June 13, 2020 Did you say no to Jesus Christ if so should read the following



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 9, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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 At a time when we are witnessing all of the end times birth pain Jesus warned us about it has become very clear to those of us who have received Jesus as our Lord and Savior that we had better get ready to be called home to Him.  One of the Lord’s warning for the last days has to do with the Earth’s extreme heat.  You can see what Jesus stated in the photo below.

Scripture on heat1

In my book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth I give you a time line of how the last days prophecies are being played out in our generation. I show you year after year what has actually taken place as we continue to watch for the end time signs Jesus told us to keep on the watch for. When you read my book don’t be surprised to learn year after year heat records for Planet Earth breaking records. Each year since I put up my book at my prophecy site I continue to warn you that the above prophecies concerning the extreme heat will only keep getting worse and each year that is what we are witnessing.   The year 2019, had heat records broken and a new report that came out in April of 2020, suggests that this year will probably be ranked the hottest year on record. Keep in mind, this is only one of the many last days signs that is coming to pass as warned it would by Christ.  This one prophecy about the intense heat wouldn’t matter much if it stood alone however, that is not the case! No other generation has seen all of the last days birth pains take place all at the same time as our generation is now witnessing. Jesus told us when you see all these things know that it is near even at the door. (See Matthew chapter 24 for the last days birth pains).

You can laugh at what you are reading and join the ranks of the people of Noah’s generation. Those people laughed at Noah’s warning concerning God destroying all the unrighteous people by a flood and it came to pass.  On the other hand you can choose to trust Christ’s warnings, take Him as your Lord and Savior and get yourself ready to meet the Lord in the air when He calls His Church home.  Make no mistake your time is running out to receive Jesus just the same way the time was running out for all the unrighteous people in Noah’s generation and, in Sodom and Gomorrah were God sent in two angels to warn Lot to leave the city before it was destroyed by fire. 

If I could take you by the hand and drag you into the Lord’s kingdom for safety I would but, that is not how the Lord’s salvation works. You have to come to Him by yourself asking the Lord for forgiveness and asking Him to be your savior.  All I can do is try and lead you down the path of truth which is found in God’s word the Bible.  My book will help you see how the Lord’s prophecies are coming to pass. If you have any questions feel free to email me a fjdimora@gmail.com.  It is my prayer that my work for Christ has opened your eyes to the one who wants you in His Kingdom!  Jesus Christ is waiting for you to open that door. 

Headline: Meteorologists say 2020 on course to be hottest year since records began

This year is on course to be the world’s hottest since measurements began, according to meteorologists, who estimate there is a 50% to 75% chance that 2020 will break the record set four years ago.



Another one of the many last days birth pains has to do with the many earthquakes in many places and those great earthquakes.  We just saw another great earthquake today as you will see at the bottom of the photo below.  So far in 2020, we have seen 32 of the great earthquakes but I can assure you more even bigger ones are on the way!  How can I say such thing?  I can because Christ warned in the last days the Earth was going to move last a drunkard. Read Isiah 24:20 “The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.”  In Chapter 38 of the book of Ezekiel God warns us of an attack on the Jewish nation in the last days. In part of that warning He warned us of a great shaking that would come during the attack on Israel. I quote Ezekiel 38:18-20 “18 And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face. 19 For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;20 So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.” There are other places in the Bible where Christ tells us on huge earthquakes that will be coming. For example in Revelation 6:12 we are told the following. “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;”. In Revelation 11:13 it says, “And in that hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell; seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.  Since everything else Jesus warned us about has come to pass there is no reason to even begin to think these prophecies in the book of Revelation won’t also be fulfilled.  Note this, if you refuse to free gift of salvation from Jesus now your on your way of being left behind on Earth to not only face the Antichrist but to see first hand the great earthquakes found in the Revelation and Ezekiel warnings.  



June 11, 2020- Federal Debt Tops $26 Trillion; Ecuador volcano erupts



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 9, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


Record Breaking Interest in Aliyah from North America

Israel welcomed 51 Olim (new immigrants) who made Aliyah on Tuesday as part of a Nefesh B’Nefesh Group Aliyah Flight. Tuesday’s group was the first out of several which are expected to arrive in Israel this summer. The Olim included an 87-yeas-old and a one-year-old baby. The new arrivals came from New York, Florida, New Jersey, Texas, Wisconsin, California, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island and South Carolina. This flight follows a month showing a 100% increase in North American interest in Aliyah in comparison to numbers from May 2019, the highest recorded month of Aliyah applications that Nefesh B’Nefesh has experienced in the past 18 years, since its founding. April showed a 50% increase in Jews who applied for Aliyah from April 2019.
June 10, 2020

  High Court nixes Settlements Law as annexation approaches

The High Court of Justice on Tuesday night struck down the 2017 Settlements Law as unconstitutional as the country nears a major decision about annexation in the West Bank. The law, opposed by Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit, would have retroactively legalized over 4,000 unauthorized settler units in the West Bank. Allowing the law to stand would have been a sea change, which critics had called creeping annexation – though many unauthorized outposts would still not be legalized and there would not have been formal annexation. The 8-1 decision – with only Justice Noam Sohlberg in dissent – is sure to bring down a new wave of condemnations from the country’s right-wing which viewed the law as a singular achievement. However, at the same time, the ruling could bolster the High Court’s independence before the International Criminal Court which is currently deciding whether to dive deeper into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
June 9, 2020

 Settlers launching campaign to fight Trump peace plan

 Israel prepares Palestinian census ahead of sovereignty move

Settlement leaders are embarking on an aggressive campaign directed at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Donald Trump against current formulation of the American plan for Middle East peace. The campaign will include massive posters with the slogans”No to a Palestinian State” and “Sovereignty – Do It Right!” accompanied by images of Netanyahu and Trump. It will also include protests at intersections and in major cities. “In any future plan, we will not support the establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of the State of Israel,” said Yesha Council Chairman David Elhayani, who has been a vocal critic of what Trump calls “the deal of the century.” “We demand that the prime minister listen to the needs of the settlement movement and change the map to suit their needs. The map as it is presented today is the road map to a Palestinian state,” Elhayani says.
June 11, 2020

 Islamic Jihad puts on show of force in West Bank

The Islamic Jihad terror organization is increasing its visibility in the West Bank, so far unimpeded by the Palestinian Authority. The change in the group’s behavior coincides with the PA’s financial woes compounded by the coronavirus pandemic and its suspension of security cooperation in Israel due to Jerusalem’s announced intention to annex parts of the West Bank. The recent death of a former Islamic Jihad leader, Ramadan Shalah last week, was the opportunity for members of the organization to make public statements and demonstrate a presence in their strongholds in Bethlehem and Jenin. On Monday, Jihad activists led a large car convoy through the village of Ni’ma near Ramallah waving flags and calling out slogans hailing the organization, using loudspeakers while swearing their allegiance to the groups’ current leader Ziad Nahala
June 10, 2020


  Rocket hits Baghdad airport in another attack on US forces

A rocket has struck within the grounds of Baghdad International Airport – where US forces are deployed – in yet another attack against American interests in Iraq. Security officials said the rocket caused no casualties or damage. While a wave of similar attacks that began in October has since eased, the latest comes three days before US-Iraqi talks as part of a “strategic dialogue” including on future military cooperation. Security forces initiated a search operation to uncover the perpetrators, a US-led coalition statement said. An Iraqi security official said the rocket struck close to the coalition’s headquarters. The attack was the first to target the airport since May 6 when three Katyusha rockets struck near its military sector. That attack did not cause any casualties. Monday’s rocket fire was the 29th such attack against American troops or diplomats since October.
June 9, 2020

Russian and Turkish military conduct patrol on new route towards Syria’s Idlib province

Anti-Assad protests persist for fourth day

A new route has been charted on the map of patrols conducted by Russian and Turkish service personnel in Syria, according to Aleksandr Shcherbitsky, chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria. “For the first time, a joint Russian-Turkish patrol reached the village of Jennakra in Idlib province, with an itinerary of 40 kilometers,” he said. “Two BTR-82A armored personnel carriers and a Tigr armored vehicle took part in the joint patrol from the Russian side,” TASS quoted him as saying. He said that, on Wednesday, the 16th joint Russian-Turkish mission had patrolled the area along the M4 highway in the Idlib de-escalation zone. The highway lies between the cities of Aleppo and Latakia. The joint Russian-Turkish convoy was backed by unmanned aerial vehicles of the Russian Aerospace Forces.
June 11, 2020


 The Middle East now has three authoritarian alliance systems – analysis

Turkey is increasing its role in Libya while the Iranian-backed Syrian regime of Bashar Assad struggles to deal with a major economic crisis at home. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia continues to face off against Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. The Middle East today is divided along different lines than in the past, but it primarily boils down to three alliance systems. These systems are rooted in Tehran, Ankara and Riyadh, and they all seek different authoritarian agendas. TO SOME extent the new authoritarianism was a reaction to the rise and fall of ISIS. But it has now become a more active proxy war across the region. In Libya, Turkey has poured in money, drones and weapons to fight the Libyan opposition of Khalifa Haftar, who is backed by Egypt and the UAE. In Syria, a three-sided conflict takes place. Turkey opposes the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, which it alleges are Kurdish leftists. The Syrian regime is backed by Iran, which wants a land bridge via Iraq to Lebanon. In Yemen, the Iranians send weapons to the Houthi rebels, who fight the Saudis. The region has rarely had these kinds of clear proxy conflicts in the past.
June 11, 2020


“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Romans 1:28-32

 Antifa Seizes Seattle PD, Sets Up ‘Autonomous Zone’ Just Like ISIS and the Paris Commune

600 Cops Could Be Leaving NYPD Due to Violent George Floyd Riots

Crime surged amid George Floyd protests in parts of US

Black Lives Matter Mobilizing Highly Trained Military Arm For War On Police

New Yorkers who have felt the wrath of angry mobs amid nationwide civil unrest over the death of George Floyd could soon feel the strain of fewer police officers patrolling their streets. According to people with intimate knowledge of the law enforcement situation in the five boroughs, there could soon be a mass exodus of officers from the New York City Police Department, as city officials have chosen to side against them while the officers try to restore law and order. Parts of the nation have seen a surge in certain crimes amid protests and riots that flared in the wake of the death of George Floyd. Cities including Minneapolis, where Floyd was killed, as well as New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, have seen an uptick in burglaries, shootings and even, in some cases, murders. Multiple high-ranking police officials in a number of cities, including Boston, Washington, Atlanta and New York have had their personal information shared on social media, including their home addresses, email addresses and phone numbers, the Department of Homeland Security recently warned. Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter (BLM) has declared war on the police and has released a blueprint for Black Panther style armed ‘patrols’ monitoring police officers on the streets. BLM’s leader revealed in an exclusive interview that they are mobilizing a highly-trained military arm.
June 11, 2020


  18 murders in 24 hours: Inside Chicago’s deadliest day in 60 years

US In Moral Freefall As Everyone Does What Is Right In Their Own Eyes

Shootings Surge, Murders up over 100 Percent as Protesters Flood NYC

NYPost reports eighteen people were killed in Chicago in a 24-hour span last month — the deadliest day in the Windy City in roughly six decades, according to a report. The slayings — including a high school student and a college freshman who aspired to become a correctional officer — occurred on May 31 as the city grappled with ongoing civil unrest in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis police custody, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. The grim tally made May 31 the single most violent day Chicago has endured in roughly 60 years, according to data provided to the newspaper by the University of Chicago Crime Lab. “We’ve never seen anything like it, at all,” the crime lab’s senior research director, Max Kapustin, told the newspaper. “I don’t even know how to put it into context. It’s beyond anything that we’ve ever seen before.”
June 10, 2020


 A Crash in the Dollar Is Coming

Federal Debt Tops $26 Trillion for First Time; Jumps $2 Trillion in Just 63 Days

The era of the U.S. dollar’s “exorbitant privilege” as the world’s primary reserve currency is coming to an end. Then French Finance Minister Valery Giscard d’Estaing coined that phrase in the 1960s largely out of frustration, bemoaning a U.S. that drew freely on the rest of the world to support its over-extended standard of living. For almost 60 years, the world complained but did nothing about it. Those days are over. Already stressed by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, U.S. living standards are about to be squeezed as never before. At the same time, the world is having serious doubts about the once widely accepted presumption of American exceptionalism. Currencies set the equilibrium between these two forces — domestic economic fundamentals and foreign perceptions of a nation’s strength or weakness. The balance is shifting, and a crash in the dollar could well be in the offing. The seeds of this problem were sown by a profound shortfall in domestic U.S. savings that was glaringly apparent before the pandemic. In the first quarter of 2020, net national saving, which includes depreciation-adjusted saving of households, businesses and the government sector, fell to 1.4% of national income. This was the lowest reading since late 2011 and one-fifth the average of 7% from 1960 to 2005.
June 10, 2020


More Food Shortages Loom With Outbreaks at 60 U.S Plants

World on the brink of worst food crisis in 50 years, UN warns

It’s a grim reality that’s playing out across the country as Covid-19 spreads beyond the meat plants that have captured the national spotlight. At least 60 food-processing facilities outside the meatpacking industry have seen outbreaks, with more than 1,000 workers diagnosed with the virus, according to a new study from Environmental Working Group. These are the first national numbers of their kind. The advocacy group compiled its figures using local media reports because there are no federal agencies reporting the data. The true total is almost certainly higher. Fruit and vegetable packers, bakers and dairy workers are risking infection as the virus spreads through processing plants where employees deemed essential have mostly remained on the job during the pandemic, sometimes laboring in close quarters.
June 10, 2020


The US Congress’ Digital Dollar Hearing is Today: All You Need to Know

Get ready for state-backed digital cash, programmable 5G and synthetic media

Just a year or two ago, the concept of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)–particularly in the United States–was novel. It was interesting, certainly–however, most of the world regarded CBDCs as esoteric technology that certainly could have use cases. hina has ramped up its efforts to launch a digital currency of its own; Facebook has attempted to launch a global digital currency network that was seen as a serious threat of the economic status quo. (Also, a pandemic has developed out of the spread of a disease called the ‘coronavirus’, causing massive economic fallout and launching much of the world into a recession.) While scrambling to launch economic stimulus programs that included quantitative easing and the sending of millions of personal checks, several early drafts of stimulus bills by the United States Congress included something novel, interesting, and totally unprecedented: the mention of a ‘digital dollar’. A digital dollar is not a representation of the dollar, it actually is the dollar. It would have the same legal status as the physical cash that’s in your wallet today. Now, several months later, the US Congress is revisiting the concept of a ‘digital dollar’ with a hearing devoted entirely to the subject. The hearing will take place today, Today, June 11th, at 12:00 PM eastern time
June 11, 2020


  Somalia: Over 500 People Killed By Cholera in Somalia Since January-UN

More than 500 people have succumbed to cholera and acute diarrhoea and left tens of thousands of others sick in Somalia since January, the United Nations said Thursday. The UN’s health agency said the epidemic had left more than 25,000 people sick, warning that number was likely to double by the end of June. WHO put the number of deaths since the beginning of the year from the epidemic at 524, while the UN humanitarian agency OCHA said 533 people had died. The case fatality rate, which measures the severity of an epidemic by defining the proportion of fatal cases within a specific timeframe, is currently 2.1 per cent — more than double the emergency threshold of one per cent.
June 8, 2020

WHO just obliterated every argument for mandatory vaccines or contact tracing by declaring asymptomatic carriers don’t spread COVID-19

EU accuses China of waging pandemic disinformation campaign

Today the WHO declared that COVID-19 almost never spreads through asymptomatic carriers, all at once wiping out the entire justification for mandatory vaccines and contact tracing. As CNBC.com reported: “From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,” Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said at a news briefing from the United Nations agency’s Geneva headquarters. “It’s very rare.” Asymptomatic spread was the entire reason why world authorities demanded lockdowns, social distancing and masks, too. It was also the underlying justification for demanding mandatory vaccinations and contact tracing.
June 11, 2020


May 19, 2020- Thousands of rabbits dying from new deadly virus sweeping America. Link

May 20, 2020- Tons of dead fish wash up on lake Varna, Bulgaria. Link

May 21, 2020- Over 21k birds dead due to avian flu in north Iraq. Link

May 25, 2020- 1.5 million chickens to be killed due to coronavirus in North Carolina, America. Link

May 26, 2020- Thousands of large dead fish wash up in a lake in NSW, Australia. Link

May 31, 2020- Thousands of dead fish found in a canal in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico. Link

June 1, 2020- Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a river, causes alarm, in Rome, Italy. Link

June 2, 2020- Thousands of dead fish wash up in the waters of Adiyaman, Turkey. Link

June 4, 2020- Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Sandusky Bay, Ohio, America. Link

June 8, 2020- Thousands of dead fish wash up along the shores of Lake Erie, America. Link

June 8, 2020- Over 500 cattle dead due to drought in Veracruz, Mexico. Link

June 9, 2020- Thousands of dead fish wash up along the shores of Lake Winnipeg, Canada. Link

June 9, 2020- 3,000 cattle dead due to drought in Las Tunas, Cuba. Link


Ecuador volcano eruption leaves several cities covered in ash

The eruption of a volcano in Ecuador’s Amazon region left several cities covered in ash on Tuesday, fueling concerns of a potential health impact as the South American nation slowly emerges from a brutal coronavirus outbreak. The Sangay volcano has had moderate eruptions for over a year that have had little impact because of its remote location, but a recent change in wind patterns has pushed ash toward the coast and affected areas including the largest city, Guayaquil. The institute said it expects minor volcanic eruptions to continue in the coming days but does not expect a major eruption.
June 9, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album






June 10, 2020 What in the world is going on?



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 9 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device


So you don’t think God is real or that Jesus Christ is the true Messiah? According to “The Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy” by J. Barton Payne, there are 1,239 prophecies in the Old Testament and 578 prophecies in the New Testament for a total of 1,817. These prophecies are contained in 8,352 of the Bible’s verses. Since there are 31,124 verses in the Bible, the 8,352 verses that contain prophecy constitute 26.8 percent of the Bible’s volume.

If you know anything about the bible after it has been read you will have understood just how close we are to the beginning of the tribulation period as warned by Jesus Christ.  For years I have been watching prophecy after prophecy come to pass in these last days. For the first time since Noah’s generation our generation has become just like Noah’s generation which is absolute proof we will see Jesus return for His Church soon.  If you are wondering why I sited Noah’s generation as proof we are in the last days all you have to do is read Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. This Prophecy is a very specific prophecy that only one generation could fulfill and you are in that last days generation.  Another very specific prophecy that is proof we are the chosen generation is see below.

“‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will bring my people Israel and Judah back from captivity and restore them to the land I gave their forefathers to possess,’ says the Lord” (Jeremiah 30:3).  “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.  I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’  Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth—everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made” (Isaiah 43:5-7).

Fact is, Israel has been reborn again just as warned for the last days and, Jews have been returning in record number for years since the rebirth of Israel. Today news as seen in the PNW report on June 9, 2020 the number of Jews leaving their homes to return to their Israeli Motherland has reached record numbers. “In a time of darkness, a time of pandemic, pandemonium and power struggles, a thin ray of light can be seen in the Jewish world. The results are in: In May, the number of North Americans applying to make aliyah was double what it was last year at this time (814 vs. 424). In fact, last month was the biggest ever in the 19-year history of Nefesh B’Nefesh, the nonprofit that with the help of Israel’s government and the Jewish Agency for Israel has already shepherded some 60,000 North American Jews to new homes in Israel.”We’ve seen small bumps, but nothing like this,” says Marc Rosenberg, Nefesh vice president for Diaspora partnerships. “What we saw this past month is absolutely remarkable. And while they may not be major numbers, they are major increases.”


The news I have presented to you is just a few of the many prophecies that are in the news that so many people don’t have a clue about.  If you aren’t playing games on your phone, Xbox or some other device for hours at a time, or sending countless messages on Facebook you may want to take some time and see for yourselves what the bible has to say about what will happen just before Jesus Christ calls out His church.  Maybe you are wondering why there have been so many earthquakes both small and great quakes lately, or why there are so many new untreatable diseases popping up around the world? I am sure by now you have knowledge about the Covid19 virus! Maybe you have seen the news about all the major changes in the weather which have brought on major storm after storms which have displaced millions of people around the world lately.  How about the swarms of lusts in the billions which at the present time are destroying millions of crops in 5 nations right now. What about the recent global violence over the race issue. In Matthew 24:12 Jesus told us the following: 12 Because of the increase of  lawlessness, the love of most will grow cold, and in 2 Timothy 3  we are told This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

After the death of George Floyd by the police, the world full of people who haven’t received Jesus as Lord yet went on a looting spree. They took advantage of  a tragedy afflicted on a black man to rob people who had nothing to do with George Floyd’s death and, those robbery’s included UPS trucks, mail trucks and, other trucks delivering goods.  No one who is really walking with Christ Jesus would have anything to do with such robbery’s!  What really needed to be reported was the downfall of morals in our society and a movement away from the Lord! For example ready the report below.

US In Moral Freefall As Everyone Does What Is Right In Their Own Eyes
In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes. Judges 21:25 “The consequences of rejecting God’s truth are undeniable. We know that what we believe dictates how we behave. Today, we are seeing the moral breakdown permeating the culture around us, and it is playing out with devastating consequences in our culture. The poll revealed 58 percent of respondents said they look to themselves or other people when making moral decisions. Less than one third said that they look to the Bible.

Below is another report showing what current increase of  lawlessness is doing to Chicago!

Headline: Chicago Mayor Begs Businesses To Stay as Major Retailer Mulls Abandoning City

“Portions of Chicago have resembled combat zones for years. But in recent weeks, roaming groups of rioters have used the May 25 death of George Floyd while in police custody in Minneapolis as a pretext to loot and destroy businesses both big and small in the Windy City.”


More news on the increase of  lawlessness Jesus talked about.

ANTIFA Seizes Seattle Police Department, Sets Up ISIS-Style ‘Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone’ As Mayor Durkin Orders A 6-City Block Area Abandoned 
As the carnage continues to rise, the dead bodies start piling up, and the hundreds of millions of dollars in damage to America’s cities decimates mostly minority-owned businesses, just keep telling yourself that this is about ‘police brutality’, just keep telling yourself that these actions are to ‘honor the memory’ of George Floyd. Just keep lying to yourself that this is all about freedom and ‘new beginnings’, it’s nothing of the kind. What is happening is as old as mankind itself, it’s wicked sin straight from the tap and stunningly unfiltered. It is wickedness.

More News on same subject: https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/leftist-riots-minneapolis-george-floyd-sunrise-movement-george-soros/

George Floyd’s Family Asks United Nations to Disarm Police in U.S.
The family of George Floyd, the black man killed while in police custody in Minneapolis on Memorial Day, has sent a letter to the globalist United Nations to ask for its help in disarming police officers in the United States of America.

Everyone needs to watch the two videos at this link that talks about how the death of George Floyd was a scam.  I must say up front I do no approve of the language in these videos however, what they show is revealing. I don’t care what your skin color is you need to watch these videos and make up your own mind if people behind Floyd’s death wanted to bring on lawlessness!  These videos were made by black men by the way so no one can say it is a white thing. Headline: PSYOP? George Floyd “death” was faked by crisis actors to engineer revolutionary riots, video authors say



5.7 magnitude earthquake hits southern Iran
A magnitude 5.7 earthquake struck Fars province in southern Iran on Tuesday, the official IRNA news agency reported. There was no immediate information about possible casualties or damage from the quake …

Somalia: Over 500 People Killed By Cholera in Somalia Since January-UN
More than 500 people have succumbed to cholera and acute diarrhoea and left tens of thousands of others sick in Somalia since January,

More Food Shortages Loom With Outbreaks at 60 U.S Plants
A caravan of vehicles decorated with black ribbons and memorial pictures crawled through Yakima, Washington, last week to mark the death of David Cruz, a 60-year-old fruit warehouse employee who died after contracting coronavirus. The county, a hub of agricultural activity where workers jam into often crowded factories to package apples and other foods, has the highest per capita infection rate on the West Coast.

Before you read this next report, you should take time to read Revelation 6:6. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. In a nut shell without going into great detail what we know is in the last days the price of food will sky rocket to levels not seen which will cause massive starvation.

Lawsuit Accuses Nation’s Top Meatpackers Of Conspiring To Boost The Price Of Beef
A class action lawsuit filed over the weekend accuses the nation’s top meatpackers — Cargill, JBS, National Beef, and Tyson — of conspiring to artificially increase the price of beef and thereby boost their profit margins. The lawsuit, filed in Minneapolis federal court on behalf of a Chicago grocer, says that the meatpackers…used their position to limit the supply of cattle and fix the price of beef…

Sydney’s coastal ecosystems suffer ‘once-in-a-generation’ mass mortality event, Australia
Marine ecosystems along a wide stretch of coastline in Sydney, Australia, have been devastated in recent months by a combination of bushfire debris, drought, and severe storms. Researchers for The Abyss Project, a scientific group of divers, described it as potentially the worst “mass mortality event” in decades.

These are only a few of the warnings that show us we need to be ready to meet the Lord.  Wake up and see what is really going on around the world. Satan is on the move to try and destroy what God has sent in place but, in the end Satan will be the one cast in the lake of fire with all those who rejected the true Messiah Jesus Christ.


June 8, 2020- World Economic Forum says “Now is the time for a ‘great reset'”



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 9, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


 Iran prepares to confront Israel in Syria via Hezbollah – report

 Despite Israeli strikes, Iranian forces massing on Syrian border

Iran may be preparing for conflict with Israel in Syria and no longer will accept Israeli airstrikes on its warehouses without a response, a report over the weekend suggested. Veteran journalist Elijah Magnier wrote on the website Medium about whether the “great Middle Eastern war will begin in the Levant” and cited Syria as a potential flashpoint. Magnier’s report is interesting because he asserts that according to “private” sources, Iran is evacuating “sites of the gatherings of its advisers, not for withdrawal or for redeployment, but to find bases within the Syrian Army barracks. Hezbollah has taken over the vacated Iranian buildings. Russia has been informed of the change so that the information would reach Israel.”
June 8, 2020

Palestinians advancing UN resolution condemning Israeli annexation

The Palestinian delegation to the United Nations (UN) has been advancing a resolution in recent days which condemns Israel’s intent to annex the Jordan Valley and key regions in the West Bank, Israel’s delegation to the UN revealed on Sunday morning. The Palestinian delegation intends to bring the resolution to the table of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) because the US has veto powers in the Security Council which will ultimately block any decision against Israel.
June 7, 2020

Palestinians hold anti-annexation protest in Ramallah

Netanyahu vows all settlements will be annexed July 1, but other lands may wait

‘Raise a gun’: Calls for violence against Israel by Hamas in light of Trump plan

Following criticism that the Palestinians have not been organizing protests against Israel’s intention to extend its sovereignty to parts of the West Bank, the Palestinian ruling Fatah faction on Monday organized a demonstration in Ramallah against the Israeli plan. The protest came two days after thousands of Jews and Arabs gathered in Tel Aviv to demonstrate against the annexation plan. Palestinian Authority and Fatah officials have called for “mass protests” in the West Bank to foil the Israeli plan. However, in the past few weeks only a small number of Palestinians have taken to the streets to voice their opposition to the plan.
June 8, 2020


Dozens wounded in clashes as hundreds of protesters flood Beirut

Protesters poured into the streets of the Lebanese capital Saturday to decry the collapse of the economy, as clashes erupted between supporters and opponents of the Iran-backed Shiite group Hezbollah. Hundreds filled the streets in and around the protest hub of Martyrs Square in the center of Beirut, with skirmishes also between protesters and security forces, who fired tear gas. Forty-eight were wounded in the violence, 11 of whom were hospitalized, while the rest were treated at the scene, the Lebanese Red Cross said. It was the first major anti-government rally attracting demonstrators from across the country since authorities relaxed a lockdown imposed in mid-March to fight the spread of the coronavirus. But Saturday’s protest turned violent as supporters of Hezbollah clashed with some demonstrators calling on the group to disarm.
June 7, 2020

12 said killed in airstrikes, attributed to Israel, on Iranian sites in Syria

Twelve people were killed overnight Saturday in drone airstrikes targeting pro-Iranian militia in the Deir Ezzor region in eastern Syria, according to a Syrian watchdog group. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based watchdog, the Iranian positions were hit with eight airstrikes just before midnight. It said the sites had been refortified and restocked three days earlier, and munitions and vehicles were destroyed in the strike. The 12 killed were said to be Afghan and Iraqi members of pro-Iranian militia. The Observatory did not identify the aircraft responsible, but its head, Rami Abdul Rahman, told AFP that Israel was likely responsible. The airstrikes came after Israeli strikes targeted a weapons facility in the area of Masyaf in northern Syria on Thursday night, killing nine people and causing massive damage, according to reports from Syria. According to the Syrian state media outlet SANA, the country’s air defenses were activated by the attack.
June 7, 2020


2 Killed, 8 More Wounded in Terrorist Attack in Turkey’s Van Province 

According to media reports, the attack was conducted by members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which the Turkish authorities have designated as a terrorist group. At least two workers have been killed and eight more have been wounded in a terrorist attack in Catak, Van province, Governor Mehmet Emin Bilmez said on late Monday. According to the authorities, criminals targeted a civil service vehicle with handmade explosives at around 6 pm local time. According to Anadolu Agency, citing the local authorities, the attack was committed by the PKK, banned as a terrorist group by Ankara. The PKK has been seeking to establish autonomy in the country, and Turkey has been fighting the group since the 1980s.
June 8, 2020

Tripoli forces push on to take Sirte, despite Egypt’s offer for truce in Libya

Libyan fighters allied with the UN-supported, Tripoli-based government pressed on with their advance on Monday, boosted by recent battlefield gains and their rivals’ withdrawal from around the capital, AP reported, citing the warring sides. The push came despite a ceasefire proposal over the weekend by Egypt, a backer of the rival Libyan forces commanded by Khalifa Haftar, which have waged a year-long campaign to capture Tripoli. The Tripoli-based forces, backed by Turkey, gained the upper hand last week after retaking the capital’s airport, all main entrance and exit points to the city and a string of key towns near Tripoli. Militias fighting to defend Tripoli rejected Egypt’s proposal, instead pushing eastward to take the coastal city of Sirte. Taking Sirte would open the gate for Tripoli to press even farther eastward, to potentially seize control of vital oil installations, terminals and oil fields.
June 8, 2020


“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Romans 1:28-32

What is the only way our world can treat people of color as if there was no color to see? There is truly only one way that this can be done. When Jesus looks at a person, He sees no color. What he sees according to the bible is the hearts and minds of men. If we receive Christ and take up His image, then as followers of Christ we too will see no color of any man- only the person. Without the pure love of Christ in our lives the things we see in the news will not change. If you want to make a real difference, it starts by asking Jesus into your life to restore what is already dead in your life, that being your soul. You keep hearing the phrase Black Lives Matters. The truth is in Christ every life matters and once we begin to treat everyone the way Jesus showed us, our world will be changed in ways you could not comprehend. At this poin,t Satan is loving what he has done to our society.  But his time is limited and he knows it. Loving like Christ is the only way!

Rioter douses police officer, sets him on fire as unrest spreads across globe

 An American ‘intifada’?

 Tucker Carlson: Is America being torn apart by a total, complete — but provable — lie?

Black Lives Matter protests sweep across Europe

Mayor Frey Asks Trump for Help After Minneapolis Rioters Cause Millions in Damage

Minneapolis City Council announces veto-proof push to disband police in George Floyd aftermath

‘Justice in Policing Act’: What’s in the Democratic police reform bill

Defunding the Police Means Destabilizing America

This Is Exactly What Is Going To Happen If Police Departments Are “Disbanded” Or “Defunded” All Across America…

Inspired by riots across America that have led politicians to repudiate law enforcement, violent protesters are now attacking police around the globe. Protests reached a horrifying apex of violence Thursday in Mexico when, during a protest in Guadalajara, a police officer who took his eyes off demonstrators was set on fire in an incident caught on video. Watching as a variety of people attempt to tear the United States apart at the seams one thinks about the intifada, the Palestinian “uprising” against or “shaking off” of Israel. The “protests” (riots?) in America have taken on some peculiarly Palestinian qualities. While most Americans recoil in horror from the images they have been seeing, others are looking for ways to capitalize on the situation and win adherents to their side. While everyone shares outrage about the death of George Floyd, no good can come of romanticizing and mimicking Palestinian “resistance.” 

Tucker Carlson:

Why do we kneel? We kneel because we’ve lost. We kneel before our victors because they have won. We put down our resistance. We beg for their mercy. But mobs rarely forgive. “We’re on your side!” we shout. We’re in solidarity, spare us. But they never do. What’s happening to this country? Why are Americans surrendering to violent mobs? Well, because they’ve been told they have to. If you believe we were seeing genocide, then you might understand the riots now in progress. There’s nothing worse than genocide. But is it happening? Is any of this true? We should find out. Facts matter. What exactly are the numbers? We found the numbers and we’re going to go through them with you in some detail because it’s worth it. Since 2015, The Washington Post has maintained a comprehensive database of fatal police shootings in this country. Last year, The Post logged a total of 1,004 killings. Of the 802 shootings in which the race of the police officer and the suspect was noted, 371 of those killed were white, 236 were black. The vast majority of those killed were not, in fact, unarmed; the vast majority were armed. And African-American suspects were significantly more likely to have a deadly weapon than white suspects, yet more white suspects were killed.
June 7, 2020


  Russia can now use nukes if attacked with non-nuclear weapons

Russian President Vladimir Putin endorsed a policy on Tuesday that would allow the country to use nuclear weapons in response to a non-nuclear attack on it or its allies. The nuclear deterrent policy allows Russia to use nuclear weapons in response to aggression involving conventional weapons that “threatens the very existence of the state.” It also reaffirms the nation’s right to respond with nuclear weapons if it attacked with one, the Associated Press reported. Additionally, Russia could use its nuclear arsenals if it gets “reliable information” that it or an ally is the target of a ballistic missile attack. The policy also allows Russia to use nuclear weapons in the case of “enemy impact on critically important government or military facilities of the Russian Federation, the incapacitation of which could result in the failure of retaliatory action of nuclear forces.” Russia has also been developing a nuclear-equipped submarine for the past few years, and was expected to be commissioned by September. Additionally, Iran, Russia, and China participated in a joint war-game to send a “message to the world.”
June 6, 2020


US Bankruptcies Soar 48% In May, Most Since Financial Crisis

One month ago, when showing the uncanny correlation between defaults and the unemployment rates, we predicted that the number of Chapter 11 filings that is about to flood the US will be nothing short of biblical. All that was missing was a catalyst, one which according to Bloomberg arrived in late May as retail landlords started sending out thousands of default notices to tenants, who in turn experienced a collapse in foot traffic, sales and cash flow due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and were simply unable to pay their debt obligations. According to Bloomberg, restaurants, department stores, apparel merchants and specialty chains have been receiving notices from landlords – some of whom have gone as long as three months without receiving rent. An estimated $7.4 billion in rent for April hasn’t been paid (May numbers have yet to be released), or about 45% of what’s owed, according to a recent analysis by CoStar Group, which also found that just a quarter of of expected rent payments have been received by landlords.
June 8, 2020


World Economic Forum: Now is the time for a ‘great reset’

The Shallow Deep-State Goes Deeper As It Moves Toward Martial Law

COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying. There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely, it is not unavoidable. To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.
June 7, 2020


 Northern Ireland under worst drought since 1976

Farmers in Northern Ireland are facing the worst drought since 1976. It came after an unusually dry spell and the sunniest spring ever, with records dating back to 1929. Allan Chambers, a member of the UFU’s Seeds and Cereals Committee, said the lack of rainfall placed farmers under a dire situation. According to Met Office, this year’s spring, which spans from March to May, was the sunniest on record for the region. The season recorded an average of 564.4 hours of sunshine across the area’s weather stations– the average for a Northern Irish spring is 428.78. The Met Office also recorded an average of 125.3 mm of rain, which is only 52% of the spring average. The average spring 2020 temperature for Northern Ireland was at 13.04 °C (55.47 °F), which was 1.25 °C (2.25 °F) higher than normal.
June 5, 2020


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June 4, 2020 Get your free up-dated prophecy book



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Just wanted to let you know I have again up-dated my free prophecy book for you. 

June 3, 2020- Large 6.8 Quake Hits Chile, as Cyclonic Storm makes historic landfall in India



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 15, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


 American Jews on edge as rioters attack synagogues, Jewish stores

The riots in the United States following the killing of George Floyd have spread, with Jewish areas and synagogues being targeted and raising concerns in Jewish communities, the Forward reported. A Jewish-community activist told Yeshiva World News that as many as 75 percent of the Jewish-owned businesses on they city’s La Brea Avenue were vandalized during rioting over the weekend. The Jewish community has been torn as rioting spread. On the one hand, community members want to mobilize for the cause of justice for the black community, but in many cases they feel like they have become the target of the rioters. At least four synagogues were desecrated and vandalized in Los Angeles over the past days, with rioters taking advantage of the turmoil to spray open anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli inscriptions against them. The Beth Israel synagogue was spray-painted with “Free Palestine” and curses against Israel.
June 2, 2020

Gantz orders IDF to prepare for annexation at once

Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Monday instructed Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi to accelerate preparations for the possibility that Israel will apply its laws to parts of the West Bank after he and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with Trump administration officials. US President Donald Trump’s peace plan would allow for Israel to apply its laws to 30% of the West Bank. The coalition agreement between Gantz’s Blue and White and Netanyahu’s Likud says the prime minister can bring annexation to a vote in the cabinet or Knesset on July 1 at the earliest. The IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) plan to hold war games simulating possible responses to annexation, ranging from an increase in terrorism to a broad wave of violence, Channel 13 reported.
June 3, 2020


  IDF tanks face off against Lebanese soldiers armed with rocket-propelled grenades

IDF tankists and Lebanese soldiers armed with rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) launchers aimed their weapons at each other in a face-off on the Israel-Lebanese border on Tuesday in an event described as “unusual” by Israel’s Channel 12. What makes the incident outside of the ordinary was the fact that the Lebanese soldiers were carrying weapons. Their presence in the area is routine, but they are typically unarmed. The IDF normally operates in the area as well. The two IDF tanks involved in the incident had crossed a border fence, Channel 11 reports. They were still  in Israeli territory, however, despite being on the border line. The northern border has been the site of several incidents recently.
June 2, 2020

First Russian Strikes in 3 Months Hit NW Syria

Russian air strikes have hit Syria’s last major rebel bastion for the first time since a March ceasefire came into force, a war monitor said on Wednesday. The Russian strikes on Tuesday evening and at dawn on Wednesday hit an area of the northwest where the boundaries of Hama, Idlib and Latakia provinces meet, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. The Observatory said the latest strikes were intended to push jihadists away from the key M4 highway in northern Syria, where Turkish and Russian forces often conduct joint patrols as part of the truce agreement. They were also intended to push HTS and its allies further away from the Sahl al-Ghab area in the north of Hama province, where government and Russian forces are present, it added.
June 3, 2020


“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Romans 1:28-32

 As protests push past curfews and troops descend, CIA veterans say U.S. similar to collapsing nations

 White House softens on sending troops to states

 Police militarization amid protests spreads concern

 Law enforcement officials nationwide note coordinated assault

World Outrage Grows at Floyd’s Death; EU ‘Shocked, Appalled’

Daytime clashes between police and the public on Tuesday were largely peaceful, as a second week of protests over George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis police custody began. Major cities continued with widespread curfews, and the National Guard attempted to prevent another night of violence and chaos. In interviews and posts on social media in recent days, current and former U.S. intelligence officials have expressed dismay at the similarity between events at home and the signs of decline or democratic regression they were trained to detect in other nations. “This is what happens in countries before a collapse. It really does unnerve me,” said Gail Helt, a former CIA analyst.
June 3, 2020


  Researchers discover unique, manmade viral manipulations of the COVID-19 strain

The Wuhan Institute of Virology in China is under worldwide scrutiny after a highly infectious strain of coronavirus began rapidly infecting Wuhan citizens late in 2019, before rapidly infecting people throughout the world. Now a new Australian study finds that the precise RNA sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus contains man-made manipulations that could have only been created in a laboratory. Australian scientists concur that the SARS-CoV-2 virus behind the COVID-19 pandemic contains unique, lab-invented properties that allow it to readily infect humans. The research, currently in the peer-review process, used computer modeling to understand how the virus infects various animals, including humans. Lead researcher Nikolai Petroysky found evidence to suggest that the coronavirus had been manipulated by the lab in Wuhan because it contains an unusual protruding spike that allows it to readily infect human cells. When in contact with human cells, the manipulated coronavirus strain contains binding strength that “far exceeds” attachment capabilities observed in other animal cells.
June 2, 2020


Earthquake fault near Tonopah still active with 6,500 aftershocks

The magnitude 6.5 Monte Cristo Earthquake near Tonopah is still rolling. Two weeks after it woke Nevadans, the Nevada Seismological Lab has tracked a phenomenal 6,500 aftershocks — four at magnitude 5.0 and greater, from the earthquake sequence. The USGS, who is partnering with the Nevada Seismological Lab to monitor the earthquake sequence, estimates that for the week through June 6, there is a 99 percent chance of a magnitude 3 or higher earthquake with as many as 22-49 such events
June 2, 2020

 Severe Cyclonic Storm “Nisarga” makes historic landfall close to Mumbai, India

Severe Cyclonic Storm “Nisarga” made historic landfall over Maharashtra, India just south of Alibagh at 07:30 UTC on June 3, 2020, with maximum sustained wind speeds up to 110 km/h (70 mph) and gusts to 120 km/h (75 mph). The landfall process will be completed during the next three hours. After the landfall, Nisarga is very likely to maintain its Cyclonic Storm intensity for about 6 hours, while moving north-northeastwards across north Madhya Maharashtra. Storm surge of about 1 – 2 m (3.3 – 6.6 feet) above astronomical tide is very likely to inundate low lying areas of Mumbai, Thane and Raigad districts and 0.5 – 1 m (1.6 – 3.3 feet) above the astronomical tide likely to inundate low lying areas of Ratnagiri district during the time of landfall. Nisarga’s center passed very close to Mumbai, a megacity and India’s commercial center with a population of 18 million, rarely impacted by tropical cyclones. In addition, this is its first time in recorded history to be struck by a tropical cyclone during the month of June.
June 3, 2020

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June 2, 2020 Last days Zoom Bible study you missed now you can watch them!



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If you missed my recent Zoom bible studies and you have a Face  Book account you can watch my teachings on the topics below.  Just click the links sign in to your Face Book and the teachings will begin. Keep in mind, I start teaching after the 30 minute worship, you can always use the fast forward button if desired. 


Coming Third Jewish Temple click the link to watch it. I begin teaching after the worship music.



2nd Zoom bible study The Western leg of old Roman Empire



3rd Zoom bible study The Eastern leg of old Roman Empire



June 1, 2020- US food Prices See Historic Jump, as Rioting and Looting Spread Across the Globe



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 15, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


  Pro BDS Group Links Israel to Minneapolis Police Violence, Causing Outrage

Palestinians Exploit George Floyd’s Death to Blame Israel- video

An attempt this week by the Democratic Socialists of America’s BDS national working group to tie Israel to recent incidents of US police violence against minorities has sparked outrage.  Referring to unrest on the streets of Minneapolis following the recent police killing of an unarmed African-American man, George Floyd, the group tweeted, “The police violence happening tonight in Minneapolis is straight out of the IDF playbook,” adding, “US cops train in Israel.” “The racist and brutal tactics used by Israeli military and US cops are purposefully one and the same,” it charged, citing no evidence.
May 31, 2020
**2nd link- Hananya Naftali is Benjamin Netanyahu’s deputy social media adviser

 Saudi Arabia, Israel negotiating Temple Mount control – report

Saudi Arabia and Israel are conducting negotiations to allow Saudi representatives to join the Jerusalem Waqf Islamic religious trust that controls the Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa, according to a report Monday by Israel Hayom“These are sensitive and secret discussions conducted with ambiguity and low intensity with a small team of diplomats and senior security officials from Israel, the US and Saudi Arabia as park of negotiations to progress the Deal of the Century,” said senior Saudi diplomats to Israel Hayom While Jordan had strongly objected to any change in the makeup of the Waqf, in recent months their stance changed after Turkey became involved in east Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. After the clashes surrounding the Gate of Mercy complex and the attempt to install metal detectors at the Temple Mount, Jordan appointed Palestinian representatives to the Waqf. The Palestinian representatives began to allow Turkish organizations to operate on the Temple Mount by establishing foundations to which the Turkish government provides tens of millions of dollars, according to Israel Hayom.
June 1, 2020

 Report: Iran tried to poison Israelis by increasing chlorine in water

Iranian hackers intended to poison Israel’s water by increasing the amount of chlorine during a thwarted cyber attack in April, the Financial Times reported Monday, citing both Israeli and foreign sources. Last week, Israel’s national cyber chief officially acknowledged the country had thwarted a major cyber attack against its water systems, an assault widely attributed to arch-enemy Iran, calling it a “synchronized and organized attack” aimed at disrupting key national infrastructure. The Financial Times on Monday quoted a Western official as saying that the hackers planned to increase the amount of chlorine added to water that was used in Israeli homes, with an Israeli official telling the paper that the foiled attack “had opened the door to ‘an unpredictable risk scenario’.” The report says the attack “could have triggered fail-safes that would have left tens of thousand of civilians and farms parched in the middle of an Israel heatwave, as the pumping station shut down when the excess chemical was detected.”
June 1, 2020


  Egypt officials say 19 Islamic militants killed in Sinai

The Egyptian military said it has killed at least 19 militants in raids and airstrikes against an Islamic insurgency in the northern part of the Sinai Peninsula, in clashes that also left at least five casualties among its troops. Col. Tamer el-Rifai said in his statement late Saturday that the raids and airstrikes took place last week in the towns of Bir al-Abed, Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid. He said forces dismantled at least five explosive devices and destroyed two four-wheel drive vehicles and a storehouse. The military statement did not specify the number of soldiers killed. Other officials however said two officers, including a colonel and a lieutenant, and three conscript soldiers were killed when an explosive device hit their vehicle Saturday while taking part in a campaign against the militants in central Sinai. The officials spoke in condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to brief the media.
May 31, 2020

Air strike kills 5 in eastern Syria

An airstrike in eastern Syria on Sunday killed five non-Syrian fighters backed by Iran, a Britain-based war monitor said. The strike targeted three military vehicles belonging to Iran-backed paramilitary fighters near the Iraqi border, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. The monitor did not say who was behind the attack near the border town of Albu Kamal. But Observatory head Rami Abdul Rahman said that “Israel was likely responsible.” Israel has launched hundreds of strikes in Syria since the start of the civil war in 2011, targeting government troops, allied Iranian forces, and fighters from the Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah. It rarely confirms details of its operations in Syria but says Iran’s presence in support of President Bashar al-Assad is a threat and has vowed to continue its strikes.
June 1, 2020


  George Floyd protests spread nationwide

 Protesters Worldwide Voice Support for US Demonstrators

 The World reacts as American cities erupt in anger over George Floyd’s death

 Pentagon ready to send troops to Minneapolis if state asks

 Rioting across the nation leaves cities reeling as hundreds arrested, National Guard called in, businesses damaged and at least 3 dead

Protesters explain why violence has erupted across the US

 Iran and Turkey seek to support riots in the US

Regimes based in Turkey and Iran both sought to exploit and support violent protests in the US over the weekend for the killing of George Floyd by a policeman in Minneapolis. Turkey is one of the world’s largest jailers of journalists and Iran’s government murdered 1,500 protesters last year, but leaders in both countries cynically sought to exploit recent protests in the US for their own ends. Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei tweeted that “if you’re dark-skinned walking in the US, you can’t be sure you’ll be alive in the next few minutes.” Former Iranian president and Holocaust denier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed that the killing of Floyd, the African-American man, was “deeply disturbing and upsetting” and that it was part of a plot by world powers and the “current world order.” He even used the word “nigga” in his tweet, apparently trying to make his tweet seem relevant to Americans.
June 1, 2020


    US food prices see historic jump and are likely to stay high

As if trips to the grocery store weren’t nerve-wracking enough, U.S. shoppers lately have seen the costs of meat, eggs and even potatoes soar as the coronavirus has disrupted processing plants and distribution networks. Overall, the cost of food bought to eat at home skyrocketed by the most in 46 years, and analysts caution that meat prices in particular could remain high as slaughterhouses struggle to maintain production levels while implementing procedures intended to keep workers healthy. While price spikes for staples such as eggs and flour have eased as consumer demand has leveled off, prices remain volatile for carrots, potatoes and other produce because of transportation issues and the health of workers who pick crops and work in processing plants.
May 30, 2020


  IMF exec floats idea of exploring ‘synthetic’ CBDCs

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement – Paving the Way for Cross-Border Digital Trade

Synthetic central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) could offer the best combination for central banks exploring digital currencies, according to a senior representative of the International Monetary Fund. Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli, head of the monetary capital markets division at the IMF, said public-private partnerships in developing digital currencies could be the right option for central banks exploring the tech. Mancini-Griffoli suggested that the concept of a digital currency backed by a central bank and backed solely by the bank’s reserve was no longer the only option, and may even be outdated compared to hybrid models. Building on the original concept of CBDCs, Mancini-Griffoli said synthetic CBDCs allow the private sector too to issue liabilities, which can be used to purchase assets for payment.
May 31, 2020

Airlines Call For Digital ID Tracking

The International Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents 299 airlines, recently issued their publication, Biosecurity for Air Transport A Roadmap for Restarting Aviation, which outlines their strategy to open up air travel as governments begin to lift travel restrictions. Under a section titled, “The passenger experience” and “Temporary biosecurity measures,” the IATA describes their vision of post-COVID-19 flights. The organization calls for contact tracing, a controversial method of tracking the civilian population to track the spread of COVID-19. “We foresee the need to collect more detailed passenger contact information which can be used for tracing purposes,” the report states. “Where possible, the data should be collected in electronic form, and in advance of the passenger arriving at the airport including through eVisa and electronic travel authorization platforms.” Interestingly, this call for pre-boarding check-in using “electronic travel authorization platforms” coincides with the recent announcement of the Covi-Pass and the Health Pass from Clear, both of which call for a digital ID system using biometrics and storing travel, health, and identification data. The IATA also calls for temperature screening at entry points to airport terminals. They envision the airline experience involving physical distancing of 3-6 feet throughout the airport. The group believes changes to the airport buildings to allow for physical distancing may be necessary. The IATA also recommended “face coverings” for passengers and protective equipment for airline and airport staff.
June 1, 2020


  Planned Parenthood staff admit to selling aborted baby body parts in sworn depositions

After years of denying that Planned Parenthood profits from selling aborted baby body parts to biotech companies, The Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life investigative group, released documents and videos showing the sworn depositions of clinic directors responding to questions about payments some affiliates received in exchange for fetal specimens. In a video compilation of depositions recorded last year at the U.S. Federal District Court of Northern California in the case of Planned Parenthood Federation of America et al v. The Center for Medical Progress et al, PPFA abortionists, department directors, and the founder of Advanced Bioscience Resources, a biotech company that once had a contract with Planned Parenthood to procure fetal specimens, were asked what they knew about the contracts and profits received by the clinics. 

Canada’s Opioid Overdoses Have Surged Since Beginning Of Coronavirus Pandemic

Opioid overdoses in Canada have surged since the coronavirus pandemic began, underscoring a worrying nationwide trend, the country’s chief public health officer said Friday according to Reuters. British Columbia, located in western Canada, had over 100 opioid-related deaths in March and April, a figure that the region had not observed in over a year, Theresa Tam said according to Reuters. While British Columbia is the epicenter of the country’s overdose crisis, the trend is also seen in Toronto, located on the other side of Canada, where paramedics reported that April had the highest number of opioid-related deaths in a month since September 2017, Reuters reports. Similarly, Calgary experienced a surge in overdose interventions.
May 29, 2020


Iran faces worst locust plague in 50 years, recent attacks unprecedented

Locust surge may turn into global plague

Iran is under its worst desert locust outbreak in the past 50 years and for the second year in a row. Compared with last year, the swarms of desert locusts are much larger, and it is safe to claim that the recent attacks are unprecedented, officials said. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) situation update on May 27, 2020, adult locusts are forming groups and small swarms in spring breeding areas along parts of Sistan-Baluchistan and the southern coast area as vegetation is drying out. FAO noted that the infestations will continue moving east to the Indo-Pakistan summer breeding areas. With the worsening situation, Iran may deploy its military to help contain the invasion in the country’s southern region.
May 29, 2020

DR Congo Reports Fresh Ebola Outbreak

DR Congo on Monday reported a fresh Ebola outbreak in the country’s northwest, just weeks before it hoped to declare the end of another epidemic in the east. The appearance of the deadly disease on the other side of the vast central African country comes as an added blow as it attempts to also battle the coronavirus pandemic. Health Minister Eteni Longondo said that “four people have already died” from Ebola in a district of the northwestern city of Mbandaka. “The National Institute of Biomedical Research (INRB) has confirmed to me that samples from Mbandaka tested positive for Ebola,” Longondo told a press conference. “We will send them the vaccine and medicine very quickly,” he said, adding that he planned to visit the site of the outbreak at the end of the week. The capital of Equateur Province, Mbandaka is a transport hub on the Congo River with a population of more than a million.
June 1, 2020


 Tropical Storm “Amanda” hits Guatemala and El Salvador, leaving at least 11 people dead

Tropical Storm “Amanda” formed at 09:00 UTC on May 31, 2020, as the first named storm of the 2020 Pacific hurricane season. At the time, the storm was about 90 km (55 miles) south of Guatemala City, Guatemala. Just three hours later, Amanda made landfall in southeastern Guatemala with maximum sustained winds of 65 km/h (40 mph) and very heavy rainfall. The storm caused significant damage along coastal cities of Guatemala and El Salvador, causing rivers to overflow and sweeping away buildings.​ At least 11 people have been killed in El Salvador, as of 20:00 UTC on May 31. Amanda weakened into a depression after it made landfall, but its remnants may rotate around the larger circulation of the Central American Gyre and move out over the water in the Bay of Campeche. There is a medium possibility that the remnant circulation of Amanda may develop into a tropical cyclone in the SW Gulf when it emerges over water, NHC forecasters said.
May 31, 2020

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May 25, 2020- China Warns US at Brink of Starting ‘New Cold War’



Next Zoom bible study will be on May 25, 2020 at 7:30 PM Pacific Standard time. If there is anyone who would like to join in on my next Zoom bible study, e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com or you can enter the Zoom study by going to the following Zoom link: https://.us04web.zoom.us/j/.278712297 
Once you are on the Zoom site, look to the top right hand corner of the page. You will see join meeting. Click that link and then put in the ID number to enter the study: # 278712297.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 15, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


 Quartet talks Israeli-Palestinian peace amid PA push to replace Trump plan

Erdogan: We won’t allow Palestinian lands to be offered to anyone else

The Palestinian Authority’s push to replace the US as the sole broker for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process failed to yield immediate results as a Quartet video conference on the matter ended without any conclusions. While the US did not clarify what its intentions were with regard to the July 1 date, Berkowitz did remind the Quartet that the US is proud of the Vision for Peace, which it unveiled in January of this year, the source said. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Friday’s Quartet video conference, in which its country was represented by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin, dealt with “ways to restore the peace process.” The UN, Russia and the EU stand behind the PA’s call for a two-state resolution to the conflict based on the pre-1967 lines, and in line with past international understandings and agreements. During the call, the sides discussed the idea of a Quartet meeting regarding the peace plan, but it is unclear if any meeting will be arranged, the source added.
May 25, 2020


 Greece accuses Turkey of seizing its border territory

The Greek government recently accused Turkey of seizing some of its territory along its eastern border. Turkey responded on Saturday by stating that it would not allow de facto borders after Athens complained to Ankara that Turkish forces had seized land at the course of the Evros River that separates the two countries. A statement by the Turkish Foreign Ministry said, “Ankara informed Greece that the river course has changed significantly for natural and artificial reasons, since 1926 when the borders were established, and that the solution requires technical coordination.” The ministry said, “The dispute can be resolved through talks between the technical delegations of the two countries, which is a proposal submitted by Ankara to Athens, adding,” We will not allow any form of de facto on our borders. ” Greek media reported on Friday that Turkish forces occupied a piece of land that is usually submerged in water at this time of the year, located on the Greek side of the border.
May 25, 2020

Loudspeaker Islamic Call to Prayer May become Permanent Fixture in Britain

Mosques across Great Britain could begin daily broadcasts of the Islamic call to prayer through loudspeakers after they were given special dispensation to play the adhan in the holy month of Ramadan. Some 25 mosques in London and dozens more throughout the country began to use public address systems to connect with Muslims last month as they were unable to attend religious services during the coronavirus crisis. The scheme was started by the London council of Kensington and Chelsea, which gave permission to the Al-Manaar mosque — the largest mosque in the borough — to begin broadcasting the Islamic message every night during Ramadan, an act that was previously illegal under noise pollution laws.
May 25, 2020


    Hong Kong police fire tear gas as protesters decry China security law plan

Taiwan vows ‘necessary assistance’ to Hong Kong residents

Police in Hong Kong have fired tear gas and water cannon at protesters rallying against China’s plans to impose a new security law on the territory. Thousands of demonstrators have been marching through the city centre. Police say 120 have been arrested. Earlier, 200 senior politicians from around the world issued a joint statement criticising China’s plan. But China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the legislation should be brought in “without the slightest delay”. China is seeking to pass a law that would ban “treason, secession, sedition and subversion” in the territory.
May 25, 2020


  China Warns US at Brink of Starting ‘New Cold War’ with Beijing

China says some “political forces” in the United States have taken bilateral relations hostage and are pushing the world’s two biggest economies towards “a new Cold War.” Speaking on the sidelines of the National People’s Congress in Beijing Sunday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Wu said “a political virus is spreading in the United States” which is “using every opportunity to attack and smear China.” Wang said China has no intention to either change or replace the U.S., and that the U.S. should abandon its “wishful thinking of changing China and stopping 1.4 billion people in their historic march toward modernization.”
May 25, 2020


   “It’s Time For A Rewrite”: Genetic Code of The Planet Under Attack

The very genetic code of the planet’s biosphere is being overwritten; The ultimate goal being the ability to manipulate, patent and program at will the biological processes of all life.  Tom Knight, professor at MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Lab, said in 2007 that “The genetic code is 3.6 billion years old. It’s time for a rewrite.” Synthetic biology, according to a 2005 European Commission paper is “…the engineering of biology… the synthesis of complex, biologically based (or inspired) systems which display functions that do not exist in nature.” Geneticist Craig Venter is a pioneer in the field of synthetic biology. In 2010 the media hailed his team’s success in creating “the first self-replicating species we’ve had on the planet whose parent is a computer.” The New York Times reported on the developing vaccine technology in 2015. As the Times reported, animal tests on the synthetic DNA vaccine “are essentially re-engineering the animals to resist disease.” Now, research backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will use genetic code created by computers in a potential coronavirus vaccine. As reported, the Gates funded synthetic biologists believe that they can “do better” than nature with self-assembling nanoparticles that will be injected into your body: “With all due respect to nature, synthetic biologists believe they can do better. Using computers, they are designing new, self-assembling protein nanoparticles studded with viral proteins, called antigens: these porcupine-like particles would be the guts of a vaccine.”
May 22, 2020


 Arctic heatwave is breaking records, and it’s not even summer yet

A record-breaking heatwave has arrived in the Arctic this month, appearing unusually early and with shocking intensity. Forecasts show that temperatures will remain higher than average next week, and possibly for the rest of the year. By mid-May, temperatures in the Arctic were the warmest ever recorded this time of the season. Last week, the temperature reached 80 degrees Fahrenheit above the Arctic Circle. A little farther south in Siberia, the temperature hit 86. The Arctic has been warming at a rate that is twice as fast as the rest of the world as a result of climate change. The early appearance of unprecedented temperature spikes indicates that this rate is accelerating.
May 23, 2020


 Western Australia hit by ‘once-in-a-decade’ storm

Western Australia has been battered by a massive storm which ripped roofs off houses and downed trees across a 1,000km (620 miles) stretch of land. More than 60,000 homes were without power on Monday – most in the main city, Perth. No injuries were reported, officials said. The state’s south was particularly hard hit with dust storms, torrential rain and huge waves along the coast. Authorities had warned residents to prepare for a “once-in-a-decade” storm. The Bureau of Meteorology said it stemmed from two colliding systems: the remnants of an out-of-season tropical cyclone, Mangga, and a cold front pushing from the south.
May 25, 2020 

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May 22, 2020- Loan Defaults Hit 6 Years High as Mortgage delinquencies surge by 1.6M



Next Zoom bible study will be on May 25, 2020 at 7:30 PM Pacific Standard time. If there is anyone who would like to join in on my next Zoom bible study, e-mail me at fjdimora@gmail.com or you can enter the Zoom study by going to the following Zoom link: https://.us04web.zoom.us/j/.278712297 
Once you are on the Zoom site, look to the top right hand corner of the page. You will see join meeting. Click that link and then put in the ID number to enter the study: # 278712297.

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth May 15, 2020 Edition by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


Clashes erupt between settlers and Palestinians in Yitzhar

The IDF was called to the area of Yitzhar near Nablus as clashes erupted between settlers and Palestinians from the neighboring village of Hawara, Ynet reported Thursday evening. Stones have reportedly been thrown by both sides, with no casualties being reported as of yet. According to N12, several dozens of hilltop youths from the settlement of Yitzhar attacked Palestinians on the freeway leading to Hawara. Border Police Forces were called to the area. Police was reportedly warned about the mob moving toward the road, yet it did not respond to the incident before the clashes broke out. The incident comes the day after a shooting attack against an Israeli vehicle was attempted in the area. No casualties were reported and the suspect fled the scene.
May 21, 2020

 Palestinian Authority withdraws forces as end to Israel coordination begins

 PA removes police stationed near Jerusalem, as Gaza said to freeze ties too

In clearest sign that coordination with Israel is over, Palestinians end contacts with CIA and withdraw forces from Abu Dis. The Palestinian Authority (PA) has begun implementing its announcement to end all agreements and understandings with Israel and the United States, including those on security, as a result of Israel’s intent to annex parts of the West Bank. The Arab48 news website quoted Israeli sources as saying that Palestinian security forces withdrew from the town of Abu Dis, near Jerusalem, on Friday morning. The Times of Israel also said on Friday that Israeli sources had confirmed that the PA had stopped all facets of coordination with Israel in the past 24 hours.
May 22, 2020


   Jordan warns it will review ties with Israel over annexation

Jordan threatened Thursday to review its relationship with Israel if the Jewish state goes ahead with controversial plans to annex parts of the West Bank. “We will not accept unilateral Israeli moves to annex Palestinian lands and we would be forced to review all aspects of our relations with Israel,” Prime Minister Omar al-Razzaz told the official Petra news agency. A coalition deal underlying Israel’s new unity government, sworn in on Sunday, allows it from July 1 to initiate moves to implement US President Donald Trump’s controversial peace plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
May 22, 2020

Lebanon PM marks 100 days in office as protesters storm ministry

Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab on Thursday marked 100 days in office by touting his government’s achievements during a speech at the Grand Serail – the seat of government power in Beirut. But a few blocks away, the mood was decidedly uncelebratory, as protesters once again took to the streets to vent their frustrations with a broken apparatus of a state that is not reforming fast enough to quell their anger. As Diab festooned his government in heroic metaphors, outside protesters were storming the country’s energy ministry to express anger with chronic power cuts that have become more frequent over the past week. The small eastern Mediterranean nation of just six million people is in the throes of an economic meltdown that has crushed businesses, thrown tens of thousands of people out of work and led the currency to dramatically depreciate. Those hardships have only intensified in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
May 22, 2020


    Iran’s Khamenei Calls Israel ‘Cancerous Tumor’ that Must Be Eliminated

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei commanded Muslims on Friday to continue waging all out war against Israel, repeating his suggestion the Israeli government is a “tumor” that should be excised as an “Islamic duty.” “The uprising by Palestinians should continue … fight to liberate Palestine is an obligation and an Islamic jihad … The Zionist regime (Israel) is a cancerous tumor in the region.” Iran’s top religious authority Khamenei said in an online speech. “Today, the world is counting one by one every victim of the coronavirus across the globe, but nobody has asked who is responsible for the hundreds of thousands of martyrdoms, imprisonments and disappearances in Palestine and in countries where the U.S. and Europe have waged wars?,” he said. “The long-lasting virus of Zionists will be eliminated.” He said Israel – which Tehran refuses to recognize – was created by the West in a conspiracy between Jewish plutocrats and banking interests.
May 21, 2020


  China to impose sweeping national security law in Hong Kong, bypassing city’s legislature

Pro-Democracy Protests Against China Security Law Slated For Weekend

China’s Communist Party will impose a sweeping national security law in Hong Kong by fiat during the annual meeting of its top political body, officials said Thursday, criminalizing “foreign interference” along with secessionist activities and subversion of state power. The move is the boldest yet from Beijing to undercut Hong Kong’s autonomy and bring the global financial hub under its full control, as it works to rewrite the “one country, two systems” framework that has allowed the territory to enjoy a level of autonomy for the past 23 years. After steadily eroding Hong Kong’s political freedoms, Beijing signaled that the national security law will be a new tool that allows it to directly tackle the political dissent that erupted on Hong Kong’s streets last year. The months-long and sometimes violent protests began last June and fizzled out only over public health concerns related to the coronavirus outbreak. The new tactic marks an escalation in Beijing’s crackdown in the former British colony and the clearest indication that it views Hong Kong as a restive region to be brought to heel after last year’s protests.
May 22, 2020


   Loan Defaults Hit 6 Years High

Mortgage delinquencies surge by 1.6M in April, the biggest monthly jump ever

Two weeks ago, when looking at the recent flurry of chapter 11 filings and a striking correlation between the unemployment rate and loan delinquencies, we said that a “biblical” wave of bankruptcies is about to flood the US economy. It now appears that the wave is starting to coming because according to Fitch, the monthly tally of defaults in the U.S. leveraged loan market has hit a six-year high, as companies are either missing payments or filing for bankruptcy because of the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. According to the latest Fitch Leveraged Loan Default Index data, the total amount of defaults in this high-risk, high-yielding area of the debt markets at $12.6 billion in May so far, the highest since April 2014, bringing the leveraged loan default total for the year to date is $33.3 billion. While many expect the US shale sector to lead in the coming default spike, US retailers have accounted for the bulk of defaults over the past two months, as they were forced to temporarily close stores in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. For now, energy remains in 5th spot after the telecom, services, and manufacturing sectors.
May 22, 2020


  Dutch National Bank to lead way in digital euro development

China to Build ‘Digital Central Bank’ Infrastructure, Striving to Become the World’s Leader in Digital Currency Development

Just as there is expectation of the development of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in China, Sweden, the UK and elsewhere in the years to come, a digital euro is also thought to be on the cards. The European Central Bank has been examining launching a CBDC, with indications that it would follow the direct-to-consumer or ‘retail’ model. The central bank has set up a task force to lead the analytical investigations into creating such a currency, though this may prove more complicated that it does elsewhere. With the euro being the official currency of 19 European Union countries, a project to develop a CBDC would require a collaborative approach between the ECB and the various central banks in the member states. Different countries have put themselves forward to play a leading role.
May 21, 2020


  Church refuses to close during lockdown, angering locals. Now it has been burned to the ground. 

A Mississippi church whose leadership refused to close the church’s doors during the state’s COVID-19 lockdown is now no more. An as-yet identified suspect reportedly burned the church down Wednesday morning.  The First Pentecostal Church of Holly Springs was vandalized, which caused an explosion to the rear of the facility. Authorities are investigating the vandalism as a criminal act of arson. One message spray painted on the church property read, “I bet you stay home now you hypokrits”.  Pastor Jerry Waldrop promised that the church would be rebuilt. “We are going to keep the faith, and we’re going to keep doing what we have always done, and maybe not on this location,” Waldrop said. “I’ll get with our faithful people, and maybe we’ll rent a building or whatever we need to do for the time being.”
May 21, 2020

Trump Declares Places of Faith Essential: Governors Should Let Churches Reopen This Weekend

President Donald Trump on Friday said governors across the nation should let churches and other houses of worship reopen this weekend if they haven’t already done so. “I call upon governors to allow our churches and places of worship to open right now,” Trump told reporters at the White House in Washington. Governors are free to call the president with any questions but challenges are not going to succeed, the president said. “The governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important, essential places of faith to open right now. For this weekend. If they do not do it, I will override the governors. In America we need more prayer, not less,” he said. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is issuing guidance for communities of faith at Trump’s direction. “It’s not right” that some governors have declared liquor stores and abortion clinics as essential but have left out churches and other houses of worship, according to the president, calling it an “injustice.”
May 22, 2020


“And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” (Luke 21:11) “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places “(Matthew 24:7) “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death (Thanatos in Greek meaning the death of the body whether natural or violent), and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8)

CDC admits to giving misleading COVID-19 testing data

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention admitted that it is combining viral and antibody tests when reporting its overall testing totals, a decision which scientists say paints an inaccurate picture of the state of the pandemic in America. The test mix was first reported by NPR’s WRLN station in Miami after a nationwide analysis found major discrepancies between state reports on testing and CDC reports. “It’s apples to oranges. The two tests measure two different things,” said Mary Jo Trepka, a professor of epidemiology at Florida International University. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” said Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, in a report by The Atlantic. “How could the CDC make that mistake? This is a mess.” The Atlantic report also found that the CDC is not alone in making the mistake — Pennsylvania, Georgia, Texas, Vermont and other states have also been conflating the results of the two different types of tests. Virginia and Maine only recently stopped.
May 22, 2020


  More than 500 earthquakes rattle western Nevada after 6.5 hit less than a week ago

A magnitude-6.5 earthquake rocked a remote region 35 miles west of Tonopah on May 15 and hundreds of aftershocks have followed — an event this corner of the county hasn’t seen in over half a century. A dozen aftershocks of 4.5 and above — and 500 quakes of 2.5 and above — have been recorded near Tonopah since the 6.5 quake. As recently as Wednesday morning, a 5.0 temblor struck. “This is your classic shock-aftershock sequence,” said Dr. Graham Kent, director of the Nevada Seismological Laboratory. “This is similar to what you’d expect in the aftermath of the big quake.” The 6.5 quake and following aftershocks occurred in the Walker Lane Seismic Region, a fault zone that roughly aligns with the Nevada-California border from Death Valley to Pyramid Lake. The western United States as a whole has generally been seismically quiet since the 1990s but Kent said this is changing. He pointed to a 5.7 near Salt Lake City and a 6.5 in Idaho in March, as well as several earthquakes in the 5.0 range near Mono Lake in California.
May 20, 2020

Rare tornado hits Sumatra, killing 2 people and damaging 245 homes

A rare tornado tore through several villages on Indonesia’s Sumatra island on Wednesday, May 20, 2020. At least two fatalities, 6 people injured, and 245 damaged homes were confirmed on Thursday, May 21. The storm hit the Tulang Bawang district of Lampung Province. National Disaster Mitigation Agency spokesperson Raditya Caste said animals also perished, including a cow that was fatally knocked over. Two people lost their lives while six others sustained serious injuries, who have since been admitted to the hospital. Jati added that power was disrupted to most areas in three affected villages. On Thursday, officials were still evacuating villagers to clean up debris.
May 22, 2020

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