May 6, 2008 Jesus is going to send a strong delusion, are you ready?


If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the intoduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news.

Click to, once there go to the left side of the page, click by state, then click map of California. Once there just scroll down to california until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will give you information about who I am and what I have done.

In my prophecy post of Feb. 15, 2008 I warned you that the price of food would continue to climb.  This is a quote from that post. “If you don’t believe the warning made by Christ, just keep your eyes on your food bills in the coming years, then I am sure you will think twice about what Jesus told you.”  One thing that is really important is the understanding of the book of Revelation.  There we see a complete picture of what things will be like on this earth. Part of the big picture that is painted for us is the extreme costs for food.  When Jesus placed me in this ministry back in 1977 it was made clear to me that millions of people would die due to the lack of food.  I new from studying the book of Revelation, during the tribulation the prices of everything was going to be outrageous. The prices are just beginning to rise now, but compared to what we see in Revelation these prices are low!  The reason they are climbing now is that we are moving closer to the 2nd coming of Christ.  The closer we get the faster food prices are going to climb. The AP today reported on what we can except..  “Americans may be getting another helping of food inflation, and it seems likely to come from higher prices for chicken and pork.”  As the price of oil and gas keep climbing so will the cost of not only food but everything!  Yahoo today released a reports that stated, “Oil hits record above $121 on supply woes” Usually I tell the people to keep on the watch, but this time there is no need for me to say that.  Why?  Because in the coming months when you start paying for your food, gas, and everything you buy, you will remember what I told you here. Jesus is close.

"Oil passes $122 on $200 oil prediction, supply concerns". Before I could finish this post oil went up again.

"Oil Rises Above $122 to Record on Nigeria Attack, Demand Growth"

Superpower shift coming! Daniel and Jesus told us in the end the Roman Empire would take over as the last World Empire.  This would take place prior to the Antichrist coming on the scene and it would be the Antichrist who would take controll of the reborn Roman Empire. The European Union is the fulfillment of the revived Roman Empire.  The U.S. has started to fall away as the number one Superpower. Please refer to chapter 2 of my book for complete details.  If you go back and read my previous posts you will read what signs we see that points to America moving over to the (EU) European Union.  One example is the fall of the dollar.  If you want to see what we are really in for please click to the video below, this is a must see video!  God said it would be the new Roman Empire in power and ruling this world at the time of the end, this video will show you how America may fall.

The U.S. Economy is Unsustainable

Luke 21: 25 — And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Yesterday I reported on the damage the cyclone did when it went through Myanmar.  News sources reported that 243 people had been killed.  Today after counting the dead we found out that over 22,000 people had been killed and there are now 41,000 people missing.  As Watchmen on the wall, sometimes the news is really hard to report, but Jesus told us to watch for these signs and therefore I must report what I see in relation to prophecy. I hope you join with me in prayer today for these people.

“Myanmar cyclone death toll soars past 22,000: state radio”

The sign: War and rumor of war, Matthew chapter 24.  This sign can be anywhere on this planet. We see war and rumors of war in the Middle East, Africa, China,  South America

and many of the nations who are rioting over the lack of food.  Today the rumour of war comes and deals with Russia and Georgia.  In the headline today we read, “Georgia says ‘very close’ to war with Russia, and a section of the report says, “Russia’s deployment of extra troops in the breakaway Georgian region of Abkhazia has brought the prospect of war "very close", a minister of ex-Soviet Georgia said on Tuesday.”  I can stress enough to keep your eyes on the Middle East.  There is a major conflict coming there soon.

In Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:25, Christ warned us to look for earthquakes in divers places, and signs in the sky. Yesterday I stated, “It has been impressed on me to keep your eyes on the ring of fire.  I believe we are going to see a lot of activity reported there soon”. Read the post of May 5.  Today as I was writing this post I had the impression I needed to check the Internet. I wanted to see if there was anything going on, what I found was a confirmation of what the Lord had impressed upon me to write about yesterday.  My warning to watch for more Earthquakes was reinforced by the experts in the field.  The title to this report is, “Earth Changes in April 2008 – Earthquakes Are Shaking the Pacific Northwest” “While I usually post on Astrology and metaphysics, major global events also warrant attention. In the past 2 weeks an abnormal number of earthquakes have been clustered off the coast of Oregon, with many more along the San Andreas fault line in California. Other areas recently hit include islands off NE and SE Australia, Japan, Taiwan, Guam, and other areas including the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. This is important for all of us, since it would seem the Ring of Fire is heating up drastically. There are quite a few of these earthquakes over magnitude 5, which are some serious shakers! From the April 13 MSNBC news story: Scientists listening to underwater microphones have detected an unusual swarm of earthquakes off central Oregon, something that often happens before a volcanic eruption — except there are no volcanoes in the area…. There have been more than 600 quakes over the past 10 days in a basin 150 miles (240 kilometers) southwest of Newport, Ore. The biggest was magnitude 5.4, and two others were more than magnitude 5.0, Oregon State University reported. “In the 17 years we’ve been monitoring the ocean through hydrophone recordings, we’ve never seen a swarm of earthquakes in an area such as this,” Dziak said…. On the hydrophones, the quakes sound like low thunder. Some of the quakes have also been detected by earthquake instruments on land.

“Volcano in Chile spews lava and blasts ash 12 miles into sky”

“The Chaiten volcano spewed lava and blasted ash more than 12 miles into the sky on Tuesday, prompting a total evacuation of the provincial capital and other settlements.” May 6, 2008

Those of you who have been coming to my site know that I warned that more violence would come over the food shortages.  I am sad to report this has already happened. The following is one example of what kinds of problems nations are currently facing because of the lack of food.  While watching ABC News last night I saw clips of how bad the situation is getting. ABC news reported that, “Troops fired into tens of thousands of rioting Somalis on Monday, killing two people in the latest eruption of violence over soaring food prices around the world.”   I don’t want to leave you without any hope!  It is a promise from Jesus that if you received Him as your Savior, you will be taken from the things, which are soon to come on this planet.  Some of those things are, hunger, starvation, and violence!  Since Jesus has given everyone free will, it is up to you where you will go when the 7 year tribulation begins.  You can go to heaven and miss these things, or be left behind to face even more violence, hunger, and starvation.  Your answer please?

In 2nd Timothy it says the following: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”  Oprah has done exactly what Timothy said they would do.  Just click to the video below and you will learn how she is turning people away from sound doctrine and the Truth. In Ephesians 6:12, it say this about spiritual war far.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” 
2  2:11-12 Thessalonians you read this, “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."  We can see the spiritual warfare increasing around the world as many people make tons of money trying to convince Jesus lied while He was on earth, and that everything Christian believe about Christ is a lie.  As true born again believers in Christ we know that a strong delusion is coming, but we do not know exactly what is will be.  For anyone not walking in Christ a very strong delusion for them could be that they believe what the Da Vinci Code and now the movie “Bloodline”, is trying to prove.  In a nutshell both these movies are trying to make the point that Jesus had been married and had children.  Worlnetdaily stated, “A controversial new documentary, following in the footsteps of the popular, if heretical, " The Da Vinci Code,” asks the brazen question: "What if the greatest story ever told was a lie?" Coming to theaters later this month, “Bloodline” seeks to prove the conspiracy tale that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a child whose bloodline continues today.  I am warning you, if you aren’t grounded in the Word of God you will be wide open to these lies.  Many have already fallen away from the faith because of these lies.

“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."  Think about this for a second.  What if, after the rapture of church takes place, the Antichrist comes out and tells the world that all the people missing were the wicked, and now we are going to enter into a 1000 years of peace without any wicked.  This would be the strongest delusion of them all.  People would think that they are entering the 1000 years of peace and there God, who is really the (Antichrist) has come to save them all.  What the people will not realize is that they just stepped into the 7 year tribulation and it isn’t Jesus Christ at His second coming but the Antichrist.  How is your faith right now?  Soon you will be tested; I pray you do not fall from the real truth.

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May 5, 2008 Signs of The Time Everywhere-What to look for next!

If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the intoduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news.

Click to, once there go to the left side of the page, click by state, then click map of California. Once there just scroll down to california until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will give you information about who I am and what I have done.


Thank you for returning to my up-date prophecy site.   First let me quote these very important words from Jesus Christ.  “So likewise ye, when ye, shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors” (Matthew 24:33).  What you are about to read here is a sample of what you will read in my book called, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth”.  All the news reports I am posting here have to do with signs of Jesus second coming.  Jesus told us there would be one generation who would see all the signs taking place at the same time. Our generation is the only generation to see all these things take place. In my book I cover these signs in detail.  My book is free and you can download it here for free.  At the end of this post you will see the link for the free download.

Luke 21: 25 — And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;  If you have been watching the news you probably noticed an increase in talk about all the weird weather we have been having.  Jesus warned that the nations would go through a period of unrest because of these storms.  What pushes the sea and the waves to roar?  Wind!  In the past time years these news stories about huge storms have become common news.  An increased number of these storms have caused many nations to have civil unrest and have caused, “distress of nations” just as Jesus stated.  Let me give you an example. Myanmar‘s state-run television is reporting that more than 240 people have died from a powerful cyclone, a U.N official says.” “The military run Myaddy television station said Yangon, Irrawaddy, Bago, Karen and Mon states were all heavily damaged by Saturday’s cyclone, which packed winds of up to 120 mph.” ( May  4, 2008).

UN official: 243 dead after powerful cyclone in Myanmar

More news was reported that Burma had 243 people killed when this week’s cyclone passed over Burma. I provided the headline to the report and the link.

Burma cyclone death toll ‘at 243’   If you click to the link below it will take you to a video to show you how intense this storm was. May 4, 2008 

“In pictures: Burmese cyclone” May 4, 2008

Today we received more details concerning the destruction this cyclone caused. Officials have now stated they believe 10,000 people have been killed by the cyclone. Here is a section from one of many reports,( Reuters) – Myanmar‘s military junta believes at least 10,000 people died in a cyclone that ripped through the Irrawaddy delta, triggering a massive international aid response for the pariah southeast Asian nation”  Do you remember the Words of Christ (distress of nations)?  Right now the 5 nations who were hit by this cyclone are living Jesus Words!  Jesus told us that when you see all these things we would know it was the beginning of things to come., in other words we are to look for more of the same and worse.

A few days ago I warned you about tornados and, all the damage these recorded breaking number of tornados are causing.  Once again just a few days after my warning we again watched numerous tornadoes rip away many communities.  The AP reported “Survivors search for belongings amid Ark. tornado wreckage.”  “Smoke rose from burning heaps of wreckage Saturday as residents of rural Arkansas cleaned up what was left of their homes after deadly tornadoes scoured a state that has been plagued by severe weather this year. All that remained of Shelia Massey’s home were a chimney, a bathroom wall, and a bathtub that was her storm shelter. "God’s hand was down and held us there while the rest of the house just blew away," said Massey, 54. "That’s all there was to it. The Lord held us there.”  When it finally because calm again reports came out telling that 400 homes were wiped away by the force of the twisters and the wind accompanying them.  Keep on the watch, more are no the way.  Local government is now going to feel the distress of at least 400 families being misplaced. May 3, 2008

In Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:25, Christ warned us to look for earthquakes in divers places, and signs in the sky.  If you have read my previous posts I tried to warn you to watch for these quakes to begin to pick up again.  You will see small one and you are going to see some massive quakes they are on the way.  On May 3 the people living in Chile got two signs at once. They felt the earthquake from the Chilean volcano when it erupted and they witnessed the ash rise into the sky.  It has been impressed on me to keep your eyes on the ring of fire.  I believe we are going to see a lot of activity reported there soon. In case you don’t know what the ring of fire is read this.  The Pacific Ring of Fire is an area of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions encircling the basin of the Pacific Ocean. In a 40,000 km horseshoe shape, it is associated with a nearly continuous series of oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and volcanic belts /or plate movements. The Ring of Fire has 452 volcanoes and is home to over 75% of the world’s active and dormant volcanoes.. It is sometimes called the circum-Pacific belt or the circum-Pacific seismic belt. According to the Yahoo report the Chilean volcano town is nearly deserted

“The Chaiten volcano spewed light ash on a nearly deserted village Saturday, two days after its first eruption in thousands of years.” (May 3, 2008)

Another quake rumbled this morning

“The U.S. Geological Survey said a 2.7 magnitude quake rumbled this morning. But this time, its epicenter was near Valley Park. The quake came at 6:25 a.m., centered two miles southeast of Valley Park, according to Jessica Sigala, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Earthquake Information Center based in Colorado. Its epicenter was somewhere between Valley Park and the Sappington area. Sigala said this morning’s quake was not connected to the 5.2 magnitude quake that struck at 4:37 a.m. on April 18 in the Wabash Valley Seismic Zone, some 130 miles east of St. Louis.”

Prophecy: 1 Thessalonians 5:3: For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape”.  One of the most important signs we are to now look for is the signing of a 7-year peace agreement. Complete details in chap. 9 of my book..  Right now “U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is in the region for talks with Palestinian and Israeli officials. She is trying to nudge the two sides toward an agreement by the end of this year.”  I keep saying this but it is very important, some form of agreement will come to pass. If this peace agreement is signed before the end of 2008 than all we are going to have to know is this, was the agreement for the period of 7 years?  If it is that would no doubt tell us we just stepped into the 7-year tribulation Jesus warned would come upon us.  According to the most recent news “Washington has been pushing for a resolution of the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict by the end of President Bush‘s tenure next January” Many people think this will never happen this year but, we have seen how fast prophecy can increase and so I am warning you here, keep on the watch!  The Word of God say’s when they are saying peace and safety the destruction will come.  This could also mean that as Israel is talking peace and safety an attack on Israel will come. Right after that war a peace agreement could be signed.  That is why it is so important to keep watching the news. One way or the other the people who haven’t taken Jesus as their Savior yet will see a 7-year peace agreement signed.

Headline: “Israel’s Olmert says he will meet Palestinian president”

Headline:” Rice: Mideast peace deal still attainable by end of 2008” Link below.

“Official: Israel to accept ceasefire within days”

Israel is expected to agree to an Egyptian-brokered cease-fire with Hamas within days, a senior Egyptian official told the London-based newspaper Asharq al-Awsat in a report published on Monday. According to the official, Israel will give an "unofficial" acceptance to the agreement only after "the Palestinian factions announce that they accept the deal."  Who knows maybe peace will be possible before the end of 2008?  Lets Watch.


When were warned in Ezekiel 38-39 Iran, Russia and a host of other nations will try to destroy Israel in these end times. Yesterday the President of Iran once again “vows not to halt is nuclear program despite pressure (AP) – Iran’s top leader says his country will not bend to international pressure and give up its nuclear program, according to state television.”  Israel is hoping that the UN will come together and force Iran to stop their nuclear plant but the weak UN will do nothing to halt this program.  Israel has already stated they cannot allow this plant to be finished.  This could be the factor that starts the Ezekiel war on Israel to begin. If Israel were to bomb that plant it could set things in motion. Full report is below, click to link.

“Israel’s Peres says nuclear Iran would be ‘nightmare’” Peres said he saw a "worrying" prospect developing in Iran under President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the combination "of a weapon of mass destruction and a rhetoric of mass destruction." "Nobody is threatening Iran," he said. "On the other hand, Iran is threatening to wipe Israel off the map." Here is one fact you can take to heart this war is coming soon.  I give a complete outline of each nation listed by God to attack Israel and I cite different reasons how this war may begin, please turn to chap. 10 of my book to these details.  If you are new to my site I want you to understand every nation God listed to attack Israel is now aligned with Russia.  Iran has never had an alliance with Russia, check the history books.  Why then do you think Iran has partnered up with Russia in this generation?  Because Jesus said when you see all these things you will know that it is near.  We are the generation that will see this attack and we are the generation who is going to see Jesus Christ return.  Don’t believe me, or the Word of God?  Do a google search and put in these words, “Iran President wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth”. One of the first links to pop up will be this one, click on it and see. .  Please pay attention to what is about to take place, your eternal life is a risk if you haven’t taken Christ as your Savior yet. News link below.

Who Put “Deep Throat” up as Olmert’s Nemesis? “What brought the unnamed accuser from America to the door of the Israeli police at this time? According to an Israeli paper, he laid before police investigators strong evidence of a new and grave corruption charge against prime minister Ehud Olmert, the fifth case opened against him thus far – all predating his two-year term as prime minister” What would happen if Olmert was forced out of office and the next Prime Minister was a hard liner which caused the peace process to falter?  This could be dangerous and may even provoke a Middle East conflict. May 3, 2008 After a White House meeting last month, Abbas was critical of the U.S. for not pushing Israel harder to create conditions that he thinks are more conducive to peacemaking. But on Sunday, he praised the U.S. involvement and said failure is not an option."We want to achieve success, and we need to reach a comprehensive agreement," he said. "If we don’t reach an agreement, we have to think about what the next step will be. Now, let’s not think about failure." This statement came from “Rice pushes for Mideast peace progress” at link:;_ylt=AlDR9do3.RbUKjAslhFAlq0UewgF

These past few months I have been posting news concerning Russia.  Russia is the main player in the attack against Israel.  Not long ago Russia was broke but in a very short time Russia has reemerged as a might military power again and right now they are flexing their newly found muscles in the Middle East.  Russia.  Talking about Putin’s up and coming military parade, Putin stated, "This is a demonstration of our growing defence capability…. We are capable of defending our people, citizens, our state, our wealth, which is not small," he said.”  We are watching all the pieces for this coming war against Israel come together right now.  Please read chapter 10 from my book, you will be blown away by the documentation proving this war is very near.  Will Iran wipe Israel off the face of the Earth? No, the Word of God says the Lord will intervene and God will destroy 5/6 of the entire army that comes against Israel. I am telling you this now just in case you don’t except what I am telling you.  It really isn’t me telling you this, but Christ!  All I am doing is showing you the current news and connecting the dots to the prophecy as God had written it. I am just the vessel God is using to get you His message. 

Head line: “Putin defend Russia’s military parade” Link to report below.

On May first I read a report that the “Euro shows signs of end to bull run.”

The following is a short section of that report. “Speculation that the euro’s seven-year bull run was coming to an end intensified on Thursday as the single currency fell to five-week lows against the dollar and the pound.”  I understand that no one wants to see

America lose its power but the Prophet Daniel and Jesus in the book of Revealtion make it clear the last superpower to rule at the time Jesus returns is going to be the reborn Roman Empire or European Union. If you don’t know what I am talking about you should read chapter 2 of my book, because this information is very important.  The reason why the U.S. is now sliding away as the most powerful nation is to give way to this reborn Roman Empire, the (EU).   

There are things in the works right now that are helping to bring the USA down.  The crushing of the American dollar is just one sign the power sheft has already begun.   Sky rocketing prices of Oil and Gas are also hitting hard in the U.S. economy. Today it was again reported the price of oil hit another record high. See link below.

New York oil price crosses 120 dollars for first time

Link: Gas prices are sky-high, but are Americans cutting back?

Today we again read the Euro has hit another hit against the dollar. The following was the Headline to the report, “Euro Strengthens To New Multi-day Highs Against Most Majors”, and they reported, The euro climbed to a record high of 1.6020 against the dollar on April 22 and since then the pair has been weakening. The euro-dollar pair touched a new multi-week low of 1.5363 on May 2. During this time, the euro has lost around 4%. But the euro started moving up today and if it strengthens further, it may test resistance around a record high level of 1.602.”  In the future you may see the dollar move up slightly but know this, the euro isn’t going to ever take second set to the dollar again.  Think about this for a second.  The new money for the EU has only been in the market place since the year 2000, look what it has done to the U.S. dollar in just 8 years!  There is a reason why you have seen the rapid surge of the euro and the EU.  Prophecy is being fulfilled exactly as Jesus Christ stated it would.  Can you see what is taking place yet?

In you click to this newswseek report you will see that they have taken notice of this shift in superpowers. The title to their report is called, “The Rise of the Rest”, read what they stated.  “American anxiety springs from something much deeper, a sense that large and disruptive forces are coursing through the world. In almost every industy, in every aspect of life, it feels like the patterns of the past are being scrambled.  “Whirl is king, having driven out Zeus,”wrote Aristophanes 2,400 years ago.  And-for the first time in living memory-the United States does not seem to be leading the charge.  Americans see that a new world is coming into being, but fear it is one being shaped in distant lands and by foreign people.”

Book of Revelation gives details about plagues and so does Matthew: 24:7.  Mind you,  I can’t cite every plague here but if you read chapter 4 of my book you will find a documentations on just about every disease that has hit us. Don’t forget, this is another sign that is taking place at the same time as the rest.  This time China is in the news again. The May 3rd headline to the myway news read as follows: “China puts nation on alert to try to stop deadly virus” Here is a section of the report, BEIJING (AP) – China’s Health Ministry issued a nationwide alert Saturday calling for heightened efforts to control a virus that has caused the deaths of 22 children in one city and shows signs of spreading.” May 3, 2008  By May 5, 2008  China says 6,300 cases in viral outbreak” The AP) reported that,” A viral outbreak in China has sickened more than 6,300 people and killed another child, raising the death toll to 26 children, authorities said Monday.  You can make all the excuses you want and maybe even say this is a big coincidence but you will soon find out you were mistaken.

2 Timothy 3:7 “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. [(Modern education:) Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth] And Daniel 12:4 Increased knowledge. Daniel also warned us in the end times knowledge will increase.  You won’t believe how fast this one generation has advanced.  We were supposed to be known as the generation with this vast increase of knowledge and we are. Chapter 3 of my book will prove that, but we are also the generation who has all this knowledge and as the Word states, “never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” You ask what is truth. Read John 18:36-37 Pontius Pilate asked Jesus the same question.  Jesus Christ is (Truth) and the only way to God.  If you think you are going to get into heaven any other way then through Jesus then, you have helped 2 Timothy 3:7 come to pass, because you are “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.  Jesus is revealing Himself to you today through this post!  You will no longer have an excuse that you never heard the good news of Jesus Christ..  Sure all these signs are bad news, but the good news is this.  When you except Christ as your Savior He promised to remove you from all these things that will come upon this planet.  Just the Word, you will not want to be left behind when Jesus comes from His Church.  Consider His call to you today! Now, let me show you how smart this generation has gotten. How about tiny spiders that can spy for someone? Headline to report read, “Robobug goes to war: Troops to use electronic insects to spot enemy ‘by end of the year” “It may have seemed like just another improbable scene from a Hollywood sci-fi flick – Tom Cruise battling against an army of robotic spiders intent on hunting him down. But the storyline from Minority Report may not be quite as far fetched as it sounds. British defence giant BAE Systems is creating a series of tiny electronic spiders, insects and snakes that could become the eyes and ears of soldiers on the battlefield, helping to save thousands of lives.”  See what Robobug will look like in action  May 4, 2008

Matthew 24:12 Jesus warned that in the end times because lawlessness would abound the love of many will wax cold.  Jesus also warned in Revelation 9:21 this generation would be known as the drug generation.  The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”.  It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”.   Drugs and the crime they have brought has fulfilled Jesus Words.  Check out my April 28, 2008 post I give more details about this problem, but for now read this headline which appeared May 4, “Nine dead in ranch massacre in Mexico: official” “About 60 gunmen launched an attack on a ranch in Mexico‘s southern Guerrero state Sunday, killing nine people and leaving another six wounded, authorities said, the second such incident in two days. The attack with automatic weapons took place in Petatlan, on the property of a prominent rancher. "Early this morning (Sunday), shortly after midnight, some 60 gunmen launched an assault on the home of Rogaciano Alba Alvarez, head of the Guerrero Cattlemen’s Association, with at least nine people killed and another six seriously injured," a state official told AFP. Alba Alvarez was not among those killed. Hitmen arrived at the Alba ranch in six pickup trucks and opened fire with AK-47s, killing the ranch workers before "they apparently also kidnapped one of his daughters," the official added. The violence came just 24 hours after Alba narrowly escaped an attack by another hit squad Saturday in Iguala, also in Guerrero state. Seven people were killed in that incident and another eight wounded. Since December, Mexico’s federal government has deployed 36,000 military troops in several states in an operation aimed at clamping down on organized crime. But 16 people were killed in Guerrero state this weekend alone.

I am not writing all these post to scare anyone.  I do know this information can be upsetting.  But if I were to water down what signs Jesus told us to be on the (Watch) for, I won’t be doing my job as a Watchmen on the wall. I beg you Christian or non Christian to get right with the Savior Jesus now while we are still under His GRACE.  Once that GRACE is taken away and the 7-year tribulation begins you will have to prove your love for Him.  You will have to die to prove your love.  Revelation 20:4 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a[a] thousand years.”  If you miss the rapture of the Lord’s Church you will be hunted down by the Antichrist and be forced to worship the beast (Antichrist) only those who refuse to do so will make it into heaven but they will have to beheaded as a result of their refusal to take the mark of the beast.  I don’t know about you but if Jesus wants to give you His free gift of Salvation so you can miss the things during the tribulation, you would be brain dead or out of your mind not to receive His gift.  Anyone who finds himself or herself in the tribulation is there because it was their choice.   May my message encourage you to receive Jesus today.   Please let me know if you have taken Jesus as your Savior because of what you have read. 

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Glenn Beck should read this- Larry King should read this-


Today I read a report entitled, “Blood moon eclipses: 2nd Coming in 2015?”  The subtitle read, “Minister uses NASA forecasting to study signals of Jesus’ return”. “Will Jesus Christ return to Earth in the year 2015? And can studying NASA’S website provide evidence for such a scenario? A minister who promotes the Old Testament roots of Christianity suggests a rare string of lunar and solar eclipses said to fall on God’s annual holy days seven years from now could herald what’s come to be known as the "Second Coming" of Jesus. "God wants us to look at the biblical calendar," says Mark Biltz, pastor of El Shaddai Ministries in Bonney Lake, Wash. "The reason we need to be watching is [because] He will signal His appearance. But we have to know what to be watching as well. So we need to be watching the biblical holidays."  I for one will not set any dates as to when exactly Jesus will return, but I think it is well worth keeping your eyes on and I will tell you why.   Pastor Blitz talks about Jewish events happening on the Jewish holidays and he is correct.  One such event everyone knows is that Jesus was killed on the Jewish holiday of (Passover).  Read what the Apostle Paul had to say about this issue. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-4) “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.  For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.  For when they shall say Peace and safety: then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.  But ye brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” Paul was a Jew and He understood that the signs of the end times would be taking place during the times and seasons, or the Jewish holidays. Here Paul eludes to the sign of Peace and Safety and he tells the reader they won’t be in the darkness because they would be watching for these events to take place during the Jewish Holiday seasons.  The only people who will be in the dark will be those who do not have the Word of God, they won’t know what hit them until it is to late!  Here is where it gets interesting.  Right now leaders from many nations are in Israel calling for peace and safety just as Paul warned.  If by the end of 2008 Israel has a peace plan, (covenant) signed, and that covenant is for the time frame of 7 years than, I would say the blood moon which will be out in 2015 is the one which will be out to see Jesus return and, is the one mentioned in Joel’s book where it says, "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come" (Joel 2:31). Why do I say that?  Once the agreement is signed, just as the Prophet Daniel warned would happen, then the 7-year tribulation begins.  If it is signed in 2008 add 7-years and you end up at the year 2015, at which time the blood moon is appearing again.  Please don’t flip out on me here yet unless you are not a believer in Christ. The blood moon will be meaningless if the 7-year covenant (peace agreement) isn’t signed by the end of 2008.  This one act, (the signing of the agreement), will put this issue to rest.  What then should you be looking for if you want to be ready to meet Jesus?  Watch the news concerning how the peace talks are going in Israel.  I believe in my heart that some how a peace deal will be approved soon.  If that deal is for 7 years I suggest you do what I am going to do, drop to your knees and begin praising the name of Jesus Christ as loud as you can.  Just the fact that a peace deal is close should warn any Christian that Jesus will be coming for His Church soon and, you should be on your knees right now making sure you are abiding in Christ.  I suggest you click to the link below and read what Pastor Biltz is saying about the blood moon, then keep on the Watch..

In chapter two of my book I inform you that there will be a change in superpowers. Daniel told us the Roman Empire was going to be reborn and that would be the last world Empire to rule.  It will be this power that will be standing as the number one power at the time Jesus returns.  I’m not going into great detail here to prove the European Union is that reborn Roman Empire, please read chapter 2 of my book.  Over the course of months I have been giving you signs of how the U.S. is declining as the major superpower.  You can scroll through my previous posts to read all the information I have given you. In any case, today we see more bad news concerning what direction America is going.  For example, Yahoo News just reported that they are going to close 15 of their stores. A section of the report stated, The Atlanta-based company, under different leadership, a different growth philosophy and amid an ailing housing market, put the brakes Thursday on some of its future expansion plans and said it would do what was previously unthinkable — close 15 of its underperforming flagship stores”

“Home Depot to close 15 underperforming US stores” May 1, 20008

Here is another sign of the times.  If you read chapter 10 of my book, I outline a soon to come attack on Israel. God listed in detail who those nations would be that would try to destroy Israel at the time they are call for Peace and Safety.   Libya is one of those nations on that list.  I have been posting news about Libya because for the past 10 years Libya has been very low key.  However, the Lord had it on my heart to warn everyone to start watching what Libya will do.  Since I issued that warning Libya has once again become very active in the news and most of what they are saying is directed toward Israel and the U.S.  On May 1st Libya said what the Israeli’s are doing to the PLO in Gaza is like what Hitler did to the Jews during the Holocaust.  Here is a short section of the report. “Libya stands by its United Nation envoy’s comparison of the plight of Palestinians in Gaza to the Holocaust and deplores a walkout by Western diplomats in protest at the comments, official Libyan media reported on Wednesday” ( Over the past few weeks the leader of Russia, Putin, has traveled to many of the nations on the list to attack Israel in the end times.  One by one Putin is wiping out their debts.  These nations are getting ready to fulfill prophecy concerning the end time attack.

“Libya stands by comparison of Nazi concentration camps, Gaza”. May 1, 2008

This week the President of France found out how Libya feels towards Israel in a article entitled, “Mideast conflict must not hinder Med Union-Sarkozy.”  A short section of that report read as follows: “Syria, Libya and some other Arab countries also appear lukewarm over the project as it might suggest an indirect normalization of their relations with Israel without any settlement of the Palestinian conflict”.  Libya has never given up the hope of destroying the nation of Israel.  Syria has been Israel’s enemies for years and at the present time there is fear in the Middle East that before the summer is over Israel and Syria will be in another war.  Another nation on the list is Ethiopia.

Ethiopia has again been in the news because they are in the mist of a severe drought and the people there are scrambling to find food.  Ethiopian officials are re-evaluating the need for emergency food aid in light of evidence that drought conditions and food shortages in parts of the country may be worse than estimated. VOA’s Peter Heinlein recently visited areas of southern and eastern Ethiopia where the drought threatens to cause widespread famine. “In some places, conditions are so bad that tribal wars are breaking out over scarce resources. CARE worker Halake Bante says six people died in a recent clash between the Hamer and Borana tribes” (  Jesus said watch for wars, civil wars, famine, and drought.  Ethiopia at the present time has everyone of these signs.  When it comes time for Russia’s allies to attack Israel it just may be that Russia will promise the Ethiopian people all the food they want once they take Israel’s land.  We can not know for sure the exact reason why they join the Russian’s when they attack Israel but if you read chapter 10 of my book I site many reasons why they may join with Russia.

Ethiopia Reassessing Emergency Food Needs as Drought Continues April 30, 2008

Speaking of famines Jesus’ words are ringing pretty loud about now in Egypt.  Egypt is another nation in conflict because of the lack of food.  May 1st this headline appeared in the news. ““Tension in Egypt shows potency of food crisis” (news up-date). I quote,  CAIRO — Well before 8 o’clock on a late April morning, a line of about 30 eager customers forms at a modest bakery in this working-class neighborhood. With a global food crisis roiling countries from Asia to the edge of Europe, at least 11 people have been killed recently in such lines here, struggling to get their daily bread.”  Many of these nations in the Africa and the Middle East will be out of wheat in 6 months.  If things are bad there now what will Egypt look like in 6 months form now?  If Jesus warned these signs would come and go as a woman who is in labor, we can only assume the labor pains will increase.  Watch the news, you are going to hear a lot of news about the world’s food crisis, and much of what you will hear will be very disturbing to you.

This next report wanted to make me gag!  At a time when the world needs people and nations to help feed the poor, we see nations jumping in and trying to make a killing off the price of food, such as rice. Yesterday it was reported that, “5 Asian Nations Are Weighing a Rice Cartel”. Maintaining rice prices would please large-scale rice farmers and traders in countries like Thailand and Vietnam, but it would anger places like the Philippines, Singapore and Hong Kong, which rely heavily on imported rice. Plans for the cartel were front-page news in the Philippines on Thursday.  What is going to happen is this, if they jack the price up millions of poor will not be able to buy rice.  I can only see one thing coming from such a much, more war.  I have been watching the news everyday since 1977 and these are some of the worse labor pains I have seen.  Since everyone of the signs Jesus told us to watch for it already arrived and getting worse, it tells me one thing, Jesus is standing at the door and soon He will fulfill His promise to come for His church, I pray you are among those taken when He comes for us. May 1, 2008

Christ also warned that the nations in the end time would have complex problems.  What causes these problems?  Luke 21:25 has the answer.  “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity: the sea and the waves roaring” Over the last 10 years we have had some of the worse storms ever on record.  We are seeing massive floods everywhere, we are seeing record number of tornadoes.  For example, yesterday there were 19 huge tornadoes that hit in 5 U.S. states.  So far since Jan. 2008 there have been 731 twisters.  These storms are adding to complex problems for our government.  Thousands are without homes, food and insurance complains can’t handle all the disasters we are facing, and these storms are just beginning!  Another problem is this, these foods have wiped away many crops.  We keep hearing about the 100-year storms more and more.  For complete details on this subject turn to chapter 13 of my book.  Links below will give you more facts also.

About 600 evacuated in Fort Kent area in ‘greater than a 100-year’ event” May 1, 2008

“NOAA Reports Record Number of Tornadoes In 2004”

Monthly Tornado Statistics (Official Text or PDF version)

The Headline in a BBC News report read, “China virus ‘hits 3,000 children”’

“Almost 3,000 children in eastern China have now been infected by the deadly Enterovirus 71 (EV71) intestinal virus, according to state-run media.” Yes, this is another sign of the times Jesus listed in Luke chap. 21 and in the book of Revelation. May 2, 2008

Christ warn us about the plagues and I go into great detail to list them all in the 5 chapter of my book, but in the news along with the 3,000 kids hit with Enterovirus the CDC just reported that, “ Measles cases in US top 70, highest in 6 years” “(AP) – Measles outbreaks in several states have led to more than 70 cases so far this year, the worst in six years, health officials said Thursday ( May 1, 2008).  I find no pleasure to tell you this but, expect a lot more of the same type of news in the very near future.

Let me give you a up-date on earthquakes. Yes they to are one of the signs Jesus listed. “Strong quake hits Aleutian Islands” was one of the first reports I saw this morning on the Internet.  The USGS said the quake, with a preliminary magnitude of 6.6, was located 40 miles west of Adak, Alaska at a depth of 6.2 miles”.  Go back and read my statement from may April 30, 2008 post.  This is what I said was going to happen.  “What you should be looking for are bigger quakes hitting higher on the Richter scale.  Why am I saying that?  Jesus told us the END Times events would occur as a woman with birth pains. We haven’t seen to many of the bigger quakes and they are about to be seen again.”  Why is everything I am telling you coming to pass?  Am I some great man of God, or am I just a man who knows the Word of God and is abiding in His will?  Look, I don’t want to make myself had like the next best thing to Moses, but I am doing the will of the Father, I am keeping Watch just as He instructed you and I to do.  Do you want what I have?  Read the Word of God and it is His promise you will grow in Him.  Listen to the Word in 2 Peter 21-2 “Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speaking, As newborn babes, desire that you may grow thereby:”  The only way to grow in Christ is to fellowship with Him in His Word. May 2, 2008

There are more reports of famines in the news.  Take this headline for example: North Korea stoic in the face of famine”.  Read this short quote.  “Recent news from North Korea reminds many observers of 1996, when the country was on the eve of a disastrous famine. Throughout the past two months, food prices have exploded, and in mid-April the cost of rice reached the unthinkable height of 2,500 North Korean won (US$1) per kilo. The normal spring price, fairly stable for the past five years, is about 900 won.” Food distribution was partially stopped lately, even in the capital Pyongyang. In some provincial cities rationing coupons haven’t been accepted in exchange for food since last year. There are reports of farmers eating grass and tree bark, and many accounts of an increasing exodus of refugees.” “First of all, the 2007 harvest was a failure. It was estimated at only 3.8 million tons, well short of the critical 5.2 million ton benchmark. As usual, floods were officially blamed (as if the impoverished North does not share the same small peninsula with the prosperous South, where no signs of food shortage have been seen in decades).”  In the book of Revelation Jesus paints a pretty bad picture of what it is going to be like during the 7-year tribulation.  Millions on millions of people will die because of food shortages.  Let me ask you a Frank question?  Do you want to escape the tribulation?  If so here is the easy way to do it.  Right now take Jesus Christ as your Savior, ask Him to take over your life, ask Him to forgive whatever sins you have, then find a fellowship and get ready to meet Jesus Christ face to face because He is coming soon!  Make sure the fellowship you go to has sound doctrine.  If you need help finding a place to fellowship, e-mail me and I will do the search for you. My contact information is in the left hand corner on the top of my front page. May 30, 2008.

The sign of wars and rumors of wars.” Just one example of this sign.  “Israel threatened to target Syria if Hizbullah attacks” Israel recently conveyed a warning to Syria through a third party that it would hold Damascus accountable if Hizbullah launched attacks on the Jewish state, Israeli and European sources said on Friday. The sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the warning stemmed largely from Israeli concerns that Hizbullah would launch salvoes of cross-border rockets to coincide with any major Israeli offensive in the Hamas-con trolled Gaza Strip.,2506,L-3519172,00.html

Once again I need to remind you of  the prophecy in Isiah 17:1.  This prophcecy tells us that in the end times Syria’s city of Damascus  will be completely wiped out.  This prophecy is one of the very few left to be fulfilled.  Current events point to this propehcy being fulfilled very soon.  Read what the guardian news wrote about a future attack on Israel, “But an Observer investigation has discovered that this covert organisation is quietly but steadily replacing its dead and redoubling its recruitment efforts in anticipation of a new, and even more brutal, conflict. Hizbollah has embarked on a major expansion of its fighting capability and is now sending hundreds, if not thousands, of young men into intensive training camps in Lebanon, Syria and Iran to ready itself for war with Israel. ‘It’s not a matter of if,’ says one fighter. ‘It’s a matter of when Sayed Hasan Nasrallah [Hizbollah chief] commands us.”  Unless you get hit by a truck, get bit by a deadly snake, die in a airplane crash,  or may overdose from your drugs in the next week or so, I can tell you one thing,  you will be alive to see this prophecy being reported in the nightly news.  Some think it will happen this summer as both Israel and Syria are preparing for this war.  Just be ready and watch.

“Hizbollah builds up covert army for a new assault against Israel”

Let me close with some of the first words Jesus warned us to look for. “Tke heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.”  Click to the link below and see another man who is claiming to be the Christ.  The headline to the ABC News today was, “Teens Taken From N.M. Doomsday Church”  May 1, 2008

May the peace of the Lord Jesus give you strength to endure these times. I pray you will repeat these words spoken by Jesus at the end of the book of Revelation, He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come Quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.  The grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

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Thanks to Glenn Beck many have come to this site. Day of prayer May 1, 2008


A prelude of things to some. Earth quakes in many places. Matth. chap. 24

4.4-magnitude quake strikes in mountains near Bakersfield ttp://

Reno scientists warn of further quake risk:

Is Ezekiel’s prophecy on the way?  Todays news points that it may not be far off click to link.

Today May 1st is a day of prayer for me, and I am taking the day off from putting up a prophecy post, however I wanted to post a comment that I received today. I want to thank you all for returning to this site. This week I again doubled in size as far as my site hits are  concerned.  Maybe I should thank Glenn Beck.  I directed many people to his show last week and I think those people told others about what I am doing on my web page.  In any case it is great to double the number of people in less than one week!  I am doing my best to keep you all informed, and I also believe you can feel the Holy Spirit coming through my writing. Again, thank you for visiting my site.


Visitor comment:

" I go to your site daily!  I have been reading for about 3 weeks now (well since April 6th) and have shared your site with at least a dozen Christians.   I believe the day is near that we will start our journey backward… just like human life.  People go from simple to complex back to simple again in the 60-100 years we may survive and I believe that is what will happen to us as a whole on Earth.  We won’t be able to pay for gas or groceries- we will have to go back to using a plow and horse and growing our own food (tractors require gas).  I am thinking 5 acres and independence is sounding better and better!  I guess the Amish will be prepared for a famine (they keep 1 year of food on hand at all times).  The problem though, is that there are too many people who won’t be able to survive… take all the people in New York City for example.  They won’t be prepared for a famine and they will come searching for those who have food.  The crime will skyrocket!  What a scary time this will be. 
I am actually very amazed how much my priorities have changed in the past three weeks from reading your site and studying my Bible!  Life here is less than a blink compared to eternity… just as we can’t remember the first 6 months we were alive on Earth, I don’t think we will be able to remember this life in eternity." 
"I look forward to your insight and your understanding of the word!  May God bless you and may you reach out to many!"
Missy Marrs
Please let me know what you think about this site.


Img_3404_1_2I am compelled to write this to all of you who have not yet received Jesus Christ as your Savior.  When you see on the news that millions of people have disapperared and no one knows what happened to them, I want you to turn to chapter 14 of my book and it will explained everything in detail about where the missing people went.  This chapter will also give you instructions as to what you will have to do to be saved.  Jesus promised all who have taken Him as their Savior to remove them from the tribualtion which will soon begin on this planet.  As soon as the Middle East peace agreement is signed for the period of 7-years the Christian Church will be taken into heaven.  Right now the Middle East nations are working on finalizing a peace plan and they are talking about a time table for this peace agreement.  Since Jimmy Carter began the peace process in 1976 there has never been any agreement linked to a time table for peace.  Why now?  Because the birth pains Jesus said would come upon this planet in the end times have gotten much stronger and we are about to be delivered.  These are the Words of Christ.  "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man" (Luke21:36). There are so many signs being fulfilled now that we know our time left on this Earth is drewing to a close.  If you are one of those people left behind you will be scared, confused, and upset, and you will need to out what to do and how to do it.  This is not a joke!  Jesus warned us that the same thing that took place during Noah’s generation is going to take place again, and it was going to happen in this generation.  Noah was told to tell the people to get ready to leave for safety in the ark because God was going to destroy the earth with a flood.  No one listened to Noah and as a result everyone except Noah’s family were killed. As the flood waters began to lift the ark off the ground, people tried to cling to the ark for safety, but it was to late for them.  Now listen to the warning Jesus has given again. "For as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark.  And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Matthew 24 37-39).  This is a special warning. You are running out of time before you witness the millions who are going to soon disappear!


If you want to make sure you will be taken by Jesus Christ when He calls His church home please repeat these words and you will be saved.  My Lord and my God, I know that I need you in my life. Thank You that You love me and accept me the way I am, right now, a sinner.  Although You hate and despise sin, You love sinners so much that You sent Your only Son, Jesus, to pay the price that I owed.  I now confess that I am a sinner, but I want to turn from my ways, and being lead by the devil, to you God.  I receive salvation and eternal life as a free gift from You. I can do nothing to earn this gift. From this day forward I am asking You to rule my life. Amen 


If you have responded to Jesus calling you, please let me know by e-mailing me. I want lift you up to Christ and pray for you. God bless

Frank DiMora


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Are you ready to meet Jesus? More signs of the times-April 30, 2008


Prophecy sign from Matthew 24-war and rumors of war.  Once again the world waits to see if another battle takes place between Israel and their enemies.  This time Hamas has warned they are going to attack Israel on the birthday of Israel, which is May 14, 2008. 

According to the Jerusalem Post “Hamas will do everything it can to spoil Israel’s 60th birthday bash next week with a high-profile terror attack, OC Military Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadlin told the cabinet on Tuesday.”  At the same time Israel has to keep their eyes on Syria because Syria has moved their troops closer to the boarders. US and Israel intelligence experts upgrade the chances of president Bashar Assad retaliating for the Israeli attack, which irreparably damaged the secret nuclear North Korea built for him in eastern Syria. There is a chance that Assad may choose to join in on the attack on Israel during Israel’s celebrations. Is there a chance that a huge holiday attack against Israel could turn out to fulfill Isaiah 17:1, which is the destruction of Damascus?  We will have to wait and see what happens on May 14.  Officials are warning of a possible war between Syria and Israel this summer, if a war does break out it could be at this time the Isaiah prophecy is fulfilled. Another sign of rumors of war is again being placed out in the Middle East. CBS News reported, “A second American aircraft carrier steamed into the Persian Gulf on Tuesday as the Pentagon ordered military commanders to develop new options for attacking Iran” (April 29, 2008). If you watch the video link we are told the State Department is drafting a new letter to Iran telling them to stop killing Americans in Iraq or else!  In the mean time drug wars in Mexico have moved from the street to the hospital.  “Soldiers held Tijuana’s main hospital in a virtual lockdown Tuesday as doctors treated eight drug traffickers wounded in running shootouts in this border city. Even in Mexico’s most violent city, jaded residents feel caught in the crossfire between drug smugglers and federal troops sent in to stop them. Hospitals, schools, and even taco-and-beer tourism are suddenly on the front lines of a raging turf war” (Washington April 29, 2008).  Not only are these drug wars fulfilling prophecy found in Revelation but they are fulfilling the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:12 where he told us “And because lawlessness shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold”.   The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”.  It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”.  In my post of April 28 I showed you that Jesus had told us that this generation would be known as the drug generation.  As we move closer to the return of Christ this drug problem will get worse.  Also in the news today we are told, “Police busted nearly 400,000 people for carrying small amounts of pot in the last decade, making New York City the world leader in marijuana arrests, civil rights advocates said Tuesday while unveiling a study criticizing the war on drugs” ( If you missed my post of April 28 I suggest you go back and read it, I give you more details about the global drug problems.  On April 26 at the end of my post I wrote this, Watch out for those Earthquakes.  I had the strong impression that we would begin to start seeing more reports about earthquakes and we have.  Since April 26 we saw in the news a earth quake in Chicago Ill., New Mexico, and the Central Coast of California, but you may not have seen the full report of quakes since the 26th.  So far since the 26th there have been 25 quakes hitting a least 5 magnitude and up.  What you should be looking for are bigger quakes hitting higher on the Richter scale.  Why am I saying that?  Jesus told us the END Times events would occur as a woman with birth pains. We haven’t seen to many of the bigger quakes and they are about to be seen again.  In Matthew 24:4-5 one of the first signs Jesus told us to watch for was, “Take heed that no man deceive you.  For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ: and shall deceive many.”  Well here we go again, this time the news come out of Albuquerque N.M. The (AP) reported that, “State police have removed four children from an apocalyptic church whose leader claims to be the Messiah and acknowledges having sex with some of his followers” If you have been reading my past posts you would have read my warnings that a shift in world powers is going to take place, as a matter of fact we are in the process of that shift right now.  The United States has to give way to the European Union.  Why?  Because God told us the Old Roman Empire would return in the end times and they would be the World Empire that is number one at the time of Jesus’ second coming.  This is one reason why you are seeing America’s decline.  One of the signs of this shift is what is happening to the U.S. dollar, it is moving over to the European Union’s euro.  Read what the guardian reported about this.  “The once-unchallenged world hegemony of the US currency is under threat as its value plummets and investors desert it.” Lurking behind the headline-grabbing stories about the credit crunch, the US housing crash and the near-death experiences of Northern Rock and Bear Stearns, is the bigger one about the slump in the value of the American dollar.  So steeply has the greenback fallen in value against its main rivals – the euro and the Japanese yen – that economists are talking about the dollar losing its status as the world’s reserve currency, a position it has held since 1945. Commentators have written the dollar’s obituary on countless occasions over the past 40 years, principally in the late 1970s and early 1990s, when America’s economic performance compared badly with that of Japan or Germany.  So what is different about today? There are two answers: globalisation and the existence of a rival in the form of the euro, the currency of choice for an economic bloc that is as big as America’s. Germany and Japan by themselves never stood a chance of usurping the dollar because their economies were small compared with that of the US. Today, the eurozone trading bloc is as big as America and set to grow larger as new member states join the EU” ( March 30, 2008).  By the way it was also reported today that Iran has comp
letely stopped conductiong oil transactions in US dollars!  Iran has pulled away from the dollar because its value has dropped so much it is hurting him. 
In 1977 when I first started to warn people they would see the day when America would take second seat to the European Union, they laughed and many people throught I was crazy.  Today, many of those same people have called me and asked me how did I know this was going to happen?  I tell them the truth, Jesus told me!  The only difference between me knowing and them not knowing is this one fact, I read the Word of God and therefore I know what signs to look for.  What I am doing for you is connecting the dots for all those people who see the news but don’t know they are really watching prophecy being fulfilled.  Here is another report showing us signs of this shift in superpowers. This report came out on April 23, 2008 by the Financial Times. “As the dollar continues its relentless six-year slide against the euro and other main currencies, the question is being asked more and more: what would it mean if the dollar ceded its global dominance to the euro? The question is a serious one because the US Federal Reserve is pumping new dollars into the global economy at an astounding pace. A broad measure of US money supply growth is increasing at a rate not seen since 1971 when President Richard Nixon imposed price controls and ended the dollar’s convertibility into gold, which recently roared above $1,000 an ounce.  Jesus also warned us that a time of peace would come in the end times for Israel, but it would end in disaster. In many of my posts I told you a 7-year agreement will be signed and then broken by the Antichrist in exactly three and ahalf years into this peace agreement.  We learned today that "Palestinian militant factions on Wednesday agreed to a proposal for a truce with Israel in the Goza Strip and subsequently in the West Bank, a senior Egyptian oficial said on Wednesday" ( April 30, 2008). One day soon you will watch TV and see all the parties involved sign an agreemnet that will be for a period of 7 years.  Will this latest news point to this agreement?  We must do exactly what Jesus said, Watch!  Ever effort is being made right now to have the parties sit down and sign a peace agreement.  All I can say is, we are close to seeing this prophecy being fulfilled.  Lets look at the facts.  I could spend everyday posting all these prophecy signs, but I can’t make you believe in Christ Jesus, the one who gave us all these warnings.  At some point you are going to have to make a major discision that will affect your etneal life.  Except these signs as a special warning pointed directly at you and for you, and except Jesus as your Savior.  On the other hand, you can think this is all bull and refuse the only message that will secure your etnerity in heaven with Christ.  What is that message?  Jesus left us all these signs so you would believe in His Word, and prepare yourself to meet Him.  Are you ready?  If you aren’t ready to meet Jesus you may want to see what hell is going to look like, maybe you will change your mind about where you want to spend your eternity! Watch the documentary on "23 minutes in hell" at the bottom of this post.

‘Hamas planning huge holiday attack’  Syria

Assad caught red-handed may now go for revenge

"Hostile" Iran Sparks U.S. Attack Plan watch video

“Tijuana drug violence threatens hospital” April 29, 2008)

NYCLU: City Now World’s ‘Marijuana Arrest Capital’

Since April 26, 2008-Latest earth quakes M5.0 +in the world past 7 days

Earthquake reported in Illinois,quake041808.article video

Another false Christ

Dollar chilled by rise of euro

Council On Foreign Relations

Iran dumps the dollar

peace talks

Truce with Israel,7340,L-3537882,00.html

23 minutes in Hell a true story of one man’s trip to hell. Jesus took him to hell to warn others of what it was really like.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

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Jesus reveals our generation would be known as the drug generation! April 28, 2008

Jesus reveals our generation would be known as the drug generation and we are!

The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”.  It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”.  America has been at war with the Mexican cartels for years and the drugs wars are still increasing.  In Mexico itself Mexician turf wars between cartels in “Mexico vying for control of the lucrative drug trade have killed more than 1,000 people this year and some 2,000 people in 2006” (Reuters Sept. 14, 2007).  In the latter part of 2006 we heard of men “Waving machine guns in the air, they screamed at the crowd to stay put and then dumped the contents of a heavy plastic bag on the dance floor.  Five human heads rolled to a bloody stop. (International Herald Tribune Oct. 25, 2006).  The report went on to say, “An underworld war between drug gangs is raging here, medieval in its barbarity, its original causes lost in a fog of reprisals, its foot soldiers operating with little fear of interference from the police (ibid).  For those of us who know the Word of the Lord men becoming barbaric is one of the signs of the end times.  In 2nd Timothy chapter 3 we are told “men will become brutal”, and they have, what you just read about is only one example of just how brutal men are becoming.  In April 2008 there was more violence in the streets as “Massive gunbattles broke out between suspected drug traffickers who fired at each other while speeding down heavily populated streets of this violent border city early Saturday” (AP April 27, 2008).  The drug problem is much the same everywhere.  Take Morocco for example, “The country’s record haul for hashish seizures in 2007 suggests the law enforcers are at least keeping pace with a growing band of smugglers. In hundreds of operations last year, officers seized a total of 35 tonnes of hashish worth an estimated 140 million euros (215 million dollars) on the European market. That was more than 25 percent up on 2006.Morocco’s customers officers also arrested 437 people, half of them foreigners. Spanish nationals topped the list at 78, followed by 61 French nationals and 22 Portuguese. 

When you read the Report of the International Narcotics Control Board report for 2007 you get a clear picture of just how bad the drug problem is at a global level.  That report states, “Efforts are being undertaken by the Governments of Egypt, Kenya and Nigeria to draft or update national drug control plans. In Egypt, the National Council against Addiction and Drug Control has started to update the national drug control strategy. Similarly, in Kenya, a multisectoral drug control master plan is being developed, with special emphasis on law enforcement activities and the strengthening of the capacity of judicial authorities to investigate drug offences and combat drug-related money-laundering.  The Government of Nigeria has developed a drug control master plan for the period 2007-2011, which is expected to be officially released at the end of 2007.” That report also sited that the nations of Benin, Kenya, Togo, Egypt, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, the United Republic of Tanzania, Algeria, and Uganda are having to deal with the lack of facilities to treat all these drug users. In section (313) of the report it states, “Large illicit consignments of cocaine are transported from countries in Latin America (from Colombia through Brazil and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) to the coastal areas of West Africa (on board ships, private yachts and, more recently, private airplanes) and then to Europe.”  Jesus warned that our generation would be known for their drug problems, as you can see, drugs are everywhere, and accompanying the drugs is a wave of violent crime.  What Jesus told us about the drug generation of the last days has come to pass in this generation.  The only sure way to end the drug problems is to turn over to the Lord.  We know from the prophecy Jesus gave us, millions will refuse His call for salvation.  Before the Lord returns our drug problems will escalate, and we are already witnessing signs of this taking place.  As it stands now nations around the world base their livelihood on the production and transporting of all types of illegal drugs. Governments, instead of trying to solve this problem are sending bills up that would legalize the use of many drugs.  A new survey taken in 2007 showed that drug use by minors is on the rise.  Our schools are loaded with kids who are taking illegal drugs or, who are pushing them.  “The percentage of teens who say they attend high schools with drug problems has increased from 44 percent to 61 percent since 2002, and the percentage in middle schools has increased from 19 percent to 31 percent, according to the survey to be released Thursday by Columbia University’s National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse” ( Aug. 16, 2007).   Jesus told us this generation would not repent from their use.  Don’t count on this drug issue to go away!

Study: "Drug Infested" Schools On Rise

Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2007

“Massive gunbattles break out in Tijuana; 13 dead, 9 wounded” April 27, 2008

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April 28, 2008 Important signs of the times.


In chapter 9 of the book of Revelation we see our generation is known as the “drug” generation. The words. “magic arts” in Rev. 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”. Some call our generation, “Generation X”, and this generation is known to be the “drug generation”. Lets face the facts, governments around the world are fighting the drug wars! Here is just one example of what I am talking about. “TIJUANA, Mexico – Massive gunbattles broke out between suspected drug traffickers who fired at each other while speeding down heavily populated streets of this violent border city early Saturday, killing 13 people and wounding nine” April 27, 2008. Who knows you may be reading this post today and be one of those people Jesus pointed out! God also gave us other specific details as to what this generation would be known for. The prophet Daniel in Daniel 12:4 showed us the last generation would be known for two things which are, increased in knowledge and people traveling back and forth. Please traveling back and forth is a no brainier. All you have to do is do a google search to see how many people are traveling each year. Hundreds of thousands of people each are forced to travel because of wars, droughts, floods or lack of food. But there is some good news. Our generation has been known as the “Generation of Knowledge”. I cover this subject in detail in chapter 3 of my book to show how Daniel 12:4 has been fulfilled. He is one example of that increased knowledge. “A pioneering gene therapy trial has helped a blind man to see in a breakthrough that brings hope to millions affected by eye diseases. British scientists have claimed a world first for the revolutionary treatment, which involved a single injection into the retina at the back of the eye.” In Canada alone one agency put up $119.7 million to increase research knowledge. Of course your vast increased in knowledge is also getting us in trouble. Take Iran for example, Iran is building a nuclear power plant in hopes to create their first nuclear weapon. The President of Iran has stated on many occasions that he wants to wipe Israel off the face of the map, and if he is not stopped he will make an attempt to do just that. This is not only an example of increased knowledge but is a fulfillment of rumors of wars, which Jesus outlined for us in Matthew chapter 24. Many believe that this Iranian nuclear power plant could be the thing that begins the Russian attack against Israel as outlined in Ezekiel chap. 38-38. If Israel bombs this nuclear plant it could force Iran to attack Israel. Iran’s leaders have already warned Israel about this same scenario. Take notice who is helping Iran build this plant, it is Russia. Ezekiel warned us that Russia would join up with Iran in the end time to attack Israel. For complete details about this coming war turn to chapter 10 of my book. When this war takes place the ground will shake. Ezekiel paints a picture of millions of men running into battle against Israel, but God steps in and destroys 5/6 of the invading armies. Speaking of the ground shaking yesterday before ending my post I had a strong impression to warn of another earthquake, so I wrote, “Watch out for those Earthquakes” This morning when I woke up I noticed Mexico had a earthquake that hit a little past 7pm and was a 5.8 magnitude quake. When I wrote the warning yesterday I didn’t know about the quake, but I am glad I wrote about it, maybe someone down in Mexico read my post and looked up to remember Jesus when the ground began to shake. Here is some important news in prophecy. In 2005 the Sanhedrin was again reborn! Who is the Sanhedrin? You may have heard the named “Sanhedrin” before“ when you heard the story about Jesus. It was the Sanhedrin who took Jesus by night and had him put to death. The Romans’ actually killed Jesus, but it was at the doing of the Sanhedrin. A section from the IsraelNationalnews in 2005 stated, “ A unique ceremony – probably only the second of its kind in the past 1,600 years – is taking place in Tiberias today: This launching of a Sanhedrin, the highest Jewish-legal tribunal in the Land of Israel.” This rebirth of the Sanhedrin is very important to prophecy, because Jesus warned us that in the end times the Temple would be rebuilt and, they would begin sacrificing animals again. Now that this highest Jewish legal tribunal is back, they have made moves to begin to do exactly what Christ warned they would do. In 2007, “The modern-day Sanhedrin, headed by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, has decided to purchase a herd of sheep to be used for the Passover sacrifice ritual to be held this year if possible at the Temple Mount” If you read my post a few days ago you would learned that the Israeli court ruled in favor for the Jewish Temple movement and, the sheep that the Sanhedrin had their eyes on last year can now be sacrificed. This is a short section from a recent report, “ A Jerusalem court ruled Friday that the Jewish Temple movement could slaughter a sheep on Sunday as a “general rehearsal” for the renewal of the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice.” I pray to God that you see what is going on here! The next step left is to rebuild the Temple, and it will be done soon, very soon. What does this mean for you? Well if you are a Christian that means your rapture is not very far away. If you are not a Christian that mean you will soon see the Antichrist. Why do you think all these signs are taking place? Do you really think it is by chance that after 1,600 years the Sanhedrin reappears? Do you really think it is by chance that they just got approval to start sacrificing sheep again? Do you know when the last time the Jewish people were able to sacrifice? It was the last time Jesus walked this planet. Christ warned us of everything that is currently going on and He did it for a reason, to make you ready for His second coming. I pray my messages are helping you see the light. Soon two things are going to take place. Jesus is going to remove His Church from this earth and then the Antichrist will be exposed. You can leave before all hell breaks out on this planet, or you can stay here and deal with the Antichrist who will have one goal, to kill anyone who does not bow down to him. Why do you think you are reading my post? Another fluke? This is how Jesus is calling your heart to Him, please listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and begin to walk with Christ today. Ask Him to enter your life and forgive you. Jesus loves you more than you can ever know. Iran demands Russian nuclear shipment

Iran demands Russian nuclear shipment

“The blind man who was given the gift of sight by gene therapy” April 28, 2008

Money for increased knowledge

“Iran demanded Sunday that Azerbaijan deliver a Russian shipment of nuclear equipment” 4-27-08

Earthquake rattles Mexico City

“Massive gunbattles break out in Tijuana; 13 dead, 9 wounded” April 27, 2008

“Sanhedrin to Purchase Sheep for Passover Sacrifice” (Feb. 28, 2008)

“Members of Reestablished Sanhedrin Ascend Temple Mount”

“Sanhedrin Launched In Tiberias” (2005)

Jerusalem Court Rules for Jewish Temple Movement

Gas may soon cost 10.00 a gallon  Things that may help bring America’s decline to give way to EU

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April 26, 2008 What you may not know!



I will discuss Rev. 17 on Monday.







Watch out for those Earthquakes.

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Glenn Beck and DiMora agree on the signs of the times- Watch Glenn Beck tonight! April 25, 2008


As you know I have been putting up signs we are seeing that will help push the shifts in powers.   Daniel the prophet showed us the last generation would see the Old Roman Empire come back to life.  It is too hard to explain in this short post. Please read chapter 2 of my book.  All I can tell you here is this.  We were to expect a change in World Superpowers in the end times.  The Superpower who will be in place and reigning as the number one power will be this reborn Roman Empire.  When you read chap. 2 you will see the European Union is that fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy.  I have been keeping you posted as to things that are going to help speed up this change in Superpowers.  The U.S. is losing ground as the number one Superpower and the war, and economy are all pieces to the puzzle that are helping bring about the shift in powers.  One of the major problems American will be facing in the near future is who is going to deliver the food.  U.S. truckers are being forced to walk away from their trucks because diesel fuel prices are the highest in our history.  In my town the truckers are paying $4.49 a gallon.  Yes we see the trucks on the road today, but the question is, how long will it be before we see less and less of these trucks making deliveries?  Despite a threatened strike by some independent truck drivers, many trucks were still on the road Tuesday. But for how much longer?” What you just read was the headline to a report talking about this problem.  This is what is going to take place.  Fuel prices are going to keep climbing unless the government steps in and stops them from rising.  Since Bush hasn’t done much about the oil shortage in the last 8 years I wouldn’t look for to much help from him.  What may happen is the government may be forced to mandate a limit for truckers so our economy doesn’t slip even faster then it is right now.  Let me give you an example of a bigger problems headed our way.  Read the words of one trucker. “"My truck has a 300-gallon tank, and it costs me $1,200 to fill it up, and I have to fill it every other day," Evans said. "So every week, I am paying $3,500, and as fuel takes two-thirds of my income, it is taking most of what I make."  Thousands of truckers are now facing the same situation as Mr. Evans is going through.  As the prices of gas keep climbing the number of independent truckers will begin to decline, because they simply won’t be making any money.   Here is one statement from another Californian trucker. “Fuel prices (are)killme.  Can’t seem to get ahead and (I’M) trying to sell the truck now.  I can’d do it,”. One by one when these guys walk away this is going to cause a ripple effect in higher prices for food.  Not only will there be higher prices in food but you will begin to see the store shelves will reflect the lack of deliveries.  If the government doesn’t take action right now,  you can count on the food stamp lines to increase, which they already are and in record numbers.  Don’t forget higher prices for food will also hit hard in American businesses.  People will be forced to adjust their budgets and less people will be going out to eat, look for more people getting their pink slips. How many thousands are going to stop making trips?  Let me tell you how many. Keep your eyes on the news soon you will begin to hear news about the hotel business taking a big hit.   News out of Canada reported that, “The price of oil is likely to hit 150 dollars (Canadian, US) a barrel by 2010 and soar to 225 dollars a barrel by 2012 as supply becomes increasingly tight, a Canadian bank said Thursday”.  The prices of everything from this point on will begin to climb even higher.  As we get closer to the summer months the price of fuel will again go up.  Those truckers who have been holding on by their teeth will begin to leave their jobs!  Not only is America in trouble but America is now the focus for blame for many other 3rd world nations not being able to buy wheat. Go back and read my Feb. 20th post.  It was impressed on me by the Lord to warn you all that wheat prices would be going up.  Everything I have warned you is coming to pass!   On another note, farmers have been planting the type of corn that can be turned into fuel, not the type you can eat, as a result there is now a massive shortage.  This shortage has sent prices to the roof and the poorest people in these 3rd world nations can’t afford to buy what is available. Here is an example. This following quote is from the news and it states, “A global rice shortage that has forced China and Vietnam to curb overseas sales of the food staple has reached the San Francisco Bay Area, home of one of the largest concentrations of Asian-Americans in the U.S. Stores, restaurants and food banks report dwindling supplies, and retail prices are rising” If you are watching the nightly news you would have seen videos of nations in turmoil over this and, we are just now beginning to see clashes between those who have the food and those who want it.  This is one of the signs Jesus told us to look for in Matthew 24 where he said you will see famines, war, and civil war.  Trust the Word of God, when the poor nations see the situation getting worse we will see more conflicts.  In my past posts I warned you of these things.  Right now these food shortages has hit 37 nations.  The following is just one report of what I am talking about. A third day of riots
in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, had by Friday paralyzed the city with looting and violence.” “The looting has made access to food even more difficult, doing little to ease widespread hunger among Haitians.”  When Jesus gave us all the signs of the times in Matthew chapter 24, he painted a picture of what we are just now beginning to see, except as Jesus warned us, it will get much worse, not better.  I would take what he says to heart and make yourself ready for what is coming.   What should you do about this problem?  Listen to what the Wall Street Journal wrote. “
I don’t want to alarm anybody, but maybe it’s time for Americans to start stockpiling food. No, this is not a drill. You’ve seen the TV footage of food riots in parts of the developing world. Yes, they’re a long way away from the U.S. But most foodstuffs operate in a global market. When the cost of wheat soars in Asia, it will do the same “here Load Up the Pantry” April 21, 2008.  As far as the U.S. economy goes, we are as I stated going to decline to make way for the last world Empire to reign, which is the European Union.  Signs in the economy, higher food prices, higher gas prices and out off control debt will drag us under.  Please read chapter two of my book to understand this prophecy.

“Area truckers join strike to protest diesel prices”

“Trucks keep rolling…for now” April 1, 2008

Oil prices to double by 2012: Canadian study April 24, 2008

Food Shortages Herald "New Era Of Hunger"

Rice Shortage Roils San Francisco Stores, Markets, Food Banks  April 25, 2008

“Load Up the Pantry”

Many states appear to be in recession April 25, 2008

“UN secretary-general calls food price rise a global crisis” April 25, 2008

The scripture below inform us that in the end times the Jewish people would once again start to sacrifice animals in their new Temple.  Knowing this information Christian’s should be looking for signs of this taking place, or signs that is pointing to the fulfillment.  If we are really in the end times we should begin to see this sign beginning to take form!  Read the prophecies about this Temple that will be built soon. "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:"Matthew chapter 24:15.  In this verse the holy place is the (New Temple) which hasn’t been built yet.  But there was another major sign today that is a stepping-stone to this prophecy being fulfilled. “( The Jerusalem Magistrate’s court ruled Friday that the Jewish Temple movement may, under state law, slaughter a sheep on Sunday as a “general rehearsal” for the renewal of the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice. The judge even called the effort "proper," but organizers have been summoned to appear at 1 PM in the District Court after an animal rights groups filed another last-minute suit.”  I first warned people about this issue in 1977. It was confirmed today that the Israeli court said they could go ahead and do the sacrifice. If you aren’t a believer in Christ, you don’t know how important this court ruling today is!  The next step is to actually build the Temple to do the sacrifices in that Temple.  I just found out today that the people who are preparing to run the sacrifices are now sewing together 120 garments for the lay priests who will be wearing the garments during these soon to come sacrifices.   Please click to the following link and listen to Rabbi Chaim Richman talk about this very huge step in fulfilling prophecy. Click here for an interview with Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute on ‘Temple rites vs. animal rights’

Below are the news links to the reports talking about the courts ruling.  I pray I am making you understand how close we are to seeing the return of Christ! 

“Jerusalem Court Rules for Jewish Temple Movement” April 25, 2008

“Judge Rules Paschal Sacrifice Practice "Proper," Appeal Filed April 25, 2008

If you read my post of April 24 you will notice I warned you about a 7-year peace deal that will be made in the end time.  I also warned that Israel would be attacked in the end times and I tell you exactly who will attack Israel.  Russia which is really run by Putin has been traveling to each one of the nations that are listed to attack Israel in the last days.  Please keep you eyes on this issue.  Israel will soon have some deal brought to them that they will think is a good peace deal.  However, it will be nothing but a setup for a attack on Israel soon after this peace plan is signed.  Of course you are to look for a 7-year agreement nothing else.  If they sign anything that is not a 7 year plan then it is not the convenant that is warned to us in Daniel chapter 9, and we are to keep looking for the 7-year agreement.  I believe the agreement is right at the door.  Like all of these prophecies I have been warning people about this future agreement since 1977.  This is the first time I can actually say I see everything Jesus warned us about taking place at the same time, and that is exactly what he said was going to happen!

“Putin, Abbas meet on bilateral ties, Mideast peace process” April 2008

Another sign of the times is crime will begin to climb.  We are now seeing more violence in our streets and drugs are in part pushing the rate of violent crimes up.  Just lately in many parts of Mexico drug wars are beginning to look like some scene from Iraq. Police are coming under attack by gangs using machine guns.  Jesus told us in the last days men’s heart would grow cold because of lawlessness and that is what is taking place. Video Video

“Kidnappings soar in Mexico as drug gangs seek new income”  April 22, 2008;_ylt=Any0593r5w2aATzCqymKOqKs0NUE

Jesus Christ also warned us to watch for false Christ’s in the end times.  There are hundreds of them here now but I want to focus on one for now, because he is doing exactly what  Jesus warned us about. This false Christ is a man by the name of Jose Luis De, who also says he is the Antichrist and his followers are taking his mark which is 666.

Our Lord Jesus, the real Christ wrote this in Revelation 13:18 “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred three score and six.”  Or 666. Click to the video below and you will see the scriptures and a man who is fulfilling those every words spoken by the real Christ. Video  Video

In one of my posts I warned about falling away from sound doctrine. In 2nd Timothy it says the following: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”  Oprah has done exactly what Timothy said they would do.  Just click to the video below and you will learn how she is turning people away from sound doctrine and the Truth.

“Oprah’s ‘Church’ Video Draws Over 5 Million to YouTube” April 23, 2008’s_’Church’_Video_Draws_Over_5_Million_to_YouTube.htm

I pray for the Holy Spirit to speak to all your hearts.  Christians and non Christians alike.  Everyone better examine themselves for the coming Day of Visitation from our Lord. Join me you who are the faithful witnesses, separate yourself from the world and walk in the Spirit of Christ.  Jesus is at the door ready to take His people home.  I pray my work for Christ will lead you into the Savior’s arms.


I believe last week I asked if people would send in a commentary as to what they thought about my site and the news they are getting from it. Here is one of those commentaries.

Hi, Frank:

I think the amount of updating you're giving us is just right.

In fact, there are many prophecy news sites out there, as you say, but

They either don't relay enough news and stick to a one-topic format,

Or they give a lot of news and don't make all the "connections" to how

Prophecy is being fulfilled. Your site, on the other hand, is doing both, which I thank you for...And I thank God that your voice is very clear regarding the purpose Of what you're doing, and that your heart is such that the resources You produce are without cost...there are enough "prophecy evangelists" Out there already who "need the money to help keep this ministry going"

Let me know if I can be of further help,

And God bless,


Another comment I just received today:

Today's message was very good because you tied all of today's signs in with a person's need to realize they haven't much time yet to decide. Your connection with modern day events and the bible is a powerful witness and you are witnessing as much as telling the bible's signs. I really like that. If I were unsaved I know I would check it out. And as for christians who know of the bible prophecies, I think your posts are teaching them to witness stronger, as we draw closer. Today's current events in the news are often titled with things you read right out of the bible!! What a time to be here to see these things....praise God.

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If you would like me to come and speak to your fellowship e-mail me at the e-mail address given in the left hand corner of my site. 

I welcome all your comments.

Peace be with you all

A humble servant of Christ Jesus

Don’t forget to turn to the Glenn Beck Show at 6pm and at 9pm pacfic time to see the 1hr. show on the end times.
