Aug. 25, 2021- Frank Brings to you the newest update on world leaders who are fulfilling the call for the Peace and safety prophecy

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 24 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 24 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora

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Aug. 24, 2021 Those new last day signs

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 24 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora




Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 24 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora


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July 26, 2021 – 100,000 dead fish wash up in Lake Bonney, Australia. Link

July 26, 2021 – 500 dead water birds found on beach in Iquique, Chile. Link

July 27, 2021 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on a river in Agra, India. Link

July 31, 2021 – 881 Manatees dead this year ‘most ever’ in Florida, America. Link

August 2, 2021 – Mass die off of fish in a river in Kent, England. Link

August 3, 2021 – Thousands of cattle dying due to drought in Mexico. Link

 August 4, 2021 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in a creek in Pennsylvania, America. Link

 August 11, 2021 – Millions of fish dead from red tide in Florida, America. Link

August 17, 2021 – 5 dolphins dead after 50 strand in Cromarty Firth, Scotland. Link

August 18, 2021 – 131 dead whales found this year, ‘a record’ off the coast of Brazil. Link

August 20, 2021 – 20 TONS of dead fish wash up in a lagoon in Madrid, Spain. Link

August 20, 2021 – 6,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Tema West, Ghana. Link

August 22, 2021 – 500+ sheep killed by lightning on a mountain in Georgia. Link

August 22, 2021 – 5 dolphins found dead on Kuakata beach in Bangladesh. Link


Can you help Pastor Titus buy a projector so we can spread the end times message to his neighboring countries. 



Aug. 24, 2021 – Intense heat the reports continue

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 24 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 24 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~This post will will continue add and  show all the reports dealing with the prophecy below concerning  intense heat. droughts, lack of water and famine.


Intense HeatImage result for flames gif

“And there shall be signs in the sun” (Luke 21:25a).  “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.  They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11). Matthew 24:7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

When you read Matthew chapter 24 you will see Jesus warned about the birth pains that would happen in the last days.  We are in the midst  of those birth pains now and the heat and fires we see are part of those birth pains. When you read Matthew 24:7 we see famines. What causes famines?  Many things but two of the major elements to famines are lack of water and heat that scorches the earth. 

Aug. 13, 2021 –  Global sizzling: July was hottest month on record, NOAA says

Aug. 13, 2021 – Destructive wildfires leave at least 65 dead in northern Algeria
Algerian authorities are reporting at least 65 lives were lost in wildfires raging through the mountainous region in the country’s north over the past couple of days. ​As many as 50 fires broke out in a short period of time and spread rapidly due to high winds, very hot temperatures, and tinder-dry conditions.

Aug. 12, 2021 – Extreme heat may have produced a new all-time high temperature record in Europe


Aug. 18, 2021 – California farms face collapse as unprecedented droughts sizzle crops

Aug. 9, 2021 – “It’s A Biblical Catastrophe” – Are The Cataclysmic Fires All Over The World A Preview Of What Is Comingby Michael Snyder

Aug. 6, 2021 – Oroville Reservoir at record low level, California shuts down their second-largest hydroelectric plant


Have you noticed that apocalyptic wildfires have been erupting all over the globe this summer?  Of course every year there are wildfires, and that has been true all throughout human history.  But what we are witnessing this year has truly been unprecedented.  In just the past couple of weeks, we have seen historic fires in the United States, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon and Russia.  Hundreds of colossal fires are currently raging around the planet as you read this article, and we are only about halfway through the summer at this point.  Authorities are warning that more gigantic fires are surely coming during the second half, because much of North America and Europe is dry as a bone right now.


Intense and long-lasting heatwave expected over Europe
A massive heat dome over the Mediterranean Sea is set to bring another long-lasting, intense heatwave across parts of southern Europe this week. High temperatures are expected to spread into central Europe and continue through August 22.

California is burning up like it did last year. 2021 we are again in the midst of intense heat waves and major wild fires around the world.

Dixie Fire becomes largest single wildfire in California history 
The Dixie Fire burning in two Northern California counties is now the largest single wildfire in recorded state history, exploding in size overnight as drought-stricken lands continue to fuel the flames.

The Argentine River That Carries Soybeans to World Is Drying Up 
Snaking its way through thousands of miles of South American rainforest and pampas and past sprawling soybean and corn farms, the Parana River is the main thoroughfare for Argentine commerce. Some 80% of the country’s crop exports flow through its muddy waters en route to the Atlantic Ocean.

Severe drought and heat turns arid area in Kazakhstan into grave for horses
Images of dead horses show the severity of a drought plaguing an area in Kazakhstan. Animals in the country’s Mangistau peninsula have been left without food or water, as unusually high temperatures persist, according to the Reuters news agency.


Headline: ‘Leave now!’ a California town is told as the Dixie Fire shows no signs of slowing down.

Portions of a small Northern California town were engulfed by the Dixie Fire on Wednesday evening, leaving stretches of the community unrecognizable and covered in rubble.

Greenville, Calif. — with a population of about 800 about 150 miles north of Sacramento — was placed under a mandatory evacuation order on Monday. By Wednesday night, amid worsening weather conditions, the Plumas County Sheriff’s Office had underscored the warning: “If you are still in the Greenville area, you are in imminent danger and you must leave now!!” county officials said on Facebook. “If you remain, emergency responders may not be able to assist you.”

The link below will show you all the fires from 2000 to April of 2021.

Jesus warned us to watch for droughts in the last days. Of course droughts alone would not mean Jesus is near however, Christ did say when you see all these thing know that it is near. Yes, the droughts are taking place as we are seeing all these last days signs at once. Get the picture?

Drone captures startling footage as Lake Oroville reduced to trickle
Lake Oroville, California’s second-largest reservoir, looks like a shell of its typical self as the drought across the western United States continues to toast the region. The reservoir has hit its record low level, dropping to just 643.5 feet above sea level,

Wildfires rage near Athens as brutal heat continues
Dozens of wildfires have ignited across Greece this week, including one right outside of Athens that forced thousands of residents to flee their homes amid an extreme heat wave that has baked southeastern Europe. Officials stated that 188 wildfires were reported in a span of just 24 hours across Greece.

Greece wildfires spread, causing mass evacuationsblaze on evia



‘Massive melting event’ sinks billions of tons of ice amid heat wave
Scientists are raising alarms that ice has vanished from the Greenland ice sheet in a dramatic melting event in recent weeks. So much so that the liquid released could cover the entire state of Florida with 2 inches of water.

Aug. 23, 2021 Your Food Prices Are Skyrocketing Here’s Why! Food Prices Skyrocketing Continued!!!



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 23 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora years I have been warnings you to watch for the price of food to skyrocket. I issued these warnings over the years because this is what Jesus told us would happen just prior to His second coming. I am posting the newest information on food prices plus, I have posted one of my videos for you just in case you did not see my warning on this matter. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021


(Natural News) Food prices in July were up 31 percent from the same month in 2020, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. This rise is fueled by supply chain disruption and extreme weather conditions.

Central banks disregard food and fuel inflation when setting policies as they are the most volatile categories in the typical basket of consumer goods and services. However, these are the first things that come to mind when ordinary people think about inflation.

Shang-Jin Wei, a professor of finance and economics at Columbia Business School, noted that central banks are underestimating the change to take more drastic measures that they themselves are predicting.

Prices for chicken and other proteins have been inflated in the U.S. due to labor shortages at processing plants. Strong demand from at-home cooks is a factor, but restaurant chains are competing in chicken wars. At the same time, the supply has been constrained as farmers scramble to rebuild their flocks – many of which were decimated by winter storms in February.

Middle-class families in the U.S. are not going hungry as food prices rise, but millions of individuals are.

Before the pandemic, about 35 million Americans were already considered food insecure, or lack consistent access to enough food for all the members of a household. Amidst the huge spike of joblessness brought about by the COVID-19 recession, the number jumped to 45 million or more than 13 percent of the population. (Related: Surging food prices force restaurants to increase cost of menu items.)  

Analyst: Price increases may continue in next two years

Grocery prices are trending upward the entire year, and steady price increases may be the new normal. Phil Lempert, an analyst and food trends expert, said that people are going to continue seeing price increases in the next two years or so.

August 15, 2021 Headline: Yes, prices for food are rising steady as inflation in the Biden era starts to run rampant: Here’s how we know report below reflects what is going to happen during the 7 year tribulation. There are many reasons why the prices of food will continue to skyrocket. One of the reasons in the near future will be the fact that there will be a lack of workers to bring to your tables.  The other day while shopping at Wal-Mart bare shelfs were noticed. When the question was asked to one of the employees we were told they can not get truck drivers to make deliveries. Then again there are many workers who work in food plants who as we saw today are leaving their job to protest against a mandatory Covid-19 shot. Less people working in these plants means less food coming out of these plants. Less food means higher prices for the food that released.   

Widespread panic buying now taking place in the UK amid the spread of new COVID variant; better stock up while you can in the U.S.
COVID seems to be the viral gift that keeps on giving, as the world is now dealing with a second wave of illnesses stemming from a variant of the original strain called Delta.

Below are more reports you may have missed to show prices of food have skyrocketed and will continue that trend.  

August 12, 2021- prices continue to rise—and there’s no end in sight

Groceries have been on an upward trend all year, and these steady price increases may be the new reality. “We’re going to continue to see price increases, probably for the next two years or so,” said Phil Lempert, an analyst and food trends expert known as the Supermarket Guru.


May 24, 2021 — The USDA in late April forecast prices for all food in 2021 to rise 2% to 3% from 2020, when prices were up 3.4% from 2019. Prices in March 2021 …
Jun 3, 2021 — Global food prices have risen every month for the last year, according to Reuters. In May 2021food prices were 39.7% higher than they were in …

BibleProphecyMan.comYou may be asking what do I do about it?  The first thing to do is give your life over to Jesus Christ the only true savior. He is the only one who can give you real hope for your future. Since we are in the midst of the last days birth pains and we know that the Lord’s second coming is very near you need to get right with Christ before He takes out His Church. You see, when things get real bad during the tribulation what we are witnessing with food prices skyrocketing now is nothing compared to what the people left behind will face when Jesus raptures His Church .   Jesus is in control. Have faith in Christ and believe it when He said we are not appointed to His wrath. God’s wrath only falls on those who reject what He did on the cross for us.  If you receive Jesus you will be covered by Christ’s blood and not partake in the wrath to come.  You get to choose, will you except Him or not?  Keep in mind, you reject Jesus means you accept Satan! Is that what you want?  

Aug. 20, 2021- Leaked State Department Memo Warned Of Afghanistan Collapse; New Northern Alliance Against The Taliban Is Forming



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 15, 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora


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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Israel accused of striking Syrian site, air defenses kill 4 civilians – reports

Syrian media: Israel jets strike targets around Damascus and Homs

Four Syrian civilians were killed after regime air defenses responded to an alleged Israeli airstrike targeting sites in the Qalamoun Mountains near the capital of Damascus. According to Halab Today news, the four were killed when regime missiles fell on residential areas in the town of Qara. Hezbollah affiliated al-Manar reported another three people were injured. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) fired over ten anti-aircraft missiles towards Israeli jets who struck targets belonging to Iranian-backed militias overnight on Thursday. Quoting a military source,  Syrian state news agency SANA said that Israel launched airstrikes from the southeast of Lebanon’s capital Beirut “targeting some posts in the surroundings of Damascus and Homs.” The statement added that Syrian air defenses “confronted the aggression missiles and shot down most of them, and the outcomes of the aggression are being verified.” An incoming rocket siren alert was activated in an open area after one of the Syrian missiles exploded in the air over the Dead Sea. Shrapnel reportedly fell inside Jordan. Israel declines to comment on foreign reports.
Aug. 20, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -


Taliban have US weapons taken from Afghan forces

Taliban Have Seized US Military Biometrics Devices

Taliban Frees Al Qaeda Terrorists

The unholy alliance of Hezb’allah and the Taliban
Whether in Lebanon, where Hezb’allah operates, or in Afghanistan, where the Taliban is brutally regaining territory, they have the same operating methods and the same devastating plans for the world. It is certain that, with U.S. forces out of Afghanistan, and with the Taliban playing a similar role to Hezb’allah in Lebanon, the two malevolent forces will partner.  Despite the fact that Hezb’allah is hard-line Shia and the Taliban represents a hard-line Sunni faith, they will put their differences aside in their shared goal of destroying the West and their need to expand their financial lifelines in order to expand their operations. 

Hamas congratulates Taliban for ‘defeating’ US
Recently, Hamas released photos of a meeting between its leader, Ismail Haniyeh, and a Taliban delegation. The meeting reportedly took place in the Taliban office in Doha, Qatar, where Haniyeh has been based for the past two years.

Iran’s Raisi Meets With Hamas, Hezbollah Delegations

History Lesson – Biden is Obama 3.0 on Embracing Jihadists

CAIR Lectures Media About Accurately Quoting Jihadists







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

VIDEO: Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah: U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan Is A Lesson For American Allies In Lebanon, Region – America Would Rather Suffer A ‘Historic And Humiliating Defeat’ Than Fight On Behalf Of Others

Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah reacted to the aftermath of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, saying the U.S. left Saigon in the same way. He made these remarks in a public address that was aired on Al-Alam TV (Iran) on August 17, 2021. Nasrallah went on to say that U.S. President Joe Biden told the American people, who were “astonished to see these humiliating images of failure and defeat,” that it is the duty of the U.S. to send forces to other countries on the behalf of anyone. He that this should serve as a lesson for American allies in Lebanon and the region, because the U.S. would rather suffer a “historic and humiliating defeat” than fight on behalf of the Afghan people.
Aug. 20, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Taliban Spokesman to the World: Give Us Money

Leaked State Department Memo Warned Of Afghanistan Collapse

Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen urged the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to release funds frozen following the jihadist group’s ouster of the government of Afghanistan in an interview with the Chinese government broadcaster CGTN on Friday. Shaheen also emphasized foreign investment in Afghanistan would be critical to the success of any Taliban government. Shaheen, as well as most of the Taliban’s top media representatives, have repeatedly urged the world to invest in a Taliban-led Afghanistan, particularly courting the Chinese Communist Party but going so far as to suggest that the radical Islamist organization would be happy to allow American corporations to participate in the Afghan economy. “We need the reconstruction of Afghanistan, the people of Afghanistan need the budget. The [central bank] shall need the budget,” Shaheen told CGTN on Friday.
Aug. 20, 2021

A New Northern Alliance Against The Taliban Is Forming In Afghanistan’s Panjshir Valley

While the Taliban now controls virtually all of Afghanistan, including the country’s capital, Kabul, one region, the Panjshir Valley, remains outside of the group’s tightening grip. Now, a resistance movement is forming there, led by, among others, Amrullah Saleh, who had been First Vice President of Afghanistan until the collapse of the internationally-recognized government this past weekend, and now claims to be the legitimate leader of the country. A picture had emerged on Monday that reportedly showed an individual holding the Northern Alliance’s green-white-and-black flag in the Panjshir. Saleh and the rest of the leadership of what are some are now referring to as the Panjshiri Resistance are trying to rally forces to their cause there, including former Afghan government security forces who have evaded the Taliban.
Aug. 20, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Hurricane “Grace” strengthening on its way toward mainland Mexico

Hurricane “Grace” is strengthening on its way toward mainland Mexico. A Hurricane Warning is in effect for the coast of mainland Mexico from north of Cabo Rojo to Barra del Tordo. Landfall is expected within the warning area this evening or tonight, August 21, 2021 — preparations to protect life and property should be rushed to competition. Dangerous storm surge is expected to raise water levels by as much as 1.2 – 1.8 m (4 to 6 feet) above normal tide levels. Heavy rainfall is forecast over Veracruz, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, northern Queretaro, and eastern San Luis Potosi, resulting in areas of flash and urban flooding as well as landslides. Grace is could become a 160 km/h (100 mph) hurricane within 12h — Category 2. Rapid weakening is expected as it moves over the mountains of central Mexico. Its remnants will likely move into the eastern Pacific and lead to the development of a new tropical cyclone later this weekend or early next week. At 15:00 UTC on August 20, the center of Grace was located about 325 km (200 miles) E of Tuxpan and 250 km (155 miles) NE of Veracruz, Mexico, according to the NHC. The system had maximum sustained winds of 140 km/h (85 mph) and was moving W at 22 km/h (14 mph). Its minimum central pressure was 982 hPa. This general motion at a slightly slower forward speed is expected during the next day or so. On the forecast track, Grace is forecast to move across the southwestern Gulf of Mexico this afternoon, and make landfall along the coast of mainland Mexico within the hurricane warning area this evening or tonight.
Aug. 20, 2021

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


Aug. 16, 2021- USDA to permanently boost food stamp benefits by 25 percent; Large Quakes Continue



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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Gaza terror group fires rocket at Israel, first since May operation

Hamas escalates fight along the border

Gaza-based terrorists launched a rocket at southern Israel on Monday in mid-day, setting off alarms at several Israeli towns and cities surrounding the Strip. An Iron Dome defense system intercepted the rocket above the city of Sderot. The incident followed threats made in recent weeks by Palestinian terror groups in Gaza over the issue of delayed Qatari funds and the reconstruction of Gaza following Operation Guardian of the Walls in May. This rocket attack is the first to take place since the end of the operation, though terrorists have launched arson attacks at Israel’s south regularly. The Islamic Jihad later took responsibility for the attack, stating that it was a response to Israel’s “crimes in Jenin,” an incident on Sunday night in which IDF forces arrested a terrorist and killed another four in a gun battle in the city. This attack occurred as the factions in the Gaza Strip are set to meet on Monday night to decide on their response following what they call “Israel’s evasion of the agreements that led to the end of Operation Guardian of the Walls.”
Aug. 16, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Afghanistan’s president Ashraf Ghani flees the country

China ‘Ready’ To Recognize Taliban If Afghan Government Ousted

Afghanistan’s winners: Qatar, Russia, China, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran

Taliban Frees Al Qaeda Terrorists; Terror Outfit Could Reconstitute Soon

Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani has left the capital Kabul for Tajikistan, a senior Afghan Interior Ministry official said on Sunday. When asked for comment, the president’s office said it “cannot say anything about Ashraf Ghani’s movement for security reasons”. A representative of the Taliban, which entered the capital Kabul earlier on Sunday, said the group was checking on Ghani’s whereabouts. Ghani will relinquish power in the coming hours as Taliban invaded Kabul on Sunday, and a new Taliban-led government will be formed in the coming hours, according to Al Arabiya. Taliban’s Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar is preparing to arrive in Afghanistan, according to an official in Doha. Earlier, acting Interior Minister Abdul Sattar Mirzakwal said in a televised address that a peaceful transition would take place but no details have as yet been confirmed. Ali Ahmad Jalali, a US-based academic and former Afghan interior minister, is likely to be named to head an interim administration in Kabul, three diplomatic sources said on Sunday as Taliban fighters gathered around the city.
Aug. 16, 2021

Exploiting U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan, Islamic State-Taliban Fight To Establish Islamic Caliphate To Intensify

As the withdrawal of U.S. and coalition troops from Afghanistan is already in its final stages as per the February 29, 2020 agreement between the United States and the Afghan Taliban, signed in the Qatari capital of Doha, the Islamic State (ISIS) has begun to carry out increasingly diverse attacks via its Afghan affiliate, the Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP), in an attempt to expand its influence in the country. The surge in ISKP’s attacks on various critical targets, including infrastructure and ethnic and religious minorities, is an attempt to compete with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, known as the Afghan Taliban, as both jihadi groups seek to immediately exploit the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Acting quickly after being emboldened by the U.S. withdrawal, the Taliban began consolidating its grip on power, making rapid advances by controlling key border crossings in the north and west and a growing number of districts across the country. As a result, the Taliban-ISKP fight is likely to intensify, as both groups seek to exploit the September 11 deadline set by President Joe Biden for withdrawal from Afghanistan after 20 years, clashing militarily and ideologically over which group seeks to establish the genuine Islamic state and implement Allah’s shari’a.





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

USDA to permanently boost food stamp benefits by 25 percent

The Biden administration has approved a significant and permanent increase in the levels of food stamp assistance available to needy families—the largest single increase in the program’s history. Starting in October, average benefits for food stamps (officially known as the SNAP program) will rise more than 25 percent above pre-pandemic levels. The increased assistance will be available indefinitely to all 42 million SNAP beneficiaries. The aid boost was first reported by The New York Times and the details were confirmed by a spokeswoman for the Department of Agriculture. They will be formally announced Monday by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. The aid boost is being packaged as a major revision of the USDA’s Thrifty Food Plan. In concrete terms, the average monthly per-person benefits will rise from $121 to $157.
***Please also see ETRM 8/16 special report








Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -







DHS Bulletin Says Opposition To COVID Mandates Is Potential “Domestic Terrorism Threat”

On Friday the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued an almost unbelievable new “terrorism” alert contained in a so-called ‘awareness bulletin’. While focused heavily on the threat posed by “false narratives and conspiracy theories about the 2020 election” – clearly making connections to Jan.6, the bulletin pivoted to unprecedented territory. The document was the result of a DHS meeting held with top officials and high ranking intelligence officers across multiple agencies from departments in New York, Washington, and Las Vegas, NBC News reported. The threat bulletin describes that extremists “may seek to exploit the emergence of COVID-19 variants by viewing the potential re-establishment of public health restrictions across the United States as a rationale to conduct attacks.” This is the first time to our knowledge that “terrorism” is linked to the movement among large groups of skeptical Americans to push back against local, state and federal efforts to impose drastic mask, vaccine, and so-called ‘COVID passport’ mandates. Interestingly the DHS document is heavily focused on such “extremism” initially manifest online in social media and chat forum groups. Meanwhile, mandating vaccines for interstate travel was actually discussed at the White House within the Biden administration.
Aug. 15, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -






















7.2 magnitude earthquake hits Haiti; at least 304 killed

Haiti earthquake death toll rises to nearly 1,300, at least 5,700 injured

A powerful magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck southwestern Haiti on Saturday, killing at least 304 people and injuring at least 1,800 others as buildings tumbled into rubble. Prime Minister Ariel Henry said he was rushing aid to areas where towns were destroyed and hospitals overwhelmed with incoming patients. The epicenter of the quake was about 125 kilometers (78 miles) west of the capital of Port-au-Prince, the U.S. Geological Survey said, and widespread damage was reported in the hemisphere’s poorest nations as a tropical storm also bore down. Haiti’s civil protection agency said on Twitter that the death toll stood at 304, most in the country’s south. Rescue workers and bystanders were able to pull many people to safety from the rubble. The agency said injured people were still being delivered to hospitals.
Aug. 15, 2021

Asteroid 2021 PA17 flew past Earth at 0.17 LD

A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2021 PA17 flew past Earth at a distance of 0.17 LD / 0.00045 AU (67 320 km / 41 830 miles) from the center of our planet at 14:11 UTC on August 14, 2021. This is the 75th known asteroid to flyby Earth within 1 lunar distance since the start of the year and 4th so far this month. The object was first observed at ATLAS-HKO, Haleakala, Hawaii on August 15, one day after it made its close approach. 2021 PA17 belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids and has an estimated diameter between 7 and 16 m (23 – 52 feet). It flew past us at a speed (relative to the Earth) of 17.43 km/s.
Aug. 16, 2021

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


Aug. 16, 2021 Your Food Prices Are Skyrocketing Here’s Why!



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 15, 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora for years I have been warnings you to watch for the price of food to skyrocket. I issued these warnings over the years because this is what Jesus told us would happen just prior to His second coming. I am posting the newest information on food prices plus, I have posted one of my videos for you just in case you did not see my warning on this matter. 

August 15, 2021 Headline: Yes, prices for food are rising steady as inflation in the Biden era starts to run rampant: Here’s how we know report below reflects what is going to happen during the 7 year tribulation. There are many reasons why the prices of food will continue to skyrocket. One of the reasons in the near future will be the fact that there will be a lack of workers to bring to your tables.  The other day while shopping at Wal-Mart bare shelfs were noticed. When the question was asked to one of the employees we were told they can not get truck drivers to make deliveries. Then again there are many workers who work in food plants who as we saw today are leaving their job to protest against a mandatory Covid-19 shot. Less people working in these plants means less food coming out of these plants. Less food means higher prices for the food that released.   

Widespread panic buying now taking place in the UK amid the spread of new COVID variant; better stock up while you can in the U.S.
COVID seems to be the viral gift that keeps on giving, as the world is now dealing with a second wave of illnesses stemming from a variant of the original strain called Delta.

Below are more reports you may have missed to show prices of food have skyrocketed and will continue that trend.  

August 12, 2021- prices continue to rise—and there’s no end in sight

Groceries have been on an upward trend all year, and these steady price increases may be the new reality. “We’re going to continue to see price increases, probably for the next two years or so,” said Phil Lempert, an analyst and food trends expert known as the Supermarket Guru.



May 24, 2021 — The USDA in late April forecast prices for all food in 2021 to rise 2% to 3% from 2020, when prices were up 3.4% from 2019. Prices in March 2021 …

Why are food prices so high? Food prices reach highest point … › 2021 › why-global-food-pri…
Jun 3, 2021 — Global food prices have risen every month for the last year, according to Reuters. In May 2021food prices were 39.7% higher than they were in … may be asking what do I do about it?  The first thing to do is give your life over to Jesus Christ the only true savior. He is the only one who can give you real hope for your future. Since we are in the midst of the last days birth pains and we know that the Lord’s second coming is very near you need to get right with Christ before He takes out His Church. You see, when things get real bad during the tribulation what we are witnessing with food prices skyrocketing now is nothing compared to what the people left behind will face when Jesus raptures His Church .   Jesus is in control. Have faith in Christ and believe it when He said we are not appointed to His wrath. God’s wrath only falls on those who reject what He did on the cross for us.  If you receive Jesus you will be covered by Christ’s blood and not partake in the wrath to come.  You get to choose, will you except Him or not?  Keep in mind, you reject Jesus means you accept Satan! Is that what you want?  

Aug 13, 2021 Intense heat the reports continue

FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!


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~This post will will continue add and  show all the reports dealing with the prophecy below concerning  intense heat. droughts, lack of water and famine.



Intense HeatImage result for flames gif

“And there shall be signs in the sun” (Luke 21:25a).  “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.  They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11). Matthew 24:7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

When you read Matthew chapter 24 you will see Jesus warned about the birth pains that would happen in the last days.  We are in the midst  of those birth pains now and the heat and fires we see are part of those birth pains. When you read Matthew 24:7 we see famines. What causes famines?  Many things but two of the major elements to famines are lack of water and heat that scorches the earth.Aug. 13, 2021 – 

Aug. 13, 2021 Destructive wildfires leave at least 65 dead in northern Algeria
Algerian authorities are reporting at least 65 lives were lost in wildfires raging through the mountainous region in the country’s north over the past couple of days. ​As many as 50 fires broke out in a short period of time and spread rapidly due to high winds, very hot temperatures, and tinder-dry conditions.

“It’s A Biblical Catastrophe” – Are The Cataclysmic Fires All Over The World A Preview Of What Is Comingby Michael Snyder

Have you noticed that apocalyptic wildfires have been erupting all over the globe this summer?  Of course every year there are wildfires, and that has been true all throughout human history.  But what we are witnessing this year has truly been unprecedented.  In just the past couple of weeks, we have seen historic fires in the United States, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon and Russia.  Hundreds of colossal fires are currently raging around the planet as you read this article, and we are only about halfway through the summer at this point.  Authorities are warning that more gigantic fires are surely coming during the second half, because much of North America and Europe is dry as a bone right now.


Intense and long-lasting heatwave expected over Europe
A massive heat dome over the Mediterranean Sea is set to bring another long-lasting, intense heatwave across parts of southern Europe this week. High temperatures are expected to spread into central Europe and continue through August 22.

California is burning up like it did last year. 2021 we are again in the midst of intense heat waves and major wild fires around the world.

Dixie Fire becomes largest single wildfire in California history 
The Dixie Fire burning in two Northern California counties is now the largest single wildfire in recorded state history, exploding in size overnight as drought-stricken lands continue to fuel the flames.


The Argentine River That Carries Soybeans to World Is Drying Up 
Snaking its way through thousands of miles of South American rainforest and pampas and past sprawling soybean and corn farms, the Parana River is the main thoroughfare for Argentine commerce. Some 80% of the country’s crop exports flow through its muddy waters en route to the Atlantic Ocean.

Severe drought and heat turns arid area in Kazakhstan into grave for horses
Images of dead horses show the severity of a drought plaguing an area in Kazakhstan. Animals in the country’s Mangistau peninsula have been left without food or water, as unusually high temperatures persist, according to the Reuters news agency.

‘Leave now!’ a California town is told as the Dixie Fire shows no signs of slowing down.

Portions of a small Northern California town were engulfed by the Dixie Fire on Wednesday evening, leaving stretches of the community unrecognizable and covered in rubble.

Greenville, Calif. — with a population of about 800 about 150 miles north of Sacramento — was placed under a mandatory evacuation order on Monday. By Wednesday night, amid worsening weather conditions, the Plumas County Sheriff’s Office had underscored the warning: “If you are still in the Greenville area, you are in imminent danger and you must leave now!!” county officials said on Facebook. “If you remain, emergency responders may not be able to assist you.”

The link below will show you all the fires from 2000 to April of 2021.

Jesus warned us to watch for droughts in the last days. Of course droughts alone would not mean Jesus is near however, Christ did say when you see all these thing know that it is near. Yes, the droughts are taking place as we are seeing all these last days signs at once. Get the picture?

Drone captures startling footage as Lake Oroville reduced to trickle
Lake Oroville, California’s second-largest reservoir, looks like a shell of its typical self as the drought across the western United States continues to toast the region. The reservoir has hit its record low level, dropping to just 643.5 feet above sea level,

Wildfires rage near Athens as brutal heat continues
Dozens of wildfires have ignited across Greece this week, including one right outside of Athens that forced thousands of residents to flee their homes amid an extreme heat wave that has baked southeastern Europe. Officials stated that 188 wildfires were reported in a span of just 24 hours across Greece.


Greece wildfires spread, causing mass evacuationsblaze on evia



‘Massive melting event’ sinks billions of tons of ice amid heat wave
Scientists are raising alarms that ice has vanished from the Greenland ice sheet in a dramatic melting event in recent weeks. So much so that the liquid released could cover the entire state of Florida with 2 inches of water.


Aug. 13, 2021 – If you already took the Covid-19 shot you better watch this: (90% WILL DIE)

Dr. Zelenko's miracle cures coronavirus

Dr. Zelenko has treated over 6,000 Covid-19 patients was interviewed recently and showed that 90% of the people who took the shot Will Die! If you are one of the people who already got the shot you need to watch this video. Click link below.



Dr. Mikovits: SARS-CoV-2 is actually a lab-made monkey cell virus, readily deployed through the flu, MMR and polio vaccine supply
Dr. Judy Mikovits was recently interviewed on Brighteon Conversations, and she did not hold back unveiling the real causes of transfection behind SARS-CoV-2 and the scientific fraud that was used to promote a pandemic and suppress people’s immune systems

AUG. 14, 2021 Mandatory Covid -19 list is growing from my Jul 8, 2021 warning



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In Jesus Christ name I pray that the people who read this post take it seriously. The road that will lead this generation to that mark is being set in stone via a virus. How can it be that one man can make it that you can not buy or sell anything unless you take his mark?  Steps are being taken right now that are setting up people to be forced to do something that they will not want to do.  Who would have thought that a virus would just about close down the entire world’s economy yet that is exactly what happen in 2020 and, it now appears we will see more shut downs as these new variants of the Covid-19 virus are reported.  World governments one at a time are starting to mandate their people  get a Covid vaccine or less. You will see what I am referring to when you start reading the reports below showing you what each government is doing to their people if they refuse the Covid-19 vaccines! 

If people can be controlled now via a mandatory vaccine what do you think is going to happen when the Antichrist shows up to enforce his mark?  What we are witnessing with the mandatory vaccines is just a set up stage for the mark of the beast.  As reports come in showing these new Covid mandates I will post them on this post.  Life as we knew it before the Covid-19 virus will never be the same.  Jesus has given each person a free will to either receive Him as your Lord and Savior or deny Him. Those who receive Him are called His sheep and those who deny Him are called the goats.  Jesus promised to take His sheep to heaven when He calls and, those goats who denied Him will be left behind on Earth to deal with the Antichrist his mark and God’s wrath that will come when the Church is gone.  Make no mistake about it, if you are reading this post it is because Jesus wants you to see it.  His love for all people is very clear in His word. The Lord does not want anyone to be cast into the lake of fire and, that is the reason why Jesus went to the cross for you.  Because of His work on that cross you have been given a way to heaven via Jesus. You deny Christ and Christ will deny you before the Father in heaven.

Why do you think approximately one-fourth of the Word of God was prophetic? The obvious conclusion any serious Bible student can make from this statistic is that if the Almighty devoted that much of His Word to the subject of prophecy, it certainly benefits every Believer to study it. The knowledge of Biblical prophecy produces the following important results:

The Bible’s Authority
The detailed descriptions of coming events and their precise fulfillment validate that “Scripture is of divine origin, trustworthy, and to be studied with confidence.” All that man knows of God is recorded in His Word; without this assured foundation, we are nothing.

God Almighty inspired the writers of His Holy Word through the communion of His Spirit with the spiritual nature and intellectual abilities of man. Remember this truth: all Scripture is written by God; it is His voice and His authority.

The Bible’s Accuracy
The Holy Scriptures are not merely man’s account of historical events— they are a living, accurate, and authoritative message from God to His people. Christ acknowledged the Scriptures in His earthly ministry by referring to the Old Testament writings as those things “spoken to you by God.”  In a nut shell, Jesus has given all of us enough evidence His words all come to pass so we would see Him for who He really is. God. 

Soon you may be confronted with someone asking you to prove you have been vaccinated. They may tell you unless you take the vaccine you can no longer go to work, take a train or plane, eat at any restaurant, or even go into a grocery store to buy food. Think this can not happen to you?  When you read the reports below you will learn in many places what I just described is taking place and, it is only the beginning for what is coming! If there was ever a time to take Jesus at His words now is that time!  Have you received Jesus yet or, have you denied Him?  Get off the fence while you still have a chance to do so.  Let today be the day Jesus writes your name in His book of Life! 

Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”

Acts 16:30-31 “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

 Acts 4:12 “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”

 John 5:24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.”

                                                      Revelation chapter 13

16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.


Jul 8, 2021 I warned you to watch for more news showing Governments are going to push a mandatory Covid19 vaccine.  You will see what I warned in the video below.  Notice I tell you what I stated to watch  back in March of this year concerning this mandatory vaccines.  After you watch my video scroll down and you will see more news showing you that the road to the mark of the beast is being laid out via mandatory vaccines. These forced laws will make it much easier for the Antichrist to force his mark when the time is right!

Aug. 12, 2021 University Vaccine Mandate Stays as Justice Barrett Rebuffs Plea

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett turned away a challenge to Indiana University’s requirement that all students be vaccinated against Covid-19 for the fall semester unless they have a religious or medical exemption.Giving no explanation, Barrett on Thursday summarily denied a request to block the vaccine mandate from eight students who said their constitutional rights were being violated.


Aug. 11, 2021 – Los Angeles City Council Votes 13-0 To Create Vaccination Requirement For Indoor Public Spaces Such As Restaurants, Movie Theaters, Concert Venues



Aug. 11, 2021 – California Gov. Newsom orders teacher vaccinations
California school employees must be vaccinated against COVID-19 or submit to a weekly test proving they are not infected with the coronavirus under an order announced Wednesday by Gov. Gavin Newsom that positions the state as among the most aggressive in the nation with mandates aimed at keeping campuses safe. https://www


Aug. 11, 2021 – Biden’s Pentagon taking massive risk by ordering ALL military personnel to get experimental COVID-19 vaccine
Democrats have long known that the very last bastion of pro-American culture is the U.S. military, and since the Biden regime has taken over, the effort has been to fundamentally transform our patriotic fighting force into a ‘woke’ force of pansies who couldn’t fight their way out of a paper sack but whose rank-and-file members can recite critical race theory dictates verbatim.


Aug. 9, 2021 – France’s Virus Pass Now Required In Restaurants, On Trains


Aug. 9, 2021 – Pentagon Pulls Trigger: Will Order All Troops To Get Covid Vaccine By Sept. 15


Aug. 8, 2021 – Defense Secretary Austin to announce mandatory coronavirus vaccinations across the military



AUG. 8, 2021  Swedish professor: People will need FIVE vaccine doses for immunity, and if you don’t submit, you’ll no longer qualify as “fully vaccinated” 
Many individuals worldwide have completed their Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination schedule. They have touted their “fully vaccinated” status after getting two doses of COVID-19 vaccines, with some joining the category after getting single-dose vaccines. However, a professor said that COVID-19 vaccines may not be enough to provide immunity – and recommended as many as five vaccine doses.



AUG. 3, 2021 -Tyson Foods to Require COVID-19 Vaccinations for its U.S. Workforce


AUG. 2, 2021 – Thousands of Pakistanis Line Up for Vaccine After Gov’t Shuts Down Cell Service for Unvaccinated



AUG. 1, 2021 – Local government in Philippines declares that unvaccinated people are barred from purchasing FOOD
Human rights abuses are accelerating worldwide, as governments claim dominion over people’s bodies and minds. In the Philippine city of Lapu-Lapu, Mayor Junard “Ahong” Chan signed a terror-inspired executive order that bans the “unvaccinated” from department stores, convenience stores, supermarkets and grocery stores.

Aug. 1, 2021 – As a ‘Big Pharma’ induced medical catastrophe unfolds across America, radical leftist threatens to ‘treat Republicans like Nazis did the Jews’ and ‘be as murderous as possible


JULY 31, 2021 – Walt Disney, Walmart Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine for US Employees, Alter Mask Policy



JULY 31, 2021Vaccine for US Employees, Alter Mask Policy
The Walt Disney Company and Walmart announced a new policy on Friday that will require nearly every employee working for the company in the United States to be vaccinated against the CCP virus.


JULY 31, 2021 – CNN just declared that unvaccinated people should be starved to death
People who refuse to get injected with a “vaccine” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) as demanded by Pedo Joe should not be allowed to enter grocery stores to buy food for their families, says Don Lemon of CNN.


JULY 28, 2021Netflix Mandates Vaccinations for All Actors on US Productions 
Netflix has become the first major Hollywood studio to roll out companywide COVID-19 vaccine mandates for cast members and those who come in contact with them for all productions in the United States.Walt Disney, Walmart Mandate COVID-19


JULY 26, 2021 DOJ Vaccine mandates Now Legal
DOJ vaccine mandates are legal as of July 26, 2021. The Department of Justice (DOJ) determined that federal law will not prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring COVID vaccines under the Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorization With the DOJ vaccine mandates, public places, retail stores, places of business (your job) can require covid vaccines if they wish.  https://










Main stream media does not want people to use hydroxychloroquine, or  ivermectin which both of these drugs help to fight the Covid virus. 

Headline:   North Texas Doctor Recovers from Covid-19 Using Hydroxychloroquine.