March 16, 2020- Israel’s new parliament sworn in under special coronavirus conditions as Syrian War enters the 10th Year



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 10, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~

A Never-Ending Shabbat

Israel has come to a standstill amid drastic measures aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus. Among the first things to be closed were universities, schools and kindergartens. It’s not meant to be seen as a holiday, but that’s how the kids are taking it, at least so long as the government doesn’t completely lock us all down to our houses. Children on bikes are racing down the neighborhood streets, the playgrounds are full and the kids won’t stop nagging us to have sleepovers. After all, tomorrow there is no school! Meanwhile, many of us parents still need to go to work, creating a difficult situation. At least at Israel Today, we have the flexibility to work from home a day here and there to help with the children. My wife, however, works at the hospital, and might soon need to give overtime hours as the burden on Israel’s health care system increases. In our modern day and age, man feels more powerful and in control than ever before. But the coronavirus has knocked a bit of sense back into our heads. We aren’t nearly as in control as we imagine. I, for one, am not scared, or even worried. For me, this is where faith really kicks in. Our belief in and reliance on God as our ultimate protector and provider must by necessity now transcend the weekly church service. That doesn’t mean we won’t be touched by coronavirus or its societal effects. But it does mean we have no need to fear. If nothing else, this is a golden opportunity to teach our children this critical lesson in a very experiential way.
March 16, 2020


 Gantz officially tasked with forming new government

 Israel’s new parliament sworn in under special coronavirus conditions

Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin on Monday assigned the task of forming a new government to Blue and White Party chairman Benny Gantz, setting the wheels in motion for the possible end of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s record run as Israel’s longest serving leader. “The law gives you, sir, 28 days beginning tomorrow, to form a government,” Rivlin said at a ceremony where he handed Gantz the official papers authorizing him to form a coalition government. Both Gantz and Netanyahu failed to win enough seats in Israel’s March 2 elections to gain a majority in the Knesset, Israel’s 12-seat parliament. It was the third inconclusive trip to the polls for Israelis in less than a year after both leaders previously failed in attempts to form governments, forcing Israelis back to the ballot box. Although Netanyahu’s Likud Party won 36 seats to Gantz’s 33, the incumbent prime minister could only muster 58 votes in trying to build a coalition with smaller right-wing and religious parties. The breakthrough came on the weekend with the surprise announcement by the Joint List, an amalgamation of four largely Arab parties, that it would recommend to Rivlin that he choose Gantz to form a government.
March 16, 2020

Netanyahu’s Trial Postponed for Two Months Amid Court Restrictions Over Virus

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trial, which was slated to begin Monday, has been pushed off by more than two months due to an order for all court activity to be limited to a “state of extraordinary emergency” as part of sweeping new restrictions imposed by Israel in a bid to combat the coronavirus. “In light of the developments regarding the coronavirus outbreak, and taking into consideration the latest guidelines given and the declaration of a state of emergency in the courts, we have decided to cancel [Monday’s] scheduled hearing,” the three Jerusalem District Court judges presiding over the prime minister’s case said in a statement Sunday.
March 15, 2020

UK reiterates desire for two-state solution

Britain on Friday renewed its commitment “to working to help advance a negotiated two-state solution that delivers peace for both Israelis and Palestinians.” In one of his first meetings with an Arab representative since being appointed as the UK’s joint minister of state in the Foreign Office and the Department for International Development, James Cleverly met with the head of the Palestinian Mission in the UK, Husam Zomlot. “Post-Brexit Britain has become a much more relevant actor for peace-making in the Middle East, in the absence of a US role or contribution because (President Donald) Trump has discredited the situation,” Zomlot told Arab News.
March 16, 2020


  Syrian Civil War Enters 10th Year

Syria’s bloody civil war enters its 10th year with the government of President Bashar al-Assad appearing to be consolidating his hold on power, backed by crucial military and political support from Russia and Iran. The conflict began when Syrians took to the streets on March 15, 2011, to protest against Assad’s government, which then launched a brutal crackdown that has led to a conflict that has killed more than 370,000 people and displaced millions. Geir Pedersen, the UN special envoy for Syria, said on the eve of the anniversary: “The suffering of the Syrian people during this tragic and terrible decade still defies comprehension and belief.” U.N. chief Antonio Guterres wrote on Twitter this week that “a decade of fighting has brought nothing but ruin and misery.” The conflict at times has resembled a proxy war among world powers, with Moscow and Tehran backing Assad while the United States and Turkey have supported differing rebel groups. The Islamic State (IS) militant group also entered the fray and were opposed by all other sides. They have been driven from most of their strongholds, although some extremists continue to hold out in Idlib Province in the northwest of the country.
March 15, 2020

US Moves Patriot Missiles To Iraq

Tensions rise after US launches retaliatory airstrikes on Iran-backed fighters in Iraq

With coronavirus pandemic dominating the world’s attention, it’s easy to forget that the US is essentially in a state of war with Iran, just Thursday night conducting a major aerial bombing campaign against multiple Iran-backed militia targets across southern Iraq. In response to prior rocket attacks on Camp Taji which killed two Americans on Wednesday the Pentagon declared that “all options are on the table” — suggesting there could be more strikes to come. The Pentagon said it initiated a “proportional” response against five Kata’ib Hezbollah weapons facilities. Iraq’s government immediately condemned the attacks as not only unauthorized violations of its airspace, but as having killed and wounded several Iraqi security force personnel. Top US forces general in the region, Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, brushed Baghdad’s condemnation aside, essentially saying it was Iraqi forces’ fault for being there. Many officers in the Iraqi Army essentially see Khatib Hezbollah as a de facto extension of national forces.
March 13, 2020

Iranian Proxies Escalate Against U.S. in Iraq

Crisis Brief is a special edition of the Overwatch podcast series intended to provide timely updates on unfolding national security crises. Iran’s proxies are again escalating against U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq. Kata’ib Hezbollah fired rockets at a U.S. base in Taji, north of Baghdad, on March 11, triggering an immediate U.S. reprisal. Today, another rocket attack targeted the Taji base. In this Overwatch Crisis Brief recorded on March 13, ISW’s Iraq experts Nicholas Heras, Katherine Lawlor, and Brandon Wallace discuss the implications for the U.S.-led coalition’s relationship with Iraqi security forces and the increasing cooperation between Iran’s proxy groups.
March 14, 2020

Two US soldiers seriously injured after rocket attack on military base outside Baghdad – Pentagon

Analysts mull coalition strategy in spat with Iran-backed forces

Two of the three US military personnel injured in the latest rocket attack on Camp Taji base north of Iraq’s capital are being treated at a military hospital in Baghdad, Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said Saturday. Earlier in the day, Iraqi military said a number of the nation’s soldiers had also been “critically injured” in the incident. The Taji base has come under rocket attacks twice in less than a week. On Wednesday, three soldiers, two from the US and one from the UK, were killed at the military installation, while a dozen others were injured. The US military blamed that attack on Iraqi Shia militias and launched retaliatory strikes, which killed at least six Iraqi military and police personnel.
March 16, 2020

***Please note the news items for March 12, 2020 for further information on this situation

5.2-magnitude quake hits 96 km WNW of Bandar ‘Abbas, Iran: USGS

Do nuclear tests affect tectonic plates and cause earthquakes or volcanic eruptions?

So can an underground test cause an earthquake? The short answer is yes: a nuclear explosion can cause small earthquakes. But it is unlikely to affect the earth’s tectonic plates or cause a volcanic eruption.


 U.S. stock futures tumble after Fed slashes rates

Price Of Physical Gold Decouples From Paper Gold

 Philippines Is First Country To Halt Its Market “Until Further Notice”

U.S. stock futures plunged late Sunday after the Federal Reserve cut rates to near zero and unleashed additional measures amid the virus crisis. The U.S. central bank on Sunday cut its benchmark interest rate by a full percentage point to near zero and will increase its bond holdings by at least 700 billion U.S. dollars amid mounting fears over the coronavirus outbreak. U.S. stock-index futures tumbled to limit down levels with the Dow Jones Industrial average futures dropping more than 1,000 points after the Fed’s move. The Fed’s latest action came less than two weeks after it slashed rates by a half percentage point in an emergency move that failed to reassure nervous investors, as the coronavirus outbreak has posed “evolving risks” to economic activity. Vicious market swing has become a norm for U.S. equities these days as the number of COVID-19 cases increases rapidly across the country.
March 15, 2020

Grocery Stores Struggle to Keep Up Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Trump urges no hoarding as coronavirus panic strains grocery stores

Stores are racing to replenish depleted shelves and to calm shoppers anxiously preparing for coronavirus disruptions, but they are having trouble meeting the heightened demand. “Hand sanitizer is going to be very difficult to have 100 percent on stock on for some time,” Walmart CEO Doug McMillon said at a White House news conference Friday. “We’re still replenishing it and shipping it, but as soon as it hits the stores, it’s going.” McMillon said a stressed supply chain was responsible for the racks bare of paper products, water and cleaning supplies. “All the retailers have been working hand in hand with the suppliers to bring that to the markets as fast as we can,” he said.
March 16, 2020


Illinois mayor grants herself power to ban gun sales over coronavirus

Israel Takes Step toward Monitoring Phones of Virus Patients

In signing an executive order declaring a citywide state of emergency to address the coronavirus, the mayor of Champaign, Illinois also gave herself the power to ban the sale of firearms. Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen signed the executive order on Thursday. The order “comes with extraordinary powers for the mayor to enact over a short period of time as the city combats the spread of the coronavirus,” the Washington Examiner reported. Among the powers Feinen gained herself is the power to ban the sale of guns, ammunition, alcohol, and gasoline. Feinen could also cut off access to individuals’ gas, water, or electricity. The city also has the ability to “take possession of private property” or order the temporary closing of all bars or liquor stores. Jeff Hamilton, the city’s manager, told WAND, “The executive order allows the city to be flexible to properly respond to the emergency needs of our community. None of the options will necessarily be implemented but are available in order to protect the welfare and safety of our community if needed.” The Champaign City Council on Friday held a meeting to address concerns about the mayor’s order. Deputy Mayor Tom Bruno noted that each ordinance considered under the executive order would be ratified by the council. The city also released a statement claiming that the council and the mayor would only take steps “necessary to ensure the health, safety, and welfare” of the city.
March 15, 2020


Brawls and screaming matches break out at stores across the country as coronavirus panic buying intensifies and national emergency is declared

Disturbing footage has emerged on social media showing fights breaking out in stores across the country as panicked Americans rush to stock up on supplies amid the national coronavirus emergency. Two separate videos were posted from New York and Georgia on Thursday which showed intense and brutal fights erupting between tense customers battling through the crowds flooding into stores. A brawl erupted in a Georgia Sam’s Club packed with shoppers during which two feuding men slashed each other with broken wine bottles. A second incident in a Costco in Brooklyn saw an employee pleading with two women to calm down after a screaming match began when carts collided in the mobbed store.
March 15, 2020



  House Passes Coronavirus Bill That Provides Free Testing, Sick Leave Benefits

Fed Cuts Rates to Near Zero and Will Relaunch Bond-Buying Program

President Trump considering domestic restrictions, adds U.K. to ban

NYC & LA Mayors Order Bars, Nightlife, Gyms, & Restaurants To Shut

Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus

The House voted overwhelmingly early Saturday morning to pass a bill that provides coronavirus testing at no cost to patients, and extends paid sick leave to workers who come down with the virus or have to go into self-quarantine. President Donald Trump expressed his support for the bill, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, Friday night as House Democrats negotiated the details of the law with Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. It passed by a vote of 363-40, with all dissenting votes coming from Republicans. Trump’s backing is seen as key to getting the Senate to sign on to the aid package.
March 15, 2020

Louisiana First State To Postpone Upcoming Primary Due To Coronavirus Pandemic

Georgia 2nd state to postpone pres. primaries over virus

Louisiana is moving to postpone its April 4 presidential primary due to concerns over the coronavirus outbreak, state election officials announced Friday. The primary – which includes mayoral races and local propositions as well as the presidential ballot – would instead be held June 20, Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin announced at a news conference in Baton Rouge. Christina Stephens, a spokeswoman for Louisiana Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards, told Fox News the governor will sign an executive order Friday moving the election to the later date.
March 15, 2020

China shuts all 16 temporary coronavirus hospitals in Wuhan

Corona Is Slowing Down, Humanity Will Survive, Says Biophysicist Michael Levitt

In a dramatic sign that the coronavirus crisis is improving in China, the last two of 16 temporary hospitals in the epicenter city of Wuhan have been shut down, according to a report. The final group of 49 patients walked out of the Wuchang temporary hospital in the capital of Hubei province on Tuesday afternoon to cheers, according to the Xinhua news agency. The 784-bed facility — which was converted from Wuchang Hongshan Stadium — opened Feb. 5 and received a total of 1,124 patients, according to the news outlet, which said 833 were discharged and 291 were transferred to other hospitals.
March 13, 2020


     Intense storms hits northwestern India, causing severe crop damage and claiming lives of at least 28 people

Very heavy rains accompanied by lightning and destructive hailstorms hit northwestern India, particularly Uttar Pradesh and Delhi, this week, causing severe crop damage and claiming the lives of at least 28 people. Meteorologists said the storms were triggered by a western disturbance — extratropical cyclonic storm originating in the Mediterranean Sea. The storms are following one of the coldest winter seasons on record. Delhi has already recorded its wettest March on record. Rains in and around Delhi started on Tuesday, March 10 and continued through Saturday, March 14, when the city recorded 37 mm (1.45 inches), according to data provided by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). Other notable 24-hour March records are 56.8 mm (2.23 inches) on March 2, 2015, 27.2 mm (1.07 inches) on March 13, 2007 and 20.6 mm (0.81 inches) in March 2005 — making Saturday, March 14, the second-wettest March day on record.
March 15, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album






March 13, 2020 

March 12, 2020- Israeli-made oral vaccine for coronavirus on track; Very rare cyclone over the Middle East



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 10, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


 Israel bans gatherings of more than 100 people in closed areas

 Israeli-made oral vaccine for coronavirus on track, but testing will take months

On Wednesday evening, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that Israel is instituting a ban on gatherings of more than 100 people in closed spaces. The prime minister took the unprecedented step in response to a public health crisis that the World Health Organization deemed a pandemic, days after Netanyahu made a similar announcement. The move comes a day after Israel announced that all arrivals to the country will be required to quarantine for 14 days, which the prime minister framed as a step to close the nation’s “outer envelope” of vulnerability to the virus. Netanyahu also told Israelis not to hug, kiss, or shake hands, reiterating that the corona crisis is a “pandemic” and referring to the virus as “a global plague.”
March 12, 2020


   Arab media abuzz with reports that Hezbollah chief infected with coronavirus

On Wednesday, a United Arab Emirates-based reporter named Maria Maaloof posted to Twitter about Arab media reports claiming that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has the coronavirus. Nasrallah allegedly contracted the virus after hosting a delegation from Iran, which bankrolls his terror group. Iran has the highest concentration of virus cases in the Middle East, with the senior vice president and two other ministers reportedly diagnosed with COVID-19, the technical name for the illness caused by the virus.
March 11, 2020

Assad Regime Encourages Attacks on US Forces in Northern Syria

Syrian state media says unidentified jets hit border town with Iraq

In recent weeks, there have been direct and deadly clashes in northern Syria between Syrian government forces and the Turkish armed forces. The fighting broke out after Assad’s forces, aided by Russia and Iran-backed militias,  recaptured dozens of towns and villages in the rural areas west and northwest of Aleppo, which for many years had been under the control of Syrian rebels supported by Turkey and the Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham militia. On February 17, 2020, the Syrian regime even announced the reopening of the Damascus-Aleppo highway, and also of the Aleppo International Airport, which had been closed for the past eight years. The Assad regime blames not only Turkey but also the U.S. for the hostilities between the two countries, claiming that the U.S. is pushing Turkey toward an escalation in order to preserve its own interests in Syria. These accusations have been accompanied by an escalation of clashes in areas where U.S. forces are present: in northeast Syria and in the Al-Tanf area, near the Syria-Jordan-Iraq border junction. This escalation takes the form of provocations of the U.S. forces and the Syrian forces they support, such as blocking their way and firing on them, which in one case led to the wounding of an American soldier. Syrian elements have also threatened to increase the “popular resistance” against the U.S. forces in the country.
March 11, 2020

2 US troops, 1 British troop killed in Iraqi rocket attack: reports

Iraq base attack: Strikes ‘kill 25’ Iran-backed fighters after troops killed

Trump gives Pentagon authority for potential response after deadly Iraq attack

At least 15 rockets struck Camp Taji, a coalition base housing U.S. troops in northern Baghdad, Iraq on Wednesday. Reports have indicated that two American and one British personnel were killed. Defense officials told the Associated Press that the three personnel considered of two U.S. troops and one British troop. Another U.S. official who spoke anonymously to the AP said as many as 30 rockets were fired at the base, 18 of which struck the base. Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherence Resolve spokesman Col. Myles B. Caggins III confirmed the attack in a tweet, saying, “3 Coalition personnel were killed during a rocket attack on Camp Taji, March 11.” “Approximately 12 additional personnel were wounded in the attack,” an OIR statement said. “Approximately 18 107mm Katyusha rockets struck the base. The Iraqi Security Forces found a rocket-rigged truck, a few miles from Camp Taji.”
March 12, 2020


  Russia Girds for 16 More Years of Putin

On Wednesday, Russia’s upper house of Parliament approved a constitutional amendment that was introduced the day before in the lower house and then endorsed by Mr. Putin. The amendment would reset the clock on the Constitution’s limit of two presidential terms for Mr. Putin if he runs again in 2024. The Kremlin’s powerful propaganda machine swung into action. The possibility that Mr. Putin could rule for 16 more years, the refrain went, was what Russians needed to keep them safe. While Mr. Putin had been widely expected to look for a way to hold on to power, some Russians were looking ahead to 2024 as a possible moment of political renewal. The message in the pro-Kremlin news media Wednesday was that Mr. Putin had chosen a democratic path to preserving stability in Russia by keeping himself in power. Mr. Putin emphasized that the amendment allowing him to run again would need to be approved by the Constitutional Court and by a nationwide vote. The April 22 plebiscite had already been scheduled as a vote on other, less consequential constitutional amendments that Mr. Putin introduced earlier this year.
March 11, 2020 

Greece Prepares for Big Push of Migrants, Claims Turkish Soldiers Open Fire at Border

Tensions between Greek and Turkish forces remain high along the border region with another report claiming that on Wednesday, Turkish special forces fired several shots in the direction of a Greek army vehicle on the other side of the border. The shots, which were fired above the Greek vehicle, come just days after another alleged incident involving a Greek patrol being shot at from the direction of Turkey. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who opened the border two weeks ago, met with European Union officials on Monday but neither side could reach a deal that would have Turkey close the border. Last weekend, President Erdogan called on Greece to open its borders as Turkey had done saying: “Hey Greece! I appeal to you… open the gates as well and be free of this burden… Let them go to other European countries.” While Erdogan has claimed that the migrants are largely Syrian nationals, reports from the Greek government have revealed only four per cent of those who have crossed into Greece illegally have been from Syria.
March 12, 2020

Senior Quds Force commander assassinated near Damascus

US angered by Europe’s refusal to extend sanctions on Iran

A field commander with the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was assassinated near the Syrian capital, an Iranian semiofficial news agency and an opposition war monitor reported Saturday. Iran’s semiofficial Fars news agency identified the commander as Farhad Dabirian and said he was killed in the south Damascus suburb of Sayeda Zeinab. The area is home to a holy shrine for Shiite Muslims. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the killing and Fars reported no additional details on how Dabirian was killed. The Fars report didn’t say what Dabirian’s role was in Syria but noted he was a commander of the battle to retake the historic town of Palmyra from the Islamic State group.
March 12, 2020


    The first US layoffs from the coronavirus

 Federal Taxes and Spending Set Records Through February

Strong job growth defined the U.S. economic expansion over the past decade. The early layoffs indicate the coronavirus is triggering a rapid turnaround in an American economy that weeks ago looked strong, with unemployment at a half-century low. At the Port of Los Angeles, 145 drivers have been laid off and others have been sent home without pay as massive ships from China stopped arriving and work dried up. At travel agencies in Atlanta and Los Angeles, several workers lost their jobs as bookings evaporated. Christie Lites, a stage-lighting company in Orlando, laid off more than 100 of its 500 workers nationwide this past week and likely will lay off 150 more, according to chief executive Huntly Christie. Meanwhile a hotel in Seattle is closing an entire department, a former employee said, and as many as 50 people lost their jobs after the South by Southwest festival in Austin got canceled. Many job losses have been concentrated in the travel, tourism, events and trucking industries. Economists fear more layoffs in the coming weeks as supply chains come to a halt and people stay home and spend less.
March 11, 2020


Biden Unveils Vast LGBT Plan Overturning Trump’s Religious Liberty Protections

Former Vice President Joe Biden unveiled a sweeping plan for the LGBT community last week, pledging to overturn Trump-era religious liberty policies if he becomes president and promoting passage of the Equality Act – a bill opposed by some gay and lesbian Americans because of its negative impact on women’s sports. Biden’s 7,000-word plan would also ban conversion therapy, guarantee transgender students access to bathrooms and locker rooms of their choosing, and add a “third gender” option on government forms for non-binary individuals. The plan lists the accomplishments of the Obama-Biden administration for the LGBT community, such as ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and promoting the legalization of same-sex marriage. “But this fight’s not over,” the plan says. The Biden plan pledges to overturn a 2019 Trump religious liberty proposal that would allow faith-based adoption and foster care agencies to receive federal grants if they don’t place children in same-sex homes. The Trump proposal would reverse an Obama-era rule that prevented federal grants from going to any entity that discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Alliance Defending Freedom senior counsel Zack Pruitt said last year the new Trump rule would end discrimination “against faith-based providers simply because of their beliefs about marriage.”
March 10, 2020



 WHO declares novel coronavirus outbreak a pandemic

American NBA suspending season after Wednesday night’s games until further notice because of the coronavirus

Trump suspends travel between US and Europe for 30 days

NY Gov. activates National Guard to create “containment zone” while Colorado Gov. declares State of Emergency

9 Reassuring Facts About Coronavirus That You Might Not Hear

The World Health Organization on Wednesday declared the novel coronavirus outbreak a pandemic. There are 118,000 cases, more than 4,000 deaths, the agency said, and the virus has found a foothold on every continent except for Antarctica. “We have never before seen a pandemic sparked by a coronavirus. And we have never before seen a pandemic that can be controlled at the same time,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Wednesday. “Describing the situation as a pandemic does not change WHO’s assessment of the threat posed by this coronavirus. It doesn’t change what WHO is doing, and it doesn’t change what countries should do.”
March 12, 2020

Nigeria is already dealing with a deadlier viral outbreak than the coronavirus epidemic

Death toll reaches 144 from Lassa fever outbreak in Nigeria

The detection of Covid-19 coronavirus in Nigeria raised early concerns about the country’s capacity to handle a major epidemic but so far local public health officials have been commended for handling the outbreak with aplomb. But the coronavirus is not the only viral outbreak in Africa’s most populous country. Nigeria is currently dealing with what is turning out to be the world’s largest epidemic of Lassa fever, a viral disease deadlier than coronavirus. Lassa fever is a severe viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) like Ebola and Marburg that occurs throughout the year in Nigeria and was declared an “active outbreak” by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) five weeks into 2020. The epidemic which occurs during the annual dry season (roughly November through March) has spread across half the country. The Lassa fever virus is transmitted to humans through contact with food or household items contaminated with urine and feces of a rat. It’s also known to spread from person-to-person through contact with the body fluids and organs of infected persons, which has resulted in healthcare workers easily getting infected; some have died. The epidemic, whose rapid escalation started right from the second week of the year, had by the end of the ninth week seen 774 cases and 132 deaths spread across 26 of Nigeria’s 36 states and the federal capital territory.
March 12, 2020


March 4, 2020-  600 dead vultures found, cause unknown, in Guinea-Bissau. Link

March 4, 2020-  77,000 salmon die in a salmon farm in Newfoundland, Canada. Link

March 5, 2020-  137,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Vietnam. Link


   Phivolcs raises eruption alert as Kanlaon Volcano shows unrest

Kanlaon Volcano in Negros Oriental started showing unrest on Wednesday, prompting state volcanologists to raise the threat alert level. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology raised the alert status over Kanlaon from Alert Level 0 to Alert Level 1 after showing “abnormal condition.” It said 80 volcanic earthquakes were recorded since March 9, including 77 low-frequency tremors associated with magma movement. The increase in Kanlaon Volcano’s activity may be succeeded by sudden and hazardous steam-driven eruptions, it added. “These parameters indicate that volcanic process are underway deep beneath the edifice that may be caused by deep-seated degassing or hydrothermal activity or magmatic intrusion,” Phivolcs said in an advisory.
March 11, 2020

Very rare cyclone over the Middle East, state of emergency declared in Egypt

A powerful storm developing over Egypt on Thursday, March 12, 2020, is expected to move northeast posing threats to other Middle Eastern countries, including Jordan, Israel and Saudi Arabia. This is a very rare severe weather system, capable of producing very heavy rain and strong winds. Due to a severe risk of flooding, the Egyptian authorities have declared a state of emergency.  The storm has already begun dumping heavy rains on parts of Egypt on Thursday, with flooding anticipated particularly in low-lying areas. Moreover, gusty winds will also accompany the storm, resulting in dust storms. As the storm moves northeastward Thursday night into Friday and Saturday, it will pose flooding risks further along its path.
March 12, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album






March 11, 2020 Are you next in line to get the coronavirus?



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 10 2020 edition written by Frank DiMora

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

When you visit my prophecy site I will keep you informed on the topics you see in the video below and more. All of these topic are prophecy warnings found in the bible. All of these last day signs together is a warning from Christ to get ready for His second coming. Generally there are no post on Sunday unless is a major story showing how prophecy has been fulfilled.




Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

The single biggest threat to man’s continued dominance on the planet is the virus  -Joshua Lederberg, Ph.D Nobel laureae

Frank with back drop Coronavirus up-date


Photo below March 10, 2020 then take a look at March 11, 2020!



Since yesterday there were 5,060 more cases of people infected with the coronavirus


Frank with back dropThe following reports below will give you the latest on what is happening concerning the spread of the coronavirus.

BREAKING11Honduras confirms its first two cases of coronavirus

BREAKING11Number of confirmed coronavirus cases in UK rises to 456

BREAKING11Madrid region reports new jump in coronavirus cases


BREAKING11Germany confirms third death related to coronavirus


BREAKING11First coronavirus death in Belgium, Belga news agency says


BREAKING11Bahrain records 77 new coronavirus cases among evacuees from Iran


BREAKING11China’s Zhengzhou reports new imported coronavirus case from Italy


BREAKING11British woman in Bali is Indonesia’s first confirmed coronavirus death


BREAKING11South Korea reports 242 new coronavirus cases, total 7,755


BREAKING11Israel reports three more coronavirus patients, bringing total to 64


11animals dying

Prophecy Sign: “There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed. Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying. [Hosea 4:1-3]


BREAKING11March 11, 2020 – Kerala: Animal husbandry officials collect samples after mass death of bats, India

The mass death of the bats in Karassery comes in the wake of two strains of bird flu being detected next door in two poultry farms in Kozhikode district.

Kerala: Animal husbandry officials collect samples after mass death of bats


How about some good news?  I am pleased to announce that Robin Roberts who has done some art work for my book The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth has had his art work recognized by American Water Color.  Below are some of Robin’s art work that is featured in the American Water Color report. Way to go Robin!

Image result for robin roberts painter


If you would like to see more painting or pick something up for yourself go to: 

March 10, 2020- Donald Trump plans US payroll tax relief for Coronavirus, as new infections may drop to zero by end of March in Wuhan



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 9, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device


When you visit my prophecy site I will keep you informed on the topics you see in the video below and more. All of these topic are prophecy warnings found in the bible. All of these last day signs together is a warning from Christ to get ready for His second coming. Generally there are no post on Sunday unless is a major story showing how prophecy has been fulfilled.

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


 Court rejects Netanyahu’s request to postpone opening of trial

Netanyahu rivals ready to cooperate on forming new Israeli govt

Jerusalem District Court Judge Rivkah Friedman-Feldman on Tuesday rejected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s request on Sunday for a 45-day postponement for the opening of his trial, currently set for March 17. Friedman-Feldman’s decision echoed Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit opposition to the extension saying that Netanyahu did not need to enter a formal plea which would require having already resolved all documentary disputes between the sides.
March 10, 2020

Abbas: Seeing Palestinian girls beat up Israeli troops fills my heart with joy

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said earlier this month that seeing Palestinian girls assault Israeli troops “fills [his] heart with joy.” Abbas praised the February protests against the Mideast plan released by US President Donald Trump and said, according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute watchdog, that he wanted to see women at the forefront of the protests. “The [women] should be in front at the protests,” Abbas said. “Seeing the girls beating up a policeman or a soldier really fills my heart with joy. This is how we want our peaceful popular resistance to be. This is our way to vanquish our enemies.”
March 10, 2020


  Saudi Arabia begins dozens of terror support trials for Hamas members

Saudi Arabia kicked off the trials for 68 Hamas members and activists arrested in 2019 over their efforts to funnel funds to the Gaza-based terror group, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs reported Monday. The charges unveiled against them in the public hearings on Monday focused on their terror support activities and included explicit references to the group’s military wing as a terrorist organization, the think tank said. The trials drew a harsh response from the group as it lashed out at Riyadh over arrests of what it calls “the most elite of the Palestinian people” based in the Gulf kingdom, as cited by the Associated PressThose cuffed up by the Saudi Authorities include both the group’s members and advocates; among them are students, scholars and private entrepreneurs. They were brought in over money-laundering and sourcing funds to the Gaza terrorists and reportedly put to trial in the Specialized Criminal Court, which is focused on terrorism-related cases.
March 9, 2020


   U.S. says in talks with NATO allies to provide Turkey military aid

The U.S. is discussing with its NATO allies what they can offer Turkey in terms of military assistance in Idlib and discussing measures that may be taken if Russia and the Syrian government breaks a ceasefire, officials said on Tuesday. “We are looking at what NATO can do,” James Jeffrey, the U.S.’ special envoy for Syria, told reporters in a conference call from Brussels where he was holding talks with allies. “Everything is on table.”
March 10, 2020

Afghanistan conflict: US begins withdrawing troops

Taliban sends vehicles as it waits for Kabul to order release of fighters in prisoner swap

The US agreed to reduce its troops from about 12,000 to 8,600 within 135 days of signing the agreement. Drawing back troops was a condition of the historic peace deal signed by the US and the Taliban on 29 February. The Afghan government did not take part in the deal, but is expected to hold talks with the Taliban. Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani initially said he would not comply with an agreement to release Taliban prisoners as a pre-condition for direct talks with the militant group. But reports say the president, who was inaugurated for a second term on Monday, will issue a decree for at least 1,000 Taliban prisoners to be released this week. The US and its Nato allies have agreed to withdraw all troops within 14 months if the militants uphold the deal. Under the agreement, the militants have agreed to refrain from attacks as well as not allowing al-Qaeda or any other extremist group to operate in the areas they control.
March 10, 2020


  Coronavirus response: Donald Trump plans US payroll tax relief

President Donald Trump says his administration will ask Congress to pass payroll tax relief and other quick measures as a public health and economic maelstrom brought on by the coronavirus drew closer to him personally. Intending to calm the fears of financial markets over the impact of the epidemic, Trump told reporters Monday he is seeking “very substantial relief” to the payroll tax. Trump also said he was seeking help for hourly-wage workers to ensure they’re “not going to miss a paycheck” and “don’t get penalized for something that’s not their fault.” Trump said he would hold a press conference Tuesday to outline the proposals, saying his administration and Congress would be “discussing a possible payroll tax cut or relief, substantial relief, very substantial relief, that’s big, that’s a big number. We’re also going to be talking about hourly wage earners getting help so that they can be in a position where they’re not going to ever miss a paycheck.”
March 10, 2020



Coronavirus updates Live: US, Europe Brace for Infection Spread; Video: CDC Director Robert Redfield testifies before House

Meadows (Trump chief of staff) self-quarantines after possible exposure to coronavirus patient

‘We’re past the point of containment’: Coronavirus fight enters new phase

Western Europe and the U.S. were braced Tuesday morning for a sharp increase in the number of coronavirus cases, as Italy continues to enforce an unprecedented country-wide lockdown in an attempt to mitigate the virus’ spread. Global markets were starting to readjust after Monday was declared Wall Street’s worst since the financial crash of 2008, with the Dow Jones falling 2,000 points. In London the FTSE100 share index of leading companies fell to a three-year low as oil prices crashed. Italy, which has extended the containment measures already in place in northern regions to the entire country, has confirmed more than 9,000 cases.
March 10, 2020

New coronavirus infections may drop to zero by end-March in Wuhan: Chinese government expert

Wuhan, the epicenter of China’s coronavirus epidemic, will likely see new infections drop to zero by the end of this month, an expert with the country’s top panel on battling the illness said on Thursday, even as the city reported a quicker rise in new confirmed cases. Mainland China had 139 new confirmed cases as of Wednesday, the National Health Commission (NHC) said, bringing the total accumulated number of cases to 80,409. Authorities reported 119 new cases the previous day and 125 the day before that. Zhang Boli said almost all regions outside Hubei province, where Wuhan is the capital, had managed to halt new infections by the end of last month, according to an interview with the official People’s Daily.
March 9, 2020


    Two quakes rock western Indonesia, scores injured, houses damaged

Two earthquakes with magnitude of 5.8 and 4.9 jolted western part of Indonesia province on Tuesday, leaving scores of people wounded and several houses destroyed, officials said. The latest quake struck at 9:06 p.m. Jakarta time (1406 GMT) with the epicenter at 88 km southeast of Enggano Island in Bengkulu province, and the depth at 48 km under the seabed, said Prio Budi, an official at the country’s Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency. The intensity of the quake was felt at IV MMI (Modified Mercally Intensity) in Lampung province’s village of Liwa, the official disclosed. “With that strong intensity, there should be damages resulted by the jolts,” he told Xinhua by phone. Earlier, a 4.9-magnitude quake struck at 5:18 p.m. Jakarta time (1018 GMT) with the epicenter at 13 km northeast of Sukabumi district in West Java province and the shallow of 10 km under the seabed, the official said, citing that the agency previously released a report on a 5.0-magnitude quake on the same day.
March 10, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album






March 9, 2020 So you don’t think Jesus Christ is coming? Take a look at this!



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 8 2020 edition written by Frank DiMora

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When you visit my prophecy site I will keep you informed on the topics you see in the video below and more. All of these topic are prophecy warnings found in the bible. All of these last day signs together is a warning from Christ to get ready for His second coming. Generally there are no post on Sunday unless is a major story showing how prophecy has been fulfilled.




Matthew 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

Frank with back drop I think it is safe to say based on the number of people I have spoken to that most people are unaware of what Jesus said about watching the sign of diseases (pestilences), before He returns as He promised He would. Those of you who took the time to read my free prophecy book probably were blown away by all the diseases I wrote about that have shown up in the past few years. These new diseases are at the present time making our lives very complicated. Case in point look at what the coronavirus scare is doing to the stock market!

Business is most definitely not business as usual. Events around the world are being cancelled because of the coronavirus. All type of businesses around the world are taking a huge financial hit as people are staying away from crowded places. I would say in your own family you are beginning to buy items to help keep you safe from getting the coronavirus. My wife and I went shopping and, found many items were bare on the shelves. For example toilet paper, and all types of disinfectant items could not be found in most of the stores where we live. Even the Pope won’t go out into the public now. People are acting like it is the end of the world! Guess what?  According to the warnings made by Jesus Christ these signs we are witnessing are the beginning of the end. Jesus in Matthew 24:8 said the following:  “All these are the beginning of birth pains“.
Let’s take a short glimpse of two diseases that are making their rounds right now around the world. 



Medical News Today on February 7, 2020 reported on a new disease called the coronavirus. In December last year, reports started to emerge that a coronavirus that specialists had never before seen in humans had begun to spread among the population of Wuhan, a large city in the Chinese province of Hubei. Since then, the virus has spread to other countries, both in and outside Asia, leading authorities to describe this as an outbreak. At the end of last month, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the situation to be a public health emergency. To date, the novel coronavirus — currently dubbed 2019-nCoV for short — has been responsible for 31,211 infections in China and 270 across 24 other world countries. In China, the virus has so far caused 637 deaths. It also led to one fatality in the Philippines.”  February 3, 2020 Johns Hopkins reported 17,489 people came down with the deadly coronavirus.

1111John Hopkins Corona virus

As you can see from the next photo in a very short period of time the deadly coronavirus leaped to over 111,000 people with 3,892 of those people dying from the dease. Since news report show nations still don’t have a handle on the spreading of this dease the numbers will continue to climb.


While everyone has been caught up in the coronavirus news there is other news concerning the new flu that is at this point is taking more lives than the coronavirus I quote, “FRIDAY, Feb. 7, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Folks fretting about the coronavirus are forgetting there’s another virus already running rampant in the United States, one that’s killed nearly 20 times as many people in this country alone. Influenza has already taken the lives of 10,000 Americans this season, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At least 19 million have caught the flu, and an estimated 180,000 became so ill they landed in the hospital.”

What I found from writing my prophecy book was that it has gotten harder and harder to keep up with all the diseases popping up around the world. What we are seeing in the news concerning diseases is only the tip of the iceberg of things to come as Planet Earth heads toward the 7 year tribulation. If Jesus took the time to specifically let us know to watch for the last days signs of diseases you should pay attention to His details?  

I presume one of the questions being asked is, can the coronavirus cause a collapse of the worldwide economy? These days anything is possible. What we know from Christ Jesus is something is going to take place to bring down the present world economic system that will give rise to the Antichrist. Look at what Christ told us in Revelation chapter 13 “16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”  Something major has to take place that will force people around the world to call for a new worldwide economic system. Below is another report showing how bad our world economy is doing. 

BREAKING11How the coronavirus outbreak is affecting the global economy

Will the economic impact of the coronavirus be on par with the 2008 financial crisis? Plus, Argentina and death default.


I want to turn my attention how to another prophecy concerning the last days and this prophecy also has to do with disease however, it addresses mass die off’s of the birds, fish, and animals. Two more reports came in that I will be adding to my prophecy book of which there are thousands already listed for you since my tracking them in 2010. In closing once again I must remind you that these signs are taking place at the same time the other last day birth pains signs are taking place. Why is this important? Because Christ told us this generation would not pass till all these things take place. read Matthew 24:34 34″ Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.”  Take careful note that there is no other generation except this present one that fix’s all the requirements. This prophecy could not have been fulfilled until Israel was born as a nation again which took place on May 14, 1948. Think about that!!!!



11animals dying

“There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land. There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed. Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying. [Hosea 4:1-3] 

BREAKING11 March 4, 2020 – 77,000 salmon die in a salmon farm in Newfoundland, Canada. Link


BREAKING11   March 5, 2020 – 137,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Vietnam. Link


 The first step into a new life is asking Jesus into your life

Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in your word that I must be born again in order to have eternal life.  I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you Lord Jesus in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell.  I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him.  Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future.  Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on.  I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant.  I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward.  I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Statement of Faith

We believe in the true and living God, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory. This triune God created all, upholds all and governs all. (Genesis 1:1; Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 44:8 and 48:16; Matthew 28:19-20; John 10:30; Hebrews 1:3)

We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God — fully inspired, without error — and the infallible rule of faith and practice. The Word of God is the foundation upon which this church operates and is the basis for which this church is governed. We believe that the Word of God supersedes any earthly law that is contrary to the holy Scriptures.  (Isaiah 28:13; Nehemiah 8:8; John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; 1 Peter 1:23-25; 2 Peter 1:3-4 and 1:21)

We believe in the person of God the Father, an infinite, eternal, personal Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power and love; that He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of men; that He hears and answers prayer; and that He saves from sin and death all those who come to Him through Jesus Christ. (Deuteronomy 33:27; Psalms 90:2; Psalms 102:27; John 3:16 and 4:24; 1 Timothy 1:17; Titus 1:3)

We believe in the person of Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles and teachings, his substitutionary atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, perpetual intercession for His people and His personal, visible return to earth. (Isaiah 7:14; Micah 5:2; Matthew 1:23; Mark 16:19; Luke 1:34-35; John 1:1-2, 8:58 and 11:25; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 1:8; 1 John 1:2; Revelation 1:8)

We believe in the person of the Holy Spirit, who came forth from the Father and Son to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, and to regenerate, sanctify and empower for ministry all who believe in Christ; (Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians 3:18; John 16:8-11; Romans 8:26 and 15:13,16; Hebrews 9:14)

We believe the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Jesus Christ and that He is an abiding helper, teacher and guide. (John 6:13, 14:16-17 and 16:8-11; Romans 8:26)

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit and in the exercise of all biblical gifts of the Spirit according to the instructions given to us in 1 Corinthians 12-14.

We believe that all people are sinners by nature and, therefore, are under condemnation; that God saves and regenerates based upon faith by the Holy Spirit, those who repent of their sins and confess Jesus Christ as Lord. (Acts 8:15-17; Ephesians 2:1-3 and 8-9; Romans 3:23 and 5:8; Titus 3:5)

We believe in the universal church, the living spiritual body, of which Christ is the head and all who are born again are a part of the Body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12-13; Ephesians 4:15-16)

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ instituted two ordinances for the church — full immersion water baptism of believers and the Lord’s Supper. (Matthew 28:19; Luke 22:19-20; Acts 2:38; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26).  We also believe that the Lord Jesus Christ validated the ordinance of marriage. (Matthew 19:4-5 and John 2:1-11)

We believe in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ which is His personal, visible return to earth and the establishment of His millennial kingdom, in the resurrection of the body, the final judgment and eternal blessing of the righteous and endless separation of the wicked. (Matthew 16:27; Acts 1:11; Revelation 19:11-16, 20:11-15)

We believe in a literal heaven and a literal hell and that all those who place their faith, hope and trust in Jesus Christ will spend eternity in heaven with the Lord, while those who reject Jesus’ free gift of salvation will spend eternity separated from the Lord. (Psalm 9:17; Matthew 5:3, 5:22, 18:9 and 25:31-34; Mark 9:42-49; Luke 12:5; John 3:18; Hebrews 12:23; 1 Peter 1:4; Revelation 14:10-11 and 20:11-15)

We believe in the rapture of the Church. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, Matthew 24: 30-31, 1 Corinthians 15:51-53

March 9, 2020- CoronaVirus Uses World as Punching Bag



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 9, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

How to Add the Last Chronicles to your Electronic Device

~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


   Arab MK Proposes Cancelling the Ingathering of the Exiles

Aida Touma-Suleiman, a member of the Knesset from the Joint Arab List, spoke to Reshet Bet Radio on Sunday. In the interview, Touma-Suleiman, a Christian Arab, declared that the pre-Messiah process of the Ingathering of the Exiles was complete. “The Knesset has decided to annihilate democracy and to focus on the Jews,” Touma-Suleiman said in the interview.”There is a problem, an internal and basic conflict, in the definition. As a citizen of Israel, I want to feel equal precisely like every Jew in this country. It is not acceptable that a Jew who chose to live in the United States has a privilege to be an Israeli more than I.” “But first you have to decide what is a Jew. That is for you to decide.” “I don’t think the Law of Return is necessary. Anyone who wanted to return to Israel has already arrived. Anyone who chose to be in the US or to be French – has chosen. The law is superfluous. It is now time to rethink many things.”
March 8, 2020

Israel advances plans for West Bank ‘sovereignty road’ to bypass E1 area

Kushner: US to approve annexation if Palestinians don’t negotiate

The Defense Ministry has green-lighted planning for what it called a “sovereignty road” that would allow Palestinian traffic to bypass Israeli settlements in the E1 area of the West Bank. “We’re applying sovereignty in deeds, not words,” Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Monday, as he made a subtle dig at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not having already annexed all of the West Bank settlements, including the area outside of Jerusalem where the road is located. As part of his re-election campaign, Netanyahu last month agreed to advance plans for 3,500 new homes in an unbuilt area of the Ma’aleh Adumim settlement, known as E1. To make the project tenable for area Palestinians, roads are needed that would allow them to bypass that area, so that they could have continuous travel between their communities. The overall transportation project has been called the “fabric of life” road.
March 9, 2020


 Lebanon to default on $1.2 billion debt, prime minister says

Lebanon’s prime minister announced on Saturday that the country will seek to restructure its massive debt rather than pay a $1.2 billion Eurobond due Monday. Hassan Diab made a televised address to the nation, which is gripped by a financial crisis and dwindling cash reserves, that it was necessary to default on the debt in order to secure the basic needs of its population. This is the first time Beirut has defaulted on its nearly $90 billion debt. According to Financial Times, the country was spending about half its government revenues on interest alone.
March 7, 2020

Two U.S. Service Members Killed in Iraq During Counter-ISIS Mission

Two U.S. service members were killed in north central Iraq while accompanying Iraqi security forces on an mission targeting Islamic State, the U.S. military said in a statement on Monday attributing the deaths to “enemy forces.” The two U.S. military members, killed on Sunday, were not being publicly identified until their families could be notified, the Combined Joint Task Force for Operation Inherent Resolve said in the statement released by the command. The deaths highlight that despite losing its territorial caliphate in Iraq and Syria, Islamic State can still pose a threat.
March 9, 2020


   Turkey’s Erdogan to Meet with EU Leaders Over Migrant Agreements

Turkey sends 650 military vehicles, hundreds of soldiers to Syria: war monitor

Germany said on Monday that the EU is considering accepting up to 1,500 migrant children presently sheltered in Greek camps. “A humanitarian solution is being negotiated at the European level for a ‘coalition of the willing’ to take in these children,” the government said in a statement. “We want to support Greece in the difficult humanitarian situation of about 1,000 to 1,500 children on the Greek islands.” The statement came after German Chancellor Angela Merkel held a cabinet meeting with governing coalition partners to discuss the migrant crisis and the COVID-19 health emergency. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erodgan is expected to meet with senior European Union officials in Brussels Monday to discuss the influx of migrants into Turkey. “I hope I will return from Belgium with different outcomes,” Erdogan said in a speech in Istanbul Sunday, amid calls from his government urging Greece to open its borders.
March 9, 2020

Blasts in Afghanistan as presidential rivals hold oath ceremonies

Islamic State Claims Rocket Attack Targeting Afghan Inauguration

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for a rocket attack targeting the inauguration of Ashraf Ghani as Afghan president in Kabul on Monday, the group said in a statement on an affiliated Telegram channel without giving evidence. Ghani’s ceremony was disrupted by the sound of two rockets hitting the edge of the compound of the presidential palace compound in the capital Kabul, Reuters witnesses said, but there was no word of any casualties and he continued his speech.
March 9, 2020


N. Korea fires 3 unidentified projectiles toward East Sea

North Korea fired three unidentified projectiles into the East Sea on Monday, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said, a week after the communist regime fired two short-range projectiles. The projectiles were fired northeastward from areas near its eastern town of Sondok in Hamgyong Province, the JCS said in a brief release. Other details, including their type, flight range and altitude, were not immediately available. “Our military is monitoring the situation in case of additional launches and maintaining a readiness posture,” the JCS said. Last Monday, the communist country fired two projectiles from a super-large multiple rocket launcher after a three-month hiatus. It was believed to be part of its artillery strike drill for the wintertime exercise.
March 9, 2020


Crude Oil Daily Forecast – Crude Dives as Low as $27 as OPEC Fails to Cut Output

Fed to step up cash injections for banks to guard against market pressure

Oil prices continue to fall, with staggering losses over 22% in the Monday session. OPEC failed to implement a proposed cut in output, and a price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia could lead to even lower prices. Oil prices have been falling in recent weeks, as the coronavirus has caused economic turmoil in China and has since spread to Europe and the United States. Saudi Arabia has responded to Russia’s cold shoulder by launching a price war against Moscow, as it slashed oil prices by $6 to $8 dollars on the weekend. Crude fell 10% on Friday, and has plunged a staggering 22% in the Monday session. Earlier in the day, U.S crude fell to $27.34, its lowest level since February 2016.
March 9, 2020

 Coronavirus Fear Cancels Events Across Asia, Striking at Economy

 Major Events Shutting Down Worldwide Amid CoronaVirus Spread

Cancellations of events, from school field trips to giant international trade shows, are gouging out service economies around Asia as organizers fear that bringing too many people together would allow the spread of the deadly coronavirus. Spiked events now threaten to flood Europe, where the coronavirus is growing in countries such as Italy and France, analysts believe. Cancellations hurt sponsors, hotels, airlines, catering and venues behind the events. Cancellations breed more cancellations as well, because organizers hope not to be seen as risk-taking outliers. The trend is expected to last at least through April or May, depending on containment of the virus. “Event organizers are either being told by governments or voluntarily cancelling their events for health-safety reasons because there have been a couple of incidents where there have been conferences which had created clusters of coronavirus cases,” said Rajiv Biswas, the Asia-Pacific chief economist at IHS Markit.
March 9, 2020


 UN Official Ahmad Shaheed: Use of religious beliefs to justify rights violations must be outlawed

“I firmly reject any claim that religious beliefs can be invoked as a legitimate ‘justification’ for violence or discrimination against women, girls or LGBT+ people”, said Ahmed Shaheed, UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, noting that “the right to freedom of religion protects individuals and not religions as such.” In his report, the UN expert urges States to repeal gender-based discrimination laws, including those enacted with reference to religious considerations that criminalize adultery; criminalize persons on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity; criminalize abortion in all cases; and facilitate religious practices that violate human rights. “Women and LGBT+ people experience discrimination and violence inflicted in the name of religion by State and non-State actors that impedes their ability to fully enjoy their human rights, including their right to freedom of religion or belief,” said Mr. Shaheed.
March 2, 2020


Dem bill to ban boys’ and girls’ toy, clothing aisles introduced in California

World’s first transgender doll has gone on sale in a Russian toy shop

In what may be an unprecedented next step in the drive to erase distinctions between the sexes, legislation is currently pending in California that would forbid retailers from placing children’s merchandise in separate aisles for boys and girls. Introduced by Democrat Assemblyman Evan Low, Assembly Bill 2826 would force stores to stock children’s toys, clothes, and childcare items in “gender-neutral” aisles, under the theory that “keeping similar items that are traditionally marketed either for girls or for boys separated makes it more difficult for the consumer to compare the products and incorrectly implies that their use by one gender is inappropriate.”
March 6, 2020


St. Paul Minnesota City Council Celebrates ‘Abortion Providers Appreciation Day’

The St. Paul, Minn., city council adopted a controversial resolution this week declaring March 10 as Abortion Providers Appreciation Day and celebrating the “courage” and “dedication” of abortion doctors. It passed, 7-0. Council members approved the resolution the same week the U.S. Supreme Court heard a major abortion case that pro-choice groups fear will lead to the dismantling of Roe v. Wade. “The Supreme Court of the United States now contains a majority of Justices who may not interpret the Constitution to provide protection for the right to end a pregnancy and may overturn or severely limit Roe v. Wade, which includes the threat of patients and abortion providers being arrested and sent to jail,” the resolution says. The Minnesota Sun posted text from the document.
March 6, 2020


WHO- World Health Organization

CDC- Center For Disease Control


****As you can clearly see- no organizations have the same numbers.  The CDC shows only 164 people in the US have the Coronavirus, whereas John Hopkins shows 566 in the US have the virus.  The WHO and John Hopkins are also showing differing total cumulative cases (111,363 vs 109,577).  Even the death rates vary.

**compare this photo from Feb. 4, 2020 to today’s photo above (35 days later)

  Sixteen million people to be quarantined in northern Italy

Is coronavirus really like the flu? Here’s a comparison

Novel Coronavirus, 2019‐nCoV, is Highly Contagious and More Infectious Than Initially Estimated

Israeli coronavirus cases jump, one of ‘unknown origin’ particularly worrisome

First coronavirus case detected at EU Commission

Emergency in New York State as covid-19 cases spiral to 76

Italy ordered a virtual lockdown across a swathe of its wealthy north on Sunday, including the financial capital Milan, in a drastic new attempt to try to contain a rapidly growing outbreak of coronavirus. The unprecedented restrictions, which will impact some 16 million people and stay in force until April 3, were signed into law overnight by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. The new measures say people should not enter or leave Lombardy, Italy’s richest region, as well as 14 provinces in four other regions, including the cities of Venice, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia and Rimini. Conte said nobody would be allowed to move in or out of these areas, or within them, unless they had proven, work-related reasons for doing so, or health issues.
March 8, 2020


 At least 27 killed, 56 injured as very heavy rains hit Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Continuous heavy rains claimed the lives of at least 27 people and injured 56 others across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, as of March 9, 2020. Widespread rain, strong winds, and thunderstorms are expected to continue across many parts of the province (population 35 million) in the days ahead. On March 8, the government has declared a week-long Extreme Weather Emergency. At least 87 homes were partially damaged and 11 destroyed since rains started on Wednesday, March 4, 2020. In addition, at least one educational building was damaged. The worst affected is the Mardan district where 6 people were killed, including 4 children, and 9 other injured. 4 people were killed in Swat district, 2 each in Peshawar, Nowshera and Charsadda, and 1 in Buner, as of March 8.
March 8, 2020

Cluster of 10 earthquakes rattles northern California coastal towns. Largest is 5.8

A 5.8-magnitude earthquake reported Sunday 53 miles west of Petrolia, California, was one of 10 recorded in the area in 24 hours, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The other nine ranged from a 2.5-magnitude quake to a 4.9, and people from hundreds of miles away reported feeling them, the survey said. Mapping showed the first nine occurred in an elliptical shape that was growing to the west. The 5.8 quake happened around 8 p.m. Sunday and more than 2,600 people reported feeling light to strong shaking, according to a survey page set up to take reports. Petrolia is a coastal town about 270 miles northwest of Sacramento. Experts say the epicenter of the 5.8-magnitude quake was 1.3 miles beneath a part of the Pacific where multiple tectonic plates scrape against each other, according to a report by the Berkeley Seismology Lab. The other nine quakes ranged in depth from a half mile to nearly six miles from the surface, the USGS said.
March 9, 2020

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March 8, 2020- Prophecy in our face with Frank DiMora



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When you visit my prophecy site I will keep you informed on the topics you see in the video below and more. All of these topic are prophecy warnings found in the bible. All of these last day signs together is a warning from Christ to get ready for His second coming. Generally there are no post on Sunday unless is a major story showing how prophecy has been fulfilled.

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March 6, 2020- Suicide attackers strike outside US embassy in Tunis; W.H.O. calls for wider action on Coronavirus



Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 9, 2020 Edition written by Frank DiMora 

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~Scroll down for all the news; be sure to CLICK on the photos next to the FLASHING “prophecy sign” for all Bible verses & videos, which will take you to the TABS you see at the top of the website; there you will find all the Bible verses and most current videos related to that area of prophecy~


 Trump Agrees to Provide Israel the Technology it Needs to Take Out Iran

the U.S. State Department approved an Israeli request to buy eight KC-46A Pegasus aerial tankers reports the Middle East Forum. This includes support equipment, spare parts, and training. The entire deal is valued at $2.4 billion. The first aircraft shipment is set to arrive in 2023. The deal “supports the foreign policy and national security of the United States by allowing Israel to provide a redundant capability to U.S. assets within the region, potentially freeing U.S. assets for use elsewhere during times of war,” the State Department’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency said in a statement. “Aerial refueling and strategic airlift are consistently cited as significant shortfalls for our allies. In addition, the sale improves Israel’s national security posture as a key U.S. ally.”
March 5, 2020

Final election results leave Netanyahu short of parliamentary majority

With the Israeli election results finalized on Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has again fallen short of a parliamentary majority, extending the country’s year-old political deadlock. Netanyahu had been looking for a decisive victory in Monday’s vote, and initial exit polls had indicated his Likud party and smaller religious and Zionist allies had captured 60 seats, just one short of a majority required to form a new government.
March 5, 2020

Alleged Israeli airstrikes target Hezbollah site, Syrian airport

The air strikes come just days after the IDF thwarted an attempted sniper attack along the Syria-Israel border in the Golan Heights. Syrian air defenses responded to attacks Israel allegedly launched in southern and central Syria on Wednesday night, according to Syrian state news agency SANA. The airstrikes in Homs targeted the Dabaa Military Airfield and a site belonging to the Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist group, Step News Agency reported. The attacks were launched by Israel from over Lebanese airspace and the Golan Heights and targeted Homs and the Quneitra region of southwestern Syria, according to SANA. Syrian air defenses successfully prevented any of the rockets from hitting their targets, the Syrian military told SANA.
March 5, 2020


Deadly clashes erupt in Syria’s Idlib hours into ceasefire deal

Deadly clashes erupted in southern Idlib on Friday, hours into a ceasefire deal between Russia and Turkey aimed at ending the fighting in the last rebel-held enclave in Syria. A war monitor and a rebel source said the fighting broke out in the Jabal al-Zawiya region between Syrian government forces and jihadist insurgents of the Turkistan Islamic Party. Fifteen people were killed, the Syrian Observatory said. Residents and opposition forces said the violence had abated elsewhere. But the clashes underlined the fragility of Thursday’s deal between Russia, which backs President Bashar al-Assad’s forces, and Turkey. Ankara supports rebel fighters but has less sway over hardline jihadists who control large parts of Idlib.
March 5, 2020

Katyusha rockets fired towards Green Zone in Iraqi capital

Three Katyusha rockets were fired late on Thursday towards the heavily fortified Green Zone, which houses the U.S. embassy and other missions, in the Iraqi capital, police sources said. One rocket landed near the entrance of the Green Zone, the other near the Turkish embassy, the sources said, adding that the damage was unclear. A third rocket landed outside the zone.
March 5, 2020


  Turkey’s Erdogan warns Europe to expect ‘millions’ of migrants after easing border restrictions

Fresh clashes between migrants & police at Turkey-Greece border

Erdogan, whose country hosts more than 3.5 million Syrian refugees, announced last week Turkey was departing from its previous policy of containing refugees and migrants. He has demanded more support from Europe in dealing with the fallout from the Syrian war to its south. “It’s done, the gates are open,” he said Monday, adding that Western leaders were calling him to reverse the border opening. “You will have your share of this burden now.” Soon, “the number of people going to the border will be expressed in millions,” he added. The Turkish leader says his country is unable to cope with a new wave of Syrian refugees, the BBC reported.
March 6, 2020

Suicide attackers strike outside US embassy in Tunis

A double suicide attack shook the Tunisian capital on Friday as assailants wounded six people including police guarding the US embassy, authorities said. An explosion rocked the Berges du Lac district where the embassy is located around midday, causing panic among pedestrians and motorists in the area. Two assailants died in the attack, the first to hit the capital since June 2019, according to officials. Police said one attacker tried to enter the diplomatic mission but was prevented by police guarding it. A policeman who witnessed the attack said a suicide bomber who was travelling on a motorcycle was also killed. Body parts were seen strewn on the ground. “The operation led to the death of two assailants, wounded five police and lightly injured a civilian,” the interior ministry said in a statement without giving further details.
March 6, 2020


   World finance officials to consider how to cushion economies against coronavirus

Finance ministers and central bank governors from the group will hold a conference call at 1200 GMT to discuss the outbreak. But according to the official, who declined to be identified, a statement they are crafting does not detail any fiscal or monetary steps. Global stocks and oil prices have made some recovery afters policymakers indicated willingness to help ease the economic fallout from the coronavirus, while worries about the outcome of the Group of Seven heads’ discussion kept a lid on gains. “This is a tug of war between hope and fear. Central banks are giving hopes with their potential stimulus,” said Vasu Menon, senior investment strategist at OCBC Bank Wealth Management.
March 3, 2020

 WHO: Contaminated Cash May Help Spread Coronavirus- (The Push for a Cashless Society)

Dirty cash may fuel the spread of the novel Chinese coronavirus, which is currently more than three times deadlier than the seasonal flu, the World Health Organization (WHO), a United Nations agency, warned this week. Banknotes may be spreading the new coronavirus so people should try to use contactless payments instead, the World Health Organization has said. Customers should wash their hands after touching banknotes because infectious [coronavirus] may cling to the surface for a number of days, the UN agency said on Monday night. To prevent the spread of the disease, people should use contactless technology where possible, a spokesperson added.
March 4, 2020




World Bank commits $12 billion in aid for countries hit by coronavirus, but experts are bracing for a global recession

Russian Biologist and Former U.N. Expert Igor Nikulin: Coronavirus Is a Biological Weapon Used by Global Government to Reduce the World’s Population by 90% (MEMRI)

Cases of infection pass 100,000, and W.H.O. calls for wider action

The World Health Organization has announced that the death rate for those who contract the coronavirus is higher than originally thought.  Even though getting the coronavirus only comes with a 3.4% mortality rate, the virus’ rapid spread could bump that number even higher. Originally, WHO assumed the death rate from those who get infected with the COVID-19 virus, was only 2%.  That has been revised upwards to 3.4%. “Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a press briefing at the agency’s headquarters in Geneva.  In comparison, the seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected, he said. Again, it’s not like this is a huge jump considering the number of people who have been infected, yet as this virus lingers, it has the unintended consequence of killing more than previously thought.
March 6, 2020


 7 People Killed by Powerful Tornado in US South

NWS confirms catastrophic Nashville tornadoes as EF-4 and EF-3

A powerful tornado struck the southeastern U.S. city of Nashville, Tennessee and surrounding areas early Tuesday morning, killing at least seven people and causing extensive damage. Video captured the tornado moving through downtown accompanied by occasional flashes of lightning, turning buildings to rubble.  Emergency officials say they responded to reports of at least 40 structure collapses throughout Nashville. Officials opened several emergency shelters to house residents who were forced out of their homes, one of them a farmer’s market on the outskirts of downtown.  The city’s schools were shut down Tuesday.
March 5, 2020

note All earthquakes are instantly posted to the ETRM Facebook page- you do not need to sign up; click the photo below to see the earthquake album






March 6, 2020- Groans from Earth people and nature

Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 4 2020 edition written by Frank DiMora


Bible prophecy documentary book proving our generation will see the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually take place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this special singled out generation. If you are not saved yet in Jesus Christ this book is a most read!

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Septt7abcdefg With all that is currently going on in the world how could people not see something is very wrong? I hear people groaning all the time about how bad things have become in the past few years around our world. We have seen record breaking storms which have caused massive flooding in many places around the world in just the past few weeks. People are scared that nasty coronavirus that is making it’s way around the world will knock at their door. Now governments around the world are watching their economy take steep dives due to the coronavirus scare. Look, it isn’t just people who are groaning to be delivered our Earth is also in the midst of intense groaning. What we are witnessing are signs of the last days as Jesus warned we would see. Read Romans 8:22-24 22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. What you will see below in my report today is only the tip of the iceberg as to what is happening around Planet Earth.  Put on your seat belts because 2020, is going to be a rough year. Why am I saying this? Look what Jesus said in Matthew 24:8. “But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. Birth pangs always get worse before a child is born and, this is how Jesus describes what is going to happen to this present generation. In order to see just how bad things have gotten over the years I suggest you read my prophecy book and few the time line which shows you what has been happening over the years to the present day. There you will see for yourself the last days birth pangs are getting stronger and stronger and coming faster and faster. May God help anyone who has not yet taken Jesus Christ as their savior yet. What are you waiting for, a face to face meeting with the coming Antichrist?  


Image result for flames gifCooltextprophecysign “And there shall be signs in the sun” (Luke 21:25a).  “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.  They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11). 

Keep in mind the signs you are seeing now are only the birth pain signs Jesus warned us about in Matthew chapter 24. All of these last day signs will be reaching the max during the tribulation period of which you do not want to be part of! 

Read the facts from news year after year concerning the intense heat in my free book. As we close out the year 2019, we see the intense heat pattern continues.

BREAKING11Scientists Deliver, Once Again, a Horrifying Report About How Hot Earth Is Getting

“These are big numbers for our planet,” one NASA scientist told VICE News.

By Alex Lubben

Jan 15 2020, 12:30pm


In 2019, parts of the planet were hotter than they’ve ever been before, according to NASA and NOAA’s annual temperature report. And scientists are warning the world won’t be able to reverse the damage.

For the first time ever, the average temperature in Alaska was above freezing. And Australia, at more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above normal, was as hot as the UN hopes the world will ever get.

As a whole, 2019 was the second hottest year on record, according to the report, published by government scientists on Wednesday. That caps off the hottest decade in recorded history. The last half of the decade was also one for the record books: All five years, together, were the hottest on record. The cause, the scientists say, is clearly human-emitted greenhouse gases.

“The last ice age, where we had ice covering North America and most of Europe was only five degrees [Celsius] colder than the pre-industrial planet,” Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, told VICE News.

“We’ve warmed up a fifth of that,” he added. “These are big numbers for our planet.”

In addition to Alaska and Australia, Poland and other parts of eastern Europe also broke temperature records, as did Madagascar, New Zealand, parts of Southern Africa, and eastern South America. And on top of the high temperatures, glaciers are melting at record rates in Greenland. Hurricanes and typhoons are becoming more intense. And wildfires are getting bigger and more frequent.

The planet’ has already warmed a full degree Celsius above pre-industrial levels — and scientists say there’s likely no turning back. Just because the planet wasn’t quite as warm in 2019 as it was in 2016 that shouldn’t not be misinterpreted as climate change turning around.

“This whole, ‘Oh, we’ve been cooling since 2016’ point — that’s just bullshit,” Schmidt said.

The temperature increases reported on Wednesday confirm that the warming trend is real and measurable. The numbers follow recent reports from the European Copernicus Climate Change Service and the UK Met Office that also determined 2019 was the second-hottest year on record. The oceans absorbed more heat in 2019 than ever before — the equivalent of five Hiroshima bombs’ worth of heat every minute, continuously, all year.

“We derive no joy from reporting the same story every year,” Schmidt said. “But we’re going to keep doing the same story until we get emissions under control.”

The 2015 Paris Climate agreement was aimed at getting governments to take action to keep global temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius. But UN scientists more recently reported that the difference between 1.5 degrees and 2 degrees of warming is significant.

At 1.5 degrees, 350 million people are expected to suffer from water shortages; at 2 degrees, more than 410 million people will lack access to water. At 1.5 degrees of warming, some coral reefs will survive; at 2 degrees, none will.

“I think it’s very, very unlikely that we will stay below 1.5,” Schmidt said. “I think we’re at the point where it’s pretty much impossible — not for physical reasons but for sociological reasons.”

But scientists want to emphasize the figures shouldn’t be misconstrued as an absolute death sentence or that we should just give up.

“There’s no point where it stops being a good idea to make better decisions,” Schmidt said. “Every degree, every tenth of a degree matters.”

Cover image: A man suns himself at Goose Lake Friday, July 5, 2019, in Anchorage, Alaska. (AP Photo/Mark Thiessen)