April 30, 2021- Abbas delays Palestinian election, Hamas denounces ‘coup’; US delegation heads to Middle East about Iran deal



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Explosive balloons launched from Gaza amid riots along border – report

Sirens blare as two rockets fired from Gaza fail to enter Israel

Explosive balloons were sent from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory late Monday night, according to a Telegram channel reportedly associated with the Palestinian balloon units in Gaza. Additionally, about 200 protesters gathered along the border fence in Gaza. The IDF tried to disperse the crowds, Army Radio reported. According to the report, in an area located further south in the Strip, two suspects were caught after they crossed the border.  Meanwhile, Rocket sirens were heard in the Gaza border community of Kissufim early Wednesday morning. The IDF said that the alarm that sounded in Kissufim was due to two rockets launched toward Israel, which fell in an open field in the Gaza Strip. While the last two days have seen the settling of a tense quiet along the border, the IDF has been preparing for an escalation. The security cabinet ordered the military on Monday to be ready to respond with force to the rocket attacks. Over the weekend, over 40 rockets struck Israel, coinciding with high tensions between Palestinians and Jews in Jerusalem.
April 28, 2021

Hamas denounces ‘coup’ after Abbas delays Palestinian election over East Jerusalem dispute with Israel

Why Abbas Does Not Want Elections

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said he would delay the upcoming election, citing the Israeli ban on campaign events in East Jerusalem. The militant group Hamas, favored to make gains, called the decision a “coup.” Abbas announced the decision early on Friday local time, saying the Palestinian Authority “will take the proper decision to preserve all our rights in east Jerusalem, our eternal capital, including the right to hold parliamentary elections there,” according to AP. The election – the first since 2006 – was scheduled for May 22. Hamas was among those who accused Abbas of using East Jerusalem as a pretext to delay the election he’s expected to lose. Prior to his announcement, the group – whose name is an acronym for Islamic Resistance Movement – argued that Palestinians should look at ways of “forcing the elections in Jerusalem without the permission of or coordination with the occupation.” Hamas said it “will not be party to any postponement or cancellation” and will hold responsible those who would make such a decision “in response to the veto of the occupation.” Following Abbas’ announcement, Hamas called it a “coup.”
April 30, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Senior US delegation headed to Middle East amid concerns about Iran deal

A team of US envoys is traveling to the Middle East this week for talks with key allies, a senior US official said on Wednesday, amid simmering concerns in the region about President Joe Biden’s attempt to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal. While the final itinerary was unclear, there were tentative plans for the team to visit Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan. Bloomberg News was first to report the news of the trip. The officials are also expected to discuss the administration’s decision to go ahead with the sale to the UAE of $23 billion in military hardware including 50 F-35 fighters and 18 military drones. The Biden administration has been starkly different for Israel and Arab allies than the Trump presidency. Trump’s team negotiated normalization deals between Israel and the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco, but the Biden team has not kept up the momentum. Many US allies in the region are troubled by Biden’s attempt to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, fearing a resumption of the accord may eventually allow Tehran to acquire atomic weapons that would leave them vulnerable to Iranian intimidation or military threat.
April 28, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

1 Timothy 4:3 – “Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth”

Colorado, Oregon initiatives would ban animal slaughter, breeding

An Oregon ballot initiative proposed for 2022 would effectively criminalize the farming of food animals in the state by classifying their slaughter as aggravated abuse and redefining artificial insemination and castration as sexual assault. Initiative Petition 13, filed with Oregon elections officials in November, would remove farmer exemptions from existing laws barring animal cruelty and specifically target practices used for “(b)reeding domestic, livestock, and equine animals,” according to the text of the initiative. The proposed Abuse, Neglect, and Assault Exemption Modification and Improvement Act would delete all references to “good animal husbandry” from state statute and only allow an animal to be injured in cases of a human’s self-defense. A veterinarian’s spaying and neutering of household pets would still be exempt. The initiative’s sponsor, a group called End Animal Cruelty, is beginning to gather the 112,000 signatures they’ll need by next summer and is working through the national progressive network ActBlue to recruit volunteers for the effort, animal activist David Michelson recently told Portland’s KBOO-FM, a donor-supported radio station. The proposal comes as animal-welfare activists in Colorado are gathering signatures for a similar 2022 ballot measure called the Protect Animals from Unnecessary Suffering and Exploitation (PAUSE) initiative. It would ban artificial insemination and other commonly accepted veterinary and animal care practices in Colorado and would ban the slaughter of livestock that have not yet lived more than one-quarter of their anticipated lifetime, which for cattle would be about five years.
April 22, 2021

Wuhan Level Lab In the Middle of America’s Agriculture Belt: Plum Island Moves to Kansas

As the United States struggles with the coronavirus pandemic, a years-long debate over the new National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility—to be located smack in the middle of Kansas cattle country—raises worrying questions about the safety of American biodefense labs. “When some horrific Level 4 pathogen escapes a Manhattan bio lab, all the heartland will weep with remorse.” Manhattan is surrounded by a rolling sea of golden grass—the Flint Hills, North America’s last remaining tallgrass prairie. “No grass anywhere can put weight on cattle more quickly or more economically,” Jim Joy, a historian of ranching, wrote. In the nineteenth century, cattlemen from Texas and elsewhere began driving their herds overland to graze in the Flint Hills. Today, Kansas is at the geographical center of the American beef industry. It is the third-largest cattle-producing state in the country, and its immediate neighbors—Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Colorado—are all in the top ten. During and after the N.B.A.F. site-selection process, many scientists found it baffling that anyone would consider installing a high-containment animal-disease laboratory in the middle of livestock country. “It doesn’t make sense—it’s just insane,” Laura H. Kahn, a physician and research scholar at Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security, told me. Abigail Conrad, who was a developmental biologist at K-State when D.H.S. was making its choice, said that the decision “defies reason”; her husband, Gary, also a biologist, called it “beyond ludicrous,” “almost criminal,” and “genuinely stupid.”







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

The Postal Service is running a ‘covert operations program’ that monitors Americans’ social media posts

The law enforcement arm of the U.S. Postal Service has been quietly running a program that tracks and collects Americans’ social media posts, including those about planned protests, according to a document obtained by Yahoo News. The details of the surveillance effort, known as iCOP, or Internet Covert Operations Program, have not previously been made public. The work involves having analysts trawl through social media sites to look for what the document describes as “inflammatory” postings and then sharing that information across government agencies. Civil liberties experts told Yahoo News they were concerned about both the surveillance and why the USPS would be tasked with such an undertaking. “It’s a mystery,” said University of Chicago law professor Geoffrey Stone, who, Yahoo noted, reviewed the NSA’s bulk data collection during the Obama years following the Edward Snowden leaks. “I don’t understand why the government would go to the Postal Service for examining the internet for security issues.





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

March 29, 2021- Tens of thousands of pigs dying from swine fever in Indonesia. Link

April 5, 2021- Thousands of dead fish wash up on the coast of Southern Iran. Link

April 6, 2021- Thousands of dead fish wash up in a harbour in South Africa. Link

April 7, 2021- A hundred dead dolphins wash up on coast of Ghana. Link

April 8, 2021- Mass die off of sea creatures wash up on beach in the Hague, Netherlands. Link

April 9, 2021- Thousands of dead fish wash up along a river in New York, America. Link

April 10, 2021- Grey whales wash up dead on beach in San Francisco, America. Link

April 12, 2021- Over 100 dead sea birds found washed up in the Medoc, France. Link

April 12, 2021- Over 5000 tons of salmon die due to algae in Chile. Link

April 12, 2021- Thousands of dead fish wash up in a lagoon in Junin, Argentina. Link

April 13, 2021- Over six hundred manatees dead this year in Florida, America. Link

April 14, 2021- Hundreds of birds dying, ‘dropping dead out of sky’ in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Link

April 20, 2021- Hundreds of dead sea birds wash up along the coast of Groningen, Netherlands. Link

April 22, 202 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on the shores of Florida, America. Link

April 23, 2021- Thousands of dead fish wash up in a lagoon in Jaquimeyes, Dominican Republic. Link

April 24, 2021- Forty thousand hens to be killed due to avian flu in Southeast, Bulgaria. Link

April 29, 2021- Thousands of dead fish floating in lake Maninjau, Indonesia. Link

April 29, 2021- Tons of dead fish wash up in a lake in Lebanon. Link

April 29, 2021- Thousands of dead fish wash up on coast of Auckland, New Zealand. Link

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com













Destructive hail and tornadoes slam southern U.S., causing billion dollars worth of damage

Severe hailstorms and tornadoes pounded the southern U.S. on Wednesday and Thursday, April 28 and 29, 2021, leaving a trail of destruction. As a result, more than 28 000 customers were without power in Texas alone, and damages across the region amounted to a billion dollars. A strong line of storms brought powerful hail, tornadoes, and flooding in the south. The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) received a total of nine tornado reports from Oklahoma and Arkansas, as well as Missouri, Tennessee, and Illinois. Preliminary reports show damage to residential properties and snapped trees. In Texas, powerful supercell thunderstorms caused the National Weather Service (NWS) to issue tornado warnings through early Thursday. More than 28 000 customers lost access to electricity that day. The system also brought hail up to 7.6 cm (3 inches) in diameter to San Antonio and Fort Worth. SPC received at least 100 reports of hail from Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, with the latter bearing the brunt of the extreme weather. Baseball-sized hail battered the state, particularly the Norman area, inflicting major damage to homes and businesses.
April 30, 2021

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April 26, 2021- Grocery Price Shock Coming to a Store Near You



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Missile fired from Syria towards the Negev

36 rockets launched into Israeli territory in the night between Friday and Saturday

Israel intercepts rockets over Sderot as attacks from Gaza continue

Israel Shuts Gaza Fishing Zone After Third Night of Rockets

A Red Color siren was sounded in the vicinity of the Bedouin village of Abu Qrenat in the Negev overnight Wednesday. The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said that an air-to-surface missile had been fired from Syria toward Israeli territory and exploded in the southern Negev region. In response, the IDF attacked the battery that launched the missile and other surface-to-air missile batteries in Syrian territory. Syrian media reported that the country’s air defense system had been activated following an Israeli attack in the Damascus area. Gazans launched 36 rockets into Israeli territory in the night between Friday and Saturday, and another two on Saturday night before press time. Seven rockets were intercepted. In retaliation, an IDF tank attacked a Hamas outpost and IAF aircraft struck rocket launchers during the night. Security officials believe that a further upsurge in violence in Jerusalem could lead to an escalation in the South — and vice versa — while calming the clashes in the capital could stop the deterioration of the situation in Gaza. They also believe that Hamas has lost control of the situation, as there was no intention by Hamas to ignite the situation to this extent with Israel. Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other “recalcitrant organizations,” as they are known in the security establishment, fired most of the rockets.
April 26, 2021

Over 120 wounded in east Jerusalem clashes

Current Jerusalem “Intifada” Fueled By Biden Policies, Middle East Expert Warns

Jerusalem escalation could be how Israel’s next war starts – analysis

Over 100 Palestinians and 20 Israeli police were wounded in overnight clashes in annexed east Jerusalem, authorities said Friday, as tensions mount over a ban on gatherings and videos of attacks on youths. Tensions have been high in Jerusalem after a series of videos posted online in recent days showing young Arabs attacking ultra-Orthodox Jews and Jewish extremists taking to the street to bully Arabs in nightly confrontations. The violence flared outside one of the entrances to the walled Old City, after police had barred access to some areas where Palestinians usually gather in large numbers during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. There have been nightly disturbances in the area since the start of Ramadan on April 13, with Palestinians outraged over police blocking access to the promenade around the walls, a popular gathering place after the end of the daytime Ramadan fast. Police said that after night prayers at Al-Aqsa mosque in the Old City “hundreds of rioters began disrupting the order violently, including throwing stones and objects at forces.” Stun grenades were fired and water cannon deployed to disperse the “rioters” and force them toward less central areas of east Jerusalem, police said.
April 25, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Yemen’s Houthis claim attack on Saudi oil facility, air base

Yemen’s Houthi movement said on Friday it had launched attacks with drones on a military air base and oil facility in Saudi Arabia, the latest indication that diplomacy to end the six year conflict has so far failed to take hold. The Houthi military spokesman said on Twitter the group had targeted the King Khalid air base with two drones and had struck a facility of Saudi Arabia’s oil company Aramco with a drone in the southwestern Saudi city of Jizan. He later said the Houthis had launched a third strike on the air base. Earlier on Friday, Saudi state television quoted the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen as saying it had intercepted two explosives-laden drones fired by the Houthis at the city of Khamis Mushait, where the air base is located. There was no immediate confirmation of the Jizan attack or the third attack on the air base.
April 23, 2021

Iraqi military: 3 rockets strike close to Baghdad airport

Iran seeks US ‘withdrawal under fire’ from Iraq

At least three rockets hit near Baghdad international airport late Thursday, the Iraqi military said. A total of eight missiles were fired and three landed near the airport complex, the statement said. It did not detail whether the attack caused casualties. The rockets struck areas known to contain Iraqi security forces. One hit close to a central prison, the second near an academy of the elite Counter-Terrorism Service, and a third near the headquarters of the Rapid Response regiment.
No one claimed responsibility for the attacks. US officials have previously blamed Iran-backed militia groups. It is the latest in a string of rocket attacks that have primarily targeted American installations in Iraq in recent weeks. On Sunday, multiple rockets hit an Iraqi air base just north of Baghdad, wounding two Iraqi security personnel.
April 23, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Iranian fuel tanker attacked by drone, Israel suspected

NYT: Secret Recording of Iranian FM Revels John Kerry Told Him About Israeli Strikes in Syria

An Iranian tanker was reportedly attacked off the Syrian coast on Saturday, according to the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. It was unclear what had happened, as Iran media was slow to report details. However, the Syrian state media did quote an oil ministry member as saying a fire took place on “what was believed to be an attack by a drone.” In early April, an Iranian ship believed to serve as an IRGC mother ship and used for surveillance and possibly terror operations, was struck in the Red Sea. Iran blamed Israel and the US for the attack on the Saviz ship, which it denied was a mother ship. Several Israeli-owned ships have also been attacked, allegedly by Iran. One was reported struck on April 13 and others were hit on February 26 and also March 25. The attacks targeted the Helios Ray and Hyperian Ray. Iran also vowed revenge for what it said was “nuclear terror” on its Natanz enrichment facility on April 12. Iran has been angered by the ship attacks.  The recent incident off Syria, if it occurred, leads to many questions. Meanwhile, Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (and current Biden climate change envoy) allegedly informed Iran that Israel had carried out at least 200 covert strikes against Iranian targets, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif revealed in a leaked recording obtained by the New York Times.
April 26, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

BLM protesters storm Oklahoma Capitol over GOP bills protecting drivers fleeing riots, police from ‘doxxing’

Activists refusing to leave George Floyd Square after Chauvin verdict, call for demands to be met

North Carolina protesters demand answers on second night of demonstrations over deputy shooting of Black man

New York police clear protest encampment after earlier clash; 8 arrested

Demonstrators chanting “Black Lives Matter” stormed the Oklahoma Capitol on Wednesday, forcing the state House of Representatives into lockdown, in order to protest several Republican-backed bills, including one that provides legal protections to motorists fleeing riots. More than two dozen protesters filled the gallery on the fifth floor while the Oklahoma House in the chamber below was in session. Video showed demonstrators chanting, “Stand united against all hate,” and “We will use our voices to stand against corruption, to fight hate, to defend Black and Brown lives.” The disturbance interrupted the session for several minutes. The demonstration was organized against what activists describe as anti-protest and anti-transgender bills advancing through the GOP-controlled state Senate and House. One bill increases penalties for protesters blocking traffic and protects drivers who unintentionally strike drivers with their cars. Another aims to protect law enforcement and their families from “doxxing.”
April 23, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Federal Taxes, Spending and Deficit All Set Records in First Half of FY2021

Federal taxes, spending and the federal deficit all set records in the first six months of fiscal 2021 (October through March), according to the Monthly Treasury Statement. Federal taxes climbed to a record $1,703,949,000,000 in the October-through-March period, while federal spending climbed to $3,410,194,000,000. The gap between the record federal tax collections and the record federal spending in the October-through-March period resulted in a record federal deficit of $1,706,245,000,000. This year’s October-through-March spending of $3,410,194,000,000 was up $1,001,598,370,000 (or 42 percent) from last year’s $2,408,595,630,000 in spending (in March 2021 dollars) for that period.
April 26, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Grocery Price Shock Is Coming to a Store Near You

Corn, wheat, soybeans, vegetable oils: A small handful of commodities form the backbone of much of the world’s diet and they’re dramatically more expensive, flashing alarm signals for global shopping budgets. This week, the Bloomberg Agriculture Spot Index — which tracks key farm products — surged the most in almost nine years, driven by a rally in crop futures. With global food prices already at the highest since mid-2014, this latest jump is being closely watched because staple crops are a ubiquitous influence on grocery shelves — from bread and pizza dough to meat and even soda. Soaring raw material prices have broad repercussions for households and businesses, and threaten a world economy trying to recover from the damage of the coronavirus pandemic. They help fuel food inflation, bringing more pain for families that are already grappling with financial pressure from the loss of jobs or incomes. For central banks, a spike in prices at a time of weak growth creates an unwelcome policy choice and could limit their ability to loosen policy.
April 24, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Blinken authorizes US diplomatic missions to fly LGBTQ Pride flag

Biden administration moves to force religious hospitals to perform sex-change surgeries

Secretary of State Tony Blinken has authorized US diplomatic missions to fly the LGBTQ pride flag on the same pole as the American flag at embassies and consulates, a department official confirmed to The Post Friday. News of the authorization was first revealed by Foreign Policy magazine, which reported on a confidential cable sent by Blinken to diplomatic posts worldwide authorizing the policy change. The nation’s top diplomat said in the cable that the flag, which is flown to symbolize support and pride for the LGBTQ community, will not be required to be added to the flagpole in front of each mission. Instead, chiefs of mission will be given the ability to “determine that such a display is appropriate in light of local conditions,” Blinken said. The move comes ahead of International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on May 17. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden’s administration filed an appeal on Tuesday that aims to keep in place a mandate forcing religious doctors and hospitals to provide sex-change surgeries, despite their conscientious objections.
April 23, 2021








Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Report: Drought leaves New Mexico trees weak and dying

Drought emergency inflames political tensions in CA

New Mexico’s relentless drought is stressing forests, making them more vulnerable to a widespread pest infestation that could cause a mass tree die-off if wetter weather doesn’t come, a newly released state report says. The 2020 state report on New Mexico’s forest health looked at how extensively pests killed and damaged trees on national, state and tribal woodlands. Drought conditions have worsened, encompassing half the state at the beginning of 2020 and then growing until every area of New Mexico was deemed in some level of drought by the year’s end, the report said. “Drought and warming temperatures have been linked to amplified tree death,” the report said. “Consequently, if these conditions remain similar in 2021 then tree death may increase in direct response to drought and warming or indirectly by being more attractive and susceptible to bark beetle attack.”
April 24, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com













NASA to participate in tabletop exercise simulating asteroid impact

Bright fireball lights up the sky over southern France

JPL’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies will lead the hypothetical impact scenario to see how international agencies respond to an actual impact prediction. During the week of April 26, members of NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) will participate in a “tabletop exercise” to simulate an asteroid impact scenario. The exercise depicting this fictional event is being led by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), allowing NASA’s PDCO and other U.S. agencies and space science institutions, along with international space agencies and partners, to use the fictitious scenario to investigate how near-Earth object (NEO) observers, space agency officials, emergency managers, decision makers, and citizens might respond and work together to an actual impact prediction and simulate the evolving information that becomes available in the event an asteroid impact threat is discovered.
April 26, 2021

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April 23, 2021- Real Christians versus lip Christians



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April 19, 2021- Abbas Says US must rescind declaration of PLO as terror group; Saudis Hold Secret Talks with Iran



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

US pressuring Israel to stop commenting on Iran – report

The Biden administration has turned to Israel several times in the past few days, asking that it stops commenting on Iran, N12 reported Friday evening. According to the report, the Biden administration feels “uneasy” regarding the recent Israeli operation in Natanz, referring to recent Israeli chatter regarding the attack as “dangerous” and “embarrassing.” The White House repeated the message several times, claiming that the constant reports from Israeli officials regarding Iran have hindered the negotiations taking place between the Washington and Tehran on a possible new nuclear agreement. Israel’s Security Cabinet, which has not met since February, is expected to meet on Sunday in order to discuss the issue.
April 17, 2021

Palestinians fire 2nd rocket at Israel Palestinian terrorists fired a rocket from Gaza into the country’s south Friday, the second incident in 24 hours

The rocket caused no damage or injuries. In response, Israeli fighter jets and helicopters hit five sites of the Hamas terror group, which controls the Gaza Strip. There were no reports of casualties in the air raids, which the Israeli military said targeted a training site, weapons manufacturing facility and a factory producing building materials for for attack tunnels, among other targets. Early Friday, Israeli aircraft hit three facilities operated by Hamas in response to the previous rocket attack. The Israeli response came after the military announced that a projectile fired from the Gaza Strip Thursday evening landed in the south of the country. That rocket attack broke weeks of relative cross-border calm.
April 17, 2021

Abbas to J Street: US must rescind declaration of PLO as terror group

The Biden administration must rescind the 1987 US determination that the Palestine Liberation Organization is a terror group, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told the annual J Street Conference, as he spoke of the steps to re-establish ties between Washington and Ramallah. He explained that ties between the PA and the US were severed when former US President Donald Trump was in the White House, but that the PA now sought to open a new page with the Biden administration. “However, this requires the elimination of some obstacles, most important of which is removing the PLO name from the terrorism list pursuant to the Congress Anti-Terrorist Act of 1987,” Abbas said as he referenced the legislation that marked the PLO as a terror group. Most American presidents until Trump had waived the act, thereby allowing for ties between the PLO and the US. Rather than reinstate the waiver, Abbas wants the act to be rescinded.
April 19, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Iran says open to talks with Saudi Arabia after media reports

Saudis, UAE asked Israel to hit Iranian spy ship, but concealed talks with Iran

Iran’s foreign ministry has said the country is open to direct talks with Saudi Arabia after media reports said the two regional rivals recently held secret talks in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh on Monday refused to confirm or deny the reported talks on April 9 in Baghdad. Khatibzadeh pointed out that Iran “has always welcomed talks with the Saudi kingdom and has deemed it beneficial to the two countries’ people and regional peace and stability, and this thought will continue”. The two countries have not had formal diplomatic ties since January 2016 when Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran was stormed after a prominent Shia Muslim leader was executed by Riyadh. According to reports by the Financial Times and Reuters, Iranian and Saudi officials held direct talks on April 9 to discuss the war in Yemen, where a Saudi Arabia-led military coalition has been battling the Iran-aligned Houthi rebels since March 2015. The talks also reportedly touched on Lebanon, which is in political and economic turmoil, and where Arab states are concerned about the influence of the Iran-backed Hezbollah movement. Unnamed sources from Iran and Saudi Arabia denied talks were held in Iraq. The reported meeting came shortly after Iraq’s Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi travelled to Saudi Arabia to hold talks with its top leadership, including powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Al-Kadhimi also visited the United Arab Emirates (UAE), another Iranian adversary in the region.
April 19, 2021

Did Iran order a drone attack on the US in Iraq?

A drone attack last week on Erbil in northern Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish region has all the hallmarks of an Iranian-backed attack. Drones have been used by Iran’s proxies in Yemen, and Tehran has exported them to partners in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Iran has a sophisticated series of drones, many of which are kamikaze drones that operate like cruise missiles. You put in coordinates and then send them on a mission. Iran also used drones in 2018 during a missile attack on Kurdish dissidents in Iraq, and as surveillance against ISIS in Syria. It is the third attack on US-led coalition forces in the city. Pro-Iran militias in Iraq, led by Kataib Hezbollah, shifted tactics after 2019 and 2020 when US forces consolidated their facilities in Iraq, withdrawing from a series of smaller bases such as Q-West, K-1, Nineveh and even Tamp Taji. This left less targets for Iran’s militias in Iran’s neighbor to the west. At the same time, those militias, called PMU and which also have political wings in the government and receive government salaries, have now been forced to use aliases. There was an attack on Erbil in late September 2020 and another on February 15. The recent attack was likely a message to the US and the new Biden administration. Iran and its allies in Iraq want the US to leave.
April 18, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Protesters take to the streets Saturday night over police shootings

Sacramento police officers hospitalized after protesters spray them with unknown ‘irritant’

Shooting in Kenosha leaves 3 dead, 2 wounded; suspect at large

Antifa Rioters Burn Portland Apple Store, Fire Guns from Cars

Two National Guardsmen injured in drive-by after Maxine Waters calls for more confrontation

A deadly Sunday: three multiple shootings in one day in America

Protesters across the country took to the streets Saturday night, following a week of intense demonstrations over recent fatal police shootings in Minnesota, Chicago and elsewhere. Most recently, protesters have demonstrated against the fatal police shootings of Daunte Wright, who was killed during a traffic stop in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, last Sunday and Adam Toledo, a 13-year-old fatally shot by an officer in Chicago late last month — with video of the shooting emerging last week.  Four police officers in Sacramento, California, were hospitalized Saturday night after being sprayed with an unknown “liquid irritant” during an anti-police protest. Meanwhile, Three people were killed and two others were injured early Sunday morning from a shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Authorities provided few details about the shooting, only saying that the deadly incident “appears to be a targeted and isolated incident.”
April 19, 2021








Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

If A CBDC Gains Acceptance For International Transactions, It Could Become The New Reserve Currency

We do not usually associate disruption with central banks. But a major move to introduce central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) could actually disrupt the financial system. CBDCs are a new form of digital cash intended to serve as a substitute for physical cash. They will be a liability of the central bank, which will maintain them in a centralized ledger. CBDCs should not be confused with cryptocurrencies, which either are pegged to an underlying asset or backed by a public blockchain. Cryptocurrencies are not a viable form of digital cash for payments on a large scale, given the high computational and energy intensity of the validation process using distributed ledger technologies. However, they will continue to perform other functions. For instance, investors may perceive that cryptocurrencies can be a store of value (akin to precious metals) to hedge against the effects of central banks’ aggressive monetary easing. Efforts to introduce CBDCs are gaining momentum, with as many as 86% of the world’s central banks exploring digital currencies. China has launched pilot trials in a number of cities, the ECB recently concluded a public consultation on a digital euro and will make a decision this summer, and the Boston Fed is set to release its initial research in the fall. Innovations are typically viewed with caution and their disruptive potential is usually underestimated. While central banks’ CBDC initiatives are not intended to disrupt the banking system, they will likely have unintended disruptive consequences. The pace of disruption will hinge on how quickly network effects take hold in a CBDC system. The more widely digital currencies are accepted, the more opportunity for innovation and the greater the scope for disruption to the financial system.
April 18, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Surigae rapidly intensifies into the first Super Typhoon of 2021

Typhoon “Surigae” rapidly intensified on April 16 and 17, 2021, into the first Super Typhoon of the year. Surigae — known in the Philippines as Bising — is expected to become a powerful Category 5 typhoon over the next 12 hours, without making landfall over the Philippines. However, because there are still uncertainties in its track, a westward shift in the current forecast track may result in potentially significant impacts over the eastern portions of Southern Luzon and Visayas.​ Surigae entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) at 03:00 UTC on April 16 and became a Category 2-equivalent typhoon over the next 12 hours. As it continued its slow WNW motion toward the Philippines, the typhoon underwent explosive intensification and strengthened to a Category 4-equivalent typhoon by 21:00 UTC on the same day. At 06:00 UTC on April 17, its center was located about 490 km (305 miles) NW of Kayangel. Its maximum 10-minute sustained winds were 185 km/h (115 mph) with gusts up to 260 km/h (160 mph) — making it a Super Typhoon. Maximum 1-minute sustained winds were 240 km/h (150 mph), the minimum central barometric pressure 925 hPa, and the system was moving NW at 20 km/h (15 mph).
April 17, 2021 

5.9 earthquake hits southern Iran

A magnitude 5.9 earthquake has struck Iran’s southern province of Bushehr, where a nuclear power plant is located, but there were no immediate reports of considerable damage. At least five people were injured, Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency reported. The epicentre of the earthquake on Sunday was the town of Rig. Hospitals in nearby cities and provinces were put on alert with rescue teams and 50 ambulances sent to the area, a regional official told state TV. Electricity and landline telephone and internet in the regional city of Gonaveh were cut off “and people are taking to the streets for fear of earthquakes”, semi-official news agency Tasnim reported. An Iranian government official told Reuters news agency there were no reports of damage at the Bushehr nuclear complex, situated on Iran’s Gulf coast.
April 18, 2021 

Asteroid 2021 HN flew past Earth at 0.66 LD — 18th within 1 LD in April

A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2021 HN flew past Earth at a distance of 0.66 LD / 0.00170 AU (254 316 km / 158 024 miles) at 07:53 UTC on April 19, 2021. This is the 51st known asteroid to flyby Earth since the start of the year and the 18th so far this month. No other month on record has had this many known <1LD asteroid flybys. While this increase is notable, keep in mind that our collective ability to detect them has also increased over the past years. The second busiest month on record is now November 2018 with 15 known <LD flybys. 2021 HN was first observed at Mt. Lemon Survey, Arizona on April 17, two days before its close approach. The object has an estimated diameter between 11 – 25 m (36 – 82 feet) and it belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids.
April 19, 2021

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April 16, 2021- Volcanic Activity, Asteroids, Dust Storms and Severe Droughts: End Times Weather



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Iran fires missile at Israeli-owned ship near UAE – report

An Israeli-owned ship called the Hyperion was attacked near the shores of the Fujairah emirate in the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday, according to reports in Lebanon. The attack came a day after Iran vowed to avenge the explosion at its Natanz nuclear facility, which it blamed on Israel. Data available on MarineTraffic.com showed that the Hyperion, a vehicle carrier sailing under the flag of the Bahamas, was stopped off the coast of Fujairah. Arab media reports said that the ship was hit by an Iranian missile. The vessel is associated with the Israeli Ray Shipping company, the same company that owns a vessel hit by an alleged Iranian attack in February. The IDF declined to comment on the reports. The attack comes just days after an alleged Israeli attack on Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility and exactly a week after the Iranian Saviz ship was damaged in alleged Israeli attack in the Red Sea. It also comes after two strikes against Israeli-owned vessels in the region and reports of dozens of earlier strikes carried out by Israel against Iran in locations ranging from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf. Late last month, an Iranian missile was reportedly fired at an Israeli ship between India and Oman, striking and damaging it. In February, Iran allegedly attacked the Israeli-owned cargo vessel MV Helios Ray, which was damaged by an explosion in the Gulf of Oman.
***See Also Iran Below
April 14, 2021

Hours after Independence Day, Gaza militants fire rocket into south

Israeli army says it targeted ‘Hamas military sites’ in Gaza

Hours after Independence Day celebrations came to a close, militants in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket into southern Israel. Israeli military confirmed that one rocket was fired late Thursday toward the city of Sderot and landed in an open area close to Israel’s side of the border fence. No damage or casualties were reported. This is the first rocket launch from Gaza in the past three weeks. Meanwhile, Israeli warplanes have carried out air raids at several locations after midnight on Friday in the Gaza Strip in response to a rocket fired from the besieged Palestinian enclave that hit southern Israel. Fighter jets and attack helicopters struck a “weapons manufacturing site, a weapon smuggling tunnel and a military post” operated by Hamas, the movement which governs Gaza, the Israeli military said in a statement on Friday.
April 16, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

US envoy: resolving border talks with Israel will help crisis-hit Lebanon

The United States stands ready to facilitate maritime border talks between Lebanon and Israel that will have benefits for the crisis-hit Lebanese economy, a US envoy said on Thursday. On a visit to Beirut, Under Secretary of State David Hale blamed Lebanese leaders for failing to end a deadlock in cabinet talks to tackle the collapse, which has crashed the currency. He warned that “those who continue to obstruct” progress open themselves up to punitive actions, without naming individuals. Hale accused Hezbollah and Iran of undermining the state after meeting on Thursday with Lebanese President Michel Aoun, a political ally of the group whose son-in-law became a target of US sanctions. Hale said that talks with Iran on reviving a 2015 nuclear deal could foster regional stability but “would only be the beginning of our work” as the United States addresses “the other elements of Iran’s destabilizing behavior.” While pledging not to abandon US interests in Lebanon, Hale said resolving a maritime border dispute with Israel would “have potential to unlock significant economic benefits for Lebanon.” The two neighboring enemies launched negotiations last year, a culmination of years of US diplomacy, which have since stalled. The dispute has held up offshore exploration in the eastern Mediterranean. While Israel pumps gas from offshore fields, Lebanon has yet to find commercial reserves.
April 16, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Iran’s Rouhani, Turkey’s Erdogan said to discuss Israel’s ‘regional activities’

Iran’s Rouhani: 60% enrichment an answer to attack at Natanz

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke Wednesday with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, about Israeli moves in the Middle East. The two leaders discussed “recent Israeli activities in the region,” and the normalization agreements Israel inked last year with several Arab states, the Ynet news site reported. The call came amid high tensions in the Middle East sparked by an attack on Iran’s nuclear program that it blamed on Israel, Tehran’s escalatory response and alleged tit-for-tat strikes on commercial shipping vessels. Meanwhile, Iran’s move to enrich uranium up to 60% purity is a response to the sabotage at its key nuclear facility, President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday, adding the Islamic republic had no intention of building a nuclear weapon. After an explosion at its Natanz uranium enrichment site on Sunday blamed by Tehran on archfoe Israel, Iran said it would begin enriching uranium at 60%, a move bringing the fissile material closer to levels suitable for a bomb. It also said it would activate 1,000 advanced centrifuge machines at the site. “Of course, the security and intelligence officials must give the final reports, but apparently it is the crime of the Zionists, and if the Zionists act against our nation, we will answer it,” Rouhani said in a televised cabinet meeting. “Our response to their malice is replacing the damaged centrifuges with more advanced ones and ramping up the enrichment to 60% at the Natanz facility.”
April 14, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Minnesota rioters, police clash for 5th consecutive night

Almost half of federal cases against Portland rioters have been dismissed

Rioters and police clashed for a fifth straight night in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, late Thursday, following Daunte Wright’s death over the weekend. Roughly 1,000 demonstrators gathered outside the Brooklyn Center police headquarters, with many staying well past the city’s 10 p.m. curfew. The protests grew tense after Brooklyn Center Mayor Mike Elliot announced just after 8 p.m. that a curfew would be going into effect from 10 p.m. Thursday to 6 a.m. Friday — to the surprise of some, according to reports. Rioters threw rocks, cans, and fruit at law enforcement and shined lasers at officers’ eyes “in an attempt to blind them,” according to Operation Safety Net (OSN), a public safety coalition formed to respond to incidents related to the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin. “Protesters have begun to re-engage and throw objects over the fence, injuring officers and guardsmen with flying debris,” OSN tweeted. The state law enforcement coalition added that fireworks were shot and rioters were trying to cut the fence line surrounding the building in an attempt to gain entry into the perimeter. A fistfight also broke out among some in the crowd outside the fence, OSN wrote.
April 16, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

US cancels warships deployment to Black Sea: Turkish officials

Russia, China warn Biden at same time to stay out of Ukraine, Taiwan

Russia cuts off 2 Ukrainian ports after Biden cancels plan to deploy 2 US warships

Biden kicks 10 Russian diplomats out of US, targets 32 more in new sweeping sanctions

The United States has cancelled the deployment of two warships to the Black Sea, Turkish foreign ministry officials said, amid concerns over a Russian military build-up on Ukraine’s borders. Last week, Turkey said Washington would send two warships to the Black Sea, in a decision Russia called an unfriendly provocation. Washington and NATO have been alarmed by the build-up near Ukraine and in Crimea, the peninsula that Moscow annexed from Ukraine in 2014. The US embassy in Ankara had notified Turkey’s foreign ministry of the cancellation, officials said on Wednesday but did not provide a reason. Turkey’s state-run Anadolu news agency later reported that no new notices had been conveyed to Ankara for potential deployments at later dates. US officials said Turkey may have misunderstood the initial notification and that the deployment was never confirmed. They said the US frequently notifies Turkey of potential access to the Black Sea, adding that a request does not necessarily mean its ships will pass through, but rather ensures that if they choose to, they already have the required approval. Russia, which has warned Washington to stay far away from Crimea and its Black Sea coast, says the build-up is a three-week snap military drill to test combat readiness in response to what it calls threatening behaviour from NATO. It said the exercise is due to wrap up within two weeks. Ahead of the notification about US warships, Russia’s navy on Wednesday began a drill in the Black Sea that rehearsed firing at surface and air targets.
April 15, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

5,800 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Contracted COVID-19, 74 Dead: CDC

FDA, CDC recommend pausing use of Johnson & Johnson vaccine after reports of rare but severe blood clots

AstraZeneca Vaccine: For the moment, reports of a very rare, dangerous blood disorder among recipients cannot be ignored

CDC Reports 1,637 Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccinations: Fact Checked & Verified by NewsWeek

3,964 People Have Died from Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” – 162,610 Injuries

Some 5,800 Americans have contracted COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated against the virus that causes it, federal officials said April 15. The Americans contracted the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19, despite getting both doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) told The Epoch Times via email. Of the 5,800 fully vaccinated people who were confirmed as so-called breakthrough cases, nearly 400 required treatment at hospitals and 74 died. A little over 40 percent of the infections were in people 60 years of age or older, and 65 percent were female. The CDC declined to make a state-by-state breakdown available, though it has developed a national database where state health department investigators can enter, store, and manage data for cases in their jurisdiction. The figures were for cases through April 13.
April 15, 2021







Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Western U.S. may be entering its most severe drought in modern history

Extreme drought across the Western U.S. has become as reliable as a summer afternoon thunderstorm in Florida. And news headlines about drought in the West can seem a bit like a broken record, with some scientists saying the region is on the precipice of permanent drought. That’s because in 2000, the Western U.S. entered the beginning of what scientists call a megadrought — the second worst in 1,200 years — triggered by a combination of a natural dry cycle and human-caused climate change. In the past 20 years, the two worst stretches of drought came in 2003 and 2013 — but what is happening right now appears to be the beginning stages of something even more severe. And as we head into the summer dry season, the stage is set for an escalation of extreme dry conditions, with widespread water restrictions expected and yet another dangerous fire season ahead. The above image is a time series of drought in the western states from 2000 to 2021. This latest 2020-2021 spike (on the right) is every bit as impressive as the others, but with one notable difference — this time around, the area of “exceptional drought” is far larger than any other spike, with an aerial coverage of over 20%. As we enter the dry season, there is very little chance conditions will get better — in fact it will likely only get drier.
April 12, 2021

Moscow breaks 140-year temperature records amid days of unusually warm conditions, Russia

April temperatures in Moscow, Russia, have spiked to record levels not seen for at least 140 years as unusually warm conditions grip the city. On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, it registered 22.6 °C (73 °F), the highest temperature for that day since 1881. Such high temperatures usually occur during early June. Moscow has been seeing days of summerlike temperatures from Tuesday, and residents were enjoying the warm conditions after the city previously saw record-breaking snow in February. On Tuesday, Moscow set a temperature record with 22.6 °C (73 °F), the hottest April 13 in more than 140 years of meteorological observations, according to the Moscow Meteorological Bureau. On Wednesday, April 14, another temperature record was set as the mercury surged to 22 °C (71.6 °F), breaking the previous record o 20.8 °C (69.4 °F) set in 1962, according to Russia’s Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring.
April 16, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Asteroid 2021 GC8 to flyby Earth at 0.57 LD

A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2021 GC8 will fly by Earth at a distance of 0.57 LD / 0.00146 AU (218 410 km / 135 715 miles) at 22:05 UTC on April 13, 2021. This is the 42nd known asteroid to fly by Earth within 1 lunar distance since the start of the year and the 9th so far this month. 2021 GC8 was first observed at Kitt Peak-Bok, Arizona on April 11, two days before its close approach. The object has an estimated diameter between 2.2 and 5 m (7.2 – 16.4 feet) and it belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids. Close approach will take place at 22:05 UTC on April 13 at a speed (relative to the Earth) of 6.84 km/s.
April 13, 2021

Effusive eruption continues at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, lava reaches Piton le Bonnet, Reunion

New massive eruption at Soufriere St. Vincent, SO2 emissions spreading over two continents

Sustained ash emissions at Semisopochnoi volcano, Aviation Color Code raised to Red, Alaska

The effusive eruption at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Reunion continues from a new eruptive fissure on the southern flank of Enclos depression. The eruption started at around 15:00 UTC on April 9, 2021, following several hours of intense seismicity. The Alert Level remains at 2-2. Volcanic tremor, indicating the intensity of the eruption, has been very fluctuating over the past 24 hours, OVPF reported in a bulletin released 02:45 UTC on April 13. Lava spattering continues at two main vents, producing mild lava fountains reaching a height of about 60 m (196 feet). Meanwhile, A new high-level, major eruption took place at Soufriere St. Vincent volcano at 10:40 UTC on April 13, 2021. The SO2 emissions produced over the past 2 days are now spreading over two continents — South America and Africa. Extremely heavy ash is covering the island of St. Vincent, leaving the nation without electricity. The pattern of seismicity changed again, with the end of the episodes of high-amplitude tremor 2 to 8 hours apart, the University of West Indies Seismic Research Center (UWI-SRC) said early April 13, 2021. Three episodes of tremor have been recorded since 06:00 LT on April 13, 2 of them with lower-amplitude, and the third, at about 17:00 LT, was high-amplitude. The episodes continue to coincide with periods of enhanced venting or explosive activity.
April 16, 2021

Beijing engulfed by third major dust storm in five weeks, China

China’s capital Beijing has seen its third major dust storm in five weeks on Thursday, April 15, 2021. The storm is expected to continue in the coming days, affecting central and eastern China, according to the Guaizihu Meteorological Station. Beijing’s air quality index surged to 324 as of 08:00 UTC (16:00 LT) on Thursday, mainly due to larger particles of dust, reported the municipal authorities. The situation worsened in the evening, with some parts of the city seeing an air quality index of more than 1 300, according to the Swiss IQAir. The dust particles originated from Mongolia, and are expected to engulf central and eastern China by Friday, April 16, the Guaizihu Meteorological Station warned. Compared to the two other similar events in March, the recent one has a higher wind speed, making the dust particles travel farther and faster.
April 16, 2021

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April 12, 2021- Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility attacked; US secretary of defense aims to deescalate Israel-Iran tensions



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

US secretary of defense aims to deescalate Israel-Iran tensions

Israel says will help ensure a ‘new’ Iran deal protects interests

Middle East experts believe that the visit of the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to Israel is largely aimed at deescalating Israeli-Iranian tensions, and facilitating Washington’s eventual rejoining of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly referred to as the Iran nuclear deal. Austin said the US is committed to “Israeli military edge” and advancing “strategic partnership” efforts with Tel Aviv. Lamis Andoni, a veteran analyst based in Amman, told Arab News that the visit is ultimately aimed at helping the US return to the JCPOA. “President Joe Biden is worried that (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu would like to escalate the situation in the Gulf, with the aim of torpedoing the eventual return to the Iran nuclear deal,” she said.
***See Iran below 
April 12, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Houthis Attack Warplane Shelters in Saudi Jizan Airport and King Khalid Air Base

On April 11, the Houthis (Ansar Allah) attacked two airfields in the southern region of Saudi Arabia with suicide drones. Brig. Gen. Yahya Sari, a spokesman for the Yemeni group, announced that two Qasef-2K drones had been launched at Jizan Regional Airport in the province of Jizan and King Khalid Air Base in the province of ‘Asir. The drones targeted warplanes shelters. The spokesman claimed that the attack was successful. According to him, the attack was a response to the Saudi-led coalition continuous strikes and siege on Yemen. From its side, the Saudi-led coalition claimed that it had intercepted two drones launched from Yemen by the Houthis. The first was shot down over the city of Khamis Mushait near King Khalid Air Base, while the second was shot down over Jizan. The Houthis stepped up their drone attacks on Saudi Arabia this April.
April 11, 2021

Cairo ‘keen to establish relations’ with Turkey, applauds Ankara’s signals after years of animosity

Egypt’s foreign minister has hailed the positive signals and dialog coming out of Ankara and reinforced his government’s wishes to establish good relations with Turkey following years of animosity after President Morsi’s removal. “The recent Turkish statements and moves are appreciated […] Egypt is keen to establish a dialogue for the interest of both countries and have relations based on the rules of international law, in particular not to harm interests,” Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry told Al Kahera Wal Nas TV late on Sunday. Shoukry said that better relations were in the best interest of both countries. On Saturday, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called Shoukry and exchanged greetings ahead of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which starts on Monday according to the Saudi calendar. Several weeks ago, Cavusoglu said his country had reestablished diplomatic contact with Egypt for the first time since the 2013 Egyptian coup. Relations between the two states quickly deteriorated after Egyptian army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who is now president, ousted president Mohammed Morsi from office.
April 12, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

‘Mossad behind cyber attack against Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility’

Iran is testing nuclear-capable missiles, Israeli ambassador reveals

Iran boasts of ‘133 nuclear achievements’ after Vienna talks

Western intelligence sources claim that Iran’s main uranium enrichment plant was hit by Israeli cyber attack, launched by the Mossad. The Mossad was reportedly behind the cyber attack at the Natanz nuclear plant on Sunday which has caused extensive damage to Iran’s main uranium enrichment facility. Western sources quoted in Israeli media said that the attack – initially referred to as an “accident” by Iran – was carried out by the Mossad. Iran said on Sunday evening that the so-called “accident” was the result of a “terrorist” act. The country’s nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi said that the international community and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) needed to deal with what he called nuclear terrorism. He added that Iran reserves the right to take action against the perpetrators, TV reported. IDF Chief-of-Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi also gave a rare strong hint to Israeli involvement on Sunday. “The IDF’s actions throughout the Middle East are not hidden from our enemies’ vision, who are observing us, seeing our capabilities and carefully considering their next steps,” Kohavi said in a speech honoring Israel’s fallen soldiers. “By virtue of clever operational activities, the past year was one of the most secure years which the citizens of the State of Israel have known. We will continue to act combining power and discretion, determination and responsibility – all of this in order to guarantee the security of the State of Israel,” the IDF chief said.
April 11, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Myanmar coup: ‘Dozens killed’ in military crackdown in Bago

More than 80 people have been killed by Myanmar security forces in a crackdown on a protest in the city of Bago, activists say. The military is reported to have taken away the bodies of those killed, and the true number of deaths may never be accurately established. Witnesses told local media that soldiers had used heavy weapons and had shot at anything that moved. More than 600 people have been killed since last month’s military coup. The military has resorted to increasing levels of violence to maintain its grip on power. The latest killings in Bago, near the main city of Yangon, are reported to have happened on Friday but took a whole day to emerge as many residents were forced to flee to nearby villages. Monitoring group the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) said the actual number of deaths was likely to be much higher.
April 11, 2021

Portland rioters barricade door and set fire to ICE building with federal agents inside: ‘Burn the precinct to the ground!’

Minnesota National Guard deployed after protests over the police killing of a man during a traffic stop

Unlawful Assembly Declared In Huntington Beach When “White Lives Matter” Clashed With Counter-Protesters

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement building in Portland was vandalized and set on fire late Saturday night. Videos show federal agents reacting by firing crowd control munitions at the crowd of black bloc rioters in Oregon’s most populated city. The ICE building was vandalized with graffiti, including “DHS murders.” Agitators barricaded the front door of the building with a chain link fence. Someone put a traffic cone on the security camera to prevent the rioters from being identified. Fireworks were launched at the ICE building. Video shared by BlazeTV personality Elijah Schaffer showed rioters set the front of the ICE building on fire. Footage posted by Post Millennial editor-at-large Andy Ngo showed federal agents attempting to get out of the building, but the barricade prevented them from exiting. Law enforcement was forced to exit out of the rear of the building. The Portland Police Bureau did not mention Saturday night’s unrest and did not announce any arrests regarding the riot. Despite President Joe Biden succeeding Donald Trump as president, protests and riots have been occurring regularly in Portland. Last month, violence erupted at the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in Portland, which was also set ablaze.
April 11, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

China accused of largest incursion into Taiwanese airspace as US-Philippines South China Sea military drills begin

Taiwan has accused the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of its largest incursion of the nation’s air defense zone with jets and nuclear-capable bombers, as joint US-Philippines military drills begin in the South China Sea. The Taiwanese Ministry of National Defense released a statement on its website on Monday, claiming 25 PLA planes violated the island’s air defense identification zone. Among the planes were 14 Shenyang J-16 strike fighters, four Chengdu J-10 multirole fighter planes and four Xian H-6 bombers, capable of carrying a nuclear payload, the ministry said. Taiwan responded by tracking the planes with anti-aircraft missile monitoring and sending radio warnings demanding China leave the airspace. Beijing has for decades considered Taiwan part of China’s territory, while the Taiwanese government – supported by Western states – considers the island an independent nation. Just a day earlier, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told NBC that America has “a serious commitment to Taiwan being able to defend itself.” The Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs praised Blinken’s remarks as a commitment to “sustaining peace and security in the Western Pacific.” The incursion complaint comes as joint military exercises from Philippines and US naval vessels kick off in the South China Sea.
April 12, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com




















Ash-covered St. Vincent braces for more volcanic eruptions

St. Vincent rocked by biggest eruption yet as locals warned to IMMEDIATELY leave island for safer ground

Only Vaccinated Persons Can Board Evacuation Vessels to Leave Island Volcano: St. Vincent PM

People who ignored an initial warning to evacuate the area closest to a volcano on the eastern Caribbean island of St. Vincent raced to get clear Saturday, a day after it erupted with an explosion that shook the ground, spewed ash skyward and blanketed the island in a layer of fine volcanic rock. The eruption Friday of La Soufrière — its first large one since 1979 — transformed the island’s lush towns and villages into gloomy, gray versions of themselves. A strong sulfur smell was unavoidable Saturday and ash covered everything, creeping into homes, cars and noses, and obscuring the sunshine that makes the island so popular with tourists. About 16,000 people have had to flee their ash-covered communities with as many belongings as they could stuff into suitcases and backpacks. However, there have been no reports of anyone being killed or injured by the initial blast or those that followed. Before it blew, the government ordered people to evacuate the most high-risk area around the 4,003-foot (1,220-meter) volcano after scientists warned that magma was moving close to the surface.
April 10, 2021

Asteroid 2021 GW4 to fly past Earth at just 0.07 LD

A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2021 GW4 will fly by at a distance of just 0.07 LD / 0.00018 AU (26 927 km / 16 730 miles) from the center of our planet at 13:01 UTC on April 12, 2021. This is the 40th known asteroid to fly by Earth within 1 lunar distance since the start of the year and 7th so far this month. 2021 GW4 was first observed at Mt. Lemmon Survey, Arizona on April 8, 4 days before its close approach. The object belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids and has an estimated diameter between 3.5 and 7.7 m (11.5 – 24 600 feet).
April 11, 2021

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April 10, 2021 One more step toward the mandatory vaccinations

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 10 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 10 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora


Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 10 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora










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Please watch video below then read what just came out in the news about mandatory vaccinations!  

European Court of Human Rights Rules That Mandatory Vaccinations Are Legal
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that mandatory vaccinations are legal in a significant judgment that could have a big impact on the rollout of the COVID-19 jab.



Russian Gunboats Head To The Black Sea To Join Military Buildup Near Ukraine
The deployment is ostensibly part of a larger series of readiness drills, but comes amid a continuing and worrisome Russian military buildup near the country’s borders with Ukraine. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, or OSCE, has also said there has been a spike in GPS jamming in the region, which has impacted its ability to monitor the situation as part of an existing agreement between Russia and Ukraine. All of this only further fuels concerns that a significant escalation in the conflict between these two countries may be imminent.

Myanmar accelerates toward a civil war of ‘unprecedented scale’
The 26-year-old student has never touched a gun, but she is heading into the jungles to enlist with rebels seeking to overthrow the military junta in a nation tumbling toward civil war. “I want to eliminate the military and its rule,” the slightly built woman said, declining to disclose her name to avoid arrest. “I’m not scared to fight. I’m prepared to die.” And Bamar demonstrators and activists in the largest urban centers are abandoning the idea of peaceful protest in favor of armed resistance.

China In New Threat To Taiwan: “Island’s Military Won’t Stand A Chance”
At the moment China’s PLA military is flexing as both a warning to Taipei and also American naval patrols in the South China Sea, given over past days there’s been repeat air and naval incursions into Taiwan-claimed territory surrounding the island.

White House Eases US Officials’ Ability To Freely Meet With Taiwan Counterparts
On Friday the White House issued a statement on spiraling tensions with China over the Taiwan issue, saying that the US is “not looking for confrontation with China” but that it’s concerned over Beijing’s “potentially destabilizing” actions in the region.

U.S. warships to deploy in Black Sea until May 4
Two U.S. warships will pass through the Turkish Straits to be deployed in the Black Sea until May 4. According to an official, the U.S. Navy regularly sends its fleet to the Black Sea, but the deployment of warships will now be a special signal for Moscow.

Japan Lashes Out At China On Uyghurs, Hong Kong Ahead Of US Visit
Japan’s top diplomat criticized China, calling on the nation to halt its human rights abuses in Xinjiang as well as its crackdown on democracy in Hong Kong in a rare lash-out against its largest trading partner. Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi made the criticism directly to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi during a Monday phone call, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Egypt sentences top Muslim Brotherhood leader to life in prison
Egypt on Thursday sentenced Mahmud Ezzat, the 76-year-old top leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, to life imprisonment after he was found guilty of “terrorism”, AFP reported, citing the state-run Al-Ahram newspaper. “The Cairo Criminal Court on Thursday sentenced Mahmoud Ezzat, the acting supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood designated as a terrorist, to life for murder and terrorism charges,” according to the newspaper.

Azerbaijani official calls to open embassy in Israel
At virtual event marking 29 years to the establishment of Jerusalem-Baku ties, senior Azerbaijani official Farid Shafiyev says, “Historians attack the image of the Israelis and the Azerbaijanis. This is antisemitism and anti-Azerbaijanism. Nevertheless, that is also what unites us.”

A 5th Dimension of Earth’s Core just Discovered: Is it ‘Hell’ as Described by Isaiah?
A new algorithm has allowed scientists to declare that the earth beneath our feet has a fifth layer, coming closer to the order originally described in Jewish mysticism. “The bible does, of course, describe Sheol as the first layer, that is to say, the grave,” Rabbi Greenbaum explained, noting that Sheol is described by Isaiah as literally a deep hole in the earth’s crust.

Sweden cancels Bill Gates funded test to block sun
The Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) announced this week that it has canceled a test flight of the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) that would release calcium carbonate into the atmosphere with the intention of blocking the rays of the sun to offset “global warming”.

Prince Philip dead at 99
Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and Queen Elizabeth II’s, has died at age 99. The prince had retired from his royal duties in 2017, and had suffered from health problems in recent years. In February, Prince Philip was hospitalized as a “precautionary measure”, before being released last month. The prince is survived by his wife, Queen Elizabeth, and four children – Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward – as well as their families.

Iran is testing nuclear-capable missiles, Israeli ambassador reveals
As world powers are stepping up efforts to return to a nuclear deal with Iran, the Islamic Republic is testing nuclear-capable ballistic missiles in violation of the agreement, Israel revealed this week. According to a report by Israel Hayom Friday, Israeli Ambassador to the United States and the United Nations Gilad Erdan has sent a letter to the UN Security Council and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, revealing information about Iran’s illegal missile activities, which violate Resolution 2231 that endorsed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action back in 2015.

UN atomic watchdog reports new Iranian breach of nuclear deal
The UN atomic watchdog on Friday flagged a new breach by Iran of its nuclear deal with major powers on the day those powers met to revive the agreement , a report by the agency seen by Reuters showed, likely raising tensions with Western powers. The International Atomic Energy Agency avoids saying Iran has breached the deal.

How soon before the inevitable Biden-Israel showdown?
US President Joe Biden has been slow to make amends with the Palestinian Authority, with which there have been no high-level talks in the close to three months since he took office. Israel might have anxiously counted down the days, nervous at a crisis with the White House, because it took Biden almost a month to call Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with whom he has a four-decade friendship.

2 US warships to deploy near Ukraine until May amid Russian military buildup
Two U.S. warships are set to deploy in the Black Sea until May 4th. On Thursday, CNN reported the U.S. Navy was considering sending warships into the Black Sea. Later on Thursday, Turkey’s foreign ministry told Reuters the U.S. had submitted a request to deploy its warships through the Bosporus Strait, which serves as the southern entrance to the Black Sea.

Nikolai Glushkov: Putin critic ‘strangled in London home by third party’
A Russian exile was strangled in his own home by a third party, a coroner has ruled. Businessman Nikolai Glushkov, who was critical of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was found dead in New Malden in south-west London in March 2018. West London Coroner’s Court heard there was evidence to suggest his death was made to look like a suicide and there had been “third-party involvement”.

Biden’s budget meets criticism from right and left on Pentagon spending
U.S. President Joe Biden asked Congress to sharply hike spending on climate change, cancer and underperforming schools, but his first budget wishlist on Friday drew howls of bipartisan concern over military spending. The $1.5 trillion budget, reflecting an 8% increase in base funding from this year, marks a sharp contrast with the goals of Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump.

Canada To Censor “Hurtful” Comments About Politicians, Implement Internet Kill-Switch
‘Federal internet censors should target hurtful words against politicians, says Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault. The Minister added pending regulations may include an internet kill switch to block websites deemed hurtful, but called it a “nuclear” option.

Powerful explosive eruption at La Soufriere volcano, ash to 12 km (40 000 feet) a.s.l., St. Vincent and the Grenadines
A powerful explosive eruption took place at La Soufriere volcano, St. Vincent and the Grenadines at 12:41 UTC (08:41 LT) on April 9, 2021, producing an ash column that rose up to 12 km (40 000 feet) above sea level. This is a culmination of the seismic activity that began on April 8.

German Chancellor Merkel Demands Putin Pull Back Troops From Flashpoint Border As War Between Russia And Ukraine Seems Imminent
A quick glance at the end time headlines shows us the “big three” of Russian, China and Iran as thick as thieves in skullduggery and prophetic international intrigue on a variety of fronts. Not only are Russia and China taking the lead away from the United States in dealing with Iran and their nuclear ambitions, but Putin has now placed 100,000 Russian troops on the Ukraine border with German leader Angela Merkel now demanding he pull back immediately.

Neuralink Chip Implant Allows Monkey To Play Video Game ‘Pong’ Using Only Its Brain As Elon Musk Prepares To Chip Human Brains Next
Big Tech titan Elon Musk seemingly has the ‘midas touch’ with just about every he puts his hands on succeeds to a very high degree. From launching rockets into space to the self-driving Tesla, Musk is firing on all eight cylinders, pun intended. Not only that, after a jaw-dropping Neuralink test on a monkey named Pager, he is now getting ready to launch human implantable microchips for your brain.

The Not-So-Hidden Agenda Of Biden And The Marxist Democrats To Dismantle The United States Constitution
Breitbart today reports that “The president’s Rose Garden event highlighted the administration’s planned executive actions on gun control. The president also emphasized the dreams of gun control advocates, including a new assault rifle ban and reversing liability protections for gun manufacturers.”The Democrats long-held dream of undoing the Second Amendment, is second only to their long-held dream of undoing the United States Constitution.

Biden Gun Control – Biden wants your guns and that won’t happen
Biden announced several new gun control measures after two mass shootings last month, claiming that shootings are a “public health crisis.”

Report: Brits At Pubs Will Have To Register On Government Tracking App, Hand Over Phones 
According to a report in the London Telegraph, anyone wishing to drink in a pub garden in Britain from Monday (only the outside areas will open) will be forced to hand over their phone to venue staff who must check the individual is registered on the government’s tracking app.

Pope Francis calls for ‘global governance’ and ‘universal vaccines’ in letter to globalist financial summit
Pope Francis has addressed the World Bank and International Monetary Fund at their spring meeting, calling for “global governance” in light of COVID-19, strongly advocating for universal vaccines, and bemoaning the “ecological debt” which is owed to “nature itself.”

Boston hospital set to offer ‘preferential care based on race’ 
A Boston hospital says it will offer “preferential care based on race” and “race-explicit interventions” in an attempt to engage in an “antiracist agenda for medicine” based on critical race theory.

Japan Comes Clean, Admits Dumping Fukushima Radioactive Water In Pacific Ocean Is Now “Unavoidable”
“What to do with the [treated] water is a task that the government can no longer put off without setting a policy,”

Famine, flooding or war are repercussions of Ethiopian Dam filling without deal
After the failure of talks on a mechanism to resume negotiations on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) was announced Tuesday, a number of Egyptian experts and former ministers gave insight on the issue. Former Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Mohamed Nasr Allam said in a TV interview that filling the dam’s reservoir without a legal binding agreement may incur a famine in Egypt and Sudan. That is because the capacity of the dam is 74 billion cubic meters, which is almost equivalent to the annual water shares of Egypt (55.5 billion cubic meters) and Sudan (18 billion cubic meters) combined.

Taal Volcano: Alert Level 2 stays; Four volcanic quakes recorded in 24 hours
Taal Volcano remains under Alert Level 2 as the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) reported Thursday morning that four volcanic earthquakes were recorded in the area in the last 24 hours. According to Phivolcs’ 8 a.m. bulletin, three of the recorded earthquakes were low-frequency volcanic earthquakes while one volcano-tectonic event was also recorded.

Biden announces gun control on ‘ghost guns,’ ‘red flag’ gun confiscation, pistol braces and more
Biden announced on Thursday several gun-control measures that will be enacted by the White House, including regulations on pistol braces, a proposed rule to help stop the growth of homemade “ghost gun” firearms and a federal model for state “red flag” laws, moves that were condemned by pro-Second Amendment groups like the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America.

Israel tells ICC it does not recognize court’s authority
Israel does not recognize the authority of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and will not cooperate with its investigation into alleged Israeli war crimes against the Palestinians, senior government officials decided at the end of a Thursday meeting.

Iran: We will respond to attack on our ship in the Red Sea
Iran will respond to the recent attack on its ship in the Red Sea once it uncovers the source of the attack, Iranian Armed Forces spokesman Maj. Gen. Abu Al-Fadel Shkarji told the Russian Sputnik news agency on Thursday. “We need to ascertain the source of the incident. If we uncover the source of the attack on the ship, we will definitely respond, we will never be silent.

Archaeologists unearth ‘ancient Egyptian Pompeii’ near Luxor
Archaeologists said on Thursday they had uncovered a large ancient pharaonic city that had lain unseen for centuries near some of Egypt’s best known monuments. The city was built more than 3,400 years ago during the opulent reign of Amenhotep III, one of Egypt’s most powerful pharaohs, the Egyptian archaeologist overseeing the excavations,

Israel may have achieved herd immunity against COVID-19
Herd immunity occurs when a sufficient percentage of a population has immunity—through vaccination or having recovered from the disease—to indirectly protect those who aren’t immune by preventing the disease from spreading. Approximately 56 percent of Israel’s 9.2 million citizens are now vaccinated and another 15 percent (approximately 700,000 people) have recovered from COVID-19, putting Israel comfortably in the expected herd immunity range.

Israel Bracing For Iran To Possibly Strike From Their Own Territory
In response to their recent exchange of naval attacks, which reached its height on Tuesday with a strike on an Iranian spy ship in the Red Sea, Israel is readying for a potential assault on its own assets inside Israel from Iran’s territory … .

Republicans delay Biden administration’s funds to Palestinians
Congressional Republicans put a hold on $75 million of the newly reinstated US aid to the Palestinians, two sources in Washington confirmed on Thursday…Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho) and Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), used their respective positions…to stop the USAID’s notification about the reinstated funding from reaching the committees, which means the aid will not start on April 10 as planned.

Al-Aqsa preacher: Muslims who sell property to Jews are denied burial
Sheikh Ikrimah Sabri, the preacher of al-Aqsa Mosque and former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, announced on Thursday that any Muslim who sells land or houses to Jews will be denied burial in a Muslim cemetery. Sabri’s new fatwa (Islamic religious decree) came after 15 Jewish families moved on Thursday morning into 15 apartments in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan (Kfar HaShiloach).

Israel responds to ICC: You have no jurisdiction over us
Israel will not cooperate with the International Criminal Court’s investigation of Israel for alleged war crimes, top ministers decided on Thursday. The state will argue in a letter of response to The Hague that the court has no jurisdiction to open the probe, consistent with Israel’s longstanding position.

Dispute over Nile dam project may lead to military conflict
Talks between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan over Addis Ababa’s disputed dam on the Nile River has reached a political impasse, amid rising concerns that the crisis may turn into a military conflict. The latest round of talks…failed to reach an agreement. Ethiopian Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy…said…his country would continue filling the dam’s massive reservoir during the upcoming rainy season…

Border Officials Encounter 172k Illegals in March – 71% Increase From February
Border officials encountered 172,000 migrants at the border in March, a 71% increase from February and the latest indicator of the extent of the crisis at the southern border. Of the 172,000 migrants encountered, the majority were single adults, and included 18,890 unaccompanied children — a 100% increase from the already high numbers encountered in February, and the largest monthly number in more than a decade.

1 dead, multiple injured in mass shooting in Bryan, Texas
A mass shooting was reported in Bryan, Texas on Thursday, with one reported dead and multiple people injured. Police have apprehended a suspect who is now in custody. Further details released by the KBTX revealed that the shooting took place at an industrial park in Bryan, a town between Austin and Houston. This was at the Kent Moore Cabinets, a cabinet manufacturer in Bryan.

Kim Jong-un warns of North Korea crisis similar to deadly 90s famine
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has urged citizens to prepare for hard times ahead, following warnings from human rights groups that the country faces dire food shortages and economic instability. Speaking at a party conference, Mr Kim appeared to compare the situation to a deadly famine in the 1990s. North Korea has shut its borders due to the coronavirus pandemic.

US blacklists seven Chinese supercomputer groups
The US has blacklisted seven Chinese groups it accuses of building supercomputers to help its military. It is the first move by the Biden administration to make it harder for China to obtain US technology. On Thursday, three companies and four branches of China’s National Supercomputing Center were added to the US blacklist.

Ukraine conflict: Moscow could ‘defend’ Russia-backed rebels
A top Russian official has warned that Moscow could intervene to help Russian-speaking residents in eastern Ukraine if Ukraine launches an all-out assault on separatists there. Russian-backed separatist rebels and Ukrainian troops have been clashing in the east of the country. Russia has also been building up troops on the border with Ukraine.

Belfast: Police attacked during another night of violence
Petrol bombs, fireworks and stones have been thrown at police during another night of violence in Northern Ireland. It follows rioting on Wednesday night which police said was on a scale not seen in Northern Ireland in years. Crowds rioted on both sides of an interface between loyalist and nationalist areas in west Belfast.

Western Australia under rare weather threat of three strong tropical systems
The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has warned residents living on the coast of Western Australia to brace for intense winds, rain, and possible flooding as Tropical Cyclone “Seroja” is expected to pass between Carnavon and Jurien Bay late Sunday or early Monday, April 11 or 12. In a rare weather event, two other potentially strong storms are looming west of WA, with the potential to hit the area over the coming days.

Authorities: NFL player Phillip Adams killed 5, then himself
Former NFL player Phillip Adams fatally shot five people, including a prominent doctor, his wife and their two grandchildren before killing himself early Thursday. ..He and his wife had four children and nine grandchildren, and were actively involved with their church, as well as with Camp Joy, which works with children with disabilities and where Lesslie served as camp physician for a week each summer.

Pennsylvania Agrees to Remove Names of Dead Citizens From Voter Rolls: Settlement
The state of Pennsylvania agreed to remove the names of deceased people from voter rolls, an election-integrity watchdog group announced after reaching a settlement with state officials.

Laodicean Apostate Beth Moore Apologizes For Teaching And Promoting Bible Doctrine As She Walks Away From The Southern Baptist Convention
Beth Moore is in the process of slowly, but quite steadily, sliding down the very slippery slope into full-blown Laodiceanism, not that she was ever all that solid to begin with. Over the years, Beth Moore has defended homosexuality, and claimed direct revelation from God with her ‘vision’ that all the denominations of the Church, including Roman Catholicism. In light of the success Pope Francis has had in launching the One World Religion of Chrislam, she might be onto something.

MRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS that “eat your brain” like Mad Cow Disease
The spike protein outer shell of the coronavirus contains “prion-like regions” that give the virus very high adhesion to ACE2 receptors in the human body. This has been documented by a study entitled, “SARS-CoV-2 Prion-Like Domains in Spike Proteins Enable Higher Affinity to ACE2,” published by the Human Microbiology Institute:

Mask-Wearing Represents Fear and Blind Obedience, Not Science 
When I see people walking outside, often alone with no one anywhere near them, wearing a mask, my primary reactions are disappointment and sadness.

Most people against Covid Vaccine – Covid Vaccine kills people
Most people are against the Covid “Vaccine” Chinese Officials Dodge Covid Vaccine. As the Chinese regime races to vaccinate tens of millions through coercive policies and a propaganda, many Chinese officials are quietly dodging the covid vaccine.

Worse Than Shutting Down Churches, Relentless Gov’t Attempts To Shut Down Belief in God Almighty 
A sorrowful, heart-rending time in Canada for People of Faith as churches are shut down during Easter and the 8-day Easter Octave.

BREAKING: BLM Protestors, Including George Floyd’s Nephew, Storm Iowa State Capitol
BLM protestors, including the nephew of George Floyd, have invaded the Iowa State Capitol, clashing with state troopers when they tried to arrest one woman.

Satanic Prayer on Hating White People Included in New “Prayer Book” Being Sold at Target (Video)
A new prayer book being sold at Target and written by  Sarah Bessey features a prayer from Chanequa Walker-Barnes that begs the Lord to help her “hate white people” and the “nice ones, the Fox News-loving, Trump-supporting voters who ‘don’t see color’ but who make thinly veiled racist comments about ‘those people..

Joe Biden’s going to get us all killed! Prepare for World War 3 and nuclear annihilation with America sent back to the Dark Ages if Biden and Democrats get their way
Reporting that Joe Biden and the US have declared their ‘unwavering support for Ukraine’ at a time when Russia is flooding Crimea with ‘trains full of tanks and escalating tensions’, we’ll remind you that according to numerous military experts as we’ll explore within this ANP story, Russia has far surpassed the US military in numerous ways, with their unstoppable hypersonic nuclear weapons a threat to our electrical grid, America’s ‘achilles heal’ that should it be brought down for any lengthy period of time could lead to our destruction.

As We Watch The Full Import Of The Great Reset Come Into View, It Is A Frightening And Dystopian Future The New World Order Is Bringing To Us
Speaking at a virtual meeting of the environmental charity Conservation International the other day, Prince William slipped in a codeword to tip his hat to the actual agenda he and his New World Order buddies are promoting. He said ‘All of us, across all sectors of society, and in every corner of the globe must come together to fundamentally reset our relationship with nature and our trajectory as a species.’ That codeword ‘reset’ tells you everything you need to know about, well, everything. So let’s connect all the dots, shall we?


Fallen Angels, Deagel Report, End Times and America’s Future-Daniel Holdings and Dave Hodges 
I recently interviewed Daniel Holdings. We discussed a number of topics including Fallen Angels, the impications of the Deagel Report, the Bible and end times prophecy and and the impact of these variables on every American. There is no question that life will never be the same. People use the euphimism that we are in the “new normal”.  There is nothing normal about what is coming. In fact, what is coming is already here.This is not an interview for the faint of heart. The cognitive dissonance crowd of “see no evil” wil never be the same after listening to this interview.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: ‘Protect Democracy Project’ – The Group Threatening Arizona Auditors Is Connected to Obama, Soros, China and Biden’s DOJ
The corruption from the Obama years is not over.  It’s just beginning.  The so-called “Non-For-Profit” group, the Protect Democracy Project, is now involving itself in the Arizona Senate’s audit of Maricopa County.  They are connected to Obama, Soros, China, and Biden’s DOJ, and are fighting to prevent an accurate count of the valid votes in the county.

April 7, 2021- US to restore more than $200 million in aid to Palestinians as Trade Deficit Widened to Record $71.1 Billion



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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Israel notifies US it attacked Iranian ship in Red Sea – report

Israel notified the US that it is responsible for the Tuesday attack on an Iranian cargo ship affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, an American official told The New York Times. A spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry confirmed on Wednesday that the Saviz was lightly damaged in the Red Sea off the coast of Djibouti at about 6 a.m. on Tuesday due to an explosion, adding that the cause of the explosion is under investigation. “The Saviz civilian ship was stationed in the Red Sea region and the Gulf of Aden to establish maritime security along the shipping lanes and to counter piracy,” said the spokesman. “This ship practically acted as a logistics station (technical support and logistics) of Iran in the Red Sea, and therefore the specifications and mission of this ship had previously been officially announced.” According to the Foreign Ministry, no casualties were reported. When asked about the alleged attack, Defense Minister and Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz told Channel 12 news that he would not discuss “any of the operations that are taking place in the Middle East and are associated with” Israel.
****Reminder of past news items:









Spate of Attacks on Ships In Middle East Points to Iran-Backed Group
April 7, 2021

US to restore more than $200 million in aid to Palestinians — sources

Palestinians: US Taxpayer Money Going to Terrorists

The Biden administration plans to provide at least $235 million in US aid to the Palestinians, restoring a large part of the assistance that was cut off by then-President Donald Trump, people familiar with the matter said. The package, including humanitarian, economic and security aid, is expected to be announced by the State Department later on Wednesday as part of an effort to repair US ties with the Palestinians that all but collapsed during Trump’s tenure. It will mark Democratic President Joe Biden’s most significant move since taking office on Jan. 20 to make good on his promise to roll back some components of his Republican predecessor’s approach that Palestinians denounced as heavily biased in favor of Israel. The plan calls for $150 million through the United Nations relief agency UNWRA, $75 million in US economic support and $10 million in development funding, according to a notice emailed by the administration to congressional offices. The new administration has previously pledged to resume hundreds of millions of dollars in assistance and work toward reopening the Palestinians’ diplomatic mission in Washington. Biden’s aides have also signaled that they want to re-establish the goal of a negotiated two-state solution as a priority in US policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
April 7, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Hezbollah wants a representative office in Moscow

Iran’s Press TV reported on Tuesday that “the Russian government and Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement are reportedly considering the possibility of opening a representative office for the Lebanese popular organization in the capital, Moscow, following high-level meetings between the two sides last month.” This would be a serious development for Hezbollah to achieve more political legitimacy at the hands of Russia. The Press TV report is actually based on an Al-Akhbar report in Lebanon, but Iran’s pushing of the report appears to give it weight. The report notes that Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov received on March 15 a delegation of senior Hezbollah figures led by Mohammad Raad, “the head of the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc, the political wing of Hezbollah, and media reports indicated that the two sides had held ‘open and friendly’ talks.” The meeting at the time was held at Russia’s request, Iran said. “The two sides stressed the need to strengthen means of communication between them and to adopt direct channels of communication between the party and Moscow, while studying the possibility of establishing a representative office for the party in the Russian capital,” Lebanon’s al-Akhbar newspaper said in a report on Tuesday. Hezbollah also talked to Russia about Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Israel. This means that Hezbollah is discussing the whole region.
April 7, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Iran has produced 55 kg of 20% enriched uranium since January: official

Iran: We’re Not Talking to Biden Unless U.S. Lifts All Sanctions, Not Just Nuclear Ones

Iran has made 55 kg of uranium enriched to up to 20% – the point at which it is highly enriched – indicating quicker production than the 10 kg a month rate required by an Iranian law that created the process in January, Iranian authorities said on Wednesday. The disclosure comes a day after Tehran and Washington held what they described as “constructive” indirect talks in Vienna on Tuesday aimed at finding ways to revive a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers. Iran’s hardline parliament passed a law last year that obliges the government to harden its nuclear stance. The law required Iran to start enriching to 20% and stipulated that at least 120 kg (265 pounds) of uranium refined to that level be made each year, which amounts to 10 kg a month. Iran’s production rate is already “up to 40%” faster than that, Atomic Energy Organisation spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi indicated. “In less than four months we have produced 55 kg of 20% enriched uranium … in around eight months we can reach 120 kg,” Kamalvandi told state TV. Uranium is considered highly enriched as of 20%. Enriching to 20% is a big step towards enriching to weapons-grade.
April 7, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

 7 reported killed as Myanmar military opens fire in latest conflict between anti-coup protesters and security forces

The latest clashes between anti-coup protesters and security forces across Myanmar have resulted in seven deaths and numerous injuries, according to media reports, amid the country’s military crackdown. The military fired on protesters on Wednesday to break up pro-democracy demonstrations as the junta continues its violent crackdown on anti-coup activists in an attempt to secure control of the country. According to a resident in Kale, five people were killed in the town. Witnesses took pictures of what they say are the victims of the military’s actions. In the town of Bago, close to Yangon, Myanmar media reported that a further two protesters were shot dead in clashes with security forces. Footage circulating on social media, claiming to be from Kale, showed detained individuals, blindfolded and with their hands tied behind their backs, being kicked by security forces before being taken away. Elsewhere in Myanmar, citizens rode down roads on motorbikes, carrying red flags, as part of a demonstration against the military’s actions and the increasing number of casualties caused by the violence that has become a daily occurrence in the country. Myanmar forces also raided a protest camp filled with anti-coup activists as part of an early morning operation to arrest individuals opposing the military in an attempt to squash dissent. Since the start of the coup, at least 581 individuals, including young children, have been reported killed by security forces, with over 3,500 arrested, 2,750 of which are still being held in detention centers.
April 7, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Japan Poised To Allow Coast Guard To Fire On Chinese Vessels In New Legislation

Are Russia and Ukraine Sliding Into War?

Beijing Accelerating Timeline for Possible Invasion of Taiwan, Expert Warns

New legislation being considered that would radically alter current Japan Coast Guard policy toward how it engages foreign vessels in Japan’s waters could inadvertently hurl the region toward a hot conflict involving China. Currently Japan does not have a mechanism which would activate its Self-Defense Forces in any entanglement with Chinese fishermen landing on the islands, which might escalate to involve Chinse military patrols. But that could change, especially after Beijing recently allowed its own coast guard to be militarized at a moment it attempts to stave off regional rivals’ claims to islands in the East and South China Seas. Tokyo is preparing to beef up is own ability for an immediate and rapid response, as Nikkei details of the new legislation: “The Japanese government says the Police Duties Execution Act allows ships to fire on vessels to halt an unauthorized landing,” Further it explains, “If the police or coast guard is unable to mount an adequate response, then a phone call and a snap decision by the Cabinet would mobilize the Self-Defense Forces to a police operation.” Meanwhile, After six years of an uneasy and at times violent truce, the specter of a new war is looming large in Russia-Ukraine relations. In retaliation for Kiev’s recent crackdown on pro-Russian media and politicians, Moscow is staging a large-scale and ostentatious military buildup along the Ukrainian border. The situation is especially volatile in Donbass, where the ceasefire between the Ukrainian army and Moscow-sponsored breakaway territories has effectively broken down.
April 6, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Trade Deficit Widened to Record $71.1 Billion in Biden’s First Full Month

Treasury details Biden’s plan to raise $2 trillion through corporate tax hikes

IMF Renews Support For Higher Taxes To Fund Recovery

The U.S.’s trade deficit widened 4.8 percent to a record $71.1 billion in February, the Commerce Department said Wednesday. Economists had forecast a trade gap of $70.4 billion. The January gap was revised down from $68.2 billion to $67.8 billion. Both imports and exports fell in the month but the pace of the decline of exports was much swifter, enlarging the deficit. Imports fell seven-tenths of a percentage point but remain near record highs. Exports fell 2.6 percent. The trade in goods deficit rose by $2.8 billion to $88 billion. The services surplus shrank $500,000 million to $16.9 billion. U.S. exports have been hurt by the return off lockdowns and slumping economies across the globe, particularly in Europe. American spending has been bolstered by the strength of the U.S. economy, enhanced unemployment benefits, and stimulus payments—and a large portion of that spending is leaking out to foreign producers through imports. The record-high trade deficit means a large share of income earned by Americans is being converted to the incomes of foreigners. That reduces the incomes of U.S. households and subtracts from gross domestic product. The record-high trade deficits are expected to continue for the near term as the U.S. economy continues to grow faster than the economies of our trading partners. Economists predict that the U.S. economy will grow by 6 percent or more this year.
April 7, 2021








Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

WEF globalist Klaus Schwab declares unvaccinated people to be a threat to humanity

Several dozen heads of the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and various other globalist bodies have declared that the “Great Reset” needs to include the establishment of a global “pandemic” treaty to ensure that all humans are “vaccinated” in accordance with government edicts. A host of global leaders issued a call for a global pandemic treaty, purportedly in order to prevent future pandemics, distribute vaccinations, and implement a unilateral approach to global governance. U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the head of the World Health Organisation (WHO), as well as 20 other world leaders, joined forces in penning a joint letter with the apparent intent of winning popular support for the globalist plan. Writing in U.K. paper The Telegraph, as well as other publications such as Le Monde in France, the leaders declared their intent to “build a more robust international health architecture that will protect future generations.” This final phrase could indicate the influence which World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and committed globalist Klaus Schwab enjoys over the 24 leaders. Just weeks ago, Schwab declared, “As long as not everybody is vaccinated, nobody will be safe,” a statement which in itself poses an interesting question about the trust which such leaders are placing in their much praised, but dangerous, experimental injections.
April 5, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

WHO does not back vaccination passports for now – spokeswoman

The World Health Organization does not back requiring vaccination passports for travel due to uncertainty over whether inoculation prevents transmission of the virus, as well as equity concerns, a spokeswoman said on Tuesday. “We as WHO are saying at this stage we would not like to see the vaccination passport as a requirement for entry or exit because we are not certain at this stage that the vaccine prevents transmission,” WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris said. “There are all those other questions, apart from the question of discrimination against the people who are not able to have the vaccine for one reason or another,” she told a U.N. news briefing.
April 6, 2021







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 California reports third-driest year on record

A snow survey in California revealed that the state only received about 50% of its average precipitation during the 2021 water year, tying it for its third-driest on record. The snow survey, which is conducted annually by the Department of Water Resources (DWR), records precipitation for the water year, which extends from October to March. The survey recorded a snow depth of 49.5 inches and a snow water equivalent, which measures the amount of water contained within the snowpack, of 21 inches, on April 1. April 1 is typically when snowpack is at its deepest in the state and has the highest snow water equivalent. “With below-average precipitation statewide, California’s reservoirs continue to show the impacts due to dry conditions,” Sean De Guzman, chief of snow surveys for the California Department of Water Resources, said. This year’s water season tied for third-driest on record with the 2014 season. The second-driest year on record was 1924, and the driest on record was 1977, when an area of high pressure parked off the West Coast and deflected storms away from California and instead pushed them into the Pacific Northwest.
April 7, 2021

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Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Biden Removes Trump’s Sanctions on ICC Court, Enabling Prosecution of Israel

US President Joe Biden on Friday lifted sanctions that Donald Trump had imposed on two top officials of the International Criminal Court, undoing one of the past administration’s more aggressive moves targeting international institutions and officials. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in a statement stressed that the United States still strongly disagreed with some actions by the court, which is a standing body based at The Hague in the Netherlands charged with handling genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The United States is not one of the about 120 member countries of the court. “We believe, however, that our concerns about these cases would be better addressed” through diplomacy “rather than through the imposition of sanctions”, Blinken wrote. The removal of the sanctions was the latest signal that the Biden administration is intent on returning to the multilateral fold. Since Biden took office, his administration has rejoined the World Health Organization, re-engaged with the UN Human Rights Council, returned to the Paris climate accord and on Friday started talks aimed at returning to the Iran nuclear deal. Trump had pulled out of all five. Pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC blasted the move warning that it could have damaging affects on Israel who is the target of an investigation by the Hague for war crimes. In a tweet on Friday, AIPAC wrote: “We are disappointed the administration is revoking sanctions on the International Criminal Court officials who are pursuing a baseless and discriminatory attack on the Jewish state. We agree with the administration’s position that the Court doesn’t have jurisdiction over the U.S. and Israel.”
April 4, 2021

Netanyahu’s trial begins while parties begin recommending candidates for prime minister

You would be hard-pressed to get two more disparate scenes at one time: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was beginning his trial on bribery and corruption charges at a court in East Jerusalem, while President Reuven Rivlin was beginning talks with parties elected to the 24th Knesset at his official residence in West Jerusalem. Netanyahu, Israel’s first sitting prime minister to go on trial, denies the charges against him. Rivlin, refereeing his fifth election process in his seven-year term, expressed doubt that he could find a stable coalition to recommend. “I don’t see a way to establish the government right now. The people of Israel should be very worried that we may be forced to be dragged into a fifth election campaign,” Rivlin said during one of numerous meetings on Monday. Rivlin indicated he might end up passing the decision back to the Knesset.
April 5, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Jordan reportedly foils plot to topple King Abdullah

Jordanian FM confirms accusations against ex-Crown Prince Hamzah, alleges foreign government involvement

Former Jordanian Crown Prince Hamzah bin Hussein has been placed under house arrest amid reports that the kingdom’s security forces have foiled a coup against King Abdullah II. At least 20 Jordanians have been arrested in connection with the alleged coup. According to The Washington Post, Hamzah was placed under restriction at his Amman palace amid an alleged plot to unseat King Abdullah II. “The move followed the discovery of what palace officials described as a complex and far-reaching plot that included at least one other Jordanian royal, as well as tribal leaders and members of the country’s security establishment,” the report said. Hamzah is the elder son of the late King Hussein and his American-born wife, Queen Noor. He was named Crown Prince of Jordan in 1999, a position he held until his half-brother, King Abdullah II, rescinded it in 2004. Hamzah, an outspoken critic of corruption in Jordan, had called for holding those responsible to account. Sources in Jordan said that a large security force raided Hamzah’s palace in Amman in the afternoon and handed him a house arrest order. A number of Hamzah’s associates, including the director of his office, Yasser Suleiman al-Majali, were arrested by officers belonging to the Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate, the sources said. The director of Hamzah’s palace, Adnan Abu Hammad, was also taken into custody, they added.
April 4, 2021

Two rockets hit near Iraq air base hosting US soldiers

Two rockets hit near an Iraqi air base hosting US soldiers north of Baghdad on Sunday, three days ahead of a new “strategic dialogue” with Washington, a security source told AFP. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the strike, which caused no casualties or property damage, but the US routinely blames Iran-linked Iraqi factions for such attacks on its troops and diplomats. Sunday’s was the 14th attack against American interests – including troops, the Baghdad embassy or Iraqi supply convoys to foreign forces – since US President Joe Biden took office in January. Qais Al-Khazali, a senior pro-Iran figure in the state-sponsored Hashed Al-Shaabi paramilitary force, recently declared that the “resistance” was carrying out attacks and would step them up “unless the US withdraws all its combat forces from across Iraq.”
April 4, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Turkey detains 10 retired admirals who defended maritime accord

Turkey has detained 10 retired admirals for signing a statement in support of an 85-year-old maritime accord, accusing them of conspiring against the constitutional order, the state-owned Anadolu news agency said on Monday. Officials said their declaration on the Montreux Convention, signed by more than a hundred former high-ranking navy personnel, was a direct challenge to civilian government and evoked past army interventions. Turkey’s military staged three coups between 1960-1980 and pressured the first Islamist-led government out of power in 1997. The admirals are suspected of conspiring against state security and constitutional order, news website Haberturk said. Anadolu said four other suspects were called to report to police within three days as part of the probe into the statement. The retired military personnel had voiced concern over Montreux – which they said was strategically important for Turkey’s maritime security – given President Tayyip Erdogan’s authority to withdraw from such pacts, and his move last month to ditch an international accord meant to prevent violence against women. The statement came as the government moves forward with plans to construct a massive canal connecting the Black Sea north of Istanbul to the Sea of Marmara to the south, parallel to the Bosphorus strait.
April 5, 2021

Arabs’ Real Enemies: Iran and Turkey

After decades of portraying Israel as their mortal enemy, the Arabs have finally woken up to the fact that it is two Islamic countries, Turkey and Iran, that are actually threatening their security and stability. The Arabs are now seeking to draw the world’s attention to these Turkish and Iranian threats. The Arabs are warning the world that Turkey and Iran are funding and arming terrorists, that they a major threat to stability in the Middle East, and that they keep meddling in the affairs of Arab countries. They are also telling the world — in message directed mainly to the Biden Administration — that the only way to deal with Turkey and Iran is by increasing political and economic pressure on them and holding them to account for their malign actions. The latest message from the Arabs was delivered on March 3 by Arab League foreign ministers. In a clear directive to the Biden administration and the international community, the ministers warned against Iranian and Turkish intervention in the internal affairs of the Arab countries. The message the Arab foreign ministers are sending to the Biden administration is: In your dealings with the mullahs in Tehran and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, remember that they are funding and arming terrorists and trying to destabilize and dominate Arab countries. The Arab ministers are also saying that they want the international community, including the Biden administration, to take real measures to stop Turkey and Iran from pursuing their dangerous policies against Arab countries.
April 5, 2021

U.S. open to discussing wider nuclear deal road map if Iran wishes

Tehran rejects reported Washington plan to ask it to halt work on advanced centrifuges and the enrichment of uranium to 20% purity in return for undefined U.S. sanctions relief, as Western diplomat says proposals on a return to nuclear deal are being made by both sides. Efforts to sketch out initial U.S. and Iranian steps to resume compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal have stalled and Western officials believe Iran may now wish to discuss a wider road map to revive the pact, something Washington is willing to do. The agreement eased economic sanctions on Tehran in return for curbs to the Iranian nuclear program designed to make it harder to develop an atomic weapon – an ambition Tehran denies. Three Western officials said the Biden administration and Iran had mainly communicated indirectly via European parties to the deal – Britain, France and Germany – and that they believe Iran now wants to discuss a broader plan to return to the pact. “What we had heard was that they were interested first in a series of initial steps, and so we were exchanging ideas on a series of initial steps” said a U.S. official who, like others cited in this story, spoke on condition of anonymity. “It sounds from what we are hearing publicly now, and through other means, that they may be … not interested in (discussing) initial steps but in a road map for return to full compliance,” he said. “If that’s what Iran wants to talk about, we are happy to talk about it,” the U.S. official added. It is not clear, however, whether that is Iran’s stance. Iran’s nuclear policy is ultimately determined by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who said flatly on March 21 that “the Americans must lift all sanctions” before Tehran would resume compliance.
March 31, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Anti-cop protesters start fire, graffiti wall outside Portland police union HQ

Cop-hating protesters started a fire outside Portland’s police union headquarters after scrawling “Nazis work here” on the wall, according to officials and videos. The blaze was ignited by a group of “about 40 people” gathered outside the Portland Police Association HQ early Sunday, the city’s force said. Videos online showed wood and tree branches on fire in front of a wall covered in anti-police graffiti — including the message “Nazis work here.” Other walls were sprayed with a picture of a pig, the words “cops are murderers” as well as “ACAB,” a widely used Antifa slur standing for “all cops are b–tards.” Footage shared online also showed a large police response before the fire was quickly extinguished.
April 5, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Taiwan reports new incursion by Chinese jets into defense zone

Taiwan’s Defence Ministry on Monday reported a new incursion by China’s air force into the island’s air defence identification zone, made up of eight fighter jets and two other aircraft, one of which flew through the strategic Bashi Channel. Chinese-claimed Taiwan has complained over the last few months of repeated missions by China’s air force near the island, concentrated in the southwestern part its air defence zone near the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands. Late last month Taiwan reported 20 Chinese aircraft were involved in one such incursion. In the latest incident, Taiwan’s Defence Ministry said four Chinese J-16 and four J-10 fighters were involved, as well as an early warning plane and anti-submarine aircraft, the latter of which flew to the south of Taiwan through the Bashi Channel that connects the Pacific to the South China Sea. Taiwan’s air force sent up a combat air patrol and warned the Chinese aircraft away, the ministry added. There was no immediate response from China’s Defence Ministry, but the flights coincided with other Chinese military activity to Taiwan’s north. Japan’s Defence Ministry said on Sunday that the Chinese aircraft carrier the Liaoning, accompanied by five escort ships, had transited the Miyako Strait on their way to the Pacific. Though China’s air force has not flown over Taiwan itself, the flights have ramped up pressure, both financial and physical, on the island’s air force to ensure its aircraft are ready to go at any moment in what security officials describe as a “war of attrition”.
April 5, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

Janet Yellen to call for global minimum tax rate

Biden’s energy secretary doesn’t deny tax hikes to pay for massive infrastructure plan will ‘hit the middle class hard’ 

Janet Yellen will use her first major address as Treasury secretary to argue for a global minimum corporate tax rate, Axios has learned, as she makes the case for President Biden’s plan to raise U.S. corporate taxes to fund his $2 trillion+ infrastructure plan. Convincing other countries to impose a global minimum tax would reduce the likelihood of companies relocating offshore, as Biden seeks to increase the corporate rate from 21% to 28%. President Trump lowered the U.S. rate from 35% to 21%, arguing that U.S. companies were at a global disadvantage and were being incentivized to relocate offshore. Biden has tapped five Cabinet secretaries to explain — and sell — his plan to the American public. Biden has been relying on Yellen to convince the business community and reassure Wall Street that his $2 trillion+ infrastructure proposal, on top of his $1.9 trillion stimulus package, won’t lead to inflation. By trying to convince other countries to impose a global minimum tax, Yellen is acknowledging the risks to the American economy if it acts alone in raising corporate rates.
April 5, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

WHO Confirms Possibility of COVID Transmission from Humans to Cats, Dogs, Tigers

The World Health Organization (WHO) confirms the possibility of transmission of COVID-19 from humans to cats, dogs, minks, raccoon dogs, lions and tigers, and studies the effects of the virus on other animal species, WHO Representative to Russia Melita Vujnovic said on Monday. “The COVID-19 virus spreads mainly through human-to-human transmission, but there is evidence of human-to-animal transmission as it is a zoonotic virus,” Vujnovic said. The WHO representative also said that an “intermediate host” has not yet been identified. In addition, the health expert said that it is important to understand which animals are most “susceptible to the virus in order to find other potential animal reservoirs and avoid future outbreaks.” Moreover, Vujnovic said that the WHO recommends coronavirus-positive people to limit contact with pets. “It is currently recommended that people with COVID-19 and people at risk limit contact with pets and other animals. As viruses move between populations of humans and animals, genetic modifications of the virus can occur and these changes could potentially have consequences for the disease that infects humans,” she said.
April 5, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com

March 7, 2021- Hundreds of dead fish found in a river in Perth, Australia. Link

March 8, 2021- Dead dolphins, whales and porpoises wash up during past 2 months, ‘a record’ in Ireland. Link

March 10, 2021- Three sperm whales dead after stranding on beach in New Zealand. Link

March 24, 2021- Millions of dead jellyfish washing up, massive increase, Around the world. Link

March 26, 2021- Thousands of dead fish wash up in a lake in Ogdensburg, New York, America. Link

March 26, 2021- Seven dead dolphins after 40 become beached in Saudi Arabia. Link

March 28, 2021- Hundreds of dead puffer fish found washed up on a beach in Cape Town, South Africa. Link

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 - BibleProphecyMan.com














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