
Now for the prophecy up-dates for today April 17, 2008

In 2nd Timothy 3:1-5 God’s Words tells us what the people will be like in the end times.

This is what was written: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”  Our world has been turning violent.  I can’t site every case around the world but if you are watching the news you see it very night!  Our kids are killing kids, they have become disobedient to parents, and more kids are joining gangs then ever before.  What I write here is only the tip of the iceberg, if you read chapter 6 of my book I go into great detail about this subject.  A few weeks ago I put up a post about how Jesus warned people would become fierce and brutal.  Jesus warned us in Matthew 24:12 that because of all the lawlessness peoples hearts would wax cold and that is exactly what we see happening now.  We see so much blood being poured out in our news that it doesn’t even affect people anymore, at least not the way it used to. Timothy said people in the end times would be without natural affection and we see those signs in almost every nation on this planet.  The Pope is in the U.S. today and in his speech he talks about the breakdown of our society.  The Pope talked about his priests who were involved in all the sex scandals. Here is a section from what was reported today. “Pope Benedict XVI chided Americans for a moral breakdown he said had fueled the church’s child sex abuse scandal, ahead of an open-air mass before tens of thousands here Thursday.”  What happened to all these so-called men of God?  It is exactly as is written in Timothy Chp3. these priests were lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; (Tim3: 4).  I see these priests fulfilling verse 5 where it states, “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”  The Popes church had to pay out about 1 billion in damages to families who were a product of these priests’ sexual pleasures, and by their own actions they deny the way of the truth.  Does this mean these men can’t still be saved?  Jesus said anyone who repents will be saved, and for their sake I pray that is what they do.  The Lord wants none to perish, please remember that.  Keep this in mind also, our society will get worse much worse.  It will get so bad during the tribulation period that you will not be able to even trust anyone, not even your own family members.  If you want to escape this type of society receive Jesus Christ right now. Stop reading this post and ask the one any only Savior to enter into your life, ask him to forgive you, and it will be done!  Let this moment be the new beginning for you.  Find a fellowship of brothers and sisters for Jesus said, don’t forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24).  That day is approaching fast.

“Pope blames church sex scandal on breakdown of society”


“Orangetown police say fights among 40 to 50 people broke out Wednesday afternoon”.  These people were serious about doing harm; they used bats, claw hammers, knives, and even an ax.

“Dozens Involved In Wild Brawl In Nyack” April 17, 2008


Criminal Justice Analysis on gangs No. Carolina


“The second annual International Chiefs of Police Summit on Transnational Gangs will be held this week over a three-day period at the Universal Hilton Hotel in Hollywood, California. A press conference will be held today by law enforcement representing Los Angeles and other countries to officially start the Summit. During the Summit, local leaders and many international Chiefs of Police from Central America, Europe and North America will gather to renew discussions on how best to combat the global spread of gang-related criminal activity.  The summit will conclude on Wednesday, March 5 th.”

Los Angeles International Chiefs Of Police Summit on Transnational Gangs.  March 3, 2008



“The number of violent crimes in the United States rose for a second straight year in 2006, marking the first sustained increase in homicides, robberies and other serious offenses since the early 1990s, according to an FBI report to be released Monday.”

The murder rate rose slightly in the United States last year, but the number of robberies skyrocketed by 6 percent, preliminary FBI data released Monday show “Violent crime increasing in US, FBI reports”


“Violent Crime Up For Second Year”


“The department’s figures compared only the fourth quarter statistics from 2006 and 2007, not the full-year figures. The raw numbers show a 25 percent jump in reported violent crime in the last three months of 2007 when compared with the previous year. Nonviolent crime increased about 8 percent, and total crime rose nearly 11 percent.”

“Raw stats show rise in violent N.O. crime” Feb. 14, 2008


A study has confirmed what many law enforcement officials have long felt: Street gangs are responsible for the rising homicide rate in New Jersey”.

“Gang-style killings account for increase in NJ homicides, study says”


“Two of the driving forces in Santa Barbara County’s economy – tourism and retirees – could be in jeopardy from rising violent crime and gang activity, according the executive director of the UCSB Economic Forecast Project”.

“Gangs, crime threaten SB County’s economy” April 17, 2008


According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, released by the US Department of Justice last June, gang members committed about 373,000 of the 6.6 million violent victimizations. Nonfatal violent acts measured include rape/sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault. Victims believed that perpetrators were not gang members in 55% of all nonfatal violent crimes between 1998 and 2003, and victims were unsure of gang affiliation in 37%”.

“Illegal Alien Gang Violence in US Increasing”


The following facts were published in the Criminal Justice Analysis Center on March 2008. “Key findings from a survey of law enforcement personnel include the following: 80 percent reported that one or more gangs were currently active in their jurisdictions. The number of active gangs ranged from one to 219 with an average of eleven different gangs per jurisdiction. A total of 1,446 gangs were reported in 64 counties.”

“Weekly jobless claims rise more than expected” April 17, 2008


“Oil hits another record high as dollar tumbles to record low”


“At the pump, the average national price of a gallon of unleaded gas rose 1.9 cents overnight to $3.418 a gallon, according to a survey of stations by AAA and the Oil Price Information Service. Diesel fuel also hit a new record of $4.146 a gallon after jumping 1.7 cents overnight, the survey said. The soaring cost of both fuels is pressuring consumers, who gas up their cars and buy goods that grow more expensive because of rising transportation costs”

“Gas prices pass $3.40 a gallon, are expected to rise higher”


Jesus in Matthew, Luke, Revelation and in Mark’s Gospel warn of droughts that will come during the time on the end, a time when all the other signs would be seen together.  We see major drought’s in many places around our globe and it is getting worse.  Read what the news had to say today. “The drought’s effect on rice has produced the greatest impact on the rest of the world, so far. It is one factor contributing to skyrocketing prices, and many scientists believe it is among the earliest signs that a warming planet is starting to affect food production.

“As Australia dries, a global shortage of rice”(April 17, 2008


Crime is on the minds of everyone everywhere these days and it is hitting the hardest in the City of Rome where the Pope is.  “The top crime neighborhood in the world isn’t in Sao Paulo or Lagos. It’s not the Bronx in New York, or even Wedding in Berlin. It’s the small city ruled by Pope Benedict XVI, which apparently sees more criminal cases per capita than any other part of the world.”

“The Vatican Has World’s Highest Crime Rate” Jan. 22, 2007


What are your kids thinking when they attack a police officer.  Again today a student went after a officer with a bat.  Here is a section of the news report which you can click to below, “The officer fired at the student shortly before noon, after the Roosevelt High School sophomore allegedly came from behind and struck the officer in the head with a crude wooden baseball bat, Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said.”

“Fresno Student Shot, Killed by Police Officer After Bat Attack” April 17, 2008


Here is another report.

“Police: Okla. Sheriff Ran Sex-Slave Operation From Jail”


In one of my posts of a week ago I warn to watch how you will begin to hear more reports of people getting sick.  This is a warning of plagues that will come upon us during the end times.  “ATLANTA (AP) – This year’s flu season has shaped up to be the worst in three years, partly because the vaccine didn’t work well against the viruses that made most people sick, health officials said Thursday.” We you read chapter 4 of my book I give you a detailed list of all the new diseases our planet is now faced with. I can’t list them all in this short post, but this sign has hit us. Please take these words to heart, they are the Words of Jesus. “And what I say unto you I say unto all Watch” (Mark 13:37). Jesus doesn’t want you to be blind sided by what is coming.  If you consider yourself to be a true follower of Christ you must be on the Watch!  Jesus stated over and over again to keep on the Watch, I would take His words to heart.

“CDC: Flu season worst in 3 years; vaccine didn’t work well

Jesus made it a point to tell everyone what the signs of His second coming would be.  Just about everywhere I go now I hear people talking about how bad things have gotten. I hear saying things like “what is going on with this world”, “Things are different now, more so then they have ever been”,  “People don’t care if they kill someone nowadays”,  “Kids are much different then ever before”,  “People are turning into animals”, “What’s up with all this weird weather”,  “Isn’t there any good leaders anymore?  “I feel something in the air and it bothers me”, and “it seems as the world is going crazy.”  If you are honest, I know you will say you are hearing your friends talking about the same kinds of things.  Why is this?  People are taking notice of current events and they are very disturbed at what they are looking at. Most people don’t realize that just about everything they are seeing in the news is a sign of the end, signs foretold before they happened.   It is true people can feel something is wrong but, they can’t make the connection as to what is going on..  I call what is happening, The Wake Up Call.  Jesus is calling people to attention to His signs so they will turn to Him before He returns to remove His church.  For those of us who have already have received Christ as our Savior, this time should be considered a blessing.  Why?  Because we see the truth in every Word Jesus warned us about these final days just before He comes back.  We count it a blessing because we know soon we will see Jesus face to face in heaven.  We count it a blessing because we are the chosen generation picked to see all prophecy fulfilled, and to live in these exciting times.  We find it a blessing because through these signs Jesus has opened the door for us to lead others to His truths about His love for them, and that He desires to all to come to Him.  If on the other hand you don’t know Jesus as your Savior yet you will take these signs as Doom and Gloom and see no hope, or you may be one of those people who just don’t care either way, yet you are upset at how the world is going.  If you aren’t ready to meet Christ today, you should expect Doom and Gloom because the message Jesus has given us speaks of no hope for those who reject Him as the one and only Savior.  I’m not going to water down the message in hopes I can keep you coming to my site. I must warn you of what you are about to face if you keep rejecting the free gift of Salvation from our Lord.  We are about to enter a time soon that will be hell on earth!  Jesus told us that this would be the worse time anyone will face and if He didn’t cut the time short no one would be left on earth when He came back.  Those people who reject Christ’s calling will be forced to enter into the 7-year tribulation.  Your only way to Christ during this time will be to die for Christ, or be one of those very very luck ones who make it through the enter 7 years.  Since Jesus warned there wouldn’t be many left at the end of 7 years, your odds of that happening are almost 0. Am I bringing a message of Doom and Gloom?  Yes I am, but only to those who have chosen to walk their life without Jesus in it.  My message can at time even be scary for Christians because it makes them think, am I walking with the Lord like He wants me to, and am I watching for the signs like Jesus told me to?  Read Luke 21:36 Jesus told us to watch for the signs of the times of His coming again.  Not only does he tell us to WATCH, but also He tells us of our way out of the hell that is coming on this earth.  In that same verse Jesus said, “pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”  Here is the bottom line.  Jesus has paved a way for all to come to him before the tribulation begins.  All anyone has to do to enter that path is say yes to Christ.  You have the free well to refuse His message of Salvation.  If you refuse, you will be walking on another road that will lead you to a place you wish to God you never yet!  I pray you will read my posts and see what they Lord told us to watch for.  Every sign Jesus foretold is already upon us with the exception of a few prophecies.  You can read a free copy of my book by clicking to the link below.  If you want proof Jesus’ Words are all coming true you will want to read this book.  Because you have come to this site and read my words you no longer have an excuse!   You are now faced with a decision that you are forced to make.  You must say yes to Jesus and take Him as Savior, or deny him and wait for the judgment seat of Christ.  No one can go to the Father unless they come to Christ.  I pray you make the right decision.  One leads to heaven, the other leads to hell.  If you want to see what hell will be like click to the videos 1-8 under the title, “23 Minutes in Hell.

Below you will find videos. The first 2 you will see how Jesus came to me to start this ministry.  The next 8 have to do with what hell will look like.  Please watch them all and let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart, then contact me using the e-mail address at this site and let me know what the Holy Spirit has shown you.  God be with you all and may the love of Jesus Christ drive you into His arms.

How book came to be part 1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcWK_qezFxY

How book came to be part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qZuXGFIvhE

23Minutes in Hell:

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HdugdTIS74

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1CRRqH-Fmk&feature=related

Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj_JZo0Pbhk&feature=related

Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFsKp9AVlC0

Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwKEpuOfBRE&feature=related

Part 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QOtx0cJlhU&feature=related

Part 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bxKHoR9mZg&feature=related

Part 8: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agS6XBzloxY&feature=related

FREE: Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_2008_update.pdf


I have tried to do my best to show you how and why America will take second seat to the European Union. Please read my past posts to fully understand this issue. In short prophecy shows us the Roman Empire will be reborn just before Christ returns and it already has in the form of the European Union (EU).  Read chapter 2 of my book and you will clearly understand why I am saying that.  Here are some of the signs that will help bring about the superpower shifts. This news is from Washington- “The number of newly laid off workers filing claims for unemployment benefits last week increased by more than had been expected, reflecting pressure from the weak economy. “The euro hit an all-time high of $1.5982 on Thursday” Read my March 13th & 18th, 2008 post and warnings and you will get a better understand of this issue if this is your first time to my site..


Img_38231. Did Jesus ever lie?  2. Did Jesus ever prophesy anything that did not come to pass? 3. Was Jesus a true or false prophet?  Did Jesus ever deceive Img_3404_1_2anyone? How do you think the Jehovah’s Witnesses would answer these questions? Click to my new video below and find out. The next time Jehovah’s Witnesses come to your door hand them a sheet of paper with these questions on it.  Watch the video and you will see why, click to link below.  http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=506f09075f6ab891e865

I am keeping tract of Silvio Berlusconi, the new Prime Minister of Italy. It was confirmed today that Berlusconi will make good on his promise. Last week he stated that the first place he will visit if elected will be Israel and a parliament member today confirmed that statement. As a matter of fact the parliament member who was just hand picked by Berlusconi is the famous Jewish journalist, she is an Author, and a global terrorism expert.  Her name is Fiamma Nirenstein, and this is what she stated in The Jerusalem Post today, "To this end, she said, she was certain to be visiting Israel regularly in the framework of her new position. In fact, she added, "Berlusconi himself announced that his first state visit will be to Israel.  I hope to be able to accompany him to that trip.  I even told him that he will be the first Italian prime minister to have a parliament member who speaks fluent Hebrew."  Start watching Berlusconi, watch and see if he reenters the Middle East peace talks. Jesus warned us about the man who would be the person who would confirm a covenant with many in the Middle East.  Read my April 14th post to understand the importance of this matter. Jesus gave us wisdom as to how to ID the man who will confirm this covenant when he arrives. If you have any questions about this e-mail me. In closing let me leave you with this latest news from Reuters. One of the first things Berlusconi plans to do is push to regain  European Union (EU) global influence. 

“Berlusconi win means seat for pro-Israel” (April 16, 2008)


Berlusconi "wants EU to regain global influence" (April 16, 2008)


The prophet Ezekiel showed us a picture of what the attack would be like against Israel in the last days. Keep in mind, Iran is among the nations listed by God that will try to destroy her.  Ezekiel 38:9 says, "You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land."  The Jerusalem Post today under the heading, "THE IRANIAN THREAT" stated, "Iran will mark Iranian Army Day on Thursday with a massive air parade, the largest in its history." Iran and her allies including Russia will have so many planes in the sky when they attack Israel that is will appear as Ezekiel said, "a cloud covering the land".  You will see this war soon.

“Iran to hold largest-ever air parade”


Download final_complete_book_on_disc_2008.pdf  FREE- THE LAST CHRONICLES OF PLANET EARTH

The dollar is down, oil is up, and the European Union gets stronger- April 15, 2008

AImg_3404_1_2s you can see, what I keep telling you to watch for keeps showing up in the news. Today oil prices went up again, and the U.S. dollar fell yet again.  Who did I say the dollar would fall against? The euro!  When you read the news reported today that is exactly what happen. Here is a short section from a YahooNews report out of Vienna Austria. “Oil prices rose to an intraday trading record above $112 a barrel Tuesday as the U.S. dollar fell against the euro and crude oil shipments along one U.S. pipeline were said to be operating below capacity.The dollar fell further against the 15-nation euro on Tuesday. The euro rose to $1.5832 in morning European trading, up from $1.5808 in New York late Monday. The euro set its latest all-time high of $1.5912 last Thursday.” (April 15, 2008). I wrote this piece at 7am on the 15, of April, buy 8:30 am another report was issued telling us that the price of oil hit another all time high, this time topping at $1.13 a barrel. When I checked the news at 12:15 PM today oil hit another high at $1.14. This is what Yahoo News reported.   “Meanwhile, retail gasoline prices rose to a new average national record of $3.386, according to AAA and the Oil Price Information Service. Prices were highest in California, where mid-range and higher grades are now averaging more than $4 a gallon.”  “Diesel prices at the pump jumped to $4.119, also a record, setting the stage for higher prices on food and other goods transported by truck, ship and rail” Yahoo News April 15, 2008.  http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080415/ap_on_bi_ge/oil_prices  Year after year since the euro was introduced to the world market place it has climbed and become stronger and stronger. This is just one of the factors that is help making the European Union, (New Roman Empire) that last World Empire Jesus said would be in power at the time of His second coming. Believe me you are going to hear much more about the dollar falling and the euro rising. 

Oil rises to intraday record above $112”


Oil Climbs Above $113 a Barrel for First Time on Dollar and Supply Concerns


A few weeks ago I told you to watch the news because you are going to see a lot of unrest in nations, which can’t afford to buy food. Today there is another report talking about what I have warned you. Please keep in mind, I really didn’t warn you, Christ did, all I am doing is passing on the Word of God, which Jesus gave to us.  Here is a quote from the report, "The world food situation is very serious: we have seen riots in Egypt, Cameroon, Haiti and Burkina Faso," said Mr Diouf. "There is a risk that this unrest will spread in countries where 50pc to 60pc of income goes to food," he said” (April 15, 2008). I hate to say this but, stay tuned for more of the same!

“Global warming rage lets global hunger grow”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml?xml=/money/2008/04/14/ccview114.xml

Riots spread clic to link below.


In Matthew chapter 24:5 Jesus was asked by the apostles to tell them the signs of the end of the age?

First Jesus warns them false christs will begin to appear. Then he states in verse 6 that we will hear of wars and rumors of wars. In Verse 7 Jesus told us nation will rise against nation and that Kingdom will rise against Kingdom, and you will see famines.  In verse 8 Jesus said, "All these are the beginning of birth pains."  If you read my post yesterday I covered how many nations are starting to have civil wars, in the past weeks these wars have centered over rising food prices and the inability of the poor to buy food due to these price hikes. If you turn the news on tonight you will probably hear news about another war breaking out, or news that a new war is coming.  Let me give you an example of what I am talking about.   In the news today Iran’s leaders hve again stated they intent to wipe out Israel if Israel makes any moves to attack Iran’s nuclear plant.  This is only part of prophecy being fulfilled and is an example of rumors of war, but soon this rumors will turn out to be a real war. Israel and Iran will clash head on very soon, and when this happens Ezeliel 38-39 will also be fulfilled. It is very possible that the U.S and Israel are laying down the plans to wipe out Iran’s nuclear plant.  Today the U.S and Israel are in meeting talking about Iran. I quote a section of a report just out today. "The announcement came just hours after the deputy commander of Iran’s army Mohammad Reza Ashtiani warned that his country would ”eliminate Israel from the global arena” if it were attacked by the Jewish state" "The Jewish state considers Iran’s Islamic regime an existential threat after President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad’s repeated call for Israel’s destruction". http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticleNew.asp?xfile=data/middleeast/2008/April/middleeast_April202.xml&section=middleeast&col=

"Iran threatens to eliminate Israel"


Lets not forget the issue of false christ’s Jesus warned about. I think if you watch the link below you will see that propehcy is coming to pass as well, and all these things are taking place at the same time just like Jesus stated they would.


Download final_complete_book_on_disc_2008.pdf  FREE

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcWK_qezFxY Part 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qZuXGFIvhE Part 2

April 14, 2008 Post- Signs of the Times.


If you would like to be placed on my prophecy update list please email me your address. I do not share anyone’s e-mails and I will never ever contact you asking you for any money to support this ministry.  My e-mail address can be found in the top left hand corner of my post.


Download “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” book for free.  The large print edition may take 4-7 minutes to download the book but it will come up.  If your computer is faster it will only take a few minutes. It is 309 pages in a PDF file.  This new August 31, 2008 book is the latest up-dated edition.  You can also choose to download the book in smaller print, which will download for you even faster. Click to links below to download the book of your choice for free.

Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_large_print_2008_update.pdf

—————————————————————————————————-Download final_book_for_sept. 7 2008 small print.pdf : This small print book will come up really fast and it will be easy to read.


On April 11, 2008 I told you to keep your eyes on Silvio Berlusconi and I told you why. If this is your first time to my site please read that April post because it is very important to understanding the importance of this topic.  Today's news just released reported that in fact Berlusconi has won the bid for the Prime Ministry of Italy! See link at the end of this post. In the coming months you should watch and see if Berlusconi rejoins the Middle East peace process. If he does, pay very close attention to see if he has anything to do with signing or confirming a peace agreement between the Arabs and Israel, which will be for a period of 7 years.   Jesus made it very clear that a man from Rome (Rev. 17:9) will be the beast (Antichrist), and a false church would join this man in Rome.  The prophet Daniel in the ninth Chapter tells us that in the end times the Roman Empire would be reborn, which it already has through the European Union.  Since we are moving very fast toward the return of Christ, the beast which Jesus warned us about will be making his appearance in the not to distant future.  Sometime in 2009 the European Union is going to elect their first full time president ever, right now they have a short list of names for the position.  This is the position for the coming Antichrist.  For the first time in almost 2,000 years Europe will have one man reigning over most of Europe.  This hasn’t happened since Caesar reigned over the Old Roman Empire, so why now.  Jesus’ words are coming to pass that’s why!  Will the first person elected as the first full time President of the European Union (reborn Roman Empire) be the Antichrist?  We don’t know for sure. He rise to this seat later, but in the end he will take this seat, which was created when the EU signed their documents last year making the position possible.  Now that Berlusconi has won the election he will once again play a major role in this New Reborn Roman Empire or, European Union.  It is very possible that he could end up becoming the first EU full time President ever!  Time will tell, in any case, in today's news the EU is setting up this new full time President's seat. This is a section from a report just issured today. “With the European Commission due to present the first draft of the 2009 budget later this month, EU ambassadors last week discussed a possible salary, number of staff and perks for the EU president – a job created by the new treaty which is supposed to come into force on 1 January next year” (euobserver).
Member states consider perks and staff for new EU president-(April 14, 2008)
http://euobserver.com/9/25968 See chapter 2 from my book concerning this topic.

My readers know I have warned that the European Union would over take the U.S. as the last Superpower.  This has to take place because Jesus showed us the New Roman Empire would be that last Empire to fulfill what He showed Daniel.  We have been watching the shift in powers take place for the past 10 years, but it has increased during these past 5 years.  We know the EU’s euro is killing the dollar and is leading the world now.  Now the euro has move to the number 2 spot as the world’s reserve currency and soon you will see the euro move to the number one spot.   This new Roman Empire (EU) is now demanding the world to take notice of just how strong they have become.  Here is a short section from a report out on April 11, 2008. “The euro is now second to the weak U.S. dollar as a reserve currency held by foreign investors and has risen sharply against the dollar in recent months, hitting a new all-time high of $1.5912 on Thursday”. “Euro Demands More Say in World Economy”
When my ministry started in 1977 I warned to keep paying attention to Libya. In my April 2, 2008 post I again post facts about what Libya is up to.  The Lord in Ezekiel chapter 38:10-11 warned us in the end times Libya would join with Russia, Iran and many other nations and attack Israel, thinking they will destroy her once and for all.  This war was to take place when the New Roman Empire was born and when Israel was still a young nation, which they are.  When you read chapter 10 of my book you will see I warned to keep your eyes on this nation because you will see them fulfill every word spoken about them in prophecy. A recent report disclosed that Libya has gone after millions of dollars worth of arms, and they wanted to buy more arms then their army had men.  Many people think Libya is no longer a threat to Israel since they appear to have changed their terrorist ways. I assure you, this has been nothing but a cloak. Libya still hates Israel and is getting ready to for war.  The April 12, 2008 report revealed of what I have warning everyone about. Read what Yahoo News wrote about the millions in arms Libya went after.  “The case, detailed in documents obtained by The Associated Press, raises questions about whether Libya, a country eagerly shedding its reputation as a sponsor of terrorism, is still surreptitiously supporting suspect groups and regimes” (NewsYahoo.com April 12, 2008).  In December of 2007 another report informs us Libya is still seeking millions in arms again.  Let me tell you what this is really all about.  Behind the scenes the nations listed in Ezekiel’s prophecy that God said will attack Israel are preparing themselves for this war.
“Libya allegedly went on gun-buying spree”
Gaddafi condemns Arab leaders


French Connection: Libya Seeking Arms Deals


On my post of April 8, 2008 I warned you would begin to witness social unrest because of food.  A week later the news agencies began reporting on riots taking place in many poor nations. When you click to the links below you will witness what I warned is already here and getting worse. I warned you, you would see higher prices of food keep climbing and, now every night news agencies are also reporting that is exactly what is taking place. Read Matthew chapter 24 and take to heart what Jesus had to say about how the world would begin to starve in the last days. Read chapter 4 of my book for in-depth details and quotes from the Word of God.  Read what the news said today about the world food crisis.  “World Bank president Robert Zoellick noted last week that world food prices had risen 80% over the past three years, and warned that at least 33 countries face social unrest as a result.”  In Luke chapter 21 Jesus warned us to look for the signs of “wars and revolutions”, and he said watch for famines. Watch the news today and you will see how many nations are fighting over these same problems.  In the Book of Revelation 6:6 it says, “I heard what seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four living creatures. It said, "A ration of wheat costs a day's pay, and three rations of barley cost a day's pay. But do not damage the olive oil or the wine."  I pray you are taking notice at the prices of wheat, they are rising faster now then ever before, and nations are rioting because of it.  Revelation 6:6 will be fulfilled just as Jesus showed us, and we are moving in that direction right now.  I am telling you now you are going to see the day when people will work all day just for one small meal, and that doesn’t including anyone but one person.  If this is what you desire for your future and your families future then you will continue to look the other way and go about living your life with no hope, but if you want to be blessed and have Christ save you and your family from what is to come, then run to Jesus Christ now, ask him to forgive you. His is waiting for your answer. I cannot water down this message.  God will bring you into His Kingdom if you ask!!! “How Hunger Could Topple Regimes” (April 14, 2008)
“Rising food prices cause riots”
Click to link to right to see video link: Food riots in Haiti
Link below reporting on the rise in food Prices  CBN.com
Food Prices Squeeze Families, Food Banks – CB….

If you have been reading my posts for the past two months you would have read all my warnings about why America will decline and what the signs of her falling will be. I have been giving this same warning since the Lord first sent me out in 1977.  I told you to watch the dollar fall, you would see a loss of jobs, I warned inflation would rise again, and I give a host of other factors which will knock America out from her number one Superpower ranking. This weekend I was searching for financial news and I came across a report from 2004. Daniel Denning who is a Senior Editor for Strategic Investment wrote this.  The report is lengthy but it is very interesting to see what he said was going to take place in the U.S. in the near future. Mind you Denning he is writing this report based on what he sees happening in the future in America.  If you read everyone of my warnings I put up the last two months about why America will decline and what will bring her down, then read what Mr. Denning wrote you might think he read my book. What he writes about are the same signs I have been warning since 1977. Mr. Denning tite to the report reads like this: "He Won the Election…But 3 Signs Show He Can't Save the Economy! "Get Ready for: Bush Presidency, Act Two: The Depression" Buy These 7 Investments Before Jan. 21, 2005-OR KISS YOUR MONEY GOODBYE…FOREVER!".  Someone reading Denning's report might say he has a prophetic eye, because everything he wrote about has come true.  I urge you to read what I stated was going to take place using God's Word about prophecy and current events, then read Denning's work and you will see America is in the process of losing her power. Look, the fact is this, prophecy is going to be fulfilled, America will not be the major Superpower in the last days, it will be the Reborn Roman Empire (EU-European Union). A major shift is under way to bring the EU to the place Jesus Christ warned.  If you can't see the handwriting on the wall you are bind to the Signs of the Times that Jesus told us to watch for.  In Chapter 5 of the book of Daniel God left a message for King Belshazzar on a wall while they were all parting. Remember God gave Daniel the list of Empires that would rule one after the other all the way from the time Daniel was living till the end times.  The bible told us that while the King was drinking and praising the gods of gold, silver that "Suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall, near the lampstand in the royal palace.  The king watched the hand as it wrote. his face turned pale and he was so frightened that his knees knocked together and his legs gave way" (Daniel 5:5).  What was the message the hand wrote on the wall?  Daniel was brought in to tell the king what the hand wrote. It was a message from God telling the kings that very night his kingdom was going to die, and that is exactly what happened. That night the Medo-Persian Empire replaced the Babylonian Empire of which Belshazzar was king.   God is now giving you all the signs (hand writing on the wall), America will have to give way to the European Union because the EU is the last Empire standing at the time Jesus returns. I pray Jesus Christ helps you to understand these signs.   Read some of these current signs in Denning's report below.
I want to give you some news from the Middle East.  I have warned you that a war between Israel and Syria will break out to fulfill the prophecy that the City of Damascus will be completely destroyed. Right now more Syrian troops are making their to the Israeli-Lebanese borders. Both Israel and the Syrian's have been preparing for the next war.  I for one believe this propchey will be fulfilled soon. Could this end up being just another birth pain Christ warned us about? Yes it could, but we must be on the watch anyway. I know one thing is for sure, we will all soon see! Link below gives details. What is one of the keys to really knowing what generation would see the return of Jesus Christ?  Daniel tells us the answer even tough he did not understand it. Daniel 12:4  says, “But thou Daniel, shut the words, and seal te book, even to the time of the end:  Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”  The generation who was to see Jesus return in the end times would be known for their travel and vast increase in knowledge.  We are that generation, and I go into detail in my book about this in chaper 3.  Here are two examples of how we have advanced. In today’s new The Independent reports on the technology that can make a cloned child.  That right, a child.  The link below will explain what they are doing in detail.  Man has gotten so smart that he has gotten to the point where his doesn’t need God to create life.  Coming soon, take a skin cell and you get a cloned bady!  Are you aware of what is going on, do you understand?  Listen to what God told Daniel to write concerning this. “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end.  Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand” (Daniel 12:9-10).  If you have taken Christ as your Savior you are among the wise and you will know the signs of these end times.  If  you don’t understand these times the Word says, “none of the wicked will understand”.  This warning from God put you in one of those two catagories, which one are you in, and which one do you want to be in? Another sign of increased knowledge doctors believe has come from an inventation by John Kanzius.  They are doing more tests but it appears that Mr. Kanzius may have invited the machine that will kill cancer.  They doctors now working on this project are saying they believe in the next 4 years they may be able to kill just about every type of cancer there is.  Click to link below to see 60 minutes video. 
'Now we have the technology that can make a cloned child'  (April 14, 2008
Killing cancer machine: Radio waves kills cancer:
Exclusive: Another Syrian armored division masses on Israeli-Lebanese borders
I am begging those people who have not taken Christ as their Savior yet to read my entire book.  We are running out of time, soon all hell is going to break out on this planet and you will need to be safe in Christ.  I wrote this book to point you to Christ. I in no means want you to think this book will take the place of the bible, it was written to drive you to the bible.  Please come back and see what you were meant to see, these are the last days You can download my book by clicking to the link below: This final complete book is my book called, "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth".


“How Hunger Could Topple Regimes” (April 14, 2008)

Berlusconi reclaims power in Italy


If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after ready this information please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter heaven without giving their life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him down.
"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please Jesus forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart, please Lord Jesus forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend.I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your book of life. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.Amen.

If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after ready this information please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray.  No one can enter heaven without giving their life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him down.

"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope.

I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please Jesus forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart, please Lord Jesus forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend.

I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your book of life. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.


DiMora's first Radio interview on The Edge with Host Gina Romano.  Intervew was heard on June 26, 2008
14 http://video.aol.com/video-detail/june-26th-2008-part-14/40337309
If you missed my 2nd interview on “The Edge” International radio show on Aug. 10th you can now click to the links below and listen to the entire interview.  If you want to know what is going to happen next in prophecy you will want to listen to this interview. The facts and evidence from this interview come from my prophecy book called "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth. 
August 10th, 2008 – Part 1
August 10th, 2008 – Part 2
August 10th, 2008 – Part 3
August 10th, 2008 – Part 4
 August 10th, 2008 – Part 5
August 10th, 2008 – Part 6
August 10th, 2008 – Part 7
August 10th, 2008 – Part 8
August 10th, 2008 – Part 9
August 10th, 2008 – Part 10

My 3rd radio interview on The Edge International radio show can be heard by clicking to the link below.
Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed.  In blue, DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs.
Major signs video by Frank DiMora, click below.
Part 1 how Frank DiMora's Ministry started:
Part 2 how Ministry started:
Frank DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.
If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to http://christianspeaker.net/, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state, and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora.  This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.
Download the_last_chronicles_of_planet_earth_large_print_2008_update.pdf
Adam DiMora is helping people save money and better their life.

Antichrist signs Jesus warned about, do we see them now? Yes! April 11, 2008

Img_3404_1_2Jesus gave us signs of what the Antichrist would be like.  He told us what to look for. In 2nd Thessalonians 2:4 it states, "He opposes and exalts himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, and even sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God."  We know from Revelation chapter 17 that the false church will sit on the beast (Antichrist) in Rome. This means that the Antichrist will come from Rome which is in Italy. Daniel saw all the kingdoms from his time all the way to the last kingdom which he says will be the reborn Roman Empire. The European Union is that reborn Roman Empire and Italy has been a major player in the EU since it started. One of the major signs of the end times is the rebirth of the Roman Empire, so watching the signs concerning the political climate within the EU should be taken with special interest. The is one man you should pay special attention to, and that is Silvio Berlusconi. Berlusconi is the former Prime Minister of Italy. He is one of the most powerful men in all of Europe and he is one of the richest men in the world.  In a few day Italy will elect a new Prime minister. As it stands right now, officials are saying Berlusconi will win.  Why is this so important?  Remember Jesus said when this man comes he would exalt himself? Let me give you some quotes Berlusconi has stated about himself. You can click to the links below and read them for yourselves later. Here they are.  1."I am the Jesus Christ of Politics. I am a patient victim, I put up with everyone, I sacrifice myself for everyone" . 2. There is no-one on the world stage who can compete with me." 3. In the Guardian report Jan. 18, 2004 they reported that Berlusconi calls himself ‘monarchist’ which means (he being the king). Now let me ask you a question, does this sound just like Jesus warned us about the personality of the Antichrist?  You bet it does, but there is more.  A Writer for the Guardian news profiles Berlusconi like this, "Silvio Berlusconi, a Roman emperor for the 21st century"  Jesus told us Rome would return and there would be one last emperor over all of the reborn Roman Empire.  In 2009 the European Union will elect that emperor. Some think the first to take the position will be Tony Blair, but time will tell.  All I know is a man from Rome will end up in this position just as Jesus stated he would.  So far when you compare scripture and the signs of the Antichrist’s personality with Berlusconi they all run parallel.  Berlusconi already says he is the king! If you see Berlusconi elected as Italy’s new President on the 14th of April, this is what to watch for.  Watch and see If he reenters the Middle East peace talks. We know from Daniel chapter 9 that the Antichrist will confirm a covinant (peace and safety, or peace agreement) for Israel and the Arabs.  If Berlusconi is the man who confirms that agreement with many, then you will know he is the man Jesus warned about.  If you are not saved by the blood of Jesus Christ yet , and If I were you, I would keep your eyes on this man. If he turns out to fulfill scripture you will be forced to deal with this man at some point in the future.  The Christians who have already taken Christ as their Savior should be looking for Christ.  It is my belief that Jesus will remove every Christian from this earth either just before the 7 year begins or right after it begins. Let me give you these words spoken by Jesus about this issue. Jesus said, "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." (Luke 21:36) What was Jesus talking about here?  He was referring to the end times and the tribulation period, a time that all hell will break out on this planet. Why would Jesus tell you to pray to escape ALL THESE THINGS unless that is exactly what he meant. Jesus didn’t say pray that you escape some of these things.  Why would Jesus tell you to pray for something that wasn’t going to happen.  If Jesus knew that you had to go through the tribulation it would have been a waste of His time to even say you will escape ALL THESE THINGS.  Fact is, we must stand on his promise. He showed us the way out. First we are to do what"  He said, WATCH.  Watch what?  For all the signs of the end times.  If you are following Christ you must be watching these signs.  If you don’t listen to the wisdom of the Lord you will end up like the religious leaders in Christ’s day who didn’t even recognize the Messiah, and He was standing right before their eyes.  I for one am praying I am accounted worthy to escape all these things and will stand before the Lord when He comes for me.  You will never find a case in the bible where God’s judgment was passed until He removed all the righteous first.  As a matte of fact Jesus even said it was going to be this way in the end times.  Read the words of Christ in Matthew 24:37-39, "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark.  And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so hall also the coming of the Son of man be."  Christ is coming soon to removed His people first, then when they are safe in the chambers of heaven, the 7 years of tribulation will commence.  I encourage anyone not ready for the Lord’s second coming to get ready now while you still have time to do so.  Every word Jesus spoke is coming to pass now and you are running out of time to take part of God’s grace. Jesus is standing at the door of your heart, will you open it up to Him?  Your Father is waiting for your answer.

May the peace of the Lord be on and in you all.

Please tell others about what I am doing at this site, It would be a blessing expand my ministry.

News links to all reports are below.

History dogs Berlusconi bid to transform Italy


Berlusconi leads polls ahead of Italian elections


All hail Berlusconi  (Jan. 18, 2004)


In quotes: Berlusconi in his own words


"I am the Jesus Christ of politics”


If Berlusconi’s elected again his first trip will be to Israel (March 30, 2008)


EU will pick first full time president in 2009, who will it be?



Download final_complete_book_on_disc_2008.pdf  FREE

DiMora Sounds The Alarm- April 11, 2008

Img_3404_1_2 When you go to page 229 of my book you will read what I have been telling you is going to happen to Syria in the very near future. The prophet Isaiah wrote the following concerning Damascus. "An oracle concerning Damascus: "See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins" (Isaiah 17:1).  Damascus is the oldest city ever recorded and has never been destroyed. Isaiah’s prophecy is for the future, our generation.  Right now their is a lot of tension in the Middle East between Israel and Syria. For the past month overtures of war between both nations have been escalating. Both nations are moving their war machines closer to the boarder for fear of a new conflict, and for good reason, war is coming!  On April 8, 2008 sources out of Tel Aviv said, "Israeli intel projects a one-month war with Syria" (WorldTribune.com). Listen to what Jesus said in Matthew 24:7-8. "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains."  Last summer Syria and Israel went to war. Those of us who know prophecy watched this war very close to see if this war would bring the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy concerning Damascus. What it turned out to be was another birth pain as Jesus referred to. Once again I am telling you to keep your eyes on the news, soon you are going to see Israel and Syria engage in another war. Will it be the war Isaiah talked about? We will all see.  In the report out of Tel Aviv on the 8th one of the scenarios Israel is currently preparing their people for is "hundreds of Israelis would be killed and thousands injured in missile strikes on Tel Aviv" (ibid). I want to tell you right out, if that happens Israel will respond with fury and take out Syria and the city of Damascus! I can’t make anyone believe in God’s Word. If you are one of the ones who still doesn’t believe can tell the future, all I can say is, WATCH!  When you this this come to pass e-mail and I will lead you to Christ.

Today out of Europe leaders believe the euro is going to keep rising while the dollar keeps falling. I have tried to warn you of the decline of America and the dollar in order to gave way to the new world empire which Jesus warns us about. Read chapter 2 of my book to get the  complete details of this last world empire (European Union or New Roman Empire). Today’s the New York Times reports on "The Face of a Prophet". In their report they point out that George Soro, who is one of the wealthiest men in the world is warning the world that the "financial pain has only just begun."  Soro’s can see their is a major shift coming and he is preparing for it right now. If this is your first time at my site you may not realize that God told us in the book of Daniel that in the end times the Roman Empire would again be reborn.  We are told that when this happens Jesus would return to take His place a King in Israel.  The reason why America is losing her power is to give way to this last world empire the European Union.  Let I said, if you read chapter 2 of my book you will get all the details concerning this prophecy. If you have attended any of my prophecy seminars you have heard me warn the people four years ago that America would see gas prices reach $4.00 a gallon.  One of the first people I warned was my own wife who had a hard time believing that would be possible. CBS2chicago.com yesterday had a report entitled, "Gas Tops $4 A Gallon At Some Chicago Pumps". When you click to the link below you will read that they now expect prices to climb higher. Why is America taking all these hits, gas up, oil up, food prices up, failing banks, loss of thousands of jobs, increase lines for food stamps and unemployment, economy slowing down, dollar diving, and talk now of possible depression?  I have been telling people since 1977 that a shift in world powers was coming, I have been warning that something was going to happen to the U.S. to reduce her strength as the number one ranked superpower. All the signs you currently are witnessing are things that will help bring America down.  The prophet Daniel was told by God what the line of world powers would be even before they came to be. You will read all these details in chapter 2 of my book, but just in case you are lazy let me tell you what Daniel saw for the future in chapter two of the book of Daniel. Daniel was told the Babylonian Empire would be the first empire, they would be followed by the Medo-Persian Empire, then they would fall to the Grecian Empire, the Roman Empire would crush the Grecians, and in the end times the Roman Empire would again rise to be the last Empire. It would be during the reign of this last revived Roman Empire that Jesus Christ would return.  Fokes, the Roman Empire is already back and they are growing in power, that why the euro is sky rocketing and the dollar falling. Everything has been set in place to fulfill the remaining prophecies which haven’t been fulfilled yet. The only prophecies not fulfilled are, the destruction of Damascus, the attack on Israel as recorded in the 38-39th chapters of Ezekiel, the rapture of the Lord’s church, the beginning of the 7 year tribulation as recorded in the book of Revelation. How close are we to seeing the beginning of the 7 year tribulation?  Very! You will know just how close when you see Damascus destroyed in the very near future. Knowing that, what should you do? Prepare to meet Jesus Christ face to face soon. I would suggest you receive Him as your Savior before you meet Him!  God desires all to come to Him, and none should perish, but you must come to Him and ask Him to forgive you of all your sins and He will forgive everything you have ever done with no questions asked. It is a gift that will last for an eternity. I pray my posts encourage you to walk closer with Christ during these final days. May the Holy Spirit guide your mind and heart to the Son who gives life ever after.

Israeli intel projects a one-month war with Syria  April 8, 2008


Euro Stength to Halt Growth (leaders think Euro will keep rising and dollar dropping) Video


The Face of a Prophet-(The New York Times April 11, 2008)

George Soro predictsfinancial pain has only just begun.


Gas Tops $4 A Gallon At Some Chicago Pumps (April 10, 2008)


Free Prophecy Book-“The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” -Now at this site, the entire book copyright Feb. 2008


Download final_complete_book_on_disc_2008.pdf

Starting Monday Feb. 2008 you can click to the pdf file link above and read the entire book "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth", or download the book to your computer to read later . Please give it about 30 seconds to load. This book will connect the dots between Bible prophecy and current events. If you know nothing, or very little about prophecy and want a book that explains in simple terms what is going on, then this is the book you will want to read.  This book contains all the documentation you will every need to prove this generation is seeing all the things Jesus warned us about.

Important notice: This is a free book, no one is to every charge you to read my work. It is a free download for you. If you would like to contact the author please use the e-mail address given on my site.

I welcome any comments, please tell as many as you can about how they can read this free information. I pray you can handle the truth.

Thank You

Author Frank DiMora

Download final_complete_book_on_disc_2008.pdf

Two new videos I just made today explaining how Jesus came to me in 1977 and gave me the documents to launch my ministry. It is a true story. I had to leave out many of the details from the video due to time limits. Everything I have stated in the videos took place.  I have on numerous occasions stated I would take a lie detector test just to prove what happened to me really happened. Links to videos are below.



Jesus warning are seen in the news! April 10, 2008-Frank video account of how ministry started.


Are the warnings I have given you coming to pass?  I should say, are you paying attention to the signs Jesus told us to look for?  After all I am just relaying what Jesus told us to look for.  Now that we have the Internet and global TV you can keep tract of everything that is happening on this planet.  In my post of April 8, 2008 I listed many things that you would soon see in the news.   I told you the dollar would drop, I warned you will see more signs our economy is sliding, I to you food wars were coming and nations would be in up heaveal over the problems, and it would cause conflicts, I told you oil and gas would keep climbing, and I warned you are going to see more signs people are becoming more brutal than ever before, and that includes our kids.  If you saw my first side presentation back in 1977 you would seen that I was warning people back then these very things were going to take place.  The birth pains Jesus said would come are already upon us, and the pains are getting stronger.  In today’s news you will again see signs of everything I warned you about on April 8.  In the book of Revelation Jesus told us that in the end times one man would come to reign over this planet. He would try and force everyone to take his mark which will be put in the right hand or forehead.  One by one every nation is moving to a national ID number. Why?  We are taking steps to get us to this one world marking system!  Bolivia was in the news today because their new national ID card looks like the Jewish Star of David. Again today, the dollar hit another new low against the euro. Are you getting the big picture here?  America is declineing and the European Union is moving to be that world empire Jesus said was coming.  The new report for the U.S. mid-year budget deficit just came out today and the report is pretty bad.  America is drowning in debt.  Oil prices went up again today and gas prices as I have been warning for 4 years now will climb again. You will find the links to every report I am talking about below, please check them out.  I told you watch the news and you will see wars break out because of the price of food.  Tonight on ABC they are doing a hour special on the global food crisis.  How do I know these things.  Read the Word of God every one of these signs can be found in God’s warnings.  I told you to watch the news and you will see more reports of how people are becoming cold hearted and brutal. Again in the news today, students in a high school beat up a teacher and this problem has been growing. I included a link reporting about this.  I wish to God I could give you better news, but for here on the birth pains will intensify. It will be just as Jesus said it would be.    You can either believe in the Word of Christ and get ready to meet our Savior, or just go about your business until it is to late to excape the wrath that is coming.

People have asked me, how do I do it?  Do what?  Live at peace and be happy during these times. The answer is easy. I have taken Christ as my Savior and I have His peace. I am excited we have been choosen to live during these days, we are the people who will see Jesus Christ’s face soon.  In Revelation 22:7 Jesus said, Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book.”  You want a blessing for Christ?  He is waiting to give it to anyone who has not yet turned their life over to Him. Today is a good day to do that.  Please tell your friends about what you read, and please direct them to my site. I will be on the watch, please come back.

Bolivia raises hackles with ID  (April 10, 2008)


Euro scores record highs against dollar, sterling (April 10, 2008)


Mid-Year Budget Deficit Sets Record


Oil prices soar after hitting 112 dollars  (April 10, 2008)


Why Are So Many Fighting For Food?

1st link: http://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=4628103&page=1

2nd link:  http://abcnews.go.com/print?id=4628103

Link to story: Uneasy calm in Haiti after food price protests


In Egypt, long queues for bread that’s almost free

World Bank Expects More High Food Prices
… Expects More High Food Prices … Rising food prices, which have caused social unrest in several countries, … have reduced world food stocks to a level bordering on an emergency, Apr. 7, 2008 | Harry Dunphy Associated Press Writer

Mugabe Militants Target Whites Farmers"How can global leaders espouse the values of democracy, yet when they … been a major food exporter until then, but its agricultural sector … depend on international food handouts, and another third have fled abroad …
Apr. 7, 2008 | Angus Shaw Associated Press Writer

Student attacks on teachers rising:  April 18, 2005


(April 10). Student Brutally Attacks Teacher ABC News GMA – Fri April 11, 2008. In Baltimore, a cell phone captures students beating a teacher. …Click to link: ws Video – Yahoo!Xtra

Two new videos I just made today explaining how Jesus came to me in 1977 and gave me the documents to launch my ministry. It is a true story. I had to leave out many of the details from the video due to time limits. Everything I have stated in the videos took place. I have on numerous occasions stated I would take a lie detector test just to prove what happened to me really happened. Links to videos are below.



Bible prophecy signs for April 8, 2008-Events in prophecy are speeding up!


First off let me say this, everything I am writing about is centered on the warnings of Jesus Christ for the end times generation.  The warnings I am posting are not prophecies of mine!  I have taken what Jesus told us to watch for in these last days and showed you how these (Christ’s) prophecies are unfolding.  If you know the Word of God you know what to expect before you see it in the news. Each day I pray and ask Christ to reveal to me what I should write, and it just so happens when I write these things down, with in a week or two, sometimes days, these things begin to be reported in the news.

 Everything you are going to read today I have been warning people about since 1977 when the Lord first sent me out.  Since January 2008 I told you things you should pay attention to in the news. On Jan 21, 2008 I warned about the U.S. decline in power.  I explained if the European Union (New Roman Empire) is to take the lead as a world power there has to be a shift, which will cause the EU to take center stage.  Anyone who knows prophecy knows that the shift has already begun.  America will decline and you can see the evidence everywhere in our economy and in what is happening with the U.S. dollar.  You will hear more news like what WaMu is experiencing.

 Right now this nation is losing jobs by the thousands and thousand are being added to the food stamp program.  Just today we learn that WaMu is going to cut 3,000 jobs.   On April 4, I showed you that Employers slashed jobs for the third straight month while unemployment jumped to 5.1%, a nearly three-year high.  For months I have been telling you to keep watching the U.S. dollar because it will fall again!  Today’s news again reports the dollar fell again against the euro and the yen.  These events are part of the process that will cause the European Union (New Roman Empire) to be seated as the number 1 world leader.  To fully understand this issue read chapter 2 from my book, which you can download for free at my site.

In my post of Jan., Feb., and April 4, 2008 I warned to watch for food to increase. I told you to expect major problems as a result of all these price increases.  I told you social unrest would begin as people had a hard time buying food.  Again, in today’s news we learned the price of rice has jumped to new record levels and they expect to see social unrest.  Read Matthew chapter 24, Jesus warned people would go hungry and many would die due to the lack of food.  Oil prices are still climbing which will keep adding to stress to the American way of life, job are going to be cut, more jobs as a result of these increases.  As it stands right now, truckers can’t afford to keep their trunks on the road, and many are going bankrupt.  Expect higher prices in the stores because it is going to cost more money for the truckers to carry their loads.

On March 20, 2008 I warned to focus your attention on plagues.  Jesus told us that in the end times events would take place as a woman with birth pains.  While praying about what to write, I had a strong feeling the Lord wanted me to point to his warning on plagues.  What I got was, soon you will begin to hear more news about these plagues in the news. That day I issued the warning.  On April 4th I started to see new reports about the bird flu disease, which for the first time has been passed on from human too human. The first case of human-to-human transmission of avian flu was reported in Pakistan, and yes the news said it was confirmed.  Then on April 7, 2008 there was another report of human-to-human transmission of the bird flu, only this time the report came in from China. What follows is a short section from that report. “A 24-year-old Chinese man who died of bird flu in December passed the virus directly to his father in a rare case of human-to-human transmission of the virus, doctors reported on Monday.”   Officials in both counties have told us don’t be concerned it hasn’t spread, but medical experts has warned if this bird flu takes it will begin to kill millions of people all around this planet. 

Jesus didn’t give the exact names of the plagues that would kill millions during the end times but this could be one of those plagues Jesus was referring to.  All I know is this; they are coming, so keep watching the news.  Today in India they began to kill off thousands of chickens because they have be infected with bird flu.  I believe as soon as you see warmer weather you will begin to hear more reports like this.

Another sign of the last days is that people will become brutal, abusive, without love, and unforgiving. Read my post of April 1, 2008. I pointed out how 11 children had plotted to kill their teacher. Read 2n Timothy 3:1-5, there is gives a detailed list of how people are going to be in the end times.  Almost every night we see acts of just how brutal people are becoming.  There are so many news reports I can’t cite them all but here is a good example of what I am talking about. WFTV released a story today showing how 8 kids, 6 girls and 2 boys brutally beat a girl.  The kids doing the beating captured this beating on video.  Why?  They wanted to post the beating on the Internet. You see more kids all over this nation killing each other!  Christ warned the love of many would wax cold, and it is as he said.

On Feb. 20, 2008 I posted a warning to keep your eyes on the European Union, because you are going to see signs of their growing power and influence in the world.  Over the past two months I warned that the dollar would drop against the euro and it has and still is.  As the dollar is falling to the waste side the euro is growing in strength and now there are more European Union nations signing on to drop their own currency to switch to the euro.   Yesterday the euobserver reported that most Danes want the euro and have made a bid to take on the euro as their new currency.  The euobserver article stated that,  A majority of Danes favor adopting the euro, a fresh survey has suggested while Slovakia has officially filed its application to become the 16th eurozone member state in 2009, just as the EU's monetary union is due to celebrate its tenth anniversary”. A report out of Europe from DW-World.DE today had this to say, “Despite facing considerable political and financial hurdles to meet the tough criteria for adopting the euro, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have moved to firm up plans for joining Europe's currency union by laying out road maps for euro membership by the early part of the new decade at the latest.”

Europe is getting stronger and stronger and one by one the nations are switching to the euro.  At the same time nations around the world are talking about dropping the dollar as the bench mark.  No nation would dare talk about dropping the U.S. dollar but in February 2008 that changed. The Wall Street Journal reported on the change when they wrote, “The possibility that OPEC would make an active decision to price oil barrels in a currency other than the dollar has been bandied about, but never spoken of by anyone with any real power. That changed today, after OPEC Secretary-General Abdullah al-Badri was quoted in the Middle East Economic Digest, saying “maybe we can price the oil in the euro.”  Are nations jumping ship on the U.S. dollar?   See for yourself, so far China, Japan Kuwait, Syria, Iran, Libya, Russia, Malaysia, Brazil, Argentina, Switzerland, Norway, and currently the Arab Gulf stated, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Sudan have switched away from the U.S. dollar!  This is only the beginning.  What currency have these nations turned to?  The euro!  Jesus made it very clear that the Roman Empire would return and be the final world empire established at the time of His 2nd coming. 

The main reason why you are seeing the U.S. decline is to make way for this new Roman Empire to fulfill its place in prophecy, which they are doing, and they are doing it very fast indead.  I know everyone who hasn’t studied the Bible thinks America will never fall away from power, but they are mistaken.  Just keep watching the news and you will see more signs pointing to the fulfillment of the Word of God.  These signs will begin to come faster and faster!   One of the most important signs coming in the European Union (new Roman Empire) is the fact that this union is getting ready to pick their first full time President, which will head all of the European Union members.  This will be the first time one man rules all of Europe since Ceasear.  In the link below there is a article entitled “Who will be EU president and what will they think of Turkey?” In that article it explains the Union is in the process of screening for the person who will take the seat as the 1st President of the EU, or (new Roman Empire).  It gives a list of people they are currently looking at as possible choices.

The main point is this.  The position for this new Ceasear is being set up, and it looks like it may be fulfilled in 2009 once the EU treaty is signed.  This is the seat that the Antichrist will sit in when he makes his way up the latter.  Jesus said, “when you see all these things take place look up for your redeptation drews close”.  Every thing that is taking place in this new Roman Empire has been set in place with perfect timing.   A man is coming, who will deceive the world in thinking he has the answers to the global problems.  Jesus is warning you, unless you are on the watch you will fall prey to this mans lies. 

According to prophecy the New Roman Empire would be born again at a time that a generation is known for their increase in knowledge and travel.  Read chaper 3 from my book and you will see this prophecy has come to pass only by our generation!  Jesus even warned that a false prophet would come during the end times and set up an image of the beast (Antichrist) and make this image come to life so it would speak.  Anyone who doesn’t worship this image will be killed. Read page. 53 of my book I give complete details there as will a scripture.  See Revelation 13: 13-15.  Let me give you an example of both our increase knowledge and a possible way this image can come to life and speak at the will of the false prophet.  In today’s news there is a report entitled “Robots seen doing work of 3.5 million in Japan”.  There is a picture of one of these robots.  They look exactly like a real person, they speak and move just like a real person, and they can be made in the image of anyone!  At the end of chapter 3 of my book I have links directing you to videos which you will allow you to see these robots in action.  Will the false prophet use a robot like you see in the news today?

It is very possible, point is this, Jesus said to look for it to happen, the technology is here right now, this is the generation Jesus spoke about.  Since January I have been warning you about two wars that have not been fulfilled yet.  I have been giving you all kinds of signs these two wars will soon come to pass.  The current Middle East war is just one of the signs showing us these wars are coming.   In Chapter 10 of my book I told you watch Iran because they are going to join with Russia and attack Israel.  For the past year Israel has kept telling the United Nations they will be forced to attack Iran and destroy their nuclear plant if they don’t stop Iran’s progress.  Today it was report that, “Iran announced Tuesday it had begun installing 6,000 new centrifuges at its uranium enrichment plant in Natanz, drawing swift condemnation from Western nations for expanding its nuclear activities in defiance of U.N. demands.”  Israel is going to have to make a decision soon whether to attack Iran and wipe out the nuclear site, or wait for the Iranians to finish their plans and then launch nukes at Israel.  What did Israel have to say about Iran today? “National Infrastructures Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said Monday "an Iranian attack will lead to a harsh response by Israel, which will cause the destruction of the Iranian nation.”

This end time war is on the way, and the signs of its coming are everywhere to be seen.  Mind you, Jesus told us about the time this attack will occur and what they will be saying at the time of this war.  I quote, “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.  For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.  For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape (1st Thessalonians 5: 1-6).  At this very moment leaders from many nations are in the Middle East working on a final peace plan for Israel and the PLO.  When is this war going to take place?  The Middle East is a time bomb waiting to go off, and they are doing exactly as God said they would when this war broke out, they are call for peace and safety!  Put all the pieces of the puzzle together and you get a very clear picture of the end times.  The last link I put up shows how the Middle East peace plan may be signed before this year ends.  Keep in mind, God told Daniel the man who comes out of the New Roman Empire will confirm a covenant in the end times. This agreement or covenant will be for a period of 7 years. I believe these nations are working toward that covenant right now.  You are going to hear a lot of news about these peace talks in the coming months.  All I can say is this, God help you if after all these signs you still don’t believe we are in the last days and are running out of time before the great tribulation begins. I pray for your soul.  In the mean time just pay attention to the news, Jesus is speaking to many through current events.

Now for the good news!  There is a way out of this mess.  Take Christ, as your Savior today, and He will write your name in His book of life. The Word of God says, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)  Once you have done that be ready for your coming trip to heaven when Christ calls His church home. If you decide not to take Christ’s free gift of eternal life, you will walk to the gates of hell, and you will be doing it with the tears of Christ.  Jesus made it known that he doesn’t want anyone to perish that way.  What are you going to do?  Let me know that answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WaMu gets $7billion infusion, cuts jobs, sees big loss (April 8, 2008)


Dollar falls versus yen, euro in Asia trading (April


Rice jumps to Record on Philippine Imports, Curbs on Exports  (April 8, 2008)


Oil prices approach record heights  (April 8, 2008)


China confirms human H5N1 transmission (Bird Flu) April 7, 2008


Chinese son likely gave bird flu to father:  (April 7, 2008)


India begins culling chickens in bird flu-hit Tripura (April 8, 2008)


Girls Record Brutal Attack On Teen To Allegedly Post On YouTube (April 8, 2008)


Most Danes want euro, Slovakia bids for 2009 eurozone entry (April 7, 2008)


New EU Members Step Up Drive to Join Euro Zone (April 4, 2008)


OPEC Rattles the Dollar  (Feb. 8, 2008)


Numerous Countries Have Recently Dropped The Dollar as Their Reserve Currency (March 18, 2008)


Who will be EU president and what will they think of Turkey? (April 8, 2008)


Robots seen doing work of 3.5 million in Japan (April 8, 2008)


Ben Eliezer: Strike by Iran Would Spell its End (April 8, 2008)


Iran begins installing more centrifuges (April 8, 2008)


Insider leaks plans for Palestinian state (April 7, 2008)



Can a company report on prophecy and not even know it? This company has!


Video promoting The Last Chronicles of Plant Earth.


For the past fews months I have been trying to get people to pay attention to the fall of the dollar and the rise of the euro, which as of the year 2000 it has been the currency for many of the European Union members. I told you what would happen to Gold, and Silver prices and what the U.S. should look for in the coming months as far as our economy is concerned.  I found a good site that will explain what one company is saying about these current events. Monex Precious Metals goes through a list of issues which I have told you about, or a least warned you about.  I have been giving my warnings since 1977 on everyone of these issues. Why is everything coming to pass now?  We are getting closer to the return of Christ, and the closer we get the faster these events are going to speed up. Below is a list of issues that are covered. I suggest you click to the link I have provided for you and read the answers this company gives, What does Monex expect for the future?  If you don’t want to trust me maybe you will see the light another way. Some of these questions go back to 2006.  Read what they say, then turn to my posts and read what I have been warning you all about. Everything I had warned is coming to pass.  Where did I get this information to warn you?  From the Bible!  Let me help you connect the dots between current events and what Jesus said was going to happen in our generation.  Below is the link that will take you to all the in-depth answers from Monex.

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/MAjTKqQlGeI"> </param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MAjTKqQlGeI" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>

Are we on a long path to see the Dollar depreciate against gold and silver?

Dollar will fall in coming years as the U.S. seeks a weak currency to boost exports and cut its trade and current-account deficits . . .more…

Will the weak US economy diminish the hopes of a Dollar recovery?

How serious is the concern of a financial crisis?

Will Fed Easing do long-term damage to the Dollar? Confidence in dollar never lower; some fear more Federal Reserve interest rate cuts will make matters worse by swelling inflation and undermining long-term U.S. economic health . . .more…

Why is gold for protection?

What is the gold market saying about fiat currencies?

Is the world recognizing that the Dollar is now just another fiat currency?

The increasingly weak U.S. dollar has brought waves of European tourists to New York looking to take advantage of hugely favorable exchange rates . . .more…

Will the Fed sell out the Dollar to buy insurance against a deep recession?

The reduction represents the most abrupt easing by the Fed since the early 1980s . . .more…

Why are experts forecasting that gold will be $1,000 sooner than expected?

Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse forecast $950 average in 2008, above $1,000 in 2009 . . .more…

Will investors run for cover from Dollar exposure?

Money poured into commodities Wednesday amid deepening fears about . . .more…

How should investors hedge against today’s falling currency values?

Buy gold, load up on gold, ignore all the ignorant nonsense — and hang on . . .more…

How is gold performing in the face of the recently firm Dollar?

Outlook bright — gold is still within an uptrend, going towards $1,000 . . .more…

Will the Dollar be hurt by a stronger Euro?

Eurozone interest rates unchanged at 4 percent by ECB as threat of slower growth . . .more…

Is the Dollar, as the world’s reserve currency, being systematically dismantled in a free fall?

Gulf countries under pressure to abandon fixed exchange rates after Dollar tumbled . . .more…

Is the mainstream media clueless why gold is an appreciating investment class?

There’s a lot of yada yada being shoveled — Guesses, rumors, theories, baloney . . .more…

What signals are there of the deep decline of the dollar?

The dollar hit a record low against the euro after the G7 summit failed to . . .more…

Could we see gold rocket above $1,000 in the near future?

One day soon gold will take off like a rocket to breach $1,000, most likely…more…

Is the Fed rate cut indicating a crisis brewing?

Bond prices slumped while gold continued to rally . . .more…

Is the low in the Dollar heating the gold and silver markets?

Making this case even stronger is the present crisis state of the dollar . . .more…

What happens when foreign banks wake up to the reality of the Dollar?

Money based on real value is the way to get out of the current calamity . . .more…

How dangerous is China to the United States?

Will the dollar continue its slide?

What factor is paramount in the ultimate demise of the dollar and the explosive gold market?

Will the Fed devalue the dollar dramatically?

Will the real estate subprime lending debacle reverse support for the Dollar?

Will the Dollar fail?

Why is the dollar no longer stable?

Is the world losing faith in the dollar?

The euro has displaced the US dollar as the world’s pre-eminent currency . . .more…

Will any European central banks switch to buying gold as an alternative to the dollar?

Is there a trend brewing to move out of Dollars?

What will be the sign that gold is fully back in a bull move?

Gold is about to signal a full return to the BULL side . . .more…

Will growing fears of U.S. economic problems spark a Dollar sell-off?

Why do growing Asian foreign reserves present a crisis for the Dollar?

Is the value of the Dollar subject to the whims of China?

China risks an erosion of its holdings because the dollar will probably decline . . .more…

Is the trade gap balooning?

How can I be sure that the dollar is doomed?

I expect the purchasing power of the dollar to decline considerably faster than it did . . .more…

Will the weak Dollar remain under pressure this year?

The dollar is down about 7.4 percent against the euro and 1.5 percent versus the yen this year . . .more…

Why will wealthy and knowledgeable investors move to tangibles and areas of intrinsic value?

Does present gold weakness suggest getting out of metals or is it yet again a buying opportunity?

Do investors think the G7 can stop Dollar devaluation in the face of the U.S. trade deficit?

What does the poor Jobs Report mean for the Dollar and Fed inflation?

Why did Sinclair predict gold would break above its $645 high?

Why are precious metals so strong today, and will it continue?

What will happen to Dollar-denominated securities if the Dollar goes into a tailspin?

How bad is the trade gap crisis?

Are the fundamental reasons for U.S. Dollar weakness getting worse?

The US trade deficit widened to a record $68.5bn in January, with exporters unable to . . .more…

Will the Dollar devalue as government spending goes unchecked?

When will gold take its next leap forward?

Will China sell significant Dollar reserves?

Why do Sinclair and others now expect $600 to $682 gold price levels?

Apart from China, other factors are contributing to gold’s recent rally . . .more…

What is the 2006 forecast for the Dollar?

What did Jesus Christ say?   "Don’t forsake the gathering of the saints especially as you see that day approching".  If you think you are going to be able to make it alone as these hard times hit us, you are blind to what’s coming.  If you are blind to what is coming it is because you haven’t studied the Word of the Lord. There is still time to prepare for the King and to stand ready and watching for His soon return or, you can be just like the people who laughed at Noah when He warned them of what was coming. Jesus is standing at the door drawing you to make the correct choice. What are you going to do?  Free will can be a bear sometimes! What is at stake?  Will you be going with Christ to heaven, or will you send yourself to Hell where the fire never goes out, and the darkness will consume you for an eternity.. Some choice, but it has to be made and made now. If Jesus were to call His church home tonight, ask yourself this question, am I going with Him?  If you can’t say yes to this question, you are in a very dangerous gray area right now, and I would get out of it buy taking the free gift of Salavation Jesus whats you to have. 

The links below gives you a true account of one man’s trip to hell.  Listen to his story and make up your own minds.  You better know for sure where you are going after this life!

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HdugdTIS74

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1CRRqH-Fmk&feature=related

Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj_JZo0Pbhk&feature=related

Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFsKp9AVlC0

Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwKEpuOfBRE&feature=related

Part 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QOtx0cJlhU&feature=related

Part 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bxKHoR9mZg&feature=related

Part 8: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agS6XBzloxY&feature=related