My heart goes out to all the people affected by the quakes. In the last 3 weeks Mexico, Japan, and China. have lived through one of the signs of the times Jesus warned about which is earthquakes. These 3 nations are among the first to see first hand what Jesus was talking about. Soon you will be seeing more news concerning more of these quakes. They are coming! People may not like or want to hear this type of news, but would you rather I lie to you? Please put this in your heart, we are not just seeing warnings from some man (Jesus) but He is our Lord and our God. If our God is warning us we are going to see all these things, then it would be foolish to try and hide from these facts. His warnings have gone out for two reasons. First, to demonstrate that what He says always comes to pass and second, to warn everyone that He is coming soon. The signs have been given to us to get us ready to met him when He calls His Church home. If I therefore told you we won’t see anymore of these quakes I would be lying and contradicting Jesus own words. You see Jesus said all these things will come just like a women in labor. All the signs from here on will begin to intensify, and not only are they going to get stronger but they are now going to begin to come faster. It isn’t my job to try and make you feel better, it my commission to prepare everyone to either met Jesus in the air when He calls, or be prepared to be cast into the worse 7 years of human history. In Matthew 24:22 Jesus said, “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved”. When Jesus returns at the end of the 7 year tribulation there will be very few people left on this planet. If you like those odds and want to take the risk of entering the 7 years that is your choice, but for those of you who are wise, prepare to met the Lord. Here is a prayer Jesus wants you to pray. “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (Luke 21:36). Christ would not ask you to pray for something he wasn’t going to deliver. Everyone who is ready will be caught up to Christ and brought into heaven while everyone else is left on earth to pass through the 7 years. Signs of things to come. Luke chapter 21:25. includes the sign of earthquakes. Yesterday I said look for the count to be 50,000 people dead and it could go higher, today that number showed up in a report issued by the AP. See link below.
AP video shows China earthquake’s first moments May 14, 2008
Matthew 24:6 war and rumors of war-Signs of things to come. In the news today there was a report entitled, “The gathering storm, and beyond”. It was reported in the Jerusalem Post. It is a report out of Israel that is a warning sign not only for Israel but for every free nation. “The incendiary hate language emanating from Ahmadinejad’s Iran – in which Israel is referred to as "filthy bacteria" and a "cancerous tumor" and Jews are characterized as "a bunch of bloodthirsty barbarians" – is only the head wind of the gathering storm confronting Israel on its 60th anniversary”. “state-sanctioned incitement to genocide in Ahmadinejad’s Iran (and I use that term to distinguish it from the many publics and peoples in Iran who are themselves the object of massive state repression) dramatized by the parading of a Shihab-3 missile in the streets of Teheran draped with the emblem "Wipe Israel off the map";. The people at the Jerusalem Post are very wise to point out the threat from Iran. I know the person who wrote this report can see the handwriting on the wall. I believe this person knows it is only a matter of time before Israel is faced by an massive assault by Iran and her allies. Fact is, the writer even points out the current events in Lebanon and Syria are brewing trouble for Israel. I have been warning you for months Israel would be engaged in another war soon. That war is coming!
The writer from the J. Post speaks about Iran and how Ahmadinejad has again stated he wants to wipe Israel off the map. I told you yeaterday that if Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear plant Russia would be dragged into war against Israel as well. Here is the report I quoted that information from. The title to report is called, “Attack Iran and you attack Russia” I quote from the Oct. 26, 2008 report. “The barely reported highlight of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tehran for the Caspian Sea summit last week was a key face-to-face meeting with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. A high-level diplomatic source in Tehran tells Asia Times Online that essentially Putin and the Supreme Leader have agreed on a plan to nullify the George W Bush administration’s relentless drive towards launching a preemptive attack, perhaps a tactical nuclear
strike, against Iran. An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia. Iran considers Israel and America as bed partners. If either one of these nations hit Iran, Russia will come and fulfilled the prophecy in Ezekiel 38-39. This war is moving closer and closer to being fulfilled. You will understand just how close once you read chapter 10 of my book. You can download the book for FREE at the end of this post. Please give it about 45 seconds to download.
President Bush to Israel: ‘America stands with you’ video
Four years ago I told my wife we were going to be faced $.4.00 gas prices. Some of the other people I told this probably didn’t believe me, but if they read the press today they will find out this to has come to pass. Alaska was the first state in the Union to hit $4. Here is the headline, “Alaska first state to hit $4 a gallon gasoline” I quote, “AAA May 14, 2008 Oil prices recently brushed against $127 per barrel so certainly, $4 gasoline could be in the cards for other states as well this summer," said Sundstrom. At $4 per gallon, filling up a 15-gallon tank will cost $60.” When I told my wife what would happen in the future it was in
One of the last stages of the European Union to becoming the mighty World Empire as fore seen by the prophet Daniel and warned by Christ is the Roman military. If the EU is going to rise to be just like the Old Roman Empire they will have to have the strength in their military as did the Old Roman Empire. The EU has been building up a strike force and I give all the details in chapter 2 of my book but, now the leaders of the EU are going to put a EU combined force together. I quote, “German foreign minister favours EU army Germany’s foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, has indicated he would like to see a European army established. Speaking at a Social Democrat security policy conference in Berlin on Monday (5 May), Mr Steinmeier said he favoured the setting up of a "European armed force" and that he would like to see moves in this direction speeded up” May 8, 2008. Do you know what the EU’s military is going to look like when the 27 nations all come together as one force? They will be massive and they will be just like the Old Roman Empire all over again. Notice the last sentence of that report where it says, “Mr Steinmeier said he favoured the setting up of a "European armed force" and that he would like to see moves in this direction speeded up” They are going to speed up this process because we are in stronger labor pains, if Jesus is coming soon, this massive European army must come even faster. Keep your eyes on the news and you will hear more about this subject very soon.
Today’s news also told us “Poland has opted to become a full member of the EU and NATO-linked military club, Eurocorps, in a move designed to spur on the creation of a significant European defence capability.” I am not kidding when I say it will happen fast!
In January of 2009 the EU is going to pick their first full time EU President ever. This will be the man who will soon take control of the new EU Army! No one man has ruled over Europe since Caesar. Does it surprise you this is exactly what Jesus warned us was coming? God help you all who still don’t believe. It has been impressed upon me to start watching the news for pestilences. Watch for locust swarms to invade soon. I know insects are going to be on the move soon.
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS 5 / AP / BCN) ― The California Supreme Court overturned a ban on gay marriage Thursday, paving the way for California to become the second state where gay and lesbian residents can marry — though more challenges may loom.” This is another sign that we have come to the last days. Jesus made it known that the last generation living just prior to His second coming would be a copy of the generation which lived during Lot’s time. What was the Lord referring to? Homosexuality. The generation at Lot’s time were heavily evolved in homosexuality. This is something God says He hates. Read what He says about this issue. “ A women must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does thi.” (Deuteronomy 22:5). “There shall be o whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Thus shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow.: for even both these are abomination unto the LORD thy God” (Deuteronomy 22:17-18). Listen to what the Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral or…male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders… will inherit the kingdom of God”. In the book of Luke it says, “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all” (Luke17:28-29). The state of California may have passed a law stating gay marriages are legal, but in God’s eyes it is an act that without repentance will cause them to first, to be cast into the 7 year tribulation and second, if they still don’t repent, they will be cast into hell. No one can escape without asking Jesus to forgive them, and then turn from that sin. These are not my words, these are God’s Words. If you have trouble with this take it up with the Savior. In any case we are seeing this generation turn into that copy of Lot’s generation. Please, we are in the final days and I pray you understand how close we are to hearing Jesus call for His Church. Christians, our duty to Christ is to sound the warning to all people, not just the gay population. Love all people but hate the sin, pray for these people and ask Christ to reveal His truth before He calls us home!
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Frank’ Video on youtube concerning all these signs:
Frank DiMora’s Video showing Jehovah’s Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words.
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