April 28, 2008 Important signs of the times.


In chapter 9 of the book of Revelation we see our generation is known as the “drug” generation. The words. “magic arts” in Rev. 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”. Some call our generation, “Generation X”, and this generation is known to be the “drug generation”. Lets face the facts, governments around the world are fighting the drug wars! Here is just one example of what I am talking about. “TIJUANA, Mexico – Massive gunbattles broke out between suspected drug traffickers who fired at each other while speeding down heavily populated streets of this violent border city early Saturday, killing 13 people and wounding nine” April 27, 2008. Who knows you may be reading this post today and be one of those people Jesus pointed out! God also gave us other specific details as to what this generation would be known for. The prophet Daniel in Daniel 12:4 showed us the last generation would be known for two things which are, increased in knowledge and people traveling back and forth. Please traveling back and forth is a no brainier. All you have to do is do a google search to see how many people are traveling each year. Hundreds of thousands of people each are forced to travel because of wars, droughts, floods or lack of food. But there is some good news. Our generation has been known as the “Generation of Knowledge”. I cover this subject in detail in chapter 3 of my book to show how Daniel 12:4 has been fulfilled. He is one example of that increased knowledge. “A pioneering gene therapy trial has helped a blind man to see in a breakthrough that brings hope to millions affected by eye diseases. British scientists have claimed a world first for the revolutionary treatment, which involved a single injection into the retina at the back of the eye.” In Canada alone one agency put up $119.7 million to increase research knowledge. Of course your vast increased in knowledge is also getting us in trouble. Take Iran for example, Iran is building a nuclear power plant in hopes to create their first nuclear weapon. The President of Iran has stated on many occasions that he wants to wipe Israel off the face of the map, and if he is not stopped he will make an attempt to do just that. This is not only an example of increased knowledge but is a fulfillment of rumors of wars, which Jesus outlined for us in Matthew chapter 24. Many believe that this Iranian nuclear power plant could be the thing that begins the Russian attack against Israel as outlined in Ezekiel chap. 38-38. If Israel bombs this nuclear plant it could force Iran to attack Israel. Iran’s leaders have already warned Israel about this same scenario. Take notice who is helping Iran build this plant, it is Russia. Ezekiel warned us that Russia would join up with Iran in the end time to attack Israel. For complete details about this coming war turn to chapter 10 of my book. When this war takes place the ground will shake. Ezekiel paints a picture of millions of men running into battle against Israel, but God steps in and destroys 5/6 of the invading armies. Speaking of the ground shaking yesterday before ending my post I had a strong impression to warn of another earthquake, so I wrote, “Watch out for those Earthquakes” This morning when I woke up I noticed Mexico had a earthquake that hit a little past 7pm and was a 5.8 magnitude quake. When I wrote the warning yesterday I didn’t know about the quake, but I am glad I wrote about it, maybe someone down in Mexico read my post and looked up to remember Jesus when the ground began to shake. Here is some important news in prophecy. In 2005 the Sanhedrin was again reborn! Who is the Sanhedrin? You may have heard the named “Sanhedrin” before“ when you heard the story about Jesus. It was the Sanhedrin who took Jesus by night and had him put to death. The Romans’ actually killed Jesus, but it was at the doing of the Sanhedrin. A section from the IsraelNationalnews in 2005 stated, “ A unique ceremony – probably only the second of its kind in the past 1,600 years – is taking place in Tiberias today: This launching of a Sanhedrin, the highest Jewish-legal tribunal in the Land of Israel.” This rebirth of the Sanhedrin is very important to prophecy, because Jesus warned us that in the end times the Temple would be rebuilt and, they would begin sacrificing animals again. Now that this highest Jewish legal tribunal is back, they have made moves to begin to do exactly what Christ warned they would do. In 2007, “The modern-day Sanhedrin, headed by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, has decided to purchase a herd of sheep to be used for the Passover sacrifice ritual to be held this year if possible at the Temple Mount” If you read my post a few days ago you would learned that the Israeli court ruled in favor for the Jewish Temple movement and, the sheep that the Sanhedrin had their eyes on last year can now be sacrificed. This is a short section from a recent report, “ A Jerusalem court ruled Friday that the Jewish Temple movement could slaughter a sheep on Sunday as a “general rehearsal” for the renewal of the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice.” I pray to God that you see what is going on here! The next step left is to rebuild the Temple, and it will be done soon, very soon. What does this mean for you? Well if you are a Christian that means your rapture is not very far away. If you are not a Christian that mean you will soon see the Antichrist. Why do you think all these signs are taking place? Do you really think it is by chance that after 1,600 years the Sanhedrin reappears? Do you really think it is by chance that they just got approval to start sacrificing sheep again? Do you know when the last time the Jewish people were able to sacrifice? It was the last time Jesus walked this planet. Christ warned us of everything that is currently going on and He did it for a reason, to make you ready for His second coming. I pray my messages are helping you see the light. Soon two things are going to take place. Jesus is going to remove His Church from this earth and then the Antichrist will be exposed. You can leave before all hell breaks out on this planet, or you can stay here and deal with the Antichrist who will have one goal, to kill anyone who does not bow down to him. Why do you think you are reading my post? Another fluke? This is how Jesus is calling your heart to Him, please listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and begin to walk with Christ today. Ask Him to enter your life and forgive you. Jesus loves you more than you can ever know. Iran demands Russian nuclear shipment

Iran demands Russian nuclear shipment


“The blind man who was given the gift of sight by gene therapy” April 28, 2008


Money for increased knowledge


“Iran demanded Sunday that Azerbaijan deliver a Russian shipment of nuclear equipment” 4-27-08


Earthquake rattles Mexico City


“Massive gunbattles break out in Tijuana; 13 dead, 9 wounded” April 27, 2008


“Sanhedrin to Purchase Sheep for Passover Sacrifice” (Feb. 28, 2008)


“Members of Reestablished Sanhedrin Ascend Temple Mount”


“Sanhedrin Launched In Tiberias” (2005)



Jerusalem Court Rules for Jewish Temple Movement




Gas may soon cost 10.00 a gallon  Things that may help bring America’s decline to give way to EU


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April 26, 2008 What you may not know!



I will discuss Rev. 17 on Monday.







Watch out for those Earthquakes.

for FREE : Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_2008_update.pdf 

Glenn Beck and DiMora agree on the signs of the times- Watch Glenn Beck tonight! April 25, 2008


As you know I have been putting up signs we are seeing that will help push the shifts in powers.   Daniel the prophet showed us the last generation would see the Old Roman Empire come back to life.  It is too hard to explain in this short post. Please read chapter 2 of my book.  All I can tell you here is this.  We were to expect a change in World Superpowers in the end times.  The Superpower who will be in place and reigning as the number one power will be this reborn Roman Empire.  When you read chap. 2 you will see the European Union is that fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy.  I have been keeping you posted as to things that are going to help speed up this change in Superpowers.  The U.S. is losing ground as the number one Superpower and the war, and economy are all pieces to the puzzle that are helping bring about the shift in powers.  One of the major problems American will be facing in the near future is who is going to deliver the food.  U.S. truckers are being forced to walk away from their trucks because diesel fuel prices are the highest in our history.  In my town the truckers are paying $4.49 a gallon.  Yes we see the trucks on the road today, but the question is, how long will it be before we see less and less of these trucks making deliveries?  Despite a threatened strike by some independent truck drivers, many trucks were still on the road Tuesday. But for how much longer?” What you just read was the headline to a report talking about this problem.  This is what is going to take place.  Fuel prices are going to keep climbing unless the government steps in and stops them from rising.  Since Bush hasn’t done much about the oil shortage in the last 8 years I wouldn’t look for to much help from him.  What may happen is the government may be forced to mandate a limit for truckers so our economy doesn’t slip even faster then it is right now.  Let me give you an example of a bigger problems headed our way.  Read the words of one trucker. “"My truck has a 300-gallon tank, and it costs me $1,200 to fill it up, and I have to fill it every other day," Evans said. "So every week, I am paying $3,500, and as fuel takes two-thirds of my income, it is taking most of what I make."  Thousands of truckers are now facing the same situation as Mr. Evans is going through.  As the prices of gas keep climbing the number of independent truckers will begin to decline, because they simply won’t be making any money.   Here is one statement from another Californian trucker. “Fuel prices (are)killme.  Can’t seem to get ahead and (I’M) trying to sell the truck now.  I can’d do it,”. One by one when these guys walk away this is going to cause a ripple effect in higher prices for food.  Not only will there be higher prices in food but you will begin to see the store shelves will reflect the lack of deliveries.  If the government doesn’t take action right now,  you can count on the food stamp lines to increase, which they already are and in record numbers.  Don’t forget higher prices for food will also hit hard in American businesses.  People will be forced to adjust their budgets and less people will be going out to eat, look for more people getting their pink slips. How many thousands are going to stop making trips?  Let me tell you how many. Keep your eyes on the news soon you will begin to hear news about the hotel business taking a big hit.   News out of Canada reported that, “The price of oil is likely to hit 150 dollars (Canadian, US) a barrel by 2010 and soar to 225 dollars a barrel by 2012 as supply becomes increasingly tight, a Canadian bank said Thursday”.  The prices of everything from this point on will begin to climb even higher.  As we get closer to the summer months the price of fuel will again go up.  Those truckers who have been holding on by their teeth will begin to leave their jobs!  Not only is America in trouble but America is now the focus for blame for many other 3rd world nations not being able to buy wheat. Go back and read my Feb. 20th post.  It was impressed on me by the Lord to warn you all that wheat prices would be going up.  Everything I have warned you is coming to pass!   On another note, farmers have been planting the type of corn that can be turned into fuel, not the type you can eat, as a result there is now a massive shortage.  This shortage has sent prices to the roof and the poorest people in these 3rd world nations can’t afford to buy what is available. Here is an example. This following quote is from the Bloomberg.com news and it states, “A global rice shortage that has forced China and Vietnam to curb overseas sales of the food staple has reached the San Francisco Bay Area, home of one of the largest concentrations of Asian-Americans in the U.S. Stores, restaurants and food banks report dwindling supplies, and retail prices are rising” If you are watching the nightly news you would have seen videos of nations in turmoil over this and, we are just now beginning to see clashes between those who have the food and those who want it.  This is one of the signs Jesus told us to look for in Matthew 24 where he said you will see famines, war, and civil war.  Trust the Word of God, when the poor nations see the situation getting worse we will see more conflicts.  In my past posts I warned you of these things.  Right now these food shortages has hit 37 nations.  The following is just one report of what I am talking about. A third day of riots
in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, had by Friday paralyzed the city with looting and violence.” “The looting has made access to food even more difficult, doing little to ease widespread hunger among Haitians.”  When Jesus gave us all the signs of the times in Matthew chapter 24, he painted a picture of what we are just now beginning to see, except as Jesus warned us, it will get much worse, not better.  I would take what he says to heart and make yourself ready for what is coming.   What should you do about this problem?  Listen to what the Wall Street Journal wrote. “
I don’t want to alarm anybody, but maybe it’s time for Americans to start stockpiling food. No, this is not a drill. You’ve seen the TV footage of food riots in parts of the developing world. Yes, they’re a long way away from the U.S. But most foodstuffs operate in a global market. When the cost of wheat soars in Asia, it will do the same “here Load Up the Pantry” April 21, 2008.  As far as the U.S. economy goes, we are as I stated going to decline to make way for the last world Empire to reign, which is the European Union.  Signs in the economy, higher food prices, higher gas prices and out off control debt will drag us under.  Please read chapter two of my book to understand this prophecy.

“Area truckers join strike to protest diesel prices”


“Trucks keep rolling…for now” April 1, 2008


Oil prices to double by 2012: Canadian study April 24, 2008


Food Shortages Herald "New Era Of Hunger"


Rice Shortage Roils San Francisco Stores, Markets, Food Banks  April 25, 2008


“Load Up the Pantry”


Many states appear to be in recession April 25, 2008


“UN secretary-general calls food price rise a global crisis” April 25, 2008


The scripture below inform us that in the end times the Jewish people would once again start to sacrifice animals in their new Temple.  Knowing this information Christian’s should be looking for signs of this taking place, or signs that is pointing to the fulfillment.  If we are really in the end times we should begin to see this sign beginning to take form!  Read the prophecies about this Temple that will be built soon. "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:"Matthew chapter 24:15.  In this verse the holy place is the (New Temple) which hasn’t been built yet.  But there was another major sign today that is a stepping-stone to this prophecy being fulfilled. “(IsraelNN.com) The Jerusalem Magistrate’s court ruled Friday that the Jewish Temple movement may, under state law, slaughter a sheep on Sunday as a “general rehearsal” for the renewal of the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice. The judge even called the effort "proper," but organizers have been summoned to appear at 1 PM in the District Court after an animal rights groups filed another last-minute suit.”  I first warned people about this issue in 1977. It was confirmed today that the Israeli court said they could go ahead and do the sacrifice. If you aren’t a believer in Christ, you don’t know how important this court ruling today is!  The next step is to actually build the Temple to do the sacrifices in that Temple.  I just found out today that the people who are preparing to run the sacrifices are now sewing together 120 garments for the lay priests who will be wearing the garments during these soon to come sacrifices.   Please click to the following link and listen to Rabbi Chaim Richman talk about this very huge step in fulfilling prophecy. Click here for an interview with Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute on ‘Temple rites vs. animal rights’

Below are the news links to the reports talking about the courts ruling.  I pray I am making you understand how close we are to seeing the return of Christ! 

“Jerusalem Court Rules for Jewish Temple Movement” April 25, 2008


“Judge Rules Paschal Sacrifice Practice "Proper," Appeal Filed April 25, 2008


If you read my post of April 24 you will notice I warned you about a 7-year peace deal that will be made in the end time.  I also warned that Israel would be attacked in the end times and I tell you exactly who will attack Israel.  Russia which is really run by Putin has been traveling to each one of the nations that are listed to attack Israel in the last days.  Please keep you eyes on this issue.  Israel will soon have some deal brought to them that they will think is a good peace deal.  However, it will be nothing but a setup for a attack on Israel soon after this peace plan is signed.  Of course you are to look for a 7-year agreement nothing else.  If they sign anything that is not a 7 year plan then it is not the convenant that is warned to us in Daniel chapter 9, and we are to keep looking for the 7-year agreement.  I believe the agreement is right at the door.  Like all of these prophecies I have been warning people about this future agreement since 1977.  This is the first time I can actually say I see everything Jesus warned us about taking place at the same time, and that is exactly what he said was going to happen!

“Putin, Abbas meet on bilateral ties, Mideast peace process” April 2008


Another sign of the times is crime will begin to climb.  We are now seeing more violence in our streets and drugs are in part pushing the rate of violent crimes up.  Just lately in many parts of Mexico drug wars are beginning to look like some scene from Iraq. Police are coming under attack by gangs using machine guns.  Jesus told us in the last days men’s heart would grow cold because of lawlessness and that is what is taking place.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN3i8_8NxUs&feature=related Video

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z9K-UbN3Ms&feature=related Video



“Kidnappings soar in Mexico as drug gangs seek new income”  April 22, 2008


Jesus Christ also warned us to watch for false Christ’s in the end times.  There are hundreds of them here now but I want to focus on one for now, because he is doing exactly what  Jesus warned us about. This false Christ is a man by the name of Jose Luis De, who also says he is the Antichrist and his followers are taking his mark which is 666.

Our Lord Jesus, the real Christ wrote this in Revelation 13:18 “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred three score and six.”  Or 666. Click to the video below and you will see the scriptures and a man who is fulfilling those every words spoken by the real Christ. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qhn9pJCK8w Video

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uskpBc5wYRI&feature=related  Video

In one of my posts I warned about falling away from sound doctrine. In 2nd Timothy it says the following: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”  Oprah has done exactly what Timothy said they would do.  Just click to the video below and you will learn how she is turning people away from sound doctrine and the Truth.

“Oprah’s ‘Church’ Video Draws Over 5 Million to YouTube” April 23, 2008



I pray for the Holy Spirit to speak to all your hearts.  Christians and non Christians alike.  Everyone better examine themselves for the coming Day of Visitation from our Lord. Join me you who are the faithful witnesses, separate yourself from the world and walk in the Spirit of Christ.  Jesus is at the door ready to take His people home.  I pray my work for Christ will lead you into the Savior’s arms.


I believe last week I asked if people would send in a commentary as to what they thought about my site and the news they are getting from it. Here is one of those commentaries.

Hi, Frank:

I think the amount of updating you're giving us is just right.

In fact, there are many prophecy news sites out there, as you say, but

They either don't relay enough news and stick to a one-topic format,

Or they give a lot of news and don't make all the "connections" to how

Prophecy is being fulfilled. Your site, on the other hand, is doing both, which I thank you for...And I thank God that your voice is very clear regarding the purpose Of what you're doing, and that your heart is such that the resources You produce are without cost...there are enough "prophecy evangelists" Out there already who "need the money to help keep this ministry going"

Let me know if I can be of further help,

And God bless,


Another comment I just received today:

Today's message was very good because you tied all of today's signs in with a person's need to realize they haven't much time yet to decide. Your connection with modern day events and the bible is a powerful witness and you are witnessing as much as telling the bible's signs. I really like that. If I were unsaved I know I would check it out. And as for christians who know of the bible prophecies, I think your posts are teaching them to witness stronger, as we draw closer. Today's current events in the news are often titled with things you read right out of the bible!! What a time to be here to see these things....praise God.

for FREE : Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_2008_update.pdf 

If you would like me to come and speak to your fellowship e-mail me at the e-mail address given in the left hand corner of my site. 

I welcome all your comments.

Peace be with you all

A humble servant of Christ Jesus

Don’t forget to turn to the Glenn Beck Show at 6pm and at 9pm pacfic time to see the 1hr. show on the end times.


Glenn Beck and DiMora on same wave link. April 25, 2008


I would like to address a very important issue today that many people are now asking me.

Finally people are making the connection between what I have been warning and what they see on the news.  Let me reword this, What Jesus said would happen.  This is what has happened.  For months I have been giving you detailed information as to what will happen next in the news before it was reported on the news.  I have had people e-mail, and call me as to how am I doing this.  All I can tell you is that these are the things the Lord has laid on my heart to warn you about, and when I am impressed by the Lord to write, I write.  Recently my posts have been getting longer because I have been impressed by the Lord to write about more topics that relate to Bible prophecy fulfillment, and events that are bringing about the fulfillment of prophecy.  Almost everyday this week I have written down a huge list of things I needed to warn you about.  After writing a huge list of warnings on Monday, I had a strong impression from the Lord to tell you all to turn to the Glenn Beck Show after you have read my post.  I knew there was going to be someone on his show that was going to take about prophecy, but I had no idea what he was going to be interviewed about.  I figured I would send you there to see what someone else is saying about prophecy. I entitled Monday’s post “Please read this post first then turn to the Glenn Beck Show tonight”.  When I turned to Glenn’s show on Monday I was taken back by what I had seen.  Every warning I wrote about before Glenn’s show that day, Glenn had some expert on his show covering the same exact news I just warned you all about.  When it came time for Glenn’s prophecy guest he talked about the peace talks in the Middle East and I had also written about that topic on Monday as well.  My wife asked me this question, “do you think Glenn read you site today”, because he’s talking about everything you wrote about today?  All I could say was, “it sure looks like it”.  Since Monday every warning that I have posted on my site during the day has been covered on Glenn’s show at night.  I am beginning to think Glenn had the wrong guy on his show.  This evening I received a call form a person asking me to call the Glenn Beck show and point out what has happened all this week so he may want to bring you on his show.  It would be a very interesting story.  I told the person who called me if they feel that strong about it why don’t you call and tell Glenn what you told me.  If the Lord wants me to appear on his show the Lord will open the door for me to go. I will do what I always do I will test the waters. I have a few links below you can e-mail and call the Glenn Beck people to request I be brought on the show. If you all write or call and Glenn and he does respond then it was meant to be. I did tell one young man I would make an attempt to contact Glenn.  In any case please watch his show tonight on CNN at 6 and 9pm, he is going to spend the entire hour on the end times.  If you want to see me on his show here is some contact information for you.



Josh Raffel
Freud Communications

I made two attempts to contact Glenn or his people today. Below is what I wrote them.

First attempt:  I was trying to get in touch with Glenn Beck and ask him if he has been reading my prophecy web site which has my prophecy book on it. I have been getting e-mails and phone calls from people asking me if Glenn is taking news I am writing about during the day and putting it on his show at night. All these people have requested me to call his show and see if he would consider having me on as a guest.  Since Monday of this week everything I have written about each day has been reported on Glenn’s show at night. If you are the person who can contact  Glenn, I would ask you bring this matter to his attention.  I do not take or want any money for my speaking engagements. All I request is a room while there and get me to the show and back home again. This week Glenn has been covering the end times on his show, if he wants to know for sure if these are in fact the last days have him download my book for free at my site. www.dimoraministry.com.  I also suggest you have Glenn read my posts starting on Monday so he can see what it was that I was warning people about, then he will know I just didn’t make this up. I have dates to every post I put up. I am thrilled that I told people to turn to Glenn’s show on Monday, Glenn just shot my rating on my site to the roof!  Tell Glenn if he thinks things in this world are bad now, he hasn’t seen anything yet.  My book will speak for itself!  Thank you for your time.

Frank DiMora


2nd attempt: Dear Shawn,  (Shawn is one of the people who I think sets up speakers for Glenn) I was trying to get in touch with Glenn Beck and ask him if he has been reading my prophecy web site which has my prophecy book on it. I have been getting e-mails and phone calls from people asking me if Glenn is taking news I am writing about during the day and putting it on his show at night. All these people have requested me to call his show and see if he would consider having me on as a guest.  Since Monday of this week everything I have written about each day has been reported on Glenn’s show at night. If you are the person to contact Glenn I would ask you bring this matter to his attention.  I do not take or want any money for my speaking engagements. All I request is a room while there and get me to the show and back home again. This week Glenn has been covering the end times on his show, if he wants to know for sure if these are in fact the last days have him download my book for free at my site. www.dimoraministry.com. I also suggest you have Glenn read my posts starting on Monday so he can see what it was that I was warning people about, then he will know I just didn’t make this up. I have dates to every post I put up. Thank you for your time.

Frank DiMora

Shawn’s: e-mail is: info@premierespeakers.com 615-261-4000

Please come back to this site in a few hours I am writing what signs are important in prophecy for April 25, 2008.

April 24, 2008 News and Bible prophecy-Signs you must watch for.


Thank you for coming to my prophecy site.  There are many sites the talk about prophecy but they don’t give you enough details to connect current events with the actual word of God.  Sure they give you news but what good is the news without making the connection to what the Bible foretold.  I would like your input.  Please e-mail and let me know if I am putting to much material up at one time.  I want to make sure you are well informed but I don’t want to overload you.  If you are new to my site I want to tell you the method I use here. First you will read the Bible scriptures, which talk about the certain prophecy.  Second, I will discuss the current news and show you how the news and prophecy are connected. Third, at the bottom of my post you will find all the headlines to the news and their links.  It is very important that you check out for yourselves this information.  Some links are links to videos and some take you directly to the report.  At the very end of my post you will see a link that says (free download).  When you click this link you will receive a free copy of my newest up-to-date prophecy book called, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth”.  This is my gift to you with no strings attached.  If you ever desire a hard copy of my book, all I ask is just pay for cost of printing and postage and I will mail you a book.  I make no money off my book!  My new book is 200 pages long and, it is 8 1/2 by 11”.  The book cost me close to $11.00 a copy, and I send these books out by media mail to keep your cost down.  I love Christ with all my heart and I tell you the truth, why spend the money on a hard copy when I can get it to you for free?  I will assure you, if you read this text you will be blown away.  I have been told many times from the people who have already read my book that they have never seen so much proof and documents in one book, that prove we have entered the last days.   Now down to business.

“BUT of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6) “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: On that day thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme. You will say, ‘I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people—all of them living without walls and without gates and bars’” (Ezekiel 38:10-11).  What you just read was a warning that in the end times when Israel was calling for peace and safety they would be attacked.  Ezekiel tells us they will be attacked when Israel is a peaceful and unsuspecting people.  We see a picture of Israel living in some kind of false peace, because the attack comes when they think they have peace.  We know from Daniel Chapter 9:27 that there will be an agreement signed in the end times which will give the impression to Israel that they finally have some peace.  This agreement will be for a period of 7 years.  However, God told Ezekiel that in the middle of the 7 years the covenant that was confirmed would be broken.  Go back and read my past posts, you will read I have been warning you to watch the news because, you would begin to see more talk about this peace agreement.   That is actually what is happening!  Not only is that happening but, now they are talking about an agreement with timetables.  Yesterday’s post I showed you that the Hamas leaders talked about a 10-year timetable for peace.  Today’s news now says there needs to be a fixed timetable.  What we may be witnessing is the drawing up of the covenant mentioned in Daniel chapter 9.  If in the near future you see in the news that Israel and the PLO have agreed on a 7-year time frame, or timetable, take my advice, except Jesus Christ and repent of your sins as fast as you can!!  I cannot stress the importance of this.  Once this 7-year agreement is signed, the people of plant Earth will be visited by Satan incarnate in the man who will be called the Antichrist, or beast.  Anyone who has not received Jesus before this agreement is signed is playing Russian roulette with their eternal life.  Here is a short section from the report dealing with this issue. “Jordan’s King Abdullah II told U.S. President George W. Bush on Wednesday that stalled negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis should be based on clear grounds and fixed timetables as the United States pushes for reaching a Mideast peace agreement by next January”.

“Abdullah to Bush: Israel-PA talks must be based on fixed timetable” April 23, 2008


“Hamas offers Gaza truce with Israel” April 24, 2008


Luke 21:10, Matthew 24:6-8 and Revelation 6: 8 all give a picture of wars coming, hunger, and famines. Rev. 6:8 says, “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that followed with him. And Power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.  Matthew 24:6-8 says, “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.”  Jesus also warned the end would come in the way a women has birth pains.  This generation is seeing those prophecy birth pains intensify.  Right now 37 nations are in deep trouble in a food famine.  This time it isn’t just the droughts that are the cause but lack of food for other reasons, such as farmers planting corn for gas instead of corn to eat.

The shortages in wheat and corn and especially rice have how hit American stores.  Here is a section from a report telling us how this issue has hit Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club. “NEW YORK, April 23 (Reuters) – Wal-Mart Stores Inc’s Sam’s Club warehouse division said on Wednesday it is limiting sales of Jasmine, Basmati and long grain white rice "due to recent supply and demand trends." “Sam’s Club, the No. 2 U.S. warehouse club operator, is limiting sales of rice to four bags per customer per visit, and is working with suppliers to ensure the products remain in stock.”  News from breitbart.com reported that, “Top retailer Wal-Mart’s Sam’s Club unit said Wednesday it is limiting the amount of rice individual shoppers could buy at one time, as rice prices hit new records around the world”.  Look what the New York Sun reported. “Many parts of America, long considered the breadbasket of the world, are now confronting a once unthinkable phenomenon: food rationing”.  This is a serious problem and if it has now affected the U.S. you know that the 3rd world nations are in desperate need.  People riot and wars break out when people start to starve.  This is the picture Jesus paints in his Word and He said these things are the beginnings of sorrows!  Below are 11 links that deal with this very issue.  Jesus’ Words are all coming to pass.  Notice what Christ said, “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors”.  Why do you think we are seeing all these things in the news today?  Jesus is at the door!!!!!!  A very important fact is known in verse 34. “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled”Matthew 24:33). Do you know what this means? The generation who sees all these things will be alive to see Jesus return.  When you read my book you will read proof that everything, everyone of the prophecies Jesus warned us about is taking place now.  This has never happened to one generation before.  We are it!!

“Sam’s Club, Costco Limit Rice Purchases” April 23, 2008


“Wal-Mart unit limits rice purchases” April 23, 2008


“Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World” April 21, 2008


“Americans hoard food as industry seeks regs”  April 23, 2008


“Japan’s hunger becomes a dire warning for other nations” April 21, 2008


“Rice rationing hits nation’s largest warehouse stores”


India’s Growing Economy Doesn’t Help Poor


Please give these videos about 30 seconds to load, it will come up.

Global Food Crisis Rising

Global Crisis: Haiti Is Ground Zero

Global Food Crisis

Food Prices Spur Violence, Hunger Fears

Daniel the prophet showed us the last generation would see the Old Roman Empire come back to life.  It is too hard to explain in this short post. Please read chapter 2 of my book.  All I can tell you here is this.  We were to expect a change in World Superpowers in the end times.  The Superpower who will be in place and reigning as the number one power will be this reborn Roman Empire.  When you read chap. 2 you will see the European Union is that fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy.  I have been keeping you posted as to things that are going to help speed up this change in Superpowers.  The U.S. is losing ground as the number one Superpower and the war, and economy are all pieces to the puzzle that are helping bring about the shift in powers.  Today we got more bad news for the economy.  See link below.

“New home sales plunge to lowest level in 16 1/2 years” April 24, 2008


Daniel also told us in Daniel 12:4 that the generation who would see Jesus return would be known as the generation of increased knowledge.  Below is just one example of that knowledge.  Please read chapter 3 for all the details to this prophecy.

“US army develops robotic suits” April 16, 2008



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Signs of Spiritual warfare April 23, 2008


Signs of Spiritual warfare. There are hundreds of battle going on in America where we see what Paul warned us about.  Paul told us we in would be engaged in spirtual warfare.  The closer we get to the return of Christ the worse these battles are becoming.  Here is just one example of these battles. The report was issued by the AP with the title, “Judge orders La. school district to stop Bible giveaways”. A short section of that report stated, "“A federal judge ordered a public school system to stop allowing in-school Bible giveaways, saying the practice violates the First Amendment separation of church and state.”  The devil is stepping up his campaign to step out the Word of God and America it appears America is on the top of his list.  Please don’t forget the words of Paul in


Eph 6:12 , “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  Recently I spoke to a Christian brother who told me he met two Christians who were witnessing in Los Vegas.  They were from overseas.  He asked what they were doing here in America?  They had come here because they were lead to witness to American’s because America was turning from God. Below is a link that reports on another place where there is a Bible crackdown.  This type of news is daily! Please be ready to meet the Lord.  If He come tonght, next week, next month, or next year, all I pray for is when He does come you will be ready.http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=61983

As I said in my post yesterday you will begin to hear more about a time frame for the Middle East peace talks.  In today’s news it was reported that the parties involved in the peace process are now moving on that the timetable for this agreement.  Jesus warned about the 7-year agreement in the last days.  Never before has their been talk about setting up a end game and timetable for it.  This is what the report had to say, “Also in Washington on Wednesday, Jordan’s King Abdullah II told Bush that stalled negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis should be based on "clear grounds and fixed timetables."  There has been talk that the Hamas wanted a 10 year peace truce, and I know whatever agreement Jesus was referring to will end up being a 7-year agreement.  Keep coming here and I will do my best to keep you all informed.


April 23, 2008 Huge sign of the last days!

Copy_1_of_img_0068 Click to photo then read today’s post.


The scriptures below inform us that in the end times the Jews would once again start to sacrifice sheep in their new Temple.  Knowing this information Christian’s should be looking for signs of this taking place.  If we are really in the end times we should begin to see this sign beginning to take form!  Read the prophecies about this Temple that will be built soon.  “For the Lord has chosen Zion, he has desired it for his dwelling: ‘This is my resting place for ever and ever; here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it’” (Psalm 132:13-14). “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate" (Daniel 9:27). "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:")  (Matthew chapter 24:15). Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God" (2ndThessalonians 2:4).  This month the Jerusalem Court ruled that Jewish Temple movement could slaughter a sheep on Sunday as a “general rehearsal” for the renewal of the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice.”  This will be a huge sign in prophecy!  The Jews haven’t done this since the last Temple was destroyed.  That means we are one step closer in prophecy, and in the near future you will see that the Jewish people will rebuild their Holy Temple.  You should watch for this news.  I cover this topic in detail in the 11th chapter of my book, which you can download here for free.  Since Israel was given the right to sacrifice, that can mean only one thing, the Antichrist is standing in the wings waiting to confirm a covenant with many nations and Israel. This will be a agreement which will suppose to last for 7 years, but Jesus told us this agreement would be broken in the middle of the 7 years.  Watch the news because I believe you are going to here news about the Middle East nations signing a covenant.  It was just reported that the “Hamas’ political leader Khaled Meshal on Monday said Hamas would accept a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip along Israel’s pre-1967 borders, and would grant Israel a 10-year hudna, or truce, as an implicit proof of recognition if Israel withdraws from those areas” (HAARETZ.com April 21, 2008). I am telling you now that the peace deal that will be signed soon will not be a 10-year deal but a 7-year deal, and it will be just as Jesus stated it would be.  So, watch the news in the near future, you will see in the end, any deal that is signed will end up being a 7-year deal..  While Israel is moving toward fulfilling prophecies so is the European Union (EU).  The more prophecy that is fulfilled in Israel, the more you will see the EU will become stronger.  That means the U.S. will begin to decline even faster to make way for what Jesus warned us about concerning who the last world empire would be.  All these things that are going on in America are signs that are going to pave the way for the EU to become the last World Empire.  It is the fulfillment of the prophecy that the old Roman Empire will be reborn. For facts that prove the EU is the revived Roman Empire turn to chapter 2 in my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth”.  Below I have given you just a touch of the news that is helping bring America down.  I assure you America is in for some hard times.  Save as much as you can and buy the things you will need for the future.  Prices of everything are going to climb.  Jesus has warned us all and has written down what we are to keep on the watch for, If you love your family, I mean really love them, you will begin to follow Christ and abide in Him.  Do His will and KEEP ON THE WATCH!

“Jerusalem Court Rules for Jewish Temple Movement” April 2008


“Meshal offers 10-year truce for Palestinian state”


“Iraq War Incurs Hefty Price Tag”


“World Food Program warns of ‘silent tsunami’ of hunger” April 22, 2008)


“The skyrocketing cost of food staples, stoked by rising fuel prices, unpredictable weather and demand from India and China, has already sparked sometimes violent protests across the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. The price of rice has more than doubled in the last five weeks, she said. The World Bank estimates food prices have risen by 83 percent in three years.”

“California foreclosure “surge”. Up 327% from ‘07 levels”

“The number of California homes lost to foreclosure in the first quarter surged 327% from year-ago levels — reaching an average of more than 500 foreclosures per day.”


“Job cuts on the rise”  Jan.


“63,000 U.S. jobs cut for month of February, 2nd straight month of cuts”


“U.S. employers cut 80,000 jobs in March”


“U.S. March Job Cuts Rose 9.4% From Year Ago”



“U.S. Trade Deficit Grows Unexpectedly”


Wheat prices hit record high


“Price of oil falls from record high near $120”


“Food Costs Rising Fastest in 17 Years” (for 2008)


“As Jobs Vanish and Prices Rise, Food Stamp Use Nears Record”


U.S. near recession amid global slump – IMF


“IMF says U.S. recession will slow global growth”


Antichrist will subdue 3 April 21, 2008


"And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws:" (Daniel 7:24-25). In chapter 2 of my book I cover this prophecy in detail.  If you are to interested by now to check out what was written by God, then take this short version to heart.  God said in the end times the Antichrist will rise out of the new Roman Empire.  One of the first things he will do is subdue 3 kings.  In our world today these would be considered heads of states for nations, or presidents, or Prime Ministers.  If these are the end times can we see a group of 3 the Antichrist may go after who are hooked up with the EU or European Union?  Of course! The report below will give you one such group of 3 we are keeping on the watch for.  Fact is, we are very close to the beginning of the 7-year tribulation Jesus talked about, and that is why you can see all these specific things outlined in prophecy.

“Secret deal between EU-3 blocks Blair as EU president” April


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Please read this post and then Watch the Glenn Beck show tonight at 6PM Pacific time & again at 9 PM. Program is on CNN at 9PM (April 21, 2008)


What are current events today telling us about Bible prophecy?  Read my past post on the warning about watching the nation of Libya.  Why is this import?  The Word of God tells us Libya will attack Israel in the last days with a host of other nations.  “Libya:  Libya is known as Put in the Old Testament.  In Genesis chapter 10:6 we learn that Put was the third son of Ham.  We are also taught from Josephus an ancient historian that the descendants of Put migrated to the land west of Egypt, these people became what we call the North African Arab nations, which today consists of Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria.  When the attack takes place Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria will be included in this attack since they are all made up the descendants of Ham and Put”.  In the last week Libya has been popping up in the news again and any person knowing the Word of God should have their eyes open to this nation and the others listed in prophecy.  It was just announced that the Leader of Russia, another nation on that list to attack Israel, has just signed a huge arms deal with Libya.   Let me tell you the future of this deal.  God’s Word told us a massive attack would come against Israel in the end times, at a time Israel is calling for peace and safety.  Libya is buying billions worth in arms to prepare themselves for this coming attack.  When you do a study in prophecy you will discover that so far the Word of God has been100% correct in fulfilling prophecy.  There are only a handful of prophecies left for this generation before Jesus returns, and I guarantee these remaining prophecies will take place just as God warned us they would.  It’s okay if you don’t believe what I am telling you.  Why? Because soon you will see this attack as it is being reported on the news and, then hopefully you will come to except God’s warnings and believe in Him.  Click to news report below.

“Putin in Libya to close $2.5b arms deal” April 16, 2008


Bible history reveals Ethiopia of was located to the south of Egypt, and was comprised of Ethiopia and Sudan at the time. Why is this important?   Ethiopia is another nation on that list to attack Israel with Russia, Libya and other nations.   Any person knowing the Word of God should be paying attention for the signs of the last days, they will know to keep their eyes on all these nations listed to attack Israel.  Currently Ethiopia is a war with Somalia. “The death-toll from battles between Islamist-led insurgents and allied Ethiopian-Somali troops rose to 85 on Monday, leaving corpses on the streets and deepening the Horn of Africa nation’s humanitarian crisis.”  Let me tell you the final outcome of things currently taking place in this region.  Notice the Islamic-lead insurgents are fighting with Ethiopia.  Soon Ethiopia and these Islamic partners will be contacted by the other nations listed to attack Israel.  They will agree to all invade Israel all at the same time. Russia will be at the head of this invasion.  I hope you understand by now this is why Russia is currently in the Middle East giving all these arms deals to the nations listed in that coming attack against Israel. Russia just a few days ago wiped out Libya’s debt, which was in the billions, do you think Russia isn’t looking for something in return?  It is like the God Father, I give you something, and you will be required to do something for me when I ask you later!  All this will be played out in the near future when Russia tells Libya it is time to attack Israel.  This current news about the war on Somalia isn’t just a sign of the future attack on Israel, it is fulfilling the Words of Christ when He said you would see wars and rumors of wars. Click to news report below.

“Death-toll in Somalia battles rises to 85” April 21, 2008


The are signs all over the Middle East that soon Israel will be engaged in another conflict with Syria.  Yesterday the Prime Ministry of Israel said he doesn’t think Syria will hit them with a nuke, and he is right!  You see, God told us in Isaiah 17:1 that Syria’s city of Damascus will be destroyed.  If Syria and Israel some how make peace, it won’t be long after that fake peace that a new conflict between these two nations will break out.  The end result will be a fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1.  You must remember the Islamic leaders will never give in to any peace with Israel, and any agreement made will not last.  I know this may sound terrible to you but, God already has shown us the future, we already know the outcome.  If you don’t like this news and have a problem with it, you have a problem with God.  I’m only telling you what is written!   Also of importance in this same report is some news about Silvio Berlusconi.  Silvio Berlusconi, who had just been elected Italy’s prime minister once again. Berlusconi proclaimed his love for Israel and promised it would be the first country he would visit, as a guest at the State’s 60th anniversary celebrations.  You don’t see many world leaders come out and say they love Israel these days.  If you go to my April 11, 2008 post you will understand why this statement becomes so important.  This post deals with the signs of the Antichrist. Click to report below on Syria, Israel and Berlusconi.

“Olmert: Israel not under Syrian nuclear threat” April 20, 2008-


“Carter: Hamas is willing to accept Israel as its neighbor”


Currently there is still a lot of tension in Israel.  After reading the news about what is taking place you would conclude Israel will be going to war again very soon.  We are not sure when this will happen.  Some Middle East leaders think it is soon, and they are preparing for it.  All I know is this, every time a rocket hits in Israel I wonder if this was the attack that will spark the next conflict?  This weekend another round of attacks took place against Israel.  The birth pains of the end times are getting stronger and I do believe war is coming soon.  What are we to do about it?  Jesus wants those who really love Him to KEEP ON THE WATCH, just as He said to do!  Are you one of those people are doing the will of the Father? Link below:

“Lack of Intelligence Enables First Armored Terror Attack on Regular Army” April 21 2008


When will the attack take place? Here is another sign of the end. “BUT of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape  (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6). This attack against Israel will come when they are talking peace and safety.  Just so happens, as all the rest of the prophecies are being fulfilled so is this one.  Right now in the Middle East they are doing exactly what was written in 1 Thessalonians, they are call for this peace. Click to report below:

“Middle East Efforts by Rice, Carter Spark More Violence”


Will there be peace in the Middle East.  Yes, but it will be a false peace.  Leaders from Hamas like Khaled Mash’al will never give up the fight to destroy Israel.  I would look for them to agree on some form of peace, but it will only be a tactic to move in closer to Israel so they can destroy her. What I present next is an “excerpts from an address given by Hamas leader Khaled Mash’al at the Al-Murabit Mosque in Damascus. The address was delivered following the Friday sermon at the mosque and was aired on Al-Jazeera TV on February 3, 2006” (Memrity.org). Click on the link below and you will read the final goal of Hamas.  You will see there is no peace, only the goal to wipe out Israel, the European Union and America.   There is one problem with their plans, God warned when Israel’s enemies came to wipe them out, He would destroy 5/6 of all the armies who come down on Israel, read Ezekiel 39:2,  “And I will turn thee back and leave but the sixth part of thee”.  These men do not know what they are in store for!  The while not be fighting Israel in this next war, they will be fighting God.  All I can say to this is this,  just watch the news, this war is coming.  Watch the Gleen Beck show on CNN all this week. Mr. Beck will have a guest on his show all week talking about everything I have been warning you.  Gleen’s show airs 6PM  Pacific time and again at 9PM. 


What other signs did Jesus tell us to watch for? Read what He said in Matthew’s book. "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diver places."  All these are the beginning of sorrows" (Matthew 24:6-7). Since 1977 I have been warning people about every issue you have read about.  Last month I warned unrest is coming do to lack of food, and higher prices of food and items such as gas, oil, rice and wheat.  Today the news is full of warnings from my governments telling us social unrest is going to spread because of the very reason I warned you all about.  All these signs are the beginning of the birth pain Jesus told us about.  Read the book of Revelation and you will see just how bad our future looks, then you will know where these present birth pains are going to lead.  Of course if you don’t know Jesus this is all bad news and you should worry, but if you are in the will of the Father you will have His peace and you will be ready to go home with the Lord when He calls us.  By the look of things it may not be that far off. If you click to the links below you will read in the news what Jesus was talking about.

“IMF head warns that food shortages can topple governments, even spark war” April 18


“Guyana gives away seeds amid food crisis” April 17, 2008



“UN chief warns world must urgently increase food production” April 20, 2008


More signs in the news as they relate to Bible prophecy.  First the Word of God and the warnings. “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power” (2 Timothy 3:1-5). "Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a "DEPRAVED MIND" to do what ought not be done" (Romans 8:28). “Because iniquity (lawlessness) shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matt. 24:12).  Here are only a few of the reports showing the fulfillment of these signs. If you live outside the U.S just take a look at where you live.  You will see that this type of news is being reported just about everywhere. Even people who call themselves Christian’s have waxed cold. Click to reports below.

“Police break up unholy brawl in revered Jerusalem church” April 20, 2008


“Burglaries Have Surged 21 Percent” April 20, 2008


“Bloody Weekend: 32 Shot, 2 Stabbed, 6 Dead” April 20, 2008



Please go back and read my posts. You will see why I warned a shift in superpowers must take place. America is falling and European Union rising, just as it must be.  The news you see below is signs of what will help to bring about this shift in power. Read my March 12th post, or read chapter 2 from my book, which you can download here for free to understand fully why America will decline.  Click to links below:

“Amid strong farm economy, some dire signs” April 20, 2008


“Wall St. braces for thousands of pink slips” April 18, 2008


“Oil prices spike to record above $117” April 21, 2008


“Bank of England facilitates bank debt swap” April 21, 2008


Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World April 21, 2008


"Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased: (Daniel 12:4)  This one prophecy tells us exactly who the generation would be that would see Jesus Christ return.  We are that generation and are known as the generation of knowledge. Read chapter 3 for in-depth-details. The report below gives you a preview of what you will be reading in that chapter.  Point is this, this prophecy has been fulfilled now, we are the people who will soon see Christ. Click to link.

“Surgeons give hope to blind with successful ‘bionic eye’ operations” April 21, 2008 


I pray to God that my writings will help you see what is really happening in this generation. We are witnessing every Word come true concerning all these prophecies. My question to you is this, can you see it?  Read what Jesus said in Matthew.16: 3 “ And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? Get ready to meet the Lord!

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If you would like the Author to speak at your church you may contact me at the e-mail address given at this site.



For years I have been warning people to get right with God and to walk in the way Jesus wants you to walk. I have shared my concerns with many people over the course of many years, that what we see in so called Christians is a far cry from what we see how the members of the early church walked in Christ.  People’s mouths are saying they are a Christian but their actions are the exact opposite from what Jesus wants from them, and the fruit of their life is dead.  So this brings us to the question, are you a real Christian or are you going to be one of those people who the Lord says get away from me I do not know you?  Today I was sent a video that has a person explaining this issue far better then I, but what he talks about is what has been in my heart for years. I wanted to post his message because theree is no doubt that these are the last days and many of you are not right with God.  I have examined my oen life as well, so I am not telling you to do something I haven’t done myself.  Many of you who are Christians are not right with God and may not even know this to be true. So, take this test, let the Holy Spirit speak to you through this man’s message and see what path you really are on. I think it wise to examine yourselves to make sure the path we are walking will lead us to heaven and not yell.  I don’t care If you are a Christian, you need to see this.  I have no other message today, because this one is the most important message we all need to hear. Thank you for you time. Have a safe week end.


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