March 18, 2022 The Russian, Iran, and Turkey connection to the Ezekiel 38 war prophecy


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If you are watching the nightly news concerning the devastation Russia is inflicting on Ukraine you may not understand the significance of how these current events point to bible prophecy. 


Old Testament names of the invading nations against Israel were different from what they are called today; however they are the same nations which exist today.  Meshech and Tubal in verses 2 and 3 were the names of the sixth and fifth sons of Japheth, the son of Noah (Genesis 10:2).  These descendants made their way into what is now modern day Russia.  Gog is the leader, or their “Chief Prince,” of Meshech and Tubal.  Gog, this “Chief Prince,” will lead this army against Israel.  Who is Magog?  Leading Bible scholars say this is Turkey. The Roman historian Josephus said the “Magogites” were the peoples whom the Greeks called “Scythians.” Scythians were a fierce, blood-thirsty civilization that settled north of the Baltic Sea in what is now Russia and the European republics of the former USSR.  In Ezekiel 38:6,15 and 39:2, the prophet makes it clear the attack would come from the “north.” Directly north of Israel is Turkey.  Here are the breakdowns of the rest of the names mentioned in Ezekiel 38, which will join Turkey in the attack.  These nations are: Persia, which is mainly modern day Iran, parts of northern Iraq, and Afghanistan and Cush, which is Ethiopia and Sudan. Bible history reveals Ethiopia was located to the south of Egypt, extending through the junction of the White and Blue Nile including, and beyond, what is today Sudan.  The Hebrew word for Ethiopia is Cush.  When you study the table of nations listed in Genesis chapter 10, you will learn Ham’s oldest son was named Cush.  We know Ham’s son Cush inhabited Ethiopia, and in our present day, this would encompass both modern day Ethiopia and Sudan.

Turkey: Togarmah was the second son of Gomer; his descendants occupied eastern and northern Turkey, and they occupied Southern Russia, which used to be comprised of many small nations such as Armenia.  Present day Armenians still call themselves the house of Togarmah.  Keep in mind, Armenia is a former republic of the Soviet Union (Russia) and will come against Israel with Russia and Russia’s allies listed in Ezekiel 38.  How does Turkey fit into this coming attack?  Turkey has a big dependency on gas from Russia and Iran.  An example of one such treaty Turkey signed was a gas pact with Iran in 1996.  The gas pact was a snub at the United States since the U.S. had placed sanctions on Iran.  The report in The Star newspaper explains how the gas pact snubbed the U.S.  “The agreement is in defiance of U.S. legislation which punishes companies investing in the oil or gas industries of Libya and Iran” (The Star Aug. 12, 1996 p.A10).



“The number of casualties is not yet known — and the Kremlin denies targeting civilians — but experts say the incident is an indication that Russian President Vladimir Putin has turned to a familiar and pitiless playbook.

With his troops bogged down in the mud, running out of food and fuel and hemorrhaging casualties, many analysts believe that Putin’s battle plan is in the mire — and in desperation he has pivoted to the brutal tactics used in the Russian republic of Chechnya in 1999 and in Syria in 2015.

In both campaigns, Putin’s missiles and jets bombed and besieged residential areas, reduced apartment buildings to rubble, and targeted schools and hospitals in what watchdogs say could have constituted war crimes.

Now the Russian president is doing these things in Ukraine.

“It’s exactly the same playbook as we’ve seen before in Grozny, in Chechnya and in Homs and Aleppo in Syria,” said Justin Bronk, a research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, a military-focused think tank in London.”

“Putin stepped into Syria’s civil war on the side of President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, the first time Russia had launched a foreign military offensive since the end of the Cold War.” “Russian jets and missiles were key to Assad beating back rebel groups and ultimately turning the tide of the war. But those bombs also transformed vibrant cities such as Aleppo into modern-day ruins, a graveyard of concrete husks rendered skeletal by the might of the Kremlin’s air power.”


Souvenirs showing pictures of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin in a Damascus shop illustrate the deep ties between the two allies, after Moscow intervened to shore up Assad in Syria's civil war 66

Military presence

In 2015, Russia began air strikes in Syria to support Assad’s struggling troops.

It helped pro-regime forces wrest back lost territory in a series of victories against rebels and jihadists involving deadly bombardments and massive destruction.

More than 63,000 Russian military personnel have deployed to Syria, Moscow says.

It is unclear how many are currently stationed there.

Moscow has two military bases in Syria: the aerodrome in Hmeimim in the northwest and the naval port of Tartus, further south.

March 17, 2022 New up-date prophecy book has been posted for your free download -The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth

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March 16, 2022 Are we seeing the days just before Jesus comes? Proof the answer is yes!!!


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March 14, 2022 A Host Of Prophecies That Prove Jesus Is The Messiah and Will Return in Our Generation


Video below was posted earlier today


Marc h 14, 2022 More grain exports come to a halt



March 11, 2022 Is what Jesus warned us about wheat and barley in the last days coming to pass? Answer is yes!


March 11, 2022 Another leader telling us about Peace and safety just as Jesus told us they would



You may be wondering why I have a picture of Rev. chapter 17 on my video when the video is talking about the call of peace and safety?  

The Lord war of war coming and I am sure you will make the connection to Rev. 17 when you watch the call for peace and safety video.


Video below is from a few days ago

March 8, 2022 Major Farmer Says Food Bills Will Be $1,000 A Month Maybe Now You Will Listen To What Jesus Warned Us!

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 8 2022 Edition by Frank DiMora



Download Skyrocketing Food Prices a continuing report up-dated as of March 4 2022

March 4, 2022 up-date on food prices skyrocketing. Do not take what Jesus warned us lightly!



Download Skyrocketing Food Prices a continuing report up-dated as of March 4 2022

March 3, 2021 What the Russian invasion has done to skyrocketing food prices


Dec. 15, 2009 I wrote a post concerning food prices skyrocketing as Jesus Christ warned us they would. Below in blue is part of what my 2009 stated.

Prophecy Sign:  I think it would be good to read what Jesus Christ warned us about what would happen with the price of food in the last days.  I quote from Revelation 6:5-6. When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!” 

In the book of Mark chapter 13:8 it stated, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.” 

Jesus makes it very clear that in the last days the nations of the world will go through birth pains and part of these troubles or birth pains would be famine, hungry, and civil wars where nation would not only be fighting against other nations but that they would be fighting against themselves as well.  It will be during this time period that the price of food will have skyrocketed to level that Jesus shows us in Revelation 6:5-6, a person will work all day long for a handful of wheat or barley.  In other words, the price of food will be so expensive many will die because they can’t even buy it.  As with all birth pains the birth increase the closer the woman gets to delivering the baby.  This is the same thing that is happening with the last days signs Jesus warned us about. 

On Dec. 29, 2021 I put out the PDF file for you on these on the subject of these skyrocketing food prices which you see below. Since 2009, we have seen those skyrocketing food prices continue and they will not stop.  

Download Skyrocketing Food Prices a continuing report

One of the items Jesus pointed out to us was in Rev. 6:6 was wheat. Since the Lord warned us that wheat prices would go up in the last days and, He made the connection to war signs, it would be wise for us to pay attention to places in conflict that disrupt food prices. What is currently taking place between Russia and Ukraine is a prime example. Not only are wheat prices going to effect Europe but the effects of Russia’s invasion on Ukraine will cause wheat prices to skyrocket around the world.  Let us also remember that Russia is one of the nations mentioned in the Ezekiel 38 war prophecy against Israel. So what Russia does in these last days is a matter of concern for any of us who knows bible prophecy.

Below are four new reports informing us what is happening to wheat prices!

Black Sea wheat prices soar on supply disruptions; futures prices rally


Wheat Shortage 2022? Why Wheat Prices Are Soaring, Fears Rising.

Today, investors and traders appear to be pricing a “wheat shortage 2022” scenario into commodity prices. Specifically, the price of a bushel of wheat has surged to 14-year highs as the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict stokes fears of impending supply shortages.



“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could push U.S. food prices even higher, as the region is one of the world’s largest producers of wheat and some vegetable oils. And the disruptions could drag on for months or even years, as crop production in the area could be halted and take a long time to restart.

This new inflation shock comes at a time when global markets remain extremely strained because of pandemic-related disruptions. The price changes impacted commodity prices in recent days and could flow through to higher costs at grocery stores and restaurants soon.

Grocery manufacturers are concerned that, while the vast majority of ingredients and materials for American products are sourced domestically, the economic effects of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will be global, according to Katie Denis, vice president of communications and research for the industry organization Consumer Brands Association.”

All I can do is tell you what Jesus Christ stated. I do this in the hope that you will believe what He teaches and receive Him as your Lord and Savior. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming for anyone not to have Jesus as their Lord.