My God I can’t even keep up with it! You deside, are my warnings coming true? Read the facts and get the truth. April 4, 2008


Over the last week or so I laid out for you a series of signs you should watch for.  These are all signs the Lord has laid on my heart to watch for next.  I told you these things are going to take place and you should know about them even before you hear them in the news.  You can go back to my previous posts to refresh your minds if you like, just go to the left side of the page and scroll down to categories and click on to the different months. You will see there everything I already written.  I told you the U.S. is going to take a hard hit in our economy and that we are headed for some very trying times. I told you to expect things to get worse, much worse. If you want to find out why this is going to taken place read chapter 2 from my book which you can download at this site for free.  In any case, todays news shows America’s decline has already begun. The U.S. lost 80,000 jobs in the month of March alone, this was the biggest decline in five years.  CNN pointed out that "152,000 jobs were lost in January and February, compared with previous estimate of 85,000."  Another disturbing sign was that the unemployment rate which was at 4.8 jumped to 5.1. This is the highest rate since 2005. Factory are letting people go in record numbers, construction employment dropped 51,000, this by the way is the 9th consecutive month of job losses.  On March 20th post I told you the dollar would again drop and food prices were going to begin to climb to levels we have not seen.  A few days after I told you what to expect we saw the dollar drop several times in a week, will todays news again reported the U.S. Dollar dips again, this time not only against the euro like I said it would, but against the yen as well. CNN just reported that the "15-nation euro bought $1.5719 in early trading, up from $1.5679 in New York late Thursday."  In that same article from CNN they stated unemployment benefits rose by 38,000 last week to 407,000-the highest level since September 2005".  Don’t be fooled by political leaders who tell you don’t be concerned, we have it under control.  The truth is they don’t.  The reason why the U.S. is starting to decline as a world power is to make way for the European Union, and to replace her as the number 1 power in the world.  This will happen due to the fact that God told us in Daniel and Revelation that when the Roman Empire returns this Empire will be the last world power in place, it would be through this new Roman Empire that the Antichrist will arise and it will be at the height of this Empire that you will witness Jesus Christ’s second coming.  In order for that to occur America must fall.  On March 25, I gave you a report that shows America is no ranked the 22nd most stable and prosperous nation.  We have already fallen 21 slots in just a few short years.  Look at who has taken the lead!  It is just as Jesus warned, they are the nations in the European Union or (new Roman Empire).  In the coming months this is what to expect in the news. More jobs will be lost, gas prices will increase, prices of food will again rise, businesses especially the housing industry is going to take a major hit, and you will begin to see more upheaval in the third world nations as it is going to get much harder to feed the people. In my previous posts I told you wheat, gold, silver and a host of other items would climb including food. I already warned you all of these things a month ago but it is getting worse.  Today the Washingtonpost reports that, "A spike in the price of rice and other food staples is triggering consumer panic, including food riots in Yemen and Morocco, and hoarding in Hong Kong.  Everything I have told you is now taking place.  Two months ago while shopping the Holy Spirit told me to buy as much rice as I could. I told people close to me if I were you I would do the same.  I went out and bought as much as I could carry in my car.  I dropped it off to a safe place and told my wife about it later. When my wife found out what I had done she figured I had lost it, but in the last few days my wife now understands why the Lord told me to buy rice.  When I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit I move on it because I know what is coming.  Why is the price of corn, wheat, and rice on the rise?  Greed for one, and signs of the last days in the form of droughts and disease which Jesus warned us about is another reason.  In the case of rice the price rice has nearly double since January hitting $760 per metric ton.  Already analysts are expecting even higher prices which may reach up to $1,000 per metric ton  within 3 months.  Yesterday the AP reported corn has hit an all time high reaching $6 dollars a Bushel. Will the price of corn go up in the future?  Yes it will.  Why?  Because for one, it was stated by "The U.S. Department of Agriculture projected that farmers will plant 86 million acres of corn in 2008, an 8 percent drop from last year." This can only mean one thing, the less you have the more it will cost to get it.  Recently the Midwest states have been battling some of the worse floods this nation has ever seen.  The states who just happen to be the one who produce many of our crops are still cleaning up from the deluge.  The AP made it a point to tell us the following: "Moreover, cold, wet weather in parts of the U.S. corn belt may force farmers to delay spring planting, potentially sending prices even higher." Read Matthew chapter 24 and you will see the signs of the times include drought, floods, and the nations perplexed by the roaring seas.  Little by little we are losing crops to weird weather.  Just watch the news, you will see more of what I am speaking about.  Do your own Google search and see how many millions of dollars in crop losses have already been lost due to these storms. Is America the only one that will take the hit?  According to Christ these birth pains (signs of Christ’s coming) will spread to all nations, and we can see the ripple effect taking shape right now.  Today the BBC reports that, "Food prices drive India inflation." Inflation in India has hit a three-year high as a result of spiraling food and energy cost, official figures show."  Do you want the truth?  A new report just released out of Washington had this headline, "Silent famine sweeps globe Rice, fertilizer shortages, food cost, higher energy prices equal world crisis"  A short section from that report stated, "Global food prices, based on United nations records, rose 35 percent in the last year, escalating a trend that began in 2002. Since then, prices have risen 65 percent."  Jesus showed us in the book of Revelation that the price of food would be almost unreachable by most of the world.  We see a picture of millions going with out food, and we are on the road to fulfill every word spoken by my Lord and Savior. The Financil Times on April 4 said that, "Rice prices rose more than 10 per cent on Friday to a fresh all-time high as African countries joined south-east Asian importers in the race to head off social unrest by securing supplies from the handful of exporters still selling the grain in the international market."  In these nations alone which rice is their main food staple 3 billion people will be effected.  Click to the links below and read all the details yourself, I can’t give you every detail here.  A week or so ago I told you watch the news and you would hear nations would begin to have conflicts over the high prices and lack of food.  In the report out of Wash
ington they list about 15 nations in very serious trouble right now including India who we are told that "Millions of people in India face starvation after a plague of rats overruns a region, as they do cyclically every 50 years."  Keep in mind I have been telling people since 1977 these things were coming, and Jesus told us to look for these things.  A few weeks ago I wrote a post telling you to start to watch for more news concerning plagues.  One fear the World Health Organization has had is that the (Bird Flu) which up to this point has been confined to people who have handled birds getting the disease.  Now the worse news possible, The BBC today said, "The first case of human-to-human transmission of avian flu in Pakistan has been confirmed." Of course we are told by the Wold Health Organization that this "outbreak did not extend into the community, and appropriate steps were taken to reduce future risks of human infections.".  Don’t be surprised when you start to hear of more cases of bird flu being passed on from human to human, as a matter of fact since Jesus warned plagues would come, we should expect them.  I am telling you this so you may be encourage to watch the news, then when you see these things take place you will give attention to what Christ has warned. You have a way out you know!  Jesus promised, anyone who receives Him as Savior will be removed from this earth and protected in heaven while all these things are taking place on earth during the 7 year tribulation.  We are at the doors of this tribulation beginning, but first a few major prophecies must be fulfilled, one of which will be the destruction of Syria and the city of Damascus as recorded in Isaiah 17:1.  Current events show us this war against Syria and Israel is going to be fulfilled soon, as a matter of fact current events point to this. Today in "The Washington Times Editorial this was reported in speaking about Israel and Syria. "Recent events serve as a reminder of how menacing behavior from Iran and Syria keeps the Middle East on a hair trigger.  On Tuesday, Israel learned that Hezbollah was rapidly rebuilding its military capabilities and preparing for renewed conflict with Israel.The next morning, a London-based Arab newspaper reported that Syria was concentrating troops and tanks along its border with Lebanon and had massed troops in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley in preparation for an Israeli attack."  I can’t stress enough to keep on the watch!  You will see Israel and Syria in a major conflict and in the end Damascus will be wiped out just as the prophecy states!  It is alright if you don’t believe me, soon you won’t have to trust me, you will see it live on the news as it is taking place.  It is not a matter of if it will happen, only when it will happen.  Soon after that battle.  Iran, Russia and their allies will go after Israel to destroy her, this is the prophecy I have already warned you about in an earlier post. Yesterday news came out from Jerusalem telling us "Diplomats say Iran has assembled hundreds of advanced machines in an attempt to speed up a process in its nuclear program that can produce both fuel for power plants and the fissile core of nuclear warheads."  "Why do I mention this?  Israel has already warned they would destroy Iran’s nuclear plant before it is finished. When this happens it could spark the Ezekiel prophecy to be fulfilled.  Is Israel gearing up for a new war in the Middle East against Syria and Iran?  Are they getting themselves ready for this war?  Yes they are.  The World Tribune on April 1, reported that "Israel plans to conduct its largest exercise ever to set contingencies for massive missile attacks by Iran and Syria.  In two day Israel will begin this massive exercise to get their people ready for what they know is coming soon.  In one of my recent posts I tell you what may happen in the Middle East as far as the U.S. pulling out of Iraq. I said that if a Democratic is elected and they pull the troops out of Iraq look for Iran to enter Iraq and shortly after that turn to the next target which will be Israel. Yesterday the Jerusalem Post cited what the 2nd in command for Al-Qaida stated concerning what would happen when America pulls out.  I quote, "I expect the Jihadi influence to spread after the American’s exit from Iraq, and to move towards Jerusalem."  It sounds like the 2nd in command, Ayman al-Zawahri, read my post. In a recent post I warned to keep a close eye on what Libyan leader Qadhafi does. I said you will see him get more active against the U.S. and Israel.  Why?  God showed us Libya will join Iran and Russia and others to try and destroy Israel.  Well in todays news Qadhafi just gave a speech at a student festival in Syria.  The main focus of this speech was to have the Arab nations unite to protect themselves from nations like the U.S. who pick on nations who are not part of any group of nations.  The hand writing is on the wall and I pray my messages are being taken to heart.  If you are not passing what I say to your loved ones, ask yourself why?  What harm would it do you.  The only thing that could happen is I would look like a fool if what I say doesn’t take place, your home free.  But if they read this material and these warnings and they come to believe in the Word of God, then you will have played a very important part in their Salvation and you will have blocked the path to the gates of hell.  I am passing on what is already written in the Bible.  Every warning I give has come from the Bible, it is the Word of God and it is Truth.  I welcome any comment you may have.
May my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ guide you to the light, may the Holy Spirit give you strength to endure  these trying times, may you rest in His peace, and know in your hearts God is the way.  I welcome comments you may have.

“Economy sheds 80,000 jobs in March”

“Jobs Slashed, Pointing to Recession”

“Dollar dips against euro, yen”  April 4, 2008

“Iran assembles more advanced centrifuges”

Girding for war with Israel?

“Israel readies largest exercise ever to prepare for Iran-Syria missile war”

“Al-Qaida No. 2: We’ll target world Jews”

“Fatal bird flu cases in Pakistan”

“Food prices drive India inflation”

“Rising Grain Prices Panic Developing World”

“Silent’ famine sweeps globe” “Rice, fertilizer shortages, food costs, higher energy prices equal world crisis”

Rice jumps as Africa joins race for supplies,Authorised=false.html?

America rank number 22 in the world now.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are witnessing at your door and they don’t even believe what they are trying to teach you!


Ask any Jehovah witness if they believe Jesus was a true God? They will tell you yes. Then ask them did Jesus ever sin? Their answer will be no he never sinned. Then ask if Jesus was a true prophet? Once again they will say yes. Ask them if Jesus ever prophesied anything that did not come to pass? Again their answer will be no. They will be quick to tell you everything Jesus prophesied came to pass or he was a false prophet and false God. Now ask them did Jesus ever mislead anyone in anyway? They will again say no. Now ask them to read John chapter 2:19-23. These verses say, "Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? But he spake of the temple of his body. When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said." Now ask the Jehovah witness this question. Did Jesus do exactly what he said he would do? They will say do what? You say, raise himself from the dead just as it says in the bible. They will tell you Jesus did not raise himself from the dead, but that the Father raised him. As I said, they only say they believe in Jesus but they really do not stand by His own words. By not believing in the very words spoken by Jesus himself, they make Jesus into the following: If he didn’t raise his body as he stated he would, then he becomes a liar, sinner, false prophet, deceiver, and false God. Why is it even his own disciples remembered what Jesus said and believed it, yet the so-called witnesses will not? The answer is clear. The Jesus Christ they are following is not the same Jesus Christ found in the bible. Their leaders are misleading the witnesses and they cannot challenge them on this issue either! It is very simple, either Jesus did what He said, or he isn’t the True God. If you’re not blinded by Satan you will see the truth as it is written. Jesus raised himself, because as God in the flesh, He had that power to do so. Jesus even said he had the power to take His life back. This is what Jesus said, “No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again” (John 10:18). The Jehovah Witnesses can’t believe Jesus had the ability to give His life, and take it back. Just because we don’t understand how Jesus did it, doesn’t mean He couldn’t. This Watchtower Organization is only one of many who are misleading millions of people worldwide. If you are a true believer you must accept the Word Christ spoke, when He stated, “I will raise it up.” If you do not believe Jesus did exactly what he prophesied then, you are still in your sins and your faith is in vain.


The Watchtower organization says that Jesus did not rise from the dead in the same body he died in. You can find what they teach in the book titled, “You Can Live Forever on Paradise Earth”. On pages 143-44 of that text it stated, that He rose as a spirit creature and that the material body of Jesus was taken away by God the Father. Therefore, they deny the physical resurrection of Christ. This is the doctrine of the Watchtower Society. Now look at what Jesus told His disciples the day He appeared in the upper room after He rose from the dead. When His disciples saw Christ appear, the bible states, “ they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit”. Now read what Jesus’ response was, I quote the very words of our Lord. “Why are ye troubled? And why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have” (Luke 24:36-37). Jesus flat out tells them He is not a spirit! Christ said, “it is I myself”, proving that He was the exact same Jesus, who hung on the cross. He even told them to touch and handle Him so they would know for sure it was the same exact Jesus and eats fish with them to demonstrate he was flesh and bones, not a spirit creature, as the JW’s want you to believe. Now the fact is this, if Jesus did not rise in the exact same body as the one hung on the cross, then He lied when He told His followers “It is I myself”. He would have been lying when He said He wasn’t a spirit. Did Jesus lie? To a true Christian the answer is NO, Jesus was exactly the same man He was when He was hung on the cross. To a JW Jesus becomes a liar if they do not except the very words spoken by Christ. The question is, whom are you going to believe, Jesus own words, or false prophets? Remember the words of the Watchtower, “This would indicate that Jehovah’s Witnesses today make their declaration of the good news of the Kingdom under angelic direction and support…the nations will see the fulfillment of what these witnesses say as directed from heaven” (The Watchtower, April 1, 1972 p.200). Now listen to the warning made by Paul the Apostle concerning following another gospel and angels who deliver that gospel. “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel: which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!” (Galatians 1:6-9 NIV Study Bible). Paul saw the future and prophesied correctly, because angels did come and give another gospel to these Jehovah’s Witnesses. This gospel however would be come with a curse. What is that curse? Paul says of the person preaching this false gospel, “let him be eternally condemned! ”

More indepth information can be seen by going to the follwing Download: Please wai for about 30 seconds and it will download. If you see something that comes up and says not enough memory don’t pay attention to it, just click on to where the picture square is and the picture will appear for you.
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Oprah is fulfilling prophecy, but not in a good way. Will you be a product of not enduring sound doctrine as fore warned?


Who stated these quotes? In speaking about the Bible and what her pastor was teaching this person said, “That’s when the search for something more than doctrine”.  This person speaking of Jesus as the only way to heaven stated, “There couldn’t possible be just one way when there are millions of people in the world.” This person is said to have the largest church in the world, and she is fulfilling bible prophecy for the end times.  Who is this person?  It is Oprah.  This person is now leading millions of innocent people to the gates of hell.  Read what Jesus told Timothy to write in 1st Timothy.4: 1, “ Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. [In latter times some shall depart from the faith … giving heed to doctrines of devils … will not endure sound doctrine … shall turn away from the truth, and turned into fables.] “ For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires” (2nd Timothy 4:3.).  Oprah turned from the Truth for a feeling.  When you stand before Christ at the judgment seat I hope to God you don’t tell Him you followed Oprah’s advice. 

The Church of Oprah Exposed

Signs of Ezekiel 38 April 2, 2008


The future can be seen in signs today.  If you go to chapter 10 of my book there is a list of nations that God warned us would join together and attack Israel. This attack has not taken place yet. Three of the nations on that list are Libya, Sudan, and Iran.  If you have watched the nightly news anytime during the past 4 months you would know for sure Iran has already stated they want to wipe out Israel.  Libya, understand the direction of Muammar Gadaffi has been low key since President Regan bombed them. But just this month there are signs that Gadaffi is turning his anger once again toward the Middle East peace process and many of his Arab neighbors.  At the present time Gadaffi is getting ready to buy billions in weapons from France, and possibly Russia. The news links below will give you the full details as to what is happening.  Just a few days ago Gadaffi walked out of the Arab summit yelling that “the peace initiatives touted by some Arab leaders, saying the return of Palestinian land and refugees should be non-negotiable” BBC News May 2008. Gadaffi’s real hatred for Israel is beginning to surface again.  Knowing what is written in Ezekiel I can tell you this, the weapons Gadaffi is now buying will be used in the near future against Israel.  On April 1, 2008 it was also reported that a new deal between Sudan and Iran has been made.  Iran is now going to begin sending arms to Sudan.  One by one, every nation on the list that will soon attack Israel are coming together.  Those of you who know nothing about bible prophecy are blind to this, but it is all in God’s Word.  As I said before, just watch the news, soon all prophecy, including this attack on Israel will be played out!  I pray you are ready!

Exclusive: Israel orders bio/chemical warfare masks redistributed, Damascus raises war alarm

Gaddafi condemns Arab leaders

The French Connection: Libya Seeking Arms Deals

Iran Gains African Foothold up to Chad through Pacts with Sudan

Free Book-Prophecy and Current Events


Download prophecy book for free, "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth" by Frank DiMora  2008 edition.

Download final_complete_book_on_disc_2008.pdf


Img_3403_2Everyone is worried about what will happen to Israel. Yes we are reading in the news that the Iranian President keeps saying he is going to wipe out Israel. Every night we watch the nightly news warning us that Hamas, the PLO, and others Islamic groups are bringing in arms to attack and defeat Israel. News agencies are telling us that if the USA pulls out of Iraq Iran will move in and target Israel for destruction next. There is even a new book out called, Farewell Israel". Now let me give you the details as relates to the Word of God.  Is an attack coming soon against Israel?  Will it be the death of this tiny Jewish state?   God gives you the every detail of what the near future holds for any Islamic nation who makes an attempt to wipe out Israel.  In Ezekiel chapter 38-39 we are told to expect an all out assault on Israel. There is no guess work as to what nations will try to kill off Israel.  God shows us a number of Islamic nations will unite with Russia. One of Russia’s main allies will be Iran!   Let me now tell you what will happen. Yes a war on Israel is coming! Yes, Iran will be a major player in this attack on Israel.  Will Israel be wiped out?  No, God told us that the entire army who comes against Israel in the latter years only 1/6 will be left to live when this war is over.  Let me make this clear. At the end of the attack on Israel, the only nation standing strong is Israel.  These are not my words, but this is what God tells us is going to take place in 38 and 39 of Ezekiel.  There will be no Farewell to Israel!!!!!!!!!  Fact is, Jesus shows us in the Revelation that the one who sends Israel running is the Antichrist who rises out of the European Union during the tribulation period.  Jesus Christ told us, in the end times the Antichrist will arise and  will go into the last days Temple which will be built during the first part of the tribulation period.  This has not taken place yet because the tribulation period hasn’t begun yet.  How will Israel build this last days Temple if Iran, Russia, and all their Islamic allies destroy Israel.  It would be foolish to think the Islamic leaders are going to build a new Jewish Temple after they destroy the Jews.  There are only two ways I can see a new Jewish Temple being built.  Maybe when the peace agreement is signed part of the agreement will be that the Jews can rebuild their 3rd Temple next to the Dome of the Rock which is a Islamic holy site.  The 2nd way the Temple could be built is once the threat of Islam is removed.  This could be the result of the attack on Israel as seen by Ezekiel.  If God kills all but 1/6 of all the invading armies who attack Israel, Israel will be able to do as they will, and that includes building the last days Temple just as Jesus fore told us.  What better why to honor God, then to build the Temple.  Don’t worry Israel, you may be a tiny naiton but God is with you and soon the world will see just how He will protect you from an massive invasion.  Soon the Lord God will once again show the world a story of David and Golaith.  Israel will be David, and the envading armies soon to come against Israel will be Golaith.  God will be standing right behind Israel the same way He stood behind David.  In the final act the only one left standing will be Israel.   To read complete details of this coming attack against israel download my free book at this site and turn to chapter 10. Watch the links (videos) at the end of the chapter.

Ahmadinejad: Destroy Israel, End Crisis

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, if he ever became the supreme decision maker in his country, would "sacrifice half of Iran for the sake of eliminating Israel

Wipe Israel off map, says Iran’s President

Islamic puppet show, teaches kids about killing Israel and President.


America and coming depression- Timothy’s prophecy in the news, April 1, 2008

Img_3403_2USA headed for a Depression?  April 1, 2008 –Kids fulfilled the Apostle Timothy’s warning for the last days.

If you aren’t new to my site you know I have been encouraging you to get your financial affairs in order. Read my posts from Feb. and March if you are new.  I explain there must be a shift in world powers. America must fall away as a major superpower and the European Union will take the lead headed by the man who Jesus warned us about.  This man, (Anitchrist) will arise in a time of trouble and seem to have all the answers to the world’s problems. In my book I give several scenarios how this Antichrist may appear on the scene to take control of the World.  At the present time America is in a resseccion and it now appears we are headed for even harder times. Many news agencies are now warning that the USA may be heading into another depression.  If America goes down she will start the dominio affect and  cause major problems for most of the world.  Signs of the last Great Depression are already showing up. For example The Independent covering World news just released these facts, “Food stamps are the symbol of poverty in the US.  In the era of the credit crunch, a record 28 million Americans are now relying on them to survive-a sure sign the world’s richest country faces economic crisis”  April 1, 2008.  We are also told that feeding a low-income family of four has risen 6 per cent in 12 months.  Just about every news agency is now reporting prices of everything is going to continue during 2008.  Don’t believe me, watch the National news tonight on TV and see what they report.  Our country (USA) is struggling to stay afloat.  When you read the the message  Jesus gave John in the book of Revelation you see a picture of the world with food prices so high most of the world will go hungry.  Jesus even names off the items the world will cry over during the end times.  It just so happens that most of the items in that list (Rev. chapter 18:11-14) are now sky rocketing.  What’s ahead for us?  Click to the link below and you will see a vision of what is coming.  There only way you will have peace in a trouble time is through Christ.  Go and vote this December for a new president, it won’t matter who gets the office, America  is in for a bad ride.  There are 2 groups of people who are facing the future as it is currently being reported.  Group one dosen’t know Christ, they have no hope, they are stressed out, they don’t understand what to do, they have no direction, they aren’t prepared from what Jesus said would come, and they are looking to a  new politician to solve their problems. Group two are those people who have already taken Christ as their Savior, they have read God’s Word, they know from prophecy what is coming, and they know why it is coming, they have hope, they are excited to be living in a time when all prophecy is being fulfilled because they know Jesus said He would return when all these things begin to take place. Group two is preparing themselves by joining with other Christians in prayer asking Christ for strength during these times.  This group is fulfilling the Word’s of Christ as He said, Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together , as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25). This group is fully aware that hard times are on the way just as was warned, and they are going to the Rock (Christ) for strength and protection.  And finally, this second group is on the WATCH for the 2nd coming of Christ, and they have the peace that Christ said he would give us.  This group exstead of saying “My God what do we do” are saying bring it on.  Question to ask yourself in these times is this, what group do you see yourself in?

USA 2008: The Great Depression  April 1, 2008

Example of how Timothy’s warning is being fulfilled. This is what He wrote in 2nd Timothy: 3 1-5 “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God-having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.”11 Students Plotted To Kill Third-Grade Teacher” Our society is falling apart mainly because our society is abandoning God and His teaching.  The break down of the family is worse than it has ever been and still getting worse.  What the children learn in their homes they carry out in society. Signs of what parents are teaching their kids are exactly what was warned in the bible. Below are only two examples of what I am talking about.  Click to see for yourself.  Question is, what are you teaching your kids?

Child stabs President Bush to death and turn the White House into a mosque.

A Group of Georgia Third Graders Plot To Attack Teacher-March 31, 2008

Why should we watch the peace talks in the Middle East? March 31, 2008

Img_3403_2What you are about to read may take place in the very near future. It is possible future events will be played out this way, but only time will tell. What we do know is the timeing in which we are suppose to watch for these events to occur.  According to Bible prophecy we are to watch the Middle East and pay attention to several key events.  First, when Israel was born a nation again (which they have been since 1948), there would be a peace plan confirmed which when signed by many nations will last for a period of 7 years, or at least it is suppose to last for 7 years. Fact is Israel and the PLO are working on a peace plan that may be signed before this year is over. I have been warning people since 1977 that such a plan would be laid. During the period from 1976-2007 there have been many attempts to sign a peace agreement which would really bring peace, but as you know these nations have not been able to pull it off.  I believe it is all in the timing.  Most people when they see the news in the Middle East believe there will never be a peace agreement signed and that the nations will continue to fight.  I believe the timing for this covinant to be signed is coming up and it just may be Bush will pull it off before he leaves office.  At least right now current events show us this to be the case.  Even as the fighting continues the leaders are sitting down at the peace talks working out the final details for this new peace plan.  Today for the Middle East Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice again stated that they believe by the end of 2008 there will be a peace plan signed.  I am telling you now, there will be a covenant signed between these nations! Will this covenant be the one  the prophet Daniel warned us about in Daniel chapter 9?  We will all find out soon!  Here is the second key to the timing of this peace agreement.  It would be at a time when Russia was strong and they had allied themselves with Iran, Iraq, Ethiopia, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Turkey.  When you read chapter 10 of my book you will see all the documentaion showing you Russia has already done this.  Just a short time ago Russia had fallen away as a superpower, their miltary almost fell apart and the nations of the world did not fear them any longer.  Russia went broke from fighting in Afghanistan and, they were having major problems just trying to feed their citizians.  But wait, if God was right Russia had to make a comeback because this nation is to lead a major attack on Israel in the last days when, Israel is calling for peace and safety! Well, right now Israel is calling for peace!  Look back at history and show me another superpower who went broke, was down and out, but came rushing back to be the number 1 richest nation in the world in a matter of a few years.  That is exactly what happen to Russia.  Just a few years ago Russia found oil and now went from rags to riches over night.  Not only is Russia rich in oil, they have put their money back into building up their miltary and now they are again a major superpower, and they are already flexing the muscles in the Middle East, exactly like they are suppose to do.  Keep in mind this time frame shows that when the attack is lead by Russia there will be these nations in the Middle East, the U.S., Canada, Austriala, and Great Britian.   Don’t be supprised to find out that is exactly who is fighting in the Middle East today.  The bible referrs to these nations as the (young lions of Great Britian or, Tarshish).  My book explains this in detail.  When the attack against Israel happens Saudi Arabia who is friendly with the young lions, will only give a protest to the attack.  Do you find it odd that Saudi Arabia is very friendly with the U.S. Canada, and Austriala and these nations have had miltary bases in Saudi Arabia?  Those of us who read God’s Word and know what to look for understand this is no fluke  As a matter of fact Saudi Arabia news just informed us their nation is now preparing themselves for a nuclear attack from Iran.  Why am I writing this?  For those of you who may not belive this attack is going to happen.  I want you to keep what I have written in your mind, so that when you see this attack being place out you will know it is time to drop to your knees and receive Jesus Christ as your Savior. I just pray Jesus doesn’t remove His church prior to this attack, otherwise you may be left behind to deal with the Antichrist who by the way will arise from the reborn Roman Empire, which by the way is the European Union.  This was another major key to understanding the time frame as to when the attack would occur.  All I can say at this point is this, God help those who’s eyes are blind to His Word and what is now taking place in Bible prophecy.  At the present time Israel is still thinking about attacking Iran to wipe out their nuclear plant.  If they do attack, it may be what flames the Russian alliance to go after Israel.  If America pulls out of Iraq, Iran will move in.  Feeling that they have beaten back America their next target will be Israel. 

In some of my other warnings I told you to keep your eyes on our prices of food. I warned they will continue to climb. I also am warning our economy will tank. Below are some current news just released on these subjects. Click to links

Rice Meets With Top Mideast Negotiators  March 31, 2008

Olmert: We still opt for Iran attack

The Kingdom ‘braces for nuclear war’

Are We Heading Into a Depression?  March 30, 2008

If It’s Breakfast Time, Fork Over the Dough March 30, 2008

Higher prices on the way-

Australia to remain in the Middleeast-Why this is important in prophecy! March 28, 2008


What is the big deal about Australia remaining in the Middleeast?

In chapter 10 of my book on p. 146 I note who are the nations in the MiddleEast at the time Israel is attacked. This attack on Israel is a major prophecy, and when it takes place all who know God’s Word will realize we have entered in the final stage or the beginning of the tribulation period, which is recorded in the book of Revelation. The following is the quote from my book. “Ezekiel Chapter 38:13 tells us that Great Britain who is the (lion), the United States, Canada, and Australia, who are the (young lions) are in the area of Saudi Arabia at the time the attack against Israel breaks out. These nations will do nothing to help Israel, except to give their formal protest to the massive invasion. Are these nations in the area right now? Yes they are. When the United States attacked Iraq in 2004 the nations who joined forces with America were, Great Britain, Canada, and Australia. These nations are still in Iraq today, and they have military bases in Saudi Arabia. When the attack against Israel begins there will be millions of men who come against Israel. America and her allies will not be able to do anything to help Israel; all they will be able to do is give their protest. Now that we know who will not help Israel when they are attacked, let us review what nations are listed that will attack Israel.” Recently there has been speculation that the new Prime Minister of Australia was going to pull all of his Australian troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq. The press has been waiting for Rudd’s announcement. Well, this morning on CNN President Bush had a news conference with the new Prime Minister of Australia. Rudd told reporters that he would leave troops in Afghanistan. Rudd also told reporters he plans to keep hundreds of others in Iraq in supporting roles. Why is this so important? One of the young lions mentioned in the scripture above is Australia. I believe that is why Rudd did not taken all his troops out of the Middleast. Currently, nations fighting in the Middleast along side of the United States are Canada, and Australia. Great Britain or as the scripture states (Tarshish) is also a major player in the Middleeast war. So what is the big deal about Australia staying in the region? If you read the prophecy it says, “all the young lions” will be there. If the U.S, Canada, and Australia are the young lions the bible speaks about, then they all have to stay there, and they are! News links below report on the current events in regard to these nations listed in the Ezekiel prophecy. When this attack on Israel takes place our fighting force will be so weak we won’t be able to do anything to stop it, except give a formal protect. Please keep in mind; I have been warning people since 1977 that these young lions, (Canada, the U.S. and Australia) would go to the Middleeast prior to the attack on Israel. Here we are in 2008 and the very nations mentioned in Ezekiel’s prophecy are in the exact place they are suppose to be! Is this just a coincidence? No it is not! Everything taking place in the Middleeast right now is leading up to fulfilling this major prophecy. All I can say is, keep your eyes on this region and become a believer in what God has written. I pray you take Christ as your Savior before this attack takes place, otherwise you may be one of the ones left behind when Jesus calls His church home. If you don’t know how to meet Christ, e-mail me and I will be honored to walk you into the Kingdom of God.

Australian Premier to Meet With Bush

News covering what nations are fighting in the MiddleEast  U.K news.

On March 26, I posted this quote: “Everyone who has read my book since 1997 knows I waned them the U.S. dollar would fall, the European Union would take over as the last superpower, there would be a rise in plagues, the Earth would heat up and the glaciers would melt as record rates, we would see nations struggle to feed their people because the plant’s weather conditions would change, I warned food prices would increase causing extreme hardships and cause conflicts between nations, I warned that Russia would comeback as a world power and focus their attention on the Middle East, I warned you the price of Gold, Silver and a host of other items recorded in Revelation chapter 18 would skyrocket, such as the price of wheat.” Since I posted that warning recent news confirms what I told you would happen. Food prices have gone up again and nations are beginning to have conflicts because of this problem! Since 1977 I have been warning that huge storms would begin to destroy crops around the world and I have this recorded in my book in chapter 4 and 5. Recent news gives some details on how many crops have been destroyed by all these storms I warned about. Read what a new United Nations report had to say,”The United Nations warned yesterday that it no longer has enough money to keep global malnutrition at bay this year in the face of a dramatic upward surge in world commodity prices, which have created a "new face of hunger". If you have read any of my earlier posts you would know I warned you that this would happen, I warned you prices will rise, and there was going to be huge problmes steming from this. This is only the beginning! What you must understand is this, according to the warnings Jesus give us concerning these times, your situtition is going to get worse from here on out. When you read chapter 4 and 5 of my book you will get complete details on all these issues which planet Earth will be facing in the near future. Now for the good news! Before Christ returns to take His seat as King in Jerusalem, He promised to remove anyone who believed in Him from the 7 year tribulation period. If you don’t understand what this means you need to read the book of Revelation. There is a period of 7 years of which will be the worse time this planet has ever gone through. Billions will dies during this time frame. There will be very little food left, prices for everything will be so high people will die because they can’t afford to buy it. Thinks these storms are bad now? Jesus warned the nations of Earth would be preplexed at how violent the seas would become. Think the glaciers are melting fast now? According to Christ, the sun will be scorching hot, and there will be very little drinking water left. Even now many nations are saving water shortages because of global warming. The point is this, there is a safe way out of all this. The only way to protect yourself and your family will be through Christ. If you take His free gift of salvation now, the Lord will keep His promise to remove you from the tribulation which is heading for us. When I give prophecy seminars I ask this question. If you lived during Noah’s generation and Noah warned you that the world would be destroyed by a flood what would you do? Almost everyone I asked that question to told me they would have entered the ark for safety with Naoh. What is taking place is the exact same thing. Jesus has been warning you about what is coming soon and the only way to safetly is in Christ. In closing I want to quote what Jesus Christ said in Luke 17: 26-30, “And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.” Now let me ask you the question? Knowing what you now know, what are you going to do? Are you going to be like the ones who heard the Word, refused to believe and later died trying to get on Noah’s ark, or are you going to enter in Jesus who is the new ark of safety? I pray this material helps you make the right choice. Please pass this information on to as many as will listen, we are running out of time. Jump in rice price fuels fears of unrest

Jump in rice price fuels fears of unrest,Authorised=false.html?

Arkansas Flooding Drowns Fields, Futures

Flood Events – Scroll Down and Look For Links to Maps In The Country Column

The Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System

Feed the world? We are fighting a losing battle, UN admits

FREE : Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_2008_update.pdf 

Jesus is coming-get ready- If you don’t believe watch this!


Below are 2 links.  These are links to videos concerning Bible prophecy and what is taking place in our world today.  Watch these videos and then take my advice, (please), read my book "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth."  The book is free to you and you can download it here at this site. In my book you will find in-depth news about everything you just watched on the video and a lot more.  I go into great detail to show you planet Earth is in her last days. Everything in prophecy is starting to be fulfilled all at the same time.  I cover the MiddleEast problems, what is going to happen to the United States, what will happen with the European Union, Russia, and China Iraq and Iran, I cover everything you are watching in the news. I cover the storms, the change in the weather, the floods, the wars, and much more. If you are the type of person who needs proof Jesus is real and is God, then you will want to read this book. Once you finish the book, you will no longer have any doubts about Jesus Words coming to pass.  The links below will give you a glimpse at what you will be reading about.  Jesus is coming back, and if you don’t think so you had better read this free book, I am sure your mind will change.  I put the first script of this book together in 1977, I warned the people back then that they would see everything you are currently watching take place in the news now. Take this warning to heart, Jesus said He was going to return, He is coming wheather you are ready or not———-be ready!