Oct. 16, 2020- Turkish President Erdogan is laying the groundwork for leadership of Muslim world



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Report: France Considers Alternatives to Two State Solution

A recent report cites senior French diplomats as saying that the Trump-negotiated Abraham Accords have changed the political reality in the Middle East, opening up the possibility of a negotiated reconciliation between Israel and the Palestinians that does not necessarily require the creation of an independent Palestinian entity inside Israel. A report in Hebrew-language Maariv News cited diplomatic sources in Paris as saying, “France is updating its position on the Israeli-Palestinian issue.” Eric Danon, the French Ambassador to Israel went on to say, “We can accept any solution that the Palestinians and Israelis agree on” “Six months ago, no one could have imagined that Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain would sign the Abrahamic Accords,” he added. “The Middle East has completely changed because of the position of the United States, Iran, and Turkey, because Israel has become a new regional power and because of the fatigue of the Palestinian question.”
Oct. 14, 2020

Turkish President Erdogan is laying the groundwork for leadership of Muslim world

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Calls on Muslims Worldwide to Wage War Against Israel

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan didn’t mince his words at this month’s opening of parliament. In his first assertion of a claim to a lost non-Turkic part of the Ottoman empire, Erdogan declared that Jerusalem is Turkish. In July, Erdogan described that month’s return of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, a sixth century Orthodox-church-turned-mosque-turned-museum, to the status of a Muslim house of worship as paving the way for the “liberation” of Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque, Islam’s third holiest site. by putting forward his claim, Erdogan hopes to put his quest for leadership of the Muslim world on par with that of one Turkey’s staunchest rivals, Saudi Arabia. The kingdom is home to Islam’s two most sacred cities, Mecca and Medina. Rather than seeking to regain lost Ottoman territory, Erdogan is staking a claim to custodianship of Jerusalem’s Haram ash-Sharif or Temple Mount and Al Aqsa mosque compound that currently rests with a Jordanian-controlled religious endowment known as the Waqf. The president escalated his rhetoric at a moment that the Palestine Authority has reached out to Turkey as well as Qatar in the wake of the normalization of relations between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain and a series of statements by prominent Saudi and other Gulf leaders taking President Mahmoud Abbas’ administration to task for squandering opportunities for peace with the Jewish state. Erdogan’s claim adds to Jordan’s worries that Israel, in the wake of the formalization of its ties to Gulf states, could support Saudi ambitions to join the Hashemite kingdom, if not replace it, as the holy site’s administrator. Israel Hayom, Israel’s most widely read newspaper that is supportive of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, quoted an unidentified Arab diplomat as saying that Saudi funds were needed to counter Turkish influence in Jerusalem.
Oct. 15, 2020

Sudan to normalize ties with Israel after US ultimatum – report

Sudan has reportedly decided to move forward with normalizing ties with Israel, after the US reportedly issued a 24-hour ultimatum to the country demanding that it recognize Israel in order to be removed from a US blacklist, a source close to Sudan’s leadership told i24News. The decision was made after a heated discussion on Wednesday, according to the news station. In September, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok said that the country does not want to link its removal from a US terrorism list, which is hindering access to foreign funding for the country’s economy, with a normalization of relations with Israel. In September, members of the Islamic Fiqh Academy in Sudan issued a fatwa (religious decree) prohibiting normalization with Israel. In response, the head of the Fatwa Department at the Sudan Scholars Association, Sheikh Abdel-Rahman Hassan Hamed, published on Saturday another fatwa permitting normalization with Israel, in a video shared by the “Israel in Arabic” Twitter account, according to AlKhaleej Today, stressing that normalization is a legal issue, not a religious one.
***Please see the following reports: 

Sudan Foreign Ministry says it looks forward to peace with Israel – report

Sudan fires foreign ministry spokesman for Israel comments
Aug. 20, 2020

Sudan ends 30 year rule of Islamic law, separating religion and state 
Sept. 4, 2020

Sudan talks with UAE, US could lead to normalization with Israel – report

Netanyahu to meet Sudan’s leader in Uganda, reports say
Sept. 24, 2020

Sudanese government official: ‘We need ties with Israel’ 
Oct. 4, 2020


 Erdogan Declares War on Arabs

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is continuing to insult and threaten Arabs, specifically those living in the Gulf. Many Arabs are concerned about Erdogan’s threats against their countries and his ongoing meddling in their internal affairs. Some Arabs are saying that the time has come to stand up to Erdogan and end his “malicious” schemes against Arab countries. In the past few days, many Arabs took to social media and other platforms to condemn Erdogan’s latest offensive remarks and veiled threats against their countries. Such powerful responses made by Saudis and other Arabs to Erdogan’s contemptuous statements show that the Arabs now understand it is Erdogan and his friends in Iran whom they should fear. In the eyes of these Arabs, Erdogan and his Iranian connections represent the real threat to their security and stability. In light of such reactions, perhaps more Arab countries will follow the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in signing diplomatic agreements with Israel. The State of Israel, as it turns out, is a strategic and strong ally that can help Arab countries stop Turkey and Iran from spreading their contagion of terror in the Middle East.
***Please see Ezekiel War news and comments posted by ETRM Oct. 12, 2020
Oct. 16, 2020

Iran Says One of Two Cyber Attack Targets Was Country’s Ports

Iran Threatens Gulf Countries Making Peace with Israel

Iran’s Next Move: Arms Transfers to South America?

One of the targets of large cyber-attacks on two Iranian government institutions this week was the electronic infrastructure of the country’s ports, an Iranian news agency reported on Friday. The government’s Information Technology Organization on Thursday reported the hacking of two institutions without giving details on the targets or perpetrators. The second target of the attacks on Monday and Tuesday is yet to be identified. “Sworn enemies have been trying for some time to carry out cyberattacks,” the semi-official Tasnim news agency quoted a statement by the Ports and Maritime Organization as saying. The statement said deterrent measures had been taken to prevent an interruption in the “organizations’s missions.” It gave no further details. Meanwhile, Iran is escalating threats toward the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain after the United States helped broker peace deals between Israel and the two Gulf states. Iran may fear that the peace agreements could pose a threat to the Islamic Republic if Israel can turn them into “a foothold in the Emirates, and in broad terms, in the Gulf” that ultimately includes a military presence, the Lebanese-based Iranian affairs news outlet Jada Iran reported.  The Iranian fear could be exacerbated by the possible signing of similar treaties between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Oman and others. Iran’s isolation was accentuated when the Arab League refused a Palestinian request to condemn the UAE for signing the peace treaty with Israel.Accordingly, Iran is trying to instill fear in these countries and others which might follow suit.
Oct. 16, 2020

Azerbaijan, Armenia trade accusations on Caucasus conflict

The Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict and Its Implications for Iran

Pompeo hopes Armenia can ‘defend’ itself from Azerbaijan
Armenian Prime Minister Admits Major Casualties in Fight with Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani authorities on Friday accused Armenia of expanding the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh by shelling a different region in Azerbaijan, a claim rejected by Armenian officials. Armenia, in turn, charged that the Azerbaijani troops executed two Armenian war prisoners — which Azerbaijan dismissed as a “provocation.” Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry said a missile fired by Armenian forces hit near Orduba, in Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan region, on Thursday, causing no casualties. Armenian Defense Ministry spokeswoman Shushan Stepanian said no missiles were fired at the Nakhchivan region. On Friday, Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan pointed to a video purportedly showing the execution of two Armenian prisoners by Azerbaijani troops, denouncing it as a proof of Azerbaijan “barbarity.” ”They trample on any civilized norms,” Mnatsakanyan said after talks with his visiting Greek counterpart, Nikos Dendias, in Yerevan. In what was seen by some as a warning to Turkey that Moscow sees the South Caucasus region as part of the sphere of its vital security interests, the Russian navy on Friday launched maneuvers in the Caspian Sea. The Russian military said the drills would involve warships firing missiles at practice targets.
Oct. 16, 2020 


  Kyrgyzstan ends state of emergency as nationalist consolidates power

Kyrgyzstan’s parliament voted on Friday to end a state of emergency imposed by its ousted president, as interim Prime Minister Sadyr Japarov, a Kyrgyz nationalist, took temporary control of the presidency of one of Russia’s close allies. Former President Sooronbai Jeenbekov, who resigned on Thursday, ordered troops to be deployed in Bishkek last week after days of unrest triggered by an Oct. 4 parliamentary election in which his allies were accused of vote-buying. Japarov, freed from prison by his supporters and quickly elected prime minister by parliament, also took over the interim presidency after parliament speaker Kanatbek Isayev – constitutionally first in line – turned it down on Friday. The prime minister is second in line under the constitution, but Japarov’s assumption of both roles prompted concern. “This is an unprecedented case in Kyrgyzstan’s history,” parliament deputy Omurbek Tekebayev said. “Such tremendous powers in the hands of one man.”
Oct. 16, 2020 

Russia Says It Put Tsikhanouskaya On Wanted List Following Move By Belarus

Russia says it put Belarusian opposition leader Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya on its wanted list in line with regional agreements after Belarus first made the move claiming she had called for overthrowing the constitutional order in the country. Russian media on October 16 quoted Russia’s Interior Ministry as confirming the move, made within the framework of the Russia-Belarus Union State. The report comes three days after Tsikhanouskaya openly demanded that Alyaksandr Lukashenka should step down from the post of Belarusian president by October 25 or face a nationwide strike. Belarus has been rocked by protests since an August 9 presidential election handed Lukashenka a sixth term amid allegations of widespread fraud. Tsikhanouskaya, who supporters say won the vote, left Belarus for Lithuania shortly after the election amid threats to her and her family.
Oct. 16, 2020

Thai protests: Demonstrators gather again in Bangkok, defying crackdown

Thai police crack down on protesters as PM refuses to resign

Tens of thousands of pro-democracy protesters gathered again in the Thai capital Bangkok on Thursday in mass defiance of the government which had issued a decree banning demonstrations. In the early hours of Thursday morning, the government had attempted to curtail the student-led protest movement by issuing an emergency decree banning gatherings of more than four people and arresting about 20 activists – taking the total number of arrests this week to about 40. The months of protests leading up to the emergency decree issued on Thursday represent the biggest challenge in years to Thailand’s establishment, which is dominated by the military and royal palace. On Wednesday, protesters jeered and held up the three-finger salute as a motorcade passed carrying the queen through Bangkok.
Oct. 16, 2020

Nigeria’s anti-police brutality protests block major roads

Nigerian protests against police brutality continued Friday for the ninth day, with demonstrators fending off attacks from gangs suspected to be backed by the police, warnings from the Nigerian military, and a government order to stop because of COVID-19. In Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city, protesters blocked the road to the international airport and the main highway into the city. The Lagos-Ibadan highway, one of Nigeria’s busiest, is the main road linking the port city to the rest of Nigeria. Protesters in the capital, Abuja, dedicated the day to Nigerians they charge have been killed by the police Special Anti Robbery Squad, known as SARS. The unit has killed and tortured many Nigerians, according to human rights groups. The #EndSARS campaignhas attracted international support, including from supporters of Black Lives Matter in the U.S. and Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey who has retweeted posts from Nigerian demonstrators.
Oct. 16, 2020

Ten Arrested After Rioters Throw Petrol Bombs at Greek Police

Greek police arrested ten rioters in Athens following a student protest that saw several people throw petrol bombs and other projectiles at officers. The clashes took place on Thursday between Athens police and protesters, which included healthcare professionals and teachers demanding better working conditions during the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. Police say that a mob of violent rioters vandalised a tram station and used homemade Molotov cocktails as well as other projectiles against officers, Greek newspaper Kathimerini reports. Riot police were then forced to deploy tear gas and other non-lethal weapons in order to control the crowd before arresting at least ten people from the violent mob. Footage of the riots was published by Greek newspaper Proto Thema, including a video showing rioters smashing the tram station.
Oct. 16, 2020


 Pompeo says China has deployed 60,000 soldiers on Indian border

China’s Xi Jinping tells troops to focus on ‘preparing for war’

Taiwan should fortify itself against future Chinese invasion -White House

Chinese leader Xi Jinping called on Chinese troops to “put all (their) minds and energy on preparing for war” during a visit to a military base in the southern province of Guangdong on Tuesday. According to a translation of Xi’s remarks, reported by the Chinese state-run Xinhua news agency, Xi told People’s Liberation Army Marine Corps troops stationed in Chaozhou City to “maintain a state of high alert.”The Chinese news agency also reported Xi called on the troops to increasingly train for actual combat capabilities. “It is necessary to insist on leading training by combat, strengthening task traction, strengthening targeted and confrontational training, and beating hard and training the troops. It is necessary to promote innovations in combat theory, training models, and task organization to improve training levels and actual combat capabilities,” Xinhua wrote of Xi’s remarks. Xi’s remarks come amid increased tensions between the U.S. and China. China has increasingly sought to exercise control over the South China Sea and has made increased gestures against Taiwan. Chinese warplanes have flown over Taiwan’s airspace in recent weeks, including in September as U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar became the highest-level US official to visit Taiwan in decades. China also planned amphibious landing drills near Taiwan-held territory over the summer.
Oct. 16, 2020


  Vatican 10 euro coin depicts mother earth

A representation of Mother Earth adorns a new commemorative coin of the Vatican State. Like the Vatican Office for Philately and Numismatics on its websiteannounced, it is published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the international “Earth Day”. The coin depicts a pregnant woman in indigenous clothing, whose belly is depicted as a globe. “The celebration of life on earth is an obligation to take care of the planet. This is a project for which the church offers its support,” says the official description. The portrayal of a woman pregnant with the earth expresses that humanity owes the earth “care and love as if it were a daughter”.
Oct. 14, 2020


Joe Biden suggests that children as young as eight-years-old should be allowed to change their gender identity if they decide they “want to be transgender”

The comment came on Thursday night at an election town hall hosted by ABC News, where a woman who said one of her two daughters is transgender asked Biden what he would do to protect LGBTQ rights. The former vice president said, “I will flat out just change the law.” He then told a story about seeing two gay men kissing each other and being told by his father, “Joey, it’s simple, they love each other.” Biden next turned to the topic of child transgenderism: “The idea that an eight-year-old child or a 10-year-old child decides, ‘You know, I decided I want to be transgender, that’s what I think I’d like to be, it’d make my life a lot easier,’ there should be zero discrimination.” He later added, “There is no reason to suggest that there should be any right denied your daughter… that your other daughter has a right to be and do.” Biden’s apparent support for childhood transgenderism was panned on Twitter, where commenters pointed out the dangers of letting children below the age of consent decide to make a radical life change with long-term effects.
Oct. 16, 2020


Southern New England hit by a rare derecho, NWS confirms

The unusually powerful storm in Southern New England last week, October 7, 2020, was a rare derecho, the National Weather Service (NWS) confirmed. The storm killed at least two people, left more than 200 000 customers without power, caused damage to a 515 km (320 miles) stretch, and recorded a wind gust of 109 km/h (68 mph) — the region’s highest daily gust for the month of October. The storm ranks as one of the strongest severe weather events in the United States this year. On October 7, a sudden storm struck New York and New England, resulting in two fatalities and major wind damage. More than 200 damaging wind reports were received from New York to Massachusetts. Power was cut to more than 200 000 customers. National Grid spokeswoman Virginia Limmiatis said the area has not experienced an outage this widespread in more than a decade. “The last time we would’ve seen 200 000-plus customers out and that widespread damage, probably was back in 2008 with the ice storm.” Widespread wind gusts between 80 and 95 km/h (50 and 60 mph) were registered down the Mohawk Valley into the Greater Capital District, with a 107 km/h (67 mph) wind gust measured at the Albany International Airport.
Oct. 15, 202

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Oct. 14, 2020- Pompeo urges Saudi Arabia to consider normalizing relations with Israel; Iran reports cyberattack



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 Israel approves Judea and Samaria homes, ending de facto freeze

Israel green-lighted Wednesday over 2,000 new housing units for Israeli towns in Judea and Samaria, ending an eight-month de facto freeze on approval for new homes. The Civil Administration’s Higher Planning Committee approved on Wednesday 2,166 new housing units in Judea and Samaria, with the committee expected to meet again Thursday to approve close to 3,000 additional housing units, for a total of roughly 5,000 units. This is the first time since February that the Higher Planning Committee approved new housing units in Judea and Samaria. The left-wing Peace Now organization issued a statement Wednesday condemning the new housing projects. “Netanyahu is moving ahead at full steam toward solidifying the de facto annexation of the West Bank.” The Gush Etzion Regional Council, however, celebrated the Higher Planning Committee’s decision, noting that some 1,100 new units were approved in the Gush Etzion area south of Jerusalem.
Oct. 14, 2020


  Hezbollah slams Lebanese gov’t as Beirut starts maritime border talks with Israel

Lebanon receives FBI’s report on Beirut port explosion

Hezbollah insisted just hours before the talks that only military officials be sent to the negotiations. The Shi’ite terrorist organization Hezbollah slammed the Lebanese government on Wednesday as it enters US-mediated talks with Israel regarding disputed maritime borders in the Mediterranean sea. Along with Shi’ite political Amal, Hezbollah criticized Beirut’s delegation sent to the talks, calling for the representatives to include only military officials without any civilians or politicians just hours before the first meeting. “The two demand immediately rowing back from this decision and re-forming the delegation in line with the framework agreement,” it said. Hailed as a “historic” breakthrough by US officials following three years of negotiations, the talks aim to resolve a dispute between the countries over potentially resource-rich Mediterranean waters.
Oct. 14, 2020

Pompeo urges Saudi Arabia to consider normalizing relations with Israel

Saudi Arabia May Be Forced To Start Another Oil Price War

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday urged Saudi Arabia to consider normalizing relations with Israel as he met with the Gulf country’s foreign minister, also saying that Washington supports a “robust program of arms sales” to it. Pompeo said he raised the so-called Abraham Accords, a U.S.-brokered agreement to normalize diplomatic ties with Israel, with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud at a meeting at the U.S. State Department. “We hope Saudi Arabia will consider normalizing its relationships as well, and we want to thank them for the assistance they’ve had in the success of the Abraham Accords so far,” Pompeo said, adding that he hopes the nation will encourage Palestinian leaders or the Palestinian Authority to return to negotiations with Israel. The United States is trying to persuade more Gulf countries to strike similar accords with Israel, as the UAE and Bahrain did at the Sept. 15 ceremony in Washington. Riyadh has quietly acquiesced to the UAE and Bahrain deals – though it has stopped short of endorsing them – and has signaled it is not ready to take action itself.
Oct. 14, 2020

IDF Special Forces carry out covert operation, destroy two Syrian outposts

In a secret operation that took place last week and was made known to the public on Tuesday, IDF Special Forces crossed the border into the demilitarized zone between Israel and Syria and destroyed two outposts belonging to the Syrian army. The operation included combat soldiers from the Nachal Brigade and commando soldiers from Yahalom – a special unit that specializes in combat engineering – crossing the border and destroying two Syrian outposts without being detected. The operation was carried out following Syria’s continued violation of the disengagement agreement between Israel and Syria from 1974, which determines that a designated buffer zone between the borders would only be occupied by a special UN force called the Disengagement Observer Force.
Oct. 14, 2020


US demands Turkey end ‘calculated provocation’ of ship

Turkey is the next Iran

The United States on Tuesday demanded that Turkey pull back an energy research ship that it has sent back to waters contested with Greece, calling the move a “calculated provocation.” In a strongly worded statement, the State Department said the US “deplores” the decision by Turkey that came just after tensions with Greece had subsided. “We urge Turkey to end this calculated provocation and immediately begin exploratory talks with Greece,” State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said in a statement. “Turkey’s announcement unilaterally raises tensions in the region and deliberately complicates the resumption of crucial exploratory talks between our NATO allies Greece and Turkey,” she said. “Coercion, threats, intimidation and military activity will not resolve tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean.”
Oct. 13, 2020

Iran reports 2nd cyberattack, ministries also struck

A “major” cyberattack targeted at least two government agencies in Iran recently, Iran’s National Computer Emergency Response Team (Maher) announced on Wednesday, according to Iranian media. The announcement was made after reports of a large cyberattack spread on social media. The team stressed that the relevant authorities are investigating the incident. Some government agencies in Iran suspended some services and performed technical tests as precautionary measures after receiving warnings about the attack, according to Iranian media. Maher denied that there was any evidence of a widespread attack on any other agencies so far except for the two that were mentioned. The open source intelligence social media account Intelli Times reported that the attacks were attributed to Israel. No party has claimed responsibility for the attack and Iranian government officials have not stated whether the attack was domestic or foreign. According to Radio Farda, a number of earlier reports mentioned attacks targeting Iran’s Ports and Shipping Organization and issues arising at ports and banks. Some reports indicated that a port in Bandar Abbas, located near the Strait of Hormuz, was targeted in the attack.
Oct. 14, 2020

US air strikes target Taliban in Helmand as troop drawdown halts

US air strikes targeted Taliban fighters on the outskirts of Lashkargah in Helmand Province over the weekend, officials said Monday (October 12), with violence in Afghanistan surging despite ongoing peace talks. Heavy fighting erupted on the outskirts of the provincial capital after the Taliban attacked several outposts in the area. The US military “conducted several targeted strikes in Helmand” to defend Afghan troops as they came under attack, said US military spokesman Col. Sonny Leggett. Under a deal the Taliban signed with US negotiators in February, the insurgents are not supposed to hit urban areas and are meant to keep violence down, while the United States committed to pulling out its troops from the country by next May. In the wake of the February pact, the United States has upheld its end of the deal, already drastically reducing the number of troops in Afghanistan from 12,000 to about 4,500. Pulling out the final 4,500 troops depends on the Taliban reducing attacks and advancing peace talks with the Afghan government, stressed US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Mark Milley. “The whole agreement and all of the drawdown plans are conditions-based,” he told US National Public Radio in an interview broadcast October 12.
Oct. 13, 2020

Azerbaijan strikes inside Armenia as Karabakh fighting widens

Sparse military gains for Azerbaijan – despite its strong advantages over Armenia

Azerbaijan said Wednesday it had destroyed missile launchers inside Armenia that were targeting its cities, as fierce fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh risked widening beyond the disputed region. Hundreds have already lost their lives in two weeks of fighting, and continued clashes have rendered almost meaningless a humanitarian ceasefire agreed in Moscow last week. Armenia confirmed that military positions inside the country had been hit but denied its forces had been firing into Azerbaijan. It warned that it too could start targeting military sites inside its adversary’s territory. Clashes over Nagorno-Karabakh — where Armenia-backed separatist fighters are battling Azerbaijani forces — have been largely confined to areas in and around the region since a fresh outbreak of fighting started last month. Direct confrontations between Armenia and Azerbaijan risk spiraling into an all-out, multi-front war with devastating consequences for both sides.
Oct. 14, 2020

Suspected jihadists kill dozens in central Mali attacks

Pakistan Promises to Use U.N. Human Rights Council Post to Fight ‘Islamophobia’

Suspected Islamist militants killed 25 people including 13 soldiers in multiple attacks in central Mali, burning down an army base and ambushing troops sent as reinforcements, the army and local authorities said on Tuesday. The attacks were the deadliest since the August 18 military coup that overthrew President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, and came just days after scores of jailed militants were freed by the interim government in a prisoner swap. Nine soldiers were killed in the first attack that took place overnight against a base in Sokoura near the border with Burkina Faso, an army statement said. At around 8:30am on Tuesday, another three soldiers were killed in an ambush at a bridge near the base as their unit headed to the scene of the first attack, it said. Nine militants were killed in clashes with the reinforcement unit and two of their vehicles destroyed by the air force.
Oct. 14, 2020


   Kyrgyzstan’s new PM to press for president’s resignation

New Kyrgyz Prime Minister Sadyr Japarov said on Wednesday he would press President Sooronbai Jeenbekov to resign as promised to end a political crisis in the Central Asian nation, where the result of an Oct. 4 election was annulled after protests. Parliament had earlier confirmed nationalist Japarov as premier for the second time, after Jeenbekov vetoed its previous decision on Oct. 10 because of proxy voting by some legislators. The president signed off on the appointment shortly after the second vote. Jeenbekov said last week he was ready to resign once a new cabinet was installed, but it was unclear if he planned to do so imminently. “The president’s resignation is what people are demanding,” Japarov told a briefing after the vote in parliament. “I will go to the president today and we will resolve this issue.” He also reaffirmed his commitment to maintain a strategic partnership with Russia and said he had no plans to change the terms of Russian military presence in the mountainous country of 6.5 million which borders China.
Oct. 14, 2020

Belarus Update: Police Detain Demonstrators as Protests Escalate

Belarusian authorities continued their new phase of violent escalation against protesters on October 11. Belarusian police detained at least 713 protesters on October 11, the highest single-day arrest total to date. At least one thousand protesters marched in Minsk on Monday, October 12, a higher number than most Monday protests have seen. Belarusian police cracked down on these marchers with stun grenades and tear gas, detained at least 186, and flew five to six Mi-8 transport helicopters over Minsk. Some Belarusian protesters began adopting aggressive barricade tactics evocative of the 2014 Ukrainian Euromaidan for the first time on October 12 although on a much smaller scale. Several dozen protesters created street barricades with burning tires, plastic traffic barriers, and human chains to block traffic in several Minsk neighborhoods the evening of October 12. Riot police dispersed and detained these protesters and dismantled barricades. This escalation will likely prompt self-declared Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko to further accelerate efforts to end protests before they can become more serious. Three planned participants withdrew from the Unbreakable Brotherhood Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) exercises in Belarus.
Oct. 13, 2020

Nigerians Demand End to Police Squad Known for Brutalizing the Young

Sars ban: Two dead in Nigeria police brutality protests

With protests breaking out across Nigeria and in expatriate Nigerian communities around the world, the country’s president vowed to a skeptical public on Monday that he would crack down on rogue police officers accused of brutalizing citizens. President Muhammadu Buhari’s promise came a day after his government announced that it would dismantle a widely feared police unit known as SARS, for Special Anti-Robbery Squad. A police officer and a civilian have been killed in the Nigerian city of Lagos as protests continue against police brutality for a sixth day. There are reports that police used live ammunition on the protesters in the country’s largest city. This comes a day after a notorious police unit accused of unlawful arrests and murder was officially disbanded. Demonstrators have long called for the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (Sars) to be broken up.
Oct. 13, 2020 

Thai protests: Thousands gather in Bangkok as king returns to country

Pro-democracy protesters in Thailand have confronted a motorcade carrying King Maha Vajiralongkorn as it passed through a rally in Bangkok. The protesters, who were pushed back by ranks of police, raised the three-finger salute that has become a symbol of the protest movement. They have called for curbs on the king’s powers and for the resignation of Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha. The protests on Wednesday follow months of escalating tension in the country. The growing student-led protest movement, which began in July, has become the greatest challenge in years to Thailand’s ruling establishment. Protests over the weekend in the capital were some of the largest in years, with thousands defying authorities to gather and demand change. Authorities say 18,000 people joined Saturday’s demonstration, although others gave higher figures. Many stayed to continue the protest into Sunday before dispersing.
Oct. 14, 2020

Argentina: Thousands Take to Streets in Protest Against Socialist Government

Thousands in Argentina took to the streets on Monday to protest against the country’s socialist government, currently presiding over one of the world’s most severe economic crises, worsened by strict lockdown measures. Demonstrations took place around the capital of Buenos Aires and other cities including Córdoba, Menzoda, Rosario, Salta, and Mar Del Plata. The protests were related to issues including the government’s disastrous handling of the economy, attempts to interfere in the independent judiciary, and the draconian measures imposed in response to the Chinese coronavirus. Although many issues were at stake for the protesters, the most pressing matter currently facing Argentina is the country’s ongoing economic meltdown. Last week, the country’s Central Bank confirmed that the economy will contract by 11.8 percent in the year 2020 as inflation reaches record highs and poverty climbs over 40 percent. As a result of this crisis, the Fernández government has enforced strict price and currency controls, although these measures are expected to do little to solve the country’s dire economic predicament in the long term.
Oct. 13, 2020


 China Threatens U.S. With ‘Necessary Reaction’ for Selling Weapons to Taiwan, Warns India and Japan Over Territory

China has warned it would take new measures in response to a planned U.S. arms sale to Taiwan, a self-ruling island claimed by Beijing, which also called out Washington partners India and Japan over territorial disputes across Asia. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian decried the sale of three advanced weapons systems to Taiwan. He called it a violation of the longstanding agreements by which Washington has foregone direct ties with Taipei in favor of Beijing. “The United States has seriously violated the one-China principle, and the provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiqués, especially the August 17 communique,” Zhao said, “by selling arms to Taiwan, seriously interfered in China’s internal affairs and seriously harmed China’s sovereignty and security interests.” “China firmly opposes this,” he warned, calling on the U.S. side “to fully recognize the very damaging nature of its arms sales to Taiwan, abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiqués, immediately cancel all arms sales plans to Taiwan, and stop arms sales to Taiwan and military ties between the United States and Taiwan.” Without specifying, Zhao said there would otherwise be consequences to Washington’s decision.
Oct. 13, 2020 


  IMF, World Bank, G7 Countries to Create Central Bank Digital Currency Rules

  Shenzhen residents embrace digital currency

The Group of Twenty (G20) – an organization of finance ministers and central bank governors representing the European Union and 19 countries across every continent – said in a report Tuesday it is working with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) to formalize the use of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) in banking systems. According to the report, by the end of 2022 the G20 members, the IMF, the World Bank and the BIS will have completed regulatory stablecoin frameworks and research and selection of CBDC designs, technologies and experiments. Meanwhile, China’s central bank has issued 10 million yuan ($1.5m; £1.1m) worth of digital currency to 50,000 people in the Shenzhen area via a lottery.  The move is the latest in a series of trials testing out China’s new Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP). Those who were successful received digital “red packets” worth about 200 yuan, which they could download and spend at more than 3,000 stores. Nearly two million people signed up to take part in the lottery. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) says it plans to launch DCEP later this year, although it is yet to set a date.
Oct. 13., 2020

The United Nations Continues Its Abortion Advocacy

World Economic Forum Outlines Its ‘Great Reset’

Various elements of the United Nations system, including the World Health Organization, UNICEF, UNFPA, and the World Bank, will partner with abortion groups to advance a “human right” to abortion. The U.N. made the announcement on September 29 to commemorate so-called International Safe Abortion Day, with the stated goal of addressing “unsafe abortion” in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The partnership, headed by the WHO Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research, will bring together U.N. entities with the world’s largest abortion providers, including the International Planned Parenthood Federation, Ipas, and Marie Stopes International, to promote “comprehensive abortion care,” including access to self-administered telemedicine abortion, as an essential service and a “human right.” By collaborating on “mitigation strategies” to reduce disruption in abortion access, in addition to “procurement and funding” for abortion services, the goal of the partnership is for Big Abortion and the U.N. to make abortion available and accessible on demand everywhere. The announcement goes so far as to highlight not only young girls but also “those with varying gender identities” as people who should be able to receive “abortion care.”
Oct. 14, 2020


note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


Oct. 12, 2020- The Shifting Middle East Axis; China Holds Military Invasion Drill



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 13, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


EU won’t give PA more aid as they refuse Israel-collected tax funds

The EU turned down requests from Ramallah for additional aid, as long as the Palestinians refuse to accept their own money because it is collected by Israel. “No stopgap extra funding should be expected… if they do not accept their own money,” an EU diplomat said on Wednesday. The PA will, however, continue to get the aid it usually receives from the EU. EU High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell called Abbas last Wednesday to tell him that he will not be getting any more aid money in light of the situation, Walla News reported. Borrell also called on Abbas to renew cooperation with Israel. The EU, Germany, the UK and Norway told the Palestinians to take the tax money Israel collected, in light of the fact that Israel stopped its plan to apply its laws in the West Bank. The Palestinians said they would only renew cooperation if there is a written commitment from Israel not to annex territory, Walla reported.
Oct. 8, 2020

Israel signs deal with Jordan to open airspace

Israel has signed an aviation agreement with Jordan that will allow flights from the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to fly through Israeli airspace, it said on Thursday. The deal had been discussed for years, but the neighbors were only able to finalize it after Israel and the two Gulf Arab states signed a historic agreement last month to normalize ties, Israel’s Transportation Ministry said. Jordanian officials had no immediate comment. With commercial planes now able to fly through the Israel-Jordan corridor, flight times for some routes between Asia and Europe and North America, including flights from Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, will be shorter, the Israeli ministry said.
Oct. 9, 2020

Israel, Hamas said to be on verge of six-month Gaza truce

Abbas meets World Jewish Congress head on Israel talks

Israel and Hamas are said to be close to an agreement on a six-month ceasefire along the Gaza border, Channel 12 news reported Sunday. According to the report, the coronavirus crisis has led to a severe and growing economic and humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, prompting the terror-group to agree to a six-month settlement with Israel. In exchange for halting attacks on Israel from the Hamas-run coastal enclave, Qatar will transfer $100 million to the terror group. According to the report, the main Israeli officials behind the agreement were IDF Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, Major General Kamil Abu Rukun, and Mossad Director Yossi Cohen. The two were engaged in direct discussions with Qatari officials, with the aim of resuming financial aid reaching Gaza. Qatar has long provided financial aid to impoverished Palestinians, handing over millions of dollars on a regular basis.
***Please also see Turkey below
Oct. 11, 2020


  Interpol asked to arrest captain, ship owner over Beirut explosion

At least four dead, many injured as another blast rocks Beirut

At least four people have died in an explosion that rocked Beirut’s Tariq al-Jadideh neighborhood, the Lebanese Daily Star reported Friday night, citing the secretary-general of Lebanon’s Red Cross. According to the media source, the deadly blast was the result of a diesel tank explosion in a local bakery. Initial reports placed the number of dead at two with multiple casualties. Citing Lebanese channel Al-Jadid, the Russian RIA Novosti agency reported that at least 50 were injured in the explosion. Contrary to the Daily Star‘s report, RIA reports the explosion took place in a warehouse storing generator fuel. A major blast took place in the Beirut Port two months ago, killing 203 people and injuring at least 6,500 others. A large stockpile of ammonium nitrate is believed to have been the cause of the deadly explosion.
Oct. 10, 2020

Saudi ban on Turkish products impacts brands as rivalry between Riyadh & Ankara intensifies

Saudi Arabia: We, Too, Are Fed Up with the Palestinians

Saudi Arabia has forbidden all Turkish-made goods from being brought into the country, Spanish clothing group Mango has told its suppliers in a letter seen by the Financial Times. Riyadh insists that it is committed to free trade. Effectively, Saudi Arabia has “banned all imports for products made in Turkey”, a Mango employee wrote in an email to the company’s partners in Turkey, which is one of the prime textile producers in Europe and the Middle East. With the Turkish goods stuck at customs, the Spanish retailer said it was looking for alternative solutions to fill the shelves of its almost 50 Saudi stores. But Mango wasn’t the only one to be affected, as “all global brands that have stores in Saudi Arabia, produce in Turkey and sell over there” have been suffering from the ban, Mustafa Gultepe, head of the Istanbul Apparel Exporters’ Association (IHKIB), told the Financial Times. Last week, eight leading Turkish business groups issued a joint statement, complaining about “discriminatory treatment” of the country’s companies in Saudi Arabia. They pointed out that “any official or unofficial initiative to block trade” would harm bilateral relations and the economies of both nations, urging Riyadh to resolve the issue.
Oct. 12, 2020

Assad: Return of Golan Heights is precondition to Israel-Syria peace

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said during an interview with Russian state media Thursday that any future agreement with Israel must entail a return of the Golan Heights to Syrian sovereignty. Assad made the remarks during an interview with Russia’s Rossiya Segodnya news agency, which was also noted in Syria’s official SANA news agency. Our stance has been very clear since the beginning of peace talks in the 1990s … when we said peace for Syria is related to rights and our right is our land,” Assad said. Assad stressed during the interview that Syria can only establish normal relations with Israel “only when we regain our land.” “We have seen no Israeli official who is ready to move one step forward toward peace,” Assad said. Assad also noted that negotiations are not currently taking place between Syria and Israel.
Oct. 9, 2020

Iran-backed militias offer truce for US pullout from Iraq

Iraqi militias backed by Iran have agreed to temporarily halt attacks targeting the American presence in Iraq, on the condition that US-led coalition troops withdraw from the country in line with a parliamentary resolution, three militia officials have said. The militia officials spoke on Sunday, just hours after a roadside bomb targeted a convoy that was transporting equipment for the US-led coalition, damaging one vehicle, an Iraqi army statement said. The attack on a highway south of Baghdad prompted questions over whether such a truce could hold across all militia factions. The militia factions offered a truce and will refrain from targeting the US in Iraq, including the embassy, on the condition that all American-led forces withdraw within an “acceptable timeframe,” said Mohammed Mohie, a spokesman for the powerful Iran-backed Kataib Hezbollah. “If it does not withdraw, the resistance factions will resume their military activities with all the capabilities available to them,” he said. Two other factions from different Iran-backed groups echoed Mohie’s comments, without specifying a length for the truce, and said it was open-ended. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to give statements.
Oct. 12, 2020


  Turkish ship at center of Greece row to return to Mediterranean

UAE says Turkey’s army in Qatar is an element of instability in region

Analysis: Why Turkey is becoming a regional threat

The Turkish navy has said a research ship at the centre of an energy rights row with Greece will be sent back to disputed waters in the Mediterranean. Tensions flared in August when the vessel was sent to survey an area claimed by Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. Turkey withdrew its ship, the Oruc Reis, in September ahead of diplomatic attempts to resolve the dispute. Now, Ankara has said that the ship will again spend 10 days conducting seismic research in the eastern Mediterranean. The vessel will also be accompanied by two other ships, Ataman and Cengiz Han. Meanwhile, the UAE’s minister of state for foreign affairs said on Saturday, “The Turkish military presence in the Arab Gulf is an emergency… It reinforces polarization, and it does not take into account the sovereignty of states and the interests of the Gulf countries and its peoples. The statement of the Turkish President during his visit to Qatar, in which he indicates that his army is working toward the stability of all Gulf states, is inconsistent with Turkey’s regional role, and the evidence (for this) is numerous,” the minister said. Gargash added that the statement is an attempt to divert attention away from the economic reasons for the president’s visit.
***Please also see Armenia below
Oct. 12, 2020

Iran sanctions: US moves to isolate ‘major’ banks

IAEA: Iran Lacks Sufficient Uranium for Nuclear Bomb

North Korea’s massive new missile could help Iran threaten Israel

The Trump administration has imposed sanctions on 18 “major” Iranian banks in one of the most extensive such moves by Washington against Tehran in months. The order will also penalise non-Iranian institutions trading with them, effectively cutting the banks off from the international financial system. The US says it is seeking to choke off Iran’s access to funds to pursue what it regards as aggressive activities. The latest punitive measure comes weeks after the US declared the return – or “snapback” – of UN sanctions on Iran that were lifted under a 2015 international deal over Iran’s nuclear programme, accusing Tehran of having breached that agreement. Other members of the UN Security Council, however, are not in agreement with the US, saying Washington cannot trigger the snapback mechanism because it abandoned the nuclear deal in 2018.
Oct. 12, 2020

Libya is the Sixth Arab Country Refusing to Chair Arab League

Egypt rallies Arab League to counter Turkey’s regional policies

Erdogan and His ‘Arab Brothers’

The Arab League Wednesday came under growing criticism by the Arab social media after six countries refused to chair the rotating presidency of the league. The Arab League includes 22 countries in its membership. The choice of countries to chair the current session of the Arab League procede according to the alphabetical order of their names and based on the text of Article VI.  Article 6 stipulates that “if the council president at the ministerial level is unable to carry out the work of the presidency, the temporary presidency is assigned to the delegate of the country that has the presidency of the next session.” Palestine presided over its current session (No. 154), but it gave up its right to do so after the League, on September 9, dropped a decision it submitted at a meeting of foreign ministers condemning the normalization agreement between the UAE and Israel.  On September 25, Qatar apologized for assuming the presidency of the current session of the Arab League, which it then relinquished. On September 30, media sources said that the State of Kuwait apologized for assuming the presidency of the current session of the League of Arab States Council at the ministerial level. On October 6, Libya was the last country to apologize for presiding over the current session of the Arab League at the ministerial level. In addition to Palestine, Qatar, Kuwait and Libya, media reported that both Comoros and Lebanon refused to take over the presidency of the League Council session, but no official statements were issued explaining its reasons. So far, no statement is issued by the Arab League on the issue. The Arab social media came down hard on the Arab countries with activists calling to mourn the Arab League after one third of its member-states refused to chair the rotating Arab League presidency.
***Written by ETRM: While the information above seems straight-forward on the surface, we need to ask ourselves if the Palestinian issue is truly the reason six countries have refused to chair the Arab League.  After much research, our answer is no.  The Abraham Accords are the official reason given by the Palestinian Authority. The reasons of the other countries appear to have more to do with a shifting axis uniting against Turkey and Iran in protection of their own countries and natural resources, as the Arab League has no mechanism to compel members’ compliance with its resolutions.
Oct. 12, 2020

Erdogan Seeks to Upend Kremlin-Backed Status Quo in Nagorno-Karabakh

Turkey tells Russia that Armenia must leave Azeri lands -ministry

Armenia, Azerbaijan say Nagorno-Karabakh truce violated

Armenians Fight Back Against Azerbaijani Advance, Strike Key Oil Pipeline

Turkey and Azerbaijan may have jointly planned the Azerbaijani offensive to contest Armenia’s control of Nagorno-Karabakh that reignited that simmering conflict. Tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the disputed, Armenian-held region of Nagorno-Karabakh escalated into conventional combat on September 27. International media coverage has largely portrayed the ongoing conflict as the result of a spontaneous escalation. But Turkish-Azerbaijani military cooperation, drone sales, and force mobilization indicate Azerbaijan prepared – with Turkish support – to dispute Armenia’s presence in Nagorno-Karabakh prior to September 27. Turkey additionally likely began deploying Syrian National Army forces to Azerbaijan before the Azerbaijani announcement of its offensive into Nagorno-Karabakh. Ankara mobilized at least 1,500 Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) members to reinforce Azerbaijani forces. Turkish President Erdogan likely seeks to shape the ongoing conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh to expand Turkish influence in its near abroad, among other objectives. Turkey and Russia have emerged as the primary international actors in the conflict – with Erdogan militarily supporting Azerbaijan and Putin seeking to negotiate an end to the fighting in support of his ally Armenia. Erdogan likely views Azerbaijan’s advance into Nagorno-Karabakh as an opportunity to upend the status quo and increase Turkish military and political influence in the Caucasus. Erdogan likely assesses he has a low cost means to expand Turkish influence through support and encouragement to Azerbaijan as long as Russian President Vladimir Putin remains unwilling fully to back Armenia and determined to find a diplomatic means of de-escalating the conflict. A Kremlin-brokered ceasefire has so far failed to halt hostilities, but the Kremlin is positioned to control a potential political process. Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar told Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu in a phone call Monday that Armenian forces must immediately be removed from Azeri lands they occupy and halt attacks on civilians, Turkey’s ministry said. Azerbaijan would not wait another 30 years for a solution to the conflict and Turkey supported the Azeri offensive to “retake its occupied lands,” the defense ministry said in a statement after the call.
Oct. 12, 2020


  Denver shooting at protest leaves 1 dead

Wisconsin protesters face ‘heavy dose of tear gas, pepper balls’

Portland protesters topple Lincoln, Roosevelt statues during ‘Day of Rage’

Los Angeles: 76 Arrested After NBA Championship Celebration Descends Into Rioting, Looting, Clashes With Cops

One person was shot and killed in Denver on Saturday after opposing rallies between far-right and far-left groups turned violent, police said. A local news station’s private security guard was in custody Saturday evening in connection with the shooting of a man who was a part of a pro-police “Patriot Rally” at Denver’s Civic Center Park, the Denver Post reported. The shooting happened just after 3:30 p.m. near the courtyard of the Denver Art Museum as the protests were coming to an end, officials said. Denver police said on Twitter that they had one suspect in custody and were investigating the incident as a homicide, but did not announce any charges on Saturday. Police added that “further investigation” determined that the suspect is a private security guard “with no affiliation with Antifa.” Local Denver news station 9NEWS said the private security guard had been hired by the station to protect staff reporting on the rallies.
Oct. 12, 2020

Kyrgyz president declares new state of emergency

Kyrgyzstan president calls in military as protesters clash in streets

Kyrgyzstan unrest: Ex-president rearrested as power struggle deepens

Kyrgyzstan’s president on Monday ordered a new, week-long state of emergency in the country’s capital after parliament failed to consider and approve his previous order within the legally required three days. Jeenbekov’s previous decree declaring a state of emergency in Bishkek was signed Friday, when a protest in the city turned violent and gunshots were fired at several political leaders. It became void Monday, as lawmakers didn’t consider it within three days. Kyrgyzstan, a country of 6.5 million located on the border with China, plunged into chaos last week after mass protests erupted the day after a parliamentary election appeared to show parties connected to the ruling elite winning. Protesters stormed and seized government buildings, looting some offices, and the Central Election Commission responded by nullifying Sunday’s balloting. Members of some opposition parties announced plans to oust Jeenbekov and form a new government. An emergency parliament session Tuesday named former lawmaker Sadyr Zhaparov as a new prime minister, but the move was immediately contested by other opposition groups. Lawmakers voted on Saturday to seal Zhaparov’s appointment, but Jeenbekov, who said he may consider stepping down only after the political situation in the country stabilizes, is yet to sign a decree confirming it. Protests in Bishkek continued most of last week, with supporters of rival factions occasionally clashing with each other.
Oct. 12, 2020

Belarus protests: Lukashenko holds meeting with opponents in jail

Belarus allows police to use lethal weapons at mass protests

EU to sanction Lukashenko over Belarus’ contested election

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has held an unexpected meeting with political opponents in the jail where they are currently detained. State media reported that the president called the meeting to discuss constitutional reform with his imprisoned opponents. Opposition figures said the meeting was a sign of weakness on his part. Mr Lukashenko claimed a landslide win in August elections widely seen as fraudulent, sparking mass protests. A violent crackdown on unrest in the days following the disputed poll saw thousands of people detained, and hundreds beaten by police. The EU and the US have refused to recognise Mr Lukashenko’s new term.
Oct. 12, 2020


China Holds Military Invasion Drill Amid Tensions With Taiwan

China staged a large-scale island invasion military exercise during Taiwan’s National Day as President Tsai Ing-wen called for “meaningful dialogue” with Beijing. The simulated night attack drill Saturday included drones, special forces and airborne troops moving from multiple locations, according to a report by state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV). It was the first time in recent years that Chinese media had disclosed the entire process of a staged military landing in Taiwan. “The exercise, with the effective integration of multiple new combat forces, increased the actual combat capability of the troops in joint landing and three-dimensional assault,” the report said. Tensions over Taiwan have risen sharply in recent weeks as Beijing has ramped up military pressure with its warplanes almost daily crossing the sensitive “median line” of the Taiwan Strait that normally serves as an unofficial buffer zone.
Oct. 11, 2020


  840,000 Americans Filed For First-Time Unemployment Benefits Last Week

Bank of England asks banks on readiness for negative rates

U.S. states saw another 840,000 jobless claims filed last week, as the number of Americans applying for first-time unemployment insurance benefits each week continues to hover at a historically high level. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released its weekly jobless claims report at 8:30 a.m. ET Thursday. Here were the main metrics from the report, compared to Bloomberg estimates:

  • Initial jobless claims, week ended Oct. 3:840,000 vs. 820,000 expected and 849,000 during the prior week
  • Continuing claims, week ended Sept. 26: 976 million vs. 11.4 million expected and 11.979 million during the prior week

New weekly unemployment insurance claims have held below the psychologically important 1 million mark for the past six consecutive weeks, but have so far failed to break below 800,000 since the start of the pandemic. At 840,000 last week’s new claims remained at a level still handily above the pre-pandemic record high of 695,000 from 1982.
Oct. 12, 2020


   Gov’t report says COVID-19 pandemic led to price hikes for food

Less than a year after the coronavirus pandemic reached the United States, its drastic effects can already be seen in the lives of many Americans. A new report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed how COVID-19 has impacted the prices of consumer goods across the supply chain. In particular, the pandemic led to a sharp uptick in food price indexes, and disruptions in production and distribution resulted in price volatility. “These shocks rippled through the economy and affected the prices consumers pay in the grocery store,” added the report. The Food and Agriculture Organization also reported a similar trend in global food prices, with the main drivers for the increase being coarse grains, vegetable oils and sugar. The food agency’s food price index for August averaged at 96.1, over two points higher than that of the previous month.
Oct. 12, 2020


  South Korea’s Central Bank to Test Digital Currency in 2021

Central banks detail CBDC expectations in massive joint document

The Pandora’s Box of Central Bank Digital Currencies

BOJ Joins Fed And ECB In Preparing Rollout Of Digital Currency

As reported by The Korea Herald Wednesday, the move follows the progress of research to the technical phase in the summer and will see testing of distribution and circulation of the digital coin. Originally saying it saw no need for a CBDC, the central bank has quickly shifted gear on the project: Phase one – designing and reviewing the technology – was completed in several months and phase two – looking at the likely infrastructure with an outside partner – started at the end of August. While China has been testing its digital yuan with other entities, the BoK will test the blockchain-based CBDC in a virtual environment initially, said The Herald. According to the Korea Times, the BoK said it will simulate transactions on a blockchain platform that would be similar to those for cash or traditional means of payment. “The CBDC will be issued and circulated in the virtual world and we are going to test a number of transaction scenarios under a variety of circumstances,” an official said.
Oct. 9, 2020


  Top WHO official to world leaders: ‘Stop using lockdowns’ to control COVID; ‘Terrible, ghastly, global catastrophe’

 Did The WHO Just (Accidentally) Confirm COVID Is No More Dangerous Than Flu?

Chinese virologist Dr Li-Meng Yan Releases Second Paper Alleging ‘Large-Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud’

Staggering 86% who tested Covid positive in lockdown had NONE of the official symptoms

The World Health Organization has finally confirmed – the coronavirus is no more deadly or dangerous than seasonal flu. The WHO’s top brass made this announcement during a special session of the WHO’s 34-member executive board on Monday October 5th, it’s just nobody seemed to really understand it. At the session, Dr Michael Ryan, the WHO’s Head of Emergencies revealed that they believe roughly 10% of the world has been infected with Sars-Cov-2. This is their “best estimate”, and a huge increase over the number of officially recognised cases (around 35 million). Dr. Margaret Harris, a WHO spokeswoman, later confirmed the figure, stating it was based on the average results of all the broad seroprevalence studies done around the world. The global population is roughly 7.8 billion people, if 10% have been infected that is 780 million cases. The global death toll currently attributed to Sars-Cov-2 infections is 1,061,539. That’s an infection fatality rate of roughly or 0.14%. Right in line with seasonal flu and the predictions of many experts from all around the world. 0.14% is over 24 times LOWER than the WHO’s “provisional figure” of 3.4% back in March. This figure was used in the models which were used to justify lockdowns and other draconian policies. In fact, given the over-reporting of alleged Covid deaths, the IFR is likely even lower than 0.14%, and could show Covid to be much less dangerous than flu.
Oct. 11, 2020


September 25, 2020 – Half a ton of dead fish found along 3km of beach in Alagoas, Brazil. Link

September 26, 2020 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in lake, ‘a mystery’ in California, America. Link

September 26, 2020 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on beach in Karachi, Pakistan. Link

September 27, 2020- Dead squirrels washing up on Lake Michigan beach, US.  Link

September 27, 2020 – Die-off of birds, ‘a mystery’ along the coast of Rome, Italy. Link

October 2, 2020 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on beach in Beirut, Lebanon. Link

October 2, 2020 – Hundreds of dead cattle due to drought and fires in Formosa, Argentina. Link

October 5, 2020 – Over 300,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Kazakhstan. Link

October 5, 2020 – Dead turtles found washed up in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Link

October 6, 2020 – Thousands of dead fish appear in a dam in Chiapas, Mexico. Link

October 7, 2020- Thousands of dead octopuses, starfish and other marine life wash up in Kamchatka, Russia. Link

October 7, 2020 – Hundreds of dead fish found washed up on dam, ‘never seen anything like it’ in Evora, Portugal. Link

October 8, 2020- Tons of fish die in a lake in Dong Thap, Vietnam. Link


Wildfires rage across South America, causing ‘total destruction’

Wildfires have been tearing through parts of South America this year, particularly Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay, causing ‘total destruction’ in some parts of the continent. The main areas affected are the Gran Chaco forest that touches Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, the Brazilian and Bolivian Amazon, the Pantanal wetlands shared by Brazil and Paraguay, and Argentina’s Parana Delta wetlands. In Argentina, a dozen provinces are suffering the worst fires in decades, causing health issues in citizens from a number of smoke-invaded cities. Wildlife has also been destroyed, affecting endangered monkeys, jaguars, birds, and reptiles. Parts of the heavily deforested northern Gran Chaco are burning, as well as the eastern Parana Delta wetlands. In Paraguay, the congress has declared a national emergency on October 1 as more than 12 000 outbreaks were recorded, ripping through wide swaths of the Chaco dry forest. In Bolivia, the land-locked country next to Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay, a state of emergency was declared last month as flames ripped through 1.1 million hectares (2.7 million acres). As much as 40 percent of the Brazilian Amazon is almost turning from a forest into a savannah. Further south, more than a quarter of the Pantanal– the world’s biggest tropical wetlands– has been on flames this year, driven by arson and drought.
Oct. 12, 2020


Statistics: Sharp increase in natural disasters over the past 20 years

A new United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) report confirms how extreme weather events have come to dominate the disaster landscape at the beginning of 21st century. Floods and storms were the most prevalent disaster events, followed by earthquakes, extreme temperatures, landslides, droughts, wildfires, volcanic activity and dry mass movement. UNDRR used statistics from the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) maintained by the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) which records disasters which have killed ten or more people, affected 100 or more people, resulted in a declared state of emergency, or a call for international assistance. There were 7 348 major natural disaster events from 2000 to 2019, with 1.23 million lives lost and 4.2 billion people affected, resulting in approximately US$2.97 trillion in global economic losses. This is a sharp increase over the previous 20-year period (1980 – 1999) when EM-DAT recorded 4 212 natural disasters worldwide, 1.19 million lives lost, 3.25 billion people affected, and approximately US$1.63 trillion in economic losses. On average, there were 367 disaster events each year from 2000 to 2019, the majority of which were floods and storms (44% and 28%, respectively).
Oct. 12, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


Oct. 7, 2020- Scarlet fever making ominous resurgence; long-term jobless figures rise



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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


  Czech Republic affirms commitment to move embassy to Jerusalem

The Czech Republic is ready to take further steps towards moving its embassy to Israel to Jerusalem, a spokesman for Czech President Miloš Zeman said on Monday. The government committed to “further strengthening of our representation in Jerusalem,” in a readout from a meeting of top Czech government officials, including Zeman and the country’s prime minister, foreign minister, defense minister, interior minister and parliament speaker. Prague opened a “Czech House” in Jerusalem in November 2018, meant to be a first step towards opening an embassy in the capital. The house includes a cultural center, branches of the Czech Republic’s trade and tourism offices, and a space for the Czech Ambassador to hold meetings in the capital. 
Oct. 5, 2020

France’s Macron proposes Israel sign long-term ceasefire with Hezbollah

French President Emmanuel Macron offered to broker a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hezbollah, according to a Tuesday report in Kuwaiti paper Al-Jarida. The move came following French inquiries into the Shi’ite terrorist organization’s position on the matter. Hezbollah is also a Lebanese political party, complete with seats in parliament. According to a source familiar with the offer, France suggested holding parallel talks to the unprecedented U.S.-brokered talks between Lebanon and Israel over their maritime border. France believes Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah viewed the idea favorably, according to the paper. Macron hopes this will lead to a reduction in Hezbollah’s arms, reportedly, so that the organization can operate more like a political party. The source said the U.S. showed interest in Macron’s initiative for Lebanon to enable Lebanon to strike a peace deal with the Jewish state after demarcating borders.
Oct. 7, 2020


18 killed in bombing in Turkish-controlled Syrian town

After blast in northwest Syria town, U.S. says rise in attacks troubling

An explosives-laden truck ignited Tuesday on a busy street in a northern Syrian town controlled by Turkey-backed opposition fighters, killing at least 18 people and wounding dozens, Syrian opposition activists reported. The blast in the town of al-Bab took place near a bus station where people often gather to travel from one region to another, according to the opposition’s Civil Defense, also known as White Helmets. The explosion caused widespread damage to buildings in the area and set vehicles on fire in the town located in Aleppo province, activists said. The victims included a number of women and children, the report by Turkey’s Anadolu news agency said. “The blast was in the middle between the (station), residential homes and a small market,” said an activist based in northern Syria who goes by the name of Abu al-Haitham. The Civil Defense said the blast killed 19 and wounded more than 80. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition war monitor, reported that 18 people were killed and 75 others were wounded in the attack. It added that some of the wounded were in critical condition and the death toll could rise.
Oct. 7, 2020


   Assad Slams Erdogan for Instigating Nagorno-Karabakh Escalations

Assad: ISIS sold Syrian oil through Turkey, with the umbrella of the American Air Forces

Turkey To Conduct Major Test Of Russian S-400 Systems Despite US Sanctions Threat

The Syrian president confirms Turkey is sending militants from Syria to the Nagorno-Karabakh region and accuses the Turkish president of supporting terrorists in Syria as well as in Libya, President Assad said in an interview with the Russian Sputnik agency in Damascus. The Syrian President asserted that “Turkey has used these terrorists coming from different countries in Syria, and they have used Syrian militants in Libya, in addition to other nationalities. Therefore it is obvious and very likely that they are using this method in Nagorno Karabakh because as I said earlier, they are the party that started this conflict and encouraged it.” The Russian “Sputnik” agency, on Monday, cited an informed source, that 93 Syrian fighters were killed in Nagorno Karabakh, and 53 others were handed over to Syria on Sunday. The agency also confirmed, according to its source, that “a new batch of 430 Syrian mercenaries was also transferred to Karabakh.” Bashar al-Assad also accused Turkey of direct “involvement” in the alleged smuggling of Syrian oil by the Islamic State (ISIS) using “the umbrella of the American Air Forces.”
Oct. 7, 2020

Iranian president warns Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict could turn into regional war

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday warned of the danger of the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict turning into a regional war. “We must be attentive that the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan does not become a regional war. Peace is the basis of our work and we hope to restore stability to the region in a peaceful way,” Rouhani said in televised remarks. He also said Iran would not allow “states to send terrorists to our borders under various pretexts”.
Oct. 7, 2020


  Opposition forces seize government in Kyrgyzstan post-election protests

Kyrgyzstan election: PM quits as protesters take control in Kyrgyzstan

Opposition groups in Kyrgyzstan took hold of much of the country’s government amid post-election protests Tuesday, but the president remained at the helm. Protesters stormed the Parliament building, known as the White House, and released a number of political detainees in the wake of a parliamentary election which they said was rigged to benefit parties with ties to President Sooronbai Jeenbekov. Protests in the city erupted Monday after the parliamentary election results were released, stating that four of the 16 parties in the election had secured 7% of the vote necessary for entry into Parliament with three of the four having close ties to Jeenbekov, the BBC reported.Demonstrators clashed with riot police Monday night, resulting in at least one death and 590 people injured, the health ministry said, according to AKI Press.
Oct. 7, 2020


 Long-term jobless figures rise

The number of people who have joined the ranks of long-term unemployment has spiked to a record high in a worrying sign of the economic recovery’s health. According to the Labor Department, the number of people out of work for more than 27 weeks increased to 2.4 million in September, an increase of 32.5 percent from the previous month. There are 4.9 million people who have been unemployed between 15 and 26 weeks. Workers who have been separated from their jobs for more than 6 months typically have a more difficult time getting back to work even once the economy improves. “Last week we saw the biggest spike in long-term unemployment since they started measuring long-term unemployment,” said Michele Evermore, senior researcher and policy analyst at the National Employment Law Project.
Oct. 7, 2020


   Top US Food Bank Warns Of Nationwide “Meal Shortages” In Next 12 Months

The virus pandemic and resulting recession, crushing millions of households, has produced a new era of hunger nationwide. After seven months of the coronavirus chaos, triggering widespread unemployment and the collapse of small businesses, millions of Americans are going hungry for the first time in their lives ahead of the holiday season. Tens of millions of Americans have turned to their local food banks as food insecurity spirals out of control. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey from late August, about 10% of adults, 22.3 million, reported they didn’t have enough to eat or lacked food. This figure is up from 18 million in early March. Now, Feeding America, a nationwide network of more than 200 food banks, serving more than 46 million people, is warning it may experience a massive food shortage within the next twelve months, reported WaPo. Feeding America said it could face a deficit of “10 billion pound shortfall between now and June of 2021 – the equivalent of 8 billion meals.”
Oct. 6, 2020


    Over 6,000 Scientists Sign ‘Anti-Lockdown’ Petition Saying It’s Causing ‘Irreparable Damage’

 Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing

World’s first Covid passport technology will be trialed on flights this week

More than 6,000 scientists have signed an anti-lockdown petition saying that coronavirus policies are causing “irreparable damage.” The petition, which is named the Great Barrington Declaration after the town in Massachusetts it was signed in, was written on October 4 and has signatures from at least 2,826 medical and public health scientists, 3,794 medical practitioners and over 60,000 members of the general public. “As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection,” the petition says in its opening line. “Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health.” The petition adds, “Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.”
Oct. 7, 2020

 Scarlet fever making ominous resurgence, warn scientists

Scientists are sounding the alarm that, once Covid-19-related social distancing ends, the world’s children may face a new pandemic from a mutated old enemy which was once a leading cause of death for kids in the Western world. Scarlet fever, caused by the bacteria streptococcus pyogenes and considered as deadly as Covid-19, has made a recent resurgence in the UK, China, South Korea and Vietnam, with cases recorded in Australia and even New Zealand. UK case numbers have also quadrupled in recent years. Scarlet fever symptoms include chills, fever, sore throat, abdominal pain, a swollen tongue, red rash, and peeling skin. However, scientists now think that so-called “supercharged bacterial clones” have been behind the latest waves of the disease, which boasts a fatality rate of 15-20 percent. This entirely new means of inflicting damage diverges greatly from the historical strain that ravaged Western Europe in the past.
Oct. 7, 2020


  Hurricane Delta makes landfall in Mexico, forecast to hit US Gulf Coast on Friday

Hurricane Delta hit Mexico on Wednesday morning as an extremely dangerous Category 2 storm, coming ashore near Puerto Morelos along the northeastern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. The center of Delta made landfall around 6:30 a.m. EDT, with top winds of 110 mph, a strong Category 2 hurricane, the National Hurricane Center said. As of 11 a.m., EDT, the storm was moving northwest at 17 mph and the center was about to emerge from the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. “Life-threatening storm surge and dangerous winds will continue within portions of the northern Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico into early afternoon,” the hurricane center said, adding that heavy rain could cause significant flash flooding through early Thursday. Meanwhile, the hurricane center issued storm surge and hurricane watches for portions of the northwestern and northern U.S. Gulf Coast.
Oct. 7, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


Oct. 5, 2020- Global Concerns that Affect Us All: Wars, Wildfires, Digital Dollars and the UN



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 13, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


  Israeli minister says Turkey opposed to regional peace

Israel’s defence minister accused Turkey on Sunday of destabilising the region and working against peacemaking efforts, and called for international pressure to bring about a change in the NATO power’s conduct. Briefing Gulf Arab reporters as a follow-up to Israel’s founding of ties with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, Defence Minister Benny Gantz described Turkey and Iran as “denying promotion of peace and supporting regional aggression”. Citing Turkey’s actions in northern Syria and the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as its Libya intervention and contacts with Palestinian Hamas militants, Gantz said: “All of this pushes away from stability”. “Definitely the question of Turkey is a very complicated one, because Turkey is part of NATO,” Gantz told the Zoom conference, which was organised by The Arab Council for Regional Integration, a group that encourages Israeli-Arab outreach. “So we must take all the options that we have in our hands and try to influence it through international pressure to make sure that they are pulling their hands from direct terrorism.”
Oct. 4, 2020

Sudanese government official: ‘We need ties with Israel’

Sudanese government divided over possible normalization with Israel

Sudan has a strategic interest in establishing relations with Israel, said senior Sudanese government official Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo to local Sudanese media on Friday. “Israel is developed. The entire world works with Israel. For development, for agriculture — we need Israel,” Dagalo, who is Sudan’s deputy head of state, told Juba24 News. Israel Hayom reported that Dagalo said to reporters, “It is in Sudan’s interest to establish relations with Israel. Our removal from the list of countries that support terror hinges on it.” When asked about potential blowback from normalizing ties with Israel, Dagalo said, “We’re not scared of anyone. But these will be relations, not normalization. Relations, not normalization. Okay? We’re following this line.” Dismissing the Palestinian question, Dagalo said, “We don’t have a border with the Palestinians.”
Oct. 5, 2020

Rocket launched from Gaza at Israeli border communities

This is the first launch since 13 rockets were fired at Israel during the White House signing ceremony of the Abraham Accords establishing normalized relations between Israel and Bahrain and the UAE.  The IDF Spokesperson said one rocket launch was detected and residents of the area were not instructed to take any special measures.
Oct. 5, 2020

Armenia officially opens Embassy in Israel

Experts believe Israel unlikely to drop lucrative arms sales to Azerbaijan

Turkey’s Trojan horse and Iran appeaser Azerbaijan is no ally for Israel

The Embassy of the Republic of Armenia officially opened in Tel Aviv on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year (September 19, 2020 , Armenian Radio reported quoting reports from the Israeli media. The head of the “Eurasia-2” department of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, Itzhak Carmel Kagan, was present at the ceremony.  Barely two weeks later, Armenia recalled its ambassador, citing weapons sales to Azerbaijan.  Israeli President Reuven Rivlin spoke on Monday with his Armenian counterpart Armen Sarkissian in a call that Rivlin’s office said was at Sarkissian’s request. Rivlin “expressed his sorrow at the outbreak of violence… and at the loss of life on both sides” in Nagorno-Karabakh, his office said in a statement, adding that the Jewish state’s long-standing relations with Azerbaijan are “not aimed against any side.” Rivlin said Israel was prepared to send humanitarian aid to Armenia and expressed hope that the Armenian ambassador will return “soon.”  Israel has become one of Azerbaijan’s closest military partners in recent years and its relationship has always been transactional in terms of its ‘oil for arms’ agreement. Azerbaijan sees its deepening ties with Israel as a means of earning favor in Washington, a strategy confirmed by Azerbaijan’s ambassador to the U.S. as he explained why the UAE’s recent normalization with Israel meant kudos in DC. Despite its efforts to play up relations with Israel, Azerbaijan has consistently refused to establish full diplomatic ties and open an embassy, due to pressure from Iran, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and Turkey.
***Please see Ezekiel War below
Oct. 5, 2020

De-facto freeze broken, IDF to approve new West Bank settler homes

The Higher Planning Council for Judea and Samaria is set to approve and advance new homes in at least 25 West Bank settlements on October 14, thereby breaking the eight month de facto freeze on such action. According to a calculation by the left-wing group Peace Now, the council is expected to debate projects for 4,430 units, of which 1,820 would be advanced and the remaining 2,610 would be approved. The two day meeting will mark the first advancement of settlement activity since Israel signed normalization deals with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Officials from both countries have stated that the normalization deals were based on an Israeli agreement to suspend its plans to annex portions of the West Bank.
Oct. 5, 2020


  Israel says Lebanon talks to only be on maritime, not land borders

Will Lebanon be the Next US-NATO Humanitarian War? The Elimination of Hezbollah is Israel’s Top Priority

Negotiations between Israel and Lebanon, set to begin next week, will only be on maritime borders, a diplomatic source in Jerusalem said on Sunday, despite indications to the contrary from Washington and Beirut. Though disputes about the Blue Line, as the land border between Israel and Lebanon is known, came up in pre-negotiation talks, Israel did not agree to negotiate land borders. Israel and Lebanon officially announced on Thursday that they had agreed to hold US-mediated negotiations on their maritime border, to be held at the headquarters of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) in Naquora, on the Israel-Lebanon border. The “negotiations about negotiations,” as the Israeli diplomatic source called it, took more than two years. The talks, set to begin next week, will be the first-ever direct negotiations between Israel and Lebanon on civilian matters.
Oct. 4, 2020

Hundreds detained as Egyptian police quash protests

Egyptian authorities have arrested hundreds of people in their effort to clamp down on a spate of small but exceptionally rare protests across the country, a global watchdog and human rights lawyers said Friday. Riot police forcibly dispersed the limited demonstrations over economic grievances that erupted across several impoverished, rural villages over the past few weeks, firing tear gas and birdshot, according to a new report from London-based rights group Amnesty International. The group said it verified videos showing officers with rifles out in force, in two cases beating unarmed protests with batons and firing birdshot at those running away. Two men were killed in the crackdown, the group said, one hit with birdshot by security forces south of Cairo and another during a police raid in the southern city of Luxor. Hundreds have landed in jail, according to estimates from multiple lawyers, and remain in custody pending investigations into murky terrorism-related charges, a common tool used by state prosecutors to silence critics and quash dissent. From interviews with eyewitnesses, activists, family members and lawyers, Amnesty said it had confirmed that 496 people remain in detention.
Oct. 5, 2020

Oman becomes 1st Gulf Arab nation to resend diplomat to Syria

Oman has sent an ambassador back to Syria, becoming the first Gulf Arab nation to do so since early in the Syrian civil war. Syrian state media said it received ambassador credentials for Turki Mahmood al-Busaidi to act as Oman’s chief diplomat to Syria. Oman closed its embassy and recalled their ambassador in 2012 following what it viewed as a heavy-handed government response to protests at the start of the civil war, which began a year earlier. The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have reopened embassies in Damascus, but neither have sent ambassadors. The UAE, Bahrain and Oman have also restarted direct flights to Damascus this year. Oman is attempting to arrange peace talks to settle the long-running civil war, including meetings with Saudi Araba and Iran. Saudi Arabia has supported opposition forces while Iran has supported the Syrian government.
Oct. 5, 2020


  Is Pompeo changing tack on Turkey? – Analysis

US in talks to move key airbase out of Turkey. To Greece or the UAE?

For the first time, the US appears to be confronting Turkey over its fueling of conflict all over the Middle East. Most recently, Pompeo aimed criticism at Turkey for fueling tension in Azerbaijan and Armenia because Turkey had said it could support Azerbaijan militarily. He also expressed concern that Syrian mercenary fighters, many of them wanted for looting in Afrin and Libya and known for religious extremism, had been recruited by Ankara to fight Armenia. In the last year Turkey has invaded Syria, bombed Iraq, threatened Greece with forcing refugees across the border, stoked tensions in Idlib, signed deals with Russia, sent arms and Syrians to Libya illegally, threatened to “liberate” Jerusalem from Israel’s control, threatened the UAE, bashed the Israel-UAE deal, hosted Hamas terrorists, encouraged war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and continued to put journalists and opposition politicians in prison.
Oct. 5, 2020

Iranian Representatives Declare Support For Azerbaijan In Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Iran has now declared her support for the Azeri-Turkish side. In an unprecedented move, the representatives of the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in the provinces of Ardabil, East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, and Zanjan, have issued a joint statement supporting the Republic of Azerbaijan. “There is no doubt that Nagorno-Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan and its government’s move to recapture the region is completely legal, according to Shari’a, and in line with four Resolutions of the United Nation’s Security Council,” Khamenei’s representatives have asserted. The signatories to the statement are mid-ranking clerics Hassan Alemi, Mohammad Ali Al-i Hashem, Ali Khatami, and Mehdi Qoreishi. “The Azerbaijani government has acted in a completely legal and religious manner in recapturing these lands and has implemented four UN Security Council resolutions,” they wrote in their statement on Thursday.
Oct. 5, 2020

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Major cities hit as heavy fighting continues

Armenians, Azeris Accuse Each Other of Striking Civilian Areas

Russia Cannot Allow Erdogan To Take Over Azerbaijan And Put His Pan-Turkic Theory Into Practice

What Is Russia’s Role in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict?

Armenia wants Washington to explain if it supplied Turkey with F-16s to aid Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan’s second-largest city, Ganja, has been shelled by Armenian forces, as heavy clashes continue over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh enclave. The enclave is officially part of Azerbaijan but run by ethnic Armenians. The self-proclaimed authorities there said they hit Ganja’s military airport after Azerbaijani forces shelled the region’s capital, Stepanakert. Azerbaijan says no Ganja military sites were hit. More than 220 people have died since clashes began a week ago. There are fears that the actual death toll among the militaries from all sides as well as civilians could be much higher, as casualty claims have not been independently verified. Azerbaijan’s military says its forces have retaken control of seven villages since last Sunday, while Nagorno-Karabakh says its troops have “improved” their frontline positions.
Oct. 5, 2020


India Test-Fires Nuclear-Capable Hypersonic Missile As Border Tensions Rise

A Few Global Concerns that Affect Us All

In what appears to be the second hypersonic missile test in weeks, India successfully test-fired its indigenously developed nuclear-capable hypersonic missile dubbed “Shaurya,” defense sources told Hindustan Times. Just weeks ago, India “successfully” test-fired a Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle that was capable of hitting speeds over Mach 6 (4,600 mph). The early September launch came as India and China have been locked in a military standoff along the Line of Actual Control, a 2,175 mile disputed border between both countries, that stretches from the Ladakh region in the north to the Indian state of Sikkim.

Oct. 4, 2020


Federal Debt Tops $27 Trillion

America’s Economic Depression Is Accelerating As We Head Toward The Holiday Season

The debt of the federal government topped $27 trillion for the first time on Thursday, October 1, when it climbed from an opening balance of $26,945,391,194,615.15 to a closing balance of $27,026,921,935,432.41, according to data published by the U.S. Treasury Department. Only 114 days elapsed from when the debt topped the $26-trillion threshold on June 9 to yesterday, when it topped $27 trillion for the first time. Meanwhile, America’s economic depression is accelerating as we head toward the holiday season.
Oct. 4, 2020 


  ECB Trademarks “Digital Euro” As It Begins Experiments On Digital Currency Launch

The biggest overhaul in monetary and currency history is quietly taking place just behind the scenes. Just two weeks ago, Cleveland Fed president Loretta Mester hinted at just how close the US is to a comprehensive overhaul of the entire fiat system when she said that “legislation has proposed that each American have an account at the Fed in which digital dollars could be deposited, as liabilities of the Federal Reserve Banks, which could be used for emergency payments.” This, together with an August Bloomberg interview with Simon Potter, who led the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s markets group for years, and Julia Coronado, who spent eight years as an economist for the Fed’s Board of Governors (the two are among the innovators brainstorming solutions to what has emerged as the most crucial and difficult problem facing the Fed: get money swiftly to people who need it most in a crisis), in which the duo suggested depositing digital dollars directly in households’ apps, prompted us to write two weeks ago that “In An Unprecedented Monetary Overhaul, The Fed Is Preparing To Deposit “Digital Dollars” Directly To Each American.” On September 22 the ECB quietly filed to trademark the term “digital euro” (which appropriately enough abbreviates to DE to instill a sense of German patriotism when officials push Europe’s most conservative society into the great monetary unknown) as disclosed by the website of the European Union Intellectual Property Office, as European officials are preparing to release an assessment of the benefits and drawbacks of creating a digital version of the currency.
Oct. 4, 2020

Pope Francis Calls for Giving United Nations Organization ‘Real Teeth’

Pope Francis makes his best case for multilateralism in a new teaching letter, calling for more authority for supranational organizations like the United Nations. “When we talk about the possibility of some form of world authority regulated by law, we need not necessarily think of a personal authority,” the pontiff asserts. “Still, such an authority ought at least to promote more effective world organizations, equipped with the power to provide for the global common good, the elimination of hunger and poverty and the sure defence of fundamental human rights.” Among the possible candidates for such a role, the pope turns his attention to the United Nations Organization, with which he enjoys close ties. “In this regard, I would also note the need for a reform of the United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth,” Francis declares, citing a text from his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI. “Needless to say, this calls for clear legal limits to avoid power being co-opted only by a few countries and to prevent cultural impositions or a restriction of the basic freedoms of weaker nations on the basis of ideological differences,” he writes. The work of the United Nations, the pope insists, “can be seen as the development and promotion of the rule of law, based on the realization that justice is an essential condition for achieving the ideal of universal fraternity.”
Oct. 4, 2020


   Medical Journal Calls for Mandatory COVID Vaccine: ‘Noncompliance Should Incur a Penalty’

A paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine has called for mandating a coronavirus vaccine. The paper warns that an immediate mandate for the vaccine would spark too much resistance and backlash, so the writers suggest that at first it should be voluntary. However, it suggests that if not enough people are willing to get the vaccine within the first few weeks of it’s availability, it should be transformed into an obligation, with penalties put into place for refusal. The paper outlines “six trigger criteria” that need to be met before the vaccine is made mandatory, and that it should be rolled out to specific demographics of the population first. “Only recommended groups should be considered for a vaccination mandate,” initially, according to the paper, which cites “high risk groups” as the first set of people. “[T]he elderly, health professionals working in high-risk situations or working with high-risk patients…persons with certain underlying medical conditions,” as well as those in “high-density settings such as prisons and dormitories” should be mandated to get the jab, the paper says. It also suggests that active-duty military service members should be among the first that are forced into the vaccination. The paper proclaims that “noncompliance should incur a penalty” and notes that it should be a “relatively substantial” one. It suggests that “employment suspension or stay-at-home orders,” should be issued, but that fines should be discouraged because they can be legally challenged, and “may stoke distrust without improving uptake.”
Oct. 5, 2020

CDC abruptly removes guidance about airborne coronavirus transmission, says update ‘was posted in error’Sept. 22, 2020

 CDC revises coronavirus guidance to acknowledge that it spreads through airborne transmissionOct. 5, 2020

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revised its coronavirus guidance Monday, acknowledging that it can sometimes spread through airborne particles that can “linger in the air for minutes to hours” and among people who are more than six feet apart. The CDC cited published reports that demonstrated “limited, uncommon circumstances where people with COVID-19 infected others who were more than 6 feet away or shortly after the COVID-19-positive person left an area.” The agency added that it is “much more common” for the virus to spread through larger respiratory droplets that are produced when somebody coughs, sneezes, sings, talks, or breathes. People are infected through such droplets mostly when they are in close contact with an infected person, the CDC said. “CDC’s recommendations remain the same based on existing science and after a thorough technical review of the guidance,” the agency said. “People can protect themselves from the virus that causes COVID-19 by staying at least 6 feet away from others, wearing a mask that covers their nose and mouth, washing their hands frequently, cleaning touched surfaces often and staying home when sick.” 


  Devastating wildfires prompt state of emergency in Paraguay

Paraguay has declared a national state of emergency as more than 5 000 wildfires rage amid drought and record hot temperatures across South America. Paraguay’s Congress declared a national emergency on Thursday, October 1 as more wildfires broke out, scorching wide swaths of the Chaco dry forest. The declaration is to boost financial aid for fire-fighting and open the door for seeking international help. Two firefighting aircraft had arrived in the country, set to douse the worst-hit regions. A total of 5 231 individual forest fires have been raging across the country, with most of them concentrated in the Chaco region. The thick smoke had reached as far as the capital Asuncion. The country is also experiencing a heatwave and had registered a record high of 45.5 °C (113.9 °F) last week.
Oct. 5, 2020


 Five asteroids en route to Earth in just Four days

Another week, another warning from NASA about an impending barrage of space debris, with no less than five asteroids expected to buzz the Earth’s backyard by Thursday. To kick things off, 2020 RV2, measuring roughly half the height of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, or roughly 25 meters in diameter, will pass us by at a safe 5.69 million km. Next, on October 6, will be 2020 RR2, measuring 26 meters in diameter or… slightly larger than half the famous French landmark, which will sail past at a safe flyby distance of 6.2 million km. On Wednesday, the largest of the cosmic quintet of space rocks, the 46-meter (half the height of the Statue of Liberty) 2020 RK2 will roar past at 3.8 million km. The very same day, with a diameter roughly seven times as tall as Shaquille O’Neal (15m) 2019 SB6 will shoot past at 4.5 million km. Last but not least, the equally half-Arc de Triomphe-sized (25-meter) 2020 SR6 will fly past the Earth at 2.7 million km on October 8.
Oct, 5, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


October 2, 2020- Global Pieces of Prophecy



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Sept. 13, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


Honduras to move embassy to Jerusalem before end of 2020

Honduras is planning to move its Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, following the United States and other nations that have done so recently. Honduran President Orlando Hernandez said he expects the move to be made by the end of the year. In response, Israel says it plans to open an embassy in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa. “We hope to take this historic step before the end of the year, as long as the pandemic allows it,” Hernandez tweeted. “I look forward to working with you to strengthen the friendship between Israel and Honduras and to the opening of your embassy in Jerusalem and ours in Tegucigalpa,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu added in a tweet. Mattanya Cohen, Israel’s ambassador to Honduras and Guatemala, said Monday they were able to overcome Palestinian opposition to the move. “They told me there’s no chance that Honduras will move its embassy because there is a large Palestinian community there,” Cohen said. “I didn’t give up. We started with quiet contacts behind the scenes, with ministers, with parliament members, and the community.”
Sept. 21, 2020

US Space Force deploys to Middle East Qatar

The U.S. Army has deployed the first batch of its newly established military branch, the “Space Force”, outside the United States, specifically in the Arabian Peninsula. The Chargé d’Affairs at the United States Embassy in Qatar, Greta C. Holtz, said on her Twitter account on Tuesday, that “Washington has deployed the first group of the space force at Al-Udeid Air Force Base in Qatar. She added: “The deployment of the first group of members of the U.S. Space Force to Al-Udeid Air Force Base in Qatar represents the commitment of the United States and Qatar to continue building their strategic partnership in the future and in the space field.”
Sept. 22, 2020
*** Please also see these past articles:

Pompeo is expected to depart on Sunday for Israel, Bahrain, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Sudan.

Qatar: Payouts for Hamas no longer guaranteed – report

Angered by Arab-Israel ties, PA quits chairing Arab League sessions

The Palestinian Authority has quit its current chairmanship of Arab League meetings, the PA foreign minister said on Tuesday, condemning as dishonorable any Arab agreement to establish formal relations with Israel. Palestinians see the accords that the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed with Israel in Washington a week ago as a betrayal of their cause and a blow to their quest for an independent state in Israeli-occupied territory. The PA was supposed to chair Arab League meetings for the next six months, but PA Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki told a news conference in the West Bank city of Ramallah that it no longer wanted the position. “Palestine has decided to concede its right to chair the League’s council (of foreign ministers) at its current session. There is no honor in seeing Arabs rush towards normalization during its presidency,” Maliki said.
Sept. 22, 2020

Sudan talks with UAE, US could lead to normalization with Israel – report

Netanyahu to meet Sudan’s leader in Uganda, reports say

Unconfirmed news reports Thursday said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will fly to Uganda in the coming days to meet the Sudanese leader, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, to discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations. Speculation has run rampant about the deal over the past weeks and gained momentum after U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft said on Wednesday that another country will recognize Israel “in the next day or two.” In an interview with the Arabic language channel of Israel’s i24 News, sources close to Sudan’s ruling Sovereignty Council said the new Sudanese-Israeli Friendship Association will be inaugurated in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum on Saturday. That announcement is the start of a normalization process between the two countries, i24 reported. The sources said General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the leader of Sudan’s transitional sovereign council, is “likely to meet in the coming days” with Netanyahu in Uganda in what would be their second such meeting this year after the two met in Uganda in February.
Sept. 24, 2020
*** Please also see these past articles:

Sudan Foreign Ministry says it looks forward to peace with Israel – report

Sudan fires foreign ministry spokesman for Israel comments

Sudan ends 30 year rule of Islamic law, separating religion and state

Former MK and Temple Mount activist Yehudah Glick plans to run for president

A new, somewhat surprising contender has joined the race to become Israel’s next president next year. Yehudah Glick, a former Knesset member and longtime advocate for Jewish rights on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, has told right-wing lawmakers that he will run for the job when Reuven Rivlin’s tenure ends in the summer of 2021, Zman Yisrael, The Times of Israel’s Hebrew-language sister site, has learned. Glick, asking the lawmakers to support him, said he was the only candidate who fits the role. “Over Rosh Hashanah I sat with myself for two whole days and decided I will run for the job,” Glick told the Knesset members. “I see what is happening today in the nation. I am pained by the divisions and the rifts. Other rumored candidates for the presidency include Labor party leader Amir Peretz, Health Minister Yuli Edelstein and Jewish Agency Chairman Isaac Herzog. Glick, 55, a United States-born religious Zionist, was a lawmaker for the ruling Likud party from 2016 to 2019. He was elected as the representative of West Bank settlements, but quickly proved to be open to all opinions and sectors, which made him a popular figure, especially outside Likud ranks. The Palestinians and Jordan would likely be angered if Glick is chosen as president, especially if he keeps going to the Temple Mount in the new role.
Sept. 27, 2020

Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah dies at 91

 Kuwait to Face Pressure to Forge Ties With Israel After Emir’s Death

For decades, Kuwait has charted a neutral course in many of the Middle East’s intractable conflicts. But the death of its longtime ruler leaves his successor with a dilemma: whether or not to normalize ties with Israel without statehood for the Palestinians. After an Oval Office meeting earlier this month with Sheikh Sabah’s eldest son, a former defense minister who is a leading contender to become the next crown prince, President Trump said Kuwait would be the next country to forge formal relations with Israel. But a week later at the United Nations, Kuwait’s prime minister reiterated the country’s insistence that peace with the Palestinians precede normalization with the Arab world.
Sept. 29, 2020
*** Please also see this past article:

Trump: Kuwait May Be the Next Country to Establish Diplomatic Relations With Israel

Sanhedrin Counts the Sixth Year of the Jubilee Cycle on the Mount of Olives

Last Monday, representatives of the Sanhedrin gathered in Jerusalem to recite the annual blessing that designates the place of the New Year in the Jubilee cycle. Rabbi Yosef Berger, Rabbi Aharon Stern, and Rabbi Hakak blew the shofar and recited the blessings to count the sixth year of the Shemittah (sabbatical) on the Mount of Olives overlooking the Temple Mount. The Shemitah is part of a larger framework of seven Shemitah (sabbatical) cycles, in which we count 49 years, and then the 50th year is the Jubilee year, as described in Leviticus.
Sept. 30, 2020

Armenia recalls envoy to Israel over arms sales to Azerbaijan

Armenia said on Thursday it had recalled its ambassador to Israel for consultations over Israeli arms sales to Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has acknowledged using Israeli-made weapons in its fighting with ethnic Armenian forces around Nagorno-Karabakh, where heavy clashes this week have drawn international calls for an immediate ceasefire. Protesting against the Israeli weapons exports, Armenian foreign ministry spokeswoman Anna Naghdalyan said “Israel’s work style is unacceptable. The ministry has to call back its ambassador in Israel.” The Foreign Ministry said in response: “Israel regrets Armenia’s decision to recall its ambassador. Israel sees great importance in its relations with Armenia and sees the Armenian Embassy in Israel as an important tool for promoting this relationship for the benefit of both peoples.”
Oct. 1, 2020
*** Please also see Armenia below (Ezekiel War)

‘Jerusalem is our city,’ Turkey’s Erdogan declares

Erdogan’s Plan to Take Over the Palestinian Authority

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Thursday implied that Jerusalem belongs to Turkey, referring to the Ottoman Empire’s control over the city for much of the modern era. During a lengthy speech at the opening of the Turkish parliament’s new legislative session, Erdoğan spent several minutes lamenting the fate of Jerusalem and the Palestinians’ plight. “In this city that we had to leave in tears during the First World War, it is still possible to come across traces of the Ottoman resistance. So Jerusalem is our city, a city from us,” he told Turkish lawmakers during a major policy speech in Ankara. “Our first qibla [direction of prayer in Islam] al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem are the symbolic mosques of our faith. In addition, this city is home to the holy places of Christianity and Judaism.”
Oct. 2, 2020


  Explosion rocks alleged Hezbollah arms cache in Lebanon, casualties reported

IDF reveals additional intelligence on Hezbollah sites in Beirut

A Hezbollah weapons cache exploded in a small town in southern Lebanon on Monday, sending up billowing clouds of black smoke, causing widespread damage and several casualties, according to unconfirmed reports. While there was no immediate confirmation by officials as to the cause of the explosion in the small town of Ain Qana, an unnamed source told Reuters the site was an arms depot. A Hezbollah official confirmed there was an explosion but declined to give further details. Hezbollah security forces deployed in the area and prevented journalists from investigating on the scene. The Lebanese Army said in a statement that its forces were at the scene to conduct an investigation into the cause of the explosion. Meanwhile, following Netanyahu’s speech to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, Hezbollah organized a media tour of the site that they claim is a civilian iron workshop. Footage filmed by several media outlets showed crowds of people as well as machines and other tools that are used to manufacture precision missiles. On Wednesday the IDF provided details maps and GPS coordinates of the sites which were in the Jnah neighborhood, Laylaki, and Chouaifet neighborhoods under residential apartment buildings and near a mosque, medical center, and gas stations.
Oct. 2, 2020

Is Saudi Arabia about to go nuclear with China’s help?

The recent normalization deals between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have fundamentally shifted the region’s alliances. Both Gulf countries maintain close ties with Saudi Arabia, and speculation abounds as to whether or not the Saudis will be the next country to formalize ties with the Jewish state. A recent report in The Guardian indicates that Chinese geologists say Saudi Arabia may have enough uranium ore reserves for the domestic production of nuclear fuel. At the same time, a Wall Street Journal report said that Western officials have grown concerned about nuclear cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia in the construction of a facility for extracting uranium yellowcake from uranium ore. This facility is being built with the assistance of two Chinese companies. Similarly, The New York Times reported that Western intelligence agencies are “scrutinizing” the Saudi’s work with China to develop nuclear expertise as a cover towards the development of a nuclear weapon.
Sept. 21, 2020

Anti-gov’t protests in Egypt

Dozens of anti-government protesters took to the streets in the Egyptian governorate of Giza on Sunday, despite heightened security in the country in advance of anticipated demonstrations. Video clips circulating on social media showed the demonstrators holding banners and chanting slogans calling on Egyptian President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi to step down. Others set a police car on fire while some threw stones at security forces who tried to stop them.
Sept. 21, 2020

Is Syria ready to resume peace talks with Israel?

Syria affirms opposition to ‘all agreements with Israel enemy’

Is Syria ready to launch peace negotiations with Israel? According to a report by top Arab journalist Ibrahim Hamidi, that may very well be the case. Hamidi, who heads the Damascus bureau at Al-Hayat daily. is considered close to government circles. In a report over the weekend, he alleged that Syrian President Bashar Assad recently used various back-channels to signal that he was interested in pursuing indirect talks with Israel, meaning he is ready to return to the negotiations table with Israel. Hamidi claimed that despite the support Assad is reeving from Iran, Russia and Turkey, “For Syria, the way to Washington runs through Tel Aviv” – a hint to the close relationship Israel maintains with the Trump administration. He further noted that “whenever Damascus faced a political crossroads it opted for the possibility of indirect and secret negotiations with Israel even though it never really planned to reach an agreement to normalize relations with Israel.” Hamidi also noted that this may be a ploy by Assad, who is not at all interested in fostering real dialogue with Israel but only in creating the facade of one to gain European and American support.
Oct. 1, 2020

US threatening to close Baghdad embassy if Iraqis can’t stop militia’s rocket attacks

Military Base Housing Canadian Troops Attacked as US-Iraq Tensions Escalate

The Trump administration is reportedly considering closing its embassy in Baghdad, Iraq unless the Iraqi government can stop rocket attacks against U.S. forces and facilities. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and U.S. ambassador to Iraq Matthew Tueller both delivered warnings to top Iraqi officials that the Shiite militia attacks must stop, officials told Wall Street Journal. U.S. officials have begun preparing to withdraw its diplomats from the embassy and have taken preliminary measures for the embassy’s closure, Iraqi officials told WSJ. “What we’re being told is that it is a gradual closure of the embassy over two to three months,” one Iraqi official said, adding that moving slowly to close the embassy would allow the U.S. to halt the closure if the Iraqi government takes the necessary action to protect U.S. assets. The militia rocket attacks have been a significant strain on relations between the U.S. and Iraq. Closing the embassy could result in U.S. military strikes on Shiite militias behind the rocket attacks, U.S. officials said.
Oct. 1, 2020

Rockets fired by pro-Iranian group target Kurdistan region Iraq

Turkey, Iran deploy drones in north Iraq against Kurd rebels

The Kurdistan Region of Iraq was incensed Wednesday night as rockets were fired from Nineveh Plains outside Mosul toward Erbil. The Kurdistan autonomous region in Iraq is a stable area, and the attack by Iranian-backed groups is seen as a major test and threat directed at the region’s stability and US presence. The US has warned Iraq it will close its embassy in Baghdad and hinted at striking the Iranian-backed groups if the attacks do not stop. There have been dozens of attacks in recent months, including 107-mm. rocket fire and explosives aimed at convoys that supply the US. The US-led anti-ISIS coalition closed eight facilities in the last six months amid the attacks. The US has brought together some 25 ambassadors of various countries in Baghdad to express concern and demand that Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi stop the attacks. Masrour Barzani, the prime minister of Iraqi Kurdistan, called on Kadhimi to condemn the attacks and find those responsible. The brazen attack on Wednesday came a day after pro-Iranian militias fired a rocket in Baghdad that murdered several members of the same family.
Oct. 2, 2020


 Moscow ‘Concerned’ Turkey Moving Islamic Militia From Libya, Syria To Fight Christians In Nagorno-Karabakh

Turkey Fuels Azerbaijan-Armenian Conflict with Terror Proxies from Syria

Armenian PM claims to have evidence of Turkish involvement in Karabakh fighting

The Russian Foreign Ministry has stated it is ‘concerned’ of reports that the Islamic nation of Turkey, a NATO ally, is moving Islamic militia from Syria and Libya to fight Christian Armenian forces in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh in the South Caucasus. Nagorno-Karabakh is a ‘frozen conflict’ traced to the fall of the Soviet Union. Russia has a military base in Armenia and is of course an Orthodox Christian state. “Reports are coming in that members of illegal armed groups are being moved to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, particularly from Syria and Libya, to take part in military activities. We are deeply concerned about these developments that can not only raise tensions further in the conflict zone but also create long-term security threats for all countries in the region,” the statement reads. Meanwhile, Armenia has evidence that Azeri forces battling its troops in the disputed Nagorno Karabakh region are receiving military support from Turkey, the country’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said.
Oct. 2, 2020

Greece warns it will no longer tolerate Turkey’s ‘provocations’ in Mediterranean

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Thursday said that recent Turkish provocations must stop, referring to tensions in the eastern Mediterranean over energy resources in disputed territory. “One thing is certain: Turkish provocation, whether manifested through unilateral actions or through extreme rhetoric, can no longer be tolerated,” Mitsotakis said, as he arrived at an EU summit in Brussels. Tensions between the two NATO partners have escalated in recent months over a dispute concerning gas exploration in the eastern Mediterranean.
Oct. 1, 2020

War Casualties Reported In The 1000s As Azerbaijan Claims Destruction Of Armenian S-300 System

Armenian PM says Turkey taking new genocidal path

Armenia says it shot down Azerbaijani drone near capital

On September 30, the Azerbaijani-Armenian war entered its third day with another increase in casualties and victorious communiqués from both sides… In the morning, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry claimed that its forces had put out of service an Armenian S-300 long-range air defense system near the village of Shushakend in the Khojaly District of the Nagorno-Karabakh Region. How the long-range system might have appeared near the contact line in the contested region remains a mystery. Meanwhile, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry announced that its forces had killed or injured up to 2,300 Armenian soldiers or officers, as well as eliminated up to 130 battle tanks and other equipment pieces, over 200 artillery guns and rocket launchers, 25 air defense systems, 6 HQs, 5 weapon depots, up to 50 anti-tank weapons and 55 vehicles. The Azerbaijani side insists that its forces have victoriously repelled Armenian attacks in the Madagiza area. Clashes, artillery duels and drone strikes are being reported along the entire contact line in the contested region. Earlier, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry reported that its artillery strikes pounded positions of the 1st battalion of Armenia’s 5th Motorized Rifle Regiment near Gasangaya in the Tartar area and the 1st battalion of the 6th Motorized Rifle Regiment in the Talysh area. Azerbaijan claims that the Armenian military suffered heavy losses and has been facing difficulties in finding equipment to organize the evacuation of the dead and wounded. As of September 30, the rhetoric of the Azerbaijani side shifted from declaring regular gains in the battle against Armenian forces to claiming that Armenian attacks on positions captured in the first day of the war had been successfully repelled. This, as is typical of war-time propaganda, attempts to deflect from the lack of notable gains on the ground despite the successful and active use of artillery, Turkish Bayraktar TB combat drones and Israeli Harpy loitering munitions. Meanwhile, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan accused Turkey of “once again advancing on a genocidal path” and said Ankara’s military was directly leading an offensive by Azeri forces against ethnic Armenian forces around Nagorno-Karabakh.
Oct. 2, 2020

ISIS militants wreak havoc in Mozambique, killing more than 1,000 in insurgency

Islamic State-affiliated terrorists have reportedly formed a base hub of operations in Northern Mozambique, killing more than 1,500 people, and displacing more than 250,000, according to the European Union. The militants intend to spread out from Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado province throughout Southern Africa unless stopped, according to analyst Jasmine Opperman of the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project. “It is Islamic State, seeking a footprint in Southern Africa,” she told Fox News. “Islamic State needs a platform in the region to operate, and Cabo Delgado presents that opportunity, and hence I am saying there is a regional threat.”
Oct. 1, 2020


 Police clash with Portland protesters and press; more than 20 arrested

New York City, Portland And Seattle Declared Anarchist Cities By America

Congressional Hearing Reveals US Govt’s Invisible Hand In Protests Around The World

Police clashed with anti-racism protesters and pushed back members of the press in downtown Portland, Oregon into early Sunday morning, making more than 20 arrests. The violence followed a relatively peaceful rally by the right-wing Proud Boys group and counter protests by anti-fascist and Black Lives Matter activists on Saturday. Videos published online showed police pushing protesters and photographers to the ground and jabbing them with batons as officers drove them out of an area near Portland’s federal courthouse. Protesters burned a U.S. flag and scuffled with police trying to arrest fellow demonstrators.
Oct. 1, 2020

Belarus detains 500 people at anti-government protests

Belarus president sworn in at unannounced inaugural ceremony

Authorities in Belarus have detained about 500 people during weekend protests against the country’s authoritarian president, who has claimed a sixth term in office in an election widely seen as rigged. Belarus’ Interior Ministry said Monday that 150 protesters were detained on Saturday and over 350 more on Sunday, when anti-government protests spanned 22 cities. Daily rallies have rocked Belarus for over seven weeks now, with the largest ones drawing up to 200,000 people, in the biggest challenge yet to President Alexander Lukashenko’s long hard-line reign.
Sept. 29, 2020

Venezuela crisis: Anger over shortages triggers protests

Hundreds of protests have erupted across Venezuela in the past few days as anger mounts over frequent power cuts and shortages of fuel and drinking water, a non-governmental organisation monitoring social conflict says. The protests started in Yaracuy but have since spread to other states in the country’s interior. Residents accuse the government of neglecting the interior. They say it diverts supplies to Caracas, where the government is based. The grievances protesters cited as their reasons for taking to the streets were many, and included frequent power cuts and long spells in which the water supply to homes is cut, as well as shortages of petrol and gas used for cooking.
Sept. 30, 2020

Hong Kong Police Make Dozens of Arrests amid Mass Defiance of Protest Ban

Hong Kong police mobilized in force on Thursday, the 71st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Chinese regime, as hundreds of citizens defied a ban on unauthorized public gatherings to demonstrate in favor of democracy. The Hong Kong police reported at least 86 arrests for “participating in unauthorized assemblies, possession of offensive weapons, and other offenses.” There were also reports of people cited for violating coronavirus social distancing rules. Pro-democracy activist Lee Cheuk-yan pointedly tore up the citation he was issued for breaking social distancing roles. The HKFP noticed that no police responded at all to an apparently unlicensed procession of red-clad loyalists marching with Chinese flags early Wednesday morning.
Oct. 1, 2020  


 Global Food Shortages Are Becoming Very Real, And US Grocery Store Chains Are Preparing For Worst Case Scenarios

The head of the UN World Food Program repeatedly warned us that we would soon be facing “famines of biblical proportions”, and his predictions are now starting to become a reality.  We have already seen food riots in some parts of Africa, and it isn’t too much of a surprise that certain portions of Asia are really hurting right now.  But I have to admit that I was kind of shocked when I came across an article about the “hunger crisis” that has erupted in Latin America.  According to Bloomberg, “a resurgence of poverty is bringing a vicious wave of hunger in a region that was supposed to have mostly eradicated that kind of malnutrition decades ago”. We are being told that food shortages are becoming acute from Mexico City all the way down to the southern tip of South America, and those that are the poorest are being hit the hardest.
Sept. 30, 2020


In Unprecedented Monetary Overhaul, The Fed Is Preparing To Deposit “Digital Dollars” Directly To “Each American”

In the section titled “Central Bank Digital Currencies”, the Cleveland Fed president writes that “the experience with pandemic emergency payments has brought forward an idea that was already gaining increased attention at central banks around the world, that is, central bank digital currency (CBDC).” And in the shocking punchline, then goes on to reveal that “legislation has proposed that each American have an account at the Fed in which digital dollars could be deposited, as liabilities of the Federal Reserve Banks, which could be used for emergency payments.” But wait it gets better, because in launching digital cash, the Fed would then be able to scrap “anonymous” physical currency entirely, and track every single banknote from its “creation” all though the various transactions that take place during its lifetime. And, eventually, the Fed could remotely “destroy” said digital currency when it so decides. Oh, and in the process the Fed would effectively disintermediate commercial banks, as it would both provide loans to US consumers and directly deposit funds into their accounts, effectively making the entire traditional banking system obsolete.
Sept. 23, 2020

Amazon sees broad audience for its palm recognition tech

Amazon has introduced new palm recognition technology in a pair of Seattle stores and sees a broader potential audience in stadiums, offices and other gated or secured locations. Customers at the stores near Amazon’s campus in Washington can flash a palm for entry into secured areas and buy goods. The company chose palm recognition, according to Dilip Kumar, vice president of Physical Retail & Technology, because it’s more private than other biometric technology, and a person would be required to purposefully flash a palm at the Amazon One device to engage. Like the human fingerprint, every palm is unique. Unlike fingerprints, the palm is not used for broader identification purposes because more body specific information is needed. Any palm image proffered for use is never stored on the Amazon One device, the company said, for security reasons. The data is encrypted in a secured sector of the cloud that was custom built by Amazon, and customers can also delete their Amazon One-related data permanently at any time. The company expects to roll out Amazon One as an option in other Amazon stores in the coming months, which could mean Whole Foods Market grocery stores. But Amazon believes the technology is applicable in a myriad of secured locations.
Sept. 29, 2020


Cult leader who claims to be reincarnation of Jesus arrested in Russia

Russian authorities mounted a special operation to arrest a former traffic police officer who claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus and has run a cult based in the depths of Siberia for the past three decades. Helicopters and armed officers stormed communities run by Sergei Torop, known to his followers as Vissarion, and arrested him and two of his aides. Russia’s investigative committee said it would charge him with organising an illegal religious organisation, alleging that the cult extorted money from followers and subjected them to emotional abuse. Several thousand followers live in a series of remote hamlets in the Krasnoyarsk region in Siberia. Converts to the cult have included professionals from across Russia as well as pilgrims from abroad. “I am not God. And it is a mistake to see Jesus as God. But I am the living word of God the father. Everything that God wants to say, he says through me,” Vissarion told the Guardian in 2002. Russian media reported that in the original ideology of the cult, Vissarion claimed Jesus was watching over people from an orbit close to Earth, and the Virgin Mary was “running Russia”, but later he declared himself to be Jesus.
Sept. 22, 2020


 CDC Says It Published New Guidance On Risks Of ‘Airborne’ COVID-19 “In Error”

After publishing guidance warning about the serious risks of “airborne” infection associated with SARS-CoV-2, the CDC just seriously harmed its own credibility by acknowledging Monday that it had posted the new guidance “in error”, following a pressure campaign from the WHO. Scientists have been gathering evidence that the novel coronavirus plaguing the world spreads via aerosol particles practically since it first emerged, and back in July, a group of 200 scientists sent a letter to the WHO urging the international public health agency to change its guidance on the spread of the disease. The problem scientists argued is that the WHO hasn’t updated its views to incorporate new research showing that aerosol spread is a much greater threat than touching contaminated surfaces, or via large droplets spread by close contact between individuals. Yet, the WHO has refused these overtures, and this week it successfully convinced the CDC to do the same. After the WHO announced earlier that it had reached out to the CDC over the guidance change, the agency informed American media outlets that a “draft version” of the guidance had been “posted in error”.
Sept. 22, 2020


September 21, 2020- Dozens of birds fall dead from sky in Balakovo, Russia. Link

September 23, 2020- Dead whales beached on the coast of Tasmania, Australia. Link

September 27, 2020- Dead squirrels washing up on Lake Michigan beach, US.  Link


Brazil’s Amazon forest, precious wetlands burn at historic levels

Wildfires burning throughout Brazil have reached a historic high with the majority of them once again impacting the Amazon rain forest. According to data from the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research, from Sept. 1 to the 27th, nearly 29,900 fires burned in the Amazon – an increase of 50% in relation to the entire month in 2019. It is the highest tally at the Amazon, the world’s largest tropical forest that is home to 20% of the fauna and flora species on the planet, since 1998, when the country began counting the fires. In Pantanal – the world’s largest flooded grasslands – officials are seeing its worst month since 2010. Data shows that over the same period this month, 6,796 fires have been recorded, an increase of more than 135% compared to 2019. The fires there have already burned an area equivalent to 23 times the size of New York City and will soon reach Bolivia.
Sept. 30, 2020


  Snow Falls Near Rome as Italy Suffers its Coldest September Temperatures in 50 Years

“Italy’s Coldest September in 50 Years,” reads the headline of a wantedinmilan.com article dated Sept, 28.  Over the weekend, Italy suffered a sudden and dramatic drop in temperature. The mercury plunged by between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius across the country, resulting in Italy’s coldest September temps since the early 1970s. The bone-chilling cold, originating from the Arctic, also delivered heavy early-season snow to the most unusual of places: September snow fell on the hills in the greater Rome area as well as in the Lazio region. According to Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, snow rarely ever falls this early in Lazio. Even the big cities, with all that data-skewing Urban Heat, were still experiencing a “particularly intense” bout of cold. Milan and Turin registered record-busting lows of 5C (41F) and 4C (39F), respectively, on the night of Sunday, September 27. For reference, Milan’s average low for the time of year is 16C (61F), with Turin’s standing at a balmy 17C (63F).
Sept. 29, 2020

The Most Active Swarms In SoCal’: 45 Earthquakes Over M3.0 Rattle Salton Sea Area In 2.5 Hours

A swarm of earthquakes rattled Westmoreland on Wednesday afternoon, a city located south of the Salton Sea. The biggest earthquake of Wednesday’s swarm measured at a 4.9 and struck just after 5 p.m. According to seismologist Dr. Lucy Jones, in just two and a half hours, the swarm had 45 quakes over 3.0. “One of the largest swarms we have had in the Imperial Valley – and it is historically the most active swarms in SoCal,” she said. Jones reassured that Westmoreland is located over 30 km south of the end of the San Andreas. “None of the earthquakes that have been happening in the Imperial Valley are anywhere near the San Andreas fault,” Jones said. “They are in the Brawley Seismic Zone – a network of small faults that connect the San Andreas and Imperial faults. Historically largest Brawley event was M5.8.” Jones said the quakes are near the 1981 Westmoreland earthquake which measured at a 5.8. “That sequence had 10 quakes M≥3.5,” she said. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quakes were felt in parts of Imperial and Riverside counties.
Sept. 30, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album


Sept. 19, 2020 Frank’s Earthquake Warning from Sept. 16, 2020 and what he warned about gold and silver



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Link below will take you to my newest video Sept, 18, 2020. I have been warning the many earthquakes are coming watch the video and see what has already happened!  The video below (blue link) I also show my warning about the rise of gold and silver, see what has already happened. 


Video below was filmed Sept. 16, 2020 with my earthquake warning. 


Sept. 18, 2020- Summer of U.S. Disasters Set Records as multiple threats to Israel follow UAE, Bahraini agreements



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   PA official names five countries set to establish ties with Israel

Israel is in talks with several Arab and Muslim countries to normalize ties, Palestinian Authority Social Affairs Minister Ahmed Majdalani told KAN Radio Thursday. Oman, Sudan, Comoros, Djibouti and Mauritania are engaged in normalization discussions with Israel, he said.
****According to on-going research here at ETRM and based on the visits of Pompeo & Kushner, we have the 5 countries as: Oman, Sudan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia & Morocco.  Please see Ezekiel War below for information on Turkey/Iran in regard to these countries. 
Sept. 17, 2020

Socotra figures in multiple threats to Israel following UAE, Bahraini pacts

Two radical forces are gunning for Israel’s interests in the Gulf region since they were formalized in pacts with the UAE and Bahrain on Tuesday, Sept. 15. Middle East sources claim that the United Arab Emirates and Israel are setting up spy bases on the Yemeni island of Socotra which the Emirates took over in 2017. The same sources disclose that the UAE and Israel have deployed espionage equipment on the island for monitoring the Houthi insurgents on the Yemeni mainland, 350km away, as well as Iranian naval movements in the Red Sea and the Strait of Hormuz. The Yemeni government has called the takeover an act of aggression and Al Qaeda’s Yemen branch (AQAP) threatens to attack the putative UAE-Israeli intelligence base on Socotra. At the other end of radical extremism, are Iran-backed Shiite terrorist groups in Bahrain. With close operational links to the Lebanese Hizballah, they proclaim their intention of opposing the Gulf kingdom’s pact with Israel. The Saraya Wa’ad Allah, the first group out with a statement, says it has set up a new specialized sub-unit for attacking Israeli interests. The group strongly denounced “this false normalization with the Zionist enemy…” calling it “a cancerous gland on the body of the Ummah.”
Sept. 17, 2020

Gaza terror groups have military presence in West Bank

The Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group, Ziyad Al-Nakhalah, stated that Palestinian terror groups have military presence in the West Bank in an interview with Al-Mayadeen on Wednesday, warning that there are “no redlines” if war breaks out with Israel. Referring to a recent decision to establish a joint leadership of the Palestinian terrorist organizations, the PIJ leader stated that “important changes” will take place in the Palestinian territories, “especially in the West Bank.” Nakhalah added that military structures which belong to the terrorist groups are present there.
Sept. 17, 2020


Hezbollah moves large ammonium nitrate stockpiles through EU – report

The EU: Hizballah’s Intersectional Partner

US Treasury Department slaps sanctions against Hezbollah-linked companies

Hezbollah weapons stockpiles and large amounts of ammonium nitrate have been discovered across the EU, US State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism Nathan Sales said Thursday. “Why would Hezbollah stockpile ammonium nitrate on European soil? The answer is clear,” Sales said at a conference hosted by the American Jewish Committee (AJC), a pro-Israel Jewish advocacy group on the subject of banning Hezbollah. With the stockpiles, Hezbollah “can conduct major terror attacks whenever its masters in Tehran deem it necessary,” the official said. According to Sales, Hezbollah’s stockpiles “have been moved through Belgium to France, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland. I can also reveal that significant ammonium nitrate caches have been discovered or destroyed in France, Greece, and Italy.”
Sept. 18, 2020

Dutch Government SeeksTo Hold Syria Accountable For Torture

The Dutch government announced Friday it is holding Syria responsible under international law for “gross human rights violations,” in a process that could ultimately trigger a case at the United Nations’ highest court. The Dutch initiative, invoking the U.N. Convention against Torture, is the latest attempt to hold President Bashar Assad’s government accountable amid widespread reports it is mistreating its own citizens against the backdrop of the country’s grinding civil war. The Dutch initiative was triggered Friday with a diplomatic note handed to Syrian diplomats in Geneva in which the Netherlands “reminded Syria of its international obligations” to halt violations of the torture convention and to compensate victims, the foreign ministry said in a statement. The note asked Syria to enter negotiations on the issue. If the two countries can’t resolve the dispute, the Dutch government can propose arbitration and if that fails, the Netherlands “will submit the case to an international court,” the ministry said.
Sept. 18, 2020


Greece Vs Turkey: Is A War Inside NATO Possible?

Erdogan says withdrawal of Turkish exploration vessel shows goodwill toward Greece amid territorial dispute in Mediterranean

France Backs Calls for EU to Sanction Turkey Over Greece Territory Dispute

The political dispute between Greece and Turkey over the disputed territories continues to escalate. On Saturday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was forced to fly to Nicosia to discuss the situation in the Mediterranean Sea. During the talks, Kyriakos Mitsotakis complained about “destabilizing actions of Turkey, threatening peace and stability in the region, as well as testing NATO cohesion.” In response, Erdogan claimed the readiness to conduct a dialogue to resolve contradictions. As a result, Ankara sent another geological reconnaissance ship to the Mediterranean Sea. And exacerbated the already tense situation. The essence of the conflict between Turkey, Greece and Cyprus lies precisely in the fact that Turkey is conducting geological exploration of minerals in the waters that Greece and Cyprus consider their exclusive economic zone. Asa result of the visit, Mike Pompeo supported Greece and pledged US support for the rights of Cyprus to exploit hydrocarbon reserves in its exclusive economic zone. In addition, a bilateral document was signed on the construction of a Cyprus Center for Land, Open Seas and Port Security (CYCLOPS). The Americans have already allocated the first tranche for its creation and operation. This is a very expressive gesture in support of the Cypriots.
Sept. 18, 2020

Turkey and Iran are engaging in new operations in Africa – reports

Turkey’s bid to return to Ottoman-era glory endangers Israel, region

The increasing footprint of Iran and Turkey have caused concern for other states that view their role as belligerent. That means that Gulf media is concerned that Turkey has a large base in Somalia and that Turkey has sought more bases in Libya, as well as work in Sudan and Tunisia. Both North Africa and East Africa are basically either part of or border regions of the Arab League. That means they have direct connections to the security framework in Riyadh and Cairo. It is why the UAE, for instance, has interests in Somaliland. Beyond this area there is a swath of territory across the Sahel that is impacted by extremist groups. These include Al-Shabab, Boko Haram and groups linked to Al-Qaeda and ISIS. This swath of territory has led to rising attacks on countries such as Niger, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Mali and other states. An article at The National in the UAE in May revealed that Iran has begun to play a role with military proxy groups in the Central African Republic (CAR). The article revealed that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Quds Force has played a role in cultivating “terrorist cells.” An article at Al-Ain also asserts that Turkey and Qatar are now working to exert influence in Africa. The article asserts that Qatar has been trying to do influence peddling in Tunisia and that Qatar’s Defense Minister Khalid al-Attiyah has been coordinating with Turkey’s defense minister in discussions about Libya and Tunisia. They want to establish a “joint military training center” in Libya. The stories in the Gulf represent messaging that notes that Africa is basically now a place of potential tension and even conflict between the Gulf states and the Qatar-Turkey alliance. This is already taking place in Libya. Politically it is taking place in Nigeria as well. The question is whether it will impact political developments in places like Mali and Sudan where there have been changes in government.
Sept. 18, 2020


Riots Waged by Black Lives Matter Have Caused over $2 Billion in Damage Making Them the Costliest “Protests” in American History Feds Considered Pursuing Criminal Charges Against Portland Officials For Allowing Riots To Grow Out Of Control

Property Claim Services, a company that tracks insurance claims filed due to riots and the like, found that the left-wing riots that occurred between May 26 and June 8 of this year could reach $2 billion in insurance claims. Obviously, because the left’s domestic terrorism extended well beyond June 8 and is still ongoing, the company acknowledges “this is still happening, so the losses could be significantly more.” Most importantly, these estimates are all being compared based on 2020 dollars. Meaning, previous riots, like the 1992 Rodney King Riots in Los Angeles, cost $775 million in 1992 dollars. That adds up to $1.42 billion today, which is still lower than the $2 billion Black Lives Matter Riots estimate — which again only covers eight or nine days of rioting that has never really stopped. Here’s a piece of perspective that shocked even me… If you add up the insurance cost in 2020 dollars for all six major American riots during the turbulent 1960s, the total is a little shy of $1.2 billion — which means the terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter caused more mayhem and property damage in a little over a week than this country saw throughout all of the 1960s.
Sept. 17, 2020


  Chinese military drills in Taiwan Strait a backdrop to senior US visit

China began combat drills near the Taiwan Strait on Friday, the same day a senior American official began high-level meetings in Taipei, as Beijing denounced tightening ties between Taiwan and the United States. Beijing has watched with growing alarm the ever-closer relationship between Taipei and Washington, and has stepped up military exercises near the island, including two days of mass air and sea drills last week. Chinese Defence Ministry spokesman Ren Guoqiang said Friday’s drills, about which he gave no details, were taking place near the Taiwan Strait and involved the People’s Liberation Army’s eastern theatre command. “They are a reasonable, necessary action aimed at the current situation in the Taiwan Strait and protecting national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Ren said. Taiwan is a purely internal Chinese affair that brooks no foreign interference, he added.
Sept. 18, 2020


Bank of England eyes sub-zero rates in face of virus, Brexit

Federal Reserve expects rates to stay near zero for at least a year

Spanish Banks Merge in Sign of Hard Economic Times Ahead

Weekly for Six Months, US Unemployment Claims Exceeded One Million

The Bank of England indicated Thursday that it could cut interest rates below zero for the first time in its 326-year history as it tries to shore up a U.K. economic recovery that is facing the dual headwinds of the coronavirus and Brexit. After unanimously deciding to maintain the bank’s main interest rate at the record low of 0.1%, the nine-member rate-setting Monetary Policy Committee said it had discussed its “policy toolkit, and the effectiveness of negative policy rates in particular.” It is thus of interest that for the first time in the history of the bank that according to The Canadian Press by way of Yahoo! News, the Bank of England may issue negative interest rates, meaning that customers will not be paid by the bank for keeping their money in an account, but that they customers will have to pay the bank to keep their money in her.
Sept. 18, 2020


COVID-19 emails from Nashville mayor’s office show disturbing revelation

Australia Pushes New Measure To Detain COVID “Conspiracy Theorists”

A bombshell investigation by Fox 17, WZTV in Nashville, has uncovered once-secret emails that reveal a shocking conspiracy to deliberately deceive the public by withholding covid-19 infections statistics that would have shown that bars and restaurants are not spreading infections. While nursing homes and construction sites were found to have produced over 1,000 cases of coronavirus infections (each), bars and restaurants reported only 22 cases, reports Fox 17. From there, the cover-up begins. What these emails show is that Nashville officials were carrying out acts of criminal fraud against the people of Tennessee. They were deliberately engineering or shaping the propaganda in order to mislead the public and try to justify lockdowns and closures that could not normally be justified if they had reported the real numbers.
Sept. 18, 2020


August 27, 2020- Thousands of emus to be killed due to avian flu in Victoria, Australia. Link

August 30, 2020- Thousands of dead fish found in a river in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Link

September 2, 2020- Thousands of dead fish wash up in a river in Northern Greece. Link

4th September 4, 2020- Hundreds of dead fish wash up along Yellowstone River in Montana, America. Link

September 4, 2020- Mass death of fish in Lake Charles, Louisiana, America. Link

September 8, 2020- Mass die-off of fish in a lake in Quang Ninh, Vietnam. Link

September 11, 2020- Hundreds of dead fish wash up on beach in South Carolina, America. Link

September 11, 2020- Dozens of sea birds found dead along the coast in Lochaber, Scotland. Link

September 11, 2020- Thirty thousand cows dead in Camaguey, Cuba. Link

September 12, 2020- Hundreds of cattle dying from Mosquitoes swarms in Louisiana, America. Link

September 15, 2020- Dead turtles and sea lions wash up on coast of Mexico. Link

September 16, 2020- Millions of birds drop dead from sky, ‘unprecedented’ in Southwestern America. Link

September 16, 2020- Hundreds of thousands of dead fish appear in the La Estrella wetland, Argentina. Link

September 16, 2020- Dead sea birds found along the coast of Aniva Bay, Russia. Link

September 17, 2020- Over 90,000 mink to be killed ‘due to coronavirus’ in Northern Spain. Link


 Teddy strengthens into Category 4 hurricane, forecast to approach Bermuda this weekend

Powerful storm Aila brings destructive winds and heavy rains to Finland, over 90 000 homes left without power

Summer of U.S. Disasters Set Records, Left Trail of Ruin

Tropical Storm “Teddy” formed at 09:00 UTC on September 14, 2020, as the earliest 19th Atlantic named storm on record. The previous record for the 19th named storm was October 4 (2005) — this was initially an unnamed storm, added in post-season reanalysis. Teddy strengthened into a hurricane at 06:10 UTC on September 16 — the 8th hurricane of the 2020 Atlantic season to date. Only 3 Atlantic hurricane seasons on record have had 8 hurricanes by September 16 — 1893, 2005, and 2012. Teddy became a major hurricane — Category 3 — at 15:00 UTC on September 17, when its center was about 1 865 km (1 155 miles) SE of Bermuda. It was moving NW at 19 km/h (12 mph) and a minimum central pressure of 957 hPa. By 21:00 UTC on the same day, Teddy strengthened into a Category 4 hurricane, with additional strengthening forecast into September 18.
Sept. 18, 2020

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Sept. 16, 2020- Palestinians warn of Third Intifada while Saudi Journalist Calls to Internationalize Jerusalem Holy Sites



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  Palestinians’ Call to Reconsider Ties with Arab League

Hamas leader and Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader meet in Beirut

Palestinians warn of Third Intifada

The Palestinian Authority on Monday called on its leader, Mahmoud Abbas, to “reconsider” Ramallah’s ties with Arab League in that wake of what it called the pan-Arab forum’s “impotence” vis-à-vis the growing momentum for regional peace independent of the Palestinian cause. The Palestinian factions have criticized the Persian Gulf states of Bahrain and United Arab Emirates for seeking rapprochement with Israel before the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is resolved, decrying the two nations’ recognition of Israel as a “stab in the back.” The Arab League has remained mum over the peace deals, sparking both fury and concern among the Palestinian leadership, which fears the winds of change blowing through the region will marginalize the Palestinian issue. “The Arab League has become a symbol of Arab weakness,” P.A. Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh stated on Monday.
Sept. 16, 2020

 Gazans launch rocket attack as Israel signs peace agreements, 6 injured

 Israeli aircraft strike in Gaza, more rockets hit southern Israel

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attended a ceremony on Tuesday at the White House to sign peace agreements with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain, terror factions in Gaza launched two rockets into southern Israel, injuring several civilians. Following the strike, the Israeli military announced that air defenses intercepted one of the projectiles. The attack on Tuesday coincided with a historic ceremony at the White House to sign the “Abraham Accords” between Israel and two new Arab allies, the UAE and Bahrain. Both the PA and Hamas condemned the Gulf states for establishing official diplomatic relations with Israel, claiming it was a betrayal of the Palestinian cause. Meanwhile, Israeli aircraft attacked targets in the Gaza Strip early on Wednesday morning, the IDF spokesperson’s unit said, as another barrage of rockets from the coastal enclave landed in southern Israel. The IDF said on Wednesday morning that IAF aircraft attacked ten Hamas targets, including a training base and a munitions factory. The airstrikes came in retaliation after 13 rocket launches from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory were identified earlier in the morning, eight of which were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
Sept. 16, 2020

 Hosting Netanyahu, Trump says 5-6 more countries ready to make peace with Israel

President Donald Trump on Tuesday said five or six more countries are ready to make peace with Israel. Hosting Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House, shortly before the signing of the Abraham Accords between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, Trump said, “We’re very far down the road with about five additional countries… Frankly, I think we could have had them here today.” Answering questions about what Israel gets from the new deals, Trump said, “We’ll be signing up [other] nations… These are very strong agreements. This is serious peace… What Israel gets, the most important thing Israel gets, is peace.” He said he’d spoken with the king of Saudi Arabia, and “positive things will happen… This is peace in the Middle East without blood all over the sand.” The Palestinians, he said, “will be a member at the right time… We are talking to the Palestinians. At the right time, they’ll be joining too.” Asked about Netanyahu’s West Bank annexation plans, Trump said, “We don’t want to talk about that right now. That’s working out very fair — for the people who are coming in… and for Israel.” Hours after saying some five or six countries were on the path to peace with Israel, Trump on Tuesday afternoon revised that number to up to nine nations.
Sept. 16, 2020

Iraqi Politician Calls for Normalization of Ties with Israel

Iraqi Sunni politician and the leader of Ummah Party, Mithal al-Alusi, has called for the normalization of ties between Iraq and Israel after two Gulf states made the move in the past few weeks. Alusi, who is known for his pro-West political views, told al-Shafaq News on Saturday that he supports the UAE and Bahrain for their decision to open a new chapter with Israel and normalize their ties. He explained that the conflict between Israel and Palestine has been exploited by some countries for their own interests and not for the good of the people of Palestine. “There are nearly 700,000 Iraqi jews who currently live in Israel. Why should we enter a war with them for the sake of Gaza or for the sake of the bank accounts of the Palestinian groups,” Alusi said. He also pointed out that the top Iraqi political leaders have had meetings with Israelis, “but they are afraid of the Iranians because Iran is the policymaker in Iraq”.
Sept. 12, 2020

  Saudi Journalist Calls to Internationalize Jerusalem Holy Sites

Muslim Clerics: Fatwa Issued By Grand Mufti Of Palestine Prohibiting Emiratis From Visiting Al-Aqsa Has No Basis In Shari’a

Following the agreement to normalize relations between the UAE and Israel, Saudi journalist Fahed Ibrahim Al-Dughaither published an article in the ‘Okaz daily in which he advocated placing the holy sites in Jerusalem under international oversight. The Arab calls to liberate Al-Aqsa are meaningless, he said, because, even if the Muslims recapture East Jerusalem, they will have to grant freedom of worship to the members of all faiths. He therefore suggested forming an international body comprising representatives of the UN, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Vatican, and Israel, to maintain and administer the holy places in Jerusalem. Al-Dughaither added that the only conditions the Arabs must set for peace and normalization with Israel, in addition to the establishment of bilateral relations, are access to the holy places in Jerusalem and the freedom of worship in them. All other issues, especially those related to land, are not the concern of the Arabs but are an exclusively Palestinian issue, he said.
Sept. 16, 2020


 Egyptian FM in Greece for talks on border tensions with Turkey

Cyprus ready for dialogue with Turkey on Mediterranean issues, but ‘not under threats’

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry on Tuesday arrived in the Greek capital Athens for an official visit amid heightened tensions over Turkish maritime border claims in the Eastern Mediterranean. The ongoing territorial dispute was expected to be among the top regional and international issues up for discussion during several days of talks aimed at further strengthening cooperation and coordination between the two countries. As well as meeting with the Greek president, prime minister, and his ministerial counterpart, Shoukry was also due to take part in the 24th annual roundtable conference, organized by The Economist group, at which European and Eastern Mediterranean matters would be on the agenda.
Sept. 16, 2020

Rocket Fired At US Embassy Baghdad Marks 4th Attack On Western Targets In 48 Hours

On Thursday sirens range out in Baghdad’s Green Zone alerting personnel at the US embassy of an inbound rocket attack after a series of similar attacks on Western targets in the Iraqi capital over the last 48 hours. “Iraqi Security Media Cell has confirmed a Katyusha rocket fell inside the Green Zone, specifically near a residential apartment,” an official US military coalition statement said. “Outlaw groups continue to target Iraqis,” it added. The day prior, on Tuesday, AFP reported that “three separate attacks in 24 hours have targeted Western diplomatic or military installations in Iraq, security and diplomatic sources said Tuesday, hinting at a new escalation between authorities and rogue groups.” Previously this week two two Katyusha rockets targeted the U.S. Embassy, however, no one has been hurt in any of the attacks which left only light damage. It remains unclear exactly which group or groups are behind the attacks, but the State Department has in the past pointed the finger consistently at Iran-backed Iraqi Shia militia groups.
Sept. 16, 2020


   Iran says UAE, Bahrain will bear ‘consequences’ of Israel deals

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain will be responsible for any “consequences” resulting from their normalization of relations with Israel. Speaking at a cabinet meeting, Rouhani said that Israel is “committing more crimes in Palestine every day.” “Some of the region’s countries, their people are pious Muslims but their rulers neither understand religion nor (their) debt … to the nation of Palestine, to their brothers speaking their language,” he said in televised remarks.
Sept. 16, 2020

Peace Talks Have Begun in Afghanistan, Major Pitfalls Await

In Qatar on Saturday, Taliban leaders and a delegation representing the Afghan government and civil society began negotiating over the future of Afghanistan. This is the first time they have convened for peace talks since the United States’ entry into the war in Afghanistan nineteen years ago. As part of the U.S. bargain with the Taliban, the Afghan government was forced to release five thousand Taliban prisoners—including a major narcotics trafficker and terrorists responsible for the deaths of Australian, French, and U.S. nationals. The Taliban, in turn, released one thousand government prisoners. In addition, the Taliban has refrained from killing U.S. troops, although it is believed to be responsible for rockets that were fired at U.S. bases this summer without inflicting any casualties.
Sept. 15, 2020

IS militants, including foreign fighters, killed in Libya, Hifter army claims

Libya’s east-based army claims its troops killed at least seven Islamic State militants, including foreign fighters, in a raid on their hideout in the country’s south. The statement from the self-styled Libyan Arab Armed Forces said a six-hour firefight with the militants took place in a neighbourhood of the city of Sabha, 650 kilometres south of the capital, Tripoli into the early hours of Tuesday. In the years after the 2011 uprising that toppled longtime autocrat Moammar Gadhafi, IS and other extremists had managed to gain a foothold in the country, benefiting from Libya’s remote stretches near the borders with Egypt, Sudan, Chad, Algeria, Niger and Tunisia. Hifter, who was instrumental in pushing back IS and who is aligned with the east-based administration, attempted a power grab last year, with a military offensive launched in April 2019 aimed at capturing Tripoli. But the west-based Libyan forces and militias allied with the UN-supported government in Tripoli defeated that offensive with Turkey’s military help and Hifter’s campaign collapsed in June.
Sept. 16, 2020


 Unrest over fatal police shooting in Lancaster results in 8 arrests, 4 from outside county

Seattle BLM Takes Over Grocery Store To Protest “Lack Of Access To Grocery Stores”

BLM Co-Founder and Pro-Communist China Group Are Partnering Up

Anarchist Groups Tied to Riots in 4 US Cities

Barr Tells Prosecutors to Consider Charging Violent Protesters With Sedition

Police in Lancaster, Pa., arrested eight people early Monday on charges tied to the unrest that erupted following the fatal police shooting of Ricardo Munoz. The fatal shooting prompted more than 100 protesters to descend on the streets outside the police station. Demonstrators threw various items at officers and caused damage to the building, a parked vehicle and a nearby post office, according to authorities. Authorities said four of the suspects were from outside Lancaster County and two were armed with handguns during the protests that turned into destructive riots. Charges filed against the eight included arson, institutional vandalism, carrying a firearm without a license, riot, disorderly conduct, defiant trespass and obstructing highways and other public passages.
Sept. 16, 2020


 The Bahamas will launch a digital central bank ‘Sand Dollar’ in October

Major German Tech Firm Backs Call For Accelerated EU Digital Currency

The Bahamas is gunning to become the first country in the world to roll out a state-backed virtual currency nationwide, and has announced it will launch a central bank-issued cryptocurrency in October. The assistant manager of eSolutions at the Central Bank of The Bahamas, Chaozhen Chen, told Bloomberg that the digital currency, dubbed “Sand Dollars,” is intended to drive greater financial inclusion among the remote islands within the archipelago nation. New digital dollars will be created as demand grows, with the CBDC exclusively issued alongside the retirement of Bahamian dollars to mitigate potential impacts on monetary supply.
Sept. 16, 2020


  58 Killed in Jihadi Attacks on Christian-Majority Region of DRC

At least 58 people were killed and 17 kidnapped when Muslim militants attacked two villages in the mainly-Christian north-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo in early September. Twenty-three people were murdered on Sept. 8 and another 35 were killed two days later in the heavily forested Tshabi area of southern Ituri province. Large numbers of the population have since fled.
Sept. 16, 2020


 Chinese Virologist Publishes “Smoking Gun” Evidence COVID-19 Created In Lab

University of Pittsburgh scientists discover antibody that ‘neutralizes’ virus that causes COVID-19

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Considering Bill That Would Make Not Wearing A Mask A Misdemeanor

Judge: Pennsylvania’s pandemic restrictions unconstitutional

Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have isolated “the smallest biological molecule” that “completely and specifically neutralizes” SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The antibody component is 10 times smaller than a full-sized antibody, and has been used to create the drug Ab8, shared in the report published by the researchers in the journal Cell on Monday. The drug is seen as a potential preventative against SARS-CoV-2. According to the report, the drug has been “highly effective in preventing and treating” the SARS-CoV-2 infections in mice and hamsters during tests. The drug also reportedly does not bind to human cells, which suggests it will not have negative side effects in people.
Sept. 15, 2020


August 25, 2020- 500 sheep killed by lightning in Nepal. Link

Aug. 27, 2020- Dead dolphins are washing onshore in Mauritius. Link 

September 12, 2020- Hundreds of cattle dying from Mosquitoes swarms in Louisiana, America. Link

Sept. 14, 2020- Unprecedented numbers of birds are mysteriously dropping dead from the sky in New Mexico. Link

September 15, 2020- Dead turtles and sea lions wash up on coast of Mexico. Link

September 16, 2020- Millions of birds drop dead from sky, ‘unprecedented’ in New Mexico, America. Link


  Hurricane Sally careens into Alabama’s Gulf Coast, bringing heavy rains

Hurricane Sally made landfall on Alabama’s Gulf Coast on Wednesday morning as a Category 2 hurricane, spreading strong winds inland across the region, the latest in what has been a busy season of dangerous storms in the United States. The hurricane caused extensive flooding throughout the region, including several feet in downtown Pensacola, Florida, according to images shared by the National Weather Service on Twitter. Some parts of the Gulf Coast could see 3 feet (90 cm) of rain, as it is moving at a glacial 3 mile-per-hour (6 km-per-hour) pace. Upon landfall at Gulf Shores, Alabama, winds were clocked at 105 mph (165 kph), able to cause extensive damage, according to the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale. The storm poses the risk of life-threatening flooding along portions of the coast, the National Hurricane Center said in an advisory around 8 a.m. CDT (1300 GMT).
Sept. 16, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album
