  


Yesterday ABCNews ran a report entitled, “Will the World End in 2012?”.  ABC gives us a story about Patrick Geryl who quit his job after saving enough money to survive the end of the world which he believes is coming in 2012.  Patrick isn’t the only one who thinks the world will end in 4 years from now.  Patrick you had better read my book because the end is not coming in 2012 and my book will prove that.  However, I promise you this,  you will think the world is coming to an end by 2012.  My book is based solely on facts and evidence and I can assure you when you start to read this book you are going to recognize many of the past news stories you have already seen on the news, only this time you will understand what is going on and where we are going to end up!


If you think this is a joke, download my book for free and read the first 2 chapters.  It will scare the hell out of you but at least you will come to know the Truth as to what is going on and why it is happening. I promise you if you read these chapters you will finish the book!  My message to Patrick Geryl is this, save all the seeds you want, store all the food and water you want but, it is not going to help you.  It may make you feel better because your scared and you see danger coming but everything you save, everything you do to try and survive will not help you through what is coming!  There is only one way to escape what is about to take place on planet Earth. Read my book to understand the way.


This is a big file and may take time to download but it will come up depending on the speed of your computer.  I have a slow computer and it took me 5 minutes to download. I am in the process of putting small print book on to cut the download time down so bare with me. It will be worth the wait to read this!





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Why aren’t pastors teaching about Hell anymore, Why aren’t pastors keeping the Chruch on the Watch? Why are so many Churches filled with programs and keep Jesus outside? Why is it that most Christians don’t know the Word of God? All signs!


The words of Christ are fulfilled. The Old Roman Empire is reborn and is ready to receive the one man Jesus said would come in the end times.  Soon one man will begin to rise from within the European Union to rule this planet, he is called the Antichrist.  The prophet Daniel wrote about each power that would come one after the other until this reborn Roman Empire was established again in the end times.  The E.U. is getting ready to elect one man who will control all E.U. nations.  If you read chapter 2 of my book you will be blown away by how precise God’s Word is.  The final stage to forming a one world government is under way.  I challenge anyone to refute all this documentation which proves only a True God could be so exact. 

I put a link to a video explaining how this one world government has been developing you can watch it unfold for yourself.  I am sorry to inform you this may scare some of you before all this information is true and you will see just how true once you read Chapter 2 and view this video entitled: The End Game.  If after you see this material and you refuse to believe what Jesus said was coming, all I can say is, may the Lord help you.  Jesus said “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattered abroad.”


Give this down load a chance to load then turn to chapter 2 to see where Jesus said we would be. Click to link.

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The End Game:


 Click on picture to get a preview of the near future.

Once you watch the video read chapter 10 from my book and see what is about to happen next.  War is coming and you must know exactly what will happen before it takes place so that when it breaks out you will know it was God who told you the details.  I pray you will take Christ as your Lord before this war but just in case, please read chapter 10.



Marshall law coming- Satanic activity-How America is falling- July 3, 2008


Prophecy sign: 1st Timothy 4:1-2 Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.  Speaking lies in hypocrisy: having their conscience seared with a hot iron. Yesterday I covered a story about another crime involving satanic rituals in a sex crime case only this time one of the people arrested holds the 3rd vice chair for the Democratic Party.  Here is the up-date to that story.  The North Carolina case of an alleged satanic torture involving a Democratic Party official and her husband has now expanded to include a third suspect, an even higher-ranking Democrat. Diana Palmer, the first vice-chairwoman of the Durham County Democratic Party, joins her political colleague Joy Johnson, the third vice-chairwoman of the party, and Johnson’s spouse, Joseph Craig, in facing Charges.”  People want to know why our nation is going down the tubes?  When the people you elect are opposing God and have turn their face from Him what do you think is going to happen?  Did you think God is going to help a nation who passes same sex marriage, who rules with gay rights and has members serving that are themselves gay.  Do you think God honors a nation that allows the unborn to be tortured and torn apart as they are aborted in front of God’s face.  Do you think God is going to honor a nation who are passing laws to ripe His Holy name out of their society?  What is Jesus tell us about this generation?  It would be just like Noah’s!  Destruction came on Noah’s generation because of these same sins and it is coming to us unless this nation turns back to Christ!

What did the Prophet Daniel show us ?  He showed us the last world empire would be the Roman Empire reborn again, it would not be America.  From my past posts you now know the European Union is that reborn Roman Empire.  Since Daniel’s vision has come to pass just as God gave it to him then, we must see the shift in power giving the reborn Roman Empire full reign as that last standing empire at the time Jesus comes back.  The shift has already begun and we here in the U.S.A. are going through these downfall pains right now.  Yesterday I gave you examples of what is taking us down.  Today I want to give you other news showing you this proof.  If you listen to your elected officials telling us we will be ok, you are misinformed, this is not what we see in prophecy.  Put two and two together.  If Jesus said Rome would return and lead that means whoever was in power would have been moved out of the way to give the reborn Roman Empire the number one position, and that nation to be removed in strength in the U.S.A..  For months I have warned you here gas and oil would continue to climb and the results would be serious for America.  I warned to was the dollar fall, prices to climb, and that included prices of everything.  I warned you would see businesses across America begin to lay off people, and more people would walk away from the homes.  Read my past posts, look at the date I warned you and then look at the dates of the reports after I warned you and you will see everything I warned would take place is in fact happening and it will get worse not better.  I am trying to wake up the dead in Christ here and prepare you all for what is about to come on this nation.  If I were water down what Jesus has shown us in His prophecy I would be a liar.  Now for the proof! 


“Oil prices neared $146 a barrel Thursday for the first time ever on reports of declining U.S. stockpiles and the threat of conflict with Iran.

Comments by Saudi Arabia’s oil minister suggesting his country had no immediate plans to boost production also lifted prices. “  News that just hit a few minutes ago told us “Oil soars to record near $146, then eases as dollar strengthens; US gas prices hit new high” At a time when oil is the highest is has ever been and America is in debt and is about to tank Bush is sending more troops overseas. By the way, I warned you he was going to do this very thing.  History is repeating itself.  Take a look at what happened to Russia.  They got engaged in war in Afghanistan and as a result they went bankrupt.  The nation was starving.  What saved Russia?  About ten years later they found oil, more oil than any nation on this planet and in a very short time they have become one of the most powerful nations in the world again.  In part this would fulfill a prophecy found in Ezekiel chapter 38-39 where Ezekiel shows us Russia would attack Israel in the latter years, or (end times).  Here is a section from a news yahoo report, “Grappling with a record death toll in an overshadowed war, President Bush promised Wednesday to send more U.S. troops into Afghanistan by year’s end. He conceded that June was a “tough month” in the nearly seven-year-old war.

Do you find it strange that America is sitting on one of the biggest oil fields in the world in the North slopes of Alaska and not one drop of that oil has come out of the ground?  Do you know it is a fact this nation has more shale that has oil in it than anywhere in the world yet we are not taking it to supply this nation. I quote the Seattle Times, “The United States has an oil reserve at least three times that of Saudi Arabia locked in oil-shale deposits beneath federal land in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, according to a study released yesterday.”   Ask yourself this question.  When I elect an official to office why aren’t they following the will of the people?  Millions of people across America are telling the government to start drilling so our nation won’t die off and starve like the Russians did but, those officials work against you and keep the oil in the ground.  Do you know that if a separate state in the U.S. would begin drilling for oil to supply their state that the Federal government would send in troops to stop it!  There are people in this nation that are doing everything they can to bring our nation down and they are hiding behind the mask of  protecting the environment.  Knowing that the U.S. government could bring us back on line and supply the U.S. with our own oil the environmentalist stepped in and are trying to make the polar bear an endangered species.  I quote from a recent report. “Right now ANCHORAGE (AP) — The state of Alaska will sue to challenge the recent listing of polar bears as a threatened species, Gov. Sarah Palin announced Wednesday. She and other Alaska elected officials fear a listing will cripple oil and gas development in prime polar bear habitat off the state’s northern and northwestern coasts”.  Does all this make sense to you? Our nation is falling apart, millions are losing jobs because of the high oil and gas prices. Food prices have skyrocketed as a result of the gas prices and now millions of Americans are caught between driving to work and feeding their families yet we must protect a animal that isn’t even endangered! Our nation is in for some serious times and here are some signs of it.


NEW YORK (Reuters) – Tired of pumping his cash right back into his gas tank, New York City taxi driver Mohammed Kalair says he is considering quitting his job and going back to his native Pakistan.”  The New York Taxi Workers Alliance estimates drivers now make closer to the state minimum wage $7.15 cents per hour and plans to submit a proposal to the TLC on Monday for a fuel surcharge of $1 per trip as long as gasoline prices remain above $3.50 per gallon.”  Is the American leadership so out of touch with their people to think a man can support his family on $7.50 per hour?  Again, go back and read my previous posts.  I warned you to watch and you will see people begin to walk away from there jobs because it just  won’t pay to stay at a job where they are losing money working.  If a Taxi driver is making $7.15 an hour and he paying $100.00 a day for gas what does he have left for his family?  He goes into debit.



“Shares of General Motors Corp. plunged Wednesday to close below $10 for the first time in more than half a century, on worries about the company’s cash needs and speculation about a possible bankruptcy protection filing down the road.  


“The Los Angeles Times plans to cut 250 positions, including 150 on the news side of its operations, in an effort to reduce expenses. Editor Russ Stanton says in a memo posted Wednesday in the paper’s reader representative’s blog that the paper also will publish 15 percent fewer pages each week. Stanton says the paper faces falling advertising revenue without new online ads to make up the difference. He also noted that the soft California real estate market has cut into ad revenue. 


TAMPA, Fla. (AP) – The Tampa Tribune plans to lay off 11 newsroom employees this week and another 10 by early fall as part of a one-fifth cut in the news staff. Along with the 29 people who took voluntary buyouts and tendered resignations, the job losses announced Tuesday will leave the Tribune with a news staff of about 200, the paper said Wednesday. The cuts, part of a corporate reduction announced in May, are the latest sign of how the newspaper industry is being hurt by a weakened economy and the emergence of the Internet as an alternative medium for advertising.


I realize the government  is trying to put on a good face on a bad economy and, they are telling Americans we aren’t as bad as they are making out to be, but the truth is, Americans are losing jobs at record rates and hundreds of thousands have joined the unemployment lines.  Here is a report out of Washington, “Employers cut payrolls by 62,000 in June, the sixth straight month of nationwide job losses, underscoring the economy’s fragile state.”  “In a separate report from the department, the number of newly laid off people signing up for unemployment insurance rose sharply last week. New applications jumped by 16,000 to 404,000, the highest level since late March. The increase was bigger than economists were expecting; they had forecast claims to rise to around 385,000.


A financial analyst fresh from a tour of construction sites in the Inland Empire is warning Wall Street of a “ghost town” where finished homes sit vacant and additional homes are still under construction


L.A., Miami Home Foreclosure Rates More Than Double (Update1)

July 2 (Bloomberg) — New foreclosures almost quadrupled in Los Angeles and doubled in Miami in the second quarter, with as much as $5 billion worth of loans going bad in L.A. alone, the online real estate data company reported.


Read what was written about the U.S. in a recent report. “We are the consumers who have kept the rest of the world afloat. That is why our trade deficit topped $116 billion in March and April alone. As the credit crunch has hit and banks have tightened lending, this game is rapidly coming to an end.”  “This is not about whether stocks will go up in the next few months. It is about whether the U.S. is the equivalent of the Roman Empire in its final days. It is about whether we will have a strong economy for future generations that can sustain us through retirement. If we need to fight a war, it should be the one to save our economy.”  I couldn’t have said it better!  The U.S. may have been compare to the Roman Empire but like the Old Roman Empire America is dieing out to give way to the new Roman Empire seen in Daniel’s vision by God.  It breaks my heart to she this nation slip away but this is what happens when you turn from God.  Each person in America should make themselves ready for the hard times that are about to come on this nation.  The only wise thing you can do is to bring your entire family to Christ.  Prepare your family to be taken out to Christ when He calls His Church home, or prepare your families to endure 7 years of hell under the rule of the Antichrist who is coming up from the reborn Roman Empire or the European Union. Please download my free book at the end of this site to get the complete details concerning all the signs of the times Jesus gave us.\


Jesus told us that war would come in the end times.  Ezekiel give us the exact details of a major war that will soon take place between Russia, her allies and Israel.  We know right now Israel is getting ready to attack Iran’s nuclear plant.  When that happens the world will change.  The U.S. may see renewed terrorist attacks as promised by the Iranians and possibly a fall out from Russia.  If the U.S. is attacked again, under the new powers give to the President, he could order Marshall law.  I quote, “The President has the power to seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, call reserve forces amounting to 2 2/2 million men to duty, institute martial law, seize and control all menas of transportion, regulate all private enterprise, restrict travel, and in a plethora of particular ways, control  the lives of all Americans…”  In the warnings of Jesus we see that the Antichrist will control the world in much the same way many nations have used Marshall Law.  When war comes and there is the possibility that Israel and the U.S. will attack Iran, Bush could call for a National emerengy and also call for Marshall Law.  I am not saying this is will happen, but this world is moving to a place where all people will be controlled and this is one of the ways governments can control the people.  Do you remember the camps were set up during world war two?  The government rounded up Japanese Americans living in America and put them in camps.  There are labor camps on military property  across the U.S. sitting empty.  Don’t think for a minute that if America is attacked Bush won’t call for Marshall law and begin to use these camps again.  Let me quote a article about Ashcroft who was under Bush. “Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft’s announced desire for camps for U.S. citizens he deems to be “enemy combatants” has moved him from merely being a political embarrassment to being a constitutional menace. Ashcroft’s plan, disclosed last week but little publicized, would allow him to order the indefinite incarceration of U.S. citizens and summarily strip them of their constitutional rights and access to the courts by declaring them enemy combatants.”  These things are all forerunners of what the Antichrist is going to do.  Don’t mark my words, mark Christ’s’ Words in the book of Revelation where we see the Antichrist rounding up all those who are combatants to him during the tribulation period.  These combatants are those people who refuse the mark of the beast (666) and will die for Christ.   Am I asking you to believe me?  No.  I am telling you to Trust the Word of God.  It is Christ who is warning us of these things to come not me, all I am doing is repeating His message to you in these end times.  Look, let me be frank, just watch the news and you will see everything Jesus warned us come to pass.  The Middle East war will be next and it is coming soon.  Today would be a good day to give your life to Jesus. .  Click to  the link:  1.




I told you Russia has come back from the dead so to speak after they discovered oil.  Now they are again a major superpower.  Since they hit oil they have rebuilt their military and again beginning to demonstrate their new power.  The prophet Ezekiel told us Russia was going to attack Israel in the end times while Israel was taking peace and safety which they are right now.  This attack is coming soon and there is the chance it could begin before this year ends.  In the news today, “Any military attack on Iran would have a “catastrophic” effect on the Middle East, a Russian foreign ministry official said Wednesday after reports that Israel might launch such an attack. “All this is very dangerous. If force is used it will be catastrophic for the whole Middle East,” the official told journalists on condition of anonymity.”  When you study Ezekiel’s prophecy which was given to him by God, you come to understand the importance of what Russia just said in this news report.  In my past posts I quote from Russian leaders who told us that if anyone attacks Iran, Russia’s ally, it would be the same as attacking Russia.   If you are a Christian no following and not walking with Christ, or if you are not a believer in Christ you better wake up now and light the fire for Jesus Christ.  Ask Him into your life.  Many of you will not take what I say serious.  After all many refused Jesus when He warned them, but I pray for you all that the Holy Spirit would now open your eyes and ears to His Truth in His Word.  I say this to the Church.   “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other!  But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! Revelation 3: 15-16.  Is our Lord Jesus going to spit you out of His mouth when He comes for us, or will you be ready and on the Watch?  I want to leave this section with the words spoken by Christ. “He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

A recent study conducted by Harvard University found that the Average American walks about 900 miles a year. Another study by the American Medical Association found that Americans drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year. This means, on average, Americans get about 41 miles to the gallon.  Your mileage may vary!

Enjoy the July of 4th weekend.

Frank DiMora


P.S. In case the Lord comes this weekend, for those of you who may not leave with Him if he comes,  please do me a favor and pass what I have warned you about to others and best of luck, you will need it.
















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Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora’s youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 


Major signs video:

Part 1 how Ministry started:


Part 2 how Ministry started:

F. DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements

Anticrhist signs-Satanic crime-Jewish Temple coming soon-Rome is back-Euro vs. Dollar- disease- No natural affection-Nothing to worry about, unless you don’t know the Lord. July 2, 2008


Prophecy sign:  Daniel Chapter 9, Matthew 24:15 “When you there fore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, whoso readeth, let him understand”.  2nd Thessalonians 2:4 says, “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is call God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God”.  All these scriptures inform us the 3rd Temple is going to be built in the last days.  It is this Temple that the Antichrist is going to go into and tell the world he is God.  This Temple is about to be rebuilt very soon.  In the news today we see another step being taking to prepare for the services in this coming Temple.  “Another step on the long road towards the restoration of Temple Worship in Jerusalem was reportedly taken Monday with the opening of a new workshop in which robes will be manufactured for practicing priests. According to a report in The Jerusalem Post Wednesday, a number of Kohanim, (Jews in the Cohen family line who trace their ancestry back to Aaron, the first High Priest) have already had measurements taken for the biblically-described vestments.” 


Prophecy sign: 1st Timothy 4:1-2 Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.  Speaking lies in hypocrisy: having their conscience seared with a hot iron. If you follow the news you have seen cult crimes are not uncommon. Today we heard about another crime involving satanic rituals in a sex crime case only this time one of the people arrested holds the 3rd vice chair for the Democratic Party.  When you go to the couples web site named “Indigo Dawn Inc” you see they are involved in new age doctrine, the occult, and magick.  They are in communication with spirit guides and teach pass life reconstruction.  When you read their site and then read what Timothy said about the last days, it is an exact match.  In this case kidnapping, rape, and beatings took place in satanic rituals.  When you watch the video below if you click to the link, you will see that the husband who was arrested is Rev. Joseph Craig.  There is no doubt this couple is speaking to spirits but they are spirits from hell and they are receiving doctrines of devils just as was warned.  Remember, Timothy wrote this message to us and for us, but it was Jesus who gave the message to Timothy.  During the 7 year tribulation the occult activitiy will run wild.  What we are witnessing with all these kinds of satanic crimes is just the beginning of things to come.  When Jesus removes His Church soon there will be an explosion of these kinds of movements. 1. 



The Lord showed Daniel the Kingdoms of the future.  First Daniel saw the Babylonian Empire, then God said the Medo-Persian Empire would follow which they did, history is the proof.  God then showed Daniel the Grecian Empire would destroy the Medo-Persian Empire.  History proved God to be correct again when Greece destroyed the Medo-Persian reign.  God then showed Daniel that the Roman Empire would destroy Greeces rule which is exactly what happened in history.  Then God showed Daniel that this Roman Empire was going to be reborn just before Jesus Christ comes back.  In 1957 this Roman Empire was reborn when a few nations signed the Treaty of Rome. Since that time the reborn Roman Empire which is today European Union or the E.U. has grown to a 27 nation Union.  Would it floor you if I told you most of the nations in the E.U. are the exact nations that were in the Old Roman Empire?  Well they are!  Daniel show the new Roman Empire would be that World Empire in power at the time Jesus came back.  What God showed Daniel thousands of years ago has come to pass in the exact way God had revealed it to His prophet.  This is the reason why America is losing her power and will continue to drop off as a superpower.  We we hear is, Don’t worry America is strong. Don’t worry the U.S. dollar will come back, Don’t worry, there is no recession, Don’t worry, a depression isn’t coming, Don’t worry, our economy is strong, Don’t worry people will keep buy trucks, Don’t worry the climate will get better, now for the rest of the story:

A new report in Money Week is entitled, “Helping bring America to her knees.  Why floods could bring America to its knees” “A catastrophe for Iowa farmers will not be just a catastrophe for Midwestern Americans. In the Iowa floods, we’ll see more evidence of how the problems of weird weather (climate change) combine and ramify the problems associated with Peak Oil. In this particular case they lead to an inflection point sometime around the 2008 harvest season, which will also be our time of political harvest.These are not your daddy’s or granddaddy’s floods. These are 500-year floods, events not seen before non-Indian people started living out on that stretch of the North American prairie. The vast majority of homeowners in Eastern Iowa did not have flood insurance because the likelihood of being affected above the 500-year-line was so miniscule — their insurance agents actually advised them against getting it.


Fact: 1.00 Euro (EUR) = 1.57668 US Dollar (USD)

“The U.S. stock markets fluctuated wildly on Monday as investors worried about another spike in oil prices and new concerns about inflation. Despite some strength in afternoon trading, analysts say record oil prices and continuing fears about the U.S. economy have helped push the Dow Jones Industrial Average to its worst month since the Great Depression of the 1930s. VOA’s Mil Arcega reports.” 


“Starbucks Corp. said Tuesday it will close 600 company-operated stores in the next year, up dramatically from its previous plan for 100 closures, a sign the coffee shop operator continues to struggle with the faltering U.S. economy and its own rapid expansion.”


General Motors Corp., Toyota Motor Corp. and Ford Motor Co., the biggest auto retailers in the U.S., said June sales plunged as fuel prices above $4 a gallon drove consumers away from gas-guzzling trucks.  GM sales fell 19 percent, Ford was down 28 percent and Toyota dropped 21 percent. Honda Motor Co. and Volkswagen AG, which rely on cars for the bulk of their sales, each rose about 1 percent.


My God, that euro is giving me a Migraine!!!!!!!!!!!

1.00 Euro (EUR) = 1.57668 US Dollar (USD)



“The U.S. stock markets fluctuated wildly on Monday as investors worried about another spike in oil prices and new concerns about inflation. Despite some strength in afternoon trading, analysts say record oil prices and continuing fears about the U.S. economy have helped push the Dow Jones Industrial Average to its worst month since the Great Depression of the 1930s. VOA’s Mil Arcega reports.”

“Starbucks Corp. said Tuesday it will close 600 company-operated stores in the next year, up dramatically from its previous plan for 100 closures, a sign the coffee shop operator continues to struggle with the faltering U.S. economy and its own rapid expansion.”

General Motors Corp., Toyota Motor Corp. and Ford Motor Co., the biggest auto retailers in the U.S., said June sales plunged as fuel prices above $4 a gallon drove consumers away from gas-guzzling trucks.  GM sales fell 19 percent, Ford was down 28 percent and Toyota dropped 21 percent. Honda Motor Co. and Volkswagen AG, which rely on cars for the bulk of their sales, each rose about 1 percent.


Prophecy signs of the Antichrist:  In my May 20th post I warn to watch what Silvio Berlusconi does in the near future.  It is very important you go back and read my May 20th post.  I explain why it is important to watch Berlusconi.  I want to quote something I warned in that post. “One of the things I told you to watch for is if Berlusconi gets involved with the Middle East peace process. If he does we all had better pay attention because it is the antichrist who confirm the 7 year agreement.” Now for the current news today, “Meeting with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in Rome, Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), praised Italy for its special relationship with the U.S. and Israel and for standing firm against a nuclear Iran, and said Italy was uniquely positioned to play an important role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”  This is a warning sign telling us Silvio will again jump into the peace process as he did when he was Italy’s leader a few years ago.  You must understand Berlusconi and Israel are connected to the hip.  We know Jesus told us the Antichrist would exalt himself when he came and as you can see from Berlusconi’s own quotes he is doing just that.  Read May 20th post for his quotes.  Hold on to your hats, this is getting good. Here is another section from the recent report, “Italy’s standing as friend of the Arab world, friend of Israel, friend of the Palestinians and friend of the United States could give it a special role in helping bring the parties together,” said Mr. Foxman, who spent a week in Rome, June 23-27, meeting with officials in the newly elected Italian government, as well as with Jewish community leaders and Vatican representatives.  Watch with me and see what Berlusconi does!


Prophecy sign: Matthew 24:7 Pestilences  On My post of May 22, 2008 I stated the following, “You will hear more news like this in the near future only on a wider scale.”  I was speaking about more pestilence reports, read that post.  He is an up-date on what I was talking about. The Dengue Fever epidemic has hit hard and climate change is the blame.   Click on link below allow to load and see for yourself what I was speaking about.  As I said before these are just the beginning of things to come.

Prophecy sign: Jesus told Timothy in the last days people would be without natural affection.  Last month a car hit a man walking across the street in Hartford Conn.  Everyone who watched the man get struck by the speeding car did nothing to help the man lying in the street.  People walked right by the man and did nothing to help.  No one helped until a police officer showed up at the scene. You can see the video.  When you watch these people you see people void of natural affection.  Everyone just looked at the man and no one cared enough to even see if the man was alright.  Have we gotten that bad already?

Almost one month later we again see news of this lack of natural affection Jesus spoke about, this time right there in the emergency room.  “Caught on tape: Hospital patient left to die” “Emergency room staffers ignored 49-year-old woman who fell to the floor”. Click to link and watch a repeat of what we saw in the street in Hartford Conn., once again people walk right by the women lying on the floor.  Even people working at the hospital who saw her never made one attempt to see if the women was alright.   Finally a hospital employee touched her but she was unresponsive.  This generation for sure has become  void of the natural affection.  The sad thing about this is, we know it is going to get worse.  Jesus told us to expect this kind of thing to increase as we got closer to the tribulation period.

“The U.S. stock markets fluctuated wildly on Monday as investors worried about another spike in oil prices and new concerns about inflation. Despite some strength in afternoon trading, analysts say record oil prices and continuing fears about the U.S. economy have helped push the Dow Jones Industrial Average to its worst month since the Great Depression of the 1930s. VOA’s Mil Arcega reports.”

“Starbucks Corp. said Tuesday it will close 600 company-operated stores in the next year, up dramatically from its previous plan for 100 closures, a sign the coffee shop operator continues to struggle with the faltering U.S. economy and its own rapid expansion.”

General Motors Corp., Toyota Motor Corp. and Ford Motor Co., the biggest auto retailers in the U.S., said June sales plunged as fuel prices above $4 a gallon drove consumers away from gas-guzzling trucks.  GM sales fell 19 percent, Ford was down 28 percent and Toyota dropped 21 percent. Honda Motor Co. and Volkswagen AG, which rely on cars for the bulk of their sales, each rose about 1 percent.

Prophecy sign: Matthew 24:7 Pestilences  On My post of May 22, 2008 I stated the following, “You will hear more news like this in the near future only on a wider scale.”  I was speaking about more pestilence reports, read that post.  He is an up-date on what I was talking about. The Dengue Fever epidemic has hit hard and climate change is the blame.   Click on link below allow to load and see for yourself what I was speaking about.  As I said before these are just the beginning of things to come.

Prophecy sign: Jesus told Timothy in the last days people would be without natural affection.  Last month a car hit a man walking across the street in Hartford Conn.  Everyone who watched the man get struck by the speeding car did nothing to help the man lying in the street.  People walked right by the man and did nothing to help.  No one helped until a police officer showed up at the scene. You can see the video.  When you watch these people you see people void of natural affection.  Everyone just looked at the man and no one cared enough to even see if the man was alright.  Have we gotten that bad already?

Almost one month later we again see news of this lack of natural affection Jesus spoke about, this time right there in the emergency room.  “Caught on tape: Hospital patient left to die” “Emergency room staffers ignored 49-year-old woman who fell to the floor”. Click to link and watch a repeat of what we saw in the street in Hartford Conn., once again people walk right by the women lying on the floor.  Even people working at the hospital who saw her never made one attempt to see if the women was alright.   Finally a hospital employee touched her but she was unresponsive.  This generation for sure has become  void of the natural affection.  The sad thing about this is, we know it is going to get worse.  Jesus told us to expect this kind of thing to increase as we got closer to the tribulation period.

“The U.S. stock markets fluctuated wildly on Monday as investors worried about another spike in oil prices and new concerns about inflation. Despite some strength in afternoon trading, analysts say record oil prices and continuing fears about the U.S. economy have helped push the Dow Jones Industrial Average to its worst month since the Great Depression of the 1930s. VOA’s Mil Arcega reports.”

“Starbucks Corp. said Tuesday it will close 600 company-operated stores in the next year, up dramatically from its previous plan for 100 closures, a sign the coffee shop operator continues to struggle with the faltering U.S. economy and its own rapid expansion.”

General Motors Corp., Toyota Motor Corp. and Ford Motor Co., the biggest auto retailers in the U.S., said June sales plunged as fuel prices above $4 a gallon drove consumers away from gas-guzzling trucks.  GM sales fell 19 percent, Ford was down 28 percent and Toyota dropped 21 percent. Honda Motor Co. and Volkswagen AG, which rely on cars for the bulk of their sales, each rose about 1 percent.

Prophecy sign: Matthew 24:7 Pestilences  On My post of May 22, 2008 I stated the following, “You will hear more news like this in the near future only on a wider scale.”  I was speaking about more pestilence reports, read that post.  He is an up-date on what I was talking about. The Dengue Fever epidemic has hit hard and climate change is the blame.   Click on link below allow to load and see for yourself what I was speaking about.  As I said before these are just the beginning of things to come.

Prophecy sign: Jesus told Timothy in the last days people would be without natural affection.  Last month a car hit a man walking across the street in Hartford Conn.  Everyone who watched the man get struck by the speeding car did nothing to help the man lying in the street.  People walked right by the man and did nothing to help.  No one helped until a police officer showed up at the scene. You can see the video.  When you watch these people you see people void of natural affection.  Everyone just looked at the man and no one cared enough to even see if the man was alright.  Have we gotten that bad already?

Almost one month later we again see news of this lack of natural affection Jesus spoke about, this time right there in the emergency room.  “Caught on tape: Hospital patient left to die” “Emergency room staffers ignored 49-year-old woman who fell to the floor”. Click to link and watch a repeat of what we saw in the street in Hartford Conn., once again people walk right by the women lying on the floor.  Even people working at the hospital who saw her never made one attempt to see if the women was alright.   Finally a hospital employee touched her but she was unresponsive.  This generation for sure has become  void of the natural affection.  The sad thing about this is, we know it is going to get worse.  Jesus told us to expect this kind of thing to increase as we got closer to the tribulation period.


Without me telling you how these next two reports connect to prophecy I wanted to see if you know how they fit into prophecy.  Is there anyone out there who can tell me how they fit into the signs Jesus told us to watch for?  By now if you are a regular reader you should be able to connect the dots between the news and prophecy.  Write up the connection and I will post what you said on my site.



“Pentagon: Israel may attack Iran before 2009
Top Pentagon official warns of ‘increased likelihood’ of Israeli raid against Iranian nuclear facilities, ABC News reports. US Department of Defense sets two ‘red lines’ Israel won’t tolerate crossed by Iran – Natanz reaching critical level of uranium enrichment, Tehran acquiring Russian air defense system.  Ynet A senior Pentagon official was quoted by ABC News as saying there is “an increased likelihood” that Israel will carry out a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities before the end of the year. The Pentagon is concerned such an attack would have massive defense-related and economic repercussions for the US and the world. The top official said the move could prompt Iranian retaliation against the United States in addition to Israel.”,2506,L-3562460,00.html


The meetings will focus on ways to develop economic and bilateral ties between the two countries, in addition to discussing regional developments, especially in Iran, Iraq, the Middle East, the Caucasus, and the Balkan countries.


A recent study conducted by Harvard University found that the Average American walks about 900 miles a year. Another study by the American Medical Association found that Americans drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year. This means, on average, Americans get about 41 miles to the gallon.  Your mileage may vary!

Enjoy the July of 4th weekend.

Frank DiMora


P.S. In case the Lord comes this weekend, for those of you who may not leave with Him if he comes please pass to others what I have warned you about, and best of luck, you will need it.
















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Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora’s youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 


Major signs video:

Part 1 how Ministry started:

Part 2 how Ministry started:

F. DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements


Sea turns blood-Wars-Gay movement-Lawlessness-Tornado stats-July 1, 2008


Prophecy sign: “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these [are] the beginning of sorrows.  Sorrows is the word used for birth pains.  For weeks all we hear in the international news is that Israel is getting ready to attack Iran’s nuclear power plant.  I keep warning people that war is coming but most people don’t think that it will come down to that, they are wrong.  Jesus told us war was coming but, when they come it is not the end yet. Read to what Christ stated, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all [these things] must come to pass, but the end is not yet” Matthew 24:6.  When all these signs begin we know that the end has just begun.  Jesus said the end is not yet because this generation will begin a 7 year tribulation period once all these signs begin.  The end will follow God’s  7 year tribulation.   War is coming and we may see the first conflict take place before this year ends. I will let the news speak for me here.  “Senior Pentagon officials are concerned that Israel could carry out an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities before the end of the year, an action that would have enormous security and economic repercussions for the United States and the rest of the world  The Middle East is a time bomb ready to go off and it will soon.  Do not be alarmed when you see it on the news.  You will still have a least 7 years to go until the what many call the “end of the world”.  Once the 7 year period is over Jesus will return to reign as King in Jerusalem.  He will restore this planet and this planet will continue for another 1000 years.  It will only be the end of the world to those who refuse Jesus’ message of Salvation.  If you don’t believe me and the word I carry for Christ, just wait and watch the news!  When you see Israel attacked by Iran , Russia and their allies you will understand God’s Word is Truth.  If then you still refuse to believe you will enter the 7 year tribulation that is a time for all unbelievers.  It is your choice.  In any case look for war in the very near future.  Once you see it take place contact me and I will lead you to Christ, if I am still here.  There is the possibility the Church may be taken out to heaven before, during or just after Israel is attacked.


Prophecy Sign: “These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will” Rev. 11: 6.  During 3&1/2 years of the tribulation Jesus is sending 2 prophets of old to witness to the world.  These men will have powers given to them by Christ.  In Rev. 11 we see these men have the power to turn water to blood.  Is it possible these men will be able to bring on the red tides that are increasing around the world?  This can not be discounted.  We see these red tides in the news all the time.  I cover news on these red tides in my book in chapter 4.  Today we see more news out of China concerning these red tides.  The title to a current report is, “Olympic nightmare: A red tide in the Yellow Sea“With less than six weeks before it plays host to the Olympic sailing regatta, the city of Qingdao has mobilized thousands of people and an armada of small boats to clean up an algae bloom that is choking large stretches of the coastline and threatening to impede the Olympic competition.” “Water quality has been a concern for the sailing events, given that many coastal Chinese cities dump untreated sewage into the sea. At the same time, rivers and tributaries emptying into coastal waters are often contaminated with high levels of nitrates from agricultural and industrial runoff. These nitrates contribute to the red tides of algae that often bloom along sections of China’s coastline.” When you do a study on the red tides you come to learn these tides can kill off sea life and the tides are toxic to humans.  You hear in the news people dieing from eating shell fish which came from these red tides.  Jesus in Revelation 8:8-9 said, “And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.”  Once again I refer you to what Jesus said about these signs being the beginning of birth pains.


I found it interesting that this year scientists are warning we are to expect an increase of these red tides.  Here is just on of the headlines which came out this year, “Significant ‘Red Tide’ Season Predicted For 2008 Based On Computer Models And Observations”  The report stated, “ScienceDaily (Apr. 25, 2008) — The end of April usually brings the first signs of harmful algae in New England waters, and this year, researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and North Carolina State University (NC State) are preparing for a potentially big bloom.”  “A combination of abundant beds of algal seeds and excess winter precipitation have set the stage for a harmful algal bloom similar to the historic “red tide” of 2005, according to researchers from WHOI and NC State. The 2005 bloom shut down shellfish beds from the Bay of Fundy to Martha’s Vineyard for several months and caused an estimated $50 million in losses to the Massachusetts shellfish industry alone. The weather patterns over the next few weeks will determine whether this year’s algal growth”.  The is no denying we are seeing everything Jesus has warned us showing up in the news.  If you refuse the Love Jesus has for you and refuse His Salvation call, you will see first hand the seas turning to blood.  Please don’t be counted as one of those unbelievers!

Below is a photo released by the NASA and it shows what a red tide looks like.…/150994main_redcurrent.jpg 


Yesterday I talked about Daniel’s prophecy in which Daniel was shown the Old Roman Empire would return in the last days.  I showed you that the European Union is the revived Old Roman Empire.  I also explained the shift in superpowers that has to take place which will give the E.U. the number 1 position as the last world Empire during the time Jesus returns.  Jesus even talks about this Revived Roman Empire in the book of Revelation which He gave to John to give to us.  The world economy is one way this shift in power is going to be sped up.  America has to fall to the side and the (E.U.) European Union or revived Roman Empire has to take the # 1 position.  We see signs everyday in the news America and Americans are living in stress as we lose thousands of jobs, prices of everything is skyrocketing, the dollar is dying to the E.U.’s Euro, and the U.S.A. is going broke.  We see the stock market taking a beating and now there is more talk about the coming depression and not just a recession.  Things have gotten so bad people are stealing metals for money. Let me give you a few of the reports that show you what people are doing to make ends meet these days.  Here is one headline that appeared today.  “Local and national outbreak of grave robbing”  The report stated, “Grave robbing has become an above-ground affair. Gone are the days when enterprising thieves would dig up an old grave and pillage for gold teeth and rings. Today, it’s mostly the bronze markers and flower vases that draw their attention. Rising scrap metal prices, coupled with the lagging economy, have triggered a string of cemetery thefts both locally and across the nation.

Here is another report entitled, “Thieves lifting manhole covers”

“Cities and counties are battling manhole-cover thefts, a crime spree that police tie to the weak economy. Hundreds of 200-pound covers have disappeared in three months in California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Georgia as scrap metal prices pop up. “It’s a sign of the times,” says Sgt. Jay Baker of the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office in Georgia, where 28 manhole covers disappeared in April and May. “When the economy gets bad, people start stealing iron.”

Here is one more report to prove my point.  The headline reads “Catalytic Converter Theft Warning For Car Owners” People across this nation are now stealing people catalytic converters right from under the cars.  “Catalytic converters contain expensive precious metals like platinum – which is worth up to $1,200 an ounce; palladium, which can fetch $320 an ounce and rhodium, the biggest prize of all. It goes for up to $6,000 an ounce on the market”  We are coming into desperate times and people are doing some pretty desperate things.  In any case, we see the signs of a once strong America beginning to shake at the knees.  I suggest you park your car in the garage.

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,  Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” 2nd Timothy 3:1-5. Jesus also warned when all the signs are taking place at the same time the people’s hearts would wax cold because of lawlessness see Matthew 24:12.  Crime is just now beginning to take off and you will see more crime as our economy begins to tank.  The word incontinent means (unable to contain or retain (usually fol. by of): incontinent of temper). If you watch the news you see people have become without natural affection, they break truces all the time and the Middle East peace truces are a good example of what Jesus told Timothy.  Do you know what the word covetous means?  It means, marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another’s possessions.  This week end we see these signs demonstrated again in our youth.  A New Press report stated, “A 200-person melee at a Fort Myers gas station early Monday morning started over a pack of cigarettes, according to Lee Sheriff’s deputy Erik Hurd.  “Six people, including two teenagers, were arrested in connection with the incident, in which the large crowd gathered to watch as at least five females and one male were using sticks, pipes and other blunt objects to strike a vehicle in the Racetrac Gas Station parking lot on South Pointe Boulevard around 1 a.m. Monday.”  People can’t control themselves just like Jesus said.  Where did natural affection go to?  Are you kidding me, people fighting over a pack of cigarettes, and using weapons.  When you take a look at the police photos it looks like the kids don’t even care.  Would you be smiling if you were just arrested?  As the U.S. economy tanks more people are going to look for ways to feed their families so don’t be surprised to see the crime rate rise soon.  It is going to get pretty bad but it won’t peak until the tribulation begins.  Do yourself a favor, miss the tribulation by taking Jesus as your Savior.


Prophecy Sign: “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” Matthew 24:37.  Noah’s generation’s sin returns in last generation.  Last week I posted what I called the last straw sin.  I explained why God wiped out Noah’s generation.  The final sins that lead to God sending the worldwide flood was homosexuality and same sex marriage running its course.  Jesus warned us that when that last generation sees the same things taking place that took place during Noah’s generation, that would be a major sign He was coming back very soon.  Today we see everything just as it was in Noah’s generation.  Last week Chicago joined in on the gay celebrations again.  The headline will explain, “Chicago Comes Out For Gay Pride Parade” “On June 29, 2008, hundreds of thousands of people gathered for the 39th Chicago Pride Parade. But this year is different than the decades before since same-sex marriage is now legal in California.”  Please understand I do not have anything against these people. If they want to oppose the Lord and His teaching concerning this issue, that is their business.  I am pointing out this type of sin because I do not want these people to be tossed into the tribulation.  There is still time to listen to Christ and remove yourself from these acts.   God is going to judge this world soon and I pray I may reach some of these people for Christ.   Here is the point.  Jesus warned us we would get to this point again and we are already here.

One thing is for sure, we will not be able to stop this movement.  Once the church is removed the gay movement will run ramped.  What we can do however, is slow this movement down while the Church is still on earth. Right now the gays have come back to try and stop Californians from voting on a new constitutional amendment that will redefine what marriage is.  Here is a section of worldnetdaily.

“Homosexual-rights advocates have asked California’s Supreme Court to block citizens from voting this fall on a measure voters originally brought to the ballot: Proposition 8, the California Marriage Protection Act. Proposition 8, so labeled when Secretary of State Debra Bowen certified it earlier this month for placement on the Nov. 4 ballot, is a constitutional amendment that states, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” The amendment was created by voter initiative with the signatures of 1.1 million voters, more than the required 694,354 needed to place an issue on the ballot.”  If you love Christ and are standing with Him and His Word make sure you vote this November to pass the amendment to read a marriage is between a man and a women!  Isn’t it time to take a stand for Christ?

One thing is for sure, we will not be able to stop this movement.  Once the church is removed the gay movement will run ramped.  What we can do however, is slow this movement down while the Church is still on earth. Right now the gays have come back to try and stop Californians from voting on a new constitutional amendment that will redefine what marriage is.  Here is a section of worldnetdaily. “Homosexual-rights advocates have asked California’s Supreme Court to block citizens from voting this fall on a measure voters originally brought to the ballot: Proposition 8, the California Marriage Protection Act. Proposition 8, so labeled when Secretary of State Debra Bowen certified it earlier this month for placement on the Nov. 4 ballot, is a constitutional amendment that states, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” The amendment was created by voter initiative with the signatures of 1.1 million voters, more than the required 694,354 needed to place an issue on the ballot.”  If you love Christ and are standing with Him and His Word make sure you vote this November to pass the amendment to read a marriage is between a man and a women!  Isn’t it time to take a stand for Christ?  Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Storms, seas and waves raging.  Here is a up-date on the number of tornadoes so far for 2008.  We have crushed previous records as you will see when you click to the link.  2007 there were 1300 tornadoes, 2006 there were 1106, 2005 there were1264 and in 2008 only 6 months into the year there have been 1677 and we are just now coming into the storms season.  When Jesus warned the seas and waves would blow He wasn’t kidding.


End of July 1, 2008 post.















Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf 




Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora’s youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 


Major signs video:

Part 1 how Ministry started:

Part 2 how Ministry started:

F. DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements

Huge Earthquakes-Peace,’Sunday Times’ reports Iran targeting Dimona and Safety-E.U.-Global markets and Antichrist-Ethiopia–Tracking chips in the body-Disease- Chips in the hand- June 30, 2008















Prophecy sign: Matthew 24:7 Earthquakes in many places.

If you are new to my site please read my past posts, you will see I warned these quakes were coming.  After the Japan and China quake I again warned more of these high magnitude quakes are on the way.  This weekend those warnings came to pass.  “A strong 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck Monday near the South Sandwich Islands, a remote British territory near Antarctica and South America’s southern tip, the US Geological Survey said.”  There was a 6.7 India quake as well. i am warning you again more of these quakes are on the way!  Please watch the news, and you will see what I mean.  jesus told us that in the last days these events would happen as a women in birth pains.  knowing this and knowing all the other signs are already here, we know these signs will get worse.  This is why I am warning you more huge quakes are on the way.


This weekend we also saw warnings that a major quake may hit the Middle East soon.  According to the breitbart news, “The probability of an earthquake of a magnitude of up to six on the Richter scale, originating in Lebanon and being felt in Israel has increased,” the health ministry said in a letter sent to medical officials in northern Israel.  Since February, abnormal seismic activity has been noted in southern Lebanon, which had suffered some 500 minor earthquakes in a three- 1month period, health ministry director-general Avi Yisraeli said in the letter.”  They are coming, am I trying to scare you?  No.  I am trying to get you ready to meet Jesus when He call us home, you must be ready and on the “WATCH” when he comes for us.



Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Storms, waves and sea roaring, and signs in the sun. Revelation 16:8-11 “sun was given power to scorch people with fire” and Revelation 7: 15-16 we see that the sun scorched the people on the earth during the tribulation period.  If you are new to my site you may not be aware that we have crushed the record for the number of tornadoes this year already and we are just now coming into the storm seasons.  If you click to the link below you will see that so far we have had 1664 tornadoes so far.  Fact is the Midwest states are still under water for the recent storms and more are coming.

While the Midwest states are flooding “Calif. firefighters battle more than 1,400 blazes” Last week there were 400 fire that broke out in one day, since the number has climbed to the 1,400 mark.  We know from Jesus warning that the droughts are coming and have already showed up in many places around the world.  These droughts are adding to the danger of fires because everything is so dry.  The news today reported, “(AP) – The good news in northern California is that more than a thousand wildfires aren’t growing. The bad news: There’s no relief in sight.”

Prophecy sign: Mark 13:8 Famines.  News headlines this week end read as follows: “As famine looms in Ethiopia, only the neediest get food aid”.  The report stated, “In this African nation, about 10 million people, more than 12 percent of the population, are now in need of emergency food aid after a drought wiped out harvests. But because grain is now twice as expensive as a year ago-if it is available at all-there is not enough food in Ethiopia to feed everyone in need”. When you read chapter 10 of my book I talk about Ethiopia attacking Israel with Russia, Iran, Iraq, and other Arab nations.  I explained one reason why Ethiopia would join in on the attack against Israel which will fulfill the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy.  I suggested that if Ethiopia began to starve they may join in on the attack to go after all the food and crops that are in Israel.  Ezekiel 38:12 tells us the attackers go after Israel’s “cattle and goods”.  In any case we see all these prophecies coming together.


Storms Across Plains Kill 2, Disrupt Olympic Hopefuls  Severe storms with strong winds swept through the Plains on Friday, forcing swimmers practicing for U.S. Olympic trials in Omaha to flee pools and run for cover, killing two people in Iowa, and knocking out power to thousands.  Water poured into the building, down arena steps and onto the deck of the competition pool during the storm. The storm’s winds may have reached 100 mph”  Jesus warning that the seas and waves would be raging, what do you think moves the waves?  Wind!,2933,373201,00.html




Prophecy sign: Last days Church doesn’t follow Christ Words and doesn’t keep to sound doctrine.  Revelation chapter 3 Jesus gives a message to the Laodicean church which is message for the modern day church.  We see this church is luke warm, they say they are a rich church and in need of nothing, but Jesus says this church is wretched and poor and naked.  Jesus tells us because this church is luke warm He is going to spit it out of His mouth.  2nd Timothy warns “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”  The modern day church has become exactly what was Jesus warned it would be.  Pastors around the world are not following sound doctrine and are teaching doctrines which appose the Word of God.  Jesus said He was the only way, I quote Jesus in John 14:6. “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”  We see another survey on what religious Americans say about the only way to heaven and God. “America remains a deeply religious nation, but a new survey finds most Americans don’t believe their tradition is the only way to eternal life—even if the denomination’s teachings say otherwise.  The findings, revealed Monday in a survey of 35,000 adults, can either be taken as a positive sign of growing religious tolerance, or disturbing evidence that Americans dismiss or don’t know fundamental teaching of their own faiths.”  Part of the survey showed 38.85% of the people believe “Pastors are more interested in pleasing the congregation than preaching the whole counsel of God” It is no wonder why so called Christians don’t have a clue to what the Bible teaches.  Watered down teaching of the Bible is spreading around the world and today it is hard to find those on fire churches who are holding to sound doctrine.  It is hard to find churches where the majority of the believers are on fire for Christ and are abiding in Him.  We see churches all over the world that are rich with money, but because they have turned from sound doctrine and are not on fire for Jesus, Jesus will spit this church out of His mouth.  In other words if the people of this modern day church don’t repent of their ways and become hot for Jesus they will find themselves being left behind to go through the 7 year tribulation.

Religious Americans: My faith isn’t the only way

Jesus in Matthew 24:37-39 warns the final generation would be exactly like Noah’s generation who did not following the teachings of God and they turned to homosexuality and same sex marriage.  Jesus warned that when we saw these traits in the end times, that would be the sign He would soon come back.  Now that this modern day Laodicean church has pulled away from sound doctrine we see how the church has allowed sin to creep into Jesus’ real church.  Here is one example. “The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) moved forward Tuesday with proposals that would allow for practicing gay clergy while rejecting one that would have redefined the definition of marriage. In a 41-11 vote Tuesday night, the Committee on Church Orders and Ministry recommended to the 218th General Assembly – the denomination’s highest governing body – that it delete wording in the ordination standard that requires “fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman or chastity in singleness.”  Fact is the Presbyterian Church has turned their backs on the Word of God and have not kept sound doctrine and is allowing that sin that Jesus hates to infest His Chruch.



Prophecy sign: 1st Thessalonians 5:2-3 tells us in the end times Israel will be calling for peace and safety and at that time Israel will be attacked. Ezekiel 38-39 fill us in on the details of the attack against Israel.  The Bush Administration is working at a furious pace to have a peace plan signed by the end of 2008.  Many nations are now taking the steps to work out this peace deal.  We learned this weekend that “Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al Mualem said recently that Israel and Syria are preparing for another round of talks through Turkish mediation next month. He described the negotiations that have taken place so far as “successful.”  A week ago Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said, “Israel is not far from direct negotiations with Syria.” In an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro Olmert said the direct talks would begin once the two countries agree on a list of issues up for discussion. “We are not far from this,” he said. “If both sides are serious, we will sit down at the table and talk.” Olmert and Syrian President Bashar Assad are scheduled to attend a Middle East conference in Paris on July 13.”  At the same time these nations are calling for peace and safety there is the fear that war will break out in the Middle East if Israel attack the Iranian nuclear power planet in the fall of this year.  War is coming and God warned us about this coming attack.  I said it before but if your new to my site you may not know this.  An Israeli attack on the Iranian site could cause the launching of an attack against Israel.  All I know is we were warned this was coming and it appears it could take very soon maybe even this fall if that nuclear site is hit.,7340,L-3560931,00.html

We know for sure that a war is going to break out at the time
Israel is calling for peace and safety.  We see the signs of this war coming even as the nations are talking peace. Those peace talks are being stressed as new attacks on Israel continue. ”Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni called Thursday for an immediate military response to Qassam fire by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip.
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni called Thursday for an immediate military response to Qassam fire by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip.  Her remarks came hours after a rocket hit the Negev area earlier in the day, the fifth after the Egyptian-brokered truce went into effect last Thursday.”  It is only a matter of time before all out war will break out.  If you know nothing about prophecy, watch the Middle East, soon you will see the war come on Israel just like God told Ezekiel it would. 

Prophecy sign: Mark 13:7 War and rumor of war. “’Sunday Times’ reports Iran targeting Dimona.”  This report took the Words right out of Jesus mouth. “As rumors continue to circulate that Iran may find itself a target of a military strike aimed at destroying its nuclear capabilities, the country has stepped up deterrent efforts by moving ballistic missiles into launch positions and targeting various sites in Israel, including the Dimona nuclear plant, The Sunday Times reported defense sources as saying.  As you can see in this one report there are several signs in prophecy. Rumors of war, and the possible attack on Israel as a result of Israel hitting the Iranian nuclear site.  A second report on this issue said, “the decision to reposition a number of Shahab-3B missiles, which have an estimated range of more than 1,250 miles, followed a large-scale military exercise conducted by the IAF earlier in June. Although unconfirmed by the Israeli security establishment, the exercise was widely believed to be an Israeli warning to Iran to halt their nuclear ambitions.

Times: Iran has missiles aimed at Dimona reactor

One news headline even read like this, “Iran to ready thousands of graves for enemy soldiers”.  That report stated, “A former head of Israel’s Mossad foreign intelligence agency said in comments published on Sunday that the Jewish state had one year to destroy Iran’s nuclear programme or face the risk of coming under nuclear attack. Shabtai Shavit told a London weekly that the “worst-case scenario” was that Tehran would have a nuclear weapon within “somewhere around a year”.

Is war coming to the Middle East as God told Ezekiel?  If there is one thing you can count on in this world it is this, You can count on every Word God said to happen will happen just the way He said it.  In the news this weekend we are told of a time for Israel to attack Iran. “A former head of Mossad has warned that Israel has 12 months in which to destroy Iran’s nuclear programme or risk coming under nuclear attack itself. He also hinted that Israel might have to act sooner if Barack Obama wins the US presidential election.”  As I said Israel’s attack on the site could set in motion the war Ezekiel was shown by God.  Since every sign Jesus warned us about is already here, we know this war will be played out very soon.  If there was ever a time to receive Jesus as your Savior it would be right now before this attack takes place.  We know by the signs the Lord will remove His Church before the Antichrist is revealed, he is revealed when He confirms the peace covenant which they are working on at the present time.  All prophecy is almost completed except for a few remaining which have to do with peace and war with Israel.  If you don’t want to be left behind and tossed into the tribulation take Jesus now as your Lord and Savior. Ask Him today to prepare you to meet Him by asking Him to forgive you, turn to Christ and live in His peace, then stay on the watch with me as He told us to.  Our watching hours are drawing to a close.,-warns-ex-spy.html




In recent weeks I have been trying to warn you that America would
begin to lose her power and her ranking as the #1 superpower. I have been giving you the signs we have begun our down fall while at the same time the European Union is becoming stronger.  The economy will probably play a big part in bringing out the Antichrist .  By the time the Antichrist is exposed the world will be looking for a man to help the world’s sagging economy. We know America will give up her reign as the leader in the world to the European Union because God showed
Daniel that in the end times it would be the reborn Roman Empire that will reign as that last world power when Jesus returns.  The European Union is that reborn Roman Empire!  One thing to keep in mind.  The E.U. will also have troubles with their economy just as will be the case for most of the world, but it will be through this Union that the Antichrist will rise from.  Here are some current signs about the failing economy.  “Wall Street stocks skidded to one of the year’s worst losses as oil surged over $140 for the first time ever and swamped markets already sinking under the weight of revived credit fears.”  Not only is the stock market losing strength many are warning it is going to buckle soon.  We see thousands of people in the U.S.A. getting their pink slips. 
Buffeted by soaring oil prices and spare capacity, U.S. airlines are planning deeper cuts in domestic and international routes, a shift that may whittle the industry to a scale last seen in 2002, when travel fell sharply after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.  The downsizing of the U.S. airline industry is unlikely to be reversed anytime soon, and whether it will spread beyond the United States is still uncertain.”  As a result of the cut back more people will be out of work soon.

One of the things I have been warning you was that the price of oil and gas would continue to climb.  This is another way America’s legs are being cut from under her.  We are losing businesses all around the nation because of these high oil and gas prices.  This weekend oil hit yet another record high!  “Oil leapt to a new record high above $142 a barrel on Friday, extending gains after surging nearly 4 percent in the previous session, as tumbling global stock markets helped to trigger a wider commodities rally.  What is taking place is this, the stage is being set for the world economy to take a dive, then the people of this world are going to seek out someone who has the answers to these problems.  Guess who will come?  The Antichrist, and the world will receive him not knowing he is the man Jesus said would come.  Not only will he seem to have the answers for the failing world economy but we are told in Daniel he will come making peace.  Soon this man is going to jump into the peace process in the Middle East and it will He who will confirm Israel’s peace covenant with the many nations now seeking peace in the Middle East.  We have almost reached that time frame.  If I were you I would begin to pay attention to all the peace talks and watch the calls for war at the same time.

How bad are things getting for America.  We are beginning to see things that took place during the great depression when those people couldn’t afford to live.  Here is a case in point.  “Utilities cut off more customers who are behind on their bills. “ As skyrocketing food and gasoline prices strain budgets, utilities are disconnecting many more customers who fall behind on their bills, and even moderate-income households are getting zapped. Electricity and natural gas shutoffs are up at least 15% in several states compared with last year. Totals for some utilities have more than doubled. “We’re seeing a record number of shutoffs,” says Mark Wolfe, head of the National Energy Assistance Directors’ Association, which represents programs that subsidize energy bills.

While people are having their services taken away more American are losing their jobs.  Here is on headline in the news this weekend.  “Detroit’s mood grim as automakers face the brink”  The report informed us, “DETROIT (Reuters) – After three decades at work in a GM factory, John Martinez has reached a crossroads. Martinez, 50, must choose between retiring and making a long and expensive commute across state lines to stay with General Motors Corp. Any future he can imagine is going to be costly and tough. “My whole family is under stress,” he said. The same can be said of the embattled U.S. auto industry and its recession-hardened hometown, Detroit. GM, once an emblem of U.S. post-war economic might, is being driven to the brink by dwindling sales that are expected to test cash reserves and the nerves” “GM has responded by slashing costs, cutting truck production and slashing its factory work force to less than half of the 118,000 it employed four years ago.”

Little by little we are beginning to see signs that the world economy is getting into trouble.  Here is one example, “As the United States markets edge toward bear territory, losing nearly 20 percent of their value from last fall’s peak, investors might wonder where they can turn for relief. The gloomy answer: nowhere  Many of the major markets in Europe and around the world have already entered a bear market. Germany and France are among the markets suffering the most, and once high-flying emerging markets in countries like China and India have collapsed even more drastically.  “The declines at major stock markets worldwide suggest that the same economic concerns are in play: rising inflation, which has been caused for the most part by record oil prices. U.S. crude oil futures hit a new high of $142.99 a barrel on Friday”.


Do you want to see what the real truth about the U.S. economy is and where we are headed?  If so this video is a must see video! The video is called “The U.S. Economy is Unsustainable



Speaking about disease you probably noticed in the past few years the increased reports about food getting people sick.  Not only is fruits and vegetables but people are getting seriously sick from eating animals with disease such as mad cow disease.  About 2 weeks ago the government again warned about another outbreak of salmonella that was supposedly found on tomatoes.  Now this week we are told  “cases continue to climb, the government is checking if tainted tomatoes really are to blame for the record outbreak — or if the problem is with another ingredient, or a warehouse that is contaminating newly harvested tomatoes.”  “The widening outbreak-with 810 people confirmed ill-means whatever is making people sick could very well still be on the market, federal health officials warned on Friday”.

According to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the number of annual new HIV diagnoses increased by 34% among black and Hispanic MSM between 2001 and 2006 and increased by 32% among all MSM younger than age 30. There were 100 new HIV cases among young white MSM in New York City in 2006, compared with 228 new cases among young black MSM and 165 cases among young Hispanic MSM. New HIV diagnoses among MSM older than age 30 have decreased by 22% during the same time period, according to the Times.”  In another report we learned that “ Robert Kanwagi — coordinator of the Breaking the Ice Project, which is being implemented by the group Reproductive Health Uganda in Kampala — said a recent survey found that HIV prevalence among the sex workers in the city was as high as 47.2%, compared with the national prevalence of 6.7%. The survey also found that HIV prevalence is as high as 60% among sex workers ages 25 to 29 and that 59.6% of sex workers were found to have other sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilis and gonorrhea.”   According to a new report released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of HIV cases among young gay men has increased in a big way.” Look, I could go on and on concerning the sign of pestilences but would you believe me? I pray that you would because as people begin to turn from God and not follow His Words for life, we are going to see more of these diseases begin to spread worldwide.  Coming soon will be the plagues Jesus talked about in the Book of Revelation that shows us millions will die due to disease.   If you want to registered as a statistic today let it be known and recorded today you asked Christ into your life, then Jesus today will add your name in the book of life.  Let it be known today you will be 1 more lead into the arms of Christ. 




who will come and  try to force everyone on this planet to take his mark.  Jesus warns us that this is the mark of the Antichrist.  Those who are left behind to go through the tribulation period because they refused Jesus call to Salvation will face the Antichrist and be confronted with either dieing for Christ and not taking the mark of the beast (666) or taking it and sealing your fate to eternal hell.  In my book I show you how since 1977 we have gone from cash to an almost cashless society.  Now we have the technology for the final step which will enable the Antichrist to force his will.  Please read chapter 1 for complete details.  Let me give you an example of what I am taking about.  “DELRAY BEACH, Fla.–(Business Wire)–VeriChip Corporation (“Company”) (NASDAQ:CHIP), a provider of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems for healthcare and patient-related needs, announced today that Xmark’s infant protection systems, led by systems sold under the HUGS(R) brand, protected more than one million infants born in hospitals in 2007. Xmark is a wholly owned subsidiary of VeriChip.”  VeriChip has come out and has been using their chips in humans.  Hospital are tags children with these chips to ensure no one can leave the hospital without an alarm going off.  Little by little these chips are being implanted in to peoples skin for ID purposes and health issues to monitor them.  The system is now in place so that when the man of sin comes, he can use this type of system to force his will and be able to track everyone on this planet.  If you don’t take the mark of the Antichrist (beast) you will shut out of the economy.  Jesus warned that you will not be able to buy or sell!  The only way to escape this coming wrath is to receive Jesus love and free gift of Salvation now while the Church is still on this earth.  The days of grace are coming to a close and I pray you are now starting to realize this.  What in God’s name is stopping you for just giving your life over to the Lord who loves you.  Do you think the Antichrist is going to love you during the tribulation.  Fact be told the Antichrist is coming to kill and destroy.  Jesus is letting you make that choice because He has given you free will.  Live in Jesus’ Kingdom or send yourself to the lake of fire where you will live in torment for ever and ever in darkness.  What a choice.


End of todays post. 


Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf 




Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora’s youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 


Major signs video:

Part 1 how Ministry started:

Part 2 how Ministry started:

F. DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements

Global message to all- Jesus is at the door! Proof in DiMora’s radio interview can be heard today at The Edge radio site.



DiMora’s in-depth interview with The Edge International radio show which was head on June 26, 2008 can still be heard by clicking to the link below.  Once at the site go past the TV screen to where you see  “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth”.  This show runs for 3 hrs 18 min of which Frank’s show takes up 1hr and 53 minutes.  You will want to fast forward to where Frank begins his interview.  Once there, there will be a short music break half way through the interview, fast forward to Frank’s 2nd half of the interview.  There are two Bandwidths for the Audio, low and high. Click on the one which is best for your computer and listen to this interview which is packed with proof we are in the last, final days just before the rapture of the Church.  Go to the link below.  God is directing people to DiMora’s interview to hear a powerful message from Christ.  Find out why Satanists, witches, a cult members, unbelievers, and even church members are giving their lives over to Christ!  The Link to The Edge radio show is below in blue.

Special post for Saturday June 28, 2008-DiMora’s global radio interview on The Edge with Gina Romano

If you want to hear my radio interview which was on The Edge yesterday, click to the link below.  When you get to that site you will see what looks like a TV screen.  Scroll down till you see the exact thing I have in blue below.  You will see the click play, click that and it will start the interview. My interview starts about 66 minutes into the show, if you want to hear my interview only, just fast forward to to where my interview is. My interview will follow the American Journalist talking about Palestine.  Half way through my interview there will be a music break, fast forward to where I am talking again.  This is a powerful interview which proves this generation is running out of time and Christ is returning soon. This is a powerful interview which proves this generation is running out of time and Christ is returning soon.


  There is information you have never head and need to know.


Img_2685Img_2715Signs of Jesus 2nd coming are everywhere click to video:


This is what you are looking for when you get to The Edge site.


26th June, 2008 8:00 PM EST

What the US isn’t told about the Palestine Israel Conflict – The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – Secret Google Earth Footage – Is The Earth Expanding? – and much more

This show runs for 3 hrs 18 min



                                                                      click play


Go to the edge site by clicking link below


The Edge:


Radio host of The Edge Gina Romano


God’s Appointed Times-Feast of Trumpets-Mark Blitz and Frank DiMora on Ezekiel- June 27, 2008


If you want to hear my radio interview which was on The Edge

yesterday, scroll down till you see below:  

26th June, 2008 8:00 PM EST

What the US isn’t told about the Palestine Israel Conflict – The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth – Secret Google Earth Footage – Is The Earth Expanding? – and much more

This show runs for 3 hrs 18 min

click play

My interview starts at right after the American Journalist talking about Palestine.  if you want to hear my interview just fast forward past that A. Journalist by pressing and holding forward button at the site..

The Edge:

This morning I spoke with my friend, Pastor Mark Blitz.  Pastor Mark and I have teamed up to present you with some very interesting facts about God’s Appointed Times.  When you read this entire post you will see why every Christian on this planet should pay very close attention to this years Feast of Trumpets.  The information you are about to read came from Pastor Marks news letter found on his site for June 26, 2008. His link is at the end of this post.  The rest of the information was taken from my book found in chapter 14.  I rewrote this material and combined what we both wrote.  I am entitling this post as

O son of man, I have set thee a watchman…. In Ezekiel 33:7 we see God sending people who will keep on the watch for Christ’s coming.  God is now using many people around this globe as watchmen. Both Pastor Mark and I are only two of these watchmen.  We have been doing what we can for Christ to wake up the dead church and to point the direction to the unbelievers.  I am honored to one of Christ’s watchmen, and I know Mark is well.  My post is filled with the signs of the times and proof Jesus is returning soon.  My book give complete details outlining everyone of these signs and Jesus is now uses others to help me get my message to the world.  Gina, the host of The Edge radio show was one way God has blessed this ministry.  Not only was I blessed to get the word out, but I was blessed to now have Gina a my friend.


Gina’s link to The Edge:


I am joining Pastor Mark in the Wave and I ask you to join as well.  If the Lord does come for His Bribe the Church this Feast of Trumpets lets all be ready and waiting.


From Pastor Mark: The Wave
Can we show Abba a Tsunami or a Splash?

Greetings to everyone from around the world! You know how at sporting events they have “the wave” where one group starts it and then it cycles all the way around back to the beginning? Do you remember when at the year 2,000 they showed on television all the New Year celebrations going on around the world as the New Millennium began? Here is what I want to propose. Let’s have an around the world shofar assembly in every time zone on the Feast of Trumpets at sunset (the evening of September 29th) announcing to Messiah we are awake and anxiously anticipating His return. What a dress rehearsal! Won’t that stir His heart!!


We listed the 24 different time zones on a chart that you’ll find at  Join us by submitting the email form to get your information placed on the grid in your time zone segment.  We will add your city to the list of cities and groups that are participating.  Hopefully we can get people from every tongue, tribe and nation participating as we join together proclaiming Yeshua as our coming King of Kings!


Here are some very important prophetic things to consider: God has given us exact dates of important events that have taken place for the Jewish people and, God’s appointed times are still in affect for the believers  today.


In many of my previous posts I have warned you to pay attention to the peace process because a man is coming to confirm a covenant of peace for 7 years.  His man is the Antichrist.  God gives us the exact time frame of everything that is going to take place.  Once this covenant is signed the 7 years begins.  This 7 year time frame is called the tribulation period. Without going into great detail 1 week equals a 7 year time period.  You can go to chapter 14 of my book to get the complete details as to why 1 week is 7 years.  Let’s read the scripture that speaks about this peace covenant. “Daniel 9:27 states, “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (7 yrs or 2520 days) and in the midst of the week (1260 days) he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” In the midst of the week means exactly half way through the 7 years which is exactly 3 and ½ years.  What will happen in the middle of the 7 years?  That is when the Antichrist goes into the Jewish Temple that will soon be rebuilt and tells the world he is god, he stops the Jewish sacrifices that they were allowed to do again and It is at this time the Antichrist begins to force everyone on this planet to take his mark which is 666.  Why am I telling you this?  Soon this peace agreement is going to be signed and confirmed by the Antichrist.  If you miss the rapture of the church you must know this material because you will have the exact date when the Antichrist will walk into the Temple and tell the world he is god.  If you refuse to believe Jesus and except His call to salvation you will be left behind to enter the 7 years.  If you are left behind and you see this covenant signed and it is for the period of 7 years, then mark that date down and begin counting the days.  From the day you see the covenant signed count 1260 days.  On the 1260th day you will witness the Antichrist on television standing in the Jewish Temple in Israel.  You will witness him telling the word he is god and you will hear the first order to receive his mark of 666 or else!  If this is what you want to face, that is your business but many of you who are now being called with come to Christ and be caught out to heaven before the man of sin is revealed.  I pray you will be one of those who believe.


Now let me show you some very interesting facts that will blow you away.  In Daniel 12:7-11 it says “And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; (3 1/2 yrs or 1260 days) and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished. And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.  So we have 1260 days in the first half and an extension of 30 days to the second half of 1260 days. (1260 + 1260 +30 = 2,550 days) Did you know it just so happens from the Feast of Trumpets 2008 to Yom Kippur 2015 is exactly 2,550 days?  This year the Feast of Trumpets starts at sunset of September 29th. Since the Feast begins at sunset we know this years Feast will be Sept. 30 and 31st.  This is the only Feast that is a two day Feast.  To understand this better go to my May 21, 2008 post listed in my Archives.


Ezekiel 4:5 For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. (So the total was 390 years in equivalency.) God is giving us His time frame. In Leviticus 26:14-19 it says, “But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments; And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant: I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you. And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.  And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass”  So we see we need to take 390yrs x 7 = 2,730 years. Israel was taken into captivity in 722BC or BCE 722bc + 2,730yrs = 2008AD or CE 2730 – 722 = 2008AD or CE.  Now you can see why I tell the people to pay attention to the Feast of Trumpets!  It just may be 2008 will be God’s Appointed time to take His bride the church to heaven.  We know that Christ will come back for His Church on the Feast of Trumpets, that is a given but, we do not know what year for sure.  That is why we must be ready each year when the Feast of Trumpets is being celebrated again.   This year the numbers that God gave to Ezekiel just so happen to match with this years date.  Was there other events in the past that took place concerning Israel that had to do way God telling Ezekiel to lie on his side?  Absolutely!

Now let me show you what happened when we add the extra 40 days that God Told Ezekiel to lie on his right side for the house of Judah. Lets read the entire scriptures first. Ezekiel 4:5 For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. So the total was 390 years in equivalency. This is where the added 40 days comes in, “And when thou has accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed three each day for a year” Ezekiel 4:6.



In the Book of Ezekiel chapter 4: 4-8, the Lord told Ezekiel to lie on his left side for 390 days for the sins of Israel. God told Ezekiel that each day that he laid on his side would equal 1 year. So, the 390 days equaled 390 years. Then the Lord told him to lie on his right side for 40 days for the sins of Israel, and again each day would equal 1 year. In all, Ezekiel had to lie combined on his left and right side for a total of 430 days, which again meant 430 years. In the Book of Luke Chapter 21:20, Jesus talks about Israel’s desolation and in verse 24 he talks about a time Israel would be lead into captivity. Stay with me; you will see how Ezekiel and Luke fit together. There were 430 years of captivity appointed for Israel due to their sins against God. We know that 70 of those years were fulfilled in their captivity in Babylon, and that leaves us with 360 years left. Now read Leviticus 26:18, 24, 28. What you will learn is that God is telling Israel that if Israel doesn’t listen to me the first time I will multiply it 7 times. In other words, God would take the 360 years and multiply that by 7 times if they failed to heed His words. We know from the Word of God Israel did fail to heed his words. Therefore, take 360 years and multiply that by 7 times and you arrive at 2,500 years. Now think about the first siege in Jerusalem in 606 BC. Now go back 2,500 years from 606 BC and you end up in the middle of the 1900’s. Remember Israel had a 360-day calendar year. So, we have to convert their year into our solar year calendar that is based on the 365.2 year. Once you do that, it converts to 907,326 days. Now if you were to multiply Israel’s punishment as stated in Leviticus chapter 26 you would come to 2,484 years, 2 months, and 3 days. By now you’re asking, what is the big deal about all this? There are 2 major things of great importance to fulfillment of prophecy you need to see. First, the desolation took place, in part, in 606 B.C. when Nebuchadnezzar laid siege on Jerusalem. After their 70 years of captivity, that puts us to the year 536 BC. In the year 536 B.C., Israel’s first 70 years in captivity would have been finished, but remember Israel didn’t listen to God the first time, and God multiplied their punishment 7 times. So, come back 2,484 years, 2 months and 3 days and you arrive at around the 2nd week in May 1948. What happened in the second week in May 1948? For the first time since Israel was lead away into captivity, Israel became a nation again for the second time. That date was May 14, 1948. Our Lord gave us the exact time that this would take place. Only a True God could have done this. Wait, there is more! The second example is just as amazing.


In (Jeremiah 25: 1-12) it says, “This whole country will become a desolate wasteland, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years, but when the seventy years are fulfilled, I will punish the king of Babylon and his nation, the land of the Babylonians for their guilt, declares the Lord.” This prophecy has to do with the servitude of the nation Israel. We know for sure in 587 BC was the desolation of Jerusalem. This is the year the city was leveled, and that was the end of it. It was at this time the nation Israel was hauled off to begin their servitude of the nations. We know for sure 587 BC Nebuchadnezzar leveled the Temple in Israel. As I stated before, Israel already had finished 70 years before, but they didn’t get it the first time. So, take 587 BC, 70 years from 587BC brings us to the year 517 BC. Now if you count 2,484 years, 2 months, and 3 days from 517 BC using once again our solar calendar year you arrive at the second week in June 1967. What happened in Israel in the second week in June 1967? For the first time in over 2000 years Israel took back the Holy city of Jerusalem during the six-day war. This was again another major prophecy, which was fulfilled exactly in the time span that God had laid out. When the Christians saw these two major prophecies come to pass, they knew our time here on earth was drawing to a close. Even the Jewish people realized the two prophecies fulfilled meant their Savior would come soon.  The numbers God gave Ezekiel came to pass for two of the most important days in Israel’s History.  Is God showing pointing to the Feast of Trumpets to be the next blessing for the believers in Christ?  If the time frame God gave Ezekiel came to pass, I am not taking any chances not to be ready during the Feast of Trumpets this year.  All I am saying is this, if this is the time God Appointed and, was laid down to Ezekiel I want to be ready just in case.  I figure if Israel was born on the exact date in 1948 and Jerusalem was returned to the Jews on that exact date that God give to Ezekiel than, I want to be ready no matter what!  I think everyone should take Jesus Words to heart when He said. “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” I pray my efforts to inform you of God’s warnings and grace will lead you to study the Holy Bible. It is also my prayer you have a personal relationship with Christ Jesus. May God bless you, if you refuse Him, soon you will need all the blessing you can get.

Free documentary book on Bible prophecy and current events entitled: “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” By Frank DiMora. Newest edition just out on May 13, 2008. You can download it here for free or, just come back each day and read a little at a time.    


Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf 




Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora’s youtube Video outlining some of these signs. 


Major signs video:

Part 1 how Ministry started:

Part 2 how Ministry started:

F. DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements



Pastor Marks link: I suggest you read Marks entire post.

To hear Frank DiMora’s 1hr. and 53 minute interview go which Gina, go  to the following link:  Go to Archives which is on the left side of the site.  If you have trouble finding it, e-mail Gina, her info is at that site.


Prophecy sign: Matthew 24:7 Earthquakes in many places.  I hate to keep telling you, “I told you they were coming” but, if it gets your attention I will keep repeating that statement.  There was another powerful earthquake today that hit India’s Andaman Islands. “The Indian Meteorological Department says a 6.7-magnitude earthquake has stuck the Andaman Islands off the east coast of India. The office said the undersea quake struck at 5:40 p.m. Friday.”

The Edge Radio Show Interviews DiMora June 26, 2008 8 pm Eastern time. Click to:

   Correspondent Gina Romano interviews Frank DiMora, the Author of “The Last Chronicles of the Planet Earth”. DiMora is the founder of   







Img_2715Frank has spent 29 years studying and compiling information to present to the public regarding Bible Prophecy and the end times.  In this interview Frank discusses the rebuilt Roman Empire and its significance to the rise of the Anti-Christ, as well as current news events as they pertain to prophecy.   Frank’s passion for his work instills a sense of excitement as  he explains how the world’s current turbulence is preparing us for the most climatic moment in all of history.  His book The Last Chronicles of the Planet Earth and his website outline in detail the facts and events that are happening daily in correlation with prophecy.   The subject matter deals with facts supporting the fulfillment of bible prophecy, and it will prove this is the chosen generation to see Jesus Christ return.  To some people this subject is scary, but the current situation of the world was foretold in the Bible so we would understand and prepare for Christ’s return. Frank charges nothing for his book and it can be found on his website.   Although at one time Frank had a publisher it was made clear by the Lord I was never to charge anyone for this work. Jesus warned that the generation who saw all these things (prophecies) take place at the same time, that would be the generation chosen to see His Second Coming.

Link to the show “The Edge”

Picture from chapter 2 of Frank’s book showing the women riding the beast  as discribed in Revelation chapter 17.