Nov. 17, 2020 Jesus saves DiMora to continue to do His word in these last days

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 17 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth November 17 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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 I want to take this time to thank all of you who have been praying for my health.  I am getting stronger each day and hope to begin making more end times up-date videos soon.  In the mean time we are still providing you with a host of reports showings we are in the last days and things are speeding up for sure.  Get ready to face some real nasty times and keep strong in Christ.  The things we are seeing in the news we were warned about and this news is more proof our generation is the one Jesus warned about in Matthew chapter 24! 

Nov. 16, 2020- Saudi Media Says Al Aqsa Mosque isn’t on the Temple Mount



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Nov. 2, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


IDF strikes Hamas targets in response to rocket fire

The two rockets were fired around 2AM, activating incoming rocket sirens in the southern city of Ashdod and in communities in the Shfela region of central Israel including Kibbutz Palmachim some 60km from the Gaza Strip, sending thousands to shelters. The rockets came in the wake of the first anniversary of the targeted killing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Bahaa Abu al-Ata. The Israeli military struck Hamas military infrastructure on Sunday morning in response to rocket fire launched towards the center of the country. The strikes, carried out by Israeli Air Force jets, attack helicopters and IDF tanks targeted “underground infrastructure and military posts of the terror group Hamas in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF Spokespersons Unit said in a statement, adding that the military “is conducting an ongoing situational assessment and will act firmly and resolutely against any attempt to carry out terror activity against the citizens of the State of Israel and the violation of its sovereignty.”
Nov. 15, 2020

Saudi Media Exposes Lie: Al Aksa Mosque isn’t on the Temple Mount

Saudi Arabian lawyer and journalist Osama Yamani wrote an article in Okaz, a prominent Arabic Saudi Arabian daily newspaper, maintaining that the true location of the Al Aqsa Mosque described in Koran is in Al Ju’ranah, near Mecca in Saudi Arabia and not on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. He explained that the construction of the Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem by Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik in 691 CE came nine years after Abd Allah Ibn al-Zubayr rebelled and prevented the Umayyads who ruled Damascus from fulfilling the obligation to make the Hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca. “At that stage, [al-Malik] changed the direction of prayer toward Jerusalem,” Yamani wrote. Yamani wrote that the differences between the claims pertaining to the actual identity of which site is the Aqsa Mosque described in the Koran are due to “political matters that were employed for the benefit of events or issues and political positions at the time that have nothing to do with faith or religious dictates or God’s intention.”
Nov. 16, 2020


  Syria Exit In Progress? US Convoys Seen Withdrawing From Northeast Syria to Iraq

Trump to order troop reductions in Afghanistan, Iraq

The U.S. army withdrew a number of its vehicles and soldiers from eastern Syria towards the northern region of Iraq, while it imposed a security cordon around a town in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor. According to a Sputnik Arabic correspondent in Al-Hasakah, the U.S. army transported a number of military vehicles with about 50 soldiers from its illegal base in Al-Malikiyah to the northern region of Iraq for the second time during the past two days.  These developments coincide with media reports about the current U.S. administration’s intention to withdraw its soldiers from eastern Syria, especially after the changes made by U.S. President Donald Trump, which included the firing of Defense Secretary Mark Esper, who was replaced by Christopher Miller. Earlier this week, it was revealed that the outgoing U.S. envoy to Syria, James Jeffrey, had kept the total number of troops inside the Arab Republic from Trump.
Nov. 16, 2020


Ethiopia Tigray crisis: Rockets hit outskirts of Eritrea capital

Ethiopia says it has seized another Tigray town as conflict embroils Eritrea

Civil War in Ethiopia: Conflict Developments and Background

The 12-day conflict between Ethiopia’s government and forces in the country’s Tigray region has escalated. The Tigrayan forces fired rockets across the border into neighbouring Eritrea, after claiming Ethiopian soldiers were using an Eritrean airport to attack Tigray. Ethiopia’s prime minister appeared to deny the accusations in a tweet. On Saturday night, residents of Asmara – Eritrea’s capital – reported hearing loud explosions, amid reports of rockets landing near the city’s airport. No casualties have been reported yet. Tigrayan leader Debretsion Gebremichael has suggested that his forces have been fighting 16 divisions of the Eritrean army on several fronts for the past few days. The Tigrayans have also accused Eritrean forces of crossing into Ethiopia to back federal forces there. On Sunday, in a tweet, Mr Abiy appeared to deny that Ethiopian national forces were working with Eritreans, saying that Ethiopia was “more than capable of attaining the objectives of the operation by itself”. But while Eritrea and Ethiopia have denied co-operating in the conflict, our regional editor says reports of fighting along the border, and of Ethiopian soldiers being treated in Eritrean hospitals, suggest the opposite is true.
Nov. 16, 2020

Showdown in the Western Sahara

Western Sahara independence group declares war on Morocco

For weeks, the Polisario Front have blocked the only road leading southward from Morocco to Mauritania in the buffer zone of Guerguerat. Currently, around 200 trucks find themselves stranded there, while UN peacekeepers (MINURSO), on whom Morocco relies to enforce the tense 30-year ceasefire, apparently feel overwhelmed. Last week, on Thursday night, Morocco finally responded to the Polisario Front’s roadblock at Guerguerat by creating a security cordon and promising to “restore free circulation of civilian and commercial traffic” between Morocco and Mauritania — an act that the Polisario Front called a “provocation.” The Polisario Front had announced the Monday before that any movement of troops by Morocco to the buffer zone area “will be considered as a flagrant aggression to which the Sahrawi [Polisario] side will respond vigorously in self-defence and to defend its national sovereignty. This will also mean the end of the ceasefire and the beginning of a new war across the region.” Until now, Morocco has avoided conflict by relying on UN Security Council and its MINURSO. The Polisario Front nonetheless on Friday claimed that Morocco had broken the ceasefire and “ignited war.” Morocco, for its part, insists that there have been no armed clashes and that the ceasefire still stands. The UN Security also recently strengthened Morocco’s stance by not only demanding that the Polisario Front honor the terms of its ceasefire, but the UN also designated Algeria as a stakeholder in the dispute. On Friday, Saudi Arabia as well openly supported Morocco’s refusal to have its territory seized by force. An open conflict at this time would be immensely damaging for all the parties involved as well as for Europe — particularly France, always deeply immersed in African policy.
***Please also see ETRM report on Nov. 13
Moroccan army launches operation in Western Sahara border zone

Nov. 15, 2020

Azerbaijan delays takeover, denounces fleeing Armenians

Turkey to send soldiers for Karabakh ‘peacekeeping center’

Thousands Rally in Armenia Against Disputed Peace Deal

Assassination Attempt On Armenian Prime Minister Thwarted By Security Forces

Azerbaijan on Sunday postponed taking control of a territory ceded by Armenian forces in a cease-fire agreement, but denounced civilians leaving the area for burning houses and committing what it called “ecological terror.” The cease-fire ended six weeks of intense fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The agreement calls for Azerbaijan to take control of the outlying territories. The first, Kelbajar, was to be turned over on Sunday. But Azerbaijan agreed to delay the takeover until Nov. 25 after a request from Armenia. Azerbaijani presidential aide Hikmet Hajiyev said worsening weather conditions made the withdrawal of Armenian forces and civilians difficult along the single road through mountainous territory that connects Kelbajar with Armenia. Meanwhile, Thousands of furious protesters rallied in the Armenian capital for a fourth day running on Friday demanding Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan resign over a controversial peace agreement with Azerbaijan.
Nov. 16, 2020


  BLM/Antifa Attack Trump Supporters, Including Children, After D.C. “Million MAGA March”

Massive crowds of people converged at Freedom Plaza in Washington on Saturday, joining other rallies around the country to show support for President Donald Trump and ask for fairness in the election process. As The Epoch Times’ Allen Zhong reports, the participants marched to the U.S. Supreme Court holding signs that read “Stop the Steal,” “Make America Fair Again,” and “Trump 2020.” Before the start of the march, the crowd heard speeches from prominent Trump supporters including Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and My Pillow founder Mike Lindell. Several other prominent figures including Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and former Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka were also on the speaking list. Participants chanted slogans calling to “stop the steal,” which is also the name of the grassroots movement organizing the event in part. Organizer Ali Alexander told The Epoch Times in a previous interview that the events are a grassroots effort by a coalition of about a hundred activists and influencers to show “support for President Trump and fair elections and transparent counting.” Similar events, although smaller in scale, were organized in around 50 other states on the same day. Everything was very peaceful (not just mostly peaceful) until the crowds started to disperse and groups of BLM and Antifa activists began to appear, agitating attendees, and eventually turning to violence… even against children.
Nov. 15, 2020

Belarus: More than 1,000 arrested in fresh protests

More than 1,100 people were arrested on Sunday in Belarus during protests calling for President Alexander Lukashenko to resign, a human rights group has said. The Viasna human rights organisation counted 1,127 arrests, the vast majority of which were carried out in the capital Minsk. Belarusian authorities said on Monday that more than 700 people had been held in detention following the demonstrations. “In total, more than 700 people have been detained for violations of the legislation on mass events and before their offenses were examined in court,” Interior Ministry spokeswoman Olga Chemodanova said in a statement. Police in Minsk wielded clubs and used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse thousands of demonstrators. Viasna said that some of the people detained were beaten by the authorities.
Nov. 16, 2020

Peru’s interim president Merino resigns after 2 protesters killed in clashes

Peru’s interim president, Manuel Merino, has announced his resignation after less than a week in office, as protests in the capital Lima to support his controversially impeached predecessor left two people dead and dozens wounded. “I present my irrevocable resignation,” Merino said in a televised address, adding that it was time for “peace and unity” for the country. The call for his “immediate” dismissal was backed by all parties in Peru’s Congress. The MPs warned that they would launch impeachment procedures if Merino tries to hold on to power. Earlier on Sunday, more than half of the ministers in the new cabinet also left their posts in response to the outbreak of violence. A former head of congress, Merino became Peru’s interim leader after the lawmakers voted last Monday to remove President Martin Vizcarra from the job, over allegations of corruption, which he vigorously denies. But the public was left unsatisfied with the switch and hundreds of protesters gathered in central Lima on Saturday. The rally started peacefully, but was marred by clashes after dark, with Peru’s Ombudsman accusing the police of “misusing force and throwing tear gas without justification.” Two people were killed after suffering gunshot wounds in the unrest. More than 60 others required hospitalization due to injuries or inhaling tear gas, according to the health authorities.
Nov. 15, 2020


 Norway criminalizes private criticism of LGTBQ people

Norway’s parliament has voted to expand the protections that the LGBTQ community has enjoyed in that nation since 1981 by expanding the definition of “hate speech” that can land a person in prison. Reuters reported Norway already was among the “most liberal countries in Europe” on the issue, “allowing trans people to legally change gender without a medical diagnosis” and more. But “reported homophobic crimes have risen,” the report said, citing an advocacy organization. So parliamentarians agreed to expand their penal code this week. Now those found guilty of hate speech face a fine or up to a year in prison for private remarks, and a maximum of three years for public comments. Opponents of the change pointed out it could be used to criminalize free speech. In the United Kingdom, there already are plans to criminalize speech in private homes.
Nov. 13, 2020


 Hate crimes in US reach highest level in more than a decade

Hate crimes in the U.S. rose to the highest level in more than a decade as federal officials also recorded the highest number of hate-motivated killings since the FBI began collecting that data in the early 1990s, according to an FBI report released Monday. There were 7,314 hate crimes last year, up from 7,120 the year before — and approaching the 7,783 of 2008. The FBI’s annual report defines hate crimes as those motivated by bias based on a person’s race, religion or sexual orientation, among other categories. Some of the 2019 increases may be the result of better reporting by police departments, but law enforcement officials and advocacy groups don’t doubt that hate crimes are on the rise. The Justice Department has for years been specifically prioritizing hate crime prosecutions. The data also shows there was a nearly 7% increase in religion-based hate crimes, with 953 reports of crimes targeting Jews and Jewish institutions last year, up from 835 the year before. The FBI said the number of hate crimes against African Americans dropped slightly to 1,930, from 1,943.
Nov. 16, 2020


Scottish Hate Crime Bill Could Criminalize ‘Inflammatory’ Bible

Austria’s New Hate Speech Law

A sloppily worded hate crime bill in Scotland could undermine free speech and unfairly stigmatize people of faith, the Christian Institute has warned. The Christian Institute’s Deputy Director Ciarán Kelly said on Friday that the proposed legislation “risks creating a chilling effect on free speech” because of the ambiguity of its language and lack of protections for basic freedoms. “The new offences cover ‘abusive’ behaviour intended to ‘stir up hatred’ but no explanation is given as to what these terms actually mean,” Mr Kelly said. “Would it be ‘abusive’ and ‘hateful’ to quote the Bible’s teaching on marriage, gender or sexual ethics?” he added. “Some groups would say yes. There is a real risk of malicious reports from activists who wish to stop Christians expressing their beliefs.” “Provisions on ‘inflammatory material’ could be used against Christian books, sermons by church ministers – even the Bible itself,” Kelly noted. “The potential reach of the offences is enormous, affecting religious practice in public and in private.” These fears are not without basis and atheist groups have already threatened to use the new legislation to target Christians.
***Please also see: 
Scottish Bill Would Criminalize ‘Hate Speech’ in Private Homes

Nov. 14, 2020


 The Second Lockdown- Updates

Pro-mask study withdrawn after virus spread in counties analyzed by researchers

  • Illinois reports another 11k+ new cases
  • Germany imposes new restrictions next week
  • UK reports 21k+ new cases
  • NYC hospitalizations hit new high
  • Philly may bar indoor gatherings ahead of TG
  • NYC positivity rate has climbed to 2.77%
  • BioNTech CEO says vaccine shipments to start in early Jan
  • NJ lowers limit on private indoor gatherings
  • More states tighten restrictions
  • Merkel urges more restrictions on private gatherings
  • Mexico passed 1 million cases
  • Global cases are nearing 54.5 million
  • Hungary reported a record jump in cases
  • Iran sees new record
  • South Korea reports most new cases in 11 weeks

Washington, Michigan Impose Tough New COVID-19 Restrictions; US Tops 11 Million Cases

***Please also see ETRM report Nov. 13, 2020 on the Second Lockdown under prophecy Pestilence news

Nov. 16, 2020


Drought Plaguing Much of US

A report by the U.S. Drought Monitor on Thursday revealed what anyone living in California or the Southwest already know: We need rain. Badly. “Abnormal dryness and drought are currently affecting over 120 million people across the United States including Puerto Rico — about 38.9% of the population,” the National Centers for Environmental Information, of which the U.S. Drought Monitor is a part, said in its latest report. The drought is particularly intense in the Four Corners region where Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah intersect. And things have gotten worse in Nevada, where ranchers say the range is in poor condition. The situation is also dire in Colorado, where 75% of the state is experiencing severe drought and a quarter is firmly in the worst category — extreme drought. Much of the worst aspects of dry conditions are centered on the Colorado River Basin of western Colorado, which bodes ill for the millions of homes and businesses downstream that rely on a robust flow of water from the river.
Nov. 12, 2020


  Hurricane Iota Strengthens Into First Category 5 of 2020 Hurricane Season

Hurricane Iota has rapidly intensified into a rare Category 5, the first of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season, as it heads for landfall in Central America, where it will bring potentially catastrophic rainfall flooding, mudslides, storm surge and damaging winds for the second time in two weeks. Late Monday morning, Iota became only the second Category 5 hurricane on record in November and the record latest-in-season hurricane ever to reach that intensity in the Atlantic Basin. The 1932 Cuba hurricane reached Category 5 intensity from November 5-8. The upgrade to Category 5 intensity was based on both satellite intensity estimates and a Hurricane Hunter mission, which measured flight level and surface winds sufficiently strong enough.
Nov. 16, 2020

Asteroid 2020 VT4 makes extremely close approach to Earth at just 0.02 LD – breaks record for the closest asteroid flyby

A newly-discovered asteroid designated 2020 VT4 flew past Earth at a very close distance of just 0.02 LD / 0.0000451 AU (6 746 km / 4 192 miles) at 17:20 UTC on November 13, 2020. This makes it the closest known asteroid to flyby Earth, surpassing 2020 QG which flew past us on August 16, 2020, at 0.0000623 AU. 2020 VT4 is the 91st known asteroid to flyby Earth within 1 lunar distance since the start of the year and the 6th so far this month. The object was first observed at ATLAS-MLO, Mauna Loa, Hawaii on November 14, one day after its close approach. It belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids and has an estimated diameter between 4.8 and 11 m (16 – 36 feet). 2020 VT4 flew past us at a speed (relative to the Earth) of 13.42 km/s.
Nov. 15, 2020

NASA flag five asteroids en route today

On Monday, not one but five asteroids will enter our cosmic backyard.  First up is 2020 VR4, measuring 27 meters in diameter (about five giraffes) which will pass the planet at 2.2 million kilometers.  Shortly after will be the closest encounter of the space rock kind, as the telephone-pole-sized (11 meters) 2020 VM5, buzzes past at 426,000km. Bringing up the rear are: the nine-meter 2020 VA3, at a distance of 4.2 million kilometers; the 13-meter 2020 VS1 at 2.8 million kilometers; and lastly, will be 2020 VB3, measuring twice the height of Michael Jordan (or four meters) at 589,000km.

On Nov. 9th, the following article was presented
Asteroid 2020 UN3 will pass the planet at a safe distance of 4.4 million kilometers. Not long after, and almost double the size, the 72-meter 2020 UL3, will shoot past at 5.8 million kilometers. On November 12, asteroid 2020 VC, measuring 34 meters in diameter or roughly half the wingspan of a 747 jet, is set to buzz the planet at a distance of 5.2 million kilometers.  Honorable mention goes to 2018 VS4, 23 meters in diameter (roughly half as tall as the Arc de Triomphe) and the 27-meter 2020 VC1 (half the Leaning Tower of Pisa), both of which will make a flyby of Earth this week but are not expected to pose any threat to humanity.
Nov. 16, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


Nov. 13, 2020- Iran’s Uranium Stockpile Grows as Wars and Rumors of Wars Continue



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Nov. 2, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Find Us on MeWe and Brighteon~ click Brighteon & MeWe photos below

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


 Pompeo to Make Historic Visit to Israeli Settlement in West Bank

Outgoing US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is planning to visit a Jewish settlement in the West Bank and tour the Golan Heights during his scheduled trip to Israel next week, Hebrew-language publication Walla reported on Thursday. Citing both American and Israeli sources, the outlet reported that Pompeo is likely to visit the settlement of Psagot, located just outside of Ramallah, and mark the first time in US history Washington’s top diplomatic official sojourns to disputed West Bank territory under Israel’s control. Pompeo is set to take off on a 10-day diplomatic journey across Europe and the Middle East on Friday and is scheduled to land in Tel Aviv Wednesday afternoon, his office said in a statement.
Nov. 13, 2020


 Saudis say they thwarted Iran-backed attack on oil facility near Yemen

Saudi Arabia will strike those who threaten its security, crown prince warns

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Attack on Armistice Day Ceremony at Saudi Cemetery

Saudi Arabia said early Friday it thwarted an attack by Yemen’s Iran-backed rebels that sparked a fire near an Aramco oil distribution center, involving unmanned boats loaded with explosives dispatched into the Red Sea. Saudi security forces intercepted and destroyed two explosives-packed boats that it said Yemen’s Houthi rebels were using to target a major refinery and terminal in the southern Saudi province of Jizan. The attempted attack took place late Wednesday near an offloading platform and caused the floating hoses that unload oil to catch fire, according to the energy official, who added that the blaze had been brought under control and caused no injuries. There was no immediate acknowledgement from Yemen’s rebels. Meanwhile, ISIS has claimed responsibility for an attack on an Armistice Day ceremony that was being held at cemetery in the Saudi city of Jeddah on November 11. ISIS’ news agency Amaq said in a statement released on November 12 that the attack targeted the French Consul who was attending the ceremony. Amaq said that attack was a response for the republication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in France.
***Please also see Nov. 11th ETRM report 
Foreign envoys attacked in bombing at Saudi cemetery during WWI memorial
Nov. 13, 2020

Russian Missile, Air Strikes Hit Western Outskirts of HTS-Held Idlib City

Outgoing Syria Envoy Admits Hiding US Troop Numbers

A missile struck the western outskirts of the northwestern Syrian city of Idlib, which is occupied by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). Local sources in the Syrian coast confirmed that the missile was launched from Russia’s Hmeimim Air Base located in southern Lattakia. The missile was likely one of the types that can be launched from the Iskander missile complex, that is known to be deployed in Hmeimim Air Base. The complex can launch a variety of ballistic and cruise missiles. There is still no information on the nature of the target or on the losses inflicted by the Russian strikes. The upcoming few hours may reveal new details. HTS, which is allied to a number of other al-Qaeda-affiliated groups and Turkish-backed factions, maintains a tight grip on Greater Idlib. In the morning, a wave of Russian airstrikes targeted the southern part of the region.
Nov. 13, 2020


  Report: Iran’s uranium stockpile 12 times limit set in 2015 nuclear deal

The 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal,  permits Iran only to keep a stockpile of 202.8 kilograms (447 pounds). The findings were revealed in an IAEA report distributed to member countries, but later obtained by the Associated Press. The IAEA’s further found on Nov. 2. that Iran has also broken a uranium enrichment limit. Iran has reportedly enriched uranium to a purity of 4.5 percent, higher than the 3.67 percent allowed under the JCPOA. Iran has openly announced its moves to exceed the limits of the JCPOA following President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the JCPOA in 2018 and after the January U.S. strike that killed Iranian Quds Force Gen. Qassem Soleimani in Iraq. In September, after the U.N. declined a U.S.-led effort to extend an Iranian arms embargo beyond its expiration date, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the U.S. would trigger a return to sanctions against Iran. The U.K., France, and Germany argued the U.S. had lost the right to trigger the sanctions snapback after Trump withdrew from the JCPOA, while Pompeo argued that the right to trigger a sanctions snapback was codified in the U.N. resolution that enshrines the JCPOA, for which the U.S. is still a member.
Nov. 11, 2020

As Ethiopia’s conflict rages, ethnic targeting turns deadly

Ethiopia names new Tigray head as conflict boils

 A report that hundreds of civilians were “hacked to death” in the streets of a single town on Monday night has sent already dangerous tensions soaring. Amnesty International confirmed the killings via images and witnesses. Most of the dead were ethnic Amharas, according to a man who helped clear the bodies away and looked at identity cards. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is blaming the massacre on forces loyal to the Tigray region’s government, which his administration regards as illegal after a months-long falling-out. Federal troops’ 10-day push against the northern state has sent refugees flooding into Sudan and raised fears it may suck in Eritrea or weaken an African force opposing Islamist militants in Somalia if Ethiopia diverts troops from there. Abiy accuses the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which rules the mountainous region of more than five million people, of treason and terrorism. They say he has systematically persecuted Tigrayans since taking office in April 2018. The conflict began last week when Abiy says the TPLF attacked a military base, since when his army has been carrying out air strikes and ground combat which the government says has “liberated” west Tigray. The federal government seeks to arrest and replace the regional leaders. On Friday, Ethiopia sought to tighten its grip on the rebellious Tigray region by appointing a new local leader, Mulu Nega, a former Addis Ababa university professor.  News also came on Friday that the African Union (AU) had dismissed its security head, an Ethiopian national, after Abiy’s government accused him of disloyalty. The bloc’s chair Moussa Faki Mahamat ordered the removal of Gebreegziabher Mebratu Melese in a Nov. 11 memo seen by Reuters after Ethiopia’s defence ministry wrote with concerns. An AU official confirmed the two letters. The defence ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Nov. 13, 2020

Russia plans naval base in Sudan

Russia plans to build a naval base on Sudan’s Red Sea coast to resupply its fleet, according to a draft agreement with Khartoum signed off by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. The planned deal, published on the Russian government’s website Wednesday, outlines a “logistical support centre” to be set up in Sudan where “repairs and resupply operations and rest for crew members” can take place. Its capacity will be capped at 300 military and civilian personnel and four ships, including nuclear-powered vessels, the text added. The base will stand on the northern outskirts of Port Sudan, according to coordinates named in the detailed document. Russia will also gain the right to transport via Sudan’s ports and airports “weapons, ammunition and equipment” needed for the base to function. The deal is slated to stand for 25 years — as long as neither party objects to its renewal. So far Russian authorities have not named a date for the accord to be signed with Khartoum.
Nov. 12, 2020

Moroccan army launches operation in Western Sahara border zone

Morocco announced Friday that its troops had launched an operation in no man’s land on the southern border of the Western Sahara to end “provocations” by the pro-independence Polisario Front. Rabat said its troops would “put a stop to the blockade” of trucks travelling between Moroccan-controlled areas of the disputed territory and neighbouring Mauritania, and “restore free circulation of civilian and commercial traffic.” In response, the Polisario Front said the three-decade-old ceasefire in the disupted Western Sahara was over . “War has started, the Moroccan side has liquidated the ceasefire,” senior Polisario official Mohamed Salem Ould Salek told AFP, decribing the action by Rabat as an “aggression”. “Sahrawi troops are engaged in legitimate self-defence and are responding to the Moroccan troops,” said Ould Salek, who serves as foreign minister of the Polisario-declared Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.
Nov. 13, 2020

Nagorno-Karabakh Briefing

Understanding the Outcome of the War for Nagorno-Karabakh

One War and Six Losers

The ceasefire continued to hold with no reports of fighting flaring up in Nagorno-Karabakh or the surrounding territory. A delegation from Moscow is in Ankara on Friday to discuss the details of a joint Russian-Turkish ceasefire monitoring center. The deployment of almost 2,000 Russian peacekeepers continues. Stepanakert will remain under the control of Armenian-backed forces under the agreement, while Shusha, which sits around 10 kilometers to the south is controlled by Azerbaijan. Hundreds of Armenian civilians are packing their belongings and leaving parts of Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding territories which are to be ceded to Azerbaijan under terms of the peace agreement. Armenian courts on Friday freed a number of opposition leaders who had been arrested and faced a decade in prison for “illegal violent mass disorder,” in relation to the protests which erupted after Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced he had signed the peace deal.
Nov. 13, 2020


 EU Threatens Sanctions As Belarusian Reportedly Beaten To Death By Security Forces

Belarus tells banks to seize money raised to help out protesters

The European Union has again condemned Belarus’s violent crackdown on protesters since a disputed August election and has threatened to impose more sanctions on the country following the death of a 31-year-old Belarusian citizen who was reportedly badly beaten by masked security forces. The European Union has already imposed sanctions on 55 individuals responsible for violent repression and intimidation, and stands ready to impose additional sanctions. Authorities in Belarus have ordered banks to seize money raised in small donations and paid out as compensation to victims of a police crackdown on protesters. The funds were transferred to people who were beaten or fined after taking part in ongoing demonstrations against the regime of Alexander Lukashenko. The BY_help fund, set up by the London-based Belarusian Andrei Leonchik, raised £2m within a few days. But authorities have now ordered banks to freeze any funds transferred by Leonchik, as well as opening a criminal case against him, according to leaked documents. One letter addressed to several Belarusian banks said Leonchik, together with the opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, was collecting money “to support protest actions in Belarus” with the aim of toppling the government, and ordered them to freeze funds.
Nov. 13, 2020


US piles up record October budget deficit of $284.1 billion

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell Admits The Truth: “We’re Not Going Back To The Same Economy”

The U.S. is starting the 2021 budget year the way the old year ended, with soaring deficits. The Treasury Department reported Thursday that the federal government ran up a record October deficit of $284.1 billion, double the red ink of the same month a year ago, as revenues declined while spending to deal with the impact of the coronavirus soared. The October deficit was double the $134.5 billion deficit logged in October 2019. It smashed the previous October record of a $176 billion deficit set in 2009, when the government was spending heavily to lift the country out of a deep recession caused by the 2008 financial crisis. The deficit for the 2020 budget year, which ended Sept. 30, totaled a record $3.1 trillion, breaking the old mark for an annual deficit of $1.4 trillion set in 2009.
Nov. 12, 2020


Lagarde Says Her ‘Hunch’ Is That ECB Will Adopt Digital Currency

Deutsche Bank: Central bank digital currency will replace cash in long term

Federal regulators dispute US pace on national digital currency

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde signaled that her institution could create a digital currency within years in what would be a dramatic change to the euro zone’s financial sector. “My hunch is that it will come,” Lagarde said Thursday during a virtual panel discussion hosted by the ECB. “If it’s cheaper, faster, more secure for the users then we should explore it. If it’s going to contribute to a better monetary sovereignty, a better autonomy for the euro area, I think we should explore it.” The president said it might be two to four years before the project could be launched as it addresses concerns over money laundering, privacy, and the technology involved. Meanwhile, Deutsche Bank, the largest banking institution in Germany, is confident that central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, will replace cash in the future. The bank’s research arm, Deutsche Bank Research, published a new report on economic estimations and proposals to assist global economies hit by the coronavirus pandemic. Titled “What We Must Do to Rebuild,” the study was released on Nov. 10. In the report, Deutsche Bank states that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the “digital cash revolution.” According to the bank, this revolution will eventually enable CBDCs like China’s digital yuan or Sweden’s e-krona to replace cash in the long term.
Nov. 13, 2020


Measles Cases Reach 23-Year High, Killing More Than 200,000

Measles cases reached the highest level in 23 years in 2019 and health authorities warned that many countries aren’t vaccinating enough people amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The global total for confirmed measles infections rose to 869,770 last year, the World Health Organization and U.S. Centers for Disease Control said in a report released Thursday. The number of deaths soared by 50% compared with a low reached in 2016. The percentage of people who have received a first measles shot has stagnated in recent years and the coronavirus pandemic is now lowering vaccination rates by halting immunization campaigns, putting 94 million people at risk, according to the WHO. The situation is like an increasing amount of tinder that could result in a “forest fire,” Natasha Crowcroft, a senior technical officer on measles at the WHO, said on a call with journalists. Nine countries represented 73% of all cases, with large outbreaks occurring in Congo, Madagascar, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, according to Crowcroft. The airborne disease caused 207,500 deaths last year.
Nov. 12, 2020

The Second Lockdown- Live Updates

Puerto Rico gov orders national guard to help enforce curfew

NYC mayor warns parents brace for Monday school closure

NYC’s single-day positivity rate nears school-shutdown threshold

Japan reports record for 2nd day

Elon Musk claims conflicting rapid COVID test results

Indonesia hits new daily record

German government advisor says restrictions can’t be eased yet

Chicago Is Starting Another COVID Stay-At-Home Advisory On Monday

French PM says easing COVID-19 lockdown now would be ‘irresponsible’

Italy could be heading towards new national lockdown as infections rise alarmingly

California, Oregon and Washington issue Covid travel advisory urging 14-day quarantine


   5.3 quake shakes Nevada desert between Vegas, Reno

A magnitude-5.3 earthquake struck a remote area of Nevada early Friday a couple hundred miles from downtown Las Vegas, geologists said. The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake’s epicenter was located in a desert area in west-central Nevada about 20 miles southeast of Mina, 120 miles southeast of Reno and 200 miles northwest of Las Vegas. The quake had a depth of nearly 4 miles. The earthquake was followed by dozens of aftershocks, including several with a magnitude of about 3.0, the USGS said. There were no initial reports of damage or injuries.
Nov. 13, 2020

Typhoon “Vamco” strikes the Philippines, leaving a massive trail of destruction

Typhoon “Vamco” — known locally as the Ulysses — struck the Philippines on November 11, 2020, with maximum sustained winds of 155 km/h (96 mph) and gusts to 205 km/h (127 mph). This is the 21st named storm to hit the country this year and the 4th in the past month– after Molave, Etau, and Goni (super typhoon). It is also the 22nd named storm of the 2020 Pacific typhoon season and the 10th typhoon.  Vamco left a massive trail of destruction, millions without power, at least two people dead, 4 missing, and nearly 200 000 displaced. Bicol, the worst affected by Super Typhoon “Goni,” was the first to feel Vamco’s powerful winds and rain. Many people there remain without power with only limited or no telecommunication services after Goni. The storm then battered Calabarzon, Central Luzon, and Metro Manila, unleashing powerful winds and torrential rain that left neighborhoods submerged and people appealing for aid and rescue, the Rappler reports.
Nov. 12, 2020

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Nov. 11, 2020- Muslim Brotherhood Re-appears; The Encirclement of Russia



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  Israel to send first delegation to Sudan on Sunday to firm up normalization

Israel plans to send its first delegation to Sudan on Sunday to firm up the countries’ U.S.-brokered announcement on Oct. 23 that they would normalize relations, a source briefed on the provisional itinerary said. The source, who declined to be identified by name or nationality, spoke to Reuters on Tuesday. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office, which has spearheadedoutreach to Khartoum, had no immediate comment. Nor did Sudanese officials. An Israeli delegation made a rare visit to Sudan mid-October, also to allegedly discuss normalizing ties, while last week a commercial flight by an Israeli flag carrier El Al was allowed to pass through Sudanese airspace, en route to Uganda, for the first time in history. Sudan followed the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in agreeing to establish formal ties with Israel under a diplomatic drive dubbed “The Abraham Accords” by the Trump administration.
Nov. 10, 2020


  Hezbollah’s presence in southern Syria big enough to open 2nd front, report says

Hezbollah’s presence in southern Syria is significantly larger than previously known by the public, according to recently released report released by the Alma Research and Education Center. The latest report revealed the location of 58 sites linked to Hezbollah’s activities in southern Syria, in the Quneitra and Dara’a provinces. Two primary Hezbollah units, acting under Iranian patronage, are responsible for this deployment: The “Southern Command,” made up of veteran Hezbollah operatives embedded in the ranks of the Syrian Armed Forces; and the “Golan File” unit, which involves Hezbollah commanders orchestrating localized terror cells, made up of Syrians. Maj. (res.) Tal Beeri, director of Alma’s research department, told JNS that both of these Hezbollah efforts are operational, and both are designed to create new opportunities to attack Israeli military and civilian targets during both routine times and in security escalations. Asked whether Assad has approved the Hezbollah operations, Beeri argued that the Damascus regime has little say in the matter after Iran and Hezbollah rescued it from the abyss.
Nov. 11, 2020

Foreign envoys attacked in bombing at Saudi cemetery during WWI memorial

Mecca authorities say Greek, Saudi nationals wounded in Jeddah attack

Multiple people were wounded Wednesday when an explosive device hit an international ceremony commemorating the end of World War I at a cemetery in the Saudi city of Jiddah, according to French government officials. Wednesday’s attack follows on the heels of a stabbing October 29 that slightly wounded a guard at the French Consulate in Jiddah. The stabbing was carried out by a Saudi man, who was arrested. His motives remain unclear.
Nov. 11, 2020


  Car bomb attack in northern Afghanistan kills 4 police, leaves at least 20 wounded

At least four Afghan policemen have been killed and 20 others, including eight civilians, have been wounded in a car bomb attack in the northern province of Faryab, the provincial governor said on Tuesday. Governor Naqibulllah Faiq said the car bomb attack was carried out on Monday evening by the Taliban. The militants detonated “a Humvee loaded with explosives” near the police headguards of Almar district. Dozens of houses and shops in the area were damaged in the attack, and a gunfight between attackers and police began after the explosion, which continued until Tuesday morning, according to the governor. The district police chief was among the wounded, Faiq said. Neither the Taliban nor any other group has claimed responsibility for the attack. This was the second car bomb attack in Afghanistan over the past two days. In the southern Kandahar province, a truck bomb detonated on Monday, killing 14 people and injuring 49 others.
Nov. 10, 2020

Ethiopian Government Forces Capture Humera Airport in Tigray

Ethiopia bombs Tigray arms depots, thousands flee fighting

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed rejects peace talks

On November 10, the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) captured Humera Airport from the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) in the northern region of Tigray. The state-run Fana TV said local forces surrendered after ENDF troops took control of Humera Airport. Government troops also captured a road that connects the town of Humera with the Sudanese border. Ethiopia’s air force said Wednesday it had bombed arms and fuel depots in the northern region of Tigray, as an escalation in fighting led more than 8,000 to flee to neighbouring Sudan. Tigray’s leader, Debretsion Gebremichael, wrote to the African Union (AU) last week to request talks. The African Union is calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Tigray Region. But PM Abiy Ahmed said in a tweet that there would be no dialogue “until our efforts to ascertain the rule of law are achieved”.
Nov. 11, 2020

Nearly 2,000 Russian Peacekeepers Enter Nagorno-Karabakh As ‘Immediate’ Ceasefire Signed

Turkey: Azerbaijan achieved ‘sacred success’ in Nagorno-Karabakh

Armenian Mobs Attack Government Buildings to Protest Ceasefire

Russia, Turkey Agreed to Establish Joint Center to Monitor Karabakh Peace Deal

Main Points of Nagorno-Karabakh Peace Deal

Coming a mere day after Azerbaijan apologized for the ‘accidental’ downing of a Russian military helicopter, what looks to be a significant and far-reaching ceasefire has been signed between the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan. “I have signed a statement on the termination of the Karabakh war with Russian and Azerbaijani presidents from 01.00 pm,” Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashiyan announced on Facebook Tuesday. Unlike prior three attempts at ceasefire, all which failed almost immediately with the resumption of shelling in Nagorno-Karabakh, this one looks to have muscle given Russian servicemen will immediately enter Nagorno-Karabakh to act as peace keepers. Fighting has raged since September 27 over the breakaway Armenian ethnic autonomous zone which is internationally recognized as within Azerbaijan’s national borders. It’s believed several thousands are dead and wounded on both sides, including civilians.  Despite the ceasefire there’s still outrage among the populations over the deal, with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan saying that signing it remains “unspeakably painful for me and for our people”. He’s facing popular outrage which upon news of the ceasefire saw hundreds of people storm Armenian parliament in Yerevan, angrily denouncing the peace. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced Turkey and Russia have signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a joint Turkish-Russian center to monitor the Karabakh peace deal.  The Kremlin denied any plans to deploy Turkish peacekeepers in Karabakh. The Turkish involvement will apparently be limited to the joint monitoring center.
Nov. 11, 2020

This group wants a caliphate, and sees even Hamas as a ‘nationalist’ target

Why the Muslim Brotherhood Came Out of Its Hole

The 15,000 Muslims who crowded into the courtyards of the Temple Mount mosques two Fridays ago became another news story about a mass COVID infection. But the real story was much bigger: the enormous anti-France protest near Al-Aqsa Mosque was organized by the Hizb ut-Tahrir movement (the Islamic Liberation party).  The Islamic Liberation Party has been preaching for the establishment of an Islamic caliphate as it existed under Muhammad, which it calls “the pure period,” and the establishment of an Islamist state. The group says that the term “tahrir” (liberation) refers to a total liberation from any western cultural influence. The territorial liberation is only the second step. Members of the movement, which also operates in Britain, Australia, Indonesia, the US, and several Arab countries, aspire to replace every national government with a global Muslim rule. Under this view, the governments in Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, as well as Fatah and even Hamas, are all national in nature, and therefore obstacles in the way of the dream of a worldwide caliphate. Hizb ut-Tahrir promotes two main issues: laying the groundwork to make Al-Aqsa Mosque a future platform on which the world caliphate will eventually be declared, and challenging Jordan’s position as guardian of Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem.”
***See also ETRM report from Nov. 9
Turkey Is the Center of the New Islamist International 
Nov. 11, 2020


Peruvian president pushed out in impeachment ‘coup’

The little-known head of Peru’s congress has taken the helm of the South American nation amid a public outcry over the surprise impeachment of the country’s popular and now former president, Martin Vizcarra. Vizcarra’s ouster late on Monday, Lima time, and the inauguration of now-interim President Manuel Merino amounted to a return of the political chaos that has long plagued the country. Critics called it a congressional coup staged by Machiavellian legislators desperate to halt his anti-corruption and political reform campaigns, which took aim at their pocketbooks and threatened to end many of their political careers. Under Vizcarra, Peru adopted laws that took on festering malfeasance within the 130-member legislature, where 68 members are now under investigation or indictment for crimes ranging from money laundering to murder. Members of the current congress have been prohibited from seeking reelection, and anyone with active charges is barred from running. Critics now fear that Merino — who previously sought to turn the military against Vizcarra, and attempted an earlier impeachment on different grounds in September — will seek to lift those rules, allowing a compromised political class to preserve itself and setting up a new period of instability in this nation of 32 million. He will be in office until July 2021, according to Reuters.
Nov. 11, 2020

Putin Says ‘External Pressure’ On Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova ‘Unacceptable’

The Malevolent Encirclement of Russia

Over extending Russia 

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said “attempts to exert foreign pressure” in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Moldova are “unacceptable.” Opening an online summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on November 10, Putin said that Belarus was “under pressure from external forces.” Mass protests in Belarus demanding the departure of Alyaksandr Lukashenka have gone on for the past three months after electoral officials handed him a landslide victory in the August 9 presidential poll that the opposition and the West say was rigged. Moscow has backed Lukashenka in the ongoing standoff, marred by a violent crackdown on protesters. Putin also said that two other former Soviet republics, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova, are also experiencing “outer pressure.” In Kyrgyzstan, mass protests over results of parliamentary elections ousted the government and parliament speaker and caused a deep political crisis that led to the resignation of President Sooronbai Jeenbekov last month. In Moldova, pro-European presidential candidate Maia Sandu won a surprise victory in the first round of a presidential election on November 1 that now heads to a runoff against Moscow-backed incumbent Igor Dodon.
***See also Armenia above
Nov. 10, 2020


 Subtropical Storm Theta just set another record for 2020

Subtropical Storm “Theta” formed over the open waters of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean on November 10, 2020, as the record-breaking 29th named storm of the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season. The previous seasonal record for Atlantic named storms was 28 set in 2005. The Atlantic now has two named storm simultaneously — Eta and Theta. This is the latest in the calendar year that the Atlantic hurricane season has had two named storms simultaneously since November 10, 1932, Dr. Philip Klotzbach, a meteorologist at CSU, said. The 2020 season now ranks among the top 5 seasons for named storm days, hurricanes and major hurricanes. “It remains somewhat above-average for other metrics,” Klotzbach added.
Nov. 10, 2020

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Nov. 9, 2020- Turkey Is the Center of the New Islamist International; Iran demands US compensation



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Nov. 2, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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  Abbas to ask Biden to move US embassy to Tel Aviv – report

10 ways a Biden win rattles Israel, Palestinians, Middle East – analysis

Hamas leader calls on Biden to abandon Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’

Following President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the US elections, the Palestinian Authority is reportedly planning on asking him to immediately move the US embassy back to Tel Aviv, i24 news reported Sunday, citing Israel HayomThe reports cited a Palestinian Authority senior adviser named Nabil Shaath, who told the Hebrew-language newspaper that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has been covertly communicating with the president-elect in an effort to go back on many of President Donald Trump’s pro-Israel policies, such as recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moving the embassy back to Tel Aviv. In return, Abbas would be willing to return to US-mediated peace talks with Israel. However, this would reportedly come with further caveats, Shaath explained to Israel Hayom. The US would need to reopen the PA’s diplomatic mission in Washington and renew US aid to Ramallah and UNWRA. Furthermore, the talks would need to resume where they had left in 2016, when president Barack Obama was mediating.
Nov. 9, 2020

Trump emissary in Mideast as US looks to make it hard for Biden to backtrack into Iran deal

Biden will reenter the Iran nuclear deal within months, former Obama official says

The Trump administration’s special envoy on Iran held talks in Jerusalem with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the Iranian threat, the U.S. Embassy in Israel reported Sunday. Elliott Abrams, the Special Representative for Iran and Venezuela, arrived in Israel on the weekend, and after holding additional talks Monday with Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi, he will head to the Gulf region for talks in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The embassy tweeted that Abrams met Netanyahu “to discuss issues of mutual concern such as countering Iran’s malign actions.” Both Gantz and Ashkenazi are retired generals who served as commander of Israel’s military before turning to politics. Abrams’ surprise visit to the region comes as the Trump administration is expected to add “a flood of sanctions” on the Islamic Republic in order to “make it harder for the Biden administration to revive the 2015 nuclear deal,” Israeli sources told the Axios news website, which also reported that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will arrive on Nov. 18 to push the Iran issue.
****See also Iran below
Nov. 9, 2020


 Syrian army clashes with Dara’a fighters near Israel and Jordan

Tensions boiled over in Syria’s southern Dara’a province on Sunday as the Syrian army reportedly sent its 4th division on a sweep of towns and villages after several Syrian soldiers were killed. Reports by pro-Syrian regime social media said that several Syrian soldiers had been killed and even “beheaded.” They had been killed in Al-Shajara in the Yarmouk basin and near the village of Jalin. Clashes took place near Tafas as well. At least one high ranking Syrian army officer, said to have been a lieutenant-colonel, was reported killed. An air force intelligence post was also attacked by local fighters. The air force intelligence is among the most feared apparatus of the Syrian regime.
Nov. 9, 2020

Reports: IS Attack West of Baghdad Kills 11

Iraq fears return of Obama-era policies as pro-Iran factions hail Biden’s win

An attack by an Islamic State group on a lookout point west of Baghdad manned by a state-sponsored tribal force left 11 people dead late Sunday, security sources and medics told AFP. The jihadists threw grenades and fired on the tribal Hashed forces stationed at Al-Radwaniyah, on the southern outskirts of the Iraqi capital, near the Baghdad airport. “IS attacked the monitoring tower, killing five members of the tribal Hashed and six local people who had come to help repel the attack,” a security source said. A medic confirmed the toll to AFP and said eight wounded were transferred to a hospital in central Baghdad. There was no immediate claim of responsibility from IS.
Nov. 9, 2020


   Turkey Is the Center of the New Islamist International

The recent row with France further established Turkey’s role as an ideological instigator of tension between Islamist elements and the West and its capabilities to appeal to Islamists globally. President Tayyip Recep Erdogan rallies Islamists by promoting the notion that Europe is at war with Islam and says that his government “is determined to protect the rights and security of its citizens,” declaring his intent to interfere in other countries in the name of religion. This strategy leads to an Islamist International, led by Erdogan. The Islamist International has a core of three states, Turkey, Qatar and Iran, and a nexus of diplomatic support provided by other Islamic countries, such as Pakistan and Malaysia, and terrorist groups of Hamas and Hizballah. The Islamist International was initially formulated during the Islamic Summit held last December in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Turkey wants to supplant Saudi Arabia and create an Islamic bloc opposed to the now pro-Western nexus of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE and Jordan. The Islamist International has extended its influence inside the EU through the network of Islamic migrant communities and entities influenced by Erdogan’s Turkey, such as the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe and the Forum of European Muslim Youth and Student Organisations.
Nov. 8, 2020

Iran offers Arab states ‘mafia deal’ of security or punishment after Trump

Iran demands US compensation: Biden must ‘make up’ for Trump’s ‘mistakes’

Iran has sought to reach out to its Arab neighbors, with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif warning them that US President Donald Trump will be leaving in 70 days, but Iran’s regime will remain “forever.” He urged them to realize that “betting on outsiders to provide security is never a good gamble.” In Arabic and English, he called for dialogue and to work together. The message was clearly aimed at Gulf states and others that are partnered with the US. Iran was offering them an opening, a message: Shift and join us, or suffer in the future – the US will not protect you. This is a kind of carrot-and- stick approach, a mafia don offering protection. In a long speech quoted by Fars News Agency, Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh urged Iran’s neighbors to return to talks with Iran. “The Trump administration has gone in a very wrong direction over the past few years, and the maximum pressure has reached the maximum failure,” he said. “After the martyrdom of [IRGC Quds Force] General [Qasem] Soleimani, Iran resorted to the necessary reactions.” “Only the language of peace and respect responds to the dignity and civilized people of Iran,” Khatibzadeh said. “It is still time to step back from our failed policies and the inhumane legacy of the United States and the charlatans and bankrupt people who are advising the current US administration. We are looking closely at the actions and careers of the future US administration.”
Nov. 9, 2020

 Concern of Outright War in Ethiopia Grows as PM Presses Military Offensive

Ethiopia’s prime minister stepped up a military offensive in the northern region of Tigray on Sunday with air strikes as part of what he called a “law enforcement operation,” increasing fears of outright civil war in Africa’s second-most populous country. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has defied calls from the United Nations and allies in the region to negotiate with leaders in Tigray, home of the ethnic group that dominated the federal government before he took power in 2018. Abiy last week launched a military campaign in the province, saying forces loyal to leaders there had attacked a military base and attempted to steal equipment. Abiy accuses the leaders of Tigray of undermining his democratic reforms. Government fighter jets have since been bombing targets in the region, which borders Sudan and Eritrea. Aid workers on Sunday reported heavy fighting in several parts of the region, with at least six dead and dozens wounded. Also on Sunday, Abiy named a new chief of the army, a new intelligence chief and a new federal police commissioner and foreign minister, changes that analysts said brought close allies into top posts as the conflict escalates.
***Please also see reports by ETRM Nov. 6th

Ethiopia orders military response after army base seized

Ethiopia PM Abiy insists military operation is limited

Ethiopian Military Deploys Air Power in Opposition-Controlled Tigray Region 
Nov. 9, 2020

 Azerbaijani Forces Capture Shusha, Second Largest Town in Nagorno-Karabakh

Armenia Forces Shot Down Combat Drone Over Nagorno-Karabakh

Nagorno-Karabakh reports 44 more military casualties in Azeri fighting

Azerbaijan Says It Shot Down Russian Helicopter “By Mistake” & Offers “Compensation”

On November 8, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev announced that Azerbaijani forces have captured the strategic town of Shusha from the Armenians in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The Armenian military denied the claim of the Azerbaijani leader.  Azerbaijani forces were also closing in on the main city of Nagorno-Karabakh, separatist authorities said. “The enemy is on the outskirts of Stepanakert and the existence of the capital is already in danger,” said Vahram Poghosyan, spokesperson for the president of the Armenian-backed authorities in Nagorno-Karabakh. The defense ministry of the Nagorno-Karabakh said on Monday it had recorded another 44 casualties among its military, pushing its military death toll to 1,221 since fighting with Azeri forces erupted on Sept. 27. Azerbaijan has quickly owned up to the downing of the Russian military helicopter early Monday evening (local time). According to TASS citing official statements from Azerbaijan’s foreign ministry: Azerbaijan downed Russian helicopter by mistake, the republic’s Foreign Ministry announced. Baku is ready to compensate Moscow for the downed helicopter. The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry expressed condolences over the death of the crew members of the downed Russian helicopter. Though the incident is still being investigated, the Russian Ministry of Defense put out a statement indicating two of its pilots were killed. The MoD said a portable air-defense system was fired on the gunship from the ground near the village of Yeraskh close to the border with Azerbaijan.
Nov. 9, 2020


    Thai police fire water cannon at pro-democracy protesters

Riot police fired water cannon at crowds of Thai pro-democracy protesters as they attempted to reach Bangkok’s Grand Palace on Sunday to hand-deliver letters urging reform of the country’s powerful monarchy. Demonstrations have spread across Thailand in recent months, led by young people who have risked lengthy jail sentences to call for the power and wealth of the royal family to be curbed, and for the resignation of the prime minister, Prayuth Chan-ocha. On Sunday evening, water cannon were briefly fired at crowds, but protesters did not vacate the area. Later, demonstrators, who wore goggles and hard hats for protection, moved buses and took down barbed wire that had been used by police to block access to the palace. They carried mock letterboxes, made from old rubbish bins and addressed to the Bureau of the Royal Household, which were filled with messages calling for reform.
Nov. 8, 2020

More than 800 held in Belarus as opposition reaches out to Biden

Police in Belarus on Sunday detained more than 800 people during the latest in weeks of unprecedented demonstrations against strongman Alexander Lukashenko, as the opposition reached out to US President-elect Joe Biden. For three months running, tens of thousands have taken to the streets of Belarus on Sundays to protest against the disputed re-election of Lukashenko, who has been in power for more than two decades. His opponents are demanding he hand power to Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, a political novice who ran for president against Lukashenko on August 9. Several thousand protesters, many carrying the red-and-white opposition flag, joined a march in central Minsk on Sunday. Police vans and water cannons were deployed to the centre of the city with police sporadically detaining protesters in various locations. Journalists working with AFP saw a heavy security presence, with baton-carrying riot police in black balaclavas grabbing protesters and taking them to police vans. Local human rights group Viasna said that at least 830 people had been detained in the capital Minsk and other cities.
Nov. 8, 2020


 Biden’s first move as president-elect? Mask mandate for all

Biden Advisers Met Warp Speed Drugmakers Before Election

NY State Bar Passes Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendation

One of Joe Biden’s first priorities as president-elect will be implementing mask mandates nationwide by working with governors. The future 46th president, however, says if they refuse than he will go to mayors and county executives and get local masking requirements in place. Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel noted that the use of masks should be determined based on how much of the risk of exposure to the coronavirus is in a specific area rather than mandating it everywhere. Meanwhile, the New York State Bar Association on Saturday passed a resolution urging the state to consider making it mandatory for all New Yorkers to undergo COVID-19 vaccination when a vaccine becomes available, even if people object to it for “religious, philosophical or personal reasons.”
Nov. 8, 2020


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CVGHM warns major eruption may be imminent at Merapi volcano, Indonesia

Information has been received from the Indonesian Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM) suggesting that a significant eruption may be imminent at Merapi volcano, the Darwin VAAC said in a Volcanic Ash Advisory issued 06:40 UTC on November 8, 2020. The Aviation Color Code was raised to Red. Authorities raised the alert level for the volcano from 2 to 3 (on a scale of 1 – 4) on November 5, after a significant increase in seismicity, advising residents and tourists to stop all activities in the vicinity of the volcano.  Hundreds of people living on the slopes of the volcano have since been evacuated. As of November 3, there are no new lava domes observed, CVGHM noted on November 5. However, both seismicity and deformation are still increasing. “Based on this, it is possible the volcano could experience an explosive eruption or fast magma extrusion,” CVGHM volcanologists said. Potential hazards include lava flows, ejection of volcanic material and pyroclastic flows to a maximum distance of 5 km (3.1 miles).
Nov. 8, 2020

 Three 30m asteroids headed this way

After avoiding catastrophe on election day in the US, in the form of asteroid 2018 VP1 of course, NASA is now warning of another three space rocks headed this way, while also suggesting the ‘planet-killer’ Bennu may be hollow. As 2020 draws to a close, the threat from outer space remains as clear as ever, with three asteroids over 30 meters in diameter traveling Earth’s way this week alone, starting on November 10 with a double-header. Measuring roughly half the size of the Statue of Liberty (46m), asteroid 2020 UN3 will pass the planet at a safe distance of 4.4 million kilometers. Not long after, and almost double the size, the 72-meter 2020 UL3, will shoot past at 5.8 million kilometers. Lest anyone get too comfortable, however, on November 12, asteroid 2020 VC, measuring 34 meters in diameter or roughly half the wingspan of a 747 jet, is set to buzz the planet at a distance of 5.2 million kilometers. Honorable mention goes to 2018 VS4, 23 meters in diameter (roughly half as tall as the Arc de Triomphe) and the 27-meter 2020 VC1 (half the Leaning Tower of Pisa), both of which will make a flyby of Earth this week but are not expected to pose any threat to humanity.
Nov. 9, 2020

 Tropical Storm “Eta” makes landfall in Florida after leaving more than 235 dead in Central America

After striking Nicaragua on November 2 as a Category 4 hurricane and leaving more than 235 people dead in Central America, Eta made landfall along the south-central coast of Cuba at around 09:00 UTC on November 8 and in Lower Matecumbe Key in Florida, U.S at 04:00 UTC on November 9, both with maximum sustained winds of 100 km/h (65 mph) – tropical storm strength. At 09:00 UTC on November 9, the center of Tropical Storm “Eta” was located about 70 km (45 miles) NNW of Key West and 100 km (62 miles) S of Naples, Florida. Eta had maximum sustained winds of 100 km/h (62 mph) and was moving 20 km/h (13 mph). Its minimum central pressure was 992 hPa.
Nov. 9, 2020

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Nov. 6, 2020- Decriminalization of drugs; Ethiopian Civil War?



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  Israel Warns of Coming War with Iran if Biden Wins

Biden has said openly for a long time that he will go back to the nuclear agreement,” Settlements Minister Tzachi Hanegbi warned said, according to Jerusalem Post. “I see that as something that will lead to a confrontation between Israel and Iran.” The minister recalled that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and most Israelis saw the Iran Deal signed by the Obama administration in 2015 as “mistaken – and that’s an understatement.” “If Biden stays with that policy, there will, in the end, be a violent confrontation between Israel and Iran,” he stated. According to Hanegbi, the aim of US President Donald Trump to negotiate a new deal with Iran is not the same because it would be “a different agreement that he would force through maximum pressure sanctions.” The potential shift of this policy under the new administration will at least partially undermine the Israeli positions in the region thus forcing Tel Aviv to take more measures to protect the recent gains. In own turn, Iran will try to exploit this to re-establish its influence in new areas. This, according to Israel, will lead to the inevitable confrontation.
Nov. 5, 2020


ISIS Terrorists Attacked Syrian Troops in Raqqa, Deir Ezzor  

Late on November 5, ISIS terrorists attacked a position of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on the main road between the ancient city of Palmyra in eastern Homs and the town of Resafa in southern Raqqa. According to Istanbul-based Syria TV, the terrorists targeted the army’s position with a number of anti-tank guided missiles. Following the attack, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out four airstrikes on ISIS hideouts in the al-Amour Mount, south of Palmyra. A day earlier, ISIS terrorists attacked a vehicle of the SAA west of the town of al-Mayadin in the southern Deir Ezzor countryside. The group’s news agency, Amaq, claimed that several soldiers were killed or injured. ISIS terrorists are launching these attacks from their strongholds in the central region, the Homs desert. The desert lays between eastern Homs and western Deir Ezzor. The recent wave of attacks confirms that the ISIS terrorists are receiving support. Recent reports revealed that U.S.-backed fighters in the southeastern area of al-Tanaf are selling supplies to the group.
Nov. 6, 2020


  Ethiopia orders military response after army base seized

Ethiopia PM Abiy insists military operation is limited

Ethiopian Military Deploys Air Power in Opposition-Controlled Tigray Region

Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has ordered a military offensive, after an army base was taken over by forces loyal to the regional government of Tigray. Mr Abiy accused the region’s ruling party, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), of launching the attack. The attack resulted in “many martyrs, injuries and property damage”, he said in a TV address. The cabinet has declared a state of emergency in the region for six months. The national authorities have also shut down electricity, telephone and internet services in Tigray. Tensions between the government and TPLF, which used to be part of the governing coalition before falling out with Mr Abiy, have escalated in recent months, with both sides accusing the other of plotting to use military force. On Tuesday, the federal parliament proposed that the TPLF be designated as a “terrorist organisation.”
Nov. 6, 2020

Fate of Armenian-Azerbaijani War is Being Decided in Battle of Shusha

Nagorno-Karabakh Briefing

The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan — now in its sixth week — shows little sign of easing after three ceasefires have fallen apart. The military conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh could be approaching a decisive moment, analysts say, as Azerbaijani forces remain focused on a key Armenian-controlled stronghold.  Azerbaijani troops and Turkish-backed Syrian militants continue storming the town of Shusha, located just south of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic capital, Stepanakert. During the past 24 hours, infantry of the Turkish-Azerbaijani bloc under cover of intense artillery and drone strikes captured several heights southeast of Shusha and were able to keep fire control over the road linking the town with the Lachin corridor area. At the same time, Armenian forces repelled several Azerbaijani attacks on the town itself inflicting, at least according to Yerevan, heavy casualties to pro-Baku forces. This goes contrary to claims of Azerbaijani sources that in their reports have almost captured the town already. In fact, Shusha is not even encircled and the Armenians still have an option to send supplies and reinforcements to it from the north and northwest. Meanwhile, Turkish and Azerbaijani sources complain that Armenia continues receiving help – military equipment and likely intelligence sharing assistance – in the conflict. The Armenians use this discontent to speculate that soon the airspace over Nagorno-Karabakh will be closed by Russia and the Azerbaijanis will have to run away to Baku. Despite this, the chances of a direct Russian intervention in the current regional situation remains unlikely. However, if Turkey and Azerbaijan continue to extensively exploit Syrian militants in the conflict as cannon folder, the strategy that Ankara already tried in Syria and Libya, the scale of indirect Russian support to the Armenians will definitely grow. If one takes into account the reaction in the public sphere, even current limited Russian support already created difficulties for the Azerbaijani-Turkish advance.
Nov. 6, 2020


  Los Angeles police declare unlawful assembly, dozens arrested

Election Day protests in Seattle result in at least 8 arrests, police say nails put in roadway

Protesters in Minneapolis carry ‘America is Over’ banner; 14 arrested after setting off fireworks

National Guard activated after widespread violence in Portland, NYPD arrests about 50 protesters

‘Shut Down DC’ Protesters Hit the Streets of American Capital

The 2020 presidential election sparked protests across the nation, with some rallying in support of President Trump, some in support of Biden and others demanding that every vote be counted. Protesters in Boston marched from Nubian Square to Copley Square on Wednesday night. In Detroit and Phoenix, dozens of angry Trump supporters converged at vote-counting centers as returns went against the president in the two key states. Maricopa County in Arizona closed down briefly because of the crowds. A small group gathered in Nevada, chanting, “Count every vote, count every vote.” People in Seattle also got together to demand a complete count of ballots. In Colorado, protesters could be seen burning a Trump flag.  People are taking to the streets to join “Shut Down DC” protests in the US capital city on Friday, following post-election confusion. The “Shut Down DC” movement describes itself as a group who plan and organize actions “to preserve the pillars of democracy and fight for a better future”.
****See Matthew 10:34-35, Matthew 24:7, Luke 21:9
Nov. 5, 2020

Britain, U.S. Call For New Vote In Belarus After ‘Damning’ Report On Rights Abuses

Upcoming CSTO Exercise Could Support Russian Military Deployment to Belarus 

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are calling for new elections in Belarus after the publication of an independent report into the “falsified” presidential election nearly three months ago and a brutal crackdown on protests. Mass demonstrations have swept across Belarus since the disputed presidential election that the opposition says was rigged and the West has refused to accept, ratcheting up pressure on Alyaksandr Lukashenka, who has ruled the country for 26 years. Raab described the findings of the report presented to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s (OSCE) Permanent Council on November 5 — the day Lukashenka’s fifth term officially ends — as “a damning indictment” of his rule.
Nov. 5, 2020

Kyrgyzstan Tears Down Government Gates in Symbolic Move After Crisis

Kyrgyzstan tore down the gates of its main government building on Friday in a move authorities said symbolized the removal of barriers between citizens and authorities following political turmoil. Sooronbay Jeenbekov last month became the third president in Kyrgyzstan to resign amid unrest since the country gained independence 29 years ago amid the collapse of the Soviet Union. His departure came after allegations of vote-rigging in parliamentary elections sparked mass protests that persisted even after the results of the vote were canceled. The initiative to tear down the black-painted metal gates surrounding the building that houses both the parliament and the presidential administration came from the new prime minister and acting president Sadyr Japarov, parliamentary speaker Talant Mamytov told journalists. The demolition of the gates “is a symbol of the openness of the new government to the people,” Mamytov said.
Nov. 6, 2020


China to allow coast guard to use weapons in claimed waters

United States Drops ETIM Group from Terror List 

China will allow its coast guard to use weapons when foreign ships involved in illegal activities in waters it controls fail to obey orders, such as to stop, a bill unveiled by a body of the country’s parliament showed Wednesday. As Beijing claims that the Senkaku Islands, administered by Tokyo, in the East China Sea are part of its territory, the envisioned law could target Japanese vessels navigating around the uninhabited islets called Diaoyu in China. The Japanese government said earlier in the day that a Chinese ship was spotted in the so-called contiguous zone outside Japanese waters, adding Chinese vessels have now been observed near the isles for 285 days this year and also for the 59th day in a row. Meanwhile, the United States has revoked the terror tag for the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), an Islamic extremist militant group that has been seeking to establish own mini-Caliphate in China’s western region of Xinjiang. US secretary of state Mike Pompeo signed off on the order removing ETIM from the list of terrorist groups on October 20, while the move itself was made public on November 4. The lifting of the terrorism tag by the US will expectedly lead to the increase of the group’s activity across the entire Central Asia. No longer considered terrorists, ETIM members and commanders will allow to have bank accounts in the United States, move freely within the US zone of control, conduct business activities, buy and sell weapons.
Nov. 5, 2020


Delaware elects first transgender state senator in US

States of Ga., Tenn. Elect Their First Homosexuals, Including Lesbian Priest, to State Legislatures

Delaware elected the nation’s first-ever transgender state senator Tuesday night when LGBT activist Sarah McBride won a senate seat in a landslide. She became the first openly trans person to give a speech at a major political party convention in 2016 when she spoke at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. McBride is the national press secretary for the Human Rights Campaign, the biggest advocacy group for LGBT civil rights in the country. Meanwhile, Georgia state Senate candidate Kim Jackson won the heavily Democratic District 41 by a landslide.  Jackson is the first black LGBTQ+ person ordained as a priest in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. In Tennessee, two openly homosexual candidates were chosen by voters to serve in the state House of Representatives: Democrat Torrey Harris and Republican Eddie Mannis.
Nov. 4, 2020


Washington DC poised to decriminalize the use of psychedelic mushrooms

Recreational Marijuana Legalized by New Jersey Voters

Washington DC on Tuesday night seemed poised to pass a ballot measure that would effectively decriminalize the use of magic mushrooms and other psychedelic plants. By around 10:30 p.m. Initiative 81 had a commanding lead, with about 76.59 percent voting to pass the measure, according to local outlets. The initiative would make the non-commercial cultivation, distribution, possession and use of psilocybin and similar drugs the police department’s lowest enforcement priority. It would not make commercial sales of the psychedelics legal.
Nov. 3, 2020
***Please also see ETRM report from Nov. 2, 2020
Oregon could become 1st US state to decriminalize hard drugs


October 12, 2020- Thousands of dead fish wash up in a lagoon in Linhares, Brazil. Link

October 11, 2020- Dead dolphins wash up on a beach in Marsa Alam, Egypt. Link

October 11, 2020- Hundreds of dead sea creatures wash up on beach in Mumbai, India. Link

October 13, 2020- Another massive die off of marine creatures, ‘a mystery’ washes on coast of Russia. Link

October 14, 2020- Millions of minks to be killed ‘due to coronavirus’ in Denmark. Link

October 17, 2020-Thousands of dead seal pups wash up, ‘a mystery’ on coast of Namibia. Link

October 18, 2020- Millions of small fish wash up on beach in Barmouth, Wales. Link

October 18, 2020- Mass die off of lobsters and fish in the waterways of Nashik, India. Link

October 18, 2020- Thousands of dead fish wash up on a lake in Southern Russia. Link

October 19, 2020- Whales dead after mass stranding in North Island, New Zealand. Link

October 22, 2020- Dead whales found on the coast of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Link

October 25, 2020- Schools of dead fish washing up in the Bronx, New York, America. Link

October 27, 2020- Tens of thousands of dead fish wash up in a river in North Carolina, America. Link

October 28, 2020- Tons of fish suddenly die in Lake Toba, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Link

October 30, 2020- Thirty five thousand birds killed due to avian flu in Netherlands. Link

October 30, 2020- Over 50 tons of fish dead after storm in Lake Buhi, Philippines. Link

November 2, 2020- Thousands of dead fish and birds, ‘an ecological disaster’ on Lake Koroneia, Greece. Link

November 2, 2020- Thousands of birds killed due to avian flu in Cheshire, England. Link

November 2, 2020- Hundreds of birds killed due to avian flu in Kent, England. Link

November 4, 2020- Over 200,000 chickens culled in Dutch and German farms over bird flu outbreaks. Link 

November 5, 2020- Seventeen million mink to be killed ‘due to coronavirus’ in Denmark. Link


  US formally withdraws from Paris agreement

After a three-year delay, the US has become the first nation in the world to formally withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. President Trump announced the move in June 2017, but UN regulations meant that his decision only takes effect today, the day after the US election. The US could re-join it in future, should a president choose to do so. The Paris deal was drafted in 2015 to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change. It aims to keep the global temperature rise this century well below 2C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5C.
Nov. 4, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


Nov. 2, 2020- “When you see ALL these things….” Matt. 24:33



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Nov. 2, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


When the Third Temple is Built, These Temple Priests Will be Ready to Serve 

Along with the prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Zephaniah, Rabbi Amichai Cohen of Tzfat in the Galilee is a descendant of Aaron, the first High Priest of Israel. These male descendants are known as kohanim. Cohen and his partner, Rabbi Peretz Rivkin, want to prepare the living descendants of Aaron the High Priest to be ready to step into their Biblically-mandated roles as soon as the Third Temple is operational. Together, the two men are launching Kehuna Academy, an online community and school for learning about the service of the Kohanim in preparation for the Third Temple. Kehuna is the Hebrew word for priesthood. Rivkin currently runs Igud HaKohanim, a New York-based non-profit educational organization devoted to educating the world about the importance of the Biblical priesthood.
Oct. 30, 2020

Palestinian Authority to resume accepting tax money collected by Israel

The Palestinian Authority will begin accepting tax revenue collected by Israel after months of boycotting the funds over Jerusalem’s now-defunct annexation plans and deductions made to prisoner salaries. The change in policy will likely come at the end of the month without concessions from the PA. But Secretary-General of the Palestinian Council of Ministers, Amjad Ghanem, later denied the shift in position, insisting the PA will continue to refuse the funds until Israel agrees to its demands such as easing restrictions on the movement of goods and people between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. “We hope that we will win the political battle with the occupation and have the ability to recover the funds for compensation and end political blackmail,” Ghanem told Palestinian outlet Watan News.
***Please also see ETRM report from Oct. 12, 2020
EU won’t give PA more aid as they refuse Israel-collected tax funds 
Nov. 1, 2020

More Normalization Deals Depend on U.S.’s Iran Resolve, Israeli Minister Says

Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Morocco and Niger ‘on the agenda,’ but they require next U.S. administration maintaining a strong anti-Iran axis, according to Intelligence Affairs Minister Eli Cohen. “These are the five countries,” he told Ynet TV. “And if the Trump policy continues, we will be able to reach additional agreements.” While not explicitly favoring either U.S. candidate, Cohen argued that Trump’s policy had prompted Arab and Muslim countries to seek accommodation with Israel. If the next president “does not show resolve vis-a-vis Iran, then what will happen is that they will take their time, will not rush, will not choose a side,” Cohen said. “A concessionary policy will get the peace deals stuck.”
***As reported by ETRM on Sept. 7, 2020, we have an on-going list of countries seeking normalization and ‘peace’ accords with Israel. The addition of Niger is a new development
Nov. 2, 2020


Egypt tells Hamas to keep ceasefire until after US elections – report

During a visit by a Hamas delegation to Cairo last week, Egypt called on the terrorist group to maintain the ceasefire reached with Israel in August until after the US elections on Tuesday, according to the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar. While the Hamas delegation wanted Egypt to pressure Israel into implementing the understandings of the ceasefire, sources from Hamas told Al-Akhbar that Egypt’s responses to the terrorist group’s demands were “lackluster.” The Al-Akhbar report added that the Egyptians stressed to Hamas that an escalation should not be pursued currently, insinuating to Hamas that Israel may consider returning to targeted assassinations against terrorist leaders if an escalation occurs. Explosive balloons were reported in southern Israel last week, as tensions rose between terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip and Israel, with the groups threatening action if the health condition of Maher al-Akhras, a Palestinian who has been on a hunger strike in Israel for almost 100 days – becomes too dire, or he dies. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist movement announced a general call-up of its forces on Saturday night, citing the deterioration in al-Akhras’s condition as the reason.
Nov. 2, 2020

Violent clashes break out in Baghdad, Basra and other Iraqi cities

Anti-government protests broke out into violent clashes in several Iraqi cities on Sunday, including in the capital Baghdad and the southern port city of Basra. In Basra, police officers and troops fired into the air to disperse around 500 protesters, who had been throwing rocks, AFP reported. Meanwhile, a few hundred young Iraqis returned to Baghdad’s Tahrir Square on Sunday for a flash protest, clashing briefly with security forces. Early on Saturday morning, security forces had entered Tahrir Square, the centre of anti-government protests in the capital, to clear the tents and open the previously blocked off roads. The government said Al-Jamhuriya Bridge, which connects the square with the heavily fortified Green Zone – the location of the Iraqi parliament and numerous diplomatic buildings – had been opened for the first time since it had been shut at the beginning of protests in October 2019.
Nov. 1, 2020


  Turkey pushes new tensions with Greece despite earthquake

Erdogan ‘trying to start a war in the Med’

Weeks after walking back a provocative naval maneuver near a Greek island in the face of criticism from European countries, Turkey has said it will resume provocative naval exercises. Turkey uses a research ship, called Oruc Reis, to claim it is conducting “research,” but uses large naval forces to harass Greek islands under the guise of research missions, something it has now done a dozen times since the beginning of the year. The new naval provocation takes place despite a recent earthquake that damaged Turkey’s city of Izmir. Greece used the earthquake, which also affected its island of Samos, to offer aid and reconciliation with Turkey. The response by Ankara was more threats.
Nov. 2, 2020

Kabul University: Nineteen dead, more wounded after gunmen storm campus

Nineteen people have been killed by gunmen who stormed Kabul University before engaging security forces in an hours-long battle on Monday. A spokesman for the Afghan interior ministry said the attack was eventually stopped when three gunmen were killed. At least 22 people were wounded, the interior ministry said. The attack began around the time government officials were expected to arrive at the campus for the opening of an Iranian book fair. All of the dead were students, including 10 women, a Kabul police spokesman told the AFP news agency. The Taliban denied involvement and condemned the attack. The Islamic State group has targeted education centres in Afghanistan in recent years, including an attack outside a tuition centre in Kabul last month that left 24 people dead.
Nov. 2, 2020

Gunmen kill 32 in attack in Ethiopia: administrator

Gunmen killed have executed 32 people and torched more than 20 houses in a raid on an area of western Ethiopia, a regional administrator said on Monday. The killings were carried out on Sunday by an armed group called OLF Shane in the Western Wollega Zone of Oromiya region, administrator Elias Umeta told Reuters. “We buried today 32 of them. About 700 to 750 people were also displaced from the area,” he said. OLF Shane split from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), an opposition party that spent years in exile but was allowed to return to Ethiopia after Prime Minister Abiy Ahemd took office in 2018. Sporadic violence has rocked Ethiopia since then. OLF Shane says it is fighting for the right of the Oromos, the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia. But there was no immediate known motive for the killings, Umeta said. “They were executed after they were told by the armed group they want to have a meeting with them,” he said.
Nov. 2, 2020

Sudan Says Agrees With U.S. on Restoring of Sovereign Immunity

Sudan and the United States signed an agreement to restore the African country’s sovereign immunity, the Sudanese Ministry of Justice said on Friday. The ministry said in a statement the agreement will settle cases brought against Sudan in U.S. courts, including for the bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, for which Sudan has agreed to pay $335 million to victims. The deal is part of a U.S. pledge to remove Sudan from its designation as a state sponsor of terrorism, which goes back to its toppled Islamist ruler Omar al-Bashir when Washington believed the country was supporting militant groups. President Donald Trump said this month that the United States will remove Sudan from the list as soon as Khartoum sets aside the $335 million it has agreed to pay to American victims of militant attacks and their families. To avoid new lawsuits Sudan needed its sovereign immunity restored, which it lost as a designated sponsor of terrorism.
Oct. 30, 2020

Armenia Calls on Russia for Aid in Clash with Turkey-backed Azerbaijan

Nagorno-Karabakh Briefing | Nov. 2

Armenia and Azerbaijan failed to strike another ceasefire in talks brokered by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), as Baku pledged to “fight to the end” to recapture territory which has been controlled by Armenia-backed separatists since 1994. Meanwhile, Yerevan formally opened consultations with Moscow over when Russia would come to the backing of its defense pact partner. Baku said there would be no need for Russian intervention because it was not threatening Armenian territory, AFP reported. Nagorno-Karabakh is internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan but has been under de facto control of Armenian-backed separatists since 1994. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev pledged to fight “to the end,” should any diplomatic talks fail to result in Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding regions being put under Baku’s control, Reuters reported. Armenia claimed Azerbaijan used white phosphorus — a chemical weapon restricted under the Geneva Convention — in an attack Saturday morning, Russia’s TASS news agency reported. Azerbaijan denied the claims and said Armenia had been transporting white phosphorus into the area, Al Jazeera reported. U.S. National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien said Turkey should play no role in a peacekeeping force in Nagorno-Karabakh and said he was working with Scandinavian governments to put together a potential peacekeeping mission, Armenian public radio reported. Russia said it had not received details on the proposal, news site RBC reported. As of Saturday, Sweden said it had not received any official request from the U.S. to send peacekeeping troops to the region.
Nov. 2, 2020

‘Day Of Rage’ As Erdogan Claims Europe “Wants To Relaunch Crusades”

12,000 Muslims protest on Temple Mount against Macron

Iran attacks French president for ‘insulting God’s messenger’
50,000-strong ‘anti-Macron’ rally in Bangladesh marches towards French embassy, Macron effigy burned

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has done his best to stoke religious tensions related to Charlie Hebdo cartoons which mock Islam’s founder Muhammad, especially after recent terror attacks in France were condemned by Macron as “Islamist terrorism”. Macron had further said Islam is “in crisis” after clearly Islamic-inspired killings have left multiple people dead and wounded this month – the latest being the shooting of a Greek Orthodox priest in Lyon who was left with life-threatening injuries. Earlier this week Erdogan likened it to Europe wanting to “relaunch the crusades” and that hatred of Islam is “spreading like a cancer”. He had told his ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party’s parliamentary group: “Unfortunately, we are going through a period in which the hostility towards Islam, Muslims and disrespect to the Prophet Muhammad is spreading like cancer, especially among the leaders in Europe,” according to Turkish media. Mass protests popped up across capitals in the Middle East from Pakistan to Afghanistan to Lebanon, often in front of the local French embassy.
Nov. 2, 2020


 Trump supporters, protesters clash at Robert E. Lee monument in Virginia

NYPD arrests 10 after cops and anti-Trump protesters clash in Manhattan

Portland anti-capitalism protest declared riot after windows smashed, cops targeted

Police declare unlawful assembly in Beverly Hills after Trump supporters and counterprotesters clash

Take Action Minnesota Plots Post-Election ‘Mass Mobilization’

Federal workers conspiring to shut down White House in contested election

A political rally on Sunday led to confrontations between Trump supporters and protesters at a Robert E. Lee monument in Virginia, according to reports. Police said the mobile political rally, which dubbed itself as a “Trump Train,” entered Richmond on Sunday afternoon. Police said there was a confrontation as the rally passed the statue at Monument and Allen avenues. Protesters attempted to block the convoy as it tried to round the monument, and tensions escalated when the vehicles came to a stop, reports said. Some of the demonstrators were aggressive toward the drivers and their vehicles, according to the Harrisonburg Daily News-Record. Meanwhile, New York City police made 10 arrests Sunday following a violent clash with anti-Trump protesters in Manhattan. About 300 anti-Trump demonstrators had gathered at Madison Square Park to confront pro-Trump caravans crisscrossing the New York region ahead of Tuesday’s presidential election, according to the paper and other reports. The incident took place in the afternoon in the Chelsea neighborhood and video posted on the New York Post website shows dozens of cops in riot gear shoving protesters as they blocked their path.
Nov. 2, 2020

Tens of thousands protest in Belarus, defying warning shots

EU to target Lukashenko in widening sanctions against Belarus

Belarus Rights Abuses Under Fire at UN

Riot police fired warning shots into the air, used stun grenades and arrested more than 200 people to deter tens of thousands of Belarusians who marched through Minsk on Sunday to demand veteran leader Alexander Lukashenko leave power. Mass demonstrations have flooded the capital for 12 straight weeks since a disputed election, ratcheting up pressure on the embattled leader of 26 years who rejects accusations the vote was rigged and says he has no intention of quitting. This week Lukashenko partially closed the border to the west, replaced his interior minister and said that any protester who lays a hand on officers policing the protests should “at least leave without hands.” Tens of thousands of people swept through Minsk in at least two columns, the Nasha Niva newspaper reported.
Nov. 2, 2020

Thai King addresses protesters in rare public comments, saying he ‘loves them all the same’

Thailand’s national moment: Protests in a continuing battle over nationalism

As mass anti-government protests build across Thailand and calls for reform of the monarchy grow, King Maha Vajiralongkorn has called his country “the land of compromise,” suggesting there may be a way out of the months-long political impasse. The Thai King made his first public comments on the pro-democracy demonstrations that have gripped the country for more than four months in an exclusive rare joint interview with CNN and Channel 4 News during a royal function at the Grand Palace in Bangkok on Sunday. Asked about what he would say to the protesters who have been on the streets calling for reform, King Vajiralongkorn told CNN “no comment,” before adding, “We love them all the same. We love them all the same. We love them all the same.” Asked whether there was any room for compromise with protesters who are demanding a curb on his powers, Vajiralongkorn said that, “Thailand is the land of compromise.” This is the first time that the 68-year-old monarch has spoken to foreign media since 1979 when he was Crown Prince.
Nov. 2, 2020

Kyrgyzstan: Protests flourish as crises mount on all sides

Sadyr Japarov came to power in Kyrgyzstan by exploiting and directing street anger. But the prime minister-cum-acting president may learn before too long that testy crowds are a sword that cuts both ways. There was some evidence of that on Bishkek’s streets on November 2 as a bewildering number of simultaneous low-level demonstrations unfolded over a matter of hours. Seemingly the most consequential one involved traders from Bishkek’s colossal Dordoi bazaar, who assembled in front of the Government House to complain that they have for weeks been unable to take receipt of goods arriving from China. They blame Kyrgyz customs and border personnel for the holdup.
Nov. 2, 2020


  Oregon could become 1st US state to decriminalize hard drugs

In what would be a first in the U.S., possession of small amounts of heroin, cocaine, LSD and other hard drugs could be decriminalized in Oregon under a ballot measure that voters are deciding on in Tuesday’s election. Measure 110 is one of the most watched initiatives in Oregon because it would drastically change how the state’s justice system treats people caught with amounts for their personal use. Instead of being arrested, going to trial and facing possible jail time, the users would have the option of paying $100 fines or attending new, free addiction recovery centers. The centers would be funded by tax revenue from retail marijuana sales in the state that was the country’s first to decriminalize marijuana possession.
Oct. 31, 2020


‘CommonPass’: New COVID-19 Security Measures Will Make Health A Prerequisite For Travel

A new digital certificate called CommonPass, designed to serve as a clearance mechanism for passengers based on a health diagnosis underwent its first transatlantic test on October 21 under the watchful eye of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at Heathrow Airport in London. There, a group of select participants embarked on United flight 15 to Newark, New Jersey after being screened and tested for COVID-19 at the point of departure in a largely ceremonial exercise that included initiative co-founders, Paul Meyer and Bradley Perkins. The app’s first trial run took place with much less media fanfare last month on a Cathay Pacific Airways flight from Hong Kong to Singapore and marked the beginning of the CommonPass pilot project launched by The Commons Project non-profit organization in-tandem with the World Economic Forum. Travel industry insiders claim that CommonPass will allow international travel to resume before a COVID-19 vaccine is made widely available by applying standard methods for certification of lab results and vaccination records of travelers through the CommonPass Framework, based on criteria set by the governments of each port of entry. J.D. O’Hara, CEO of one of the world’s largest travel services companies and one of the participants at Wednesday’s CommonPass trial run, hailed the app’s ability to “verify health information in a secure, verified manner,” while Roger Dow of the U.S. Travel Association released a statement praising it for paving a “way forward” for the global economy in the wake of the pandemic. As the multi-sector, global response to the coronavirus tightens the noose around civil liberties, CommonPass stands out as one of the most appalling and dangerous attacks on basic human rights in the name of public health and is rife with a potential for abuse so great, that it behooves us to find out more about the people and interests behind it.
Nov. 2, 2020


  Super Typhoon Goni explodes into 2020’s strongest storm on Earth, and is slamming into Philippines

Powerful Typhoon Lashes Philippines, Killing at Least 10

In just a day’s time, Super Typhoon Goni transformed from an ordinary Pacific cyclone into the year’s most intense storm on the planet. The typhoon is now crashing into the Philippines, first striking Catanduanes Island, home to over 260,000 people. Goni’s explosive intensification occurred over the warm waters in the western Pacific Ocean. Its peak winds catapulted from just shy of 100 mph to nearly 180 mph between Thursday and Friday night local time. By early Sunday morning, its winds had increased to 195 mph. Once its peak winds surpassed 150 mph, it qualified as a “super typhoon,” which is equivalent to a strong Category 4 hurricane in the Atlantic. But it grew even more intense, comparable to a strong Category 5.
Nov. 1, 2020

 At least 85 dead in Turkey quake; children pulled from debris alive

The death toll in Turkey rose to at least 85 Monday, three days after the magnitude-7.0 earthquake struck. Emergency crews found more bodies in Izmir province on Monday, officials said. Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority said almost 60 buildings were severely damaged by the quake, which rocked the city of Izmir, Turkey’s third-largest. Authorities said there have been more than 1,000 aftershocks since Friday, many with at least a magnitude of 4.0. The primary quake registered a magnitude of 7.0, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
Nov. 2, 2020

 ‘Catastrophic’ hailstorm and a month’s worth of rain in an hour slam Queensland, Australia

A catastrophe has been declared in Queensland after severe thunderstorms, tennis ball-sized hail, and flash flooding pounded the state’s southeast on October 31, 2020, with Brisbane receiving a month’s worth of rain in an hour of 80 mm (3 inches), according to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). It was the first catastrophe declaration for the 2020/21 natural disaster season, with insured losses estimated at 60 million dollars, thousands of emergency calls reported, and 42 000 people left without power. Severe thunderstorms and hail up to 14 cm (5.5 inches) in diameter pounded the state’s southeast region. Beachmere recorded 80 mm (3 inches) while The Upper Lockyer received 70 mm (2.7 inches), which was “a month’s rain in the space of an hour,” according to meteorologist Felim Hanniffy. The violent weather resulted in flooding and damages, with the Insurance Council of Australia receiving more than 5 000 claims. The estimated loss amount to 60 million dollars, the majority of which were motor vehicles, while the rest were house damage, including roofs, solar panels, and skylights.
Nov. 2, 2020

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Oct. 30, 2020- US seizes Iranian missiles; 7.0 Quake hits Turkey



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  Iran vows to liberate Golan Heights from Israel

Iran’s judiciary chief, Ebrahim Raisi, told Syria’s ambassador to Iran that it supports the “resistance” to retake the Golan Heights from Israel. He praised Syria and said that Iran and Syria must work together to accelerate the “demise of the fake Israeli regime” using what is called a “resistance strategy.” Iran says it wants to see “active resistance” against Israel, perhaps setting the stage or hinting at new operations. Iran says all the “occupied” areas must be “liberated.” The Syrian regime views the Golan as part of Syria, but the US recognized it as part of Israel. In the past week, Defense Minister Benny Gantz warned Iran and its ally Hezbollah against entrenching near the Golan.
Oct. 28, 2020

US to allow ‘Israel’ on passports of people born in Jerusalem

The United States will permit ‘Israel’ to be listed on the passports of citizens born in Jerusalem, according to a report by Politico. The move, which was confirmed by a Trump Administration official, could be announced as soon as tomorrow. Until now, US passport holders born in Jerusalem could not list their country of birth as Israel even if they were born in western Jerusalem due to US policy that the status of Jerusalem was to be determined in negotiations with the Palestinian Authority. The change in passport policy comes as the US officially dropped its opposition Wednesday to funding joint research projects in Israel which are conducted in Judea, Samaria, or the Golan Heights.
Oct. 28, 2020


  Russian President Putin Answers Questions about Nagorno-Karabakh and about Russia-Turkey relations

Concerning Nagorno-Karabakh, Putin stated that Armenia and Azerbaijan are both equal partners for Russia, adding the Moscow would like to develop full-scale relations with both Yerevan and Baku. Commenting on Russia-Turkey relations, Putin said that interaction between the two states is important for both Ankara and Moscow. When renowned Russian intellectual and moderator of the event, Fyodor Lukyanov, asked if Russia should fear what seems to be Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s policy of expanding his zone of influence to the borders of the former Ottoman Empire, Putin stated: “Russia is not afraid of anything. Thank goodness, we are not in a position where we should be afraid of anything. I do not know about President Erdoğan’s plans or his attitude towards the Ottoman legacy. You should ask him about it. But I know that our bilateral trade exceeds $20 billion.” Putin reminded listeners that Russia and Turkey are cooperating together in several fields. He stated that, despite foreign pressure, the TurkStream project was implemented rather quickly, and that Turkey had bought the Russia’s S-400 missile system. “[Erdoğan] said he would do it, and he bought it. Working with such a partner is not only pleasant but also safe,” Putin stressed. Commenting on the Ukraine-Turkey joint statement, issued following the October 16 meeting in Ankara between Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and Erdoğan calling for the “de-occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, as well as restoration of Ukraine’s control over certain areas in Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine,”Putin said: “As for aspirations, regarding Crimea or anything else, I know nothing about them, and I do not care about them because the interests of Russia are reliably protected, take my word for it.”
Oct. 30, 2020

US seizes Iranian missiles, slaps Iran-related sanctions on 11 entities

A New Nuclear Deal with Iran?

The United States revealed on Thursday it had seized Iranian missiles shipped to Yemen and sold 1.1 million barrels of previously seized Iranian oil that was bound for Venezuela, in the Trump administration’s latest move to increase pressure on Tehran less than a week before Nov. 3 election. The unsealing of the forfeiture complaints, by the Justice Department, came at the same time that the Treasury Department and State Department jointly slapped sanctions on a combined 11 different entities and individuals for their involvement in the purchase and sale of Iranian petrochemicals. The Justice Department’s forfeiture civil cases involve alleged schemes by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to secretly ship weapons to Yemen and fuel to Venezuela. Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division John Demers said on Thursday that the US government had sold and delivered 1.1 million barrels of Iranian fuel that had been destined for Venezuela, which it had seized earlier this year. According to the complaint, the fuel originated with firms tied to the IRGC, and shippers took steps to mask ownership. The two vessels carrying the fuel, the Liberia-flagged Euroforce and Singapore-flagged Maersk Progress, had struggled to discharge and shifted course multiple times over the past several weeks.
Oct. 29, 2020

Russia ‘Open’ to Return of Armenia-Held Land to Azerbaijan – Putin

Azerbaijan inflicts heavy losses on Armenian army, closes in on key town

Azerbaijani Defence Ministry Says Seized More Positions in Nagorno-Karabakh

Nagorno-Karabakh Briefing Oct. 30

Russia is open to Azerbaijan reclaiming seven areas surrounding the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh that Armenia has controlled for 26 years, President Vladimir Putin said Thursday. “Our position is absolutely open about the possibility of handing over these five plus two districts to Azerbaijan, alongside the provision of a specific regime for the Karabakh zone and the securing of a connection with Armenia,” Putin said at an investment forum. “But we need to stop the fighting at the first stage, stop the loss of life and sit at the negotiating table,” he said. Putin raised the possibility of the transfer following three failed attempts at negotiating a ceasefire, the latest in a U.S.-brokered deal over the weekend. He spoke as Nagorno-Karabakh president Arayik Harutyunyan warned that Azeri forces were closing in on the unrecognized republic’s second-largest city of Shusha, which would mark a turning point in the month of fighting.
Oct. 30, 2020

note***Information to consider: this began with cartoon depictions

On Oct. 24- France withdrew its ambassador to Turkey

France has withdrawn its ambassador to Turkey for “consultations” after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan insulted President Emmanuel Macron in television remarks over the treatment of Muslims in France. Macron has vowed to work against “Islamist separatism” in France after a Paris teacher was beheaded in a plot linked to anger over cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad used in a middle school class. “What is the problem of this person called Macron with Muslims and Islam?” Erdogan said in the central Turkish city of Kayseri on Saturday. “Macron needs treatment on a mental level. What else can be said to a head of state who does not understand freedom of belief and who behaves in this way to millions of people living in his country who are members of a different faith?” Erdogan said. “First of all, have mental checks,” Erdogan taunted.

It quickly spread into an international incident as you can see, going so far as to spill over from the Armenia/Azerbaijan conflict


France on “terror attack emergency.” Three killed at Nice, jihadist shot in Avignon

More Terrorist Attacks Looming as France at ‘War Against Islamist Ideology’, Interior Minister Warns

Malaysian ex-PM tweets that Muslims have ‘right’ to kill French people after deadly Nice attack

New York Mosques to Protest Macron’s “Blatant Disrespect of the Prophet”

Anti-France protests draw thousands in Asia, Middle East

Turkish Ultranationalist Group Linked to “Hunt For Armenians” in France

France Dissolves Islamist Group, Founder Requests Political Asylum in Erdogan’s Turkey

French police named the knifeman detained after he killed three people at Notre Dame Church in central Nice on Thursday, Oct. 29 as “Brahim,” aged 25. He beheaded one of his victims, a woman, in the same way as another jihadist murdered a French teacher earlier this month. At least seven more people were injured. A short time later, another man with a knife was fatally shot by police officers in Avignon. He was shouting “Allahu Akbar” while attacking them.  In the southeastern French city of Lyon, another man armed with a long knife was arrested as he attempted to board a tram. He had been flagged by French intelligence. And in the Saudi town of Jeddah, a local man was arrested for stabbing a security guard outside the French consulate. As jihadist attacks gained in France – with two decapitations in a month – France went on the highest “terror attack emergency” level. A special cabinet meeting on the crisis is scheduled for Friday. President Emmanuel Macron arrived on the scene of the attack at the church in Nice, one of whose caretakers was among the three dead victims. France was still reeling from the beheading earlier this month of a French teacher Samuel Paty for using the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine’s Prophet cartoons in a class on freedom of expression. President Emmanuel’s outraged response to that latest atrocity was a vow to promote France’s traditional secularism and separation of religion and state. Solidarity marches brandishing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons have taken place since the teacher’s murder. (Five years ago, two Muslim brothers massacred 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo magazine’s office for publishing cartoons.) In a backlash from the Muslim world, France and its president have been accused of an anti-Islam agenda.
Oct. 29, 2020


Walmart is removing guns and ammo from shelves and display cases in all stores as a precaution amid ‘civil unrest’
The ACLU Is Suing Police Across The Country For “Brutality” In Response To Riots And Looting This Summer
Philadelphia sees wave of ATM, vehicle thefts amid riots, looting: reports

Two arrested with explosives in van during Philadelphia protests

Walmart will remove guns and ammo from all sales floors and displays, Sarah Nassauer at The Wall Street Journal first reported, in a year of record gun sales. “We have seen some isolated civil unrest and as we have done on several occasions over the last few years, we have moved our firearms and ammunition off the sales floor as a precaution for the safety of our associates and customers,” a Walmart spokesman told Business Insider. The retail giant made a similar decision this summer during unrest following the death of George Floyd by police, a move intended to dissuade any potential theft if stores were broken into during protests. Meanwhile, In addition to having to deal with inept politicians and their respective police forces being harassed and assaulted across the U.S., cities are also starting to face another hurdle: lawsuits are stacking up alleging “police brutality” in dealing with “peaceful” protesters. Lawsuits in New York and in other cities create even more financial liabilities for many U.S. cities that are already under distress. Similar cases are also being filed in Omaha, Nebraska; Los Angeles; New York; and Minneapolis.
Oct. 30, 2020

Europe protests: Anarchy explodes across continent as violent anti-lockdown marches erupt

Paris riot cops disperse protesters with tear gas as harsh 2nd lockdown takes effect in France

Tensions flared in Palermo, the capital of Sicily, as riot police faced off with angry demonstrators who were led by local traders. Business owners across Italy have warned the 6pm closure of bars and restaurants and the complete shutting down of gyms, swimming pools and cinemas will be a death knell for many people’s livelihoods. Infuriated Sicilians took to Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Palermo’s oldest street, to make their anger known to authorities. A journalist was hit by a firecracker and had first aid administered by paramedics at the scene. As riot police used shields to protect themselves from the flying missiles, they chased the protesters along the city’s iconic street before they dispersed into alleys. Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is under mounting pressure to unveil a funding package for businesses affected by the latest raft of coronavirus restrictions. Protests have been taking place in Italian towns and cities since Monday as Italy grapples with a second COVID-19 wave. In Verona there were also scenes of violence as police clashed with far-right demonstrators. Officers responded to the unrest by throwing tear gas canisters into the crowds in a bid to scatter the group. After they had marched through city centre streets, the protesters congregated at Piazza delle Erbe where some people threw firecrackers and other missiles at police.
Oct. 30, 2020

Lukashenka Closes Belarus’s Borders, Reshuffles Security Team Amid Protests

Belarus Update: Lukashenko Raises Odd Chemical Terrorism Threat

Lukashenko Warns Belarus Protesters He Will ‘Take No Prisoners’

Belarus has partially closed its land borders with all neighbors except Russia for most travelers, amid strongman Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s efforts to end weeks of street protests against a disputed election that gave him a sixth consecutive term as president. The Belarusian Border Control Committee on October 29 announced the closure of borders with Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine, citing the “epidemiological situation” in light of the coronavirus pandemic. But there is speculation that the move might have a political motivation. It came despite Belarusian officials having minimized the threat of the pandemic for months, and follows claims that Belarus’s neighbors have tried to destabilize the situation in the country. A shakeup and appointment of others close to Lukashenka in top security positions signals a tightening of his grip on security across the country and especially in the capital, the epicenter of postelection protests and resulting police violence against peaceful demonstrators.
Oct. 29, 2020


  China’s Central Bank Poised To Legalize Digital Yuan As Part Of Sovereign Fiat Currency

Digital Currencies Will End The Dollar’s Status As The World’s Reserve Currency

China is poised to give legal backing to the launch of its own sovereign digital currency, cementing its trailblazer status in virtual currencies far ahead of other countries, after already recently experimenting with large-scale trials of actual payments by consumers, which was met with mixed results. The South China Morning Post reported Tuesday that “The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) published a draft law on Friday that would give legal status to the Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) system, and for the first time the digital yuan has been included and defined as part of the country’s sovereign fiat currency.” Up until very recently, the whole project has been kept very secretive even during the latest closed, limited tests among select parts of the population. Previous reports described it acting akin to well-known stablecoins in the cryptocurrency world. The design framework for the digital yuan was released one year ago on the heels of Facebook’s ambitious but disastrous Libra token rollout after founding corporate partners split for lack of confidence in the project and on fears US federal regulators would seek to block it just as they did encrypted-messaging company Telegram’s Gram cryptocurrency. “The draft law would also forbid any party from making or issuing yuan-backed digital tokens to replace the renminbi in the market,” SCMP continues.
Oct. 29, 2020


Earthquake hits Greece and Turkey, bringing deaths and floods

The 7.0 magnitude tremor was centred off Turkey’s Izmir province, the US Geological Survey said. Turkey put the magnitude of the quake at 6.6, saying four people had died and 120 were injured in the city of Izmir. About 20 buildings collapsed. The shallow tremor is reported to have triggered a mini-tsunami that flooded Izmir and the Greek port of Samos.
Oct. 30, 2020

 Gigantic hailstones measuring more than 8 inches hammer Tripoli, Libya during apocalyptic storm

The capital of Libya, Tripoli has been hit by an unprecedented severe supercell storm on Tuesday, Oct 27th, 2020. The storm produced exceptionally large, *giant* hail, possibly more than 8 inches (20 cm) in diameter. The first reports indicate that hailstones could be one of the largest ever recorded on Earth! Such hail size would definitely fit into the world’s Top 3 giant hailstone events reported globally. Besides the Vivian (south Dakota) hailstorm from 2010 and the so-called ‘gargantuan’ hailstorm in Argentina in 2018. The event occurred on Tuesday afternoon (Oct 27th) when an upper trough was moving across the Mediterranean. A trough axis with a frontal boundary was moving from west to east across the southern portions of the Mediterranean sea. And one of the storms along the front brought an intense organized storm in the early evening hours.
Oct. 29, 2020

Zeta leaves at least 6 dead and nearly 2 million without power

 Typhoon “Goni” (Rolly) rapidly intensifies into strongest storm of the year, Quezon Province under red alert – Philippines

Zeta has killed at least six people after bringing high winds, heavy rain and up to 10 feet of storm surge in some areas. The storm struck southeastern Louisiana as a powerful Category 2 hurricane on Wednesday, leaving millions without power along the Gulf Coast. Three people in Georgia and one person in Alabama were killed when trees fell on their homes, authorities said. A 55-year-old man in Louisiana died after touching a downed power line, prompting the mayor of New Orleans to warn residents to let safety officials assess the storm’s damage, and a man from Alabama drowned in Biloxi, Mississippi. As of Thursday afternoon, nearly two million people were still without power in Georgia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Alabama and Mississippi. President Trump has approved disaster declarations for Louisiana and Mississippi. Zeta was the 27th named storm of what has been a record-breaking and devastating hurricane season, with many of the worst storms striking the Gulf Coast.
Oct. 30, 2020

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Oct. 28, 2020- Anarchy Is Being Loosed; The Coming War with China



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  Palestinians: International peace summit only way forward

The Palestinian foreign minister is calling for an international peace conference arguing it is the only way to generate momentum to bring Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate a peace agreement. Riad al-Malki strongly backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ call for an international conference early next year, telling the UN Security Council on Monday: “Anything else is volatile, and it is futile.” Abbas called for the conference in his virtual address to the UN General Assembly’s annual meeting of world leaders in late September to launch “a genuine peace process.” He called on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to undertake preparations along with the so-called Quartet of Mideast mediators — the U.S., UN, European Union and Russia. Israel’s new UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan opposed the Palestinian call, accusing Abbas of refusing “every peace offer made by the State of Israel” and attacking Israel’s recent agreements with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan instead of viewing them as “a new opportunity to kick-start negotiations.” The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said the Trump administration has “no objection” to meeting international partners. U.S. Ambassador Kelly Craft was skeptical that a conference would produce results, but said the Trump administration was open to the possibility raised by Abbas. “We have no objection to meeting with international partners to discuss the issue. But I have to ask, how is this different than every other meeting convened on this issue over the past 60 years?” Craft asked the council.
Oct. 27, 2020

Palestinian power struggle as PA police clash with supporters of Abbas rival

Clashes broke out in Ramallah and several refugee camps after Palestinian police broke up a rally in support of exiled Palestinian strongman Mohammed Dahlan and arrested several of his followers, Palestinian and Israeli sources reported Wednesday. Residents of the Al-Amari camp in Ramallah staged a rally near the “Muqata” headquarters of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas chanting support for Dahlan and were met by Palestinian police in riot gear who broke up the gathering, the Palestinian news website SHFA reported.  Unrest had spread to numerous refugee camps around Judea and Samaria where Dahlan has many loyalists including the Qalandiya and Al-Amari camps just north of Jerusalem as well as the camps in Jenin and Tulkarm, where supporters demanded the release of those arrested. The controversial Dahlan, 59, had been in charge of Gaza security for Fatah, the main Palestinian political faction led by Abbas, but was away from the Gaza Strip when the Hamas terror group seized control in a bloody 2007 military coup. Many in Fatah blamed Dahlan for the loss and later accused him of having murdered Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Veteran Arab Affairs analyst Yoni Ben Menachem called the clashes “the battle for inheritance in the Palestinian Authority.” Another Fatah official said that although Dahlan has recently stated publicly that he is not interested in returning to participate in the “dirty games in the Palestinian swamp,” he is gradually working to establish a socio-political movement, one of whose bases will be in eastern Jerusalem.
Oct. 28, 2020

US acts on declaration settlements are legal, extends deal to West Bank

The US is set to turn its declaration that settlements in Judea and Samaria are not necessarily illegal into action for the first time on Wednesday, expanding a set of scientific cooperation agreements with Israel to include those areas and the Golan Heights. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman plan to sign the revised agreements on Wednesday in Ariel, in Samaria, at which point there will no longer be any agreements between Israel and the US with territorial limitations. In November of last year, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the US was returning to the position of former president Ronald Reagan’s administration that “the establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not per se inconsistent with international law.” In light of that policy, the Trump administration moved to delete the sentence limiting BSF, BIRD and BARD to Israel’s pre-1967 lines. Kontorovich also called the change an “explicit rejection of UN Security Council Resolution 2334,” which the US under former president Barack Obama allowed to pass, and states that settlement activity constitutes a “flagrant violation” of international law and has “no legal validity.” Now, Kontorovich said, “the US is going in the exact opposite direction.”
Oct. 28, 2020


Israeli defense minister warns Lebanon will pay price for Hezbollah aggression

Hezballah mobilizes reservists to counter Israel’s military drill – report

“Lebanese citizens should know that Hezbollah is their problem, not Israel, because if Hezbollah acts against the State of Israel, Lebanon will pay the price. I hope it does not happen, and we’re here to be prepared for a moment I hope will not come,” said Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Tuesday. It was not the first time the defense minister, who is also Israel’s alternate prime minister, has issued such a warning. In July, Gantz said the IDF had been instructed to bomb Lebanese infrastructure if Hezbollah harmed Israeli soldiers or civilians. Gantz also signaled optimism about the prospect of an eventual peace deal between Israel and Lebanon, as the two countries are holding rare indirect talks on demarcating their disputed maritime border. Gantz’s remarks came during a visit to the northern part of the country to observe one of the largest IDF drills ever, which kicked off on Sunday. Dubbed “Lethal Arrow,” the exercise, which is scheduled to last until Thursday, simulates a war with Israel’s enemies along the northern border.
Oct. 28, 2020

Saudi coalition ‘destroys 6 Houthi drones’ after US embassy warns Americans of potential attack on Riyadh

Houthis vow to bolster Iran ties as Tehran’s new Hezbollah-linked ‘ambassador’ makes appearance

The Saudi-led coalition said on Wednesday it destroyed six bomb-laden drones launched by Yemen’s Houthi rebels toward Saudi Arabia. Earlier in the day, the US Embassy warned Americans of a potential attack on the Saudi capital. The drones were launched in the direction of the kingdom, and six explosive-laden drones were destroyed, Saudi state TV said on Wednesday, citing the Arab coalition fighting the Houthi movement in Yemen. Houthi fighters have targeted the Gulf monarchy several times in recent weeks, the coalition claimed, adding it is taking all necessary measures to protect civilians. Earlier on Wednesday, the US Embassy in Riyadh issued an alert warning its citizens in Saudi Arabia of a potential attack, saying that missiles or drones may be headed toward the city “today, October 28.”
Oct. 28, 2020


  Turkey threatens new military operation into Syria

Russia-Turkey Competition Escalates Across Theaters

UK Urges NATO Allies to Challenge Turkey: Back French Support of Free Speech

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened Wednesday to launch a new military operation in northern Syria if Kurdish militants are not cleared from areas along its border with Syria. In an address to his ruling party’s legislators in parliament, the Turkish leader also said a Russian airstrike that targeted Turkey-backed Syrian rebels in Idlib earlier this week was an indication that Moscow was not looking for a lasting peace in the region. His comments came days after a suspected Kurdish militant — whom officials said had infiltrated into Turkey from Syria — blew himself up in a town in the border province of Hatay, following a police chase. Security officials killed a second militant. In his first remarks on Monday’s airstrike that killed dozens of fighters, Erdogan said: “Russia’s attack targeting the Syrian National Army forces’ training center is a sign that a lasting peace and calm is not wanted in the region.”
Oct. 28, 2020

Iran’s IRGC Says It Deployed Troops to Border near Nagorno-Karabakh

Beware of Iran’s underground nuclear facility – analysis

Iran is a Headache for Russia in Syria; it is only mutual fear of Turkey’s expansion that prevents Russia & Iran from coming to blows

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) said on Sunday it deployed troops along Iran’s border with Azerbaijan and Armenia. The decision followed recent reports that mortar fire from clashes between the two sides over Nagorno-Karabakh has hit border villages in Iran“Units of (the Guards) ground forces have been dispatched to and stationed in the region,” IRGC commander Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour said 0n Sunday, according to Iran’s state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). The unit said it stationed troops on the border “to protect national interests and maintain peace and security.” Pakpour said that while Iran respects its neighbors’ territorial integrity, “any shift in border geopolitics is the Islamic Republic of Iran’s red line.” Meanwhile, reports by the International Atomic Energy Administration and the media on Tuesday and Wednesday that confirm Iran’s building of a new centrifuge facility in the mountains around Natanz start a new and dangerous chapter in the nuclear standoff.
Oct. 28, 2020

Twenty-Eight Taliban Fighters Killed in Southern Afghanistan’s Kandahar Province, Police Say

A heavy clash between the Taliban movement and the Afghan security forces took place in Kandahar’s Arghandab district, and the joint Afghan forces launched air and ground operations against the insurgents, the provincial police spokesman, Nasir Barakzai, said on Wednesday. A total of 28 Taliban* “insurgents were killed and nine others injured” in air and ground operations of the joint Afghan forces in the southern province of Kandahar, Barakzai stated. According to Barakzai, the Taliban were pushed back from Tabin and Joy Lahore areas of the Arghandab district, and they are currently surrounded by the Afghan forces in the area around Mount Bolan. Meanwhile, Kandahar police chief Tadeen Khan told local media later that the insurgents were using civilians’ houses in Chahar Gholba, Babar and Joy Lahore areas as their checkpoints. Khan also pledged that the Afghan forces would soon clear the area of the Taliban. According to the police chief, “40 insurgents” have been killed and wounded in the operation so far.
Oct. 28, 2020

Armenia/Azerbaijan:Nagorno-Karabakh Briefing

Azerbaijan says 14 people killed by shelling in Barda

Fighting continued Wednesday in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region after the third attempt at a ceasefire between Armenia and Azerbaijan — a U.S. brokered deal — fell apart within minutes of coming into effect earlier in the week. Azerbaijan said Wednesday an Armenian missile strike on its Barda district near the Nagorno-Karabakh frontline killed 21 civilians, but Yerevan denied carrying out an attack, AFP reported. It would be the deadliest reported attack on civilians since new fighting over the disputed region broke out a month ago and the second in two days that Azerbaijan says killed civilians. Yerevan also accused Azerbaijani forces of deadly new strikes on civilian areas of Karabakh, as both sides claim the other is increasingly targeting civilians after weeks of fierce frontline clashes. Iran announced it was increasing its air defenses along its northern border, which it shares with both Armenia and Azerbaijan, hours after Tehran also increased troop levels in the region. Iran has also offered to join diplomatic efforts to end the fighting alongside Russia and Turkey. Russia has reportedly set up a small military outpost on the border of Armenia in an apparent attempt to keep Azerbaijan’s offensive from spilling over into Armenian territory, Eurasianet reported.
Oct. 28, 2020


   Philadelphia Overrun By Rioting, Looting After Police Shoot Knife-Wielding Black Man

PA gov. orders hundreds of National Guard troops to activate for riots in Philly

Texas to Deploy National Guard Troops to 5 Major Cities For Nov. 3 Election

 Violent protests erupt in NYC, Portland holds vigil after Walter Wallace shooting

 DC Cops Respond to Violent Protesters with Tear Gas, Flash Bangs

Something Wicked This Way Comes: Anarchy Is Being Loosed Upon the Nation

Protesters gathered outside a Philadelphia police precinct Monday night hours after police shot and killed a man waving a knife in the afternoon, CBS Philly reports. The victim was identified as 27-year old Walter Wallace Jr. Tensions rose as the night wore on. Early Tuesday, a pickup truck driving at a relatively fast clip hit an officer. Video shows a man standing through the roof of the truck’s cab. A bystander can be heard saying, “Oh my god. He hit a cop.”  Philadelphia Police Sergeant Eric Gripp said the officer, a 56-year-old female, was hospitalized in stable condition with a broken leg and other injuries. The pickup was found nearby, unoccupied, he added.   CBS Philly says vandals smashed windows and a glass door and spray-painted walls at a police substation.  According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, there was vandalism and looting in a commercial corridor where police and demonstrators clashed earlier this summer. Police later said 29 other officers were treated and released at hospitals after being hit by thrown rocks and bricks. Authorities reported more than 30 arrests. They said multiple businesses were looted throughout the city. Five police vehicles were vandalized along with one from the fire department, police added.
Oct. 27, 2020

Belarus Update: Putin Intensifies Russian-Belarusian Military Integration

Belarus’s Interior Minister Hints At Use Of Lethal Force As Lukashenka Likens Protests To A ‘Terrorist’ Threat

Russian President Vladimir Putin achieved a major milestone in his pressure campaign to subordinate Belarus’ military to Russia. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin adopted a common military doctrine and announced the completed formation of Russian-Belarusian “regional grouping of forces” on October 27.The formation of a Russian-Belarusian regional grouping of forces is a major achievement in Putin’s larger campaign to subordinate former Soviet states’ militaries to Russian-dominated structures. Putin will likely intensify Russian conventional military deployments to Belarus over the next year. Self-declared Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko will likely take action to defuse protests at an upcoming national Belarusian assembly. Lukashenko said on October 27 Belarusians from “all strata of society” will consider constitutional reforms and solve other problems hindering Belarus’ development at the upcoming Sixth All-Belarusian People’s Assembly. Lukashenko has not announced the date for the assembly. Lukashenko likely seeks to use the assembly to conduct a putative intra-Belarusian dialogue during which Lukashenko will announce constitutional amendments or different concessions to placate protesters. The Kremlin will likely intervene to prevent a solution to the protests that does not include Belarus’ deeper integration with Russia.
Oct. 27, 2020

Nigeria covering up army killing of protesters, Amnesty International says

Hearings begin into killings of Nigerian protesters

Nigerian authorities must stop their attempts to cover up the army’s fatal shooting of unarmed protesters last week in the country’s commercial hub, Lagos, rights group Amnesty International said. “The initial denials of the involvement of soldiers in the shooting was followed by the shameful denial of the loss of lives as a result of the military’s attack against the protests,” Amnesty’s Nigeria spokesman Isa Sanusi said Wednesday in an emailed statement. “Many people are still missing since the day of the incident, and credible evidence shows that the military prevented ambulances from reaching the severely injured in the aftermath.” A week after the killing of activists protesting police brutality in Nigeria’s largest city, a Lagos state government judicial panel began hearings into the violence on Tuesday. President Muhammadu Buhari tweeted on Sunday that the panel had his “full support”, but protesters say his administration has for years ignored their calls for reform. The eight-person Judicial Panel of Restitution at the Lagos Court of Arbitration will look at the claims against SARS, which was disbanded on October 11 in response to the protests, and also investigate last Tuesday’s deadly incident at Lekki Toll Gate.
Oct. 28, 2020


   U.S. Offers Advanced Fighter Jets to India amid Border Tensions with China

Chinese Media Threaten to Bomb Taiwan’s U.S.-Made Weapons

American troops could be sent to ‘defend the Senkaku Islands’, US commander says

The United States offered advanced F-18 naval fighter jets to India during Tuesday’s “2+2” meeting in Hyderabad between Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, and their Indian counterparts. India and America signed a major defense agreement at the meeting. Pompeo said the agreement reflected that the governments and people of America and India “see with increasing clarity” that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is “no friend to democracy, the rule of law, transparency, nor to freedom of navigation — the foundation of a free and open and prosperous Indo-Pacific.” Meanwhile, China’s state-run Global Times issued the latest denunciation of U.S. arms sales to Taiwan on Tuesday, adding a threat to deliver the “ultimate warning” by sending the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to “destroy” the weapons Taiwan purchased from America. The Global Times implied the time has come to adjust Taiwan’s attitude with military force, since “the long-term peace in the Taiwan Straits has emboldened Taiwan secessionists,” while the governing Democratic Political Party (DPP) is “becoming increasingly unbridled, thinking they have gained more support from the U.S.”
Oct. 28, 2020


JPMorgan creates new unit for blockchain projects, says the technology is close to making money

Negative rates and digital currencies coming to a country near you

A new world monetary order is coming

At JPMorgan Chase, the firm’s digital currency JPM Coin is being used commercially for the first time this week by a large technology client to send payments around the world, said Takis Georgakopoulos, the bank’s global head of wholesale payments. That development, along with other behind-the-scene moves, persuaded JPMorgan to create a new business to house its blockchain and digital currency efforts called Onyx, Georgakopoulos said last week in a phone interview. The unit has more than 100 dedicated staffers, he said. JPMorgan’s move could provide a boost to the broader blockchain and cryptocurrency industries, whose proponents believe that mainstream adoption is nearing. Digital currencies popped last week after PayPal announced that users could soon buy, hold and sell crypto directly from their accounts.
Oct. 27, 2020 


  Millions affected as Typhoon “Molave” hits central Vietnam – the country’s worst storm in 20 years

Typhoon “Molave” made landfall over Quang Nam and Quang Tri provinces in Vietnam’s central region at 04:00 UTC (11:00 LT) on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, with maximum sustained winds of 165 km/h (103 mph) — a Category 2 hurricane equivalent. At least 2 people have been killed, 26 others are missing, and more than 1.7 million families were affected. The storm, which was described as the most powerful to hit Vietnam in the last 20 years, is worsening the current situation in the country as it is still suffering from major floods and landslides that took the lives of more than 150 people over the past weeks. On Tuesday, October 27, winds of up to 135 km/h (84 mph) battered the area between Thua Thien-Hue and Phu Yen provinces. The region has recorded 250 mm (10 inches) of rainfall since the evening. Gia Lai in the Central Highlands was also hit by heavy rains and strong winds. More than 1.7 million families have been affected by power outages, according to the Central Power Corporation.
Oct. 28, 2020

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