Oct. 12, 2021 CDC and World Health Org. join The Father of lies you can see who is lying via a immune test

Why is it that what we are hearing from Doctors outside the CDC and World Health Organization that the Covid19 vaccines are doing more harm than good. Case in point listen to one very well qualified specialist give you the true information what the CDC and WHO is trying to make you believe. If you think you are going to get the truth about the vaccines from the main stream media you are really fooling yourself.


Ok, so you were one of the people who were pressured into getting the vaccine shots or, you were one who just trusted what your government doctors told you about the shots, if this was you you had better take a look at the testing being done on people who got the shots!!!  I don’t want to scare anyone who has had the shots but for your own health I would think you would want to go back to your doctor and have him or her retest your immune system. Look, I know people are on the fence on the subject of getting the vaccine shot but, what if what you are being told about the shot just is not true? Wouldn’t you want to make sure how your immune system is doing after the first or second jab?  If you have a good physician I am sure he or she would want to keep you healthy so don’t be afraid to ask for a immune test.

Oregon Senators Call For Investigation Into Alleged COVID-19 Statistical Manipulation


Australia is also in the midst of uncovering lies about the Jabs. The video below if you watch it will tell you how many people died after getting the vaccine and how many people suddenly had health problems after the jab.


Oct. 12, 2021 Great earthquakes in the news as Jesus warned they would be

If you would like to make a comment on my report e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com
Word for today. Live in Christ! Without Christ you are already DEAD.

Oct. 10, 2021 Today’s News Shows Jesus Words Have Come To Pass For Yourselves

If you would like to make a comment on my report e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com

Oct. 9, 2021 One World Government & Religion =’s the Pope

If you would like to make a comment on my report e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com
Word for today. Live in Christ! Without Christ you are already DEAD.

Oct. 9, 2021 Jesus warned to watch for those Great earthquakes the year 2021 has been full of them

If you would like to make a comment on my report e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com
Word for today. Live in Christ! Without Christ you are already DEAD.

Oct. 8, 2021 Special Report: Antichrist on His way

If you would like to make a comment on my report e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com
Word for today. Live in Christ! Without Christ you are already DEAD.



Oct. 7, 2021 Israel’s shots preparing the way for the mark of the beast

If you would like to make a comment on my report e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com
Word for today. Live in Christ!

October 6, 2021 Mandatory Covid -19 LIST is growing from my Jul 8, 2021 warning




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Aa bookIn Jesus Christ name I pray that the people who read this post take it seriously. The road that will lead this generation to that mark is being set in stone via a virus. How can it be that one man can make it that you can not buy or sell anything unless you take his mark?  Steps are being taken right now that are setting up people to be forced to do something that they will not want to do.  Who would have thought that a virus would just about close down the entire world’s economy yet that is exactly what happen in 2020 and, it now appears we will see more shut downs as these new variants of the Covid-19 virus are reported.  World governments one at a time are starting to mandate their people  get a Covid vaccine or less. You will see what I am referring to when you start reading the reports below showing you what each government is doing to their people if they refuse the Covid-19 vaccines! 

If people can be controlled now via a mandatory vaccine what do you think is going to happen when the Antichrist shows up to enforce his mark?  What we are witnessing with the mandatory vaccines is just a set up stage for the mark of the beast.  As reports come in showing these new Covid mandates I will post them on this post.  Life as we knew it before the Covid-19 virus will never be the same.  Jesus has given each person a free will to either receive Him as your Lord and Savior or deny Him. Those who receive Him are called His sheep and those who deny Him are called the goats.  Jesus promised to take His sheep to heaven when He calls and, those goats who denied Him will be left behind on Earth to deal with the Antichrist his mark and God’s wrath that will come when the Church is gone.  Make no mistake about it, if you are reading this post it is because Jesus wants you to see it.  His love for all people is very clear in His word. The Lord does not want anyone to be cast into the lake of fire and, that is the reason why Jesus went to the cross for you.  Because of His work on that cross you have been given a way to heaven via Jesus. You deny Christ and Christ will deny you before the Father in heaven.

Why do you think approximately one-fourth of the Word of God was prophetic? The obvious conclusion any serious Bible student can make from this statistic is that if the Almighty devoted that much of His Word to the subject of prophecy, it certainly benefits every Believer to study it. The knowledge of Biblical prophecy produces the following important results:

The Bible’s Authority
The detailed descriptions of coming events and their precise fulfillment validate that “Scripture is of divine origin, trustworthy, and to be studied with confidence.” All that man knows of God is recorded in His Word; without this assured foundation, we are nothing.

God Almighty inspired the writers of His Holy Word through the communion of His Spirit with the spiritual nature and intellectual abilities of man. Remember this truth: all Scripture is written by God; it is His voice and His authority.

The Bible’s Accuracy
The Holy Scriptures are not merely man’s account of historical events— they are a living, accurate, and authoritative message from God to His people. Christ acknowledged the Scriptures in His earthly ministry by referring to the Old Testament writings as those things “spoken to you by God.”  In a nut shell, Jesus has given all of us enough evidence His words all come to pass so we would see Him for who He really is. God. 

Soon you may be confronted with someone asking you to prove you have been vaccinated. They may tell you unless you take the vaccine you can no longer go to work, take a train or plane, eat at any restaurant, or even go into a grocery store to buy food. Think this can not happen to you?  When you read the reports below you will learn in many places what I just described is taking place and, it is only the beginning for what is coming! If there was ever a time to take Jesus at His words now is that time!  Have you received Jesus yet or, have you denied Him?  Get off the fence while you still have a chance to do so.  Let today be the day Jesus writes your name in His book of Life! 

Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”

Acts 16:30-31 “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

 Acts 4:12 “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

 John 5:24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.”

                          Revelation chapter 13

16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Jul 8, 2021 I warned you to watch for more news showing Governments are going to push a mandatory Covid19 vaccine.  You will see what I warned in the video below.  Notice I tell you what I stated to watch  back in March of this year concerning this mandatory vaccines.  After you watch my video scroll down and you will see more news showing you that the road to the mark of the beast is being laid out via mandatory vaccines. These forced laws will make it much easier for the Antichrist to force his mark when the time is right!

October 5, 2021 – Students Sue St. John’s University Over Vaccine Mandate, Citing Use of Aborted Fetus Cells in Testing
A group of students at St. John’s University (SJU) in New York are suing the school over its COVID-19 vaccination requirement, which they say violates their religious belief regarding abortion.

October 5, 2021 – Israel just nullified vaccine passports for all double jabbed people… now only the triple jabbed get “freedom
After earlier claiming that only two injections would be necessary in order to obtain a “green pass,” the government of Israel is now forcefully demanding that all Israelis received a third jab of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) in order to maintain the “privilege” of buying and selling

October 4, 2021 – Denver Police Officer Forced to Take COVID Vaccine, Now He Says He Lost the Ability to Walk
In early August, Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock announced a COVID-19 vaccine mandate. He declared that all city employees, and even some private-sector employees who worked in “high-risk settings,” must be vaccinated by Sept. 30, according to the government’s website.

September 28, 2021 – Hospital System That Serves 4 States Fires 175 Workers After Vaccine Mandate
Days after announcing that about 375 healthcare employees would be suspended, a North Carolina-based hospital system confirmed Monday that around 175 workers were fired in one of the largest-ever mass terminations due to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

September 25, 2021  Italy Orders Companies Not To Pay Unvaccinated Workers
The Italian government has passed a decree applying to both the private and public sector ordering companies to withhold pay from workers who refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

September 20, 2021 – Vatican City enforces mandates for vaccines, COVID-19 test

To enter Vatican City, people will have to present a Green Pass, the certification used in Italy to avoid the spread of the pandemic, or any international equivalent. The decision was announced on Monday (Sept. 20) and signed by Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello, the president of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State and president of the Governorate of Vatican City State.

“An exception is made for those who participate in the liturgical celebrations for the time that is strictly necessary to perform the rite,” the document read, adding that social distancing, mask mandates and hygiene measures will still apply.


September 16, 2021  Italy to Impose Strict Covid-19 Health Pass for All Workers


September 13, 2021  – San Diego Could Lose Half Their Police Force From Vaccine Mandate, 45 Percent Are a Hard NO and Willing to Be Fired


eptember 12, 2021 – US Trucker Just Issued Warning About These Vaccine Mandates And Possible Food Shortages


September 11, 2021 Vax mandate resignations force Lewis County General Hospital to ‘pause’ baby deliveries


September 9, 2021 – BIDEN SWEEPING VACCINATION MANDATE: President Enacts Sweeping New Vaccine Mandate For 100 Million Americans


Aug. 26, 2021  State set to roll out vaccine passport for gyms, bars, and other businesses


Aug. 23, 2021Florida gives school districts 48 hours to reverse mask mandates or lose funding – ABC News
Two Florida school districts that defied state rules and imposed mask mandates for students have been given 48 hours to reverse course or lose state funding equal to the salaries of their school board members.

Aug. 20, 2021 – French supermarkets have hired bouncers in order to deny people basic human rights to food and water because they didn’t get the right government permission slip


Aug. 19, 2021 – S.F. Moves to suspend police, fire and sheriff’s employees who refuse to report vaccination status. 


Aug. 18, 2021 – CES 2022 to require proof of vaccination against COVID-19


Aug. 18, 2021 – Biden to require vaccines for nursing home staff – https://apnews.com/article/business-health-coronavirus-pandemic-nursing-homes-2e6189cd41068b1e0f643ee7e4bfbb92https:/https://apnews.com/article/business-health-coronavirus-pandemic-nursing-homes-2e6189cd41068b1e0f643ee7e4bfbb92/apnews.com/article/business-health-coronavirus-pandemic-nursing-homes-2e6189cd41068b1e0f643ee7e4bfbb92

Aug. 14, 2021Mandatory COVID vaccines at Tyson Foods leads to walkout of some workers amid food supply crisis and rising resistance to medical tyranny
The Marxists behind the regime and the deep state were working their ‘magic’ to turn our country into a socialist gulag with them in charge little by little, like the proverbial frog in the frying pan.

Aug. 12, 2021 University Vaccine Mandate Stays as Justice Barrett Rebuffs Plea

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett turned away a challenge to Indiana University’s requirement that all students be vaccinated against Covid-19 for the fall semester unless they have a religious or medical exemption.Giving no explanation, Barrett on Thursday summarily denied a request to block the vaccine mandate from eight students who said their constitutional rights were being violated. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-08-12/supreme-court-justice-leaves-university-vaccine-mandate-intact

Aug. 11, 2021 – Los Angeles City Council Votes 13-0 To Create Vaccination Requirement For Indoor Public Spaces Such As Restaurants, Movie Theaters, Concert Venues


Aug. 11, 2021 – California Gov. Newsom orders teacher vaccinations
California school employees must be vaccinated against COVID-19 or submit to a weekly test proving they are not infected with the coronavirus under an order announced Wednesday by Gov. Gavin Newsom that positions the state as among the most aggressive in the nation with mandates aimed at keeping campuses safe. https://wwwhttps://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-08-10/gov-newsom-expected-to-order-school-employees-to-get-vaccinated-or-be-tested-regularlylatimes.com/california/story/2021-08-10/gov-newsom-expected-to-order-school-employees-to-get-vaccinated-or-be-tested-regularly

Aug. 11, 2021 – Biden’s Pentagon taking massive risk by ordering ALL military personnel to get experimental COVID-19 vaccine
Democrats have long known that the very last bastion of pro-American culture is the U.S. military, and since the Biden regime has taken over, the effort has been to fundamentally transform our patriotic fighting force into a ‘woke’ force of pansies who couldn’t fight their way out of a paper sack but whose rank-and-file members can recite critical race theory dictates verbatim.

Aug. 9, 2021 – France’s Virus Pass Now Required In Restaurants, On Trains


Aug. 9, 2021 – Pentagon Pulls Trigger: Will Order All Troops To Get Covid Vaccine By Sept. 15


Aug. 8, 2021 – Defense Secretary Austin to announce mandatory coronavirus vaccinations across the military


AUG. 8, 2021  Swedish professor: People will need FIVE vaccine doses for immunity, and if you don’t submit, you’ll no longer qualify as “fully vaccinated” 
Many individuals worldwide have completed their Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination schedule. They have touted their “fully vaccinated” status after getting two doses of COVID-19 vaccines, with some joining the category after getting single-dose vaccines. However, a professor said that COVID-19 vaccines may not be enough to provide immunity – and recommended as many as five vaccine doses.

AUG. 3, 2021 -Tyson Foods to Require COVID-19 Vaccinations for its U.S. Workforce


AUG. 2, 2021 – Thousands of Pakistanis Line Up for Vaccine After Gov’t Shuts Down Cell Service for Unvaccinated


AUG. 1, 2021 – Local government in Philippines declares that unvaccinated people are barred from purchasing FOOD
Human rights abuses are accelerating worldwide, as governments claim dominion over people’s bodies and minds. In the Philippine city of Lapu-Lapu, Mayor Junard “Ahong” Chan signed a terror-inspired executive order that bans the “unvaccinated” from department stores, convenience stores, supermarkets and grocery stores. storesifesitenews.com/news/mayor-in-philippines-announces-policy-banning-unvaccinated-from-supermarkets-grocery-stores/

Aug. 1, 2021 – As a ‘Big Pharma’ induced medical catastrophe unfolds across America, radical leftist threatens to ‘treat Republicans like Nazis did the Jews’ and ‘be as murderous as possible


JULY 31, 2021 – Walt Disney, Walmart Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine for US Employees, Alter Mask Policy


JULY 31, 2021Vaccine for US Employees, Alter Mask Policy
The Walt Disney Company and Walmart announced a new policy on Friday that will require nearly every employee working for the company in the United States to be vaccinated against the CCP virus.

JULY 31, 2021 – CNN just declared that unvaccinated people should be starved to death
People who refuse to get injected with a “vaccine” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) as demanded by Pedo Joe should not be allowed to enter grocery stores to buy food for their families, says Don Lemon of CNN.

JULY 28, 2021Netflix Mandates Vaccinations for All Actors on US Productions 
Netflix has become the first major Hollywood studio to roll out companywide COVID-19 vaccine mandates for cast members and those who come in contact with them for all productions in the United States.Walt Disney, Walmart Mandate COVID-19

JULY 26, 2021 DOJ Vaccine mandates Now Legal
DOJ vaccine mandates are legal as of July 26, 2021. The Department of Justice (DOJ) determined that federal law will not prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring COVID vaccines under the Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorization With the DOJ vaccine mandates, public places, retail stores, places of business (your job) can require covid vaccines if they wish.  https://https://steverotter.com/vaccine-mandates-legal/.com/vaccine-mandates-legal/






Aa bookMain stream media does not want people to use hydroxychloroquine, or  ivermectin which both of these drugs help to fight the Covid virus. 


Headline:   North Texas Doctor Recovers from Covid-19 Using Hydroxychloroquine.https://thetexan.news/north-texas-doctor-recovers-from-covid-19-using-hydroxychloroquine/

Oct. 4, 2021 Saving Frank DiMora’s life

Oct. 4, 2021 Food Prices skyrocketing a continuing report as new information is issued

If you would like to make a comment on my report e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com

For years I have been warning you to watch for the prices of food to skyrocket as warned by Jesus. In my book I cite the many reports year after year showing us just how high the prices of food are climbing. Below is some of the most recent reports on this issue. I will keep adding to this list below as new reports are issued. 

September 12, 2019:  Food prices on the rise, pushing millions into deeper poverty Link

November 28, 2019 It’s Getting More Expensive to Eat, and Economists Are Worried Link

June 10, 2020: Food prices continue to increase with no clampdowns in sight Link

June 11, 2020: Food prices are rising fast—Here are the winners and losers to watch Link

Jul 28, 2020: China Food Crisis?  Rising Domestic Prices and Large Import Purchases Send a  Signal Link

August 5, 2020:  Families Struggle As Grocery Prices Rise Amid Pandemic | NBC Nightly News Link

August 6, 2020: Why Are Food Prices Skyrocketing During the Pandemic? | NBCLA Link

August 11, 2020: Ethiopia’s inflation soaring to 22.3 percent, food prices unbearable for millions Link

September 9, 2020: Global food prices have been rising during the coronavirus pandemic, hitting food security Link

September 22, 2020: Soaring food prices Link

January 11, 2021: Food Price Inflation Accelerates For Seventh Consecutive Month Link

March 7, 2021 the RT news reported food prices still going up. “The agency said that its food price index jumped by 2.4 percent month-on-month to reach 116.0 points in February. The gauge, which tracks monthly changes in the international prices of commonly-traded food commodities, is also 26.5 percent higher than it was a year earlier. The latest increase has become the longest surge for overall food costs since the food crisis broke that out in 2007-08. Prices for sugar soared most, adding 6.4 percent from January, according to the FAO. The agency’s sugar price index rose for the second month in a row, reaching its highest level in nearly four years.” Link

March 13, 2021 Officials are now telling us the year 2021, will see food prices climbing even higher! See report below.




April 23, 2021 Bloomberg news  again showed food prices are skyrocketing in their report entitled: “The Grocery Price Shock Is Coming to a Store Near You”. “Corn, wheat, soybeans, vegetable oils: A small handful of commodities form the backbone of much of the world’s diet and they’re dramatically more expensive, flashing alarm signals for global shopping budgets. This week, the Bloomberg Agriculture Spot Index — which tracks key farm products — surged the most in almost nine years, driven by a rally in crop futures. With global food prices already at the highest since mid-2014, this latest jump is being closely watched because staple crops are a ubiquitous influence on grocery shelves — from bread and pizza dough to meat and even soda.” Link

June 3, 2021 headline from Bloomberg: “Global Food Costs Surge to Decade High as Drought Parches Crops   Link

June 4, 2021 headline from Naturalnews.com “Food prices to soar higher as California farmers destroy crops because dust bowl conditions continue to spread” Link

June 21, 2021 from CBS Boston “‘Prices That We’ve Never Seen Before’: Rising Food Costs Hitting Restaurants Hard”  Link

August 12, 2021  Fortune.com – Grocery prices continue to rise—and there’s no end in sight Link



Sept. 22, 2021 – Before They Were An Inconvenience, But Now The Shortages Are Really Beginning To Sting
Have you noticed that store shelves are starting to get emptier and emptier?  During the panic shopping that was sparked by the start of the COVID pandemic in 2020, there were very intense shortages of certain items, but those shortages did not last very long at all.  But now there are widespread shortages in just about every sector of our economy, and they are starting to become quite painful.

Oct. 1, 2021 World Economic Forum Global food prices are at a level not seen for most of modern history – This is why   Link

Oct. 1, 2021 – Food inflation in Canada could be as much as twice what official figures say https://thepostmillennial.com/food-inflation-canada?utm_campaign=64487

Stay tuned because what this planet is going through currently is nothing compared to what is coming!