September 10, 2021 You the Serpent and Christ



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Sept. 9, 2021 Are the Abraham Accords the one God showed Daniel the prophet?

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 8 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!

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Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth September 8 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora

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Question of the day. Is it time for Frank to retire?


Daniel 9:27 prophecy  “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”  

Considering the fact that the newly signed Abraham Accords in 2020, have now brought in 13 nations I think it very wise to keep a close look at the developments taking place between Israel and the nations who have become friendly again with Israel.  God has shown us via His word that the Antichrist will come on the scene and he will confirm the covenant with many.  First thing to understand is God is talking about a covenant between Israel and many other nations. Below you will see the latest news concerning the newly signed Abraham Accords. 


On January 28, 2020 the newest peace plan called “The ‘Deal of the Century” was released. The Jerusalem Post January 28, 2020 ran this headline: “The ‘Deal of the Century’: What are its key points?”.  


The Jerusalem Post also on January 28, 2020 reported the following. The immediate response from the PLO concerning this new deal was they will reject the deal. Palestinians from across the political spectrum have strongly rejected US President Donald Trump’s plan for Mideast peace, which was unveiled by the White House on Tuesday. “We say 1,000 ‘no’s to this deal,” Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said. Referring to the plan as “the slap of the century,” Abbas said he did not find anything new in Trump’s announcement. “We heard two years ago that he recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital,” he said. “They kept asking us to wait until the plan is announced. Now, we see that we were right when we rejected it from the beginning. Jerusalem is not for sale. Our rights are not for sale. The plot of the century won’t pass, and it will end up in the dustbin of history.”

On August 13, 2020, a major development in peace with Israel and many Arabs nations was announced by President Donald Trump.  The headline to the CBS News report was entitled: “Trump announces peace agreement between Israel and UAE. The photo below shows the signing of the Abraham Accords between Israel and many Arab nations.


I quote, CBS News  “President Trump announced a peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates Thursday that will usher in the “full normalization of relations” between the nations. Mr. Trump, who first touted the agreement on Twitter, said the two countries will exchange embassies and ambassadors and “begin cooperation across the board.” The president said he anticipates other nations will follow their lead.”  First, right after the UAE signed on to this new peace deal with Israel, we witnessed other Arabs nations joining in the peace deal with Israel as well. I quote the Breitbart news report on September 6, 2020. “The Palestinian Authority warned on Sunday that it would cut ties with any country that opened its embassy in Jerusalem, after Serbia, Kosovo, and Malawi announced their intentions to open diplomatic missions in the Israeli capital.” On September 3, 2020 the Free Beacon reported the following. “Bahrain is set to be the next Gulf country to normalize relations with Israel, a senior Israeli official told Israel’s Kan 11 news Wednesday.  Washington looks to mediate the peace talks between the two countries and hope to hold the official normalization ceremony before the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah, according to the official.” 

September 8, 2020, The American Spectator ran this headline. “Trump Administration Poised to Broker More Deals Between Israel and Muslim States UAE, Serbia, and Kosovo are among those on board — and more may join up soon.” “The Trump administration recently announced that as part of a U.S.-brokered deal between Kosovo and Serbia, Kosovo would recognize Israel and be the first Muslim-majority country to open its embassy in Jerusalem. Additionally, Christian-majority Serbia will move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. In a separate development, Muslim-majority Chad will open an embassy in Jerusalem, according to Israel. Christian-majority Malawi’s president has also pledged to open an embassy in Jerusalem. This will be Malawi’s first diplomatic mission in Israel, despite having relations with the country since 1964.  August . 15, 2021 Haaretz news wrote, “A Year After Their Signing, Here’s How the Abraham Accords Changed the Middle East Normalization agreements with the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco have endured and even started to bear fruit, even though the Biden administration has other priorities right now.”   “India has welcomed the historic decision announced by Israel and the UAE to fully normalize relations. Soon after the announcement was made on August 13, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan called up his Indian counterpart S. Jaishankar to brief him on the development. September 14, 2020 a report via the   European Eye On Radicalization  reported even India was on board with the Abraham Accords with Israel in their report entitled: “Why India Welcomes the Abraham Accord”   “India has consistently supported peace, stability and development in West Asia, which is its extended neighborhood. In that context, we welcome the full normalization of ties between the UAE and Israel. Both nations are key strategic partners of India,” As of September 9, 2021 13 nations have come on board with the Abraham Accords with Israel.

There are two reasons why this new peace deal called the Abraham Accords is so important to the last days events.  Number one, we still see the Palestinians are enemies of Israel and are making threats not only to Israel but also to the Arab nations who are making peace with Israel.  The second and most important reason why this peace deal is of interest is this deal looks exactly like the Daniel 9:27 prophecy which says the following: “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”  Looking back at the start of the peace talks with President Jimmy Carter in 1978, we have never seen peace accords between Israel and many Arab nations until the Abraham Accords in 2020. Keep in mind, the week in the above prophecy is for a period of 7 years. When the Abraham Accord agreement was signed we did not see any time period for that peace accord.  It is possible since there was no time assigned to the Abraham Accords that this peace accord just might be the one that when the Antichrist takes center stage he may confirm these Abraham Accords and place a 7 year time frame to that accord. We will see?


September 8, 2021 Antichrist is coming how can you tell?




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FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!

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Question of the day. Is it time for Frank to retire?


Sept. 7, 2021 End Time prophecy signs for Sept 7th 2021




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Sept. 4, 2021 This week in bible prophecy



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Sept. 3, 2021- Syrian missile launched towards Israel, debris found in Tel Aviv



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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Iran Has Taken Over Syrian Golan And is Now At Israel’s Border, Top Middle East Expert Says

Veteran journalist and Middle East analyst Ehud Yaari recently came out with the disturbing statement that just across the northern border, the Iranian military is becoming firmly entrenched in the Syrian Golan. Yaari noted that for the past two months, these combined forces besieged the city of Daraa, occasionally shelling the city. Inside the city are rebel groups who refuse to surrender. The Syrian army intends to exile the rebels to the Turkish-controlled region to the north. Russian attempts at mediation have failed. The tense situation threatens to explode at any moment. Another Syrian army bombardment of Daraa on Sunday killed six rebels. The Syrian army declined to comment on the reports but said in a statement it was losing patience with what it called “armed groups and terrorists” in the neighborhood.
Sept. 1, 2021

Cairo Summit calls on Quartet, not US, to lead Israeli-Palestinian talks

The Quartet must replace the United States as the main broker in any peace talks with Israel, Egyptian, Jordanian and Palestinian leaders declared at the end of a trilateral summit in Cairo on Thursday. They pledged to “work together to develop a vision to activate efforts to resume negotiations, and to work with brothers and partners to revive the peace process,” according to a statement issued at the summit’s end, and that this would be done “in accordance with international resolutions, and under the auspices of the International Quartet,” composed of the United Nations, the European Union, Russia and the United States. Egyptian President Abdul Fattah el-Sisi hosted King Abdullah of Jordan and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in advance of next month’s opening of the UN General Assembly in New York.
Sept. 2, 2021

Syrian missile launched towards Israel, debris found in Tel Aviv

Israel Police’s Bomb Disposal Unit recovered pieces of debris from a Syrian surface-to-air missile (SAM) found in northern Tel Aviv on Friday morning. IDF released a statement on Friday confirming a Syrian missile was launched towards Israel during the early hours of Friday morning. The missile detonated over the Mediterranean Sea, according to the IDF. Residents of Gush Dan reported explosions heard throughout the night in central Israel. On Thursday night, Israel allegedly bombed Syria, hitting targets in Damascus from the direction of Beirut, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported.
Sept. 3, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Iranian fuel ship enters Syrian waters to help Hezbollah – report

An Iranian ship carrying fuel reportedly reached Syria’s territorial waters, according to Iranian media and Lebanese media on Thursday. the “imminent arrival of Iranian fuel shipments to Lebanon coincides with the US congressional statement that ‘the United States seeks to resolve the Lebanese fuel crisis and does not need to import Iranian fuel.’” A US delegation, including Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut), was recently in Lebanon warning of the economic free fall there.  The US delegation left Beirut yesterday after meeting with Lebanese officials. It is supposed to come to Israel next. Hezbollah has been at odds with the US and wants to use the fuel delivery to show it can run Lebanon’s economy. Hezbollah also wants closer ties with China via Iran.
Sept. 2, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Worst Tripoli fighting in a year shows limits of Libya peace push

Fighting broke out in Tripoli early on Friday between rival armed forces, the heaviest clashes in the Libyan capital since the conflict between eastern and western factions paused a year ago. The new fighting pitted the 444 Brigade against the Stabilization Support Force, two of the main forces in Tripoli, a witness said.
The head of the Tripoli Military Zone, a structure set up to organize the various armed forces in the city during the civil war, indicated that the fighting was aimed at curbing the activities of 444 Brigade. “What happened is to correct the brigade’s deviation from its course and non-compliance with military orders,” Abdulbaset Marwan said in a video statement. The 444 Brigade told Reuters it had been “surprised by an assault by armed men” and said it was surprised at Marwan’s statement. The United Nations Libya mission called for an immediate halt in the fighting, saying it had “grave concern.”
Sept. 3, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Add Worker Shortage to a Long List of Food Problems

Milkshakes are missing from U.K.’s McDonald’s branches, tomatoes are rotting on Italian farms, and soldiers mingle with farmers on Vietnam’s rice paddies. All because of shortage of staff. A dearth of farm and slaughterhouse workers, truckers, chefs or waiters is hitting global food supply chains hard, causing processing slowdowns, delivery delays and empty supermarket shelves. That’s adding to a long list of problems for the food supply chains this year — from extreme weather pounding crops to soaring freight costs and shipping bottlenecks. All of that is threatening to compound inflation. After easing in the previous two months, global food prices resumed their climb back to near the highest in a decade, a United Nations’ gauge showed this week.
Sept. 3, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

South America’s drought-hit Paraná river at 77-year low

The water levels of the Paraná river, the second-longest in South America after the Amazon, are at their lowest since 1944. The river is key to commercial shipping and fishing but also provides 40 million people with drinking water. A drought in the region means water levels have dipped so low that fishers’ livelihoods are at risk. Environmentalists fear that the drought has been made more severe by deforestation and climate change. The Paraná is 4,880km (3,032 miles) long and flows south from south-east Brazil through Paraguay and Argentina. The low water levels are causing problems for energy production with the hydroelectric plant that spans the Parana river between Argentina and Paraguay running at only 50%. On Wednesday, Brazil’s Vice-President Hamilton Mourão warned that the drought could also lead to energy rationing in Brazil. It is also hampering the transport of goods with ships not able to load up fully in case they run aground. The Paraná is a key waterway for the transport of grains and the situation is forcing exporters to consider using land routes. Forecasters say the drought could last until 2022.
Sept. 2, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Asteroid 2021 NY1 flies towards Earth

An asteroid called 2021 NY1 is set to fly past the planet on September 22. Its diameter is estimated at 130-300 meters. The Golden Gate Bridge is only 227 meters high. A little earlier – September 9 – an asteroid, dubbed 2010 RJ53, will fly past the planet, with a diameter of about 774 meters, which is about twice the size of the 102-storey Empire State Building in New York. Despite the impressive size of these asteroids, it is unlikely that any of them will get close enough to the Earth to collide with the planet. According to the calculations of the American space agency, in the next 100 years nothing large will fall to Earth at all. However, scientists believe that the situation may change when the trajectory of some space objects changes. The danger of a collision with an asteroid remains one of the worst possible natural disasters that can happen to the planet, since humanity is not yet able to deal with them, – said in the material. It is for this reason that astronomers around the world, including NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office, are watching all nearby asteroids and calculating their trajectory in order to understand if any of them pose a threat to the planet.
Sept. 2, 2021

Hailstorms wreak havoc across parts of Saskatchewan, Canada

Severe thunderstorms swept through parts of Saskatchewan and Alberta, Canada on August 31, 2021, bringing torrential rainfall, intense winds, hail, localized flooding and tornado warnings in Saskatchewan. A trough digging in across the western Prairies helped develop a low-pressure system, which is trekking through the region. The system produced severe thunderstorms in parts of southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, while heavy rain fell on communities up north, The Weather Network reported. Golf ball-sized hail was reported in Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, whose mayor ended up trapped in her car for about 20 minutes. Multiple tornado warnings were issued in parts of the province as a thunderstorm capable of producing a twister was detected.
Sept. 3, 2021

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Sept. 2, 2021- Could the Antichrist confirm new peace deal?

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Sept. 1, 2021- Israel opposes Biden plan to reopen U.S. Palestinian mission in Jerusalem



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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Fatah-Hamas rift deepens as Abbas moves closer to US, Israel

Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s visit on Sunday to Ramallah is yet another sign of improved relations between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority. The visit, however, has also derailed any hope of resolving the dispute between the PA and its archrival, Hamas, in the foreseeable future. In fact, the meeting between Gantz and PA President Mahmoud Abbas has exacerbated tensions between the two Palestinian factions. The honeymoon between Fatah and Hamas was credited to former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former US president Donald Trump. Last year, Fatah and Hamas even reached agreement to work together to topple Trump’s plan for Middle East peace, also known as the “Deal of the Century,” and Netanyahu’s “schemes” against the Palestinians. Things have since changed, however, and neither Netanyahu nor Trump is in power. The absence of the two men from the political scene and the change of government in Jerusalem and Washington paved the way for the restoration of relations between the PA and Israel and the US. Abbas has reached the conclusion that he has more to gain from dealing with the new governments in Israel and the US than from making peace with Hamas. The Biden administration has resumed financial aid to the Palestinians and is talking about the need to strengthen the PA, and this is precisely what Abbas wants to hear.
Aug. 31, 2021

Israel opposes Biden plan to reopen U.S. Palestinian mission in Jerusalem

Israel said on Wednesday that a U.S. plan to reopen its consulate in Jerusalem that has traditionally been a base for diplomatic outreach to Palestinians is a “bad idea” and could destabilise Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s new government. The prior administration of President Donald Trump signalled support for Israel’s claim on Jerusalem as its capital by moving the U.S. embassy there from Tel Aviv and subsuming the consulate in that mission. President Joe Biden has pledged to restore ties with the Palestinians, back a two-state solution and move forward with reopening the consulate. It has been closed since 2019, with Palestinian affairs handled by the embassy. “We think it’s a bad idea,” Foreign Minister Yair Lapid told a news conference when asked about the reopening. “Jerusalem is the sovereign capital of Israel and Israel alone, and therefore we don’t think it’s a good idea.
Sept. 1, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Support for Saudi Arabia as Abha airport attack sparks global condemnation

The US mission to Saudi Arabia has strongly condemned a Houthi drone attack on Abha International Airport that wounded eight people. On Tuesday, the Arab coalition announced that Saudi forces intercepted two weaponized drones targeting Abha airport and a ballistic missile targeting the city of Najran, both launched by Houthi militias. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken strongly condemned the attack against Saudi Arabia. “We again call on the Houthis to uphold a ceasefire and engage in negotiations under UN auspices,” he said. Echoing Blinken’s message, the US mission urged the militia to cease their attacks against civilians, and wished the casualties a “speedy and full recovery.”
Aug. 31, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

UK ready to attack ISIS-K network in Afghanistan: Report

Biden Administration Erased Afghan Weapons Reports From Federal Websites

Taliban Holds Huge Victory Parade Showing Off US Military Hardware

The United Kingdom said it is ready to attack the Islamic State-Khorasan (ISIS-K) terror network in Afghanistan, news agency PTI reported citing The Daily Telegraph. Britain’s chief of the air staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston told the English daily that the UK could also be involved in strikes against the terror outfit. “The UK stands united with our coalition partners in mourning those killed by Daesh’s (ISIS) horrific attack at Kabul airport and in our unwavering collective resolve to combat Daesh networks by all means available, wherever they operate,” Wigston was quoted as saying by the English daily. Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston further added that if the UK finds an opportunity to contribute to efforts in containing the Islamic State’s Afghanistan affiliate, it is ready to do that.
Sept. 1, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

IAEA: N. Korea appears to have resumed nuke reactor operation

North Korea appears to have restarted the operation of its main nuclear reactor used to produce weapons fuels, the UN atomic agency said, as the North openly threatens to enlarge its nuclear arsenal amid long-dormant nuclear diplomacy with the United States. The annual report by the International Atomic Energy Agency refers to a 5-megawatt reactor at the North’s main nuclear complex in Yongbyon, north of Pyongyang. The reactor produces plutonium, one of the two key ingredients used to build nuclear weapons along with highly enriched uranium. The report said there were indications of the operation of Yongbyon’s radiochemical laboratory from mid-February to early July this year. It said this period of operation is consistent with previous reprocessing campaigns announced by North Korea of irradiated fuel discharged from the reactor. The laboratory is a facility where plutonium is extracted by reprocessing spent fuel rods removed from reactors.
Aug. 31, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

California Port Pileup Shatters Record And Imports Still Haven’t Peaked

Russia’s annual inflation accelerates to 6.79% – economy ministry

From anchorage stats to forward arrivals, ocean bookings, and inventory-to-sales numbers, all the latest data paints the same picture: The U.S. congestion crisis has never been more severe than it is now — and it’s getting worse. Hope for any relief this year has vanished. French carrier CMA CGM is the latest in a long line of market participants to push back its timeline on normalization. Capacity constraints “are expected to continue until the first half of 2022,” CMA CGM warned on Friday. Alarmingly, America’s import system — which is already stretched to the limit — looks like it will have to handle even higher volumes next month.  The likely outcome: Carriers will be forced to cancel more sailings as terminal berths max out and ships get stuck at anchor, even more cargo will get “rolled” (pushed to a future sailing), and importers will face even longer delays and even less slot availability as they scramble to build inventories for holiday sales. More ships stuck at anchor than ever before. Even higher volumes on the way. Inventories not even close to being replenished. Despite record imports in the first eight months of this year, U.S. retail sales continue to outpace inventory replenishment. Assuming sales don’t collapse and businesses seek to reach pre-COVID inventory-to-sales levels, imports still have a long way to run due to restocking.
Aug. 31, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Official U.S. Government Stats on COVID Vaccines: 13,627 Deaths 2,826,646 Injuries 1,429 Fetal Deaths in Pregnant Women

Report: Top FDA vaccine regulators quit over COVID booster shot approval

WHO investigating new COVID-19 variant named Mu

According to the most recent stats released by the CDC this past Friday, August 27, 2021, their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now has recorded more than twice as many deaths following COVID-19 shots during the past 8 and a half months, than deaths recorded following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years. This has to be the most censored information in the U.S. right now, even though these statistics come directly from official government statistics. They have now recorded 13,627 deaths, 2,826,646 injuries, and 1,429 fetal deaths from pregnant women who took a COVID shot. They also report 17,794 permanent disabilities, 74,369 emergency room visits, 55,821 hospitalizations, and 14,104 life threatening events. (Source.) And all of this has happened in just over 8 months. From January 1, 1991 to November 30, 2020, the last month before the COVID shots were given emergency use authorization, there were only a total of 6,068 deaths recorded (mostly infant babies) following ALL vaccines. (Source.)
Sept. 1, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

July 2, 2021 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in St. Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

July 2, 2021 – Hundreds of dead turtles wash ashore in Sri Lanka. Link

July 6, 2021 – One Billion sea creatures died during heatwave in British Columbia Canada. Link

July 6, 2021 – Songbirds are ‘mysteriously’ dying across Eastern America. Link

July 13, 2021 – Six hundred tons of dead fish wash up in Tampa Bay, Florida, America. Link

July 15, 2021 – Thousands of dead flamingos found in a lake ‘due to drought’ in Turkey. Link

July 15, 2021 – Thousands of tons of dead fish and other marine life wash up on Baja coast in Mexico. Link

July 17, 2021- At least 800 tons of dead sea life washed up in Tampa Bay. Link

July 27, 2021 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on a river in Agra, India. Link

July 26, 2021 – 500 dead water birds found on beach in Iquique, Chile. Link

July 26, 2021 – 100,000 dead fish wash up in Lake Bonney, Australia. Link

July 31, 2021 – 881 Manatees dead this year ‘most ever’ in Florida, America. Link

August 2, 2021 – Mass die off of fish in a river in Kent, England. Link

August 3, 2021 – Thousands of cattle dying due to drought in Mexico. Link

August 4, 2021 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in a creek in Pennsylvania, America. Link

Aug. 9 2021- Thousands of fish killed by toxic red tide wash ashore on Florida beaches. Link

August 11, 2021 – Millions of fish dead from red tide in Florida, America. Link

August 17, 2021 – 5 dolphins dead after 50 strand in Cromarty Firth, Scotland. Link

August 18, 2021 – 131 dead whales found this year, ‘a record’ off the coast of Brazil. Link

August 20, 2021 – 20 tons of dead fish wash up in a lagoon in Madrid, Spain. Link

August 20, 2021 – 6,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Tema West, Ghana. Link

August 22, 2021 – Over 100 sheep killed by lightning on a mountain in Georgia. Link

August 22, 2021 – Dolphins found dead on Kuakata beach in Bangladesh. Link

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

G2 – Moderate geomagnetic storm watch in effect

A G1 – Minor geomagnetic storm watch is in effect for September 1 and a G2 – Moderate for September 2, 2021. The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet to unsettled conditions on August 31 due to the delayed anticipated passage of the August 26th coronal mass ejection (CME).1 G1 – Minor geomagnetic storm levels are likely on September 1 due to the anticipated arrival of the August 28th CME.2. G2 – Moderate storm levels are forecast for September 2 due to the anticipated arrival of the August 28 CME combined with a CME from a filament that disappeared from near center meridian at around 18:00 UTC on August 28.
Aug. 31, 2021

Rare snowfall in South Africa caused by intense cold front

Rare August snowfall blankets swathes of Chile’s Atacama desert

An intense cold front associated with a steep upper-air trough affecting parts of South Africa from August 26 to 30, 2021, brought heavy rains, disruptive snow, and cold temperatures. The front lashed Western Cape before moving to other parts of South Africa, bringing snowfall and fierce winds. Meanwhile, A rare August snowfall blanketed swathes of Chile’s Atacama desert on August 25, 2021, with parts of it reportedly receiving as much as 82 cm (32 inches). “This does not occur yearly. Maybe a relatively important snowfall like the one today can happen every two or three years. For this time of the year, late August, is something relatively unusual because this is usually seen in June and July,” said Daniel Díaz, a meteorologist at the Northern Regional Meteorological Centre.
Aug. 31, 2021 

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Sept. 1, 2021 Those Last Days Signs You Have Missed

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!

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Aug. 31, 2021 Que?stion being asked, are we in the tribulation already

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!

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The answer to the question is seen in the video below