March 23, 2021 More Signs of The Mark of The Beast



The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 24, 2021 Edition by Frank DiMora

by Frank DiMora


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March 22, 2021- The Generation of Plagues




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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

For the First Time in Israel: Two Public Priestly Blessings on Passover

One of the most impressive gatherings of the year is the Birkat Kohanim, the twice-annual priestly blessing held on the second intermediate days of Passover and Sukkoth when some 40,000 Jews come to the Kotel (Western Wall) in Jerusalem to be blessed by hundreds of Kohanim (the descendants of Aaron the priest). Among fears that the event would be canceled or held in a subdued fashion as it has been the last two times (Sukkot in October and last year during Passover), the Western Wall Heritage Foundation announced that the event will be held in all its glory. The event will be split into two separate events on consecutive days in order to limit crowding, as people from all around Israel are expected to arrive. The events will take place on Monday, 16 Nissan (March 29th) and on Tuesday, 17 Nissan (March 30th). The events will take place between 8:45-10:30 am.
March 21, 2021

Report: Joe Biden Administration Plans ‘Reset’ with Palestinians

The Biden administration is planning a “reset” with the Palestinians after the relationship crumbled under former President Donald Trump, according to an internal State Department memo. The memo, titled “The US Palestinian Reset and the Path Forward,” is still in an early “working stage” draft, according to the United Arab Emirates-based newspaper The National. The memo, which was given to Secretary of State Antony Blinken earlier this month, would form the basis for rolling back parts of Trump’s policies, two sources familiar with the matter said. Drafted by Deputy Assistant Secretary for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs Hady Amr, the plan includes a $15 million aid package in COVID-related humanitarian aid for the Palestinians and supports a return to the two-state solution. “As we reset US relations with the Palestinians, the Palestinian body politic is at an inflection point as it moves towards its first elections in 15 years. At the same time, we [the US] suffer from a lack of connective tissue following the 2018 closure of the PLO office in Washington and refusal of Palestinian Authority leadership to directly engage with our embassy to Israel,” the memo reads. The memo says the U.S. vision hopes “to advance freedom, security, and prosperity for both Israelis and Palestinians in the immediate term which is important in its own right, but also as means to advance the prospects of a negotiated two-state solution.”
March 21, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Saudi air strikes halt Houthi tank offensive

Saudi Arabia offers ceasefire plan to Yemen rebels

Air strikes on Saturday by Saudi-led coalition warplanes halted a tank and infantry offensive in Marib by the Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen. The coalition said it launched the air strikes to “thwart the Houthi militia’s attempt to advance toward Marib in Al-Kasrah,” northwest of Marib city, the Yemeni government’s last remaining stronghold in the north. It said it had destroyed Houthi military equipment, including tanks, and had inflicted “heavy losses.” Analysts say the Houthis have stepped up their offensive in Marib in an attempt to capture territory as leverage in eventual peace talks.
March 22, 2021

First Turkish air strikes on Kurdish zone in Syria in 17 months: monitor

Turkey and Russia increase strikes in Syria

The Turkish airforce conducted its first strikes in 17 months against a zone in north Syria held by Kurdish militia on Saturday night, a monitor said.
“A Turkish fighter jet has struck military positions of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Saida village in Ain Issa countryside… which caused loud explosions,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said. This was the first aerial raid since “Operation Peace Spring,” it added — an October 2019 military campaign launched by Ankara and its Syrian allies against the SDF in northern Syria. The air strikes come the same day as “violent clashes” and “intensive rocket fire” on the frontlines of Ain Issa district between SDF forces and Turkish-backed factions, the SOHR said, adding there had been confirmed casualties.
March 22, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Iran, Russia and Turkey signal growing alliance

Russia’s top diplomat starts China visit with call to reduce U.S. dollar use

Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif was very content during a trip to Turkey on Friday. He said it was productive and smiled alongside his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu. He said it was a “wonderful” trip where he spoke with his “brother Cavusoglu.” The trip signals the growing alliance that Turkey and Iran have in the region. Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took Russia’s side in a growing spat with the US, slamming US President Joe Biden who is widely hated by Turkey’s ruling party. He claimed that Biden’s recent comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin were unacceptable and “not fitting of a president.” The messaging from Ankara is that Russia and Turkey are growing together as allies and partners. Iran, Turkey and Russia have worked together in the Astana process since 2017 to manage Syria – and they exclude the US. Zarif’s trip to Istanbul is just one of many in which Turkish and Iranian counterparts work together and demonstrate their warm connections. Meanwhile, Turkey, Russia and Qatar issued a joint statement last week following talks between their foreign ministers in Doha, vowing to “defend Syria’s territorial integrity in accordance with the UN Charter,” the report notes.
March 22, 2021

Iran caught discussing plan to attack US military base using boat as a bomb

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps recently discussed the possibility of attacking an American military base using a boat carrying explosive charges, according to a report in the Associated Press. The base in question, the Fort McNair Army base, is located in Washington DC and a mere 10 minutes from the White House. In January, the National Security Agency (NSA) became aware of the conversation. The findings by the NSA also revealed threats to kill General Joseph M. Martin, whose residence is on the base, and plans to infiltrate and surveil the base, according to two officials interviewed on condition of anonymity by the Associated Press. The plan involves filling a boat with explosives, similar to the 2000 USS Cole bombing in Yemen. In that attack, Al Qaeda used a small-sized fibreglass boat containing C4 explosives and two suicide bombers to blow up the U.S. Navy destroyer, killing 17 sailors and injuring 37. It was one of the deadliest attacks against an American naval ship in recent history.
March 21, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Myanmar protests: BBC journalist Aung Thura detained

Soros philanthropic group demands release of staff member held in Myanmar

Myanmar Protesters Hit Streets At Dawn As Mandalay Reels From Eight Deaths

A reporter with the BBC Burmese service has been detained in Myanmar as clashes continue between security forces and protesters. Aung Thura was taken away by men in plain clothes while reporting outside a court in the capital, Nay Pyi Taw. Forty journalists have been arrested since a military coup on 1 February, which saw the detention of elected civilian leaders including Aung San Suu Kyi. Sixteen are still in custody, and the military has revoked the licences of five media companies. Eight people killed on Friday were shot dead by security forces in the central town of Aungban, according to a funeral director and local media. “Security forces came to remove barriers but the people resisted and they fired shots,” a witness told Reuters news agency. Reports from Yangon say the streets have been congested as many people try to flee violence in the country’s main city. Police there are also said to be forcing people to remove barricades put up by protesters. Post-coup violence has claimed the lives of at least 232 Burmese, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners activist group says. One of the bloodiest days was 14 March when 38 were killed. Meanwhile, The Open Society Foundations, a philanthropic organisation founded by billionaire George Soros, called on Tuesday for the immediate release of a staff member held in Myanmar and said allegations of financial misconduct were false. State media in Myanmar reported that authorities had detained an official from the Open Society Myanmar and were looking for 11 other employees on suspicion the group passed funds to opponents of a Feb. 1 coup.
March 22, 2021








Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Federal Reserve’s Digital Dollar Push Worries Wall Street

The financial services industry, braced for what could be its biggest disruption in decades, is about to get an early glimpse at the Federal Reserve’s work on a new digital currency. Wall Street is not thrilled. Banks, credit card companies and digital payments processors are nervously watching the push to create an electronic alternative to the paper bills Americans carry in their wallets, or what some call a digital dollar and others call a Fedcoin. As soon as July, officials at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which have been developing prototypes for a digital dollar platform, plan to unveil their research, said James Cunha, who leads the project for the Boston Fed. A digital currency could fundamentally change the way Americans use money, leading some financial firms to lobby the Fed and Congress to slow its creation — or at least ensure they’re not cut out. Seeing the threat to their profits, the banks’ main trade group has told Congress a digital dollar isn’t needed, while payment companies like Visa Inc. and Mastercard Inc. are trying to work with central banks to make sure the new currencies can be used on their networks.
March 22, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Seven Plagues That Are Hitting Our Planet Right Now

#1 A Plague Of Millions Of Rats In Australia

#2 Large Earthquakes

#3 Volcanoes Are Roaring To Life All Over The Globe

#4 The “Megadrought” In The Southwestern United States

#5 Armies Of Locusts In Africa And The Middle East

#6 H5N8 Bird Flu In Russia

#7 The COVID Pandemic

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Asteroid 2021 FO1 to flyby Earth at 0.84 LD

Asteroid 2021 FH to flyby Earth at 0.61 LD

A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2021 FO1 will flyby Earth at a distance of 0.84 LD / 0.00215 AU (320 140 km / 198 925 miles) from the center of our planet at 03:05 UTC on March 23, 2021. This is the 29th known asteroid to flyby Earth within 1 lunar distance since the start of the year and 7th so far this month. 2021 FO1 was first observed at Mt. Lemmon Survey, Arizona on March 20, three days before its close approach. It belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids and has an estimated diameter between 3.4 and 7.6 m (11 – 25 feet). Meanwhile, A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2021 FH will flyby Earth at a distance of 0.61 LD / 0.00157 AU (234 870 km / 145 940 miles) from the center of our planet at 16:51 UTC on March 23, 2021. This is the 30th known asteroid to flyby Earth within 1 lunar distance since the start of the year and 8th so far this month.
March 22, 2021

Australia to rescue thousands as Sydney faces worst floods in 60 years

18,000 evacuated and 38 parts of New South Wales declared ‘natural disaster area’ as flooding devastates Australia

Australia was set on Monday to evacuate thousands more people from suburbs in Sydney’s west, battered by the worst flooding in 60 years, with torrential rains expected to continue for another day or two. Reuters images showed submerged intersections, marooned livestock and cars up to their windshields in water, out of which poked the tops of street signs, as three days of rain swelled rivers in the most populous state of New South Wales (NSW). Sunday was Sydney’s wettest day of the year, with almost 111 mm (4.4 inches) of rain, while nearly 900 mm (35 inches) was dumped in some north coast regions in the last six days, or more than three times the March average, government data showed. The Hawkesbury and Nepean rivers flooded most of northwestern Sydney, leaving residents stranded. Some parts of Sydney’s western regions have suffered the worst flooding since 1961, said authorities, who expect the wild weather to last until Wednesday.
March 22, 2021

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March 21, 2021 Road to the mark of the beast via Covid-19 and variants




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March 20, 2021 Look what happened after prophecy teacher gave warning







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March 18, 2021 Up-date on the Jews building their Third Temple, this is the one the Antichrist will go into and tell the world he is god!




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Let us see if Jesus Christ speaks to you tonight? Watch the video in this post and see if you hear Christs voice!



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 ~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~

5555He did this for all of us!



March 17, 2021- Sandstorms, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Asteroids…”I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below”- Acts 2:19



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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Czech Republic Calls Jerusalem ‘City of the Bible’, Opens Embassy Office

Czech Prime Minister Andrei Babish has inaugurated the Jerusalem office of the Czech Embassy. The office will have a Czech consul who will handle consular, political and economic issues. This is an extension of the Czech Embassy that will remain in Tel Aviv. The ceremony was attended by Israel Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi and Minister of Internal Security Amir Ohana, who represented Prime Minister Netanyahu. The opening of the Jerusalem office came as part the fulfillment of Czech President Milos Zeman’s promise to gradually open an embassy in Jerusalem. In the first stage, an honorary consul was appointed in Jerusalem, in the second, the Czechs established the “Czech House” in Jerusalem to promote Czech culture, and in this third phase, they have opened a Jerusalem office that is a diplomatic branch of the embassy in Tel Aviv.
March 15, 2021

Kosovo follows U.S., Guatemala in opening embassy in Jerusalem

Kosovo opened its embassy to Israel in Jerusalem on Sunday, joining the United States and Guatemala as the only countries with embassies in a city whose status is at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Muslim-majority Kosovo promised to locate its embassy in Jerusalem when it established diplomatic ties with Israel last year under U.S. sponsorship. Kosovo’s Foreign Ministry said on Twitter that with the embassy’s opening, “the pledge given in the Oval Office today is finally fulfilled”. Israel sees its new ties with Kosovo as part of its broader normalisation with Arab and Muslim countries under agreements sponsored by former U.S. President Donald Trump.
March 14, 2021

First in 60 years: New biblical Dead Sea scrolls discovered, other astonishing finds

For the first time in approximately 60 years, archaeological excavations have uncovered fragments of a biblical scroll. The scroll, which is written in Greek, includes portions of the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets, including the books of Zechariah and Nahum. In addition to the scroll fragments, the operation uncovered additional extraordinary finds from various periods: a cache of rare coins from the days of Bar-Kokhba, a 6,000 year-old skeleton of a child – likely female, wrapped in a cloth and mummified, and a large complete basket dating back 10,500 years, likely the oldest in the world. The cave where they were found, roughly 80 meters below the cliff top, is flanked by gorges and can only be reached by rappelling precariously down the sheer cliff. Additional finds left behind by the Jewish rebels who fled to the caves at the end of the Bar Kokhba Revolt include arrow- and spear-heads, woven fabric, sandals and even lice combs.
March 16, 2021

Netanyahu: Four More Peace Deals on the Way for Israel

Israel is set to make peace with four more Arab countries in the region, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday. “I brought… four peace agreements, and there are another four on the way,” he said in an interview with the Hebrew-language Ynet news site. “I talked about one of them yesterday.” According to the Israeli premier, he conversed with “one of the leaders in the region” on Monday night for 45 minutes about the possibility of a normalization deal. “I pledged to take care of the citizens of Israel and I do so with a deep sense of mission,” he added. The so-called Abraham Accords, brokered by the Trump administration, saw four Arab Muslim states — the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan — establish ties with Israel. Several Muslim-majority nations, including Indonesia, Mauritania, and even Saudi Arabia, are thought to be next on the list.
March 16, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Netanyahu orders to halt flights from Jordan

The situation with Jordan blew up last week when the Jordanian Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah was on his way to visit Jerusalem and his security detail was asked to wait, as the Jordanians exceeded the amount of people first agreed upon. Rather than wait, the young royal simply canceled the visit. Tensions increased following the incident. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled his trip to the United Arab Emirates this morning shortly before he was due to depart. Israeli officials first said there were two reasons for postponing the trip — the prime minister’s wife Sara’s hospitalization yesterday with appendicitis and Jordan’s delay in approving Netanyahu’s flight path over Jordanian skies en route to Abu Dhabi. A statement from Netanyahu’s office mentioned only the second reason, saying Amman was retaliating for the cancelation yesterday of a visit by Jordanian Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah to Al-Aqsa Mosque at the Temple Mount. Now, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tried to stop flights from Jordan after being barred from flying to the UAE on Thursday via the Hashemite Kingdom’s airspace, Maariv, the sister publication of The Jerusalem Post, reported on Sunday. Transportation Minister Miri Regev approved Netanyahu’s demand and with the instruction gave the relevant bodies 45 minutes to inform their Jordanian counterparts about the change.
March 15, 2021

Syria alleges Israeli strike on suburbs of Damascus

Syrian air defenses engaged an Israeli missile attack on suburbs of Damascus late on Tuesday night, the country’s state television reported. The Israeli military did not comment on the report. State TV said Syrian air defense shot down some of the Israeli missiles before they hit their targets. It gave no further details or say which suburbs came under attack. Syria often boasts about successfully engaging Israeli strikes, in what experts on Syria and the region say is hollow vaunts. Israel has launched hundreds of strikes against Iran-linked military targets in Syria over the years but rarely acknowledges or discusses such operations.
March 17, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Myanmar military extends martial law after bloodiest day since coup

Myanmar’s military has imposed martial law across more districts around the country following the deadliest day of protests since February’s coup. About 50 people were reported killed when troops and police opened fire on protesters in various areas on Sunday. Most deaths were in Yangon. Protesters are demanding the release of ousted civilian leader Aung San Kyi. She heads the National League for Democracy (NLD) which saw a landslide victory in elections last November. The military detained most of the NLD leadership after the coup, alleging voter fraud. No proof has been provided. The military initially declared martial law in two districts of Yangon (Rangoon), the country’s largest city, on Sunday after Chinese businesses were attacked. Martial law was imposed in several other areas of Yangon and Mandalay on Monday. Protesters there can now be tried in military courts. Protesters believe China is giving support to the military in Myanmar (also called Burma) but it is unclear who was behind the weekend attacks. In total, more than 120 protesters have been killed during the crackdown, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) monitoring group. On Monday there were fresh protests in Mandalay and a number of other locations. Casualties were reported after security forces opened fire on protesters in the central towns of Myingyan and Aunglan.
March 15, 2021




Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

North Korea tells US to avoid ‘causing a stink’ if it wants peace – KCNA

The sister of North Korean leader, Kim Yo Jong, criticised ongoing military drills in South Korea and warned the new US administration against “causing a stink” if it wants peace, state news reported on Tuesday. “We take this opportunity to warn the new US administration trying hard to give off powder smell in our land,” Kim said in a statement carried by state news agency KCNA. “If it wants to sleep in peace for coming four years, it had better refrain from causing a stink at its first step.” She mocked South Korea for “resorting to shrunken war games, now that they find themselves in the quagmire of political, economic and epidemic crisis.” The statement comes a day before America’s top diplomat and defence chief are due to arrive in Seoul for their first talks with South Korean counterparts.
March 16, 2021

Britain to expand nuclear stockpile by over 40% as global threats rise

Britain will grow its nuclear warhead stockpile by more than 40% to ensure its security in a more risky global environment and as it faces new technological threats, Prime Minister Boris Johnson will announce on Tuesday. The country had previously been reducing its nuclear weapons stockpile, and in 2010, the government set a cap of 180 warheads for the mid-2020 period. Johnson has scrapped the earlier limit and announced the number would now rise to a maximum of 260. “Some states are now significantly increasing and diversifying their nuclear arsenals,” the government said in the review. “The increase in global competition, challenges to the international order, and proliferation of potentially disruptive technologies all pose a threat to strategic stability.” Britain also said it planned to replace its current nuclear warhead with a new one which would be able to operate throughout the lifespan of four new submarines being built and due to enter service in the early 2030s. It will work with the United States to ensure the new warhead remains Trident-compatible. With its current submarines, Britain said it would stick to its existing policy of always having one submarine of its four nuclear deterrent submarines on continuous patrol.
March 16, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Marvel Reveals its First Gay Teen Captain America

Marvel Comics has unveiled a first look at a new Captain America. The new character, Aaron Fischer, represents the first LGBTQ character to pick up Cap’s shield in the comic’s 80-year history. Fischer is described as “the Captain America of the Railways — a fearless teen who stepped up to protect fellow runaways and the unhoused. Marvel Comics is proud to honor Pride Month with the rise of this new LGBTQ+ hero.” The limited series is titled The United States of Captain America and follows “Steve Rogers teaming up with Captain Americas of the past — Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson and John Walker — on a road trip across America to find his stolen shield. Throughout the group’s journey, they’ll discover everyday people from all walks of life who’ve taken up the mantle of Captain America to defend their communities.” The series is written by Christopher Cantwell with art by Dale Eaglesham. “Aaron is inspired by heroes of the queer community: activists, leaders and everyday folks pushing for a better life,” said writer Joshua Trujillo, who pens the debut issue introducing Fischer. “He stands for the oppressed and the forgotten. I hope his debut story resonates with readers and helps inspire the next generation of heroes.”
March 17, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Apocalyptic skies as Beijing hit by worst sandstorm in a decade

“Biblical Sandstorm” Turns Skies Over Saudi Arabia Red

341 people missing after heavy dust storm hits Mongolia

The Chinese capital of Beijing was covered in thick dust on Monday as it experienced what its weather bureau has called the worst sandstorm in a decade. The storm caused an unprecedented spike in air pollution measurements – with pollution levels in some districts at 160 times the recommended limit. Hundreds of flights were cancelled or grounded as the sky was covered by an apocalyptic-looking orange haze. The sand is being brought in by strong winds from Inner Mongolia. In Mongolia the severe sandstorms have reportedly caused six deaths and left dozens missing. Meanwhile, A massive sandstorm engulfed northern Saudi Arabia including Mecca and Medina, the two holiest cities in Islam, and Riyadh, the kingdom’s capital. Though sandstorms, even large ones, are not uncommon in Saudi Arabia, residents were shocked when the storm turned the air around them into darkness tinted red.
March 15, 2021

242 earthquakes in 24 hours, high-temperature volcanic gases at Taal volcano, Philippines

In 24 hours to 00:00 UTC on March 15, the Taal Volcano Network recorded 252 volcanic earthquakes, including 17 episodes of volcanic tremor with durations of 1 to 4 minutes and 5 hybrid events, PHIVOLCS reports. During the same period, activity at the Main Crater consisted of moderate emission of steam-laden plumes from fumarolic vents that rose 10 m (33 feet) high. An upwelling of high-temperature volcanic gases at the lake’s surface was observed last night from 18:30 to 20:45 LT. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission that averaged 518 tonnes/day was measured yesterday, March 14. Temperature highs of 71.8 °C (161 °F) and pH of 1.59 were last measured from the Main Crater Lake on March 4 and February 12, 2021, respectively.
March 15, 2021

Space rock will be travelling through space extraordinarily fast

Asteroid 2021 EN4 flew past Earth at 0.18 LD

Asteroid passed between Earth and the Moon on Tuesday, followed by Three more

A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2021 EN4 flew past Earth at a distance of 0.18 LD / 0.00047 AU (70 310 km / 43 640 miles) at 03:49 UTC on March 15, 2021.  This is the 26th known asteroid to flyby Earth within 1 lunar distance since the start of the year and the 5th this month. Followed on March 16th by 2021 EJ3 will pass the planet at just 759,610km followed shortly after by the 16-meter (four times the length of a VW Beetle) 2021 EW3, at 2.4 million kilometers and the 34-meter (half the wingspan of a 747) 2021 DT, at just over seven million kilometers. On March 21, an asteroid nearly the size of the Golden Gate Bridge will sweep by Earth at an astonishingly fast pace. Asteroid 2001 F032 will be travelling so quickly that the usual telescopes may not be able to detect its presence. The asteroid measures approximately 1,300 to 2,230 feet wide and is travelling at nearly 80,000 miles per hour.
March 16, 2021

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March 16, 2021 A warning of another war against Israel



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March 15, 2021 Did you miss these last days signs?



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March 10, 2021- Saudis Come Out Against Temple Mount



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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Saudis come out against Temple Mount

Last week, Saudi Twitter pages began to promote the message that ‘the direction of Jewish prayers do not matter to me”. The campaign, designed to emphasize the importance of Mecca and Medina as the holy places of Islam, and to eliminate the importance of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, has caused considerable controversy online. Among the most prominent messages in the campaign were those who wrote that “the direction of the prayers of the Jews is not important to us, what is important to us is only our homeland,” referring to Saudi Arabia. This tweet was written by a well-known Saudi cartoonist named Fahd al-Jabiri. According to the Saudis, the campaign is in response to the Palestinians who insult and humiliate the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its cooperation with Israel, both online and in many demonstrations on the Temple Mount on Fridays. The reaction of the Saudis is to emphasize that Al-Aqsa is a mosque like all mosques, but the direction of prayer of the Muslims is to the city of Mecca and to it only. Tom Nissani, CEO of the Temple Mount and Temple Heritage Foundation, noted, “In the end, it is becoming increasingly clear that the main obstacle – the Temple Mount – is in our hands. Now the Saudis and Moroccans also emphasize the strong connection of the Jewish people to the Temple Mount and the diminution of its importance to Islam. This is a historic opportunity to expel the hostile Waqf from the Temple Mount and transfer it to full Israeli management that will allow full freedom of access and religion to the mountain in cooperation with the Emirates, Saudis and Moroccans, Jews and non-Jews who will attain shared goals.”
March 7, 2021

Hamas leader Sinwar ousted in secret vote – report

Hamas has elected a new leader in the Gaza Strip to replace Yahya Sinwar, according to people familiar with the matter. His name is Nizar Awadallah, the sources said. Awadallah, who previously served as head of Hamas’s Shura Council, a decision-making consultative body that elects the group’s politburo, was elected in secret elections over the past few weeks for the group’s leaders in the Gaza Strip and abroad. During the First Intifada, he headed a secret Hamas armed wing named the Palestinian Mujahideen. Awadallah will serve as head of the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip. The terrorist group is also expected to elect a new overall leader for its political bureau, currently headed by Ismail Haniyeh.
March 9, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Lebanese Armed Forces chief warns of military collapse amid economic crisis

Lebanon’s protesters send dark, angry message

Lebanon’s army is suffering from instability as the country’s economic crisis has put pressure on soldiers’ livelihoods, said Gen. Joseph Aoun, commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces. “Soldiers are going hungry, like the people,” said Aoun on Monday, according to Reuters. In the report, he said low morale could lead to an “implosion” and questioned: “Do they want the army or not? Do you want the army to stay on its feet or not? … They don’t care.” The Lebanese currency has dropped 85 percent since 2019 with the monthly salary of a soldier or police officer that had been worth about $800 now worth less than $120, according to the report. The situation became so dire that the French embassy donated food last month to the army, including basic staples such as rice, pasta and cooking oil.
March 10, 2021

Saudi foreign minister calls for Iran arms embargo to stop attacks on ‘global economy’

Iran’s leadership knows ‘how to drive a truck through American weakness,’ Mike Pompeo tells Arab News in exclusive interview

Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister called for a block on weapons sales to Iran to be reimposed after fresh attacks against oil facilities in the Kingdom’s Eastern Province. Ras Tanura, one of the world’s biggest oil ports, was targeted by an explosive drone on Sunday. Hours later, a ballistic missile was shot down over an Aramco residential area just to the south in Dhahran. The attempted strikes were condemned by governments around the world and caused a brief spike in oil prices. They took place amid a wave of drone attacks on southern Saudi Arabia by the Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen. “Such attacks require a strong stand by the international community in confronting the perpetrators, and efforts must be concerted to stop the sources of the continuation of the conflict,” Prince Faisal said. “The most important of which is Iran’s supplying the Houthi militia with advanced weapons, including ballistic missiles and booby-trapped drones.”
Lavrov called the developments in Yemen worrying. “We need to immediately stop the military industry,” he said. Meanwhile, The US administration has a responsibility to push back against efforts to undermine Saudi Arabia, former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says in an exclusive interview with Arab News, adding that to deny the Saudis “the capacity to defend themselves is just crazy, and yet that appears to be the direction this administration is taking.”
March 10, 2021





Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Iran says US approved release of $3 bln of Iran’s funds in Iraq, Oman, S. Korea

The United States has agreed to the release of $3 billion in Iranian funds that have been frozen in Iraq, Oman and South Korea due to Washington’s sanctions, Iranian trade official Hamid Hosseini told the semi-official Fars news agency on Sunday. Hosseini, board member of the Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce, had tweeted on Friday that Washington approved the release of frozen Iranian assets at the Trade Bank of Iraq, without mentioning the value of the assets. Hosseini on Sunday confirmed that the US agreed to the release of $3 billion in Iranian frozen assets in the three countries. Last month, South Korea said it reached an agreement with Iran over the release of Tehran’s frozen funds in its banks but signalled that the agreement was effectively subject to US approval.
March 8, 2021






Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

Taiwan’s leader tells residents to conserve water as the island faces worst drought in 56 years

Drought Conditions Persist in the Main Corn Growing States 

Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen has called on residents to conserve water and prepare for shortages as the island faces a drought, following months of scant rainfall and a lack of typhoons making landfall last year. Tsai said that Taiwan did not experience a typhoon in 2020 and faces its most severe water shortage in 56 years. Tsai added that the government is monitoring water conditions throughout the island and that it will take steps to ensure a stable supply of water for industries and households. Local reports said last month that the island stepped up nationwide water restrictions and mobilized emergency water resources, including a desalination plant in Hsinchu County, as officials anticipate the dry season will last until May. Meanwhile, in the US,  As farmers are ramping up toward planting season, drought conditions continue in many of the top corn-growing states. Last week, the U.S. drought monitor showed 11 percent of Midwest acres are in moderate drought. Over half of the High Plains are in a severe drought, and 19 percent of the region is experiencing extreme drought conditions.
March 8, 2021

Dec. 28, 2020- The End of 2020 -

San Cristobal volcano erupts, heavy ash blankets the city of Chinandega, Nicaragua

Ash rises up to 29,500 feet after 11th paroxysm at Etna, Italy

New cinder dome at Klyuchevskoy volcano, Russia

Nicaraguan San Cristobal volcano erupted at 19:26 UTC on March 9, 2021, blanketing the city of Chinandega and surrounding communities in ash. Heavy ash emission lasted approximately 30 minutes, accompanied by deep rumbling. AFP reported cars had to switch on headlights as everything went dark. Ashfall was reported as far as 17 km (10.5 miles) from the volcano. Nicaragua Journalist Carol Altamirano said everything was grey… ‘the crops of rice, sesame, vegetable gardens, fruit trees, and cattle pasture is covered in ash.’ The Washington VAAC said volcanic ash rose to an estimated 600 m (1 900 feet) above the summit, moving SW. It was very difficult to observe it on satellite imagery due to cloud cover. On February 16, 2021, ash cloud from San Cristobal rose to 2.3 km (7 500 feet) above sea level and drifted SW. This was the first eruption at the volcano since March 4, 2019, when a gas-and-ash plume rose about 400 m (1 300 feet) above the crater rime.
March 10, 2021

Meteor rattled buildings as it exploded over Vermont, NASA says

A meteor exploded over northern Vermont on Sunday night — rattling buildings with an energy release the equivalent of 440 pounds of TNT, officials said. The fireball was spotted by hundreds of witnesses as it zoomed through the atmosphere at 42,000 miles per hour, NASA said in a Facebook post. The space rock was first seen about 52 miles above Mount Mansfield State Forest before burning out over Orleans County about 33 miles into the sky. “The space rock fragmented violently, producing a pressure wave that rattled buildings and generated the sound heard by those near the trajectory,” NASA said in its Facebook post.
March 9, 2021

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